A NA.4I7EpeT7gIWPRA. fdi maim and: i s w :cisu.# Miro ad• Johan Maw would be required. A private gam. pretared. Relerentes exchanged. Address I ;X:',Tin“ ttat claw 'SkLES _ cu. who h. ra.kapudasi., the pricked. buzi. .„,„, uotronts; arlt- Jr .13 Firth stmt. tr wrwtwysz.,-.*:obiftW A ftWAT=r4 4 2e46.. 'te *, mas.c om pv., AmmAive slow.' : 46 mskiii. nztammx XIIIM*IYAC#AOFA 'VIVANT= it•..;1 7 ,p POOd '' 6Vi9 b r& Z tLLt .II r..l* 0.1 1142 .ird Agfa- t:i It. • 14.1 are: t A • Veol:4 Ma's`,l tow* jcieklso VW. igllFdtdOliff#S4 IayAGENTEPWAISTEOPP-213:3,A, Seciaffilvira. onvontf •`, • Vatifikae KeibUlUZ4vt l :als Tlgg,tfilltalsoos44, -4444- mrs 'Lc , 1.41, , , .-34 , , f Z#13f14 5 }6, Ai. I mi irelintitmat o . ••i . •,„„*3lo. a . A v g .: wintexurook dadadlan; .116 atni a a MUM 445 AP Wina '!"t.'7firod aMKSatiin nviar-abnissr:-, Ve nue.r "* giVetters ipaintertm s 4 o,,fraist gruVrh, 4AtM41 1 04 • " • & orl• .- - . 4r •'B B FOR " THIS ': : , -13 .;,... :. r iriut i -Firsikusval,Ave • G%, Sf AMP MID Etill I . .4l_llL7: 4 Brazolk ;.. . -.. ' '.. • , amm,...... batAd* arta .. I . : 7 • M. - 7, Tildolzett irtiviroll t:" : imp ejtjtit Cl? . 0 ttr , „fetts,lts Verlag , 1 t Lem g 1 I ;tar t ar !tar ATP, 5 tli r gritit r a rat a a t l ri =bl;Z s gEOfta WeIIOOPIOS Gm Ont two :At • Rebellivatas thrilling aaptorel Ills - ' 112p1Xt tOr . A 0 mantas ig •- so yen 41fforeat rebel tigomolw*tavOi_opf,larsinaousjooloo3.l t A 1 4gr i S0 6 ' taws. - n Inn - abcitFul is n o jarr cp;laUtitOoteortniaxes,!tho lagrm ofk ef q_t?! 4 ?..W..a" 1 1,, 1 1t. - efierisr Toting Attekag —iilllrxhttutne&and_elloot olifMooff. sa •sfitr i A la moat of proillaalo Eqd li•Po. =Maly oda to . 4. ,'lo ‘ a IttliO pip mosoO, writoll V. E lia — ArßE=Orgi. __ .. . , „y eß'SktALEl'llll°f - " 1; - - • 41 4. 5 .. 1 .5,11V 81 . 4 9 ° . ' ' karigarot.nr 111,f_in Won towriabl • litV - Widl be sold obese. .11Ongoarelona 'FIF- 1 - „Ana 'lor, "groarear:tO ragonlur -11 ~.--...532 2/W NI A rVL thl k w " r _. lig' .lotr,lll l / 3 ;11 411ebgali bOmeo, A. exit ' a. . #1 , 4 6 PCV9: 4 4W = A er ' VW 41 , :,'; - • 001 leitCVElf,llßkge'dourilig WI tigal q ues z n ' wittVOlfttitei vote satze. , ,4 - *wail test - totai'oirlig ebb Rival, fl . abileS:bAiidllenetta /I nem M., " - I%;*4lCdOildhlogibeetle The ImeroVerMilite Age it titiao houis Anollaan44ol:4 eillt arf ,, /A witgon. - 1024 %run otatr , ootbuildimpt, :41. large apple v , *Mad' Of bereeletr4ger'lM 11 9 1 =1 6 4 dalno ~geba,i9nortret&- a udiati taw . r - . 10111113ror 703 - mot the town Of dreier& VPa., vary cheap, Morn' letersectiort, F 'ft 11411=4 - The balding. are hood le kmstmed tors kotegand dant Tbis ' *Vga.VPILIS=Itt Toy:temp MY ,r,: ellrVg2"l l . - Ca1d3 1141 4 Aim* 131 &ern, Cu : Mitt obrittuthrtep . -s.m or tho brough or turipsurorurrtvuro a l ar ge brick '',,,- • 60 ,2 1111barNSIt :1414 1 % 2 1uhu0ul goomo; U ~,,. towulb !qui, by onunctout.n - • No. 1 wl ' 301,13 r tabor lmilakes, tz; :Wet . 1 5 3,1 L1/Ki 10:admal Otto Yerg beef White oast n la age 'beet equity of /Jamie= 1.1 fillidla ell botteititimitir coaL . - La alio; .K.Stgapvernit =4 Sai lel I, to complete itt Rellbaeoet taw. *UN Urencillttir. Val, by sold at is great .= - 1 ,aVehir purnhase money mill 14' FiViteca / 024 er ( MY 4.1;t . MV,iiiitthieitri of ; f , tllt ..1 G :wrowEiza e si 'facets Area, ''''' '- AS No. tat 'wins' stmeti =OE '`OR SA= —Three um Mean ifinr , r, .3.7. bunt inupaver Mai strokes ?WY lartMe• and eoanertiog rod or errosigta from Boilers 14 toll teat los& et Wass Adder, mltli TWO /Una nriellidatins/ to In. n. 93 feet; bed end acddukter=kr , r i = 3 l 6lVl ,-;.$10111001114 • ' Pta r z sibtridAdOerse /Uses, *limb= rprenneutherwA. 400.11 Fon-:Baark-eatr. - BECOADIIAND " 2 " " mar -OME/ggrrisOMIEP 4I 4 6 4V. kW= Stelf.. gogete , Loa ; liseciplioA.4.444;gp. now 54 . 1 4 1 gat lieigh" r ibersark.wonms. I ,7 2 1 uotat itoLE t i O iltntutugsaalhi. 7 1 . 1T 7 - / Y. .. 1 _ tdr 411111figreloo ii,== airlued Fs oonrerdetta ttrazionrotsma 0 ogskricorelk 4 ;a •/3•MRP7PicS) , • .. 0urth.. 416 elte „. 5 atililtat,l4.ll6 iii _,... 4 111Liteill" a l ga thek WO ORM , a twr...." ~Pqrarrtift, • arnirl i tr—• •—• I.lts,MintEta • . 611.a.148 Ilan .001:111TATLEUirea TOSZNII-el .402-ttip .m iall. Wlighintdn .60 with se= itnb — j. tV:rpi i r uNt pb u l i t=kcira t gi rp,driga physiciw.Mlll datt,l ll. aril laros N of yeaso' • r• • a 11 11 4.:1;L:IY, ' sr 11)," : L ; ,LI; MM. c.VaZdt.'"ci ..11vAinkbRiSer Chia, or mei zeal= L . 140E,, 4 05 20 " 8 " o, 4 lll l244lCitret WV , .P.B.llW.SillWAlerfelP 4 nnrar.t. OWL, 14* okactransurzzi*Ta- , igr ;:;; 710..- / 7: 4 671;14 1 313"3 14:1 1 0 °4 4 418 rrr• f:' . 4‘: r.. ii : i44ll l 4,Ak I s ' a l kigeraCj6 , D*336s OzDET, OS. "ilia Pod 1 1 40/it , "Ur& • • - " I ' 7 FEEMEMI WANTBD-4. OA Rivel3£ll.—One lap umlaut/44W* buolnosioal is willing to AtficuilAAS /Obi VA coif. it l4 Sake bt" ,ll =eta about tbottosula, Jlauunde4 xis3 . lirsgume Cal= preened. Ecooqo of - MOAK VAN A RoAVriv and flo Nasioa. Street. =WI • ' fl.retetie:TO-Story ''''' • - taming SIX SitoiAlsisirli Papered sa.,l Painted. YLISSPILBX/C47,. IntASTlolLie qui Ciatil4o tared itali4l•o9 4 -Fil*E-Wfai *sou& FRUIT_ •:- . 71i1P1 141. " , • 4'B Stem an tee r tlaP.l. , ,a‘gil ••• • • EORWSZIMRErdi WITH TWO • forrirttirr will be oven oa to tst of April Elsztr 'lbeppttoopprtetorltl l lelther - seiltor trzrhange for lOosuruir Property. 2001441. TONER, &art Matt - lor 184 Fo , b street. _irOß t _B4.LV , luty44. i Ynrm. of :about, -DNB IiTINI4I-b_u SUSSir Under a high ..stata of eff.itivs; ion, arhish hos been. olividsd..isto -X.ots contsfaing tram Taro 14 Titans Attu; sad "Mb. sold a, avflfsfs. Ousls, fO'sfLi-ptus alums. The - isnikrnissatif." us a • Taro.E.oxy finftelf Rwallialle Bafaf afiLl Stotts SPaog-fkboSes anagsellanfoSprfog It-Water, ast-sisells4 Allsehen coUntyV Tateels also a cholas Van.. 4117 Mend; oombit>atafligl9.lesr - Paashls, Pays, %.10241:13bafflise,W'llifoffion of as, - ., -riChdaffald If .. Uoo l kful-. 11 wat , ift SPI•W *ad ma. ottalftermmastkup -app g Zgyf, ffaal sr . !, wz., lad LWOW - 141POPia 01 4 : -• ! ~ aatl • .'; •ButteistteeßLavrselpte 11..DInM) . termitli 'at , -;ii 3 Oolttiebtiti 'VAL*, idttlita atillraut streetarrezt trattr., eaten 1. „ lag teak go feet- Thla .propetty =lll be sold for lil l'intiug‘errtaillum 'e r • • : • In Fourth S < ons: . • OT . OrkiNipbblamicnt IandIALM ibtool awaslcar• : . WS S EJZ? EJrT S OPERA HOVBE. Linz iftsericsi, MISS A.NNIE EMILE. ---- — P12525r1152 - 12222222art.—Pamgette k 2 2 % - Dray 50e; Orchsatza (MOM 05261.912 ff 2541 11414244 Boxes, ioo. MO N. 0P: 14,5 :4, -d r L9 r P al !" rtiir the fiit Um Vta i o ' f " 47 , AD4rAVZILAIAVIEBB. Last night bat two of the grateful Mole. Elt- NERTINIS. TETEHILSY-,Yefit..2tAtEwe Jeteileffifoeste w Dom toes with the pleasing two Wit comedy of the MARKET GIRL OF FARI& Tocoadruis with thit celplgs,tO musical burlsaquea, of tp, WTI/MILE PRINCE ci. TEI ISLAND 01, WEBB SIMMS Annan, Batstrtlay Atter. .2aeoata to alt Dana of tko holm. pITTSBURGH THEATER. Lesus,sua4 Mc: urger, ISHEIDEDISON. PrICLS 07Arnotolion—Dress alrela w et.; Pam Uy Male e M lu stet_ Third Tier, Ssl ete Private Box. eft te Doors open at 7 dH Curtain din ax. 734. iriateigaiVicon larliteari.-Coutti.T;Minfth , nOtittbUtlia ansairemirat - ot ther-teletresred art MISS LAURA 221411211, Who will appear enard. Inlurrortalnal Imw IM s young oustion, Florence Tree snted by ao4 tor, Mr. HAHHIM.S. 000 r celltaAaPinfuta eon i neOten with tlre.sreat ecoarlOY or Kimedow , Omen are musk essOurakarita the Haat popular 7oduatlont on thaStagG-TIUS erb u rt&Y)EYEN. MGM:Lb 0 . ~m01. 0 An Tres Harty Haw _ ....se.* .11•1411.41•totnIr caunDanr. , _ k i F % tedutttniutirelcomeo 1,11 , :.01 ABONIO HALlA:rrltiair.) , .1' 1 ale ./eh cr,lo ISredatidn Y 4 4l# 4 4" a rl ild A Itt c 0 ced!rrei ecos Ile In f.37t,r,e, .0171 s t E =u4. r 1 4/ to 1.1, - 41161, ~lo,ltrl-Ein20210,„4A Teox 47-ri.LL 111c0act.,!,31 It. WWI :s UV/ ts .Pttllbtratnibllitatl Ita g • trrlTrP -- , ••,• ,Clln ,4; .^ .- 11 tTedtreltlQtlelear cum err ; •73 20 il.a:.tr,L, THOYESSOIC 1111AER .1 1 10/i5 Nk, • •.,t inLY , tt l oMty.ao4 !fleet enteitaftiases4a The We:14011M o r Twolloureq Maslow; ffi ehozoisia6 4:Cerhlth he wtatultteotiabilmipose to the theso.eratuedepirituel feats of 0 01LESIn meemmaathadlatta the U ltot•6tat6•Cuttrbtt Batralontanrt the above named ILO , L1W .. . 3 40* - -lbethow to slimier &Baia, zwi H01e44 , girt:date ttle BnooraltsznWn.tddso oa HeseidrgahliD tables rap without the aid of 11120 ch Ho bierst, wtckmate table, move. The ittage7illl. be fated up ottthProressor Antler. son , . DM' amasses • the most gorgeous ever ino porcwi Icahn. weratt,l4. Doors et "eit. st.i commence at B P. It. Adailtsien S 3 cents. Beeerved Seats I selattwd ozawros:ravasc.-5e.,.; pLaliGibtalXQll l 74.NE.c ) I 1.- - 7.'; - -;;Ira-VoT4.-TBBATEP: C,3tl t.nr , I II • • I Schomaoker Philadelphia' ; 411 jtijg <EILSI L 1 THE zaseamaral mom% !end Lzsrra uo. , s oorenot,op.o4N, sal . ittby deafen*, sad who tome -Wesed , -anelb,46.4is. - supeurter to mc , : d tre,f,„==f, I I . l4ere-kriler . 3 l, t!led ehorteet notice - Brarranti Oennan-failver -/witi;a*:oll, of mil description; for Stan sad Comet atgt • FAM - 10 1- = New and Second-bead Pianos for HmL - • ALL THE LlittONGS - D NEC ' ' ticanshirat.'. ilirakiiiitheoi BAUR, xo.l3er ST. Oti.Ge:Ori - Err. I NOW BEING RECEIVED:" I THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHICLERING — PIANOS , Selected personally by , the anbseriber, durlas ree.nt suit CO uhe.Feetery, '•" - ' SEVENTEEN' INSTiIifgENTS are stem open, and ready for teamleation. r h publlo are Melted to call andbee Menu - Warrr nted for Five Years. CHARLES C. HELLOS, et. Wood Sued, gob!. Meat bathe Chlacertfee Planes. VICII3E & Co,'s , HIGHEST FIMILI— Wu - Grand, Parlor Orand,-. Equate' and, Up. Plinol, with overrtrung bast, span treble, foillron Improved Lame, and all ther.nbrable tm• provementa :11koLtone.all Pure, brilliant, =fir/ musical chiractez,.ofple besamorkrodnahlp; too eranneaasta quality of tone unannaluictlblady. Each Plano guaranteed for eight 'years. ictimturrne. BLUME, - No- 41PIPTHAVEE 6T. lets • 6eeon4.lloor above Wood atree4 ROFFMAN, HO ; ; & CO." - as pirriuirnutirr.. 1 • c GsfireETEW OIL 'CLOWNS. ,1 FOURTH STREET our cLoTnsv All widths, natr .deftvis, every , . Variety of style. vEity surmtiou Cotton Chin, list and Bag GARRETS. IW.D. & mokaaans, 5e.16.. 87 POITELTFi STREET WiRFE'r .$T01413. EII34I.V.SJUBT.PCIBUIEWIRD l'-and hss l ac"Mat .l 11101r1410Zti y; Carpels, OR cloths, part! wzdA 4 - hvidnixiiidi . i t u 2r i basvintages 14 164e= ThgainretitTiWitetgitetthiS .-c TJ.J.II NAPALBIAISD-&-OCILIMIL .1125 Mit artillibeatirtattle. NENVIVANTINGIic • iFfifi'D AND BED CIEDDLED, iativlitts;At tae rwasmaertsu®. J sZAZIGY EtATELfte, *mud Asada= stytes, it reatired.aad torasibibi v. 4 3IIADAEDADD 11 - 00LIZEM_ Slaw: .1:: • :II sad TJ 1111 h swam ititt6ara iranut& - compazt Ontet.of FeUA MIS EWA alV im istlM i oultZostam rasadriqUir ads' FA Itanolut. ar moo. Inv •43i t x(op i la als 12ALed•ft,ThtylicillInt bet‘lndarthb. Onto ZuMirritroYenToco _r 1 " 1 , ) , • VAVE:::"t" S Ca Par JLOCI - Mili 1 " 1117.11411 . 11 4€1 1 ?77 . xver , } " . . 4 4" I . aim 12" . 41: . • D .41 - It ft . • 411. LE,O NATlOVS,ltbledittoa,Ji , • ' attatiabes• you Litriattsm - Parl=r,to. matOria,rmay serrate Vitlare_ - Prire'9l term Ala% CHIELT AL= BOOS for rusarrarAir Hamm PF.MNIL Every ray josmalumorterr 4 Prue • dOMriEirtriprapety'rO• DILL/LIZ Xs. U 440 1 0. 5 1N/le= 0 1 41 1 ‘ 4 4 0 011 Oa. •), • 4140,01 -Irorices. a - - - ory Eirir , sh..UNAPASILLAL >u A Emeastrated entreat of Stitches** root.ao combined with other anbetencea oC - 11111 1 tree= altentlYe porta. fate atbrid delieteetted antidote for dames Sulaysenbriereyeted to cora. Bush ditzentearbaMliMtaranted:by.those , Prbo ruder Pear t roona•colXplaMta, aro% ptie4 leMpllietbeg eltremtud mibot m Oro o Mythic Ms, 4rf- 'elm bailee . to tble , lat* - M ,, Weal= af. ettlit_tel Wr lkleent eintees.e - linow etnediekktibide Com. tll7in.sinviruirenin t2ll git •Telo iirt i f t .l,-or , 7 ~_. • aktutonsawelilage:ondAOrMil'ablo llalamptal plookßzodebm,llladebala.croPtielx• citikagaliWirejtose or "Eryeleeisa, Tette: or 'lkea blesisalbleWOrrni 116. • 1 2 4 59tdllnoVVanertat - Insaltai is expelled from “be 'Moo by theprolonnid•uae of Ode SeruPer - • W i d,tbe patient la lest le comparative health. if_Plecesee tamed 'D &meddle in tie Mau tom tared by this mama. of Ipalal bo not discard Ude Invelaable niekberatim . iren berc:been !mimeo open by' menetking pre• tendlegoid be sanepan u s. mobile' if was. nat. %lava You. hive ot , ,,Ayer.a—tbee, and not till •""w , lrilt - ,X.Pe Amoy the Nitrides At duespertlls. Per 'minute Perlietdart °rile diseases it ewes, we "Yerer:Yon to .Ayeei American , Almarme. white, the agent below named Will tartish 815111toall ,wbocoll 'erg. Amos 1/tynarrto .Prtme for ill& Mire of Oes. ‘ ll3, 9 l2 ekty_Jlll,lunne, Dyepepek Trullneelon, Dye. etdary, Foul Stelliken lleodeabe;rilds, Rheum*. Abox,tlearibrutzLarisloglrom dletrerod atomeob, .V 4 1 0;0; It °aid Leactitro 'ot ID y. ammo or.l;l2!.4:l 3 3.4_* . Sar in tlkint , Dragre . toost sr eensl, tlya ,con take themeless/Logy, old Pot are the Tietrrent In inef tee th e feria t., : j 79Irtre,er ?Mated . 3.I;cILY 100. Mug. WA 1414 . 15±.'5.0 11- 01 3. ,s," ',Maimed:sit* "...,Ipr l 4ist.u.roff "Emma. , , 1 . (..11.1.•.1 r. 'Mr., , • r., , :1 ~ 1 1111 1 WWW?. At ‘ r. 9 4i C tfA '' . 1 -. 1 ''' ' "J IFAXinfitfrriligniON " '." -'-' 1 , a , iLL ' A k l i Mt iN lY, 4 ", , ' ' .5444 04 41,LEM 4_.,.. , deli*" Ale oennaron. I R a e lhA rr I°4 l 'il - • ... . * 4.i.' 4 • • - i ..,; k a., ~ ,5 , ...5.... ' . ... . SCO2 -.7fr. : .. . . A: AND `,, - - r.,:ich, •• ,' Rift • siviif rc , ..'':.. •• . tom , :••. • : -, .., mgvgl wat re.; . .Iegt Ii F.INIA I 9IIWI -21-L114." 4 . ,w, 4DJ . r • (.1 WS. -It tl Sl' - wP w Agtergaiforo &est 59.11rielcers, i ~... L.. 1.311•110 t srti rr..o so; r 43''J''',- 1 # 4141 0 1 1 14 led !ONO'S' smart • ~ ...1111. ~ ./ ..1 , .. .. I -J . ... tattri.l..l t A iro4 , ! ait t inity;44 to tateidadc rW"" tkarta r, . * 4 i t h e t. iff. . b. . 4:. ~ , .... .., nal to 11‘10 • ' r " 4iRL I a tht 4N:R MI - 1 90 1$ 10 T 17 i -110 till. N DENS ERSI_SALT , PANS, TANKS,•STna•Rr ACILLIPSORS. SET, 'PIANO PANS, •Rtilidia , IRON, IRM.Darar SVGAR PANS_,_ane. role •• aag.• mesa of BARN itallOS PATENT HCfII... Repairing done be tlieektortert notice. . WSW zw.LAILILE Coil - per Mill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH. PARK, McCURDY tcC9. Btiwatsetarers of SHBATIIINO, LIRAZIESS , : ' BOLT , COPPER, PREISED .00PPEIZ Bt7T, ...RILISED STILL BOTTOMS. SPALITIR Also, tarportert and drakes la rorn AZ.% TIN PLATE, EBERT MON, WIRE, ha. ficuittantly on NNIKES , MACHINES 'Ai MMES. arehouse, No, I ;MITE= and 120 EEO. TINIr STREETS, Pittsburgh. Spada *idea 0017pgr eta tcr say awing! patians. sarres W. D. nazz.zci ..-. .)P. aO}.LI AN IA KELL& STEEL. WORMS,' • -Akita kiatuftetuieze OLa T STE£Lt. SPBiNO, MOW and-BLISTEIT-STETI4ISPRWGS, JOT. " - 101 , 01ftee,Trs. grrntiosoii St m. WA TER STREET (nik dike), . a iv= tot i 5 v=1 ,....t.. - liti czi. n?w s. 1- °AzEtnltrikE Pifea Ili ,rB. E LT 15IN A idark4 41 1P1 br' ' • ameezilits eb ll ty .. Cadriblia„.23extuct , Stsafta , acceiLattio generally:kit( a. , 1 audtpubilWalo- cad Fitat.liton 4eiljauss onaiildar Crow Belt 41431,05,_b1r , EOM 7 i .Ihrtvzsini.t., .111,11.# ~Illt!.4A,l s s.sna : 1 Gpencipeat,,444. • Wt. 800 TO . 1 .1 " 1 stkinni...- Beni tuther gee. 10. • P 144.4 14 1,4 . ',Slid.' all/ ladaktu4.Pod Dol4ol nompt of all Vett arm* bosun avunces, by Dra. CI-ELME, ' , pi eery, New York.. Post. 011tos box OA ~ . . , 10—ra a/savors in,cmustur or scaltemze.-AraTezpaviallentaahav leg been nestoradto and Mt CA sitar WgZolittii.:l74Dirkenspiar, co 4144 an r 1 . 112: illered Qat 10 ovasmu*S4l9 his Lari matures taftsrMutPbturs. Eimcs.otk them a mg. samoroanvelope, be VIII =dams • co of ihspretorlownsoil. Med A* Ihaortri DAGNALL, ardhlr Pultoa stmt. Y. f L'BOILTBSOB, ILEA: • um. ( summ on teßoantsair, Alma a. Dlrtsessa. • Washington Wort; FaiINDYIEIS AND DIAORINISTS, PITPIXO3,O3I. Alanuntstercts of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENIIINIM BLAST lINI3INES. BILL raAouniEßy,re_ L stre - rrtrio__CAST. INGSof Merl Ons,Ou., TANKS A. sTuiLs, 0 5 5 1 a r gl= I l k s 3 iltmL W 71 -woes. N 41. n ' MTECM apotar.JOILINAINs. a 411S4 w ietan Siscs; — BoassaIDIBIL :VAULTS YAll i d IDOORS, 'IRON , RAILING WIN W SHUT. TER% WINDOW .431FARDh_ ko.; Fos. Sl* UNB and Se THIRD STR.m between Wcpd sad Mst.; hams 02111:134 i :a y of caw paten* "easel plate, sattahls far purposes.., Palßottlas attention pantie analosing Gran Jobbing dons at ewe. notice..- arIENT FitEE.—AL rsarniLar - 0 Itsmensalzportanse lathe cola eta vns" married and tangle of both grass, be sent has by addressing; Huh eadosed, the agen , ts, T. ILENDII4OI4 h 004 Mx, Heston Pod cake; • • •• - sasseatiaswlT orTUE OK DAL C.IIABFLOKIL. Al ita• SAY OF VANNING. AND 1N9111170- SION roil YOUNG =ay. Alen, new szarellr bit treatment et the U and Sexual Suter= ..rluldreee Dr. Ji rinary OOLFORTON, Row art Asseetatlon.Fhplinelplits, Fs.' spiny " IMMO! U. A.'01.1./fOr, FORWARD INO AND 00 AllgsTON lerzzurucri awl Wholesalo &Wes CHEESE, BUTTES, SEEDS, FISH, _and: podium gexara ll y, No. II WOOD STREET . Filtabol226 nol M=2M3 B. new arras-4N. CWW.La...I. L armuujix. Tit GA72AIt Co,. • ATTORNEYS FOR ,OLLOWITS, Licensed' It H. .dgents, Br frrokourbon ElYBnose , 11(1 Aft. rnrn4 OP PAR, PPIZR DItLIET,VO EN. DATION. PO M RONEW, ProPorf_y mot or destroyed while tn. strTiell Al tAgt Dultbd motes RTOPPAGES OP PAY AND OFFICERS, ORDNANCE AND QUARTERMASTER'S AO. Otf ocn =noted and ocrtitlostes of Indebted. AppllOStiOnt by Mill att,nded to fur If MSda,lll •Porrom NO OH MADE UNLESS Riles UMFUL. OFFICE No. 98 GRANT smug, mr rrrrsetracm. J. W. WHITE V. SLSULZ WHITE & BLAGLE, yl ATTORNEYS AT LAW No. 100 Btroet Fl rrstsTaou, PA., Wlll attend to all .bonnet Is the One of they Profeuton, including THE COLLECTION Or cLMTAIMS. AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. tarots having been tonsteredotttl the Vetted Mates Santee, will Itateaftez . ~, ire atted. Con to the bulneu of thee:en. antra OUNDZD BOLDIURB TN lIELTB2II, The runt or Second Three TeanService to t» in. -not' bowl Lad ouvitO t the fall trza,o3 ear s zatairis taped ••• CIN E•oliettor for Bountlasdtedgcras 141. 1 . -No. ed 101 I• FIFTH STREET,/ =l=l2obillehrf the GlithraL _ 1111 :nos .IWeluTO.' • W. ourzirtAilakrEA- Afiditi46o:r4.Avit it(i. gisitn*OutA Tltles.,Pqr4:4: Lag, pt sal XV3/4,pf promptlf at tb. ' al MuffrAux.- PENBIONI BOUNTIES, BACIK. PAY and MILITARY . MAXIM - of 'elm desaflptlOn; opßootod try the sobsesibe' Was, els t' Melons, 1441 ? I ' li _ " V_ .111 A. tit; Low, Mienood truest opposite the Conn Mono. N. 8.--No charges ate mule If the glitz dima not ancoecl, and eL informatlosi gtvoh malts. seeity H . 0. NACTSRELL, ATTORNEY-Kr-LAW, - v. s. soramma mauls ainon. Borortter ter WouMid Sal= col ocE d'isi Levi neu • • mut two 4 .0102/41' IRDRZW:I3TEVENtn7,... Ziati:o7 cawarastrii_ :r Tr- • • r' I.44,7teilarth-latieeit; rvt rritu iratarr. FA,`: „ im i t i., o* o w owlets etAneatear 621j9ipjag •09114110. .'.' 7 • ap8:11d r .7 3 . 4 ATOM 4 2 .a' Si="rwitteril I=IEISUE giel lot v`;tritntitt THE RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1885. lakzerTE'rEttms: Daitadie4or — ' to. served by' eareties,!fSearnts w week. Daily Ilyeeans zxd er=tr.r.lieer. W do, y e een a week. Weekly, to dabs Ede per TM. IlA r rEirCiF • PeDVERTIIaiNGi• • • sqtrAsa—et•Asiimprarxiiitst Pello4. Dedly t 4oitt2 t, littjt Firkly om•• e.. Throe dom.. 176 Tom' ttmea..; ' 2 . 10 ' 'l6lvatbso*.:. ' 9'60 - . I C —re weer. 2 75 $ 1.2 ,. 6' , 10ro 266624—, 415 276 200 125 Tll2OO woelti.: ITO ' 4.26 275 200' :Ode 000516.. •a 25 5' 60 400 -2 Z' Tiro 23ontha. 12 00 800 6 00, 976 Ttreezzortthai 16 201 10 60 i 700 oat 4 72 131%131022,114—. 23 501 11 54 ,IP 60 600 Vine walla 34 00, ro 00l noo 6 Co, One Year-- 42 00, as ao . Is DO j,. to AdrialitonoentainiestoOfmaryeliratsioferlilsottia It tkovaftrosWer splesintioif sollotgatof Sweento ger Ivor* 1cd....2). cents' if pata-st-the tiroo,) tut En",.,e WMAUM TlO„the inlialeaste buatneit. of Um ..— ato4tint,i;eOniail - '6OlaioroW fei , tberwsobAhin ' rna dail rLe eet 'wllll*/ #. t i NA t il, " 4l lll ! lll. ° w Autatiit . isliii - crAm' -- - = „44 5 m r ,t. ; . ..rstlik t „:: . ;. 1, - ,4:....4 . :1") ts.; -• • ,-,. , J 14 APM 4 r 4U P itr , irkiiiiaLlitirazierniejoii 5..! 04.40 ~, t i 1k.424 toi ; t i a ,i6 i m ia . t ti t I .. teig n Zer i MAS We ta. . tLP4,,*ailiph.p #;„„,,, ...irmaul Azitzugs#o4llll . i ' 4=l 71AINtl i r r. 112 git 13 ' 411 thr", 'ol:ut War _Atleililir • cifiefera644 7 4.2iilibeet r re ' lamed' lex A -or mere. • 'fee', rti W l ,o l=Aft :.#!b# 7 o .' .l ar l9l z P#)* *4 42;warp to be eatzeklbted U r iZa i r e l= 4 ;owns= of the vbctillOit VA e • ~ - ,15-.P:1'41. 7,1 ' iIUTGE - - HOLT - 15911. - - ISlONTcomini .4tigt•Adlodate Mu has addressed :tll3k . lFTVlidefpsla'..rtwriifirtiiigyeittif, Which 5t..i444.110*.P*3 ears f L a rge 26 * ( * - . say J3r.sni, in his ClM'aiv de speech. that ie refused to permit sector to be sent to Tort Sumter; and entered late as aredatiee with the rebel tecretaf. .fudge'lforr says the *charge 1 11 mare& as whole, and to Milts parts. `Ha Beyer wee a party to an annlstige itlth a rebel Aeureisry, lid never Dade or was pa:ty to an agreement that there should be no set of war by the United Stategduring Mr. Bncruersg's term: There ester Wes an hoer when the guns of grunter were iitilictled hi any each agreement. or . when 1116 P resident was not eillireiy !tie to .do his duty . In its defence. lie wan restrained from It only by his dread of Inaugurating civil war; and theludire ththke results hare shown that the policy pursued was the beat tor the country, tie adgalts that Om. and chir,os,4*ol4l2Ca of 100 Oitroetoott, but alleges ctust4telr,otatemottl ireA Ose,and thinks It will not carry much welghti,wbeekitTle retwernhered - thatedahe time they dessdeilt.a.hey we in arum 'against the Goiroritatedit. Ititmduces': from'Omicrol Pecrig, Whlch.deilatihtiatiternent of 13s4 1 lithai be had titeriffrid agiittit iktiTT's wished tCYIPM! venttrthifoicomeat ornrt Sumter. Tito bal. eral says that according to his knowledge. Mr. Hove dld everything instils Power to vindicate the boaorof *the COTRIM - taniadnieg hie apposition to the bill drafted by Mr. Blair, and offered to Senator king, an tEoitzing the areoliutOrtluton , mest at the with, under protection' gni United Stales, Judge goat eye that - this involved - the furnbethir of I inns to Ina triMi 4 by She governor:mei antiktimt they would pct. doebtlare ixtealt ST, once seized by the rebels, or transferred to ihrib, and need agrdnat ore calm. We s nod sada the history of the war, that in many of itslidoodlost battles, these same "Union men"' fonghtits as rancoroualtaxtbe moat determined rebeht.' ie reference to titer brtter, alleged by Me. Blair to havebeen published by him, !•Jostifying Beets' don," the Judge says that the letter was • prig rate and confidential one, sea was puluished without his knowledge or eonsent. While some. what despondent in tone, it was thoroughly lolal and patriotic--the dordinsundeabeing that the • north_ *hernia. remove. by Om .rapeal of some measures 40:ntaint tothcaouth. all pretext for revolution. In inmate/don, Zeds, Holt cleats that during the dark days In the early period of the war, belabored filth all his might to put the Go7eFemeet In dupe for defenco. 818 drat orient was the defence of Washington. To this end, ha eoneeztlrated ail a callable items in the city. No sooner had they melted there thin the-Howe of Represen tative passed a resollitlon m the Interest of the conspiratomealllog neon the President to make known why he had collected an armed force 'around the capital, when the delegates of the people were eonstiltihs within its owe. lie - drew up a report, expressing •determination df the Administration tdsecuro to its own succei sor a peaceable Inauguration. The Judge 4_ Judea to the fact that the only votes in the See ate against ids confirmation as Secretary of War, were those of known .rebele,"and. 1.110.tt0 Armed Traitor ever mistook him as a friend. Be Mauls thus: In Fobraary, 1561, j was denanneed by Jacob Tlionipson, ez.meiaber of Ilt. liriebanan'a Cab inet, becalms. ba isoop gallon with dust lllnetri•, one old soldier and patriot, General flout, I And litisinTted to relaforee Port Sarateri and now. In 166.5. T ant denounced bran az-nteinbernt . Unwire' Cabinet, because. ad ha Zonal, by o• eeedarrimpllcatlnns not only did not a to reinforce Fart Sumter, but actually proton Gametal Elastifroat dein so. The opinion la. confidently antartignisi that I shall moat no more damage from gibs last denunelatlon than I did Sensitize Arm BUIGIIAX Torso havicani.—Brigham Yoram lute had the impudence to ask nbem of King Kammshlancha of the 13andwIsh Wands to send Mormon Bilasionariel to his dominions to dia• aemlnato what Yong calls "the true faith" thaw. To this reqatzt the Secretary of &AM replies that the Marlton tenants are antotersive to good government and contrary to the lowa of the Kingdom. and that efforts to establish a colony of the Saints there will not be tolerated. The letter concludes, u followa : "As long us your Mends limit themselves to early on their agrlenhural end mechanitail ope. rations they will be proteCted In their Imlmury, bat they never cats be recognised hereon a tcset• Mg with Ctutstlan nalaslonarles as teachers, as AlMae.ssords arb °Albany understood. " AA:cam:ll of Normans , tied recently arrived et Hanolult4but ihev . ,prAqes9 will, of FAI2IIIO, be llmlted !Isobar° ettifeNtod. DlCiro47lllllo DOOMS& --Onosozal, Pants- Tom, of Ohlo, -, who Ali on the ticket with 4a- Chiarra, as candidate fors VI Proolihrot:, l i ote4 Miald ft epoch; fir ihAlis, „ '^ "fani baits& of datlt6vjstn les Cbsulitunise t . I wonlai hare lasigreatilamot imirrage to {he • - , 1 31 1 nea. bemsneathe cdeseltplion lenge Milers.. I would meograse elsbi.nr , gut Acitithoni Btatoe, to Ihiv,WPOg? ,44l . ; 0014411 '4= f =eineflletrfi , - art °lf t , at torsi iia444Pl Pro" visions to be the b &nailed-eh° &ate and Federal Began; ~.aidabliermause the Coustiltt tiFgC="4" capf,40009,,0f equslB4ol6" Aseiordlng Mettle sutiorised exponent. thiro-, ,tom,jhgDemperacppre omfea_Oittripiinig-' tationalaismdmaneaballshlng glaverc r inialtr" of reetablegthe onroesto. therold Makenk andargivingtsoketr Mons masters control of the Borah, "without condltious. , ..! • , - ~ . Ilfor.l3oscoo Etoojoir o ..Comi , 7otio caoor boll exclingea; haste= imrchandbyldisiodosePh B. ge....1 11 40 'D/ LIY"; 1 01 21 i#44 4 ` ikmaiso2l,2dr;bl64bicoinliagaiddet 3 r. Aifiegialijaesi4.Weitak_':ii:bmi*O*a9 , 41}aniatooar pablistiag and eilltlxv cid, iiria undoubtedly-makcww accallant -and alitiritii., f t Joidtfolr . "Thoydoeoii: ihoti Ihtielition of .... kl; (ll XVCi r cti!!, , a,erect fICA. 1 0: 1 00 , 1 7 Intlezet. ' latta : itiasing lslitsparcrrn . j 1::: .4 1 . ,- 4 1 0t414A00 5 004.i,f1.44P Ph Wq 2 l: 6 7 , liAe 421 adWlPlllid ga:lea4 6 , *dia.* Agagawrar;:tia6* iiiii,lrs4l4' tip,,parkVitlinci lbtlhdlig li ll----.lco .•, - 13 , i. • WILMA FAXLINGO I / 7 4.4 AlOll-OC - IAO pitib _ Preeldomt Pcsalairreyklyededgh rajd,,Vi •Ip; three at five dollars per day, In tildes ..ere at , TPlPlita•k•sett7 • Noruolz• ' 8 1 1 •c•449 1 ': Uta army Bala near 8..., - Por Wm:ma:tors& of the Episcopal Dio cese of Olinda scmc months mire prohibited Bev. J. Vir.Caaeteare from tralcialluVst gra ce Candle, Galmbtrah, for the technical Irregular ity of not baylteltpreamaad diantmory pa pers frums I)locessualPA L eyand fempattical preaching.' hitrerwitclioWeref,llie real sourys- ,hf grievahee to the . Bishop. Bishop Idolt.varra, who read the sermons, and all the people., sto heard MOM, io44. l lothillg obJeMlonatly Wildcat halite dlseotrees. They In fact merely urged &Wort and brat* to the Government as i 'duty, Gittletbos /Attune. Binhop Warruhoh I* now Valhi climax on his conduct by Grace Church from his diocese, having forced wrote throurh the Illinois Convention, when only a part of the members were prteent. Hie action Will be made the sub ject of an appeal to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, which is soon - to meet at Philadelphia. Toe St. Louis Republican of Monday says: Mrs. Sterling Pr/Ls, tor daughter, Miss Stella Price, and two sena, Celstts and Quintus, are , : - cd,in this city an Friday evening, direct from Washington, Terus, and are stopping at the Olive Street Rotal. Mre. Price and family are accompanied by her eldest sae, 114seral Edwin W. Price, who left Brooklyn, N. Y., about two months Mahe and went to Texas after the fam ily. It is notcertainly determined upon wheth triads. Price'end the younger =tubers of the frifelly will remain to Mlserrarl; or accompany henson Edwin to Broolaso, wherots hek.eael iiied-duringthe pad. year. di. =moat t Mrs. P. lir not awareof•the exact whereabouts of Gee. Stetting PEa and their third' iCutentire 'sitcom. *led tostrmexteo, etter Vietrreat- Imam of th4Cesriailistiaorees =der General Eu Elrby Smith. Atitteniastleard from, they ft :re In the eft °, Mes4m. ' - <Jima caisTif tha „Oda or twi ner In which Disua.L.. Gardner, ter son, 4e, tiff, and Mrs,Jullst G.; Tilatirwidants of at. ent'nler, and aminer , or Arc - cv , end omoredttarlatidtleitt 'tiffllt sr tenie-oftlehismzeoginerto4LXiss ode dilemmas, dismoon...Thisivolvea Witold two - hundred thousand *es 4lee excitx - rentreh tamest' the Ceettnge 112-01; an _Wee; 444 , 141 4 . 1 1 1 the removal of Judge ael4ll(toitt - peraAhe eareal_fQ.WlsTSt drat' -Pr*Vilt taw •••• t eer T 7 r lidera Jrattee ; leututtiter 8. WiLem. iolicitor • for de t idy Depardrunit. was exam ined in relation to the aliegatiorr Of Mr. David 11. Toner, that for $9lOOO he !mild secure Mr. inlictenekoitot tbnAtib each tednence, IStaalti the unconditional release of Me. Henry D. Storer from Fott 'Lafayette. Mr. Porter being Mr. Stover , * counsel at the time, Mr. Stover placed contldetua. la him, and gave lime part of the required d25,000t bat he now al leges the/ Roder. deftandal Mm. The case.is to be resumed at 10 o'clock, on Monday morning 1 ss I 0 si Es 1 15 1 73 1 ID i i. 71 6 25 11.03 17 CC O.SI of our most promrslng artusts, one who In certain Was of Mil profession stood among the'foremMt; Seities'elSu}data, died at Con why; New Hampshire, list week, whither he had gone in-the =nal .stratmer ptirenkt of his art. lfr."Bnydain'teas the 8011 of an old scud wealthy family to this city, and Inherited a considerable fcatnne, but his love of art was stronger than tdaloveof pleasure, and he devoted himself to with all the ardor and industry of one de. pendent upon It for a Y. ,Epsning Post. L . Be t Thrum B. 111.5f1=1, proftesor of aa. iroitomf in the Dublin Univeralty, and dstrono per Royal at Irelutd, died near Gatlin on the Ed instant. He wad slaty_ years old. Be devo ted himself. when Rade young to scientific arm rattllpa, tri NSW, 111,9 'acted astronomer Me, Lc& tabard* wrists' *ban MitcricittreaUseis.taiii-Wrthio 1644440 W 'teal .and. phikwasidaahlitibjects, :and. has for thirty , year or owe het i a drat class rani; vadang „tnett'of imalast tlrrs4om attrimi eonsalis • brief annuncement Of the dean at &me onlbO "Sid instant or .lostmirlionapertearince Idualg.: nano. 'Se was abanturesayrided years. old, battled& nricat&llfeclOdPaa ttati notoge then, 444141 A, name ll..dlidladDi_ah,ed litslatbcf.Vrefiti B-41 1, *: Pf - Canino. tau - ,tll4yanntrx, eta *a IR ClatOrat6'ind I titer 4' OfttitholOgy and botany. Guasus-Cut. Dakota' wu In - Naw 04eani ,*ll. the Nblavient, enaund In the data. bid Inlstiah of Inspe.Won of the southern Statas, to which be was appointed by the President; He would proceed thence to Mobile. di:24lrw , - tittaiii-n visited the ball or the - Pcnbus elabarbeod - Ot - Bt. Louis on Tuesday night. The Mbrotti Democrat speaks' of the event as pladng !barman Oti Ihri side of Irish nationality. Jr. DOE Bsawaz. G. DAILY formerly Can reds. man from Indiana, and l ately Deputy Collect.; at New Means, died In that city on Thnradbl ' pfhrping. Winn G;samixt. Burma fad way from New Orleans toaba Horde; probably to remain. A ILUS named Schondeld, a native of Hama Cartel, Geri:eery, who mut) theiJaltedBtatrel at the age of fifteen years, resided here twenty. 0110 )A2lll, and Alia natanazed. recentlT went back to his native country, where ha wad ar rested on the claim that he owed military ser vice there, and wu sentenced to six amain' imprisonment and to eerie two yearn In the army. The authorities refused to fele= him, on application of the America; calitianr. WILLUNI BROWN, o returned soldier US been arm ttd Uottopoit on UlO,bluafile OLktellaPt - Ina to pulterat the teatime or young omen whom he had betrayed byasbans !ursine. The woman Is very 111 and tumble towpcak, in con sequence of his Ithultua tivitment. atMurlt Of army officers have 'lnrehased their Mows and ambulances from the roveln meat and Cfavel home Independence/ rallrosda andateernboatt. probed) with a view to avoid the casualties which they have escaped In battle. ru Engliah nobility, as a rule, live for 80. 00,100 gears. An Englishman of the rank of "gentleman" byre an an avenge to 70 years; the artisan dam tot eland an area edam= to nre to 50. iltoonecomas ere abort tahrtlii Piaci eitetatli Catholic priest, at Jefferson CAW. Ma, for Machin atthout inklug the oath. The Sheriff' Is a Catllolle, but It Is said he will mate the arrest. • Wu the third wire across the Ohio, at Cie clanatt. had nearly reached the anchorage m the Covington aide, on Thoreday, the hawser broke, and thowire went into the doer. Tun Imitate C7‘rottrde says airange numbs are now he program to colonize ten thousand acres of land to one county to Georgia with Irish and Guinan ,settloot amnia= mart at Savannah proposes to =we all abstractions -from the Savannah giving a depth of dfteen Met to the dry. ADDS a BWE.NB, , • Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOOD STREET, (OPPOSITE FT= CIIII7EOHJ Pumps, Hydrants, Sheet LOad, En111%18 9 MARI* in °Mara ' l l t 4 g E l • 4li NdstAPliroved Slyly intillratadt , ew • . N. la.—Anoraks maar4.7 1404 STREET - tIPRNING. - - -, AIJ, PERSONS biteldeted, int Web,' totillettatat the under, tOtotxt, "lents, appointed no view tionuseas tna . diunktel einela t Zt.. tan cropouot opoinja• ot • 43 tee; Stem tht , All=t3.li sat} *tree Abonl,Oon 01430404 to Mon pLu ol' IL Z " 3tai lD TEri e ,10 i r azd, AUTOCZ 124 tr• l o ntee U*14;11 ta t, Aga street or my pprpose t np...Daßatin on WEDICEMAT, sen4tntot , 7 /". • 011t 0 44- 3 ‘;' -.PDXES WW I • , ~„70112(1180WN,..3 , , SO= Driat* b"' •.QTRZETOPENlNG...,Allctienstrzur&er '44xeitatii• heir* tiotillairthst : the dad ~• V=tervi. sir awl masa thir frosatise =Wald F eeYeticireatilat-t tram .t 4u.satlar7 s t i ggiit Mutat mid Imtft Omni - aim alamt.Alartlaitt. lei 4tts Crltir4 imoli -Cirri Istutatere to As Tan and trpilattalleva WWI, ja071 2 1 thALPI4I On coirHendrtfastiadrotatotatinataaa 0 4 34 W of maidreet /Drab go , l' - :ll , P_Shalr.. . t, a=l=l:3lAl6- , 2- 0 0 - si VI 2:012:5101IAILL11 , • ic..r., •,- 'i 17 :(., airnittlEFlO_ ,Wil ,itt. MIMI= ; : tAtialiwt t. t:,. !JCIIIIiir:DYNE4IISII,.., tt:, c •- , D" hate I:olltlietig, arius men GECIONDIN °nava isq•ogcsaisa!suis, • • _ tet 4 1 ,17091, - DAT Geo.9s. JUST ANCEITBD AT 17 FIFTH STREET, Laaa ralgth rarteas i r t V_ Ulll 4l s S. L "' L 1110 Ptdat ae! Min+ French Embroidered end Fulled Homikerablefs, Wards Embroidered Hobe► mid W►Lte, Jazonet Swim; and Hamburg Edging., Inserting . • and Flouncing, /trench Cambria Banda, • Royal 6sladlingt:m Frflang. all Wldtka, • • waterfall Nara, Aerie Stuart MU, .rmumeNets, New Stile Steel Betting, Ylt,e Sek Sat•lM.. all Width; . Shrew( aa4 Laos TIM; w Gen Hegira's Fib — tt . LF44ag DepartiatiL tiavicktioni, :46441,Thigi'vriitifiitedijak I!. an ^lrollei;ArtlabillittOT-434X.Agi- , 0.1 17 1,:4? ro, AT P" dIfiIVATO/M: w'rirra - ISTa TIATMS & BELL Ass opening an eirleinalvei utortment Or SILKS AND , Fancy Dress Goods, ELEGANT IN DESIGN AND COLORS. AND AT THE LOViIIST CASH PRIM 39, . 21 PITTS STREET. 1228 EW GOODS I NEW NOYELTLYII3 lACRIJM & CARLISISSj NO. IS FIFTH STREET. We have on loud awl an daily raeelving all tha new and beat mica of Dress Tit=lass, Lace Goods, Fancy Mbar., Flu Smuts, New Halt Net; Stadler. Duplex Ekirtaj ZspbyrScartmeontABl4 labba, istM, Ties, Drawn, GoWas, as- Bahnoral Esse, Shawls, Boatels itthed W Woad Haw, • Zephyrs, Emi I lin ttin gef t' sad • W • Muni? floods oast Notions. CITY AND COUNTRY NERCRANTB Will End I complete Omit In our Wholesale De put:omit, end at es lew prices as can be found saywitere, MACRON)! & CARLISLE, HO. 19 FIFTH STBENT ALSCRUM et GLYDE HATE ADMIT. AIL M AS PARTNERS, Frank Tan Gorda and Cabin flaganl The partnered') to date from Austin txt, and the MI the btudnou to be coadjacted =Lief the 116/1111 and style of Blacrum, Glyde & Co.', AT WHOLESALV.. 05,009 Enameled Paper Collars; : 2 . 5,000 Common do. do.; 2000 pods Wnol Knitting Yarn; 2,000 dozen Wool and Merino Dose; 600 doz. Undershirts and Drawers; 75 cartons Bead Gimps; 600 dozen Lacc. 500 doz. Ladles' Linen Bdktt., And • vary heavy-stool( of Fancy GtOds, *NOtions, Spi n sea AT ZASTZEN-PIIIIIEB. NEW GOODS FOR lULYI Joe. klorno Dive Jest 'posed a acv dock of Chaim It Goods for the present season, to whiehttdl , It. atisetion. PM* IdtSr.d l 4l.*SP l O: A , Trona Bottassogow styli" thositido Slits ' 1 1:LaciP0 41 . lit rdSasinai tallial4ll4 . • ' wealth" la Laos Vast Paul - ' CaIdtirAItSMIUPST. SAWA dtaddeni k ShithlsoLghserti des 'Bids dimes WI I Contain ItatiCit.d*nbrgi_AL4Will : wail:wit taiddak.suews;ardithat-E 3I T r . - ~ . . th4E - 1111A148: in*A.zy.b4:.4o4l4*C - • ' - -- ' 1 • F, Liiii i iii , - ii d ithaiiiiiwl I'.. IR: ~..; .. , • --, .. . , 40001133 , -..i.: A.9.44.i.:1r. i !.. 6 „, , -1 1 ----•• .iiiiii Ti r tatiergistilittist - XVitif=4oop3,-,p3stco4:o :Wq 1 111 99n10. &WS, dLa`SF- :iiktibEizfirteEirri: • a full .Isfl.oxdittele mortals:if of ambraderies, Lama, Wiitlii3ll7lloStep r j Lus VT. Yr..a ks M6l4> r.aa ii _ ' FiC i 4 g ' t " 4k4i aL ' Irovgizy ~ ,,i s z .,, , . •,, -4 -,1,13 . Irlia,p.wizififick4,2):-, i 1. , km remtmd tuttli. . 51 4* EutorrAtCrl2oo, virtilk whartrUtEsta exiles AM. - 10:=4 41 1/ IMO RAW fieseikA % - etA -911 .sr "l323 r' NWEC IIIIIIIII M it -01taina.,4,— 1'"fI• issuitocasmiloyfrm .. ~ . .. E '" A3rE 2318 1113 Gold Mining 'Company PITTSBURGH. EBBE vbig.rnt=t i t t e i r 4taitri4e NA.* . oda. 2 41 i 1 .4_4 1 4 .4744utiii:VPI04*WPistAk: limumnolotarl7,o349n4 s TeMig= 11WriMi' imp 0010111:11 - 11M Ute ,tlOl . it6llll/00 112141.1i12133111Edittf. Ilts,VoLerty *On sista of 171 tett on the Lillian Yale Lode, 100 do Patch, NO do Quiff, :00 do Dan Web►to?, do 160 do' Yonkiuoen do go do grant, 108 do Highland do 150 do McFadden do !Si} do Qum of the West Lode IN ALL 2.0581 FEET. 4 1 1 .4 ' Clicinmar will be tanned ;Viotti@ folionai Icamaisel goaditlacur Mop 00corany3a De orgazdzed under Caslrof Perulsllvaela or Colorado, so sloall be hereafter lletiterdata; CAPITAL TO BE 5500,000, IN SUALR OF The Par Value of $2.00 Each, TUT 501300 SHARES Shall be (Veered For Sale. 40,000 THEM ABE FOLD; Or gEPsaltristsrilbeci. ; 35-seoin, 4WD r ¶}lll RONEY PAID 11111 TIIR Ti p 111111; The eald-Comparty to be maalsedund the estate aforesaid transferred to it.'That thelproceeds ef SCO shame ghill be aPProgrieted to theDoTthoei of said estate. and the proceeds of TOM Shall - he paid hire the %sew= as the worltlafi teepttal of Ws Company. .12ket. after the organlttUasaug lke Corepanymnehundred thousand &Ow phial be transfunsd tothe present Company. antnonehno• dred tbrareand alums shall be tranatemen• to the susbourtterev to the Ores fifty teourlotOltofer; to be In pro rate to the number of snares held hi each cared . sandbars. These' shim, ainittmt Log Is the eggreggig to two Lhndroi theoreand &axes to he rearked and held aspald u, without further or any aneserient, being 6:Lel:del - the Paw of the add estate when the maahhsehr is tplae4l upon .the property la full working:color =demi. =our ' That as a preltmicusip orgaulzstlet, 'and int* alters eye duly elected, the [ofowlny named pay sone arellezetry appointed L ! • JNO, X. IMIXPAZIIICX. Etmident, im.r. Iwo& seezetaTy, PE, u.areau. Treasurer.' zszcrcrrrn clorirEm GEORGE O• McOREW, ALEXANDER C, oFmrr,: J. T• CHILDS, WILUAM -MeKEE, DAVID BLY - I nen tamp to be told to to the Treasurer sod appropriated ander the diroottcot dd. Mtotutlie ; Clatunitteto flubOtaiptfoos maybe Mode to e t .- Alf trap above, cm Unman's. Mar lotharLlO4 . VlOOl2 tOtr.t 4 bbatoo ~,. , , 7 1 • ' 6;4040 1 * c 4 worladaboAlni a Lai , cd twill! amsai Aftwf4")ixtes., La tlui, di ii ,of thi 'bra anCoarta as titlimitedi 110 t only . aitiiiiiitat6 Who beittotade.l4llaltc;brlitti i , `Oeol'iiilelt IS Wog Inietrati lar Wats eta ei: „ torki lit& aline jilted loitOrtikooltiatmita lb.. Oterle4. 8 / 411 tneal4Yral Viitl l 4 424lo "itk. 0.4 1 = 4 4 3 *MO Pcda7.4** 04 4 1 . 21 r - ° lll 1 44 1 1 1 4 11 ; 1 4# 146 " 11 ..... 1 i ifin beterelvell AT OF'=tir 01 GRID & tat' ift L initritu GOVr +Q O:4 & clllO3l. DAVID SLY, pecrlmetrofilitteraiia' iyA 7i t • . 10411 X , II ;L:it .t . -.'1,1 Ot t . i , , 11: efi, ri,: 'ix ~,,,411 . O bct or. , :a MI h aaricliTreaprv; ,- --f - - r ~ -,„ar, , 5/1 LI ~ 1, ,-: - , - ,- clTer upr,.:,...a..f.',7.; t o It-Aaira - ,NI la cf , ::. llal - trt tri--Igc,i 0.1! ~„, '1 7 60035 - 11 - C_Y: a ra 55.1.1 , 4t.:::--.17.1ii . ,:i . '5 ... 2 e11f i1t .1F 1 RE1 .433 3= 1 /CiPitidaeaL .../ . ..1!!..• r..,..it:e.. , '...,. , ..5. !.....r.;.,1 Y;,,,, , , ~ ,-;•'.,:: 1 ... 'i r.,:orttqcogiteciatiiiirti t; •- • .rt al& lotill ad: ~c La 7GI CI Caahna; t2,/lEt ,t SCEL44XL I O CS --' . .- . Crij Sztl of, :tis Dew Book . s, PAPeil P . Iffso2l, g ° " =Pr* School Er 'YOU WAFT oca toils,. *n de al B{t.!B{t.!; , ,i, • .f .. • • tleziemmo to *ANT- :— . 4.-- c , , - -•-• - • - .oorntgliteel Asap -Comnrfikisz4 Ptp9:te,,peA alttdrlTS Ela. IF YOD WALTZ__ - • 4 - • • Paotoirtol Album se tkolsilliit Prix. tObct rr VANT the best case of Gad Pens, canted Rd of bestvaliTh_golo • mum& IJ7 YOU WANT . AnV or tr.% 41 popnlatDt // c4 II F I atair24% 17. 1: WANT lIiyBA or Job Prlntil 7 ,d " nes/y "Ltd 'eIPeAUJF. I I4 80 IP YOU war's' • poaet wwko,Porttollos, 47rWilit Desks, value U Battaglia moo BOWS. go to - n-carrm. JOHN sR. HITNT &CO. :;03. au Snr.a - i miasma° ..... ;';`L- ,. . 7, '-: i l' - '•'::':'''''l'l InierifVlool**; U. g-fliwernrciptit . !tarrrtlVl tl . ‘ 4 3 e., Capita killkrd itr....4..4.4.......442.00,000. WIIIVZIONPege or . : E1Creaa9.149,49 0 . 9 90 if, tacMitto l'a ltgikga. "4l r.. ,. ,-",,Lt=e2:Ll :a i :17. b cl.; ....1- ...a t,r. q '-', ! - 7- 133.04=COMMIElle ,gh , end ar!eateli'elefelitifath:ThediOniiit tarliaisi* to ttltilf to tit =re-haws. DeDosttskedclisk awl Intrust salostokbyttg, f: , ,,.. 1 TEMS. - 13DNMIHM. - LT ',' It. "Et - lalta. ------- . TIL. SktITH A3 4 111.; IRs J. 13D3INCYk o JAS. rif. HA , UN urt Irrsit N THOS, SMITH , ---. J. N. SIBILPATBigar : . THOS. DONNELLY' , VriViddit, EIMER WAttp i Rahbltir. team irckal" ' ' 410 . -• + SVPERB STOCK", CONBISTIiiO . - it I}x ~;;;;rtc.i the Ines' 'CUM:tailor ' . , Cloths, Itifiiln F,,ChtiliAll'OntplOnei' I VIMMI ANDIRENCE prLpiga. .. ..... Also tk large and_ • dr4ce _ . stock of the _very =ME Moz-casola Cleatriagsso AND Fancy o,assimeree; Width we will Late, 'relit pleasure la ellerind.ter the pub* th the twice that they cannot idiseatite satielnetlca. Tltay arid he ata4e ttrendtarna our weal to*y: the beet and most to valor manner and lattet We ardea our prittatO be as 1.0% SS mode. duar . any other elan house In the wen. 6ndarlyyGall rnottrespaita tally so/kW:4 from earyustumara 44)41 . 10 ratio. at&T. - rosnEL &81101;...: (So: mum to GRAY. - SCE%) 111 h. za.N Tor.t.lciri•m■ 62. FIFTY STREET. AEU . BAILEY, & 00., Na 107 Smithfield Street PITTISB4RGH. PA. Continuo to btup notOttertail Notintoot011“. la 4 pso.llpl, 'Atk a _ , 'Water, Steam ' tkr . Tapp llng4,brcnn tte4,ml . thods, now a initkno. . , 40c4' tor libley'l Vat,ent'• Vim!: •I•Pitin Pis zazi oe - kept inorder wtOsism,...haueavaporms! ccua oitz, coip. mak! GENnautimfa rtnitiminiG srrOnao.- Nos. 18. and , 145 7 (Mail , The attentlanof the itahlte le elilßd to thearteye and extenctre rtede• GEISTLENZAIS - 1148. pfli ni z . aus Ci0(2119,. Jut :npeted edt Ito ,atearee place. walebq art davr pdating at peat teuvlas. Any 025 Itorent tlzd fle. wilt lad It to their ed.natege :attar melt WO. and esseslze lay atoofi beton pozehealny ear where. They Dad it: oa ts:gent dad Ited Waited steak et.rhaeWhist extra eltele. Shies, Weolca. Mi tt man Lida Skeet= abirte ead Draw" SeeHtp, NeekTles, ttedlarr, SUP tl}sweft* Batterttles, anti —everythled Gentienuml ntradatany 130061.- De Beatembez the plana,*and la St UV: atm& • , WI-WM /MX N. B. A large attedOef Heti, itsitti tkarit ha, Lockwood's, IDlntemati Byron'. Etudaeled and MamoWl, will be ?pm lover tkalDeesi::, : lIiTERR.&LItSIikkNIIS -TAXEB4-1-Nci. uee is hereby giver, to all mismeeoneernelle that the dausuel-Idet,lor - tWs- - ntpt bird Pennsylvania, hal boson/Aced myhende by4a Assessor, and that r will ,be toned 1n nay e Pro: el-WATERniTREET; Allaka i i mei rana T DATE Co the Sit3 , DAT , OF S for the i grpese •of -rewiring said Tsui fin Die comes, ceche& OarriSegt" ts, Silver'Plate, AA Ul attend in : as by Deentifilet the Borough of Tarent am, at the jidotelof Segue Brbsen, en TIIIIESDAT, this list at September. from ten &cloak sura74 , tintil LOW <Meek AilLe end at the Boromh of Minsintio, at the stores( hbonnel Mtn inst., faons on e 4 n o ib N iDne/ a W el a oa v k: Ezruc hi ais - C 1 ayments nut be mill* eases, In trawl l" Legal Tender, of•llatinetelEstin Ertder: • It not paid Within the required:thron, theyntore WO Of JO /awl betsforoed. oars' It:7VDDIfeEs• istriet, Penn BUYB'- . ,: 4 -• Ding amtonool, lacy lotmt adze goods. For 19 ll Wettr. rust iitcntMtD BY tRA & LOGAN; A Ilex ov & TsotrsAßD. . , A cormularrrvr. maw. . riT.H. Jaman. a reurad pV , dan, of tint' l'adh 01001 dlzurvatroa, -*We tlus iraf t =tr. minaLT,TuTe for Cl4x,wzMTlOnl, UMW!: ~.oau6oa, Aoida, sod 9 . 4tral .w.billty.,'Lbstsiu• di ,arga al•Waredr ie,4 ;calm bpi 144 saga. a "daugtttAr, Inv la to CA Mx' ideal wait - waled, tad • la c it Was aartrill.:-Dedtvars at be:mill:4 him tallair..ranziAl4ll*. Milton* tat liaosanalto vital iti t4t s recAPlll.Coulatt, l s , 4 ll thie dt iaaatbana las *Maas L AO a tiamat4r, i taa apial9a cut tEil - Faillit. !MA WI stamp•ao Y'aXSamiam.; - Them at sat Wings ‘7l4:44latte -oaasampalan , that teacmtaxisstaaaa tam baud el LA allalltaitakt Xr us Tria Maws Alaral ini n -i =settga e. = l T rziD i geg u ilka - ofriaasi a slailz seviallAas, as 16.. i t avaka lona* antlittapaitty VDU* osa lam Irate yen) plaAtil.ldAtat itillt,_22lolk,. rot AbtANIPIPMS7II44I) Vflii,laiq - ,iii,"E'itto446.o4 rationt of ..-- - ,pmwisylivrati.&,:waluovinuaiii - ,-*-0301cciv,11 , - 4 ,-:.--• - „-;-,-:,-, t. . The iennsyliaiiin..AtatcliallArittiOdeti r : r ..l ti .: N rn .P l4l **P 4 . lo -1 1 .i'cl ' ' 'il OpaTrarirrix!, sasb ri . s. 4oll4 estriattirAs :...- ,1 149 1 014 ciacm. T ~ .i „ , :i„,,„i rwa . 8 , 1 - 4 6 rd i r di . i d s .'", vae lT r awiTuTror , r or Page tu ' ot - my nadarsisnakszl6l/Card t il "r.Eig r ainii% I.olkGAtli . 4; . • /lowaVocs# 4 14 1: 224 . , • ' tetita t , NBA 43.00D9.?) :,. . 4.1 .1e• )s ' '.. - • .•r ,- -: • , - -. :4 "-a - :•.;. - -J L,-•,.2 It ft gOll.l, ,31C. , },^'t ' ' •Fl Gt ' Zi Ail 17 . 71 A 41, ' • 1. ol .. ,L.1)4 40:.101viziutzczr - BTnirden tie:„., ~.--L,, , . Jai*, 700 01 : 66 . ch ‘ s a r ir 9.!:" ; „. 40.16 , I , c ats r pe .I xcliaiiii - ate.. 7itlfFs3 4 =-5:: , data ra,.,.„.. ---- - • , ~; ai z?.'. - rejLair ... .; •'e . - l'e I'4 , fll i`:.`"ax; sled I ilairrallit • fair•=6.4ls. l :4l3: l obitiff , --- ' boa ..taaqAtutsa tt i rsoVlC 1 tiligg.g4hkantiM?laktatab As • td b ald El et. &law aim jp ina2nort jtithrt Mos 434. j .I:aarmos ataa,lal Una ail. aooa .115 .aaa. , lo buca adilo z:4l4.itra a is disl sit dila finest f.mriorte4. 47.91. Cialrlteeet:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers