kVi#gli' Opg*, :FRIDAY AUGUST 11, 1885 ROIIINEppI, Me CLEAN & CO., :,:Bankers and Brokers. 170; 75 MAW& street.Pitisbrurgh. ta received In P4ill FUNDS and CUE. Wag O Cm o ' loan made !unapt:ll/mi Cho Bolted Stater. Hayfield sell se Market Mee: r. ;.V.S. • per cant. 1891, Bonder - . ':II. S. do. 54, • do.; ;U. S. 6 per cent. 1040 do.. • , 'R s. e per cent : Cedilla/dee indebtedans ffew ;1111740 Treason' Notes: - ; Tllev,also inn, and . SELL ON ContrdisslON ~...: -itt the ) . 11 ow York, - Edts.kaphili, and Pittsburgh Board; all . ldnds- of Government Scaurities, ~, -- Wit& 'fkdid& Gold &e. ko. • 1a25 numul.AßD itoiputs AIM BASHERS , BOARD. (oos.asczma 11.01108011, Wow's& & co.) Tqtrrtriir, 10 1 190, 11. S. 6:00,1; 106 60 5. Seven Thirties, &I series.— 99 TS ILECTllivrerts , Eaculs.— 99 op acad. Mf b hitirr CkrtintyYrt;;. &rips ..... Oosumellerille Vs Bunks rp. . 00..,. :cl:4:TialarlivAl ;IL a. zlon4nkutst. Comm Neville BP. Interest-- e 75 PUtli &stenbeallle It. B. na Ottivms Sank- v in . oo iron Otte Sank _ • 80 eo .ithiturme Nat. SUL glanufact. --- Allegheny & Pittabtimh— ••••., Maly Bun & Yttteburgh • Merry Sun es • Ventral; Ohio - Valley._... Pittelnukti& New Y0rk.... .-.....-. Plat *muster & Osomy Tarr, Steer &.attelTr Eon Z . rhoz grionangelnita .IdackshargSetroleilmeo sIS . , Gold deelltiarld New York to-day to 143. Iris said the gultientilitat baLince is lamer than will be required: to meet coin obligations_ due September let. antthe Secretary has been Whim: The Loa. i media 4i:effect Ii to keep down the price in Wall - 2 street, upi at milli:me tine help the market over a temporary pressure for money. A lame coin balance is the Sub• Treasury acts against the street, Leeks up too much capital, produces much stringency, and thus operates 7; in many way. an. veuelyps the gave: maims. The ultimate effect, if • , the Secretary does not, as has been done st some , • former *kid over do the matter, will he'll, ma terially to cheek the thiance .t . n goods already hr. antedated for the fall campaign. iell*l . ere:enl.,/arke traders in New York are lbetuld*attetriPt a speculation in cotton and silk jgoods Ude fail, and Will compass their alms If they . •• can put Sold up to Ito or stare, ant keep It there 'lbr an e y4rigth of time. _Let the Secreta r y pre Wall what gold -he can better snare than not fpeanionlh to - emit; 'net the jobbeus in dry koodri atltlis country's expense will curtail their ,projects.! ' The shiek'nutrket has been .heary In the east. United' Stateratonds very but little from Tester lirl'i Illat.dations. Our home market TNT quiet. '. , No salts:repot tel at morning board— fallings up-, on. the ,treat limited to one of mole : tgaruisctiona r - t / jn1; , ,10 Cl igibla oil Ogres, it Ste= '. ' ~.' 00faiteci - diaitrifitrhnt one sr two. ales of any pg;: -- Wtith*liliarekal those on private terms. The iN,,ZA... 6 0.0 - !. ; ir. bi - . , ortwa up considerably within y' 'the veer, ILltpia.4•out some Soren - Thirties upon ~t' -' - f f,- 2, - t hatratkertifialitteee instead of being in bank as in ;., - "?,;';':ZpOtit[gys; sip: now to the favorite abort leans,, C ' - - , and a arßalokiri'deinand for money le apt to flood ..... r. - the market with them. Tbey are quoted to-der— ,. in b1d,90),4 mitred. Ilona 'oSruismall—The "Clinagow CU Own. Y.. ptinjo of thin' City, has 'made - two very good Es 4.sttikes , i daring the Present week, on Little , I3es= f, • ace giver. :.The well, are both tubed ands Skewing from ten tq ittirteen barrels of oil per day. On the E, - evening r athe oth another strikawns made in the same vicinity, flowing auto large amount of dater ' ' • and a goad show of oil. There 'ire quite," large number of we/le going down °Lille Mile Deriver, and the presPents4 on the Whole *ravers , nattering: Thus oil district . , dlflbre from all others in tlila . p.sr, that, not - win standing the yteldAs mop a certainty waist,, that does slot elsewherey wells:that &repot down • a proper depth are lite to bring forth a little oil, and thstitooiof a. superior . quality, being worth at .., . pnsentalteper bbl,`at the wells. —coP hill earning, of the. Western Union Tel ' egraph Company for the half year ending Ji iniX,. - . amounted; t0E1.P 7 , 6611 10 , against MIMI 83 in ,carrespondlirg halt -has In IBS .. •, • nlits- CZtASC of -• 1,, ~, lig Ulla cote:wain etatementaf theirip* (erwitilifint ipecie)Foia Pa port at New Yorlt-bo foreign ports for tie' week eel:fog; 31r4 1! f :ii • 1 . . lid. / ' Se, F011.801hekg::15031,3 ;' , Xt44.- • $ 3 7 1 birrn prey. repo:led ....ttti,WAS3 - 120,662.724 '111,d:4221 61xtop - hin: 1 5iit,u2,4333.12.27,125,m05t7 Prim of g01d.... •,, .254 1443.4 •from tdo Ne w York 1 7* . " C .t f ICP-e4 4 :: ina ;Cb*** , PijACC; . if;li_tenifeS. trzsgulwitsri ens dap, Dahl= bah* done. tn.' sles6lng stsPlei ths mist a sossidsrabts emsl4uss Aons, but fon:* etoidoubifezpiniik.l . 4g4i and oPtrizi , liWiti prios:7l7;(,cr7rl7uies . 'leuTasTe :a7 - ort a - Zit Mai. t* , by followed by a'Mdisiderebte dentin:llOn new speculation and . further tuirixice. - Therm+ porta forthapist week amount to _nearly ',AWN , 'bre a da entbtsee.abont VX gs - dr - cotton. 'le • ' tuff' and prostalotus t h e export - el e , , have been small, If we except two million Tome f • , of cheese, and the value of the cotton exported was considerably more than one-thud the whole. • The expire of cotton will be hmreased Mime. niggly 1 bolp. lo =H u g i ila t et i tlf,e the. St& nuaket is gaining strength from Le - 'steady Increase of gorenunent and bank Inflation. The Mott sales by the Ix:mare based solely on the °expectation of a tight minimnutrket. The re " tempts of the rallrosd companies, so far from fail lug off since the rebellion ended, continue to alkow ~a repair lumens and the tall. trade throughout the onn - ,t0 , .; bfi!staninally antlye and rentable?. "cidlent year. trill - addat - least • 000 In gold valuation to our national 4w n troducts of the Southern States. Thu gums ista ntAKltail/Cl*l locum commerce for lour. _ • _Years, imiiiiiisilt - In strengthening our Whoiennaticial fabric-by•addlitoneol-new settee capital. Car commenm has, tharefonamoreof the ten elemen ts of promerity.then It bat had • Whlgh- .al theefects It In 'the 'Steady 'Wince of prices &thee ;March- roird.Aings4sAtriuTztefate on the SM. - ,'s Rf Win..l34rubib,6o3bbla AL -TO . . 1671i:Wiflff,1,000bbla at B. Fel guson IL Son, 4000 011 gyp. Zigumertic44o,wola at 11413.1 Patittk.„-pratth 14 5 P4X*Ellik . OXI*7 t FiC aorirsti ataspitto. D.K.Banaditt A t3oa., VA,CO3 Eta at t9,aatari xsztase.&ottribx. essiottriAty*lbsiittios. l V72.sl.-.: linOnseirUw f 012112uts 042.22 .. - Irror theonw, WETINJ)III4 - :br one year certificates/A ThICII*III ADOUt 2 percent. dtscount a*arie - itaa,:lo,auo poutualluigai Tim; r • oolt&AlliPs40;1 5 : 1 —P#OIAMP4 . IOO44. 1.• rfifi#%5; 4, 14;*... 6 31440,44 1 Ktii"?140 , 2 12 1 fielli t ik*Vtor** 40 a"4/4 1,- ,its*th &leiter ,16.,00, tOe t tnOlorpute..yorn,etttp, filielitindlainhAtOeitpriAlas t aß,al93, cub'. . —Ratak .Prera . • - •-r-•• ,, , . cot 111!tountTeltffili,cWMA.119V9,131/Menta thus upon:de woatiede in trios ourity : Then hat hese woo oetistry SlLlber.taroktrade _:during the letter part of the week,. end our PM ... glint buyuca...,..cfedvenced Alus:Grfee plea pet pound for Iffeletly - llea arid Uik6,"consequently MMs olthsprolt4granktlote-shrreed limas st .thvotriaif tilkategv 7 ret- kistiojoropmtton - of do drab! wow. me yet ie tha onnm of fannen, evraV l Vor. anothav advance, and meld in all tP iGelhed t 1 04,-.. Veer . Ad* woo - Latium liken by sPecaltAnk Which partially am eattatefor,Nce - dulbiesa 'au the market. But the • eastern. W.rdifect . nres- are • recelvlag woof tram e - their egenteeben, as fest ne they need It. Jui- to the qaUlty-efenr‘wool ft is No 1, but lts condi. tteleurnerselroodtsectllCl - be &Mead- We gnat& washad twee itt• temium 5edd10 1 4 , 53 Unwsehedet tau Deal:wizard GA ..The WitelrOPallt.SolllP Wallet about 2000 Ames. • CotitriAta. T 'rxT . - t i b t itillt i t i nuatexaaj d ardedttt e l ty,'lttinel sows 14,7FIVW,ez'oP5114*Arge40p2i9e...:5-. 6a.17.801th. aptp)lll plettoptLeat flora, two attard.Valestralintalrit - ftable extra, at J. 11. 0 1 , ± 6 3 . 14 MIAVVV- l etT , '!" . "`„!—lleAt fh. - - -to.l24.24h.Pideendirjtat iii64:l6lV tad' 3g( illat.:MvettlsbVias;.l3llls. remed, itypierrittarttaptteruuttparrattattypatxtra.• efetz--df 171 ° 111. and- • 3 , l4;Miya ( "Irt.tituilM2 Snla conespon az date but ::. thit B eqmpAeslA , . num. ..--. V0rz.....00t"""-, `.voxic ,210 ' l ' "F "OM a' 1440bmirrimerilqit t I FITTSFitiaGn MAR.RETS. Ant. to, icnr.:. 'There has haul no DOW featute in the genC:-.1 markets today worthy of apeeisil notice. Flour and wheat are both firm, atetagein eomewbat ex cited, while other articles remain quiet end on changed. CFRAIN—Wheat la in demand and Orm„ with an ppward ',tendency. Sale of 400 bosh prime Red Winter,,part to arrive, at al R 9. Oats firm. wi Mall sal e. from store at WOGS. Corn is in demand and Arai and prime is willing from stii atclo No movement to Rye or 'Utley. rrx. ' FLOUR—Is firmer, and with a light stock and limited reetipts, the market it again tending: up ward. tie quote Extra Family as ealling fr.rm store at E5,263.e,85 as to quality. Sale of 4.0 bids at Vito, end 0 0 Shin , in one lot, at g 9,25. PROTLSIONS—Bacon LIP quiet, but prises are SIM though unchanged. The demand has fallen off considerably within the past week or two. Lard Is quiet, though firm, and Some dealers are ankles an advance. No demand whatever (or Met, Pork. • FE ClT—Peacbes sold to-lay at from t E 4,50 per bushel, at to qusllty and eandltlora. Gree Apples may be quoted at from y 5 to per barrel Drxed Fruit dull, at laid for Apples, sad 178 IS to Peaches: WOOL—Market 11 dull and unsettled, and but very little Is changing hand., and buyers and sel lers are wide apart In their views. We give 63@ GOOGS, ao the current rates for coarse, medium and One, although, we understand, some Eastern man ufacturers have paid as high as Itevadigo for some few mall lots of very One and fancy, Washington Co. EGGC--Clontlnue very dull, LI otwalutatullog the receipts continue light, and prices have Mill fur ther declined—we give 100 scale ruling lig - ura LGIEESE—Ia steady Lair demand and regular sales at laGl6 for W. IL' for Ham burg, and 16020 for Goshen. BiITTEB—No movement aside from the retail trade, worthy of special notice. Ocesalonal small sales of parked at (rem leer— HAY—Sold at et) , scales to-day at $14618 for new, and poiya for good to prime old. , sELEDS—Flasseed is in demand for garment at 12—ho movement ha Glover or Timothy Seed.. mm 69 CO 0 00 60 00 PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET 1 111117.8 DAY, Aug. 10, 1865. The market for Crude continues moderately se. tire, but there is plenty of room for Improvement both as repute demand prices. We continue to quote •at 194 M, baneli returned; and 5/Rl5, bbl, included, according to gravity, and these may be regardea as the extremes of the market. Sales of IMO buieli, ID bulk, at M. delivered; 650 same at 10 Milli - Med, and 180 at 20, bias returned. The re ceipts continue fair and the supply is oonalderably In excess of the demand. There le rather more In • ulry for bonded oil, and at a slight coneenelona, there would be no difficulty in effecting sales. Prime city brands may be fairly quoted at 44, on the care here. and 61WD, delivered in Philadel phia. The only sale reported was Sn bbl, "Mad din" at 44, net, teen on board cars here, Free Oil nominal at 60465—n0 movement in Naptha or Residuum. - 81 80 . 84 00 -.-. 9W ‘ 8 CC ! to as as to Oro 1 05 —Since exiting the above Ore have the follow ing sales of bonded oil reported, all at 60 cents de. livered to Philadelphia: 2000 bbl. "Standard." 600 "Enceka," 600_"Grketal," 6eo "Stella," 600 "So. perlor,"100 "Petrolite," and 503 "Liberty"—in all See the resod turo a undyed barreh. The rerelpte of 01l by the Allegheny River since ur layl report" were an follow. : John Bean 256 I Fhpher Bro T Stoakdale 21.0 A L Linton.. W P Logan 2G PETROLEUM STOCKS IN PHILA.. DELPHIA. Special Dispatch to the Pittabtenth Gazette. PIILLADILPIELL, Acurnst 10, lalla. Petroleum Shares_mere steady and rather more active today, but the molt noticeable change mew in Maple Shade, which improved per share, Caldwell sold at 2%; Maple Shade, 735; St. Nide" oleo, Walnut /slang, 1; Winslow, 69a; Key stcase,l%;Elcelsier,66c; BlaTank, Iy4lSngar Dale, 2X; Jersey Well, 13‘; /Loyal, 570; . 111lneso, 234 Oem erase, 1,66; Dalrell,l 146. PETROLEUM ATOLKO IN NEW YORK Special Edepatalitti Wart44li ?rem Haw 1t01414, Anent to, 1864, Petroleum dada steady, today watt a rile to Wetater, Buehanan -ram, El; C , berry Rue, 22; Teak, 40; Manasstait,a2; Pit-hots Creek, 8,%; Can. tral, 21,P; Exeelolor , 1,7 o; Webster, 2,40; Germany, 15;Rynd Farta,ss, Ualted States, 21,15; rdtatune, NEW YORK PETROLEUM MARKER' Special Dispatch to Western Press. - Now Tenn, August to, 186. trolettat few treinseettees to- notice M Itabut =x633 footlrude; tid% for Reflood, In bond, end Ben% for Free. CENTRAL LIVE STOCK MARKET. Reported Exprmaly"for the Gazette. Mawr iniazirr; August 10,1863. CATTLE—The market for Cattle has been stronger and firmer-IMS week then last, end with a falling off in the supply and a good shippinicle. nand, prices were Well •sustalneel, and the bettor grades may be gorged 513% cent per lb higher. The transactions in stock cattle continue large, and notwithstanding the receipts of this portico isr grade were large, there are plenty of boys= hern from the eastern part of /Os ;State, and tiAdera entierienee no difficulty In sellingtand t too, at full rareo Thenswitti tLsc,Ea ship. P 4 1 .. .d15A1X1 40 /11ood cattle, lodehle for rnmihqg ...... tneeastcru market*, and alLaf this. quality offered were readily taken at a /light advance over kist aceb.Parates. acid today there were state a amber ofllilladelphlnbdyers in atierCletice who Were unable to get all they wanted, Ibr the simple mason that tea kind of sioe&J they wanted was net to be had. We quota this , . best grades at ra *GT4-thie latter figure for aztra—sorl far to good brought frornAiEN4 Stook eittle geld at rtorn 4330535, as to quality, and:the transactions were tarp. .SHiKE.--111arket atikigg and,fattlyetigtire with ab improved demand, a better feeling. end a slight linprogensent la pricey. -Wit, quote cruzitnna. to prime mutton Sheep et kias3.i-with one sale re. Petted at gois! ilwokitawi Asnight m a head sit. stpek sheep at IMO) per bia4--forshipment to Bal. Mune. the = 9 :2 43 ds dose wassigmg, with mote trayersthan sellers,' ,tha holdeasimperteneed yob difficulty in realizing fell prices. ;SIOCI.S.a&et gall sad, heavy, owing to a engirt dettessloninthe eeligkailagthi dosebny. es:7 rhistgringlor • eormegglona erhieb holders, a to the on ply being lightarereigs •si g, - um:way We-ere 1110,60 -81 1 Mkgstga laittrevtorlar to. shah*. aterages ana 'these , - regardiki as then. ctos.esof 1149 7, 31 ... 3; . tr .... 01 ), STOOK 1 , 80, 31 2,110 Pp}2o_l'9 Ton Orr., _ _Sheol; tladelybl4 •- %nett& too 3.1.22 New York., ..... , :.:'Sit apt. ; Way Paints Isige pigment Points.— 7,923 1 T0ta1,....-.. 2,911 10,124 7,992 t - slits 01 - oLerms. -- r ,Geo. one sold to Thos. Duffy to head of falrfall steers, averaging 1120, at 5 0 , 20 . Magary Greg to Montagne & Go. 73 heal of a i r 1 11 144=i ? ate " , I , 6r l" f ilt S in u , nda / ,tei to &gigo head al g j oa innutta iteuis, • . &Versa:lug 1026, 11 074 per head. tdnyder to Warne 24 head" of good Ohio steers, averaging tzo, at.s2,oXl for the tot. elterunes LO NontagOO-last week-41 head of es a Ohio steers, alreraging 11212,112 $7,70. Chualdy to 11111 Inger 10 head Cr prime steers, etaglialt 1142, at 6760. Vehmer to Knox 24 head of pretty good stosk tle, averaging 957, at Ala McElroy to Seamen 16 head heavy rOugh aim, eV coded 200,44.46,20.. • 1 WaG e tl4l.oBleYee al PtIO 4 F - kood 144 g.t. - ,. 1ittg 4 :,,,.._ 111 . 1 & Co. to If 1106' 43 head of 0471:111111011 stock -..." aT t e oVeV i ntifittZ orwetty g oolAtcak e avenging 890, atty, , Login to ciptost CO head of good stock cattle, I :WIA L K - ftung kea4 aig6ad ntholt , seam ii:,, Watt 19 6 . 3amberg Ed head at good mem, aver. 411/17si:1111110 jt i z o r s k.o64lgas subsequent -IListz Wall ,14,60 head of mime stock oat aignis3l4 . l63; et Mi._ Joodllo/111121trigYeVate7g3i_Mq.• P 02411,, 1 Maul &Hughey 0211209241headneeommondook ggeragmg 550, at Gee , ;,,,,,-, . , ."-• -.-,., ,: 4t. Morgan to Eihtelds 611_hood..0g,ptlaus Illinois qeen, amtragingl22l, WI/. ~,,/ - , Crawford ma Ullittiloll to Mooney t 8 head of ddico 0 egagla at pt no trem Elia tollletplpoul 554 1 2 d 6 lacy; opera( e, I Terming 393, at UM. ' , • i' ' Shields to Montagne &,00. 35 head of men 111. Loots stgerl, sveraglag 1133,12 417,62. Y. Bridges to Gollg4Man MOW/a gen good 111, ina*Sr l4 M4 ‘& 34 . ' 7 • - ••,•":-.1 .., t Widmer Edon 0 (30:12 he ageregldr in% aim ; q . 7 adoi,mq poll stfirs,•ll9l2 , genic t rgalentlne Ur F M dad of prime Oblo *gra at 41 , 2 3 put heed. , ._ . r. , 4 , 7... ...._ ~,...,..„ .., ~,... 0 94 Prfge. 11/1620.2......"..adfigar " " 1100 210 , $ll ex Orr _—...91ager........./..... 400 MB telly, larengerhen...-.-Emeriek—_ 62 905 10 75 Idayitel..4.4 '' 2tr.......,...,....,. 116 . 216 ~ 11 00 M00ceFe......u.... ,, 0be•e....1.1*". 23 • 12 2 . • 1 1 .25. Blebs:en—. ...Orr . ~..,... 14 , Igt ellek.-..... 81n5Tr:77........ IP 200 It to Bell.. ..........,1,0gan...•... ~ er, the ld 10 GonnifluLd ' ....33uterklt t. 101 OM •to re Stout- i ...„,..,./tlpple..w.—. 83 244 11 .ks_ . Woirtitr.r. , , . ElPgicr .. 2 i 'M 11 l a, ; f 0ubyr......-.....'.G1i55e1-...e - . 10 , __... :::Bippte.l: - ...:.:.::.: 'll MO 10 22 VAT e Buyer. XI. dem, Price. raettek .... Resta ....... j.. 4 90 - 90 11 5 n Pniltins.......:- - .:"...E1ayater...1..,...X.2221 . M 5 IS Marner.............Pan50a5t.,--- 1.10 92 619 0rtet..41;:;.14.1115yneg....i...,..."209 92 4.87,. IS r eethr...i.....,..lthex. .- Mr1;11 -- , - --,:. 6 40, Ftslnqz— , ....pulaii4.7.7-4 , 4e ~ st• 1 : i i 6 so maw ' 4 .1-•0i.i:'i11aria....Lic,i."..463 49 ,1./ •6310 . ntheim r .t.ur.4,,....Hester:lJ. 1 . ;:. 4166 .02,..7.', 6.2111 5/009//,-. 11 . ••••• 47 / 4 P212224 2 ' 31 . .. et -.' 5 ' 12 gt0 bi1 if ig. 4:1V.T..14:77 24" . 4." , Z a g ;7, ?.';',1,1: Eitgrir..vaa-4:4auw}:7,-;r 4 t.:: mg ' , ,gg . i.7 'ld go' . Bohai le rap i T mwz. nts'...,:t. , 44,. LIM 41 2 -, 11 en , • Ltoltrilra P • 'i.....1--sau oig , 1.11141.6. 33Melleki....:.1..Herilitt___.1.:" .2...., - MO AM ' ' . II Mt MogargyAlTlM ll l l lolll4l472 .3.'1 1 / 3 9',110 , ,,l 14,111 c ittlikki.l. .f.L.Ne5teg5."..1,24,571_ St 2 1211 = 1 5 .1...."4.332011/11./.4..V.e.cM2/ 012/ l'uld Id. GooattlFreil.4lilant.i ' -- eock Mf./ r m 1146 oter. ,0.041:::,/,Ferr,.).„,iF.rere,p, eg- . ..',11,0 gig. ' ‘ • .1,..,:f.) -l i tailiithihigaraniattig. 8, '', 1 Tgl:Aßisatogrinitil liiirsiViiriiiht *Ghat good dionand. Brion austinue Ora and on the Adretintorith ,thrto/2311411thlalltraltona at sumo for rio 1 matey at the latter rate; ertthre for Not% and =GM ebittioneteis In quality. ilteateb ptp Is nuts; at Ste per ton. For sosoutto, Wed/MOO delnengt",te_bitter.. , o4oo,theldepnre gig en Advance of oaco per tenth: ban add 1., s. - , .. ....,,,1.. ,r.,.1,,1 4:-' . :11 ~ , ,,i '"......1+ B 1 TELPaRAPE New York Market Few Yonx, August 10 .—Umrrox—Lowe, at 4 la 45 for AUdellleg. }'seen—Opened excited •and Iflenc hotter. at $6,13/56,70 for Extra State; $9,36,..1. for Super Wes. tern; 808,26 for common to good snipping brandy; Extra R. H. O. 63,3059,75 for trade brand. The Market clotting dull with the Improvement partial ly lost. Gnats—Wheat opened dull and 255 c tenter, bu' closed dull with the improvement nearly ell lor. at 11,8 forth:llene° Spring; 91,00151,51 for No. I Mil waukee Club; .$1,8551,95 for Winter Red Western; $2.10 for Amber Michigan, end Kentucky, and 62,19 for White Western. Included to the sales are 30,0(0 bushel, No. 1 Milwaukee, to arrive, et SIP. Rye scarcely no arm; Weatero 99, C orn more solve end 2c b; ttor, at 61Q89 for muoUnd; 813,9590 1 ,i, for sound n. fixed Weetero; welt% for Mah mixed, nearly yellow; the salmi were chiefly to apeculatora. time excited, and 253 c be.n.er, at 65566 for Western; closing at 65. V 7 not—Dull Pertv.d.Eru—Dal, at 344t3z for Crude, and 6R I Q 63 for Refined, In bond; Retined free conilnai. I , nov tames—Pork heavy and lower. at 834,1214 awn for new hleas, cloning at 83;1234 each; 9 2 9, 7 0 29 tor 1863 , 4 d 0 1523,754 for prime, end 326 ,75e25 for Prime Mess, also, 6300 Me New Mats August and Sept, seller and bUyees option, at3 33 . 60 @2 ,3 ; 1 5. Beef steady, et E8,00512A for plain Mess Beef. Hams quiet. Cut Meats In fair demand. Lard more active and rather firmer, of 19%53114. But ter needy, at 27529 for Ohio. Cheese quoted at I 1515 1 „4f0r common to prime, New 'York Stock and Money Market. New Yonx, August 10.3.10ney market/ active 4 ,7 nod steady at 561 per cent for ca ll loans. Ceding exchange drml ea 1e5y,(6109 gold, for t class tails. American gold dull and lower; ope tog Si, 143%, closing at 14.234. Government Moe a with{ out decided change. St.." strong, 1 "2 t'l 11. S. 6.1WA16.20 coupons, ICIS; do new Imo 104/2,1 Treasury Notes 7-.2044 2il settee, let Mortg 80; _Cumberland prefkrred, 4334; New Yore Centre , 93; Erie, 88; Fort Wayne, 99; Reading, 107.54 M. 0., 106%; U. S., 604; Plttaburgh, 753 4 ; N. W. M. Cincinnati Market. OraCINNITI, August 10 . — FLOMI—Firmer, and the better grades advanced Ye l. Superfine un changed. Common to good extra 19,606'8,76, and family to fancy brands 49439,75. (taste—Wheat—la 6e higher; prime lied 51,05; White held at VA*. Corn very mane and tne market firmer at MOM (or sound new. Oars quoted at 43 to 47c; adman., and lota on the spot would sell at 66 cent,. Rye In good demand at 0.50 WarakT—Qulet, at S2,S; eloslog dull. Paoristioas—Dull; nu sales. Men Pork was offered rather freely et Sao. Bulk Mesta dull; no sales. Bacon Is held at 17(417%0 for Shoulders and sides. Lard-23%0. Tallow sold at 125 c, and Is In ag demand.' Chicago Market. Cncsoo, August 10.—FLoun moderately active. Guars—Wheat Irregular and unsettled, closing at .1,2661,26% for No. I and $1,1261,19 for N. 2. Corn ileac. and steady at 61%0 tot No.l and 6556 a for No. 2. Oats quiet and lower at 4934050 e. Hlonwross—Fllm and lft2o higher at 62,1302,1 J. Paormions--Dull. Penn elower, at 60 ( or Corn to Buffalo. Ermeme= 1 o bbl. Flour; 16,000 bush Wheat; 14,060 buret Corn; 11,000 bush Usts. Saipwlarre-1,900 bbls Flour, 6,000 bush Wheat, bush Corn; 27,600 bush Oats. Philadelphia Market. PIIILADELPIZIA, AU(Wit le.—FLopa quiet. with but little export demand; Islet of Superfine at a 6, 7607,=6 and Extras $7,7558; 31 , 11 C—Wheat firm• sales of Old and New Red at I 3 and 'White 1 12,240 , 4:5' Ooru firm. males of Yellow at tau Oats — belles of New at 54er and Old at 70e. WIIISSCY—Steady at rl,'” Prrnonntru—Dull at 3I 32 for Crud; 610520 for Relined in Bond, and 69ap1c f•r do. Free, Buffalo Market. Brirraf.o, Anglin firm; Um demand moderate. Guam—Wheat eaglet; sales of Mil waukre at S 1 99, closing at 11,32. Corn quiet at 7Sti 7 ee for Mixed. Oats flue at 60e. Barley and Rye nomi nal. PROVIRIOss—Perk i 31034. His er—f.2,113. CAP wL Fart uirriii—TO New York.: Wheat, 14 16e; Coro, 16) , 4 '015e; Oats, 814,4163.6 e. St. Loafs Market. Sr,. I.otria, August 10.—Corroar—liecelpto 168 bale.—teatket dull at 405 for Middling. Grunt—Corn teaductifed. Vara steady lit toe ‘ 5O for New, 0 . 5 4V.0 for old. Tonecoo—f9ol6 for Shipping Leaf, 616,13@16,65 foe Matinfaettwed. Wnierr—Unchangcd..' Oswego Market. Cniersoo, - .Etugtra 10.-4botra Firm . Wheat ere cited and irregular; No. 1 Milwaukee club held at 111.5., Corn coarse; &ales tau night Illinois eamp.e 61 Oat. quiet. • •r. FR notirs—Yleur 60511; Wheat 10; Odra f °L iats 6, to New York. Toledo Market. imo, guieat 30.—dlaAilt—Wheat gelled to better and advanced 50/76,'Elosing 1 , 71 the ad vafica iost•, Wet of White Michigan at 955, New Aecter Michigan at 811090 c, Old sogitsc, No. 1 Red Wabash 90 0 . Core firm; . oleo at 150. Milwaukee Market. Dlti„wati August 10.-.FLotnt—Dull. Ghats—West—halve isle. at 01.=e1,2334: .6CTIPTS—ICOO bbl. hour; WOO atoll Wheat. S H1PX1.573-3131* barrel. hoar; 7003 bushels Wheat. BUnkig Stocks. • 8087021, Acignst 10.--The following are the prices of ?agog Stocks bid In this city today c. Chipper Fatly 11%; Fraikllo. leeNcl3ancacic,. 01; Huron, 38; BoTolclli CLlllony, ON; roeesota, 7. j IMPORTS WV' R AD„ *lira CIEIoAGO.R. R.— bbilLd as -130y5tn.123 do do, -Graham. & ..I:4l2aisi2o bas cheese, 13, Gtrizell; 2 empty Cabins, TZetftlfg,:,Yal! bah.welAVba (IMMO ti blinks, Geo E AL:Pherson; 46 bairovoe tobacco, J tOn, Thos Azbuckle & so; I bin mdse, J Mo .Epalght 216 paper, Illenroy tr. • Harrison; 10 'empty t ole`bls, Lig* & dlecbling; Stan Sour, IYWals ••••'• C. I ' Corroz.orn AND Plrrsannou B. B. Avg. 10...- 2 COSI wheat, Eaonedy h Bra; I do 40, Simpson & 'non; 2do do, Noble & Angel; bis stately D' Dtravot6s doldo,....Woo= =ii K do do Graham & TIUT0114; tii add; Wm - Mai lige; 12 do do, J 0 Lippineo ;12 do do, Moons Ss Coffin; 25 do 40,.,3120maker to Lang: 40 bbls potatk, J p Contlekhlobblalloar,ll, Itobtson h Go; 2 tads ergs, Cook. 800 6. co; 20 boa cheese, T C Janklum; do do. I cranneia;l2 trbla apples,. LH. Volga h. rano; 53 bdlors ,, W B 41avent sirs oats, W H During; 1 era „Tdrodosy Orremr; WO boned, - Ebro, Graham omos; 6 MI& bison, L Oat- , ;10 W.! whiaky, Trout:croon, Applebaum 6 • • ;20 boa candles, Watt, I Wilma; 25 do do, LOCO .. fr. Shipt.oo. !itRIVER INTELLIGENCE. • ;, e river s - continues to-recede Moiety at tile phint with about six feet in the channel by the Larks lest everittia iisMiei4eita-Atay was ; clcondy and warm with occasional showers of ;Stud en cOntbfinesivkiii4l nt wi.ar, t is worse Milt dues ere "no Indications at M.sent of tartmtneillatatmrtaretnetit. %Pralgbta -eke scarce, and rates low.assiths passoust trade,' al afaffryinittOraiid at Iffilittioif arlhiEyerktr I*bt. I& CT !There has not bata atthiaLar depifturs melds from the regtilaryosektrte ghee, our Lurk re, ,, pert. The Minerva. from Olneiruisti, and eirments,front tit. Louie, areamong the And boats db. The Centralia was annonneed to leave Ctn. clanosk-tor, l l4taburch on WPangsdaY, - Cbata4o,4aaomakocull 9f onvta4l',ll Ltirtan; will pOilftvely- lone tun* for Bt Louls,thls ' gest i lu llait e fYras ,VDd ahiPPa oa sltould be i j ar k' ', ?irtmat and cos salflyaka a,JJlageaoozaunt, of . 1 : 1 =011p nesiamer, Is filling up steadily (or cinelenatj an d s Monisiifis ia tuni WWI. stony to-teen on Sottutloy - , aoarindintrer-nte Lowing; gillleeruetrel.—Mosta ringlreuftherisower,tdlesiselppl moraine:tab n,,atuong their. eretrnthiptain, Bawls * of the cnyew I teer4 engineer, steward; enblednind iseutfled deck teandsof the same boat, were all takealielcinanitlf efterleavlng.fiew-Or. ilane. Two of the hands died obortly after reach their homes at Louisville Gazette. The J. H. elinore ' , 01h; 'ten are all at St.Loula loading for Cincinnati and Pittsburgh. The Empire tiny Is tie. at the phoyttiirer..7, ; r - r. , r srEalaßOdllTS ------ - - 0 • V •'. in& 1, oplerultd peueOger amer. NOVA._ ,__Hr g, H. it Hollow,. : will cove !Odra Onorkalf-pAyi Jur tattoo 4Ayaosk zo. For trap' or_ ;imam Apply! eh -bWd 06r 121 , JOHN FLACK. D 1 ~1H.14404 yon. BT. LOIII13:—Tho Steamer aLov.ONZWWinauirSi 4 artaa, w il l Icton al on'Tliza , tag 11 1M , IYMISMIWalu r tti t. '1" ate. JO uv FLACK, I LLTIMORZ ANp.r.131GD4.4 ! J.olo3Vk:Vrtie rr narltd prArttuuelfulerly,iietlfeelftilt • va 7 12 6 44 : duos a week, hurries Ueltiterwo• from immrflaffi • foot of South street. every ' srlllaz — Airnifstr pnig r iWMf a r i •Pulfer bi ghTe e 4 et lowratesr :Throulpflitrale4lProla ttendraltraXerehso4leefroeW, elk, I.l4ll4elphle,,cruatheuchat, couktneal usur-or tegliSirWEßONAßilida . „..b. tait...Abargeted :rurre-10 t =4 4 0.1 Oftlomic g tlt E t • Iluareaus from therliortlwmStaletrleafri4' tiellf the Ilsttle-Pla ea, Winkel* lark look . altar the bodies ot Mewls .oadaluattater is the betties of the Wilelerneary - Ohaswellourvillei• Fredertekabealkftk Illootteykreule-Coart lEfouaq bawl - opoeatunnyof dote* ecs by thlir teak , . The - WERONAItti , provided latthexral,• lent Seaturooles icad'Bertlf ardatmultgatlowitrul la to em 7 Tef t W er• - _,./1 0 ?! BOA . PdPit.n6Wr 7nog %awl :akowe,' •_ .• • 610f_ :IRC L ~ 0 1, 1 1.Mglapttlytot,ys, " Ij .r< 7.l .l6 n afil r° l l :a ti" =W P 1 2 41 471. 01. 6 , 34, • u.ZP1P.4441.44.144440t0kiak !KM optralszt In =ma. 1, 0 1 no alga e . ~ 921.2*TgOOM M MenneiO S Viii*FT I 110 111 41119"%_ 1".!4 F irr iFo half Ms No.SM UL ISto - 11414 3 A!; do do; , • Li:i4k. '1242 cifse is do No I do do; tbs-12 tfriengOdUl d rls!„--..4 i treivedand P u iti . banes No:2 1.411;14. ) '-' . 1 61:15: 14 7stetikutbrmung, fa v=90, 0 41 40r '• • • • - JP ' 1'1'; ianerwittirr"7 GRO(:LE Es, Piie)DC---CE,.VC _ _ T . C. JENKINS Commission Merchant. 888 .T.A XI3I3EL tr li , " BT AHD PURCHASING AGENT. PrITSGURGH. DeMO in Plow, Grain, Seeds, Butter, Cheese, Fruits, and all Farm Product.. Beet brands Pam. yy FLOUR (warranted) shears on hand. Also, REFnaD Frei:opt attention given to consignment. and eorrealiondencr_. Weekly Price ekrrenu sent to Ilonafgnors. Order. and Consignments solicited. sell:Lye/own F. QULIABY & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. o. 103 SOUTH WATER ST., CHICAGO, Give tpenal attention to putahaalag Firour, Grain, Prenteions, le For B. F. Eastern seam Q.1312..T.8Y nala24s GA . ! T. BROWN. W. D.? TEAS ..... . A A """'" pATTERSON, a co., ammission Merchants, Flour Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Fos. aso and 282 PEAS STREET Stott% New Building, opposite O.S P. R. E, Depot. .peat' M==! , BAla & ANJER, Commission Merchants Flour, Grain and .Produce,: 177 SEIJOND ST., between Wood in Smltbnekt, _ll-17 • PITTSBURG THOS. rarmst...nro. AIIIMI..BTBSKIZN A. SEZATAIIII pOTTER, AIKEN et SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foreign mad JDontealle Frottsi Fleur Butter, Cheese, Cm., PotaibeN and prodnee generally. No. SOO LIBEETY STREET, Me Opposite Passenger Depot, Plttob • W. W. SOHDAP....B. HOLLISTER...a. 11. POWELL. JORDAN, 13.01.1...1bTRE & CO., Comnsiasion .)Merchants, for the Pete of FLOUR GRAIN, HAY, GRASS SEEDS, LARD, BUTTER, EGGS, GREN AP PLES, ate., &c. 264 LIBERTY STREET, Pitts burgh, Ps. References—Head b. Metzger, PRtiburgh; son ,Carr 00., Plttaburgh. nal Ayd R . EL JACK, 0, 1.1. 0 0 MI Mit , Nos. 1 and 2 Disanoudi MIIMEM Gr=F & REITER, PRODUCE, CO?!- 024 AND FORWARDING BIER MARTS. and Purehaslog agents for all Pitts. burgh blauttfactures. Warehouse, No.'ela Matti' Street, Pittsburgh, P. leaned WILKINS LINTIAItT, (1317C010180)1 TO nuko Er-owrir k. LINEA/tr.) DIAL= In FLOUR clb Ci•WiLAXXV. Pre4neo and Commission Illeretusnt, [clay No. 11,51 Liberty at, Plttsbn .b. C. D 007.17111 DOOLITTLE & PECK, General Commission.Mezehanta, Nos. m 004 %, Water street, Pittsburgh, Ps, for the sale Of Flour, Grabs, Cheese, Butter. Dried Prulta, Proclaims and Produce of all All orders for Carbon oil tilled at the lowest mar. het prices Stirt)oualsiamtmta solicited. rublo4 0. 0. BALM= YTGAIIIC VANOOIIDEL RALBLEY & VAN GORDEN, Prodace and Cormidanan Zderalausta, Brizelunse, No. 201 Liberty n., Pittsburgh, Pa. 'Wholesale deal ers to Butter, .Citeeia, Lard, Em, PO*, Bann, Sena Feathers, Brooms, Potaton, Hom iny, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits, Onions, flour, e rain, °lover Seeds, J Timothy Seeds, /Da Seeds, Produ Home es- and Const,Dr Poultry m ents. . Partnillar attention riveals to LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Whole wile Grocer. and Counnieston Merchants., deal. ere to PRODUCE, FLUOR, BACON, CHEESE, FISH, CARBON AND LARD OM, LRQN, rj_AJM.,, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, toad pftts. etteet itt nurgh m Pans es generally, OS =1 114 Second ufsetarburgh. urcuLe crytneasuwers Ora o,l2.llEPARD,Commisffion -Her chants and dealers in MOUR, CUMIN AND PRODUOE, .147 Liberty street, Pittaburgh. Choice brands of Flour for Pokers and Family nee constanUy on hand. Particular attention paid to octa filling oilers for biernhantUra generally. elly KETZER & ARMSTRONG Forwarding and Corandeston 'Merchants, lot the sale of OUR, GRAIN BACON, LARD, BUTTE'S, MED% DRIED FRUIT, and Produce generally No. If Maria - street corner at First Patirterigh . , Penna.. fenny' r. rum isroMill• UM. P. , BECK 4; CO,lio. =liberty cy.mt s ==ath burgh ia l Z"da - rom - T= L oDu..., 6 , 3l , 2 . am , j 3k pi N ko k etp4 DUVA.'CiRA4N7riaDS, GARR P AND DRUM PROM, Jo-SART and T. ire joinc.l3,- CANFIEL,II, .001121111851011 And , Ar ForwardiaMM.peattialiidelder in NtzsTERN BUTTER, T.A RI .lik T. ii j l tim nii:C,ALLUOlL, ELDUE,PLES, POT AND ~sex.merprs,_tax SPED AND , D. ililtiflEDßDol4 Mar, iuul Produce generally, Nos. ID eml WI Freak, 'tad, • ttstargh. IP, KIEWPATILILIC...r. ILITIE7ATIOITE..I. L. ?KELSO/. IREPATRICX, rt - POr t aincoes. AT. son to Joseph Strkpatrlsk hBro.,JI , MOLE SALE LiketLERE lh llsosettes,,Flout, OW; Ft °visions, Ptah, Cheese, Salt, Hank Glass a nd 01111, 4 Ros: lal and VG -Lalsll7 skeet. r.141,1tt , ""1"2 s,Aro W 210HOWALWIt U , T. LIMO. QCHOMAKER , 'LANG, dealers lu GROCERIES, FLOUR, GRAM PRODUOE,_ 'PROVISIONS, CHEESE' SALT, CARBON OIL. ete., Roe. Mosul ttl Woad Siteet,lecar Liberty StelnF.PAtabtusth Pa. semay. OZOIISS b. MAD azonfik 31:1127.0411. HEAD & METZGAR, Grocers and Com. toluloa. treftanti, 111D4 PM, of dountq• Predate isod - Flttatagll numsfeetures, No. :a ,14btty And, Amato tke44 of Wood Etat, PiL•ohorgli., ; ,spb.ty f. arrstra ... J. liITXXIU...WM. na-s- Aran. REYMER .. BROTHERS, ( necessmt to Renter lc Anderson, ) Wholesale Dealets to FOREIGN FRUITS NUTS and SPICI (lON. ncrnorankz SUtfAIISMRE WORIeS„,ao-, No. 12$ *WI= Wood attest-above FlCh,,ritta. Wash. "" .1/W4Y - - .11 WALLACE, Comminsioniteratusnt, A.• • and Wbolegate Dealer to FLOUR at GRAIN, No. 222 Llhorty itlat,-poidt.• .Pennaylvanta It. ' U. l a re.4 . 2. " earliar )ep sk2rto and gna k i:&etr.- r.ge p)t-sw . , ai a. LIACIEIT.••/•./.4 ' AMAX LIMIAT I B. LIGGETT it CO., _CITY FLOUR .4...w • MY' AClLLN,"oarner WNW, and Adam Pa. Titir et4 l:l=e3 barrel/ per day. ape aiv.Mr WAIT - " -•-- 7031111192.1101 0 ATT & WILSON, Wholesale (lid.' ea" Oconsoluton 2dernhanta, and (Waters In Proems:ice - rittabanti.=inamderret di0...- -09 Libertrartree4wittatrente.. -., , ..1.... WAANE . f : Ptie bi L m . l 4. ~4 13.0Nt.IdtRaq-linka tii - ean --- :11eili . lia -L Atite 1 1N) PETEOL42I, Not es u antl9l Water I . Pittabalthai Adtmanaa, AMA' ilare " B " AREHOUBE.—HENRY 8. ocnazers, Forpßizigaillatponallsatora DUN - • and dealer IirOBEIPE:BUTTIII,—LAH.V• • suat•Procl==l4 . o" ).. ?;64 stmt. l• • • eiteit, Pi .• •••4•ll.Dll..^lolriflii ?OWN xx . n°1 7 ., 5 hoVgh CO., WEO ewe excluEss AND MIOIIIMISSION ALM WM. corm • Smithfield and Water Smog, litabarith. e lOE , RT - '0A.L23 , 11c8. „ We Grocers, Commission •and, Furors • • tassel:ants, end dealerwiti Produce and Pittiburg • • t ys PtGaburgh. ii° osa :R.1141,13tD it CO., ,WhOltsale rl C sera and Goismiss.ton iderolode, Nos. 112 Wood 228LItmnde strests, PitiAburgh. jots UM/XS t • CAIDWELL; (91tadott4i • to James Holmes &Ca, POILK , PA.OKER and l ea ler- 14 -VOVNONN, cdsdOr o,Atral3et and rout stirs PINs urp. 3 ir-VS CHARTER 1829. FRAHM= FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPhIA. Assets on January I, isoL, 82,457,849 95, Capital. Accrued Premiums. Invested Premiums. Unsettled Claims... Income for P 364 Losses Paid since Perpetual and Temporary Policies on liners tdrms: (Merles N. Baucker: - Lane Lee, Tobias Wagner, • Edward 0.. Dale, Samuel Grant, George Felts, Jepson H. Smith, Alfred Fitler, George W. Itleharde, Fran W. Lewis, M. D CHARLES N. BANUKER, President. EDWARD 0. DALE, Vice President. JAS. W. Idea 7 3.ISTER, See. pro. tern. J. -G. COFFIN, A.mit., corner Wood and Third atreeta. ILE AND MARINE, Insurance Co. of North America. rw:lMlo:4*4:sq Hartford Fire Insurance Company, ,01,5a.5,000. urPeotection can be wank in She above named ac 'enable companies. WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY OP PITTSBURG §ILLER, Jr., Prerierat, WM. P. TIFJOIERT, R. &act en. °Mee, No. e 7 "% r eap,' Street, Spang & Op.'s Wars tt0 ; . , ,t2 stalrp.Pittsl=l, of pire Bias. Horne ' institution managed by and Marina Directors toha are welt known in the comrount% and mho are deter , . mined by promptness and libtrohty, to maintain the chorader which they hove aerattmert, offerts:p the NW protection to those mho desire to be ynnceed. R. Miner, lames McAuley, Nethaniel Holmes, die p Nimtek, rale, ga e m °r Xell ' a Herron, C. W. Rieketion,_ Ewan WM. P.ILERBERT, Seer& CITIZEN'S: INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH.-0111ee, corner Market and Water salves, eecond floor. BAQALEY, President. WM. A. SHEPARD, Secretary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. insures against loss and damage to the navtga. hoe of the Southern and Western Rivers, Lakes and Bayous, and the navigation of the Sees. Insures tidal= loss and damage by bra. Wm. Bartley, Samuel Rea, Jas. Park, Jr., W. G. Johnston, F..7ones, Bon. T. H. Home, Barclay Preston, George Bingham. EOPLEB' INSURANCE COMPANY Office, F. E. corner of Wood and Fifth SO, :/ 1: t! 1 C!: 1; :U 1i: Wm. Phillips, John Watt, John E. Parke, Martel B. Bissell, Wm. Van Kirk, James D. Vernzr WM. JOHN werr,ii WM. F. GARDNER Secretars. ECM= A LLEGHENY INSURANCE CONPA NY OF PITTSBOROII.-011ea, ,No. 17 Mb street, Bank Block- Maks. Losurca Avarua all kinds of Fite au Mann ISAI.O JONES, President .101 OP D. WOOED, Vice PraMeat. D. M. BOOS., Secretary. Isiesua H enez, HarreyM, Capt. R. 0. Ores, John Irwin, Jr., ELM: FOusertork ALIJIM/14/CTURERS. CINCINNATI LEAD PIPE AND N'CORXICK & GIBBON, Tikrcr. 29 ittadertlaxtlz Make to order PIPES AND SHEETS of any etqulred u - alght and al.. Sheets _per eetuare f00t,234 Ma, and upwards. rinrii.n%Acwa'g iz,t—ead k A tiliZlia ' Ink wells. We would espeelaty ask the attention of ,Plum bus and PrOprletbra MI Worts and Oil Wells F14T8111J1108..1 7 01714DRY. L. GAMMON. SORE a. td or A. 0811.11,18%)N & CO. (Successors to Sollama, Ottrt.ou,t C 10.,) EDIINDERS AND NIAMENISTRI Di.d.tunni of:claw Sollars or all itioo, j _ .. .tar Sttel, Men, nltit coP.Pw" .1. §U v e.Ft—ttow. j a r t. gling , AMU? Irks Herb 2114 Patent Douhlerlatlcr,== tiOl:4 4hei 4 gwag" pynd and r d tto=d .to •a _4acaa, lii Smlttaeld; AM; Ilttamigh, fatly ATER= OCTOBER 8, 1861. DIHTIULtDOVI3 PATENT Oral Lamp t2altneseva, ZZ FLINT (MAIM. t Thcse 011mizori an Inteaeu for tha tat dam, mating all puts of tbo flan equallioes sot et. pons tig l ex t ida n wor t i, lt v = a DGE, t, apt?rittaburgkl'ean BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WOR KS, PITTSBURGH. A. PARR, BROTHER a co, IM=l3 HEST laTid=rT rErnmn BAST STEEL Sour e,ritas and Octagon, o an gues. Warrant. ed aqua ito any Imparted ai raihnntaatiuod la tM aotuttry. girtldea and WarehOnia; rialt:3o *ad tat tato end ISO ttlattitny aTaUlf, Pittburch Final UP RIOM ''“ • , L0,.1 -FiNcti.N.4l2‘" Wir tie 'tonsttuatthir, nittl 4111 keep oti tiino: • xaracisampu fatter . k cono.3*.pr.'„Taliglar , Boiler. I We Incite parties needing engines tar this pur- Fe to call and tea them, oorneA of PILE ang LAILS, ,___tiTElll6Vl VMS 1147LWAier Werke. • CL) , NAADULUITOSIG M.Mral ar , 0 0. • SW= /WED . WAIP: It snits ' ati * Vi rmt r4l d i ndr . aulgyf ar ' theTza4ei TAMILER & " BOSS, South' eitli PH/LAIVELPZEA. oms =snow - situ. WWILI. piEuti B. HERRON tt CO., • IStcnro MiXaml_fita,Csass.Orcs, AND IRON FOUNDERS, ffice and Sabn,Roouts,' Vele, . 1211 LUIZ= STREET' it : • A's I /FOUNDRY. +, WIGEMLAN 'warn Summa AND NIINFLNIST, .aordar Autscatawr 'TAUT, between Federal Pa., dad Baadary, • I Cirri, „Mircurilawni.rWlGHTMAN sl3 PATENT PORTABLE OSOILLATURI BTRAEL EN MER, r ! Repaid= WWII tO;: atO AMY -- tottu r taoAnvottS•.,, OEVZHANGIII,-110. as Watzr. St. wa t iMat e taW4Ogg ilload.. l3l v . Dr itii=matiOgieesinonsizatMcir tor ma, soft wades at earl! stabs: A: .1.101111021014•031rea • Awned.* L t x •Wm tBE NNIE4,OTy,TE,I 03:1FAHE 'TONDST_ ' - Fa F Ms , Woad udaradcetstoets.ntuburshirse • --- sata I' E tiiiT UA-L nUFKAUD-..-CEMEX COiaPlttiY efitce Cottir • „ aeari aad Wayne Ott. This cOnVESni Was olleahlaihe ifeCtilo 89Mb:tel., andt, the reatsylvania Wining and hlaeute,etu. ring Laws. The territory of the COcipany iota, the land, of the thanker:l Creek Dracut MI Company, of thl• city. Capital Meek 11225,000 Wartalac Eurol Par Valor of Each Share II 4CO,CaI • 911,000 1,038498 8410 500,0019 61,000,000 STANDARD am= These work. have the largest capacity In the country. The brand stand. the highest to this country and in Europe, for quality and fire test, and the oil I. put la well seasoned barrels, prepared eapeclally for export. Manufacturer. of BOILERS, STELLS,'TANICS, and IMPRO V ED BORING TOOLS for (311 dently 81,760,000 , CHAMPION OIL COMPANY • . Producers of Qrude and Pdanufacturers of Reiner. Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils Office No. 69 HAND aired, PITISBEIRAH, Pa W. L. /ONES, Aerie, 94 Water Street, (up stairs. WALLACE CIIR'III36, CRUDE AND ILIMISIZD PETROLEUM, BENZINE AND LUBRICATING ORS. No. 104 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, PA LT Storage capacity (wilier cover,) for 115,0cp barrels. Also excellent facilities for shipping to American and. Forelgh farts, at our wharf on the Schuylkill River, near the platform of the P. H. B Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, David M. Long Rees .7. Thomas, Chas. J. Clark, John E. Metlane. BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehousing Company, Foot of BALTIC & HAMMON Sta., Brooklyn. Office, No. 96 BEAER STREET, New York. 6.93-19. S. M. Hie; John &Upton,' Jame. M. Cooper, R. Ilarbaugh, J. Caldwell, Jr., John 6. Dilworth, Wm. A. Rodgers. deiodsl BUNS= AND DAALSIt ra - CRUDE AND REFINED 0113 Perry peMcial eek, Duque l sne Way,lnttab•sib S attention gren to the SALE,AND SHIP Air ITI OF PETROLEUM and Re product. Consignments rypectintly Pittsburgh Agency for VENANGO OIL AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. air POST OFFICE BOX 142. mit& I BERN Capt. Icahn 1.. Rhonda Samuel P. Shrive/.m Loao , OOvaries /oboe. - - Jahn F. Kirk rick John °lyric. • • FORWA.RDINO AND COMMISSION IrEaclie.yr, President. • Presistml. 1a141,7 ILLUMINATING_ _ , LUORIOATERG, °RUDA PETROLEUM OD LS, he., ennetantly oa hand and lot agile at the loyeet market price. Covet;to meets .4 otter, solicited. WM. M. MURRA.Y it, CO., Comm i ssion Merchants, mad dealer* in CRUDE AND REFINED r'ETRO. LEUM, BENZINE, at. B Extra facilities for storing oil and empty barrels. John D. Effeoord, Capt. Adam Jacobs, B. B. 8 Cap. Wa te Mna B. 1.. McGrew, Hobert EL Darts. • Warehouse and wiles DIN-17ESINE WAY, near Hand street, Pittsburgh, apt2Auld W a. lioLlnie JAMES IRWIR & CO., Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Ammonia, ork - acm No. 15 MABZE St, PA. J WARM) WARING' & SING, CLVC/N/tiel TI, 01110 PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS And deaden In Razing a*~,+•l• Luczwr om worse. Pare White Refined .Carbali ells. fico.an ISSIESTY STREET, (IL STOCKI3..-Tbe cmdmigned salN., give particular attention to ..beseireheve sad t!tliza of I 'Wite bus= and num to cal: ZIO MUKIS•-• > Tar ernicliminvi., . • BEELLIFIRM_COARI WINN • STRICKLANDIS tiDETTATIMM. CORDS BALSAM I. warranted to aura. Coughs. Colda Hoarseness, Asthma, WhooTtnA Cotegis Soft Throat, Consuraptlon, and a airectltum of the Throat and Lungs. For General Depot,. Ems farm an 3 o. 3=IIENIXIAIECCIELA. All the Medical WM ana the men elecaninsa STRICKLAND'S ammotioir..Eite ran =lx u the only aertatia b turly fllHarraces and r0r1t6t1r.4 ' ..:1.1 and CarmDtaf iti Vi arrantod effect a awe after all mamas have felled. • . Fog- ior Dengriati• Ocne Pee. LBW fourth street, "' ltb U. STRIOIELABVSZLE ILKELEDI DB. ISTRIOXIALND $.9 PEWS REBUSEDY ha. tared Otounnik ed. tIIs Well=ele givesgiLligdpgf Bleeding Pam. It ill= te ana es reel • yenanen! eats Erg It directly. was egreet teeViti edselemi nsionati relttlßigileis. 'Oeiteiral Borg:, Fax , Oi. O. NOPa; Pqhffill Wit IIJ:k, ZOOWDMITIIttIaiIi , Vg a tl mu l UOD or Mre lft nro l uMbutay, to two 'a Tante It ia• vegaroblo prepotottcco,teres tem olookolk• I..4ttOßolt at.reogthens Um whownezvota mum it <nooks sopa APPOAttiikr,LA .bk 1 ry01314. Kam • fTrysi e t tad Neavorn Lr0w,37.„ ~..,,,,. .. , ifEOEGE . KEYS ', 1 17s ,E SELLEIMo WN al.o "/ t JOS. FLENIN ,Cir t N. MeOL&RREN & cO.t, " 1 crtretwes SUPER,' •' " J. X FULTON. " E 0 ,4170d5 kE U ` ~.4" KEI/ 4 7 ""g 3 4 4 1 4-44. ADAMS 'RESTELL, - - PROFESSOR OF IiaIIOWIFERY, who has successfully treated' all , diseases of females far totrty years, ttPli ET “' a , rg e l brs t,%lty le etc:,%Wigil=l tent by mall. Ladles who require a Safe lUnforotian remedy for removiorrobstruction, can rely upon her belebrated French Fentrde Strinthor No. I. to restore regularity ln SO hours, if of eh Mangling, but obstiusto cues of lon standnag may require No. 2, width are four degrees stronger or fall,ate st a i ned health; rico Filer boor: Van be "obtained at N 0.182 ambers Street, New York City, or sent by with roll institutions, by gdarelithlitOnx Nri% ttrce New York Foot Office. Copyright stimuli& ! Jetontmdm pith • mimeTnAtirialLVALAVlZtv d' SAIIINAIMIL Etiiinai kiihil , aa .aO/4Ore,aegnltalklWZnyac xi long deem In thls; ally„ eaLyit z onat-41-taattinta.arlataa annttilly M mik 14% KOl%.lmErgtfilAW"ftga,""3" - RIM orflltraitriNOMMll ' Ana all diseases arising therefrom, are to 2 i much shorter time than berekdare lly NW= MX'," - I wkr , _lltogstnarraant hay parl'oftnerUrtlon: tilunmeartnart goat la a W e V i aMaxlmnimmtionsahala . allysi.r.z-J.Tilimailar: ' RWA RAF, : ~. 1 . 4 .1k2 *,ll i OM* Witt PM' slam. rtu: ga " ____vt,ti , , , l atertberme of altdrseaseand t i ara .... "4 - . hem two to four =ma Livia. treatment. Also, Wearmens i. L . nratall 6 ; .1,...”ce oma mita orglais, and `"Plrrir T 4 jt„ftsejsupaAol:ol . # ridUigkik, , ,Aty.. .Wrm hitters = ran ;WALL .PAPZB-rlierw • some. For sale at No. !Of maim street near Fifth great, by • apylr JOEL It =GLUM 6:43011„.., OPPICERs : President—S. A. JOEINSTON. Secretary and Treastver—tillA.'L GRAHAM S. A. Joazweiox, 1 L. S. Rtamar, Weever Cotamm, JA.XEs F. D. Gumr, W. C. Saxe, jeDayd R. W. lermEns. PETROLEITM RKETNER,Y. CLARK & SE3IISER. Wok l and Office, COLLINS TOWNSHIP Ogles In Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD STREET WORKS OPPOSITE SHARPSBURG. W. D. CITEUIDLAN, BUP't 11162111 COMMISSION MERCHANT'S, FTOBIIO3 OF IMMrlm PETROLEUM, in Tanks and Barrels. Sea Otranlars. No.l Bt. CIA= IST, PfttobulTlA. !UM DRAINS IN 0118 itsatrpecrottimm 07 0011111ISSION NEERCHANTIS, T IR E .151..:4:•,,./401";upleMil DTINCLIS, DII'AAP & CO, groupron No. 107 rOtIETH STREW ifIED/Calt. a D7l. STILIUSFANIRL TONIC.' •5 us fIIW-WOMILTMENT SALE OF stiamais%har r-B oats, Eargegeand:Other Property QUAllncrit.LeDLit Git:LpeaL's Device. WAsaneceroar. D. C., July 29, Ida, SEALED PEOPOSULLS are invited 41.1 be received et the plecee,•tind until the time here. teener named, toc tho parchsee of the Nlie c oth s3 calmed TEA B 1 130 ATS. F-BUATS 13,17i3 aria oth, property At Little Hk.cli„tr Se - ph - mbar tl, 12 M.. For Side-wheel etellr Davenport (ferry-b 'at) leglSCered log WWI. Stern-wheel steamer Convoy No. 2, regi.ten , l lit tone. Which can be men a: LIT ILE 1100H,RE.,;1 0001 the day of sale. At Vicksburg. littssta.dppi. until Friday September I. 12 M.. For the Screw tug Belle Darlington. mg - literal SS tone. • One ) wharf-boat, Cre to.. One (I) wharf-boat, 'fa', tone. Model barges Porter Rhodes and George B. Mc- Clone. Nine (9) gunterle barges. I orty (40) cos/ °oats. One (1) yawl and one (1) floating dock. All of w bleb can be seen at VICESBURGi MIS SISSIPPI, until the day of We. At Natchez. 1111eslealpp1. until Monday, • Septet:a ter is, 12 M.,, • One (') trbarf-boat, 100 tots. Model barge Mottle. Dye (1) gunwale bargee. • Three (3) cold boat.. All of abler, can be seen at NATIIHEZ, MIS SISSIPPI, until the day of sale. At' New Orleans, Lonisana, until Wednes day, October 4, 12 M , For the model barge Mulligan, and mall) coal boat. Which can be seen at PORT HUDSON, LOUIS. LANA, until the dare of sale. For the wharf-host Nateties,7oo tons; and two (2) coal boats. Which can be seen 'at BATON HOGUE, LOU ISIANA, until the cli s e l f , sale. For the side-wbeel steamer Uolcmel Holcomb (building), registered Won Side-wheel steamer Illinois, registered 600 tons. Side-wheel steamer W. B. Savory, registered GI tons. Side-wheel steamer J. M. Brown, regietelMl 129 tons. Side-wheel steamer A. G. Brown, registered 2 - B tons Side-wheel steamer Ohlo Belle , registered :60 tons. Side-a-heel steamer Mustang, =glittered 172 tons. Side-wheel steamer Suet Charles, registered 657 toms. Side-wheel steamer Mena, rental/Id 7817 tons. Id Side-wbeel steamer E. B. Introit ds, registered sot tons. Side-wheel steamer B. I. Adams, registered 627 tons. Side-wheel steamer Switzerland, reglateded Ito tons. Stern-wheel steamer Ida May, registered 250 tone. Stem-wheel steamer lowa. registered 483 tons. Stern-wheel/teenier Altai:norm, registered Lad tone. Stern-wheel steamer Dick Fulieu No 2., register. ed 118 MD& Stern-wheel steamer Colonel Benedict, registered 181 tons. Stern-wheel steamer Colonel Chandler, registered 20 tone Stern-wheel steamer Conale, mattered— inns. St. rn- wheel steamer Lizzie Davis, resists:led tons. Stein-wheel steamer Colonel Chapin, registered Inn, Sarver tug Leviathan, ...righter.] 3421 tone, Scro,c t ug Blame Book., z :term' LI tons. Screw tug Baltic registered 113 tons. Screw tug Captain Palates (now building). Screw tug . (no name ono now Dui Mine) Screw tug George E. Tyler registered 116 teas. fiercer tog America, registered 410 tons. Screw tug liancos, neutered lii tone. Screw tug Admiral, registered int tone Se, owlets Gladiator, ill ton.. Centre-wheel steamer Kepner, registered - 81 - tors. Cent/se-wheel steamer General Hansom, smatter ed lot to.. • Centre-wheel steamer Colonel CO:blMd,reatteriel 91 tors. Model beiges Nor. 10 an.lll, and Abbey. .' Canal boat Eosa le. Ten (ID) gunwale - berate. Twenty lour 124) pontoon boat& Four (4) yawl boats, one, (1) malt boat„ one (1) an boat, Eve (51 skin, one Meet of way,. All of which ern be seen at' NEW ORLEANS, LA., ant)] the day of sale. At Mobile, Alabama, until Thursday, Oc tober 12, 12 M., For the Side-wheel steamer Laura Hill, regtstoren 7b3 tons. . . . .. filar-wheel steamer Wearier. registesed 466 teas. Skte-wheel steamer James Battle. registered. 61 , Sid. -wine' steamer oriel, registered .10.1. tons. Side-citheel steamer N. W. Thomas, registered. 61 tans. Side-wheel steamer Startletd, registered Sgt tons. Side-wheel steamer Iserrille, remdtoreal 805 loss. • Bide-wheel steamel J. D. Berate, registered 2 tons. • Stern-wheel Reamer Jennie/tome s Madeening tons. Stets-*heel steamer H. B. Hamilton (stink) ; rev ietereo in tons. &tow tug Perry, registered tat tutu. _Serer tug Algal cutting, tellAtertd 95 tore. . Beres , tug Blossom. registered Si tone. odol barite - rev), canal boat Golden Era, canal boat (no name), forty (4D) pontoon barges, tbirty, (to) boats, altd three (3) teittooal docks. A.ll of whirl oan be seen at DIGBIT.Lr t until the day of sale. Peramco making.proposais ler more itusei'one brat or large, 'Mould give thenamp or itimabnc of ' each boat or barge bid for, with the price proposed to be siven for each. • Each sivelope containiaga bid chm,id be sealed, cad the IMOe of the teat or barge, or description of the property r issiorsed thereon, and addressed to Brigadier General 1. - .• R. Pam., Chief of Rail cand River Tranajpin Mims:ln care of tAi r. : t s , ftleer In tharge of Meer tnntMertationat the desig• stated for evening hidir. • ' ' I The Gorernment themes the elect tar -withdrew' any of the. above prwerty, end to releMpthliOsale Lf deemed toe low. 'Thiymentslerbe made in Ontred•Stateern • • the neceptanee of.any proramaland.prthr tti t delivery br the Property. •A. (al description of the preperty, mar be ob. tithed on application to Coloner.Aile Edwards, Ascistant Quartermaster, St.Lord', lilisamri. By other of the quathermasterilensral. .-LEW/li R. PARSONB, , Flri Mee General and Chief er.Retaland - River etation. alCd LARGE GO V.5.11N31131a 84LE OF Otearaboatt Barged -4,4 -abip:. eleraremmusarsmen Owsaaa.Ma 071MOZO • Yiranarnarom arre, D. 0.,..ta1y sEAEr.ti; PROPOBAlaszelaxl;eil si4 be ZCCWII4-st the Wane ;Of the , thttarteentlitter General (flares: ite11:041 Wren Tram Gob),.Weahle_ sten, , thy .9 " DAY CF SEPTEXREEC-nPIEZtt / ea eelnelt tor the purdah/eat thelollowlne neimes),snall- BOATIs. BAlttnlA cad other ProPert3': 'i . 0 • ade - liheek drama Ohlekenntedler relllateredidA7l tons. Side-wheel stem= Grant; ma, rt aiterial9l) tons. Side-wheal steamer Bnrnalrlglatered sat tarok Side-wher I steamer (homes. registered 440 tom. Siderstmel ettsJaar Sherman, reglatored 10 - b 1 Ellde-wheisl 'steamer Wanhatehlsk .regsterel teas: 131de-wheel steamer EnorrillA - relastered2B ns. Side-wheel steamer Dunbar (Weal). Itiattrerel MU. . , Stens-areeel Crasser. Klaptoe,segisimal Sittam S. me-wheel steamer. Keztemawaesistata ios toe Stem -1 0 1 ml steamer Reletieeparaegistered . atm-reheat stew= Rolston, registered as toes. Stern-lace! steamer Ilieslours, registered :115 10=1. • Stern-wheal Owner ehattanbows razistentd, WM. Stem-wheel steamer - Atlanta, registered Sttl tins Ice-wheel steamer Itesems, registered laittatM ids-v heel Mesmer Lookout. mastered ilitoas. Stde-wheel steamer Stone Mete, registered Slit toss. . . Slde-wheel steamer 0/Iseb, registered tons. Also, Seven (7) pinwale barges. One row bOat, and ona model bigge All of which tan .be sees at ORATTANOOOA, ' TENN., at anytime Prior toOO day of isle.. O. Por ",^ tia Pn . 7. Wa ys , Stailonery . .I:daeloaary HEM Sopbetenanoes tretbe trinital States Shlp , tailless Yard at Chattanooga. • . A full deseelption of which cam. be Win II••ths offices of the Quartermasters of Transertedlon at-cm:lnman; Lordsvlll6," . St'-Loma, end at Chattanooga., bl.ronwals are tinted for each boat °inane toP arstelyrblii gene !cribs belie or dasamprlroira• the bats eto'be flesignatsdisr the proposaL A foll'ilfistsintieus ifibthe , property may blab.{ ab. , tained -arrapplloatlcortO mo ot Vol. Arthur r.d. wardliwQ.Nti flrAditds,Dlo. Each envelope entailing aldd ariquidim sailed end lndoned Prep:mils for Ind Other Prey. rty et Shattanotwa." ..BOXV.III of Sall and River Transportabloe,tvandadinimu to tee - quartermarterOdetnal A., Waanintri.nb. L. O. payment to be trade In Untied, Stelae flurratiep upon the um:non= of .oz.y proposal, nod priorlo th e delivery of the prpportp.- • • • „ Gove troaeot recerves the right to wlthlraw imp of ZBEiebovit.prdperty, and to reject propovide if deemed tocrlovr. By order of the Qusitermneter t3onerist• • LEW/S B. PERSONS.. Bri T gadier ransportnUon.Gaterel: radr Ohba of Ball-and River ou8:14 IptclE GOTEMMILIM OA= ,02. olk . Wit*ams. k • Qmalgriniu.oran. Onagsztte OPEC; WAISHIEGITOZI, D. 0., August 6, IDA. - SEALED PROPOSAL un t ilited aeul WM b received at the plazas s Edthe dates here. apes zoomed, for the pub:than of all the surplus Coal at those plates, belonging to the Govern ment. T olAwiLtOR DAY August n o'clock AY August 110, f or Cos s &got at torasvna4, _Eit,and.PAsirViLliEkTll4l* AT ST. MOWS, MO untll 12 o'cloc k at, of TUESDAY Se tamper IS+for coal lying af KO, ILL., Eus, Etam. Ha:Las4l.4w KANSAS and MOUTH OF WHITE fiETE.tr.. , ,- - AT VIUKSBURO, ciotll 12 o'clock of FRIDAY . Baotember fat.Go3l IYlnd at viossintail . . AT. - marcalkz, mozirtalf..6o l ., ter (0: Wet 41.3 1 .4Ttgi: fltpatatsoroticisal.a,oHllAtio ba e t *: atopagoko for the Barges or Boatkeoltal,n4sAtaa _ _ Enah •Lairedgittrtdoid.l* g g iduaddliaTiggdu and - gheor number ethellargs dantalai Ing /t• tbuden_, summed mu m , dive n Penaismanns Raid, gdg Bing aThosportatinn.o. La ars 01 the Ammar, mastet , :gratarge.agenmtgaasportstbdis.-ad the point dedicated Lamm:Ling the bids. rgydral,l4 .,,d p=iudeatedi ri att i tturst s rgleY L t a iregg the • . 1 6 1 ? P 2 TbeGovertnorat mums tbilAilitio withdhil eng a the OW andawl, containing to tigeolAropoisidtggi Mt deemed too law.. • . Br Ortbriff the ggartermaster_eeneral, • , fly i-*LBIS•B,..ASASONSii,' p Tat ,digt dt .ClatlOd: dgiudit 1 4,4„. 4 31,40g:0Z,E4591nd 8410: dri '; • By, -- 2ELTINO I. BELTING 1-- Leatherltti, ALP intaiirabbei'Beathisriasts ReAkittr. Ilsisket4 Lag* L•atber,pdTlLkirata of • the - test. , itocivamapo. taCtuuld,at•NW 126 itha .23 St. Glair street, Doi • hat. : „ , , Et. PHILZW. • EEL , : La..= o us LARGE GOVERIOIENT SALE OF Steamboats, Wharf-Boats, Barges, and o:her Property. QUART=MUTIIit GX=11.11.43 Ormuz, RAsnlarnox, D. C. July "S. ISOB. SEALED PROPOSALS aro Lorired and will be roce:Ved At the places. nod unit/ • he Aster here. better or's,* for the liorehase o^ the following sinned STXAMBJA TS, 14 114 Xi:BOATS, BARGES nod Other property. At Cincinnati, Ohio, until 31unday. August 2istti, at 1:1 ' - For the Stern-wheel stermtrost L . 0. Horton, res , is terea ire ton.; t ero•svh, I si4 asbost GenertLl'Mer,s, regls:erni 1.5 tons: Stetu-wheel stentibott CI. u-vil Crook, formerly B. Levi, registered 141 tons. Li 'ld two 12) whorl'-boats, registered 164 end 145 tees: All of whin!) can be .e.en at GALLIPOLIS, OHIO until the day 01 We. Ono (I) Nahatl.beat lying at PASKER.SBURG. VTNGINIA( One (I) wharf•boatOylng at clATTLErssurtG. 51:=131:111.7; .And the modal barges Flora. and Caphola, lying at OINOINNATI. OHIO: MI of willch can ho atm an those pl.. null the' day of male. • At Louisville, Ey., until Wednesday, AU.. cast 30t1t,•at 12 314_ Model barges Charmer, Henry Clay, Wooßeth, Pll , ne O. 6, and B. Mort or, and for seventeen (II) gunwale barges; All of width ran be seen at IAiiIISVILrLIS, AT., th.tii,the day of gale; For be sble.wbee3 ateambo.t D. A. January, reg. lamed 700 tone; Sldr.wheel steamboat Ohlo,(arreek): Sternovhsel tug-boa; T. D. Horner, registered the tons. Ana thirteen (13) ganarale barge; All at which can be ;wen at N£39. ALFA IY, IR DIARA, mill the day of We. At St. Lome, 'Missouri, Until TtreSibitr, September Sth, et 12 M., Sldewbeel steamer Autocrat, registered Bt2 tons. Sidt.wb eel steamer Yetis, registered as tot.. Si, ewheel steamer J. LL Baldwin, reghttered 23.9 tone. Side-wheel steamer Joint Rahn, registered WI WWI.. Side-wheel steamer Metropolitan, registered 381. tom. Side-wheel steamer 8. 4 Wood. formerly the LOU banns, registered 117 tans. Side-whoeinteamer Nebraska, raglatced Ca tons. Side-wheel steamer. Bahia, registered 721 tau. • Stern-wheel dimmer Emma, registered IN tons. Stern-wheel steamer Victor, registered 80 tone Stern-wheel steamer Alpha. registered 000 tons. . Stern-wheel steamer Nick - W. kingtun, registered. lED tons. Sterawhrel (tow-Costa desalt= Newsboy, regtr tend 125 toga. MM=l= Sum-wheel etcamer M. V. Baird. legthtend 91 Stem-wheel steamer United States, registered ISO Stern-wheel denser Ecko (sunk). Stern-wheel steamer Mettle Cables. registered [MN. Stern-wheel steamer Porter, registered 113 tons. Stern-wheel steamer Alnne, registered 211 tlnS.'. Stein. %rime' steamer J. S. Pringle, registered /12 tors. • Stern-wbeel stemma Jeanie Hopiliis. rektitered 2.50 tow,. . Stern-wheel steamer Llosess (toer:Soath register' ed r 2.3 ton. Stern-wheei stouter Carlin Jadob. tee/tenet 166 ton. Stern-wbeet steamer &oats Tssoba, registered soS tons. Stern-wheel steamer Lotus. registered 150 tons. Stern wheel steams: Virginia Herten, registered 150 tons. S..eV , tug J. G. Ramsey. registered 60 tors. Stert-wbeel tow•boet 111.01gart, registered 104 tofu. seen-wbeel row-bunt Huron, registered t7e3 tons.' ; Wharf boat Dearborn. 300 tons. ALSO. For the model barges General Sheaddmi;Neokuk No. I. Keokuk f'o. 2, heath, St La is, Hetet ford, Anna, Amble, Larliner. .Wlllism Tell, Frank Dougherty, Ductreat, 42hantio, Token (Co. I. Vulcan No. s. Taken No. can Net 4, Note= -No. 5,„ Vulcan Ho. 6, Vulcan. , No.; Kosa,Glasulale, Rowena, O. Gault,.Bob., , Grier. Dan Hoitelt,Pd. Slime build. Jessie, OLD more; Southerner.. Guthrie, (3. J. Caffrey, Hen., Gerr(ab, OratiniAld, and hrunt wreaks of Haight and mums; • . . And .event ) gunwale bargee_ • ' ' • All of - welch can be seen at SAINT LOUIS, *DI4 ; . until the dap creole. • . Also, One (i) whartheat zoo emu; schse4Ou. (7. • c. irwl(e), 103 toner sever:6s462M OW giugue largess model barges Emma, Adele 'asp Feral, Laura and Roanoke; alx - 46) - coal bogs; • aae m ill -ForvLbeillt four (a) altitta, and lerp.(2f,' All of .whichean seen at I =llo.ll..tiprom.' until the da y or sue. Also, Stern Wheel steaufsr •Lue Eaves, iegliterod - 60 toner model - Urges Anaterritz, Westmoreland, Roanoke, Josephine, end No. Chad - three :(2) . boeose s es ; . . All of whine cab be seen .at EVAttSVTErIiEr DIANA, =tit the Gay of ;ale. • Also. screw:tag Little Glum; eertitsioi 20100'+7 and aia (0) valise's. harps; ofAll whine can be' - stew at MELISIFKIK, until Mettler ottadra - ' • Also, One ( fj wluirPhaat,Vtr Conn on* (1) girtutraler - , barge, and two (1) coo) boats; • - • • All el which can be tem at HELENA; 'AILEAS• SAL mad the day of sale.. „. Ale% Waartboat H. R. W. I= 920 tolif. wharf boat Michigan, 101 tone; viduiebeat ass tan; nl . ll (6) gonwede barges,' and onell) , coalhost.; . . All of which can be - seen at the MOUTH, va s . WHITE aurr.s until the day of, Cole. Persons Making sopv,als tforgaOriFibin'ennT, boat or barge should ye the name or number 'of each bostor barge Id far, be given for Fitch:' with price a /7, 20 p0nc1t0,, Hach el velopecontabring abldshouldbe eirsled, , •• - and the same of the boat or barge; or derscrigUan. of tna property indorsed thereon. and addressed Brigadier General Dr B. Proems, thief of Rail and m Riv oer•lllewriorretaesion.. la o care ofnatliertt - sgatft ter oepenngr di iati nS : tegolP • l 4 6 ' .The Government rekerviretheelght atop 'of lb.. Ogre 'Potterty. arid tiSivLeilt:,ll6PCW. gels If' deensettoo 'PAPAHIIIt to be made to Halted states ndtrettey• on tee , fieseetemee of any Pr0r5111,*1215a.-•'°-• C A A full' dcrictiption of then property mop be nisi • tatted on - lipplicatlon tfolonel Anew Edtvacttsj. Assistant Quarternmeter; Saint 'Mods, .12Ctruseral;- , By order of the Quartermaster General, ••• 1, ',swag aoFAßsoFtl- Brigadier Genera; arnißbler HMI and Rwitri Transpertatiort • - '• - - HIIMPRARY;B! - Homeopatine , ;Specifics neve penved, Ire the runt - ample Vie :: —ten eta " entire meets* flinniej eatcleal ratitellablerslo ere the oar =dams PerretrlT 545 1 562 r 0 ,_ ~Po s s r . lar anortito id in thitErittnicel eennothtninotlinq axing thsno ,so eet Übe, 01 1 91179 Wier* inane efficient IRO Pe 01 w 6 31 2 V/PI, tr.1112 4 , Yr r0,0 9 n0- 44 1 Tq l *timatil , , r• ." r --17°,1• M r .t r elV 0114 2s , C. 5153. 4 -. - ... .. . ...... • 5.' 4 * trying Cog's, or teethlirg carirt fanta..• Irborrbarte of clakirexoristr iknentet's..- 0 0.0.4i; :141 1 17a , Collo. . ulr 1111 G. Creletsiorbs rone etee4:i,. ,% conixrs, vals3rdnit - V": • 5. Be • ..ia.Toottusejte.Nr.s . r,E22l4'' won enanr=.;. Z - • o 507sperws. !Mimi Stontsob. 25 12. " Eivrreesed. scanty e.garu2 van ? ' - 12 2.00.20rr1i w11.07 ce 1925, W/417:12y......, • 12, tron 14. •ErrEP 5 5l 2 , 512 1 P. ' 0 lithesornepprt," 141 Attieronothf pm" azgl ^ 44 Foyer 55 17. n Fllpptl,, totem) or crams- 55 ra, • r 0p1ata1m7:5025,1121112552e7P.1. *42" 19. Catarrboronte CrAhorotig, roan!, atm " W1554)1413E ,Col4o4oP4arsodba .... Arlit2l2lA,,Mp.refited - Et. Est unwrattonalratr,•:: hearing 5) O." 5etti110150n5=5155554:4;., 54. tleateintl- De i+ - 55111151r, - , Area/mem mie . lihrertunprithicinttcontr.-rgrl •tizas WW2 , * N2237721=7/272291L, 27. Kidney illsease.:lstarlsl.:l ‘--`4ssssttranLUesElss... •/.15521551011. nice to ,• ,itorteslons,l2tstfi4sl Bore ErarstEor-t= 4 , . 175112zery itot out yip , fhttrarttt _itttltir% ;telts i co 21261115."1Z,V tri te.i. It. .9 - Dic eu erltuajllsolatest, ~,130osko riattcr•cauxs - , , ,:f. QO CaisiscalllSMAl",„"sozocal AsaaccAaltbocac,.....coe . comas"— ..... " Ce. o of go /Me slat is autroeso - book. " Can oil* largerebbt, pain seseatelbook.:,.— 0407 Vase of UN:ries (Rosa Co 16) eat beik..:311.4011 a. WE. .75,771agri0.N. _ ,InoleitattAlpeihrlontstdairty Pa. riaraalicla BatiM3«la ElMalicalatsol". 8014 atr.JOSZFHTLMIXNEWDrufr satralc. , k int Iliettletue Depot; Ito. SS- Kaska itootosrofri Diamad, and near Fourth as. '.•.%;, hicloayeal WOOpESIDB & 1/T/414.0*,F=.:- • Misr Des,S, Brd tesA, Paintsi• Varnishes, Dye Muff, WlndoW Glue and! rnS Spices, Perfumes'', Damsels, Chubed a. Also, /wants for Wisdanse Metairie Rtvall Ma; Ussailten White Lead, (Ruiner OtticWhUstsseri... and meaary 4 Wtdion.'s Cialelsrstypat,pler to ope autpyo.posmikcw;_, 110:27'VrOOD" IMIZEt - -', (twos= TBB SP cuuluP 'r24414 , VatirPTl_AP_Uk. ..;,,- ~.:.•-. .f1..,-..;;;;;,',....1T1 lUD.= WOOD Art , I tt' •-, '',' --• ' ' _" - .C: -.1 ,, - ',''' - - 7 eviliiiii 4 r..'" 1. 'csl , -, ~.. 'i el t;ite . ..•-,',24 i waolamaza imarctiarc.. . ...;,-„....>. - 1-..;-..., , ,--.1 .........,..., s - ,. .r.....-' .- 3 0 ; 1- - .) 1 1-i --'.' ' VlAliff,WPOPlrratiti`a '.-" -._ . . lIPPoiIytE.LIsaWiStIWI4/A! , _ Ettacra , •••, .7f • , -. _, 4.,..;. . 1 ..!1•; 4 • * V -I, '' '" ' . 6 ' ...' -------.OliX45l4TC4iSii L''' !'-' 4 : '-; I Egundatizotlairprog • AXIOM% ter saktanuertmnair t . -; tends OW erection eon resemble tenlr 7 "f ,1.4 1 .64.9 M •fl - en ANDZESOR =Err Facoakisd*oldsiteNAlacom odt , 4 IMMO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers