h 4}"ii rusbiugh Cut*. Val MI Mink .l usrunaution i •;.: ate,+,~F ~~~~~t =MET STATE 4MMET. _ %.4 A xfa 44:141.49/PrRIdELIdinIANET„.. -.,:i".,;:.:AllaoakainterStaactßpt. 4,10,;± utt , yeavintnfti aftgit4. . I : l : o V,lktfithi t liPUllfOttrah: .14'.. , ..=nt! , • ,1- - .lrt.ettlatitiraimiristifriegET . v3ww› ch•LIT 4 1 : 11 UMitgwirringolffli c , ' • - WIT/ B. Dint ot sesmsnrn444m4uitz , elg i git r 444.4= 4, ititr et* 004-ijat • wane— f4l ' • anee'u • cr.2,ll(Jll. *ii t i it duMeatlf 4, 2: * l =W kotton - f i - fr:' 0 ".s '"Maim ELV:crrom' • _ -• Lakin illere are a fesilire ts leghemy ecrant7 4 ,we base had atop* evidence, Vit4nA ki i: o 73•*-1 / 1 'leasi:a klo,9ll2gAioins Otioittir ittiOre robe s'iiiettsheit 114 OW ha.. • • ~••• endeosistnd [that tt trurw , esttled that gittialiq‘ittl#.oferestiels #**.#l);'.* a10e .,.. 014.6 0;43 11 444neri1iti1a Inffsrsaniammoansamtn; and tralleputabeens -of egrannteOlnly neetude to hold' , silis; tailgtet*oikan7..***uteciedomts, eixteatik - s:taii4ozabunt pat,. /XL 12118 'Can% any =Mk , looheeTon, would conclude PA welled Initdemp.uut:onlads tzet,to open 04;01 atau. . hllMatottityCmamittee, wearetold; but e*te*f)**,ircid for the tact. It has ROiteßafJP.Orgetlizetiort In a single district In the coratt7,•r4 imoo4,prinsing the tickets mot a thing has beim, done. !Ihn slotiabbnia now o:dining is Ilsgracelbli 4no(l.C4te r pornsy Committee will net bogie AP. :work or.onearthanion. Moss outside will lutroto take Chewer/sin their own bands. Who wfllbezlnt Do not an speak atones.' Will not own ward, or tiortregh, or township;' Teed; . or 42 WriTsif ***iebt., L berilese. itentenitei: Wein - ins 4= Melee daps to tha• aleetion.LA great deal .cnn be done In ttutt tame, it a beginning coin .cniti be made; Remember also that we have a State ticket to elect, and that we want our vote oat la this conlySyosco. almplyeo elect= connty.tleket, Abut Inititen rdaalng majority' toribirraaarr and Wwpa^• Go to work WORK TO BE DONE. Amongfho.man,- 33 4tlik -wh ogallantly kat 'Year thin `thrust be some who have not gone Into a Rip Van ;Winkle sleep, and who can be waked up -60011 enough to do something towards get ting out .-,the lip - publican -vote- on the second r dity l oi Oitoh4. To' sit such we deal/lite speak a fpw earnest word& Mawr—There are but twelve days left for toork, and they must be improved. Szoona—Our fraud:, must be marts to tanderstand that there is danger. Victory will not come to us unless we work for it We had not so large a majority in the 1311111Shist:10 that itt- , can -Afford-to [ rely aeon It. That majority was gotten by work, and it will take wark to _keep it. The Democrats are working without much thes through, ea effec tive; but whet - organization have we ? Tea—The Democracy intend to succeed if they can. To this end they have hid away the repulsive platform of last fall, and are striping to obtain' power by professing patriotism they.never did and do riot now feel. Wiatever seal, fraud and hypocrisy cestarchie*theiivill:ecco*plish.. 'roonin—ti defeat them meant must be tabu to get out a full vote. Oar enemies base there hopes on a light vote. They ./bitriV that 'they= always gala by It, and we always,: lose. -The: members of that party lityillys vote with pore regularity than our people do. And . just here is the point of " FIFTE—LocaI organisation is the aural reliance of success. No 'great battle ever .Was won without organization. Do not ;trait for °there to begin,, but see to it, read at=tineei tkat 4 Our. district - is properly , arginized. --- Plvv - s sctiya-: men , sborking for Emma are worth iiitioniaxid merely hoping fforit. Let every election district organize Itself without delay, SIXTE— Whatever it done must be done quickly. There is no time to be lost. , Tputulastoollitkillrue left for Organization, '„• bet fiiirtiikenorig . h for; all practicable pur- Ai=f....- 4 , 4 ",/?ffa r if.ie is only improved. Let the sit lea lead off, and let meetings be called In Amery ward, to-night or to-morrow night. Why brie work bap been put off so long we cannot imagine. - - • - - ; The political destiriy of the Slate and the matiortie In our hands. Shall wo lose all "`? • by our.supiriiness?.. /,f riot,:thetri mast be a very sudden awakening. If we work for imccess 'ATV/ill attain it. There are three myys - whickahould bemade to stare every Republican in the face from now to the .eleetion, and they are— Work / }gong WORK ! SOT AS ISSUE. - The .Nciff firi c irrsittne quotes disap ,provingly from our State Committee's ad dress to rifle effect thatl2Pgrq Bottroffohl not net lune in the October contest,'.', -Test lir. CESSNA meant by ihatphraiii; we apprehend is that there is no proposition before the , people.to aifeP ihiniglli3Of itiffmge ApDA , titCceokued people of this. State, and that that impair _iftrtgAknO.Vgalliiptellirlattakattui - October contest,',' , becalm, ...an amendment io"our State Co'nstitiition, ganging the ba— sis of tiftffraticit be stibinctied td the people, wider \ the imisions of that 'Con stitution, for fonr years to come. To deny ttioFli.tO.Kttiki&Vis the ijiistt2.. liOII of reconstruction would be eqtuil to denying that the sun Shines atiaidday; 'and we do not understand dosEOwe denial to Orr to . ttilo . foctljt: l 4 Th 'COrrir - entiOn which nominated our State Ticketilsid dowrilin general terms, the peat principle. for 'which -we all fight tWeitintrie;:lef Wit, -, "that the mild 106:11441ICII011 1 offefec„ AY the kiesiderii to itio people - lately in ver*lliOn,' in the. thfiguteittlelhis. Cow?_ot' ti4f , ' , Lwolil4l :tn. the sTillidiffN.Ro l lr4plAjtY and . gratitude ' bitt: ~v th : sach evidence of defiance and Itositi. IWO iniPSi ,conviction tinit ' vy 4=o* safely' tnited with the 'po; ifiesd- sights - which they ' ' forfeited by their have proyen their ao— c i f 4 1 I .ceptartm9l:2la.resalta t#e war by Inc9r: ,posting them Si donetttational provinloae, r . yard riteuf fti D toaZ v zen iviihin their borders pghl reftf r ,liborty and 114 ',llniritifirifisczppiaess." _ . • - . 1 1'nE Fair of the IlantingdonVourity-Ag- IClllt* Society will Po:heyt at Augatkg; ton, 'Wednesday, Tlturs.lay and 'Friday . of ant week: • • cow,g,FEßEß4prettvvivas, „.. The NeW4ork LAN, koil tlias :leen:, quail siTheitriend of "restoration,” and atagiteethg-tathe doetrine_thas- the—Bobel-I fitateawSreppterrout of the Union. It has Si ade,'"ltolitervei, been misunderstood. Melting - ttur fact tgirlN - boutitern' , Stateiliteedefi'voluntarily antFaitittleinl; themselves out Ways: I r v it h isoxidel dn frquat o t rink abo v i rta t il i,,,, k, : that :they era : '' .-4=vesttreciruled from dictating, as:some-would seem &shins to have to Abetti-Or 413- 44at9fz!mitallmten• I They are; ;fir leg& gm", estop% tram deaytog - the virtue of secession. , . italit;. 'so , llticttiniiiioir ie ` i r k gooit; ,ar far I as irgoiiii; mid=-It: ist 2 itettainty-il heitOffiii symptom. But llerhlstorid facets tbat lbh i „ AminctplenfisecelidonreceividlestedaV lilow At thalum mat -of Soothesl Ith''" Islam, tatof thb loyal peoplei ,...,,,. , the country Whopppoaed its' ,:11 12 2 - i iensicni.by forte and Mint aild ,CAE,a bit ale* it:- glue of the title . red. 14 1 9/ 1 1 , 4 ikes l l.ll..W.b# ...1 114 - -will) Üb. fiat 04digzear. tbetiar the thle ;of . thh sbperior power, those same lops,' pey pie now assume to declare what shall be' the terms of madniirsionlititi Itte_Vinio, of ihoasswho mokilarily 7 Sind without , i, e 4.1 1 ., ; Theyanniar from way Minx lit Svc woes they do not wish:tar use' Mu& measures because they atta barsh f but ~.they ,Taanthe,,wocie thentholishteauk less thmi end Measures as Seem to . thew to afford perfect seettrltYlOr thn.ftitge. " Here the prinCiple Is , distinctly . 'laid down that Itnir - right - tw dittatelhe terms S Ze4 ‘. thab gaPi 4d o th e :Orton` be* L “Pen "we right of cenquest." In other wellio' heft Atiatim the' Spitheato I tifibe ' In the war prertiliia bi themselves, we, as conquetors,'ltave the' right to lay doWa the Midi' WPM' will& We will admit them back to their old places. ' lii dictating these terms we are to be guided, of course, by the Consolation; and under the. clause which gives Congress the power to ituaranty to every State hi this thilon a gerablican form of govern. ment," we have full power to refuse ad roission:to any State which does not conic back with a thorough republican form of government. Thus far the Post. Of edunie, a Constitution which denies to one-half of the people of a State any voice in its affairs, and that half, too, the only really loyal portion of the people, cannot be considered Republican either in form or spirit, It is essentially oligarchic and- ar istocratic. And if to this be added the crime, as in Alabama, of denying to the Freed men the right to hold real estate, and, as 131401. the Southern States that have yet acted, denying to them virtually the right to testify in courts of justice, we hare still further reasons for considering these Con stitutions as anti-Republican. The Post holds that the action of the President extends no further than to give att(saithent States an opportunity of fra ming Repuldican forms of government Fail. tug to do MI6, they are tetnitted to the Conditions of provinces, and "to whatever provisional gannameat Congress may see flt to prescribe." Rebel Sympathy. kings:us. Borrow Gasarrs: I have read the CommCreial of this morning, and am Barri it gives evidence of a Alecided sympathy with rebels--it is anximni to get the rebels Usk, anyhow. It appears to prose eight of the great fat= results that may arise from each haste. Does the Cormsirtial-SulPPose the Southern people republican la their sentiments? If so, it is mistaken. There is not a speck of re . Ptibhcan feeling is the South, bat in name. Their '.late stave-holding system long since crushed ' out anything of that amt. The Commercial has yet to learn that the South is send-barbarian •atad utterly unfit for self-government, and the rebellion de monstrated this. A republican govern ment ismot acted to a pearte that irvizi learned the art of governing themselves The most difficult people to gove n are the ignorant and vicious, such for example as those at the South, and the easiest people to govern is that which is -most enlight ened, for example, New England. Our Government has always had more trouble with t h e South than all the bal ance of the Union beside, and yet after gettingthem at Our feet, where they so richly deserve to be, and the only place they ought to be, at least until we have unquestionable evidence of the fact of their being born again, the Comm:iv:al would take them back to our bosom in the face Of Andersonville, Bell Island, Fort Pillow and all the other innumerable ware than savage barbarities. The Commercial would speak soft word; honeyed words of the wretches—it would put them into a position of power and give them the reigns that they may have another chance of driving us- to the 0-1, as they most unquestionably will with the coop elation of the Copperhead party, which is, ebel to the core, if anything, more so to-day than the South. LAMM.NCL9II.I.II. PEBSONAL AND POLITICAL, SITTJUSAZI, the General, is evidently going to disappoint his copperhead admirer'. In a speech to the soldiers at Lancaster, Ohio, last week, he said, in speaking of the sub ject of confiscation : —"Tee rebels ventured everything In the struggle. Hence, when we whipped them, all their prorietty be. eamo - ours by conquest. They forfeited their rights to it, and I being agent for the Govemnient to which I belonged, gave you authority to keep all the quartermasters couldn't take poeseaaion of, or didn't want." Tun New Grimm Timor writes: "Our dispatch from Jackson, Miss., save it is manored in official circles there that Gen. Slocum will resign, in consequence of the recent action pf the President, sustaining Governor Sharkey. Gmeral Slocum had determined to tender his resignation, but was dissuaded therefrom. Bat we are now convinced he will resign, if indeed he has not alresiy done so." IT TB SAID that L. Pope Walker, Jeff. Davle's first Secretary of War, the same wretch who ordered Beauregard to "open fire - On Port Sumter," haihad the imp U. dent .appear in Washington, Aa the President lox a pardon. He oug htto think himself lucky that be is not caught and hanged. "He is still waiting," says a Washington dispatch; "let him wait; the Bret &alas! last." Trim late Capt. Sohn Davis, Unitedinsies Navy who died at New Orleans on the 20th 'Was a native of hiessachtuiettS, entered the seiviceinlB27. and was spade. coniinander ne has ~seen elgt• tete ieare sea seeee, Ave eare of Shore dal and ' r been unese il ployea to y r nearly Ave years. Tun Mobile 'Tribune announces that • General Mansfield Lovell is employed on *Rarely york Xewa. as working editor. This .distloguished West Pointeris, trying to eion, no .doubt, by faithful servlee en a Nevi York democratic organ, a new place under the city government. Tun New Orleans Picayune says Gen. Ilicauregard "Is flown sedate, quiet Vititen and civilian lulls native city, who has no idea of leaving his country, and will re main here to meet all the responsibilltlea and dischtuge all the duties of a citizen." An Argument which Cuts--both Wave. The Mobile Tribuneurges Southern men ,teAtrallfy peuiselveap vote, asa mens 'urea protection. It says: "We aut only acquire righteby the use of ,the means Prescribed by the law, and the : edentialqiutiltleation tor this Purpose - is the right of ;garage. A little , while ago the musket was the arbiter. Now It is the bat- Jethoy.: " a' We cannot regime the gun, !Ind 'without that, or with it, how can we better protect ourselves than by the .ballot, and not by the cartridge box? We should• like- some teamed philosopher to tell us how it can be better done than by the mode that we auggest.l, • But if Llie : fruffrege is necessary to protect white men,iti It not just in ranch and even ,more necessary to protect . The blacks! 4..nd if veligte pimp ought to vote atm meas. ureOrpiotectlon, ought.siot, the blacks to 'ifite - toet 4.r4ee/OW ere-they .••to_ be pro.. tided? 4 - -- ',. found Qt the Ohio river, below Heaver, on the oppo marks of identification were found on 45 Person. His nu_ Is supposed to be al;0 1 4.- thirty—oiiivoyeare ; heights STA feet .terizkek..hair,`lightzwiind 1 bald head. He had _on coarse shoes with I bob nails, heavy light colored Ant i * Add= 'ln:Mr ..,resere'lainsi comb and key; mooed his neck was a: leather badge, re P re senikig..lke Cnikolic I In • Yourteeir - dollari 'end Stftinty.ftita In money were foundin his pockets also. He was buried strPbnligatiarg• tug= . 'information can be bad by callin •Corobere it New`Brighton;::.: , ' . . B; on the' . - -Tan Trottsvlll' iVottiliar siii dell:6lM 1 Thursday afte rnoco,r - 4trz•PertivaT Byerly of that place:emu/stunting fronm-Intdonl when hamasoifitedforatdetrozna-man, who ,alter Wag fairbrbscate‘obeed -.By -4/v Ay - We throat and -Byerly r,gaigteltArlfd.ufedet It , dPed.lhe 1 , horees t 'ind one Of em presented a pistol ; to his head, and he was compelled to give lip :wkat , lus__- bad, $ll. 'Alter the team drove oilitheysred.hrtf• shots, _which passed thr g u rWtairebiget*i girtainotgerVidel AUr e . *OW PetrNts: bilr,d4lighl cCtrj__b*jkO !•,- . ,-‘ ' • ' -...A. aanase , pspee-omsemsera ' that 2,000 ; H ,of German :descent, • front Berke county Piiji? enatteta : Si. 310 4 . :hatii, I thranga their ' genV Oxtails es, selected- fractltOf landings :114- ley of the ploisierv-,loobibliins.r.ligiry as the wide werld eau ,W 00; q4alke seb-.. , , *raga Andastriobs - peophN ,with sonebier- 1 lt e : w =WA, II vUI Oro Mate 1 ,, h ilts MS' • Tits Harrliburg relePilig , 43ars: A wft - ' goo load 'Ed raw ,ceittbn in =erred out Onicersterday on Its way to *- tory. Ideyet . „years bait ela* . since 0411 ; 4 .this - state passed - ihroukh oar tine aid tbe'resuatPtiork of brudneas In lila i will relnind.oar cltizo sof ti mes gone Isten...turndreda of persons were saute empkgraest th ereln. i Tuatara Improving' the water. works at Hartisburg. Urger engines ,are_ abort to be Introdutted and otlutr important changes made about the. building. The. pipes will be shortly extended Into the river, in order taltundsh thseitisens water that is entire tyfree from the dregs of sewers. HinrrirOoDoN, Pit:,for sone 'weeks past, there has htien suca scene of a drunk en revel, and exhibitions of rowdyllun.were 60 hequent, that the borough authorities were compelled to appoint a epechalnollee ferce for the purpose of restoring ceder. Tan coupes of a woman was fbmid float ing in the river near Industry, Pa., last week. It was thought by some to be the body of the lady whose recent disappear aner. from Pittsburgh has been noticed by the press of this city. A vow days ago a_young boy about six teen years of age, son of Henry 8, Slouch, of Warwick township, Lancaster county, was accidentally killed while out on a gun ning excursion. Tint Rant ,togdon Globe says , that, at the earn meetin g near Sanlaburg, which ended on Thursday morning last, over fifty people were conve r ted, . NEWS - ITEMS. Elsa. Cart;, In command at New Or feltr the ases, baa assessed a tax upon the citizens support ored Scholas. Jacob Balker is gettlug upspetlhon to the Pre& !dent to bays The order revoked: regia try of male negreee over twenty-one years of age It being made at New Orleans, tied as extensively as possible threAghOut tha State, under the ausplms of the Dint po litical committee ; the object being,. It is hinted, to get the negro vote in November. Ti,D State Board of Education of Con necticut Insists that the law shall be en • forced, which forbid* the emoltiyment of children ender fifteen years of age in man ufacturing or other buidness, unless they abaft have attended school at least three months of the twelve next preceding„ and every year in which they shall be employed, under a penalty of g 25 for each oticace. A. zocomovnat at the station of 81153014- no, near Turin, Italy, lately ran through a brick wall and Into a cafe. It Is supposed the engineer and stoker were asleep, No one was killed, but a servant maid, sleep ing In a enc.. mamma escaping steam from the engine. Mn. Cann's, the 11. S. Consul at St Pe tersburgh, writes thatno plague or epidem• is disease am existed In that city during the past year, the so-called plague being noth ing more nor less than the typhoid fever. Gssrater. blownos M. Peasous, of Mis souri, late of the rebel service, was recent. ly killed near Comargo, Mexico, in a tight between the Liberals and Imperialists. After the surrender of Kirby Smith he went to Mexico, with several of his men, and joined the forces of Juarez. Ile served under Sterling Price during the war, and same of his earlier operations are thus no ticed by the St. Louis Republican. "Be was present at the skirmish at Boonville, and during the retreat from that place he commenced enlisting a brigade of mounted men, which he succeeded in filling by the time he reached the southwest sec tion of the State. According to the ac counts of that time, his command was a motley assemblage of men, arms and ani mals; old men, some of them farmers of good condition, and plough-boys, bare headed and bare-footed—some bearing shot-guns and rifles, and others scythe blades improvised into swords, and mla cellaneously mounted on sleek, well-kept geldings, mules, and the sorriest of c 'entry 'critters,' bareback or with primitive sheep skin saddles. Being without a coma:da nk; they were forced to seek Subsistence as chance offered, and in cornfields and ap ple-orchards. This precarious mode of living earned for them tae-nick-name of 'Blackberry cavalry' Their earliest ex ploit was the skirmish at Carthage, at which place many of oar St. L.:Sala three months' volunteers first learned to 'fight mit Sigel,' and the retreat from which has been widely celebrated in song and story." ..VE Ir rill rE/1 TISEXE47B. FIRE BRICR.—For sale by• HENRY IL COLLINS. LUBIIIOATINU OIL-50 bble.. We by 'ALLOW OIL-20 bble ,to tirrire. For by ISAIAH DICKEY "- _ OT/oE.—The Patent Grain Drill wheal, on exhibition at the Sanitary Flirt 1. to atom and for male by ISAIAH DI(THEY & GO. - - r i LA XBEED.-10 bbls just received and for role by . _ FEYZER Ar. ARMSTRONG, corner Market and Finn Kg. BUTTER.—rieeh Butler received Lid Osy. so kegs fresh Ohio Dairy' Butter. Dockets Westerns Zieserve Butter. 10 kegs good Cooking Duties. • For sal. 1/7 • L.H.VOIGT & CO. APPLE& • ' ISO bbls L3O:0 Apples. Just rusivcd and tar We% 1. V "cornoz kRAR nod Arst,7l, • r.e A : glasskus, a so, lisighoviels-inau. , Purrumstrad and far Isle at he Family Glom" , Store of • • ..roars,ttrAw, 0e.27 oonior Liberty and naafi sitragts.: BORDEAUX PBUBEFir•-Very-fine t ,, in glass Ism and ram bases.:. Jos* .reeelved sad for sale et tie Famll_ y GrocerfAtore of aeYl .Thga. AtiaviSHAW, earner Liberty an" %hind streets. C HO/CE LAYER ItAIBINS—The &t -ett quality, in fancy cartons, aka, prime at and inedicas raisins, for Bala by the Petled, et thaFaraily Grocery Store of JOHN andEMIW, t 122 cornart.lbartsHand stream G l3 pi ß eEklNin g a j r ial d Pre Al igy A ing i G l i tie N t G rfo ll elv — ed Fo le r prime enter, end for nele 11/10 nal° , and retell at the Dually Grocery Stone of ,; JOHN A, HENSILANT, tei7 Corner Liberty end fieltd gamete. NILB, c.-300 kegs, city brands Nei, •L 1 rAisti Wiens. 110 boxes, city breads, Window (lees. Yd eases of Lye. Far " i ' lu by ElNEPAriliaff, BRO.. St street se26 101 sad Liberty - - REFINED SUGARS, 60 bbla., cruebed. powdered. and grantasied SWUM. Igo bbla, A. and a nrdned sugar. Now In stoic. and for sale by azi'lagn Ili 8R0.% no and 128 Wood saber. BODUCE CONBIGIMENTS ear Teach blose.potatoes to arrive; Co hhis.,VerseyStreets; . dO bots.oshm,..latemi Fastory„ • . IPO ..• lismbedg ''so PhDs Butter; • • ID seeks 'Timothy Seed; - tO Oolor,s; tO bids.; Dried Airy:ash ; To store and for sale kr sell GBA.fr & REITER .fre..44' BEYLEMED FAMuynzglaz CINFROS, By the , ..112.Edubtraddli Sweat— Pane/Anti' and Maa •4A AY MEMO, _ .N • ITT: *ante. ; • 4 . :V %• z =OO • - T10N,4 tof no NOnumont Aosocto will do u arßoard of Trade Zoom, LAX. AI72.IINOON•.st-W, glorustieh wisztonstioa IN requested to attend ael . By order ?no •: 4 1 14° Aiin ' n' a L. PEALSBON, 11 1 1 . 028 OIL GUMPARY. mee Ing Of the Moab*ldets9f the E. 011 CompelYj erll be held at their office, No. 4 Rend Street, Cla aeLTINWAS, 013t0INZURVIii,lorther.perysze Of eteettardeloare for theestsetrgyest- 33 Zia must be dated order of the Beard; wit/date's days of the on, Sy - rionrar WRAY. West • • _Secretary SOO QWoeilwinp recarsziossAva annum— _narr - se vac nal TO CONTRA.GTOD, PRO -8414 willb.nteliwt fit thiccatier g4tll toper etly haulm tor balldinf e Akr tILIStOIP Slim* Hub, on tho -reltd. noir ,legetuly City to,Bisvirkin Ohio tow ,Instro mad' siotailleathinr be_secii App Atkin. Int =setof Clonat ..13EMLY_LA Dentrallei. ums 'A u natir * PerEalltETEßlVßlGT, Walk rtIBT;---oifFiatftrdry *wee', Etta= straataa4 ilia eliqpienr Station, a COLD! , SPECTAIIIIIS4,- • 4,itto r tit enotwileo, t 9 beekAroptie - a Ootamort.- , Tne Vaddir. •Wvii Inland sad [ha thanks el Ow - teiPitat taaa 4Ue atina At, ZaltaL - !ORR a 1180:214ftribr Stu" • • [. . iferintd, mcm :fiAtE:444 - Jiii of Stillo~n Ma iitioiit',ol;* slraititiz dle;on,, tato - ?ir cage I T 'ref 'frifoof otfOoll ennui/Calm Ef t : , onbard of choke Jrl:4lh loot4 o ,A te lko.; a bOtO 4tewsz fa,Vl7.slT=.= Orl James MaCtablin, dectenal.- salrlatrim Doss 01 L - 00MININY.At A qty dw add Steele:deers or me Voss Om don& Ream, held at thole toded metes lltk• eapltal dock &the Condemn *UV a u Wataseig .I.oattetArdt Jecreasod T ENTY-rIVE 13.1 U. EB.l3tockkokters wig please take notice nn ' and tape mtt . Stair pro-Tato thus of the new dock, es ill le noototory to hare funds folmollataly to carry on the work now 00 toutdaßy order of the-Hoard, ROBERT WRAY, Ts, Sortatory. 03.11171. ov PIDTSIIOBAIIi O t Coitraw r pLCTION VST M b Stockholder. Of the PittsWrO Gas Com • Pap; are hereby notified that ea dmtion will be the the office of the Company. In Pltlibumh. on the FIRST MONDAY Gamma day) OF 00 * TONER NEM between the hones of 12 &cloak, noon,ing sad f o'clock r. at S , lon the purpose at sleet- 'ERNES to sem said Company - for throePERSON as Trustemiol years.% asl6ll zerazzi M. MIR/BM Timmins. DIt3SOLD T 102; The co-Pertnerehlp heretofore existing between the anderAffned under the name of JONES, BOYD & LWs day dtuolved by mutual count. Either parte le authorized to au the nano of the late Lam In the settletutal of the Malmo. MI at ^fain of the tats firm min be settled nabob far. mar °Moe, earner of Bose and Shirt stoat., ISAAC) IWO* JOHN L. BOYD, W. H. 8ic0111.144C111. PrprentKart, Sept., MI, IBM bend ar "RAVING DIRPOBRD OF OUR RN ... TIRE INTEREST TN THE PUlaburgh Sleet Works ':'-888. ANDERSON, COOK & 00 we take plaurove to reamomendlell the key tlrm I. the parronare of oar former oeutotams. JONES, BO Tat GEL PM/12MM BeL 1.8 l P tom WORILS, ANDERSON, COOK & CO., (StICCESsOta ro JONES, BOYD t CO Manurnetaran of the beat rodned Out Steal. Square. Fut and Octagon, of all alzes,riaw Plante, Hoe, Fork and Skeet glut Steal, glut Staid fOr repairing. and Mower 71/Zmotuxacoas, Steel now NVl.ri, Spring, Azle, Ctreal►n. Sc. Cast and Common Plough and gprine Blte i;io.7LiVeOve - ttie'riionTxTrate — ii ae27.ly BA 30A LlEBifjl3' NIITRrri v 1:1 FOOD, POE INFANTS AND INVLLWs. For making a plessaut sub highly nutritious Soap or Gruel for children dsprtval of the mother's milk, and invalids of all ages. Ell- Full dlgectleas cm each package. For sate ►t the 'CENTRAL DRUG STORE, earner of Ohio ►ndj.Fe4er►t streets, to the .li►rkef Roues, Allegheny. IZEAR CREEK RAILROA D. —PROPO SACS will be received for the °rubbles, Clearing. Earthwork and Masonry, of TWENTY SEOTIONS OF THE REAR CREEK RAIL. ROAD. located from a violet on the Erie and Pitt.. burgh Railroad, two miler, south of West Green ville, to a point eastward of Mercer, until[ o'clock p. m., September 4Sth. All proposals moot be made for separate aectlona, and may be sent. to L. D. WILLIAMS. Enl., Secretary of the tlompanY, at Meadville, or be given at the St. Marlin Hotel, West Greenville, on September me, when tho Board of Directors will meet for award., All information can be obtained by application to J.L. BRIGIDEN, Eaq., Ertytacer of the Com. parry, at Mena. Wll.l. REYNOLDS, Praddent. BRYAN, Block and Real Relate Broker, NO. 57 FOURTH STIR= Order. for the pnrehase 'aid sale of GOLD, end GOVERNMENT, RAILROAD arid rz-ratax toSi smogs, 5r:92141v exeoutea. IP/ telitraPhi In New York or Philadelphia, at the REOULAD 0011161BBIONB so established by the Board of Broberg to the resPeetlee aides. 61.119 mar,Dixo poza iiii.itirj. or A fly, acre tract, emu Mearesllia, adjoining no) propertlec of Dirs. Danny, Mr. Schenley and Mr. Olark, Intersected by Webster Myatt, cusceptable of eirlsion into minable building niter, I 6 OFFERED FOR SALE,, CHEIP. Amp , for farther partleulati, to B. B. BRYAN, Broker, Jen 67 FOTTIITH ST., (lhutt , 6 8a1161112, HEWI PS POLYTRICIUM FOR TILE BAIA Wl'know/edged Er on wholurrensed It to b ir A . No. 4 Try ft, ye doubter" *WIN, gonvlactfl. F.ot age Try all druggilita: • if IlaYd AHOY; 00008, TOYS, BASYKETS, wiacaoiscile casual ZLetni..l. Rear Goods put opened. Peke, greatly to. dueed, at J. O. LAUER% THIRY CID TOY STORB, AO. 101 ICAIIIIET SIITEET. EAU vurn. n BEGGS 11,4.8 JUST OPENED 4 C, vary Line suortment of Pattern ;13onnots, Hata, Allabcmv, flowers, Dothan, arc Also, to. latest styles of Coate, Dawns, and everything in the Cfloak lino at No. 124. Eederal Street. Allegheny, ae23:4td P AIM PHIL&DEfoPHa -L tOMPANTI—The annual meether.ot theSteekhehltes atlas thunpany, will be bete on MUMMY, Optober eta, ma, eta* °Zee of the Company. tie. Ite Foto th street" for. the purpose of electing officers for the smiting year; inn trims. acting. each other twine -ay se mat mime before them. A. T:- PARLTESTOOK, eee alearatezy. U2i]VEBB&L OLGTHES Vatip tu 111,-The only Wringer that ban the eog wheel latabtediasill In then,. Sylerlnger that glees natlatatUon. A lerge,ntook >on Dana and fen tile sttf 28 end 28, St. Olalr ntneed, J, & EL ptittraks.' Bale iglits ton Allegheny octant?. • 11010311NY.-23 bbla ~ P rime New Rom— Loy, la store andfor seta ImetkerlimALElG .201 Elbert/ street. oßsz FOR 1344.,LE,—,1. :lame 6 year -a-a Oa Day Done, Ivan/A.4 nand. Ar ply at Llbasty Itstet, W. Et. HEOK 170. 11 YOU WANT The best make of Gold Pens, war rotated, and of brat Qoa lty. go to IF nurrrs, Yt..17 WANT Any of the popular Dims Books re to RUNTts as la tie AN ORDINANCE for the grading of etreet toV L ust an Bram street. stews; In the Oth ward, from Marion se tr ordained end enacted by a. Mayor, Aldermas Gaff ciffeens of Pittsburgh, _in Ssica and Osmoses Council assembled, end It Is Aeraki, ly the mete That the Recording Hotplate? be, and 1. hereby ' directed to advertise (or proposal. far the grading of Loecut street, to the Eighth ward, between Marlon &treat and Vaa street, ant Lelia the Baste In accordance with an ordinance passed by Ootmells, August Slat, till and en act of Assembly approved January Bth, /nett Ser. 2. That any ordinance or port of end,. mine, connietlog with the passage of tills ordi• nano, et the present time, he, and the same to hereby reputed, so far as the same arrests this or dinance. Approved and marketed into a law the 20th day of September, 102. 0808 GE A. KFLLY _ JAMES ZdaATILEY, Attest: E. S. Alosu, l :.7 .`4"'t °"*le" "u" 11. . . .. (Hort of Select Council. THOMAS STEEL, Attent: Cron 111 11 TIM , f of Common Coon,'li Okra of Common Council. ne2l32t ERCANTILS L LULU ir r 11111E3 I - The Lecture Oonunittee Leg to announce the Co owing for the =suing eenson Mum OSCAN'S ANNA E. A.N DICKENSON November 2. IL November 0 EOl2O E THOMPSON ........ DE CORDOVA December 21. Do. December 23. Min ANNA E. DICKINSON Deeember2O. O WIRGE VAND Do. ENHOFF December di ,January IL DOUGH , March ID. Do. Wirth 21. Do. March 21. THEODORE TILTON Le tiso confidently ex. ported. Season tickets, (admitting to smarm4 mists with. ma extra charge)) $2, can mow be obtained at the Library Booms, the principal Drug and Book Stores, and from the Committee. TRoxlmi BexzweLts . Jr., EDWA4DB, R. 0. Amman., ;Cruntss L. Ott.DWZI.L , TAMES J. DonsriLL, 10. L. AlcOLlNTocur, St 23 Lecture Committee. AP ORDINANCE authorizing tho opitt ins of Shingles street. Sao, t Bs 11, ordafned, That, Eldattis street shall be extended aerobe Watson street, le a Straight flue to the southern line Of Pesuulylvanis Avenue. Sao. a. That Sand /IL Erna, James Lippincott .fia gunnel :doges, (of oth werll) bas sod they are hereby eppoinlad styprafeers• to assess the damages, Ifa.nst; caused by the opening r °timid street, as Alrected.by an atm of Anemb4 aiPrOted •Jactuary 4th, MO. Ordained and enacted into a law the nth , day of September, teas. • JAMES No/LIMEY' . Et, csident' of Select Conne ll. Attests E, S. Isfoutow, Clerk of Select Council: STEEL Prealdent of f cif Comm hLAS on Council. Attest, Boon Mehlaaven, Clerk of Common Connell. serstatd N°T Save i° Solo Agency for Pittaburgh, of the :: We UNITED STATES PIN CO3IPINT ; Also, Adamantine and Swan Bill Hook and Bye Company. WHOLESALE DEALEr.S AND JOBBERS can buy Cu above goods by the cake, (Nun taming freight and amnia, at New Yore Pnacts, by call Log at Wm 78 and SO Market Street, .111.11.4310111, GLYDE & CO, GROOBRI,EB. 65 bolabeade Fat to Rime euti6 Boor. so " " P. S. - .16 tierce'_, 0 44 ts 110 begs 11.10 ooffte• 100 Marshes!" impaled sad yo g i ; limn Ton 0 Volans Tens. lEobarrels obolee P. gg. •., O. 20 ll_ Vekba 209 1 't SyrUp. Arsine" WI for sale byk 141t*PAT1210)S 880 . 1"1:704 111 and 103 Litlerty street POLGATE'S 80 .52.-100 - boxes Pain,, toilet hooey end °futile soaps.; Now.to afore sad for eon tra A4t - ORD • • • W 1 . 9 .7" Au- tinting the grade of Pennsylvania Ana .. . . iatter. t "4 1 ,gt,if thenortbern curb • •• grata i tn t ans bialson4-141[243 tettrommut thence ctreet, te fa th l eof wart curb of Elift atm; 1 a man theholLacs, of 4 1 ton 'nits frat Pra U fora n below dbaszee of deo test} ' • talk of I&a it of hair 21aftet pea s O feet to the western stab of Tunnel , meet, thenc a fall WO tegreses 24 or t-'73 feet per KO feet, tatha Waite= eurb of often street. .-13za.11. shot the gide Of-thek horth ourtvof Ross street have a descent of domes, or &Sr feet per lee fast from Fifth moat to the w o! Btgh.treeo. estern curb ._ L l'hattluLiaLlaof the seat= eSti if High street. shall have • dolmen', of I degree Is minutes or 212 feet perrooleet, from the southern .z uthaf-W h i lestrtOLluarnctalsoll'an• arlvanis-evenesesdorft tholes , * fall of *de. grow 28 minutes seta per tee feet to the north curb of PezursneentrEfunue. Sao. 4. That thecae* of, the oath= ma. of . -Plltb street lave a Omen of it degrees dit tan. Wes, or P 430 from thesis= crab Of N 11.40 street to the so cnrb at gone ratral, ozo. P. Thatio - much Of Ithy ordttanes am Con. licta with the provident of adz obllnzoolso ht. ,isad the nasals hell=slea. an,dthal a 27, orhilleancerer prat o co - that orradbarr with the drusltemsere at the sautisilat my,,hyena the 132 . 0 A M lau auled. AO Gyve the owns of itaa Ordained and enacted into a law iteckuuntucthis 44th day,of Soptozabar, i D /ABM Inuorranr, leas s: mona 1806. l" 314 ", 64 ' 4 .5 " 24L Oink of SelectlotmelL‘ THOMAS STEEL. AtteittrEi ri Efehtell _ jaradent of Oopomia OearalL tayls, caorittr gooattaonvotmell. V i 1.13:=6 VOCE , „ . GOODS, • x.q/11entaraLeW4 wear, misusing, Ai putogthe Caeginieres, Coatings, Beavers, Velvpts, Cheviots, Garraones, FIIERVI MID ENGLISH lIIIITONS, The above roods are all of this Fall's importa tions, and can be sidled upon u bens new. , They will bs wads. op to order Id • superior soastwsr, sae stlia. sad ai prises guarantied to be as low ris . any other Ant slaw soospin the 'Wen. GEAR; POSSUM & 1338 E, aerohoat pes..tic• r®, Linder the New opera nOwaw4 ae27 U 4 FIFTH STREET. AN OBElLNANCRan'boriziag the •grad• tog, peeing end tatting with eurtatonsof quite* gelato= Irwin 'wept to St. Owl= street. Sen. t. if ord.:Rog end rfiaded by ft. Mayor, Al dermen end citizens of Pittslurgh, mm onCeeneldr eteeenaded, end of Is piney ordained and rneard by the mote, That the Recording Regolasor ....aft..l4,ahteerZgill.tested w i t ud anearttea fergroo. stone of Dn i questie ‘ray ' Ne l ow Irwin S e e t rs t i • Cletz tot, .0d to let the come • wienenance with La ordinates awed% Contleilattagoet Stet. :esal an net ofAmfafy. a Suomi Rat,. IMO. provded. however, the=tY's par ties of the eon' ano„ expanses theme! be Pain Roans Rhoda& s zur other palm; to be tstaliaml te them from appropriations of Up. Sots. I. Then anyordinaztee or put °loathsome eonfUettai with the pesine Og Ude contnanee atl =en% time, be, and Me eo* Is hereby n. eo far as the uses =b this orittianee. oriatoet and enacted tete I l e aW ta to Coonals shim :nth day of September, Lt. D. Mt% JAM® BlentfßEY. President of Retest Connell.•Attest. E. S. hiann•Nr. Clerk of Select. Connell. snam. Presid of Comstan Ownsll, Attest: Bran ItlcreLsessn, ent Clerk of Oonuron sendat pr YOU WANT Any of the nay Hook., Papers, or Aragartoes, go to F YOU WAFT school Book'. and School Stationery gob _ EFEEEMI The Celebrated Corrugated Non- Corrosive Pea, Co to Lit YOU WAIT I p 'llov t: Albums, al the love Arty Book or Job Printing done tie. ly of expeditiously, go to ul./NP F YOU WANT Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writing Playtog Cazds. Backgammon Boards, go to sow rs. JOHN P. HUNT & • . MTH Sy., MASONIC HALL Season of 1865-'6. LIST OF LROTURRII9, BETBIEIVik HsgAQ I Wooli:Itroot. :Agricultural Society, ginINZI 1- „TENTH , , . L A.LR IRON CITY PARK, OCTOBER 13,19 AND 20, 1885, IiIDIRSDAY, TRORSDIY AID FRIDAY. The noilirhrhihuhtmh - thitlttete , ti, the magic. thee they UT, hwasedi,tee 6,l4L_Atitten, the copidogdus and ttatury beau= pthale IRON 'CITY „Eatlaced it tllinumglii, ueai 40, mitt /Um Large and IFYlLdripanged . BUILDINGS , Lave beck created for the display of 111 ittrAmiinCOSILID% 01/22.2a fr 1 11,m,liVmsasmarrs, as ISZP,' _____l ! lfg: SH • - , 1, FLOwDOID AND SWINE AND „ . V.*fMAIPWI ~ I , P P.WaY• 1 ~.„ LIBERATGEBEIRSII% . Bafl been ciliate ban ENTIRE SATIVitIION To Exhibitor. and Speatatars. LARGE PREMIU M S ARE OFFERED. And the display to all departments promises to be EXTENSIVE AliP IMPOSING. 1-101 7 1 SE S. Tbs MADAtaI Use provided A Bailable Coarse for the Display of Dories And, to sedition to the tests specified to the Pre mium Lila, the tract will be open each day for EQUESTRIAN PERFORMANCES, Vadsrr the dlnctlazys of the Oa=ltzee. TEM GROUNDS ARE Supplied With Pure Water. Hay and Stisaw FUELNISHMD OBATIS. C2Arain at Cost. /BON crry PARt tan be teethed by tha pit. hens. Pseeenfer Railway. Also, Ammo:Lod=On Mina will be run by the Beanarlyarda Eaarced Occopenv. SYS- Premium Una can be procured at the Boo= of the Burled, No. tri Fifth Street.. oT by ap j ai . cation r e etther of the undaratotal. mtem the 'a book. baron- TUESDAY EVBS INN, 00TO 17, and (exorpt bonen> bronsat within Ins thelosare ranzly aa TiIiSDAY NOON Sir - A Bras. Band will be to attendance. Er Ample arrangements for meals. PRIDES OF LIMISSIOR =miss ...... .. "'55 .... ...... ... is cads. 15 Twohores Vehicles el ls. Moirlwhorse Vehicles Wi emits Slagle Howe to clods (lecupaste of vehicles will per Inechttlion,.the regular prices of aOmlislon. Judges' Reporta DAY reed trom the Pratt. tent's toot am FR DEITOBER 21, at two o'clock e.>. CASH PREMIUMS WILL RE raw ST TILE TREASILFLE B. For further Information, address Copt JOHN TOUNO Ic. Superfatenden Wm. lialrES S. IVEGLEY, OorrespondlnAksere• tory of the Society, or S. SOHOYER, Secreto ry to the Board. androids' Co= ONE, co= ALL' GENTLEMEN S FIDINISHIND Nos. 18 and 15 St- Clair St. The attentio sto ck the platen II called to the large and extensive of GEINTLF3TrG'S FTIEL NISHING GOODS, Juin opened at the, above. mentioned place, which I am no* offering it grata bargains. Any one in want of the above Goods, wilt end U. to their advantage to give me a call, and examine my 'to* before purchasing also. where. They can Sad the largest and best seloded Shiite, of Fine White Edits, extra aim, Begin:ea Shiite, Woolen, Cotton and Male Thread Under. abirts and Drawers, Scarfs, Neck Ties, Socks. SU" ;writers, Butterflies, and everhing pertaining so the Gentlemen's ruzathin g G• °oda, Lot the city. Remember Ric pIacBARLITELe. 13 and 15 IR. Male street.' EV N. B. A largo stock of Bats, Gray's Cot. " 7 ' Zitt ekw°° Z V.= Byr er . " cEzma6l44l ", isignlyxams • pErnatta. MACHINE R. H. heated Patent K Y , LEOEY, Manubscturer of his MI,. Improved OIL W L WALKING BEAM IRONS, and all FIXTURES USED IN SINE. IRO OIL AIM SALT WELLS, Nos. 12 and 14 OHIO STREET, on the upper route of the Miut. chester T, Passenr4 Railway. Y. O. Address, Boit itekLua— atteatit ' Pla invitod to ma d eto Ins. prcrrements Sara and &data, all of tan purest Sligo and Lou Moor Von, hammered ew wanly for them. AU parts warranted and mad to standard eftnt the pins and lockets of anfOna set fitting any alba, of hie manufacture barks the tame number. Steam pr q p•—. sad Madan Work rude to order. We Writs the public to, el , and examine, and Judge for themselves I and wt: challenge equality of worlunanantp and compels Lion. Send for Card and Circular. Jyttanuras T 'HE STORY OF SHEERAN'S GREAT MARCH, From the DIARY OF A STAFF OFFWEIL DI BREVET-WOK GDOEU WIRD NIgIIOLB, ALA,2O•Como to General Sherman, ONE HANDSOME VOLUME, 12mo, WITH A MAP AND rarnenous mr.usTßATturis. PRICE ' 73 r Sent tree, by mall, to any adartoe.-ws ' DAVIS, CLAB..=L & Do WOOD Grimm "COURTH WARD. Taa-Payers of Allegheny Take Notice. • Publta •notlas Sa hereby Oren that thn Ronal' Tax, anew& on the pavans, ntenbatfon. and oropetty of sahl want 11 now nue and payable to me at No. f 0 Wasbinvon street, and must be paid In.thlrty.daya iranz thu a - data, or. delhnittoott.wW PrOttt l ea4 & ta"4l.4la igla "--" r SOLE. • amica ztosas. _ imainwa; Biltiumuc. k . (BLOOD r4JURE. amt Maarkable article and gadfly° anr• 'for 8 0110FULA' ILIIEUELATISN, NEURAL rroa, PLDWZM, and al diseases oLSW. Al a Tonto, It roylyu Ma appalls,MOW, ad Patton axul wholly restores the yhyslasittranytb and It aa nemla bat atrial to prove Ito virtu by N SainfOTOPI. Dangy lid auto Snattdlald and Fauna alma O . PELQUEST, zecra•kiins. ma - Aaaminza., NO. 21 WYLIE STREET. MARES TO ORDER GEAR GUTTING AND MODELS FOB NEW ISTESTIONS. 1e2521:21tan TAILOII3 WIBIIING TO RBOLIAVS INSTRUCT/ENS Ir THE AIIT OP fatting . Men's and Boys' Garments, MO By AL M.F.BSIIREMRST, oloui t t T do well by tallier on U. Xt.= et atcORATTIOs (nothing store southwest unmet ciao et. and unnuiza, alleiheny tEty. oninmeoilitaa. "KEW GROORRY—The tuadersignod Imo JA opened en ENTMELT NEW STOCK MO and WELL SIELEAspED GROCERIES their NEW STORE., Joaddltion to other non eines, the would call attention to their stoat of EasternNß&NB B 0 1) CEDAR. Wens. H. COTT_ triitigas ' emor Ltbiirtv end rem 3 “.". • SPENCER as - PALE, CREAN AND MUER ALFA Phanix Means' Britrervi prrzatrAcia, PA ••••••••••••mwmpumeierNir, VALAZW - EOZI ot , • Cir.: r fl g "fr • ' ', • I lcp -1 133r . ° ,P4.,;':l;.tat• P7.17- 5 4U/MI. IL!;,r zys , eaminalrjattioriiiiiincl llowtog iriltableatuailestatimidiabstoctm* Wick Citadel!' ArallasastkollXlffietrOtditgs Elnatat peso tp. Oita poiony twos*" gal*, t 4 fltiTtle atilie4tgail#4=:thit feet on the Lintel .Tale LAIN de En do Patch, IN do Rioter,: 100 da Dan Wtbatn, de lid do Tonthiltm d :Op Om; d' 100 (10Ithuul do 160 do HeFaddea do do;Den of the Test Lido Ili ALL 2,C58= FM I=l=l The company win be termed npaii the touomlng term dad coadalops Ccoopaay to be evirealeed an tis Um .° Pennsylvania or CieWade. so stoat De hereafter determined. CAPITAL' TO BE $500,0001 INZHABXS OP The Par Value of $2.00 Each. Tllll 50,000 8i1113138 Shall be Offered 6 Fpr Sale A= WHEN 40,000 THEREOF ARE BOLD, CfM. 791:2.13E102.1b cl MID THE HONEY HID MO THE TREASURY ' The Laid Company to be organized andithe estate aforesaid transferred to it. That thetpreeeede of ISM shares shall be appropriated to thelpsyment of add estate, and the Proceed." of rtraWhill'he paid into the Tressurt, as the rufkleittss•PCM of thin Company. That after the organization of the Company, one hundred thousand dunce shall be transferred to the present Company, and one bun drvd thousand shares than be trairtrein,,il to the salmeribers to the Cut arty thousaures, to bo in pre rata to the number orihartahaid by each of said subscribers. These Snare., amount kg in the odttoote to two hundred thous= shares to be marked and held as paid up, 'without further or any rwassament, being deemed the valueof the said east' when the machinery to biased unen the property In foil working:orbit and con. dition. • • nat as Araritm,inarir oxgaziastlan,• •Md %Mill officers are duly elected, ilia follOultlll Matted per. SOIL are hereby itypolnted : JNO. XtREPATRIOR • Preaulent, WH. F. JOHNSTON, Secretary, PH. R. MKEtTZ, Treasurer. 0 0ffiTXSTEE: GEORGE D. MCGREW ALF.XANDER C, GRAFF, J. T. CHILDS, WILLIAM ivIeICEE, DAVID BLY All morteire tir be.pald to to the Trocirimer Mad . appremleted omens the direction otthereteentivo Committee. Sobscriiitimis iney tie Mullet° either °rem Ahern, or to - penning drily..antliiirinel In writing by Uttar Of: Mein. ,• The tll.ololllo7uortir arable loettion 'oj either ptihtriefOral ono the Atbstess of tho,oreg 'sad quaeg on loglio*, not% Oaf by 4 2 4 1 .whitkiukto boost roodOekutraso the yew FhAigt ii . betpir.olotorlth by Woo idle are cow et work oeitur alas 1046ei ro oorookodirtO 0 0rookodirtO the 'ootorigillog sad capitalist very met inatoemonta to embark ia tbla etrbit tor developlarthe Dome& oar triouriaros of the mbitogregioius of the wen _Babseriplions will be Reeelied AT THE . 01PFIM OF GAFF & IIeKEE, JOJH 11. KIRKPATRICK, Gov. Win. F. Johnston. 311301c68EW & CO., J. T . CIitLD9. DAVID SLY Speoimeno' the Ore Orli'. cta4tz OFFICE OF J. T. CIILLDS, sh;:e;,, ROOM . 1!tio. 2 , , cup :stairs.) L KnlKElTßOZ)Predlielt WI,L. P. JOEMSTON" ,Beclitary. 01114 f T EATC6WIS. 117 .s7!Ritl.trePYT 14 LifffiVAW,P4k.40' t- ,, '1.i:- , .' . c.°F - v•71.3. Triman,Ndionert Enahroldal FigloyeOcet i l Boron. XeckdsTrimm inillibbonne , Hosiersr„ Tirditir linen and silk Handkerchief! ! T ' •FinsSillaeriti6 &Aoki; • Raid: lielvetilati Ful3l',,in+ alit ibbona , T ar i stant • . Alsrafaitr— -31 FieaBBo4ouP l A4 l iees.)4o:lf4. Raliaalajo, 1 **0II9; r,„ =En 0 "IL t D • - Goo] )lii. • Evv l ; GR3Coxiii4L' Two co - jig Lour iutai atblittiodzio Stock. ; forosksei34 , 4lT4 ;Mao% Milo* flionkinto, two cane i thiidd'S Sr94o pad Vniicli "gibbet SUS= St Stockliy, two CDtef time, Stoliis.:SiOkitt. Shirts iut Ciqwes 1 . 6 10 1, 1050 r; ' BALM • :01AZ '133? Hoop skirti, 'Ewan. flasitam Elit.;v3s.r M bias, Bead . Ctealetl, lirliciM : 4s II Good', Hz uooat, Mown tys, SUSI, snsudo &Ad a wit - valet, of 0121' Ngion Del'artanni t alrO-CONC. ".IrAftßitr. -iceownde alkomitc- tokitO—alk ea ma likblettle sa4RotaJ,;atsattearMkofa. Dim d 1 otit . • in' ail . aotoz*'.or '4o . nble milted, a; LI yam,: • • , :ig.`3.; - ••,: e BLANKETS;' • •• an site; 90 per cum ctiek**tst44l 133 ALs.. In t! W s 4 el;!fli 600d~, se= 21 Firm sizzer. • 0 THE TRADE. JACRUM 4 . MURES, NO. /9 /e4".cti. STRBRiz mama STOOB Or Notions and. Fancy G°9-48; An elegant Moon:meat of goods for a CITY RETAIL TRADE. Of al I.that and New to /amp , - robe,, RibboniMottery. LadiertfrulerweAri,, :‘ , a4nbrla Trimming, Eau laces, • -ei) rota Patent'Frilltilts, Al Linen and Lac e liandkeralefe. New Style* l,antberd#, (01 the head,, Fancy Jewelry, ltlerlabiee—sriery desirable, Bradley% Iluplexaktrts, FreactLeanetc•-•-•,- Fancy Mal ZAnhyr Geode, . • Bcatontlbbedazu2 Balniciral f nose, G enteFrenehllannelBlthl4. Mere Stuart emul Wat,(XIALI Nets.. • ALI: sOzz4.iir Ladies' and. gentle in'' Tunisians , Ganda, ihieh We tairite attiontaiwk actors robialagr elvetvhere Ws can coundently say ea s Snug°. We Trade, that we have the lamest gook mew • Ilneever In city. vJaitk Yolk sniz yrkesaa low se any NOW 'ink or =Wk.. delptila Jobbing yorwa. • NAMUR dre.; CALIESLISLE a NO. 19 MTH STREET. MCR 1 - 1 --- I:lLYftf ...•••■• TED AS TASTDEUS, Frank Tan border land Calviallagan; The cue trottechttA- Lt, and the and Flo of Macrtan, Glyde & Coij WHOLESALE. £5,000 6ameled iaper Collar's; 25,000 reamer' 2,000 pounds Wool Enittln;Xann,, 2,000 dozen Wool and Merin° nose; 390 doz. linder§ideis and Drawo34 . 75 cartonslitead Gipps; • 500 dozen Lace l'ellsy _ = _ 590 doz;LaollesLiatii Utticirs w • - had very 24i7 st Obi ' Fancy Goode, ,:Notions.- Bm, I LIT EASTZILX• PELOFI3 NEW FALL 000M:3 JUST Onti/Ell SI avizuKETl L /I' full and =vet? ot Embroideries, Laos 4 ' Woolen Lipids, Hosiery;' t knit 41C4010 The new Prinee-s' foe' nIFS T77. 8100.1/11.E.A.W.ar, • AN.IS 'PATENt keEiqtri" 1 , 16. BT. CLAM FT111:4 ,2/ 4i' . *4 Et 141: "- me g a • „.• .PciEr,223o Olvtl,... 4 puer._ • - '5.140.16 7Lp stew., • ,A.T7 a Ice Nrhich Wit Rai ;nth& highest racket prigio .../Scidtletty . street._ i • 9001.15. 4'03 EMU bpd i) TV.1311 7l EMMET z fisn++peaW Col s,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers