t I - ‘' .4, -411ttlittsbuTi l it watettc; TIMB3DA.T. SEPTEMBER 19, 1.,....""` t f3' GUIDE. .Lijrival, and .DoparAtre of Trains Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Dqdris• 41rises. ....... aft a E. "es %' ua btu p 1 Past Lin0........ m PBta&Erie Malt 1:10 pm • Ptak. Erie hI.ILI m p ; PULL Ewes,- amp to Bore Expos tau p • • rgis lean _ sao pm Ptak. Express.. to..p Johnstown Ac's SAM p m Johnst'a aces.. Vs - Lit Wall &arms 6:24' •su 111. Wall Station saS in •• Id a li:10 ass ti a BtCt• 114 a a 445 p 2sl pm ith a &On prL v.h a a sus , a Teen Accomo'n.lo:2llp d Perm Ammo's 7,, ro Ths Chtuth • tram leaves Walls' K , Astios everj Sanda e. rattns m.: tsteralsg, Isar. PU..4.0 ' nixi tn. Pittsburgh, Port Wayne and Chicago. Deperir. . Arrives. EXPreSli.— 1...10 AMI EXpress ...... ... 2: 2 29 eln l'sgpre.o.--..—. 2nrip ell Express .. OLIO ~ to ittprelli..—....—. ilk p in Expeas r ......... GM p al Paul 710 a 00l Mall 7150 p so -I% Casio tr. Erie ego a is N. Castle & Axle 803 p a New Brighten Aneenses..slation levees Allegheny depot at 9; a tn., 1100 e_ m., 4.40 p. m., so., too IN to. Eodhester, 2:22 p., ra.; New Castle, MO p.lll4Zecoulway, ll= p. In. Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Wheeling. &peals. Arrive,. , Earns& ..... ... 210 a mtxpreas. 240 a ea =tea ...... ... 2,4ap m Expre55......... 3:15 p m 0:10 a m Mail 9= p tal MeehanVille_ deem:inundation leaves Allegheny at Sant p Z. Pittaburp Ina .Connellviiiie. A.,. : .... ..has a m gait.." eat pat IM «wt..... 320 p at =press tam a m 1•2 olteespatt.llo aat lit NiaKeesport 600 • m 20 _ . Lt .... CIS p mit4 tt .. 205 pal lit Etraddock%. 710 a m tott Etradta'. sa° . , a ad ".....:. 405 p m ttd ' •• • • 6 : 4 ° pm :Allegheny Ira &pens. -J2441. too • m! /turas em p Tat Aftrannoadadao 2 . 110 ml CITY ABB StrßUllailL ',The Base -Ball - lrentrnantent—Boteb Be tween the Athletic ~aptt „Enterprixe Clubs.. • 'The Athletic Ilase:BallClub, of Philadelphia, played, their Bret game with the Enterprlze, yes 'terder'iftenseea, miihe West Cowmen; Ans i &heti, The game, as was anticipated, ant all oldeof. the Philadelphia players, as Will • , •appear:bygte i3C0 3 13 below: • .• 2 A.773LYTIC. O. It.; INTRILIPPIZE. 0 ".h llllOWelterio -2 a:Brackett, 2d b..... O • ' o • taeßride, p 5: Log•a, e ..... 2 I Beaeb:26 b ..... . 3 7 B , ) sot, I. I ...._.... 4 o WllkilliP,•,s • 9 Peel, 3.4 2. ..... ..... 2 2 Oul.llJ, .1d h.-....... a 4.120022., .. • ........ 2 2 Ltulteae, Ist h..., 2 6 Lower, c. 1 - 2 I Ilayburst,,o. - 1..... 6 3 Krilicr, p ... r Destwag„l.l:,. ' 4 51. win. 16 , ti 4 o 11146)leary, r. L... A 0 DicHnigly, r. I ... a 11 ... I 2 3 4 b e'l 8 Total 25 i 8 ' 1 8 5 , 2 0 3 • 5i athletic_ Entelprise,9ll , d.a:o 010 __ 0 g- Bearer for Athletic, Mr. Benson. Scorer for ,Flitetpriza, Mr. fi. ,Bard. Umpire, Mr. 'Thoreau Blair , of the 'Allegheny Club. From the above, It will beset= that the tth . lotto gave the Enterprise hut a "'poor show," but those who orderstand the game, thoroughly assure 113 ts. t the deldinge of the Enterprise plater,' Irmo The aa Motes of tun PitClatOdrArßriec. of h Athletic Chet, cam • idettli diaCeicertrd the Enterpris, players, and tut them at a cecina t oisadvantac-. r "` - 111r.:Hrioner began pitching for the Enterprise, ; but as so:ne txcepttous were lakm to ble ner of pitcbing (stealing tee ball with s step forward) ht ceased pitching after two w three , inning., and was foliewed by Mr. Irwin. Toe beet of feeling prevailed throughout the match. and the palm Ofittrertority was most cordially awariltd to the Athittles„ who rank among the • 14 : teeth:le isdayere In the United *Pate As abeEntervire le the eraek debar Into city, It in • ipeeded !bit ibernatehen to ba played to• day by the Lincoln rind - Allegheny ,Clubs will be any better sustained against their r ccomplished aniverrarles. There aretbose, however, who pre dict". more favorable result an the part of our cOinpanlee, and we hope they may not bo Deleted. The metal between the Athletic and Lincoln club will come:glace at tine o'clock this morn— ing, had tbat.llltwctn: the. Athletic and Alic eMT slabs at two o'clock to the alters son. • Tto atteodanee yesterday was very lance., and admirable order was preserved thrungtiont tee game. The accommodations are exe.lient, and a large etimberOf ladles greet the content their prestace. Btiou'd the weather ho pleasant . to easy; we may exact to tees large turnout. Parties taking ladles spat them can oetale eon. fortalle teats, and hare a fine view of the entire Macy RubblTY-525 4 000 Stulen—.l Nya terluus Affair. ;~:_'. t ; ry` , ~'~` .: ~ r .'~:. . `' ~.; ~. stt•Tridity evening ,pist, between five and seysi cdClock, a`,veiy betty" robbery was caul tsittiiri aiihe nth street Oleo of - the burgh ;Fort Wattle and Chicago Railway Com . Intrifati•this city; and tinder snch frircirmstunees sato lave the matter 'enshrouded to oonsidera hie mister -It a 'pears that the Paymaster On bbthili4d 8 2 5.000. in moan) , for ,titepttgarse ot paying t h e lianas. He had the money plagart la b9z .whi ph. tui ases lu pty I n-r off the , Men,- tied ,rotlha box in . the safe la the ectupat)'S. f Ski', on . Fifth street. This ... wits about hair past fi ve o'clock in the '1:q• elating. At about eeyen &chyle he returned ' to the dile. for the imrpOSe of getting the , and on °netting the safe the boa and its sCOpter..lB were missing. There were two or , three other employers of the company prevent when the merry was d:pOsited in the este, and ,;also the Janitor of the building; but how the Was removed Is a znYstery. The Mayor was . informed of the robbery, hat the police and the ildlateri - of the Conspiny came to the conclusion - that the money nail been stolen by some 01 the patties present. In the afire—bat who the 43, guilty ones we has not yet been aseertainel. John 11,,Ilampton.Eso,, Solicitor of th e cos .fpirny, - spedt the greater pait of Saturday to in -1;:t. 'Mitigating the case, bat with all his skill and . experience In the art of wltoesser, ha was ems• ble to get hold of a stag% thread which might ir lead with any certainty to the thief. All that Is koown with certainty Is. that the money has ' ..beef stolen; and the facts and circumstances go to conclusively that some one or more of employees,who had access to the vffige that. ev ening, . eon:pitted the robbery. R h . istouniar feet flibt nii-ithdr . bat in the cafe, Centsdning some $ll.OOO, was lett oadts- MU& We understand that - some if not el tne gentlemen ullo Lad access to the Dist. , gave a very eatbfactory and circumstantial accannt of where they had been during the interval be tween the time that the money was deposib.d and the time when it was miss 4. This only seemed to mystify the matter still further, and as yet there is bottling developed to Justify the arrest of any one. This is one of the most ain gniarlarnmeg on TESOI9, but yet tbere is a pos. wibilititlint the gni% may be brought home to the perpetrator. For - the prEaellij deem it prudent vo. withhold thename.anrell the uarties. Arrival •el the tilt. , 1f..0U111 Delegation. f;:The delegation of citizens or Bs. Laois, on L_ T he theft way to [Le eastern citlecni &tour of obi *is-Sidon, arrived herelss nlista, r and pot up at. the I.7 . donongsheir HATUV . The delegation is , composed of abou .' twentv-dva dtims. among *tem are a number of Councilmen and ek- Ccunciloien'4retivtgentatives of 'the Preis, and oteef6. - -iiielow l -ke ilst.of their names: Srtuzaa..l.Etoistr, cill'entinezr; A. K. 13 els. .zoisti, Cistk'to Cannel's; H. Gcnap, A. Vdie, fleircelit , li c A.'. P. : W. lag gi tiltirE:' D:-cell , . -Cliarlei .- -Chaska-Sulam: tea. aad A. Knechhatis, Conmellmen; J. G. Wool:ter. and (3.'W, Pryer. eg-Councilmen; liFti4.7.TCirtla,Und Commissioner; C. C. Sint snafus; State deflator; Vii. , G. Kern, Superinten dent of ,Lifiltatte. Fart; :1Vini11.174 , 6i. Luta' Repubikan; Samuel R. - Weed, Missouri Don (watt -a. rime, Wrillicks 'Pest; James Cog, County Marsha]; J. Al Rosier, P. G. Fer ,.-^- VISO); ...Murat Casey ,:, and Henry,- goose. 1 ' '• • -usun - aulegation - Rakesoerted to the Sfononga •,- helsi l -11ouseihs, by Mayor Limit and , . ~.,_:` &twofold' prominent Citizens, at whciSu re ,. -: otent.tlityWl/1 remain in l the city' until this if ; .. tvongswiruit Daft. a number of our principal ; • manufactorlng establishments. From this poled ' . •"'" ibe*ll. Meee4 to ElilladelPhia New York ,"•• : - P° 4l 6 ll iilfterVil4 they may 61cmd their - lc to'othet cities: f - - The vbslt, as we have stated, is one of "obs es. Whin in. wlth - a vfew t.... obtaining such Infos , ;.• 'autism as may serve to `Advance the mantas- Wring facilities oftho city, improve Its 0/11111el ,. ~ pal reitcdailens, and increase its business opera. ,•,. • • &lOU generally. -We trust our bash:ices men . will give these strangest such opportnnity to ' '1 - tbe ist rilinited m. LimuLlegerlll'ifactaurinliewg. estaeno.ments s 3 Court of Common Pleas. The, following aims ware dlnpmed of in this ' Conk yesterday I .Barney Higgins va. Jeremiah Knox. Settled. • . .goinnyB.iWm,d3inek. Yttlita far de ' • ion C. ugtiteap end L. L. - web .-- teseitH" GlbeOn_C m . Lighten_ . p zir , de: ennead. - McClelland; Ift e llel 24413, Chirles ' , ea an r il,r,,,,irJzzatneat on lel- • " land, sl lT E c il e l l 'aaintitri: nwealeh for use of Wm. Sena, John - . Patterson, and Ladle, tile wife.. On triaL '.,A Quiet linitidlyrbd ittritaa untutuolly ,Boadity,„nad but six cases found lodg ! ejttsolntionataitialgps , -. 2l k.tovprne wore 4)fet wit*ilisiid aindl*toirve,gs rTor4lt.sts =dna yoctA!siti. ;z: A.oocatc.—/restiyltlee. dm. A hisaseine aideilafnment-wal given At City Ha, Allegheny, night, by the base ball chthe illetheny and liiteiPtlitia-4o the Athletic Base Bail Club, of Phlledelphla. The repast, which was of the mast an'terunntra deseriptlon, was gotten np ih the best style of that excellent caterer, Mr, Binder 'Blair. of Federal street, Allegheny. Over one havered and fifty gentlemen arse seated at the tables, who did. ample ,luatlea to the viand. eel before them. After all heel or. tel et,. the tab!ee were partially cleared, and n Woliob A. S. 8e11..E•q., we, called upon to Dre Fide Ibe tollcwotg toaeta were then alt,n and stAinded I K.-}.tone of mar Federal Colon: May fibs un r retain her position es tne mowning ..1 [be Federal arch. -pi T., by 8 Riddle, F. q., "f the Alextetiy. 2:The Quaker City: Ott: E /stern wet repo• ant beao.l'ul. It flat re by Colonel Fl.zg. raid, President of tt • A.l•ht re. 3 ratMAiriiiki: Not se she 1., bat as she shall he, Initiating the example Cl Failadelpata. " la ord.,. ! here is itreueth " Respotse by H. G. Child, E.q., of th, Lto- Coln. 4. Ouch:atonal field game—Bate Ball. Mu- It esouse . to An tricot:is what crlt het Fe to the English. Response by Mr. Jdonlogs, of the Enterprise. 5. The tallest heroes of the great rat:Mhos:: Barred to their mem•rlee.• Response by Col. Bmall, of the Athletic. 6. The' Ladles—Absent, but not forgrAton Objects of our afreetion—Bouree of oar happl - or our ambition. Response by A. B. Bell, Etg., of the Alle gheny. -7. Our contributions to the war—Great guns and small. Response by Mel. T. M. %nap, of the Lincoln. 8, Agriculture. ?dining, Manufacturer' and Commerce: Our great Industrial Interest& Response by R. A. Monism., of the Enterprise. 9. Oar guests: Hiroas, who lent:lent times would have been awarded a triumph in evert , city. We award them one to-night. Response by a member of the Lincoln Club. 10. The Railroad and the Telegraph Agents of Progress, and evidences of civilisation. Response by Colonel Fitzg - eralo, of the Ath letic. 11. Petroleum, anthracite and bitumen Our principal products, R reponse by a member of the Allegheny Club. 12. The 'New Ironeldm"—which, as e com pared with the Old. Illustrates the progress of th ag e. Response by Hon. Robert McKnight., of the Enterprlre. 13. Toe well developed body and the well cultivated mind, make n. the perfect man. lt.spense by a member of the Lincoln Club. A somber of volunteer toasts were given and happily responded to, but we were unable, from the latentss of the hour, to report them. Tne lestlvoles were marked throughout by an evi detet of fraternal feeling among the members of ihe VATintIS organizatiote as,,nbled. and the ocea,loo which brought them together will doubtless be to after times regaled by every no.u.her I,,eacut with feelings of pride and iltaaure. IV rlviting Firemen. Uey Railroad. Arrives. !Express XMO a m ffiaLL 7110 p Accommodation Ihtua The reception of the Good Intent Hose Com pany. of Pialadelphla, by the Duquesne, whose guests they me, together with a large represen tation of the fire organizatione of thin city, was qul can ovation—alt only from the feet that the programme, Including the procession, was well carried out, btit alto taking tato considera. titzt the large multaudes of one citizens who ,were hued along the pavements to witness . ..be palette, The Good Intent company Is com boatel of stalwart men, or cearly equal aim, end Lumbered eighty equipped men, under the calef marshat.bip of Major Wm. A. Delaney, seelsied by *tsars. C. Churman and E. A. Tburcell. Futone the gentleman wto accom tue t, d them are Chief Engineer Lyle. Culotte! William F. Ettnell, Colonel Philip b. White. E. C. W. Greene, Erg., Thomas E. Harkins, Esq., and dicermat Dacia Butler. - . lu our evening paper of yesterday, we gave some eceount of the reception, which. 0., the whole. re fleeted great credit upon our timmea. Owing to the fact that our eoaspani3.f. have out yet all recelvid the full equip:new:. regulated by the Fireaten'a Association. Were was a little want of notrormity lb ;he display, but we hops that att'._anceller Zlich an occasion our firemen will be htie to make a tarootalully equal to 1-Olet of general appearance to any such parades in the eastern cities, The Eagle Compsuy met with aiseppobitment to not receiving their equip ments this sumo°, and were also disapp3lutml in not receiving their new caisson for the steamer. They, however, did their best, and it. rued ont In citizens' dress, and In pretty fall force. The other companies made very flee dis plays. The Good Intent, of Philadelphia, received a goodly Lumber of wreatlis on the line tit Ltio processior. with ribbons amaetted. luseritigi with "Wt !Come to the Good Intent." At the On - tuition of &tanager Henderson, the visiting firemen attended the Pittsburgh Theater In a body last evening. The Dequesne Fire Company bays chartered the Forest City for an excursion in.dny to B•igh ton. They will arart about nine t.1...1 th.Ls morning, and the trip of 1 dauntless be a r• pleasant Thei weather, for this Besse° of the year, Is truly remarkable. In August we had Novem ber weather; September was inaugurated with a Inlet 61...1.012 of August weather, but yesterday It was very like December. The reign of Jan, ter klavira—we ml.ht as wall spell it ruin— still continues, with ;light loterruptloas. It eta 'cholera had a loon:add anvwnere in the United States, we should ear tine was a good cholera year. But, at any rate, toe unusual moisture, and the rank growth of vegetattoa. toast necessarily result in an unusual anouat of sickness this fall. Feva - a. Sava, cangratige chills, and other ailments, may be lookol f6r. Many persona, who have contracted an acquaint ance with the acne to the army, will undoubt edly Lave a cordial " shake " with their old friend.' The beat medicine to take as a prophy lactic Is to take care. Fri gamut bathing, tem perance and moderation in eating and drinking, and the avoidance of useless exposure, may cheat the undertaker of a customer, or at least save you from weeks of prostration on a bed of pain, and a doctor's bill long draws out. The following cues are open for argument In the District Court to day, viz : No. L Graham & Fisher re. Dickey & Ben ninger. 2. Thos. J. Simpson, for nse of Jno. A. Ver ncr, so. nos. Smith. S. Jno. H. Page ie. J. Heath, and Henrietta Die wile, and J. A. Atundorf. b. Chas. B. Leach VA. , Pavick hfot Pan. 12. Ward rt. Ttiorubar,f, for use of Stewart & Brothers, gig. Wrti. Bagalhy. 16 Josvph P. Halvh vs. C. 11 Cochran. 18 Graff, Bennett ,k Co, vs. WA. C. Bur it gAr 12 Boron:h of Manchester vs. the Cleveland and Pitislinigh Railroad' Co. 20. Win. G. Warden, in Mist, vs. Danlvi Boshbell, 'clear; . 1,131f1ea5 as aialdi 13ashnell, agent. Egurm Stephen H. Geyer vs. Western Insurance Co Nancy Vafatty , re. Ellen Emma Irdisley. Laura Keene, the eminent comedienne, drew a very Taiga a udlence to the Pittsburgh Theater last evening, and wan well received to her characterof WI low Cheer'' , In t , tte "fididter's Daughter," and ab s in tbe - "Tragedi Queen." She was twice call. ,1 before the curtain, and vo ciferously arid:tide `: She was admirably ens. teemed be lily. llar! y Hawk, and the entire csm rat y, evening -.stha nut prvdut s ' O ll Amelia= Conchs," being the original version of that very popular play, for which she paid the round KIM of fifteen hundred dollars. The piece, to produced by this lady, bee drawn im menso boluses, and auntie will be admirably sat, tallied by Mr. Henderson's excellent company, we may aspect to see the house crowded esch night of its, performance, 41:ille - OpeztiTtouse the Webb histantanpeur ed in'the burlesque play "Pocahontas," and were greeted by one of the largest audiences of therseasun. The ploy passed of in a very,eat blustery manner, and the audience seemed well pleased matt the entertainment. The pieta will be repeated this evening. From Yeeterhy'a Evtnbag Gazette. On a Day's Ramble • Tbiough Allegheny city a person would feel *Massed et the vast improvements, beautiful new ' ;buildinge, - etatttly MAD [4076, and cleaullnestrof streets. We can say with great. propriety that . the citizens of our twin citf,cught to beprowl of their goad taste. The trade is also wall repre sented. and lts stores compare ,well'with our own city. Amongst several dt3" "gooda stores that we have visited, none gave teas good amides of neatness and free doms. as thecae °taunted by Messrs. Thoutreon dt. Groan:lnger, 110, comer of Federal and Water atrests. It Is. ledeed, a temple of taste. Thera : thotrisitor M liedu the gaudy silk; the beautifully printed de lame; the nettelt merinoes; Shawls of the richest fabrics; parneettas, coberges, callcomr, fact all the articles that a fastidious parchaser sires. One, of the specialities q tblswell entered. Mora Is the cloak department, ,whe re th e bdi es can be suited accordinglo their taste. and of the latest Mlle. *Mors. TbnalPsint SaGmetzlager keep constantly employed the ben*, of our Ingo., Ins reakersiand ham alwaysonland. or hive . made to order, the best styles of Cloaks,' Bur- Ports and Fardessms, to ,please and salt the paste of their instomers. , •They have also a largo assortment nf carpets. . We would advise qor reedesqVlve them CI IlideLactit IVeather District Court Amoaemeu4. Beseptiuli ofuie C om _ pany of Philadelphia. The Good Intent Hue Company of Phlisdel phlsLemteberlag sixty membera,.arrived here at bell' put one o'clock, and were met at the rail road depot by the Doquesoti Fire Company. where guests they will be during their stay in the city. The Gond Intent had forwarded their Hose Carriage to adraoce. which IV AS ri.ceived by the members of the boquettoe, and drawn by them to the ticpt, torether with their ow , Bose Carriage sod Steamer. The Duquesne boys torpid out lo Mips oumbets, fury MA. fen cord aid equipped, and presented a bandreime appearance. They acre preceded by a Braes Band. (re the arrival of the train, the Goad Intent boy fell Into rime, and were escorted to the teal Daring 'bairns, where they partook of a Luarti lunch. after which they conned in lino, prier dud by the J. iferron Cornet [feed of P and were esconed to the Voce of r-n -di zr. or co Penn :meet, near Marital-I. Hare !hes parsed in line the meruhers of the Engle, Viellaut. Niagara. Neptune, and .11,, and also the Hope and Crilumbla companies. of I • lewheny, who had timid Cot L 4, honor the ott• castor, aid Extend a welcome to Wu disti3gn tan d visitors. A formal address of welcome was then deliv ered by William C. McCarthy. E-q , one of the olds at members of the Duquesne. Ho paid a high compliment to the Bremen generally, and expetially to the firemen of Philadelphia, whose hospitality bad been no often extended to their brethren of the Iron City. He also complimen ted the Good Intent as among the most efflgent, high-minded and hen cable represuntstivss of the department of Philadelphia. He coocludgd by extending to theta a most cordial and hearty weleome, and promising to make their stay as agreeable era possaible. Col. White, of Philadelphia, responded to the address of welcome on behalf of the Good Intent Company, and expreated the highest gratifica tion at the splendid manner in which the com pany had ben received. He alluded to the aelf sacrificing la e bors of the firemen, and placed the spirit which actuated them high above all' too tlves of selfishness. He repreiet' Rad the Good Intent as among the very best organlesttoni of Philadelphia, and mated that it had sent more men Into the army, for ma numbers, than any other company in the city. He remarked, face- Meetly, that Igehae heard of Pittsburgh before, and knew that wider our smoky exterior there were good and generous hearts. beating with late and good will-to all. He had heard of cur manufactories of steel. of frog, of glass and oap per, and of our unoaralled canoon foundry, nod heknew aometlng of the industry which we a. a community exhibited, but time would nig per mit him to dwell on theso topics.. lie cancicded by expressing, is behalf of the Gerbil latent coca pony, their most cordial thanks for the beautiful reception extended to them. At the close of Col. White's address, three cheers were given for him, and three also for Mr. ?Wear thy. after which the several courracies heron to form Into line. 'the pr e cession then moved ovrr the route already published In our taper. The lateness of r he boar at which they started preve, Is us Ovine a detailed deterlptlon of the proe&salott. Stigler, It to say that the display -was Weill) crcduable considering its impromptu character. 'the Good Intent' members were dressed In black penis, black overcoats sad I,lts, while gloves and fine eats of a very p attern. They are all eplendld looking toes, large and well developed, and will compere favorably with any body or mien we have ever seen. They drew their Hose Carriage is the procession, a plain and neat a.iparatus, and their marching was excellent; The balance of the programme, as previously anntrunctd, -iii be gone through with, The Dictator to nines Ens. Goiserrriti—l notice in thin morning's Irene of your paper, an article headed "The Dictator," which describes in a 'graphic manner that heantiltd and gigantic vessel. Permit me, however, to carnet your statement in regard to her propelling power. Bhe is not provided with two sets of engines—one high pressure and the other low pleasure. Her engines are of that, elms known as "compound steam engines," oilginally the invention of Woolf, and therefore known as t`e Woolf engine; but an entirely new principle has been introduced so es to render this -claw of engines applicable to single crank action. This improvement, (which, In my humble -opin ion, wW, ere long, DO recognized by all as a for ward et pin bringing our ricer navtgeuon to partection.) our city will have the indisputable honor of having accomplished. Our fellow citi zen, A. Butanes.. too well known among us to need any praise on my part here, is the inventor and patentee, as well an designer of the moder ator engines of the Dictator. - - - . These engines will prove, by the regularity of the motion of their wheels, the correctness of the principle on which they were planned: and when the difficulties arising. from. the carrying out of liii new inventions see overcome, the fact that they will be equal to power to twenty- fire inrhes blab pressure enelnes.while they have boilers only equal to sixteen loch engines, vrlll m la wny ettahligh, t.y the saving of Nei, the advantage of that class of steam engines over of hers for our river navigation. The machinery was executed In the machine shopcf Messrs. A. fiartupm tk. Co., who deserve much creed for the esergy, enterprise cod skill they have displayed in carrying out the work bt perfection. ate , lead to beorthit Yon found my drawht,t of thus Lowden= {Arun of machinery to guar tutu., end remain, Yuma truly, H. P. Gl:Nazar:mu. Book Notice CeolilNO As lr Snorta Ba. By hirs.Good tenon, imusdelphis: T. B. Peterson a Brothers. roue burgh , for sale by Henry Bluer, Filth s.reet. Much bas been written and spoken on the art of Dims elle Cooking. but our own experience to. that very little improvement hoe been made la the eullnary department of Lhe household. Even in tome of what are called on- "best" and "most frohlonable eitablisktnenta" the caLllne Is in a miserable condition. The .proprietors, too, of even our first clues hotels would contrib. ute mach totbe health, comfort, and gratifica tion of their pests, if they were to institute a reform In -this matter. It to to be hoped that the publication of such works as Bee. Gaolfel low's will have a mood effect to this retard. It purports to be a new manual for the Dialog. Roan and Kitchen, and gives many uterful hints about preparing food, drinks and reliehes for the tick and invalid, together with roles for care. ing, with 1211MertqL5 111116trati me of the so or. . . It mutates. In addition. many niefel receipts. coodly number or which are of European erten. There Is one thing or Importance meationed by Mre. Goodtellow, wkiele is notperbapseenerallv known bet for the leemeilt of which we will vouch, vle.. that PM*: steroid - be kept for a :ve-- jet days after tt. Is 'killed:lf the weather will allow' , before It Is cooked. It Improves It very much. Larceny u 1 6110 Officer Wilmot, to-day, arrested a 1213E1 named John Primal Rollins, on suspicion of having I , DDitD one hundred and ten dollars In green• backs from Mrs. Mary O'Brien, stopping at the tavern of Mr. Daffy. on Grant street. Hollins bad been lodging In the honk fin a few days, and left the Name morning that the money was missed. He stated, when he came to the city. that be had but seventeen dollars, • large portion of which ho had spent before the larceny was discovered. cln being arrested hn acknowledged. that be had twenty dollars on deposit at Mc- Laughlin's tavern, corner of Seventh and Web. star &Jetts, which turned put to DO the fact. The evidence against him N altogether circum stantial, but sufficiently - strong to hold him for trial. He was committed to Jail. Larceny of Clothing. Officer Messner today arrested a man named F"sccre rev en,. el:arced sfelf.l , 7 -. r.l ~ • , 1 a g 11.5. Philnl a, on Carson street, 9.7=4 rittihargh . whet e . be had been stopping. When arrested he had on a stqloncost, the property of Bstetriel Reynolds, oheof the boardtte. ifs denied hsv log sfoleneni ionaieind alleged that he h.id put the canton by 'mistake. • After a long ale tediona search the officer found Where Y 1 3 1 1 741 had concealed the., property.' Ae 11 1 114 stotea carpet seek and a Snit of clothing froni.lloams• Ward, two coats from Mr. Reynolds, and-tters, vests from a boarder 'tamed' Stoma. go had told . pait of the Oritotoo;but most of them Wane recovered. lie was fully conuattied for trial. . False Alarm.—ltetweem ten • and eleven o'clock last night, a very bright fight . wa s sh " served In a Northwesterly direction from Al legheny elty'.' The alarni, , of Ore was sounded and tan or thine engitie.s,'M well OA varioua citablMindirldnale, started for the scene of the conflemratton. After proceeding nearly to the "oaten depot," it wa - authornatively announ ced, by•men who hod "hoon:thOte." Oat the fire was nothing but a brick kllalit a State of active combustion. Thereon= the victims ono . and all turned back. dlegasted With Sunday night Illuminations, and thinking of that New York town where the Ore department turned out at the appearance of the comet. Outrageque..Cou4act..—Qn fiandey. Thom .tt cwountte, in company with two Cyanide, forciuly citcred the housed John Durnbenzb, on Qaarry street, in the Fifth ward, and acted la a very ontrageOzte taftnicr s threfttehldtthanves of the Inmates, and potting the whole family In terror. Vildlame wee-rested and teed for disorderly ceiductoind filed held to answer a charge of enifdr 'of the: pellet. The other two men nave not let tittle The Lost Wlll and the Diamond Brace let.---Mr:W. A. Gildenfeenay,.4s Fifth street, has laid the above book on one table. It written by thopopnlar and volamlaons aathor. sea, Mrs. Henry Wood; - and .published by that ezterprteleg firm, T. li. Peterson & 810 Chrstnat. street, Philadelphia; A London eety.o. ROBINSON. arc:CLEAN Bankers and Brokers, •e. 75 Fourth 511!.reet. rlitsborirs Dete.mate reamerao to PAR FUNDS and u_l- Collection. m•da In al! parts of tee nailed :lieu. any and sell at market rate.: C. S. a per nuat. 10, Bond,: C. S. do. 6eXl do.; D. S. 6 per cent. te-te do.; S. I per cent. Certificates indatmecu as. Nes U.S. , 30 Ttenantit Notes. ISop arse BUY Ana SELL (10 ta,ttlYllStiloN 4 ma nett/ yore, Pfilladelphlot. and Pittsanryb anarea, all kinds of Government Sec,rtyla.. St 41r.. els. Gold as as Fi34V141. AND 11} r 1 }11-:141% %• 1/ 1; SVkER. 11'1%111) a. ) 51,i. V. Sept. Pi, .54 C. S. Flee Twent its C. S. Set 99 i 11191.199, 97.22 &Hester.: 1 :011n t y Fives, .. Allegheny Clay els ..... . Lawrence Co. 6's 75 00 butkr County 6'll 117 lash 1119tIlsoce 6J 29 (3.191913. Ds that, 99999 Co - 29 PO Eureka Insurance SA , n 5: Neat-rn Allegheny Valley ........... . ..... 6no rSo FOUlth hat. Bank ........ ......... iy , on Germania.. 139 50 Iron City Bank National Bank Commerce 55 mena allekhony Pittahurgh ( I 600 Cherry Sian re. Cherry Sun k. Ptttsburgli ' Central TI ..... 60 tdorray tril ........... ()I/ Basta- s ---a I* 011 Crrek Merry 126 ' , his Valley... --.— Ma/wink/le Phila.. 1 On Plltathwell h Kew York... so Phila., Lancaster a. ()nerry . 61yu.. 116 Western Pennsvlrants......... t r 5 Peal Blurts h lltallarr On ......... 113 llulbertowe's Nun as Frank & Sandy Uoal s Oil—. 53 11l tomalnoun .... Jones rry Cu . Paletnn... Cincinnati re. 143 EILFOET OF I , ALIES. GO 111 & Oi Rank GO Col L., hiG ** 'ld (Tat. ranter. New York quotattors I t.it,t r ' Govertdtte. t• a throe IoWer,TNYI, r^ w, old 5-20'• Our 10. al market opened very tame. but with slightly Improved feeting , 4 ..verral ct the cheap class 01 0 i stocks. We /las e a reported sal, of klerehants and :Angkor,. urews N snows:llse h stoc at 665. ch areas,. to the • anions twlee of lust week. 130!,f, was I.ld Ittr II ...All lot of .-sari all one I. I, slimed shares quiet at former old. There was renewed Itiontrt' for Rttehte oil st., , es. at teen. n 62e. No s ales' Banger wee else In req. rt. !ow neures as Woe silo, Tarr, Stet r sot Uter ry lOto Later to noes from Pithole state that the n well on lease No. 110. alrentlk noted, Is new n ,ewe. leg leg live hundred barrels per day ait h sucker rods In. A egg respondent writing to the Nsle ntspatc..., undo date of last Saturelay,..ya, “that Is rep. Idly tomcatting, sod that utb4it the sucker rods are pulled, It will be es large as any well on PI, hole.'• The money market Is working easier. The Ba ton copper Beard shows mere signs of„eacarity luau either of the Eastern stock looms at flew Yak or Philadelphia Ingbt copper Is hem fit mine, and most of the bctter,c ass of stocks hare mane a mouth" advance In prise during the peat tan days. They are rarely deal in at our Board. The I rodeet of the Pa srabl t Coppers tattle during the month of August was 110% tons. The Pitts burgh yielded let tons to July, and the estimate f r Aofuat lash sat the flame. ma Central has rot out nearly Co tons to the past lour months It La thought that the total Product of the Lake Superior mines this year will be not far from tea thousand tors. The Buren and ()upper galls minu a ern:urged to be doing splendidly. In stomp and barrel work, nod the latter. fr. m the Frariklla and Quire,. rulers foreshadow aathifeetery dividends from the profits of the Outrelaf t EU months. Some few of the numerous Maas of Smaller coppermlnes are ulo to be doing pretty well, bat it Is doubtful, if they, at preheat, are earning mere than their ex penses, end very possibly a camber of tam may tes egatn running in debt, so as to requlre no in crease of capital, or further arttessmimti, to be lev ied upon the atockho Ides a, in.' order to carry un op. erattons, and pay salaries. there ts • good de. mend for roger copper, for domestic consumption, and It mill probably be wanted [or export, if ex. change • honk] rise 50 as to °eke it protttable to subeUtute the buss for the more preedJus.a.etaL —we clip the following horn the Chines I &pub • Boon, 01 Saturday : "The wheat...eoroer" is the rioclpal toptt or converei Lion In b 413 tlearalot end commerctatel, clee. h x reverted that .me or two of tho-leodiu 4 hanks cis/all:ns. bahka) Odra Ail Interest in IA • and afn rp flint tha chief operators with all the tunas they want to carry out Lou pro gramme. We are disposed to bellere that this to- /cat Is ti no, so one of Um W le/ parties who Wove ties estabilahleg the "corner" le • director and large stockholder in ogre of the I:tattooed betas, tl the that outland bona of ibis city would nail In Its loan., the "eoraer" on wheat would aot Loot twenty-I , ,ur bouts. If the Unto. national bank woulia take a .Imilar sour..,' prices of wheat In this mat Oct would speedily Loa ch • pumt w des would call for an active obi pptlig demo id, awl glye cola get) increased esparto, /goo. tho price. of exchange, ono give at once a healthy lean to Du- —The 1.4+,11..111e Journa, , eaya The late mkt tide tram Pittsburgh was suificient SO start out It imp fleit of toga and gals well la den with "black diamonds." I;tree towboats with gce barges ;A tool each in Lowicreirc4 at tat imrt- Ilk Clue morniug, and the writ:4l6le i rice of cosi afoul now ic r. Paned at INalta. No tes.kaallonc hare yet been reported, which will attain. rota& ors to nearer at from int:Mc per 'bush , I. Tile pren yast asking laic by retkilera C01.11.1.11U. Vilitcre is our Bread to Come From! ,(From the Allrk 'we Etpreet.l • fter a mar stew.. of drought, prate...el to It, late a 1 r Ma; as to lejui ethe crop. of groin and roots on the ligh t 'ands, the ,rats began Co 101 l almost d stly , and as the, harvest ha. now commenced in mtrueet, team •ro oritertalmal that we e /Maly to have too much wet. In fact we have ar accounts froth some ports of the ccuatry corn plaiolog hat that the wneat is already rprout- Ing—to. skint era wheat, even before It is cut. w Mont. not at. unusual case with that dneeriptton of grain. he market.. too, II the country are advancing, both on acenunt otthe rata and and an allege-41 dello coop of the crop. Some or our Norfolk and Suffolk reports ephak Of s very 00.1 st4one clove tee! A/ w occupier In f the' latter county de- heat snot o this year will be the wont he ever knew. On the good strong /atitis theta Is no cosmotlnt at present, but a return of wet watt•her wall so to he sermualy felt. G. deol of the wheat la Wilted. and this ;will u l oloubtettly sprout loefOre It is rental rale returns. even if cue mildew 0000 riot • el. it. Wotan I. lost. Is. Mance. hes bete tins ease. On the whok II Is tol• freely certain lelet •We Ohal not hetet, as average stop al Lett, but with ouch drateeseks ea we ao tocloate 111. will be reftleped. I Is con.equently It/ errs' le to look a little lonised to order to calculate one sir. oath as It relates to matins rap the ennsurneeine of wheat, by :fh, tut;borlence of of me r year. It appear. that &wino 1.210 mese° rear. Worn leer Ir 1,01 inn ii, - • r, rho Import • Llano of wriest, ....I floor as sheaf_ smounte.l to-nearly forty woe mi. quarters, n.. y. round n u mbar.. ocean doh l ton rpm, ten per annum. taking gout! and he w year 4 .p -gettor. Upon Inquiry on Mark Lane, e 100(11 her the stove of forelle wheat on band is cmtatu• sly net above the eyelets. but is probably tenon •1 claw It, there 000Ing been von' tittle 1 abutted sista she hatrest of teal We aro Oleo Inform 11 that what littie stock there Is le granary, In Lo • don L elderly the property of the large miller., who have witty availed themselves of low prime end tine quality to supply - Memo:dyes with an usu. tool !mown on epentletion. Of foreign flour there Is gamely any in thegnaran . our Orion • be. fig too low to Mont of any being Imported from America; the competition wittsdne elite.. from bootee Is, therefore, at pteefint Darrell, tot tt will ho some weees before nay, can be Imported from the United State& Our present position, therelorr, At best, we take to too !Ls follow.: Assn. wing that we had on the mound a hare emirate mop of wheat, whiah, however, Is by no mesa, at dear, we shall require, according In the Imports. • of ',l•c c . . par, up ' r 7. I it, tow :4 : t ell tuft:tarp quarters to make op the a..- i 'ot tem mplon of the v nu.trg. Wu •ay te et, It: ewe other ourcumetancloitd he Winch lot account, which may reduce the result area of that estimate. Woof these it that the breadth of , wheal sown in the Am matt andeprin; is much let, Than unualon account Of the oliop , atively high prier. of •flitith FOrmetly the gotta bore a prim in proportion of iwr-thirds to that of wheat oil nch! a. Drenthe gormand for malting barley during the fast two or the, ley ean,that wit It erOrmourersp the price has frequeuoly Seen with in thee or four stilling, of rho rate for good red wheat. The en, requanto te r theinot only hay* the farmers esaeed to sotr spring domed the twain leads, as: they !have been arzuto do, insfy.uoh of the laud -that, In the Ostia coulee of (rapping, would. have I/leen tit deo what last autumn, hoe been ; sows 'with barley, simply bee into the latter osys bet er. We hayano oceans at present era/cot:tate int the xtent, to wtleh this Inaerdoe prevail., hut time retwon (:teat Imola to It in one ease estate in r.l , namely, that the demand for Dna ha , - ley is greater then the supply, Whilst the ravers?, 1. the one with wheat, or rather La. been—for we are'atrongly of the opinion that' a change in int. respect In nearer Chap IS generally apprehended. Another elr aux:inane° that will reader incrossed auPpiles of foreign wheat neemery future le the y0.,..5e of the population. Trinyears previously, say froth 1411 to 1558. inclusivec-the Importation average only flee million qualters annually, fa. kinglood and bad season. unietber i so thet-by the mere force of iscreased population we hare ad- Mild two million quarters In the requirements of bread tem. Ti mind be recollected, moreover, that the numbers of the tioPle increased at a compound ratter. eta thataWe may estimate that the seven years loom 1967 to 1979,erttoaver lives to see it, will re quire a still target annual lnorense than the peat seven. With this. however, we - have at present, nothing to do, and ihalL therefore, turn to the question how the seven mi Woo quarters wa ghat teetotal tetnure are to be obtained. From France we shall oommaad Wheat whoa. ever our prices-are higher then thefts. It la the, general opinion in that country, that the erop, on the whole, is deficient from une.fOurth 'ln One third of en average crop. teotWith,tauding the two countries an, so closely allied in commerce and In freedom of bOalti intercourse, that the Sag lish and }reach market. are no chore dlciati then thOte,of London and BirmloghaM or Liverpool and ad , id el I r may bo the wantsof the heath on the whole, then merchants will always sell to us Whenever [hero 1. a margin of pith. Oat, on the other hand, this Interchange is rdrinr, .1 , the Ehrillett markets will act on the' .1 'Cltelplo. If prima are higher in France tti c: - h us, cry theft merely nave French buyer, - markets. BO far, therefore, a. France, Is cone-Toed, we or, cot look ha an) matetlal • 0- sin • axio- tot-vet, th mit o 1 C.A /10i, th• e . It •a 11 h• - ••1 f•t.f 011 , 11. 6 , llLN:fit buldna sod st.tl• Mao yeovencra gen - et - wily send lug. nup,..11-n Western Etfter.:*: bUt the-4 reports are, his sea. son, very ur.l.voteble. It is said, N.t a •vets boa been the chnOtht thno. the neho.n enyr h s., to . lutoecv no-co ocetc••,co dcd the; no; have to :hot, to (hoc 10,11 act moth England, but will he Incerc:p 04 f Ica.) Italy, and the Isisu •• in toe ice, a , le;yercl to Rtyp , , 1.. in .e.:l en, -, that the lands in the of the NI hone Vir.yx yteldn of rh a: k f CO/ 3.11 J [tat., 11.1 df thcs. nadir, (-.r he lan, t ye.rn, ex od.:„o: eoc,, but, on ear)). Deep on., ,• , •0. • • Ltheru /11...1A e • ..1.1 Ir :11e . hcr e La , •t , • >port v 1,1 b. I to O. he I: Al..' id 1: :It 1a,.,. +, to . d.o • 4,1 be aAellt 3, • t • t ; . I;.• I. e e t tle r . I r e t L.; et' ee hoive , t I 01 A 1.11.11 C may rt. I a .I• 1• nii•rae ur tio,h ff,i, ,100: co 011,0- , e, 1 ct ot b., the Ana-re:inn coo o bo To the tune of from t r nu ell they n000r•o...1 e •ou not tie 10.1 up .o teem , On th, o'norn i sa thoutli 'be rel ad .•te ihr c..ip hecFrone, u far .1 , ea I yuh•• , ihoL. oh., .laro y for 0, hut pith. h. bee'. t 4/11V edLyeipience nf the 014 05,0,1 .t.“e id the cow, y -nd ne cesaer ion al .1 in len a.. e hove 0,, . t aic •hrth se rain tither OF I.olnem,^ to quarters to e which oftentla a elan.. afireclerl e• tali/sive *to ellen, of ultimate revolts of the news. ,,, el - be , at or 'M .O. At The same time, we ore just tl:d to In) log that. whilst chasm - nattiness—soma se o iv• harvest—may make the ease with us worm, , h t o It now appears, we know wahine that can Im prove it. oui cotemper.ry. the Gerefonor't c/o states. on the strength of enliven to a oinani Curl}cent out, that "the netuf .• mato the ettsr• .101 of the crops note beistir harvested give b it dry •CCOUIt of the rota Ileol• of 0866 Ence.ir g the tilturendown Clay I soda, all onto 0n,,. are in.• your much bel..w, their average pro tultlve ers. Wheats oo the lighter lolls and loan. are senerally Inferior. Bar ey on the lighter tad thin nee barkey wells is muck below no sedrave, Sal thous I. probably the beat er,pni the year, It too, as a whole, Is li.fnlor. Oats, A:emoting the lOW 1,10•15.11 where winter-sown AYe the poorest crop e nave had fdr man, years. Bea. sad peas are t.enerally below torte 0%001 yield. =MIMI IVlnetnse, Fein. IS. 1665. Th. g rsl rusticets were rather quiet .seity, though tilers SVMI A tea a cu,lol of business 4loue =l9lll ORBlT—Wheat Is study nod unchsovd, snlc t cn Of I r wlr vtl :1.1.0. 1..4 Luny be Looted 56 awl o d lo store.. Is exo.e.l - I) .11#...a to eltfeet •slei, low 1140 - ro hot,. to Lt. n•ceptN. Is Woolrtl nt from ur.stua —TMr. in track st Bye rs Vol st t Le.d .1105. / quiet but nten y with ter War all, trr n. atm." nt 948!,,!,5 nprin4 Wn flu n fu tut winter—tug Intter nelre nay fur ensice to a. •ts. $)• oet.lutt 56,10 It huVl , lls:‘ S—H•c nu .• Utz wr II ♦ I tirjottbt J. tu 4... t tur fatuttl. it. 1,444 /Let IN Itt.r, 11•11.14 h I • LI. 1..1 ma) nr,i int., 11 In st 2nes.4.l'‘ fat It et` It t. utter. • II 1.2 kra nor nutty. U,ted 14.1 r J tr." pull.. N.... 1.. ns lest ws..te.l. Fl:l . ll—tippirs are Is ctin., 1..1.11 n,4 nt nt)' h. lat.y . , t 4.1 itttt...l per but ne t quality DOZA•10•141 atnel. tut. ;to, Itre. • 1.1 l'Ett tu suit itrutt r.th 4st. s o ul go.: to rll.ll‘. p•uk...l at lo ROCGIOII 1 gut einJ tocct. I.t. I 1,1. IMIEiI • H t.E,E— Is Itrrn ut.etlsayed: of We._ ert: 11 retv. a. in; Il.nrtury at 19, sal Factory 4.1 .r /42A-1a not coming to very (reely,ooring o the saws mad priory have advanced to fillea,2.lpar tua, ana onits g o quail, y. nWEi r Pot AT aES--Marltet le pretty well tnt lalttel, but vnoos ere tot quotably Wwnq onto., rat)." win at in pal bed. UltANDlSlitir ES-44ut few in msalter. bad ap. paten"). but haw wanted. taws Eastern are tent at imatits jut ISELo.s—nate of 42 bushel. Timothy -.teal at 4.r.t. p.r tuabeL Flax need Is wanted at er,as— cart mg. No demand for Clover need. 142.614.2—We note amall bole. 01 prima small White at $1.20 per Lobel. 110 LEAD—Ia rinotei firm with cactil sales of Galena coils/ 11t441154. P. ITS MCI KGB PETROLRUSII M It IC ET MONDAY, Seim Is 13i.S. LIDE—The Crude market was oily moiler at el.) mous, 1.•-de ;ho Mammy ions, lu the &Agre e tta, belts below the usual average, while priers bare undergone no iftficepUble dowse. There 1. a fair demand both for home use and ablpmeat, but buyers are Mt holding It anticipation of lower rate• of WO to bulk. al .IS{,; 2000, at 43; 0.0 at 213.4; MOM. 21.54; and [Zara was • autad lot of heavy ofi soul at MN. RLYINED—Tbers appeared to be more inquiry [or bounded oil today, and with • reduced supply the market ruled somewhat firmer, though prices it. not outlast,/ higher. Sales 01 1,000 bbis "Aladdin," Ist to 16th of Ott. seller's oetto a, at 11, free on hoard cam bere;6od bola "Lirtiltitot. for Notemter at he; 590 " fiat ilsat" for Oa: ibsr at 28; ,OW "[tritium for November ft{ 08, and 2,000 "Bnitatit" for December at 69—a1l to be detivoied la Hut:We:Faun; bou •:Ltly" L.:. Immediate delivery at 01, Igoe ma beard earn [ere; WO bread 0.31 aurskad for Im¢et late dailvery In Philadelphia at 08. Free ell firm sod more settee but ,utobauged. Ss • of U. bide lisbt straw color at 69; 60 do do •i Ott sud 100 do white ft no. h A I.TH A AND FlF.oolo(lo6l—There le no moor. ihrit r o cote at yet, La either N apt[ • or liesidlutun, and iv I ors of pales we omit [Liz:ammo re. 16.1.01d.1(13 Is ocessioually inquired for, out ins ds rookod is r try Urtomeal, mol to. he pro net at les.sy, the awe er kites tsvur of buyers h Eft LIP to— rho roscipis by Uas Barer, since our hri.t m port were as lot : FUN r h Dry 1233 I Clark & Uu 91) WP. 1,01/11D .. oI J. Wiat Insta ..... 1). 8141. 51ab..... I W. A Ree.J the er, Bum (h).....aTJ J. T btocktialle. Total PETROLEUM/SIOLILN PHIL 1- rn 1.P11.1 A. SI. real Dispatch Ca the Plurburgh Gazette. tues.t.rits.a s Sept IS„ lOU CIA stoeLs were cull and depressed to-dsy, ',stets rcottally Irrcsnlnt sod weak. Jt. kiwis. brought I; IV [elver, SS; W slew, I ode, 1-.; Mingo, 1, Dlsple elbelde, Dunks:4 41;i; SY.i; Catwell, %; McClintock, 1.613 cents; Tarr lion...sad LA; Core PI at. r, Urrry Ilan, 11; .51cEll.rnny, luoctlo,, 181 cents; Eraccdslor. PETROLEUM rgTOCKS IN NEM , YORK ptelsl litspatelt to Western Press, Nett Yontr, Sept. It, lig. Petroleum Stocks firmer and more active to-day. Tee 011 Coeck Company report that they been cpened a flowing well of 200 barrels and ttare two wet, et.lng down on Ilenpebeff Nun. Th.. Is the cause of tic activity In that stock. Sale, were made at the following rafts: Uhetry Rue, 27; 0.1 (100/, 2 Oat Excelsior, 1.11, Webater, 1.25; Fee Steeple, 12; PEholts Oreek., &ea, Watson, 23, Wand; tin; Buchanan Farm, 1C; Webster, /. 61 1 at Pleek, 240, Oil Run, ft 2, United States, 27.03. KEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET. 6pecl4l blepstalt to F:e.tarn Press. lioarc, Sept. R, If t. Tbr Prtroltum market 1s aztive for Crude, wink sale. of 1100 bole at 148 , Ue. iG turd is Band t firm of C9el6le, sod Free at 79011131 c. TOAREETS BY TSLEtilidra 2011 r Vno u Srpt firmer. ty.th mire doing, at 46 , .40 (or 21 dtlitng. } ull and 2410 e lower, at }2.2.24.},c.) fir } . ....Ytt Stele, ?4,20}05,6u fir R. 0. 0 t}.} 141,12.2 } fur Ire.lo Breeds. the ntArtaet clue at, he cry. Wlll}lo . —A sh&do ll:rner; Wester), 12,0' ; smal luts t 2 2.2 y 2.80. ttenv—W host dull" and 102 e lower, at 151 1/ 1.59 for Ohio Spl,Dg Rad Althrauke. sloo for Amber 11tl;w.0 fee, $1,93 for good Winter 0.1 %litrele, and 11242,01 ti fur New Anther Stn.. Bye quiet and without decided change. 11 trloy la rood request. Holey Malt q.let at Own heavy fur Uuanuott and Otter for 5000 I, of 7S(jSC. for 11ns ilJd, and 89;4433 1 4a for mound 151.1xed Western, and Wu for High Mixed, nearly Yellow. Plittotanr-31e36a for Orule, SIC for moaned In Bond. and 19,1.3ie for Free. of steady, at itIADt3I2 for Plain Mess, end (011(11 ~ e 0 for Ettra fd.ss. Oat 'Heeds WlChanged, et I? 4 4 .5.2 far shoulders. and Ingtl/4a fur llama. list , oull I.wrd nr , ner and exalted, at TiSiltddl , ,u. flutter firmer. at WWI:, for unto, and 2343taa for Slate. ()nee. In do.nand at !IQ 163ig. rrt - ry Tort SLoc.*& And Money Nartat, • Nr.ty 1 on:. ta.—llooOy colly at 1541.5 per orct. Sterltz.c qutot at w9q to9 , ti (}old ohmic' ftrroor, oyor.log at 143 N ar...1 closuag at 143>,; llovitemodt Stook. ',toady. Footed.to Ltverpoot qutat at for Darn, tut] 04,4 for Wheat. New York Weekly Batik Ntatement. Nat , " Yona , 5e,,t. Is, Increate. L0an0....S 513,535. 3 81 312.63'd Si,eo 1.1,60,ina 11/5,515 Deposit... F 57,611,830 Chicago Market. Cnicsoo, Sept. 18 —lcoou—Qutet rad naiad lower, at 10eol0 1 00 for Spring Extra,. nals—Wr eat 10012, lower, m $1,38XII)1,19 for No. 1, and 111,12301,1 for No, 1. Corn active, at 611 for No. I, lad 0 , 4%611W IC for No. 2. Oa a 00- t I re and 10 higher, 1 459 33 :4e. lironwfxsa—Quiet Paoviatose—qulet and firm. Facionce—Steedy, at 334010 e on Corn to Buf falo; . . _ • . RECCIPTIt—flouz, 4;03 MA.; Wheat. 91,009 bash; Corn, 1E9,000 do; Oat., t 3 ,000 do. Situ earwrts—Fiour, 9Juu bbta Wawa, 111,000 bu; Corn, 14,100 do; Oats, 16,000 do, Hudak) Harlot. BuNisk4oSept.ls.—floartn—Dull and loaelive. tramx—facet r envy, °toeing Buell {Mood nom Loaf. Corn hold at 730 for No. 2, and 7..5e fur ti p. t, lth no solos. Barley nominal. Rya, BSc. 1 noni—Flan n•.d held at 0.1,25. PROVISzoINO—BuIb, 132A0. °ANAL FaXi° lITS-10 now York Wheat, 164 Coro, tla; Oats, Do. biron.7 . 6-..lnuor, IS bblit wheat, 9,113 burheir; C oo ., sops! do; Onto, 8113 911 do; Barley, 14,537 do; Bye i ftSpOdorrees, 15.611 do. . . Tried° Market. . • • ' T o mo°, sent. le.—Gaeta—Wheat I:timbal:l;e di New Whlte hOchigen, .1,80; Now ;lusher kftehl gen, 'lab; Coln steady, with Wes et We. 041 I shnde Omer; Isles et /Be. IlecrleeS—The receipts fer the past treat were it follows, Wheat, 73,100 bush; Corn, 61,000 do; Oats, 11,60 do. S eLettes TS— Whrst, 81,000 t unit; Corn, 140-010 On , s, bo,tee do. Milwauli le Market AI awsrayg, Sept. IS —FLornr-Dalk-. .. ,4 4 0 CI RA iN— V , beat treolln hey uses tit 81,3:34/I,Si. Fnziorrrs—NT hest 14 to Ilutrilo.' bush s 3,r bblo; Whet'', 0.030 bush; BnieNeeTe—Flour, 7, tfsta; WlSoit, 81,010 ha. 1 • a — 1412; Re- P. ~ : „o. • ce+ l •lrgiscdearv; Stlparnuell I 07 75, Extraigfclo3 ria.etz New Eel 064112.03 Old I'. r, . q I I,trh.r: OROC69llo , —,l•Eree .tea '); T:1 • 24 • Z 2, to Wm."— Qutet st I VL r •••. 4rm St tr, 1 , 1 : ere d«. malle. • 1.4. !Sal' Imore Mart -t 4.:,:Y Ho, Jr. is.—FLouct re. 7 ti•e ! 4• %,- tir-o: 4,4, t Vtl It li. •or • eie.. • .1 r e i ; s •weZO Slaßlitq n. r '.. \ 9 - \ EIZIEMEIM :NT! 11 'fj". In+ . 1:Iv 11 •tzt c boat ',ie. I a-ta A.IL, y ••ze. List A - •c. a!) .1 tit • t•otgl tne, t rut, g, t.• it h 114 IJ CLIELLIt I t, 41.4 Mark, 1:••• La r Lten p tnt, We Inn) remoonnoly lanth. for wel , In tin. Went.. thewt a:tint letttc.n :ay tot, clouCy, sou totorcrtla ez.: , n btonsto 1 here bit be. n Jan Stelvede from below •I..ce onr 1.. t awe wan. exory...o ilor reg. t.r,kl there no J. pet.ur m. PitliV calrt. 0/1 . Inc he I I.ealmlne L..•[."445 Pt , pas at.me to leers lux LA, p.n... ./be buds I r Ittled to get oil' st.r New (Isles.. d• sadists , . gesteso.l, al.rruest. Else wits oubt less be rests). to lease th • niters:sum. s its, w smiled by a.. Immense ammo., et our et.Ltros gestetds), all of item seemed istgblY bet arias, a menu ara/ getters! spire.; nose. As will be seta bgtrelcrri.teo Lis oarU I Ohs - do- opasebes s , twos y nuns ten itone slums( auoal•y 4:111.1.1 ) rday, end • h.. sorrows , tae Alle sheny wee ruing stem:toy at thst point with six Itet 111 the elasnual. The Yugnmeuroute from Pittaborob to Zettee• soil the Amen., poi oule from l'lttsttrigu to Louis, •1i Peed at YiLevilog uu u.y iee ••VOU• ler. tot, h In I h0.0n... 0.1 y Mil • too, no •n I nt telt« het •ev Log amt lel I eratoon trod. J., ore.. v t, ht.ls othe nn, t , I. mud Doi. IBC .11 , L 1 ....toll) '0 IS hoe the n. um krt. we; Tinto. The Kur.uup bar( 1,/enerr, yen•er.:Ar. •al A • Ispntch fgt.. l'4lt. Prc.,),/,‘1.v.:0 • I, h•ta st,ct 64,11, atesturr, r •I. , New IJr..ne IL is w iior a .tree . c rn Lle $0 el.'. 10 a f.nber 01 flirt p .rt.c. lu 1 be 1.004 00, recen . ly soil by . •a e.y 4.13..14 .1. 11.4 , 0ta 0•0 late, has rrorta , ..) re uJ at 1,4 w ••• ell" 101 y-a a..e hotia sr. I .:4 , 11. s r. Ilie Louts, Lle De , notr .4, .11 u. 4.14, • • 4)1: Tllt ril et couch... ,I• 0 oi t.•. 1, a 11..3,01 )ralrrar).ll../ aim, 6 feel C •nd I..at la tbe lolls.tlver w I Lai,/ , I,lllCilatall yealarany. 14.1 1.01.114 or Le 70.1. Kralhi• 14, /11 4,1 ,an't a 1 .y 4an...r,./1. ler 1./.ll.llend,tl I ra•11.1.., 11 A 4.t/L, Co 14,1 Co •nu .01.00 .441 a for ...it... S., u. eta abe a l l , era ahotll.l hear 1,,, 1. 1...1. Mr. flati...r a very court.us stl.l a • t ' , lf en. tenet 0.00. 1.1.• char s e of the otbret 7 he Umnaelln, Cap( Jesee beau, is nett in tor Lomas lite. 05,.. tie wil• do JJI.• fees be ready to leave on Wednesdvy etenLag. the Chum., Copt. Arms-roue, I, nlisott up ratty for the Upper allast • olopt, and will shoo be fenny to terse her departure. The Nevada p.ssed afrne,a ill los St. Lou , . oh I. hussy, sod the Lorena left there fur P.tosaorgb cut haturday. taa clip the following fro. 7 dd Unetesatt Cbstosercial to Monday: UAW-nth issue ‘781,•P.. .out• ut .ne Lady Chase, bse phlcltued the Pllelnotte front the bay.hsaN St "Tut roe .o . I , .nu, he Is 1 'adios Ids new pur ulin•V for tit w "fining Custom J. 11. tel Ur. Hi 111411/44 w Orman. )esterday, t.•tog da led the Alice to her owurre at C I . w Orleans. H. settees fox Pittsburgh the. evening. The role {anted doh n In totrunta for Several hours tett Ll•bt. I ritilarlLLs —The Press. of Saturday, says: Tie river was ' , long steed ly yesterday with 6 feet I as this r ger in the canal tag. evenharr .y the mark. purrng the precious 21 hours It had risen a met.. at he haul of the falls, and 12 inches at PortraLO. The weather continues unaawsonably warn , thermometer retrains at. 98 In the shade. Ott I L falls /ast estuary; there were 4 feet 3 (antics a ales la liar pels down the ladled cbate. AILIOI34' the arrivals yesterday were tame towboats, ail with coal to tow, from Pltt•bnrgh. Los avant couriers of the fleet. They were the flares*, 61[0 two bargee of coal for the Iron (My twat Com. parry; ihe J S. Neal with three Waxes. and two bo-ma, 4041 the A. J Raker with flee barges of cosi all for this piarket. Thus supply amounts to about 160,400 bushel.. Nartivru_s_ —The Gazette, of Friday, ens: The (rumba,teed was seam flecltnahr yesterday, and co Duelers.. whatever was being dons here to the r eemhdet line , W. A. Johnson, late Colon I of ith Alabama, Coveter, passed throttkr , yesnerday, chronicler en. beats, to take commend at the steamer Honest, recently purchased for the Manama three trade. Cap sin Ammon 1.. Darla, of the old Censtittems, and a pioneer to ' he Cum berland Hire, trade, hes been In the arty for several days, looking as halt nod henrty as he dl,l Oily years act, TE•IJOB "izALTIMIntIs AND I' , itisllEtt- ts. l IeKSBUt OH, VA.— , be new and commodrova Steamer WI.N , •NAB, uspt Dawes, runs regularly between trr f ahoy- eon. Dow week. leavlne Baltimore. from her whart, foot of South street. every RVIDAY ereti- NOON. at 4 &cleft, and Frederleksburgn. •very T11.2.41:1A7 Mr INNEN Paesens ere and freight urs Lod at low mum. Through Freight prohprty attrmiled to. hlerchstrulisa from Boston, Awe lora., Ptaladelphla, or elsewhere, coasters.' to ease of Steamer WE:VONA/I, mul be :aces charge or ya m-1:14.4 upon Its arrival to oore, charge. paid, and forwarded prOmptlV, free of ed=crils along Persous from the dlow.hern States deeirlan to view the Battle Flrlds of Trmula, or to look alter the tomtits of Mende acid rchtticma tlllol In the harslet of the Verldernes, Uhansesionettle, Frederick.. urgh. or npurisyrvaols lfdart have a solenoid:l opportunity of d 01.4 no by this route, 7.. WeISONA.II of provided ..rh ex•el. lent Stale-rooms and lfrrtu aseonnuoastioes, and la In every respect a drat.iaas Boot, helot fast and cunt muttons. Fru-Infortoat..on. (might or paaan t st, apply to or addrcs. JUS. WHITE; Pnrwer. oo moss!. or .109. JA NI LS TAY t.“ 11. Agont, .13-211 dim 912 Wt.; Pulls ot • R•ithoore. Aid VOll HANNIBAL, ISPOTITE, bUR LINGTON, RUCK ISLAND, - DUBUQUE A.ND !-T. P. CL.—The ,pek. 'tenger •tentorr CITIZEN. Cenral. Armstrong. u-1,/ 1.11, fur ilte above eau Into...Hato ports on THIS DAY. kor freight or peerage /triply on board or to J. L. CULL/N(IW Ulai JOHN FLACK. 1 Agents. emuo AND ST. LDETTS. r' 44. 1 1 Itl —The tee new steamer INNIF.V.,O Uwe A A. thew, learn La abate on SA r tirlDAY, the =4 inst. For freight or rmaaage apply on board or to .1. D. OOLLINGATOOD erto JOHN FLAULI. Agents. 0 R CINCINNATI AND f OUIS ILLE.—The floe &terra,. r CAMELIA, Capt. Jesse Dean, will leave as above 0o PILL.NESIALi. the =OM um. For trarkto or arorr on board, or to PAIN FLAC .16 .1. 11. 1.101-1.121( HOOD. A g . "'"' • 'FOR UMW AN L) s'l'. LoLIS -I- —The Ste and cutunio lone pastert., ger steamer Ltioti/ oAh, Captala 011‘. wW Irnve for the above tud intermediate porta on Ditl. , ll,lY, the INhh haat. For freight or (+Ravage apply on board or to J. D. Cul.i.lNti WOOD, . s. ”Itt .101-IN FLECK. lIE PITTSBURGH PAPER MA.NU FAO ruitira COMPANY °Ter for .al, MAO bdl. Crown Wrapping . Paper 1,000 bdlx. Modlum 1,000 bdlj. Medium 1.000 NHL D. C. end MD. do They bare also on haed are eonstantly reenirins from that Mils, MANILLA PAPER of Ml m,tgrita Imo atlas, 11ARDWARB PAPER of all netsbta and sizes, PRINTS, DRY and SATO RATLII IWOFING, mo., an. All quaatjoes and flzet of PAPER MADE TO OIIDEH at the slmtteat•aottoo, to sat customer.. WAS'TED, 1,000 TONS OF GOOD ATTXED, RAGS WAELEOUSE: 82 THIRD liIIMEcT, &calf pirrspusaii i PA. m - Ctoti) & cu., Wholesale Dealers la Hats, Cape and Straw VoodB lisve now to store the largest ino.t eomrlet stock of • GOODS FOR SUMMER AN FAU, Ever altered In the west. rirerchsets srererptsts to cell bed examine our stock, which will be soil at very low rates. no/ 131 V7OOl/ STREET. J. SCHOUNMAKER. - littsburgh While Load Works. puriE WUITE LEAD. BLUE LEAD IV 0 OIIOOI U L BARBE ND . IN OIL FOR PAINT LS NO 63 WOOD RTUEET LI Btia, . • 463:1.1EX-. • nit est..xmass FL, NO. 21 WYLIE STREET,, ININEES TO ORDER GEAR MIMING MODELS Full NEW MTENTIOINS. sunanaski IXT OMAN 'S FRIEN D BOA P—T wenty • Ore boles German Magical (the genuine vv. mm's friend) SOAP. j', /veal. el sal for sale by tile box or at retail, at tho Fatally Grocery §l.9re of Jlttl. 9. RENSHILW, corner Mr ev =lt:Land stzects. SV lir, D REILV TONG USB--Received tbt day nro,9lll . .. beil3C2nAtillt re:allpt of prime E mctu d Lint Tcnruta fpr aslr bj the dew Or at et Um noutly Cartceri.Stpra at - JOIFAN 11.ENSEtAW;•: eels vatztr /..thstv isa Mud strati, — . • SULCM!ai;F:-... I'I:EA T fUrci.lt Etta, :9 Sitalnai Debility, and all finale M.S. AllO &, JOIINM)N, 1312 1 7 "..c>car1tli Iditresor Ve rTrati asI.Jl. P l. eanmental, f+ ern n e Prefer,- • io, and i the.e Mr. ~..• A :.I...suic I r •r•rze r a-o,s t • • •r. • arty • I 1, • . r ; ..L s L.. 11 to• •r t , r t re rrt tirrolmot 4.1311 nro, •••• If. • WO( •c•c- , I To T ; mr,4r t• er•vr c ttrrelt.,, e.,..t•re the II.• eol 31,.-n• tr , wero , 6l Oy I•ts. Raw.. y urt know .4 .anrlleni{ It . ni • 'l.. • rear. ••• Ir., in 4.1., .4.11.1 La,* been 11041, i•.. • , t r I .11• bOtrat , Ct f• a . • • lo CI la ..,ae M Ire.tmea 115 t•.A irt`ttl . W. V. 3 1ENRIN. 11. rle‘ (..tt j Yee= et L'ETIPICAT Fr 14. 1 ,1 r.l e &V. nq . 11A,111.r0 c. t.. 1, I eerttfy SI St tAb. Aire. • 4•11<111.• have IM.I ws• •Objeat Svo detain) . Cimcly Ital.. Me WIL — Z.I.9I ces'y t.eal months. H U FftEtee37l, le. Da Important to Ladies. Our .1 k It rt. I, 'A L DROPS will brms nee the t“,..1205 vac ealneelrl ote112 1 41.101117011•091 i's Irr 1. N. Int —Lutles tBo are pee* oent sboulo i trt ace hem. 7 onlc Fe wale ettearse, a certain cure. £2 injection. Writes Wtoacc or Leuouettana, tl2. )13E/03E8 CP' 'fliE BLOOD, &o, per. elm= tr Joltromm— I irlot tun egala at Ate that I , C , lti set at... 14:1‘,ILLit,a1L1 .104 XL di.tott at "roll) • ALA lieu L. Fur /1100.3104 tr .pdrlt let mte. blood, I flad Mee newer tau to eurc,bet u a dm...LW, I Rev. sun L cu/11.0 LI Lb..%cos of pratxr .00 to et.? twapitala, to th y .Isual. a, tce Crl tyn,...ouLtta. MNIMMMiM EM!MIlf!!1 =MEE nla•• Par I Intrlwr t otlre. Ins. A caw; ;rv . ;;;; .11 I ILPUe,, it. i.tery n;;;.; 11411...1, 111,10., Ult. r• 1• ; I.p, ) ;1. ; .:;to 4.41 i 'l2 nrt .00 11. I ~ .../A1 ,11.;ly et. I cl pr.o..trt ot h,..1 ;•I I/ e ' , Lc; •1ty1.41,,1m1a1l to tt 1 • mr • I ;111,, t;t n 1ap..1..1 . pawn Ia Fa L. a,nrupsta,uns• on. Irr Intoi/Jll, .I.lsl.•na au .1 I ile .I...estsne luuntua/ • .1.. e, ey ul cnoananytlau, &a. I•;• A . I ;;11,1.0•• have for many Fenn e clunlyely Ilevuo L' ;boar nttrOtiou [utile ttent an of Ibe disra !err roan'tr. ;” to tric“.. Ladles., lino. APat•S R .11/rifns,N, rho. 1../ mai rib ,rnet, nE,lnondalln.rewtwww Pit LAI, n. Pm. II 1.: ISPHREYS Homeopathic Specifics Have proved, from the most amplt IMpellePCP, entire SUCCC.I, simple, ItMCSCOt andaetlaute. Vu are the only medicines perfectly adapted to pope• Mr UM .11(11161p10 Coat ...rakes cannot be wade to using Gem so harmless as to be free from Ganger, and se efficient as to be always relmart Cent. tom Fewer*. tiocrestionailnftemats tlon 25 2.. 11/ornift, Woran.rerors, Coale 26 ' t. " Orylna..•Colle. or conning Id in fants . Dlarrtnesi of ablintes pt anolte " D2sont Cone erY. Griping, &Sone a. " I.7.bolers llortrus Nausea 7, " n 0,21864 13;oontittla 8. 18 earalgin, Toot/meta, raeo.be D." It eadnebest, ftler Headaches... 20 Dyspepsia. Billow Stoat/nil.— 25 11. Isoppressed. scanty also pain ful perlodo at. 12. " Loceorrbara, or • Whites 25 13, " a romp, hone eotiat 26 " halt libento, .111-yeirsdas, Slop. none -60. 11. lairontettlena. 60• writ " Feller and Asa* Wall rotor id .1. " Pines. internal or external le. • etpbtalzo,r, tone, lodanial• oyes.. 55 " leararrb, acme of 60 ooze 60 23. " Whooping COnir sl 4 1P 6 i 200016 eougln G. " Asthma, .... ... 50 82 " Lear nisettaraes. lalpalred a. acute; " Scrofula, enlarged glands `o -20. General Debility. Iftwalaal to WeltitZet: aa.d comfy Seeretlorm... 50 le. " ben Meleuena. or nctoeia frau. to ridlog a. T. " It Idney Inlnense..trxtei. 01 beg-rem. Debility. tenth., ernfaelons. insolourary din amens. 11, " Mown, or thineer... ...... 00 " Granary locontartanee.„ 6 D. " Polalul Periods. oven oftta 55 Npaame 63 12 •• Pirdierings at eneare or .1..n0...10u " Ladle/or, Spasms, St. .Vitae' 1100618 H. Diptherls. theeretell bons Throat a.II.ILT OAS.. .• Cana of 3.• vLslj , alopoeto cam and boot ecnsplete .410 00 CaSe of le large stela, In momeno nod bbok. 200 Case of 20 large rl.ls, plain neon amlbook... 600 Case of If boa. (Nos. I to IN and book s uo V • I7X_APCII.DI. Wholesale Agent, PlitabAegh, Pa. For sals by E. /EINEM, 22 15401:btle1detreet. Awl I 3 J. 0. liata, IDS Federal at-, Allegbany. ould at Justtli FLEraiNi - Ps brag sod Pat. eat 31.h:tribe be pot. No. 84 Alnrket st.,:oor‘ser C.: the Dlantoa d sod neat Fourth sc. igludyeo.l ( 1 000ki NIS MOMS I=l=l AMU.E . I,IJOLIS 000 Kt BALSA:i ISTRIeti LAND'S Iff_BLLIZLOOLS 4:llEt.Lft BALSAM 1* a artantal W ause (34.ugt14, lioaraeceaa AschAt, WhoopL,g Orn J, :en La va r., I.)..Bmptlon, and all atfcalens of tta Ttoott Luria Far tale ny I.:rur,L ar— • L'ePOt, S Fourth Mee.. cz ar O. ICELALIRLWIIEICSIak. All the Deedlointeu and Ma peers foCorcalca• LIL STBIGHLAIIIPS AINITI43HULEIf..a TUBE es the tali evrtath ternedybrithirrtussaao llyientery. It . . la ' s conibization Auringelts, A.L.a.l.ethin, St:a:wants and Canal - AI tee saC Ls warrantee Le. canes • care after aU. . cuts have galled. For sail n irrugsurra GOOO ..1.. SOS, 1E.. , Fourth trfre36 MoelttssAl. U. STRIOKLABIPS YEE REM V D! Ult. iaTEICELAIIIPS P/LE RENla'lry cure! thousands of the wont cases ol Blind and Bleeding Plies. It gives immetllata relief, and id lens s permanent awe. Try It directly. ltd. war ranted to cure. For sale by all Druggists. Gazeral DerOt, a East Fourth Meat, Cincinnati. 0. Dvoipapsia,, Bervommeas, Mobility DH. STRIOKLA.NIT'S TONIO. We eon recoramena those augrering with ion Apx.iate, Indigestion or Dawre_m.a, NerVotuaella and Nervous Debuity, tar .yesTprde It Ie • vegetable prepare...To, Ave from alcobtlie liquors; It Wreathe. the whole .1•70,31 it creates •go appetite, and Is warranted= tip and Nervous Debility. Fore by OEOHOE S. NEYSER. Pittabazgh. B. B. SELLERS A 00 , SOF. FLEXING, N. MeCLARREN h 00, onakt.rS SUPEE, J. B. FULTON. a Ot.u. A. EELLY, Allegheny City. TtatiTiodar.wr a,. 1413. do beery CORTI '1811:1113 raacrricA Fs ii.EXUAL nmt.INT tourrnilms seldom a-aquired by pb, at OW&rcablothdo to MIA city, A:341 amount. of patlenta trm,tol Anaually bf mO. wr cte :WA proof of my imam. - • ,-, 'SP Llittl&W ItILUCRA, or Sk.Z..U.A.L EAICILF,S • And oii alaeaw thorofrom, aro aux.:, to !nauch &Sorter time Mao betetoloro by ay NMI TDIETABLE RI 1101),5. fa...dictum:seat tt any part of the Union. All letters must cutaln t stamp to pay mart postage. COfrarponderza half 09doe, SUITIIFIELD street, atarTnis mond. Addrars J. W. BILSItSTJUR, 11., faLt:ly EXlC..PflUburgh. P RIVATE DIEZABEB, Odic. 25 PENT: STREET. imsr Eland, Fur the cure a all dreamer or s private nature, from two to tour ant's, by an entirely netrand salt treatment. Also, timatial Wealrwew,eadall otnet &ermine IA the gannet carrels, and theft prollearloni A cure warranted or money refunded. °Mee tours—, to to a m.,134 to; end. to 5 p. to. Address lettere W., 253 Penn non lyoonomE a iveLLAcr., 1:97 33,01 e esage_le ax-u 6 wt. Mate Lcad, Red Load, (Macao., Paints, 01" Vandalic', Dye Studs, Wladaw Glass'mad , Yak Parfuzgery, Sundia l Uarbca Oil, &a. Itepts fpr Winter', kletallidErmak Pa in t. Hasalltea White LesdXharter Oak White/4=d add Magary a itilltop'a OatetdataLratt4PCjlr 1.11 one and two pound C. 1111.. No. 37 WOOD STB.ERT,i'. • (OPPOSITE THE sr. osAstam E6rEi,) el=ll RLF.40K.&,8110., • - .Ensfise.pulldeurarid_Machin4tm, rilsnalactuiers of MendesPatent 17-slasiS Palm lorStesm Eaglets Mil Eestaes, The were Ms. chluery, SLattles, iissizers, Pulleys; Its., Confer tlerrlsatrazillke etreenPittsbitsgb, Lep&Plug sad p4ttittg Up scummy. pr'lss*omply: 2e.el 1 IMESESMI 4' I n‘e ctir,d, by tt e use ni •• • • • h. ./ I,ll evn tn. A Ifie g ell ea, ee er y 1.,. a. For prrrssußan. PA F ; I"_ Mei 11.40.403. I 164)• s 14:11•ft=tia' %pa . 4. -5. si-Lrelt,4 eamstia , CENTRALS. IL—SUMliten AS RENO E —LII VERCDAILY TRAINS. a"...!na aver ItIMPDAY.;; - M..r t. T 441. 'P.m %%4. ace t 1 Dipot u iniknea. IA Ylt daily 'rateeyt Swami, au a tera. , m a st ping anly st ' prive:S.a/ 06atzvar a - ! arm, aL Ha :6:0.4 /4r ::rsr A,: •1111114 . 01. k. *el Nev . ar2 Barn. ard•traerLunhate palau MAD. Al 171, 1131 ,, 1 , C.TaL1N, •naly r-rLopt •61. at 6 • rrt atoppta; AI "e; ort.stlcuas aetatern entataliza aotl ELarnara,l4„ . •od eaaJLiay cltee earmectla6 Liaa :ran. ea It WeGt .11\ Eheuatesall rrri sliwit'o"}V .. °l t 4 {l34'' u A r tili...,"',ll,gs • 1' L • (rya g=a.”. at ;6e p rtai .1 Lae nano. benrcea YindpureL - n-1 PaUstlrjy..l sad making enonorn..n ra at, t • tssos. N h , bra tc-1 R. R., Iyn 1r an.; tilear•aria . ,,a a o L. t oe 1"111by Snatches , • .rtit,;,,, .teta..*,lllt,eLT7. C• 2 0,,T3 t! 3 a, r t~l car M . ., between Pi: i 0,.. 3•1•••• 11, 4..4 gone teeth; at fthiest lute.riee“... wet. o the th. Dane. Wench mho . „ . c „ ran-MA L.PLI/A E.,14; etoppula at I Lekratowt. limn .. Sea* the. fir-rletturK;Strert . 0 007 v.. are de It t kirtituaeret tf aa , et.Let • ru end Ne. York at Palladettlltta, for Nor etn3 epw. Lurainle pulata. tern 0131,1313 tr , “-, from rave:lure:. tO etaltereha c c. sand Nate York 2 by Atilt:teem roirea. hTLile daily. 00 , 41.14 lx ballet, 9.eu p. to . etortang hely t 1 Catkin:. tall. ballet= -AMU ., linuttnadort Lawmaftru. Itilttan , NenetterD Maryeetha Itarriebere. 3ltddl2u,.ra ,63.123C433/1 tote.. Mt . Jot. L.dtaataMtranMarar, ten frotelle . leatet a At lietrntoura 'Marneetamo are wade to Neer York. Ittlumnre math, Wast , egarateal Plait* I 1 tat. for Item York, tteabre arra tz ., tertatedtat: Atecommottation Tit Leer for Sta. earn 3, . 11 3 I•xcept ,*hush') to 1:L872. a Seemd Accotnr.lodstlott Tta•ft tot WalV4 Static:l texcrpt,Suutlip AllXlll3loOttALloll 7:rais too Waltt's Statlea eaten tau( (except Sealy) arard p. a. Fourts.acruattoOdatton' rilihtbr WaL r . Scala , . a cave. daily (except Suntta.r) at &Olt A.uttalomszlon tot Petan ~.itisloa,.:cs,o.4 I.lu The ehatea Truitt leave* Slaitteit Sands) . Cl MS a. et. teturauai leaere'Plidatren t N at 1260 p. a. Ileitionns Trams aril re ill Ytttanyert en te4omai arm. Faat Line. not a. nk. First IX nil.. Stanon Aesnitiamtat'on.:. 6.26 r. m. Yew, Accontazantation..,.4. 7;r3 *An. Secbutt WalPa. Statibta AcjiiinaniNlattontilarnem. Sotmaionoa - in. Fretub curia & Eair Platt ' MOO p. a. Raab:nor* . txpress I.7at p, ta. Third WOll • ciliation Anenitinplatton.. I.ft. p. Phtiadeipnts Express 4.30 p. Ct. Port, W , all', Station iii:COmmodat ton .d.tVp. m. Enograng Tram • tired An At ea.t of tar Excello - ln tteiMpan t.lll air ano 50 ouch tlflin ffeltfelf rrEfferfaiffrtriir Depot, e r ke-I,rena j>j An pflst of 11, C 11) •tilre Atf . .,/11 Prop Open. f, nod fog; t, who, al) orlrls for the mieemena rt pasaer.gfos torrgalia wtn reffefro prffmrt.u.. finitt, m e e‘prem oft!! Infflve ffftto etiffSflEtptilfli •ft tcf re ciiffl:fpf. ITI , E —ln ease of ken, the thantaseivati. bold tformfeivirsi ieffpo.osttflt: tot iff , r•uff. , / ,'page only, and for an amour[ isogeacreding - $lO.l. . I-L U.KWlTlitgent, At the renosyseano. tfent..'sl ',Rath - aid Pasotn3er• Station. on Liberty and tram street/I. motif /Fri BBL+ltlill, 21E . CV AY t. a u1t.)4.1A(31,G,51F ItAILW A Y ANL" Ulan' KL.A.N1.1.. BURGH RAILROAD. •E- 11. 1 .4. 4E17ARF1a>(.41:51ENT. Un nud niter ilisy MN, .I".A.S. trldts• IC/ Ibl;olax, Leacto• , tor ea, I • Ftd Picsoba %Oil:nous. lia•eveLsoa. I Whoett - i. 2,0 h. m.. , - 2.10 2.1 a ..... 12.00 p. o. m. 243 p ..... 01.01/ p. 17.00 6.414 . , For Plem , Cietlasuld F.el. OD a. TO. .471))/Xpily. S. nrnre6‘. Plitt otugh—P.:ll. W. a 4.3; gag a al., .3.2 a it.ta.y. I.la , p. ai4a.lo et, O. aP.R. L. —42 16a. la.. Sod p.m4a.W tn, , aoCent IrODAT/01 TRAXx. •- • Le Not ," kne r " d r.t l i Few=' Stenb Brighton - McMinn vino. nf.oa.ro. RAS &alp. a. 10.80p.m. imp . 4.46 p. la amp. es Amy* Aues&idir—r.io. W. &0. galiwoi Ida a. Jr., ea& m..,10.95 &JO 46C1 in. Wad I=o IN sa. 0. &P. R. 8..-4.10. a. M. = . GEOH.O.Y. FAIIV.INAIekaf .11densi Mum ra114611,4} Statical, Pittatoregbi 1 , 1*.• A. Q. OASSFAXESSLY; Ticket Agent,' uuy. MYER-S.O=l:W &Mt prradia;RGH esaiDagmga ooisrm-LeviLidi Ed7l.R//AU.' SUMMER ARliAtiGg" - On nller MONDAY, lime h 1534 thstrain will , tare th e Depon,inienestnot.E.mi wid r.stabarga. t'imat , a6. Man to sad tram MI oolown-7dra a. ta. amp. ID.' 1:34 , 21112 First /dslieesport AlecomMe..4lMs. m. b. it. Seoad '". p. m. Amto.p. flint IttseWook's" a. m. tetti s. s Secom.l " p. mt. SAO p. tG Sunday lit:tree ?rats to melt:: ' . tram McKeesport 4.1:8 to; ett 10004 For ticket! apply to • a. J. eill.A.ftlL, Agent. W. EL STOpT. Separinteo't. A LLINAIENY VAL- gia:V4E - M 4 -.• LEY RAILROAD.- I.7IIA.NUE OF ILME—On Nt., after ASIONDAY I 17.1 tekll,= . che following ::.i.riaArecurnt • MA IL IttalN.—Leaves Pittabuirgn ns 1.00 arriving an Kittanning at ICUS 1. EL taMenlato teaming at ado p. m.. arriven as t ittsbMgh - sr.' P tiinEM TRAIN—LaavM; Tar 'Vining In Sal Partiving Pittrattmli at 9.Z a. /ALMS Pittandrfhi CZ. arrivihs at Kittanning M7OOMMOLATION TRAIN"— Loaves Soda Works at itio sniving aiPitiablintn at lan m. teams Pittsburgh at 3.9 aitivimt at Soda Warta at ano p. ta. • mils P. WRlGH'".Surcrinramdana, iN THE ORPHANS! OMIT OF, AL.' IXIIHENT OfITINTY. P .--In the matter _et the East. of hit .heel Beat, dertme3.-4 , .41. 3, Jam,- Tenn Men.—Writ of Parittlanor Vaituttios. To Michael aawkey, of Wnstmoteland county,. • Jo,,as Has key. of Allw,heby tronatf, John Haws Eid e p h rtffong e, % r oo lu t e r riy .Ta p ec 4 il . : L e tilnat rk ir i g. • Dania Andrews, kites Antrim. Steph a n , Mary Harkey, forme fly glary Andrew n. and Lrate Andr , wsiPoilly Lang, A nd . tas o ile, (amyl/ kllsatreth Weetomme And unty, Beat, or-Armstrong county, Iv 4:, George Wialp, Jacoa Giant, anti Catharine his wife, formerly.tJatharine Walm Jcsish Dentition, Eimabeth litibright, and /*nob Runrlght her tosbard, it Wmp, freT, etc , eattntrine his wife. iMmerly atharin3 Bait, Cochran; And Maigaret his wife, fat • 1 merly Margaret Hart, and 'Mary hitt colic, formeri/ bleu Hort; Steen Lode/felt/ for ly Susan. Best, Jona /MAI Beat , hl y Hem. Ilion, James 'Youn. and thttaarlinthls wife,' for. merly Catharine noir Le, , Armstrong county, Daniel flibeon, and Mary hilt itlfe, formerly Mary Smkh,lll.lab GlinOn. and .13.131theth Me Info, sett, Eltubctli,Smith, Johnirtramer. ant Leah his wile, .formerly Leah Smlilt,.heirs 501 legal reerestntatlyes of Michael IkV, deceased r • Too are hereby nett] ed.th attaninquisition. will It held, in pursuance of thn abornmentauted of Partition or Valtratioe, on the prentiaes, Is Plum township, Allegheny ibunty, Yeans.,_on on TlllilisPAY, the 3Sth day-Of SIKPTE3IBEIL, A. V. 1565,..5t ten Women a, make oatilltlon to And among Ur helm of soil deau.41,,,,,,,,,h I anyner, end in such proplntionn, as by thelaws of I us Commonwealth is directed,. att, at wldah One and plate you may atter.d Ton think. prope JOHN H. 81 kbA.RD, Snerift. Satnrre's Onricra, Prrsuistrion, August Stn,A. D. 16.4. t! 91311:1tvantdosw TN TILLS 23ISTRIZT COURT OF LEGRENtY 001:11ITY E2CIIT 6, April Tenn, L936.—N0. 96, In - :Partition. - James Dent:Osten et. Andrew Perizoito4, Wen.ll:, Dennitton, John R. Dennlston,nd J. Bracken.' ridge, his guardian, Joseph F. peal:Keen, Troves. mon N. Berlin, and Jane ed. kis wile, George O.' Dew !sten, James A Dennistal, Nancy R..ltenr tiaton, Wuhimtos Eauffeart9 and Nancy LW . wife, George D. Kauffman trod EAU', R.E.autfoisn. Wm. IL Esuffictan, John a. lizadfrosa, Nancy. • K auffal an, Samuel L. Kantrataaland Etta Ken Z.. man, who hate for guardian 8.0. Haworth, yin Lather Deanieton, AndroydJ. Denelatoa and Samuel Denntsion, who have for guardian, ad Wm, li. O. Hulls, Samuel Kleinert's, and Christina his wits, Gloms D Richards, Z.Tarcin L. Richards, Andre* oouster, and Nance „lime Marmite, Rip,. - . uel J. Richards, Saunas hicherds, George Find. lett and /..rata him wile, and Catharine Deartiston, devlseerkfacof 'George Donn:sten, /ate of tars, cit rof Pittsbtusli, deceased. .s • ,- • To the Parties alsmeacmwrir Yoh airs healthy notie fed that the muter and Ganita ts atonete anprte,itri to mike vartigoo. In the alto 'a %ate. hive orepars ed heir report, dividing the Real Ware dee:gibed t; tet the,filli of Utunplala;., Into ptal . parti, and vain.. int end mvpratting the macce t aad tea Interest/ of • , ;the patties therein . ; and the. sold blaster will et. tend at ils otilre,ffo. 159 Fourtireticci, ut the Mg: fl 'of l'ittirMaiiir, oh TIIIYESDAY,t RePlembt o-59 th. ;at_ o'clock. a. ra, for the TeOkeele 0 1 %nettle( ine ',imparts to the parties ent - firma thercco. ea Ile whir h time end place, all or thelattave named par. II:, sone ar U krAW and requested h attain/1-mnd in einem:dime, the male report can to emmo'ned my bulea TEI)S. EWING.. - stalfmawtheen -t Matter: AD .. 2,..1115:1 a 5 i r .. 11 6 /i rd T e ri a r th. S O 4 , l.; rb E...—j o. ll;:p rs 4 o r...; Allegheny Conetv. the lac deragned, adeartletni.: tor er tat non of Ellyth Seelttudesease2, grin ex,l poor to pubt.e es.e, at the Conn. - Hausa, on Thor*. day; eztr.taer MO, at Wet:Mk a. m" the a",','lrgest4,o'ilum.2leb,i, l7 ,.`fLo a f cold Enid- comer dr Fulton street and Onfftlet PUti,. tough, on which Is erected a!TWO Sway- Eli hasp HOUSE, containing tee rowel. *.!•!. lot e ns beat of fes feet, 2% ?aches ort Fulton street, d a trout of IS ct 2 Inches on Charles alley, and extendi back by a blue ruatita Nrittc Colwell sreet, 07 fool Ineha,!, ara.hy - a, r!! mg.ho angles to Colwell street, tehket I Metes. !,. Terme-00h. • ! JtIESI J. BRYAN; ;-' • eeleflwdesar - • 'AAmtalatrator. . - r , E CITTOR',B - WhereEvi 4- 1 letterttestamentaryon the-,eatale of ABRA. Saffi PAT'Llat.3oNi - late of Alta atireTlek - .0/ Idencheakr Allegheny cc:away, teed, bavlnatatott Waded. to the Px.lettagneaalu-i'4wns t ^ :: - .llealadented to sal 'este artifamor et_ to akeynerentornllthaaerherleo; Winn; aaldesttaatiee present the saint, dray antheottel.t i teal for settleatear,to.the uneerinte, at Meant* of Di elate A.. A D. I...rattereonion Deaver street,, -, Nand:eater. ELIZA Y. FAYPEIISOIIi; - i setasariloaar- ALEE.P.B,I,I`.ERSON • Exaeetene- xrcyricz,:wheitas, Leiterscit 4. 1 sityitioz cm the Estate rf HENRY 1 1 1,11 t;.? AIM?, Ate of elie.oousity crAgeghenv,d aa ktificb4., ipault Toth. usittattgaed persesei soeettoc t tAto.Eitstezro reeleste.l soak. in} motes partsent.thereigyatsf,.att- these .harLat elalses.sgatast the easseare.tegullited toerneat--7 thon.lcJaS,StrEaiter,ilb.ll, Eeices street A.llse;,i; sLOie mat - Ar(ri ap.xarEt,t, t tet.estaie Ed'x4ist raters, .. . .............. .. qi - -•:.--'-;...5.F.",..•..':'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers