P7r.dtdrTB. 'ANTED , By a Lately Returned Captain OrPennsylvania Volunteers, who Is well known In Allegheny and adjoining eollaties, a situatioa tag wholesale and retail clothing. boot and sh e, stationery or grocers store. The be cdty. refer. emu as to character given. Address, itWiNgg? Alleghtny oity. jot:stow:l iPITEP.—ROUSE.—A' small lipase, matt:Wain four, tiro or lits rooms, either in ilitsborgh or Allegheny, is muted about the ~tsi s ot September or October, 6D & geatlemaa , hi, IhihrarlOWO ehtinren. Adtiresh, WANTED, Gezerra Orrrcra. WILNTp.—CARPENTERS rr TV/379/Y GOOD CAIInaTTAR9 Vises , 744.. work In the city:- Good ewes given 410 lately employment. gppiy szemor.iatety, et 16 k itrriarELD Bar. b. IiZrARTED, AT ;MO PER MONTH, A RELIABLE oeNvAsseu, 1a e•vff t. loccotintv ".for:TEE TIURdE EWY,tno 'giant a:genii/CA:rook gvu publlghegiambniting the ildirenilireg or 6' Vitonign to the Union army ite /ftive, Meant ,and Spy, giving a moat vivid inner 'victim of Ungar: We nave Agents abratinß tOontitotblett we win prove to any don le t katit.',33_rtad for eircularir., Addras SO COO Ohtirtnnt Wed, Mandel . mytOmd ' IartNI7O.—AGFENT B FQR "'THE MORE? 9EWiriOE, TEE liTetali, 'TEM IIIIZICIEOZT AND TUE •ESSILPILn nir &multi. V. Sietriutbsoir, ttew York Vienne Correspond ent. !hp most intepreting and exciting book Ft 9111Sted„' eMbracing .2dr. IlleharecoVir unp l expo/leech for War yeanqtrlttellagth ugh • houch 14 thanearct, terrice of tin:l v ry:se AAA, ontbrat of the war. with our et lad - lade: both 'Emit sud'Wert,"druing th test two i p Isms et the'liebellipn; Ms thrill kepturet his 'cOntlElimeet for SO montbe is Wrest Marva rebel Melfr e ilMigetilt.:l 44 1 1? - 71DVa l tril% events, sad oentaln mein of the:test, Incl. - .ANA end romance of the wi2ittati , any Other Work ' , lst pablished. ' - Teachers, ladles, enev,A young men, end etpw .4101y,retturied middle d officers and solders, •)ei wee i tot progishie, mplopment, will bud It toe ' rislierlp lenge!! te.<lll esnattlotr. We have : 11. 1 41 { tell= V Intef tti.' V i Tf we ar ii t- 1 lg.:seam,/ ~ loriA,Vairsl don.,° • .. . W. Efecnaer Sixth and Minor etreets. XT„dradeWP " ' . pbilsomplifs, Pa. : c WAtitEli—tl29l' PER. :MONTH.— ,--‘ Y Atents treated everswhere to Introduce the bard SHAW A CLARK INC FAULTLY SEW MACIIINE the oW es y low price selttne In , Sountik,irlisti Ls Mewed be Gruver It Baker, ler A _Wilson, Howe, Singer A Cc., a n d Doe ,healer:. AU other osSebints ar e Wrisweents, • / /pu NSneller and user wn. e !tad Is fine And i salmi esd expenees, or large corn wissian, ellinreiL Illustrwed circulars Lest free. Address SHAW' ili MARK, Biddeford., Melee. -uspeshunetstarT ... VIYASUBD:— . I7£I A MONTH. want Agents everywhere. At gm a month, expense, AA, to sell FIFTEEN AETICLES t ' the best gab ever offered. Full parttealats free. Address T. GARET, ant amdautwT FOR BILE-FOR ' FOR BAIA. —A Vann of about 208 bared In Fairfield township, Westmoreland llounry, Zenna Also, a Farm of no acre. in Fairfield township Westmoreland county, Pa. Also; • very valuable farm of Zl4 acru. near the town of Saliva, In Fairfield township, Westmore land county, Pa., and about cute and a half miles Irene the renedrYlvania Railroad. The improve- Mentz area large brick house, write Monte, smoke "Douai, a large frame stable, a large frame barn amt water saw mlll, a lame apple orchard, with Met fruit trees. It L underlaid with coal, a ' Wein Of Ore brick clay, and about one hundred acres 0! No, I white oak timber. ForSeasion given to. Also iss agree sitnaied Ln !Saunter township, Westmoreland county, Fa., adjoinina the toWn of 14 =1:z. lots, with a large brink house. A Ins residence in the borough of Ligonier. Will be fold cheap. Also 16 acres of land, with a large Louring mill, % o :thalng a mi . e rm of land, ,61101.104, canto place. Allo, tie beat farm on the Monongahela River, about one mile from McKeesport, Allegheny Pa, containing about 145 aorta. The improvements ere a from, house and Darn, corn crib and wagon shed, with other outbuildirgs. A large apple Orchard of between 400 and 500 trees; Ii quince ten, 10 pear [resit, and L5O peach tram. Also, a Farm of stn sues, near the town of Ligonier, Westmoreland county, Pa., very cheap. Alio, a Large tel at Rlatraville Intersection, On the Penneylvatits Railroad. The bdidluas are good and well arranvol fora hotel and store. This property will be sold at great barest,. Also a very beautiful Fern, of 150 acme, situated In West Wheettleld Township. Indiana Co., Pa., near the town of Wewhina ton, about lamp miles from tee Penasyvanis Railroad. The improve ments are two large frame dwelledg houses, two frame bares, a large store room, and a One young apple co chard. The fencing Is good; very conve nient tochurches, echoob., not very beau tiful location. 'I his property I ivUl sell very cheap and on eat y terms . Also, the MoCdle Farm in Elleabeth Township, Allegheny Co., Pa., containing about On sere., Mt- Oaten about three miles. east of the borough of Ellrebeth. The improuements are a large brick -cottage house with nice well anis" ed roots; a teautlft 1 lawn in front, sari ounded by ornamental trets• a No. barn, with many other buildings; , good ' f• string; 10 acres of the very best White Oak ' 'limb,. It I. the beat quality of limestone land, And Is all under'aid with coal. jbr•turther partletNus Inquire of G. H. TOWER. Roof Exist° Afitecif.. iTt 3 ' No. 161 Fourth street. HOUSE FOR RE NT Tholes. of that modern built and nentr - slly lo tattd lemur ato•y dsrelllpr, No. 1 Hancock street, iOrtier Doikueatia Way, well adapted for A 3Elc,,carclima g goueso - together nth the Brussels and Carpeting sad handsome lurniture, Will he mold on reason* bieterme. Apply (cr particulars to O. S. BRYAN, Broker, jyl2 ED FOTTI3TH ST., (Burke'. Bullarte. COUNTRY BEAT FOR SAL E—Con taintrik clx acre*, all under fence sod allies -Hon. The Improvements arc a two story frame house alto live rooms; also a o ttage house with iwo room.: an eiseilent stable and carriage house, adjoining 11;,li sere. unde , lsid wt h. cell. The Whole is, planted in fruit to great variety and best selections. Also a 'sage assortment of small fruit. Bltue ed 1d tulles from lone. Ferry, near Mans field 1 urnplite, 134 mi`es tTom the 1 rt.t. Apply to jyll B. ggeLAIN 'es el)., tO2 lth street. OR SALE.—A RARE CHANCE FOR F Inveatinuat and a he•utifial country rea• Mance in Oakland, ten minute. walk from the Oakland Station and nee minute. walk from Ar thur. Station, on the CoaneUsyllie Railroad, ONE ACRE OF GROUND, with a good nice two story hence, carriage house and atablo. Tke, house eon tains eight large rooms, with hall al: feet wide, ginning through the centre. A choice lot of shit bees and a rarlaty of erergr: ens; a never. falling well of good water.. Price g 5.600. Enquire cI GRAHAM & Oil, tyBitf earner - Faun sad Wayne streets. VOR SALE.—Ono• SECOND - HAND JR. BOILER, nearly new, 25 beet long, 23 Inches Carnets; -I5 Inch Inee. Chia 24 feet long, 41 bathes au:mete, $45 Ina C un. Ono 24 feet hug, CI Inches dlntnetes 244 Luck tea. One 54 Dural Wreugkt Iron Tank. Retire at CM INDUSTRIAL WORKS. HUGH M. RULE .k CO., ear. Polat Alley and Duquesne Way, Plttabla Dana FOR SALE. A DWELLING ROUSE th the borough of Liverpool, Columbiana On., sltu•te on Mn,n .treet, 11 feet front, outmod ing tmek 60 tech nil property will be sold for cash very cheap. Sot further particulars oquire O. EL TOW g,11., jelektf IV2 Fourth Street. VON BALE.-INDIANA CO. FARM— +. A farm of 10.1 acres, 75 cleared, balance timber; Vali warned' with springs and small Areal., Situate four miles from BlairsvWe, on the Roe. bad road, oonvenleut to churches, sckoole, mills, as There L strong bad!callboy of coil and alt. This is•a good chasms to purclutso a °heap and mug place. For farthecihrorcestten apply ell the Itcal late,and lesuranee Once of 11. B. BAT Jest • - Butler Street, Lassrencemille. VbR BALE—Three new e 3 team Engines, A: built yurpooely for oil wells; 7LA loco cylinder, el Ina stroke; very strong. Engine shnN crank end sonneeting rod of Wrought loon; nand for Donn. BOHM to to le feet long, la Inane, diameter, 'Mil two 11-I=h flues; chimney 18 In. by 20 teat; hot end 0010 weter pumps. Everything oompleto eau toady to dap On tivat. IIUQH M. BOLE. Pittsburgh, A L lEfhop, center Point Alloy and Duquesne etreet, etch of Allegheny ever, near the Point- den& FOB BALE, A 003MSTABLI3 ROMS Of !Our rooms, mai and a half squares of Gte street ears, In Man hatcr. Good water atut.everp. Signs convenient. Possomon Overt Itordadlatipt FOT terms apply toJossrs Pas:, Tr Federal strSo KOS at Thomas Harpers Vi r •COU Shop, Beaver ArSoll artahertar. nollftf DO li BALE CHEAP.—A FRAME ROUSE, If Removed et arca. Situated eon her Irwia and Western Annum Allegheny ciny. Paquin of LITTLE, BAIRD i PATTON, AIM Nos, 113 and 114 Second et. Pittsburgh. 14111 R SAM—A BALL'S MOWER AND ds. ILEAZEIL—This nmehine was. on tornibitgl SS tlianiut - Itair Ind yens, and Ls now ow Wei tisaltat7 Commission, who an ni dmito to Sta IS at mum. Inquire of • /131..1•11 , MOULT & pq VI OMER= & LONG. Liberty-Wean. me VOWS.AIArn - 4 50 Acres of Uo~li stab, ioratifekernteco7t4apoorNo.2i alsoprol "elfifool telifelit"Ohe Other brim . , viiirduttated.spoolleollog e treetorr . 451 , 1 & 1,1 F !!', wuszur,yriaD avarant VDU PAIX....ONEV:T fIO IJBLIUL .la:c atm roster Apigiiquisario , tmva • Holussc wAutim t iroa 4 . 114, • .. • . • rr ~ -15744Strea-' 1412.44-01.5107EICilit on the theltetfeht I ftw 0 H 1iev i,, , 51 1 % 1 .. ,, .. inget• AMR 7 ea.," us ,a'..5cit.:11,414 . 1 ,C AM! T S E:.YTs. pITTSB URG II TIIE.IT:LE- LCS9M 114.2t.tozwa Wll. HENDF.IISON DIIPREZ & GREEN • DUPREV& GiREENI MINSTILELS AND BRASS BAND. *mans COMbination of talent ever brought together. comAdnee Monday mans, my tom, Ism, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. 710 , 1C1S OD JLD110111100r: Plignett.. and Dream Circle CO Faintly Circle Oa - 55 Private Bowe. 16 00 Single Seat, In Private Iloxes I ..73 Convert obi:atom:el It 54 °Week. Cintnd Serenide In front of the Theatre Dy Duprez & Cire.'a Bravo Band. RAM POND. Jos. Advertlaintr Agents. lye td ODD FELLOWS' GRAND UNION FIC-NIC, I#lll be given by the "CEIRIS HU" AMOULITIOA, Oa TUESS/RY, MIN Mb, at GLENWOOD GROVE..'Tte affair In under the direst ton 01 the feastduili Xodg&iv IRON OITY, ANGERONA, El:U;(9 and DAY SPRING. , MAN, \ OP,C3 : , - !a . 45. TM T. T. King, . Adam Berry, E. Wilz.eme, Jr., Robt.Sinsli, • • John Btiebin, • Wm. Lino, It A. Ammon, Poth Wilmot, ;az. P. itatth, Alex. Jinn. IL S. Snowden. Ina-WE:xi:dog. Ames MaLaughlb, Robert McNeely, Wm. Hanna, Thomas O'Brian. Cin will lease the Connelliville Ration el 3 ..1; ißetlethieliamin 7:158 a. m.; Extra Train 83 a ; Regular 'Mein at a. Extra Train POri in. k mul p, _m. Melte by EDEL'ES. BAND. Mum Will be ,milyed by 4.II;DIUREY. Jirliansy. elVerloir 8.4114E8 SALE OF .BERVICEABLE MULES. Qi2AirtlenBAßrna GS=UAL'S DMus, Antinvorow, Sul/ 13, MM. By dizection of the Quartermaster Lienersl, there wen be sold, et public auctrm to the higheet bid 'der. at the time and places,.nsmed below, r 1.2 t, READING, PA., MONDAY, July IJuly2. ASTON, PA.. nuIRSD &Y. 20. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MONDAY, July IL PITTSBURGH, PA., THURSDAY, July 27. Two hundred SERVICEABLE MULES at each .place; Many of them w.re bought lathe beginning of the war, R. young Sul., accompanier] the atmlea In all their Matches and camps, and are thoroughly broken, hardened by exorcize, gentle and [emitter from being no long aurroonded by the solders. • Though sound and setvieemole, they are no longer required to the army. and can be purchased at these eaten st far lees than their true value. The attention of both Miners and farmers is especially invited. Mules .old singly. Sales to commence at , 0 lams—Cash, In United States currency J &ML$ A. FAIN, Brevet Brigadier Genera/ to charge, jy12:tj. 4 27 Ftr et Q.. M. 0. 0. CVJVER.,NIM ENT DRAMS FOR SALE A UOTION.—On TUESDAY. July IBtb, will be sold at Pnbilo Anatton. In lots to suit pur charm, at the Wagon Yalt,parnel of Eighth and Freeman streets, Litsetnnittl, Oblo,•between 703 and EGO DRAYS. inch iron axles, (oinoirinati damaged 4,00 hewing never been used, but being damaged by expeoure. Drnisa—lhmh, in Government Nada Sale to v3mmence at 10 a. Y , and to continuo daily until ended. By o.der of the Obtef Engineer U S. A. GEORGE BURL OUGES, Capt. U.S. Engineer.. U. S. Dem:rear. A 0 831C4, Cincinnati, 0010, July loth, 1063, lYlltjytd ERSEY CUTTINGS AT AUCTION. -will be told at Public auction to the highest bidder, about 7:000 pounds Sky Blue Herssy Cuttings The sale will take place at eleven (it) o'clock a. on TITURSUAT, the twentieth (Wth) day of Idly, 7646, at the U. S. Clothing Dep., Market street, Steubenville, Gale. Tars—Cash on delivery in Government folds. By order of Uol. U. W. Mon:thin, I) , pot Quer. tei - maater. ALEXAM3ER 1n 005fri, jylod Oantain and A. Q. M. Jr, E R C11.4.r7' .111,0 R 8 F OR THE HOT SEASON JTST RECEIVED THIS DIY Anoiher Invoke of those Desirable BLACK ALA? ACCA SACKS, All Sizes, Best Quality, Prices Low GRAY, POSSIELL & RESE, rid 03 r• c, la ca. 2a. t •I• es 1.3.4=pr 113 , 62 FIFTH STREET, UNDER CONCERT HALL. Nint GOODS.—WE A.HE NOW RE OEITLNG our Goode for Summer -VVertr, which me have bought at the lowest market price, and will be made up at tho lowest figures to neat the wiehes of our friend. and tho public. We are also receiving a lot of FINE LINEN GOODS MADE UP, AND A CZOICII SYLUCTECt of Fint-Class Furnishing Goods, )110113.Y G, KALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Fort! •wen corner Penn and St. CrLatr ercrwta. mb2Z If CORPETS. OIL. ' CLOTHS, Sc ____.... G REAT REDUCTION in Nice of CARPETS. Desiring to afford the public POP An opportun itULAßy of puPRICE RILES gOO .11 at S' Corresponding with Um , Decline to Gold, And the Impendingtumble In blernbancilse geraraily, We have Ude day filnrked down pricer, Throuz.oot our c.tln erody And offer the largest . And most complete ansortnent Of now and choice patterns, Brussels, Velvet►, Two end Three Ply logr►lr, Floor Oil cioau, Window Shed, he., Al • redu4tion of Twenty•eve W Thirt y-throe end one-Mltd per corn Lici7ARLAND & COLLINS, 71 ►nl la FIFTH STREET Fut doer to Oustola Rouse mad P. 0. total CARPETS PRICES REDUCED! 'timing recently purchased for the 'FOURTH TIME this season ao entire assortment of all grades of carpettng., , I As., we offer a i uperior selection of the!. newest styles, at Nisei, cnoshieraoly ro-1 duce<rto otosc the season's stock. CANTON BIA3TING, 11130/ itylea; AND BAG CARPETS. Window Shades. A large invoice Pat ree.eyed. W. D. & 8 MC/ILLS:TM (47 FOURTH STREET. II R E.lll 0 r'41.8. wm - OTtei.. WELLS, RIDDLE la 00., have removed their exionstve Whip Store and }worry to No, 10 WOOD STREET, corner of Virgin Allem where they au au onion for wILIP LASLIES ANb syrypougs promptly at the lowest prima. my/ RTEX .4 Iri A. L .1: 1 2a.11. CEtAWFOIff ORatMlati lerAant M FIX ROAR, Moonu, be: ban reasorid Ma ottkre from No. ikt WA 3 r. to CORNER OF WOOD and FIRST ST orto People ' National Bank. The Iron 00= dal Muttons =hot on In all Ito branches. Oliati advannomada. (kmalirsonenta aoltaltal. ar2 . • Betas to tha to Dlannfaetntnta of .. Dzmovel..—We have this day removed. nom NO.' Wool theal-to No. 1130 use an row t 417 . the Cleveland Promo= *pal Rl. "NI" 'W. .1111111411 GOMM raft, Li 4 - IPP I 7 / 7 31"c16 14;0:1,4'. ; , esstraromitiadeirrum a,untoirp t-,, 12.M1N BALLS AND EATS_ Aislhl el dEliallZlX4ifflali UFWE4opt 41.1 4. 013110 r.. '+r o arr. craff e ,rorreprz , W7l. 8A3C1,11.1!L.a. s 111:41.. Boiler Makers &-Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. Jo, zz, u and 213 PENN, srusEr. Having mewed a large'yard, ard tatodahaEl ',Rinke mod Immured metaataara,are are= ed to manufacture every description of HO lii the beat manner, and Warranted equal to au) rThi mae E tnworv i z m oanrszr u lts . sin EN onicrrrvi sou.sss, bossE s T 'PANS, TANKS, OIL STG.I.% AGITAORS, SFr, TLINO PANS, BOIL M IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS and mole. BILL'SS PATs.is 80U .., 5P.1 Re de doneOn theshorteat Dotted. rer.PITTSBITILUEL SAW WOlLlib. HUI3I3#SRP, BR &CO 11.681:17ACTU1L91.8 ON PATENT GEOUND CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS. of every de. o ocrifewl• medi NI a. SI, litany, Cross Out, Gang, Lod all ther _ _ All kinds Of KNIVES and SPRITMS,_made from Sheet Oast ra n gers Defined ./LEtlfili AND . MOWING go. a - Warehouse ' , Norte, comer WATER and BROET STREETS, Pittabiugh. Particular attention given to ,HetootlitnE, Gum ming and Straightening Circular Sawa; s7ao, re. pain of all kin "la Punching and Drilling Joao at reaannable rates. strZtly igriARE IMPS/110E Ccpper Mill and Smelting Work; PITTSBURAIEL PARK, McCURDY & CO Mantilla:touters of BREATHING. BRAZIERS' • BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER ROT TOMB RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. Also i A r npottoto and &salmis ITET. ALS, TIN PLA TE SH.F..ET IRON, WIRE, &a Constantly on hand, UMW& IdA,ORIINCES and TOOLS. Warehduao, No. 140 FIRST and 120 SEC OND STREETS, PUtstarsh. Spocdal orlon al Copper eat to any desired pattam. aky2odydaysT MANHOOD? HOW Lour, now R.E.STOBED t--Xuet Published. in s real. eel Envelope. aim six cents. A LIRITIIHE UN THE NATURE, tREATMENT,_andWeI (hire of Speturstonbees, or Seminal Weakness, Invol untary Eadralona Sexual Debility and Impodl mans to tdardsolo generally.) Nerveumeas, Ooo: cumption, Rpfleory and. Fits; Mental and Plod dl IncapaMtio. imoulibig from Stlt'Aboxe. An, by Boar. J. Cgownrawaxn, suthor of the Green Book, ba. • "A Boon TO Dicousairns or Suvransaa.” Sent under seal, In s plslc envel ope, to any addrees, port paid, on' receipt of etx cents, or too joistage stIMIA, by Dr. J. O. KLINE, 177 Bowery, New York. Post Office box 4,55 a, tornado or GIORGI; IitITZII....W. D. n P. 1101.1.1.. D D LA. BELLE STEEL WORKS. REITXII & CO.. (Stiooeseon to REIM, HAerrusa le 00.,1 Afisaufsctifters of OAST STEEL; SPILLNG, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS, A.X. LES, CROWBARS, &A. ALT Works, FIRST WARD, , Allegheny. Poet Office soldrems. PITTSBURGH. BoßillsoN, REA dr CO., (sacoesnors to 80rn5..., bliste tc Umlaut& Washington Works, FOUNDERS AND BLIOHINLSTS, Prritortrson. Manufseturert of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, BLAST ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, OAST. IN GS of all description., OIL TAN ER b. STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORE. JOr Agents forGIFFARD'S PATENT INJECT. 011, for k•edlog boilers. TO lira:moon PIOYFEREIDS OF BOTH NIIXE.S.-A reverend gentleman hay Big been restored" to health in a few days, after un 4 m ' oT i' of ,P.aetu.s.", l Tigroet to.d..t=otizizrZ: Sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow creatures the meets of cure. Hence, on the reoeipt of an addressed envelope, he will le nd, *copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN EL DAONALL, 185 Fulton street. N. Y. rah' rdevrT JOALN COCHRAN dk RHO" Itleonine Curers of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUT. TlaitS, WINDOW GUARDS, No., Nos. SEG. ON I 1 and Be THIRD STREET, between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of near patterns, Laney and plain, suitable for all purposes. Sir-Particular attention paid to enclosing Grave Lots. J obbing done at short notice au2 THE BRIDAL CIiAIIBRIL AN ES SAY OF WARNING AND INSTRUO TION FOR YOUNG MEN. Also, now and roll. ble treatment of the 'Urinary and Se:nal Systems. Address Dr. J. SKILLEN HOUGIITON, How and Association, Philadelphia., P. splay HENRY 111. COLIANS, FORWARD ib INO AND COMMISSION DIEROHANI and wholesale dealer ha CHEESE, BUTTLII, SEEDS, FISH, and produce generally, No. 26 WOOD STREET Plttshurah. not BEST FREE.—A PAMPLI LET OP Immense importance to the old and young, married and single of both sexes, will De sent free by addresetng, with stamp enclosed, the agents, J. KErthr..,cs. & co., lion 71, isonon Post ()Mee. my 20.11 dawF dTTOR-YE rs O. M. VICK-L,1511 J. AL OALZ If .J. a DCTTEIIIII61.1) M cMA6TEIt, GAZZAM OU., ATTORNEYS FOR CLAMANTS, Licensed U. 8. agents, for procurirof PENSIONF. BOUNTIES AR REARS 01 PAY, PRIZE MONEY. COMPEN SATION FOIL HORSES, and other property lost ord.:strayed while to the service or the tc , llol States. STOPPAGES OF PAT AND OFFICERS, ORDNANCE AND QUARTERMASTER'S AC COUNTS 10)usled sad certificates of Indebted. new procturd. •pplications by 11•11 atvaird to as U made in p-rsoo. NO CHARGE .11ALE rfNI.ESS SIR/ ()FS, Frt.. OFFICE No. 98 GR&HT STREET myl PITTSBUILIIII T j . 6. WAR CLAIM AGENCI. PENSIONS. ezeuzitl.e3 es. 33 ne.ce.ls. 1.0E43r, and t7LADIS OF 'ALL KINDS FILM/VILE]) FROMI'TLI. W. J. et HALL PATTERSON, Attorneys-at-Loom, 144 Futurrti ST REM WOI7NDED BOLDISRe. 12( EITHER The Pint or Second Three Years Service b. receive the full bounty the nine as If vy .1 vet veil the rull term of enlistment by calling upon T. , WALTE.II LAS, Solicitor for Bount les, Pensions and Pay. No 100 Fi PTH S 1 BEET, third door beton , the Cal butrivi. Jytl SOLDLERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTIES PENSIONS A.ND h.RREASS OF PAY, Promptly attemledto by ARTHIIRS& RIDDELL. No. ILS FOURTH FL, Pittsburgh, P. deXiitnulharr ITARY UNS 21 1 1 1 3'i , :' ,1 ,1 8, 1 end tlr ;l N by CLAIMS of every description, collected by the subscriber, at the following rates, viz: ParaiOna 810, all other claims 13.60„ O. O: TAYLOR, Attorney.at•Lav, No. IS Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—No chergesere made If the sisim . does no{ succeed, end slLinformation given gratis. soils BUTTERFIRLD:OAZZA:3I & CU., I=l FRANKLIN, PA., 'McMaster, Ciessem h (Jo.. Pittsburgh.) Collections made, Titles examined, and all other legal business attended to In Western Penneylye pia, Eartern Ohio and West Virginia References: Messrs. Lockhart sod Frew, John Harper, Esq., bluebell &Brown. 509 ANDREW STEVENSON, I.a.ELNAT C:I3P PrX C 7 D. No. 144 Fourth Street, PITVIBMIGH, PA,, will i make in the widow courts of Allegheny and adjoining eounidow. apadyd 11 C. ISOCILILLI. S. A. JOlllBOl MACHRELL & JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW tr.s. mo - Errsim soLnumis , mann eaErrre Bounties for Wounded Soldiers collected to fro= an tottwen ty days. iirOlflce No. t OILANT STEMIT, Pittsburgh. Call with Stadion/a and two wan...lies. de2S-iy NOAH W. SHAFER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. lOS Fvr¢ &MIMI, Pittsburgh, Ps. Mal= for PENSIONS, BOUNTY, MONEY, ka., vigormaly paostaantoL PRIZE P4IXTERS. fAXAML L070....2011111 11.11....40112 DONADIIT 14 °140 ' LANE & CO., 810 N ARTISTS & HOUBE PAISTEU 151 a CO Ekafthfleld St.. Pittatnugh. trrnrartm Of ALL lOADS molted Foillatlm : 6l with onsozpoosed L BUDA CARDS aa isamaltaa m e aar :e.4 o ....2 , alarl i ir p aice . fl ON OWE • MOTONIA.I7 DESNINS no:Wed la ahlsblar: i Do= ser. HOUSE PAUITIPfe if o oo with &Ilford 101 9^ fabDityuktartiny of colas, sad Ilea of ••-- - '4- AS work al - iii-liftwort ae. nat. — PROWZ4i Mae oleo Irmo! Bimini ig Motsunrj 80 8 lOW iadirrabirEla uthANtoin. GIMP axed MO w, MISWBOII: • I Itevitisbur g h Gazette. PATtRDAY, dULY 15, 1855 GAZETTE TESMS Deny monitor kW per sunomV du. do. ironed LI corner., id mars Is seek. DollyEveritog $5.60 per year. .do. do., versed by carriers, 16 eenta a week. Weekly, to elute $1.60 per yur. do., tingle corder 1 6.00 do. RATES OF ADVERTISING 0.71 K Karl 601-3+.1.11M110 Datlp Icel.lltew;lt wary On . e time 9 16, . Two tune.... 1 25' .... ..11 123 Three Ways.. 1761 ....; , ..,.; 173 Polo Lima... 210 .... .... ....1 110 Fire tbs.—. 2 601 .... ; ••• •I •• • • 250 Ono week .... 3 761 $ I TS; I 1 251 6 73 75 Two netts... 676. 1 75' 2 001 I 2.5 I n Three seeks . 6 (0 1 433 5 731 200 176 One month, 627[ 660 4 00, 2 25, 210 Two month..., 22 00 800 8 00i 3 751 425 Three ¢1055541 Is 00: Is 60, 7 00: 4 751 635 Stimontss...l 22 WI II 75 9 ao, 600 12 00 Nine months I 24 00. 17 10' 52 OW 8 001 17 03 One Year. .... 1 .to 631 za ao! 19 all to co so oo Adrertlsements Inserted one year may be changed at the ad realms'. ple.aattre, at a name of 2.6 cents per square, (or U) cents If paid at she tuns) but Mort be weaned to Um itammileta business of the sanitises. , Advermsements contracted for otherwise than dally, v 111 be Inserted on Bunn eel, as the °Mee may select. araradent rulrertistng CAB& Death Nelms, nun insertion. .. Maniacs qoUtes, Steamboat advertisements, per trtp s 03 Executors' or Administrators , Netter. 3 00 YISAIILIt ADVESTI*I6I. 006 1 2wire—tontIned to the imnudune bustnese Of the Tertia n , and not to Include dbuointionm, fOrtnat on or new arms, wants, ILA—Changeable once ► week. Any excess to be ohargnl a. tran sient melee, It amesq9 timers! 1 time IDaily, street.;. weak. streak Three months.. $l5 DO I $l9 00 9 001 • 8 . 60 Six months • I SO 00 , 19 00 16 00 , II 60 Nine menthe....l 43 COI NT OD 31 001 16 00 One Year 03 00, 63 MI 26 00 IS 00 11 - nat Notices double the above rates, lined one month of more. For a len per cents a lime. ,Local notices at such rates as may be agreed A square to be eonsideredsas the space oeen, Pled by ten liras of the °raillery advertising type of the paper. Wl' AND SUBURBAN. (mom YnranDAVe EVENING GAZETTE. Arrest of a Confidence Man.. Mayor Lowry to-day received Information to the effect that a man named Louie Maier, who was stopping at the St. Charles, Hotel, had swin dled a resident of New Castle, Lawrence county, out of $250 by false representations, and that store his arrival here be bad victimized some of our citizens. ChLstlanGenkinger, the party who bad been swindled In New Castle, had arrived here in pursuit of Ulster, and gave a description of him to Chief of Police Long, who soon ascer tained that he wee stopping at the St. Charles Hotel, in company with his wife, °facer Mess ner arrested hlm about noon, after which an in formation was made by Gent:lnger, who state that the defendant made his aclualntance in New Cattle, anti represented that he had a con tract for the erection of a gas works in Youngstown, Ohio, but was in need of a little money. As an evidence of his ability to refund the amount needed, ties-or exhibited a draft oia the arm of G. liatterrield it Co. of San Francisco, for $2l 000 In gold. Ho ha d ex• hlbited to other parties in New Castle a consid. erable sum of money, and a United States seven thirty bond for $5 000. Genklnger. believing the man to be reliable, gave him the amount ticked for ($250,) soon after which he loft for this city. It. law since been ascertained that Liesier has no contract for the erection of gas works, as alleged, and that there is no such Gres in San Francisco as Baltertield A Co. Burro the prosecution for obiatnlng money by base pretence. It would seem that Liesler is a regular "con fides re man," and now that he has been arrested we may expect to bear of some of his operations in other sections of the country. He victimized one of our Wood street bankers, hat in what amount we did not learn. The banker, however, began to suspect him soon after the transaction, end bunting Film up forced him to disgorge. Lis•ier is a Ili ir-igner, dresses moderately well, erd makes an honest appearance. lie Is about the t . y.ti ve or forty years of age, stout.bullt, light ormanlexion, and wears a light goatee. Fie will I.• rent Beek to New Castle for trial, unless It shall turn out that he ball been "operating" here. Ile bed hut little mone y on his Iterate. tint tile baggage and that-of his 'wife has not been starched. 74e 1 . enaugo On Region The Frail.Pp ~ 'it.ecis says : The greatest ac thity prcr►lte through all parts of the country In oil matters, end the ex - el:cement in some It calltles bids fair to sired anything yet Wito.taed. The great et.? is "l'ithole," and leases, fee sim• pies and small shares in wells are commanding enormous pt . ...us. A village of about three bun dyed Founts has already sprang up on this stream, and 's daily Increasing at a rate which would scare , ly las credited by any person who hail never a •tnrsred the rapid growth of towns In the "Ott Dorado." Next in txrpularty to territory on the Alle gheny, below this place,,whlch has beim growing in favor for the pant year, end In now connidered among th e to the county. tin the borer farm (late Brandon, I a new will hat Wen struck a few feet from the old Hoover well, which In yielding over one hundred Armin per day, and eeyeral others are ready for tubing, with the hi - lab:eat Indleationa of ISCICCCPS. A new will hoe been onta.nod on Fodern' Inland, raven mike below Franklin, no the river, at a depth of nix hundred nod Ore feet, In the third nand reek. The partirt operating it put in only two hludred feet :of Whiny, which was on the ground, and the well ti yielding twenty-Ore batrtis per day. They are preparing to pa: In the nee. scary amount of tubing, and there la every reason to exp:ct that this will be the tar gent w.ll yet ob . .nlne I:upra; the river. In c man goer ce of the almost uniform enccesa in tome keraltlea tenhory le nteadlly advancing in value.. Venungo linlon Nomlnallons. The Union voters of VCC.2IO county have email:Jared the follow log ticket Assembly.•- W. L. Whaun; Sheriff—P. IL Gray; Treasurer— JOISIOS Alitscu,; Commissioner (three ynnrs)— Dan'l Wasson. ( I year) James loanean; District Attorney-8. li. Myers; Courity Surveyor—Wm. Illiands; Auditor—Thomas Singleton. Win. Bargain was apoolnuol representative delegate to the State CiniVaktiol3 and E ForrePo, E.g., of (ill City, recommended sit Senatorial delezate :or the District, subject to the approval of War ten and Mem r roontivs. Pummer Diluk.—l'ut two quarts of fresh a+ phs ;vie. Into a atone or gi Arai vessel (whose alsaiorwill not be affected. by acids) aad pour no tin m a quart of good vinegar. Lot it stand twetty.four hove, and than strain out the Jaleii and vinegar. To each pint of this, add a ',sued of,ronlverized white sugar arid Out It Into a per. kettle to boil smartly for about half an hair. removing all tho scum as It rises. When cold, bottle and seal. Ralf a gill of this, stirred Ina tumbler full of cold water, makes &delicious drink. Dewberries or blackberries can be used In tbe same mouser—only using Just as much vinegar as will rimier tho fruit. Sudden Death.— Mr. Abraham Hartman, of Shenango townishi e p, Lawrence county, died vary suddenly met Friday. 110 had been about in the forenoon of the day attending to hes usual vo cation without any apparent indisposition, but when taking dinner complained of a revere numbness he fen in his side, and also of a dis h:ins In his hood After ho had finished hie ditirer he picked up a newspaper and went to the porch, where he placed himself in a reclin log position on two chairs with the Intention of reading, but had only been salted a fe W minutes when be fell over on the door dead. A coroner's Jury decided that be died from heart disease. The State Tex.—Tim act of the 20th of Api 11, IPI4, providing (or the abatement of live per mit, on the &menet of State taxes paid fif teen days prior to the Brat of Beptember, has beet repealed, and the Auditor General Is now authorized to add nee per cent. penalty on oath county on all States taxes unpaid on the first of August, which r ball be charged In the duplicate against each delinquent tax payer In arrears on and after mild day. Our readers, therefor•, ahOuld be careful to pay their State tax daring the present month. P.lvcrnvErn KILLED.—Hobert Lowrie, an en gineer on the A. ,tr, Q. W. R. R. was killed last Saturday afternoon near Braoeville. le was walking on the top or the train, and not stooping sufficiently, his bead came In contact with the bridge which spans the track near Braceville, fracturing Its skull, and causing Ids death In about twenty minutes. Its lived In Cleveland, and leaves a wife and two children. A Speaker Sun ittruen.—Whlle delivering arceddress at Ravenna, Ohio, General Gardeid wa► =Manly wined with faintness, and wonld have fallen bad he not been caught by eomd of his friends. He was affected several honra after the attack, and attributed eta Woos to San , Strae6 , Violation of Ordinance.—Yuen.B. 8. ir our 7 ler and James O'Hara have been el l gir bear* the Mayor with the erection of a en head ing In the Aret ward, contrary to the ordinapos onthoimbleet.. They have era yet had a hoar- Thit,To OWN Frietnl;-.Wammtodt to taro pginto rot We by Aak roak MCA . .t.=p 'Ca /=ZI t i lV t i o tt i r d bl444triaalqi ," itig XistiA4444. box 199, Otortnostirwith s " thus clott stomp avekrodi, to Jak, n Ftwreo lbw or 7, M. Ma{ MIA* The reconstruction of the Sruthera Churches Is so nearly allied to the question now agitated of molding the ctates, lately in rebellion to ties Federal authority, into a loyal and properly adjusted condition, suited to the changed state of affairs, that the leading secular papers, are giving great prominence to the matter. A recent num ber of the New York Evening Post contains an able article on the "Reconstruction of the bouthem Churches," of a column and a half length. It gives an epitome of the re cent action of the leading denominations We propose to group together some inter. eating prolate, naming the action of the de nomination !a the order they are presented in that article. First, the action of Bishop Clark in organizing the Holston Annual Conference,of East Tennessee, in connection with the M. E. Church, is regarded as one of the most important and the most encouraging fact which has yet taken place in the way of Southern church organization." By this act the new conference embraced fifty preachers, forty-two of whom have come over for the Southern Methodist churches, the membership, including probationers, is six thousand one hundred and seven; lo cal preachers, fifty-five; Sunday schools, thrty-nine, arc. The ministers were fully acquainted with the strict anti-slavery rule of the M. E. Church.. Recently a convcm• lion of ministers and laymen of the M. E. Church was held at St. Lords, to devise means for extending the Church in Missouri and Arkansas, by urging the emigration of preachers and teachers to aid In the recon struction of Christian civilization to theta States: The Bishops at their late meeting in Erie, Pa., resolved, as far as practicable, to occupy available points which may be opened in the South. The African Metho diets are reorganizing in South Carolina and other States. Also, the Non• Episcopal Methodist bodies, who rank among the most antislavery and progressive de nominations, of the country, are expected to take active part in the education of negroes. The General Assembly of the Old School Presbyterien gave much promi nence to the question of reconstruction, and took important action on the subject. While the separation of the churches in the late rebel States were regarded as complete, to facilitate the restoration of the Church in the lost teml , ry, , It was provided that any of the former Southern Presbyteries may be continued whenever there are within its bounds three ministers in connection with the General Assembly. No missionaries were to be appointed unless loyal to the United States government. The establish ment of a Central Committee on Freeemen In this city will doubtless bo an efficient auxithary in the work of reconstruction. Delegates were In attendance at the late session of the New School General lessern. ti:y from the South Three Presbyteries were ores ted with the Synod of Tennessee by the Assembly. It also provided for sending ten of the most prominent minis. tern to labor In Tennessee for a short period. The unanimous adoption of a resolution In favor of negro sufferage is significant of the feeling of the body. The Old School body was silent on the question of negro sufferage. At the late session of the General Assembly Of the Cumberland 'Presbyterians, it showed souse progress on tho slavery question. Hopes are entertained that by the time the next General Assembly is held, all the Presby teries of the Southern States will be repre scored. The United Brethren in Christ, which has always excluded slaveholders from the Church, bad at the beginning of the war congregations In Kentucky and oginia, and ether slave States. This body takes a very active part In Ban educe. Bon of the freedmen, and resolved at its General Conference, held some weeks since to use (Irons for the "complete enfranchise ment of the negro with all the rights of an American citizen." The Baptists are very numerous in the Southern States, among both the blacks and the whites. The negro cbenhrs are truly loyal, but this cannot be said of the whites. The action nt the American lioptist Idiate lety in May, at St. Lours, to care for the negro chug ties ani adVoanting negro suffrage, has greatly dis ph ascii the Southern Baptists. The recent action of the Virginia Baptists Association shows a I cry pro idavery spirit. Tire Ithme .Guinn Society will give special at: teation to the establishnient of Missions in Kr eau by, 'lennessee and other slave States It w1:1 be remembered in the issue of this day seek ago, we gave the aciton of toe National Congregational Council upon re. construction, and we liberal prov.aiou :thou: tote made for establishing Congregational churches in the principal cities of the South, la aides other means of cieihring moil cram izing that portion of our country. It is sta ted the Dutch Reformed Chureli has hither to been unrepresented in the former slave Stales. One of the ministers of that body is row stationed at CharlestOp, C. It le difficult to know the course of the Protestant Episcopal Church en.ii the meeting of the General Cons:ca tion. Action has been taken at various ird cin the South, revoking the act of se c t s:icu from the Church, and expressing a desire to be reinstated. Letters from prom "., at bishops in the South indicate a desire io i.e reunited with the dioceses In the Ns 'bona :tares. Some favor the opinion to re adatit the bishops and delegates to the G, rd tal Convention without any allusion to the past. The course of 'Bebop Elliot of Georgia, for instance, makes it impossible to adopt this view. There is quite a diver:- oily of opinion on this subject. The Epis copal Recorder commenting on the language of Bishop Elliott uses these words: "Now 'in reference to a speedy union with our Methern who have held such views and ex hibited such a spirit, two questions arise, viz: How much will they desire It, and how much will wet" While the United Presbyterian body is not named in the arti cle of the Post, its decided anti-slavery course heretofore, and readiness to enter the South, as the way opens in the Provi dence of God, Is very strongly indicated by the extensive mission already established An the South among the Freedmen. The paper closes with the announcement of the American Sunday School Union, of its wil licgness to extend the work of sending missionaries and books, and urges contri butions for this special purpose. —According to an announcement made in the Observer, the donations received by the American Board for ten months, ending June 50th, 1805, is $85,904 above last year, but the legacies are lees, BO that the-actual gain was only $9,000. It to thought that the expenses of the year will not exceed g 630,000. The receipts of the ten months' amount to $381,495, leaving nearly two hundred thousand dollarato be raised dunk ing July and August. With proper ef fort on the part otevery congregation' It is confidently expected this snot, Can be sett cured. —lt le stated, that trldle the, Mama Catholic papers are BO Wed to register everycaeaoLpervereioa Nut the Notes tani ShßnixoN ere eitnien, PeitsPit. forget to infirm estiertedere.Dult the "converts" didn't realise whit tliii expected la the Roman Catholle-Dhnrch. Dr. Arnold, .11 - son of thervelebrat!sl BngU h icholsr, et;' - 7 • y it _-rout, after beir. : ; Sir 1,, Roman Catholics, have publicly returns , : t. the Church of England. —The fortieth anniversary of tlfcr. New. ton Theological Seminary, at Newton, Mass., the oldest Baptist institution in Now England, haling occurred. Much interest was manifested from the fact, the three for eign missionaries now graduating , complete an average of one each year since the inst. lotion was founded. An honorable and hopeful record. —At the ordination and installation of Rev. John Dewitt, as pastor of the Presby terian Church at Irvington, on the Hudson river. ministers of the Old and New School Presbyterians, the Reformed Dutch and Baptist denominations united cordially in laying on of hands. —lt is expected the new Presbyterian church at Oil City. Pa., will be ready for dedication on the last Sabbath of this month. -The lot and house will cost $lO,OOO, and, it is estimated six or seven hundred can be comfortably coated. —According to the Luoherihn Observer, twenty thousand dollars remained to be raised of the fifty thousand, to endow the Gettysburg Seminary. Of the sum we have Pittsturgh well represented by the Graft family. —lt appears from information obtained since the scar ceased the Society of Friends in Virginia, North Carolina and Tennessee consists of thirty-seven congregations, num boring about thirty-five btmdrad persona. —Archbishop Manning leas Issued ids first pastoral. The immaculate Conception and the Encyclical Letterwems both divinely suggested and both sprang from Papal. "in- falibility." No longer, we are told, are the English people so hoodwinked by worn-out controversialists as to believe Roman Cath• lies to be idolatorn —The contributions already paid to the Wesleyan Missionary Jublilee Fund amount to nearly five hundred thousand dollars. The whole amount promised amounts to over one million dollars. Dar G 60198 MACRUM & OARLIF3LB, No. 19 FIFTH STREET. Wholesale Department NOW OPEN FO BUSINESS, T1'3313 O LD 3: 7:31110 OS" Eaton, Macrum & Co., ho•lne been dlesoleel on the lint Of July, the otibeeribers will °cam:kw ho.f." , at No. " 1 FLITIIITKEET. Blur Roo m, Is now being fitted np In • plesannt find attesteilen mai, el. In which we Loon to open with s NEW STOCK About tb.e. OUR WHOLESALE ROOllB Ks botototbre cm the seconol floof's of Noo. 17 and 19 ale Now Open for Business. where we will tw plensed to .co out old =Amman. MACRO& & CATILISLE. fraydtrax No. t 9 Flrll4 STREFIr NNW SPRING 'CAJOI:q3. lEci,ertitn Sir Grlycle,, No. 78 XARIDZI . STREET, Wheless/a and. Iteinll Maier. Lu 'trimmings and Fancy Goods, RDIIONS, HOSIERY SID GLOVES, And Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods would call the atteettne of Merehoot., and trade geonrally, to tr.,. very ext vv owv.,,..ek tbe above flee of &owl& Olt: stocks of Cctton Hose and Socks rope, lolly, is trio loryost eror opened this city, and our NOTION DEPARTDIENT will be found rery attractive and consolote to stl Its branonca and at prices that cannot fail isrpso•t Cil,s us a sea bsforepurchasLus asseschere. cilia I HAVE JUST ARRIVED FROM THE EA ST with a careiully seleeted aseertment of FANCY AND STAPLE (WOOS, among which nil/ be found a Doe line of El4wiery In cotton arid Usle. Worse, Ribbens, Flowers Crape ., Scarfs, 00liars, sad all the new idyl* Including Rubber Cull an, to which I particulari y cell the attention of the ladle, Rodents Demorest... Coned now Soup :Atria, Lace and Linen Handke ail kbutgof Culla new Swim Seta, Lace Cap t a, Kasha s od Colhours, BreaVast Caps, tlaad ail la la, tidies, (new.) Lace In Crotchet, Linen, Ealon, Thread, Valenciennes sad Point Applique, , e Linen Lime for Pillow Oases, Embroideries l kinds; Infant's Robes, of all kinds; new style !tete for infants; Ladies' Kids, JOUTlci`o Hid; ?lases' Hide; Gimp and Steel Bead Seta, (lord Seta Cable Cord, Cord awl Taasela Tamale and Butt°. In errors' new styles; Glans In Jet, Stool, Straw and Chryetal Chenille ; Bugs', Silk and Claystal Fringe, Straw Hats and Trimmings; But ter/11m In Laos, Applique. Jet, Silk, Gold Leaf and Pearl, Fitzroy Comb., Clu7stal Drops, Polito.. arda and Foils, and • variety of older geode, to which I would call the attention of my kltut Gusto r"'" n" Ib4 ll.lll l ltrair. 12 Fourth d net. Witn TO IHD LADIES. THE GREATEST NOVELTY! Th.o.zampao care es FRENCH ELASTIC SPRING SKIRTS, unrivalled foe comfort and convenience. COED SETTS, EMII COR ROILERTE, SETS Leeks, reitry TAMS, Ai., Am., AT WM. W. MOORICRADII, *221.111 81 MARKET STREET. DI r 1 MEAD S. TyviDs'ND—THE STocJIHOLDERS OF TUE P/TTSBIIIIGIi NATIONAL BANS OF CON BHCB are hereby notided that the Directors have this day deelafed a dividend of FIVE PER ORNT. oti the ()alas' Stock, out of the earnings far the FIVE blOlcTll3 THE BASH HAB BEEN Dr OPERATION, payable forthwith, free of tali. • irMt • J. S. H. FULL, tleahlet. idanduarrre k IlLixrcoracrromora Naw.ar, Baal, 1 . 111113211711011, .7 , 4 d 34, 11116 & TM BOARD Or \DIRECT RS BA MU day declared $ Dlrldioyd of 81s Macro t7 es.t. On Co old eapttalstock, out oftlia piodta of the loot six months, bre of Tax. nitStra 30H1( SOOTT. !a , Mahlon DIVIDEND. ALLsellaal NMl:crams 4 au% / kaar..19841 The Beard of Directory' have this day Wad ( dividend of Y/VE June CENT. (Ems at tazleef ft se 11 l it ATIL ° :: It ' 1 4 b gj t e l t &11 t r 10401.1 J. W. 000 S, Cashier. =4 7 ol.27rintramemioo...k Premintes; July ad. vow Ctl~ t 4 The littildeld 11Itesiogo 44 Wage tin Zyjd,Ot Matniele, Int 14 um, of tki tm" gli4kiskikpaY f r *W lat 10 a 01 OA: r Mart 11/11. id:WM& . . IP 1.-1-rt) S. -tr'SIC. ac ( LIE UNDERSIGNED TARE pleasure In recommenetcyy to the mtale_el.Lro temlon and the public generally, the (Inas! ) l/I.IA RE PIANO PONCE manufactured by Wm- Et BRADBURY, Neer York. now on ethibitlxin at the reams or the Ateata, WAttEL[NE It BARR, No. 11 St. Glatt Street, as tytop WY, equal to the ordinary "Grnrut Ptnlo^ In porter and brillicney of.tone, and excels In beauty or work. manotap say Plug, are hove rot gem I.3ARit GRENE, Protestor at Llunio. IiERSLAN Tli. Err A S.E, EDWIN Slifinafgrrs LAWTQN, Be.m W. S. FREDERICK ROEMER. WM. B. BRADBURY Is the Only Eanufattater in the GniLed States WHO MAKES THE GRAND PIANO In a Square Case, PEEFEBIBLE 18 6111 PB TO THE OLD STYLE Xrcwr I.`sts-lor. /79 N OVELTY. CHICKERING & SON'S UPRIGIi r ,Pr iron Tiro of these beautiful and unique instruments, !elected Fermat:mil by the anbeeribee at the Fib tort', Just received and (or stile at Boston prices. CHARLES C. MMLLOR 61 WOOD STREET 8100 FOR A SECOND-HAND Kal3ON & RAINLI GABINET ORGAN Bovermall 011110. Nearly stew. OH.A.TeLES 0. NIKLLOS. 81 Wood Street. $125. PIANOS. 8180. $175. $2OO, Four second-hand Pianos, La splendid order, al above prices. For sale by CHARLES 0. BIELLOR, 81 Wood Stteert 11 . OFTMAN, HOESTB a CO. zrv illi+inks? as FIPTiI STREET, :1 =ro.olx.c,rois PLasztoo.oz. Mir Bert Pinnoi In A =Lisa. KNABE'S PIANOS. - Splendid New Stock Just Received. CHARLOTTE &LUXE, 13 FEU St 3 , de agent lot Knabe's Plano., Ilatna Bros. I' .0., and Prince. , Organ. and Melodeon.. 119 PROPOSAL S INVITING PROPOSALS FOR TOE FOROIiASIE OF SIVENIY•THREE HON• I RED GOVEILINDIENT MOLES. Qr eE TIVINASTga Griesn cisincra, WastirrreOle, D. , July 19.18 a. SEA LED Pll.l I PO , i/i LS will he received at this °thee Wit❑ ll AL, TUESDAY. August 1, 1855, for the yolchase of 23'0 111I'LE,9, to lots of Blip ao one hut - dreg:l each. at the places named below, viz: DA 11 RISBUISQ, Po., 6 lore, 50 each. Do., _ lots, 100 each, WILMINUTON, DeL, 4 lots, 60 each: sou 100 each. i }TON, D. 0., 6 lAA, 60 each. 1 , 0.. 6 lots, 100 each. PITTSBURGH, ?A., 4 lots 60 each. Do., 1 lot, 100 each. These mutes w 111 be lint aside, each lot by Itself, and will ix free for the inspeotion of bidders, at the pintos named respectively, for ton days prior to August I. Many ot them were bought in the beginning of the noth as young mules, acdc•moanied the armies In all t heir marches and camps, and are thoroughly bronco, hanientd by eMerelne, gentle and fadalliar from being se leng surrounded by the soldiers. Though sound and serviceable, they are uo longer require,: to the army, and Aan now be obtained at fa• less than their true valne. . . • • . Tbe successful trill be ontl gel In pelmet, or by telegraph, and required to recetv• the arils molt on or before August 3.1335. This olllce reserves to Itself the right to reject all bide that lacy he °tiered. proposals .'could be sildressel to the undersign ed. and marked "P, oposals for the Purchuie of Mules:" ye) mnat must be made In Government funds at the ties of ilellvery. By order of tte Quartermaster General. JAMES A. EKIN, Brevet Brigadier General, to charge, jyisitly3l First Division, Ik. M. G.O. SALE OF HARNESS AND SADDLES 0028? Qo frrtlell Orirran, Derwr oir , W,SHlNartiS Vrnsnueolcar, 0„ July 7,16;5. Stern is on hand at this depot, for sale, about 16,ta0 Fri a of United States "Harness, emulating of to Clogle sots of lead hone Hotness, 1.141 wheel " 7,360 " lead mule " t,atl" " wheel " 001 " lend hone ilnabultu`e 1,4T7 " wheel " This harnem has hems used in the publie eervfms, bat Is still serviceable ;or road and farming par• poses- Eesled proposals are Invited for its purchase, to lots of me IH LI and upwards. Proposal. must plainly, state what kind of har ness is old Or whether whorl Of lead, male or hour; and far ambulance borne., whether wheel or 1-ad. . • . Proposals are also Invited for the porchate of several thousand worn Stuldlea of mar... pattern; In Int. of Ito and upw.mis. Samples of harness and saddles can be seen at the Government Milt, In this city, oa nppllcatiori to Oelone' Charles ff. Tompkins, A...Q. M., corner of Twenty+econd and G streets. P,posals for the purchase of this hornets. ha, tail , be received at this office until 12 M. 1 U ES DAY. Ai.sust 1,1805, and should be endorseo 'Pro posals for the Puh-ase of Flatness," he. Payment, in ilovernmear. funds, must be made upon the acceptance of the proposal and prior to the delivery of the harness, ae. The undersigned reserves Vie light to reject all proposals which may he contkiereel too low. The sale of harness at public auction adVertliied June 11 a discontinued. The sale of weg• n. end ovale2 to Bun gang on, any ; 0 4.1 . • P4rchsgen Are Invited to attend. D. H. ItticK.Eit, Brevet Major It 10:tjt2s BOOTS .f.VD silo Es. 1300TH, f§ldines .Sic Cr-alters, 83 MARKET STREET BOUM it BOSS. OLOSINO OUT BALE OF MEN'S Calf and Kid Boots, Boy's and Youth's Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Boots, BaAmore's, Seeking and Gaiters, Children's lied and Black Morocco shoes at greatly reduced price. The stock con sists of as large and varied assortment a any aver Mitred m the city. all goods are selected with care and sold at very low rates. We would espe• many inytte the soldiers to give no a cal . , as we are prepared to mil them good goods very cheap for cash, hav'og selected a largo stock of alert , . Boots and Shoe. at a great bargain, and are pre pared to sell them accordingly. Now Ls the time to buy, at J. U. BORLAND'S, *3 EtAiIiCET STREET, &mond door [tom Filth. NEW GOODS. NEW GOODS I MEW ROODS I would tall the attention of the pub/to to my bale etoek of BOOTS, SHOES, new on band and arriving every g day.GAMMA y stook embrace. everythin la ple from a,EN OUST TO A TEN DU A 111 oak O for everybody to ran at f i pfir. No. 92 Federal Street, liodegandua ray stook beforepurchasing claw:Whelp Don't forget the plaza', NO. Federal MOLL W. S. tdd:ll. erne II Federal street, Allegheny patLEl3 R0.1311,' Ne. 511 Narhei !Meell SZLLS rmr pnpr. NTATEST ITTITNI3. And TSs KOST IMAM% .113 1 00 . 01 3 B 7 p IeOC9I,FIIIII, or AA /IMMIX OA Cill% B e tw pit le :dived a SPRING MID DONtMER STOCK. , TBY TITIL , soi ATADLIA XXIEBREMOLIBBN, Iliffturza CrWawa: ico FIEDERAM:IIIO4II:I2i arum ' ' Auseassfrarr. OD, ay. p - -- - --5-- -- u N KARD CB - 4a — . S PErf RULE CM COMPAITY. Ir Office Corner of Pens and Wayne S. Tata comm ay sou Mir Oa cno , Arti. hut., =ACM th e Pennaltanla lag and hisontsctto ring lava The tesrttoryt - of the amnputy ad join. the LW; of the Dttnkard Orealt Balsa pa Company, of - thin dry. s .! Capital Stock Al ~- zts.oae 5 % Working Fatal OB Par Talus of Each 1511 ' • • . . . o.rvicxlca : ,• Prvddent—S. A. JOWNSTUN. Seaman, and Treanurdr—SADl'L GRAHAM E. AL DIIII:CVDr..: Hro -...trOS. f ;D.& w" ixnr. — , .'r Com.Tra, , ZJAXWA Ga. 01.1.4, ' , F. D. Glazer. O n AL KINIII4 jeLlyd ' - H. 19. CHAMPION OIL OtIKPARY Producers of Crud* •m S4sufseturers of BeMot Carbon Oil, Benzine eOlLabricating OHS. wosizs oPposrs sHAa.psnlatix Office h. 69 BAND W. D. CITSEOILLN, Sup't. BREWER, BURKE-4 Cu., Ik:)..l).:stz , :t(e)4 aarrra fis Tax Globe, Pacific and tibetty Oil Work') Liberal rani admires eiriale Refined or avrle Petra/ewes. I:2W. DUQUESNE WAY . oul RANDOM Rs, Pk 1 - .817139H, PA. JOHN C. .41.1.2,13 WILI.LALK antral WALLACE, itE C 1115111313, COMMISSION kEecsAyrs, AND Dzatisze CRUDE A14I)11.1311pID nraolatuk RENZI:NIS AND LIIIIRICIAVNG No. In SOUTH WHARVES ] PHILADELPHIA,' PA. SirStorago capacity ( itfer Conan ) for /NOM barrels. Also excellent WiLitlei for ehtningto American and Pointe:l poilk at our wharf On Oil Schuylkill River, near thepationn of the P. R. R. aefillay STANDARD PETROLEUM REFINERY. CLARK 8 RUNNEL Works and Office, COLL:MS TOWNSHIP Otbre In Pittsburgh, 24 #OOD EitTREET. These work, have the aargeat capacity Di the country. The brand ramble the highest Ira country country and In Europe !pr quality and Ore !Mil the oil Is put Is well aepsonedbarrele, prep eel - K.oloy for export. Manufacturers of SOIL3RS, STILLS, TANKS, and IMPROVED BOHAN TOOLS for Oil Walla. deLLIy BONDED WAREHOUSE OF Phenix Warehonging Company, Poet of BALTIC! a IiAIatISON St.., Hawklyst,. I=ECCI BR ED PMOLEUX, Le Tanks and Barrel*. See Circulars. No. 95 BF %PR SrEtEET, New York. 041-17 „BENZ IF ' Ho. 1 St. ICLA.III B T.. Plitsbnrgh. FORWARDING eLVD COMMISSION KERCHAYT. AND DELLEEffi oils ILLUMINATING, LI*IIIOATIN6, CRUD! PETROLEUM OILS, dia.F,construitly on hand and for style at the lowest =irks!. prices. Oonn ments and orders solicited ~ 4 alfs-Wsi WX. JAILRB IR WIN & go., bILLISIT/ACTIIIMIU3 OP Oil of Vitriol and Ava Ammonia. OFFICE No. 15', Bt., geracia. PA. n. wean.° W A.RLNG KINN COMMISSION ACERCIIANTS, PETROLEUM MI PRODUCTS; dad desks', In Reeakbas liatestaa. No. a MAP,SET ST. PittatmrgEL JAMES WLLKINSt DELOCILII ♦ID PEAL= IT GUDE AND RtFINED.OIIB Peery Block, Duquesne Way, Pltletr'ssta nir Special attention g.foce to the GALE AND SIIIP.c.NT OF PETROILEL'M sad lie prodapts. Gousignmenta respectfully solicited. Pittsburgh A..ricy for: VENANCIO OIL AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, /kr POST OFFIIJE 104 142. LtiCENT Oth WORKS. DIDICAE, DUN AP dz CO., NJ05tr14.01 , 38.&65 OF Pnre White Headed Carbon Oils. No. 291 LEBEF,Ty STREET MN. Y. IsUBALAS NV AL AL MURRAIat CO., Commission` Merchants, • and dealers In CRIME AND HEIL:S.4.D PETRO. LEtM, BErarli E,aa • Siie . Lava Lxillties fac storing o 4 and empty barrels. 'Warehouse and Mane DbQUESNE WAY, near Hand street. Plsumurgh. r WILLIa .1/131IIT A. L.1.V7.11. ORION OIL REFLIERY. rITE & FELT, (Succesaars to San* ¢ Petterton,) Oil Refiners and dealers -- art Petroleam, Eearlios, Lubricating scut Paint Oat. Orrice, No. 7 aiNCOOK STREET, Pittsburgh. Pa. STOCK S. —T undersigned will give particular ettemilon to the punthascui ad anle of Stocks of ALL RELIABLE Companies. I tratte buyer. and ge*t to call. J. E. EORARUZ EZE=I Oil. HELL STE4II. .U40111E5 —I azis prepared to furntan STEAM ENGINES, So much approval of for 011 well. and other MN poses, on the shortest notice. Having differed{ sired( Eagines on hands, fend I:Wishing others, the publican . be merman:mottled with almost any else Lhe wante rt mt t ValorA ft e l lL ivant, A n .111againlo streeta,_ deoAn Plitabluzb. Pa. DISSOLVOOI,I4 IC. NOTICE OF DISBOI, lITION—The firm' of FLEMING BUMMERS has been this der dissolved by maul consent, 0001111 AN LNG withdrawing from the Arm, the business of whish will be continued by Tohn Fleming, nada the name and style of noising Brothers u heretee fore. All neflalahed bullpen of the late drat pill be closed by John Flemlu. JOUN FLEMING ootautari rusatore. Prrientrunr, Pa., July tit, Mrldier: DISSOLUTION C:f' CO-PAWNER. B.lthP.—The Pattnerehlp heretofore between the tuadersigned,thmler the firm rime of ORIIMPTON er. CO., forthea manullsetura of Pearl sad other Soaps,tuailthla day teen dlaeotyN by mutual consent. althnralL SPU•II,: call - N (112USSPTar /MIN rams. Pittabuuth, gaga 6th, UM+ WM. KiZzaraDY 44 CO. (Successors kr CRUItPTON C 0.,) itharturrt3nas 07 silver Pearl and Superior Bolin sS7 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBORO6 8 0u.g.8 1 BOOKS I BOOIrBI ' Doniestla I.de in Palertrne. Victoria end other Pkgs. Brother of The Weelele. Setenes W Targize o id yeti Thn A YotA=ot the LULUS, Bows Amonitho Gospets.,- Eternun Popalas Tares. Winne Pepin fol. Thohful (RM.' Pbotogenph.Albumsosholadlidi Prang." ADA Csiniti , • Stationezy.- Meats amid -a DU .lcataanas. IMADi IS Fmk' L eNi gma..tßitiw; inum awicsasi x KO". aim:l.ol4 .609t 4 ftlistiiil 4 4''' • 111 " 4 3 . 7rmi—m k. it . ' t. bs anti •• Aka/ie. 110."':'4720111il,M aktplittedi • - • 7.4 =EOM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers