164 Vitthrgh - t azeitt. ' t TfCfßlPAlfitki,4'.Tg.:4PML ise3 A - 1 , r• IrfIifELDELP ELIA. , Dattelqam o ence of the Pittsburgh Gazette. ParilDinellia. Sept. 0,1865. I , There' le - best:tan tole somewhat of a istli ... Aare. is polbacs, though the hopeless nature ot :Alps ixas;est for the Detect:elle ticket ' ' renders It ; &fiord for the liederd(Of that party to Infos, : f ancy *hit tom theirstglowers. Mr. J. N. • - gents; the 'Reptbliesn' metiber, -who has for .I,h,ree sneeestlve 'Units represented the Rivals -Representative 'Distil& In' the lidgbalature vat 1., be opposed this time by an Independent Repub. .45t!..candidate, the Democrats making no nonii nation:' The-district, is- overwhelmingly Repnnl .:; : ibll4 l , tot 1 tl.t. it• Par odeeyed an' indipendent math , date to Councils 'on :account of some dissalls .1 ,fitellOU. .1 - 10 not think: Mr. Kerns will be de leafed; but if e shottd, the . Damon/ate will Velo nothing. An effort is also being candela 13111 . - an Indepe data Republican candidate for LMIO Senate eg i so Ridgeway, the present 8•211.1• tor, but thus 'Without any open result. prob. , 'ably because the' Democrat, tenet on running their own car.dldate. Thin district has over three thousand Republican majority and Ridge. May: Minnot *be beaten dull= by the uttion u.- , o n , opposition noon an independent F.eptatilican, candidate s .wtapt I- do not think likely. The! Inevitable Schollicla has got the Democratic, nomination InAhe lower .house in Da Eiavenist distriet.hut Do Haven wilibeet him again easily.l Altet eiteltirilli talled to get the Repahlicaa no Illi t,kwaktt for the Senate, some of lire friends triedt slOketlinbrra to decline theriomination'for thst lower house, in Cochran's old 'Ratner., bet Sabers - , frienda 'Wined to .consent.. Cochran will be Ipso to the elty,havlng been every useful mew ber:' - . The city 'will elect to the /Tonle of Rep iiimitatives fifteen Republicans and three Da tl.. . — isontin - - Pennell and Ridgeway will both be eel elected to-the Renate. It is ImooSalbfels yet to tell whit the. majority In the city will be. Of r ,,tenirile, It cannot equal that of Lincoln last No-'. 'ember, Put it' cannot fall below that given e.t . the. October election, which on the home vote question. 7.800.. enbstantiel mutts are beyond all cpiettton. Boma of our local nominations may ' sutler seriotedy. :The Democratic 8 . 4.te Committee has held al Watiatlng lure to cotathenee oPer - atiotts. Tfie cbirri vane?". Senator Wallace. Ls an active : energetic; - - XitiO3, and will give us more tronbleiltan his' pre.f de ,e, Imes-414d to hear from many mem-; Want otir own State the-men s'etmourniing re-t _pr_te of our own prospects in the interior. Atl i • ;looks - .011 - tddight and promising, and 31r. Cessna is; . 1 4cenfidesat of a larjmniajority in toe State. -Thei Ttemeteratass exit° be losinglhelr coaddiinfie IM Rresiderrt Johnessn, being unable to use him for dheir ends. Oar only danger now lo in allowing, the pernicious free trade Intrigues, started lot ;Nets York under quasi Republican, auspices, to; , ; . 431Sitltrtat." •To prevent this, we must Make an, opencontest for protection as venemently as Cr.ce . - Do not allow - yourself to be deceived by' the Petended Republican character of some of • ..ittitifree trade organs in New York. That is us-, - intmentlzi order to work more effectually, bat the' . Firliolt Of. rho: - new movement for fags trade 1,..;, :stirred up . try foreign halueoces. Thtle tatter see -cu - Itagroglidlatlhe power ol the Democratic putt to htlp them is gone forever, and they are , • nesr endeavoring to divideand distract na l -411c05m11.140-at-trigonanis contest In Congress when It rthitte;Over_ retonatruction; protection. atul many other matters. We already begin til lee dos 01 the gathering :germ. But I think 11l thamabi the action of Congress, likely to • Us ettet-that every Republican will be 'tole is 'otlorsette ' Drone thing you may last 'satisfied -4.;orurress will secure hill and permanent pro. teetloll to the civil rights of the emancipated ' - elaves.ri It will eine O a nite - number, of distinct -.bills to-do this, 'tilt - they are all in preparation and ,will be paved. The revolution will not bil atifeied to go backward. At least such are the -.•l.ndiestiormaalleis tham from' here. The Partyl ....,r s te.PrOtilder 01 thatuext,Congress than Died predecessors: The political campaign opal auspiciously with an Increased majority in Ver W. • it Las NIGHT'S RUM: ikrettenekeebel . Llvelentiet, urteied .Bakee; -.shot and killed Mr. 1411, ()Irma Court Clerk, IA 4t4to.Teille, on the 4th.. Baker eras pa, to }all; '4l.l7L 4 ;iiiirtakl9 — crat - that night esrpti rlthets and tong. -The-affair has given rlsn to gieati e'en:arm:. . . .1 Rom! °Whoa bloctang Into the affairs of "I:4o;Piiisastrals Departincat at .N Efesvy fkinao tqave been &seamed, and a nam .•! tier 0 arrests made. I:*liceldifineentiimendlog at Aug 03 Ages: -ardirc, declaring. all =tracts. = „Wl* the agreement ins to pay in gold, ibid.: 'Chouteau, fir., for many yearn -at rho bodef the emenemi Fur Company, one Or the Olden citizens of St. Lowe and a reu-eeenutilvet , Of i(bletorie Creole - I=lly, died on Wedaesday. Tha Police Commtesloama of St.,. Loobs bave kaitfactad the polite to.ixoialfaClato all viola ` ilantpf. the new eatu-titation by a offUtra„preadil ere and who bate neglected to‘taike the ;-eiatib, and tho.Graud Jam Stone, o Lowa, is prosecuting tne, tabylia for blare-election with much vigor, 13 , 3 i bas , already traversed a 'good portion of tbe', Stun t gad arlll fallow it-im .until electidn Babas mi. - kelt:lvaid Colonel Benton, hie oppa-1 404 to meet blm joint dlscuselon, but he decithes. Io feet Benton beanot ye: decided to ,Weetiktitor,tbon.ve tibmlustleaiitou r hits. be an Sendeitd Fetishism ,at the Santo. ..„ _ _ itiondbegto the !Sahli& Tribuas toe wild sp- ; - peratitiOna of !savage — Africa eelil finer - ansolg I the Cl theithg4 iinaltiey.ari - .occasion!, detested in fetish ,worship.. An . occasion of the ktha)ately happened at Mobile, which is thus at company with a few.. policemen we went • • -las( night WI - twinge aitnatied bond the Om ,Wpeka„, ked-ottntpied by annkiwegra who claims I,o*l liff •Obt Ilan, • Approaching the tome a • and toaerhar,lMagh the - crevices In the lwalles, a. wild :Weird - spectacle was presented. ' Aroondti sinalr fire of pine in`thcraiddir; of the 11.139e—0r r001:11a tor door -there wee none—arid - Over Web was bung a PM, ant a group of negro - • , 'Men and Women, entirely naked; their hair ,or -wad. twisted into pig tall Claris sad ornament - ledltrithenrigs oirattlekitbiaLherb intermingled 'with dried - roots, - - their - eyes close:lt - the mos .-: of. cpernonbw or Highietish Priest, with a • wake tddittround his necle,,and hin.wool grizzled sage, 'and garnished more peon:l'44y than lthe rmt,ltote. cheating sou ithiog it,rt droning remainder of the 'congregation' .ImMonded, as if were, with a low long drawn howl: " The old negro with the enake thin clip ' mipdhisliandeand the Whole party ruse and coat lanced a most furious - stamping-la a circlet 4toand-the-pot. This-aver. they all squired down again end the 'Obi Man' resumed his cheat at the smittittine . heldiiiiiiihin hands a covered • 'basket,' from which he drew and dropped loco ,the pot p &rawdead make; nett ear frog, then • • Snag alliguttenbnld afoot long. - now another Athellefalligator. or- lizzol,..and hot oral'. the tetra end roots (ran bls owd. and heads - of other Silence was - obserseed by all for some Minutei after the last deposit bad been. , made. after.which the pot wee taken from the are, and whilethecluseorts mixture was yet reeking not, dipped the - cedar the middle finger of • the efthand into it and applied the end 0 1- -- the linger to their tons, um; another dip Imo the pot • was taken with tht middle finger of the right laud Mot certain eatelistic characters discribed - 'Cm the breasts, toy-heads arid abouldere—one. •.; as o s r i d sti w n a g spo ken un t n il t t h h e e ir o c p lo a tthieosn .t edN,boes been W s spo Iregumd and they bad got clear of fns bona's. ,±Villbongh on 'high occasions the or 'Ohl man' may demand a human sacrifice in his - • bellleh sights, and which saree Is generally-a wing child; nothing of the kind was attempted A.111..-Yaisdotipowmovt .of last 'eight. 'Phe presence of the ,nolica would, .of courzi,,,ae Pterented anything of this nature had ir. e v bn been thought neeersed7 by the old negro conduct tkeaMdr. •Oldnegmwomen are sinnetlintn or sis' Material' in these meetlegs at Von - ;doOhilios near New Orlearis;ane of whom: owe ..-ptd,the tactile-111 knife an , one occasion - M ' O anieg the arrest of the whole gang." TEEDAmilreon Eunterr. ,—The - Now Y7Ol 4 E , Tribtplets* - ... , "I"holfarsthlnki- "the 'negro c., , i'..initit of cue • .. ' 'Bonth.ls dangerous to the peace of the country pit ligge.? , In *kit respect? ,' Doca "the cleamentl&eat too temy Government; rattans? In Knoiiillo, ;50 eat, but only tyro -, Woe& to 4 1bEi elm:ll6AP' ' - ••• ells "the elemet'4lticy.2 ...LErory. writer from • Booth tells as that.gos beretonr:loafets, the . toes ere , th e petty gambtern are "whits ten. , The negro works. • , • ' • • ? DlStiallstheelement9 cost too much;? , The sate ttotelU the &nth is from Eve swum-dol r ls month.. The labor to semen and harsh: could not be sitchased - hers foi gyp ,tbnelho moetp-.... ... th . elcamt" vleMe? We it &if storica of giPprela-. ion and -injustloe -every.day, =souks, murders. deceptlons; but In all Cases thEnal* mall to the. meteo, 'the ales j f , calm, pricolaplainleg; doc ile. :: -_ ~i ....... , _ ... ..- .- - is- M Ind, eletgatM Is as:germs to the dataifT pretty , mach -as the lamb _ was to sae ,wolf,. Whether hi. drinks up .;the: signora ,or down the drolly or. does not Wilk_ at all, the, wolf .wl.ll *Ottani; be; disturbai„ ~,F-„..,, , ... - .. , : 0 ~, Rot Au PAthioto I'itioiounooel bitten.. 'car' • bon IkntOcfra aira caadlilatalor,flatrcitnor„stib - Jed 10 tho ant, Dammuttlo Cottreagon. _ Auto verf rogaa. erruisk - Oallacagovs, aril kuowlag bitb:ite,..-gc•vafo to 241y1r4:1:usls botiost,, 4 aa—orily4inalg . in his pollcicel vtilwa : Royale Meater Clyaaca. seems to •batro-tht,t de* MOIL - sad We 0 17 3 Y /IQ 11/1 01 . 4i , 7,4 =~~~,. NEWS ITEMS. liarc Denversegetbat Capla'n Dahliren, sow of admiral' igren r of the navy, who passed through thls city a short time sincejor,Ball, "Lake, unfortunately Muni two of hlrfelfm'Prlsengenrwhile en route, NT tlaeaccidental discharge of his resolver. 0.11, OK thWrrilde lin DOI MeCted to Tice; the other was Only slightly wounded. Tut watchmen of Toronto, C. W., ware late ly mush exercised about a ''ghosi" that appear ed tosome of their number. The . ghost" he; made its appearance two or three tiows and on each occasion carried off some property; in fact It wee a burglarious spectre. TIM Cincinnati Topurer on Monday gave au tdltorlal headed •'The Case of Wirz," In which the editor prononsums the trial of that brute s •`petty vindictive prosecution," a "mte• relit/ std diegraccird prosecution," and the rboin vloceedinebeyond exfamsion hove and cow ardly." Tan President Is said In bare told an Ala bama delegation on Monday; that an cond-ca tine of property could lawntly take ;t;ere without the imaViCaoll, by trial, of the retries for treason. It is unilerito94,-tb-,4 Chief "I'4- tire Chase coincides with this view, the effect of which will bete overthrow the Cootiscaitun act. Tim citizens of Idaho have hard work to get, their territory small enough. Montana has' been set nit from b. But now tlfey are talking' of raining a line east and west through their, domain, and than laylug the foundation of te,: Ileslßlzac 3 . - - On Eatrirday evening last . he safe la the office, ,of the.connft treeiitirer of 'Fleur* county. tin-; Mold:Vim :Idosien . open by. bfirgliann From .$17,0(5) tol2Q,000: In United States bonds and! urcenbaclai Were abstracted. The +robbers hare. ablest een'arrestedried.the money-recovered. Gmead. preparatcOns -are Wag made for the Obi° Mate Fair, which commences on Tneaday neit;and wllf ton tiniti fbur days. 'The Alden didhnildlngs erected last year have.been largely added to and much Improved.- ' TIM - operalivea In the cotton;Sind woolen fac to:glee At Utica, New Yor it, are on a strike for the eight hours a day system. Direst& of de. struction of property are rife, and mach alarm prevail& GENERAL Foe looks upon Freedmen's camps' ; as unwholesome and pernicious, sad is rapiely ' breaking them up In his district. The negroes are enentn aged to seek emnloyment In cities and towns. , All the branchea of the Brats Bank of lowa' have been wooed tin with the exception of that .01 Fort Madison. Tact National Banks 'have supplanted-them. At Rocky Mier, Ohlo, a drunken man was attacked and inverely torn by a allf, which' took hhn-atdisadanntage while be was sta,Ner- Ina einem& Matt • A G. ' .11..1 el clebnear. moitly chills and lever, and flax, Is prevatilng thronghorn Indiana. In Borne counties nearly every family - bras a few A stsl4 named Ryas,. a well-know. character in Schaghticolm, has-beetneentenced to the Troy jail for thirty days, for 'tall:lng about a horse trade In church. AT the Democratic State Convention,. avAl. bans., three sets of delegates from New Turk ctj-svere pre:fent. :Tanta? Pezart,-and.the Marmotis wereall repixeletned. • A °Reap ccean,yacht race will take place la New YorkliarbOron the If h. Thd yachts am to sail tram thathoady.flook lighthouse. around the Cape May lightellp and return. rminnevithe excitement for a few 'days about the burial of 'McCarthy, at St. Loots, the Fe- Mans have received huge accessions to their ranks. A ruarrio oB we l 6mal!n;32 errnek at BtlIton,; on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, thirty-eix: miles from Wheeling:- A nisEit4a has- appeared among the orange and letzein'phintatlone in the East ladles, and It , le IlkOy to prove a actions calamity. A telsontru cable to connect Vicksbarg with Phftveport.nciaddobrjre and Dethh,has been laldo semis the SI isifeelppi river. .Plvs itforsiwn dollars has been, subscribed, to born for oil at Meridan, Cayuga county. N...rr, Yptk. • v Tun New York fire companies concerned la; the recent riot In that city, have been disbanded. Tim New Albany Carnmn•cia% a new 'Union; paper, appeared on Monday, . " PEit'StiNAL , linsarr Cori,TEErt;, an-did and well 'mown raeraWaL of rtglaielphla t ,lllo nt hia - Fesideuce hz Gertnantoviti on Monday, He Was no less distil:toddled by hiallibirality to the use of his wealth, than by the enterprise and tmalaass tal ent, by wbkhlt wan acquired. „ k,71.7 is stated that President Jahtmon has in troduccd . Into the Man 'House lb.:: Ivrea famlivcircle - that curer =noted . the.Execathre Mauston. Ells faintly corulsts of hts wife,. a ton, a ramie law;lelo dare : Viler?, and a climber of grandchildren. The son-in law Is Judge Patience, rtcectly clecte3 a &A:11.1.r (ma Tennessee. Mr. G. K. Roor, of Hartford, President of the Colt Fite Arna'e Company, died a few days since; Mr. R. gain CaMrof great genius to Lau way of InVeLtiaa, haying Igeerge4 the machine for pinching the eyes In amusAlustesd of weld ing.. Image other disco:marten la machinery. 41.10.410nnta; an Zuglishuttn;^tencrseaslreined Ot the NegOlltatirbialiPSada. m"rah-S ago, is still a captive. Ile has succeeded In sending t. letter to 'Nardmi, la which he Mates thaa,the -provisions rat the inflia , s are being ezhauStad; that be himself is so reduced by tha privations Which be endures that hale ao looker able to Boa. Wat. 814na sd.H ahaatesigned bls position as consul tie , on: Ar 0. of Ver - twat l . been appeir.ted..,ble successor. Was Du, therphitenthropLst, has go to Waliamsburg. Va., , tiolook after the welfare (if thelneatleasylum - there and the comfort, of its .0 . ov. lespracsoz„ - oflObio, cnittif respect to hie predecentar, retain the staff appointed by the late s Govcraor flrough. leiter Irina President Jotinsoe to Gov Sharkey. Lanza Fltosi rilksinevr JOHNSON. Governor Bharkey publishes the following correepeatience "It In believed there mai be organize! In each !, county a force of citizen militia to preserve or d'er and erifOrc . the civil authorities of the State, , and ofithe Untied Btatee, -whiehewould !enable the Federal Gotten:meat to reduce the army, . and wlthdraW, to a great extent, the forces from ' the State, theretsp , reducing 'the enormous - ex- Pen ant ottbnt • , iCiTarßia ttf... ' '•' • there Wee eofdanC2r froni °forties .siorrof the calms , for the purpose indkaulf, the miti. . l Ot.fg7n inera..ko._ , Mssl4i On tOe inat inoito ineurrutf Misty 1n Ira erecter. One great object is to lndneetthe ,!'peepleto come forwardto, the defense of the State and Federal GOiarimenti. GenerilVish inter) declared thetehe people, or the militia, was ! the!! 'atini 'Alf the Gintititntion; or the ',0f , .. ,the United States. and, ae 604*-64 ltlsbraetteable, the original design of the gcrvernment sbonld be resumed tinder the • principles of. I pfre t ,ldeaoitoie w pleby.hefeonvrf ; the Republic. The peopletinst be trusted with , their government, end li-truste4 my opinion to. that they will - act good' filth, and restore former coluttltatbsnal :relations !with all the' . States coral:x*4 the Union. The main object .'of IWO Generar Carl Settime s ktolsalon.o the ," Rota,. was 'to aid. "si 'pinch practice. ble,in- carrying out the patcy.adepteek by tbe government for reatortn g States lei their former relations witb the Federal Government It is hopeedriett eirfliarleeis silveh. The pro clamation criticrialtie the !restoration of State tevcrercent, requires the militery to sit th -Provisional Ckiveraor in'the-pci•fortnabepor his dutlea,an prescribed in the preclexeaUgu - t and In no Mainier,W.lnteriere of ilittiat , biPOiments fie the tvey of the coustmegdoe Of tbo- object of thle,lsppotntment,Ast :iesat -without istriabig tbe Naval:meat 9f thilatetelectinterfeiesie& Vdelgte 4 : l 3 , .`.'Aspagsr:Jeamees." . Jattstrir;:, Eiept.:s;•:, Th eP /Mew heal hans the lariat of MATTE., ;letbpegn for nen Fragett.: • • - - • cF.r..z.: rrilsl3l7BOH.- •APB11:11Kar FAOTVILIPG 00.11211.1. - 1 oder for sale 1400 00,1.1y-Crown Wrapping piper. 1,000 to Xlcdlcusi do. llabl, 1,000 Daft. nedinm Loaf tans. D. C: Dat.'2"dif; ••• - They.bass also on hand are constantly nsoavlng in De at , maw, .z,TAVILIA PAPER of, al weigtta ano ants. HARDWARE PAPER' of all r 4 1Z and ales, 'PRINTS, DRY and RATH RODEMO, tsns an • Allmitintittecond Wits ni PAP= 'MADE TO 083) 1, ot the shortest notice, to snit ctotomere. SPIfATED~. -a 1000.19 NS 40OD1EIXED weitieFlotrge: sz auttl - rITTSI3IIHRIVE.L. spg . N . pgß - a- PAP3,-CREAIVAND'MEBER.sIitt Drewerg,, rimstrgarg,,r4 Tweed: NUTS:=Ouv 415 2 a o, 4 gi 9 ya jun teetiveithilds7.exictiot Liqs3g - RIXITUNh 'M , M=, Itt Soo.= vallattirdott atm! E=ESSiiMi ROBINSON . . hl ce LEA N <c t_, ,1, Bankers and Brokers. - Mo. 73 . Pelitrib iltreet. Pitvonarea Deposit* osteived in PAS FUNDS .d tl _l3- trasoy. • -. draw 001.1 rations ins4to basil part.. orate Itlcaucl ttUS , Kull market taw• U. S. 6 per cunt- IbSl, 8(.11 1 ; IL S. So. 6.03 do.; r. s. 6 per sett. to-40 .11.1.: r. s. 6 per creL Certteeetes le !ebte;lnesa Rev 17. 5. 1.30 TTesffury Not.. / her alto BUN sor SELL ON C,,,ltALLBsuv .t the Nevi York, Fidindelphln. end Pltanurxl , of Government Senurittet notra. !fonds. Gold to tau in. 25 FIIAIftAL CND COMM131:141 I=l C. b.. 64. IEBI U S. 7 3011, 1.1 series. 90 , Z. 5 99 75 U. S. Teo Fogies . - 99 Si U. 9. Gertltlcstes Bold Pittsburgh 6 5 5, $lOOO coupon 69 so do do ,E6OO Registered—. 69 00 Artegheny W. Erl 33 -- m 5554011110 Scrip (l)tiartictors). 60 Lawrence Co. 6`4.- 40 00 Allegheny Ina. Co Boatavni insurance Co Caab tainrenee Eureka Inauranen.. ..... Weste.rl: - 4 , Allegheny Nat. Bank .. Fourth hat. Bank Iron VIA,. Bank kler.la %aunts. Nat..... hir.l National-, 00 People.' National rfauk....—.--104 00 Bank of Pitts. 61 on 65 on Merry Run Cherry _Ewa & Cherry Run Pittsburgh CaldweLl (`antral Baum ......... Federal. .. MUM:lents Dalzell Pluenti .. . Germania illeAboy Cherry gun On Lutrie - ohne. Lancaster & Cherry " .ltua. Pbuuy,... Monongahela Pioneer . Whitely Oil •••••-•-• REPORT or BALI.. 147 Columbia 25 Gold up &gala todly—uOton titiatallealt IS New Y rk 14431. Goyernraents maintain yesterday's quotations, tnough lees in demand. The general nook market drooping. Private .adetteg great Philadelphia correspond with our public reports, "that busintai in all kinds of tem:Little§ is duller than at any time eon, 1857, not parthmlarly so to The °tiering. at dail y board b ave been unusually large for several days days past, and at n heavy destine from pm loos quotations. The object a,. peen ttaave been to 'adage buyers , to earns for ward. It will be noticed that Cherry Rue Dentrat was oftved at 55e, Cherry Run a Pittsburgh at 10.1, Central Buie at 700, DlnAboy et Doc. p-what 'fall wa. there !" Union Lubrie at 30 , and so oa through the Rat. The atteropted L. e contested failure. NrehodY stepped toward to meet the generous seller at hist:terms, or,:in truth. on spy terms. It le a tact that It require. more than the allotted dolma Courage to osako. any. sort of a bid for the majority of oil shares In eitsteime, un. les. there Is a fair chance for a tine In Wall pa pet 4drid yet we de not advise any one to put choir certiticates to such use. Strikes are "mighty on- , seals," When or where they will come no-body knows, perkape on Labile, or• rdeltboy. or liter chants, Denim:wee, who knowel Hold on, but be modest in your hopes. We report to gay sales of Colombia si 2.5 q, and later in the day 60 shares at nI.X. It eating to be, pretty well settled that the dividend will be passed. l and welook for lower thrum for theshock. Wei hear of a fresh strike on Duck Creek, but are not able to locate the well, except that it le a short ttletutee nem the kteessbure Co's ground. • The loan market I• growing easier again. —A. rigorous d'ort la now being made to rent , genic° UM - Pittsburgh, Magri - Ma, and CilaCillastl Allman Company, and to recommence and pros eConnelsville. The ittlantlesuni Great Western Company have takep hold of the matter, and pur• pose mmencing the work the comlog winter. —All nobanke of Boaten'ate tow Under The national currency set, the Last. to come in being the old Webster Bank, with it. capital of .a mtt boa and a half of dollars. , - fulkocrlnifts the eomparattre statement of the exports (excualve of specie) from the put., of' Plea . York to foreige ports for the week encluag Sept. 6, end since Jen. I : 166 a. 11361. 1.963 For tLo meek a7,6Y1, 10,...4 08 Prey. t cported .... I 104157,061 133,141.591 turi,9 t Since JP.p. 1 Ynce 011014 The exports of demeatle produce for the week llamado 2.31 bhls pot allhes,lBl6 Obis beeswax, 13,243 bb ggibssaufbiur,o4l.bbis • tern shoal, 02,401 blurbs reheat, 12,1 4 36 bush rye, 2400 bush oats, 1350 bustle peas. 05,014 oush corn 1085 pkgs candles, 3331 Ume• cottun, 627 halt • hay, 2 bbls made turp, 30 barrels opts turp. , 2Mo bbls Mao, 15 bbls pitch. 33001. um., 81 bbl. lard oil, 1618 bbls pork, 118 beds sod 210 tom beet, 8:'0,231 lb* eat roes... 100,611 lbs butter, 1,154,• 6711{,. cheese , 402, 181 Ms toed , 912 bbls eke, 13.- =6 lb. tallr,w, 206,261 earls yet meats, =2 birds sad 1181 whys pkg. orads• bobaleo, MCA lbs tour .ufsetured lob sego. —The Income receleea at the National Trnury on Monday was four milieus, two buthlral thou• sand dulLers I This la the largest amount paid tato the Tseasnryto any one day ander the law; ou?d tt le knriled that the amount Is lirtityln Increase, al some of the sources GI Income hate hat con nark esdto pay le. •A. ins increase of the debt fort the month of August Was below the comparaUve/y am all rum ol bad a (million dollars, U is fair to car eude that the Government has ceased to Yea i borrower. The natural edeet bf such a condition of tblegkis lmmprovement 114 the ciat.oual credit I and a Curtner adverse to the price of Cloterntee et securities. Before this Ifarorabis exhibit of the National iinencell bad beep made PnbUti, the 6-20 s in London had steadily, advanced Croft di, the low. eat petit, to 69%; at Eftithligutei It feller arm at the latest Lculdorr dates. What the price may ad- • ranee to when the statement of the Nacional debt for August is received, cannot of course now be told, but Judging tom the eficot, on the home 1 market, it will advance considerably. Not °ray did the minuses of Inc month of Augukt pay cur 1 ert expenses, but It enabled the Secretary of the 1 Trail:try te:litluee the unpaid - requisition* prom Tome Ilfteen . asid three qbaltermallttonsit the be. ginning of the month, to only two eMblotts et the cline. Another highly enecniraginif feature, the Increidedi ten millions of dollars, In the face of ; very constilerable:salstrofion trim the Treasurys in the New YOrk market, keying of coin on hand at thubeginotrigUf thensittnth an aggregate of for ty five and a half milltonadf dollar,. The increased stock orcoln to the Treasury and the advance of ; our securities abroad arePoth I.ns the . , bear db. , redly °tithe gold premium, andierdlnartly, under staoliolrcumstances It ,would decade; ,bdt.,dld not • ,t,esterday, the market ruling firm all dal at about It :should, nob 'however, - bo inferred ' from the favorable tenor of the Secretary'. elute-' meat that the deity expeadstures are light. Every . tax payer knows such t 1 not the case, and feels ; the necessity of the elosest latreadone-/ of a- , ernment expenses. An, onalyzettloctof the state. meat shows that the available receipts front• inter- ! nal revenue wore 0ver4:34,000,0 1 .0, and the balance . to the credit of the United States to Notional' Buda and other depositories appears to have been reduced nearly th irty eight and a half mil- • million& This, with the ltderest paid from cum- I toms would mike shout, elghty. mil lons for the i• expenses 61 the month, or some hung over two : and a half millions tittle Isla per day. The receipts for customs were about s•ymireen mUllans In colt It ehe rid ,mdttuantrou ; act ea: ;mama dtaY beet: . ; Innhw l .ll. tit anima rte., iaisb,stivi ape' •• 2 to rec.., the Ineuen• - ; tint r..en•nli Id .I,' buy . " taxes now accruing, it Is suggcued that Tteasurt enght eery Soon, WI h proper economy, I to ateutettlate pihmethtot MI • "Inking fond. It will he verr cheering Inte igenee When the regular i receipts of the Treasury pee reiNrtid extra, of I curtentuxitenees:-LPhila.witrigemextra, do bean!. nor, 7 I Off-red. 11:17 CO 2500 , 10 I EP) 01 tti t la" I*----6° =MEM 1 10 - 4 0, I la —. 600 40 2 20 lbw work of rebuilding the road as (Sr as .512465.5 421., 10.74/30,44, 101 711,34/ • 24 - .1 141 peete balarkeeSfrp . l.4a9otie cif the Treasury, have CrOPDAV.:MChAg aI4 e The crop htEEotipp Ars - stile Tine tii enormou3 —aothlegle-,wesever known before.. Baca. wheat la onattled taller than-usual, and prom • IstialtreetullyiVhlle tt eitleinted that the our rae.trltllLZOill.eLpothteee atone for 40 .atlieUtneY 113 44. q ITheet crap. Fotatees at 254 .. whosbet wlll havera teedeues' to tatUfettlante• •whaVaeltlithe , eonsittoptioe of. erheat, provided the latter keepaatabout tha preaent marll t -1131. ttaIt,TIOIL. ." • • ' Iron 4 Tberele a goodiftontry , ' for pig metal - With very redileed Oath on islet - the • waken Derails , being mold largely ahead of th eir. produ ction. ere acting 4 Mikes :.telivanoe;rf ‘:..fenterniq hive lota be picked up et Walt for forge, and Kele for fouedll, - , es to quality.'. new generally held higher.. Ecotth pig do ;scarce end ended et 11434' icti:alfinbralle; for monufectured 12=4 oa demand is active awry:idea tendineupg and, with a - TurtheleUvanceof a in note on ben. • • 'r LIIPOM BY RAILROAD. ' (3003Aiko IL R Septembr,7,363_,slumlllcltedi• Darrlngwa t 3 elm pearls, Maim & , Bro; 103 bbla Dualel WlllAwtAt 3111.3111t1 J: ItoOrbt=starto ware, E ne3213t0o t • 1 ear-whea3,3 /cob; ear iatinftmaoSoba:Al.4lll.tit.l6 o . bags rye, Wallaerfac 17.1 f 3. (Rover 3 . 00i 100" Obis ,30113. 1E R.Willeb I 3 teri:lo4 P - Sralcra 00; 7 fellibcrsil9s , orsl6 3l3 doita.,o* FibirtSD. To 66,1100 Et - I,Tetzgar do , :bealAroloo. Loo - do dc,),...42 rap# 4l 3 ol lAtirtWOM WM DAWOlth. • -•••?; • d".• "OLlGilajilfD c i eff m l;bir tizfi r lgezien WO em 6800, 1 1 :011`AVA'AtfIt l ' 14 raal grdid, 92 EFO I 2 Sourer; '6. - caret t01fatt , 0.=,,,51. Jones, .60 pam.l.ol+h4to, .14.1AuT Jr...lts/ff . : Alta tow, .lismar 4-Dauiepoie bar; 3 . Dlntatu, Sharma& 1Z Latin bbis ono, - I,c4mj,ltian o.dp vixt 1- • . , R3,3.rimicliT•ST.l77olfiBepV4—:lcar tote Ruin N./Itair9. 3 bOltii moo), Childs 3‘.Bem• pia;l alit WIN" -R131213te ITO; 1444114;,m11, ram & Elamtton. MERE tEreel T:' Scri. 7, 174 t.o new eifernoterfrtoklo the Kederal Ln. kr .ilithy of special ',toiler. There 13 S traued IMF lec►l demand for roost of the Leading enuoundltrea, and procoa art dem and prrtdy 11,1/ GRAlN—Wheat Is moo active a... 1 firms. but uaelmiged. tome of 3 masa :iv, leg at :1,7, au., Male lisle store at al,a , dt,at for l'euaa LOU tar V. stsir. t/tt,“ new nut lu f.,r but ',Seoul. quotable eh toge; safe of tdo I boa lersb teLtus, cr. et 1.5, anti 1532 all s• MC at to. unite .ull but utmaanged; of •7‘; base PI fele Ent st 76. 12,0, is q i.,,.,..1 at 51.0', sad K., at 9145 5 0. ta i.e tirocel . market rota b d I ogr,) +et/v.. •otue .1••• e rest. add o • • r Srt/1604sttletti—the 004 110:1Ceittlite ~ .titttllo 1.0.1‘ Itt 1.0, is e sllgnt r4.3r tole, a , y 1,1,”. o tt ra t ,s) . !Amy quoted at t0,i0.0.11.., go.al to 'trio e cona, au t eticdoe do, 154,6; Porta 11.1,P. I b , 9 h. I 4.VW.1; Hard Retitled, 010; -LI ' Mlifi'll,e, Et. "U" pa::,gia loon zi,ttudltA. for ift•••1 td ct. Ace. • tla. 3.2.4 :AI (10 10 :0,00) ,I t roe 11.1 0 1.-10 101: t o. malt d. at tut; 11 tda. We ootYdi.s'ea..• ea.7500).1...5 0 rtiuell swat, ~v 310,240;.. , v.am.•xtre 01 r ) r to.3' . • rl-vyp;..v.i,y.::;-13 , 1ok•il a flcb , !; ado teta',o3" active., but uhabsog.d. We a mst,le w qaate at IS for Shoublets;l9fr2C( ler Rished aa I • 1 Cal :rib:les:24 for Plnln limns. and 1 , 6423,i tor Plkla Canvassed. titled Beet to amiles at 1,, and pnal oil) Lard et 21k. MSS. lark Is Quire 10-',l , d r.l3bbl. FR UlT—Peaches were egsln supply to day, and Corroequontly ruled a shade Maher. Ap- MMI Qlll/ and bomlnal et Saab per 10— efettuter dorsi In Dr.ed Fru, ble LET Poierues—Stoa4y. with (nit de itutud, "Je“ey's ore held pre:: y ht tuly Irr 0,60 per bbl. hAfOB-10e demand coetlaues fall, nod the market Is steady, 0166 .Mss of treats beaked et a ., cent.. . . LkIELE—T• firm, and f.riy ictlve bin u chmaged. Sates of Western FL.sef ve .17fSIS. nut Cioolleu nt tO.• " BUTTER—No .mprovement to note i n t h e to . ceipta and, with el good demand, prthea are well Bustal ' he.l—eummun to prime Fmk.] bong quoted ate en. tial—la quiet and unchanged; eaten at ens', at price. rabgthe loom al6@al per tun, sonornliM to quality. SALT—Is firm,std there le a very fair !neat de- Mend; ttnall saw, in time, at i2,7C.C2,73. PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM PIARR ET Ttitat.,DAY, Sept.', lons. OR CUE-1 he transactions to limits continue Ilahq whten Is owing meanly to th. feat there is no stock, w oral syeaking 01. There Is still eon. sidetable inquiry both for home tongue:TU.7n ann. shipment, and the mirket Is him tneulp pace. ate unchanged bbl. iefurued, and 2kg6j. 28, bble 113ClUtied. 6s tea of-Ono bins at 21;200 St 21; 1604 d 21; and 96 bele hest y, (a 5436) groVlty, 01 zs, bbG iittitted. Oontrary to /general expecsatlon, the urer'hu rteen tut any, at Oil MY, and the; hopes entertained ofa resumption of • Itt o Z o leteat 00Viell.t 101 : 1 ate lot the present, at leut blasted. BLKINED—The market for bonded oil continues very firm, and the only °Detect° in the way of. large and more ournerouairansactior.s. Lathe. feet that °Ur Ttlitttiln ere eoid clpaeup, non the majors• ty of them for thirty and Maly days ahead. Renee they are no , disposed to enter into new contraots at unseat . I artteuhtrly as preen are steadily tend. tag ppward. We note melees:of 1029 Obis NJL be"— on Wednesday evening—to he delivered la Phila. dtipida, oeoreen the 15th end the a 5• ft of 13eptem.: bar, at shy.: 150 hbls, for NOVember, at Id; sad t)k.,) t'o, for November, at 47, tree on beard cars here.l Free i•II Is quiet and nn•haogai. NAPT/iet AND it.t.SlDULTDl—There is no movement to note in either of these articles, nod in the absence of Bales we °Mit quotations. Our, el Boers, generally, are shipping their Napttia to the Eastern markets. RECELFTS-'tbe receipts of 01l by the Alle• gbeny RIM kinCe our lsSi report, were as follow.: I.l.ber • Pro SEM iJ. T. Stoclulale 43 .1.. a. H. Eel ..-. -. r . 175 1. Gallagher-- 241 Colon Morns Co-.... :30 . . — . ' 14.441-......-_.-..---'.......----- Poo PETRoLF.UII p:T0C6.14 POILA- I*ll.,PHl4lk. Sweial 1)114..tc1t to the Plttalmcgtalszette.. Pattammetu•, Sept 7. WS& ell stocks were trrrsular and rather more ae, tire. but wituonc any praetlal change In price or demand. Welout Wand brought 7,g; Tart Home- Nia))4 l 4.*li E , 54 0 4 , 4 in; 'um,' A ell; 1 a.te; Dun kird, r aarrt Adam, BM, rherdan Hof...Deck, %; Ulna Shad., VS; Rock. q. Mingo, 2.5f,1 Sugar Da.e, 14 Xelltlntock.,l,sl; Dai ren, PETROLEUM STOCKS IN NEW YOK K Special dispatch to Western Prua. Ewer Yours, September 7, IBM Petroleum Stocks Are more attire today; Fo& blmple, .Pit _nuts Creek, 841; Webster, ISS, Watson, 110; hushanan Peres. ills Eureka, 125;.- Liberty Hun, 301 Empire t.Pty, 63; Excelalor, 122; Clement., 30; Ileydrick, I2i; Montana, 73,3; Oil Creek, 323; Manhattan. 33t EYrul Farm, Took, 60; t toted States, 27.80. NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKET Spmtal Dloittch to We•tern New Yoea, September 1. I. Pr-runt.ut - tt—Price have lIKIVKICIIti lit/S per cent no eh dreet tpt Iona; soles of t) rude are anted at 34e. Itrfict-d In 1i0n.d.61(15.c, October . denvery, 60c, laud I roe at 7175160. 21/4tYiNiB 84 TELEGfillafi. New York Market. Kew Yei Sep, - 7.—Cterrotti-ieri firm, with leas dolorwt Safer Middling. Etoun—Market 64Sioc better, at 11,E1007,93 for Extra Stow, 58, 80 8 0 .23 for Extra R. 11. 0., en, 20 8 11,0 c for Trade i,trade Bran a, but awing quiet, Included In the seam are 10,000 WA. Extra .Sate, • (or the last half of October. at 5 1 , 00 . Wslerrx-.lrprinad dultarigilnied firte(Weafarn, 11,2482,%-- , clestriy firtear Gatti—Wbeat la better t a SI, for, h-atgoor Stela ; Wioter ioter 4 a ue aliee 4 10gi,12: c ofAmber ad a wnk, and s.cee2,l2 for New Amber State. Rye dulL /larley and Barmy Malt cull and nomlnaL The market for sound tJorn Is a shade drmar, while unwire. , to about ic lower, at Sidiac for unsound, and 90139114 for Sound Muted Westarn. Oats quiet, at ef.({Blc for Western. Ortt.cantee--(kgree active and firmer. Sugar firmer; Cutraltiusaovada, lat3tj;•4c; Havana, 11%0. Molasses deli Born--Firm, at 1000100 for laSt crop, and 40/gew for tired crop WPOL—DuII. enema - co.-Firmer,' at • sfA for Untie. 0 . 4 0 390 for Relined in bond, sod 7416 a for Redact] Free. PnosistorrePorir dun,' 41: tner.,1313, alerting at.,10,00 earth, 11001000 for 1853-4 do. V. 4 .2.8024.610 for Prime, and - 111.W828,73 for Prime Melt; Liao 10,t00 bbl. New Mess,for seller.' option, It $3,4) 30,80. beef al 01.50 HZ -Plain Mesa, and $10,80014 be for Extra Mess. Beef Hama quiet. Gut Meats unchanged. at .14y,Qii}in for .Stout. int.te for Earna:, , Baton dun. fataiirmer; sales 011111brds at TVA, ~ k 4of. Batter In deniand, at 0.10710 for 0 10, and 018340 for State. Uheme s eady, at 11Q16tAa. flew ork Stock and, Money flake?. New' Tone, Sent. 1.-013 W without derided charqe, opcniag at 144% and oloalag at 144 X. GostramentStdot 111,dadrf• Floats • . U. S. 6. d 70 Voup's 107% Pacific Mall Borlo.. 167 da to 4.1.70up , e 904, New Tort Ventral. I 7.3os,oecond aeries.. 9274 Erb ' 6. I year..lArtlneatee. 993,, . . ..... 167 itoutrilee butes— 77. Bllcals. dont/Lent .I.X Dl woerl Size., P. IJ. & N. W 63y, the hB. -.. 72 .7. e. N. W. 634 a. M. cuttlAoate. r 01640 & Wabuti.. 106 1 4 1. tibargh 711, 3. h R.l 149311 eumteller.d , Ft. W. Zs, 0 96, 4.viclullvez • 405 , .. • Oswego Market. .I.IeVEOO,. Sept. 7.—Fgotra active and Um, hat ioolinnged, math° etwely light; £839,25 for No I stoma, ea for Bed Wiuter, .10 for White, and Unelyiu,loi,rli for Double N—Wheat la held above the view. of be ore, and e4e mar ket ' hi rTeyl dull and drooping. Bye In demand. Peso acarca mail quiet. Caen/. Freeicitirri,-Firm but rlnthanged; Flour, 4064E4 Wheat,' Wei Tam' Ely.o; and Barley Ba to New York; Barley, to to Albany. Lake' luronta=6l,ooo bush Wheat; 2;m both Corn; MAW bush Barley, g,7eo hUBi Bye. E.Yeowro-1,900 hely Fleur; 14.200 both Wheat; 30,01:5 bush Corn. titurroo uy Reit.nomo-470 bble Brri.r.o, Sept. 7.—FLOuir. fl , m; Mira St4te •Lt 1:•tn; t'rrinZ• •.:. , e ...I; 1 . 1 t;•lnetts , N I noc. , N.,. 2 75 , ,, , ,6772, W6t6suf. gree t ,1.261.1: r 042 a Vatß.. etow - ; I • POIIC-61 6 , 06 . Vill.EY—lNomizal 52.,23.. Csaios. urrOLITS—To New York: Wheat ItAa, re, lgt.ce; Oatiocw: Isrporrrsaflotirid.l2o bbli, Wheat 11,106 bush, Corp, 121,t97 bush; Oats, 41,000 bush. Leash EXPOSTb—FiOtir, 60 bbJ; 29,03.5 bush . Corp, 191,640 bushrl3ars, asps bulb. Chicago Market root*, SOPi.T.T-Eldins Arm and e a t n . h p a t n . ada—W/40 tirm tied 292740 (3 , ;at fOillo. 1 and ‘1,221/2 21 tor na. 2. Corn tics and 2o Mahn . , with *aka a: 64241d0 for N. tam:LOOM tat No. 2. , thim quiet at mitetto. Paoviotomi—i 13iducorrino—Dull. FnmonTo—Adulot. Brodrat-41,02 , 0-able Flo*, 13,520 busk Whost, fad,o(.o Ccirrd 1121,022bueth Oota: Entroirarro-6,01.0 uols Flour. 21,ud0 boon Wheat, 52,i.60 bush Olio, built Onto. Baltimore Cattle Market. .11Athilf WV, SOL 7.—Bviva9 —Reoalpts; and tbautaart bean of Actuality bettor than the aver. age tarteveral item, put. Prices nap from ge, 4o t. SOO pet P . ,__ettat4 l .lltVea. fat.LW, en+angir.la tor gm+ Hooa—Vely lightucetpts; saluatt-116,6031U0 pey baueltut patsuaa, pets, se adrage• at tally am peat. Per pound tot We battet grades. SnERTIn toed . aapptilqualtty_lnteitot. Bates ateGaX, groom PaitalWeau...B4spt.. 7 .—Priaout 6 t - unsatirdi auJ_nett "attallttea hula% Itaad,at ganef tree ..Fematt.r. alaw,aa isfirrirtiptleeintmailtutd. to ttle euguirt attA plata ate towestleyMew ketll2, l MAßkliba 0 9 . W I ; S P EI26 11,76. A utany-null qs v" Toledo Market. t 8" 'aifs tgin Myer; bid Toairao. 6ep . hits Michigan. anin/i New, si SS a,11,1-Anaber we. Michigan, VI,VS; i 1,57; • 7 ,bash, Gyro lower; saluist niir,n, • heavy and drooplcg - Witt slain f • Fro7or,'Sept."l.-7 he fallowlig •r• ins petal 44-3 i irinvi , toeke link= ilits °Mr aik t ainaercir.,l63l,illuroh. tit Ica r. n l atgy SSiiQuinss;' to; Rockland, asivirtio INIDEI =MEM Cstriirr—Wheat in fair dem., l; aalea or 1,..1 et minirr,2s Cots 901,91 c. Gurrt.crtter.--Cince !us; sates of lit s at for so. PROvzsl Or. Harr .ti. at }r, - 2 , 32.17A. Milwaukle Market. sew. I —Putt n—kluiet.. --- A' be, hiJ wn 4.1% tea len: y •talt. or SO; et 41.32d1 34 - Fur .'II .60 11. 4i• %I. LI V . "44 44 It 11 It It ET Rep. , EAST LIBLUTT, Sept. c, CATTLE- The Ennrki, 1114 /.dun .tn . /..1 1,1 bun) nit Lg the week which Lu jus• end, wl.ll, the tt G. rat tine. l the Undo In ~ • t I. tt y A dd di cosess,:lifle is no trisiarkstiiE ch "id I=l Isla. g In Lostern n•raels. we•e.t, u 111 Clr ecru ca‘, riled rl ua.le [11;1., Tar t-onpactiO In el./it Cali le weres4,lll large, tar, as hag been the tans lot nweLs Jlapt. :sere I. a large number 01 stet k Framer. Even Lancaster, Berke, !h ea ler. and nth, enuott‘a in toe Eastern part of •he State. In attendance, nolo pleb It , all the Cattle ol tras et erecter Ft. la.• v tt.ay elute, and lost, too a ‘ell rwep—iangorgirout pl a ry.4, nu ronnns .I.laotl •Ittl ttotttl.tiu. Film. to raU, t to" bolu std last to good do at n,41. Its. l ot a pet .elunra toat Itt aroal.leretl an ntpite .010,01011, tor, till be *VC, by reference. to the sales below, but oar butch brought [Let prone. L ia steady aul f. rly ocUt place., e, and generally anode nt Oct . ter tree' serious were larger t han Mar we., Intl nod not wlrestanding LL e was a lea, auoply, .he advance already noted w•• lf,etty wall el eltas. eod gontallolla may be Italy hilrell at tt,tl I r 101 l to eata a_ I] t nem end to Ith a good chipping .1, m. d and a Ognt toeply anu limited receipt., 'ore re tell tualaleed rulgtrg from 1;4411.1a grass tot ood to pt tole Meets... , . 302,2 OF STOCK FROM Till Slot TO THE 6TH Cattle. !lop SCOop. 00 0 10.5 lit E/17 t ir tle ..... Ne•A PAL.IOrSH6KP. Linirer. No Avg, Price. • .. ' ;10 •. 19001 • • • '7 , 5 0-' .."4 0 570 59 5 6. —haw! 40 DI 190 ... •13.1 192 tl 00 ...UltYlk ... r.. 254 91 6 60 ._. 6111-- ......80 5 6.) ....L.lncolu 191 SS 515 181 lib 5 35 ...V uller 419 93 5 20 ....Sheldon ..... 47. 91 00 . tlesser IDS 99 9 16 240 Su D 1,0 —.Bllsldon 169 99 6 73 491 9 5 al 400 99 6 01 —.Reeser 8)0 91 6 71 MALES OF , 00044 flier 1 e lilt k Li Is. . . .1 olunt Nyela Hatar Andernon... Logan Lion Baleen Lippo -0.1.4.C1u5e Logan_ Steel Inosmee l Co-- Buyer. 80, A. Price. —.Gaeta - la 2.Si 1.12 U.) ...011chelat 87 219 n 75 Zug II IV 58 274 II 00. ....... 241 15. 0.• e &Lrd or cA7777..e. But baker to teen 44 head flock cattle, averag ing eve, at 0.=. 1 . etch to k oiler 42 bead soOd gears, averaging ICC% nt 64. Looseness to Mooney 16 head stock cattle, etc raging 9r.7, at 86 It. 7?. clefs to Ahl 60 head, averaging SSC, ,t 5,87. IN web to uochran 26 head common mockers, &serails' WO, at ISOM Ate to ALeeter 42 head good stockers, averaging 002, at 6.. • • • Logan to 'West 03 head, averaging 150, at a. utr to Fuller 110 head, averaging 803,01. Hoist to Metgetter 60 bead.sveraging6s6, at Horst to tlendenling 75 bead common stockers, averaging era, st 4%. Logan to Miller 61 head pretty good Steen, aver. Prof 971, at 5% . Logan to Whelan: 09 head, averaging 835,at 5%. Fluff to Lerignecket ILA head good Waked., at erasing 947, at 5%. Holt to Willard ft tread Pretty good steers, ever agtr.g 1 Ceo. . Slmua to Brindle 20 head extra good eleers,aver aging 1092, at 9,90. Love to lkigrt 2.0 head stockers, averaging 711, St 4,9 , . 511.3 et g to Colbangh 53 head very good steers, averaging 1094, at 0,57. Logan to Layton 52 held stockers, sledging 036, at re Feller to McClalo 25 bead, averaging 024, at 6. Loges, to Foolt 24 head, averaging ttro, at 5. Wets to Young Si head extra stockers, averag ing 9b6, ot Daubs, to PepAtit 11 head stockers, avenging 807, at W.,. •Legsn to Nicely 50 head pretty Bond steersaver- Se log 10 2, at 5% McDonald to McClain 39 nead—falr hunch or cows and amen, averaging fen, at 5 9J. Ttalltl9l4l to Rides 36 head atocken, averaglag Eft. at hi,. Daube to Conrad 39 head fair *teen, ova , aging ow. at 6s. ache to Winters 54 head good stockers, averse , ill=gt.3n a", 52 .43 Diller 71 head load stook cattle, at stalking DSO, at 5,15. . Uolderno 1, to Liolhatigh 13 head—pretty good bunch of inners, averaging MCI. at 6,90 . Cn 51 y u. ...prom ea WWI good stockers, averag • tog 950, at 6,70. - blonder to Montague IS Co. 52 bead of exits steers avesagng iter, at 6,90. Tr•unnan to P. ianytmaker 60 head—pretty good Luca "I &teen, averaging 1003, at McClave 10 Malnd IS head good small fat steels, as eragieg nx, at 475. Groren,an to Looter 19 bead stockers, avenging isD, at 5,60. Holmes is ll:Seger to Mooney 93 head stocker,, ... • atetegtta 191, at RI routes to Meelam 32 bead of stock Keen, eremite 811 at 8,61 Fuller to thwart Smith 90 bead good rot steer., aceteeLog 1120, at to. Vannatta to Wm.ltele se head oath, 0810 eteers, rivet agthe about tam, &in-4. Wm. Reit sold tam , ISMIth head of very nice Lae Mere. at 5T3 per need. ahlekis to May nes :0 head of extra steers, aver aging 1t,16 pcuhas, at 157 per head, equsd to %. per paned. Stevens to Mayne. 40 tr•ad of fair Green Pennsgiv ante satt.e, averaging 900 pounds, at PIS per .bead lillEtt BITELLIGEACE. The weather continues sultry, cloudy and nowt ties, with frequent (showers of rain. The river remained about stationats at this point yesterday, sla feet ala inches in the channel by the Allegheny marks last eventing. It Is but fair to presume that there will be a rise in the Allegheny. though as yet, the dispatches from 011 Olty are not very encouregiet. The John D. Hall, front Gallipoli', is the only ar. rival we hey, to record from below, while aside from the regular packets there wee not a single departure. The neat and tidy packet, Delaware, (Dot. ILW . Marton, will ;nitive, leave for Cincinnati and LOuisidile to-day, and pasengrrs and shippers should bear this feat to rated. Capt. Evans has eel yet decided whether or not he will l tit up the Savant for St. Louis, but the dithe rors rue that he will, The Strada hes been th uuhly overhauled, repaired and repainted, and is to drat rate corwitton for butanes. As will be seen by reference to an an advertise ment:the el.lendkl and commodious Dictator, Capt. It, nvidsot, In announced to sail for New Orleans en nest Monday week. The Citizen left Omcionati for Pittsburgh on Tuesday, II) In g light smut, and the Pilgrim was .announced to follow on Wednesday. Una. A. S. factionardi is hero on a visit to his family. He bee been on the Lent Leoti, in the Evansville, and Nashville trade, for some time test, but he is now free, that boat having bean sold tosome Marietta parties, a few data Woe. The Kenton, Lorena and Armadillo, are all at 51. Louts loading for Pittsburgh. The Ctheitunei.Goinewreliti, cf yesterday, says the-Oeseral Buell, !rota Louisville for Cincinnati, Cane Zen being.witclual storm on Tuesday night, but escaped with little damne.....The Allegheny Belly had left for Parkersburg.... The and the Hankers were to leave foe Pittsburgh pester.- dap STE.JALBO4TS. 11ALTI1ORr. AND FREDER- A , ICREBtlkOld, VAL—The new • commodious Swatter WENUZIAII, Capt. Joe suns her between the She ports once Week, leer Tun Belttmore,from her wharf, foot of South ,street, every RFIDAY AFTER NOON. at 6 o'clock, and Frederickaburgh, every TUESDAY MORNING. Passau:ere nal Freight ee etted at lot vireo. Throusa Freight nrornptly ace e,..;ed •a. Thferchastase from B atom, Nero Nark, rt. In.teil.tAft, or elsewheret coaeletted to wire of st., war - WEN ()NAIL, wlit be taken charge of ts tusn.lstelg upon Its armed In Bald /lore, charges paid, and forwarded prOtoptly tree of tomcod. dons. Panics from the Northim States dealrine so view. tali Haute FitldaofVl glnla,of te look after the bottles of frlezttlf 'sod relations killed to the 64;101'01 the Wilderness" _Citianssilorzsllle, Ftcdnicksiorgh. or Spottaglvania Wart Home, - have • splendid °ratty or dotty an by this route. Willro AU Is ptorldad with Sweet. tent titalwroorne ew Booth icconteno4Lations. and Is In every respedt . a erst-einss Blot. hens new, fast and co cisodlorts. Forinfornation (might or passage , apply to or addressTOR.NTHITE, Power; on board, or . • JON. .DIES T A ... Agent. jy9l:distt 94= Walt Fells rev.. Raltinusgo. MQ von C.INCINICiT . I &LOUIS VILLH—IThe steamr D E le , n cdlldp passenger 4rto leave ee a EL v AWAR THS a DAY, h e Oa e , w 1 K 4 p.m. For track , 0, 0 ,41 tM 1 1 on board, or to JOHN ILAO j :: 50, coLnni woun, lAgents' TIBCEIVRD 011 0011810NMENT. NI kegs Prime Lard; 30 born Goebel Chem] 00 bezel lambumChecat; 50 boxes Wastern Roietre Met's% 100 boxes Fred' Peuhes, (Lally; ta , barrels Illome Basset _ 150 Marais Dried .441101; 6 barrels No. 2 Uoiceral; - 0 0. bases - 00nm= No4ol 6 barrels Je72.7 Onlctp4 . • I,eca seamless Sager - • 100 hags.raidolingt, to btitrtt 20 0401 03ta, to Andra • 3613 . GRAFF a, RBIT.F2it. pIiODIJOIS CONEIGNISINTB NOW /N Gan— t ear loads Shit/alit:jinn; (Do LW/vele Old Owai WON: m& New Tlmoere.Sood; &) Nun/. Sete/ Potetoeei Imehels Dyed Apples: :447 dorm Freeh exuded Pesehaa; ' fo him& Titled Peegbeee • te zee,/ 'Maple iscer; 16ktge Paekcd'auttee. • • For Imp tY . -L. IL VOID! & OD. TALLOW 01r..—tO'bittrelrztow landing "'1.% exit by ,Acti) LIALLEt PRIM' C HERTER IS .2.9 . I' SITP ET UIL FILANICLIN FIFE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA.- 11 , 11.4. 33,437 tya I, , Lplt Al— . arr .I,t•Prr.: • , eqat. , l Yrynt) ,, r , neetll4 t 10ta.... ript tot la exc.* P t z Temput-ity POI. A .1 liiwarlb .. En aro.-rort, 1.1....r0 , 1 N. Mu.:Ler, . .1...5ek0 L' , ' 1.1 IA r, uer. Edward ^ .iran, .',...a.t.1 llleaa, i (tenrip._fl e., .1 iv,* ‘ , ntmtl, 1 A.ltre.ll. s , ttf , Ct. , ,:t W. ii: , littra., Fr'. W • ".. 1 ,_. i l. MARL EN N. MANURE , r.t , t, It. KIM ALL/ U. DALE, Vick. rf0..1...R...v. JAS. R. 1510 A I.l.lStEr., Sec. pro .1. G. COTTI , .i.xer.t. rur.. core.: VoaL road Ttaft t...,..:eta. FIRE A 241.) IdARINE Insurance Co. of North Astaricc, PHILADELPHIA. 'Lanford Fire insurance Goatinat). fli.eS.o.l.ono Atio - PrAretlou eau he .ectval La Lim*tope ruunle4 and redsble ecilnymiles. " W. t. JUNTA AMIN!, ta Wain: Duvet. In. st.tra.) WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH, _ L1.10.142HEL, - J4.il4eridimt, WM. P. HERBERT, Sthvittry. 0121ce, No. 92 Wntor trtteet, SplOwt k Ono Wars bo M il ' = "n' ay . n r inntildt of FU is. 80114 T in managed 74, Dineen; talc or. oil known in the community, and mho ore ddzr mina by promptness and lacrotitY, to nutibt2t2t tit dorm:ter atonti Wry ham mommer!, Eye tem Ft °let:ll4li to tliose who don, to bo Aat!rem AlentandM. David DI. Loos E. rittilar, Jr., James McAuley, Nathaniel Hnlmeti Alex. Nicutck, -lirorge Maude, •C cgi bell B. Herron, llseltetsOu mYIO WM. P. iteesJ. Chu. S.Ot John ft. M. .e. • ( I :ITIEEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY t- , OF PITYSITURA3H.--Ordee, earner Himitef and Water streets, setoml floor. BAGAI.RIr. Presides/L. %TLC A. SHEPARD, Secretory. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures against loss and damage tI nvira, Mon of the Southern and Western Wrens, Lollies mud Barons,and the navigation of tie Sass. Insures salast lots and damage by Ira. DELEXTTO![ . B 6. t. 6aAt vart., • S. Ha J. OalirTlr., John S. worth, Wm. A.. 11'1Wat'iayti W. Bag. ea, leY, Samuel R Jai. Park, Jr. W. o..loturstrin, B. F. Roma, Hon. T. IL . Bowe, Barclay Preston George Bingham, PEOPLES' LIsiBUILLNCE 01JUPANY Ocoee, If. E. corner of Wood sod Fifth to LEB An, EA BINE 13111311.101C1 oxrscroas . ... . . Wm. Phillips, thipt. ideas L. St sada Jahn Watt, Samuel P. Shirver, John E. Parke, C. Haim= Lave, Chutes S. Him% Uhsrlus Arbuckle, Wm. V.'. IDA, John F. liCultpattiok. W James D. Verimr, Jai= Olida. M. PH ILLIPN Fred:tent. JOHN Wei IT, Vt. fyvidevi. WM. F. GARDNER Surd= 1. . atsap A. LLEGHEIFY INSURANCE OO!PA .an NE OF PEITSBURGE.-0110, 07 Mt sued, Bank Block. lamina Wind all itinda at Fire acid Marin ~ Blake ISAAC JONES, Prentann JOHN D. knkMD, Vice Presitant. D. M. BOOK, Secrciery. masorons Joh pt n U. BOMA; Oa. tall tonna. B. B. Wan B. a w Hobert b Davta... Imola Jones, aHussey, Hart rris , Chlids, John Irw H. in, JU. (), r-, rep B. L. Feksestoek a9.IXI7F4CTUREI94, ac 4 CINCINNATI LEAD PIPE AND warts' Lw, cruxes. 11/TORN:ICH &c GIBSON. =Jo. 19 Mast ict.sa.tita. fat.. CINCLIPATI, 0870 Dlake to order PIPES AND Sin= at ear okiktred weight sad she. !sheets per square toat, IN., atil korai:l2x nraViatru'ult::2,4ntttiditgagg 'W M would especially at the attirolkcii at Plum ben and Proprietors of 011 Works kW au Wells ralikikaid pITTEIDDROR FOUNDRY. A. GARRISON & 00. (Suaseasors to Bo&oath Garrlson, k 0o.,) FOUNDERS AND H6ORTIONIE I blanursetorere OlSltedlera teT ima tor [son, Steel, Bram, ,__ Straw Boards, Paper = r ialto'. Works tßolling DIM Casting* _of, a deskladloaa ar m alle, Patent . DonbieUttedee. lailb • rano. ty of other pattern', alwayants b NW fitted to order on snort maize and favorable lama Mae and We:thou*, US Stalthneld streed,ikkttaburp. tally A --- RbEIVAL • GL4SS WORK& MODES, RYBIE Flc 00., • idanufadarers or , Bloch and Green tilltersarniew,.theiosabite , Mare, Bottle% Delablimams. &c. IVcreamme: N 0.144 Wi a STRILVT,BETWBEN 6111171inaD AND OLLIT • prrrsauFicat P. we warrant our Wa . 7ta to be superior to any manufactured West of the raountigni. Always o n hand, Glassware bathe above deseeipdon. All orders promptly attended to. ParUeirlar atm. mon paid to private moulds. B4ILOK DWIOND t3TERL WORICB • prrremußati„pe.. PARK, BROTBEB• m CO. m.ruatirems of BEST QUALITY FEYWED OAST STIML. • Num e•Tlat-aad Octagon, o all [WI. Warrant. ed •Nua ltn any imparted or rassafaahnial In al a:unto. actice and nrohoune, Boa. la and LSI sail La and Szoonn anarre, Pitt brirgp iron relt.rd . • . . SURMA, OR 010 ENGINES. We are constructing, and will keep oe Ur,* A superior style of OSL .111:11VGIMMI:11 Zither a Common or 'Zahnlar Boiler. We ic rite pettes Reed excite* We tat OLP . pose to chit end Neil thma, eoener of PlS.re "%fl VIIARA nese laity Water Works: jeW MACILINTOMILENVAILJAA CO: • PATENTED OCTOBER'S{ .186 V SIMMIDGE'S PATIOS' • - "OrktrEctfrliiii - Chitalte# sl , -'- lianufacttixit of BS Flint Wan .Tbeso Obitssays anejlatenato trot etkeflss name, besting ell - parts nt tae ghillevslinAciAtsitotei• pose It to tracking. EL D.laimsmar., Fort Pal COW Willass, Waltbieguut a. 17 • Plttsbutgh. Penn'a jOHE D. 11111121*,,,v...., ESOA 1i111044 'JOHN B. .‘BBEIB 00. 1 6ti6 - ‘74, BtaTil4Aißt4e:" l -re l l .b3l AND IRON FOONDEFICI, Offts and Sales Itoolui, fele ;to. LID raxtrorts STRIET PENN mAcEigiD WOW'S - AND .FOUNDRY.. IT. IVIMENAN. • pconiis BUILDS - 4 AND IhaeklißlLST, Lecoga aTacerr, between Slava =1 Banduip, ,ALLaamaxt OrrT, PL. Bla'aufactutaw af*IS.T , 8 PATENT PORTABLE 0 TWG !MAX BO Bepalzing of Muds a aW. - ..7 -- Jet.ly . • X etCHOONEASZA - ' • - ** WIN lad,, Reo kills suns Leal.llo,llo Sad Dealer in DUIDIDED OE6 . 911-Rrnsa, .741. PADS, PATIXTEDB! aUITERAD,AuI. Maas 140 Werehouee.M. U W • • • zabal.Td altinglAr •••- Wagon Bt. : - w : . • •wwwoolos so s mew A . or man. mud& tC I ~. • all & facl4l-28- rA vr. .Btaff za w I.7tent jtexEr wren w 651 No. 11 ifmoza , is7 i : 1 7,7b b Do m and Kukla irtreoti. TALLOIV WANT}P).!-•Prie !ware tau UMW, gin Grim a wi&D.Dicazy & co. 1" 1 ' T . 't. lENKI.SO‘. . • Corrtmission Met-eh:tat. ' ea L. ::. 23 = 171. x• "2- la 3,. a 1 Ii PURCHASING AGENT, PITTSITUtitiIi, P. !tall ta. 11001, U.lll, Souls. 15131kf , 11.40eae, k tuita, and all Farm Prooligta. (kat I0."01. lam. LA. 11..1 li twarrsz...l) abosls 00 haz.l. .11s, 1.1 I'l ~ Ll 4 1.11-S. I'to.lo atta.:loo eras. 10 00/01,7.0.r.ta a.. 0 rea1.,,01...r., 'A",..1:11 . 1"1 - ,.. 0 , :,,, e , ..., 1 10 120ur1.:, is I ,r 4,, so d em,guatnent. sati:izsL. •1 , W. It Acti ut.:( ...J. A31...r.:S 1)61 .L./ (I.ON, A,NtY,ON CO., 0114111 bovio I! Arrfrf 1441115. :Flour, Oral sa GENERAL PRODU::E DEALERS wnd 3%2 'E?.. CT tri ut! `e 111/11..4. oppoL:te C. 1 I" Pepet. nrysly ♦ L. K.l. , WP.AISE S ANJER, Nita•clLaritr, /Your, trial' and Pr•oduc cti ILa:r.,Er, 1M bettl tett KO,l :SCatG3ell, 11-11 PITTS!IVRO 11 .84.750.uvr TllOB. Pt,(TZ J RCA 4111.141,..8T11.1 . 11Z1 , 4. AB CPAILD poTTER, AIKEN A: SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foreign and Doetestit Fruits, Inbar, Eta ter. Choose, Lags, Potatoes. • ►na produce ground*. nu.aeo LIBERTY STREET, (et& uppusite Pasieuirer Depot, Pittablugd. ELES C. BALSL EY, PRODUCE ' , andCommtablon lan - chant, 20Farehotue/,' Na oal Liberty at:, Ptttablery,h,• Pa. Wholesale deal er to butter, Cheese, LAW, Ens,. Porx,' Bacon. Betkop, Futile* Brooess, Potatoes, Um. toy, Drleil Fruits, Green Fruits, Otlons, Grab,tilover Seeds, Thoothy beetle, Flax Seed", game and Poultry. Peltteulas att.:o4oa }Wen Produce Consignments: ' auto W ILEINS LINHART. . • (Sirce.g.a ro ZdACKEUV7fq h LINIIA RT,) .IPX-0017 - 33 Idb C3I3LAIXXV. Produce and COLUITI bltto.% rierebaut te(.ly No. :411-awn) 4., Pittlburgh. JACK, .IEI. 01 0 El .lEll . : t Nos. 1 and la Dia,moud, I ITTLE, BAUW 4.t PATTON, Whole; L rocen and Commietatm Atunnants, drag erg In PRODITCE; FI•OUR, BACON, CHEESE, FISH, °AESOP. 'AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, tad Pict. burgt, notnufnctures generally, 11l and 111 Rotund street Pittsburgh. w ewe aro OBEYS - - - ( . 11:LP & SIIEPARD, Commission bier. chants and deniers in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PDC/DUCE, No. SO Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. Moire brands of PlOhr tor Bakers and totally nse constantly on band. Particular attention paid to tilling orders lot gterstuatattee generally. octs-dis • •• P. • BECK CO. No. 185 Liberty Street, ratandigt, Pa.;Wliblesale Grocers, Umendloalderebants and PRUDHOE, PROVIS/NS,. BAUON,- EARL, 13UTTE. ia H, Laos, H CHEESE ? FISH, nd dealers la COUN an,•Plica DUCT, FLOUR, GRAIN, SELD GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS, &a. SALT and LI 0.: hail JOHN B. CANFIELD, Commission and Portruding Dlerattent and whole Ws denier In WI STERN RESERVE CEIPPSE, B LARD, PURE, BACON, FLOUR, FIS I B I T I A AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATUS, LIM SEED AND LARD +CMS, DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally, Non. IR and ILO Front street, PlttzburgA W. ATlOcli.. J. =IMP W1W1:M..4 L. teittabil 1 ITIKFATItIcii, BRO. & GO., (tictqcits. to Jo,eppb iiirlinsiriak Em.,) VMOCIE SALE 11.4.1aLLES In Oloceses, Flour, Orsin, Provisions, Fab, Meese, Sall., sad Oils, hos. 111 ono lea Liberty slam, Pittsb.ich, VETZER dc ARMSTRONG, Forw and Commletion Merchanta, f or the In l l l 4 YLUUR, (MAIN, BACON. LARD, surrall 161.1. — 1t5, DRUM PIIIIIT, and Produce generally, 11' d. lb Market street, comer of First, rittebrugn, Peru.. fettkly D Barran. a. a GRAS/ 1:111AFF Zr. REITER,. PRODUCE, COM . x -A DILSSIOIi AND . 2.011W68D/NG lfg= UliallTS, and purchasing agents for ill PM. trurgb litewnisetures. Warehouse, tiro4l6 Liberty Street, rittsburgb, Pa. Je6:154 W ,I3CHOMAKEts. WX. P. LA2le, ,CIIOIIAKER & LANG, Wholesdle •••-, dealers to GROCERIES, FLOOR, GRAIN, PRODUOE, PROVISIONS, FISH, CHEESE s ALT, CARBON OIL, Noc IT2 mad 04 Wood Street, neu Liberty Street. Plttaburgb, Pe. 01%0110E ;. HEAD of ozos lurruaa. U EAD METZGAR, Grocers and Coin.: mission Mrchants, and duelers in all Weds al Country Produce and fitteburgh DLsottinct 2.49 Liberty Urea, opposite head of eret, Pts•aeurgh. 1104/ ; T. atTl [ at J. a lIZYKRII.....WIL R 8.111tX1,11.. 14ETMER tt.• BROTHERS, (successors to Reymor h AAnderson) Wholemle Dealer. In , FOREIGN FRUITS,' Mat) and SPIOES,. CON-, FECTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, etc; NoahMl and i 2 Wood all act, above. FlftbeFltts . - 1 WALLACE; Commissloll • and 'Wholesale Dealer In FLOUR 8.13.,M1 No. tea Libc•ty street, opposite rerttutpliterda R. ,, : R. Passenger Depot._Pittsburgh, Pa. Storage. Warehouse. corner Wayne and Faun streets. noiNtv I.IOGIETT LINT Li I S. LIGGETT a i CO, , CITY YLCiJE U. LNG 111:19:erner LOarttjed:2dSe - . Ei =r . r 2 e heeee l per delr. JOHN WAN! JOllll WILOCdf. , IX , AZT & WILSON, Wholesale an, Cortuntselou hierchthts, aldd dealers , in, Produce and Pittsburgh mentlfietdres, lgo. 116 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. ' itarr. 49.11E8 DALZELL ea. SON, , Maxtufac ' JJcurers of LARD 'OIL, and:Oonuninalon•Mea , chants for the ini_rchese and aala otaIRUDE:AND 14.11 NED PETROLEUM., Nos. Ce and ID Water street, Pittaburgb. Advaneel made-on enedva. manta IsIDNLE, No. 1133 LIBERT7I37:, u • PITTPBUFCGD, .240 1, abant, Virtmleaale Dealer In I.lanntry , Prodnee, erpeeriea. and Plttabutgla siosouusons.- 4 lamb acivape.a on UOZUILIUMPAN 1112 d paid tor Pram* acanialln - - - fiIIEESE-WAREHOIJ.-11ENRY H. '-'COLLINS, Pori U. /a-01ns and CC=mission BILIS chant and denier to CHLESA_BUTTEE, wcr F/SHoptl : Produce geoerally, Dip. 93 Wood-lave, abov aler, Pitabtirgb., oari Jo= L seem ' ICDWAIID ACM. 2101 EN 1 HOUBR CO,, :Mid/Mak GROCERS ANC COISIMISSION CBANTS, corner 0 q* ,lO, A. 4 and Water street, Plttabtuzlx. eons= DALLSIS 'DOBERT DALZELL dWhole Au sale Grocers,Comndsafori and ICaVri= Merchants, and dalers fn Produce and -Pitts manufactures, Liberty West, Pittsburgh. • - .11.0. /Lora ' srultsz 'eon) 10Iili FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Oro. u versa:ld Commission blereitsett'Noi;l72l77ood And =Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. VRARLES L. CALDWELL, (saixesbot to James Holmes br co:, PORE PACKER sad dealer to PROVISIONS, cornet of pistltet 'sad root streets, Pittsburgh, • - 11•111/1. SHOPE. 3.1/- V 027 LEL VOIGT & CO. L _Eaccessors to L . 0. Graff, PRODUCE arm 001131USSIbti td,tItUIiANTS, 217 Liberty street, rtttsburyb. DAVID BL EDGERTON, 'Wholesale _Grocer and Conixansidn lainentatd,ita Wood Street. Patel:l=o 4 Pa. ' a worm traDzar..Joas entrraw..a. O. lirizza.¢ll A.3IIJERT, SHIPTON , t CO., WhiSle sale Limiters and, prqfql9e , Deeilers, No. 11.611 th street, Pittaburgh. -- - - - • • nu. pA&B. 1/ICKEY 6th, nad ao L or.. Co=alulon Ittorelsatai ilea leti t o PalliT3l3.E, No. PM Water- itseet - and -13 . 1:04, met ,Plttaborglx.. ENNSYLVAITIit amuctrurtizia, The Penzsylcanli Mate apicultuntl will hold its Exlattlos - ' • 9007.r.158168 2btb tattl, 2Stb ise4, at, WlLLTAcurott. - Mimic comp.. .; Any tnnotinaticia desired by. Parkas disltt, sista% applications lot ptualcun nets or Wes... Ot by mamba's ot the Society. will tie given by se tnalenclpeO, or A. Boa, FLOWAQN, rrrAtitq' llartiaburg, A. BROWER 1.0150A81.74 Satrataa7. ITonnossows,lslay Sad. jet:2watt! WOODIFIDE'6 WALLACE, 1717b.cricaufacs, =.%^l.lGegLeittit. . . tiND.vri , ' Li . PI _IN White Lead,.LithaiamPalnlor 01 Varolems, Sttlera,'Wlndow Glass awl 'Put Spices, Perfumery, Saaeols, Carbon 011, On, • Also, Art all torWlateem 'Metallic Brown Paint Hain lion. White Lead, Curter Oak Vildtet Lead fad Maury . ta Wlalton's oete.brato Patent Drlar 1n one and two powal 9aina.; • NA 87 -WOODIAITABET, g(OPPOSITE TITS ST. OLIMULTS HOTSI4,I • -- 'eur2odrd' Privriimicurr,r4 300 Bims cgoicE-.BRADNB b uth Pied r • 1 t't• 1 ear Pesch Blawrotatnea; bbst Latter In clotiui a, barrels ore 6 A n...t.rt - sta'foT *ale b, FATTEIIsOI , t, 1...710R h ttili : . tics. a`M and =PO= St, Scatt'a =l7 tr.lilitf ^i Isii-1 . 5. 4 i E. v;, ,- t‘44lg. -- '43 - W:o' il k sco CENTRAL R. ''• - lIATSIER ARRANGE 11ENT -ELI YEN DA A ritAl .1 . I On .. after I 15.1,11 DAY, ld a Y : 31 .n. OA " 4 "' with: eve the D . r it a• follows. LAY 1-ti'llt.tt.' dilly ex,stpt Smulay, at •-•,'' • as, stopp g oni?',l4 principal start:ea, and risalti,a Metes en et....solA,at IlarrlOnt. for New lOTA, Baltimore cni Was:atm-toe. at( a: Phliadeli'hls for New y.irs. 1.21,0 sued Latitimadtatc;o:ata nidal L ACV° Ali iIiATI , , S", tally e•c`l''' '''''. , itai . at hla at;';*„ at,,,,,na it all /•,,, , l , '" atstioas betweekirattaboreo arid Harrtationg 5..1 .. 10 -.3 rtme * c'tilteetica with than. On tridt3ll • F' 0 .". 4, , Vmt 5 . 41 watt... ti. /i._.'irositirtr/S it i ur , ...0. R. R., - rttoZialsyst.uL,t itraneh. , PITTSBUTNit.....II, a tfuE :,i,;, IL, Silts , apt Sandal, sr - 1 p co r,pp,iliC at Cetai ii the station. het - MI 1-`u.s..i,crgi i ca d Yatt.a.loill.., and making eon ; 10:, with wslt,a on :La E , ' .- wtf"grilsaro... as . dertaaMpiri.... It., licitsisysl.tiist Ursa:. IC. weel4 sal Bald to-e Viola, . branches .1 ti h N i.. , CtitirL,Etelaiiialsllitafts,y,x • fatly, ex 7 4 , 1 5 ,..„,,,,y, - at,apo p. m., siopptog st ' re ; n i , ..,... ~,,, 1,,,,,, IV:oh:ugh sad „leaastow a, •mi c ta• nettsug at /ilairatlllo laterseetam settlitraias e the icdtwis Brill l cast Welt' i'eniuniesais t: H rtill...lifil..VAlA eslil'ilEltia, daily. et: 4.-. W. s • m., atoppiitg nt:lkattOtie, tioneracugh.,:G,,www, Altoona, Iluntqlon, Lewistown, am, 8 .,.. ::;I ::: m ,,,, e.r . yalt i lltA tt ar i : i ltt x rttrjr . t=t z. „,,... ; ; kr ii,,a , - Ace, Waahltirion lull - New Mott at P]aisilelp,ilia ' , fiu lilesi , Ti..i.k. limit.= cal Lem, mcdiate points, s iSioemng earn run throutton Vita tratialfroni Yu Airr,h to Ralthuoro, PhliallelPhla and Nes; York, , , jt the AllentOwn route. FAST- LA:Nk.4,l.ty, astrept , Suniety, a: &So i. to., stupplag °atria Uoriamatielt. Galt :ten Altar , • , liontangdotialLewaiton-a. Alidlul. , Newport slarysellte, ytiWriabunt. Stildletcurm . Alizatieln woe, Mt.. Joy. I . 4hilisvills. ,-annum?, eau Ifown• togtown. At liarrlaDiatlt COnnettPatir are node to Nee Torn, Lflattphore and Wash.:mm:4st 'Phila. A :Oda, for NOrlYorlt, Roston, and intisiniedlat; patiu, , .' - i:f.l - First Aceornikoilailon Train for Wall's Slat eaves daily (• Sundoylet AXIL to. ! - Second Acre an Train for Wall , s Station leaves daily feof.o4t Sur.dayl4l. 11.40 a. M. Third Actstal , iSleWatlOn Train for Witll's Station saves daily (e&4O. Sunday) at 4.15 ti.i el. L- . Fount. AtwOnlattaintlon Train for Wall's Station ..._.eaves da l . f extiptstviday) atiliti p. tin: .-.i ~ AtsommonattW [tor Prim Sutton, lento a loan p. m. , ~„!!' 1 . 1, • - ''' '': .' . - The Church Igiiln leaves_ Well , Station, era/ Sunday, at pm 44., roil:mut ialrea Pittehtillio at MAI p. in: 32 • ' ' Eaturatag TtliOs mitre in. Pittalinugh as follow ai , Mai 1........... ;'.;;1 1 i.,;....... ... ...i....., ' Pie 4,0 0 ‘. ' • n. . First Wall's 814 ia — denetrimcidatisn.X. `142.5 . 51 tn. roan Aisaornind4infr...ai • ' - . " '7.51014. in. :Second Wallis. : Rai:mitt/WU Aentlittleodstlota, • • • ' 10.115 a. tn. , Pittsburgh a11ideAu1...,........ .. --; MAO p. in. ..Baltlnitee Estiffilel,..{:.:-... • - lan p• in. Phial Wall En ron Ancomincilatloal. ALM p. - in. Philadelphia • En5te55........: ' — LSO p. ti. Yourth Wall's 641.tOnalecommodatican -11.11 p. au I.lalgrlat4yret . l*?' .... .• , ~. ' -.._.'-1..tX0p.-Ins IP.l=l =ll =l=Z ~:.f~ '.. ~.: ;_~,. ~ ~ 5 .. . 6 ~ J ~. 6n - Agent of }ie ExaeLdor Couubtia lion:tom4 will pan thro4h each train before reaching the Depot, take upi,q.zalie and deliver baysace to any part of the cityi.,Altlice 00 Penn etreet,_open day and night; thorn' all mien for tho moventena 01 passengenrok benne WWI recall , * prompt at. Lennon.._ . - - . &Atmore exYante wlllartive with-Philadelphia Express at 2Jok4in. on klotulayk ,14CfrIOL—idt,litote, of the 00Mmay,kfill hold themselreklyttponalble for personal baggage Only, and for alt:egti:mant not encending 11102. • At . th e M P ". Bzusivrr: Etyitanta Control ifatlroadv - Station. on .afterta and Grant streets., —at x , PITTS11111i5:13, IT. agagagp .A. WAYNE ELUOAGO !UMW,, _Y AI I.3I..NVELAND k Pg7P• BURMA RAMP AD. ' , . stiwitas ARRANEEEBIEN'F. On and sfterigap !UN 1606. tmllast will sul, follows, Mx. ; Learn! 4: For I For . i Par PfllatmrstjtrAisago. 'Cleveland. I WhaMln Expr05........101.10 a. m. SAO a. m. 2.10 a. ; . }Alums ...Nl.OO p. M. 2.4.6 p. m. 2.46 p Af E' r " iiii..m. 06 A. m. - _ Lit A. For Now 4.2md*and Eris SAO a. as.. t - .c....., Arrive at ptxtfpurirp—P. Pr.. W. k odlitu 9. a. m., s..wpt , a, LOOP. m. 7.68 P. M.. 11. 30 ff. 0. k P. R. Kt-A.lBk so. P.a. p.m...5.00 p. au kilf.NVOLoos.lloX TRAlls...l. : ... .. Leave AllegllsAy. I Brighton • • B°4 Par-tt ills. I EcoaoMpi 5 r1.11k, IP.MI a.m. 5.15p11. S.6op. m. 10..10 p.m. SiDp. '11.60a.m. ~:. ; r •,. ~_ . _ ...„ 4.46p.in. • ~.r. , - ... 640 p. er ii.ri C o . rutyrrnarso. , Arrive At A -.- .ny—P. P- W.A. Ill..Ralists .7.16 s. tn., 8,16 ' A., =A a. sm, lAA . p.m., 4.69 F la mad Ill.ma p. td.,: 0. tr. P. R. Fc.‘,- - Pao 11. m.:-- , . . --- . c • GEORGE PAREDI,TIeIsMAseas,.. Emma Plltstrer Station, Pittstrazik, Pa. A. Q. G ..„ . • r.ns• : By. Ticked MMS. msl r.1b..; traits. Gomm m..ftent -.,.-- 11DITT8B13011: Altr.)j -I- corm EcOS VIZ.' LEL RAILROAD, . • r StEDIM - Aid4I O IGE.M4NT": On and r*ONDAZ Jane 1. DlSktrut testa mitt leave t Ziepot,acaaar at BOO' and WOW. " ' - streets, ss foliar* ' NaMMS • Pittsburgh.. Pittitll , sl2.` manta and 12221421:r010n10wn. Tato. m. , 2110 Q, 92.; Mores: -ss • , SAO p. 11:3011.:2.. First kiniteespart_ AccoWn...ll3X , 5.22: $5O St, s. son d . ss ' 6.26'p; ray .4.tep. It Find BrEldol -". 84111. 840 E I .Serond • 1,- , rar ;540p. ta Sunday Clirozotf, to tad' • " from MlKe 'lt9 pals ' , t For tickett apOty to • ; g4,11..3.;5HAFF5., - .6gent.. STOUT. Supertatenvt._ • . . A LLEGIEMN VAL- , : ORMalfalOAD.— E or , VW attar MONDAY eatt,=aer . fano .. wiagatrazigersa al . Z.1211E; •rw ar.•42114CS Pittabargreit 1.00 a as. arriving at TM Wining at MOO a. nn. Lames Kris Gaming at 4. :p. m. i &MVO at PUtittagia at p. EXPRESS TS /11.10- - Letena Kittaaala at LSO • a. m arriving' 3t kittsturgb. at %VI a. an Leona Pittsburgh at 1.44 p. m., arriving at Sip 7JOP'm ELL.COZIMIORA'I7OI4. - ; •TP.AER.— Leaves Se4a • Works at SAO Cenoatriving at Paatlazgh at 7.46 a m. Leaves - Plansinrigti 1.40 p, aaarlag at _Sods Warts atXta a. , • , icrar r: , UKU I PId7a. CVITKELIe - - ILT FoßkifklgiranGßAZlON • -•- grgt9BOIICIE4VENML• 3 - -It • :. _ .Paasagerinia thi TneT.lveuvWftett Talk and:El3llii . lMplotil(fri ossa fiteasub4C,Oompanv Whir obPdatte4 sbs Agent here 'sits fdr,Thompso enow prima:ad toTbriag oat avows , 'bbma Y.assenge* by JIB Steamer* of this- rot* ITAl7sl7_ 'btoe ALL „MOW BMW.' • Vha Samara of . tbia favorite nadleavaLlveryool ivery.Wroff Bk. -DAY. tor 24a/al_ arkatmahing at • •4 - w.• am among thinfwl-Wis - Them de*: also Vorrarocot and Loviond Limf a te=inf .1 7 . • pool ••• 4 - and •Natie The steam. em of t a i r ds lioffßbt lathe strongest lotto:Wt. and ftutnith elt a ccommodations ti unodations for ataaayars., gala slab alyiit forTAlWara LINB ofosio. prated ellopescnailing Packets, Waving Liverpool for New Y - Orlttgriaa &week, ant the - S' Lino of London Pasha% ULM; LatalaTr every tan days. The attips Of 'e Lino data boon no. - tel for their COO-4i .13/SIUM and- the an d p raT iAc ia goi,s pswergers, and Lthistr ttza Sri:lamest:tows onboard, parties who -gnu heir Wends *alit out by sail re. ing vassals, shotlid D 7 all I =, Wii= at uaa vaa4y Tadao:strata& SIG= NEWTS on all parla of Europa for sale at the lanai rsysif - Apply to - /J. O'NEILL, 1.4,1 =alga .Esiszahlun Mon nag " ,1 • sadwpg.tg, amt._ CROCEItr — , f3O hoesheadi Petite Rinse' 414 ,:4 , :ta Words (litillited do.; do: A. Coffee i!RA do. .Itayetaas Banned 4o do. Booth & Edger% Bowel ,17.1.0 do. ansortml brands do.; Sjez do. New Crop N Ltidolassee; Portci Moo -- dcf:; Co. Clubs dp. ; meeTEE— bagel:aline 1110 • ;;3") do. ,prtme.Rsegoon atm . TEAS— • `,P) half chute Imp. and Y. 2 Team ;ElfXr do. altselro_ • do.; 1::1S0 diddleamp. atoll Bleak do.; t bbln. new Lao No. T hisokend; ?.;.t0 DNB. • "AO:" do.; TOBACCO4'?,*O boxes snorted brands Tobseeor • .4:! , ien daddlesßelt.lipiat 801 l do. turtle Vulva 0111- in stare end for sale by i,ILIRKPATBICK, 1010.:,fr. 00 . 4 nqtd. etallvo'rdberty !tree roma EOM 11150/T , HP iftqcsizl4elivisiefis 4riror 45f L pc, Einvennyf ktortsrur mokr,:fojxs4. , '' l3 °at','C;r o a: s YMlY l F F PsVA too:4. t ~,otztott trott...mordoiti to au iuto ootltcot , Fl , 4ll/11 b. OK streryloKsOcu • - - , 5 v7OOll SITCXEZ F °11.6 • `P9°l°oo 00.000 Mfg: 5 - "' • •E GLIM laat.-" • Bona; Lawry. _ ,„, --- - --- - - ,- * - Oda TAll ITYLINDW I=.4) .11ixttr tutes;"" Chu TAV4)2, DOUBLV --Indientpa good tvarlatoxib.-' •- - ' ,411731 ,. Will "be at, &tavola. Enquire. ot ex aoiii - tissattt . - ,-.. - i.- ' t... MAZEtTE.Pittablartfur& LEI.ONTEZ 'POTATOES. in4tore said [Er iAlkti mix d s .i, ), coo. &no Pecul.street; t 3 V:4 .scoWi IMMM 13114.1a1:0:2 Virdoll; - . - ruts : Zack Cork 'tp.brieattn, to tore sad ri.se rate. • • • r • JAarts DAT:ZELL • •• • • W Water tette.' XEM I POTATOES•AND WATER. 1.4 zu,oB„-tObbla Tersely &watt Potatar;:. r<l 700 Watermelons., - Iterelidark for laic at 300 I,lloltv ttreot. 14146 tt sump-am/D.- _ . - .. :' '. .-.:-:...:..., -. :,. - , : - 1:,,1, ' ,.. i . : 1 , "' , ,,:i5 ' .; 1 ' : : I 1
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