" .~~~ 4 ` 4-0. 40441E4,4;4 a' • - A •-1 . ,• 1 ' A" a %sr ,-,..G U 1 M t E t r - killeritill m rimi : iota iii ins.l ~.1 . —. l . ~ , l ltjammtp .7 1 --- -, - irrimi. Itmess.... Ma n 2 MIL.' • ..... Ma la jaa p far.frium....-..21M a sso pm PISSISibIatiaILISSO sr ta po. Ewen,. 4= p m IMIUMOMEttpho lapp Eck la. '4.. No pm falla. Zona- WO a m abastewnatia UM p m JalmsVa meem.10736 a. Eli r sintuttuaLitsosat Wi4U: , 4lEldr4.llliiii f., sv-e . - tf • *U.les.s r, 4•1_,•)5....Ar.'".., Ma WM Ss a 1110 pm Id a a lab AM.; ~., , -g, AAP tt/S - ,,, 4 W 7' " ' *S ..014.1ix0 Eon lakkoschi.-= am Pawdlillgitailie AtoslearretipmUM -4 16116 1rmla bavesPittabousa Ku t itt itarr - A, Fort We t yne And Chicago.. —r em gp 'iii:.,...;.".ll'l•Stra lar.'.. - ..,: *el RAD ;:..'....'. ihrtipta =T ....— . l iar W ai1......" : gro il.: IL CilidiaTiall. spa rassdes i riti n im2 iradiltsca •stizts. 4 r4sl):;:a., - .. -ato. :MIS Lp 1 New -01 MM, 1.60 11 ‘.4.F ata ,* ij , 11 ,-- • , 16,.."..14%.: , • ,:- L....- r e freleirelat add Meath* - 4•74..1 4 0 (111 M Eapresea.arbra alas= ^. p:...WMOrasie.....ilftil P irt „.„ . P.M 1 2 1 3 W.... mats ofoorwiwAr.4o 1.9401 , 111. K . ,. ., Y. IS 'AO !. 1!1 Mayes Alleghent _4? -, 0" 1** ,, -, r•-• t— fr - tr ,s, , • , _- • 4 , s v,, : -h4i• "-, Anima .31 4 .4.. •...!..... 6.10 p Es •,- x."-Ilmspla , .101:0 am .: ZS 1140 la. Platliviant 030 a m f• 24 - , _i___ a,...,. m sd _ ....A:01p m ma =w ..-. a IA titilidisokw-edixa Eft p unz. i raiteglim VaUry.llattnatU/ -• , q.i. • Arran. &Am 1306 WM hap_p . /20 a M 7.90 p pa_ iLaanalaaadaMelhaa pm iimoMMO4OIOIIII3IOIM . arra.9l9llrilftriatitllif .rZtineti CUqlrSatiitiM .TF The establishment bearing the shave tubs is 40014.4.4017.111e4OnlettitPikezzia MUMMA Ilks,ead Walnut streets. It !ea establlaitih'bi F unler iame ...ands:4ll;ot Mackintoilipteltiptilll & Co. The hMlilingar have a front of WO fettles Pike mid 411lata .strects, and -2to oic gnu and Walnut streets, and' 03 &IC on OValnut street, The druslneit4Plheitimiltrilteriumufacture 'of eta 4lonarfatd-nt ermgmaa;rdllag.millcs6inga, and machinery of.ailltlzultrolulgemeral Jobbers. The--machine skim and blacksmith shops are dailteedit the 'of Oltera•and Pike - 'streets. Ind art. ,Witil • "worth •it Visit from wok cely the a:wanner, • Mt, the latZBll. The altering tisedtbr driving", be, machinery consist ailf•tifewetigitini; atte*:a nhlaind one a toile& ;oder,: ad.)inehre, - . steak& ' The - -Agetleie; are Pta~t to tiptoe_ magneto of Batt tassourye andtartrln , tha ba t=ibri On thaliret dor ;11toloet the ate; , obJeet jithrite4l2the, aletherettiathed enincrn.. , ltiese st s are geak. atalutaTters}'lttffintudrts; ender* II ishednd '..ModAeCtlesTrolelly Works. = ,- Derleg the re-' = tellkistAhley {haw' flubbed about' 4.06'0f theft 13tr i. ',...; „ - IdSlC.ltsittltitent,triiiii to to UT. IbtitAnPartinnat:;geiritnlns twervela7l,7lge * germs, flee drills, besides , other , Maeldnery .venteseiryttemi enettelm astablhiblunittl , TM , ' ofthile.,lnthe* mmaapp he esta .trOm-.tluk that tinisbed sip ' a staft , thltWealnie feet In length The hamar; which they have jed e turned In thelr lathe a•tr,ft thet,ld - iltereeter set. Vrelgia4ltaftetas.tens:' `:They lath wedges -4 pair of rope;;. thlrteen-tena'essb. ten feet Wig: alta Altirty.thchca lndlametaa :, This firm are at preeent engaged lathe mam 'Macrae ofernii,of thelluest engineemmindlt In thla may -- 11t:fe= Weeded for thraltenitenl, Arseaslienkedll Janis= OWL The bed-plate: itseit.-now bn .flur. lathori-weighs eight and Or; half tong. 7 t , ThlalmetentoS =tingles dreltedit great deal idstolSaltal and visitors acre curious , to intow why wae , °placed In ltor-titrusengina , Notting Poitithin. - ,:Kelosa inspectionrerfillead you to dist:free a smelt- tool, whieltAtlimel -the face of thoplittklentictl9 tinet_..Ttle Wins _ enamel sufnelentltiadvatieedto,athiniv to es to write a dercrlptlonaf but to-lege hum the rough casting it will he a very handsome affair: Colonel Crom has instructed the firm to take- their time and torn out an A No.l Job, and 'them Is= doubt but.that they will do it..,. • • • In the 4stoektre noticektrutkineit put kingthatinlshliii Mathes upon fine machinery. daemail placer wee as IfigkiftTeh itlizused our attention. rt was so arranged as to feed for a threirinehor glee foot pile& The paters shop is also °titbit floor. In the rear of the =thins okapis tbe - blsamnith shop. Paulen from the. machltmehopeAo.tbAnorner of Pike and Walnut streets, we come to the Cone dry. This &pertinent:hake cupola, Minable of fuzing ten tons of meal, and au air farnace ca pable of !hying fourteen 'Una. Among other le eattlngs, we .noticad a milky, twelve fret - large And - trOghlag; tour tons, ittitongh CMytiirin cast Several much heavier. The greatest lucomenleaca• from which. this • firm at present stiffens is a want, of eanclent ram. If tbeji fickitire the-mama. they coptemplatc maing extengire additions to theft already lure establishment. They are now wade& dilly-force of eighty men. The es _ Mblisitment vilized - WrinS,ooo; dad it urns oat yearly $290,000 worth of finishedworn.' Tfiar realities for shipmint are excellent. hay irg the Allegheny Railroad right et the floor, by which their manufuctures can be trans ferre t to eklerlini Palma' or; Western trains. We invite the fittention - W peredne in need of. machinery of any kind, to tha r facititti of this drm. • • • .-1,4 Anotlicv,Sob4cry. yorlzday tetuming,bettene three• end five •c7Pelack, a robbery irei , coral:l2l*d et the branch 'olelaing staid uf7obir D. fimmilel, neifflY o PP7- , sitethenew-Dnion Depot, pa Lthertyattiot;'end a gtnntiltfof goods to the value of About $2OO ' 'The thieves"eifeCted an 'entrance by cutting eatokt through the brick wall as the ' barkendof;thentore. , boy' whet rhea 'with his mother In the basement of 's home adlobt.' lug, hearing the. case ; oecasioned .by , cutting •throughthe wall.. hoisted , the. iitteloW of his `room, and Bairn man retreating behind a wag on. A Aniti- , itelen clothing;eorisistallot four black wily of an inferior. geuslity„tha thiavat ovidently being= judges Of flue' ogehi., in' the .elark. , ..Ansong the erUel stolen ywers:several - -attleiefs;vue , dozen hamdker ,Phleffi*Vtkilcsank a.allver Watski threeleath• crutches and alarge portfollO. The thletes Sun entered the , ear:twill: 4 i the en of cutting through the floor, but aback.; cloned this method In favor of the other. They evidca,ilkfolarnot have been In the gore 'longer than tenininufeal ItlErbelfeved they ap• Ipareled themselves In new anile of clotiles, as on kranking,thefr.exit they lined the opening of the osltheaveral overalls to keep theirelothing from being soiled. A number of fine artlelee °floods, of a better descripthm than any that had been taken, were scattered over the floor, as it having,hosinrelbelcd:MKthleves were doubt able of tife`..neallfwee persuasion, and bad SdOPted this method of getting good clothes to replsce their old,opea.. The s pollee have been In formed of the circumstances, and It ts,hoped the rascals may Set be arrested. The`Slicked- , btetatfdieasVeissnitig taii. - The Brownsville CUpper of yesterday, says: We oksenre Ist•thnlklon g hity-evening .lilisAnren "Varetti - ute r ni itEChriurof thi arctimsiniceef it leading the death; In this borough, of Leonard McCandles, who, the Cia.,:rtie suspects, from rep yeses teams made by certain retrains hf the de assfediaranitokoried I:TV'S:mother: . 4134eaAkei' Ciadruis, itvn ivlthlts brother Leon srd, and now lying sick of dysentery In Union town, , - We-heard tioMiliji - a - tite ' faCttidetalled by the Vaalit, until we saw them In that paper, on TuertisSmccning Itarbritlestice toatata, theE Br.Yackdee, one ,PDA9KIIt isended , Icionictwi. be. hiSlistsicks'ese,lignolMifitiencttjk the Usk of these suspicions, and we Mimi been that Dr. bifferty; cabautring • physician,' siithrmil ilt oplnlonlOtt - Dr:"lnek - sou.-,lreweverr the intreir tirralon protianeilr'hrthe'aMittewillidomtilutriat, std should even be courted by the suspected rt,l,7,lf..haTe Ineceilit,r If net:inuonost, umentientiOnstllnsiesslnemtly nreparmus bag to the conviction ntthefietilty. we shell -give our rendera'.sexhormek, the reedit of the -4. 1 - movement row on toot, to ascertain the truth or Lasky oL.thc coclentsfren„ .- -• -•;:lnitact Court. Before Judge Willlanyt... In thsease of John isiely t adn'r of the .e.statu. of r estate of L A my,,,,c,farma lima& mmmtam vimtbm wm. 8 Laval, was Itaolvent. ts , -t. tient apeoidti, the jury returned a verdict 4 • the told deed .Itett insiolveut on the 7th day ►pzUc/8 59 ; - On the 18th.day of February. I- 44.11 - 111e.titne ofhie death,. tent. 18,7863,` •4- that boxes Insolvent on and after the 7th - Apti. 1859. & SonVerthrt-lk&plitlntift tor 1151.9 fits. .X,,.Corin r el‘Tß. $. Will , -4. Deseia. -.;.etttest PlOnalte rll 7 nOO ,, -*Pbrica "deatidintillitttlUtte U...3rac a _l=m, , 'Ver. • __ina for the plaintiff In thostuutet PAW: Ltiaor &Unger/Wig Ritprj yef terday made Information btronferaermagEtraw.. agalaet Dominos .Camii=wiallraqrlakeY havel:on Cherry . o CaC,alla , charcb,, for selliagitgaat w l thoutileitaso..Cwey • wan arrested, and artaKa hearlag coagalttad 4e.tanlt. Of Ina tEI iieSt MU oT tho aaact,;l 1 I. e==is; ~,~ -w--_ ;qll and Unprovoked .liisauit. A moss somdesous and =provoked monde was astilltrocidst` 'o'clock lestetday '1134117114"1-74k°,113*.4 kit FIN, , t4 theVialej*et, nea r-gates on stke t tt i F I4 K9n I sbAPPI Ow pareon .1/.lenlan I Ottlibrilazig, l o,s l lSAA ;PAL' meat:" If - kipEars' ibialtaikrin wbgiwas ca tor PkWadltlang astrahs anollidarti stepped' Ai donna and get ajttilicitnla: kraaltempls lettnitObr .4" nada glaKegatts lot Nsiiials. .71.03i4tai lasi kin Airalmea;sea. odglna- W . alaint - the dada, Biallivan distAille elekeistiot fresh; mbar; BiTh. itiefeed 'i I broomstick and-best blm_ylolently, Waking the allassmy bla headf.:ll4,6Wespia-clhiln came : Wand Pres=4 l 4ll/141 Alakorlrtink. dealt' Plot *totedetettehlatopos:the Imadanoaft : Ilw senseless. peahen dragzed him oat Wee MAI_ _ Se the*Mthilist; ishittieto !ak.bliclito# 40 411 /N1::` .. 1 ,.. ,_... . ~ j- ,:.: - darts? Mean, is bliasmltili, suis,eamieso *SOT and mad a talhamattoa berate - Aldermen •Strals..eharglng.elllesplevdtli isesedkindi hat. tat". with Intent to kilL'lt wae.beliered that the tan wori fatally liiinseit, and Alderman Wain kepalred-to the gam kir the =Pose af -smelt" Mg ids dying - ~h 10n.., , lie. (cared Wino lying In the - blaekadthkkoP r in a TerY igw V o o r sibii aid hinisollmelyinsmourair Dr. litob -0, of Lonzn.4gleawhiS after StOttatataathemehlt Works. expressed the opinion that =book* eadaosiberwere nor Mould ' The -man's'iasid: log okilbt 1 onenderaly.' , Itioni'lrar no - tipt• peasanna at bmadorideb mildittred the 1141mlof more swot* than inhere 04 be car:anik a coniestketallte =do stAghtvemltt, 'Them. ' den= to the meandmesut, Mr. and KW (In. feepfetuader thereastodf t a kinialier or gOtag 1, wen wk.. bad accomps4 tam, theliketh nalll the =id tiiidellisita IWO hands ou it C , a rllerhat - konii =MOM • i tko ehtli *lll elltitift -- titlY Unfit 11 /' i getting behind 10: 01 : 412 *Cm4fie ;16: • kris:6lllesole alio rishiled to OYU UP . ' ken Vans OVUtir brow:Wa g • , .bet . they awe tam hpnp,her.. MettauFT brought ' the two patties ed Aiderteid - Sketles 'Otte, 'Who held' theseAschlmsl4ool3lllors Insedelk et three o!elbelstbla afterootou , -+,, + •,- , , '--"' etdmiaition by theinezame`*ul)iff ; Nbiglna, • - The ideddrilltdi Ptsbinti lea'A Plibon‘in e ;Railroad, smiling the-Ileum:idle* and heading froze thence sena Carson street, lima iPitusisiugh, was completed yesterday. A. large (concourse of;citizens spatial at 'either =Vat the bridge to witness the test, which , came oft . IYeSierdoir oftsit as Per anuottucemea- Th e eifteera of the road, who were present s =pressed 'much delight at the talbffsennyteratit. Aloes. 'motive with two wager can attached, arrived from Steubeavllte at bur O'clock, run by theca glneer who first crossed the railroad bridge at Steubenville, and who has been engineer ea the fast expreels of the Pennsylvania Railroad for three, years. Shortly alter Nur the train wee run across the south end of the bridge 'panning Carson street. to the tWrd pier from the river abutment, but the track being no ftutherfn readiness, a delay of a couple of hours was occasioned befarothe entire crossing could be effected. About six &clock the train sped on ita, way aeress the bridge to the tenth exul, at the ordinary speed of bridge travel, 11/14. its suc cess was attested by the enthusiaatio applause bf those who gathered to witness the teat. ThElnidger seems to be a most durable 'trite' tare. The tipper frame of the channel epan is Tad 1121 Ornament to it. while in general sp s:airanna the trzhigowill compare favorably with env structure of a similar kind in the United States. Rs length and its gracebil curve acrou the streets and boner-tripe env thrivingadinnei, BM& Pittsburgh. present a view which menet be inirpassed for picturesque , , Vrrreirc • Tonernii.-4ndeng from the' manner which the therdin 'edged nightlyote . . should egr that onr,people are perteetlyinfatent. bed with Ude new pleee of Kiss leins' Emote& 'land upon the gtagetrthe most artistic man• net, with , every pert welt stistalmid,' Carrying With it • Moral tonalseldOm exhibited to theat rical represestiations. we cannot wonder that It loinlnues to draw, and os only wait our profound regret thtt. Miss Mfietraa'at,e a 11 Cl=the possibility of a longer wetly than night. In thin Let age. when diralps. tier is Almost c o nsi dered an actompllsitment, I great lesson te to' be lamed from - dramas reptesentaticms of this kind. Let me tinankard or Wailingly tint once eettit, and errf that It is not alatte-deLinention Of his elm day we. It Olathe Itcgtowlng 'colorrthe Misery to which the Intbriate'pfamlly canoe.tin:lllo46nd then points out the way of escape. Mks Keene& act? Mg is true to nature. hat-every man take his family to see this great piece. There will be but cue more representation of IL Om= Efousa.—The flue drama of ^East Lynne"la eaJoying an excellent "ran" at the the. Opera -licmae. lilts Suean Benin was iglu greeted tact night by a full house, and fel ly Retained her acknowledged reputation as an actress of much merit. The play will be repeat. td. A fame will be added to the entertahunant Chia evening, elohled "Sketches In India," to which Miss Denim will appear as Bally Scragipt. Before Judges Mellon and Sterrict, In the ease of Wm. C. Robinson vs. The Ar desco 011 Company, action (or debt, a verdict was rendered for plaintiff In the sum of t 3,843 43 Robert and Eineline Brown vs. John Smith. This action was brought to ronover the value of a barge and buggy belonging to Mrs. Macßae Brown, which her husband had sold to John Smith. A verdict was rendered for plaintiff la the aura of 11.50. Lc-wit. Flank vs. Moritz Streng. This W a feigned lime to try the right of defendant to certain pods, property levied on In defendant's name by the Sheriff. It appearing to the court that after the jury had retired, three of the Jurors had alaserted themselves, the remainder of the jury were called and discharged. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Fitzgerald, reeldeats of the liinth Ward, were charged before Mayor I.st;i'y yesterday:with disorderly conduct onoath of d. B. Irvin. From the testimony offered, it ap pears. that they are anything but quiet and peaceably disposed neighbors. A number of wit °eases testified that Patrickand Ids wile were a nuisance in the row ; that they were an the time dghtlng and quarreling with their neighbors— toaklng endffusiou In tile des' time. and at night keeping up each 4 noire that it wan Impossible for those living nearlhens t6enjoy their test. Patrielisras sent-to-jail tri,delanl!.. 01-$11) line. and Tien: Pltrierild `releesed=ok ' a promise to curb her disorderly teiriPtirlett. . . Fatal Accident to a Boy.—Druing.tho trial of ttia new Steubenville Railroad 'Viaduct across the ldonougabela river yesterday afternoon, a large number of people had collected on the briiVe, among whom. were a drielber of boys. One of these, a lad named Henry Langkamp, ten years of age, whose parent' reside to South Pitisbrirgb, while walking across the. Joists, at a point Lemma the river and the bridge, NM= dizzy and fell through the trestle work, break ing lidanieck. 1113.V1L8 dot observed until seen on the gnaw& He Hired but three min utes. Amerman Fenaldsln held an lyclaeist up on the body, and a verdict was rendered in ac cordance with the facts. Trial of Floss.-The second trial of the turso manufactured by B. Y. Greer. of Philadelphia, tinder the direction of our City Councils, which tame off yesterday afternoon on the corner of Rem and fieccfnd Street:lnm highly eatWLotory The ffegleiteamer furnished the motive power, baying one hundred and tbirty•Ove pounds of Warn and one hundred and, eighty pounds of pressure. • Notwithstanding ffs great Ural, the hose stood admirably. The manufacturer only wartime them to stand one hundred and eiatpy PCnitids pressure, which is all the forms mi engine ordinarUy uses at a Ark i -surety or the Peace.—Martin Tlghlman testerday - leitilltuded milt .egahrat Awn, Eliza rDIM; PM 'Manly; Iri threatening to cat him. be amazed was arreetes and held to ball for a ~,,ii.g. Rachel Jackson was also held to ball, upon an inforMation for_ surety,- Preferred by Rachel Jefeksoir, 'who allegna to threatened to fake her life. lie was arrested and held to ball i . 4 1 Alg:.4 l E . 119 iimr4esll3,.!Nth.q9e# are ~, tared. ' From YeEthilit , 'W lv irrini itaietie, ; Scrlatui,sl:4c3debi.tr, Jahn Hutchinson, of dm Amend, want; .Allegbany, employed ou thentavEteiMenvlilertellroad , brldge over the Mcnionatfels. ,Yell.'fronttbe._ionthi - cid tba , groand, 'About ,4o'01; Ads, morning. An& Make a .ley,, -besides. ramhttic albar lemma injarlds,•;lll3 tnjarteitlrare &alma by Dr. Itcgets, after- which be-vias: cotryeyeLto . 1111**Attenca. - te'lcaraptvg_babas id ijuAint4l4ll3.Y. end may 49.,L recover. nellegatta.l7,The regatta , arranged for Bat., rlay , rierr, .prom.lses .to be an exalting aZale„ laddlttoo re 'entries already 'made,' the to Th ntoPhen_Otwr•Of New York will 'positively, be . he re. . Juliet • Tialtal :received r a dteleatelf Amp; rfeW4 .O T l / 4 %a:dm euttlag...that the boat: and crew leave to-14u for Pittsburgh.„Oar sport , leg men n 11 1 ,440 a busy - time ntt] the race cornea off iirn:jitilch they WM. ; haft Male (line to count the profits and lose. Ty pnold *as Fever c .—uWiex ln tein Gust e this d a isea se Oli v)4 tetDab n a ln that V e ge r o dosttus bore oeCUeed. Mesa were, twenty-five cases up taleaterOttr_otae, of them of a &m -acrons character._ lac people aro pecessong condi' alatracd, and the physician!' araatang all In their power to alley the disease. FJnatly Committed.--.Tohntasean and Louis Piazze, the en 'nested by the Mayor's Pollee f4r ottilittrfeir Uhltid Mato Ms in thelr paseelsion, hal _a hearing before Co mt.— donee n i Ornitzina were mai c4B4alued . /co ! iLlanzenrenW'_• Court of Common Pleas. Disorderly Conduct .11 n .11a. Case—Letter from JUlrowcuidlle. Wa are in-receipt of a letter Itom a muse. A t lio - O - dini 76- BrowPVIA **tn. 10 th ila*t_ E ifeCanaloss,tilME:PerSo . glirowiettaktlitht:MtWaill4er. Vo Ord: atigiiiing rdid - Mike , same house "rialto) JdcemirdionritotOttefs, mid intirloAt alimatriseetliglltralliib flora gaintet t I, am • •,tgoosasa .. 101 , eopiissago stwitchtitif' II;reVol Plunasst ii•3107.00/1 ) - z r Jasper Mellandlass wee emplorid_in , bratitrit store 'end been for_moreita_st nioTh — itweiro i m arsd became tingall—mtd did not ails intlriatestiome on during hla i those 43m wu with 14152:,-Mdmintddy :from% thaltu, attending bim apparently, tstUtiliegriateot care and solicitude. Nor was_tglifg - instang nonsnal or susplelotti InilleorogriMs tot Wean. otioti or. decease 4 Pneutt. flUlifterkiosa of wok ,seoziatlt4gonc , 2rer7: Ilttle,nunctlar power. the than= gakt.holihrgonegilln.lepidig end even during AV, :noir AulliZe e ttlic4 Would non *boa ihr tot* although hard! g aide -4i.ibult - -1110141,f He Ispuldigo.Mm to meals. and eat encentons ly.teeptteotadttoti tO Vol :etintrary. - The n eva gal/ HO Waaal mightlierstizieepo*d4 I ,_ft,* 12 1 0 .1tgektit AMY LOWklitit?'ir-uir 11 . W 41 1 titsumlaca. of tlta A n tM4Ol.lgdment hem •Interrek 4itm ble• Mother, ~, 14MiA NHVOn. Other WI: _O4 tlits:Ettninutillo:,* narnithCOpt. hale to ; -MMUS - tlie ,04151/11i tlOSteeN4443:;After Abut= Um frAr sale 114 / 1 4. tbri . /110111 , 1rent•to , UnkmtaMs .Ibr the peutrof7siMs'leMers tdmilitstratimil Ittl'OMW SO OHL& fir utikttOirst 4ene. g ont amok to - Phlledelphilino Jarcietriantlil at Unlauttrom dangerously! with Alb same &tease -Ms bmther dlorof,..andti,ltairous them thli mbrthigtelbitne hats not nyt. • f 114 taltkeltikki sat . va0444:1490, ar. te:10-1, nue, -cat =the. nothing ror Marl Wars kw death,: ,•• • +r Hoping them, mutable may In tilt lelj3 el m mud "ghat, might hie ,; itemised so dark, I em, very reapectlldb. W. H. H. The Late Capt. Cothbq'tsitift. A few days since we made brief mention .of trek'deallinf Capt. John Cuthbertson. Pr**. the Beaver county district. In - Lthe -notice attia dentiteed: Few deaths An 'the /2 0 nuObeFPf , 40 :- 4 5 4 fe find Yawing county tsarina:Dia Ruth etch general exprcluileuil • !of sorrow. It wealth tinexpoded - thatere Wald' hardly renlifn Mtn. tehOt a few days since we sew him, as energetic,' .bneyr Sand lbapeful es eve. -Now his lifeless body lies burled In the NOW - Brigleton Cemetery; sod his life rind &attar° ell of the past:" Re had helm ea long known to the citizens of Beaver county, that it le almost unneceleary..to infer in detail to his life an services. In this county he.spent his youth, worked tile was by energy and industry to a bleb emending at the bar. and (in connection with Don. IL B. Chamberlin). to a lucrative practice. On the breaking out of.. the war he was one of the tint men to the county to relse a company of eolciateete, anti as" Cantata led that company Seethe field. end - eons. Mended it In person during the hardest and most disastrous ceronalms of the war. During the seven days' light before Richmond, be cora. mended his regiment (the 11th P. R. C.) and ed for himself au enable repun for tz gain einesa, bravery and ell:le/to vi y: Intatio the re pute of tho - entregements 'end to .the Moist reporter clate../DCall. his tiVlslon commander, his conduct was' Lily commended. In =oaf these gh eagageneote he was serenslPri annery- Imodede* throu bothand taken . VA:ti short detent i on )s in , Melon:ink heyas parmeo - la. returnedtone; where he lay for mordni softer. log from his wound: AA aeon as obis he return. pt to his company, but was Induced -soon alter mhos because of Inability, arising from his wounds, to take - commend of his. company. Shortly alter was appointed' PrOtost Marshal thilattittict,..lo"bath at . Re, timatif his dela. . . - The..tryscpsja ir very itlgh MOS. :the ehtirttaer of deceased. who, into motet lbr promptness, energy and Intevity combined With • mild and gamma nature. was high ly esteemed as a citizen. deeply beloved as a husband and father, and his death la sincerely on. fretted by the whole community. Sudden Death A man named Michael Boyle, residing on Tunnel street, died suddenly Mit fbrennon, at Bailey, Brown & Co.'s rolling mill. He had been In the gunboat serTlce until about a mouth slum when he returned to the city, and was employed as a "helper" In the above named mill. He vent to work in the morning In his usual health, and after the second heat had been run he walked oat Into the yard, passing soma of his fellow workmen In a Joking, good na tured manner. He eat down against a fence to rest, and in a few minutes was observed by a tatm named Dougherty, who supposed him to he asleep. On attempting to arouse him, It was found that he was lifeless. The body was con. 'eyed to his residence, when: Coroner Clawson held an Inquest. The Jury found a verdict of •death from disease of the heart." The de ceased was about forty-tour years of age, and had an aged molter. a wife and one child de pendent upon him for support. He was a good dozen and an Industrious man, Attempted Extbrtkle by Heamen Bemeof the Backmen of this city still continue to extort exerhitatit charges from strangers, and Dearly every week careplahits are made against them, To-day a man appeared before Mayor Le wry and elated that be bad employed two hack man to haul two loads from the railroad to the riser, for which they demanded the high figure of tietnty.aight dollars. Therrien refused to pay this amount, and Offered ten dollars, This the neekthen declined to take, and seize d upon some of the man's coeds, which they threatened to bold until the bill was paid. An officer was sent down, when the hackmea were found to baJoim Hancock and Edward O'Donnell. They allege that they had harried three loads, (among which were fifteen children, belonging to three diffar eel families,) and that the charges were not immoderate. They only askcdthe modest anal of or.o:dollar each for the children ! The hack men, however, did not wish to "trouble" the Mayor, and as the man had proposed to pay ten dollare, they accepted that sem, and thus the matter ended. Not o Deserter • Is the het of deserters from the draft, pub lished by authority of the County Receptive Committee, Is the name of Mr. George L. Dry den, otthe First Ward, Allegheny. This' gen tlemen called upon us to-day, and exhibited his discharge from the military service, and from It we learn that he enlisted in the Fifth Pennsylva nia Cavalry, On the 4th of February, 1804, and was honorably discharged, at Richmond, on the 7th of August, 1805. He was drafted on the 2d of Juno, 1804, andluvirthen been four months In the service. This accounts for his falling to report to the FroVcier. Marshal, and explains bow his name got Upon the list of non-reporting drafted men. Mr. Drycitro, - however wishes the fact noted, that ho may be rollerial front the charge taf having &wad the 'cause of Ida country, at the Tell tints when he watin the post of danger In the front. There may be other cases precisely similar, and we shall take pleas. dre In correcting or explaining whatever Is wrong, as coon as notified. Lareenles.—Oa Saturday aiterhoon twenty - dye doLlara In money and about one hundred dollars worth of clothing were stolen from Ifinea brewery In Fteservetownshlo. Oa Sunday night a valuable roll of rope, and about SAY. dallara worth of variety goods, were stolen from a flat moored near _Manchester, and,Offlndb:Ln g nerved pip . sbury.No traedo,tho ttaevea. . Paid their Finego-gelsrli,.;fitticteln" and Eberhardt, the tolfretaairdeg' Panted deertsed df selling Ursor.on Sunday, before Mayor Mor rison,apprartd and paid theirdines to-day. The Young Man's . ---Preene.Warranted 10 core Mute Diseases. Vor ;ado. by druggists. Ask fort e liYn MAO 7.lfrlead. of giving th umpteen!' mutt treatment of prima. diseases aceesopanlcs - each , Dea.. 4sa eau bo bad 1 33' 43nnislot rouyi s anenflrielni, - Box OD , cieelawdtl. telttr a t• seoa:fitatop tweak. to .fomltirtemixist Ball ,J. . rauco. nr Re W./forllcComtAlleottatt7 • 'ollo3m. at en ctiarx ZifiZons. moirer G. lIALt, merchautiraflors' summer tinsint OF rurra CLilB kirisiferiithif Tokto ti reit pknentnn oanottneior tolds =mos. com aut.:men and , tho,puolli Ilenees l 4) toot his purshues en* sressgenents for tho F.O.nIeSEA• SON us now completediluielles been personally. • selected front the Crst•cless cloth Amore' W tho Eastern elths. Onlr.eneh a elass t gl i oods as aan re ally be ntoommmled. sent ban whist' env - braces the oeuest and moat mow materials and.otyks, the entl re steak being vm large, Palled endyelea. . - Inraliln.bas much ooWortas to invi• clog an early Inlyettlee. , ~• - SUPERFINE BEMIS. COLO - EIEI) auaras, 'AND DoE SEiNS, u usual, %unmated fail u, colon 4. amt Sound tartar,. /IILLFPN ,OLOTELP ' , and other new coatings, new style tot entire ants:- LA rest , variety of tlffEl OASSIDIVIES for Peaty-and Vests, for Morning end Evening wear. ?mall B OY 13' DRESS AND soon suns, A new iota cholas gtiods IFOr,..V4tat 'Wears; io= WELTED' Dir • JIGRAY WalkIVA 42 04' '! • cr?:i c MEM! aobrNsoicmcnatair it co., ;AiILONA "MO ftll r ; :11. . tiat. -1112 IMP 2--.Z7 coninimmisaminprationteilawd elutes. caw antraislagtargadt tglakiN l3 . lo 4l l- '41403 2 " . 164 , XaMt atav m.t.Clerheaux Igkagftitain .q l 2arstioattnrWittlElMA. aracoon -fisaasarint-Tede, ilynotaii* beauktileN Bwitaitiasatiii; . MOM. MD fOiIMERCLUN IBILOKEIIB AND., DANICERS , BOARD. (oonsiacrns lIIT 11011111Mhiramia.$1 , iit opj - .Waroszazkir Se/447.15i Offing. -ma. Alloruire , Flnish 12 69 OS 75, I 97 WS 06sakilindlit 80 .. 7E 130311ticoinimayablvOth. * . ... . 400 P --••• 90 Tiv Natit ita n eat Pr _ . 6 2 . 40, 00 411 9 / 1 •......—,i,.." 87 80 0887711101:17.--Abh070,.... - 65 Cherry Balt 1:10 13413i41.00411*iiii. ••••••• WOO asrons °P.AZXI6 1525! r The golrMailtei Wye xvy,figcn.,l4 the essti I /* zt!: l 4 . ) isT, Atmobigwa luaer,the aut. meet f or November Comma% and We tar a WlRtublikelqgtOrarperdre[NottlibeCtlpirk We L zumrlimazt: this laid 144. Pittipwibulat4 l :llo4s3L;poirg, 141,0111ag:' U 2 / 4 ".ti40 5 144 i ii ii 4 eo4.*/ 1 /4 44 54 44 & Pleitweiitfeyit °treat steanietfor:Euzetwee searket.- . _ There was a dectcled improvement OS share' market PeaterdeYla Niew - Yrek and Phlladetplaa, Sailwaya went up bow one to Shrimper OM ail around. in Philadelphia oils begin to attract at. tentlon again. Wenote lane sales of Millen at sti, sad quits a Urge between the butts and biars'whielt way It than turn; up Out own market conthatiankhmitahl tinthili better feeling prfirelk. The only Wei egsnOteinll, board were a few governments, et about New York figural— Holdenief Columbia are very site In their views. We coeld not learn of Bale dur ing the day. The Old* mere between Si and soy(. Bolden esithill,frosi two to we dollars more per she liver share was bid. for IOCKIJ shares of Rabies. $3. /2 bid for Allegheny Gee stook. Soo for Et. Clair Street Bridge Meek. Gennellavllle .6's in request at MN. The loan market ts working 'water to . hatter elsn of paper, and approred collateral". She notes:at theTritiorud Basks hare reach. ed earepte Orover one hundred ea eighty three magneto' Won't% eta hundred and twenty mtl:ions more will be banal to a very short Mee, the tan amount authorized by Congress 4, the whole United Wales. The Notional Bank otgreney wan wit the ommtry, tenetnet the Lateral on deposited bond. which the Government" pays to the hanks setts Inatrimate east, eighteen lame ee ordallats le gold, besides theocrat of Maltby the notestor them. r ...The following comparative dikter:tent shows the average condition or the leading items of the Philatielphis Banks for the past and previous weak: Last week. This week. $14,442 0 130 L0an5........ -o,fghlra tkesopp tnt. MAIO ,1011theeet IMMO Ito. 3,791 Lm/.1 Tonna.' 11,865A211 tke31,160 Deo. Lt clre~ Batton ._. killt VTATAI!" rhatheas - Wee 1,014.5e4 VIATT" Zars, DX" The bank exhibit of averages for the past week Inglesta =tuntal qat and show MY Jane "hangs In appellate leadlapltamL The leas te. oe eased sn*leo,and the legal tender notes Inetess. ed $12k314. With thee/ exceptions the *mounts need Zeta the wane as hut week reportel— New York Market. Nrw Yarrs - sot. - 2r—Oorroa—Steady, with rather more &dug, at 140135 e for htlebShig. moon—State and Western heavy and Ss lower for common, and rem ftrln for al od grades, al 1 7 . 63 603, 0 2 fox Extra Sukt, PAPS° for 00minow to good anipptag brands Sites SAL 04 and gate MI3O for Trade Sunda—the nustnet sluing sere heavy for cotanica grades. tgangr—steady, at ed„2B.lante for Western— lordly at the InsOispetoe. Gaats—Wheat heavy and lade lower for Spring, and • shade .firmer for Winter. at *l4BOlO for Chicago Sfuddisil, 6l 2l.,ti -tot .1111waukee Club, 111.001,ed for Motes blUrraulcer, and g 1,90 for In. factor Winter Re" Western. Sy* salst,T,st about gt,oo tor Westarn. Bads, anti's , . Barley Malt bquiet. Corn opened a shade Orman and eland e on, at 155090 , 3 for unsound, and 9034 a for sound &taco Wester. , Sognia for dam aged. Oats with. out derided .binge, at 445520 for unfound, and 52 oak for sound. Onocandaa—Coffes "Inlet. Sugar quint and sleadyi Cuba Muscovado, DY•0140; 017 C. Biota.ea quiet I'ISTROLCVN—Firmer, at 29,tgetse for Crude, 61457 6.l!„ie for Reamed In Bond. and -roan. for Banned Free. trot—Dull. Paversloss—Pork films?, at . 0.064,60 New 61.11 2. —elostos;t0effi at 631,50hime, cash, 11le St 11,60 f0rt863.4 J. 11,15 for sod ,60 tOr Prime ales. ; also 600 Dbl. Now Mesa, 264 for all this ye az, boy en' option, at 1.15,CD. Beef steady, at 682/2,00 for Elitlalltis, Sod 612(10,00 for Extra Wets. Be f flatnSdnll. Oat fiesta firm, at RON* ICie for Shoulder., arid 1ea723i0 for llama Rae con dull- Lard dullautt heart:, at Tretts. Butter AV Ira. at 3844111 for Ohio, and e 0,366. to: Cheese steady, st toeieo. New York Stock and kroner Market. Few Tons, Sept. 27.--111errer easy et 604 per cent. an telt:mar. Sterling steady it foay2 icn%. Guld a .Lade firmer. opening at 114' ad va.‘eic,‘ to 1443%, deelmtles to taa,Ti, and aloslag at 113%fitttl. Got ernment Stec= ateady. . . _ Eraloll9 to Liverpool rather. more steady, at ty. ter Corn. :lock. @lron; Ti. 9.. Os `it reel , t4l. 109 'reotral Coal , 611 , 1 Ti. S. fa 111 Coupon* 168 • Uuda0c.....—.......,..., 109 A 0.2 C0up0n5......_.. loll'‘ Ilendloii ' 111,4 do. tear issue. Imi%, himblgan Central.. 114 74041.ver00d aerie* 99 'Mlentigsn Southern 78 7.90 r, third Emirs.. 99 7 4•Plstaborgli 73 1, lilirmourl Sixes 78 'O. It IC W 298 O. e M. ceatlfloatea 9.3. , ,i C. re N. W. BL I -,... 6 1 m Aerlo. Coal..:_. 171.Vroledn 0 Wabash.. 1.98; Canton 417'' C. fr. R.l tI2L4 Cumberland Cool,. 45.. P., Ft. W. ra C...... tor% (kuleksilverr 4L ~' Baltimore Marital—Aug. 20 Coffee—We report a tale of 200 bags common Bio, el 27 cents currency. The brig Redwing ar. rived to-day, from Rio, bringing writ; bags of new coop, the first In the market and of excellent quality. There has been some inquiry to: It, but no sale erected. Flour— Baltimore family and extra brands Were again adyanced to-day 60a per bbl. We tone Baltimore family .314.50, l'atapsco:ex.. 112,6 D, attlp. plug brands Itiell,lso, loin grade. do 119,6051510. Super 0,60; Ohio and - Howard street rupee 83,62.0 I V I do ' t ftfPu 9 biinf,mLa itd,birbogCl tortvoUty Our quotations. Ornlo—Reeelpta of wheat tollay atroartated to 15,00 both, anajbe ta i, ka. were comprised of 3000 both white at 12,2602 A and 2500 buuh rod at $3.2. 9.36 per Such, an to quality-110 choice aamplan Offered,,CALD.4o,2oo bash white. Lail only 4000 bush:yellow offoreitl._wfitte W..1.11140=1.4 0145 milen of inferior to 15Ydloary at 83(9.3a, and good at 90295 x, 0000 band mold at theta neuron—of yel low 025 Lush sold at 500 perirtuth for good. Oats -11,600 I.uib received; '.60.) bush cold at 44040 c, and 100 both at 600 weight. Bye; 330 bush sold at 8211) 300 per Loan. AL.tract of Forage Md. A helmet of bids tor the tlellyerY•of fare Ut Si, Lelia received a`dd i pelted Septembet Rd, 045, by Capt. U. N. Welsh, Assietaut Quarterritatter 1. F. t•hapman h an, 10.003 bulb at 7414 c A. K. Northrup, 20.000 bush at 71c. It. W. Peat% 16,000 bath at 72 00.100 IL E. Goouell 6,000 bunt, at 70 90 100 lift ea. E. D. Kirby, 10,000 bush al 460. E. D. Kirby 10,000 bush et 41c. E. D. Kirby, 10,000 bush Mae:. J. F. Charmed & (.704 10,000 bush at 45a. F. fiki*Po3lll; WONG b.P10.4t 400: J.T. 0 Dalin= co:, lam twat ia - dra. It Z. amain, 01,090 push 1t411161c53 . . . • J. Paltapman, too ton baled at 518.16. chat. ZS Alleant, Soo tons looaa at $18,93 A. W. Posy, too tons loossaisl6. A.Goodell, too tons (Ight'premi 14'118.50 . ;Os o,` ziel-11.9115-actir and iseanp: at 5e,1.510,50 for No. Spring, $9,2549,50 (or 6•11 Winter,tlo.6o foy Vi!hite, and .01,25011,50 DoubleXitra. ORALS -Wheat dull; Chicago Sping, by sample ; 61,60; Rod Xacilarril.4l..:Clornqu et. I.I.VIRS" bet* ten Canada, I)l,9alliteL nlght - da;sl,l2. - Rye op. changed. • CANAL Fltruntreiteinigt MORK! 4.50 I Wheat, C 5172., Battey. 100; MO; tie; Oats, le,. LS Clercl'ork ; to Albany-Bariny, Do. . LA= Inronts-BaileP, 10 00 buail Bye, %RA bush. Oa NAL EXPORTG,,fIaue,66O polo; prods, 76.0i00 bneh; Om, 1 400 Co; Battey, 0,000 do. iSutirLD Br SAlLooau-lflour. esi Dbl.. Chlcagofilstricet. Cruc.too, fiept. 27.—Ploun--Ertal I Sprlug do. OM - ea - Mo. IGnarn—Wheat quint end diallnad; atior Kato. at 01,40 wr No. I and 11,Z. - 01,21 for No. 2. Corn am at 610 for ' No. I, for a No No. 2. Cato dud, at zl , O for No. I, and 0 - ,30V0.2. Pno - ruatorts—Firm and qulo.; tiara Pork, 633,00. Prizaelbard, ' ••' •-• Pertroirra—Aettve' - nror oat4-ier toN.--to Butfalo. Ili mourn-I , lollr, Li,Coo boll; Wheat, 0,000 bush Corn, r19,C00d0c.014, 110.200 slo.. . • ; ruirmirrtS—Flotir; Catkr bldg . { ' - ' l Alltrit;' ' 67oo o bunk; Corn, 16,600 do; 0000.11,000. . !..trolliw•Pitikricet; .-. 'rrotino, . ld very t tt l pp t u No w t u eWSLIsli s2 g b7. C C w a h a . d a a batt l e. slostogoaltb-ao- buyars-,at tho-adairlaeLalljs Vats without tutorial camas* !Wes it alla. A t las steady, atlas. Barley-31,e? for Spring. A's razymys T rcattaapracznet,; *Wpm a. Dilfivattkid`Market ',..Atit.waraus,Spot to z7.4l.ppit 001214 100.., Used lei *dive st .deelicei , Oar a • Used le; salvo st rie I}III7nIC6 . 7IVOCI*III . O)Tif, 1;1216 biatiftt ..:7;,,,:r4 --r. ,-; Y.;irf;:i _ . _PITTSBURG'S/plS4STret. , ,IfismaSAiltfte 15:44 .40,4torpsottthl Ruf ceoakl 7 1107117 of neetalfstoz - 7 - Mv 1114 111;fotVaiplesoanl Itaditsiraditkatiiviticas4eada9. jas prom verriwarda OBAIN—WIIIO 3i..l9its - Ltd Ili* active, bat . 0 .9441,4• S RIO catturdonr, aajd,llß , req, de, prlsseistllSAL ditltitOrtrutybilltioturitVadd. Jugs seusidolltessess Woos lwaruPdarand stria Wefts altlerei4lo6sl (Mufti end axtrdowurminditetSuars st 46- Earley' is -in de mand and Seld,.leit.besaleseneeksinize West= airikon enAikatteLnetinged,, 1:1012=8,11/1 hirr. mast rt areeerivermicati einisrourgamisuotauune, 3h3 3 .l9NriLnlY3 Oemandltir MIL IdDids of Vx3l3, and mums resale Yell el ow review, CholeartadeiSof Rio Gores are MM. nee% and held at tu/1 mites. Bales srel being bade dad at the Lallowingsateat • Sugars • Matta .1 P. B. 163f0/1308. a.Sutitit c el% need a%a. 41 44 21tea11• • o.atilluitiVal MC extra 0 I .0 Ostree,. 10. an, 31 , tuoiat.wAturs or strictly] aloha Jet has ad. calmed , ettesiderably, saa amp be quoted *MOM B. Bfolotreallel.lol Syrups non freak Ifle I. 3VAlVe i li tl si with _a ; fair-local . demand — Wets are fullraustalsusi. We' klatiette-tekkott el asIMS/3i for Spring When remliri tar auxedOlioOtodo to Rye Meat . 11 %s ir % ism= sza,lllul,Whiutittii.:rii. mad, taarataai arc qualQy higher. -Late tr bald sat aught 141114044 and prima:4s4MM redo - dined Is note quoted - at Snarl. Small tales of Mein Perk at pi SS. lidle-4reity fair del:Sag, per With but S e grain , MAN are ffrin lute well sustained. Sales at to us-day of Z loads al •••021. Per toe. • - . iill i nl3/1 , -Yrimtinues quite actlve„ sod Ott mod tetni - up to the wanly. flake o (.17, . common pWmd AAP IA do derail 0.7•4•0 do , prim_ 11 ..): Ha l igli r pet do MAL - . .. • , ~, , 4. 0118k84 4.4.- 11 fat .. .aOkeell eetontrit. Wie; . . . 131/1104e• quoted ad .0.60 . 1 m treelty sale of 43 blob In itenriat let, IPETZDS-Iptntethy seed lilli/ L t imati4UCet: 111.6904,7 W Oloret_ated_at. -Pasite quoted at Wager and but little offering. • _ow= , 011.TALFAS—The market la Well mip. piled, and prloesar• a shade easter; we notogalmi tonrour event 4 .t001,./342.5 per bbL ._ __ -„.,, t478-..1f0l Lard' OH la firm awl • biglter,Jrgeli. tALI reparted at {?,30@3,15 Low tideliVl 23 4 - . linlitdet but unibahlreft emetralealeoLaudernatgle per bbt. • . CHEESE—Ia Ann, with a fair Weal demand at 1e0e3.4 for W. lit HOS% for Hamburg, end togoi for Factory and Onshen oNloNe-on be tt er demand but nneltaatede- Small Was at SIM per both. PIG LEAD—Is quoted dental 11‘A. PEARLAPH—In gate demand and [lnn, with mutat tame at By PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET WnwresDAT Sept. 27.1896. CRUDE—The market for Crude conitmies ffrm and eomewlist exerted, and with a fair demand, and only moderate receipts, prices have again ad. canoed a fumilon. Quotations may be fairly siren at EGA bbls, returned, end PVC, bbl. Do. eluded. Rale 0(09 Dbl. at it, bbl. returned; MO at 23; 111 at 26k; /Sat it, bbl, Included; GO at it; and IMO at 3634, delivered In Philadelphia. The ar ri►ds,although moderately large, do not come up to general expectations, and the Mock on sale In tide merger)/ oOrdpoliutleely light. Telegrams from CU City to-day Maotil crude at gi,eoC3e6a per bbl at that point." 11.pDTP-D—The market lee bonded 01l ls Drone add fairly salve, and the transactions would be much larger and more name:ow were It not for the Met that there i• no nook la float hands, and our refuters naturally are sold two and even three mouth. alutaiL We note malts to-day 01300 bbls foe December, buyers option, at 61; 003 um. de livery, telleraoption, at 63; 603 for December, In Philadelphia, ►t 01; and 600 for Oatober, in Phll adetphhl,►t,Bt...Free ell In tolerably active and flrm„waidrisailiart. litalriert. AND RESIDUUM—Tbere la an im. proved demand tot itealdnum, and the market„ is eotirequeneei alreetnning to Mitten no s Little, arid !idea. a, etneraily, are asking e slight ad. vanes. Hue It eow:Red at SWUM^ W. or boo We "Brlillanii brand, for November deo g r i gi a ln Nes; . Yorir. at 118,13, No (movement to ' BEIDEEPTS;=the receipts of OH by the Alle. t b : e. we ,by Elver, since oar Lut report , were al 201 A L Unto:. AG Jas newhittbelf a 3 4 7 J Gallagher . ell .1 E trisider 612 John Been-- telW B Romer--177 1.13199 lieh 00.•—.._ 229 T0t01..... ..—. -- 2351 PETROLEUM STOCKS IN ZIEW YORE. Spatial Diapason to Western Press. Itsw You*, Sept.-27, t9M. PLTUOLIM STOCKS—Id SOcrd—Sale. of Pit bole Creek at e 0; Webster, 123; bleCtlatoelt ; 240; Elastsbal Yana; 104; Vatted States ; 23,20; 011 Creek, b2O; foutherd, 63; Cherry Rum, 24; teeel• llor, 72. Detroit Market—Sept. 24. Flour—iderksi `Juoyant and more active, Sales ISo Nils white wheat, • high extra. at $0.26i ISO red wheal, high extr it anogi z 6 4,lP.riat at .i9d9: Sol do at 19,75; 316 high extra M ,113,62%, ea cgo spring extra at g 7,25. Wheat—N[l,km nominally r2C3r better, with very 111113 Offertngs. Salon I car No. I Wait at g ie. I ear :do at SUN tooo bosh No. I amber at 11 7 ,57/ sad I car rejected Mato at et,illl MAI Woo odetl for extra Mate, and at the .lone MOO Was offered for sato can of that grade.- Corn—sissy at 730 In bags. Oats—OfrerM at 1.50 fo b. Fruit —A pplor, under apoeulattre demsad.hare Improved, being now readily tAnett FAA42.1.0u per W.I. Pew" 11,6••02 per buoreeording t • quallt.F, Canberrte• Wendy w 12,29,1160.—Trinane. Boston Fish Diarket. The rceelpts of codfish are ateadily ineteastng, but the firmness of tlan provision market bi such that high_ prises are likely to rule through the 11(0.430. The *looks are very tight, end fares of good aired and sell-cured fah are taltea regally at Cult prima Sales it medium and large at gra% email ftEgi,6o per qtl. An import of aSlo Wk. Ireton ()rend hank has been sold at euppesed pegs flake have been aching atgaig3,soi Pol. 164,50 per qU. Mackerel are firm arid in good d• mend. with good Lots of Snore ceiling at extreme rates. Sales of Not Bay at'Sle; Nos at g i 3; No a at gaavi No I abort. at Mt-re; No 9 et Ole let hid Ale • ices are gelling at garenarl• rick- Ird herring. ONO per bbL—Buiretin. Butt&lo 1122r6et. uysrsr.o. Sept, 27.—Ftorc—Doll. On its—Wheat heavy and lower; sale, of Noe. I and 2 Milwaukee Spring Mined et' 61.30. Corn dt.ll and ton:anal; No. 2, '780. Oats Inactive. Bar. Irp en Hy* quiet. 3h - runny—Held et 112.23a2,21. PXOVISIONS—Pork, 615.00. lard, 2 9 0. t /MAL FIZZIOCITS—Steady; Wheat ten; Cot,; Dew-to New York. IMPOII.I,—FIour. 10.002 belt; Wheat, 4.6.41 bush; Corn, E 2,300 do; 'Barley 2.021 bush 0/19AL ErronTs—Whest, 15,720 bush; Corn, 68,235 IDIPORTS 11% RAILROAD. PISTSBUICIH, Four W•ITER al OLISCAGO R. September 17-2 cap wheat, J 6 Liggett & co; 50 bas cheese, N J Braden; 600 bbls flour, Shoe:taker k Lang; I Ws hauled, H Riddle; 606 bbls apples, L /I 't °Li la eel lispigs pearl barley ,W Lir:hart; ge Obis hlghwines, - Lambert & Shipton; 100 bap barley Jo ho Ganprlch; 171 dos palls, Atwell. Lea k eo; 0 00 bbls hour, Jas Gardiner; eV do do, Boos klerse; 2 tan wheat. J S Liggett & co; 1 oar barrel heeding., Lyday Oltorpeaing; 2 okra stave., .1 .1 Help.; 150 bids lieu; T U Jeakingi 1 ear Wheat, Han Wallace; I car wheat, I do rye, Hitchcock, rgrOreery & eo; a aks rap, 100 bundles paper, McElroy & 231 sks grain, &leek lk Armatrong; 45 bhls apples, L Voigt & eo; 77 ski togs, Markle & eo; 27 Ito do , Godfrey &IJltirp 2 bra eggs, 6 kep butter, John Floyd b. co; 04 bbl ur, Fierce& Kremer; 25 dog brooms, &Ewan. & cot I bids baryteg, T H Nevin & :3018 hales moll, Lemon & Welee; 100 Mae floor, W Llithart; 20 hbli barytes, .1 Fetionmakee. CLAN - ALAND AND PITTSBURGH B. It Sept. 27.- 9oi brooms, Shomaker & Lang; 199 aka oata, Floyd; 25 bap tl mot hy seed, Dan Wallace; 9 plena Smiler, (3 N Hollstott; 23 aka flaxseed Cook Bret h. to; 4 bbl. oat meal, Seghmeyer & Poskamp; 11 pk. produce, Little & Frame; 14 bola apples, 9 ohs pot ether, Potter, Aiken & Shepard; 6 kegs Out let, 3, H. Point; sks potatoes, 7 bills apples. P Alerr111; ICO Obis flour, 11 Pea, It, .300 dodo W I,ferhart ; 123 Obis applea, Fetter 11. Armstrong; 8 do,t6 Brett & 00;10 bits eiceese,W Hating, 90 brls oil. W 1 plir liquor, J Selfroth; 213 hides Whop Chestnut; 25 pkgs Bib, Gone & Reiter 30 1i36 thecae, it Rrhtton h co•, l 0 do do, lot Roes; 20 do do, S Es art et co,• 14 mike pearls Mellen 19. &of 14 pkgs toeateo, I.lttle;.l33lrd et Petit.; 31 WAN applea,.rotter, Alt= Shepardi2 l 33.13 eon la Voight. Asa.xotlerri ST/islets Sept. 27.-8 pig s butter, Coblant; 3do do, P )'; Collins; Hi ok. flaxseed, Ewer Hamilton; 17 Can wheat, Kennedy & Bro . ; 1 3 1 bags flaxseed, 4 pkgs butter and eggs, B W Graham; 1 car wheat, Simpson & Keos; 4 hides AI 'tappeil bhl tallow, Walker; 3 bags timothy seed Mtkpatrick Bro; 6 dos brooms. A Knorr; bales cotton, icing & Pennock; 156 hags mill lead, Toler Meßikney; 3 ears rye, A Tayldr;o3 baa theme, I Clark. BTEglaltlio47B. RALTlltrOlig AND onspEre. *- 0 /QESBUSIJII, vA.—Txte new and aolotoodlntie Steamer WEN(.121111, (lent. Jos. Damns, rune regular}, Wyman CDs isbove Patti ow* a week, leaving Baltlotoro,lrom her wharf, foot or South street. eon liF/11A,Y Aerrx, Noon,. at 4 o'eloely and FredelicambOrght ovary TUESDAY Paswanyen noel 'retail; earned at low rates. Through , Pralgtrapromptly Attended tb..lnerehendliwirortribwtoo, New York, Philodelphis, or elenwhisel euttelgoed to wire of Strasser WENONAII, sellLbataken charge of In. inedlatelyitpon its *Viral in Bala story, charges pep, on Forwarded promptly, free of 00¢1,111•• 410011. Pisani from the Northern 'Sates desiring to slew the Battle nada ot Vlrglits, or to look after the bodies of friends aryl reelsdone killed to ltd battle/ of the Wilderness, 01 ancellorsellle, fredertakst tagh. or Spottaylvtinla Court Houle,- have'sptlendid opportunity of &dog so-by We route. lim WENOSALI is provided with excel. lent Stet/emotes and Berth ACCOMICLOtIatiCIIIII. and 10 to every respect a drat-slaw; Boat, being new, test and coserelldiOul. Forinfermotton, freight or paseze. apply to or *dams JOS. WHITE, Parser, on crawl, or JOS. JAMES TAY E. Agent,. ilaham 212 West Fans Ito.. pittim„,„, DIA FOR 01AINNATI. & LOVIB-02 ....VITA...F.—The ape owl ooromalloui " 1 . ithueoger steamer DELAWAREdes.p 'Horton, Id.' ;leave as h4mva ott/SURSDaVfiro 22tIr lilt. For freight orlinve i nl i s ent *toad, or to • ' ,428 ' ''' '. 333. ciorzur l 4 • i on. 1 Apnitir FOR BT.• LOUIB.--Tho 10.5 dtnn Pardat datalf2OtbAbkot A.. We'AP. pr o ughm t baying been tborougbly over.bs, r-. ripanit d and repaired, tilt leave for St. Lon% and all Interectnlnterytnyk - tfirlltursday, Sept. rot pallibt ormiaso !lady on board ur to • 3. I. 'cuLwriGwoon ) !me , • JOAN ELUTE. t Agents 'OR , ;NB. Pali LITTLE ckl W Boogil'AX03 1 ! N , / 4' FORT -- mon 31.4•14, rtearrerS,L'S._ HALT,. or:So a Woormuroorlll 'tyre ataboro od maTUBDAY. atnnvan Farinditbfdr-Pduro 0A0,14 PPly. on board; or ? to • , •:. , Jugli Y . , . ,iali , „ J. D. COLLISICEW 00D lAgeno4 kitEt3 CECidlitiEttiti6l AZIGIVAL11111.1111.::=1111ATIMUit , • - Lee Vitr . DIMILITCW. , tared 11117.41adea-Par ' •: • Janale-Shs...64.l,ands. - .r,itelle-031 Od7. -- . 112011101.107.MM1, ao. The everts's erbitntliT 3 7.-Ditt• ettig.• Vito tort flettnine : llaskros cie l phein =Fitt /3ilabianalrib about ' natal Ms to 'lst= litdpleasitot.,z The: Forest 131tyanansalp trainParkfiribtulj and • beryarelislristiclytit, With slat rate 1:0 Of boa Au* 'saw , bizawnestiascuiteTinnEdep.'46 kat aliening for Lent, and all Lidfrirmi..• . Q . Otats. * :The Delsrare, EWA. 8 / 1 7.11ortan,brloadiblf tor 'rrt;: day aeanisr. • The Annaniai CA. A. U,' ocielny freed (Or S. Loafs and ID intermediate p ointa.• linuswill probably leave to morrow • We beard is, yesterday, rumored that , Oaptaln Maid ons'of Our next experlenaedesst. men, had, wader. certain etnialtleas. Moot the controlling interest tboliest Manlier Dictator. A bulbar r - 01l boa in ts- beloaginyby Mier a. Ed. vards of this olty on= • tett on " on' the titieshany riser el: day or tiro. ibis s,:and WIC armband that about two bandied barrels of oil' lean= oar: , The only warther Wane. gee Oil wagponipiat water - LOW go boat; labia eutased sae ali to rise • The hull of tluit Slyer Q24IKM Imma - &taloa isa illmf Wear apn?e, hilaaneek, Ito TorktoWni Captain Ebbart r amia loupe - left crucumAtt ins tytipturoz. -1121 "194V n r. HIVE= comar.srozdoirroE ..;, . • Editor Gazette ,—Just back by rail ftran - Gineln• natl, allow ma to grwo , ati 4 6 - biliebtaremont (tithe wlrictztor , • ,, trip, front,. thlit A nd tdr. above ' named city-entirely In =el:4bnl point of *tom. .1 Mitt ben so Par A (iOnalPOnitat. asikOk. Ktptabla to glyeipti z t ellitak r d dpAggitiep wt all tto4Cpartmodia aabosid. Ikatohcif ttleNeasitaf trip. had. 1,18 . a P 4 4 1 4 ,441 4R 4 N , 04: 1 14 . 1 4 liltdit good appobitznontand akin, the iodwandodittlosts ror the aumettal ttapelln6lDtcsit were Ic pcif — eet, abundant and hlllulotte, aid abbrf 11l O'elkW le, and gentlemanly humor of the ()apt= and Mears was so pleasant, that every body on board enjoyed blably the dellebthit trip,. Leaving port with • temporary arranreareat to Um auxiliary engin. e Beeping under the goarda and feeding the Milers with cold Water, the eit slate Wetted to a dhuolvantage. Every one, however honied the regularity of the motion of the wheels. and the facility with which the boat rounded att. The engines handle with great fecibty, being able to be picked op at almost any point of the ktroke— that is, they will-start as soon as steam le given 'them, with the crank nearly on the centre. Between this port and Whee log, nothing des nits could be ascertained to regard to the Winking' °trite engines, owing totbe stage of the ewer, the necessity of lowering the stacks, Ae., he. Below' . Wheeling, however, lietWithstwoding many: draw backs, inevitable in the trial of new machthem theprinciple preyed by practice to be as anticipa ted by calculation. The 10[11011.er applied to the engines, indicated an inensaeof newer exerted On the crank! Ole, of over one hundred per cent., without any addition. al (expenditure of steam over th e high pressure engines eaw to general use, The engines ere not yet perfect—but an the whale, the thing lea ane mias. The taei that a craft of the days °file Die tater, wink thirty six feet win:Ws, thirteen feet buskins, and Bye feet dips, ran an average of twelve miles gWx hour, turning her wheel, from ten totally* regolutrens par minute, and eon. • snedng [Only three hundred and forty butheli of thanker , dswerlit speak - tot itself, 'We 'hope to • hew a mill bMar aconnott of her when het raises are tight, her wheels leas hothersome, and the machinery genera ll y, smoo th ed down by tr action, but as It is, we.congratulate ille.Rettop, nthe marked succeed he has attained," and sincerely hope he will be richly ,rewarded, , by seeing hie system of engines -broadly .4.thrdured, for the skill, energy, and persevereece, width he has dis. played in thingleg his new invention to perfeetten for the good of neon navigation. To the ••thetater" and her gallant captain, **- bid farewell, and wish them all sort of success and prosperity. Yours Respectfully, • From the St f.ouls BepuLT7caf we 41.241:tii to s. following tutus. The lianas contains In feet fall. The IdissoraLbsa four feet swat Les Ten, worth;lathes to St Joseph; TI 14stiet Omaha. The (flambelliad was Using alth two - feet on srpeth Shoals. Th g e Arksnass and Tennessee were both race. dl . fhothlbudnillbapt ststlosouj i with to Wet fun to Oaroor ei to Keokuk, 3 feet on the loose molds, sad gifset - to:t, la The Rae Putnam end Rend*; Weis boik tO leave St. Loyal for Plltaborght, on bloolsg. Capt. T. P. Leathea has purshasee the alsgen ts 101 the Worsham awl hew Mesas wade, at *Wpm Bton, the St. Loofa Democrat we obtain .the lowing iterns.of nays: Capt. J. B. Ford.thabout to sell the St: James for 1,10,1X11 Capt. Tom solos has purchased one fbuythef the Phantom, at the rate of a inisal for the whole' boot. She has gone to the Wabash. 1)711,3 Dock 8 the name of anew steamer built by :Captain be for the Allaetty dyer trade. She will be the indent boat tliasxmas to the On City trade. She will leave on the drat good stag. of water. We late from the St. Louis .B,7oblioth the fol i'g‘lligt,:,mlgfr7ll4t. Darrah, Pame4 &/* Deny on Monday on her way down the river, loaded wl.h colored Moons. From be Oinctacatl Commercial ire learn that the Dictator lett that Ore on Tranalsy craning (or Diets Orleans U/V1 , 1[.....Ttue weather Veraorday was warm and cloudy, watt a very heavy rain in the afternoon. Hwerreas on the wharf way mainly confined rhrpmenta by the I.ocal packets. Un Saturday meta the Oistren, in passing under the Steubenville bridge, took the channel span, from which the obstructions have not been re. moved. Coming to contact with these, she was vary badly wrecked, having he chimney. knocked down and her pilot bonze torn oft. Her burr*. cane deck was also badly damaged. Fortunately no ore received bodily Injury. bbe dropped down to the St eubenville wharf, where she to still ly ing. It I. time that the obstructions placed to the channel by she Bridge Company, ware re moved, They area very serious impediment to navlgatton, sod have &tread; occ..oned acvora loos to steamboats ea:teatime the Ohlo. itt. dark tact evening there were seven toot in the channel, and falling slowly.— Whaling /Mel by. over. There wet live and a half feet of. water on the Fails, In tho ateareboatyarse day bcfore yeaterley. end four feet twee the rocky, an.l the river tau Dalt - . A ble & Co. ha,e pereheaed the for kto,coo for the Memphis east Vicksburg trade. . _ The Dictator will leave Oat= on Sunday, on the arrival et an Saturday morning's Ohio and alt. ►lssippi Red way train at Cairo from °Mona te ti. The CI neliingtl Commercial of yesterday says .1 he steamboat Captains and owners met yea. Orley, when the Committee on Constitution and Dy-lawn wsa reported. Their. reports are ac cepted, when the meeting adjourned to Meet at Elmer fr. lialpe'a office, on Thursday morning, at I oi4ock, when a permanent 011132112/11021 is an. ticipatr 4. Captialn D. Collier wan in. the stair. while Capt. Joht( Marry anted as Serret4ry." . re,..L.Acctims-r,The steamer Gallatin, On her, passage up the river on. Saturday niglitlast., a little after midnight, !struck a raft, severing It In two, in running °veva, and killings awe of 31. r. II abut Ateltinloy of West Brownsville The rall.showedao light and two era told that all on board were saleep!—Brownirilte aipper,2,ll4. Tun ST.amult Favrrrn.—Tho , ti earner Fayette, which was mink by the Gallatin, a fag wears tare, and now under repair at Browateille, will so on be again la ',mans order. and no good and Staunch as Um day she woo launehed.—flipper, A Diepaterarenn NAM:mills of the dettiesy, The Mesmer Gilmore, for thia point, WOOL to Johnton allo, in the Tenant.° river, to load, there not being enough water in the Cumberland—two feet On Harrah :shoals, and fitalitt, .frIEDICaIL. couou ito MOBS. IPBT STRICELLAIIiD'a KFj.i,TFUOUS COUGH BM.b.M& sriticameauPa ,LYWLI3OI33 QUSGB BALSAId la warranted to aura Cough; °obis lioarw.neas, Asthma,. Whooplag Comb, Of Sort Threat, Oesaumptlom and all 'U' affhationO Mt Throat and Lungs. Far aale by Drundsta Oil Depoti. era rottrth Meer, eineinnatl, O. IMMISOSLISLIMECELEL. AU the Medical men Ma reaftsinta DIt..,I3TIULIELAIM C ANT AIM.OZOL mai :BA , 11111 4 . TOILE aa the only tertian temody for Illarrhma ant Dysmataty. 11 Ia • .comtdruttion of ascrbrgents, Abdo Stimulants and .oarminstand Is warranted to effect a auto after al) mum+ barn fattod. -- . - , fr r - ' 4 "' STRIOKLMYS PILE six, ' Da. 113TDIGICIANIPS PLUS Iff" ,, T - AT Dia wand thousands' of the worst *es of 81100 l ear. /Macau:Pilo. It gives immediate relltVitulla I cots a permanent cum Try ft directly. 212 Ull2 ranted to cunt. . For sale by all Druggists. General Dopatot SAM roattli Arcot, Cloclauatl. 0. Dvspapnia, Dammam Dability DB. srmosuunrs,Tromu. We tan roocinmer.d CROW sate:meg KUL lon Appetite, Indigestion _or Dy wepeo, Nereonenai and NerVOllilaneVe Torts. It is a vegetable praparft,..on, Deo from dierobohe liquors; it itrengthoill the whom =tooth sTstcm ii creatas a good appetite, and is Isaffanted to ea yspeleda andby Diet , lo9l Debility. P im We • • •• •• • • GEORGE R. KEYSER. Elite:ug/L. R. E. SELLEIIS' & C 9.. U ' 4 l 'l • • CLIP-LIM SUPER, J. IL FULTON, - • . , 1 4 GM). KELLY , Allegheng ostthlvd.aaar.- , I'ORTX TRAM PRACTICs = - ns AMEBAE, anneal:3W Gives 1111.11132011/04. e seldom acquired by Phyla. 43.115. 'My !obi - rtildesta in this city, ,sn.:l 1.1:• mot of. patientiOnated apAcAPY DE ;WtaN autEeletit met of my rucc est: - — mum , BPERNATICIRBIL .C..,orSEIBAL w And diseases wising ttmmtrww, leg 9uNd iz - soya charter time than bezotgara br OLT NEW GETABLE BVILMIES. Medisine . * lent $4 a 434 sere WWI Union. kaarli mUlt c ol lt I. to tam =turn 9as em men& • WE" ES 82LITEETELw" Week law YEW ons. 461t0iT , sJ•i!'•DRA/". . -; ::cry:-{ c:a,i.. :.—t , s= 4 . 1.3 — e• FpwwxdrultEirr'S Now Winter II eorotre,44o deolare, itrol TWO ttrallize7*iotEtog to wear Though 111 Wag Lf and ° Or t .T 111426 Ira the ittieltruit-drekOhOreiN the ir Wien 414 ~ • - Aet th!ritZtest ire*; ind the salstis putt., to cgs toe purr money the meet y04.01,12e Vin beltereUna giant Dee. f They ny tbliTtatzthtlr mm t7isttteea Moire Sae CLlcialtiltat to Honer tairimiugt by tat Be dm MO Jealdrip, aitdbe teld mz; IC lerdi to by form tdolcrraliatt ries, &ST add" tub a eta= Sp lex lOrelir (sag Thst the exquialtei think ha • ratb stmt . bat. , The 0 10ak Carle ttita moan*, liio-sr NOW Chllkrikiallflliglairer. crag). renow n ,: .. Who has Med& Utah & pule all through the town, goils 47 / 013 rowfilt textures mail Alm tad tams, • From the ample' roof, salted to; winter storms, To the elegant ielvete for twin parade, swaattglbliwitfcim, thi wife .41 . =WI io know, How the pJor+raL'9vea when tie adls E. low. newt ••• • •-• 1 - • A 4 3. lir.niTED S RM A. INT His Campaigns, Col. 8. M. COMM &lint Cal. R. B. ERWIN Oa* Volta= ave.; Seal Pages. CLOTH.., 'With eight splendid Steel Portraits, and Aram Plans, Ste. No other ofiletal ; and authentic history of tide peat army will ll•yoldlahed, for no other writers can have mese to the private aid racial payer* of the sporsicowinandera. All stick liformatloa Is furnished for Ude wort • exelhalvely. The foh Lowing lotto!. from Gen. Stamm shoals the WA.. alai character of the work LANOASTSR, 0., July el, 1865. C. B. Bicharti r on, Esq., 640 lirominviy, N.. Stn--CoL S. nt. Boman, she aciinaldtance of mine •loco 1853, and more recently in the eervlce of the United Stater, has had scam to my Order and Letter Books, embracing oeptes of all orders ; made andletten written bye duce the Water. of 1881—M with • Vial , to puoliah a memoir of my Ufa end semices, and no other Lunen has had such an opportunity to read my secret thoughts and acts. 1 believe him to be to passealon of all authentic tact' that teat interest the general reader. am, be., W. I'. SI:LERMAN, . maJ r Geo3rx.d. The Work is Sold Only by Subscription. Agents wanted in 'Tani I =ol welt of tbo:Al** ingherien Exc.halve teriitory given, and liberst inducements offned., Agents will And the into of, the loot ImPtyryai,iotierttlf Wants copy. Fox full particulate, addreal of apply to - AMR W. C 7 FOKETH ST73.l.EriPittatirgh. PA , O. E. )21131fAltDSON", Neer York. / V 7. J. BOLLARD, sprlnViald, Pub/Wien ' eciedneext EZQVCIZit. RARE CHAIM% TO BUY A CHEAP DWELLING HOUSE.--Eigus two 'Arty d erin i t 4 = 3 ; thIMSDO . II, will be 0014 all from $OlO to PION Onerkkinitaals. if yottpumhase an WO hens., the taxes, and Internet wilt make o Rat of about 15 per moath; tbe hollseskent -for Stop and Stre per year. Persons :satins In tlut City will and UrtawtneenorportUnkty Set procure a. home of th eir own In the coOntry; out of the smoke and dust, and yet easy of amass. • OUT LET fa SONS eekS - at Market Street: pRODUCE SLOW-REORIVING. ,1,00 Petah Table Butter I. 10O'binEes Prime Oream Cheese ; O barrela treat Eggs ED " Sweet Pota toes; to 2o " Emus Family Flour; •• 01.1 m AsuAles. For tale by N. RTIOLE. wAN No. 153 Liberty &treat. 'YORK STATE APPLES.-2 car loads' prime Lake Mors Appleknowlo dors and' •zoissla by /.. IL VOMIT & 00. IXB v irtarrcE CHAS 1829. YERPET ut,L FILE INSURANCE 001EPARY o. PHILADELPHIA._ on lainnary 1811.1; $2,457,1449 Capital I 400,000 . ' Accrued Pretolptra. ' VII,OOO Invested Premiums I,6=x4Vi Ureettled Ola(ma 8,41.1 Lucerne (or 1.934500,0da Losses Paid aloe IEZ:9 . ' 8,000,000 Perpetual and Temporaly Policies on lthera Wow: Charles N. Snicker, - lan. Wagner, Edward C. Dale, Samuel Gran Genrgo Fain, ie..abß. it. Alfred Filler, 0 *arse .W. Bile:!.. Fraa.M Lew 3, M. DRAMA'S N. Yreal lent. EDWASD O. DALE, Vice ent. JAS. W. ALeADTASTEE4 Sea pre. tam: - J. G. COFFIN, Ageti.t, corner Wood sad Third sareeta. FLRE AND ELARIZTX i nstu l ted 00. of . ,Nor.th America' EI:IUI)ELPECLL Assets.... • $1.750,000. ilartford Fire Insurance Company. ~.151,65N000. ArPgoteetion Can be socureclin the above =as and stelstae complatee. . • ESTERN INEILRANCS COMPANY " Qr PRTSBUB.IIIg, ... li.. DULLE.44: Sr, ?midst, WM. P. tomßfam stact.3, 0111ce, No. 02 Water street, Spans & oo.'n Ware. Goma, up stairs, Flttatiursh. MU trourek _agatut all kinds of Ant and ...Wain' Risk.. A Ham ft:MN= vumayUct by Directory 'do art well known in as cam xe uu Up and who are Ada, trined by promptuuszi And :UDC - a...Z..4 la ra&Latefo es character let tot they Sane eurzinedi tre offertnq tha Ur/ srattstiott to thou se&Yettrarela be saaarat. - nxr..rmosa s .., .. s li , Z2:l la cr ca , Sr. aw ~,, ,:... . li tu eu = si, Ae sp. lden , Nathaulai holm., llavillAl. Long Al= Niluirly, , ' ; . •UM ll;l'homaye . ! ; Geom.., Dand_ty ' " ' ' MOM'S. Malt. Cappbell R. Imam .'Atha .E.XeCtuach C. W. liasketso._ mrso ' '-', ' : war.. P. I"ecretar7. .INBITRA.TiCg, COMPART ntrTNIIVIRI; 011.-01tog,...aornez 4131. ,! -1, .111.4„Mc.A. exulWSer streetioecoml B.S. door: W- • . WM. O,IET. A. Blet0;t11A-Secrgar; . • :•,, TornrekSteamboaG ma .4 Cargoes,. ismame, atelnat.'lou. aser.damege Boil of ;the - Boutlent. And Western Maw., ,1 4 4c0 endlleyous, and the nevigalola df the raUrci againatlpis and dPrasgBb.l firo. Wm. BiLI B. ;A A . IIIIII4I J Xl6 2, X. Ssmnet - JAL Perk. l''Jzonts CoOpm, ' W. 4.,79Mstoxy .11artwagt. . B. tames,' Etiut; T. M. ROM • • Jeha S. Dilworth. Barclay Prieton, Bolger& George Bingham.:... dettedr/ PEOPLES'- :41314CE COMPANY Mee, N. E. corner of Wand and Filth Stt ERE :ittArrld :Tiziganmsra Wm:Phi , Oapt...lntut L. 11110i4 . 1 John Wats, ' Second P. Shtrintr, John .E...Parlie, .o.ll.anson - . Chula S. Blise.11;•. , tbnalde, Wm. Van 33.1:1E,' Sohn F. Intkpatilo?„' James R. .Vinnal W FFILLLIFS, President. - ,JOSH W4IT,:A ,•.Jul‘dy r ' ll l LL - ZeitIEiTY:INEMILMCE-"COMPA. NY OF PFFlSTlONakle.4",tcate, .No.ll7iNtii• es fiiAi. mil:ld all Wads air! Maxi lock. - ' . • ishati zorms, • J 0115,11: arvinuy Pia. , D. M. NOONc&erdory.,._ , ~ , • Una James, Solul Pdaoaal, O. Galloway, Allem Jatoba; 'Harvey OLIN,, . B. H. IS • Cag 0 11 174 Jo Invirt, JT 13. McGraw. ; • B. L. Vika; ett.i4 • I/864 7 6s‘ - nysy& P"? ` .. .. zi (71S1R712Alatttit....817BM38 .....mc MUM TiiMinr -7- =1" , Pr MikM• =allitifilla,T- May 111041(110Osi*: , tillheaystalp sataltern, --• •.. - ' "`- ~ sinTitlP ttlaintlLarit, • si.. stopping 03 ysf waft, • direct 000needkas st ri pu z - Za 'itattlousrs swyWitatdastolu and IS `tar Now York,7•Ecoton sad intentroxttsts points. ' num. , 11.01).ATION,dai1y eig•9 l . ,. 8U .... a. adadcg t=_MAZ 3nat 7 Pt n ags Aa 0 " I_olo, itit 4: =o Vi th lti .a il EtZlag "l4l 2 . Offs B, Small 04 .71 1 t0tbi CIS asall= . Aililit Si l ry mar , tbona I sad datffeeticitts botr#4,l ItEtr:taah, 8. r JO ACCOSMOOUMrhari: amt, I.oop. ira; atoadatarnentar USW tints genlie sad Jshaidowa, and son. w enius. tenteoton Aria OLW it._ Mins Biala sod Weft Peararlyasis SOT aPriII,I.LAD.4•I 11& . E • XP O E oaecas ttil h r ' r= `M = - eLsdtass.ln=,,,,' s•'"• .an d : . • wit direct ,soaaosttoaa ITII made foe •• •, • • Witatiforton saelltew WSW at Phibidel po idilitil . sir Tom. 13ostois leoLtates tmews ts; Qin nut tattno I tLizz rolls Lecua An-Esltintook and New YOZIN by allentoinmatita ',, 1 - 1 FAST =WI. noein Stonily; At us D. at., stopping o I' st-Oonsonin os, • Etta Lewntawn. Stsrywrllls, Ninisbory. IdiddlotoWn.,4:2lSsosita, won, Mt. .Toy r tautdOTOWSAn -0M(11= 'Wyo. lagtowa. At ISsolzbuty. anossenons us made fo Newolozn, gyittmors sad Wintdayton.st, Philw r (obis, for ivpiriot?t, Boatt)a,szul, poinn „ - urn aseato Son Than lorllnWp — Stat,-”- Naas as 13tuadan atliOnar. ',...z . t I (BoxwatiscoOpoodstlon Mt= Ow as l4 l:R.:tally (rumps Snaday)stal,AMT =al nownagodstos :Todd tot Willi sum daily (edaryalloaden st LW y. In. ... - ,rotato,Asoadinualitton Vali tot VsMlStStlttlf, AMA :laity Sanday)stlLOOVto.' • --•• DA Penn 6000000, 10010!Illt 14 *.rtetuaral 'rain- ii.vis waii , ""sia., sun ri V at 1 4*". 14 1_ ierreliMlPTlW •ap Sett:Wag Zuni snits in ilttliontims toltelter , . GIL —. ..«..i...... .......5........ - am ii. nu. , FYI. Linea... _ y 4 ........41..1«... WS.. di . That Wadi's Stratton A ... ,,,,, MAt'.. e ens S. al I P 0212 400003410010100.. A ....4 . •••*, 7.501. Ort , - Scam( LialOa s .StationnosoausonattoS WO& isk- , JOadownlotancouslation............. IttAS IL: as. , Plaugh a Mail..: ...........c.A.It» ri.Vi v.v., Baltinicers ... ,:...... 430 yr. m.. TIOJI/Yall I - 17,17,04, t 164- 2 . 011 1" K. itri... \ 1= 14. • c•- - - TO SELIg P4Uadeipb.ti -•-- Fouttb•Walry....,aflontem , ol.llop., m. EmlicraaVa ... Ir.lll Wet. , An-Aceat tka Ikadaler .. 4:toralbastkoapdv will pan throt.gb each tale befarermobtatiflo:. Depot, take uploreaka sad deliver tiarafalta to 407 part of th e clty4 Ofka leo. co Polo =INN Opef day arid olablothere all orders for libarreolaroanS , oorloo of paasergera load bacsage rOOO Pfundill t. . Baltimoreortrri.l:lll it4l4,4**: 'El d 'reas eass of b coda OO~p are, iTe pi;ii any . bold theraseliti zerpoolible for -011113111 oaly.ared for adszonentraot errc' At thiaCkaafirareta Matra- wawa Station. OA Marty a nd Grant atreeta. m M!!!!!1=2 Tirrssußtozvr iiit maggiz . ' l :CA7 4i * OA RAILWAY .- CLETRLAM). A PATZIO EMZeii - 46--,--....-.., ....,....... &WW2. atisca.ailitliteNT." .. Oa sad- alai ! ! My “tik 1 1 24 kt44l Vtil:Ma torlaws, tiz, A . Leaves ,, 1 Fat -7= : A ra ~ . PittanottblObiaaga, datralaad. Intalla,'... MIMI. --...1.14D a- m . 2...t0. it. sa, gm 46,4,4: roam Cait,t,tasihdErla Mai: 12: , . . -- -- . . .. .. artiv• v l i iltiab;gi.p: rt. V. tc C. nail ' ' ".„ dm 4.732.,/...10 '2m...fa115 , . _sa..j.ti , 9=1t.10 p.; '..,. 0. 86 P.S.• '..W ti. EI:4ia P .E6 ORRRIL '!' ` _ . 4 19 31 4 4 :urga!dadzft ::, .:- ,::: 1 --, Bal lean AMT . 7: New , i 1 ''-. ! iStik: lite ta - eastliS. - iteetiotifyr Mai ,'...,: 11,03 •.= 14 5 _,P•z 6 sAPP:I O - 1 ?-a 0 D•re. slNhnii. topaz .-;: -I : , , - - '"' ardry,iwito^Prql—P. 7.. W...k.V. lia,; , ttt m. :z-, tad - 4. .p..1.M95. 16 M., L.W. P. Inn PRP,. % Ei victA,t ittli , viiiit •. • • •-• ti , z. Vat= i'di_ •2 : o4..tcatqLstlon . ,'Plitsburgh, 1,," ; 4, Q. . ..-,,,, .. x,. y, 'Make% .6s , M - , - sayt " wr.t. nmies.cienem 746' 1. prrreaugear I , 2aa ao ggligag.. .NrizriLsy . u.a. . , . SUM* eggiAlico 3 74o. l %.:;ZF • grNmvicat4trAT4lo4ll2NVA: ' ' • nuaburgh.•, - Putirp..; Mi - 7;56a.au, cluP; n 70 watt& Lit „ p.m. 713 A Erinteikpiift,Mra••• I,smcuu " . : 16eao1 4mt a:lBp.m * 10 ,P• 1 1 ,. ' Stilday alma TrautO 109-- 10-07‘. from N•Ree7.7Wt For *UAW 402 to A. S. STIA7O7, Ana& " STOUT. Superfacous ,• ALLIDGEntiYITILL-,Maamptf' LEY SAIL 11.0. k - D.- - . MANGE or:mate—A:to and after ZIOND.kTi; D l ff 16 thsWolollmviall Wan= !sr sr take RAM T.R.A.—Leasnis Pittehmegnat leg arriving atlatianning et 10.03 t la. Tomes Eita: tannig-At arrives at antintierai sk. p. EXPRESS rikani--Learts Kittenzitneaftile' : I. Da,_sabring, at' Pittsbnoogh at aka a. at. Loam Pitiabuzgliat Oigql). Mori,* ritlitttsaning,,„„ iLle atICOMMORATION AltAll4. Lea, Tea Soda: Works at Lao ni m.,,arrivingatPittitarghat7.ls ia. Leaves sttrinugh at anO.p.las.. =Mar at 11:1 0 171 0 .WRIGHT, putionsandsq. _ • pITTBBM3I3. .FOI32ED/, A. GARRISON CO: (Successor p to Bellinsn, Gorden; & C 0.,) tt FOUNDER AND MAOI3INIBTS3 Plaantaeturetiiot Chilled Rollers of all laza, for Iron, Steel, Pistrai Zino, Copper, Silver; i3ole Straw Bos&W,zPaper ladise *rabbet - Worlts .110,1 Bo W 1 Cakiirgs•oi. deneption4l._ Ram MR& eat Double Grinder, with& wale., ty of other patterns, al Co imagined fitted to op short, itetbririto4-ferorstrio terms. Ct9lea Wafellous , 4 Ll 9 atzect, Pittsburgh. ARsENA3OLABs-womK.tL NOD#g*Lirilitn3A. Matayll,itTreTrofz' and el'eezt - Girastitore::Draireitss More. Itotthes, Demljobus. CarboYC'dpr..`' ,Wdretwure: iTVILTAT-STBSET, BETWEEN' SMITHIUWAND's3.B4IIV,STREETS, . .p 1 TSBURCIN; xa: We annhi l"rrn atuelttt W f mi r tha ta ffil e ur " tilas. e rlurt ys on hand, Cilasstram or the above description. Al! orders promptly attends& to. Partnalar atten• ;Mon paid to prtVate moulds. - sultry DkAZIOND B EL-,WQnEB ijrrrsstramt. re.: l PARR, BROTHER & CO. N. L. sorms, azazirr, 83 Viator Street. trio elan.) BEST QUAtiITT TEEMED OAT- STEM. Sonar grant and Octagon, o ell sties. Werralt. edclan Ito exec-der mannfastntSd 1z tht: DEP OMee and warehbuse, Nos. 115 and 151 and UO euul i'4,SIIOO24,IIT&SFM, Pitlls mash Fume ()DP VNGTNES. evArtio.t s ag, lwer. b&141 a . japeilhtnple KY . _ C7=3. :=ZW,OrTAN27II, mYry• , Hither a Ciaumn'affintritai • we Levan Oestles_aemilag engines- tor thls par.-- pose to mill' see see them ' Gorr= PlSY. ater - Works. 5 604=604 STB <LETS, noarelty W jets , Prin TOSE. XEMeaLtak WI VAMINISP -1 :10TOBER 8;11861; :DM:RIDGE'S PATEN? ,- oVai`,./LattSP Xp_anfactured vf XX Fiat - Glu t These Ohio:011re are I.= Una Od tOr the ner gams, beetias sit viral attha glass equelly,does notes. . pose It to Gratildbf. E. D. LaragroGE, - Fo r t pittprass Works, WashLeror, street, katshttri.ll,PosSeS' - DERN KACE- 0M3.8 A - 2 , 11 — ) 1 - 01IffILI A". LIIN W iii 4 / 2 4: BUILDER. arm zialfrmyrai; ~,T2rantmettrixa ffirretaksad saztagfk .7 , llaanattaxer: 41 - NV 11'1 tr , s pirifot. PORTABLE ;OSCILLATING- ',STEAM: 01N23. Shafting, Pollepa, to , Itepaiting 611 Wads attended to jef-ty - RIESECK•A O. BR' Engine ESlitddta Zdachisgatt, Atianifikeinietslitauieefotrntei4 agues varei. rot stesicarqulmoa Engtao.o3.regress , li. fCbit SVPitlng. Eargienr. r =elk", rier Baret/ sat .Pthrtr &moo, . - rizterwrza,p4-i.. scpatritut /Ms P=lng uP Za" . .rosrl Ittogiltl7•l attended ta. /cam a! ussattix. ' W.BILFF4- 4144421)3. - ,gER40A,Z:04;4:-.1 ..AN • MON FOUNDEKSi, cattail& fey& NA -179.infilnit-'griaXi k z -.-. ~4.L~.Ft ~.:D3. M2MMfM zrawranticrrnakas. se JOHN N. atottelscat Xanufactterets of _:~: w 4 . - • 1.1 lib': zd ar k e s swots, - A '
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