AVAXT-ZII — 111)116 - --- ire , •l-.2i, Will house, Vlsjelicit32. Coact ' notaiidlttarin 11 1 ria. . t f_ r 41.1 1 4.71:1$ Wanted abollt 1.14 Z ll4l .:oir.l' l ',' Irhltc TANTIE;I,. -1----2------' , Vezere lir . 11, IiVrAVTEITT --- n'-: ..1 A. ROOM, FURNISHED, 'YOB ONE PERSON TO LODGE, near to the St. Charles preferred. Address, WANTED-TO DENT, 'A ROUSE Olr Vito” 4 To ft ROOMS Ultr In the Second lard, AllrgbeLy or Man -cheater. aell:lw Agerese, fic.x. 462, Allqatcuy P. 0. , • A Good Girl to do lOeneral Honiew3rk, &mon rnmhly. Gein4 r.f•ranee.. required. Ap. kply . at lib Tim° ottret, between Smithfield uad 743nua. semt WAN'I Ell • To whom A Good Pattern Maker, a const.ani. Job:And good Wages will be given. Minks at TILEre soling Mann Point dliiy aft btiquesno . 600 AGZETE3. W44T.10- 01111Veall for DB. H.OLLANLpS WEE • , OF.IJNCOLti. Term. Aber JOHN A. kAlkilY Ociterwl Age*. Jr6lailditalS , St. [Jock?... • Piwbnrgn, I'a. WANTEI). SUITABLE LAN, to • e atiperintearrths aslaini • ot e .41, are clay, as and 66 miles f ro m _thls eltr, vete 11,12. V pleasant loootton au a toile° td • No mi• eted.apply won to +ot el:morel:a to man wbolo +Wog vich.latill sum klbtlitv. To • ito °44 • l l=l: 4 m v u e S i t Y t udro Itto"eVATV'tgtint: plaimpa quallaestlo,s. Inquire of sold . -1.1/ON,Er h Or/- ,ViVAisg•Bixt as sEr.ET synvxtm. •rIEF: Fret.n. TP 8 • otrigarort. AND THE ESCAPE n BY /Unsay IL itteikAuttu/Ole, New York Tribuce Corn:Speed ‘'lttit.i• the - most intetestlneabd exciting Rook ever publlkbed, - =bruins Zilr.!Lllnttardvave cuspated: 'lathe taperletee for four years. traveling thro ug h the Fatah In the secret Crevice of the Tribuiu at, the outbreak: of the war ' ;flu/ our smiles and >Ymts, both ,Y..att and West.,during the drat two , ream of the Rebellion; Mk thrilling capture; his coolleettient for. 2) months tr seven different rebel relienat US Maps hod almhst miraculous journ cy by night or,Evatiy, P.:O mile, It will abound In flirting events; 'ono cantata , re-e of the fact, tnel ;dent and romance of the war than an; other work yet published. ; Teachers, ladies, encrim,„ sib puha men, and esp. elan, semi:tea and - ills ibled ohlters an mibuers, In want of.prolltablo ehoplisymebt, will dad it ea aullarly a opted to - thetr„candltlun. We have agent,eiecring SIN per inerch, which me will Adore to any emitting applicant. Send for clret. tam. .110drcts, JuNLS, ARnS . k Cli, rt. E. comer Sixth and Minor meets. - Philadeustua Pa. • POI fi.tMJE'...NOII zus.zrz. F4OR SAM —A. Farm of abort 208 acree Yeain Tairocin towosaip,aestmorelarid County Also, a Funs of 113 Awes. to Tristan township, Wishinstakleounty, Pa. • Will be sold shoos. • Also. • rum of km acme' In Faunae township Westmoreland county, l'lsA • ' Also lab acres =omen W • Lasoncer township, ur .,,.... W04100 "Atul county s Pm, ad ssining the town Of • a tota with itlmM brick house. A dna essideeee to the borough cpf Ligonier. Will be -sold sloop. .14=Abm 16 acres p laza. ad, with large dolliwel astrus awes of land s edloinnts mums Paw. Alm.„.th best Cum orschnbloutuAlOoda about one 'mils from hfclieeeport, egheoy co, Pa., amtaaanc about 143 acre& The Improsramente are a Manus house end berns•corn crib sad oagon AIM, With other outbull,Ucga. A large apple • mewl or bsorotio4ro. aal:roo Wens; 60 quince ,111 1 0430 Peat trookaltd4Wptsch mew. Ala% a 'Farm at 1:13 acres, near the town .ol LkabsrcWearsnoraland cocustp,Ta., very cheap. s Large notel alaircrise Intersection, aa thatt ° l-. ,putaylmataltalkotal, The 6411 dings are -4toCol aud Well „.. arnmunni absitel and atom. This 14=ThWelkirenai ti.siszablegTownatOp A.Ueghesey On, Pms sontelnlog about 131 acsm attested about three mllea east 'or the Moonshot •eottaga i mprovements -Elszabsoc,f• MS-improvements are , alatge mkt Mute th nine melt Stated's:l sooars; • beautiful lawn In sarrousuloi by ornamental assocs.& Ign.k.bant, with many other buildings, vice lencfns; acres of the very - best Mute Oat Inibem it is the best quality of Santos= land, is all underlaid seith coat: ' Also, A Steam Grist mul Sew MIL in complete numlog order, - situd in frestianocz at ship, lelltresen tr , ln Pa . Wilk be told at a great targatas A Portion of the ptienhase money will lbe taken In well teemed Western Lands or City Property. For further motionless, ingelre of G. IL TOWEL; Real Eciate Agent, Ti 0.16.1 Fourth street. A Well F Matted Frame Twp-Story Dwe /Latins SIX Timms, Heal, V;spnrei ani Painted, VINE POILT/00, HYDRANT inane and outside Oa Howe. THE LOT I. For/illy° feet /eon ,t _by Gail Aux deed Ica/ deep. FINE lIIIMA./0/11/1, faun 7111119, ice Ponesslna w"-rta given on the. lit ac Pa ; ;A.M. A.Lru. A CORNER STORE-ROOM WITH TWO DWELLING HOLAES. Possersion will be given on - tad lit of Apal next. The proprietor will either ion, or !icehouse for Country Proietly. Inquire of TOWER, bio. lilt Fourth street.- an3Ctzastf OR :SALL . . . A.,,,n known rfiebirP on Aliment 2' ant Of about 01 E:HNPR.e.11 iwitt: tinder a htp '.state Of.dharlvation, wroth hes Pe ' ott' divide,' into Lots oontelittor from Two to" Tweive Asrei, am unit be tot , 'as a *bele, or 1 r parcels, ttv e r n I ono - thrutere,' .The' .l taprovemente are a Twdatory Prams Ditielllag; a Elera.eud 'Stone SprL2;,ilouse, Web as elteelleat Syslog of Water, not excelled In AUerherly county. Vomit elan 4 catalpa uri c:ly a t Frlalt-'4Bnutigcg-of Appler Peaches, Pura •Pluxas; QulltleuMbPrrles, &a. A portion of she Preperty , le ta.d Wild teeth Odel,faell le w.,11 wet. 4lee tflavtiPeloteriteld Runt deg Stream& ' ,-For furtbef Information apoty .et the Real Et. tate and luouraueo °fah° of ' S. B&TES, rtiAleistivec. ratmtecicatlne, PA. POK SALE.--Three new . tit eirra-Engmer, lralltpurpbXtly wettiALuch *pann, pi Inah.ntrake; vary nrong. ,, En • skirt, drank and aoaara of ttros rod of wrought Oni Boilerrili to la feat long; =Wails dimmer, Witt awo tt-iaatrnuesi chimney 18 n. by, roesaqt bad 0010 waterptunpa! ,EVeryttangraoraVataaadraady voalop on , • } wets AL BOY her S' &mom %Paint Alley Ana Moraine 'straw - , bank ar PAegherry ever. near thaPathi. ' den= tTEGOOND 41AND .4wllaltkuesriza.nowias. Zunitkrag,ll3- Inaba, Yealoa l y, tad= illaa2eter 24 inch Ona44Claiiloair:ol4 ,: inaL 2 ;;dl:Lecar 440 Inch onet4bsriel36.6ht 1 10nTanly. • JSaar.:re au° arrmsztaiu, HUGH- & 00., my. Pot= /ouo9 *ad Daviesao Wa y , Pittanx. =war VOR SALE OR elegant -...,atte for a eotin residence on Waft Ameana. etext to Charles Bla m eire re:ldear4c In Oaktaad— applendid natural groye..frult, =elk. grapes. an., (Teti:lobe twarly four a. lea. • Three lava on Webs:re street CPZIMIZ of Webster and Waal:L.ocm strsta. Lot znaiv corner of Dlstaccad Ere= and Cl.erry. alley. Pitt...burgh. • POII:Ard" T. 11 .,RAWILTOff, 69 hfcli =mot. FOR Ram • ENGINE DO LLTUI, FLY WIMEL, complete, Su:LOA. fora Saw, 0 rlator eo9l.oolllaa,PSlU, or any otter btelzegie requiring a capacity a! For ty Orrin.) , Horse Power. Apply ~ . . , . • SarlylaTlElX. SrBEET.. FOR 84.1.,E. A. -7 .rwELLPra-atrasi .. , . t. -•., I. tile borough of . Liverpoot, 0I " Lan. 0,-. 4i Ing°lllti:cituttetroeat*Tbitr"t'proPeeittv"frb; --soxt4t4.l—ro: osill serf cheap. Per. fargu!i• - Tralars be tzufutro - 41 Of , • - • 0 11. IDWES, 142 Fourth Street. F °l f bAL ` II4 ,H r A I : 7O2 dFUBTALII.F, HOVEN atiws macaw: &had aquas :dee Urea tam La cater. Good water aa4 oven, atltuniavehleat. Possum on Orem Imaredistaly. aPP.VadjberruZina,l7.redezal altraat, or at Thomas uarparaidagon Shop, Beim scram Ida:tauter, • ncald: 1:212= a.c,murrt., ocerrox Eva 4 palvars ItESIDENCE, - 1. VcritAlalnif Tire AIM! Ono•Fonith Acrn, P/22 tcomaktu, a fair minute•Witlix from ttult Lae o f tba Oummrirmo.PAuccor Railroad. •FoijacrelcuLars ankadre O. R. TOWER, 'No. let Fourtb..atreat. UnTR r BEAT twee aviton T r i fl2 . l4 . tolks Iron tae city, ‘. trart6Vanslcro:t=isinlagtweiny. fortit .i . t.wo orchard, of :2: 4 alLbi; 403 5. Pb rial rss r'wirm pi a.mm , w „ted (nat. MC for a wm agi saltod . AtC % ear' 'Ars ----CfrEs, K Agent o the E , strackce ana tlit, Penn Mutual e poi s ton Life hurtinin fria ,„ ce Co of dAllata tna, R , , bra a Market street, Pitts bunt. Ptah. • 1 :2_4, "j:Z . : Nm t for. FIN tat, ~4,..crpardeVhl.4 aneßaltimorefaint THJAD-R, Warsaw& corner WOOL, • JONE:k North Ama .62;stxto orrnoart Agen tmts,for and rord compale ii.gt WATER ozez r LtgO Im gAlti tr ecre_ tary tizere "' . "" 4 ",Par. ccenoc atm= and w,azraz BOX MB, P lTT§ ll llRrifiP. O. Iftor to make Conies rap wi•auut tt.c aid of ms ebtnery. How to make tables mere. 'the stage vtull he timed Up with Prn'essor Ander son's newspparsto., he most gorgeous ever im ported to this cOULtry. DOO2/1 at 7j P. ss. , cf/131121•LICC at S P. 0. GREAT BASE BALL TOUBNiiIENT. The Champion Athletic Club, Tbe acknowledged Complons of the Milted Stater, will play'. serlea of four game• with our local Base Ben (nubs, on fIIONDA T AND TtIES!DAT NEXT, T 53311 ..131VT11521q,...1P19LX.ME4 THE eII.ZEGIIE.V r, wl.l Grona. sm•cte3. • • WEE? COMMOIS, iLLEGRENT. In oreer to atcoMmod tie th • Indict abd gentlemen echo may tube to crlsges. this Intercedes con test, the Oommtmee of art.toteennete have, at eddelderable earledala e.ected ellelb le seats for the acencemodamon of spectators. lye strictest order alll be conlntatned by the city pollee• The mem bers of to, several Bs e Ball Cl ins tenet that their guests Rill 'meet ulth tn., same (nth ulascls re auction hue •which has been air tided the ATH LErIO,otn otharenles, amen Ley hay rang aged In friendly - comsat.' rickets osn h a obtsinel from the members of the several ',ass Ball Cigna, ad. admen to each contest ZS., to the entire series, dn. sel4:4t PIANOS AND ORGANS, Sohoznaoker &, Co., Philadelphia PIANOS. 1 0 0R - SALB CO.'S U Tag AlifiElilo OR/fA*, and ESTY.S +t. and all , CYTTALIE ORO 4s4mlts.ed by deal try,wlio have heard teem, to Ds •Dpsstor to /toe to all other tnatrumenta of the klt,4 meau, factory! In the United State. Ire are prepared to tut cl,b, at tom enortest Brass and Garman Silver Instruments, of every description, for Maas and darner fiends, at reduced price. Illustrated ()stain:nes had f'rn.c Lista tarnished on application. New and Senond.hand Pianos Int Rent. ALL THE LATE SONGS AND PIECE Clonstant/y on band. NOW BEING RECEIVED THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHICKERING PIANOS Selected personally by the subscriber, duties • resent trait to the Fassosy. SEVEN rtEn INSTA=NT are nom open, anti ready for examination. t e trtbao art invited to call and roe tnea. warrnnted for Five Years. ans Sole Agent fortba (Intake?lout ?Wool • _ j(IIABE GO.'s , HIGHEST THEM -AIL trm Grand, Parlor Grand, „Square and Up. Mehl-141=e, tritivo van inure °say wadi mob* full iron improved frame, and all ihe valuable ha. pmrrude al vementa. The tone is pure, brilliant, ent/re ly character, of ilia beet workmanship; tooth overman and quality of km uneurpiumed - by any, Each Plano guano teed for Meet years- CHAkaLorrs Bzume„ No aPfFfH sraziEr Second door above Wood ttitint • I OFFMAR, HOZNIS & as virtu inumer. O' 4177 7/J o eticAcer'et Xaliama.c.as. est - BM Plan in nra-aisa. ROOK. 4 113 •-•1317.1t1g. THE STORY SHERMAN'S GREAT limn, From the DIARY OF A STAFF OFF/OER. BY BREVET-IWO GEORGE WARD NICOL% Ald4oCamp V O LU ME Sherm ONE HAIVDSOME l2mo WITH A AP AND NUMEROUS /LLUSTRATILINS. CE. DI Alirt3cint tree, by mall, to any 'VS CLARKE & 83 WOOD 8112, Bcmln--31 BOOKS I ,130:WI - Domenic WO in Palestine. Victoria att4 other Poems. Mother of Tho Woslaps. - /ZoeZees Boteues or Zafaiguage. Pan. rbl Ms'eNtty ar'iL the —bobtail- Howe Among the Gospels. German Popular Wee: Mit= rapers for Thohful photograph Athorns, wholesale Prong's llama 0/I.ldl. VF 14- 1 !" "417'S. np HA Lena t Italwyerni, MISS ARRIE EBEIBAIEL P 3 ,31 mr :num, 60g•t Orthr.tr• Cazirs, *I; k'sztly u Color., heat.. 67e. uui ink zb es at q ..titter to 3. dour. open Ist 7. nut Inpct.Z.uce of the cetetratcd ?Alt, St...ra. THE WEB 8/6TERB, es on a Re-eogreen exit for e` ''Chic nod luet ft; pear. TINE. ny rtagn of the •,*entll4 EHNLs. onday netd Tneadosy. Hopi, anti ri be preeen ft d the buletque of IS elird 18, Pccahontas or Ye GEntle L'avage. to which the Webb Stater. will omen, arfth • re fection of mug. and dancer. ()int, fog dance M'Ue. Earnestane -7 he perLA mane will conclude 171 . 11 A DAY roc) LATE ton hlch e Webb Slatn ton ap;Jear. IJIT'TSBURGH THEATER. A- Lessee and Manuger.... IV 51. 1/ e S:I)ER ON PRICSS Of AD511,41,•/1-I)reu c F110:1 Ily Ulrcla aF cta- ' Third tier, 23 eta; 1 . -I,4ta Box es. $8 00; Single Seats. $1 22. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Octal, [lac. at 734. Eecond night of te eaga j ement of the ccicbrat ed 31189 LAMIA KEMETE, Who will appear In her original impersoestion, F•oremee suppor.ed by the young I,r, Mr. HARRY BAWL IhA ineld raa cos noeted With the great comedy of the American Ul US /I KM Witt as tu Melte it the non Copilot production on tha stag.. THIS (l u•aday) EVEN. /NO, the celebrated/malady, entitled OUR AMER/CAN. COUSIN. Florence-Trencha d.., to L. ore Keene. nes Trenehara--- Barry Raise. Supported by the talented atom. eom , StlY. IVIAPONIC HALL. Wrdnesday, Tikrraday, Friday and Natarday, SEPTEMBER 20, 21. 22 •nd 23. Last arpearaate in Pittsburgh previous to his velum to Europe, or the o.lebrated Preutidivsteur, the young and talented PROFESSOR ANDERSON, In and select entertainment The ITcrld of Map; or Two flours of Illusions, In the course of which he will present and expose he public the so•oohed ipirttusl fest. of Utile- Ull TEFL In the IMIIIO meaner sa he did la the United f‘tates Coup at Buffalo arm.. the above named Fcatfo ! lie wilt show you Low to answer SE&LLD Es• vetores. ,Admltzlen Iteserved Seat. set6thrti OP PHILADELPHIA. September !Sib and nth, oommErrouva at 9 & X. WITH THE AND Ai. 3 OVI.OOIL P. a.. wit THE LINOOLN. onr TUESDAY, it I! a. x. wrra .P.141.4"013: 030.91 C. c TIIE CELEZIRILTED BRADDIRIT, MY YORE, itrguirz BARB. • N 0.1,2 13T. CLAM 0136.11 LES 0. DIELLOR, 81 Wood Scoot, ROZA &GSM§ POD aV;14:1=!! Penholder. L• Peas. L. READ, 73 Fourth Street . . ----- - _. ----.._-.-..------ / It_ _,..,- -pa.- .1, a ii. it • • theliagssas - te.l 4.4 13 .! i&Mid assuces*.stul ea race al gila suave IDOL. SO 00111bIgilli1 With otkez Ittibatathatf at stal reaater 'alterative power as to afford an eff..attisl aatillote tot ..ssea*ra So.sznpee,:.y asrepuneu ter ii.o. tutu a remeoy Is surely wen t td . by those who entY'r from iStr umous,complalzto, and that an e whirr, Dili att.:mils* their cure Moat prove, sr this has, r f I, Mr3st cgrtict to . .Ir . arg: s lt.•. - f o•ar sf. I fl lei ed him: , citizens. Bow complistel. this emu: bounds. 111 dela has been prevail by expenmas.t on man, i. 4 to. TOMS( slats to be found la the fo.• . lowit y complaint.: Strorola..,ltiloos ...tiling. and Sores, Skin lii.caros. Pimp se. r . .:ulee, H oath., Eroptiesoe, St. a setho.'s kite, R.. or r rlslpelsn, Totter or tot Rbemo, -, st d Hes, Flint worm. at arid ills or I', .m 0 li seate, i• - , rile 1 f -am toe .yree i• by Do oroloo 6 i il use of VIII Sarsapar illa. bed the patient I. lei , in comparative health. lem lives.. are aunal oy ric.of.le ua ice 1... s si, a. arc often, con tired ny this rxerv..3 of Sn'earil'e e . crnt discard tile inrain•ble *edicts* beests'e you have bees !moon d upon by liometlling pra tene.es to it tar ...alia s while Is was net. " tee yon I aye nerd Ayer's—thea, and ant 1W tt• en , Wl.l • nu brow the virtues of Sarsaparilla. Fur mien.. particular. n the diaesses It corm. we refer I,u to Ayres Amerean Almanac, which ire etru. halo. named will furnish gratin to all who cod. ODD, A 1,11•11 .:AallialITIO Pus. 'or the cure of l:.• tire..., Jeondice, Dyspepais, Indig.lon, Ilya cot ry, Foul S•etneth, es.adache, Pile.. Rhauma- Dam, neeriburn ariming from Maar. ensd stomach, Pa', or rd °au inactive of the Howell r Flati, leery, , el. nr Ary-eti .e, Liver romplaina, Drosy, Worms, Cle.ui, Neattraisis, bad fora Dinner Pill. Thty ar. sugar mated, Fo that the most sensi tive tan time the pleasantly, foist they are the beet Aperient in th e wool : for all the purposes of a family pbysie, Psrpated by J. O. AYER tr. &a y 00. Lowell, Mast.adboadl byrogA. rAiNFSII64 • SO` aDJ. _gista. sele3.meodatasw PITTSBUIitiII SAW WOltals HUBBARD. BRO. & CO. • , 1L4.1 1 17/AVIT/81.11 OP PATENT GROUND CIRO/tals Wairr.attd VAST STEEL SAWS, of every 4a seription. Nut, Malay, Cron Out, Gem snit all other varieties. Ali kinds of 8E117E3 and SPRING ,S toads from Sheet Crust. Stash khans Eittiosel REAPER AND MOWING KNIVES, &a • Air- Wantons@ and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention ming and Straighten glean to Betoothing, Gam ing Circular Sarre; 4s o, pairs of all kinds. Penashing and Drilling done at to reuansble rat us. steellg & Boiler 'Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Noe. 23, saki 28 PENN STREET% Haring gnawed a large yard, and turnletted with the most Improved machinery, tru are prep_af 6,1 to manufacture every deactit tten of 8011-(hat,‘i. In the beet manner, and warranted ( 6 3 11 ,L19___ any made In Ow country. 011.1.3.d?-EYS, ,h‘}tlYilt,24.l FIRE, 1.1.D5, STLA 'AI .Pll Ls, lelCuittorty 45 BOILERS, 0((N I , E N . S Elt S, . SALT PANS,TANKS, OIL STILL.a, .lt AollATO i rs ratxi eg: IL LINO PANS, 13011... g IRON, ST , OAR PANS and sole .nt.totthacturers rt. of B g A d ß o N r.a . HILL'S PATENT fi..P....Elin. Repel d.i.:u on the ahorteet notice. YST LA II ils Kurilnon Ccprer Dull and Smelting Work; PITT3I7URU FL PARK, McCURDY & CO Manufacturers of SIILATHINti. BRAZIERS' n BoL COPPER, PRE BOTTOSED COPPER ROT TO ST S RAISED STILL MS. SP ALTER SOLDER. Also, importers and dealers In MET ALS, TIN PLATE, IRON, WIRE, sos. Constantly on hand, TIN - NEES. AIACIUNES' sad TOOLS. Warehouye, No. ISOFIRST and Ins SEC ()ND STREETS, PRiabitryti Sponfal order. of Copper cot Lonny desired pattern. say23:iydowl` • _RESTORED Mow LAS MO _RESTORED !--Juat Pubilsbed, In a seat. ea .Euestopc. Pnoo MIS cents. A. LEVTORE Wit THE N,IIDRE, rxtELTNIENT, and Radical Oure of Sperinnionlicea or Seminal Wastes:au, Invol. notary Emissions, Sexual DebilUy and impedi ments w Marriage generally; Nervouaness, Don antniction, Epilepsy and Fits; /Ideated and Phial. r!ininr."r 81,1';`,11'1,fr°31°Ds,euatIte'Z'',1".' Green gook. an - *A 800 10 Tnoveartrta or Susucealoui. ' tient under , se. In a plain env.i. ope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or too postage anemia, by Dr. J. O. KLINE, tionery. New York. Post Once bus 4.5a5, jetanuntleter 030. lIIDTDD W. D. DIMAS .1 I DOLLUAD garLA BELLE STEEL mimics. LEITER & Co.. dlanufactzunra of OAST STEELI SPRING PLOW and BLISTER STEEM; SPHRPIGS, LEN, CROWBARS, sr-. 011 ice, DP IYA rER STREET (up stain,/ PITTSDUAGH, PA. .17Z1 stolnUirissat, MA& ea Cu, (suaaniscr Wag to Romussos, Mrirts t XIILLIIIL, Washington Works, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, FernartrudlL Illanufacttueta of • BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GEAR/NG, SHAFTING, OAST. INGS of an descriptions, OIL TANKS it STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. Iller• Agents for GIFFAHIPS PATENT INJECT. OR, for feeding boilers. Toe 31 }MTV Ub 1 111.111YEAXESCa or BOTH SKTIM.-1,. reverend gentlemen hay tag been restored to health in fess dam after un oersonis the usual routine and irregular expensive mode of the without aue<ol2, Consider. it Ws 'awed tat to communicate to Ms athlete] fallow creatures the ma. of cure, Henan, on the receipt of addremed env u elerr, tor Will send, • copy of the prescription i Direct to Dr. JOHN M. Dier;FILS.I.I.., 186 Patton Omer...N. Y. inhtlilyeeseT 710.T1 4..5w tater. of IRON VAULTS Anil} VAULT trOORS . * LEON .EALLING, wuntow sum 'rnanD S.. Not , In SEG. UM) and 811THEDYSTItHer, between lrodd and Market, have on hand • variety of new patterns, fancy an 4 pphis , suitable rot all pun:bele 46r Partaculu ratentlou paid to enciculAg Grave Lois. .Tobbbandque at short notice - SAY OF WARNING AND IN.irrltErtl• TION FOR YOUNG MEN. AlN:4,nm mails retry Ile treatment ef the Urinary HOU GHTON, te &Lire. Dr. S. SKILL= How are 4... ration. Phlladelphla.-Pri. spiny I I •. 7 .•- IV 1 dy /NG AND 001AISSONAERHAN end holeaale dealer in DHERSE, BurrEß, 6ErDS, FISH, and produce generally, No. WDOD STREET Pittahozab..' not' SENT Immesme portance to the old and s ent married end eutele of both sexes will be sent free ty . eddreeetne, with clomp enefosed,tho verde, .1. A. fiIE I NUP..OIf. 00., Box 7.1. Boston Post Oakes nte9:4l: dew', 018849 1.0TICAIMS, ac rIULSOLITTION OF PARTNERS RIP .The partnership heretoro - euxlstlerg betsreen Charles U. Calslay ad Fr.k Van Cior.er, under the (mu - name of HALSLET Ss AR WS E H, la THIS laraT dissolved by =utast consent, F. Van Geniar disposausar his antlre Intereat• to Charles Baleleroeho is Cann authorized to etllect all saeottnts due, and settle' all alai= attatast the old Inn. . CHAS. RALRLEY, FRANK VAN GORDER. Pittsburgh, Augut ath. Ma% NOTlCE.—Eiaiong retired from the firm or Belsky & Via Utorder. for 4 hOpurporo of again Mph/11%114 tat :11.1131141111g. AltIMl3Oll,l. X ally ',col= ad my successor. Martel.° Rabley", to tee pact of all my old artetomme nod shippers. nuts FRANK VAN G-OR.OKR. ITTBLITILIO ttids. niesOL IJTION OF 00-PARTIfeli: SHIP.—Thr Partnership heretofore e eeteen the whtefehtelfti, ender :the firm = uhIPTON .4. (I 0„ for the istanegaottire a/Sliver Pearradid other Scans, has this day been digs°. red hy mutual sonaant. SAIMEL /11. KIER, JOHN.O. OftELDIPTON JOHN - rosimr, Pltt.bargh, Sept. ath, 1914, we. 6a atop - - . . W. KENNEDY & CoS C CCM (Succusorr io CPUltfrrols el CO.ll Gilver P xextrwAknatiran'os earl and Superior Bonin Soapa, deetacct Z 4BER7 gritt4T . PITTSBURGA • RP ETS. FOURTH tT hiIOIL CLOTHS, all widths, new dull.. 0 variety or every El VERY SUPERIOR Cotton Chain, List and Rag CARPETS. W. D. a Et. wetr.ura, setll 87 FOURTII STREET CARPET WEam.ll ue 4.VE.oilirliTZllo..EV.Slipt Artig Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, which, n 4441t10n to our hoary earl of goods foremots vlou2 hand, engsgeLltgifte.aretno, ourrds setu, The Lowest Priem Reached this Seim. ; NoPARLAND 71 3313 73 Flab Meet, Next Louse to the Poet Office. NEW mArrixos, WHITE AND BED curEprreD, en widths, of the iateet Impostation. ' FANCY IIt&TTING, now and handsome styles, nit received arid for Baia by fru •ZoF6llLArta & OOLLINB, 71 and 77 Fifth street D.E.712'18 TRIP' - N• 7 11 JOBEF2 ADAMS, Dent 4 Dennehy lonne,comer of DULKOffkl (Mall.r armmA- AL P 0110010 C •rr Jrorri The latest Intelligence from :Europe indicates eechne In this fearful epidemic. No reports are given of Its appearance yet In France Or Ere!and. At Cometantinople, as we learn from the Levant /Jerald of that city, there was a rapid and steady deecline of the Cholera, and Ito dle rppearer re was regarded as certain within the t.,-: erelt cr ten days. la ' Smyrna there is some difficulty in ascertaining :the real state of the Chokes, as the returns ate vary inacurate The Levet t !Jerald says that '!however on the whe Ic It epprare to be abatin,e, 'tit the Jews are earl retie-rine, ned at Bournahal twenty cases were reported as Wednesday. A good deal of mischief is expected from the Greek fast of fif teen dal se The Patriarch of Coustantinople granted a diepeesation, but on . the archbishop reading it hare, the orthodox were ready to tear him to pieces. At Behlah there have been some lew cases this week, and t the local priest was mobbed by the ladies for burying a pariah loner in his churchyard. Meantime the police regulattoes as to eating and drinking—some of them abetted enough—continue to be enforced. Pears and the corm or beanie are the only fruits allowed to be eaten, for the sapient reason that they are styptic and produce constipation, which the doctors here consider gt desirable con rummatlon. Grapes may be eaten, privately, but their sale la the streets is prehlted and cgs are under an especial ban." A Floret cc letter, dated Aug. ?l, Gayer "Greet effeure continue to be made by the anthergite throve:mut Italy ferrite en , oreement Or the strictest sanitary LliC/MIZCS n the principal piths. The latter are cleansed with water where a plentiful anpply is procurable, swept and kept clean by the dust carts, which clear the refuge at all hours of the day and part of tee night from the houses and streets. Ample fenelgatim a are carried on in the public hospitals, and even , hygienic measure required by modern science is set on foot to guard against the enemy, which is verily et our door. "Outside of the Ports San Nicole, at the Baena of Ripoll, Some seven miles dialect from Flor ence, one case of decided cholera. has declared itself. The local papers hare not yet noticed it, however, in order If possible not 'to arouse the fa Sag of alarm, which amongst these sensitive populations generally fellows the announcement of the tint bona fdc ease. "Two or three crises of real Aiiatie cholera hare developed themselves In Spleens." A letter to the London Titan, dated at tiara-- goer-a, Spain August ii, sat's. -I left liareeleue two days ago. It certainly had a deserted appeatance, different from what It generally weans, and there seems to be oo doubt that on she first appearance of the malady numbers fled front the city. The' panic, how ever, had entirely subsided, and I. was assured that there was now little or no canoe for alarm. TREATING WITH Tile INDIANS. In tie Indian council at Port Smith, Ark., Weelretriey, Commlealoe.er Cooley asked if the ifilereut triter were ready to sign the treaty of pease. The agents far the Seminoles and Cherekeea said their people had read If and would Oen it Thortday. The treaty is bet weed the commissioners designated by the president one representatives of the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, Osages, Senecas, Semi nolet, Shawnees and Omahas. It is to the effete that the Indians bad entered into treaties with the so-called Confederate States and thus for feited their rights, but the government would exercise clemency and re-eatabileli order among the different tribes, they having becoine eatieded that It le for the good of their people to unite sad ea/rakish the relations with the government which formerly existed Setwona them. The letter; also' pledge themselves hereafter to recognize the government he ererchalng exclusive jtaisdiction over them; and they will hot enter into alliance with any other StatS, nation, pewee or eoverelguty. In accordance- with these etipniations the government will afford protection and security for the pareous and property of the respective tribes. The treaty was submitted to the Indians. Thursday, and they were to give their decision in regard to signing It on Friday. Governor Colbert of Ar kansas, le In attendance upon the cannel', and reports a large number of Indians on the w ay to eared the council The lately rebellions In-. dins, new coavened at Armstrong's academy, have aent word to the loyal Indians that they want to COW° and treat with them. Generals Sibley and Wolcott are at the same time endeavoring to effect a treaty with the hoe tile tribes of Indians who have made an much troulfe In Minnesota. The place of rendezvous Is lii Sioux City, lowa, It is to be hoeed that all these measures for arranging treaties with tli the iodises will be attecessful and etrectlve. Indian wars arse costly for us and cannot be very adventageotis to thered men. Peace le the beat policy for both parties. Tun Allegheny Synod of the Evangelical Lu theran Church was in Reardon at Hollidaysburg week before last. There are forty-one ministers, and about the same number of conglegatlons within the bounds of the Synod. which embraces the counties of Binh. Bedford, Someraet,;Cam brie. Clearfield and Indiana. From the reports made at the Synod the churches appear to be in a prosperous condition, and the benevolent con tributions much increased over former years, This Synod several years ago planted mlasions in Nebraska Territory. One of them, in Oinaba City, is now self studaining; the others more nearly so. Two mission Wale in that tertitory will be occupied this year. Ton Harrisburg Telegraph says: "Bo grant bee been the demand for lager beer this season, that a number of our drinking salaam that were dependent upon the Lancaster breweries ter their supplies are now closed. The i newera have ills rosed of their entire stock on bond, and wal not be ready to supply their customers before the Ly n d e rill f o ftltre present brewers "t I' Clos L e l d " aro ter p. Experiment's have been made by several of them in the nee of ice for coeliac but, thus far, this process does not acem to answer. and, besides. It is necessary that beer ahoald stand some ilea rivedit le fit for nse--the term larger being de rived from the word lag. failed A Hanmenerno•paecr tells of a man who has in business lour times; was burned isn't three times; was robbed three times; was upset in a stage coach and thrown down an embank ment a distance of sixty feet; fall headforemost through a hatchway In a store at Reading; has been married throe times. and is the father :of twenty-one children, He "still Um,"and jis engaged in business In HarrLshrtrg. A SUMO comity: paper sap! a piece of land near the summit of Proved HUI, a anon do. tanee f rom Doyelat on , has produced a crop Of buckwheat every year for forty-five years past. Tao number of oil derricks between HearOs Bend and Pllllll,o'B Ferry on the Allegheny rivet a distance of twelve miles. is three hundred anti ninctp-three.- Tan hen buskins along the Lehigh Is beet* ing to revive. It is reported there is net a ton of Iron in the ,I.ehigh Valley remaining unsold at the present time, ght Jrpirtsngs eazett:- TITEBIIkIr. 13EPTAMBIM 19,, UM. GAZU.TTE 4Eft3l: belly czernlng ............ 1.0 Jun. .1119,1 ...se.. Pp c artcr,, 1) .1 1 / 9 k.:vcu •• 6o u•r r ear. du. do, forved by aartAers, 15 cent• • aro•k. clubs II 60 per yew. 40. 1111g/0 COpiell 5 ...00 RATES OF ADVERTISING ONE BQUAZW-11,11.r/G1 ILATTIIII : LT‘ '3 1 a u Ono ume 41 1.,4.0 tamest... 126 .... •• • • Twee times.. I 7.1 .... .•••. c 76 One week.... 275 7.5 •I 1 15 75 71 Tw., Breen... 4 276 2 00, I 25, t 25 Three • eel. 6to 425 2 is. 257 175 One Inman 023 650 s og, 2.5 2.0 Two months. 12 oo On 000 lo 42, Three months is ou Is 60 700 71 023 Sin months... 21 60 II 76 9SO 07 11 00 Nine months 54 no 17 72 12 OD 00 17 00 One Year 4O 00 23 60 111 00 1 00 so 00 Advertisements inserted one peerme y ne swinged at the adVertiaer s pleasure, at • charge of V. Oen , s per square, (or 20 emits if paid at the time,) Out must be condom' to the Lamettiate business of the advertiser. !invert:Bement@ enameled (or otherwise than 111 be Inserted on suet, days as the oakw may select. imminent advertising CASH, Dmth Notices, each Insertion I fat Marriage notices, Steamboat advertisements, per trip. 1.00 Executors' or fldmialstrators. Notices. I CO VEAR.LY • 11, 611T1119iN0 RATES, One square—Gonna.' to the - remedial* runtiness of the advertiser, and not to include dissointioce, formation of new firms, wants. . 4 .a—changeable once a week. Any excess to:be charged as tram. stoat Mane, a tteWs2 time. I time wew, week. s Week.'s week . . tree mormhs... 018 60, .12 ,00, $ 10 Ito CO in0nt08...... 807001 1114Xli • 10 01 6O hos moatita.... 41 60 1 .VI 110 l 11 Oo lb 00 a Year ..... ...' 61 , 00 i 66 00 , to 10 : 18 00 Sir on No , lorts c1,,---i,---.e ..bovo min., if i- Muted ono iiontla or more. Vor & Lou period go centa . tine. k Lama notices at nub rates ;a. may be agreed Van. Air A tonere to be ernsidered as the rpser occu pied by ten Hoes of the ordbtarr advertising type of the paper. THE CHOLERA DECLINING IN ED ROPE. ' ISTATE NE:11:S the farnio jotii ones, on Sell dyer, tu Asti's cow , f 7, lassourl. A z'cr4nd., ablat • the river tato a firld Pow two hundred yards, rave Why and fUnk In the 4. oTh of t•ent 3 -11-e cr thirty fit L roe earth a: 1 I :aa .:( the caravata,n 1.a.-rlcea:y solid, wu,ca Mt.k.s it still more wouderthl. MAD Doos abortnd in Indianapolis. One ran into the Palmer House last Thursday, bat was killed before ha had; bitten any one. erldsy morning, on Market, • mad dog ran Into the ni use of Joseph Snutster, aelzed a lit Id boy, throw him on the floor ant bit him throagb the v lost- The brute then 'prang upon an infant, O. rigor in the cradle, tmd bit tt severely. A T( toe° Prerchman to Chicago, named Fritz seep. r, committ..ll suicide by drowning himself In the lake Before he left his boarding nlace, at a Mr. Mod, etc Wild.aburg, on Kinzie street, he left a t ote In his room, stailug what he in ter d. d to do. and raj log tl at his father lived In Dubuque, lowa. nt - ) t • w W 7.1; A DISCOVERY has been made In Montgomery, Alabama. of an alum well. The Ledger of the lth says: We visited the slam well: in the rear ol Mr. Englebardt's tin shop, and found the water as plentiful as ever, and as strongly im pregnated wish alum. The use of this water has proved beneficial in eases of chronic diarrheas and other diseases. A YOUNO lady visiting the Sing Sing Slate Prison has recognized In one of the convicts a lost brother, who was convicted of wrongdoing in..dvr an &5* timed name. They were children of an 01 alvnt New York merchant., sod the boy was mourned as killed in the war. A 6wAvr In Tewksbury, Mass., has been, on fire (or Bowe time, and the combustion having wo - krn Into a peat bed eighteen to went, Ia• cher, continues to advance. The roots of the trees are burned off. and they torple over, ad ding fuel to the flames. Gauge o f men have at work in verbena plaices trying to check the flee, but without success. le Detroit, on the night of the 7th lost., burg lars entered the house home of Um Drew, mue— deret her child in bed, iotiaildated two ladles, the only occupant,, acid plundered the house of unary and valuabke. One arrest has been wade. AT & recent meeting la Davenport, !ORO, mem - urea were adopted for procuring a speedy at:lvey of a route for a canal from the ?Casio • PIPPL river to Lake Slickigan, and for a canal around the upper rapid'. A GEllll.Oi committed suicide in Indianapolis. Indiana. on Saturday last, by holding his head In a pall of water till ha was strangled. PERSONAL HON. Wm. G. Jorms, formerly Judge 'of the United Staten Bnpreme Court for Alabama, was arrested la Mont4amt ry, on the 34:h alt., by the United States Marshal. Judge Jones was Do:tinned in position by the confederate autho rities—the Dame, Dt not the functions, of the court being changed. He is chareod with trea son and conspiracy. A hood of 833,090 was exacted and given for his appearance for trial at the November term of the United States District Court., to be held In Mobile. Mn. Mounts the English captive of the Ital ian brigands, has et length been released on a ransom of al, 000 demos being paid to hit esti. tors. The Italian government will pro'subly be called open to • efuod this amount to the Eug- Ush govermreot, es cartomary in Turkey, where the Sultan Invariably refunds the ransoms paid to the brigands of his dominions. POSTMASTER Detesnsor: has been at Utica N.Y., attending the State Fair. Bela to be absent from Washington about ten days. His family has been sojourding near Utica for some time past. Daring the Postmaster Generals absence from Washington, Assistant Postmaster General Randall will be in charge of the Department. GROROR AEGIISTA Sale, in a recent srlicla on "American Young Ladies," says - they are moat accomplished talkers in the world. Their re. anon of diction, their facile flow of ideas, their qtllckness of apprehermigr, ewe really and truly agonialfur, An American girl has something smart and. sparkling and voliablelo say on every etikket." . GEN. FBIZISONT and others have taken out a patent for expelling sap that moducea rot in wood, and Inserting el:Upham of iron and other substance/1 that render it Incorruptible. The object is to apply the patent to railroad ties, - Wharf and sh i lp timber, ke. AT Sommerville, Ale., on Thursday the 7th that., Captain Dobbs, of an Indiana regiment, had been Ovallog a black cruelly, when the Derr° crept behind him with an axe, and almost cutting him In two, killed him instantly. A soLnunt, of Manch Chunk, now ont of Uncle &n,'a service, proposes to exhibit a col halm of Rebel Frogs, gathered while to the array. Tiin richest men of Prolidence, R. L. are C Allen, whose Income Is t 500,000. and Geo. M Richmond, '014,015. Pp% FREMONT Intense to nuke his perms• neat residence to 311zsotui. AITTORJrZr'S O. X. Itc III AISTIEII. J. L GAZZAiI...i...BUTTSII/1212. 3IOIIASTER, GAZZA.6I & CO., ATTORNEYS FOR OLAIMAIVTS, Licensed U. 8. .dgents, IP: PNT.477ttKAEVIAIpVIZAII BOUNTIES, Foe.loßBN, and outer praPcrtj'lo4 While in the service of the _ States ETOPPAGES OF PAY AND OFFICERS, ORDNANCE AND QUARTERMASTER'S Al). (RAJA b adAlge4 and certificates of ballebted• nen procured. "n " , atinits by Mall attended to as If made in "TiARGE MADE UNIcESS SllO. GSbFT:La ° '— OFFICE 2To. 98 GRANT STREET, rirrssincla.. J. w. V. Win . , . 117 rirric ATTORNEYS AT LAW 2 4 T0. .7.06 Wirt.l2. eltzronot PI ITSBTEGEI, P 6, Will attend to all Ounces' In the , pyo of their Prolatelon, Including THE CIOL4E. - MON OF et. A TM S AGAINST THE GOVERN hl C . ,Lasiti basins been mustered opt I the (lasted State. Sercoce, trill best:attar Ire atten. Hon to the buelpeu of the firm. stelSt 14/01:130 RS IN ErFEER The First or Second Three Years Service can receive the full bonnty the einne se tf r*l9 bad Bel red the full term of - endetntent by calling opo. T. WALTERDA I. Solicitor for &mitten Penelope sod Pay. Cathedral Ice. Ira FIFTHEiTHEEr, third door below the Toon If. Paras _fyll 1:10T-1,4&/NE BEILFER, ATTORNEYS-At-LAW ffo. tO Diaetoab Sousse, Plttaburgh, Pa. Cone Hut:nest Examining Titles. Convoy= log. Collections, sod all kinds of Legal Bruit promptly attended to. XOl ILITAIII6I,IIMS. PENSIONS. Ao.s. BOUNTIES, BACK PAY and. 11 .11LIABE C unanfne LAIMS of every description, collected by the at tha lapwing rates, viz : zio : all other datum, Se 60, O. O. Tea LOWAttorney at Ley, Diamond street opposite the Court House, N. B.—No charnel are made if the andel does no; succeed, and all Worm:tattoo given grads. ,e4:17 II 31 .A.OKRBLL, • A TTORNEX;AT-LAW, • u. 8. LICENSED &DAMES' CLAIM AGEN'L. ten ß to oun twent or dayL ties t Woonded So/dlers collected in 'froze y ltir•Oftico No. 83 UREA` firm?, Pittabnrgn. Call <Nth Mecham and tarn witheltes ao.21:11, ANDR/SW STEVENSON, ZLA.W CP . I6 "SICUMI. No. 144 Fourth Street. 11779 B03013; Pd., will notice in the miens count or AlteititettY and adjoining etratites• ap8.174 HENRY G. HALS, Merchant Tailor, NoBTE-Nrs? COMM OP PHIN & et . CLAIR BrIL P.UTSBUFIGH, PA Takes great pleasure in enamel*/ to Ills numer ens customers and the poetic generally that We rumens and arrangements for the Fai.E , SEA. SON are now °etiolated. him= been sersonallY Belmar' from the flntt.ciatkele-th holism tzt the Eastern Mita, Only such be o 5 Iv as can really be recommended will be ollk which em. braces thenteweit and most spprov mite:tale .a. 1.121.1. ten. "111,'".°V.Y.ZenlzrIlit! gingen ear_ly lespection. EDFER.MOB BLACK, COLORED CLOVIS, ea&AND DOE tiZlNS,sit usual, warranted fast In TOR 010 te rtlei and other new coatings, new style for entire muts. A great variety of FINE OARSIDIERES for Ponta and Vests, for .21M:wan and Evening wear. amit RE.IteamASICA, (BL OOD OUR ) for A 'm remark esa able Wilds Audi:otitis° etuo SOBOII7/d.' -EHEITI_BIII EVEM, GU, DYSPEPSIA- iTI7II, riowygg, and al diseases of the 8.: , ., Ils • Tonle, lt. rosins the Appetite, Partsatiol glutton sad but motors, MO APL'S LUMP.% Lad It root, but a anal to prove ltithill • . Far aals by =ION JOEUISTON, Druggist *mar Wampum and Fourth streal Y and b m ilt c..l 2 ..vid,ra Patent Cieiii;4Z, l 3 l . l l to ett • MS ‘4 °JOHN d yi n grav, Comdr Liberty no LfAirl amt.. • •-• A LYS AND I:RING, NepL ber - , LAI:GE uoVEILNALENT BALE, of EJAY ESew , '''CleakV"ll id'"' "‘"'".4nme °' (3°' 7.". A".! Sten ra bon ts, Wharf-i3r —.•. 7 , m • • k 13 EEF AND STOCK CATTLE AT A f+CTIUff. Vlir6 Okra, CeatigtalleaT SITSSLISTIMCY, nia,Taix, D. C .un i o n ,4, 1843. Will h e at? r. d enalle at tn., Gor e, rat ile•tle Yard In Alexandria, ra.. on li I'I2: , IIAY, the . t.ll Ina., at 11 o'elook a. en.•at I , ato ernd of Beef an a tong Cattle. of mole rondo [Wm a before ti,. sale. Tneau—isat. le fund.. GUYISfitiDIEIi T muLtss. I,la7rTir QUAlrrartlckekTal 1 11 , 14111AV0 OrrioE, Prrrent: ha n. Anzust 19, 1883. 0003 SOiIND SERV DOHA BLE be snle sit Public Auction, at the Fair Grounds, tu this mty, to the highest bidder. Oa the dept and In numi.ers as follows: 150 1/11" les, THURSDAY, Auvact 21, 1581. 150 FRIDAY, " 23, 150 " T H KS DA Y, " 3,, 150 " FRIDAY, SeptemSer 1 , • 150 " TH I it•IDAY, " 7, 150 " " " 150 " THURSDAY. " 14, 11 150 " FRIDA " 150 " TH'IR , UAY, '•gl, " 150 " FRIMAY, ' b, " Sale. to commence at es{ o'cl , •ok a. in. Molex sold singly. Telma Cash, United States Currency. O. ROS, Lieut. tin!. and DenutV Q LARGE SALE OF 00V511144113 - 1 , 1 . 1 RAILROAD ENGINES AND EARS. UNITED StATZB DiiißJ , BT ILLELLOLIM.I 077101 O/ Aseigrairr tgasommexaerroa, irnencitoron, LL a, Augavt It. WS& '27111 be sold at fiI•NUH ESTEE; opposite Bleb. mood, Vs oo SUES JAY , October Si Twgine s: eutpilve (2%) armgoug grat-aMaa Locomotlva En d. One toot e, 6re foot driver; sylmv• dets 10024 tat minutia of tank, LAN) galloce. Five r 6) erst-class Locomotives, a reef loch M& Iwo hundred sal alstpgre (265) new Boa Freight Oars, Ave foot Rang. Fifteen (16) new Platform Oars, live foot gouge. tan (ID) Freight Can, 4 feet 15)4 In. &tug., roe sale to south:me from ow) , to der until all ir sold. gale to commence at 10 &Gloat& firma—CASll, to Government funds. IL L. tiOBINSON, Threv. Col and A. Q. 4!. ARO& BALE OF GOVERNMENT Cars, Engines, and Railroad Iron. VVITRO &TATRA MILITARY RAILROADS, On/IYR o. A ASIbTATT QIIART uERMAATRR.gu • WARRING 1). ,Ast 11 165. Will be sold at TON. 0 CITY POINT. V A-, , OR W O. RESL/AY, October t 1 at 11 o'closs About font thousand (4 oix)) tees Railroad Iron. At PORTSSIODTII, VA-, on FRIDAY, Oe.o. ter 13, at 19 re.: Five (5) first-clan Locomotive Engines. About fitly (52) Freight Cara and one (1) Panco ger Ca*. At NORFOLK. VA.., October IS, at 5 p One new Inc./motive Engine, 5 foot gauge. At ALEXANDRIA, VA., on TI2n.SIJAY, Co tober 11. Fifty (50) trot-class Locomotive Engines, 4 lett BA Iron gauge. Eighteen (In) new Platform Gan, five foot nine, Twenty rove (23) new Boa Oars, nye foot gauge. About three hundred and fifty (350) Bin (Jars, 4 feet inch gauge About two hundred and thirty (De) Platform do., 4 feet sin. gagne. Abobi thirty (30) stock no.. 4 feet 9),1 in. gauge. Twenty (p) Passenger co., •• do One (I) Wnsehin,g do., dn. Two (2) new Trucks. • Sixty (o 0) do , framed. Fourteen (II) Flats, About tar, thottaaou (I,o= tons Railroad Lroo. Sales to common. at ALEX/aril/IMA, at 10 a. m., ALAI to continuo from day to day mull all are sow. re; mr—G &SU, to Government Nods I. L. GUellbISONr. Brew. Col. era L. S.l EL, GenreaLe, VALIiMI/A 10 - 14 b Et)TATZ OCTOBER 10th, 1865. Pursuant to the authority of la us by rasa lutlims adopted at a meestai of the Stookhotders of the Balaton% /ma Works Company, held oh the Msetity•tblrd day of Ausuat,lsf4, the underattfued , fleVilts on behalf of aas4 Corporation, Will Sell at Auction. At the front door of the Coati 'ltonae, to the city of Wheeling, on Tuesday. the 10th day of o_tober, 1866, commencing the sale at ten delock a m., all that valuable Real Fatale and ApPul , ealluncre to It., S nth Ward of sold city, known am BE BELZONI' IRON WORKS And Nail Factory, Hounded as follow., viz • West by the Ohlo river, Norte by Division street, East by Main Street, and South by the property of diem.. Caldwell a Lancaster. Mao, The Goal Nine in said Wert, sow worked by said Corporation, sod the Railtrai cornmentleg add Mate • nd the Rolling DIM Also, The RPol Estate and Coal Property be, loosing to the Bald Corporation In sal swklo rood South Wheeling. Including that reaently yttrottes• sd of Dr. .t. U. Campbell, and the ohoses In anion connectrd therewith; sod 21 Town Lott to South St htellon, e;Y put elteuel of the hi a hl. Htrtk sod ether., and Lot No 1 In Cahlwel.P. a•MIS°. to the city 00 Wneellr, southeut corner of Na and Division Upsets, with den Tenement. tiero. on. It Al euppo.cd that the Cost Property to be sold with the Works la sothelent to supply tb Works lot thirty years j Ile geld Reel PrnertZ.Dl he sold on the folio w. 1 leg ferias, vu: oeh,ou tto emit, end the rethluer I with Interest from the day of sale, in three equal ~..:_altnepte, parable to six, twelve end elltbLeen eothe trona ea„: date; the arzhaste of the alb Estate to take the eto.:lt D o named! meter tale loop, hula tools and chattel proplrty at en an. praiscment to be made by three alit Interested per sons, Of Whom the purehuer to to choose one, the underetzned agent. no.ther, and the two so alto. een a third, the dee/Alton of any two of the three to oe btadinit; and the stock . I taken to be paid for In egos. 'oetehanott et tour, Its and eight mwith from day or mile. The de. looted payme.w ,, 0 „, b .:. the Peal Hatato and Mock to be secured by pkper : L tiirutorY to the ttederttgoed agents, and a lien to the property until payment In full. ....- chaser shell have the optioa of paying In haw! the , whole Jurrebsee money, or any further portion thereof than above stated. JAMES PAULL, O. IA If (TREIA.EG, R. (MANGLE. Wh(Althr. W.V.. AI Mt At110:r 0.; - 66.1.ZiG BALES OF Government Horses and Mules. Qtrakrupw,a Dearanar.la Oorion, ealemaron, D ID., angken 0/.. 1565. of Ir ti ll E lgglibat nu Kg_ , Vettrlit°44Mgre.Tftt time and places named below. eb FfEW TUBE. Doter* each day. New York city, Turadey of each week, too New day. each York city, Thnrclay or each weak, MO Mules 'PENNSYLVANIA. Coal. day. F ldladelyela,Tbureday °reset week, 100 IlOtiel • ft!' •••=tiFkiar SaturdaY, September 2, and Web nezday, and Satarday of each week thereafter, nuke caebilay. • too Pit teburgh, Tbura7sy. and Friday Of cash week, to September 22, 1.0010.11Ve, 100 Mules slob day. • Elaniaburg, Tneadey of (Men week, 11 0 Mules "fdhad uel ' ObttniriYinireday, Et. pt. 1 , MO brills/. 'richt a, Toes ay, September IS. 140 111olea. Ureemberre, Thursday; September le, MO Roma Beentny, Thursday, septem her lt, Dl3 Male. Altoona, Thursday September 521 150 Ho see. INDIANA. • Indlanapolle, September 11, 13, IS, 25, MO Horses each day. 27 and 21, eaclndlanapolle, h September 12, 11 and Id, 150 Mules day. .1:041.11 N. 6.41/%4 ILLINOIS. Mules eno, eseb September 6, 7,9, UP, 21, Pp sad 40, tea dap, 017126 6 0 . September 4,2, 4, 19, 20, 22 sad 29, 165 apnea tub day. • DWAR OWllrolagton, FridELay A of aaah E week. 160 ItilAlai &deb day. Camato; Tuesday of eaall Week, 100 Rona REW JERSEY. Trenton, Tuorday, September el. 00 4fluies. rernot, Tuesday. September lo; leo Stales, 111ARYLA.ND. Baltimore, Thursday, September t. le) Inhales. Baltimore, Thursday s Se o ptember 51, LSO Mules. m suciaz. . Loui u e, Thursday, Septem each day. berabdToesdays ad st Thrsday of each Week tr 7. thereafter, ^.ooMule • SARSA.9. Fort Leavenworth, eontruenalog Wader, Der. 'amber ooratintileg•therealter auth Llama as the Depot Quartermaster May designate, *MO Mules, GIESBORO, Timidity sod Thttraday of D. 0. each day. oaeh weak, lOU Route No sales of Miss MU take place at- W ASHINUTtiIq. D. 0. The animate to bo sold la S ePtembef eta 1113ker for to say heretofore offered to thapablio. The malority of them are sound ars o f It is espeded Mar of Sae eerier of Sacs all the ow, pito Gortrataeni Alarm* sail be disposal qf. Bum" =aarnas therefore craft Thenterlrei if AD lan opportu- Lis cold.singly. Sales to etaameoes at lb a. 10. each day. Taros-43651i, la Mated States tlum. JADES 6. _ Saw. Mfg. Gen. la alleg a....1.e5e22 ro ...................129 Pint Div. Q. EL•• 0. Eltlrt is 8. '---- ' _ __ _ ri ALEX. AIKEN. • 13741 : 3 .iEvawdrsarErt # No. lad Fourth atieVitisursl, Pa. GO of all kind', CHAP o-Lovas, "ram iqy lia lariptlon of Iltnaral Purillshirpr Good" fianlaned POoral open day and nista. Ilearseaad 0/11711EIK nunlatted. Itzszawrozz—iv. MIMI Harr, Dal, Rev. 2.2. W. Jacobwi, TaWfAa TAeobE.E.E.mo i Eine.l d nnt" Goons JN0 .0ir...126611 W. CLAIM.. DA anoaND WELSONi CdR.R. 4t CO., Mass smarm. Saws • 0 4 Wholesale dealers In FORREGN AND DORMS PIO DRY GOODS, No. II Wood street, Shire Lot. ~ s sve Diamond awry, PRWOuret aplA _ R-as. Fe. 110 90 gimes Ottlizent National Bank “ Fourth =MM anklank Saadi , 0..1611 ~ o . mu.lcrgnon 141 Spirg Petml'm A. AtaLWAINE. Aucc•r. M!MM tO BE SOLD ST. CLAIR STREET iitii:DlNO LOTS , . . . . That desirable Lot of Ground on the West sfus of St. Clair street. on the COKICr ot Duquesne War, about fay feet front, by Qua hundred and ten tent deep. S GR EET opEz N ALL .I'. P . a 0 trested, are hereby notified that the ender. slatted,'Olowers appointed to slew and amen Not I t , allaing from the promuad opening oc_it' sand treet, 40 /ea wide, from theJanction or reinnam • Plenring attests, about WA toot, otoottot to the Wan and specifications actompanying the pe tition of Henderton and others,' Lb • ths Third Ward, Mk: tinny City, will meet on the tine of Mid street :has the purpose of their appointment, oct . IVEDIIMDAY, September 27th, ISA ae it o'clock, A. Y. JAMES GitallAbt, JOHN BYO igN_, Ja, JOHN BYES, Sem, Viewer,. STREET opE( Ali Intef. i eased, are hereby notified that the undersigned, viewers appointed to View and assess the damages and benttits arising from the proposed opening, of, e !street, to feet wide, from the Junction of Fair." memount and Fleming streets, east abeutarti feet,tro. th T, Allegheny city, N ooo ttuog to the. Plan and specifications accompanying the petition' of Henderson and others,)arlit meet on taw mad street for the purposes of their appointment, tine of on SPEDNESDAX, September Pith, ISS3, at 10 o'clock, a. _ JAMES JOHN C IRATI I&D Vad , BROHrtr,_,. ••• •431 f DYER, t Viewers, . --, • , .. , Ilsetnenn% °m oi IVOTItE /E HERBGVEMTHT /tam Zolide the anaponimi ne the emit and curbstone,t the coding,. ;wend and M on with of Pike atreetaromOaaal t* 04 Ilan Meet. BYE can be teen at we °M, in the Markg, until September 2lit' lOU. atter whish day it will be handed ond to the qv Treason:. :3)13.1 CHARLES B. l d/CiHSI , FARR+ 71 It_____em:dine__ , Hermiston .„; .......= i il i, 63, VELLA REDDLZ a 011,1, I )4) O:4G. have removed their oritatudre j=jsfri;ri'et7 Factory to No, re WOOD ST Ttrtga atthwiare they aro prepaa tp rol all orders for LASH= ANS SWITOILM preAptly at the hiTreeticifSh IP • CI: 1_ V 8 _ Barges, and Other __ Pr'grert4t- AY JUQrITISIMOTER aMiliAl.4l 0/.178.. W n e a•roro:f. D. C.. latY . =` , 3. PM. SSA LED _PD.OI.POSALI are.l.olt era t. Melted stLa De reeetree et the places, and until the . te?o here. miler named, tow the pereha, na.med STEAMBOATS. WELL/IF-BOATS,. BA.RCIFS, and oil= property, At Nett- Oilcan., Lou Nana, until Wednea. 094, October 4, 12 M , Ferat A nt model barge Mainsail, and .one (I) coal bo. Which can be •eern at PORT LtUDSON, LOUIS IANA, until the der of Bete. For the whsrf-boat Natchez, 7te) tons; and two (2) coal boats. Which can be seen et BATON Roapn, LOU ISIANA, until the day of sale. ALSO, For the Side -wheel steamer Colonel 110/eornh (bulb:hos). registered 220 ton. Side-wheel steamer Itho nor, register Side-wheel steamer W. B. Savory, tome Slat-wheel steamer J. 67. Brown, r, tons. Side-wheel steamer A. 0. Brown, re tons Slce-wheel steamer Obto Belle. registered Mato: Side-wheel steamer Mustang, registered ITS tons, steamer Octet Charles, registerel L 67 ton. Side-wheel cleaner Thane, legistered 750 tone. , rde-erbeel steamer E. H. Fairchilds, - reglstere., col toes. Side-wh. el steamer B. J. Adam, registered 637 L..ne. Fla.-wheel steamer Switzerland, reglhiered 611 tone. Steve-wheel steamer Ida May, regiitentd 020 tons.. Stern -wheel creamer lowa. registered 483 toast Stern-wheel steamer Altarnant, restate:m/192 tons. Stern -wheel steamer blot Fulton No 2, imelsger. ed I L 9 tons. Stern-.thee! steamer Colonel Benedict,ivesterej lel trine. Stern-wheel steamer Colonel ()handler, Masten LI 20 tons. Stern-wheelerteamer Conde, registered tons. Stern-a heel steamer Lirtis nsvis, reitstaned tons. Stern-wheel steamer Colonel Chapin registered tons. Screw Lux Leviathan, registered sos Lons;' Screw tug Monte Banks, registered 62 toes. Screw tug Rattle register. dila tons. • Screw tug Captain Mau (now building). rew tug (no name eau now Mal/ding, Scree tug Gawp E. I Vet registered 114 tons. Setew tog America, registered 418 tons Screw rag hatbox, registered 160 torte. Screw tug Admiral, registered lac tone.. • Sinew tog Gladiator, 171 tor.. Centre-wheel steamer ReOPer, reCle749P2 to.. Centre-wheel ,reamer General RansoM, pgraster td IN tons. Oentre-wbeel Steamer Colonel Oalbura, retie tere 91 tone Model barges Noe to and 11, and Abbey. • Cana/ b..at Rota le. Ten (10) gunwale bee—en. Twenty lour ;24) pontoon boats. Four (4) I awl boots, one (I, sail boat, one (I) me tellio boat. nye .4. worts, one (I) set or ways. of which can be seen at W ORLEANS, L A., until the day of sale. At Mobile, Alabama. until Thursday, Oc tober 12, 12 M., For the Side-wheel steamer Laura Hill, registered tool. Side-wheel steamer Warrior. registered led - tons. Side -wheel steamer Janies Battle.r4rOisteribl 02/ Side -oboe/ I teenier axle!, rectstered So 2 LOU. Side -wheel steamer Di W. Thomas, registoied Oil tons. Side-wheel steamer Sterile ht, registered Mt tons. Side-wheei .tea her iherMle, registered SMI tons. Side-nice! steams, J. IL Swam, registered »1, ton. Stern-wheel steamer Jennie Rogers, registered aid tons. Sul in-0 heel steamer R. Lk Hamilton (sunk), reg. finer.] 199 tons. • Screw lug Perry, registered 154 tons . Screw tug Alph Cutting, registered 45 tons. Screw tug blossom. registered 54 ton. him el barge Ford, canal boat Golden Ern; canal boat (no name), Furl (40) pontoon barges thirty (m) yawl boats, and three (s) sectional diwks, All of which con be seen at MOBILE % ALA.' until the day of sale. Petrone making proposals for more thArs one boat or barge, !should give the name or ritiorrorr 01 each boat or barge bid for, With the prior prna.-- ute A.lven (Or rano, and • [metope enb.e• dining ei ahotdd be abfassd, the boat or barge, or &L.-golf/Nen and the oarrko of the , ocrty, mulorsed thercoadand addreaaed ..rlgadicr tienerai L. B. ParsoA, fade( of Bait and Ely, Transport-Wm.. Lo care of the officer in charge of river transom tatlon at this polntliesig. pitted for opentng bids. Tn.: Government reserves the right to witbdraw coy of t o e above property, and to if proposals If deemed Ilk. !ow, poymoot, to De wade in United States currency, upon the acceptance p: .23 :;.ProPogal 0.44 prior 10 the delivery of the properso: A fml description of the pr0p... 4 1v M.y. be oh . tained on application to 0010401A.ratrr s.,:werde, Assistant quartermaster, St. Lanka. Missouri. By order of the Quartermaster Gene rel. LEWIS B. PARSONS, Brigadier General and Chief of Rail and River Transportation. sup:rd B°Y6 DRESS AND SCHOOL SIIITS A mur lot of choice goods For Fall Wear: JUST REOEIVED Ely GRAY & LOGAN, • sell 17 St. Clair Street. INTERNAL REVENUE tree Is hereby given, to allper,. cons eon t t censid, that Annual Lin, for the Twenty-third DD. Inc:,Poonsylvnniq has been placed in fay halide tr a Assessor, and that I ISE E 1 4 ,111 be found to lay ThIM b i /T e'r E tot ' 2lth DAT Uk A ll e giUM for tho purpose of receiving Bald Tam, do Ip. Comes, Upham ; Oarriagea, Silver Plate, no, Also, in Paton, or by Dezate, borough of Tarentunt, at tllO notes o Brown, on THURSDAY, the 21st at SepteCber, Rory Leo o'clock a, m, until tour o'clock p. t 0,,,, Samuel st the Borough of Sewickley. at the Store of Samuel Gaston, on MONDAY EVENETG, the Sib inst.. from toren to Moss osolook. Payment, must bo made. to all eases, In Unlbsd FAO,. Legal Tender, or National Bann Noma. • not pahl within the require:l time, the penal. Lice of Me law will be enforced. DAVID It. WHITE, Collector 21d District, Penns. erbalvttalt` T ENANT - FAR3i UIL CU3IPANY, office comer of Pella a;: Wayne Streets Thin Company was o' 'fort on the *Pa. inst 4 - ' wader Lie Pennsylvania and Diendodie; ing Lama, The Territory of the Company la 'Jeri anted on Dunkird Cheek, between the /ands of ihd Ihankard Creek Union Oil Company and the DurliO4' ard Creek Petroleum Company. Capital 5t0ck...... 4150,000 00 Working F and .. ..—• .. ........................... 20 1 00 ,030 Par value of each Sham... .. . ..... OO S. A...T . C . aggiliW, i'maddem. ISAAC :Tom Secretary end Treasurer. DIZIZCIVER. Samuel Mattam, I Frank Snyder, Jame. Graham, Jr Weir, SStephanLOTVIIOII. EL W. Rithie. ' surertf pEntißrl,VinuourATlTßAit SOOLSTy. The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society 'will held lta ExhLhltlon on SEPTEMBER Stat e _, WO, 28th and =UR nes, at WILLIIIMPOUT. lroomasa ourni Any information desired by persons deer:zit eanibit, 4 , 1 , 116/along foz premium lists or poss• or by menibt Worths S'esty,/kill be_ given by th underalgned. or A. BO el, u.a.T021, President tluziaburs. , . , A. !MOWER LON4A.I4It, Secretary. lenentencient, tasyme..• • , fenntswed 43'BZhIJp For tams and partioulara apply to 8. 8. BRYAN, Broker, alma err FOI7I2TH sT ., (Baykal Hallam;. •ti 4-At P - G I as 417T2i1L7128 ADDY ib PRACTICAL POIBRIL Gas and Ste* -I"it4isi lane of the tog No. 165 WOOD:; STREET', Pumps, Hydrants; Sheet Load, LEAD PIPE, PIG ei EAR LEAD 4.03 t 0... esistereJ 62 Plumbers' Materials! in General; =SE 21112T5 OIL REIPIX*RIEB Fitted Up in the Most 4 - pproved Style. Tanks tined with lead as ool!per. Bowes M 414 Up urn). grate r gu. N• All orders promptly atteade,l Gas and Steam - SlFiStiag In all Its branches, aarettliratianwed tcybst tieneed wield wcaionen. Ana maartatatitat SINES_ RATIT , ÜBS, i SHOWER HATHs,- WATER CLOS C0.1.6.11t1Y 011 band and intuit; to . X . 6B FEDERAL STREET, 4Xeglurzuri • endsslraskarr trittriPittabtud, MPH Rafdl• .. X 630,000 SHOE3J. 30,000 • woßni OF i BOUTS AND • • • AT 3 E IIO . I EILMLELINTX;PIEi. .' ~ Near Pall and Winter Goods 'are beltliC every day. Now /a the time tot buy. V Winter bShoe., rats, Ralmorali, Ilaskial, dtrol Overs, Gum Buskles,Lid tialLeill, Lasting 00taa gress sod Lace Gaiters, Balmorahr, Morocco Bob" morale, Morocco Buskins and uaroeeo G4ttars, a all styles thee are mantanctured, can be plF1„ selling cheap for leash, at SOUTH & ROS 9 Are telling nd their stock of Boots and Shoes REDUCED PRICES. J°MFS Ross, Ho. 89 Market Stria SELLS THE BLST, Tau rrEsnwr mama, .E3clTl3 zt..N•):• Ell!gpanWill• .• Of any house in the city. Ile has lan metve• • =waft. SPRING AND SUMMER;STOOK. TRY HIM Save Your Honey; 11 la now a well known fact that BUCLINTOCK, No, 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, Sells the best and cheapest 800T3, SEIC/Es, GAITEES, AfirD EALAIORALS, Di any other house writ of the Ectertialalax. Give hist a es/1, and you wall he satiated. A well teleeral stock always on haat 502$ A(THILD BZES, EWS GENTS', Map' AND Boot.", Shoes 'and Gciiters, • Of every Style, Blake and Form, at '• • COYLE'S Corner rum and Wylie 'treat.. G a t Privet to snit everybody. artlB BE ir/Jr6 .ftiacizz.Arrs midi" WHEELER & WLLEON'S HIGHEST PREIGIIIIt Lock Stitch 'Sewing Machine BUTTON-VOLE 1314.-"flrl"4 • .2geney, Mo. 27 nah streit;' ieb TROLLS. id& OHINg WRailEk—i P. H. /acorn a miututtor 0.14 : Olg, Pt ' Patoht ampro.ism ,• •• - : frog W ELL tOOth. SN. WT ',BEAU raoxrd all FUTURES TISEI4./4 /HMG LINGI) AND BALT WELL9,-Now• dh'amrsa OHIO ST AND oa the hew route of thehOwto , ' cheat* Peaseoxer Itaildr.,, P.O. 41,441.1P.8CL1: '• VT L ALrzew .w. r.• PA; -, -, - - • • • rumour ettett Is Invited to , eta ieto Don law/temente - to Jert nod 7cd.ote, an toads of Um purest Sitgo tuti4 Low MOP Stun, ' hstemeied AV , ,: pteesly.tor ALL parte, waittatoed nail (0 stlirldlird lac' ; the pli:e and lockets ottdl7 tone any - ether . of blartanonfeettge . , . _ the same number. Sten} :EtAttme Mk =am ;:ii r otheade'to meet. Weda the poodulttwet .lod moans, and Mee for ltheoweivers old u. 'idotaLlMlTrintyir Otracaar. P tpl9=7; S. 6.-338 Y p ~,. i' - ..: - '''/ ' Stock anti /teat Estate - ..,EfrOceri r . . . ... _.•_..._____— , •••'7, - .,•,.. ,HQ. 57 pyritTfr:SlCAprtk' J'' , ' f . ~ , • • , 1 --- ,5 • ;omen tor Ma ptftivtalk /ALS Of Gil a ooviarThzErr, , Llgo ino . rsi zaid to mazes prcuvuz e4ectd, by leiltimiko In New York or Prillailelplga, at the ECI/talv OWIZILISSIONS as .astabilgial by the agar* BrOktil In the respective war& - biIIiASICI3.. _IT HOLE CREEK L CA : ee rLE.—lnteztats la latithrlytati t • . - • i ,11.11 V O r r ADJOirf THE HOLIEDENIMBIriI , . 3 .1147 t _- a. 71 , 9 ',MI en =Mae. r;own al !he "Dee t Mar, pApab n i • PINE 11171 P 1 465VM ,4 : 2 :V1 L. 1.1 . 114 n5m3,1 - .1.r0f.) ,coatatoLaz ft at statigitivehila ."vtrutabiiirr tweea Pit Hole And I.l444oo4,,apietwicunitiv a rt rtl7 duinV. .1414,04.,ta10140.. 1 tom hunts. .Enq vi%ailigattNitiktititm, .I,,cza "."4imitimkrottrn Dfccl..,____.„ nefii..T ../Nl9/. 17 aziT; , III zoiri;q ' - 1 Atteakelasul'itihrtrigtomeddie, a" agroast M P Wi P l4l ' ATAVA I 4O2II ,Cp1,),15,. I .... A. , ~..., 'ZtZEIraNCEZE.:O4.O6ffI33 -1513n11. AA .11-3;:rug W. ovx,-10-., ~, ~,,,7._04 MaTanter4S MAfft il l t Mt f 4 C / / , I , lit e L .d , „Et .ftvl Ig t pra 'n't tifin.mroettsige ' :nil: no .3)tvrzi t sfitro2 bail .ccarx,--5r 4 7 - 14448LAU P-AMMUntrito : ' 1 - i bar,cl t 5.553 Zlf Urd k4l. if.- ~.atprz:.R CP. - Ilir mr ,....,._ - ' " • 'cMantr...vit jigr4rd,lll.l9B.ragtgrea: J na7 ea 0a 1it t at: 427 1”1...-.1"141 _........„Mid "ter...! Ct. il linC , 4 4T mei allestit2r4:.: NAIII ; 1 - • • toPPosrm outramita TATS 8 ddrll J. H. BORLAND'S. 13 MARECET:STREET. Scaond doilr . . from FIR Lad THE MOST DIJEA:BLA 1t , • T- •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers