Viiisbutigh Gazed: • MM= if Unra ,119111111118 MOCILTIDA € Emv. 19. 1865 IMION STATE TICKET. I° .2' :WPM* =MO.: Gtriff. JOHN F. IiASTRANFT, Of gonticomnry county. I ron SOBVICTOII GLtgBAL : COL. JACOB M. CAMPBELL Of Ontario mini. UNICE COUNTY TICKET son Oterwurr orronost : LEVI II !MET, of O.Nottnany, von oittrotv pOtriNtOlisst : fiTTIET L/1.81.117r Township. ' roe roma: 'DAVID AIKEN, Jsr.., of Liberty Townstan. 1.1111 lITM e LY. O II.III t /76.1#1:b L. (Mkt* ' ' mi. son LT I Gm. Y. DUNNE. North kayette Towathip, BANNS. HEIiNuN, Ittooandiess Towoshib 1t... ALFRED' sidle Attlethent. BAWD - SaKEER, pp..l e.safair. J. P. GLKSS,' Y.tu JOHN A. DA Ni.S. TownsnlO. woo Wry ootnixentorron aprynEAUR,psEL ,of Lower St. Clair Tp '.' - ' '' ' lei !bottirTY memos : B. L. BINJULLET. of 8111211/1011M. POR,DIZIOTOS Al POOZ EUBES °HESS of. Martian ToenthiY. TIRE OCTOBER ELECTION it is tbree*iiii,i to the election; and what has peen done, In this county, in the way of preparation for It? ' cWi tica becabse there is orcrin be, any doubt about our county's ticket The election of that is (*Min, beyond peradvenicre. In fact, there would hive been no opposition to it, If there had b4nno other interest at stake. But welaveca State ticket, and it is of the utmost Importancie that we should poll altdi.vOtbfor it. We want to see that ticket tribmphatitly eleCted, and the way to utbat is to rzlly every Remblican and iiitin voter In the . polls. Allegheny i 4 lucked to fora lousing majority for it, and 4on i - I ctriends throughoul the State must not be disappointed. That - tisjorby, however, cannot be got by folding our:itleue and letting the election take care of Itself. A big majority cannot be had Withoul'a full vote; and a full vote Cannot be had without organization. We must, thCrefore. nave an effective or ganization In every district in the county, of once. ThCze is no time to be lost. Whatever is dbne, to be well done, mast be dcne now. Welava Urged Wit plea so often, in times pet, that we know precisely how much arguing ; it takes, In times like the presenS tohring up our party friends to the wort,and they ninst not btame us, there- fore, o : we seem pertinacious is pressing it upon them. "Eternal Vigilance is the price of libel , ty." It is not enough to" have beaten, the enemy thoroughly last year. . We must beat trim-Again this year, and next, and !very year to come. He is the same enemy to-day, as beftre, the same In' essence and spirit, however differing !alarm; the same <lb; fciffteitortU the sense hater of humanity; the same opponent of reform and progress; and the same dirty panderer to the baser paasione human nature. The enemies Of our cause tire always vigilant, and we must meet there with equal vigilance. We trust, therefore, that in every elec tiokdiatrict our party friends will immedi ately take measures to effect a working, active organization. They know well enough how tO do it, for they have done it oftSovnotab to , daya gone by. Their tight hands have not forgotten their_ cnn• is wanted is a disliOsi tion to work and let them remPmber, that no election was ever eneceessfally carried by Any party that was too lazy to work. 1 ORGANIZE ! ORGANIZE itEiroxisTutic g 1.031 AND - KENTON A * - I 7itiN. .:With.the ei few timid papers su4.apeakent,, the great bulk of the Repub #*;pwly has endorsed the views laid down by Mr. STEVENS, in his speech, as be. ; and ."restoration." I‘ll the leading , Republican pspers agree with ns in Condemning his confiscation tee Sweeping and lutist', but grte v ith him as we do, in the general tenor Kieeeb,l ? Wuktiow.of no °nee them thar4o;i;iik!,#ph us, believe ftdly in the dower ;Ontlscate, and the duty of ~`S'ottlistatidn. under certain Mr. •etanstances ; but none of them think it' expedient to press the extreme ptiintirtaicatta by Mr. Sri, sss. To show She temper qi.she party generally, we sub. wit a few extracts. For instance, the late •Staie'Coiiverlltop In Massachusetts spoke as follows : Wes?lved, !That the entire pacification of the Country, and the restoration of order, I . rn,optdect of th e first importance, and one • acquires the exercise of the most cautious and deliberate wisdom, in order 'that there may be no necessity o retracing our steps; and wo agree with the Republi cans of Pennsylvania, who, in their recent State•Coutebtlen, expressed their convip- Sion thatiliet people. lately in rebellion min uet be misted with the' 'Political nglifs.whick they forfeited by their tresslo, until they have preyed their acwptanci of the:results Of the war by incorporating Into 'their constitutional provisions and securing toali men Within their borders the thence . able rights to liberty and the pursuit of luipPincso; and we eall upon Congress, be fore whom Musa speeilly come the quits liens of reorganizing the Southern commu nity,: to , see to it that the loyal people, = white and black, shall halre themes: per fect guarantees for their safety , before any trial sießt AIM talon towards restoring the revolted people of the South to their for fellettrighta Tile candidate for Governor, Zol. BUD -I.obli nominated by-this Conyention,in .11CC414#E, th949,4:tealiO, said: Tbe tiirroph of the alio0:14, loyalty will be,Ahatly..a.pd solemnly incomplete ,without the..,siocese , of the , ChripthtnelYilization t which those •ThirUtif hide been ,'STIPP O SiId. auus to' hive :carded, under the spices aflcthe.--Preclatuationa • of Abra ham Lincoln to , pie remotest' . hem atites iii the. Unioir..•• At this moment, one of the -qualities and one of the negiessl: ties of that,ctitillzailon is expressed in the: claim fdr:,loyal suffrage only (applatuie) the Stitteirrotently,ineurgent, without ine quiAtiAince-or color (renewed applanie) a; ..! respecting only the dignity and rights of lonatitt•natere, and resmeting mot at all the lingering traces of the institution that has `'` falkiibtforei the genius 'Of emancrpation. (Applause,) That is simple, but that is clemental,..and to that I apprehend The liorilkhOOrde to -day, and the South for its • own ecAr:Mentiiiionre at last. (Applause) In mo•stipport"of that principle fortho sake of the Union tindlthe_ public safety, firm ness bccerace Paramount -duty, and patieetnr , lefty ".virtue—:(applonse)— Tail= WithloyarmanothirywhmeWhose , pie tines.. soar-reilolie- , -its -.exorcise; patience ttlß7o aos t :Pesfdent,of- iho:Uniteet Btaeit,in'irliosi'integiity and patriotism, and spirit of brutal:illy, I,thinit we , ought to k," ~ .tiYow.enitutheititating confidence,. 1;4 :Gen. Bl=ll,.islduz'speecti at the same • Corrsepon4. emu, : With allg#4444oiimis of disloyalty to • to , the gbyerinuneof Injustice 14 loyal •black mellVltaterbilhe' loyal 'white, of cliniffeihrthe dead,ettreass of. - tho cooled crack,or incentinillidWiar: War' of • thuu,gut; and Ideas government with the loyal Statetclustering around nof our juOntentc conveneeC'anet our reason constrain"; to the conclusion thatresonstrua- Iron as the present time, and fltifiresent bath; of seeeesitirtnisi Ile 'rind LS Ofsaurs Can we dotibt that;:thia being parent indjlatriotieryrrtitiett' an 4 Tiongre ‘ isc. wig &yr. tinielrehellfons 6l iea w pebeid, in fanettia ate. Oiaa. tittered _t Jory, Public ,wars until by schools, a free press, a peit'le st utiment softened by the soothing hand ot time acting upon the present inhabitants, And emignition from the North and abroad, shall have formed communities at the South ignoring the traditions of the put, acting upon new ideas,. with 'a love and pride in the Union glowing in their hearts; with a , civilization and system of labor in cousin anc.e with those of the North; ready, wi r ll• log, fit and desirous of forming political con- IltellOnd with loyal States, and makin;, Int e d, that which our fathers formed, a "bruin of hearts and a Union of hands," or strength, vigor, and power to defy the world in the arts of peace or the deeds of of war. [Lend applause. ] The Detroit Traitor says: It is very fashionable now a-days to over look the fact, but the jai Jt of the American people ir pledged to the negro of the South for kir freedean and protection. 'The slave help. ed to firmly seat Andrew Johnson in the chair where he site to-day; and he now calls upon Lim for justice. We have as a nation promised him justice In the face Jf the world. And yet In the restoration of the Fy - uth we are deliberately delivering the freednien into the hands ot the tormvntors_. with his liberty untasnred, sun °ands& by men who bate him with a dreadful morn. slay, who are penetrating unknown hor rors upon him, and who have worse in store—sorienderilig him without any means of self protection. Is thie a "fit reward for thia , .grantude to the pstrioneitersicee? soldiers of the Republic? No! No! The St lOniii-Peinikral, 'which - sneaks ler the sorely tried Republicans of hilasourl, quoting the expreeson of the President, that _the wnqueitd South is convinced of Its eiror aiid prepared to ablde - the decision of the war, says This opinion is entitled to high respect. coming as it dces from the Chief Xxecti ttve.olthe nation, and from n gentleman who has enjoyed the must fa voraole oppor tunities for striving at a just conclastm ; 'but it must be remembered that the Endion ry 01 the Union men of tie country are bsidly willing to extend their "generous eorficience" thus tar. They profess to hate some knowledge, as well, of S inthern character; and while they proudly concede to the p ople of that section as great a share of noble qualoies as eau tie bound elsewhere, they ceasot turget the lessons neut hi by toe late struggle, ao, ignore tie tams daily set forth, that the South bu llet ed slavery to be a beneficial institution, and that they ere not reconci;ed to the c .a- Onion in which the artatramentof war has left the tegro. The New York Tribune, a'ter stating that in Ihe eleven revolted States there is a steadfastly loyal population (including the blacks) of 4,741,629, and of those re cently disloyal, 3,825,117, or as four to three, uays: Now-we object to the scheme of recon structiox.which the Copperheads and un converted rebels are crowding upon the public as President Johnson's, that, it pots this large majority of Umonists completely in the.power of the rebels, whose actual minority it converts into a virtual majority .by nullifying the black Unionists political ly, and thus reducing the white ones to impotence. Nearly or quite every 'South ern State has a majority of thorough Union ists; yet almost if not quite every one, if it were back in the Union on the basis pro posed, would support General Roberr E. Lee for next President in preference to any other man living. "Why not trust the South?" we are a ek ed. We answer—"We do trust .her; bu t you do not. • You deprive her s ncere, hearty, unconditional Unionists of any voice in public affairs, and Insist that the Disunion minority alone shall speak and vole tuber mime. This is not fair, not just; and we cannot assent to it. It puts us out of court on a technicality, when we know that our cause is rood on its merits, and entitle us to a verdict." We have not room for any more ertracta to der, hut we may add that the apeech . of Mr. STETEXIi bas been published approving- iy by all the prominent Republican journals in the West, and that as between "recon— struction" and "restoratto.," the Republi can press of the country, with rata excep tions, occupies precisely the ground that .6 Toe TUIEI !"—II is an old trick of the light Lir gered gen , ry to cry "stop thief," wbt n hotly pursued, to divert at tent ion Itc.m tbernst Ives and create ,the tmprt esion that tlity are among the put hats, and not pursued. In like msnner, upon the "hue end cry" raised by this paper, the r emmerttal clamors that it Is the Gerais and not itself that Iris gone over to tie enemy's camp. The Post, bowel er, winch is a good judge in such Cases, looks at it the giber way. It grows jubilant over the prospect of the accession of the Commertial, and spreads its arms to embrace the new comer. The Post know a. THE Poa invites the Comme,eial to the Democratic camp. "Birds of a feather flock together." The Poet says: "If that paper (the Commercial) will abandon Its crocthets upon the suffrage question, it can 'come to the support of the Democracy at once." As the Post is jest now in a forgiving dis position, it can afford to be magnanimous, and overlook the crotchets of its neighbor. Bone Railroad Troubles In Philadelphia —One Hundred "lhoutaud Dollars Mae" lug: The Philadelphia Inquirer of Paturdar say: "Some merry genius once wrote - a song which he styled 'The Gay Conductor on the City Railttead Car.' It was a Mum- Fiat story with a striking moral, of a con doctor who was too eager to get rich, and whose organ of calculation was so deficient that he t onld not tell the difference between his own money and, that of his employers. The 'Gay Conductar,' if our memory serves us, found a depot in a large atone building on Coates street, but it Is evident from dis -closures that have been made within the last two weeks, ,that Le has left a number of successors who have been running cars on different roads in this city, and who have managed to pocket about one handred thousand dollars of the money of other peole within a year past. iii i e leading' railroads have thus far an Uy ffitea the guilt upon about one undrtd and thirt y of their old employees. .ere are the Green and Coates, Girard College, and the b cond and Third streets companies. -The affair 'was not managed a itbuut Trouble, und before at: ail f,eient LivitiOs bad finished their iuquisition they found that unexpected parties were implicated, and that many drivers were as deeply concerned in the frauds as the con ductors. "'Under the system which wasadopted by the railroad official; the exact amount taken by each conductor was ascertained. With the regulations now In force the man . *ho appropriates seven cents thetdu not belong to him is liable to be indletad, It. WassuppoSed, no doubt, by -the drivers, - ,tlant"they were-not legally responsible for 'the theft of the conductors. 'This was an • error, for under_ihe act a Assembly any agent df a company wlio receives any por tion of money due his empl6yer and appro priates it to his own use Is guilty of a mis demeanor. The charge of Conspiring to defraud is one that might have been made against both conductors and drlvers, "The receipts of one road to the city, after.the detection of the frauds, Increased one hundred dollars per diem. On this same - Wall was ascertained that not only . had some of the dams been in the habit of extorting money. from the conductors, - batthat even some of . the hostler:a and sta ble boys had .teep in the daily receipt of regular amounts, which 'Abu exacted -from the drivAll.,..before the: berms wou ld b e brought Irom the' stables ' The 'drivArs, in tar suer, 1.. 1 1‘. ,, t0n years pa-it:ounce •se with tin omnibus system' of-Philadel phia;Janthad,thus giadagecl in a schools& 1 0 9 1 1d 1 19-id 9 k %tight illemthat the chief : :end 4:if men Nresto ces.kemoney."l'.:: : " . In St. Louie a , Moro is being made for the erection of sixty •oricrlmildhitos wo stories in height, each home to contain six rooms, three on each• floor, 'and tech to accomodate two fondles, with separate entrances - toeach story,. and ate rent of from ,slll'to $l2 per month. ~\.. nif t y? 1 illtbu. I Loitt& AT gr 7 -- 4 , 4 , ., it,,,...,a1i.f , a mail n se tdernitt Poe Itialderrt, itiff ~...,M r. TEVE , ,, end HK_- ,t •S. 'ang, mid veto= of public. public. men think of recon- Streettot ; Let we lo a. .1 bat ' - ..- e.... to Ino views of the Southern people themselves. Akre they In favor of "restoration 1" and If ad, why? What do they expect to gain or lose by It 1, we have the answer at hand. Some of this "restorationlsts" at the South have the grace of being plain spoken, and among three is a eorreePoodent of the Stoidle Tribline, who thinks that If the State Rights party in the Booth playa Its cards properly, they will get pay for all their sieve.. andel: the Property which Gen. fiIIECILAN, GRANT and others destroyed. Moreover, be says that "if we don't have wham ire choose for the first President, IL will ha our own folly." Hear I am: There seems to be mach error in regard to clelas against the Government. All clot xn, is high are pot footded upon express contracts with (Be Government, or upon vouchers fur nished by quartermasters and commissaries, have no pretest' hope or posalbilltv of payment. All such demands must, by law, be adjudicated by the "court of claims" In Washington City. But the doors of that court are now closed by a Peremptory statute, against all persons, (loyal or Ohio's° rtaldlng .n the Contederate Statue, OD account of claims for property taken or data age done during the war. Such Is the present state of the Case, but. I teal paraildent. toot mu out Cosigns' will repeal this statute, and open the court to all data:mats. I haic barge of large ofthe character, but, It la useless to Isige Chet° turf. • 'Sestets not alma. ask. ." When the Govyrnment shall return .o ll.* ll cleft prltelples 'and precedents, an I °Bev it will, It will pay for much o f the property ta n and destroyed during the war. It Is constllti th natty bound to pay the OWnesa of slaves for ebonite') of that institution, and I do not dic pair of the Inlttilment of that obligation. IL Is, also, securdlug to ib- general princi,eles of law, boned to pay the damages occasioned by their n enut gut p,:wder ex t•lonlou In this ally. ' . Sir wirer *to it alt.-men non toed..." salth the law. The maxim was violated by the explosion, atoi the liability at , aelanS. The eleven States lately "confederate" will soon have In the United States twenty-two Sou store az d ID the other House at least ',Ferny tone members. Wch their p attic. power, If 1.1 do rot ob ate justice for their penple, it will tentter thi y are itunecile loots. It they will put the . selves under the leaderthip of the great state cora a end didornatist, W. W B ayes, of Scull, Carolina, I ourtrautee 'het he will coo • trot tt , e (I rernment. Thin oulltical p ;War f kilfulle managed ran make President, rratnie. neu tht leaders of party to crawl ut. their ',elites b. I , , it. If w e don't here whom we choose Tor the nett President of the Uulted States, it wail be, oar !Olt. Here is the whole Southern programme, plate. ly and co,metly laid down. "Reuttoratiou" le to the South a return to the control of the gov• ernment—a full t.urrender of everything to the men who brought on and carrel on tin 1-0,!.. lion. It lavolv.P the ansumPtion of the C d. rote t'rbt. coMim-Upalion for the slave freed by -he war, and the ostractedi of all who have tirem intrrnmental in their ibrineipatlon. “Forewarned le forest med." Tna total amount wanted for eipendi lures of New ' , fork city and county, inclu ding $524,093 89 for deficiencies, is re ported at *19,071,099 01 This total was to be reduced $1,565,000 on account of the ret ente of the city and county. The ag gregate of the tax levy for 1865 is, there for*, *18,076,099 01. The failure of the apple crop seems lo be general this year. The Louisville Journal says the quantity produced in Kentucky will be very smalL One farmers as men, who last year sold two thousand tire hundred barrels at an average price of $.1,50 a barrel. This year ho will only have about five hundred barrels In Nova Scotia, also, fruit will be very lisht this year. Many orchards-in Annapolis Valley, Iron which a hundred barrels of apples have been annually gathered, will not yield twenty barrels this year. Six hundred end thirty-five tons of coal in one hundred and twenty-seven cars, were recently.drawn rivet Easton to Eliza beth, on a wager, by a single locomotive en the New Jersey railroad to show the power of the machine. AMONG :be honors conferred by Brown Buivi tatty on Wednesdriy, was that of B. F.. which the class of 1862 gave to the fath er of the hr at boy baby. The diploma, in stead or a dusty piece of parchment, was a fat, jolly silver cup, bearing on one side the seat 01 the Cut, ersaiy, on the front a classic dallior, and on the othervside the follow lug inscrip los: '•Prior ternpore. priorjure -Freseat,d by theciaasot 1802, to -, born Aug. 3, 1864 " Fix years ego, a lady in Norwich, Conn., planted three peach stones Of a box,. Only one of theta came up, bat now from the three brunches or the tree she gathers three different kinds of peat:hes. Tun many friends of the American flaunt of Commissioners for Foreign Mis !Loins will he pleased to learn that the re.- .e pis of the Board is enabled to dose the timinti3l year without debt. A Bosrote boarding housekeeper was re cently tined $BOO for stealing 20,000 feet of gab aura, $62. He had very ingeniously connected a pipe with his neighborbmeter. TOE State:Agrienltural Fair, at Utica, Y.,elosed hat Friday, after a week of very decided success. The receipts are $llOO more than atthe same place two years ago. IT Is pleasant to learn bet the hotels and bearding houses in the vieinFy of Washingien and Baltimore are retb.ting with bedding at the great hospital sales. Trip B and of ContioHers of the Public )Schools 01 Philadelphia, have passes raw lotion to introduce calisthenics and light ymnaaies into the public, schools. THE flag pole erected in Germantown, by Ptillomathean Lodge, No. 10, was struck by lightning on Thursday list, and destroyed. The pole cost $BOO. lit Toledo, Ohio, last week Monday, a beautiful little girl of Bye years was burnt to Beath while playing with a kerosene oil can about the stove. 41.tetw steam= is building for the North River with three tiers of state•rooms, It will be the largest boat in the world and coat a million. PEIL4ONAI.S. A. S. 81/FORD has beenelected president of the Richmond and Danville ( Va.) rail. road, over Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, by a majority of 501 of the s'ockholders' voter. Sic salary is $4,500. It was prematurely announced a few days ago that General J. had been elected. He would, it Is alleged, have been chosen by a decided majority but for the fear that It might not be acceptable to the Government. Tun author of the "Schonberg Cotta ramily" was Elizabeth Rundell, a real• dent of Plymouth, England. She was a Catholic, about to enter a French convent, when a young dwiss clergyman persuaded her to Protestantism and matrimony. She at Cart dt dicaa-t bet pi n to wiltinl! Pro ta' fir boulu. llrr preen' na:se ii MN. Chalks.. Tns Louisville Democrat mays ,that F. 4., G. W. Rump, of Alexandria, IleninAky, have absconded, carry log with them about oleo hundred thousand dollars. They liad received ,the money on deposit Aromvz rions citizens of Campbell county. Tun Queen of Spain has fixed the2Orh of Septereber as the day on which.sha will re ivc the visit of the Emperor Napoleon at Earanz. Great preparations aro bahrg made Or the Interview, to which a - l;plg nificanceicance is attached. W leav: L san ß° e rr str7to teK' of 7 a ftw N uetwso ll6 oov,oo, 6 % h , wbeo qbeaths all but $22,0t0 to size benevolent societies, one of which Is the Southern Aid Society. • • bins. 'WAIT:us, of Brooklyn, N 1 . who gave $31300 to the scholarship funds of Brown University, also gave $3OOO to It 3 cheater Unlverrity. • Tire rental of the Unitarian Church at San Francisco fol. the present year Is s7 o , Thtsbeats Beecher's $20,000. gENICY LESLIE, the "American Biondln," has been fined $4O for giving exhibitions at liingarnFalls without a license. peratadt: listudying Niagara, PUBLIC XOTICEB ra— RENSSELAER POLTTEC utile INSTITUTE, TROT, N. E.—The Fait. Ii:SEOOND ANNUAL SESSION of this well. •hee4o2 01100 L Off ENORMERINO LSO NA URAL S=NOE; wial-eottimmoie Sworn. eaL Ulsof, t666. The NEW ANNOAX.BEGIS. /ER of W,Livihi Informstaehillor 04 ay! tathio liGaMsing. . PRO ) ; ICVSAI.ES zntowrzr, Director,' inn:sots Sity."New Yon'. SOILED - GOODS BELOW' con AT ► .7:W. CARNALIADPS Boot Indigo:* MOW coiner Ot Market argot 1,141 the Dlamond;Pltts. i4jl4 1 14-T v itieri I.•::.' lit iill olt 12 tit.7B. - ''') I di --- i -1.- , vit tut g., at . , Va. by _ I , + ku , no.l 511:* ' L ... 1 A Li. () w OIL -10 ht.t. in Brom and .IA .e 4. I, 13Ait.kil / i1•i,../.1 a. Ull. CEDAR BOARDt4;-8000 feet in Fore ,--, and for gni° by MAI Aii liii*li.Kl' .. ,A) I)01 CLAI.-50 bbts. uow tar axle ty 14AIAR LI. KEY 6..'0. TARNII3BES --A large lot of the finest on awls put r. eel vril. I.:iCH I .N3 l / I .lif H. s W 0,1 SUMO, - B oirvr6i4 THEIR OWN 11AEF. ee at.. at the n• •t r &ND Ski. E $ (In t corner Of illarcet straet the inamond. Phtebuntn. . See I:T7 Lit Flesh Butt.r recesvest isk.4 Ti 3:1 keg 'trek 14alo Dalt y LP tter. 12 1•U k. Intern Here, re 13-tfsr. in ki6Ageo.l(3o. Li.te Hui. of eau n r. It. II - IVUTICE CUNTRACTORS,—Pro + poem a for t . e er•tline. peeing. .n I ee• l lne le to Cu' Le • I'Ilat• Street, from E na street to teeprep:Did Ilue or thiqueatte Way, will Da roexatrool at Os office of toe an, ere.gne.l In the Market BciAtng. gnat I A. , e 201 ,Ity I Sept 1300. 013AILLES kEitEISPE,III7I. 18 Recortiteg -tor. 1' EAUTIFIII. RESIDE:4CE —For sale —haying a Iron' of 60 feet 00 the thdo river, b r 21.4 455 it to I" etne *tart, a lar„,e II a h I/ *d ing Hawse, well I minted 1“111 1/..11C11 thd m ton I o, der, por taco In (root, yrb e part, rt two dining ..... rt.s aPa (blame •...n 5 Isr ge air •h -em, h.-t artd cold water, flre cham l / 4 ./. IL rsos, tan attic r..orns, 1 orates at erst and Imcnin Ilttot•, thrl e WIN 0,11i41,1. 11t111/11, 1. noise, graph, ehrbbbery, trees, ow. Zutsy et nets. by P.a.!, ger I.allway. • MIIMEZ! tt.bri h 1(114. l' dl HU I /L—Book • keerng • A rithaa.l2¢ Pati•nanolop, a 0... suit* as pncetk...3 to halm** by • ptatmal Ammunt. lint Alit exporieoard Te.ontr. o.olroki Huth of* °pp mop tl a Pnit MCP. (loan rum 7 i• 9 b. m. Torn* tor full *lune 01 Mrs- monm• 9.0 pal ahlo In advanne. Wialiliaa. A ulna , rade am all alt.* II( rloo, an I ke onment•l Voiu•a, A I r audio o LAP , late Suaimtirkdeut at Duff • .l.'ll. A. ratmeatva4s. :Ma a urd. N EW GOODS. 101 .ffaiteziEr NT BEET, Is largo stock of F•tier ,ArCII. •g. W ei-bsr,ws. tick tog 7‘1.6' tot 13.. net• two) 10.1tele, t wuntly re•. .e,4 BAILEY, FA RtIED• & CO No. 107 E mithfield Street Cdt tintd to ft a 64 flnet te • Wan Ilactotleg. d wad Water, Steam or Ga.:A. TA lAA lizard Cy th• best method, ocm m TOON S..le Agents for inosles & Eibley'i Patent Steam Pampa, E•si , y Yep: to order 'nth great exhauelve powers set 9 ux SIZE WAn D•T•1111 . 11210T. Omer or Ummotos Arto anraliAL MA.aosa or MlLerafty Using aos U 94' eautro - row.! U. U. inay 71. 1855. J P10p...1e will be smelted M tail office now is o'clock moo, be WEtffettSDAY, Sesgestwr Mat, to purchase the United S•Vea Military Rail. Loeb Fiallinit a at.. Flhattanortga, Tennessee, with the mac toeb bti lanes, natures. and track cow:tenting • Rollins Mill wl zi the Nash. villa and ilnattanona: Railroad. The mlii and =sateen eadetrueted to nbroll railroad tone ate entirely new, and of the abet Improved character. or full description Tod detail. of operation, 717itri.EA P , Pi llan i eg=e17, b t=toris ta T a: Tenni soca All bale ahould be erilo - eed. "ProVo..l to nub chase ()batten 30so !Wilms Mill d i% bite IALLUNII, Reeves Orteadiei General. Dlieo•or end lienerel NI teaser O. 3. No ratlefitatory Mae harlot been received under he recent advordiertoebt for the sale of the Ones -1.1.00°V. Rollie' Mill. it. time for rota tier hide la extenued to the FIFTH OF N)TORSR, same tone. D. U hicilALl.ll2l. Brevet [insulter tioneral, I krotol sad 7,..Parral M •nases ariliSoctb Matter r Ratlrds.le V. 8. Tr IMr WANT ny . trte neer lino.. Pspars or bes go to 1r TOL , W• N T School `Boot.. Nhd > chool t loco go to HUNT'S. IF YOU WANT • The rileb.atei tinrruitsted Not, Offg ral Pea, T.. 5 mots per dozen, to to . titr.rrs. IF TIM WANT Pho'n,t+oh Albums el the Lowest mite, go to 11/ lOU WANT It• twat make of (told Para, arnt• rented. d of beat gaseley, en to 11U1sT.S. IF YOZ WANT ho• el the popular thtee Books Fob LI? S. IF YOU WANT ; Any lionit rob P toting done neatly: LA to NUN f'S. IF YOU WAP.T Pocket Rook*. Port/ beak. Potylog .iards, Hacksaw mot. Bum de, go to HUNT'S. /OHS P. MINT & CO. IA FIFTH Nt.. MAS()NIU HALL. ALLE4AIENY COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PA: fonacriscics„r. for 3.1343496113. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, F4LL TERN OPEXS. Wedneeday, December 20, Fell Term olases;Tbors. day, Tannery 4, Wintilr Terra opens; Frtday. Munn 10, Whiter Term donna, Monday, April ; Swing Term °pins; Thnesdiy, Tune 9S, Spring Term closes —COMIENOKIIDST. Location beentlfuLtealthfol, e id easy of smogs. Ltbradee. Clinical& and appleatos uniteuelly weave and velnablel- A new boarding ball with completely furnishei rooms for the aocommode. 800 of one hundred Sydeots. Boarding from gs.oo to $4 00 per wren. • lames commencing Latic and Greek will be framed st tne beginning of the Fell Term. Secretary of the Plumlll 14,RAR CREEK RALLROAD.—PROPO- +, SALS testi be received for the Grubbtug, (Mewlug Earthwork and Maeonry, of TWENTY SECTIONS OF THE BEall SEE 111 RO&D, located from 'a point on the Erie and Pitt.. burgh Railroad, two mate south of West Green ville, toe pointuestarard of Mercer until St o'oloo* p. m., September With. All prop osalsi must be ulnae for separate imetionl, anti May be gent to L. D. WILLIAMS. Esq., Secretary of the Company, at Meadville. or be Weil at the St. Charles Hotel, West Greenville, op September Pecn, when the Board of Directors Will meet for awatd. All taformation cab be ontaltaad by application to I. L. HIIVIDLN,,'E q , tuner of the tiotu. pany, Cl Mercer. PEYNOLDS, Preatnant. TYROPOaALB.-SEALED P11(.11'09/119 Icr supplytr a the tto..peUt Atlegbeny Amen al. Pa, with FRE3II aIIIEF for ell months, wire mene - og on the le, day nt Our titlelft, and ezdt , g nn the elet day of /1141.011, 0641 will be received hr the sunaoriber until the 914 Mit, at 0 oteloelr, bI4 when they wilt be opened. 7he beef to Deo( irgood and wholesome quality, 0 quartets, with ay equal Propeettoa of each. (dean and abanks to be WM, deya of Irene, the probable quantity of beet regwred, and the teeing nod onothtione of the eoutrani ,cno he agettinined on applientton to the itanserther at Allegheny e rsenohowar-Pl--tabstrr,h-Par i 01.1). W. MoICEF., cr 167 d Lit LL Onfnacen.A. A. O. S. DEPOT.'—FOR LEASE OF TEN YEAES, the Sgbars on Try street, frost Third to Pounh err. eta, riinalng beak to 13U1 street, Li for Lease, Until the tab of szereatilsit, pro p:yids will be reeel , ed fer le wing the stave prop erty, situated on the eltenhenyille Railroad, now read; rot nee, whcre;s witches eon be 153/1110 . t0 con nect al:II nil the Railroads entering the city, and the most cenvenh ns depot in the city for the male oS Uoil Scaled propocals lot the above props-- j, directed to the yodersigned, will receive the oat prompt attention. SOHN REST, Try &Snot, Pittsburgh. ---- U. LAR%—bliDiT FLOOR AND CEL - L: Lox tuF wrings, AO feet square, on corner of Fifeand and. Try street.. if 'winced, rine to six brine power can bo bed for running merbinere for Hebt or fancy Turning, Of en r purpose, fr. e a t oz . rceure, or en k of fltivin arc of void Store. fencing on Hie Flames. moIeJOHN REST. B UTTER-135?kege meet table butter. CH rEsE-2.e iatr;ei extra Cream Cheese. 1!-GGS-4 barren' troth, now roOslvlzis mid for cols by • 11,1PDLE. solibtor ADIEB ANI3 MISSE*OALTAII: 3 A -LI J. W. CAltreAV/01 wbse Storey mess of Market street and the Inamend, Pittabargh. u 8 ACE PATTERNS ON' ANGE Round with Musa and Black It Now Trroth Wall Pay._ .ts for Ws ty nlll , W. P. I)I,6.II.SIiaLL, 8T Wood ctitel, 4DlrlKl:7'f 4 if i‘Uf-HT A.FLoga. skit, p.i u t e a —tie bit*Ten Eatilsilm and OP P T v t ;;3 7 F7.. ea2 nrtl.:7— th ; * „ d LI I V" 'Vert) pen) WIG }PA) Ing starves. sell aid 111 e-s t ED-9 GARDENER, —bue who driec.n.i. bit bualoss• nod a 11. m: t.. att..' to a horse Ana cow, an m*u a , Inlet( u.efui•boft tee bon. A mit.ried man Irt.haut 01411Greo preferred. E^qu re of FR • NA VA NI rt WILE R eel. A.'. :8 .r.d 0 tl street ANT In PM. bu gh or A 11 . 1h , ny ;it r, for n kreull•• nud •'at+ 1.1 h n total nod nu w., on rooms wt old be r quired. A private rant. I y preferred. (emotes exchangel A dress X t , i. ntl7.e PI 1,1 11.1 N =l=ll a- 9 I,`XECUTOR'S NU mug- —l, , t• re te -IA • arty haring e era. te' •tie wir , tip",. the e.t.a,. of .Tateeh t:1:zol dr e- d, 'Pie f Refs *a- nthip, thole indebted Will pier., a ,Le Pen -)to , nt a'ai rot , havint -tuft the said °Vale, Will pr., sent the lea., duly authenticated. to DOSS O'l. Cf/MP N 1" a .13, etiny of e Sforthril , th of th. I.•Ott ,AN ,h. Ist t thefr office oh ill.. ii.hi ‘no capitol stock . y the ph., was by • uhenhairue e. t. f all f then.. lire fed r.v•r. T. 01'SP Nl' hitl. I 1 r St... Violent" ell f Y. so ir_ as d call ',lid thbe out their pre ref • of the IP a St • eh. he I 1/ ahem., T in hey^ I ads In.nieitteiely to a f.y on the work now on 1 on. Ry ore rof ROBERT WHAT, In.. B.cre,ml. t. rrit... • Y Tile CenTBo,l.ll t ALL . oseo UNTY. t. • . 9 666 T' rPP ()LSI ERR. Seal. d pr0p0,,,,s .‘ 01. be 'eft ••tv.l tel. °Moo uotll tb6 /to in. otit . tr tortI•1oos SIX Is llErf thy lIFORTS I so al t . r Lin sty toll nn, lotting t. • •too ploo whlob tan hr woo on a Inlootona. Hy dl r. Own l•fttosu too tee of 30 on or I.•peAvr toto InY.S; NY LAM R t HT, ConttoLlar. I.:NERGETIC MEN, WITH I.AHG.L • r rtuell eft. al dad • ra.te typ to melee nam•y t. ow n • en . bet} i..N useNl I=l ULAN, real nrp•..,batioa ....MI El pPo rp, 0“ Prrn4nlrum r wr.7 5.,.44•n0te. 161 I, LECTItIN r t +-• tr-1 Loh:. ol 41, Flu, 4.r.11 •. Air ,c , r , .• N -. 41 •A, 143 414 4 4 4 1/ 4 •44 k r kt t• r . It t••• I .1. /.. • ‘ 1 ST All , l/Al ) • , 14: 10bEn NEXT,n tne no, Wel •el 4 r rie• , - In, 1 It 171 E PE}, .7.S to rel ve I rd.,. ot rntcl Orr.. y 4 444,.. lb:so •1 4 1-1,7,1 . V ri 4 • 4 1 4 • , 1rer DWELLING HOD SE IN ALLEGHENY A no• and a hall story frame ilo - tage House. c n i n ieg two wiatra, dialog room, aliehe. and runt chair hers, wit water and go.. occupying a lot 690 0, highly cult tented and oi usmenb d Mt rub bery and shade ire... The sari outdiuge are b'eneaM. abbrding ample ipso. for fresh r, and the outlook on tie tlree no. ra rumba •ridin au extensive and varied view. For bother Information, apple to a rr HUNAN Broker, Ef Fourth street, Burke'. Building. relB tf ..1 fLLeonvy. I Sep , emcee tan I 061. NOTICB TO CON ThACTOR3 —Pro proem are ratite. and will be recelred ny the Cr mutineer on Streets of tee tlity of Allegheny, omit Friday, the • - al 1114. fol the eo ostruation of a sewer acre. , Federal street an • ann, saroas Beaver atreet, on the tient, side of Montgomery avet Plans as uudatsttoo•. togerner erlth sal the neetaanry Ilifo.matice respecting the e .n -6 Unction nf s-Id trewers, goo he obtained free, see Recording Regulator. Proposals will also be re ce, ved et thellamete es* for the flevliar and Paving at Cedar avenue from Ohio street to Church ave nue, and Church avenue from the east aide of Cedar areoue to the west side of info. avenge, to tether with the neee•eary aldeWalk and ennwtone• also for the Grantee and Privies of the sideeralli on River avenue, from the east Ode of Hope area to the east line of the property Oarnnal ov Dr. rah known so the Sterna Factory. The ally will be responsible for the payment of viewer. Payments will be mode to toe eontrector• for grading and peel , g an fast as the oolinetloos are made fo m lbw psopert , holders. Proposals will be It IT with A. lioasozkr, street iloram•saloner. JOHN WRIGHT, uta Owarman of Gam 'tate.. 500 BOUND BOOKS. KEST BE SOLD AT ONCE! E.OOO N ovol• enc. II Ira= E, OOU N0v.: FIFTY CENT:- I FTY CENTS 1 PiTTDCKI3, ..,s or/F.I'O,ITE THE PUNT OFFICE. A MAN OF A THOUSAND. I=l3 1/r. It .1 emu. n retie.d puyeielen of crept e hence, Mal...eared, wail,' to the West ladt a, s , attain eu• e for l'o .•umption, Asthma, 8 ...hitt. Uough• C , ilde, and Oeuvre' liability. The rematiy was dli.vered y tam when hie only chil.i, a Craighrer. was given up t die Ws enlid woe Oglttl. 000 IS cow alive sad well. ['estrous of ben. his mortals, he w II send to those who wish it, the recipe, waist , Ina feu di• rutin" for m a kin g end a pe, mans tam remedy, free, on receipt of their names, with two Stamp. to pay aspen-e•. Taus I. not • Chile symptom of llouomptton that tt d-ies cat as once take ho.d of awl cheapest. Night lIIVISASS, peer• tonna as, irritation of the nervu, failure or memory, difficult expectoratlon, aharo pains in the lungs, sow thi oat, chilly minutiae. nausea as the stout. sob, [section of the bowels, wasting away of the muscles. The water will please state the name or the paper they see this adveritsement 10. Ad. dries OR itfiILOOIC It CO. selY:UrdimarT 1019 Roes ist, nallidedpbta, P. A 11311? BOOTS, REAL GENUINE RIP LEATHER CUSTOM.DIADE BAND SEWED, Three Dollars a Pair, at fO'CLELLAND'S AUCTION HOUSE, J. TINGLEY. SO 8P1ft.33 Ei trool. air All goods at Cost, to make room for lm• provements. sod c„,IIPERB BLOCK CONSISTING part of the finest selections of Cloths, Vistiggs, Cheviots, Carraonea, ENGLISH AND PDENCE MELTONS. Also a lame end choke stock of the eery finest French Cleating. and Fancy eas.iniores i npotted. r - I.:ch w‘ll ta c grant yla.wure la a:roc:rig to tie public w th the fo /UM that they cannot fall to give entire satisfactloa. Tb y will be mace up to order to .tur mealy:ay: toe beat and Inost au• pallor almoner and latest m 0 We guarantee our piles to be as low all any other first class home In the west. An early call is moat repeat. fully softened Prom our customois and the public GRAY, POSE' rEt & RINE. (Succusors to 8. GRAY h Sk).N,) 73,X ct. x• a la rib 23. t a 1 1 orz• 62 FIFTH STIIEET, .rib BET. WOAD AND SMITHFIELD BAIt ON LIEBIOS NUTRITIVE FOOD, FOR INFANTS AND iNVALIDS. lox tucking o plensncton4 outrltloup Soup or Gruel for children drprivad of the mother's sod invalid. of all Ages. Lr Fall di:cotton. on ca*ta putr.:. For isle at the tIENTRAL DRUG STORE, SOY nor of Ohlo nod Federal Stand, to the Markel }louse, Allegheny. Nom', We have the Sole Agency for Plitebttrgh, of the UNITED STATES POI CADIPANT Alio, Adamantine and Swan Bill Hook and Eye Company. WHOLESALE DEALELS AND -JnBSERS egh buy the above goods by the cote, law saving freight and expenses, at New Tort Prices, ey eau• VII at Nos. 78 and SO Market Street, ELA.GB,I3PIE, GLYDE.& E NV' GOODS 4.5 c. Good Dark Mats 25e. Oood Pe[sines 25c. 1 ( ato. Bleach, 1V II in 40c 1 ease IriEh Linen. 87e lease Printed Merinos S 1 1 ( ase Plain Merin 6 133210E1 'AIiIIE, 'R•t . • n, F( r et, a A... HI7II.IANANT WM. SAMPLE. Not i 7 I,i E PI. E'S, 180 an d 183 Ft coral traet, t. IxB7 PREMIUM • I MPE OVED $5 LEMNG KAMM I $5 L LALIg 11.131140 LEP Pkiit;TWA E. E TEM SLID KL.IIL; .11areldtit CY Patrnted taa, tf6J. intprornnent pafralt.l.llsne bin, I c.a. Tl. ec.e•us• La. I ..1.11 1a . -.4 SEW 11S(3el E,a ma. rz••• A.., es Lily I.IIIAIIIII, ',cot., aew. s in,rwc• ~• 0 ,1 0 , , r,ni/cr, oc 0.. i 00ry e, mi• 'lt ••t y &Pow.. twot and s•,1: 1. . ty turn., r n•pr• • I,t• II am. n , r, 1•/(1..11 1 the r• l ark..Llu. •I ,r 11.6. ,••• C $, • 1• ,:o: Kt 1.1. I. 111 111, rhu. »:1,1% no It. •1•••••/ I • n• •• n.:15 •• c4Arls. re r4ves.l •Lon, ••• L, /tam rinat 5t,by , x1.,,...• Its nor . 1,,c • • ll.e .1 le in bor Hot.. La hi It ouririle. ‘..e.L.t., .• Lod,r, • '• it once •ClltUtti Olt are4le, vory stod Is so rm.) utid: tt.0.1 . It. • Sew York lopeprodeo.t •, ,, 111/ shligv or d, thrred. It aleatir. y t by with a c , •ranion nece:o, t rd , 01r , ,1 vital ca.actly 11.1. e hand se'rlo..—" , exe ro,,k Tribune,. cInOIP noserdoes wear n any osrt or Ins aoun'rl" per express, patted In oos sr.= petted !estrus. to.ns on receipt of tre pure, ft agents 'vented everyst here t'lrcular eornakflos Idneral Irv:der. mends lent Ir.. Al, or.t n n old he addressed to ;E . 1 . 1 E.Ebirit.; - .1 A ., IfLINE VO Mtl== IVINI II LIST OF A PPLIcIATIONS in selling liquor ' the tilers'. sifflob, up to "cotenant, iliti,leit.: Nome. Kind. Plane. Jotn ifikuner, casein, lot Ward PlUsiiiirgb.. Y link it V. good, barna IL , . eu , " " Jas Moran I a. Doan, •• •• John 'loge, Rear, &melds, .• beta. !kWh, rani* hon., lt N vets., other goad., " Rebecca Griutrod, tavern, 2.1 " " Thomas Smith, " i• henry Shales, .. " Levi I este. " John S. Kennedy, . Loot. l..lieL citing biome. ••" •• I.arisi wiltiams, " Joh, Quigley, • " " Witiarine Woad, others good.. " " L. ulna IN oil, Konert Sleet .. taVern e 4th " Wm. IZ oeckelben, i.e. Brent & Vu, other pled& Henry Willett& tavern, bi.h Ina P. Snyder, eating house, a& " J. H. sion"eis, other Bowls, End Li ...m •• ann, " " " A II 47i biteheaa, " •• Jim. kitchen* tavern, Bth" " bleary Kist: • 11.11 , g house •' J IL. &aniline A, other r00m,. , ithitele tr. alimate, tavern, (oth ••' Jr., ph &oiling, witingiliouse, " s hoshie., "• " J. At horn. err, • •• los. :venal., .• - Mir-ham Vii.her, tavern, ill Ward Allegheny. Jane (Jerk.. John K. Brown, eating house, " ti ockeritiviinei Bros. .. goods, . d utast b A heel. e chug m o use, (111 " Imw."11. " " •, Matinee. %unit, J.sit. Rail, tseorn, Hero at Rlrmlugharn. Jot. torten. " " of Es. " LOlu .to s, et, other goods, " ii. " Sainvel Meliove, tavern. .. Elisabeth. John Ci. Tay :or, " " Of West •i Win. Jot naton " " Lawreneavakle. 1 Philip }Tercel. illaticheiter. emr,ii scud.', eating hon." Ti on ii arm. tavern, John Ye 'out., John bl.. nyder, Joan Mention giathiso Kop•, eating house, Li. R. Liman/10r , '• S. Strartion, tavern, Rota Cia• li, eating house, i iiish fli nu hall, tavern, Findley " John Steuthiieer, " Midi. " Maier. Ole. ein, " Ono Hoffman, lithos gouts, •• Samuel T. met, tavern, Pend Louie Stein, enUng house, Peohles " Jonathan Holton. tavern, Plum Prank Pin., rating hen., Ross '• Chillietb LEHI, other good& Sewickley u ('.has. fader, tavern, Sholer •i A. B. Inadliisrer, " Snowd n " blargouvt McGuire, " L St. Cistr . John D. li, eating house, " " " Pat Clallagber, tavern, Versailles " Cleo , ge Pry,Wilkins r. :own 11. fdeyer, " Ise. b aienindinger, eeting house Reserve tp. The Court will la on wEL/hTEID ' AIf . the trah day of I cotenants lefa, at ten o'clock .. tn.. for hearing the above app us. Applicant. 0111 the their bonds In cur office bo los the day 01 hearing. Rewonstrances must be flied on or before the day of bearing. Certificates of license most be taken out alter live and within - fifteen obis alter having ban grantee, or they will be revolted accordir g to law. W. A. WEIIRON, Clerk of Court. PI FOURTH NATIONAL BANK. 11. B. Government Depository Capitol Paid lo ' 8300,000 With Pr/• demo of Increase to 500,000 Having cite nein correspordence with Bunke and Bankers ,hroughout ry, we offer noun facilities to those do ing business with tie. And all otter Government seturttlea, furnished it sums to .utt ourahaser►. Deposita recessed and Lamest allowed by special aVasocalt. DIULCTORS 1 THOS. DONNELLY, IR. IL KING, D. M. SMITH, N. J. 131131,ET, JAB. 1.1. MIL" Y, JOILTZ T. HERRON, THOS. SAM ti, FJ. M. KIIII&ATEDZIN COKE ONE, COME•ALL GENTLEMEN'S FURNISEING N 05.13 and 15 St- Clair St. The attention of thepiablin is called to the istr ggee and intensive stosk uf GENTLEMEN'S FUR- GtlC/ at • the above. mentioned place, whien 1 am pow offering At great bargerw. Any One It want of Lb* above.GOodo, wilt nod it to their advantage to give me a iA, Bed e . The my stock before purchasing else where. They an hod the Is:gest sad best selected stock of Floe White Shirrs, extra slses, Negloyee Shirts, Woolen, Cotton aud Lisle Thread Under. shlilk lad Drawers, Scaxls, Neal, Ties, Socks, Sus penders, Butterflies, and everiettilig I. ll aloing to the Gentlemen's lundshing Good. in the city, Remember the blu e . la &el* SL Glatt street. SAMUEL LEVIN. A bulge obeli of Ilste,csoi, ertre lets, neltwood% tnlverast IlyronS Enameled end Mustard!, will be soltllowea than asst. vorritoLtatSe OrriOS, kiz.lartalri . , Sept. Uth,1866. SAALED . I'ItOYOBA.Lei WILL HZ RE - ia.i'VED at this office until TUESDAY, Mb 'Met, for furnistking Mir feet or • fent' Inch Wh/EIL PIPZ, each pipe to oe fartiong, 4WD thick; and capable of standing a pretence of 113 d. Penedo to the nears loch. The pipe to be dent , atd at such places in Allegheny, as the Mailman of the Water Committee maydirect. Bidden are requested to suite when. they pro. DOI* to havethe con tact completed. lity direction DO the Water Commitee. B. tut eted.4l r y ll 0.7.a , r e GEORGE 49. BELLY h 7 I r-Ir MEM= 114 , K'N ,HINT ritt)tirs MEM JUT RI3.3EIVED AT hy hon.! AV NEE ULltice. tel Nesasu St. blcKeeepol. Tarenrum. blllus townahnp. MEMO 55 X4EKET BRTEET, PITTSBURGH, PA, 7 0-10 D70TIEI8: THOS• DOSIIP.LLY, President, W.A.I3D, Caslaier gams birrolait3E. tl:M=l eVit Bwa fl p.—LOST, ON MON WV DAY, the 11th bet, a Batcher t e MEDIO• It AND= BOOR. It is believed to have 'been 101 l at the Inoveltaida, la Allegheny; - The above reward wUI he ;mid for the.return Of the Book; by the ender, at Dir. Ne.htPLE , § - PElflol4othii (wrier.; AnesherY DePoi: • ' ' veltawd, PATTENSON' totrz ir II •„4 IV rrt ts 41.17r:11rTIP. _ AVA, Gold Paining Company PITTSEURGH Compony eat, for rslr 191 dtepoeltlob the pulow Ind vo/u•Ole vaisentleetatd dad oklottot pelv kltuate Is A vs sperm v 011 litintod lingnmh County. 'ohnado Territol v. They pro. pate tO lot to sClonapeo3 .etch Pie otoove Mt, to develop pod work .5.4 .I.tet The plOpetty coo nut. of cut un lir Li no WI , Lode !Hi o i Patch tio I bolo% Ino do Pun Wrb•lor, no 1 - 10 Took own do 3110 do Irani 100 ao highland do 150 do McFadden do 412 i do flue , oof the West Lode Li ALL 2.0581 The fjompasy will he formed upon the following' terms end conditions: Company to be °matted ituder the taws or Peruney/einla or Colorado, ae ihall be hereafter deux:Wind, CAPITAL TO BE $5OO 000, jN SHARES OF The Par Value of $2.00 Each. THAT 50,000 SHARES Shall be Offered, For Sale. MEE= 40,000 THEREOF 4BE SOLD, Or Eliarktiescorllzsc) cl ror. AND BE 510 NET PAID INTO TIP MAURY, The raid Company to be mew:sited and the estafe aforesaid transferred to it. Tturt the .priimards of too shares =all be appropriated to theipaymenr of Bald estate, mud the proceed! of 17,5C0 than be paid Into the Treasury as the Working fespltal of this Company. 7 hot titer the Organization of the Company, one hundred thouotnit clarets thrall be transferred to the pment Company, and one hun dred thousand sham goal be:-transferred to the subscribers to the first flit, thaussud . &blares, to be In pro rata to the nnubefii,of share! hold lay etch or said outmerlbers. Tneitir shares, amount leg Is the aggregate to two hundred I.honsand shams to be marked and held of paid on, without further or thy assesoment, belOg teemed the value of the wild invite when the machine -3 , ls Dimmed upon the property In tall working order and nom dlelen. That as a preltrataffiy my:titration; and until officers are duly elected, the folio:ring aimed pet , Bons are hereby appointed: ISO. ffi. KIIIKPATRIcK, President, WM. F. AMMON, secretary, PEL B.IBBTZ, Treaanrer. r:A:~ a[~IIYY l'!+[~rf7•~tdf MMM>I+F GEORGE Q NIcOREW. ALEXANDER C, GRAFF, J. T. CHILDS, WILLIAM McKEE, DAVID SLY eL be paid in to the Treastirer and appropriated trader the dtreatton of the Executive committee. Bubaariptiorut maybe made to either ofthe above, or to persona ditty eutborized In. writing by either al them. . 7lte eligibility and favorable loeation of either Orthere several selling iodeei and the richness Of the ores told quarts as 141ested, cot only by &Ways which hare been made but also by the rue• ecurwrileh is being met with by thine who are noWlst weaken the same lona, renewer's:id to the enterprising end capitalist very peat ihducements to embark in into effort for defeloping the armee. ounreinures of the mineral:Vont Dittos west. ftibseriplions will be Received AT THE OFFICES OF GRAFF & THEE, JOIIN DI. EIRFLPATILICH, Gov. Win. F. Sohnaton. JAS. McGREW & CO„ T. CHILDS. DAVID BLY Specimens of the Ore and Quartz MAY BE SEEN AT OFFICE OF J. V. CHILDS, 23 Fifth Sired, ROOM No. .2. :Clip strpirs. . 7. N. Ittaiihrra4.o3K, President. WM. P. :OENSTOrr, ficeettary. ~n,- „'rns. BATES a IE4 L tA.. ol•enic: en 04ejivi re 48143: t men t • w Wits Fancy Dx':E:Es Goad , Elf GA NT iN CEVGN AND CILOAS THE LOWi t IEVCASH PRICES arr el el BEET. Ll t - X 1:1 11. t-T RE( EA.TON'I, , •i:,.. , i .. , , 17 Fll.lllj STREET;;. aft. Vrtrir awl rigsel,lug , Maltae~L Tan, Le a Tnaonedgaits eclat, Lsee Uoll••• French Embrr le.r ."'.tl 1•61, Lifafilie Etmtirnidered Bo wet sod Wa , sts, • 5 Jeconet in art! Ilarr.s; u - r &VW:4 11. et's,: • Atfid Fl mana-.- eteueh Unmbrte B.indk 0: el T'fil" frit - WI Ulla, iqV ateitill I Dirt., Qnrl titnert Diets, nvirlb . t rims, Neel S';:lle Sift! tsar lon, rine , Silk ::0•J 1... mil ' Thettia sad Lace Ve7ll . Grntlemtn's Puquhing Department ;-: A full Ilse of `lee tl ;12 Shies, PlusifeAlte shirts, ^ In, B2tterates, =H.ta H ire, Suspact4 Fai'road flag TralvOlg Satcues, Totut Alqtlas, Farley Goods, lv - 0.4 1 x4ra - Wes. V ROL TAAWAN D RETAIL, AT F E. EATON'S, r 7 FIFTH STREET. NEW Goopp -.:NEW NOVELTIES MACRUM:k: CARLISLE'S, NO. 19 Fill STREET. We hare ad haed.anearadally .;eleldsthir the new,„luz Cthst. styleisel! f. Dress Triznikuria - Bke Goods, • f" Vrsint2r, Bradley's Duplex hklrts, Zephyr Scuts,3.l Hoods, B Lady , Stdrts,."Bes,, Boston Ribbed sti r. . W6I Bose, Zepljyteeltaisting Yanks, obArit toll lino of :randy Goode Ind NOtiOwl. CITY ALT corymiy SEERCHM3 Ne ill and a template Aotk In onr Wholessle ISr partment, and at as , f art prime no cart be forma anywhere. NIACRIUMI. 4 C S.RLISLEI! NO. 16 FIFTH STBEEL son .1 , 4'. itit 2i CRUM ell GLY DE ILLVE Aruayr - TED .AS PAJEVMEJI.S. Frank Van Orddr and Calvin Ilagati, The partnership fo di. - ‘ from August Ist, and the sad the bustheurto lulhosslucted [Mae? the Mime sad Azle of , - Blacruln,iGlyde & Co.; AT *FI.OI:.ESAIJE. . 65,000 Enanielekl Paper Collars; 25,000 Coannon , do, db.; 2,000 pounds atcol linitting 'farm -- 2,000 dozen 'Wool and Maim 4 08 4 300 doz. lindtrshirts and Drams; • 75 eartem r =learl Gimps; 500 dozen lAce-Vells; 500 doz. ,adios' Linen bad#v4y heavy stook of Fancy toss, Notions, &a., KOS AT iAerEßti PRICES. NEW (100136:! F 3 - Rz JULYI Jos. Iti - arne Sr, Cio.• have Just opesid •42 new stock al Cholas,. Br= Goods for tho meat swan, to wtdchttum hi. tte attention. Paris Dress Cadlasagna Trimmings, sawSitsrial Freash Batozuoaoritslat GarcOtare ao4 Headed Setts; Lag* ocl;aia, Lace HIUMULCIIadaIIi latest covaltie. a 'Caca'irellat FlemiallabraLlazad Marta' DOPIaOri•CX , Salrtai Eabccral Sakti; acckingai Oto3cii4 Sas SIM 'Shawls and coca= 5ta44(041- fancy-- Opiate; Pairi*a' and Son fetadta:;,.)3asquailkinaltaa; Fiala • tail Wiped Swialladnatatooks.- EtNE FANS In Pearl, lvoSte, , v7aorms4iol noon*. 'Uri. 13*. HONE a co,. -al luau= Brans' r N EW FAI.; 000D8 JUST OPEttlliG 1111% 11100 a HEA.9IB 81. 4iminkEr'sTnkLivi a tall sal complete amarttairtt Embroideries., Laces,. Woolen Ilsods,lleslery, .." - • AlearfSithesitee . The new Pen co.waleo Petttooes torclndtela aE 1016• - ,tr..57.-MOOMLEEDT,: NEW GROTOZET—The tlitide;nlgnedihat' • ENTIRELY NEW STOLE. •- -, =••1 • Cmark and 'WELL SIMECdrED-GROORIWA - War NEw4WOUR.- In addition to other nerra_, lath* would eat. atrantion to their goon hi 4= Eagan /30END CEDAR 'WARE: J. - FL SCOTT.,"' triLlystas t'.-dorner meaty and Terry yersotik7 - 1 PIT-ALL .14P.ER.—tiew „patterns, at y armed pilot* in prat variety , q( 5i110d;• 1 4..,.. ,- Ro. 107 Nl4O street. near Fitch. • -=-•• = ata :!1 JOS. N. =quiz la att'3;l;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers