. .. •S . . • T '''. ' ' ' '',' '' ' '7 ,; : : - ':•: 7 '... 1.. , . - . , . ,'..;,. .....--' •- •, . 1,1. - . ,.... _.............._____,_-: --`..-.., • - fe..• .• - , .... _,,,....,„ •_ . , ~.,,,, . - • . ~ ' :. .. ~.. - - •-• , - ---- - ...-.-- - ...-------..---- . ---....---- .......----...... „ • • ft - ...Y., . .. ...-,....-- . ' '''' '-"::- - ~ _.... ' •.. '''' '' . l4ll •Will i..: ' ' • '." '-••• '', '' -''. ... !.-.... - - ,:.,..- ~',- ''''''''. '' - '. ''' ' .. 7 - ---- - - . . .. , , , .... . . , • 1 • - -4; ---' -- :1 . ...o . . GAzETTF _ ._.r. o.r.______ . 7 --- ------ . 7 - -- 1 ''''''l!" ---- . - .. - --- - -.--- - • • 10 % • . • i . T ... • .... i 4' G - ,:. - ......, ......, . . MIMI '''' , ititiit'tU\i'th:;—Xo'" . io gilt 9ittshrgit dasstilt. arm- NcYncEs. The Finest Display "cariamiscm; can be :Opilit,Perker OWN, 62 Market 'drop?. .6444, -- Ze; Slieeth:tg, sbc= everithlng ebk.sp la 41`,OPcit 1 / 0 0 " Porkies. kr norket street. .., • ar. CO, 69 Market street, hartag made :InThilk 1 0 411,11 0;0 11 9te UM Co tuve no ionliße• :•1;41*1-1.iiiiialditY,Irartety mielsalmen. • felWM*3lopar Sweet Potatoes, And'lttilt seastally,ctiattiuttly 'waving et Itt 122 4 14 /tYFetT buoy smmaiect street. ;bu m : ItSri* . -Furniture at Auction. Tiltu,lifednardlay meraiog, et-la coda*, at.. 21,9. jpialtaddhe ae_Flith atzeoValli basold - a 7 qiiluittri ot,walleirept houseman Wanner, capita, ea. sect4l;egsll4ll4.B,6irtit lan. ptlt tos,soLl. this atoptini,la arises' lioyi filth 711b#,ttiatalir,64;i1rirs. es - Finn, dill*, SONKSIOr-eilnklifviNattli"..PosP 4 / 9 t a . [ P l * , - -Country Jklerchiukts WiltlOSPErh:tr 11,00s t Sty &stook of rilitneTo tbotlohOoltzus, irtfaithorirs gferAYP,M coat PAP Pi." ;ALCOA= • 7tTumwluoveoeasountibt;,3oa,}44th Waning .4 Itrac " "145,; ° sinAinr l 49...4RM4-SFIVYT is :and Dimond kiwis. :cam. -vart3o PatamattasvOotnup, Alpacas, Rapps, • A#Mneakizattip•Masi‘ateMV-Sat Anal at Malta &:000.9 Make.; sts They IrIII be 4014 Maap. • alattn "-s7l.AuCtlotr.Sales< ais of lo& Firm". taut, Vii" lo 4- 14 4 0 Ica ..the_m sfm ll , 3 o sasPoni •sy at -16 *clock' A. IC, et &owe. laaA's Auction ttrase. ED .FIBh stmt. k4dift. .13ozEinerelal Academy, 24 400 t 61tegOsay fisithav Up/Tony, mitpilti erzerelsei.onganday, Nitta School aoiimenzeo'Cidober iurbtad at Barter 14.00 t,. Iffetket'etreet,' set a& we will, well at mid. Law ttia*Aut,itcskprizes.- TZ4 aasatrus*.ottplipitas 11:041 1 . Matchers B. Lowell% Schwan , ' Wish, tpittehlrreesnancito.----: -itaktl - -4 Moire Ant►gae Sias. AS - Dates 6 Dal's, Re. Si Fifth street, a remold ittit uliorlfiesrartrieettiteodina STIP , igicee lOU bi fahruitt Diramoosevou.iin ~'-aay ether staid a dress patios', the collection is , Pere usieserlied. Carpenter Jobbing ShOp. • itATlßtraturttedlg,teranpbenunref three yews thilhilsiater are ro:OPeteinsi atop etielliafti - *fobbing in the carpenter Una. at the ale steel Thrta.Ailinbetween Senthffeld street aettObeiry 11it .I)ld.ars'soltdl.ll4 out promptly.attizOtta :1711114MX re*Juzzo , • 0f 1 Sp 610,0201:404 1 0.1rFOLY XKIMARMIPS'Pe- 41, 11°' 4 ilitlaßtilgraniAllt.ther*Wir°29 °FatstoPothalmuria,....,./4 ancasemicipage talcaolg l— PANA_ s T. u 4001.11greemobtitothi1114 'u . 711+1.7174 thit abet Os, , iiptawasioo 41 ' t!LaSciF °DO3 7. of _ ••, , 'rpm= *Parry-dr-Co" Slate Ifoofesa, Aid AMOI3OIII • Slate, of, swilitue colon. Odtee at ,Atazaadef ;A!ighltm , s, item the Water Wortir, Pittetrurst rto,e—la Oitaottoon.,_ prom 1 iroititinninlniiiiittin proof,Stppinit dpin.un &Whorled Edam No thartir'toe'repate‘•*avideii the roof Is not 1 OblOgal!ftel4 can and Sae it. :.; ' • • The cheeped static of 'Mash Itinblodi • Gish Ust• dlotonottlisdre 'senior r ams Was,' Mwr bit leasenlrtoldee stniacme insatind ,area 6131t5,511 wootD . R.Latzeir caw Itlliss..Pop4 Vas, lac, and the best stools of Domestic Goods io 1 1 ) / 44" 4 /ItO r d b . 4 boS o r. tha la f igr ailv 4 Be N 44056.40.1412441ets 11131bistili Bt= Indoes or AMU:one* price at the muddsotory.; . 1 4 P 1I ROFT. 'AN! Ketbo",;. l l 4:o ; tb DF 4ll6; FA o s *. aerotrßtVtendlittekststrieti..._ ' • ' " ' °Minton i.oita. Bao. ; . it ;. 7 .Z. rits; pale Telktivint- to R arc AM e "IPet4b;S th or e; 1 • 'Wejgd Fremet' glerinosi; ClatadMiles;-Csbugge,. searmattlegan the: Qoedit llste. We fuss Jett: brutimase istoek;pureltaged he larger -Few Troll suctios4Vratth cri are' ceiling at lesaj 1 - Stun hell what the seam gulag goblet's* saimort., We bane al4indiebettplete: stock of Mocks, pan and Willed Flan.? Agi t . 011 Add Flenneasirval pure. ; tib-• beta, the IstrAgiA24, Sod:wall he sold at rather who.Vele au retail, steam than the : Fait '113=1.210/111,101020/14t4eprpspat time: Ile aura . maw remember the place; Wit* are. neeiloSitirter . .CM the northeast comer carotid/I and Market 1314 -Oillairsos.Lotifkitao, • - Ist ti:1tt..401121..m1W-144., $ risterial :Wad, fty*, - Mai id the ease taxi itardott4mW9C - 0 0 . caeM) . 4 R•laiern4 and the • =grader of toe rebel Genera Lee was rei, entree, and taktug Advantage of the j saute rhsma. stud amowlng' the so-eaten that would ; medAirra:./ 0 0: Wallet er I the It Wing MA summer goods ag abong . asethalf at ttlithaW4Sitravatestf tlikret tausuritiali indsk.,/rbidamia lireparo ospitv,to order. on sborr nage, 120. 3 Inettitili4.l4;ifid lorw nits& Aid:dee maiment of (=Wang go.* and midp . :_>rdertothla r:frlll3 ali be 4r9P04" aft elm -f!""'"""r 44Arctligegiaarttiessic „ e r r ,- :-.Wendt of Wftek-Illifirfe: - *fil l la Ih t eleaehill %AO - it:at itantaidOr wool ifebilfelidege eTelyetay; devotedly* %than to the — .Pima' of is fair - fade which concerlf thew lambi Oar tere-is ffeallk, and, me will pa OW cowmen; tau Leto a zwashelg... Mobilise la.inelroctly the . Warm °fall slelowertirrnaturellwetAtts hamet' to r0d5t.049:18.f.0.5.!3.A1RM418! Which Prodr” Ulf loess, of acmes theyap,veleeKleas,,,,Seek strength; therefore. Inviy,oektikyeeb regulate the Wstemi a the q t iX l AP l VßlWC"frofbil(tte 11 degroef the shade; the ,pion,thlatta are enfeebled, and -- ..., . Illa week are proetellefe at spebt :a time that 4kas e 14114024YA. 1 4.... Wl' ft ta ,.. m uh 13111 flees la .urgentlY Weeded. What are tie abets of • ' Was rafieUbtfah* T r oalef !quid that all who relfslowella benefits could condense their caps . t.by iiiii iihk felesirey 1 They would !en the • to voices their health they thaw listHirteprest.Oafeplard-eistirst- the-04=1414 ....trinnencet,.-TheY.-WPlllo—wchert..., the weak so -411stard • an wirowneatea and impart %askew ' • 'gook soskethet.th .thie. wholesome end stafath airltraloand.Alterte 'boi.rth thestipwriekid ma* ".Oar would liug 10- 11 .4 1 4 3 .4 1 iJil _farsi. sea. no , Weddle of dieserile appetite raft % 8 110 fii Au* ..,..., .11 8 fadflerfla.M$PMkcfstt e t ud81 3 ..„..,,--* • ' lowed', of O.thowtscsa functions reptbsted, of bp if - i treirtablidisiiiiii;cielab ltto likit . BB ,itiffle d s ''., Weyer and wallecWo.,_ ie14 .1 4,.“. 1 26PPL 1 R-P arrel 4 t:. ' _ad, of both pilvatton and toll defied, Of hoes ,'" I s • ' ;•Weeleifired toad ofisintitlealrestored , flash are eni ~ • ; sada osaodsttie• awn. 11014 serial/harsh vTI2I - if Ir'. ,i..., , '. • '" . - sir LAS#.IIII.OIII I B Matli. , ..„ ~'... ~ , T-_---.-!--:,, _ ."- . • .-• , i , L:':,amincla- fairecriexu.satatlon•Atlarrrat of _ Rte Mat' , Dirbien of Catalfirs'lllia Genital : 1 : Vest, at San Antonio. Mathis! eite Yrer 3 itsni aoroo¢ tlis frbopa,r: --; , ~ ; ~, :7 . -, -_. f '; ; , -Yawn :Waxen: • Snacri; Lau 10teatinaied :. , .tbe snattin , at Colonel Shreabordle assault on 1 :02wisask,,Wtatelei, at. Nislorille. • fie- pads that Iri B k b u r e B canintet_, is , without masa and ' grow bin a severe reprimand. Gehenna Ttuxa. • ss Odds that Silleeler..sa &paroled prisoner was _ sthillied to protection. and that , ill others ;dad; • ' , Aral rituthed,tenisWasanaally` unarmed. ward -, -.-- - j • , i ;: 5,.. 7.110 rebel Gaye alludwifir Jackson, sz. ~, ! sayo.L; Calabar awl thwash. rebel =shahs t Ate ekEtelirline,, 1040 In Jaz ,-*.*....343 , ,ey politica prison= esespealilrom 'the i This cageBs the Knordnei all. °mow Brown i.. • ' ' lair's old place of coiditunnentinadee rebel rale. `;'' - ':, ...- Orrthakinfinthation bas toen received Mel ' ' Asti Peera boo* belonging to Genera; Sheridan's ~-ma are to be mnauaed cmt. ' AY:rd.:lit in &boler coat, New rods. a tps thin comb; drilled _ BB MS tIY answer .the pup= at a cannan,,was used by 0 party o rips men to rire a asluth on the Occasion of ... that place of. a cenple from ; ' ' _jail- - tail ne__. 12 1001 1 S ea . 818 g 8ur ; k g/ a' it oz. " vow. klding!two of the t ill 8 8u; 1 8 1$1 ! i l -forteOben 88 twill that ', rknees, were a f: ' '1041., °ft ', '' ' 1 I itiEMPOADRACA DART GEST7I3. . liinsrovmha, Crizteroun Co., i August 58th, 1605. Deis 012E1721:—Alter various peregrine. thins aced &ie.= wandiringi„ both throtigh the dominions of Circle Sam and his amiable cousin, liei &Mann= Majesty, I arrived here one day last week withthe View of making a tour of ob uivation through the oil regions to satisfy a , per sonal curibilty, ' and collect. If passible, some items- of-Interest end intelligence for your readers. I proceeded about half way. towards Sianklin, when I finind - thrd I catarrhal Affec tion contracted through the Scldene= of dams Wegher r and amginented by hitilit - ediethetate mactice, atxd very Mprehenaltde ' conduct, of COW U ll. l'o l ' l 6* Whotoost always Itkie the w in. .. dove of the car open.- though - 11 should be mid winter' andulg Bonms - were harettnehis sides, .proldbitedlede frogs going lisrther at present. I ant under Alie ugeeselty .11 "putting back for =paths." hiesdirillelasigrown tap during the last few mars: - In th• -•evesurhs Sffirtbsposalition Ii esetlintri at hid than t thoisand; now A ebdmed- to be between eight nine thousand. This rapid growth is bated to difere= causes. The chief cause is Its close proximity to the "oil regions." But the opening of the Atlantic & Great Western Hallway has contrib uted no little= its present size and prosperity. The A. & G. W. R. H. will soon be an Immense corporation. It does everything on the grand est scale, end in the most. trubstastlal • euttner. I have been told by gentlemen who live aloes its line;suldleeie s , gitiod; &gib of - =slams to transact, that It is one of the moat generous and liberal corporations with which they have vary Vastness transactions. The "hicHeory House" which is owned, or st Teat controlled', by the compare yis the test railroad hotel I have ever seen. In the point of bleanariese, order and cul inary art it. comes useless:m.lf not altogether, to the Continental aisdoeher ftrahelass hotels,whilst In the matter of. attendance It surpasses any thing I have ever seen.. The waiters do every tbleittit rallwayspeett. ' , Perhaps the "mimes" are coo numerous formate travellers. - It is true no one one b hound togo through the whole bill from soup, to co ff eit, It leaves a little regret that f &met a Jildieetto the rich puddings, crispy pies lusetons means, smashes and other fru% and good thhigs;lsbeath irhich Om table gnosis, lest h igh er ght " get left." The ire Ls somewhat than in other places, bu t so far as we were concerned we did not grudge the additional charge. I have been Informed that the amount of business which Ls done on the Franklin Branch Leto 'Domains': grad that the company are about to put down heavy rails, whit)t could not be procared when the road was built orizinally. ' ~ SO far. from dii”Nrishing It IA said that travel In thine regilros is =creasing. Tho MISS Of Peo - moving to metro Is really astonishing. As pi gaze on the wafting crowd le the capacious depot awe - feet:like: bolt= Into every man's manta:name-to ascertain If :possible what his testiness% - , The particular department -engaged In.erahout tO hem may nothe ebb toguesi,but, almost every teee speaks, on,,.oll; oIlL:The inter, rush Is fol'ithole. :The/oh nothing ebb talked of now.' TitutvilWoll:cltyp and-many other Plum' as of Pe MORI 'ars selestly ever men. Hof easept as atisbina i en the line tower:is the mard — - depot. - Ilid Vitra ord. bundreda caning away disappoloted.mery• Ass-Am& Slthole. They are swathe 1 thither. by the report that wises are bighritrut en their Arrival ealttlot.real ice for their ugTleet crois-thlrd of what thafea. peered. Many are rettroln — every day:much wiservatswerati more In he consent with what they,gremerdent at hese. - . ~ &me otmwritingetttheNti regent" bee ie marhofthat 'ocean canna live on a idetut" This Mid Us verification at Mole. Ii is said that mod water Is very stares Share. Some for tunate felknsivas lam Inteemed, struck a flow -114481 Of Inger adjacent ",t4 the 'city a .Wl'l time aloes, Which. be sells .the well , far two shillings a bone and - delivers though the city far one dollar, the pertheser of Weise fronisb. lug his own barrel in either Mess. • i do riot Some whether this is tree or, not, bid I sot, it from q authority. If true It is about= good are as Condition nr Thula in liAlladetidda. Corstrpondem bf Lhe-Pittaburgh Claims PUTLAI3I Mout 28th, NO, To the Editors of the Pittztearph Gazette: GEST/MUM The Jobbing trade bra has held on well throughout the spring and summer. and still continues. Many Southern merchants have been here, the old familiar faces well-known to97.lo l :6llßaussis PCO ra the keeihtePre't9t &war. Itme who were able have paid Men et oithet bair. delis:Bono bl hilt dams in the shape of en arrangement. Thossof our mer chants who had long since given op these dabs as hopelcas, have willingly made Free ifsinvole with all who were able to pay 'in fall; to that bus far the mectlap Alva .bitetrVerT amicable, and large VP/titles of merchandise have been cold to gettonth. Tito- Soathem trade enlaces c=etWildi or_ former times. There are ead dealers' who meek to recommend themselves to the favor of the Southerners by ,denotmelegabolltion and/ming:the whole ligare for cceserTmloe. oriiniknoir what that article le) ' l 3 o tile' of the Relsohllcan houses here Buffo' a little in'edasepreart,trit nbt Met, therSousti mars being too Sail= to mama their formes 1 relations and ,get creel. SO be Pori Policed*? `about these/ of those from wham they buy, . I did hear in topspin that some of the Copperhead Istouseitad tersorted - to the ahem] 1 doe of employing young men who bad been 1 rebel solMers.te go throxightliellantb drumming for tretellobt latterly I hailthdard-uothing of it The recent troubles in the basinats world have canoed Tads kW five failures here sannig the johherilalrbl'obiAinlifty glom ere no% of Mach consequence. eerie to-shierlha drift of 'ants.. a general thing our merchants are doing a • safe - business ' - and the oecadoilll SLUM :of a j house producers'iso effect -opein -thee current of, trade. In the courser of the war a few large , 'boasts have' gresepraportterag.trut - the ! - int =lce' of:the Museehas been either to Muhl.. ply the number of sniall jobbers, - 4111651 and 1660 the two great vaimislons crushed out co "many :firms hem as toles" the Wholeboollocee of •Feitattelphllt straormvith - Abe wrecks. I Not i half the jobbers survived theta meshes.; lint the MAO after eysatrAfaS dosed woe wonderful. ; , 80.1.40 'a tedttelltet•lklas tintnbee, of )(Men ahem' the whale ottbsvettiOalm mut unariidahle Maness of the earl, 1r1 ; % ut hahandave.thezur-i L,fialng.hconnk-hleir. monc tiaae 'pitying' Off ' oases -MU' even seining eae4y of there/tiniest hPre th eir ie tt l _ji -leithlr!. Vim tzeintedents %real° Whitt the war gews rise restaieltatedneetly ill &Wrest of thmi ; who ha 4.. gone- mt.. when, peace , canto the wealth militia bad beciimid — - 60"' great! that ~O. O ty ,g r . Eller/teen' eolleequentl ttet;oltt , vices 'cialdi wale 'Mbrethbo 1 Momentary - trouble. The! epecubstive fever -which-raged -50-11ercell In ca.! mining end'other!finopetocks took away the ist. ! lotion of many business men from trade, and' earthed umah'disfraction. Idanyuiede large nami of money, bet the majority were educed , and as' a consevenee hisiis wer e to.thetr i - regular business- sadder but wiser men. The skinning of tradeauen by Laney snots operatives . Is now about euded, and the trade of the city guiles ewe. In. consequence. The capital realized in the warts nmettpgoing MO business of some kind. Manufactures, except of Iron; ebratagenewed activity, and are bacon/log.of fa; greeter luiportance than aver.'r In uterch=dis Ira also ;here la a fresh infusion of strength„.and .`the banks &visit - Much more ablotb assist triad: than formerly ,, W. '[de A ,aadoue i _Lontalana LanAi. 4P'Zi:Pf. Q/ 10 0 IsfrAitß . 2EIW fishes a krn, g lig. Of the lan ds hove bees abandoned hyttuar °alien and are 14 :4 w prae npeelel sitnat of,ibiareasnrY De? pertinent. Their abandonment dates In 1.8631 . 3564 miCIB6S. :1.!..:7) J ° Dl 2 9/1 -r ant i l g on i 8 ,99 0 leres.inLatoarehal Johnson; Wocriiiii, - 3,006, 'MN PMPerg' 9 1 . 10,q. an d De S. Cast 'Taylor , . 2,400 scree :In Bt. Chariest property ofrillehad Taylor; Whttehead's lower plam-1,860 acres. in Bt. Charles. property of B. Whitehead; Charles G. Payne's..-In - 84 Charles' Henry Doral , e. Mount Hotlines, In talon' Ilobutln.a." fine= Bros. in Lafonrche. The lessee of all those places, whether own. pied brWblnskor bleep, ceps January 1, MC All pay to the gammon agent a certain pro- =ofgross crop• ringing from one twen. one-illth; and nearly all here paid a moderates= of money In &dram as forfeg, and eecurity." - - • Omr. Sow=n lately tealligatered a plot rai buke to malswinink cantor an dinner riot tLing whai caned on for a aestiniant, an taking a glass QS wen Whig band. he said: "Gentle! ma, lam /two the Mira of /mendon rk back on my Btate. I Ore y,, ttitt Males law, the the true heTteage of the , sole Mar innitt SuUnrer. the learned tdactemith. rei toady "Reduce! U. B. amsnlat Vaal at. Sir: minutiae', bra met with s most eordliq u e it U v. 391 Uon Eastland, where tile remarkable meets and bin instredlve work' have **tea AO for Lim a very high reputadoe. • A OILa eur ing hat Dee WWI cm Solomon rim, Pausal, from which now. an Inch strewn of waxer. One gallon of the water makes a halt pint gash. Mono,' tub realized io Os, $55,0 . 00 from, {he eaW ot ',Two, Arica," VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGBASIL 20.ELCIP3ML OIL CITY. Another Strike on Pithele. JURE 4T TrALXIIT BEAD Spedal Dispatch to the Pittiburen Guilt° On. Hrrr,Angrun 29. No. fifty four, on Holmden Farm, on Platole struck a two hundred barrel well tli dsT , There was a fire at Wahine Pend today, and three hundred barrels of oil were Mused. The Cherry Ron and Pit-bole 011 conspasu struck a fine show of OH :0410'bl . Hier new Well on the Island. MBE EMS OF BASE BAIL Plkildelptda the Vidor in two Contests. 411 E INMIRBAWALAY -COUNBL. The Btu& 'ot-PArdon Seekers. APPLICATION FOR RELEASE OF R, M T. RUM, Statement of the National Debt. NEGOTIATION OF ANEW LOAN UNTRUE Vail .Ithntv Hctgeta `Bin mu t= 0 . 0 Chloe, THE 011 1 / 3 14180 - TO • PICEEDIM Ppecistphpatili to thaTittsbettab Dasitte, RMOUDIMPIIIL, August, 29. . . - t,, challenge ihatch between th e ithictle Bale Ball Club of Yliflaielphls:, and the Natibmd Clad ofiVelblegton, D. C., was played at Washing= ton an Monday, and was won by the Athletic. Another match between the Key stone Bast Ball Cast, of Philadelphia, and the Eureka Club; New York, wasiwon hem On Bane! day by the Keystone Club. Thus: Philadelphia has Iron at all the recent tourneys. The withdrawal of Wire's counsel yesterday was ;Respected to lam, and. &straw& him argeh.. He begged dam cot to deeert, idierigth he shed loin; but they *Ey told him they conid-do to more for him. It ii expected that Judge AdrOMM Chapman will. movie today to employ some - counsel far the defence whom aormesad the respect of the coact. President Johnson was again, overwhelmed yeaterdativith tordon - seekers: - Sohn 441 AD- drove Selina; orvlrShide, Irma amnestied. flydasiyernor Dania; or Georgia., ,Linton obtained ea tutertievr-to, • Inter- COI° kr Aleiside44 StoPliene; MM.& Hunter. is cptlipinOrkli Etteretary Scniard, had is tatervlafi with the Wellhead sulattre to the release offihMter filen - Fart ridaskL. ~ ChittfltatineChaseiuM a long interview with theyresident. . :The lassional debt Statement will not be - put. Ushed oisSeptimber gist. - Jay Cooke espa Simla no Mtn whateaer . to the mod propagated bp - New -Toth sensation PaPeasi alleging that Secretary litenticcb9s Stant to Vtgotisie a new loan of Afly millions of doter& It wee got up for stockjobbing pun. loses " SO far from needing a loan. the Mammy a in an easy condition, and the Secretary hue all the money he wants for public use to meet present demande-the recelpts from tales, cue tome, sake, etc., being eery large. The public debt atatementi 'will probably be hereafter published every two weeks. postmaater General Dennison has contracted with the Pantie Mail Steamship Company to =My \ the malls tetweere Han Freed= and Cblaktria X,Ccuseltda. at , arconmesunstion of fire beenthisithornend doliarelortareilve round 111,pa. the Orspany to build fear Bret clek) American aide wheel steamers of 3,100 tons each, the Ira steamer to leate San Francisco before the drat otinzmir'y next. . • The croclUes tatheßrtadmea, which is alleged to have occurred in Alabama. took plate at the time of oueflret crectriertkst 1n remote dlatrieta, wberethera werenotroopo. Thonghmarderamill occur the agent says that, Ws fib scolant of cotton steeling, and that-the matter Is being remedied. W. TIE PIM= IH misasuu Vinantiol Condition of ttie Coirrnmel THE PACIFIC MAIL CONTRACT Luirestigatiim of tlWtipur* sof Clot Loaaiis. EXTENERVII 81117GOL,ING-9PERATIONB New Yana, MMUS Z2.—The Herald's Wash ingress : special rapt-, col. BanturiThortuns, As- &Watt Corensiationer -6r ihttermiii: the situ. of Idiuktdpid,' reports from ;Vicksburg tinder Woof August 15th. that out of MAO freed- men In the State. onl7 SCOG aretratesided by the Government. Five thousand freedmen a.-e Leg a good Beteg by cutting wood in the formic. The Cedored.Amoistar--ss farmd ass, repoxtett to I be doing finely, and in a short time the help at ended byal . Fs, (erten ;Meaty - will fro gradiudly withdrawn. About ten Unusual bides of cotton arfilpredifeed Art lecoee-Ahet• tarp on-: deitairenile'etatire 'allies staple: ip the, to-1 wrier of the Btato the corn looks promising. The. PetitiiWliceatitettlhinicuistracted their. labor, are working and,Oting 6 better idea of, . their eon The mote in telligent and ho e crl bi klissiosippl. are represented as willing to nein in developing the new , order of things by • the employment of Interest and mane, but they, cannot he wide to , tee the feasibility of the pro= Jena escalated to secure the - independence and; mons of the freedmen. _•• • The Tinto' Westdegtod special laya: We learn autbertattvely-that the Government than • I cis] condition limy, and - the Secretary of the Treesmy,swlll , be able. to, MA. all &mends ' with the meinethat he has at blt co m od.' No statement of the pub lic debt will be made cm the first of September. - Postmaster Dernlson.. has 22:0422, accept' eel thetender of the -Pacific .Steamstilp company,. Allen McLean President, of the - 30.11 Steamship contract between Ban Frarudetn and China via -Honolulu, with -the Sandwich Islande authorized by act of Congress, and ap •greeed Fehnierli,lfttritteb. The - letidef of .the, • stifle Mall Steamship. company . wad . the 9 01 71 one rectivedatieSbr *spite: The tenisperisatiod therefor, le 5500,000 per year: for the Erin- 1 ante of fatielyis !Min d trips between San Oise° and Tbsorlfrng. Chlud;touehlng . lain, in the-Sandwich 'Aland', sad Gnome Las • . The company are building for the terries .nr first data. Am side, side, wheel steamers of feceS" - W..w. 'tWOlfive , bonfire to four Ikons.; Gree:hbrdee each, Goearonient measure ;: bile be .constructed- . .bf.the , hest, =Wigs old after, the •most, onsOved:.,,modeli with all the, laden 'improvementa; adapted to lee going etelltapi . or - the first ciao. The first steamer is It. leave Ban Francisco with malls for Japan mil • Mae oboe berme the of January, 1867, and the tate of the Centred. is lobster( rare from' tide 9f the milling of the ATM Meander !Om thud'raft: • - A try metal [to the Muse, dated Washington ;the 25th, earl 2 The official madly sent down; by the Treasury Department to Inverslgste the arms of Colonel Loomis, SPlCiAl'ldeet of the Treasury at Itlehmemd. has returned and reporti everything correct in his department. The BeerttarYof the Treasury has lately re ceived intelligence of extensive aterunding bro.' rations on the Canada border. Silks, Mull dregs and other importatleason which there is a-lugh rate of duty hare lately come into the weetr7,evading a lt duty, in large quantltiesi The detectives of this amrent are on the track of•a amber of auspected parties. Tba able Commissioner of..Cestoms„ N. Sargent, hati ,hecia,dlspatelot by Secretary McCulloch to the Canada line, art the purpose of giving his per-i sonar atTeollehfe to the matter. Gen. , Grant—Grand _Tournament of the - Colitareople of Alexandria. . Nair i r ony. ? August 29.-,Thei Times' Wintl 1120,02sDMla1 of the 29th. says: General Grant la not expected .to return for soon tLtno yet * probably not /by two weal& Great 'manillas are making .by tho colore4 people of Algrandna. A grand um:name:lt IA to emu piton tbn bist; la expected to ter, saN!! anything that has has:taken plaeo on this ado ot tho dyer In style sad do , DIN P= Y, AVGITST SO. 1865. TOB IYIB2 MILITARY CONISSION. Rcamnattleattou etsqn the Muter. WASIIINGTON. August 29.—The petsoner wai brought into court at 10:30. _Judge Advocate Chapman said he had a com munication from the prisoner which read am follower OLD CAPITAL PRIBOTI, t. WAsUrserrOu, August 29, 1865. S Cotond N. P. Ohaprnan, Judge Advocate of the .5.21/itarg Cornmtttion: I most respectfully ask the Comm!Woe as I am hem:demo to laud for my cowman, Messes. &hada and Daker..ria./ understand that on my most fervent entssatlea they have consented to again appear forme: . They understand my ease, and know sty witnesses and papers. Hoiskag the Ccuninlislan icantcuy request, I alga at:vault matarespectfully• -•-• :. • IM3M! Late Captain and A.ll. 0.. 0. B. Idajor said that 11 there was ndobjectlob the gentlithen would bi sant for. No objection Wag mum and therConnnission being disposed to afraid proper means (or de fence, an orderly was dispatched for Messrs. Baker and &hada.- . The Court wee then cleared for about three quarters of an hear, and when the doors were opened the.record of yesterday was med.-, hiesme. biker and Ichadbisigrelii aopetred In court as oatmeal for Wire. The room was more erowded.thsa heretofore epectifols, reser womenbelng In the crowd. Dr. J. G. Bay wawa:ailed. and being examined by Assistant Judge Advocate Etosmer, testidod that he was on dirty - at- AndersonvUle• he was nudes' the - Immediate charge of Dr. Bierrenson the hospitaLwas s dsplorablecendltine, there not being Rihffinitit enpplyg,Ltentirand banks; there were no comforts: he was told there were betweeti Hf,Gotitift4T4ooo,qettOtlera there; he did netted much - dllilenity In obtaining medi cines,. oteepting ' a %fell -of the MSS article. The men presented — lite most. horrlbla specimens rJ humanity two's= saw. A large number of them were affected with Gee worst kind of - scurvy. He attributed the sick ness to long confinement, estoeurce and the eb senee of the malteds °Titre. ' There ware mag got& le thaswamPllear thetteopltal, the malaria from Width had a arose Wei effect upon the pa tients. The Insects, or whits ants with wings, were Each u result from the eyed animal and vegetable matter, they were so numerous that It was dangerous for a man to open his month at sundown. - Witness, heard that there was a dead lloey and one of has patients was killed, bet he did not see him shot. !Ele stated the &cum, stamen underwhicle the prisonets were, when Wirsbad commend of them. All the surgeons came to the denelesion that Wire had full an-- Cheritjoyer Drip:Don under General Winder. He bad seen the chief Clerk of Dr. Jams, beck; ed. and on. In nixing the reason was informed that the yaniabmaaf was inflicted by order of =Morita by Ifr. Baker. The hospital 11314, Shoat which he had testiled and -with whl delleseles for ths sick were swehased_ was In esteem when he west to Andaman - WA. During the mouth of Yehriterl or Xatelk tat% $5,000 In Othoßridarattemoney was drawn-from thelmed., wuAndersonrilloeix Mitithas and the buckbegwari the onlirlattatuta of cruelty: to bed beardof .The mulled mull , UM of thaprespital was better ;after Dr. Clayton . emnitherm Cepteln Witt eterelsol no terve lefleenee ayes Gm lersteer PhySklerettiste he did nee Dr, e. Atomicities!' the draft looks reuse until On veep ,seretibeir Dr. H„A. tueloUft tettlded that - ire was on duty at Xnnipolte, tram Kay Z3Ol to thoWth of May 1865. He attended to over 2,000 of the returned prisoners from An densaaville. They were refferter frotnolotmte diarrhoea. _seamy. _and other _tittered. Borne Were* In_ ft. ;drag - conditittn, and others obis tad to be taken In the hospital before Gary acquired atietgthsciongh tobritaken home. The disease from which death ensued mare that, 'from any other =se was chronic diarrhea. This resulted from the lamaclestond improper food and exposure. Very little, attention iris paid to their amdlikuoild Anderaddivilie. He was shown the photograpliqf a firing skeleton, and said be had loan =Oaf the pls. °nem arrive In a Wailer condition.. Coss examined by Mr. Baker—He knew edi ctal that, the each were from Andemonville. Ha had. seen men reamed ;to the condidlon shown in the photograph. Witness was rega. !arty educated In Doman, as a plush:lan. Marin Ullasan tanned as to lies havlruebesso a Palmititrat AndtrannyMeprena. - , Id was In a miserable condition; as bid as It pedal* could be. The men were im thick that they could ecartely elbow their way. He cue testified to the horrible quality of the food and Its Injurious *T eta, curb as the half baked corn bread which we a asuri and ito beef, when It was famished, was even of a more in ferior quality. The men afflicted with seam WOIIK crawl upon the ground. Very many were Insullidently clad. and barehurrowed Ia thegroune. As to hoards. he was brought tack to prison by, this agency; he had seen Capt..Wirs with braids trying to cute the track of an bumped palemusr. For at tempting to maps from prism 'about the Stb'ef October,,!iSdi„ after- the inceo, obscene. anus Dom Copt; Wirt, he Was' &staled bythe Meek and fest and remalara thsr• hcmrL When the prisoners were -being renewed from Andersonville to Milbm, the witness saw Capt. Wits take a man by tne collar bmatme be could pot walk faster; the man wee so wore by disease that he could - notrthroweg the man on highs* be stamped upon him; be saw tbenanbleedlag; and he died a short time after. In the dissect. leg morn he saw hundreds In the pursuit of heolelOdge. arrsrlug and opening the bodies. Cross examined by ter. Baker—When he ee. esped he took with him *knife to protect Uwe from bans If necessary. It was • Confederate Suneeron's knife, ankh ho taken without - His conmanlotts who left with him: wedded blutwithlt revolver and Ilve loads. We fired at the party trtwi were Monniter as. Bad the were kendingithedores attar us. He was pit is the - riga• the Preslamt-14. Do you believe you could have enated.ont of prison without signing • P• 10011 had alined a paro'n of honor I should here enspected It. . • ; Thinerces-ezatainaUon -was friither continued. IT. D.giestra taitlfied Matins Ilia {JUNII7OI4O 'States rervleewas, , es end - sent to All. deettatAidr'Affittailith rte Ant' mull otind enen:..l3taintraa. width:lent inicomutoda.• :thin then but Uothers woee sdad atterwird;' it became \ bad and the • saes began to be aleted WittdtlarlotT of disetstle. They lay on the ground and were not protadod from thaireather - -In April-a/May 1804111P plies were received from thh Mete.; ;Some ,Taould, breader cake was thrown °ear the dead On - e'er= readied beyond the line for • piece of mouldy este when the gorrd man shot him, Resew another after he bad- been abet In the abdomen. Ha had seen men In the-chain Mg with eons? -- bands around their- necks. Some were punished for trying to make tneir escape. Witness had peen ioneral Wider at the Felon. A ntunber of the prisoners n rushed mite see him, when he told one men to stand beck, and gave orders to fire on theme who ap proached nearer than fifteen feet. . The witness was for a long time eross•exam- Wed by Mr. - Baker--Wire called 'him a d—d, Yankee 1011-of-ath. A • Man 'poke back when Wha drew a moire! aid told Mai he End& kill him. The. man was gent to". the stocks, where he remained twelve horn. • The court at a quarter put' font **cinch id puma. • . . i 3 '.l!;cp..m4t-tc*ljA.,o-so' Iteviittf of the .atristlati FORM MGM It US mmunn. Ths reterevan Erwges fting &paired. B„ . arr Tome, August 89.—The Richmond Mfg of yesterday says:. Tbo widely . known religious journal of Richmond, the CluM.Advocutr, ed.. ited,by„ Bar, JetuesA. Dilnuani - fOr - Vlginia Annual Conference of the trf. E.Tharch South, will resume publication on the lit Thursday In September. Some of the ablest pens In the churchwill contribute to, its columns regularly. The Lame paper also states that foreign Motels ere cow lying in the Jame, receiving freights for torture peen._ such ea flour; tobacco. dz. Three lie at City Point and three et Bermuda Hundred. One in loading for Liverpool, one for . London, one for Prance. with, Brunch tobacco,: and three far Branum.' The Petersburg Eldiread Midges, spanning the James dyer, and at Richmond, which *me &stoned by fire an the ad of April last, will soon be replaced by neat and substantial atm- WU. ' The - Is4 bland Relined Colllsien. 4 Na* To Aurae. 29.—Tb • Coroner's In quest in the matter of the Long Mind Railm id contain, is lag on at Jelmans. Th e Malmo. ny LB go conflicting, but mat of it is to the effect this coltish:in was entlrel7 owing' to the inexcnsable nqiect and carelessness on the part ditto zallro employees. EXtraille flank .flobberY• Cumortmo. ;Almost 20.—The Wellington National Bank. sa Wllllngton, Ohlo. was robbed list night of frenn 670,000 to $lOO.OOO In govern ment heads. Al! special denostta and the ProP*. My of {kabala were tintnejleds FRO? JACKSONVILLE, FLORI OA. Work of Political Regeneration. STATE SOVEREIGNTY AS/MORRO iirw Una, Aug. 20.—The Tribune'. letter from Jacksonvtile, Florida, says : The inhabi tant' aro much bewildered at the situation in which they found themselves. In the work of political .-regeneratian, many ere prognesstng hopefully. Butte sovereignty Is abandoned. Se cession and nullification are caned "political humbugs." Calhoun was an _iAlot. Oligarch, tits are enemies of millet:kind: Yankees are not to IlesebeeeePPl:4l. Thpy want no more re• bellion; can whip France and England togetner. Slavery, by that name at least, is gone. They sPeal!Of nimpers who were their stars." Occasionally they call the rebellion by that name, and speak of thelinifed States Government as " our government." There is reason td, expel ibra wise statesman ship, thonmalltaa7 rule, intone. time, and ptvyof•tastretan will •retrand the -Bentham States. and make their' latter glory exceed their farmer. Clorsiderin the be* - lidaing &Outlet the people of Tied& heire suffered, they have bentithenelves onetly, submissively and well, TbeY have been &pitons to bow well of the Government thatthey might dolt. They have beat those pitillatess and malichmsnesNwhach hive.'belittled and disgrace& the Virginian. Wenn. of no plow or conitanatkem to =bar na Montan those in command. Good falth, trio knewand'lmmerly have .chart; their Mal are diet petplaged Cid . din% inter what-to bath all emergencies Ons profound- Wen a m r r u e d sk Itsa n sth m e pe ' n U thd d ed lSt tota th A ed l e ' I t C t of, bunch:me the military fora) cat be safely witbdriwn and the forums of Florida commit ted to evil power. there is =eh to be scent pllalus4 Tine prejudice of many thrreholders Agelmaltho etopleyment, of freedmen must be . rooted cut. They • -9.0 see In - slater/ noth ' leg bet personal taste and pleurae, political powernad social pronsulty. In Its absenes, poverty, loneliness, weakness. disgrace and nanatrealy projects', and plena are under dia . main for restoring the Wabsysues =or slavery, though another name may have to be given to the creators In Its new garb. One plan Is tp place by authority, prices upon labor without the consent of ' the laborer. Another la as the employer anthatity to use the whip as of old, and to catch runaways wherever found, and another is for planters to enter Into a solemn agreement and to firmly bind themselves to employ no hands but their own nehmen, end Mu , Compel the Freedmen to stay at their old home and is- Wien such terms as thelr theta masters may prescribe. This desire to keen the negro!' In their iarenercondition,' does net proceed from 'OorgaWnkod • ifickeenem, bet from education and the dractive of Southern SM. The work ' Or ISl:Nlarnarn muse not be Imnfed„' NA our thlyealety IS In smorleg slow. Nowthla anal la abollabed. time should nevelt to the &MA enspeople to beonne elethed inthekright mind, and to Indy the spina°, oar COnswrnth'ws so Oro Mate of the great sisterhood of the *State* bottegeneona aaiWD, far "*be Purpose : of creating haste n oV pllicn gent is soon as the parties, composed of native Flosidans, army Mho= sad State of ficials, tztelndlnir the Governor, will visit differ- Maporthationhe Stale and address the people upon thshew arudgrpat• questions which are be. fore them. General Foster will lam nothing. =done which L calenlsted to solie the difficul ties in hand. It li hoped that Governer Marvin will be It no baste to leleigerate Mite* govern ment,,lat give the moral elements time to make so Imprecision upon the masses. If p heproceeds no faster ft organizing Man the imple do ln getting ready to adopt a wise policy, his path will be smooth and pleasant, and his stemma certain. . There la 'at. present considerable Ildmess it tho Capitol, mostly of a Mous and ague character. The cause is hot medlar and the surrounding lakes and swami* Tbe Governor's health la mislead. and he has done DM little business for some days. Gown Foster has gone to St. Atignstino on a brief vist. to las Maly. At daelmenville the cotton, ter, toga, tureen ana.sol lumber business Is on the Increase. More cotton ill' be shipped trout that port this soeson, than thy other in the south. Tee rail road is redoing a large business. New buildings t s ry e i e S r M t l e Sl d t eOrOg en that w W Un s j u u d s sed e th n ou e g r h e a bloody war. Union leagues are aPringbag up all over the State, and people are jut beginning to talk of pohleal matters. Anti.Uatcoasts are very quiet. They evidently have no heart for public ants. FROM• WAS AND AIIiXICO. Interview Between the Muican , . azd Gen. Ortega, ON 4LICA DECLARED IN FAVOR OF THE REPUBUCANS New You; Aagtud 20.—The Itlhane Drinressill*, Tema. corresoolid=d, Allguet Tdk. says: Thla evening Beam Robles, Mexican Kin- later of Public Worts, time over the river on a eloit and was received by General Ortega, who gave him a quiet reception at Uelor'a house Among Mt:Attests . were Generals Tferizet and Dooper. Alter a pleasant repast,.at wfileh friend ly sentlecents were ceellanged, they broke up, flcoor Robles recrossing the riven Sam Pom , en and °Arend Ortega are Tor to be on their way here, and are looked Tor daNy. The suit of these two dialer:Jibed Literals Bann to Wet to something to be done on the Rio Grande. 411 quiet eking the deer at present: The iteraltrs Vera Crag correspondent of the nth thel26lll or the' lan{ 'Mouth the Urn of Zormolims dechtroditaelf in tamer of the gepablie: It is , the* chief town' of one of the wet morolotte dist:Acta of Vas-Ord:A tries 1105 adjacent to Orizaba god' ecitendi to the toot of Mats llsdre, which slopes to. thikowit south of this place; the• wholaseetion as ter maWince, inc We, being devoted to the/tepid:nom cuss, indeluinsutadcd (literal ewes. nye tuanared wen, snug srtua gond flats are otsleraining , the Indepeadcuse of Zoegolloa, Webb Soo diallnit Of lenellete be easily con • tittered.' • A of Austtlans- who =Shad tor Olinda with the Intention of *hipping the twozerection ists, fell Into en ambush on the road, and were forced th take tonight, leering thirty dead On the tield. A few dap since the Austrians met with another reverse to the north of ?noble, In which, according to the antlunity of a Maim paper, one company of Infantry and _gfty dre• =fell victims to the Ming of the Repub. - special, to the newspapers of this country idtorf that in addition to the court maims ! en counters are coasted, almost. daily,, taking Place between•the Imperialists and •Repablicans, in which the losses In Eliot elate range from twenty to thirty and, is Imultred or more Oa Each side sato:Tqwe 3013110:1 rtefogitee to be peoirepc4,4 the ,Bonth. NEO YOU, Jkolitustgl.—ThollenstFa Wash ington special says t The =Ord of General - Crocker were taken In charge by the military trathcaltks soon after 'deep, and removed from the 'embalmer's' to a 'room. to Wlhsrd's Motel MI & morning. where bendnabl 'called to view them during Wedgy. Every posalble honor was pale them, by onier of GesterikAmmr, and a handsome Infantry and cavalry esbmt mom. pealed them tothe depot atsleo'clock, this am ity. Colonel P. T. Hudson, Of General Grant's staff, has been detailed to travel In charge of the body, and Colonel Preston to attend on Mrs. Crocker. The Tribtmes special says: The Government' having notified the Ptervisional Governors of the Southern Stela that it I. ready to re•oyea all the postern= as speedily as loysl men can be found to fill them, the Senate being orovld• ed with postal facilities as fast as practicable. During MONO week one hundred and eighty six offices were reopened and sixteen routes let, covering eleven thousand m iles in length. The Post Office Department!" now preparing edam- Gement' fbr the South Ibr all its oudi routes, contracts to commence July Ist, 1886. The tutees to he peld are to be considerably ]ari l . than formerly, and it is theintentkra Of the De mtmost to render the expenses etches° routes if possible, smaller than the receipt. The Navy Department is now busily engaged in the printing of the compound Mimed bearing .notes, 510.000,000 of which - have bees Muck of The order for the bane of 140 4 000,000 was received &few days sham' There are now in and mound Waddington seven regiments the Veleran:Reserre Corm, numbering In the f ig Mate but 1,0 am, and commanded by two hundred commissioned ,ollicera. The consolidation of then organize. tlons would remit In tha mustering_ out of a ivt ono hundred and flftyoMters. FROM WASHINGTON. The Trial of Jeff. Davis. APPLICATIONS OF STEPHENS OD lIINTER. Preetaestation by the President Wisrmsoyou, Anent 29.—The trial of Jeff Davis will take place before a United Ent= Circuit Court, but what particular one baa nOt yet bees designated. There seems to be no tuf potence attached to the flet that the Brand Jun of the District of Columbia some months sines found a true bill against him for co/atm/dye treason in sairdleg his troops to °Petal's atfabist Washington in the summit` ir 1564. I The Gand Jull - of the Court at Kligr4ll4 has indicted him for treason, for there Davis, harangued the peo ple against the rutted States 4ovezu2nent. The trial, however, =mot soya** piece In that town or any other place lifthe Tenth Judicial District, for the reason Itudithe neon occa sioned by the death of Amelia= Justice Carols haa. not been filled. As the mffitary operations against the United States were directedby orfta t t a Ten from RIO/Mond, It is probable the wil l taka place at Norfolk, Virginle, in which event Chief Jura= Chase will pmside, as that State is en-. braced in. the Judicial Circuit assigned to him.. Bewesentellons in behalf of 0. fL Stephens, Ind lk. H. T. Hunter, and otherjatimlnent re= , leaders lave ben made to the Executive author., tip. but thershaa bean no decision to their rat spectiva cased. • • The counsel for Wlir, 54 they will mturan at, least one hundred and fifty witness, If so, : these, with the wftriesses called for the prune u. tiati_, will mate three hundral In all to eaza= Am, Prilab4_ extending tho trial to three months. 4 lan tustrue, as istated low of th e that the has granted pardons ti : 4 6 eirt. on J. Pillow, lass General In the rebel army, 0. P. Nlchobson, ex-Unlied States Senator, and at one time Bolllofof the Washington Mors, Wm.. Williams.. A. Flamm and 0. P. Lucky, of Tanmsm, and ex-Goy. Aiken, ; of. South Carolina. These applies:lc= have not been acted on by the President. The bete ball contest to-day was between the ffaikinal of this elm and their. gamut, the As. Ludas of New York. An immense crowd wit nessed the =teal, and largely partook of the attendant excitement. The ffationaPahad evi dently Improved upon their effort ofyesterday, when they were defeata4 by the Pill • elphia Athletics, but the /Wanda, as anticipated, came off conquerors, continuing to retain their championship of the United States. The acorn staid thirty-four to nineteen. The accident to GeneralNef,of Penisylnul4 last nighl, is More serious than wails; the time supposed. He MAMA stewed fratallus street corner when he was Inockeddoin by • horse, which was ridden at a rapid rata. He is slightly injured : intim belt temple and by a brae tun of the left shoulder. HL ribs are supposed to be a ff eded. He was spitting blood to-day. . The =owing was Lined this afterifoott , Bp Via Praia= of Ms Vatted Rtatea of 4merkd. Memo, By my' Proclamation Of the 13th and Nth of Jane, 1865, removing the resets.- .. dues in port upon Internal domestics and coats wisainterearneand trade wildaheStatesrocently dechred in roam real" certain =dries exempt Man the effect of said pro on as contra band of Van sad The nermulty for restaiethqr the tra de In said articles Us now to vast mess= cksed. It Is hereby ordered that on and after the lads of September, 14365, all the:carted:ins be removed, ao that articles declared by said modsonstion to be con traband of war may be Imported Into, and sold In en/ Sat es, subject only to Gael male fic.= as the Secretary of the Treasory • mal pre smite. • In tentrOOny whereof I hive hereunto set my bend and caused the seal ef the United States to be affixed. Done at the City [z. ~ of Washington Oa twenty-Math day of August, In the year of oar lard eighteen hundred and sixty-fin, and of the hos nude= of the United States the nine tests. .A!ai)nslv J01DC30.3 By the Padden:lh Wuzieei B. SIMARD. Secretary of Bute. LATEST FROM MEXICO Condition of the Frontier EITENSIOII Of 4EtEGRIPII CIISI,IIINCED Ravages of the Cotton Worm NNW 0811 INS. August 29.—Ttui Mariposa has arrival from New Pink. Nearly • raMlon dotOun In traria leas arrived within the lot two days. Testa Atari= report this the frontier Is be a woomeectedliton than ever benne. The Amain acel,Sea.antordo papersare Wed with accounts of entraps by the Indium and highway :eb b whs. gLept, however, here been taken by the military to at hrd protection to the croatler eat item A telegraph u being atendoll=eltell to Ban Antonle, Bbreseport and The condition of the blacks, with Wary few I:c -aptions, Is represented as satisfactory. Tbe worm catitaMel its magas on the cotton in the lower cowls. At a public meetiturof theclUseas o of sir oozes tics, • reeolnik to m was pamsedaccaptlng their lila. atiOn; pledging snpnort the natal gorens mmt and Gcrremor Itiontliont nowledging the 113011OrmeAtof ; and ailing ton to coil a ConTentatt. Hon. W. J. Jones, Judge of the United States District Court otAlabama at the thee of IA soccer don, and, conttnued to the same DOSltto• try the sneceeding-regime. Was emoted inildentgotturry and header/1n twenty thbusanddollars. of-rAtdiumili Stirtling Eliolosurei kadei BOW SOLDIERS ARE DEFRAUDER. New You& *wet, 22.4-The Zola' Wean legker special says T e enrol martial fbr the trial of Paymaster Webb has just cloned Its la bors. During its progress some strange &S -chmer wtre made of the scandalms, mauler le which en inscrupubsua set of sharpers In this city complred with disbursing officers tot the Government, and defrauded the soldiers on; of their hind earnings. A .Jew` who was ills minced the service for defrauding the Govern ment at the beginning of the war,' bat who hod , . since been 4lialsg business here, and bolding somewhat euspielema relations with some dla blueing others of the Government, ants Orion the whiten 111174, Oa made to :teailfy that he himself bad Pnrchased onions ;MA 099..heeke of the eoldiers, that the aggregate amount of them era ; 14 001 013 9. , .Akt good dealedapife cation imalsocentesset dist.th , lon gt 144 dissountat which Jur Mehrtny. ' of per cent, which, taken fain lielealtei-eirroeriza o them thanks little sumer #id at aPlata. • . however, u only one many of the devices In thin city for• debehiSt.the sotaere: That such things should be Oemea on ender the My shadow of Gm thrnimmed, mar bilk city Jolla detectives, whom bminers taut motet% nor soldiers, Is a burning Carla, No doubt the Jew considers them _a leglUMll.o.l=lllsllollle and ho m ay corrupt the dustmehof MUM and share with them his W gottespituf vitt:mut' the eltahment. V i it t rl f e e ck ar tlg.ft. g iven to the tau oot in payment of bounty and ent • a means of pram• masse shmPutrea well as indocingecono my, *They were Wide tegableby the paymaster of theradment to whichthe soldier belonged, and only to the soldier blraelf. This was -believed to be euldclast against envlndlem and sharpers, mid would have Woolf the terfunisters had per formed their duty properly, and It to ve'y well tmderstood that no claim agent or broker would have dared to purchase them without a printout understanding with the paymaster, for • without that they would be valueless In his Mar. Gan. Wells Intends following op UM matter, and It cannot be lig Dotter band& • Primal North Carolina. Baturcerr, N. O. August 2.l.—The lending marclumtk, of Newt= ere media goods Wire in ‘ _ to all pots of North twang.. Muth inkriglink; iitiOrilit and urethane= Tippets, and hoak etaali tobacco and other s Prodnct, fit a" : Raman' to the Wrote% which are Ind day. As effort wfll, be nude Ws tar to obtain an appropriesiro from Congress to defray the expenbe of deepening the channel uniting the bawd waters of Math Carolina with the ocean, which with the teetotal of a null 'bar in the NOW deer, will enable the lamest ocean steamers to roe to Netebern.\ • The Wliz Military Corambadoa. Wainrweroa, Arvid 29.-oa‘raost fervent entreatiesef Capt. Wks, Koala. Shads and Baker *gala appeared today beterithe MlZlsay Commlesion u his masa: - DEATH OF GOVERNOR &ROUGH. CLEsIzt.AA.D, Angast 2*.--Governor Brough died at caw o'clock this afternoon. The funeraViervlces will take place at hLs res idence In Cleveland, on Friday, September Ist, at 11 o'deck Havana Adittes. 17.s.raws, August Bl.—The British steamer Asia did notleave last Sunday for New York as was suppaeor, but dr-fermi lye leaving till to. 4 1,Ittltraittde talCB known as a blockade runner, is soon to mann 'filo Janeiro, wader corronand of Blase who rased to owls a rwrt of, and com-a xesadedehe SuPtoorkm 3 '9daria Quintro." The,lfecumar steamer that arrived a felt rechths since from Sow York, will soon leave Merano. • It is gezterali c r i Aittrazhelhei on- Harem& will take the , of Gra. alike. ae Captain Genersd of the sland; •, - The Atrirnsi slave treie Will 'e ' en:isthmus again with renewed "vicur; • The Spanish. mil Mesmer has cot arrived. It la repotted that. she was seiztd4st Smarts 1:9 - the revolutionists of Hari, kaiirink thit Ike Spaniards bad evacuated the town and she Would scorch there. A large party of them, ceder the English Lag, sailed to timepiece sad made the seizure. A dLtturhance occurred on ths.Rogil.hschoon : oMiltaida, in which wend tunputs were Vollial ded end one killed. Kirby Efmlth went to Metal mops. • do or do rigo, an Is still there{ Benjamin Is often etten here wilting on the pier,. The tread* hnlisszas Is very warm. ite Minteringont of Major and. Briga- incrGencrils. . . Weemacerovoittittsf.ll9.—The order muster lug out certain Major and , Ihimsdkr. Generale, which was telegraphed to the Timm last Friday evening. is neidergolag soma earl/Loa In' the War Department. -That nears of Geneesl24lles has been stricken out of the order by - dire:the of the President. and the nanusof General Bragg was atm:hair by order Of the Secretary of War.. These two Generals am Mara:raja in the see vice. A number of other Generals are to be in the order when completed, which will be done in a fewal7l - Torbert has Just been hreven.ed a • Brigadier General la the repain army for meitorions services In the Bela. While bloom. mend of the Winchester district, in the valley, he, by his conellbstory course, Rave general sat isfaction to both tattles, and did much to pro te a better undenstandbig and more a mo feeling among the people. Fie lass jest been gener re te lieved - from duty - at Winchester sadkrausterred to the more Important. command of the district of_Norfolk. t Hie headquarters are at Norfolk.. Genesi! Ayres succeeds to the command of the post at Winchester, where a very small force of 11130p1 remain. Stork and Money Matters. New Ton;, August 20.—The, stock market was without change. Speculatio was quiet and prices a fraction tower. The press Man feeling Of the market appears to favor lower prices, Mil the offers are so. largely under the contro l . OT i few large Operators that the street' feeling Is a 7817 liaperfem Indication of the fu-; nee. 11:rvenements were very quiet. There Is a moderate demand for old 540%. The trans. ilatcma of yesterday and this morning of that character*M. probably be $700,000. State bonds lower on lensarart and NMI). Carolina 6%, but &herniae steady. Coal stocks stronger both on Anthracite and Bituminous shares. Htecellaa oresshares generally steady.. There • was no specrdstban in gold to-day, but extensive por... Chases on Importers' accounts. The market . wee somewhat firmer. Money easy. - The Debt of Ceatede—Gearget W.Brtige of ITashLgtoo. city Arrested for Fenger). , _ . _ . , qranzo, dsgast.24).—The debt a Canada a reported by the 'Auditor General, (sofa severttyj Gen. W. Briggs, tennerly of the 'Washington: Congressional lobby, was arrested In Montauk today. end annmllied to Jail for otaining, =nen try fraud and tbrgery, Vont Hon b • Idal4 Rolm Cameron and otbe,na The forged drafts was on IT allsareet.nnd endorsed by Cameron and otheasj anttheir face afterwards changect to large amounts. . Potato Cm . l 7 4:l4 . entakof Posta niers in and South Carolina, WLSIMCGIPOIi, August 29.—Reports have been received at the Department of Agrietiltrun; which wananta the statement that the potato° crop this season will be one of the largest ever grown In Ws =atm. ' The Postmen& General has ordered the open• tog of varicat poatoNlees In North and South Failure of the Cotton jCrop In West Ten Mamasls, August 20.—The cotton crop will be almost an entire tauter° 'Lloonghcrot Wen Tennessee. the ruin detroying it before It ms, tares his said that the best cotton =witty la the western pet of the State will net .yield two hundred paandstothe sae. The Railroad Is completed from Memphis ID Cozintb. Steamer Oceanus Sunk. YrtovnusweE, B L. Augur. P.—The brig tibia, of Boston, arrived this afternoon from Baltimore with three hundred tons of cunt. Wbile atm/chew to thelower harbor. she was ruin lido by the steamer Oceanus. hence for New York. who bad her bow so badly stave that she dB/nand sunk In deduce (atilt water at high tide. Bile will doubt/ass bo raised when her cargo la, tabus out. International Cricket Matelt. Tonowro, C. W. Liagust 29.—The Interne- Could Cricket match was concluded to -day. It was a se* dose contest, the Americans barely winning, as their last man was in. Beare linst;- Innings—Canada, 13; Attesting,' M. Semi& score---Innings—Csmada, 54. The euiterielna Pined throughout with one man abort. .Aanlyersary Celebration. B4l742l2,Aftifett.`46—The two liturireersal Ofty.e eani.terory of the landing ,of the erntEngtubeolon7 aa tba7 ow Ezuglend costa. iii 3 - obeeind today aL sort rophaal; 1.74 vvutik 0t.414 Kennebec Ws; curios.. Ttitolo2.. Clarke J. GilFcL o so,':of Preildent of the day, and gut Mon. J. W. PrOilliona New gin?' Mat* Intelligence fromlSLurt;= Naw Yoss„ A LguatM—lntelllgaucaltas trOss recetrel from Siam.. The pews Is turtinpartaut. There %mango of the •altolcra existing In the Kin ~ no news 01. the eseasslaattos . of Prandial. LliColn and the shooting of )33oth b$ Corbett bad just reached Baughot, ad had prodaned max.Xed Imprmsion. Now Jersey Democratic State DOitceutilh T it zrreicli, Aninst 23.--TtieDemocrati BtaltC7C111101:11 themottindtion of milk date for minor will assemble tomorrow: -• A large number of delegates base arrived. 04,6 a. Mott and RaZgan and Messrs. Randolph and Perry are the leading candidates.*. • From Wllmlagtou---Wtltton Railroad lie-opened. Nscr Yonx, Angola 29.—The Memo= Tit• not (tom Wllmtagton on the WO, hes arrived. .and Weldon allroadltuis been , e 0 P940 triA l2o ctqlkan7. - , Speaker 02;=.. of Re.rsFutOUTC l 4110. • • wiled to • • .• iesirvaur,fognetZ3.—lfr. nenaelillPUW of ten Ham: of Wpumfeihno, Ass. been viteitne mirk tiv meexhig of fkie , t y ,. or Knoxville for, Ant oppaelikeeXix: the ., Ex-IfaancrkY---. the elective tranthisa be ems to - snatteol3 picau read. or, have taxable propoy,,_or, ye epe r n serwlioin thearaty. , , _ „ . MitiOES . 1)n -- 311.tindaythe : Mtn Inst. =BD IMAM BRUGES, M. A, tanks siztyetnith, year of Mtn& Funeral= VIM . TZSD I.T, NITA . Snit, at o ' o'4. Mt= hfa ,late issidence,Na. ten, Fourtis ,fleet 4t r EiHifiN—Ou Tuesday mertOttrost quarter past four Wale*. WILL A=LG SUM if. Fre, ofFor• voice liamilet,„ 80N townsbip. The funds' Will take Phis fans 'the/ Feetestitnt Methodist sMuireh, on Fifth Greet, at tea Ode& on Tirousaaw xosintro. it. IcilmEwn •-• rrnsrxesmer.e.smarum., 88 SzdtbilPlB Street, near Eith Pinot WOOFFINS of emir deserlption. OBILPA GLOVVEi saA PA FOB-14114148 BUM iga forriti ninf r-•bial Fi b s r N rqr sait 0 . . - fiNE" THOUSAND . 1 0 74 2 / 3 1' • " ' VLYO2II omen •- •Pyrtehtmcist, Wawa Mb. / 85/4 6 ; 1 • wsixt and &nom Ottomdts of the 027 of co the 23th inst,,..l. do 1= .212 temetfot OBE Tuousa.. for the amery and eoattetien of the yuyetrator c4 . perpetratote of tee mmder committed on BaW2,le . 2,trt the Eighth . Ward , toff Oily of Pitargb, W • • (then " . 14 the ea ist lyatt thdef my bald and the pittahnoth,Mda =day of Amptet,, A. D. J. ta - • - •1 1 # 10,15 , 414W.Frije41,, ESTABLISHED IN 1786 - J. : UTY AND SUBURBAN The Boydte Hill identliiut.oD. The statement of Wee.-Kelly which we psi>> balled yesterday morning, has not -he= to the least Lnvalidatoi, but is rather borne ant by the fact that the George Geiger spahen Of. who wit supposed to be the murdered man, li dill mbar tag. Another men of the lame name from • Wheeling, who.was at Cent supposed to be the man referred to, is &lye indwell, and hying in Allegheny eity.,Redoeinot tri any reepeot answer. the description even by Sellkbeinst sax feet In height, whtle the Murdered matt Waeof,medlinn , a heat. It appeals that two A:0LO that, . . stepped at the - 141dional . • Hotel: "the.' . , Geiger Of AtiegherlicltY, iMereyer; . einietko •' otlY and stopped at flit • hotel on Today:" 114 'lther Genie Gerger mired In the • city =C. stopped lit:the National Hotel on need, an eke, Melee/ter of the bones shoal. It alto - Indf— eates thathe arms from Woolefteld, Obia, Thin* can be but little doubt that kble wan-the ~ many who waa to brutally, muidewil on Wednesday morning. He haarfrom iente pleat in Illinois.: bat . was manly. disChargeds farm:militant emiee, hexing belonged to Goatee& taltahle 'l"e hi considerable amend for Indulging the hope that the authorities are oe a tali *ay 'fort clearing aP the tinter/ vblektiei hitherto In- LAO the terrible affair, and apprehending sal ft,thg to ,Intike the assassins.' • • - - • 2 '.11f secadiallat with a resoltelon - gazseil arthilt " An tereling of Capita, Mayorlowry headite, a a reward of flOOO for the =sit and - tteaviet- Con of theinarderers. This name ")will doubt: teas atlmulaterrer polleeln,follosing up Meth:* already afforded. .. . - • ~-, _, „ii , .... _ .... Another Fatal Raltroad - Aaddent , - Yesterday mmnleg about benign eit'"Oaktets ... nether fatal wielding oecarra CM the Yentas itylvanat railroad.- =think la: the death :Of VC laborer on the Toad, named ; ikattirten Weans! It seems that the deceased was wcidl: la : terl pairing the ,oath tria:ear . 13prh/Z n.lartila 4 0 . 11 * when the Penn Accomenodistimi came la A heavy fog prenhing at the time, 6bstrnelg the view of the-engineer, who did not see maim the track. Henna seen by thetancnng. and brakes whietled down, trotthe deceased was hard of bearieg and =tinned to work.' WhUei la the act of stooping the eitglee• snack him% hank:tinge deep: ccala ails' forehead. The Irani was stopped as soon as the accident rims known.. Andrea back to the Beene of its nauseate. Hamilton, who happened to be onthe train all the time, did everything which medical. skill, cinild suggest for the ' InJarectinin; Dal in a DA minates he tithed. The Doctor states' that Mt aknll washraken. and the neck was also &slam cited, perhaps broken. . • _ The Wdy was brought In on The - slio'cloeg - train last evening. this relativeS:bf the decassalt residing . in the city. The &neap:osta a altiee& min, and about thirty yelia I of age. • -Pugnacious. ' . Thomas McGee he a l a hexing before May larwr7 yestarday, 90, the of lABred Neely Burns, and was_ held to lat. , DanC4la. was Ana g 2.5 for la Pars t o i the . atel chnexastanees under Ada& Chanson Jais_otat scatted are Scantalanil in - extennegcm for Marie, twerever;afterbefigibleitata touldw more; shortly after got adeber: dellosilto by exercising Ida .Ipcignarlatut galocbtlithat toot freely. He ancabor sub *cola abowateK stopped in the'rainuaild,' when Idefiee's gat tato an altereatlea Irtittatiatt named Ftitchr4 1174 who- seemed isomewhit demoralised ,freci, the Mots, of whiskey; McGee, tecgalet gate hics - Ai ;realer" with bit dowa... old goatee= 'Mind MUM interfering, the redoubtable lfae alsolollCkhiC6 He denies staihing - the old gentleman, alleither that if he had "tat him he wouldn't.to walking arcaubd., ,Thomas. evidently . Mikes .froutAht, &milder.methrd and a s both Waled,. charges hies for as sa awl Match - 4W each of which he was held to ' Amusements. - t - • , - '' ' _. . Prrrenraun Tomitim—Ettle Malden= • had a handsome reception last night In' "Lerta..ita Street Singer." To-night she appearsti - "Dej bareli the Jewish lialdim." The atterphsce lint •' be "The Persecuted Dutchman." - - • - . Oreoa • gatn.-I.i'lle Augusta_ continues the* -i.-1 attraction-at the Opera Hausa. - The play this . ' craning consists of *Timist,".. with Kr. ChaP.4 , Ihs4a-the Prince-a character in the pmtonstaala, _ of 'which balms attained SOM. celebrity. - - itAßozac/HALL.,— .. BUnd .Tom"-'the musical . 'Ear • eaul-.4thrh7g pinsit, . Prof. Wom tut Eightplayed on - the' piano '4' memcal oeut. i. position-at his own, which was lutniediabtly labi I hated by -Tom, but played ;with tench more .weetnene. - Death of Wm. at. qttilln. Esq.- . , The readers of this - paper win learn with_ rem gret of the death of Wm. M. Shinn, Esq., one of t the oldest and ablest members of the bar of., Allegheny cannty. Re WWI a mansiowelikntiwas and so genera/4 esteemed. In the community that he mauls no eulogy at our hands. Ed vas a ripe scholar, ad excellent svelter, of ready and forcible writer, and an able and e at, cecina advocate. In his private relation s . hti was a man of unexceptfonable character, and he adorned td.s chosen profession by a cons and upright life. Rl5 funeral will take I S on Thursday morelnr, at tea o'clock; from Melodist Protestant Chorea. BURL atreet.„... itailread Accident L=A Wenum =ea: An accident ocenrred En the 'Vomit/nib Behold on Mendayeretdni by which alai/ whose name we are unable 3e1114 /OM= MX It seems that the entortanate-Watnan:lna AIME her wzi tram Irsin'a Stalitm taLtimer% - : end r, when the train reached the latter au* she an& and hatband aotWS in a eat diron- on the 'Mit tka. The engineer elm tor. bat'Ardpponed 'abet me Ozer of from the teelti• ,•trefeettel W &a ell, however, stin too - eleoe. prottstdta to the wheels of the erabi ate inn am - ma Ur* Way hd/ed. her Withal' Mzeithlit thltrit d 'liefore L Aldernlari" Talor:=Dirr' s i" vas yesterday hail Vita &awake agM'A attars praferrerbyAnn Janis - Ales. cnonnap of Lawrencevilla also bad la bearing, on llama - =gum Pfacrea by K. Bracken, for away; gaff was hat WIWI Jolin z paley laminae a amp of assisiat and battery'aenburr B 1111' Allan: The norr latter liepreol Meth late atone er a brother of John% adang him osherd, 4= l „ ins a pettonknonnit Artork Wie r asfyi , e trierit totett: - " • - ' • ... Appointment of New Viewer& —The cant' hat appointed the' following gentlemen as Alai new 'viewers to assess the damagel , sustabsed •td Me German Lutheran Cburehty the mnattger MD or this 13c vaDevii l ll B dlrDaflissaelr.Muare. James Reed, Cherie/ Rais,Thaltant Rea% :old McCord and Jamas Iferdman: The- viewait thus appointed will meet all the =lllMriliao tal hear the evidenee of the partlea Interested. Rev. Hezu7 Highland Games; t Weeks lngton, D. 0., wN speak this. mains fn thet Aftlean M. E. March, corner el Wylie and Med stmts. He is the hest colored"' sninletar that has eves addressed the Oangrest of tamiAliatli J3144011 , e 1 10 1 441. UV= t!ibon - _ 5 7",;;;, 1 that impose,- Cuitodi..zlitgerlthehers. P. at" lon, the "gsy Lothatic 2 .ll , ahrim we gamm i a account A few thus age. hal heeh Amsted 44 I t a t t i n t eN !rotrOht beck to this city end'lodgedt tbaiged - eft'hithihf Rate Bseelifith was Lets: aPlue"nt<aad ahgrolcoutiont. ataar,lngchg RhYll• r, Seidler's' ildrinmentThe tun -ecim 'coluee or the Ballast Tiontintea .Azeoctattoot yeM Red)lerts's -.poking .Throse*ott. MIL street, it tiro o'clock th c arternitou,: =,i Dom,. atter dame of all the Merpri tat Coosis CoThis Conifit* Allegheny Flee Just reef:tea. front New , Ychit; 4esenty•llvellat t o ot , cape, Wash; erntutl4,to.,;combletk, ill the Astest r . imyrowseints, :Mg Are gotten ePnglir these wont trj New - York grenuei- ""Sat Meetlng.—ana saccoants of thlt &wank requested to nuclt, today (W dye) at two o'clock, in the room of tLb Cents of-eatninant rim, to um Egon lewd tom? !tom icm. Dt. Ethlai, . . , Tms lows liquer,datlus bat a texavisdicsa txr k Des Hokum leas Wednerdacr, ea declared %hos to be a lecitaate hasteoss, repreueling a apt. tad of 81,000,C00; *ad entitled . rio osetectlea ros4. der the Male lark They regard the law "an 's' &act of wasepatlon sad Iztge3 of therighte and ribcrdes of the people; &dent with tieing:it of tia:Ccetstindiest of Lint Vaned States, am/ opposed to the beat of site Irdirddtaata of the Mate.. • _ . CEA= Itsoraos - ,ts abaft rapilltv He Et now so west that he alma walk to osszt bout the pliant, sad has to be .meelW ILO Vida :Hestia kova: his isTlotaltabls *hit tad ,fteet se, and chttiztal,h9 o 5 4 ggtANICICOM,-. - Ilkautrp Tiithrroitthe , Cato oftbe Nortimett, and ValcarlY ceder ift cbtuth in lediseePelle, bee been Wed ee • e listlatantßishopbf Icidlans, the taalth.of Blatort S rpfold being to feeble that he regtilett helP Ex-Ccdt=wliws Yzmm, Reatizeicl.l4 -toPfliPPollt,ttlx4l:LbuiT_tanintwk•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers