I, -Zit Oiltstatrfilt Swift. tilt **a njudupti-ItssOWION. TUESDAY. A17¢1:1131.21?. 1865. UNION 13TATp TICKI* , ..Kg& =MT= Gitratktisq, W. JOHN F. 113XVIBANFT Of Montgomery coital , - -COL. JACOB *CAMPBELL COVArri ncfcer- . • - - 'pm =mop Mtn t • " ' ZVI B. DIM, at Alkotarre •»oa ootrith - coarisou.vi =net LILMEZEr i tiat.VortsNP. tor .nuusttautri • A_ LIDC 2 /7 ir C 164 4. wos. Agit SESAIT4 t OBJUbtat, AUCCOACti. - Pa samara ,• • . 43•01-1 ; .:ijaYEE. rrottaluratiri =tp. • NAM B. , amauxasoousuesst , We t t r ee t yme" . . : JUBA A.; VAASA? 3 1Voitliblp. tt; 3 .4' gie ilolfitirda*Litainal IrldiApf tOttrireltorcrist: OW: It r - rfix Ittruasham: • 4•- -imi , PuiwAnz:cs ma; 000 - grOLFS 4 4,1 4irtUte TT0,0414 • • ca .Goniftmerfolter.tintrr: • There is aothiagiike , havingB good ezt aoieri,4ll*{, you want` CMdit; And the DemOmmy of Pcmatrlvapla Ails been pace. 31413, 7 fortonateja acciffing_ the** Yo lk News' as Its tiaCtcem TLnt paper , famous (OEtOthll26o).fdrita gtei4fintraltfilikia ad: "Il'eliellton is aLe4II• S •A4 ''Olitise 'of the • zemailOW. well pleated •Irl lithe conduct Vit!gekatOwit 3 44. , •=4 iifthiartoeiedlngesOf the 'conieutioit,' 1t e#Js Mtlonnda liko the' ) ring o f. thhioc4, 411 C, pemhtiatla Metal'!" !"T he gond:ad ., Ihieseensle metal" must mean brass. —The 49 41 TV1 over *lnce w e have known It,fijus • 2044 j ndaut intioy' Of. that ,eottorOtie product of the mines. Ttiti f iesointiont of tho Cottientlon Mir tire emotions of the Neaa to their 'iery deffic;: "Oh !" 'it exclaims, _ l 'l%in is is 4,4 of the gruel principles of Alm -Ccmetitutipm in the4e-aftlimation of Atovoraignty of the the fea .Serjtlly of. the =hetet, a retrospect of hap. aTtitles Viat Wakes the hetet of the e •; . 14 4 isAl4jAttiot* tto It is a good thing ~that the reeolutletut of thar,ilotitithtion haititadidelt i - ZuieridetiMiNevi Yoih, for they seem to (bate pTodueed but-little exelterOothtl'oroi.f Al4."htfikl*,`ltit . great rosay.:erdent ..imlngierii-straang , the. yenotio - del CFopperiumdeilit'thie State, Us im(fOidisitit Nilldactbikai be,Oeteircnicikted • Uiem, and , we may therefore soon, expect to bear ,of a great raketlirig among the F E F 7 , To,shasi that the Convention was under Alle - ednfint' and in the especial liltenlit Of IbtaritioWitSafil, we quote:V:o:r foll owing, and_beg Unit "War Democrateirrill "read, 3111 0 , 4[ 1 , 11 OaraTalY digest." Quoth the News The true chord - has - been grit& t r ibe Ilto rlsbun CAE:Tendon c ge open the. Black , Retorbilearts of the . reepoxisibility for " slaughter,, debt and disgrace the civil war,- and :in Order the more . honedt4 and consls+Pntly to-pre:la chose traitors to trial before the bar of pub Sic opioion; - aro glad , to - observe in ski Too:Worm of the Democracy-of l',rtinnql . arantiva =determination that it:Ohmic:lde party-Veal be placed IA &Ong' thin to 'make the accusatiOn with, clean bands, The War:,Dencctay , ,!' as they pretend to:ire, are atl4 kora 'deeply 'guilty of, that crime than even the traitorous faction by whom they hid hear led into it,' and claiming, as they do, to - belong to: ths , party, must be case off assa., thing .of contamination. As repentant offenders they may, It is. true, lbe *Mowed to return Ro the temple of the*, faithful; never Again, certaWy no t at a, timeinwhichlhe voltie ergot POW'S" ids. cd agebtst } lit crimes for Which thelta fruit , Tituao....roto so, largely, teknorsibte, can they Tio Petualitedio bring Ablunemories of their accursed heresy into sesta atoned the sanctuary:: But while grace- may,. for the purposes of unity, he extended to those of theraltht — nie nntdy tO - rentninisibleli - --jotrndientain penitent among the great ibtxfy of tied' natty • lit thn'llemocracy who Oneibblf, hate' loridpen. ibein much, see irtlist: in alithe conventions on the a loodCbizilt lhoPtinciplea Of 'that In: larrions schism be declared in no doubtful 'terms,; ; Ittistheseatlzed and tumtowst The Weis has biien consistent in itaboar tility to the war sad. to., 34 &averment; • And' in lta open' advocacy of the cause of - thn - 'rebels. .That titml4Paper khotdd . _ be to heartily ,pleased , : the pro: Denitittr"iitia . State`` Aeodurts ,Con ' IreritilxiilMfts'oldt4 enough that thipar-_ hr - *lt:State is-animated the , SPlttt, infected _A/ 1 4 -tbo: '4FoO veno m _ • -Debbi - vino long rendered the , Nem IMP . . adds:await true end laYal teen. thinol4 Altlf,„•cmtuttircat 7 1101121 4* Sled two nominal -soldier =far tees 45. , sot that wia.dOne, - for Buncomto - resolutieur It looks, = and not, to to ; rot.,hadloalorts of what the, .patty, nteinsi* the1.41,,4 , lit4l *441. _ .to 1 40:2 -1 A not* Itebel Witte Bouthirred and dripping with tho`-' 6 1 0 04,46/ern niiii,Who: -could not Oedema them with.eirnal fervor:l 0 11 , m Nitta trims from the Convention - to , -prOldent :Jo Vgile. with a tinier warning disWriffrixit Its PlUeendlnga., Hear it : Ity,rjobnson,witli -we harm , no doubt, listen to the addionitirms of the Convention with ell thegrtiter letPect 'biotuse of its ; out:spa - en independence. .dope mint- sin lan age-of the l'ennsylvsnin Deltlooracl that . learnatt count on the support of that par. ty,:untest,' es - that l anguage ' dotaallds, be, L Men 'guilty, of 'tad:wird arrests f, mints aid lawiese 11621 - UP property: 'We 'Warned "Kr. 70111S8On sconst_Anne_ago. that Ida .ee4 ' . Sere had dealt 6;lmm:blow:it his : holt , vponDantocracy is the ouzo of the death "of Idrs.:l3tnutlAvf and while vow , learning ' froth itki t lisrrislntreCcirtwratiore the train efifiniiiaktu that ea* we trust' most' witridsol- hind!! kat snow tam able: to repeatPA in ebo Mae.nteil In the de.' twit Odic, Democracy let , FornsYlvanla that Ireximelonsavemereinurderabyi nay t limy ocarmiations;6 r vit ti 91,,5giii0T*1360#1416.1114:3#0;L; t . 14 0 tPaneYrs*l:ltentecracr and f, thirlltotrY,orlfNete# Wien must soF fkol4 1411 4 b 10 011"0 11 44Fei;'* 1 * sands numbediii minium:gm his head, Js, - R di#6oralle pet,: - and biy instant.ielease Isto4.44lo;'&4l l ofaftUO- Presideni....Venialoileards, itho Eire; SUR: W4steir, arsi_dosils .inoarnitte,l like 'Wm.; ; e • natural* teed supporters site sympathizers =in Aft r4itt tbst.?7 PPP** i# l , l , l Tar , Ve l e 41beir laii4jufai in and cerryink on the: rir lbeglitt. 1 13 1-Tot tbiAgnan but 'Barrabbas = ~. `-~, ~~ ;~ , .ti- ~°. ~-_};~. .Swintr - UP,P 5 re . than= CaPt• 46 4. • u f f a opdtadit. proprietor ot:"Eliant'aTints7 , edit*: bat tie cad ittalentii continuo * ..ed, 444 co-cessta* Toentnig: throttek. Too aigtos itontrada by Capt., Oria p .at 46, - e P:p t lifter the United States hadl aba. 41. 04 10 0,11):,11,11. It Id: Mt - comm.* mute no . W talon by vosels' xi?" btalr Orleans. Ind Idgild iltal*"" ta 1 : , ~.: .ii a aeitt. orinige - itaibegriatiliiittq: ....:- .. , „Iwo:Jo:craw Wilma boon Arto pi the ollen. :' : • - ' ''..'' -4 C 401414 . ~. #).. !dins 1 4 , in' Pm. eqiiiir.l 'MI 1; •:„--,,. -i , - - .chalirconeis north of Richmond..the county oaf; ' - . 1 - ahtil vii to said to bo of =Oat (inidhy. M!=f=r=lM3 Txts3 scrrogrAfit. *fig, caNqrx., •- Trecorramrs - Parsers, Or Climblidd and Senator SrailtstaW, of Ohio, agree on Same Inportaat eonstitutioaai Ri *ill:1g special interest at this time. Ist. "That wisdom _Stud..policy, tie w as justice, require that no Olga shall be denied the elective franchise on account of color or retie. 2d. That the rebel States may now be held, under military law or otherwise, till they adopt constitutions founded on dud principle. 3d. That when they or any other people are ac tnally admitted to full State rights, the reg ulation clf the matter belongs, by the Con ntittalon of the United States, to the States themselves." The first two propo sitions, we should think, general ly receivethe assent of all loyal dams. They both recognize the fact, as do many other distinguished jurists and statesmen, that the States 'Utterly lo rebellion, hay destroyed their state Ifelen""114 and 4 nein:wed all their'Political rights under the CM:taut:don of the UMW States, and that they have no power within thanteelyes of, resuscitation as States w 10 341 the trlitou, without.the assent of the general Govern mut., That:they may be heldtmthis:pceitlou brainless . / force until such times as they are I;estoFed to the Union In 'tine forni p f In reaped to CM thirdprepthittion, Om when itk . traba, • the right of the elective franchise belongs to t h e Statoifiteelf," PIM hike; fao preientie otrotig aricument sigma_ the Am clatlye right of the States- to 'regulate WI hatiertsitiohjact. The'eleellierßericldse„ according toitte,Nerion, 18 , p:oily a part 01 the N ational Sovereigety Mid the: p_ublie eateti ecir r ir*ir tgarlC,ehOuldAci , 'l4,ged, where it will be mostilkely to De-ased-tor the Prlhife .reed anther uokfor ;1446 I •The question is, :Dotter the tegulattort, 'wit; the Ihrdhithmer extetisiMtVer the', right iat . Aulihre ainonettur.iiitisenehellang excitclifels to OM huilvidruillithtelkiy the ) Coastltittinn arthe United BMWs? In the ' dreV_phice, 'lthri,),(lotustituilon ,confera no rights_or powers-on thrißtatcaor their goy 'emmentik .by direct prear, - la -relation, to euffrage of else. This was /dis covered by the Virginia Legislature as' long as Fetirtiary, 1820. In their elaborate res olutions of that date, on' the Ittimuattri strictlozur, they assert emphatically, and truly, that no `hi" to are conferred lay the Federal Conatlnothinpn the State gos-, eruments.'!- Jimmie= nom) by implication,; except/ these necessarily involved In the performanco-.of the darks It , enjoins -on them and, their, officers. Any cttehmive, ,per6eo Orr ihe Iffective franchise to not anion these. It 'Confers no pOwer ctr,lhe ' States Or their goeummeatta by,ritrilistice, except a , putt of those • "not •delegated m to • tbs. .fitsteto . But itrestricts thentby nmuertms , and implied prehlhithnut.) Besides=h theylurthel. Indetinliely.restraleed bb the sureptetruwr of all laws made • or eructed undeithe authority of , the Considuition." - TIM - Goirientroi3l . lea ..the , Stales) as hodiee politicrand 04000 psrterof fee- Union, btit net 4. 1 = 4 4 ,3 44* raefeCiali , , guarantees them republican qgovammenta, according to their Subordinate positkai Our assernments aMcontrcdled by tlAr Constitution and Zaino' the "Jutted States - "The whether exprem Or implied, 'aris - peremptory, and cannot •be Tamed., llttt the most extensive and im portant restdctiona, as well on States as individuals, arise from the absolute supra. macyof thalami of the United States. - Those have been iscretotbre veryspsztagi iy applied, 'for two reasons:' Ist, When the .present government was instituted for the rintion;it found the existing government of the United Stites disorganized and derang ed, land hatome= 114111apIdadon, while thelocal governments-were organized and in full operation; so that the, general and -external interests of the cannery required all ,and more Marra, their attention, and Me - Internal and local interests of the pee. pie demanded little or none at their hands; 2d, It was the policy of the slaveholeers, who controlled the. Windnistlation of the Government then and ever afterwards, till :by rebellion - they shook it off entsrely, to keep it as lei as possible-fromany Influence over their domestic- histltutions and In Wrests 'which: they could easier manage to Malcom `satisfaction through tun own:local pram ' went& But Ihelt bad management ,of 'those Institudons .and Interests has proved' so disastrous to themselves and 'so expert sive of the- - Mood and mat:stare of the nation, that It may be hoped that the Gov ernmentwillmot 'feel warranted,lM future, • to nnglect or withdraw themselves form the ' regulation of any Interest which concerns the eafety, welfare : or or lilieft9r, the people. When 'the general Government shall ac tuallynndertake 'and enter Mien the fall performance of Me duty t for which It'svas created by "the people of Abe. United viz.,Ptofmm,amoreperfeat union, eatablith justice, ensure domestic tranqalll-• ty, provide for the corm= defence, prothole Ms! general welfare,- -, end `Mord the blessings of Alberti"' to Mat people, the local' govetninent will, ficrkthe:stiblects of thilr exclusive Goa very,Muclicurtalled, their usefalitesi =ay , very.. mud' Increased, . Duties neglected, overlooked, or defused by the • • general Government havo lican.emsamed hy, the States, bemusecorts Uke fvldualsonityt dr-acconllng tolsw; What. 'ever Infringes to UV or iiivroblbited by , nottWe 'nit& this`the" source 'of,' 'all ( Jocenegislifkitir. 'ln regard lOUS, tiegerAtieet ef the % I aptr0p.;,,...... gre.,i)lia.lllSOrtatew lost dap_ tow. s: :defining or liniltbizit; salt .the Islaturee bad not, the whole subject might have remained unregulated-to this-day. Ihe first part of the fitirth'iectio n of the 'first Wtlclo Contaitutlen; reads* Itrtict times, places, and 'minuet . ,of holding elections for sanatore and Tepee: serilattves, shall be presgibed In each State by the Legislature thereof." If the section ended here, and this was the only clause in the Constitution relating to the suffrage, More can be no doubt but It would give the , • . entire subject „Sol' the States.. !Maniac: 00 0 , tuid Team* of an election s In default of; any • other provisions, would include., every circumstancela regard to It neciasti% t TY* uhl7Mg tt into execution t and - giving it its perfect effect. But the fel* sectiondoes not end, as quoted • aba' 44 ti•Pioo?edithtle- "But tic Co s 'gr4ll34stelotly time, by law, Make alter , such mos:Latina," etc. -.They may 'rare{ theta if mama& right, they„ may, alma them 36 ikkir•tierlititleitillbYthe. ' State Legtelettoe.!‘:-Thht.P.leeeeThClYMPle't snbleckliaihelandiel *** thcii tßiPate9. o . lll lAi l 44amo broad and pane Yam as it does primirili is the hinds • - .#the State PitglelAtt: . - - ;TWTIFTYs eteee , as aimed by.itle,`lrole _ 1 74 kl:VArt the avow, .1109, goTerWassid, ottani - contain AL Welt' the Mans of Its own pfesereli Thus ft datirgitted that "Congress has the •- Mg e *Ts' t h e lett resort) all the 'tittalificadOlui of electors of members of Vow,* Ind ns,no YeYer • • of IMe!_ slegfelittelete i n taci t= to electors . State- , representatives, it ironid folio* Mai Such -"-Evigulatleri' boa., Mess eheedlit regard te their ease' wOullsolitroltalse the State electors—. _ atVif would come would come stronglym ald of time power Mutt given ttiCettle' eitt ever ' the whole subject. ; Carr. reet , i kale hieraidalexpeilltheithCetal tlittiriberpenicrieoOfhtthif a , clty r iallitti heal ,oratitiof thealleVlbeed thantyth *Maga, had' hasped: I w: Flce ‘ d l4 hive etateedeetncit(hi 1 4440 .-- ;;Fetb 4 0: 111 44 1 4 1 )the teatoaltiiiiteaxi edett WEtta'adesaher.,l3teretaly of theTertitoey of Nailera. who Ise beet Intetoiota some ‘eels waning for Ott start; hes' gone to Mehl; ;son: eld will mead to Ms peeittott 17 the old stage mite. GOIM.I3NONCNkfION ON REIM*. ti...,1 3 4*-eG i keille rebel, who Wei 114' noon during the nibeMon for his barbarous treatment of Hnbonsrbsonathwas indicted apace time ago by a grand Jury In Kea tucky, and lodged in one of the Jails of that hats. He re tained for his defence Gronou Txckson Gowns, Eeq., ef.New, York, who shocked at titn,un. ecessiey diets. of ida umetinement. He rues to Gov. Ea:ow - Avow, and among other chum ticns remarks "I am sensible that the Halm people of your - State have madanedgreat suffer bat The dignity and humanity with which it aka administer its laws, and TMlllefttei its will have much to do with its good name." 'He "ii&Scredes with this zetatanCe: '1.03 me beg you, nit to use- gyms indium= or your an. tnority, and to, see that this person to treated with no more severity than his detention re. Quirts." enrillOr BrOWlll74ols .rerilletS, and cot: " I know nothing o. the nature of the report a your client may hate' datle to but l'anott the Sheriff Ott Knox - county, to- who pour letter ahouldhave- been addresteed, and , ow, to Ix, an =Nab= num, who bee ' " ere 'service assn officer -In onz arrery,'lndl'a Cob.: ildentthatany statements of your ellent; e ' - log the Sheriff with brubartnta treatment of prisoners, Kra tratrm; 'Your' client,' no dobbi, tidnks it cur' bard that. 116 should betodflued at altibr the conselentkircsM ditching of Ws Lditgaa gitaitioerni breach magnificent matt= sa bonging and starving a few Onion Citizens, Whipping otherr - st the stake. or at the cart wheel, and etrlpplng tidbit ladieriattliwm pup ingtittotterthe rebellinerOVSE fitelftlethlog, etuept what Ahoy bad upon their personal' for Ore hotfoots ' offengeol:Udetking . the =rebd4i on wrtzto-In tidvspinion you tray agree with Irina' I -who do. torlorbtdi to. tie et - den& versed in , vatiehmetharetdorri cannot. _,.: 'if stun andtaviwtO bee that - the state; Itudl casaba soveringfityi by adorkdaterfuelts laws ' with ffigaltl and humanity; and white profound. ' ly multi fbr the solleltudeptrq manifest' for' thereputatlncr-of , Teriessee, I must be allowed to say, - thav when fatly titurvirtecd that I, or the subordinate 'Sandra 'cease cif the Sung need i z, itztretkgra ea. lathe proper discharge of the rave official dello, devolving wpon sUrttont at rims resldingtxr other Mates. of sour well own nrocutlawroivette yon' due oilea, butnutildfdttlare nettrat,''parrunithig; lontuns 'Swan ,vastita loiter other light then aa unvrarrantable oipertinenCar: - THE ILEIXOES - OF CRIME. EDWI26II/4;Cdtli iettptlssf: seditioi4bieS matterpfootrriirvhala arrested, there la sr gene-i eat dbposition,teiadmire rather than condemn , ffbe 'planter himself talks as If destitute Many time of gent; and hie fernier Mende told beldam lis+Aristsa gather around him to . Min dolowittildm over the =lmmolate tenant his affairs. Some will sweet these persons ofcom pheity ler the rent train% buttheir =duet is to be stunned le that morbid trait of human ;Mir ada coinmonly Milled "hero worsidp." It is this than of the appellation of" Great" to Scone of the tiostManstrana'grosrffurof Masten nature that history records. - Belpshly ambition ampleness ha:sebum the fasuriteobjecta of this fettlingilinni sometimes !flakes alcnnerrange,and` delights In the exploits of tinbil and hiltilireYl men, whOlati Om bena made tie stddects of nrimberlesS matinees. The splint and. rlering samibed te these characters somewhat palliates the wren:thine:4 of the, admiration which at., Wads them lint in eases as that of Ketch am there ears be nosizeh - came. He ministered to his arphlity by the mean artitlees of the for aggravatingthovillt of the tonal by the remnants of the usenet of 113 EFXZWOII ? With- Out being eireced! to this strong. temptations *bleb imilerallydrive lesser criminals to guilty deeds; her sedlesidy and iiirctonlyplunge4' Sate mine, regaralessel Bnd duty-and the trait ra mmed It him by Mende, whom even but betrays' of Qat treat has net alienated. Ana ts - th Ought tut he will be anoleta 'to ' escape jartlat, by the /rally of these -whoth he has wronged: . Lt. would be incredible had there not already hew too =my trims committed 'with inwatity pipit, county. No wonder that ear its) awl:maks new series of Crude, and outrage", when the' perpetrates" cen so cothi. dently hope to escape the consequences of their crimes. A WORD OF CAUTION TO TUE DE.. ,RIJOC RAC I. The. 4 2 01 4c7 .(14) Layy {Tinos, "soPaff" Democratic arm, le oat quite planed with the crdonsement of Presideet JobrupoillyEleanxur, Ic Conventions. It regards. them, man attempt to sell oat Lhe Demovracy to.the support of the nd mlninntlisitjiltlek If gerslatedin *Ultima In dpadlng Mar party and re:lda:tag It an eary*prey to tts andsonfo* The roses fears that 'c'ca demo:mita" will tract the. Democrats lmier-. 14s Ps say iftart they rosy: mate "torWtorit self . government and the Ccaucltnllcu r. a" Co:udde . in; how ihd I** W V*** tbs. l. Tad ram? . 7eiii 141 1 tt e Constitution" where It Diu .had, mu . Iwsli .abd new* an embpsement - of thesdmisdatratloa, vie do not consider the pact *ell taken. dlield.); according 16 12 0 - teZee. the offset or At, 44.444.it9404t dr.014 - 14 to ibo allPPolt Preddret lotnasati Lamm 1a , 02110. In that State the, decade:** ill* &sliced between thbse who eland by ..the Urea hollered prinelplelbad the old landmarkactAhe party, andthose who ; piotheelo take *Mertz the abolltlealsta may* offer, and sell out." , • The liras[ coicludeis Its isytlelO by, endorsing the Fe#Oatiffiii or the and Cony democia-! eir in Obi*, as the true .7e.fboscailimpthaciplea. "Y. "NP dare" 5. 10 F 024 44 1 4 1 7,44tain e.Teeonetrnr2iw or oar other polieythna adopted by i'retddent Jobasaoi. 'Ace al gladyonaparty •1n Fez et neoShAsl austiditag the i'dMiap dnif there bob 060;4 teii ,anotherFart] with the, iiime-obl4o,4kAlier„P„ leers:map= Irnsztraux,—Frottt aletteiterit: :-ten:try Saxton ter-Prof. Oblids.of Ear:? !yen; college, We gaiter earn intattilllgfaCti 41:1*tilg 1140CaS tot' the freed people 4 the ~Department of the Booth. Including Otudestott. , Ate Bes Island; rid Portinnatt„ , There, are In Ws, deliTtntilit' . 144i* et ,echools fir the Whir= O.ittist Free4=l*WW, All 6 i . 12.407 gepllek and-an or..esgeasteadantaca 8,1312. :Mete inereri!:ttuallsade eorne • fftteen' sehiolt lder the official' irtistirrizionLot lie , Unite& ates Tex Conorolisloriersoled reabstalned by e rents of the Co:lnhalants ad apart for this Ithrpoee. In the city of Charleston there are nineteen of these echoed", supported *Mont the aid of a alagibiandte &Ilea •at:tltal place, tam ,ft.Ve of, sli.thopsent of whom home taken the oPth at ' 0444,PC91.0 t fi e , governme nt. Theodore poopie hoe ,fitarten deb Stint soot*, dabs Clutrlerton andltesufort-r-theyheyeatak, rannah an "EdnestlonalAssanatlon.",epavlnge bank at aumforti with, depoeltar antountlng .to meetly $100:1100, Invested in United Butes bonds. eitiniodleagneArt Oherlestoo trith- a , unoterpus fylloweldf,andsjemsle society, for charitable ! oMeotit.. 72111,titedmen there.;are also seellnir -att Ova to estellshinewepeper through *Mak, stelkdoonettly... l f , .3 2 . . 1 ,•41 - 7.4 • . et_ . ...r• - • , - -, - - -,•-•-• ! • . , -, ~ 1 ~t ,t Att ,Devsseratie. Hamtneetsr , rltePb l / 1 40M 10 0.0. # 1'. Thrlit YYSP Y I ti V 01(eiliLeA,tigiligi***0. the ;D emo.;_' ; _' antic candidates far kaditar Genera l and Surveyor Geittitali- cc' a .c. '':' '''' 1 : C enotivy t miP it a w el e e e = thittie io i l O tt f t l - e l t P P 4 TA M read e w et h tor, y bPAOsv 4 Porto phial • Tie watedurstadeta Vermont litiihtert ....deaddlity.k and ,- Bribse• • 9 11 elatlY Ideditel=raw in. noyiestmetti and , wasedralttedtv theleir , ,in , that . District: When the war With -- Mexico kiedatredillus ialrortemed in - ColOiel• •Galeti 'Onshittelk lituuntehtutetti regiment; Was' iiisliCidet l : terwat„comnutudod.comytay_ 4, ea =O4 on Geri. - Ciutbing'ii • istaff. ' Front - I&U.,:itt:: about lase he was in New Mille°, first, ail Attorney_General of the Territory, :then aa . Becrehat7 -• or!' titat4 • and finally tea. Act. tog Governor; Meg au thetie stationewith , marked •Abllity. --Etiturning Lome , be be- Oeme 4detetted in the Doylcatown `Demo , . 4,14,04pea110t itlio-boakink: ot OXPatI,P . :14 the ages' of .1801 he l imn eette tiigitit for ille.l teciattia'• tier- , I*.tiatlfittitasantAitt:erAtutiame.iret, e took an active part In ralelegAtio , lo4th . , tpinamadeita Colonel; and sernid tlittionmilintember 81 1, -, 1864.until the xpliationofite tern of- ihreslyeark Geo.. bet lidth, 1864. Ca r.rollrlt ,, ltitittut it tr - Demeattre althea for•43nrittlor• ink is s Ctanw 1 . ": 14itititfldiar Ilti' entered the Military I co titi AIM reventlitit itit • 'Mder: of. he 1 -,Tprigiutlyintaimithil;',ollt:OrA4DA 1 siii ,v14'0011,6-P4OrePttuitii 1866 wan 1 0404=4 .4010ttei. .-r 1 044 C.91.0nd • • Camplik:the -. Union, candidata-Trot !the ! tameoftloo;_ ware-the first and seamit ire 1 command oflhe Ulna iltitFlStli. tind7bOtte served throughout their terms with - cony-': age, awry and honor. - =IMZE=I=i /*Mitt 4VOT/CES IgICEL . 2.IOII ICI!!15111.111rE. THE FALL] SESSION . - - Of this Institution wilt sommenee MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4:. "Ilimpli t trOs'ffir , Seholerships eseheimetle et the-tustl apogee, NEVILLE HALL, corner of Meet. and Fourth streets, o 5 - try altdrets=r EV. - wreretEAr. azoraw .1 Bat IS; Pittsßurigh. Ur ". P"EIi gOCEUAL SCHOOL, CORNER OF GLUT AND-DIROID STRERTS. The Mt SESSION it Ell_eoMmenur on Monday, September 4th. Apply et tLe Ceetry ItoOme from to a. in. to U m. auto= Office cif lh dory Run and Pittsburgh Petroleum Company, No. /lb Fourth street, Flrtantrnon, August d 3, Lees. Val.! E AucruskitErnia OF THE il¢st.kbouterg of %btu llempany Will be held malts ottica, on MONDAY, September clows, at atro o'clock p m. for the pispoaa of electing of. Seel for thee log year, and trammatlcen of each ether badness aa may be brought before It. A full, attendance le requested. Ithllhdt ;OM( F. GLOSSES, SecratOM rgrHIGH•6UHOOL . +on, itt-EZAKINAVON" OF AF'PLIOANTS. tor adzorraloa to the .131, - ,11 Sraool will oammenos aierWIDVESDILT, gOth but, at 0 A. EL nt FELE crr scuooL. lUD FELL nDAI bk as! se : licK);.rols =raiz =LLD , wnippgamenaaar, September 4tb, EIAWPDHIX and LAM/Mete, Allegheny . Dried' I:llDDArik iimty l to ?timbal, No. 14 "! o ° , l'`tPmrv'tr• • - 1015 .. 111 "'" StICOMID - MAUD, __ALIXIMIEST.— • Tag MIEWOL . MVAHLI vlll aunt at the Seboetilmee, AUSDAY. - the tattr Dish, it 4 1 o'elbelf pen., and EACH. ZVENMO, mull FRI DAY DMUNG, teeltudre. PefoontlielOng re -. eelyta• from D. rgarfarbn, Em... fee Money ad , mooed to One Hornittei to Volunteers for the len call for three Hundred Ttuessom Den, will plow. attend, with their reeepe_o, and proem their bonen ' IteIMET LEA., President. lone 'Mown,Ja.. Eawretary. oMineeol • ametassumst. -poiaritreauszo °rl arn l itAt i tst i s r *H - tr 9l6 TILEE Yr 0 Of web; kr owc SODOM OP 'ENGINEERING MID 11A:11111/11. buir.hur..,. will oomnietwelisrom 'sea Ohm,. WM' The NEW AMWAY. BEGIS. 4 4 6 at MW4tsti informektioestor be ob. , PE P. V DEOWNE, Director, stablectic Troy, New Yore. orPllllll4O Daum. Female Education. Tanrem.sEssios IL MUMS Inalikiti - FOB TORSO Loin. 1.1.14M0ND 6"1".. padte the Court Etanah will emostenee the wits' /Monday S. Sep. tember.. Dirsolipzp at LAI Uo.'s BookStors, Wodd otteir* saataweod xwir ..trirEnriszAvgxres. gCOTT EITEBET.--2:4 feet front bi c al far deep,to 017, vlth pinata' of Ilan sta r Booms. Tor ode by Et. CIUTPLBERT & BONS, 13.1100 ND BTREsT.—Thret.atory ON Dwgithr Flour. of aiin;lizowas sae B . Gas Led Water situenliresaka Weed and Market streets.. Possennua N. - In. nasals by S. CUTHBERT Ilk SONS, side Rfaricet. street 1 SOCIBIIELD RIBBED BID&B; '1 Hogshead Shoulders. 52 Seventh Street Pittabtugh. LAW PARTNERSHIP NOM*. t herabl.Eirem, that the undersignsd have entered tato a o>partaarship the the P&&O. TIDE 07 LAW, to data tram LOGOS? Rt, r96t. All ft:Amanita bagroloptly atteaded to at 10. 60 alum Mixer. WEL EL MOITETT, auttaat GEO. B. 00088.6. E. PFJAUEST, 11111007:1111.1ra iIIiTarECEML. NO- 21 WVLIE STREET, NANZS, DAUER DEAD OIITTLNG AND zaupEuf Fos dr.vr urvzzaxows. ..u.sutsagmt GENEIRdb DRAIJORTINO OFFICE ELND PATENT-AGENCY 'mill ET. ULALICATtfiIiT, near-Frasipsoilas BMW. 8.P.O1.10=11:15, UtviliEwaser. reiddimos R• ns7 street Jef 99 = 4 " n aing a rr ° , r im % ai,test.-' Q,BILL'ED , PROPO&ILLS be melted lu al rats arricrz, =an ISOND&Y, the Mitt inalnaink for balleiNt_salipairtair in rue. V l3 Unierillt4b•Alfthehl War Winks. 'ONE FAULNX. Whealinas =O4 jean at ibii aric.das 'Memo state EAT they yln?yose have u the you neinetittie4:— riAd. FRANCIS. City Ociatrolisr. TVISMItTION. VARINZUSIIM., J-f - The partnenhiplioretOroNoViloOloglpottroiti Charles U. Bott.lemon& Fronk Vow Gondar -under the mm name 0h,./.sL.T.lt_it NAN WEIDER. to TBIS DAT Otlasolyett soltail tonged, Y. Yout.Ootelor diWotamott *Wooto 'Moils, .11. Salsbootho Moo .onthottzeO to. ..,‘,°6l/e4IaQ~uCW. 44 !".: 141 A 11 1 , .4 14 0 inns. cr, nra.atzy • raarmvan Dm:A& • Pl4siousti; *instal. 1 04: 6 . • Third fian •i Or& MTlOt—Efavins a . • t addax a vas.lbr ThajltrP l l bt Again minivans in tat rinliimesS I obsioluthr nommen/1 my aneasuar,. CRiarlis BAltimy. to ltsircwage of all ray old endow= itall abin433l. vuernc VAIQ °ORDER.; • ' ' - Pirrestricon Anjntt lir MA jinn RECEIVED. . . A WV =PM Cif 4' 4 ux 3333 °Xce .3ien.torUsl. ' 14112441: du Vats or the tquie: *on ism:Tilt/I ANl>BlZiktit MPS' IcT9lt , t : ex . zar.. Wells iumr.gtesti E 001044 1802 . 1 61!D LIULD PIPE. • ISKSPA /AULD 411 BRASS WOBS los Wittei, 8 OVE AGENTS. von KNALEB BIBLEVI feitNi idid BAILEY, FARRELL & CO. ) . • - tor SMITHITELD STREET, .nom TEE PITTOEERO)I PAPB4 MARU 'ACTURIIW COMPANY aro tor sale • 1,100 WM& crooslWealnylps Paper. . 1,000 bills. !!110:110!..,,. ; , ilea. 1,000 bdls.lam' • 2 do •• • beam 1.000 WU,' I.o.'and D.= • doe . . . 'l4tev i ' i - 0, ' .00 ' 1001 1 8/0004040ta i ritehlst ta•1100; tllO4. tN&Ngg. I4 IAF 01 0 iga eaw ihohlsAiiDwarc l'ArEa - all 00400 : astr IIT9f :DBY . 4.p. !Opt!, iriliviuothheintilsoi:o4oo . zDza at, the t tw i,(1001010:Alt:00 1 i*PAD TgAqa: Igii*uppaptollninei wrinurcf intat ' piTrettruait , PA. BOY s , ownme. , • - Fe ant - now - retthing*lhtty I,airt,e and Complete Assortment of QAFUSALDU , • HARNEY, ME t TRONLITAN. MD' ' ' • ::-CAATAWM.f." 804.. • • .trier t 0 if4.111 , 004A*0t.07#0# 1 .-;*N. 'l4 44 44414414 I ~. • - . GRIM & lAGAA: . .47 4446 . * 1tie44..f. 911,i9SKT••XOTATO.S8 ~11.1g1),yiergar 4.F.:14EL0N4,444.4t4a Jowl 8 rgt",mst Eszeitt4 sae e l larst is se="4, rintlm, & SH.EPE4RD. EV= wry it :am'i•eiterlszitterrs. ENGEN& AND - FOR SALE. ♦ eatei Secenul7hatul Engine and Boiler for lain Apply Iminixitately at thl Tittle's of the CLORINO-82LLEB-OF - --- GoverWriellt Arlaist - Qtroa2ll,lMlArrita 01221MaVe Orrias, Wagon, calm, 1:1 0., August 24, 100. 1 Inn be sold at pane anctloa Ourlor the mono t of .SEPTEDIDES, to-tae higkeet-blAder, et the time and pleas named TURK below. vie NEW M. Drew York city, Tnesday of each week, too Horan each day. New York city, Thunday of each week, 200 Maim each dm,. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, Tnursday of each week, IX Horses each day. Phi adelphiri, Saturday, September 2, and Wet nerds, and Saturday of each week thereafter, ice Mules each day. Pittsburgh, Thunday and Friday of each week, to Septa:atm:Me insbuive, 110Mulp each day. Herrisburg, Tuesday uf cook week, 150 Mules eseh day. Mauch Chunk, Thwart/G. Sept. 7, 200 Males. Tuesday, September IA 150 Mules. Greensburg, Tbundar, September It. MO Hanes. Thursday, beptember it, 207 Mutes. Altoona, Thursday. September vs leo Horses. INDIANA. ladmaspolla, P.tidembeZ Ur 12 , 10. 22 , 22 and 2 h 150 Hones each day. Indiazurpres, Seinereber 12,11 and 10, the Mao each day. ILLINOIS. Chicago, September 0,7, a,12, el, SS and PO, 189 Mules mob day. Chicago, September 4,0, 0, le, 20, 02 and 29, MO Ranee each day. DELAWARE. Wftmlogims, Friday of Cash week, 150 Mulls • &eh:My. Wil, tottell, TrtasdlY 01 Lath week, UM Homes each dal. NEW JERSEY. Trenton, Toerfey, fftiptember 15,1501ffulea 1 tauten, Tuaday, September ill, 150 Mules, MARYLAND. Baltimore, ThunclaL Se9 2ll OW l 1.160 2121e2. Baltimore, Thursday, Septerniber 21, 160 Males. MISRI. St. Laub, Thai:ids', fi SOU ef:tont:Wl and Tuesday and Thursday Of each week thennetter, 220 Males each day. KANSAS, Fort ea Lvenworte, commendirg Tnesday, Sent tember 12, And mato deg thereafter al suck as Ike Depot Stueriermartor may deriseate, spim MUM. GUMBOS% D,-O. Tuesday and2htuades eI eanti week, 103 Morass each day. Pio laid of Mules will lake plans at , WASHINGTON. D. C. Tim animall to be add in September fire ler coley heretofore offered to the publbe E rm looknity of them are woad ame smatesablee /1 is eapected OW at this arks of Sales all fhe ras p!. imerenmeni Antaat ear Sc disposed of. Barer* okonni Moro/core avail therateinto of Al. taxi opports- Orrion rr Dtromemn CSC= trams Om 00 ^ 2 3 10 Cornet Penp onCI Waybe tsleta. Ordinals sold steer. VIE BTOORROLDIRB bales to eommeoes at 10 e. cash day. Dora e•-(.1•SIL, In United states Currency. VIE Creek Union Oil Coconaey, JAMES A. EICIN Net at the office of the Cempeciy, on WIDNES. Prey. MU, aim to oblaoe RAY. Angoortikat., at.N. Warr& 7. X. A full ab orrmsereem First Dry. Q. M. G. 0. temiance 1s requarted, as busmen ot Importance win be Intimated. SOUTH. & ROBB aufttes W 5. 1. HERRON, Secretary. IRORII4O TABLES, UNION REP/RZEI AND STORING 00. Ittaktir Da Liberty it. Pittsburgh, P. CHRISTOPHER BLADE Having disposed of Us troillsosi is • Takes pleasure In recommending Ids successor, Mr• John Bitola% To tdahienda and onitomesi. atenhltuan TOBACCO CIGARS AND -SOAP AT ADOTION.—V7III be sold, N in conneetlon with Entnnre, on ESIIA I, the zOth inst.. at 1 1 0 1 o'clo ec., ack . in. at Masonic Thal Aucti House, 55 FLU stitch'WED on 10 butt. Tobacco; 20opt caddies co.; Gc elkan; O 116 cases urtiio Soap. In lota to state au29 T. A. NeOLELLAND, OFFICE VP ME OONIIXOLLtR Us AUX:MO t 00IINIT, PA., Prrousonaz, Angnst SS, MA. PASSESSORS Or ALLEGHENY OOONTI.--You esT. hereby -notified that the Ceutlfled. Transcript of the Nimes and Ammo of all the Taxable Persons bf the Ward., Bat ought and Townships of Allegheny Genets , to now rtady, to secerdanee with the Let of Assembly, antlyou will please tell and receive the same. By Oltemilon al Committee. of Board of Inspee. ton, MENET LA bIBEBT, en29St Centioller. NEW FALL GOODS. lust recatvs4 by LAUNDRY STOVES, At - ITUBLEY'I3, auss tiro. t 8 Federal street, Allegheny. BATES & BELL'S FRENCH MERINOS ALL COLUSS. =9 =IL eavreet. T IVISTMO NTRAIIICT A NOTICE J- irbleb dams Traday oveaiiiTs piper, of Mb Lost lo regard so Inanovay ed or.d bo a r d-.... /I lam* th• 11140. . unapt' ahrsgrall be. Itrust opt tlx and bedgbbors will to Um to rfadvelbli tidllgince.• turf 'debt contracted by =alb Ow I f u rill pay. m JAIL GARDNIZIL BA & , EMBROID ED DISTEND. NOTTINGHAM LACE. maze n TUTU STREET. Orme or ion COnillotShet or Azorminvirr 0001 1 Vr• Prrrearibek iluro . Peg st P ees 9JIALED.YROPOBALS WILi IMRE. 131:1 VIED et Mr oaks. ontil PIEPTEBBIId 6111, for Trszescaikeng and Copying from tleedelyi. cal Amusement Books BEVENTI-T WO. Att• BIEBSOBS , DIIPLWAT/814. , the work to be done in the °Mos al Um County Commieskiners. Bids to be made es so mach the running line complete, and to include the compering of each and nettles Boole with the original,. Sample of books can be seen on eppllestioa. By devotion of tlocustmoners. BESET IsitetßECT, stemPtetelty , Onatrollet. TO TSB MERCANTILE COMMUNITY; The-ondatilgoed are nose orapered - to neelve all oiler@ lot tee delivery of all Utncettrost the Penn • Itanla Railroad laspotto ell points ot the say 111/umbers et the Ira have had en experletne of years In the boalte“, and OA otrer the Vara*, tee of pram taw nil dtsyletah In aft °parathion KB,W WTZ isrpolanyn. be timid el rite Pour I,brazils Fresh% Depot, orders say tot left at 43. I SEVEriTH eramwe. - =adder Wer e se nnatoemary,es,ohtitast *arta willetteat o the flea of ear ettentlft to basltuns. The Inn to Jc:nrEPl/ WRITE and ]Aldo! IEsEIREES. doing baldness ander thenroaname of leuthan WRITE k EteEtIIBEN . RAROR LIEBIGB' •• • 4•••• _ . NUTRITIVE FOOD,. roa INFAMIt .ILND LNVALTES. for making • pioassatand highly oriritloa m s o St a zg Oruei • tor diffetron'dopriral of the 1411, azd Luanda of all egos, Kir Fullilinnui oil ilia pantile. Eor.sale of the ORNTRAL DWG STORE, Oa= et 02do aa4 inderantreetn, In tae Elukst ALLEGERNY-CallliTY , FAIR. TEIF..ALLSOSEfitit 001TATT 111=1 - 13k9.1ETTIrla bold'an; Esbltrttlan err , fins ma& of Oatobar, la sasleewOlV Park, Dear, lararkerseesilla. Thlearhauratireakaral in being stair Cocoa. tribute maw. ThEttroundi'liri loinsnailotbilli e trin and Maas SaLlways.: Tactosation.t/ mom and roarradent A are Trotting Omura, with alba /Mutton{ lit alarsnuto - L ; ;:l 1 air Communloatioarja waddreoed wt r Emu, SIP= fits P12.1118=18. VaiDING,FOII. ante ; , A OITY' ; ThAlYseltdlol` Oleyad by 0.134A01 Sr. O" WWI Skests,oo4•, Todd/ And Pistons, 011 tuat of Allightny riser et' 011 etty, will be sold AtuntosvonWEDYlßSDAY,thenth day* , nap. (catch es po dolook IN as., If not - proviotalY Wt et ilia sa3s. Tble Landlnels is,vs CU the on the Ma bank, haviNg ow) hatulrod fort flyer ftonttreiaoct humans book to the ant wee, with amino htle&hount and PledwansAwn Tanks. sect. Ida hosewed barn& cap, two. story 0111 c• bull4lng,__Yot_pattieulens so to JOUIS 0. T/16,Y le , (lithe oremlse% ot to • • BREWES, BURKE & Corner Onoteano Wey and Renew& it.. 5020 araend . ' • Plttaourdh, (11T4 YARD :' *ATM • IRON . UMW ,-, • 'Wail:: .o.o6X.artt 'it. ofthr for tsitcoti' ItLitionarat Cer— Oil Yard itt I.4.wronereilto. wit 'Fa s hed,, Warelidutt, 0111 ab, Bubb; eAdotherens= flintily beat Landing r cox !trot ctithot , orlff donverdsnos tar 641 ;4 9 .1ig"P yir a ti ."IVS ~. ea gil l al e Ardtli 'Sall cahttly • VlWil••iliU?t ir o4 , ouch se.pownei-Encinte , snd alottalVareeoptlon . ThokiLliallroid front Myr tNrekeo hOusee In fact, Eiliskfro= u onrenost - esoew l =t th esP . As an Invastotont for Income, we doubt of rono vieldox to mokrffno, ta k r ITS Prof' Al i t frflertil t aZl A s it Mat ....ima,.l nt. on our prime. For further puttealanh - lOndi to Blizvrrx. AMEBA .1:1 1 i oilloilintiamil* WAs diAlualimiloitii Ii turfhlemeod RON r 004EGE Err ma, rtcnia errens) • • sealasubiAlk, Afornatifit6 hey 10 figras, 0 4 01)= 46 .0 0 JENICINW*OiItir.tI3,, , PtrAgnitast, d'ANOY .4:looDs.r .r: ) Toy i'sit*. 3.L. Witagi IntaelliftiOirk Ilinralterie4 gsla WPM ate* dolenDitaat WHOLESALE ANEFOrit(4*) 1E417 Nap ,il,lllAllosiet;otteet. • 'LE41333.- „ .„ STTF4,,, be bad battertienetriefoie . Me Mrs' 6 t.N br coinotresi enalci.'ustr Walton tnif o t om bet z 7 l . l :: IrritarturblykAt : • k B...nlpfLbugh , Max White Bow fa lWta - auu icisszniciritit'" And/ saw Mark a mai NW 'tram I Dress GOOdfi t White Goods, Itlaslins, Flame% Hosiery, &c., OBE & CO„ 0 I= SWAT BOARDS, .TADIIM Z. SINCIAXD. OBOROZ A. =Y. XEIFIr .41151 r/ZO7.I4BJELEXTS. Axe selling off their stock of Boots and Shoes REDII OED PRICES. ISE GMT EXPOIMIkt OF Boo* mon, GAITERS, DRY GOODS, Cassimeres, Satinets, lans, &e. T. A. APCLELLARIMAIICTIONATSE. SS Xi 11261;r0CPS. at 2 6 71411.4 BUILIXLVE) pETROLIA. MACHINE WORAIII.- IL a LECHT, kteeuteetd.rer of Pdv thdo ended Pet at improved - OIL WELL T_ 9,01,13: SAITSOM POST, AND Wituntlfe SWAM IRONS, and all St/ MITRES' USED IS SINK, 11W OIL AND SALT WELLS, New. irand 0810 STEEETron the upper route - of taus nths• ch..ter PagM r MallWaY. - P. O. Addrane, SOX rt i ALLE , PA. attentlon Invited. to tds la te leer Irthreemeatein lan and Jointaall made of UM puma Mtge antr-Lerw Moor anted sudethd ww rrfor th em. ' A D D youth war end made indard sizes s the pins and waken; °troy ono Ottani any of kis menufastoth sted the same number. S tem tm Enloe' end = salon Work node to ordrr. We invite the public to call end essertns, and lodge for themselves; and wa &a/lane &quality of arorksaaamtp and orcapete, um. Send/for Oax4 maul Oinmlar.. COKE ONO, COME ALL! CUMMINS FIIIINMHIEIG pwroino. Nos. 18 and 15 St Chair. attaationof tits piablls Ia =Dad to the bunt and eitaadve Moak ,of . G ENTIMarmaPS WO& NISELING GOODS, 'Put Ototold at-the ADM• meatkmed Pliee, whirl I tun nOwonartng at tract banana: Any on* Is - sant of Qs abovs - Goodk. nib And :ft to their :admintans to give. man natio and, moan. my Moen bettors. purabutos elas wmhat*. no. Thal can ablnkszys find Immtatand betts en slasted aid WbSts ntrakV = Marta, •Woolaty (lotion sad ULM Thum, .II Mons sad DrawsokAcarto Moak Tles, doslm,SlM. r , i . :r - dt'retiltitterlites, and everything portigniret • thudlernen's rarntalnageGtoorls. to the city. . Eirumber the 14Mre. sits XES. glitt end- - SANlMitra - LEVIN. N. R. Litre dock of EWA, Clips, Ours 001. , Loolnroodll, Enarsolo/ or d „Mow, 14 REBELLION RECORD. . EDITED EY FRANK 1100RBa. "IA CECLOPEDii OF 4)IE- This wwit L s' aoispeadiam• of Isicetaattot Esser op of opettal conispoadenceakretial repave" sod gareloes. Irmo the screripsiersof both sta. UOlllOlll. Wier:lBWe* sod at stance The REBELLION RECORD ihas now .tecOnst family established atlas standard sothorill of the war.. Most of the htstoriss of the warAßt m cr listed haws been; to s vat remora, It loPt nogg Value to otateeeteo,lnssatesh an MC nem sod policy at all` Pot==t loodloe ' wort *re failtstrstod In Its pages: Published in Oswalt parts, sash cantatas' HS estorspages sad two psitrallsk! Peat ooltlatelselfe t reoaddlessL PACs Ile worts par . le CO pat volume, ohne Itt WO. , se co per bolster; bound In bbeep. - ' M 60 pat vol.; Waal ta halft w fr it-NOSTILMOD,P= . ' 0...19VC8r0a06 3 1.1% N- 4T suUll6. kle plot riot tree; br u it%on recuatptidvstab owair4 lima *a bumf. a tarsi assort=t of 4.0 WIN 13. M6031114E8. ' aarckwuwia sccA-I=3/3. Straw Caters, Scythes andllay Rakes, EN 28 and ao tlffiO maw. an :mom PEatAPANAICA.; (BLOOD' 131:1grjr. A emas 2010kabla Article itHETEll.ol Arid2g4 cm*. t3OROIULA, •^M.: 04.1 e . ; I 'l' 45,1V;ArrivestWa t amplOga k tutleir sad WAOI2IIIOOO tad Ants bOS AMY to pAtirolgs retallaty• ... gmaius4usasrombzzo ..; fIBW , GBDOZIritaIke.. ~.- 477: ' 11111 ' . . ~ - ....... I ... q14"1 -.F14 1 1644*.iiii* IMAM ~ , ~ i ixiait,_aad intlrenia). . UM is UV ZIE,W:SO Affe gi ta t rgben. W site . siZza m mil BOVWDVEDAEVULISIT. hmaiirsaw , %aminerLiiiiiivalranfiii7o44 -, jAzwP 3511: 14 ,1 131 LOA /I 'Z}:G^f:^ t ki D nliTOTXXlZraral ". InSWA emllati On Yeluittaabls tetml6, Mae VIDESSUN =SEIM !umesirsoutigemnaiunicessratt• POLTTAI4PM 4 - , 11. itiikiktir juin; • t• ea ' sokaouneare4 . t7ailvt h ha . liavonsalil • bO. & If& Ail •a Is *.ag-itgkil 3) . 61 po :gatmiAtatd•rfor.#4ol,l44,.ifuirPst4f - ; iinrit arraiumenruus4..:r ~, 1 I .44_t_Plnausaltsweadtithinerms, -,;:. • ,di -suz io.da... l " ELD 4 1 4 MNA344 1 , 01:4 2 .44 . An.4 --'_ ••_," :1--- . - ObanOtAitmt: -"r ::comicaummlattehattirrix-tr ; escef l4ol • 4 . --- 401410 9 1f - ,.....-, : ...,:•=::::: .:.. —iv :::::: ..:-: i• • • :. • IPAILOr43- WISHING - To . aPo/sys Antxrrnat,alwrzt...orror., .., , 1):1Inn Mitt sod poir.Catilieritc„ . _,_.. . gilt, AuTibit ZIXASURESEASciaIiIiIdo wall : 1111Er n oTiali ts u 'sM'seitiit 7 . i vretrotdoirt. anti Malmo yUltattaar OM .- 1 Ittillia:Leadlits - ~. , .., ~... .., ~,, . . , , .:,..! EARLAI3I*-. Wks lb* iittle b Ago . J. B. WatPLOW. rxitTirsivrizmftyr _ ------ rtBALE.—.& - Parariir atom.. l'; - ralrflaidtownatilP, Weernorelarel County Parma -Morn Terzz of-tl3-Alavy-tri-Utrion tenvestdp, Wrishbigton county, Pa. Will be sold ch Mao, a Farm of SOO sacs In Fairfield to s 4, Westmeteked county, Pa. Also situated. in Ligonier unnoi o . Westmoreland leinD3Y,FamidiolniAF the Us= BA =11:Floti, with it large brisk bolas. A. floe • tesidenes in_tha bozongh-of Lignoira. Will be Also I 6 aeon olf and, with a large S O ttnna =IA ad=bij o same Duce. sera of land, adjetteing artizO Also, the . test farm on the AlortelMA cum, about one mile from llicKeesporg, haat Da, Pa., containing about tamale. The Improvements are • tarok.. hang sad bezzioanz cdtrand Ingtos_ shed, With - War eutbeibit"p A lair APP. orchard of between id and /503 Mal; Quince reel. 10 pear trees, and 410 reach tress. Also, a Farm af La we, near the sewn 01 Lbrcialer, Westmoreland county, Pa., vary cheap. Also, large Li otel at Blelzsville int-seetion, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The buildings are good and &neared fora Instal and store. This "Ery will be sold eta great bargain. , the 'Noddle Farm in . Elizabeth Township Allegheny cantabile/ about 130 acres, situated about three miles east of the borough or Elizabeth. The improvements are a large bank cottage how* ,Wttli nine tram o e‘i 10 ":1 . a beautiful awn m fron . 4 surrounded by =amen al trees; a No. 1 bans, with many other isolated; rOOO :cactus; 10 sates of rho Velorbat White Oal bag. it is the best ineattroi limestone lend, and IS all tunderiald with coal. For Maher mettaulre, Moire of O. 11. TOWER, Real RAMS Agent, 161 Fourth street. GOOD FURNITURE ' AT AUCTION.: WEDNESDAY 660/1211140,-AnattrUOlN At to o'clock at idateinic H.R Anctlon Hotta, 66 Mtn street=told; lagicataity of .3nll4uspl. Ftunittgar , a clam Ettparlagpi, istabracl , ,d, La. vata,Manftlar Matta' Table, Mat& Top BMW Siatut,' I istsWidatd:Bcferaloat Patio, Obalordsta Oasis mat ildnlncettaUsAwo enact list Simko, leashOtany do,,whibut . 111 Mundt Post NA Wawa Muds g Stand4ontga bed, Ommil—Lonn Post Oo and l a Sag oodan Cutts, Lot* Mass; Mat, BO'S -.Pataaa. b'UatiZt ful li ftl=2 4 'NUM"' 2 F4a. - Blinds, and = nut Auld ZITLIMLAND,Anct,a z r . prruowsum r LJAAT/0/113. TEE CaIr.ILLIDO El OF PETeNNYLVAITLig wlth/a/q) $l/21),CUT14; o. Cloth. Ft px, Ems s mranvito•aux of vzNetreto OGIVATIr latt BEGIUNS, showing taros, sew clans, townealph eta.olo, p go. . ra lIIIPT'S IMPROVED 31RP OF WARREN 00173FTY, nolforia Pith May of Plump Oli Recto= 13 ao. ntrwrs MAP OF WETZELL COUN TY, WETT VA- (Oohing mid rub Oroek Oil Rogioitio, =dorm with Maps of Vessago and Worm coon. Das. $3 ROADS MAP Or WEST VIRGINIA AND OHIO. P VL Bantam inp B MIL rom= port on. WELLS. Price rediu: VI& ok R 10a, br per dozen. 3711 TUE 3tATOrtAt prrnorxtria publlghea weekly. 10 mate, Pso per cortam.! MIMI P. HUT, Publisher, Artrrs szostasorad same STEcof brrofurn pall actsecoUrt Of primal a 025 JAMES BOWS. DTANITIACCOMEI3 Or 1,1 ; ' : OVID BONG TOM. Sinkir i l Oil. Salt amt Othar Weal e. 185 WOOD fill= l 7 2LlEsa, PA, Tools wieteratied incle.atikat eery best 81160 AND !..01! 188 DB _ rii G'S # 1 IPS :11 11 ;4 IA ;Irz I z3:1:14 at Locvirocr9 OwenLla Foricaess with inch artiatp Y Am =mum to sada, C.R'"timis Vs; NATCHEZ% 8=43. SAWS, syrT AS : c AwrwriA Wr . 7.11.1 SHOVELS,:PLANE& PIONS, 1 LEVEIsht , AXES. Rams. ete4 • Rope, Leather and OWL Minn • 121:zatt alle Vida hay.egEnstaatly mak ' • ADDY zwzrie, - * wthugioPsinmilms , • Gas and gteare Fitters , No. 165- ffeel) STREET, onToturetnatreeausoso ruelPe..H.ydrekte. Sheet LOW% mai PIPE, Pic BAR esv Bambara' Material in Gene L ' , art kisPririgniEs` Fitted Up to the Elostapproved 8I le. 4 . 4. • 'ttlakix lime will lead .:mapper. Baena dtree ap with water of o s. N.B.—An agent .I;ronivsu attemat to. la, 0 00 D & . IRMir Spelain6litil2 l l l llllistiest.ti.l>t4ti and splondtd•selection of . Yor- ilentierden. s Wear. -Latest ! Imoortatiorts , .• NEW :l ENTIRELY - NEW DESIGNS. CortSISTING or at " TEE LIVIDYT OVILTIES .0P THE MANN. ?ober ex-4,214i mkt- cal,l ons• es 62. FliF7ll 6222 E 4M, Lull BET. WOOD.AITD SIUTEBEEELIA. IVULCAN COAL TAW), •-• t watzm ilth sg..4bearg uai g wow. IBM YagbloginOinatr — - 046 aili Ng teJ - 41.r.WAY8 ON lIMIX / COPSDEMEMEMEHarginne. s bl :4 IMV1 1 4, 7 1 ? PA E ZP W - , A BE IdiD MOOD. OEM% *mu= on Amem • - -14 :N o g, • linn1):017.1:1= ' , Olgegnia.-122 1 . 4stitiboF . iji FORVTATVOUNDRIT. - • r ; 1.... • s tt:IPCNO ' aa l° 4121+101.01011411.110 WIG WirOAI:Z44/sib4.i.i'atitSJXbia JOll3lll 11. «JAZ= 0:111•111. v.,4411,1111X14111,- OM AP- X ZAP JCILW•IS4 Afan, • • ksacciaFtlf Ofdal t gtrin idictita**.: u 2. emu*. for Until M1J41..85f411,441., Rizaucikla sam e .! :gozatitim Reim" Oa ?V." Smintti . jit* , a t r n g so to r l k irrit, rutahn i wb iu4,l Repalrlai Ind VatUlg 1 1 / 7 peoapt.- DRY' GOODS. MACRII3I & OtrYDE HATE ADMIT. tau BS PARViERS, Frank Tan Gordir and Calvin Haman; li.herat da'ie tram Art t siid•tha and the buethal t 0 4eozubieted =au the issmi azth ebb et t' M acrum, Olyde & Co., NOS, 78 AND 80 MOM STEEET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS , TwiLtratacenvans. NOTIONS AND FANET Are heeivlng coreri 9A7 Dp /billrovl tat, Erptessi NEW GOODS Vor IClra.4l, To iitsligv.vire .aul yin. Me attention Of OM inseam awl autozugy. .. • I . Enloe beentamined gnu it Tomo, we hen beat out. the weals Stoat owl Goat :MIL Of 'SOWS Wp ist4 rang the , • . Iwo HO-ipSE9 1111 011113 i ihall halo IU C 1 at roam for our cmicoosts. Our eudeirror has iiom loans!, arta tartan all who favored= ordinal:lr ouzloon, soul WaNLIh tO say if . you . want annblog o no aisclL CapcockeL or Lai;s4Bo - kh pr Ftas Goodas' WholesAld arie;us A CAL 4 . OUR :IPritg,gB We Put as Low Au Me market:oda alb rd. Our element Immtl 1311159EPASIIED, to VARIETY At PEIOES. All we WLA OWE IPS FAB TIM I • - D. D.Haesum, L , I Frank Van Gorder, U. curdy, Vaivla Ha/saw NACICOIIti.GLYDY; It CO. stMli LOCE.WOODT CWT 36.1X3NTErt AND _ AIL PAPER 'COLLARS Tlu .eta pi4L. Ziat•ilf . .fugssat • • lrith Sae Mow •lierullb niPoRTABT - cumens iptyiplaar mute to the !trice of Spine SOBBERE: TilzNEVFfiTs. sppliistlolfitilltVoltaot MACRON a, CARLISLE, iirnt Bgotta for the leo wp-oH'& CßLEdtif THic catras . tleepro PATER 6iL4E PAPER E0'11,01; The only .Versplrorto:in Proof Cottar Matte. 1 3f 0 0 O Reei'c ad-T n'a Dap: • - - AND D all KM.* EUtCRT-Tr- - , krYPITI9'. I4 , itas • stsiters% N 000DSI ::; ::1t 308,1E1E0' rvie , . tiara as dal*. ot Maui /Wit, — _ . w . . Goods WAS „ • it:Ml.llaaaaaNat'lrbtcti apay - Ate attaailaa. Vita:a:Boot Fieadi Hatt afar ittiacilanatitlaan batik Ektrat Lace V.flar , Lassrlisadkargtata IMO amities to Lau; Vaklaa Rama .13ka64allarea- SUM; at eilmar tilartaa St^ealapt ,Glafreat EtitaNtswit and Kasai 001311:111..M114hoar Ckaatetyarnak , ant Bat ltadati Thatata, „nun .m 1 1 =Vat /Mrs aad plasyc!km. . • .. Sta.lavaly, Etaildbliatan • '; 417.4sitii; 103 - 110;114Mt 00., Ipm =MEW . .For 14121.brof.dtries,' • • - For fOrovisei For linsterfalle,. Poi* - .lE'd9oll7si , .Fok gions, • For mssercings. • F. L. EATON'S, a O. rt - 117TIL 81r. sun • - 11)0011111111WW. -; -81 11018112% 11 . i • m 1 8: 8 1W1L1,111111.A4101.1t1•188,81i lit= 101unte1DIumia; ' co ruisM - t , ILOW r:rt .P • y: • -U nom= azitrlT SPRING_ aghtEMS WW I " - " 1 j 1 it' ' !#464._'61 'iagrctO.:*o.4Bl noiitqAtire.ritu!finta;_arid* - ipag* , .: • • v.ll, 41 ,•,cits c 4l3-71 : 41111 UMMER t ANDIAttirR . 513' r.l ; 114041144. Z. 1171114 n r ;V° l4 Mt, a !!f l iN. lags, Ittilium.4)lnzzmi: TBAA.Cr A; • l7. 0-r OUTLEIT.IWAT •r~r. ; .AND , -$314.11GE MUM, • • - 5 I C 2,5 lEn Critig 1 340411ilegkeit• - :. -- - , _ . ~, PALI; 'ORWlritairlY lawys - ! PITT 8 8U84:1114 -PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers