neon Ofit'mburgh oolittt. i fttraerarT. SEPTEMBER 21, RAE 14ELVELEREP aid Departure of Tratai lrenliolyanla Central Calmed. - - - ' , Ent 191nnm....... 2 9 2 2 m Blial/....0........ tdo a m auulLooanunon aw p m Past Line., 290 a m PittailtEtiallall 120 pm PM& Ertoliniuoop gm MOM 15912ti0n. - .'1440 p m Baltimore iltp's lan p m An Line......_. 120 p m Phila. Expten.. aso 0 m ~- . 74 atili 6 madela'SA0 p m Johnit'a Acen..m.4 a m tit wau Station 41.10 a m Ist Wall Station amvato : .1141' . 4 8 ' ....- ' " 890 3 ID f -' Ad .., ", ;: , ..",,Al.sp to td . 0 ^ 1.05 p m 4211 _,, ,•,- " ADS pto Ph 0 " 690 por i Sanaa -acOmo'n.lo2o3/ El Pm. dr 001310h1. tfia , m , 'Ttittnlnueo • unto !easel Walls , Station every , Land 0.142.96 a. m.; Mamba, leaves Pittaburr„h i ' iii• .m. —.-. .. , p Pittabargb, Fort Wayne and Chicago. r I- 140.9i.a.' i. , ~-. ~..; ';'. Ar" , .. 4 2Txpreaa...... I* o a Exprou =la m •Expesse...:"..... 201 pm Esprem saop tn. .R l Ptetit. - .. - .. - ......... to9P m 19 . 8 .. - ... •••, 1 4:8:; • .2f. Citalta4Ellt 630 a m . Castle a fain 820 Y= . 41 0 , Ba .4 0 0 0 mInOdation learenaileplanty. 11100; atIP; ta.t 17 46 ii.: to.; '4.45 , p.. In.. and 6901 p..91, - • eater, , 2.15 P.vml; New Cast* Ito! P. , EL; Ecar44l . • 1120 P. CI. - i • .. t .. arra:ea - - , Maprisa. ........-Adapcniltrpten......—.. 240 a m -. t.... 145 ,P.TP1 En . ttia...,..... p. 15 pm i • ....i ' `..920 stmOr I .....::',... - .n9O pm, 13 4.4ocioauloodatlon team 7.llinfimall Apt '.1;;.,-...1.41. I ...a.m.,. ~..... / ' ; , nc'r t , t , Plitnhorgti and..Cotatellodile. ,; • • . • u0 . 5.:.1 ve0ut...,,,.1. t , ,<../ yrrals, , ii .., SW .... .! . r 0.,.., ;:s a m Exau riar .,.... ;: ml: il - '2oarmarj,orunotii: treacao:4iZzaizz alai it so . .;:ada p ea -- --- '.. ••:;:.... Vin, filstaliddOckla.. Ima m Id -. .';rrii,r-gro ar_>.r- - :ii• 51 1 ) Pm ...,4,,17 : AllegtmnP.VaUcTßialroad. • -, ' e.4.,,r,o;.tarank ..•.: .• :.,.• , Airipis. 7 an p. .........t . ..t . 440 719 ;91 . Mp1icr,.«..... Pap a* 790 p ro ApinUsOOdstion ISO Wm liseommodaitim 8,30 a , Y3 O ll AND 'The Philadelphia Eilreateid—§nelng the Batiqtrit . 4 tlONlgliant. I The Iltood Imes; Hoak and Ladder,Cmispanyi 'of Phttsdelptle, - have - matabely hid an Octave Obillid Of entertainment since their shit to OM 'Yeeterday they were escorted in • body, leaded by Hon. James Lowry and werel other •prominent 411 m% to a number Of the Prixo4lll manefacturbg establishmente of Birmingham, ..-Ther first visited - .Leivis and Phillies- extensive • llntt mad Bolt Factory, and were &own throturlt ride works, and the. mods, °Tema( fully ex plained, hiellenis Bottle Factory, and the Flint . 431 ass Works were both visited. There they ere:toter, shourteoltsly received, and samples of .ant glans or of bottles„Jast as they preferred, fur nished to each of the party as memorials. On arriving at Chess altd, Wilson's Tack Factory. In East BlrmingheM, Mr. Chem accompanied • itheM through the works{ and gave thens'lnil in• ' , formation eoncengog' the meaner ofmellittg ' etc. Jonea end Laughlin* lialnelerk ?WHIM - nib Were next vletlad , and Abe. worke ,avere put in'operation for their. benefit •by Mr. • - FrentJones, whogave them all thoinformulo —they -desire& and treated , theme-w hospitality. The firemen wberesecthey visited expressed great' satisfaction and delight, end were 'teatime untrimmed to see such signs of ltaifty mechanical progress In this dingy adt Janet of the iron City. Last eight the hospitalities of the city were —tendered tke Philadel phia fireman by th e 'Jig!. lar.t Fire C.omrany Ms cdtv. At about 634 o'clock the members of the Philadelphia' and . Vigilant. Fire Companies, togethez-with tVeIY 0 Ulnad vests of the city met at tbe Beene room of the latter, when by foetal converse., and the soul stirring strains of tho Jefferson Corset Band of Philadelphia, led by Mr. John Roth.. • ' merry time passed until about ten o'clock. One of the Contratttee of arrangements ttemannemo cad supper as Wen ready, when the stare coml - Toby (mud Ivo line, and led by the mttste of ire brass band:they marched to Lafayette Rail, where Hair, tieblid had furnished a etimptnotto entertainment, of ,which the follow/rig' batthe offare: • "-'• B.:mate—Bra. Veal, Lamb, Chicken: Colt Dishes—Consed Beef, Rau, Rout 1;144 • :Limb, Mutton, Dried Beef. Tontanerce., rieh—Biackilaw Trons„ yeters—haw Oysters, Stained Oysters, Fried ir.elaw,' /Mortal Pickles, Cabinet v ` isuce. Worcestershire 'Souse:' Vegetables—Roaat Potatoes Sweet Potatoes, Stewed Tomat. Nu celery, Letimuir Belt& v. = —apple Pie, Peach Pie, Pumpkin Pier Creara l Potted Cale,ViltertW, A DM Grapes, Peaches, Prose ,. hi. Wipes and . Liquor. of kinds. Ths tower committee consisted of &War Nierhelltr ,Ifertra. Robert .Kineatd, Daniel Thompsa4 Charles Tick, Wm. Noble, Geo. W. Leonard, James Petrie, David Jenkins, and W. W. Alerdeder. , After ap entertainment fit for the gods, an eminent member of toe Pittsburgh ..-hav arose, ard after a spirited speech, ha wound liD with a maim= quoted from Burns' ...Tom :-013hanter.” >We shall. not pretend to quote, for - , ;iire were were quoting "'banquet. or *. Banquo. at the Hole: Ha was responded to by Major !Dieif. 'White. of Prilleulelphla, who Was dby Hen. Wm. Small of the same place. = 'The bind then played the Star Spangled Banner, Itieju• Wthe off red a resolption - that, as c".ilie were a people elated for oar eutritable feel figs; Maxlmllnaa to respectfally notified abet Halos Ls an extremely unhealthy country, that- he be advised to lease before his health Songs - wereadng by umbra of the ,dre companies, toasts drank, =thumb' ofiirred. : -Mad there was a g,neral good time. As we were not tailed upon last night fora toast, we would _offer the following resolution r ,„ limited, Thal the Vigy's know hew to dO Lin '-.Bony boys. • . • . 41- Visit to Use New Falr Grounds—lietire rye p a rjk tlotta for thefidtproaching Fair -•. - ',Allagreasof the Worn. • ,-,‘ 'We paid a brfof efelt yesterday to theta" . -,mikGronidasa;the hem Gills Patti; and .were .l ,utirli.'irtil by the branty of the lot/alai' ; ...sand the completeama of the projected arrange - „.•''Slients.. The mounds are elevated and roiling, — idielriblyraintded with tine men,' anciently .... 4uPPUed with water. and affird flue Miran for the purposes .required. No situation. into 0 sad basinful mid have beets s *led even-M the , pleb:intone and besatif Ineighbferbedd of oak city. No one who hat ever , ii the Old fah; grounds eau fall •to appreel. date the Immense gapes larity of the new over the ; ' slifetbrrel of the old . About sense are comprised yrlthip the_ high: fame annormdingOthe park; and In different parts libis - mielosure the process. dlng, grading and well digging re goi ng Intskly forward.- Two wells hate already tsi anuk and tarnish an atmadant supply of v Excellent w ater . Others are being dog In ya - 7=15 t grounds, and . there ts:alio a spring of • wire water. a. Melt It Is trident that neither moo nor beast need go Ehiraty,• ,single. amuse stand Idle fdi the -want of anbtlre:potrer. up building_ goers on under the supwinten silence of:the - - genial - and well-known C sot. ra ci ng. <h . the p_ruposed etructures the DP ..,:tiPtia.c-Ilitr,:hiechsate's Ball and two 'Dialed hills Kw .41 1 0 Y t om.Pletod. D.imestie Hell consists of a mein bandit and two transepts. The Maln.Portiotu is. evronty.four fact wide by -• .4120 huudred-,, , sAd-twelve feet long._.F.sch ; .gansept. ta twenty.fOur :feet square. when it, .es';'/lirta receive:lite fluishing tenches in the way of. -,••' 4/COPratione It Irlll :be a . very handsome affair. ::, ,'„ldechenlol Ball is still In a tranriatonittaie;but is AFFrOaChMI Taimpletloa. Ito a:mama . are (I - gooney4=3m • one . hundred and sixty feet.- ?.1 , Ante prittelion dining:hall was fenncrlyari en " .:7;4008a &tides halt for ••Pieidc parries, bait la, niAtitiaditlttd• to fulla. Its. neir;Alestlay. : .11 In. c.: , ,dwentr4atti feet iride._ onO;handred long, ;:The -i'nten'ts of ; geed dinicattons: being only twenty` 7..`tenr.'reetlby'llfey feet.• ,, Elthde would hetei' far= ollithbd COW .enonedi for if - good nld•faitdoned ;:_t:sviseilif,ball los: the, du:rules' .border, h„htd of !-,--viati:i amis. , . abe open dancing door of the old 4 s‘lbideltduitithili •tO be left Intent, Floral and . CArt liallaire_to be erected ort. a prays' ized• - Mance zeirtlid &kenos; and are to be dews. :-...01 and arranged try GemeralltrlxteOtiagY. A carriage road eurroundlng entire IF - Grand ~, 3e bild, out and, needy completed. It is .well - 1' - gradd and will furnish a &Ugh= drip& A trotting, copse,' third of a mile In extent c . is-' wan in: proems •of being - graded. It is Wore- • ~,,blylormi n t d f end if : th evreglier . la far, wth far bleb' good op po far sport. hic u m or t, cm. WM ~bas,,,charge of the gradlng, haelfrojectoi -and commented a delightful foot pail, to except' ~from the relloosul, to the, • alto of itt Ball. It ?yin& along ;the-1110. ilde with an easy ascent s - 'aussitleader the_ visitor -through the plessentest , --portkin , of the- and among the prime at larae-colis.of- , 'TOW istuindent opting-of • __—.L.filte beet water. ' •„,. •,. ~ ft ill - drpeed to:' parted ail • these image : pugs for the County Fair next mental. Vther'an more elaborate Improvements, the way ofd = and landscape gardenias. are pr sdrcody, for future amounts • for thil Ls go isTa permatinr e:xhibttlon ground, the lease .extending to a period of Mae Team c ~,,, tt ;If the Articles - mtbibited am- symtby of the "Ir b rouldthev frill - ondopy, 'We 'County Fair' w i lt. • vertabily be a great enema. .. Mfei alRe4l4 l 4-15' i. l _,.efildhiaol9,4djeglioie National Bank, him P °EBal a tr o; is bnsinpailtalkheiMeneconled hd , Mr. ael e . 4 Mr:Cook has tea connected 1:111:ar. • Lewery:tiCalterdzislacratand 4 Z , luis hen , Mcgree=bibleco n Int lie paha: high poi on among boMese orttastin th e 4:gok for areal man pat, and "Ms promotion ~ -atatttl- r esprealbloyou asidaill an orblecce ,oragtesuen in which ho la held by the,Boord, ' fie Josh -fittlitg t resowndok,OLhiolein Ineolea. Mr. Cook mu ram agwednitek - 4111121•1**417:10mmabF Pt11it.80.144 OfDl - A A case„tmder the late act of Assembly against the nuisance known as "a comma ,cold" wan developed at Alderman Btraln's yesterday even ett Two females, property owners, and rest dente ow Tunnel street, were the parties. Lt appears tilt one of them, whose premises are deficient in water facilities, has recourse to the hydrant belonging to the premises of the other, Wires being of Maher Int-glee* apirit.• Unite; llertartibly - when she discoveroter thus tres passing. Yesterday while the former was drawing a pall of water from her neighbor's hydrant, the latter pat her head out of the win dow, and began a tirade upon her by calling her "an old b—" and other choice epithets. The conic quence was that the latter was called upon to appear to answer the charge of being a com mon scold. The case was held for court. Amusements The engagement of Miss Laura Keene at the Fittii4urgh Theater has than far proved oral neatly successful. A fall house greeted her last evening iv Florence Trenchar_d.,,ln "Oar Amer- • lean C0ne113,7 ! 'Mr. Marge Bask: as Asa, the facetious Yankee, has Iron much favor. The! rising young actor. Mr. Coggswell, makes an! excellent Lord Thindreary. The play Is still on tho boards. On Friday evening Mies Keene. still take • beneit. Ada and Emma Webb. the star sisters, are meeting with much emcees at the Opera House.! "A new bill II annouffal — tor this evening, con. slating of the comedy of the "Market Girl of pp.'s," and the burlesque :of the •4nyleible Prince, or the Island of Tranquil Delight." The Webb Sisters will give a matinee on Saturday' aftensoon. Charge of Lareeny.--Mrs. Barber, a lain-, c 42A 4g ebarged by Mrs. Ferman, keeper of o f Immo .qa Plith,ettget.. with the lareear of mateellyer Bwitp; Ice partial hearletbe-: fore Vitelbjitt;fttdr - tiittrivehig.' AMamber' - of 'elpotniti Were itraihr ;11 tier - - Matte; intrpotMl fob tarot rthoratidletaitiii wen Ifts; Barber elstmtagthat• she resold mufti they tram- hee. ram, ehemtiallittd to r balk ton a, further hearing today. Cross Sult.—jobn Vanesti made Informathml esterday before Alderman Btrain against Wm. 4 Mt, for malicious mischief in running a dray Into hie horse, cutting it In the Link. Mk day.Arrea, and held to .ball for. hearing to 4 Re then brought stilt against Vanetti, floe. sorely, in threatening to "spilt hie head open.'! The' latter was, alto - arrested vend held to bail for a bearing to-day. From Yesterday's Evening Gazette • . . . Another Burglary—Arrest of the Thief Larg d. e tkuantlttes of , Stolen Goods Foun - • Lest night the store of Memos. McCullough, Smith lit Co., corner Of Penn and Irwin streets, was hinglarionsty mitered and robbed of about two hundred dollars worth of eigara, and two umbrellas containing the name of Mr. McCul lough. A suspicious individual was seen loiter ing near the store, by the Ideutenant of the Second District, about midnight, and on being pursued lied so precipitatdy as to escape arrest. In his hurry, however, he dropped his coat, which fell Into the hands of the watchman. The man was again seen on the street, about fora o'clock, and' chased Into a new building,, . . where be has finally taken :into custody. He, gave titer'netne of Bernard Itaishat; and was locked up for a hearing: This morning, when he came before the Mayor, torgave a very con-f tradictory account of himself, and pretended to. explain his suspicious conduct by alleging that, he had been drunk. Be also made contradic tory statements as' trChhi place of residence; but It was finally ascertained that he lived on; Boyd's Hill, near the head of McGee street. , Although no part of the goods stolen. from McCullough Co.'s could be found, he'llqm: Wednesdaytted )1111 'to =MR IMMO? litaileg! on next—the Mayor feeding-utifid: that betted caught a veritable, eariCalgusgerotts kurgier• A search warrant was sabaemently.lrllxadln the hands of officers Wray and Strain, wh o visited Marshall's house and secured ii — very large amount of goods, most of which had evi dently beettignien.7Thergeods were peeked In trglikaAnixesi earpettaCks, btu:idles, etc.,' and consisted, la part, of men and women's cloth-4 leg, dry geode In ...plicca, neck ties, hosiery, ' gloves, handitereMefe - "There are costa, pasts and vests—new and old—some with the cost niarkayet ort, endocrine comddetahly worn. Among Atte , princltial Mildest( goods are two velvet =miles,. one long and the other short, and a small velvet cape. One of these mattleals Teri due, and supposnid to be worth forty or Ilfty &Mars: • Meny of the place goods, are rich and vs:liable. There Is as ,endless va riety of emallgoods, whickit. would be imposal hie to enumerate in dilL They embrace I watches, breast pins, rings, keys, seats, clea, and almost everything to Se felled In a jewelry stem It la supposed that moat of these artfelerwerefrolertirent The - shop of • widow ott Pennsvivanbriventle, sada was robbed some ago " Among the pleader wilAttsige lot crepes, co tobac, cigars, cigar cases. etc. etc., an it is believed that these' were stolen from 13mIth'S tobacco store, on Pennsylvania- avenue. A lot of tea, tratmegs, candles, etc, was also found, and it is believed that these were stolen frog itlCCery store In the neigheorhood. Timeshare been several burglaries perpetrated In Mum vi. dully lately, and Marshall evidently had a "An gerla the pie." We mention a few articles which May presibly be Identified by the owners A gold pencil case, With letter "F," engraved on tbri:•eblet a gold ring with the Mullett "11. F. M. 13m1881," on the inside; *a Masonic "CI," which has been worn auselderably; a watchmaker's eye glass, whkb bes.been broken and bound Wire; a ( =Petite:ell rule with the letters "A. ci." cut on the edge, and many other Waller articles. Tee goodsare newel thekfafor's dace, where they can be examined by who may have lost artlclc St the kind , above enumerated. literary Notices: - • • I 'Teo Parananwee• WORDS, • aeleettnn of passages from the opeechee, addreezez, and letters of. r Abraham Lawola. goston: Walker, Fuller & Thla little book la a collection of whet might be called ••Lincoln'a Gems.. They are arranged under five general heads, viz: Polltical Byatems, Slavery and Aatfelavery, SALM, sad !eternal ,liniernraticats.- gtnetatla the opier, Qttlme, which grentiv facilltates reference.. The sayings of Abraham Ltnealti-will %teems =retail more precious every day,atid.., many will drake to pourers hhi choice wade convenient for prank Case, 70 Irlfth street, has the Nation, gonad Tablee add all the latest .periodleals far "Horn at Home" still imelntalar Its Interest. Ina charar.,terc For sale at Pittoek's, opposite the Poet office. - , . &wars . O'Bitzum, the Bold Boy of Glens% one of De Wilts' twenty-free - cent NOYCLS, has been laid qn our table by W. A. Glidenfenne.V, 41i Fifth street. Tale Isone of the: Most mirth stlrring Irish dories with which we are ae qtainted. It Is "full of .a -wild 'itrange beauty, and abounds In character' of the moat opposi te Mr. Gilder.fenney, 'sends us also Peterson's Ladles' National Magazine, for October. A beam Ifni number, containing no lees than thirty articles and forty-five embellishments. Attempt ld:CdPluFtS MuYP/len• This morning eh= one o'c.loeir. theetdilde niece ot Mr. &Melds. the corner of - Fonrth and Wood strente, wes &relay entered by Mice rOlrellti6 Ttioy , klikt2l the door (Mai: kh9 10 * anti. 4 4 0 g- t ibset P f r a Ct i . 0 9 ' 4 .V I P 14° WV, a i m a i bbaLtbiligil, 4 , 4 *I. **Jo.' lactdeide regimt .that „ ,thvywouto,:bm. ,waro that aoitangeoq4 keno = kg ; go, _ they Pena Atpthated wi th Ap to shit: } On Ihek request fax sabslotam being rpra3444 • tficfliutulged 1111100 U demtrittoafti'OPUS Aleatuader And Wahl weld herd enefettc‘ b arresting two of the "agile'," but th e =ape& ...The . two, that. were, antsated w strange:4ln the•elty'addgarotheirnemeses Alfred B. Smith, and J. T. McFarland. The Mayor 05 , 1 t4upi!x.ear y ti 41p 3 a44., costa. The Soldiers , Home. This institution still ruMinues Ita beneficent mission," notWithstsadirgr the close of the . war and the diminished necessity for its Whom, Yoneseturned salters ,aernowthere,waklngtd bd mastered out. 'One of them Agony/demi: from sickness: The. zalsentiere well. Th • have been no deaths, at, the „Home. since J . Two occurred during that !month: look at the !may Om:lA . 3m with its tempting beds and the welt:ordered Idtehetw:Where appetising pre- Paraddas. for dinner were iming forrrard, gave the Idea' ths& the-boys might be teconelledP their ate If their mustering out was delayed fora Air dasaittaggr than aSpeUtd,...3 .._ • • &manlt.-31ra. Ray and Charlotte Nielamnitd liviag Put townahlp,.gatdrito quarrel YES . torday in fegardlo - Chielome that got into Chin , lotto's : • em. In the conies of the alteroildon2 . • • ' • •1. language became-toofeeldaip ex lsettiairs. Say's eadiCAtelt3 Add wire 2 •••tiod tfo a Lwock-draw argument in the shape of a LAY/ • moo which wife applletto.lirs. Welsninnes person.o4ltudidttowormtd 06 stone and Ws. Bay to Alderman Taylor. to whom she oho the solitary specimen of her mineral cabfnet _ with .11 1 ° V. 14 11 1044 Xe-14.0441, Amaidt Upon a Wirk.-Testerday as a fretryleions wseheing troloadtdrill CIA grOCF, stare of Mr: Ott. LoWe: entrirttiet, In the Y 'Ward a rowdy named David 'Jamieson came, 0 'arid wiedfddir Mita Lowe's little boy; Ingo itai ;7' otandlng ncer.into el:Vatter udder theatorwee Peet. Forpmately the child was =tat. bat the Mayor this, morning; on heating ,the ge tlftert .Idni=firlheitid!`gOod I VE LA. I How • Seduetlon wa.: Settled A few days ago a young girl named Newell Nevergoldieppearod before Alderman Butler and preferred - inherit of sednetion against a young man named Mathew McNamara, residing in Btawartatown. A warrant was issued and pia red la the hands of officer. John B. Baron:, who started up In a buggy about four o'clock this morning, expecting to nab Mr. McNamara as he crossed over the Bliarpsburg ferry on his way to work. Burs enough, Mathew came along "on time" and on being arrested slated that his name am Johnston. The officer remarked that he looked so Much like the man that he wanted, Chat he *mad take him anyhow, and he did so— aner allowing him to go home and change his clothing. Oa arriving at the office be was con fronted bithe fair Naomi, and gently reminded of his promises and short comings. Not having a friend at hand to enter ball In his behalf, and (Banking to make - the acquaint ance of the PM= Warden, he finally consented to marry himself out of the difficulty. The ceremony wee . by Alderman Butler In his best style,-thanult. Withdrawn, and the parties were ahOnktisleave Whin the father of , .theywongneanonade hls appearance and later- ' posed Barletta objections:_lt NM too late, how ever; as the knot, wherroce tied, cannot be - so • easily severed.," The father, on being made at. , .quainted with. the legal dangers which the young nom had just escaped, finally became reconciled, and the parties leg for their homes. . . A Free and Independent Voter. A horse ~ belonging to one Hugh Atkinson, was taken up tad Itight,"-and:li4deirtO iota- Pea hntdelf, property , Hera had to Pay 'ttni&tits'of the'etittlne arrest. When he ay , =lied the desk ffith a ttic. neadpiatnn4ft in in the tionastallteata3o _3(44as-the Mayor and his osalstants. In the course of his tirade he waszlipatitThhiMßlrtrifaishould hold on till the-nest Attu= andjudd show hire. ' Hawes a Inatar'inte,' and' lle'd Sae what / his vote could do" towards reorganizing the city goverment. - Hialm-ther remarks were so profarufand violent therhe became unbearable and he was sent to the lock-up to cool his heated • Ape" about su hour spent In durapce iriM sent on-hia way with a acme fetal. mud.. Josiah Poor appesex . t:lraforp ,Tay. for yesterday charging Samuel Good int 'John Fletcher with pti&kmalf eatUsig. atinft two rafts of timber belonging to him, and allowing them to float down stream. It appears that the rafts had broken away.from their fastemings, , and had floated down to the bridge of the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago railroad, where' they were aecured. Good and Fletcher , Were. fearful that the masses of timber would damage the bridge, so they eat them away. Mr. Poor could hardly reconcile himself to losing his, rafts that the bridge might be out of daturar. The case was held for hewing. The Young Man's PileDa.—Warrnnted to cure Private Diseases. For sale by druggists. Ask for the Young Man's Friend. A pamplici giving the symptoms and treatment or private diseases accompanies each Box, or can be had by addressing Young Man's Friend, Box 99, Cineinnatti. with a three cent stamp enclosed, to Joseph Fleming, Charles Super, J. )..F piton, or S. W. Fox Co-, Allegheny 'ell :Om. pcni CITY COLLEGE, Corner Penn and t. Clair Streets, pr7 , r3l3l:tall, PA. The largest, dampen and most maenad BLUM= MAYS COLLEGE IN TICE UNITED STATES. • Students enter and review at any Ulna. irlt.Ornerars, eel: addrcay dem on pptteWsn lag tell tfo t tr u ll . erg i % pal a. JEMMIES At SMITH, nedtilairdßlawg B4on, prafios. .• _ NtrnornrE FOOD, *lr. =Palate eini uivaiaps. Tarelaklagspleataatasul ealitttoas Soup Sr Gruel far children deprived of the aeate walk. aed lavalkla of ell ague /4- Pal direetbana au each package. Far sale at the 0121Tfi&L DRUG 170 rar t : oar= of Ohio eadYederet lareetik eka House, Allititiottp. maims A. BULL trim's 8. B. SEW% Stock and Real Estate Broker, no. 67 FOURTH STREET Orders tar the purchase and sale of GOLD, and GOVERNMENT, RAILROAD sod PETROLE UM STOCES, promptly emouted.oy ten lirsPlis In Sew York or Philadelphia, al the REGULAR COMMISSIONS as established by the Beard el Brokers in the respective ettles. , QT. BUJ caBEE. 01L LAND FOR Crot niaL.F.,lnterenta La lands lying on Pit Rola k, ADJOHTTITO THE HOLUDEN FERAL known al the "Deer Lick r also La the contaLnian :cur acne+. situate on Ptne Run, be. teen Plt Hole •nd Oresltc Theo Inter•aui ere very desirab/e, el tile situations ma ell bot. tomiaads. Enquire of W. J. ft HALL PATTERSON, Atto M rneys, 80. EA Fourth St., UM 1eil) 0:16 IrgrallA FrAeiv. tATl:Lolognealo IDx-12.601.astit - AND Dr* *.rttg IN • io, Red Lead, Lftharan, Penik 01 Varnlehee, Dye Studs, Window Glue SZI4 Put Spice; Perfume:3r, Berzolay Cabal 0 11 au& Also, Agents far Wlnters Melanie Drown • Paint Ilanditou WAD. Lead, allot:ter Oak Mate Lead end &Lamy & Whlton , e Celebrated Pigott. Drys: In one and two pound cans. No. 37 WOOD 87MEEZ orkwrz =a sr. (manse wino sTmz a 13A11./37,1aTQVK BRO/UBB nts makers and Brokers haviiiiadoptll , tha follortagj RATES OF COMMISSION' gra will ba gomai.d thereby' fromttdir date Week' aNI• as Ita sod -4-conta par attar% do. do. IP and zip lora 1 par aent. do. do. 525 26 p &aro do. do. Ma and ova; of I per cent. vti _HEWITT'S • - POIATTRICUM • FOB THE HAZE, la seknOWledged by Onto bare owl la to be A Noh L Try It ye doubters sod; be convinced. For sale by all druggists. 1Y15174 )314.11 • • • • ' 7 111CAL1EL:11.X:CLIMIS C. ERrril IC A tr'E S . ;E01,7 • - r-1701,) :1- • QS= 1341181). TREE4, l 2VEREEtAtialluitillit aa. A large end virav y. and rfAnarritex. _ABA.I2 lewst3sac VlNEct'aua. OUSBIPLA. Alta. 0. tanIVIS sod OUT FLOWERS kV order. Bead a eatadogus or eallood osolothe our stmt. JOAN it"er, IRMIDOUI3, PAtibßtlpUden. AO 94140 GPXO4OIII4 11.A 1 4AP_„_ 1 1 1 1 AKA, (BLOOD CIIIIE).. Zr oyv iskit&ar m tletri po r r E tage X c l u t u r i al t E l b iro* PIMP o Arnue,fit prim ttordp = srsouLastorss s ittasaM but • to pore ' • Seraa e by r - =MP KillinnterAtrain . SCUM thigafilll4 sal Youno,strosT Fox ea.L.E.—soo,ouß uniemsa 500,000 iEtttyn MIR ; 131116KILFA . _ von 34.1ta i soCerar, .151,Ldbexty Streak near Scoled4 /E9l OK & BRO., ?.v.v t ` - 14beturItalidess and Mobbing, r :StiivisWitt • LqueSitsalDrenestiQUftaln•vc,weriF hit - C4 4mI T Ervin r i _ t he ...paving and v mu!, J 1.40. ,;" :ftigterzEmmil Worillavists anal u r rdrEV ',tie ail - Aeons AllitoserylNeW: ALL rAP2Cll=liew pittenut ; n: c ays.. dimetl In at jr W -I"4" Vrtin cesr gm" virtfti #l:3 ellßo =ME Mallclorui DlLschlef. PINE LOB LS,Bal. PnvsstritaEr. PAL. IMPORTS ET ' RAEr;HOAD. Pniennunt, 1 1 / 4 100 Wit** es 0 1 110.110 It 'I., Bar. 20.-28 dos ;brooms, E II Myers &ON. ?belts beano eon; le belts broom liandlea, J (1a 0 a Ma. Clellan*l cat steno ware, 11 lit a phew; 21 dos peas, . E iteo 00;28 .do dg, Mallet &, Blekettom :270 VP te , Norm ream re Doi 103 bbls 11Our, ap Is ripepardi 100 de 40, las. Oardleen 100 do do; .me. waltzes.; 4 plts white fhb, El EcrArt k On 'Bl Ska rod, LI Rei,Jr; , a oars tdl barrels, Jas. Wti ktolij_2 ears seunal. Martha & Oliren 2 20 do. Dees, GMT &111211 t dg do; Jelin Moorhead; In Due wbeet and Ile,' Jos. Zull wig; 1 au „wheal., Dad. w i ju m . i i do do„Yelson. & Do . ; 72a abs oats.. 7 6 w Baran 1t 1 01 1 2 2 011 , 11‘ 21•011 & Armatrong; 10 bets ,Aour..W,LAshartigbstre wheat, J b Limit & 1:,,,. Csolvezows, Lab , Prrrimusam- 11.. 11 ..80pt. 210. : 4 as 7 Gomm iksmarkl /abtds Apples, Catolk. tell &Hu toll= do doeVhdor aunt; Dito do, .1, yoteht &Co; Lt bldsou, El 8 Sum or Rua • dour; 11 Chwitlj & Lto; 245 aks *malt; 3' ung w i c h t to bbla Wag A DLlYersja stase • beb 88 1 1 0pIon& & smith, a ”,,,,, uts , xamay a Heel_ ease. to. • Isuhia.o a 3 .522:01cust deo doi J 8 ataximas,lda: ,d,.wamoumgrodth &Dort 11b2 do, A Oak üb;. - e'' t oe rime, a 0 rowttaeodil prro rothiadv rex * UrriLtt terbTr tees. B Inthorit to bloomlynallotatir'il 'a. all 7 bblo 11 82 1 4 1 .2 L bbls ewes, Wm. Bland, 1111 bids applbry BD* wean; tO4 tildes, Ohm ILeeferi t i ll aka wool,. Jvatureffi. 84 bbla apples, lell Ira Stool Ilekt Lyon; s ears wheat, a :sue &so. '• r .......",..„4„..._*:64 ear Oita, Simpson & Euozpl2l sis lax seed, / 1 1 B Supdares 11 doze° Imam& Verteie &ate:loBBn° kers but.. ter, It Drea 8 bbls applas„ . D. & A Oarson, BO DL . Mu 'nu. rEWar 4.: amitols; 1' oaf lthablw. LI L Panama; rt bids apiary coo* a blonlecon; 4 aka rags. LaWill Frank; 1 balm w0e1,.010121, la El:: .2 sallilasther; a alUt yr, Pkra whop, Shtila. ou la ea; 21 bale+ cotton, han & Pennock; 8 b up Al & 4 Stewart; 0 b eta butter, tdo erm '941.10 2 .4 1 0 10 1 2 -kesa ratter, 1 a taro, JOU w ROBINSON. McCLEAN & CO., Bankers and Brokers, NI. TO Peanut titres Pithri nutti , Thmegu tai to g as rtwas anti O. Oollagdoitemada la 'Spans 41%166,111=6d States IBuy ad arzaii:ltet tater U.S. •pa , nat. Ma, Hosts; IL H. do. 640 do.; O. H. 6 Per teat. lab do.; V. S. e per cent Cattlffeatei Indebtedness Neer U. 5.1.50 Truman Notes. They also BM and SELL ON COMMISSION at the New Yon; Plalladelyhts, ant! Pittman/1h Boards, all kinds of Govern:dent Seotudttes Sod.. Beads. Gold Itta td adls FINANCIAL AND COMMIIIICIAL BROKERS AND RANKERS IMAIID (00120=TZ0 BY ZOBLNIIOII. avoci&N & co.) Wznarranar, Sept.'s:l,lsU.. . . ' offered. Aika. Ellegbeg benY env OilyOcrenty Fives, 72 60 All, In Pittsburg!' b's ..... t o Pitts., Pitts., Fort Wayne & 0 R. 54 co Connellrville 8.3 60 Lawrence OD. ........ 40 cc (lash Inatuartes. . 40.00. Eureka ,Inaiirsar.e.l ..0 7 60 .2 Ponna nig.•Bank -11 l 03 hretionarnaultOommereaL'...::o.lie to Trailegnenitional t2O Oa Peoples Na Illleghe&s2,Pittsburgb t 00 • 76 -Okla r.t . -nal* zointi*E4,.....Ottatrt/tto ...... tts kitt /1 1 4 - #"ktt.tftr-,•-t-••••• 2 •• ap ti a°a .lotoss Pagr7964.-.141; 4100 .to &SW: Goat 0. OIL". 64 17:- : ice boast ti's. at, ltryz • • ' • Goth hat beet iteetty thronichent the Ayr it about 144-x! The prevailing Lespresaion la ealtern money circles Ia that Were trill be A inith66 144 yaws before Ws tat 51 provirettar. oilersuasat • 14;„iy . 04thilritk feted European WOe in: the oboo - co of largo op don, are moving The general stook tied there list remelni dull, with rare exceptions. The home market is Without Interest. Ito sales at all mode at litintilag hoard, end the hit of biddleips Instants the usual meagretace. Thu only sale on the street which came to our ears was that of 60 theme of Columbia at 11:25,60. —The CincioneU. Columbus Wid . Pltrabarint Railroad will be fully opened on the-let of October, The iron bridge across the Ohio at Steadier; vllle Is completed. It is ato ut half a mile they, and swot the rivet ninety feet above low water ruin. Hy WI 114.01i-/crow it great bend in the Ohio, round which the route has hitherto Mine, a considerable shorterdng of the distance L etrmted, perfecte one of the great through rouicil from Cincinnati to New York by which twenty six miles of travel are saved, and passengers are enabled to reeds dust emporium one train earlier then by sty other route. The whole dietanee from Cincinnati le New York by the Littie knead, Steubenville, Pittsburgh and Allen' own route ie riven hundred end forty-four milts, and Oe'oßly change or ewe Is at Plitaburgh. —The Philadelidds Pre., of Tuesday, Ms:ounce on oil stocks as faUlAwal oil stares the feeling LIAO very buoyant of even h veld, except • tew etames that own pr. swell anerhavvalreselykretinultted a good deal thlack, swil• Meath th e makes wide, -shun is tooled ta e fib.-eoma emulate to occur la • VILAT at Lima. WWII 01l to elirta dollars £ barrel at the mouth ol Glopelt..Uutes stasoced or tee local companies th at would pars edry - lioi sod dirtdand , to me atoontunders, laffiztagit maks up/Ninths long dry spalLo • • ...The Vonamissimier. . Intarnal. Revenue has decided whaMmtrilUtutea. a commercial broker spa 'that ear , piesen 'traveling .about the inniuctmseeleienreirderr for _ . (atiehr, daring whit. *vet: proptdtlottjf 'hts tttia, had however related io theruatihteettitir of eteafereeven tf the Men. tfacturer Or - denier hbrietiti u hold to be a caw marcial broker. cad a. such must procure a Li cense. - The tohstrectloN besides Wed rendered nemesia by the terms of the LW, L Clearlyntu. —nit following comps:atlas statement shows tba average condition of the loaning Ikea of the Plailadelpbta Banks for the past Ind PTsiloo f weak : List, weft. This week. Ondal--- 414,412350 11141.(1.1450 f3"9.1,063 42431,613 lee. 1 1 ;3 . 7 1 03 ' 1,11,711,1136 Mr.. 835 lee. SASS Lag.' Peposits.— sto . Tnn's 17,6.3,765 ingot= Dee. lik.t2l lre,cekcm 37,4er5,t73 nom Clteolatioa—. .7Aff7,7,7 1,014,5t1 Ina. 6,677 Tbe bank avenges the pan watt rula4 vat* evenly, except in the ft= of legia•teo th e note., 'ditch helloed Tan loans, the .peni , the depoette, and olsoglatioa, all Loczeued. bo l t not intiely.—Lteger. • - -lbw. Boston - Ncsnnrisl Ihiletin, of Satunlay, notes as "ttwlsal" In copper clocks. is sayys Coppers are showing s vat:dental, activity. The sir u lOU of rumors of t.e farzaulat of now coca blnationarout agues. The lower priced Uncle* are the most excited, Ind a fresh troupe of °atilt. due ere Cotelorforweid u partisan. The most of thermic* whin we have of late reaonne, ban Wen-those at one open elan to enotner • we now pollee the presence among the bidders. gen:lemma belonging to more of therarlsus rings. The eptrue on Thursday nod Friday, especially the style to which some copper stocks were aold 'et the board. tenalnded us of Xt.,. estraorditury eCtorts to "stunulate the general public." French Onset. tilaraatan, Hanover, Madman ono other old nag, were hutted over the cosine to great nyle, ma kfog the dust Ay mast wonderfully. The Wheat "Corner" In Chicago. Whyte on the 'subject of orerrpumlatlon on the grata market, t la proper to call atimition to the Lot that today-the price of wheat fell, widout any real edge. lefalao par bud. Danzig thent tee part of lad week It toss. as high oa gldia per bud, and fell to-des' as low as gl e an Patton la the country who ars regularly cage gad la bulge and dipping to this merest, hid to pay as bliti as 14tragt,em per hod, and hate thew ens met with • market ei r tafft,ll, which, with Geld;will cause *lon of I:016e per bush to thia way the legitimate budrien of buying lad selling grata le seriously embartaaaed, and cmadeacii la oar mas bet is destroyed. It may be said that ulation to It amulet be prevented: Very Crue t hut when It Is carriol to such an extent that ten times MOTO it bOUlib , sad-sold than leis tie market. then the ball. becomes lillerlootte. Wrestle.' ars dealint something tUt extra 'only ta the tocaglastlo . Sky are b.dtl against prime, and th em Li to. mod of ths nature or rambling. In It. Met le difficult In - donne the dlfferenee. thts. Iry the • boarder trade, whtett pretends to be a poly dir fif• tire Inintheitta, Is fist degenerating Into at as. gehlbUliel at gRindILOMUSAY of them watt little or no capital, and less enterprise. ~ With regard to - the recant Corner" la wheat, lt 10 proper le remark that it' was inastagol by no. artlets.. - -etresz - Wore was esgthiog Or the hilalearaltd anise completely *ad aosnmessfrillgr but it developed ahrovila oteireorpeoulanon ma* than at any former jarte to the history colour mar ket. It set book. the - hushurga of shipping grain about ten days, and de value 'of tee wheat No; not improved one root per bode Co the °pets,' tlon- Ua the contrary eastern nukcts are lower, Tram; Philadelphia Market—Supt. 10. 1 hots 10 more demand for (deponent& and prier& here adrenred• Spies of fee bush at $7,71. Mtn. oihy is in good request at 1a,a143,75. Small iota of i agreed sold at 12,2363.50 par bush The flour market Ls dull and for low grades, whi.b areenttralir siextreted, prices are drooping, Only Wee barrels extra (amity and homy were dleptnad of at 510,r714e11,26 per I DI, sad 300 bbla Northwestern on priirateLezms. The sale s to the home consumers take a wide range, es" from Si to SI: for common aupertine and fancy lour—ace mil. log to quality. Small sates of rye flour at gaj VI. In corn meal aothlng datng. . In wheat the movements ate of an unimpertant chamfer. Small sales of new red at 52.0.1W2,03, and old do at $217(11,2.3. The market is bare of primawhite.Rua la unchained. Vara Is sears°, aadagles orgellow at. 112 c—an &armies Of 1 cent. Oats are !rigged request at 480—but there are very . few here. Forage Awards Heavy contracts for forage were awaited today, • under condition* Which • outlook be htlfatol64*l a fair critaloto of Coe market. - The awards 'lnclude soca COIN bard prolate,' "IttloCtf bay. wan Pshidi g:ll4lll . l l ol L ,' L '', LiaCL a pa ta tA i7is t ; 9,000 tons hay, to be delivered at Oakland, two wiles flow the city, in two weeks at 410,75 per Tbalatter, bid 11/SJ IlWarded,eoJ)r. Stincitford, and the farmer to Cobb k Ctufstyi. , Alto awards.trato made to Cobb& Christy for 20,00 bushels of otto, outs incioded, at 630, delivered at the city wrier!, or 60c ifdelleed at the atilt'''. Award* were mid. lot 11,000 bushels at oar tom at Mai twist included, to be delivered at: Ostlers". gist , ofter 'to deliver 20,000 bushels now cora, :tog won, it ON via scildt;-U4oaltvalei.fotornal. •• f ITT% tiOrttal !MARI( EMS. Wansunar, L.ept. 2D , MB. I Sc unerelanerketa mos uol 'era *dire to-del, notwlthstunilsor there was a fair anueint of bad ness Umlauted In ► men *ay. In Mims, hower 'l', Mae bargiPseseltasiges worthy of special nothx. GBABS—Wbeit Is fairly sells. and firm, mid there le but h g t o..... tie °Faris& Small sales efArlwe d Me Y r i l v o et 11,91—W,V413 Barin.yasUlleilirnandanat - afrlbl — finia offering, and our ‘ l.Mnsers do no t mem juitistled with she pries offered. Oat/ stnay, with regraarsalea ke•stge at oo(lstda Eye—sale of 60 bush at MAXI. Coln very dull—no sales except In a small way. FLOUt--There Is no Miss characteristics to the Floor Market worthy of epeeist notice. The de mand; although entirely loca4 Irlair; and prices, althoughnot_quotably higher, ard firm and Well sustained. note gain of - sprig. Wheat Penal ly at toiat9A hall oprnig and hall winter at Syr seGgS,Go, and Winter Wheat do. at 1114310,60 par Ma. RseFlour Is steady at 80.00. PSOTISIOAS—There Is a lair jobbing demand lot Bacon, and at the stork is almost exhausted, prices ma well sustained. We quote at illlgtalg for &tool/ere; ,9019 V. for Sibbed Side,: 21 /...Sfilla for Clear lildes• and:33.4ra foe Plain Canvassed Hems . .Lard Is firm with smell sales of prime kettle tea derMi at 01 .46r29. No so romiat 1a •Dr,lad Beef or Ben Pork. SLEDS—There Is aeo tailed mays!, demand for Fla: aced, sad lt would 11 readily on mural at 42,73. Timothy,seedls - Illng In "a Mull way at 51,60. No demand for termed. OITEESII—is Oasis Ure, the demand being fully Wpto the supply.. ales at IS for Western eglesorollifor Hamburg d 7021 emu toy no. th:Vt—Fealr o. to orl packed . Naas!, la la good demand, sod - Belts readily - at' 20f03. Now that - this Wltathat Is Wareing , spots r f wa may look t bereased receipts, tad, probably, lower • • x:oGilf,;Btesdy, with •,11 tote deemed bat an. led &Ikea-141km ftrikpeciteti. • • trWEET - POPATiftittie oJeleserys' , *tele demand, sad iner_be quoted At= el islket GREEN APPlMl.Thimels, s decided Improve kgmelt% la th 6 anivrp bah*. yet,tbs demand seem he tallif,equel the ruhply. Beet 11. fens 85 .sre atb hogalzaat of 6=616 old bediele Sitlehhpa Apples WWI "Pithy Belles" *I 610 per Et LT—L. steady, frith Ltreedler ,todildemsed„ 6414 bat 491 dole ^papa 6641 hi slot* 602.70C1V5' demead, sod NJ Yet, tthetatkrehsoeeld rites, the tegidency.te , ward- Selo of 6 tans at 6}4. PIG LEAD—Is Arm 464 acute; feat tales et lty • HVO INES—Tina, but unabau6e4l Itle 01100 , pb12,..0n Vattern., .4 $9,70. PI7TBBUROLI PETROLEUM MARKET WILIZEZDIT, Sept. alt, CRUDE—The Crude market was not very active go-day, the Irwindale= being comparativeljfight, yet prices are Rim and well austalnid. Barreled oil la selling et 21,40 M, bids returned, according to gravity, bulk oil, MakrgiernM, and we have sales repeated at 27, bbl. included. Good gray ties,say. from erGot, are scarce, and our redeem and shippers make a difference of from 3.201 rent per gallon between heavy and light - 01L Salm . of tic hbla Nicht" at 21gi. En (40e42 gravity) to be doll N bred within thirty dips, at2.l; and We heard of a eale, on Philadelphia stem:RlC, of 20172 bbls for all ink month. at 27 cents, Shia Included. ItE vlrlED--TLete is a continue good de non for bonded oil, both La present and future delivery, and prices are lam with an opnard tendency. t afo of 1003 buts ..Brilliant," for December delivery in Philadelphia, at m; tom bbl. °Brilliant,. game delivery, at OS; 1060 this "Nonpareil" for Novem ber, at 61, free on bout ears here; 240 and auo bbls, brands not named,. at 01, hoe on board here. Free 011 is flan sod looking up; sale of 600 bbl. Haat" for October delivery of 7i tree on board mall Pere; alio, email eases an theapat at 10071 a, 11 - AFTDA AND NESlDOVal—Tnerti Is an lea •prolred demand tor Bealduzun and 616,00 . freely , Ittresed. ha:bolder. generally are asking 0,10018. She mg remarkable. oeatarence to the oil trade for some time pub took place to-clay, being moth. lag more nor leii theti a sale of enme bhis Nap. the, in bond, at rr tents. Thistothe drat make ere Paul Pad reported 101 rainy we pan. RECEIPTS-11e receipts of Oil by the Alla shell Weer, lines our DM report were as fol. sows 3 Fisher & Bre—. IMS Clark It (Jo P Loma_ -- el Al. Linton — left - Itatuer-- 460 John Henn 0033 Total- PETIIMEtiIIe STOCKS ID rams— • , e 4 r DRLVIILI. Special .Taspeactl to the Mt/bora Gazette. , . , Palmeastrata. Sept 0 1, The market forfoi ' CU stoclui sae =hanged, eat stthont atspoattioe to opetate to-day. Jena br.turtt h Keratinly 3I Si. Prialol“, I; Tan notcolteed. l 9o D®aard.3jr telaalos. , sto Moo MIA. =cents; Maple Shade. eic M.OltoLoek , 15(; Joileuou, oil &nu Vallee, 1 3.0 te414,1i harsaaa, Baler afloa t 1:34. PETROLEUM IiTOCIER IN NEW TORE. Dpectal Dirpatch to Western Preis New Yoe; Sept. to, Ism. Parolee= Steaks quiet, with Wes at Me PM. /owls% rates: Huai:must, 76; Obecy E. 27; Pito tale Creak, SAS; Sped Pula, BO; Else Woe, Loa; /11camazuk, 5.50; Oil Creek, 1.16; Webster, I Ge, roe Simple, 17i lapin City, 6s; Wats**, t. 90; Man tiaUen, Monet VIIIIIOIII, 66; rust National, 74; Ktilskezbooler, le; United States,27.o. NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. Special Dispateti to Weft= ?rem Dirm Vous, Sept, 73, MI. Petroleum market arm but dull for all desert°. alma : Crude 1082634 c; floduad la Bond attaale and fa. 'newt. NABLUS BY TELSCULS,PH. New York Market. Brew Tons. Sept, sa,—Como.—%erp or. at 45xsfig, tea for DI dates, Vsours—Blarkrt 100150 butter, with more &tint rit57,6507,75 for Extra State, ah,refge,M fer Estee R. EL 0., and 81,7.50tti,es for Trade Brants —the market eloalng very era. Wiuswv.—Steady. Oristx—Wheat t$ 2. better and more active. at gt,6eril,6l for Inferior to good Cblvago Spring mud billwaulros Club, g1,61(18,64f, for Ambit. Elllsraukee,ll2.oitak,o6 fur New ember Stets, 11,00 for old Winter Red Western, and 31,9311.1,30 for mw WEB* State. Rye ateallyt small calor of State at 111,05, and 40,000 busk do at 61,00. Barley • shade firmer; tholes Canada West, Six. Bar ley Malt quiet. Corn is better and good Inquiry, an 11 41 ,30 0 for unsound, Itid for sound mixed Western. Oats heavy, a tera.Seo for Row and Old Western, Oti.coltueri—Aloe dull. Coffee steadyt deroared Rio, Saw, steady; Cuba Illuscorado, 1315 10, Woolox—D U - 11174.2u1t.1, 133.03140. !Solemn duU. • Pront.imacis.-D6`l, at 11110 for Crude, macs, Rekord I& timid mid ThltSchi for Refined Fre& Pricivnuairs-rork dull. at $32,20012,50 for New Xterl-elosing at 63444 cub, 1110,10113i,00 for t 253-1 do 111 - AYVtra for Prime, and $131,17M012,60 for Prime Mews; also 1,000 bids New Maas, for Sep tember, buyers' *Aka, at $2,1,15, and 600 bble Prime Bleu, for llotobe buyers' option. Beef steadyat 11151,1600112,N Ha nts 11fess. and Meld; 410 for Extra Mesa. Beef Steady. Out Meat a steady, at itlettle for Shoulders, and Ift9A3 for Ham Baron WI.. .IJard dull,. at 23 Butter more active and Zr., at 254330 e or Ohto, hod 01040 e for State. Ohara* d 011; at Rog York Stock and Money Market. • Saw Yonw, Pitpc 20.-Mouoy easy at Myll per cent, Gold without dreaded change opening at it•MG, advancing to if& and closing at . 10,7 i. llov • ere relent Bloat • stuady. .2 he steamer Scotia , for Liverpool, to-day Wale I M 5.063 in spent.. Illitghta to Liverpool dull and nominal, at OJ. for Corn, ti4d. for Wheat. • Stocks heavy and dud • 1 4 .04 (loupons tor !tuition. 100 smi (Joupons.„.— Pd. • Beading 1001 do new issue.... 101 nicht; an. Southern Una, drat 1010- O 0 Illinoll vellum_ 1101 0. &M. certificates 21 Fiitabingh 10t. Si. fa 311, 18 1 4 O. a . N. pfd.... 51V Quicksilver U B & ras oczteral Coil Z:rk , 0. a, 11. I IgJi SOli P., Ft. W. & C 1 Mining Stock*. 13orron, Sept. W.—ke folios/Ins are Cto Prim or Mining Stocks bid la this car tadAv Oen -40; Clopped ractilt Vrankllti, ON; Hancock. 12PS; Huron, 44; Isle Sepal. eV 4ituncy, 6 , 634; plionesota,l4; Rockland, 4; Superior, 4. Buffalo Market. OttiVALO, SePt.llo:—)FLOlM—Dult; Extra Stara, gr,aa r Warta Extra ppamas. Spiax 7111:160 Qaatx—Waratt: NO./. 111.1wautaalt tandlrat downward. Cora trot and da o. Vadat Tte; Ef4,2 .71111111 x . Oats- nominal at 424. Einar Slant uatk. Eira aomlital at 83x • • ~; Parrnatarra—Pork;tl2,Bo. Lard, lea., :.t. •- ! . 4 Philadelphia Dlarttetr.. - •6Puitah twain' ataurtai Elept.'' lo .—yrahoiattn—Yety woad s& !',- , ' • . ' rhooso:Thentl3lll USIA II mai 76: Cittout—Wheat 01l New Sea UO2 OW 12,1810 X, White; Ma Rea Moult South. i t ers. atitu renheihrit i Os. Vora arm' sales of 00%0 blab Nallowt , ht . Oats ailtaated to Ina Wswax—steady. . Oswego Market. °Sumo°, Sept. 2 U...4l.o . va—Aatfra and no. ebangeo, aL tdadaSS for No. l Spring, Elm for And Winter. Ott/AS—Wheat dull{ tlbtaaao Sprint, par elm. p 10.11,49. Corn sauce and quiet. Data nomtn al. Barley unchanged. ~ Port Packing In Ctleago. net:Wotan Port Paoter,AssoclatlooltuadOpi ed a new standard Or -prima mess pork, which Is “Prime mess pork to alio be vtaked with twin. ofponnds or Turk .111snd, ISt. Mee Trspsni, Of twents.firs pounia of 0tnr. , 1190.1 .9 111 difloo; of 'Tonto or domesuo sin, and Hs otutoss of saltp•- Aro,' add shall pass as lig ht - shlund Prints mean pork, prOstded It le In ;Actium roped, cut and parked las aunt as filn-asttind 'prima mess • , ksa saltedetho Arlabsitsll De p d eft, anpdork W Met new ad4c4,!' .:Ckelre/P4' k4rkin-sStePtt / 0, • p t CA E I e1 3 4V2r11:4 %lola 141. 1 de 4 /1 6 14'°0,1 . ULty atia.drsd: 61 ; 110010M for -XX rod duatiplor , Xx, whit*. gab" AWL morolog CI: N O11) =at 113,07( oft .Ottsago 10 DU :O A Vidiodic wbll.o adooli &US, Clop add DOW., Saki btudA No ,O. Dal[l:4. 'dors a{ Cal tao bush do do 610111 4mo do do at Geo. Osta—fdortot dolt attd, 41(TiMilla AD WNW Stane• Mug &dad. Altaley-4 , N0 sales roported... SPENCER & 1P1C.8.1 - ; , . • , - • PALE. MBAS ANrD mmt ravii Phgmix Steam Brewery, 0447 PUTOBVEQII, PA: ill'iSS IENTELLIWIN The rivet was receding *lowly he; nlabti•wttit about flies fait Mr Mains hi"the amulet lox fhb Pdonong &Wailer mama. Ili:lama &Aimed. be scnnowbak. Wars active at , lhis landhig. , Tho woittherWaiilttlPli Coot The lliciaar. having /*Keeled her Z 1114. 415 21, left Mat night abort; six O'clock amber way to the sonny tont fi." She moved off bt Attfliaata aukandr amid the horns of &large conioursa or .3,,,ssuoi r os the landing, with *!camera flying, and hinalien.' &WI waving. She had a great malty pasamigat's on board, who were wild with a:attempt as die moved atonic past the steamers at the wharf. She went out drawing between Ore and six feet of wa ter. She was taken cut by Wm. White, whose asaistant at the wheel Is Mr. Jac Hamilton. ' We learn from esptalir Hendricknon that be has chattered the filmic Hays to parties In Ola. dnnati, who have placed her as a packet between that port and Memphis , On arcenot of the lndbposltion of Capt. °plat the Loterles we. taken out by paps: bare Dean. one of the oldest sod most popular steamboatmen oft the wettert waters. iieForeeet Cal left yes , enf.egfer - Perkersbnit zt. chad on &huge trip of freig ht end Irene:igen. The Ida Ilene canto down from Off Oily night before hut, end will etarron her return trip btu nenln ' The Petrals and Mild! both left but eripai 011.01ty.' - - - . Capt. H. Shawl he,a4somp tatle Steamer, the Minnie, being , nearly "cOrOPielse,..left Via whs.(' Yesterday on a trial trip, lati•lfter haring .tairly rested too marking sonnitioll ..01 bar nraottleary,, Lit i' d cacm ing, wluefirstre re ulix , and l" ady k t hu o lePeP44l4O at. lhe t In a day OftWili, n r Capt..l.M.iskhbrer entered In tad 'city yeller.% day bob New On whither he has been for , the purpose of delivering Capt. Sam. French% latesma, the allse area sold-a timb allne It Olneirinatl, for ull.000; to Pettiell .In Sew Orlefins—ta her prewar. owing. The Mollie Mae Inwthr tier lot rue tr044174/e3 Capt. Wolf hie cold the steno-wheeler Rocket, end one barge for $16,0X/,, to Captain Dlalkosh, of Pittablugh. The latter Trill devote - her the gni alums of taking mkt troin,.l.latts 80t314151c, two — Plttaboritt. Sic wants anothakarge, The ROck4 et we. bul/hirLarlb; Vise, cost P T N regls. .3,ere4 .C4l; WOlO had , as ' 4 = e at Ott tons freight for Ott . Ohlo,or Mawr ti The Yorktown inn probably tskelL n ' Cipt.JessaDasn'a packet. the Cgaie11.,: „ ..11: 1 54 get off leg smug A 4. wes.hrtanded r nay. expeeted to dart fo r a t e and Louisville—the evening. The Anneals, Capt. gleOellant'skolif, is hiselT• In, the finishing toucheil of the painter's and will be ready by the ant of the spoiler week: 3 he Leonidas, 'Apt fit A. Cox, felled to get of led night, but will smart this evening for Si. Louie. TireUltima Capt. Annstroag, will probably leave th is ceiling for the tipper MisalesippL • Lorteirrian.—The .Ikert, of Tuesday Bata The towboat, Lioness; Offended the falls t ut evening, up round the turn, In the big eddy, through Chain. dial:, chute, a &Merin feat on this stage of water. The hagelowboet, Ajax, from New Orbialur,,ant the Mai Longwo:th; are to ascend the falls this bu Morning, render thegiatienee.ooEirib Fertile. On tbe late Ma there was t a moderate &mono or coal atoned from Pittsburgh. MB wat 'wring to the sudden and unexpected rise, whiok 41d not situ the coalboatontsitimeSo get ready. The ru• ulpti atthis port, Instudlng the Bengal Thiel with a heavy tor' for South. and On pair o floating beats, due to;day, stun up as follow.: Tow-boats. Btahels. J S Neal, I barges, 3 boats.— —...--....—..47,000 Tigress, .1.-23,000 A J Baker, 3 barsee, 2 b0at.......—....... Little Alps, 4 50,000 Wild Cat, 4 420:20 Hawk; 2............ Bengal Tiger, 4 Leopard, 4 00a pair pott!a.... • S„T.2 415 iii Falai 41500 Three boats nut . Thin, Four latata— ...... One pair beats..,-- Tete! barbels • 'Y . : .... -.......-4—..... TWO) In the above list is th+cesl for the lower int Hirt In tow of the Dental r, and ala floating boats, for Fawcett* lisilli. be low Stage of the lower ricer wen ay portent t from being Mint below. The irretent tedLcatban& hewer, favor a. 004 tide, and the bulk of the present-receipts may yet be mnt below the falls. Several barge4eads, over MOW bridal& base been gold at SO CEDIS 0400$, ortwenty:five cents, Including the boats. The Delaware cleared foryittstairsh List evening with • heavy Caren Gioia-Iran and - irlidalatobasco. The ,lelihrionvills ferryboat, Isaa&Boweni is to be Uteri to atedlsoa, Indiana, to be docket and overgnlnted. . - Sigainbastinen. and owners ere ,ximaseled tioit rite words "United •Siainrchlail f‘ or .stil. other trouts, letters - or elultastare of like Import, censer . 1 'tie bome by gay veinal Oct actually cud carry ing the testis albs United States, lel tit riots eis ras set - of Coagress, and lac *ARS Of hire to$50:0. 'Tills app! es also to, Wahine in newepapers or ottiawiss, th at thretrocaboat used In carrying the mils of the United States, when the wee Isnot actually se used. Remoter', nesne Mei prepriegore, and agents ot boats wilt do-well to take notice also, as the y are shade equally Z ell far &contravention of the game law. STEerLIIBO•I7& BALTIMORE AND'FRISLDF,R. MBIS131:1BOH, VA —'The new and comma:how Steamer WENIMAII. Ospia g Dawns, runs rav ing between the above ports twee weds, leaving Baltimore. Dom her wharf, toot of South street. every RVIDIST: MMES. NOON at 4 &deck, end Predericksburgls, every TilliffiaLT !CIMINO. Pasetailete and Freight tarried** low rata Through Freight penteptly ahar gm attended to. Merchandise from Heston, New York, Petiadelpfils. or elseabmw, consigned to care of StemacrWERONAIL, will be takeaprge of se main prolrthr, tree c r Peommie• stone. Persons from the Northern State. desiring to slew tie Battle Yields of Vitigiele4 or to look "Berths bodies of friends sad relations killed In the fettles of the Wilderness, Cheneellorwalle, Frederieksburgh. or Spat/Isles:de Court Bottle, have a splendid opportanity of dding .so by this route. The WENONAB fa provided with expel. lent Staterooms sad Barth aeoommodstlath„ and Is to every respects drsteleas Boat, baths new, fast and eommodions. Par laformattoA fresh or patine, apply to or addresa JOS. WHITE, Parser, ort board. o r .71Xt..JAMM, TAYLOR, daWat, Jyri:dral 211 Wrist Falb. ay. Etalttotora.,llla KOH HANNIBAL, HBOKEIH., - Z5 2 2 •A BURLINGTON, ROOK ISLAND, DUBUQUE AND ST. PAUL.--The tine pas sewer steamer CITIZEN. Captain Armstrong, seta leave for the above &nu intermediate ports on THIS DAT. For frOleat or • o OLLLNGWOOD,me apply. on board or to sat JOHN FLACK. Agents FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOWS. The Ana new steamer MINNIE, Oa t. A. H. Shaw. will Have ea above on SA T UHIJA Y, the tbet For freight olp i ba , ae L ae rt y c aStir or to me JOHN FLACK, 'l4'4ln" FO R CINCINNATI AND aS t i o LOMVILLE.—The Itne steamer OA mg LI kljapt. Jesse Dean. rettl - leave as above on THIS DAY, the PM Inst. For feettat or PAStilll4 spoty on7boara, or to JOHN mAclic4 sat J. D. OOLLINO WOOD. FOR OAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. i al lMa l • —The fine and nonunoalons pante - ger steamer LEONIOAS,DaptaIw td. Oot, leave for the above and intermediate porte on 41119 DAY; the 20th that. rot freight er Damage apply cm tifierdOrto • J. D OOLLINGIitOOD; eele JOHINT-FLECK, • •WL , . ARMY BOOTS, REAL GENUINE KIP LEATHER. CUSTOM-MADE DASD SEWED, Three Dollars a Pair, at fiInELLAND'S AUCTION HOUSE, /31:3 Witt la Otroot. say Alt goods At Oast, to make:room f o r Ins. Movements. aeS HE PITTSBURGH PAPER )lANU FAO.CUBMIG COMPANY au for Jude JADOotooa..Crown wraPpluir. raPer• L'otio bdbh Medians 1,1:00 babe: Medium 2.000 Dills D. V. and 11,14. A*, They have also on hand are oenuteritty Marina from their ROIL, MANILLA. PAPER of all weights add MerrHARDWASS PAPER of all weights' and aIres,PRIPTS, DBE and SATO. DATED nocketriu, 6a, sco• AliMantteten and Mei orPAPER ISADE TO ORDER St the shortest notice s to AR Yammers. 'WA TED, 1,000,10118.01? GOOD fIX RAGS. WARIGIOUSE: 83 TIMID !MILLET, mita PITTSBURGH, PR. Mdcorw a Co., . Wllolosala Desicrala Hats, caps and Straw Eltiocia Have row to state ibelargest and most pmnAci 1,3004 GOODS FOR SUMMER Afilb FALL , "Era °SSW In ths ant IretsS tih ars rePasta tvestall and svgatatstots, watt:aim be Said kat ts gyiI&BI3.43YRIAS-ASOLASSES. , . 45 1btaIktudiedi r pardersd aad .onandsial , • _SO ..". A Oars* Bugszi B As do; SS " 0 Extra Oodas 8x ar• -101 "alrralis sad Mobs tams - £lO " P.R. asl ; dot ,• • __. SO WNW P. fL sad Oolos dot 70 balm Bootk &War t = . , ohatos QS a do A.,0. MIL Ia It"' and 444T t)11011:46.111 86141 PG. sun !.- 177 add 774 wood doom L' , 200 ORY OLLEESE.— Received thla a: d ay , mibe, Seceder raotoi7 Meese, • eery eoper equal to the best Ge•bett. Yar Lab by ie IL YOR/T s OW Barium HOW . - ROLES & sons No. 67 Market. Street, Pittsburgh. ~:... ~ Oolleetionsinada on art Use prtinsiged points; of United States and (Mandan— srooics, BONDS AND (mite =maim MOT kNIrSOI.II.IIN CCIMMISSIDN: Particular aiteraloa traUl to itlui sato of , - sTAris DORM Rates 811016 f 1831 V/ Ve. Da 64011 Do. L 74 1, oanaxs A&1 Imirciterm wittour on mamma= m r Open daily from e to 9 dalock, also en aaut Saturday nubs, from attay lst to No/ Ist, tumi Ito ISO'auk,ang Dont Whlity lit tot:STU 8 delltek: — L. t ir5 " 111:5:1 1. Deposita reWnd ot all saine slut lecithin Onii Dollar, and a dividend of the prints den/ared twle a year, La Janie Deewnhet ltlitdiertklut bee declared esid•eantadly, In June and Doxanberi sines the Bank Nan inganited, at the Wm et at; twebrtturrralactiipeome4,. to taQaadla of the as earl burs: l =mA Interest ' th e days In and Vrecanpaanding catlll,o year without troubling th 4 toLtor eel t o o t gosent lite . ase bug. idg Acieso tweiri Books, containing the Charter, liptetra, , Blide4 and Begnlatkau, tunilshed pat% on mil • f. Attie Ohm, - .Psournarr—GßOlltlFTS ALBREI3. own risionxems. . . William J. Abdo:nosh A. M. Pollack, M. Dy John G. Baskatem. EtalsatTabb, • Baal H L. ahaastock, Jahn EL 611St141asett8.,bergan James ardman, James Iw..Mernes eAulny,os , Alaander T Speer, Paalsk' Ohilatian amar. . ... Calvin Ada* Jimmy Lynda, John Cl. EIUSW, Peter A. J. Eladairas Alonzo rll li Vist r a4 - . A. arrier, Jame H. D. Naga,. OILIMIPJ A. Holten, John 94110.Eaddan4 Whn E m. Douglas, g, John Om Jomi William B=4 John J. 0 Maple, E. William B. Haven, Adex.stuSer MAL% . PstarEL amiksisi William Ilaulsirls.. , Richard Hays, ,Wi15...1;. 72 .7 James D. Hilly, hum nutaura.-.MAS. A. COLTON. LI F. - ", Cessdass—.l.6lll.ES H. D. WEED& Malay , TRE EXCHANGE - , NATIONAL 3 BANK 0 f -Frittsburgh. Chuttred by: We Capital Organized! ander Elated Pa" 1846.{ 41,014000.11bWijaw 1868 raiz sank ma 'been aakiaatt a - - DEPOSITARY di Tine - United,' StaeS Treasury, sad iftolnted Itstat for therazrog tato sa 043 aira m t to invest= a pin% Uri purelaalog for royals. spa:tr BrettlUMSn'eaddei. ' . . . PEOPLES' NATIONAL . BANK Of "i.ttsburgh... Capital Paid iii-11000,000,.with Prvii , legsof $2,000,000. Da firing Doan 00D.WIED ITEST ADD WOOD 10.13ZETs. - • -- - Etttoft. carausas =air the fratlastal Bata is' System Is cow - prepared to trkittaet bottom at Its Baaktott House, corner of Wood and Tint street. Collections made on ell seenalble points on most lammed, term& :Speefal Agents for JAI COOZE, for the sale of the E. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. r. X: GORDON, Claahleti J. O. MentETISON .riaJrVIISCTURERS. arc 4 sa MEET L EApINCENRATID WU LERK ttl) PIPE ARE S. APCORNICK & GIBSON, Igo. MO Mizaart I+.7.l2stim. ISt. Make to order PIT' END SHEETS of any sequined %sight and alse. bheets pee square foot, f 34 tbs., and nywardt ins wells. ewould ecially ask the attention of Plain ben and Proptieton of Sit Works and Oil Wells lITTBUTIRGR FOUNDRY. as 0LX6.1:6024 JC0:01 IL irsorcerscrs A. GARRISoN & co. to BoUlm, BarrLoh& Co,a 'FOUNDERS ..ARD MAlittuNiSit.l Manufacturers of pLln.a Wien Of all slats, for Iron, Steel, Brea, Zino, Slfrac, Gold' Strmullosidek "cod 1.0 Bobber Works eiso,, Bo Castings of ell detorlptlont, Bark lallle, ilin htent Doubts Grinder, Irnbil , Tart& ty of other patterns, always an lanartaria retoSto order on short toile:sand farontole term. Ofloe and Crarahooee„ tis Saar •ff • d street, Pleteborith. A RbENAL GLASS WORTLA DIODES, EYRIE 8s ; CO., Mamdeeaders of Mac* mad Green GLamarare, Drawalata. Ware, Mottles, Demilohns, Carboys. dee. Warehouse: No. ]44 WATER S7TEET,BETWEEN DASITEIFILTD AND (MUST STRATI'S, • PITT.BBURGH We moment our Wares to be inverter to any manufactured West of the NoOntaina. Always on hand, Glassware or the above netoliption. .411 orders promptly attended to. ePartietdar atten tion paid to private - moulds. . avail BLACK DIAMOND TEL IVORKEij PirratiMlGH PA.• PARR, 'BRIYIIIER it CO. ZdAnufsetazers at • szsm quid.= Imam can wriszu . aidn,o stzei. Warrant. gze am or anauful , nred In 41 Meer and irarihottie;lfoi. 10 old tEI " 4 =au/ /122 811 ".". 674 . 140 4 Putburgianee telly d SUPErern. de. Arc do " &arm Vitt. tUFERIOR • • - — . 610 ENGINES. = • 'We see eonsedeping,lnd *lll keep on band f. b.e Tt tor strie cmr.. EisvGmrata_ Either S' Carnal= or Tubtdir We Matta. platten gftang anent, for this sm. ato call and aro Than t and 'STREETS; naar thty Water Works. - Jen BLA.O)332PTOSH, HlR'rreliSLL t 00. p#,TENT,ED .00TO 8 r 8 8,,P351' • '• DITERIDGEM3 PATENT Oval Lansp•Cisinstity6 Ilannfactured of .18 Vitt.;Qlßss, i" These Ulazonalnr ars .tateulaa las Mai aanta. Deatlag all:pane at Oa glaat aziall_lal_aol eu Poo it to math-A . Fart Pitt Wain Warkt, WaaktogUm street, -- apl7 - - eutourgb. Peach ---,17041UMN6 Zliti •• MAC#I4II - :' WQ4u,„ zu AND laClOnnign a ffi Liao= irnunrr.Detween Faieral sad Smug, 4"I3I7IntME NG-rZaS" P. LA M E InZik i Z r ju r wris w ira24 sh= V A i'ku P t i s al leao4 to Jaya =mom= 4.:..,...fibicwwwic.• ,1 0 .8 2 4 /174110Z1 C 0. ,: • , ANDYRON etcrvki .aziwairebotiarci.ras, FOUNDEI* • i" . • • - WS, - f r•._ LaXlKErry =MI ". S.' Witter 8L 7 war a daMit stumseizami mai ' • spassitiginzre "-_ff c1.3~. ---- - IN FAR ruivis AND OURRENOI: iIdAITILL SPA. President. CLVaIIY2T4TI, OHIO etVATB:' Xim"ne. nia23s"Ralf SZlZErr.iiesrassaf, rai guitars *Ca auteOueg o_ roux* Ware, rem twO WM:Nan, bi lab Alsooserm.twalrwmesittattautat disesselatha MtaleteglieukaZlllthelzpremegiew -.A-sixtrevirms atizatynctundixi.- e ' ..! Mace hopllll LEL. RX JO =dna SP4CI. - • . .acksfackipzln7wii =Pena . viion 0111 Kt_ -woatis.— •s; a. LTAralr or.tga Oda tasted Patent Ml:mak On&Val:at totir,s. posr_ _Arm WALKING Mtn •1 llLONlkjaadTar.r-nITURES USED =SIN* ARELIiaLT ‘WELL3Mag. I si ; omo warm= liiiipptOistiAtitt6Nal* , dada P Pallway.- 0. Bar iT EL .t - iz:waiter da-lale us.l Mallattula..7A 4.:datai was az thof _pupal Sligo *Or bilatzst ti :Crthem, pada warraatad dam h n itt metre. ajAsoolcata of oat a att-Madir arra of ars maaatmeturedadarci.. • the itime numbitt. Maul PliApas - Work. suds to dart We la trraabonrabna wad/ tad cauakra, ad/ ni4atTo *Ply: 4..,,v,,Lata.,,.-aata,muup pad' torapeta, ,tlV.llem lame_ irdataird- sprudauvar WWI 'nue law anal. VMS kW. JA 1. AIM P".I_AIN' MP W 7 ,__ _LINSEED zwesarmr. CO MAT its , irmlifgAo st mlot RWeoll Arm Nit Sr a t • BEEI OTEDIV;44'fwg sucgiamf, TrasLTA:UM ' ' - Chronic keases, tkeittrarption t Scror,- nig; Debillo; • • and all Fithale Complaints, Dim AMOS & JOHNSON 34.111, xrcir 9 Lx-w estre4s P 1 .17 - 1311161H, PA. Teatigioprala -Erma lite Medical P r ofs..f '•••,_ lion and Others fitter.: with .pleasureressitalmyw a the following tuts Wine paella teilweigmy tes. timny ic_ay be of iertini tanwinialei wept= httlierW faUW to obtain:eller. - At erellte ?era detywnolsossusn jsgtice . rCtwomeoieat pals. 0f..3 our eonlitintalest tu ns eetirollgarested several rety latd mei criminal weaknets and tcunalitittenyWnta ay oo ti mode atzeatnient ziOw - pramb.oll One *Jam:on. • • ••• • • • - For Troialeirealtuee'l de net loloWir that esMcguil these zeroed/eV I torre mewl • tame lola peat Wang ladles MO UV, Niel:Mr bled/Ornate with 'wealmitt, lima to MU •U‘ a paned elite has been attired; Mini* very ud eases-Mme Voided-W-42gs mode oftrestdmea tta the short race of two weeks. . . Ulu% rispectrail•t_ • csinee : A W. F. =ERWIN', N. /..•!,;_l l3 , 2.• :-' RitrIFIORTS FROIJ THE REF, •DR.O4XILTG! .. ___-. ' 'inert* that Drs. Ames a ao=son a analhabili have =PA - tittlette. - WhcrweratketehodebitSty estlY Yafita. U* itrallatnes were load old? tiro ''','r , tk L A r it:141): " ..: • :. ~,-,.V1 . i i, ~. !,:.o,:j 14, linpo u tnt 1,0 'AWE'S.. ''' 632"iitmoii" tacitiiiill en as zaW.h.sktiatestr haekmar Of otstraettoo wow any petwe..,Xtlft 111. - .,11,1301.,..ett1et.,rfr,art-mb Slat shoilldttof us o.= - _ ..-- _ . Teals Re. Muria, Weaktutek natateLa innate Xrdeattotr•foribeVatare bt , La!sltilisr,-,•, --- r J 1 : •,.., MIES-43Y-TH2aLOD s ii. Drs. Atom fr itessort—Dear, Mast .I,moill sesta rtats that loorretoed fee ear kaoltfla sea biota diseases ikwassitgeseelleat. ror Scrofula, irypal. lls OP iSliPtllftteS Ot - ell fi11064.141ad they rum fall to mu* when used as threats& / hare ane osoled-timitirlity Aiiirrriat Amin scratilllaaorr la Oarhoriatals, la thirigicutte off aro =alba • , .-... - 7;--.W.• larapatra,..74.o. . , Oliacim tatli •D5.12,/Plar ' "r .lk ' t - AIEM MAL- VS!' , Jars. lam 4.4o,fseuen: Ilan s by' th e Useof With tenkfilleSt Seftnil Plibuits had Walla. mate th Lunatic b44tutt fro= the brills:MU of ... sot t o weakness of sadantlir UM"; 'Arbr men ocses k i consider noliv cianAmCkr.„. 421 M ay :4 1%, 7. Dabber 1.641, latia . ' 2 Tattre.trortberilsii Nottera..—Drs. &alai & Johann address all lamella* tan thiatat thus. sans by •Doproper ladulgenoCatal solitary &an. ats,mblott rata bath body i sala4.naattiorr t, -rem either Inurlnessrlandb-abtintri or = A IIAK Mine Ate, son. e of. the,siil atullaclaa afi .: fest/ preened by sell. lial:*Ysulli. boost r.-Neskatir•ot ,the.'l44 silt Pair 4 .. l :r "I' 2 1 dental -t z tor,,, ,- ~0.. =War 3wwe . ri tst !d l c Seetrai ."= r tiniiMA"'"' ~ tenths eattlittyr_amytOms.of eonswaytknoal. i ~,Drs. earis a inbesonlutva nuzzle:Wyman to elusively arroted their affection to thetristrae ' o f tee on-NV!referred to in these tcattatesik eadte — ss,, Das. ANDS St - SUANSIM, . • , - - N • o. 14,1 Yvan& salad. atidaaidillatiohliralv ; . " Pntstoinakvi. _Hu Br.# nEYA /iorO i t . eoPatitiC - 4*Ciito:S Sive parktd.tram ths most LaOL5 . =Bre wwoma-2166016 , •11.1!"a nu t m1580;4 modletatz - perfectlyidipted to - pepiel tti use-eoldapl6llll66toisDlos iiaJtra;lUSsso6o6 /11 suing them= so barmlaa as to beDtairtuaganser. -asetaaclo4s6oso trbealltasllll4oss.. • ` ' 47/0556810 - 00 No. c L 'VeVelear .1.0.5e6=9. cr • - t. t War la firo rut Yey../411, So - ar' • 67/E lf . c 9/3 ?",9. r . 14 .."4'tg 01 W • • w•••lnauerztaus of ebildlia be Welts Dysentery." 4tipb:os - .1/bUlati .lebeleranarbas. Ziatuwa,....,i 23,, 001a1/311da4 C 0 s. 103 .131teeithb1....t.7. 8. ! Bear ales. TootbachalWassobs Ilk llesdfuthal.,. 1:' - " 112 716Pew1de1...111110ur.8. 11. a ,ilslriztressedi.statay,ss4 .11 . ,461‘0.6orehtea; WbItell.•;•!•• 26- U, swamp. bona arab. C. 11 Bait ittieuta, Ipplpata,DVlll• 1. .inben236416,23; - 511: Dbe tutistla 50- • ....... . a ..Fet•er "ad. Bira.-Mln refer D. v.. !Pflea.latattal ext 22121....... I .. , 'Apphiabny,„6ol2,l222l2b3syte.. ,;catirrri. wale' or 62.2340,1222. 60 20. Alllitoopla,w, cane; tpuriotto! .................... 60 liattmuiropprtsse444.: - - •60 43.22- chesl6/5011"el. a tienerar Debility. phyteag 00 walinefor. .4. . Drop_sy 654 nanniy 6 3;!!!;:reilia_ us. a . men illieksielu!. 100/0j222236 50 " 'tibiae/ libtease. Ctrayel. 60 61 01 . erreull - :23020137'. mama Cnatpalttloas. Anrobettary;dia D. ! - Bare - tlarizer;a:...o. 60 wt. .17 Jiaecattlaaacw; -- ta 5 a rariotts. - urea with - 66 Dial=as at Manse of .1.116. - ..103 13. !Dplle7l7. , I/uwe si. • a .5 1 1Ceria. 476xxsted! ,Bore • . Cocoa oose ez la Mali, mama, !us and book': of Caseor Was etas. monTooo an book. a 'CaseCue Of 20 ions slid., plain ease and b00k... 100 Cl lAbdites.(Pros. t to Mind simrzereoze..: Wholoale dont, Plltabtagly.Pa. For sale *M. 111314T.8.. n6sottlideld street. - Ana. r3.7'..l=EASTAkrednial stikikreabr. bold at Je.paPazz.r.unici..l liraf aid eat. eat bledielas no. St Market it., coma at the Diem ozdl kW near Fourths:. ..foloosiod COOOtt NO . MOMS. - Ti T . STILIVIII4HIPH M=TpXM . DOUGH' i 1 t5-/al STIDOXIALIDAS .15:ELLIPLVOM , DOVGD er BALSAM. aci. to . etre Oot4ghe, Ookla. Hoareeztect,' • - Whoopl.4 ' 00 •414 7 %5e1ze --, Throat, Caturmptioa s e.l•3 ea - attbetuese of the Throe.% "anomie. - —. , !• • . ••-•'- • - . 7 go ulcer • ...wrendite, Oeculail YC 74 !th raval - PrAutnatii9e •': _: :: . . A , • • an tho , DiMaiailasecv fipiLeitveor reecat DR. BTELICS .an ra•DDOLIULD , REM MME es the bary cattle reteedy ter Diarrhea - tem. LC le "s eezeLdeeDoa el AdDiefeeee. Stattueasa ad Ourcesukt as nil tie leareasted Me* A 415120 111144* AV % 'Amu heve•failoll. .7, • - rot male . by ',,,ju Geile;l. - - /.4.170443:14 1 Pone& urea, u. . STRICK4ND!' a FILE BENEDL EZEXEDY bee eared thotwasda tho worn easerof /11lad mull Bleeding eves Immediate role at. teats a zosaat ufrd Sara Mr s, It dreads far. For aeleby idtr.Wa.aduiret.DEIPOSAZIII romlat Ci. adnx4 eizsiaastda • ThaTePaiail . i ervOU3A Debility readeinana those mimes win ladiikattoo Dvw_lvierveaselli Marione , 'rod% IC Is awm.mySerdelde prepany eir oni five from alep Ud'uOti; it etreuttwas tts whole .nervaids imago tt MAWS 0 '110000 44 aPPeat6 and 121411Zialltid Dfacecata sad Maw= pcyiiitp - EB. ISKt rEVEML'lnttabositt. I,IIS!!NE*, & u - murex.; orcB a.Autraq, Allegan!? Clay. '• :-..., FORfl zrjeaus rEmmiliv::7 -.- . 1 .:. Jtil OCSIDUAL DZIELtUdt ~ Mud MU koddlOdyo. oaldeauda*Psdod bd PtIC , 'slam': Myttomr nosimaos to Ablividty: God ~ sautood.of posestat toadmissmoody-W too. iltd.l a'' an 2E rMnlj t Id r*, MOW' ao again Stoutdowsraraused in ~._ smich rtas Mos Mon Modems tymoyzt. , vzcirrseir:Examorim--mediectwe ets t V . any part aides graton• AO /adios most tossaga a ,. _ stamp op ay rinum d. baid , .ssarad. • moo PI BwmslAgtmsa dalatual: mend. dattesit'..7.n.r , -4! .• , Aso 131 . _
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