EZEZ22I lIITLIOTE'4.IOUI3Z"-A staail 'eortOtritaz font% eve or sit roams. elthece fh Tubby( el of tlielt.tay, wanted 100 A thiii -4801sur.tesorOct, souttemsa.l4 wthoggatwo 4111ras. battneci. . noya,V, , VArrn2i;Oislerrii - Otit - Cnij AGERTB•WANTED-- ' t 590 • 1 7 "la- Orkissor Da. nOVEallr e S Ltrg tiam , mem. , 0 11 : 1 1 4, MU M . ; g en gA la g eU, Aidaras Talortyst. ilttsburgb, viAslaia—oLElPmEßß nt Go ' "joilftio captimais - . . _ • Wilite:ao Walk re MO 11174 9;30 . 11 1 4 ?T ' , 1. lal M *l42gr ' am:minim) siscr.r, v .; - . , rsuragia de; 14.111 , ;•4311ADtiTE: : AntitiaPt t t SD' IMlBARdsdres 4 Situ;Wl N GO , , Whalsit.oleoptamotc dastrucatou * Stan ga , Aft 11-,ilransbeio Dwell:lg, scra.Elo, i i tictiud2=. l =4 4""wil ,oliutkrag . :; net innmworkAiwsioaa asostetpit.. Be Ofi Maass. :_luktusim , iittandmigi , 11, ." too, eatuirwanucauuss..Oht*Orp..l ~,:, . :IPlit A reitrit6.;:4o3l24l l NittOlai u: 6ll hrarin a gE. vic alt -T Algraidnum. - , ntose-toft.Trfbipst Xt,mlq;NsOU t rot Coo ;It barfatths and szeiwo li rok. (Tot , I M ataldr Ogreaw BA= leStlatAlt Um* 11. : ! taseingthatrxterwet=e , Autko -, mg z awi • as do ooltsoolol-of tbolossoelstmostorssio so& Sin liddaragatanslV Sas flag: war rad ois tbo= liths tt pOlaOgr 4tSß 4,9 , l , ribi= and 0 00taln oleos of the fost 4 Eacti.:J • Ittooo*?Af vd . railf "um, ethos mist !4, ir " a sr i v,s3. ll - 1 11 1 4 0tedial irm at ,1* Issibi 'L l odloesra 44 boAad So. MOW SAW A ged& idol:W. IWO .pos assiob,siaddim lbellllroorasinfl." slotia W tp addoloor d4 f Et4 l,-.:•__ itaW"lntiM i isi;N: • -A. 1.& Ooroor Sixth and Moos liaff iati 7sr -; , VisSloOsfotdo: . . NITAATBD.-6GEtir.b4s- o: Wink, AgrAll or Tithule, at their 1 , 0■10. , Balkan usektiWim etratorktda , ' two for .panletasniilll. watt WIRT, IMIWOI 'arredUlalte , ..A0210.011:- iron ; ITN it - 11104 1 _ _ • 1.- • Israttatinglarowz - : - • ility.a 3 eo i eit ou isp***o. - • tifitainathitaifo r tatigeloweimtt , 9Vidorin u rri saglfellasß i Ito ...*eu bunt, gooA mph. 'roam caPitAggh is?''? 13 ' 0 !- I-s ;', - • Sale and . Deffirfible rs”mairMints Orio`Ars , In yid ca a ' • COMfQrt4h/g HMOs lac , an , Divamis. Bit= OrEznED. p l ena vii*ilirson s. s..savis; Unite; • Ao: ag 21189v8tIVSt Maul Bmrdtnt.T .i' VOR FALB!. FOR BALISI. O 1O awn lencrrunMEttci Improved INLIto. , el will be mad as whole, er In perces, IO ftl,t 011180116., :The- /412ralrAnntrar•Ster . C .- V W/P4 Vamp Elrelllng,viGes% and Stood Gorier/22n ;1101tIrepra,SpIMOr- set pdlaebeereeigelses otot sir eLicass, toposine of Awalrembitsi Peaty Piwr.GancesiGhendrifilm. - 'lPortadtl of the To2ll44slZZAlrdati erualloes, pad, re w}4 at. • tpreartiand Baum= titre:dm— Tor torthertosonsarlear appo , thet r Aeal Nl* tete ead Insozaaes Collegua • . G. G..i=h 6 artm I +Butler itiestaJevnien FROFERT.F FOB BALE. PION.: DWELLING H 0111313,9, . , ittaateduzi•as Matt W & I. - Pittlhuslrh_LPl= MiZsmv 11 14. 1 . 104.11rita! ozrowito .16... L of, Oil Land =, minus , in wales coiiiiti:r.-.lronung OA the 43. frgbeDY I°s9°! • • , - SC kIika!ViAMEWICW. ilinfiirr glair mist tutu - GpST,LUASI3. .011, ItEFINISItt FOB B.l.l,StuliteatltlieskretutottturStme lllll but. , •ft.4*.- __sxtd4a7apzUesl6lllo.lGOir 4:4401.611 or tottuNlMloitd. a irtateon'tim tne .4Pqnrons 011 AS 141 . r . igs,o nd lib "Ilmecelalui tp p ~ coai th werr=cr,JA di bigot. 'TeurWarkr are offerp2 AL Mt& thettpe M al a a / i m ta n Wre A s n tt n o t i : o o r a k ll a ) a 4ac n , t w ie s, Joig4 l : 44Y1674161i'NFaii vt—lMAa7'Ecife;:- 16cAtrost_Vatt.-4_ .11.174713 ckwassuntzZpitftranShr,diztes, in /WA lierwzgao. alerrnartin *alit trontiber ttcte de iladUClad;: , "Pal paittualliril ..4.:y.• ~,O. H. TUVi r EgF , e , Ira ;-- - -- - '.t.:- ,:-.No.4“l"surth drat.— 110,061, - -AliD !LIME- PROPERTY FOR 611M—Ori. the Steam - tile ;tilitirtortd, !rag! .iggesiTa tice_clty, - - 44015turrisc toxEstanyarparfkm . carrri. ,SIX r. sank Mi r Weer flotcrirrimer" 13aw1112M, aga +Aber Aso improstaatat.a. r ita ['other taforistaiDA 4pArto •t -• ' (Oppaidta the liabedi's;)' •• 7 -11•10 -;••••'•• •'" - • ; pria4-eittet. NO. 110. • • ii 13,1 -4 , ::;!- . .-. ,‘'.!;,',.:.:_:,,, i --,,„, '-'4•1; ' ..,•. ,-, ' - , y:',.,1 , ~- ' ' . ilian, .t Tor. fi . it;Th4stakitalifilJAVT. Atfitat4lbitbtabei s ,m....... ~-.AWT ~, :, • -. 0 ,' Attatir....1im5..77.t.,..,. .... . ornEsr , 1cy.9,,,,-, iliMrrn:m .j,iii2;ite - '!' , '• • , INll4,BAlma:riMireentilirlSSeS/ 1 1 7 Ji• bane paxpootargarallwelltsTlOnth Utah Mato: ISlystrons.' • noil IlitaMaa"gtpdre-1120tOt goat' • ll_ SollisSa4to Re SSlSsta . s . twoll4se Ms; ISSurissyssis. by So lies i DAS MS told wgervisairh,,_ 7Vrm•O-tmgcarmplAg.• awl natty Q 4 .5-.P;‘ , " ..17 1 . 41 = 3 & :••• clamor. rata /41ey D:L• •• •• retreat, R ZALZ.-*One , ,BROORD RAND .I=, IS Inches neargitn 2ll, .., • 41221 On1 1 1 141""h IMAM 61.6teter 4•111 11142 " 41anida 2411 tub ir • o af to ' ~xa B G ~fottrlZAlo7llzitiniMEWW,?s-°lll : E 04.1141 1 114 . ,..; ~ , , L. . , ,:. :. : - 1 . . , , 1 : ..,. ;., 11XiartdakSr athentr dn askiltod ifttilifittpißes clll2l =Mutt .' QUA ihater ind.erts* , -IPiniesitoxi- f alms imp Y ISloncre P,Ainfiltedetal - 14.- .7 ,1 VIVNIP IN Y a I t1::14! . 1 . ! ...1 ~.st.Z.c. •,.= 1 ,,,,5 , ,,,.; • 1 i.l ; ''''', t'...;'.4;01#113,1,11.7,0'/UMiSn...l . . -,..,: 1,..,. 46 ', r .` , 410 6°6)146 ,61 itnrpool4 im,,zi0i.,4110,, ' opadoolitaits maims -: ft teerbeavems4. 4tor .badc4l , lB/W Mb.ti ovilllootabllters . asilverfieeSpf,ii , :pirtmlits.ystasp - uasibt y AS; *tuft S A3l':6ll:W ratitA 4l3l W I,ftA=issationlis laKiltioor aro° itatosol ! .jappisimaintsctrotoPlas,,„„arp% ! .711=as.,Ereultrign"Veti 'ii4;4(l*` AtusPr... Im ams& fir: 43161a1,:-) TatnnlV„-P . taws *wormed to , • • .TWOatosin weal" Uow:/# . 9 B4 targa ler LIBEIVITAriiike ' A: - 0 • • 'ifml,` foat p r s omatofwMer.and .. .. . rzziblei.iataCtils sk co. rawireer.t.taavn‘s4 - TOM BOSS, -Agent ors: i •-; Wean z er - immati : L ltO Iln LiSlhUr talPtra/a m nt r ran e lo., d MA m / 150 1 AlatastonInnCe.Pta. . _ ~.4 , :f4 __L.% .... .1? °AIWNBR- C°IThGOM;AM th a e C u WOOL - 9 THIRD - • Iff Za ma ( , 01%ligfeeir t iorlitsreo Arial ,conipr-crivrzaiiikket -wMLWM%: —smet Cittvme_lasar. ,m ~:?r'tlElll Aliv7" rullioßLirwtozrolfr ui zoom. • J. v vArantwarre mutts to ao at. • L• ' imot:Sit frantits 7 o• o ??`,...7", :'t Lu liegslon Apra 65k8i 1 .4 arm • - Iti."lltv triVs) . THE 'LISTS OP. =VIM ALTZEMYr ADVEBTI3ED RO 8E50111.b.t1r171:306.Y EVELltiggh Aaron Mb, at 8 u'cloclk_og mono flog , of lliolme" -°1 Bpki Roolos.lMßalthfltastrogro --, ROgbaief Hank afglitaborgb; ,28thatist5olt.Mifoilone lBse,fot, ntquweitiE, Atuoriofner. . . Enctnorrs SALE tr'srdoxii,=; TurspAs mr=ll2 l o, - Ape4o49u4 tt3. o'clock, wig N I r ai,xyfel pi :P. Shitell. • eentor, tireoad Soot o the Oputmetetel Woe 4.00 me, we Smithfield street, opposite posiofice, (Maras:me reor et loom iihlii-KtVoirlirom !tint ateeet;bi 'antes te•hitilde. Apia first toot of Sitlt• Booms., - • Maims Peoplelt Tesurshae CO.' Ma do. • Monongahela Bridge Oa;- MI do. Amid e erect Bridge Ocm 10 • do. Allegheny Gas flo. . • . .• A. IdeLteWAINE, GIULAT BALE OF 09VEillspiENT ' HORSES 4 - ;7,71 irmcvs. 23.090 iirtiatitALS 20 -ICU - MILD TIII$E1510! TItrbIONTS OF AttGl/73T. : La the SWAM of rtotoltbMgEttomytottcts; - Onlo: Dploworo.bloAod, end New„ Jerteroind the dot • 4:blush 116'; • • - - • - - - - - • . Wallatif xr, D. 0., ialy .240665. 4 • t 47 ,4 .1; , : t t r o riA a jaltr _i . ..ru_t_.. , tk . . pl_bl.. , g , ! i 2 z el ''''' w * 4 '''' :OZW, (WE— • • lie* : "Zorkili9,.Te•elilAy Aid :Oildel 01 eloh tetty.2ol,l4llltl mar dAv, V ~ i ' • , Vow Torrid jclirerlaesdas' Of else 'week, 200 each7l" d T' ' BariKWiA di A . i t an leXifaiii. itM f =Yri h eawtii;tonl e9W . 4s =iitii4ii i ir iiiii*igot. soffi.' t&bin ,tcopoplorpoik oar Appejl i diniXte l S l 4Xce 1140*..... • • icl iirof,"l ; tieede;:tlll 36 : l e ) : " DAigit4 :!' L_AittEilariiiiiiFif 'ea'aiC-4ie'i/c,geq::;,(,;kief ,•.,-RteeYnte:•:;l ,liiikk 71,.. 4111eSt32M*We'D**Vak Or Ihirgetre; , 7cr ~.e acEh . /7 " .0.881NGT0N. , D. 0.,,, 1 , 1 / rarli'lg;elc da,46Wrgitz....0... .. 1 L44l"77° iCsx7 V- 2 tlcirk. gli anl ll9 = 7l?C.W. : ltg i tarrethArkelaittarerTightii -1 5112%1:=1V tot . 1, 40 4, avi ma VlnissaiWel are rib reqW•l . • • iiiihs risAy, Pi d dirroPillitdariliii . .,. d . ifn4iiiiiii i , eit1i11i n .,,..4 1 g 4ll' .BllthVireal b tra f te Wu ,. r in — iiC ., 1 ,), T es m ereletrala 1414 •IT taci . te&VV. l - 0 4-i utzo 'by Us sa , atermi , a,:r -rri r . -1. ,: - - , r,-. , -.:, • t , Animals slide sal elimairs Salts tome:U=lmM Ir) &la, , •.. , lerassirr•ONers in El=l ,Btates C M& .'-'. ' ~,,-(,) r 3: .11114.-..8i1a,43en In arquill ', . irtetsua . eel DIT„ GI. W. Ci. O. lAMB BALE OE HO' • • Care, prlgines, wad Ra3lroad _ ..tnarsßvirsalarumOrr ancluor.M4 . Ortom omicasuvraar Quanannunasze. .• Trisurecorm, l l ,l3 ., Angela 11,0145 L., VIII te• iota fIt.OFFY POMT. 961,, oli W NESUAlt r .tfetaber Al atnt Melo& a. m.r • , Mott ft= touenktt ( ar4o) torte Ballrecat Bon. •Lt.,PLUITSSIOUnk.V.A.,, MOAT. Octo• ac LI at it m.: :Five II) nrstelam Locomottm Enloe& Abo ,1214 . 101; Irreinbt Vacs end Ambit) Pnlnen . .., ger Oar. ALZIOBTA... October i; at p.s.i One net? •tire Engine. rdeutlMM l l- 1 At AL:134.1%D}1124 - N. 6 .. - .Tumnane ,,. s tober. Mr. 00) Bestolara BoComoOms Entinelb 1114 im ßlAen i rl4 entlaMtionallar% Ave lo ' ot ;Twenty-eve (e 5) new Ekm Oars. rive Motamoge. , About 11Utree.kundreo111 and Arty BM) Bon 41` ADbattw i feet34l.llth .., haunt. and_tlttrtl (W) riitfOraidi4 4 feet 814_1n. Moo Atbontiff fitocknoo ppes In. sane, One Twent7=engetin?• AO Two(4 - 1 nen , Fmk& t•ls#Astry - Aci ciaithatit , I Fourteen (It) o I AblonFtufo XkonfOnn (241:101. to at Batlroin Aron. i Bales to econmence at 11.10BANIlitUts M . ll) a. utittaitto,odulturelLOora day NOT unt,ltr ! "9 Titsmp-o.s3ie, 11i Cloierrninrrt Enna.; • Brev..ool. en 4 A. 4, Military liatkeem. atatloatel . _ _ AUCTIO.R.BALS. - Or - Railroad Ron; At. — aux.iturrlervhstoti °iris Tzertzsesr, Cruzottcrewriumewrze's Oiertam2 U. 13, lauxrear Bart.lloAba Namur= ream, LegcMt. 10,18E0. Wll .be sekt, at Patine Auction, to the blithe.. Meer' the followfor ProDertf, 00 "" a " of tha Fretted State' C/n TUESDAY September 12th, at MTS. DUBOW PA:. • Ware 616T'Vtiallemad - Oa Y Septeihtee •13th. at J 4 GIL lc Spat Car Werke, eWLUIIJ3US,L U ONW, Twentrank pew Bon freight m. lest Wig& On MONDAY September 1,314, ektheldicalima Car Comperes Inetorp. ustuum.aion. Fourteen now Boxyrdght (Ism o tamgauge. 6110,011 11882 E DAY:stabe ilettetrOar Boar pan's Faceory,• , • • - ,Tbletret MIR Ftst Oars, t feet Users. On ,W.EDSDAY,Eleptmber totl4 at 4.4[41 Barkeee Car Waren, ATIOSI.GAN OM, IN DIANA. _ 'Meat) -five new Box Freight Oar, 6 Pet 44444 Salo to commence at 11 0. m. A pirawoomliop aprersr .491 Fcmusg. _ - • F. I. LlB 3. A. • • -Dept: A. Q. 6J.S. UNITED:I3TATES ?11.147'4.11,Y, 12117¢4 ojr, Mglit47ll7:l2llMll.l3Tilh, StAininarralr.V 0361; •, • kUCTIONIihrOV WiLLIVITOM Will to =PI PrIBLIO AMP ,‘to the b r t ti bt ArerttrilVor i r crmTial " La. a THIIRSIMPer al; EUnkly Williams' Shop In Bootnn, Slim, Pow (4) Loco. babe Engtoric:TOpt," '• • , • • ' On SIONDA.T,emner26, st Kennet &iirs_s, neat Ptifladetptdo, Penns., *Jay ( 10) Bog P trot Uses, tour fens elitbton 4. half aunt !mts. 'IV rozaz r. , Aarßeattott 27. , Wlln(ni. ton, Dot ,1:14 tp lots 014) -Ras Pettit, thy*, fors toot gym:, • . • • TtoaDoWit & Is all nom, and of the vary but ttughT: , -1119--Earhselare flvefeet-iptur4 flys teat &+v. ‘11.&04 cylinders Mali inches. Try, aka Opp ol=:osuaro . 7 gauge .t expanse. _ Tit IDl—Visth asam Chvv"•efLiath l anttj -'- - .0 'L.Roeugsrrs. rittszerla , . Berfesootonaka 2 4.A. Q. • - AllPTl.olt.sgzra.'"VY , . . • toetiii.* A 5 et WArissr dia!Th r taitsii.:rio:46edi.nt • .c..__-s.4swrisia,Tras4llswasti ta#VMS.: • % l arders _from the War- Illipatrefommarettpr •ft.sw 44 bariftallenia Will , OM' Ora*. let Pada Altai! 'ittfilmataV ~7trb6~ ll . in the ei1y , A1 ,,61 : 31 A.4 . ; 1 * Tp . UMW:W/ I TR gAnPro ' h ' ls ; Wiasit — ifgat . to trell,COOrated WWI Vdth.W - 1 4 tar ireasredprlartblalaa 'be eardeata of eiLah.mr ted markedthatersa;llWiltbeetawdead . aa to : qOll7 Urraadastehutaisaoldliepwratejr. • _Ssalplalutap etairast toy Not4ll Sou th Mom stztat.tre esti My: ott tad. attar th e 4.3ttr dap Atianat, &Mitt Warenouse Oa da, of wale .-Baletooommencest It o'clock S. au Terms &Saab. to Uovertmeat Nada; Whisky to be removed Immediately after taws at ll* a specs* or .the purchasar. lllteraer or Colonel O. IW,DI ghterCommis e4ry.Nubibanne; L.T. j. IL BLAIB. Cip O t epot TARGE SALE OF OOVERNKOMI ••-• RAILROAD ENGINES AND-ORS. • ittintiv erktifitattrizirr,P.ArmicamiV o•Arcs OP Assiottirr gtrorroutasTga, wosnrolo tvntar.waa at s.m. %Et cvv II. MS.- , ierb moiod.• Va op. TILE9DAVA : TweigptiArA9 Vnt,itnikUml Loenmottvs Me 00 put% r sit tu ytiiloOt 4121,01 ;1F M das 1117406dttl tio ni r T Tsy snr 084711, eve ta-4,=1 , . Th ip r e tt or• t o t r Aiken 011) OW 6 3; 40 1 Sim.(lo) Free-% Car/6.4 fed ir• Mo. - 41:4 Isr-daedittos asv antic Batt° aqmenna , Lew**. Thrios-4:l2thil, in Goventosil ands. I=o2oo nlaattaralVilt.- semi 7::71479,23-4rtvilludfis.V • PrersinnusyrAligtralf viten: t.& es_aml TW TWO HUNDIEWURC JEGMB-SEBAN AMBU LANCE ILARNEsS mill be sold at POW, Awl udgat LlBlFlAtatirsodeiln thzenteri lowaMO est bldoes.__cm the de re am In aumbees as fanows: Gai .tr Ma 4 -411t1DIV ba A7E, September ANSA . ma AmLsAses. One Hunated complete alds &rilNitura !Nina% 'join liersity / Ambulanees CALM Emmen sobln,atgAuf loge" al One 0011- )ietS set._ Tertmo-qnsH, trniteel States C A lunnest.„, UI A/ Lt. Col. anA Demity A IWe I.WII .14litalirdi r g Ayart 3 . S- .. 'I P=2, Fi z t riiv:dah b• Cr u De rtibue J UND alat ikettstu ltnr u r zacalk l omu m: 74 llill 0 1 1initI• 15 EallaberidW • 11 18, „ I ' • 150 10: 1 001,L.,.1iu..494115, ! , 111/0 6 Mi.l $ pf,nr • cato E• , 7 .47 ise "FBI DAVI." ta, /. a . TILUBSuAY. " vso u V5W 0 : 1 4: •-•! T. • 1501b0.' .FIUDAT'- 11 • 14110, earnuvu1t04 , 44?!...- mart sour abljtx, • Tcria&Ctikey 0. ti 4 Det"n" Lisn q j tk t yp i c r i sa t tl ed i r an d ma Jdg ET S'EM EXTS. - . . C)PE11& . 17 Or SE. •-•• Lereret Xerecerear.: l WlßS AND= EBEELLTC. . , warm ar intriterom—twir, Sc;" Dram Oimier, arty MEM - tars - Main e . .;"Fiitallf Mitre, noiorod 80at.,;00.-: , CnOsii ,,l . at ' 4 ' 44l l 4 c. 00,9 4 *W , at T. Lett Mild, tan mu, Of theaPineal: • mmias , Atr4rsta. Evimaits... , lLagisat T. 9; IftaSe The mu ert Mame= relll commenta enti.tha WiTfn nu:owned tionnedy. teiresracof , • - grand TUE es iniovs. remnar. qtW Asyd eltehtillattrnlSCA „ Hl the artistle, fd , no ittlenta, 'The performative Will tionedneeraftletthe headfl• fin linker _pular nommen drama . In two act% of . ALL THAT GUTTERS' lef NOT' GOLD. PERFORNAIIa inEdoom. . . , PITTBM7RtiII THBATEFL__,_y_. Kurafait NalUtgcr Eames on Annassion...llress Dire*, ats; Fee, Ily , 16 ate. Third.Tiar 7.5 de; Private Be x o.tit'o3l Sthtle 5 3este.'St - M. t . • • Doors open as 7 o'clock , Otirtaln7l"l at 75G . . oir Strand night fp the T:Mpi E edint , fhb arer.poptder young astresa;' -- • E7T/E BENRER4IO. • Tuesday Evening, kmtrteL ,20; MEN Will be periorined the net ;Mar ad-drum tenaffeliarl4l , Eltill M11106[11012.41 , C0 idea A, TUIE - STUSEDSLINGEB. Lens Henderson. To aoselnde elm the rene . listM,l' : ' • Did You E'er Deod:Your,Wifit4viray In rehearsal, DELAStrr; THE , JEWESS, sMi THE WHITE SLAVE IVIA.BQx/0 RALL. , • • - ert)3lll.; • M . BEV rearr l MElita , 11' , r 1. I ND. ' • TUE G iftoql34l • • Will zwerottr Conceits ; ~. • atikimoisci • Mondaylvtg, kiigiBt - 28,1865. skPoirigtovoso senior ponoren,ss eons!. irosicoverszters.td - oiki:' thlp' Ticket OPloe, frown Un e Wiled* itoosi Open e 4 Clominence at sV p. m. er The GHAHD =ABE PIANO used for the ecauladlis Yaudlyy Mralshed bg Mte Sir. Cherlot ,Dituee; samM. O.:.I.I2.A.TES,Agent. laeal-As AZ UE' BLOWN- - Walt , coo -1..313D4 Orsoldars4 and vitiated blood, Oa ant lacks u oVer. It ma , bard Is Pimples 0; Sdall. Tor In soma active crib may =rely Rasp !you Itathms. depressed pod for nothing. you cannot bayeeroodbealtk Whireloottal Mot' gro. p . t anell! , _.1741.14 purges On__, lb_ ota , or- We WO TIPXOCLI amnia ao % tbe kt rang. I disease. Hants At • tit gPuTte , Tura. 0.- p i r h tta m which orb JWa oana4W - Inartit s„ : l 6 o . 9,,d. ach_ „ c A o,d s rordwii / 39 as, 4*. ts,4IX,E4M:Ler C wr-raler =w, vows, Soirs,+llX4 tur Ewalt Zdoll a X kr - trS Try:byways 1ipi1ia1y.,11114.40112,1 nee for •yontatlf tl i t i a ta st c anisi d nlt . qt r artdah Ihnin th e yearrapti v alo UV* 141, rallheOlw • 'web° twaosollog to give a Oust. otlilitrat or As one Wag. , Most ot than luivs' raltoll.olPto nfonlihn illokaor.they Pot wily 0000 N gala uttie, II any, Sarimparllts, but often ,rlO enta• - • Live properties wttall:li.:L.-:Hezuse; - Uttar dlselO. = 4 .7 I=o,thwat4=igge t2int:a until the name itself hal bettonte rgnonymons with koweittoo shilehaa.? Stilton 'WILMA' cOtWoundi otlarasosillta o and Intend to amply minhastonedy aa'ehiil tastwitther load,otyadvday WA* sada ttpordlt. , Wra thtok wa hove posed tor bothatss tt has -virtues teach we trzestattble by the Galina. tyrtnat thodlsousalt isilstasuled eon. Wd eau only MMUS the ask, that we odor them the best -111terittal Width tre know how to yrodoso, mot as kayo men to` thens, ta by tar the mostetrecatal proffer of at pct. diwyerecl br=V body. dminVit Matey TlO:Tortst.-la yematversally known to =pals away other for the awe of Tavola, INs,:-leals..asoneassa, Chow, Brae ditto, incipient ovarsorytton,,. and for the relief ot Constuatals* Tatlantil advanced WWII or. tito disease; Mot ts mem here to ream= the art' dimes of t.s Sues. The world knows them.. Prepared by Dr..J. CLL aria& Co, Lwett so , b y S _And sojd . !y rt. a. ?wal:mem: trisat arrrrrssuseen RAW WOK ILb HUIPPADA 3 RO. ar. CO. IILANCITACTIMMI 07 PATENT • GROUND Weeelitited _CAST &EEL SAWS. Or Sven 4 5 ' ilotUditaZt.lardey, thoaQct, 9sa 7 c, 0u?.4 AMMO ofil:NrM eedi !RION 'thilotroas Sheet. casksta l lk ziAlaueptis tIOVIING as; ' Sirwteenonee Wtoice, oarderWAVO 41:0 Puttenliaketioa-gtwnreA. SetooMet Gem. itatie 'S eeing' to pea, le. pas of ramble, and WS= done se orP ll - ikairialers &Bit&it Iron Workers u end 4B PE RIP STREET' Easing s with ths most. im we Any= ed to nuinufsettcre donaiptton of BO In Os best manner t •SndwOranted squid _f,o any nude in Um eannag ezi rDlDNEY& o 3l3 . lo .BEDS,, aurnys lEY Bauxes,i uovtDwi l aNcr , BALI' TANKS, OIL ALTOR.. OLT B. TUNG - VANSi, BOIL= MON, 13Mra i D SUGAR PANS,nA solo n m s. ntsstarers of DMUS 'PA:M.M. DO dons on the shortest =des, 2"1111.191er , F 7; ,er will and *34114 Works, `.rxtratruicra. ' c - ARK, tiIs'CUROY _ lasauluitarers of t3SlTATHßSOvErdinti9 4s hfil SOLT: AMITE& , PRIMED .00PEER. TOlLSy_uelsED nms. Burrow. SPALTEEi SOLDt.ic. tinpartiut aut dialeanals-XED. AIS, , TIIi ELII 4313..MMLE0343 1 14 1 % ft. T O O LS. Ma& AVM DIA.M.IS Ecul TOOLS. Warehoun,Tfo. KOITEST Ind LIOSEO. ONII STREETS. , MaearTa+ [WNW atistref Goyim wale artsipaltelas. , , . ~. .-. , •.. sow lawu '..11.105111311ED I-Jost-Pondatad. to -a web to idsivalopa ,Prlos IE4 sallti. -41-I.ISUTUIt ON SE& li&TVara ISEdadirdlTraut WAWA Quo of diloroatterrjaakot , ditootold, West Inv& notary Esitaatons, Saud laattlty sod toenta ffiattl+te6 Fi Nald= o3l 6 tr gumption, EptleVar and Pim dlsotaa And al. cal LacoPooltßittotadditArom t3all Anna. •a. OT VOLVEZMILX. Anglia br tha Grown. Back flooi.rtid: TILOIISAIIII3 07 Svastagra. dant vadat. seal. to a plain met ope Co- Soy, addrear, pod pad,' on mega oE all cents, otswo possaak atomise by Dr.I.U.KLINE, 117 Boil-err. Newt - York , Eels Ultra -.Z. 4 1/. TIOLLUAII C i•••••• ": "tllB W. ELI. *Ottali.' ILA 'BELLE 6Z ELI. & OW; missus of 43 A T __STEELSkRIPTCI, •PLOW . si STE ~115?(Ci0nA..14 . its-Otoci, So. *Ma= MErriap gals) i km.TBIIVIIOII..P.L . , ,i, ~ , •, , , Dll4 .olor.-80131 1 0 AVM; St^ /o_,..444snoothisato , . law - • to EtasnitoY, BEMs* to Widdlatin 011(11441 '.416117...th.V.t iUgaVirATßirpary Fr i IMAlEW.. w esffri li a,__ _ _ffit Oflotult T ON TAS at ~,Lp; , IR WORE.""''' nstiV4=l*S sINS:nINr tic 1 ."-' to ltri rod l i ritinitt ttfltbOltarterealt 44 1 4M = j% Pgala.=r l it lai aimed ituti tills to Ills fellow. 714=,,.....0 Pirt,m4o.o.por.dpt . itt one Ulttailacust. a con .o,tharcormix4imilfit6iiiiiii , a. a ;4 4,. 1.. ,•, ~,, , PA altAiltrt 1 vir o jtk.4*OlLßLdt-fIIMA III4O t III Oren of MON VAULT UMW INX3CII : OI TDIES. iVrOTIAII2k . A1i.,1 Mit 111 BE% Mt,u a a l t ti f r a th t B 11vo ot A 7 ttors, = l at : O Il t i atrt lioryoapu r ar. tataapsmoms Lots' lobbutaand atliarratouca/ L - 7 a vm li azrthAa7adata,xgttiaazgeb.att.6i4ir-.-Ol:s, its. morymkt Ica_ tk. : EaraWLIMICOAL 11111LANWIrAN liWi• SAT OP WA IN R N G AND immair9- 1 • firIUfAirODTDI =MG SAlNAtifi 1 44111nait - tbiand , 4:MA*5a Er.r3 - 00 akar luso isiedatitematmetaus. Pat L.,., I wilt I ' r 7 7 :1 77- .iim'na'it4.ll.ro dlib 'saw.Aam wort IftwormArn Ittkd•MI L L.VVrEATFITI WORDenciou-r• ItME==acMe OBBEWAP • ;OticalA Oonisa_lly tic= 4 - 9 P; , tz ssaziatiesa, , ak • 0,1 Zhe Gate; TAMSDAY, • AtNitrBt,. 24 -UM GAZETTE . SEEMS Daily ' 403901.1:r5: tarsiers, 'it cents a meek. s - . 35.10 -yet plots do. , nerTed,14.1 .. in141 . .;% 1•••• 1 •• FM* , Weal*, per, pear. do. single caplet -. ' .0.63 do. • RATES-Ot ADVERTISING.. • CCM 1114014301-117•41-1113ELO IffAZLlns bsuiy Oita w,2 t a w;ltt Wkly' . 73 Two thou -52. .. ... t .:1 ....t .... i 1 IS Foll 3 3.153c5... •. 2 10 .... ..,... .... . 2 0 five times— I . 2 50 . -.. 2 53 One 01103.... 204 I A 4 rah ' ii 73 . Two weees... . - 4 , 22 176 540 - . 1 - 25 , 5 - 75 Three weeks . eto irss • •2• - n 2OO --' 0 050025 . 0113.... ,15 251 66 0 455 223 10 Two xtiottrw. 12 00 ' 600 - 6Om 5'251 - "23 Thlse 30515355 16 00 10 . 001 700 4 72,! 0 famont.64..: .521 601 11.2 tap 250 l 6 col 450 Nineor 34 MI 17 10; 12 001 8 00i 00 One Teary..`.... 010 25 501 .10 401 15 01 . 021 Advestisememts usserseastne year may be auusgrear et the advertiser • plessul at a charge of 23 exam' per equaree(qi 'eat"' odd et thistles%) eta must' be eoldidedtd the Pe ediste truthless Of the advertiser. Advertmemente contracted ret'etherwtse than "i1YZ5.5413/essrtil..aqi,ul44ti! the °4l4° mumur.siadverthengSASH. , _ Dastlatetieett, ea& Insertice:;.l. ... . - Stinuaterna idarrlagirnatietgo. attnalsrmartz,verteiy. ,11 00 Eiltr i z r alialstrators.'NOticret t .n oll Jitritirrninte - uvrest Oro squase.seoehtset to the easmaitede etudnees ef the Wee:Veer , tale not' teeludd dissoluttocts, formation of neityinaa, manta, Jut—changeable One, a meek. Any moms to be clanged a. tram- aatmr~anmo~tnme I Dally. leweek.leweek Isweek Three 3303014.1 Slel , ile- 0 /: S 0 I 900 SIR mblithe,...l.‘ SOlOO 11 soto la Now sustbs..,. 4 - CO ss p 2lt 25 co Cho 021 St .00i 0 0 IS 03 wir Fut notice.. 4cluble the itlxive rates, 111 th. kneel ana: gy:Ftb. Cet 1210ra. Toe • leaspertOd 20 ts:A l tatees'as suszi was as ray s be agroas ittictitobe tt ruddeisdaa ad =tr i 7 X 0 117 P a v ii" ' • al Arit Z 7 O witivizzAies...kß3Kgd aid:arra.) ! :1 2; T-r uebnc •An 134 ,ar l ette—Yteminer or the A gentleman, who did not tats the trouble to give bin name, (leering, Palmist, that Ira thigh; P 0 1131 140 igg lert - at oar office i copy pf Tan Pisubtoph Ga_vite and Meourfacturing r and Her centlie Adveifwec, hated Fat.., Janell, lB34- sorty.me_ yeare ego. The paper wee "published every Mill =PAP& by paid Maclean. Phu*, between Market and Wood streets, at tirodbllarl PCs =OM, payable la adyance." tie glance over Mils stray leaf from the book Tit pace, Sind Cee what. It sasMalna Of Interest in the tray of adirettlitementa: . ' - "Vi. Midtown. auettoneer; Informs the public dist hemill tell a PllGlOle weettnent of brim. Lh"early awns light," at the anetbm room 'Wood etreet..... Wm. H. 'Bart, who dates hla antertieentent "Monongahela bridge," dram a lot of stationary: loboof bmla. Pin , •••• I • hone, a Jena "MOO. etc.... .John 'I 3 O I IIO of Aileen:my Tarn, Wars for ute a gamma red Of a4OVO=7:. the corner of Mutest and' Wean 'sir:esters brick • and a tiro' marytMtme :Meg on _ Market.' atrial. Tem' kra=d mat Ins ..arr.linalred and !Oat dollars aai.,. r erion:;;.„-;,;, , ===„54 liromiceof law." Office In Front, near Market eines.' e ... , The Way busioess seems totem no:Mittel% tinieetays ag we dad sdratbementa of the "Eirabd Sato tottery 'af Ifirtyland," and tins "Linton Canal Lottery"-tha ticlusts for the W- W2' berg "for sale atthe bookstore of Elena:int richootoot. in Market, between Second and rd streets. There are twotitir crtibtitled POU'IL L 4 /nit", number-.one in reference. hs. An_ mato.to. an. the other rupecting wharves and fort pavements on the blottongaluda river, and antheablng the Mayor and street commissioner to "lease out nth , parts .of the batch of the ,Idernoturahela rhombi they may down proper." Alexander Johninatt, Jr.. was President, and R. J. Roberts clerk a the Common Council; and Jame' Rms. Pretidtmetuid Neville B. Craig, cleritof the &- Tat Colwell George Hogg, of Brovinseßle, saYMtists a runaway negro. and offers a reward of ten dol lars tot mating him In Plttsbunth lail. 'lif twentydc3lara If lodged in the JaLl IA opi,.. town. The IMPS' w named Flury Hazard, was trmitr , Ss years of age, and ..4a Gamut teal the age of twenty-eight." This adver tisement publish:al in regular &rehab style, with a cut repasientlng Hautbois making twits for other:quarters. B. at. Onbtury "Unjust arrived" and odirs a aineraLsasortinentor.goods, among which in Douce dn. goods. -bonnets` liasonie =wag aprons, fibs mots. wadies, ner,.....ltemer A, Cloland advertise "saleable rased/does" rot ado se their aMre, corner. of Market and Third stmeta -flamiltmes Eilmir, 142:is :Pend= Lo tion, liblitllr tlentane Eye Water, Tooth Aehe and loom and ferer Doe* and many other artieies, could only be had hers. as they were , •the only venders esr the city of Pittsburgh." N. Boma has - lust arriyallrom , PAW,* P'* aria offeli prop= and dOreeltic • dry iroode, anti Wiens pills. nerve walla, Itch/Ant. inset, etc.. :I ..itato &Sheldon REEL an appren tice to`the boar.bluding bush:less and id. Wood gives-the prices wldatshischargellot Oaten:4 sod paper hanglng.,.. -John badman'. Mid 4. tansy ouAdtt at, stein of d r , 4.l36,titokyr co., tartfopenet**a weevil *gooey mid noble, busiress," at Um, comer Otellarket sae', s - tn Mr. C. 'Bowan', bck tr lately' occupied by lassal. Meek)'' & Co....Lowrie A Curtis adver tise n stock of arocertes at their inewbamWerld arrest, between Second and Third,aad M. B. I.birtle , kme his office In the northeorner of the Dmmoed. In We mom lately - OCcuplialrby. E. Christy, E5q,".4.. Eicarylloidatilootrars for sale Brewery No. 4, in the eastern suburbs of ,ths My ... ,Robinson and WMocir. - °4O maw opening" a fresh mock of goods at their store in Market meet, •qatelyocenpledby hirAiintl Nizilnlght,' , 1..1406= AggilP cd.. Mrs nntioa -Wass:J. ate . Pr to manufacte r o all kinds of ma ' uerl Pinnlat.andweasing c0ti0n."..... I. TOtille bas removed "bis letter/ and atbange Third to lin northeast birder Sif Market Mid Third atrata, -where he willeordthus to buy and *ll- Most kinds •of bank notes end emelt, and Vitiate ell Madded lottery and "cabanas bud :ass... Lie also advertises a "hmeliit of satin paw banybsgeasith velvet barders.".' Hatoy'lfakip.'o. *cabala and Mardis Alija "die 'nab% beets: mama and finger prot i eltY or Wert ratterscat and J. li. lansblbr, stationers and-paper-uasufaetunms, him Aten,*assignel -to them for the benefit of 0Wt0re.".,..11.. J. Walker, attorney;and cons ofoshaving resigned. the clerkship the United &atm Court. for the Wast e= District of Panisyleania, will hence forth practice/4 that courts se well as the other courts of Use county-office on Fourth. between hialket and Wood strents.....Tobn Robinson - ma the "New Btourinidge That Glans Works, PAbbora,?' where emery description of Met bias ware OM be bad, "event• not superior to anything of the kind manufactured in the Uni ted /Wm." * - ..rolos Thaw, Treasurer of the Idonongwhela Wage, Conspenr. announces • a dirldend of throe per cent....Cleorgo W. Hubby, ! dentist, watt* that he can bg found at MA Aar- , llngtou'iLlotel for ,a short tinta. where ,lus will , - Saks out• bad teeth, and pot , la good oust.; . t Marta. Riehbaturi and Tanaton ilesint to rent + :11012We/74g bunco at. thotxmarzer Wont street and ;Chancery alley, formarlY 50 1 /1 41 4; 0 the l'ost .o,llko,?...,.Thegank. Nets,' rksalianite is gtcorrected tserni-inanthr; at N. ,Tiolanati,..Nx , - change Otline. - 141, htPricrF Second ;Ad Third," ' , _ - . i J 1 7; 1 41 1 4 6.1.114111t0t. Adefi'Vtitokart "has removed train fils 5t04;06 ,atto nut hargh and Greensburg tarapike,about twenty tolieCesunt Or,i'lthsbarlift VI the siaarof , .4e :Atone -rand Xerleu lit. Slit COriler of Mood: Ad taint" strati." , sTliastagemfewsweveryaliara - In at IPattPatkllieVlillidle l l 6 * - SEMEOre , tdr- , 4 0 .4 fl teir& Ce!':sa .1011 1 Pi_,t9=PE liogoroXF !We ftwiCrittsbfirri to • 1 sektdn.rour• anti a lull' days.rferettilk , I -Bee etarteditom the bouseof• Colond Mousy. 'Nfibittlitriat adirartunsk that therittststrah um fEII6 no& Akin' Alio Zotis Ilati..Vlttotattrt, ,enti Batottf,TrOloot wit PAW 2 , . 1',.. i ,-. Thera wereshediratin those dv , P O-1 " 0 .1/tritest/ Ithnr,"ativertitrathreslote .for ands,An 1 the corner of liberty West,and - PSOOO alley ;- 4 errTlCAndtakfala eStet/tion tivi...tl l o Mont/ I ci tkoriterouchrtm. at. the "nit eramtsual ,Cartr I Narell,t, eloteM,rment worthy sheriff is not thettet bf osturpho tieldthatothemj " i . t ith'.,abtsW ltOril 1 12-3/2il lo lfigl Oa la VliarAParE and ,lita WiltataiclEdE* i, Tit:gas msAake =Om: , AtMotteriatt the; .2optwbrsoottog , thottp ,, % o U44l#4 l John in -or Ilti e r do' 'Maret'laste! - buLtlf.ld est e' eilibtirteut". Rog an itbettiltkoCaT '94 1 /41Jetbait s 4 1 iatotßltollagi , to filet Elba Asa- danaltsr tr. Parker reempbsit, Rsq",llV f 1.1,44342f0e, Op.:Toeldoy ' &tag; ,sa liksei,.-by , ta e tgaZIWAA-05Ptilrii.X04.0ful ff. flank :401BstiAinelgintutientiter , a itr,Solttattol I,Flisbee.all Of thit• till. puha tuostooriostoGl lby- the pet: Floe. w.. Samuel IA Athd-1 I, 11014ettVt bunts' at dh4Kbh bookie 40 11 YV air ...4.4 o P, boat ofiAts 1 1 city. On t 11 same sy by, thaitems, tar. Julles A. Bertram, to Ma Silts Betekhouse. 't-b of this city ' ^ VJ'l , l r i Pecomikl9S l rn l 3- abahgeltaNkine Johni4,l rested on I emergent Owonote a watch Oman{ nalinoWn soldieri.and a capes: sack frameßevi Thou ; PO" .bad. a • beating before lisOr Lowry to-day, and were lbrOMMittad,for: afar-1 teen hearing. - Theo:Wet blot not Yet roma ED. but ler. Pugh has seemed his property:and' :AO beprmi-nt. at . tttoltat tent` a 4 cOult to; wato thttMoreo.- - #,,, ' l 13iitilifthis Acrid< al to a i.roinotiee-4 2 411 -of Trestle Alums. Zug d Cu., /if the Fifth Wird, re, Cently obtained terilisaion to construct a switch from the line of the&teglieny 'Valley Mired, an 113 ts stssa.lhorraglr private property, and over Eina - itiriet, - to their roiling mill, for the purpoae of obtaining their supplies of coal. The trestle writ or bridge over Ems street was abed, twelve_ feet . WI; Igrt; of pine timbers, aye eithioea" 'irusies' aid iihdrie. The sytto.h.ithg been' completed, • Engine Ho. 11 was onderato. DaSS.O4O its 10 Bee lune It Would stindwelght. Bomeermitycoalears were' Ethelr ed toSha engine, and a ithirther of Persons. in clufling lir; Eng, got rot= the canto &Wolfer. Thezasin portion of the trestle work supported the weight 71therat 441115 of giving *ay, be When the . =Woe wee, about midway of the bridge it. Call Weigh with a tremend ous'. creek.. The. mane was .bacting at the time; end the, tender • bad 'partly , got upon the solid trettle weir,lort the other 51de of Etna street,wheit ther.olStrintMe; so-that it did not go downisith the =glue, 1 , 414 rather piltd on top of ft. - with one erestin_g - on the track . ..and the other jammed intodrhi C.Thir enithr seer was on the , tender,ind mach a slight cutbnialtrend Mord ba Ivan, John Hardy, of Lawrencer e, was engine, and Cr Jordpifs.9ll. ho was ;mania to tell which. and was considerably bruited. ititgondaegeoely nort. With= on the coal cars jumped oft when they heard the timbers crashing, be so-far as they were COll - the danger WM then over, Tire engine m10441(10125 toe, arid thebo , : , timbers , ware snapped off like so many lath. The bridge Is a complete latch; and. the. locomotive audit:mica are considerably damaged. There has been a dam:mons miscalculation - on the part of some body in reference to the strength of thisbridge, ettriets - Wan tertemater thaOess'orurearix not remit therefrom. There is mother bridgeover the samestmet, stew hundred feet above, which is stadia wawa 40 Aisfes than the 0 7 03 / 4 4 dereprri., Thews worictstmed bemorminedby acitnewerson comixtemobelpurr/Pod their arifety,l before bclug nias Or be the *er: 'Cibi,der; therilreheteti4tll parther *lca44T-,ttleroktotdiago, some weir ease of -Poischingoi the Dag:ilia oath doe Mrs. Grinder, the metal of 'Whose artistes :sl.creinett inet iklatekee:egilto ant *aut. crtit the comtannlty., terLctiaeet 'Mayor; ,Lowryto-day,enonave the dealt of , attempts made Mot , Grinder', to take the Hires Of two , of her neighborp, • Um. Beru?the an elm , • Morntitietar; 'Mee attemOts were m ade some ttmeTafter Wire: Mint& lie} removed from the room which theioecopled • near the corner 01 !Wood aa num. weds.. Dirs. ..litnolds re 'sided near the seine place, and o IsOPPez was :gotten op at Mrs.'lL's, G. helped to :cook. Mrs. M. was lonited, , and after' supper • these war:mm.lsde both ;aloe violently ill—Mrs. I kkbeivg retied-with as lame., barolog i swwo ul ath= in the stains& the, she wart ifridil she d dle befbre stir) weft , be got home... The poison bad beeeplaced in thetas, of which Mn. M. baddrink hearthi. Mn. R. did ,nallikeiltio taste of thetas. and dranit but moderateli, be , still she became gaffe ill. They Lathe got better, ' however, a and to a few ikot after lifiu 0. tutted Mrs. R...t0 her. house; and gave her hers Wood ewe of.ppootava, from the drain at: whisk, she rrcuvu_lent. M. teas to have been present at 'the win . . .41iner; hal tuernot; reeivered-stalkdeori, I.y. It treereoutthett that Mm. G. did not drink" any of-tiorteii 'nerved' WM , a. • EtamuddiVi and them wren suspicious tkerzolson bad been used. but link firbirrated soother woman, and suew cooled la warding .off kelpie= by bestowing Wielmal attention end care upon the Wk. The WO to connection with the, 'above - demos etteees as t the dtl e mwl rarao. the hearing, wjeh tete take 21 10 more T 1 next Wednesday week. •ill the Oterehine the bodies of Mrs. Caruthers and Mae Buchanan will be ethunied, , and the stomachs Redacted to 06.m1e4 analysts. TheF-Boydgs urn Huller.--There are no new developments. to-day ia conneetlon with the Body's BM under. The Corner's pry will meet again this netting, but there being to 'alimony of iraporimeo to offer. they will probably adlonra for a few days. Tho body has been interred in- Wildale Cemetery,. and there seems tt meant to be nit little prospeCt 4 :11 beteg Ideaulted. In Town.—Captain GM* 17. , B. N.. arrived In chit ell/ resterdse on abort TM to tde retenYilontitattzoltrki.l2lLao. The s o? ' vicca tendatalsv ijaxastander (grfttindng the war ara W - 2.1 6iscistssl4tlsweasuo.; . Ms braldf and mime at the dare ot. WSW; when the gunboat he commando:reran sentbretorpedo. will long be remembered. rta The Young Manta P u&. Warranted to cure Private Messes. For sale by druggists. AA for the Young Man's Friend. A. pamphlet giving detain:tam:an and - irellment dr prince datums accompanies each Box, or can be had by . addresalng Young Man's Friend, Box 99, Clitehaustal. with a, throe mot alamPreatultmed. to Joseph Fleming, Charles Sumo!. IL Patton, MB. W. Far A CO.: uegheor. • letems. CALEIPETS. OIL CLOVIS. e OARPEr.. . • 1 via are naw-ramtriat tna FIRST INSTALMENT 0F.017/1 FALL. STOOK, Banat raet went= ta the lets midi lance, which weld!l sell, tor tbe present, A! (=a wortooes. W. D. &v.riecitharta, . 612 el iotring w's atm rtutOlußED • • km ttotemtemuirl hier imouth= of .o,4l3,llattlust &en mti. fiattitatto ' crm tetior . isio& Of goods =mg hereh Amble, ye to offer ;sour owe the edvantwee the starkeeanrel At The Lowest. Prizes Mewled; this &slot SloYeittotAD h COLLINS. and 'a VIVA sheet, - eteett babas tattle Poet Meru N EW maTgulath . , . WRITE AM! IPSD CHEOICEM, loran wlQinb of the /Mat tmp?r•+. PANCTIIIATTING,Iiew lad buidsottve styies, Just methyl an lais a v• t , a 3rimt., . azia . f :I/li}:f: I %jIP J fW -1 ONLY :15_ Wink COMMETE , YOUR VOLUMESt ak" FizOOPri of cric HARPEITY , MAGAZINE& MTLANTIO MONTHLY. OODPM /AMPS BIXM• - PETERSON. v rs. IFIRT4.I . • • ' 'l l '7 1 . 11 - i ' An 4-4 ktEVAJtver cilffiggathsl 4219ZITAIVTITEL 41 1 31= 81 3:tiC ) .z: b)r7., Vac* earthinfont tam arm Al igoalh OPPOSITE TEE row comae. I .1 811ERNMeA. Mat WM% DWI the MST; [Trig must °Prima. BY BREVITMILTOR OEMALWAD Noma Mumma. ansa 'maxim VOI.QAZB thtio.,;WM NAP AND Ntrztrenoys tpraprnutalitt 3 P W„tuagaittrf,itia l yuastuesiiin DAI,IB,IMOZI & vmants.i WI ti 04.virOoP Ealszr.K.- ik •i 6 BtiOX3V 1404 W8 I aeit, , .f. ! • '.....,t.!. c...: ,:. : :., .. - Conical/a:it . itir - Palc - . Victoria aria rano = ifalk. , d -1:. i Ratner °MUM - n A.,..• . l to .1.1 , ..TAW r.. 44 zio, ....:Til:'. L : A . nte,..04,1100 th e ,c ,c-. 1 ~..! ~. r 7- ---„,.... .? 2, ~..+ i. i .'- ''. • ' ...faiaota , 13 —, ^ c. .rv.,% a ir .. 'via r.. - 41.1...- - .,. r, in. ii .., . Olc •, ) ic - nil.: Lc& , ..:-. cr.,: , kirk: ..Tairo ' ITl:l,kcsk:l!"3l..' '..,i , ..^ 4 != l4- ,,,,.... : , ' ..,, i A .60.1208 ~ '• ,341 i .',/ C,3 *`... 1 r .41 ' 4O - ir j S'''. dtLilltangitlifigathiP •5tr0w04214,4 ricelved Pfraris bkort=ll:l44l.44,atti• tzwatitwousgri. „„„oettmeili, atoagy St* 4.1 . • latetertg%u ?OW BEING RECEIVED THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF CHieIiERING PIANOS, Selected pereanallr D 7 tht ittliticeibef; datins reeent s - 41t to the l'ooteff. SEVENTEEN NISTRIMSTS ire nor open, and ready for examination. The Wale are turited to tall and roe them. • Warranted for Five Years. oamir-os O. BIELLOB, HI Wood Street, , Isede li . vort for the (nickeling Piano. 14449 7 0 P Baittliefolitt tOR, • N D eaDDlntan & • Co., P I A - N”O;S::.:: • THE ANM:Delaka,lssl7B tot. to ,flj:l4"XTASitra tturiutt be rtiiAltrelA HAITDIAADsaMidsIigNiD A%- I. tti, gOtaters Lis the to aFtprp,Vor tt 01 4; V.. OP MIMS Bum and German 831 , 60 d rely desatptinn, for BitAs mad CornA Bands, at tsduced feel. MustratAl CleAlarAs as A Rue LAW LornitAtA iwplir , New sad FAc9ARAS SAIL ! WAVISLESKa *Oa, So. t 1 ST. CTLAIR ATNNEt. SEOOKD RAND PUNOS. IIYQE'ateA. MA GO. A. MACE MlVatotootla &EA. math °rpm and nekidetats.--'EztoO CrOat•P)lo SOL Al l Ol a larVkliteektdadantlat 15731 i LatrUratnik , cmaxarnik , BLuni3;c No. a Firm STEM% ana Second door abore Woof west. saga aims sroia.- • 324,011Awr i as SoLasaconli. SZr Hal,Plias lizosias. mm 12002 1 8 4$•D gneiss. OMER GOoDs AT REDUCED PRICES ft •9S aarket stivet, 'Where .ina Are oloilai cat attrismuni toak at .vetylbat Mel. Boots, Oboes, GaitetO - and Bahoorals very chesp,for cult, IL.: le MARES? STREET, k3eaand dear it:ota Fifth. WAD AND REFLECT Save Your Money :11 U nolr 11 , 4704 known fact that /II C,L INTO€ , :No. 98 Federal Btteeh Alleghenyi sth the beet and ebespeat BOOM t3l3.oEili GAITERS, ILFID fIikTaIOBALS, Of any Wier tams. will theimowitabit Give blea a call, and you will be satiadoil. well sale... Ted week always on band. amid FRFAR ARRIVAL. 24 1 2: e tt r ett °rived from the Eut• ve °Ter out Fea►ll sacs ViCriati.Sem SHOES AND BOOTS, For Ladies' and Gentlemen's Wear, Misses and Boye. A‘itte PRILAMILPEUA BROM STOKE, mai 82 aumicr srazsr. Tata ROBB, la 59 litarices street SELLS THE MST, THE NES.TEST IiTETTREL And THE LOST DIISABrai, 13C9CMIGIAILSG-37 SSIZXCGOMS, .131,V,7„P2r Intho city. US bu Just =dud , s SPRING AND SUMMER STOOK. TTATriE_ ,r — r - nrsat Muss '. .a.xv ow.Luszers • Baas, Shoes and Gaiterir, Of CT err t3tTlip, Mite !met forF at' -, COTLITEX ~ 4 13caer FULtiand W7lts stoats-1 ta sufDsiraybady. alga szsrtim Jr.tagivrPz*, WORRY OF NOTICE. TSB 4:IELEBBATZD Wheeler .& Wilson . SEWING xr.icint.rE ,Tgefgat th irlitielgOT held tit Stettin, Pravda, tiro week; slam. ale the beet savior =Wane for J lU une wavy parposisito-4torae James!, TER-WEER= &WILION Lock Stitch Sewing:Macldaes reedited the highest preettuns at:the Out . teatuttleatd-Extatatatur eta . . ROIGNS v airt0..,;....s • Mere the Agee En where Aatorteot. kOs9p4 0 1 ea Wholasalli ''. l- 41,044. '3al4 BOW.A.Priti tit ROVEMI , 111.11/01 • J MACHINE -- r p 3, THE 4rl.*isiOarz TUE INILT zasoarsam2acui• - • Nakott the natal° Mitch; uns=onx.,:rums vitae, = = .impip2w - Ar.acramz-wpag • INstewrtho gilds bt 7 1 1 1 , 1 10: 6 774 1011 4r0rthca ,Mike - 013W Eidatiti niatlol l 4 l 4:W 4 Aeib i' z ' i ` l4r4lll - . TheeilbriteldnrithUldWPOi lukr Iffiooll_,, I.4ool4t.liepri l CH ..... trff#41 6 4*"..P.1 8,45 . 3.: Aff*ParehM esn &num aft Ad,t4tr 4 if aei fmlutda• tor 01EATONST. - tilaragtoda 51/MEBII4 £GWT BANIMIG EMIL N. HOIJEES & SONS No. 57 Market. Street, Pittstrargh. DEPOSITS =En= In PAN mcns AND OtIitHERCY. MikaLong Uni itude on all the principal points: Of ted States end thumb& STOOBI3, BONDS END OT EE Mll2/Fria 130116 HT AND SOLD ON tfOrvIISSION. Particular atteuttou paLl to tde purchase au nib of MOD EWES. tided dtidel or-18811 Da do. , 6 1 011, I CriA2l ll l Clertidagekor wdadedinos. °Ennis i r cittngDS! yorirAtcr. OH 001ZZOTE DOLLAR ts&MAIV:IB . s'-, 63 • FOtrzill &MM. _ l iii e ti: , -- ,0 ..' OWL flail from' to oticedhve.ifor; day sad SAL sadly , from y "Ist IA Oe" Teacher ie., Qom I bet az4 PP:A NONfailick Di to Alai teihma ato 8 Wakd:. 1 ._ _,- Deacedts secebrol dr ell RlXlA9tnoi ' E. Usr, sad a dividessdettheamhts declined Mlle' =l3l AIM Amig,.Doessibee. r lamest has been , ia..lersi 'ad Dcoetebeni r. yao Bona . woo oaosancO 4 01. t;o1 rata at do. fluidram out Li platAd T. 6 . .alo =MA ' ' . '' the=terse -peissipel, and bears the same' see ant (Lavaca June sad Demmober, . eombetobliagterim-simar wttmeat treabltair the Ilepoldter to cell. or emai ta_p_reeent his piss boot. Al thhtimhe Moan ilittiOeable ia lese than terslya vela.. . Boot* ekaaalatOir eta Charter, Ily= 4.4 riegalettemm.bitaished:tesths, oa . ' ' - Two raloaarars. =Nem J. Anatolia% - - -4.:. ISL Pollagai N. 11., John CLEtaskadee.— ,fiebert Rote, , , Beat. L. Fahntsteek ‘ ,. - Joba 11. ShoddsbrreL James Herd:mem "James tiblite, • Jsmes bleamibt,. Alessades Spec; Lego N. Pesuleck, Christisa Teak= raorroas. Codom Mama Healy Y. Lindy Jam O. Bliellay, . Pater A. Madeira, laiek,,., , John Ideasheal, __ MU A. uric,. rater } r... D. i 5 .... Wei e. cattak , lea B. xarsanz4l 1 win:amps* . John Baal L. :TOM/ r alailild, Wialicel E. liinadziS Wives. - alosaadoo MO* . Peter .11-fLoakor, Wllltioa_Valaark. Blehaid Nen, W4. a I w .AY:. Damn Lase wa. A. COLTON.. . , fixretarr-JAND 3 B. Di XEZEt.S. ill .1.:,!,7 4 TB 3 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK O f Pittsburgh.. I Ckartered by the i Capital lOranizediader Maar sl,lloo,ooo.lNatal Law 1861 mu Back has been distlgnauxt DM'OSIi'ARY primp United States Treasury, and appotated agent for the nle of the 7-80 Xa ca AL. TO - • Every facilitywill 'bilateral to /11140111 or pa tter pu.rcluaing tor escala. " - EL M. IMUULY, Cashier r.: Taß PEOPLE NATIONAL BAS Of Pittsicoirgh. 11 21U%i o"Paid in 81,000.000, with Prvii lege of V,000,000. Itanklrla 11011111 ocornziCrissr AND WOOD' This Balt% onfavlseStnnler the National But at &stain la o Banking zr , orol= r l to o t f rt i metlorgr t s stree Ooll ts. eetioss made on seotestblepoints JAY moat favorable terms." Spestal Agents for JAI 000.Kra for the asla of Um U. S. 7 5-10frieasniy Notes. F. M. GORDON, 1:41 7. C. - alamizEtwia •reuer a. w. snaps* WHAT. & 13:1AMILBi ATTORISMYS Al LAW win attend to tdl buttneratiti the ltne of tiiets kr:detaan, banding MEE OOLLECMCIN op aLeamsmuarisr • ruziaoviatrimErrr. • Kt, rthatos having teen rauntersiont I OM Vatted Suites to hereiftist- tvelditen. Con Co the tmeneta ht the ern. India' a. ItARTILLOTIM...I.3I.. auciia...l. a. Tio Mclidt3TEß, GAME •tb 004 • • .- ATTORNPVI'S OLtatUra . „ e . .4 ' gents, • , ioundoNe... BOVINTLIP,__, AR r=lr PAT, _ PRIXR 00.RXRN RATION, roi: JkaKessi and Mbar prspart_ribirs br dertMed, 71:, the.,s4P oft 4t..V?!/?4 "471141fiRgh • SIV..PPAGES 'Or PAY A ftD ORDNANCE RFD QUARTERBIASTERM COURTS ostAg and =Wages of ; iadt3ted. EggiPr '''''' . " • * 'MA shindedto McataPP"tiang. or 211 4 T! ................. • ABMS; tO: :GRANT: MOM. • 01:111DEDAWIDDIBB IH SI TSES Tie lint arleccinii Tireeireue Service can rewire taCtigi - bountj tits. isms tr lc rim hut awned the ;MU' tem of eatutment t/Y twins upon- Boudtoz fot • itout Air.l l = l No. 103 IThIL ISTF.EET, ups goat Wow the IIC. NIACFRRT.T . 4 , •• • • • • ATTOUVkr-LAW t•ii•tilittiaBD BOLDIEth Cidaiiati2o. ' mammas tat waiuitioaBaultais aollaaatitattai tvenq.ditra.• • • • • . - • :;• •• • atrotkaNa.ra pima? arena , kuiiiirima OM with diathuscand two witnesses-- asaln7 _IItEMOA .1 1 .4,801/tMaNt BLOM PATranaldLTSTArai MAINS of 1 tmap latterlptloa, collected by - Mt subsedbalv**l2l.o.oUalrillnc 1144104•11 Peallans, *lO ; otter laim; 11:1 0. 0. Txt.X.o%Atrialwatiaisr; : No. C 0143zutivittaboirgti Pa. N. B.—No oNsatts - ln, ing tr the aWm firs 4itlt Pledieli tad ill tatittaistidnittrea • ,gigarz ur svir.7 5 I lliV ~.. lb:lpYri, l filWigitil, ' ," •-,..7- 7 , ! . , ..:: , ', ...,:.'.--- t' 1 ki'l!Oiiltiol,kei;ijiV.: , : 7,-- . - .:'!.i kia c itaii ct : nt . ensti Vil ,: wiiiiiiA4. 4oi ik ,4 ) /5/......_°NZTOkshiliagMF'', 970 1 10 11 0 114 . -,;., ~..,.........-1;3,7 -,,,,,;..) •....r ;.- ,rl; , -,...; 1 .1,4.-1 . =EINEM A-IPILAW WRYsaftggfk , r. ' olr.sithAVeolll6ol,*-; No. 3.4.4,Foxixt,4,,Eittr eet. win riettartn 104141Oltdalr cowstiss= - ' - d ni - - JANIS X. ZAIRO••••400, DOXYMT Lorre , LATOLAICus NON AIMatiii:HOZOLPAXIT= L1 4 ,17412 , T.C.1 ;GE:, AZINDS, executed plan! in d With OP" goluuscitur cal sittrgto mass .n oeiM woo wine'? i welt iteascraty. ,Fictrowahnizrews !mown ittirlib scruols, PAUrrnin , tistikilar aria to tliadilmakorNibletr,ad mainesset =lda air work work rua=abk, rol, viditaltz utOWN.'" . - :15.31.1•14. -.( ° C U " 1# 017133 4 1 5 D aiGNV*Pr*:, On2l Zig Pl= of lidsd and NM* Stie ant, .1.1=4131=1110' r ni, oats,' 11 C store _nATl3—eoo bush.. , , I,43l4bilabltzzlat avmuirsncoNG,iti --Jo:Rot/50MA satkrita etiggßliClLL Ftte White Bub_ • „ et Canstantl7. pfo r rile 7 ritiNKARD CREEK CpSTROLA UN •Vri3O3IPA.N.T., :, . .: . Office Carnes of Penn aijl • Wayati 2 SW = 1 foli!ocb tw o tArinmargsace4 an the 29th Mt; .1 - nder the 31.01thit sad an ~.. .psLair& .The.tanitort .47,t he emhi ,13 7: 62 -. the Leadref thie VddhAm Creak .0000 OP , =Deny, at this eitY.. , -' . 1 1 = , -* ' - "1.L... r .: ....... — .V 4 ferptuo 0fteric......“.‘41,68111.....fe ‘.....`.. Washisig Fund 4000 PAlt.,44lo.o.ofil:aele Stuero.....i.:, -1 3. SA 0 - 5 . arsicrameef• ' , Prealdeat-8. A. JOILISISIWN. tPeepetszt end ri. CarAXYP I I , j . . tualtmintet- S. 4:..1 0 tritt1.04, -. L Ulu Foroxifig. nu ---, . Wrr Oolnala i , Sat= OnAmia, 1"..D. Gum' •' '41:1. lame. Lletate U. W. T 00.0.. sancam•nr.a. Jprinmems. apladino ATTOK.nMit. piTriwrsclut P . A rdibrTN/ 28 . r-. 711. E LOVirIST.IMAI;iiiOFra A.41749P.-. B. C. & 1141MEW 1 *oon vzszr. Ll__ CLAW sistaittEt. , .• - A• Ic*l-ni ft , L'aPll"s!x"arT t i m ' cvmEmar ' ! ':::. i citiClinliP#.oP, 26ll l; 6i) , 1 .04 17., ' - I Ma w glttird t riad' i ft : = . l 3T : t* is fer-iimlitreerelM) d oat isar.iliii3ll . , *MO ..firimiAttirrim . inducamormsoluNa _ law waft , ;E CUAXPLEgt 04, 9514FANZ . Ppiturzli of Uft J audiii;4cittriei et ig4}4teLi: Caitince;:taassiugatheliatiiiit i * ',. ..... woaas oprcrsrrE ,44aursstrAch itfitsxo. c 4 L D itrai, W. D.. 001 313.15 1: steam •_ • mpg mgpluiEnkpisrmigip!; , . I . • . . i:No. 124 scirrEt rnielyZl ~ I RMAD „ iiiP - , ELitH /pr ice AM , Meal • tufdt l2 • coitrli i to , itutTe l i.. Bl4 =. exeenzatarnaae tte , 1 Anualran sad nutlet . a tt. p.n.s, , iSChu lkill River. ILOAr elg4 BOlimunaziglV l k*` °, _ , Phenix Warehoi:i*plaptFyi.--- - root or aivala_a ap44.0 130614.1,- I amain. renizi 4 mze Fdp..). 13 4 1 " C I M: MI fr , 0.115: 33,EnE1,;:trurroIsyr Uric. j4ll74lllllMtbil ~; ISOM eashlruilte— .. . CSltt IatINID .0148 t 4 ii.j7 " kdg.e3l4 ia.l4oWirtV'..f 0'.1:'7A06.i.-. jar P' . ll!__ attention etivetto. the ii&LeNgt .d:PDOIXINT. • o.l' PETROAXIM and, Oonegnments re*gatftiliPsondted• Pittehergh AmoLey L I WNATTGO ODINS TILABSPOUTATLuN.O dalt. /1, -.POST OF.F4O:E_ , T zemr " T. , ftri, inttsbireetts , roßmamare eofpussroar . mricsorly AND orawva, is 910.4. • nx.trattanr3p, utloarounith camp* PETIOLE I N Oma, hol,socutently on hand ha* far late. at the , Inerese. =W , price& Caleslime =Ms sad *pliers q=e, 0 • 14154111- WX4: 11441414er 41 ...... 44gra VIZAICK Wltl. & C r tizarcus Ea' sad dealers 407111111 E .I.IID BEFINTAILIMMO. Ala" i5tr!‘ , 404 t 4 1 47 A t 0, 1 4. k d i !i ll Pq - Warelicageand Usad. stresr... 1.01138. . • Oil of Vitriol an!! Aqua Angturqg onaciParO. =a= 'rirrb,4ultGlCrA, LUCEN 0114 , W4RE 1 1 • < =gam T IMMO & 004 sexord.lrusiirs as .1" Pure ingtp 14,60 - 0 Salt9lllWW-r is,;.,ri=AimrfarszE ~; 0011113P3519r4 M B : -7 "Ai'd4ll*.' =' 7 1313!°V.1.1;: :13TOOKap — z te , "na.f.lemtd • PaYtuulusittio thelaa ) P 4 Ft . 9047 1 47. 14 cdPV0 -; - i0 2tb 0M4. 1 . 46 0 t9 0`:. g. aosastrit jag iro.not parrriglrrtgalr ALEX. ALSLEX;II, -.V. L * • 3 zg - matintisaTh • Ico.lBllFouttharigb_unastp l ;• I.3ortnis a ail Alas. 1:1/..,-amerM4d).1 =1•P:414101:1t512raor C.-_zualmacradro. IlevalL74. aeoone, UMW 1121414.Z1t. 2§170111013: ;4 " :potlNClßtiaryidealillaransterirtsttaseara tbat gull eciatinu4LW Ni s ei iiiMr ; AND lINDERTAKIMA tilt At tag: r„,,,, ,, t.u=r i z ii ,x 4 = "=testolndoenalosts , and ass romatali Os abetted =Um -,Lasautuois, nnr'ccleos. , s ru, .." 7 "rizainr`...pistoroittat 13024-CAO.Ott.Qam;..;:. ,- . , < ,,,, <--: c- • ' < ' - g..4.•; - .. L4i;; ; 11;.;:•%:)%'-' , 2J.i whatesai• dislomtrillaN ABD D 031121 TIO DBY_OCKII". ih Ils -Weo4. itreetvALTS tkolm! .5. 1 ?"1 1 k5P 02 .. 104 AriNlV* l ?!4:4'' .7ll l l l.ll ~.._ =IA co -au • it., - ' A* tO • 'lsflikatiasSO 11611 TanilaniGeom fad GOODBAVlgrAlssipp. Mi lli alMai e 1 WV* ittedi Retail Matti DRY GOODN ricLia , Klutta meet, • storten D "whi Fourth. puts:tram " .1 , a • _ Detlet 2:02t031 0 • mell=ses, ','`: ,l ?flqw l L l PritYMi: Ilteto uvolv4oo • eaut tad er assipetiat da been • . nogidAtothol334, p ;. • *5 A M. .11M . :I 0. • t to t -711TalbtlpiPeAtife.glei- V• • , VICESNE 4n Y4ltWi.9.; :2:Z4: 1 4.04 011 0n r t rat”-i: ,c7tert 07.1 fet .1 gillfilitadAtintittiallintak4ol; I tirnalgrrlllinAZA 22770191114c...a d i ewa, t .< • 09nn - EBbs• 01101011 Jl,RADltafam, „ Duo , ivr pr e olmi, , - , u xo imbloar inn • ' ; =1; car PaSeta3krwli443ll.ll-,....-.. r , bbta Mita, ill ekes; • = 511. aUdTNI taxixas 'Grip APPIAnd 4..• • ON . !iooki saat Mixtv ont tnalpok
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers