-__~ ~~tt+~. -1 4 1 ;131130itallireCLIZAIST - 8c CO, Ban era and - Brokers,: to 15.1rearth :street. Illi!tbuirt. • 4, /~~ ,_-. mt• Va.ll , mmm : ut caugthln immunilklikizteconotrnisaastaus. Any soli se i jat nissiOt mita; • . • ' " figAlliailkon.l93l, Bondi; froviperaimt . law -1 110. t. ' • .:111f3,11 pa ant, gatmesteita.notedneu vow ly.s..Tstsmantricttes.... • .010 strrilii , t3gmuozr Othansmort •-• avtas'Esiir'Tcak, kilsdhlpids,, r ond Fittntrarsit' . So t 1 VI kinds of :CfOi , innanint. &solutes,. took.. Bonds. Gold as. ka. • Wm • itwmk - ,xm coitimiltum IntimEtti! Amp es BOARD ocaumcrniti BT , ai co.) 'Motown Aug. 1.5. •t t • :14*. t- 4 4.44. a. sera, =rues-- ..... VS_ Toalkiik,ike, - , 18 6a.a. 119 00 7.,-I.:llltileCkoncoonvo. C°. =ibk ( kat. Bank. co art .aigat , {•i••••4l*;••.• ay CO lindszA""afte 51.73 ' agram....•••••••••••••!•,••••••• • • • Ran " =Az= & . koala 11,4 '• •' •• — 4, fAuritn 6 Sim York.. ..... . • 95 ,t .t,,, .P Latiftsterit Sherty Wm. --.• Ito . . . , t , ••• '- : ' . Story 11.rtairIttu .. "=.— = 45 -- Is '- t ' (=Ewa kMOOd rim.— ..—. • 40 :- Qom ax iir.l=7" . "* .-- ” ' --"*•" 1. 1 5 :,.' ii 'll scarcar os sax.= ='• ' 100 Erlitria Valdtalay a oa ShaztalpolutabLs.—. .**tenz etiorarioaa irate's. - 7 -••1' • • 7" , 11,1VBEcatiti UV' • ' • 6 6/ 0 1.16:64001::...`44-4.',47.44.:C.•.V. - ............ 10573 11. t 3; ' • .;,...;;; , 103 60 _ V.13: - 'l3ertafloittott.-ottp t . • 4:401d lost thetad*Siti,taadle y, and has Istettatotolysolsrtscolowaards & l eithad ' , Post 4$ UN. .floyernatisit bonds have 11130 diet#ltuDia**Se.itionelP* 4l W l93 ro , VX3i; rive Tfrikithis.4 os 3, l 4%* rd,t101... VT; Creel. , tut* TtSi lbw 'quotation fps OFttilostos, 117)4 Istlltsitet sqldits pressure toslcians. The tall in gold 1. prpbably cauril'_.W.Vol4a7 - , - Fittihrgh WO market 11162* level I USidd taVili.: 4lol,l MlZriati torrespand` wittressteia 4uotatforzwiardelamewriber. ludr; stocks will- ett harked' thateg" - 50€ tut - for `ffierchants, a ditielksAllthet, EiksitarlMMor p 111 denuirad., Balsa of Columbia were reported at monde/ Ward at i I MOTIC OA' Inapt , Pries rat that , hour, sew i anowei above 'flo/ihe gook sold` dining Ihd day at various Mew racgtog from VD to 26X The twainnewnhi hive exhausted ilUzFrtiprriktth and kavargiven up Derides ef PuttitiUtitatcreitto VII !Mutts the afternoon it was evident - that half the orders on the marlixt WWII not WI filled. and Mattock was difficult to procure below We. We bale to further tartan from 111.bobror army. Ran. Reports are e meat of a large Iltriloptr on Glaricutrirer. As:Whitely Creek on Company- held their an iitail useettog thus' aiming and leaded the tot. timing edited t - EvegaistaaanourParn. Jr.; Trans =Or, Via: FidrUps; peerneuvrtics. ESteels Dieu torsjohn Metrical. UOraZarrica D. Bailey, E. Edentgeat; Jaw Psul, , 3.Toirsztert,A4L Mason. That Wand Well OM 71 00 the PraPartY °LAM . Whibtlyprett 011traiinlinny, made a gt. 0.2 strike on Fridayltitt. the Wirt tubed rot wswudsnced kiwi* ortly &ebb& -_::::•:'I'i , 't t'lls WM bit seeif bradrahrertlitinaa; the-Tilltsp burgh DwatizieltiplaliwarliattiodFlarly dlv idenrl Of 114 perilous Ites tf tax. , - °Velem that the Clittkerdtury Wig.' city have made *very landstme tratrikerr on their property at Scabies Ferry. Its production has sot Misses eseertelna,, as- the t wat up-5o last aceountiniairtt him' i iota, Mr de Indications are add to be very favorable. The most noticeable event la the stock market tcedffi Wei ,sali of la 'OO l 4 7Shtua croit at Sr *nub u i twit•dit udykriee; and etite . above Its par value. The advance I. amiss to the , strike noticed elsewhere. To the exalt of Whitely • Act naid,it intsznner yonsoddholow wascriPunn prim curonynatt:wmhoLtilliltilittr Ind med. widely tethe r with sales as 61-some holders ask jilg smx , -The Depot/ commis:donor of intamettavcone . rater Shit where zeselpp given to patties who i V0 .441"141424044ae r ate0re. t ' gitiinfeta tor Itit talutttir the lx — inch : guranteetare held to be subject to stamp duty asi • fillikelfdldi or edfltradttAps tet . 7 :trim v'' ,l ,-., - *Tfriiittia Sind latetkinilieseif 'kid: tendari mum see seareely troderstood. Ono great or. 40 ) PCIPAZteTaPIMAhara(i‘ E 41 4 -11 tha""l - ductictifitbramoutror the cinftiy; ablodgh, wooonwded , Lby an increase of the foadtpt debt of. OS gel vAtbar-irrdd Wilartzt*/ that value of the le.) tender notes; f. e., cause a disureasela the price, Of gribUt - Tbit II sorely an error. The delttezlart thisteiart fuedeldrodta gummy depends the -greater or less eanfidenci.orthe OatemturikiTharV not on the samotaiudilinszinr.oiroliiliffoh.: all* prornihng mow In regard to' thL =Vett Is babrdl an the fact Ma ertglig WM= goes not inspire Inn ennedenta the impttne the anoint in drown ' tloa thirtfeaer :lasif'•athi tWir4sliltittrit, *mew these Who arelni"tif letridiegel the' Wrreruy for! Mar Alas, of Intriwlrvaise. whist% are, Marti fare. leas liable than the tuneful to cloProntoie in: gerbangrablerviDue. earie , t trot tender aotes, i theritlonar bez :Wes, and the Saltier debt 1n Its MUMS farms, all t i the credit of the *ears' Govezzonent• ver er e Li the vain , .Of thole /oitng If 1, a_ et eldl e Wham e l apeon, te theatres extent. it is p ! li no in anstdmit t iutioißsd o=ot golf , . lair.er et coo mentstdo-onlumm, "wboniatilithent law apnidir =the parksi• wbutalr saw , 010 Ale " 194 11l 414141 :=Treselere wonlikti Sheet ell. This expjahrt why It Is, orate ist untold have been so greatly bawl i Ithlf Oa war and wr by_ .gir U i o tt f c o re iOgo e o d M t o iot* of a bi . = bends,lt tatnceass a tbewr ra O b the / r , •le%Smat% 4 end littineftsa the valsabt legs =r,Ar i a=se c ttav4ite4=,l3 4 4 .atell,eratlit by the enactment of the Legii.cersie - Art, and nothing - , 1 r ". 2 41 a to .trbaut Pir y epea 9 l can mM l, o s r aou: 111 v rs . r i lAlt . 4eMiti 4c3hero = steg v llct e le le m k oi ra n t asse, utedt to pay IL qa a ohltsattess, SRC OfllltAteted - /r4 Lquication of the:use. promises, psyeg6 et td4 own cossesieses I,,;ver Weer-Out tru elanow an wilt Moab gent rruly •true or • Government Toe credit oz a Government la erected by prec t rata P ' tzt . i =gt:r t reglertr=l4 l M ai ttres the me r" ol„er O 1 4 1,9 . 101 F0 0, , 7- 1 ; 40 4. L lger• -.7 , ~.'..4 - • , 41,••• 1. e kO3 , idthe,inittzurket../uXa' th . •SVlgelars .PkeeßWlo l 4e9VY,alf/Kagetiktl{ el -Scatfratilasse Ftrirkpakbnat denutni.rtapthiy76 .*tuts%-itysii64. l ,thwiigt*/#.* tui t- c ostrigo*;tlMilli 66 WirAtat it VicOPPO• ' ( • , tinht minutia! toniteddiantition tees ' 4 - 22:-:. - , I. ei ttft l *Sigi t . t An i x_ s n ' Oßl l ll l gt o Z 1 '`. 1a 1 441 1 4 11 4 1 4 1 306 . _ 444* Is 41111004 i -- i i t igt i ritiw&l ,i . . 4 ftiowortirili 4 , 4111z0 , -00 - agiuttamicanasaa Igigaiumassa • -•, latyikAf.4ol24lC ,Igyilif VMS, - 11144611114i'litiZraeleitietala ekuy . 4 g•zr"'+ ' ' ' '. Isl : -y•, • , • ui •-1 • r-, f. 4.: r 4 i'arnaprestoxl"l2ll4nlnsm , ' • — systess, _ . ,_,5,.15,.. pi_, ,saraiarus attendixt., . - lath wpm 64nronwpw redound. only to vio et4sEgootel, lath, ts mamas VA, 0 _tat•P5..01. 04 1• 10 .04. 14 01 i 0 P Ifb t adem °3 I °Q° V.LMV OO (•SW 4O . 41• 0 : - .nfitila . itii• • aa••••t -- it Jr our is Judo conga aktloCAT Z SAMV.3III ~ •'-----,"-- 7' - -11MillittiefCropt lh hilagrithilt)-1; , -( f , 410-utao' col - chisnie - tmetit, mal4estaa - 10, , ...„... " ebed ic l i g by, thri•••••,,tri,•• num '-• I ••••oribilaituyi• ,••I,•••teyount, taut was It ..' • lenit ••••0••••o• w•-t•Er•1•••t of beat thst woo OP:Fe bneyniting• -BIM* se ats Oni ' ow /hem raided only e%1 . • b Lush , eis. S , eszt 'forty nt , 2 4 . o orinct S in tof z. - i " 4I ngt i .VIS S IV S' I t riter= ' t., JCL :A :". iiallitEttlith In waritet.. it •mab UK brargrowe,l . 1" ...,- , woorronittalreM ably chl4 Nifor to - .l::** , - - —now Rata shoat UP , 'Placa. ~,,, „,,, ~...., ~ ~, CIl 401 --"WAlr.roaretd/ trWl=iltat wiry riltbarto . trizialAiiutorittsc 114 1 4• • *WPM werrhistifri • litie: Some Whirr tliat'prostited a , t jUtz=d od tr ue liz s p ri rth r i s er ti vor s l i g heo ashlar and thoUttUIPPPISCOM dittinuuma to! . _ __. . > ~~: ~:~; • if ;~ ~ - if :IVY ::::: =~ ....... arta—kit' fi llt fi r . , ~ Clevelarid DI . . Ttoirr—Mariat =nth= .riati . nettret sales n cts XX rid, country brands:at- nel utile A N ut :.,,..,- .. -- entrtustutaractut tor 33 ,4 la.,.irtua47.:r.- - ol 1 ,, • .; teganotiona- : arei InSigert do . ,- -ct ctirelitinftn.lWab bat. licrOndil WI 2114M5r10X1 no-tlO,, laud Otirrentin at 111.81,--40orudg... 1 --AmmaaVVW-Sale I air fro= store crTnty thtc VoticostcyclutteWlm _.dotirtilYo2dtlitan2.oltrenfir Smici „from store. Etyc-rDnu sad nnutlnal at nuc .1 ,-- ):c. - . . . .. • "'" •' IlUn6le hemp `' c-A . , rtbeihitt 'tot' of to 'bales:if Aufflntlied rbertip waterrotted, teetlyed , tip , ltaker, -DAVI -AC singi/i,cotatolarlon ,oterelionts of this city. fro.. ellafesburgh Hemp CotttPlchn ROCA; Vetlitili HUlaolh WSJ sold yesterday to McGrew ft Co.; or thu city, at the Very high' price of a= per tuo. This is, we believe, tha Urn hemp. of Itllaola pro. luellon received hero for somo Vtliaof/ot, , . •gt=ds4 ,- z VAT, ,AII(41313T,1_6,1110. • VITIC.4I. 419kiealiglito • ' - "ArrintoMairidiniVl6,l IThe general markets were rither quiet to-tar. Nut ttmrn x stotiemebtpleatn, re; volume to note IS to Menu& la the reeelpte otlAhrtat and Plenti. P.rtees,pmererer,kave undergone no awe var. tt3 , ' auntie& : faXlidiri4Wheat was in stood supply today, and irldlti the marketiriu apparently a little &Oland weak, there Ia lig (notable attaille in prim. Sale at 8 ova lailviankle, Clinb, ..to waive, ,on Vats tell= Corn lain demand and dna; gale of Lazio, at Pc, and unlit loaf of prime . Ehillid at 6300; Tito mitt! a little shaky in Prosodies Vow ot4ido receipts within • short lime. hale of 270 hash, on truly attdi add ifet,.-ori wharf, 443, and 2:8 Co &,uO5; also, email sales from gate at Mira No movement in• Eye or tatter. PROVISIONS—Bacon I. Wed and unchanged. Us continua to quote at .17% for Shouldersild% for Sider; =1.41:01 (or Plain Hamm 23y41226 for Plaltr Gatoraned. and MOO for Sugar-Cond. Lard le qUotedat t 46 2 0 ,4 tutimon m and 95340% to keys. Mesa Pork—Small Wm at Went gar etd... I • FLOVE,ldatitet :is quiet but stead y . with a taltionaldemandled Pmfri,:= n tor..Hprinin Wheat and iFataily, and 15: 80 41 to r Wantar•Whem dot A/M1.01,M bele at illOt and ISO atila,7l6)lo. FRIIIT—Tbe receipts ei Perwhee wets tianti , ' llaht. and Mena ruled aihmie higher, aeLL. Inslt finnaSt e ro efewr Det= r,g a l tome per bbi or common to tartan sake at xte for APPit's , POW On Terteboa. . A. _l_ , • _ •1 CHEESE—Steady and moderately Wire with regular ta k i m owe for Western Baena; 17 for Itamenim and Watttor Goshen. • i ..Eoch—thettin no very dull with amply bme. in exam ot the demand. We giro mama oaths EA .-mmaffinisa toenine In prettyftiel a ted the u mtat la dull and drooping, How as 04 . 3 , " ingWct.%wannzato and .Inll-.but .11 'coming' In and not much warded. We give 111 PI tor. good to trash puked. BLEDS—Theral la a eqrdinnid,good ;local and I shipping deraaad far Max seed* 112,01:no mono. went 1n..914et *11414 PEat °Lamm mmticET eTfie ,Vl7l:6lT,'Ans.-15, berketent hinds continues doll and weak.' end, Llldera Re= tendincdowneard. Theonly. sales reported today were ego barrels at 18, tads returned; and MO bide,' at Mr, braille included, tree on board ears. The receipts were unusually WIZ to-day. reaching in the aggregate oily 85 barrels, and the supply on this market for sale Ls much ro doted. the demand, however, both for home use and elllPMeni . 'etirittiiisis" Sett; and as a general thing our rednere are holding artier lower agues. itellited; in bond, le steady with comddarable in quiry both for present and future delivery, but there 'le ,no Improyeatent to potsla prime.. We continue to water:44l4li on the ears here, red. 613411t7t, delivered in Plalladelphls. Sale ot 200 barrels "Sops" at 44, on the cars .herminll Ton barrels at 6135, delivered in Philadelphia. Prier 0111 a dull alsdnisidnal 611/24 /Cedar= is eel. flog at to per bbl, some holders asking 115,500 r, Naptha LI dull sad dimbinged. • ' The receipts of oil by the Alltalie:ay Maar Shaba our last mark areie , •iiirfolloies lillkhisals for Fisher a 800., sad TIE for B. PETROLEUM. STOCKS IN PELL. BTeasat.iploft6 tot irl=ftsuei chr3=l3. illaltst 15 refitin rim Sesl _i ppllt eri ' ti ' .4 C =Aged today, n grapsvayri,to 4'o4_ bui.prith tle 1111p01121011 6penite, isisterial ea* in pgantr.l. TUTASTMtegtirontgtoi;atlgeho• ”ioanakard, GU; linnt o . 2 34; atilEamni. 1,(1 °Ulan 21loniS/14 - 011 Walnut Ward, 11410 Jersey Well.lkitl HeysUms, 1%; Egbert, 111; Dann, 4%; 011 Creek in Cherry Rua, 1K; Mu- Pie Rtuake• ":4 rontowfm - sroc Es IN naw YORK sirxith viinara to wigterti - - - . ant T 9 1 ,4 Augua AVM Sloths quiet; Shin ht tbtrotairinir,mnthsava arm.sfei Due 1155; Webs:W.oooi Bradt:. rti Ftihim; tat CriterrsF , AZ; 1450:011 Creek, - Wr4lille4 Elt}tes, 4771 h Tack, 40. NEW voax PE - yeoman MARKET 13pecla Wesdero Press. Nair Pori, August's, Dm - Petraltmo 62tuidP irldtHe Co's etude, 6065230 tedlkestrd. and 64111130 tar do Free. ./E• 4 / l E?i/C-;C&TrZe , MARKET. IL!l?=Wd . l*timlast foiMadxgrit 41.14#1ntinr (pm phut 15, tag. mac tat : COVis Was AIWA quite active aud - ibtaryautthis ue ;wench- Buitidltottbittehrtrailibmit team luddliediurad they.Cuo Platidia, win Aherthismottif letkihri,Umaoki., As Ika tarp litiesasfraniereril peet,.tbrte-tea.Goa, thined Inane demand . .las stook cattily Printhalty tiijihiPiaent,Asioupwei, Baik4 agotittur sicuitles irattreveaderwmut of third:ate, aed the cahmot,thia particular isrado. weer pram hisse, *Weer, - W"erei Wen IffttlF da/andmi - kninaldinad in the Mg' -'*?4ll.46l4l,lF!ltizatit iaNdy, and with a hAurlitricoOdedttrrOlibkitkeist weep emote. 140 nrdaVielltradilleheiirmus mati7 tows to 4 r this seaCortattlab rim; edsoa e and km matker, 'arp — oxitriiiVrtiorKwitiazia holden, cenemilly,doeslalhiskielfalitliihaxpectect, and .ICApttEeluistbetter. Stock pawls sole "ierrona 4413i3X as to=j fair to prime stem drought Lramlit 'eulliketufk mutt d l i ZEPit 4 rfillAinnid 4 Undsla Sheep, to far as we could learn, were restricted el. mmt4irtirerWuttadjihiAhl - 3 - nasdi toolc - itrid the market map ti khaki !tech end Backstitch mike but uudowtgalt; 'Oaricatui" to strictly prime %WA n 4 41 2 % 61 0; 5 9- tn-Inintalda_ rpthitntnum,of the mat. "ha `itiefir sold to our butchers 4 , p:ok - 1 ' evetiatcan talui elacerifiecili at 'Ueda lktt.3bentimillet'.tiolth*lnktubipt Inn tbseseesttenaf,sonteAssirsatall:eistatii aka at . about lid) Voiltalitubtanout‘ MOW lOW utothlus done. • • - & 444 br mum -144 :N tl ed oiteenk ;cineA ti Ir".l° • - s. " bead ;iretter lguit ' wc t fi tr=mtiid * 4 - vgeo.140611(001; 1 5 a 41 - 3 P e R t • Lllati :troon Pd2 retalled,to hula mixe stacr at A . ot , o I ' d 11 • i I fbr 3as., narbtioar atten ''''- ke leoputton. Barnes Orey. lo 1 " : .roiyariick,catfte, event* apnar.4X;atUpped i -.• • • •`-‘• o•. 13. Hudson retaßed2l head of a:died - Mb; knelt 6 ,"Ordsideciuoivaim. pod stock cattla i at . ; 4lo autd . l . oh Cfanigibettl: a ar:,11 1 1. 1312 0F 1 OJ. A. Smith 20 head of fgwllo 1ii!...1.1.1[0:17; .:o'd 29 bead - ofiderdthen Illitool*oel.me *Out dteafflinha-Weleti& Bro. at 466; and head of eorernon stock Walah ti Logagekt,642s l 4.= v," Rot heldide iddoll to Wellandve heal of good lG 600 stock cattle at 6; 21 head do at 43,i; t 6 head do td - Donald at 4%; and retailed 21 head at 29. 41r .egtrealo f;itteis averaging 6CO at Ilot . tread to Whitmore l averag item, averadieg 100% tit WO Ma 5a1tv.....1 ets 23 head of ex. , dtriginirbotw• - %Flu' 1;00 and IWO lbs. as WA; 65 head Orprrms Kock cattle, eircraVng in,lo W.. 1. Lafferty at ;19 l i tVg=tl7l, 4l% dcfreer= l r bd . cattle to chut i um IW. Mt= I Mules' r„ 2. . f ,11,17 tat =4.=glaigtiiiii4. .4, 6 e °44 4 3c _ _lirk;SEtrftt.r. l e i tATIM u Id. ° 4IAIVV_I c t r zr.P x , :AV '", &Tha t .2 l 4 ~..Qch • s.. u4tire.ii*s. atl i t rq g 7. : • .• erepsittedOurttlut bfe jot. the_pl 4ric sEL4s/ ManutikXisov _00,...... , 111:1*.be:id . ftl u tt " r r k - P 7 ~ 4rWFit ° ~.,, 4 's l afai.c i Ataiii i iipt 4 iiao. 0 _ ili tu ltVetKZ eu Vrlgag . - al IteslinalixA_„4(q'pitsit, bs t e . L 2 11.411 &art,6_ __:r w eikepstop_ nct - tlialtet - ZOrparietor. unurtew t l dull'etaillcuree,-, Emu ended. at II •• • 1n g6 60 ,do white 111,7504455, ilrblte 001 i Iwn Vlto at icify99, trammettoturfu bath varte& " Mai NM; Oats 1401,01:rettreant , ,erright, for new crop. No large ictikasi,tlAgaTer-olUrrii u .Byel repogwa.p .::-.: -..,. , +•:. i 7 :au CI 11-131 ,41. ) , - 11 1 11 ..1i1r-.-• . -..ii I .. ',L - ' Tbikrlntriiliottinaadoit:m - i .u=515,10115 dour, ft ri FM d; VW dello; Gay.; Burke 11, cot WOAD .: Artalkru___: 3f Hitchcock, moureery tr. co; tear oats, Wm Wm taw; MAW_ tell.ttlarke ri t t W e r=o I & Nereell NC ficittril ear atae r V:liet a, b 6 Wat ion bll4" iro" I TOW bat -011111141144 C a dal 40 ' do, banal VA elo do, W Jfd ThomtelLlS alts le&butt! bdls bandies, 91cRtro, 7 et., co;llll.bbis irolll, W ban; 300 do 40 , ,UPUP t. :Shebeut; M Duo ebeelb,a-Virebtrie getilFblthsel , " Itig inkt4lll, Wre tiumnekai , et. Ifl Wcars wheedi'D. .i-r u ll ia , , Unget t Wit X 'AA. voq.baiee earl kegs Lik WOW& thrti .V 1 trick & Wrgir i it. aing. t 2-1 o:blentlekegrak NeerskeYelLl9l4Ptel Snub° bus 111, W1:1311 1113.0 S; 40 cue ma 00,1muumuSfe_e SlaiTa. ks•Z•Marilin WI; PLIY , E4lollllikelb. Lang; XI plates scippw,Parkeu Ito i Curdt 4 te l eirnNt . ,,, ~./eteni=*thee; 0. inetrldet tclr e tsdrieraardiefievg4 ' 4 4 4,rev;lm J ol do, Chas C Leech; caw' ~,,Ctothavri toulditiorl tom Ise works, Reymer &;14 ,1 ) ' , 10 aka eozet, J it Faley , may,proucurd, rem 1 ear emu ' ) Denburtem & eoptstifhoope, *haute* a co.! Alurattserr Sfutitm,- Abirueb-18 2 3b5 hides, GI W nick; /I bus butter, 1 Obi eggs. It Liam t our. lumber. 1)1e Patterson; Y'sks wool, 8 Dradltt; 1 bales cotton, /nog & Pennock; 25 tot snap, pa &Riddle; 1 eer lumber, Hell la Speer, We'd's pa' per, Pittsburgh rare Co; t car wiles., Hitchcock, Blyellery & co; t o do, Simpkon & Knox, 216 bra Intil feed, 0 & J Stewart; le hes cheese, William France. ARWS. Netv York Market. Wiggle roux, August 16,-4)orron-- - Billend low. mot Ma for br..i tor Fzettrm—Optmediteles better on low stades, and dna fortes:ter kinds, out closed Anil on all kinds, with the advance loot on common gredes. at MAO Gems for Extra State, $06.10 for Super Western, germatio for ming on to helium Extra Western, , 18A65.40 for common to good shipping brands • Ez : o W t .„. l l4 B irrlL—Wheat i'd i srul . rmocr qui atti f trea T W , : y eatern, s n : it ittt andi b ilt ' demetion and 2®14 lower, at sl ` 4B for geed Oulu: ga Spring, 411,0g0,0 for Amber Milwatilfe— . f mg at the Inside r r l4 for WitWAßed Weld ers, and (9,01 fo Amber BLIMIgan. 'Eye' qtliet. Bailey and Barley Malt dull and - songsui. Mom doll sod an lower, at MUST. tar Unsound, and eng Bee for Sound Mixed Western—dosing at the in.. alga price. Crata timer, at CONS7c for Western. Onocenurs—Hies. dun. Ooree, Wet. Sager dolt' Molasses dull. Pernommx--Steady, at MGM* for Refined in Bone, 001030 for Relined Vine.. wienvutiorCe—Pork quiet and steady, at.= 60 for New Alless—olosing at 11111,00* treaty MAD for 1E634 do, 621,00f0r Prima. and t = i rl so for Prlme Mess; also 2,1X1) bbla New or ri.,. Delius option, at -SCRS:I,2A Beef qslet AIM. LAIli quiet sod stmenat 0%f04%.i. ;ter a seade trance, stMgEths for Ohio, united tea for State, Cheestrihne at pylon for common to prime. I New Tork.fitock and Motley Digiliet. ' .. NW Yenta, Ant. 111.: 4 4fainrr—The Market is ' genre 1104 pm, at 7 lit eent for gall loons.. Ste n.. Eseturc u l i det it tWxfjlon, gold for first Innlnn MIL gold hen sad unsettled—. Ming at 141%, declining to 1 , and Molting at, 11%. Gowanmemt Stocks aah e easier. kx•Srocia—Steady; 11. B. Sixes of tell Coupons,: OGNekded CwilliOnSAMM iguerLlWiLdtt Owl a Onexanry We, tni. seriala. w. Wren. : leaner es, Tll.lof Clidelailiter, Ilir New Yorlt.' Mentrale , ra Blntl o . r. 2; MN :, •815 fa Hainan, , 104 Nd B 4 ,- .ltl r cooltol, nag; Nliereland and Plus ' ; Northwestern, sit 1 ili: w. preform. - etmt , too; , 11.4Y/olawl. 110 rot; Wane, 6096, . . 8 "rahrsr a New ' !York . 411%; Erie, Ts Iludaon Bead I.=• biledtxrilicrtdhelW i Plitt Nye, 1 g; Northwestern preferred , 69 , , !Port Waffle, 3 Mktend .1111Sissigsl, (Peru eats. ItiqUrnbellana 1 9 30 Quist:Weer, 13%; At. ,lantio maii, 1.15; Blaziposa, 11%at . Stocks active land lower. Gold frmiess2 sold le% atter call. i , i - New York Cattle Market. - - - - ittilf.lroru4,lLogast i6.—?hp .NOTent: Mem for, 'thelutek at all the manta an as follows : • Bar llama—Fleet onallty l. pe r hen, Sift fair ,to good, 11141a1S,60; Wrenn, $ I 1 ; Cows Ann Ustrent—trirst q ty; ppeerr head, SOS ordluaty4lo9:ol, ctn.ltkcui, Seat OAL yrs— Mit quill_ re,. 11% or : atom tieto rra'ssat4 Sow Arro t rl, l 4l s Wero..moo, NO Barrtes—Eleary eornded, per Zs 11MiLfs; fe 7 l :e l os l 6atUe market was ff.,-.lth awn. at last prime, but duU and bentey4hr 'Ulterior, of which the supply was entamoun Midtowns was Ulf foritll , kines, hut there battle nt. superabund• i saes of low nadesoniees ntledicor =above; Only 1 Mahon and - at 1% bet sithe-adrobeeof the best I was antal_b nearly of this ointment at. Ahem , lists Various groans an quoted atone ASheepand Inaba wore Ingood salads loorirr we lorauzsd, though tbo. rowdy- . „ fiesesaremfinner, with sales at aa high as lb. The total liteldrll of all the eta:kat With* now lints for ads and bulwark. 'mow follows: VOL beams, 101 cows, 1,457 veal call 18,8 40 sheep and . Undo.- and Mgt- swine.: Mobil last week, dare: beeresslld cowl, We lealealyes, WO sheep and; land* and 7,l7lawlne. = •." • CliehmaU Market.— • • • • A. EiOntonillasak • August In—geentez..).—The newi fn.= Itew ork to the Ohaseber of =melee Pro • dome great excitement on 'Mange, and attracted attention now business to , cams. extent.rbut the bakef that the crash would..be condoof to Stook sod flobi gatublers, and that the eon= smear*, prevented 11 haying any indult= on thesnipea . of Priael—Steady, Op you abet Stiperawa, aad sB,6oolo.oldnr trade, family and butellerands. Onenk-71 1 Theat, arm tor Prima Old - Elidost_e2.oso Reneduir it low and. &molar raw. Ooze very educe, and wood hare brought ittirek. New Oata dull, at dOctam . assem,p). fiatleY.l ll .o peke New era VIA. . Wreamr=asue.al 525) Wes malt. Pnowsiotraitll and .prlees tiosolad, at MAO for City Meta Park.. Mit Meath lei, ISY.l2l7ch Lard dull; 1:0 tiereea sold at Stle: MooptrAnklwP—D l llll Gold. Chicago Martel. Cuicabfi,Augutt, 15,4bscurres-4,6CObbbitnur. 19,Cu0 btlib.. uhlui;,lll44o buah caul, and 114000 bush OM. Snipxz329-3,1600 bblallour, 20,0400 !nth Wheat, 48,000 hash cora. lizonsnrsts-;Eltal. .knornuoire—Neglected. Faszatre—DoN at 4.1)(0ta for corn to New York. ' ► nova Ottartr—Wheal quiet and -20a)io lower at 41,213 I'73g refit*. I, andit1.1231,311 fur Not, otoelna at the Inclde late: - Clotn quiet tad RIO 'tower at 698 for Hot, and ate for No. a. Oata unaottlett and Ir regular at amour ; • Buffalo Market. Buirresca Aus..*.—..Floon-3teady; Boring Ea. tra, MIN/A 22 1Ea1M'.5 7 . 1 3 0 151 2 . 0 P1 WW.ftEaliao tas, rrafAtti whlttiatt.tail3.o2so29,6o. Own—Wheat dull and lowarrNo. I Nilwau kee,,111,231 No. Milwaukee Corn dull and Inner; Bala otNo. I Mien 044141 at dna. Bar ley and Eye nominal. micututs-kutioatklik - ~ •Paorenoss...Etelcat,lllAo*. . tairouss.linsat, iia3 1:02121. Now York. . Dabs; ariafor nliad6 . Trouw-4.llosed with a downward tenancy; Sprung l&stivs, Midas ti '210.W ; Oasts-Wheal god. Com twavy; &K. Oats nochasged..44" Eloo. Tobacco-Med 'Maw,' to 'tto ICUS for Ship. Ping lAA 5iii 25 6 18 4 1 tor Cfainatea to Goodigito. nfattruing. Market. PurzAtausaLL, Anisigt Craft, on ilanned Band,Cgot Fres,=4 noun -Tim WA =OW irineria 3 7 wish little export &mind. Cinant-Wheat shows an advancing tendenay Res Bs& 0,06104 111,1551.711. Corn arnti Yellow, Way Oats, nor. We; UN, 72a. 1 4 7 116 x 1 . - rnull - ttkil,2l, CutclEgePt Gann—W beat _v. Watary—Stall_i _man Was at SUS ,zplatnrowcao.Dall asd Mats aaaalaaL pTbeataxalienta MOnatill • Mat aialiataaat dad Whet =idled thrWergo. llll iXet... - I ,Esraxs—Vilwat quktontb sales "bore Ipti a gala, Uualzul anal [OWL • . 41.4=01 1 A 41 44 .A.Wier.t _ , V3ri".S. T* ll6- " Torsno, hite W 7 74 lawn; Wes acid Waggon Sow Oorli steady; sale!' at Win. Oats la Ilwer; salsa as do . • The Flatlyeet In Canada. • HarvestletigSPlalihti' showers of lutes-NY, ts IMP raPittirt geand prodhh.lo OW blest WI wc*t eehee lln diag, u t tl i bleg b earlyaatlediatlerts. In all new the lan . de pearanee' cellar dip is - qtilte cheering. Fan In though shah y Injured by the fly and rust In nopeepbtoei - and renal* .othersi =at still be a eastern,. .13pring wheat • mnusually. heevy.; roantpredleting forty bushels. to the arat. the quantity el barley win be enormous. Peas took wetland-are target,' awn, and, the eats have not. for years been so smuts*. In the older sections; the crops see thinner, and In some pima are poor.. Taking Iteeehbatry as sehnleOrie.thlatt the yield will be largely In caress or the Piet raw 'yam -Quebec Olobr, leih4 3 . 7 .811 E R INTEI4,IOSICF. The river continues to recede steadily at this Point, frith about form feettlao'laghee in pul o Can nel la 4, ei:OpcS :koy47oifiZiko,tjr.!,,,,*; weather ye teat, waacloadye wiliona *Mew of n 0 n ...7.0.N7 ~....../ ~.,,, , , tl.V.,:i. ran s ~ l'br 91 1 *11 1 .1 , 14W4,C,—, 4 4.4M 41, 4cit1RV 1 Y t"a mint arrival we have . to record: "There aro other bolitedll47 wise Mina% if Itta daltsa7soon ar ride. flj_r 7 7,_ c _.,,) rf the Etdtn;wridunreibt aanelimwe win floc only dephrtjulkathellora got, off for OLD.rlpreil on Monday moths. , IllealehliWitar-LatialdaltWW-Wairdonsid. for Pitteburch On Mang,ey; tne flied Times WU lallliiiikilo ronOlitoll MIIIIVW amumortaaar 00 0/1 neld&Y. Ariz & the Onward for ~ . , for the mu Myer ua IN oa SatsrW,sigh . s h doubtless, l akeautytniari . ' buil"" ' undagen moths it Bt. AL:ember 9 1 , , • , = t umuli! this city on thki o t= l •ll l l==fitrintl The-s • i The Cutup 3.14 1 = 11 1.1 1 == r Dattuday IsslOWt j g la ri Fa / 0 diaiojaiiiii_ the_ Dq_f.rd Mom bare Lemons a t =action in 1 Wheelies and; cidolll44ollo D. Doom imp the Arother Dao. nota t e gleisrAV CflthElftriae , vog e ic. notwftestha are both Plttahurshele:Th Bayard leaves ; rfert7turiVrlDlTh" and Saturday for Par WIWI; aka P drwitztou tom , treterNo s the Olimrl alui - th allrosd irtlruftre ,se l i mb m i m e mecum :.141.! at, ,1 ilil I LIT The neat and ligtdadralislit Pile ' m, ' Oapt. Duty la the drat packet for tanalanail and Lo _ MI, eruarthezli.3ithay ta take lindepa tam•TAutiglay- . 4. Z.f.l4fif -)/ TAO Berthil, AVID Ingt/p..Mte due bare Ueda She will at awe' mace' fondles; for M. 1.0 pr*Veoeral.rtrer..., -.— .., .34-4.6 Ida PRAM by. elnkflef ithilaiteaith Green, Li announced for Memphis sad f ow leans. , I i • A C Co., Hats, Caps a , Whiaia •isioac .13aa - rez 2 - 11"/ id 434 Have now to stow the teri[eet- and most comp] TR) 5r ii: uftg r I s col it e„...o4 11 curtpo,,,rphww., - ,Ar:X9°P.,Emulgr• SIVISAMTra MUMQVAMR I 34 RE wool) =Liam atashitcrass Etc) . " 1 trivitei tue ittenfloii of . fiportamen said otiins stock Of GUNS r "Pi'llkat FLASKS SktElf Bra -Ts and POUUIt ES .11)11.1ld. PLASM and atnannitlern of every luad. EOa gtwit is thi arsci; trot Inowatt to Wi otorkol.. cgoi liZnVlVElomiTa. jutALTIII6IIIVAND PIUMIRR: 10813BUSCIII, VJL—Orbeaew column:olbn= Steamer WENUrfAIL MA. JAL Deems, num reeoltirle . between the abate ports once a week,lsavineltaltintore. hem her wbitf t toot. at South* arse% every. BYWAY LITER g at 4 reeleck, and "Fraferickstaililite Tubm.DAT 110RWIRW. Panniers and t,e carried at !owners.. Through.-freight prompUr attended to. bierchandiaa from Basta n, brew mk t Yhilsdel‘ m ils, or else arturre be conidgn.W to care or Steamer ONAIi, will taken charge of sm. mecuataly upon its enlist in nail nor*, charges paid, and forwarded promptly, tree of commir• sires. Persons from the Northianatales to view the Battle Fields of Virginia, or= after the bodies of friends and reisti+led in the battles of the Wilderness, Oh Ohs, Fredericksbargb, or spottsylvanla Oo rt House, have a splendid opportunity of Sam so by this. route The WENONAII is provided whit exiel leat Staterooms and Berth aecortunodittiotts, and Is In every respect a ArstlelLut,Boat, being new, fast and conatiodloos.' Far inforatatireight or pauses, amity to or sddrese JOS. wmarz, - Poreer, an board, , JMJA 'IRS TAYLOR, Agent,__ d , MU= 212 West... Falls at.. a BAIUMOres o VON CINCINNATI& LOUlE steamer A- VILLE.r-The splendid passenger PIISPIRIN„ Give. Mecrarty, will leave as Minn TUURSDAY, 17th Inst. . r ItelglWor puma singan board, as to . . IJORti PL&O mild ~ ~S. D. COLLIN WOOD, I AlrtnU. V4)R QUINCY, 8008 ISLAND,' DUBUQUE le ST. PAUL—The Ono ptireares. etasaut7rrarl TaA. Capt. ifeetbaroot 111 leave aCabore pa OI.IDAIG the 113th Init. • For beet% or p_aimge_ spffy board or tts' , • ,T. OCILLwGWOOD, l Aiwo. woo FLAWS. • .1 IVOR 'CAIRO AND BT. LOU. A Lc l , l 12,-I he 'new ideamet AIIIIIADLL. WAUSAU D H. BwansyorDl Dem ba DrEDNI2SDAY, the ISA 86.1 h it. P. IL Pax ritU r i Pa r gP VinONNl. A tnt: 4.BOCEIMIEB: . ETRODUCII4 -Weisman: • !..o. • Commiseciori DtpopoMints 289 sr 1r Es AND PURCHASING AGENTI -- • Prti9 8.P2. . Dealet In Fenr, Orate, Serdwiqedetere CUM. Yrutt., and an Fawn Products... Best Prande: Fps .tly FLOUR (warranted) always aa map. Aim, KEVIN= ILS. Prompt attentlonSen to IMITIWIMMILI end ,oarnorpondenee. -Pike Ourranta let to Ocuseignors. OrdOrder= G Ckmalgruneateaollottol. sel7:eydaare 60111.2.1.11 S pATTERBON, AMMON & CO., t.cnninission '..nereitan.te, 'Tour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Nos. sso au Ppm rims T. SeeWs New Building, opr.elate 0. & P. R. H. DePot. •14,811 Wthai im r&•AlTJEll. ""." " as CoraznisEdon leterol " iiv 'marlins raw /Your, Grain and :Produce,: Ist =OWED ST.., between W9c4 F. Smith&ld, %mos. rorram..nro. Alltil/..IIIIPEXIta. TOTTER, 411101.1 i pICEP4ED, COMMISSION ,MiROHANTO, Foreign sad • Domeatto PERM. I. Rotten Cheese,-lEggs. Potatoes, awl proluat jeII No. SW LIBERTY. STREET, Opposlto Passesser Depot,plttsburgh. R . H. 4AOK, 131. 4CIO fr 7 rit It s r, Nos. 1 andOnds 4 4 67 ,PrITSDURGA PA. o.• inarint. —,....... .a. A..ows. PP di REITER. US&OA.- AIM : FORWAILDING• • NEE naau= purth min a g el a o g p ent a s t a o 4 r 10a I L I ib Ms Street, Pitteieh Ps. .. 3041/d • WILKINS ottocusax PIZMAIM) Mae.l32lL amtAtocr. Prochwee als,A Couuraisaiao Way Z.. a6l tibenyst,Putalugh. Lrrnx, BAIRD A; PATTON, Whole.. sea Orguers andOenamtsslon as ID :RBODHOE, FLOUR, atoori 3 ONElllll4.E, MOARBON AND LARD 'Ol4 IRON, Il DLASS, COTTON YARNS, and PIRA. bung, manufattureg paatatty,Nl =INA &WOW! street Ittabargh. . 70 rer. G ULP 24 IMP iwtra, G RAIN AND ;-cliaats sad degas In ,PROVIIOE, No. in labctty Sreet4Pittabug a4 I:Thales brands or Maur feu Bakal and decaOnliand,, , PArthmlir' attentJan to Borden tot littordialdiso Manny: & HARMSTRONG, Bo joF V f ZE s • l Occmmlsdao Plerahosia, Por tho l nto of YLOUB, GRAM MAGDA, LASED, SIDTMES, Pi SEEDS. MED FRUIT; sad Produce_ge= o. Is riadrAt_ Eus Attet.mnastALh Fit 'W M. P. BECICAMkafiV4=I. 1 ' II iii=i% glh arCerg i g all ( tN:en "el lß s MO , , PRODIL. "a - .IAcATOARD, PRO., k fl EtaißAlN,_ -- a ND . tea SALTA:4 ' :HU. 10112 4 1 , 8.. CANFIELD, Comudinslau attill - , ...ard/Wilerchil*Mwholesabidatiler In, WESTERN RE SERVE MEESE, ,DIDII*IDEOIEr,, LARD, .PURK,JIACION.PLODR,:7IIIRMar . AND. PEARL.. A • ITVALZEtairM,LIEN ! SEED AND LARD 0 4 1DINEDPRVEr,'azy3 11 t i51i9,113., Nos, I 1100P-Orannt , MO, , ' • •• '•- , t ;,. A., ,'r ,-,, , , O a e t air.Odrutranairez. • s, saszfLTlonzl..l.LfscOUlol. : ,KIEMP A TRAI L -81L0. , ..4 CII , L(Att: _ _ _ _' sorntthlOnelth RirkOstrisit IsIILE SALE' ~. In liroesztessin Provistadots,rlNah, ChnensiSalt, If . . , 0 11 rainft in 1 44 4 WI AOTlris# o ,.4 .0 1 0. 1 Wjffirarrtir6 , Vtrftgt • , deaten In GROCERIES, FLOVR, GRAIN PRODEM,I73AVD3IONS, 11.38,__OREESE: SALTcI:=DoN OIL, no, Nos. tin and Its, Wood Etna, near Llbart,T,Street,PUlabagh, Ps, Ws-21V . BIOR.OI S. Mn OZON.OII MET ZCIAI lEADA METZGAR, Grocersand Corn mission derctsuits, sati llositas to Al kinds o Coiliitry Produce and Pittsburgh Illhaubuttami No tea Liberty street, opyiDatta head-of Mt ' street, Pirstrirgh„, .:, ',,- L,. , ; sp3dy Ir. SYMMS J. & NXTDIR....DII. D. aSTDDE., pEYMER & 'llllOllihRS, (Ettecessors, to Beymerta Anderson ) Wholesale Dealers WI rtmftitir7s . ., i,%7J,t3,Ftß"ViEris°,(27.:' Nos. 120 and ao Wood 'Loot, above Flab, rata barge 4 , 1 ,! O. .13,22-17 WALLACE," CO . Eietchant, • and Wholesale Dealer in FLOOR h GRAIN, . wylikertnsicititro MIPX I IBI ~...11 a mila R. P stager Depot, raisonyo, Pa. Storage, Warraouae. corner Wayne and Pena streets. .7 - 7 r. J. S. LIGUILIT 4011111 LUFOGAT -.IIxLIGGLETTI43hOO., _CITY - 411,0U R -BL-IWG EIIEaSS, earner Liberty Adam Pittsburgh Ps. rikr-T-waorr,'Vitabite r maci - 7 4. °V=ar.r. '•%1126.4 . "'"1r •-• Irkreet, -•tutisnutt-ZAMExUzi alusata far tlte sad ruuuuga.AdV mallir.7 tr•. 7 7 " '7.7" I411174:' - ii7 -7- .Tsse:4: s I:: - - :BA' • • , ~. , .: juse l i=citrirMK4ll3°lolfll - 111 . . FISH, mud Produce deesusily, red. 'M. , ! a1 " ... vatittrokal "1406 • • In . . JOBNA , 1.!•419U5F04b.i130 c0n 310 .,.. 7 if": , IYE R7 D -4tAllt% , • xa=VtZa d ul V rw itta U4nufs.PittiburilL: nrg Jiff). 71.011) N.LOTD JOHLFLOYD o. CA. Nibolosala 8t martastmosan icr : : . 4 14=putausb.1 , ,:-2 , . Jew (117. :44 4:742,4 y< snece , la Ageinckeallo.lttlesl.4lo, POUR AMER an d • AV , PM Idlutet • • >• atit4ibutilL 1 Vl7:;:it' ' '' ' .1.. a. Too? t ireCt4 . succemors ton,' • ottimr - _ loop p d-ND ooxianssib • ZAtacVstztat,Pinsbniati. TOMS) .11: 3 IEDGIARTON, Whol • • . 1 ••• GroeWtACU=u l =Kezetaat, tm W• • L. ' • ighlY T AMBERT, BRIM BAIAB DICK:EX-It Wholeasl.] Gro/C . cricitaltyOuVlAtalirs PRODII Tiro. 8101Priade isiT4o CRAIG'S ;.1:: .; OUTLET . 13 ATV AND' BARGE YARD. Craig Street, Allegteny. 011.8. . UNKABD , ORKES PECCROLEUSI 002IPAJNY. 081 Cornet of Pain and Wayne B. Mb compute was arepplzal im the nth tut. ender the ANeuteelventeXleiterarißlanziketa- Thg Lava The_ tertitore of eoupsay ad. = p ee of the Doakerd Cheek Mama Ott Capladtack.cl27. 3W Working Fund 23,000 Par Value of Zarb la 00 OPTICIZIS Preatdent—S. A. JOIIZISTON S. A. Souitimas, I. S. Exonow. • • Wrinarsr Cormars, Jam= Gua.a.m, F. D. GRIST, W. O. jesa.yd IL W. Emma STANDARD FETROLIVIII IiKETNEELY. CLARK & SIMMER. • Works slid Office, COLLINS Office In Pittobtunty 21 WOOD STIZZIM Then wort, ban to largest mien/ to tab country. It brand stand, the highest In this bountry end Europe, to qualay and Llr2 , _te twills oft la at In well sennonalltarrely • a at 2;0 and IDLITOVED 130.116 1 %01,1E1f0r "111113' Welln. de11147 ...- CHAMPION OIL - COMPANY - " Itadiuttiot Oniflosia ;14,,;ki'ktactnsersr of 'Vaned Carbon Oil,Beneine ansiLnicricatin Olla • worurs OPPOSITE saanrszOna. 'Office la 0 ILIND PIS'PBBUR H, Pa azat,o' Ma 14 VALUES. " 0011111111 WALLACE CURTISS, cota . ://=roly atErtcHArrrs, 93.1:TE AND ILEPINED PETROLEUM, 1115=131E AND LUBBIOAMENG OILS. No. U 4 SOUTH WILLOWS, PEIZZADELPHIA, P Sblnge capacity (ander eotar,) for LSO= barrels - alro eaeolleat facilities for ar/Wlox to American and Forelitt, porta, at our wbarr on - the El i tatlll Bleu, near the platform MUM P. B. B BONDED WAIIMOUSE OF Phenix WarelimAng Company, root of nat.= & HAI3ISOZ Sti.r Ittooktyz. :1:445:1:4414:;0:Zi)itiul Eft Tank, and gamed& Sea MauiFs. wee, No. le. BAUM STENXT, New York. JAMB WILEUXib, - , - escurss AAA Amiss= CRUDE MD 111:121121.0118, Pgra Bloat. buttneirsue Wai./PLIMWIth d irir- speato attention__ glyerOo_lllA SALE A2l t=reope PETB. alll 01... and its jgoduatA oth Pittaireggh far - VENANGO AND tRAIMMITAT/ON CONPART. Air POST INFLOE.BIII-14.1,,, aril' Ist. (teas Err.. rue arcs, raw:ammo AND comasscrozr ansacatyr, AND DEALER. 13 OILS.. ILLIIMELPATING, LTIVEICIATVIG, 0811D1 PETROLEUM OILS, &a, saattaatly eat bud aal far-salt at the mar tat plan. Ockasiga• =cats sad wawa aln4ta 0 wit. 1 4" r ". itiyaur C 0..• Commission Merchants, and deaden in MODE AND RIZETIM PETE trtr anzaggNatt.l"4. itom a (41 and OnS4l crose LA daze D1114,17/23HE WAY new Huta Mast. Pitubtagb. .v l2 and Wffittormer.....c Jas® /rim JAMBS iawllr & CO.. • Oil of Vitriol'ani Aqua: . Athiabniii. mute No. LS ULM= St, prrrsulyncm, PA. ri.W.11W1.120 ..1/11117 IL. 11:120 WAILDNO 4.1111210, • AND I! PRODUCTS, 43114teigatilit,PS*4 riateetaia pews tro:tribatzer ST. ritsozros. p=iir ogtwoun. 11." VEMICANAYMIZAP & .luanaraxmanas as Pore Whito Helloed Carlian Oils. No. as tamazrry Emma: ata Tvl4 ,IMOKEL—The anderalgited, eve partioduattoolloa to No pummio oarl 14 'o; s:O4 At BMWS Compazilis., Mete tittym and sena, to 41OIL H. MOBANCIN No. tin porrni km= I o O.3LRERCLiL OIL WORK& it 1 2 tre`Wlatt.e_BIlrning Oil, coasnititirehaai,srus torula al THE xkowEB twurize slams. BY • vA C2,*t / 1 . 8417 7,ER. molt - WQOD tITILEZT. DiBBOLIITION OF PAIITNERS.IIIP. • ."Altelyartnershlyheyetolore existing between • SohnlaelfettAmd lames tad, under the name sad style et MAW ETT & OLD. ants di is dby mu, tealemesenl, on the 21th day of July. A. D. fifes., All ',felons hav lag dams against said firm are ea Attested tendefent,the mime for payment, andi elasse,lndshted.tereaDlillnis will settle *La John ) ldlittatcaltholi alonenutherlsed to settle the 00-. rilneadtaahArti. • r.,A121el P. , •JOHtt DEAPPETT. • 'to 1 3 BTROM , - OHMS wonng.- 3- ni n:lxattlutultrattetttl or his Ode - Itaidlnuat Itti •. ." -' prevel , - ' ',.r.- lamVprz,voots. ri l'acv al _kr'*4-writ . nt L-1.1111 tru,,SltulitaL ti 7ON ~ u s sxtrT C 411100 EMMET, on Um tipper OS the him •flittill.,, . ..P . : otlb_inUM Sex rei t i s TA r . . ~ i ; ~ ::4 t_ • • I, AA Areas •.. • Mal aside ~,4,0 t0s LittMalot tw arrlukts,Z o t Waste ea :`thre a rinsibet. IrwamAlLlPOWinit —lflotittlsllo WOW iTelefiteUraptidie lt ra i 4flistlastrertarriust an& ;t1 il t4" l o74l3lll44ll"D iatlntion • -.4nr= filtlo2lo/I.teklillatEDALEßMl II ' ^slatthattruldlsetbst resurdisictit lb agn bdt eturest V e d a lugat.rzN ja.rr .i i=rs,..,...AWL - ter the late O S of — git•adtsultireurirdh day of July, L. /I leek llu'Old OM T Ivied that the steelt and property ot the late Unn should be takett. , toreemPlira tallreut to to marls try nt PmapPejated.ST _OB. The apprtisers appointee, amt - no sp. , ,iesst Pada ‘hY 41PN mell 3 as WAWA NM; r u grj t zateir mproperst r it t p appraise. moonnt rirtatJilr. , Old fang& 01 Oa ear Metal. Its throdt, loll ' appr meat. it • t _ torsosdals' the t, had intent to tatty on r T'' spa buLnlrss lbeatdiplaNs,us my mint eonet,sort tainToryorsamm larreistwitt so tdr. r ~ ,tli imply, UMW. to the lliat for money drawn ;out: [hereby repeat LorsonstudentarlTrithe ti tibt46 mass pat motto Viz OM *RAMS oleo , start." .9 10 4 11 1- , < 4 , - - soirr mavn.er. Tpfit 'MUM :r : ' /IPER .113 ' p 1 ,'", t ,?,ALM1T1V9?, 1 : 1 147:51TV 01 . 14 °,',. ..441tiiteg.61:.hz...3..,,,. P. 1 'P, 4 1? • 1141111011M219."Ii • )? Li 'if . 14*1 3 • 1 • 1 lI.Zg • ; ; J o ii. 6 m idi, - Ti f ika t a i ill -„,,,. Fl u :: P i ;: 11‘ 7 O V 7P* I ; !•:: 1.-:•iS148,01!gli. qti i ' ' .' ' ' Til ;TUT hwe dio in, land in etiiittint***4 t tiono.thittt , Drlllt, MKNILWia.PAPEft= CP Arian*. Sad sises.-BAIIDWAIM PAPER at bli ,aI c MEIUNTS, DHY 4041DAS Allqciantltlas end sizes of , PAPEIR MADE ()BULB .st Masticate:ft notite,to watt etur.ota •.,..,•",: :,..-. ~:. :-". f ; ~, t , .. •, . .. •OM ' • , .•.. , , J.,00D lONS OP GOOD MI XED RAGS S 2 Tflml STREET, • • ,Prr rsgiuucm, PA. 1)11.111E COFFEE.-30 bass prime RIO' -I- and Laguara just recelyqd and for tile, at tee towel' market rate., by the bee or at Weal, by 30111 , 1 A. RENSHAW, salt maker ,tdb;rty Ind Hand atteCti. ZIAJMi3OADS. BE4 3 5.73t1 , 111 -- fingivii AEBANGEICISFX • 4 2:'a !!. Onind after UM* 216, titn,:tEn3,trala q eanthe as tallow& gay pi.ps daily except y, at ASO a. to., stopping only st principal asth Sunda ma, aid makiag direct connection ai Hanisburg for New Toles. Baltimore and Washington. /LaMar rhusdiapht, tor New Yark Boston and biterniellate pada. MAIL. ACIffiNdDIODAX/011ydally earns Sur. motions ono s. Pi tta ing at' all - regular between ttligt and Harristnal im ind making Close connection with teal ,na net , Ltmwth, Wed a Oregano R. PITTSBURGH & cept Sunday, at 120 p. , tlt2p . l nearly :the statictustwcen Pittsb and making connection with on tht - Wig and arm= B. B. Hollidaysbnch B. Tyrone and Caeardeld and Ba ld Valley Branches JOHNsTOWN ACOOMBOBATiON, daily. az wept Stu:day, at ado p. m., at iregular stir lions barmen Pittabur& and wit hJohadoW, and cc:. nmllng at Blairsville Mters -.1. on trains the Indiana Branch and Wed Pennsylvania B. „PHILADELPELTA =PRESS, daily, at 4.m ts m.. dapping at Latrobe, tkm mar. Odlltsen, Altoona, - HustW.• lendstown. ffiNin. New., p grown Lrisburg, Laneaster,and - At Harrisburg direct anunctlans ens made for Haillmore,Washington and New Tack at Philadel po ga, far New Yorthilostrin and inter. stellate Maar= thrum& en this train from Pittab i =Mo Baltimora,Pidladzipida and New% the Allentown route. FAST' , coot Sands „ ice p. So; MaPPlng yal Altoe. toy flualtingdoni Lowistelm -.4111at4 ftesMt Marysville, Hanisloins , Mialletcrwm "Eliza troth:DM Joy. Landirrlint.asallasteh end Mown. Widow:L. At llantonng connwsionente made for New Tork„ Baltimore and Weabingtozat iPk”‘ New Y or k ,Bwim,aao 41W."3144 Pint Amommodation Train for Wall's Slat 'AGSM dall y(except. Busch at emits.ln." ' Second Accommodation Vain for Wall's Station Leaves d== „ 3 . unday) atiild a. m. r. Third _2lsin for Wall% Stotitte eaves (Idly (except Sunday) at 4.35 p. to. • - • Fourth Accommodation Train fat Wail's Station , dregs dilly fezdyt. Sunday) at &OS pnn. .Aesommodation ihr Penn Stamm, team at • aim m. f Tho ". March Thin' learn WAS " Station every IBurday at PM a. m.,retrusung learn l?-op Ill• L GRAHAM. Returning Timing airtveht Plltatlrgh as fonolnu IMO a. M. Fast Una*. tun Si. Die Fitat Wall% Station ..t. ,,,, ....* • ntlo" . en ss. ma Penn Accommodation. 1.60 a. Ma Second Wall'e Station .amommorlidion ;160 a. 04 Johnstown Accommodation . ' 10.06 la Et. Pitiabargh &Erie Ball Ll2llp. ni; Baltimore Bevmm. Ler 9.01: Third Midi a Station Accommodation.. 1.06 p. m. Philadelphia ea p. m. Foutth WalPs l =nA ccommodati on 6.60 p. Ihnlersnt's Train. • man p. m. An Agent et the -Ileselelor Omnibus Company win Depot, through each train before reaching the r take op eneelmsad deliver baggage to any p - iii - 111 the city,' Vales .060.410 Penn street. pp= day and night,' where " an orders - far the =Moen u nsenefs and imam, mill Moire prompt at. Balitmoie exprealwili amiss wmpu i l e, lol ll ErAiatitXrp.ren on Mondays, • . --, ... 4, - 01f..-In cue of /oat Utit..a. , Will hold themselves ruponalble for pm,bainpara only, and for an =lnt% tl viza. Ah t tl u s=a Oentral Banned . priIIiBIJILGA:_,;I7.- :aIaNgEN WAYNE & craWAGO RAILWAY - AND" 0/3EyN4I.N3) it Ping - BERGH BA MVO eCr. _ - 111:IMELEg. AERANGEINENE, . Oa asul-after May Mg r 3. V 365, Mahn 15553'546' Lawn . _ ._r• l a a • rot • rer - 6.:-........," YittiMlNtsg°":l/575/45di Wiled's& .t . .........:fi1i..1....it 240 &XL *.lO 5,., ea.- - Lie.. - m. E5gr0m.,,..,..:... 150 9031. Me p.m. '13.56 g a Wm...i....... AM p. a. , ,OP a- vs,. .; LP 56. ac For New Equals sad Erie 6.50 A. m, .. "..... . ___ OthrlP WilttsgMaMW. al;5. 1 Pa m wm, 4nls c . a p... 1n 0 .. 4 7.60 g .. tL R S r l . - .... ... . .. _ . , Eat ,Jtocthes , New 1 Encabo Elinblon ter . Owls' 'Economy • Alin Lamm Sayan. &My.= 103)p.m. ano Lay.= 11.00.y.m Antra ILI A.U4W.P. P. W. a U. Itallway 7.143 a. m, Oa a. 10.. W p. 4LOO aad U.W p. O. a. !.B 8., 2 0.10 a. 20. - • - •• kiEallOg PABEIN,TIeket en-raiiencer tation, Plttabiett a; ; Q. tlAngr. nvirwir, Ticket mina .1. A- MYERS.Oatetrat Agent PITTSBURGH ABD I AMMIN" . 00NNELLsv.124. • . - SUM BUM ARRANGEMENT.. On and,..End MOOO•diallnet_lB4; th. tralds WU /gam the Depot, =net at alma and Water Lama !drives an Pitrabargb. PHUVer. Digits gad barn tratarrtawn,7ta a. la. itta p. Express " •• • " . 230 farl Ftrat Marrampart Accoartr:'..lloo p. a. km etas Simard " "d S P. at. Imp. it nit Braaaotat 'MO M. aao rri Selma " " 4.111-p4a. Earralay Obuzgh Tralala sod Q Mar:mart. Limp. Itrlau Far LtakarFapp/Lta e Avms. .W.T. =yr. Statatertia% ; A,LIZOBRIM ITiaa7lllMll I .ci , LEY RAM - ROAD in:WM OF 13316.-Od• Mg VW , HONDA! Ulm - BIAI4IISLAI-I,4aver Plttguava at= a , intdoir AtiUttaaalre 4 glch&m. t , _LasirtaZU. tascaut at up p. ai.oualvt*.akAPPßarittlit I ib i =ram Taent—raiits lastiuwas 41.4 atliWun ti dying at, PlUab' MUSA. at. Lair an c . i ft, .idas AWir , ;4+J:muzi 1 WDNOWDMICEk ttirit n, Liim. Work. st, &Lam, artiting atllttattlib at MA A: m, _Leaves _Pntabr s r lop. - rLoaptor ' MN' '' . . • Iff I 1 Cli B r iiiiiiradittaifiati AMPRANIV. O I MPLW II , FOREIGN ENlORLithri opyruis - I A . Sae:, ;- I ;',l2ft e ttott - ' eta- .I,L .444 Puma StaarearCompa . ,nr • • • • 4 411 % li nitia garairialAr ftout. Ar at m Ina rar Steeunnit - 151Tdirtgalr' MOW -/12=3. The lierszeran thlsfatraelieltne veaLiverpooleveryWEDNEn.' Del, for New Yorketanclang ans among tit* Visteglitafitet,'snsiat vesseb, shoat. Ltv~pleaving e'r* pool arm TH Y, and at CD4 Sony for Irish Passengers and Mails. The [team. • ash of: Mg Liao tuNl htdlt truths atrangest manner. knaln chalet isearomodations for vessessonal He is also agent for TAPSOOTPS LIIIDE of oels. fasted 0111 p m, Balling Packets, leaving Liverpool for IfelgTorit twine a week, and 'WOW. Line of London Puke% leaving London tea daym! The ships al Tapacott's Line have irmg been no-, ted for their quick vista and - the 61131811160 of thdprovisiolls the pusengsr;Snd their kind treatment while on board. Parties who wise heir friend a brought ant by Balling vessels, should tg p all tan: 6 5 a ul aV I , ally refilled rates. k i SAWN DRAITS on all parts of &morels: B. at the lowest ratan • U. fYITHEIJ.... - .... l 4o4.l6MaoalaturOakof n 029 so Smithfield street, Cr Ulf It A 110711 AM-;aollMiltbAlaiii LIVERPOOL AND Ql).E.taia AIWA. -4 . l;;lituar,."B !Kulin,Jaat in atario,l74 „ • THOM ' mil . . rams. se fa gaires".. THOMAS SITTW/4 OIL SAMMIAM lareS. tSAVAM gr. •.: 4_2 ev cotr e l i Etauxol ine..t .10 z.1 , 14;D0al ez.t4 cda 1•1 e e : • A:, C. 3 f.t11 , 31C.17-11117)Z0Z1) ACI 4111 1/.% • . ..„6/11 - se • • . • • • 1 4 1 Onne"l3 4 = o :,li Fir sale • • • figuttal Data, II Ras anit BMW mar DB. sTawat.amPs L 'AVOMlt i ft , • TIIIIE sr the arty wenn remedy for Diarritcrinall D. itailfixaticar at Antrimonik, Bilmtuann nui Carm.Uuip nos sad 4dross Allirt_inadat • - • • . For =le_ by YJ prayed& Gen OA MIMI Fourth suarrOMSUm:dr. iiL . :(0 va 'ULM D A B. • sriain aran taw 414Vit ; vc,M=te=a4,1 is &nail. ups rantObaaana Par Wit., all Dragglits. lhaseal Depot,' • • Mreptipda,-•liettYcomattilDelfflity I ( 3Z , r - ,ims,- RS: lifiatill•Str: i In ..casiolcirs ' trartosommai . %TOE% ` l "2'' , cret,...i..'''''''" 11 ... bir. , ,, llll, llrnlrr,/11.: ~,,nMii'il 0, -- ; ''.. dEolunt tr. itimilar:Vicubittra --- , - -0, ~~ m4sztaxas & clo / '"' '''' " 7080rianna - o ' ' ~ - '' ' ' •. iv m coueratrak LON i ` 4 . 'lLlkiAiiisitS SUPES, • • -,t. m. ruvrinr. , ..,. . .. —, .. -: . , O. A. ICELLYV Allegtkatqr . 014'. octl7drSsaat .. CINCINNATI BOAP:-.75-1:xixes , -Pite4 tort Gletablees Weird, Dioteled Germ= and e t r, viciteDiet=eStVittle"raltry._-alt (or Store of JO A. RENSreAW, e • coil earner Liberty and hand stree.ta: 11/[700L.-1,000 pounds in atom-and for vir esla by 16 . 01611 . 1.1/UKEY k Oaf ' .VISCEI.L4MEO us.. LAItGE GOVSRI MERT MIX OF Steandlbtde,,Whirt-Itearet Barges, and Other. frgertV. QUAlttedOthersit Q'S .toms, ; Weionassos. D. 0.. Mak 94130. ( REAL= PROPOSALS ars limited eal vif be negated at the pluses, and:wall UMW= here. teeter seised, for the purehara of the felioslSe named ST,EAMBOATS, 1F1LLEF4104T9., , h4. 12 0E3 Otero:glum prow kr. • At Cluantiatl, Milo, until 111nnday,.Auvat 28th, at 19 11., For the Stera-obsel steamboat D.Q. nottOo. Feb` ;stereo Ito toos• __ •fi btete•wheel iss Lisboa& Eteaeral AIWA, LFglalared 6 toss; StemsrheetstmaabOat weal (trod *am az% 7; 1 0 4 Ili 7r= r Oo d ail; g t :frig — tend *and 145 toot; - (*it, OHIO, All of whiel; be ma at GALLIT thairi4th.bZ of tying at PAItptIA:SAURCt. of st,lting at CIATT#TSBURG, athe model barges gorses and Clataists, tying ' at 011 , 10I1CNAU, 011.10 Allot whisb Gan be mast Moan tdabra!untlt the day of guilts At Louisville, Sy., untilWedneXiay, Atu. gnat 30th, at 12 M., Model bargee Charmer' Hew 1?TooUblk; Psi cm Po. 6, sad B. Norte% sad far eareateen Aroi iig==.. at LOI3I . SVIDIA KT, arc h the OW Of !WS; For the iddeoarAcel steamboat D. A. Aniteri, rink lateral leo toast . 6blt.wheel ateambost Wady:ea° Stara-wheel tag-boat. r. D. Homo, regletered DIS '466 talltee 6 CU) gunwale kargea; All of whfab can be NNW BP,' the gag of gate ~ _ At St. Loalf; llnseatat: lanai Septetraber Gth' At . L - Ilr, • _ . Side•wheel steaaterAutereglirtaild 863 Ord. Sidewteel deamerizettly_vagicatklir4 tont,/ Sit e.wheet steamer J. U. Btdorin, reg4t.ered 403. tons. EidwithiMi• ettai;ter Jahn. Uhler registered Cm Side.whiel steamer idetrnalitans reghrterell rri Elde-Wheetsieareer E. o.. Weed, fortdeq*, UR. Liana, registered 187t0132. tilde-wheel steamer Ne`wasits, registwedl gig tons; Side-vane' steamer Bal4c, registered 703 tons. Stens•wheel steamer Emma, smdstered IS4 tons, Seariamhsti steametNieter, registered lio•terst. !i Stern-wheel steamy Alphs„rehdered=o tons. ritero-wheal steamer Nisi W. Idinehea, registered Wotan& • 121 Z2iQSMii=;=l Sterx../Ixel steamer M. V. Batrd, regittere/1 21 Cons. Steni-whcel steamer United States, registered 50 ;501S11. : Stera-wheel steamer ' Stern-wheal steamer Mattis Calder, registered l tone Stern-watt' -- orin-woa.4 steamer Porterhaiy-letirod Ll 3 tons. Stenambeel steamer Alone,realMsrettell tens. Sternmheel steamer h 0 3..'rrifilfgketaret 118 tons. - - - Steramheal dimmer Jennie Hopkins, reentered _t; ,o toOL _ GSS;ZR;;=;II Stets.wbess sten= Cutts Jacobi!, **as /. I Z 6 toss. Siern.wkeolicte t itine. 7aaons, regi*.".d 204 Steft-Wheel emit? Lena. rtgletered VW tow. Stern.wteel Hewn., Virgin'. Bartel, Minim." liSo tow. Strew tug:. ill'Hunney, miasma go totra: 814141 tovntnas -.814.164pa r zegtitenid tn. Einemarheol tow-bast Riusto. Vilart.boat Destivra.2lco ton& " ALSO) , :For th e model barges lierialiCArblan,./geolmh lio. 7, Heckel' Iso.2,Trinstertait. .1343 tr • ford, **An lonybo na, A -Snir% '1 , 44 inseireer, Valera Rod. Vol= iilts.Sw rake* el air I. , ein*pirs;4, 7inhtsit CAA", No. 7,Aose,Ohneilsie, Ratroxii,J 43.11 a Bob .43rIer,DexiMalep, 754.101ne, ScrsiskJeule.4ll. tm a tr? c ut ui rner, Go a r d uli l / 21. 1.=. att it: Haight and • • • - 'And terra ft) gioncrale bargea.• ev of which can be seen at SAINT 1.1 . 1015, antll theday of Sato. one (I) wherSteati tonai*Whirit.boat(i. C. /rain), le term lartentrcrinei Kiotram ;'"Far=o; model bum. Eratia, - Adiet;.rentle, h ~ Fanny Liana end Hostokei all CO. do " one t ilkiind boat; four (0) strand , All of which.= be seen . at gen% SLLTOIi, MS I; Wail the dal of nle. • • ' steamer Lee Eaves. zegistated 60 • model eftd - atitergt.• Wettetorelead, Beetle , Jesebfte and No. 11; Wee ( 3 ) ,btbarges; 411 wMaa can be men at EVANSMsfsE, IN- A.ttatil the dal of ails.- • • Alloarareertnii.Little Glant t regisiSred 1 / 3 19iti !'"arel aixta).giorielle beggeri.: All of which eat seen at- lIIEBIEWS, -TES. "NESSE& until the day oUnsl&." A/so, Ihre(i) wherf.bost, 42ll tottiott ( 1 ) splrils • bans, ass two 0.1 sou teas_ All el Isiah aux bers SAD. said the der?7 visit • .fitlProar.; WlarSboat IL. W. =LIM tonalwharf 'teat Dilahlon, - Itirsansiesh Uhancidlor f '• 1168 tan eve' tdaWaa bai t °l O All of wh canbe lama A tba' 111,t! WE1TE.71.1.3%4 until meal? of late: ;. . Xerecalk:Osaliteit:lrsals 'to itiedWithare 00e. WNW; ethlree amid ea the name er CO-abet of ;oathbatik WIG Pc. 11 P / OkA r q P X slt. O f. d . 4 0 1 bittdecalor'east,*- : • , aaabastebbiabbialsdinabbretelabl aelle3.! e c tilthl=oll..thsi=e t s = m ili z rw id =a Erlitatlas Omni. L. ANassompal,Thier of Hai' and River Trans ideate Of flue Meer Lai :Aramtf eopeni n gb. dnra err PAP/42 1 dt' The Boren:imam, werraa diAte! Adej w able t z rola ty! itltr.PePt: .Pacipeet tore maiiNetag*Miteo - ctinclue l upon the emplaces of erg proposal. , airdreilo; tft delivery et thepeoperty. , A MI description afAhrilpirtpiettildiner.bir • lib.i taintd en indication to Colonel Arthur dissiStantiatoll By order of the Qtrartarmaster Gene% iambs-of Pp, • I • Brigadier Chunstl4 azid.€ l2 / 4 f /PIA jet :' Transpottation. . salad 1 HIIMPHILEIttv - Homeopathic Spediles HIT, weed, hie"; the ince/ ample =ma collrepmes= l lo l thmt sod Amebsaalp• 'perlbstly4dapted topcsay ase—.o simple thetieletakee =eat be =deb' tutu thew po harmless as to be freer= danger 4 Wei se elpMeot Is to tei Minya telle.hleto Hp. 'ist!ileVevert;'9l:regisitiestiiittessages • NV u Co l l i eZiiii;;OiFe;erd. i ts Calicos' ivrt, inn - o Diarrhoea of dill/het °rodeo IS 6s' u - ' Dptesiterff , GrIPACI 'ALUM& i olla • 4 , . 11. o . CliolOrallortrasatatuoss ' 'CI 2I. • 1. • " •Congtis,, , Colds, Branoldtts -.... ` 25 8. o Ilemitlals,Tootttanke,Fseasabo'9l ' O. o Headaches. Sick Headaches— 25 • to. o "Dyspepsia. Bilious Stootaltz.. TII tt. o tvurXg• F,1t,t , ,#34.P, 1 1 at. o Imoort r ma,.or, ratro 5 O - - t o I room lorsovonto.4: ,_ rig t 4.. " Ban 1tii?.u5.4r7.f.4 , P9. , PRT . ,-- -4 .:- 18 . ',..."'.. 3 /tiM '7 l /i .141 .) h 91. 2 4 . . ~.. .10,.....; •;, - .,.•-.,....... t ±, ..... . gi:•" ' lr 141.7.111.m .; V:itigt 'me., -.1 ~..1 . ,; ~., orhinimy, sort. latlooto4oyes.. Ti 11. -. Catarrh. acute oLoortpimot , EZZIS 'i 5 4 . ' t. t?!:'. " 1. rhoO~ICIUOMIPtita IO4 4.. 41022/1/i..! 21. . Astrinin, OPtitelised . . 50 ...,!! t Par., - .. 1) /IlettW/Mb 3A.P4-.. 1 "....,- , ..1. , .. t. le:m.l". =::',-."; •Setatilisr ekautit. a...-.... 14 4,7: i ' . i ' Sk e 4 _ 'DebuitYr ite4. l 4q4, ' MUMS 4.. w. •• 193 . f l i:, ...v..1, ' - ia4,,,,=011..,q 22.:l d Atie 20C f lung - d 4 /IV' i i =st=t emlntion, Involax;nn dis. entenk-44A la, 29. . Fiore nowt tt. or Woozy -.. , Skil" Witinory Rueottttrustace. 24. II - Annan Periods. area with 14 .11,1iva . ni t ,:= - git.z. a - .A lco U. •• nrinesnr, en ---1.767, Dance ..___A It. vi , o3„. • -;•. DOM ....:n orutz.i.anw.t... .‘, 4tl , tioql . :mottl , C. .iot., ja '.. 1196 AP/IMF:4 , 4V # 41 .4r 7 447 OM r . 4 - . 1 ' . 7.•V Ar. .VP• l 4Ploio • 4 • 18101 0 00- 44.w.s. Ctla 1 (1,1 - *stag :13°14 r v ie szi74 91= s kest 44 4tim ciao pot, , _moor, - thelnaamod; - tapiu4S4Olgto ft, •-ar_k•73cM -CELe6O l Aa 94 2 NF 7 ,74: 4 ,q4# . 1!1:0 Al a r l n tOrl ti fee s clanal trV aUftrotraii„,r i VVlVVlal " :lll. 4aU gratrr eketaith"ls4' Wbitaregi • • atsl4l7l{_ 11:404414F "(1i ,itiatx."3 E mma ,r , rrilMl7.7l. R22l=i4U/iGE, PI. OARMINDVOODIMIAI&S — , , TZliatigaruktielslo9.l"aii, o • BilLw_Noonveglifx, NO& 21:913 . 4: tic iarßilelrriater 1 piara . m. BLUE, t q" I merra 11:LEteot s . Preputt EXPLICIT DILIV7E4OB izet . SPEC' FICATIONS; for all Wads otbtabllno,ar-tlionw.l. Intends their erection on rennonntila term. Onine on ANDERSON STREEr4 bW.riwn Lnioock Suld &Mom, Allostiw t 7 t ,AtzwEirar.a.rzo LANG GOTEIMEIWT BALE - Steamboats, Wharf-Boats, _ Barges, and. Other. Pic.operty. • ^.. 4t r uau r l q." 2 o a .t l 46. 4 l. PRoVoILLLS are invited and vill he teceltad at the planes. and until the time - here barter =UM% toe the pinnies* of the followleX STEA3I.I3O &TS, WILIIBO..BOATS, .n.A.ItGES4 and other property. At Little hock ? Arkansas: until Monday, gepterober It. 12 . 31.. For Side-odarel steamer DareaPOrt (Rlll-boat) mentored.ll9tot t s, Stern-orhoelatearatt Convo7 /to: 2 4. 11/1 tom be seen at LITTLE KOOK. ARK., unlit tad day or alas. At lackaburg, 1212meMppl. anti Friday, - September 12, 12 M. For the Screw tat Italie puak i rk uk rtg ut ar ei 44 too.. Ma I releirkfaat. "Mtn& One (i) wearf-boat,ffr Cosa Model bargee F0rt4r...1(404ca and Otero Claim Nice 01)eararalabargesi 7, . • • fa.) coal Watt 010(1) Yawl radars(l) fleaUD4 ,ll ekt_.- All of match can be seen at V.B.M3Run(libus., 81391PP/innttl the 417 of 1114 - • • .-- . - AC Natchez, Mlzsizalppi. until Malida'y; Septem zee r • one ), came-boat, no tana; z Natal aura Nana. • Alk VbiSti• aux Do awn: sL rt DP.S. thivaar ct aala. - • At!inletO Vratheir October:4, L! DL, . birMsZattattst one (I - 1/011,' &ashcan be seen at POST HU DSON . LOMS•z LAX% teat!! the day of sale. • •••:, Mr tat yr/nut-boat Nntertesooo ides; indt7►olll. , twat runts. . . Which ran be seen it SATICIN.,ROGOE. r*OLF..; 3:310,3A'. itntU Ste d ; For the„ o Side-trtiee ltered steatnar..ol t 1941 '.pelootati - _ (D 141,1110, mas IRO onn „ Stde-mbret stzetair Illinothreestereatibltons. Side-wbeel steamer IF. B.'F, , . : avorfitestitered SF Stdc-arluni atelrner:F:3l.: fajta/red US • tcms. • . lirl 3 i k ^- • • Skis-attel it! rine/. G. - iqtatered tons, - I Side-wheal I,olllllton. Side - w h eel steamer Mem , registered 128 tons. Stile-wbeel steamer Brasil • - -registered bat 30111 t. Fat-311430 stunner Minas, regtatered 280 taus. SW -wheel gegen E. U. Fsixrdlds, registered fig tons. • • Side-ague steamer B. J. fawns, resigned en tons. Side-wheel strisiner'SWitserleini r tegietered 51.11 tons. Stern-whorl stem:ton Lie ltita7 r itsiisterea Mikan. Stern-what smarter loaa.nlnnc,rstant r s F e . ttona, s .Sterc-wheelnewndtsttegstad m Szerneneel sbeanerDlek Fun =So! . ed 118 tone. Steni-wlrtel steamer Colonel Bradtst. regletered 181 loon Stan-wheel steamer Oolonerttatisters4 Stern-wiles! steamer Snubs, nitrated -•• • • tents • Stan-Salta atepeet•lgntle Ilasts.teibraced.l-•••• tons. Stem-sitsfelatsamer Ooltatar =spit; leFtttalt4 tons. 63 3 3 &Art , Einlattilun registers:MlS Strew tug Menlo BanksorftisMig. regia ..Wed US Sere: tog rip L 4‘ Pitting (now tragaleglo stresetog(nosound atones, Sew:slug GeorgeH Tyler reZartts Screw tug Attests* Intsterettala bawl Snow tusllatwoir i ritiattendLlOZOnkalilaws , l Screw Mg-Mattel, repstered ttS Se ce g t =adlitosi IretaniribegbaOradill - Mins. OestrertrbStl=Gensra• 1. Smansine@stitr. , :tem* ()ultra- - WWI abb*Oolanalled rtodeHottioSlMN,4l) 141M7(.3bi5ep , ,,-,..v .• Ten so &swats toW,sitS,'.. , ;:rl.. . Twenty War de) }rentbod , Foalgewl beat bull) Salrboat, ant (Onto at bre . sletifsosna r ogist ori a m % All of able 5. can be seen At , I.4.tbattl thb•day of eats, • • •• At Mobile,Aiabonmouitil 17 12 Jg For the nuawerngessesesmos Laura niu,reginc red 2Brtoas.ll v . SW-wheel sted - Wer:Weirilir .. ...,Vend • tam Aidekshoel steatoszJantes Ea -regatered - SS • Ebb -wheel steasserAtlA. T _reslatered tons. Slde-vber.) atecaurr.N.•..WCW2UW, tesioterollit, - 1 , tom. Eddearbeel osemier=bl,mileto ; In WM' Elle.wbeel drawer gsserp,llll tildo-wheel steatnar 1.:.71, - ,itsrogletaren nir SternAsheel stint ner.Titinfedlii • Stern4rbeel dean= Etainftton (inzoMizer &Tow fog Fen% oetiotectesMtiors. Screw.tug Mph thatbnazeirtstered Wt..' Screw tug .810110111. materna 64 tons. (Motel barge_ ano n! boil .11sddercErs,enuil •••• beat ( no n am (4,0) pontoon barges. luny : Ailo beats,' thins (1) sesttnnadookr, • All or width can' be seenat - ZOTOLSristatO 'GAM ttax day - Pascals utio!kblir oraposali forlitre 4kai:kLiio, zbOat or b Mould giis tint isimktotsrambnot roach boot ernatgo bl 4 for t Int? tilt milssirzslrslXrk . . o ttoWamMbeno , oot a ot the ProOtril. Wetted thereon, owl addroeset to Bendier (War allagahaveizahetddalittia . sad Hirer Traospinttstlos4amooL— s-0 at the OM= to =IT V" . 1111; 111.14a44 . _ . _ .. 111 " 1atit" _ TboaDolioroassmt rsarnes,,be agot to withdraw abg Of the Ibo) , SlMPerlhoa.4 lM9 111 10.!Ws • F M " ;,S=gr i zoliao s titlY44l3Weir, thy seelata e no p s of sa t y proposal lObt Wets k BO' doottlotio the n ' of ausitiebe obe tithed on opptfotttotk,WMl•paarttair EAlloorft, antsbitott tottb&tWaUtWb‘! ACM gitoOlAW, - sztAste.ro art Qtooteratoster .. ~, ~„'llinrlll.7l.P /1%,42111.4411bi1ii )1 rtatleb.,44 .0 1 4 r Ft.;44/ 1 , 1 0/ 4 ; 4 lr 4:1=444 f.LAROX 00V.40101.03rZAWA o,r Stai,tobeathnarliett, -dna ?pip ', . 3 enenitSinorrCrrn.D.Xc 4,4 l* - 14.. 11111211411 grigOPOSALS ars Lamp aaa %la! VatirfalltVlbe attlea Of Pa 4Ukrertallear Gealseas (Baresa al 841 lard Wirer ttoalr, ert..WMai s M:4 4 tmt.o ;M . Isq'T OP Eig et Id tor Ow Durkee* of tbs reBatrial staged 6TEAB4 BOATb. 88348 A lar4 WON proparty: - blett-ebeettelannet twolowoomargoore*m tow 514,twkito== h atittered.1,90 Sao. Side-wberd Aka= ISlarAertiewl Oman tboationle=l4o roan SideArnierarensuir Ernermen regtsieriel lingonn iFtiVrThitirlF:4Veilirtlltolegistf,t74 •fia • . 816 e -wheel steassarNaopille;regtotered it Ulm Sld heel steamer Daubs? Zama). raglatersa cone. ditenr-wbeeftesind lirrigsten,regiknersd tonS, 8 era-wen:el stearcure Ktmettry,regtatered Raton,. 1 Starts-wheel student Bridgepdrt.,' ittistersd • - stern-srbeslanis ' xierndston, - registered ss Stern wheel - steamer, Mindosserg,ferstered town • • • ill • ~ C Stern-wheel steamer Clattatioeaq registerentle -.Buren-wheal steastar attlants;registcred Tat earls. Si .e-wheel steamer Emma, reglaterealat tam. Ittetateliater LeeskbuL registered Oman Sire-wheel steamer. Atone Error, registered :914 Side-wheel siessner CUrei, registered Also, Enna Mon: Male InirgoVt-trut. pl V -. C . One row boar, and one model Inu ,bat ,aall vlatah estaZa Wart% lIHATTANOCX:II4 .2331 Mi en 'ea Unto prior tognirday atuicer H a ALM - , for the Buildingi,- Wags, StablionergiVedsreery land noptirtarenWre the Ilidted , StaterSl4. building Yuri at Oasis ansoger a. • • , 1 toll-dosertinlonstr alstelronn treseettag tear elders ot the QturetronsatervetArtinspmzsillin abdinwituratl, bordsrille. Abk . .Anetner 5:018001. S and at Oludtanoogs. . at Proposals are inettnelneeleach boat, orbergenita.. crate nano of tea bent erreamitstion sat • b btriad lulls proposal, tA, o A ',Mg ~,foA..of the wegestr . ell?* ob. , gator% contVoters=-Bre.dULIII•1""751. wiulli tt • ' entgelabli , earl t hiblrgeL it&b r fo l M ll2 l ll3" begeLtialwai enttUtturriteypssgskittatanooger warms*/ Ballessialtrer MitsJ:4wirgUloWleidittelllSO Payment •be made to United Staten. tow: to " Alge OsterresusegiesergengundAblASMAtset 1 911tiblalregoottwttirtirelorliVittlopcsudit BY=O t k f • Mittgiedni OteittnO bk — OOlat ''sad .4l =l" • MIRCIEO:OOITZENZET:iIp eiitfigraf "" Waini s ' w m ar .Grratto). August MEns. :SEALED YROPOSAL9 ‘ll**, fUlltett *lll be received $ll 4 lO tiaersanktatn thi•Avtai e. surrailnediTot thliptiroluiset at an , Los stivus Coal kI tztosvplunsinglantlat toriais Clotettio• mmt torirCilzuWirr., , ip,a,io 1 61•11TEDIMSIFICY Strut OP call a.cialsvilas, - Eir„ - antli TM; t AT ST. LOMS../.1qc141 cAlca - "W 4.94 , STFESDAteittiralber- for&Allytt t3L akpl i t s.e.FSAS *Mt U VIK OP Wairyt ft.WW ". fet4VIdESJITMG. BUSS,unillit:.oWo4 OVVEZDAM:BMIT - Ajar :I Wag • , Alv-ICITUREZ; Wtudirl2l - ileScif: -r0t.,V211,em A 6114%. lam Alitf 4.1.!1".14,,rtqcng u• h 4Eltdrineaa And. eimit bt'Autobet,ortbiaan :fine awde 'attn. Genete,l, ,, Larit B., , Priti,on,, Chid ti4ca AAA 411101 TiSLlyileetitlotl "is - our ertnn.Q.aiter• - , auter *nine Isflitnr , • truoartstas.Rhs teltkatea forolirol6M lithe - Pnnita4o Nisei&M_MWibetor uume. ,arrAMtgrA p V i P.M.!?l,6 F 9.0 The Onvonrownt resereestasigtMilyttasp_, - . .01. s the Odal Arid can Bams sow W.Lft"at •to rejes: prototas &med. wo , 1 . r • By. the,Q,iartinidastet ••• LEWIS .11: Pellseictai Eilodier'oenefil 'and - Ma , of - Ralf =Wilful' 1 Tralseportation. . Acald TzELTING I BELTING I—Leather and India Rubber Belting: also, Packing, Urn, Gaskets, Lace Leather and Rivets of toe I oat -,- quality. A full stock always on band et Not. and 29 St. Clair art et, by /1 1 / j.L PiflriTytPzf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers