r WANTED. . _ A LADY GRADUATE AND ETPEW EMDM TEACHER &vireo a Situation at GOY. mums, by the first of September. Instruotittn stern In all English Brandon', Drawing, and Eta A mara of Latta entElefeuML -Governess will not e. bought fthilly`withimpili. , brat elan twilit, • flab, gym ant.. due ilark ampr4;; NesA,son tat?, r.A.:11.,” - ffru, reS balintY%hlo. • • - omit VITVATICI).-HOUII3II.—A-. ataU pone, ainlni four, rtvolVELiroonmEdtlosrlo pit . l6o or:44IEOLEM riiint . 4llf ObOtit tto grit oir*Esollororticiober;blPagentlea*,hl E w e nd Vp, adidled; 4,4141re55, 6;10 1 GEmirriOrrlos. vvviTED-- O AR4TATRiIs,. ovum Gum CAtlikEratlS gnaw% Web* lOU any; -Good wraps Oven and NW/ 412 /s 4 l 2 Zat• *FOY intlaaaMein 1! 5111Tangzi D srazzr. AGENTI3.- W.6.liTEl) To canna be TB; ROLLAND% LEM ortrttocira* I _ ZO= A.narcaT.clatentl Asian. _.l7sl,2lfttlitio"':l6lll.lbirtyst4 PlttoburgO. ps. VrdliTED:--AGENTEI sus .$ Tajt mu= sEnvialt,THE VIRG% THII DIDIDZON ADD TER 3-30APan ET Autirea. D. Ranuixososi Daly York DibunkOdnesptad.; ; Tba swat IntatatUng and ernt book ever FrAtAbod. Mbtadaff SlL•Ektiandann nada asparlatad DiatirtnalbeastbiongA7 the Bomar 10 Lba leant wear at , -Dat , TBbnaa • as Lb* outbreakof the war, worroter oretteiami sat% both Dow Iratl Wea r dating .tub Iteds•tund: ; yam of Dm Debtalbni um ar rt v4ll. man aulantnt tSARADI and await mbsenlottaJoluttay glitd:gi.AUndblrao JA:taboand *vas contain moors or • WA, dad. , ADS 'attires: duo! allow volt rt=t6fitirt;'" Mtir s proar -144 " 1 --atuigl g". { . 40,Arr at to 012:190.MiTi. Attain • beentb4 atdAt *LW mem to soy no &Toot. itioad4ft tfror• r4-w-, 040101"Irg:;77-:: 4,11 . 71 G-. 134 r , „ or 1314V/ililalig4Y-5 Urr"' -- ---"L'" • " Iqt nonsEs atilrikAUXLlol. Allniatid '""'""7 " 'MONTH Cu' AUGUST. 1 I. ga gleams. *flue York. it .famagu i t w_ 42412 ntrisi rml "l'etTiThittird Of 4 4011:121t1U4,1 ts .1:1; /•12.4,••...Ln • _. , .....611:111=01111101:2111:114.01- 'Aga NAssurincnr, U. 0.4n1y 34 180 e, I: t 4 besoliVaelzaCe duletiwout, =Mut bletass.lcytairtlase arid phase nun& osioworts ...New York db. Toceday d nod AWAY CLOW& 1 vireek,2oo Horsed sub dn. , ..-dd .. • i • ides' To* dlr. Mad:nada of sack. woa d ,'Sod i .11.niss oath day. , , 4 ftPlAjillaida2= 3 o 4 ,....._ ISO asai. .....=Lra, ...A....7 r August o d isco Zona.- dthanyellldayd Augusta§ AO Aldo. , ltaiblojTedarayarnaBlo.6:ll • I.l4dladatphiaiChadylayotaadmada.4o,/ianks r 2 =ltli s a VL,_ . .._tibludaYdnikffStOniniOf -oneds didd= roon m a r i kpa c i r i ii 4 (3o i iiam ook dis d nuf, id ,d , r , ),.,14...d•- d 1..., • ;,-.:1, -„,,, -.• , d-, - , • ntlikAllin,Tl • ' dy d A.mwd - 4.loon f fol si . d riik:-=e..•. f - '' bnaAadidCifflc . :.' 1 r tra i Mond ik i r ll ,9dA 19:114414-,., •thdf n• 14110 ii d Awk I iiiiiii i ? , - indicts, a i t io ly w an I sig, 11 I.? ;- Cl e==l i talatidajj. 1 . Dlittan. I Faiday, AvdmidAdicy i ChM* Wialoalidayelgrat4 l, .4 . llllllabli 4[I:IIEaILIN UAW My*. ~ i .''' 'Bakto, Wea k ituralki l llo #41b. , ...a, Thuriday,AAgnia, ted Honed. ari 1 '.' 1 r P3 ids;lni 10 '1 t 8 :=Mtti C I i f dI s tIU Y ' ' 1 • Ic lll,soslUc Teccs .w; fit ine son4 .. ,A Horses ding= MO =low • f ~ , . . 1 f . P• 17. Altralt 21 -M l irt e ,-' :' • . .. , 4 7 t' .-Wtt Z t r ntei Var: z 4:*?. W'aill ki :• T - witothattladayaft .4iat Warn e_ SWAT er's6r2r loudly MI - gad T. -, - -.. .44 mreotos„lburats A io fleMulaw - -4, ValbstomMtdrigaT AninarSl,llollAndes. • -:1. - Ealitatcm5_, ___, Waddaadtur e jg Aasoss , It, and Weims. , I 41 7 .."... 7,kasibir 'ln Itt,pi t,c ares sash day. dd . Eaelsireatwiorlasier,a, i ~, I i A ,i ..11 , b1380130 .1M:141.. 1. ~ I , ...... i . 2 , •'3:ll4lairrt4lkWANDNOpt. eltaiday4o7 Amin,. .... , oppertnalartlinn of • zd ; 118 . 4 galana OW -atter 1 was ttiell I bizaweerezed thevailla., ... - -- 'fitistge• =kW , &Tot Mu avejimil; l ius2 mu. .„viseable, any am noMw• requftdd In ate,; itziroubsandriveribaatiailibiteglidag ' i , Et olvi=4-a.---r.thcir—,,.. v .,.... , , dicokhdo,Lkaidebbd fdl-ddOnd_ildi dd _•••• ttonnbdindOldifolr ...nnon.m.b7dfl 011,01marodid• • ids.% a - ta.o 40..1.111 lA a rarai 001 0 .3.!..1 : L4,III,III2IIMMUNIIIISMI:Opt,7, - c,r4E),;!:;Hq . 1 1.: Ogle tailialailiiisstaktOilacu, -, . 1 ~ , • t.., , ! dad a ' v ',Lahr tfteig(reolittenalitie.Osa We , :vi : - • 'lt r„tig6Sl.s." ta A :4,tiVagilli(irtrl.o6 f i O ATTOMTI .3 t 4 14.1 la 0.....,:rf,- ay . 4,,,.. 1 .4 ? *l(l44nri " , 4 1 -P:7 . C44246"5"111 / 4 r ' 1 - , , : ) ' i ) : tH . • • 1 4 2: 1 011=114iiiiiiiiiiifit iiitfilid u i , shoPtit.*Po4le,,, gas A 1 Qi, 011 co i r ,• 1 : W ill . , iiii d i a, 1.4 ! - • vir l , 4l.=. • %,...:, ~ ...,•" 7 .l;ppining ' v--su, :,.. -Rorams!w;limres*pirenriniiri :foam, 1.•1 _. „ .1-... ....1..,-,0 , Lc , . ib • Viiirj!*l3l.l4se aviikes bariwita lug" ,49,, deslrthiderd-ltesd teopeld• piny idsov M t _ _ , 11 6-dernatono M il tid • ill ' ' ' ''''--Tela. . * F ul t•W e llids?''''''' a ....,,, r ir dd ,'•''f" - MOM. f. I 9.MtVRIU I ,.;P! roan STATIIIIIII:L2TAXTBILUItO47/111 oquistazurkatuf.urnalawimi. - • --, wminieTolitato..Ammtz, lasis. A wui %lona at MTV PM% 17,1 L, on 7E,D. 1 - ~ Abga 4 , C u =etr. allt=k l a tu Latt irmu r Ai PUBTBIIIIO A., on EMI/AY, Ornce .- i=llo_lllnr.rcL!.... e ' 1, • 71n 11) nrsWese Locomotive Engines. plipal I , 1 - r a..alf—Folg.i.stso-siy4.o?,, iL . to witsiA . A tqAe:ruoit. p.m.,: • :, 41 110seneer Stem sessie. . • ' At Arunnapyaza, A., on Tursuart .. a). I Ilit Y i v r,,,, first l*. icemouT s 22l3 o 26l4 4 )44 ,4 3 4 Wstil l at i nsueletel MD ling , , *OX 'ALIII IO/1117. * Urn l t i enal i tatrnairthkeke) ' .il d esti*D g'l' ,4% ?Anal) th/Ity=.4 611,434111.p1ata. , ) tanorpiry t.le,: - .5.+ *3 p - , uts. , s t 001111101141101311614,14.1 : elt ~ . I ;U. n , :.,,, 4 0 .,,, i Vero ()seirinneki. .„....Vor:..neeti.±.4.4ll4lgrilEkenaval via *r! , r or `V . ~ = =i la 7 . e a 1..,1 .1v: , ...., ,4,19111111-15 T • 1 Meal '../0/140 ger att - It eLm a. ms 14 13 .t. 14—. tat •?. ...._ -itgl ,4 7 too l voi r ikrii i i r wir i g Tx: .SI . " . h.5:4 - 2 .r., mnlon, .e iv ~. ~.$2 arautniffefirtirrat irtifikfretrith4ll ••-ii I t.MTIF • I rigMr l ,4:i :01 „ ili a sa Immita • • .• -. 7% ). v s t, .' Ir r ' piT 1 4 4 74 4p4 11i' e'l . ' )""'t . siap . Mgi aaakoke i rpinfe . mkpr, -. , . • awLiTas,.a._ . .grg '.. - 0 40griciii iiy4iiio s ii i 4 m i„ i1 4*1 - . ...j - 1 4=M fa i r" •,, 4 ..., iix. ,. 'lulu") un„ o riwb.. ~:'., , i li Th., Lila to sOotlatiCtoiox 7 too 41 ItOttl to 0441.:5a1a toppostimicaat 10 o'alixk.. _. . . Affkl, {S chatratiriallunda.., ~ ''. • • . • - H. L. suombrt ' , •:, ,10:taei :4 . Prer..ool WA.4.it '. F - oR BALE.— i Falco of about 208 acres Reol in Pablieldtownahlp, Westmoreland °minty, •Alse,* Farm OflM - agnes In Palrlekl teens= Irreninfeell74.==w, Pm. tow Also , a vele valuable farm of 214 acres, near the n 01 / 3 0 0.0er..inKateleldtownehip, Wedmore, ~.t au il": eft:Vega:Meet amend a belt mires •"." the linage ltallrowl. The improve. ~_dients area brink house, Merieg boor; awoke ''usee a /Me gable; s' large frame barn Ws entlX s. Se, water.-e mill, a Urge poplf _mimed with m.w.' fruit teed. It a unaermla with 63111, a rein Of Are brick easy. endeboutonehmulred agree of. Rol wade oak Umber. Polemic= Alm In. • medistely. • Also int serer lettered to Idanater townahlp,, Westmoreland coolly: Pa., adieloing the town all L a m % ma, with IS bulge Mien helm. A. Doe zerideneeenesp• in the borough of Lltionlar. Will be eold Also 15 acres of land, with a large fleddins new *l rlso l VO amei t P ilted,"adWft same place: ••• abo Meg ruse the bedenlist= farm on the Mono.a. rt, nanhe n...als E:lver; ut McKeespom Pa., aintaionnt about 145 aeon The improvements are a gram 'house and barn, earn alb and wagon ehal,with Biller outhdkilegs. A large opals Mead of between MO and 11l trees; 66 games 1666,20 penetrate, and 460 peach trees. : Also; s' Parer-of .1140 wee, near the town et Ito ' Wegeltembind county, Pa., mrry cheap. , • a Lim Hotel's•-131a1nrWeLleni- On Ito Pemaylvaals Railroad. The banaing•us row Lid well irtameed fat • hotel W WI o.ota ',Ma =7 Wan, at a great pm . . wear" betatit beeobi al.Panent ill tams, situated fn West Medfield Township, Indiana oo.ePa.v near the town of Waahm n, about four miles fromi.treganne=p. Tbe. 65 0 ettwo• mends are twp • deeps' houses, tad tam bans, • large sidle room,, and* One young word:art.'. • • -faking lie geed; eery b eau. UW to eh mills, and a very imams— aad'eaeasyterma, woad" ti: ;70 11 / 4 4 1 TIO 0 r. ,e I P •Aho. Uri Film fa Elist)4aa iownialp; d1.,...wr SWIGOaiVO awaken,. 'Wed about thm Wks east, otthe lemma 'of ElLiabrth. Ibirimprouvisents are a large.Miele LW .M• 0 tense , with. ItteM , wait Added ronasi a gwa=ful Lam to front, sum °undid by drnammtal goon ge- Pla..l,bsied;' with many ' o th er tedldlngeV pad Steticiagl Prune* el the van bed *Mite Osk ,eineber. It Is the twat analltraf llinestoeol2ll, ?and le all underlaid wittrunm. - "Maar omb:tam i irau 5644 : ' oallirxlvatress. 07. 1F , ! (301,04,fiAL8 tN ALLEGHENY orrir.' nen, an -sEnsozrazzar • VaZM Maim; baalaibia and CailTelliani Dila* s4usted takNorumaztedreortier_q_mfm m - bent ama Atm ESE" : • , • -•- • - purr ars Du*, tu gocki - ieviiir. To Or oapitait, gondol ft- Safe and Dei4rable Or to azy is want of • IE f,rmiotf;-, .. • Cordtiruble Home; ` Forthervart4oularo;htlappllatto93ool7:-.51 , 2 N0..153 Fourth streekl'., 0314,11P.4444,Ft.: R. SAL pr M ead—ee r The subscrib er oesmice, :ot ittnataaera for =BEIM } lr AI kit the AWard, A14.1211AZ -19143 encesdatrateentitmanterlart _ etientaan tevarecl. - 11 1 TVA ROUSE coaiiimillfeemilio . oft, 'nth**, mgir tit6 =fterte t rnt a e 4,541....einc1, I=Arnow t sustiao usatai: enze , W,;:.l _ "Intrtentikneete gut maw Aeln..: lS throne:me% ones Shell Nizarearawim '.VOG,G/414 ' .=.4_11A.REOGAMIOAXGR -. 1 1; a plod Investments/el a telatthilcountterea. 'dance la Oaklal:*-141x itibilatti walk hoz' Us illinnalet SLUM' and live minute& Walk from Lbws Minim:Gains Gaanallinilleltailled,_UNE &Mt ialt eAmmortth a ocCeasityp, :hem, eacelece bowie WI Alta* - lump QM. Labs Meg ..lorphxdow" with Ur tasksitio, aisozias Ws centre.. A chair, of ,frulf. suet alai WilUt4A# 4 1 7 m; c ar. .111 a kiturce allot gond Water. Prim '• &gain ,er. • - • Wiz isciriee suutivinsstreali:' '82;50 - owitm maw tudisalv GOOD aik • WunicanWbUtrarrirrY-FivE ri m) , /UM dewed' and Antact twain eatural-asesdoli ttci rratectso tt l ikrtlreVegaWsiX Abtsemuritramirpotpro miles *am Lambe. Toireas.-9.40 , 41.0414.. Skate: Igata.; ALVA, ".. au, ... , co: ...-UtteneW 131230112= 1 17. _B ' vrapratis tracritetettl " tukAtogan.W44-"d"cyo,:a; • leum* 11.111,1 • 1 7, 1.. ':,... dit " lr . ' 1.1121 N O . r.: -;,- ' :e; " ....Paint AM? 6 r- d 1-5 4 1';';:- .. - 0.., iota toga* iir.24a , sar • 'Ent:tellt WORM 1. , 'itifiedeituitaralf '111:1307.atet1111R: *101‘,14 • talrt.t ..•, Jimasiikriogrilfier2o2rAenctor L -41,..FlesinTar 1- , :114/: • TUFPIS adenak e. ' W/1: 60 % Baqi b !-.1110 g by abb. r. I:3lrift• e - Thfaarcii - orthe - preequeirs - L '_'s wha ling ifirmEnt. enwatur ramE:2Ronarrav SALE-11t the Steubenville Sallwarl, • nelleeituntliketniy. 57,1 r :`titerst ami:wAter.nufarq; Baw,3l3z *ear yoprovaatata Parnaiba inronnesei •americi:n .-r. - • C. • (017Paite ibe qyaacr 3 Qraat > t Hp 114 Vairatiqirr • - L e ' ENCITIOE SO P4Y w aa, complete; 4littable for • S.*. Orbs, of P 21114 .lic any ottect tolittatts llqulitaz *capacity of Fens ty ay Flay Ham Paw= _ APPiI . so Barran: am gram. • . ,FOR• . • .. A LlWlZLiffil sotisz AfaiiiOld* VivVlreiblli Attie; in Plet Alsalidec flurntsutelinUttrito thip Una ot ,pakaiaa..6oo,ooompazze k ,- • TWAsfe..) , tialtsull,,, " Vl4 - 1; t fr.. "` , 2 ,7 2 . ' ; 2 203TAK. Diar-a Rociasuritibutuka, raLEUttraiRrIMPDIAD N e wslnure escp.cl Clisaalmo) MP:II4 I VMM AMIXEIT, _Aux aim errs 1. ." .. 000D4110TONS Va:rfa C:lnrr zoossraP A silmt.l4%"Au.e l4 ..mat; • WAGONS, BEELBAIWOR , 17 111 .VELOWIFIREN 7. G. Lavza ato : 1...y.:i 4 / 4 tensvitasicet, sult. .71 - ,t371.71. le.& • :'••• ' ; ' • aL ..TOTICES. lareLEAScc Trey: 0.71..0911. 'Or ith cor nam,.olandered and entitled blood, You on Metall over. it may but!t .. ant inPtenike or Sores, uric tome fictive 0 writ may merely keep you Unless. depress= andgood for nothing. Fra yonewinothartodl.th While your blood Mina. purth,-Arsitlyte health tiat Ire perlifeliendariniubites the Mint Alf 10104 • 'rigorous &Woo, restortingtbb health and elipanistk , &sea= Bennett rapidly etleineariaty.lo.•,__,,oo.2'. plaints which are cans= by imptcritedtanwowo,a Inch SCOAnadr'or gears ;Eva, • Yhtsem*: sores, , Ereptiou, Pitayka Bkgthes. Bag. , fo h s thos - Fire, , Ressor flrrofpetra 'Mkt or Sall Min" 1:1 " 4 1. Rfoti .a, glawa ii iLk=r _Da ancrous To. ems, Ssow gm. , • ~ Mich Al. Zelentice,. • ~,,bregeratflic, Maki, Sterility; ako °T - Lnwata, User Orostpletwasnd Lion TSY.lttarVe. tiasearawita,, and am for totosell the , ing activity W l = ll4o = cleanses - the and antes throe dlsordres. ! During la= years the Militia have bean= h=o,. tit= pritendlesto eves quart ot Or for ortedollar Wort of theme have beta:rands open the 'sick, for they not only tow live take rittleilf any, Sarsaparilla, baton= no mew • - Ow:Mattes what Hai..bittar.ditap. =mat= folknred ever. the use of es. tee ratio= ex. of SateapaHlta which fl,od the market, until the name iteelfhastwoomelynaerhOlmsoith iselleation and chest.- Still we mil tide =moontet - o .sareapartilao and intend to supply encts . a remedy • eina , teseturthe to= -of • obloquy :which reels poh It Aliferladak we have ground the bellarlas has Virtues which aret WWWW4hlabYtho 'man , ;t Tenn alba distant Lt inland= anre.. eaffenaly macre the Maki that we o fferthena-the.. ban • alterative which We know hake to , strotise, and we have rowan to Wixom is la, by far -=O parigherat the blood, Set alma Fl Litza i nnacerr 41z;rimit. Ivanins to...pupria every other remedy hir the wire Covidr, chefs, Ingenwra, Hearer:tea, Dronp u erye., matt.' sweereet.-Coneweptiozo, mei fottles SolAl4ll cansumpurs:Paibla2l in.adirsace4Jtaces alb", Mu:swan it Lawless •Esers II retro= the den= at Ids vistriee. , Met werbirknoure them. •, Yreparenv Dr. J.o..2trallik.Oo.cE.owoU kfitta r ;: and 'Nal bytc,..F.ux?;seracor- 4. UM 11.ta kr Ail I ...1110.141Xewmod... gir Prrrantrican DILW W011,8114'4- HUM:UMW 044110Cf;:( ,' • Ig4 . tri - 41AIMICUtT - Lturri otunriiro .cmarrimuc. • • Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS. of evert .4111 i..„.. acrtptlces. ELM. Mulayo3toraelita.l3l ll /. 11 1 4 4*1t. other matistross !nunalar-. Quit Ic Saita Ballard EEA,PIiaUtEk • laOrintiO na. Sir Wareham. lid Wotan, corner WET= anis BE .OICT STREEreittsbuqc6.- .. Particular atalladonlai tentlon Wen r,lino Betioco.44tumt: wog. and Etr & ACM MIK palmed all kinna. Punching ,=u4 =43:21540i mumble ... - .... t*ikiitidi Midst liiiiiiritl6 l l 2n R.rtwaa /1011,,,,1J.147 1, V; rk620,22,21.and Ma:Mt :rnadded. *jam pad,. sad fintlabad.. "UM* man fraproved aulablamoradram ad tazdurntaadm arm deduiption cdlPO. Tit m i n.ttasrimanerouidaminintia c rTvi i 1..,- , • 1" SO °M4,P.IOTM ILDEA_. 0 ONDE II NS/Ilt TANKS, OIL STILLS AG ATO. SEMI TLIISIIVPARS,, BO - ARON, 7 OES, SUGAR PAN.: and scda rt am i tatneen ofBASIt lIILI2S , FAT Beath* don ela thinbortertacrUca . 4 0oppertilialtimeltini arks, , . ' ' 4 " ''`. PARiti thatOlt u tTlYOFC -• : ' : ,, i mantopuTctiorprimatiiiNqi azamriss. a BOLT M.ir . . PRESSED. 00PAge , 2102" Tom_k_EausED, orna, sorroms.spazaxii IlilLii r ,l "tenseness lied ;dealers ftr XED. ograntai -45112:1.1. XE rIaBMZ F. issr. rterdaortaxc acid =BM OND =KEST% , 11peolil.019:ursle Illeptlettrat to arty deittedpsatima r I i.- 4 , IMABlldiewr , .. ~, •,,,,,' bar. Ohre) w. :T. 49a 15 BMW.liarZce. Igir!""ButigM - list AS tiVl . i , iral ed ziinpusw , - prlacitz . iiimis., - 41•L ON vas NanowaTir4avffri ---- Cure of Bpamstorrlces, or 41•11 .: : laball'Emilatooo, &mak D iStw or merle, id arlarrlogeryr Itorob rromybrrimproysi. mid, yltir bfintal a M - gt eat lass 1, mmbliing' from Sell Abrati fto.. by Rom . Orionunas, am, mho .or the Beers Brat, &a 4 A Boos ;To Tamura- 07 Bll7nahae.^ Seat , umber mral. In a Pbdu envel. N:::.5 , NA OA receipt Of ols oktoro_pootime nok by_Dr. 3. 0.11%11% fr NMI° FW =Ol WA*" semotrooeiry - • , . • .• .' . -' Sara• MISIIWOVW , OUFFEJSZJIB OF n IBEXCL-O mem/ .n MY los 6eantestore4 to loolikla a Oro domaller an 4=trathe =hi ronttho brads? ospenslye mo atilleollpithol,Oenaltimittislo =lny h t_o otOorokte /%4 c al? tbi l = 3 ; VP an addreloodell= V OMPI on,floo, loopy of the prescription .• „:1 ' Moot to W I .19BNICILUTALposs Aiwa ' mg. IF: < - : 1 ,•• , oppolydnoT aTzik.....w. D. -- innzas.....a. v. HO 1. LailWS HirigraliCes3. '4304 21,1 .3fidddiddidra keltl.A.plaa E t ritrßlETO. .PLOW and MIME GS.11:& •3441: 03 0 1 MatA1 1 4 , ,,--.4.:,.., -. . ' . .. so-6MA'irOrbitr I%; ATEBarrigarg . ' 'calaftarsi . • : „, „ orp t =i snro lUSA a - oratiellas 1 9 %4 • • Wotta, ZmIM4At.Ee. nrMii tail.eteat - ERT /VWm 1-4 A . 317 zlA mu%kaF Ar= exams ~_ 4 l argatir-MONATAIMM :VAULT MYWralki l l,Wel l t atM S.Eol EISTIMRIO ntaireveamasmt ta or viateig=Wa i t '-` • Mar " is= CCRtirrititilsl , ;,112 4 , -Hot , Haw .9cIiv•SIENT 111195,41. t -29 V 4ammp oeMibaomaaate& =Med sad giggle orbotabb eeL VIII be eon tree IMMO c ftilex 13; Boma- Post NEW GOODB—WE MIS NO " CWlTMOgraOccd. tor * :•• !**rirg Slain ** : lr dWiri; ur etel = -1 2 2 41 1:13 MUM Allartu• A.l f ffr c 4 01 1 11 1 113 1 P •• , LSD • notasaminscs at• • WO . ,Whr.rflift.a.l.2lsl e.4l4A.VAtiffirel • • , it NWASlWlft etli • 1erix.1131•44 • • tsolsr • •..• 8•41 . .:11•BA,L0 •11.71/TET ...S:Al4o.lflnA„.. llo .l.4o4)f r illiVig n 1 krt.° 1.4. - fierol 11411 , '; • ....a =IN . iAnt• VS:4O: till • :r.toicaka .7r.c.1.r.1:311 Miot- . • w !I;s1f. fit= ):11.2,1J.7 ticViithbarith Gault. WEDNESDAY, ..AtIrSIF: 16, 1865. muy morning IMO per win= ida. 4 dow•Adristag s o,ndiosp2d end" airddy.,, Batik 'Evenll4 - t...11L60 per iye1.4.4 . ‘ do. d 0 ". .. served 11 ' atlicava eID mats aracia Weekly, Dieldba 51.4 0 .51;ez-loar.. - do, single pm RATES OF AOVERTIS•ING. cm pa EttittAxistrava Rairmist • Period. I.lsaly w tvit aria • tti.WAI 1 One Usna • . TS, ..—, Two times—. 1 251 .. Three times.. 1 73' ...; Poor 24703.... 2 12, ..... ' rive tiro.... 2 52; • ...1 One week ....1 2 715 2 t 751 Two weeks... , 4 75; 2 75' Throe weeks . i 6to 62 5 One manta.... e 25 65 0 Two mouthed to oot 805 Three noleths It oo; to oce to Six ontJor.. • 22 601 'll 7 t e 4 Nine =alb; 24 001 P Wl' One Year CP WI , 25 60j ..-- Advertisements =semen one year may oe ananged at ttokedrertheerpleasure,_ sae charge of 23 owe per enzyme, (( of do cents 1Y luta thettmej out meat be ealtdt o . - ,t4Oor!'"f ^ '•"ltlotoon of the 44774upsowpts, cacttrAgtod for ottenttle_ emu := hOltoOetW OA 0 4 , "P r °a tsP" ItranslentadyertatiettAtnt Death Rotteiecineh liusertlOn ' ISO OW or' orar Per ?Voters: ' TEAKtrariAte . timdam at the ac One leert ear iser, and not to Sn o the ell:ids dts hatttuuy tortnatton,ot Feet week. - An icibee Utter. Mater. 'Sent Three 1118 60 $l2 $ $0 SL3 •Nlee • :Mil iOna Year 63100 33 00 1 Hakes dattlatiOtt&WihteS, Netted one month or more. a len peutad sent=4 - 1 t u t r i Wpm , sliirth.sonroWbe honsblenet as the sysessessa ; pled by ten lines fat the paper. .cary AND MUD= cynoz custrrij . F alai':: Tile Blot in 'throat of the likddlerst - • •• A ' hitt hafare' Major; :SoirtY: to• day, to the . ease of Sergeant John Melds and Wm. Stewart, helot:oil:4 to the Sixth l'ennail vents cavalry, wham arrival In this illy:watt/me alresdi &mon:teed. Tito facia 14 - fidtlfrplitit cue are u follows: It appears that therrel ment wet detained In the city_ log for transportation, and were allowed bY theirclkers to firinietkithitutbeifttuty might. domeof :the men being thusoegkteted by their officers, sallied into varies' ealoons In the vicinity of the began to manifest a very tnitbiden:, 2.Aboattatent four or lived them ,went to the &Idlers! iloele and &ranked their . dinner. Mi. W i n. dhoie.la the employtethiSitaliiinebto ~ _ allow env one Gr - peseT glenrentintielda au Win. Stewart , the lattelaWireVeir la the - iila. turbance, kodsterlen main& end the Bentimet ctruthrttaj= r the !•at,. mho Altana little = VL.' • hettl7lloll =Me raivria • mace-and went in the building, K i tedlock ;The consolfaerd-edobitent - sp; rh=ailrir - 3r.ertr -ley -41effedi e rio .0..... Oto . )7lekle ill eliVra 1 Milabit i Meliii_ _./ end ~_ Me.e o .l l :, 44 Shktds 0330 col immnatert t• - • 7 e Igari fill s = -14 &n e =treenie - aWi l yinglee, . solder Stewart urged him on, raying they"woriht fled the "•va&krnu.. It. Th u two went ligothe bollaarliNit ed t Wag fitibri,' irhialail. es- Aped by %be be* . Vei. ;own . 01 0 Main! and gathering ancdher party of 'oldies, tainunnoi to act brialarraiLtor, dimly mann er.i Stewart tineatenliiir to "naiad' 'tip the "conceni." The comrades ni , Stdelile want meanwhile endeavor ing to get him away, but without; success, and daell,y left - bins. Shields, who It appears -wan crazy drunk. commenced abusing ' a citizen owned Wm. Campbell, .onder the Impresaion that ha was a doorkeeper the Home, elzikins at him three times with lb carbine. =inn him oge Int the lackei the jteed.• • • He 'lsom* at 00110C . 417 Ms hat otr, and was in the • act of e .trattitton hmytolowniithhie elittdrar. when lit,sehiler - atan d =laretit 1 The riot was &Most . ' tee part Mk Mar Witnessed' by litayor 'Lamm by= whole activity and watchirdimai•-the rthgleeder Stewart, and. dengerum, Shields, were alone sacur Mid file , : Honor 'lrttsthan the latter himself. Considerable con sternation wad createdin the Writhe, aothe ladles_lp .attendanee and the Invalid sot fOf thetiaitn. theiOlieretalf a domm.rentisents tins oi, rut r.glnrel tot which the rioters be long* StAtesif-Hblelds inn very pandtent. neditemthaitioitlfpkieo =eh muter the unla ,inice of ilmnerel•-hereitewe not re member any" of tlid'Hritithfilifralt. Re has bom In the tardy 'for - Mod • feel "sem and was mmenbrthrearrested on angehargo- We reiPrd the whole drakes the fee= of a I nnetaulerstandl•WWlttli it ••would meta, the i doerk - • .., . by a.paniev exblbitkin of the c&r, f irt ....n .•*".• anight, blve,iparemikkrilTke men were let ..bv_ their celicens ter put any V 144, nia ei:6-ifitetWor , an the 4rlttr: 4411I:SpeoPe • ' be/ were in.u-,-bi no% ibx = .0 4 ,, • something to =visa Ntonallukel. o ,4 44 ;celtgr.Aly . " '' bled soldiers; acted: vote belle‘rm ho other motive than i• desire to r. obtaln whlclt Ibmtli 1 have been madded lbelbet i ....1 was net. • • Attila Latitlggiaiatiiiinieliliciwircen the 6;or.keeper, they were beemsed, end whet waa a t Oral Haiti PM 14:41Mitbnly conduct grew 1 Into the dimensions of • riot. i .. :: - :15 - ,IK g conduct.. An r stmolling _n=t 4 "in. Pl l2 ll4 in . _ __sintrilltwil-thelectwof Alta case ..no . 'lnter alternativeaban to eaningt.noat deto A in delkultreginMeen4 .4! iftei,.lo,C9Art• l e oung lad, _caargm wile esesetku number of soldiezellaideld the Borne after had left; . I betas p= "4 1 .14 1011 4 =101h= ~,, th e y m ime d AO dole) ,- .... ).: a ,C.:l-.0 : . • t. irnjEr I •wofiluvammtand Important Arrest of glars. the utgAr t sst i dp ßur gatil.,_the.t i atler ItittstablislititstrPß: 'Tata% Mara r 4 Weal alt4l l 4oh: aPples: svme.ca: by b lam end yobbed...ateMhileg ftWits: L maAnting,in ra mad OE; Deer at fint at s lose to fix the Mt op= any, one, bat by patleet perseverance they tinellyi suceeedal •Is ferreting oat parties' andhrietitiktbettitb • Joitiot. raring leant the whemahonts thrie of the tblerat,'Clue d li of Pollee Long. to company with stnatni Lorne Culp and Wain, secured larouchea And. Manly after midnight • they started": for - Mel shanty of a mat named Bell, ruidlog at Corks Hun. Arriving hereat II o'clock, they mated a one of the old sun, named John Ball, whom they Iboad to bed. He was broaghl to the ettY WWI op fr!catteapng. Lem- 2=_,l sa tiL„,llll4,, .b,daittrq gc o 4 ofnvonsomp, Jar ~= VeZta M tl M is t= mg l 4 l2 Vu rti r w sAV4 24 r tru g jgoki &ma dteuirmzace orMa o#l.- Q ISM Aatimml ond l i tue l / 441 p.;, 49 . x4 .6 , /PI ml'aa' aSinuut, WI:Na to theitUato the trap& of to 101 n 2lftt n .21 oo Maar let Wateligitlitgoreol:.2Eirraif; 44 , 3Wel.1.7pittimiaarla ghlif4Var ti ma lam Mper! Wall/ Wolf Oa a the maths lifod• tratOothee= They an slate bar icoanitietThriStitto r-,rh t a •11111.1:fp ~, 5: 1:151t1 Lareetry of Two Teets.—Xlchsel King wal =Wed this Rtruttag .0y akar Moran for.steang . two vests horn • boardinghonut. Z.Oluirf thiirestiDolooal t4Troaft Merida. but the owner tho soma to.noLTO Kl" I °4 A-neiwoir was ha before itspcle - iitikrkal pax las committed toviawor ctto cuff°, ...;.1 '.,) ai,...;.5; ,s ! . .. 75 :::: ::... t 1 t 5 ... .... 25 • 125 23 2DO 12.1 125 215 200 113 4 00 I 25 a 510 5 00 I - 13 - 4 - 25 [ 100' 414 -..0.25 050 it 011; .12 , 00 12 00 1500 17 05 11500 .111 CII! 20 CO =ia "e‘l I time sureelt.itiftelt montane* glatiev-41mtegogugattut *Ft/ ottu MAI% fultotuity slang - ttettiotAlt9 a buncor,p4araudag ebOUtenteOOrdat-L', jotoWustbi hatkettainte end _itttax*lPilth =erbbitt *tatted down TOM! ' , Met bad - isatogaas taruntilthey rattail a passenger OM - Woke abettelnlots'otibe:tozo%aud-oPet tketalel id tatr, W t q*, ceet V,Klit i l li hne Aß9 4fl4, ... B - 1/a .4.1. 4. q )r) I.•—xn .-^, .t - . 4-7 ., :Iy 4 - 4. 111 / 111 1 0-4 3oat Intent and ft* jultedrartumtneuts 6 2 .04 r, tbithe and= . , . .. _ =OW: 4 1 e 0 4 11 .9_ tee bald la the aa noway tinning of *bare* pit ' ' •of mil the Las Mb lmp& =oar 1 itizei " ="lllll4rltulfiliclilll S ti r jthil T: ll. 1111 : 424tallagibInd 4: : Ir7gi"„' i t 1 1 T - Ttilhat e tesrigioi-i—waitootta to Ai 'iiret= , 'Vor iota by' dtoggists.; Atk The the Young Wee Friend. Aprtt i , the firnitcaß.ll4 treatment u 4 dateassa "axnapsalak dica It*.:ar , ow bad • di tt b =uliwii . 0 1 10 Srittg. Zoit - 1 9 . 1 crimew cant maw aaelaud.' • seabbilnitnar, -Moab* Ibmiare . .4l. 5 , cabal. 4 . V. Fat a . ,4:lQldiesbio: " Iterdrm.i i n ` :INOM I Z *. - 'ne "Pi :441 - .. 10 _....7 2 7,i1A1 A .--.411111171 ° 14". 104 .1 • t Jatsseind f^. ....4:• . ' i 1 , 47 . 71 . ‘ 1011 '. „ nikellArittrfPW 1 .:..I'lr:AVAlMlLlflikafrOtir,..-"I , WO ):..13 4 1 0 0/CEIV 1506 2 4r .r. : r Vietatie Lig ID Vikllgtal 7 : 0 •LI Ku' ' i , virtarta ens war P111111111M.3111100 :.,1- • .s./ - • Mather altirts 171, 4 , ~ il4 1: 1S -Duni"- . • 14 Pbr ; : 9 11.2 Q a . fr' "fPri4 L 4 .t 1 1 :1g;rg:1: - 75 •. •• 991W:a. e 7 0 , 4, fri..*3lls.i '...-mh..* ' . . •ililati; impl:od vf ,v_triliaig II AU Cr ru,sa.Lual c 0:.,: Jol ,- ktel T .lii —— - --- uaAl tiltik [ . —I : 1 ' , fraTffil .., PiIII 4 3113:1 kik t. 1 11 r -- ~ ....E...:0,/ ,Cr ~ 4:atitttut '-'I . 1 - - 1 I:';l l. ;:.3llliikitli'diziMlT Oiiichmi:' r i 1-21511314m08 GEORGE wan irtlol4 l A 164. mop so C4iAidifitiataill 1- • : 1 1 ONE HANDSOME VOLUME, Nolo.. WITS rdA MS/M7 I 4 I I I :44CTUTIMOSTAZOION& PlItiDE 41 or 84nt fore, by mill, to app ad ittos.-RO + ' Val' . lairtetilLAßKE+o37o4% I 97 WOOD STREET. Soldiers• Reception EDITORS GAZZTTIS wan the design of the people of Noblestomi, Federal Springs, "Hill" Chmuh, dz., to give .. aiseeptlan Lethal:umbers a company if, 'l49th -Fa."•VoLs.. on tho l ....rtem home, but es they Mimed when the gushers were deep into the nnyezeries and min. eria"`dflotrvest, it was thought bog to defer it Until the "corn was In the barn" and people sort of rested from the toils they had undergone, and the ecorehings.they had received 'neath the blazing, blinding rays of merciless noL Accordingly they • decided to make a grand comblnettion—they decided to "holdabirecert, &dales* reception antiagrited"Ultrreet Home," allatuoce. all Inc pile, and all at the "Mt" Churelt-"Thnin single meetings rolled Into one.".• ' Myna. Editors, will mot attempt to tell 5 011 bow good it was, I cannot do It. Language falls. There is not &word In Webster to et prase turereellenee.. • •• • The people amembled at ten o'clock; they rushed into the arid orvanized; a song W song igy the singers, and then the people rushed Out again and congregated in La grove near at hand, - where an essences repast wait spread. The "brave boys," the &lagers and the preachers were served &sty after winch ""the rest of man kind" rolled In; and pitched ta; and plied in, and • tumbled in, and were hecantifally helped to the good things that had been provided. Adult. thle time, however, the clank Bushed dark: and mahatma &crone the sky and the rain commenceito pitch down' In ail he-fury. This created a canisters:44ll in the camp. Many &- chicken leg :was I,hrown,,Odien ,ndpedished and =II)* pie Waikiki rioNisl . The ladles who winked to Arm AMA !cassette, Bum the pitiless &tom beat & bort y y retreat to the - home, - whilst the main heroicantromfp, framed the storm and•dined sietendi. The dinner being they all agate crowded Into the church and aped it chock. The besati- ; i d hilikkes "The Waggon': a- Wigs" Wad erusteli titan the vereptinnspeeela was made by Ilut Am" idea, Bev. Braddock,' It wan very good-ImA vas. replied UV try ' Me pr 4.• Illagte,, of the In ast admirable-ISMunes.,.,..Venk.achrt 'Biwa pass wiz • history of which, 'wasvclyinleimiieg," Ile et ter bb a trenoi lie with ati, if W 6 may Indste,•4wisk the hearty ahe received and the impute the ladled showered .114, feet* After bin • addmea. 114 Greer was loudly called tot tieit 'and made sod* Vary IstiW-altd- The speeches were intemperzed witmusic or the mull if faterspetsetrwithcapecksomum't say whielA ,Bemusignangladles and gentlemen did theelsiging. imdtdid It, too, In • delightful and, elsohtnyylei,!• They seemed to slag with heart! eadltml'enfilt as though they rejM.-d at the cam log of tthe company,, but , tnotunetl ' the ones ' who would neve& return... The urine were beau Brolly- dressed—they loo ked' perfeetly angelic. Their dresses Welalrimmed with Clack In mem ory of the mersliera - this — Chittpany who bad fallen on the bloody 110( of gettystinrs, and the Wilderbera trt migalsr Ws } 4ritylog r ,to dose some-, body with a stentrelan yoloa .sitoist4 "Give oe "Good bye deff,” and as Otatiy others seemed to deshlf. "Gxd lerelletr," "Good bye - Jefl" was a=rdlogig sang.., we s good, and the sturdy Wind prettliessis sac it *lib pat. and Pl ime. w% reco l 4 414, close, portent °?4!ai of a A band of =Mid ramie was on the grontid,' bet, eadfcrittatworhole was itnoetaid before they had Owed a sing* Matti. conitsi quality the iposle of ,the "earideretog fife and /1211-etrylittg &lift° InkTtelcageettle ea . Thle was a peemeng m-leXto many. In aanclunkaa, Keith. E&MhT, I have only to say, iontriney.lllo Timm IMP" of ccimpsni D. Ilea and doodah and enjoy the peace they have helped to waned long may Meditates who 'aeon the 'Hill" thatday Ilya to eudg and do dittit. Mbar crowds , other than:bet ado* other IdDat_And.; as: long ae the world .wftlr l Limy tl e garkaut old "Flag of the Free" do otter 1 101IdtritIVIIIktop Kane to Texas from Atte 4 s.tlapdc to the radde. —" ,- /O.Maroms,Atem, of• 'W/ldlo MIL" . Illatorbances In the First Ward, Allegheny Since • the: cheigiti of ~ta. . 4l6irius In the Ixercmgh - of Min chisteriiiier"rtnigher clue are compelled to scat Wang Verger irtutherliltuit , tere. There are several drinking places on its. been street, le Wilmer enact the FIT S Ward, and allele these resorts have been nightly Oiled willitteglehs; . as algoargtence, trolls areal duquent occurrence?, and the residents In the n -tporizOod h j i tMect to greet animates. Lerstnight a disoirlianee was crested. by ntuaber .rotedlisi mete ranee:toll rale tart em tient theililifielletter lint, and the neighbee , tMiiketait kelati llstrOr tot.lk considerable Urn* n 0 .414.1 pollee fbileelifAllegfienfis tocilreeek to quell thm riots &gin tan, bail! the .IX4 would determine tap:one , poseme , den of th is Class. thoymi and ll Min Muni ponshutecitte dHWthittt outorthacomoutnity. A tetter.plaktronZ beterlitihe_ of the deteiringlitemies:"lt there-li ncrteed=for tirests in illatieheststihead liteitainlytte te. end* Oft last over thellne" on Rebecca Itiratildecena, ligrereacr, that certain per- Ow ant detensdned to eonsums a certain ass= of If they tattitet MUMS in getting their sup. in One place they will .tiVattr. Thelue. Whyte and tier, to drink when no in= Itqtor la, MMM muutivr Pllltaltitl=t ti4''' - • • rm ann. i p riori , - . , i Allti ll-..........up --- f... 4 H it 0 iSialt. 29.c== 1'44 arilikainft rz.r.J.lrciaL BA.N.KINO HOIII3E. N. HOMES & SONS, No. till Market Street. Pitarbargh. DEPOSITS RECELTUD ELT PAU PIMPS AND Ipj ri:4J1i1.44 •• • cm all the inlneipal palnta' of litfatert States awl Canada& amass, smite AND orm Etnrourrx.B BOUGHT AND soli ON CIOMOSION. Par ed ticular altentlou paid to the purchase au W MID STATES EMMA OnUM Stotts Mix of I t Do, 40. 0-2011 Do. Thal. 10401$ lens-ibtrtics Do. CortiStates of isittoteakets. ORDERS HAD VOUCHERS BOUGHT OR OOLLEOZE EKOBANGE NATIONAL BANK O f Pittabux•gh.. Chartered by thel Capital leg udder Strad 18:6.1 sl,ooo,ooo.3lattellaw 1883 . Tins swag aaa betaamplatat a DEPosITAWr United St4es Treasury, sad appetnted spat for the eke of the 7-80 Xa CirA. . Eva? 641114 will be ofr tot rocas. orad to toirotant ar par. ttto tnisolusidos Blt. natnia&T, Cashier "4322 a rkOLLA.R bA6At4Ga BL2(IE 1 , NO, 66' Foca= ezzirr. aka:in:am rer Open daily Crowe to itatloelt,also:al Wedier day and Saturlap Mar tat; to Ha, sambas Ist, tram 2 todtositi mid Cant NOMMM I usi to Nay Mho= 11-to tiobkoo.l4 ' • Deposita Coreleadof gums of a r taitiotliin -' oOk DOM. and* Alialeal 44 the profits declared twist sisa.4.ls aladilad-Decepates.. Xateresteturs balm declared semiananallp, in June and Deremberi, "us tbsaink whkDamilDni, at the :meet Aix the ibitereet, not drawn out, ts plea to d t h e meta depositor ap mindpal., and bens wow Merest from Um AM daysatJame and Deoesolar, etapoundlartabse "Imo wahoutimublirLtlir depositor to call, ar even_ to watMt At this rate maw WA aa•a. 44,46 2 =twe1y• peens • Hoch% druitairdmr the Mow By-Ls rsi Baits and Itegui itiy!sr, cur foutstwa , • WWW=Www—IIMMCIE ALBEEF. 'wAmonarre. • • ! WULTAl:Andentah ' Rebell Polltx2; M. Johne:lticlmtim. Bobbi-; John H. Shoeub: • lie James ehldle, -- Jame! Alexander Speer, • Carla Aslamit, Hera piTur - John CI. Rindlar. • - Peter A. BMW% Geo 11117 ,,r dt, 'Jahn Matikahl,2 - Mil Walter _Maramil. Alamo , Jambi 11. 1t 1= • ChatesA. Odium, - • M.B. Wa. Douglas, John Evas Joint J. Oilieeplas William a. Harm; Airreender Tad . Peter H. Hadar, Willims4anigiW, Itiabant Ham .piel== lis.. Issas A. COLTON. _ Beadia7- , TAMS B. D. KENDS. =Am PB iIIOELEr ITATIONAL DANK! , pittabnilrh. CspiEat id inat4ooo. lea Prvii lege of 01,000;000. AMlZtagga OM= NEST AIM WOOD This Bank, cnkanlml =Dr the National Bank tag Mita& In now prepared tokenism menus at Us Elanklag .116 no, amen -at Wood and tint stmts. . • Oaken= ockdirzutlkttaneggigblopotation atlat 4,1504 Alt al MO= tar we tio 44010 Traisiniy. Notes. tiatiPla PIMPreW III eV" ocauxttr; "-• '' • J. O. SON' Tata.' ' Jilisritia LooKwooD a co.; " ,BAN3LEREI, - We remord Xis IS NrlMla OM; . . . aos * airl4l4 - 3xriavto - incanO4c4 , - , ', , ,•• • . Orders ter trranromriuma zed . Weer GOMM 41zzi? OTHEBI3rOOBIFEI2I ramedad'or ursel tams •!! , r; Para .and_l4l/MIPICOITIIO, iind In West ,aree. - 4:2..Fl lo PTermrs. wwee say De sucked us: LeAstsiVne.l. l o. " p -`) rlar• Ms er eraru sorwprr • - at Otikl. l~ rY. ~ / A weknEet-OP-NOTiak. LII , T s: ia;l einitraW 4F4VATIPW w 0. 4.3 ihOQ 14os held at ver aV= shoe, “sa theheat aewih +~; aehlae for sllordhula parpossa...varos 49 TER NVEREP. 3I . , Will ° 3 : Lock Stikideiting laaahles received ellivtigheet twealllllll 4 he pest laterriatlortaillebltdtlanseti • , . 8 0.1.0NeWq.noiLZINi.teal , Whits authcasodas tasedaseiV u to tope and luumies was Incompett said/6114ga 31 tfaid L Bgataiiii? • •.4:: re. . 1 n0r , 0.4 2A17:!,A .INul7ratlM 111140Pittel 9rgill. , 2 ... P - 4 1 .4 1 4113M44,74 - * f t ) ', I 110 St:a ••.: , i;:futrif GrAb •, .r.Ve : .tt irutti s prAtnolt. Aft:U.ISM • scd , o ttitittle, WIFVV.'4O sit) OW • =bras 1.11 1 allarrn cloursbag 0721 auVittaltift . 7 3 11drergraci9ntailia9:„T,W 7Lh la ad rittapihMUM •II J. • 1 iuz.4l id! eget Miraibtla dl stl acilnliteat 7aan.a..s.TNl a 0.,10,n inatMas %caul{ w sVat i t ME i tl X , l4 .ll7 2 l lllP Lriwt ?” QliLY ; il//(OftilgH afoltatt. 11•41.1011 e bah llt effrtiFtYll •"' * di k t a t "Pi That will DO Mak att. , 51.7 .IqAO iq4lM/Wtsll ban Serrn .3.tr * fua ivmalltit),l4sAss J . 11[13.1111 ratap VIV Vithgril , 01 er := 7(a. ^ • 070 litrtlbefiEt :4 z 4.1-lit? Lau , • `72"brilr ,.ua x us IRPrsereumg a gaAl4.%lyin 14" s • I valtedwithtendpe n kso m t e i N al !MANTlNVltegylr3 *Oa IS WM anamr. , la4t vlsls viivt avalt • A. P CHATONE744 17140 ble Hoyt. be 045144ia Mittotarettttirp dtkOr.a -k (hounds, 14711. • Horses solt • " .t i 5 .41..411t .t t ,"11, 11 7. Ce-PYRI,A' .71.1 1 .rrr4CTLIZE1113. ea fiLtr CTNNATI LE AD ?LPN' AND SHEET LEAD WWLES. rit'COMICK & GIBSON, Na 1Q .."Efrust 1.7132.1tia. Eft.: Make to order PIPES AND SHEETS of any c9. l .`id weight sad lire. Shia...poi sow.* f00t,1)4 Mu, and torwitito witibre, ag loth to 2% tubes. Also limy LIGHT PLPE . for Hydrating Sam and far drata to well: . • V. would especially ask the attention Of Ptma ben and Proprietors of 011 Works and QS Well mh!anmd pritramon FOUNDRY. ' •'. A. tumusoar. ' ntair X. tuarritcrit . ~ A. GA.131.1130N & CO.. - (Snow:soon to Sollinoo• Garrison, a Co.)) NM= AIM MAC! . alm. w ioist.c .i Tl et Mad liana, st , iasti a bi SM, .. li n 4 iSits B =Nrapas t i newe ' os in ancturtioss. rlr c Pillt Donbl lirindoh with s' tribe: • by brasher hiuwaroloa on -Zooid ati4 Mod to orderca abort - Wks WI. terms,: ems ato Waretion* U/lazdalalaUgtatied. Pate:amt. essay . - . phal*plp DIirODUD6I3 Yermvz Otai Lamp atitantlars illaittarAellnialn XX FLINT 11311,A98. • Thean...inatumis_are brooded for the fat darn, taoroithagtr the fz i kr: l tiMak" r a. fa. raft OA a Marko. Warldostori street t a lo - - E V i t m la. l l }l / 4 4 g0 I BL4OK DIAMO N D - STREIN , WORTIBI rA. • .P 1 1 41 4; UMW -VO!. . . IaIIALITY MUM- OAST MZEMa Soar e,llat aaa Ci=ini, an dam . Warrant. =/to LW , " tasaalaataral la thi St- Mae and warehbae,l 0.. fa and 161 -',- astkiliD sad 1161 Savo= atirestsiPilitairgh I ell.-6q , : SUPERIOR Nal .Z yOIL ENGINES. a;: taiitiimiar.: l ipk.o4 keep ontenji I. auptular style cd Cirta 311:03 , 4131-1:1\7112 Stilt Rithe a Corn= at, tahilar Roger. W. Write potato aMI - :Met amatagenlete:skralizt% Wa ism, mina ta ..,••raxr.a. a cO. _TER Pr maliamotrap.A.crrerz. Walters, Usistors, ts. taliraltable tat 120,1t11014 . eatamliactfatiall Pit urs, WILER & 11088. 225 South 6th 4, PEELADELPHIA. MIN b. minx VIOL W.l l / 1 •45. JOEN B. BEESON 05=i4.124. .iszawi*iroie;taxerit.:ai, AND IRON -FOUNDERS, Ofitne and SaierEot / I , •tra APIZBERTII pzrai MACHINS. , I WOR4I3f AND inniat TB6WETWAtellnagr; 4 woo= mrsz betinsen,rearat,and gundurr Aturairmrt Zsattgoetarer:ojtißg 1411,64[14..25P1T PUBTABLE - - mmaallNG ' Zef GINES,I2I - 10011ag, • . • Eeneklailotalillkhoda~4to jeuty .80.1100MILKEW. - 1 - • u. nue 'mow &:110 1 / 1 1d/didbialtilMO.Rid and 0e0e: La JAZA3)OSI. ' 0 endßuemwFw liPinconttrocie ledeirlt • B.IMIRANCII; ',NO; ASS - Water. vis t aj. MliTir d ro4=W2E, atolvdt3llll2:3 W aCa ` aa rt marritiges D , • and Da • •• ea • a., • • • WITTO BitL Ang-t11413 i.w.p*1L'4,1.2 WildM&AstigiA A'TTOAI 4 AI" LAW' 14,43 z~z:R ttlflutem kr air Erukteb be*: i l orookrti ""*Wit 444 0 1.9*.; 4 04. okasam,kalua 60 41,4msentmekkailip ArtitobswocAPOßrmWeNmil4Fzer) Awn kabetetamset-ths ;11.Ludiaieril:tnutstasza:saserzZaraltn, tMdM3Mi U= i3)l-16 .00., , dAl;Uff'S, REASMS/M _ _ _LT7l[O2llnr l 6 l lX/ SAnON: LEIR - BUStLEGIS lost QUM WI" or ..ttlnoTWirttile la the Loot . *OA Sart. STOPPAGES .10 SPAT L., ~ OP Aft • tOEDPIASHISANOrQARTZEMASTERS:AO. 00=tuted sad - OCIGAMOterak WODA 6 '( inn - • nu to mitt made i perip. '4"l4 l l nagGE nuns MX:WA* •unsann t 01= 1150 .. pteaufroranst, „ 7 . ,:ofT7.--AVAR:OII3.VAGANIThi 34 ail,” jgtopwalloish *Pam; -trlc•te .-1 , 71,;7:12 +MI T,314.1 rorr, .44 5 #44 16 : 0 1 100 6 ) C, le • f„ -artalittaktcli t. , -.lg 141;;, , t 1 c, r.41 , z CI ;; , 0 .7/ er,yLt tvitit . ;•: 1,46±tpm14.v0. itcopip wawa win , atita v iriNtgA l Aile &fiat WarititiMM- 17'4 1 - ?•1 2- ft 7 -• volt -"Mir ,ra ' • ; ; ! 4 !!'!* , . ."Ir , '. 4 ALH -21 2 1 0d111W - lirgft; . A .thel) .34.1.t5t bra Ord watt ;1;,-i l 42.1. 12 e % 2 0 1 :1;11:220,1A. Mik blakm=falsa an"Pm 4.lles_Obtoakitui m'A M; ii r 7 /111431565*-1;641 • •-•-• C n iVikArtAlikirf**44VW.''''f' s • • •,l ttv,lilimwicivis 1 *MVO' lea M e et . citwutir? V , O.IN 4 - vn IR. I. mltain,l Ot ,r4ticumr„,ql6,- M • fft7 .144,AT,P4V spenciptik_.",,;,t t wa , 4 w 6 sTiliWari,4 tilikrAtuft.'l44lsta a , "volTfl tlst).l isSa . k ,1110.7 4urjo a es 1.1 irva A1t:0,50 ant astu vaticprrTia,RivmrAW) 411 A -.‘,..C/-0.-.(rerrTh, .1. lA, /1. Mat 1 JO : 11.0 . /01Z1M SWiti.rittitnati;b4.4 . t tic i yr 4 0 1 ViirarOUSATu Ng( .1' A V iLETE3 1829. 7 - MUOriaMli n3iriErni.AIJKOB-COMitAlif, - Assetamejanuna7.k LSO¢. voLF.-stajFi c.i;itai t goo .061 : Accrued PDP.M/11202....:144.......... IMPS . Inverted • Utuett.ll4l = 104 4 XS foam Paid &Inca 189 8~ 03 . C./NC/A:Pi Tl, OH/b -- - - Pmrpermar mai Temporary CdA1!,,,.0 21 .44r 6 .1 tdram: - . 7 .7 t • - ..'„ " 1 ... DISIJECTOSI3. Marin N. ExaMarr. . Imo TaalA- , -.. , , ..: ...' Totdaa Wagner, Edward 0.1 1 1101, , Samuel Grard a, -. ca.,,.......... . . .7.0.. b B. Sad 7Ajik.,H7Aari t - i 2r: . George W. Er radii, Frm. W. Lewis, BL D OGA.ELIG rl. Gmmaimr. 4 CL MEE, ise v • - EDWASD a3. vi.. Sea A.PTCV cmtml. !XIS* eoraer Wood and Thlrd= r pray. ern211.413/23E ~ ~... _., 7 ' ..a. —. . . Lance ao: - or North - Amu* —647,30.4x.x.-1 jWord 'FUe Insurance m'Am.ot!qh: 'ltateeijosi d bitiouiridso - IMIII - - Kir CARiirel sadigatablecompaalcs..4l ; 'MR INERMAAgE , C9II:PA2rr . • •• .) 111:5. P117741 91te1ia234424A;0414 01Ase. 11 Water Vied; !pi:FA 4!.41 !qr . , bous up diry - PlltsbmTb. _ _• • RisT. Ft lrefort= ' ' , A Hosts_ outoogott whimmulow , cre Wan tows . ifsrtior br veal l =i -salad* fan` drea•der zumoln sre et.. r ." Frofgtios to sly* into cave tO • 7orocurroa t • • ; ...- oley 1 Nathanl Ilobaes, D3'714111. Lon. , •. Mex. Mold Obas.y Roos .7. - .T Thootas.' • " Re 2 mßars6s, . Clark, B. Horton, Sala B. McCune. - CTV. — "Eackeison.. _ , VOL P lIZEMERT Socritiity CIaUF-12f1317R&NO4';CQMPAVIr AMMGH_,•--Oface, — . s != Isluks4 and Water Atte% elex..4lor. • f cIAIXTI J WM. MEtteteadu, insures Eteronhoste 'thongs van:A aims grog daresgeirk thclopfligi Gun se n. Boatheco.ond.Weeterri Elvetsrl4l4lllk Pei Iterxzeporot thane v~s ttoo of the Sew Imo* spina loge aW daame . br ealpt 31 7 4 , 4.4 samJob* Shl oM (raL l gaii•Jr... Tattles Coops, - . Tansies. ' 4 .13. ligrbsogla, B. F. Joan, J. oalassii,Te., Kam T.-MT4tse -Johns...telmortA, George BLughem, B):(o4ll:43.clziorctuTii.siel)tg Mee, W. E. earn!! of WeigE and4 l lM SOP NRE AP:441441M, .135,SPRIMA: Om* John L. RUM% Wm. rauraph Smmal.P.P.Mtrer, john Pmt moimmostLam! Chub* W. BIWA; Mafia . .wim van 81734 7.llla,,gfejt.y . Joann Vqgia • • - - •Tahn !! • - Wit praftled.. ' TOWN Y profitme. , -11`: GARD - 10:13:Semdmv..: - • AtittMA: ORXP INBURAIsi' COA an= NY OP me 4.‘ftga BIPILAidai id:P4Ii_SE4 42151"..MailXVICI MAM g• PritOffk l - ~. • , auurD.: . - ' I. .le t ..'-'11111(44 , ~.P,7dixo DASOIDONIe --.• E lagontiliti --- ' ' 601. Aktan UAW • .CLIO, "M", . ' '''.., .11. RAVE . %law y ..- Tailusetnrv.,, i frz irein,..._,___...7l „sebum Pass.- , 1 II L................ 4. , - , ittraIWITI&4IWRIC4N:,;„ Now 138.T.v. , ' rOC r:, n•?, vr,p: ''.6l.AttarkaMiTSTOOK":olthl''' CHIOIEMNG' 'Selected rabscrthar,tdurfatig :":. IpmeatadmistataarikorAfT., f 4 4:f1t..1.71Tf tME=II • CIT • .1..1.Z SO Tr..,.st-r. nl-71-1 - ' • - , • , ,$) nag". ana , ,fft. 1 47.41410g4. 1 14u 2 P1.9_ 1 . 03 .. 1 .4'; - -- WaiThilted.fi*VlTES:rearg. 7 (auras sr.lnizzatte t - - sa Wald Sl:pa t io EIMM • - ~a NtjEl, A Nl)zOltiLi.Mit rePi , • ", s , rz. . • 6121:6 OBLEMI&TED , , r , 04r./D RininITIMBUTORti",7I r-Fga 61,1 . Schooimaet IfikfvPhiltidelpl4 . • . . . • [.....,:y. VW. re 1: 5-.3- - ,14 I/., '4 aY. , 17i, , 1ta.11 , 1rt a 1, ~..577:3ave, .1:1 CF itulz . ifism , Alnieraptliettutrti-l*P-41=213 ,- * - Zoo.o' COTtAffroffgaillN, IdedUar - W4evallek -. iitil alr*WhioW awed thesso 14 ,be 4upiallula Atit• tO - ValtireteltmizeitirFEll2lplp?"l6.- TICK Illide4 , -, l oMatetliOcitil . tiiiiSat Vila Isisums4tkAulinr i i, k wfwini;m:s•. . . ,E*4.444110 . _ .. A_ Iv 1,:. ":"...,:1...,:;1 . 14 ......" .......,...-• • - - - • 0:..n.,.--,,,,icii377, .1..”1.,.,.74ft,4 . : 1--...1.it . .., • "firlifilis iiia — tiOniiy- - • ..t. , priewm , -.l:lliiiMiftd• 0 ,spipfteof . J caltteitlret 4 lnia'ast•splatriaint,, , .- . .- . : t ‘ --„ NllVeirimll iii - WmignantiVidooiltbiliiiitti,',> '''' 0 ,-; ~• ..ZI ~ i ''' ,-51 c ytt!.:1...1121 eck.kr., ts 1, i) :: :),,* ~,..- .1,... • ler .I:,ira: g...: t I 3 ttr. , . , mistmlar,...74;me,i',, i .i „„ „...,,-_,,...,.--,,, •_., •. ilf.:ii PIT oinallitilit -- ' -,' ORIAIi !FROM AL QOM :411toMeaftss uromplared od_the Plears tiatthaakernairtt igrA6.440511:001114.11 WA* tezoise - ... 7 . theft Immix', vidalt Aive 444g1tta1"1,-"hui .111==urewi 1 fiat ' sia • 4 6. 14 = 6 " bloa Orate ' 4 I ./... Voilerdetnnliginenflari." 3 a .rigs.l a a .tituaomrt 47 •!* of ..11nra ad 1 fiat, cceleal _ Opi"bla env . 01 =tlindlifOrhnliM..W. ' „ intasoz.vrtak iitua 44 •U , y• 1 419 2: ”AM1AT .. • Ai 7c r .1 tdttArt IRVPi!I,3 , Pt. 01A r,,t. P ttelll32l atic4o:4ll --- 1101,401,4N2414.141W,=•• . A - 77.4 tritabv - 317 ..:- VI take iroonaita t anntra bps:-tu , m - , 61, 464 ,...j .. ,...____ ,6 :46 i . zit . r ~.ii _Lif..l-n, Am XX•a: ' ftat4ll " ..--" tco NO. 1411081)! Ptenw iceolerg As= all =il lt rjass= t rznak ruzuzi 10 1447 0 1 : 1 / 1 51 41 q 1 1 4 1 I ti o x d p 1,41. - od -,- ' - 71:. , , • - 1 , :: irro,l , suscf,..fackisSinuln Perna and: oart*Forgalisait . 77 .."2 - Ith*mg..-Arruitivomo r tqt4 4 t. 44 ~i siarrruet; W.-& JO • 91 Wattel TOR tot thee* krely.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers