M. ribWO cganitc - rulatintro Dr .1113 GIZETT; 211BLUEN4 IbSOCLITION. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20; 1865. TAXES AND DIITM cix !MEM We give place to the following coirununl , Ncatioriirith pleasure, knowing that Triad elan never auffer in fair discussion, whatever may *144120 of oophittry. We propose to append a few remarks ; and to avoid repeti tion md save room we throw them luta the - .-forna et:reference notes. The reader will be kind crouch to &rune th e reference marks (a) (6) t.te. as he proceeds,' • FITT1301:11(014 April oh, Mastns. Enrrona Gazzaret—lteadlug in your istpe of this morning an article from - the pen of Mr. James M. Cooper, in favor greaVer protection than at present given to the manufacturers, I woul thouglarelf a manufacturer, point o ut some portio ns - of hie letter, which would seem sr fetched and absurd to an unin structed (perhaps disinterested would bo treer word) eye. _ ) In bra statement of the revenue derived • from rolled or himinered steel, he biddies the revenue derived from the manufacture of blooms, bar Iron, crucibles, moulds, cast logs, excise on coal, oil, stamps, &a each of which belongs solely to •thotto separate branches of trade; - and if they' eau, with propriety, -be ;included in . Mr. Cooper's statement, then should he also include the sevens/vi t al:Jai:lse derived. front the private aspen ;of every atorkman .and ern ployee the trade. (a) • lie states the . ..l.Am government 'requires forty per cent; or the grroliteof each manufacttuer, whereas, the - :truth ix, . requires (but seldom obtains even that) only temper cent. of a portion of their net profit—permitting them to deduct a very liberal sum before levying the tax. All other taxes and excise are included by the manufacturer as a part of the cost of goods, and their profit then added, so that not they, but the consumers pay the tax. (6) Again; be -complains pathetically -that there to less thin one cent per pound differ ence between the duty on foreign steel and the erase :irmerican manufactured steel. Allow o use his own figures to show what the "little difference" amounts to. Total imports, 16,000 tons; duty $768,- 000 in gold,. or $1,170,000 in currency. To tal domestic manufacture, 92,500 tons; ex elsed income tax $ 720,000 in currency, or $480,000 in gold- whereas, if taxed equal to fcrreignirnports, it would pay $1,105,000 in golcl--a maven in favor of domestic manufactures of only $625,000 in gold, or nearlrsT,4llo,ooo at present rates of - crt rren cy. This -does not take into consideration the protention, afforded by 3,000 miles-1g transportation on imported steel, with its srazioturcbarges and commissions, or the enormous ' protection afforded during the yearsby the advance In exchange. three extend these remarks much , frut as I am an advocate of just pro ! eection,'My obiect is only to show that pa , • pen actrauts Ifs. Cooper's do us MOT! harm han spsod,thelt Wise' being: so easily ex posed. , H. (o—trotiting cis be more dlshigenuons th.n this first poiltion. Suppose • a maim factswer.'of skid nutxtufacured his own lblooms ii4ey for. the purpose of ultimately converting that iron into steel, he must pay an excise takiktxm thosi bicitisib. He then convertillasznis iron Into bars; these bars are also twesd. ,,- He then' finishes the pro test by ttiftecttnitlieseltius Into steal; that steel is Wad glean dollars reit= Here . , are threetittai willelt the article baipaia •in its transition from pig -iron-4o finished steel, eactrand allot 'Which add so coach therioduction. • Titan suppose he ownsland, and mines his own coal Is thatcualli c : me kg te cusps tazation.t exactly. tin he • =Met his own ern . tables, will they not pay a tup as crucibles! sod so ;•of.;:everything enumerated by Mr. Cooimm. Cin anything be nine oh. Won. to any'' mind capable. of 'Magni; tiro ideas together, that . these :Tarignis commis- tive taxman go to enhance the price of the steel. Whim' are the blooms when the pro; oasis fralahed t , In the ateel.. I ?irhere is the tor IMP?' In the'steel. qirhere is the coal t Ocrasumed 'in malting the; steel. 'Where are the crucibles! Used op in the process of mikhig the steel.' Theo where are all the tax paid by all these things t In the steel too. Can anything be plainer than thin (6)—Atly, to be sure the consumer pays ' It oltlmately, although manufacturer . it In the first instance: - . But we are talking ahoitt 'whit tax Steel pays, not what the otanefaeturer pays; and whether these several nixes are :paid by one man or one or by a dozen, mates no difference. - (e)-_—That ' t T,OOO miles of transportation" we know, it •1L does , not, .is a very small matter intim. pfice Of atc article like steel. As regards ilerangebiint of the currency and the advance in exchange, they' have no` proper phtce fa a discussion like this. 'Evils as they were hi themselves, they hid ono advantage7they olierater during theimist. two Yearn, as 's good, efficient protective Witt, and set - the - wheels of oar national ' industry going flaely—not In the Mattel . of steel only, , ,liist everything. But this state of things' is patinng away, and hence it is the duty of the.Amcrican people to prepare -. for a return to a normal sadlealthy condi- Soli' of thiretttremey,' ant to do It se wisely and so v:roluptly •as to avoid the ciash • which Is Inevitable, unless they foster end I.rOteet iheb . .crwn home industry. • Our correspondent-pays he Is hhnself a suanniacttiren letli 'be that in_ . . ll ePe nee= he7Xellutres some dee; and would lnie•to get it a little cheaper. gum ewe countrymen are side to make It., :But does he not se* that the policy irhich,ntlid se cure to hipLAide sue /RUC lidTlllUge would, injure hhn in a thousand Ways. Ile Nut: sdudled the philosophy of national econo my to little puipose if he does not ,knew &sten the great interests of acountry Oka ffoarislfor langididt togethei—thit the" Dinner cannot thrive if the manufacturer is crippled, or that the mechanic or artisan, ifyil•tyB7 require. some iron or steel in his operations, c a n only hopty, prosper, when tle pros ueers of those . . prospering: And he has profited very little by putt experience, if he . does not know that the oitlY Perriodiiehist this eler tollorfdr:tFte'l".°Perit7.- have beta those wbeibli had ilifgoroirs imoiwarrrit TAIIII7. WhetheriXr. Coorme will reply to this gentleman who has taken •exCeptitont to WI calculations and arguments we cannot tell; . but our own impression Is, that they stand !inn because they' are true-that steel does. pay into the National Treasury $32 per ton; that the &Terence between the amount de rived from foreign kill . ] by the goverritnent doe" not exceed that derived from Ameri - can ateeiby more than one cent per pound— and-that, as 31i. Vockrts says,' the go'vprit , inept detives frof iv o i l t h re ls particular branch, as well tui many.° , forirper cent. of tbe OMB, :nets thee fore 0 that extent a si. • lent sad iriesponallite , -partner in the whole eat= L 7. ' Tan Charleston Courier of April 17th, • es ys that while the printers in the office va ere pultheatatSicherl Ifort — ....fliisiiter 'Pesch in type, they were +doted by Wil liam Lloyil Garrison, who stepped up to a cue and set the ibllosing paternal: "There is mutely a MI IlOrn in' the t3outh'Who has lifted hls hand against this banner but had a Sather who- would 447. e, died for it.,-41iittentoryileskdr; IS l gtei* ,110 • historic priaer - 11. as a fatat fury . struck 'blindness into eyes that used to look kindly towaid„enclrother; that read the same bible; that htlnk over thhistoric pages of our national glory; tha indica the saute Ccin ' elitution?" . .101188811.11 illi . /111P*411dIplit Ttire 4 itorfaftiesuaniesig sec ped moss n thi.lfisatedipi wain time ago, , and leflow in - Texas i'.btrt the West advisee we have from North C6ollna state that at the time. Sametun's treaty of peace was in pro gress he was in Hillsboro, N, C., in tele- Vaphle 'communication.. with BiIECKIN• mos. This is probably . true, and If so, be was virtually present at the conference and took pait in it. While speaking of Gen. Binsttneres ex traordlnaty conduct on that occasion we would refer the reader to a singular story, which will be fonstd among our aelections. Is it possible that Gen. likrattran hag been . long Meditating the thing which he has at tempted, arid communicated that intention to some rebel who set thii storyafloat in London ? .General Gantt, of Arkansas, on :Lincoln and Johnson. General Gantt has written the following interesting letter about the late President, in the course of which he speaks from per sotud knowledge of the character of Presi dent Johnston : . • "Baymilbss., Mn., April 16, 1665. "Mn. WM. A. Lsx—My dear air: I write you from the midst of universal sorrow and mourning. Men speak eith choked utterance and tearful eyes, or, „overpowered with grief, speak not at aIL Tt is a sorrow I which, - finding no adequate utterance, weighs down the- stoutest heart- And the wretches exclaimedi "Sic, reaper tyro unfit" Of", all' the men clothed with authority through all the age; no man can be found to Whom these words are _so totally ' inap plicable. know your sorrow is great' 'For one, I feel perfectly overwhelmed. From op• posing and disliking Mr. Lincoln, I had learned to love him. From believing him •an enemy to my section, I bad, learned to lean upon him as our people's best friend. From believing him a weak, selfish and polltiC 113814 - I bad found him to be one of he greatest, purest, kindest and gentlest of his race. "The best friend or. the Soutling fallen by the bands, of the. meanest of Mankind. ,Awl at a time when so many of us rejoiced In the prospect that the" Southern people would soon see and confers his itindgess - Mid generosity. . - "Mr. Lincoln had filled the measure of human greetness, lie completed the super structure of Liberty that Washington rear— ed, -and as its dome' kissed the' Oleg , he. bathed it his consecrating it through all the coming centuries. "By his life the republic was protected, and, perfected. In - his death It 'wastes:ed. For a moment, mingled grief 'and rage and e thirst for revenge possessed all heirtse In -- imoment more, our humbled:and stricken people bowed submissively to • the will of God. The republic and free institutions had triumphed. "But we must not finio A the future in the' depths of our 'sorrow hi present. •, : In, this, L May,,zhe , more hopefiel than yourself mare of • Tennessee,. I have - known Andrew:Johnson be a ,public man • from boyhood: From that insowledge,4 have unbounded confidence in his integrity uprightnesundlatriotism. ' The' key to his life and sums I gather front the following passage in a monvenationJ had: with, him at the Gayoso, in Memplin the fall of A...D. 1660. struck MO a. lime, and nave ever dice rememhered. it "'Let your actions,' he said, 'in your public career, be governed by this princi ple: study what is bao, for the. people. Vol. - low it with all your .hesat, even though un- Popttlarat the time. Be-patient in waiting: an the great good sense of the people mill bring them to you in the end. They cannot remain long in error:. • "Starting against the popular current In the south, in lea, mobbed 'upon; the ears,',. 'Manned and persetuted, homeless and ex iled, abused by the leaders in his State and section, seethe the people, whom he hut leved mid labored Gar so lopg, taught to disease him, he has, 'been patient, in wait ,ins,' and lived to see the greet good leaser of the c leople !bring them back to him in the - "God has preserved him myifttioasly amid a thousand gaugers 'nod Waft, to, stretch oldish arm deer the entferldgeonth. ' ern mama, and 'Wks' down' their oppreit bora and betrayerg: It enough to say that he has been equal to every emergency so fir,,in his public career. It is a slags. , .lar fact that his friends started Mm. in every canvass lath some distrust as to hte power to meet hie competitors in debate. And yet from his first canvass for legislature, up to the time he met • end ovenrcitched the . 'eagle orator' et — Tenni:owe, each , aide" 'meetixeratronger men than before; lio-! has been equal to the emergency. , propos-! leg him for various otlices.they felt that his popularily wonldwin, but had some rats givings as to how he would fill them. Yet each position lie has filled, from - alderman of a small city npto United States Senator, bag seeped to sit as naturally upon him as through he were horn in it. • In each le has - grown greater; and be has talent, power and energy for this great emergency. the delicate work left 111 m to perform timairds the rebellions States, I had oppor tunities to know the very highest estimate in which his opinions and views of policy. were held by one late lamented' President, • • and kin Secnetav Seward ; • but whatever he may, be, the hour demands that all stand by him Your obedient servant, "E. W. Gazerr. , ' The Inuadatione is Lower Canoga , , . The m ost serious Injuries were Sustained last week by the inhabitants of Lower . Can tide- fuse the inundation caused by - the brealdng up of the'ice In' Lake St. f'eter. 'loge masses of ice -weoi carried along by the torrent, and dashed against. the tonics. The water rose ten or. twelve feet above the level, of the islands .at Toronto. The lower; part of the city was - entirely • Sub-, merged. On 'Wednesday the spire of Zion :Chapel fell In, and to — add to the hotror a tempest set in with unexampled violence. The Totonto. Leader says:. • • In two boars (from•thsee to five o'clock eroWednesday) no less than three - hundred 'buildings, including • one hundred - and fifty dwelling bodges, ' were destroyed .by the combined violence of the wind and waters. - A few houses were strong enough to resist both these forces; and they were filled to, overflowing with refugees. But this des. crlpttou of houses were scarce: In the Isle De Grace, only three. boons withitood the siege ofritlnd and water. In the Isle Aux Ours there as not one, while on the Isle of Madame, which was probably leis - exposed,' one-halt of theni retained their position:, &large n bet. of the' inhalitants'lted. to struggle they best'they.. dould qn whit ever 15 ble tWig they could find, On those tr"b l dtffitteris for iir&-. On that day fifty victim reported to have perished in the Sorel IS ds, and two thousand persons were in imminent peril of their lives;' - ,-- .. _„ _ TEM TUseszoomi..--Fron=yate fetter from Capetown , coast of teCetrod: yesterday, 'we learn that the pirate' Ttilica . .' kaii, has been lying at that port since last fall; having been seized by the colonial nu thorittee at the instance of the 'United States consul, Grains= - . • The Tacalooss war formerly ha* Corirad,*iiich' was captured by the Ala bama in t 863, and converted into a terstiel by placing on board about thirty men and four 12-pound howitzers, and put under the command of one of the lieutenants of the Alabama. The Tuscaloosa put into Cape town for'. supplien—Washingish par. A NOTORIOUS ecipperhead living in the vi cinity of Waterbury, on hearing of the President's death, displayed a flag with the words, "The Devitis Dead," upon It A party of young men proceeded to the resi dence of the scoundrel, and made a demand for the flag. The man denied having ex hibited any; 'whereupon a rope was fasten ed 'about his neck _and be was thresten.ed with. hanging unless he "showed hie col ors." Ile still stuck to his denial, but as he felt the halter drawn'tighter about his wilt , he confolsed his. infamy and brought out the flag. ; After giving him a thras hin g tai ttediare lei hdrow. • . ... . AT Oimp Burnside, • India:moo` Ile, on Wednesday, a soldier of the F:cirly-third re marked (hat ho . would "have ibie-down" over the eWs'of President qLineoliejr item, Ideation, and begin :frbeideti; l r ounk - Aul t indulgi in extravagant demonstrations bt, 3 joy 131 demeideil 'Swig him up ' by thei' nee,l4. - that his toes ' just touched, the ground, onetkept • him:-there until he was black in ;Malign, and Iris spirit was just ' flutterini on the bordets or eternity. Others who expressed their gratification at the MR'S wire SCITed IikOWLET. FIT; in all, v r e elevated. ' '. - _ - Oar Collared Nitrzens. Considerable unpleasant feeling has been stoned among the colored people in this city by the arrangement of the authorities, which practically exclude them from taking any part in the funeral procession of Presi dent-Lincoln. The fact was announced to the congregation of Zion (colored) Church yesterday, and at the Other colored churche4 The fc.thngs of the people were pretty mill phatieally expreased. At Shiloh Church a number of white citizens were present, and an animated Ibsen* m-took place. We understand that the Common Conn • cil Committee having charge of the arrange ments have declined td award them any place in the line. The negroea, who is Abraham Lincoln have loat their best friend, are naturally both grieved and indignant at this unexpected.exclusion. We see no rea son but a shamelbl, and, in present circem stances, particularly cruel prejudice. Our late President was venerated by the whole colored population ith a peculiar degree of feeling; they 100 d upon him as the lib erator of theft. ra ; and new, when, the hand of the assassi has suddenly cut him off, to be refused the privilege of paying res pect to his remains is mortifying and hu miliating. Besides, _we have accepted of the services of these citizens inthe war, and it is disgraceful ingratitude to shut them out of our civic demonstration. . This act of the Common Council is by no means an expression of the public feeling. Even the greater part of those who are po litically opposed to the recognition of negro rights, are unwilling, on an occasion of this kind, when sorrow equalizes all, to recog. Mae any class prejudices.—X. F. Enthing Post. A Singular. .Rumor. _ . The London correspondent of the New York Sunday Times mentions In a letter, dated April Bth, the !billowing extmordina. .17 rumor, "We have bad strange rumors here in 'circulation, lately, in regard to affairs In your country. Gossip has it that your Gen - end Sherman is a southerner by hirtk and does not Mare in the northern hostility to the institution of - slavery; that he mope th zes in this respect with General Lee, and, when the war his been ended, will make himmlfdictator, and so settle the Union re construction after his own fashion! En lightened politicians amongst us laugh at tbls programme, but it -Is surpriskhow general the thing has become, a lois much it lacredited in certain circles." We are assured by a friend thabn report similar tottda has appeared also .ln\certain English journals. Of course this would bo kinghed at as the dream of some crazy se cessionist, did it not appear just at the time when General Sherman has been in some way misled into attempting what amounts to a surrender of our cause to Davis. As this circumstance will attract more ratan- - don then it deserves to the paragraph we ' have quoted, it will be well to remember that Sherman is not "a southerner by '.birth," and that the blunder, while it is 'mortifying to him and to his friends, will probably be corrected in time to avoid evil results to the country and the cause.—N. T. /ironing Post. Tau Montreal Witneio says: "But our dangerja imminent if any of the sound rels Implicated in this assassination (of.P,tos identlincoln) make their escape to Low er Canada. They would undoubtedly meet here plenty of influential friends. There would be found here Judges and Juries 'to 4edde that they had used only a twillger-' ent right. Indeed it will argue' a strange inconsistency If those spars which haxe been foremost in screening the raiders, and tan excused as a belligerent right the as sassination of an. innocent civilian at St. Albans, find fault now with those's:omitt ed in titO murder of.. the •Commander•ln- Chief, of_the Federal arms." PUBLIC XOTICJIB. 001113TT .ITIIIO2I. COZMUMON.— The loyal men of A.Usglutey sonsty, petting the Vann - party, are reotuelhod to assAiriale ' st Ute. places of bolding *hatless Is their Warts, e i natimi: b g iPs e a ad, mtndL and "aPnlh le; t. represent each 6 47Letilet. aforesaid Ut *VON to euwvornoN; to be hell In the 00int rittsetteeh; no - TUZEIDILT. June arA -o'clock te..„ for the' of nol2ll2taidar Ilenst Usher and traniastin each othselrestrare may wow/brought wogs Ihe eleen of delegates In the Winds and nor. and. shall be by higl.or,7tllltl sad .11rg.h14.=.Uttif. MANI houndtonrind sts o'clock 7.1. 7 :By Wpm ot the Tinkle EtreantleetlentsulUee, AL. YL.B*OWN, obaltman. Attu. Untarrisei„l , • Oltirt. $ eta frzrDIVIDEA.II.--TWE IMUCTWILS !Br .0111 Beim prriceittric Alrr :.here deelarid a Cavldend of '1 4 1111) PER CENT. as then Capital Sleek, payable *ay MAWS, at the ernes ot the Company. Beillk /Punk WWI Philadelphia. • '. apthiw- . • WIC. b.. theerridiui. WILL BE A. CANDIDATE rex .the Mlles of DIRTRICT ATTORNEY, Indian to. the. nomination, of the • out Tinian County Convection. spittle ALEX. N. MATRON. ELala=a4ai.ty.Li-a , .L.ggld FSTEOLEtt*.-600 bit7erbi,j..4 G.LUIL-50 bbls No. T. - for solo b : : :j ÜBRICATING ILL.-50 barrels very suptrior. lIENRY COLLINS. P,OAPBTONE.-50 barrels Powdered. HENRY b. COLLINS. SEEM POTATOES.—The Cuzco Pota toes,, the test of several tuutdrol remelt's, 'mime Prom the lured-hal "I•k Mr. Goodrich nod well &Opted to the country, mstures perfectly, Wilts Grin and flesh, coed quality and the meet Prolific potato la , use. arm from rot. For ants by alas L. R. VOICIT Ir. CO. 300 lIBLI3 OUB: CIicIICE BRANDS YL 11,000 bbushOats; • 1,000 bush tat Corn; 4 ears 'Baled thy; .1 etr Pesch Blow Potatoes; Mils Batter, to elathst 60 barrels Green ' - Ie ttore ttoi Ity etle by PATTERSON. AMMON CO., Nos. Was. MO sad en Pee:Mt., Seott..4 new bunting. IN TILE MATTER ' • of the 'nitration of the Bera i nUlth°ll ' St " Mo. lie, lone terrateaa. Illchaele_Besellotal 190- Di . • • slaty of rndl:oam. • ALLEGHENY, COUNTY . • Notlre:ix heeby elven to purazanso of as order of iittofourt of Mammon ?feu of aid county, made • th_ c ta 2141 day of April A. D. 1855, that apply cation hubs= made to said Court, for an Alteration and Aniendment of the chaster of the stem Carporatioat sad tm. .teee sore good rearm IQ the contrary termer. the same win be pealed et the Out trm of 1014 Venn. ~ • , JAOORIS. WALTER. , sordird". • , Prothosetaig. Erilil i gitEATEßT OF LIVING OM'. T ”—Lenden rs a . • • , . . PIT'I3I4.IBII.ED THISDAY. ZitemmilLlowsear Zara GENTRAL W.. T. SECERNAMi Wog as autheatie mid ididds reeord - or Ma emir Ufa and e a meet tummy the 4th Volt Irma t Library . of Xi:46m Arrtelloirk Herm , . for -1 vol. limo cloth fied page, aid illtudrationt. Write 111.40- _ Now tiseds, uniform with above, the . ith thonseadol...Nemileyre Lifes/ Geo, Grant. -• • d o.. do. do.. Oen. =shell. 4th"- do. do. do. dayt..Etioalloa For Milt bybooksellers. Publhdred y • -"• W 1 H..APPLETOT,, BOOKSELLER Arm rugusinat, , - apthit• • Sill sod IA Grant, street, ?Inv York.. Avow - THE DUST 'AND SMOKE. BROWNE'S .111TALLIC Wllllll3l ITEM tr'lssitiPto Banda. ' Time invaluable 'strips IA • rummer totally es elude do'st, noise sad odor from doors and windows. ' Save your coyote end- boUsehold goo & from noble ant ennoyanee of stages, ear bells and rat. The skive sixths will be eouthletely fitted an by WRITE & ALI.JLANDEIt, No. 1a) - end In La4l, 00. k alreetiAnegbeny City. the shove ELM tif,Ttag the explosive right in alleuhrmy tkuity. ICOTKE.—The public am he.reby noillieti Al Alai so moth of the stoma of the !if 000sissi. b# Blvor as runs Wove* the snood ontltMed frfs,ltot liss ENdlsoisst flns t Ong ended Ur Petussylvanla BMW Onto*, ores that. . leer, Wr i the Out deaulti iionaty,of Alla. ' /hem wl be nosenatilrolistrostel to putt*, pp the sups stun of the bridge, for about, six Weal trap LW FIRST - 1:1 r KAT; AL MINS. ' 1 —4 ' a l "V n44,2lllB Fltel ' QAWIr R'S BA 4 ."4 •• . LI bays Wag SAWYERS BARBERS' 8041 P bra Ste yawns, asi can lay *Rim heist& that, it is supetior to any yqer th.t, Any evernied 104/0 • 441 6Tha•10 8 . Srmoses. Loon, No. 69 Dymond, AUetheny (kty TtANSEARENT AS.ND ., 91'419,7 Oiled hhadeiv for side • -' • - . . P. .V4I.IISUAtT. IILTIMIAEU3.I.-100 'barrels Crnlo 115 - A. bete br. 2l. CrAZLITS. awn- .itarkarsizxtE.sys. loran TISEME-4719. 14,0 T LOST.—He le home APRIL 7th he bad an, dash pwitil and Sitatuelty tam waist{ haa blue eyes, thin lace and tight hair Ills age le six years and three months. Re comes from Saw all I Run. Any person that has him wlll brins-hlm to Temperanoevillisitonfdr. Bat, LENTIN - EiS STORE. and tacy will !Hawaii paid for t heir trouble. ap26Stwr • WILLIAM UNES. FABER ENGINE FOR BALE, ONE SECOND ELAND TWELVE HORSE POWER, FABER ENGINE, With cylinder boner, punka and belting, nearly new, at a bargain. A. A. RUTOlittionn. aptgat' Wood arid. GR SALE.—DRUG STORE.-04 WILL. ot health_ , wish to dttpote dt the Gnat , FIXTURE:S AND riTOOK OF MY DRUG STORE'. corner othlurketand Fourth ',nem It l• in the vicinity of the Market Hansa and adjoins the d 6 of of the Qakiand and East Liberty ard ifUnersvi lie t assenger Hallways, making it an exceedingl &shade. location. The STORE IS HANDSOMELY. rirrED UP, the BUSINESS EXTENSIVE and rapidly Increasing, and will prove a profit able investment to a purchaser with a knowledge of the boatmen. SAVES MeG•Rlt, apeedwd corner 4th and Market street. W DRESS GOODS. ' • . WHITE, ORR & CO., stal 379L11.12. etreot, ate now opening a aholee assorted; of DRESS GOODS at the lowest market prices. apt! ttAl NEW GOODS. Carpets AT ALMOST PEACE PRICES. 116.3101, receiving our Second General assortment for this season. bought at the REDUCTION: We fret to pun/Lasers the greatest advantages of the market. The Newest Styles and towed Priem W. D. & Sr MCALLtrit 87 £OI7BITH Erremar. 1311 OUBIC FURNISHING GOoDS, GEO. W. ROBLEY, es FEnw=. imem.r.Mmeciilmtk, Is now prepared to Odbr to his automate mid the public geeerallt, the most aompletos amortmeet of everytUmg comprised In Om Itne of • House Furnishing (3101:44 .7 orblok Rail ever Lon enrol /DM/ eity."• , • La sitilltiot to kle reputation as a nounnbettlit or, and dealer In TIN, COPPER AND MIMI INON WALLA BRILTANLA. WAD% scram- NEATOBIL WATER COOLEVA, WED MONS, ottieta dee 'Aar Inn returned Ma Us Naat ora with a MAU 1.1.• of • WOOD AND • WILLOW WANE, '• MINX AND DOM MLA SIL • 4 BRUNHER, MATHER LINLB AND PINE, - uNILDRIBIPLI MBA, • TEA r AND COEFEE , D.ININO NOON Or.41:11M TABLE CUTLERY, • - • with an enOesevatioty Lot anislos, witepoolag all. oes In the bolos fn Liao, wissoh cansot be round elsewherc . • 080. W. HUBLIT, spsaea 41111711)1.iiiL ar ATALBOHIXT. aunty Hunt's, ATLANTIC) MDMIELT, NAT YovAst Uu_LEs MAGAZIN% HAT. POSTRA-M sr ASSAILLSI LENOOLE. L THE MAN ATIOX . rimuuti,noir, EIRFEBOR X MESAS. HEADLEY'S LIVE or ovr; oarmour. ALL THE LATE PAPER% T, NEW EA . NEW MO, for sole ti INN P; Alrirra. typas w Ill= ft., IMMO TULL. S . B. BRYAN, BROIBR RI ETOCK.BORDS & REAL EMI% WILL BUT AND pELL STOOKS • . Here and in New York or PLUadp lPhia telthentt tarthst charge than the RIMILAR comarastaorrs. ENZIR;MRia= PITTSBURGH HATZI3—On Stooks Ma Market value of which Is $2. or routorota per tent; over 11 and up to art t per oent On Stooks setting from $lll to $6O the sum of 12% cants per h and on stooks selling at 160 or over, onotou s rt. 4 t of r i ono per °eat. . , . . NEW TOR% RATIZ— Oa Stook' s, MO market value of 'bleb Is $0 crawler, Ore molts pat alum; over that 10 oasts. • . . . PIII.I.ADIMPHIA. XLISTY2S—OId usi .1.9 . seed at YIDS PUGS, • air Orders solicited Offloi Holm:, El L m. to 6 o'clock p. No. 59 FOUNTS MO= apil Fiat. SECOND NATIONAL 3111 Of ILLEGIIINT, ieca. I:KaastsemAS. IMMSI ?redlest-JOHN BROWN, In. - /ice Prostrkat—NlONOL.AB TORGILY, JA. Joni Viosarix,, IL, ~ •• .11 CLUAX___Elerrat JAMB Zan', • 3.a.Ass I.OOCIAXT. Buoti b oNan, A. Okomnsiraii. This Beak II now fully organized sell pawed . 'to treated off broaches of the Basking bustessa .Partheilar attention. psis ao ;the sale Ot , ' 13. , Bores and escurttlea. Eutopiptloas_to the lea Loan. 914 Ow Una% received Donis dale , 'erect oo receipt of asbeerfetlenr. latatest Ott Wait aetelott le me BON payable to that east* fettaoes.' &Walk wRITE & . A.tamanna 7. sintoyats AIID conLieross i .:'liaving Lately'. Removed !.) TO lit and 171 LUNCH STREET 81.105 .ony holly, • • they are ready to tundoh all tbelr maternal and public generally with FLOORING uthums, SASH, - DOORS, PRAISES,_•VENITIAN PANEL SHUTTERS, MOULDINGS'. and OIL TANKS made to order and constantly on hand. Berea Sawing and Brackets finished complete. , apfletmd CR-IiDIiEN'S CARRIP4OE'S AND BASKETD. ovary . description.. Ladles' Ilereceo Traveling Satchels. largivariety at F . ezeir . , . , ante- . Karat ""RTHI ' , ?' 4 f 4 317 - S TBI W & BAIPIr; its* Broken aid itea Altati*lta et t k. !ought sad in* culusinly ;ea ioa ' mfri ear. beim waning • RLEC7IO2VNOTICE:Lz-fitie • deroilof -tae iIIItZWINGSIAttfi-"Efidr MS; MINGILLBE AND SOUTH PlTT.sltpltalf_4l.4 001IPAN7. are requested to mot at &hoodoo of the -tlompony oaMuNDAY; BUT_ tat. at two °Work w.w., fot the purpose of eleotioo BOtad of DircetOri to wove tie taiinting yetr. i . . NAOMI' .11._110131NSUN. Storotarr. • SAWYER'I3 BARBIRRI7 SOAPB.--I have for the peat (oar yenta the.' ISAWY.EWS .1341HIVEILS , sueP, 'and eohilider it, superior Ito , Kl 3 ). ether I have ever ?and, either forth* thilot, or for ohlviog... A. W. award • Fourth EtreetStsv4tx Sologa• TIATESJOF WATER{ RENTS IN HE at, or - ,Pittabur g h and Pitt Township, ishet e the hydran• water Is need, for the year 14. t. SMALL DWELLINGS fronting on court. or alley.. or small tenement ;bowie. On public street., occupied exeluelvely a. dwellings, Inc the me of hydrant or convenient an. :res., whether on the premises or not, pinta . ..llly, One room. chasm' a 188 Two room.. culage. q 13 to 4 SI Three do. do. aO6 Four do. do. 7of For each additional roam • i 18 All persons not codes on the main line of pipes .charged at reduced rates. DWELLINGS fronting on public streets, occupied esoluelvely as dwellings. fu:each family occupying the premises, charge lee Two room. .„. Three do. Four do Flee do. Mk 40. Seven do. Eight do. Nine or ten room.-- Each' addlefourti room Baths supplied with cold water, each i. 66 Do. , do. do. cold an. hot water 313 "Do. do., by separate ferrule, from meta 781 Do. do..- co. . do. fowl addl. Oriel bath 4 61 - Water closets far one 3 13 Do. do. ,Tor each additional one t 66 Wash basins and urinals In chambers Came rater.' Wash - pavements of every description 4 63 Do. . do. . nartby more than oar W ally, each 9 33 Street axe garden awe:..``• 81.66 to 16 63 All additional Attu.dbr extra attachments for the use of water, retry rate*.' STORES, OFFICES AND WORK SHOPS. Wholesale and retail store and shop.ll3 13 to 31 Teets of . Tx:of...tonal Den : Companies, 13 13 to 24 44. Drqr, Barbers and Rakers sereisimatas. ' r4lll tenant in Lae building charted. according to th atur• of bruin..., families dwelling rates. :Watar closets, seMeloalag, eitdi 3 13 .do. other descriptions. 4.69 Urinal., do., 449 do. of other detarldtions • 6IS HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND BOARDING HOUSES. For family keel:dna:the bonne, doodling rates. Boarder., ten persons or-under e:7 do.. awn 10 and undae2s pinions 63 de: evert 10 persons, additional 7St Bar lath water fixtures Inetde ' • $7 et to 23 44 Bar without co. do 64 Otols $3 Wash basins sad Slap Asks, earm 469 Water closets and urinals, esOclosing, each. 4 69 do: •of other descriptions 61 Baths for use or boarder. farm 9 .6 W Rah tubs in wash room., each 1 54 Ritehen according to capacity and number of draweock. s 8781 to 69 06 Outnee hydrants for watering horses, no . troughs allowed 46 26 to 15 63 PUBLIO BUILDINGS. • , Hydrants maeh 3 7 111 lianas or slop sinks each Water closets and urinals, aalneloslnt....... 4•03 do. • do. of other. dew*. tions. 7 el Any additional Astute. for the use of water by special animal agreement: • . - PUBLW BATHING ESTABLLSH3CENTS. Bath., oath tub • 3 9 36 PUBLIC SCHOOLS • . Fer each one hiradierf children 3 4 60 All arrangement. for cue ot.watcrimmes. public' Livery Stables, per 1 66 Country, do. , do. 13 Ilona. not In ivssv Stables. 266 "Cows do. d 0. . ", do. IS Each two Each four whee do ledeartlige.--- .. ..--- 66 1 111 Zech horsepower, tea hours per day.— -4 83 Distlleriee,RectlSen, lbevrerier antllLsnufass. Daring Retablishmods rated aceording 10 rapacity and 7,777 1fai1105s Platmlb7 l 496tdatruunislaorm. wear - . Flowleg imihOirs[Gr* .. Mouth. taw y7eear Doles halt tech f Forth. grit Jet 0 1 .1 le e (nab— 934 For rash additlea gu a l t4et of 1.10 01 air Inch-- 1'06: Far tan end Jet tst ,„; of BA Ina 11 71 For cash &deal° et I , of an 460 For tae ant ter. , —..... to , For each additional - Wet y, of an Inch. 14 06 Rot corm %barb ButLpING PURPOSES... . For min voiati if do. thousand bstalt.«. . If de. bandied piper of • P/ 6770117 2 dole for ap•silat no, ahargks pee eeat. on the amount. • . , oplad Tumult's 0/7101{, ALL2OIIIIIIIIT Co., • April C IN PURSUANCE OF "THE 21st SEC. VON of an AA relotlag Alighany ;agar,. passed hug Cat, 10111, I, David *lkea, Tress. um of Bald eastott ru bsiorry give *Wm that I will gonbooally or Irr ottoid Poe IMO of ==s to savoralliraids, pi as d ProsLoste or salt Omar. IA Ms plus of holding moral odotitous tharlis loorulb. oth broil, Ott followlng dal% grout le o dos* a. K. illobdock r, . x., ; ' • Rest ware, Pittsburgh; Plot Ward, - Pod itlrustoghsts, Blarpsborg sag Elissbo= *oohs; Ltivitoth, NerWs, South !biretta, *tow. Pots, Awn. Nauihall, Roo sal Yaw* to wasalps, I OW INIOADAY, MAY 221. • Wasik PIM/iambi Spy Raid, Arlo , Minty' ticristb Fittitnuey Weft 81Sub.th sad Da gored Itarcritiain Onto:est, trpper,3l, (Ital., Bald. Was. tras 4r., kils, ligOandieme, Plum LA Italia= Tor..saft 1 ON TVEADAY,NAT SU. Wazd, Pittsburgh; Flint Product Third ardit Athr_ghenn Monongahela and Tarantum Boroughs; iseco v ffoottaovret Clalr, Jedensan, lratloa,Betyrlelcle g, sad .Itoserve Unnudd,pa, • ON 'WEDNESDAY, MAY With. • " Fourth Want. rittabsonht tilsth Ward, Fitts: !nimbi Attend Prestost,4llrd Ward, Altaghstry; Wsstftewiek/ey sad Wanehostar Bor. Was,,Mabla s a d ;ssy A Esse D m Tor V nships, es, hIllilin„ Wil. Wa vuttitiDAY; MAY Stith. First Forsinet. Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh; `math Ward, Patebargho 'Moth Ward,-PittOwili; First P, Fowth Ward, AUsibuyi First endow, Birminsbams First Ward, Lasnexusertlia, • ri/W lielisesport Boranstwi North Faretta, (Authors, Liherty, Oaths, Whiorilampton hod West Deer Townships, . • OW FRIDAY, MAY Stith: Second Prrd . net, Fi Watd,Plttshurghl Eighth Ward, Pltanualu n Tenth Ward. s andPrecis h e, Fourth Ward, All Pttrablughosotegheny; Second Prerinch IflttainglMMlSMOnd Ward.. Lawrenem. Mlle sad Temneraneerille Bonem Pitt. Pesbles.llsClare, Shale: an d n. ships. ON SATURDAY, MAY With. • Taxa: ma be paid attheTrensureen oaten, within three months from the date tined lathe foregoing dletristar suNerite to FIVE PLE CENT. DIM. COUNT, for prompt payment to any person pay har the *bole amount of their tang. 4-ADIITED P4IITNERSECIP..—We,' the subeeribers, have LW) day entered Into a Has hed ',utile:ship epee to the Act et Assimabie of the 0011111101Malth Og Palmy Iveals, approved Marsh V, lOW, end do hereby certify: The t the name and 'tile underwhish said Partnership Is to ite eenducted, is PlittslP WEIISEN ' A Tut .the general nature of the businees tended to be transacted. le the bugloss* of Henning Carbon or Mineral Oil spon curtain premixes situ ate on the Alleghesy Blur in Pitt township; Al legheny, =holy, and Mote of Pennortuote. I. That Disavowal partners US WEI& EItHERGER, whose place ol realdanests the boo ough of Tafiertecorilla i Allegheny amity and State of Pennsylvania, and JOHN' WEILER, whoeslace of madame , is the bortogh, comfy and eta aforesaid I and the Spada& PUtners an NIOLI dB J. HIGLEY,Whoes place of reel duos is Lower BS. Clair townstviNto the scant and t3teda-nforimisid. and lASIM it ard; o O'Ogff dr whose plate 'of restdease . .the Meth W the Olt) of Pittaburgh, M the nematy and 'State - 4. Twit the emooiit of capital WhighsalluToillei Danner hu contributed to the contemn stock is 411 follows, said Maiming Z. Higley bas contrite nisei Tee Thousand Doliaraln oath. and said Satan getionnsir has see , istsittfbnedd.Test ThOusenel Dot tare I edit : tb4; *Lod at Whieh . said PaUt is to soni re is the.THIST DAY Olt A. D. inigh . the period at which It fit to tiro. DAY - OF JANUARY. A. D. le&t, uniess s Puts in be sooner tormtnided by ten dime molter whin of his election to ne t oohs said Pa el h. Which emit of said pare ners aholl bare the right to glee bin 00-partneds . whereupon, and after public nodes ofsuch Masa lotion all have been died and reeorded pubg Ihibod. aceortenee' With the plovistons of the. Seth eeetann of the *Ad ot , humbly Marsh 91,0 AciAs m aid Partrient4 shall be dissolved.' 4P WMXBKNBEI W Za i Genial Pittner*. JOH WEILE, • JAMES OMONDER; N. BIGLaTTi • • SOAVI 80AP 11' BOA.PIII-.The MEM. lOAI. OLIVE Ell/113IVE_BOAP. entaufea tared br v.. J. if. SAWYER, is steknowledeed to be th most emriesable of ang i Vid d Othred to the p bile. Its superior ad e n amin o . in its shrAsosee, saying el labor, Pa 'masa in remoricer grease, paint, tar, aad without juin t* skin, or la the least wise damaging the tineet irtlity Of goats. it oaa be wed irith Reference Is made with plums to the suhielned certificate, esnanatteglrom gentlemen well hasten In this community, and who lied every facility of. forded of feeing fudy and talrlyteeted . Quartermaster , / Department qf Me reciltd, Thteteenth and Fointaytth liesimentt Po. Ms.! oSawyeett utiesalasi Calve &salve ammo haying bees used very anterudvely our regiments, we have no hesitation in certifying that it eras found adentr: 4 7 miapted to the use of the soldiers, and dm:Medi the most superior Soap which could be plot for the serviee. JAMES A. EICIN, Quartermaster Inth Reg. ALEX, FPRSYM. Quartermuter 10th Bag. DI. K. 11002.11EAD, Quartermaster late Beg. . , I have used Sawyers Uheatlcal , l«iasive Scioto for the past twelve months, and bellows tt to be the most ecosomleal and satisfactory soap that has been intoelneed to the Amon= people., , - - ELL EIURENBATIG Belleviaats llots_kStmler Township., '‘. mlOPtal souJOVvric. -- ' itestrz. •ravier;'-lif Yout ChM tal Olive fades 4010 for.savirsi ,moutbs. end . tuna 'found tt lapne WIN It his biota tegtelot•NU YOrattalrla hart watiirth Whir it ls Itt • e to..esky tom In um • - A: G. LUID, ittnn.4lfiehei4 • oil?" . :11 , 13;20,8SIta l Soul '-:;, b rha • of goOdithatiloted thelklialuntrit the toilet MO mem, AlDhateed_ wag ihirsticir ,mow a snip. . 4 14.e.WizWS AMBROSIAL BIiAVHICI AND :TOILET OODIPOUNDe L Crank to donfeu, Mateo the Motet lather for alum trig, and le the hoed'. reeled:let pa :poles, that I have for t) ears bad the .oleaeure of tiMat _al my - NATHANIEL. ALI.b.W, of the MotiOnliVW4a gown Shaving Saloon. • ROEGBUM SIOLASSES. —l.t) barrels Na. Choice Juet rc.ceived nod for Md.) h 419 ' : rerZEB _ a 4.11/IVinitnia. Jr7EIW 401PERTISIIMEATE4 'UNITED STATES . 'UNITED STATES 7-307-30 c• an. LOAN. - . By sithority of -the Secretary of the Treasury, the undendgued -has assumed the General Sub se.tiption 4mtu4, for the Ws of United States Tressuiy beating seven sad Ulla. tenths per teat fate:rest, pit annum, known as the Seven-Thirty Ito* $ 6 43 731 838 .1 05 1.1 71 . 52 81 . is 86 16 10 . 1 66 There Notes are tuned imdar data of Juno Mb, 1855, I am Payable three years from that time, to currency, or are convertible at the option of UM bolder into U. 8. 10.0 Six Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, These bends an worth a prentlusn whin!' tn. greases the actual root on the 540 lean, and 14 rempHis from Soli and ounticips Gunnonoodidl odds Iron insets Vow se► eemd. al m s, according td h. rat* iimied oa, other OroYertz. The totomoi Is payable nead4dll fly by coupons attached Nat 'zed, irldnli nay to out off and kW to any billkol . l6llllOL The littorals anoosto to One and per day am a $5O :Lola. Two eats " " « $lOO Ten Y a a M sro -20 r •. " a siooo ; $5OOO " Notes of all the denominations named mill be promptly (=kW upon mei* of subsetiptione THE: 'ONLY: IRAN ; IN MARKET sow 'sifted b 7 the Ciantsatest, sad - it Is son . Gently ssposted that Its raped,* 2, advantages Will maks It as Great Popular Loan of the People:. Leas OM flateptltif of the Lena oaths:tat by the Mgt 09baell . =ltd. Th* &mown, st the Ma at wkbh It Is War tbs.:bog, will all to sustrlbee tor *Ma taw wilts . littel tit nett- amositat prolow, as Wu uniformly boin . tbs eats on slating the initoortptioto to War loan. • Wide Oat the efttsana of eery town wut wlttarMtba toiortzl any be audit Militia fee tibial the loss. the Irtitosal flosiktt: 'State Baakt, Owlyrtraioiltaltta tiatnithirot the met tie mei gthorsll alma to, metro tolowilitato at tare ;$l4 Mort will , *est their Oirs,ipsOO, to„itiloar they hairteasiAlosili. sot who only an to IW !wpossidbli Orr the &Ana of tka sotto to tbaytswn otter& JAY'OOOIOI, it lll o/ 1 Ufs t, Philtdetphis. Batiatitiassidii be roostria by as Itit Mos Ram. Mem& ; tail llosiera NANO 111 W. Irtejrusi 11,00011 Ira ierCoassem. • Irak - • Thileuesas - " • • Poser% segue • • • • • VaNit • w . _ ll5lll . . • IWO= rill 4 . lalliendamT ■ .cines•.u• pIiIRTH. RATIONAL BANK. OF PITTSBURGH, M1 1 j177, 1 / 4 ii:u Trmortnumll, NIL Quist/TIT raport of Ma Bank publiaked In /on fornatswltk tbe sat of Coogetra rotabllablzug No. t O it Sl lalt M n k- - .-.. .... 0 11 00 19, 0 . 0 0 0" Im Thipeattor, i.. . *........ .1111 _ 1 1,1111483.111 Dividends unpaid (If payable oit, de. - • an* Oontlanadt rtunipaserved In eo S. ciforec.. . - _ -ty with Nstional Hank Lay...—. - , • 11,0`415 Additional Ekatin t hand turned - by special a olutioaN Board of Di. • radon.-- .....—. 4,009.1 f Profit and Lou (Aiwa N0v.111,1804-- .1.5,11ut.t0 . . -- . AMARA Loans sad Dlsoonnta 963,8!87(Due tq Xlenluk and 20,181.14 Due byjdanks Doppetal)pesable InNeld, 8,450.4 Gold and Sliver Ooln in Villa Of Hank 19,111 Remittances from Beaks Intsansft,ossh oignl.ll4 11. S. Legal Tender and B eak 204,741.88 Draft sad 41,411141 N. S. Treason U. S. /WO Gold SCII,S7IXI 11. S. 1040 Gold Bonds Prrtneeraon, April ad, likat. Orry or Prriestiaani Ootirry at /Lahr, Pa. &rasa op Penn 1.6.411 Personalty appeared beton me • Naar Palle duly cosuabWomed andiron= Allen Duos Cash. Wh oatN thne F ty hsw Nati & on p a o l o p ßa a n n n d st a a te P th it eab ug v h e Statement le cornet bad tow to the best °Mk . Itaterledge ang belleL ' 1 ALLEII(`PVII!IIit I • ciawrzta.. ini tutes. bitore ize thei lt sad d ti 4 ye did ratearibal ~, , BRYAN; Narisr Flamm TnEi - Elciazorrith AKERImo, Tatra SPEAILS 01'11E6 • Wheeler4EWlllson SeWing Machine, wemn .horrid t;e to*tdMabi. , theie who dales toputehase the .:.+ , BEST FAIRLY SEWING KW= We an haring a pest many Mottles for Sow ing Elacrilnes boor Tattoos pieta of the ootuttry, end so we cannot COWIWIMpy reply to them ail 0 7 mon, ins : have thought it proper to !eats 0,11 cl in^ inn to rea►M to them It, this public mummer. 'WI hive mod ' .Wlloin't patent, marmanotrmod by the Wheel r k Wilson lipatunictoripx COMPIII4. aid We can Ray;le regent to kt, thst Min 'Mho* - rival, It not away put out of oda. andAn lisint of sfeletivenser ud Walt, so other' waehis ne l o s t randa dead sy Ws state WI WWI sol2l4oaelleat ituidi r ies nu oar own • ,iThis y hers side and :on: dwhwthei .1 1 01 1 / 1 L in nthi,lo,s7ethgalica,"ancr.A6 sow yroda and , gelling , pee die tßietatirja .prtise two desio dadd 011 Oat. lajtadt hadneas Wiere 10 4110:'14001,11111* Wm*, ‘d UO*4 1,1 1 0 ,1 1 01.1* 1 14/Taillorad 'inanneselAW grata' plusgiolts 'the mei u ellat.adoOted iy the uWaetuze•l - 10 : 12 1,04 001 limet• to zusirs;ast mum. , qssoti.T the "parts of any mashie, may be trams wawa with those of another insehlne of the was size ; or eheadd an accident oteor, th• prober yart ea; Immedhaely herniated on application at Ike tau. • ' ' SaleEre.oni No, 27 Fifth St., Pittabt;rgh mteZ2:ll ' • `dncs axvo R4J€EtRS. ; THIRD NATIONAL Corner of VFW Street ud Virgin illey FISCAL' AGENT OT THE UNITED STATES end SPECIAL AGENT ot . Jay Osaka ~U. Agent foe the ante at the Seven-Thirty Loan, POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, Only Loan in the Market CONURTIBLE I.NTO U. B. 4-20 SIX .PER CEXT oot REARING BONDS. airLiTusl Goma*low alloored to deems. Z. a LIVERCISTOBL.CaubIer 3: . NATIONAL BANK, Of Pittsburgh, COD. =MI AND WOOD STaNETS. RIXIIISTOS EOTELEB, Prodder& MUNGER HARD/MGR, Tice IhtsMint GEORGE A. =Ha, Cubist. Bank fatties the exeunt* of Banks, Mob' plenai a lemh tt Semliki' of Nt Dina. Loot aid 13P2X/Lti. AGErrr of Jay Crook"flbilargim lions win be resalared rorthe Porkaar 7. 'Sq LPan• • Thu is tuni iieb4-abii'otb.a 'it • sockacmacia 'l2Reiz 6 ruesPi,' 'aid admg searertalii tato Ilvtwenty_locheir which igneanialum of, arre NINE 11121 CENT. itsettbr no met*. !p.r lava*. tars Pisa seek s tat and prollida , r5i.016;a6612 to &Ideals** la Govenunut • • - • cis°. A. INDLt Cadder. [edict . . ram: 1,41.11011a.t. PITINICIME• NOT/Oit IfitUKl BUN ANTOINTED FJpaoi,al A. e nt JAY coos:R. 11. 0. Agent for the 740 Loan, We *Lei Ibis derltsbla linfaalanat Is rams to ran paralaaam. Th 1110411111,130 Is Ras of • •• • $5O; MOO, $500;14000 apa rl=l Traasfemikbo 15tb, 11?4% do= BOND Tbase &mint& immuulas sire wellbs Mike ate 54.000.000 PER 'DAY. asp IN AMT Inicarr SDn: he art a Prelate's*. arT. Maks, Bankers, BMWs, Trust Clow ponies, Insurance Companies. and M. who p* A laud Cambium Till be hid JO au , It le ever, maw Invert a this bight deetzsttle, ears end profitable seentity. ram O'CONNOR. de t. SPECIAL FOURTH NATIONAL BANE, W. 8. tiorernment Ittpasilkary, mrsmcia, roc ;Ls 0, 4 ieel Sidi Bask la inathortold $lll Me" MOlgis PATIABIII AT 10 DAT! 1 10 1 1 100 i ;After 80 Dave.) Beatlng B , Per Cent. interest, Aso nem sow= Wl= • 40 1 . F 11 . ,1313nosant'8 for, a - iitakinauut) arrincATE nut TES SAIL liispel that this NEW AND DEURAMII =SAlrlikwaset %Math* our of tissestlx• - , R . 4 a# 041 7 1141151014111‘14' Obtildathit 00 a. per emit Intern& ow mone7 seeds itself we trait a largo Gowiss4,cd !wow Will be Otruisod lawwwwWwl. outmllat; beam: - Ausig ram. maw, > COUNTRY BANKS. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, U 13. Govennamit Depositary, PrriSlivicm; rebiwuy fl 184 • . li Sauk Invites oorrrwpondonee la d "lauSi COIINTEY BARM Alma 9,}111245 azulf:EttitrabW•racilatill: Bemis *itsr,r,le riTER T 01 eAlenq a u B. 7`.10. 316c3x1. rumos.a.xazi. .J./lOSSEI3 0V0NN.033, President. otifxSt AVNlGlider. DRP 1611110.10! IRISH POPLINS, a. M. BURCHFIELD'S. CLOSIMG OUT &ILE! Colored Striped Poplins Cheap. FANCY SILKS. Plain IBlEsek wthr•vvll. l ; 4 •A4gAilqrl l WHITE P. Vs, COLORED P. K's. No. 72, N. B. Corner Fourth and Nuke% Sta. TO MERCHANTS AND DEALERS WHO BUY WHOLESALE WON; IMBUE & 00 ,pTemsi.. 17 del MO ZUSltia. IMPt.• teirite'thi atteauo'n or City and Country Merchants to our ocimpleti : stook of Tilmmings, Embrolderim Lupe,. Emery • (Heves, Ribbons, ' ' Hoods. Ralf. Nets, Comets. : . Ran and Bun Umbrellas, kaarts, Collara. • , ■ Maple; Skids. Snbs o, _Ocrui , Mt *and variety of FANQY 00011 w AND , olinnivriumesi taie been a rtiaili since . tiiii laic great deollgth rss. . we now epee grd Puluem"" • NiVr,BTOOT; • Mtlaille,. • • = .; SI~S - .•, Cloaks,• Ladies „, , • NEW. GOODS. Awls. BELthi; • fitilV NEW mn?s, JUBT MUgl7ltD. /LED TO BE SOLD ALT EI=IFMEIM . Wood Clettoe Noes - tar ladles it Who PWAI Henretitebed Linea Melee+ shied, II meta • Plead' itimeluedee Cormet• Si 'MO& Rego , a asexitaaret Kid Glore•l3 per pelt. ' We ?Ave else • spleaild steakW ' - wintE GOODS ANDIBIBRODMIRE • .7. @tapirs atnt Valenti* and Bummer itostFi and Glove*. . 7 7 - TT 04 FanOY Goods, Notßon,-Ilitt.cots, we hie* decidedly the !sestet and tteteeetittetetit. In the etty. the- Novelties •of the Seism, nut as Wide Belting and Barnes, Mar Fella U. dissßillr, Beads, thelaneen_ElleabethOolla-ot maw style or Flotuteing tato., sta Also a full /Lai a ads mM=NAOM Whitilliblitstroes a dD. t, and • //iridescluints and Retailers will. dadlit req laic/ usostrann Price.4hat Defy Conpetilion mulux & JOB. HORNS & CO., DEALERS I 1 STRAW AND EERY. GOODS' Ribbozii sod Bonnet ..Embiroidories, Lace Goode, rag .Goods, Balmoral Mr% Labe and = miate. 4 sh o t rittl 4 .l 3 r * eam -l and 4" ll l arliotp NI. 'O itad , Bain' lirtne;soir:aaw pipetvla% 4Pit7.71 GOODS, - !with% lOD ea fogad at liauawallattradtra /La tta! beta anualtuwed W GOLD FULTWI .$ c a °Moe SepaiLl. lISIDIICTEXISXZEV,Te :Npitkaia 3:loerspelwfal:rmiailk will lid all times be found well annul& aollait • call from lumen; mar; and the Pi IR • eel 000ndeat 014 ads i t n. , , , JOB' HORNE & 4341; , iT and Min* kit= ANEW : ASSORTMENT Mir . TONS, Dress and Cloak Ornanuesta, " Gnd Brs imps, nom and Etnel Fringe„leslilr lletnistrose Sdnen Seta of the anew Laos and Liam Collars and noway, .BitolonLl•ao4.-Roop Slrawla and Basques, ofall dank Saillte . . n ..... Nak &naiad Colars and Onfre, toriadleaand Wash Lea l ther (Hosts, In all elm; Zoarrii . 1n ilskkeolorso Mawr Setik _trlnat too order, wlth a new lot .of Braid Water flowers. Will I* fcnind at &TAOS Nowurs Tinalarra =WI semourth stmt. MA? sermatreeC Thgettoriar Attention gins. to 0 1 = 41 = 1 os Sae all otbar Winds of LAO,. Auto =sok Weir MOORIMAD DENNISON & Si. Market _street, eaa ourutuanto ro ow= our TB= ENTER! STOCK 07 GOOD& Gent. :traderirz=A__ 'gnaw Marta, Bak% xmisPidejnes, f3 l a s a tre t reaftotlogy, Who 2111 ‘ yo,?poi* Limn, Oa gibbon; aull. p er ., tar 1132. Atlaslacet wt. • . urn summpaigtrippapi, 4 1 410.00 i ~ ,"4*k:Ap4 ciuramteis,twilibi • Atm• URDWABE GENERALLY ._, itoelc '• 1 MEM& ElLUdell, atit. N. 0810 ETEEM 'MALL TAPER—New cheap andlatka:: rovoi, For galv.it'Nsl.lU7 Market ttrovt k ' epsi JO9. s; kußtess k lox
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