mr.s.mrs. 'EC E D.:=41.1111 ' PEII ' 'MO MS. wantedseenwear_ • Ile lattedsse the SHAW* SIABLVADELLIF BZWING. Oft. t oat low Wee. mediae Is the, whisit- la" bY . Sumer =a. Salter; ~• Ir. Wares., Row -.. f o lleserthr 00. - ,-Vat rt. IL gate we iefibwest•uts, I N, sense suut sret urn Usikt 4. floe asa iss., . Saw eta axpettua, ot lane cod. snowed., Olsetrated clrentuf .eat free. * SHAW. ,t),:h0taret,Ma15t.... .. TED, AT ;WI PER IMIITU, MLIAJBLE OANVASSZE, lnl everuteero Oplt. for SIELE NUXSY. Alen SPY, the. o( book 'error ptiblhasionsbraolse. ten . res at a Somas Is.. the Voles new - as boqt sad. Spropvlng s mat YArld laser the war. We sere Astute elearist 1116) jib, sear& we win prove to soy dosWsl at. Bead Ear clroolszs. Marees JONES, is 00 4 Mk en. Mutest street, Piletlet• ETEII,-;.CANDY..MAKER *orate= on Sties and Drop Candy, 14 newly employment at good wages, by tte • 31oilM eadl WOODISTRkEV •STED.—S'M A MORTII.—I mut igente__eemiettere. 0 '» s swa th , espouser inFTEZaI ARTIMES the beet SO- W aim& Full peetteulaell free- - Address IL GLUEY, 814.6elent, Mane. , mytta WNTED.-A YOUNG MAN to work xt the Appltst 168 Liberty ItlVet. . A• P; BEt3K , Re.rr. ET; en OFFICZ ormtlie sawed jot, owner of water act fiailUdeld West.. 'teolt I 'A soars T. 1101 T Mr. 00. ItE'NT.-WAREROUSE. --TIIE • • Jr.. NM VIBEILTIT STREET. oco ;try us, will im tatted. Posiesaloa give& ItC4IIIIILLICEiI, 11, L . writ Meaty street.. BALE--ThatIargeTIIRZB.I3TORY IOWELLEIPELROOSE. No. 18 rborth LaVorwislirou oo ol WI • 7.7 D AtoteraEa, Yourtti Watt. 'SALE CREAP.-4, FRAME Lama •it removed at or ea. liltuatal nor 'timing WAS= Avenues Allegheny city. Lnyve, BAIHD & PATTON', Vols. 111 and 414 Beeped et. Pittsburgh. SALE.-1)50 Acres of Coal, also, 12C ree Of front swain pool No. 2; ale° one ten* sad .Tallroad, and other improvements fa rpool No. 2;one Beset on the Wittily liver and Il, , nnellerilot of - WILLLLId , WAND dear in e'lftb on - Grant Amt. PALIS.--COAL • Idt.lire.Sittiated f the Virov, nee Staehington Turnpike, *See Ola tteburgh, contstniutc twenty.. Z g e a iii i : f lirv=,=e r ol 's " fel wUI be within reach of the Stembenvil/e Wim n purzrztAsi:),-; we • leo. le Grant St.. PlUahnotb. Pa. A 001111r:firliBLE 1101733 roam% rungs am sing a bailie:l%llmi at Ms „ .;. tam fa lUnsianten - 1:tood since and every. tarranient. Pooneeszon given lannedl=4 , • run applyn• /1111111 , 11F.04,7VFeestal Vim Wynn Skop, Bennett:nee, LUTI PIM lINSIDEXCE FOR %%LEO ',ignited ANC to tha Athwitecte Cdtf An. In ., !ate Borough. Lot fronting COG teed an the Plank Nardi and Wending bank Ille nee to Rill. Inca& on wank It 1111 FINE LaIdGE DWILLMIIIO, nearly new -.natant's d ten room., nieetrartanded, l e sede COvered. front, end wane wader whole house. - The preen d Intl Ornamental Trace and earth. cult Trois, Grapea,and Ina Garden; Spring ant water. yto , '.,, -.',. E.UoL.UN & 004 - . _... _ . o=t=l SALB--Three rityir . Steui gagulea, Iliparpossfy Pm eft wells; . 15g Inalk *ran Mir: straw. sia.% track • mg of wrought. Ina; . . • . "to Art lass, 113 tvabes Ltsuiettr, with nob Inesiiiitauteyillist. by 10 fact bot. sad ter rugs:: .1110tryteinv&emylate Mkt ready 14,10. H BOLE. A • Putanun„ -- #... itasai;Pirint al* rod Duque= street, • Anyhow rim. sear the Point.. deal tf BALE—ATEIitEIt STORYBAICK ~.4 : :,.. ELLIN°, ooatalahag aft. rooms, silts coca ' ';'‘k,ih ir" M "a_77.lllLlLM:riki MULE DiTw...u " LAO of ? roams, sew' • ,'... complete seder, ,nth a lot 30 brltt feet. proved.:. Poe Wm, am, apply at the ',cat aad laaaraace Ullate of ir obroat.i sea 4.1/ea, lamoaaeollta lia, ' BALE.--One SECOND .11AND U.Elt, newly new, 111 _ ziat feet long, eel Imbibe . ge , s4ll tea low. ~... .:.. fee' 14,4 g, ea toeimenttemetor $413 1 , 1 , ''''lllwceet . lama Inches . eillnlffier . 1 /44 lath -•• es the MD STRUM co. . ' t*". : , . __ l "'mut RV GE IL fl i tTlT I E L -.lota ....ev aime.Duoneatee Wei, Plttab SALE. ' .--.. "...,... Insa.e, PrOsz•c;i 4 tsr. i !.:-.. SSIOPI . GIVEN APRIL:FIRST able propeaty In 'XeCllure iownsatn, gnat '-kad, ea. lan, frau Mienneny.: Alio. an - eiglint BoiNsklencie. -. . .. . *kW. • rcir part/On/an esquire an the ....- lat J.L. CI&ENAOILIL at at •• J. T. iILYPI.r. Zeal Mete !Millar. Ns. el. PeCeiiil street. AMOR& _ . , ,• • • • AT DELIGHTFUL RESI DENCE : u mourn Hop/ .at Woettalltiln,lnow . t by Air. Wm. P. Beck ,) the Conner reel • e W anteLl e T kY r. 41= e l d. ari l ' i ki°4" of 4 1 1 trees of ell kiwis, grape; he.; fifteen land, embracing a fine gnus, eke, spleadfr .‘• f the Ohio Rirer Railways, Natinhestor . the Orminos of the Biancirester Street .‘, and Woods , Nun Station Ma. Ft. W. dr. I 'only' ten minutes ride by the latter re• Ont l i , .... • Stiect Station. Farther.mertienlere nod - , ay be had of the Subscriber at Ws real * '4 Cl Beaver ' , net: Alleghtiny. Fosses. sm Inunediateiy. -Itid itonrarr H. vecit T. • 'DALE.—THE' AVERY 1E AITSION • 4 -iii Second Bask. dileuteny , city. Lot 111 '• boot 2eo feelk • ~• ITAGE ea Otial Bill, late the reeldease Of ,•,L .; Wilton - Lot ab-ut 3 acme ~ . on Fourth etreetl Lot IT feet Omit by ate the reetienee of Dr. W. A. Simpson. ' on Third Street. fernicrly known es the ' • Mile,. Lot 41 feet brad feet. g a • • GE at Ettneureekfornierly madame of •:, its. Lot it ecru- 1 - .rtr Thir gm .1-.4...be10w ; - JING LOTS and mansfactunag elm on . to:s S aheb. River within the city 4Lsteict. FO 0017 N TRY SEATS Irma x to 8 ; lit Township, treating Soho street, Oily • TS ow Oesswess need, near Penney-I one and TWO LOTS oat/retain street.' SEEN LoTS en Liberty street, Al, egis2ny p. ON E on the Pennsylvania 1 81. a. • :TAM , Army liansion. • , LOT lON aIIgt2F.SNEWAT, ISO feet ; r ado fees deep to Fayette strew., haring SI ber henna. factory and dwoll hen. }Monies of WM, AL saucy, • 187 Fourth street ... t , t . .. . _ ... .. A.LX very valuable ve valuable FARM !li . . township, Westmoreland county, Pa.; -• * ' ',, about no awe*, wall improved, and in os esittivatloo.____ _ . _., FARM .or rorrY-TwOACIIIIiS to t , . sushi& Westmoreland sounly,abocit two lit. Zia!? Station-cm tha Penna. Rall• :.' . teantsow mill isearly oompleted with all ~.: .... the sorgjourini n . u . l . o l a at tk i ernar i t . se, 5,„.1 gesritt r cationa of OIL IVAII ap...Aleo 111 acres adinluing the Milne ern', wake eery best state ef cattle. i bona/tote Of fruit of army description. ARAI OF-113 ACRES. in St Clair town. litenorstand county, Pa. en Tub Mill inn one mile from the P erm's finikotd. ' • secuserite ere • good frame ban jo, and . e.liaak Bata. ' ran Fara of 26 acres in Deny township, jowl Ocoutty, Pa— Wear the. Rae of the , Arm eiabOutloB scone in Fairflehttown• 'Zaroreland tkcanty Pa. - - 7.'' Term of w I e acres n Fairfield . township 1-. cry 'sluable Vann of SU Aires. Dear tim • wn ola Felrflehl township,Lbrestaiore, ,Ps..l awn *bent one and a halt miles • ..Vussylvania h liallrost ar T h he iseproz , ' lr, '' r tr re e stat2e; altge frame 6x saw :111, a - large apple oronard, with 4 treed. -It to anderhttd With eoal. a - brick clay, and about onehundred ernes bite oak timber.'-i r b 11 . .. tan , . gi .. ve.n . Ix " :s acre, sttnited. to lAtouler towastilp, - • '‘i ' und county, ra..odjoisting the towtrof ' .- _,_ , ... ~,' /ots s itstth • large INIQZ house.' A line 1311.1.110 liatOligti of Ligonier. Will be , . ,a katres of land. witb a large lowing mill; anne pleeg. -aaes of land, atikd ee ol um' otabout la ur e a , ba a b ate . li _f,igiiegbeny moot's% Pa, adjoining Edam g a b, Tog bapromasses an. Vod odd 'I - the best duality.. WM bout at cold ik rilli gee», oontainiat 10, mai, &Rain. iiagg, with &lithe Improiroaminta. Piioe Inane of Xte•isteeir iiii. t , et orsiguati ooitaty, Pa._. awry Alma. viol 'at Blairsville latarmosttaa, sylvania Railroad .: no b .11. Riv ant eit arraodod fin a hotel and atom ?kir 'Wee r ib....,...,,,., ..,‘ ....., .. lee p•rtieulays . , . u. E 4 TOWNRl l24 =Estata dem, : - ' . noagi itUrtiortrest.., R B T.--A!GOOR with food genial:. fruit. lifsPei• 'obe; a good tonne of - water; wittrealeat ,koadlemy eat public wheel; Seely old &eulogies *hoed, awe set pas; es arum the city. : Fori t pa;akial r l c eitew.. `Na ice Voarth Street .• X BUTTER RECEIVED EVERY Ist, by eXprog. bY DtrOLITTVE Os artatCl Wittes &tot.' fIA 1t.V.14...iriA 3 LECTVIZEB )311T8‘11114WTHEA.Tfter ------- _ NSAR iirioa Lmliz _ WX4.IESDNILSOS. • -- .urru.t.m TOWS OARIN. • • r ' lIMULBOOIII% waltz!. t Tkie most "1111.11 nt. Ma I7tb sestiuri Wt 4011.1.1 • bow i•sulot , 114. wavy weeks. sad fig:Wants el mr.p &Ulm to %rely ge partaasaf, to to mune..ssessm glakilinalaaalwa pontoons hats bas..)rauanit lAtOrequhltlealii nyder* fasts ressirlspi • 1 1 1 , iis tat e nsa.phsg rams "10111MIng003, luss,aset grenstfnatlso•ag. 21 .m. , Nstriet,Bsechir Steire's naffilitfatltied tniar.g TOM'S . IirLICLE T OM'S tfLItIA • - ITITOLE TOM'S CAJUN. pI:]M:BLE'S VARIETIES THRATR& W. Q. Pi= GREAT SUCCESS I TRIM MCKIM MORE! is STAItTLINGI STARTLING t • Mts Sitaisons.bri attireeelea of - • • SEL STEPS OF-WOE! . cieelt - Aisekeeta Prissi Douai, MISS MAUD. STANLEY, • - The Wooterful F"eiriebi'Persottater, FERNANDO-FLEURY. • ERO/POis °omega, BART;' WEAVER, CLIFFORD AND .70.0 K. W Versatile Artistes I 10 Pretty -Lady Dancers I Doable Show Jed Doubts Troupe t • Plooßll_l loot Fite - Simmons , two art Union Drsaa.yll.LLOF RICHMOND! SICIRENDER OF GEN.:LEE I mi3Nwrlls comumxriox OF zoo- LOGICAL AND EQUESTRL&M A rump- VAN AMBUBGH & CO.'S 3 -.. Menagerie, from SS and ell Brostiww, New York, combined with 4M:UYER & NOYES' Great Gnited States Circus, Cli= ALLEGIIETI CITIAR DIMOND, OPPOSITE lIIILEICET aousx, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MAN 15, 19, and 11, MM. POSITITELT 1011 k TIME DAYS ONLY. Both companies exhibiting in one tent for one admission ft,. - • t• Thayer 'h. Noyes' Milted-States Circus I ncludes. • the gremeat lonia of talented Riders, laymnuta, Clowns, Acrobats, Equilibrista, Voltigeurs, fax, ' in the country, with a stud as Performing Henna Ponies and ;hint.. ineemperibly euperfor to any other that c be produced on this side of the At.. bottle. • • Vail Mnbursh -lb Oe. x Menwle thomprisee the most splendid catectlos of Living WWI Beasts' bed Ran and Carious Birds from every quarter of *the globe that has visited this city for many yews including 0110141 other. prominent . feettires, the' world-renowned War Elepnant,Hamilissi. a Two. bumped Bactrian Camel. the Ira one that has been seen in America for fear years; the drat and only Mmalaya White . Beat ever •breught to this country; a pair of Poonah Sloth Bears, the Spit ever exhibited here; Two White Zebts, together, with Llol2llj !Igen, Leopards, Hyenas, >i are, 'Lamas, amino infinite variety of o th er rare sped. mono or the animal kingdsra, fanning the grimiest. exposition of animates nature ever pretested to the American people. -, The performances Will in elude every imaginible Variety - of /Asking _Horsemanship and (Maggio Myra& Games; introducing - stew and ststiling acts never befcre given in this oily.. At each en. • tertainment • Mr. iLL W. Noyes will introduce his Rations triek horse GREY EAGLE. Jn , the finest epee men of 'equine beauty 'in America; also his eelebtaged Perfarmtng Monkey. Signor-Vietor, the feats of-which areeomical beyond description. A. pupil of the great VatiAmMargh will eater the dens of Lions, Tigers and Leopards. _Each seta:viola 'Rent wilicommence with agreed (Mental Oaval. cede, snot conclude with the laughable performanee of Dr. Thayees Comb bilutes;Dnole Nam and Dick. Mews. TEL&YER. and REYNOLDS; Clowns. • Doors open atlr sad 'HI ax.° Adoilesion to the entire. Monster combination, 60 cents. Children under 1!. 25 cents. myWitd LECTIIRE.—The FUNNY FRENCH- •... PROF. 2:11380In, , VGLI 'open las PORTFOLIO OF BLUNDERS at OONOERT LULL. on • WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY EVENINGS it tl o'clock. THURS. DAY AFIIHNOON at II o'clock. Nay 11th. 1 0 ,44. 1 r0 8. „towage. lit. cniciizufera 5011 t PIANTOS, The Beat Pianos; Made PROF. ROIII3OCIPS OPINION: A. grperienee of over twenty gears with tko Maker/mg Moor, has given me ampleopportu nity, to Soda of their qualities, sad I *reedy say tint I bare allonym tassel Ulm to be the BM? Pillifige. both for ingranzuental performs** and imosspaaying the-Tip'. Toe Pianos mile am ,by tiluekerld* k Son s asunder Infinitely tripe. nor to any of their forms pasnutssivre,aaur• of suds 'mkt songrnaliori Se snort port, tusk tuneb arid ItektlP wornuuuditp, the. polling, mese c K m hi dro. Med. K, • Professor /feuds Pittsburgh - find t.lottege. - - New, fel, of Clikkering's •Plattes, o mpT . B4:ouvzo •pr .CHARLEB C. ZELL= WOOD Errs Err. 13rei , 4bxtir•3; , Pismo. STRONG INDORSEMENT'. The saualselprofasidon of ' the aity of New York. Imre, with most uswrecedested unanimity awarded W3L B. BRALBWRY, the itigiumes mead of praise for his new awl beautiful plane fortes, my , state. ainoag oldies highly complimentary notion, that they hays examozad whit match ears : W. B. Bradbury's neweeale - plintrfortes, and It la In our opinion that. in Weser,. aunty, naiades: equality of trine and iltinossik workman**, Kr. Bradbury% thatruneets each. We And swat brilltassy ail beautiful slasiair Quality of toas most happ i ly Mewled.' We have = rarely seen a squarer puss munbise 'so *snug thaw Qualities se emential to a EBBFBO/ EITIVUMENT.” William Kum,Milk Cies: W. Minn. Theo. Thema.; W. Mersa, Joan rsttbson, Fmk', 4ntort Heller, °harlot G rob{, Illtrakosobi (liars W. Boarses,Xsx Mantas*, Carl Anschuts, m. Oarrinstru, Harry Sanderson, (Maw Wags, Oleo. F. Bristow, A. Bwls, a Gustave OL: Soknornt, • George Curtis: R. X.theara, F. L. hilt r. F. EL Nash. Theo. Melling, John 11. iekler , Ita.litrepet,- 0., Timla, Pe this, Theo. Hagen: Wlt. t i n 4 r 4' .gaw "York Marled &mks, John Zulkpal or guilt; in W. Beschor's church. 7, WAMBLItiI 4 MIL solo' Agents, Nck.o ST. OLAIR '8 - PIANOS, splendid zieNestoek. MAINE'S liftlYS PIANOS, -- Ann, rzunurs ikur.,oLil:oris a. °alerts, tittAELOTTi. BLUME, 41 Fifth -street, - Solo lionn&N, HOENE & CO., 135 Th saiszsz ' saa Azaant Irt7it =htpolzuf9x , .•tai Ber 4 Plaisos la eialeua. , DISSOLVTIOAI6I. to. rilosowrioN : or CO-PARTNER SHIP.—The Peetnershtp betetotbre between the undersigned, under the. Arm nasanni trIitIMPTON et 00, for the manutaeture of Sliver Petal and other Boos, tuts this day been dissolved, by mutant consent. SeLbtlng. ht..114F.11, , ' • SWIM OE , vite • .• • " JOHN FOSTER. Putt* Sept. toth, VOL • . • wW. nrinrwr, ' WY KEM:DY & CO., (4huseessore b CRUMPTO2I C 0.,) Bilver,rearl Sapezitv Soaps, dalTa ley Liniterr sraz•sr. PIITS7VROK 111880LATTION OF CO-PARTNER- . Pratro—The Arta .altha.*• nailer _t_hetkivla af 'KEITH, PUNTER & CO . sat JAS. . 00.. Ii illaaahred .tautual aattaeaL, Eltbar patty *lll nab tee baslneus of Qs late ana. 1 " 1 Ma i li v 4 t u4 !Zools o. a. purr= • pirrestruaLianwin, lit, ow. • COPARTNICREItiIr e Vseg bITS ariOasted with us Ls ta: Ion? jErou 'IM Issilsess, JAMES JennasisN Wl4 raMLEIN, psrtaetsl.l IfED. imagic Ist, aisles ilis same of Pt datlag Aiwa* s. Os. • . ; ; : .. W. D. PA g-. , had! ADAM SLIMOSL .. DEXTISTR ID% . • JOSEPH ADAM% Dentist. Cormelly's Balding, sorsa of DIAMONT and ORAN" airects,Pltrurgh. Re,farta•--Dr. Dr. HWY . ' ) ." Tbsoittee steaks. Begun Erma; spreL IL OW TICE& - - - nr - rctiacilm ." Boiler Makers et Shot ironNorkers, 2.1 and Sti MIN STREET. Easing secured a larre Vie, and thrutabed With the mpg tmorcered ;antl.arts Ire are_pupar • ed to mai:ulna sue ered description of BOLEMEE,, In, the beat manner, and arm...Waal .equatto_Any - made Le th e actuary. ' DFITATNETE, ERIC. _ FIRE BEDS, STEAMPIPES, LOOOMOITTE BOILEBI3, OED ENS Eli% BALT :PANE, -TANKS,. OIL . AGITATOR% SET, TLINU PAN:3 BOTLIIII IRON, nalts, SUGAR PA a nd sole tnnaufsaturees of BARE. MILLE PAT 'T. BOILERS. dose ea the shortest nottee. • • ' dNB • Primktwitun. MAN wostrai. HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. PATEirr GROUND CIRCULARS, Warraniai 'OAST STEEL SAWS: of stiff /a 14111, other varietie Malay, Cram' Oat, Gang, and all s. • • - , . All kinds of I:MTV'S:3 and SPRINGS made from Sheet Oast Swell Extra- Helloed -REAPER 'AND MOWING HISIVLS, ka. - - Warehouee and Works, eorner WATER mid SHORT STUMM . , Pittsburgh. PartlauLanattention wee RetoothloNittuct ruing and Stralahterdier Clraular Saws; , re. pales of all klaas., Punching and Drilling dons at reasonable rates. - aphid, lIIIPEIROR . e — Copper Kill and Smelling Works, , PITTSBVIZOIL PARK, McCURDY& CO., Manufacturers of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS' & BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER ROT TOMS. RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. iAlso, Importers and dealers In MET ALS, TIN PLA FE, SWEET IRON, WIRE, &o. Onsurtuntly on hand, TINNERST MAOHINM and TOOLS. .Warehouse, No. I 4oPIRST and =SEC OND STREETS, Pittaburch. Special orders of Oopper out to any denim] pattern. uryr.l:tydarrT no: 111.08 116117:11....W. D. OM:LER-a. r, HO LLAIID LA UELLE STEEL WORIaS. • • , REITER & CO, • (succmor. to RIOTED., Haui i & 00.4 Ittanufocturers of OAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW and BLISTER STEEL.; SPRINGS, AR DIS, CROwliArts, he. ARP Works, `RS, WARD, Allegtony. Post Ofttse address, PITTSBURGIL ja18:11 TO i NERVOUS 'MUTTERERS OT BOTU SEXES.-A reverend gentlemen hay ing been restored to health in a few days, after iergoing the usual routine and ineguism en expensive mode of treatment without success, considers it his sacred duty to ommunicato to his afflicted (allow. creatures the means of cure. Bence, on the receipt of an addrewed envelope, he will aend,free, a copy lathe prescription used. Thsect to Dr. JOHN hi. DARNALL, IN Fulton treet, N. 9, mho aydawT tarItOBRISON, ILEA tllt VU., isnocesson to lionottos, biting it Simians. i Washington Works, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Prrionritaa. Manufncitirers of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES; BLAST ENGINES, BULL MACHINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, VAST ING S all descriptions, OIL TANKS/r„ STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. air Agents for CEIFFARD'S PATENT INJECT. OR, for feeding boilers. . .122.3 SAMiIIHAN BRO., Mannfac. toter. of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON .RAILING, WINDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW GUARDS, ao., Nos. SI SEC. OND and SS TH.MD STREET, between Wood and Market, have on hands variety of new patterns, fancy and'plalo, suitable for all purposes: - si r P articular attention paid to enclosing Grano Lots. Jobbt4 done at short notice. ao2 la r , RAT OF WARNING AND IN TI TION FOR TOM% MEN. - Also . , neve and rill ids treatment et the Urinary awl besualßystems. Address Dr. J. SHILLEN HOUGHTON, HOw aid Association. Philadelphia. Its. spit? a..mee.llE.lllllr H. COLLINS, FORWARD I . IRO. AND 00111LISSION IR:ER(111AM and wholeaile dealer In CREWE. BUTTER, SEEDS, FLSII , and produce generally... No.' le WOOD blice..ET Plttaharan. nol ~dXDID.dTES: I. DLIT WILL BE A amothiate for the cake of DLiTElar AT. TORZIET. btfore the Unice Clotulty Cleave:aloe. which nett June 6th, 1665 • relhim•Tta ermgaCOVAiTY COMIIISSICINEEL -11=0. THOMAS FEEOUSOItr r of Temperance. vine, 14a candidate, subject to the decision. of, the Vision =Ay Convention. • apterto DlATillelg A ICTORNEY.—JOUN a. ISIMPATIIIOR is acandidate for roarom- Didion ,to tLe office of District Attorney, nuttiest to the,. action of the Union .Republican lloruity Gonirentivn,Wiach wiL meet upon Tuesday, the etti day of Jane next. Delegate election on Satin day aftcrtmon, June ad. apfrirtcdawr I IDILL BE 1► CANDIDATE FOR the office of I:OSTROM ATTORNEY, euttfeet to Ore nomination of the next Union (4 - pulley Convention. r r o "uric ,r a. O. N. 11CM MITZI.. J. ■. GALES ■_J. McBLASTER, GAZZAM a (70.,1 ATTORNEYS FOR CLAIMANTS Licensed U. 8. .dgents, toy procular PERSIONF. Dorm - rms. AR. REARS. OF PAT, PRIZE MoNEY, CONFER ISATIvN hORSzs eod otter property beet or deerroyol Nagle in ; Die service os the UnUnd States fiTOPPA6nS OF PAY AND OPFIOEFIT, ORDNANCE AND QUARTERMASTER'S AC COUNTS &divined and eertllleatea 0( Indebted; nen procured. • ArylteaUode by »tb att ndtd to as If mtde In t n T s.. on.., NU ICU/LRCM MADE f.INf..ESJ SOO. OFFICE; No. 98 GILLET STREET, znyl I ; PITTSBURGH. U . B. WAR °LAIR AGE NCI PENSIONS, lEttlico3s. • Piswir sad CLAIMS OF ALL KINDS PICOOVELED PROALFTLYI W. I.* HALL ranzasozi. A#orneviii - at-Law i WOUNDED SOLDIER'S, 6100 Boytaty to all Wounded Bolden, -N. 1. Row beg iag paid to all with • eTheeteripo. No ,st4wito Mole n.V.11 the mooed le eoilooteo. ; • T a T u No. us mut 69 ,see4ed door Belo OatheltaL • , • sorklize SOLDIERS' - Tw4, natszoats AND examuis OF PAZ Piromptly attandedto , ;.&.11211111X8 1111DIDZLL. No. if 6 F 0171711 ST.., Pittsburgh, Pa: deileSsidaw? 13IITTERF i pa..13, OAZZA.M' & CO., -ATTIMI,tILTIS AT LAW, • 'We/leiter, Gestate tr. Co., Pittsburgh.) .Cobeetle/as mode, Titles e seminal, awl ail other legal busiest* attended to to Wetter, Nutt.ylve. /UN }stern Chili oom West Virginia. Reteronros: Messrs: 10 tabart ar.d If ow, tabu Ilarger,..EUq., Preoru. • Kra Alibi: 4W; STEVENSON, • 10M1 1.4.4161;XT CAZ,IX*.XC:I33, No. 144 Fourth -Sti.eet, P121111V3011, PA, It I restite la the widow; eourue of Alleitheoy ad adjoining COUlltift. 111p8:1.Yd 0, XACCJ.IO.I, U. A. 4ortarsoi IVIACKItELL JOUN6OI% . . ATTORNEYS-AT-UAW. VAL LIOE*SED SOLIVHS. CLAIM AGENTS 13ausitiel for Wounded Soldier, collected in iron en to twenty dip'. AltiPolltee Aide AB (Shure eraser. Pittsburgh. with hnrcer and two wheelies:- dedodY MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAT and atILITARY CLAIMS of every description, oollected by the subeeriber, at the follawlai noes, rise Peaelone 1110, all other claims • - - O. 0. TAYLOR, , Law, No. L Chant street,Pfttsburgh, Pa. charges an made lf the {Ulm does not emceed, said all informatioe given Kretla. sail a, -MOAT' /311LFILR, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, No. lOtriner sizsurr, Anibal." ft. Miss PENSIONS.BOIntri. KOPIEL/ka.Tivatvasly vorev ex . V. W. J0ED.1..../1::E0LL15T12..../. D. "POWELL: jonpezi; - gozaabTsit a-co.; , hi the Mb ert GRAM rya`LaiII4AVITER, MOE, _GERM' AP. 1 0 .1 11 .P/ 6 s. La, Na LIBERTY EITFAST.PLUA!. arbreoper-Bed a lifetapt, glit• Ak .san.ll, 054 Pitisbutik. spltsly4 ..... . W GRUMBA 800r4 . • LEON OTIT WATCH Wo ase DS admit Le CIT.'S sad NOV 'Ma l ten.: - "446. a44bOrge, IUIfr'PAOTVILE ALEX. M. WATSON. IN Fotrwrit STREET Boehm, Charge. Oo Sunday night Dr. John N. M'Dowelf, of Birmingham, was mastodon a charge •of pro. curing an abortioti'Mpon Mrs . Sophia Wolfe, alto a resident of that borough. The accused, it Is alleged, had criminal Intercourse with Mn. Wolfe, whose husband was at that time In the army, and that In September last, In order tom-. move the evidencta of hia guilt, he. Procured An abortion, from the eructs of which the woman died aomo days thereafter. An Information was made' against' Mrtiowell before Justice Ammon of East Birmingham, on the 37th of September, setting thrill the allegations given above. and a warrant for his arrest pi aced in the handraoill xr C.lreld. The accused, However. left for parts un known before the warrant could bo served. Oa Sunday night he returned home, and was shortly nflerarreated by crake?' F.M. and blame! In the lock-up. Yeaturday morning lie taken harem Justice Amnion, by whom he was committed to jail for trial. TRANIELIN, Juvenile Depravity.—Mayor Lowry hsi be fore him to-do'y a small boy charged with ¬. ennesa and larceny. The boy had been before the Mayor on other charges, but we, lot off at the solicitation of his mother, who dedmi to give tilmenother trial. Since then he has been acting quite badly, and btmming intoxicated he stole a hide, which be endeavored to sell. lin was arrested, and will - be sent to the liousc of Refuge. RN .father is in the army, and his mother is unable to control him. Corneal='open I . ll seltarged.-,Wm. Camp. bell, Ban., Commissioner of the . 22.1 Distriet, and Josiah Copley, Esq., of 000231 Diitriet, have boom direherged from further serrico. The Provost Marrbsla am! the SurgeAilt belonging' to the respective districts are still retainei In otil.m, their services being nautral for some time yet. Trona W. PAU; Mee &toter, sala &Eder in _American late, :or vanes. °Nun,. °Mee at Alexander. Langhlln's i mor the Walter Wens, Plttabargh, Pa. Ilmilderme;No: Pike 4n3Et. ' Ordain promptly . attended to: • -All work warranted - water prop& • - Repelling done at the Amite natice. Noebarke for repairs. pnatided lie roof Is sot aimed aftm it la Pat mu • . , . . ItedueUom—Our Idea, Mr. John Wafer. go; 126 • Federal street Allegheny, was In the east when Me 'glarioirs maws of the capture •of , Richmond laud the surrender of tke rebel , (Meer al Lee *as received; and taking advantage of the pante peed, and knowing the re-action that would Mow, made very heavy purchaser of the finest spring and summer goods at about esie.half of the aid prima. Rome of the finest Botha. emaimeres and ratings are indeed In his stock, which he Ls prepared to make up to order. on short nett:min the' !Men sires. and st - eculespondingly low rates. A choice assort ment of furnishing goods and reedy-made cloth ing will also be found at his elegant establbsh meat „ Our Allegheny Wends etureld give him a u..~ ~- . ight vittsbuilh.owtit. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, IS6 GAZETT g • AI:AMAMI NG RATE*. $ I.lwee a 1 week. IHawe week ILgr. %sq. It sqr. Natl. II Oat ttme..l ' 71 6 141 0 , Two 1334,44.1 %Si 4 Thz3o ticsei so, Four lamest 1101 1 IS , Five lines.; 2 130 One week..! 260: 1 1 IRS; 66, 46 Two weal* 4 :61 60 290 170 411 86 Threefr'3o 1 6 061 9SD 400 2=l I aill 10 036Ittontl 766 400 603 2 70. 9 TS! 125 Two 030 , 4. 11 25, 000 :.'70 4 COI 754 2191 Tian inio's 12 75: 17 03 9 ' o • 670 1 466 1 '5 SS Six isonthel '3O 75. 11 001 13 SS, 8 00' 191101 4'oo riln• IT 00! 16 voi is 00' 10 Sill OW 616 One Teu..l 03 03: 809, 21 SS(. 11 90 16 vol •at OVIAAO2.II=II nornhalenxen-rs. Fm one square; thangsable one time eat& week, to the I.m.ate bt t unneos of the cive rill lamer lolvortlatatenta la onset ptopoO. rmur One month ... Three months 00 1 1/ 0 0 33 000 i • 4 701 • 300 17 '5O 11 43! 000! 000 10 %1 157 M l 0 60 Mm MM 7/50 Ism .1x months Ono Yens.. air Fiat Notion double the :thorn ruled. Death Nottoea each. ineertioo II 60 Marriage notleel 76 Steamboat ad vertleententa per trip t 00 Mimi'Mora' or Administrators' Notice. 6 76 Loeal notice., under special bend 16 " •• in Local mho," lal CITY AND SUBURBIA. ?molt rumrzaDAVa snrinixo Cuzurni.) Important Decision lu Regard to Huckster— Under the ordinance in regard to huckstering In the Diamond market, the Market Constable is empowered to arrest all parties who may pur chase produce during market hours, for the pur pose of selling the same—the object being to prevent storekeepers and middlemen from mo nopolizing the produce trade, to the detriment of the interests of those who purchase for family coerumptfon. A number of parties were recent ly arrested for purchasing during market hours, to sell again, and among them was a storekeeper mid a member °Personelle. De did nut de..y that he bad bought to resell, but claimed that he had made a previous arweenient with the producer, to deliver him a certain quantity of produce, at the market price which he might obtain on the day of delivery,aed that to log and paying for the goods them warn no vio lation of the ordinance, or at least that he was - exercising a right of which he could not be de prived by any party or power. The City Salle'. tor, J. W. F. White, Esq., appealed as ensued for the City, and gave is as opinion that any dtimn had a right to contract for the delivery of produce In certain quantities, daring market hours, and that ,If the goods were set apart for him, and not offered for sale, the fact of his receiving and paving for them In markt t hours would not render him liable under the ordinance. It was further held by the Solicitor that a verbal contract was milli elect. Under three state of facts,-the Mayor dis missed the cases. Tuts decision will no doubt be taken advantage of by hucksters and store keepers, who will rind It every convenient wiry of getting their supplies. The Market Counta ble, however, will arrest all those perreLasiug to sell again, as It ran only be determined whether thcperty is purchasing under contract or not, by petting him on oath. Appointment of Assistant Fire Marshals. Mr. N. G. Murphy, Fire .Marshal, has made the following appointment of Assistant Marshals, es provided for In the act of Assembly: Rsit Word.-11. F. Bracitmeyor, No. TT Peon and 41 Second street; Samuel Ward, Jr., No. 33 Penn street Wm. H. McCreery, Second near Wood street; Washington Janis, No. 35 Fourth greet, &Tied Ward.—Wm. P. Floyd, No. 196 Fourth street; Joseph M. Wilson, No. 40 ROM ISVOCL; CePt. J. C. Minter°, No. 170 Third street; Jacob blazer, Ne. 1513 Fourth street. - Third Ward.--Joseph Pollock, J. G. Weldnu, No. 69 Wylie street; Charles Strain, No. 13 Wl' Ile street • McClelland. No. 84 Rau street. Imerth Wirrd--David 8i ma, Frater, Ar thur Walker, No. 308 c. Glair; Jahn W. Haney, No. 8 Scutt alley. Frith Ward—James Taylor, No. tn Penn Elroett David W Uoon, No. 824 Pond street; Hob trt Thompson, No. 32 Walnat strut; Sehsstian Luise, Penn, near Mechanie street. SUM - Wanl-11, B. Jeffreys. No. 111 Webster strect; Wm. Barnhill, No DOI Wylie street; James Phillips, Na. 31 Decatur Wm. D. Pam - mall. Na. 169 Webster West. Arrevirh Ward—Martin Frederick. No. G Robert street; Samuel .Fondormaith, Upper Water Works; Simon Tomer, Pennsylvania Avenue; goesetier, No, ittil Pennsylvania. Ave nue. Eighth Wend—Elenben I. Leonard, No. 30 Watson strtvt; James siatthltifiey, corner Or Ma gee street and Pennsylvania Avenue; Rowland Jones, No. '263 Second street; Matthew Smith, Soya's. Hill, bleCook's Row. ltindi Ward—Christ. Woods, corner of Penn and Smith strerte; J. 11. Nobbs, Nu. 4.6 Morris streets John Reich, eas Peon street. Tenth- Word—James her n, No. 136 Wood tercet; Wm. Simpson, rear of 51 Path street; Lewis Greet, No. 316 Liberty street, John Rai am, No. 166 Smithfield stnact. "The above Paierri were duly sworn to 8 faith ful dischargoof.their duties, which are—Po save and protect personal property daring fire, and also to protect the same daring files from loss by ptilaao and theft, and they have full power to inakirerresta and exercise general police author ity, authorised by the ad. They will be known bye badge designating their position. The Drowniugeff2Wm. Beyla—A Verdict Rendered. The Coulees Jury. sitting on the case of William Boyle, who was drowned on Saturday night, while escaping from Night Policeman McAulltr, again met at the Mayor's offeeathalt past twelve &chick to-day. Dr. J. Rogers testi. OM_ that himself, Dr. G. 1•. McCook, and the Coroner, had held an examination of the drowned man. An Incision was made In the face, and It wee discovered that, the jaw was not fractured nor broken, and that * deceased had not even re. cawed a blow about the head. The tlasun were as rational meter. There were no Injuries to the limier,. being sail/Gad that the deceased did not come Whiz death through clolemce,and that his death was not" hastened by each Meat's, agreed, upon the following verdict: That the deceased, WiUlant Boyle, game to Ida death by arOWlting. while escaping arrest by Night Po. became 11 0 Autilf, who at the' time Was In thole. gltionate discharge of his duty, KIPEUIAL LOCAL /10110214. DI I'lll EJI'D Y . z,nnT 1 , 1.5,ty.n. [lt:i o•• A [l.l-11telf ~ } Dew:pm/eel Dev.ritary of the Una,: :hetet. ALLnnr. Farr. P 4 .. 1447 :4h, lOW THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS ,nf 'wig . 14ank inve this tiny deolarinl n blv, damn of #3IX rerif.ustry. out or this prontn of the Lit six month,; payable on Aloudny, 14,a fait. Goternalent Tax gold n49.t.t..1 J. P. 6.R...V2,11;f1 4J1641.r. Tomb NatIONAL 734.111[1 or Prerantraon. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS or this Bank have declared dividend of STS .pTR OENT. on thellapltal St ck out of The plvdts ed the tart Ms menthe, paretic, to the titockriaLl elm or their legal leoreattetatires on and after the Ina Inst.. tree of Goettmtneut Tax. mstased 4MXH. WV d i fOSTONi Orate,. DIyIDEND. (lynch Attatosiorr & Perrneand Oct Co i l I 4 South Font*, Street. A deli:Med V TWITYES. CENT. hes bees' dared on the Stock of this Company, payable ee soil after the I6th instant, clear of State TAX., Trimester Books closed from tAo lith inst. *rebel WM. S. RAlTA,Treesnree. ; • TH2 (.21122* Navto2.u. Baltic,/ larre2 , H,.2litV 2d, ISCO. PRBSTIMIIT A , 11 DIRECI,O VIM' )3MM have at entered n Dlet• deed rat i r . et.. the [thi 43 pital lriteek, free oftiBo► tea, payable to the beekholdert eretheir beg Sellteebtiteilvea, you , ' or alter the Mb elyribare J. E. BRADY, Sr., Outlier. DIVIDEND NOTICE. At. the ananal nesting of the b.rectors of the ALL E. (ISBNS - GAS COMPANY, held May let, a dirt. dead of POTS PEN CENT. was declared out of the preen, of the last alx months, paiable on and after Marldth, my2d4 J. N. DATISSON, Treasurer. Freer NkrioNef, Prrennounn, Roy let, ineLS. TILE DIRECTORS OF TDB FIR T NATIONAL RANK, OF pirTsui4RGH., heee this day declared a dividend of FIVE PER VENT. on.tlie ()ROW &took. out of the prollte of thepuit ea months, itayable to the Stockholder., tree of Government MIN D. SOULLY, Ossliter sw...D NATIONAL BANN, PITTSRIMOEf, Moncomr, May Ist, 1965.. The Board of Drreetore of this Hank have t Ls day declared a dirldeod or SEVEN PER GENT., free of Government Tax, on the illsoltal Stook out of the profits of the last elx rionths, payable to thestockhokiers or their legit' iepresentntives, end after the 00th loot. asytusrd 0. H.ItIOCIS, °ashler. DIVIDEND: Osamu WasTatra luaus/Jane Pversnonon, May 24, teed. t The Board of Director. of We llomhany have this day declared et dividend Of FIVE DOLLARS upon each .hare of the CowlLai Stock, out cif the ... e p e e pew*, of the last es month.. free of Gov ernment cod State Tcooe. TWO DOLLARS per share of which to be spoiled .e', credit to Stock acrnunty and THREE DOLLARS per entire to he ld to cash to stockholder. onl and after the Bth Poet. WAI. n HERBERT, tuyalad Secretary. BA-N. INT Prrratitlitoff, VIA Hp, 24, • TUE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTO / tS . 0 have this day declared the hundredth repulse Diridenof of Ihts Baia, hems FIV,E , PER ofgkrr m, lts Cl/guts' Stock, out of the profits of the last six months, which ortll be pahl to the Stockholders or their hood repreventatives, on to anti. the 124 lost, tree of Ilovemconst tax ot)l2teettlrY JOHN II&ROEFI, Oubleo Eromuros N, .....11T1011AL 138.86 Or PlTTBlnrilf/114 PITTAIIVItoeI. PA. M.,' 241. IB6S. TEE DIFLECToRs OF THIS B& IC -.. have aeelared a alehtend of FOUR PER CENT., payable oa or after TUESDAY, the ata last 'I be 'United States tax *III Ibe paid by the Book. U. BL MURRAY, Oaahler. roy3a4 CTIOX 1941.E5. AUCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED WitiSES. QAPAIITFIIIIASTIM F, Grfra are i=1:171 , 142, VASHIECITin. Cr T, Ap4l ' ls, 1443. Will be sold, at public: auction, to the highest bidder, at the tine and place, earned below, air : BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, THURSDAY, • May 4. NM. cuatist.ri PENNSYLVANIA, THURSDAY, Nay WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, THURSO AY Mar 18, 1865. ETITSBUTIGH. PENNSYLVANIA, FRIDAY May 28, 1666. TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES, at Path plats. ; These horseh have been eoneentnedlas unfit for the cavalry service of the army. ; gmtla For roadmay end farming purposes, twiny good bat. beseL II ones sol e shag' Beret .worn q. MATS --On be WEN, scill sold ROOMS. Ind Smithfield Street. °nil ail the Pint °nice, (entrance at rear of the Nonin, directly front Fifth street, la addition tA, Inside ent(a ooo from that floor. Sales Rooms,) the tier. b.ick IrafenOnen. So. 16 Market street,ltest to corner of first street...having Vie feet front and GI) feet In Aepth to an eight font alley. Also lots on Penne) Ivani• Avenue, in Lightb Ward, larowa:7 Boyd and hUgh si reets, each 22 feet fr,,nt and all feel Itf depth to Wats 1, street. a 6D foot street. Also hip lot On Boyd!. 11111, frontlink ate feet on Chestnut street,. and 202 feet I. &lab. Pounded by Vleioy Ltd Marta streets. Traxa or 1661.1 6 -Citah. mya A. 61c1I.WAINE., A' _ 411 BUILDING LOTS IN BOROUGH OF LAWSENUET/leLE.—sesru AD Alf ALFTEItNOOI9, May Otto, et Z or:leek, will be sold on to. premises, 40 building lobs liana...loa situated on the ateensanisTurnplaik, handthittla IP situate, between Dellelontaine steam and St llary's Avenue. scatty opposite •,Union Park," being part of the welf-knowli /teller estate. Terms easy; made known at sale. Thom wish.. frig to view the prermlimi before sale,, can call on O. S. Rates, butler street, near Alien. Plana of the property can be obtained at the Auction Rookie, toe Smithfield etriet, opposite the Post Ofbee : ml 9 , A. AleibbrAlNE, Atiatinneer. - - VALUABLE BTOCKB Al' AUCTION. r —TUESI/A VENING, May ath. at to o'clock, will be S o ld on the second floor or the Commercial Sales . Roomi. 106 Smith Mild oppoalte the Volt Mice, (entrance at fear of the Room., directly from Fifth street, In #44lltlouto trialde carious , from drat door,Saks ROeins,) oshare. lilleminam Denonilt Co.; 10 • Moen. gh ta and Manufacturer.' Bank; mye• A. hIcILWAINE, Auctlanee'r. • WILL BE ADDED TO THE LIST OF fitoekc already advertised to he sold THIS EVENING, TUESDAY, AN* Rh, at 71 4 , o'clock, on second finer of Commercial Saks. Rooms, lee Smithfield Street. (entrance at rear of Roo , di rectly from Filth street, In aildluri to Inside en.. trams from tirektlorinalea Room,) IM shams Lac - hangs Bank; 100 tUolon Storing and Rellnlog On.; m) l/ A. IdelLW &INS, Awitioneer. CoIIIPErIL OIL CLOTLIIL Sp GREAT REDUCTION la Prise of CARPETS. Seslrhor to ationl use public "P" Pagii u lq t rA good. " Corresponding with .the beeline In 001 d. And the impending tumble la' Worsham:Use generally Wilms:stela day Marked down pries, Throusbout our entire secs* .a OW the largest : And Wont complete assortment , fc i sh=c l hoice patterns. 1 :.Velvets,: Two and Three Ply logribt, Hoar US Cloths, Window Suedes. h. At a rodustlod or • Twoutpdve to Thirty-three acid one-third per eesit. IcYABLAND 4 COLLINS. 11 end TO FIFTH STREET Newt doer to thistofti Itcluse had obit NEW GOODS. Una-pets AT ALMOST PEACE PRICES We ore now receiving our flecvrui General afteortment for Wm eeueon, bought at thn REDUOTION. We odor to punts/eta the greatest adeintagoi,of the market. The Newest Styles and -Lowesti Prices W. D. & H. MCALLIIM, 1 87 FOURTIP ENTERPRISE MILES, ATWOOD, RALSTON & Ca, ilannfaetaren aid Commission liottinusis oAAPETINGS. Oft Goths, Mattit4a, ft AV. No. 619 wazitowlluw - STREHT, mom. •• PHILADE{.I.III4 1500E8; 41L1104111r8, 11:113T 0131 %- , IIALLOWEI? BONGS, et OA A moot oxotHest 'Mtn*. new. I . HTISIOAL LEAVES. 40 IMAM 40,M03 way THE the hest month orTHEpu I • • • THE MOTHZR Jost Wood. A blogrophy THE CHRIST OP 00.WELS. Lectures on .11enaa'a Life of :dun." I • - PHIPTOGRApH ALTIUMS. Wholeiklo ash ALBUM OLlDEli.sTitaiiiitur apt* T. READ, 111 Fourth, Strain — l7 Ulf ALL PAPER--31ew., - oltetip el rase. For rde at N 0.107 Mark atm Fall strett,ll F INN. B. HVGR =ES 80928 .I.Bxo SEIOES. NEW GOODS, 11171 4 1 /olistealco and TiLetatia AT BORLAND'S: Beata et all kinds, Riess It all kinds, Gaiters .. at al kilos, Me at micas te silt eindnuers. Gail and lumina our stook, and be marines/Ism your rU lase pursksaing et/enlist., tiallinir, on s steak of ' • AMP W i alli..*GXCl k.ra.m - ames. Gall was and Isn't !met tke plass, "Alit la at BORLAND'S, eys . N litatter. Stree t N door from Mille 1400T5 AND BLIDES.—Ne are meek lag ear Spring and Summer Stalk *rs, t ROES AND eirrffits, whisk we are ollating at rho MO o t Prio o so. IME=I ISOTTII & ROSS, NSTOCK OF 7 ' bare put r at burl and well seieeweed BOOTS AND SHOES. rued from Me Sant willk • I took of sours.. WOES GAITERS, SLIPPRS, he. at gretly redolent ►War and eonsognantty own 'Mr elkick I kayo rank oe au:oust of the Superior nducementa to 1111 Old ourtonteco Boutelober that I hat , drat Kant, 2 doors bet to show oy Kook of ao with a (ton. moored from 99 to It Ted. or where I will .0 plaaool roida to all who asp favor . K. IiteOLINTOOL, W.f., •Iltghaq One. JAMES ROSS, MEI= SELLS THE WEST, EMEZS • T F/TTDie, Tut BORT DURABLE. .Escocrrel osztcompi, Of any house In the city. He has just received a meenuticent • SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK. TRY HIM. •I THE' "STAR" WORK! JUST RECEIVED BY GEORGE ALRREE. SON & CO., Re. SI WOOD STREET. Beta' and Tooth', Hag A33 . 1 . 3L0ni1a . ; Ox ßootees; Children's Coat and Kid Shoes. These 'tootle are made to our special ender, soil are warranted unequalled custom work. 101 l ItEJNOPALS. RE3fOVAL WELLS, RIDDLE h CO., have removed their extensive Whip Store and I•actory to No. Ida WOOD STRE., comer of gin Alley. where their are prepared to fill all orders for WHIP LASHES AND SWITCHES promptly at the lowest price. myt REMOVAL .-DAV. CRA.ITFORD, Comatenon: Merchant In Fig Metals. Blooms, &D. haa removed hl. °Mee from No. t2l WATER T. to 0011NER OF wrKpq eta PALSY STREETS, over Peoples' Notional Mot. The Itoot Commer thO 'MOOCH canted on to all 11a brooches. thigh advaame mad*. thumbromeato oolbrltsL stty, Sir Retell to NW 4a02 iiiSonfacturert at ties arillcod 11011 XllO VA L.—Wt have this day removed from No.. Wood Street le No. *BO and 382 Penn Street, Seotni near balldleg. ovpoidte the Cleveland and Pittsburgh reeled. Deem. PATTERSON, A.MXON at CO. Pm:sal:rasa LOA' an. tar aptlf NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, HACKS, &d. Rotten to hereby glean to all owners of Drays, Carts, Oarrinres, Howes, toe., whether outdo= or --oldect in the thty of Plttaburgh t te pay Welt -ILlcences at the areasurer. ....oe of the city 6 Plttaborgli, forthwith, In accordance with an dot Of Ameesbly, approved Mora. SO, teeo,:and as Ordi nance of the (Jouncits of the Oh, of PUtaeurph, passed rus e s 4 not paid U not paid on or before May 15, MS, will be placed In the hands of the Uhlef of Pohbs, for collection, sullied to him fee of 60 cents for the collection thereof, and all persons who neglect or refuse to take out Licensee will be subject to a penalty, to be recovered before the Stayor,doulda the amount of the License. The old metal plates of perileni years must be r.t u reed at ,„•:, time Licenses are taken out, or pay le omits thwart. HATES Or LICENSE. Each one hots* Mk.* .1 7 60 Each twat horse . 42 al Each four hone . ' Is Ce Each two horse trick IS GO Ocsalbases and Timber Wheats drawn by two hones, *tableau dollars each. Meech additional horse Wed In soy w One above rehllles,ons do ll ar. W. EIIIIIBAUW, Oft, Treasurer. Preas -- sonort. February Nth, Ma Will . . CINCINNATI LEAD PIPE klqii MEET LEAD WORKS. M'CORMICK & GD3SON. Na. 10 Zriasart ISM. CINCINNATI, OHIO Make to order PIPES A . .HD SHEETS of any required weight and Mee- Sheets .pealminnee _foot, 23i tha t , and upwards. "rigor PM %e l n eydrs ulj Ited%ra . nd a lo a f ° ll;:l7 ng meth,. .We Would earecially ask the attention of Plum tent - and Proprietors of WI Woeful and Oil Well. mimetted FURNITURE., AND CANE AND WOOD CHADIS, El.ll 3!IO tttttt W 4. WHOLESALE O H RETAIL US. W WOODWELL, " Nom. THIRD STREET .Opponfte E. Edmundsoa & Co.'. and oda go. 111 FOTOZTR * STREET. • McCORD x CO., Wholesale Dealers In Hats, Caps and. Straw Goods Hire now In store the largest and most complete Koch of • • GOODS FOR FALL eALFS, Ever peered to the west. bas OA are requested to cult and exerttue our stork.. 'I will be sold at very low rates. • no) :MOD ItTELEICE EWING,WOOLBLAIR, REIMER ct Real EState Agents, and dealers in OIL AND (30A.L, LANDS In . Pennsylvania, Ohio and Vividnisa • Office No. M 7 (Id ter) MUSTY &MEET, asnaind PITTSBURQh. PA. - _ JAMES M. BALPH, 4 1 =0.131,11ACiCat, prepares EXPLICIT DRAWINOS and SPEW. FRIATIONS, for all kinds of buildings, annsupoo Intends their erection on rinisonable te rms, oorowoo on ANDERSON STREET 4 botanist Laenek son Robinson. Allestienv Cis i QATTER'S BARERS' LJ hare ber'..n using S A WYER'S SOA.PS. BARBERS' I SOAP tor ;ova five years, end ran uy without hesitation that It is superior to any other that I have erer mid for Toilet and Shaving pummel'. . • JOHN B. CATLIN, sh,,Utps saloon, No. 69 Diamond, Allegheny Oity. • holm .. 10011 117111. STEEL a BAILEY, JOIN AIMIXT . stock Brokers and Real Mate Wale Mocks bought sad sold oceindystsorsi, BALL: - RAWYEIVEI BASHERS', 80A.Pa-1 e , have for the vastleur year, used mamma's BARBER A , BUAP, and madder 11 superior .to .any other 'have ever aced, either lathe totlaler tor stratlat4 : 4 1) 11 4C":.%• FourthStreets/limas Salocsa: P.LOIIII I FLOUR I I FLOUR! I t-400 - bbl! (Zola ramat _Ronk to Wawa and for We by buuIaTTLE a Pao& • : -- . ; m and 10Waterstreet. REED POTATOES.. . . 20 bbla Bockotes sod POW-Blow% . 40 oaelrA Ohio roach Blow% 6141 , WV. P. VI DUI. k UM XrE PARLOR PAPERS TO ARRIVE ." this week •t No. tee Wiwriet street SOS JOS. R. EUQUESA 4.19'11 Zia,NICERg. TIZ.E..IStr6I( DEP/LICIVENI, Orrro or Ooze roo 4han or TOE Colituotor, Ira.attrrarror, April Mb. I. AVITERBAK BY SATISFACTOR oT, orhhatoo P.reamtaol lo the undeishraoh ft hor twee mad. to spoon , ' that THE ECNANGE NATI&NAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, in the city a Pittsburgh, in tho county of GUIs. Shen, and State of Pcousylraalso has Dose duly organised undrr and according to the requirements of thearts of Clocunese, entitled ' , AnAct to pro. vide a Nallonaleurresey, secured by a piastre of Otitis( Staten Bonds, sod to provide for the aims tattoo and redemption thereof, 'Amused Juno sd MI, and has ecnsplieil with allithr provisions of said act to:paired to be complied with hetore eons menclny tee trosinsis of banklag nodes saki att. Nowthereinto, I, FultEll.4.l, etAvocz. Comptroller of the Cu , renal, So hereby certify that /The Eiteharge po. tional Bank of Pittsixugh,.. ta.the cit of Pitts burgh, in the county of Allrgbetirs ali t State of Perinsvivanii, is outhorked to commence the busi ness of Banking wider the sat aforesaid. {. . °turnery Hereon, In testimony whereof Seal of the wanes. my hand sod Comptroller of the - srml •of • offiteathill 260 Ourreney. day of April.lol6. Treasury Department. , , FREEMN lE,' apfeftad Minot-roller o f of the M thuAMveney. TEE EXCIIANGE NATIONAL BANK, O f Pittsburgh. Chartered by Om CeQQit& ,Organind Rader lido of Pa., ISM! sl,oo,ooo.latnq Law 18 Teas Bank hoe been designated a 'DEPOSITARY , OF THE United States Treasury, and appointed ogent foethe . sale of the 7.00 LOAN. u LEt p elrj e tlt e r f„ Wpg,:gere4 to Instates. or pat ' 13. H. HURRAY, Cnahter. aillthtt • ITIE rEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh PAPITAL $1,000;00U, wire privilege of ii , RAW . Rome CORNER FIRST AND WOOD T'his Rank, omardrod ander the NatJpnal Rank. tog System is new prepared to transact bonbon at Its Banking Honse,eorner of Wood and Tint' streets. Collections made on all aelawSible points on the most favorable terms. Spatial Agents for JAY COOKE, for the sale of the 11. S. 7 3-10 Treasury Notes. liAllitlEL REA. President F. it GORDON, Oaahler. S. C. IItePT4ERSON, Teller. ap296-ad BANKING HOLISM. N. HOLMES & SONS, \TI3C7CIrtfa. N 0.57 Market Street, Pittsburgh DIPOSITII RECEIVED IN PAR FUNDS AND CURRENCY Ctotteeth= made on all the prtnatpal Pante et the United States and (Mandan. • STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SEOI7EITIE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMNOSSION Particular attention paid Co the purchase and sale of VSITED STATES SECERMES, tauctrmaa Patted Rates Rims of lapt Da. Sa• .-sra Da. MIA. 1040 s: Do. heats-TetrUnt; N. Certificates of Lowman,. 2RDEI2B AND vouctaas BODO= OR inl9:ty OOLLRODED. WEE!MII . ,CliAltrefiED NS& • O pen daily from I to 2 o'clock, also on Wednew day sad Saturday :timber lA, from 1 to evening, Item May lot to Pfo. D Wolock, and from November tot to May lit from is to 6 ceolock. Deporits received of all sums of not !faith= One Dollar and a dividend of the of declared twice a year , In Jane and December. Interest has been declared semiannually, In ,72die and December, since the Bank was organized, at Ms rats of ale per cent. • year. Interest, If not drawn out, Is plated to the malt% of the depositor as principal, and bears the suns interest from the end days of Jane and December, oompoundbm twice a year without, tnrablint the lepontor to call. fir even to present hie pus book. At . l.kdk ate money willjdonbie Nee than twelve yeti*. Books, containing the Charier, ily•LaWs, Lass and Regulation), furnished gratis, on application at the office. . Pkiiiiiskarr—GEGßOZ ALBREE. vial rasernsave. William/. Amlemon, Pollock, John 0. Beakefon. A. Rober lL t Robb, M. D., geol. L. Fahnestissly John H . Shoimbergar, James Herdman, Junes ShMIN Jam.. McAuley. -Alexander Speer, fuse AL Pennixik, Christian Yews. MILIMITAMt. IMMIn AJams, Henry J. Lynch, JoLn C. Bindles, Peter A. Madeira, George Black, John Marshall, Hill BUM , Gn, Wallas P. Nardi*ll, Alonzo A. thirster, James B. D. Mete, Oberlin A. Colton, John B. ractFaddea,l Wm. Douglas, Jobs On, John Evans, Henry L. Itingiralt, John J. Gillespie, William B. likkuurts, William S. Haven. Alexander nod's, Pater IL Hun elly.ker, WilliamWhlttlitt, Vankirk, Ri chard Hays, . Win. P. Wep James IL K Isaac Huitroser...4:lolAEL A.. HOLTON rium. Sanytasp—liLblLS . B. D. HEEDS. all stimr - TRY-WA:MT DEPARTIIIE7iT, 1 OPTICE OP COXPTPOLLPIt OP TOE OVIVIENOT, hington, March gad, iSS3. WHEREAS r v evidence.personted to the underalgued, It has been made te appear that . • FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BIRMINGHAM, la thio bonmigh of Dinningham, in the county' of Allegheny and State of Penne , ./vania,haabeen duly organized under and aseordisd to the rersdrementa of the Arts of Conarma entitled "An Aot to pro vide a National Currency, secured s o t pledge of United State. Sonde, and to prorkl the dna lotion and redemption thereof,. approved .June ad, Pk% sad him compiled with all the provision/ of mid act required to be complied with before oom ramming the business of banking under told act: NOW therefore, I, FROINAIf ULAN!. 00/144.1431- ler of the Currency, do hereby minify that" The Ilmt National Bank of Birtabcghrth. In the hor ough of liirmingham; In the eounty of Allegheny, end State of Pennsylvania. Ls authorized to ems silence the hardness of Banking under the e s afore said. { Uurreaay fictively to testimony' whereof Ebel of the witness my hand and reel Comptroller of the of office, thle =I der of _ --; Currency. flank WU. Treasury Depertment: .1,,.....—__..........—..._. • F.ICIAN CLATtIi., relmeMnd • Comptroller of the Currency JtIERCIIGIXT TaILOILS. BISSELL'S . BLOCK. W. H. ZWEE, 10 ST. CLAIR STREET , Would mill the attention of buyers to his stook t goods. It has been select,* with _great care_ , al : contains all the NEWEST STTL ES or GOOD to be found in first Gass houses. (lents wishing v suit of clothes made to order, will please call and examine our goods and, prizes. Also, a full and complete stook of Irit,u•m:Ltin32lis4; CiZC: ocHciss. IC H. NeGEE. Kim:num. TAnoli, No. 10 80. CLAIR STREET. JUST: RECEIVED FRESEI SUPPLY OF Eoys' Clothing, FORME PRESENT SEASON, At Greatly Reduced :Prices. GRAY 4 /DUI, 4'7 sr. CLAIN. 871119151' w')0; ALIMMEft M=Mfda SONa Now O ooo' PAW TheitZew 863"14 30 AI fl NOrdi Mai 1i.;134 ail Willa et. a utieen MAY Tins thetsadideaMeitne, Ing WV a icanuisedaress In this inelal,LWOukl sollat eenelgrimenee-__. IVOUL, wOOLEN' YARNS, paul luorroN Lump mad snake OAST! advances, 1/ desired, oa, a '3lStdpaseatt„ at Umtata of Ali per mat. per atiIIII34.- feZaaul JERVIICJIIL 111 1 11P11111:1"8 INEOPITHIC RUM VIIPPII elllolllfra MET RATE BEEN , L 1 VSE, FOS' TVA{ • AND YISOUtiMPASI "HAVE BEER OILRED BY MEWL Rrap - mtti Mar 'ovma , Parel . .ooglpealaila all zataaunatie Seat, Pala the at. nod tafiemotetarr Afeesee. 'Prber . No. n—Copee Forman rarer, Worm Gene MAY • telou Appetite. Witting Go Efe4...Rrieeal..o ol l No. L--Orr.. 00110., Teeeh , ng. OrTind Mares, Blow Growth sad Feeblectema Of lore PrieWg3 exam IIi`• 4.—Ouree Diarrhea. et Milano or Cholera Want= sad Bummer iheaplatrita: " 4 eiWo, Nig t and 8 elm tha3rhrit eases of Clgemis l i ;, ev , nres ',mutest or Moods , Inllona Coll; 1 1 141 Drleaderre n* B . ll %o. ii.—Por Cholera. Cholera literbus, Dann - antrVomiting. Aethaastle Breathing.- - senate. "No. a—Cures Coughs, Cold., Hoelnaser, ibtliv, Influenza and Sore Throat. , 01114111__ This end No. arm felts enze the worn WY • sad Cough". Re. el—Cares _Toothrtatte, Duo-ache, Deem nen And Tin Dolorena. Pziee 35 canto. No. ii—Ctuvo Neadoeho, Stekliewhiohe, Vette" Ihuh of Blood to th e Head. Price 14 Gents. Is addition with No. 10,1 t, never foils to man the nod lavoterstiseasta. • 10—Oures Dyspepsia, Weiik, Add or Dom" M Stomach, ConsUpstion, Liver Cletspialuti Bilious Condition. Pries 35 cents. . . ....... . lanALlasto for all sesta Of Wuk Digestion gam )Ntwe Canogalats. • No. 11—Ouree Suppresse4 gamies t or Scanty, ag PainfuL or Delaying, Greer Sickness. le boob,. 7.l—Cures Leueorrhes or Whiten, HMIS( Does too Profuse Menses as acute. No. 13—thirea Croup, Hoarse croupy Ckragts , DUSault and Oppresae4Breathhlg. 16 coat& No 14--Oures Salt Rheum Crusty Eruption Erysdpelas, Scald liesd, Batten' /Wt./Up/OS all the Face. 86 celiac No. lb—Cures Rheumatism, Pain, Lameness, Of Borenees In the Ohest, Back, Side, or /Ambi1,..116 bleistica. 15 cent.. No. ld—Oures Freer and Ague, Intermittent Pft Ter, Dumb Ague, Old Inveterate Agues. No. ll—Cures Piles, Internal or External. Blind yr Bleeding, Reeent or Obstinate. 60 cents. This remedy has cured thousowli of the Nord possible eases. • No. I'S—.(iree Opththalmi,a Weak or Inflamed Eyes or Eyelids, Failing or Weak sight. 110 mate. It may always be relied upon for a aura. No. W—Cores Catirrh, wale or chronic, dry Pt Sowing. Cold is the/lead, Inlinestra. GO mats, No. M—Unres WhOoping Cough, shortening awl pallotiog It, or Spesmodia Cough. SO sent.. It is Infallible, and always tilleves and amen No. 21—Uures Asthma, Oppressed, Didieult h t bored Breathing, Cough and Expeotoratket, ea note, Hundrela Lave been anted, by it. No. ki—Cure Ear Discharges, Noise to th • Head, Inlpaired Hearing. Earache. No. Ms—Cures 'Scrofula, Enlarged Glenda, anti Tonsils Swellings and. Old Ulcers. OP 'ants. Has Mired the worst. cease. No. *Wore* General Debility, Plsystral or Am. ons We:Llama. OD cease No. 25—Cures Dropsy, Plaid Aosnmalettong, ads Swellings, witn Scanty Secretions ell 26-4.)nree Sea... Sickness, Prostration, Veell Vomiting. go Gents. leo. 11—Oures Urinary Diames, Gravel, of Painful Urination. ea cad Goresll old eases of Kidney Messes. No. IS—For Seminal Emirs:lona, Iwoluni Disch arm and consuent Prostration and DOM , Bad Basal to of Habita. Price di 00. Thumort effiedent remedy known, and Gan died nren as is turn mire. . N0..10-otim Sore Month or Stomach, eankefed Month of Adults or Children, and also Nassau and Vomiting of Pregnant Paemsdaa. 101 astda: • Cures atone. . .• . . —Nona.—tharea Urinary Incomtinen Waitl the bed, tooFregarat, Pohl:Col s or Mite tioa. Ito. a4 - Cures Palatal Meostruatloa, Cramp or Spasms, Pratittla, /tatting, at Lim of Females. Ft Olt It act. like a chant. NO. at—Ouree Suriering atot LITe,-- ularitior, Fbrebes of Heat, art, sad Disease of the Heart. • SI Ob. No. 04—Curd laptherta oM Moetatit newt Sore Throat. a 2 cants: No. as—Cure. Convulsions pr!ipsenas of WWII or Adults, and Cramps of all Ida • - No.SS—Cures Biliousness, asAsot of Au Lowness of Bpirits, Jsundles, OcassUparloMl Liver Complaints. No. sa—Ourei Bolls, Carbunelm, and on See MIAs kind. Nan—Curer at Acute Skin Eraptlona, eaSsee. let Fever, Meanler. (Thicken Pot, tr. No. ll—Cures Chronic • Dry Gough. ono N. with Norco= 00114; with expectoration. ...7thuturn 945Illiteamt.Or fn Monomial tltng ln the T root. he-so—Core• uoart.lturlonal Disponi:Man q ty Quest Attack, of liondnaho. Asth Nma.o. 40 —Curia' Ornatitutional Dlipoaftlon to 28 nal Molly LAW N MI vial family cane, morocco Re vast case, plain. 16 vial use as vial Phyalclaa's visa flpfDl HAIL&IBm For Bums, Scalds, Oc ts,Brallßoeallsohoieness, nem, Spralelt Ithestuuktimi , Moen, MI Bores Nod Toothash. ado like s seam Prise 06 teats. The trade suPPlial at N.. York MUM IDar Stromedlea by NalL. Loot toner the Ilst, mane up a ease at wbat YL you choose, end Inelme the amount In a turret sate or stamps, by malt to my addran, and lb treearedtet lne be duly returned by mall ore charge. I. X FULTON. Irma 9treec , iDisycnit Second door batio st Qs Poet Nu*, aka Wholesale agent for Pittsburgh and vicinity: COUGH HO MORE. rat wrinesiaarws BEM:MODE COUGH BALSAM ba, O BALSAM t o w la arra ys n atimunm(3on atre 00B13 dd 8 ted to aura gs Roanew, Asthma, Whooping " Cough. Sots hoat, Oonsption, and all affections of VA . Throat and L. For alle by - Diveralsta. Gonadal ,Dapot. I Bo Fourth street, Olnalounall 0. 3:11: :Maar DA the Nedlosl teem and tbe_plan reeommem i i R. STRIMILANyt3 ANII-CHOLSILA. wag, names the only certaLa remedy Lori:Santee sal =troy. In le • combination of Astringently' bent; Stimulants and ilia and .. warranted to elhot • cure attar all caber mane ~ bays Fou For rth drum, saki by Droorista Genera Depot,* STRIMEIAND I S PILE WOOL DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE RIIKISDT bee mired thousands of the worst coma of Blind and . Bleeding Film It glees Immediate reilet,rasul tecta t z =eat cum Try It directly. ItO - ' For wile by all Drugglds. General Depot, milli Fourth stmt. Olnainzati. O. Dyepepela,. fiermaiese, Debility ' , DE. STEIOI3f3 TOi • Fs eau resotomand those enthulag With bite Apeelte, Indleeitton OrDeepagutrdervototeell It Le tad Nervous Rebuity, to nee !tt Tools, a vegettliht tion, free from aloobedie hoop/nit strenethepreparam hut whole nervous It creates a good apyettte, and it inomanted= DR. A:TRAKTiVII=tith For woe by DE..CFECI. KETSZS, 1101121* Wood street end Virgin alley sad R. F. =JAMS CO.oorner of Wood end Setandpredet burgh; and by' PARS - t BELLI , 0.,77 oett drd.neti A MAN OF A THOUSAND.—A CON SUBLPTIVE OUBED.—Dr.Ii. TAXES, a re tired physician of great eminerem,dlsoovered,whila in the East Indies, a mask' cum for Ctonsamp.', tlon,_Asthsta, Bronshitts, Coughs. Noble, and Elea. end Debility. The remedy NM diseovered br what his only child, a daughter, was given WU, die. Els chili" arm cured, anu Is now Alm [y., well. De/drools of beuentting Ids fellow mart*, he will send to those who wish It, eontainfor • directions for making and successfully using stag; muledy, fres', on receipt of their namen,•wltli twe stamps to pay expenses, There ts not a alerts • symptom of Corummption that it does sot_„ WWII. lake hold of and disipate. Night .• sweats, posy, Ishness,litritattorr of the nerves, failure of anima% diflkult •expectoratton, sharp palms In the fur; sore threat, chilly sensations, nausea at the. stomach, Inaction. of the bowels, waiting 111111, at the maseles. bir•The writir•will please state the name of the paper they see thts adverUsement •ExldNes, _• ORADDOOK & Olt; • 025 Norttrtteeond street, Philadelphia, Pa. felldnittawdaeovrwr 14'0R71 211A.R8 P.M.OTIOth • • !MEDAL DIREASZO; • fitvea me a knOWIe widow. amparad PAyay, • ,elima. Imag ratioe •In this dim and • the, • •moon of patteata treated aaaaally, by atu• act , ouffle•Mt morel Ittleodm, r SPEBISA V YORRII rSEXUAL WEAR mii And all diseases Mialng ° therefrom, aro aural, ta much Aorta, Ram than bazetofora • o nes ys VEGETABLE REMEDIES. Ittedies seat: $0 tap part of the Valou. - . letters mast aoatala • damp to pal reaunkzaitag Oonespoodeami sacred. oei BM rraFD2.l) street, near MM. - mood UltM Aanaii JW I)BayAig:Digit Mee NEE PENN ETRE 1111401, Poe seei of all Of a n aststilele , • ~ I tsi n= a o talks* days, byan cancels, sinr sad sal - Also, Seminal Welshman:sat all Ms • amass= elf Qs geossi crush sad tbadrproniattifty' a sure warrsatios or wow . - - '••• " 600 oulnti! Ptsts street memo 1 . 841.41.0 CRAW'S - • _ . Nun RAW XIII; AND BARGE YAlu? Craig Street, Ailezbeay, .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers