.• • _ . . rr.d.rrs. lareliTßD:=4l2s PER Id ORTIt— Aireata emu:dot evervwbera to latroduee tai pyretaa Eras it °Lanz P FA=Lr SEW , seta , YOULOBINS, Ut* elart low prteeleitaltaild. the eoustry, India Is tirenor‘„by Grover ra Baker, "beetle. Ir. -11111 sou, Bows, , Shaer S Go, sad asteraldlar...Aß,otkee oto ea aro SofreeAlroDr, AD'S - Abe setter krut Wee are lo Jtatreret to prereatane. Salary or d exec euier, - 15r Wits o .ste allowol. Illustrated circulars sea free. ddreerelntilf .le swum zuisaroce; maim royeSset AT - MGT= MONTE, A It =LAMLE CANYASSET., m town oftnty, for . 0 1,11.. RUBSY. ILICDIIIIe tks lonaeitetther Nook publishafOnentnolnf 'Otani ores of ft woo's* fa the tin!on altif a .1 7 Thisicsoeut trirr,B4;tttst mug vivid bur .plettuo of tie war. - • *se Agents ettarfut SDI tpa math, orldah . will prose to any douettni mil _seat. Rest-fse Sitreutsfs: Address ZONES, • 6 00. No. OS Chestnut street, rimmed. !ylla, Pa.. mytamd V( . 42i1:31:0:. , 4-$lO xorra.:44 , ,loiiiit ittAg.t... n vivell i t in ta month, expenses oV4i l itteed. Full partied= b = ele#o T. GASSY, Biddeford, Malmo. WANTED.—A YOUNG MAN to work Jst tiheeeestry.' App'yet ÜBT.tbertp street. , 1. mos a co. FOR SAE--FOR 8.F.117% To LET.-44.11 opricx on. {he secOad Icon, wirme of water .314 -flanaacad weeps. as ' -sorer L 'Room a 00. VOICAULET.SVAREE(OI7IS2. - THIC warehouse s Xo. Mit LIBERTY . STREET:4e. raproi Tot lenteiL.Polissulei' Oren BOROIRARZRA-LING, , . • 329 Ltbery street. ....., _ layEtt , . . VOR 1311 2 - 3 tistliuteTHß.Bl4-STORT I ;Aw iniraronnirasro over, NM' Vezelh i otheistanttelnargli. "Ptelzasiost Stimil og tii,Ulyil . . 1411 / 4 4"tirg6I. A Altman/44.1AV. Wall ' ' no.l3llFouttlistreek. ' • IVOR 13 - P'RELKE .44. - Hopsz. mond Wpm). - tt1it41.1.0121% sirlriga: sal Welders'. Avenues Abgbea Jar. Molls pi. • =WO ni ja Ta r i LE lßl Plteleolildt-StttabuliCi. VOR Acroiftit Coal; atleo, A; ACM of Ira* Goa 1,2 pool No. 2 3 shot= kook ar Mil and railrait, otharldprovameati good working sulazi.• pool No. Slow kset oetks a n o d M . 's . , lad W/L 4"%aulliTiLe WD Alg - , lALICWARD Pa '• : Ant dinn IN3 rink on Grant street • oeirrorresra tote ieousLiritl4 . ase Ilialtridnien if Via And ears, In xmonensr. (locOl watan and awry- Wag acerNillog: yointinnak ;girth tbnouldlately. lay Iftlin apply 16.1ennamPniu417 Federal eke*, l ui lLtZraNwileaWagnltZbnill mNa attest, • Voll*l 'BRIIIITIFI3I,IIESIDENOE FOR SLIM -88.nated mar to the Allqbezy Mr line In F * ratlatilettellik:' Lot frouttegleo f eet he the Pima :Rosa, &ode:tete/tag beck IM feet to . ..=-111U - S.dik‘oh whh:h to .SINE LAAGE :DWELLING• ••nearly tiew.cohtataft laTOOgl o rtPQM 2 . 'Sleety arra:m.6S, Large eottiM la %And cellar wader whOletolothe, The Lot Is tweeted with Ornameatat Teen and llthruti• - r i P 711 e2ter ' PraPea.""n P a ! ' "! l ! sPili !‘ 114 17 . 1° /I:3l44l.kkg°'-q. .11A7..S;—Three newlSteam' aia pa r pastr an ail id* Staab 'la tea larokia vayraf stroak: Itagins mak and easaseettag oxf lima{ troll ;awed Da bora tortlket km IS SUM* Mandan wtui two 114steh Iteeirohlaser IS tn. by , * feet; hot sad sold water mowAltrithim complete awl rehdy Of PhitrOifii*M. '• 'MGR - M . 0014 Plttatnugh. r l6 IllbiSkimittia "slat' ilistiallteitaakthit. emit, Usk MiltihnlY river, AilAtttnif !OM. &MU kOR BALE—A. TRIGS STORY. ' OK • DWELI I I . I I ft: n le:et z tlVaaLs eaß tooloofillla Prth i lrard. , Lot 16 by Mt teet.' " toO. o TWO. RYVitABOOF,DWELLINCI or t ro o m y wry and lo oompleto •ortrred: t ' T o o r r d teer with • lot SO by trl Bfeaal * Woo*" loiratosMoo if,•nitaiMs lltistler*oeS so* fl• BALE—One BBOOND - WWI/ BO am Izmir AM. 2 $ cod . 103 ‘. ' " 4.11 One fl. feet tong, ee InikualifoietetSti lash Oat 11t' feet - I . arigoti lichee diaiiier I.ls tad' Oae SO bsnd Wreaat t Trim . Talk. Zaqutrast the 11 , 14O_STELtl. WORKS. - _ - aIIOH-2L BOLE re 00., eor. Pedal Alley . sad Mamas" Way, Pittablt ; .. R-. BALE. . ' 31PLixo POSSESSION - GIVEN . : . A &WNW *Vett I binEao hint tßoWnsblp,, yea II PT°": 11; s ! lii P. l69. ' Aliegh° , l ` 7. , ' -., 9". " . . ' Elpgpintjtesriilenkie,, - . . .. ai Bewidel :40r- . • tuAM i ars ek , , 21 % -ea the r prinaller al . ' y,.. Firq,n *WEAR. IF Of . , • Jr. T. SAXPLA Itaal Eitita Broker. : -•' RIM " '-' ' - Valli Teams' WM. Alleduity. FOR 131I.3!. THAT DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE a 'mime:Ai:l°l:m: ncrrs; iriiodeltua; (view occupied VI. Win. P. Beata the former real. dame fekt. Wenn* of 21 rooms cellar, well Mid deems; large bare. htal arult , Aseen ealltheis, liTaPre, &a.; Apses awes of rash esehrioine a enequarry alio, splendid views ot the. Ohio. Elver, Billdrity&- ' ,nets PAWN at the terminus of the Msnshester Street ZWlray awl Wooaratur, Etatiatalt.ts. Ft. W. & 41 B. B. Only - tee Aalantes tide OY the litter from Federal Street Mation. sther-pastlonian and terms may be `bah of the subserivar, at his real 41inee,_Ao. SP Beaver, atm" 4.4.0. 4 .7. .. Posses. sioallteatiasu -- clistaly. . lmd. 'BORE= H. LEOKY. - FOR RATIaLi;-TRE A.V.BRINKAMIXON on the Second Bank. Allegheny. city. Lot 112 AT AG es Oval lateflte.otthiesoi of Pe. fi. Wake. Lot about 2 acres _ , MOUSE on:Fourth street. Lot if fajf,TrOot 47 11.0sepasfarthirremdense UL* =tar on t., Third stied, foratog Ewen fa the Lot 21 tett by lst COTTAGE atEvergreen formerly residents of DM MOUSE oftThini street 3 two story brisk, below Italy dna. , Lot about It feet rrens. lIOILEIMCI LOTS and inannfasturingsites on 'the Monogamia Mier, within the city distant. SITES WOE VOUNTRT SEAM from 34 to .saes Pitt Toarratip, frantig Soho street, our l.et Plan., T W O LOTS au COntiost street. near Penner. viola Astons 'and TWO LOTS on Overbill street. TifIBTEErI WM en Liberty street, Al glow,. Imfty, sad ORE 'LOT on the Persigivaala Vana4 ourci t the Avery lianstoo. • " ' LOT _ON DIIgtrESNE WAY, detest Swath: - IN . 'Teet deep.to Fayette street, having l6eteea'l factory and direllinj how.. Erman of lir Poutittareet. . ljR BALIC- . -All'el9llilttahle• FARM In Derry townatdp, Wee 7. tsorehind county, Pa.; ra i n ~,,v 1 , 14 . aotes, Iron laptoold, AAA in Üb. !mut vr-rxervrwo ems ft = Waist/Mind county, about two St... Statida ' ors the Pewit. kall. ~. mpsd.',lL eta* sawmill MAO eonipletodwith all. Os smCattiterast ilh ir sAantl oar the mu&s.. ! ,' like laud Is of the pest ,mal. Lad [.. da 'abundant, - tad taLittlets' Of Oil. Will '', l i bl N st r i slt l ==o in urea adintatog i rrethuge, . low. taa shandass of fruit or snrarre stste lmeriMon. gyps TARN OP Mamma la et Mgr sown. , . 4=Wasteassittral , weenty.' Raw mg .. Tutu; hog About ono sailor:ow the retort; Ealltoul. . TM tassereeertalte 4204; goo4,thiat bat" sod takrti Baca. r s MCI Firm one awes to h e tomb's, Wedmore/lad Urlith'Pa.:Wiat the Um of ta. Also. a Tam of shoat lell awrirslaiaarlialdia . alt . rstotoesitad Oonattsro. ,- - .- • ,- ' tis. W.ea *Warm of SW urea 111 Yalziall tins* • . Also, s sarrvalasb lima Of . 23l sar initials gledletutorra o Ls' Yeknehltownstdp. Wortsores , song comity, Pt., and about oat end a WU Wits , goig - tnie reansylvania Italkoadi , Thar /*pros* • • mots aro llama wick bousaispinis kmI4EIIOIE6 wpm, & bags Wass stable, a Lane Qatar barn ate =Mar saw . silll, l a t Igess MIS oadatiold orsh arwith d, soot. a wtth. ' wets of Ore betel Clay, sad about. otakundroduren eldnll. whit...oak timbee. - Poinseston gives lam shirtitrtorat Ablated In Ltic;ninsqi& ' Witetnnottlnn4 .Danny Fa, miloildaf tie '. Ll Z! r airiiiii,Witil rt li . isi briar li use. Ado. euddeme. fa Abs.boroejrN of Lbp:e24. Wilt be eOl eber ~ ...,. with a - • ' Also . sera of UM, with a pup Amiss WA, 41TholDIJOg MUM OWL MN Sues et land, Allololog sane shwa 0 t = d a Farm of about LW sans in Elitaboia m ik , p, Allegheny county. Pa, &Molting Efts. g i The Impraremesta are good, and rlaiarZtio beat quality. Will be sold at oiht t. Alm, Oak grove, eontaining 10 zeros , Wilt. Swum plot, With all the improvements. Priers 1114,01 S - . . . Alss,,a FEU °file some our the town of Lkoaler, Westmoreland coutty, Pa., very cheap. . also, a Large Motel at fKaturrille latemestLen, , eat tiso Pants) tiaras. Railroad. The b. tidings are good and wail weamted for a bateloof item TM, igeoperte wed be sold at a fir tuttMep pitt_t barbs. - -- a. nrwilu.Wa Estse•Aigaz, • isgs - - • ..,.. . - 1. No. Mt Muria dna. . oft .Rll, T GOOD - ! DAME SOMA•toad caries, trait, vapid', cur trkybuttz:,..;trale..wairtieo."Vd. aced =be old saAingtom sums, ji eat Smith zatiectroin IN sill: For_pavtleatant air yaks at . TUWISE, shalt • • • - tiN Tama stoat ROOKS. ALBUM & 116: ItrB .AYUT.,-11ALLOWsDa: BONUB, so it w... sod atesilastwottown: • • M1E10.111,-IMATBS.' —*tab', *is isollitai inn Um poussuoa. ,, , Tax - iumumorTma , sis." TIM vireseri r- , aosrim Zawtetssoit.ltalattl4 of • • aMINUMIC, 4+llKnit.• Wlkelielde twarsoiniminm its" awl. le nom* stras - • DANFTISTRP.' . - . • • •-.- - - "C • .41. 0 /111REME.776 .7i LECTURER. 'DITTBBUITII THEATRE; 44„ NEARDWOOCr' 14"111 WK. o il TINEVVIVIIfg UNOLE.TOWS The meet 111011 i latt:fin lentarb whY.bas been to•Teeparatteit ROT men). week', sad tie taleittiof - eitpilienaed lutists 12'sval de• psittoeak in - caste • weer*. and maharani aptnaseee 'here' bees . into tecalsitiencto tender Int- art. tanotnied prodeettcra. the trintok el meebenhed THIS lIVENII_,O' Mang. reacrwied ettainattatation-st" liGiniet .Bo gre , okst &o' VROLE TOWS 0/0111C unroLx rtirrir °Ants. - 171fOLE:roml 9,11111 t. TRDEBLIVB VABIETLI23 - THEATRE. m! ITh W. 5wymrr.....".a.....Le ". OWL ssee and OBELI SLIGGESS I THREE NIGHTS HOBE I -- srestriarrett irrairriarria t • ' , Mee filtamone! two ad •rardon of . • ars. sr*P - .s . ° o r vxpra The pad Ameciaan Filen MISS MAHHSTAHL'ET, The wooAszfal Female Personator, • 173tNANDO FLEIRT: DART, „WEAVER, CLIFFORD AND JACK. 20,Tpreatfte Alt Woe! 10 Pretty. Lady Damara I • ble Show and Double Troupe I . -Monday night , Flts • Blatmone two sat tram 0; FALL OPRICIELXOND I SURRENDER F GEN. LEE ECTURE.—The .FUNNY -FRENCH , PROF. zrazspxe, will oven ht. PORTFOLIO OF tiLirreDEßs at CONCERT • HALL. on WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS at 11 o'efook. THURS. DALY A PLERNOON at oblock,.1)111 m •Ad .1 0 /AlrOS. JtfUS/C. craoßnmict dc.BON'I3 ipx.A.Ncos; rrhe, Best • Pianos Made. PROP. ROHLIOCIVS OPINION: . l~Atspenemee of ' over twenty • Tend inn the Chietertis Plasm, has given me ample °puerto. , pity to judge of their dualities, sad I freely say that I have abraye bead theta to be the. PJANOS,litith for instrameatal perfeinaiteal and seettetpserics the voice. The Pianos castle ems A.Thlckertn.g lie Boles I bonnet lailaiidly sups. .riot tanlyolibetr forme maaufsetare, smt &root such per 'oreetrecelett every pert, tone, touch mod wot2vauhlp, that estates mere ear be 4ta• wed. ••4 •• • • . RtiIISODS; Prate/wig Milli Masi, in* Female Oollette.!_ low Let of Chlekoringto Pianos, 113radbury STRONG ,INDORSEMENT. 11{4.11ili 'motoithe ITe ew ir York hare: with mon empreoed litaii.or iated s tmtnamy arded tol.llll. Iit'I3ItADMIWY; the b 1 h at meat el tor nem aid.. beautiful .plane torten. 114' itatii, -among•• other complimentary W. tl ire t erdtinVan hi eliseale ylano. ezaam With are In our . melnlem that la palm purity, fishnet; equality - of tone end thlonch . wotkmanalilp, Mr. Bradbury% tantrimeacta - - glad - great Millimay, oral kaatlfat olostag Quality of tone moos happily bleadoll: ramir aoso a waste %dams emobtee so , stay of 'Mao Qualities so essential -to a FEELFICUt. RF WWl= Maws, S. B. MI% nes. W. Zeriffita, Theo. Thtotais W. Berm aOS S. - Pattbon, Chat rude; Solite% Ohn4te Mob., Stsslcosph, Mare W. Bemsup, Mak Xtrettet, Out Itarlutts; E. M. Oirtitigtap,_HaFmlerepey Oku. Ocoi Brim w_, Gustave IL Eahezdt, George 00011,11: E. •thews, 1...` Ritter, P.R. Nub. Theo. ltmEtot, 7etiN EL Mien Stoma, HenryE. PerkizAlltea.. EsteA ea. tor Wow tTort •Zunael, gust la /11., W.Beeaket's . WANELtiIk & Wag, tole Agents, tto.,t><ET. Mita STREET.- APRIL FIRST HOFF/KAN, HONSIS s CO.,4+lffliii • 43 nrsu,i!inpir. : ZNI9NINS'*iiOOO tit SINIEIIOII. afferlo.7ll" BALES. CTION ,BALZ opicr.mmutp Tim"~qur . - W 112111110 1 .03 Oar, April 11;11115. ba sold;'st" ptiblie 'motto% to QC highest bidder at the time and places named below, tilt BILBYL&ND. THWIUDAY. PENNSYLVANIA. rEV3 LT WILIETOTOITi DEL&WARL. THVESDET imam:aim rzurittenu, nuromr TWO TOME OLVAMIT HOESE3, at east:plum • : . • These. tutraes. hate Dew oosolsassatt sa aadt foe the cavalry sartiote or the may. _ For road =I tarloc ptirpassa; nasty pod Ur gains maybe bad..... .. _• Horses sold stagly... Sates to @ammo& at tt st. Tasata—Cash. ta United States ioureag a Brent - Iniadter Genital a. , In charge:First Di. .Islam Q . IrAEuBLz PROPERTY • - A.T. aisFrO t Z t .ICClalar• On XONIIAT, May tab. etl oo k. wtil tit sold on t. prelatic; et valuable .tudlding lota, bandsoewly,aLtuatul on Shady Lane, la Emit Idb , erty. lbw above compels.' a portion of lb* well' known property, Wag es‘y o , seam to-the oily by e/tbee 'the' .P 128) Ina& RAM:OII4 L.A. 'pedal to wdway_ all thow ski wish to: attend the sale, will leave the Peunsylveala Depot MONDAY, AT I 3 O'CLOCK, ...P. IL, rettindne at f 040de lathe firaiityr, Tersontsee known day Of ante._ Amin T. A. NsOLELLLND , Attellemete. VERNITEIRX. CAREENS . CIITLERT„ ke. - AT ATIOTION.—THOrtSDAIr MOAN; 1210, May 11th. at 10 &Cloak, at Ifuseedelillall Botts, IS PAM street, trill lbe sell a gusts ot welt krpt Punilture, =Duo ne Mahogany. Soft. Mahogany Soring Seat Obalr4Dretaust and Plata' Bureaus. Wash Steady Cane Seat Chairs , and Soidtas,Setruut Stands, Towel Bask!, Eaten sion Tonle, lee tlhest,llalz and Musk Kgttrus, „Oatpeta, Bugs, Oil Olotbs, gaudery Fire 'mate 1110 and Low Post Tie anemia, 011 t. 'Mate Minors, Pictures, Walnut Orib, Breakfast Tables, 'Louses.. Also a cluanU y of Qusenwrate, Helm sod Parke Carvers, Silver Fisted Tea and Table &roosts and Perks. _ suite T. A. gIeOLEI,LAND, 40 BUILDING 'LOTS IR 'BOROUGH. OF LAWSZKOEVILLE:—SATIISDAY 'AFTERNOON, *ay .12th, at 2 o'clock, win be mold OA toe premises, de building lob, handsomely. 'situated on. the Greensburg Turnpike,handsome ly situated between Benet:attains street and St. Atari's Ayimue.smarly opposite "Dabs Park," • being part of the well.known Keller estate. • - Terms easy ; made known at tale. Than wish :log to slew theirendees before sale, cart call on G. S. Rates, Butler strait, near Allen. Plans of the yennerty eta be obtained at the Sactitur Boon; 106 Smithfield strtet, opposite the Post Office. • ' min . MeILWAINE, Auctioneer. • KERSBY AND OTHER OUTTINGS AT AUOTION.—WIU be sold at Puddle .41tin. tton to tbo bighmt.tdiklor, shout' • - Anon pounds Sky Blue rersey Outtinp; roa do L: Dark ßlue Flannel OuttMoi ISM do _Bilging: ." - Vier male will tans plate at eleven (D) &sleek ar W., en TDIJRBDAY; the elshteenth (18) day of May 1885, at the U. S. tne t wing Depot, Market street, Steubenville, Olds._ Tertas—Caeh on dellvery,l2 GoverMint Dods. DiroMme of _COL. W. MOULTON, Dew. quartermaster.. ALINEANDE6 CONN, Capt. tad A. Q.• fiL 13.18SOLUTACIJMS. Sc. ~IBBOLUTIOR :.07 CO-FARM= P „—The Partnership hinetefare between t he tuteereirene. under tee Able ' l., "lllU ,w il S 10131:12LPTON & 00.itor tbe nuutolactare bt 811ner Pearl and oars Beep* bail this day been dissolved by maul ~ult. - SAMUEL N. l lM n i • 7 011 . W ing " t. *.PR 351.'Xiainnantif. 0.; Otetetatift ra.clevxrror t coal Bilverrettrltuldlhoricrtlioabillospe, - LiUSTI' MIXT. P.l7:llBlglati =Niis DISBOI4I3ZION 00.PARTHER - ISHM—The IT Watts( uelee the styksAt tittII4IIINTER er.oo.7ead 4/L5. le 00, is dleeoleee nutria serimit. , Nturve early yet Nettie the et ,ttue litlecerey - Nd twat la Implaseilair • • = ressouni iha : ist. seig. • • Ofddirt We turn modataimith se is the Sari WW real M i blisSi va;l4, AM: STAY M s ostler te; was airs Almon a' Os. A. D. PAT!' it , • WM: • .• - - ABLY mum% . . JUST BEOETITSD -BY 03M=4 C. 131 WM, si WOOD STREET EWES ..XOTIVIES; 11A3ViniL., tx... Boiler Makers 4iSleet IraniPorkers, itri: 2o " 2l ana 3 all2atzTEmer. 'limbs :mural w.luTo..auctollUttlindshed with the ere)* improved w Entry, we are etl to manufacture wraideeeriptionoZ la' the but inanney, end Overran net Wein Wadi the edttn_tm._ _OHIMN BEILO Flll. BYDS,„ EITEAX PIP% MOTITn BOLLIDIU,SFONDENE9S,II • BALT:. Ph..l TANKS, Mu ATID_XN: !ME TLING. TRON, B &ME PA. -anat solentanifsaturers 'X J 3 aILIAITA - renT BOIL- "' Repairing 40041 ott theabotteat netted.., d•ullf mirrmsavieen SAW WORKS. HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. PATE?iT GROUND 0111p1ILARS, Warranted. OAST STEM SEWS. of -eras le. seriptton. - 2014 Muter, Gross Out, Chingi sad all . . 41.11 kinds or ICNTS7 and SPRINGS made from Sheet Out bittsWV3Letineir NEAP= API) 1110WiNtt KN na• Akrandlonse Works; iktrruir W4:PNIS nog STIORT:STHEETS, Pittsburgh._ "Partieular attention , even to Dstoothing, Gun rolataarStraightentne Circular Sarni. also. to. pairs of all hinds.. Pllnabing and Drilling don* at nsascnable rates. ipzgi qurzrzos ciirt.fin . Copper Mil and.l3melting Work'. PrIT3BIIMIEL PARK; MCCURDY & CO., rdannfacturera of SUELTHUcG. ER A ETERS' & BOLT 'COPPER, PRESSED COPPER HOT. TONS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER BOLD :R. Also, importers and dealers in MET ALS_ , PLATE, -SRSET. TROD, WTSE, &a Constantly on hand, MENEM , and TOOLS. lirarebbusii,No. LEFIRST and lIDEFEO. OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Speshal coed= of Moppet emit to any desired pattern. a ZOROII RIITEX....W. D. BEELER...J. /. HOLLAND LA BELLE STEEL WORMS. ' MUTER & 00., • (Successors to Amu, Haantax A Oes.,) Manufacturer, of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; ISPRINGS, Al, LES, CROWBAR; he. lcWorks, FIRST WARD, jAlleglueny. Pest ce address, PITTSBURGH. - JalSay TO 'NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF BOTH SEILES.-A reverend gentleman hair Ina been restored.taltealthln a few days, after an d m e eZeVt the t a m s e u ln :Agra and u irrelS.‘ c aL m r tal 'e d:cs i lt i h v l: seared duty to communleate to • his afflicted fellow. creatures the means of cure. Hems, On the receipt .of an addressed envelopo,,hs 7111sesdahn, a copy ems pnonivtion uk•'" ~.,-' Mast to Dr:4OM( 7L.DAtttiALL, 188 Fulton teest, H. T.* • ' ,mhtlttytlewT WROBINSON, REA a CO., (clop . mom to Bosoms, Ems a, NOttasik; - Washington. Worits,.. FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTSP. Manufactured of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENCOMIA ROAST ENGINE9,-REILD MACHINERY, GEARUWI A . suArrarck___ _ _MAST RIGS of all deseripttotor; OIL TANKS &STILLS, BOILER AND BEIER'S IRON WORE. air Amt... OR, for feeding boilers. ReWIFFAIWPS . PATENT INYEOTI JOHN COCHRAN at BRO., Martufao. Igr furore of t RON viumTs - AIM VAULT DOM% LEON. NAILING WINDOW: SMUT. TIMM -WWDOW. 0414 fte, - Ncle. It IMO. OND and INTKIHD Ontrkea Woodyard Market, lava oa brua ir variety of .IRO 1;04 4 0, ac, fara-y and, lain, euttable for idipmpoM, attention paid to aaoloy Grave Lot'. Jobbing done at shortaoUee.• • ate THE IHNLIDAIIi CITILNEMILAN SAT OF WAIINtIeO AND maims TION FOB :YOUNG MNN. -Ha, sew sad treatment of the Dire . Ty arid Seatial Systems. Address Dr.j. SKIT I OE-HotraHrox, How ard Anoclatiort,Phlladelphia, rs, . aptly wincerar ri.'-ootorains, toirweßn /NG AND COMMISSION NLERCHANI sad 'who/role dealer' In CIESWIS, MITTEN, SEEDS, FIS endredere.seseray, No. 11 av WOOD-ST er Pft' nol artArD.rn.: ries. LAS' COL. L. B. DUFF IIVILL BE A enneldste.for the once DLSTRWTAT TOTINET, before the Union Meaty Clenventloo, which meets June eth,1963. my2nlewTte COVISTY COXIIIIISSIONENL— TitOMAS FERGUSON, of Taaporettee. Tine, wlllbeiesadtdate, sobJeetto the decides of the Union Ootietrthonventlon. ' Wilde DISTRICT A TTORANT.—JOHN IL I EUREPASEIOIC Ina eandldate fmtlenonf. 1; atfon to the office of IMetzfet Attorney, subject to tbo action of. the XfolOn Berthilean Count! Oonerntimertdelk Brit meet - .open Tneedal..the eth day of June next. Delegate election on bans day afternoon, Junead. eptigedawl" 10.4 WIT& DR A tOANDIDATII FOR tba °Mt* of DISTRICT ATTORNEY. sobleet .to • elm- homtnatlon of the mat Raton Oouoty Ceoeeatloa. apaa:up . . ALEX. IL WATSON. O. Y. Noarairraut....7.m. OIZEaY.J. at. utrrritaartau. 310 1 ASTER; GAZZAM & CO., ATTOBNEYS FOB CLAIMANTS, Licensed U. B. argent., fat promise "mutton& .Dourrnas. REAM OF' PAT, PRIZE MONEY, 00111ZEIF !ULTRAS FOS 11OhStal,sati other prepat_y or destriptd 1.4 the price of t.O United -15TOPP101:3 . OF FAT- .AND - OFIPIONES; t OR OPAINOE AND IatIABTEBILISTEIVS-AO. ooptrrsamed autimpuul.oF.A,4l,l444l. -Appliatitions , by - !fell idttadtdtt ur triune In -410 GEILLEGE•BULVE. MUSS WO. = 4 174 •'" • • ,01 1 170 No. 98 GRIOT STRUT, tor - PrrustiußGH. U. ' WAR OLIERAGEROI. •-• PENSIONS, MlcrasLliess, Babolr- anal CLAIMS OF ALL RINDS PROCURED w. t. & Ear. Bttomeve,ist - I,Bllw. 144 rovula irrour wouNDED eoLnsess. $lOO Dowdy . .to - alt Wounded Soldiers, lo Dori Weipaid to all with • •Illiottooloo." No dims suds 9dYl tho 11100/17 to ooliootod. . Usemood_ IN the 11. 8. ovonanoof. No. NS MTh wooddoor bokror the SOLDIERS' MAIMS, BOUNTLYE PENSIONS AND ANIMA= Or PAT, • PzoinpOyAtteuliNUi bf • • ANINIIUUS SMISDELSo" , . . dooliadowT No. US TOM= Plitsbush, Ps. BIJT'IREFIELD, PAZZAIit & CO., ATTOZIIZTS AT LAW, PA.. I McMaster; Gateau k 00,11ttabnigh.) Collections mode, Titles ftamined, add all other legal business attended to In Vattern Pennsylva nia, Emden Ohio and West Virginia. - Batersnoss: Mesas. lei:khan stni Frew..Tolin Berm Fag, Marshall a Brown. .40 ANDREW STEVENSON, LA pmmmozi. No. 144 FOurtik Street yfrreivaas, Pd.,' will I radian la the vsHoa, pouts et Allegheny .and a4joinlntootualea. apiklyd MACIERELL JOHNSON: . A. j". 117 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. AND LIOESSED SOLDIER& °LA= AGZNI Bounties for Wounded Sokllene collected In Ikea Ain to twepty dem - _ AlirOfneeleo:lB eseirr erszar,l'lttab Cell with thoehulto =dew° witnesses. —41731.141 .MILITARY • OLAThilk PENSIONS BOUNTIZEI, BACK PAY and 9111.1TAST CLAIMS of even deseription oollthted by the subscriber, at Oa renewing. rale% viz t Pandang TAYLOR; Attatherst-Latr, _ - N 0.73 Want strew, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. 11.--NO el:Large, are toads irthe dabs does net neeetd, awl all information even gratis. moth, NO W. 881PBli A'TTORNEY-ATAAW, No; Mau Brum, Plltitough. Pa, Mhos for ,PEXPION% BOIJNIT. Ira= mcnarrisa.vagattadflampr,i. 11r. Z0LUM111..../.. TOME& JORDAN, HOLLIWTER & (X).„- • comustwora . arerchanse, fee tL, W it 0111 W 'EEL 021186' 'r MIMS, I.a2b. pun' Znella &s.. a.. at , OM* AR r • • ' r Brimmo-it..e *arm, rteussitin mu. son.eacr 6041..P/Millawd. . • Wail* 'IL.J:1111111141g.•... _ Mgr Crr7 KnaZ • • saw wane% aid liermai iScostil he Vittsburgh TEURSDAY,; MLY 11, 18;;5, GAZETTE ADVER3ISING RATES 1 _3 (Imes a . I .- Thaly..' `,1,... weak'. , jOns a week 1 1. salv1 54 El- Itii(m I SS q• 1t enr• I Se 4 04%1=1 41 1 ;1 5 110 CII 0 0 1-11 - Three ...140 1 . .. Four thn -1110 11 Flee Oates. . .11 90 ,• 1' , Ow week.. 150 ' 1 110 -.. NI II 45 Two . 4176 LW .1190 110 ,l• 621 Threeirles .41 -*JO 4 1110 "11 01 .rte One month - 161 -4 6ao 110 - 1,15 - 135 Two ince". 1115 • 1 - 7 .4 03 1 .1110 Three - meet 13 - 75 11 IX. " 1115 410 • ..4.- ..9 35 Slx•montba VI TS- 1100 'l3 65 - 600 '.ll :4 - 00 Ala noVa 2/ . 00 15 50 .113 03 10 30 •to . 015 One Teal.. as co - 0 p0,,t1- . 0 •15 10 to • oo • . . . Poem. Nom, ehible one time seek week, red to the. ItemWet* business of the adver- Qll larlor atheetleettenta to mod propor- ktlmesif time.' I time peily. l eweekAaweelf.leweek. One month $ 9 351 $6005470 $ a 00 Three months— 17 20 11.46 BIM 800 Sin month. ' 00 10 ' 15-75 ID 60 One Year BO 00 •A 00, 24 50 It 00 Sir Fiat Notices double the above rates. Death Notices, earth insertion • 50 hlanlage notice., 75 Steamboat advertleements, por trip 5 00 Saceutorsl.or Administrators , Notiem 2 13 Local notices 6 under apecial head 15 Local column 20 CITY AHD MMIIIIIBAIL 112011 ramiatores 11•1131:1111 61•1111111.) Sleeting at the Conyt.lionse In response to the 'Call foremeetineof the at. Irma of Allegheny county, (published la the city papers a day or two sines) "for the purpose, of considering the present state of the eountrj--to express their oolnioneupon the policy and meas ures of President- JOhnson'S administration In the suppression of the rebellion and the restora tion. of local authority In the lately revolted Elates, and to further the 'arrest and panishment of traitors,; ' . about two hundred catizonsussom- Wed at the Court House, at ten o'clock this morning. On. motion of George It. White,. Esq., the na , sting wee called to order by the appoitinnenl of Hon. T. J. High= ea Chairman. 114. Ble b= Mated - that - the objector' the meeting, as he understood it, web : k.O bold up thp handsof the Natl.:mai Administration, and, sustain aid en courage the President to efforts to croak out the rebellion and punish trotters. On motion of Wm. A, Herron, Hsol,'the fiat lowingVica Presidents were chant Hon. Wm. F. Johnston, Col. James M. Cornier, thomasld. Marshall. Hot.; Geo. R. White, Hag., Wm. Phil lipt.Esq.. end Dr. de% L. McCook. • The repsrters of the'preee were designated as BeerMarieb. • Gov. Johnsies regretted the slim attendance, and presumed that there must be some goA reason why the call' for the meeting - hid not been properly responded to. He had noticed% luentlal men In the e"p mmli n t7, l fo t real l l n rilen i tf ly with those wholnaugnrated the rebellion and deluged the tand — With - bltiott. - He was wholly opposed to any such policy, and advocated. In strong • terms, roll and - adequate punishment for miry traitor. He _came to the meeting expecting to see a large representation from all partaot thticounty. but hehad beem sadlidleal• pointed. He thought that the perm had been particularly derellet lathe matter. rimy - should either have noticed the meeting with approba tion or boldly condemned IL Their silence In regard to it was en act of cowardice. and he did net care who heard hint say ao. The speak er then went on to Bey that, owing to - the very limited number in attendance, It would be mo lests as well as untrue to WWI to the, world that their action, whatever It might be, would represent the sentimettta of the people of Alia gbeny county. They were not len, and of course the meeting could not represent the sea • timenta of the pecuile of the' county: Ha had prepared a series alveoli:Mous, which he intended to offer. , had the meeting peen such so was an tleirooed, but he would not offer them, and moved that the meeting adjourn use die. There were some present who favored an adidurned meeting, bulbs was opposed to this proposition, for tho reason that adjourned meetings were seldom, if ever, bettor attended than those which created them. Re - therefore moved that the meeting adjourn damns. James I. Kuhn, Esq.. rernerked that perbips the call for the meeting had not been suillelent ly brought to the notice of the bile. He read Iwo of the city papers and had not *Ma the call. He had no doubt over-looked It, as henuderstood that It had been pablished In all the city papers. - Dr. McCook remarked that the hoer at *Melt tho meeting had been called was not favorable for a large attendanee. Public aenttment, how ever. was all tight, and the people did not think tt necereary to met, as they had fall ectnfidemes that Andrew JohnErn would bring the leader' of the rebellion to combo -- inintaltment. tot• tiered with Governor, .Johnston that the press had not dove their duty, In fading to give sett. cleat geblleity loth. call for the • meeting. He was t.pposed to - adjourning, and would rote against Goy. Johnaton's moUon. • The motion taajount was put and lost. Thema M. Menthol], Esq.,- sW.es • that the meetitg was too. small to speak for. Allegheny county, ncd the rosins why the attendance was not larger was, because the people of -the county , were'all of one • oiled. AM felt • satisfied that President Johnsen ersi "the right man in the right ylace," and that he would diseharne his duties faithlbily, fearlessly and firmly. Ile had drawn up three brief ovelatioss, for which be was respoitaible, as they had come Monet no committee. and which he would submit for the consideration of the meeting. He then read the following: .• . Bemired, That the people of.hilegheny coun ty haves Arm and unfaltering 'confidence In the ability, :honesty and-courage of!Andtew John 60D. President .of •thosUulted. States, and we hereby tender, him our hearty and unseat sups port as Chief Ittagistiale Of the nation, in the auftacaneat of.the laws and 'upholding of the national newer and dignity, at hems and abroad. Reared. That the past life 'of the distin guished patriot who has been sudden"? called to the execution of the highest earthly trot, is the Street guarentesithat thedutius and ,- obligatioas of the 'office be - faltlthillY, honestly and firmly discharged. ' • __ : - That the enueciation of princip les and policy , ante celled to the exercise of aa on . atpower, commands our 'warmest 'coinalendas .14001 azid - : , We bell &deem the mambo, treason, .the -highest crime known to law, !shall sutra the . punishment -dud violated law; feud that trailers shall know and feel that the ' nation lives to mob& crime and to protect In- Mr. Ingham remarked that he had the honer to be Ore . of the Committee appointed at Harris• burg, to onn to the President gm assurances of support from the people of Pennsylvania, and bad beard him. express, In poems. sentiments precisely similar to those expressed f a the second resolution offered by Mr. Marshall. Colonel-Cooper called upon Governor John ston to snbmit the resolutions prepared by him, so that both sets might be placed before the meeting. 0011700 e Johnston then read the following : needled, That the people of Allegheny county do hereby cordially approve of the manner of President Johnson's admirdstratkon for the sup - Dresden of the rebellion, the restoratloaof legal authority in the lately rebellious States, and in the anent and punishment of traitors and crimi nals; that plaice and mercy demand that the' severest penalties of the law, by the speediest legal methods, shall be inflicted upon the lestUng and active traitors to our country. , Besotted, That we heartily approve of all the measures, Including the President's recent pro. Clam/aloe Yor the arrest of the consaratoni th eht alders and abeam , against. the life of o late lamented President, Abraham Lincoln. That are qpit cordially hope that all the powers and means of the Government will be employed to arrest, try and punish Saco miscreants and crinanaht. Resolved, That all scwereignty, ander all !bran of government, rightfully belongs to the people. That ail assurantions and . usurpations of these netts by monarchhsts, autocrats, or cliques. are in violation of the rights, and- in deroration of thepowets of the .citlzen. Thatrepublican in .stltutions, based upon thepopularwill,.coastitute the what and atrongeat government. That MOW. any attempt to , deprive the people of Just power, under whatever pretext, demands the op *Wan and Condemnation of the citizens. 'Resole*, That treason is well : designated as the greatest and highest 'crime 'known among mars Is their social relations. • Is-Involves In ^iii intents and wettings the destrattlon of 'social order. endangers the security of life and the pro tection df - property, and `interrupts - the happy ptimultsof liberty and Andustry. - . , Ttud In ail well ordered govemotentoi - speloging :trout and amenable Wend controlled by' thrs.p*Ple; 110 MUM (Imam speclauey will be'perdllted or alloWeitla mitigation or .dee. of , unholy ate s l atiogia teM by v iolent and armed oppoeillem, lor , des stimy Math* ordtwinrant Its lawit ! ', -. . -......, : , That dathattrallettneh and °filial : to " hatttettomi mew honest and conedeneleas man. are bonds of dewily ink *Witmer,. That,they of thaMtgre demands '''sitialatnaent;- cease Severest nd known among eldtend elm' That without don and proper paidahtnentOfincly Mina; Govern bents beano weaker lbin eotereba, and utter. ly belpiem for Ita own defence. eAmiga. That II 6 a duty tioWderotrininion ach and erntittielylo mutat and ratcourape.' defend sad promet.le ittlentipetrale'Pert or our Mem and mmistrates as may bawdier ne -1.1=11141116161121r aapertheal. - f , `> ' That We 'tender 'heirWy - te the rewilutten pawed by a porch= of oar abet.= (be iftle OtApettliet paati.lend tiMeterndoS it. * impritealag our feelings and isentleseata. • Rwobed, That wbtla we most keettily Wavle tbsioxidgetiklitiolialdiat sad to-Ciattad. arid the rommone,re of our arjies tlflYlsll, tin their efforts to supp-eas re • Inn owl re-e.- labitedi justice and - low, we desire in this tinge of the nation's tedeimmph; ,extreioni, profane end' died = aims to our patrlo c and untiring' Setretaty of War: We can speak - of Lim Alen old resident among et. With =tagging energy, detcymiaed purpose:and illgti-teited purity and integrity. the'dedles of the'. lkiertment, under his therge; tire beet c Imo well I*i-termed; that history wilt record no mistakes; no misgivings; no backwirdnoss; no trickery ,tir' solAshness on , the pert of the worthy Setretary: The income or our armies are meetly dui to his catch:int ad- Resolved, That ate time beresher wllilt be jtmt. to adndit: to full t'}j usbip fientitore and - members of Congress of OM :United States who abandoned their seats Land violated their oaths, that they misht,sedePt positions of treat under the isfe rebeMoris 'organization: ' That all -offi ce,' of the army and, navy of the United States who.veluntarily violated and disregarded their oatlui of fealty, shzdibee-pm_hibited from holding any office of profit and trust under the Govern ment. No prudent man will title:On - Ikea con& dence in "perjured and &Uticas ropes what ever may be - their Wealth, telmite or position. Btsobotei, That the poaalty of death should be !mulcted upon the leaders of the rebellion, whether engaged in its serviceilin a military or civil capacity.' We demand thie extreme pun ishment to prevent (Mere and similar crimes. • ThAlleatlis of our 'bravelitoblierrYen the. battLs field—The slaughter , In `tbe prison pens of the South, and their murder in cold blood, ask at our tends justice, net sickly sympathy, • 'Whereby just +enplanes impious traitors perish; The Gods bedsold !.heir punishment wits pleasure.. Resolved, That weare opposer] to all COLOFFID. taloa, with treason&traitors—their cause, apol- Oghteret or sympathisers; That in the absolute destruction of human slaver*, we recognize the surest guarantees, and a glorious destiny for our people and their glorious institutions. /teeter!, That we Invite our fellow-citizens in the several hannticii of the State, pcincurriag with us lee:minion t to hold meetings and say freely their wishesto our present - Rolerimou of the people—who desire to knoll''and perform whatever the people may desire and demand. li. C. Madera, Esq., moved the ed.:ntim of the resolutions offered by Milehfursliall. Col. Cooper remarked that 'titere'vras' nothing apparently !Wimp:dibble the two settee, and ooth might be adopted as the sentiments of the meeting. He therefore moved :m amend by adopting both/CU. ' The question was put and both sets were Unanimously adopted. On motion, the zeisolatlons et a whole wore referred bark to the 'respective gentlemen who Offered them, in connection With the Chairman, for such alteration or mmenduieut as might be deemed necessary, before publication. t On rootion'of Vol. Cooper, the chairman was authorized to transmit a copy of the resolatiens to the President of the United States, after i Which the meeting adjeurned. • : The reeolutions, as submitted by Mr. Mar shall, veers unchanged, while - those offered by Coy. Johnson wore subjected to but a few alight alteretions. Bad Swindle by a Gipsy Weman One of the bolded and most successful swin dles which we ever heard of, has Jost come to lightln this city. A band of Gipseys encamped In the Seventh ward, two or three weeks dace, where they plied their several facetious Of tartan' telling, healing diseaies, etc. Quito a number of theintier Ignorant and eredulons -people re- Adding in the vicinity were slistimiztel, In rations ways, but as the amounts were not largal but llttip was said about the . matter. About len days since, however. in intelligent and-respecta ble lady. residing In . the . Sixth ward, engaged the services or a gipsey woman, who promised to heal her child of a actions nervous affectlon..by charms and iticantatioits. The lady was told that she most take a Bible,land place, at certain specified times, and at certain designa ted chapters the book. Milsof the denornina . tion of ten dollars, Mid finally place a fifty dollar note covering a certain chapter and verse. Then the gipsey was to come to the house, and pule= her incantations over the Bible,whilethe child was to thrones certain melons or gyra tions. The mother was not to witness the in - entdations, but stand with her back to the gipsy. After the charm had besimade "firm and good,". the.gipay sealed up-the Bible •with her own , hands, in which condition It was to remain , un disturbed for five days, when the child would be completely restored. AS the end: of the Alma specified the Bible was opened, and the lady was amazed to find that the money had all been taken out; and In its atead were pieces of white paper,' mit in' strips! The lady now, for thit first time, began to realize that she was the vic i tim of a areas and anti deception. Search was made for the swindler, but she was gone, and haring had five days time she was of course not likely to be caught. The amount of money lost is about $5OO. The last note placed lathe book waa a $5O interest bear , lag Treasury note. About one hundred and fifty dollars of the money had•beeni borrowed for the purpose, and the loss falls heavily upon the ,woman. Her hnsbandjs absent from homo,bifing, employed In the government service. It is as Webbing that any Intelligent person will give countenance to these wandering vagrants and , thieves, but there scents to be no limit to the credulity of some people. 'Ladle... 81b18 Society of Allegheny At the imnusi meeting of thts Society, the fol. kitting Board of Managers was apppolutal to serve during the ensuing year _ : Prestdent—Mrs. E. P. Swift; ree Prealdent— Min Mary Herron: Corresponding Secretary— Mts. E. 8. Hays ; Recording &screwy—Mts. H. MeElbenny ; Treasurer—Mrs. E. E. Swift ; Li brarian—Mrs. J. Patterson. =I! Dim Breading, Para. Miller t . Hiss Fleming. Bruit,- hteHOMIN " Henderson " Cochrane, , c - Oudry, " Patti:cried Davie, " Sands. " Sprout, Dickey, " Sprott; " Tomes, • " Dv, " Stewart, " 'Shampoo, " Greer. " Sawyer. .. Whitten, " Ismiroo t Miaslllack, . " Posey. District Court. The ease of George H. Bell's: heirs u. Isaac wu taken up Ma Monday, before Judge Williams. This was an adieu of ejectment for four acres of land near Braddoek's Flails. The cue was concluded' today, by the jury finding a verdict In farm of the plalntifft. Partamos for plalstiffs, and Wood* for defendant. , The next cue take'. np was the Columbia OD Company is. David Richey, Andrew Carne gie and J. Jones, IMPleaded with Wm. Colo man and Tholau A. Scott. partners ander the name of the Lubrie Oil Company. Action of debt amounting to some $5,000. Teach for -plaintiff; Hampton and Moreland for defendants. On trial. Vetted Stated Circuit Court VV NIMADATI:I4T 10.-1141bre Judges Grier and WC/males& • The case of Brent vs. The County of Arm strong,•before reyOrtiat, Was concluded hi the jury finding a verdict for plaintiff for $16,665 68. The jury trials having been concluded, the lames were discharged and Court adjourned until ten o'clock Thursday morning. The Cltlzelisi I NaUerial 13ank-Trancli. Sellers, Esq. bat retired from the Presidency of this bank, and is succeeded by Goor:e A. Berry, Esq., a sincessffil end Competent business man. Under the management of Mr. Sellers, the bank haa . prospered In an extraordinary degree, and be leaves It high (IX the'conlidenes and favor of the business community—a position which It will ;tont:diem continue to maintain: In conse quence of, the Increasing business of the testi tntlon,ffir. R. R. Wilson has been 'spatted Assistant Toiler. :The bank Is now officered as follows; President, George'A. Berry; Vice President, 'frank Rehm ; Cashier, leaner E. Brady, Jr.; AelbstaitCashler, Robe rt IL Wilson. Surprise lkin•tlon.—Ttioselneinnatti Cie tette says: "The membeiv of Union Chapel Con oftetiois, called in a body on Tlikrsday even ing, at the residence of the Pastor, Rev. Alex ander Clarke, and leR valuable presents, to the amount atom poo; beside &handsome purse 'orgnsenbeek Xis and a paid Life insurance Pol ley for $OOOO. Bach menthe:nations are in keep log with the spirit of the people who worship there, and indicate the - affeettos sod. esteem they entertain toward their patter and hla work." IiPSAIAL IfOCAL Nonclas. 'Moats W. Nur, precilcalfflate Roofer, wiffi Dealer In Anterteen Slate, of various ceders. Office at Alexander LeatiNtnn's, neer the Welter Works, ritutrorgh, ' Balthus:e l No. 76 Pike street. Orders prot 2 pl attended to. All work warranted water . Honking descant the shortest notice. o charge for repairs, prodded the roof is not, famed 'Rex tt la wit cm. Refinetton.—bur friend. Mr. John Weiee, No. 126 Federal street: Allegheny, was lathe . Out when the glorious news of the capture of . Richmond And the eurnmder of tkh rebel Genet. al. Lee won received, and taking advantage 'of the win produced. and, knowing the re-actket that mould follow,. made very hurry pnrchasta of the finest calm. and 1811111 M goods at Mont one half ortheold prices: goatejof the finest dotty; cambium and.vestings are heiludel MOckillida WM_ wetlandto nudrit.aip order..bn "bark sailenla the latest styled. and . - at eorresinadinkly.lotr ram. choice' asant... mental, turnbbLeg gobiltand readpaade dads , big will alio be round at blv elegant eAlAillalt4' theillOny, trleadh mumddllyegra . Aron.lair. antl.dfsfre)ls tAc)bir. Boot's, Slums iim!l Gabs, iol3llnt,adch,9B .IhAeni street: Nevi Stock lit 'Boots apt 13ho1is ,at, IPrietuo It zaki t. `skeet. : iko‘s'iiMlawaorn dmp,it layette& wake ck,mrs tarp chap at. ge ikon rineetygOble 14 OS Moral street. o..ttati At 41 Fedora stroll.. ‘•••••-", ••-,•• • • DIPIDEMDS. Et .1 NATO/Y4ll, HONK - Or 40.G000ffr. Alt ,l l7n 4 a thrylOalary of IM Untied OW., Mal lEhki . o4l . }. rag pitgerinoNT AND niu CTO t o t Ira avvoti. dny ifoolara4.l6Divi• d SIX out of tha prO of. the shr moat , tterthho on Alnadar, Iptoc Inc» Osvanaaaan Talupod. • • _ ' ailaiad J.J. ifitaatlß,.ooatJer. r Turin Na. " ;i40.0. Haat or PI7I4IIIVROU•_j 110A21) OP DIRICOTORS or . thin Honk' hitva deeloott a divlda ad of SIX PER GENT. oa Coo (initial Stook out of the profits of the last RIR months. payabla to the tit oekhold. era or the!? legal seursootattres on tad after the 12t1 Init., We or Oorenment Tax. rollawd. MO. B. LIViNOSTON, °ashler. WVIDEND. • Orrnalf Stzkotintar &Trrreepxo Ott, Co., „ . HSU South Toneth &met. ♦ dividend of TWO ER CENT. km bees da dared on the Stock of OW Company, payable cm and alter the lath Instanti slew or State Tax. Transfer Books closed Sow the 11th last. my&rcrd WIC ZANY, Tremont. , Taa NA TrosArfaan y iF zverenet,Mayll,l9e T PEINIDSZT AND NMEDID f Ua l HANK have thte day &elated , a Mei deal de P.= MOM. on the Oapltat Steak, free of OoVenmentr tax, -payable o tW Steekballdern or tbeir.leol roprementativea, on of arta She link leys.thell B. OBADY,Ir., Oaahler. M rI3 32OND NATIONAL BANN, PITTONNIAN, MONDAY, May MOMS. The Board of 'Arrestors of this Bank have I. day. declared a dividend of SEVEN PER CENT., free of Government Tax, on the Capital Stalk out of the poets :of the Met six moats, payable to the stockholders or Utak legal representatives, on and after the Kabinet. . my2.llwd 0. H. RNIGS, Cashier. I ' ID ' Orrice Wincrann LWilYtkiolloo, PITIVIIIIHOH,MiIy 2 d, 1883. I The Board of Directors of We Oompany. have tide day.declared a dividend of FIVE SOLL&RS opon each share of the Capital Stook, out at the earned - proliss Of the last six month. free of Gov ernmeot and 'State Tarn. TWO D OLLARS per share of whloh to be spoiled as a credit to Stook &mounts, and THE E DOLLARS per snare to be Ell in cash to • •kholdere ir T . and "Ap r a Bth anylatird Secretary. Boor.. awl, saguirs. NEW GOOD 10 0.22.4 i. rteotall ORLAND'S. Wholes AT Boots of ail of all kinds, and and eromllio out self before p • attire stook oft dB; Shoes of all Mods, Gaiters t prices to suit customers. Usll took. aid be eorortemed for your. ;• • elsewhere. Fle/lnur cur • o EiNi.Xerinat. % Comet the place, width Is at Call BCIXI ICIQ BCI4ANDPS, et Street. 51 door hale Fifth. 03NCE: SHOES.—We are receiy. B oors .1 1, Ins our Spring and Summer Stock BOOTS, SHOES AND OUTERS, !fhb% we mit arming at The, Lowest Norio oat. Arall yogic "saractail. 6013TH dk ROSS. 0 XLREET STREET WSW STOOK OF BOOTS AND 13110115. AN —I 6111111 ion returned from the East with :bugs and via eadeded steak of Boors, • SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, ha. 'Welt I Pave parobsited at greatly reamed prices On ausurtt of tee panto, and oonacipteatlyeas offer Superior Inducements to my old customers generally. Remember that I hare removed from.. Wain& weal street, doors below, where I will t e pleased so show my stock at goods to all who may favet tie with a cal 4 W. S atemitrroul, WI Federal street, Allegheny tray. JAMES ROBB, No.ll9•garket ISSeset 'SELLS THE MST, THE NEATEST ETTTINCF, And THZ MOST DORA*" 81•172 P ELISECSIZIMIN, Ot any house In the any. He hea lad mull* • zotivallicems SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK:' TRY HIK. ..E.TART WORKt nun gamma BY GEORGE LURE& RN I ROJO WOOD STREET. i• 1 1. asul Youth's Real Its jf bruarals; o . Oxford Vega teer Oh!Areal Goat aad ßoo Thew goods aro vadato our owlsl afar. sad • are warrardad narcuallad anatom work. CARPET% OIL -CLOTHS. ire. GEWALT REDUCTION • Inge of . n . artn .' CA ETA. to of toe toddle An ojaTnityof pardusnor doodah POPULAR PRIUE, Oefreopondlng IMO Ute Deelbui Oold. And the Impeadlog tumble IA Rembandbe genstally, We hare tabpra day Narked Throurtbout our ante stook. mmi offse the tarred . And moat ecomplete assortment Of new and *Ado, Patlatts. Wives. Two end Three Fly Ingrid', Plots 011 Cloths, Window Made', &a, AS • nantetloa of- prestrive T2lLay-three sad ow-WM per ort. XoYABLAND & COLLIN!. Anal 1111FTH STREW Neat dam. to Cad= Haase and P. GI. NEW GOODS. Carpets FA, WA IV , Vt=9 4:4:Te) 3 Q:4 W*l we are aow r eceelving oar Second Cknerat eisserieneni for MD season. bought at the REDUCTION. We Direr to parchment the greatest adveatagea el the mieket. Tke Newest Styles and Lowest Prices W. D. & IL reICALLUIL M=MM tiiiiA.l.id iteßi -anus. , ATWOO . RALSTON & 00.. Ilisufactann Commluloa litroluAts ,:. 0 PFATEK47II3, 011 (So Aratiltsge, Rugs, AV. mli d t 619 ' PeaIiVATA. Ligia4Lu2 RENOTAL.. . • WELLS, RIDDLE & 00, bate removed al sir ' extensive Whip_ Store arid artory to No. 46 WOOD STREET,. corner of Tinto Alley. where - they are. prepared to ID aU. orders for WHIP L &MIES AND etymon's promptly at theloweet prices. mr2 R /I NOV d L.-DLV. CRAWFORD, • . . OwildsN4 Mardisid is Pip Rea% UNNIR' Mi Senors/ Ids Wks nom No. OS WATER 3T. to OORNER OT WOOD_ sod FIRST STREETS, cm pm:9W Nelsoal Bask. The lonotiosossis sill Radom' owned ea la all Us bessebss. Omsk Waxier aid& Oomigazamts soattielL Sir Easer - te - Ls UM Xmagmtarels of nu Rzitoyeu—We hal, On day afemoved , . . N.• *ad pins ft Is JD uue t~iaiewtr Peatits gni y is ar"i tit P41.1"6 .. "1 1 4 AiOSOO it CO. - rielosingic Apritobase apes!' • SAWTRIt'S - BARBERS' 130A.PEL—I " kale lor MISIOgre yew aid CILWTILIPS EAUBWO ruar ,41111 smisidte suPorier 110 any othelli bin 114 uost. Miler for the toilet or tor i 4raft, , , 411111(4&P, inn% Rtrest Simla SNOW. - • ;,- - - = • -.174 • . . • 114.1MC8 rIXO sa.rAiur. TREASURY UEFA STATE:NI, orszca w OwarraocizalaPTaa (Rummer, BA egg Wurata-mir, April ISA. - REAS BY' TISFACTOR 11 avidease restated to the IthEletitead it $4 boat node to appear that THE BCHHHHE RATIONAL BANK OF PECTORIS% . to the - olty of Pittaburgb, In the eg of All.. iLlea n tEreetato of Pean i us, has bosh ditty seder hat Seco 16 the regitiresiedits Maio t cif Congress, esti Ast to pro. side gisalonal cinfroarr; Beoll2*.a . 17 • Pledge oc Dotted OWN Beads, and to i sr i orlda for ma 411.14 - Istlies AO . roamption them .apyrorga lime id, Ito 4, ght tuia Mayne. NM the yrortatoas of gate set temiteld to be, eogspllog with before oont enonelesettis Widths, of bulldog under ma sat. e r Coosperellor et the Cos. by Gant' that nate Jeselialas Jefsp C.= 1 4 11 1 1 1 e of Inttatut fa the - oily of Pitts burgh,- In the county o and Stat.& of Ponnsalvants, tg authorind to ecellizeds• the bode dess okßanking auto the iisoll,ll4 Ourreney Bureau, Is fewthnOsy whereof Seal of the witness - ijLC:II and Cknoptroller of the I. seal of this Seth Currency. I ,fLarof Andie ntentan'oramick sp2Mhd Comptroller of the Curren°!• EXCIyiIIGE NATIONAL BANK, 0 f Pittsburgh. Cbaltertil by the l Capital lOrganized alder Ili/leaf 'Pa., 1836.1 81,000,000.111atel Law 186 i SSW Beak has been designated a DEPOSITtIitY OF TEE United States Treasury, and appointed agent (or the We at the 780 1.8 Cr .A. Every facility will be offered to Loyesters or par tie. purr-hazing for re4alit. • EL M. MURRAY, Cashier stair, PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh. $1.000,090. tft9 prffilas of 111,000.000 Banking Housei.ooßNEE FIRST AND WOOD AIRMFS, This B&W. osgealtedtnder. the National Busk ing Sto now preparedlcrtrauset busineas at its Boo king Mame, comet of Wood and lint !streets. Collections . natle on. all utesalble points on the meat fertrarnbie terms." Spada Agnate tor 'SAY WORE, for the WS of the If. 5, 7 3-10 Treasury Note& mama. use. rreudeat, _ F. K. aosiitort, osuet. 7. 0. NePITEXSOR. Ttllee. aptiAga BANIt+DICA HOUSE. N. HOLMES & SONS, iro. PI 'gasket Street, Pittsburgh. DOPOS/TS RIKDKITND IN PAN FUNDS AND OVIMENCTY oapteetttios made On all the prLotdpal vitas el the Salted States sad-eastadas. stoas. BONDS AND OTHER sßotnanz BOUGHT AND SOU ON COMMISSION. • • Nationlee attention paid to the purchase and , aele et UNITED STATES SECURITIES, IN aLITDINCI NOW Moles Mils of ISSIS Do. do. 6.105; Do. Fives. 10401 i Do. Dena-Thlredsi Do. Gortlitado of uektgedoess. 'ORDERS AND VOUOLIER3 BOUGHT OR OOLLEOTED : DOLLAR hlailiGlß BANK, 1 , 10,i •66 omutTESED EN taw Open daily from to 2. o'clock, also on Weiner dray End Saturday evwW,. from May In to No• ivenher fet, from 7 to lio'Coek, and Dom November to-May Id from a to a Wank. Depositereeeived of all non of not heathen Qua Dollar, and a dividend of the profits declared twice a year.ia June and December. Intereethui been &stared eenitainually, in June and .Decembee, since the Bank r wan mooned, at, the ran of sin we Ont. a yea. Intereitjf ant draws oat, te Aimed So *ha weft of the depositor as principal, and bears the same Interest from the dot days of June and ,Deeember, Compounding twice a year without troublinir the depoeitor to call, or even to present. his pace look. idt this rate money will double In less than waive Broke, containing the Charter, SyLAtn,, Rune end Regulation, furnished pads, on applloauaa * the omee. Passuderr—tiSOßGE-ALSREE. - • - • . NirlSlam JUlderson, A. IL. Pollock, 11. John G. Baekoren... Hobert Bobb, • Seal L. Fabnestoek. John IL Shoenberver. Jame Herdman, James teldle, 311i1•11 MBA_ uley Alexander Speer, lISM M. PSOThail, M aw TS _ . Slain Agana, Hem J. M John 0. Binder. Peter A. Geormllla42l, HUI John Marsha ll , Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo - 7. — Carrier, Jame. B. D. Mesa; Chutes A. Wino, John B. lisiaAldechl Wm. Douglas, John Orr, John Evans, - Henry L. John J . Otilespli a , ' William leWrgy William B. Masan, Alexandar Simile, Peter H. Hunker, William Vanklrk, Richard Hay% , Wm. P. Wen's; .puslis ni gg „ A im r.ell 1 tenon Whltilse. - A. COLTON ' Seersterp—JAMlli B. DAKEMDE. astataw TREAbIIRY DEPARTMENT,' Owes as Oomsraor.usa os Tan outstay , ifsahhaston; Marsh VII; 1815. AW. - HEREB BLTISFAICTO Y evidence presentadto the aadeslped, it has beta midst° appear that. • FIFIST NATIONAL BANK OF BIRMINGHAM. • la the borough of Birmingham, in the @aunty of Allegheny and State ofPennrrtoaniaihasbsen duly organized under and swordisg to the noquirememta el the nets of Vengeful' entitled Art to pro. vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Bands; And to provide for the dm- Utica and- widinaption. thereof,o ',,proved June 1864 aid be compiled with ail the provhdoas Of said act required to be complied with before eons. taming the brudneed of banking tinder said sot: Now therefore, I, Mummy Otaitc,.ooraptrot. leit of the Ourrenevido hereby testily that.Tha First National Sa n k of Blrminghaw. o la the bor.' *orb of Birmingham,. In the county of Alleghisay, State of Pennsylvania, la authorized to eons. manes the business of Banking ander** not 11/011. 1 . Currency Blttlaty ' ,LI testimony whereof . Seal of the witness my hand and seal Omnptrollee of the - ranee. Ikill 27d day a - Currently. Ilarch, 1,3 M. _ FREEMAN or.s.tur, inktettmtt urns . tottelher a the Ourtmey .7IIBROMAXT TAILORS. BISSELL'S BLOCK. W. H.. MAMA 10 ST. , GLAIR • STREET Would call the attention of Wpm to biz it'Oek good'. has been selected witft put at 4. contain. all' tberfEWEST SWUM 'Or CWOII4 fo be foundin tint .lees houses.' Golfelobbing a suit of efottute made to °Ma r ie/11_ plesbe oaf sod' examine =foods nod picot., &wok eau and W. IL: MOWS. Kaacrsual:alTisoi, N0..10.8t. 0160,111 STREET. JUST MeFrED. ►/SERI 81:1PiLY or . Eloys' ciothilLg, Foam mom emu, At Greatly Reduced = Price& GUY .a Locum 41 sr. mils irmar. Wm.] . • _, ALEtifilißlL WILELIkaIs SOB. . s ow °maw liar MN Btu% su Raft trot aft 11, II a IS 40•111 sinThisitati=tirklia .WOOL liddirt,= scuds mosidgeuesala • wuPuLEN TARNS, satOOTTON TIUMI pait will luta MUM advasowif emend, er , s9lablparate ot alz re low pe arm awl& .LEnir..LL _HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC?, - PIUIPIIIIPPLI Aliff sue; AMY NAST. BEEN IN 1%3E FOR Tl6lia • -_/Mu 151012SANIN NATE kW) larr ovum rtia,chatirsyse; mamma' inkunfisanlm* aims, Paw • • ea onto ea sidtiati 140tir ainasi. Prise,'" 9-o,ares Ponir 2everirerk CkaoLsa" oder AppettteoArettivrii• Bet. Iliaee ea S—Oares Oolle. ?maths, ova sad Well felsessailew 0:011 sod 11146,1"eso of. Wait No. 4-Corrs l/frorlem - Of Chiltern or 111111 Cholera bantam and litsmarr Oomieloletn 'Zen Km 4 sal nom Oir - *erg ram or Obrottellt Sa I-Ocues•Pnastery or. Moodie Mos. Chit edging, Elbrus Oonn Dysenterp. , Pries*. • on . - No. 4.—Fee Maws,- Cholera Montt% Nsl I In Wondtlng, - Astamatio Breathing. 15 ova& . No. 7—Oures hu , Clolds; Hoarseness, BM% ittaanflueazi me Sara Throat. Price 10 eseif This and No. 1 new tail to ours the wont USIA NO. 8-Ow Twth.ache, ?semen', Norms Demand Tie Dolorenz. Price as oento. No: 11-oWoolloadeoho, Sick Hesdaobo, Tootlige Sushi,( Blood to the. Head. ! Price 9s cents • /11 addition WithNO. EN It no tioet inveterate asses. rm rails to MLIII No io- O ix Dopeplis, Aca or ThiliatliC b: Stomeb,Cenntipatlon, - Liver clismplatAt4, t; aiuona Condition: - Pilot S 5 crag: Lmn.u.taiiifor all Wow 01:15r . el!k p9m4,102 . L . - Mk ilLtions Comdata: - No.ll-Chirei Morena Merum arigeontn E. Painful, or DOloYton. Green fikknoo. -OS Mat, No; 11-onres Lericorrhes Or -Whiter,Disaleit Down too Profuse•Stlertses- resents, • . No. 12.-.oarie Croup; 'Hoarse' Omni* Ditictilt and - OppreilaM Breathing, 35 cents. , No ;14-Oures Salt, Hitainn,..Crtetg Ernstellie.f Erysipelas, Scald Ilesit, Barbers' HOhe Dimness al. No. la-. Cures Blueistatism, Path r LantensileCele Soreness in the Chest, Beek,Elds, or Leishite Mt Sciatica. 15 emits., - ' ' '. No. 16--Ourems Parer and 'Ague; , • Interetttre3ll* irer, Dumb dame, Old Inveterate Agnes. " • " ~- I No fr-Oures Piles , Internsfoi,Eisternaliolle4 se Bleeding, Ethoent or Obattaste. 60 ant& ~.- . . This remedy, has cured thousands of the - werie poulble cases. No.; 18-Ortner Opththalmia, Weak .or wimorit Eyes Or Eyelids, Failing •or Weak eight. ea NNW y. It , cis always be relledianon los a cure- , Nix IS-Chiret Ostsrrh; - acute oredinrels,, di INS. : teat & Cold la the Head; Inliuens: SO ovate. No. 3e-onies virtki.iiioV. shortening eat ; pallating it, or Spartnodlo 110 yenta. It la forelimb* and lawn% colidi sedfillula , . No. 21 , -Ourea Asttanai i 2= csuoc lHflbeiV a llt bored Smi th ies, Omagh - • Duc t o Hursineds have been. cued by - . ~ • v... No. ,33- Duren -Zar- , Noise la Uka Need, Impaired Hearths. Earac a. . No.. 23.- Caren :fierefula,` Glands, lair . roarao Swellings and Old Wogs.' - le amts • Has muirdthe wenesases.l • - I . _ - : No. 211-41nrie General Decay, Ripka or WM No. 116-Onnes Dro ~ Pbxkl.tooniadatioolo We Swellings, with Iliewetlong IV ' ' '-s ' N IS-Cures SeioSiciuneas, Prostrutlee. VON Nausea: Vomiting.' ea cents. MI. 27-Ourel Urinary Disease" Gras* - , Oaten, Dinieult or Painful Urination. el posit Steam old oases of Kidney Diseases. - No. - ail--For - Seminal Emlialaah Lintalle ' Diw.har, atffeoru_tes,. tient Prostrstion an Debt tg.liad xerWa.orEvu Habits. Pries 13110. - 7 nic kola cadent rozoodrl:o9lrai *al'ella. .' 1 died uses do S sure mire.' • " . . ' • , Nole-chires' fkiie Month Or Stoniseh, } Youth of Adults' or Ohlkinni., and; oho N Canine, ews . and•Vomithig of Pregnant Forruebis.. el seas; -No Ste.--Caree Irtoordlnen_ ea, Wattle. the bed, too -Frequent, Painful, or Brnidlft Uclo UOL No. - 111;-Curea Painful Menstruation, Pressurni Cramp or Spam; Prarittla, Dahlia& end Warn Urn of Fmale: it CO. - IS acts !Ike a charm.. . NO. 111-Cares Stiffening at fromogeof Lifts, Flucher of • Heat, Pidpiiatlen, Led ' Manua of the Heat. •81 00. No. 34-Cures Diptheda end illaerater , not Sore Throat. Note. No. at-Curet Conval. ono orilpm= Of /EMI or Adults, and Cramps of all Iria NOAH-Cairn Ittllonsueob u 'Want of Appotliii, - . Lowness of Spirits, Jatuictloo. Oonstipationoullb No. Boils, Ciaboneloo, mid say. Rae ; No. ss-Curea AN Amato Elkin Nraptlosis, en Nese let Fever, Measles, Chicken Pox, On. No. or-Cotes ChrenbrOoughk Nerroaa Coe a ' Dry Cough, and Covet with expectoration. Nowa-Cann Sonoraor Osmanli In the Mat Ow: Infants, Battling of Mucus In the Throat. Na rn-Oures tionatitutional Moos:Mow to be guest Attacks of Headache. No. 40-oOrea Constitutional IllapOsittoli 10 Asthma. to vial family erne MG OD , NI vial family case, morocco S 111 le rig alias, plain. It • , ;171 P 7 ,'s cue C' POEMS EXTRACT OP HA MMA t 'For 131er .. : 32A . ... Seidels, - 0461. &Wien; LW*: Rboilastim; - M, an • tkass Wirgothaabs. It oda Uk•: ate. MOO ro seats. ,The.trsde,sapplled et lsawlrodl Daft Oar sea.dlea by Milt. ywro li kocoo,. an ottmd s olo -918- tbl i amcwit ta da mote or stamps, by moll to my address, sod a • waist:ow will be d.l y rstunadtry mat on ' ins se dune. • • IIL 'FULTON. Willis striset.tmso*Butlasi, decond door below the Pea OEM. • sit.lndust" !pat reellttaburgh and , COUGH NO IKORS. TRY ISIMICELLIIIMI. lEELLIFLUOUS OOUG BALSAS., ErninniMAND% 11:11:a4M10171i OMNI , BALSAM Is warranted to sure 0 01 310 1 1, Oda jioareenets, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Dees Thrazt, sad Viantmptioll lad 1100 4 92 N If IMO Throat . . Yee esl4 . 4 = l : General begot,' Ybatt6 XiX.A.II.IEUECCELAS. ILIUM Waffled sues and She Iseausamic DR. STEMELARDW ARTLO H OLSBA "MC. rußEss the only .attain remedy for blushing ink to tary. „Itcombination of Astaingiellg. Baum:dant& and gesetinstivte fag II wenested egliet it sere &Stu an cum maw • Far sale bractiata. chineisi Depot„, • SThIOKLAND'S PIM Bknapr.. PILE BEIEFIT r. awed thaviods of , tbe worsteasesof B/Intl Modes Ma. imatadtate lllb =t a r 1 . 1 ? 1 „ 11 . 1,4!7. irWs by Thvggista. email Divollol • . . ... Dyspepsia, Eanrmirtiah Debiliig!"_ . sratcna.unrs Tomo; Wit mit twootortit those And Wag IMMO= • • •opottia, todlototts . • • Dyitpltatovomin odd Nervous' Dainty, t• tun , rts.W•• It is • tregettal• VT092E141414 nes fora Arlo. optutat ( liquotai It streogi wbol• =nous tt areite• • good Doeagns the rt totoriuttot to , D P Ui as georo:l4. , ProYated_byt DU. Book stzest..9lla;. dinned. _For Isle :Wynn: GEO:It.' 'sonar Wood street sad Virgin alloyoutit B. IL 00., 'orate ot Wood sad SoomaajoAP_lble2 burgh; and by PA.= kBSILL, ao. rbra• AV MAN OF A THOIISAND-All 001 R An- BiIItPITYE 0071101—Dr.11. • - tiredythysistan of great eminenos,climoyere4,wilial In the But Indies, a certain ewe for Oacureness Mom Atibms, Bronchitis, Coughs. Ooldii anal 12ble. eralDebility. The remedy was dlesoveredi by Ida - - Z when his only child, a daeghter, was Cressy tie die. Els child was mired. anct is now, alive ea( welL 'Desirone of ben/fitting his fellow he will send to those who wish it, eontalliV3 direction. for making and succembilly mint remedy, free, on receipt if their names, with two 'Kamp, tow expenses. There is not • aingter,_:' symptom M'Oonsumption that it. dose not as owe take Aoki of and &siva.% Night sweats, yeses Irritation of the nerves, (Miura of Mfg expectoration, sharp pains in the sore- threat, -chilly sensations, nausea stomach, inaction of the bowels, Wasting wags! . the mnectica. . AlirThe writer will please date the name of OM paper they see this adrutiserment in.' Adam% f •North second stmt., Philadelphia. • . woßri. PRALOTIO,3, ' • . 4: - szxcir. innutinik moraine sliVrideo edam Imellired WEI*N dam YY box leasaaaoe fa this arty, otal tee amonatof toktfents treated. aratmill Dy LI 1. authreat pitOr of my sump; SPENNAT011111=korSE:111111. WELIMINIW AAA dismume artsam. therefrom. ara eared ulna shorter' time thou heretofore by my NZW IWGZINBLZ , EZNZDEEN. Maim, mat ler any pato! the Zama ' All letters am* motabAs "tam p 11 Mum padags. laered.,. t ares gunnwrprat asstsaio Row. MOW , w; prawn pilUraktira." _ .. . . . ono scal rasa WrltitirrOmtll,ll4' ; ',:::. Torte erre arattammiNis it a I , llllbii , *at two Iwk lb* dim brim iiiq a d, /M, 41ss,Elsuilail W 01=tial 104 . .i 1 Mims isilimml. 11111 Pam elnal - " • mini. J 11141.40 011810' • • ' MOE 11111 ZELL AND BARGE YARD • ' *Mita ilktbillY• MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers