... iii. , .. a.. . *A - , , bt}Vtistbural Graft 1101 tijEMB POIREING 41800111011 138131811,38D24.V..8134GT343T-16. 18435. . intuit COUBV:itOKET. ' arrozen9! .13:1)110. 4. 1 . 3 01 . " trios S 7 1 1 , • ~'srat *saute/az gtArmONIEN, JAL, of Lltiarty Toimabtp.. 1 4/ 1 0 1 *.#. 11 rbanirr . -triwit;;'o,l444lolPOesivit• MEM - ii Rua 8. .. Tmvsildp, MIMI,, SLA CK ag s.:1:511,111.,, vow g; a*, .:::::!, it gA i lZ ,A9.214.iimm1i,c,174-4.44- -,- ,-- -, - . 1021101FtetAlliirCfINVENTIOS. 11 ; nianala •nTSTP. rki..'lVl/ 437 .CM15X4 44 1: 11 P egtat go lac OP twang at Rai** 4asoiaina ilannetalp Manila bilimetetteclaateiintis onto 131161 M Umiak:Wig laincybar apaticia. I '4 4l Eldasoatitliau - Siaraii 9 P l 7 .0 twos, . straMpeonaXinniniannamstranai mad Panoa.tal Zat arm Mod *ha added alma; • tut*, take twig ronterated to that Castliathat, Meta* that etittlatate eutlahritiltithistotioattatitallattaa: ^ eo in Up , inailinabaiaiamaiitaV Fry ardor a Me Union Clatralvasmattes. : 731121 X7IMUCERCIT, AC:542:cTe t3 eaetattes " ' '•' %.` iP ' . PZITT : 7,OPtiteSre4W ..1 -!'' ' it‘ diliat tiiiittiii.fiiiictti.triiioiiii 24ns York Eresit,tggett itm- ` toilow iug • iAiddlii Abisiii•faiiW.::: iiriiiiiiiibucium4olieitiiist4 men escapable im gosernitu a llemuslvest-, tbsti inside cif is - direct and.- :resltdestce_ti - -the government, they have a right tnlhink es they pletese - and -- eztraMoter . plesse; and that solong . as thit donot pass the limits ofedirder; nobody- i might_ to- fritetihrelfritlif thek'heedontO - -Tfiey - 'snay be - Wrottgjit' aucifif.tharitdtkinse-they may be full reitateet ntoncefts,t absurdities issor-tton , ' sense; they may commit a thotutaa Mani , den and run eirICIrId_JIGS - Dics - lift their own 1PW 4 1 .-- • , we, ll l - Vre. *Plata , th eir: lgoomule, helve sm iethem to themselves. to learn better. We say, gltie them 'pleto - flee treafillicpcif-theth - upon their - 61m : . wi fetilteddiattn; lerthettr'lsiMedeif Vide - 1 1 4 orlhfitt l - tnd tr -ails, - let thiin east' :ilci chpese . betwen right andWrinfe - 'lto' tatoKelthaVOWnexPetleace;sna - . :ie, moviinivaLatoual tammtal t - iar tupkarwilk soon give place to th e most vigorous: health,' - to thet , rdoarlatioreilitotraus Ortar:f derteendit%", 4, .: 7 - ,- -' , --,- , - t r, -I 7._ 0r,,,j - li r hti ire - 66filrffiqffitifilinitle: . cii* , 2 , a:4l(.of:tam to -govern;.tivni ' knowthaLthey.do not alWaya deli et they. ought - mar people. ,of , South: Carolina were in the fall eniiiyi' Tient'. CI South: . anent, and had "plenty of - fresh air," when - they trailt those forts around Charleston .harbor wherewith to bombard Fort Sumter anddisiddge the little national lan:lso rec m tgailr i . s ,t hese mittideiCibitibatllo Bat t tr iheatto*la. no "direct and violent resistance of the gov ernment." Nevertheless the fact was pat• ent to the whole country that they were erected with shoat le intent, as the event proved A little wholesome restraint upon the- "conceits, absurdities and nonsense" they then were indulging' in, if put forth just then, might have both saved them and ourselves from a vast Amon* of calamity, saditurimj. firlo4triiiiic'to muck Mt 't•g,,12,..11i . -''' - - - -We might go track a little and see how, In the trends+) of their seltgoveming po w en, these people with whom we have been 4ghling 4,0 4-irq 4 4 1/ l i*,t X 413 7, boned ono itMoiltdftlrto' Millions in camber; is the most abject bondage: sad, If a man had gone amqpg them to expostu hte gain that great wrong, they would baie hanged him. lrllftle stern, whole -watt restraint in that matter, If administer , litinut, would havo smut a world of ',Made last frecpm, ,lndeedt I.. 4 hey hafaßiteta , Ilatbaril was ilone left for anybody Vise, either white or black. They had too much—they abused they domineered over us as long as w.e firOuld stand it, and then made ivarupon na. BaS ziarPf 4 71 47 01 # lisinr-ft igr-Paßt l e , this world eW.: iiittressek &litre:iff:EMU) iheirliteedam in a measure. Shall we give It all kick again eithout taking any seettri .. ty for the future—without any guarantees 4hat they Will not agiftiabuse they ittftl not, as they did before, so use it as to • .oppnnui, degrade and wrong the poor help. - people who are ffingled MPlig!t•th°T* and who:luiii:elihnittiPan: neforprenefilk Cisbne width are recognized In Heaven and In I the leonselence of every right•relniled Lien? They alittsed.thetilibertinioA fle orartUy when they had it; have they glven anyavideaca whatever that they wouldnft do.snagslat--Waholdtils44ll _non snentis these-men lave acted arel not safe de,b° lll 4rAtistpolitical power, or! fit to be actions—nosily words or oaths .that they are changed. And also this : that no sten are fit to goverii" r tliehittives:Whis deliber ately, ayStematically, and by legal enact .ment, deprive other men of all-freedom and every tag"s ebarnfatin Df9.orlUhtgto enslave hid fellow Is Sib's:melt to be atm* -rm. "Plenty of Let:shah" will only make smelt nmiifilliffegfetti? vino es II Mew YOuslisaamAAD TICE 4; .: Nin R i itata d ' OVANWitAtiatat l fr 1 ,1 net, lkalnl fil it?,l4CtlCat iall r9;ZIrtAl of ulietvivtrbsattasisitraubs. a mi a b trot , : id . true _is the other., is no osattatikediadakiit4loo4Mg***ia - . .N1P4 1 10,41. ted....,l4.#.lerig i tkt Sly on the pert creme Its mm d oalt - "fo we policy of the - rresident. Yefiliciaiiii , stayoutalaby a iamsna cabal , at Walibing i ; .lilaca . Is .i-f. V i d - • 2°P.. ribtllgirtO TaTbeada and radicals-Ibn fomer taw, but laiscAprkllNAPAA/2 1 .4 1 PR a nit t ePAPt an a 011 lite .4.,...,e5f0x : xTofftr t --...-.. V. ; -, _ Mat fttune had e groat dein. ustr i ` i goldellatiadnadStrfaMVPANCOQP 4 In altarY 01 1 45 . 1. 1 * (1 .7 111211° •- al ' Th in araikers veto by` uo" hider backw ard noitadoS _of their - ;71-.-1. 04 -1;v- &.1,12"•,:...,:.1 ithinsi.#l3reart itoitOWl-tIY, Pt '" '. loin will rufrg i lli4 reen na g In stiptafitVidt and "arml from this cquati. ;,2t1.-tiathtl-a" - ..a3gegalgi, tim4449lW e grit aettk it F ylvester Trwlnthe yotm; ELM woo re eye, hilled:Airlithilt Awl stepmother, maw Dantoliff,4=Botletr4 „ , was the leader ot.thetpßit,twho!.droia, the neer iii/T-egra.:4lauttlO" re r i tr illlE H l3..eutumtzl 4 . kAt l tlw over burdened :with govern mn pri . vate Vlach inks ak,.....pFisTod, tome time 01. I • .to l4 ' tell eoin e t at th " um e latte e P:be acco i ratoo4_, V* to a liltatod eatent. TAXING 11/DTED STATES EONDS, 7, - NOB Ole tlissatiActionliffelt &beat the i t ``ouppoted 'talristiCd a - . - exchiptutz:Vilited •fluite4 -tram takition; , '-.That:ata a 'feeling" - Ls - entrzely - SiDiarrisn'la - iirixars: from the &soiling of those who are uratf t that Each Securities should bear a tax pro ix4iliciate to that imposed upon other stocks The New York WDrid takes thaleadimad. vomiting this measure, but bxreridping ex hibits in the clearestlanetut,ge Its identity with repriuttori. ' ' Congress cannot, *of course, repeal the 1 air exempting the bonds from municipal taxation. That body :is coustituticineny competent to pass such a law, and the gov ernment lane much bound by its bad , bar. gel= as by its good ones,, „Ant the bonds are not by la* exempted - from federal tax ation; and afough equalization is perhaps attainable by this method. The income from ggovernment bonds is' already taxed, snd there is no-valid objection In prnlapts to-laying - a tax imunstliatedr an the bonds thetoselvesl .To • just the_extent, that. the people are retard hum falai* taxes thoir Means are Wrestled for golfing state and Mitniciprti:taXes." The, exemplion — of the 'bonds augments , the burden `of - municipal ` taxes on other'properttr« Tiding filie boxidif! would -dierdetah the burden'of federaltaxg. tion whichresteupon other ptoPerty. lf • the average of lead tax a tion . 12 §an4ii 0 per , Mit. MI OUT property aim fades* boods,it, would be equiteble for. Congress to-Womb. a tax of two per cent on ail the: Bantle wacerithes • owned in She Unitedlitigeng , throwing olf, at the tante" tline; if 'sitifricßinti areptmt otother text% ettleth*tfat ' WIC'. • geteltilastheiramttoTtriopo , `- Wetted Mona,' thinl-Ou.bx some '• ' retheided bygllteningthe f•Oei' at f If by *la exchange owe rogicor Oa k tothis.....:644ger,the - Same ' ma .wit*: treys •• . ntlfratimrs More of munlcipaltates ilt auto 'sequence of the exemption of the:Amadei t pays fifty dollars_leer-of-federal taus in • consequence of the taxellori' of Ilie buds, the =AO would seenrlo• ha 'adequate; • without any violation.of the public faith. ' No tax could be-collected with : euch cor tellitY. impartial y. and freedom from rm. ; penile es a tax to the federal - authorities, Strpq a y:tie to tinsoperesegff,ritotart be s the withAeldirsg of Odd ansarentag the' , I . that ' ii," to 4*Dtreinint tseyfdpOrs ilia_ three tit sthi 'pot cerst.:irs: gcm 4 6 1 -4 _,siePn anif,A l 74ttnlats.. o3 g. dustse..i After pledging,its faith toper • nt'{ew end three tenths Per, cent, the gWri . eriFle34.4 to withholar ox in Plathßdig ; lleb, to repudiate the payment of more thud' , thanYourthibl dos stlptiliteditterest. But , 1 trhyatop at ma _per cent . s„ ? ,u t here be t onfrair - Mnimtlgecti s , tWould make *Liam, •Jostillable Jo "„eritbbehr?,alrilia" ifstMsc • tiisarn fourth partl f 0r5 . .00 , th aretonatt f . - :ffPPPosa that thing, bonds 'could iniiitic4mm( sold '43lll:ail thin been gropesedra tax them at this rate V Certainly , net ' Rutin italiiaiiiit' , aiiiikt inigio hi*lrlikkit 1 5 , proposed to wittlate, - all -cleaves of .pealde. contributed to the smoltof the . govern :", Iment; ba,:ita boar 'of need,..tiia. axe _nose,: ' bytlevidemlest• roles of - -Tiede wattled ba. atxtelie'etiiiisjiiit thattraiithei promised' Lthem. .. I EhTold thietexte the turumfilste, iiii.4l ll o'o44kdm;s gelzitytgaiii4 tbe: rear, end end cv n ibe:curFencE 45.440 fe el the shock.. The reture -amt meats world be postponed. 17. ittentuk. fee thmozredieof the govcramcar ,woulii ho, , wesionacrt rum •prertent thamtgotialbeu o , ftittaa loans extepr At rutuanelp td,gl4-. rittel of interest In the'end lt'in r celld-tbe iblizallhl4!wiffetlintoienanentout witli clisUltinikulkorteety, It the beat ptiller."..r.v. rent persona would behcavy losenswithoue *#?eb ), g4Ye?'Y'g ° P .lile 'g' D.vl32l ll l q.4 - , TlmthOlld trklCrlFafthentruidatf! ed;t4at the bfbilawat em , theF bonds 3 %eteL!e4 11 .91:0 2 1.44 OOP ti7#o: cacribel Tertheltdo trot comicante pm.; - When::b s Weittrf4erner can be ob. &hied idiwstei Wet, theiblreliiieeet will 4- able, in another =Muer,. to:radar:eller in. West on the 14t1rMaytentotillifitit ebl4eUerla, , Theredemptien t 4 per of the larger -portion , of-the dobtoboinx, within silent period, ,at the option of the - • themes:amen; may,beeffectadirs Mrs mete eta cotatzponding amount oftaxadsbentar I - Kweet ratelt interest; :la thlir WO -the Whole debt - cosy ultimate 4 reduced; ' the IPeineaelabellbe:ee; l ooo:4beerint dii r 144 1 14:40. liti:'.**9ll4 l o.lteg . rapt-xutvisiio -.TUNICS AND . TII E. 1 ~( .1 -, :w ,, , A ',imam .1": . .i.,,...) 1) .1 .7- INS O II pOiceif. teieeteii,rrntitikoi; the Tittl e '. traithathasinademiy egeogintittei: trietenen of Obizige Sind Vni =2" etas. . lin' bate Bibeirien...iato Niel& n_greitii'ilgta Qua reeilreiniteten Ade sera throng% the whin= Of PtbeVideagit:Ttibuce. ,, He be. Oil* *Wei . I ' . "- - '''' --'' ' I- : i itlificiettedigliffil the' test of my folio* eitlienn Plaid nab amen dud . indigestion' rm nteltheatiebtliterist - She Oblongs TiS riati tbeszeimbetrot OW astioindityln Wei titre: , - ,, ,,-;•,1- , , , ~,,-,.:„ liirecincluskoTh ., l3 delktind: i'; ‘. ll:iiitteri • Vice- h! - . Why, airs ...- the obtah me been the "ma king _of of. America. They are the broad foundatlort, - , upon which 41,;T h easstious weeny,— •!yep9ise*. wenlittie;ytturip_obllO hamovenuntri I,Eyjita theliTeloa ~o rcl4llms4s. And 141 11 0 1 40 • Pd . D4S,OrAILI's : ' . 3?Pfr diteeiMtleel .flehl 4414(eyirMucArroolureion Fio , snom for tkoaramlstraMo.l 1$!: dbee: vier 'are , tosaally poor ; , bub /*or heaWiLvpoiarty w'tristet la the. OW tageorthe- hempiestaahoreeolass ratan , ' titre! vastly ltiaarTuivti, it }7 lea 'TTM quer guobeity exiMiir {{he bout oUhtf r .tedkingriour - Generoatir Ir e l a n d'' O" leg 6 c4e47:::l4*:Nhich 4re Irl;1112.411TORCO to hex soudien. , It is tald.iliat re err ibrioleae and, wasteful; but Maths Good Hook-bids us to take - no at tor the morrow.. "inufnclent unto itiay 10-theetil - thersof7 Tottkay we intemperate tf is merely the effect of the genlal end kindly' nature' or onr race. Ton say wear* tinarrelsonie ULM from thealMl3erani tourtiro - and cola smse off honor of our nation._ Zrim' the.fahlo - o fani-cithbmins 14= to , -virtue:lr !sruintiomr.mlyT, -bulk r,putt: I prat? ALI Viihiftemeit!totheol beak , vadlttits , 'of-sixans , „1.41ty 6014at-thivlteit • .'• • fe;b4da A 104 " ollePitglilletthall_44/ ? to boast. I r.,. i u.,pioxexonor. t O, - 14 0r - ~,W, . 00/1^- 41DUIMItra4A444.: hi , 01 0 1, 1 44*,: oar. .... it cz . 1 1 4 14 .4 4 4 g e li am ,, , t i a ir lio , for natiiteeyett rade Nada, corol-rof isa,b- Ibtrinalf.:kiillStodtibol bladed hti , gr id= itriztto ft! fa bt Travteletio.o. r. , - I b , .r i rAwa — ~ ,- y Mi t ir t" P' o e ln ats I,f ~ von admit the n , for pay pumeeerhelnies-rlgtxttitair te or tittl hind iritenlbefighttioxtretidtEb?goited grro 005.11414.90177,111,—, ;: 77: ftfaloren 060* teie4til:ClAnta 04411 r cuziocioargPiirte4:*lipok NlAr_ runt onnerd-1n1e,45: ! Vi4titi/batrtal thr-liac i starpadflantd litist 4 ifetk* athigialt beePtltat' baltmes 'elted It atatitjettliho , ! ode , , wilt of 10141,4 , ficCOMpoßd . Or 144,54 Weald ate Meet or the - ebinkiiig of - the obno4cie motto of. Yir j gtaie; . MEWS frallis Da- ttaaraa, Medicel Director at Fort - resstlie roe mderiplde whose. , paid especial care! , 7efferion‘Daviaja a flyis divis- U to - his - rime inn Newark IC J., last week, and in the course of conversasion gave some illtoresthat accounts - of the condition and deportment of his prisoner. He repreaenta that Davie is in excellent health, but troub" ledin spirit. The guards ant_regular_hi their attendance upon him—too cemstantin their attention; in fact, to please the fallen chlef. Free conversations occur bet Ween Davis and Eri. Graven, Mg no one ebie permitted to engage.Davisia.talk. Jona Balmer, in ¬e , to E, Fulton & Co., of Boston aelmowledging the re ceipt of a Toluene of "Sermons on .31r; Lincoln's Death . .." says: "Lfeelmuch hap pier new than I did a year ago,' for lota great war was a great , : Intrdell'on'ul ppirlt I think all nitaishinild feerthankf to God *haft latteded, tituittitt &ems& cause or it !sanded evithit.Ettnicslbtar !axe a fiVinples : end Cgrent Allure is .opening. A gantlet:Mtn Irhe•lins est arrived frete..Yl4B, latbat.llitientinflvePiet tefettOtlalPetatt:mttbe tanbutalsrlth either: fit . 11,y'•.• rit their former slatret '.. gaSnireseite ,that the' se ' eetttleettqao3lfeekisippLert extremely, ter agatnatthoYankees and. thparnessetea alto ehdistto be Item • • - Al ' • • • The sudden fate or the- *Waldo . has • sharply taught three things.; the _fair and - .1; nt,steanterarannlpit entrntddLedr to ,stionk" , efielt:ethery -thq•trellitY: Stinetfg like nrakialbtinkmaknt 'collettligtliquieda.,ansl:lll=4 , . • of eayllE isitti>ltenteall the , on'ehnor--Vietdcutddiersfd. , l j &stuns nuttettnyans angr been convicted df inlef4Aidirted: fillIiivelf.:01 11 11/tet mpg *the - point. glioarrAng... ui,;l4tleori3lithi..**ilttif4 • • satelde .14 - li7 - ;•up4 . *war ;ha plant, Cedar Pall,, rein; laal•Fildaitalionanag. Tax thinelpa:papaniLlalbnn-ttei.thatiine• hundred , andilltyttoMblefe Wheat arrest. 'to that elty.fg'ime She the fa rt her bafermaUekthiS the*,tso. &Milers " r f r IMPIAA:O4 II P 4 # O A*. dater's , , • Tits imcEadaikat;4ionei: Or in Institution • fOrabe •:Stafeammnteommtoti sethbralA • gen. of. fb males Ili respeetablk • socleWatiattiatitropoT was laid at Eilltufhftrsoceptly.; tilis ' proof* that the,Alabama.laveollyenttj .tend to meat:Amato 'harm no scow 1s tits :14deml".Indoctc are , Wlthdralrn •the'. State, '"crowd - thickly Friutpra4l , .l . lls4llq ; Qetin+la into Er e, Pa. andthe fuse aao- ,Ttaigiix:vo,UnttkolFiss Si`lxureL'b ItirEAST Ll[Billigt AND PEN* it% PLA,OMOADA-TbaNtAdlthonann of the 'East Liberty ; and_ rase T muddy .Plank Road, And *cater 'pandits' Ida 'sralkineet at et, , tdramazd Err ttlinistoiS aer , IIL DIV/Y r /n*2W . Int Ann tato..`nkantinedaldsatrzyn and sums Oar . .alaßilP* Wad. 41 , 21;Atn11 in Sniftlaordan , . . , . RENSIIELAIM ..-pasmonima t ir mr.-wil.norcuo VT;grAxato awn o mmolorl utts A. V• , known - WHOM • „ zustnrel. anzitus.2D eammems l 1278 ME& Ma ZIKAVAANGAIs =HZ rEa (CANN 1111110 : 01,1 1 , p.!bt) • NMI V • ers? - 1 4 7'7 •?; 31 i . ~,...!1 /.41 1 '. -5:.-rs: ~- i I ALMENTOWNi,PA:-; =' ..sn- ' t Wltti..Chittaltd . and Sonata Lore : • .t uan lai muu lc wz manretaV . I roe nall=nannencrosTo Ccan, .14tolnallWar ~ - •., .-, ~,, L . - < asyq,s-u. )1 , •: .. Illt.D. ,i er I-1.-!w • ITN' I, •, , ninrigOATEVEritirAir.-.4/1/i; Ito Stook us the above CleapaaY Mannt 'to pay tha TantlaspamataTtorpalars pa Oval a t ha eeenitheneanitsre::, 1~~:t? ~~~lj WC:ore ado 112 • awl Tor sae by an ' . DIACBT.:11110.0 CE401.1133 • ' 5;0 . 41/ rare and formals : . . TALLOW tIIL.-.20 ,Intralaliatore and a tar Nab by 'ISAIAH 'Drage! a IX/ -71' • .0g.:;• - -101411a;2ta, , Odi :•'ISt'•6IIA2IICDVOICIVICIIO RESEDELICSIME t ;4:, • I rOn Magni appir w le r ' ' a, sorts. iiaufsms Amt. rinnTT CO • e • ,UAIAMWP xem-rty oxisAiWAsis baba as •revions,... Fortarthel • 0 - t . iSIifiTTIP. ; .'' ,•••••• 112, !-• :I • ... 1 . •I •4•-'' • • - ' Mine .9 - 1,181:4 r:. TV"' :r% ra • Si uttrisuOttusrt g t T.sciA up caltbi Mita -Beg matmentap Fli a nt eru til'aieuNtsuriff*KM arm: Ohio MANIMULP*IguIii 7.13_111,41. 'ROD I OE antofamm swiraieum - Wet. OtrUOVWL•liti Pullitarthaft , er to Salter.ss,Lat4 • tanoir,resilusinnuessa, • • • • • 1 amid . • • ••• .. • •• • • • I TIOEW r.." 7 , 3 - 1( I "'ivtiiilik''tiiitfrito ett LLa fltn. Pas artarassi boar& mrliooac44 tut. • • proroasttes, / ~1/1 / 1 1 TOcacs , 1 4./ 11 1 1 1=r , sotto bust et hater us, its Isrlllisosis Elul briny debts As Wu. ea tssett serer - ff#449lif 1 E4+ , 7, . . Alledary.oo., FL; „ itiva 14rissik..; BOATEll67BErlielitl7::, ...:1212%* , il • , SSA , SIDE 811AWL13.-. flint STREET. B ATn ~; ! • - • •4- Dress- Alta 5:13. at aaniaa - r salad aid Mao= asaltronitte46 rs i 3 1. 2 ANrt e r ,b 4 attar u 'W aiVt r l au Ila Musty as him" tha camplatad. (“leLD it il t • • • ,Nypi..,4411 Ulan q'va nubt VIIUMIUW.4 ................ j 5 , ; Il d - r =lv Ininrropil—F9:44s4l' al T C1 1 1 , 1 r7 1 21 4711143 B Ftl i....„,..1,V4 ad. t g Y?&:`,, . • , ' ,•. w a r . . wassauos :I) In 411--•ry 1,:li Slops " 14 1 W ") -tilt. . .. - ii, re td7r .iii ii ii i iiiiii ii i.ntl ;:..1. ~, ,/avVemoujordl tittd r, N .' Sidled tied /Nitta iicjate; MON fea, *malt: for lap 5 , - Gazitißar. 4olllll V nem giaitmirvery. week- Stock, Small ,e quottie4 U P 40 : 4 , 4 2f !!/114.,,,,F1'Vap,5,!P14.4 tqaftil Atte*. tare w gtven ONO* 47 .YEW' dLD7EBZWI.F.ME,4,7B. AJNIT.E.D..—/LOSpe . r: mot km Fens% thelr.boasee plasma p2teek two. atatope.. for . " , ..4.1170g„. Drawer 111411 , Of O. aumwacd MEMPHIS ADD NAM:Aft e piasacesi etesteat,OENTßW a ttprm 4 w fr li as abo as TWA ei, to Fat !Meat dirsaalEa_ Amu sat 0 J. D. DOLLINGWOOD, 4IVIDS 'D NOTION:: •••• Oman os Prrrsarmaalistraeaca Co., f • , - Prresntraser, Angus le, IBA. i The President and Directors_ ettnis tiomsny lueie'ttlis day declatsql a dlvidana of FOGS VOL. LASS PER SURRE,...iseeed tax, out of the tr t onts of the east six manta', paled* fortherite, 0/ COlO GJUb., I / 1 01 1 01 al, ir) Qfti , Of 0.104, Dn. , ' illi ) • • JAS CULLOM% anis:ise . _ Secretary. VSTBA. Lili a nL—C6- HE REK A....Ustumot the somaimews- sown— atip, about the Oat week in June, A, IMAM, ,RED COW, suipivint to -b• abb. ism.: Inner te requested to *one rorwar‘prore liderwtY, us/ etwyes, end take her away, or ere win be dia. panda azeordloy to law., • suitt2ter • 'WELLS= OLIVES, SZOOND HAND PIANO& it% ;tis, s ll= l 1 1 3 :i UP W ABDS: GEO. A. PRIAOE 00.11 , eadaratodutztaa ratio crow and gehdaenn Pilot how iS) arcs - Q:11); bill It.C . 4.3(S;Mat MIN /0 MA Abl l / 1 411 r12.411:11:0212a, • CHARLOTTE. tertrnrsitatt*, MLEGUENT - V 4 44 4— Z7 - 74. ,— . Dosing ths cootuummeenttlic ClABEritlEtt MeMeat, TA.1174(211/V.:Trainsml/1333seAsjol: t Leave Pittstargh: ai ' I L431,4",41011: r..,.81046 m.. • qltiSsiPeri 2.1)0 p.m 1116 Sam,: 4;30 p. m. SIM Exclusion Tickets will be sold far all tits aboie Trains to Tarmotto. P. WARM; antisaw SupoitoteMnont. iIoODTIDINITILTHE AND CIADFATB %-s. AT AIX , rtes.m r tla wzognanair KORA. IWO; Angina lab, ldOklardt. at,ldardati. Ran. Auatd Haute, ad Fifth strietortll be *Waft Ir mt Seaman band Turned Poet and Vot%ted ateadaalto mallow Pins. Eladateadni Thelwbat tint# Vain :k , Brina, ddatailana Willanlidalt, Mani, rarerdtbut and Eltaban Nes, Kande Top °War Table, Stand, Alta MS -Malta, Ef. Can w SaktAllunra,.:Lonstte,:t New jos or Al. Vilest, &Ming Mato% Mattniwa. el,Trear Vanilla* Mids. Omuta. tot Lana Saida, Cook and Parlor StOrna, ParlOr fandars, PudedSpoona Add Porta, TableCalor, act • ALS4.), Haw ingtaln. and Romp, Oartadn,-' Illatdag, Ottomans, as. • • .: - • : an% , •s. UlXMLL,Ntlaknorn X 3 CO bccaaa Citabib Cite's; . .. • 1 ' lo . prima Factory Llamas; , , 0 “ W. EL., ta aritra;. ' ~.• - ' l° .lo bbta Smtillog Tobatoai ' .=. t "ow ~ "Matra la. 1 Batt; -- - ...t....1. oo 0 LADradui liall s iag ..1...-10..tir. , bhukLeice , . . .. sd bblt. E'er. Pinklesi ' MI 10 u Wilma, .. t -. 10110zei=t00; • awn Espanola'. Olean{ WW.C l c94l4oolt l Patitat& trade, low priest. 'Faisal' at Wit Ma , . ..' 'ny 011615,. a niuszat. NOTICE TO SHIPPER& • isfIetZONDAY. 3 1 USGAS neiga villbougetxed b the • Pittatraik , lud Ckosniells. Tale Baltnn4 *bar papa?. sand. a Noss me 4171tapirbalte Ma 0 1 / 4 10dit.p. 111:' eat* ' ' ": r. SUM agent: am= 07 THE 00ff 7ROLLeaI tfr<Aesfoueu. Ow= Er 191.. PA". / 'ln,Pireunmax.Acereel M ~_•so/Mt. , mAreas.- - -sigedtri ;Caul= tee Bowe Er Imp*. ADO Of th....31.051:14L0ti Minot ant.U_ tbe. sem tnainetes, afradar 4itiairou* ebe Coady Priem,. .Irpe UrEeere UMW. 00. : eadeseer;amem seas Inas, quarter ;1340:014,0 eames,.balresee ire% Arita tWOUVOIthiII Olo011e&ntIOA iut l y 41 , 1 _.b.t fretdm:4lo2ll.• = tale* eteolette: ; By Weep= Etwealttee 80100111. • - 111:7117. Ea B .•= T ' mita - • omenoeute.: * AVAT_RE. mnitturcr, Naas wimx, • - - ananne,.muurt , 01111111113DAIN WPCS!' ' 410litcs iFituitr intini64:Pl,l, Ind 41410. gook toga iv. amas. muildnit Oda 04.1 0-sTAUZMULD =NM in Tao Mums mar at tba mos 3 emctitatmna caantai. -13TZWIDEVIP ovar.alm. Af! Me starkwlll Vtatchr Each , !Mut napitkEtateessioni, • Sapp:Mid lq a 000 D STOOL COMPANY. DISSOLUTION OF' PARTNERSHIP. - pstissnayr berotedbm itinatag Wavelet Marks u. ..a4-irrszLOAreaCiouraorundor IT'ZIWAVII.O, , itatril°gDrit:. ran Garter_ Orpootzrof 111 - 041141 to kakoks 0. SailiovratvW.ottote• autatatzeo to 0 ° 1144 ali ozsmisto diatt...0314 NOM all till= rFat th e aid Ara. lM :r..',Yne. v 2Aklgrri c g: M*1:10,41141:11 MOBIL • NNOT/ClX—Havin tollr - bulb," Ilan . .3181414kr.5.. Viola am Ilba_pazpolie at WM elsitsultAn ta pa Resioni. maurHasoassmovvvirchstro -1,4:22-isp~ *AO IV Pia, 4140# 11 We susik.: l77 ,! ~,' 7 2AItE96. 0011IIISIL , • ;,,- -.--.4lrFulawn4mmisPOWE th►tilgr t oi.l 44 7 - .. ,a r s hcophilail4c... 0006. 114- g- 1 :_ 7 .,,, : :.....! t : 61.. , : . 7:, V i t . tii,do. mXimanue =MOM GM . OTEVP...,, , , ,t:ArIigqI4VIVIV% 01:3 41 1.:9 04;314*2(1 . ,' 4(4 " MOM WPIALUdii r, ,,, ? g '''. •It 'tli!:MiDePttlleinli Oteiil , lB tit! . Ili , . .. il IV Ca t 4eWa y. t i iii ''''' L'' "r` ^. .116baddlimi low sae Mask - - ft. 111311.., , =AO Maass lama )10.1 Bladstatv• , A illiatbilli .40,50 . -s:_: 1 4 1 .1.- liaL9ool=r' Al liwa t gars f . .,...1. IR . .... J ...O T! !ILLINZIM.=eIIIIO,IIIr-WA? , 2: 412/1:-:,, , , ',, , fia ~;Attllil44/Rlatbiqtr T.- IpA,f) 01, - DIRECTORS- OP ; Tem OTh coadretant. Pin two osy &stud • ' • •••" i ts paidensi No. 20. 'IT TwO roan!. 413 CM Capital BUWItiPaY/ 0 . !ale on MU At, tin want. suildW W I" i BVELTaaaretary. HEWITT'S ""licimerntienard FOB TIG6I3ATA, 04 A Na 1 Tr• • & ilivarawbvtoptingtfil nimaster-navevol OW bonte . • warfare& Far sabr All droutsta. SEALED ROPoWAlSldilishaccel red !•21 . 4_SbeatOttat.I.. " 4• Y ttlor. natlat , C. WO or Itib't omit at ash rumba tlWatiorattheittptan UPI ran autolootar the talatvoltak tit. tulttl , DAymittist thst. • •, • ." hut2 3 . Taiaarcaltiti, irzW dairMarisz.7rigst''2,s. DwzTALINGSVEDt . Ztaittessaaais li'romptly and 'Neatly. Pitted Up with GAS - AN D.WATEFL. *title but ' - tine beet and moat ekiwirieruied' Workmen employed- _ • al ki/ Werk earkioeo to unmet-ilea ouripigoza tentlon. The Trade suppled with "MMTAT3PIa. - Sheet Lead, Lead Pipe s . And Plumbers' Materials, AT LOST FIGURES. BAILEY, F4BBSLI, kgo. in'e lei sniarsrizmi STREET. DRABS BILKB, ry PLAIN BLAON BILES, PLAIN OOLOILIa PANcnr COLORED arras, NER STYLEAAND SONS VZRT B/OH GOODS, /ad received by WHITLOW & , :211.1TINTEI EITIZEBr. TEIII3 - 13()0 z &aide Nooks* Or an kinds; 'E;;4:larii r inzihr,o ?Alla 1114retand+ Stationery. • • • • - • nu DALE Br .111111U3, 13010713.& CO„ ' Binders. Nina Mask Beek Makers, IFTra9Lzind PUBLIOATIONB. OlL.azomws OP PEWNBTLTANIA, *Leh map sad duns' Bro. Math, =MPS IMPRek_TED MAX or VENAROO 0.81:11011, Colt. BffujUlf3, snowing Wow, sew ttona, um:m.106,46:4am _AL nolirs repaPnovEß IdAT OF WARREN 0 011 0 El UNTT. TRI. OD.Wen* w" 313 P of Vaulag° - Ripon& IV. Einms MAP or WEST VIRGINIA AND 01110. I r co. v. DLOGRAM AND REGISTER YOE OIL WELLS. 41100. . VL OIL LEASIZI-ton) lant6 to ants. THE NATIONAL • PETROLEUM TIMER, Wiliam% irsokly. Ito cetaa, Si DO pia um= :JOHN P. HUlPA . Pnbrudusr. UTPTIE leasoTao MILL. Iv'S irtryMmaVatea 1=044 of piss. - A - 13Dir ZWICIRD. PRAgnea Min= Ga4' , and. Steam ~Fitters, ' 165 WOOD. STREET,' (OPPOSITE rust ascounij Purapav — Sydrariti‘Ehoet fas LEAD PIPS. PIG a BAR LEAD. . : AND Plumbers' Materiels in General oiz rveritzungs 014'1 . 4 in the Soot Approved Style. reek. Used wilt tud aroma. Ham Ittal up vita wearer or N. B.—Allordare przamAly attalitled mploxsompAp4,7,_, lu 7.0 m , um. o , m - .• ~ t.. la i t .ulo :7 y • . i%fii.aiiiiiill.s:l24-olia.t. st. 4.6 ' . ii, Lbei gip. is 'anal b the Imp dad- ye *task et eatatinlESlS "13*. cw=o,4= :wawa WIWI Ilt: , ANL it SIP Asti . ilidirrailliir=lll4: w. brribr aig""k . ,Thir Fa.lqtr ball 04, livitselitk . X 0 Mar MU • extra- stew. m m • Vitafasii MOW • Lift' sad Mom* DMZ NakThir, Saw • ttaraiii, awl wring _ oci t '5 in allk 4 tinaVi et C l'''... ' - ~ 0 • • ,- • a: , SAW= . , s : p at= !' Er; w!lbork &smog Mdiqh_ . *Sllsre Zkii• pars,rampinilmON VlOntealEamanded , MI nitiaik• I r. , :n rr VI , ~ •, AMlTlalig' - ', . . . Wr,t,';,','.; . l,ipe'',,,.', - •..", - „':.: 1 .„'„,_: .. 111p luti C10211/2E 2 rOl9l- . S . PielilOW. - -", ' a riffiV ID/Ey.fierselegyeslit Ineureyee. 0 . 4 6Mbe Gollaampeosaallblre steeples UM emetable •, AA nfar ra at legibbbatt i liew l a VT ri Mo lb.) , blob elieWiy bees sedate . semi Mum. eille Ye Mud UN 11 2 / 1 00.0( ewes 01 lbS dent aims! seasatrii 1.-WanurOrgwe=mak =iota by Lone bribe yam eelmotatel-aUleoibulag tanek as Oil Out wee Ctbarry- San, szel le Weems psetbalty Se the iseier.. azd • .qtlastatale Wetikand abort ow nits sum me Weal awe VtalL The t ubs lobspeay alllrte a Useltetkentebkof gum at the Drbee- -- • • ' BFIVIENTY-fylretlVlS PER SHARE: jeep ey moat% toren tab Art forsa , ' Aloe ['needle,proymey and' certalestioa ln at tba CleareherA 001 l uiL lbe obtained at the off* , of - rIiCIABLW 100ieb*LANDk0.11(2%.10 _-• rrpIITBIWZOR •AND STEIJOBriIint.F. ULROAD.r.QII.TAIDAY • IdOSPIINCII. MORO, 10 *Woes. itoeozdiaL te =Meat, will be sole, _at Th e Clemiancial sow - No' tat Sultbeela stile the • • Ms Mb i IL 4 11= L tattalt e sa t ate l i t IV es seutatea, Pa. sad I- Vadr. 5V of "me_ WMII trim otnew 1441:r. of r i iesad, la awake% to Coal advastamme et Star = l ira Tt lZalaitte e rie Mal al aba t ansp.oLop water:that ver at b" : ll3B tVelar nitieludill -, illailairhaNa.illialkiad Ittena l atiataribaiiiiiii;OgitiiiiNi t Sgen . ktio, .1.- ' ,1:.•:, deepc-im. 4 mummer._ i lyigagattetliTAMAlWAll , ; , J,=A si. • .. ~. , .. '-: • :..1:. V:mil --- ' cI, pi! w W vo , vrf-xittla . ,Is,lt ) ,, t - 0 .1 - • 7 , ,I , 1 -,,,., - 1-t• •7 4 4 4 !;;;,,z_ . . 4 - * g r ow Pa l l °.3 •At , -0, . 41)1 ' a tgitieV , ‘" PrIETFOURTIOI/4.. -14 .•.', on' t , tt. romp. .. ~: !,7 ' , ~,, !I Aye t :MT Wank Wig :nap scandl..Wid t -2. Noun . . to CHUMS Or V i t; won pity et •• CM: m cut Wee terserbriSainettleeo , t ..-,3 .1 gyp..; SAlit . P.t .. : l -P O T S/U4o o — );4* prit4l , 4tritie Chtlikeitstrat&ba , -.. c , ;,_ MINIM% al.ltitiLbstugter, .., it '`'loo OFyI'ID'BE RcW eolasiiikel 2 1 1Cletatettlad&Vetintetteetb.elAWM it i t., 01 ,4 4 1 1X,10 2 400teg.491 vi t r 4 lf„ eg s pe 4rittllttki . et '• Wilt a the et 'borembiy edit Wane& - Abe letiteetilati . beta seep eedpa:rammed Cl. salmis. ...-i-rr..m.,- gt4O4P/SPORMI"Wit,f7.!-.L,,,m; to•• a IP rin:;2o-tittottg: :* 1.6 I ,oo.ttetitilk&ituilletintittattited , , .. ~ 0 .,, , r, - ,...; •;-.- .: ,o-ti.L11,.. ..12 01 UtiIIOATISKVOMS '' ' I; ItgiS RATratrAGS/4. • • . •• • • r., • , :su.skrizactzmasaq cusougnmito Esddatee'Ro;trair ithreet - - - WI - In ••de pate Creek sAitrrllll,tiair, !ton szd torsaw -'• Jltitita : VitZEl; l ;kSQAt i,. l L.. . 81 dad N .w.itr4 atrtjt;: rEßTLfica/EXTB EIGHT H LIST or APPLICATIONS lor ad:lft ifQnor, Mod In the, alatithedloO. Up to August 81741/3Cdf Nom . rout _ 4stice. ' Phili p Willtoms, tovtra, Firi4 Ward, iltreht Pa Stony, CI its <I al . _ Samuel Turner, ga idln St o nee, a .Iry, liI? i tnick=oar, eau h olm, u " em Pilahalts, JohnBabalkman, tavern, Second Ward, P.ltenainan, eating hoOse, •• II Mn. John Ward, other good., T. N. Miller, . 0 Janos Vox, . • tavern, Third Wail, Christ Wailing, " “ John Vine% - " 0 Patrick aur. .. . _ • _ , ... , neon Knlder , Intl how . ,*. L.Volff; -,, other tool; .. ' C: Alex. Campbell, tavern, Zotirth Ward, 0 Joan lieGready, " " 0 Robertli Will. Carrl i bo., °Cow goods, " o . hleOrtaltert &Ca 4 sir EhJah Hall. layszn, Fifth Ward. 0 Wm. Mooney', 41 . T. B: Bogen,. Sixth Watt, . itwepb Dewily eatinthonse, . . 0 Mary Beer, o 0 Kan c.Bani, *Menai, Eighth ward, . . 11 0 James Wll er-i Hams, tavern, Tenth Ward; . .I. E. :140 einM, Olutirmr. " 11 4/ . P.'ldellan, • " ' w " Illeini:,Lant, eatins Minn. hl 'Flea, Ape, 'l. I.ivapen a Anoth. Bebert Iffel3cdre, 0 ' . r .- Chutes &nue, Other goods, .;„,' • . Anton Waver, tavern; roattli Ward, E. P. A Faalliaber .. - ' • - Joseph Zerhat, . " o Indiana Smith, eating house, : Owl. W. Dawson, • ' . - Kraut Stelial„ , tavern, Lawrenceville Hero. Tic a. Batton. Wee, A. Linefeed.; o - • o I. Cesar Lana, . eallnwhoniej_lllanebeiter " I E 1 3014 tavern, • Dldlrwt . C a" . /*nib, . (Win miode.Bainekley Both McAfee tavern, , Taiiperancevllle:. - LULA. Ott, . . .'' 'West Pltteranli . .41 , panting!, eating hon .-.e Vollinstownlidii roi Elmo a Waller ' ~,. 241111111. -.: 0.., F. maker,-_, , .., .._ ..., theny .• 0 Etter tianiosla - ''' "Maltz lOUs ' , . PererElMmentiillatle; `, ' ` POMO L" ' A ntlocel Whltraleari ,' ..... ~.. i _.' 1/,..,. st -, Are . btewart, • im; , ..Penn. 1 ~ . . lice. A. flannentlin,ar r . - ff. . . Pin '' .. Mamba Yentllue, - - ' .' - - llobllitall'' . '' to .d b le Keown ~•Lletwelaab, other geode. Madan . ".. one Winer% tavern, L. Be Mb o *. . C. Illerlean Joe Ilartmen rn 0 Om ft. Doll; Venalllea . i'attiekCheery, .• The Court will alt on Wednesday, the SOtt day of August, leG6, at to o'clock a. , for heaH4 the terve applications. t o /L . 11 , 1/a y 0 7 hs 111 g thr . e-bends 112 In amne s ty. Retooettreboes mutt be tiled snot before the Oty bf burn.. • Certificates of Itieuses mutt b• taken out after Eva "Ltd' adthla EReea .days- after haring heed panted, ettbey Anil be revoked mottattltageoteir. son St- . W. 4b. -11-- CE/tE S / 3 F" fbronte IHseases,Consmnplion,Serof byp_bills. Seminal Debit(4 - ' and an Fintabi Ontiplalnts, MIS. AMOS & JOHNSON, X4O Mircisartii PITTADVectig, TestiltionyaiMo* - the Medical Prof • . iltni - ina %eters. • , /b., vatior:'xi, _ iiii4lcsioiiif the followitaleata tat IddryabllN'belleittly jaytea• thatay may beteg mesas tataaaaglaralla who Itar tabula failed toot am tellaf. , AS all estallalais , 4 °fat DO atm Was jaittatto gad medlosl • • - tactat.yoar,ctcp, la academia/ .t.bat I . blow Ime• atagally theß. atTegal yen lin4 eaves of satainal a atelleatale emylida •ft,-by ad Oat Vi unizetts , airwomeemis try , a= • habsueen. - ;:•.: • •_.: • ~ t p_ft I!, t o :,.•• opt , For ltmala wealogagal Gage% /snow o! aye taw equal lima tegieldles I time et fa r a great mem ladles veto havitm.' led tar yttril lin 'amain entry cam • Oat V i + anatlas 'been,: imam gay lad egad lima yielded ta lid* teals atm:meat la' gattabori span si two week,. , • • • amch "' " Ct°9"tf- w. un rsa i isalat . . Igr r. D. I Thlor P eedued !", 22 ' ' ' ' RATIF7CATE FROM THE air. Dm HAMISTOM orquinivtgaz, 4 , ariltrtstDa dam& JobsoonVatedtdots bore mod my Who who orsa Wawa lodating, auto pros. Ma medal= gram tot. only wo It. FILEACIA Immtant to, - I,adleit.'. Ora PZR11:1111.0AL more win nips oaths nautili' , anthem In cues otobstruMwo from nor Flu Pries I. 8---tadiao who ore we ot await' sot an Mao. - Timis rot rano. wnan Ihyostiou Las OW White no=onsts. MM US OF 'TEPI BLOOD. :On Ahluens—Diiii Sher !Haft mete slats thM tour raraedles tot scrofula and bil ru.saars are wally excalless. For scrofula, rata. ha or hayarttles or taatioad. I and they aster tall to aura whim twat at glinted. I hare sus. led la sating the went at 0 stpl= ne , iga hatylas la theShers,two e 4 S.ISIEB&Wc r 4011.• ;Diereadlit 1! atmiNAL wi*datt Drr+/sarfJpWra+l ha llmiZ trine your rearadass. isateral , ballasts hod , berm has mate' al the Lanatla /0.4101( Alta Ertl Wade of stadnsS treakner nr.oftatty babas: Iflre . each taste I muddy antlidrartablito paws e.4.1114HA1A.M4111.11.3 Albany. N. In(=Ma Wei tap. Tj(111.,, wobasettaddrosil all Maas Who bars Waxed thaw sem by taperer Indultam* sad salaam bah.; traherhiencrataboth body aid talsuktroatilas thee. 4111Metnisbseief study, nejsty, or atm us sone,oz sok Sad 1 ... hay jaw ST:HAW by: ettly•hablatot 104/th !Altman 10 . 4 Usk Val War, the' • .6tenew at ISMYMO itavet, %strap of the aalroastrzl, b , denurreat - 7110=n. fanstrana, . 3 =ea t 7ii. ° 4Trit a m jar timh lesia%;+ ! P aVAMi tri lbw mason to the tresttleut !at tee rsfinted4e4e these Isnolaronlabs. Address, pat. AMA; • JOHNSON, 71t.diailitriairS9.11ftWirt=k. 1, 111/8111100WROLLING MILL. Wait Iniurnmer, • . dace of Weiler and Omen] Mauer • AT '. Zillilary Railroads Unitel Staler, Wasezeirrott A tii.tole ileleilt ; IPropman wilt be monied at Oda Realm okloqu itt pz WEDN t. Entir t tep= der t OW to the IDts, veto! at Unsilarattlitin • rtbto?" 00111 , BulbillAilh urea, and Tract dosnecting • Ito Rol:Ms:Run untb •Ma btailteir aod libastanooda Railroad. Tba .10111 and Maablnery constructed to • Railroad bon, aril Wally VaiV, OA of u Ma nlroved character. -Par tall. deer , Audi aid , ens= -lacqWlll Ap a rr i a r Mbe=tr i, b7 4l l 4, : t = tiasesses. All blas Mould be indorsed Proposal Cana Chateau Milan; MM. U. MoIILLLQat. WO?. Brig. Get! Streat te o d r and M us. &nerd Manliak Kilitli z7 aadando Rthrea.ll. Uni B BARON LIEBIGS• • - NUTRITIVE ?ODD; ' man rnr4 Sbl D INVAiLDS. INN o taakblrallitil4W l Vet o 2 0114= *IJI.,Al114$1411" Z 1 J o . , trt ' EGOhLOADODUDII gDI O I4.I4DDI, , r4.3.t - • - ¢,}::11,4e 10,1 n:Apts •.-. boa VLAMOKlClLlikkarpti: 4001110: 4 1 4 r-ithri.• 41 eel, el instil,' te- , 14 6 . : A . ; : I, .•'• :..;• • 00 - • • • ;4tY'r.r. bi t i ty.2± 1. 4 : 4 C 1 ;JO- : ;.Tar tqr- Mat tI t Sin ei ß ota D lil ititr u hri, e asseroto "weft vs a& •m m l,, eserl4l/ m oms. the engem az the bizabsen. • C lartc4ANESaulgrEi,r ,ot tW lielk , Plitslault os. au* 130tAil t5pAgEl4ll azur runiesai.oxt6:"' PITT MUNIDET4 111.7:r ' l r % tr. ,tl , Clicomaribrazglorsitiza 04'11'4' me xrroaik:ii:/:::::"./AV:iditAiblftiiiiitsi Josmrst En? G KNAP. 0 it Agysiii , uvAlMESlFlrlitWO. ;: , :vgiassurreirei 7 ?-1%.! sigetimimotoroWridirocatiosatedstirms. ~,,,, clususiduababagmitiwznisplow-v t.• • 'Jun 4 - ;:nw - t,lif at LEzSPC' EFAUSTOLIVIII , astoymy PauPastry—vraaams lama Slllllllldittglitalatatritramot Bakes nacos Shaltoile I ,, i a resit,37 1 . 42C11AS WINTP4IIOU 44ti = 1 :14 61 40 0 1.:.:;, u P!.ft , 13 ati . :iir 34104 8416141.imaiTeeffEWIN IF , Cr iase -'11AtN6a 5 i . . 1 ; : 4 1 764_ , . 0 . Brn o glithasitkirillillmsal•WLATS =AMIN VA. sub riveaßi ' l Vl l i si erat rf 0:11 atro vi itt i vaufighei r tr. 53r tale in II II II I* *Pro -14) 1°4.1 , llPPlyiejo,,i,.A • nrl.:fit U.S L :lloaratarifiWOlagt,,,. -^ - OPPet.l W ; 01.41,1 k ft d 0 .- '" DR r.. 0008. RARGAINB I BA4l(Vlii9 r "nr: Tug BFECIAL SALE OF DRY 6 4 poris .Arr Nal CONIFIEHEREGNE 4 i - i:J.D.'..j, - - N o ,Boi Market Sir4e4 WE EXTEND AN INVITATION TO EVERY BODY WANTING ANYTHING IN OTTEXINS We mast aloee oat the entire Stoat, to mate room far our protaxed extettitreitMaira. ' ' "(''''MAGIJEnt'VLYDE; FON: •Iri.11:4:11:,&:114:4.4N0 MACHUM & CAB/418±4 e N 6.18, MX= EMMET. Our Iletail Room P. 7 NOW 01PI,F9kBiPm* 7-, , i Wobra kerk to =mai that flair Stegiktuss been .l D , m with secandete afact cat 81111014fel 00 serf 10 - ' sexcud tut week Wu= of the &t w it= Xr4 limportalcas, embractog Novelties in Market. UUM:MNCIS, EMBROIDERIES, 1105LERY, °LOPES, snows, cl9itso4 sent NETS, + . 4 FXNE MIMES, EOLE4I,IB, 1: 112 3; ...ram= GOING AND FOTIVEE• =calm a aantsrit rrrra trrizttr._ NEW GOODS; • 7 ".:." : • 1111ACRUM-,& r+l • - ., r1,s Itl6 stock na rfor zaTEValglei.MC rercoviaLirmw Pelt Meld% pros Balton; • . , • c?rneoeeta µ iw .._ ..' Notiter d Away Goods, Alto; - SW , Pidatidenai of 'way dissariAtaz . . . . Genlieniatiihnishint 6ftds.- __ - .. , .2 ~ Rims azarbiortitar Marta; Drawee 41Stdi Undo , fblao3balokBFrpradan4 , =',M:3 I KANTS , . win em yk(l ant `l,ralllVE:r."dir HICES AS mErmassn?. - AS 4 7 1_ ,7 . 0. ACWAY I PA IMA I ZIP ellmas ealibettal grantuitas etssitun. ' 'TM :V' ,i “.;t4 .r: t;,.,..•.. • - ..... a 4c: 4.',.: i..,% ...., ,t ..1, ,72 .:.,. ~ , , ,^,;:d' • I ' - Fprrtishing -Ootgi&-L 1.:: vif rt , • , . 1.L,:, i,lB ,1; = ..i:i 14, cLt:', . 6 1, , ORRUCMSTAIrarAtTO; Fine .Niviree , 86:1119;f • • LZ:. • CP IVI SI TZk r gMP ECI ** antlii6i MLA. •• • Gantt& ui MIES ANILAIKS,; OF PAPER O,RUARi. vpnc r t -• TI%ILL% , SMOTE AA. AT • -EATON'S, No. 71 FIFTH STREET. AT niTOIVE, t3trooll, . EON T nurta ßc 2hortit: rap°. )4 1 4M,, tetfatries, • • -.o7.%m ixt ENTEh • n CZ 1 ; c1,L.114.! J3VSlit REOEIV'ZD4AT lump asN. r 10 , :t5l •t/4'{Nl:lliil3l.l,i wr.dril4.iyirt,724r , -....t17..".4 !il r;cl taxi/ Tolletrv.. •gr-4/ Ltx , Scl7A ve • 1--q0:714,. , :-. ‘,. - . ." V?' • - • • " LIC • • ?Pc:OPFP " Prso shuts; inputs um aldstp &waif suitailipintriantemosia-starbssiassa• . conidirmalit , rsonsil 844m* lambi* nu:iota mil gb•deitllticitiwlett•lbufr:isokivaila printr t 2.,,r w s 1 Ij ? rad, 11 7 : 1 1 44 24 4 e 1f r “ -1 rCr I it 403 . 41 =Re IMMO 41i fXI4-P:1 , Vi sad TS IffiIIiKETEITOGIM: • 110 ° ; i u i Po RP, v;:;;Vilat,Yi c: r tatb , :=ll - 1 ra WeN7aI r 'SICOO •. 1. ' ".` , Bl - 211ABEET ~14, -4 1.7, 0 161 Lcrt d.,.i:&41 *tifi*Ontaf, 1 44 4 = 44* / 3. •14t 4 rA1i ntikeillatratfir444 m ue ma' .1 U.101,1111 • 1,/%51113KIX'4"44a""''!"(-' ' • taV ALL , PAPER.-liew ,r,heamoul bind. sails: ~rttr az* steat agn .zto. 1_14;041k 1 I kDUO. I.lrB u.ndurcr. pzBURA.NOP M i rM iI IFKMMI INSURANCE COMPANY. of Pittsburgh. IFFICEI Na 87 WIT . E4 gamy 03Aciezzre strzwirtmf a. I. i3wmim.,lc.i'r,iddr.nt. J. W. CHAP.3* . lft.rce IPrestdeat. Ekeretart: gars ACIATBST AIM BY FMB Insures Steamboats and Oargoes... L NsiorErt, A. E. W. PAINTER, JACOB L. WWII= L3 ll ;._ciaLLlPTi J. BONERT=I. - • -•- • w DUDLEY. O. PPILS auum ID. W. WAT 6044,,,,, a: G. BII L ti. MlNlszy. • 4"4S4IY ELEIVEY'A i SS. nr = 4 •• , 109241:0121:trr . 10. c, TT-eiTt BIIMSAW - 1110108111te ItEttfr'ance. Comp - a.gy, ; OM% : MCI WOOD/1111 VIEST (Om Prop frattalatia.) 43:1=ARD C . GRAT. Prgoddent. VILVID-11:"Artic, 4161316"IrrETAIX!**:':: will imam Aothitzdfrau.. Kinds , ,FME AND it .740=3 0.11 .07 AULT .. 1). i t Mi l. FLAW. sz.; ~. nm-urn.i.: E . HENRI MILES , Er., .1.0,.Wif, Mat% G *k•tli. Ira3 l. P._SM i px. - f rc. 2. BlG.x. r. wt. 0 6HAVarsity . .. ~ , pimatalics. " ' ..,-. EUREKA INS CB CO FANZ cia:€44o*lo4447#44otitif.; Lama. siForraizEiGam-Praddsatvls - i. PstaidatiVr: ee., jgs Marine Emit.rh!ia.MiEdifts; .11,11,ucittl itmr, !•-,1•1' j..r..a. 10 ...71,1,f-.;l:!:l4l4Kinalt;',., ..._ • -,-,•••,• i 'SAL fitallErniE2ll3ll64lW. - IL 3111111aCT. - 74.& ... 1.15CDE1L150 •- B. J.JLEEDILUSONL....d . zumßzurztaeoyar 11..C=v ~ - J. AII,CMICIEST. ' - kii,Nating l o4 , l, , Ervamm.p.Amagis..,' . * 2 . .:.';": .: -:., '. - : . ...' 7. -- ::::' 7 ..: :".. :., "PrnENl ll `'' - ' .. ' - '., -. :'i7 l : A, . . . . ~ . ~ .. - . - ..,-1 .7," - r8ll"4 - 7. - , iv cZT . • _ •• ~ •- , !,• •• ..•.:: •ti.L-:••f- Sig* , Oilitallutazdt ,u-Viellkra ..,- - 116, 136• Vim tiTBEIR, :, i -:.: Lf .1 ic;c6 • iittiiiiii:ia.t.•sir ii ill •• 1.27 . 1)1AW SWOB'M'I.Ai; '" - -- ' : ' - ' ; . . , ‘..,, , ..t ; - ,,,!/.1:. 1, :,.-:,•...! ...,..,---...,.. ~. :: ,..1. , ,, —" NtirEial.il3oßEßEl—:z'. , ' zpiiiiii?. cgilo*ii '.,*iiitiiiiii'. *th , lives".tzedaii*eirrpi*sisailte mita. , • t i co et l?t::"::t': ':'..:::: t --.::'' I Ina. 11:1=1,' NA .-., .• ,' ! • . '-':'-''''' ':".."-Spiiii i .-. : • I n E fi g ui r t i iiiiiiiat i dis 4 ii w4 . ii . steita. ~, , L. :q i t tiam...:.::;•.,..:, :. , .1!: sc; ,:.1.,:i c, -,::.,,_, ,;. - 5,::,; - .1: : VULCAN .CCOAL-TAlttr, - ;: • Oftlll , lta mail nliaLl3l6; cdr- , the•Pati • 10 / 42044 - - • -- Whasidsgbiar toady Coal 66l14tisk — ez•ware,Onslasimi , - - COAL DiailfEßED switcL . LeirreiroutardeiatS733sl MIPS at ; M i ßoxiatiPe4l *Tf4.§. . pz e rnaNaßiti , 4.olaol=l3pg.p. Theleanajtvaul 31ate 9grityltgaiis44 ! • - • - irfnhaftiltitaanas oa• • - sisfrazialaaa,Mir s rh,. amend 2501)4,-. sumplEcerinky Am _Worm - atm dadexelloy`tiescardet=i' mimr, iptkllesiSons for Edam posts er ttyambmiat irWAril9algt AA. _aboerov.4 o :o4 won) wk.= • =km:Emit , 'souserialn., stow. • fe=lll4na anasiora mar Arts. f.r.l • pith AND ~ 6 31MitLW/V. • -.. juirottx t C7IZ4 . VD! , r - Ninatitiniatti Pig" • • - . .v.lurr7.4 .p.trtf, . • • T 9 :Alit v!OTze - utussafkiffsw 4 ;if OesSTAXI/aft • • • • •• • •/ 111,0 4=ll ela • era:: Trot n 1 of tom= etraireueB kitaititekvattiberttak , S4l kert a ..egarl , rj /10 nO4 t 1 5 p l 4 -4 n ()et ...tf 2 ,I I AkfAIMAII.V.Pir / Wim• if-locar• - %•••- , ••••• 1 •. y ,Tittagt... i tdo ... 3 4•23ts vgb, A I 2.02 f)...rf QUIT a-(11) O&M CS/.2 itt7 , ll .11'MM ti 6;crekßroken st n:474773 , 4 A ' -1 4„ ti.W44 # 411 ! 1 ' l . - C5'',9 211 P440 1 . CesSPOSarigrata : C — IF I C O 4 , brUTE: I .4 I, 2 O , a1i.:06634„ •itedvitrthisAfitn.2l .l diw a .. 2 1 13 Vite' TO JP W 025) Weal ii :77 :,, .: kl :, \ ::,•::::,,,,; •`',e.;:• ,;l- t.. Fi • ' r . NOV Mil= tiviacrran :
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