he Vittsburgit (gazette, =WM1;0,3 . 7_ M FIBLIERIC 1114ClitiON, ISIATVEMAY. JULY 14. ULM COUNTY TICS= •ou DIVIVICT arrOlUriTi LEV 7 IL vars., of 1011 0011ETT CONTEALLIIII: 13221EY LABIBEIIT, Pitt Towzuthlp. DAVID AIBEN, In., of Liberty Tomb!A VOA lITA2II ,r4Ap3:z. , 1ZT4HAN[4114460,1 4 .9. 0. T i. - 3)"2 l air N 1 0 11 3.q , HOW.t3 xMoKEE, North Paireiti • ANG Ft HERRON, ALFRED SLACK, ofHeOan Itilewh=jr dless ,. DAVIDBRAYER,Opp: r Bt CIAO. 7. P. GLASS, Pittabh. JOHN A..DANKS, Tooottht". vox ootrwrr cenctswiiii: JORMILAR NEELY, cf Low St. Clair Tp. 101 001711TT NITZTILTOD I B. L. McOtILLET, 0f,131F044b=c6 son raitEcroi. Oir 4001 M1.051D3 GUESS, of Ohartiers Township. EZ)=l `The—United States shall guarantee to every State- Wilds Union a-republican form efgovermnent."—Conatiftstion of the United Elates, Art. IV. Sec. 4. The phraseology of this clause Is peculiar ktubittiltir. Vilna getable. Obterva :It is not Congress, nor the Executive, nor the judieiary, but tho United States, in its Arend, -collective, national sovereignty, that is 10 do this thing; and a more emphatic implicative assertion of sovereignty could Nate 'Written. Moreover, it is not said Ust tie United States may do It, but alma/ do it. It is imperative. -tlita is not to operate upon some States, as for erample, upon such as - may be Just coming in, and while their constitu tion! gie . imdergoing revision, but upon "every State In this Union." It is Just as operative upon Pennsylvania, or Massa. ausetts, or South Carolina, as upon Neva da, or as It will be upon Nebraska when it asks for admission. There is no exception. Neither is there any room left for discre tion, or for winking at infractions ofthe rule. The only point upon which debate can be raised at all is, what constitutes a republi can government? The American idea of the phrase Is a representative government of the people. The ConstitutiOn itself settles that point by the Introductory -formula; ei'We the PEOPLE of the United States." There is no limitation, as there is in that portion of the Constitution of Pennsylva nia which restricts I l he right of suffrage to "white male citizens?' No such limitation . as that, was thought of at the time of the - adoption of the Constitution; for It is a well established historical fact, that in every Mate, except South Carolina, free men of color voted upon the adoption of the Nation al Constitution. Slaves did not vote, simply because the ideas of freedom and citizen ship are inseparable. The same wrong which robbed the slave of his liberty rob bed him of his citizenship and his vote. - In Pennsylvania, when by the act of eman cipatien, the slave was made tree, if of the proper age, he became a voter at once In -Virtue of his freedom—the same act which constituted him a freeman, made tdm a citi• ten and a voter, and he remained so until by as disfranchisul by -the new Constitu tion which went into operation In 1835. /That-gross violation of the republican prin 4ple was committed at the behest of the elan power, and since that time the clause of the constitution under considoration and our State Constitution have really been in In the work O - reconstruction this is the great central qtrestion, and it Is one which the next Congress is bound to meet and de cide; and we believe that it will decide it In accordance with the obvious meaning of the words of the Constitution, and with the well-ascertained signification of the word re tublicais, as understood by those who framed ir, and with the fact that color did not exclude free men from' citizenship and suffrage -at the time of its adoption. But suppose Congress thou d determine otherwise, and restore States to their places in the Unica, whom Constitutions restrict Enfrryge to one-class of their people, to the exclusion of another class equally free, is there no remedy? Yes; for, bear in mind, it is not Congress, but the United States, that is to guarantee to every State a repub lican form of goveriament. Now on a question like this—a purely Constitutional question—the highest author- ity in the nation is the Supreme Court of the United States. But that body cannot act upon it until a case is created and regu larly brought before it- Very well, let a colored man, (here in Pittsburgh If you like,) go to the polls on an election day and offer his vo'e. It is rejected of course. The officers of the election are boned to reject him. Then let him bring suit against them—net for rejecting the vote, but for an Infringement of his right as a citizen of the United States, in putting an invidious • and ,lajurious distinction between him and other men in the matter of citizen , ship. But perhaps the case would be car-, riedlnfo the federal courts upon the direct Issue of the rejected vote, but we think not. But'doabtiess there Li some process known Lola lucre by which such a case coral ba carried up to the highest judicial tribunal in the nation. Then, If the court should de .4ffde that the exclusion of that ono man from-the ordinary privileges •of citizenship, Berely because be was not a white man, wets in contradiction of the national consti tution, which requires that the governmint of every State shall be republican, it would render null and void so much of every ,8 4 4 . gonstitution in the Union as excludes citizens ° frim suffrage on the ground of ii" Our Constitution asserted its tremendous power when It was assaulted by a vast or liftulzatiote-CS traitors; so now let Borne other efts powers, hitherto latent, be brought to ;UM in bringinrr theee same rebeisinto line, Arkel all our institutions, both State and Ns into harynony with its grand funds 'kueMal 'principle& in our afternoon dispatches it Id stated that the famous Trtulegar Iron Works at Richmond have been confiscated, and that toegFUES aro being taken to enforce, the law in a similar 'manner in -.elation to large amount of other rebel property. This is a move in the right airection. Ito pun ishment for their rebellion will affect the traitors mote sensibly, and certainly none can more effectually prevent their being able again to do their country harm. At the same time it will in some measure repair that which they leave already done Eva. Ginty shotildwe bb pletiffill at the forfeiture :10 .- 7he gotOnmetit of pioperty, which llk4 its Tiatlegar Works - had been hied Against ::,tt., 4 l,4tliere will be ' not a fof In the,North Pomp. the AilitifoletraganfOr car, -,ntrzptit the how- in: this respect, not bo l t 1604 adquestiou its t ' , .Justica,bu ye r -."o.4ol.ox*Pielia. *WOG 404 Jar I'mraigittooras maw/two Ulf ewn akin of PPribkh 14 0 111 /newl inverted" iite - Mna (ki.danattew,. ' ago;beagoe ;1444 01 .314 04 6 *r/4194M** it Veatch Bandirtioning neittittbe • lit Aretiro Suffrage—The Views - of • Ure4ong -- -• - - Democrat—An Eloaeut-Convert.. MOBILE, A 1&, Jnnei2t, 16433 I have come down to this Part of the coti stry with the intention of tasting my lot witli it for the future, and feel impelled to send you a line to tell of my impressions of the people.. I have been, for some six weeks; in daily contact with southern peo ple of all political shades, and, though I am a poor talker, I am a good listener, and not a very bad hand at forming conclusions from a great deal of hearing. came to the: Gulf States full of very tine theories about the necessities of educating the negro before we could extend to him the privilege of suffrage. He was ignorant ;he was big oted ; be was prejudiced ; he could not bo trusted with the privileges of a voter until be bad attained a certain standard of edu cation. Weil, slr, I was never farther awaylrom the truth in my life. I have lis tened by the hour to the familiar, racial, unrestrained talk of Southern people ; and I have been sorry to conclude, from all that I have heard, that the damnable heresy of the States-right doctrine, upon which, with imagined evils threatened to the institution of ^ slavery, they based their acts of secession and rebellion, la as deeply root ed In their convictions as it ever was. They have failed to establish the success of their principles at the bayonet's point and the cannon's mouth, but thase principles lie as near to the hearts of thegrest mass of them as ever, and true loyalty to the Government, as constitutin g a principle with the mass of the people at the North, la entirely foreign to the breasts of the masses in the Booth. The same hos tility that was openly displayed in arms exists secretly In the breasts of the South ern people, and is ready at any time to ex ert itself, no longer. In overt acts, but to every possible pacific way to thwart the unity and progress of the Republic, On the other hand, the negro has but one prin ciple end one affection. His principle is de votion to the Union ; his affection heart whole for the cause that has r estored him to manhood. No doubts of thejustice of the cause cross his mind. No clouds of casuists' raising obscure his vision. His instincts alone point out to him the path he is to tread as a free man, and point It out uner ingly. Who so safe to trust Pith the ballot of a freeman as het Can demagogues lead him astray with arts and sophistries? I trow not. He may not know so much of book-leamtng as his paler-Mined brother, but be is less likely to bo deceived in what pertains to the advancement of ail mem bers of the human family, hlmselftncluded. And if you could see, as I have seen, the colored people of these Southern cities, sit ting at their door-steps, In the moonlight, on hot evenings, teaching each other to spell ma to count. regardless of 4he , corn nu nts of those who pissed by, you would not be slow in coming to the belief that even the Supposed amount of education ne cessary to enable then to vote intelligently will not be long wanting. I, for one, con trary to all my previous expectations, am fully convinced that the only safety for the South is In the extension of free suffrage to the people of all colors, and I mean to throw myself into the advocacy of this cause with all my energy. Far better is the instinct that teaches loyalty to the Union than the false education that makes States rights traitors. Shall we trust the future of our country to the instinct that Inevi'ably leads to the right, or to the educated sophistry tbst inculcates what is false and ruinous. We- are by no means ready for a recon- Ortcdon wider the domination of de feated but unconvinced traitor& We have had a terrible war; let us not cast away its traits. Let us have military government In the Southern States until the sentiment of truer loyalty begins to be felt; or, if we must have civil governments reconstructed, let those who have every cause to lore the Union not be put aside, while Its Interests are confided to the hands of those who have been its open enemies.—Cor. Plata. Ledger. The Lake Superior Alluerson ■ strike We learn from reliable sources that great excitt went is prevailing in the L ke &ma— ler regions over the miner.' strike, and fears see entertained that it may lead to very serial:La results, if not to a rebellion on a small scale and actual bloodshed. The laborers throughout the mines some days since banded together, and by concerted action stopped the work, and by dint of threats in some =sea and force in others, compelled the Marquette railroads to sue petd operations and join them In their Cemands. They claim two dollars per day as 'Wages, and only eight hours' work on Saturdays. The insurgent laborers num bered about five hundred, and, heavily arming themselves, seized the two roads, n !lowing none but passenger trains to run. he .Mining and the Marquette Railroad Companies acceded to their demands,. but the Peninsular Company have refused to yield. The laborers still hold the road, and the Railrrad Company have sent to Detroit, toLoh for laborers to supply their places and for troops to regain possession of their road. Serious results are anticipated, and a col n between the troop. and the miners is not enliaely.—CLicago Erening Journal. Ile bels Gol ug to /Seiko Tie report that General Shelby woo marching several thousand paroled rebel soldiers to Mexico, was a great exageration. TLe Antonio (Texas) Herald says: "On Friday General Jo. Shelby and his command. some three handled strong, ar rived, and are now en route for Mexico. Governors Allen and Moore accompany General Shelby to Mexico. These gentle men, inclincling their e.cort, all go to Mexi co as emigrants. It is true they have anus, bet these are only to be used in self-defense against Indiana and robbers. They do not intend to join either party on reaching Mex ican territory. Some will pass through Mexico to other points, and some intend to settle in Mexico, and become permanent citizens. The entire party have trasporta tion and supplies for sixty others." AT a recent diplomatic reception at the Tuilleries, the Em peror Napoleon having ob served the new Turkish Ambassador, whom he had not seen before, went up to him arid addressed him in a few polite words. After the first compliment the Ambassador bowed low, but did not answer, and the Emperor continued his flattering speeches without eliciting a word of reply or acknowledq mint. At last . sortie one explained the mys tery, by whispering to His Majesty that Ballet Pacha does not speak French. We fear many of oar American diplomats are io - better off.. BOUTS:IEILN OPIMON OF WORE.—The Richmond Whig, remarking that "hence forth the impoverished youth of the rionth must look to labor for a livehhood, and the sooner the truth is realized the better," adds : "We are far from believing in the so called nobility of labor, for if our memory serves us, labor is but the primal curse. In the days-of our first Innocency, we read of so such thing as eating one's bread in the the sweat of one's brow, and it would take more than the tumid platitudes of rhetorical parsons to convince 113 that there Is any dig. nity In toil." THE opponents of the new Constitution of Missouri, intimated to the Secretary of State, before the returns in his po.session were counted, that he could make $150,000 by "shutting his eyes for a short time." Ho wouldn't close his peepers for any such consideration, and they then entered his office by means of false keys, and ram saclied it, hoping to steal the poll-books. These they failed to find, and the Constitu tion having been declared ratified, they raise the cry of fraud against an ofiLyr whose integrity they failed to corrupt by a bribe. COFFEES'S° FM BISS OD TBAITORIL The Diobile, Alabama, Triune, confesses the sins of the South thus : "We have sinned against the progress of the age.. No man can aeny this; and yet we have done it with a conscientiousness which ought to provoke the compassion of those on whose mercy we must rely. Wo are as good as they. We have suffered indultely more than they of tba North. A few years' fa: in* and Pestilence, with - occasional earth quakes, would not Uri, act, hurt us as' • MIAMI:it yearn' war." 5 - , Govan:WU Jonzaba*; of Georgia, on the first buten; addressed the people of Savan ttahltPnn the %object of manurtruction. HI nate* tut pretenses of ever; having been 4 Unfolds; but spats , openly as a wtdwe¢ rebel to an tiralle4re Of whipped rebels; ,Foraiyai liAwt iatger:lionpadtiputio v ioarli fialietiadtak sections "orALef covasi7";:ii 'wblelt. taus:layed great -courage and gallantry, m e nd Surseleeveitereente "by merlin numbers and resources." AEII7 ITEM Ton prospect for large and Abundant crops was never better in Missal Valley. The late mina are bringing forward the corn, oats, potatoes and vegetables of every kind. with a rush. They are already con• siderettont of danger from drought, and the promise is, that the yield will be enor:sons, sad the quality the very best. Dirarso the siateen days ending June 80th, 5;247 emierants passed Fort Laramie, bound west, with nearly 10,000 head of cattle. Nearly as large a number passed during the fourteen days ending June 14tb; and during the month of May, over 15,000 teems and 40,000 heart of stock passed for the West. Tire officers of the steamer Jonas Powell, hem Eastport, on the Tennessee river, re. port that a difficulty had occurred at Ce. dar Creek, between returned .Onion and Confederate soldiers, la phich nine persOns were killed and.several wounded. No par• dollars could be obtained. AT St. Louis the citizens are discussing the propriety of building a bridge across the' Mississippi. told of establishing a gener al railsoaa depot at some central point. The County Court has appropriated $lO,OOO to ward expenses of the Commercial Conven tion next Fall. Tsars has been a scientific course at tached to Allegheny College, and a profes eorehipendowed. Prot Comfort, from one of the New England universities, his been elected Professor, and will take his chair next terra.—Yeadvilid Lcitar. Ftrrams thieves were hung by a Vir. ace Committee at Walla Vitale, Oregon, on ihe Ithb of June. The "Committee" at last accounts, were on the heels of another large gang, with every prospect of over hauling them. MIL. MACKAY, who enlightened the world with hie lettere on American altars, to the London Times, Is about to travel through Canada to report on the proapects of COll - Miss M. Davis, a beautiful young lady in Chesterfield, Va daughter of a prowl neat citizen, was shot dead last week by a discarded lever, named Sublets. AN eminent coroner in London recently &dared that there were 12,000 mothers in the metropolis who murdered their chil— dren. STE.I . IIFai thus, a worthy citizen, was ac cidently shot dead in Baltimore on Tues day, by a policeman who shot at a mad dog. GENERAL N. B. FORREAT had both his shoulder bones broken, last week, by a rail road accident, near Benatobla, Wssissippl. PUBL.' c aro ?ICES. CIIRINTIAN CIIOBCH. AL. Lfamorr CITY, EXCELSIOR HALL, corner of Federal and Laeoek streets. Pastor, JOSEPH KING. Services at toil a. na. and 1 p. its. Prayer hieet.ing on WED NESLA EVEN ING The public are cordially Invited to attend. .1 1 1111 d arUELIUIO UN NERVIC'ES.—TIIE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 00NUR rU OATION will hereafter hold their church cervices In MASUNIU HALL, on Fifth street. Preaching by the Peurtor, Rov. JAMES S. DIOKEItsON, every LORD'S DAY at 10:30 and 75.1. Sunday School at 2 o'clock r. N. Struigers nod the puhllo are cordially Invited to attend. Seats free. 1116:141 .4"E Ir .10 rERT/SEJNEXTX. sl ORE ROOM FOR. E . LEN T.—On Wylie 1}1r". Apply " MARKET STREET. TWO BRICK DWELLING HOUSES d SD LOT OF GROUND FOR SALE—Sltutto nn 1.0 Ville• street, at the head of Enoch • reet, tangy ft et front by ninety-211ln depth.. One deal -1114 conteln• nee roe 1111—the other seven. For Nice and tern., apply to S. CIITIII3I RT fa SONS, jy is 61 Siraket etreet. FOR SALE. 10 WOODEN TANKS Capacity LIN bona. coolh. Apply to, STJANEEI Ml= 24 wool Street olg T ROL. I.SICX sloe, tt • A LLEOIIIOI7, July 14th, 1,63, ‘ZEALED PROPOSALS will be received al tLls 011 l a twill blond. the 24th that, lnelO. Ilse, for halos Llghthlnit ho y, ds to the IL•ll sod Market House, n , cording Co plans and epeelo - to be furnished with the prop t e U. PRANeIs, ylbtd City Oootroller. COMBS, BRUSHES, BUTTONS, MO hOUCO WALLETS, Ppr, Knives, Scissors, Fancy Goods, Toys, Baskets, he., generally, wholeaale lIMEMEI J O. LAVERS, 1) ITTStIOIIOII AND CONNELLS . { - ILLS RAILROAD CO. I , IRST MORT GAO E TCRTLE DIVLnION SI Ere TION BONDS.—Hu'ders are - hereby tiuth. ell 6 t hat the 'lnterest coupon. on the shove Rods, due August Irt, 1866, is 111 be paid on and alter that day on presentation and delivery at the ' , int N. t. anal Rank, NV opt street. JOUN A G E, j)15:31..W1,11.• S eretary and Treasurer HEN N ITl'9 . . POI;YTRICI_TM. FOR SHE HAIR, i . Iv. kr owleegea ey ell who hese use We , • 1, a No. 1. Try It ye doubten arta De cos 1. laced. For sale by el/ atuggssla 1 Jy1S:11.1 I 1665. NOW PEADY. 1865 TEE BCBOO HAND BOOK, Ceutalnlng valuable Lnformat lan on the culture of : , orgo and the manufacture of Starr ant, Snu an t hen from ; alto a fuU 111getreted deaerlptlon of the celebrated "COOK'S KVA PO R ATOR," and the " VP TOR" CANE MILL, sena free of chary., on tipplicvtion to our addresa Partics wahine the *Retry fr r the " Cock " Evaporator and the " Vic tor " and other Cane Mills manufactured by the (lark So' go Machine Co., should direct to our ad drere. iIL 931 Eli, BATE, n. DAY, Jyl6.3im Manallehl, Ohio. CLEANRE THE •Looll.—: — With cor cure, dieordered cad vitiated blood, you are nicks II over. It may burst out le Pimples or Sores, Cr in 1000 active disease, or It may merely keep you Batten depressed and good for nothing. But yon cannot have good health while your blood Is Im pure. ArEa'e Sarmarenitta purges out these impurities and stimulates the organ. of ilia lobo restoring Oa health and expelling Steel.. Bence It rapidly cures a variety of corn plaints which are caused by Impurity of the blood. ru•ell as Scrofula or King's Evil, T 11710,4, Ulcers, :tires, Eruptions, Pimples, Watches, Boils, SI. en. thi rip's Firs, Apse or Erysipelas, Tetter.or Sall Rheum ..old Mail, Ring Worm, Cans, or CerneeVous Tu. viols., Core Ey”, Female Mercian, such as Retention, Irregularity, Sopprrssion, tydWs, Sterility, also Syph ilis. or Foxes - Ed Diseases, Liver Complains. nod fleas , wares. Try Aran's SAILSAPACtiLLA, nod see fo: I ourself The inundator( activity with which It denotes the blood and cures these disorder,. Daring late years the public have been misled by largo tioitles, protendlng to give a quart of Extrait Saresparilla for one dollar Most of these hare been frauds epee the sick, for they not only eon !sin little, if any„Sarsaplirilla, but often no cure. tire properties whatever. fence, bitter disap pointment has followed the use of the cartoon ex. tracts of Sarsaparilla which 11 'sod the market, until the name Itself has become aynony moue witk imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound "sarsaparilla" and intend to supply such a remedy as shall moue the toad of, obloquy which rest. open It. We think we have ground for believing It has virtues which are Irrealstible by the ordina ry run of the diseases it le intended to care. We can only anon the sink, that we otter them the best alterative which we know how to produse, and we have reason to believe; It is by far the most effectual purifier of the blood 3 et dircoyerod by any body. ATER'S OIIZRET :PECTORAL IS 110 univernally known to su l len every other remedy for ,, t p he ß eture rhtf - I:7l! ' clgnt ' Z ' rit i rniltrn„ 4r ane for ' the nine( of cOn I IOIRpUTO Pallelllll 10 advanced stages of the disease, It Is °Hien here to recount the eel, de nce of la • Does. The world know. them. Prenered 09 Dr. J AltEtlis On, Mug , and sold by A. FannesToce h Soo, and by all Druggists. VEADY FOR hIAILINO The Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette, 111111E111, SENTENCE INli HIECOTION TH E CIONSPIEATORS. Full partlaulun al Their Confection—Their Last Words, Yon elsoneption of TEIII3 GE AT PIRA IN NEI Vir,Y02.114 AMOUNT - OF DAMAGE, dm, Tar ses at the coante et Tax Gass:moll , ,* lY VESTA VOPIC. m .104:1M11 Of** • VA copses LOS • i7IS:IIIFAX .714"11" win rERTISIEJIiEdIrTI3. NEI" GC ODP NEW GOODS, Received Daily at EATON'S, MO. 17 FIFTH STREET, THE OLD STAND OF Eaton, Macrum & Co., M3EM LATEST AND 1108 T DESIRABLE ARTICLES Trimming Line, EN TIMELY NEW STOCK Embroideries, Lace Goods, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IGr Ltheral Inducements offered, to the wholesale trade. F. H. ENTON, 17 FIFTH STREET. N EW QOODS FOR JULY! Jos. Horne Sc Co., hare Just opened Ft new stock at (Melee Dress (foods for the present seuoo, to which (atop la vt,e, attention. •• • . Farm Breen and Basque Trimmings, new . style; French Buttons, new style; garniture and Beaded Setts; L. gollsrs, Lace liandsernhletl; latest novelties In Lace Yells; French Embroidered Slags; Duple: Hoot Skirts; Balmoral Skirts; Stockings; gloves; sea Bios Shawls and lists; Coisets: Road Netts; Fancy Combs; Parasols and A.. Shades; Hugo., Muslim; Plain and Striped Swiss sod N:.lnsooks. FINE FANS In Pearl, I , m, Smile, he WHOLESALE ROOMS TIP STAIRS. JOB HORNS & GO.. js is 71 •nn II MARKET STREir . _ JUST RECEIVED THE IILIISTRATED PAPER 3, Pictures of the Eiteution of the Couspiraton, THE CONSPIRATORS' TRIAL. And All the New York Weeklies. JOHN P. HUNT, ills ia FIFTH 9r, NEASONIO HALL AT A HEDUcTioN FOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS, DBX GOOD*, &C., Ye( LEL L AND'S AUCTION HOUSE, 36".11"11.1:s. Btroot. i11ASO:410 FIALL BULL-DIN ) Air .alca tiOly SIITET FRONTS AND =MI Jyt Lad 21 TIF7 1.1 ST. NOTICE.—THE FIRM OF WHITE & +.` A LEX ANDER ha% log been dissolved by the di sth of JOHN ALEX. sts DER, all parties In. delot , d to saki (Inn are notified to :mks payment to t he tinderelgned, by whom the firm debts will be liquidated. ROBERT WRITE, Stasi ,Ing Partner, No. 69 and n Laeo.sk Silent, Allegheny. IN RETIRING FROM THE I would recommend Mr. JOHN B. WHITE, my tare partner, who coati°, e. the 1 I.lndy, to orate chatc.n et ~ as an experienced hulloes. manager. fils - ttd 13. HILL. C.; E (10 N D WARD ( ALLEGLIEN 1i) Bh,UNI Y DON D).—By a resolutton of tha School Hoard the Treasurer' was sulhor.rri advertise and receive proposals for the retirement at Thliteen Thousand (8I3,000) Dollars of tho tat lime of Bounty Bonds. J(JISN 131IOWN, Jn., Secretor?. Rids w ill he recolese at the Allegheny Trust Company until FRIDAY, the gist hist. Bidders will stele whet per eenlege In full of Bonds they ere willing to take. b. 14:1w W. A. REED, Treasurer._ eI,OC NTRY SEATS, COUNTRY SEA. 8 —Thirteen acres, five miles from the city, on the old Washln :toe Hued teal honer., barn and crowded with fruit. Also, a neat country Beat op. polite Homewood, on the turnpike, and eictoodme to the railroad. It contains nearly It Mira., plant. ed with a great variety of fruit, shrubbery; abut a eVot. Al, o, 6 acres, l% miles from Jones rarrT, on the Mansfield pike, n-ar Obey's. Good Imprive. meats, full of fruit. Also, a plc., Mfg acres, hours, barn and large papery, oppoeite late Judge Fur. Ward'. place, four miles from the city. 0,11 at jyid B. M'LAIN h 00. DR. J. L. ItIcHILE, (Late sindent yritti Prof. L. Oblahne,) confines his attention entirely to the praotios of medicine, sad will promutly attend to all calls in L. • px °lento; day and eight. 01117 CE No r 7 SEVENTFI STREET, jyl3llmollo/1 Pittsburgh, Pe, A PSESSMENT NOTlCE.—Nockar'is hereby given that I hive mule sitteoseserge r the mats 01 the petting of TAIifiEEULL CREED' All person. Interested ran see the setae at tut oßl:ee, In the Merket Rotldtng, until the Me DAY ul JULY, ltdS. CHAS YEItniSPFAR ~1y143.1d Roxanne( Reg. le•or. 100 REWA.WE WILL PAY 1113 the abovejetwerd for nay inloroistioh ante will lead to the'eonvieties of the villein who, on the night of the tenth of July, cute red our Machine atop, and crtF , ro PIECES THE BELTING einniaizosi , Oman. a 211. BOLE IL (10. ) Jf tkivid lzduittlal Works. 82,600. - 1, 0 0 R I 61 N AI...SHAREB lIRSZOLABB OIL COMPANY for We at .600 psi isbnze• " d ". , iyieatar & F.,. rtsre onto& I H. BALE. . _ ororenz u sigke . gitovz r , cohered tor We ea BATtattla 8 1 121 i lion on the For%Pliuto can 00 r hi ag„,l,9 l ,B_ of. uuttroVau ItTewthiL b il z°4 °ham ' J. B. CIAMIELD ~R9Fr 4/I MR I CONSt M PTION HOW TO CURE IT, NT ITH AN Ira. tore es t lams MC/ etcyx-yr DO, SCHENCK'S OWN CAE, reww—aar• WI it Laboring Under that Disease, mxramm Pt" LJIIO.VIC sFR CP, SEAWEED TONLO. I:=4 AND .7... L. GO VI. A nd easactra.3i.o • - 01 - ERA , ON SYSTEM IN CHINO THAT DIS H LETIZEI CREAT SUCCESS ATTENDING IT! Many years ago whilst residing In Philadelphia / Ind progremeo gradually into the last Maga of Pulmonary llonsumption. Ad/ hop of my recosety loins dissipated, I was advised by my I hYllelaa, Dr. Parrish, to remove Into the country. litorrestomis, N J, about, t miles dim tent, being my native place- - a was removed thodier, occupying two full days in the transition. My father, and ell his (smile, had lived and died trwrc—and died of Pulmonary Coneumplion, in my arr,Sl at hiorrestoWn I was put to bed, where I lay for many weeks in a hat was deemed , hope. Tess condition. Dr. Thornton, who had bean ay father , . family physi_lan, end had attended blot in his last Illness ' was called to see me. Ile thought my case entirel y beyond the reach of medicine, and d. miles I hat I must die, end gave me one week to nn,age my temporal affairs. lie had seen all my family die of constrict Don and therefore condo del that death teem the discsee which hal caret, nil my kindred to iho grace would also take me incte. In thin apparently hopeless condition, I heard of the remedies which I now niche and sell. It yen tad to me hat I could feel thug, working. then way. and ...crating every nerve Ohre and iioneyl my et s• an hly litoge . a.lll7xr put on n new =7:entitle molt 1J 'matter which had for )ears he point' sl ed etd Irrttat co the diffetent argent of the body, gr.. eno.itedl the tubercle. en my lung. ripened and I et ors e.I from my longs as much rts a pint of .low <Meant, matter es ery morning. As this trio at .rot of matte tsobsitted. the fever abated the path t me. the rough ceased to harrass rd the ex hnurtlng night sweat. were no longer haw n, end I hau n froanlog steep, to which 1 hsd long been n etrae ger. My appetite new betas to nlt rn, oLd time. 1 found it difficult 1 O reetraln myself from rot ng too much. With title return • heath, i 01.,1 In st rength, and am now fleshy. I not tow o healthy roan, with a large healed cleott ix in the mode lobe of the right lung end tl.e lower lobe hevotixed, with complete adhesion of the Outfit. The lift lung la 1101111 d. anti the upper lute of the right ane Lein s to/erabie healthy bdll on. Cot ihml Finn at tt at time woe thought to be an ucurehla ditenee,e•ry oar. playsimsns as well • ht.., oh,, Were u nlearned to um lletne—espe. •ty such t•eee On ureic I educed to the conditi.to 1 sae In. inducted many people to believe n reromtty truly temporary. I nowprepared sod ge se the inedlffee to et oautnytt•es for soin• tint • otat'e man) wonderful core, and the demand rt 3.1,1 so rapidly the* I determined to otter 11, to to the public,n, d devote my untilvlded atten ti, ti to loop dm /tem In truth,) Yr.. next to hc , ed to It, frt . to Gide would send for me tar and to sr, to ascertain whether their 0.. were Into ne HI" mg tom:x.lton to examine mane roe.. of to / g I Was prompte • In I.vynt lowa. n t coiled ••Schet . nek's liespirometer," whicnh .41S , me In detecting the venous sister. of long disessea cir !tinny yenro. in enn,ionet Inn with my prinel• ortli, 1 hare been I:lshii.; trq uh.f y Inds 10 \,wink., Boa oa, B vitiator* and For several yean past I have made e. many as fire hundred aanalost• ions weekly with the ??Rase. ;ammeter." For such ea-mutual/of my charge le Malec dollar., and it enables me to give each p t. tient the true condition of h oleos. and Leif Ulm frankly whether by will get wall. tine of the greatest dzlliculties I haves with pt. tit roe afflicted wills lung dsscase, is to convince tn. en to avant taking I the wilds. Many think If s h. y taken') pent cites they should curry, nn mat. Iry h.s citric.. they may be in that way. Thin is • gsrat error, for If any one will read over the any cures which I have hublialasd Irons liens to t ;re.. hey will find that nowt of tam were those 0 . persona who were confined to their beds and .sat if not take coid, aid by this, careful avoideaana t I COO the lung. were heated. Physsicians advise r.r patients to go out sod Inhale the fresh air I ..teo they cure by ro doing I be the hundred I A. All,. Ise consumption la every elty answer be gueellon. v Ur. sett er fist a patient la n Licht, illy yen • twisted room. than let them gat Out and take a Or cold Many who hare been curial by eny t • ro, lon ?he abler triee broke, Warn so otres. Iti•e, "tat one rouse. Lard y repson tri the roam, ...t yot tLey gut Matt without Cip . O6.LIVLO the open stsr the great reasons why phystcLans I not corn rimeun.pidi n ii.ll.ot they try to do tor much; ey mtr to sto/ the (much, to stop the hls tit saw co, !wet. lever, and by al dotes, they ras , spot.• dig/salt., sp steam I 100(114 np tt aicrettina, end •veutuatly tne mango dies rat I do Is to first make • careful cs•tudarstlon • toy I espirtuneter, and II I n laumt eraots.th I, 11, I ,r it s. Qs• p.t.rot hale to Liar the three rein ewer, and :ors ei.ra him. I stow sr y ledl that sopossnl. to make new loess, or evert fe•nrslo I: portion that Is destroypd, but I arrow et the ore Lithe dot cat 11l s Ito long. and Mee:a t:nos to P. lareys and bronehwl tube. can ho h. ...Id, and Jitat. Suchi Vtarb Ore c.are..l try the pioper 131, • of Sete m "Yultnonk Syrup," nod tl.• e Ihrw." a h, lot tier nee dein., daily wader to e o ihnsty treatment of Argot... Is Is a /net rutslaPte cowmen tapiii4l33lo7 Intel. 'went tritons. that (hera are medtclaes wHieh .111 o II) the :door'. Wten tur blood If diseneed It cannot he purthed, It .• then the tante ...her di st..., atter to tar system and will have to he oar. tool rut of the system bp the organ. which or. appointed r that purpose and replaced by new u Li, rt eau hod 1111 opt.' mop the nutritive et ions mud netting the dtsewt.l•e .Iptiarattil In good rorslng order. The 61.011..Wir lieer and bowels o• re rest•ted to a healthy ,romillarat, then au at It sure of good, not, ..hlng leo.l will Mike 04 W Met di shim push, et, as Itv, ant take II r you..' or that r. ell Is I..sease-0, and thus sups. I.ly th. went ci the betty. Tun Prhstostio vv., Is one of the roost emu. able methmhes known. 11. Is nuttacent, to faerfu l iltt. rind healing itself. It or reality rltseatel and kb,. bed Liao the I lord to who: it Imparts Its healit e provett les I know no medicine that has rL oe 01 [Ail ‘• much to renu.l,l, w ori ,p o r, sod tool:ea./own conditions or the system, Scott, Ws Suavest, roam Is dlatllle I from • d. con Plied with other tante an I eleratlvs ots and balks. in blurb a manner as to m eke deuoledly mealelhe, haring a poise. ful tooter eiteet, a r I hoot the tumble dlsust rout ragtag analog Itom arennella atimulasto The vend Tonic pror'ute• lasting results, thorodshly "wain.; the stomach and &Kestrels system, and • bud It to eliminate rind make tato healthy Hu. d, tne fowl which may be used ler that pew par it,.,,, ouee lei In Its • Erects, that a wise. Or Pr Nil will nfgest w hearty Die, . and n Itttle of p. kt n hen re idcwittitst. will give a Loon to tn.) 0 • 4 I. net which fee medicines 1K ISJC.. the I'd,te of do., r Nt AN nnsac PILL. may betaken with enttra St • it try ail sp. and conditions, pro ueli•g g. kt laths that ran ha obtained Irmo maim:mei or nil it meicur al medicine., awl without any hurtful result.. They car, out of tie ea. ein me it eulani anis to torte out matter. loosened coal dies, 11 ed by my Seaweed Tonto and l' ulationla qtr ii; . It astir be limn that all three of any medi• clr i e a, rimmed In meet cases to care Ca tett mt. ir ni and, in fact, my 'ergo tatiorien, enaal si to decide that they have Cured morn eases rf slant disease tutu any combinxtions of medico., known, to MAO. In the carious editions cf pamptile . . I have puts lishrd stony of the Melt womierful cures of "Pali mons ry Oceania:lotion on record. Persons, many with both lung. affected, sometimes large cavities In ore lane, healed over by my rue. 1101.41... are now /.VMS and enjoying tam Bent nealtp: 1 will give a kw eases sod intent slime 'from different owle of the ciunily, so that thin., who wish may visit of wine lo them nor more po.itive information. Ilea. floury Neiman, a minister of nigh .cycle In tie city of Boston, and well boo en over the United States as a Mon of great ability, was cured by taking my medielse alter all t ther treat struts had failed. He has often Innen writ og to me with regard to the fsetaArn hi. case, and away. answers "1 am the matt" A full statement of his came mei he Seen in my pamphlet. Ho aZd.6 profuseht morillegc on the longs, and wan de.ry ..net em/ elated. I Botta H. Deacon, of Bnilinglon,LN. J., was cur. dol Scrofula and Zaino Inl disc es, At the timo ' he commenced uslng the tutaiditiao by iyby aim! et a moos of sorest. He le now perfectly well an. nail' ut , . lint cure entirely to my medicine.. Marlin Koch, farnirr, :tying ricer Peteetburg, Ma &ming county, Ohio, tray . very toad case of Pulmonary Con.unlition, and rte entirely oared by my medicines. Be i• aril known In dial community, and bat been ibt means Indu,ingn great many persona in Oita to ass then. erturittes, and with great meccas. 111. Photo graph, I oth before and oiler he was curet, eon be seen t my Agent's, Dr. Keyser, Ito Wood MI tot, Pittsburgh, Penna. Na Intim Alexander, of Pdtaburvh, Po ‘ , ll cured of a very had ease of Urapepal♦ nod layer (!on plaint by the Seaweed TOW , ' and alftadrake airs. Prueeno. Johnson, wife of °sot Johnson, now roll' lag at No 12 W. Third Street, WWl* on. burr. N Y., was cored of Pulmonary 0 maump lien and Is now as hearty an old Lady as can be fouid. Pi ter Sty ker Beekman, of Semervilla, N. was noon., remaraabla cure of Pu'monary Con.. unapt ton. coallieco la attested by his clergy, man at d oilier well known anima. Km. Jane SarheF, o f WuhlylWa City, cured of a bad case of Dyapepsts and Liver Com, plaint Ste Is an mred woman and Der complete ter every Is re ry rernallreble, Mils Miry Schmid% of Kensington, Pa., was a bad case of Consumption and LIM Complaint, and suffered greatly from Dolls, daring at one time more than fomy bolls open bey person. title was coil ely cared, medial:caw married and Using wl•li bet CUM y In (Inttaretia Ohio. sonwrows principal aurae is at fig , /ao.tf, Sixth Street; corner or Oemeaerne, P • Morpala,lihere ill titanium% be addressed. caw De found One, I rolesstonidty,..EYEST Sa 1711DAY,_ ,•. DR. GEO. H.-KEYSER, NOille t tf.4o .l V WA, ritObtiObtßa Li the aatbortzal Kent far the We of ifrak7 faiallatass. 41114 far rTrE 4.141F1RS TLYIEALEIXI4I4 INSURALItC/1 GASH MINCE CO:: 1 ' ANY, Of Pittsburgh. GITICE. 57 FOITS2II STREET MUMS EitriLDLNG ISAAC N. PENNOCK. President. JOHN V. JENNINGS, Vice President, TIIONAS GRAMM, Secretary. CAPS , B. J. GRACE, agent, cute B. S. Inspootor of Stoozoon ) INSURES AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. Insures Steamboats and Canoes. Cu in transit per rail to Philadelphia, New York, A., taawed W rota. Policies - lamed on the most favorable term. ISAAC DI. PENNOCK, President. JtJESI F. JENNINGS, Vice Prumlent. Bow:A Illoo'miter Jake Hill, Thomu Donnelly, H. W. Oliver, Jr., B. H. llArtman. N. J. BM , Robert , John Steemaon Wm. H. Forryg, Dat MI Wallace, Airman Chambers, *so:tol OIL PTRIEZ GREATEL•T BARGAIN TEr OFFERED! 600 Acres of Oil Land, Vli7 ZI Pfh "1" T.7* I 1.1. Gr X rkTI.A., FOR $13,000, CASH! If Purchased Before Jaly 18th, lust. Vella ere belay murk In the Immediate vicinity, and sal will undoubtedly be found on the place. The tale le Indisputable. For further particulars apply at 'THE GAZETTE OFFICE," RE:3IuVAL, BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., Have Just °erupted their New an lapactouu Wareroom and factory, No. 167 FMITEIFIELD STREET', P B UAG .fora they aria make and keep on hand SLEET LEAD Pi ' PE INATE:II, OAS AND STEAM GOODS, of e . cry desortption. Orders solicited P. 0. BOX 1079. Aserteaon'a tirrica, 210 DISTRICT pe..,( No 66 Water street, Allegheny. lutv lgth, 1866. A SPESSOR'S NOTICE —NOTICE IS hereby gives to all persons interested, that an appeal wiltbe held at the °thee of the Asses -o.r of V. S. Tales, No 65 Water •treet, Allegheny, on the ad. 4th sod sth DAYS OF Arlol/ST, fur that portion of the twenty.third collection dis t let of Pennsylvania, composed of that part of the county of Allegheny lying north of the Alle gheny and Ohio Myers, at which time and pia.:e the annual list and proceeding of the Assietnat Aseessore for said county will be open to the in• mwellon •f all parties interacted, and sppeals heard and determined, relative to any erroaeons or exerselve valuations...set:cents or imumers. Lir made by the said Auistani Anal snore. N. appeals must be made in writing, All ST.lffity the partieular eau., matter or rile; ere; act leg which a decloion is requested, and shall, moreover, state the ground or principle of error complained of" S•ASTJEI, MAIMS, Iylliernitd Ameaeor 214 District, Pen.. Fox THE GOLD REGIONS OF IDAHO I I .hall learn Pittsburgh, In a fear week.. for PENY Eit CITY, WAHL , . Prran trirtuni to R^ to Idaho, sill azd use of the beat opportututtes tier °gem] It r a PLEASANT TRIP 4:31- cip , r...3a Pt. 331 43 , x i CI , 1%7 E 3 Good Spring (Covered) Wagons or tents for tamping out. Everythlne wilt be ,• Entlett. enter. A few more peenenort ww bo ff.best for $125, INCLUDI/G BOMILD rply at once to O. WAOHINOTON BROWN, at 're °thee of Ness,. Phelps, Paris b. Um, No. !I et Ulair etr•et. MUM:trek, Pa, or address P. W. Box 3 . .0. All•pheny City. Pa- Jyt [Ward 'IN 11LE COUNT OF QUARTER SES SIUMII, of Alleetteny on unty, No. I, Juno T. t to, Nee. In the matter of the petition O. G. Fells X. Brunet, Alestmder Young dal let e I.4auen of the City of Allegheny, for the VAG, two of ties feet in width, from th eastern Iles of the east sidewalk of Onion Avenue, front Ohio .1,1.1 to Anderson street In said ells, and Ave feet In width from the west line of the west sidewalk ..1 Centre Avenue, from Ohio street to Anconoa •tfVet, In said And sow, to wit, June 17th, IBS, the withls po , Minn presented end teed in open Court, nod on motion of S. A. k W. S. Puryranee, solicitors d petitioners, a rule Is hereby granted to show eAuse why wird portions o said sdlewslks should not Le eineed tip sod vbeste4, sod It Is ordered that snld rule ohs' , be published In the Pittsburgh Go erns twice a wtsl, for four weeks. PT THE , IJEN.T. Attest: W. A. HERRON. Clerk. J.22;lwdcrl2anal I) °°KB AT REDUCED PRICES. DAVIS, CLAEKE & CO., D 8 I:7Cr c:1 ISI t e. I r. now offering their large rock of Miscellarteoul lituk• at an Important discount. oriespondenco with nettles at a distance ao• fielded. JyC DAVIS. 0L.A.11.6.E fa CO. SLIMMER II IR S S GOO D FOR SALE, eLt Rc clucc c3L .Pric'es,l:3,3r w RITE, ORR & CO., E=ll2 )3 14:v4 SI; PEIUOR OIL ENGINES. We are ennstroeting, and will keep on superior .idle of OTT. MI DS C3r ZI'SIII zither a Common or Tubular Boiler We Invite partite needing engines for this pur pose to call and lee them, corner of PIKE and tell ARA STREETS, near City Water Works. jrss kfIAORINTOSH, ItaneßlLL. 6. 00. ISAAC CRAIG'S OUTLET SAW MILL, AND BARGE YARD Craig Street, Sllegheny. EDIAPANA KA, (BLOOD oußir..) .-. A most remarkable article and positive mire for SCBOI DLA EIDEUELATUM _IYEDHAst, O lA, DYSPEPSIA,. ITCH, PIDIPLM, and al disease. of the SUN. A. a Tonle, It revives the appetite, perfects d gestion and wholly restores therohyaleal stenekth arm It needs but a trial to prove its virtues, nr sale by BUM= JOHNSTON, Drusiel Jes earner Smithfield awl Fourth streets. ALEX. AIKEN. 11:120733ETWP.4143:311F4 No. PM Fotolb street, Plitabaryi Pa. DOTI orb of all lands. Oad PleB, and frr d salptlot or Mood Paraliluig Opede Dooms open day and olakt. Deane aad Outlay! , teraiaba astataaarai—liay. David Herr. DAL, Rev. K. W. Juotu, DX, Magmas MOW. Jacob ki,Miller rag. - Jets. DrFighting 'Woe and Patent . 054 . 21 nranartokaii • • 777 •:,u.n.ctinNwsnl=l. 911 . 11 • itati4ziesito:iiiii.isiteii. •-• • ion WALL PARBB—acrwielt=" mo ui *ban ..- • • UM tsb a st , HO: hear PI B M Med, DV midi 1911. 1. =MN di M. $4 K 8 4. 1 171 8J64 ARAM rWITSD memo 7-30 Loan, THIRD WHOM DBML Comer of Wood Strut lad Ento etlq nscAz AGENT Or TEE !TETTE:O STATEZI wad SPEOLLL AGENT of Jay Goof" U. E. AMA for aka tab of ttla Seven-Thirty Loan, POPULAR LODI OF TRH PEOPLE, AND THE Only Loan in the Attarh4:)3 GORTMEZI23I4 urro V. O. 6-20 SIX . PEA grEdn, GOLD EDMUND BONDS ii-Ltberal - Oottortialous "Lowed to dollen. Z. B. LIVINGSTON. Castile= mbOtt SECOND NATIONAL DAR, Of Pittebnrghj Corner of Eland and Liberty Streets Special Agents of Jay Cooke far the sale of NEW SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN This is etrktly the People's Loan, andLi being el:mortal at the rate of about doe mlttioruiper day. Vitae bonds bear an latirrest of Two I=7 033.t11:10 3E . 113.1" '3ZO/2:37 seek hundred dollar., and are convertible st mste• ray into U. S. }lvo-Tweaks St Per Osat Beef Bearing Bonds. Full oommisslon. will Do allowed te; ... irklus, Bankers, sad Brokers, who pozcimse for C. H. 'RIGGS. Cashier m►ssm/ , Tm' EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK Of Pittsburgh. Chartered by they Capital 'Organized ander State of Pa., 1816 $1,000,000.;liate1 Law 1865 This Hank has been designated a DEPOSITARY or raz United States Treasury, end eMedeted agent for the sale of the 7..80 I-• C> .A. IN7 . Every facility trill bo offered to larester. or par ties porch/Icing far mule FL M. MIIRBAY , Cashier at 491 f ADDY m EWENI., PRACTICAL 3 RUMMERS. Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 165 WOOD STREET, (oppostp FIEST OHCFEO/1,) Pumps, Hydrattts, Sheet Load, LEAD PIPE. P & BAR LEAD. Plumbers' Materials in General. OIL RE*Jf.rERIVEI Fitted Up in the Most Approved Style. Tanks lined with ieodop copper. Howes atted up with water or gas. N. 11.—All orders pronChtly attended to. Rs AM ES DOWN, COMPLETE YOUR VOLUMES ! W ORTIFY OF NOTICE: The cettbrate4l ',Wheeler & Wilson SEWING )lACIIINE I was awarded the at at Seise—a Intr, aVver .12. , 111---10 the International Show, held at I tettin, Prussia, a few week. knee, "as the beat sewtna machine for all ordt, har7 t.rposea."—done Jeer/ha, Jose 2.9ta. TED 1111111 ES d WILSON 1, Lock Stitch Sewitg Machines,' 'received the higher, premiums at the ; great international Exhibitions, at PARIS, Prance lag •"eDOPr LOND .N, England lea; 11.0/0 NOS./IG, Prueate I 80, where ell the Sewing Machines of Europe nett America were la eon pretittou. W baleful.. end Retail Sales itoom, 'NO. 21 Fifth Street, Pittabsugh. E. P. CAE,PENTE'II, 1 . 1 Jefe Sole4rimt. ONLY 15 CIL.NTS Back nrimters of HA RPYRS' NAGA ZIP ES AT LA NTIO It. ON TB LY. 011E.Y'S LAI) I'S lit.lo.lE. PETERSON. LESLIE'S MONTHLY ANTI' li S. DEMUREST. d au Other Afagazines ONLY 15 CENTS ONLY 15 litr.TS ONLY 15 DENTS .Come early, before they ere ell gone, et PITrOCK'S, )I8 OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. OFFICE OF TILE 001 , TROLLER Or ALLUOILOY 0010111 . T. PL,I Pirrentruon, July iith,32l. TO CONTRACTURB.—RE&LED PRO POSA[S will be melted at this ofnee, until Itth Inelustre, for brulding the rollowit g new bridges One over Bull Creek on the lino be ta cell town and West Dear Townehins, on tho tool leading from Millertown to the K•ttaunin Road, and one over Thompson's Run at Pollock's ',hutch, on the lire between Wilkins and Patton Township.. Plan. P 124 veciftentlons can Le non on applies lon. By dizectlon of Coant=anstooor.iaT, JS o:6W4liwT McCORD as CO., Wholesale Dealers lo Hats, Caps and Straw Goods Have now to store the hugest and mod complete stock of GOODS FOR SUMMER AND FALL ET!? offered in the west. 6rerchante ire reginsatail to cell end examine our stock, which will be sold at very low rater not 131 WOOD STREET. AID ftRAY 01=L. C 7 073ZEP AN'S". W. P. MURRAY. President. J. EL LILLY, Secretary and Treaattrer. The Company owns in ire simple a ben contaire to g eighty-.even urea and forty-Eye paveho, locw tcd on Brecon. Run fa tributary to Cherry Run,) end lyowbetween Cherry Bun and 011 Creek. Tweuty.Mghl leases haie already been made to respon&ble partite, among whom will be found the names Of some of the oldest wad most staxessfu mean" on the Omen. The entire tract will accommodate Ron Cil to ISO well. TM. farm Is surrounded by tone et the most celebrated of producing farms, on 011 Creek sad Cherry Run, and Is in slow proximity to the "Reed" and "Mountain" Welts, and about cad mile from the Walnut Besot Well. The Company office a Limited number of chaise at the rubeeriptiow prim, SEVENTY-F VE CENTS PER SHARE. Maps of the property, together with all informs. then regarding the property - and organization of the Oampruiy 01111 be obtained at the Oleo of STEEL a. HALLEY. Agouti. WILKINS EtA-LL. VULCAN COAL YARD, ROBERT DALZELL. Mai &limning illaratne Shop at the Pl 4. Math sad 00611CILT11111 BiLUZIANI 00044417. I . Est faughlagiumy Family Coal and Hat 041 "WATic Oki , hzzi l COAL MITERED AT 811011 T DTI - •W. •c, , 1, 1, ~ ~ ' tu ~-0 ,-.: - :' : ` 'pap,v444lcramin at TEE 9ntaitiorh. lir 1. IV M i l!‘o St lSlT`t7 r : .?. 0 aum ortd. ~ ~ . , .fittiz 4 GL-400 bum*" kind 'll 44034 ii glow**or tz tairi ii t r e i l , Jan 1(016 1111 liel IN WWI arms. 1a VI rfkatW VB. INBITR&NCS , Manufacturers and Merchants INSURANCE CONPANY; Of Pittsburgh. 6FFICF4 No. WV! WATER STEM tEACIALET.3, BIX6RING.) - J. I. RENNET, President. J. Iv. c,BA.LRAMT,Ittes Preefaieidr WH. P. JON S, Seerebui. NIMES WINO LOSS HT FIRS Insures Steambikta and Cargom araitrors .LADIES L PsONlfi JAMB L sowasm, HOBERT LEA., J. 0. PERSHING, M. W. WATSON, L. R. KaAJSOT tonsiza MATZOS' pie a MAME Insurance Company; CORNER WOID AND FIRS? STS., (Mar Peoples *Bona) Bank.) BICEULEED 0 MUT; President. DAVID EL PAELL- Vice Prealdeaft ROBERT 113231 - 47, Beraintaz7. Will Insure .Afainst all Kinds FIRE LAD NADINE RISKS. D.strvoes R. 0. GRAY, D. E. PARR, JAMES M. MARTON, ir ot%j 9ei wyrh, 'TAMES N. olio. JORN GRAFF 'DEED P. SMITH,, N. J. BIGLEY' gDAV. ORAWIIGGIA F. Id. CIARDON. zarAtind EUREKA INSURANCE CONANT, Of Pittiburgh. Office : Comex Wafer and IgarketSts.l (BAGALET'qBVELDENG.) SBOENEIERBER, Preeldant. W. H. NEMER, *tee President. ROBERT MINNEir, Secretary. WELL IMMIX A LL ICLINDS (AM ST A Marine ancFire Risks. • punt6os.ss J. H. SHOENBERGEIt r iW. K. arnalox, W. J. ANDERSON, :ID. J. ANDERSON,_ JAMES I. BENNETTOL W. BELIE - HOOT= R. D. COCHRAN, J. A. CAUGHET, R. T. LEWD, Je., •,W. W. MARTIN L 11. PF.NNOCK, D. &HERON IL PAIHTHIR A. tatTiamd ItLilliTTAl 2 *l3loll3 or IMPROVE) BORING TOolli, Sinking Oil, Saltiand Other Wells 80, 136 WOAD STRUT, Tools warranted aaratof the eery beat SLIGO AID LOW MOOR mot. WELL itORIIMS Lacalavegart 404=12. Priocres. •Ith rash articles as clie accessary to cardiac eVeatlons, yiz ANVILS, r?. BELLOWS, ~ A . ISES SLZIAi 0 EAI,_ HA DI WEBS, el SHUN' ELS, 0. PICKS, AMIEZ 1," , ,?. Rope, Leather WI Qom Selling, 1E211221 all of which I havo4onataatly 111 'tore, Jet:amain , Ciltv CINN ATI L 4.A.D PIPE AND SHEET LEAD WUr F fill. Id'CORMICg & GIBSON, No. 19 Ea 1\11.23.t.13. COYCLTNA77, OHIO Make lo order PIPWAND EIHEETS of any erquired weigAt and food Sheets jper arrani Tbs., and ambit. Pipes, calibre, inch tof, lathe& AJzo, vary LIGHT PIPE or Hydra Hama and for drain. thy wells. We would especially IA lb* attention of Plmsi bon and Proprietors of qu Works and Oil Walla WOODSIDE 65 Vit;ALLAOS, 17713.calemsniae, 24- X>xmagslestis. ARO DEALERS ER • White Lead, Red Lead, ‘ X-Stilarage, Palate, Varnishes, Ore Storrs, adow (11w and Putty, Spices, Perfumery, Beard/e, Carbon Oil, &a Also, Agent. torWintega kletai ll o BroWn lalanalron White Lead, Mader Oak White Lead. and Maur, a Whitonfs Celebrated Patent Dire'. In nes and two pound naka. No. 87 WOES 875LEEZ (OPPOSITE THE sr.:j:IIILELES MEW EtiNBYLVANLI.; , A.GBICULTIIILits 80011.27. The Venn:grants Rata Agricultural Wet, tvm hold Ito ' -r;itiliation as ' SEP/EMBER se e s Oh. 23th sad Mb, . lULLIMPOnm a Meill/311 oimr. Ear latatuatkm dettgld deainag to 412.3111=, applienitnn Par =a otposlark blillelabin Or tha oral= r v= mullinalgain,OCll.sol7a }ante:mg. A. =ow= thimAzuksiibii, Itcarcummy, 21,1704-- 1.1211ww „LAID . - . J .,- , .....::::.i.. - ri..;;-:-..-‘,5 -., - PnivanV.atttilt!ttiittf.2-'' . :/ `1 MEAD Pinataftkolimalild . ` - Bazar um:kat Nor. ft auntial me so citeratiiiiiiiz i i Onsafssion maigutati2arus gild X.. , W. PAINTED. iJ. H_IIHEERANT. -' %--.1-°,,,,U m w E fitrion B. 0. BUSHNELL. JOHN WILbON. WE A ME. 1.• PITTSBU7IOII, PA. HATUHETS, SAWS, WRNS, WREMES, PLANM. LEVELS, NAILS, tr.e. PITTSBURGH; PA.
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