MMIMI fittsburgh x.tte, MIIIIMIgo 27 17353111% DNESpiyi,[olLit Y 6,!. MIX-itunioraaur, •t4ei? l _e• rebel: • eracy the new emperor Mexico .ied a very unstable -throe. it was • upon the country by French bayo. and b 3 1 .4.e11k OAT. *Ask 4, 11 4140rted: , •.e that at first he had the \sympathy .pport or the Church patty of Xeri!xr, • the liberals; but this sup Port he •• by secularizing la of theghurch ••• .' Since then he no party in co which esti : Mist° him a cordial sup- Yle has alienated q , priesthood, out: conciliating the Hie is; and he ii maintained In power by the, military •cf France.. •• .., , . . • Is a Pagtlalc. *gat -ISO Saar Conisi maits4 under say•ri mks; bat . rile btsilkicit lib is: : liio ed lave : • immeasurably eniMitced , y. thelennt •n of the_war of the rebel on, and the quentrfrcOoni:Ar,uk. ' ' divot dis• , • • veterans to.emigrate . •that• cana • This otnigmtlon hut co aimed; and .. . sawmill iv:Abel:l64 i n discore r . that he had better emi too. ' . o ittszpirthisti himself t will be a • paratleely small matt er; a d very likely • 11 bo glad to get back t . his_ =taws, to his idle and bresponsib dignity, in ; but such dfinair of groat Merl scheme will be extremely mbarrassing 11.01.E.071. A strong a tianueiniza ty in Franco has been „ rly 'opposed t from tho beginning; and mailing bat Iron will of that despotieruler, together • the glory of adding so rich 14 grand •pendency to his empire, enabled him to ... . . it se far as•ho 'did. But- to see his 1 roy. (for liarrsimu&N is nothing else) mating before a parcel of Yankee • TWill - eclinse - that glory, and 'put him o It'dilemma from which it will tax to the .. his and idty and skill to Mope.. Ide have no just Canso Otikiarrel with the. ted. &atm in this matter; for if our die. • • sail= see.proper to. emigrate te. *other side of the Rio Grandc; -- the gov- ent hha ito authority tOpreventit,prO- ded they go as, emigrants, and not as mil; organisations. But tMen s it he could ek a quarrel out of this movement or any . ing elec t - he will not venture. .to do it In !present posture of attetts.. - .BeWill prob, - ly therefore get . niketime Idnd . of S .- temp- - in Europe, under the shadow of which !pan escape from his awkvim,ul predica- AIL cus*Acrianteric nocinwearre The Leiiialetnee'Of Twines:we by joint. - soludoeaudootised floternor Snowrinow . . , ' WILT a relrard ler. five. thousand dollars' , sr Ile apprehboidon'of Limur : G. ' Mante l asrebelGeyer.* of that State: Append-, to the preamble turd resolution, the GOT . , Irrica publishes the following desimption of h at fugitive ftictionary: * -- , t The aforesaid refugee from justice, with. tut the authority of law, Sad in. violaticin ,t all law human and Divine, was the chief *Wane' , of thrusting upon Tennessee this orrible Rebellion; and itathnumerablel l evils; . tßebeMon which has stormed every cite ,ni of order, every defense of - virtue, every: : : of right, and ever y. be= ado lacy. " hen those TillidnOtil bat • frantic 'llbrts were asuontshing mankind with their ,access, as satielCas appaling them with ' , stir atrocityi - vhen the fairest portion of :his great CoMmonwesdth'.had been nude ' liitious by the triumphs of this arch-traitor led corrupt and treasonable associates, :.: led their prelusive orates bed prostued our . hutches, like dastard' they ingloriously -.: ed, upon the approach of the national flog . f beauty and glory, carrying with them A the heart of.nuason the funds end ()tier fambles .of the , State, From that period ntil now,. the` Said -lemur G. Haunts has 'as been roving through the eolith, swept' ,:king by the unparalleled'hurricane of 11. . ,odiousness arktforiouiterripiat of anarchy, O before candid lapon earth i Sabi Har ls has been periodically visiting the ,ber . l.i,er counties of this State, tisane bogus ,Seolamstions,andeollectitig revalue. false : /. pretendiag to be the Governor of Tenn- J Thu culprit Hems, is adout five feet ten . 'notes high, weighs about one hundred and " .. : . Ortrilmo pounds, - , and is ; about fiftj-five of age. lib sallow— . eyes are darker:alp:net . rating—a perfeet i x to the heartof a .traher—with the wl and frown of a demon resting upou ' brow. The study ortidschtef, and the' ... ee of crime, have brought , upon him -;. °baldness arid a greybeard.'With ;.:damnfaced impudence, lie talks loudly , ed boastingly about the overthrew of the - :raedree army, and doubt but 4 , fienth will achieve her independence. e chews tobacco rapidly, and is' boordl , ' tely fend of liquor. In hi ,) s metal alma fe .:. ,beis an =scrupulous man—steeped : the nose and chin in personal and politi '•.• profligacy . ..a:tow 'about bst .to all sense honor and shame—with a heart reckless social duty, and fatally bent upon mis.- " .I .' ler. , . i • Ifeeptured, no will be fonnd lurking in e rebel strongholds ,of Ilississliord, . luna, or Georgia, and in , female society, leging with the sheeptamd modesty of a ".. hinous man, that'll is ;not a wholesome a te of public sentiment, or of taste, that de en indisarimiruite. railing :together a . • m arried men and *oil= I If captured, fugitive must tie :delivered to me alive, the end that justice, may be done hint ~ ~.. , upon the theatre of his former vill Antein ts , d • :4 'The city papers of Nashville aild - Ilem. as well as the Chattanooga Garetteund •. ' =v il la' Whig will each insert three E, ; . .. s, in additionto, the. other,papttrasegt , tested by the Legislature. et...... In testimony whereof, I 'have hereunto set m hand at afßied •.'• t sr' . A ? i' the seal 'of tiii ;at the -city of •• • 4 .,..., ashirille,,ttils dof 315y,1805. •._,.. •1i; , .• • WthtiorkLltrumn -Low., the Governor 1 - • ' ' •.: , .fianiror J. risTOreit,', aw l . of State; ~ END OF THE GREAT REBEL ARAM. Ii rem tie Les ¢ ee Thom April Oth., 0 Such is the end of tho great army which; •_re l ie aTated , staiderbyerevrterll gemn''Enuins I. of -ws of eminent ability, has other ouch won this war:-' ;riot eTemthe grand army 'Napoleon hip:teal:Could coma a series of " :store brilliant :victories than. the force which, raised chiefly:toil:tithe high.sphited Ipo i t u stla h lo va n si of Tipc ia istat a is d n e d iered lopes of so many northern senoras. tiCtidef and soldiers hnse (stied for the first ',sad heat time. They were victorious until dcatos r a l alO r r ia Z l it g n e f h t :y be fe a l e ni v e `Madre hat; been no gradual decay in cora isge and diScipane, no demoralization Via (were of successive defeats. What they twere at the Olackahominy and -at Qliancel 3pisville they were on the ' day when. the kWirerPowsning forces of Grant and Sheri idait towed them boa from' their defences st Petersburg. The above is in the Varial spirit and style the Time& Tfigh-wrought_ generalities,. .4214 upon the smallest *sable amount of Let' us loot( _at. the matter= detalk ‘hat were Lsais"TLCtories?licOmuLas FjPee him one at the ChiCkidtemlay.' ii*tutnoellaraville baptised one. • Atthe Mot and battle of Boil-Am;' Mccmuman, by , f'i l tioldblß bitch parto.ftliO;apty.irre Idni an But he via beaten At /outdate,. - "ejtild then sufferedioMispe tutparitted: "Ile\ •:-;:;`,..ituraefeared at Bettisintit io lietzeet hastily. tile was • werretedjkk,tbo , ',,rikiernitis and in Ihtvellia* gall he •Was shut 143 -in`-the defenses of 4:-Illetarabterg and Richmond, and held tkere months in the Iron grastiafTtlitiiri, • busamtsthad!myeptihroughtheheset of. OonfedenteieAll was . &tut very naeh like littrow - - fr . :A; l3 O ripe C aseate. - Tbo if 0,411 eiwtonk bundtte dakbis a end the follaing two ittaitioeJWrono-helfor decd dollars' worth : --What does little _ ' bier nest at poeVa l = T !lab= ity, says little birdie 7, gother,tetaw fly away. Blidtereo„a tituelectdr. _ . ---- 3111 thy tiny *rip 4411fteri she rests • 1110,• • =min oho rowaylky... MIII Vint does Ilttlebaby say, • In her bed at peep of dar II baby, laYa;11/oe thtle'bfrdo. Let ma Wish baste Sway. . - . Bat, sleep • little longer, . .' ' - Ern ' bur little legs grow a And after' wanting, Meths= Baby, too, shall dy away. , isn't that grand? Thin It the sulateranan Of poetry? Hare's Stub= Ilnes of our My UP an - eichange,, same style,' -same' ntessunk and embodying stoat is much se:airmail?. for wl.det , we wiffirilllngly tape a Onsrter : - . . - . ~ • . .--, - Phut does little Boggle say, - / h is pond at break of daY , ' Let me mina, says little trouts— _ ..; Bullfrog let me swim away. Fragdid,.witra little longer. . • ~. '. ." . , VII your little togs are strongall • ... " . Sobs mounts upon • chuck.._ _ And then . Into th e pond -der-an•Pak. , . What doom little-plate aan • . In Ws sty at PeoP di dag gg i; . Pig& :like little Let nw and rOot today. Pink, w t anal° longer, , Till your 'Avows bald and Atonic; 11 lona= • little longer, -1:18;gle Marmot away. - .The,Dirallz that.l34ioth Dled. The . wound, from the effects of which ' Booth:died, was of the spinal cord, and Its . lmniedlate elect was complete paralysis of ihe trins,Jegs, and lower portion of the trunk, while respirationand the heart Would continue, as the nerves which proceed to those organs pass off from the cranium and not, faun the spinal . conch , The mind was clear andundisturbed, save from the shock of the wound andpain; but the brain was uninjured. - It was a living, active mind, with a dead, helpless body, with the most exerntiating, agonizing pam that a human body can be subject to. Says a writer in the Philadelphia Pali :—"From the mo ment the ball struck him he was dead and helpless, with a mind clear in intense suf fering, a living witness of his own just pun ishment for his atrbcions deed. Was there not ths • avenging hand of God upon him from the moment he exclaimed on the stage of Ford's theatre, "I am-avenged 1" . In the leap upon the stage-the fibulae, the small bone of the leg, was fractured. For ten . days and nights the forests and swamps . were his home, witlfpain, and dread, and anguish; When discetered the barn was • • fired,-beftire him a, sea `of flame, ready to engulf him; beyond theirinve a still greater sea of flame awaiting Mini &lad at that In stant he rebelved his wag*, his wonder ful wound, which Ins have dascribed. Could the ended' such a life bare been more palmier:more appalling r Was there, not la it the hand or an river-ruling Provi- The greatest rise on record of-the Missis sippi river, we believe, Was in the spring of ,1862. The water then 'rase in the city to two or three feet higher than it has yet reached. • But at that time leaves protected the swamp country, and held the immense volume somewhat within bcionda The flood is perhaps as great this year as it_was then; bat_owing to the loss of leaves, the water to wielder scope of cotmtry creer.which . to spread, and consequently will not inundate the more elevated portions to the same ex tent that it did then.. - DeSoto, however, is getting the free ben efit of the rise. We do not suppose there is sa acre of dry ground upon the peninsula opposite Vicksburg, and ever Most of it a steamboat could float easily; - Some of the houses are in the water . up to the roofs, and none are tenable except for the fishes of the sea.--41reksburg Herald, 25 h. :.Agricultural... The recent heavy ralnY—protracted thrtragli several ;Peeks of the planting seas. on-bane seriously prejudiced agricultural in corn in this valley: Not one half the corn lands I,¢ this county have been plowed yet, and, of course, bat littlecom isphinted. if vro haveten days of fair weather =now, hoWever, all will be right. The wheat fields look superbly. We understand that the area planted in tobacco in this county will be considerably less than that of IW4- • 5, Ira still preparations are making for ex. tensrve planting,. so that Montgomery will still loom upheavily hi the tobacco market: Fruit prospects—strawberries, currantaV gooseberries*, cherries, peaches, apples, Anineett. — Are stort tironillisig• With good weather during ttm growing season, 1855 will equal the geoducts of-1835:—.Dooms, (0.) the miry wing remarks which— fell-from the Ups of_Mr: LINCOLN and were placedupon recod,we mmember none more impressive thsn the following, misted by Bishop St:Knott in his funeral address at Springfield:, • - , - To a. minister, who sold he hoped the_ Lord`was on.oar tside, he replied , tut it gave.him no coax= whether the Lord was on our side or not, for, he sided, 4 .1 know the Lord is always on the side.of the debt," and,. with deep ream . . added: . "But Clod Is mfreitness that It limy constant anxiety and prayer that both myself end this nation should be on thit Aerir seat. A LONG 6ILSOSCIL—Fo4 years age, 'Miss Susan Blackley left her home at St. . Stephens, New Bionswhk, and workpd at Portland, Maine, the first year. Then she married Daniel Watmu, of Farmington N. IL, and moved to ' -that town. She left at . S 4. Stephens three brothers and one sister, - stein for the last thirtiNnine years she has never heard one word from directly or in 'irectly, ,Neantime she has raised up a family of children and lost her hnsbund.-A few weeks ago'she sent &letter. to her long indicant from brother? and soon received from them a letter : sta ting that an three of ller brothers and slater were alivtrand well. AT a recent election in A.ustraliti the nat-. untrned Chinamen voted for the Prot time ;- being thoroughly free from political coin ion B or prejudices, tltirty..three of them were engaged in one district by one of the moil- Oatesat •eight shillings a head, mod tutored to ray “yer" to every question which Might be put them in 'the polling hooth:' One of the diet (petitions askedwu,lll.ave.yan voted rbefbre At -this election?". 'Palmer, •`3 , 01,” and forthwith thei , ,were uncerento silently han dl e d out of the booth. •-; - . • Vf 41.501E5, a tavorn keeper at Marie' Ferry, :died on Saturday of tootivaehe. He came to Harrisburg on Friday to'have a very painful tooth extraded ,buttbtfgums being much sirollen, he vas- mformed by:,' the dentist that it was impossible to extra,d. It ;elate .that contlitton. Be , returned home, and cleared very severely. Friday eight, tho path increasing until li crazed his brain. Death relieved him of his omfferings _Saturday morping at 6 o'clock. . , . A. Vaxama or Vvraitalsr' s.—The oldest -enlistees:Dan in the United States army is Sergeant'ohn Mills, principal musician of ' the last U. c Infannyi 'on duty at New Orleans. ,Sergeant Mils belongs to /Inver, hill Masa, add- entered- the United States military Jerrie° a :the year U3OB. Lieut. General lirild Scott entered our army the lathe year, ' Ton - land tons of horse chestnatli go to waste in this country evor7 year, and yet on theahine knee Elestonts are used for fat tenlng_cattle end for feeding mileh and., l o o pounds of dried nutsaso estimated to De equal in nutritive value to 150 pounds of plerage bay; Another authority makes them equal, weight for vreight, with oat - A Met Wmow.—During an ingestigt -tion in London, into the death of Ms. But ,phsni, a rigger, it transpired ;that his wife bad stripped the dead bWf of Mille clothei ishish be wore, and had planed them for jsirjappoos~ in Great" Britain hasbeen mdured; > Letteni.unde -halt onnoe to one - • and miler Abe ounce tolito pence: Ittiflevenitott biotben have vetoed from the Me Out WO' Intl ll l, and rough hand- Lew (Atha Eagle, and am papering to Tuts rebel yri eisat Pat DeJawswe ereiat; -lust the oath of item rapidly. - Wlthht `the bet few daystieSontof I s eed toot the oath. Ifyintbetwand meq emreported to have zone from Ititrlotic irtugn aMr Weeks, it t ;fumed to hititeo: tgr inli Vet it 1111-111 ra oSee at the 0011=1:1 it. 11 1 1_ - , Pltusbhrgh. ZrAuttairsWthe§e 11 lIMACir.Li A.:t . •411BellOVTN, Mittman. Seeretszy. toyil ilair COVISTT UNION. CON Tile bowl foyat loon of Anellbeni wenbirt MON panng Me Ilnionparty, efe twinned to insoluble Llfbn.DleeenotAto bffWfann,- Boroorowsubipygelli TlMPeahviir. feinalik Jun. IA aaa eleOlkddegatel II dlseffec AbfreseLl Ina ON 486 21 Dew be hold .111 the Owl name, :th pittaytuN - oil. TUESDAY, Juno' Oth; at ' liV di ele Ledo& A. X. for the of eaxdoottor a "Voioa 'ticket tan sash other Innlness 'lnfinn7 f'o•eli benne tt. , ,_._ ; VT oi,-a of berates In thelennisna(Efor 'bs shall be bE ballot. bet Ween Ille 1 and "VOL o'flolikl• N., and In take 20 ° W1111WS UM et 1002 WM the Nonni er - fon; enentrobloak rein - - bb' . , D? onlef of the vatiommuleuttriroommista, *la= amilrid, t._ M. Bi/CIWN. Cluguila•--- _ . , . ~ -,1 MEW ' 4DT ERTIB , I 8_ I,I3I3BICATING OIL-450 hands, the 4 ,44 best la the make, fat Sale br, . saytO HERBY U . COLicart , B. VIRE ERICK, TILE AND AL Orden promptly attended to by HENRY H. HOLLINS, Inylo Agent for Q,e MannMeturan. ' ROL 4 EAWAIS; JENNY - BINDS, BA ' It 'ANN HABICESS.—WEDNNS. VAT MORNING, _May tote, at II &cloak, will be aoki at lionunercial Sales Roots, toe, Binitlatell street, °matte Poet Office, . Superior Itockaways; "- ' 1 .Fatolly Baroache; I Jimmy • I met near muggy Harem. taTIO , A. DicII.WAINT, Auctioneer. VITRNITURE, CARPETS, CUTLERY, etc.. AT AIIOTBI6I—THUNSDAV MORN. ING, May 11th, at 10 o'clock, at Masonic Hall Auction Meuse. 65 Fdth Weed, wiltlieltoit aquae. illy of well kept Furniturtiembraknis Mahogany Sofa, Mahogany Suring Seat. Obairs,,Uressing and Pisa Bureaus, Weak Standk.Gana Seat Glair* and Rockery SOW= Stands, Towel Basks, Eaten. race, lee Chait,litir and Husk !Isamu, Carpets, Buss. -Gil Cloths. Fending, Fire Irons, Hip and Low Fost Reisteads,Pillows,Olit Frame Minors, Pictures, Walikut thrib, Breakfast Tables, LOUIIICe. Al quantl4 of queenzware, Knives and Forks, Cannes, Silver 'Meted Tea and Table Spoons sad Forks. - Bra . T. A. MeOLELLIIif D, Aunt's. Tim Waters. WLItEI3, Dlquoße, - TOBACCO AND RECURS.— WEDNICEIDAT MORNING, May 10tb, Cl to o'clock. on Nomad door alkali. mercial Sales Rooms, 116 Smltladeld Mete*, oppo. else the Post Otlice, . 3 *sake Copilot and Pale Btandlu; I Co Cherry Brandy; I do Blackberry co; I bbli -01 d Rye Whisky; casks Rolland Gln; 6 do Port Wine; 6 cases Claret Wine; • 6 dozen Sherry do; 5 to German An; , 1* hese Assorted Wines and Liquors; 6 boxes Cavendish Tobacco; • ES temuond 'Stators. The attention of the trade Ls invited Is tlts sale, Which le rosittve, as the owner Is closing haziness. • St _ Style A. MelLWALNE,Anctionsee. NALIJBLE PROPERTY ALT ...15.:1CreM s ZCST I STs Oa NONDAY, May Mb, at a &sleek, will ha *OM on tee - premises, MI saleable bullAng lsts, kandsomely altuatcd ou Shady Lase, Is Mast Lis. arty. Th. above °motorises .portton of the well known ereperty, betas easy of seems so the city by either .the Panurylvania ()antral Railroad or SWeet Hdlw.. . A special Ulan to sonvey. all lime who wish to attend the sale, will Ways the PeansylvanleDepot MONDAY, AT I O'CLOCK, P. retaining sit 6 °Week to the evenliny. Terme 111116 e known day of sale. tuy 10 T. A. 31cOLtILLAND, Auctioneer Games GUEUDOUSE AND BEDDING FLINTS lIP GREAT VARIETY. At the Oakland Gre&dionsea. -JNO. R. 8c A. MITP.DOCH Olooreastoro to Zola' Marlloett,Jr.l sir e to O ilromitout akland and East. minutes. Ltlmiiy Wrest Wee inu t bes fiiibUi otyanentannuat DALTox FMI:ELIt JIMD ILANIIFAC*III/ING KNITTING MACHINE, The slimplari. avid =mit weenie nu Invaded. Oa acd taisnlue at the oddress E. P. CAILPENIKB, fr TIFTS STREET WREIMER & RIGOUT PIENIVOI LOCK STIICII Sewing Mael#nes, ere ..srithent►rlvel,” 'wit the itii•kee AMffirean. WARRANTED FOi TRUE TEARS Salaam= Ho. 27 Filth at.Pittskligh. • • KEI-IrtVAND ,OTHER CUTTINGS AT AUCTION.—MII.I be sold at Pealla Au*. Doe to the artpat bidder. about eolou pours& Ski Blom Sealer Oattise. em do Dark Blue Flannel Cottthpit tee en Balsas& . Tae rale wIU take place at Mersa (D) °kiosk a. to TUUBSDAY, tee eklatoauta 08) of May U.O. et the 1 . . Ff. tlllethlag Depot, Market stmt. Bt.abeattlte, Mlle.. Tenet— du dell • ery. fa Goihremest ttio4a. By order W OWL. (..1. W. /OW enteetL MN; Dive , Quatter. ALT-SANDER oottrr, m • Capt. sad A. Q. AL. PENN INSTITUTE - 1?0R • Bolol . _ ON trAT.COCIA.. STREIT rrrrsntn ceu.—, st,eria unruly pupils interne been disailavd.,lo few. additlonal ones or proper 'character received.' Application reed be made =tiptoewill be Mile who are dis manly =i to be 'students and of tisane. t Te enber harlee bad several veers race , as Prefers°, at Langan.= lathe tnil e c= .rweity, and afterwards la Jelnitsen OeUepp. Pa., tcgt.l LI ve e peelakatleatlnato_l/LASOLOA calla wd IifILLTAXEI, Prlasipal. ,Iliamonnwrsa NAVIVOS RAN. ISM S• THERE BE A MEETING OF the Aroekkioldese of ebb: Bank at the BANK. INC ROSEN, ,ou THURSDAY, the 90 or Juno arming. rinse:or the bean of I and.: o'clock, to nalder the proyr ieaal:: ty at atuostag the 131101 k Natrona! MA, tO a B • • .By order of the Board. • • . ' • syllnd NEWS. B. UPDIKE. Caddish . A amtiaAiivisa. ShirSIIM AMERICAN I N K: EIDIIIII`I3 asiLleo• II IK. • ' •-• tak erIIS LNG INK. Theek Ink are taperlor in quality to anyothers -.hitherto yrodured int this on. try , . and. on Mel. will ha - Sound I to In uAraold's" 'at nearly half Irs cost. Pr i la both stone and glass. For saloin Fitts by • _ • . ' SIMON JUBIINIVN. ant"' Sallthltala Yid 4th W._ WAIMEICAND—III.AO—IL CO, sw---.4.).00rtf0g or the Steekholdera of the WAlatt.l , l tam 471.NANnovir, oo.,wkii be herd on DIONDO.S.O 4 ty 29, 190, 0110 (Velez), A. 0F11.1.119-0Y: S.•rattiOlf Elt.3*.. No. . s ll.O to o t 1 tercet, Plittburgh, Po., for tee purretne 'AA reenterring the prop. Icy of Inoreeting thellN. .101 .!...-:14,c1r, of tOl.l 1,001p•ny, bad •1141$ other butt. rtit,na may be Drought befete Sot leer Seg. Attest: --- . J. J. (111.1.rSYaB, PrseldeaL J . . S. resounoo, Oltrk. -'. . toyeOwd 5 -CASKS .r . . . , . .. BACON lIAMS. . • on eortlznmeat and for tale bi . ALERA.N . DFS GORDON, 11. S. 7 3.10 TREASUKT :. JONES & CO., BANKERS, CORNER FOURTH ,AND WOOD ST$. have trade for delivery all demote dUons. m 3142444 4 'NB* DRIXD GERMAN PEARS, Loose lifusc ;del Rosins, Pew Miter Lest Figs, Fresh Pratte in OU3S and Jars i a all wand., IntA up is hat 64 1 11 V A" Ursosy, Frothy ..'. s¢oe P 141104 „ • /Mu and SyciliPS, et the. Peinielsr)anA , wore. 111 FEDERALbillgrt eryldwd . , Allegheny Ong. • 101 - APRINGTOI( RTRESt—Allpetvois, V Mended late notified Distills undethigned Flawen, Appointed se Tim_ and AAUP donuts , sod beeelhe for the opening of Weshington street, Fount' WartVegnenr, Ii from North ocelot to g u t 'Ann, wth mei ea the pt•iallA OIL TOM. DAT, May VOW, at LO X Welock A. tr. t o mill the duties a ow Mwours. BAKTIIteN. .. Urn' or ALLiassilby. / TlNSAlikilliee (MUM Kay etb,lBBs. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GTVEN TO A L oolocoo 0ti0 , .. to state htertaantilo - Llsonis in tie City 4 A MiMaal. that fad Lwesse WM. SlUirrd to be paid forthwith.. Persons so asseasol will please rotaply with this notice without delay. 1015:Arti It InAtIRETI BUN. eity Treasurer. • • 1 t «., by bbls Peac.h Blow Po 2- ts, by : ' 1,,a, 06211261.1. , , ” . . ~; Ittir,ElkMMlVA.ii!Tagu+,!lNVkir- - 41 1t , r Al kXU l g / gUIF M4 : P`' S vma° ll°'—* ". ls # 4 rihflle'ri t 31113 ,r 11 . °•s'' ICITOCEForiaI Three - Muir =colt, - wean IL. • , th two elite Wt.- The tinder will be Übe rewzda4l.• laaving word at ' • B. PA. If & BPD mylo:tt Pir4t exalt. • /OWED VOSINTER. • Twenty to twenty nn feet ton, and twenty to tweeteatx inches wide. Address, dating vette to be eeen, YiERRIbIAON. PRINTS 25 cents. GINGHAM 31 cents. /11710 SLTES Filth St, FOR GALS. 800 BABBJILS TOBACCO. No. l irusie of Out. and Dr► and Spanish Mixed Smoking Tobacco, very cheap. Addreu, =Nil WHARFAGE. FIVE HUNDRED FEET WHARF, near Water Works, inusinnati, Trels. Address, SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE ER olavED Of the undersigned until the 16th OF NAY. for furnishing FIFTEEN lIIINDRhMi FEET (leer) of geed ten lea oak tanned leather hose, Including berets CupoUrgs, the hose to on tested by the steamer lad to bear a pressure of one hundred and slaty pounds. The time requited to complete the contract must be specified. The coatroetto Do given to the lowesll6N t and b est bidder. C. W. bidder. Chairman of 'Committee F e dera l giues, 107 street. TIDEBB GOODS, BILES, SHAWLS, BOY'S WEAR. DAMS tr. BELL, - }lath Strad• FOR SALB--RNOINE AND MILL oxiatiro.—o.e thirty, horse poser engine, le lash cylinder, 3% feet stroke. Ku hem o:limler Boilers, T 1 teat long, 36 inches diameter, 18 feet I ly W Aral, Bolting and &pia 3lsehlae, Seperetor and all re aentnery nthally found In country mills. If rot sold before the 2711, day 04 May, mill be sold onePulic Male On the prentleer. Sturgeon", Kilt, mile south at Nonlestown,d.Ueghersy county, -Pa. 'Enquire on the , premises, or at STU ROEON ustteitemrT 53 Liberty St., Pittsburgh, Is. P" )eiTSBURCIII AND PUILADELPIII& OIL COMPANY. Notice Is hereby Ave* that • meting of As Stockholders et the - Plt tsburgh had Phllacbdphis 011 Celt:Meng, will be b ole et The Office of A. T. Fahnestock, SO Fourth carrot, Pittalargh, on WEDNESDAY, 31st DAY OF MAY, .t to o'clock A. IC. for the purpose of considering the propriety or inereasteg the Capital Stock of said Company. and tnamacting sach other bail.nose as may acme he wn the weting. A. T. ?ASSY...II'OUL Clerk. PlrfaaCraaa. May 9, 1150. • Dula OHIO ELVER BRIDGE.—Notice to elven, that on 1610P1D1.11, TILE DAT OF MAY, Bth ed. e BoDinars Cove UluMood Com pany will, under th e authority of its *harem from the Letislature of Virginia. and under the all of Carsten, muttering the Railway Bride at Sten. beneihe • lawful stump:nu ensinemee elev.- lion of the thatuiel span of said Breese End tot this purpose, it wilt lw eeeemary temporally to *lntrust three !method feet design:a ea a ease -1 el W.V. Attention of. puma. ended In *"1"4.... Is ealleo to the prorates of the Beeson section of the Ad of Courresa I—The officers and crewed all ed. 5.18 and boats savlgatint said river ate required W regulate the use of thus said vessels sad meek and •of any plow oreldeuteys, Wooster thereto. • so am not to Interfere w nth the gemeliere, nosstructio and use of lain Bridget' AU paeans are aith noed that the apse next west of the charnel of leer y at ea eitthation of fa feet below low water. sad there is • water we, two hundred fen-between tne piers. Alt peuxons amp motined farther %%tattlers bridge Is ere rift wain:Pulp drew, an that *II the mate. does of the AM of Denims* hove been compiled with by the eempanv. The freemen of the Amami meth Oil be pro seeded ugh am rar divas paufble and tine settee will be Oven aa to the time when the obetroulocti wilt be ell moved. TILE 1101;l1616VS COV R. R. COUPANT. BY TithiPLAS JtwErr, rumbles'. 90103.10. WARREN COUNTY OIL REGIONS. Hfint'a Improved Sectional Map WARREN COIINTY.TENN A.. _Now Ready, • • traitors. in -efts and plan with liont's Linwood Map of Seemig° caninty 011 Mal -• Pelee la Cams .111otioted • id* JOHN 1111117'. sz-Xalled poodepahtoo receipt of Nice my, A LLEGMENT COUNTY PRISON'. Feldwl aPollestlone for the orrice of Walla DEW, eddresowl to tßnard of Impel:tem will teetived by the andenteme until 7MOLY Jane ed., WO. Safety lo.vre, will tee followl onetime! repel:us: Donee, Erma. Opal Soap awl Ottellight. Bonds for tweer p ro ve d dollars, with inDereat woorlty to be approved Op tett Heard. will be emoired the fa:UAW pte. 'femme' of tee Wailes of the Wards: and bis ideteed; Pelles Al whe hem greylyonteD ed with the c tines of thla eaver position.ttement will to amildeted so weeldatai tot the otdat of the the of . • BLE.NaT o l intr, ' llewlelarD mr-AlsdeedattitT r.llll.Cal I CLOTti -••• BOLL DBEWING PAPIVA, . OALIL UT DAVIS. MUSES & CO, NTICE —The purchasers or. the: prop. arty and franchisee of the BILARP6IBUItiI BRIDUZ, COMPANY Will meet on. DION DAY, the 16th day of Mir, 1606, at 'lO o•otook IL, at tee °Mal of SPAltht. 011ALPANT UM, Water stmt. tee Citt of Pittsburgh, to organise and sleet a Tr, latest and Six .1 tractors tonere until tie lint DtoodaY of Mgritke lOW. mr. 111)14iF.3, Jtfi[rt W. I.lll.ALPdff 11 1.1 W ts. • b ruiclbbly4t , t3.ll-IWWV , 1 41.“ tit WOOD ISTILEtT * vascuto scivirma Write/ tee attention idSC= and oaten t is W hendid stock-of GUN POWDER FLASKS SHUTDINA'S end POUU DRAM. FLASKS sad ammaeltkaa at every Mad. "IDs steak ts the arrest vest ei‘eseret totals thereat. dell GIURERBANRESIDENUE FOR RENT, ....tey 4 Aare' sitostoi neu the litatrvatorn w !ergo dweitoig bout , of hall, parlor, dining seem, cluben, eve clambers. a tre.Ok stable 4101 a cartage honipi won or wtter, two ristetoo, gape arbor, fruit trees. - thaascry, ete..-tha fern{ shwas ttees, c, Pee Taw or 'b. tdhlo RIVUTIOVIOUnd I9, W III34I, 8; 01111.BEELT ts.:80:13, • - hterket art.}, No. NI Second 'tricot. CHOICE Bits U LLY 11,0131,11 • 11,000 bash Oa% • aims Haled fitly c: n 1 , 11011 Blow Mails; ' Dbl. utier.ln clat,m 60 Groan April; - /Cita* end frAalqDy - mu. •• *SKIM Or• 00 sob mo =FM kit:7144:44 , 6 new OTLTOE Z POTATPBS.II:tood • P Mai Oar ttoOttake Obo - ro, I opt load Olitooe'Oeedtlog Ottrootli r, do /mkt= Vltilloo, • to bottolt Boolsloo.Tesitto)t • ra do Pooh alowoj ' ' Ntl oW a "" " t" Pt -411 1%11;VOTCF1` 00• 1 . 4:1W• T °R iPAP4it e g ,ItinilifS4.l63l7l •• -• • • • --ID 00 13041310.W.:Pn1a • .• 1 two ClaronaTtd/Ow_. 1 0 0 The Ett.Ponotoons um:11 of mtO T. BOTWONATAII.IIII4I,Ot root CollttliioB7Fb • SALE.—at large lot of 00Vas 1/±4lllsAroad as Raw. ate *trawl Iss/e i? 0, 9 ° !'lljl br eit. urrrsa Apt! at...r Matt and . Head crests. ('OLD; A2:4_11 SILVER„ a 1814,4 - - -, sistfrouram4 wops.tatts.- . -'• . ; • „::: :'•-• .1 '',- :----. --":-43-ir-':,_''J/v_igorit3s. AGRICULTURAL PRICES, A 'Tracker 600 Acres of Oft Tirritory, LOOK BOX WA' issaaw osk Beaker , ' Oretk, skeet Iktergeatowe. West Tusitale,_esittsta • rev aloes of elle Rivet sal B. k 0. Ealliesd, aboatidAnith COAL, MN ORE, LIMESTONE, will be sold at a bargain, if applied for soon. There we OIL WELLS -being tend in the im mediate victotty, with good prospects of mamas. 140 property is the warkeirotfersttar prospests to weerpsistng Oompeniss. H. E. OASPENTER, Box 933, OleoWolin, Milo H. S. BOHULTZ, Ohmlanedt, Ohio 0 ITFTH Se.. NASONIO BUJ. Ek)okitalleis StaUouers; 112 WOOD ernerr .p. -'V. - BURNING SPRINGS, Will be gold in Pee. Title Indisputable B. B. BRYAN, Broker, Pre. 60 FOURTH STREET TBA.l9 llob Pr e r n ra t n onALoAprN T Co. PA . TN PURSUANCE 'PRE Mit SEC TION of an Act relating to Allagherl P county, passed Mop net, 1 361, I, David Aikea, r., Tessa ore, of said comity, hereby give notice that I will personally or by deputy attend for the purpose of reeeivbig Omen In the rivers! Wards Plogoughe, Townships aid Preoln e le ct i on oottit4y, as the place of 'holding generatherein respect ively, on the following daya, from to ceeltick, A. x. until a o'clock S. 11., to wit. First Ward, Pah:burgh; that Ward, APegheny; East Etinoiagham, Sharp:burg and Elisabeth bor oughs; Elizabeth. Neville, South Fayette, alarm des, peps. Marshall, Rosa and PawriTowzablps, ON MONDAY, MAY 22d. Second Ward, Pittsburgh; Second Watd, Biro; gbenp; south Nttrourgh, West Elizabeth azd Du. queens Boroughs; Orroront, Upper St. Clair, Bald win, Franklin, AlcUandleas, Flinn and Harrison Townships. OPI TUCSIDAY,IHAT Sad. Third Ward, Pittsburgh; Flat Pro:duet Third Iletrheny Monongahela and Tares:tam idorovgba: Noon, boott, Lower St.' Malt, Jarman, Patton, Fewlekley, Pine and Remora Townaltipa„ ON WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th Fourth Ward, Pieeberigh; net Ward, Pitts burgh; SNOW Freebie.. Third 'Ward; Allegheuy; Wert Pittsburgh, Sewickley and Manchester Bor oughs- Flailley, Unica, Versaillea,, Ws. kias, d and Ewa Deer Toweeklies, • ON THURSO/9G MAT iSth. -- r"" First Precinct, Fifth Warn, Thttsberit; Seventh Ward, Pittsburgh; Ninth Word, Pitts uRh; Tint Precinct, row th Ward Allegheny; First treetnet Birmingham; Flog Were, Lawrenceville, and Deltesorpart Boremite; Worth Fayette, thisrllers Liberty. Collins, tittle, limpton an& West Dee oieustoPe ON FRIDAY. MAT 2YtL.- Siegal !reelect, Filth Ward IPithatirgb; Eighth Ward, Flacteurn; fai th Ward, Pittsburgh; sew and Preednet, Fourth Ward, Alastair; Smoot Precinct. Itirmaghson; &weed Ward, Lawreaco villa sad Temparanarrille Horausts; . Ro , blasoo, Pnt, Peebles, lifollare, Shales andl e , Tema eldps, ON SATURDAY, HAY I'M. ---- 1 Taco coo be paid al th e Trenturerhi Mee, with] three spoeths as the dots tined to the forarbir districts subject* to . MS EL !W PLR own MUM, far violent payment to any penes pay fog the whole amount ef their hums. apshunyirt ___-- r 111 SITED PARTNEASHIP.'—We, the me subscribers, lava th is day ently eto a Ito bed putnership apeeably to Oct Ass, of Assemb of tho Oomtnenwalth of Frensylv approved Karat M, Isla, and 4o .hereby eartl4! i 1 lua the name and style which sate Partnership to. to ca eendustall t` PHILIP WRHITINSEROXId." 1. Thst the geseral nature of the bottoms is r ~. to be tranamded. la the bus of Refuting Carbon or Mama Ott upon ce rt ain lass Mtn • atom' the *lashes , ' Rim to PM wcatap, Al- ItelveY winntLAnd State of Penns TilliC 61 7 .04 I. Thai thegeneraipainers see P ILIP WRIS. ENHERGER, wheel place of le the bor. *ugh of Lan reeteville, Aelegtese oonnty nal State at Peencylvanin, and JO WEILER. whim Owe of residence la the MUD, one State sibeesote ; and the Partners a mounidis , S. HIGLEY, whose plass et • 1112 t dross till Lower St. Weds tesnahkvin the and so, swam* and JASID4 Urtlo2llll whose phew iof residues., la the rib Wad, the tiny al Ittiabursb. to the y and State IVOCSOIOd. 4. That the Anantlit of OSOSOS whattensti spadol partner tow ciatrituatst toile sow se So* lass talicnint tint said Ristalas J. . qui contrib. recd Tee Thonasta Wars le nimbi James Moaner hoe to eoeirlbeatti Ti. nasal Rob are In al nab. & D the Period sli which laid to conswaseis the FIRST DAT D. UM. Lad the paha at which it Is the-FLIIST DAY SAR unless said Putman OF shall b l e by tee daysradas lb writing 01 Ws solve mold Ho stuesebtp, wild ci nos abed We the slot to pre whitewalls, nag 001.0 Wats sane Intim shall lan been Mabee re tithed. to aseetdeoee will the In Nib settles of the Ad. el Area Igla said Psasershlp all be It PHILIP WRISMB sh RItORK I( JOUR inamais, s /MAW o.toolbli EL ei . di a It. J.. SWUM. 1 atiriew& SOM't SOAP 11 SOAP 11 TM CUM& num ot.ivs sassn's 130Ap. (sold lo ti. ei J. N. SSW ackno=l to to tae most anntesoltho Ot say hind yet sewed la the yalitist its roped& adva7 are Assad la lth glasswork gavial .1 Wes. offhissrr 11111nrini pm., paint, star. puns (Al elation te the Wald dimodod the Inset quality of goads, tt eta ined With all kW's' water. " litetensto undo with pimento te the sablelest sortiandis esessatiag sanUelnea wathketrint tkle 110111110 salty. so da hod Wray tinged et sethwit Olaf std taltl=t: "Sa isortorferadw of liblekonlll and f tincrestat aotoran re. rat". ovistnal tone Entenettees s tortes been trod very esteasnoly In War rwilisents bare so hositatioa antthrbliast was (wad admirably adapted to the ins of the soldiers and decidedly theocrat% superior Wink sold be posund for the nert4s. I . lES .ltt. Quertenantaclldth Eve. ALEX. VoRSYTIL Winter-st:tea nth Seg. M. X. 3100111tES.V. tho &Amami's Inti boos wed Soitrytes citiontsel Heal!. Soap for the past twelve months, sad believe it to be the swat nes °miss' sad satistastery soap that Iwo bets Wood used to the Asierissa portle. litUttifit der Township, 40 1 soultt. Plb .lity Welty lave re Maggot Weed I whet it an teen 1 waterthey tidnk 13aUsvLiare men. D. C. .T. IL your (Meal's' Olive kneel 'scathe. Oa have (scud ti up t ItPlist;Zita toel l ro g en th r A. at. Ike Seventh AIC.OI3IIINaIiOE mien Section of Crbaptev 7, ot,I,"(Jill Ueda.' rat' alive to tees tor wait We., Sze. L. Be It coition( ow' by ft Sitref end Cameos Cosoritt of fie .Cley Auffonio,«Ni root, la &Ivey a y of Oho net tier hevectlr Section of M Seventh Wow., let of the otaty Coda" be ask dird'aa tollowa : IVor rpm beavyttattlo orb • - 6 cents. .I.or 'eery ten of .Hogi, sad p... .. . oct , o • For any vrolght not ozoeedlng pounds thinau Korea) I 0 Sot say veletas over 15 puns a arid n 4 exoovding yozolle ' 6 " • For say 'weights or 100 powntrind over. 10 Sor avert load of. Hay kee IWO a ton..:: xi I , - tor sum food of Haya tan sod over... IA 0 or every lead of UnalvlA 1,6'6..1 erica,' 15' , • oreveryloadorCoil Wee= burbela.. 15 !, Sc,, every ton .of. Ferd, Ho se to lirdalerd end emoted 11,10 alllar tots, thy (Wirth try Avow Lomlol, lone thtustai eight kunett'd nn., *WIZ. J Amr.o,llmtsnAra, !Irma. of Select trounell. MON Prod. of °onto= Clounell. IFIIIII9I. I D. (leek of st lee Clonal. 31. DtrOUNNItILE. L C/ork of ()amnion 11,' rojeind I Rllir it- here oa burl u Inge • MOWIrTG mrval - lIN-FLI, xr, rt. A.#..inss. straw Cutlers, Scythes and nay Rakes, Na 28 and 30 e WiIITE a ALXXANDER mu:mass AND 002171a0T088, Having late' Wulf:wed. 10 . 16$ 11i LiMMIE meet i 4 416141).03,emay - City. altutlikM= foo h .;:_ 4 44fili s ..ARtl i 14A/Sg r : LOU AIM . VENIT44..` ...:. 0 10 r•NIEL tawny ei, ,SPll.l44tMli Imbed /TAMS ando4o brat ,and cocuitantly *roll Manting d 111.4411444 ntillgrd 00,Ipleta. —_, - '• StilittlL B. Extra bawd SEl4es, fat air Lumber Detterall Smadi billet AileibeDY I fi V Z2V -P5 keP TED ETAT*: 7-30-'2LO .Thossteathelisst actim! , =MAX , of thel.3l .Loan wa. completed on thestst 011ameh,15.16. Tlse silica the second series e( Three Tinciared payable three gears from the 15th dry of June. st it r vi t f l f irs on , the lg i ogpli et l i q t , r i n t l r.s TV;l=dillnlltee r id ogia tot disgsVa Th eaa jehltna- West le may seml•annuallt, In currency se the 11th Cl becendme and 15t11 , of June, by Coupon attnehed to earl, Mae, which are readily withal adraere. It smounts to One cent per day rn a 00 MO. Two cents " $lOO Ter " " " " $ 509 " 2,0 w " $lOOO 01 $OOOO " MORD AND MORE DESMABM The Rebellion ls suppressed, and the GOMEL , mint bah already adopted measures to reduce em. pendltures as rapidly u possible to a pear* footing, thus withdrawing from the market as borroWer and purchaser. Thie is the ONLY LOAN IN THE MARKET DOW. offered .b the overnment sod constitutes the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OP TOR PEORIA. The even• Thirty Notes are convertible on theft maturity, at the option of the holder, into U. S. 410 tlh Per Call GOLD BEARING MCP% which are always worth eptemtum. rum FROM TAXATION Th./ 740 Notes cannot b. Lased by Tennis, Cities, Counties or Staten, and the interest In not taxed unites on a surplus of the owner's income exceed ine six hundred dollars a year. This fact increase, their value tootom one to three per cent. pet annum, according the rate levied on other property. S-VBSCRIBE QUICKLY. Len than VAIXO,OteI of te Lola autherited by the last Convex. are saw ntheanarket. This ametuit s at the rare at wilier. it Is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for with 's two months, when the note Will unetottliteGy command a premium, as has uniformly Wu theca" on sled= the subscriptions to ether Loans It not. seems probable that no considerable amount bermd *pro. ent eerier will be offered to flie in osier that theot every town and seetion Of the aoante/be &deeded facilities for taking the loan. the N Meal Balks, State Beaks. and Print* Bankers throughout the even. try have generally agreed to twelve subscriptions at pat. Subwriber. Will select their own agents. to whom they have confider*. and who only ace in he revel:legible for the deilval of the Dotes foe which they Slew* °sleek. JAY 000133. Beteeription Agent. Phitsdelphin Salsa!Wens win be etealvcd by the / Mel o MtNeal MO. rlttabinli. Tkire • " learnt • • .., ellises% • • fres • Lisps Nand Illaak. Pagefurillkilk , rigablilli Hanna Sul If Clowistsa " boa My " • ." " ILWArsisias 0 luiter's Deg o& • • litchiales " linion " . aellibeil .. . !colts' • • Ekren a .• . Wilm TINS - of Allarteat• 1111001 0 UnIIIMIMIT, MONON GAIIIIL it , , WATER COMPANY Preferred Stock, Thooodenlgned .oocerolite* of the Strsln{b►s. W►to? Wotho will ravelee masert9tioo• for PRE. TESUED STOCK. to , the ►mount of {Skew, co WEDNESDA, *AT 10th, between the hoots of‘le and I o'clock, at the Weer of LIAKEW bLL, PEARS bs. CO., corner of Wood , ape :fecund 00000. Ulm stock mill beer lotareM at the rate of 7 pee nem. from the date It la bald l 4 and until a larger dtridend;ran be &elated. from U. earnings of tera - Company. Three are &met ita,top of common dock taken, end locally exproded Id I - coastrnetion of tree Referrer r, thecwitingool l aying of the main pipor, the bullring Of 00WII04 - 7, Ac, and the co epany. neared oil aired authority to lase* liOlf CO in Pnr• fraud tercet, the above arammt of IfSO,OlO el' Ude interred block be offered at Use time amt. . tame =rationed. Jtdld P. Pff.ARS, t eyelid bi /Mit iff it F. iCIN„ W4I.I"SO?f. M".., Committee. Housx FIiEtNISELIS6 Gth.r.D& - GEO. W. 1113BLEY, Paruretpr . vla i eau das !!, A. NO U tirairPut ectiartAars , 68 #EDERAL STRELIF,AILLEGUEBX, to - mow pronto:l to ebb lo kb ruabbn aba ba n = l3 4. Ike be somploto moortattot-of ev comprtiott La go alio et • pa% clsloas et tlia. .17 Mu* 111 e red. Horse• Furnishing Goods,. l iteal krUsera old& bee teseolowe tend la We atty. Ia saattlea to Ids megaleelaeo as a sesaafeelaree et, *ad tioelee. la TIN, COPPER AND MELEE? 11tOrl 'WAND, DRTITANIA WAWA Ricotta ritA.Toks, WATER DOOLIIRS, OAONN, ..ete., eta la ban last Memel nos Ye NAM= elates, with atoll Itne of__ WOOD AND W/Llotlll INABA • TAMA AND DOOR %LAZA illfooll3, SLEIDSFIES, OLUTUNte Lings.exp PINS iusitatuars um's, TEA AND covrtz •: a NOON a ATM MITTS, TABUS OUTLEKT, will 14 endless vatiety of articles, comosteg ale geed' la tbetoate larsoblog oblekteltasoe be fogad eleirolktra Be Induce use atteatton oft a letbillt sad WM be please! beam! Ala volt 02.0. W.IIXTBLET, Med' a TEDECAIe ST. Auxonivrt. rbISSOLIVTION OP PARTNERSHIPS. .—Tbe firm of SLAuaNN k PIUPPS, oleos Cita Forge,. las tide day been dissolved by ma. tali mascot, ogler party to use tb• braes awe settieloslit, IaNDIIEW HENRY: PUIPPS, Ptietatilikno, May 1, 1866„ TEE - CYCLOPS JUOIC OOMPANT Mu Nits dal been utaralred. TSoL. N. Millar, tomer Pre*. ►drat. 10 au &stead to all uitsetUed bustneit. ANDREWWILLER, • . DARN/Dal% PIPES t SHIFLWI, J. a. mArrsnws, Meehan of the °Mow Ithe tempter. leittlyd Anitbeni 00. TEE IRON CITY' FORGE, Cyclopa I on Company, have this day teem onaeolidated, awl a aew Cow pans formed: nadir the cameral• nasaufsetiuiag law of PeoneyPtasta. CAPITAL, I,IPOOO. .fte name and Alia et Ilia new mop tayto 01,47 , 1 1 11. r 1' 1 , 1 3 1 , 44141ALLA1. Pled eat Untati •zli TIIOALAS DI. CAIINEtiIt. , .ANDIITAY xrI I t r ire.;" 4 . Twain,. and (Itnetal Stipa iateadeat. inyldwd - - prftifiinAffEn of the n;“ needlna on the, Roman CatballeSt. I no jun. tetra Ililehnels Meenet* - tlety a; .111indoghaul. .c 0 se . rtotice In befell Itetra to purstutoso of an older of mid of Common Pleat of aatd °panty, mode this 12241' day of Moil L. D. 104, that applt• oattOn Mabee* wade to mad Coast ,torah _..` Iteration and Axaendraent of the charter of the above Corporation; and no less tome good moan ULM* gowrary Is shown, the some will IA granted at the nest term of said Used.' JACOII ITKltTitil etd4dwd : ' Protlionetery,_ .ICOtarrell Minn nY PrersitiAtdrzr Pirranonott April flthi_ NOVICE IS'IIEREB UIV.EN AO -died4. CORDANCE with the Ao l of Assembly'. sa int tied enn Art enabling the Meeks of this Manion. wont* to boom, suoalationt fu Un it ed rpose of Hankies Ceder the loot' of the States,. that the Pt ookboideri of tbo 114 . 011,1Ntir. BANS rarsilvami, at • ;Memel meeting this day. have voted in' ever of booming snob an A „MD, and that, the motet of the owners of more Cain. two-thirds of the shires has been oldideed am required hy the laws of thti COW States , apreletill U M. MlTRM&YOlashiss. ottment et 0 STREET: Atzzauzwe NoTtOE.-1100K 13 ()1 1 `_ HUBSORIP. , Tins TO Tli IIAPITAL Frrotnr. of the TbANSPORTAXION athett.e.NY, wlttbe cletookith.thOjthenie ot the Beard of Trate, to the thly Ot;Fittebtlieh, On DIONDAT, the Ul of-My, 911Yolook A. w. And kept moan as it. qtilred b the pit of ineett:orettoo. W. K. 'llltattage, fileAD tthin etIi L E I; , IERGIA w SYNING otgoo. A. t7illettb3l7.) ST.F.F.L&II ' AILSY, STOOK BROKBIA mums mu- 'anteater ateNittba rsui w.ek. P lr t". tad 'O. Bbartid. 'A 63 MogRIEB, war -street, *Pe bin .nky2t aloe j.terced iiattet 1:13. COMIFF6I.D. RATES OF • COMMISSION 011 Mogi" stlltig El and unedi. , FIR' cum do. lidand up to co, I do. do. do. 1112 _SSW VI shwa Ad. ' over. Kfa, pr dent. .1144ti.lYLAXD '.I,3"NAJ:iII:BT.&TES 1-30 This klghly CAFE, PROFITABLE RED PAT MUMMA., fo . c. Ado LA suns f 4 Qco sipp, $5OO and $lOOO xr Tice FOURTH NATIONAL DIN& FancirTei6, Victoria Glace, Paria Mohair, Organdie lima, French Lawns, Jaconette Lawns, Matambignes. Mantles; Shawls, and one of the hentlionest stalks of al &nu of good■ in the city. aye 638 PER =RP EETTI3REST. I LOCKWOOD'S OF prrissuaGn. II L Government Depositary, FISCAL AGENCY. It. It honed every use wed womos who wishes the good of;the coootr7 sad toad the eev s ualzt. allimastAttilivl=l:4l 41 : ir = s t r z at to days adtlee. Interest alliArei co tight and Ilse depoatti aglial at. GOLD AND GOLD COUPONS itcastst at lbotteat Eartet Price. This bank offers every facility for all =re. loess of the public, and extends. to her posltors liberal dlieouata. JAMES o.corrNon. Oteldaent. /MIMS Pll7lOl. Castiter Garda NATIONAL BANK I Of Pittsburgh, COR. =TR ADD WOOD STREETS. ADGIISTIIR ROTELER, President. SPIONGER HARBAUGG, Vies Preideent. GEORGE A. INDIAN Godlier. • • Thla Bank Inottes the ecoonnta of Banka Earl- Gov the en Saneldea e( all Made bengal, mini lad at current rates. As SEWECIAL AGENT of Jay Cloak% aviserko. limm will be tangled kor the . Popular 7-80 Loan. This loot Is sew betas shouted at ths rate 81400400.C30041, Per =Pap. and wind tionverttble Into fivodwentybonds which areania,St •N•mi-um of ever NW:. PER OZt4T. I fwito p wrior Moon. Cages to alkailko welt alo ft and table Moat. neat. - Liberal eemonisidooson this laaa will be anddrei to alidealani La Governsust socuritlat GEO. A. EMILY, Cubic. UNITILD STATIEf _ 7-30 IL.A oa n. THIRD NiTIONAL BAIL Smarr et Wood Sired and Tient illey fISUAL AGENT OT TEM EXITED STATES %ad SPECIAL AGENT stlay cooks, U. a AssiO for the We at tM Sev6n-Thirty.Ana4 rerun LOAN OF TIM PEOPLE, AHD TEE Only Loan in theMorket w. s. 5.10 sax rim as.rir 001411 MIMING BONDS. 3:a NNW - OECOND NATIONAL BANK Of. Pittsburgh. Corner of Ilastaad Lib'sly Wee% Special *pate of Is, Cooke lot the sale of NEW SEVEN THIRTY LOAN 'lbis to *Wetly the Peobbil Loan. std Is being absorbed at the rata Ot about five snillbons per ley. These bonds bens an tattiest of 4'aco 40olo.tis Pox- 13:00,y etkeh hoareadolbtrs, and aw. ooarertllla mows. rlcy Into Inve-lwears Stz Par Uent (tat Be.liftgl3o ll4ll . Din 01ML01.140011 wlll be allowed to' Basks, andlkolcoss, who pa:ohms for mule.' C. E. BIGGS, Casbiac SOLI? BY AGENTS ONLY.. LIFE OF ABRAHAII , LLNICAIt. pre...inAle early history palatal &reit aaa apreatee. fa and eat 01 Osamu r. alba Wed tl i tatea, " wa f hita ß gelu ey " Piegt; of f ta las Lettere, sta.= and "Goads* auto "t as : BY JOSEPH IL BARROW. Ceenzatortenee of Praetor:lo, Magda/Am D. O. The work :snow printed Ls pug., pp. 5111,bstis to be regrodu red In ea Oro, 'dorsal to about to• toreo,esokellithea wltit the bed portrait roallahrk and nonteroui tkiutratloas. Ono Vol., a lA.. cloth. optelna Mr. Licooln'e early We end Polttle.llltatory: - leeryPART 11.—rtobodles theiveatoef tke first th ree • va of hi, Aireltiteltaitee. . PAO t' 111.—W111 wrest% the Miter, of the tut year of his Athototetratt. 43, and tke paruaalate of Ws Mosta awl' lereeeted demise.' • M.OOlO VrILSTACH & BALDWIN, x31735ir..4.1823c35x1i9. 25 West Fourth St. Cincinnati, SOT W.i 8., pulidish l¢ tint, on ;late paper, It by 14 Indite, the moit,nicout, *miasma And per. !cell, engravtd rowrunr OP. PRESIDENT LINCOLN la the market. himself, family and_friends prc... noninvil It the finest likeness that nes boas pre , rued. .Betall ptics,lo genie.' • ilf• Agents Vented everywhere for Book and Toltrelt, who should spiny to Branek OM 0e.141. roulth street, rittsbursh, Pa. 0111•6 helinfroml. myttlwd ; 13.011111*8. wAitp, 'gannet. AVOIDT - r. - initTETT -1613 D .83145 0._. DROWNS'S RETALLIC WELTIIER . STRIPS Window: Bands. These tevalUable strips in remitter totally ve sted. dust, natio and odor from doors and wtWows. Rave your anrpsts and household goods from noise Sot annoy 'nee of stages, ear bills and rat. T a above stripe will completely Med no by WaITZ.I I AIALICANLER, No. ise - and 171. Lee took street, Allegheny City. the,above bra P a rton - the tsslusive right in A.Rentiony golotP, spteiatd VQTIOE.4, The public are hereby nodded 1.1 that so much of the channel ot the au bets. River Mwi r to. betleau the SOMA rem flui/tattreiui et a, the. 3azorttragva.b asmn will be necessarily obstruotedlngrOttlog op the superstruetute , of the bridiffs for 1150111 sits weeks from the FIRST OF . fd fl.l, tr. 414, " ablefirdttalwi TIIIRD A1t1114.&11 UP -, ••• • CNILCREIOS • CA9R!AGES, BUGGIES, PEfIAM3ULATOAS. i.ronerient: uow •oloplite In every style and . pria.,,yskti.kelo end retiiO4,.- . G. ILATIERIS, et{ - lot Marital ~+~~,- GOODS` aranerr - . a. M. SIIROMFIBIZVE 4 . No. 7t,: H.' E. forior Fourth old Klrket E. riga silks, Cloth Lined and all Pam Co EATON, KAMM CO.. rgalig. 17 et, 19 Nllegit at., Kora.Dplssiwi A 51:);tli ;i Patent (loth Lined and all Paper Callan. The eossisAmerds osi baud embrace a lull iinorlo, weal of all Klima • Ihe trade will be supplied Is sap , LOOKWoOTPS BRIBE By Wing their orders to us, pustlissoni WU IWO - Uwe, trelght nod charges. All ord:rs primptly sthorded to. SP OP NEW GOODS. JIIBT ARRIVED. PANIC PRICESI Good Cotton Male for LedlOi st trAirpor Wig Herrotttohed Linea Hanketchletr, 96 cents = Ilene& Mechanics Corsets,St 715 per pair; & Alexander's Kid Groves. VI Pet Rake : We Mire also • gamin stock WUITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES. ashore and Vslntl* lamest • Spriog 13 tlla Bonnet .131,bonsc• Mal been Trimminp and OrslaraintN. mad Summer Hosiery mad Warw., Of Fancy Goodstliotiols, Bun= we have decidedly the largest and beat aatotinnent In the city. Alas, the Novelties of the Beason. such as WITle Belting sad Buckles, Bair Tons,l,ss Ales Bilk Scarfs, the QUesa Elizabeth Oollarts seW style of FLOURCIZIE eta Alas • full Wu' GEISITLEXE3II.2I323D3BIIG GOOD/ Wilt* Mete fro . )* C se. d' lierehesas tad Eatallers well WO veer Mee aseareekeet: eat Priests- that Doty Voisptlgloos JOB. HORNS & CO., STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS, Ribbons and sonnet. SLlks, nand and Trliwatespa Wm:elates: Law Bonds, Hatulkerehteta Faddy Gouts. BaIIIOILI Skirts, Ladies' and Oenta FINN Milton Goods, . Bead Wawa and ffirsanseard. Worsted Hosiery and Otorteilleop drank Ao. thane alai Basil Wane, are now ressiviag Wel drat assortment of Jrlllllr &PRIX G GOODS, r/"•'1 , !'"T• 1 11 women will be tonne imimiagy utit math Mona& boa parettand at LOW 4:1&11.1.153 Secafar SPEOLAI. INDII ~ TO IS. Otte . . °adder =craws 37eirrazirriseast Inn at. sa Umtata round wen mous& We *Watt • fall groin. - Ilendents,XlMnix, Pedbus, s 111 Pat& being °Nada= tiat ire 1)," iron aIL ARAVE JEST ARRIVED FROM THE . EAST with a carefully selected asserleant of- FAPVITY AND STAPLE -GOODS, among widish. will be found n See line of Hosiery Ricottas and. hale. Chaves, Ribbons, Flowers, Crapes. Rubberrs, and a ll the new styles, Including Rb: Callers, to *Web pirticulaty call the &Retakes of the ladles: Madame Cemorest4 Corsets. neve Hoop Skim, Pace and .Lltten Handkernbtek - aat Jawlike, Cuffs, sew Swiss Sets, Laos Caps, Bathai, Barbs and Colffeurs,• Breakfast Caps .Shetiand, !Mewls Tidies, Luew,) Leta In Crotchet, Linen.. Cotton.lbread,lr slew:demure Cu es, intA= 'Wide Linen Lace for Pillow Brains of all kinds:lnfant's Robes, of all Mode; newstyliv Blankets for Initiate; Ladles , Bids, It/Irvin.' Hide, Kids; (limp and Steel Bead 'llata..oord Sets, Cable Cord Cord and Tasselsq. Tassels aid Buttons In severa l new styles; Gimps la Jet , St Straw and Chrystal Chenille ; lbagai, SUS and Chrystal Eringeilatraw Hats andTrirtunlngs; Bel terffiss in Lace,. Applique. Jet; SUS, Gold Lea ant Pearl, Fancy Combs, Chrystal Drops, Pole. , ands and Foil., and a variety of other goods, to which l would call the attention of , my kind cadet Men end the subtle generally. - split ALICE MOWRY. FOurtb streets . S . B. BRYAN. • DROKBII IN STOVES, BONDS & REAL Until WEV, BUT ♦IM SELL srooBB here'and in New Yorker Philade lphia eatsbllahrdbi the Boards o the respective ettlae, to aft: PITTSBURGH BATES--0n Stooks the zntrket value of which to et or under, 1.4( per cent.; Over - ta and up to - $12,1 cent. Ogi Stooks sailing • from VS to $6O thC corn 0112% ShMe, - and on stocks aelllnest Attrer over, One7 lol litb N W YORK TES—On Stooks, the market - <slue or welch L a nk or under, dye oenteper almtret PHlLA overthat DE rlct LPHlA: RATEB,-6 1 4 end 12 mot Office Boars: 8 a m to 6 o'clockp. No. 59 TOUBTB ' 2 :SWATIMS ALL HEALING onrr mravr. ousts Tatter luta all ErUpttoni oath, SOZUDONT. ton oteatutai and •Ireaaritalr the teeth and game. , ".- THY, LohDt , le. HAIR - RESTORER _ ; AND DRESSINO,.!Restore (*tar klitr. 131tALLENBEIZOSIL,S FETES • AND AGUE . ANTI VOTE. for the reerdy.sare and sad. teal MC of rater and _ • ;:JOHNEON'S RUEISMATiO COMPOLIND, for • u . m errectai en.e Itheumatink_ R. MIMI VS EXPEUOItAmr. • rare re for . chronic or common I.Magnis &U M , Wt , • Taloa :Meets, to Us Wake. A.ll. 0 0. Y.* ^ • GEORGt 81112iiit . . .H r: GENO3MfRE, Qletl and 11 ' 441,1 9 ,13 a. ED0 1844 .• - • . , orprEnia, nrukrournio orema - AND PATENT AGENCY. 80. Li ST. Otallilt ST.,. Bahr Stuponsion 11¢raiviegs ear aalaola. twos foe steam Famine* and alsablamy gesigallya. Plain aod apeclficalloos for Itlazataetortes, Ant Reduerles awl Aselaltaiatorgi Vim " Geological Surreys earelayeas SoglaLease 80,. tangy atfeet. , SOLE AGENTS FOR AND TV BE MOLD ALT NAURU* & KARS= STREET. DIALKELS JOB HORNS & ' .n gni a zwutai grazer Without thither chute tits*Ula REGULAR coxm;moisra omrrter. num suls=. 3reita4'erwaxertur • , rfrurar. Aar& . t , .11;. Dot, midli a rt m e vele DEM, 241TIVZ !,t . lo u rw. =09 4 sicedend illetni. - mot lot imat. generally.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers