MINE 4Ytt pittsburgh gasttte. VERY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRALPEL IMPORTANT PROCLiIdTIONg. Armed. &Bianca at -tun - REBEL VESSELS DECLARED PIRATES 30nCE TO "NEVTILM” NiTIORS. wiledStnterlnthoritybtiblhhedinlygizia ACTS OF CONGRESS TO BE ENFORCED. WA:nun:wow, 7day O.—Prestdentdohnson has lamed a preciamation declaring that: Whereas, Armed resistance to the authority-of the 00T .ernmont in , certain States heretofore declared to be in insurrection may be regarded he virtually at an end, and pent* b*ithirrailltat'registan : aS well as operations of insurgent cruisers were directed are Fugitivenor captives; and, Whereas,. -2t is understood that some of those cruis ers are—still • Infesting, the high- seas, . .and others are ~sreparing to capture, 'burn, and destroy. .yesstli .of the United . , , States—he enjoins alinevat, militare and civil ;officers of the -United States diligentir to ea • -deavor,- by titans; to. serest: said: • • -crosiers, and to bring them into ports of the. united States, in order' that_ they_ may he Pre vented fromcourrnittleg farther depredations on" commerce, idiaoo' .booid of them may no longer enjoy Immunity for their erthies; and be farther proclaims andtleelsres„.thet slier reasonable time has elapeed for this prociame • lion to become knoWn in ports of nations claim- log to have been neutral, said insurgent cruisers -and us on board of them' shaft Writitnee to x re hospitality 'in said pmts this Gov ernment 1411 4eem - itarelf -Justifted - in refusing . Icspetality to p ublic vessels - of- s'uttt ration In ports of the United States, and In adopting and other measures as may ha:teemed' advisable to wards vindicating national our sovereignty; ! The Presidoeit has also issued ran executive :order to reestablish the authority Of the United States, and execute the laws within the geo graphical limits known as the State of Virginia. It it ordered that all acts and precealings of the polcal;:teillutry organizations which have beeil 113 a state of insurrection and and rtheilinn, within the State of Virginia .. against the authority end !awe of the lJnited . -States, and, orwhlch Jeff. Davis, John Wetter - and Wen. Reath, were late respective -chiefs,' are &tiered' ' end void. All persons who still exercise, claim, pretend, or attempt to exerelseany political. - eivilor mil : liar* power, authOrity; Jurisdiction or right, by, through or under Jeff. Davis, late of the city of Richmond, or .bin confidante, or under John Letther or Wm, Smith and their conadantes. or or under any pretended political, military .or commission or authority issued by them or of them, since the day of April. 1661, shell be deemed and 'taken' as In rebellion against, ' the United States, and be dealt with accord ' The Secretariat of State, War, lien and Inthathr, and Fastreaster General,,are - ordered to proceed to Pitt in force all laws of the • United States pertaining to their several depart lents, end the , said District Jude,e of said dis-' -Viet to proceed s toleold einwts - erithin said State, In accordance with the provisions of thee Acts of Coogress. • The Attorney fierierid Will Instruct proper. of- Seers to libel and bring teijudennent the - waft; cation and sale of property subject to confisca tion, and enforle.the administration of justice within said State, In ail Mete& civil and criminal, within the eognissuce of the Faeral mufti; to carry into effect the gnerautee pf the . Federal Coestitalliatr,,,: of:republican. feint of State government, and adbrd the advantage and .security of domestic laws, as well as to acorn-. pieta re-establishment - of:the authority of the United Stater; and Atitimplete restoration of peace within the limits aforesaid. Francis 11. Plerpont, Goyeraor of the State of Virginia, will be aided by the',Federal Govern 'Zest so for marba secossary is the lawful =mum whiedshouuritike for Mt:octet:stow - .and administration . of the 'Mate Governmeitt throughout thegeograpleal linens of said State. "kst, TRIAL. OF THE ASSASSINS. riaor or the MILITARY COMIISRIOR API'DINTRD. Wssuittormig MATS—The Military commis, elon for the trial of the amomplums of Booth, met to-dry In a rooFn Btkd AP for thOlturigan, in thy old mnitentlary building - adJoialei..the Animal' grounds, The loildwliti :order .was . " read: . • Egnftwirs Camara, — W.usmtworost erre. May 1, 1945. Wager-es, The Attorney Generator the Uni ted Stat. a bent riven Ida opinion that tits persona imnlleatcd in the murder.-..0r th e late President Lincoln, and the - ettempted"alsassigation of Non. W. 11. Seward, &awitaupt State; and the alleged conspirstey-th: imaassinatli other oilicers of the rederalskrerifiteittiat. Wialtingion, and :their alders and abettors - are autiect Loth. juris diction of,, anion legally triable' before it.'-mill /ary commission; }Lis onlered t, • , • First—Tharthe Aulatant :Adjutant General detail nine cantatas , military oillcera to carve "ma Commission for the trial or said nettles, and tbat_tbe Judge, Advocate General proceed to prefer charges . . against . said parties for their alleged offensci, . .and bring :.them-to trial 'before said • Commitalon, and that will trial or trials be con: . . ducted by said .Judge Advocate' 'General, as recorder thereof in pews, 'aidol by, such. as- Agent or special Judge Advocates Si he may • •deslgnatc, and that guild trials be conducted with all the diligence consistent with the endi of Ina tice, end that hotinisStfon sit without its sard to bows.; • - • &rood—That lireirge4•• Gen. mo . rsnit assigned to duty - mr . wectlal .11inrabal. -General, for the purposes ofaald trial, aud lathe- dance upon 4.ldtomtiliaslbn, and the execution -Of its mandates.: • • • 27.i.t-1 bat said commission Is to establish auch order or rules of proceccing as may avoid tionecrPary delay, and conduce to the ends of public Jam tee. • • •• • I:snugly Johnson. GTDS: office, Washington, Nay 0th..15115. °radii copy.] ' 'W. A.' hitottota, Asst. Adjt. General. _ .. lion, John BlOglialn W and 'Col. Burnett were then Introduced :o the court. 19 lAatistsat Judge Adreestes• for the trial of the case desig nated ueder order of the President. The Court then adjourned seal two o'clock to-morrow ta • • allow b e prisonem an opportunity of retaining their counsel ant conferring with them. ' • Berutao . or mug. Ite W 140.111143 (beer Oar Victoriee. • Wital MOTO) , !fay t... The State Department' • has received the' folloteing translation of are ex • tract (rum the troczallngiof theleghladve of tla republic of Brunie!" Sv'erfon of Cie Legte. 5 Irdire beds, lrelnesea, Apral9o, 1563.---tt the t °prolog of The sessiod . .tho . .Pjartdeiet Jodge; P. Slyer, addreesed the Jalicmbly to the Mow- ...ao Deb. , . :bestir to transact our regular betel- Wee; les us remem b er the joyful and important news wider' has arrived within the last few days froze the otherildo of the-Atlantic Ocean. Let 1, es !matter airier:l,loy the great victory won by . the armies of the . Galen ever the rebellion-of the , tiaveholders. Greaten* and aiweys has been. on the most intimateemszection reltb—the ted Holten. Many of our sons are flgtfilug in the t 'federal army and tree labor, sod the Germans Dave shown that valor which must finally result t - victory. even over _the Infuriated strug Ong elements of the enemy. Gentlemen, let t<s chow our sympathy with the American Galon by'rthtmg In our seats. Theentinseuidlcmoe then arose, sad-gavethreeenthruslaStle cheers for the. 'Fletory of Itiejtvst mho.. , ; •• . _ I RUNDE OF DICK 11.10 R CONFIRMED. , The Wreck of. the Su ltana. . .. . . - • . 1 Canto, bal 9.---twateties tin -Met - 00U ,confirm the repott.4 F theyirmiderOf DideLsy- I for to Oin•Cabi• 'Unrestricted trade. tie 1 allets of West T exceP the M es 4 'ntaband war ailici°3 About pity m ore mat 'bodtes hare' _ . coTSred from Off wreck of the Sultana. • 'i ' Colonel Aska - s,',of drsot's staff,. who was V- Seat to larestleate tiro rIII2SO - of the dLususr, arrived at licrniids, and Iwlll- - alto go to v., MAL UMW OF ET TAMIL GENERA WILSON STILL IN HMOS. JEW. Ditir Eiths AMIDST 11f0SUBLI. HONAh'S - ADVANCE ON THE SOCITHSIDE _antra Or iliiBlllll IND—RII6I6AL , . i -Tisane* Condition of the (i:mieni. . . . . EFFORTS TC CENSURE BERGT. CORBETT. .The Evidence Against Jeff. Dada - In thit 'Astaaelnatton EXCREMENT ABOUT THE MEXICAN MOVEMENT Ortega at the ileadof the Enterprise . . - New Tons, May . 9.—A special to the 21mes from Washiegion on the Bth says: Information was received et the army ',headquarters, of the final and aemplrto Bartender of Dick Taylor's forces in Alabama inn Mississippi, to Gen. Can by. It is a remarkable fact that this news and other dispatches • were received over the rebel telegraph lines, direct from Sfacoa to Washlar,- - ton. Gen. wilenn )s 60 to 'Macon. Thee scape of Jig. Davis is, therefore, nestlo impossible. It is said that Davis, after leaving Yorkville, 8. C., -reacted 'Washington, Ga., on the 4th. From here he was again itinven I.:Abe approach of Gen. State:man. The direction taken - indicates an attempt, to cross the Mississippi river, but he trill BO Wilson in his path. The nOttnee of Howard's 'sortie reoccupied Black and 'White Stations on the Saulitside Rail. road, 01,3 Eaturdav, haring marched one hundred and fifty miles in live days. President Juarez, of the. Mexican =public. has Issued letters'of marque anti reprisal against the French Commerce. A spCCIal to the Herold says: Large receipts from the rale of 6-:ffi'r,,znables the Secretary to pay off reqUisitions of long standing. The fi nancial straits of the Governmeotare now work leg more easily_ than for many months past, and there Is no doubt• but funds staciant to pay off our soldiers will be . obtained. In a few weeks it is expected every dollar of the public indebtedn'ess will be discharged. I. special to the New York Tribe= says' Win. K...Haroldsan, a circus clown, has been arrested as a party to the Philadelphia arson plot. Notwithstanding there Is an effort to cast con -sure on Sergeant Corbett for shooting Booth, the act was approved at the time by allepresent, and is approved by his superior officers. Corbett did not lire until be saw Booth aim at an officer. He intended to wotrmildm.. Corbett had pre* tingly asked to be permitted tonnes' the barn. at 'once, lint this was several times denied him. The failure of Governor Penton to promote him a.caure of regret. The Herald's special soya The evidence in possession of the Government of the complicity -of Jett Davin and his proceed association, is such that no foreign government will hesitate a moment In giving him up. President John. eon's proclamation tor their arrests has been sent throng the South over rebel telegraph was another long cabinet seashell today On the subject of throwing open the South to unrestricted trade. The Berald's North Carolina correspondent sari 'When the negotiation for Johnson's sur render commenced ••• he bad about 50,000 men, but of these not morn than-thirty thousand --waited to be paroled, so _anxious . wore were they to extout Of the army and return home. They stole all the horses they could Lind from their officers., and struck off across the country. engaged In indiscriminate . plundering,. General Johnston admitted that ha bad:no 'Con— trol overthem. Ha spoke very bitterly of Da vis; attrßiding all the rebel failures, to him. He considers the South 'whipped in completely tothe Union. The /Jerald says; The excitement. br regard thlt Mexican lreovetnent 'lx 'extending in the city, and throughout the country. The office wierepentons desirous ofjoiningthe expedition andreglsteting their names, was open in this city yesterday and was crowded all day. Alest of the volunteern in the movement are ,yetesaa soldiers, who hive itrved In the . armlett'dtedng the - piaLitrar rears. Common emigrants are guaranteed one thous.' andoendelede bemired ems of land. The norm dew or those recelving commissions ,as officers will of coarse be tench-larger. * It. Is =ported that the -Mexican republican Gin. Ortega, is at the..ltelei -of- the enterprise. and that all the emigrants - will go 'Polly supplied with weapons, but end:Arrangement& have been r.rnade.as to Idlos,ofibis without &breath of in ternationaP. neutrality. BXTENiIONS GlikriTEl Coinpani and Stag Officers Reduced COUNSEL von TJIE ,slisAistNn . , .i. Waema gron, May 9.—Oh tipliention of henry Goodyear, administrator of the dilate of Nelson Geodyear, the eomialsaion got Otani , , . . ' has been tictended for seven years. The patent 01 Nelson GoodyearLs for the Invention of hard ... rubber, the roisine being in two divisions. The lavas:lion In this case Consists in preparing from gnm, commonly known as , rubber - , a new Miter, . tat to tote used In plied of horn,whalebone - Om: 4 , iron and similar aubstances. It Is ealivi robber eXtensita. ' It was opposed by G. Day,but gran ted on tho &build of novelty and utility of Jaren tionand its value and Importance to the public, and became the Inventor area not adequately re munerated, though for 'Lowest. ofdiligence on An extension was'also granted Edward-Ham. liton, of Chicago, fothis =ventilator and des- An order has been issued from the Adjutant General's eilid, for - red nelog the number of cin. rally and'staff fidliers of veltinteer regiments. 11. Baja : By direction of thel'resident; ail Com pany andetaff cilium of volunteer regiments, absent them their commands on account of M. sieel disability, , or by virtue of insves'of absence granted them, on their refurn to the loyal States in prisOhers of Wet - 4*Di be: hondrably-msedoied out of the servlde o i the United Stated on the 15th Inst. Said era wilt c i ttimmediately apply by letter to the A jatant Generalofthe army for their muster out and discharge -papers. Intim of physical disability from dlseate'cu• woends, ' the letter nowt be accompanied 'by a medical' I certificate of-the usual form. - .The - Pmt-olnee address of the ogieeemust be glvetrwith care in The mutt for the trial of the conspirators con. cerned le the allitssinattan of President Llocaln,. and the attempted assassination of. Secretary Seward, convened today. The pro forms to ar range the mks and made of probiediag In said :CoUti, has not determined whether the pro 2eed. ink/ et all be made publican the trial prograisel. ' - The prlsodus, David E. Harrold, George E. Atremt. Lewis Payne. if IL .Arnold, Michael Nefanghlio, Samuel hlnfid and hi. .E. Barrett, ,on being tron.vht before the military comma 'lon to -day, were asked 'ahem they desired to -erica as comae!. when the, named the follow ing . gentitmen : Ilsr:old. Messrs_ Fred. Sumo, Joseph 11. Dradier and M. - Carilsie. .Payne: liirJ Mason MOW% Of Delthisora... Mos. See raft 1 , lion. Bev( rdy Johnsen and Mn Wm. Wei ' lace' Sidi. banmol sludd I Mr. Ulises J. Brent. a Baltimore: - The others dld or., name aollasel. . -Tilt ASSASSINATION' OF - MR.' ' LINCOLN,' Commenta oilfie London Ohba andStkr. llsw Yonn, May 9.—Com eating on the as sassination or- President Lincoln the Lentils" Olobe topP: Tto neWsfront'ilmatlea will - send a thrill of horror through- the land. It ii' too Coon to estimate the depth and breadth of. Ills meat calamity to America and Europe. Mt. Lit cola had, come nobly through the. great - or- Hand extorted the approval eve, of his . opponents, at least on this aide of the water; they bad very reluctantly. . - come to ad-: mire his firmness, fairness, and sagacity. He had tried to ne, and had dome, what he con- Lamed tote may with magnanimity: He hod never. Alillee down 'vengeance upo n - one Itidi his deallega _with' foreign conntriei, and he expressions with-regard to them, ho had c non to, be reensikable.beeause among American Ptesidents, he showed , justee , a of view , and totteWbich were tint common:'ln thehout when 'the owe be had.labored for was about - to tri umph, and polo ones more pravall over the torn audtlecdlng continent, be was shorby cow. 'lately assassin. .Who min-say what llood-gato, .this act may not' open; ' and skit other crime it may not lead. , The hit*, however, dents conjecture. All.we can dIL /6 to express the grief we sineereliteel,lbet ostrtrsus-Atittutio . cousin& should have been deptived ntOtteWho' benceferttr take - rank amone the beat'and meet lumeit of Aintrican.Treshients.-,.. 'The 'gra- says: The whole civilized: wield' will larnant Abe cruel. death of President Lin: coin. dying trre,that ;the , pro-slaiery rebellion i. lies been put down,, and elavery has received Its. I 'death blow. Ho had isccomolished the - mission 1 - which be was raised to fulfill, and leaves behind' blue, pure and epotlnse; the name of martyr ac as patriot. .t=i • . • . . . . • ... ._ .:- - ',. - ------- Te--z-.,--4!,...‘:.r..-.-,..--=,_,---- ..-%--,,-----:--,----- -- . --.-... . • . , . . . I .. _ . , . LATE <FROM RICHMOND. - Troops Passing Through the City. NEw Tons, May 9.—The Richmond Wag of - cr , the Bth, records the passage Ihmugh thatcity on Saturday, of the second and liftticorps of the Ar my of the Potomac, estimated at from forty-Eve to fifty &mould strong. Tiny occupied tive hours and threequiters passing a given point; they searched tea titles Cast of Richmond - on Baler day night. = _.The fototeinth corps if Shuman% army ar rived at lUchtuond on fiandayt. Walcott's dirt- Mon was intivance. The 20th, 15th, and tith corps were thin one day's march; and the 14th corps utarelmiLloo miles In nix days. Trains aremow tWhhing • Dom Richmond to Danville. • The Richmond Tf'hig says: The march sof the troops of th e :Id aniPlith corps passed the Libby prison, which was bielndcd;lia the Tonto in or der to gratify the soldiers, was marked &Berns .tively by cheers and groans" from those Who from time to time during the progress Of tile war were SO unfortunate as to be Inmates of its Lutespitable walls. Whether designedly or not, the programme of the route took the line past General Lee's resi dence, Frauklin street, and those of the *oldies& who were aware of that distinguishedchief of the. late Confederate forces, cheered lustily as the residence was approached and passed. Gen. Lee. at the closed blinds of one of the windows, reviewed the pageant fer a few minutes. We understand that the ronteof the procession was selected, and led thrpngh the - strects that would best egad the troops an tdcaof viewhig the city before which they had been lighting four years for its possession. And the soldlexaseemed to enjoy the spectaciewith pleasure throughout, without any demonstrations whatever. Maj: Gen. Tialleck has made his appointment of the judges of the Court of Conciliation or Arbitration for the - 'settlement of pecuniary elalms arising out of the change In the curren cy. Emmy W. Thomas, late. State Auditor, Wm. 5... Lyrics. late Judge of the Rusting, Court and. John A. Meredith, late Judge, are named as the Board. Some idea of the immense business 'of the commissary department of a large army may be gained from the fart that the commissary of General Sherman's army had.orders on Recur day to use one million six hundred thousand ra tions for the army on its march trona Manches ter to Washington. Captain Thomas W. Doswell, late Assistant Provost 'Marshal of Richmond, under the. Con federates, and detective Williams, have been ar rested by the authorities and sent to Libby. Frank W. Boyd, a captain of the Baltimore po lice, under hiarshal Kane, has also been arrest td, and paroled for an examination. 13,TMiL REVENUE DECISION 7he Trashington City Rebete WASHINGTON, May 9.—The Commlntel:Lex of lidernal Revenue has decided that the losses in merchandise can be deductel only from the gains In merchandise. -In this case, the partic ular branches of Inerthamdiae need not be given. Ihe loss orgaln from stocks may offset the loss or-gain from produce specuLulon. A resolution was Introduced into the city cone oil last night admonishing those who left their homes in this city at the commencement of the rebellion, and epenlydened the national govern ment, and engaged In their libretti work of trea son, _- thaUtbeir return at this time would be exceedingly repugnant to thh loyal -citizens of _Washington, and would be regarded as an act .unproductlyt of good, but fraught with much harm. This caused an excited debate ofa person at chatacter. A meeting Is eland for tonight, to precept the rebels from returning to Wash ington. , Gene a number have , already_ arrived here. WASIIIZIGTON, May h.—Orders have been is anal from the War Department for the discharge of *verge number of citizen clerks and the Sub- - stitttion of enlisted men. A public meeting Of about fifteen hundred persons was held in front of 'the - City Hall to &gilt, at which speeches were made and -resole. :ions passed having in 'kw the prevention are• tunderg or remaining , within the limits of the District of Columbia of Its former residents who Cava participated in rebellion. The ground is taken that men who have willingly endeavored to &stens . the Oovernmeat can -have no home In the Capital of this untion. . ,„,..,... _ . Immense Vutiiiipllans to the Y-10 ZOSA I . IIII.ADLII`III/, Slay 9.-f4ay Cooke reports tie ro ...lotions today to the 7-.70 Loan at - 615,10Ntittl. The lanowt Western anbectiptions were iii 30,700 from the Second National Bank of Chic,co. and 200,000 from the Sth National Bank of Cincinnati. Thy largest- Eastern itl')- ecriorlar S in. 1113 from Fisk .k, Batch, of New York, 5,050i4 0 0 -from H. Clews *Co., 1, 00 0. - , - COO; frrm the 2d National Bank of Boston, 400; COO. linenumberofindividualaubscriptlonamak -tog up realms of the above aggregate..-au 10,607.- -The,lphia, 60 subscriptions Included 1,300,000 rrom Philadeo,oo o from Washington andll7s 000; from the Ist Sational Bank of Bal• . timbre. 11 ) , -. lbeenbscriptio of the 65,059,400 by the New , Torr-Barkir g II use of Flak ‘t"flibett made n sensation to th circles of finance which the news reached fore evening. -Their telegram -was in these words: "Err York, Nag 9.—lay CoOko:EMbieripliod Agent,,, Philadelphia: We send greeting from. but rter'offlre,l4o. 5 Nassau street. Order for us live Choctaws, an Alcaanderand ninety.fotr hundred Stren-Thdriles. (Signed,) . , , . . . _ "Fisk de Ilarmt.' s • CLoctaws In 7.30 cipher m.eanis millions, and Alexander means env thousand. The total order therefore was for 65,050,400. Fisk' et IBatch are entitled to the credit Of having inada the largest *lngle subscription ever Miele to a Government loan to this country. Affairs In Mexico and teals. iirrr . Yottn May. 9.—The - steamer Havana, from Havana on the 3,1,. has artivod.rWiib dates from the City of Mellen to Aprlll9ol, and Vera Graz 23d.' - A -new eanrosign is - to be 'com :Deuced - In the, - State of 31 - ishosean against Gm , Jear 4 sts. , . The 'capture of &Milo and Monte rey,bythe Joarists Is confirmed. Severat thou sand imperial troops have been slut to Sonora and Sinaloa. Tbe' Ligislatnie Of Lower California has de cided upon the'defenee of the State against In . vadens: 'Sealers from Morella report that du mists bad_ captured the town of Getiterse, and envied to attack Morella. The French occu pied Glayennus March 291 h. LargeJuaristlmes are reported le Queretaro. lime - hundred Imperialists were captured by at a town In Michoacan. Two huedred Auttrians,arrlved at Cautneache to garrison the place. Ct lvestrn edvices have been received to the, L-5,4 of AWL MI people of Houston and Sprit Odd held_ meetings and determined to cos tit,te the rebellion, -though they had heard of. tfe espitulatkm of Lee, to tcpel Invasion and sustain Jeff. Dacia. , Gen...ilswes; wbo coop mas,dcd Galveston, resigned,. and Is replaced by Col. Smith. Gen. Magruder was at Galveston, where be reviewed the troops. .A Federal at tack un the coast of Texas is momentarily ex- Front Cairo, Dremplilr and Vlckahurg. • .C111:0. Mny biles of cotton passed 111.1lITAllay for St. Levin' - Gen. Thome Instructed Gen. Washburn'', at emphis, to administer the oath to rebel fol• diet a, lot not to alficenc-or cit , zonv, saying that. It is Ino fate t.t reap the benttita of the Amnesty PinvlamatiLm, after maintaining an attitude of Imatility fouryeam Gen. Washburne.direcis that ellizas afro Ica ourlbses and souleht refuge in rebel Lobo, laid hare resisted all.porsuasion . W teturn until now, will not he allowed to coma • Aube' offleerecoinlog to the district, paroled • from - Lees, Johnston , / and. 'Taylor's armlet, will nut be' permitted to wear the rebel uniform and Sedge. Paroled and enlisted wenare al lowed thirty daya to ehango their dress. Thu Vicksburg 'Herald says , Points In the In terior of Slisil.eippl arc label leneuediately occti .pied by our troopa to supprois guerrillas and preserve order. Gen. Dana will probably 1110V0 fleadpiar. tete to Jackson Loon. About 4,000 rebel prisoners aro at Vicksburg awatti g delivery to the rebel Serene of Es chang., when they will be tent homoauder In. - junction to remain law•ablding citizens. Vt.lluquent do4lieria Postmasters.-A ellam ElX=2l Now Yoax, - Iday 9:--The Tribunes Waxbills , ton sPerial rays Ooveroment la prepartnito, Veneta merit of Its postal. minium from delliv, quent debtor. gostmastma.. - Wben. the IkbelltOu broke out most Of the ninithootand postnasal-era In Ethel titges Were largely In /Crierins fotatarrips and newspaper postage.: By a special act passod last*lnter-the real estate of the postmaster and' his enreilei Cored bo seised by attachment. Pub.?, McMinn of an& attachment - ts serred to .evsry debtor to delinquent and pay their debts to the . United Stater, suirtnoato ex-postmasters.: . The lofty plateau or Arlington luur : beers eon.' vetted Into *national eemetml - for * our Soldier and Seamen who, die In or near Wastdagtoet.;t.O. wakopened, fot intermeneon Xatyrdst, 1141,i - sod wlttdo the year fife thousand: hare bean butted lea conversion tutu a comotory_rendem It Impossible that It can ever peumill as raddoneY 'Day of Pra3-cr lu , bl!chlg;•an. . . " - "Thrmnprr,. May SL—ln .acesrdanea P111.111E104 piodamatton,- Gov. Crppa has ap pointed itrd xel day of,June, as a day of prayer. t - .:. .. . =~.T i - M~ -,' ~ r`• '~.1~::..h.. , ...:.z.. ?~ J ry.,;~~" s'iS«r• .a- t.,G•. Sol3lllRii JRADE AD COMMERCE. Ronald Prorased Yoriign Loan Cantradi:ted NUMBER . OF RESIGNATIONS TENDERED • New Tonic, May 9.—The Herald's Washltrg ton special says: There was a special Cabinet meeting to -day,, continniagover four boors. The tothject of trade and commerce with Incur, rectionajry fitatcs‘Was under consideration, but,: will again be considered at the regular Cabinet • meeting to-morrow. The . Importance of num. stricted commercial intercourse as an agent of reconstruction and pacification, is telly appro elated by the President and Cabinet, and the only discussion is ad to how this can beet be ac complishedunder the laws of Congreae, framed for a very :different condition of affairs. The general financial condition of the Southern States, as affecting commercial returns, was also fully considered in the Cabinet consultation upon the subject. The loyal State government of Virginia IR to • be removed next week to Richmond where Gov. Plerpolnt will begin the reconnection of civil authority throughout Virginia. Reports about any party being sent to Europa to - negotiate loans for the Government are wittt. *out foundation. No each movement is contem plated. Large numbers of military officers are tender lag their resignations, and thirteen general cullers have, alreadY resigned. Itlas been decided to retain for the present. the military force at Staunton. la the valley of Virginia, Nearly all of the. cavalry in tea valley have started for -Washington. IBNSTON'S TROOPLGREITIN DFSMLIZED Officers Murdered by their Men NTENSE PEELING AGAINST DAVI' BALTMOttE, May 9.—A gentlemen who has just arrived here from North Carolina reports that the rebel troops surrendered by General Jolizetc u ate greatly demoralized, and nearly beyond the control of their officers, who are striving. to march them to their respective States. • The officers have become the objects of, Intense bate, and It Is as tuner, as their lives are...worth tenture an ay from the lines. Quite a num ber of them bate been murdered by their. diem, who seem to be tempted to murder them to get post./...ten of the small tams of specie which the ctilcers are understood tespossets. Ilte. rebel soldiers egprvis Intense feeling against Jett Dante and the Various members of his cabinet, and there Is no doubt that if he or any of tha leaders of the rebellion fall Into their hands they will fare badly. At last accounts our cavalry were In vi Brous pursnit of Jeff. Davis. New York *Stock and Money Matteru. New Yea', May O.—The stock market to un settled. The continued decline in gold has pro duced a general cannon respecting prices, and there is a &Felton to sell at lower quotations. The beats availed themselves or this fueling and hammered the market vigorously daring the morning, with the seccass of a decline in Rail roads of IG2 per cent. Later in the day the market became better and returned to very near the opening price of the morning. Now York Central rod Erie were quite active, bed there was not much done In any other stocks. These wee cousidemble animation and excite. aunt In the Goverment Rat, and a heavy beti mes waidoneln the old liveterenties, at 107' @led. Other bonds.. Were fir:nand in fair if:- u.nnd. State hotels lave been quiet end steady to-day. Bank_shareasre very strong. 'Railway mort gages are held firmly, and sales were madc at full prices. Coal and miscellaueous shares were henry and generally lower. .Itte gold room wee more active this morolitg than for some: time past. Prices opened et 1375. but steadily der-need to 13554, and then rallied to 137. There were heavy sales and cot , slderable spmilative movements. Some finan ciers predletn farther fall before the dote of the month.. Marty remains easy. Petrole r arn Stocks quiet and active wi t t.higood market. 'The United States coai= tto de. , cline ish the repeat that the well ban stopped. &ICE: Tarrn, 1W; F.xer.J.sidr, 510; Ulan:lnnis, 62; RyDil Farm, 310; Tart. VD; E-s -vln3 City. 999; United titatea, 13.70; Cluery.ltne, h:Tfltnickerbotter; . The Trial of Harris. Wasiumotria.lii ay 9.—at the trial of 8-otamitt Q. Harris this morning, Mr. A. Fenwtct, neighbor and iriend of Mr. Harris, was calledas • witness for the defence. He testified that Chapman and Read, saying that they were pa roled prisoners, mime to his home on the corning of the 2411. h of April, and asked to he accomma dated for the night. Hu refuted to lodge them In his boom, but told them that they migitt go Into his barn. To the best of his knowledge and belief they stayed In - the barn that night.. Tho accused here closed his case. The'dnage Advocate offered in cohigneo Tartans orders of Lfentetant-General Qrstit and Genernt ' etplanahary of the terms of surrender, pro. siding that paroled soldiers raffling south of Richmond most go home, at speedily as possible, by the most direct rote, and that transportatlo4 and stielittnee Were not to tic forillsh4 thme who failed to gin homl, but that they' might go free oil QoYernment Watt , when In /trims mute to their t iom is, Th. accused objected to the ad• mission of the ardc Oa evidence, and the court, akjoutricil until Thuit,:f I Id order to give the aCCUSI.4I time to prepare fils,liqlitinte. . • Triibi—Ohio atlßtral thiuko. Pardoning of Ittifir New Yons.. Slay o n.—TheNoinmeretat's spread says: The NUlltary Court, for the trial of the as sassin Conspirators, has been postponed, to con. sequence of the absence of two of the officers, until Wednesday. FOur National Banks In Ohio have been au. thorlzed, respectiiely, to lacrease their capital stock $50,000. The Presldent is about to Mae n proeiama• Oen deferring and regulating Mr. Lineqin's am. 'ltaly oath and other matters relating to the pardoning of returning rebeLs. Trade In Insurrectionary States—Governor Vance will Not be Recognized. NIP" Yora‘ Ma! U —9eeretary annBmees that shell per cent fee on goods - going to Insurrectionary States Is &polished; such trans portation ill herearterllne. A special to the Post saps It Is known at Ra leighthat President Johnson will not recoiroizo OW. Vence nor. the rebel .legislators of North Csrolion, From Lou t lllr. Lotusitury May 9.—No military passes will bertaiter be required of citizens traveling over the. Lonialanze and - Nashville rail toad. - Lary.° nseehers of paroled rebela, ineladlng Coltnel Jessei are here going to their reapeethe Warms. • Several bands of guerrillas, under Hughes and Golding, era committing depredations near New Raven, in Nelson county, and the federal tr ups are pursuing them. eleome -Intelligence" In Bermuda. WOW YOUR, ?day D.—The Hamilton, Bermuda, Mirror, of . April ?.6th, has been received. It contains no news. The announcement of the surrender of the rebels to Gen. Grant was given by the Mirror es "'unwelcome Intelligence.' We watt with anx iety the further remit of this sad termination." .Caltbrated Ox General, Grant Botrrow,liay o.—Tito celebrated ox General Gratl r mtleh bus earned for the Sanitary Coot 'mission over 610,000, was forwarded via Albany and Buffalo this morning to the great national fair at Chicago as a gift from Its owners. M; New InouelL Master PIIILADILIIRA, May 0.-11. special to 116 Euen• irrrl Trleraph Dom Baltimore up : Thu steamer frant Havre, with tho Marquis Da hionthein: the howly appolntedlrenela Minister . to -Wash ington. is repotted down the bay. and Is expected to m riee„to-day, With the minister and his suite, an route for the seat.of goirenatnent. tlomlcble. . Nrw nA7r4,. Mayii2.—P. - 131. 4 Egdetton,:tv merchant le Gulliord; Was allot an dmortally wounded, by n young. man named Andrew Knowtre, last nlget:L . Knnwles was -paying new mutton VI Eateitolo3 from-'which v which ,edlfdcnltybetrteen the parties grew. Knowles made his eseape,,lt. le apposed, terNow.-Xort. . tor Trgo , ipiamunium, 0 . - Gen era liToyni, by authority film Washington. has lanai, or dens for . the ereehtlODA'ittgletti'MUlllionAnd *Horsey, tonvieted of treason by no, martial to Ibis city Boucot months ego. ,Thyy Irlikikhuojr,, on ibt . 190 loot. . . _ teilliAke " T3iki4oVer • at Pnwellion. Beiencte Friday-, 'night. Gen.W,llan bat pthitedlinitd-billey tan _nouneing the, reward &flits - capture, and seat kiwi them Onto* , !.hF°l3llt.tY• . . Nt Yons,' , , Itai• 9.—Gold•• weak, alsn'ti to tbetwtent pante."' The du:line ilia morn ing to 1135 X was ItAticrallv unexpeeted. • IdWiti no•dlet a , full to 120(g115 wittan thirty days. The increased supply It the elder cause. The state of Tennessee I The President has received a dispatch from /Nashville that, on Tharsdby last, Hon. Josepb 0. Fowler and Hon. David T. Patterson were elected Halted States &Miters for the State of Tennessee. Hon. Joseph S. Fowl is about 42 years of et e, a native ot Stenbe ville, Ohio. He went led Pro. . native of Stenbe to Tennessee M 1E44, a d vies appolni Tenor of Mathematics in ranklin College, near Which positio he filled with eminent Ile resigned his' position in 1948,- and after ward was ealled to the Presidency of Other jr etivations of learning. • When the rebellion brtilte out he proclaimed himself an ardent snpporter of the government, and was for putting dovitieason with the bay onet. - WheriTennenee ecedcd from the Union be left the State and w t to Spring,fteld, to engage In the practicir of law. having quail lied himself and datermbal years before to pur sue that profession. , li) re.malaed there until Mareh„ 1863, when °Ott. J.RITISOTI gave him the position of Comptroller of the Treasury of Ten nesdee, after the rebels bad been driven out. We bus always been rinti.slaverv, is a thorough rad • lee, and is one of the AM scholars of the South. Reis swarm and Intimate friend otitis colleague, lion. David T. Palmieri, and 'both enjoy the fullest confidence of thq President. lion. David T. Patterson la about forty-five years ofAge, a citizen of Greene county, and noble lawyer. Ile was for a timber of years Clrenli Judge in East Tennessee, and IMS re gardtd as one of the fink Sprints of the State. stootrby the Government In Its darkest hour, and In all the trials anti 'perils of the people of East Tennessee he kept the faith. nu is radl et a soU 4 n - l a w esidtnt Johnson. I We have the further intelligence that the State -of Tennessee will be redistricted by the Logic. lature Immedlately,and an election for emigres. men will take place upon the regular election day in August. Toe Late Railroad 'Robbery The robbery of the Ohio and Itilsaisippl rail road train, on Friday : night. a • few miles below, this city, was one of Ltbe most audacious opera tions that we have heird of; The thieves of cdr.rso were highwaymen. The facility with which they opened the safes of the Adams Mn press Indicates ttat there wore professional thieves, probably train this city, In the gang. It would be verge-m. 5 to talk to such a band of out , lane about the brutality of throwing a railroad •ttain, tilled with passengers, off the track. They were bent on plunder. and would: If nears. EMI, barn sacrideeti every life on the train: The thieves came from and, returned to Ken, tacky. Having crossed In boats, all the People la teat neightorhood cannot be entirely Ignorant of their SlOTellient.S. BM aside from this, the fact that they lind cover in Kentucky. shows that revere measures arenecessary to clear that State of the 'rubbers and tut-throatS that infest It. If society were tight over there, guerrilla bands maid not ellst very long. So long as guerrillas are permatedte aurrtOdur, and arc allowed to F , Lle! anlobg the . people, new bands will be formed, and we shell have areturrenee of Out rages mob as was re . hamitted on Friday olicht. A dead guerrilla wilt not be Ilkely to do any mis chief; therefore, the true policy le to bunt them down, and shoot or hang as they may bo naught.—CM. Gar. t;olonel Ould It la stated that ,the rebel Ex•Cerrantssionens of Exchange, Col.: (laid and Major Reich, have been arrested In Richmond tiy Gen. Gimlet , or- der, urn a charge of having misappmprlsted a 1 little item of three hundred thousand dotterel which was cntruitt'i to themfor the relief of I our prisoners then held .in the South. The spirlt which has actuated Col. Cold's treatment of our brave fellOws, and the uttinagentent of , tall exchange question Is exhibited 'ln a letter now befell: 'n..t in ble . own band writing, ad . driqied to BrlW.; Gen. Winder, under date of City Point, March IT, leol. • In this letter Col. • °old say: 1 "The arrangententa I have made (for clot:lan . ging prisoners) works tautly .in cur (hour. ire vet rid of a erf of miserable ureic...we, and rewires acme of the beet material I erer saw." elech language, as this la precisely what might have been excted front s a lavehulder and one who bad been pe accustomed to estimate human flesh according to its calms In dollars and cents. f . It Wan not at all to accordance with Col. Oall'a elleigne . to let o r poor soldiers come, bade to ns I as anything put "miserable wretches." and it is ..stowntreoge,thesedbro, that' beshonld have cone nivid et makle some other thaw the proper i dispositton of t lie mi.:log three hundre I thous end dollars.-1 T. TrTh one. ....--------- Fbils4brvphy baring War A gentleman Miffing In New York has with great labor *razed a email book which gins a atateunutt of the amount cOatriboted by ths American people for philanthropic pnrposes con =Med with the war, and which is fummod up as follows: "The total 'contributions from the States, counties and towns, for *Zooid and relief of sol diers and their families; hoe amatintal to over one hundred arid eighty-seven millions of dollars, (9187,W9,608 c. that the contributions for the care and couleur& of soldiers by associations and hiA aUlollllted to dyer Awenty-four ndilloar,' (V 24041,111.5 90;) that the contribu tions, at The tame time, ter sufferer, abroad has been $38Q,140 14; and that the coutributions for freedmen, stalcrers by the riot of July, and . white refuncesi have been 56.19,62:1 - 134 malting a grand iota: exclusive of expenditures of the government, o more than two hundred millions of dollars. ( 12,274,2.59 49. w) - It Is wonblif notice that while these genet one eeutributl es have been made for the sol dier:, the ore nary objr.ets of charity have not been !,cglectetl, A Cowl: IIONOILLiMOBI EBTAIUMMOD At 111C1IXONIA—MeJor General command ing the Militaiy Girlslon of the Jai.ies, has sued a general establishing a C •ort of Con ciliation. OOTIBIAtIne of thrco arbitrat...r.s. in the 'city of Richmond. This court will at Vacate ;inch wore as may be brought before It in regard to tke riait of posso.klon of property, both personal and real, mid tp the payments of rents and debts, wherecontreeta were made on the basis of rebel . currency. wideb now has no legal existence. Title com t will take no jurisdiction of questions of title to property, nor will its *decision be any her to legal rent:dies when the civil. lain and civil courts :lie re established. All. parties bringing suit in this *court, and attorneys and agents appearing for thorn., will ho required to take the a -- like, - unite and mim W ed, Ardis of the jade diction of i nor:ceding* will be •directed so and securing ex net Justice. . Mitiel. — MO officers o the gnnboi iched at. Pensaco la, Fp., or 1r voyage from. Ziewl)rlei &edict the ru mor that . .... oecretatv of the rebel navy, bad surtudered himself to Ca it . Gibson, of the frigate Potomac. Up to the dhte named the fugitive /3 eretary had not been seen In that region, and l was supposed :that, i n company with . matter eff. be was endetirotingto get out of the country' and off to the West ladles. ..Gen. Gilmore has , ixisde extensive arraegementa.le m 'eant the Mimi lenders from Florida. Ton indieillons now ere that Bonles,,MUltdan and Ilerfes, ihe leadire of the Bone of I l leuity, .11 , convicted et, l ndlanspolis a few weeks Mace, sill be ext en ed.. The tuntene, of the wintery tribunal Itv el cc been divulged, but. It, sup. posed to l.e death. eyal the culprits have been qv' ed 'libelling may by the forbearance of the lute "Presides . 7 . • Tni Donar..."—John Stuart Mtn, the political economist, Who lea undulate for the British Parliament, Nays be is In favor of -opeuleg suffrage "to all grown persons. bats men and wotrom, Who can read, write and pet.. form sum id the rnlo of three, and who hive not within sore() small number of years received pariah relief." . IX is said that Gen. Lee andlils family are In Ss destitute cOndition, and stint the Ocserat's., shabby grey nniformts the 'only clothes he lists to wear. Be isvelther so destinite or so poorly clad as the thousands of ,butter men he allowed to rot in the itodersonsille prison pen. Those who'commiserito his alleged poierty should re.; member that. 011E0011 palicrs mention thee hanging ofilfteen horse thieves land blghwaymen in Walla Walla. and BristoLo ones ,by lynch law. within a. idlest thee. The viglissee committee had a list, of one hundred and fifty,- in be driven out abbe !t., , . • ableld-abatied illrer•phited ;do4* . }der 11. Stephens, late Vied PrcF to annallod Confederate linden Of is displayed In the windrros 'of :44 Wl.intt°4 otroPts BOYiuc. ...._ Ttus plale of Alex !dent of the APelivi. eleter•hotete Tine Baos .rektia,' gavial/ emulitinl , 'stock ortood 119 uo Prirrk!c!f eantana,—The Lynn (Mau ) • o,buyera aro numerous, and orders I faster than they•san be • led. Atm on hand to very light; , • tid. there •at ptesentnPan swam • titin. Tagus 19 a ;ha ntevanys wit.; logrtlier Ting tielanng • seehlt g. I eat rush of travel' to F, out full: The-elcialtr , with the decline in geld • stimulate WI form 4). or" Alai italliati has. ain horn° ~batinn at .- . :4lraat raaay:by . t o Lotdon piper Aides that Mt ; kt to the ex-King of Napes. Tiir. Empe deield Lace idettetrito ; I. rimer ~..~~~- Eft i AM) isilifbitHlA Pittsburgh slid Allegheny Orphan AsylUm -yAsinual Meeting of the Society. The annual meeting of the Pittsburgh and . Allegheny Orphan .Society was held yesterday afternoon, at three o'clock, in St. Andrews' (Episcopal) Church, Rand street, It was largely attended, the church being filled with ladles and a Malted number of gentlemen. 'The orphans of the: Asylum were all present, and during the exercises sang a number of hymns and chants In a very creditable manner. Previ-,. ous to the opening, they sang a beautiful song, which we believe was written expreesly forthem, beginning ';'Happj greeting to aIL" The pastor of the church, Rev Wm. Preston, then opened by prayer, after which the children sang In con cert "Glory to God on high," die. The report of the Secretary of the Asylum was then read and adopted. We append ft In full: At the annual meeting of this Society, three years ago, your Secretary, in writing her report, alter alluding to the momentous events of the proceeding year, congratulated you upon the victories of the armies of the Union, and In enumerating them, closed with "Williamsburg, Yorktown, Norfolk,—ltichmond;" but before this was read at your meeting, she found that Rumor, with her busy tongue, had advanced too rapidly; that the rebel Capital was not yet In our possession. She was taken away before an other year had passed, and her hopefal spirit would bare been saddened, could she have look mu.forward to trials and sufferings which t be borne, the the precious blood which mug. be spilled, before obr honored flag should float over the headquarters of treason. And hoer, that this summit of our desires had been reach ed, and there are no more fortified cities, no more organised armies to resist our victorious hosts, the joy of the nation is turned to mourning, an orphaned people weep, and a dirge most take the place of the joyous strains which these in tent voices have been wont to sing. In the midst of these stirring and exciting events, your little band of helpless orphans have beer kept on their quiet way,receiving food clothing and-shelter, and as your Board humbly trust, beleg • trained up In the nurtuer and edam. • ninon of the Lord. • There have been very few cases of sickness among the children, and the fact of there hav ing been only one death during the year, in an average fanilly. of one hundred, speaks highly for the skillful care and watchfulness of their - kind friend and physician. Dr. Dale." Thirty-eight children have been received into the Asylum during the past yer, and thirty re turned to their friends, or placed In houses where they will properly be cared for and taught some useful calling. Of the one hundred now in the Asylum, thir ty-one are soldieres' orphans, and for ten of them compensation is given by the State. It w es wits much regret thatthe Board parted with lira. Morse, the former Matron, who wee called to other duties; but they hope that in her successor, Miss Thompson, they have found one equally &Went. Miss Elervey and Miss Molloy are still occupied as they have been for years pest, and as faithful as ever to the important trusts committed to thorn. The expenses of the family during the past year have necessarily been very Mot, bat tr.anks to the generosity of tot, friends, "tha barrel of meal has wasted y neither hat the ernse 01 oil failed." A successful effort has teen made to increase the unnater of gentlemen subscribers, brit your Board Del sure that there are many others in there cities who wemi.d gladly contribute yearly to your funds If the subject were brought to their notice_ The meal Thanksgiving donations tram several of our merchants were very ae ceptabte. The, Board hope try their next annual nantiag to welcome their friends In their new building on Ridge striet, which is open:meting comple- Mon as rapidly as can be expected while labor is !Vacate°. ' . The reports received in answer to the annual inquiries sent out to those who have charge of children formerly in your Asylum„have been generally favorable; and the lettere from many of the children now grown old enough to sp . prolate your kindness, express, great grati tude.. , A warm friend of the orphans, who hiss given retch rime and trouble to their religious educe don, saw in a Hospital in Alexandria, a bay who claimed his recognition. cod spoke gratefully of the comfort it Las been to him, to remember on his bed of pale the teachings he had received from him in the Asylum. One Sunday morning . last !mauler, &young soldier, Ireloeging to thee Sinely-fifth regiment, Penusylvanie volunteers, came •to tho Asyltim (which be left fifteen years ago,) and talked to the children; be said his heart warmed when he esipe In sight of Pittibtergh, as he was passing West with his regiment, for. be thought he should see his old home again. Ile told the boys how be had beam: bad boy. when he wra In the Asylhm, and now that he was old enough to knoiv tetter,he was very sorry he had not made a better return for 'all the kindness_he had re. mired. - Ile had been - a prisoner on. Belle Isle , but even there he had beegoable to forget his sufferings, while recalling texts be had learned here, and whiter:Toying,. In the misonere prayer. fltcetieg,tbat their Heavenly Father would not - forget those who were in bonds. - • Ile not worry in well doing. for In due sea son ye atoll reap. it ye faint not." By order of tie ROMA. • L 01 3 .3. Castrorag., Secretary. The report of the Treasurer was also read ana ad..pted. It is as follows: MM. Mate avetss. , a, to aceotrar wren ran TerTFae COll.l, n al.uwitTaY oneARAN ASYLUM.' May, 1655. Naiades Oa hand per last report.. Co. !icor:red for boardlea Cost tecelrei from gentlemen eti":". n r Hone ." 1,413 In Cash survived from ladles , collet:ions—. 696 fri Cash recelvesffrosn thanksgiving and oth er dontions- - G. 31 50 Cash received from Minor members-- . 1 15 Cashzeceived from dirldeade on Railroad Stock Cash received Dom dividends! cri bHAge Stocks...op Cash received from IntertSei;;;l7" --. Shush reoeived frost ground rent Cash received for Imola refunded by 'Mr*. Denney- • 1,CC1.A3 Cosh received 'for loans refunded bp Bay oral's estate- .. - ..... 1,6 , 0 so Legacy.) as. CraWford per Y. ... 1,00 00 I , sacy. Chas. Brewer per W. Holmes-- 500 03 From Allegheny Savings Bank I,ow oo Balance on band, May 1865. $2,419 35 Cash pald to vial fug committer. -...-.... 4,93539 each paid for marketing aud other amok Cash ; paid for Bainrica......- . 393.73 Comb paid for wage, fur help 619 uu Cash paid for rrindrs ...-....-.- ..... 99 20 Cash paid for eboca 348 39 Bach paid for uictUclark 60 93 goal _ Cacti invaded In ndiroad 930 .00 ;Intermit on Cashpaid committee for =Alec - flog at& acriptions, 11 94 Counterfeit note —......... 900 -Balance on band . 2,919 35 - Total .... --.10,2•34 et After the reading of the reports tka orphan children Ideal in a hymn. • Rey. Mr. r.crr made au eloquent address on behalf of the managers of the Asylum, and app pealed Stengly and work for contributions to aid of the noble work in 'which the institution the children then riang the haalm,"The Lord Is my Shepherd.. Rey. Mr. Satecly then made a brief bet perti nent address to the orphans, which was followint with singing try rho children. • The following Beard of Managers for the en suing year were appointed t • Mrs Den ny, 1 Mrs. R. Rosslame, Mrs. tebinsott, I Mrs. Moore • .Mrt. NV,llitias, ; . Airs. Vett Kirk, Mrs. Uamphell, 1 Mts. Co:lrene, Mrs. Lovas, Mr.. Hies, Mrs. Breast, Mrs. lie s, Mrs. Chtld 4 , ' . • blue liolases, Mrs. jaelleol3, Min Lathrop. After prayery and benedictiOn, Ito:mp:liar was closed with the sonl.atirring alr.,ot tin "Star- Spangled Banner," whieh was seek.' by all the ocpballs in a manner creditable alike to them Mid their isetrectore. . . . : . The 'Funny Vicpchinan, The lett= by Professor Ditels:on Saturday one of the most humorous and in teresting over delivered In this city, and the an . dience was so delighted that a number of the, more promiaent joined la a request:to the Pro. froth' to laver the public with - a repetition... In accordance with this request, Professor Dubois has commuted ',to deliver two more lecture& ot. -Wwlncaday and Thursday evenings, at Concert 'Hall. The Livers - of mirth, wit and humor, will eil,joy,a ; rare treat-by attending these entertain , ments, as they arts Mit eicelledla point of tun .by , these : of Other. Alf 131411ell , Lat. ACtenlan - Dwelling llnusamt . .kiittliit.44'...l.' Cleiland will aell at auction , twittnrrow . day) morning, it 10 o'clock •the residenee' NO., Percy Wreeti Ilahhed In the' best possible : manner, witlrukarble mantles,. tiled . .iloors, - and marble - wash stand. (04111e14 to ,hens,)'with hot and cold water. Spetiking.lrampets- - .all tamogh the haute. - „Peirce desiring a comfort, - able. WU! will do well to exainbia the above be forc.the time ptsalc.- :Can boa at any time.' drop; and tip of cha nil -Et *astir- , -New . Tear Asked.the counsel for Alex .antier King. arid , . Michael' ,- McCifilongh, gar. .nisbees of idarns,lfechlin & Co.; against whoa' a'verdlet - 0f.t16.200 was. 4nilered a few days Eder, at the suit of P. & WI M. Fahey & dede , a Wction ltr thejl*triet Cenrt - yesterday 'Limpid! for a new trial and an arrest of inag mrtt„and Gird their redoes therefor. centre' itoard of Education. The Central Beard of Fdautcoa met The; lay evening kap tp, 1865. . Present; lidera. Brash, Duricari, Lowe. Mar , gulp, Manley, Nobbe, Sergeant, Singerly and Kegley, President. The nannies of tholast meeting were mad. and approved. The monthly report of the Principal of the nigh School was read and ordered to be reeelved On motion df Mr. Marshall, Monday the 26th and Tuesday the 27th of.lnne were fixed ae the days for the examination of applicants far &d -e:dealer' to the nigh School. Thehrtonthly report of thePrinclpal of the Col ored School was read and ordered to be received and tiled. The following named gentlemen were elected Collectors (Or the ensuing year: First ware, Samuel P atterson. 'Second .• Minas Thuile. Third 4 . John Kelly. Bevinth James Trimble. ' ' On motion of Wm. Brach, a levy of six mills was made on the county valuation of the city of Pittsburgh for school purposes during the ensu ing school year. • Mr. Bingmly moved the adoption of Cowley's copy book for the school& of the city during the ensuing school year on the following conditions; via vTlint during the school year, commencing on the first Monday of September, N. D. 1865, DICEECS. A. IL- English & Co. shall employ at their own expense saute competent person to teach Cowley's system of Penmanship in each of the Public Schools of the city of. Pittsburgh, for at least three months during the coming schcol year, shall canoe Prof. A. Cowley to keip open his normal class for two Satnrdays,in each and every month of gild coming school year, at. which classes all of the teachers in the said Public Schools, if they so desire, may •re cave inedrnetion gratis In said Prof. A. Cowley'a system of Penmanship?. shall furnish tor In , frodudtlon Into the said Public Schools, Cowley's Copy Book by even exchange 'for thoei now hi Use in said Public Schools so that there may be no loss to the pupils in said schools; and shall, after the Introduction of the said copy book, furnish it to pupils of thd Public Schools at the rate of fifteen cents for a single copy book, and Sl SO for a dozen said hooks and In cue prices decline during the ming school year be low that rate, then shall furnish at the lowest market price of similar books hi any city of the United States. • Mr. Sergeant moved to postpone action until the second Tnesday of June, which was decided in the negative. The President put the question on the adop tion of Cowley's Copy-Book, and it was decided In the affirmative. , Sir. McAuley moved that the re-adoption of the text books now In use In the City Schools fOr the ensulog school year; which wee decided • In the stirmative. On motion adjourned. A. Disorderly District The recent drowning of Wm. Boyle. In the . Monongahela, la the district of the city known as "Pipetown," while endeavoring to escape from offteerlideAuliff, has created' considerable excitement, end Caused an undue amount of cen sure to be cast upon that oflicer. We are glad to perceive that the Jury, after carefully weighing the testimony, have exculpated hint from any responsibility in the matter. It is wen.krlown to all the calyxes In that neighborhood, that the locality hius been infested by rowdies of the worst the [toter:. The city„llut Is not far off, and win that point Is remted disorder has free sce.te. This fact is taken advantage of by parta , Ears of a disorderly persons wishing to escape arrest. It is not long since a German 1010 wan - stationed on the beat non - occupied by Watch man linAuliff, was seized - Cy a gang of ruffians, stripped, and thrown into the river. Ile was sue, recded by another on the same beat, Who fared but e little better, having been set upon andhadly beaten. We do not any that ouch disorderly characters all belong to the neighborhood, but they selected this place as their stamping ground where, owing to an inefficiency Of police force, they might •thiake night hideous" with Indeco rous conduct, without fear of being brought it judgment. . Mayor Mitt , Lae determined, If possible, to Innate order and quiet to the peaceably dlspo.ed citizens of the neighborhood, and has appointed an additional toliceman on St,rond street, near the arcane of the disturbance. S. chcatt Court WEDNZSTAT; May 9:—Were Judge Grier In the case of Alfred Hilffith sr. W. P. Jones. on ccr of the tug Conestoga, the Jury rendered verdict of damages for the plaintiff in .the sum of 67,166. - Thome o Henry 11. Bent al. the county of Armstrong. was Wien up. The action Is taken - to recover the value Of four hundred and six , coupons due OA bonds issued by the Allegheny , Valley Railroad, and which bonds am In the pos. cession of plaintiff. The bonds are valned'al fal each, and amount in the aggregate to ;12; 180. The card Is being warmly contested, mad /3 AM on alai.: Rusplcious Character.--On Monday morn ing a young man claiming to hall from New Castle, offered to sell a new top buggy and fine looking horse. In Lawreneevil4:at a very low figine. A proprietor of a feed store named Rebt. Young I ffe,ed to take both bona and buggy for .160. pnovided the gentleman would furnish eatisfactory proof that' the Prop. erty was hie. lie was referred to some gentle. then in the city. Mr. Young told the•gentleman whenever he should procure some responsible person to Identify him be would pay the money. The young man left and has not since been aeon, leaving the horse and buggy 'with Mr. Young, w • DO can • .^t the Mayor's office yesterday morn ... ing and trade the foregoing statement, where sue pe rson h otttg . last such `Property may ob. tam the needed law, .. 711 :3 .. 1,303 61 'lrina)les Varieties Theatre.—The y drama emitted the "Fall of Richmond' . ha. proved an itatiltrlßC meccas for manager. Smythe. Nlebtly the houie Is crowded to repletion, and the 'deafening applans is the best critique that can be offered on the performance.. Don't fail to eto the new drama. Billy Holmes, the popu lar vocalist, appears to-night. '4 23 1.0 O IV 00 Recognizance t.hanged.—Therceogrilzance of Jeremiah Wagoner, recently admitted to ball in the sum of 12,000 to appear at the U. 8. Cir. cult Court, held In this city, on a charge of re. alsting the draft, was changed yesterday by U. 8. Coramlisioner Sproul, to the Circuit Court of Williamspext, for the June Term. ' Burglat•y.—The grocery Store of Henry Brucgemau, on the new extension of Fifth street, new Peunsylvanba. avenue, was entered on Monday night, and a quantity of hams taken therefrom. • The liiitTeft eirecced an entrance by breaking open the front door. No. urests have yet been made. Uncle Tom% Cabin Is receiving favorable Formes at the i'lltsburgh Theatre.. It ts well p: educed, and prondseito run thmtigh me week. :acre are some noticeable Improvements In the play, end it Is well cut:: Mrs. Dickson Riker an admitablefuTopsy.” c:EINDP.II3 ON CONSIONMENT. bb a Prima Peach Blow Poiskoest • di; Whlta Pickles; 0 do. Mara Pickles; ' In do No. 1 Vega BILIA.III3Ii 10 bah bble N 0.2 Mackerel; 10 bbl, Obeinpagne Older; 20 do and belt bbs Saroktng Teb3cao, to boxesraderliering; • ! :10 W. R. Cheraw; 10,C00 Fine Regius; 10 boxes 801 l Butter; • t',ll'..".'°.Yeeligrait . l'iciur; Buller, - for LEY . YAN:QOB~HB e m) a No. 231 Ltberty street. 1, --,- STA.TE oP -kIENRY:„BuiI .. FEB, DECELISEI).-Letters testeinentary updit the . fatal.. of Henry A. - Sheffer, dee'd, ono] keen sleeted to the •undersigned. nersonaindebted to said , estate. .11 , 111 plait make psyment. dud three baring clams against said estate preseat them to . • W3L CL , HAAVRINS, dins Edduutnro • ra Yidlwdundf St.,Pittabiugh. pi:ACMES TOMATOES; &x.. soo dozen Frelti Pesenes in (snot , • 200 do Tinantoes do; ••, 00 do Bleckner:tee 'do; In stoteandfor gala by - • m . 141 1 REl'mzit BHOS„ Woe. 120 and Wood etroef— O T -U 1 60 bbls Nol Lard 01.1; . ; • . 1193 ,PoD oa ktti9ek Lubylooktiays 9111;: store atia - foxit stit: ; 'd • " 9,010 Wasarstrekii.: ,FOTATOO 3 ; . 96 'sal Medd& NrAkgpotairiec. fOr ~ „was: 11% , BEOLts OD. 1-Ibr Itfoll - WALL PAF'SpItS". I -;Velvet.' rani • Geld, Stangin4 and Printed Gold Pariers:tat in% by . MARSHALL. TALLOW, 011L-15' bbla 'now 'landing t steamer Yorktorrai toesaleby . : • -• et Th y pe ISAI&1i DIOICEY & OPB I - 110P5 I I—,lticeived;tll.ls 61.15 lwe•Eas t ri* lol) Pl""&teM b fira: awe labls for . atrcett by spit ' PSTONE.—tO barrels:Pew - lotaTT aos - " ,ITENRY h UOLIANS.. IitTROLEa L.-100 barrelW: r brTatfe 'E'er by _ HENRY U. 01.1LL1V8..- .• - - • - I.J.SHED IN 1786 JuscricL.:famous T i an/0 400/It:LIMOS ! BEE OIMPRICEI3I Children's Fancy Babnorals . . 10 Stout Sole Keel Shoes..... 'VS . Borg Heavy Sole Heel Shoes . 60 Girl's Genteel Morocco Bell Shoes.; 76 1V mii Ws trend" Morocco Bilmoa ' rev, fine • ' 01675 Women's Aforoceollalmorals, tipped . and , trimmed...• ... . ... . ........ 1.1111 Wonlenia Sewed Kin 8a1Mi . ra15...... ' 1.1111 Men , " Working Shoes ... .. ......- 1,00 lit .4 . . " extra heavy.. . 1:26 calrOxford Ties 71.716 . " Balmoral', fine.. ' '• . - 340 .. ~ . •., ex line—, 3.00 ~ .. . Boots ...; ..,.. 1i3.50 to 9.1$ 11 la The Best and Cheapeel co OM" G-,OQa B. Ryer. in the City. 00 TO 'OVERT - BALL SHOE STORA 60 and 62 Fifth Street. sar-ImEneare Meek which must be oiceed oat be. ore the fleet of July I nip THE GREAT -PURIFIE.R. HEMAPANAKL. Sine: the Introduction of mallets% the erfgas. linage has perhaps 'been the subject, of mere riots and seleitlge cOnd4egatt9S as • learned of UM PrOfealon than asly other eonnected with the laws of the West Creator: not afewhav rontended thin tliseases nava their origin In Qin ( a stomach gaum,.an ; d b ot y h far er% the solids of the bod gam a the greatest number. co ntend and reason that the moon itself is the very fountain eg lire—that if it becomes impurehendiselwe ts its worst forms—ScrafulaXancer,Dicers, he sea Indeed, experience in treatltg this clan= eases by yurtfying the .blood and thereat catering their eradication ands airs, prove this to be the correct theory: acting upon which theory, the me* ' -loins now known as newsrewsze. was couge:sa ;Mid brought nto !practice, producing the mad, • flying resiuts.. - 1 11 sae soon exercises nab a masteM p rivee - • , 1:0110YULA, ULCERATIONS, •P LEEI 11111 FACE, TEN, SALT RHEUM, LITER CO I.LaNT LOSS or APPETI DTSPF.PSIA, - RHEUMATISM, - KRAL DEBILITY, as to Ore. from the time It lit nest tikes. WOW agepent to the -patient, by Mating both . seen rand rat, the good it la about to astram,ol.2:., It U r thought best to put It no to bottles at 000. and el eaen,—ss many persons are dieposed to try an 'am: trialut are often deterred at the expre.se—eo the hero can be made at moderate outVemil satisfy th e :pnretteser that the ali t . L. Whet Is deleted for it to be, viz: the greatest saws mein Sl e brought 'Wore the. people • Delicate Females will end in It We mentol4o • aced That the publle.inay . forrnaddite idea.ef EU Liar curative maita i . we subjoin a ltirt of the piinat pal article' of whted U eonwoved, with ash". deneziptlon of.the uses and wlaptatton of i= ken from the highest authority known to 110;1001,43 ZIESAPIRILid . L used with a beneficial effect In sans of BMUS* Liam,Scrofulous Affections, Cutaneous Dina* and ther deprived conditions of heakth.. DANDELION Is tonic, diuretic, sad aperient. It bas a spealX, liation upon th e liver, exalting tt when Waco* Se secretion; It has. bean mush used *Germans, la diseases of the digest/1s wpm. lODIDE .por.cyspitx, , There ere few aileron., in width it has not morel Jenettdal; It Is used In Scrofulous Affections with great beaten; It has also been used with w_ush saw cos In treatment for Indammatlon of the Me. 1 _gcssersily increases the appetite and fie*. LarENDEit FLOWSEB Are =tie, tcaltmil . lairigocatha WINTER GREEN' Is.elopeennly valnabla In UM of Swords an MMOMME TLOWLIIS Ale edirsutsgeouily used In ewes of Zrdestded get TA fry =eel% 1 1i1Z." cm" itozazoar - rhp4E r • favorably Os eiterstive dirouie It sulto • ' 44eUraitlist asul• Lections, Ohm.: obstinate The balance of the formula II srithliehl iu I Fs' teotiou against Alma.. • 81ION JOHNSTON..- eon. swain:Fur k rOltaTli STS4 grAsk your fatelllgest Physitilesk Ida eroadaa f the shore recipe. • dellineol4 FORT821101:TTEI. SIX CORD. SOFT FINISH American. Spool Cottbiv • AMORY'S ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON I belie threads are aratranted of itatiatior quality,' and inaranteed , to measure-o'Myardi In Imth. Can be luml in 'all colon and ambers. bt &autumnal*, by the rowramoura SFS= FACTORY, and ter age by the trials generally. • . camurms Amos: 11141=nage,4Nara°,1),'14,111;hr""A (RUTH, WORD FOR WIIRD.-;-RIILD TRIS.-BE TOUR OWN 311D0Y.-,ilemr4. Critddock 41C0.-It i kris: I ad satisfied of the malty of INMAN HEMP. •• It to raised me from Um "dead. , u it were, weer° CONN Ind PIION had so nearly placed me: Your Fyrur, Plus and Olnt mutt ban dons for me whit nothing else did or eouht do-restored me to health ape We, when I had redlined myself to: ' mortal etiaroge,n, Leo .4°ledis Ste f or-1 °th cCrTatrd --( TnEtOWN: • • Bronsonn Lincoln, Melee, Max IC i ISM Tte shove i s sertatum an t ~atone or thellian7 .ne•rece/ve. Dr. R. JAMES , MIZINABIAS IN- . CONSUMPTION.ee rtmedy thawillimaltiee_lllUre ASTHMA. and BBONONITLS. We. silk the trial of o stifle bottle, u It will sat. MO the moat skeptical. $2 60 per bottle. Three bottles; 411 60. and .OfhtmelA Sf 65 esatk. 4Arosa ~• CRADDouIC be 00 : 2r.sentract ientaminnettarrl , vinorwr • - • ..' CARPETS! CARPETS! CARPETS CARPET DRY GOODS STORE OP Int4P.IMIER 4peo. I.36Veiteria StreettAincgh ony wiirejuitroni:ed de* Ca 4ets, Blegseigates ou ever °Mired to the publle in thlt OW - 'Also tut snort ment IA DRY GOORS_AND NOTRMS veurirwearao• `a . i, gnaw lama! . fIaWYER'b AdKl3sl3l9, i ..1-7,heve for the Oast "teel coed ed SAWIEWS BARBERS , SOU' and hove no befitalollllll toy. trorthat It; %be beat Seep I tutolterg seollot • 1t tubing the skin or fat sheltie& Swarth Street Sher/U.81 ,1 ml- • 141.'.141ITERS: • 4 PRESSES NOR SALE, onetArLos cry - z.rrintag. Net woo litebea: One TAYLOR DOUBLE ItrlLlNDkal—bettr2,' gaghgai an io.sgaativ.klz&ardee. - - Will be sold at albetrante. r.aquire or addle auttett CIAZETrE. Pattbutvb.Pa. ' T ACE LELTEEIL —A superiot quality. -a-ifor gale at 26 CUld 26 St. Clalr.ttriet.• : • {;,-tt rathign„:'. - -,n.
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