V 4 ME LXXVIII - ---NO. - 204: 'Pt. Vittatugh nette. NOTICES. Time Books, bittr , mi n k s „chick : Books, Bancks,:r{qte sad Draft Books, and Stationery, for RAD by Myers, schiiiiiie 'lt ttoners, ittrulerx a¢d nttulk F Olieffir*tee of the Great Ctottng out Sate Of SOU *nit andYsidity - even* A ro , it e o , , clock, at AlcUlellextel'a .nctton House, '65, VIP -V,-fr ate 'isles datierthe d 37 'low pikes. Our. :tfttnA;.3lr.Aottit Wier; tai Federal gt,' , 044 1 %. Ciiy;, wails) the east when the ifflfoltink nes& of thi capture cr.ll.l4unond autd Abe surrender ' , of tile 'rebel tteneral , t. es was- re azbl-tolog:l4ventage of th pre. '''..lltoed, end 'knowing the - roecticin that would folt. midri.verf , ,hterf' purchases, of the finest f spring and atatoe! 400ds at ebont-onohalf of thi ' l , - old prices.. Some of the 'finest cloths, Gault:tem 5ti..4 11- tribtagernite4 daki whtahbe tj ptipsied bi`rWiis - Fiso cirder k - cro:ilacirt' nottie;ln tut Ist& styles,:ettit : nt . orultngly low rates. & issohmeol'of gntsiseilaieady. etothteg Isla* be found at ti 4., elegant elAlo44l4,,,ki.Otti:AlirthenT Mei* should orp Parrq . &Co.; Print , 'Slate pmfe.TO, and peat= ii,Amertion• Mate; Of.iirfous pion. Otani it - .2siiiirier LiottWe4litax4. : WILW'W . 94 ,O i.I" I 4)bgnIN 14. Neetlesteet• No, - 18' Pike ,street. - Orden v icppux attended vratrairted water proof: pepablagdeiniar.thebortett notice. No vbiltiklor"7„rePidroi' mnrittetV the root" *l l O S bUtO aterjft put Oarpentir Jobhtitz Shop UsSing!Waned titter an absents of three gears m the will, I tuiv4o4pencel my shop for sorts **hiring !gibe enrpeater line, at the old stand, Virgin'Alley, betwnen Snutigelditreet ands:Merry Wry. :Ordegnipll9l4a4nd:promptly attended to. Rattaxivr.L. , 151. - Peaches; eloaii - sweet Potatoes, 1 ,- . , . and limit 'omasUg, 'constant/1 , arrivNg at 139 Telnl diet% belostSsatiada atraet. au3:lm Vtaixi.VGl & STBEL. The Rem Census of the states. . . - ,Thrreturnesetiher smarm nosfbeingtalcan in thhgatryi*il..*lttee.; 'under the auspices of the ' Stsi inifilrte, - reveal many curious• and In . rteresthiglicis. The decrease In population to many localities, and the enormous Meru:mein otheni, developing ea It doesi the ebb and . flow of tenAhle , =Balm, presents a feature worthy of a study. The great westward tendency : cigar Poprdelion revealed by .the na— :tionaleenstis of 1860 still continues; - anti 'at a more aptdrede.' ••A Thy present census not only proves that -letnfeeinfe,e o nnuPentale ln.the,last emunns, was not a temporary affair, but that , the ch:ago is going, on.. even, at a greater lain— I liras la-1850 the sauna , 'from- the Ihilantlo;— especially the New Englend States—resealed a decrease in the population of many towns. The tame result Is shown by the census now flips's,- grems mot only- laregardtdisiew England,butaL BOW. eaMe of the .egricultaral &anima in this ,fitabs: Such , Milarthlettiritig.Aowns as Lowell, where ILessuld supposed thepopulation would hare lamas edi ism& is : true , pr:otlier nt Near gigland:icedral district.o in; ell tee Atianticttatts—ellut whin we turn to the...uen ; mei Melee '6l4o'We:tern' Matey we 'fladi In : stead of a decreate;tmrenerniaus increase,.end atr.A.imilo .tentabL.lffeeillt,thell, Eat:. 414 olange , mnitOrrotg thii,verrnatnie,. °rots eterettl, lts'Ulleatte'end- , -cheracterlAtiesi, I hi - Masa Aom year "teryetz,-.worklez. the Aikost decided reunite In the efrtitS of thi. country. The decrease of, the population In' many parts otNew , EnglandforetellereWnr " One of ,porer and; irillueneel2lis , 21;:C=;ument elleltspwhlle on•the- other hand-the great lc • crease In the West not only points to the fact ShaLthe drirektottar Agent when the Mises—. I •131,01-Tsille slillbetlasetatii of the -Republlm.; I :and that what. Ls mow Miami as the West will -contraan4 gm —4-thepollticaL -114tintea.of the c0matry....41.0.1-orkßaddie , lgogrcoSo,linizationt .TitiVAVlttiflFlreiratt, - VillOClisoussioo of this subject, enreases an opinion of the value ' , l-4 ,c.VX•1 21 4 0 4,.e1cae14.1. 91.511 t M__._ ; _17 31 1 :' ne Fm not to be expected from aaCccauLts of that papa:: 'Tan we 'spare tl, labor," r asks tg. , ' , X‘rzr.V2Kittieli:kriiiin7tB %Ain would draw WIT We lost by-the war in various Ways—by death on the battle field, by wands and broken constituthinit-a million of work - men in both victim& Immigration cannot sup. r_l Plibls delletency imilyayeatvevertadmitting z • thatiVattrilbs imairerageol:twahundied:theras- , • and a year, which it reached in 1814, because leas Ault .the Ammimants aro ,not adult 4 w arm , c....5.s CA .3 a'...x 7;, i , .. a ..11....N.7 , 1 j'ilitrimstanced as - this country is, with ;Ita i rt l gt = 8 44 at =a, =iitalP:s •,, ford to wait for the Manufacture of that-low int- 1 portation of a working population. It may snit ,- themationactillringte to ,waittnentrathopears 4 - for the child to becomes MAD; but we ,inusthave men's labor instantly or the filiiiithaferatteW' - 11„ t eWof tbiteffibmweidt eloprAfitt,talSkend. alivor_woniattuiLtosoin of 'moth; • our new Tewitctelge Wgillfilletbaeltte In ghtilfiW • dow of the forest. anttour magnificent rivers ilia: , idly to the sea. The half worked Southern States - — nowlnorellafito*.iliticedionlaselelior .-- 1 , trat trouli b remala mosa • wt aproilti mm eas e w mtia aste. tii iill ; sothisulstrin :,fact, we_require a working population more to day than wren* dbfitaitnro.vrapart, then. from ithe litimanita)ien question ,W the future pros . -‘ 41-PrdPetial=l7= it. ,iso 46i= oursa or g ra l athe comitly, allotting to there •'',4c.” ~ s ' ti ••.., 1, , „lommitaxiatata TL nary Thee la meth' excitement prevailing et Fort. '. .-:f s rtiritit'iitlidlw,',Liotaillifiyfatt Mit Oeittn T , #itaid.iO4.4thwopoiell'iettgriote 1, :!) , -11 • getrrebeelnamiuitEelitarreetebontes: •; .:, ; •; , :, • 1- • ' .--:. ‘e4y t txm v f ad er the son ettfelanaziout .-: , ahe = oftheVeltedStates. , oted 1 0 1T oiVIRO`the'liftFoC-thaV.thdZaes A r e ml a tknl AO : ol lc4 en 4o . 'A eden 4 or nation' alibis thew !pi Selves, Andlawthe cLteltelle net* ‘ rightoftwtreWer • , theli oww.interner tram. Jodlans,eltdm 1 the rlght'Qt riktett„lpid'its' they' bare beydr Bur... 1 robtderer MA - tttlos,whirb they bold as te Z ri ..! property, they viii withdonotrot thi 0 : 1 andthat thew will take caea of..thteemeacatloo t :•:;.. and eeeneatrationlawathemadm:..,,,,,, i Just alter the absent We wattle W4mtt.regi• mentblhat tiriA'eletceOtttreVoo..arlar were d.maidW.AgetttigifarasAakcalcomlliem by the itittlidid . Mut 1114 bid )3t4w:tc - Th t hey Viet .., 5 TM Cr 24 WarldnitEMSZnet I.l44;daLtudess—Spectal to .et MC/IMO rairaW4l-Z --£: 4,.r1 ,-,5.:,..-• . . ei*Al•4l.4--•-... fj: itfASMlZE.Aina_ktriraltzs of Central ..-z- and s" etll AlztericV.Wnittint the lismican Ito. i public, are Totting ie.:IMM,, the *Anent of A which Is to idatithetnta edema pintail support to each other VIM), _Wee. - - /Aloto from a bS9o r ... • sticiPafthirliitelist of mem. • ccily-lirritrtherf ciiMild=draw , l. fie - llnlted, , : • States Into the mmpact - iteetteilitimilitOO At gg al:let : 11112r .., - rilit ' WeelegiTir4l . k inreit OVe2.. 1„. r0 v .,/10 l f.n f tir:, 4 rn7= fartielTh i aiMarer trur• rounded by.water, =dabs& fields of _corn and 1;." wheat goaded Anil ruined by tha swee ping dig otT 212 M ~Is Of •411to;'11011Pno/ "17 /6fott'cob t e fuelitaltd - by tatutclete I ',.. of thotiene#44Pßortmil ni...,? P . • - .: r - Asoltmecaminor ucematbnareAmeicany :.teritleglretn• ):littnitond, says that Gen. - Tard cr oi x t r yff appolitted tbentstielftetoilieerNO e tt st nalmbly lunl not' befere tip teldaleOf Vie "Ye c E, . till be no more MI emits -td give tee ,- lElpleof Richmond. ca offortusdly 0 4LV1.11 - ; ,tor elirottilAtliatt tunnamixaber., , t tit , ' MN named lifirri*,'ltiliirfin Ireland =the t,.1.11,117411.,,fmAe1pg connected wltlll.llo....Fatlaa nVOYmitenVltaletmvletad'addaentenOdtOadValf" 44arat,,,,stertaIaarvIAtide,,LAWII* 1174 tamp:min With aoldlets arid - trying to, induce. ,them to desert mai emllat lathe 7..raerlelui" , t,)t• t ,t t ; A Eta,,-..,,farartty4tx bun arot•iiars sand amen. I , deeda'amd papers. watt Cam ..from r. thaboosetetfii2dra3kitdela, In &AOdrit*:'ll.nr ;risinut. on - SaW4O. 'nob= antalmrserMent lyfcrwad Initt(olttac baud In thetelnlactirltb ;the dean cafe, hat mina the maul, _ moss waa ftnii put, tg_ttaa.littaantity„,7peedity Fitt argrit; imo t adtratra` Ittartc:' , Df o In_Ltuttataltul ant „by intere re n 7 rICSI I I . • ire itilgr abolattots at We --- ttArir.' McCarrarr late ttai wo, 411)01 Oitasktittfitk flo xm ilutil 1. 1116 Z - Isit..:' week: grid and :a tattr:Asslantrjraull Imprbumtiltatprlnipropprly Wang eak4ain cork rims'Arittr.l4 EXatINISIER COMM( has written is 'leiter to 3111Xtinniall'a Foreign Minister, front which =some h*rholtill# l 4l ll r°- 'cogtiileatheEnt,perai: - . _ - THE VERY' - LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. MILITARY TRIAL OF ASSASSINS Opinion of the Attorney General LATE PROCEEDINGS JUSTIFIED EXECCTIV MANSION AGAIA BESIEM The•Frten - cht died- the /sultans. AMUR IMCFII7I3* FROM CUSTOMS. Guerrilla 842114y's Arrest; JOHN NINCOLBOTLi SLAVE EASE. Dinloyalty of Citizens of Richmond Wasnisurros. August 10.—The Attorney Gen ere, In response totheiriqulry of President John. aim whetter persons charged with the offense of having asaisainated the late President, should be tried before a military tribunal or a civil court, gave a written opinion sustaining the ihr- Mer mode of trial. This opinion has been Printed. - It instil:dab:is that the military tribunal Masts upder and eccerding to the Constitution In time of war. That the law of nations con &Antes "part of the law of the hand, and that the laws of war constitute the greater part -of the law of nations. The laws of war authorize human life to be takeo without legal proceas,• of that legal pro cess contemplated by those provisions In the constitution that are relied on to showthatJadu .clm tribunals are the constitutional law of 11 allow , which the result of experience, and wisdom of ages has decided; that jayhawhers, bar.dittl. dm, are offenders against the law of nations and of war, and as stick, answerable to the milltaty. Our Conitilation has made these laws part of the law of the land, Obedience to the Conmitn lion and to the laws requires that the military should do their whole duty. They moat not only meet and tight the enemies of the country In open battle, but they must or take the sec. - et enemies of the country and try and ere. cute them according to law. The civil tribunals of the country cannot rightfully interfere with the military in the performance of their high, arduous, and perilous, bat lawful duties. The Attorney General characterizes Booth and his associates as secret, active, public enemies, and he concludes with the opinion that the per dons who are charged with the assassination of the President committed the deed, as public en emies I believe they did, and whether they did or did not is a question to be deridedby the tribu nal before which they are tried. They not only can. but might to be tried before a military . _ If the rm., one charged have offended against the laws of war, it would be palpably wrong for the milli ary to bard them over to the civil court to convict amain of tatirdex, who 'lto in: thus of war killed another In , battle. • Fitssnisovotipag. 10.-'-;The Executive Man gan NOM again besiegeded•day by a large crowd of elsitore, one third of whom were ladles. The President. opened, hie epics co s tal, of ehem at the same time, andlield attention to their respective calls on'brisiness, aided by his Private Secretary. The, most iranoreant -of the throng presented Matters of the least lomOrtar.ce, some of them having prereionalk - bassi • inisamicsaiht with the heads' of the devartnients. Several ex-members of the:United States • Congress wh6 have be' en prominent to the rebel 6,21 , 00, waited In the buter'risemilli-irreleild Olititint private Interims , with the crowd had retired. ! it le probable ,the. Society: Of Friends will b a represented In the Commission appointed to meet tha - Cheraireohalblekartsmtmd.Many edher.,:i Indians, In a Grand Connell on the let of Septum ; i Per...! The object 6CUM - govermitent IS to:insure peace among them by improving their several conditiors, and by remoter; as ear as possible, Boma of the causes which hare heretofore pro i'roked theurtequlateltY• • • ' - : ,•• i Thi Weal* friaxiCasiirtrut foe Jul; are More. )sententrd4okm teismlllionsotriollara, axed that Mir She 4irtietest:inoritlr , -will .be -Mach larger, "'iva-tights of the revenue LI collected at New prekt„ ,-.., ....,,,.. • : .4 ~ , . a . , '...', • '. : ,':"..: g,' T 1 A gentleman of this cityi who was 1n "Attune lima yet tercian , saya Colonel Joint PS. Mosby at acted a crowd, wherever.he made his appear Vince and his presence occasioned much India , itb 3 e among thasoldiera on duty ln the city.. a came down frorri.Nifarienton Co ba audited Oa a member of the, .ba . r.lint General. Welles as, • piled biai - on ii - Sdiatie 'Or hirsiog broken his - 'parole. The. Colonel .brielly but respectfully oentradleted the polat. :The , Tpibunis l'ashmiold• cOrrsapoaticistydaya . averylmptatant, ' ease Will' aliorl,l4.lila brought . gsitias - .tho. - tialtSd Staiai'Moissi„ ; sii:' 0 0- sids. - .os_bet.iter'slierea held. to . service:titer President.. g.lamin's manmetredicro proclamation kid gone: Onto , effeetiqtra.lstafalt • *WI not , bachiltied• 46 **ientiojalat iliOriabof: ' qa.r., tropi. - .;.` 'Xitipeagiii4edf; fiUtias..lrreediasta's Biataa,-le , itmarpreresiptimeli. a , ease agdzist John•Mineki Xoitai witty refaassto pay the witor of C lisTro , aStlisitliSldaii toTbclizair ariito,:eurteideyar 1140,0iatisfiliscatuida 4 Aliattlie:aszro Auld have gone to the` Union forces and enlisted. or been "alred4a tibait2Tii,Siparisoesit and •eceived Wean till per.aidart- 1 ,... , , . • laileiriifSlia;facr.thailleAghi'vaisised i'laity;Lliscias44o4;ll.kaia i ilia:43 . l , lra= it . iliarri oristaPossas =Chill promrtj...the: clajuk la Mit. masa Stratasalers ,,, :,,,:,.,• -, , •-• A mitten 'Ortlia' - '4i6likeil 'ldelf4 - passoated • , 0 Gt4 6 ,Ter37-432.XZWAY4*-becia , ,,rdeztrAl, to o.7ll.rosasilditesbisk-af tile-district lar laitsti._ on. - BespraLarresia have , been =ado, wit- Asifia#laPtatit3;sad as 1;4os:oat - isial vat re. .iviarTeTY Pag*4l/441thliglact0; : Idaay76t; WIC inhabilaals cialchnsoaascriaroa'slag a display hi dialoyidlsetaltacola.-4.11 the-oolased 'cheats . ftqW e/t Zt !- l aV# ! . / . 3 . e. :,4•'..`f ''-. :::„ ..-. .f : • Tgfi t '..ol4 . lllit 'ABM insteringOat of Sher Wants 'Troops. pmcmi-opitier 91E411/GE& , J‘ The .P43rtir"-Pllt9r. !ARBE;I3I:.Or- THE GVERRILLXIVIOSERY Oaayay~itOAttosasi EEM2E9 MEIN= 1 "lirV Yc; l 9s 4 a liMt* / 0 ? -7 b,' ,704414 Wl"' i;404 1 ,4 1 11 1 i1te iliYri itid4tlieg fli* 11141.scittrontr•tkat+on the Ist day or , last Kay ' - Ifitik:Oii- !ligliiiii u ,44 l 3:. af,'UOnaanent- Pl ied in - P la n t ra -/P a " Thb'Plir'lis: limes pai ! •iitie i %km :trirtiltiat zdlicherired. r i Uttie pe-y l 4lO tatedted' thortseideio`tritx: - b*s . •iaiit;cidii, foikicatialhir X ty-th tO ati t..n ‘ * lain the sir* end :On theltaYidn 4 t- 1 4. clamber disolutrgednbont trim tinndind thou. 4 ere.........„ en mate want ttarsaveW. raw to begot* oft sod Ansteretloott, - .. The fonds entilelentiektnnael ". ttds'defOted ern Inunia f;psyAnsretiOnd at* it/dS. Palk -" --,P=MA..iolAinc.,,who have t .aret&ett- f in tam:tad lbonsand, ar e beAq i nald aft and tottsteredi out. 'Os' Wilt' -._ ; s Ms Ma part of the - workiepidonned nu' 3y ; ride:red fcoca thOrset t4totilelalfigoree 113,10 deperttnents At Wok ' , . 11 411PDA'sSeer' 'Alt aerthareibore hero. Paid off and t artosereaont araingshedast Shirty . days 'io,ooo • ',.. - , . 61- , 17 ...Ntr: 1, -, re-.; ...., :, ..- 1 1n4 15;', re'd'erd'order ortlieMatifie*tzient wit tprobid4y mutter out enoU" half or Sheridan% P 0041401 rieSnleater Wilson " eta 1.1 ;%+,:t , ftlentkv faith .necrly...tere millions of dollara-i,o pay them' -Frdnige•s: 'OE riontemplit, , d , eiildnit' chutes; larn'elretiratit4.' 4,40..,,,:110w : mach; . Loan; i damn: they hiyo, ' h rad no one ravine tobitoblo Imlay. , 'Jahn Cefelie , and John .w., ;Forney arotnentkined. as • possible curt ore to' Secretary .Barlan,.of...the lacier Department,' ;and hfr.:SellitlitilltOlabll , nnra..itisala about to retlifeN , We PrOttstdlitkfilMdigidnattAgeinst' -11tnt000isto-elotogra.wz L ... ~.- • .i,...11 ,i '.:-.... ..' - , ',l: ~ Illus reported- reconeillatiort. Wixom General Toiler and ;S:drotrsl Porter lit ontrbs.. , Flon:VdiftedZifiarte* rotir;lS lo UT ' AM . '''. akratottlias It be,bas lier4j..ol4 o Ondridoh7.7 eisrittigaf..tlertailoll,:attd*M• Ifise: tato* , toe, to testily Concerning the trestneent:of prise..l onenkleetbre the Mi11te5113"27188.41?",?.M bo ari enem.usiotopt.,-1,„..„-. , di ,Itwel t& m...wko vitirt . m . -ipenini-,,1 .csatsdnio 1 ,-. aftniedo,Axo the -todo troor c ' Mer.:' , ask VAS Inftnedisteli set .?F leld*rifrran: thdorders Or IN:General ....1t fdgm tdlk ths - ClePerfaOOot*Wistktfim 4,r,. ,-/ -,----, tlter...tpllSlOCkMMp i (ttrzUlaillaraiitt. , 15 *WiSt - 140 Vdteraitteeishielleadontanault ilm,:- L l n e a brasiterelorthantopoadildcn*SPO'! don for his eon. an=gdollhottebeLSWlF, pp t.....; . ... consiagaiiittita: t ! a v s Pri s 40;4T1 T0 04'14 'Vq.oll.ztr: I t X t 1 I ) . 7117.. - • -!,..._ , -. T.r- ..... - - ' 4 L ' . ki: . i x . ._. .. . ANDEILSONVILLE , PRISON PEN. Leiter from' Quarterinaver Moore, 1110;T INHUMAN BIRBARTICES PERPETRATED Trial of the Keeper, Wirz EUSU OF sorrufm warns Case of Ex•Senalor WI ,H C. Rooveg. NEW Your, August 10.—The Tnerte's Wash. ington special says: A private letter from Capt, Jas. M. Moore; Q. 31., who was despatched to An derson- Title, Ga., for the purpose of giving a decent burial to the remains of Maxpriaotters, who were nearderol by the late rebel autheriCes, was re ctived, this morning, by J. E. Botta, chief clerk In his office, in this city. Capt. Moore writes under datiXof July 20thi We are encemrd within one hundred yards of the prison pen of Andersonville, and it is, in the fullest sense of the word, nothing More than aspen, a human pen, where thirty thousand of our brave soldiers were - huddled together In an enclosure not ores hundred yards long and scarcely man hundred wide, Where they were exposed to the rays of an almost tropical sun for months, resulting in the death of thousands. This prison pen should never be destroyed, but should stand until Its stockade falls to the ground by decay, so that the people of the North may be able to look or, this ground and COI:Mil:ICC themselves of the human cruelties perpetrated by Southern leaders on our prisoners. This is about the hottest place in the &oath: There are yet about 14,000 head boards to letter and put up, and I may not get home before the latter pert of August— , The same special says. The trial of the An dersouville jailor, Were, will volubly not take place under two weeks. Meanwhile every effort Is being made to secure voluminous testimony in his, case to substantiate the charges brought agrdest him. A large number of letters from officers and men who were tor.flned at Ander sonville term been received. ell in relation to his treatment of our prisoners. The rush of Southern visitors rondo'', una bated. A great majority of them stop at lards, the register of which daily shows nearly our-half the arrivals to he from States lately In rebellion. Their business here Is generally the collection of military claims against the Govern ment, which they sometimes succeed in having admitted through representations of their never faltering loyalty, the old plea, during the war. The Time,' Washington special says Ex. Senator Wm. C. Reeves, of Virginia, whose ap plication for pardon was filed here a few days since In the Attorney General's °Mee, hat re. °sired from the President permission to visit the North during the period of his application. The conditions of the permit are that Me. Reeves shall report and give his parole to General Van Clem, at the residence of the latter on his ar rival. WINE UNION CONVENTION. Governor Corey Again Nominated. SYNOPSIS OF RESOLUTIONS PASSED. . POUTLAND, August 10.—The Union State Con veutionmet here todayat 10 o'clock.. ,Theat. [fn.:El:mm4ns large, 'With a full representation from the State. The Cenvenilmi was organized With Hon, John A. Peters, of Bangor, as Presi dent, a Vice PreSident from cash county. and Powell Allen Sprague and W. H. Wheeler as Secretaries. A committee On' resolutions was en:jointed. - At :41M a. m., aliallot was taken for Governor. The wholetiumbar of votes was 504. Simnel Cory, the present Governor, had SSZ, and was unanimously nominated. The Convention was then addressed by Hon. John Bice and Col. Sutherland, of Texas. .1. T. Gilman, chairman of the Committee on 1;1a-cautions. reported a series, of which the fol. lowirg }!th tytton.lat. . .- . ... . . ~.. j the Ara recoiatic;iitii Drums Sand that had led the country rough the civil war and given rn luningVnize hosed Ant. ShiteMlipeiben of aretyjindis'reibilstica`of the Union. The secend Xinews the endorsement of the Prlsciplss and measures of the admintstratuon of Potaident tincolnistrictorn down becalms of his devogonl,a bath= freedom and the American Union, sad expresses entire confidence in resident Johnson, believing him to he desirous Obef restoring-the just - rights ta.all, parties; and In tf Oahe I:Won men of Maine, pledge a wr ist support In the greet work of atoning na tional union ~ t he restoration and equality of hu man tights ;ad enduring Wm.. , , --.-, •-• • '.. ' - The third asserts thatit lathe dntybf the Gov ernment tolleild theldtedes =der. a PrOldslonal 3oreettmoistlirticretbn chaiiiiter.of the people a foniid - tbsife dep.:am - am - 0 a 'free Rep:l6ll. can Government. The fourth proclaims that In reorganizlng the rebellion State; it la the right and duty of the Government to demand the ratification of the Carratiralonal - amendment.golishine alzVerT, . and the Trineralof Mt disability , on account of eolokandtoeetnno to-ell nee'fftt-eonelity.: , Tile flittiendartes.. , ..eiitZhlmeonTesaatl= Meats, that the American peaplo =at be taught It treason Is Wetlate.Tag!sennetur..linnished, end that the tatralibtillt Enforced against the late Confoderate cleft a:4olll4aq government. I The sinltzekedveitliat: &if& good Win Melt' in polishing the entordthate matrumente of;tne la* It btlysXl 1111111 MN trolls fa Vied tunt, nee:: Ihe ' leYelith ' fit4lline.thit'ta:neeiititi6n 4: Ho Celled Stilevalacathl hi:sewn:red rloaecuto potently end =Horner of the Tlgtattf Tepresen fattener the Snaps ttrtlohatetA. = az. ~- _. .'.• i -Us .altthih-. l 3e4alM"that Abe :Masecfpation , PT-9 40 hationa of Tresiaticiincoln,..tha east- - meat of-veer- mas-Emzudzed : thourantA , of the- Tolorednet'anddat tntason hnd tlieh•beingnald , :. otatu tat ass axe Ihenf tettef eh in VW impel diitt. garnet AAA, hie, "themittonel honor those people havolnAlict, as in name, conferred on them all the Tights or freedom, and t bat the pft•pla of rho United States will Todeurt .. thleniedge, , - ~.. The ninth.assata thhhthehigheitgratltude of Sor the people le due to the army and navy. The tenth declares that •Ciavernor Cory hu idudnistet ed the affales,at the State , ab ll 47e, inpritlitat .ardi pradoneeco no - Crest body or .our fellow.eitlzens will give 7preutonsthe ..stutus confidence, hy again Lacing him In °Mee. TittrAtolatiaus3rero unicatanalp.ildtctetZ and the Convention adlenorned. ARIUS FROM - OALIFORNA 2:11 I 11. THE MEXICAN LOAN, --, , ,n;,•,77 lir=at. iv. 1 1 :.;.:41:11( I pjeliil4 ' of iilfOrBl liff /41 4i4a1V" .ti.. TO 0 r_.2:j4 Ti" ,110 liLLizi pv.ee.u.-a • I ..' A .7.1,1 ir.'... , PW- F •Nter:Ticata4AntertlP:,-••IXtelleof theliby* if . .riii:ogooW4 l o,laitAitaiiii 44.44 - ,IttteMeiteett Republic,. lehleimme emu? !Itnostro,; MAPP4. .Pace t courarvic***,:iiii,;64l rlteA thinriPtrltkelehlgq !hlifir Xi4r:',ll:: wiiiardietilialiA:c'eso„ L L ~..:1 r': : alexthitty.theuseedastioleetern • oi3ierFteeeteeellerrithl2lo2l4l - t(hpWllVldeltr• 1..*• =1/4fig°'''Ofted b/O-Qciiini:l qg 4ita44 - 441401. af4,124. perwitgaiii:,,se#ed,:=An.utittattuneac:l4•:dallit. Agetnettlle Illealesui , egentenhtethirehtlege . or. :than. _ ' i ~.,! 0 .:'..QI k..,. 'R. :, ; Tba Mexican C onsul in ban rrancaco nu,. '7ecelied aAtecreoilosuodpc chltrattrair by Fret' , dent Jnafee;' - deelstring dull:and trreefrect the imperl4lslperge in reference the ooplarizatlon 'lot the Mexican churchlawellt, p n the ground .of,,htigthellhe? Awing teketerpee. : . :7 . -,, .. • ' , r.', GENERAL GBM AT QUEBEC, 'Hi's>ilens oa the 4ilinlatorlAfstlont i New Yens:, Aug Tu4l.d.—.li. Quebec dispatch Isaye i- iirbilitere ceht;iii iln t spottwAttiblit !reserve to scaurel pursues eatholifff, OW „Trir ) Uon. Roma Mit 116'14411AM kaietiiddtell' ta onsontrl4ektnatifelkflita4t(46llrtillt, 7 of obaervtutm, end that ftio - rionto - wonia &we to lesTeMexicoPei 6 siblrif :91 . 0.5 , cliotrohbutt: bir, o lF-lhilt, - ..fircisal'. Wie,,,Viied IhtailaTlie neolied:;:tipr, tio'ir r , had been ortiotott- r bt'jutt. . ttij,totit tho' l e ci rebellion ' Werad c regLAß eccome"Until MuzlmMisu NOD wMe flAput _ liquelcap.lNMPlCallosuchaeuentgand the ovoro ticotAdthoul delalcregast: teieto taszmuntrotantiodusum aka, EfiglitialtlMAtitiottql . VW ftiOraffi s start *dad twdietur . ffinfg i , i ' tuisiter.hi , :iUlaitlittgailliOPM:=lth up with France In the Maxim .quatp:or:- Pt cro are I Am MI, dug: 9 .—Avenyg - 7.-;.,-, °I V* 9r.llll°Piqfl;Paxi!!!'',.':' -3 IT G2I-A. 6 " GAZF TT PITTSBURGH. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11. 1565 COL. lIAELGUN'S C(141 RECtIVERED. Una, Townsend Rudely Treated. SEARCH FOR A SUSPICIOUS STEAMER Formless Monitoe, August o.—lnfo. ttion having berm rece:ved at headquarters that tho coat of the Into (Jul. Dahlgren was In tho hand , of Charles Davis, of Matthews county, Va., azi order was Issued to Lieut. S. J. Tow ad, Pro root Marshal at Camp hamilton, to go and a.. • cure It. The Lieutenant accordinely left Inn Sunday, and on landing on the farm of ono Barney Weston, on the North river, was treated very rudely and disagreeably by the Inhabitants end by Weston In particular, who Informed the Lieutenant and his men that they lived under civil law and would not have the military there, and spoke contemptuously of other military of ficers. They. however,ascertainel that Mr. Da. vie bad moved to Norfolk, and last night the Lieutenant succeeded In obtaining the Colonel's coat. It has five bullet holes ID It. Weston's arrest has been ozdercd. • A thorOugh search has been mode for the steamer Effort, reported to have let, New York under simplelons circumstances. Shd le not In these waters. The work of raising the Cumberlaud will soon be resumed, although the pumps have not ye been repaired. FROM SOUTH AMERICA A Severe Naval Engagements New Tons, August 10.—The steamer Seladla brings news from Platte river to July 20th, nit , trig account of a severe naval- engagement be. tween the Braellan fleet 'and Paraguayan steamers and floating batteries, which took place on July 11th, et Methuen, Past :below Corlent, on the Parana river. The greaten bravery was displayed on bath sides, and the slaughter was fearful. The vic tory wee claimed by the 13ntell'aue. The town of San Sorsa, on the river Uruguay, hart t-en captured by the Pe reigttayans, and it Is Bald put the entire Brazilian garrison to death. Adjutant General Thomas Serenaded ELMIRA, N. T., August 10 —Adjutant:General Thomas was ecreonded at the Elethway House, this evening, by the band of the First Veteran Re ser Te COWS. The General came out on the bal• cony and returned thanks for the serenade. He said be bed come to Elmirs on business, and had hoped to eisc-pa observation. He woe a perfect stranger; did not thiuk he knew a single person in the city, end was very much surprised at the compliment. He bad been through the war, and his whole heart had been In the canoe of the Union. He said that Maximilian would have to get out Of Mexico or we would hurry him out. The Mon roe doctrine meet be enforced; we were in a con dition to bold our own against the world. He hoped the soldiers would now return to acts of peace, fonniste the immense territories of the west and carry civilisation with them. Ho hoped, and Mt sure, that if ever the cause of the triton should be aznin endangered, every man of them would rusk to its rescue. The General again thanked the assembly for the ser enade, and then bid them good night, and re treated amidst a storm of cheers. New York Stock and Money Matters. New Don k . , Augoat 10.—The Stock market exhibite the quiet meal at this point of the year. There is a general confidence in the present iange of Tenable:s, and prices are quite firm. At this morning's board, speculative op. crationa ward merely notninaL The Ilmittal stock pmt out during the temporary weakness of a few days ego, has been taken In. There is no dLspealtlon to contend against the operations of the btafamily. The market at the afternoon board was very strong ou Erie, Pittsburgh and Reading,..withe fair demand for these abacus. The balance of thilfit woo steady. Government securities continue strong,though mmparativeLyquiet, The current demand for abiptbeitt th.Ettropewas limited. The pressure to sell aeyen-thirties tuts fallen off. State bonds are generally -steady but quiet. 3fiseellaneons Ilst lower on Atlantic mail, but etesdy on the tathets.:;', Soles by the Treasury are about equal to receipts from customs, and since' July about eleven million In manta hare been realised from these aides. ! Money shows a al;gist tendency toward return- Ipg ease, but the movement Is.not indicated, by Op IL/vale change In the rates of interest tlerscheal V. Jobneion Partioned - -Cholerak Raging—Me Preltdeartitialdence. Ntw.Tortx, August 10.—Th9 CanantircAtt .1/1. nertiser evsysr,:lfra. Datqlas' appeal to the l'res- Went for the pardon of Herschel V. Janitor:, Who was on the ticket with her husband a. Vice President, Las Toned auccesafuL , Thb Pail'lLWseibingion special sari : Advices rceive:lex the State Departaseet to day from the American Consul et> Hasa; slate that the Cholera. Is raging there -to a- fearful extont. Cotnumulcatton wit} 'the rullarentialapda hes been suspended. Quarantine Is rigidly enforced at vazioneplaces. . Our Consols at Trieste and liesaina gate that. measures have teen adopted toprevent the cholera from spreading froin the ports to which It has extended from rapt: • The Georgetown Height:a; which Was seleeteil„' Or the President's residaxce, -is considered toe, liar frau -, the Executive -011leo,. and the Presi dent's family baying expressed a prefereeelo for' the Soldiers' Home, it is probable that this place will be adopted. . . Muth of Eudgfatleit'lo : 'AdieflOa. ; Ntw Yons, Atignst 10.-. Late foreign papers show that the rash of emigration to this country from the Noah of rope' to 'netting to wit more than usualVolleraMum. ..V.lfteonthousaud Polish erifift are Making - arrittgoaientat with the Swiss-Government-for treespv,tation to the free soil of the United States. From Norway theittodus of the most valuable part of the population is so gfeet as to excite the fems,ofthe autherltles, who are, endeavoring to , The Parts coirespon4ontiif the Loadon,Neus, noltilllPlMlT call talbrinal, throws ant a hint, that Napoleon Is prepaNrigto take np the Attie - lean-question on hit bira apconiat, - 514.040- to Maximilian return! te kfataraoras. , . Baur .Teller.!Areasted—Fitty Thousand Dor ars Stolen. Nevil - Otte, Aognst 10.—Thea CarameNcif t'atiter,asys Thla morning:4oo% half poet' tenfticeit,kleCarty:' of_ the Tirenty birth • , Tresfunt; gnissted Henry Dideltkinat - PllY! indtrollor:of alfer4andx; W111114'04 fl;;VOIPILIOt 4ftJohn' , f ! a eker,-Clashisr. of, the same Batik wheeharges that - al , muiteut, times the actittd,bas,Sakenthesura4ll2P-ltiotoood daintier thttreabotils; - .llemi- ate:Bank, and Convened the same to , his own nao, without the knowledge or =sent -of ids' employeis. It is tu , dero9 o 4.l l kaafged.,4 B figOtcr .tiqr to takhig a largo rem of money from bank, butter exact be does notate:a: - Nnw . v,Tongoang.,.l.o.—The 14th ptatat Infantry , (regulant) 'nearly obirte handled streog,leave for California on thy: gtt,4 ;a 2d United States Arti llery will follow as 800 IF ie ., * _Ruling eMa noold-hoUr toloYeon - theolial - WhoS -- eatteiyeait; Women noirgamfarifitd , Wlll7 atatea-le eater 11411trilteltelana' fiteet >Mew' opdaSer, agaleat!die lodeategottigstW,M L anbet ptilmetra enterbetha Ardotairml- Father than bo soutb.3:nuThave =ma , train time to timeined arecostOrganinetinto six fOg l ;d,ccedB; dod doing good service tinder theActog.:l(_.,,.l. alcfitTir a. New roux, Most ?, IN—Gold v In aseend find WOW, .dovnanuyi kagleacy.,:Aush,gold ries offered Tilts freely, 5 . 4 some of the bolder . toperatora ire plait oat tillailted Otshorts. RleMos of tialgr4ulltl7 PePartuteat undattbt y 0;0,40144 thei - :toiltf. Mid If continued; regal - to:Mats Ibi - -tbe•diktist leteriestimthb - rom :to-thirties, which, Is not, generally. anticipated, the *nine of the 'indolent mey tend downwards for a period. ,The opened at 143%, and decllnedflttfallttert49X; ••- 4:‘:0 ' 4 1 0•• = 4 3 0 1,01 / 4 2 . • Sala of Government Veesels. ,Auggit_ am, a parge eels dakivernment veseeLi thte ,morning l ac the Neu...Kout• &number. of iSeitllttLa t toga Ar4.4 l, o3wAY.ealteli, Carowbleb 00,00vernalqui asmo farther vae:wensmilattionctlcta DJ arthr ;011 the Govelatneat.- • 4ertr atteßdlmer Was lag! land tlitiliadjditstpite44 . _ ; 0 1 / 4 ATOCAtAultastlo.-=A - irpecialig;ANl Isap t Tht4tat three Mlltilleff today Wullreaf . In two s kiteatafiy,. ; the4alewonl. 6-buse. Fleetwing' afdabl" Marra ittlebidlr'heaten .on the =MA Ate*/ 64 4 ...Vsratted•z640: iTheseMew raeassaawas casity•trylhopagneetr. Time . qrt nv 0.1 Now-ratur,-4.tyrust 40.—A twin Wl:drub; burg. toastrideOWAddlikEniotraillint*Noth(e and Rentals Tanaery.. Eitter#ll , a kw Is 640. fOCtiraninaoMMEßatigilifted fillgta , WOO—lnstued for 150,000, mostly in tnts city and !proottlyn., Two Ilretnen;weree.badly Injured. '.•. , Ll,:pl3lnritexer Reprfeied. I * -I :4Prulful , 4 ll lPasf- 10 ,7-Pvid GrPigN7o ivbo V*lo .bo executed . lira t6inerroie elzotelug ; tavermkeept4lies liaatietftriela7 1 tettdritUtthe land rd SePtrtiftr r CITY 4tND SUBMIN. Cricket Match—Aftegheuy County vg aver Comity—A Ilegileny County Some two weeks since the Rochester Cricket: Club, of Beaver county, inserted an advertise meat in one of our o.lf doilies challenging coy eleven cricketers within thlr.y.flve miles of Ro chester, including Pittsburgh and Allegbenj, I it play them a game of cricket. Tee challenge we 6 ehortly atter aczepted by an Inpromp.o organ. Izetlen of the re/aired somber, compaced prin cipally of the old 4 )/ymmc and Atlantic club!, which had been,:dlsbanded since • the breaking out of the war, and yesterday afternoon was the day appointed frr the match to come off. It was generally predic t ed that the Rochester club, who have been In Practice daring the entire season, for a period of three months. yroula have but little difficulty In triticomlng our Allegheny county club,-who were' without prag,tice and had no' distinctive organization. The Rochester club, too, was composed entirely of Foglishmen, a people who hays a national fondness for the game, while 'onsimpromptn club was composed of cltizeni to the "manor born," with the ex ception of two representatives of "menie Rag land." The:melt, therefore—which was in fa vpr of Allegheny county—was an achievement for oar cricketers:of which we may well be proud. Quite • =pest:able nninbe of adzes: as sembled yesterday afternoon on the grounds Where the match was to be played, et West Common, Allegban Y. The wickets were pitched theta eleven o'clock. Beaver county won the "toss," and put Allegheny county in the "bat." Thegame coutlilated until nearly six o'clock in the evening, and was a very exciting one. The following are the scores made: Ausatrzsr COUNTY Fire Tonfege Second innings Woonaan b Branlia" 0 b Marshall—" ~. Jenklrur 1. In 'lv: b. What- o Pearson b Se- 0 .ton nior rub 0 DDavenport,Out 2 b Alar.ball I a Youba Lb. w. b.Wheutos 3 b Marshall 0 Arbltesidea b Brooks-- 4 o and b Senior—. 3 Schwartz. run out 10 b Senior 0 Olsen b Wharton.. 1 b 01srahall 6 Blctlabc b Martha(' 15 b Neqllr 2 Childs c Thorp! b What , . lob 4 not out— o 4 0 b Irlarshall 2 Brown, not out 6ploul II Zug Sall Total loolo,gi DELVED COUNTY Tfrcl Innings. Sectonl inn ,n,p Wharton b Dtatrabo at Davenport 3 111ggInbottom b tloCnbe. 7 b McCabe 3 Thorpe b McCabe........ II run out Senior e VelllteaKea b 1011117 1 1. b. sr. b. Metlab° ^ Ilimsba.ll a Young b Ma- Lltbe o 51 lller 0 tavola c hillier b 1117:aba 9 McCabe S Nutball to Daveanoet.... R Illethabo 3 Wllk int= b McCabe.— o Millar ...... ... rluldwall, Iu a out ' 1 McCabe , 0 Pennon b McCabe 0 Davenport 8 W 111ebardson, not out.. 0 01 out 0 Total laottrga We understand that a rent u match will be played between ttut two clubs, at Rochester, lo a few weeks. The time has, not yet been desig nated. Chnrter at American Linen , . . This hi one Of the neatest and most Convenient little volumes that we have seen for sometime. It is printed on mow 'white paper with bountiful clear type. Da contents are, Constitution of the ignited Blida, Declaration of Independence with fee Antics of the signatures thereto, *eshington's Farewell Addrins" B. Proclamation of - Emancipation, history of the Ai:cleric:ea Flag. aid portreitsor-Goorge Washingtan atd ,dtra ham Lincoln. . It Is the American's vede•rnervesa, and every one will endeavor to seenrn a copy. The history Of the American floe, in which is given all the reselationstitemsgress In regard to its device, walla read Withilmp Interest. The last riniolu- Lion an thefeunjeca, Approved April 4,1118, Is as follown ; ... "That iiiiiiindifter the fourth day of .1 . 039 ner.the leg of .tha United Sinks he thirteen hiorhidotal gnintdiAilterante rtl and white, that st,o Vidcm - httoristy stare, white ® a blualtald, id that, on llovatt.qhlon of a near State Into a"UniorscoMs sterliiatted totheirnion of the ' tindrinri inch additlOn shall •tateeireet on e' toroth dey,:ef July next sticeooling such *mon." . . For rale by ..lienty Miner, .71. and 173 Fifth ma, who haerdwaye on Mold rewell elected: oak of the current:Mature or the day, and the Astein -perio4ica42..'„ Drafted States District Court. .coirt met ai.:tha impel hove, Judge • Wilson .IcAndleeson the bench. In the ease of John: O. Nauru, charged with harboring a de , ertes, • the defendant Was found 4utlty and incoxanilinded to the Inerey *of the [Dart. This isciannic., 'being but on ball, falledtct Make bin appearance, when his teeetfanninee afas forfeited. 02181otron4f 8; tainnsta&i:VADM44 loci Satotterr.'Eay; dilated' with passinecomiter= shit money, the trial of ME case iris postponed iSatti the ascalaisis otOinsit. . Ba l wool/Led to the amount of 810.000.. The ease of firs..ldia. Waymire, 'charged With" perjury, ln cil4tritog melon money . by che;;&,eth. of, .a forruer, hilstuitud. "after mar rying • second eimeawas taken up. Owing: to defect In the record upon which the bllettainit - Was tamed, '(ths pension agent In taking- 4.111, the data of this allidacit having male • ndstalos of • Month.) the d.;' , Tendent WAS sequined. • I 1 lkupress Messenger dfilydn'esday, at' noon, an nntOrtuputto aident eteurred d gm suspension bridge at wheeung, by which an Ailams' - nipreas this sent% named Ephraim W. tfelfelTy,_ reeldlng, on BandnaleyHstreet, ddleglusny was fat;aliy: *- fared. Mr: ffetelvv; - M appears, was *ding on a wagon load - uf , gooda Kerner the bridge, wberet.hopktanufcdtcd; and la .the falkatrack, him on rite temple , fracturin g the ekid - T and—re }eking In deatis,in Ostit.tw• hours. The de ceased hadlieen einpinfea on - the road between thin clef and Wheeling for several min), and was a faithful and competent messenger. Ile leaves a wife and Several childrelito mourn Sudden -death. .Tha. body. has.. beat bronght this city, and the funeral will (aka place' - at ten frelock irrlday mcirnbag, from his iesidenee on Vandurky street, above the North Genruntrii. .tratal Aiddenter. On Monday, Jenne; llama, while engegedlin isimoving some earth width had catedlll3a the tack of Allo,:,ll.ekaphld, meow!. atthegmlem t own tiithidNis r id e iedlWiMisieearfielkirith a 4.P7i rate, who wai wonctta tit tlie,p ace. was se , Sklyinktred ittChtreateetlinte—x-' Mr.,John H. Lewis, dr, garlAsf,indhine conn' 0. 'WM throweffrom Idahorid one day Tim week mid.do serloaall 11 4 11 04A1 tP.Peiligel4,4oo4 is day or two thereaftem, . , „„„ , A yonng man named I ikioW Swatore townehit',4ehaneek•sninvi, Wad - ed by a kick from &lOW talmtiwitmlast: He Wad last bitched the homeitotrater them, when lie wen kicked in the stotottehremd died before r verang, Yesie;a4:, aiternixnr a.eian nami:,CCralk ehanius.lllol4 iaebiie ed, whila etandtpg at:ll6 iketoffice, neaPilter s plniiiitilelliery; wee. hated by Akpacuag)ad wltloll2 Irtqa1171145110F:, bd"Eita kik = a - t'Wo4toliiii tat, at UM - Mini time handiaghlm , r, bill of thatdenominatkm. Croft. 'shanks replied that ho had not lost it. I:atilt thit , porno time he.pet It in Itts packot....Dpon atter. wards,denytpgiliat ho pod tvin po, ati, an officer wee called, who Mottled hlm to the, Mayor's office, end upon a search ; the -bill woe Monad in a sloe pocket. — the Mayor' Impaeol a goo upon 4.boittacal. which with ;4. MIA ha wee Pab l6.lo pag e pledge. I Thi ' GSTilea gypsies, referred to ln:olm ,Paper jesterday, being- encamped la Alio vlcMlly of Aftegbenh. 'were all ironed, beforo - gapor Morrlt. n. Ana" ;after a bearing dliehargedOn 63i:4nm:110d that 'would vacate thepormises. „The maim coca.. vied IMO the conditioai trailed opetokasiliniil iffo noW..44, , gwroad ,to Boma other ClatAer. yrhereribeir dotibtle4llilithiltheatevthth . dep. I frgo43.4iiner zraidikttieC•ilained paida xan_aispicaloWlßPNlk., awns, w o on , •w, acatleadiala a atuady ,oprolta 'map, and ales taking COW. , ad. .drinitV/ItAtted,Uanari4n l P 3 n--4.4denifCo^ pious. rcturnlari toeoaadamneeebn d aimed that hating= rotted of alma twenty !rim 7.4 . keeper of the saloon d two oth awarallAnlacedfilaretaamahtiii an-, lwer t* numpworbrunteeacipmb ivirtacadlis abacsia-Obsainwayirlitt whischeti., 1144aaa citorjelp ratetimanwrqicor, l creputiOrassrmfe4 l l2 42 4 1, Pn1t443f A inds , ILDPIIKIDaI an caladallato fri , 4 pion from Otaclual,;.t , _ :• -; Reorganization of thy Jackson Btueo. An adjourned meeting of the old Members at the Jackson Independent Blues wo held last I evening at R9Bins Hall, for the purpoa of re- I 0, bisteizing this old itiderindent organization. All the niembnii of the original company have been during, the rebellion, and a few of them an nee - Laird diclegulehed parittlort,!. I In the atom e of the rid roP.Mah, which Ina atom thirty names at :cid, It was on motion, resolved that those presiint bloc the minutes, with lull actions In the Sectetary to transcribe them to the eenantution. An election for civil et:Seers, for the put7ase or completing the reorganicatum, Rao [mid, re• salting In the choice of the followiu-: President. D. M. Spencer; Secretary, Thomas Jones; Treas urer, W. D. Jones. On motion, It was resolved that the company Covet every Thuraday evening at the Mayor's office, until an orgarti.tlon completed. It will be remembered that In the spring of 1E44, an effort was mode to revive this old or ganization, and a number of Its old mernbers, at that time beltisgion to onzanlzations In the field, entered their names on a roll for tda propose. The book contstalog theso names was left at Vierbeller's saloon on Fifth street, and It is be lieved was sold with the effects of that concern when the establisher:sent discontinued busitres!. Any person having it In their possession will confer a favor by leaving it et the Igityvee aka Railroad Accident--Seyeral Person s la- Between three and four o'clock yesterday evening a freight train going cant, met with a serious accident at Anderson's Landing, five miles thin side of Lewistown, In the breaking of an axle of one of the cars, whic h threw six of the cars off the track, precipitating four of them down an embankment about forty feet high. Three men are known to be injured, one of whom, a brakeman, had a Li. terribly mashed by being jammed between two care. His Injuries, It is thought, may result fatally. The other two sustained but alight Injuries. It is probable that others might have been Injured. We are nnabie to obtain the names of those Injured. Your cars were totally wrecked. The accident detained a number of trains far behind time. The mail train due in this city at 1:40 yesterday, did not anlYo until 12:20 last night. Charge of Abandonment.—Mrs. Ammon yesterday brought a - sit before Alderman Donald son. against big husband, Adam, charging him with abandoning Na wife and family. A few days since a charge of incest was entered against Ammon, In having illicit communication with his daughter, lie was held to ball for trial on both charges. Preaentation.—Geneyal (late Colonel) N. N. Sweltzer. of Fayette county, was lately made the recipient of a valaable !mood, sash and belt, by the 16th New York Cavalry, as an acknow ledgment of his general services as an officer of the Cleated States Army. Committed.—George N. Beesley, charged with the larceny of a gold watch from B, G. Ch!lds, Eeq., was commftted to Jail yesterday for teal at wart. NEWS ITEMS. Tim Memphis Bulletin says there Is an organ Lind gave of robbers and murderers in Mad'son county. Tenn.. by whom three murders were committed a few days since; of ha victims one oteg about sixty and another near seventy Years' ago. ALBEFT L. titr.tr.EWEATLISE, the murderer of: bls mother and sister, Is now awnttrng trial to ble cell In the Hartford jail. He maintains bis brutal bewail-cod and manifests a heartless In difference to the nature of hls awfni•crime. Tria Atlanta, Macon. Milledgeville. and other Journals to the interior of the Smith are repot). Bening abstracts of the Congressional legislation for the past four years—in order to Inform their readers wheibwe they are boned to:obey. A Nrw OntsitYls letter to the -Mohile Yaws says.: "Lana informed that Sheridan, although at the commencement of the war an enemy of Abolition and Abolitionists, distinctly announces tumselfln favor of negro ant/rage." ON Friday list a committee of citizens from Vermillion County, Minas, went to Chicago to obtain the services of detectives to operate In that county, it being Infested with-a gang of lawless desperadoes. Tan stockholders of the New York Triblow lave - noted Horace Greeley * salary of 67,500 —an tureens of 10.A0. ' Mr. Htelsort,lha man. aging editor ot.the,Hrraid, has Witty, of 618000. :: _ _. . oxe, of the vabet.yeteato , iiserweelleetieivi. in the world—Om-library of the popt.llncobolc% —was ; yarned at JAykr/on, Wit:nit, Wal an storage In th e twins of an atic:loncer.. . .. . Dn. ImatAlll., the Dimon wife .pinsonar made, mond onfesslan, in Oleichetelinoni. edges ;haling murdered his mother.inaivr, ith}OlL,hq denied on hinfintsoniMairn. lba ebrineee in l TMtigntion In rtgai•d to the Mte caving in at LIM roof. of a building In For runt fAteet, BrooklYii, reunited in a' vindlei hi tlirltryramning the builders. TIM= men engaged in explorations in South Anstrelize—Henan. "Panter; Harding and Ilea- Wyer—were recently murdered by tha aborigines In lam mealltitaxible manner. , ! W.mmut Joann, who Is better 'lmown as JeCtithermard. having _recently memped, with a eensfederate from Bing tipg Tsisonoras recap. Mrrel In Now York last Tdesday. ' RDWIAD.I34Tsa, late Attorney.Glexeral. lent faring fmm paroxylsm of tam Jung% whiell liable to proyelgaTut any limo. ' Tine sympaadiers In Ifemphla are projecting d home for the crippled Mid - &White rebel sol dier of West Tennessee. domt Bores ls_ pmparing' 'an Wade hlstorytsf the rebellion; which wlll'he loakttlfbr Iltlitreatlnterest. Mai`atat. ANDREW Liftmen - nun succeeds Cadwalader In command of the department of" PeausYlvantu . . 7' Dacron at Hairdo' lag tadlytrart onirrißay, kin the explosion at Wantaln: ha hid overcharged. : SENOR M. Box=o the Blartiesn ralnlster.is th Nati York ridsiDgfundivfor Mexican enggrir fish. BULL rtonTs e t re now ntdarefiiiablieilie4 SII tiooby t Arristen 7 -I'roopa, Washington. WanuutoTon, August I.o.—Mosby , WAS ar tists:dam. night In MP - Very rEwirOotirLiitibi a§htnitoh to tee e14r; 1 0/ 00 9 -4014 been mustered Out or sautes Anne the VJthnr.Juli. llEb:.:r WARDElZThilasstlify liVelliEM August tOth.dit. O'slook.3ol/N B. 'WARDEN, Esq., In thd learof . hts !ire, TAiritiljeraktEEl*Xs 'Ow ice. ilc . o 46 ;tcpip(daiiiliy4h . ,Hwi l tbikaix r miutcogr, *vs ("clink: lath 'Words 43. f Hur taltßy arcal. • pecthaly Invited tb'iiiieridrcf ravxmyT-o.,.w.dneiei; u r nit • sawittir, 1 EPHRAIM' W. - 7110KELVE, in the ertPdOsond !!" , 1 - t 6.llntai*AT Vlt r i ro s°22 r IdeamwEildmkratzedincitaiaL Ho Ranh Ona. dbi itlekbeqUEETTleltleitytht , tab rd}eYye2tldlfyYailtedto`etiopd: y,'' Per..'411%), 7tl"s7"Plitaii- WEE Et 'comer of Think- Az1.P 2 .84,4 1 4 atteetp;..., , ,", • - • - A'. pdakceit.oog... •••• • - • 'IV, stair ti3l rat tagoa.,7llo aidervitlU:blittowdbstpazileav49 , t It tn. *Ago Oar sliest nortUc . attUOULI WILLIAM LOU ,;?,..qpiginta•Amtelli•Wrtaa lootnxu poacta Old Government Java Cone; half besta i gre, and . ' 4 111117 r 401 ' 001'7k Susan ! • • i 60 do. „prima Ont . I. ) 0 pato. Refined 'do..; coI do. ISstnpa. choke brands; ao dp • Cuba Malian*, otteap; to tierces Olantogas Stolalau; ;Co boxes ()mamas Tobacco, 01 and les; 6okblat,t4making o do. Jorti , Log =din *tor*. Voraale by _ _ ..14TTIA BelliD-4.,.EATTON3 JSZ ' NO,4 424 , 124 §dcnadat..Z4abOiltu 100 bblo /bin mitt.; utiiitifie B 11113;" OD., t.:l - Extraxiouzs . '" a" l i zZ X.9)049i `.l 4; 40 :"11!el, - - - • 10 " _ 40 one gallon Jugs L 100 dozen Uarmilkoorin t , • 10 WM; "jal 41.ar4 aa4, too map 1 4.,Viat DONDE% itqfi 1,1.1 ...:,,,i.;/K.Z4berty.streel.., . • TOOLIEGE. -- n S BIW9PIA OCI P I P7A1 11 3?4, 1 1 1 1=3 1 -A 11111 #PAY;APPMT l l* 17 4a414 14 .'62n1 littiggligOlt= US STOUR qz: Ater • mi , :raAssgaltogeseirr. , ‘ - ' • Ow TAYLOS DOUBLE LINDER—bed.S4 w inglLtiroalwalla4ojderAt4,' a v iuktri, itsnll4l 1111M621qttanirgiall*: R411,n011D.9. 18ti4 '5 B N N- ffikaagiga • SYLVAN:IA CENTRAL It. R.—stir/IMM ARRANGEMENT —ELIVEN DAILY °nand alter MONDAY, May ISCS, train tattle are the Depot as follows. DAY EXPRESS, daily except Sunday, at 2.14 a. m.. ttorping only of principal statiorni, and ranking direct [ pins at Barrisbnrs for New Yn . ,e 4 Baltimore and Washington, and at Philadelphig for New York Boston and intermediate points. MAIL ACCIOMMODATION, daily except Son. day, at ILEO a. m., stopping at all regular dation between Pittsburgh andliartizburg, and making dose connection with trains on Indiana Branch, West Pennsylvania R. IL, Ebensburg an Cresson R. PL. and Hollidaysburg Brandi. rirrssuiton 4 ERIE MAII4 daily, I • cold Stindag, at Leo p. etopping at tenr.y all the stations between Pitteimit a itd Philadelphia, and makin_g connestinn trlt o k . on tli r e •Ebeels.. 11., 4 1;i 2 em d UMmn e and eat ganal:;111/t14 .6 1 000M1 ODATION, daily, el Dept finnday, at I.oa p. stopping at, redraw r.s. tionsbetananTintaburgh and JOOnstowni and Don. D.:Dung et Blainwilla intersection with trains o Indiana Branch and West Pennsylvania R.R. PHILADELP. EXPRFSSi daily, St 4.25 m., atopping at Latrobe, Conemarerk&allitsen, Almona, HuntingdO LgiaiSSOWX4 Nair p. port, MazyrrtllS,Harrisburg Laneaster,and Hawn. At Harriaburg nonnoctions are rondo for Baltimore, Washington and New York at Philadelphia, for New York, Boston •and inks Mrdiste Points Sleeping Oars run throturn on this train from Pittabargh to Baltlmonn Philadelphia and New York, by the Allentown route. FAST LINL, daily, sm,,pr, Sunday at an p. stoppingenly at Conamanch. Hollliano Altoo na, Huntingdon, Lewarrown. 1111111 m. tsewport, Warysvill Harrisburg. Middletown ,glizabetri on. Idt. Joy . Lardissille. Lancsater, and Down. woven.AtHarriardire eonnections are made for New York, Baltimore and Waablinsomat Iphia, for New York, Beaton, and imennetist point. First Acoommalation Tram for Wall's Stet mares daily (except Sunday) at 6.90 a. ni Second Accommodation Train for Wall's Station leaves daily (except Sunday) at 11.40 a. to Tklrd Accommodation Train for Wall's Station eases daily (except Sunday) at 4.15 p. on. Fouri.r. Accommodation Train (or Wail's Statics eaves daily (except Sunday) at 6.05 p. m. Acsommodation for Penn Station, leaves at 10.20 p. m. The Chard! Train leaves Wall' Station evil Sunday at L a. to OB ~ returning Mares Pittsburg at 1210 p. m. Returning Trains arrive In Pittsburgh as follows: Nail 1..20 a. m. Fast Line tee a. in. First Wail's Station Accommod.sCon.... 8.23 P. m. Penn Accommodation. too a. in. Second Wall's Station'Accommodation 8.10 is. to. 'Johnstown Accommodation • 18.06 a. in. Pittsburgh tr. Erie 31a11 12.50 p. m. Baltimore }..Y press 1.30 p. au Thini Wall's Station Accommodation.. 2..r.3 p. to. Philadelp_hia Ex . presa LSO p. m. Fourth Wall". Station Accommodation 8.60 9. ra. Emigrant's Train 1100 p. m. An Agent of the Excelsior Omnibus Company will pass through each train before reaching the Depot, take up snecks and deliver baggage to any part of the city. Office No. SIC Penn street, open day and night, where ail orders (or the movement of passengers and baggage will receive prompt at tention. Baltimore express will arrive trite Philadelphia Ex ices et 2.30 p. in. on blondes'. NOTIOR—In ease of lees, the Company Will hold themselves responsible for peraornalbaggage only, and for an amount not exceeding $lOO. W. H. BECK WITH, Agent, At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Passenger Station. on Liberty and Grant etreete. mvW pITTBBURGE, FT. EH. WAYNE h OHIOA HALLWAY ,Y AND (- BERGH RAILROAD. §U.III2IIE.R A.EILANGEMENT. On .0 after May lath, ISM, MMus Will run follows, vb- Leave.l For I For I :Far PUtaburgniChlaago. 'Cleveland. Whealing. . 4 1 Fapreas....-.... 2.10 a. m. 2.10 a. m. 2.10 a. m. Express-- ..... 2.M p. m. 2.45 p. In. 2.40 p. ix Kapreaa....—.... a.OO p. m. WAIL-- 7.00 a. Erie 6.10 I. m. m. LIO a. M For New — C and Anal, at Pittabutp—P. FL 55'. - & a. hall Way a. m., &20 p. m., 6.00 p. m. LISP p. m., 8.30 p. O. ts Y. R. R —Lis a. m, 345 p. m.,11.00 - p. m. - - - ACCOM Di ODATICaII TRAIN. Leave Allegheny. New : Hoehn. I New I 1 Stenba Inlghtorti ter. I Castle. 'Economy' Title. lAD& ta! R.L6p.la.; 1.50 p. ea. 10.30y.m.( 340 lan 0.60 1411.1 I La p.m.i 1 I Cap. at f Arrive at Alkyl:any—P. F. W. k 0. Eitilway 7.161 m., fl 16 a. at., 10.g6 a. ize, 1.65 p. 4.60 p, m. and Vl= p. m. • C. &P. 13: R..-9.10 GEORGE PARIO2V, Tbiltet Union Cementer Staten, Pittab= A. Lt. CASSELBERRY, Ticketer_ Agent, y Olt". myllta F. le- ELYERS.Gene=ket -Agent PITTSBURGH AMI) RAI:L CON 80AD. NELLSVILL . 6UEII3XER .411.11,ARGE-31VAIT; • On in after MONDAY,June t, ts ls , the tmigl wilL'lunro tho Depot , owner of Hon an4l7nitr streeta,,oainttows. Latent diem= at • • Pittsburgh. Pitt:With. fdalltti and Ironing onlona. 1145 a. n. 4-IKtp. m. Exprese . SAO p. .9 - 40 First McKeesport Acoora!n.,• a. so. SAO a. AI. BOc. end u t eat p. nu 915 p. Pint BandlOOkt ",. s. in. lust Second p - go, p ! w. Sunday Ohnreh Train to a nd -' (min McKeesport— forlinketlapply • , . A. J. Ettd i t:t.,Vitit. iglB4l_ `i9J l , VCT2T-; /4 , 110118,1iY VAL LYME A,11.010A/0,-Willaingl OHANGE"OI , TE577..-Qa ina 'OW MONDAY disY labv=tha arrargetnent of vltt take MAU,► TSAI:N.-Leaves Pithibuhan at 7.1 P a N IL arriving at Eittanhing at MCC a. at. Lams NIL tanning at VP intreiat ettuurg at PLO ZIPUR-Laaves Kittanning at &Pi a. arriving - at Pittsburgh at a_2s a. ta• IreaVall Pittsb paa urgh at 420 p. la., arriving at Sittasu=s 't.sa n.. . AAWbgnoimmtoN, 1at6.117,v- Learns Soda Works atliart a. hi, attivingatlittsburghatt4s a TiaiiveliVittabtrrel' at &Shp. cit., arriving at Soda:Writ/Nat 1110. p. ra.. wyticsiTiscateictialt, iyillatjA) roluucal • • sapoßATlcal onquis • ' 2 ' PITTSBISIOR. =Ma; , moo." - sac... sae,. 1 kakOnie from the "Old Country: .: , The threrpool, New York and Plaidelpbtallre undoza=o=enaal i ng 3 i it ero . T e n d pi lt: /Isis , : riaW Reeared - tO,Wog out or sloe home Passengers. _l*•_the Statunara .4 thlllll4sts at 17NUSLYALLY T,OW BATES.' The - Steamers til WI flitotiti Ike SeaseLtrarpocileve . 22 .i, grt, SKY ,ler New YetkAaciehlog et cl, -so.: in 'Mast Ms fast,safest, anil imit. seal ~ E i. The toulAtgreof fs Also Agent for the y k= TWailotoleNT Lino of Stom lea TAM.: brushe . eW la- PerwowEera and Nallz, Its steam.' ars sf , M lz thhiloi l a e t s e s tuia Ohs s o t n o sofgoe*, Woolen: cod furoh lie Is also agent for mispsoorrs.l.lNE,ofoele. breted Olper Selling Pickets, leovinr Liverpool . for New:Totittwies a Week, awl Ake t%.1.1.ne of Lawlor, Petite% laming - 104= reilzerl tea *111.10., 4 - 04 ahiPa at ToDeoott's Size lure Inn bassi fae. red for theltookk and ON .axasUaliCa of. t_46 - provlalons pisengert,4zia their' nod treatetentworuswo board Pa rt ies into ease, heir Mewl 14 1/reuettelkut by fueillosms,N el 4,01, 1 ;. ee.ww&O,Lee Ms Altus.' , _ • , . Ur ornla artresuy tbduktrato.- 4r, 1 ro cmlau pirtiotEurantozistik. At Um / 01 n p *111 ~ ,•.•D.D. - - . '1 hi, -r arpirt - • - • , , a . ,, pi,Drdirauanomsvi nag Of f 2.7. . - • ,.., P,, 04tetittdatitrbOtC., ViRVITITIiB6B cll'OßPrre't a , rir 141 .i,c; ~ t 1 Et 1....1b no.cf.sl wltCrlagla - SPlttlr — „ , „ . • :f (IT OROHANDB; 11ARD• NB - MI VINEYARbk. exmitic 611: rtlitiedtkit net WOUNg , TATA/NI - ea Use Pittatm, Pont' ' Willie =4 Inamito Railroad:Webs -e-mrost, dr,otttabarvll, or send for otbetalognai before or, deibtfombresvosabletaieVe4dbez, tbratoe* la web ettor, Of have, Monti heart Trtee, ' ll /4' the erarh• am mutilated eorresettomacut: Par , b the salsa 4014trfat, bv,blalue, Strei et:fttetibleSs shelf ordats 'm oak lave tab" tot put up sevarata'arstr wmb' Abiatel babied at the sates ver tuoti,' deor4 and, Oolber,,d r. 4 kattiPuzgh, l eL ll l6 l :thArt tree ot.tlahve. - - • • ' • enxeuns.a•Co.f!.- mukftw; -• .91eantnam .o.uethatly co; r Ew' nrio '2131,8 4 C.1101.p.11 .IApt4D,IiS ,••••• Ivy 'noun; vest bib Oita; bob Ear Corn , • . , • . t cite Pcaeh paid, oft, ,•••• • 2 tr. Brater, In 0 1 0 tbn 00 barrels Greve Alplies; "*" Pa=StbAhifOr CO.; . Nia.Zt and 2£* mar bundle=. , "j• ^FOR SALF... D• buliemPat the y. . — nn ua gn i -oAZElrEvor2lCag. .im.rgas -crr - IiDIttiI4IBTMeZION• ikon' late istats...uts ItQUEM: aade AST' _ pe ck rila i ntletrtiM t ratite win eat and and thous Mitre elatra 7 , 51040. tftercareiyi., pent to - , SEN . It , V ) i / q.4*.g 0 14404 ,1 7,947'". O CIZa 2"1 1411 1 -Bb.W9IEAFI4, .rtrifikr*,44, I sdi fr a / 4J .L.WOILISLICA 12a WOW AIMS .ROBZNDALN I POEMBITL:t4IOCtitatreI ratertenteuraestate±by ri.o97saani BIat—WALLIPAPERAT PRAM, rt_4r 6l :MC.4l3l4.lF6t c atiliC,'• BA 1 =LW AT) 13.4.Tti , for saW. A!,:40 r 1 -4 1 4 0,111 t1Pkin FP4d,_, ESTABLISHED IN 1786. OfITERITSEJELE'JV GRF 4 TEST BARGAINS OF THE SEASON! Concert Hall Shoe Storer No. 60 FIFTH; STREET. Closing Ont SUMMER STCCK: PALL I:OINKEDIATELY. A WORD To Returned So'diem, DO YOU LIRE TU SEE SMILING FAOF.A GREETING yeu ROME! , BUY A 80011,_AND REGIME A PRESENT • Wlitoit YOUR BETTER-RA.LF WOULD ! APPRECIATE.. • YOU PAY FOR THE BOOKS , The Publisher's Retail Price, AND RECEIVE . , • , PR—MOM:NTT worth . • FROM 50 CENTS TO $5OO. At 74 leirris. STREET] ISPIJAD or send for a catalOgtitii• Ant: a'. a PTITS 15 01,19T13. coxpLgTE :!iOllll 'lemmas , meaezmai. ATLANTIC/. MONTH'. Q00,37'3 L807'3 BOOS. 4nd. At/ Other alagazinea ONLY 16 CENTS. lONLY:I6-CIENTIL Of{LT 16 CENTS. crometarm boron' tietarViti gols; OPPOSITIt TEE l'lntr*WlT/Olt, Lubiasme, t , • aae and-Stepi Fitting - ~taPa''ranebriv. alre't a BUG ' • 19 - 4STEI BA TR I 4,statintly cat band and*de to Opt= !•••;. -,.• „ . TAM 4 lBlarx - And Mt MIME= aUtEtrAPlttgcrth robllzontraty FA BRI°2 :44• 3 4F—i ••• • • Tor °err 9 ' 1, 1 7' ; =DS T0V51304.:- • - 1:;.1) rst THE BE St STYLtANIi MANNER:- ' • L B. NOMBi: • rn.;) L.: 424AP84147. N .'SNFNENENair ST 'lllleittitile,r-: . ..1011051r14YAITIA t , 41341C1 7 / 1 t 3 I.:RIFFM! 1 . •:. ;.:, -.2.:.-.1: , :-...:t, ^...1; 7C: -roa tleamivanhritataigricultual *Opal wan hold liaitthibittos ea ----- '' ' ' iiii se:44srtith .. iile ' aiiiti r siiiiiiq' - .......,,: ,a , ....-. I: 4 zo.pip,-.1.5. , !•; , :,..2: :.,.. f:. :::.v) ‘llli titirmitioi . dicired bi , prams &arts '1, - ' 2 art,aptrucsumr..far . two *twat •-:.7:: or by mempess or, th e Pocias t ra r t=,: a underOgnedior4l.l3o2`D i fa ATl:iiiiiinit ' i<llo4i ' i r ':, ilkoliamowiralliiirs -- . 3d, , - •-linata ''.';.,,- RALE MEOW TOWNSHIP: , - - •_l. on noway, Angus* tit% at 10 o,t Oak , ' , u , „ha be sold, at thfi 'Premise* of 7.'14 , ;:l 'WIMP/e three miles from Alleghear enr75..1114:3 pif a mile from they rule Elsa Sou, tho umries Palma! 4110u214411ansesas, andAaraess g Nero ,:, r 143 'N 4 rLatX TP r Cl' er mess, Ando lota, °mem:amp:Ma eats. - _ also, aonantttf of geodßounalkobl reltort„ - : Sole posture**, Um °tram la remoirlom TE eo R" , XILZVEMELLA.Ingr, litrrinmall lON - VITY COLLEGE, !:Cornerrean pad ,&citasstrocii k , • prrisinmo sm x • •-•-• ' • Ml* liinfst, elumpeedatiQuat antotalkiN,V BUSINIES - MAINI-OOLLEGE SQi adz imam giudeatiisiterizarancrat•tarittheu.: 443114minc eeitaiiiiiricartu4 trzrmek's64l46lo4o f 14 , -na.Lii , : , 7warzekusts - itimexE4itm 6 - • InTastritaiWri:el ig • erg. TB. • - 44 - W. Mu, • rio. 45 tiTo sr e l y•iia* • - 4 -1 5 - 9 1 . 12 4 4 4 58Y 4t1ttw0 • • • i'ETERSON. LESLI7E43 NONTELT, AILTHETR.S. DEn;oszsr. • MESE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers