wit vat* Onette. SATURDAY, .TIILY 15, 1855 1/01111i90N, 1ir01,11,114 et CO., alitsizawores clb .113.rci3a.encsis. Wo. 73 Fourak St.., Pitsatrar33. sarlQY. ' 'ha PAS FiTXDS ssadOtova. Gallon lobs wigs Wail parts of the Uattal Mutat. _ Bug and sell at maraca rata:' U. S. r per ma. XX. /10141; Tr.do. /WO go.; •• . U. S. 6 par Ma. 110.40 do.i V. S. a per eta& Cartilloatea Irulebtadarau errs IL talaa Truman Q t Thai also WTI sod SELL ON oonratissmit at tam, New York, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh eoirdsa_lb/L..11.111al of Chboonoung, team Bonds: Gold' to. tit: tadg MANUAL- AM) COMIERCLAL tntowtatio wow alumetts , tioAno. lomunionapar somasozroPazzAs 00.) , . Pirostr, inly 14, 1134. OrPd. tint'd V. S. Clertl ft eates ....... OS VI So gni Gold OQ Eureka 1111. Oo 49 00 Allegheny & Idastehester P. IL W 60 oo Blrodughant Passenger Itallaray. ki lt Nat. 'Dank Aetna Ma r bbs-... Cherry un Central ..... ITherry Bun & Cherry Bun & Pittsburgh... Meatist: Vann.. Mobley Cherri Ban._._._.. Murray CM 011 Basin, of Philadelphia- 5060 - • 116 00 Iletton Ltibrie •-- Pitt. N. Y. te. N. W. Ulan Oa, of Detroit.... Etna OD and Mintaii. EXPORT 07 !SALES. R1~60 0 0 , MNr..,~.., ico Shares OA amble ••• 25 00 Then, is sn,inereased business doing •In stocks, s,l2oegic innensiers ax maned es yet, to but, two or thine stocks. • Gold 'rose in mg market to-day to 140eill bid. Alterzioon reports from New York quote it there at 14144, and advancing. Unite' 'States bards rote math gold one, per cent above quotations for yes terday, and are selling 1881'3 at 108; Five Twenties at IC4iTMi_ Forties at 97%. - The following sales Was reported at morning board .16181 Five Twenties SO Shares Columbia --. 000 Shares Central Basin. Buyers are more plenty, nod measurably eager for the stocks sluice named. For the former, bids ranged from rti to 425 per share, but we eoiLLI find So stock on the market at either figura Sales re. ported of Central Resin at M, and the market .Closes firm et 158tr8c bid, , none of the stock offer 'lns lower than Sea. The rather confident predlo• .lions that Columbia would touch 420 during the Week will hardly find fulfillment. The balance of our usual list of Bank, Inanranse and oil ahares lie quiet. No decided pressure to tell at quoted rates, and no one ready to buy. —Reports from the interior of the South afford . accumulating evidence that the supply of cotton will largely exceed the estimate of et,600,000 pars• ded by interested holders of the staple. The Sec. .r etery of the Treasury has reports from the cotton States upon which he estlutat ea that the supply, exclualve of the new crop, will prove to be not less than 2,250,000 bales; of which he eupposes that 1,040,010 bales will come from the region West of the illlealsoppl. The Galveston JitiVerfu, of the 12th nit , makes complaint of the want of stullcient quantity of shipping in that pert to transport to Tie* Orleans and New York the cotton now there, end it hich La arriving from the interior. The quan tity of the staple west of the blieslsaippl, is twil l:lora,' d at about 1,00,020 of bales, a large portion of wh,ch will at once seek the market, la exchange prkelpally for supplies of manufactured goods. —The conduct of some Southern merchants la coming promptly forward to paY old debts off con- - Ltseted befotethe rebellion, is frequently men. tioned it:Northern papers. Several instances of the kind have occuree la this city. At Boston, it is else sold, several traders from Virginia are ' earthing for their creditors. Onset then who Was Indebted to a merchant $lOOO paid thee not In gold w.tk Interest, Another paid ' and" m i . others sums of greater amouts, all In gold. In ev ery ease, the dealers contend that the debts were contracted upon a specie basis, and should be set tled upon the same.. Bow business relations with the South are becoming quite common, and many Old associations are being renewed 'from day to day. There is quite a . brisk deemed for clothing, house. bold furniture, and agricultural implements from Virginia aid Nerth Carolina Southern business men say that (here are many millions of gold stowed away In the cotton States, whine„ when or. der Ja established, will be brought into circuls. Con. he Pacilsc Railroad Is' extendlog eastward from the shores of the great ocean from which it ro. ceivee i • name, as fast as enterprise, en Trgl, mon. ey, and the combined labor of some two thousand floe hundred able-bodied men can force It. The road bed la riow being contracted through the rooluntalos of Placer county, California, and the locomotive has already reached a Doha t forty three mile, from Sacramento, which Is one thousand eight hundred feet above the sea. By September I the rail. will be laid to lilloolstown. —One of our Boston exchange. .sys: "Arrange ments are being entered Into beta-e. the Treaiury Department and the backs of this city, whereby the government will receive from the Ilseon hank. a loan not exceeding ten Witteos of dollars, ($lO,llO 01 0) payable of er thirty days to legal ten der notes at the. at . e of five per cent, issuing acr.i licate• then for to be considered as part of :hale w eed money which such banks ars•requireid to hold. Thee. certificate. are Ia be used In the doily set tlements of the ClearicgAlonie, and they will greatly fnellitate the financial movements in this .city. The certificates are to be of ;Jo Liz - Lel:ulna- Mon of Ylfee, ;Lad, and —The Secretary of the Treseury has, with a view Incite effectually to prevent freed on the inter.l revenue by distiller 8, ordered the appointment of an additional assessor in each district in which there are distinct.. We have been Informed (says the Philadelphia lady, r. by a gentleman who pro• -terms to bare made himself intelPgeni on the sob• jest, that the fraud practiced in this one class of taxable. is enormoue. Lie professes to hare •at• hated it..sleet( fully that not a tenth of the revenue justly doe under the law from the distillers fa roe. dined. If this conclusion approaches the truth, tha desistant just eppoletted is doubly needed—dret, to protect the Treasury, and second, to protect those whO honestly make their return.. —We see It stated, lose an exchange, though coo know not on what authority, that the nouthiy ex. htblL for June, of the national de,l, will not be issued, for the reason, as alleged, that the changes attce the issue of that of the May movement hoer teen smell Cod r nlecperrant. We are Inclined to 'lhltk the stolen sat unfounded, If for no other reason than that the Secrete.) , of the Treasury would not present so unsathafactory a reason for atilt holding it. The exhibit, we can snarcely tobbt, will he along in good aeaaan. Few York :Meek and Money Market Nnar yens., July II —Motet —Easy, at tit •gi cent, for calf laans—chiefly at the latter rata. St or. Meg dull, at 1.06%6112. Gold opened at 147, at advan flog to 142%, and closed at 142%. Govern-. -meat Storms 11, ro and to good demand. Storms—Heavy; 1,1• S. Sixes and 6241 registered, '161%; d0'420 Coupons, (new Mane, 105%; do 6-20 -Coupons 106%; Treasury 7.301, (2d eerier,) 100%; Ohlo and ML.Wlopl Gerilflalres. 26; Central Coat 1541jr . ufl i sztiq ally Lem ITte r a'Aing, ' lo7%; Mi7higan k en So r al ut ' he ' riir 11614: (tr e e , o :western prefeited, 624; It•-ak 107%; Fort Warms, 01%; Terre Saute IS. Callaglarr't Ervaing Era:rage—Gold, 112% : Sloes 011884 107%; Old 6 20s, 1n7%; Nam York Central, 20; Erie,2o%; Hudson, 109%; Reading. 100%, Allah. r 64% ; Clare -and and Pittsburgh, SOOk. Isla.d , 107; N. rib 1.3: North Watt& pref reed, % ; Fort W Western, ayne, 09; Gordan, 42%; Ohio Certitica 67 tea, 26• Quicksilver, 61%. The otarket Is dull but firm. There will be no Evening Exchange on Saturday. Chlr.ago Flour Market—July 13. Received, 3,3 Al bele. Shipped.6,6s9 hat. In mod erate demand and held firmly et the advance noted yesterday, cat bout any quotable change in pAces. Stocks (Arming good. Sales were, White Winter katrae---150 bbl. "Bleekburo , • ,, at Q 9.50; Vo brie .Staunton Mille and too brie "May - tower" at $9,28. Rea Winter Extree-100 brie "Champion" fr,eo; 100 brie Drama not named, at SI,CS. Spring Extras-100 "brie Ford.. JIM," and 430 brie, brand not-named. at 16,00; W 0 brie "Bellon City„. too brie "Ripon -, and lou bria"Blarkhasek" et 115,75; 600 brie •-kankak cc Clity" 6n p. t. ;16) brie ullamp ton" it 113,60, 2CO bels brand not named, at itd.os; .400 brie do, low gradr,lt $6,401125 - bile do at 1.135; Spring Superfine-60 Ittls "Wntlbanala" at 114,75 i .15 bele "Root Riter".at 11,10. New York Iron Market. The elfaket labeller supplied by recent.arrivale ''offirotch Pig iron, but the market is quiet, and .. Moral mica only are making at taigia, awarding to quality. The late dlielnialied production of Man begins ican begi to tell De the supply...rid No I . ..21ellame keettee,with a fi rmer market, tag being EL a penerally demanded; but it should be noticed in r els estanexUon, that the furnaces are going 1 t,si Lassa Wan, and a better supply Ls shortly expa - sta. "Mtge Is is betterdeanarul, and 200 teas sold ..'' yt UN,. For lieggsh rails there Is mete bigatry, ';'hit they am held *Writhe views at .la , , bdis No 24 Sash& sheet brought 630._Z=04 1.41 t, r. 5. ~.. Verelind Inglrsch4ali A. 3., Plow—Very little inquiry, but arm at: .a quo4tpuoas,...XMOVlS w=4,F4 3 0 0 0 3 - . 1 autstl l ;i 4 itz wu t natal In twk.isii ttf t Pao lo a, ' ...liablrtt i olaidie l it f ..2lll 4ll 7= 9)2ll . .-elillulustiiol sad!' Ghat alp; a aus 80. 1 u • abash la SIPA 'az sew Owe at oat% Vary sweet mud quality quote, at lao gosaltas. Oat.—ltatm demand awl goat% QUO. taws st we far go 4 Bys—Ro demazid. AIM: Ai._ MAIL - UIiL The only new feature to note in the general mar ketr to day, le a firmer feeling to Flour .and Wheat which Is owing to reporti that the Wheat crop to like/ to prase moth lighter than has generally been anticipated. In other articles there was no . age worthy of Special notice. GRAlN—Wheat Isla better demand and firmer; sale of 1 car Onlo Red at SIAN Oats at /tads, win a fair locatdenowd at 08, on track, and Nato for email lots from store. Cora Is In better demand, and etrictly prime Ear and Shelled msy be quoted at ,SGEo Eye and Barley quiet and nominally changed. POVlSlONS—Baeorrilifirni, with reg ular Job. tang ”lee at fall rate.. Sale, at 17 for ouldo rc, to for Sides; 23 for Plain Rams, and 29 for Sugar Cure'. Lard Is held at a gill further advance, 21',4 622. Dried Feet firm at B. No movement In Kee. Pork. OROOEHIES—Sugars are firm, and looking up. Cuba Is quoted at mein for common to strictly prime, cue Cradled la now quoted-a t 21. Cart. is tinh bu t unchabged, et nUM, for Isivto pr.me ftlo. Molasses firm but unchanged. FLOUR—A decidedly firmer feeling to record, and while coma few dealers ere ening a slight advance, thert,ts co antked Improvement to note in , the demand. We quote Extra Famliya o t $1,25i 7a„ t r i tio n tsp o tr i . w f3ale , o . f t lr bb . ls afigahM ILAY—Is firm and moderately active, but an. changed. Sales at ellsomalee today, of 9 Louis at !IMO per ton for =NV, andbend 23e2.5 for old. S—Dull, the , aarently, very light, and we give WI cents demand per dozen pp aside villas Ogure. Ca quiet and unchanged. Sales at 14 COl6 ter 47, 5.; 1761h3 for Hamburg, and 1912720 for doaben. SEEDS—FIax Seed be to demand for shipment, and sells readily at but very little offering. HEAPit —Continue exceedingly dull, and the -supply Is largely in exceed of the demand. Prime small White are selling in a smell way at 91,60 per bushel. DRIED PRO IT—There V s ellgdt improvement in the Meal demand, but the mused, nevertheless, Is very dull, and prices remain unchanged, PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET FIUDAY, July 14, ittlitt. The market for Crude continues steady and mod erstely active, though prices are without quotable change-21021 , bartela returned, sad 26420 N, barrel. included. Pale of 105 barrels at 213 i 303 at 2134, and =0 delivered In Philadelphia, at M. Re- In band, le firm, but rather quiet, yet the stock to fist bands is comparatively light. Prioie city brands may be quoted at 42434514, on the cars here, and 62,tiff63, in Philadelphia. Sale of 1000 barrel., in two lots, of 500 earl —different brands— et 024, far Immediate delivery In Philadelphia. For future delivery, there Is at3ll considerable in. miry, but we have no Wm repotted. Free 0111. quiet but firm at 40445 c, as to quality. Stile 50 bbla light straw to white, la fire test, at M. There is no movement whateVer in Napths er Residuum, and, in the absence of sale,, we omit quotations. The receipt. of oil by the Allegheny river dur. bag the last forty-eight hours, ending this evening, --105 25 were as follows A L Linton 833 Fisher k Bro 61 G Dtuccac. Dunlap tr. co 149 1 Welsenberger 133 Jas WLGinn 6031 W Y Logan. 91 Total 1931 PETROLEUM STOCKS IS NEW YORK. Special Dispatch to Western Press. Now Yourr, July Id, I. Petroleum Stocks firmer and more active on Pitt Hole corcp.les, owing to a report that the 11131' trd Slates had struck another well. Ott Creek was Cam and in demand; Excelsior, Cherry Run, Tack axd Synd Farm hoary and lower. Balance with out any decided cheers. Sales Southard, 133; Be rhanan Farm, 69; Cherry Run, Sa; Highgate, 61 ; Excelsier,2ll; Fulton, 635; Terragmata, 215; Brook 1yn,150; Webater,32o; Tack. 67; Tit Role Creek.ll,o3 . Heydrick, 195; Brovoort, 14,00; Ryod harm, 166 Oceanic, 195; Crated States, 29,01; Oil Creek, 7,70; PETROLEUM STOCKS IN PHILA.- DE.LPIIIA Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette. Pan.a.mments, July It. PM Petrolum eta-eke are without any particular change but very doll. Dalzeil brought 1:!.4;; Tion esta, Walnut /eland, %; Wm Penn, IN; Junc tion, 3; Great Eas,ern. 1%; Jersey Well, Cold well, 2; Malhenny, l%; St. Nicholas, 3; Tarr Homestead,{; Oil Creek, 3.4; Densmore, %; Dun Yard,?-b; Big Tank, I. NEW YORK PETROLEUM _MARKET' :Special Dispatch to Western Press. New . Tone, July 14.—Petroleum steady and re celpts large; Crude, 33!4; Relined in bond 50,353; , i free 70673. PITTSBURGH DRUG MARKET. Reported Especially for the Pittsburgh Gazette. TL1C681,,, July 13,.1063. Whatever atagnatiOn there may be in some other depart mete of trade, oar friends in the drag hare, we think, no reason to complain of any no minal dullness, but on the contrary we ace eel, donors of a letter trade than is than is usual at this season of tte year. Prices have become more settled, except In the case of a few leading articles, s bleb fluctuate almost daily. We quote r (Atria Acid I,CI to LIR, and Tartaric moll 7,03 to 1,08, both 07 which are in good demand at these figures, which are conablerably lower than our last quo. Luton,. ALCOHOL-10 quiet at 4,23 to 4,30 per gallon; Oepe Aloes 35 to 45;Sr cot tine Aloes 1,00 to 1,10 per pound; Aqua Ammoela 14 to 16; tlarbonete Am mcma 24 to 26 per pound; Asoafoetid.s 3.5 to 50, ac cording to quality. ACRES-Pot and Pearl are scarce, although the demand is not henry; we note a sale of 42 casks Pearl Althea at 73 ‘ c, delivered at the depot here; which lea fraction under the ma; ket; we quote an 4:2; ail lota 9to 9c, Potash lo casks to 6e; Soda Arh 4!,' to sc. 11A 1.8531 CAPAIRA-1,12 to 1,33; Balsam Tolui 2,10 to 2,25; Pet orlon Bark, best 2,00 to 2,15;c0in: moo canon. grades tram 45 to 90; Slippery Elm` bark, ark ct 16 to 18; Bey Rum, pure 5,75 to 6,01. BLUE MASS-66 to 60 per pound; helloed Bo rax. 16 to 33; Bi itetton. 6; to 16; Calomel Amer wen 1,25 to 1,40; English do '2,79 to 2.75; Camphor Relined 1,10 to 1,10; Chamomile Flowers Roman 32 to 05; Gomm uo do 37 to 40; Chloroform 2,23 to 2.30. CONCENTRATED LYE-Is held by the noun ufactures at 11,60 per case In lots of 59 case., moo 1250 per case for ;mall quantities; in iota of liooo roots, trey make a small dirlCOUnt 10 our heavier deele..evolch enables them to furnish the retail trade ea wanted at totes vary ng (roma 11.23 t 4 11.50 ter rate. Thla course Is a COMMO,dable one, end moot result beuetelelly to both dealers and m en ulacturers, relieving All It does the manufactueent item the annoyance of small orders and offertns to dealers a small premium to Invest largely. Cl, EA 51 TAR PAR-13 steady at 60 to 61: Inc pure tir.d infr riot grades at prices varying ecco;d. leg to quality. Cubeb. W to 70; l)overs Powder 3601n3,60: Onto Arabic, white 53 to 1,01; set's 45 to 05; Cum Tregactenth white 05 to 1,00; do ortl /AO to 60; !mime Reetibitmett 6,70 to 7,aq - M egneala Carbonate 48 to 62; do Calcined 75 to 0,50 per Ib; You:hie 7,75 to 8,00 per nr.; Nitrate Silver 1,43 per ; Cod Lia er OU 325 to 3,40 per gallop; 12.t0r t 11l 3.05 to 3,75; Linseed t 11l end Lard thl are both a anode nigher la price. We quote Linseed Ull la barrels at 1,15 to 1,17, and Lard 00 0117 brands 1,65 to 170, and Cincinnati brand. 1,70 to 1.,7.9-tho hlghet tante. [deg for 1 OIL Visli OILS-Lower. cmd we note sales of Win ter bleached Whale, at 1,44 to 1,30, and Tanners 011 et about the same figures. OP/Uhl-Ix offered st 9,23 to 9,50 RI Chromate P m otaa 27 to 28; ChloratePotaso t, Englian, 63 to 70; do French, 15 to Si; Prusoiat Potassa 10 to 53; fedi e Poteasium, 5,25 to 5,5 0 ; Red Precipitate, 1,52 to 1,55. White 2,f 5 to 2,10; tUutrOne, 0,41 to 2,35, pectic Root, 6,00 to 6,25; do powd. red, 13,23 to 1950; Jellop Root Powdered, 3,60 to 3,75; Licorice Root, t 0 2 ,3 to; Rhubarb, E. 1. 4,6 I to 4,10; do powdered, 4,10 to 420; Sarsaparilla, lionduras. 45 to 60. I.OSIN -In barrels 010331 lb., 14,51 to 15,03 CPIBITS TURPE .TINE-Tends upward again, et .1 is quoted at 2 00 to 2 10 per gallon. SEEL-Canary 11 101140 per Ib; hemp Seed, 7 to he; Senna, E. J. 23 to 30; do Alexandria, 33 to 37; 131 Cart; Soda, Epsilon, 9 1 / 5 to 5; °wattle Soap, Gen t& e, 20 to 23. IIYE STUFFS AND ;I. PIINTS-Alinno by to 9; Blue Yltnal, 16 1, i to 18; Coehloettl, 1,50 to I,s:it/v -eldt, 16 to 60; Extract Logwood, 16 to 17; and in payer bolts 0 ., to I each, 20 to 72; Ind' so,S. F. 1,65 to 1,70; do Bengal, 2,25 to 2,75; Logw 6loo UhiP , , to 4, 51.1uldtr, 16 to 17; Latoplack, common, 10 to 14; do German 15 to 17; American Canto, 9.5;' to Tit French do; 3 1 4 to 4; Rose Pink, 2.2 to 25; Spaniel Brown 1% to 24; Whiting, by to 4. White head, In oil, pure, 15 to 16; do homy brand. Bto l 3; Penne itylvrnia Zink, in 011,12 to tit Red Lead, Oates IS to 18; Lltharge, 14 to In; Dry ,White Lead. Pore, 16 to 18. We give no quotations for P ATEST hinvicuses, and to reply to those of our readers who ask our reasons for declining- to do so, we aimp!y state that our advertlatug Comm.u are alwaya open to those who prefer to avail themaelves of the taclil• Wes, and we think that the proper place to,gueree all proprietary arllcles, with ntemulaeturers ad. di en, attached. Yils.w Yong, July 14 —Carron—Less active, hut, prim. without decided change, at 01Gbdo for Mid dli I n cog. tru—Five cents better, but entire, at ea,ass s7.co for common to good Shipping Brands Entra B. li. 0. and 67,0567,90 for Trade Breads—the mar bet closing quiet moor—bleddy: £2,08e2,00 for Western. Ortara—Wheat IQse betthr on Spring, end de,l6. Idly lower on Winter—the market generally otos log dull, at iii,itSel,4a for Itill,yaukee, te for Western, 61,8) for White fdiebigan, and 11,63 for a email lot of new crop Amber Jersey, liye quiet and omainslly unchsng , 4. Barley qsiet. Corn opened a shade firmer, but closed et about yeaterdn_ prices; 76081 a for Unsound, Elitdido for Sound Wearers, nog 940 for Wrote Western—dos ing at f£.4223.0 for Sound, shipplog par - tie/ea. 0 its 107.0 lower; IdStlele for Western—closing at the W aldo price. • WooL—DulL PLTSOLeUX--attiet, are for Crude, 030 for Ba nned In Bond, and 120113 e for 'Canoed Free. Gioraantra—Coftbe quiet and arm. Nagar active.. at 1161 20 . far Cuba Dlosaorada, 1.240 for Porto Woo, ILDA 10018 e for Harass. Molasses dull. PoovislOttrt—Polk more active and firm, At s2r,• 72028,00 for Slew Mesa, expo ao for lBal-4 do, and $21,60022,26 for Pr Icpri Mesa; elan 1,74 OW* New Bleu far &twil sellers' option, at IMLOISca 2000, Beef quiet, at 100314A0 jar Pails Moss, and Strflte.oo ror.yarm. Mau, Beef Hama seams and firm, Out Meats firm, at-.11e1434510e Shoulders, mod 18021 Lex for nail Bacon quiet. Lard firm, B:l 2 l 3 rSt fetTi=eigestrkl O h l *d 22 =and for Export, ' as 11743116k5, .Chlcago !Market. " GRAZE— at quiet, $1,10X1,12 for No. r, and 65araelor No. 2, Corn Inn stud Mlle higher; 1543,A360)(0 for No. I, .6314 6454* foe o. t °eta dea, se .4404040 e NO., , • paovrezornr..Prtmer - and more aides. /Aril 4=0440; avaliablo otor.A,low turpes., ,• Illaserurra—Finm, ar. Rprzorm_lrlogr, VC* abtal Meld Pidt o ; Cornatactlardor.Orni.Sl,ooo:, ? Sairrtidere-11rIr draw Wig tool Conh,tto,rnOrlirr.liati/afOlkdo. irsauonts,aptlve and arm. . . ratibis, J.C—Turniugastaied. • chuni—Wheat laNe betteg r ea z :re of Welta ;V r a ..g,114426.r . Z JaIL IV Na N Oa* toTho. alYs Utter, sr Ila Inanutze—Dail Mlaomt.N. Oe¢ego Pltarket. 0,4 - inn, July 14.—FAr GE1.111%—,5h.t, better. Cot. ut - 1. 9 t.r19 1, h• , 7*`: nat. rnmtual. Cor cav n, eue.ez Luclah•ro—To New York, Flour 39 LAro Dorotro—Wheat, 24,0;» boob.; Corn, 97,- OM Nakao. CANAL EXPORTS—Roar, 23f2 brarels; What, 11,100 !marls. - SIIIPPED Dr RATLlzoen—Ekrur,llK. barrel,. Philadelphia Market roiLoriatento, July 14.—icoort—Firm, slow sal., pad prices unchanged. 0.021.—Vi heat firm; Old Red, ,i. 1, 7 ,3.21,7,5; New Red, fl,Oe; 61,00. Rye adeonced. Corn Arm; Tallow. 960 Oats firm, at eSettela. Pee uoLor Receipt. for two ureeks.l2 OM Able; sales of ()rude al i?),,ic; Refined in Bond, e4)51; Free. 1,672 c. Rlitusr —Steady; moles at 62,15. Baltimore Market. BALI - m.l.e, July 14.—FLOCK—Steed. OrtAlN—Wheet aetrve. Corn drat Yellow, .13,3 Vi lane, e7c. PHOVIPIOIPS—Ifave an advancing tendency. Bs- COD—Secuidcro, Sides, 11%., GI nee= re—Cettee !Iraq sates of Rio at loal2y goid. • Wtuery—On headlight; Western, r1i.14. • IMPORTS . BY RAILROAD FITTSIITROR, FORT WATER • ORMAGO July 14— lot bloom., Nlmick ft co; ;0 hh..ts aides, to tea bany, B b ro‘ol2/RILd: 2 bads tobacco, Ju A Itlasurie• 6 care metal, J. Wood IN son; 1 ear wheat, daeorge; I car oats, Dan Wallace; 1 cat luvber, Jas Bailey; M boo checao, B Dalrell.; 1 Lox tobacco, McDonald a Arbuckle; 1 do do, E Mc- Graw; 4 eke lead, A Gordon; 2 tee Kirk patrick ft Bro; 8 bales mote J N Movers a don; to dodo, J W Woad well; 10 bale white Mad, T B Berta; M tel hamad P tisane a co; 834 pip lead, B Canfield. OLETZLAND AID PITTOIII7UGH H. H., July 16 10 b. cheese, L H Veto & co; 10 do do, Graff A Reiter, 26 b. mdse, Lippincott, Fry & co; 10 kegs tobacco, Baker, Smith & co, 10 do do, J Orsrler; 03 bbli copper ore, Tbos rd Howe; WOO feet dry lumber, Jos Byers & Soo; 2 cars do, B Schmidt & co; 64 ar. pearls, J B Ormflald; I car tile, T Car- Wok; 15 sks wool, Childs & Semple; 100 bbls flour, Sellers tr. co; too do do, Graham a. Thomas; 100 do do Culp A Shepard; IMO do do, Walls.; 0) do do, T CJenkins; BO do do, Jas Gardner; 450 sacks wheat, K T lionnedy & Bro; 100 bbl flour, Koox A hilltoo; 21 bales cotton; E liyde; 10 h. cheese, Graff A Reiter; 16 eke oat,, II aides bacon, ftleCullourb, Smith & co; 21 aka oat., Patterson, Ammon n co; la boo cheese, Batley & Vangorder; 2 ears brick, F Bros & co. ALLICO/LIONT STATION, July 14-4 pep eggs,llack. geld h giehouse; I do do, W J Meson; El do do, H L r enz;l caetaves, Hemphill tr. co; lad ok. wheat, Noble & Angel; 25 bales cottoc,E Elyde;100 Oroetztoger & co; 121 totem Ilaxseed, Ewer k Hamil ton; I car lumber, I) L Patterson; I car mill food, Simpson & Kona; 03 Nils paper, Pittsburgh paper Compaey. OR Divr.t.rcEs, b'e AN ORDINANCE amending the ordl nen.° entitled, "Water, Chapter 17tb, Page 96, Codc " hem 1. Bo if ordained and enacted by the Select and Ccinmon Coundis of the City of Allegheny. and ti heVetry ordained and the by authority of the mote, Tont the that traction of the ordinance entitled, "Water, Chapter IT, Page 96, City Code," be amend ed to read as follows, to wit : after the words "he shall," In the fifth line from the top, imert the words: "hare power to employ the engineers Ore men and laborers. It shalt also be the duty of the Superintendent to have the engines, pump., and engine houees kept In good order He 6(.11 in struct the engineer to keep an accurate amount of all tool which may be delivered to the works, the daily consumption of the same, and report to writing quarterly (or oftener If required by the Committee) an smut ate statement of the running Ilm• of the works, which shall alto be recorded in a book kept for that purpose, together with a statement of the average daily consumption of rater of the preceding quarter." Sty. I That the Balmy of the Superintendent of the Water Works shall be sod m tierce, hood at eighteen hundred dollars. SSC. L That the salary of the Engineer be diced at cne thousand two bumf red Jolla. per annum. Fre. 4. That so much of any ordinance al may be altered or minified by the provlsions of the fore going, he and the same Is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted lobo a law, this the ots th day of July, Anna Donald, one thousand eight hundred and slats-dre. 3A-ME Ore M st. SIMON DRUM, Preet. of Common Council. Attest D. MACFEBBON, Clerk or Select Council. M. httriONNl.lta, • Cleek. of Coolterra Connell JytF!3td. I UT 1 1 , 12N e ' TO . OPEN a street along 'Resolved by the Sr:lrt and Common Countile of flu nly of Alleghen y, That street be and Is hereby 4 , 110.1 along the site of the Pennsylvania Canal, commencing at tee junction of Craig and Rebecca strt eta, thence along the floe of •sid canal to Sys. emote street, near the eastern Una of the city, intense of about four thousand seven hundred feet, and that James Richey, Alexander Hilands and T. It. Nevin, freeholders, be and they are hereby appoint. d viewers to slave and nages the gnmages and benefits In accordance with the pro. visions of the Act of A ass °ably, approve.' May tat, A. li.. 1861, and that the Clerks of Councils notify them of their appointment. Ornalnial and enacted into a lair thla, the sixth day of July, Anna Domicil, one thousand 'eight hundred and eixly-sire. JAMES MARSHALL, Fruit- of Select Council SI3IUN DIVUM, Prest. or Common CloanciL rt!leet: _ . D. IMACTELCRON, Clerk of Select Council. M. McilOteN !OLE. • Clerk of 04..mmort Council. .if ioktd N OTICE TO BRIDGE BUILDERS Na Et ville Suspeneion Bridge to be Rebuilt SEALED PROPOSALS will be received nnttl the !Ark day of Julynest, ti the office of the T in riFSEE FIRE AND lIIARIPIE INSURANCE t OBIPAPFY for furnishing materials and recoil. et tieing the Suspension Bridge across ()umber. 1n.,. river at Nushville, Tenn., OWlltki by the Broad Street Bridge Company Pesti...skint bids ids itni work, will be requireilto submit plans, tooth specifications cony lets, for the work to be done he stone piers and abutments tie already built, rind but litt e damaged, rid a large quantity of the trots taken front the old bridge has been pr., ter, eil, which may be used again. By order of the Bo.rd, . A. W. BUIL/IR, Sec'y and Tre.urcr. es. L. 1.11, June 14. L ILN IT L; RE, A..)1 D CANE AM WOOD CHAIRS, IMIZEIE El=l JAS. W WOODWELI, =33 Opl nate E. Edmund... ea. C 0..., and cntil Ito. 111 FOTIITIL STREET. PORTSM EN '3 READ gu ART IC RS, LW WOOD STREET. i 741.31.2311173 scswiv Lorne, the attention of Sportsmen and others solemild stock of GUNS P . WIJES YLASE_i SLUG' BELTS and PUUUL LS ,DRAM FLASKS sad ammanition of everykind. lila stook to th , arrest aver brought to this market oeU r PRINTERS PRESSES FOR SALE. One TAYLOR CrYLrNDER, bed treso Inehet. One TAYLOR. DOUBLE OYLINDER—bed 2? ineheal ell in good marking order. Will be .old at. a bargain. Enquire of or adds aullktt GAZETTE. Pittsburah. Pa. =EIZII=I =IMO Stock Brokers and Beal Estate Agents Stocks bought and .old auto cm cormato OD. AT Office. W ELKINS FULL] j LYLES 31. BALPH, 421.irokaitoct, • ?mate* EEPLUJIT DRAWINGS &no SFEE.7/ FIUATIONS, for all kloth of buildings, and saw. Intends Moir creation on reasonable terms. Sir Offic. on ANDERSON STREET, toctwoon Loroek and Robinson. Alloannov ON CONSIGNMENT. to blls Delaware Dried Peaohee, cheap. to half bbl. Lake Herring, to imp Lard; 78 bbl. Beaes; 100 bushels Dried Apples; 200 do Usti; 15 boxes Prime Goshen Oheere; 10 do common W. D. do; 1 tbls No a Mackerel; lo Norehum Molassel; Z 6 boxiss Prime "tallow Candles; 6 ' bush Uamseed Hominy. For sale by 011.1 FF aREITER., J 7 13 No. 216 Liberty street. SUNDRIES. lOU bbls Extra Yloor, ...Empire 20116;" 60 " Ex tra Fburt 16 " Cut end Loy Tobasto; 10 " Thee.; 19 " Brrrlo 690 •. Extra No. 1 Salt; 20 " Beans• 10 " Flint FlO011lir; 40 ono gallon muss 111ap4 syrup...fresh; Ito dorm Corn Brooms; 10" Whisps. stars and for stlo low by • BALSLEY VII.N OFORDES, Jye 911 Ltborty street • CHEESE, CHEESE! OREfttt 100 bozes Hamburg; lA W. R. Ix store and for tele by BILLbLEY tr. Vele °ORDER, iY B ' pot Liberty nreet 14YR-430 lneiiiels Prime Rye, in store 1 ..8M for Gala sf FETZER & eamsraorria, • els eottier Mutat and fros stree ts. . 41000 A NIITB.-B,oollFresh Cocoa hats. received this del and tot We D het , =um,. ; • riroit.aLS and ts 3 Wood ena ct, ..a.ormp En7ip...,..iicar 8 . 14 p BMA fo r, 1810 ; :$ . Cr is 'll.Narit._,. 110 • t - '44" • ";' • nto P. zatiiiiilia.etwoostled. /7 1 11SiallI.L.477Wilod • -D ndt -sue:arzzLow 2uv SNELL= MU/ In stemma for Ws b 7 k zaram 0RD1.r.4.4"C12:•, •_ _ _ N ORDINANCE regnlating turnouts In. and switches in the city of Allegheny. sec. 1. lie .1 ordained and enacted by the Select and roam,. Councils of the My of Allegheny and U hereby ordained and enacted by autliardy alai mate, That the Controller in connection with, and with the torment of the COmadttee on Streets, Is hereby authOrlsed to grant a Ilreeme in writing to any per. Bon or er imp? ny owning or occupying property epos any street, avenue or alley through which any railroad entering or passing through tne city may be laid to et act; turnouts, bottle; tracks or switchrte to the main tracks thereof, theconsent of the Railroad company being first obtained said Vorneuta, bolting [recta or marshes to be laid down In such mancer as to conform to the estati. bailed height and level of the street, avenue or alley in which they may be pl seed; such ileonst shall be subleet to the prorialons of Ode end other ordinance. which may hereaftet be CIMOLL,I twis ting to railroads, turnouts or other natures In the thty;or Allegheny Provided, such Itemise shall not n be FeWl 'i t e e a rt e d ' t l it ' a n trel t w er t mon t hs. And rned"prnoorri for drd feelers, that no turnout, hashing track, twitch, or ocher nature, shall be permitted to extend beyond the property owned or occupied by the person or company applying therefor and alturs , al and hoot ing on the line of the street, ;moue or alley, on Is filch therailroad Is constructed with which said turnout, bolting track, switch or other Suture, which may be constructed with which sold turn out, bolting track, twitch or other nature is to connect ; dad Provided alto, that this section shell net be eeastrned to conflict, In any manner with the right of any Railroad iMmpany to regulate and metro! any turnout, bolting track, aunt.- h or other nature which may fie coast uctell or laid down In punt ance hereof. Sur. 2. That It shall and may be lawfut for the Committee on Streets, from time to time, to flab. Itah and put in force such regulations and r eateto• tines In relation to such turnouts, bolting tracks or switches, their construction and materials, and the repairing thereof, as to the said committee shall seem proper and fit ; sad no turnout. bolting tract, switch or other flat urn shall be aVitche.l to any railroad or laid on any street, revenue or alley, or be considered as repaired'unlem the same shall conform In every partleular to the rules and regu- Mt tuns so adopted. See. 3. That all such trimly boltin• tracks, Sella. or other iLsturee, eh. be laid down or repelled under the direction of he said Committee On Streets, together with the Street Commissioner; and If any person or company shall construct, toy down or repair atiytornout, bolting tracks, switch or other nature, contrary to the' provisions of the Ordinance, or of any ordiaaacolahloh may be here after enacted, or of any regulation adopted by the Committee on Streets, the tertian or company so of fending shall forfeit and pay the sane of seventy-tire dollars, the &Arnett. be recovered summarily upon conviction, sad in addttion thereto su , h turnout, bolting track switch or other fixture shall be forth with removed. Seo. l That If any turnout, bolting track, switch, turning platform, or other nature shall be out of repair, and the owner or person having sharp, thereof shall ?erase or neglsot to repair or put the eame In good order after Ore days notice from the Street Commissioner the came shall be taken up and removed under the direction of the commtttest or Street Commissioner, anal the owner or person having charge:Of such turnouts, bolting track, switch, turning platform or other fixture shell Also forrett and pay the sum of twenty-five dollars and all necessary expenses incidant to the removal of the same to be recovered MS eforeasid, Prodded, That the turnout, bolting track, switch, turning platform or other datum alter being to re moved shall not be replaced unless by permission or license of the Controller of the eft, and i tom, mate. on Streets, nor until all the atomises of such removal shall tot drat paid. Ser. 0. That toe person or company to whom license may be granted es herel o after provided, shalt, before obtainieg the same, pay the Treasu rer for the use of the city, the sum of seventy-live (15) dollar" St.o. 8. That It shall not be lawful for any person or company to obatroct any .vent, avenue, or alley in the city by loading or unload- Inn, placing, beeping or online to be olaval or kept, any ear or other vehicle, or any part of arty tura out, bolting track or ."itch ; hut all or other vehi cles mind ho loaded or unloaded, placed or kept, on the ground owned or occupied by the person or oompany having each license. Any person or com pany violating tha provialon• of tote section shall bel table to the penalty of live dollars for every such violation. the same to be recovt real in the mann.; hereinbelore mentioned. Ordained and enneted Iwo a law lhle the ninth dny of July, dodo Domini, one thousand clot hundrad and slaty-tire. JAMES MAR , }1 ALL. Press. of Select Uoumell SIMfIN DRI , M. Prest. of Common Council D. MACFERRON. CI,Ic of Selett M. ?thtifllittl(ll..E. Clerk of Common Council jrirltd N ORDINANCE to authorize the Gri i. cling end raVi. of Patterson's Alley. S• r I 110 it orderlurri and rani - rod Sy the Seled nod t oironon (Duncan, of the i's.fy of Allegheny, sad It At-y rooted by the uniiiorify o? therein., Trost the o encrittse-on Streets be, and they are hereby au thorized and directed to invite and receive yr. pore's for the notion and Faring of Plattorson's Alley, alley running midway ilbgtareen Alto , nho.y Avenue and Sint goon street, roots Reboots intent north. sod I. contract therefor. with the Ito rat snd bort bidder or bidder Cl their dlsrre• tinn. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of defeaTlng the cost tea ea peneeeof the oaf.' imptorement t • oqe be, and Is berebv levied, a special tax, to be ego ally ;turned upon the eev erne luta bounding and eel It • ling upon Bald Alley respectively, in propo, ion to e e feet front In them respectively compuneal, and abounding and abutting sx aforeuald. Sec. 1. That as soon as the cost and eapeusey of e aid Iluj totem me shall be Icily a•ceretincal, it shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to nee.. and apporte the lame among the several loin bounding nod abutt•ng upon said f lief re. epectlvely, according to the rule abo re irellosted, t.ll thereupon proceed to mace delaaria and col lect the same, accord.lig to the provisions of tee Act of tha General Asaembly of the frommoo. ur alth of Penney le an la, chit:l.l"/ln Art octlnlng 'the xenon, of collecting the expenses of grading end paving of the etreete and alleys of the city of A Ilecheny, sea lot ot her purposes," ',seed the 1/111;11.th day of March, Shc. S. That en uch of any erdinan re as may . Ilia with, re. be m suppilsal by tne foregoing, be, as d the envie le he, by rep rd 11:11hlart1 and rfinett..l int. a low this, the 6th day of July, A noo Domino, one ihoueand eight .hundred and glatyglve JAM ES NIA KS II A LI., Prret. el Select Council. SIA1(07 1/111111. freer. of COMESOI2 Coupca, U. ISTACTEIi RON k of Select Council. 1.1. it.1N1 , 11.E.. Ulcrit of Common Council 13-ft., AN ORDINANCE toatitliorlte We Grad rtr d r.. Inc of knee Alley rihr. 1. I:e A ordained and vim - trilby the Vert and Caunrihe of the y of Allr,Meny, and Y is A•r,t, or - Jou:eel awl cmatted by Authority of fee tame, lfiet tem tUereelittee 011 reel. be se I tney are rely notherizeil and directed to Invite flied re. color prat pante far rho grueling and paving of Rue° alier from lichineee street la Ramo Aber, and to nr.tritet there for with the lowest and best bidder of hold, to, at their dlscrel lUD. r.f d. That for tLe putpuve of defr•ying the ost end en peones of the said Improvemeaa, there tr. and le hereb) n spect,l tea, tu be t equally Assessed upon the several Ifda hounding and abut. tit upon the said Alley respectively, In ;Impor t , u Ifs the fret front In them re speettvely couth prised, and hounding and abutting es a fotraaid. - . - hIC A That soon ns the cost and raven se: Of call linptfit ercenta shall he tally ascertained. It shill he the dell of the Street tleatautatniter t t act sa and npre.rt lon the sap, accocg C.o. several lets bounding anti abutting toper. sail Allot rc. sf ectit ell, ne•ording eu the rule wore indicated, and thereupon piocev.l•o male demised and collect the same, according to Ltia provisions 01 the Act of the Central Aserrobly ot the Commonwealth of 14 nnoylsahia, entitled ..An Act detlal g the man. nor , ( collect lug the eitentaes or grading and palls ; of Ihe streets and alleys of Ihe this of Allrtheny, at , lot other porpecch," passed the day of March. IFIZA Si, Thnt so inti.•ll of tux onlinitnro may conflict with. or tni tiy InregninA, and it, rnme le 1 dd., e.l and •waded Into law thl., the el xth day of .1 thy, A.ldio I/nodal, nue thou.:l,ld eight anii elm> dire. J .1111 ES A Id ALL, Peed.. of IN DRUM, Prest: u( Common Council Ii MA C RCN, Clerk of 51 nt, Clerk u. Uoininon Council 17'3 ?Id A N ORD E INANC to autnaiize the Grad .. les anti Tiring of M•rt.n strrot bet' I. It. It a...honed and en•Kted by the S+Prel and camerae "atinrds l r Ihe ,Nly All ,I,e, an.l Is htrrbp vrtlamml and enacted by anAvnty of the same, 1 hat the (into inotee on Streets be nod they are hereby sutrorzed and aireatedSo Incite and resets. sztopottele for the gentling tart %teem; of Merlin erect, front School street to Corry street, In the First ward, and to contract therefor with the lowest and best h:_ ire or bidder., bt their dis cretion See. Y. That for the purees° of dcfrayin3 the cost nod expeuteh of the said improvement., there be, and 1. hereby le•led, sspen.ai tea, to be equally am seed upon the tavern lots hounding and out. Deg upon the said street retry..< tvely, in proper. Um, to the feet front in them respecavelv cam. prised, and torn hding Cud abutting as aforesaid. Free. 3. That as tune as the Goat and expenses of raid tmpro‘ meets shall be Italy ascertained, it shall be the duty of the Street Gommlesioner to lames she apportion the same among the several let. hounding and abutting upon Call street re spectively, according to thermic above indicated, and thereupon proceed to make demand ant collizt the MUM according to the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Ocratuoameatth of Permitylvmda, entitled "An Let defining the meaner of eolleoting the expert.e of grading and poring of the streets and alleys of tne Usty of Al legheny, and for other purpoccs,. paned the [biz. tieth day of March, 1853. Six. L That so much of any ordinance as may amble , telth, or be supplied by the foregoing, and the same is hereby repealed Ordained need enacted into a lava, this the sixth day of July, Anne Domini, ono thousand eight hundred and slat five. JAMES Al ARSHALL, Putt. of Select °outwit. SIMON DRUM, PleSt. of Common 00..11 Attest: D. MACIFERRON, Clerk of Select Council, M. IddIONNIGLE; Ulerk of Oemman (Jou=lL 14; EBOLUTioN TO OPEN TWO XLP eIIEETS. Beratotd,.4 Ma &led and Gwynn. Conned/ of the Ctfy of Arteglany, That two Ittteta be and la hereby opened; M tee; wide. ,one from She Junction of FL Wog idcd Fairmount streets, east about feat, and 'One from the •Junation of Fonotain Cud Flemthr iirrEl, shout ar . feet, according to the plan. and specifications accompanying Ma peti. thin of Henderson and .athers, and that lama Graham. John Stoma, Jr, and John Dyer. Sr., freehelders, be and tie? are hereby appoirtted viewers to view and assess the damages milieus, fit. is accordance with the provisions of the Act rad Aasge.t..7, appromee nor leteA. Wet, sod thatlbe Dierks of Coldirdil hoUly them of their lertmintment. :raimalned And gr.gga taut glaw, thia the eixtlf day ay July, • An Detatat,.one tkouiand 'elght hum; ttei and sixtegiva. • jAletEr Pleat otcktzusimoonunu. endoN. dap* Peed: otuotemoo youhell, Anent,• • atmarraninkr,. 6 . CUM BeloatoCoametL . • • At. MrOONINIGLE, • Clark of Owes= OrinelL btatt4 .7. - EDI C 4 t. UMPHREYB' HOMEOPATHIC SPEOIFItifi Wave prevail, from the most am ple emperimms, . entire moms, *lmp* endo.t and renal:de. They are the oulp medicines pperfect• ly adapted to popular ute—ou ample that mistakee eardiot be made n using them. so barmiest at to be tree from danger, and ae emoleot as to be al ways teltahla Cana, So. L ayes Fevers, Conge.stions Infiamms. lion 25 • " Worms, Worm revers. 26 S. " erring Golfo, or teething of tam. 25 4. " 01arrhrea of ehildrea or okdolts 56 6. ti Dysentery. Griping, BJloux Collo 25 6. 0 Cholera llerbt Sanaa 2s 7." Coughs. Golds, Bronottlas 25 6. " Neuralgia, Toothaehe, Faceache 26 • " Readerhes, Pick Headaches... W 10. " Dropepsria, 131110. Stomach.— /5 11. " Svppressert, acuity end pain ful periods IL " Lueeorilicea, or White. 25 " Croup horse cough 23 1L 0 Salt Rheum, Eryalpelaa, Erup tion. 26 16. 0 Rheumatism, all Rheum:mho yal m U. " Fever and Ague, Chill Fervor 25 50 " Piles, Internal or este-mel 50 76 Opbtalmy, sore, lotoomi oyes.. 50 " Catarrb, mute or obroalo,Wllte ants 60 20. . Whooping Cough, spasmodic anighs M 6O el. . Asthma. oppressed. 60 D. " Par Discharges, impaired hearing 60 9. . acrofolet, enlarged glands 60 ki. . ttenersi Debility, physical Wesknen 60 D. . Dropsy and e carat Secretion... 61 22 . ben Itickness, or sickness from riding 60 27. . Kidney Disease. GravoL 60 211. . Darren, , Debility. sembisi K emissions, involimiary die 6.) Diana. 160 20. . Noreitoutti, or Canker tO. . Drisuiry ineontistaaeo, at. . Palegal Periods, oven with 50 Si. " 0 aci=gs at Change of Idte...pe el 0 Epileysy, Spasms, St. Vitas' Dante ,00 D. . Diptheria, Ulcerated Stre w Throat Oases of IS Male, morocco clue and bOOk, cola plate go 00 Case of 20 largo vials, In morocco and book. 0 ce, Case of 20 largo ills, pain case and b00k... SCO Calm of 15 boxes (No. t to 15) and book 3 03 These remedies, by the case or single box, are pent to any part of the country, by mail or ex. Mlle, free of chugs on receipt of orlon Address II UM PURISTS' SPEOII , IO HOMEOPATH N EDIUINE CO., office sod depot, No. 560 Broad sway, New York. For sale by .11 medicine dealer.. J. 37•171-01 , 01 V. Wholesale Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. Dr. Humphreys Is consulted !ally at his office, rursonaily or by latter, as above, for all forms of arena. • jytodyd ( 45 01,101:1 NO MOM TRY RTBIC/ZLIII3IDI9I MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM Ifill/.I.IIPLUOUS COMM P ALLNNitinted to cure Coughs, Colds P emanates, Astiona, Whooping Cough, Bore 1 [most, llonsumption, and all affections of Co *Throat and Lungs. Far sale by Druggists. General Depot, 1 Lu Fourth a.rwt, Cinainnatl, O. 7Z)3CALIELPIJESCEII2I.. 611 the Iffelleal men and the mew ree ca DU. STRICKLAND'S ANTI4IIIOLER6 TITRE ea the only ceesaln remedy for March= anti Dysentery. It is • nombination of Astrinenui Absorbents, Surnuianns and Oarrolonno fen _and In •&reacted to effect a cure after .Al r • means bare failed. For sale ity Dromp,ists. Oane a.. pet, titigt Fourth street, Cincinnati, 13. ETEJMUND'S PILE REMEDY. DE. BTFUOICLAND'S PILE REMEDY has owed thousands of the worst cases ol Blind JUNI Bleeding Piles. It gives Immediate mild, and et. 'gets • permanent cum try It directly. Ws conr rented to mire. For isle by all Druggist. General Depc4, 6 EMI Fourth street, Otociaivtl, O. Dyspepsia, liervonness, Debility DE. STRICKLAND'S ,TONIO.. Weiser; reemarnend MOW ‘ollll2tag IP= 1.00 LTD= 0 1 :2 4 1)=,% UM E" P t a=ntril: it a vegetable prepsrstion, ?Pee from al.hotio liquors; It strengthens the whole nervone it creates a good eppetite and Is warranted= i.yspeosle and Nervous Debility. Poi male by GEORGE H. KEYSER. Pittsbergh. R. E. SELLERS & CO, JOS. FLEMING, N. Mc/MARREN & 00., CHARLES SUPER, ' 1 .1. M. FULTON. GEO. A. KELLY, Allegheny City. 1 .1 )1 A u D F A r Y iI d I i wi R F E E S R T T ELsthL., has mete gated alt diaeases of femmes for tairty year, ..,co b., consulted as usual, at 162 CHAMBERS s MELT, New York, or by letter, and medicine ,ent by malt Ladle. who require a safe and certain remedy for removing obstruction. can rely upon her celebratedlnfallible French Female Monthly Pills, Nu I. to restore regularity to 48 hours, if of short ending, but obstinate ea,* of long atm:blies may require No. 2, which are four degrees stronger ran No. I, and eon never fall, are safe and healthy; 11 ice .t. 6 per boa. Can b. obtained at No. IQ (*bombers Street. New York City, or sent by mall. rib lattructtons, by addressing Boa No. WO Nr te York Poet °face. Copy right secured. ;es:sante FORTI Y7l.ll.Rti PR&CTICA IN ANNUAL DUINAPIEJ, • Woes me a knowledge seldom acquired by Pityab Diana. my long residence in this sity and the Imo/lint of patient. treated annually by me, ate suNctent proof of in, success. b:PEILIMATON.Rtia.A., or SEXUAL IfK/I.MITEIIII ,, rid all diseases arising therefrom, an much shutter time than heretofore . WET &DIX any pert of that Futon. All letter must contain atamptoB t gletrrnjosta rr Nsg3roPi street, mend. Aa tsb . larade ties met. Paursa. RIVATE DISEASES. (Mee 233 PENN STUEET, neat Eland, For the cure of all dlee.ea of a private natwv, troy two to four days, by an entirely new and WI treatment. •leo, Seminal Weaker., and all other hstnaes of the genital organs, and tint prermtioz A cure warranted or money rerantled. Address letters W 262 Penn not, WHITE a, A.LINDER BUILDERS APT, CONTRACTORS, Having Lately Removed TO 169 and 171 LEACOCK STREET, 436.11 c. gsakozalr 01 Cy, they t : . Ready to Runlet MI their ewrtomers and pubth. generally with FLOORING I/UAW/5, SASH, I,oolth, PRA3IES, VENITIAN arid PANEL SHUTTERS, 5101 , LDINGS and OIL TANKS made to order and, eonetantly on hand. Scroll Salving and Brackets Catena! comp tetra, apnognad I)INoCLAM AT lON. CI rY oe Prt-rs 111 HIM, via: In accordance with the provision, of so Act of the cleneral Assembly of the-Oom• o.obwealth of Pennsylvania, prorldiug for the In. corporation of the city of Tittsimigh, and of the trioos suppleme to said set. I, JAMES f.. 0 WY, Jo, Mayor of said city, do Irmo this my -proem:nation, that on the TfORD FRIDAY IN J t LY. A. 11., laals. being the 2llt day of the month, the fretmen of the NINTH WARD of said oily rknaliflou to rote fur members of the }louse of I. rprmentatives of this Uommonwealth, will meet al the Public School House ib salil ward sad o'oe. by ballot one person as a member of Select Donn • cil to (II a vacancy °combone by the resignation ul JAMES B. YOUNO. thorn under my hand and the real r f tho said city of iqttsburgh, this lath day of July, A. D. .1E65. JAMES LOWRY, Jr., Mayor of Pittsburgh, A VOID THE DUST AND SMOKE. RENEE% METALLIC ITRATIIEP STRIPS IT'indow Bands, These hivelnatile drips In rummer totally elude duet, 001111 and odor from doors and window. SDVO your carpets and household good. from noise annoyance of stages, au boUn and rat. Atop wishes. The above stripe will be completely fitted on by WRITS & AIMANUE/I, No. Hai and 171 La.. coda street, Allegheny Olty, the above firm the atoluslve right In Allegheny Oounty. apleamd LRCM it BLACK, have on pond a largo acsortoont of MO WING MACHINES, SAO 1 , 11.03331 Straw Criters, Scythes and [la) Rakes, do. 2$ and 80 OHIO STEFET, ALLPSIFIENV iv - OTIEE. —A BIRETLNO OF THE 41 stockholders of the LITTLE SAW NELL EON RAILROAD 00. TLIO be belt en WEDNESDAY, July nth, Red, betteeen the hours of 1 awl 4 °Woad P. in the Gilles of the tlompaoy at their Depot, for the or mole of electing Preeldeut and Board of Director emuhug you. itakitod WIC NAESTIALL, Pree'dent. • 15ZS. OIL LEASES can be bad oa tha moot favorable tortnit'n loti of tourer five arra. on Whitely Retch, waorSho eon by. well b I) Work - fait great ' by the standard OU . Cosopany, of Piitabara, Apply to jeW STEEL IlAttaT,-Wintins gaS. e' • I; :4 * :1. 'these WO be libeettAtit the officer& e , rev grow Central Oil Obmpaay, on , the corner At' _i__ mut Wood Wyatt, oseestOeue, NOANDLY„Tr Way of July, Mi. of MA Seeekbobleorof ANCIO UNION OIL 0: 1 1 , V,NY I tar • purpose of orgaahaos sad Ola y, b tY Ilse July UM& offians, =Au W ILO of r l4 . zars 042.1.XCE PERPETUAL C H A RTE R 1829. mamma FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Assets On Jai:Mary 1. 10064. 02.457.840 05. Capital /Learned Premiums. Invested Premiums. Unsettled Cilidms.. • Income for 1864 Loa P111(1. duce MD 8A00.: 0 1 Perpetual and Temporary Pandas on Mara tdratat Qualm R. Baanker, Lasac Lee, Tobias Wagner, Edward 01. Dale, Samuel Grat i.thit, George Pales, Jacob IL Smi Allred Fitler, George W. Ric Fram W. Lewis, 111. D CHARLES CEEB, Prealdent. EDWARD 0. 'DALE, Vice Preeldeut. :As. W. ft/0A .1' MIMS, See. or rein. I. G. COWIN, mh2:4 corner Wood and Ttirdll=6 FIRE LND Insurance Go. of North America. PIaIgADELFECIA. Hartford Fire Insurance Company. .1113ePnxteetion ‘ con be secured In ate above named and seeable oompenten W. L. JOICIIIeS, Armee, 04 Water Street, (up stairs.) WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY I OF PtcrhourtG H. Jr., PrerlOrst, WM. P. ECEIOTERT, Secretary. Oftlce No. 92 Water street, Spans & Co.'s Warm house, up stain, Mob WSJ ins ago! net cl ul tutl., of itre and Marini Maks. d Horne M.:tit:dims monoya by Dintaton alb* Crr men booms to !Ls an 411.3101,1, and mho an deter mined by promptoen and ltherality, to maintain St aorater sobia they bar oseume=e2-Ing Na but Tr:tattoo to tame mho desire to be B. James td Miller.cdniey, A.Le ire der BDctiy Nathaniel Holmes, David DL Long Alex.. Ntinic4 Rees J. Thomas, George D Chas. J. Clark., Campbell B. mon, John R. McCune. 0. W. Hicketson, myse WM. P. BEET. Secretary VITIZEN'S INSURANCE COM-PANY OF PITTSBURGEL—Uffiee, comer Market and Water streets, second door. WU. BAGAL.EY, Prodded. WM. A. SECEPARD, Secretary. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes. Insures against loss and damage in the navtga• Von of the Southern and Western flyers, Lakes and Bayous, and the navigation of the Seem Insures against loss and damage by fire. Wt. B.Ziy, Samuel Jas. Park, rW. G. Johnst on,O B. F. Jones, Hon. T. M. Howe, Barclay Preston, George Bingham, S. M. Kier, John Shiptoh,• J‘mm M. Oooper, S. Rarbengh, J. ,Osldwell, Jr, .7 . 0/112 S. D il worth, Wm. A. Rodgers. de40,151 pEOPLEIP LNSURA_NCE COMPANY Office, N. F.. corner of Wood and Fifth Ste yC , gyp .. ~;~: r..y4:. y: Wm. Philllps, .- - ' Capt. John L. Rhoads John Watt, Samuel P. Slyfirer, John E. Parks, C. Hanson Lo lek Charles S. Bissell, Charles . Arbusle Wm. Van Kirk, John F. Kirk deft James D. Telmer John Clyde. Wkl. PHILLIPS, ?maiden/. JOHN WATT, Fins Prerldent. Wl'iL F. OARDNER Secret., jutsay . _. _. A LLEGUENY INSURANCE COMPA .s.s. NY OF PITTSBIIII43II.-01Bce, ,No. ST Flab street, Bank Block. ISAAC JONES, President. JOHN D. rd'CORD, vice President. D. M. BOOK, Secretary. Dxaagrona : John D. McCord, OapL Adam Jacobyß. B. Sterling, OW.. Wm, Dean IL L. McGrew, Robdrt H. Davie. Inns Jona, C. C. Eluze, Hervey Chthin, Capt. E. C. Grey, John Irwin, Jr., B. L. Fahnestoek X..9Xi 7F4CTURERS. de. FETROLIA.IULCHINE WORKS .. S. LE CTIECirf No. 32 Ohio Street, Liner,horty, MANUFACTURER OF OIL TOOLS swruzuse man r. Sinking Oti and Salt Wells. Particular attention is Invited to his late tan provementa In JARS and JOINTS, which are of. !sled LS the best in the world. They are all made of the purest Sligo and Low Moor /ion, hammered ex_pressly for three tools.. These tools 111 . 0 made CO STANDARD SIZES, se that the Pins and Sockets 01 any 0 Will agree With and tit those of any other of of hi.manufact on, bearing the same number. STEAM ENGINES and Mesh a Work made to order. Poet-Once box 11. SAYISOM POST IRONS, ato. No trouble- tr) oho., war Irork arktrAmd pITTBBUROLL FOUNDRY Jon, N. lIIOXIMON A. GARRISON & CO. (Successors to Bolim., Garrison, k FOUNDERS AND MAGNIN - ISM Af ithufacturers of Chilled Rollers of all sires, for Iron, Ste-el, Brass, Zine, Copper, Silver, Gold Straw Boards, Paper and India Rubber Work. also, Rollins Rill Cutlass of all descriptions, Bark Mills, Patent Double Grinder, with a varie ty of other patterns, always on hand and fitted to order on short notice nod favorable terms. Unice sod Warehouse, lit Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. fe3:l y FATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 VIRTU RID() ES PATENT Oral Lamp Chimneys, nese Chimneys are intenilea for the flat flame, nesting all tarts of the glass equally, does not ex pose It to erneklng. E. Fort Pict(llk. Works, IS street, Plttshurgh, Penn's BLACK DU,1101 , 11) STEEL WORKS PARK, BROTHER & M. JAAsuLsoturvr. of BEST (1, - lALITT FEMED UAST STEEL. • Snuar oStat •nd Octagon, o all sum. va.rt Izt ed aqua Ao any InparW or mArLui.turod In Liu Country. mar °Moe and warehouse, N. 149 and 161 and 120 end 124 SECOND arunere, Pitt burgh Pinar fell-yd • SILVER PLATED WARE lITAISTErIPBOINCIMR.^2% Walters, Oastore, ha., &a imitable for the Trade on hand and for Bale by WILER &MQS 225 South PHILADELPHIA. 10113:82n JOU? , S lIILMIOI MO& O W 211 /17.. WIN B. HERRON & CO., ißtcrvo Mi2axvislrebotur,inw44 AND IRON FOUNDERS, Office and Sales Rooms, !clB No. Ile LIBERTY STREET T)ENN MACHINE WORKS AND FOUNDRY. . _ 11. WIGHTRIAN, ENGINE EVILLY:It AND NUMMI...ST, Layocs, 8211.10iT, between Federal and Sandrury, ALtnonatis OtTT, anufacturer of WIGHT NI AN' S PATMirr Pi ,RTAIILE OSCILLATING STEAM EN Li IN ES, Shafting, Pulleys, Ow. liepelling of all kind. atteadol to Jel-ly J . SUWON - MAKER, DWITMACIRIZEB OP late Lead, Bed Lead, Blue Lead, Ultimate, lane Palate, Path, to., and Dealer in LINSEED_ OM, VABNISB, JAPANS, PALNTEBS' MATERIAL, no. Onlea and Wareham*. No. a World draft. inhilalrd SSEVEREITCA 24t 68 Water, 8t •laseuraty manufaatunedtßOLLEat arif ET6I, WROUGHT SPIDEA common and mama 94 1==avidsP/11223laglairEli hap ea mall, made 16 =lei at shall aotist, A geed somitsoseeenestantle ea ImaiGh • .BEY I I33,TT Ilion:micron! •••••• • an . 4:lanirrldtdes st-mazicarn Ernizz-T i. between Wood and Market streets. Pzublush: Yak Q.PELIM kolaY'S #.- 7 • PALE, atSAII LND AmpsuALEs Virhhll3lloll. PAP- CIELREBB. I :4reirWeII-tured Western itl) •,-) sem Cheers, tee We at W. 2. NS 'ante street: =X • ICI% GR O(:LtcIES. PROD IV CR, c T. C. TENSI:s - s, Ckimmission Merchant, 889 3.. a Z 3 MI R. '1" "32 . " /3 T., AND PURCHASING AGENT,' rrrrssllaoa.PA Dealer , to Flour, Grata, Seeds, Butter , (Meese, Fruits, arid all Parra Products. Boat rands il iff u = "Rted) "- on R ED hued. Atq Prompt attention given to erawlttl=ts nod conespondonoe. Weekly Pride CLISToot. .00t to Consignors. Onion end Oonsignsaeata telluyibw. B . P. QUIEBY.t. CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. Ito SOUTH WATER ST, Give cods' attention to trtizoboatat Pour, prabs, Previa - iota, /Sc. Par ma% B. P. ctvdts Eastern ma t GEO. T. GROWN 112.11747 M. D. I . •TTRISSON.....A. pATTERSON, AM3ION & CO., Commission .Merchants, Fiour, Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Mos. 680 and 882 PENN WIUZET .31,730,000. Scott's New DaQUAD opporlte 0. & P. IL B. Depot. spsay WW. w. HMO.. • ...JAS. A. MUL1110:11, JE. HERROW & CO., Corner of Penn and Wayne dig., (Witham% ,Dinhntro,) PITTSHOBOH, PA. 0 tol wo NEFtAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS I' the purchase of GRAM of a ll kinds. Also, wb lassie dealers Li HALED HAY. Western d will find It to theiradvaatagetoeorrespond vri our House, as Ws have greater realities for Sage, and putting_goods into this and Eastern Markets than most of the dealer in this city. Tba best of city relemitwes given when required. Jell i:md M , BANE & ARJER, Commission Merchants, Flour, Grain and Produce, SECOND ST., between Wood lit Smithfield, lbty PTITSHITRO THOS. PT - TES...MO. AEnH..PTETHSS 4.1 1 / 1 33111D FLITTER, AIKEN & BILEPAED, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foreign snd Domestic Praha, Flour, Butter, Cheese, Egg., Potatoes, can produce generally. L . Aro. lux) .D3ERTT STREET, nein Opposite Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh. Wr. W. 4081,iti.....e. HOLLISTER..... 7. D. /UMW. JORDAN, HOLLISTER .t 00., Commission Merchants, for the We of FLOUR, GRAIN, RAY, GRASS SEEDS LARD, BUTTER, EGOS, GREEN AB. &e., 00. 204 LIBERTY STREET, PM.- burgh, Ps. References—Head h Metzgsr, Plttsbargh ; 1 7714 son ,Oarr tr. Co., Pittsbu.nrh. alai yd K. R. JA.CR, 6 Pt C=ll , a MI Pt Nos. 1 and . 5) Diamond, spatly PITTSBURGH, PA. C. IMITZEL J. A. Guars. C.RAPP & REITER, PRODUCE, CO3l - AND FORWARDING DIRE CHANTS, and purchasing scents for all Pitts. burgh blanufastiven. Warehouao, N 0416 Liberty Stleet, Pittsburgh, Pa. joinyd WILE:INS LINHAR.T, (Strooseson To MACMEOWI4 & M:IMIA_HT,) 3EMJC:Ol:rirt. cb Caia=lLaTMV, Produce end COULDIIII.IIOI3 itleretirsist, telly Na 151 Liberty rt., Pittsburgh. 11. C. DOOLITTLE DOOLITTLE IL PECK, General Commission Xerehanta, 1 , 1 oa. 69 and 19, Water street, Pittsburgh, Pa. for the sale of Flour, Grain, Cheese, Butter, Ems, Dried Fruits, Provisions and Produce of all lOno• Aa orders for Carbon Oil lilted at tits lowest man bet prices. /6/ - Consignments solicited. C. C Vl3l BOBO*. IALBLEY h VAN GORDER, Produce and Commission Merchants, Warehouse, No. .rost Liberty a, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale deal ers in Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Porx, Bacon, Bean., Tallow, Feathers, Broome, Potatoes, Hon. toy, Dried Fruits, Green Fruits, Onion., Flour, Grain, Clover Semis, Timothy Seeda, Flax Seeds, Game and Poultry. Particular attention given to Prodnce Consignments. jest) 1 ITTLE, BAIRD & I'ATTUN, Whole ., sale 0 rocers and Commission Merchants, deal ers In PRODUOR, FLOUR, BACON IJIJRP.s..E,, FISH, OA RBON AND LA OIL, IRON. NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitts: burgh manufactures generally, OA and 114 Second street Pittsburgh. 10EN B. CANFIELD, Commission and Forwarding lilerettant'and wholesale de/tier in WESTERN RE-SERVE WA:LEESE, RUTTER, LARD, PORE, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, AND PEARL ASHES, -4SALERATUS., LIN SEED AND LARD OILS, DR/ED FRUTT and Produce generally, Nos. 10 and 118 Frant street., Fatsburgh. oel • - ('CLY & SHEPARD, Commission Mer chnats abd dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. an Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice brands of Flour for Bakers and b sadly use constantly on band. Particular attention pald to filling orders for Merchandise generally. ottbdil T,'ETZER A:RMSTRONG, Forwardiag -It ad Commission Merchats. for the sale of LOUR.,RAIN, BACON, LARD, BUTTER, F SEEDS, DRIED RUIT, and Produce generally. No. Is Market street, corner of First, Pittsburgh, Penns. fe2s:ly NVItE. P. EWE.. THOS, M1TC861.2. MS't , j r i h o c:i 1 , 2 .a Liberty mtsulon Jlerchanu,nrut s deeders tn i'}OIDUCE PROVLS.WNS, BACON, LARD, Ist TTER, 'EOOS 'CHEESE, FISH, ts.c., PRO DUCE, FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, GREEN AND ERIED FRurrs, So. SALT tad LIME. jyttl ACHOSLLIFLEIL WX. P. LANG. C' 110 hl A & LANG, Wholesale L' dealers 111 GROCERII, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, FISH, CHEESE, SALT, CARRON OIL, aa., Nos. 173 and 174 Wood Street, nest /Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Ps. Bec-diy ... 1 LAD A: METZGAII, Grocers and Com mission Merchants, and dealers in all'hirll of t' ountry Produce and Pittsburgh Manufacture., No 1-a4 Liberty etreet, opposite head of Wood •t rest, Po•-•mrs . h. apS•ly III:Slaws J D. RSTXEU. I?EYMER & BROTHERS, (successors to Reimer & Andorra,' Tr holTaale Dealers to , REICIN FRUITS, NU'B'S and SPICES, CON- Ft CTIONERY, SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, &0., X," us and Wood suect, above Filth, Pitts burgh. - 11-15-ly IVA LLACET, Commission Mardian; L •n I Wholesale Dealer in FLOUR Ir. GRAIN, No. .3.53 Liberty street, opposite Pennsylvania R. R Passenger Depot, Pittabargh, P. Storage Ware se. corner Wayne and Penn street. a. S. 11(16WIT .MDII LISDPULY dB. LIGGETT & CO.,_ CITY FLOUR • LNG MILLS, corner Liberty awl Adam street., Pittsburgh, Pa. Air - Capacity. 4O barrels per day. Ara .10110 WATT JOHN WISOON. WATT & WILSON, Wholesale Gro cer hierchente, sod dealers to Produce sod P ittsburghPu rusauLactitres, No. 159 Liberty street. Pittsburgh. JAVA W 1 RAT AT M01L.... cos. KIWIS AT8.10%. J KIRKPATRICK tt BROTHER, EOM ,' censors to Brown & Kirkpatrick, WHOLE SALE 0 1100EES, Nos. 151 and 183 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. JAMES DALZELL & BON, artufacr furors of LARD OIL, and Comrolnion Mee. chant• for the porch's. and sale of ORUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, Noe 69 and 70 Water street, Pittsburgh. Advances made on conalga menta. 'BEEBE WAREHOUSE.—HENRY EL COLLINS, Fors/m..llms amt Coramntaion Men chant and dealer In CREME, BUTTER, LAKEFISH, mad Produce generally, No. 23 Wood street, abort Water, Pittsburgh. my 2 JOll7l I. move. mime.= JOHN L HOUSE & CO. Wholesale GROCERS AND COVWSSION MER CHANTS, comer • timithfield and Witted street, Pittsburgh. aonit.r.v. 7. DILL=. ROBERT DALZELC Br CO, Whfile. sale ;Grocers, Commission and yorwardlng Xerehants, and deniers to Produce and Pittsburgh innittabotbres, Liberty street, Pittsburgh- • • . JAO. VLOID WILLIAY norn JOHN FLOYD .t CO., Wholesale Oro eers Covitolatiott Merchants, Nos WOod and= Liberty street% Pittabarytt. . job RAELES L. .OiLDW ELL, C louccessar co .Tames Holmes & Oa, PORKPAM= tn,d , dealer la PROVISIONS, earner of Mozk put rant irtreet& Plt Werth. . ) DAN= Mari AOCIT IEL VOIGT•tt CO., successors to!li, PRODOCE•AND 130ELVISSION BIERCRA.IM, W Liberty street, Pittsburgh. raVID as. BDGERTWL „Illassaitt • Omer sail Ckneasitake Karolint s tat a. • MIT LAM1T...1017 11111211PTON..L. VALLUM AMBERT, 4.turrorizao,ovhow . li orocem sal Predate 'Jan ..113 - • , .1) OSEY — • CO., Who: • . _ Ocuudiale ilksabsala. Wet' b . Paoli= No. CO Water sized mi asii ta Ma& Lilate-1001Rds itesta flsnb Lilicty_street. 3• 1 1 WI. Y. RCPa h VOe JOHNISTOWN ACCONMODATIOW, drat/ 61 eept Sttioisy, at Leo o— stopping at regular ats. Noes :between PittatUranandSohtutcems sad 00 1 t, aidtingat BirlreaLle Interne-calm:l 1 r+ 1 ,..._.• - 03 the!Wl_ F.:. ;impart and Neat Permarlania HBO prar,43. )IM,PEITA IMPRESS, dilly, at &A P. tni eo ata3d4 Latzabe, ilonenia -b., 'Jammu lNi ntiu rrett=a, Lewiarsern, burg, Lantana? azol Doran. M i lwai At .arristlirg direct and a trade to.. Baltimore, Ws. ),l "gton and NeTorte Paitagalphis, for New York. Thaton and inter. mdlaigtoicia. Sl i ie log Cam run Waugh on MU train from Pittat to Baltimore, Pidiadedtatis sad NeveSby Allentown route. pAsp ! deny, e m s a ds ,at p. Eapping at Conams 0 • Altos lingdon. Levine . =f1 . 11:62 1 = won, 11.0oir. lancitartile. Lancaster, and Down. Ingtown.: At Haulm:nun conneenora are /Ode for New Yoilk, Baltimore and TjasittngtOnat CM New - Yerk, Beaton, and fate^"d . 001Z141 • fled Jicaraunodatioa Train for WWI Mattel:l mares day (except Sunday) st tta a m. SeconiTAccommodation Train for Wall s stamp Leave. daily (except Sunday) at 11.40 Son. Third Nceortmcoation train for WalPs stateen Vtnesd's 4 ( -- pgg:YglgrWii . vsum. Rama dglit(except Sunday) et tea p. m. t a Aceordiocodatlon for Penn Station, Wares a lump. The Oltdirch Train loaves Wall's Station every Sunday 0 Sot a. or., returning Leaves Pl ttsDarLb at =Soh CUICAGO, Re t+ IYalGa arrive In Plttalargh a!follePPO Fast Liner S.OO a. in. Ent WedPs Station AecolnodsCon.— OM a. A, Penn Actommodation. 7.50 a. tee Second If all's Station AccommodatiOn SAD a. NS JohnstoVn Accommodation ... t 2 .ii se. Pittaburgh &Erie EAU 12.60 p. xcl t Baltimoro R4preas LSO p. A. TWA! Walra station Aecommeriagitm.: SOS p.hx. Philadelktda Express LSO p. m. Fourth Wall ' s Station Accommodation 11.60 p. ktr, EmlgranN to. An Akan' Trai of the Exaelator Ornalbwi lo.sop. Oompanir will c and ant' through each train before reaching Lima Depot, tcke up 'necks deliver baggage to-any part o Lae city. Moe No. 410 Penn inroad, open day and dlght, where all orders for the movement of panedgers and baggage, will receive prompt at. tenmon. t EIC==I Balt/tare express will arrive with Philadelphia Express Itt 2.30 p. m. on Mondays. NOTICiP.—In case of lose, tho Company Will hold theekielvee responsible for personsd baggage only, audios an amount not someediter $lOO. BF,CKW H Agent, At the Denneytennis Central Railroad kaszezet Station, on Liberty and Grant street& m IDITI;iii3IIRQH, FT c jazazurgia WAYNE CEIOA HALLWAY AND CLEVELAND A PITTE. BIIBOIDHAILROAD. :SUMMER ARILARGEMIENT. On amlr after May 14th, LW, Mains will min at follows, fix. Leaves ;,ll For For l PlilbarghlOb eg o. !Cleveland. Exprass.l..-....fi.10 a. m.. 1 TAO qx. p. 1.40 p. p. m. 11.00 a. m. For NOW Castle and Erie Anicei.at PlttaburglP: LW a. oL, 3.20 p. m, Loop. m 0. fr. P4R. —2.10. AOCOIMODATION Leave 411egheny. New r Roche& Few Steabe Brighten_ ter. l } Eeonomyj 11.00 a. mp 2.15 p. m. l 8.60 p. m. l tD.io p. m. Lee p. mj UM a. re.' p. m 4 I.oop. re _ . Arrive at. Allegheny—P. F. W. Ir. O. Railway,. 7.16 a. m.,:&15 a. m. , 10.25 a. m., 1.15 p. m., 4.00.11: xn. and Ind m. O. tr. P.'S_ S.—a.m a. m. GEORGE PAREIR, Ticket Onion Passenger Station, Pitubt=la. CASSI7...BERET, Ticket Agent, Allegheny City. mylat.. F. MYERS. General Ticket Agent IDITTABURG EL AND " CONELLSVILLEir , N • TT‘ROAD. On and= after MONDAY, June I, 18f.5, Lee tram.leav4 the Depot, corner of Roam and Water at min, akfollowlw Leaves &Frivol at Pittsburgh. Pltrab.gh. Mall to ofd from Uuloulowa. '7a55 a. m COO p. at. Express o . 1:40 p. m. 9.30 s. at. First. McKeesport Accoaert...ll9o a. m. IttO a. m. Second 11:.15 p. m. LO p. at. First Braaloolth 190 a. at. 820 a. au Second 0 ... 44.5 p. ta. 6:40 p. Suoday l_Thtureh Tralato and trom MalCoesport IMO p. m 1090 a. m For ticlegtf apply to feIEUIV A. T. SHARE, Agana. W. S. STOUT. Superletenn. A LLEARFasIY VAL- azgEmiiiii LEYIDAILROAD.— URANObt OF TIME.—Oa and after MONDAY May lettylket, the foLlawbeg arrangement al will take Meet. • MAIL T HAW.—Leaves Pittsbargn at 7. a Et. arriving eN Kitteaning M MAO a. m. Leaves Kit. tanni4 4 4.09 p. m., arrives at eittsbtagk at p. m. EXPRESS TRAlN—Leaved Kittaaaing at k 93 a- &raging at Pittsburgdi at 9.25 a ra. Lames Pittsbargk at 4.50 p. m, arriving at Kittanning at 7Jo AIA.IOS4IIODATRON TRAIN.— Leaves Sada Works at .30 a. a, arriving at Pittsburgh at 7.i5 a Leaval Pittabicrga at LOP p. m., arriving a Soda Works at am p. m. Sava. F. WRIGHT. Stwetintesdiat. 1 0 CUL- 1 L -8 FORE;GN FMIGR&TION OFF1i)B faC.CI I . SOCA. Puzittge from the "Old Country. The LIY6 - pool, New York and PlificAPiphis (Ire man,) Steatbablp Company lumina appoilatod the undertignad. their Agent hero, rim Thosapsear deceated, he in now prepared to bring coat or sees home Pairers by the Steamers of tide Line at PI UUSLi LY LOW RATES. The Stc %mem 01 this tavori,;e line leave Liverpool every WEDNEb. DAY, for New York,touchtng at queenstown and are arnond;he fastest, tacit, and most magnidsent vessels adost, z _ The undersigned to also Agent for the Llverpoo poci "d l l 'rn every, a v :na l ure r. en nervy for huh P and :Sallie Tye &Maul ers of thline b uilt the strongest minter, and fiunialt choice acoommodstions for nassmgers. Ho to agent for TAPSCOIT'S LUTE of onto. bested Olitvuer Sailing Packeta, leaving Liverpool for New SPIt. twice a week, and the ~X ." Linn of London P4.kets, leaving London every ten days. The ship% of Tayscott's Line have tang twen-no ted for theft quick. passages and the ex ,ol Pnee of the providb. fnmhed the passengers, and their kind treat sun° on boatut. Parties who wire heir fildndo tocurkt eut by salllng venal; slinuld by all mead& patronizethis MM. Plumage tLati ealifonda at greatly reduced rites. BIGHT VILLYTti on all parts of Lozopa for sole at the to rate,. Apply c.TX&Ii.: WEEKLY TO LWER- Agr i POOKtous.ang at QtIEENSTOWN,Z33O (Cork the well-kturnn Steamers of the Idrerpool,, ew York nod Plthadelplda Stealathip Company ( fauna Line.) early/ay the U. S. Malls, are Intended to sal/ as follow*. . V11.1310_04.53 Wednesday, July 12. EDINBURGH. -Saturday, July 15. CITY Qy LIMERICK.. Weanesday, July 19. CITY CH' 11.A.LTIMORE.-Satarday, July 22. And every sumeedltur Saturday and Wednesday, at two/4M= Pies 44, North Elva. RAT= or ra.asams, Payable In gold, or Its equivalimdt Etrat Cablt. 353 St/rage Inund- 34 rs 00 to Ythodon... 93 03 to London. 00 " to Peirla....-ICO 00 " to Parts..... f.O 00 " to ithathurg- 95 IS " to Hamburg.. 0 00 • ngegs also forwarded to Ham, Brethen„. RottenDmq:Antweep, &a., at equally low latex. Fares [mat Llrergool or Qmeoustowia-Ist CahDll - -.- e 55, MO5. Steerage, 33.3. Those who with to sand for the: flietals can buy tarsus Imre as them rates. For taut* Adomestion apply at th e Omaganri Ottee. , ii .101111 - G DALE, Agent, Ilißroadaray N.Y. D. OW? Ta.r , ~. Yore!-n Emigration . oel Ha 68 gani th nell street, Pit a CTn• ____ . ___ CIIN4RD 16.-Btcram from ISO to goboe tia equivalent. In eurracury rso. sruzeiar..n:ses w. 06.1M.D.11.*5D IVOAXIMES W ILSON, CARR 41 CO. ••• (sera lEsclaor, sari • o„) ' WholesaW dada, FOREIGN ARD 1:102E29. TIC DJ -GOODS, Ira M wooss Elsa:43W* bowie abota Diamond itle7, Plliaborgb. apt 9 EATOIfOrIACHOId -BuciMaresilanumraos dziazip. Alan -Mos Pt and Lt MAIL atreet: ACBVM GLYDA_Wholtsale Retail Defilers la FA2701-41.1W,514:12 , DKr GOODS, TRIDEMNOS, a 0.4 1 .0. betVtat Dismosiana mr4rthanctobou M. BURCIMELD, - Ipalesale. a RetslrDesiar STAIP.I."%&ND. IX( GooDUc an kethasseratcruna l a NW 4 98 8P 1 11, Atipope.ioNii i .„ zr,aot A KIIIO4-104/U4: ...I .oEArrasrisim-tr;, ram Artaxgoki some K BaILSiOAD-5. ISIWO.TICLVAria LLSTRAL R. 14-SUMMER AittuarnitaiENT —ELLV7-19 DAILY TRAINS. • Ousneafter MONDAY; flay - MB, igg% mins wino* afti the Depot as follows. DAY EXPRESS, daily except Sanday, 'IUD a. mi,stopOog only at principal nations, sad making direct ollinections at ilarrinurs for Now You,/ Daltimot& and Waahington, and at plilladalphln tor New If ork. Boston and intermediate points. idAiIcitit3OOELMODATION, daily except Sob , dal, at video a. m., .topping at all tna‘llA stmionsAevereen Pittsburgh and Rarrtsbros, and rovvirg non connection with train' on indium Brandi, ISWest Pennsylvania E. R. Ebensburg and Oreeeon R. FL, and Hollidaysburg & FR IB MAU., dally eS SUlday, at 120 p. m., 'topping ni neaST the air‘tetween PitubuispOnd Pidladel_phint cod co....abut with trains on the Ent k ' ,Vyrcre and übtialketlitiftranarduilliel Rowichell. W. & O. Ballw6➢t p. m., &SO p. • p. m., 940 p. m. IMAM. 6143131 ER ARRANGEMENT. SkaPJP.L.IeG PITTSBURCia, praiNA. D. 0 , 3 - 21.1., io)oceanF.43ll4gratl ll an ODDe, ea smltheeld eruct. LITZRPOM AND QI7EIZA3TOWN FBQ YEW TOME, VA 1a atIMEIM Sills (Nis week. apply to THONAESRATTIGAIT, Agra CEEkolibliaLl Amet. bay= kl and 43 Manymcl /DB k-GOODEI. For Wheeling• 9-10 S. la. lA6 p
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