the'Vittsburgh acttc Ptiumniciuseinit -TRUIZSDAY, MAY 11, 188 a. :Tag WORK caws BRAVELY OX Haiti , , vreheady Published a synopsis of %hi idint's proclamation outlawing the tirstkal 'vessels - which lure beeivey* IdioiVie'OPM l qTriatznatti*orthlitroiticd • Otitis upirardsof threelptart past, per the tiltqlhig,'andeitoPtit;'ttieenttauc' tn. belgierenik. as. accoided - to thizZlifeliter nMloas. They 'ere tieWrlA;; eked, the ontrtda litiddirlizat dam . to iiionsard, tete what May always were--pirdtaa - • Thelilbilt new.' 01 4...(naxellnetinnl noll;ottallti ;Tlttit now it kismet et the shadow of ape - upon erhir.h' to ' NI 8 9 long as 4 1 0 . inlets :Jinni aide io lieVipthe sesubliince,cii. govern.. Mient,andtati an army, erthe field ; ' so long tfils • tosubmit toWe Arius wrong Amos to 'lt by other nations - in lee , • and - Siding in every way they could ; those predatory vesselatchici'lid not e Sin ' ' part =of their own width. they beta en-, ki t and which were built, Stied', ant, man. zed and suppliedin Europe; Menially In. (heatßritain and - its - dependencies., Bid now the President glitertlinse foreign gov oeniiienti fair notice GO44i triairt be no more }lathering of theie - phZtes: • ,er , A:neth proclamation sweeps every treitha tige of ths rebel government, both corded: orate and Butte, from= Virghda, 'sad web s lishearthe loyal State government of 'which Governer' - Pritnrortrr 1a tint head ;= it repestsbliabes the federal , courts, 'the post ofdcesiaad all the active of both thz.wittionel BtateautiMitlP. guusti . Legg; VA the liitste a, republican form of goveennkent, and Winging to Judgment and' sale all property liable, under the Inds of the Union, to confiscation. ; President Jonmsom Ws fair to be a ruler : hrvto7iiiiinid the Mroid Will het be held' In vallt--"i terror to evil dime; and a praise to those who do well" Be is a strong man, he hu a strong nation to stand by him, and he has a strong and stiffmecked race to deal with. But he needs no urging; and weare persuaded that, with alibis vigor, there will be no abuse of power. If there is anything good antlnollif which ilia pe o ple of the South ars capable of respecting It is power wielded,with justice, couramt and Aetersol: ' *lon. required s Ltscotat - to .soften Poers iing9 olll6 . 047visiSedxfri*Minlat reaoile needed so .control_the nerbuktat eireiejuitrwhichiticworcreatot;aiiii ItAitch grgiaa ' rpaii:csaaat contend ;: t"' RIEISitt ime. -glad to ape - the 'colored 'mkt of tlie*rth. npeakiaSup for 4teinisdiCs. In recently,. a peti- Atom from the colored men of East Tames- See waa presented, from which the follow lag la anextiact: We ask yen to "extend the protection of law to us, that we may be of some use to ourselves as well as socletyl for .all are tatitfro eatrit'thitt without our political rights-, our condition is very little better Mani: was before. We have been looked upon with eon ' ten* and despised without any caulk, and if we are Whet left without the protection , our of law, - condition will be awful, for ' wicked men will !tel t that, they will have a right to abuse us on all occasions,' and We not the sli,ghtest right in law to defend sur. selves. dq must know that it will be a graWerutottragement to 7 tominit *lmes of na ass defenceless people; 'end it will have a demonslicing effect on your own people. Now we ask you to grant us this right, and we will beTto trouble t torn. We win:lake bard of - our Olin pi - opera, and we will, as we are doing, help you fight & battles in.the Seid l assi-letashelp yea. 'the'rehels at the ballo-kor„,.-And shat "eo diagrams to the-'State.- We are_ not asking social equality, it is political rights, and it is no mom than what you' granted to the freocolotedremhoi. the State years ago fsets4en all weak knici; litany of our fathers Toted for men that still live in this State; and they did not think it any disgrace then, and it bad no bsd influence then, and how could It - sfOW in these days of revolution f - As to our loyalty, it is settled beyond all colitkdiftkith ;Wherever you slicer k col orettMkrYbu find in - him a warm and de: voted friend of the United States Govern- The Teintessmi'Legislatere•cannor do a wiser or:manlier thing , than to do what the _adored Men ask of theta. The roan, toysl wiltZemen of Tennessee will be teithest pro =l4 kifor:ger it the/ - de • sa. _Mho- lime irlieri they will need this *votes - of the colored men to sustain themselves against the reactionary Influences of the old aristocracy, and now is the time, not only to do Justice, but to guard . against the poasi bility of reaction, • FRUIT AND CROPS. The Wavy fiost'of Nay. jury. to the fmit bi'tbe lowlaid; in Mis county, and thegrapeo„ wet:hilly, suffered libereltespoeed, but 11 1 P ; l ulkor ukkeridt mamped, and so far everyttdng prombes weV. The, apple trees kad.but few blossoms on Wen, angered with list year, - and;the Mirisequentli: light; - but •the peach and cherry tries are full of newly formed fruit, and the prospeettor berries is ThiMiaiiit of wheaZ soWnlist fall was not v ery but squab we judge, ta.the avefige,affour years psak,+' lt, ls now look , ingpnely,kad sttasitblfim s good yleld., tnilitts; than' can kl'ltaVy, , fill 'to be en abuipl+o4., spentv-precacir isio, seems to us, his been PM' Li m crop is coming farwlf,l;.beinittfrilly.i gets nobackset, oats WillbeMciiiit next fall to OltiP4ce- - Tha woitheils not ' 4ery , favorable, as yet, for is'aOni; liut there li planty of time for did, 'yet Altogether, the Indication) throughout the country were never better for splantl ful ytdhi bf all the secessitilea °Cafe. - A catz+74yrnde.wjth the upper Mississippi .11 anUeipatedibngroaeht sesame: Tatnt wa. ter for the last two years almost suspended neviketion aboye,Ltt, -end loather menifere. been enable to get their lots and lumber fiom the pioneers of - thoWisconain, the Black, Chippewa, 8t Croix ' and upper Itbaluippi rivers since 18694, on account Of low water: - The 3lisilsaippi and all Of lta trlbutaries in that upper country are hall to the btfin. _The accumniallone ot.'two o r . thisiYeers will produce an aggregate that wall amount to inUy three. millions of dol len'. , MEXICAN PRIVATES:MING:II is stated, upon what appears to be reliable authority, that President Juarez has issued letters of =,for reprisals against French com —The bitten Intended ter the Pacific water, wsre issuctLover a month ago, and those for tbe'diliudiC more recently. The result of this ma be to corer the (Rama tritkitericen sateen, the precedents of neutrality esta blished In the, American citil war*** graitlYtacilltatett this poticy. A 11190T,Mtesfant preacher,„ Py the. 'sawsrri Is =Mg Aso lifflo _ Italy e seen tra_prisois; rsearistifrtisdillba — bias. of- the Catholic authorities, bat,iso:fobsier is he at d thsja begins hts work ipiaplei fad diawe littegilreittrowds'otalll , -He ado* liaMuss 14.00, foe dad/. ofitioillds,,and, theool, icaMfaeisli t ystisq, make. , AimeAsitierrom: be Vetoes - says ilia . „ Mittrobtmsd thiipanagas Othe - 43tage Ocalliajramlye bees apturalsaitiWbodies bait la tiro wogs. G91,111G . 1,11, TRIUMPH. The groat A neric iAaU.slarory Society, which for moie than - thirty years has been battling with Slavery, through evil ,bad through good report; with stitirtirhiciino obloquy, or scorn,' or opposition, whether it came in the fortn7of err:pent or dent clBUon, or ixtftittstlutt, Or briclaits, or addled.egn couldquench, will probably disband thisicesir, Its bitunph - Wag tom= *ste t its =Lydon scoOtopllshod; Its work Sashed." It may, however,' lhold on for while longer ‘ . - :; In noticing the *universal week in I,few York, - or the "Holy 'Week," - it is :s ome 'timesthe Times , thne . pleasantly alladea tothla eatritordinark organization :; There was generally a wrwo for the • Alto:: • litionistefiresched • an. unprofitable and VW - popular doctrine.' The great ecclesiastical bodies turned their backs upon themq world. lyrespectalde people, for the most pariog:- noted nem; - their principles ..were . pro rfonneeil,pestilind; their conduct disorganiz, Int their, method intoierable; their language seditious.: . The . Church to which .they . appealed for .years to discharge s'Ohristian duty, declared them to be' Infidell; and thus they were giveriover to thefbry of theme!) whenever It pleased the mob, which :was pretty often; to arause7iteelf with torment ing them. 'lll:dere and his gang . would swoop down upon themin The Tabernacle omadonally "like the wolf, on the, fold," sad scatter theatipoor sheep whom no police thought It worth their ~ while ler:protect. With a quiet persistence...and brave endnr atm however, they tot tmfrequently with stoM these open attacks as' successtnily as they always stood np against - the odium and' abuse which was universally heaped upon. them:. Nor,, truth to tell, did the excite ,went of their. meetings depend upon.the ao 'cidertt of being mobbed. Theirs was a:free platform'and attracted to it those possessed of every sort of eccentricity, every'species of vagary who could find •no ether place where they could get a hearing. • They differed, moreover, among themselves, and were never afraid to say so. On their plat form Irris.the clash of great intellects and the • striving of great earnest hearts, whatever their faults were—and faults they bad, for, lateral], they , Were only human. Dad there been nothing else; to signalize Anniversary Week for the twenty. lean preceding 1800,- there was salt enough in the Antislavery meetings to keep a whole people froth decay. They 'were a' sort of mora n, l pickle that perhaps preserved a na tio • - - • 'But all this was before the great rebel ror the -last four years we have thought little of the anniversaries. We have been fighting heathens and have had little time for.converting them. ... Sick and woun ded irldiets,•starring and *eked refagees, forlorn contrabands have appealed through new ergnalutione to the charities:and Fgm gitidie %iodinated, flit Yeani ago; to the other aide' of the'iglobe Tor objects of wallet And theintiSlaway meeting! no taberns els would.old it longer. The whole :na tion hal:taken up that work, "lin.ifnion with elaveholderal" cried the pioneers; un der each penalties as were meted . out to them "The Union without - slavery!" blithe later Gospel. Religion and reform societies ' came together again this week to continue their work or tri begin twin now that the war is over. Th"e abolitionists meet, it is sup ticial- 1 4 hi-ffsy, for the leaf time, for their wy.i. Is finished. Slavery is abolished and they-thank Gad and adjourn rim dia. =No More mobs, no more persecutions, no more reilliage for tlierindy rejoicings and Te- Deiinia!;—..ile Day of Jobilo!" That they should part like other people is hardly to be.expected. The old warship will hardly go peacefailto her moorings' to rot • and fall apart piecemeal. It Would he more in keeping with their history to put a match to the mimed= and blow her up, and that they-will do - so today is not unlikely, Bat she has carried a brave crew, whatever else may be said of them, and the Mere *ill be better able than the present: generation to - understand the stormy seas they naviga ted-and how they came to port at tut. _ Trying It Oa. Vsmee, of North Caroline, has pot forth a 'feeler for.' his master, JCS Davis, iq the shape of a proclamation, In which this two-faced rebel calls himself Coy. &nor - of the Stale. If Tanos la Gorem Or. of North Carolina, then Jeff. Davis is President o(the Contederacy ; and no doubt Mr. Vance is "trying it on," In order to see how far -be an procure - ram somebody in euthority a recognition of the rebellion. The Baleigh:Prspresi,' which remains, be it remenilmed, 4n the the hands of its old conductors; !says of tho. impudent *ad pre. tentionsietter of Vance - dent.tWei appeal to Andre* 'Johnson, Pre ti eof the United Suttee,. a man whose whsle pfibliteincer has Amon luni, to be a friend and champion of the honest 'masses, to safe the people of his native State , from this tyrant and usurper Vance, and the cor :brit vampires that would surround him If allowed to return to Raleigh and resume the functions of his office; and we appeal to the 'military authorities to so distribute the 'Gaon tioops and so govern the affairs of the State as to give our peopit,protee tiorr,'not only from beshWheckers, merino dens and other ovil•disposed Venous; bat elroio save na from the - official' insolence and petty tyranny of those State officers who halo done so much to bring desolation and ruin to our once hapny and peaceful homes. 4fter doing all that he could by Mind; tyr..,!, stony - and corruption to destroy the federal government and beggar North Carolina, this man Vance would now sneak back Into position that he 'hat disgraced: lint, thank, God, the "Pretddont of the United States aid hie counsellors and'advisers 'know who and what he ht; and yre think wet= wank the Into and loyal. people of the State that no each degradatlot welts I'n a recent number ! of a New.Tork con temporary appeared a letter from mstupen dons Flunkey, who, having groveled before Mr. Robert E. Lee, exitemeral of the tab els, eagerly placed the fact- in print. We . have already noticed this met, and he, has peen pretty well gibbetted illy • others; not perhaps quite as well as 'be deemed, but we win waste no mote time over him.' This man is nevertheless a type of w cer- taint class of lierthenters, to whom four years of war (in which they have shared neither in act nor =in opirit,). have. taught neither.. common sense, nor seltreapecrt. Walloped it would have been otherwise, tiztd that this base and crawling spirit,- if net extinguished, would have been at least ashamed. to ehowitself. The language of Mr. Lee fn his .last. del ntterance, and demeanor of Wade 'lltunpton, Breckturidge and. ()the* show thatthe old spirit •of arrogance lives • stilt Many of these rebels will take advantage of the amnesty Et,. and many ethers obtain the President's pardon. Many will tome North. It Is even said that South/Ent:fami lies by hundreds are prepariug to pus the summer at the-Northern watering-places.' There 'does not appear to be amongst these people the slightest sense of • shame, -the smallest consdonsdess that they 'are baffled traitors. And the spirit of the Northern' Fitmkeylem will be ready' to receive them MU:l9ln am; ka IF has always done kith nut we eatnestlytrust that the loyal people, the VISLInni O 4I7, will see to it that disloyal utterances shall not ; be permitted, and that the tone of the various places tirre• soft 1411 be thoroughly; loyal. -We have not forgotten the secession badges"..wora • at Newport last year, nor the secession talk of a flunkey-azintocracy. The temper of the' North will not stand this an longer ,. and it is best that the fact- should be , generally understood in advance.—Naadstphki -But lean. • : - - THE onetime* of the Tlnited States Mint, at X'hiladelphts, AM to be largely reduced; Tbo nestottacture of Rickel cents isentlre: Iy uspendettr;iinti whey tho Uw.tltteo cent phicee ore itrac t 4 the work of 'retrench.' mint will go.' Into fall eflhet.; At present contain noldiger hoarded u , before, and. it blikekfthst they will soonbuomelnoon- • Au about the same tithe when our- nation was mourning le oyes the : death or Ito Tide; the Ittuodin were Intbrnied_er to. c u lt °time tom they had:loot ao th . future teostweh. ::Xete 'oldest -"" a ' Czar - died at Nice in %bind f of , A 4413. and the poaching ability shown- by the yobnintan-was such sa to reader his death' neat thettamou - phei, iffsatims, thole wandered by_lho goeloko- goo, „limber aldolo lot itio ganoift. litralaTAT at San 'FranciSe& &slag theimisfortelfe - to lose' his wife, invited hia n'etirs_to attend her funeral. He afterwards charged each of them for the day as lost time, and made them pay for the carriage!, A realms at Bridgeport, Connecticut, is about to seta mile and.a-half of living fence of whit° Ha-claintribat-it within two years, kelp ontiWilikeheep and poultry. - ' . „ soldiers of lows‘regiments have subscribed about, ninety thousand dollars to the Soldier's °than Rome'of tbat State.. Mae : Bracer. P. ZASTICAN, of 13allibm.y ; R. H., apmpleted betanahtuutredand. third Year Tim tenth i n ane) cokyentiOn of the Yong Me* Obristlan Associstplui ?wad. Pilladelphis to loner: . - ' -PI:I7IILICTICZIK "InnoW ItIOLCUTIV* 00At. • XIMIZE will nieet , et- the Moe of lee lnupmgi . .Lll2:ll , TH OTHEET,Pittsbargni• :x.' Arallegeokaaral= ti °.ek" '"" „:.fittra334. 4,„ • W . 1% bhattatatt. . tort PV : [Air , Tina T ier :priming th•valoapsztioß :as. the-plaeeette hekheg el illoroaTosteehles sad.. •••••reettrimt• •7, •-31221133. meh Welke •OODIVERXIUN, ts MU . who At= L. ruloargit,.•ek TUESDAY.. ;tie ;111thi - . at: to o'clock A. -it, for Om? 0 1 ._Pothieetteg Welt' ticket ha, each attest. hatthese :seemly leeptuy.etW _breaelkt befetett. , j The ele - at deite• le the Wanbdeill "MtVwhy. tassel U. louts tX a , lelath* octoik v.. 14 en. LoMs I'rniklpe. be. %menthe bouts of toalsal{tzNdoapr. x. Ety orderot the Unlenittecuttre Oomialttee; . • M. BROWN, Chelnats. Seeietedet. n. ME sr. isarwirrzswfzirrs.' FOR atiLE,NO. ,46 ~ S MITHFIB LD EITREEr—a throe-story brlelt lonise and lot of ground, in good location l'ocainsineas. • Apply to m7ll B _l:L'7.llllEliT & SONS. 61 Market at. .pcnt RENT:—A Coasp Rowe of dz 4 =::i:nete.,.antigagro i linit on Moont sk. Laud, VIM 8. 0 UMW/RA.S0 gie % C : mylt 6l Market Reset. BALE. -. TELEGRAPH d:PPA- A: HAMM,. BATTERY, eta., new and eolePlete. tor gal% oticap. Suitable. for teeeeteet art. of telegeaphtes. • ttyt tate "TELEGII.6.IM,D. Casette Ottlee, VOTIOH.—TO WHOM IT MAY 00N 018N.—An rips bombs II being resdefar release et .111018tler GILT:WPM on MO Was. lets Peelle:Mary. caselctad of robbery,Ocletwo, Ind seamed from Alleghesyeounty, ter the sayllOtdosw • tIATIIISRINE LBEGGS WOULD ANNOUNCE TO the pablia that Wm bat JEST OVENI3L) TO , Ilth•loat, &Madam assartarnt of PATTERN. 11011rET8 RATA; &o lUld 111111lythlag to the XllHarry Mao. Aho thi latest at y_lon of groquea. tiacquaa aa, at tat I,IID. ESAL STREET, Alkgboay oily. fay Mug POCKET BOWL LOST.--On Market, A- Liberty. Irwin or recut stmt. A LEATHER PbOXILT BOOK. • eattelabig Iwo elle imbibed dollar UAL T beads, about. tweistpibrer dollen le easy; ailoo sews papers. The Soler will be liberally rewarded by burble the - sebse at THIS OTTIOX. arta ata BEST PRINTS 24 cents. 0111/.11 MAIM 1000 and 113 cent/. MUSLIMS FROM nouns. mytt BATES fir, BELL.It Fifth St. STRAYED HORBS.--Came to the prom um of Um ashair:ber. in the iith tenant. Bald win Township - on the Brownsville neat Bead. ,A BAT STUD HUNS% with Ear la front; bee • bump on the right foot. Anypareos harms tut pay rope w the ave ambling, ill prove prty', charges bo add latent* away, or tux will be sold ea cording to la w. LiktlPß, sarikW hopttator of the Urdu. HoteL WANTED. • A Hschine . MArAndth and Helper Also, 1 WrACIIINIST. Good week:sea esa bare 114[40 waptoymest Sad the best of wages. 4"17 .4 J. LT. MitI.HOLLANDA . eryll4l4 No. es Peuarylvants Avenue. FOR RAZE. , SOO MUMS TOBACCO. se. 1 article of Out sad Dry and Swinish Mudd tiptaolcias Totem% Irsry cheap. Address, IL E. CIABRILIITEII, fox nik einelzasti, Ohba. p/G LEAD. 1.000 Pigs Pure Galena Lead, the best 4 1 1kOth for eanr at Iks lowest rater la Miura:kat. B LET, PASEELL k CO, rryll tri Tallith Kart, PittaburrY, Pa SZIXOLD LADIESAND (INZITS I D 6 you *aat to see the liken* of the person' you VIII marry t YoUr aurtostty eau be gtatthail by satisfies your age sad color of' hair to re. sowing Oriental Aatrelostet, 311 PINT 1.03:1N4 *ho can pted a ocostratlLaesseaa of year Mauna postwar. - ewatossing_ti essattaad moieties', DRA.KIat 400. DiTADIT, RICH" and realty* pktore by reform matt. For Ss wants extra, she will semi the Post Mae addnas of your future smanSt4TllB FILEBIDENT LINCOLN'S FUNERAL MARCH, W oa authorutomat of Ida death hy J. T. Namellak, of tllark's Grant NOS 'e etc. Just roadvad &Ml= gala at all the WAMEIANK k. HMIS, uyltf N 0.12 St. Otatrl3l., Publish ars. , NEW GOODS. A COSEPLETS STOOL C0Z 2 Z1M0,M74131- • myn • BATES stLt, ft Filth St. WILECUTOB'B'BOTIOB.--" • •A• 4. lettere teetaneatee7 on the hut Will ot• Ural Youagasteol the city otPlttehtugh, deemed, bate/wee dal/ pealed to the wadotalgaltd,a/lPer• ,Alea indebted toaki estate of rata deeelleed, are ligested to , pet*, lA6 r siAis IMAMS "delay. sad a , partite heeler elalate seaLtua the sale estett, wl I utolleit th em foe mettlitzusat to James B. yowls, - 7 . JAZIENAL YOUNG, JOHN E. YOUNG, lizesators. THOMAS ZWING, Kay 11,11.5. earl Newt air -- rt I TTIIOVBO4 , • AND , 'IIiILIDELPIELI OIL fompAn. otta' hi hereby eras that a nestles of th Stoeltholaus. - of the Pl , teborgh sad Phlls,lelphi Ott Malmsey, will be bele et , .• The Officeof A.V. - Fahnestook. 14-svir;;NirIIDAPIIIT3"4III.O on Y OP MAT. at 10 debark*. N.: for the purhow of th lairasag eoa sai ep Comp y y ad t e anseetl h e Oa hh bard ll - MSS NI may come tArfore the trumAlog. •r A. T. PAIINEOrOOK, ours. l:rrraaveart. 111011,1801, • . aril BATHING TUBB. FOOT BATS% - SPONGE BATHS, errs BATAS, TOILET AND CHAMBER NEM With a pest varietilk fours Penlight/m.(l6ode, Tie, Sheet Iron. Fisted and Moor Ware. received ftMOB W. InTBLEY. lipt* a . m YEDReAL 13T' .;i.LLIIHENT„ MANUFACTURERV &MERCHANTS Bui dIEWEAN O B COMPANY OP rim. , oSIM' ST Witte Urea, dagilers .T..1.-BEHNSI'r,-Pzeskttat. vas. JO 18, Eimorstary. INBI7II.EIt 40.S.TINes LOSS BY FIRM. 11.ssidat altelaiikaats: Mit drialltimag. TAHIb L' nrsrmirr,leAr.w.rhurirra.•• 7. m..soirwArgrz,/EL M 1. W. =ALVAN; I/OMT LEA , ISMAOICIST. - L O. WM. -WALE.Ck _ ir..WAT/Soff /8080.8R414 L. T. itcutOT i 1.761i1. IMAM. rania7l atititti._WELVZlL u:_ _ • 'B - 3 40 1 IrnnieAao Minstairrurl, Preys:raw& va.iiita aOnse Wt. l•- % • GOlrsitilitzwr sALB.n.eCoI . amass win bi sew: - - _ •i AT - Ammo, AucTioN; oit.: lo ziniz st4owa./.4,thrermesai" !;ecionanhatagrag. gut Maio ainr. * 1n8144114 • -1 . 1 11: at 0011ITAD, eltsraiNallada• t o r Mak.. a. a. &„ ablitaiis 4104kgz bia'aCtaiatU,;A CONCERT IPcrr - eir EllautortVirme COxi4ar , : - Otenvofteleg- on TUESDAY EVENING, if sr MAa ui i r u lt al a e , e en d• :44 aorda exn ill the wcrld THE GREAT BiILTONIAN TAI3IMATTIC, Nios iss 41.33 3111 .Za COB Or, es Oust Bobelllos tit leaven ! THE FAY OF THE ANGELS, THE FALL OF SATAN, as described by John Milton in Mb:mortal PleM entitled Lost? ft being a complete U. lutratton of Ma mat Poem troaleginnlng Whl C VlNaliDatig,l l 4 l 6 l ghlgt i alt idea of HEAVEN, HELL, titan, AND PAR.' ADISL, will now be eihiblisd in tits eity, us en. hrhimni in Louden for HO oonsientirs nights ta more than half *million *from* and as estdb. MIl A before Her.sJesty VEEN VIOTORLa, and the entire Court, at Bo Leh:o4l.4Mo, upon which oecasion.lier Majesty Woe pleased to bea stow open the proprietor • distlagalsbed mart of her royal opprobatlon by presenting him with * magnitics st Iliamonc Rim Tickets 22 coats. No kill 'dee., GRAND ESHIBITIONS every Nesdaessity and senturgsy Afternoons, at 'a o'clock,wken children will be sandlted for ii cents early Doors open . tnentcp at T o'clock. Inhibition cow mace. at 7}4 Micah preelsOly., Afternoon doors spec at 21100104 a. canny, (*ra ta taunt's. I ett. • A. B MORRISON. Proprietor and Manager. L. FISHER, Agent, ayilit4x4s AN ORDNANCE to outhoriaA the dta- Ctagand-Paatotof Nei th Acetate. Saes i. lie it &thrilled aqd enaded by As Seled end Ceossato Camels of the City of ANsoleny, and Uit hereby effected eY the art/writs of theecome, That the Committee on Sweet. be, and they ate hereby au thorised cad directed to Layne and Weis* pose/s lor the ding westaing oh Ave ' A ue, frdin Feder of reet slde,to Irwin 's Ave. nee, fonnerly Parture .Lette,and to contract there for. with the lowest and beet bidder et ladders, at theirdiserettom • • . • Beal That .for the purpose of defraying the cost and expenses of tae skid imp . evements there be: add is heroin levied, a creel.* to to beequllly ameseed upon the several iota beending'and snot. ting upon said Armee respectively, In pre:pa:Sloe to the feet (rout is them respectively comprised, and ahoundieg and abating mi aforesaid. Sao. L That . at woe as the cost and expiate. of said bet torments shall be ruby theertaltuki, it shell be the duty of the Atreet Llomelimiener t 9 imam aid appeuttra the thine among the several lots boundlag and abating upon MU ittenlie Ira spectirely. am:ening to (ha rule thrive indicated, and thereupon..proseed to mate demand and pal led the game, according to the provistons of tie Ad of ths-Cienerth Assembly of the Oommen wealth of Peausylvaela,enthin ' , Au Alt dientsg the meaner, of ealleabui the:ether:mot Radial and parleg of the for end alleys el the oily Allegheny, end for other passeri the thirtieth day °Mardi, Aletr c". - Sao. 4. That se mush of any oedipus* u any mania with, or be supplied by the foregoing, M. and the sane is herebyresmeal: - Ordained and thislied tato a law 1 this. the ellt day of May, Anne Dentine, one thousand ACM hundred and sixty-Ova. JAMES MARSHALL.nen. of Select. Clowned. SIMON DRUM, Past. of Omens& OeunciL Attest : D. XIOFERROIT, • Clerk at Seim DoaneLt. BicOONNIGLE. Clerk oC Coakaina °o. 1. ammo •'" g MAGIC RUFFLE COMPANY, to be Amid en each box and each. plies of OEMI INE.nuoIo REIFY/X. All Ruffles, of what ever name: not having this saris, are worthless taltathiniikandurns inflingercente on Ile patents of Occapaer. it a l ARVIN/I hIAOIO RUFFLES are fall six yards in each piece, are well =aloof the boa material, and the perfect . eatJafactios to sonic. For sale by MI the Pilnelpal Jobbsto mil Small M the Ociapany, 85'CRAMBEES STERNE NEW YOBS. . 01310 RIV E R BRIDGE,Noties is Moan that cm MORD/Ll, TUE ME DAY Or MAT, 1514 the Ilolikiars Cope Rattroad Roma t h an . c . : 2 ll, mess the authority et Its charter from ligature of Virginia, sat under the MK of Crogreasi decametre the Railway' Batt* at Stow hematite • lawful aituatimm ecoahlawae the oleos. UOA of the almond spas of said MUM and to this parposta, It anti be aireemary temporally to oletnl.l this Rale:Rod tan designee la • mum. &el was. Attentles of. Forma engaged tit antrtgatfotn fs Imam to thortorlatea of Ms ageowit settlers of the Act Of Cowen: %Thee:leers gad wows ol all visa. yens and boats Darlgatlng WC riser are asioutes4 to regulate the use of Chair old meals sod boats, and of any Woe or ohliciaern belongtair thereto, so as net to Wterfete scubas silnelieeharaotrawecis and wet mold Ibidigs.. AU penile* ale also notified that the spas oast west of the charnel spas Is erected at se Weatloo of feet below low water. sad there is a water way of two hundred feet betw-osa tbe pleas. All persona are scalded tartlet that the tables la erected anthem& *drew ears that oil Use rococo dons of the Act of Oonirecabays been eisaplied with by the coupaar. The enectiloo of the assent mow erns be pro ceeded with's, thirdly aa poodble and due nom* wllbepmse no Oa terse lees the Obstructlons ,will be removed. ' THE moiathiva Corm R. s. COEPANT. -BY THAILIA L. - JEWETT. Presldeat. m)102w4 WHEELER & WILSON'S HIGHEST PUNISH Lint STII CH Sewing Maqhinek an "wittitut • drat," says the OkkehtAle Awiwircor WARRANTRD FOR TRIBE TEARI Warsaw 1/011 Pifth It. Pittaburgb. ,z u s • PENN INSTITUTE FOR BOYS .ON 11/1 AIDOOK STBEIT, am _ .Sereral uninly - pupils lawri , been, Moodie • few additional ones ,el proper diameter wilt be rocelved. Application lited be madeonly Tar Wee ,who eriod to 14 !Miami' and or (cilia The atir bovine :id aeverai r aears an IA once Professor . of mum in • Ml* aM virility, and afterwards In , Seams Oilier% 4., .. A. viiiitAlits. TrUialpg. szALED PROPOaAtsWILL UZ OEIVED`by the oaditrolV attl the I6th OF MAT,' tot , Itostehleg 'VI ZEN; ILIYHDRICD TWIN tete)- reed Us lee osk tatueet leather hoe% Isolvihog ftleor Otopolbtp, the hese to be tested by. the .steaser awl to.- a yteseare of oseltukartd and silty . pouo4h TY, Wu requited to complete' We •eorttset must b epteelled. The contract to be then to tlterlelrest sea but Oheltteatipt Ooonottteevit 0 4 16 Ir .1 street. 704 , 110111111221 9Ulrntoll BAxx., Mie ~t r 11. 11N11. THERE WILL - BE A MEETING F ilio tb aciu tc oltr ) r s u e tfatAlt n i tt i l i : !Writ easuler. between the boars of a and I o'clock. to consider the proprkte, at chsoglag the WI Bank in X Prlalol3lll MIX. By order of the Mott. -- wield . .-11103. B. UPDIKE, Diaper. A ILERIOAN INKS. SKIMS ,411ERWAN INK. • SNITIPS RAI4IIO/07 INK. SKIMS (JUPVINCI INK. These Ink* are superior to quality:to any *Mari hitherto produced la this country:mut. ea trial. Will be found to equal at *astir hale HI coat Put up to both lions aad glan. ler sale la Pittsburgh by • • • • mmort nnutirrox, . myf earner Bmttheel d and dtL eta: WARREN AND VZNANQO OIL CO. __A osettot_ of the fit ookhtolders of • the WAREEff uvafte.broo OIL, will ho held OA DIOZYDA7I, bit tr 1%188804' 10 thlock r. at' tbo.T.IFFIUL op B. 801101101, Jet., No. Votpth otteet,,Tittabbtgb. Pa.,' kr tito purpose of 0 0 0 shleffillf the PrOPftetl.Oflooneaslog ttop (gap. nal Stalk og bold fOomisoy, And sigah °Wilmot. • nes *a laity be brought before lb. tutting. Attest: -J. J. 011.14.5P4P; Proddeat: X. S. Fitatrsolf, "! sayl3:lw4 CONBIOI4MENTti. . 100 barrels Tema Blow Potatoes . go boxes vaulted Beadles; SO do--oomtoes, • SO bale Clo T ilualber Lukas; . to boxes Oraagesi , . t 0 0. Leman boa* WOK: (*Mini , goo imaibeiliaril epbt.t .20aC r ese Anis - MeV Illessissel fee sala so' Moray Mut. , . zit s Autrof • atutravi BACON HAMS. - • essigemPal sod lot . • ' • LLSCAADZIL 4011410 if VIDLNTER—OANDY. -- . .• • • mterinsour Stbdr: sae brio poor; map INNS la waligs, 67 "144.41iii41104)(1ii VI% TF 0 gots , - team& 14114, tae sl aVei 4411'6 ti;ler; saatiust! mot. 11• St vino, asisidies _ *MN W====:= . .V.EPDAT atTair,.] 1301INTY nix," of 1205._,_ F/TIST STIED To inbactiptiona from Jobe DIM Sr., ; 118 rut z Porter 10 Jobs Kearns-- m Mos Bale as DWk.&Shell. lat Bev S I Wilson a - ILO Hale WHearne, W S Hunts: Jos II Borland JO Smith is X Gannon GF aol' S Braun mith— 1 1 11 0 Albert. &rite.... Sas Hamilton.., Geo 0 Leaky.— a lon Tomer la floe Holmes... 8 WilllamsOn:— ie John Hood 110 Dyer, Sr.. X 114 Jaz Wm Hague ~... 10 H ld Lyonsi ng 10 10 AND THY FALL OF MAX, I A H 11 1Arek Tairdar - 10 John 11 . 0102ey. 16 ! L Mooney 100 wn Elasum 111 .2no Pruitt.-- 25 John Kennedy:. .10 WO A Hamilton, 43 J/11 Couttaoy.:. 10 1.1. Israel 211 James Corson.. 20 John Leach..." 10 James Leaeh.r. 20 !Bourne &8r0.... - 10 J B Bred!' 26 - Edward Gregg.. 20 Geo Shims, Jr.. 60 haw Morley ... 60 !RvEl WJaeobus 60 , A 11 Euwe, 60 -R Baughman.... 60 W Johnston.. 50 .Wm G Johnston elo Thompson Bell. DI T L0gan...... 60 Patton, Jr.... 25 Lewis Reno.... 00 Thee Hyde to 20 Jore Tyrol,— to Rev A. Melo y to Kinder to II Geis,* ss U IS Goldman... 20 Fred Reimer.— to Chas Netting... 00 John to George Osman. ta Jos Lotborp to Chas Arbuckle.. 60 Fred Goettoom. tO David Aubeiger 20 John regal.— to Chu Rodgers... 20 Lindsey ai Mo. Cut0kt00.,...4 • 60 Wm Brown Guy Freeborn T IV Mururoa John nava 0 Bollieliler . (Ibis air:ocher o=t:= =DM M=2M! JR Boyle a,, Clark.... ==IM IV Amoebae to knepeidetfr Feed r sumps. Jae. Meintoei, Receipt 800k...4 412 recruiting a Probate . .7 W McFarland, I At Rolm hie- ramming In eraciatraet. siso VI -0 Stockton, 11 M Ileriean,for ?refining lie reeraltling. to G N Miller, to. Mkt? IL Ander: erultifg...... NI J . 1 4 )=3 . . 4 . T144.11 1trg. 411 . _ 4. 2 . ID recruit... . ... MO OlNell a Ander. Milted Molds, ' eon, printing.. N ramle,... . in Gazette adeertlig a • V. Ilintinal4 ..... Jew Dyer; Sr., nun 120 for 'wades— INI el Expense of game II , Chronicle adverM $6O Paid for 800 k... , Stamps a. paper 70. Ex. on earning. li i• Jelin If Bennett, ("Neil a linden recruit 400 wysq - printing.. 10 Marrow & Reed. painting • •. Frotal.ex7esull—ii,o26 a 9 Tide fund was collected by a committee appoint ed ty a Ward Blrming, the Treasurer being John Dyer, Sr: and aftedwarde J. F. &drilla. Tim ex per•dltureS were under the dirwition ors: Recruit. big Conicuittee r of watch Georg!: N. Killer was clusluasa. The balsas. carnal into the Second bond, tau fellows: &NOV= OF SUBSORIPTI32II3 TO 13017NTT FUND No. TO E B Wilson.-- IMO Suave Hidalgo.. 200 EamonPrum...... (leo W lichley. 200 Ohm r Ingham. IV Raeder 81atr.... Wm V. ar) Wen Barker, Jr. WO MO Phipps 100 John Maunder SOO Oro Starss, Jr.. 200 Thomas Rue.— 11/0 saes Hats aton MO Eras Gomm—. OM John Shahs.. .. oiepllsrland too Robt ton tgiomon W Weneerson. It 9 O Theo Ilathaan.. • 200 Jae Patton, Jr... 010 Robert 1.) Clark ISO haso Rode,— MO John FoOser 100 J 1153 Robert 11144115.. 160 Westervelt 150 Chas Arbuckle, 205 D T .Tchnslan.. 100 Geo E Smith— 50 W Johnston.. - 200 Ileattle -- 60 J W helll Men e 50 d/mat 50 S Fr 111 Wit'Olelland 160 C Conner 60 Win Thompson. 60 John 60 John Worms... 60 J Kato 60 'rhos Redeker. 50 John Hardeker. 60 Alez.P..Reed..... 400 home Weaver... 60 Wm 11 Plans.. 100 Beal Jewett.... 611 John &log CO Robert Ross.... 60 Wm F R9 OO 60 3 H Hartman— 66 R. El Bole' 60 Ma l 65•0 0: : Domehoo... 00 Italrehana.. too Re T IdeKennlo S J Warm' , 60 lamp llasthnis 60 Wel Haight—. 60 a Anight.... 60 Malabo, D0rn...50 Peter Rohl 110 Dunes 461400:. X6O Samuef Hamner: - 68 Chas Sehenley.. 60 James Crawford 60 Paul Crawford. 60 T H Rla4tos.• • • 1 50 11 PM Ilu O all :m tsa an— .. 80 100 A IhunUlon..... 60 Win Aces. a A R Davis 00 W W Wca Sehoyer.... , 60 SAM?* McCrory 10 Ji ha Warner. Wm Ral J sekidoa.... 000 M IMP Fred Jkamer.... 60 MO Cray 611 James Reed 80 Sohn Calms.... 60 H P 50 WJ Smith 60 •Janeo White— 100 Ant Cameron...* .' 60 Wm . J Sarver... `6O El Patient:4l.. •60 - 1 home. tlolmu 50 John Addy 100. Jae LO6Ol, Jr... 60 Jorealk A. noon 150 JOhn V Drobid.. •6D Jas. Howarth.. .. 60 .3 Timms, Jr. 60 36bn N Mamas. 60 .31V1Illimnson... • 60 W 60 ol r . ftrittiti to VOLVDIT/0/3/11. '.1"lio ES Stigerly. MOO JOhn -600 aI , Walker... • 603, ILBloom • 603 Levi 118611601.. 600 3NT Blebauls.... 600 Time Haxuael...' 600 /Maw flapper. .600 012104 . '" . 600 Mobrose Lynch KO Thestpsoa bas RO6l Nelltalkt 600 W. 32 000 Per.,.. ,600 Hi.6.lexander.... • 6 0 0 Rost Dowosoa. 09 Jiimes 81ack.... SA 6100.6032.. .160 Etech .. .030 Wok II 76m.• 603 11Xtetver....... 600 000 8 a W mllttOD. 500 Ms ,101att Ploaa... 1221 Ullpt .106 .W 011202••• '650 .640 20100 -. Thos 600 LI Frisk Home 200 Lt Jos. B Bowe 260 Caps it 400 Jun Whale . tee Jon lArmsn.—. 660 .10110,/mdlialkwur,6oo Alba .E.:nhoolc:• pie IremenstitLe me Cense geyste ,, - , -161 Mselisonm.._ Jobs k More •• • MO '3alspb 8 Wpm. - MO O MS , J stglAtottt4-:.,,a6e Bainsep- elte 'Richard 81d1y... - M 4 10. Johnston- - Ml' 3.0k8 0132, .. .41 Xtrophstam. . pEL 601, w. ;10 ace oipto Capt ..1).Wy160 U•hiils• . ... ,hits jot Hunter. Sle &WWI N firdWallow . itrown.,s. •Tliceler aw*. MeSOO •Jnts Sad lz Mclntosh... 5)3 J . The enderskisee. 'Wilted an linualn Own. /duo Pg. Ohs Maw Pt MI Pia* cenpeaSPOir . • XEri'sflarAEßTlSknit4ir2';9. , submit thd. &ore reporti of fultis •oollestot by them, for islybient or bountiol fo r Yos, and of the er.^4,, nditure of the same, the taloemstion of the publlo. The whOT6 =Nutt subscribed by ludiri• duals mai -014440 OD CRULTING AND the Fug Ward, Alla rterooki Ul • AA) T W ' S D I it ° 1 "6.1 e 10 r A OanierOn..... 10 , • Black. • 60 11 Campbell 50 W A B Dyer, Wane* .from lON • 200 N Sc. Crawford,. 10 I'S Julinateni... 111 Johnson,.. ID Isaac Nartia.... IS 0.-Osineron N Robert Radio.. • 111 D•K Lime W Wado W W F Roes. • 10 ID Robert Rane.... II - John Kennedy.. le Henry Irwin.... 116 II Radiomen—, N Reber% Whits... N Wm Loudon.... ID JIM Id . N Jno Dyer, 10 Ito Webb Is N Win Thompson. 111 John Morrow.— 10 • Robt Thompson. N Robert 'Ross.— 6 Jas McElroy.... 0 R F Ran theta— 10 Jno A Caughey. * - Jao Loudon.... 10 Wm Ralston.... 111 I leiri b an.. ....lgolinst on. 0 0 Wm Boles.lo John M00re.... r 211 James Gordon.. 111 J as n Hou ton... Xl oho' • - 5 Jew L Gramm.. • 10 Wm Franco.. .. HeneyPolppsJr IA W. Relanyiler... 2.11 Wm S II S TiL mithee. iK.. 60 ' 10 .. G W Robley—. 21 Win M. Ann..... la Wm II Riddle— •NI T Arbuckle & eo N Tao N Roman.. 10 Jos. Williams— tO R Taylor Klaces 00 Jno Penes to Josiah Slag—. N , Fred Getlanyer. • 10 0 D Mentions.. .20 I John Carroll.... ss P JOilil Sheanon.. 20 Jamie Crawford IS T hicKenna le 11 White IS into Gormui.. 10 Belli Jewett NY Alex F Reed.— la OE Willie ,John Watson... N JR 14yday N C Shinty 10 li 11 Fergemon.. Jelin Sheerer... 111 Wm Phipps Fethentom... G Colbert 10 Ranh Warnock. 15 21 Sehelrlek.. N Al Anderson— W W Asularson. -10 rivc . eede - cilEchool Bond No. 1 • -. 7, - Till Proceeds of Sshool Bond No. 9 9.993 00 afilsooo - Bona Firot-Bourdy 3,Ct9 .00 Total 01,41111 Berenty-flva recruits were en. luftC it, an avenge out of oo esteems se stated. .. Tit eo Paiditecrulting.Oomssittee.... MO CO &The Wive ko send Ithol.. egas,4as et School Bands leaned were Yfollows ; To Ezeoutiverloaimittee 1100,0aD 00 To the principals of three autetitutoe— ce redid. - • efO,MICZt Twenty thornancl dollars' of the shore wu foliated in beak -on the unonsl stearin of s feet of our public spirited eits,' who promptly* nue forward and paced.thetr names sad credit foetbe are of the people of the, ward, thus awning the um:attee to realize the entire smut, ices eight per cent. Interest, alma by the lisakai while the 'resentment was allow 1.1140, sad good oteraa* tile paper waapaylng yew much. There were neo Minna smiled y silrenrlollll corecaletea r bafsre tae appelatlieat of the nieler., Mgr The audit of the soaker of that. pnblitheof herewith, for pail Theories.' lion, although the naduelgaed had nO 'control of the fluid, other than the balance transferred; to tints coedit, anieunting to SIMS Irk $$ fkbult stated.. The whole usher of run enlisted, hi al fob lows t By ant Committee ly ?resent Committee Al bubstltstes, paid $3OO each in Bonds • Total Few U soy of the salrdlstrlets of the State has more fully complied with all demands of the Gov. ernment for volunteers then the Ward we repro. meet. An Medal record of the propm authority- Mows as mums et IM mem, °reran le tea. If we deduct those stilt due when r'eerultlog: was stopped ay order, we hove ettll Is excess of ismen, ever 41 dom es et the Governmsat some the Isar began. Thla la • Mud word for sayer.. trict now that the war Is happily over, sod the people may -Indulge la remlolemoors of the plat. SAMUEL:RIDDLE, SIMON DRUM, W. THORN, TILOS. If..BEATTI.E, J. F. S&V/I..LE, myttitd Duvet:ye Uommlttee. F oR }MIX • ' OIL LANDS AT AGRICULTURAL PRICES. • A Tract of 500 Acrea of Oil Territory, alteete ne, Decker's Creek, near Morgantown. Wert Virginia, within a few OMNI et the Direr en 4 H. It O. liallreast abtetaAtat fa COAL IRON ORE, LLRESTONE, ADD BURNING SPRINGS. will be sold at a itos• There are OIL . WELLS being bored intim fee. Zdiatt ....ft GO 0011 PafgaL Will be field is Fee. Title Indisputable. 11 S. =TAX groker. COO Re. 511 FOURTH STREET. Taal receipta..44o4 as EMOM WARREN COUNTY OIL MUMMA 11tint's Improved Sectional Map op • • WARREN COUNTY, VENN Now Ready, Or:Mom to also Not pm with Itturtlz Larlitllron Mop or Vcomarps 4ArarnY On nolOwn• Voice to Como $ lac lelotancd 5.... a 00 JOH:11 P. EUNT. Pnbliiber. Y ITETH Sr.. MASONIC NALL. Sirlitagel pout paid es receipt or pHee. my/ CHOICE , •. . : Re/ G Getman IR R Motor 60 Redd Johiutou. 60 Lewis A Rene— 60 Al Raderbert Btright... 50 F 60 lobo A &ebb.. 60 J Bens bD wail Brown... 50 Geo 8 McKee— 50 hese A Rsed... J A Wart.. 60 David 1100.1..... 60 . .._.. . 4111Xte• H05t..... ao 0 At Smith. 60 Antrum Clark— MI Jobs Sbanson— '5O A . tkokaesena... 50 W te Wright OO Wu 0 Jolinnion ao - Iu itobluon.— 10 H Warnock 01 11a Plakertose.. 6$ , James Orr 66 nerd Sullivan. 50 T A roster 40 I Jobs Wler 60 W F- demean:l 60 A I. K Mooney 64 I J arel ICS IA. random 64 ti. Morehead—. 60 ' Edward :Enna. Illa Join fialtb. 60 Won M liown . ed " ts i P.Fenheestan— 50 ' John Maria, ... 60 ' HOunnk4 60 Amebae Hotta* : GBEENUOUSE AND BEDDING PLUMS At the Oakland Greenhouses. 66 ..... J H Lyda Mllli ; too r Patterson, for 0 W Sohnek.. 109 Jahn Shersr.... 60 Pant Dweery.. 60 01c0thatoelt 60 John Mo Edna Spraguere 54 . 60 J Josankaam... be Hugh bowaer.. Si 0 V Webh. 80 If ood. ge .1 O W Stothilleagl 6o John 111.11sne7. 60 J J DlSsokalthr., 16969 0 Agnew 003 W Seltmlot 50 Wee•Oallaghar.. Si" 11 ti. tithusk.... 60 j aired b gt¢li . . W Hein Si Mattle - thinnon 60 Geo 'W. Lyon.. sa So`ta 59 Taylor Fr/obese 50 Our Freeborn.. 80 Jets reten... 60 John Handrloks. 6e Thestu Telford In John Oaraon.... E. re t ye L . ghthOL. ' 500 Ohr Ohio Otilaoher, 60 Nimrod Barney 00 Worn so , Johnston • 60 Woe (5 Marlton. 60 R H Forgn.. IRsv J Clark.. 60 George Osamu. 69 R 56.... 60 Cary* 61 00 Hy Alm Martin.... 99 W H KtneaUt... 69 •,J latlett..... 100 Jos WThlaws... Ors , toa... 60 TO EtorcesE eo Balance own JNO. R. & A. MURDOCH. Sil‘Clekland rad East . Weeny Street telagn nua to the Otetteholutee t. teen =Sontag. • mygsgsdawritge It. SWAN N MAIL HEAL'LNQ =yr , KENT. nixes Tatter sad illpuptions on tlus Fite* and Skln. ISOZGDONT. for cleasksing and presorting Ws teeth and gums. THE _LORDDN HAIR RE:3TM= AND DRESSING. will traitors Gray 8.1. DR. SHALLENBERGEWS FEWER AND AGUE ANTIDOTE, for. the slatellY. safe and ta& teal care of Fever and Ague._ - JOIINSONI3 RHEUMATIC CONPOITED, far the effect"' cure cf Rheumatism. Dg mornve EXPECTORANT,* sure reureY for chronic or comma Vont"; always oa head and fee *ale at the • ozzaßax.' nu* arroar, come ads and Federal Inaseta s In tan Markin Roue, tiZedbani. • ntla GEORGE A. YELLIN DRUM: & MAUR,. . Mire ea haat siarge arostment .f moyriNia MACHINES, =comma .71-11.33:111113. Straw Callers, Scythes and Hay Rakes, ,No. 28 end 90 OHIO STEP= sky 4 ex.4.zeasziT. ff44Mt!= NOTO:M.—BOOKS OF SUBSORIP- . TION TO' THE CAPITAL *STOOK of the NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION DC/DEPART, *tab/ opened et theßaotaa of Boarded Trade, la the .01ty•of Pitts/math, on MONDAY, the Zed of May, at 0 o'dloah A. R., and kept opt* al ro oked by the act of htcoeywattap. IF' LIMN, S F. icatek_ W. K. IdDlIu.A. • A. BRADLEY; ,Cloatolialoaets. J. If. EttIOENIIERGER, 'I. B. JONES, . • RPM:MEW lIRDZGH, aptilA L=ti . t Total collo • ,t4O/1$ SWAM SI W H Robinson. SW Ju LOwrie:.... IM Ed wargAeor. urn .... . 600 '• (), Diehard -Moore. .000 Clapt JoODyerjr- - .600 .1u Dobbins Igo Pnidt (rube.:. 25 Mots. SS - Jno Koehler.... ' Conrad 6111..... . Michael Homan 1111 Albert X DAVIS IP Yoshi Gallobray SO -• Keveios Stamps 17 - Telegrams. adv.. • 16 Dypsnoll llElsif • - • ' I W ToWirrions • a liereirie Steppe II 10 Special LAGS if Assembly 111 1. Ander. lon, Printing_ I se W.ll Rublosoo, for Beetraning • .10 .71:10 Word r. for ' •. Wu, Browny, N . Boarding."... .tO HUsie W yhtj A pp e , Mauna adrartii. tundry... M Atinloand aundriMAi... - • notaaal. , z easgaVd..„ MI - , sort CAreakle Il Urt mimom .. • e i eb uri, lIM innalaingoosit.: WLett. mom . )LI Tea . is irta 4l L BI the Ulnas of 'ThWattree"' • 111. • Ilbatßooriming„ !gap Jae W lloYar• • of ItigeW han . itoßds.W.) .L• T00......:4,0in NOTICE Thepurchasers of the prop erty and frenchhea of the SEIAII.PBIII72IO /MIDGE COMPANY will *meet on MONDA.Y, the lath day of Man lea et lo cOoloalc a. It., at the ofaceabf BPAlte, OHALFANT at CD., Water .sttlet, la tie Oily of Pittsburgh, to organise and elect a Preakleat and Mx Idnectota to wen until the put Monday of BihitAim. WATH Bor. w AL o JOHN W. tier.rar, *Peed JAKEI C. LEWIS. TOR 841. LE. [ WEAR FAG-E, FIVE HONORED VEST WHARF, near Water Wocks, Olotonsukt4 OOde. dame, R. B. SCHULTZ, ay tOdwd • • Oinotnnatf. Ohio. —--- - - AIVABRINGTON ftTREWA—AII person s r interested , am oetitled that the useleseigned VlsWers, appointed:to view aid assess dawned and homey' for the opening' of Washington street, Fewith Ward. Allegheny, _from Worth swot to East Lane, will meet On tbe promises, on TUE& DAT, May le, lan, at 111 $4 o'clock A. IL. to taIGLL the talks of their aprintwent. WILLIAM 'DuAronam, •_eaysawa 8. gg: guerrxeat., - : 1 11TRAYRI).--On SUNDAY MORNING, 1 .. f Asa theietehlo K Us subialber. A WA ThreiTear:ol4l Sonia Karl, blsbtiviebite sot,lias between 14 and tihaat 6116 TM nailer win be. Übersllcrewaaidi ir teeth* wards' a rinansozi &SM. Twmeur..ty . -40T . mL di.lOAny,~.i: 0141101 UMW AND WOOD STO il havened d r &WWII/ GOLD tateaolLyKß,.ooppeNs.-: Ift GREAT vaa.irrir, le Joba Euriliebar.) .rrzn^ .irDpnalawis - BT41111: 7 , 30 LOAN. These* of the drat maimed 4)llJth ' t!AMettlieS:Se Loan was completed oatka HMO Blkirk,taik The ealeofthesesendeasteeof ThaiellasdeoLlllllltosse payable three years from the 15th day or lone,. was Wien on 'ten In of AprlL ths Mort. mes et sharer tom sew JEbaabrat MOWN 414 nu aria hoer tom sokl—leerine tbls day , ess Man Two Hundred Milani to be disposed or. The lo• trent it payable aembsuumally in mew, sh e tarai Leember. and pith or inns, by Cloopows attached to mak Rote, whisk reullly sashed anywhere. It amount* tO Obi fool pow . taxis'a notei Two nate Teaw " 000 " 20 Os 0 1000 MORE arm MORE D 11 , The liebelllon Is ',oppressed, and the Govern meet boa already adopted mutat to reduce i 0 ?minaret as rapidly as poaMble to yearn footfall: thus witbdzaarlog from_ H. mark as borrower and purchaser. Ws I* the ONLY LOAF IN THE MARKET now offered,by- the Cfcrraimmoat and manures tam T GRZA POPULAR LOAF-OF THE PEOPLE. The Berea-Thirty Notes are cosy ble on their maturity, at the 'spline or thp be loto • 11. S. 1120111 Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, yid& are always worth ' s premium. • FREE FROM TAXATION. The WO Notes Wallet ho Lased by Teems, Cities, Comities or States, and the interest Is not taxed unless on a sulphur of the owner.. Income etteeed; . . tog ex bundreddollars a year. This fact Increases their value from one to three per cent per annum; according to the rate foiled on other property: SUBSCRIBE - Qll,lClctilt. Lem than etoo,ooo,lgle of the Loan antharisett by the last Congress are now on the market.- This eiesonton the rate at widenit Is beteg *Wetted, will all be stirsedbewil far withia two months, Whoa the Meg viii tontoebtedly. • oenenand a wending, es Me tmlforcaly been UlOOll/008 We ettberriptlons to other leans. It now B[olo4 probable that notorterdereefe moult beyond Cheerer. on /Jerks will be offered to Lie plaWie.• . • _ IA Order that the "Wrens of oral tows end section Of the - afforded asallttlea. for taking We loan. the Nat West flaaks,.State Beak& and Prlnteltankanithroothoot the aeon; try have generally accrete te Waive anbeertatlene at par. Subscribers will select their own meats. In whom - they have confidence, and who only are to he reeponalble for the delivery of the notes kW width they receive unless. JAY 0001 CB.. SubeariPtion Agellk.PhiladiaPhil, lkielailiatcas wilt be received by the tsiuifolloaalaaat. IPlttoloutly. Ilmood • " Dal Yana • • i 4 Min% • Vor'silseen Fagoaal Saalt. Moiongly rt. fludoolotiNatioial Zaalt of Onuoles% • • Ins " Mammas ' • forimrli Besot • • Iktiondis •• Tait tl ea lkiilieg•' . lint •• of Anottety. /Raid “ u ia;lo3intliiv'e . • • SOLD BY AGENTS ONLY. LIFE OF ABRAHAM LL COLN Presenting his early history, easter see, ' , invokes, : in_ an& out ,_eanyyzaa Jas . . thared n lgjelt, w wftL b nit I r T essasse "r l=al:fcris: Lesseee, eta, and a conalse Mastro( the War. BY JOBEIPEC H. BA.nairrr, Commiesloner of Poulain, Washington. D. C The work le now printed In ISmo.„ pp. allt, but is to be reproduced in an aro., enlarged toabout TOO pswes,embelliebed with thebeat portrait oubliette.% and numerous tilustrationo One Tat aro., elfia• Pane as Mk. PART L--Clentalos Dlr. LimoWs sally Lae see Pollfloillstory. PART 11.—Losbodles the events of the Est three veers oe bit Ailtsinharatlert. .PART eontali the hlatory the last Tear of his Adegelstratlon, awl the parthallsoe of his tragic awl /sueeetal demise. • • . • MOORE, WILSTACIE & BALDWIN, = 25 West Fourth St, Cinchmti. • .4 111 ":1, W. 8., Publish ht tint, on plate paper, %n t i_ to r a the most meat, ammunte sad per- PORTRAIT OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN In ens matimt. Himself tataily sad Mends "p. sawed it the : Inset 'Mauer that has beta p ro. pared. Retail mlee,6o cents. - r =trAt: r h aa .id tat evonwkere for Book and apply to Brasil Othm. 114 ta Voneth 4 o..a.tir. etteet, Phuboxo. ,O , Mae holm fruit mltnya. . 1/0/1.8113 B. WIRD, Jisnace. •- -- A N ORDINANCE Aluending Ike &Tenth Section of Ohoter 7,!,f the ..10lty (lode. rel.. ellen to feet for ' - • • - _ Eno, I. Be &ordained owl mantel by Oa .idere sag Grewnes (bend.- Coy of Wks/Way. dad W. is nerrby ordained,and corented by estbergy qf aisere, Whig the, Fortori &Woo of'the Seventh Chao. ter of the "City Code" be mended U follows: For Wrap berry Cattle orhorse cents. For eremite at Ergot and Sleep e . Sor any, wiftht ncd. exceeding *I pounds , ,_• (imaa e For any wept' over pounds and not exceng too poeurda. For soy weights or ItO pounds and over. ID _ • For every load of Hay lees Stun t0n......110 For et eryload craw ton and over... 40 , For every lead'of bulled, or lonrlo For every load of overall busbels.. 15 For every lon of= Bones, gm •15 • - Ordained sad into • law Ude, the fourth day of 'May, Anna Dondal r one thrturand eight handfed ono sixty4ve. JAMES NABSIIALL . . "O. Print. of Select SIMON DRUM, Atte,t : Prat. of Oonimoa Oonnea. D: suonzatow, Clerk of Select Connell. • Clerk of Common Council. inW3Std TRACING OLOTII. AND ROLL DRAWING: PAPER, YOH SLLE BY muqcs & CO.. Booksellers and Ellationeor, les ' • • N WOOD STREET. I x- THE MATTER - - J . ..- of the &wheaten et ' • the Romeo Oethelhi St, Michaele Remade liiio. Ws * It° 51" bets eletref Efirods&ham. - • - Notice te hereby given in rnimaaa• add eider of said Clood of Voodoos' Ness of uity, loads eau Nel day of April A. DANN, that apps mitten has been made to Need Geed Joe as Alteration - and - Amendm ent of the etiaetee of the shove Oarptestiesi and se , len some good reason to tie waver, / 1 11/110W14 the eame Will be greeted it the neat tern ot sail °curt. , , JACOBH. WALTER_ . apiedoll . - .Prothenotary. TAIBSOLIITION OP PARTNERSHIPS, —True brm of ItLObLARN k PHIPPS', ulrea Otte forge," has ttds day teen dlarolrid by taw tad mascot, either pasty to or the llna'a mama Ira settlement. ANDREW 111 , 011(1LNA, HENRY PHIPPS, Premoreacm Nay I - • , • THE CYCLOPS IRON- 0011 PANT kis this day been dissolved. Thos. N. Miller, tomer Pre* Ga, wilt attendee all unsettled business. THOS. N. !Guar.; • • -ANDREW CIARNEGTE,' PIPER Is; SHIrLISIti ._J. G. MATTtIEWB,.. Members ot the °plops trovOweleinT.,.. toyed GBNERAL NOTIOR. - THE IRON CITY FORGE. . cyclops Iron Company,,. . 114ve this did fair Coup. Wo i r ed 'Zlt he g° ll , l " fmtlicaotlq l4 ; CIAPIT7I4 She iambs aid atylimt ths , tiOw mom, AT ICIONIROICKILLII. ANDREW OARIIMOLO k i ai i . VradAent Valos.lron TUOILAS tat. - 01LIZNEXIDS, !rimier awl thaseal rAmmi itairovaarovam KNITTING MACHINE; Amino 4ad nut . I bOttli or - le - - mntit _ oist ire essideamha Alpssr. frames X. P. baltlitga. • w NUIS nu men ME= Ern= D4JFRS .1 XD 13.4XKJER& IJNITED BTATEt3 • 7.30 LOAN. . • . *-t• TidibigthLYE, PROFITABLE '4lllll PM" - EICITIO YTOOBIT7,It fer 11*i at tsO, siva, ssoo sad ooh TRI • FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, 1 ev PrrnuMitaa... 17 B. Governmerat Depoidtariv: AND FISCAL AGIENCIt. •-; It II boned evert nu end woeieitiehei wlallei the good at the country - and to ahl thereeentesead clET7'll62;lra, hi= ttPra 3 = at tea date wile% ewes, •" • ' SIS PER =NT. INTEREST. • • - • ‘. p oet latereet alloyed so sight tail Pawl &rani . , . Ge01.1) , Allto GOLD CO UPONS , . • 4 3 sem*, at He beet Karket Pride: , „ beak tepee evert jetty for ehieeeley'lme, =O ° Z; th UM t4a4a kfe. rir4l 7 4" . Leans creozoroa. Amex DV S'S. Cotabler.. keg GERALIN NATIONAL MK. ; Of Pittayti4)4 ' COB. DUMB. MID WOOD MOMS. AUGITISTIIS NOTELlA.Preddestn: , • SPILIZICHISE ILIHBAIIGHEI, Mee Paddle. GEORGE A. =DLit; es Tide Bealeers hu . rtles the amounts of Baia. au& mad oth - GemmunesA Seesaw • s 0 ! MAN =MAAS 4,1 As EPEOIAL AGENT ale" Mei* indeedte! Wen wilt be reedy** teethe • Popular 7-80 L 0611; ibis loan Is •ow babas absorbed all& Mb ta, Per zpiwr. wits clew ick w iliFeretelts mfr. iamb. typo seal mem sad WNW must Moral eimmetrions oafhblslawptls AM( I. 014"1.1 to Gennumt " rarbilik . .2 . OZO. Malt tabkr; warm STATES • 7.30 14 0 a : Th .TIIIIII,IIL Wilk: Mk -, genet if teed g sit girgii ligg :- ngoei....eniT .nri tiaiiiis ii•iii ma spzoilz. AG .tof Jig 900ki, U, B. Apes Seven-Thirty Loan„ man . LOAN OF lug' mons; AND THE Ord'ir Loan in the Market math) s:Wtiaci r. a zhnzrwmis..c6sisi,- MOND NVIIONAL:NIit Of Pittsburgh, Corner of Hand azkd Liberty Mal t , arrow Asada at zar peaks tot the sae or ; NEW EBVEN-THERTY LOAN. ltd. Is "'totally the PeasleasLpss, Asa Ii Sahli • absetbed at Lks. eats of shoat Are nltltsoe pee ism, These boaits bete ea Istiesst , two . C!exitill 36 , 4 w PDakv jou* Madrid dollars;aad as etiositni. qt ite4i. ow. Into II FS. FinoTweatyllic Pet ke Ca,l " ing 'gr=lv will be_- sumo,oaf Eem who maw!" cite te4410; C. H. Castile; S. a BRYAN, snug litial,.Bll2(l)3a IML Rate ' Anis SELL aroma i fff eallittliftrToilenallhAdOW • Without feltheis? .. unifkM ttr raxmiut ptimmisimma. ntabltaedly thip Boole of the revieffreellffah_c" prrnurcilicitt tArza.loi 01.0. ii,. as** Mao of which, fa de or codex, iji per eaati ever'': pp sad up to ID, 1 per brat. Ori 13tocks . don US to "IMO MO ELM of 12)4 teats Par 4 : and on' stoats sal/Ing at PO O: over, entitled& NEWpr teat. ....., TORY EtATES—On Stavin,- the .., value of wrdelt Is AS or under ; tenta per - rfuß over that re cants. . - RATEO.—ft sad is oil • 0111coHount: B'a, m to 8 dolookil.a4 No. 59 1,016E193'16213352i..,..- AVOID THE DEBT AND BMO,I 4 IZIL , ZETALLIO MIPS' .! Window Band* . eThese tavelestee stelae la sianeer totally elte lude east, Mabee theater horn deers mal Mallows, Sale emu Meets sad .hpasehakt_ polls boa boaL. now e. / 'an n oyance at depth au mum see zee. . . bi ma jetted np WHITS. eriALexaNDEß,'No.ele -mt let jab. . cook lamer, Al4/111heD7 OUT. the abort ate latrine the tubules rigid 1 11 A 1 1 1 410,1700Witr e " , warrE maxamva" - - zinum can auirammuk Having Lately Itetaevety TO 169 sad 171. Immix , . - af , 1 elizakiir 471 t7 . • . , .... a .._ geo w, iii' beile" '27lOUrtrfftv ' ''. DASH, DOO W. -- VENIT/A.D .PADDE. ,MIIMMDEP3- sat QM TAVES loads to • wad 6osalastly - oa panDliamilagist Deimasuriblaid 801 - - - NEW DRIED °ERICA/1 7 PEA 114. : blew allow Loaf My. \ ,1111100 ial j aa a a" 3 .Yt of IN looaaoll up la taaOlot SOMA alle % P661.4./alla, oaltellllp l / 4 . , at Cho Peos4oo 01", rianzir.BrAuri - • vapor . +~ :ei°H 4s* .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers