r ~«*:'r---~ CITY NOT/C/ta Prnaehliiraittal - --;-7 1 , "Pott.erit44._ e 111 7,_ _ ~*Dspewl9plum conk: { . vdtaDelileitiite. ... asaistely.'3llatt-tlakii . I ta ftili f f B P i l,trPAVrt la :°Eaßre 0 4 :lOf piti: t_3!.,' IV! Ilrervorier of i tiutE4a r na ?I,l4rlpitstretia - , . .............1, • =lltlkettp/CSicle.. • r."reflneZb Arca. ilpperte. -- LechilUn l e eaLlierili se 04 , 2711 4edaiilext 0,10 °seta*. E st Ai. Eqtt Ntertiocal• B . Pe_anairiaza. Artc4 this . 2 elsek prpsymprie take -12ellickisimes Ma Su Itassegs or te.22.12u224.00pv.-T • • Js.i It Is an Estabppo r ra n t ;77 pa It* pleas ter asegatneatrZieoooll Reopai tesrultßvheri i ale at 2/, 65 114th West. ,xtes* ursine% met taltiaatiatiVile tee gola • - it's' Piet& S.. sliatton adTrztuembot 'veznitaiiiropeiti Aza , Anis ;c? iiecnr",l4 l e sc* ike t " ruts camuittiti. Weiad eLeX$ .iipskts t , Alga is Ais Asipmnsitowstpsf. sirr — ssa ea• sae:tab, a rWetreithelle...4 ate Flannels, .1 Phd4PJato, its., at lea than the factory ) t i apthe ilalota gaitloesat earner ef rength ‘g Murstalti m vx A khgo 'rjre. A Wonderfill Beanie. ~ratietibileind Pereetaranee olitmetely seavert '-1444iiipm,er.littiil...i.atil L ', re year' th e me. '"%ittitilheiverlit*lttlilitieeeitziid . tp - soly e the ~', - e* yeiieliiiipaidthitt; : li st i t 1' 9117„tiebi#0:,/ferlieliat MOWS/ lira rowel; ably in - , ' riri..aketAotrAhoe*fesiWirtiAitoii,fieiir fqr etibillAie' -YAritiast-bgtierts4thildite make - 114,0045 _eAtuA7sheilleost-iso lore Akan eh i Mattel, ena-yetvat-iiirnier kiln', litib , MktlateohtueremehinteroZbemusztorariaoti ile'rilliffiratikeig+bini,ehin*lsetin eeldrai i - Vie AlPAL,.,tiql,kffs.4k44o/°!de‘l, PPOet eau,: weliwtheiefore -.our; tunes , cbe lb_ max= Of a =weer Ewe _Perfect reliable IA : ~ reereeadhittildeit tilt price Or St thet 'mill resent_ tlOeilta the ameteg machine bualnem en inn the war' Aib - leeeirieitatii e erm av etion aceills, la the ' thsyltuttolltalyr arallbeystentelov:amaltes mina 1. ' tlkeyeitir'the MeV irr-rtsideved- nancieemary c:r Leib!! pear_ ..,.•Tne_platteennnnnunartariste.e , - ohna aninanitall, 'renowned tne d/d el ope. rat:ou before them and their agents. to literally inpftitinja wow% sfey, the advertisement el the Gem -towing Dim:thine 0 0/11Plia9 in *by o Nifi c , 2 a.' , Liril b' vr tire r:' afif4lll . , - .GoottAssortment ortrreirilaßi, Amy Prints, Gi4gpON. Tub; itsualtr e iu"' la a firstelaastrpthx,6 itoi.mw r Dvax.as, Lvlatn. ak street, Allegliecy. Shertnati and His c.,asapsJgrur.. nhTliiiliilltliterel/Flitottenvrosa, Gsenerill enaan's - Pereonal frlend, and Ideut. 001, .rwl coda atm ablest milltur writers—l s a, atmats! qatint#oik of , ,inetinip4 .aiv..4i whoki elle in an itii Otani. Erin , Corp., Dirlslor4. BM* hde, and Rennent is awarded Its full share of credit and praliecabgitiiiitas)st march are earn . ftnly followed, OM battles and skirmishes 46- *nod wltethe eirldneas of actual partletpation. ar?il the sibine nairatiii iiiiiitiv—ifea by the Count= /ea Incidents, both sad am! Ink thfl, thrt ward in tnitTIONO It I.loztliplitlifet, [1144. aampalilin. The Trauma -1.!..i illustrated with irpleruild !nostril. tioas or tae most netatil fkettimaisi of the South. Wes; addd-aarerqnr preimrgd, midis . and diagram's Wes; or Gem 0..b.t. Poe, Chief Eartueer at the pow, The wp..nr. will rm. lava/mol t to an lob's hh, ...riesiliaiternor dikmotty In Sidi arnir. and its it'ree— ord of brilliant a ahlevaatenta Cr which every Ortirlea_ irn lfeel i ' Lrli , 4o4 * pride. It la aold by anhaniiplina only. Agents are wanted la every e4ALIttY elletilarth‘Atiltherdea.lo whom exam airs territory will: 'n en, and Inert! LlM:mo ments offered. For toll partiulars, ddress, O. a indardsatc Publiaber. - idD Broadwiy, new York. • • WholeettieAgyeee Gooda wilt Cad s very Call he ta d comak • stook at the nortbeas.t comer Fourth awl Dine. f ket streets.- ' , • : .4belllau In the Aljtauttil Interier. Ilibealceniere not congaed to They break out la our own interiors as well as In ho •-!hotrele-afthe -Rao naturat-/aw o tour - odlea l4 ebialthilmt we - Inhrtheari awl they' revolt. we subject them to exposure, we ova:teak them, wo overload the goo:lath, we neglect the bowels, we plunleord pf refottta hotter than the topics into an atmosphere below &erste: Dela; Lead in various otharways Ulna with oar heslth. gut these frames of ours are wonderful machines, - and We can, by the Dew of the EtIPPEILZIE.thiS, •no.IIVVIGOBATE and REGULATE them as to render them almest_preef against the orderda to which ; i neurreeklessness, we suldect them. rfathlig that bra ever been known or heard of as a tonle adds so much to the restateea power of the • 4alaeleVatenetuuler elenumatinees unfavorable to healttr:asaairrtews six:Waco., nrr rEas Ifyou would escapetbe InterMittant lesera fits oNdlljeAtion. )4110tUa attaeka, and bowel coat causes, hold danip erre the frequent with& ttrrnas -e _ a -pnorgotivE -NA?, ‘2.4!4a4Aerlie!itt•OuZiibut If 3 1. readitOSATIVE. can..invalbli try the.,:preparatlons a REIST debar - 04 e, full= relialee 40.1, IT--PtflefidOelllandtplellaYeL n Sold eve -iSandoy,dterrath.f/ablla-letb,+-:,:' ryw :} ,~; .; . • Pall and Whiter • Goode. • . .11 le with grist pliiiarve we 'e4ll the attention of . • gayreadera tel . the superb etneic dr nu mid crwo • : iVfooaliitigiciiiiiokesqirr. yoii&vreier, xcrereilic iWar Mr, LW Federal ,treat, Alleghen. Ale ,llNitlikdd'adaiotafiarele rare*: aliif Most ileac. • - i**C64.llMeree.cliarsoitlagtandyestuw, rissormrpoaasid)the western market.- His assort.: vtaekaibb-4-iiralkil4 Ilooda, Combining' d • .Dralrers, C ollar,, Nack4fes, riandkerchit Is, ao., ea:m.7_:,Pa icrassed !maw. west; Em art, stock torteellide- Pairs, °oafs, ireaie a nd Overcoats ; . Vital/air_ e fogad - arlirs eetstillelunent. Persons , - 4 WiStiatenyilitEgin the 010W:wane should not AU' ttrtlre_2llf. Wafers eau. - • Seasfdeandilieitktast ibastils, Ne F ,434 49&topeti.of on Lttomortkosit comer of • rotirtfriladrarket itroet.. 84xsOz Goya ec Bso , - Thorctiii "11 , ,, Parr , :di Op.. A'i= 4 .l ~..,Pniatloll,l shrto Rooteze, and Dealen in American ... • oilktiri, O {r,orArtorts.. union. Oalce At 41exandet 1.141414.4 :nail. the; Water Worlui,Pitubarsh. ''.,fa. 1ti40,,, , nce. No: la Pike wee:. Order"' Avolinus Jkitencleci. to, Aalliforir,Ora#inted orator ...ipront7Zirl-iiinition—O at the *hon.:tat notice. No , . ....___ . • —.. • " • ...arce"fdraelieliti,l t ir oricitaitslroor to &Malt not . ' abti,ted la out on. _ c' - ' Tne'nupuat tie auuchens described on a hl; Still Irtp. theitotoe tildth`thie With" canoe t unlemoi Eilt the teeth 41h lateni v r a e /1110111fful rtgflPe2el'elgohtlitee'r. ' Re Ik:ore:tut 'agents hi producing the fitecin talon • " 1b L ir ial. , aiti.. 3 .. ht SreP .` e4r*. hill , Which 'true &mune preparation /ea& Witte hresth, too lu ll de edoli, P legeqe9eAMendellefre +. l rhite teeth And a par? breLtiftl What heat . can rutin them . tiiits'.l hblic --- ;' ,' '' . ' carp! 0 a 8 op. unPam, tuvwx,,gt*rpa sip 4lee 91 4 1 reel Teem A ctus anky, / lirrete•otttired IV atZpl'or +Wiens . 43 4robblue tu La m tutpeo ter ttpp r at the bld deed, Mgt:LA/14,Sittreen Smithfield street sr Cherry ,A l 4. Chttp ialinited m mt.1 1 043114 , et thaa ta, , . _ ye/T.144u r lIRBST. , , 4.(ideifillin Brant, tfoxlr,--Tiici California gentiebsen' recently took a trip far ! enonalt ~, swung t hOfoot-htlls to find sadustrl onsly +=splayed In reatiing a ric h harvest of Frat,.=___shapPerE` The - maid, abort es drifts the • Insects at e laraa - boles, or pita, prepared to 17. calve Mona, %Idle tho femaies guarded Elie holes and PoUlldettabil'grasahOpPera down. ' Thu Y epailn ue 4 u ntil they had gathered 1046 two - bustils,'end'thett went to work-and cooked theta. This done, one of the gelitlerftetWoklea tho /adieus :: ln thn feast, and L avers'apon 'kb tabor that. thair ware Take! `a wit as ptlrched co,M,,iinaitatichletter than plate or ahrl; tuPs he atelatelyat Ban' Franium, in a fashionable CA/0447,10gPAlaille17 &net." r • . _ .. ! 4' X SOitisfa4'int' .; 'ra ut•re'to kmrk , pp,,,cmp 4 a 7, MO - tW fa'-Btl' leitile,!-Inites an essay o n Fikk. -Yale; 4ildiddrzamilt toibe local or thalaii" aro. lb complains,- among other things; of the boll4of-4bga, theeqUiliogutrzists. and the - 81022ag oCantyanf toalde;.-.Elo-fraYS'ar lbe'ji./at ..ter:., ...'""e (oftat;tina.tervan4 _Mag. ST old net cello aimaylng . 01:ill,- rulderttgindltba ,work_lha to.barc.lfulo dotaehod im p ly re a -*Mfg Valticron.trio 'Veda, •la almllk tturaw= 11Ag.,2, gm;szasce.:-; ..,,, ,„,,,, -_,-, , = watewell, Fab, Fab, Fah May tow- /I t" imit Takbro neuvu , Lin,,,,-- , 1 - .. 81,1-0143TraA r raa,tab,youyah, gaa-yaa, Parrisalatowittnaa data. . -1: 1 !.,..... , Fa, LI 1:::: , . ; I , r . _.. . .. . - , • - - ' i '''' ''. ' ' -4-------,--- - . - - .•_ Aitt i --- - 2, - '7 1 .2 "", . —_______ .. ''''. ASI ' N'• ' - e''. , el. 'l7 € . ,••• -i , . ai 4 .. f .cyT.:tX-...1:- 4.1 t,...• • :5...... ~..,. it 2. , , ,,, - . . ._ .a 7 - -4 41 ... ~. .... . . . .. .... ' - 2- :'' ' 4 ' :- f ~• '' T - i e. -. .!llTtivretTh , rir.........- _ • jai =ESE gT4`di participubrazi pa n C 7 Dßia ina l 0 ttuu_st.m. tglroGliy7armlP°:::nrtpothurof ponsj6s:a6itoae.---tisiTpzigerbdidvmaLierit:g:7,...r.,:t7mt.iseemetra23r:sipB:l;:aa:lll this panbuoil, stepi fdmeafrovoileemonthumelsprooormizpoinintute.othee. grab for marker_ .., come to spin It out over these enla Moree west iern railroads, and sloWsteaMboans4whichistrug, re up the Misalaaippl, It is a very different" thing frne7 NMI einMe state mud In kr agfna u benlakesittt, dam eopry, even' a good conecience to get on comfortably. I have Tidied several of the towns.anthe Lip: per hileaLsalppl. - I That, The town of Iltallais, twevy-live: udiell below St. Paul, This Is a very promising and nom/shiny toterlif some three or • four thousand inhatltants. Ob flardlllt 1121 Immense amount of wheat pouring Into the place from the aarrerunding farm, and informal of the' almost fated= mops the farmers are raising in '' this Mid= I concluded to spend a day In! driving ttdiough this t wheat district I found threshing In every dliextirmi The yield Is IMmenso. Some of the farmarsi ilositinaind My i naeftettithezdats- bag rely of argiesitotheacrece, Thamenne,reighlayfte :Atte= twenty -divoao thing Oushels-per , ncre- Alon' otnegOngehpa:of an oli welt Um . wilt ;equal a analkof.theero farms tar PPIUS biz diel-. , deeds. One Artier near the town of /Ludings - hair raised this —year theaty-five thonaand bnahels of wheat, end sixtousand betherectf which he has sold at lar per bushel, be.l aides raising eight thousand bushels of Oats; and three thousand bushels of Barley, on land which—he purchased at ten dollars per acro windh two, Year& , , There &Mill a, abundance oft h$ beak; Wheat ntritring, to be found In this vicinltg for sale at from lire to ten dollars per acre,":?:l•* el: It need to be a atanding wonder to me wharf alk.the grain censeaftom which Ls conmmed by the Immense POPulatlon of thh'greid cities bus Since spmodlitike few days In thus great finery , of he wok MY dilly wonder Is, where are ' ali ,' the months capable of consuming the immense I crop, which are Wet produced In thiCountry:, 1 wee very agreeably dtsappilinted In the ap pennsuce of the eIM of Bt. Paul. The improve. mehts of the plecetere a substantial and dam. ble appearance ,not to be found In any other, western town 'have visited. Two thirdi of the buildings are of stone of a auperior quality for building porpoises. The store houses are boils on the largest and best scale, and are well filled with almost eyery thing to be found lathe best' 'aete stocks of' - knot% In the Smoky Olty, al. though tho prices are higher in th is locality, The Private residences are built with great good taste, and on a scale of magelflceece and ex : penditure, Which Is altogether 81:Ilprislinl ICI II Pe/UZlwho W h ip this new country for the first ' time. I visited Port Snelling, which Is five miles Mom littalttiir i thßeArft c'ZlatPand several of the Indlottchletif who Imre leatitoln the great Ind Man Massiereof Woman and children le Min, nesota, a yearor t wo They are detazned at this poet awaiting sentence for their crimes.; but =ether the government will ever execute any mon:lol'th= is very doutt.fulpsoms thirty or forty of them having already been hanged tor their ! falla of blinnehaha. Thbr la the "laughing, water "--the falls, which are celebrated bY 1 Longfellow In his poem ofillawatha. It to Mit tiIAL 1011grellOW has sung thus oralaes of these ; Irate* else the world tride lame they now en.' joy would never hare been attained: - Thllrg la; a t' therfalle themselves; -red 'aboat 1 ,- the broad nionatanotta prairits, wttleh surronn th to compare for be.uty and picturesqfteu4rtheremneetnilintt: when yen' with'several falls, unknown to fame, which are within teeiles of Pittsburgh. Indeed you, may travel continent nee, andyea, will find nothot ineMaleaulithl In'the.heay of eetnierY. than that which abennee le Western Pennsyl vania. Minneapolis, the place from which I write, is situa tedt on the Mississipm river, ten miles above aul, and opposite thy Falls of St. , Anthony.- Isla • ver3' new piece, the countr. of which- it Is the countrseat, o n e haring been organized in 18(12. yet It Is one of the most earring and haelneaalike places I have yet =l th :tara! gontahts 'already a popnLetion . of some aye thousand Inhabitants. There le a' great som e replU , rowth. . 1 Pnlctlaz.i., ga.... ...:91:140g icy and nee panel-% houses ace in coteee or-bell:1k erected. I aril:pied th ere . ti 'no ' finer water power In the . gauntry than at this place- The principal use of this power as yet, is devoted to immense saw milli, Mid to be the largnagieni the continent, the united- capaeity of which is sufficient to tam out annually over seventy dept to feet of manufactured lum ber. 'An abundance of timber Is hronzht dowa from the pine regions of tae Upper Mississippi. The citizens of the place are malting great prep arationa for the AunualSate Fair; which ii to be held next week at this place. Rom e racing seems to be contemplated the principal item of attraction at the fair, if one Mal , judge from the prominence given lo this feature in the posters and advertisements which ere distributed along thd river. , Horace I:Freely la to deliver the an nual a(ltliws, as a sort or offset, / mops; to the 4 0 km-racing. Pram' this point Ipropose toro make a descent something upon Town, and will endear to seed - yen from that region. Renew' o .lLursoa Lovn _ TEE FROM FROM PHILADELPHIA. Colon Men , o Atonn th e slse--The Enemy Working y.. .- - Corertoondcrea af the Pittckiripl•aurtte. • • .. uk.uatton.r.Eaa., amt. 2 0th, 1805. timely anklet, . X observelrithe °cams of the 231 instant, a 15e Be complaining of the supineness of Pmblfeen ItricutlYe tee of hile, ghcny CoublY, as alftidtiag hi the apathy M;4:- log among oar political friends, canoed by att impression on their part that their Copperhead opponents aregnually litactills. - . Petrol& .Me to aestcrelytula all. earnestness, that the Demo cram, In their way, are straining every nerve to Demo roam the Oetnter election. In this city, Which, like Allegheny county, Is a Union stronghold, the opposition hold no public meetings, hot it has been discovered that p t b ey wait on their voters and urge them by personal appeals and i mportunities, to attend the polls le all their atrength. Warned In time, our political friends. here hale Inaugurated a aeries of out-door mass meetings, which, ft la hoped, will counteract the secret intrigues of the crafty Copperheads. In Berke, Montgoinery, Northampton, 'Pork, and other, counties, tho Democrats are holding pub lic meeting, almost daily, while In Allegheny, Chrster, Erie Lancet:ter and other Ithpablican districts, they are working on the sly, affecting indifferenc e as to the result, etc. Those or your readers who believe that the Cdpperheads of Al legteny county are as Indifferent as they Seem, will be astonished ow the second Tuesday of October, at the vote which they will poll on that day. Their leaders are urging their partizans In finch districts as they can control, to pelt their largestmaloritle.s, because:the regard it as of _the utmost importance that theyrrehels should .carry thefhato this year. The lows of Pearoryl tante to the. Union ,party.--rt result which can Only be briftiibt about by the criminal over-con fidence of our.political bleeds—Would be a dts ester to tip - cas e Wee harp so ninth_ at newt, -ln biatniftide, trtili'fbaribl ttroonteniplate: NOW li the' lime that the North' should 'present an nnbr d k en honk tdthe emeontes of the Thinln all .sectionag ~, Ulf Uttering 'at , ' Ulla' peilud fwenkhake,Joyfully balled ,7 :by , this • rebuts .44 . choir, , 11.77e2iltbkets, as , Urer , dawn Of _.c „reaction -14 :..fator- of. .slary , ants tta attendant harbirlsm.atukAfokt h undredootlof .no aVill the Pileiress eiCiffices of a glor ious battle-fields. Let Pennayiravi a declare for the pincipktrof4e.qta,Bnehattaticht:Pot.her. aturthe sieve -draw With alrhrs anti-War rnftlan. lam and Insolence, now slumbering, will again 'molt CS wits. 44 bangh tteneactions and un reasonable deMands Let such a result be pro claimed to the country, and pro-slavery Cop ptrhcarlienr. moor dead and. effete, will be fused with life, rend and willing to barteryisln of old, the hono. the fame and the humanity of the North, for ( trice and power. I trusttho,f;Willfe, .Magog 'Natio and trtle. will "Want the - Committees" and *tir tip the po. litical dry-bones to action. Unterr. ."---,--r-.---..,''-----,w' . Pnri intrzumSetit. 27:—It Is belayed` hero that the report about counterfeit fives oa the First National Bank:int. Waithington, and the First - National Bank of Indianapolis, Is a Ws. tate. The notes f-ointliurrirst National Bank of Trashing:On were..printcdfrom the drat plate engrityCketidtdmid,,thangerChaduit-been. sub. ecquently'inade, leads to the repeUtion ofa re. port which has frequently been pada before. PARDON or JETT. Davm.—Tho ladles of Ports. metal/ mallow tooakeniating fortkaaturne4 a galt.iod.-ale 'eased hin Deellturer.Wrew Johnson, President of tho United States, prey ing for the pardon and rnleatelroto condom:nen: of JetTersonakmitti-Pretideitti °taroC rederneY• The petition la cold to bola atemoon del of beauty in its diction.—Nofolk Day 800 / - .... . - ~•-!--;.---..,-...-• .„ k C . I -Ma: irestmarr," thecalefirated netional lifehr: lion, Is bully engaged at hie count reidence at Mani= lePort thorttertk volume s t ile great work.. Sir. thiberoff le now In Me 60th year, and enjoys excellent health. -- - . . - • LETTER FROM ESOII.- ! Tinvenng In the West—Tom on the 171.4 %thfindsalppi RlTer--Haareatli eat Region—Prtee of Lan gip ` St. rita_vort soel...ung=tous ebattim,Tolnn vrpoßtuultarou 'i. Wlterengets—rre-QnstintraLtnn her ntanalietarea—State Plr—Attrae.: tions—Horace Greeley, . . New Yank, Sept. 27.—Thirty-three 'of the crewof the ehlp Calhoun were arrianiicci to-day, charged by the Captain with intillay.." - It ap• penned from the 'complaint-that on leo 'let or PtnMbni, theta Was A . quarrel hetieen the mak sal enamor the crew- -. The boalstiale lin- I lrfrinti le Protect the cook. and elothressanit was Ma thehon them, Seeing the 'Axelrod OLEO of Joined b 'Wain% boatawain retreated aft where he was armed thy the second mate. The taro- ioeens enisel vett and came beek after wara rn lar the crew and fired several shots attiong them, which tcok fatal effect on two or threat:ll them. The Captain came out at Ohs ,Inactive and the erew at once dem ended that - the officers noel!! hit pat In irons or they word/ bang them, The Captain decopffee with their wishes • and Pawe them. On nearing this "p oi nt , the snortoo eat tho officers and plaeed• them le tho wheel-house, keeping tamed over them till they rind at this point. The crow. on th e i Liu band, tay thal they were mast foully used, and kept her of rations, and what they, did have wee badlybl cooked.' On, the day In question. theTr food at to eat and they trout to the cook coo' deinapded better. The. eOcile - ropiled UAL It wen Cnind enough for them. and assaulted one of them with a largo fork. Thetiontstrain here interfered and he was driven ont-.of the gaih y. The crew say that the iffineeityl s maw ended, batt. than-:the male and boatswain camel !them- es and fired right aniong,the passengers! Withehlt an d instant 'a warning. Exaspnrated al this; eadlearleg vinlencer at tie hands, they did insi st - :epon':'capitiring , And oshg! they: prie one. etp. till thillablp anived he re .re. The case win net down for examination for - Friday 'next, ..... Lriva Alundred Eraigrante. terfON, E1ept."137.-TIM areamer Boenbrae, from Liverpool. Sept. D. arrived hero to•day. b rit9l4%4lve havdred ezzagranw := • ; _~~~_. TE E W I EST NEWS rig i~ ~¢ , FA~B, Gold Discoveries Discoveries on Lake Superior .;:"t HOPELESSNESS OF THE MICH RIPUBLIO Letter'n —lite'LaPreiss.-:" Significant opectai Dupaten to the Pittabureb Gazette. Paccarummy. Septamher: Ha.' Tkeintistatpon. State Fab' °Need "mar fray. -Goiiinor Cailb la; Ari4etar there-MU e venkl.g. The exhibition will be at Ite height Og-'49l)nuir.. The gppapds t eprar Melva acres. tbele ding hall rhea t. an a di aided Into seven departments. The cattle ahoy doolrOot ietiriniiiditiiiiiiertnii mar fittiiitiv e . SLID WM occur to-day TIM MA i tPPIP! *Mat . 91141o al l c.3tfooes" I It Ia repaita.: to the !Weir Laud Office, that extenelve gold discovezies have been made bn 'tlie`tteithali du)* of tie *Oh end of Lake SaverforplkOolnekloslat of 3flooo so f 4 Anti Are attnietizir kr iisaielr at- The tentiord, 41 .• .4/ • I:lnied I'3 i:ea - Court fcift&; (sanria OrlfZetledaY • The Prru a letter from Washington, which relDwates tharteo hfeslcan Republic hopeless,. and.tholtopmiallsM ovozywhere are In the asctudath. The letter tending the follow- Jug ParailTiglawPkh gem 49, b o.alvaciant. coating from each a Bowie E . .!atit !net to-kil:area . Farlb,KLan• ity to give thin insulin Primes a inlr chance; wilt npeßnicittiMdZEl ratheripyoult by his enceinte than by contending Girl 'policy which 1y fo ' Ugh! the err. of civil nC'Mritt= and- 7 to, once more ace r 744 cauldron 'ie s lintteit ftihtknil botiteg - In - Maiden I American doctrinal , ,wN conquer and cover all that country, and whether France or Austria, ar anYofOhe foreign = Malay, occupies It for a dine, - this can onlite ?been Interval. barbaElementsrous thus discordant and dangerous In a State can never be educated and dia. Mpliiied unless they nee the Wiry emparfrinee and Intelligence thus attained by them to threw off the Yoke of illy otipiesriar, and to took' a bliber civillzailon for c ompanions/11P and RlP teciatroaiittc StatrpppFct _ LATEST ADVICE( FROM MEXICO. UttatiberalTartY enraged. _ . - - MIMS _IiiiPEOITD _TO VI ITIACIED, Present position pi" dffaire Nrw Tons, September 27 .—The Tribune has a letter Rom klatamoraa, dated August Slat. . , , Widths:mak' The euce rtes Must *May the three tinder .G=4E. S. Sobedo, . has emenenaged -the. /4 1 ...era1. -tarty to fresh aorta.. /Q4dgieitt' Canino le now a aced forester Ittnal 600 .Mem among thelitEs er SQ OfaCers t o /Live aerated In armlea. United States or hate Qmfedtraii:States ' A emend body of aline Sao haticired meals at idler. twenty-One Wm front Cammgo. and at Other points' totith of the place are bodice of from two hintdnad two huudred men. la all there Is a three of thOnsan lira hundred ready,for the next blow to bee trock at the enem - The nett move to be made will , be doivn the Rio Grande to attack this place, for It will be made before Information can reach the enemy, by a dashing attack A forma of 2,000 Leonid take this place, for some of the troops In It witl not light. The French In these parta donor number more than roam 1...%0 eel. Theyare posted In this way: ,liOne battalion of the legion Estranger° Is in ttzter ev_undrrert--r.--+,.. , -......... •.-..ke oreeoented rihee Is In the roads -. leading to the place undto. Capt. Ney. yid, handful of men could rot .rild,.Statarnores In 'case of all attack. The French gunboat Tartly:Le has ar rived off the Real, intlnowlim with the rest of the LANAI force under commend. of Capt. Collet. ' Another letter to the Trthatne, dated Sept, 7, fats the entire twee of the Libarais lyLug about the Sanguan River has bftta pat In Milt,iot: but th It plane, not known yet, nosy be to attatk this place at one° or to ea-:Lo is -tile State of New Coo, which Ilea ta b the West or this place. Corttmas, - after a good ;deal of In sub.edinathia, his been forced I °to tracee, 1 and is t IOW actinng as if In proper spirit I with the ti do aortae deed of nose, To day he Mooed from the left bank of the Rio Grande with his command, estimated at four handred to five hundred men and three ride gams, th ose delivered to hire some time ate by order of General Steels. I think an attack will be made upon this pled within three data, and - that if any other movement be Made, It will be lon'y a feint. In him the Liberals tu! hare this place. Its. toor.ey could refill the ar m ory chest and tt would be a river point of entry, from whist' 1 a small brume could be de.-ived from duties. As long as the French force lo the country is not greater, a , sort of war can be kept up by the Liberal - Goren:meat, for the extent of territory isno Tait that the enemy Cfla only ma taut points. andeannot epics men to t act in the field. The enemy then cannot put down the war for want of means, bet hope they can eep them together for a time, but not :a long time. It Lk likely the Liberals can hold out with same aid for twelve o r eighteen months, longer.. As long as the maid of Gov / ernment can be held the Government will eat -Ist; and there will be lost muse to m eihitte the ex war. It is safe for Some time to come; ants until the French can extend their pasta and send a column of 8 ,000 OT 8 ,000 gOOB trOOPS ligaitt6i IL, which they cannot do until they are reirifdreed from home. Com munication with the east of governinent b By no means easy. and can only be bad at Jong intervals. • It is sometime elate anythlog 1= been heard from Ctittualine,tmd the Generals In Command of the forces in ilia and contiguous Stake are in breorance of what Is going on at the capitol. If It to gate, It le also neaLly Clit Ofr, by the:na ture or the et:untry and the distance trona COM woe', ation WO the for& which General hie grette ought to direct, vtleh there are left to themselves, to act as they see fit. The sit:nation of the Liberal party is certainly very ethical, and I cannot help thinking th at ten thousand !stab troop. would destroy the last !miming° or this govern mew. This place Is In a stabs of some suspense at the coming at tack. but th e garrison under General bleJia Is on thc qui advs. • THE' ALLEGED MUTINY CASE, Ikamination Pastponod Till iridai. TWO SULNIE'S TO' TAW:RAO/IT. Wasmworrr, Be ld. 88.1.-- The . TIT Ity Idlitlag ,I o re ixu 2: ith c a - Isisarabled ta day. • 'nib isinnantranarCalannha ergs ntsriguid . . ..:E BIM YcetetdaPbar the deteseee, 4 ~. ..: H Gen.-Cobb .844 In 141 44,-4 1 ,8E1V111 OierSIIIIMIT'II , • hia apisentr at Andemorme, make ' - thsAtit the -rnmar lke attilbiderha tato by,the Wit- Judge -44Alletste. ChiPlaan oblected to UM qaestkm l'Orrettadilif Wale Mated, The objec.i Hon was caste/DM by the COUrt. .....,“ , The ~.yritnese then teiteltrid'ts,4le had heard ifferr.'o66b - make • apae.eb. the 44, or March, 1865. Be email not seuataely, relate what the Hamra/ Bala, but his address Magenore i tante Confederate-I:maps thaliltdOtheraaa Mare had been great disaffection In camp, an d OM men were eonstautly„4leserting. He Insisted/ that the soldiers Rhoda do their duty. , Question by Mr. BakM.-Dld out or not, -at Mat time, has Gent‘krbt make se of anylati- Waage. ledge Adneente Chipman here Interrup kti Mr. Baker , and tequnt .Ittat the question be red aced to which he did. writing. and thin the whams retire, - ' Mr. Baker —/ regard this mw/f as a per. ' eons! insult to me. tormaw • Col. Chipman replied that the 'tract:lce WWI I not the tmaanal, and that it %sins a greater !ankh for I commel to insist upon making Improper questions. Mr. Baker—The wltatemea dor, the Govern- , meat have day In aid day oar Been examined In the pre:sauce of one other. 'and now that these for the defence ar e'n be etramlned, the counsel are reqaeMed to reduce their questions to writins. and their witnesses are ordered to rettlm until this is done. /f tiffs isinsisted npoh -mart this court I must atop. The court, re ed Aft: Baker. took an unfair view of the subject, Thesietigeridracatedid • ot, ask him to put all hlreanstlontrln writing, h n at only this - Batter-1 haver made such • trequest when the wltnessos for th e government were under ex- ' antinaricm. • Col. Chlpmem—if you did' at do voar du t y, that Isline mum why I should not do aline. ' The Court to Mr. B aker—State what ' - Yon wrmt,l cats r rint Baker—l must rent: &tithe Judge Ada°. - The Conn ehe c tt r e don't want any epeltes. Let the room leared. Whenthe doors were re opened, the wltitala came le, , And the President niche Court read from D. E.Hars's Milltare LaW tOlhOWthilt Rl° Judge Mr:leak *Ur jUlStleed in the coated' he „ hatted bad taken,'A den when' the Yap Advocate ItnGelpated right t on *t a. leedltur Charade!; o retake that'll* question be - was seduced to wither writtarend,aubmittett to him. He retire e, right :kr satie roo_ro be be eared, or that th ng a wi that tnessth tempormuy ,' Mr. Baker—To; Oat. I have oo old W. 4103. Court --That sett/ea the point. . object to the witness beMr Baker—Bat 2 ton again emit away. Court --The witn m ess may be `gala returned and the questions itred kr uto writing, Ili' should be thought pr oleo do so. Mr. Baker—Before doing] so the Judge Advocate shonld hear any question that Is asked, to give notice that he will make tha re quest, Mr tte.oneattotte to ba reduced to In Iti ort, apclwithesses to "retire. The Judge Advocate may suggest It as a reatleman. The Court remarked that they would take care 'or their own honor and dignity. Mr. Baker—l do object tolty, sending our wit nessenawey. The Court—The querdlon la very welt enter!. Col. Chlpteac--I said Col. Fannin will please retina. Mr. Baker—l ask the same civility that I ex tend to you Col. Chipman—Rave I not done iti Mr. Baker—/ do not think so, although I know yaw heart le good In t sat respect. Mr. Baker ivaired big question. Col. Fannin was titan Amber examined with raferchce to at Aire at Anduace villa ears mowing letter addressed to him: OLD Genre!. Sanwa, Wametsozon, EepL 27, Star--Your communication • dated. th lat., In which lon state that the couthensel 26 for Wire stated p today in defence for hie giving money, &c ,to e prison er, ..to g e t thing to eat, that be maid not get at the ome. Old Capitol. those things he needed, intimating that he Was not wail cared for by nae,ll-ni requesting Me to repart Just at ho ran - elves. has bens re ceived. I have the honor to inform you that Cam. Woe Is treated in every respect as featly as Is consistent with Ms poeitlen and con formablycon- with my duties. lie is farniehed with a cot and bedding, ouch as are used to the United S am Medical Department, sad fur nisher' h squite r. If he chooses to eat the prison fare, be to furnished with the Dune rations allowed to soldiers of the United States army, with the additlon, four times a week, of the, principal fresh vegetables la the market. If unwsil, he is supplied with each diet as may Se prescribed by the Surgeon of the prison, which Is procured out of the prison fund. lie ie also permitted to procure such edibles as he may be able to purchase. Ile is also allowed any b e that moo oat procurei. The only restraint to which - ho Ls subjected is that p . acca.l upon his liberty, an such precau tions as will preclude his committing any lainry lohigoolf. I think it ffeary Wirz Is inter rogated, he will corroborate this statement.. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Ca D. O. WC3Ts ntata A N , and Mil. Sup% 0. C. P. To Cel. OLUMI. It will , be recollectrul that CoL Chipman .re • terday eallod attention to the fact, that atr. &bade, one of the counsel for the prisoner, had received two leave from Warr for delivery to his wife, sad had spoken of such proceedings as !Improper: Re to-day read to the court one 01 tin ea letters, es follows: OLD M y OArreoz. Zirsos, Sept al, 1565. Too Derr rest bare been hoping see on Sunday and also on yemerdar. God mall knows how I wish to so you. I have ono thing to ask of st r and do it !ram cdiately if ran man. Send Mr. ten dollars. It is for a certain purpo se. I eyed you an re:d ad to hint. Just put the mey In; env you wed elope di tot write; all that is required l e a to put a Stamp on it and send it off. 1 era somewhat Lope to ace you to-morrow better. I loom. R. h er to Mr. Schad° rennukect that lt Was true he took the letters from the primmer to be delivered to hie wife but he knew nottaktg of their contents. He certainly acted with the most Innocent ha- Wr tentlou. Thu coo— cowl Wan cleared for deliberation. Vilen the doors were re -peened, Maj. Geaera, Wallace, the Pr.:Alden( of the court, addressing Mr. Schad e, said h ) s conduct In the premises was fully mated by every member, bat thatcerisldering iOf the trial, and fearing that any further action ;soul! be &del meatal es drop.inkoaer, that had concluded to /et the at 'lam otthe op, Won," ho added, "that re now sulliclenty warned. talent, debt F ; ..Ffsatb, of the Third Ylrghtdo Jleseryea.-lestlded.that In thisubanner cif /dill. Capt. Wks was 4iiected to die. lie bad seen t hedefendat. take from a lot of fellow•prlsou, era one half the bonebt. vegetables Which- they bad' ' - , Di, Ceatent teslttledihat there was a gbod deal of complaint aietong the troops about In icent rations and inferiOr clothing and there wee O 0 diet salable for the etch. l i t bed never heard Of CtipL NS*. .a 3 o l treatlaz priaon• eta,' and kne*of no cue, Of nervation. emach twee end wasting away. There was mach complaint la North Carolina and elsewhere about impure. virus for vaccination. Colonel Pierson testified that he was first slant to A ndersonsille as commsodant of the post by General Winder, in Fetendry, 18d4. Captain Wire came In March,. The latterle Weal larders were framed by blineelf, but the general orders ca me/rout fiettoral Wieder. Captain Wire urged that the hospital be tomoved and of the stock ade, the. WILOCES Willa/WO to (lettere! Winder fur MI& to be done. The I mon:taloa -was that General Winder declined saying that he woeld not tarn the ti declined. of haring the hospital removed. 4.fterward General Winder gave - the ermission Cantata .. Wks protested - against crowelag any mere prisonern at Andersonyille. Genera Medic Drama" `the thita _ to bas in _ cloyed. with eas never saw Turneee, but bad seen Elarrhe ' dogs, • They. were emamon doge and were aometintes used . for catebleitialsnors.. -Wham:premed groat dis pleasure at the: zeanness of the itippileEr and the deficleney of the Qoartermaster's Depart meat. The whets& never keord otGapt.. Wks miring furloughs for sbOotlng Onion prisoners. If ouch bad Welt ann. ho would hire heard. of It. The ;sancta , as commander or the time, gave furloughs for under (even dans, bat all near that thne was granted,by Gen. Winder. II any extraordinary vioinneo Ilail, beori There by Whs. he would have beard of It. There was grket- dhl t eelly i JA .ohiehting itte4Per . for the Tie COntifiliskin thaintlfoigued,: - - inIit.IIIIMIRTABIAL. 'Tzsinolritair. 111157111111 AMID, Wire's Fare ID Old 'reidtei Prison: Lam PROM PRISONER WITS WAT ~•• ezrzazazvlzratgows Near Yoga, Sept. '27.—The ron,,, Washing ton special says the cabinet meeting to-day was rather brief, but more fully attmaded than has been the case fur six Wee past, al the Seen torY's being Present bat Harlan, who has Jus t left on a visit to Lima. F‘trteen Post offices were re - opened la the Into retell/one States to-day, ten of which are In South Caro/Ina, Including Abbeyvillo C. H. and Chester. South Carolina. David Atwater, the quarter ,Master's employee who purloined part of the Andersen vine records, has been aent to the Anbura, New York, State prison, for 15 montitn, by order of Mai. General Anger. ed t That Gelueral he Ilem!d". special says it Is cup -catty rtnsrt tional suc Ortega, who kill be the constitu months his cessornueceed of President Juarez, In a tew fed In effecting a very large loan for the Republican Governatent ID 31eXico, based on security of cond.neated property. ft IA well kll, an that In San Francisco several hue. deed thousand dollars have rem:tatty been sub scribed, and it la thought here that If' the toan w a s el P e lO Per m /7 AM before the pUbliC.lt world gain laln amount Since the rebel loan was negotiated openly hoth in Paris and London, neither the tresab or British Governments could object to a Mexican loan being taken in this country. The 51exican Reputi ll e want money rather mare than men. In Conformity with an act of July. 1382, the Commissioner of Pensions has appointed about 800 examining Burgeons for that bureau, who are HI located throughout the country that any applicant for pension on physical the need not go more than twenty miles at the farthest to receive a proper examination of his ailments. Tble list of surgeons is now being closed np stet to day there were appointed Joh n 8. 111.1yer. of flilieb./1”, ill.; T. T. Ailing, of N cagalll; James 11, Maxwell. lobrrt I . Culbertson, of Moseley' Greco, Ind.; J. L. Mlles, of Spencer, ltd.; W. G. Heather. ot T ompkinsville, N Y.; J. L. &ockdale, of Lexington, 4.; J. W. F. Parker, Somerset, Sio.; 8. Shook, of Lacteemo. Ma. and Wm. F. lireakey, of klichion. ' 8. Torii°. Mite, or the Nary Department, returned this evening from a tour of inspection to the marine hospitals of the east, west and southwest. He will prabab/y recommend the asle of all the hi:roles owned by the Caned States. the a bandOnmentof the present expen titre sri tem ell keeping up establishments, to which not lull( a dozen patients are sdramitted, and the contracting with established hoapitals for the treatment of all government pateggs. ' In the list of pasaangera lest by the Bristher Jon athenin few weeks ego,.thoneneeof Dr. A. G. Henry Ogared, as the newly appointed GJV. crier of Watibingtazi.Territot7. ' Under the ap prehenniowthalts.vamacy woe acuminated by Ma ;death, the atithorhies, lawe been , (taper tuned by Stoma - of persona for the .posieton. To end all expectralothi of-the kiadrit may be eta. fed thist_neltber 14. Henry. nor any one glee, hail bern lately appointed; that .Govering Picks. ering la 61111 Governor of Washington Territorf, and bide fair to remain do, and Qs a conaelnence no tramway Sable. • -. •' • i '''. .'- • ' - The prffnala's special anis: Francis Smith IN.; of Olittitafria, -Virginia, formerly' a' parz' tleipant In thq rebellion. having Mcelifed his pardon from the Preildent, 'delivered a bag and elaborate argument day before Judge Underwood. of the Unite dilltated COOrt of Vir ginia, endeaVorlng to.prOve his prisenf eliglbile ItY to PraCtICO/nar before any conil, in the Uni ted State, Without taking the ordinary oath prescribed by law, -to the effect that he bad never empathized with or .abiett the anemic' of the Uniteci'etates. Smitti'aatterta that he cannot conscientiously take the-prescribed oath. and argues penalt ies President has removed all the Nine and penalt of hit at:ostler. , Judge Chandler, Attorney General Bar. the State' velitlepiy to Mr- Ballth-to.morrorr, and will /teatime that each court should decide 113 ettlisl t.o;prack before ft, at theyiettink qinPerf dii...foGnedy ..,dLeloyet Muni of Virginia; telalnitwiltailsaction bad Wen taken :prevent's. tothe' .ftiSeldentie :erenesty ',Proireicnetion,fdr.; eibtentlen of".tbar, property. are ncrir,heying tb . 34 amb; 44, t kdOred . PO DPP/104110a ,to Vie. 66 44; end ettrpnying the costa incurred by.. ihs l ihninagadast :he Government. decided betroniezotrollen of the , Triesseivy, hal thou,order to entitle , aeldier4r when discharged . for wounds, to thet.whola ht their benntyi as. If they had served-one their ion tine as provided by seetion 4 or the act' of Marchlit, 15415, the Wonnd..br' wounds ..loy which •.111y avre discharged- muse werehainitaiourecolvddleriag the timebf embalm:nit, Which they wining out when dischew#4, A discharge yorvidu, bung ':dlatability,..or fora wound r eceiVC,4 In serviceunder 'a entirkies enlistment, does taw, Whig the toldler , rithin the Intent of the late. ; : 11 4z1,4 - edlnvàajon • •• • land's Means of Repression ...-..._ *Whir Yeas, September 97.,The Herald has* plithlin letter dated th e lath, which eaye the eamlterannt I inuced In IRMO by the O ralat!te °Fab inteadediwyaalo han aby armed ds llta #444s .llterimat 'della; citiaaj or the 4 17nIted Slates, Intesteides and °extends every daV. Mace truictosecdthnhaiyeeSseason In-the lest days.nratdiiind*peereeettensoLdugnet, iume Visited" the chief eentree of pollti• , ~ . _ ,„ , cal " mumnsatlon In the pry of _ . ._ .. Alen/ter and Coniutught arid Instituted inqulay asSoho peausitry naked be expected to and cooperate with trans• Atlantic laborers., O, the remit ontie isftsuiriu6i'convibus rot taitor.oro vniono4 to - dere and do a]k that ean of gallium:rapid:on, resolute , Itearta, .atal :4%44ehirth arms and iditory lovea e f in w 4 1 1 1 1; end 0 7 4 1 11 7 un do ti I' Alt 11l ttl . e an d l a :II ih/ 0 I l tZ " '- bOngantDciridahiP, commerce, an coo on wish the Alidted + , t/trons Mats; MO atreaurhold of 'knelt laduencearld toiteds,' I have-informs. "ilotilihttl, truittforthineureeti Thattl:dt,Presby reft nfiusdglituch Martha, PrOintianlaofas middle rank. do not regard this /Tadao: move- Mentitih.lll27l.4!nritte aleddentVOMULlthieh they OpoUllm,Unt4rof ale other ilhl fter 3 Irbich3 4fadi 'for Zeeland ,elnee the sulmeneed. themannteens 061..52. , • - ,The(thetr is hpeople - nre In; poeseasion of 1 no piattolestenttorktid a*natition,`the re •le no, watt, edthon,vh Meyer, rafted to con .them itt ;heel:meta/ergo of arras acm, state pros ecutions, and penal sentmome These Anne are itiltilehed by Englishmen lhelineelves, the Birmingham matosfaturen, who permit their love ot eozonerelal oda to override their purl cam Nightly &Mugs armace Dad ta of moot eaery.portkm Of chic Wand. , There 11 No mavens! turnout for such our mai; nuaagre the men tinder Inetzum at bons one time or tes-pcqi held Oxi ln places te DINA 50 ,ah0;n2 W. The mus ics me oet Inaccsemble to ,ce, with:n:2odr allvtmt being drameVered, awlsat few its were made. The drill fields ortke mon part In the neighborhood of the mountain reamer Tipperary, Seery or Limer ick, or in the broad plains of Kildare, Cork, Waterford, and Wexford. I have no - waste of ascertaining with any degree of accuracy the number of enrolled members rail la hg Wish branch Ofthe Fenian organleatlon, but as - far as I bare been informed they do not tall akertaf ene.handred and forty ' 01011 land. The willerthen enumerates Ragland% _gamins orrePreseloir: Dubli, Core, Tfr Limerick DeDast. Lendonderty and der points of the Mind are held by regular troops, mania, pollee or arillary, and a frigate of war 'with some gunboats hover from Darnley Bay, en the tomb -west ectaet, to the demist, *holes a t e mmnurY, on, the extreme west, and to .the Bay of Galway- The Britishla a: to force In Ireland might be eon. ugh tray, ;bum trooMf -of the line cavalry and infantry, 0,0(e), artillery, 2,- 500; veteran ray. 0 , 000 peesioners, 31,000; militia, 15,000 constabukry county pollee. 1,190 i-revenue 't rmed-and drilled. 2 ,200; total, 73,700. General Sir Hugh Rosa B. C. 23.. who suc ceeded Lord elydo as MU1C 116 2 12 e1 , 10-411er of the English army In India, has just taken command of the Dublin military district, It Is hoped no doubt he will be as 'eoccesahul in his treatment of the rezdansaa he InIS In Ids, care of the &pop'. It will interest the Fenian in America to tie know that the eubject of their movement has cred m.foritome,monthe before the (Sciatica of Sa- Cediege. In Some, and CO official letter just received rc bls in Dub bis lin stales that the directions to ah hope hops and clergy, from the fur EFather, are to let it alone, at least for the RC*CIIi. —._________..__........... 7 d 2I EZENG OF THE CABINET seiftporn Poefofilreek.fteopened. LOAN FOR THE lIEXICAN' REPUBLIC 14,,b10u wl+++uloolvuots ttirliallata. • —.. Marine Hospitals to be Abandoned THE RESTORATION OF CONFISCATED PROPERTY ~ ..---.. . . 1 , Formant:min, ',e.ezii, 27.--The barr.s and • it Okli bellibilng hi IX P. Wheeler's Hotel, at Washington Hollovr, were burned leet .night. The Duteheas County Fair had opened befo'n and many valuable horses tin day were In the stables, eighteen of which were buroed. iodating one team worth PIO), belonstag to James Kelley. Several persona &lent in the hare. Three boys are missing, ono known to have been burned to death: Another who escaped Mut badly burned. 111 says . that three were asleep when he got out. F -c1.70 .. ~ , Iftw Iola; Bert 2 7.— Th e St Lode - vialhneg Thad the Publlr ingattazio,kand E,aturlailiga Illackwell'a Wands, a ccompanied hy Cogunde alonem HO and Braman. : 1' . Thoateamehlo Eattoroo, ' , Moto arrived at this Tors tan ainordaer front Zaverpooi, /anther' over orn a tundra and en, daunts find litiott - War front - England, who ewe to seelreplay meat 'hi the great antzt*truhig Cies of the :New England - Mateo. , . TVLIWn X Oral, a merchant dcdng bnalnasn Ala. /0 iteekagan atrtlet e wag found drowned 'ha Iglght. Efts was Oat, Are /antacid. It ti Valoa dr4h434,ubMsy hy 'the gt. an .'of the ernm.ft-ot gocklgoldere la. the Hagen mate w e e " gnet before' th e emu, rot Appeals at ttorameioniewlikit com ttnenced rastentlay. /kgool npect tiro dlltoreat types's, _oner from Me rek atulAto other front the sa kitlaklal CUSCriet. . Tigethirernecoput °fibs 3,1 Markt desided ;ungulate at the maga' tenalaer - week dug strati i re are exempt trail' ''gtata taxattos 'alma I ute: caultal Is torttiod ' Err United /Rates Filiyafi. -re the alb' "dlitttlat,' on. th e -an/. - - - ' ___ . contr esvae heiguocaitissZninamil:to .4e sirt bed &dig Mum knottily, at the general term, thaelbitras intthe remtaam banks Aza, &mole. The peation Is one of greatjatportaam, and IldedW adreposs. 11 .to,knp bens by tIO 'Court at .3. ...p,i4 It will noribtroie- be aneW up to the d oprftoCoart of tbe United - States. -It is estiamteatillit the tax' abllltThf ' dity millions' ot property , ise these Meter tilbsvoired Is-the decision. 41 '' ' The Peg eiye: Tbe Metropolitan flr-eom- Tanks ste working with greatmbror in organ ising • new paid departmen in leas than one mouth, alum the Trh dai o f S ePtember, the Board has organteed nineteen lire comptedes under the paid Syttein, fourteen of the number beteg steam engine ortePselee. One eennPlnY, tbe Metropolitan No. 1, was organize:l pr onmy... bane of the engine companies have been provided with horses, and tw o .01 the hook and ladder com Panic s, and oPer ati °" °a the _new plan have fairly begun. The servlees of nearly all volunteer Bre comPaolcs hare been retained by the Commissioners' and the whole number of eaglets ameba dui, are forty-eight—ewers' more than the aveaage of the put year of the volunteer department.t Of ID now In working order thirty,tsi era steamers, only one of al/in posicsalonot_thed•- partenent being ont of service for repairs. • Care ful as Wit' has bee& taken this week. end it Is found the amnion of the form% as a whole, has never been so good, alare the recently ganized . and op:lipped companies are mare ea cleat than any of the companies! ever were Le. fora. IRGINIA CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDAIRS tlybpoken Avowal of Optaloa. JEFF. DAVIS MEETING PROHDISTED Bitivarone, Septeratuz 27.—Richmond end Frederlasburg papers of today are received. • The majority of the May odd 'candidates fol• Congress la In Virginia appear re markebly on spoken the avowal of their °Malan. Cor• dedolls; from the „Trade/Idaho/1' District, of whom there are three members, ObristLen, Donglats and Cueliti,.. addressed a meeting at Lancaster Court hottn. Mr. Quinlan discussed tbe qttestion of eligi bility. Bespoke of his - efforts In favor at the Onion as a • Bell' end EVerett - elector in 1861; °lke forestal of the evile of neeinho and di t nicei, ar.d of _ otkehe warning which be gave the iniiple. his devotion to Virginia; Of ifft,eendces in the Senate durtiiirthe war, and how h e ' l'd MI in hit Power to: suillAtu the State and Confederate Government. glaring the sinig gto through widelr - We had jest PaVsed• Be quoted to Constitntion of the Belted States to now ahat be was not disqualified by an= be bad done. He smoke of the test oaths by Congress In 1862 ens un constitutional, and thought It wptdd be repealed. Mr. great a Doughiss card be believed State Rights s,fundamental principle of nor Govern ment. declared- be was rut original secessionist, and showed.that secession Wan not the work of ron.:Vi;;Pb;fBtM; r o74 Zgiv=4,l% ileathen two-thirds Uni on he Union men to carry the S out I elite at the time they did. so Pokesf his eligibility and al:towed he stood °tithe me platform which all other candidates dld, ezhept Idr. Clittls. none of whom cotil6 t .ketbe test oath Curtis aert addressed the people; he had -al ways been a Democrat of the strictest red: be had always been opposed to the heresy of se cession, but. under instrumions of the people, had voted for its ratification; he voted at tbe polls omtlnet it, and had always opposed It since the rise of then ullification IQ South Carolina. A letter from Lynchburg l'a-,tiays : We are riquested by General Curtis to say that under general orders leant d at Richmond some time a,er, the meeting p - oposal to be held this morn ing to make arrangements for ur a pe tition to the President in behalf ge o tt f I ing nf. Davis, cannot be allcrwed. Wtsurvorotv, September 27.—A letter was re cently addressed by some of to citireas of Charlotteville, Virginia. to President Johnson, Prompted by the difficulties which surround them in relation to the approaching Congressional eection. They appeal to him for counsel and advice as to that rroper course. Being wholly uninformed as to whether the test oattia probably be repealed or modified so as to ad mit Southern members, they hare thought It possllle he might enlighten them. Their main purpose Is to pur4ne that enure which will be most likely to sustain him and tris poliq in the a dmliffstration of the GOv ernment. The Attorney General to whom the letter was referred, replied that he as instructed by the President to say that be h as -s no more means of knowing what Congress may do In re gard to the oath, about elleh they enquire, than any other citizen, but It is his earnest wish that loyal and true men, to whom no objection can be made, should be elected to Cougvess, This, Mr. Speed says la not an ( Aerial letter, bat elm, ply the esp.t__ __eastern of an Individ u al opiMon. THE SOUTH CAROLINA CUNTENT/ON ____ Emancipation and &peal of Sece slop Ratified. EVILS CIE9ED B 1 TUE LITE STRUGGLE fihn roar. Sept Ember 27,—Charlertoo Pere of the ?al ere received. pa— The followlek le the chase of the Conetitn• floe att adopted by the Convex: , llob. by a vote of 13 to 8: The eaves le South Carolina having been de fecto emancipated by the action of the United &lets, neither alavery nor Involuntary eri tude, except ea a punlehment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted. shall ever be re established in- State. An ordinance to repeal the ordlnanea of se cession wan then ratified. At the session on the Itld's vote Wu CaAell 011 the proposition to make the basis o rreroesentation -of the State rat enelet , the whole population, the of coloriand was rejected bye lar majority, leaving theuse as reported by th u s oammitto, nuking (ho white population alone a bus of r epresentation. - - A car iiiprindelit'ef -the Cberleston Cutzkr, writinfr froun'inmter says: The lion etrugule has nroplestionibly antled upon us and our posterity, • long train of evils. - We are p ew upon the Illteshold of Isparta] experience; which will be mulcted Into cOtning .years. The loss of the public records may bo yam' antongthe aim Impartible disasters. In this particular South Carolina has greatly coffered. The State records and papers of importance aro gne forever. Some of the districts, Clarenden for exempla. have bad the entire contents of their district offices destroyed. Titlea, deeds, wills, Judgment's and 'decrees hftve dit t appeared In the ow flames litiga Of *et, an h d h.* ;Duel/ cottituston, how mod tion, much of .PerPlesin barrasament, and perhaps of injustice and g ern' from' may uot all this Involve. ' Nati AIO' 'D STABLES DESTBOVED. EMMEN 4 4 1 UABLE. num RIM „ , one 807 Othell Holm to Doath and itaz4 o Probaoky. FAdoit;ll4hi*inDlE 'BIGCAND., Tatu - buto of sagonai;sa:hketaii9, rtzur pem EMI L DEZAtit -• - - .'-d'T:ei:d -' ''; 11;, etic. Eie Pt.. 2 t ,- iThi-Amek auxkifeClP" ... - tinges. to 1 eixhibit,a sironinmeaki Welk?, alusoinaldeltderesktuereaseefei 'tlitVitinkai. Ci ottrninents are tlfgleeted, litirtiOld.4lo,.,_'eteli'..l Steadily. The told letniekV6idattieltlf.nttg. ezeeln r"-FartlelL nitieli...imi.,re'LiWik: ..'l4-nrr e n_Thirties . shoirill i mprovement; pith 11 atoderate anahneen, each Rau 'being Me' bit tr.; fkale. vtOckti. are -more aeruve; Tirgatlatilmen stela 3ce better ; /Vorth Camila! dllearhantr lin` pitted 3dc.' Tbe,stoek market warlirm di thO argreet after One o'clock call, bit -thus linlyzfen e o , Movement in.laleiton. central, ._...._ _mredthettock lkontll2 to 11 - 5. alter w,reacang to 114.7. , ',-, i . . .ht i the second board, , the : minim, was some- Sag excited, and higher prices were,generally Masi Oa the Baths* liar, p aw l on la c igen Southern and Oeutral. Coal Stocks are Ws° la demand audbatur. Delays:wand and stei Canal stdd drl4o; dmierlean, 77X, . and Centlll;. *SI 3 f@d 1 3 , (..- At the . last-beard tier° was ',perfect nmb for stockvgatierally; pantie. nia dson- The , Old Southern, ,rittohanch and Hue marker wai Pt and kesedng. but:. firm an the brdak on tree itice of the list, with -4 riec of 3i vet cent.. on Hads3n and acted Plitsliergh. There wee a, large business' trans daring the sateen. • The renewin were thank:lathe. quotations at 4.33 p. tn. r New g reek Central, 053.,,;(495x, Erie,. 88 @i1314, 1 Odeon, 110 ®110,V,; Reading, 'L1_4,14,114%1 .Ittleldiran Central- /141g/145(; klich4an Sontheni: 70%"; Rock ilnd,MMOLtlit Northwestern, 23101 283 i; do preferred, 63 @liSS‘; Fort Warne, UM' lOW Plttebtrgh"4l,4®7334; .. The , f (Amyl was the Weems today at ' t he office of the IL t 3. Assistant Troupe= ..Total re.: Ceints, rt 411,835 G 9. Total DAYMIate.,- $1.3125t 570 50.- Balance, 870,894.6'a 'The retelAs Int elude for kustame,4l339,ooo; for gni:hunt ofloan 11112,W, The moan, market *moderately! activ,e, bit the supply was Iticreaied more rap. idly. than the demand. The general rate wpon coil on Is dye per ceut,and manr ofthabnakam conld not loan their paleness at Ws rate. afore commercial paper Is offering, and there ls leaf dlspogitket to discount. The rartgels'fronilre to eight and ten per cent. 'Tho rtunoraW a loan and contraCtion were, received. to-day on the street, but they ail short ore decided effect: In tnerstry goods trade UM &waiver' d move ment in domestic cotton. .labrica Imo -been am rested for LIM time being, and St anda rd turn/snow in Alter ortte seller/. Standard sheiltizig Live advanced mr le e m ' of do Sand Yd &mulls lowest price. Bleached Roods an prints are all up, but not so mach ' so ' so as lawn goals. Mini business Is doing at the improvement, bat -the demand Is from very active or general. The trade la now going tnrongh the :,uatial NU which invariably occurs betweenlerlyand late demand, - and a .Thrgelinsittersi -shwascy anticipated hs - Octobee. - There, is Still i very active trade Jo the bOClnittittShOe.httaindss. Price, are well sustained, end rule yery.bigh. The south:hie' taken an enormous- abietuit of Roods. and the demand from that glazier has been beyond ` the expeetgluns of. m ost ;he eon* nine." Itanuracturnra are eugg h n za id orders, and are laikely sold *bead of .p oft. '- In tordta realest mere IS IeSS dering. and prices are not Sinop to the highest pokii, at there is no prcesure to seff. The stock la Irght and the demand would Probably causes Kite in Prices. eVeciali9 In samonable and destrahle atyles of dress goods. The cced aide eon tinnes ec:ive, and the sup.: PIY Of Anthracite la not &mat to the demand. .rniaton la selling at SP Der ton, lad Beank"/ at $11,50g12. The miners have resumed .. work on the Delaware end Hudson_ Caul, anal the Delaware end Lackawanna uommuy's-proper ty, In the nandsot th e. Penney/rattle Cnapeorn. pani, will probably billow suit. The mingle were compelled to yield to the ta terms Of Om m les, and thwanwe !retired nothing to , the ~ The export movement continues lively, and dye more vessels tare been laid in . berth With in the .nast few days, the capanty of ' , bleb Is 1900 barrela Crude oil advanced :alloy to 071:f (40c. Receipcs at this paint Knee Januar} Ist are„824,003 barrels against 504,721 in - 1051. The experts from all the punts within the same , per rind are 14,017,520 gallons against 2 3,25 , 5,b29 in Inns, and 21,be1„ a? in 186.3. Tne Cotton movement math nes klrga.Mul 1300 bales arrived here within the past three daya. The hilchlgaa Central Railroad reed F 03,97 2; the third week In September $105,302; In 1804 F 03,972 ; Increase $16,430. Tne Rock 'steed direcwws to day declared a dividend of n ner cent. Sterling exchange quint and quoted at 109tgle2f. Gold chatted at 14 a,tijm14,1. The 6 per cent compound notes are in active demand and ste4i ily advancing. June notes are 10X; hip 1045.;; Augin t 1 0 4 , ; December t worth tiny,. 5 , ...- • _._.____________ From Washington. NEW roux, Sept. 27.—A Washl3,iton epees/ co the Berard says: HOE. T. C. Theaker, Coat- mlasloner of the Patent Bureau, has returned to the city after a brief vlalt to Ohio. Gov. Ramsey, o ft enota, Is In the city. liaps of the h showing the gratin' of public lands In aid of the railroads that traverse them, are now In pregreas of preparation at the General Laud Odle°, and It la understood they will be Incorporated In the annual report of the Land Departraent. It will be a marked. feature in the forthcoming work. The Work's special says: General , /Toward . Washitelegraphs from Lsnchburg, Va., that hale Pro. • ngton well on ills rnapection, and win -be In Washington in a feu days. Complatutreof the 11l treatment of the freedmen in lower Maryland have reached the Bureau, and am htradford'a attention celled to them. Slnea Saturday the President hae granted one hundred and' the pardons, princlpally ' vto persons wisoosmo tinder the *20,000 clause. • Toe t,erleal force at the Ereentbre Alentlon Is ery busily ennazed now In tasking ont war- razta ofpardon. for the list knit granted. No wore rt quialtlons condone to be issued from the Attorney General's olive. Sale of Vessels, at Brooklyn. Ncw run; Sept. 27 .—Thesale of Neva] ves sels Lie Brooklyn Navy Yard.took place at noon In the Brat naval - depot. . The vessels thembrooght tinnoaly good price; and soma of cold for more than the goverment paid eta The following vessels were sold: Geo. blot:tem:a; 7,500; Arthur, $11,800; 400 y $i 6 60 0 ; steamship Columbus, ~81..%.10; Rude. t 0 . 500; 'Fort Jaelmon.slooo; Sweet Briar, 011.401:11 Corarrodore HU, $10.000; Sltekokon. 8231,100; Daylight; 81.9.5D0, 1'6,800. Total amount of the sales PS7'B4O. Several vessels were withdrawn from thti Powder Itcroorcd fora Portnuonth. • FORT/lESS Mototon, Sept. 26.--I.lcder the dl. ral motto of Op Quartermaatr'a D epartmettt, the mo of 14wEct *moo sad ammunition, cote., prising ordnance norm., Iwo hundred ber-,- roe 'of- powder frOR Ilie a tore.hotiae, on the' witarres at Porte Va,, was h e- e - to-day, tcr relltftetbelnhabltanta Or the- aft,":i aka of the possibllgyof art eaptoefou. - . - ' ......-______,___ Ci Idiot Game. Boirrox.../39i.- 27,—The game between' the Atlantic Ortilt of ‘, Brookliti eta thee sarvard;$ arvard; unlrera lty the Doniteon,...(G: day le be protetme el 10,000 - specteldre. ' 4 4 6 ' Atlantic' teen IMerzy, but leaded: loeseir:. The fferfeidi elttedtlecly.- The aTottgwys. atlantke 03, tfarsofde 22. - ' • Death of ilon. IV. J. Duane. :411/.I7SIZPILIA.- meraMS•Ps teens announce death of ;the hton. W. J. Duane, aged eighty-41e pear& - Ile. ,wits Secre tarp of the TrdLaary ander Jac kson. ' atgnett his 'olllc4 rather than coneent' to Oa removal of the ',depositories from the 'United Statea Sauk. ' Gold. 0 ..; , , , . , .. NEW' rORK. September 27 . -- TheCastatas de, ward for gold c ootlooes'active, and the tireml='; nt , tends upward. Tbannetattonif tbla mooning: rangtd at 44 @kktf. • •Tee Rangftroo Able porn leg took out 0613 E1300,000 la gold...chiefly . Lt. i l barb ., TAO Ailla ..tron;Pown• mikes ;?,w4O ! .. . . . _. . „, . .. . , , Howell Co:. itepetted 'Aria-HO: •'''::', • 'New Yoga/. 8 t. 27.-4•Theilitit't tirasidag; ton speeffif am : It 13 i'ePOrtcd 14, Washlngton:,l that Howell Uobb has been of wrested on ids/lo tfaniclpati bgdatbe Andentontllbi.atroeltles. , ~.. Hgton liinyy Yard Com rd atattaanti .Wannzaaroar, 84rt. 97.--Cormandoro ,Dodford. recently 'comanding thefiNcirtlrlit: lantic Bquadzon.lina been naPoloWl,o9ll/xuad. ait of arblngion Nary Er.alizober !, or .CongiestADeid, -,1,- TAtrTolt, tpt..47.--ThO 'Wm.: tDte Boylee, tarmeil bar of Cons:til htt t; dlert eltraits m omsiged - - 04411 4,11k1DE65. AND 10881416,- :Brea. zuied, onttagea -and • - IP/smilax, Septeriber 27.—Bpfiliezi quitr ' p ond Itottsooreillm near Springfield hare do*. ,nterpdindts criminate rosbocoa -aid Anna' ors .. .., 0 -. ,„, . . _ . t a l t c 3 l ll 2 4 4 Wt laeallty. ThennesJ. :^rne,,Tan at ttli. holm obbed. azd,th litutnx.-atunged at.. Londe Station; on !the trkerigle atl•KointinkrroaiL .:Thavpinnaead la 10 8 03 1, 42 n =trait... Wert Dorsey eras :Enngel li ts tree and moo dragged on .fate kivniect 030 eyoiras torn trona tltortoeket. IViniiiiti Attilitin wag several, . beaten 11 the for same ttb robberni 4 he nut be of ,lirn bpd Ls t lici kneirn. a T t - tir belloind'Th at' Ilmver f 3r,ho - Vis ifi pitiibbin tit tfat tietik.t--,13 tbt ptamisliEß,s. Pjç BOOKS AND. ALBDICV, HMSOKE wotur HOY 60 Alp_ tO. 604114 L GIVEN 'Mix Cm 2l: iertd' filr s azittlogue, hjasox .. Tuei,day, Wednesilay,"Thunitai4rialst and ilattmlig; - " 1. - - "=" •II 0. . , ..` + 4'.::10 OCTOBE4:p, 6.„ 6 Ana ..:1865: t-- ',_ • , .: Pak 4174 111,11118 BILIDALLLSTIR! 1 ' l'ittatObis I , ' •E'• ' iroxpraisi.- ••• '.... -- k. ptiITLDIGITATiONi'-'4 •'': fl 7; :Ba- ‘ Ol / 1 1848101" pit ra 844;.rxigAttry . ...' „. ' ,11 . 1818 .1481;238... . • ........ . . ... . cliAltti.f..7,l4 w I , F,888F!88 .............. p . Reservid ,sents.a2sy beiBBBsllB4-44. ZIMEL011,3`8117811:1 51 • 911 E, 81 Wood 481*,.' olure. 1 VEbTauREM-------MlAtat ei: l 2a24wir.4„- ~. :AgESPfrtrLIT/enitrecgsVf+l4:7:2*F : burgh, 'swim held et rfc4l:l,PlZth str eetithfitr, ?, 444 freathe- slonsTor Dates & Big on wt.Th'e, - •', If&X-634af00/L OctobOr zs, et qtrott'olsiet. i, for tho purpose okeleglite =tom ortho estaih: ':: lesn'sad :for the' Impaction -or 027 ether nuts thAt tos7 be toughs before theac%.lfft'? Br orde: 0; Ute, zoard, iota , ._ . _____ ._._______..._ t'; , l -; • ,', ';. J. D. algaLtTatelnaila._' • 'll3.ditt ilep***Cii,g3tZ444-' importers 43f Genic: l :ll'mi And Ensll42'avg,... up' Filmy flood', Maas flpesAleate, -12 Wholesale dealer Pomeses jr47arireleS-7 Z • le2alnule.o • •- • • 11 11 . 10141.9. t., aosio;ao.'iaikto&it4thi4i , Br' tilirk =-BilialkibM4lLS aiielaiii i it fritirerair ranteleitTnnu to MarVhaelzinati Conneoea ; Beedril-eiblierintlire Ski nonitnittlti in RanertifeemeoretterigM*4 iintibr six menomer enema Stetlon. Oa 4 . l lerentady mid gegetield lianrosis Davy -Yu label. hung .lidV , Rene r 441 diaAgokbill.knnWtra_. tie all mem Itlseeket._ Us ; was lett tor dad and la WILLI? a gammons tondttion. Wm. H. Maas wsrmrantor tromersztuit, butoi ard pearl, krntai: - ,,Ma: gOn IticalellairCatirlied. 'Thomas Z: keno, aror the etetnil seat, was ktnafttrr theiame-0141.1 Fhese 1n0... thos an an trnian men. -.a _ . a tza A shooarilettray Oecusre,iat.!Ettlibice. -re Teem% between 3 ref:Thania;': (Btates candidaltd, 1•..-Llentenentr6overtgeelL eine pus] Ilk% 4nam_ intrimleti , er., Both who eroanded, burney.,.-4LeDhawrits, leaking a ePetetwastAntener4euumta abOet this solcllern eaunengtheaairtukre.2. - Ztr, A" . .er.f-; , 4:e as . tom Galiambnalra=lowilLhat Trearer odlierhaa to el JO 70,,,,IToginf',,__ Mersey; hood l nrit et State," 1b t 41 7 °filth Mat airtroe,,. the , - am hundred ISA tatreigio..,m4f.jancen , dredth ctcOms;ga notes. stones .433,1-eoia,.lmlng the whole aroma CVOs' thestakAr VD* 'as Se a l e th Adi_corelhe &ate. vontrollareL artai& Aroarareeor Statfrand also :tempted tar Metreritnigemettat eit neatuittes de- Posited he the Rataltury 'by Mr liainant ate* banker ot thet3wo„and arie.Antonuaaa-ot want elm:dation ar e - saki , banks remaiing in Ma tto Treasury. as Ino/na' by_theinnatedt a lb. Auditor Geocraluflitegammi-vanhoger °rut 'Them, ILI ZZI:t. . • - •^1 ~ - f '-•,, - n. -- -.,-, -i.--.1.1^,A: smlnnot,Fesitymr, fittorm_ • ...3 . ,_ - 4 ,1 Ohrueo Dicently,tit_/Llteim—e;igeorgra Ti.o doveruk.`tatal# EV .3°' r '"uter 'IV sexy-lee thee -sot called oat - totr, me ... 2 . 1 , 47, .refased _sieettne when e deapergoseousuannteedortnr.sejheteo killlaz otnaand 7 wundnkirla4., i2lair. hemmer a' - et-the t e atil T, lddlanlr,'' will three mama; &welted them no eatilksseramoid mom In their holm. The tag math With - eh xi sonksaud e a determined Iliht,: - . high", cit theetuseiev bat restatiageren , .raitew in them:teeth ot tbeVnole 'roam aina.nt.- , ' i•;-= .1- , , , 1 , a thrime eragoly- se emzed 'a t' *lanai; Pileconalm. ma ilo aday. Dr. Raines, a , vent. elan of that place, thot his Aughter, kno , Ms wife down with revolant,_intonat mortal wcrand, 'What Latest. The cause CU Eta- throat'wnh. a , of tus-serribie,teavq-, • •ctirEgn mr. Sivtembei* tiniie;ldent. a, siii4“ by Mai Bo►erehd Gitimuf; 'l9,TCH.OXitSriati• RGlTN.ofraterldwiEtwercantt /"'44;14 ' MUM billßßAX,of.Pll,lstamt 1' •: : ••• : • GREAT BM:IAZI3. PLEGE s . :r..:10 :!t !ct • i r Ptill a; 1 •,i 1,:: , .. r ; , • : - :.:f -:....i - . ,rr ;,: ,!..,'..,:,, 0!..1.17,1 7f •• !SPoooltiroltt gallt = • -f ZP..37•7:7: Bog Youths' ;and A:treat HIP Boni -8 Bourcurr a Concert Hall ShoeStorq; Ana they are new selling the acme tor Lees the* hall the mire asked for the sans class orenadd • elsewhere. tallearly and get • targaln. [ooai sessonable gixals, and warranted sad repairedFreet and eted NO. 60 FIFTH 181241: lIMEMB AT THE BOOK PUBLIBBBBiT' PRIISEWIATION: Dapozi:'T... e T ~ yj ~ l %: ~i'3 aft:!1,1): - ) 7 I ENE 1 ) - I i 1 j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers