'VOLUME - LXXVIII-INO -'2OB itislirgli daunt int fit. 4 , jesittn4 StAuficr:ss , ,ocs4ss gazko prem the 6 ,4 doexiia. and dress goop. ' e Occupy, constantly asztftg at ifs . 10 1, 41 1 4 , Cti 4 44;PstadLctlint;:: , : 1 -- : - cads` . . • rzairio is Sick. r T5447 - etnioaNicow., warketstraec; i •, - • ._„ f•l'...AsfelAdiedo Ddenumerffit;','"- I A mtAftiiorAiCkuilvd 9 01 1 0 #44400 4 r, &era , blennefene end be held on% Thodederdise Itamns. Tinetuel attendance te -mutated, eff., A 2l / 4 ” 4 4. 4 if , Pqt"P trfi,A,Pfouft" : "A .7: 1 "*" suirs 4. - ani Dress Gooda, 'l4 44 ' ardA ll4l 4d 4 vat , --4 441 w 00 ' grid Meta mna fa ,sod &ma Nw3; puunzang xviry Iva wet Saturdays, at 7 10 0/ 6 " 2 4'l audkitralaClSlOo el Mtn aZIWir, MN:010U Tate V I RP d 3SPO quttkiimlioxias 4r. -49 - alindAtero4,, , o24fips* Ma* now returned after m•stems of throe Ism la the =an nutvit zoopeseet sho kor eD sods gotaging lathe eupsatcr Uns. at the old stand, illidnarabbirosittaltbilstdaranottfadepmsy fty Otden _ aollettad and promptly 'attended to. :. arruttisrmimpsicitorvesicoAA_ AmAgaski, 111114W:eartiltur - tcWL" Omet kkale"" sozonoiW*l276Aer 3 1 7cakt:Pgtetn . s..ltesktereete - Abitet4, l l4 l *4 4 " 4 . • 11 / 1 2 1 4teatele &tented to , An work werreeteteeires Eii*irtifairo, ene lll, 5 Corp tor maker; porkiest the root le te pa.4l ne .44 '.'Om[ tdett e WehrelitleWSTo.so Federit Iptreet, , ho ta:et when the *lft 4 , oll ll=4 k 4O - MIP 111 :of FO,;* ett I . r titthe'. thlety Geed weir ree oeiveikeedadtl . ,:witiop:.. ..of the 04110 -pro .- ciao, 111a14111146iiii4'11:11 , 41dargYST*0121d rot. , -Itniiamide-eery heavy Purchases of the fined littbeflealtaavantAtfadatibtetntaltalfufthe ri - t9iwtl4gt%il4AVNl;WMVvre4matipsv •EaI" 4I MM P I'W ilitAlg.#l o o4-.. 11 41 4 4 froluva ta mat IR-!. op to 4t4a7oliatati: iiittesaia lAt==:E= rdiz , ....eidotfang will slurp, found at his demi salablialiment. bur Allightai illandaallotild glint . /114 1P1 4, : ,- i - 1q, ,, ,..:1 7 4 . rr rild • Real and Malmo= mignon ociasunatton astypnianiaa of Wilk itteath tO Min thi la= CMS infralpr aktlMplaWaiiikatialit ,V 4 4/111.4=1111: v ' toalt - NiCiquitsbOV astriga ; ' l22ll o itil l gua Al Url3 # l3lii 'P e ` ihoiliostAktstrwiagilessi iai for 148 ,apidtaales tlgr t pll, , pinata:l nut Indtegmaintsendialtillis Ast,e4sasta utacie seriiia. • it irol =isaad.wgtr i alpaaninaggaania,c iy.viaam, to loatbe*PatiiitarAliktei 41 4) 441 4 ." et wisdom in an plot whim: Thera Is oat ode cait—far tame vaho.awi, a Piatelttl'azpi aiid Avail& aliit d alp, /at cottgloatim Wcitalaost. the torrid eraIGURZEIIII war" ,oflteatitlai &wait thafratarned . iseititiritiTiTroWli& War tent tiey ohm 4)// ‘= . V'Mr. l ) ketil_llP th e vital litiaundet` the''Sslstaewl a l t.'s - 0/640n Without tithaing toe blood or multi= say' 4 tit t liewhts9.o 2, !.l4 6 l ll . .Pg et Cle* ler said of tea sit chess, but not oisonsues.- It braces the Othwis Ittgisitattoid and witalstes all ut• functioitatit ta• body.,Zto OWN StkiMUSIT L . leAlamaiirtaf sihmittfkitltirekir 4' liNteticOls IRA 0 11 4 .9sleninVe.n.t azdhlittlaus herbs with toilet -it is ousides44ere, tits best ot their lcuel on the Lie of the earth . everiddisth • Ati - 14 ITEdE • 1 :Gramit*Wakontrwcondatithid-Wicler .hr *PabzlON . oat Zej &blast . ftt cagiffra&M ' * Mgt W l4 da tii tE l .3 0 M_ a kl494A b bfk*A C S** Wt. t kohes seam bake% thr the lattea clehuptstss 6een — the practice tetriirraTrahrstklisor 'Ming In en & . r" ct. lan intimation that the trial of eIL Davis TM 603 n= r eaW i tz i )44a=i MED gremlins to eclipse, In erlmiaal proceeding 4 shy dethswe en known bait& or Lte old chnnity4;. Tax ' , Mtge:Hi' ChiPik' fini N ' i ltathchiaznokti Imo, are ta* Inca abundant ever known in that = thesrethriini 10144 PeoPle Writ tenthlon r of famine abd suroting. No man• rehey ofdropght.„lpa or ohm, meow Woe that great Soldstfeirs clop Om' nun sad , bests. • deeemeee ' •,3 ihS-K tan • oet - Of parte I of grit; Crawford, amen' and mango eon . A ties,, with Titusville as the county mt. -It says I kitft...M.4443,gPehemlyer '?1-wilting medical prescriptions-112W e ,iirtact4 • Ot tmcm has lotig, boob VW practise of IzoLOTe.mf7 Inz. CAllioom.:the.dhilkuottehed l'retwo..“ of College. and is_erominent radical VeliffitErre ._ F. 'no ? ei lkoio'Pernta we's' return ed to Parliament ett' thalittrelettOMMOCTOferafjen t ha n - I f 4 l ..P d AWIT./ 4 9" • • :CirPOOSOith WWII= lieDV3hirlelll".4taCiatlthiltiMand 116tlittia daittkeritebtal efliblillbrentBr; a : .Zi l le4l7 ii th4r Ar r : = ab o t ia 4. I Tr= wit -a propositionl t o - w - day. Fefb, North Calra s for dinners -"to be TeceaMi 'Ala - con f i 'LeVrriltiffl : Ge2lo7AlivApt itet titth N 4183 . . . a , ' '''' * rill l iMr ' ! '" ", 1, , . .kj 4 - 74 L- 3 5 1 0.17, 4 , , • ,- 1 4 na t i Yffikaribiti-l ladilf ik.7 4 t i mot make lithe plote of th t'n ..(•• i ! - vi c ==g - csnr. ili b.ing di. I ' i tr u i s tatFraggStlßuo-g9! I i adiaaalodiadFliddgmaidar bOakdiormay - 4....-- Wtr 1 , *ditelorilitowayitoal litisaoll vitai...,—.. i . 1 1. 4 .1 , :, - .1 - ,- - -.l i i -- i -- -.--: ,- t k .o* ta ' via? 1 soma. -"dosSon 3creoir low ma lima 1 I ,440111 M J ~ reiltilhitqutspqraittedY, deilawri 12 l . : 0 1:3 16 ht y now: . auroy , 'these mkt a rut of old MonOridezels.". !* 171,1 '• I ... 7 fhat# t e t a irikaiga 4 itielgi 6 V 93 • 1• • ; ~.., t tirada 4 414e1 Ma r.'47. • ....,,-iii7 . ;- --, a =An* Vk . Tra*.st l i - lamb , prompt, tho man w tkas atal 1 engelVtAtekand..MT.r. ntatrei I g 5 A warnakualadinim a lii6 Irked n foohr* hot el sbstheboat WAzTP a1t1 432 440-6hOltalaca.da.dcoirayi ... —___— ._------ ' ; -. A . I;°!PS/J4/ bl 3 , o l4 l !rsfirolf: ;,.' - QeYtiTschiross- rsErisikesmit i. r :: : nio ,labor, = ' SsSotrAttittil.POldss Spited"' •'' ' -- -IPtiftretssiszvr s*lclite a woman litii bo: 1.. - "alto X Lsrheis she IsSolty. Tuts Dastsin Pcst calls "weitorfaits ,, bicakers ' _.--V}# l1 d• . ,' '• ' . . EINEM VERT LATESTNEWS BY TELEORAPH. TUg gOL'D ellgCt BOMBE& INTENSE EXCITEMENT PREVAILING Another' EiltLre Reported. piam *TCrM=L DP119';g7p131:, , ,0P , izPORGEB. Nkve Tonz, AUK*.-ozettozient Consequent upon tkeriold'ekeel.:foiierienituik% teen the moat intense ever known hr the V idnit Y44 39 y4; fail,./MIS time. Uwe !ea genetkiiinittolatieimAfial far thathe bas. not. yet, ' , trans. The wadaa6 rumors _ ern OW cm tbsatreat-early In the day, but the whole thing began to sesame a definite Shays., env. - • ; _ announced the failure of Charles Ora- . do Co., and statedl,Clust they desired all heir °of:traces to be closed oat End all statements pent to gralingWAlK GMIMM-Vien. staltnillgtt he hadbeetiALUftelltafthercitfillr Sonia:llm In consequence of ill health, and events had 4-mspired, about whiela_lus main give no ex planatwn at present. 'The Erpress sayp: The operatlons of Morris, Ketcham, Sr., & Co., were - nuked -very closely F e emales Graluaa dc Co. In feet 11M latter mu was geperally anderslued, lala i l.4 o IlVd ner 4=oth e traTlge " ekl7l i t Kea* load. , I Thirdaells legged by_ Yarn KatelnlM are l jsued the 'of several Iftdleg persons, Including Veratitto & Co., Hsligerten Herz feld, fllaro4deMorilk V1teriL 0 4 1 .19 2,4 04 Einstein and Kovenfeld, and appeared to - he nsedonly as a collateral for loaryorith tan ex.- lams undemanding that they' ehontd not,' go - ppon the street or depealt, d.eDenigilgteemelll was made that in each, case the gold check phonld not be-sold extra:. -4ire - -hhave was of I:onraa iubmltted to, and. in consequence of this Condathas, the check kink - from which Edwurri Ketchum obtained -tholhlanks forthese forged gold cheeka.,luth not been recovered. .It was kat, pmfesbefts Mr Chas. Graham, who denies that haprimed It' or has any knowledge of It,„ to claims to have been the Innocent tout of Ketchum. ............ I The cheeks In th is book 411% numbered from 501 to 69,000; and ,ass "three luiridred and lelzhiy--ItinYef At= 4126-belbsredloi have been losel it was :supposed Ithe aroma would , be 111,900,00C1.-13omept the cheeks..,howeven,- awe far raudlialtirtiotestniliat means 4300. The umbenolche;ks Ilin illiMtbeen wlthdrain and totalled:2 The Erenetarm_are _snot. impsrfect Imitations that thel deceive ne one.seenstamet , Ito the scrutiny of Parer, Model thel 1414 fall' to be detected by the gold clerk, i Thawed brekemeome tOrte - aipamdoptedlttle r Banta OfNewliTarlheis ISlMWATepaelfelViTem g from it - emtifleatea which were registered e dmo..by_ aste of. era. Tb=th e_mil s ga eithalituLdlehar%aa to hinds like brat bills In the channels where the/ !If elli used, and may remain oat an lad ed . The , PosfslSze f . lvettileiter tare been paid htitrgt.O l, 'lngle and era have not been able to learn of a 'lngle bank that holdarmY Ssolo4l _ ,reCanti l l a r laa4l k It theta:Wm do IMlamTalleylats land margins the respansiblllty of the borrowers to fall back apes. It la not at elflike!, they will sot for so 'LS to Interrupt their reenter tautness. 'The storks Is dburi Med mostly-manor, primed • talkers and speculators in thattilMlleallsr . thist' :ECU of gold dealing.% Them is no ground there fore for apprlshentang any general disturbance of the ine:dints'cmtables.of.-Nall street. Morris Todd/tans Pcuirlug IsofergiAllibillki4 ,o •larldra of the lino, o r dered - all rioter 'entries by Mall from de positors In the country to be placed In theback Is eso dI t .9f gliteflllSis• -, i .Theorrle, K ilidadditk um lini,^ crincernlnd . Um rallifir . ot-' .leetch A Ca.. says: ; The failure of Monis. Ketchum &Co., Ms pro. 'Armed la more profoundlengitket than as_stratt tUr event which has occurroi- Ihrmostre years, `ateended as It la by the flight. of one of the Jan ke members of the flrif. B. Ketchum—who hns abstracted enmities to a very large amount, besides drzwing out Of ills_ riculk-44 mach as ,poesitde, of tittrafdlibleftedil of 1... On the tamer, althea° facts, Meseta, Morris ids Newham thismorningordered.payment to be. 1516=1 4bd /a liAlSPielll 347 , ,111ake1l ready to tos.theitaceilloalitgaWraii for ilarddatiem. masnwhile all r=lttantiell axe da paallMt toga ketent elttta treditessi ,- Thisistipa4 capital oleos litre and Oh wealth's& the senior 'partner, render ifprobable that fhb loss to the czedltrasarill not fa fro litemas,wan at dat reported. As yet it is premature to attempt to state the amount of detaleatlem, bath b materna, lyeatteddeat Edward JSetclmm e who from-f2A0,0000 has trr 114, cend 000„4190, absed, :. iss, twenty-lira years of aget, has teen married Ire' or three ym aill: ;t o n4has one child. Vetere de. tin anat atelffitr i rrat u reA adoolttea e antenna Us to l provide far his wife end child, raying he had i P =i2 bil Vtgaseiiiiiiiiarfir- 7. ' the see of the den, bat to what extent Is not ; i ne m a d iowni. , The Foulke National Bank, it Is 1 latroPier by Idetninsamion terthia extent !of r ,iXO, having negotiated some of the I forged oertideates. The last seen of Ketchum witata a sronk Margin flroadway=sat I sottlefillecicif inahey; ta glance lobe a ranch aa 00,000, and where he bottehl,ntearelllneeer, e*a - rothli the•lrakint: brew- Brsaionsl ,Bank says it is perfectly sound. The earnings far. the .last six. utontbs.liggely, exceed . the. : Exam& of tined certlllearefabetelt- 1 e*-Ll l• • s -, rwriamriwim.mi t:it.T. i 116' ittrED PARDON WM= StraPENDED, RE•INTERMENT DV THE DEAD AT .ARFSONVIU.E The • Freethamkk-Sehools. New Tons, August .lerlicir 'Holden, of North tarolinii, datsd 4tlioof.tittifififacqed., appoint ing ThairdiitlidiaisiVirebteinber for an elee; time to be held sheet the State to cheese one hundred and twenty delegates to a Coeval Waiter ithltihMetl. 01114 1 411 11 Or 4 1 .Polttl. the SI Myer Oeteber. Zbe giateletolledal mil: Wirt; the AndersoP title prisoa keeperiteto be-put on trial to.dity. The charges agabutt Wm are ttitrirtifall inlikkeso mint _of prisoners; lidartag their health ad ter vear refusin a g r proper abetter m sgni=oadd them without erase; cansbm them to. be Minted and killed by blood harm& Mach has teen occasioned here by the the ilorktatiefly. of etheViflre t is now r tied 1 13 1 . • • PiedOk PrObilt4i • •: Zikkeelkiattont taw/. :: - PdaTZ yiTtgarafirWashtdracrepagiitiott6l:l4 01112111 10.514162 44, biz kt aon s t rhumb' kora Andonliatiqh. artiler. ttanigt: wink Abe work of rein -to . P. -Ikaktit,ot ontaiildlers who &pit at that dull tha by • the latter pan itt thousand headboardeare ikrte li r. .As allght Indlcatlo_n otf he esteem in Irma num rebel general elkeerfkins now-fair by her Liklkori4 4 4 44 Cll lo —VAV PSOVIE and. So. truer. ir•my4www- 44•-pthateA3o lototetbsittleneral Fartest un't return to kits Plan r i t o =PP 11144881 Potrirer with sty esa prokciad by rod , crablAnctLIREAM erkr:* re , ,;c4 Otheola fOr needmerrare estgateked S i ft teffinbus, Rentunltyrilfet4 PretddenVelaland. Tennessee Mlle Rock rata fdriffand Men; /abuses; Dads , - Bend and Natchez, Idlaskalppl,.. camps near the Idhattsalppl, DarMh Bluff, Arkansas, and three remote_ caropeln Arkansu. Of the cities ahem clank kldo7ntifithrklerlk3 l l ) 0rn.14 101 of attendance at its Wads, and the revenue do. I rived therefrom, which are reamed at • ten schools; afftligqzttittfices2 Rao Mons and nkat hundred and fortht, the latter' vaidng anagnregalakaltkon dag, .popth aids, CT VIA; ihoto_t4 ircember 4 ortchnla la the dist ri ct - if act at dftyzdne, the agmaaer.At vo,eltmk,caratteigSvc , hund r ed - tled impay and.lbctruxt..beraf AP - S l l4)unrelfed is • ,amen lbonsnnd, who, during she month of Noy, tsollmtarily , paid a,tultlon , Aturreottog ciao 1, 411713103N1 two tmudrokandolxtyallz stoners: ,-;" , Aorimitatifurnita. }tiny Tour, Attostl6.—The stoamor • Antea• Mai from Ntearanga with passengers from Call fora:4o,lms Arrived. ho news, THE ATLANTIC CABS. Arrival of the • Sthoolier First Frith THE CABLE PARTED. . _ AR' Bay, C. A7g..15.—A Large Itstri & hove In eight at six Clock thle Milinferi• A t 1.1118 bQZIZ, (haltpast vane o'clock.) thelifyrlg. thlrty-foor miles of the chore. Flags , ere seen gaily dying from her. • HZAIITB Ocrrnaw; .d.egnatl4, Vu AkPETUrs ^ August 15.--The,scluanmr . First Fruit ;NM , Cardiff armed at larhar Grad% morning, and trinket the rollowlnerepori: . Awai t 4 o'clock In the morning saw ; therireat: . , . EastenGand MGM war steamer, Teti:pie; , la O'clock In the Martina. saw the Boapart trop with a flag iimit len:Milted t•Grest .13.7dMint AO 4rej? The Great Eastern and •,irons them %beast die lanai southeast: fMni an d ahe WelAterquitee fotricr. At Irodtt title cams gest tits But adattlimi formation from hei.cer tbm bearings o Atwitter'. eon ;'Both; - Thd - Tmailide , ,MOrrted ; the labia rrted eft the aecond,taf &cost. Naar'Yons44onsust.ls,--This Lmti4n Moms elands Cerscapaadeast aivas the followlat, In reference to the - neektme lb the made Mr Ma Vitt- was not (Infective Insotauon''sthich *ma then dlseomred:at Valencia, but a total Ices or Inerasticna t In other worth, ether the f#pprz conductor tree strIPPI of all Icaoenente - gm:mention and was ootonmatestlng With the vases- or the . cable had lice 'cater completely. brokril. The adellrthty 'charts 'of the , Intim of the Weak, 'chute conotnieted frOMSOnail kg% rtsn. 0 y made to. ferward'Able great. endmtaathg, show by the distance from land that the great Eastern was then In oththountod and eight hundred Mamma of water; that is al-i Iplitag Mehl little: - Mora' than two miles of Orlon* was atretellog %tom her item to the bottom of the Ocean. , --•- , , - • The , thormona. ponathre and friction '•of the, natex,.ce the saturated outer hemp covering o f thbUre at Oa dePth.-troule render Kadin , . P Matter to wind le.thla—ts two mile length—if it cauldbe done'at thy totem than twelve lours: It's almost certain that. It could sot be dem alt. r. d the Cable " been to Injured as 'to leave It,' ductor bare, the Wary would at least takeoff' wt.-thirds prying of the ropes streagt..... h. Thai f a uels A faultuoind DOI hriveoecthredle in:ethane onski _get supkiently trieent,,, ht.ttlefact Awn he di....rnbrderin,lcirth,,* feptitud.lna tittle morethas: halt tlie - threvir 'would lava rtidito haul back the Cable, supposing the sc ent to have muffed to the pardon eubmerged damp thwarts:ed. It butherrlfaltu MIMI *lthtleita. aPtie • ruined Orprobabildjr, e fault was caresokby a kink.drideb.4rw In g bouimrieffe'peas liming out the ththhthe, Ind the vetati • elopstedathe., Ina .• estricand, a piece cutout, turtfireew splint Mann:. “ ' This theory Is borne ore by the fact that the Ilmkbailltsmni ImteltitrittJA. , o k . whit' pim bythe cessation _ tot .. .palsome of the time , Ut z would be re. Math toilnigndtthr trerk M, eft en; ; hosed e betrtizmas UAW Aialeta;. 7 :alaitio Am ihato , them : sal mined bellied think - and , time vat orylndturportanem weed. not be Y Ito *Welt ttYrutting th e sentrject cad 6t. Ft awn wacrimitro.:, ..-mtb,,,z,,, -A:. • could sred ply respense throuhther tut hhOurtistlietoritneq,k g slate!: toe d ' 7t lo : 4l3 4enigaiata*ixiiiVex:tio,ii - Ai' . 0 l*ii: ste thy la monaltopefellas Oa Macaws; fthenudertaidng: , That appears'on the lftee , f it, nine hundred ream have • been nald-lait; trblett means not only'that Ifni the tank which kegler too hotly done, by the. ruere;_atid4ch riy impeded her—speed Is empty, thau , t the - purge ~ of= she .‘1 esim • the stem Maki' to -+ dud- forward has rMtoteessituy szewesplishaa sad erste la arter tighteteralio. The atterniorttank-bele ilts'et cable wrath° teas of:water.. BY Wile 'theraint. ItLit imam and a `good will have,bren taken out of the thrward widebordynentitaedlOtE Ewe, ix round numbers,- Tee Tenet tuts nothexpeeded nearly Wrath of cable and water and 2at mos of t al ltrn..Year.,,..anthertls...—This Iteraicra specter frees Meth'. Content, -oli.itia Ott ,ally‘ , - .The M"of theTcrrible informed the captain of ititt;i l 4s3 l o=4444e2tiqUi PO , and tbatnbuoy wa in where the cable wailut recs. . the et nrthe Idea am .is Oct certain oftho 1 of tbe buoy. baring bad no observation Sir wend days. We don's' [l 3 up the-- =Ptak% ". st 11 ALEX% •, is: Iteirb",444, seen, the simieseeesiters.%LesitiFieg., ...t.m.the lomtba' of the buoy, ahoweng bat they harlot standetud' al/ hdpenfonesto laying th e cable. -- ilfrrldeck ey, Supertm• smut of theNetelbdullaed line, Ispet hopeatt thelltert Eattata. 'will &ninth a few daps PPS thenShisill tlElt.:,l.l_ alma dame* do pankfeellas - or UsitptivAment .which Smalls rth.,,....i.u.5....1. The metal loth as thaatnikaaatunatda la 1 tig z elparte4o , auoressfelly skomplltheL -,"'-' , • ..T.' - - Itt,the.lime of themptlenfeablegit_trth &lama MEMltilitthr trenithe Cour ofLVernthelds . - TADeibieilissel which arrived at Eisiteiele MMUS& SAW, ' rePadad thaihar aiII " WIL ' riaPPra*talat a large btgertivir idles distal:eV trookeherisizeb, The Crapiain_of the PIM raft ',tealtaPlatdlaidt Tatit*alahatAPOZtel, • f obis tedsmirsida. tiltaisaswits .4 . . -- 1 -- Itat — t.trey could mot say. 4 ,• -, • , I NORTH , :CAROLINA; t,ul. - t., et , tol - afliaertee in the State .I.Les 114 a Nsw Anna 15.—The heltiT#l: ol i tintita y V tel he-believes to be e alxaa Malin, %het Rite: , 'Mb mixt lase:ace io this 6 Miles If let L eone' drds7elrteilhlarbelbielt: Is. would leo. hang new 4toyel‘ : representailva of She rtes. Was werel(eOtlor. the proteetlee the tenliell and. '2.lidsr their.'wehdrewal the estrie seize . of terror that 'airiest 14rdie.the war will be no ; stans64f.ths. Goidutest :kiss. the &Was to. __._ _ .. . . Garret:of }laden known he caimet be elected, civil Govern rilonfall'erithoegklie old Of thdo rebel Infiturnos:edineseata Wilk:aphis his eotuite accordingly, And , will tee tatlff.7lls WA , t,; lannz! their illspleaston. ' , a , - ,, , ..,, rzi-t:: Itazeop, N. C. Atumst 11-1. le. Pinking./ ton, edltbr &the Itelsigh Pnigr au, wlia Is egad; log up manfully for the.Unica. and knows cam of -the Nebel Madera than any - other man is North Carolina. and who has been making i ffk portent disclosures of their ..evll : latealialThe In a candidate be a seat In the coming Stabs Cooventlognanman piastre:pup; twoolthe same chanced fbellarerecied 'to aft"• •• Witt' one of these Ineenietlohm Mehl Pes :Jeff Rule hoe of being elected Governor of Massachusetts. 'Tho wdlit and water ' tfoladaiond *Obit ;eyetpe4 Withr are the only eleitethdateoetlEeMit= o The Raleigh rre....rmetuvikti, . in Tegueseeetentl,4anammunwsullQ4Dawdbe • Z i e N gf 2 =4, 2 l:4l l l3=!47sin= mignon:l last:meg kale:any toelailaile: In referring to the rapid Inertial of A:Vag" and l the rowing ahkralty anger tam sten dilly 17th, ain e sc i an l li In r aff a ,log • • . a g i p. iier iat m a t. --- .: A4 , Wbc`Att ~.441 1 -fg , .-..,-.lrottreii'vosltik-, Anieir- is 711001(As' xlefu'VhAltriclidat 4,ll44;tt_Ctiell = itior loft gmettiota: macuimper , *A lett , itelelloslSMAtagi . cameo glf/fTAW ' . . (*Web aall(02: 0. . - Agibit. . moo Awake, _po.eri oic J. 204 eveotaallritohmkaa RN Gonreetest and th:COAFO,44O triahtivt i n , o l io te :it .tak .# or . 4;,,. .• ..m. sulicaddiroblo la,li . . ~ theitel,trathkittz4XerleitNot itio 'WWI* Ns. WastilligtoO o kid, TWA' Miro: peal to, theititoAvtAffte who are ,ftlevla of igerefaidents from further rebanoesfid bloodshed, and relAntlicill ttitgritvinie throughout the Bite, should =tan leoleney graat the thatrat osier; WIDNEOKID" to Pola Po! 011t41. tk4P f itY1.4110:09 3 r , • , cc - cs cct W AtailiNA,l4o9Thil n sik Nsw Your,Szsost.-1 Si...frba•tilwok =rid iraiwnts tort laystists. ShLssoovalwas.(ll,X9Ras gamma ttes asgentiat and tousststassispssents Itinuexpected quote*. About sixty stasituald AtßrisarcsVoitavathk*lactiPagg A sham sally hs tgPxklrraliktor; Woes 4 lbs clPcmhttqibts IhisAllaS iluts makes: Ma 41,011=ia ; - 'aS Attirlecatase "Mud , frowlsa l Adtt - 0 0 / I :L k. -Akst o3 l/0 4 .1 1 b04 .1:710S , tiel4 agistslio l2l /01 **kW. ..VotatUreyet*.ttb snakes was tery famish .4131 a Wa1d4,14, ernidianalirtfbolg.g.tW by the excitement. eitetis:sfititkittlalilUolitistatossitivtof the desire stall yanks to seltAttiftusitaib on ,StesiVitThrysios 11tt , lismswituroes.-.Towards , tlitiriTOillortlssdayt tie-itatuseurrigatemd. MOO 4011 ribmr ;11itiallit 10 ; ;or to:taigas 'ban/Mktg bra b rOtakg;llia ON:le tozd .11gami mood Itibolos;',: AstISSIA (or Mans wm 7 nes me; As the daTlWOrso QUOtratwas more telend:t The events oftbe day are authlts tedisitirb "the thitne* comma/tilt, enmity: • Capitalists are getting" quite Meld. The Bnti•Treasury sud Nsliorml Links are dia• burgles. Aercn millions In currency 43 lowest, ou the 7 70 notes.. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. x1TT.51W44.1.(: '''..W.F 4 lxstEti - A -- y. - Au OUST. 16, 1861' FROM WASHINGTON. BETEME C0Lpy..701113 APPOINIXD Afore' Rebels Pardoned • - PRESTON KING AND ,COLLECTOBSEIP OF NEW YORE Revenue Colleek,r a Defaulter Trial of .Teer. licir4W . riT SUCOESSOR. Circular Resting to Connterreitittg ' Veen:* Natio. •- . • • WUOUNGTON, August 15.—The Prisloint, to• eppothted trattlalo..Alertio Collector of leternalikkeitherfor lhe'lth , Dtitilet of Ohlo, Ittol intechs Fdler Barvevor ol Customs for the Phstriet - of WllgolugtorreN. C. The Ihrairlent, to-day. amneeted I numbator rebels, ortheloally from Alabama atoll NOrth Carolina, J, T. Souther, of tiew Toll( le to 10. del tt, The appointment of Hon. Preston King to the Collectorship ot Tart waaltnowo'•to but few oftelals till yesterday. For some rea sons given, h was prop:Twit-Mg bkthem a Pro found seeret. Priblßadians have recently beam :Rule about a diference between the Presuleot and Caltinat with regard tothe proper pgley In restoring the Boothertretatos ertheir - ta t ater.reladione, and partietdinly le.Bleitirttie 'iliestlanaof negro suerniKlu rlire reogint4; l 2;f 3 r 3 :64ictli,eittake• It Is pot intown That any o the rnembare are in the habit oftognypertipteveallag them, therefore, the rtnnorfiderhit plane in Atto Cabled tonna; arelterellabler; 'bat okay betaittWttit confidence that there le Way material differ ence with regard so the reitoration ot tim South. One °fele reasons for this assertion, Is the fact thal,all the proclansatiOrm, appointing . pro-., Visional , Governongs ' are ; furebieli . In-.tho' urns words; founded on-She, Tennessee' ar. tangenent, and maturely, considered by the President, and approved by the Cabinet, .ebria , ins a eiosidbily considered plan, thq assubsty prodaniatlon below in moraine with - Shat: document, The President, SI is known from VePrisinfralons V his hiilmaie titeicts;l3 . dt tern:tined to pursue sabstantlely the retotistnic thz.provstamattambild.dowa.,l 1 - ~ ~, • i Many of the accounts from the ' lleall area:. - nuanced and misrepresented, and Um tons! aryS favorable con dillensUf public °Plane - - ' . Itiabellevel thstthere is , an,:unwUlluguen on the pill of wporticus albs:Cabinet to have: Jeff Davis tried for treason, while there Ls reason for asserting that Storrettiont, d irt! zet In haling hlm • brouiht before ii SribanaL ChigIACISICe chawalsreaportivlto. entre here in the course of a few days, for consultation with she Presided; se to thealmaiTreanne and plena width shall be dtalgoated. The ablest conned In Mel:fatted States are also-1 eonneetiefis *pan the nhjeet. .5) Theo Is a fixed deennination on the part of eus ExecutlyeiShakeripplih4 . Atill4 trlealte Gtr trial byisiSaryoritick.oy-list-ourb tress. 1 von. It may In addition to this be confidently I asserted that the President has determined as gni Om iss:pritelheibleres withdraw Moneta:so ptafirtg the rfaileger of -the - wet' er /mime ,tormsgaad dispense with military courts, loin & laws rtbd d Intbi t hee =felard Mated States curreney mid securities, or 1p the prattl e'', administration thereof in „the several dill- A P. Stoner. collector of the laternallterenne It btoscetial ed is Adefaulta ,P 3 thAaatemat of SZAIMI.. • artbsited itubsil4guttr $lOO.OOO. They Are perfectly rciptraslble, and have to. Batley the Government. Nearly NM 000.0004MIlteAtedthrecide the toiaastfterrerron trumarfalcee Its Orman:lob sad `lttifsl., Ittias not tumbled the loss of a amide dollar by the mlscuedttet of any of lts cancers. Toe Mat &I'd receipts from the 'lnternal litrotatte are about $1,500,000. WAsmsaios, .'Auguit 114-1161. Theaker. of .ohto, one of the chief examiners of the Patent 0111 . 00 v hall been appointed Com eat rabsolvlii • NilaiiibtMe. tradloway, reshocest. S i e h he r : Ventgi =u, '" •13.14611 a t 'Eartaigrase hat appropriated a cousiderable sum anima tar theparm it r eteasny der= ha. deteethm-iteul it to trial and punishment persons =gaga i t tress= notes, bends or other securities of the ignited Butets, as well MI the coin - of the Unite , Stes. It txdng crpodokinnethrtiei aornprlstoni ' df ta a 3lkers a l; , bareonsade = g taa:- aorta that OW r t 311 U214: 1 it of the fonds tans and the proccentioleNttlegUnrdsfrfi 'Vat= Congrem sts=eniorto thßolicitor's elate, sat there he ..wmm thaMn a isiontedb '4ltraititerwlia We Immediate charge et the Ineeeenn to qtelt, 11db, wbbtb hie atecediti iy tern demea 04 Vre r, !Willa'Of 44 dlttdod. tunkt-gen - aPstagno2o4bik 1 cark intansdas3 by: Wolltca-11 , tortmlbldralsrpiry. thancdnr 40 rewards llor. gaol. IrtreS;or teltutdekdi 00 211 0 Sta 9Okontroolon titUelalarr.44: ketidalit: collectintscundlon the the t'awnSalt, tUc t 'esersous =log under dtrsctlan t.tur poutono • - in oteogwoonton the 9 b not mes. jitodr.act rein* :utast undii.Thl of alt cam They uto procrolglilEguctr. onasslatatantkeltirq Amount and-in Merest:Limn toil • thile Jun , reacltttmltibtkomakat424.,_wh al the 7 may Pre' :went their reenite . to the o rrice and/ claim crow reward. which will tie given /with !nos ese4-01 4:Ma , ;it must - On borne znlcul • es can adz - Ana tfor, , thareward ilektiui at tbalP 4 urnallis 4accocuplisbp.sa ,, Stocusabus) 8111 not itamteltii tertehmoffid7lfit t it i r reimburse apt -40pabOttdelf n Itnurnit - In ALotostiOiornl ' -.. ,, A 1.4 044 . ii =rum that each parUos ➢ nut - parfortasny acts who -beyond: the more ecennieuilw. cation oflhforramion which shell bellestot to he or ralue, and no vorion t tonulat suck Juror , - matioo need apprehend his jut dolma. overlooked or disrminied. The 'O Ol O eflll be kept luits illnueiltr will pa &keyed every Rea of lb hntirstion re- • rated; tdkeihir with YU, name of the psrty • who- conicotuticales Abe „Infooniolon; and ,bolcrre any reward ,ta asearded l , careful etanaluatlua'atll br,modoof the'ignore onsa m order tnat each pusonylsonas contributed to the general fn. anlVlMll44celVsr,bl6 4 Vanteisharaof the re werd:"lsl6-13eMbtlins.aUlOban04 Reinter to IlteaDidnict-Allertelre; ot thereentlier The Ittlito4:l3l=34.tptleUytak Idaprftletibit 'torah which be-Mod& of thhta' soiltkl e # l3 .o.-hgennel/Pn ctilAthoL , 1( 9. / i t iM , UM I ATRATAI 9 I44 orssioWtS, shunTanwri:iiikejiijsiit* 417 Is issrtsaVSS ss.s.rsr-v. • ,r arium..o g ria nth ritorai r e • .1.1.3 3411 Vut'232 ,5,4 4 ", =4 mum. mat cs9.l.4:ockao battererchz,4lo:o42;l4l:3 LSW OMPtil MP* fiEMPtI I khES4OI44S7.. the q ui Fe ot rn itt o o4 6 llBl= beliaarteitegite di ilharleelGth-2. hue, teekerfei ditiatkMit Ins ° • 41* **,V ' ghhePt! 0 0 • A : h i°l3 4. tat. V, I' 7 l . 14" It Is ssl4 I%a q . vietlarts gribmwm lntopkvpie, qns Aptotstrb•Foltßldatql.ol4S and vtativ , •0114.ttiu to meet 'aegeteastats.: ildr; *lO aklike4kmaldamthe spoijio , able, to deal/out otookomit*lliv e pemMo. - .1 Athatimeleteetites4 Oa mop! _ pf_Moty 113.1tereheetaticb.je, that Mu Wallet's soa lastmasMsModtomlspeattestlOtleeasiggh tIo Mtsainitsat , the , lbaklas Rome toStesamovath ott4ooo,oooiiitMelm'aMtbatMiP 411 0r t qat Paclttulw forgeo gigdroeliggit .44411_54M4V OrtUPAIOJIWICJI. Sta,:ipArtato eattestombettlieilmailtlansitielpel. Beam 3 , .. .rvtcsoex.ao,r, :•ra gifting ittliitlibtOritelleelif , *OM. od iluit,ramg Ketcham is • or bisliltif to thipstammtmt mat4ces,• 0.0.0024 bad fora= time tem thopiseecotals la the enamromeat of Maness. ride , the t•alleett Alti • wVa i l= 110 urtrttotacink-idat 11 / 11111 144 'Il etta rt r il iatleerg SMILUO/PhavualLlZed....,- 1 ., Jades, the Phtenti'lleale kg:1444)4s essmiastlmithis =Maar au& was „ilally tom. Nzw Tolut, Angot..3¢---The , ditinoVer7' h atarashtosnll & fob tO gola l lho 1 4 0 9 1111 t of ffs.ooo.ooo•changed banoti:' evening the bnitket la more firm but earl neivinus and weak I quotations opened at 141%; run up to 141% and down again ;to 140%. Xecnin - g guoMion—Gold, FROM NEW ORLEANS PEOPLE ?SCOLD= RECONCILED Army Wqnm. Ravages =E WAN NEUI-I Reported liX,lletyytettiries Itnroniked PraclaxnatipTx.bV 'Jortinas REBEL OFFICERS AT- THE -CANTOL: Nzw , Youx, Augg4ls.-Thketatnter Muds; '6161 from New (Nitwit ilia tit Bar ad the oth tuts arrived. Our files contain the following i i tenns Of tatellhpidesi 3ridgir Ifaneocic,it Texan refugee, arrived at italyeston, and reports the people frolii'ainitlit dam.tnn es perfectly reeOnnildAPßltteperclardr . of things, and willing $o adopt the pglicy and sa9arnrsaf the admin. , tuition.' • the'areOy wtSin is rusting "Ores Or lard in Whertureottath Tema. -- II , 114.4ensliorrerhas enmeutee. Gen. Grad.. ter hi command M Galsoston T dMigeres,9hekordtatle, is mentioned u the to:We hppotatei) to the vacant east of the tilted eittostopreage Court. !le was a Onion through - MO Mg. he Clty.of Mull* eorimpomitat of the New. Orkezo(ZiWitetot - The Tatomial Pasta have beeo.orthe. most gorgeous deeetiption, the tirphts of dismonde it! fabulous pricey was re dundatt;:. - • 1 Marshal Bututs*Ottan. the Engraft,. do. E: r: t' fa Wakens huodeed lhousand mom men me called toleutolown the lleptibteeee. aluillas llkuorella soya that-the number. would,bet inottlficient, as the opinitni •of newly' the Whole poptlatialtaaguhiet,the empire. - Thivietmica elahnd. by the 'reench axe on. foundedn intact. The Liberals ehow the utmost disregard totthadeath of - MOM The alai= IsiteplAcoula Matamoros by Coe, Gnu. sad. the latter would occupy it at ones *Me the former to evacuate. Cortthathisissiedaproelatoadon that =Mu a eintens of Matamoros mooed their alter. ce to Mrdmiltan r he. will pronounce them tors and confiscate their pitmerty. I The time miter/ Iltelslons of Teems are com Mended. with heatiqztarters. as follows: East. an, General A.. Mower, Gesell:Am; Central. General D..l3tanley,l'ictoria; NorthMti; General T. Steele, Brownsville. ' • ' ' . The Mexican RaMis of the 2iith of Maly, which the New Orlowie Tuna nye la .rather doubtful authority, reports th e mein= of co. pair Chinas and ' th e dosoeratletC'ef 'famvity, vault; bfithe United 'Rai* troop!. "" ' ' . Gen. 'Japes has left Matamoros for Mexleo. ' iiNew 'roam. Ainegirari.+Trio Callao , / tor rdent at Matamoras, on the 24th of July; P ft bilealeiLllVl... A.. thintakethe thorlo,= 00. man ars tale seat TOW the. forth pars of Gas colony, mid the reportmatafrout the Tele graph ofaco ou th e VA. that some of the !math bad arrived si,liosn, .: which :waa„tstruh, ram * lbonal-/s ippoptiasne the corps which triloPseactiontli his acid that be will be at palfrey by Mead.: . . , -. . . I A lthe of blochloineeell iobe built at attain iitaiak,..aloottbaToid.fond_ eige Woe to , Kola- (ere% 'a '4%0=6 - of 970 %AS She , Only gierols';tettsiderz:pbe', foita ,, Gith , Stairee'rin very other s do7;pokore'ricrlsoll*ldr;by•pa•treis Or Conloaat form'' , •:, _, , • • • • 1 On the 22nd two 'stein:Skil for liontarey, and lb oviof than , vrm on ees•ColancioU the lots clonfolersietrify, niitund'Orey. At ISfotteloy. them Iv i ..11tele Om Woriii: of orrrebel alters some oterbom alp ackdrictr laVa' goia to the captor.... Lately than was Magruder, Bho l / 7 7.' Beeitter others. to whom ;Ay he : added Gray, and tome otherantlekserMsh. 'farbyttalthis‘ Lthe capitoL Many wb6 cacti ever ifie GM Genii& 'with oth of are aped ttidello6;ilrolioit glad to go back under *I pldAtest_Ttleir. ee4 , haat 010 so long ujbey had a little money to fend ._ is with. It wee not pita agathst pow porksith poorer bals,elth a ntePprospeth of "no WA= i TIM rothel General Kelly bee (Soothed 1 norns df four thousand =anted mon fer Mestrournsr. FirLs hictonalindotli: , TM- carps le for tiontoroerrloood, Q. fOnna_,,aro ea., or tem of the lat e rebel army, /t will be i motes of molded tine or' rortoribron: The Men are to rectivanthy itollem per month, oat Of width they tee' o mountibermaysk.' The nll, PM 4 lllllVlrarailft, Teats: ocereepoet: does; sere eferrAket 11 0 1 4 111 St 44- 1 1.01 4 1.1. I -, ?MEV mamma Iva - To mrtalcomosrL , iouquio Lump ,IfIItJTABP;OmmioTOBEI i Hatt Tctitmokterest 1.4.-- , The fitned'e Mk. teO ttranteStrit , laßsi TherTresdifeat 'of iheitail4.l6o44liimprad bt JAI. 8e ii .4 ,- • laiyiftittisi It le Cathilatially imciiioeVitM tett Elehteoed dartazttet Ist 'week In 'lava, 'Deteste r .*** of Melt ytet till be to 'tuna a Outten of the feeding general °Mewl of tble and Bata ttlegnigaUlart Department. la Were* to the coatation - of affsite bt Mt itertlatiour af flicted by the panty of Preside= Johnson's ed. Er. .Aexotertoote of thadl,sth:ig I:dttur:l .mrtio 141 feeetitemident Admen and Stmotoa oa thMooandoa;,*lll be MtaJor, lidera , Teal; Idid• Gal. Ihngi - Iftd• - eft: E n oWnt i l j ih s 'i l r e fened= " 6 2 1 4 . 1th ( r2g a .• P T V 7.1. Hew*/ ;QM of i3 el Ate ttes tromdlmg fleatafead ahem --- cattle batlifile-doula• that a dual bme , dram-;ltaottdreams , of 4Suae pollen p,rer,.,..t. the WAWA 1 4:4 thts = Lehile k gre ' lli;dl r=a -cn r u pOa CUT he retain of the Traddeot. madart Lae; Ai; athititell.g Itliattroefeditell iam erect. of itoetteadt will be to iakterlallipheetettlee bleb amemblei lienet .: aosahtngCmigrpa; w ember. and which. we re ' It to assemble i woe= bet. Nara yen treetetle - waa , =I i luntitof National movement& , 1111 E UTietintiCHßT litS2hTRIN, LARGE NUMBER OF DELEGATES ARRIVING. IV/ Gov, fargp icalictiverrNkApiress. DEL VMAUP§MT I MPP I: S B. 91 . 1 t, Ifirammita, 2ingast - lir—eltero tho Nulanatieaciters Usoclatynocrejmirrx, thart.=l,o ins - an— lawmflunpamewsuutecessl7: 'Criro t ipr4.., v ;,4, ! . . • 4.11 illitson Zi • etailtsballittefteliersdtin ectizai , re k01t4e6160 bores" . xatVother proem:64w he bed appropriate to zmilirtrarirt Miaow win and tail pia "they ings trrorstArig ent-.13. Nagraillettilialt,VellayediraGefac4PACZ •i ei 'il .trs.ii in-p r o , - - .-. '., . Atrifirkii:o6.A44.4*AlikViti inky Waldo ottbeavoy, ao4tosb t is in tootiotorart ofthe .city was totally d tar 00194 , 2 1 / 3 - 0.4,14nditt44. , j.iim oity d nM 000. fuily Intm. P 9 L J 4.12. Idol. Geillabelearts In Mae% gn't a J. Iti Mu% kr taeeatpcpts s o=4 ilcolor la WO:opm ced ed . litalmtb itli a, cl Bbitlgtitr_UP !,, ta iW.OmPli t n'l - 4a:ft% 6 44 149A9m ildeans • NJ:lll[o4;4f reeta 13 44 - *Put' Miss boom tapolo• boylog IV • erode' a blesite VW Vg9N llll evi4' i 11411.14030wettitneht Eistin ttit§4l446 weiii-Umre kr We Postemdon:art4 6 .49 4 l l .4 the reviass, of , the veoplo: .Ttwilotioloono Mittrolhosofl to take so tormlllatlaral,ao* lasowledgexicak Old ha: ePtit, , llnil,,r IR" s s yrnie I 1 ettCo , Vaermitaiiii,"4=l4lh.-Alus'Atildeortjape, Ni7 3 "*Z l o4 (o COMtliPtidAci44l4lhiattli Dm* T / 1 / 4 13 Pallad:A111 • tathrrottVtils morning etvexal coed isithemif 'meta MlCA an* nada:ire im - otheralathe. city, who can, at any time, be summoned. The accused has for his council Judge Ilagbes, Urn. J. W. a ver, and Were. Peck and Rmith. FEIbiITEN. RAILROAD ACCIDENT. BeTCII. Persons Killed, Elena Tenthly Wound ed, and Theteigeti'ded: Nflw HAVEN, August 1.5.—A 'frightful AU- . road disaster occurred this morning on the Hon satonlek river. The morning freight train, go , ing up the Honsatonick river, beep:Reit/Waded sevaral miles above Bridgeport, and theloiso train -follatrfoll, found-, It: on the crux, clad hatched on and backed towards Bridgeport 'with' It. A new engine was out for trtai on thd luck, and coming up, ohm:dilute miles Above Bridge: port,.ran Into _the rear of the passenger train: Tholooornotive sthoOk the hind car and 'spilt ft in two, andpassed directly th rough, and the bolder bursted-Juana It reached the Seamed car OVIII the rear, making. awful havoc. Berm persona were Irillert4atridbt, and eleven were terribly. manglad Andscalded. f r iesidut Chu. Hunt, of the Honsatanic railroad, wan on board. Everythingln..being done for the relief of the head! Plaine Democratic Convention; Pornico,' - 7 thEnst 13tate.CenTentIoniet at NM ihtibtlerniini. Pant •ItideatiVChalrount of thit:Demomiffe Bute Donrognmealled the,ttilhentENl to - nider, dominating E. IV •Pirmlngton, telnPOrnrn•cnidnnilny gs.-EPOPtrtili ndareallefi . the eeneentlen; centre wiman Ennln on the. mum °twice. Be - mild If dentoefatio , print!. . plea bad pr e vailed theretiotadbave been - do war, hut, rtolwitettindleg - great tdoodatoni, puiee 'wait again. ,, • ivek o ta, • and = great,' reeporusl batty mow • rents • upon the • dainomala. 4weitempt 4 being mode SO dttn. ccet ate amp. ere/pity, which the Democrats must frustrate. The policy of the Iteptablican party.can only be treed upon the Fouth at the point of the bayo net, lad but for ono Men that policy would hare been adopted at all hazards, and that mad; is the preemie President of the United States. (Great spause.) For thls, we owe him a debt of gratitu de. The Democratic party, which Is the real party of the Union, seeks ascendancy, not for power, but for tne good and welfare of the whole country. .He hoped that President Johnson would receive the assurance of tiny thonsandmen , in Maine, good and • trim; who would seek to stay his ann as Mime 89 he son ta Wed the ark of the 0718:811IIL..- ' dotal R Hatchnum of Pads, and,jobn YarneY of Sargon, ware aßoint.o Secretaries. &Com mittee on Credentials was then eppainto& A. Vico-President from each county In the State wasebosen: The Committee on Credentials re.' =1 2 the whole number of delegates - at ftve and sereenty•fenr. The tomperarp • gat:dna/lon was then made permanent. A Com. mluee of ono floro-oach comity was appointed-- to propose aL 14 .4 ofLresqlgtiirle % 1- Rapti Major 111cis McCann. Acre rted-% • Town Destrayedby IPltau ; NAfilunitp*lpa4s:-4taiornielatecann. conspicuous aaacipralryleader intbls &ate; was ancend posterds, oti a charge of OW h'inertl.. bar of a court martial who hung mural Unlan. &Jaunt itnoisilla during the War. He will beialonotollouideto stand : Mb; dogtrot:U*6f fitorltallaihrOeST4OSV - . arte . Ott 'idt,i4lll.'lell.yettet*y r pracipititlig ' 11 1 2 01100330 . firOund. , .411,are Wily In. / expecuaL Run. - Thalownallitaventsou, on thaliashallla and Chattanooga Railroad, was almost oath* do atop l atrop .017 Ora thit It 'Ws! the wor4 From Fortreso Mouroe—Fropeltor bled—t ILog PS per ETlgitit ~Iqopftitn. LIOb . , Vo*TRW M 01403; Aqua prtqlt,F lof TAntmllo4 for =km Zied .Trater4a/And axgraterlaaaaronadde of.- Cape. , Ifacry.t hat amclltiory_triaamo ambled, and the linehterted back, shieltd her* Mtn morn'• The I.ltheiSudea Seigatheousthuttee of a dbaffidevnilArAiPsrAt4,tri'p',*thli- munzunru.,..d jagi t , , ' - Pldigdidiwilli tiei.l: , ::.; : -', sia Is.kcitisoaucto9lll4.6.": 4 ti tt.47 AorduSea..DeureC t a...l6pr Moyor. 04 otberoftleere,' , . Mach - took plass It ward, emotions, two oue ortttem a OVA ocaimatt. In erblefi tgo Metal& iretsr*bhed; Both ißYpm bahlf Republican party bare lashi their wud electhishy -- litagisr :Bony has dothiseStba usaaltigksh. . • r .1414 'or la: Oasis. Naw ion; Myrazils.--Tha nocoadcat of Ma .Etiu - t4Ztkiiiegbi r eteletheat ttigt Ti et# b to be tried tly emn * ti*l l ,4l MEtbst atuch. Ala Intltastee eirtr teal **heat tratedlonel II IA tiny. the Gemintenkt—hae eteeldettc to try. l Eteels bye. e'en coatc bathe ' data of the Wu ateted .09ktgext4Ixed. It f 4 littetitlgth . e 4 ' • • mama Derysik'sftglirter* ilierjpex t Await 15 .— T here is mob 41X, fsibMtlrarebitefttligtheist Biel= proper from the 'puttees W 4114. n. thestatiMM=l3:4, .astslasztoo4 ' 4 OF e gq PR liel P i lfflFa s i r iititisiiatroi; Vitalis e . • i tem Nortek:um•onAlss 921, nialret 1201ales or - Ciums him Cslro isd ur , r KENTUCKY, Entcir. Alla,ip heard trout ttiel Voi4T4 a fault at-the- popala: May two VIA ItiiiCongirelatim to Itiv Unica. iThe . leg4latture VD probably te . Anti' 41=d ic:MigirPtiliteivtinalitt&- 1 3140 1 4 rriNto. l ocrittieLel. We have jieleyl--emaniM -hr the North Fart of the Mate to give tailittiaTtoleht wAf*PcArgtF34_s o r- 1 4.t 303 4g1i citheftst,Us.To4od ffirartabl. t laze . 0414246 pm, TrettaKer,b dead:! - competitor, Capt. lytiß*lMOlLVnill- Alllll 110=12 111 Madam catuAT. withNttlehape of re: • coved. ♦ Niagara corrtspoiiitti•Lias:44l•A'Arbitt . • d nearly been the usztqq( l the Ai:runic/in Sion- 1 After cratisitte t Vj,,? aail . 4. t lititt by the ,strun on nerve and mtutcle, he waited for gotta an Interval before Introducing hie third net eln thie be came on with three pas of water. which bc-was o carry over the river without spilling. One wee held In atilt 4.se fitted to his head lice l a co. - The otbehowartfastenad afar - his hinds 'by , traPli end ID hew 4altuTiV3dag tag Wand ing pote. Ile had, however. overrated , his strength, en his fHendatifn who blame blm for not de ,: l r A, 4 l&rther Lest of skill on that day. Rem <lol(oAhematettleas ''lightness an madden° In hla =Alm than formarly...23adilt hlar AU a=all IthertnnaCcdpr the Asessataf pm -, 144 c”---- th..._____ We aid ', ,; • , ,i , i,P , .rLkoth We ot for a 110 1 . • -.-. ' • ' ' ' Celiklest exer t WaribstsulSjitTelfrrlMAl) made. - ~'', • tllhore; 0014 the.to, otvg_v!l,... .w-krtha,taut i r a i dorttf iorsr. i-ilob -,vattl The ot'llo , Ilittkulgi twle • =l .- W,Z ;t r itC i t Widen} __— , , , #304. !- win emil , Be ita Aravatitalaigtakori: i felt"' 4 4 100 Mall'elgiVh7.loSWetuSt , hams I Iti4C4 P l ithArt. 0 2 r "....,_____* 441/ ", ? Aid ' o 3 ,- ,..x:a1,.. ... ~,a4f.,:--- ; '' -'"' ; , Croolt , y .. Loil.. ' ; .t ;4 :- ',..;: i xosetkiiWipi',4i4.434 iklaiiiib= 4 ' • lasettscatglerLs sure to , lettek.lll:ol ' merab liii rS., az . I, ;.. ~... ' 'Thus 15 MaglAuniimikricm: , L '4 -- ." ' • tairtheXhiecisiddsitiakfaisiscep M ail fteOethetestryttsital ths w ptbattle dm a Ple*oktiii 0; " i trrlt7o iLtatitifW_ t _ t.a' the beaeff t . this =gra ant: thp Imam' ot..tha aortil kitanci petiteik ETOIO. will* to yrUelle to cottiorita Um Men; ta•tiaiel thartawe Tatatattg ,FA mak yO4 . joe...trviiritte "eo:Of tea brier.ald tali col4uning-, :wl4comad ..tend a bed.casse, endiernOt ti eri =Lin at la. .stnieloulnytastbasollel t eta Sheri° g i the ease, rimed therm only the worde,- 7 1.5.b the illanUtri'o2 3' n/PY*7• 2 rl ,l7 l' 2 ” 14 ,' ,6 ? ' -'-:' . . 7reado ' Solna arnaatlonmiuereatedtat orgp, 2,11111 in county, a few dayingo, by 9 bay elßUteen years old running away: with another mart'a ?rife. The runawals wg.ro sque4. an ettra. dRt MT OD PrEsentation. A very pleasant affair name off at the trlmatill& store of Mr. F. 11. Eaton, Fifth atreet,inst even . Ina, in the presentation of a handsome mid. Ilcided MUG to the boot:-ibmper of the ,estabilers. sent,' Mr. Thomas P. Houston, cm thoonessinn arta!' resignation of Me Insportsat position held br him for a numbeicif •eltra basic, The cane is *gently, igiten np, the olg-head being Mu ingtedln A Tesy largo and brilliant Brazilian. to It beans the followinglaseripkom "Pte..; seated to ThommtP.AMistan, tr, hlsleilovem ploirees tif P,..lloFatan'i, Aninsil.s;lB47t." The presents/lon sinach was made - try ttr. - - GM). W.Hmltt; Who remar4ed ttust Itt bestowing thli substantial Mill oft. steem; Ms fellow piorees !sere ed`by high regard , en tertained bf them forhl eggeellent qualities of mind and heart, Theoeemlon was alike on of , pleasure and sults-ea, Walla& ishlle3hey Were pleased to be tiros 'able toatteit their honey's& • personal to -It stirtd be 'regtetted that ft thostunatime they had met to bid viten 10 , Mr. Houston.' on accepting thapresentialannst that, Mere had. _been a . traitor. manngt • theist to ;catnip* Intenthm. that bet might not - b2rologjOkszt completely by surprise. hy this : .memlfeatation:or their landau's. Ha aboltht, alsraysiescideserve, the lightipinlon of I q ththla eent gift wait the token; fa and in trtuitaWs 'he might act the in are therecollerdionant- the pleasant•memorlei &Ale& by Miriam:Wt.:as with Mtn would tm =Mimi and tutpgest of his lifea Benue Alderman Taylor..- AldermanTrylor- of the Sigh • Ward. - has teen . &dug- s-Pland' office - -bnalnerin• wlthla the Lust conpliref dam lire utiles le the Itudwith.n! .' or ntigallts frOns'adr sections. A ' csse'of atealdi and battery, the Pirtle& to which resideinDiantane borough, was triedyesterday, resulting In the coMmlUal of the assailants, , Fred. Beaker, and Herman Shoemaker for beat. lag • one Frederick Tionnyer. Jacob Gauen. dorf defines James Ihnin and Conrad Sell with assailing Mutated knocking ltiordown on Fenn Urea. The parties were held to tall. • , A Muse °Camay appears, In which It. le aged that itolOrodwomaninuned Ann C. A.shluary ' purloined from 3fissand Hall, also a colored • fa. ' male, .a silk sack and an- timberella...-Autt was coinmitted &fetal. • ' . •Twatursit In which cross' sults were entered Irmo divutetottnr,ther.nartitslattie, he* Hai gh ` ccoy with her fidts, and' the Tattei , :nfado an- Information for amen* and battery: ',Jane also makes an lemma/Ice igalest Barahon the eattus &into.' It Mein both parties luurbeen"inf.J, .pylnif &Miler fight together,:'arui .the differ ence _in; dietrate, not. ,being _rattled they,. Java resorted kilitiWon. They will =drably sailifieulon In etell of cool Ibrinteh. - ..neadeteress =Worm between' isralt .Tlmony =4 Mei Horan, each for rarely. Small s'Eflecrieldrthreatening to whip her and' f g tollght.: l Vo the °Mei hind-Ellen relate . with- collies herrn 'Eames, gvleler.ce to ~her. person, And that elle 'would "tramp • her -under her Meet." • - ; P ts6nrgh ind Rteutienvide Railroad. ' that the Stade:lEle dead, Whegi l eoppl will, in conneeticm with the bcarilleftnd indtatta railroad, be 'opened udder the style ofthe" PRbsbergb;Cohkratins and Chi forinidg a 'direct route,.!'wltleig:d • chatigigif eigetTor the Qat= City of the Wait. ibentrWatabiganglart,L.Pittebergb.• SOWLYICS3- rersli;l 1141,P1014=6114::Iiimickr Rherlden, • gaao4.-Waliretois liate,Nobinelowai s44B^ lock; itlldrgay, Bnigsg,-Burgettalowo r DlzuslnCira,, Cave and atm betellie,reichidg the lalgerpotrit inside of forty. • .three easing . hare than thirty over the."Abroogoberuilhaa.". , , Mertes of the read which bays Over - fertile • partial:lh lortellegbeithrid' Raahinatteszbenty; abottadoinbdraralnons am/ end limestone.. Real , ostala has already advanced with the preepeit of , the early ecenpl.nloir at the mad. - We under stand that tte ptaeecalledalled EgYpt;to be itanwn, Ilegnafterpildway. the halclray Lab* of the. road, It la in contemplation to =et a - grain - oe ,, wary and theme are other tearafeatidlons of wig - - arms imp:remanent alortg.thr.lines. . . • CL dße ' of~Oncd E. if:LC*la Esq.-, eta' for ulna ar tea raft TE2S tad - kite Or Mainger of 'the` WBddrilaskitasleino caviar 11 Ws WY. lies itltted Ddb tharoffide, and receive the Op , PotOtainrof Idasmissaulattoftlas Baited lkatos • telngraph tint between Ittstambe Pninidrdfddli. kod.Ballousra ; W.:WM 34 44. 4 3Perznecl . in4..accomplia* zumaggr.* 4barozgh Itherirledge of threbpsfaetala; - air "Ite 'details; and; we hazardnothr*bi 'dyft"thit - -titielLFtruslos a moat medicos Saparterteat, re - aorta sal- Weal= slaw - to MS Vddle esoistuzezirepanyo )tr. A. Q. Cassell org. DIM Agent on the th4Eittnfinnfb, intr. Nand and adnafin Vat AllenhanylinceeedaldrrCiagan as gm= lbe-Weirelnk.thilallfeargrgar,- eifirr 41341 reamyik..w.a 0: 4 " ?{gamin Killed on the deattrauL+ ; Ala= ibalflard "dell= ONdidek.,lnn-43athrdaY raorning. as the "Union Freight flue', of the reansylsanla runnhig..near limas tip - lens cation. a woman. 10=d Gamey, via lastaatly killed. It want that tvat srattlaeon the trim, ahead of nun , and altborogh the saddle was blown 'and: weer effort attata,tbßalalatt her she thinned SO leave the road, and before the train weld be Mopped. the locomotive etruek Mrs. bleedern= say, thbuotag her dpto thlt satokir atackorhal the all =lva ageltintrnek by the cow catcher • Ind :InanntlY.kthed•—_,lt. Ilkrbelleved fast ahe auttaiveath. and deliy walked ahead of, bett4443f4APlE4 l ?c4/0. 7, 1rr.0444,r t oit realitif iiiittlakeattifioll *aii ' rva &Meld illiiTagiutHcisif• teaeourfatkaz a at hn ae r hte new tca =nr a.coaamtuasi , la - Tialtll.lillalelplitalat re Abe onshotatlen Vs& ked ilroorte , sznithel:ratscdteclulers7:r_ 6 4,44174** ltcSaktgll,Patedei . tut: ll M tbat,fak t =419 ar:l4iqeiiaq: d Pei Deigi Atiiiilnitriicz-At gifikv.t.tdu • nietc iiiiii ts hale fel ilg"-§Scur oftlWatteofittl • ReY, aged Abet idzie laistittoi nier.lth.o - sen - • arm an aeeldentlticlUed•legt..Atembra lxv , .e market.' A little giriatAPP=l4 vggsTgig7ol .Ing the child Is, her etgog‘Mkgri. a. bel%Ppl.Nlngt around th e atellgv TgarARA/Ot A-O4 , OFC°OI- both her •oa 412...e14 on • th&, risTemeile: an '; MISR the lawn liirlaittly.,:.Coronet ..Clalinipe„ .euk an WIWI On the OOOY" ' Yigerda7: when ttle try ralarell s terdlet 'cif ' sixiclitasl deatb.- A*4 ITMALLTwo Olen MIA Waltalifoira, A .flUliiaftiziM6.,4Ye'VtlM -- kept by as Italian awned di f zz.ea,.m . ..d, ) : '...i * o 'u*. L • '•i 0 " ' -...: ~. fa.. ' i: ote ...,: i . - t 4, .4% ,02td. r.l" log 1611; xeni- ..!- ,4216 ,:trd 1 -l ' 2 INAPT/Amer.- Ji.% rI o 2 1 -1- nottanuteanzedmintsta t it n i t e n i ts • ! rsorooftrarorarok or Pi l4*- , !. - . • - •Ay• • ••• • • NMI , tel. jr +l . I .., .VI , - ..4SW• ~,. '.. :. ~.,' g 1011 1 -t • • . '"1":1. , .0 :tate? ~. 1 r , . I !.g i l l kat .e- 0.6) i`t • , • • -*. Wd.l. 0 .17U 4I AT eabletalia o ll36ll l Y Wag I I a4 : l 44 . I 1 I =Yel ftli k i AMS 3 l ily" ' 03 P-VAIV.3 7k... eillidM gliffiut -.1.0' Me. ea" Act , eulaiiiilfixi L A , 6 5 Art - k - uo t •N v ir 61Nrint,tw ~ Cetheit.three' tem .- frelittnii >v: r' elr ilhdlegaufrlttfV•l-I•''37-I"reller-.0 „..V4 espial lh M rtioof Ati: 117.1 it d.or Mai& ie'ri tturiclo u tAtir eta. in ilzilgftildica,.was , entered nom ifiorsdelgas clothing ookTiot Am, ..:150. twos or %woes tostrow were nt were pacqi;ond ft -yrumed th at' gm OW* tVelyeepstersajit a windaw bid bee? leit i*tp,lmliaiatioted *4OO tottifiZiag •••• c• Liktinutsrottodro . No w.ttit~adts¢; 4113414101 m. .11414 ars,goAcapitel fell Treasair noteo s ms torof the man* o .=etto sigesibilen; ihtoiTii - a P'),Mand .14.113- 62 :14gAt l ybePc. agol 10461 tisiteKeDme by.toci imetioataelf ;of thirlairW l Itlithalt..l*VaiT4talicePol4he 13111 /,471:13 Now ',Trial-7.111ra It2oic.4lr. Eantoi DlstridAlatnt Men* 4 . , / L 4 Pricnso;. radetil Polka for an lam. of -,juttsoneui in Moran ot Jolla Emitk-liadlcte4 :'cul! 'skied wity.:.NY. Girtes_ancl7:l:ldolinrtA' A:m . 4loll4*nd iiilitTiroWiflttonvit license. Vlvrargunlent i nn tt tnoga '741-.1 . ro lead on Tbanke.—We neknowle4iotir liidebtenese to Mr. W. W. Foster,, of the Adams Express cOntlany let lete Wallington papery.. f `~; ~~i 5~: 4 ~.. ESTiBLISHED irs: Accident to a- CliEtiv—A tirta f ,de - &relay, Eq., of BrigitiOnstp., -Wolter toontr. met with-a, serious iitahldent a fort 133 7 11 while 113 his father's bay.-Held.. n Hei - 9?nn in bin bare feet, and supped heck ateidenvilittipowst harp scythe and fell upon tt.- We are' inform ed that his foot was ent nearly In tarq and -11 : 3 blp and side were ddeply gashed. He is doing' trelL Alleged Lareeny.--Edide Coble!, -.bats , kmer at tbn"Bnit's Head," wile aritstol'yee , : tardily morning, charged - by Jar= Campbell witheteeling.npooeliet.boolt ometitinting bun= dred.and forty dedlent.r,* wne not enfito:' lent evidence to co - iiifci4ite tamp !rti 4 . 4cl . on payment °tetras.' Iteeovelitz:SfueittrioSiesit - :or Harris tram p wlloseThii of a horee — Wii'mediszintion of - & d. lied etnca, WhlckWis - ditten off bre swirly-marled too te 1.4. e tops , : twideirlOom solder, ben &lee 'been 'lnbile , erttele' tree tel. !oerery of the Anhui at ersteble tit New Tort. Ithere It bed been left.- . Man .PIeVo!PVT* :IkPooktforte_Xcet. aifice Dei*.c_tynent on tacturday isatuid on order, Tor the thiam ont irppointmeht et atti; FOrd "Ctds Maui ' 9untne , - - P ' , county, James M. Holt; at-Domown-Ver:- - - tikcito county, Somme littnutt..- cnerry!'llec,„„ Irenango sounty, gartnithweikel Ireal.:4lFreaelt &mar awes that fekbe gftand like oothae, - betore bit water ha ' p U it upon It,VIII yield double the areatalt of ' =deg qualities. At otherwelter ego that s plat atlunii;na!:rlaw.'the aLse ot :walnut. 11 pat into the tea•pot Vermin atakethe tea In- Ibto innue-ballthettaa.r. _ struck Oft..-H. , -.Lee, at thur:o4ll, - struck oft In his act the west hawk Of bdttlß Name last week-at the depth or ?Mho*, . wata, tagaelty et the well la eathaated4 tad 'bun*. , Tay day. It bf about a fain and shelf shame the , manta of the creek.. - • 11 7 '01.--treldmuley night a thrm or horror wee caused as gane f Cie.: - tinentl, by the fent= At Kr...names Etebion; one of tbolecforpre. t, dieteate-4-tY'rentY4lbr teet,to the stage. Strange ti0! .. 7 2 , r . ?9.71# Ter, - ierlerely tritired. - - A allsalonaryDeaa.e lea rn =team= 'Faun, 11115alanali th Preiblialian drank,. 1.0 diktat, bias Men ifyilelata to-ast oft.torftritta of that:. eatmtiy. Ile:tray a cumber for theta Prarlytemrafßadsicma.:smd was a iaaariaaa•:: ' • - • - MAIMED:, ; e*gaire Appintsat. IS&S, , by Itri...NDEbrirbrd,-ebilkxt Y.fIitE3..WHALER' ands andilfus zata t . YpußestAllAskterog'Jcagi Pzinfr 1 3. ,1114 f4 411 --- `olty. : ••4 • • . rovitzs,—chi .f,uar isthj MAIM% dsughter of John AM :Thesis rfisaez-. 4 : 'Ennuimyna:maid:ca.* ASTassopti,- thingvi; , 00loals from tho festdfausa of ner pagents, 'To. -rot,4 l l*** -i l o.4. l a4Earq futhrtoattOdta aftApul• lid.'l , lj7.4oN;;:ht TuoodaY saamosa,:idid a g,- UnX.' TEAT E 4 - leant daughter or Gem* fjlitobeth' PlM•damt- aged Alatasiontioisnli4dX.n 1 / 4 1 7 efIttlfilliske . 17. 1 flajtvitv,th; jetiieliee! 1 the parents, A 0.7 Penn street, 'Nall Marnaacus , ...:,, ton' o'clock. frAmds the P 0 .4 11 11 rt. .torzarisaJsedvre4-, tiftIIA.TBSTBABGAINS or " THr gEAVN--isT ztle. Concert Halt #3hee Store( '. l * o :* - 4... B ,#*#rz; L.LW v.,,J 4t o zort; . /1,15e. :Mak. . r I e . ,7 ,r • . sana T I *-:<, Te r :' REMO t 0.Z . :1 al ,v x:;.;,-.11, , ojLL i i l iiiiiiii iiit. _ _ 3 1..) hetaial :ii. 4 .if 7 17.-....ra la f.`371;: ':.27., ~,, At I. n . ,t,„4..0:,.ri: ....:,._!... ;..- , :c.:: , *: ,:T !' •::::t [ . ..tailz 7.,iiJ 376:1 ;'-'l' ililr. N,;!: , 3a.1 .71,1=7 t fin2e: a Fl i zbavoi- z.., 5 1.:: -:,,7e1.,:d7r aa.r,bila y.ita TrAg...4 3 .,WAlAlgif . Xl4.3(glatir axr. i...)-„2 ~-....,,, -..,-..„_.).,.,...• :::z. ..,:.:7 r 3 :11 - 1.r.1 N iN LEZRONSIIIiT§JERPIARCOMa, 11-,:t! :a..,13 —, ,,fit • '!".. ...1 . 1r. , A, 7 . 4 :.,1.-..--1, -. . wr.: oa :Lilt :',.. . .-(.1i7/... -I'..dila:. .d PIf.AggETANCt ....•,za , :1" , ..,a1 vi bz , ..., . 11 :r•qc.'I.-ia ,-•••• ‘3-' . .'s , ' ;Alia tratigabbriv:27'.k 1 -..ott a ~..4 .1111:9,Da1.f eLT;' wo;'3W..l.l7i;jan. I•o:iy.rao itiw ":1a item's lovlziA' ..ZILS 1 Sa as env 4a9MatecBiiktrii a3T4 1 ' : , acat) 2:1 c.114411.2.22./ - 1 - va; , ± , Ilk' I 11814tr' l 11:0 'l, .tifOk ..To.4.•lca,ta) 4a. ••• ad, oi :cmaa baa,in,/ ilajf ValenfrofntEM:43 2 2, '4ifac.) .T.Lat„tr.--trai ar..1.v5a.1445- ttst aaLto eat as era ea SiCet f . 116 3 itet +=al' LS ;ILI $4l .v.v . a. VPAIFJ.Yrt!r•R •U ttLi.i ! r ei 011 ! Ig 0 4. czigea rto Lrit* it* RI -4011 r 7. a - • 4) fa nrii,rkadyita.. ()NU 26- IF • • 1 0 D :Pd I TOSEPLITEIzOireint-'IIIThEM3 t,:17 xl,Ol r- TC , ei tr r ...a.4 aIegnAItiCAXMZEIMIO:I4) ir) t, 4 ;.•?':eset atir wa uvja r k.s, rd:Art:rraTigt it ii4ifibiltbor EsslaiPalialtplMt DEN 08125% - . ‘ iisi , P4ll 2. et+ , ntivr• t4ll comee,,zycW9ll).ri."llll7,,r, 7,13 V; .1:•L-FM=IX ° Ornir. REM 24: 141 Y:, ".• ; • 1.; VOIV - F3ALL': 7'" 11011 at Me' i Spy eta .... .~t~~ ~_ EESE f 71.311 El= 1 „ - ,1/4 FM= •• Ci st=3.4
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