IFF ^ 4.irTIS. w A lim) b SIITIIABLE limsolt To TART THE AGENCY, IN TBE9' CITY, itit2''Os : A..HIGHLY PHOSPEROOS at3ll3AECThitOMPAirir. reeteepticesilde retereneet required. Aildrest aulOdt. -"B," BOX 6 5 5, - Ptueburgli. P. 0. 111,41,1 8 (TED..--HoIJSE.—A small - house, eontelning' four, lyeorsix room, either In rlttehiliitt:'o l 'itneghenT. ts' wanted about the g nt , ssiaembeir or Ootoner,lby e gentleman, Its T at e fiaragarea. Address, . WANTED. Elcizterre 011710). aaRD.--CARPENTEISS MIT!. GOOD CARPENTERs wanted, to wOk in the city. :(lood wages Wen steady employment: -4 4 pp y immeatedel7, at Aorg6 SAIng.F.I.ELD STREEC, Pittsburgh. • . 500 AGENTB WANTED- To =VIM for DR. HOLLAND'S LIFE OF LINP 4 4n. Terms llboral JOAN A. - EXElTlTianneent Agent, . . .17 2 6 =Clime - 359 Libtrea Pittobiteib, WiaiTED.—HOMES 4.11D. , 1".1•8..0ES FOB A =MBES OF BOYS, ate from t Weise to. Sixteen :Year% whote Aorta nrabill/ bag been atieb as will warrant theta worthy of pe, I anions with :Farmers. Mechanics or Illanutaetuo.' . Many or. them: hares so Darotits ; llplg6~ or, persona wbo van yrovie e for them. Apylleations, with esterease, to be made at the ellestot •7 ; 'THE riousa or BEFITGE. jyalOwit : -1.(047 fourth greet: AGEILTO FUR. "THE y 4 Mat= BREtWIOI2,IOIR 'pretß; TEM DURNYEON .OXID Tar.-FSI3A.VE.w-litAlincirr --cal. Blrodergdow,_. - .Few York Tribune Alteresponde. She rtiOstlntetesting and exalting beak aver tratappeo,. embracing .111.ecIticharditoWe unpaid . feted experience for four years, traveling through ltd genthritrthir scant serriew of the ,Tellnia at the .oultbreak of the war; with oar Mita and .getteeboth and Mat, during the first two Tun tho Rebellion; his thrilling capture; his :yearn fat 20 months la - sevehiligatent rebel Eugene; his clap* and almost mizsculcruajotueioy night 0f hearty; iindmflo,. IC in ennithe, and contain mons 01 the feet, incl. :dirotandwrnince of :the war than any other work Tedebersiladiesietudgetle_yOUnr men; end tape 4111Urteranned and. dis ibied Anthers and :eolalers, in want of profitable employment, will find it pee ertillidly ignited tothew condition. have agents clewing IMO 'per leech, which wit mill 'prove to any doubting • applimint.,Bexel for chow Ms.- • - JONM, BROS. tr. •• craned math waif hlinceratreets. Jeleldhodliwr 'Philadelphia Pa. - avcriodr sozEs. GREdT"BAI;E " OF' GOVERNMENT 1/70/ISES THE MONTH- TOO BE Tin the !States of Now york. Pennsylvania, Onto 7""'",(eliseteMPaii3l7lll,reill Nev - ' _ Columbia. , . -_-,. Quertraw,urras Grains et% Orwlde, t Wassong°Too, U. C., July 24, 1t165. - 4 - - Will be told at Trublle auction, to the blebert !bidder; at time and place, named below, vizi NEW YOBS , New York, city, 'Tuesday, sad Friday of -each wreak, MO rimer each dal , . • • ' " • - - new York city, Wedaeaday or each week, 200 ,siate,tics day.• , morns, Tuesday. Aurae, 51, k 0 Rolm. • .' £l Us, Tuesday, August 15,600 Mules. • Albany. Friday , August 25, 600 Mutes.' : 1:02;kdo, Wednesday. An 110. 600 Halm '• , _ _,- - t — •-• • PENNSYLVANIA. 4 , , - - • I 4 7 0 11 40klydela,. , Thunktay of earn week,2oloreei r~urWel gni fiaturlay of - each ' PI Thursday areedi week i . 450 Muter .I , otteeitle, TeeidaT, Atonal, 200 radee, ' 11111111ntown, Friday, Augnet 4,200 M u les. , , YorT,Prbley. &Ulna 5 . 500 Hones.. • ' ': -. f. Telneellte,,' Akron 0,100 noteee. ..- , -1 , , i g esd ar j'A u rcuryiAlnst&l . a/glbuw i Sidpr=burvviAregy....llh,rlo, 100 Itolef:f Erie, Thursday. Aultoarli 2307d0r4ea.'- seipvenmanurids7, Arks Flllliame Friday, Anon IS, WXIITOteoV, , , trullard, Jr, august 21,20 D Honour '. • 1 Cbanibereb int; Wednesday inky. =' 100 Rerun: .., chatillwrourf Frfda ,l2unadar .„ ),Are.2l, 1606ithoe: 'n Cerifikitredite ' ' i tiny ritialsso. 100 • t Hane tr;rsi. 4 . GerllerarThulidar.tt n y i h_e . t III•IID NII 1 4" 5 ;:: :. • li t C° lo . sls,ls . l trldeac Arun I, TV Mime:. '.. neko, WediltiilayvAtigusi 2, 100 - Itorset, • 4 rake°, nuredlF, august r,"kat ROM:IW 1 - ' - ~. _Woo, Toe ay Anon, g, B, = Moves. -•••• ,• ' tu'reland. lar, Aural t . 1 Man. .4 , u O2 , men / 0, dugout 1 •• , Rorer& , Irrestlbie, Thunder , . Actirent 1 . 500 Imam '•_, , '' Obrrelandf,6d . rwrant 21, 200 flora= 4 •• Fort Wane, Tbu l ndta Au A tont X., I ,Ao3ldulee. -'' - TAIKCAWARE. - • V1101b5(14141. ,i4 145 T . 0r 05 F 2 C/'"* . ° l Bondy / IFelday 43f, enah..week, 26 4 Mures '. ' zik.* "mint •I' , '' - . Trento:, Thunder dogma 10„2201folai. ' 1 Trardels, Tbureda z en u 5224 -200 - 11forai ' i SaltimOri,"WrabundefrAUToes' 9 s- A , ilavbianks• day o f eaoh.week ttuneazzer., sea Ardraea r C. eek day. WAstll4 • Eaatt,ieiedatr WO Males - _ - r • , - -- , Amozio"n. xi: ; -`, • ( EsoVateei.daf.asipue. cy ' autiaai-ofalcuira; Air opportoortyni , poraluwarrAltrYertar elute of cad Ora n . .1! saddle .. lialuale, 'at tar unix 4b4ltutir • , Irmi yalw,lsioewnerded te-thn Public. .-' ; v ar a bro.,o l 9l lkeda are mud 441 ki.. -._ 1 't afar'. tux eager requiral4wtraskrary,, - . , . .uidatusOss 4414,-. t- r --, - 4 v , , .1 •''t zdanT Quo wales W , We bought Om berialiprg i -el tba w as, when young, areorepanred, therdneleur, 0 tin all tludr mantber and chums. and are ituitortp.. .. I ly broker, hardened,by. rounalie, Pone 2w , And . _ _, , 2011 3ar, knot, Nam 5 0 :70141 o u nr oo2oo o2 - thltA ,ol . ' Ardrhabr Walke•ACkflksiiit ' s eaute53,5 , 9mwan5.44011.23, ,1,111,, ~:,:. lo Thrited - Stetai Clutm, ,, ,, __ls, — Ja11117446.- .---- : Misr. liidgOttaiik, ;_f • ad Mr. Q. M.O. O. 1 ~ M!!!I , ! TWEILEMENEWES ~, AV . •'rraillarkj. 1,0.)e... ,'4 con ro -- ; ,- 4 ~ v •• ViWiiiTl*24;4l ' ATAlii.Vcitlixaercf t,I, . '` IC"' less. i • . utile ,sw au ,- vv., ii.et_A--, . Lommr,mt•-tw. , ~, , t b r i,..... wiii ...raft,: t•I • OcannanZ*l3=d,WiAillV. 1 ~corpoti =Kitt' ", W. , - o , IS WailliAl "'moilvec'• ..10W44 `gat' MU! . , ••tenneetrektrannt-EincuVie, I', ...sea .A . IL- • ..au ; .; x itcw,w • =! :11 4' .uu 'A . T.,-sep. s7 6 ,ll t riuming- Der mottcrotit Hm), - -tiox, ctaa, nye ' .1 T4 1 97.0**ii*riii*:401..14 vein.* 1 - ~.T ht.iiilitiiei. . , r izeifil: lid Vrietitiii7 fait de4i. : 1 . I . ;_r a lanc t eg m ur te al* Oa eca;,,'lliek • can ' , Oa 1 ~. Jaartn•conitaancant la 14,,,ni;,_ . ..,"'" " , :: I '! • 70*--F- 44*.ilt°, it en i.: :. ' SOA. d ' i . - fr ZEI MP T C -- H - Vgrt i rgAVCA .OflA- Q. 24., ' - `1 3 `47. 7 1 0 71LW1E4- - ' . 41 AXIIS.1 1, ,ZcniroNs;arurwiAlcal4 iiioaFnozithpr _ - , . _ ... .. ..... ! , ButruntorroAliotrox_r_Axgrams, I Zroilmitlatteld j satrnmEngtairALZ,,ZZlWEV in:Conti! :I; Wag:;6•ll l lWir ea t&B:DEl_,_ " P f i genaixt '. ileporat eniatio SUMS ON mess :Inadiallrelnbaramdauguarsu puts attOs atnizam . I.3 XlMRlAZDESlQB(l3Clarrifilitillam ply al. lanai ataanuttrec,i) .1.p..1.1 tells be is • -11,11:ftaikapi6trikorgall "VITUZTAX, ; •, • - wi 7 4 , 47).2: ,,,,„_ 7414", zrn.talEß6fl,}l4, "UITEL •StaroatTUrdarr l ' . . • ; - ::...:•wwriaridtir•J:n.;:, .41 ancivez,, I,:a4Z , F 41! _ Juin 6tatior4ust Mutotp 110 Arol4lLLWOOßrosna Viva , Alles tp rkoms. Ow to CLU --ardear- etir „Id - ,SYMCOatz, 'lCsruntr • v..— AAA. ; Y:MOVAL;;;;WaIato thi,iday removed; ....A. troaa-:f , ;:-...- 2 , ..- ' L I. ..... ~...,,, -. .F1 . r- - 1: ,,, ... . '.:'- • • ... . . . r - Ift•II Wool Street: to.lfoilSO sae 832H.rtna Mixt, . ; :Scout mai iialdis ..4) • the CleredandsmA '." 61 )AssoLAcw4 , :ft,ci.i, lEISOLUTiO4p. Ctrosi:J ORAU DI3HIPX , Thr In.rtneritdp' e go &mean the AntlMPTOßlV,Tor eg ilke um =t' sc lin ril k iffW %tart anc4lll=Rilki;.stAusAmteybeett dlagoljed I.lsart • ZONA nz s•- • ilttiburat, SW- 8 . 41, visa. grit. ItiligaNsFT:424' -!••• - 11 44149:4A fit ' CO, • • ' . (enamor( to CM!' * co. ) .lElltalnatiummajmnar IMVer lggegYN lE4ate; disard, fi);, 4 41/Vl•kg:. JOSEPIL—. a . . I; I i..... 1 "."' ' • Ot aPriat,27lßT/1, for B *RU A , _.....id5hr5ba#440,4011411 • • ' Chp,i,34ungisivraWaturat _ AU44 ,3 4 etT.Pc44 l 44os4t " - mussy - - 4.1. a E. I LP—ref-1W Hawn'. EALE...--;A : Furm a f abchrt 208 acres Pena riklanantih-WeammtretazulOeuray, Also, aFaim of. SW scree ti Fai.ideld township Westmoreland *Minty, Also, a Very valuabl e farm Of =Mean, near the townofliollyer.l Fairlidldtowituldp, Wessman. hind county; Pa...and about one and a half-miles from the Pennsylvania Railroad. The Improve. meats are a-large brick house, spring house,amoke helm; a large frame stable. a large frame barn 401 se, Water saw mill, large apple orchard with Other fruit trees. It la underlaid trim coat, a vein of fire brick clay. and about one hundred acres Of rfo, I white oak timbre. Possession given LIS. inediately. • • Also 133 acres situated in Ligonier township,' Westmoreland county, P., adjoining the town of I..lKosier. Also us lots, with a largo brick house. A One readdcrin la the borough of Ligonier. Wit/ be sold asap. Also 16 acres of land, with a large flouring =DI, adjoining same place. Abu, ice acres of land, adioining came olace. Also, the best farm on the Monongahela River ' about one mile from McKeesport, Allegheny Co., Pa., containing about 143 acres. The improve inepts are a (rams house and barn, corn crib and wagon .shed, with other-Outbuildings. -A large apple orchard of between 400 and 600 trees; 60 quince rees, so pear trees, and 100 Peach trees. Alan, a Farm of 240 saes, near the town of Ligonier, Westmoreland county, Pa, very cheap. Also, a Large Hotel at Blatraville on the Pennsylvania Railroad. The buildings are 'good and well amazed for &hotel and store. This property will be sold ate great - bargatn, • Also a very beautiful Fermat Pin amen, situated In West Wheetfleld Township, Indiana Co., Pa., near the. town of Washington, about four miles from the Perbnyv Inn Railroad: The Improve ments are two large frame dwelling houses, two frame barns, a large store room. end s tine young apple orchard. The fencing is geed; very aware. - a.knt to churches, cahoots, mills, and a very beau. locatioa, Vas ProPeny J. will sell very Monti and on easy terms. Also, the noddle Firm intlzabeth Totenshlp, Allmheny Co, Pa...containing about ISO ectms,alO. ttatW about throbsolles pant' of tfielibrOugh of . Elisabeth. The , Moroi:temente area large brick cottage. house with nine well. finished coons; a beautiful lawn in from, munouaded by ornamental Met; a No. t barn, erttit.many other. buildiaxso go fencing; 10 urea of the, yen test White Oak Umber: It la - the Imstanality of limestone land, :and bill underlaid with coal. For ftutherportionlariluuntre or G. H. TO'WEB,BestratatoAgezcs, 17 13 No. Mt Fourth raced. DSV RLLINGS FOR SALE IN AT•T•FGHENY CITY ITERM am S authorized to sell, on REASONABLE 111 those Desirable and Convenient Dwellings, Situated italic Nutt/masterly corner of AIDED, DON STREET AND EWER AVENUE. They are well built, and to good repatr. To the capitalist, seeking a Safe and Deeirable Investment Or to rsos to want of • Comfortable Home, AN OPPORTUNITY IS HERR-OFFERED. Further particalare, on application to S. S. BRYAN, , Ettakch No. 69 Fourth street, (Burko'■ Building.) FOR BALL ONE HUNDRED AtlitSS OP LUND, On thither:ad waters Of Gordon Rm and 'ridlento:, Tbia le &Briefed between the beetoll Districts in' the country, to.twit I Between the Tidionte and Feonomy.Wells.on the East; the West Hickory and Pkt Hole Wells on the South, and 011 .Creek' on the Welt. There is a Flowts Weil within two atUce of this Tract, en the West Branch of Oor,lon Hun, and (mug Wells are betas pat dawn on neighboring Tracts. The'lmyrovemeatir are cleared,,llorOn, Barn, and Consideratdo - Lextd end' under fence. Plenty of Timber for FneL Price low. For particulars, address ALF/ANDER WALL &OE, saki wd , Tialoate, Warren co., Pa: L' R. BALEL.,—The. eubseriber offers for sale, the premises be now occupies, situate on BEBITIOA. +First Ward, ALLEGE' Poszesslon.gtven November let,orsoono,. Emulated- ; Ta a Ecoata La Ftftisenitooton with Wa.. ter, Gas; and all modern Improvements, a good roomy Stable, enA mthar (hothouses. There le. about-an-derwofGramod, well Improve!. win - ShrubberhOMPo T.nes, am, and the Gordan ls In a good state of euittratlon. • Fortermeotyply at toe corner, of Seventh.aad , Grant meet., or on NIA premises. • ly2Siarium • W 5. DIIitTGETH, Tn. ?OR BALE...-A RARE °RANO FOR a good inmatment mi n u t es d:MI canary me. !dance in Oakland, ten walk from the thalami Station and flea minutes wallrfrom Ar than Station, on the flonneltsville Railroad,' OMB At3BEGF 011efolni, with a goad nice two story henseetarriagehomee and tatue', The house con. Wm eight Mtge rooms, with hall eta feat Wide, nlianitr through the centriK A aloha lot of frlt-treek and a.martery,'Af ev Ai o a tuner. faittig we/101 Prod llatit,r• Price ?V AM* GB 6, tiktl . corner Penn Wayne streets- •Qc) _ Arm WILL PUBOELLEM A GOOD .L 6l tax.cautgatatNlNATY-FO7. , AMlZS;Elsttyllons.aloll34 - 11:141aaced ; TWIII9II -Aerts -or SM43I.I4I•IIsIVISW,WIth. sm. .fsttable ',trellis/4 Mtn; s :mating Uta, std, Val sratra, and 611/114 u; wed Zara lowasMpi.MtestworelssdffOula, Cd= M ty,. fouttrdleir frowDarty'StatiSs, andlt orddlst . Latrobe, Tonss.—Oncobalt dank bast:V.4l4gtr!.a,.: TFarx-- • sill) • • Erdrainse.ktio:—.. • • ; ; COUNTRY. I " 'abOtitalitsen.A.seee, wadergood'artati- or .oultivatioa.kZ•izapio.ett, az,4,tuaderlatd •al Ltvonalogsnktne9lll.WaiN.agton Me t about • AU.* frOokifarfee orrn. l t:wflioll ffofra,lo - • A eee knerw reseal Cottage, of tax ,Itorosualuat • able d 9 atband eitcaarvattet VAatir • • • pp es, e-ei r& am; at, "&e. - PP4 7 aMieliqiitrAl 4l o. l , l 44% t rat Biala lata=anaresupevilla. • Vh• .I.A , • :4.1 . t • I • W - ; ,PM -21 . 0 8ra,'utt4,4" good' itiViteginal • et finitr•me% ete-Adm rottrfeWrene int improrelon 'grzeoryniao-nffitse,vf Eva avow', Efitaido r 4thrEoo* ft& neptintltdlnseed the W? ttliogtm_above•tage Wake. ifTekeer itratity to rereWg l2 4 MeVelsall • •• •• • oeepply se-the-Seal riEr . • ~ I FaEl m t" . - bon 11Z-11741-1 1 M . z". Hvo Mina 0104 dUailter Gut. b 723) Get; hot.and scaalrater.FUet*AViVititcomAina And TING, to Alp on HUGH . , .Pittabunts,ri; stmet, •• • otAlletherArthrigi near Ms rpm ' &MU , M' Sita—Oxiii • BROOM) -RAND. nuaitarts,siesvz.nsivoctogs maw. ittabeter 4.15 Inch AaaL il.( 0 #00 1 4K 40 adtai:LeliciiteiAl:/if onit feW' thilai'airaitra MI WI Pot riOsiTssuer ' ' ' zwacts as the 4cut Prams/AL ,81.,/tOUS & CP,. tbar:rot4zgat a turiktquessum woy. o e ll :' ,l‘3lo t , MßOittillt.,Stott lht v SALE-0a the .Etettbectillle Bilkesdrserea. eit7.. 4. 4 , 1144 , 1 " & t ii 3 n . ! A n. itnictrartati. 10 y',.11 . !;"3T),a163 .14.1.4 beilataximpan,. 21kWAER V A .fctl 1.4 - 0.1411 k .et , f:11 , , zll3zszttscreekgror • '... 101 1t - 1 0 / 4 1 . 4.- G 3 .RAFTLE /7 12 - lEBT ELM,. NigirGOODS. .W ABE NOW itZ malntata Goody ,tor , 1 wafthtra aavetttittit as . lams tifteWp i t e ti WY ° 11:1=P A t ta l eatrig g r e4 , t4 ' ' we las alto readying a knot • r FlNE — tlitEr- 4 00;110 up, IND 41:lariiiiik •Fikst.olol.Ftcrnialung*A. AVIA and fit, pals itteeta. BEAVTIFTIL ioceTtak x roi ,Bn'4rp AICCOILD - 4 OM • ' • REsiatta, IzaHorseitimmu iiiii -; ;.,,r• 'l. ‘i ELY frisisoarootoi itzatatue tors sittagf esti of ausll %Win Willi or Awrother IMIUMILII IttAttilt ospaatty 0•Y0n ,. . Sy or rimy EOM POIVet, Apptyss: 4.) • ssitstt , s4.--•• SNITIVIELDSTBEEL r ... .. rt wa„._ T--..v.,,,, , :;.' ',.. l''- ..,.., ,•, ,i '--41: ,. IltliELDlViii; , Bol:l3Z '-' th AMOrlbaKirgtratl7oltagiritTha .00:. 111106;althiettien Wks. Tr het nontite* tog back 110 fest . 11/211 60 sold for taah f . very cbesp. lot f _ pareloulass •Aqulre TjesOlf - -- u. IELTOWER., 102 Pottilk 'fteat. paR 'BALM „ontetnT;g Five ,aad Ont.routtlt Away Ip. PM 01Mibtip , i s' few,ailnuteeividk awe the Ithe atik o • theerrilleyeilt"llrend.• Twerttotillttfi W 391” ••••••- ..t tal f , „ 1 1)5 11 CCIDIpt1 1 0:4 4. —Pariah= tivern ‘bmualeatr. ro4474oThEWltrigVirilt","4”. Lliga by sixty 17Z-13AZIV•41-Tart aflitandagrettV. tier= ;by sixty deep; +Vet alt.'Diiiff - armss tor akearonurotiskrorb tionselwtheresr, rin2 9 im, Ea/n(2u at thesecand , loarciusetTwelpi, • stticw-c ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ISONErph. , Gal 1 . ,L:2 , 3ltirAtakeranyligt, . . F~ ~~='..Q}~ irkri VQI7I , .APtagalt OY iitittrAltao 11 / I •YlSurs, Mr OSI gerr ANIAT i t r•r-, r-blldsZto - I ors. . ON., •: 0I zr.1:31 Ft 'OTTST'POSTIV - Allatyientratt toOd' -,.7.11-1(011 1 9_ 1,44„1x05j liz.la r ineterred . , 08/PICA .the wand loorecoraa Ot *a* sal tanuzumt mato. - • L Houma a Co. .1 1- 071 - liar•CLliNat S. T.ll FIZ:0011.- With co{_ opt, liiiuldfl - ca Wad IF/Waal blued, you are Arks over. IS may burst out InPimples or Sorer, or in some active alsetae, esti may merely keep you Wilda. &prams& sad good for nothing. lint you cannothsve goodhealtti 'while your bloodis im pure. nun's daras.PAMLLit pazges out these. impurities and stimulates the organs of life tato mgerous action, restoring V.e health and expelling disease. Bence it rapidly cures a variety of corm. plaints - Which are caused by impurity of the blood. such as Sao/ do or Hint, Tremors, Dicers, Sorer, Eruption+, pimples, Blotches Bann St. An theny's Fire, Bose or E:rysipdos, Ted, or Salt Rheum, amid Bead, Ring Worm, Conn, or Canevross Tu mor', Sore pm, Female Luca es, ouch as &gentian, everdorify, Suppression, - Init., Slerility,nlaa Saph, Ms. tor Venereal Diseases, Liter Comp/ands and Hood Direcets. Try Arse's 5A.11.9 AP A MILLA, and see for Yourself the surprising 'activity with which it cleanses the blood and cures these disorder.. - During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsapa ri lla for one dollar. Mort of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only eon tato little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no cura tive properties whatever. hence, bitter Shop pointruent has followed the use of the various ex tracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market., until the name itself hat become synonymous with Imposition and chest. SIMI we cell this compound "Sarsaparilla , ' and Intend to supply such a remedy as shell rescue the load ol obloquy which rents .upetn it. We think we have ground for believing • it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordiria ry run of the diseases It is Intended to corn. We eta only assure the sick, that we offer them the beet alterative which we know how to produce, and we have reason to believe, it is by far the inert effectual purifier of the blood yet dircoVered by any body. Armee Uneatte PeatOILA.I. 1.1 AO universally known to maws everyother remedy for the n etite s f iff74l, ntpi Co mil ' A n sum;lllet ir „ and fOrNhe et Bran. Consumptive Patients In advimeed stages of the disease, that It Is useless here to recount the evL Rtenee in virtues. The world knows them. Prepared by Dr. J. O. este& oo.,Lowell, Maas, and aold by IL Ih. Vantrzsvocur & SOS, and by all iDrugatatn lybkeinnewteod Egr LAHR SUPERIOR . Copper NM and Smelting Works, PLITSEIORGEL PARK, McCURDY & CO Montifootmen of SIITATRINEI. BRAZIERS' BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER SOT; rums, RAISED STthL _BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. Also, importer. and dealers In IIET -ItLS, TIN PLATE,' _ShRET IRON, WIRE, Sto, Constantly on hoed, MNNBRS' MACHINES and ToOLS.'arehruse, Nu. I4OFIRST and LSO SEO. OND STSE.VI3 , Pltraburgh. Special Was at t)o saytS pper ticpdaarTut to any desired pattern. PIITSSITISOII SAW WORKS, HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. WILIMPAOTTOIEZP OP PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS, of every de. ecrlption. ffitll , Malay, Cross Out, Gang, and all other varieties. All kinds of ESTVES and SPRINGS, made from Sheet CAM Steel ,• Extra Retl.4l REAPER AND MOWING KIgTVES, an. Sir Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention. given to Retoothing, Gum Ming and Straightening Circular Saws; also, re. pairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. apnbily WEL HAINSULLs... st • Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, No 4. 20, =, 04 and 26 PENN STREET. Having teamed • lane yazd, and furbished with the most improved machiner, we are ;vs ed to manufacture every desezipttha of BOLL do the beat =ewer, and 'warranted equal to any made in the eota3thry,_ _URIBINEES, BRIOHEN FIRE BEMS, PIPES Locom IYL BOILERS, 0 0 ST/LLSNDENSER , d iT SALT A FANS, TANKS, OIL AG ATOM,aSEE TLING PANS, BOILER IRON,: =..I3GES, SUGAR PANS, and sole menulaaturers (WHAM'. BILLEPATENT BOILERS. Repairing. done on the shortest notice. dolB3I . MANHOOD! -.HOW , LOST HOW RESTORED I--Just Published. In n seal. ed Envelope. Prior six. cents. A LECrrinlE.OX THE NATURE, TEEATMENT, and Radlestaitre ,of Spermatorrhcsa, or Seminal 'Weakness, Inver. now, Endsatons, , Sktnal Dal:01W and ;Impodl. ments 10 Marriage generslly NefT00.10:11501, Con . nun_ptiorn Epilesay end Fits; Mental' and PO:I -ca] Um. pastry, reardilag from Self Abuse. &a, 1 y Rose. J. thiresawoth o m. o.„ &tabor of the Green Book, ho. “A Hood no .Itooeurtm of Strsisassa.if Sent cinder seal, In a plain eavet• • aye, to any address, - pot 'paid, on receipt of six -tee* or two postage, stamps, by Dr.Jio. ELIDE, 527 Brewery, Nellr York. Port Office box sAits, JeuXmCiforT • • OZO.,IIIIDTIDT W. D. DE3LI7II J. F. DOLLILLII la& BELLE STEEL WOERS. REITER & CO„ • Manufacturers of CAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; spanies, AX. LES, CROWBARS, Oz. •a:: • . H. . : (up etstri) PIiTsBURGH, PA. jY ROIGNVION, REA et UD.. Bottoctscus to Roomer, Mem tr. Elittaftb.) Wash/ Baton FOUNDERS AND Araaanns - rs,. Manufacturer) of BOAT AND STATIoNARY STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL BIACIRELTERY, GP A PING_ &BAITING {LAST -MOS of all deserfp_tkn, ODE TANKS& • BOILER AND SET IRON WORK. Asa-Agents for eismuurs PATENT IN.TIXT• GB, for feeding bothara. TO 812111tht19 SVIVISSEIIB or Ikmits BO= 6aalea-.11. reverend gentleman haV lag beeantatiored to health la slaw 4las‘laZar usi mode . ins the sums! routine and irregular esperudre of treatmentolthout stunieas, conaidetill his - Jeered duty t comercudeste to his enacted !affirm. a:Seated:or elestaniisfainsi.. Zeroth on the receipt of an addressed envel op e, he RlABeimeldrettAtlll of the prescription - • 'Direct to Dr,JO/7 peortAx4., Fulton stieet. Br• • • '1 , qatataltivr .JOHN !COCHRAN •ft RLIAD" =nulls Dire= of IRON TAHLTS AND VAULT IIOORSfiLOANARAILING . WHIDOW • SHUT. LERSvWDDINTW GU a d ., Wog. 41 SW. LIND and 811 THIRD Si. EET between Wood and Market, fASITPlebAintaM o tniAy Arrw:patterns, fancy and pima, suitable for purposes. 1 - 441 , PaUettlarattention paldto ei:teloi:fnOraya Lots. r gobbillAdozuSeXabart natio:S. , : J% • 2 ." , aul I r 7711. :r .{:i .1.1 4 .1 kfrgrit 74 art . • . • , or.` pia** r treatment et the Uri awl SexAgateass. a pilaw ra. spina, - REST PREE.-,A PAMPHLET OP - v . . l3tothe Id thaatediudilai.ot bcpUk mph si kat a.hm / 1 "M.i Raman; with Afainv eaciaseditar A. EXPIDRIOSAYAOO4IIbv.A. Boston p tea auritildvdesar , „1= 1 ; .grfw .11]=1:4131V0 MER;CWX7':.Ta2ILDRI.B. FOR 7133 HOT 'BEASON. ICSTIiECEPTED TH/B DAY, Another Invoice of _those -Desirable , BUCK ALAPAO.OASAMS; Size Best (1(104, Frfeee r ,Fiet! i IMILY,TOSSISLA LINDZA ON, Wllolcuilopeelen to Off i N , CaPS ;Ma Ntrage , 600a9 1 Fromiroim takire to Wiest •nd mom °Tapia. GOODS FORDOPMERANDF/44.5%. „ ref— earaui4^,f!,,tltH:Driiihalrhicats,arsrursguane_r. 131SGar. - - Tin WOOD. if! .1q44;),1? - 01:144913? ,yr, , , : , r":4 4, i5..: :, , -, I , ;;: ,,z 1!:! , $;;--.. L , , 1 i' ,1 : 1197 TLET 7. :0AW:,1 , 11M.,",, 3 4,11b/33:MUM • Villit.W7-;': .. . Craig SCriiiiiiielitenii t • ' ".- SO/4A..1--- 1 -, ,, c"-%-iimi. ezz-.41 , .c. t''. ,-.!'!!!! I' . '-; ''' ' ' - ,r - Ts Phanixtt NOVA nr,t.l7, 4 PITTOBI7IOS Z;iit ',siii-Y,ltarii,ll:(l,'aztitt. FRIDAY. AVGDST 'll„ 1835 GAZETTE TEEOLS Daily morning t:o per annum do.do . served Ly cArrlera ^-'9 recta Daily .I:rerting 4.. a 10160 per 5 esr. do. do., served by carried,. 16 rears a weak. Weekly, in clubs •1 50 per year. co. tingle eopina - M.OO do. RATES OF ADVERTISING OFE SQUAWS-41 . /01011M MATTES; Daily'atew 2tetw I Isw Wkly Two ttmee...l 25• ....• Three 1 75; , ....I ....1 175 F ive our tirnes... 2 10' .... 2 10 sree week 2 751 $175 $ 1251 751 75 Two weeke...; 4 751 2 75, 2 10t 1 251 125 Three...coke 8 fOl 625; 275 2an 1 - 0 Oncrmonta..., 8 2.5,' 5 60i 4 uol 2 75. 10 Two months.l IS COI 800 000 3 75. 625 Three montsl4l 16 00. 1060 7 , m 7 6 75. 825 5.12 m021.4111...1 24 UP II 751 965 6a) 12 00 telne months I 34 ren 17 70' 12 on, 800; 17 pp Ono Year I ao le): 25 501 16 00 in re' 20 no Advertise:pante base/Ica one year may be cnangea at the adrercieer e pleasure, at a charge 0(23 cent. per equate, (or 20 cents if paid at the time,) but Inuit be confined to the Immediate buidnees of the advertiaes. Advettuiamenta cOntracted for otherwise than daily, be inserted on such days as the odic° may select. ransient advertising CASH. Death Notices, each, buertion 0 SO Marriage notice', to Steamboat advertisements, 3 p 3 oo Executors' or Administrato rs' rs' No tice. OO YBAIILY ADVERTINIXti . Ond square—confined to 'the immediate bush:mai of the advertiser, and not to Include dissolutions, formation of new Arms, wants. an—changeable once a week. Any excess to be charged as tran sient matter. a times 2 times I time Daily. la werelt.is week. , a weak Three •18 50 1112 00 $ 900'.. •B 00 Slx mouth. 110,001 19 00, 16 00 10 50 Nthe months.— 43'00, ZI OW, 23 00 15 00 One Tent 52,03: SS 00.1 26 00., 18 00 Q Fist Notices double the above rates, if hi: Sorted one month or more. For a lea period ee cents a line. MESMM;=;I rfir A square to be considered as the spare cram pled try ten lines of the ordinary advertiaing type of the paper. CITY MID 81:1111JIIIIAN. (►OOY TZSIMILDAT'S X7121/30 The Coal question. From all the facts that we can gather, the late strike among the diggers was in consequence of the pit owners refusing to bring down the price of coal to correspond with the decrease in the price of mining. The argument used was, that if the bosses motioned to sell -at the old rates, the workmen ought to get the same pay for discing. Hence the strike for five cents'per bushel. If the facts be as alleged, then the dig gers are not much to blame. When a strike mews, the price of coal goes no within the nett three hours, end when The diggers consent to work at one cent per bushel less, it Is but rea sonable to suppose that the price ought to be put down at once. Perhaps the diggers should have given the pit owners a little more time, as prices are always slower coming down than going up; but, between the two parties, the consumers must continue to suffer. A meeting of the Coal Exchange was held yesterday, and a full Interchange of views was Lad in regard to the present condition of affairs, and what was proper Co be none in the future. There was a streuirdetermitation expressed not to yield to the present demand of the diggers. The folldwing resolutions were adopted Rewired, Thatwe will suspend all worts t our pits, except that which Is clone at a price not ex ceeding four centa per bushel for digging. Resolved. That when It is absolutely necessary toopen op air courses ' watercourses and entries, we agree to stock the coal and not run a bushel to the river an , ll digging can Do done at four cent, per bushel. eI! A =deb game of base ball was played yester day between the Resolute and Young America clubs of Allegheny, on the ground of the former East Common. The game was very closely contested. and at the and of the ninth In nine each club bad scored twenty-four rtms, making a tie game. To settle the .ebinplogably, the game Wll3 continued. to the end of the twelfth Innings. end' resulted In favatof tam 'Resolute dab. , u. ,0,1,71 .. a.; G. Torso Amouca. 11....0. sprowi s Jr“.... I -" G. !Unison., Ist b... 3 :irk, p. Cialnetan, p....... 3 Ltokard, hrt b... 3,211.k1th 4 s JOll7, 2d b 6 Senn, 111). 7 Gamble, sal b 6 Derr. ed b I De.geltlen, 1. L... .4 Price, a: • a Murphy, e. f........ IS. a , zrebtrlak. L t...... 2 Laverty, r. E..... 1 T'reita, e. ( 2 Brown, •. s. 4 6 Kennedy, r. L.... 4 roja.l. 41 86 T0ta1...: ....... al as Itinlop.... 1 2 I 4 6 6 7 6 6 10 11 II rot4l 4',1112141.0 4 Rewlate,.. - f•'o'' 3, si'ol 4 1 '1'10 1 41 ill of s: o! so If: &dalelk! iliarlte—i.W.." H. Lockllol.. AttecouteSic,rer—s: Vibikeribbie. Toast Amerieb Suber-Q. (Ands; reti7-•Eletetton ttr!mltcw4 The Pittsburgh and Sawmill Rau Fern: - Bost Company held their: electkia itids morning, al the office of Mama. Cald*dfl & Co., Water Meet, 4 10 o'clock. 'The ciders 'elittelf to nerve until tho tat of November isext are as follows: .Pretwket l .-Itit. Shah.' „txagg i L Writ!. Baal. usommi a GAT. • The board - afterwards met and unanimously elecled MI:WO Aoblniam onerAjTiniuter of the Irttrefeet: : 21, - selectip, cboAcuriissei m+44 th 6 Do= will =Lawmen the amobation atom 4 bbd hating trateseet,toim 4 with - line. r.: / I'o4o *tqt .tigntbs du - cainteous tth et r aat. - Initietitand at he resigned lk Pad posltion under thetgoo ernment In' order Wade:id to Ws netrOpew..` rata with all the energy peculiar to himself. The line will =tale); proeper tuiCer the direc tion of the newly elected beard BatiroadAcnident:-Thoper trade on the Cleveland and Shubert& a llro due here 4 four o'clock Wednesday afternoon, while musing Edgeworth +station encountered a man and woman walking on the track. They paid do attention to the signal. probably eappostee that they could "clear the track' in that. They stern unlortunately . too late, and both were strtteklilltidOw addles at they nerd leaving the track., ;The woman was thrown over the platform Into isonso Wade, had one leg broken end was s isthentrisenjured. Tho man was pitch di 6111:130 theta hn oft the otheraide, and escaped With a few slight bruises. Such escapes from death are rare Indried.l' _ Nickela,-.one cad Pieces are becoming very abndant in tha eastern attics, and wo may soon lock for a supine of them outliers. An eastern tirebenge Me: "Pm Ignoramuses who have t/oen halting Pennies dating the arm because t' a wetehard.money; aro beenning toaban. on theidesot playing the. Wall skeet 'bill' on eke], and forcing it up to '280.' From present Maintops the limn la not far distart when, the I ttio.mulatines win .De •moresho/01 thalie over ware in Eppt, and men will be obitgrakx 'ear seven pairs oranspenders SankeNt or4F. gents op." Struck byttif r icutieZdAtarnicktke farm gifAltskfluee waS kl3e*M7 rrfAX IrObvl elle*Ar Meet kersborir Dy llgholrit fo.rrichll - Seek, and destroyed by Bra, with lt contents. The bam coulaboadlUelMtriaetbp.osStmiamb just harvested. The lase will probably amount to $2.500. Mr. Jamb - Wolfe, the farmer of thehliesee B. ;was , lie ...Ibe..bao, at, tba Ilw, tinitires - torterel3o-eho&M. d; bot-Maialbento 1 tid9.l644liltatteidectlll4tft erreatretock.tettbainaltecumnradelz yams., a g o h f Vbasierlumue .*l4h S and went hMrAßeghear a r; la t u e m tu w xf r r ltY .94 11 . 1 alta*Stblektlara, - W i terardi. lug itleka or delft fro ni the de nit be l heeldeata e llty fell Into the water.aboafelrea.reel depth. sad ;WM dthwtted before,- asaletaine itould be rendered hlm. Jethro efforts were made to mom bill boduhmt wltburatstmeem t St. PauPa Orphans , Asylum.—The follow u:KMQ cntanagenthas been elected for the Penh:4 year: Rt. Rev. M. Domenee, Matey, John,l l / 1 8eon, James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, John dayace,Chsa. McGinn, Terrance, Compoll_ W. 1/1. Reel, E. Rand:, John dem a cr. D.. Dream 11.1./11eCloary. Rev.:3l:- Demme WM chosen presldent,_ goy J. Meker Viee-Frealdent f :D: ThMardi Treasurer; and D. F. eClowry Secretary. ,„ kcejetika JatiOh wholiatibeei2 coif:tad fof tOlib eeks past; to flower. iSchargauf.fsaistdV4lth meat. to, xatristi.'Noi'i.44,4ol,lo-aafg m i t t 411. 0:M404i 3PPcultut.tid, tb - Iktobei term . lbo.:aiNotliA44-IKe Was 5.000, ala Dr.Jertostlitobbitoo p hiit Laintwoo.: Mlle; matt of a Ptauttossititrottter.o-Stsenari. San ra , a niiiiibef or. • - - 70.4(if000liomi kit/atty. and a .4:1141t.;r - WO , llOOll I.lklii.clty i . died ot, Ifolk.'o4lSh, co /MIL MEd ' trumps' yatututs: f Cate a - Haag_ ummelitattli 611 **G:zacrceW, ' . care I=l,rlret. , 4" , • l Aiklator.foolaisCiß3lo44,o4; • lercinglasora m F.imat,o‘ • • mot 604teeFicco ',• 4l 4d;r*Kg). oumg -. 34olTriedi ' al i ta4C1 " 1 441 1, 1541 iluvo'coot. tiamprenclotod.toi ,8. 171eloim, Mirka Balm: Z. Pu l tanr Waozdt Co., .1-122:11tO-, C ECG 1.1"..t.rf AN , :i:D.NANc7., to the (i..- ding and Paving of Montsormery Avenue. STo. 1. Be it ordofeed andenser.4 /". ' O, Select and Common Counci7s of the City of ,iaeo,,,ry. cml Uis hereby acted by the seniority of Meseta's. Moat the Committee on Streets be, and the; are hereby au thorized sod directed ,0 invite and receive pro m:mats toe the Leading nod ranter d' .• the Due, (rein Webelm etrect L . l ; _a l ue, the Second Third Wards of the city. and to con. tract therefor. with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their discretion. See. a. That for the purpose of defraying the cost and expenses of the said improvements there be, and. Ls hereby levied. a epecial tax, to be equally rimmed upon the several lots bounding and stmt. ting upon said Avenue reepectively, in proportion to tl e feet front In them reepectively comprised, and abounding and abutting es aforesaid. Sec 3. That as soon as the cost and expenses of said 1.1 rovements shall be fully ascertained, it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to access and apportion the same among the several lots bounding and abutting upon sold A venue. re spectlvely,.according to the rule above Ise-lasted, and thereupon proceed to matte demand and col lect the SMR, accordion to the provisions of tie Ant of the General Amembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled ...an Act defining the mariner of collecting the expenses of g and paving of the streets and alleys of the Z d y l', ll, Allegheny, and for other purposes," passed the thirtieth day of Mayeh, 1852. Sec, 4. That so much of any ordinance as may Conflict with. or be supplied by the foregoing, be, and the seize is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted into a law this, the 24 day of August, Anno Domino, one thousand tight hundred and sixty live. JAMES MARSHALL, • Press of Select Council. SUMO& DRUM; Prest. of Common 00,35.11. D. !LA.I.IFEILSON Clerk of &lea Council. M. McOONNIOLE. Clerk of Common Connell nug2t4.l AP ORDINANCE relative to et data Al ley. to the city of FlttaNurgh. Lk it ordained and mewled by the . 'aver, Al dermen and cilium of Nathan/4 Meet and Common Connell. mumbled, and ft 14 hereby enacted by atabortfy of the rams, flat the alley running from Etna etteet to the Allegheny river, between the Ulty Water Works cod Alexander Laughlin's property ; shall be named Laughlin's alley. Sac. 2. That the grade of mad &Hegelian have r. descent of 2,60 fret per MO feat, fors distance of V 76 feet, from th e north curb of Etna street, thence fall lb feet per 100 feettO the Allegheny river. Sena That the alley muting tremiStolthfinld street to Cherry alley, parallel and IM3 feet north of Fourth threes, shalt brnamed Lemon alley. Sao. 4. That the grade of said Lemon alley shall have an ascent of AGO feet pet 120 feet from the emit curb of Smithfield threat to Uherry alley. Sac. 6. That the llecordlag Begnlator be and the mane is hereby directed to advertise for pro , poach. for the grading end paving of Lemon alley, and to let the lame to the anion= directed by an Ordinance of Uounclis passed August 31st, 1867, and an Act of /crumbly srproved Janury 6, teat. Ordained and enacted into s law the 7th day of A ugust, lend, war it. UROWN, P•eMdent pro tem. of Select Council. Attest: K K biokilare, Clerk of Select Council: THOMAS STEEL., President of Common CounciL Att“t: liven Molltsvvcrs. Clerk of Common Council. aufEstd A N ORDINANCE for the widening of Emhord street, from Fulton street to Erin street. Sion 1. Be it ordained and inserted ty Itto.ll4yor, Al dermen and oslbuma of Pais/meek in &led and Coln von Conneito amended, and II la hereby ordained and everted bq authority of the same, That itedfor4 street ho end the mime is hereby opened to the fob width of slaty (60) feet, from Fulton street to Erie street, seeOrdlil to the City District plan. Sze. I. Be it further . eileda, That James Chem ben' Sixth Ward, Sato:Lel Magee, Ninth Ward. and George Wilson, Seeond Ward, be and they are hereby appointed appraisers, to alines the dast. ages or benefits, if any, canoed by the widening or said street, according to as Act of Astemaly coo earning streets, approval January oth, A. D. Mal • Drnialned and enacted into a law in Cannella this 9th day of August, A. D. 1565, WM B. BIPIWN. President pro tem. of Select Council. Attest; E. S. ftlnanely, Clerk of Seale' Ciituiefl • ' THOPEAS : SPEEN President. of Common Connell, Attest_ Henn .151enlitiran, Clerk of Comlnon Connell, 10921 4.ltA N ORDINANCE authorizing the grading, pavimc and setting with curb storm Bullard street and B.h &lief. 6x0.1. ,Ss it ordained end trusted bgt e Mayon Aideretna and cottons of Pittsburgh in Sdol and CCommasClamataMis am-mbkd, and U , hereby mooted 'Mad ordained by authority of the ram, That the Res ea• ;ding Regulator be elk 4. he is hussy ainrcial to advertise for proposabt for the grading, paving and setting curb to of , Bedford Mast, from Wastangton street to Seventh 'Meet, and of Bea eh silty — froth' Bedford Meet to Fonutsin street, gad to let the same in the meaner directed by an °faunally:l Ootuatibt paused August slay A. D. ISA and as Act of Assembly approved Jan uary 6th, Ordained and enacted into a law in Oinuacils this 4th day Of !Lagoa, 11.. D. OM. W. 71 It BROWN, Prestdent T4O !tin. of Belcct Council. Lied s E 8. 2ilonnow, Cleft of Select. Canaan. THOMAS SFEEL. • . PmslA4mt of Uoramon Attest: Bran MCM.ASTSX. Clerk of Common Council. aullat4 AN ORDINANCE t granting certain to'Lyan. Shor Clo. Pe ordained out marled be the Mom . , Aldermen and eitirres of Pitteburgi in Wed and Coalman COhnell amen:hie, Lit. e Shop e asel watkori. ,y of the shrew That r et 00., owners of tn. hiernansahera Rome, be and are hereby att. tbarired to most bac:oaks fo the w rotraates to said House, no Smltidleld and Water ateeeta, eetteadier over the fall width of said pavements, lied rooting Upon Ras Mara plassA upon the curb line Wertoir Provided,. 'Oat the Janigning of gala balconies Above the pavements ebtlf not be leo than due feet, cod that the work shall be done eubjeetto the approval of the Clip Reraiator. • • Approved end•routetell into law Shell!' Aar of ' ' - • WM. R. BROWN, • , Presidimt pro . !eso, or SOWS Oonneit: Attestr 8.8. Wonabw, • ' • • Clerk of Select Donnell. • - ' T - S6/1263 STEEL, At a ki4 . ltuint/ T i tre urim iela of , Oommaq Conlkath . .at 13° 1 141 , PaP 3l ) °GUAM, . , , , it‘tlo4l-".4CIILAVICE4 WCAMIY±ADP"NOTICit. r niamr.tiA=fr)' Wh ler Sc . AVilson ems: lora, iti-terudekr was a+aide eee6t itizor line Al ves seedshat, the Intarnatlonal tabour. bald at S t estith,Proasi‘ • tine woman stase,“as the best sewing iamb; al to 1 all rilf! ordinary parposes.. , —Hores ! !eterm.l, "f! , . TRH wsnua WILSON Lock Stitch Sewing Elactilnei; Ireceived ape idgberemdp .tmth. Vein iatetruitlearii It.Wt Ranee . LoNo6N. Dfteoles.„ :110413NSITURG, Pettgain liklX Whet* all th• hin of ra.l tape sinifilmcrias w as la compatalcuz. Wholesale and Entail Salsa acitya.. No. ar M o ab at. E. P. OLIIPPETEL. .1.a7 rr i. • 1 .14: FANHAVAIVUO. Makes - the - Elastic! liititph:' t ii , °Nra ; 44 P I Plv wIF ,01 ; '' l ~, Er , - ~ ` lv rireeil tS1:Sll)018. ORLY DIAOkINE wiara , ,,,,:, id, the . Vt4SW.Of the *din. .brrairiqatizimixou ' • ' . • lelitieeda Bias Beam; Test win not tlestrok'Snal t t . p pllatif . .Fus' InstattaL'• TO Only Sewing ' I!bathe Cninkany iLoc]a.:syrx9rbiEt EFOUbk fAck-ISSitels Machines. , . Kir PtuettserceadjolailduiSirforgU44) . U' ' ultedleitil.thar Arla E.T4azipe.for yoisrar.trea q ill 5 ° T . P l l.l , T qlriTrr t ti C. i ; J.'. , . . ' , • r • .-act rutranzintss AI2EL ~: ~x.- e f, 141 pc - f - J. lvr('; llo2sr = I : . . .• invelesuut ika d • myt,-; •", We* szyiewLl Armicuipamigine, mu n.h the out lash& totstodtr a Tam raw taaspr7 to regain thithitthnuiet sallbotafiy_ bestowed - oh =ma. otaulchui, mut ash Incalth minty ht Wads thethottest width jetitheut , • ILODGESS. .I,D STAIID Eaton, Macrum & Co. eeeiv - ed this day NO. 17 FIFTH STREET, FuR Lines of Jaconet Edgings, Jaconet fingerlings, J sonnet Flouncing., Hamburg Flouncing., Edguo, French Cambric Banda, SWIIII LMlertin" Dimity Bands, Infants' Embroidered Robes, Wants' Embroidered Waists, Black Thread Engines. widths, Ottinure Lues and bldifings, all widths, Black and White Thread Lace Barbs, Vat. Edgings and Inserting..,, Royal Frilling, (something ae w,) Maltese Collars, Point Lane Collar., Linen Collars and Cuffs, Real Lass Handkerchiefs, Ham-stitched liamlkercblers, Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Thread Lace Veils, vrape Hash Veils, (fancy borders) Masi. Stuart Nets, Invisible Nets, Waterfall Net., ha., as. ksydendid assortment of Bonnet Ribbons, Trim. Ming Ribbons, Neck Ribbons, &arra Ties, But. Velvet Ribbons, Canis, Bugle Trimming., ha, Hlsak Silk Beltingi, all widths. LAM dozen Linen Handkerchiefs, superior quality, at from IS% tO Ya MS. each. All flu, Latent style' of GENTS' FURNISHING "GOODS. trade.tar Liberal Inducementa Otrered tothe srbalesala NEW GOODS. MACRUM & CLYDE, NO. 78 MARKET STREET Rave now open for early /ALL TRADE, 'plea Old Mork of NEW CIOODS among which will found the West NOVELTIES Belt Buckles, Hair Nets, Neck Ties. brute Buttons, Ornaments, Tuck Combs, Notiess and Palmy Goods, Also, Rieb Embroideries, of every description. Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Fine and I nivellng Shirta, Drawer and Eradiar .lllsts, s.lra, Suspenders, as. MERCHANTS Will And our Wholesale Department very eat. plots eat attracrimy and MUMS As LOW AB THE LOWEST FOR (LABEL We are Blanufaeturers. Agents for the gale of PINS, HOOKS AND ETIV3, By the ease of less. Sir Give er s call before purelleslat elsewhere. N EW GOODS F•OR JULY] Joe. Morme ar, have Nit opossi a new stock 01 Choice Dress Goods for {he prevent moon, to which they to. ilia at _ Pule MVO and Barque Trimmings, atiti; strigli Ilera.:_wnttons, new style; Garniture and Besdel Slits; Lied - - CIT• Lace HaraUtruct •'n detest "Tellies ' ,sash cove. _ Ia Lsee Exabroidaed Marts; Duplex Hoop Ettats; Skirts: StookthPl Gloves: Bea Side Shawls Ctorsetst Head Netts; Bamp Combs: , ?SOsiadl sad Boa Madan Baaposs, Mai and Striped Sinn sad Halasooks , , FINE PANE ta Purl, XVO2I, OWLS, 104 JOB "town 'Go. Is mita n mazuriT &ram". OCKWOOD & CO., NSW GOODO I i BANKERS, r ater remand tram IN. 32 WlElliatt area, • Bios. • Breath's." sad Oil Well street, Yi r • W. PALOCIA.P'S zrzmuce waxes.. al num= Egritiate,, N 430091 EXBEQIIIERIES, CORSETS, SILICRpi, El BONS, TACES:Wo.:Va. The MIS SST the hunt perfect zeseei LABS. CO/AVATS, SOCEB, Asn /se. sa, DRY GOODS. avo. Imam. •• • . tr.a.var lift man= WILSONi OATailt 'frArii*roiiirtuaik , al • • .Wholookle denten ha - FOREIGN ATM MI , . TEO. LUIZ - WOODS,' AO: Of Wood house &anti Dlasrhut, Wep , Plttabuith. VATONi 'MAORITIII.4kO.OO , - Wholesar. AA . and-Rata-Dealets•-tri! uwasurawo.N.Tlell noingniradanli Dlrlgisreel.llgsb=l," MAORIIM tb, Retail Dealer, In FARM' AND STA3I9,,;_ DRY ODOM, TR=goB Ace., , NNIS Malta met,- betWeea- Dlalmad ant Soul*, PR:4MM JOSEPH HOENE, 'Wholesalek 7 ...„ 4 1.1 e . La . 11 ; • nt .. 3. M GS, BM 1 VULCAN COAL YARD,. t ' C-- 74--- W r an i k bhdrialatiti. , ; . , I timr,hentidegtailto&dritt444•Atii.. ' ' Wit • I rllit 4. Ir'r'' gat Yon t'ogitga fdin NI Nat Coal I i,..:.5.7)1, ' , lei" ntli— ..; - 11 , }1" I .;'l'' 44t9:11.10;W:173 • coll.l*Linteksiii twat ityruc - : &IN- . alkei t i - AUZ i giti'itti allsokEdsosSlllStsiAlZgi legtf i c.A ' l3l : ':'," Z . , ' IL,. ,e , ' lto„ 1 e!..t,,..ClVraitCaPO 4 #l4t.ef; : 1 JO , a„ , LlD4l.l,6eartarylml Theitilizen - , ~, : Theasso 4nlmpaar °oasts los=4 l- rsorasslttals.: fed ft,l;r 7. _rxtar(s. tributary so )' sod Wog n labgaTyltan tad Cateresk. . 1 Worse'Snow Unafraid, boa meta: ; 4.41.4 amensmit= VII Ifs fosmd Ms rums of soda-11[11U ottilndiasettsccostrik;, Tbar um ssolos Met wtteteakialtoteS. Vellsi Tedo, tarn la sokkassded 40, ;tour 41 tbe, (son calsbadodA)ll4dodnein Una. au Glitthigi iLi a . chenriten. and is In eboso proximity tem. viteed. wag, .. 31 . 7 4 , !-Aal_eils, *is. , ,aboUS dm , 4 1. erlaWas. a raz2. 1 4 44 ,.. ii. . 6iiii . i t, ~..-, EYENTITP._ !. - C . =TEO, SHAKE. nt ortfle , •.h,,infir etuur w. y as ot 14,40.7.2;14,172taire1a5iage, zi , I LEASES. iS ::311::4 iC.3l.l:lryn n) at 01 1LV43r44 • W had cin the asolditps*A-I useARMA •U" , 97111MIIrftk, vasit glow. lt to . • MICE T=A, , •• ••• —4,12 alddi•v!l oeklliiikers 4 te RegEsa h StOtkpbOiSbilitriatititql * CTIMI OttZlaP • .•- I•vb ti•le incums.,..".."••••mors 111711.111121 C "13 81 "71 , , • ntoworri wo - r-: Dthroravg emeigettsi#o4*Mailk am% PI DR) . Gi)00.4. AT EATON'S, F. X BATON 17 FIFTH STREET. Rooms tip sterna =NEM I ititriff A I /W I : ittiat,, ='''''''''' ' ''''.' „ . . ji g I, ' 1.•, T i • 0r , ...• ~ 3 , '1,1: vnZ) -- yr .. .W-,-,::::', ' an yout :t1 J:i -111 a::, , lo f r..:1 W.,,,,gtx.r. ;,.: h. '-. .. ' ; ‘, s' A .'.,, ' , '.,..V, ...1 3,:r• ..1...,... ~,,14 ..,/: oli*9.4okg, , kOliciWc4W, IT.t ... ,- 0 r x .,.. :?4 , :::L4: , :: , , , ; ....,,„ EE ABEENNlAN•rmemLii;:lani' ittritii... II gOTAGE,OBII6I7, admitted by dealers, deal 'who bays' beard tbaw,lerte superior le, ne to all , 'Othetrtzurtnuawswanthe klad maw' , krbYttit tits iSrsarawrats altb Cutest mann. • ssettWers In 0 seruary..we .are prepared to tar ! . b, St Ow ebostest gotta,' • '• , ard' CIiMEM. BilvErialtPAentlii; '. St •ri;44y dirwr u ltioSEtata sWi cornarasp4' hatjeduced-pr • "Illustrated - Oltalortby: : . . 04 .01 , C in • . , New sea Second-11W PThnotillss Heat. •••• , . ~', „vtelrEasit-lf, 8A8W:,,11,,” jrzt ••••: F iro.i3oz:oraxBBTslieck.4", - ------ t(IESTIMURLd4.7.IIOICria.Z QTI is , CALE...Anet. harkkg C . 0. LnaB4 miiimat fi l2 : ll ir Terituil lK2 t b ) . ‘lB 86 . 4 4WI a 11W vtal tolVAElS6 UM ( fis egloy. Urtni.PLOAIIII EtWeira UAW MIMI ttilli M 741 4.1. 11 . 11 tIotitia Melt Oa, Cd.tO.44.IIIII9ASIAMO Ikpibbers, sad. Stumm • - Lona °ad aiiiiiimmily.sabkniiik • • 3 iinit• bulimia° •• of Satin. • . j ui •W . lon. eller in atelaat •AM ...A4 •. . , rt Mums ca-Aalsz , , 1 as emariteimi. i.. iv , , v. •I:I i u .. . , atIE .1. v r., ~ .- 1 1 ICM -T41419/12bstrada.. 517 , N L• IRA in,"1.11 wio* ,:t31741 •'•••• • scsa ameas lib Mil ts Liiiil,l Fr.r a.'TMF _BANKING LEO USE. N. - HOLMES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street, Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS RECEIVED Lti PAR FUNDS AND Golleetionsmade on all the principal paints' of United States and Canadra. STOOKS, BONDS AND OTKER SEODEITIS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION Particular attention paid to the purchace an wale of UMW STATES SHOIJRITIES, ISPLODIVO United States Sluof 1881; Do. do . 6200; Do. PITS, 10406; 6Arlatlnew ORDLIIS AND VOUCHERS BOUGHT OR OOLLEOTE DOLLAR bA.Y1E41313 BANS, 1 , 10:, 65 Fotrwre Brawn, CILARTERED IN IBS. Open dolly Iron, Ito 2 o'clock, 4130 Wednee. day and Saday eveninx, from May lae fo No. vember tat, from 7 too" crock, and from November lit to May tat from a to 8 o'clock. Deposita received of all su p r ont o lessthan One Dollar, and s dividend of the deolared twice a year, in Jittle and Deumbee Interest hag been declared seroldounally, to Jana and December, sine.) the Bank wee organized, It the rats of ill per cent. a Interest,ltnot drawn out, Is placed to the credit of the.deposltor as principal, and bears • the fame interest from the first days of Jane and December, emapOtuirthlg twice s year without troubling the depoSiter to tell. or eren to prima/ his pees book. At this rate mammy will double in less than twelve years. Boolu, containing the Charter, By-Laws, Reties end at the Regulations, fun:dolled gust* app ll eatinn office. Pifrestruorr—OLEOPEOE ALBREE. Vtall rltltsrostaTa. William J. Anderson, A. N. Pollock, al. D, John O. Racket= Robert Robb, Benj. L. Fahnestook, John man, Jame, H. Slourdwriper, Jame* Yierd • James McAuley, Alexander Speer, Isaac. X. Pennock, Obristion Yeager. TIITIBTSB9. Calvin Aaron',' , AHenry J. Lynch, John O. Bindley, Peter A. Madeira, Georyekilemit, John Zilanhall, Hill Burgmin, Walter P.Naraball, Alonzo A. Carrier, James B. D. Meets, Charley A. Colton, John B. Alniadilen,l Wm. Dunglan, John Orr , John Henry L. John J. iMeayie, William H. William S. Haven, Alexander Tindle, Peter H. Hanker, Wfilnini Venkirk, Richard Hay., Wm. P. Wgian, Kelly Lase A. COLTON swre,n—JAzazi B. D. NEEDS. azi atm Ta 3 EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK! O f Pittsburgh. Chartered by the ' , Capital 'Organised under State of Pa., 1816.1 sl,l4o,ooo.lNalen Law 1864 Thia Bank Luis be dialipisted DEPOSITARY OP THE United States Treasury, and appopsted agent for the sale of the 7430 Ls 40k dEL 251" . Every facility will be offered to Limiters or par ties purchaaing for ramie. EL M. ZdUBILAT, Caabler iiipsszt T HB. , PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. Capital Paid elge n f s 2 oo oooo w . ith Prvl • ttouse coinita theft Ann *Dot • Hank, orgazasoi ander the Notional Bonk A pyitan.b.now prepared to tr t business sllitt r lMns"...F2tner of Wood Attul Mit ~lal7eCtlolla'hlrl~Q . [LQ \U aditelfailiafted, „.„ Itusst thews/An ten= Spada Agents tor-7 COOKE, far the isle of the U. IL 7 340 Treasury Notes. BAEtZL SEA. President. EL GORDON, Cubist, 0. BIeMIEBSOrt, Teller. apTkeed Orden ha the- titeluuetimiettlectial3M4N. DiENT AND DEUDDAT[I23 ritatlltd-A4 . satt-.lattlettlhal imatutta LEL , allowed up:mm=4 Pala:toe% IF - I RI7 ettecked britatoritendase.noties filx per cent, thlezW, alloeaS twondeposita Gold.. t...: lArtgaula - i•Z MI)S. 11811.1 C. Sat .11 44 T0W BEING 'RECEIVED. - • . . . L . • THAT ELEGANT STOCK OF . .., , 1 ' CHICHERING - PIANOS.:- . . , ~. ~ Splected parmally- by iiIII-Subluathai diatia. rectoallitt au lire-,Freacery. , • ~ , , .-, ' ! i , - SEVENTEEPYINSIMSII: nom open, and mar Ear o;rataLtlatfthir 1114; public are invited gO , all 811,14 ,4 4 P.; -,;,. arrontedfotin;'74 -s k44• . f s l it 0111 0/Altc_PAV._._ .:' ,J,?'' „.... ~ ...,,, ~ ~: N/,,i. wirro;tdrrrs. a. Y. OAMLAN...I. L lICTIMIMUtiI IicMAST.EI3, OAZZAM & CO., -.• ATTORN_Eis FOR CLAIMANTS' • - Licenstd • - .6fgents, • ff L pToctiltzt pErrs.rorie' LBormaissi AR4 us OP PAY, PRIZE DOO WL LEY. OPEN.? pATION 1138 HORSES, and other property toad or destroyed while to the sondes of the trance( Status. STTPAOES OF PAY AND OFFIGEBS4 OR P ANOE AND QMARTERSIASTER'S COI, ;TS adjusted awl oartlacatas Or talebtod.7 neat procured. Applications by Mail atteadcd to es 11 mode ioZ. person. NO (MARGE BLADE lINOWS AUG.! OF.So OFFICE No. 98 GILLET PEEta i ; .• R. r. Et/T4 l& SLAGLE, AT I T'ORNEYS AT LAW, LOG, PITTSBURGH, Pd, Wtlj eittetui to all business to the 11ae ()Mete,: Profession, including ITIE DOLLECTION OF OLA nTS AGAINST THE GOTEEETIME • Mr. SLsata baring been mastered out or the j. 1240.1 States Seretce, win hereafter giro attea• tton to4he buzinesa of the flues. autlf U . B. WAR CLAIM Ac~srr h. PENSIONS. .13cruatiossh Sacbcas..- nag CLAM OF ALL =NOS PROOIJ7LIZO F•IIO.IIEPTLY. 1.• W. J. er HALL PATTEILSON. Attarn.eVs - at-Law. 144 FO grairrt: WOUNDED SOLDIERS IN EITHER' The Tint or Second Three Yens Benda, au receive the tall bounty the sums u e * 39 41 1 had served the full term of enlistment by eltuing upon T. WALTER DAT, -t 1 • Solicitor for Baratta, Pensions end pay: No 103 ROTH STREET, third - door helm the , CathsdraL IVIDLITARY CLAIMS, .1"1"NBION13. . 04 - Boyldles, BACK PAY and KITLITAKY CII.AII4IS of every dcseriptbon, collected by the Subscriber, at the kneeing hates,-.Tia s.Pengionia ale all other claim. SIB% C. O. TAYLOR, Attaicepat-Law, N 0.13 Grant Otter., Pittsburgh, Ps. N. K—Re charges Ere made lithe dales doss nee eaceeed, and all Warm:elan given gratis. setils jt RUTTERFTELD, GAZZAM a CO., '; ATTORNEYS AT LAW. FRANKLIN; clrfalliaster, Gamma Or. Co., Pittabnigb.) • Collestionemada, Titles examined, and aldothex legal bureaus Offended to In Western Pennryitrarr DIN Eastern Otto and West Virginia. References: Mew= Marshall Lockha ßrown. rt and Prow, Jahn Harperi a . E.sq4 tr. • p:111 ANDREW STEVENSON, No. 144 Fourth Street; K. PITTSBURGH, Pd.,' aaa will I notice In the varintis courts of Annetta, and adjoining counties. apthlyd. MAMOML Bi3OHNBOII, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. AND eSOLDLEMS , ar.Aird. earns t 13ountina fat 'Wounded Soldiers connoted in tionf 113.1atn en to twe days: es nq 10.18 Gssarr ersiner, Plitsb Call .with &sauna end two-witnesses. " A .SO Noma SHAFER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Ra I Firm Slur!, Pittsburgh, Pa. Maims for. PENSIONS, BOUNTY. P. MONEY, IF/Jamul: waseumul, . . 01.41 r BOOTS .IMW) !HOES.' J . II: BOIU.&.I•I'll); WIMLESILB . AND RETAIL DBAIIIR L 5 x Do" Gal fm,'Egnit Bafinqrals ) AT KAM= PRICES. , Be sure end tart Wore parthattzur eisewseci ed th e right Ohm le mem= sumer, NZW (3000,, inFiv (mow NSW GOODS I•Woald call. the attention of titainiblls War _ _ _ ~.. . _. zow en haui . sit a,.....L _ , ..:,51A.61r855,,,, - ::$ MI stock eanbnee."" grerY "Y tn thi m - gct lii i i n. .-- `~. ....sctIVITIT OMIT TO , A - Too -J---°. - . ' r' n ill /ific)atatettarmar "" PAM ' ..' ':- ' , to all it,: t ,-, . 1.4:: .., E 141,1 )41 - ''eiLitai..'Sii;i1.64.:, 'l, ... _,.. . . , ~ . , , . ... .. .. . .. a nderaxitainapittooktudozoltiasintbeze Den% rOVet t4p.la,le, No. via Federsi - drat: ~... ~. , ~,, .K. MOLnapp . . A .. , , /MSS . '' : ia , redo* itrast,Alkt2ulo trWir 8907'0, Gl•aiters.l, ISERE .01,X[Pn:P.T . • - flOtrrEf-dp-M3 • . I .4 jam,.. - ,~ NO. 1391 "f'S NPr!kelt =Zs THZ Barr, _ nal =Lam riarrnqui",' . , And,W13.*3.97 Diritaui t3CMOIVES gegeltrAngo; Cif and home I SPRING 4 S*oll - NIFFq STOCK:'"' ITZY Elltr,- Vf: !WOW ,lloa A .I,,r,,rAlegt rz:zzopy7 N7 7, 7r - cir A , s wi j : .1r7,14 ____, Bombs, -rselmity,.pnrchailog Ca,-114 • FUVRITUTEME - tbils idaitbh &Wen Milani:lPM •Pg r bllatol4ll3 r !wrap& ke4 itiberlor Wanton or Mg daeld " t=tt=iltdc, - &keit* istiftract; tytear -`' , eND R VISPSrs wi z ~.i .itroaleeirottniastrib.), - . • , -"91,11) .13211EZT . UUnl , .., RAVE Jp3TPillictiAmm. AND; ' Aryi,arl,ty3.7,2tecl9l`.9.Trl'AßlTllPPlFlP! raipet4on 061 W; inetttligac i v ' toting, co hood. enables tut.toorte too= octor ,- .7 mers ilikkgialetailtirsi Ms to!altati,Nosi r.,.... ~,,, 1:..... 2:221 The Lowest Priete : Reaciedliiiel Seaton: The D 2 12" .". / . 3 W2 5 2114_4311414kc10L1 ^ ~ .g i 2144 0 41 4 32 40, 08 1= b) .± 3t 2 ill 211.--mMATT/21.13i1:;1; i:fßlg.:LlNigl *Wl i Oigetdkien '. 0)54t40:44945t.4794,640.41.i..-4-.:..?1,, Mc, friTh7 , ;Wry t ; 8 mi1T.;11.61 • . ..._—__—__ .O',I43TILIEZMIMILL&O has V l Oll tiOtplit9,9. 44 ; fro .0.4, 3 44 7 ,440 k -, zqt. , .angs:r.rxtu :,...1 k 4 ilarati zwearaild6r;r4%:l4bilL/411datt;f411::::; "'" r""" . nug re, -: . do. 112WtpaiF,iea5........) doe .1. o. WS • • 00.- ••• II Ib p sham.= 3 4* : ' d o.stafaid *ma —3 o l tpoosoasc ,--1' PITTSBURGH." a ......1. V. x.e.azat - .a , Fr ,d.: sit' mar •lecl - 1 MMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers