btry NOTICES • - Yoa tan tt a yarti photo:rapt at oppo site the i'mtcalce. thietiaTe /dinzta thi - peter Pittoek oasis then cl So the people. Oat tad see ltln assortment, 11 fitistare, opposi4 ihkiiottee. Still Greater :inducements AMP Olrated. trttydni of boots, Shaft and Dry Good. to mdeito cliedoit aum=cr . stock, at Inc qe-1141Pita Suitloni4livrium, as rum street. .1 , Important to Families.. The entire clay of sounder devoted to ynvate Satinet Botta, Shoots and Dry °coda. 'at Meniet. Unita Auction Rouse, Karol:do Zsll 12tolirli4D • Printer VTatitted.• • • •' ne - A Best elan newspaper cornpos r n each of a js•••=aaaat, situstlens oy vpoui at this office. Pfdei but those atn ere competent, and hicre ll= Sane =Faience= a daily paper, neves:take appn- Our Bender& W-111 bear iiHilifethit J. H. runian4lcro. 03 keti,tp .3,lcntinsjiy4 hap ugtmcr no v o k of Boots Mir!, Iflatteie int,tllatrehialstir. 'greatly reduced IdiegshlOmake roma . far fail "Kock. Glre trim oilL "A word to Ills wise ill aufgclerit," Saturday, eiftlre; day,tavoted to private sale. of Dry doeda,ehallig, keop Seize!, if oder', &c. ; olio ladles', gents' arid children:ea boots, thee" sad gai t/cm-10 every variety and at low prior; etßloOlel iluid's Auction Emporium, re Fifth street, Masotti° ' Oil Strike Decidedly the gresteat bargain yet offewed for the puseheao of oil territory be (mord in an adver tisement on the second page of to-dare Gazeret. 'The time, however, la quite limited, (July Mao end those vatting to avail themselves of the bar gain should do to immediately. The proprietor ems be se, n et the Oazarre office until the expira tion of the time Mated. Thomas W. Parry —Practical Slate Roofer, .and Dealer in Anunioan Slate, 6f Valiollll Orders. Mee at Alexander Laughlin% near the Wafer Work', Pituburgh, Pa. Realdenea, No. 5, Plke street. Orden , promptly attended to. All work warranted vaster proof• at pairing done aOhe tuitiee. No charge (or repair., propided the roof la not abused atter tt is put-on. Lincoln and Washington Thia pieturv, designed, c an apotheals of our Lite lamented Chief Magistrate, represents Wash. Lleton in theact of I...settling Lincoln as he Nees Into the other world andplaces on hie brow a laurel ``orreaqt. IC fa a touching and beautiful ploture, Itppeallvg at once to the tenderest feelings, and to the noldsaft amstlmenta of patnottam. Photographs for the album er for framing can be had at Plttock's, opposite the li.ostofftco. The Right Place The question la often asked, "Where can we purthase geed wearing apparel, such as pants, cant., bate, &c." One of the moat important and des to the health and comfort is a good pair of 'beets or above, and the rigi.t place to purchase them is at the Philadelphia Shoo Store, corner of 11.1Ariet and Diamond, Pittsburgh. Messrs. S. W Carnahan & Co., are the courteous proprietors All their stork is either made or purchased ender tacit Dm:isolate supervision. They sell a good r tide, and as cheap as any, of their neighbors. We would advise our renders and the public generally to give them a call, and satisfy themselves, had we are sure they will not go out of their store without buying. IMRE! Our frleod, !tr. John Wlere 1% Federal Start, A lie bony, as to the east whoa the glorious news of The capture of Huhmend and the surrender of the rebel gen.ral Lee was re. calved, and taking adrah:are of the panic pro dneed, and knowing the re-ar:lon that avoehl (gal /Ow, made Teri . hurt"- purchases of the finest spring and summer godds at about one•half of the Old priers. • Some of the finest cloths, casstmeres and festingsaie included lo his litock, which he la prepared to make up to order, on short notice, la the latest styles, and at correspondingly low retell. A choice asaortnaent of furnishing goods and ready trade clothing win also be found at his elegant estaiinehn:ent. Our Aneghenyirlands should elve Limn can. Mr. Clement Tetedous Rae Jost tv - rltten she following 'highly commeoda tory letter In rotation to the .'hickethe Ilene. to O. Mellor, the agent to this city for thee re toWned instrument,. Mr. Tetedons le well-known in one community 00 a gentlemen of Lich integrity, and of great ability and experience in hie profp. lion ; hie opinion le therefore entitled to the fall confluence of the pnblic : Pirrauclion, July 6, 1465. ' t lidr..Crias. /IStitt - in—Dear Str,—The increase lug sterns of over thirty years which your hones has tore ln the rale of thesitilekering Posooi, Is In itself for this section of the country n plain ecrtlll. la m in favor of the imitruments whose excellence L en ooe iretbkeown thrau,-bosr the land, and & acknowledged by the greatest European net. fete. The rotted aortae., and rich depth of the ()tuckering Pianos, their orchestral power and an me/lowneac, together wtth their elasticity and event.. of touch, lip of construction, beauty of r oe h of end uratic s and durability, areal' qualltics familiar to those whose good fortune it tale ho provided with one of them. tJae healtating purchaser, is' may be safe y gelded by the emphatic opinion of such pianists art Thalberg, Gottschalk. Strakoacti, ht., who not only use thetlhlekering Planes in prltiste.air entrust those tnatrumenis with the success of their public performerera nod has. laspir•tiona. Roweser, is is particularty to its relation to the voice, Rewor d as an mccomy.ittylng rument. that I intend to speak of theta:ticker - mg Piano. liicsaea. °bickering are among the few moo urers wtio have not yielded ta the fatal notioe conceiv.l of late years otraising higher and higher the pitch of piano: for the sake of a 'spurlow sot deceptive brilLency. This proct lee tridsotly defeats the In tention of place composers, who are Induced to the "selection of a key bye deeper motive than Mere meafinnical elite icary. Bei d.a ruinous effects on , the voice are obvious. It reduces to naught the beet teaching nod most co , acietatlons study cf registers, strains the vocal organ and mt.. leads tee cur. Terse reaulta I have ascertained he say professional expemeoca, and for this reason I Use and recommend to roj ttlends and pu - ills the Chlckerlrg Pinata, rut only es the most n.rf.c . for Instruments ) performances, but oleo' a toe' est adapted to vocal ex, cation, and Latest for the cuh Illation and ;reaervation of the voice. Yours very truly, CLEMENT TETEEET.T. .Itte Future of the South The reports of profits occasionally acquirer' 'y the freedmen from the cultivation of a few acres of cotton, cannot fail to astonish Northern agrt. naturists: The idea of making three or four thonsand dollars clear profit by the single crop of twenty acres or land and the labor of not More then two perscas, Is novel to those aeons toned to the moderate returns of Pennsylvania husbandry. Even at the old prices, the growth Of cotton on the new lands of the Boathwest most base been extremely profitable, or the "farmers could not have afforded to purchase elates for the large soma which were readily .dfer them. It is evident that the Southern • oblates have been much I more richly en dowed with natural ovantnes than 'the ragged but prospeious :ccrmtnenwealtlis of the north. If the same amount of labor, energy, ima Skill, that has been exerted on one side of Mason and Dixon's line, during the last fifty years, bad been displayed for that same period South of it, that region would now be the gar ' den-spot of - the world, and rival In wealth and roductlveness the proudest empires of Eurooe. llnnttaellllllgegt andtritexestedlabor is all thatisneed . ed to convert t scene of the rebellion into one • of the fairest mad most productive portions or, the habitable globe. Its agricultural capacity is almost unlimited. It can supply the world with an abundance of the products It most needs, • end for which it is willing to pay liberal and even extravagant prices. It can add sugar, rice, cotton, tobacco, wine, fruit, roein and turpentine, In orlon tl ties, to all the food needed for domestic con rumption, and, if it chooses, to many species of domestic manttfaettires, and the development of its Tint Mineral wealth. it cannot be that, to it people endowed with such advantages, the perpetuation of the horrible curse of staveryls an essential element of prosperity. The whole hit ' tor, of civilization unerringly teaches that the exact PM= to true, and that Freedom Is as ln dispettaahle,to the development of the varied re. Sources of a great country as it Is to the intellee tad andmoral growth of a human being,—.l3l/- akiphialN)4l: e A RULE of Rreatlmportance toparties- thtetent 'Naumann', hati keen Introduced by the lament Bedew/ of thelleitimior. Linn Important essf3,. ,ikeikeres.nrhaajnattdlrectinLtheCounlastoubr turantforthiettnia to poem testimony "pimp : : ::ciereinswil;- although the rernswil had been 'tictileted . by th e C eiamblgloaer, 014 14e orio u g - foga thelORL cFP l rul,:,, - • Two Irmo= andone Federal pag entrwto deeerted while in orison at &Warn I ndia n a tho itch,,Stat esPiaid. ago - bye GUM! mon=sa, blostlerialgio*W4 .whem wete ImpU• t.,atais; cOtrWebeszisrisn. =dery Inv metro& aorapO r pi Deportpeal for ,ateir 'MONO cin T E DAIL -, of . . - 181.. ER HT HOURS , WORK. I. It Is proposed In several of the &mei to re al:l66e hinnber of hoofs of dolly labor, making ,eight hours the role instead of tea. That this wRI be done at some future tame we think to moat-probable, but the , present movement ap ' peers to be premature. Just 'now when the whole couutry Is trying to overcome the ex ' hrwsileZ effects of the war, and erwort thelmr. den of of taxation which It kw IJy assruned, Is hardly a propilions time for =tailing the hours of labor. Rather Is more strenuous toll needed let prodnce the means of paying our pub. tic indebtedness, end to renew the progress In Improvement whichhad to be at least partly sus pended dining the war. Modern Inventions have indeed enabled man kind to produce the necessaries; of 'life with far less labor than formerly; but at the same time new wants have been created which were unfelt before, the difficulty of supplying which has almost_ kept race with the means.. When, In addition to these waste, coma the demands of the nation,in .41 ratio lips fold greater. than they used to be, we may well be cautious that we do not lessen ear ability to meeithem. We grant that there are strong arguments in favor of the proposed change, and In some kinds of employments probably It would bi well that It should 'soon be effected. Aniong miners the eight hour role has for years been very generally prevalent, and there are other very laborious and exhausting occupations where IL might. be Judic iously Introduced. But whenever the physical needs of the workman do not call idtr such a re form, let it be deferred until a more convenient season. Ttat shortening the day's Week would not lessen the day's wages is an opinion held by meny,•who therefore ceo nothing but good as the result to the working clam. That this Is a finger, we think It Is evident enough, unless It Is claimed that as much work can be done In eight hours as In ten. There . Is no reason why the employer can afford to pay more 13r the bushel of corn, or ton of iron, or thousand of brick, which is produced by men working eaght heirs than If thry work ten; and If they produce a less amount the wages for the day will be proportionately less. As well might it be ex pected that by lying Idle one week en each month a man could earn as mach as by constant employment, as that two hours per day less ;vont would not reduce his wages by one fifth; or that, If a manufactnring cstablishment.were running on half time, Its employees should re ceive full pay. So that unless the workman is willing tosubmit to a reduction of wages, and to forego some of the comforts he has been used to enjoy, he should not urge the adoption of the eight hour rule. A VOICE FROM MOBILE. We publish to-day a letter from Mobile on the subject of extending the right of suffrage to the freedmen of the South, which contains as much ecund sense as anything we have seen. "This let er." says the Philadelphia .P rag, "Is from a gentleman well known In this city as an active and influential life long Democrat. Few men are Les likely to be Influenced In favor o: negro suffrage by preconceived opinions; but the change of sentiment produced in his mind by a short In tercourse with Soothers. Soelety,ls paralleled by other Instances within our knowledge.." The Fame paper proceeds to my: "If the sentiment described by our correspondent Is not essentially mollified ; If it is clearly shown that the rebels have learned neither wisdom, patriotism nor the virtue of submisalon by the teachings of war, and that their only object, in coming back to the Union, Is to organize a new Madamss political warfare against the perpetuity of the Republic, we apprehend it will be found as difficult for dis union Senators and Representatives to regain their cld seats in Congress as It was easy for them to vacate those positions la 1866-'6l. The President has given to the people of the South as opportunity to make amends for past errors and crimes, by the exhibition of a loyal spirit in the future. lint if generosity and magnanimity are to be repaid only by new evidences of treFh. , cry and treason, a remedy even for such basePtss min be applied." Such remarks from the pew . of Col. FORNET, who 13 supposed to speak the sentiments of the President, are very significant and hopeful. The rebels and copperheade may yet discover that they have been a little preen cup teens In supposing that they were to hare every thing their own way In the work, of reconstruct tion. The Atlantic Telegraph. lie Inndon ne,es gays that since the Great Eastern has been moved from Sheerness to the Sore, all the final arrangements for her great un dertaking had been pushml forward to the ut most. The massive shore cud of the cable— twenty Eve milts In length—was about to be cent to Vs - Is:nil. and would be submerged from a special steamer on the loth of July. The Times add.s "The paying.ont machine is being fined it on hoard the flap, and the leading tough has also been completed alone the do k. This latter Is a plain timber frame, supporting a semi-circular trough of Icon, down which the cable is drawn to the paying -out machine, the friction of Its passa,cosnalclng to keep It 'taut,' and obviate all chance of 'kinks' entering the mathiee. Ail three tanks containing the cable have now been completely filled with water, and the wire, In fact, is as much submerged now as It will be at the bottom of the Atlantic—with this difference, that the prtc•ure of the Immense depths of the ocean will materially benrbve the condition of the cable by the compression of the gnaw per cha. In these three tanks the tem peratarm sod quantity of water arc kept precisely equal, and a series of electrical teas have been a for the teat three days, and will be con tireed for five days 'more, In order, from the resells cf all, to obtain a standard of en] .t the condition of the cable should be while pay ing cosi. The contents of the three tanks—that Is, the entire length of two thousand, five hurt • dred miles of cable—have now beet coupled up, and signals are sent through morning and era sing:. These signals show the Insolation and conductivity of the wire to be almost absolutely perfect, even In an electrical sense. Thus, even with the rough Instruments, a message of four word, was cent threogla yesterday In a minute anda quarter. The company, however, believe they have succeeded In designing instruments which can more than double this rate of signal ling. Ilnt even taking the four words in a min ute as a fair standard, the yield of pnfit from each a wire at the rate of two pounds per word, which we believe la to be the charge, would be immense, and, allowing for repeata and service signals, amount to more thee a mllliem annually. Certainly all that science and skill can do has been done for the cable, and everything now d. pends on moderately fair weather for the voy age.. If that additional good fortune should only be vouchsafed to the undertaking, hourly communication with the moat distant regions of North Am er7ca may be eonddently looked for on the 28th of July next." Charleston Co bo Superseded. It stems likely that further punishment Is about to overtake the authors of seetassion by the erection of a formidable rival to their city. "Agate," writing to the Cincinnati Gazette from Port HOyal, save: "Evers - body seemed oosiessed with the mania of speculation. Even there naval gentlemen were Infected by ly and we saw no civilians or army officers who were not profoundly versed In the rival 'claims of Hilton Head, Bay Point and Beaufort. That a great city must goring up hereabouts, hu been laid down as an 'axiom. This is'tho bast harbor on the coast, while that of Charleston in positively bad, and that of Bs contracted and not easy of acceaa. Situated midway between the two, the specta tors insist that It ought to fall legitimate heir to the trade of both. Besides; the Carolina sea coast must have a seaport, and Charleston to so utterly, inised,Altriyargue, and so atoms to the nation that northern trade and capital would discriminate against It, In favor of to younger rival. find the most Hotel/lung part of Booth Carolina' to-day.-La made up of the sas Islands, cultivated by Its freedmen, all whose trade ceptree bats. Tux correrpondent of the New tort( Itheff, who wrote the aoaount of the battle of Getty,- burg for that paper. In valeta he made some se- Ten strictures on 'the Gettysburghers, denouno• lag thelr,oluanily conduct, , was in th at town oh the Se prepatatory to "doing up" the great celebration on the 4th, and came very near be. 44 04 1 0 bribeblho/ 11 51 6 . ' " TIM New Orleans Nies Innis that KLealsalpin, .AlelieggnAe iftems hue been . added t 9 Gee. ntenese , 41040), willed lessee Gm. ()aptly In annsaand and of that porhon of Lantebena 17. tire_ Go Missleelppl River hirther Aen.Vennsartitwill in! tin. erGe. THE LATEST NEW: BY TELEGRAPH. THE BCR OF BIRO'S ;ARISE[: Supposed Work of an locendiarw ANONYMOUS THUMBING LETTER RE:ENT, vkimost Everything Degtroyect; NARROW ESCAPE OF THE GIANITSC Bear and Learned Seal Saved;" NEW UIIOBI7IEB ALREADY ORDERED. Etarmmi,s Card to the Public New Yoga; July l4.—Tho Commercial ,4daen• finer ways: The proprietors and employee) of the Itinsettor are thoroughly convinced that the Are was the work of an Incendiary, The fire was: Ant discovered In the basement' and on Im medlitely running to the roof to - tura on the water from a large tank,_ the dames 'were dis colored bursting out on the second floor, and on the third floor near the !tourist room, and ortUtto top floor. The Treasurer, Mr. Tiffany, who had gone to the root to turn on the water, found htb exit cut off, and was obliged to Jump from liktlifVer wit dow to the balcony below. Returning to his office he took from hie safe $50,000 and government tends and left the building. The manager had lately received an &anony mous letter contalping threats of burning the building on account, It Is summed, of the play of "Jett in Petticoats." The tworka saved were the ilreek Blare. Also twenty.four pictures yep rerenting Washington in Battle, painted byy. Jim. M'Neven, which were soon to be exhibited as a panorama Fortunately they had not been taken oto the Museum building, bat were stored else where, Thegientess Ann Swan had a narrow escape. She was found at the head of the stairs in a sweouleg condition from the smoke, and was with difficulty, misted out of the handing. Sue lost everything except the clothes She wore, and In her trunk was two hundred dollar.; In gold, besides some greenbacks and all her clothing. The wax ngnre of Jeff. Davis was carried out, bat just as the street was reached, its head d-opped ell. It was afterwards found suspend. ed to a lamp post. A soldier w as forced to jump from the third story; he says ha had company, James Burns, of Lancaster, Pa.. member of the 6th New York regiment, and It Is feared ho perished. The meetter bear v:as lowered from an tipper win dow on a ladder by a chain attached to his neck. Ho was very droll. The learned seal wa• also got put; though he fought against the rough treatment he received. The tanks holding the whale eed alligator were broken to let the ws. ter food the building. leaving their occupants to roast rather than boll. Barnum, who was at Bridgeport, telegraphed to Ms agent to sail for Europe on Saturday, to secure curiosities fair a new Miasma. Barnum designs to re-open immediately is some locality. and give performances until the new musts= is built. He has to-day been la negotiation for a temporary letne of the Acade yof Music. He is-sued a card 'to the pit:did this meriting thanking the public for their univer sal sympathy at the loss of the Museum. and an nouncing his intention to erect Immediately a Mu seum which will be an ornament to the Metrop- Dile and an honor to the country. He aeye he can duplicate nearly everything In the original col lection In six months. He says ho shall despatch special agent to Europe next Saturday; and will soon follow In person. THE TRADE CONVENTION Report of the Committee on Commerce SHIECTS RECOMMENDED TO 111 E STITE Reciprocity Treaty Debate Resumed. CO:\ VENTION ADJOURNED SINE DIE pis:Tenor. July 14.—J. F. Bowen, of Chicago, from the Committee on Commerce, made a re port recommending to the consideration of the Legislatures of the States and Nation the fol. lowlrg subjects: .The conetraction of the mt. tale River and Niagara Ship Canal. The Im provement of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers; tha enlargement of the canal of New Torii; the cheapening of railroad freights, and the Increase of capacity; the relief of our shipping and. rail road interest from the severe government tax; improved system of eurveye and custom house, and light hence; provison for the early Im provement of the Western rivers and harbors; Judicious encouragement to renter linen of steamships to the countries upon this continent and Europe, with the regulations of our com metre and carrying en trade with the Canadas and Enropc, as will beat promote the Interests of our own merchants, farmers, manufacturers and shippers, and asking the Convention to give the well,ht of their Influences in favor of hullding up the common country. is such a manner onto give prosperity, sullen and peace. Thu report was accepted end adopted. Tie detente on Itecip-ocity was, resumed. Mr. Howe, of Nova Scotia, speaking. file spemeh was impudent In the announcement that anuta- atiuto la oi.o. Co..ltcd So.V.e., had no place In any one of the ProClnces, and that any one who sLcu!d go:to the busting; as an advocate for ntx exation, would be tro,to d as a fugitive from Icyalty and allovianee, as a Ili - m.3h American. Mr. Eomigood had ansent on, place on the Journal of the CoLventi,m his report on a ship canal from the St, Lawrence to the Had Ann. The same Pt irilege was extended to Mr. !fill, of Boston, favoring Congressional aid ta ocean steamers. Mr. Alexander's report was referred to a 'peels: committee to report forthwith. Also his report in favor of a decimal system of weinhts and rn.narn:re ,as refe-r,d to a special committee from the United Slates and Prov inces. Mr. Brims, from the Committee on River and Harbor Improvements, reported a resolution re engr'zirg the national cLaracter of nay:gable and late harbors, whi,ll oComd faeilitle3 for condi:mine the commerce of thu country, from which the Government derives a largi revenge. On motion of Mr. Seammon, the Conyeation agreed to adjourn sine die at three r. If. to day The resolution recommending a regulation of the Reciprocity Treaty received a naanlmalle vote. The Convention adjourned. RECENT POSTOFFICE APPOINTMENTS PoEtal Service in the South THE R.SIGNATION OF CGMMISSIONER HOLLOWAY Lani Sales in Late Hebei States. SE:RETARY HARLIN AND MEXICO NVAABINGTON. July 14.—Among the specie al.p...lntmenta and re.appJint meets of postinas tLra are W. W. Wing, of Norfolk, Pe ; E. T, Jackson, Providence, Ga.; A. Benedict, Cleve land; George Rowland, Sacramento, California; Geo. B. Lincoln, Brooklyn; 8. W. Opdyke, Ro cheater. The Postmaster General has ordered tempo. rary contracts for Lilt conveyance of t h e malls from Edenton by Hartford, Elizabeth City, Wit. liamtoneville, South 31111 s, Lake Drummond, Deep Creek and Portsmouth to Norfolk thine times a week and back, Thus the postal 'Service In the South is being gradually re3torel, It is true, as reported, that lion. D. P. 110113. way has tendered ills resignation as COMB:11651011- er of Patents. The paper 13 in the hands of the Secretary of the interior, who will today lay It before the President. Mr Holloway will not re. tire before the appointment of a successor. The General Land Office' has decided upon measures with q view of putting speedily into operation in the late insurgent States the ma chinery for the sale of public lands. At the laying of the corner-atone of the Wash ington City Protestant Orphan Asylum yester- day, the Secretary of the Interior, if,. Harlan, In Ma brief address, said: When the French, not now so friendly to our prosperity, sp. - ang tO arms in defend() of the Tartish nationality, we all applauded, bat when they attempt to crush feeble alnico, we deeplee their want of mamas gallantry, and Wish it might be the will of God, in the order of His providence, that this great Republic of ours mould be cupid tip= to Pro - Aect her feeble slater Republic." Ttda remark :met with a general applause from,tha large au ditory present• Price of ClOl4. NEW Tour, July 1.4.—C1al eWi tied! slutigly upwaJd& • Thera lo Tury,tlttle regular droultldr sad the aborts are able to botenw what they vaulter moldivielltdrles 3i •coul; per day. be bullion hollllu,g their harp ateettog 'the' market, and woo that thetext steamer will report a deelJna la S. ;CPF at London, there' by mreakateMnit the pied of gold. The Floe loathed 1434( Mb mforatog. Lanurr.--Gold toingta - PITTSB GAZETVE. ADI7IOES FRO al RICHMOND. Confiscation of Rebel Property RIME OF THE TREDEGAR IRON WOlll Cotton ili Northern Alabama. APPOINTMENT OF PROVISIONAL GOVERNOR IN FLORIDA Internal Revenue Returnt, THE PUBLIC LAND! IN lIISHEIHENT STATES. Appointment of Postmaster in Cleveland THE STORY ABOUT MRS. SURRATT L-YTRUE. Itgestigation of Piety' Brutal Trtatmrn A ndenonville Prisoners. TED CONVIC2 ED CONSPIRATOR/3. New Yong., July 14.—The Eferakfis Mehl:nand emespondent says: The work of etn:ifiscatlutf the property of wealthy rebels was inaugurated in Richmond on Monday last, much to the canster• nation of the people of that city, by the seizure of the famous Tredegar Iron Works by the Gor. e-TUMent. agents. The description of a large amount of other property liable to confiscation has been takezhand thertmants thereofhave been imified to pay no more rent to the rebel propiactors. Oneot the Herald's correspondents who hi lately been through Northern Alabama, stet ; that. that region le almost one continuo= Of cotton. The planters have given their atten tion to the bulneso again almost aa much u 4nti.rebellion times, and the growing crops look Very fine. The negis are working for their former masters for wagee, and the new labor iyitem appears to progress very well. The Herald'. WashlogtOn special says that ex. Sedge Marvin won today appointed Provisional governor of Florida, and will repair to that tate early next week, • Contrary to the expectations of all familiar With his past career, af r. Cowardlu, editor and publisher of the marl Richmond 'Dispatch, has been pardoned by the President. Returns to the office of Internal Revenue show that nine and a half millions of dollars have teen received in Chet Bureau since February let: Previous to that date the expenses of collec...lon Were deducted and the net amounts returned; now the total collections have to be returned and the increase is therefore more apparent than real, although the net receipts are substantially en larged. Measures have been decided upon In the late• nor Department for putting Into speedy operation the necessary machinery for the disposal of pab- Ile lands is the late insurgents States, applica tlon and inquiry upon the subject having been very freely made to the Department. Registers and Receivers have already been designated for this !wort{ In finances, and as soon as this can be done for the other States, these officers will be ordered to repair immediately to their ptsts and open offices for the sale of these lands at trice central points as will beat meet general convenience. 'George A. Benedict, editor of the Cleveland licralcl, woo to-day commissioned Postmaster of that city, vice the present incumbent, the editor of the Leader, The question of the pardoning of Colonel Lee, of Philadelphia, h. finally been referred to the Ellstfict Attorney. woo prosecuted him to con viction. hire. Lee left here last evening for home, without being able I 3 obtain an uncon ditional pardon. Attorney Gencical Speed le khown to have need his influence to have the President reconsider his first declaration to re mit the penalty of imprisonment.. The Tinos' Washington special has the follow ing: The story that Mrs, Barrett's spiritnal ad visers were not permitted to visit her until prom- Wag that they would not proclaim their belief In her innocence from the scaffold Is untrue. The Government has seat an officer to Ander (l,..)ccia, to make a special Investigation into the brmal and inhuman treatment of Union pilsoners dr. - mg the war, with the view of bringing to trial, before q Military C0M:1216510D, the rebels who had charge of our soldiers when the barbarous treatment was practiced.' S of the guilty parties are already In the custody of the GovemmenL tip to seven o'clock this evening no order had hem: received by General flartratift, commander of the military privon, for the remiNal of the convicted asisasains—lindd, O'Laughlin, Arnold end Eipangler. Is ben asked by Secretary ramaron how many mcn were nt,ded, lie replied: "F 44 the present campaign sixty thousand, and before you can reds the S,utb su..J•ction, you mutt have • Yegrette's Pursuers Returned. ta., hundred thousand." LATE MR - RICAN ADVICES CORTINAS ON THE TEXAS SIDE. Confederates Arriving in Maxim YEA' July 14.—}lexlcan nears CO tho &la Lan bccu received. Gtoerals Lopre and Oliver had returned from their pursuit of the remnant of N.Zrulle'e forces, which had generatly disbanded and gone on the Texas ride. Cortinas lately captured two steamers. The r.onnierce says Cortina! , mslilrelr, and !o a manner, officially established hls h'esaiquar tern on the Texas side, and tbo American an. thorltl. s ! are been constrained by a protect from the In f , erial Government, to order Curtlnas to keep his house. the -Itoli:ur ease: The commander of th Fretelt deer had an luta; view with Genera Steele on the pubfrct of the a..eatnboat captures but could not give a result. The news tram the Interior Alai the FAIN,. peat-dui. Siskiiniilian to striving to Improve the country, and encourage education. (herr,lin, continue to swarm about )19,oa rnotas. Great nucuk.r., et Canfoleratcs era arriving in ONLY tt,600 TROOPS IN TEXAS Great Demand for Small 7•SO Bonds MUSE IN 11SS HARRIS' CAE CLOSE I Early l'aytarni of the Soldiers Stye Yonk, July 14.—Tha Ceinmereial.4det CP/ Washington special says: It Is not true that ho,doo troops hare been sent to Texas. The whole force In that country consists of only 14 000 men, living parts of two army corps—the 14:111 and 25th—and It will be distributed over the whole State. It Is not an Snit) . of otiierva- Von, as eah soldier now In the field draws con sitletably over $1541 yearly. Trio government Is not diseased to make nunccinsaary displays and expenses. • Tburlow Weed had an interview with the Pp sidant this morning. The roars special nays: There to a grist de mend for the 7.30 lands, on account of the denomlnatiors, and the Treasury Depart ment has set the engravers to work upon plates to supply the want. The evidence in the Harris murder trial will be finished to-day. All the troops on duty around Washington will be paid next week. 'PRESIVION OP TDB RICHMOND WHIG, Order of General Terry. Wannnroron, July 14.—The following Is Gen eral Terry's order ruppreralng the publication of the Richmond Whig: Tlllrrour, In the issue of the Richmond 157.1 g, of July eleventh, 1805. a certain clause of the merciful Amnesty Proclamation of the Pres'. dent of the United States, pardoning certain traitors, is stigmatized as heathenish ; and law of this land, duly enacted by Congress and approved by the President Is characterized as mean, brutal end cowarly, re voltingly absurd, and atrociously unjust, It is ordered that the Pmvost Marshal General of this Department seize and hold twills possession the ofacerli, presses, Cypa and other property belong ing todhe proprietor of said paper, and prevent thee ceforward the publication thereof. (Signed) Maj. Gen. TRllltr. ANOTUER FIRE 111 NEW YORK. Seventy Families Turned Into the Street. LASS ABOUT FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND 00UARS. NEW TORE, July 14.—A fire broke out In the coffee extract manufactory of Ackanniti & Sons. 817 Weet 44th street, yesterday afternoon, by which Line hones were tamed and aeventy4lve families turned Into the streets. Loin, about five hundred thousand dollars. rtzt4=illveraorbtrty Stabactiptiona a . i Drugrp,ly 4.—Jay Tmil: to bsertptioni thd 1110loait to-day 'Cooke MEDIAS IiIiAKED BY THE PRESIDEIT. RAIMTIAL AND DISTRICT ATTORMEI REAPPOIN TED Forces at Point Lookout Dbnanded MANAGER FORD AND HIS THEATRE Extensive Sale or Government Mules. PROVISIONAL GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA Imitation Whisky, Brandy, Gin, &c Wessumovost, July 14.—The President, to-day, pardoned seventy-five persons, none of whom were of any prominence. Large numbers of ap- Dlleants for pardon routines to be received. Extensive sales of Government mules will take place under the direction of General Ekin at Cleveland, 0., commencing August 8, 1965. The Postmaster General has notified Provision ed Governors that postal. Bemire will be renewed on all the !toes of the railroads In the South as soon as they ere in *proper condition for that pnrpose. The President Issued a proclamation appoint ing Judge Wm. Warren, Provisional Governor qi Florida. The foie, Is precisely the same as that need for other Provisional Governors for Southern States. The Tribunes special says: D. T. Phillips, United States Marshal for the Southern District of Illinois, and Lawrence Weldon, United States Martel Attorney for the same district, have been reappolnied by the Attorney General, and left for Springfield to-day. Point Lookout will hereafter cease to be Im portant as a military post. All office;• hereto fore on duty there are directed to proceed to their reepective homes and to report by letter to the Adjutant Get eral of the army. The Government is about to tarn over to their respective Companies the London and Ramp ibire and Washington and Alexandria ltaliroad. The property to the amount of about 05,000 000 Is coon to be sold by the Government, embra— cing engines and rolling stock of all kinds. The Herald's special says: Ford was this morn ing told that be should not be allowed to use his theatre for theatrical purposes. There was noth• lag said about the purchase of the theatre by the Government. The actors charge that It is all a dodge of the Christian AB/lodation to de preciate the value of the property, and force Ford to soil It to them ate loss Ford's Balti more company have already given $1,700 to the Lincoln Monument Fund. Ntrw YORK, July I4.—The Tons' Washington special says : one hundred and thirty-five pardons were formally passed upon favorfibly by the Attorney General to-day, and now await the signature of the President. There mu:about seventy .flve petitior e filed, among -hem one from the rebel Maj. Gen. J. S. Mannsluke. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has issued an order suspending former regulations, which required: assessment and collection of taxes on Imitations of whlskiiis, brandies, gins, tfte. Hereafter math taxes will not be col lected, finless on specific orders from Washing. ton. COLIC RECEPTION TO GENERAL HERRIN Ho Heartily Endorser amoral Cox SHEEMAN'S KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN Eis remand for 100,n0C Men Explained \t•w YORK, July 14.—The TF WWII .' I special, dated Columbus, Ohio, July Isar, says: General Sherman had a public rei eptioia hero today. In the course of his remark+ hr heartily endorsed General Cox, announcing him as the next Governor et (film. Ile also sold that be was not, under any cirmamstancea, a candidate for gubernatorial or presidential honors. CINCINNATI, July 14.—At a festival given to General. , Sherman and Cox at rolnu,',ll, yester day, Sherman miuoed to the charge that wude be was In command In Kentucky he had de manded for hit campaho two hundred th ans and men. Ile said the fact was, when vislt,d by Secretary Camemn, he explained tte üby of marching . Into Tennessee by diver. gent Ilnet—ore to Nashville and the other to East Tennessee—with fore., largely IratMUM• breed by rebel armite confronting Mat. Un one of these linen he had but forty-three hundred men to meet an force of elght,n thenaand. This Kahumrnt war. made In the presence of Sect tarp Carneron"g ml!Pary family, and was aferwards published in eastern papers in a d., tortted and incorrect form. From Fortreoo Monroe F. ItTRY , s Movuur, July 13 —The Marva !aye • A thejewelry 1e...10ne - lag the citizeur, and what waelsent upon the approach the Federate, and afterwards raptured near Athere, has hren turned over and will be 'a Mecca In n few days. The geold captured fern the central f.a.lnmd Company last April has been returned try the M thin, authormes„ J. 11 11,u - crave. n( Lynchnurg, nod well known In Vleu nin; has eounnimed t"tcd :'c area steamer Zlntee, ban aerie id In to :Le will anon nail for I:le Wf,t hditn. Ter 1:1,!trl! Sulk, rtram, Cagsen tea, from New ned l.mid for Niw York, IY.v. bier tote roc rlOr. (;, i. ton: .1. M afford a::lted tV.3 morzlaz from R otimond. The , Ftesmer Norfolk, f-- , m City J' , lnt, h. ea, Ted nli 1 ; the St h \t , ^^ , votn To!u2t^e7s. tot ur.d for ll.V.llmore, an route bo ruo. 71, •'earigna 11 v, Cana: it now ope•r for pa r. gLra and freight an Lar as Lellugkm. Stock...tnd Money Coax, July 15.—At the Stork Exeha-ge this morning there was a firm feeling to Railway stocks, and Prices were better In some Instances. r,bi and () Id iienthern Warr the favorites, but the volume of business was ii¢ ht. After the tint roll there was a slight advance, but the settled down at open board, and at Izet boards, unlll terrythltic was mwer, the e.weke freely, RIO hoping to produce a ins ...c3 tlat.itte. Elia and Pleading a ere barn- In, Ft , moe than others. There was unusual ariienty in tiovelninents. Foreign brokers are large I users of 5 20's. The purchases of this rnordno addt-d to those of the net two dayt , , a 111 cause a shipment of probably a mll- Imo and a half 015 WI, by to morrow', steamers. ttl!Fet.llaueons no-ka firm, and mostly advanc it r lu I rlces. Strong, acd qulte active. The balls •re strong hr put of producing an advance. or •tramers of to-morrow Will take oat vary tla 1.14.cie. Money CAST. The Ram Dundenburg—allecting In Honor of Elx.lles—Tret at Saratoga. New Yong, July 14.—The Ram Duladenbnrg will be launched on Saturday., the 22d of July. She is seven thousand tone burthen. A meeting will be held at the Cooper Institute next Thursday In honor of the distinguished Dlexlcan exiles, now In this country. In the trotting at Saratoga on Wednesday. be tween Young sllorrell and Harry Clay, mile heats, best three In five, Clay won the first and Martell the next three. Beat time 2:32N'. The Atlantic Telegraph ST. Jones, N. F., July ll.—rts !NOON lan, C. 8., July 14.—1 n anticipation of the successful Laying of the Atlantic Cable, a telegraph line has been constructed from this place to ann.'s Content, the point selected for landing the American shore end of the cable. Au ofliee has been fitted up there, and everything that can be done In advance of the scenting of the shore end of the cable, hae been performed. From New Orleans—The Illartets —Gov. Parsons—Crops. NEW ORLEANS, July 13.—Cotton arm; mid' dllug 47; Sugar, quiet, Louisiana common 10 to 13. 60id, active at 14714a148. The Tintz,' Mobile special nays: Citizens from the Interior announce Parton' appointment to the Governorship as satisfactory. Many crops will be lost for want of narrows. Strikes Iti Buffalo Serrate, July 14.—M1 the elevator hand)) bave struck, and It Is Intimated that the propel ler stevedores Intend following snit. Tue rail roads have largely au pplled the places of strikers, and eigrtsa their determination to spend their last dollar in putting down Union strikers. Canadian Parliament Called Tagedhez, Qrameo, July 14.-Blnce the Cabinet meeting yesterday a proclamation has been Issued caning the Parliament to meet on the Bth of Anglia. It is stated that the Intention la to ask Fara*. meat for money for fortideatimid.- The Monitor AgiLmantictts, Brener, Mme., July IC—The Monitor Lai. mantic= Nailed to-4W, Portemouth, Now Hameitdre. The Milted Ettislas steamtr Mogi arrivedihli maths& ; . 1 • Troojim &rived: dim trim h t Irmhe Sa, 1s. —The witth mnaftma hea ,The Mame has ithai i!#.h trOoPIL lge Plasterers' National Coventlon The Phis:ter:mai National Convention, com posed of delegates from the various Plasterers' Unions, met In semi:annual convention at Hare's Hotel, on Thursday monatne et ten o'cica, the President, Mb. Chas. McLean, of Boston, In the chair. After the reception of delegates, the President delivered an able address on the subject of Trades Unions, on the conclusion of which the Convention proceeded to an election for per manent officers, and the following were chosen: President, Charles McLean, of Boston; Vice President, David Mahoney, of Washington cltyi Secretary, Themes llcrolalart, of New York; Treasurer, Louis Minton, of Nev Jersey. The business next in order was the reception of re porta; which occupied the time until the hoar of adjournment. At three o'clock the Convention reassembled, and was called to order by the chair. The Treasti• rsport was received and accepted. A mo tion was adopted authorizing the printing of three hundred copies of the procesdines of the Convention. - Mr. Thomas Holahan, of New York, spoke at length on the subject of reducing a day's la bor to eight hours, urging a united movement among operators to effect the object. He con cluded by offering a resolution recommending all Societies of the craft to adopt a regulation enepending work on Saturday afternoons at four o'clock after May let.,which was adopted. Mr. O'Connor, of B e. York, offered a resolu tion ending upon local Unions to adopt a regu lation recommending that journeymen plaster ers should do their own lathing instead of al lowing It to be done by apprentices, the same to go into effect on May lat. The resolution was adopted, the whim Convention adjourned till Sri- day morning. On re-assembling yesterday morning, a motion was made and peened recommending that each local organization should drop one of Its old delegates each year and send a new one. A discussion arose on the manner In which ornamental work is done in certain Mlles In the United States by men why do not legitimately belong to the trade. Mr. Gallagher offered a resolution, which was carried unanimously, recommending that after the let of January, 1 1, 66, no plasterer should work for a "boas" who did not pat up hi own ornaments. The Committee on the State of the - Trade, through its chairman, Mr. O'Connor made a re port. The committee refer to an smile which they recommend tbo craft to ahate,vlz: The system of Bob letting the lathing and ornaments' work. They suggest the propriety of taking decisive action on the subject of lathing, on the ground that the system of sub-letting in Injurions to the ittertsts of the trade. They also recommend a shortening of the boom of labor, to afford work men an opportunity for cultivating the miad. Appended to the report was a brace of resolu tions to the effect that the societies represented In the National Convention take Inimediate ac tion on the question of lathing and ornamentel work, and that they also use every names In their power to reduce the hours of labor to eight hours per day. The Convention received an invitation from Mows. Dupree & Green, to attend their enter tainment at the Theatre in the evening, Tne incitation was accepted with thanks. The Convention then adjourned to meet for dinner, by in% Ration of the Pittaburglitrimiterers' at the Lanahan Honed, Penn street. Temperance League The sixth regular meeting of the National Temperance League was held la Rev. lir. Clark's church, on Friday. The President, itev. A. K. Bell. being absent from the city, Rev. Lynch, Vice President, took the chair. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Presi dent. The minutes of the previous meeting be ing absent they—were dispensed with. The Prt,ident eanmtneed that there seas en anony mous communication on the table on the subject of timpl ranee, and eked what action they would take relative to its disposition. It was moved and carried that it be referred to the Executive Coluur.l J. B. Clark having arrived, he was ealt,l upon, aud made a very pertinent addret..3. Ile !bought the Association should adopt some nee policy, that the old plan of holding the evil t fleets of intemm.ranee up before the communi ty had los: Its ethet, and that he tv,old be In favor of strtkin r:l,ht at the "root of the evil, and calling upon the community to :lee up as a 111. e ..ur ,u;•lant. Ibe acv. Mr. Unman wai called upon, and mel, a short stuiech, wnl:l3 was 101 l of thought and wholraome suggestions. At the conclusion of Mr. Get man's remarks Ray. Mr. Smith, of took tha stand. Ile IF pike Very en thnsinecleally and hopefully of the final tri umph of the cause, and all that was needed was for the ministers and churches to take hold of the matter. He Vi listaled to wiLh profound attention. lice. Col. Oat e:uegesteal that arrangements be made to get up a course of lectures on the ditlerent pbcxe of the ent , Ject by some of our meet premleent turn. W. G. NI. arren. Etg., moved a committee of three be for chat Incl. ,t.e. Col. Clark, W G. Warrnn, and J. M. Cook were appointed, nettrr. adjournment the President made come sett appropriate remarks relative to the church., ing a detl,:ed atatdom the sut..ieet. The fleeting was one of the must enthusiastic and Interesting that has yet been held, and shorted that the people were becoming aroused to the Allpurtunce t,t the subject. We noticed .1 great nurn , s, of the leading men of the eity pros Let the seat meeting ho ir. Li hitely better, 71 t• revenue sojourned with the benediction by the v. 1•t . .4 :Lild Al lotittl 19 It., sL,ther trestr:day inorr,zataut half past tire o'clock. a get...leman while passim: alone If aneock street, d:scevt red a band-bon %lupus:led on the steps of the dwelling of 1. C, Pershing, winch on exalt ILatiou was 1. , ,t1 contra a prepossess. leg female babe, appareut4 about two days old. T!:° finder immediattiv notified a watchman of hm ilbenvery, and the child was conveyed to the watch-Lou so and kin en in of Capt., !teed, who placed it in the caii, 13, own, ou Dia mond alley, an:ii it should l.e take, in cuarer by the fisardiana of the l'uor, or by parties wishing. to adept It. A note was found attached to the clothing OJ the infant, reading as billows ••gor reasuas schli h shall remain a taly.tcry to you for a while, but ul.lch will be In (stare revealed, I leave this helbli PS little Interestto your care and primer. Lion. Feeling that you are a Christian, I trust it with you, with the prayer that she may be brought up and taught the true prlucipta n of Christianity, and educated of your discipline. Ant,. egh I am unknown to you, I am not a Atravg,, and wilt ever keep a watchful eye to ward this little darling (whom you may call . I.Illie'); and although there Is a mystery con eceted with this child's birth that forces ins to part with her, let me assure you she is of gond parentage, which, If Pnividence spares my life, will be proved to you In the tutors, with a reward for her protection." Mr. Pershing knows nothing of the affair, as he has been East for several days attending to some business, and has not yet retie-mai. struck by Lightning. On Friday last the village of Candeld. Ohlo, was visited by . a severe thunder storm, during which the house of Mr. J. R. Kinnamen w. truck by lightning. Tha Said first struck a tree adjoining the house, then glanced upon and ran down the weatherboarding, entered the house and set fire to a clothes-presa, then passed Into the ceder. Mr. K. and two children ware within ten feet of the place struck, and were partly stunned. Tha fire was extinguished and but little damage done. While four men were et work in the hayfield of Mr. Swank, near the same place, they started for a tree, perceiving a shower coming up, but last Wore reaching it the lightning stuck the tree, and the men were knocked down and stunned. A. child of V. Platt. of Warren, was knocked down, also s little girl of Esq. Canfield was rendered almost senso leas. Mr. J, Winfield was also rendered almost insensible by the concussion. On the 2lith ult., the residence of Mr. Mathew Hurter, of Scott - township, Lawrence county, was struck by lightning, severely injuring the Miss Bunters who were proceeding up stairs to put down the windows ; in fact they were both knocked down stairs and picked up for dead. Fortunately Mr. Hunter's presence of mind in procuring water at once and battling them, was, perhaps, the means of saving the life of the Ladles. They are how doing very weir. Gardiner's Opera Hone.—We have seen In our exchanges this new Dramatic Troupe. styled "Olympic," "Academy of Mode," &&, but we learn from Mr. Gardiner that It Is Qually decided the place shall be known as Gardiner's Opera Houle. We see the work Is progressin; finely - 0W the house will be opened early in the Beason with a ecet clue company, which is al ready engaged. The fresco painter from New, Tork aril come some time next week, and inn scenic artist is now at work night and day. II *tee finished, be anedegik place, mod An ornament to our city. . . Pennsylvania Game will be gratl tying to the 'porting community :to learn thei they are allowed, ender the 'laws of t ot ter mouwealth, ballad woodeoldrorelpe,.and er blnle allomed 0.2 0 . 0 ppauts, frookthe 4thofJoir to the Ist of Odobere•tpkiiitan,iiiiVnbirlayo an opportunity of lath their paianea with en the deintrielee IMIGHISII4 to the Oats sem*. Intittlarged.—Ttio ease of Mrs. Eddy, cbareed, on oath of Wm. Madder, w ith keeping a house of ill repute on Elm street, came up for a heat ltg before Mayor Lowry yesterday. The evidence as to the bad chancier of the house was dear and indubitable, but owing , to an in fettnatity in the indictment, the case went by default. The legal rating Is, that the husband, and cat the. wife, Is amenable to Use law for keepmg:a disorderly house, and It was shown that Mr. Eddy was In the house on every occa sion referred to In the evidence on which impro. priettes were being committed. As Eddy is now In Jell for a higher mime, the prosecution falls to the ground for the present. Murderous Asa:init.—The notorious Jack Nelson was at rrsted yarterday by afficers Lleut- Seth Wilmot and Messmer, upon information made before the Mayorby the wife of Ne lson, changing him with assault and battery with in teat to kIII.aShe allegel that he fired a revolver at her, and Mso struck her on the head 'with his fiat. Nelson threw the revolver away at the tuna homes arrested. Be alleges that he tired It behind her bark Blau* to ware !her. How. enter that may be, ha is a desuerate character, ripe far the coma:Medan of any dastardly act, and a veritable Tartar, when about to be arrested. He was locked i up for a hearing to-day. Railroad Lease.—The stockholders of the New Castle and-Basver Valley Road, at a meet ing held In New Castle on the 19th ult.., ratified the proposed lease tes the Plttalmrgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company. for the term of alnety-nine years. We are not exactly posted as regards the terms, but are told they are favorable to the Interests of the stockholders, and much more convenient to , the traveling public, as It will save all the delay ceased at Homewood, occasioned by the change of loco motives and the shifting of train.: The new order went Into effect Monday of last week. Soldier Robbed.—A returned soldier named John G.-13anppe was robbed of 1470, on Thurs day, by a notorious proatituta named Maggie Hess, whom be had accompanied to a house In Al legheny. Ile did not miss his money until he had left the house, when he made an info tria• don before Mayor Morr 4 son, and through the efforts of the police be obtained 5380—the bal ance haying been made way with. Maggie was arrested and committed to answer a charge of larceny. Dupre's & Green's Barleague Opera and Minstrel Troupe seems to be steadily advancing in public fever. The Theatre Is nightly thronged to Its utmost capacity, and to obtain a Beat at all It Is necessary to be promptly on hand. To-night Is the last entertainment of the season, yet It Is probable the company will re main another weak, to gibe all an opportunity to witness their laughable and grotoNne Clearing Bonne for Banks.—A Clearing Honer, simLar to those established- In Eastern cities by [Fiona bunko, will, we understand, be put in fall operation in this city In about three months. A room over the Bank of Mts. burgh, on Fourth street, has been leased, a man ager appointed, and the room la now undergoing the necessary repairs, preparatory to its occupa tion for the purpose. Oil Strikes.-011 In paying quantities has been struck by the company operating on Hard- Log's run, ba Hancock county, West Vlrgiala, near what is known as the Old ]tilt, at a daptb of 1,010 fact. We learn that oilluss_Llkossue been struck on the Sanders farm, In the same State, two miles loom Cross Creek, which prom ises an abundant flow. Another 011 Strike.—A splendid oil strike" was Mae a few days elrlee by the "Seaton Com pany," on the Maple farm, near Waynesburg, Greene county, at a depth of five hundred and slaty feet. During the first twelve hours it perm cd one hundred barrels of the best amber oil, and is still yielding in the same proportion. 3tercantile Licenses,—Tbe Comity Treasu rer has arapOirited August Ammon, Justice of the Freer of Last Birmingham, as collector of un paid mercantile licensQs. All persona harming themselves In arrears will save casts by calling upon Li g, and settling up. Tun Published by J. 11. Richards. Nen , Yolk, arid to sale by J. P. Limit, b 9 FILh Street The second number of this publication hilly main , alms ifs character for literary ability and tountinces in politics. Fatal Accldent.----On Tuesday a returned suldier rained Foster was Instantly kill• 1 at an oil a, Il 10 Ede,hy the falling of a pordon of the dE.ri'ddi upon hie head. NkWS ITEMS Tun rooremption of beer Is rapidly iticreasinz In the United States. la 1.5430 the amount sold was eight millions of barrels. In 1661 the quan tity tisestted increased to twenty-four of barrels, or about an average of a barrel apiece for everybody. THE Universal Soffrage Committee at New Orleans recently asked Gov. Wells, prior to the election. to order a registry to be made of all loyal citizens, independent of race or origin, to which the Governor declined to accede. lir Wisconsin a movement Is on foot, and re ceiving a cordial support, to petition the next Legislature to undertake the educational support of the orphan children of Wisconsin soldleru who have died in the service. Soars despicable traitor on the night of the Fourth, cut down and destroyed the stars and stripes left tlyinO from the liberty pole in Elyria, Ohio, leaving too torn shreds. on the apor. NION1,011E:R5 BLOIa, In Els speech at Hagers town, Md., on yesterday, (Oily Indorsed the pol icy of the President on reconstruction and origrq andrage, but denounced Secretary Stanton. Tim old Virginia State banks are now In pro- CC.f.4 of liquidation and it is thou;k: that holders or Ihi Ir tats will not realize over twenty eente . 'ion Ilk duller- Tun publication or the Richmond Whig has been bubpended by the, anti:written and the Otlice c'med am account of an intemperate and dis loyal article. A Nett" theLttaNs dispat,h says that 0 tneral Steele had desuastied of the Imperialists the nu, rend, of the ortluartet giver them by General Slaughter. Tnenn is talk In N3A Tork of Stalling a new lay -n RK , national bank. with forelgn,eapital at the I , nct, of it, and W.lilam 11 , .A.spinwall as President. Tor, Now Orleans T.. a .s says !if hi General 'Herron has tendered his reslxnatiou, and at hLs own request has bon rolleyrd of his command. A FRENCH Butt_—The French governthent beg re. early built a tremendous rwn, which Is Lt Thoreau (the bull.) A NEW international railroad bridge is to be built at Buffalo. It will coat $1i,000,0t.. - 7 or MC re. ilie National College Conyentlon Cuiceoo, July 14.—1 n the session to-day of the National Commercial College Convention, the eller:1E1011 of enema! facilities to returned soldiers for aCemmercial education was a prom inent topic of discussion. Letters were rend Lam, Governor Ozlesby, Dean Richmond, MU. lard Fillmore, Prof. Edwards, Newton Bate man and others. The meeting to-endlit will be addressed by Prof. Wilber, of the Stale Nettral History Survey, and Superintendent Pickard, of Chicago. The sum of three thousand five hun dred dellars it to be raised for a Lincoln testimo nial. GA MBLE—On Thursday. ieth inst., hlr. WM. Ste_, in the toth year of hie age. 'I he blends of the family ere respectfully lari• led to attend his future' from his Late residence on StrI , DAT, the 16th inst.., et 10 o'clock A at. PATTEEihON.—AIt his residence, in Malebo. ter. on Friday af.ernoon, July 1 tth, ABbLAH6. PATTEJI,OF, in the b 71 ., year of his age. Notice of the funeral will be given in the after • 0011 papers. .4^E Fr 40 RR TISEALEA TS - - - . _ LOST.—AT TU PENNSYLVANIA a RLOAD DEPOT. on Thursdy evening, about AI 4 o'clo ß ck, A POCKET HOOK, containing about 1215, ticket nod cheer to Harrisburg sod a soldiers disci:un°. for FREDERICK GABLE; from the Fonrth Penos p ylvanta Cavalry. A re wardM of 460, will ire ais; bvng It wild THOAS SAIITIL at the cornerea i of Second Grant streets Jyl4.4tdassa CON Ti OLLEICeI CITY or Attewn ass., July I'3, tats. SEALED PROPOSALS (addressed to the Committee on City_ Property) will be re ceived at this °Mee until THURSDAY, S)th last., Inclusive. for painting, graining and varnishing the wow work of the main Hoot of the City Had In similar style with the Controller's Oinee. By dtreolloa of Council; jyt2Sl4l IL B. FRANCIS,.CIty Controller 'BAYED.'--FROM THE PREMISES of the eutocrtber, ohousetown, on the did of lune oh , • RED AND WHITE SPOTTED COW, 'miring had the left hip bone broken some time eln..e, end bearing Strong marlu elite Injury yet. Any person Whig amtss of km wnesesbente th roug h, the, einnueetown Pasta:lee, will be sults, bly rewarded.. oititdit 0.'1). GARDNER. tBTRAY.--TALA.LN UP ON MONDAY A sms. l 4 , 44nOlirti,ll/41C MASH , with s white OAP ea hor tonabout, TheOwool ,lequatco , to ems Inward,proxii Footmen ea ol pax asrget, otherwise sn , yrn bo sold on eel% °HMI', the Nthlcd. 06 II- delcolt, at /!4.k.sro! %Larry statue, on Fourth Area. • • P1A.21 1 ;r.E4.40.N%-Chtel nt.ftelles. • ROWN'S N 8832103 OP JAMAICA GILSOZ)L—Yob hboaihoei be withhat a bet. of thle salloble preparalion Wi mums of the rar."Yos sale aS She . DEM RIO swum inbsimp! ?MEd lathe fhithei • le; .rEir ADTERI7REJIVE.Ir7II. SUMMER Goons p.F rTERY VLEETY STYLE, Concert Hall! Shoe Store. LAD S' English Lasting Ongrnq Galteigi BEST griprrilONLl Flj !) Children'S Shoes FROM 10 MI UPWARDS. Gents' Fin French Calf Boatel crrrwrcoam'izer.s.x::neu At Greatly Re4eed Prices; COME TO-DAY Fo r ]Bare nine. No. 60 FIFTH, STREET 10 ALL PERSONS WISHING Tcl vArcr GOOD ilierßG4lX t CALL AT ONCE AT 74 rile:LS i3TREET, BOOK PUBLISIRS' PREINIATION DEM WHERE, The Best of Bargains are Made. SY PIIIICEL4ING d BOCK YCU BEcEIVE A PRESENT WORT FROM 50 CENT TO $5OO. _Jrir( all or send rer a ossteddpe BANKLNG HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 57 Market Street; Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS RECEIVED IN:P/LII k DADS MW OTIHRENCrY Oolleallonemade on ell the principal palate o( Dn3tWStatu and r.n• • • STOOKS, BONDS AND ovirEir. sEctrarne BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSWN. Partieular attention paid CI the purehase art sale of •t; MM) STATES UCtlffrlß, /lICLVDI:I6F raffled States Stun or !WI Do. do. 6.1011; Do. Mee, 10.Insi Do. Seven-111MA Do. Certilleaten dl Indebtedness. ORDERS .IViD TOl3o73_Eip BOUGIIT OR EISEEED PEOPLES' NATIO* BANK, Of Pittsbt(rgh. Capital Paid in 81.000.00. with Prvii Icge of $2,001400. Bulking House CORNED YOST AND wool) This Bank, organized under tae National Bank log System le now prepared t . 4. transact boslueas at Its Banking noose, corner :of Wood and Flnsit streets. Collections made on all seselealble points on • most favorable terms. Specteq Agents for JAY COUILE, for the sale of the F. 8. 7 3-10 Treastry Notes. 6ALSIpYL President. F. M. GORDON, Ca filer. J. C. bIeFEEERSON, Teller FOR BALE. ONE FIVE YEAR. OJD KA= Cana under saddle; trots In Walnut 'lnquire ans LlBEars . ErMEET. JORDAN, HOLLISTER & co. TO MIL-LERS.-WE HA -... pieces of Iht sours Co. , oCelebrate4 Anchorßong hag Cloths, for .ale at feu than Now Yorkjortoen J. e. LIOOtIETT ft ON City hlllll..4bwtY Btrol6. FAISB.—PALLA BILK 4.31 D AU Fans, Brown Reticule Baskets, ?:Coroceo Log Satchel, gout Scut Tloabzelles4a every varlet' J. gi LUMPS, .IYB Variety and Toy Store, NO4OI Market DITTSBUROtI & PEITULDELPHLS. OIL CUMPAYIT.—Notine hereby given hat he subscriptions to the Oapktel Stock of Uala company svill be due and payabkh on or before THE FIRST DAY OF AUGUST, 184 at the office of the Company, No. ' O9 Fourth street. Jee:td B. F. VANDEVOQT, Treasurer. FOR BALR.-400,000 BEIVIGLES. 600,000 SHAVED PINE BEINGLAS FOB 831.5 Boornr, ter Liberty SiresLiarar OT/CE.—.l. RESPECTFULLY AN- RoorroE to my Mends and Omar condoners that I ahan caws= to a ea the LIVERY AND TINDERTAKING 81191NM5 roma door aboesitie Ohl stand, numerlyby-go d, MOIL J. will be hop knead thspotaosad• ao libmolly bestowed aneseosl and mu randah DlTery atoll kinds on thogibartao ons. tatattse. istetamd. BOUM& REurr WAX I FRITIT ILX= 'frtitt eans. Always As 4iastd ;.• Man! FOOT +l.4.Wcuirdait tbs. ozmusonanz carter +Ohio - NA raleral aftesta,ita. th ejait RODA., AB I SODA, .1: • „ , Imo terupiat - .• ofts• assivessr hitar Athiftetrit • -I[l4 1:1 47 p4 ; 7,1 I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers