- VOLUME 'IXXVIII---NO. 113 Wittotmir6aotite. - ORY LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. pRESTING FROM WASHINGTON. *man's Recent - Action Boresbulowea. MITI OF .1110 ISSISMATIOOLOT with Mexico Important. - )HNSTOLCIAN:#Of ESCAPE. tenure to Rtettrueud aad Petersburg W., DEMANDS AND DA/. LINCOLN iNnw Yong, oak 36.--Tbe fievad's Ifuldrr: `gt special says : A letter of the Richmond cor- Spondent et the .London hare.. dated March foreehatioire General Sherman 's recent :Skey, and has given line to much comment In Metal circles. It le regarded as signlticant o in ler of what bap :Smarted reeentirta North t arolina, and shows that the rebel leaders have _piled van working on Generakftherman's cha irs:Ws andtds'inteeelents to aid thein in their istrentki. . woe special is - Os : Mn. Iducoln was tot *Owen to-day. , The Bywords aro better. The Secretary wished :ro rich out, the s weather.. was so . beautiful, but ad_ Dot get pail:Mob= from his surgeon. Ho :taiebtde to glee attention to some official i: a rs.olribisne's Wubingtonapoola. I says, when 'he whole history ottho plot of the &MIMI] Ilion nude public, the world will be astounded at ts =amity. as well as at ourforbearance with !weaned's:l neighbor% aim hate onstanth treithed a sere asylum to the moat nefarious ..: The anticipated retreat of ieir..The;is from to Melted, with therupose of Invoicing `a in new difileitfiles, hes - been duly considered ;yeas goyim:aunt. . . . Wuniarortst,.April - 96.—The following order • la been Isesedby the War' Boaparttneut t N ortcm-Y0 Visraus To CITY Perm row AND Thermustrao.—No passes are reQUlred spa Washington or Baltimore, by persona de. utak to visit. Richmond and Petetablug, but ingo:Sidi.= on govers meat result will not _e fernlsheddeteept to persons in. government .melee, All persons visiting City Point, Rich. ;and or Petersburg, will be required to maser' 'Oenisebres oi/ending at the lIIICOS established i4. l =k, and will be subject to the pollee estaidished by - the military , autherb. ..:es. By ordek Ofelie Suretary - of War. .- • Naw Yonat.'April 26.—A special' tethe'ime ted Washington. the 35th, ads: The pule-su ltan taken In North Caroline• by the govern. - : heat will amiss any scion consequems t • Aglat 'arise Boni - fibenhan's action: • - No vessels ate al3ou to land on the Western • bate of Maryland; In order to ..prevent the es of Booth in that direction. Is reported that two men attempting to ,ists the river in a Saudi boot Wye Captured off payload rola yesterday : " " i NITToes, April 26.--The .Thirr's special ieYa The restrlcflons..on ',visiting Richmond 4arebeen removed, and any one can go there. adviees from Richmond say Governor PierPont 1,11 probably 'convene the loyal legtslatiim by the ist of duet. ' . • It is believed that ithlitiMiln :gramma toicon- Altionsi surrender he cannot escape. • Several rebel officers,;ratber than go South, aye taken the oath...• . Nair Tear, April 23.—The Commercial 'AI ' iarr's Washlagam - ape:4Al- ups Mandud ', • . bets hub - offered $lO,OOll toward a national .d for the funny da3 tats Prrltient. It is belleved,Am. awe= Arsistwortay uthiirity, that-Atte reikticy with-Mmileci will "...boon assume a new and itimortant aspect. • .!L 9BSEQ . ,IIMk u.he Remains at Albany. 1 11 1 1 / 4 ")coo BT GARS ZN errs'. 'Ol CORFUMira IT 17.111W6111311106iPLIC: PEPAiTlicit FoRTHE WEST 1 _ . '• Ir: Ausmsr, April 26.--From the time last night •. v ibe remains ofFreeldent Lincots wcrodaposited ' Nile capitol .', until 'iror., - persona hitia - been ,rasing thirtherla see the honored,dis ad. Thi .mile, thulium of people attends at • least. a one•half - of those composing it tring--l1 ilies. Tile coffin has nein been strewn with tam= b y the ladles. - Thema* and steauthusts , : gum this " morning b ro ught additional - .., 'thansanda to the city._ The funeral party - are .' • , tertained byther - CorpontthArithositlei 'it the p ws .:- TAW ' House. All the b u ildings are draped ... . lximourning., Among the most touching ea tense fronts are the folthwing: "The .. , • , east of Ctietrittion - throbs• - heivily at the portals .. ~ .f.sof the tomb:" "Let us - resolve tat the martyred : ead aballebt hive died hi.ialn.' The latter is -['believed to be an extract from Mr. Lincoln's • , aryland Y a l e remarks. . , -- ' - „ • 4 Mawr, April 4.—A low estimatp, fines t his hmember of strangers lierato-daj at 50,010. AU the morning extra troths and excursion _boats '-' ;brought large numbers of people from the snr- • ', ,l)oanding country, many coming a- di/OA:Kt of ;roue hundred' or two hundred miles: Never be .,.-qore were such multitudes gathered at the card, . , "Lai: -Everbody seemed '.to fully participate in • : the solemnities of the OCCIIII4II. - - .. . At one o'clock the militar the the depart ....anent and Ririe eccietics began, to form. and at ,Itwo o'clock the coffin was. closed. From one ro'clock a. tn. all throueh the night,, and ' until x" L two o'clock p. m.. the stream of people pour ...lug throughtba capitol totaka suet look of the distinguished dead was constant, and yet thou ' -rtoida were. - ctill lnlllie linti ' welting theirturn, ••17een GO Isint. for replaeing the cover attired; early 50,000 Men, women and thildrem Ached be Soon after tir o'clock, the .Micestdenjuiyhtg fileat fformed,they.cornmenced to mare over the . ::"precribed route...M.lm compered of thd 10th land 15th regiments. of this city; the 24thligtit • horse battery, of Troy; the State and city an ....iithoritlee; thohni department, : and a large num .,,Flser of chic orders. The military was . about -11,000 strong .- The hearse vas elegantly-and atelY Onlibedimuniti with, whit:l'lllk, ri '''• orned - rictlywith silver reetintinge, and sue. • ._ coated by the eagle, and was drawn by eight • ...AL 8:45 thetrilio iris lihilaid,:lind the coin ; ' transferred to Abe, loam , ear, which bad ~.. , brought from Vaithington. ... • Attalla o'clock the remains of the lamented - 2 •• ideulturro mar*, front Aitmay cra the me'. ~.to their letting plice In the,Weat. DID INTO fIINNSTISIIII. dicUIP 7 O ,, ;411144151 the „Leaders.. fulisauTS Olcialetraaribet the District Lttornif bf - FraUh.: Pin conn*liiia the. Gland , J ary pf CourFlpOn io eitit*ti liOtalcontify, bins at indletusesifkialiir 4141taUanaland, Efentr . 4.112c10re: kOeltt, for' levying : ;upon tltilabailtanta lot ...Franklin county. for 111 age, amok end murder. There can be it','donbt but-lb - wit-Ate bill* be found, when . Jtrrernoi. demand the }wretches thus Indicted trent_ the aorernor of for trial in Pennsylvania. Before tbe - Proposed action of District At '!..toray of leraniclki county via known, ,tt was i.,eonteraplated by the Ereentive of. Pon s usylfaMs Ito make a foniMl. demand ; for. M'Causland and 31.11 more, This act la now postponed to await . rthe result (if the pmerealigs liwtbro 'the Frank- Chu county pawl jary iIItOILTIM MIT OF TUB POTOMAC he Mil Carps Moving for Danville inal ARMY CORPS sicruaumaD 1-'flaw fonc, April 26.—Tne.7ributteannny of *be Potomac *pedal of the.23d, saytit The Oth 'lane wall put on inarcla'alibrnwralag for Dan . Tele, In miler tirhOld that 'point .and to guard *hit cononaolcatlon of Die streoy.noder pharnao- The,fith corps la' nbw.:pattediekn g the donth Ewe railroad casSinfr-that' Una, add ; the , Dth, which did, Out May till lately, it now on Da way to tho cpital, from' which.' - report atm it will ba. tramported to *gala. distant ,paLn4 of the rebellion. The 24th corps Is On mercy uebrnood, u- ern 4baSulk . of It : now is, awl tile ?,241 ecrps . 15 /axe waiting to °Meas. THE DAILY FOUR DAIS _ LITER FROM EVROPE. News of the Fall of Richmond. FILL OF THE RERUN !VIII PREDICTED. Ser,tous : - Dlstarbances at Nadrldi THE FOREIGN MARKETS, 11J1.171.2, April L6.—Tba steamship Africa, Captain Anderson, froM Liverpool at 11 o'clock a. al. on the 15th, vie Queenstown , on the 16th, arrived here at 5 o'clock this evening., Tho dates are four : Asia later: The stoiwishlp David, from - Portland; arriveda4Livetpool at 9 o'clock, a. m. on the 4th. The steamer Austra lasian from New York, arrived off Crook Haven at half eleven o'clock p". sri. on, the 14th. • The mire of the fail of Richmond created intense excitement In_Englend. but It arrived too late to admitof the papers generally commenting on Its and as meat or the markets had closed from the • 13th to thellll,' the effect of the sows /cannot be fully developed until they are open. The London Dary'News . eats: The /limy of 'Virginia, so long deemed invincible, the pride, the hope, the °entre, the. citadel of the COllibe • ey, has been not only beaten, -lnit shattered. . The Darn Government 1. now 3nrant and fn. naive. tichmond,'which received it and gave %der a time, a d ignity which It maid never hate acquired while it remained among the cot tonplantations—Whore it had its rise. was eet, on fire by its departing guests: That the Confederate 'atray Ibte.rht with elite old tenacity and visa; we minuet doubt. betif,- - has been; broken na by. mea who; as wo have (Men helm told, was the sweepingseitler. of mirth= , • • • Davis began the war by declaring he would early it Vitro foq4 . for the ,tomb. awaited, Ma. scuthent, armies In the - pepnlited cities; ' the attempt to burn the United.Btstes ended In nubbin but an execution; while Davis sat-his borrowed capital in flames and deeamped. -. The papers Ups silent as yet npon the: . . , Tim Thum bas an article strongly condemning - The condact of Judge Smith. of }lonized, for his. ill-considered and dangerous cbarga on - - the sat. ject or tire lit; Alberni raiders: " = -" '• A London correspon dent . of. Me -Provincial This sa3i Tare are utiOlearant Whisperings as to tbe desire or re_ 'Clog of Belgians, who Is stlll In Eveland, to exercise an Influence over the teem to be taken.til Abe Erftlah Ekivertuant In Idextesua aflalrs. Earl Russell regrets the pmelpitancy with which he yielded to the royal wish to recognize the prMended Mexican Empire, as" fall it must, If. not saredby European interposillon; arukhat ; right may; and for this neither the Premier nor the toreign Secretary Is prepared- - . The Paris Boone on the 14th was quiet; and ' . lower. • Itontos'elored at 67f10 centimes. Grarx.—ThePariseorreepondentottkoLandma Timm says that the disturbances it sitsdrillopew, more. sextons thaw haretotlics stated. :Oa the, e1Y121114 of the 12th an assemblage In the street was suddenly dispersed by si.,esileyeCmasicetry. , The Mops tired right Led' left. SayeraFwere killed and - fifteen wounded, proyooatton was given on the,part. of the people and no pro. demotion had been fainted to want them or to forbid their moving about the streets, Liverpool, dpr¢ 15.—Our markets have been closed since the 13th for Good Friday holidays. There is no cores' n' market 'since She City of Ws.sLingtan sailed.Breadstuff,' quiet and steady, except In Lk:Mr, *Met is bean., Provisions quiet and steady and tending downwantt Sakai steeds upwards; prices 2 @ 6d higher. Rico higher. Petroleum firm at -.21 1d for redeem. Other articles Unchanged. , -London Norket.--Barings Circular repo eta coffee timer, and Gd higher. Bullion, in the Bank of England, decreased £BlB,O O O. Consols. closed onThurvday at 91®9134. , - . • ;Lirerpoot, April 15.—ErenIng--the fill or glchmoed Is the universal topic to-day. The friends Or flialloithey elltedat -vitt:mei, and are strengthened in the conytedon That tbellnal triumph of the North is near. The Hebei licuidecUned 9 eemta i and closed at ,23695, %rule the Federal Securities exhibit-Ide. cided Improvement. Illinois Central Shares, SS OM; Erie Shares,393i ®S'fi United States 5.20'5, 04 34qC 4 3i. 'The Collair ondonodate,markets are closed. There are Indications Or a farther . decline in cotton. . Consols dull and easier. dosing at 90,V@91 ibr money. Lasso r: Via Queen.lietrx.—Liverpool, Apra 10 —Tlie Globe says the fall of Richmondleaves the CoifederaSes Altaafened • , 00 ovary ahls. Thera is a tresiendoos - prlee 'tofor the testify of pushing an army to Nashvil le and re. Jr.iing mail the eleventh hour to free and arm thO nes rroes. Donley , /pit 7.—The markets are I:teal:nate Freight oneotton, 45e. - - Cokerta,:dprirSi--Thera hes 'been sAierioas dliturbstice on the Lease canal, between the Eginttwas and the foreigniaborers. Nal !IF LEE'S lERSEADER AT DIATILLR ATTACK _ON CONMISSAAT STORES Finding and . Contents Blowin fp ;G It FIFTY P E RSONS =w3D Bitty Smith'' • 'actions Wasarsaemr, Aprll2o.--Ttießteharoad'pity and Vaaa of yesterday bails both been reie' tired. Whig has the followitig: "From gentle men of InteMgence who hive eacbal thb city, on - foot from . Dattville, we have soma Interesting -particulars of amounts thUocctimod there of the surrender of .Lee's :army.' When this trent became known to town and the surround lug weary; sicrowd oteithensof In laasea;' ages and colors, and a large number of -soldiers, eellected around the beadbars' in which: -were stored immense quantities of commissary stares, and after' a short deliberation, made a general nab upon the establishment. The puttee in chargeor the stores at Brat at.. tempted ttf resist-Cho Mob, but were...quickly • forced to detist, and trek their own safety in , -eight. The mob scattered throughout every part of - the buildings, each person plundering according to his or her fancy. In ose of ,the buildings, it appearechate wain 'hums onentity er of ganpowdisikegaand tainuUsbtin caps. The 'soldiet a and country people swarmed around the powder, eager to secure It for fowling purposes. While they were OM engaged; the was some means communicated to the powder, and le an Instant the building and Its contents, including over gill penult; wag blown:Co atoms. , This borcible tragedy for' time put a check upon tbo plundering, which, however, NOD COMMIX' Ced eplin 4 bet with-somewhat More cirCamspection.' Ex•Govemor Extra Billy Smith wu in Dee 'villa when ene.infamant:lett, Ile had bum vaporing a good deal about his determination not to summderi saying, -sooner than succumb ..be 'meld turn bushwhacker, gttetelibtor some thing ot that sort. Notwithstanding this, our tefortaant learned, lust before leovirig, that Extra Billy had sent 21.41. iii, Mtge to Genera; Ideade, the object of whleh lied not tuitsphoL. WO may mention la this connection, as a report which hai obtained circulation hare; -this the eitheMs of Lynchburg either required or cons jelltd the Ex. Governor to letup t h e town. , 'firm; California—Seeessiontete Rejoicing over lie President's Astuusitution—odeve Oral Wounded and Arriutted:- SAlC:Fluxcidoo, April 25.—The miltear have arrested twelyeur fifteen men' In Balooti.and: connties for rejokint over the assassins. • tion if President Lincoln. - ' Upon the refitdpilor Slut:tssish:iite the:Twig; dent's :death at . Green Valley, Batons county, a .iumber of,secelideedsks met 20 4 '2016a aver the event.- /t bodf troops was. sent to break up the - hutmeeting, as ther-sppronehed the ring: Waders of the si.cessfonists fortined themselves In a house and tired at the solders wounding tali of them. The tre was returned:by thereat, and strata of the secessioniets Were wounded. .Ths whnie party then surrendered- The sbtp Beechen*, for Hong -Keng, - tskeke quarter million dollars. Agana In Central Antenna: Nan Youn t Aprll...W.—The atcamer Arlel from. Paeama on the 16th, Mai arrived. ' The clretilatlon of Idle rumors of fresh revolu tionary uprialega la keuplng the timid. In sulk pens. Noththr worthy of note has tr./inspired: From Central - Ante:di:awe learn that the death of General Carrera', .Pradden t of Guatemala, wile expreted. and a able was expected to follow the event. ,Camera was President, for life, with pow er to name. Ids successor. lie has named Gen. cohnx, late °mere°, of.Ohlouhnsbus.' It was thought Carrera's death would-be the *nal for Gen. Barrios to roust hostillUnr; The Preeldentot Honduras had Issued a decree of non-Intim:ears* wllh.Costaltieryer#.For!lng. The Meteehag Tor:Draping' ettles--thed. iiiggestilln. 3 NEw- Tcou44Pril 1 , 16 . - rArrariiMn - en t f '"' be " log made tor thiseollection of marina's nand Or: draping the city In mooning., and selling thew for the benefit of the widows and orphans of de. ceased aoldirra. The goods nre Ito be refinished at a arrillrostaid said et 'neaten. l'inniinent aritiblmtra have 61Ter6t to ficll. them tree of till elates. It Is invoi,4l mat n r in , liercentst; fellu:s dt Ihrert: • u • • • THE IsURHINBER OF NOBILE. BEPIMT 11F /01Mi1 THATCHER Obstructions Blown trp and Reniiived. .DAMAGE TO . TERSELi BY TORPEDOES Four Jrundred buns Captured. WASIITISGTON. April 26.--Tho-Navy Depart ment bee received the following: WEST Gru. BioußADmo SQUADRON, • U. S. Fir..umulr STOOKTULN, Orr Mout.; April 9. 1.865. 13=—In my last dispatch of tie 12th Instant, I had the honor to inform the department that Gencral Gran= and myself had' , ' demanded the immediate and =conditional surrender - of Mo bile, and that ityoiald-oricloubtedly =accorded, as the city was at our mercy, and we were In possession of the =lade forts. The officers detailed by !Install Granger and myself were tact by the Mayor atel the authorities near .the t thence of the Mtg . , and the demand for the eur rc,rder via then made. The 'parties then "re paired to; Clt4 , tall, where the Mayor . addrmsod the folloilOng Cooollllllo6llolll lfaioe'll Office, CUP qj MoblU,Aprit 14, lef.S.— Omer 'have the honor to acknowledge the re- ' idea nerour COMlMMlcatien at the buds of Ltda. Col. it. G. Laughlin, of the stiff of Ma): Gen. Gran cOmumuidlug the Slid army awful, and-Lieut.. Commaodcr T. IL Franklin, 11. B. „i11.„.0f the. Mar of Admital Thatcher, demand" leg an immediate and uncandltloual suneuder of this city. The city` hat been evacuated by the military authorities _ and its municipal au thority now within''tar ecntrol. Your de mand has been granted, and I Unit, gentlemen, =ketboisalieof humanity that all the ufeguarda vofi ran throw around our people will be se emed to them. ' Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ..(signed) R. H. Stoma, • To Melon General Cordon Creaser,. commanding theSld Arm, corps, and Acting Been . H..“. Thatcher, commuding the West Golf Sgnadrpo: -. The flag of the Milted States was then hoisted, on the till, Nall, aid a portion of the troops Ina • mediate], advanced to prevent pillage. A Provost' guard Is ireirigestiblislied. The 'Usti around the city, which are of Ibunense extent and rtrecgth, were then garrisoned. The navy yard bu been seized to behalf of the tiny, but 'most 'of its contents had bees destroyed. except some lumber and:a quantity of soft coal.. The Octarors and Ahree : river monitors are now at Becher In 'front of the city and down the Tenses. :The former and oneK therime-elade • will be sent up the Tombigoo river wheat tiek. 'rebel Ironclad Nashville, and guatost - bforgen ,lave dol. • ,Tlia Buntsville'ind Tasealoeu,. two powerful ; rains; were • !sunk .4n. Spanialt the evacuation. Our naval foram are now buetiy engaged larlikrwhig up and teliicithig the ob. Unction& Itt.the main ship elmanel, Which, have :timed to be very. formidable. Atuilhil of tarps._ does, Ithhotigh we are reaming ' rapidly.: I mknit bilbroithe thmemnsimt that the tug Ida, has been destroyed by a. tortl4o WhiPg waged In this work, as well as the Launch. of Cincinnati; and' that the tug •Altkei:wil troyed ii, digging for torpedoes In Illakelrelmer.., Also that the gunboat &iota was sunk yesterday whilst under way„ - ..nranirte 'anus the basin in nrelm foist, wateir' There Le a Milieu of rale tag this lest vend and repairing her damages. The remit- of-the elmenudicir ea:wok the uvula thus lost, together with is list of the kt led and"wounded, will be thrWarded as soon as received. . . Very respectively, your oboilent 'arrant: I 9 IFOsd.I ... H. R. Tanana; _ Acting Rear Admiral, commaridLow the West Gulf &madras. Hon. Gioung . Secretary of the Nary. So'far u suertaincd, the .number of pas rapt by the army and nary will not 'fall abortpf tour hundred. Idelay.of them aro" new and:of tho=lieniest 'calibre... The asimust of ammunition and ordniuma Moral la eery lams. Twelek stands of colon were presented the Elepretary of War.. They were captured by the - Stli arm* corps at the battle of Fite Forks, April lat. 018 OCCUPATION OF RALEIGH. City Sarrenatred to Gm Kilpatrick, THE WAR BELIEVED, TO BE -ENDED. j New 1 . °six, April 21.,-The Tribune haft a let ter frourßaleigh giving an account of the Deco- Patton esf the town. As soon as our army com. minted . anoving,Ahe rebels began the evacua tion. Wheeler', cavalry remained In possession , uuntil Kilpatrick spproselted. . One of Whealreee men who remained to get a Ant at our men, was taken and hung one mile from Raleigh. CCM. Kilpatrick was met by the Mayor of the city who desired to surrender It, and asked pm- Mellon for peopleund property. Protection Was graoied, and the occupation was made without opposition. The flag of the Fifth Ohio cavalry was-tkoffrst one hoisted from the State Rouse. _Guards Were stationed to preveit pillaging. The Oilers of the Confederate and - Conserve lfre were destroyed bye mob of soldle.-s, but the Matfett! and Preen= were not disturbed. The rAlls burned the Central Railway Station before learingi to prevent a large quantity of corn falling into ow hands. TliFe Was Tay little in . eothhsg woe known, in the Army concerning the terms of the &mistier between Sherman and Johnston, but it was 'generally understood that 'hewer had ended. Before leavitig Raleigh Hardee remarked that If Gen.7Lee Ima surrendered; and he had no doubt of It, any further slaughter of noon in battle Wm only murder. Ho was believed to express Gen t 'Johnston's opinion on this point. A meeting was held a few days sines at the capital, by the officers of the old army of Ten. nessee,lo . atrange a committee to orgatilsa brotherhood that shall meet other a year atilt. Louis. !Ile 14th of April is to be the day chosen .4 and Generals Loran and Blair are to bo the fa ding . SECRETARY MIR IRPROBRO WIRY Frederick Also Doing Well. 11.EF',01/T OF WITBOZON GENERAL BARNES VTABRUiiiiOII, April 6..4 A. X • _ . tint-4 have th e Incaptgrirepott tacit die Sec retary tif State is rogainlngtie strangtlfrapidly, and Nisi; able to late ids room yesterday. Mr. Frederick Seiiried% condition la becoming more bopeftil. • - -•• • j Very respect:any,' (Bliite6,) , • Barg. Gan • Wt-inwioluri. April 26-9 P. Y. Bon; B. N. Martha*: Btail have the honor to report that the See. retery of State rode ont to-dayand was benefited by It.!Mr. tiTZEinWird: tilgatntor einujitt Y. taVeli, as ta desirable. Veryinapectfully, (61fined,) J. K. Basunts, Sorg. Gera liaTt idnik; IPS* 28 =TLS 'Steamer Colum bia Wings BAYOU& 'dykes to the 24tb. • The jntelligente of the assassination of Fecal. dent 14ncoln caused tnnelt.exchetuests And 4 cast a deepiloom aver`tlio Albeilean people. The American Consulate displayed a deg at half milt; ale* the most of the American ships lathe The blockade. ranners Wren and Bodar aerie :o on the 23d, from Galveston, with cotton. ' ^ Joliet 8. Wltllame, who was carrying $54,000 State money from Gollad to Clinton, Togas, was robbed by a band of thieves. The plockade :trner Eliza - Catharine, loaded with cotton, sunk on the bar at Brazos river, drowning the Contrite, Mate and three others. iray of Irlammoris It - aria reported that Cortines had declared valeta the Emplre, and wa s proofing 'to attach. Gen. MeJla, who Is In - Ifatamoras with 4,000 or 5,000 mon. Melia Is conofr front conamnoteatlont - wlth the Interior. He will either surrender or retreat, and - If he does the lamer -he le lost. Cortina, has from 8,000 t? 7,000 troops.: • . p 4 ,4 l , ll ,.;Thiity Loan Subscriptions. PIIII,IIDSLi/1/4 April 26,;1'be subscriptions to-the 740.1c0m to-day from all parts of thi Deloa,laa tekvsphed to Jay 'Cook% amounted o 14.1 3.000. The 'meet eagle subscriptions were $ from 1900.000 from Waibi Moo r sod -000,000 and-SWAM -from &owl:a ThiAmtlifitual.autieripelois At $5O. end a 1000,trtworkhig iudYroPleu, make up portjoachtthe.abon.igift/W.41, . . . . d Tow, Anfir trabeneton ..11 1 /27 . 11 d to.diy .wat Anlet, bat tho fcCling'flOnn!, an itp.frittrndcncy.• _ . The Vpentheinianaiiked wp.. 155, but it , linn - odintety (inclined to isglsl3ii i,nlprlre.npl "denlingi are fu 651. i xoll to i rcidng-t3 Li HO „ • .P1T4 . r!..T5:13V110.E.-.: ":;....GAZETTE, PITTSEURG.H. TTIURS DA Y. - TAP 27. , LATE 3: OM BERMAN'S ARMY. The Proposed Terms of Johnston's Surrender. WIDE HAMPTON PROTIATS ACHIM NEL Theßaleigh "Standard" on tho Rebellion THE AMIESSOILTION OF PEZSIDEN? LINGO ' LE lieneral Sherman's Order to. tne Army -' 'Haw 'roux, April 26.—The Tin4Ge , Washing• ton special, dated the 25th, says : We have in formatlon from Bherman's armyof an important character. It appears that Johnston's first let ter to General Sherman ptepaseilte surrender of his army on the earns terms that Lee surrendered. A meeting was arranged at which Wade Hamp ton was present.. Ha protested agaln.t the Sur render, and declared he would not surrender his cavalry force, (supposed -to be about 2,000 stroir,) whereupon Sherman consented to delay for the purpose of giving Johnston and Gimp ton an opportunity to consult Davis. Another meeting was arranged for the next day, On that day the parties Again met and at the first sitting the remarkable memorandum or basis of agreement was presented and at once signod. The Birders Washington special says: There . to tens In Richmond to the text that General Johnston. while negotiating terau(wtth General Bliermao, marched off moat of Lis troops to. 'wards &Mb Carolina. ' • • The Raleigh Barmiest/ or the 17th says: The revolution hos fatted. Mr. Lincoln' has - made good his declaration that he would hold, occupy and possess the forts and other property or the United States. and that be would- enter° the laws of the nation. The most ultra secession ists most.ow see that further resistance would be folly, madness and murder: It calls foe re organization, and dec;arm then the Governor and Legialatnre elected by Slime and fraud, do sot retied the wishes or the will_ot the people. We are authorised by General Sherman to state that It. Governor Vance and the Legislature will return they wilt be.prcteetwislf they do not they must soCcompiakilf-Stelle aro taken tostmer cede thaw, Ihe nett day this paper sala I Davis him fled; Vance hoe tick. Smith has Sod; secession Weed; the old flag once more wavls proudly over the capitol of every State. Tknig God for It. The period eo 'long baked for, lied labored for tree men of this State. has it - laatsirred.:Let those who have ldentiffed shentselvers with the Davis and Vance drapotlua prepare So retire to private kik. ;rolifleally. they are doomed men for eo' be roue. • • , '''The following, hi Gas. 13bermailltoider an nouncing the asassinatiest • - hfredstmenti Man" Dhaka of iforasippt, thr Add. Rad" April 17.--Srawsh Oman, No. 10.--The General ,eool2tierldieg aollolllata withpain and =row that on the aesoing of-the 'l4th last,. at the theatre in Waikato:a City. , ailsTxcelleasy, the livesklent of the Nuked ALSO, Abraham Lineolth was sesessioated b 7.; I one "who littered the State . motto of Virginia. At the -same time the Secretary of Staab Sir. -Sewa rd. stile wawa; (roma broken arta, was alto staWd by soaker murderer his owe • ho huse; hod atillatatrea and Meaning wound. .tro fatally. - • • pall Wand by persons elelltall of lodging. that other high °Mow was designed so share the same'fate. Time, itsees% of our enemy. despairing ortoeeting us in ray warfare; be- - gin to nwortlothe ansassin'alools. Tour Genaal does not wait yen to lake Ws this is nolversid, for he knows that the great awes of -the Coate& erste situ: .voald atom 10 snake lamb - acts; but be bairns it delesittuate Sbnagurecti of the rebellion molest rightfel, authorities. , We Dave met every phase which Ibis war has assumed, us omit nowt* prepped for It in its • last 'and worst shape-shat of assmiles and guer rillas. Buttrot Wall the papiewhe seek to sk. pond their alki passima b inch nuanter, for them Is but one dread result. - By order of Ithj.Gett:W.-2.flasimai. Darns, btilorand 8. , A 6. . tBAUOIT COLLISION ON ID POTONIC SINKING •OF THE .BIACE -DIAMOND About Fifty Lives Most. • BALTIZORI, April 26.-rresterday . morning _at melte o'clock, . the steamer Xasea r tinseets, loaded withieldlent, tbegrealo7 piratic *bah= were exchanged and panAed gerlsonar. collided with a *learner named the Black Diamond, a small barge propeller In the Potomac ricer, one milo from BLockstane Island, which was acting there •s ' i picket boat, and had on board a gaud 'of.rome twenty MCP. The Mareaehutetre stmt.: the Black Diamond on the Tort side, about the boiler, "Inking her II about three rninutie. In the excitement attending the colliskut many of the soldiers became panic stricken and btyond Control, and many were drowned: The Massachusetts lay near the spot. till day light picking up about a hundred medwho either Jumped or were thrown by the force of the col, nylon on the wreck of the Black Diamond. Copt. Holm; of the ad Veteran Reserve i',orps, was the officer in eon:mud of the troops, arid from a statemmit made by him, it appears the basset life, as near as can be ascertained at present, will not exceed fifty. AD VICES FROM NEWBERN. THE ory .DRAPED IN MOURNING SORROW FOR THE DEATH OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN Deeire to ileturnto the Un ion, BIIZIM VisfiefinslOlLNDS AMEN Nur Your, April N.—Advice* from New tern, N. C.; to the 29d, are retuned. The city was draped In mounting, and a meeting maa held that day, to glee a:waggon to the psblic sorrow for the death of President Lincoln. The Steedard and Promo papers, eoudnetedtv their 010 proprietors, appear in mourning, and au (hat President Lincoln was the bast friend the South had, and that the South antlers more in hie death than - the North. The rats lcatlou of the Constitutional Amend ment abollthleg slavery Is regarded mi The desire to return to the Tinton appears to be general throughout the:Btete. th enGewt 13hremeiVe may cuop awaiting e avower of the Gorerriment to the rebel prop. (ninon. < . Stocks, Kowa atieDry Goodiltattors. Nmir, Tomr, April °6.—After the. Protracted interruption of beldam connected with tho tuitional bereavement. . the markets openod. with a general feeling of vigor. Easiness is buoyant In every dipartment. Thy Ateck mar, ket is very strorig fie the attest. Art locrinsed nispealtitnt to purchase looks ita If the public were taking_tiold of iitoCks more freety. At the Block Exchange, railroad, speculation was alreogrEntlgironitril. There was a hair! businemi after Bak and a strong upward movement with active demand. MonCy and gold operators are now In stocks, and thin gives an Impetus to the market. GOT ernmeqt 13 =r 1 1 1 44 1 . Was firmer andlu demand, 10 40'n taking .lead In. the upward movement. State Bonds lower.. Bonk Shares and Railroad reengage. without any • ursentlal change and rather quiet. Gold speculation Is very steady dad uniform, but tho market lacks animation and activity. Several very absurd rumors were afloat, bet they had no effect generally. The market remains very easy, at 5 per cent. on M. chigan collatersis and 434 on goVenacnent.' Thu expectation of a large return of five-twciaties from P.nrope.is principally affecting the exchange markets. The leading drawers cm London are asking I,olTia 1,10 for C.O.days sterling: • Petrelcum stocks are firmer with a go.id de. mand, especially for Oceanic Bales of tine:tarp an Farm at 1101 EmplreCity 270; Eyed Farm 220; -Oceanic 260; Tack 196; Cherry Run 65; F:xect sior 450; Manhattan 51, Itawson Farm 803;.t1n1- ted States 11,A. There Is great activity in the Dry Goods trails, : ands large' business is being transacted for at tribution. Jobber* are very calpioyed.to their full capacity.' - _Domestic Cotton fabrics AM very Antal bad, and the Wide/taloa_of the; prices la steadily upward& For foreign goods there Is 111417 demand, and 3 everything_ .deihnhic Ii enueriy,takets nets arc gnu! and imgroylig.. ni c nugget , nt,:countryj . nrchaseas 'in the city ia'aronanfilly. 4arge,, a ,thern:,le : avery mos pectoi !continual activity in Ando -thraughont - ' 1 Win Chattestaii.' Yot4. A the steamer Fnlten wo heeo 6),c(rleet4s paper's' of the 124. , On tin. eisC n pnblle "meeting; - watiLel,/ In the enNect or the evi.eie,litetinu ,,l Peak rt. It en. ofirlre•ftr 1 flx• ret..11;110:15 . uat.q..ted. tom BERATED IN Jim!! BRUT BS BOOTH ARRBiTBD. ' t ---- Fnprivii bailie,* of Ilia gri'ler'a Wagon NNW - tom April 26.—An evening paKer pub lishes aelory that J. Wilkes -Booth was Seen in Brooklyn last Friday night, by the keeper of a whisky shop. 'The story cannot be traced to a reliable ileum. AU steamboats and railway trains eni being closely. watched. The detectives feel certain that Booth has not been here or _passed In this dire ton.. PnwAnstrnta, v it. l3 1 . April 26.—Junins lie Booth was arrestln this city at eight o'cl lc this minting, and taken to Washinrton. w • e he Is nose cootie in the old Capitol Prised. it latuiderstood that his arrest was chased on - pinion Of thda knowlege of the 'ideation t:.i . brother 4o assassinate President Lincoln, based upon 6114 letter to Wilkes; published In yester day morning's papartyregaeding Rlehmond and oil. 1 From , ;cm'Orleans-41min of Lincoln's Assam*!patios Carn.o,444l2o.—The steamer Olive Branch, from New Orleans on the 2lst, 'misled here for St. Lou% with thlrtplive hales of cotton and Gl3 paroled prisoners from Vicksburg. Four men wets killed oi the depot the receipt of the , pews of the assassiaation of President Lincoln, It New Orleans, for ?deicing over his death. Sinll44r T l Or cotton. Superfine Hoar, A Ratan Range dispute!' of the 53th srkys : The newt of the amessinallos was received on the liith; causing great exeitesent. Basiness was enftrely suspended. The bultitap were dropedjil general term" expressed. A large farad seba took place on the 20th. 'Gee *1 passed Baton Rouge for New Orleass. ob the 19th. The IrtMend Procesiden is NaW York. New. T'oarc, Aprll Meld says' ono of the striking features of the funeral proem. Edon yesterday was the implant* showered upon the repreeentativas of thh colored rate upowthe Ilan or entreb la the wealthier parts Apt city. The stew In Fifth Avenue Was one continued ovation the Negroes, who were compelled to keep that heads uncovered for miles In ackturve lcdgmeak of the pleuditsof the male vectinors and _the waviag of the handkerchiefs of the la dies In the windows. A %neer city la New York;, lielta than two yeses since It was as much ai"a life was worth to be seen walking the 'tree*. One of the Asiiiiiias'Aitipasits to Commit I ,1 Shackle. blsw rpsz;li - prif W.—The non' Washing ton spade contains the follewiag t Some days ago we to an account of the arrest of Paine, rho, itislaileged. attempted the 115511111i1114011 of &xtriary:Saward. Yesterday it was discovered that this primmer bad attempted to take his own Mb by batting his head against the iron walls of Ida prison.. it was roved that he had beaten Ms bead almost into a jelly, sad was bleeding brandy; A. cap wasprepared for him, padded all over abd fastened isenmay upon his bead, Mot tia bands accurate° that he can do himself no abrtber Rebel Colimel,Capillred—Odd FeWIWI' Louursitus. April 28.-Captalo Boyd.„ 4 1011. deractiosnt of &at* troops, captured, this ma- Ina, sear Venoms. Col Joseph flasks, of Oho rem eelsT• The 04d Yellowy Celebrated the forty-Aids, Akeitivrairylovlsy. by • vary bapater proee•- !lOU, with fel), mail* and: hPflroprtate,t l lnslar arder the tatizsbalably of C. C. Spacer.- After, or thtsueut address by Boy:4Lp. galas. 4_ of Cteeteeatl, 'the visiting member... , of a suatptualts repeat at thelot &Title Relatkons Ninelont, April 24.—A diapateh, Ants 1.11- bon. amid llih Aprit;speakhic of thendations exhilarettween the Uniterldantes and Portuta; sap Thergoverme of Bakin waft dlainiaseltor not °railways firedisto the. Union ships anon they went armee/Mg the bar, but for °option ing to dnen whentheyintestnwic their at 4 and had alteridy turned towards Ushon. At a pAbllc drmeostratitto o:the ectetinoatlon er sattable relotltes betwreo 'Vie two tilauti, o reri pot* lento Itodraloto PICO lnboaorof their respeettitt labia 1111 1TraiAttkitAIMI104- , HostraLo, April tal.--The - prnyelletatatinox, Otaates sad =await got thttith'llet teo last night. Two went bona d far 'Undo and one for Dettiolt. Thre flymoath let this morning foe Chleagoi but la salt In the lee. Pick'Octets and TAlen,. • Atm.*. April 20.—A iranir of notations pick pockets and- thieves ' from New Tort, le ft for the wars' et or. at. Six or them were Ended, Meniter assists et New Tort. Niw tom. April 20.—The mouttor Roanoke clew lira In our bay,juning bleu towed Loral? ttlogunfoOst Alabama.. trbennaWs %orrender The reaponsa of the country to iliberrnan?s dis graceful, conduct, is reassuring. There le, throughtnit 'the North, steeling of Indignation. It will be seen by our Washington inetwl4s„ that the best plectra In the army ere alto Indignant. They regard the terms -is disgreeetal and de grading,: The rank and die bad not, yet semi through the matter, .and:-it was Intended that they should not see-throwgh it. flherman's or , der to the army, publishol yesterday, was the • most 'nitpicking act of the-series. Ho, seeming ly at least; meant to prepare tho soldiers for an immediate peace, end to lay the foundation for dbacelsfatikm, In ease his course should be db. approved. Either this, or be Mil the vanity to suppose the Gott/mach% is !low of the assassi- LIAOII of the Preside.nt, wee not In condition to reject.bla liragtamme. Iliad It le worth of note that,General ahem= knew of the murder of the President two days before he signed the agree ment With Johnsen, and".purpooely• kept this knowledge from the army. The execution of tbe agreement under "Mk elecometamees was • -double disgrace, and the order' sutweengatir b oned, lei which he assumed, that- his proceedings would be approded, as a matter of course, wsa In keeping with his previous act of keelboat . nation. it Is gratifying to keow that In this serisis.lthe terro nuts Adudetstrsties, with the real duct, ae and emphatic In their &sapper batten ShermanS course. - The people, as already retearkett, tun ladlgnant; acid so we be-- Ikea the army *lll be ludignaid,. Sherman of mute; will be relieved and sent home. lie has rinderml good /testes to the canntry,trut babas,. SO far as this rebellion is concerned, ,fultllled hit ftc extreme vaulty has 'ruined hlm, and be ;mum now go where so many. have gotta _hefore+ou to the shelf. Usher proYed himself ai good general In 11410 respect", but p danger-, .cue man, and one In whose hands power cannot •be limited. It view ft!3 , remelt , " rm."..k.e rem!. gut to, respond to the demands of the people,. for the Immediate remove& of. General Ithemag from edmmitad," lie can do in good' In the ar my. He via doce.ltsguvut Of lt.---ciasplatit. • . _ _ . . . . A IV? iv.) Twritomda YstAdvr .Favdn Tins COT.—Copt ale Smith: of the brig J: Tlenr IsrdAhls tortnniou Tram Bermuda; reportithat the Collo! Shove Vousni at that port hadsitscov• creels plot to Introduce tbo yellow farar Yerk, ilt appears that a Dr. Blackburn, or W11; - inlcgt,da, 1. C., bad collected four bales of tn for led Clothing, conalttlag of. sheets, shirts and other rdfuse matter from the hospital', which he letendad to ship to Mew Tork for the purpose of spreadleg the fever In tbe city. The Mammon .takerrin charge by the authorities, and would be burned "on Qua rind Inn Island tWOdaYS aftgcue. ' TON nucul•rr Of letters deposit - 01ln the post. office tar mailing and deliverr without nre:Par. went by stamps Is very conalderable, into proper. to @tato that, by the law passed atthe lartzession Com.tees, garb letters are no longer allowed to be term urded to their dratluation, charged. double, Its but are required to be ir.nt at bnce to the dead-letter Mlle.!. The law Is peretindety, leaving no discretion with post master* in the prendsta. Revenue stamps on lettere , are not recognized aapayment of postage. I.crten3 having only such stamps on them are, therefore, sent at mem to the dead-letter office.' et'fl ClAWElTtfilili Ton, TIMM I:MS=IM crodikwe of theespieded"Oonfed. Meta" government, It le said, hare attached the goods belonging to - that concern in the ltandifof rebel ape - Italy - Landon. Those contiding crodl;. tins did wnet they could to build up the Goofs& - copy. Now that their aid has proved so useless, notudyrewill teens nest amount of sorrow to find hit the money of the English oreditOrli" ISgette* Ith the 'Conlialerate Government. - The smerasoount of rebel. property on hand wilt . scareelY.rmy a tithe of the sum which is owed- ASSAASIIILTION6.—Tw)IItteIIIptt '4/61M wady apen Preehlent Jachaton'a the fltit, by an„es•lientenant or the navy, Rib. litAiht .yl2O Veiled lard by the nose, and the Etcond :by , a Milde.)t, of •Virashingtott City, but i Ettellrh -"birth, named Lawrence, who "anapped lwo pr.tola at him, while nwae . R't: 'l l r-1•*or ill.? .11 capitol, return . - {tiiin Ntlvral. Linrrwice ell: Lot?: e Tr...at:fat% • • • till , LIND SUBUIIIIII4. -- • Printer Wanted..—A good new/paper COM. poaitor can obtain a 'pertnanent situation in tbia t office by applying soon. Woman Killed In Allegheny. On -Wednesday evening about half-past five o'clock, an old lady, whose name has not yet been ascertained, was streets by Engine No. 26, on the Plttabur t ,h, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway, and almost instantly killed. She had ascended from the month of Craig street, in the First ward, to the railroad track, and was in the act of crossing over to get up on the...second bank," when the was struck and fatally Injured. The engine Dad been ordered to shift a car for the Accomreodation train, and was running with the tender ahead. The engineer was not on the engine at the time, but the fireman, who had It in charge, was amply competent (accord leg le the testimony) to kindle IL Thera are a great many Macke and switches at thlo point, and the old lady,in her anxiety to get over tottre other Bide, ran directly into danger. If she had stood still she would Dave escaped lejury, but getting directly In the way of the engine she was struck by the tender and fatally Injured; ex piring in ar few minutes: Her body was carried Into the :Federal street depot, where an human was held by coroner Clawson. Tee jury fowl a verdict: of accidental death. The deceased was about fifty-five or sixty years of age, spare of flesh, and rather delicate In appearance. She WAS commonly dressed, and wore a calico frock and black bonnet, naked with • era bundle, In which we, a pair of new shoes, and a variety of other articles. She will donb to identi fied to-day. If not claimed by_h , Mende, the• body will be Interred• this after. oon, at four o'clock, by the railroad aoMPob7. Transportation. tor Deeeued no Legislature of Pasasylvaal of Febrile:7,lB69, passedmiolut leg "the Executive enfants Vaa l quhed to Insure an hontsble imriel and sklilful. treatment . tet the It troops *hose lives ma, be lin— battle•fletis In defense of the I Constitztfon.” accordingly, the Govemor has .• ade =ene mata that whenever a Penneylv Ma soldier la , killed or dies of disease while I. the savlee, Aransportatlon is I rushed for on , person from his home to the place where, lap r alas of the soldier may be, and also fee both the person who goes for the body , of the deceased and tee le =Amapa& to his home. This transportation is famished. by Colonel H. H. Gregg, Chief of Transportatkm, at Harrlaburg. In applying for transportation, the name of the deceased soldier —hie rack, company„}niment, date of death— and the Dame of the friend going for his remains should he eirett. Whets transportation is thus furnished the mat of Wattles home remains of deceased soldiers will be comparatively nothing. Brutal Clatrage .1790 a a Girl—Death of the Victim. An atroe ns .ontregi was coMmited some time since, by a Evicted man named Owen Reed, Using oa lawford re met, upoi a ie , !body of young girl awed Sally --, colonsd, about. thirteen or fourteen years of — lt appease that the girtiiii.ptisalife Reed's hones at the . Rita; sedum ha pulled yes la nad forcibly. viols-. ted her person. Shortly after.the girl took the smallpox, and az /headily lard Atm d1ed.,..0a her deatisted she the facts of the cam, having made ii,.:Slsientilcra of the midget Previous - . ly, b ud cbatred. Reed with being the otiose of ter death. He was arrested yesterday, and' lodged la the tocixtip for an examination. Whether the girl% death resulted from therape: or whether from 'disease Is a myttery witleh the'atteudlag physician 'may solve, but he that ; as it may, the offender win be held arciaablerior 'the gross outrage perpetrated by bbni ' - ' Fatal Accident. I , :On Wedittiday Of last week, when Hoe Abaci modaUtth tieing east stOTPIth GliZkultafr. J. IL Mason, dentist, of Indians .gee of . . to assist some lady off the Dabs. •ni some, envie be was delayed In netting'g . lord ain, till alter Dm train wasln motion to 14 — ve - , when he • , attesipted fa get o n the forward end of the car next the Mama. but by stoma means be fell, was n s and tet' much ender, th at one set of yaw& over his legs. crashing them. Du for one or two persons taklng hold and draw lag has to away from the train, thesext set 't wheels add have raze over his body. He iris lined aid dawn,;- tan his. saver spoke: The 'ante of.his Laths being cut, It was bat a shorn e 11l all his - blood was poured out, and be 11l not over twenty minutes. Unlearnt . a wilt an three children. Tennyson Club. The R . Dr. R. H. Chapin, of New York, de livered elect:we In .Masoaki Hall, last erecting, under the aropiers of the Tennyson ant—sub. Jett "The Old and the New.". The hall was well tilled with an Intelligeni and appreciative audience, and the Iteture, so Inch of it as we heath, vas an unbroken string of the most brit- Hatt gems.. The elope:tee was almost match. lees, and the effect meat thrilling. Alf. Burnett Is to come next week.; then ill who will era themselves of the opeonterity may euJoy a It* pleasant evenings. Columbia nook mad Ladder Comtism. In the notice of the are.on Market atreet, In our 4 a of yesterday. one of oar reporters. don4}n a spirit of Indiscreet pleasantry, re . ..,„,„,,.,,. trim saw the lambi& Hoot aad Laddr, which . makes Its a pursue* shoot as often • ' as the comet... We ke pleasantry in its ...proper plasm tiaterhenladul,gateatii Itharts the feelings of wonky men, and casts at tutdesemed slur not swami aModation as this, who are prompt In the dtaeharge of the datlel they have assume, It Is wrong.. We are sorry-the ILI-ton eldemd mark way toodo:--Ewrron, A CoPpeqbead Chastised.—On last Battu , day night, a young man by the CAM! of &wipe. a rile Copperhead. went Into the store of Mr.. Widdemau, In West Newton.: and called for photographs. When that of President Utopia was presented, he said thst he(Ltucoln) ought to bare been In b--11 long ago. A number of citizens on hearing of this, beget to assemble for coosukatlon in regard to what should in done with so vile *wretch, when Shoape skedaddled up a beck Street. The assembled citizens leat a committee of three to ascertain his where- SAauts, who'havlng Ibund him, administered the necessary 'Correction, which induced him to' re, cant his outrageous erpresilons, with a prombio to leers the town within firs minutes.. . The Pittsburgh - and Steubenville Rail - ?oath—This road ban been eosin:doted to within are milts of this city, Ind it like:peeled that a train trill be ran horn the borough of Teniper anceville to Surgettatown; Washington eounty, within six;ireelts. This train.will 'connect, with soother's' Stugettetogt, Whieh will run to the Olio river oppeolte Stetabw• Aningemente bare been entered into by the 'company with the Saiiisior :Omnibus „Line. to, convey passoustal and Name to and from Temperaneeville until the W14.001(0! the river it %Wacky tatompietel. _The opening of thin toad Wilt benf great adieu- Ca ge to like prosperlly of tho city, as- it will bring it into dote connection with one of the An Wien' hull Matilda in the . • pre 4Uesibray and Praeport 111. road.- Anthetillyr,. o f thelrlende of this pre) ted rail road tett et the,Seott Mom Tnosde , for tbo purpose or opening boob( fed, recoletUX sub-' terlptlons. r AVM° ariJonrurdebt 'hemming; $155.000 bed been 'unearthed, an ititeotomtt tee eery confident that the entire amotk i t feuld be relied lo ter _few date .. lunged colt of building the road, equlyrplog e same, end pulling itin running order, Is W 0,000; but itis thought by many.tbet the wad la eolith • quence of tbuyereent and anticipated reduction In labor andeistarlid, can be built at a less fig- Drowned,—A small Ley,. ;Mout six years of age, themonsif Mr. Ilarnuaman, North Wheel Mg, was dtowned on Tuesday morning. He was, playing; with some 'other- children- on 11 raft. ying Intim titer oppos.ite the taw mill of Wi4 ebn dr, Dubiety, when he either fell In, or as one 'acemnt says,lras puihed into the river. ;Efforts were made to save him, but proved unavailing. body h'ud not been recovered attest accounts, and as the current Is very strong In that vicinity. IS has debbiless been carried - soma distance _down the strewn. . - Death from, a Dee Wtinw„—A Nolo son of Mr..: J. . T. - Kerth; about , four Tr is 'old, living near .Manstleld, 'OW, was playlagie the yard one , day last witch, and was stun; on the top of 'the head by -a common bee. Not much Was paid to It a .1111.11 ms, but the child's headbetwmtng much Indented, physlebta was caved in; who ussd all m i nedlea wlthoutanall, theithlld djlak at:stink nolo.' This In the Oral bletalltuthot-wil-hATOestd that the sag Of it bee prose :fatal. The Morrow Caee ' ot the' Comuumwerath•ya. Patrick•Moirrinbidlataitor the murder of a luau earned Welliutioine ell or peTen - yretics Mace, at-a driukinstpatuarion: Wyllo wilto be takenthi4 puirciloi•, at Mao o'clock. ; In thitCpurt of QOurtry Tao Dlotrlct Attorney reqn&t, that all the witavoror far tlutirareentloirltu:proutvly anhand . at, oponlrg'or • • . ee advo•tio6wenvor, T. Duncan W . armitcr tialit4V 04! }lev.,t; =MI M=M The 'Mystery on Pennsylvania Avenue. The ghost mystery seems to agitate the public mmd wonderfully since the long narrative given by an evening eotemporary. That there la a house - supposed to be haunted, there is no longer any doubt, and the location has been found oat by a great number of people.. A party visited the Pate on Tuesday night, bat failed to discov er anything unusual, except, as wo learned from one of them, (for whose statement we canned, vouch, as we know nothing about.him) that a door in . the dining room, which had been locked and the key put In the pocket of one of the -)pr ties, bad been opened by some invisible egtxtpy and again , slammed shut audibly. Early last evening a large crowd was collected at tnelttonse, who on'nteting began tearing off the pap&, and abasing the premise,' otherwfte, )scrthat Mayor or Lowry was obliged to dispatch a .number of policeman to the place to protect:the .;property We paid a brief visit to the scene of idle.alleged. spiritual manifestations, after eleven bast night, and learned from the police who went throogn the home, that nothing had been seen. The dining -roots and cellar appear to be the only places occupied by there invisible tenants. Offi cer Willistm went to the cellar and remained about fifteen minutes alone sad In total dark• ness, and eaw nothing but the surrounding gloom. A party of Incredulous gentlemen, armed at the spot last sight In a carriage, who had made' proyUlon to remain In the bonen all night, who will probahly teat the truth of the presence of hobgoblins. Meanwhile we still adhere to oar belief that 'there nothing Is the mystery which may not to doe time be explained away. If such thing& trans pire as has been stated,they are probably the trickery of some minig mountebank. . Recovery of 011 and 011 Barrela..—The commlUee appointed to collrct the oil and oil barrels that Boated down from the oft regions durlog tliptreat freshet, have made arepOrt of their labots up to the 15th. Inst., as follows Full banes of 'crude oil • 7,6R6 Empty barrels—.... • ...... Soldiers. on tho Sails lotion pledg my be re -1 to the dead, `cg, of such fled on the and the Leg Broken.—L brakeman on the Pennsyl vanialtallroad nailed John Miller, hid his leg broken at Irwin's "Station Un Monday last. He was caught between two small trucks Mat wero en an open car, breaking ids right leg above t h e knee. He was a discharged soldier. Assault anattattery.—A yonnst r, iaan,naauti. Henry Taylor had a hearing before yor Lowry last evening charged with committing an as unit on a boy lamed Harris, by throwingadin ner-bucket atbis head. He was hello-ball for 11,11 Weatarieo at COMIC. St. , Peter's Church.—Bishop Stevens will administer the rite or confirmation, and institate the Rector. at XL Peter's Church this morning at half peat tea o'clock. Re will not appear to the evening, au has been erroneously artnonaced elsewhere. ~ ' A Wild Man at Large.—One of the little "Wild M0n , .. - exhlbiting oa Fifth, street, mim aged to ramps from the room andget oot on the street last n. Be was pursued; wawa'. rdsobargede—The row; isien attested OD ow ' &lon of bong concerned In tborobbery °CM'. Long ef.Blterpebtut Woof been &schemed, Oen being so stkionce'sgalnet . • Rebel. Cheat, The &liming L pert of theilsovegeot indite 'Cedpbeillso Presided gancel4 the JtetAttletiee 'Of eineed hilisCto 'retake' the order of :Wetted feetheestemhil,*.of theli*Letaeg- „ "If ion want to eonelekte he said "It will be wise for you to newt an ansuestyoutd neniwiary for yon to Obit leniently their loblitig publtcvien,' and esekditeirlasistanee.” ' Nowledit..betmdersiooil'orica for all that we to trod want to conciliate 'Um. rebels or their. leAidere: lire leant them , to conciliate iss„ :We did the parties. who need coeciliindon... Dees the Judge seek to comeillato - the, crimthalt The pre. tended Inabi li ty' of - tbose ' rebel scoundrels one and all to , routeister 'the' feet Abet - tip to four yean ago their Ups ware steeped In oaths to sup port the Union; iusdte that they owes the same .o:lenience to ' the 'government now as then. Is mere byre:ably. They have played the game of bluff and assumption long enough. What - we want thein to do is obey the laws of the United States or rellase at their peril, and not *mit the covernment by proposing conditions to their allegiance. We have bat erne' gospel to the rebel. and that is "obey the laws or.yre'll pun ish you."--CAlava newest ani szwr setae so announce :that tbe oredettinens of New York sal jots in the hineral procession today—the , Common Connell to the contrary notwitbstandlng. Mr. Adtou,President. of the Police Commis sioners, authorizes and desires rut to Bay that a place in the procession has been assigned to col omit societies and individuals, by his order, anti the police will see - that they - occupy it without hinder:dee from an, quarter. A meeting of the CODMOII Colleen Lommitte was held last eve ning, at which Mi. Acton urged that the Com mime should revoke Itsohnottons and insulting regulation, but the Committee dedined to re voke it, whereupon Mr. Acton notified them of the order above stated. He *HI receive the cor illalithanks of tiny decent citizen for averting the'dbigrace which the blind prejudice , of the Coalmen Council would baye Droned upon us. We are able to add that Gen- Dix has been In formed that It is the desire of. the Secretary of _War that no person should be axtinded from the procession on account el color. Had there been DO place for the pegroes In the civic proffession, we doubt not Gen. Dix would Live welcomed them in the mWtary.—A". T. Tab. - /loam of the people of o:mord, N. R. not seeing a. dam displayed at the residence of Ex. Wee' ident Pierce, nor any badges of sorrow for the death of Mr. Lincoln, suspected that be en tertained no regret, baton the contrary; might secretly .rejoice at the event. The Intensity of the popular - feeling. was everywhere such as would not be trifled with. end between tsro hun dred sad tour hundred of the citizens assembled In Mint of his house on Saturday evening, end 'called 'him out. Be ,boldly resented,p himself, expressed his detestation of the assaisin'a deed, protested that in common with AlstOdi,eitleeas he most deeply deplored the makes ligreat ca lamity to the country. In reply totheNneetion wby be bad not displayed a Sag,he'relarred the services of hie ancestors intim itevolutirinary and the War of 'lBl9, and of his own balletic& cad said that if his old. neighbors were noture: tideut of hi* loyalty to the old flag, no outward manliestitions could remove their doubt& -.The crowd seemed to be satialled and alter itetening :respectrolly, , goletly departed. . BartMa% Itsoiaxo.--There Is . about g4C0,0130,000 Invested-1n railways In :Great Mat of OM 400,000,000,1 i tit nhires, and the remaining i 100,000,000 is on motive.- Upon ; this latter nrobably an average %tweet of 4% to Et per tent. is paid.; The . cost of working the , railways la ahont tfr per cent. ' The vbss re ceipt. froui railway trade' for 1863 were - E3d, 000,000jwhieh woubileirre atent'l,4B,ooo,lPXr i after dediettag merlins. expenses -Sue, interest on capital and loans. If :the gonteement tor: rowed tlta mhole annunt *mated, at •3X per cent.; the Interest would amens to £ 1 .4,00 0 000. leasing k 3,000,000 for the reductionef,rates, or bard: 00 °14teen0 91 the • - - . . Taw bettelt Pow Press, a lata•dato• -that ttosti,eat c e li tel eatititaioa pada by merchants, omen, tied ers who have meati of knJRioA, It to Aelleved toll; belt Of last yeara,Wheat '2l'oo still le the haodaof tarmacs lw that &ate. • The iatke Ciop, ls geecially oosold, had there Is ao dlspcsition to sell at., the present 'reduced ixioes. We have adnelartromAleols; which state that the nms Ihets."6lll.Y to legrolitoi de. iwO;IPPIy to that State. . . • • . . Waite the trim olLeis , is sniveudei In Mntlivesboro,''Penti:, the individual whip tore down the &are and Stripes and hoisted this drat rebel tlag In that town; was "persuaded" by the Provost:Marshal to. raise-, the old flag ,on tho Court House dome. and•, altesiVardt to remain : on the dome fig halt an hour, that thi public might view net oP'retributlve,litstloi." The w holo town turned out to enjoy the spectacle. . _ -IN A RECENT .11UNI . I>er Or Cliarinarl; John Ball la represented in an attitude of abject terror, leaning against a post - Inscribed "Canada," and &taring In afrlght at a burley *ratikee malefac tor, who Is throlling a man-on the ground. "When - he ls dcmo with him bent come and nob tee I" it the despairing .cry of the helpless, fat, and timid cietlm. , •• • • ••-• Tax u old.mald,” 01:le of the Immense rod wood trace In thO famous trove In Calivaiss county,: Callroltda, fell down not long ago. It was V. , 5 feet In twill, and thirty-film ,In dlameter - at the .'. . . .. BAJIOX &wow . boa dcolaroltilmOdf In -f4Tor of,a olairca refothiatlon la Italy,l4 which the Italian chureblball eloct hor own - Blobopi, wl; ota aoy reference totbe Pope.' -, ' , • • . • . Two root hiwo been shot. dead la St, LoaUAW tiztiltlog over she. etsaiglostloo.ett Llotwan; • GREENOUGH—Oa, • Tyndall': ennl;a•, - Anit nth, st 6 teclinic r. I JOILICICIEEMOtrekI4- .The glittered :will trikp place from the nttillettiee ef hie tni.tti-law, Soho atreet„ 0 ,, Thrustae, April etthott o'cletto.r. _The; fri,ndsot the fr.c4lty- arc rrezeotfyily taifte4 etteahl. _ 9t ESTABLISHED IN 17Ei6. GAITEEI3. G A. I 7r 3F. S for best English Lasting, Silk GOre, NIP Cred• 10gb !feel sod lino goods. 6plenokl Clatters as above It 9. . Chllthent Shoes • • IS *esti • Boy's - Shoes IS mato. .blan's boots . et oe. AT ALL M=)l3 OF IiFiL7?)S & 1,017132._ T MOE; Sp gfiroods Dilikess Tali* 1 CHEAT OHSAPSBI animist .........81,OTt Concett Hall Shoe Store 60 / WWII STREET _ TN:MA IMSTRIOTCOIIRT OF''AL. - ..40111ffir COUNTFa L ealtai 'lroned lit. Var- tfNo . 6Apell Term, • Jame! Denandou • ' Bill Equity foe , 5 , • ; • Arth Tornados N. Denniston; Tornad N.' lin end Jame M., his wife, late Jane Deauditon, de ter of said Andrew Fladlay, , and Ly hiewLfe,late Lydia and dmighterof Aildntri . 0 • 0 71 6 .lers - of - Andrew; ?James Atwe ll Dennisten. eon of ' sale' ..tagrew; Nancy E., gatoghtiMof said Ai/Conn . An. • drew Douai/don, a misor son of gaid,Andr•W•.. • Calvin L. Den/xi/tumor minor sod of said Addre* , • Sumer heaudstonh a _minor boa , of laid Analnorg,i Saud blishards, and Chtistbuta, Richards; 'Otto Christlane, Denalatoor Thßialmobt,KgrUoi‘t ' T. Ricky& and liamimi J. Boni of sold • ObristiaKa Ilichazdet Cowl and liamly• Jane, 4.1. wife, lit. Dan Jinn 'aed daughter of said Ohrisibins, ; Swami aide, widostofJOhnllf. • deed, who WaolCi• son of - said Cbriellana ; „Oathariot B. Tkaniao22•Wilittuttten Xsufman and Nancy mite,,/00- idiocy 2 d; 'Denxiiftdmi Georg* D", IS Must u.,.Tuttrn A. and Samuel L. Kaufman, alma of said filmy; M. Kaufman; and Kate IL, ltanom - E., and Elia daughters of said haocy — iii.. Kaufman. ail 'of whom; extrept said lleorge • art, minors. and ,of - vibosemanta . Thalami/I, ~ Bosworth, of Allegheny'' oCunty is guardians, - sad William Joseph: :F.:: 'and , John ••:114;:. , Ileanisice, setts ,of said James Dennisto emu" plautant, of Whom John - 11. is • a minor.'Devisoes' , . of George Sisaniston, late of the city of Pitts.;., .. burgh, Allegheny county, Penntylvania, deed. ' - February, Is, 7816... It lat•ordered_ brthe • Coult that notice be given of the, ottlistance of saidbill,, - once a week tor eft oruccesitrif weelotalthe burgh Camas, to all 104rui upon whom,vatuak, service Cannot bo d ge according to law, by reason of their reit outof•the counties of Uhler and Mercer,- Pennsylvania, and isiso by snail Dig to took of W.nW copy of. saittno. • tire, directed to their present place of abode, when known, dr to their last risco; of reside/um four weeks,beforeSthe heartsdha this cale• k Pursuant to sold rule said defendants are re" golfed •to take notice that said Bill basic= Mega; praying the Court to make partition, among said ' • • parties of all the Real Contact said George Deft __: aiston, deed, being a piece,. of land in and SOMA .1 log Liberty, Allegheny'county; containinis ti atm. rood, 8 V.lOO perches; , let os Perm sheet, , Mash/ugh; and a lot in Mater, Keiser county; In width 11111 the - proportions to widatt,ltis • .5, each ot said parties is entitled, under the leas w • ef.Gearge Dennhton, are art forth; and that a sub. pm. has been issued sold returnatdetbihavv., FINST.BIONDAY OF APRIL, 1610, Gem/sanding each of grad defendants' they to appear in said Court to answer the premises of, and the in stories annexed to„ said 11111, and to Ratle= abide the order and decree of said Court therms JOHN H. STEWART, Sheriff. • E. BRADFORD TODD, lig Fourth street, Pittaburith. GPO. F. GILLNLORE, sohfoewoaw. Counsel for Omoplairuust. . . puug.turrG, . • : • eas and Steal, Iltting. • • r In all is branant, candttßY attended to,111•Po ric o nozd 3 ,metteal wornman. Ann wort a t MICA= . . • .., • . HOWER BATE WATER 0 OonstanUy on band and made toop:WA. • • ' • ' TATS A• SEVILLE, • E. se FRDERALi STEW; AReiben7l7: - And eddlaawdiz IRON ,CITY .COLLEGR, pri• Tur..inursn fttiA'.ileatienterand review at HET time. Oltwtaaik con:mid:og run. ifortnatlei, netjl tree to eareddreisi Jos application to the Prinet araisrss snag itotediewelita' PlTTMPntallt.-Pa. FASHIONABLE 2 - asp Yowls - :1111•THiEtEVr5Tilt.EANCVNIA1,1141pV BI I 43'IIOBRIBi r iii : szgawft vAiiOF.,.• • • • .sitairmnr. o°l/3E/I°'ears ...'CA.llBltritetlODB.lyrogs ot , .....: MEI 4 M 1138; ,% kedetai-stre et, - ...wohio.inai received the hired sidi;kdf Cgrpite; Rugs, ands, Ott Clothiso' wet oa ed ~ to the public td tis olty, AlVi a fal/ ', • assortment of DRY GOODS AN D NOTIONS, width we are oatertag at greaDr aoattood prim. TNTN TUE MATTitli .- of ti * account of Sr the Orphans' Cuthbe executer o f Allerneny Od., rt, No. 64, No.. If uraside, deed, M art Term, ISO. • dud now, to wit, Audi Bth, leen, Wm. G. Haw. kine,Jr.i Esq.,L aptiointed Auditor to heat, and determine the exceptions thereto and to make ells. telbutlon of the balance in the kande of the no. ccuntant to and, among the partles entitled to the same. • THZI COURT. • 1 • , • wal..A. MatRON, tuck. • • The Anatol. shore rounds! will inert the pestles' forerested forme purpose. or his appoint:sent:at Ms sae!. Grant street, Pittsburg, on SitTG. DAT, Apritgatli D. 1665. et 2 secloak st. • W. G. DAWKINS, Jr-otualter. )MLNISTRATOWEI. NOTICIL—Let. leri - testementagy neon the estate of Ellaha P- Swift, D-11,:dred, late of Allegheny tlity,Alle. in'!Z mutt?, hating been panto to the eager. tlin.l pence* indent% to said estate ere hereby! notified to make linnnallate payment, and Abeionaving Maim against said innate art antleed to present them, duly authenticated; for . sing* tspthesioaw ' . ELLIOTT z. 5win,"4,1407.,, 'REED POTATOES. ?0' " bbls Buck•yea and Pea* Blowy zit) wicks Ohio Peach Blows • spit , • 1•-• Jr, iXin IDLED L. 131.)TAT088. , -% • ••••• ••• 26 esake Goodrich Nlrhice Potadoel2B bbb ;•-3- fc.:inde 'l+s I,ltx rty Y . Ltree6. - . • , • . ----- . to /tr,e Sqn,r, zid>,"ccrE Owrnr, Rdasi t ix etea'oJm - n c3l .7/1 .4.EV31.-EII.4aJA:CiS.' ff.ffSIVIELIG9JrEO US. 4i22 00 All Kinds of Goode Cheapest in the 'Mortal ABOVE WOOD ersner...:, ISZBINCTillUiawft Canter Pant wall lit. Clair Ilitreata. , !=I3BINBGH, PA. The letimlkshismest and most immesica BUSINESS WiIiS.COLI M M, DEfil uPPR.:t ' Fic;lo the Itecoo aptOatdoew
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