'voLuxE, Lxxvin---No. 205: : . . ..• . . ~ .: . . diTr„ .N OTICES.- -,. ..5n-. : , .. t.-. , , , t,-.• , i ,• . • --•-- . 4„,..,ll.2Jei4Tbirrtrstbaptist C4tireb. 4 . r --.--- • Le Maionio }len, *lll be closed tors li atiE f il iar. °lll2 * . 24 !I. u, ttill th e eitern 'or Ate Pewter, tee v — er DI .- Dlekerion who I. cow, vn - e. veet at 1 .-- '' ' ltle i:leitli le the Liist. • - 01 11 Ar !old Ong Onc6 DlOra• In the . Field: rhez 6l .,*/ 4- thbleoa iris' mato to be tbrueL tiPx l huentionlyr some - shownion who is not liuit4 Put, but ITo would hownhkra retanwher Chat ItPll4,Siryhjerl - Or COnvhrirotion In PitAahlwith 4 on „%tionitheri*ap:Alhunis rittOß,!s,oppo i :. . t. • • . -- • . clogag - Oat 41"140 Stuntohe *nods_ tkialarkes!.stritif, to deir 1.1 2 , Nay - tor the reception s tur.Allahwlater o goodk Ore- elesdnip out - our present stook of . 6 1 ,24 X 140 4.t 3 t0th Bal , .":trzdtklateni ; Ptteealn . kiztt Intrassnik koiss, SI fo, otegonchnt style, fine Abler, tad intpazig isoootiatursA4o Asir:xuAtilzi of the linelpsallid - ilost - Prk sjs—thi, stook ot _Soots, Shoes and Qattain Xnetion goose, SS fifth caa!t, toicaged. ,Speetid kulaceedentstesporstussess In ; : thiviray liberik'redoctlosifil Intnico tel aloha oeit Igtisidneeltiode onee. - - • ' [ ,‘ Out • • ~ yy ,Arat - wisa4w of,zco iat iota thsacost, . in the'dslt ad winter htiader Noss Is Motto:Le .dei hop Mies:Calf toots, tilltors and Salmored, and"-Xtinth , a Shoes, Soots 'and 13slesorsli, :._,MossessYrsionit kilsseepoiters sod Nome* Shoed. 'Or Wortert`i'city 'rises Moroocb tukt,-Jest teeetred and telling at low ptlcei sad,; tee, it'Stirtlititl'i;e9 IlLarket attest, tee. Ittb. • itia . injAlr,; 341 k Attrr DSo.-t^6 V4de*. vfretti' , A.l#oll:7l "*is In 1.141' east - *bin 'toe glarioaskxtexry ispfsire of ILlchmoad- en later imrtezda; of the" tebellite4enil Zee wisjer etllmi; and taking • 14131t2440 , 0t-l&i partlo dined. stol lauiwyar t thx. ',Te•actlon that would fol.. TWO; liiiftWi'eff; 444 ft pare! iiies..of '1404 ailtbout. , on.a.haltotta old .Actla orthe lava. clothe, caulractoa asdTesthtgaai.lnttaded hi hts stoat, which hots pieparektopukke up„to, olderooo_ abort maim, la Otis latest'443l,l4:end at conueptradlOOylow rat % Aelkolor urrtmett of Rabb Inegoode cad reed?: taado iticithtii .. i! , .i7lll' olio bo found at biz etc; titabllihectat." - Ctur Allegllestr Mends should Elva . . •otita lar P ar 4=4 o • ;;.• statutirt,,,sloto•Boopayaut Mutat In..O.raorkrui 2.:6lste - , of yorfous • color& - °taco at-. Alexander 001;On" crotok•Pe-. Wotorr WprNulltttburpb, • 1.46. street. — Orders I..procuptlp,ottooded t0: , ,A.11 work Warrantotwatei done at. the shortest notice. NO ropf U. not Albriit4 okoriltla put cc. • .. • Carientei'Johbinz Shop. • _ HoTin g,returned after an rOneace of ;tree years a_taibrt army; thar: to•oppitedity 'hop tor,all aorta iwt4 Lea:it:au nug.-..at the old thiod; Ithsta 41 - kiibetweee Sauthheid at:therm:4 Sherry Ord&i,lo4ltioa to; • , . tawny YonnBST. Time Books; • . 2:1611% Bbulks; Inetk Bo!;ka, siar3cy Nol.e and Itookikand .Statinnaiy,,lnr sale by Alyeza, ,Behoyer tationers,' Bp:atera and Blank Book..l"anim-a.:,l4F4lthatreat,.... _ .. • - • - - Calle . Z.ittiFte44ol.o at BAUM -Content, but that but, nothipg to 40 ritktbe large stortoaeut Focket Py;opkorm forAolo:tit, bii,stote, 'opposite; '44 tbstettce.. itiltjt tl trij:=lt GG'nk g°"°l7; •iemArkably low . crtioa,.. lo :FmcgkirsinvirAnotaal , nousC;6s Flra, i • 1 Ps_ltthcF.flUclons, Areet Potatocs, And fruit t hfhiliff; coasts tali arriving et 133 Third Easier. beim psolthilia street. auldtm , Prittenra Graln..is Panada, eyeilingit Pittocles;olncilte the P - OstOtace: • rosy obtain his photograph us any other Gen. Late, Pakerif • • . . , _ , ilrikkerie . INSUI.ATION. . ; "It to l'arejn." Vgitinied that the great. enter- , .1 ' . . 1 ,piteofsconneeting Europe .and .Imertea . tri,it • 1 telegraph - cable directly 'twos's* the, Atlantic hes; i - again failed.. 'Henri IttindroY tilleit'frOca the 1 wait, at /win d s where the ginstagluori. w - as irasP , l the depth of trio water la oboial. 3,000 fathoms, -or 12000 feet, i Of raven it is quiterialPosslbin • - to aou&rrun tbd cable, al was do in Compare , .i • Jiieli ebp,2l Wafer, Bali after starting, take it '^:'l gala cm boardead repair the ' defeet. • ,:•, . . . . . .ictialltire"now,l"eltot; such tree care had .-hearaCskistbst[deuren,CC, 611VWW.prObabiy . pone roi.yems 4bittirthcfatlippts; yet It :septa Lo *in, .0 4 4 11 4 7 iittfts6°- ahl;'utit, 1 1.3" , ittsrP.1.!re , can be Iteracragtattid. : Tilllitt: .44 . 40'W : 111. ba - ye the g the atteatlon Other wotid .Nppg .. 44e.,t(rba .t eat 4 prtes ' rltoWtnprorpi, ore ttlreplz_frataFtutipe'thiongh,,P„lleeriN'T tie:Wilmot; Tleci . „'*isketkai limns .Behringht atinits into America, ,and ; thcace _throligh . thp po:seilioite;k3 thbiwcfrittig liner Of,;the Untied 'Etittet(tiktb!*,.l The ilplyNirtra4;ititliCalti:tarlie:ron'euraitered ads' 4• 1( tnet het ms' Reck ;"lomil:tricle," to- use a idt. coed Phrase...miald :milt' It bill Antericts;iha length of Um trunk - Usti Jectionat.ll t Bpeakleg tids:Allitre;raid4Oitib: lratelhielegto greettltemstiptliec the — lark reecs t ofleitterday "ietibirket '"TaibhMt: man beroielinew Is to 'act about an Interns 'rant-ocean telegraph by another recite. The satinet le bound - to • enacted, and we think Le time hes come when American skill, ezerz and-' .plack might Zecd, In tote - • Some of the - Loadim Journals—whether _ l l . or not—seem to think that the comp:3j ~ 3 4 feared the discoyery of each flaws or weehtiesies In the cable aa here led to the deplorable catilt * repelled. Tau 4 for Initance, re narks the I'.a 211 all Ocattle• “Tbl7 hate i g t =. Telegraph compa n y appear , to i teem that one . of the dellYV -U r Moro tcnte . than Its Mrals, managed toaccard common , diet aboottglhe ellordlastdielettticiatu,'them- Ji selres.;; Toe fact Wes revealed In acme way to thc &atter, of the company/who traegraphot to afr• - GleaSlebo. MeV ginwdert to the 'Orem Xtratanthe-lime4 and the nalaeky sablrdt. nate was IllamManly Crpellmt from the aidtc . ""13"eFtothIgITIV, ct,P2ab!`',l7:2,UPlll,l' ,‘• base taken bonds trate' all Cade cmplorea, and If not; AcTillittettt3Pirit!e, rp Ira ° f er ire , e gra e cc o 4 f t fi c oVtle ag .tl e i. • . holder,: sure tole= out.' - Should any: thing go wrong with the enterprise, the ctn . pany will probbaly tend that their trwitottatit. of I thapreit,hbtli; 1n . . - Eikland.anit - Amerlea, - has rot teak/l• so nuke, public °plaice: 'Miles'. L e ftin th3l °al*. siii=Pcrllnr7-rzwit I .. :.,. .... %., . , I POntia - bar :xi • 1:10 . 01MCW - Mh* -isatott,louslud •.- • "The tarot Becton hes 10-days. ' , mamba •1. _Mot-much Eder 200,000, and' a yak:when, g real arid pertonal.'of t33.1,' 449,900: Mae yenta aZo • . the amount of her commercial trareractions WA! fO7 QUi yerte .1.60 tic was $3;45.-1 47 9,11,We 'declass in, raker. b/m-bto Altataal tkozyth ;be paled haticated and &Nitta teeta r -, to have been icrettlztafteAei.bythe war.. IVlth • aa lasultWed harbot ortaeltali eina'en ft active. Calortirlalng.aez topelalloa, we ereyettomthat theToodea• •ore'lleatClass c"t4s4"2l V tfr prA., 4ritiereThinit , frilas remora& thailhe' • : oedi.. l4o;atwe rev oftbelr,garre' , eir lar.pateg That :11krwe,4a -11 4 :507 le pot smlttely, .but.',PRCAO4III: ik. - lbfFirbbbt rarthe',ll, l 4 - •,:Ttsk Pena:ilea, attach. • to s tlifetelicialiKe Amilliaw rather too ec: Waite intim Tashi's eactaileterad. , , inea?: • wheuLtoehlbetperlle clvtl-War la behalf of taarilv Falg" entr - cafttokiilal.Otet Jlthall tie ilea to' eate that proPerlYl 1,11144 Y ,Xi rehabs or of LIM Episcopal Ehardh of Teo ttsylimatt. wto ttiod flan Frahekso mently, arrlyr..d at Nov York on liVedheltdo.Y. on Abe the steamship Costa Rim!' And acrd con% sled to Philadelphia. . . E. - :- ?Y ..';. ' ' c , :A ; 1 ' . 4 . '-'..•4 .7 : . .• z 0 : 1 ' .--- ' - - . --:: •-•'-'... i '':,-.- , -.'...'.,-:'''. i''' . ;:: .: 71 .j . ). t:' ' '.. 1 ; . -2. . , 1 4 .4.. I VERY LATEST•NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. MdllßiE -STEMAiACCiENT Eeticen the 'Pewatie and !deka TUE FEWApIC INSTANTIa MJNE One Hundred Lives Lost. WANES OF THE LOST AND SAVED DETROIT, August 11.—A collision Ic h i,ween tbil.iwable 'anti hfct6r; °conned f pm*t fight o'clock Wednesday evening, 61;rolles,frow the ehLrE -Thir Pewablo 'was 'atm* an bar • pmt bow just aft of the pilot bongo, Roil arrokbi threoiir.foni , Tho'boata were runnlng v eia shack wltE . such ribbolormatto crash In tLe entire bow of tbi? Powable. ..- • At thathne the. accident, 11 7 '.iras seared; dark, andthe taw each other aLt miles .apart.- When approaching they nale, Mid the Tewable hereof! to pass, but the Me teor for tont% as yet, unexpialued reason turned in ,the Same direction and struck the Towable. A number were killed byerashing ticiberA, and a ',few Dived on hoard the Meteor lean -the SPawabic mink. Life.boate were immediately lowered train the Meteor, and picked up those who were Met earriml down with the wreck.' One hundred and secenty-five to two hundred pompous wore on board the Towable. Seven .trtli'e afthepassengers and twenty-three of the 'dew' were Bayed.. The known lass of life cannot be correctly asemialned yet, bet will be near esti hundred. .The Meteor remained hear thomue ot the &atter until ttorningin hope picking up any persons that might be. sail Boating on pieces elite wreck, but tone were found.' the ProP,e4Pr Mohawk Pasaina dump, the Bur% Thorn were tronaferrod to 'bor . from the Mei. icor and brought to this Mtge .and - the Meteor] but ellehtlyjni oral, continued Or Der trio to. Lake The following named peesencera ' aru knowe to be lost; ../diss F. 'Roamer, Houghton:, ,11:s Prank Ryder, Houghton; Muss Filen , Tiffin. 0.; Calvin M. Wright, Detroit; Mrs. Wm. Wells, 'Ann Arbor, Mich.; wife and four children of Edward Levan, Canada East; wife, son and daughter. of Henry Mitchell, Like Broezior; Lewis Jams*, Rockville; Miss Hannah Kelley. Ill.; Wm. Attrell , Cleveland; Miss Jolla r: sin d Tann, Ohlo; Mrs. Hale and two childree, Cop. per Harbor; W. O'Neil, Cleveland. Of the crew lost were, Gra enginesr, R. G. jack./ eon, end wife, Detroit; first cook, fisat'l Bowles.l Detroit; greaser, Henry Choler. Cleveland; dock-, 1100, James Rellly. Cleveland;:chambermald, MaynClevelandftlffh porter, gigJoues, land; her-tender, Daniel Cares, Marquette. Ther passengers • saved stem C.' P. Porter and affe, - Eight, Ohlo-rMrs. Charles Mills, Elrbe, Ohlo; A. L. Fcatee, Chnrthlli, Canada West; .Mr. Ram; Canada West; Mr. Levan and three children, Canada East; Henry Mitchell, Lake auperior; SamuelAnbraker, Port Hilton; Eugene Beck; Newark, ;Ohio; W 171d0a , . Camber' land, Ohlo; Mr. and Mrs. Hatham and child, Bridgewater; Mr. L. L. McKnight, and 'wife, Detroit; Mr. Onlyaniner, Detroit; Min , Ada Brush, Detroit; Master _Will Whiting, Detroit. Miss Kate C. Jones, New York; Edmund dames. New York; Kim Mary M. Foote, New York; 3. Efferds, New lark; Eittrinsaa, Marietta. Ohlo; Nettatoo,CautulaWest; T. Ashmead, Hartford, Connecticut; FrankMahaladt .Detrolt; Loins Bhascr, Qachee; N.. 0. Childs, Portageo E. McCann, Mase.achusetta; J. D. Riker ; Detroit; J. IL Thicken, Hamilton; T . .; Roberts, Ohio; 3, Mertes, Celan:bus, °blot! Wra.Morrison, New Fork; Joseph Dull, Eaglei HarborrJohn • Basktuno Canada; John Inane., Detroit; W. It. MacklainV John Prue. ;Mich.; Jinn- Daniel Graham, Illasissippl;ZyseAMon ' tall, • Portage; Benjamin Bain, .M4elll;ant Wm. Balto; 'Ccuanda• Michael. Ballivanilliarqwntei Charliss•Eaals6an;.Cartada; 411chnel Dayle, j MagnchusetterJaateit'Connelli;•Eigle FiSebort A. Bratez,lCaiurdt: West; W. - McClean ' ', Caueda; 'John' Jameson, Canada; Henry Knight,; Illinois; Thomas G. Lyeter, Detroit; William E. Hall, Copper Harbor; Dr. W. O. Lewis, Cleveland; Charles Harris, West Ifebroa,,N,Y., John Brennan gevelatk '`..TdMe 3- rinz . Cleveland; — Thoinsur. - RUIN Ckweland: • An-, drew Flowers, .Cleveland; Michael Buitivan,, ;Cleveland; Thottlas Fitzgerald. Philadelphia; Wm: Held. Cleveland; Chas: Hint, Two-Mot "Win. KraBag,01:10; John Bryant; lintbuagon; IL C. Parke, wile and two children. Hancact; Captain Wm. Cousin; Houghton; H, Russell, MerePki.: B . M. Ramsey, Foram' .Falls. N. E., Mra. C. M. Wright,Detrolt;Dr. B.`M. Derglent, 'daughter, sand, WO: noutwAnn Arbor; W. Cherry;and wife, Delaware4q,) Kor , wife iand`danghter. Trdy; Of the crew saved were Capt. George MeK.ay, Cleveland; let mate, Geo. Cleveland, Cleveland; 2tld mate,> Frank Dngo, Cleveland; lookout, Jan McKay, Cleveland;' clerk; Ctrarles A. Macks, Detroit; Bed engineer, .Wen. Kenactly, Cleveland; steward, -John Lynch, Detriot; porter. John Mooney, Cleveland; Bad porter, John Milton, Cleveland, deck sweep, John Kel ly; whetisman, Ed. Mooney, Cleveland. - 11c-0011" - FOR 'Ali IFRICAII KEG. Prestnt foro Ekto:Department Messopgors. INTERNAL; REVENUE • DEEISIO3.Ir. at/ of &fin or ,110-uftrisheil WASIINGT6N; Avast IL-,-The professional duties of Itr.C.Et.t3svrard, requiring Ida personal •atteatien, be .Inm:relinquished hie pamtlatt } of Acting A retetint : l4o#6,' eat re. tarred to New. Pork:: •• •• -Vrk-it-s"-`1:" The Week man - whe'srulibevisted Is Xenia?: I lry ve years., ace =derma no Mideast.; a Preacher • - and a telmbnuarsE bas recently arrived In Wash. legion da;prjrittblielts:- ilo brought a mes sage-of skstpect briihn:74.esident from the Mug of Bastan,* areompaoled with the request that the forder4afeild mild hint a rain coat; meaning Gaon:side oP , lndie - rubber.: elle garment has been parchskidond will tn . terr a:led to 1.03 Est:dean Malang In - due time. Ai Ibe:iegneet of the American. Geographical and Statistical, and American Ethnographical &Metre, Dr. McGowan bat been appointed lo accompany the comas and to th e Indian Territory. .lemea 'Donaldeon,lor re long lime messenger coached to Ibefleste•Depaitinent, bas just been - i s ie , ented.withll,oo;the contribation of a few ,pervonal fikpds of Secretary Seward,. who thus substantially testiLled their appreciation of Mr. Ponueldson 9 a rideable Berrices. and unremitting infection lei Secretary :8.) ward, daring his late . pbysicai affletkniand as a farther mark or the mAlmatlon to wkich Mr. Donaldson la held as an Indica. Ea has been commissioned Justice of ;the Peace. • . ; - • • ThSConuidasioner Of Interne] Revenue miles • tbst where cemltleatcs are given to Parties .Wild . depoelto valuables with banks for sate keaintig anstain guarantees for the value of. theraivw each guarantees arerheld to be emblectl9ollll9 }lady as agfetaterts'or.aosaracts. . - • . The ipar.Pepar.menb•haeb.lask,publlvbeS, eraplikve.wled the "Roll Of *Honor, ,, &the the. names of th e aoldiersmbo dled lathe dvfebore' lid the lemerleanAlaioni.atid 'were Interred la. . the liatletud • Cenniciles In 'ttiolDiltriet of Co.* - lumbfw;ftizi Eluguat - SI, 1661, tiqyaid,llotit; .The rnthe number le A 727; Of. thetio:ol4:l3 thousand Were.whltevileht:; d la g m ci ti rtmenthentstedtwokfq.Sareekilaribm.' of zblatcatafy;lfiro.latiii44;and-thirteen - Englitid; air htitidicdskid .aktty..oimi Ireland; five h ticibred r tui• thirtf:threa- trona 'Germany,' and gee and extpeeven from Canada; also about :Witt other entice intim In small proportions errreported; The unknown whites 'slumber st Dorris thousand, and the unknown blacks or coetrabas.ds, Svc thoniend seven, hen. dred. The cermterles are I;ept, to good condition nettbe banes of thenaceased; its tar as kuowa, are 1:33011411 . 011 the Wad bOards of the frames. ! Calla DESTROYED. MY ARMY .IYORI, Tho Stommietr'lku; THE SqoollEir-XX93444Q4105T, SevOtal Cpal Barg/Nl@ iCtmo, August 10,7-Ciiittittrasuttegitt7tild, dted emit eldven -bidet drixttct itittitairOsiro • ytaterday; DdaD 01 riattetttrir , kiEtti , Lo The tltinstoatton:Ailiittot,' , PPaziit,' cirte 'Pt iw44,1,4,V.4L",14!*4-',..jf:i'Pla: ./113 riCetpts ofxgt on9ei7tew tiheariircit tbe week eniileg August -5411711Fk19ti04131"r • ateek'itoluind,. atiettitimek.l3rar , xitti ..twileit ofiettitt7 .Witi.t.titned at liattliitym,Pitiliq. 116 tteets ilnco. • • .-.• :M lu lAr.tat**;*ealitcrr,,.. • ~.tot .Mituingra i Wm !oil, Os • ty3 Bravis•bilEXcifi' • 'Asia t014114,bta14..T4*11763 i'ttbnp; pt Yitctiee Oa the ' Mitario • en" c r la. oafgetAkerl tank; mit - oftliem contalit.; .Ind MAO bmdeta . 43criong to..tho Gavert- ..• • • . • • .• .. • - TILE PLUME SHEAANIWAM. trnsettled of wA,snEsTori FILLED VITA SOU ERiERS Secretary Seward's Renewed &alb GOP. CORWIN AND MEXICO Counterfeit United States Currency ApPOINTEENTS BY THE PRESIDENT Now Toes, Aegust-11.—The Zferara's Wash. Ington apccial" saps: Commander George L. • .. ~ Co!seconds's, In reporting to the Secretary of ' the Navy froln Callao, on Jul, the 13th,rpayst The Arnerican ship North America, from Met bone, Australia, reporteXavingarrlven at Biel bourne thettry after the rebel steamer Sh ad. darn had loft that pod. The North Am Ica - was lbroffned that . the Eihenzn46iih. too 'on hoard at that port before. leaving, 1,200 to e of k t r coal,. and - -that- the present, Fink Llentanant Joined herthereshavlngleft en Engtishsteamer, of which he was Mader, to doom" " ' Commander is re rdiA n verlvututettled state, and wminandor olocorusle Intended to remain in - that vicinity to protect American interests, in the event of a Change of Government. General Robert B. Mitchell, formerly Colonel of theld Kansas regiment, has been made a full Brigadier General of the regular army. The World's Washington spertal !aye: The city to tilled frith Southerners.'-Withiathepart twenty four bourn =Ore "hart arrived than der; ing Tidiest - two weekst — Tholralas from Rich: mood torlay. brought Shan:ll:our deryAsertron 'of the- South.: They 'vire - generally, eltir.eas of promluence, on office seeking and - Paidonlt% Secretary Seward torday, received the Diplo• reatic Corps at the State Department, all ot whom congratulated him on his renewed health and vigor- Reappears lu - even better health thin during the time previous to the 16th, of April; It is said there will wog be a general Jail deliv ery, by the pardon of a lame tin giber of persons.. convicted by the Military ConicaLraion,of trivial i crimes and alleged offencea. The Triton. • special Bays: There Is the best authority for mating ' hat nothing written by Hon. Thos. Corwin, late minister to 111cs;ce, to dkierximillan's Primo Allnieter, will warrant the: inference drawn to the preen' dispatch pablished yesterdayjn New Orleans. Sinceleaving Siesico, GOV. Corwin has been in carrerpredearn leltb the Prime Miatsrnr, en old and intimate - friend of hie, end naturally„ Interested in Mexican of basrnade fregtiene Bigotries of hie earres., .nondent iu iclation,,to the stale of the country, but never advasated "the present recegnitlea of the /mperial Government. On inquiry at the. United States Treasurer's"- tffice today, It 'was ascertained that of the large amount of notes presented for redemption, not more than from ono had a half to two per nen- WM, If eo motif, hie Countarfelt; Sparked notes ' are easily detected, and promptly branded “eclim-: terfelt , ' with an iron - constantly kept heated for" that porteise.. - Oreourse the-holders and-not the TreasnrY bear_the loss. From 120 to $lOO of mists currency, of various denominations, Is destroyed everyday,-: ' " - ' " '' No knowledge of ' counterfeit National Bank notes has come td.the Treasurer r 'tor of oilers , rir twokt of-the ,Mnlted :"Staten Currency. The latter drtlominationes, howerver.-are altered to represent higheramounk,andsonie photograph lc Svcs are io cireullition, tolerably wellexecutcd. A fifty dellar note reeentlY coned its spy.to the redemption Bureau,"- having previestely - brnn -stamped -as counterfeit: by: an 'Barterw.-Bank. The most numerous cennterfeitearn orefrtictisia• Th e 'President,- id:day, ..appoinled Wed. G. Dixanginited Stateslfarsbal --for the Suite _of Georgia; Dantel Orton, Sarneyor of, Crieteme, attatie.'llinok; Samuel D. flatistasi; 'Recorder , of.PnbileMoneye,' at Jackson city, ICOnlaii Mu- UV. Brlgge,-- itegksterof the 'Lend 'Office, at Visalia, California; Alonzo'Cr. Mayen; Assistant Asegtiorlf,the Internal 'Revenue for-the 2nd': District of Missomi ; James: Law, Postmaster at Skspenalois Bridge. N. Y. " ..LATE FROM ,RIOHBIONE,0,: Gtineral, --Terry's- . Promotion. THE FREEDMEN AND. THEIR FORMER MASTERS'. Charges Against Zohn.'llirtor Botts. I - Nrw - Tong, AugeatlL-Theirerald's cerrei pendent Myer Major General A: H. Terry, commanding the Department of Virginia, last night received his promotion from the Wet De . General parte:mad Major. i n the regular army of.ynlted blettta p _hy brevet. This Is Indeed a . _ Remotion In,evcry-wst i4;llt to by mode... -,•=t , , .., ,'?" Maj ' #',Goernijchii.aaltaii, ortitit24iti aorta, -3iiill her.mtalgiied'thiitretaminand of Petersburg, under General . Terry, in place of Major General flartstri; who, ;under the' - last 'order ' From the Naria.epartsneiLls unassigned, and;thernfora,, returna to lila rankles thoregdar army- ,-, The civil authorities of Spottaylvania eannty, In this State, were organized and pat in opera tion on [held' teat:- . .' -,. ,' .By reqnert of several prondmint claims, ,Brig: Gen: Harris, .cotemandiug the sub-district of- appabannock.tteder,:stajor General Medea Deltas, Jr., il,llited the potter - Of the DoVern -ment,tetwards the ,ftv,e'dmati - , tinyfeg that the negroemust, be folly: protected In his rights, those rights belegin all respects equal to those of the svbitem contreati, must be made betw ee n the freedmen and their iormer miumms. if the former remained, and shade iftaihtiethin• will be exteaded.by the military authorities. Tha ad. drces was lindirr ecelvtd‘retter Very, many of the tint-citizens spot% Inlpprobahary terms of the, eutideetoohe Military in the northeastern district. The Tribunes - Rlelthsond correspondent says: IfA very Important eat° will ehortisr. Ira brought before the United Staten - Court tOdeeldiwhether slaves held to service after President Lincoln's emancipation orocLimatlon Which lend gone into effect on January the lot, 1864, shall not be en titled to a renanneratlem for their labors. Colonel Brown, Superintendent of the Freed mess' Bureau, is very busy preparing such a case against John Minor Botts, who refuses to pay wages to a negro servant, owned and held up to the time of the marrander of Lle, notwitht ' 1 Stardlcg the negro catild have done to the Union fel tea 48011710118 warts. or labored in the Quer ; terecaster Department and earned 'at least six teen dollars per month. In view of.the Metthat Mr. -Batts received $20,000 from our govern ment for trapasi on his property and on cutting ot wood. The- debit In this Instance !sin strong , ' one. DNERIOAN., AFfAIRS,, The Late Narallogagoiaeat of karate Elrer. • , • , FEE F RAT won , .11}-11ir PARAGUAYANS; • ..... .. , , . 2.;rri 'roux; Aug.ll.=—The foltowitithecco , i , or Itie . t,ftwal anhMealehtou. the river-Pareaa,tie t i li r l A,liga. ' ": o Bw4PsiticUe. At H. o'ctlett m • g inorelejr;lite. fti'4 o ,7lha Tan t a wece seen foitica thr id ew, tip1.44°04 o'clock they itTre iVitithriaitite. of the dile* ad at once tiycnedst fdrtiracilieT"Orlie . Brazilian account, • the only one which has reached us. admits that. the Harsguayaue night with the utmost bear. My; the mutt was for some time doubtlat until 'Fe ttreelllest eteamer Amamnae, being con Vrted into a ram, made terrible havoc among ;the enemies Ilect, rinhiat; three element --the "Paraguay e alto and Jegehy, mad one floating. tiatterv, and anapelliag one F teatinr end Oro bakeries to surrender', 'Tee reinalaintr fonr. . stcatacre, whlch mere llkaataa . considerably' damiged, - thca returned. . ..• 1 The - battle — lasled uiiill 4 o'cloc k p. M. :Ile .. Paraguayan, who supported the fire of their' m have flict a land batteryor ndiedthirty ons.areseportre. y lest llflectihu meu of thelfamt teh: and lire huhdred tat Milani battery.... - ..',:. The Humiliate estimate ,their' kat at :ttbadt, three huh drat- killed; ivoundetrCmdi...tulaslorA.. Nattier could areal chi:tape-lam helmet the . TOM. they all .atcated 'determined, to ' rqtrr.ca dle:. • tollectgltiVircunded.and twill °heraldic fellieha thollaudi ht the Bralliaos,t wheltoolictotimander or Ma Salto. ormeif gm sdnk steamer,. and a brother haiLthe coratelatid i.Ackletteral of ,the Paraguayan Ardent:7 la CO- 0 - wh . Ms tutde wore teudalydreased by the aizoi l idir .I:vadat of the Wallis° Heer,,Bar::, blidiltOblb s ' with 11.1 b teetti; tore' othatirb Mk: - fmlit teAlratiells:theadag death to cap cheso ,.. tinty..,UptiLFs, the commandereot this Petal trilazs . vaiceselh are Amon the dead. The whole ../WroacznitsitlOS, Witten' sad ' An Ict tams° weivitenWofbajlichlisof the *Am. I,.i.fr-:".t; ham at riarataga3 ; Nariistic ; An /I...T4st‘ Poe; ffs4l aY. Jarna year olds-2 cane diuth-.vu won , Wino , colt Baltimore, beating 1)11a4 , ... In '"warp' teafiths.t Tinto; 3 agnates and . 4335 seconds: The-Mood we of ostla teats was won by tbo .I.lEaloglon boric Lexterm.- Mildstone won the Brat scat::' Time 1:4031' 1:18 and 1157. 1 M a Irel - ~. _ _ .y•--..-.,--•_:„..._..........._..",.:_.:........ T v ..... s ... , ,* _ .'" : i - - , z , . TIIE, ATLLNTIC CABLE Olaritkand Sphy - nz Arrive. GREAT EASTEIIIiI NOT lIEIRD Fg93l Failure of the Cable Probable Nonni 13rtinrr. C. 8., August .11.7 The stratr. ‘• yetell Cle-a Clarks has erriand, hityieif left Port Ein Basque Last inning. No thiftegnhal reaelimithat point of the Great EILItC11:1 up' to the time the Clare Clarita left. • The engineer, Mr. Everett, whose experience In laying the Drat Atlantic cabin entltles.:.hla opinion to great respect, believes the laying of the tveand vehicle now - a failure. ktr. MaedaYi Tea isSuperintendent at Cape ltnee;.ls st hopeful. • •. The expedition of tlec,Clara Clarlta le a fall er% the armor of the St. Lawrence cable being entifety"destroved in maniplacers. Beaux's Comm. Stnrwty , Antvst 0. Yortli Bidney.--The British gunboat Sphyni, arrived here - to-day, Sunday, at five P. sr.; 20. der canvass, having been short of coal aline rridak night. The Sphynx was left behind 44 the Great Eastern and the gunboat Terrible, by ITharsday evening,...inly 27th, &Angel istrtl:q westerly breeze and heed sea, she not being aiNe 'to keep up with the others. ' Since that time, although she Steered the proper course, the Sphynx hen soon nothin the Great I.'astern or Terrible. She reports thd weather favorable fur laying the cable, when she parted at 6:15 p. en. on the 27th rilLost which time they. were In latitude-52 de.g.43 ruln,, longitude 20 deg. 2 min. Copt: Hamilton; Of Abe Sphynx, says he co. norsto howle"tTild have passed the fleet with 4 oneeeeing them;;ll,he. 'weather hero; his be9o - all dtealred;but it has Weer thick Of - Nrw Toga, August 11.—The jlerald'a neat from Heart's Content on the oth, says: TO Spbynx we e sighted In Trinity Bay, and the( entire cable Stet was reported he armed. aid great excitement prevaild. This steamer pip , seeded down the bay early In the morning toi meertho Groat Eastern, with a largo party on prominent persons t n board. Their disappolut4 meet was great. About noon the same day, three guns wero:', fired down the bay, and it was' again rePertca. that the Great Eastern had arrived, The firing , was occasioned by the steam elcop of wsri Royalist mistaking the Sphinx and Stevenson for the Cable fleet. -A thick fog prevalbul at thei time. There me no 64.1119 of the bigahlp yet; aud the! cable people aro biginnieg to give up all hopcsl of her 'arrival. There were thousands of visitors! ,leet week, .they are going .houteollsap-t :pointed. ellov. Musgrave has Just arrived from; tt e (Melia, 60 miles out at era. The weather is now foggy ; very wet and un-i favorable for the approach of the fleet, - 'LATEST DISPLTCTI., ASPT BATi, C. B 1130 p. m.,Angnit'll.—wni have nothing later from Heart's Content than,. was embraced In Om dispitehes from Bydneytal EiCLISII , ,YICE-CIKCELIAR'S DOCTRINE Govemnent Losses by-, Soldiers. MIIVIERED `•OUT OF SERVIOX. , - Consul IsTicolay at his Post. WAsimrarasC7rr, Auzast 11.—R 18 sald that the government does not assent to tlit doctrine of the yletrchanitrior of Euglind; as Pee uonneed latheiase of the United States against . the -Pirates. The United Botta are not likely to consider very soon that the rebels are now or ever were a detect° government, nor ever likely • to consent to derive 4 title to theireiwa: property thmugh that imaginary concern. Soing a sover eign State, desSrg with other States, according to the- eirshigtafr - methods, they aye not es rltdany- likely • to Jnbmit without process of attachment to decrees, which.may tie rapatercd against them by a mar:ll, of dummy, sating in Westminster Rail. • . The Secretary of the Nary has directed that the masters and se of the regular nary, and Midshipmenervtag on board of any naval steamer, will hereafter be taught thoroughly the duty . of ateana engineering. The acting second Comptroller has - decided that to reimburse the Government for losses by soldiers, for which they WC liatdo to stoppages of psy, the disbursing and accounting officers siejintitied In withholding any portion of money due the soldier. either as pay, bounty, or for money deposited with paymasters on check hooka. From the Si to the 87. h of August, 18E5, fifty. EIS rf,7lments, batteries and companies were mustered cat of the service by order Of the Sec retary of War. The Department of State has received infor mation from John G. Nle.day, the recently ao pointed 11. S. Consul et Paris. and formerly the private Secretary of the late President Lincoln, that be baa arrived at his past and entered ripe the dative of his of ice . Latest from Iltichmond--irmigratlon Stlrmo Defeated—Colored Churches— • Anderson's Voundry, NEE' Your., Anglin it—The TrfDtmr's Rich mond correspondent says a plan for securiag emigration to Virginia has beeu defeated by the action of the prominent land-bolders. On Tues day there was a gathering of the leading rebel Writs at Ashland, a short distance from Rich mond city. at which addresso were delivered and songs sung,. tempered with the spirit of dis affection. Prominent among these present was the guerrilla tlnsby, tiding the horsy of tits late lamented John EutigtviCk,actinc grand marshal ofthir occaslon A nunaberol - Choplalns connected with rogi• mentstihout to be tortstered out of service, have beet. tendered - the charge of various colored churches In Richmond by their congregations. It is believed that EOII3C.Of them will accept. .1. at. Anderson has effected an arrangement by which he is out In possession of his foundry -and advertises that he is ready to enter faro COll - for building houses, bridges, or casting ordnance or bells. Result of the Tennessee Election. Nssurnaz, August 11.—The Frets wI rota "of tbla mornicg contain the following: The repn ea:Latices elect in their respectivo districts are as followe A. B. Taylor, Upper East. Tea limos, almost a cerharly; Eforace Maynard, KooxviDe district; A. 0. A. Faulkatrover Stokes lu the Chattanara dlssristi W. B. CemPbells D. B. ' Thomas Clarksville; Colonel EautiniCover Etberdge, !West Tennessee; Dr. ;Leftwich, Memphis, and. Edward Coopar,;Shel. dishict. • Fanlitner, who, we fear, is elected. over fitchee, will;R:ite with Governor Campbell and Mr, Thoul _sla t Ethof ga chance to vote at all.. Mayeta,ano Fawklna can ba depended On 03 aupportere of a liberal national piney, and hope alsollt.laylor.. Dr. Llftwlek m 'also reported besrgood Unfair man. The chances of the admission of our Delates are not very flatter .lng. Thayutvit saYe.that Cot. ilawkitia Is no. Coestedly elected I his nu d arir d' o llar hard frtufla seventeen hundred and f hloshy R cleared—Forged Letters—,Pardon Becker... - • ' • • . New Toni. August IL—Tbe PorreiTaihing ion special says: . 11 1oabyhaabrenrolosierifrons arrest by the ntilltaryiltithodirs; and hcr has • gone home. Tie sold he cams. to.AlegandrLs to y be ambled 'to the' bar. A cerise or letters imbliatted .throuttont tho Country PUrportlaC to have. coma from Was Clara Barton, the philanthropist, at Anderson rifle, are discovered to bo forgeries. - The Priiildrot sons beelmod ocein to4ny by fkog Immo", Ig. largo driegstions, seeking for suckins, end an other buslems. A Ceblnat meeting provootc4 . their gcinleg adnoiralun. ' !freedmen Affairs In Illlssourl—llefogees i. . ". •Ilaurnlug Home— . r i•NEW Yor.r.,, Atightt 10.,-Tho ' Tinics' six. cull cliVm•;4l 'report Ilea' been .recelv.xl from Allen. Sprigim, Assistant Commfulonor orfetod • Meta' affaiman.kliesond and Arkin:usu.:stating Oat Isaacs °Nations for Auras: will not eseetxt onotldrd of lhOes ror : Jdne;;lint lid .tem.a., great destinaUon Oat winter,. Alt freedmen weat ef LI We Acclt,are 1 etipportior themselves. A •toijorit'y -- ot — tee -- rotacce - receiving atal-:,13; ' ..liiestern Arkansas and Mental gro WI familia aid deixmdents of soldiery In out army. most of lor4 'om will bo eon mustered out and wha ., wflr nen to provide Mt Choir lawn& • .. , 7 -TM? ccatid Iniltazopotmen: : ,'. : 1.. .t. 07. Louie; Anent . 11:4419 I/nectars Lair-, reiace. , Herotai-' elites] apre ' MOOT ; Ram obletelork At Ipd,tim 'gam lo that city. 'no aired jrnlcrE te'hreentemand: the , provkma Id=' attotelottali the tonne, and to ortioribliigenta •to'scad et de/canna 4o ,Fort pant £ miles below , Part filbithi:, The pat ittitlea council Is to ho tteld. a AS "41!141b.pAilit!!t Eon Gnat. • '..i,h. i- - ~,,., ,:::!:: . 'invalid ..A...4.1.- • inroad2 . .accdtlikailear - Persons Killed: -o, ;i:Th(r... lawtirdasiask:ll:—Tho • *ski nvo thlsOnno.toNanbtitton eatardat afters broke thrcrigli abrldge at e Alkwarth. Ono pariooger coi nos parclphig_al. In the chasm o ALA (cur pawn[ kllkd =diet - tat wounded. TIE PHOENIX BAH ROBBERY. Important Developments Transpired SITIOTDE OF AN ACCOMPLICE Amount Stolen er.275.000 NOW Fora, August 11 .—Important develop ments In the Phomix Bank tefalcatlon have transpired since the arrest of Jenkins. James H. Earle, Bock Keeper of the bank, had been .ar rested as an accomplice, and confessed having received 8100,000 from Jenkins, which he Last on stotkoperations. He was taken to the Sta tion Ranee, last night and nut In a calL This morning It was found he had cut an artery In his neck, with a pen-knife, and bled to death. He was a widower, tlarty.one years of age, and lived In Newark, New Jersey. GerierieveUrine, alias Vieefe.Brower, a dis reputable woman; and one of her friends known as Charles Brower, alias Bainuel Davies, were elsoareetted. It is 'said 2coalns became acquainted with her In a concert saloon, and was in the baba of lavishing large amounts of money un her, enabling her to live in magniti, cent style. Earle, at the time of his arrest, was not em ployed in the hank. Ile occupied the positron of clerk.wlth Smith, Martin & Co., Bankers in Wall street. Ito has not been at the Phreniz Bank for some months. The cashier to-day be. Beres the defalcation will amount to '274,090. The bank_ has a surplus fond orsmo,ooo besides the earnings of the past modths, which. apart from the July dividends are onitsidciable. /ism Iron; August 11.—The Idefalcatiod charged against Henri .B. : J e B k l P s , Paying Teller-of tbeTheettli as appears by the affidavit of tho Cashier, hir..Parker, is $:.50,000, lustriad of 50,00% as stated yesterday. New 'York Stock and 31oxev Alaiters, Now Tons, August 11.—The Stock meirket Is dull. The. decline In gold has checked space / lotion fora rleo and there la r they more dispo sition to put out shorts an W aker stock.. At the firsPhoard prices were low r throughout the list with a prevailing disposltlen to sell. To wards the close otthe day the market became stronger, and the downward movement was ar- • meted. Governments steady for the old 5 20'5. There is a steady export demand. Toe decline ,In gold produced equalization in prices at Now York and London, which:may temporarily cheek shipment. 6tate bonds quiet, but the market Is withoat any material change; rulshelianeous shares gen erally lower. Tlsa only topic of impartanee in Wall street, to-day, Is the fallof gold, which Is attributed partly to Treasury sales, ens partly to the falling ability of totals Of the heavy hold ers to carry their burden, especlally as several largo gold loans have been rather abruptly ca , led in. The downward movement In gold, together with the strength of government securities, has given a firmer tone to Foreign Exchange. There la [Dorn demand for money; the rate is firm at 7 per cent. on all call loans. The Military Eatablishmeni Eltelea Reduced. . Eitanna, N. V., ~August 11.—AdJutant Gen eral Thomas, while In this city to day, made a , close sonny of the military establishment here, and ordered its immediate redaction to a peace footing. The Government buildings at I the barracks are to be sold,. the general hospital .to,be given up and 'the patients tranderred to • tbehospitsid in the Into robe.) camp. .The troops 'here still Probably be sent easy, except a few neceisary . to.gnardPublic property. There are cow DO rebel prisoners; except a few sick In the general hospital. Large numbers of troaps have teen mustered out here daring the last three months. TIM conduct of the troops while In the city has been unexceptionalge. Very few disturbances have arisen, and these were prompt ly quelled. • = pcsinna chargra •Against Seeretoxy . New ,Ynne„,. August- Junitti ißrownej beep!' the escaped priaonere from Balla lot, to vindicate himself from the charge of {making grave atatemante without due cot:Oder latent in a card publlahnd in the TrOune, rath 'Crater lbe atseriton that, BCCId3CI 1 2 ,: aa t o n le unquestionably the digger hi , the unnamed graTcn that crowd the 'tinny of every Ben , born prison, with- histCryl and never-to-be-forgotten horrors, by ble obatidate opposition to exchang• 'tog prLsopara with the Berth.. Procession . of Lioediployed Retarded Sol diers. linw Your, Atignet 11.—The unemployed sol diers and aallors marched In proem - lon through the various streets. to-day, under the auspices of the Dietropolitan Employment Agency,. bearing tanners arkin,g employment. They were headed by a band. of music. and made a flea appearance, Per tlity East Indies. Haw .1 - ens. August 11. The UMW.. Slates Steamer Hanford, flying the flag of Rear Ad miral H. H. Del, called to-day tor the East RI-, diet. Gold. Nov 'roux, Angttet 11.—Gold, 1413* The Death of Mulligan. .From the Ban Francine. Bulletin we take an 'account of the tragic mull of the attempt to eruct tho notorious Billy Dui'lnn 'while suffer. leg from an attackof delirium numeric After several of his friends had declined to nude) take the Jnb, Jack McNabb, a friend and companion of Mu l tigen's e attempted to accom plish the. chject lo view. McNabb went up Claim, ems as re advanced MnUlgaa leveled .the pistol at his breasL MoNabb continued to ad. vane; speaking to Mulligan In a familiar tone, one telling him that he wanted to take a drink with him. In this way, by coaxing and propos ing drinks, McNabb had nearly reached the an,: where Mulligan was standing, when the latter fired and shot him, the ball entering his right breast near the arm pit, Revering en artery, causing en internal hemorrhage, , from which he died in half an how afterwards, at Dr. Alurphy's, office, to which ha wee ironsediataly taken. At Ugh time the excitement about the vicinity of the tragedy was intense, and the streeta about the St. Francisco Hotel were blocked up with human beings, drawn thither by the exciting stories which bad spread itim wild fire about the town. The pollee endeavored In vain to keep 'them back, representing the danger that existed with a May man armed With a revolver, end ; ready to fire Ai shy toodieni acid In any dime gob. But en the crowd pressed on, everyman leryireutly thia,klee that in eo large a crowd his t chances of getting hit wereelite, and the par• co:lingo largely favor of were_ safety. Various expedients were near attempted for Arlo:icing the maniac. • The presence of the Catholic clergyman was brought to boar, ono of the priests, accompanied by a citizen, attempt-- log to reach him by a neighboring roof; bat ho fired We pistol at them, one they were compelled to retreat. Several attetoptsto administer drug god liquor. were made, but to , no purpose. • About three o'clock, oalcum &Ills and Kalil /en made-another tmenceesetta attempt to get hold of Halligan, but it having been abandoned' they*ere og the street when,lef ellhgen ap• pared at one of the triedOwa and fired at Shout. The bullet mimed the Intended murk: but struck an latmeent 'paticzby,, chatting /inn through the heart and Meg him Inelumly. The mur dered men was John hart, the [ormolu of the Eureka hose Cqnspany,lNo. 4. liolereprosent cd by those Who knew him as- hiving becn estimable young man. 'ills Trig - and and died A few WarlsollCe, and ho leaves no iritailly. Ho has a ilstr.r In this city who ja sold to be nearly bereft of ream at the'sudden 'hock, toad soveral oihterelatlvea. we has a father, mother, and younger brother residing in New York. It was now deterred:mil by the pollen that, as tho only means of prevention more bloodshed on the port of innocent persons, Malllgan should be shot at eight. AecordluelY a number of the tolice armixt thansUrts with Minnie rh2es, and tool: positions commanding the front of the house on Clay street. For a loan LUAU Mulligan rinininut out (debt of them and at the head of the sutra. A few talaute‘heforo (our oklacic be acct Mike upper story of tho honsa and looked oat of the window on the Depot' street wheeled,Na the crowd beneath, be- soddenly and entered o room on the mood deer, frontlog on Clay street. Ho sdvanced to tt e window, and 'mahout throwlaz open tba I , ll 3Pielg eath; when °Meer Hopkins fired from, :tile window opposite and laid, him low. 'rho' ball attack him. In the left temple, pasting through the , head, glancing into.the about ten .tect tr.3m ~whare he-was g ar ntoner( Mahan/ downwards. and lodging , . - 1R at the farther end otthe be .;4 - some t'"",. f kiaZt ,f l d/A. Varridlre,rrg• alter' be' wan • ahot;" the word pawed quickly thiuUOtelli crowd that. Halligan was beyond -Petwer doing ham, and echo Crowd Inured -toward the bond, ,wita that. bona of getting a sight et lad drad body. - • P lte kbpvic . 06 huh, with hie just math; the doger O - om None, tay,tha earthly :Imam of pgly,afttnigan, Tao blood was flotring frOm Ids mouthchle Pee Tarotruding the fl /NM oor and their Pada:and gllng t all/ chit blood. _Flwairhe brides oozing out on noin Paired le his tight hand, du4 triTt by his elde.i• wad the Irimpon.with which he had bean dealing . death ;boat him. The Plato/ Is a large, seven: . bated, French revolter, carrying, a halfonties tan:di:oda . of the came size:as thou =Ca. coiva new army . • IlcrscatOltalagllilk ex-railway king, Is is Pawn fur dcbt. • tin alit► SUBERBIN. Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne and Chicago Rail way—Earnings for July. Possibly no railway lo the United States has maths inch rapid growth In substantial wealth end Importance ea the great Bsekbone line from this city to Chicago. Commencing at the great wetter' hese of the Allegheny Mountoloc, It Skirt , the :beautiful pzairie plateau of Ohio, Michigan and Illinois, traversing one of the rich est agricultural regions at the continent, em bracing en area of four hundred and sixty•elgbt . miles, and, for about eighty miles of its eastern division, running through rich coal fields, Which . are being rapidly developed, and will add largely to Its business. The country through which it passes is yet In Its infancy, particularly that portion from Crestline to Chicago. When the yalonnpeW ' travel will be enor eedict that, in a few Mod up, on this m d lan t o vis:l . lv division cl of e rh re am el d y in aDmre,td fasts years tide great corporation will by taxed to Its utmost capacity to supply the western section of its line, In which consumption is dally incrr.as log, and where coal dote not exist. Unlike the majonty of the roads In the country, the Pitta burgh, gore Wayne and Chicago Railway has a large nnmber of feedent, without being placed In the dileraMa of carrying any of them ai dead weights. .. Our attention was brought„ to- ttra road .by hinking over a report which we happened to pick up, dated June 00,1859, made by the then acting President, J. Edgar Thompson, Esq. It glues the earnings of the road from ; all soar= timing the els months previotua at $830.687.43. Wothen . '. compared It with the report of July 10,' 1865. which makes the earnings for the preitons six - '..months $4,215.888.28—an Increase for that pe riod since last report of $3,885,193.85. Taking into consideration the fact that the earnings of the road for a single month now approximate the earninge of six months six years ago, we begin to realize its mighty proportions. We can certainly congratulate its bond and share holders upon the Importance of their forest moats, and Its 'Board of Directors upon their 'successful management of the road. We give the approximate earnings for July, 1805, as com pared with the same period of 1804 ISO 1 rreigbta 36 8 .524 20,8 316,593 67 Paasenger4 I n 2,87 6; 166,645 68 116.237 07 E 9. Matter 11,328 06 1 6 . 20 0 03 6 1L 28 67 516116. ......, 7,525 D 3 7,ta5 00 R. of Railway.. 7,083 311 .7,083 33 .11115cellaneoue.. 2,169 26 3.192 06 Earainge 1 612,121 69 6 5:6,340 64, 1r42.59 6! .16;3711.g y 31.: 4,5211,015 D 7: 3,512469 11 1215,446_26 Included In the above itents of freight and passenger earnings Ia F 52,800 for government transportation. The Ilughes-parsons Murder. The Clerdand Her id contains additional par ticulars of the shocking murder committed by the notorious bigamist, Dr. -Hughes, last Tom day, at Bedford, Ohio, in the shOsting of his vic tim, Miss Tamsen Parsons. It seems that the deceased on the eventful afternoon In question, seeing the doctor In tewn determined to conceal herself from him If possible, and far this par pore proceeded as usual to the house of Mrs, Christian. When Riming from Main into Col umtms street, the doctor saw her and quickly followed. Bbe reached the gate of Christian's Louse first, and passed within, closing It after her. Ere she had stepped four paces towards the bouse, the excited murderd was at her side, revolver In hand, Intent upon his bloody errand. Repeating the language we have already pub lished, and while she was replying, " You need not follow me. I will not go," he placed - the muzzle of his deadly little weapon close to the beck part of the head, at the same time tightly holding her with his leR band. Discharging It, the first shot simply grazed her head, and trom the medical examination It was supposed she stooped slightly and missed its fatal effect. Still holding on to Ids victim, he deliberately fired again, this time making. sure and certain work, for she dropped instantly lifeless at his feel, -IDr. Hughes, when halirst became acquainted with the deceased did,noterepresertfl birtuuar-_: a single man, but as having ran/dn.:, a i ro i" d t vorce from tits fast‘` - .`..e. To further his purpose Of mares Miss Parsoni, - and to deceive her still Mere, he produced a forged dpcument,par porting to be a copy of a "Record of Divorce." That be bore any love for her Is nothing but the rankest piece Of absurdity. Many who knew him and the girl will say that after ruining her, he regarded her as something beneath his no tice. It was only when flushed with drink that ho would presume to force himself upon her. United States Dish:let Court. Before Hon. Wilson McCandles3, J The Court met at the initial hour. The drat case taken up was that of John Deer, distiller of Bea ver county. The defendant having felled to fllo proper ansaLis, as summoned by proclamation, the Court proceeded to pass Jadgment, and or dered the Marshal' to forthwith sell the dlitillery and liquors seized ; also imposing an additional fine of live hundred dollars. The distillery of Simeon Sforedeck, together With liquors, etc., was declared forfeited, and ordered to be sold, and a perialty of Ilse hundred dollars was also added. .0. S. Diet/let Attorney Carnahan filed a Mei against the patoleten reGnery of Messed. Gates, Groba Lt Co., altstate4 !-LOWreaccvtlle, and asked that a writ of monitidn be ia.V.r. 3 rO t " l " . ble on the last Monday to this month, which Was granted. Messrs. G. k Co. are charged with having failed to make a reyeaue return. The rdahoning Valley Railroad. Weicarn from the Wahoming Rtgieter that the work is being rapidly pushed forward on the new railroad from New Castle to Youngstown, and the track will 0000 be_ ready for the ralLs from the Junction with .the 13caver Walley Rail road to Lowell. From Lowell the road will con tinue up the west hank of the Mahoelog as far ,as Powers , Coal Bank, where the ricer will he ;bridged. From that pOint to Youngstowa (two :miles) It Is not yet determined whethei - a new road will be built, or the-coal road belonging to the A. A: G. W. R. R. will Tie used. We under. lEcand that the Pittsburgh, Fort Wino a Chloe; go Railroad Company own a controllng Incerest In thia new route, and If this Is the case, arrange ments will no doubt be made to rue through trains between Youngstown and Pittsburgh. Another Boy Drowried.—We are call&I open to record a second case of draw:Wag which occurred yesterday, also a boy. A eon of Alr. Fred. Maurer, aged seven years of age, named John, was playing with several other small boys at the A lleghehy river, a little below the Suepen -6ioll Bridge about sir o'clock: A large number of barna and other craft are hero collected, and welklhg detctil n platik Extended acrossivro of the bargee, the lad lost his hooting and (dilate the water. efroad reec k or his body proved neencre.srfnl up to a I:an:Mine Itiet i.;;;,1 ,1 * It is' thought that the body'realtinave beerr drawn steam neder one of the barges, owing to , the. eddy at that point, Mr. Maurer. the fathn , , keeps , a beer saloortlit No. 17 84 Clalr st•ect,, where 110 also resides. . . A Waitaki!. Incendlary.—On Thursday, n lady residing In the First wied,../ilharheny, whose 'husband Is In the arniy,. Warted fora - nitine..leivlng four. children In the cars of a nelghbor Woman. be children' objected to b 6 left, and the eldest, to revenge himself on MS. mother, proceeded .;to. n grocery; s meared is .bunch of Matches" and not Are to the building and other inflammable articles about the house. Fortunately the Incendiary was illsr,3Tqe4l4 ,line to pravenrany inalerieinage. grand Jury let the United States District Court returned the - following true' billa,, yesterday : George Kautz, wholesaling liquor without Demise; Joseph I:iheinery, Clearfield county. gamier; - Hane.alflonaldson, T telDuu liquor without license; Julia itiTad den „1:1111P; David W. Goheen,-Sarnuel Brill.: bath and John Jewett, passing coanterfelt' tamer. The grand 3tirY having finished the 6w.ip e p s before thcm wercAlacharged with- the thanks of the Court.- • . Fatal A celitent.--An accident occurred la lltit:bard, Ohlo, on Turaday.nlat of week,: by which Malmo! NVlalerjo liiborhg Elan ii,,,,, in at "Mora 11W, .lOttida lila, Whalen; wild,, a amonion, ais-' rhlb.:lit• In a. Lugo- dato -0 1 • WOG' and •boltrwere • robelderablY •Irrtolleared:••• - A4 a prdat.to . .tba road, tba. , ' FatdClo- ra.o.• Into i ditch sad wattrertorilffid. -I VAareir etrick".thtt '' 05 kr nod In inch a'aianneetttat ils• neck was dla. 1 alaa. naming !natant 4 ett4. .E.C4 c t , . 2 . 1 10 4 q, w not Balm/sly .InJaredi•Q -• •••'-` .1" 1 - : It ton nitaperl - Lsntirpt: 7 ,4. ;in num:ll4y night the manuabtad of the -Lehighf. Valley ; Crystal 1 04 Co. al:Reston, ,oegt itie and' was ,pargallP cossurned; named bp theitasortilehliad - genet , ated In largTquantStbaybelag IgnitAbP e‘,loli4 ,tern Web 'hands or one of the proprietors. atetersalegh. dr B,atibatis , -Bide 'of 'theta 1 gentlemen cw'mw- iaserstr.bmned.?,llC-Inalt, 1 amotillhdaitg4",, _ .vO4 I .IL'PLAn 1r..1• • pF, _. ~ J im Iffillfteef.cotitkidoiottit ‘.4.11a14:. e former. butcher of :thlit 'cityiliowlth 'yaw. Alen Wonder was charged with defraudieg the' , ;Goyernment In a.beef-cpntrnet t has, aprived at Effeir Orleans. and given new bonds there, having ,betircoused frnm his prat In SeLottls.! , --... C Abittidonetient..-:•Peter Ammon ihniraiheld. to ball an a':charga isf atwailanment, was feW days since adilttcd to ball 012 a charge of blgal my preferred his daughter.. In. mentioningthe rase pester my !we made a Windt° which Mt ltens will at once rectify; - - . ' - - Tempt Mime Meeting.. The eighth regular meeting of the National ! Temperance League, of Alletheny city. was held In the Rev. Mr. McMillan'a church, On pm.day crenhig last, Rev. Dr. A. K. Bell In the chair. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Dr. Sproul. foe minutes of the list =cling were read and approved. The commit tee to prepare a form of remonstrance reported. Report received aid adopted. The , rollori. pertone cormtituto the committee from each church to procure signatures to the remon strance: 2,refaoaissYT . pt,copet—South Common Chmuti, J. Gullet. Alex. 31olUt Beaver Street Church. 0. Hnchlnson, Israel Hoag; German Methodist Church, 'C. Splingiest, C. Hardee; First" r. Methodist Church, J. H. Clancy. W. ItlSeril Second P. Methodist.,_Chunch, B. Johnson; Mt, Hoak. First Church , Alex . Central Church, Wm. DhWelciall.:49,67Wßltbarrenr7ertlSCe3lu';r3' ; Korth Church, 13!:7°. r"Pr4141." proafArtan—Firet;-"-Churely Johd White, James Patterson; Second - Church. •Tallt F. Eeville, Jamul Blair; Third Churcbi, Tho Mai F. Wakeham, Wm. Park; Fourth • Church Samuel Id'Eancher. Wm...Cuobage. Se p =ta Church—William Bown, L. 4 Eaton. G raham. Lutheran Murch—Benjamin Heckert, Episcopal Church—T. 4......NPKal g ht, Dank] Da Uncut. Dani l Smel lmer. Cliarch—Samnel flandersan,' Ei . • ".•;12er. J, 31'21lilien's anaree—D. Dallas, James Di cipia Church—E. Strickler J. D. Johnson,Theßoman Catholic Church tieing overlooked ; It was silage:Med by theßev. Mr. LICLV- that it have an opportunity to ix.oporate with ns. ' On motion it was t utatalaaaskr r eVarad t hat' the National Temperance League csmgratulate the friendil of temperance In Manchester on their prinsinvorthy efforts and triumphant suc cess in closing the drinking salmis of that bor ough. .stas moved and carried that !Seam 11. Pratt, IC lieGenigal aad J. Patterson tre ap pninted a committee to organize a Temperance Choir. Addraes were made by Ibv. Dr. Sprout, key. Lynch, Rev. McLean, ate Mr. R. Dsvls, The remartie of all werr well received. The attendance was rather limited, owing no doubt to We uneettled elate of the weather, and the meeting adjourned with benediction by the Rev. Mr. McMillan. The next meeting willbe. held In the Rev, Dr. Pressley's Church. on Tuesday evening, August 22d, at the Mind time. We epee] to the ministers' of the Gospel, wherever called to .laborto exert. their Influence, by precept "stad - example, IQ promoting the cement TemperanCe. 'Many of them have already 'atenped teeth; and 'ir,th noble have , pracielmed the alarm, and have led on In the Work of reformation. We ask one and all, to grunt as their active and hearty co operatten• We call upon every robe Mel, woman and eLlid, to raise their hearts, their voices and their hands is this sacred cause, and Bever hold their peace never cease their prayer's, never stay their extrtions till intempereneB shall be banished from mir , land and from the world. • Fatal Accident. The accident at Edgeworth elation, P. .Ft. W. &C. Railroad, on Wednesday evening, reloited in the death of a young man named Henry Hal. leek and the tenons injury of young lady named Haney Pancake. On arriving at the station they steppmlirom the car, the train being on the north track, and were just In the act ofurossing to tho opposite she of the roadorthenLthe •East. ern express train on the Cleveland & Pittsburgh road came around the curve near the station at full sped. Being unable to get out of the way, they were both wrack by the "bumper , ' on the locomotive and thrown some distance from the track. The lady was thrown over the platform at the station, and fell ems twerty feet distant, among some weeds. Her collar bone was bro- ken, besides Which oho unstained severe internal lrio -The man was etruek in the stomach by the bppoper r and [tune with great violence beneath the platform. tMs itibirpe were ,later nal, and he anrvived but two bons a • Re r ?at anti dent. Coroner Ciawscm yesterday had An in queit on the body of young Hallrok, and Acadia of accidental death was rendered. Lotter) A largo number of those swindling Institu tions which infested the country a few years ago, have again been set In motion and are just now very busily engaged In sending their nefarious circulate to persona whose names and residences they can obtain from registers and by other stealthy means. They, of course, direct attention to the . tramen. dons prizes" now being distributed tio fortunate ticket•holders, and. invite those who would se. cure the altering bubble at a single turn of far tune's wheel, tio Invest without delay' , stating In each case that they wish to present the indlvid. nal (confidentially of course;) with a Prize, so as to secure his influence. dis the fools are ncrt, all dead yet we suppose mous' of these bumb , ..„ c s are doing a large laminas. We wotld advise to steer clear of them, for they al-e u tyi egoy d,, chlvons swindle from h;cutning to end, and those who are teraptee. by th e gild e d Nat e out are sure to get hit; T9z1 2 4t0 45 /rood. Tomatoes are now plenty in otir Millets, eta are perhaps thOhealthicst add cheapest °sealant that can he put upon the table. A good medi cal authority ascribes to the tomato the follow ing very Important qualities: let. It -Is one of the most powerful aperients of the liver and other organs; where calomel is Indicated, It is ono of the most effective and the least hurtful medical agencies known to the profession. 21. That a chemical tartre.c.t . will be - ohtained from 43 that will enpeiccd° Mouse of calomel In the entre of disease. 3. That he has sno.A.ray treated 'diarrhea with this article alone. 4th. That wheis tised as an article of diet it"is al— most roverelms for dyspepsia and indigestion. sth That Itahould be.constantlrused for load. Either coked or raw,. or in the form of catsup, it is the Most healthy article now In use. Postoffice Appolnimeuts - • -. At Perryopolis, Wm. E. Mont Mob Is amnia . - (edam!! mcsserger, Io place of J. A. Ebert, re. elenecr Samuel P. Wilson, pastmastei, Dlngmtstown, Wasblngton county, vice Leander A. Robb; ia 81=cd. • Eqpfirln P. :Leonard, poAtmlister,. Grler's Point, Perry tout (i, , Perma., ylea Sam'S -Grier, rcalgpoir. • Joil A. Ginter, rastniaster, Trontrllle, Clear- Laid county, clen./nhn Carllele,araigned. Solomon m c ;xiatrue, postmastsr, Wciasport, C~rlt-n.county, TWO otomoper Groot, resign. Jobn Etrosder. ifedukttir, ggte,'Oreei4, county, Penna., vino Samuel W. Fulton, re signed. c.Tno People'. Paperi.”,AYO: find upon our table the first number of a new fanilly pa r per, gotten up In this city by Mamie Joy '& AO drek - a.4 It gramma a very handeomb pea 'fume, and its celectlons am welt chosen.:The proprietora i by a liberal display of-perseverance= and energy, may make it a. payingf.batitutioni .Without these qualification,. the failure ot,pre,. enterprises In the weekly, newspaper line in ibis 'city has d emonstrated - that'll' literary! paper cannot survive, long. We udilk-theniacto: . Ifizeti done.—lohn. XL :Warden; an old ongleinhallder, dled at bLs.resideae rear Teniperancevltle,, on 'Thursday,aveniag.:- .Ern corunienced Inlslntes as an engine btrilder In this elly : when It' was comparative:l. , a 'ataall. place. As a ;umber GI-the STlCTO{alve Hems of , Arihars 4: Warden:Warden and Benne, IVardea,, Ntehohon"&„Co., 'Warden Lee, Warden--et San, eee., 12e'oneduh../1 e far ninny yarn toe; eeretlil engine bniltling bnetness. Snicide.—Lizo 0 -, 70r mica man, of rear, toaliship. Ihnla .county; committal' sta r cIG one day last week.: hy.:taklng a tlo3oi of atrychathe,appcara ha had Loahitafaed a, criminal intimacy • with 11. Magic ,lady, and tha htt-crlinlotait,,y bocoadag apparaat o thcl procurcirtha pialsto,'tcka: 1 ;•., informed /as :wire end fataily'of thdfiCt,'llladi hla' '43la odunte., irpt;ifteliaii.;-2,Kb44lllllB.j,'Cloett laZaaTea• to a drnakett Ittablnaa - wis' staitfltag . ,olk the co eih(Fifth . and •'Woo d - ititatt ap/kfe'ts ehtziiearebelag e ti el h 7 V tha,mtog tY ettaltNetelett& Oltrta- zttettf l iJateezlttozidwith aaettlaaeSsai.' sittzea took the knife froidltlizt, aad coarerle. riot to tin aleiktotbny, Pre*Maper tap caver. , - , Nateadredt r y taan /ant, escr:::inuaracopy4A, ~ ampaper , jasa atantd B, Xer; witkl f. l2a s:la.l34l4oJ4lB ' - f lioncy least,- Tim maim° • 401' apkiraaca at tbepariiele past - stiff taisty:-'14,-, ;Wilke; the _. , /,aear Is pzincat,teci'lt ",edsted' -11.* ~ A e deatn-A Vl4lll*liir agar Si OW .works t Wbeellsz, . Ttimailanavaa acala - tally. Yana* by, 'Or+ 'breaking a , • -- • ' • We aro rctittetted to state Mateo ionn owned. Crulksbankc, trim= we: =cottoned es robbloz a ,boy; et the Post 0111ce, wee net %Ym. Cridindrani= 'Alta First ward, 4.l=glitzy. • IriEWS Erramassts,onr Idlni#rto China. Egra - our merchants are highly esteemed is • - that cm commerce is rapiditi Increasing, and that our relations with the goYerlimPt and the. people are most amicable. Melly large 'Enna,. horses, anticipating a long wan nere, Ea largely in the cotton of other countries that. they era either reined or trim:sly embarramad, Tau St. Loeb,. grata elevator n-. 11 won be emu pitted and in operation. This building is MO' fret long, 85 wide, 125 'high on the land sidg, and 172 on the river; and cobtalas 103-tins. with a capacity of I,Mo,ooolanahels. It is ex prated that 100,000 Mulch Of grain pet dkir can be handled easily. Two (Heads of Dr. COICIIOO, Bishop of Natar;.. Hare presented him with the sum of .W,830„; raised by about six hundred subscribers, partly to maker up for the loss of his Episcopal come, and partly to testify to Ms serrlms to the came of free expression of opinion , within the Church.of England. A Courswr has been organised In New:-Torlr. to bonstmet a telegraphic cable from theLCapest °Malian to the Island of Cuba, commit= with. Porto Rico,St. Thomas, Brazil Panama' • The slum of the Florida line' Aro =opiate,: • Tho enfant= la of national and Oononoroht Tun New Oilman' news goys ent - iblOY sr the coo? crop in Loasiaaa vilbto most orretoli edly scanty. The cotton crop-'protrams other.. things, and wan - yield handso.W profit, prownr.ll.—A yonzgrad named Gicretc 14 ... tiding ID Beath :Whcelfa ions drowned -a day::: or twoclnco by gettbm beyond his depth' Whit@ - n iu IED: In002?-11011171SON—On .lbe Rd Of.: 37.5 y, b 9 Ma Ban. Tnomaa ,Crumpton,' In -WILIAM X. 0914 and KW SOE4.II3,OBTITSON, 101 of -81. . . WiLTlDEß—Thundal wett, August lOLIN eh c•dock. Kum 2i. WARDEN; Esq., La the 733 Tear of Ma age. Tao ftuaerat will take place from hie 'stayed. ,eence, Temperantsville, aITEZDAT 117,3L8003. lit two O'clock. Can - Inge. pill leaps raftinanfr. Sataton l / 4 , comer of Seventh and Stalthtlef4 at one o'cloelL. The Wands of the fatill/ ttfp no. pectfnlly Invited to attend. .11'E111" 4DrERTI3EJIMAY T9O GREATEST BARGAL.NS Off' 'HE Concert Rail Shoe Stork No. Co FLITEJ ingEr. . .1:-..1 VlORizig" 0114.. -....tir'-.4::i' t _ - .., ...--. SUNINIER CALL nI=EDiAT,ELi. THt GR:aT StrIMM3E )YRIQZc $ , SANT PERSIA'S ME 12PERMICED .ONIIEQEIvx - T =.l Such raltioNeFreaents, lash every day OcCrr - c45 at t h o ac Redd MILLERS' PRESLITAIIgIEtj:I 'l4 FIFTH STRBET, AD MI ensttraers will testify siho Asia rtustutied 6===lM toZettinic : Ttoriti nem 50 CENTS . TO S5OO. ;C. 44 - SEND FORA eivretaciur,..' GP' NTS ' I: II Furnishing Goads' kowurorre STAB s • i a. Fine • negligee. Slats, BpowzgIiINEINIAATEI:MX.; - - it Etraivvarroto and MishCallarl.. ALL "vrilts PAPER COLUi SillIIT-21ONTS, •"'" •. "~ ,• • 17/1.7.3.,5CAEF.5; t• -1 47PARF PIPS • • No ,i 'EMT Ftritttr.-.-?-',. E,4201.v5, 17 e'er = _afenprEPitinit.on- if 1....f..:.;1.1:-,:!t .4.is;i:';,-;: OTC 19..C.01111gADT0183104: • • 11: LTEM I Z I N I 'Irs =44 Vr. tlfbt • • tor UM A neste2riSteasa 'FAA f2 .- ' Meoscipany,axtfartdatiDtelf :August, *PI spectecasions awl.% sem At., tAironleilk ac.htosor,'DisP.telLllol4l.44,-- • Path strec*co.and OM* the 14th Lost. , mutt .. . T.2kr,L. AUGHLUT,U2iIartax. QE.Mit:llO P.ROPOSALS X- 3 ,4 the oillro or J. Y. wzarourzs. erty Wen, flooriog . , w!tb 4.wo.lnett lumber. thol Door of tee :MIN ° Re, arol allto toOtagr tee same oltl. tle. g4D 1 11 ° O n ic' 'DAY. st.e 2.lst.se it. - "la AQUI th I4 .UCtUISIN iaitt76l4: 3' .. .1 ~- • , ~,•::: :::•i . .;::?1 1•; r •if - ,,.}.,...i14 •.'''J• 1112E61
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers