Site Witioburgit Gm*. Pt1)31.18Hk1) at • . ?MI WRNS PULIMMIG - I SSOCIIIION. THVASDLY, APRIL 27, 1865 sin:mauve pßilactamus. That EiniTSMAI44 main 'object in big re cent negotiations with the rebel chiefs was to save them-from the penalties due to their treason, and to preserve to them their political suptetnacy in . .I.ltelr respective States, is so p atn that no ' sane man can doubt it., An the articles in his bade of iureemextt wi h ;our feroa.bead, to , the at- binmeed ;tit se ends, and to the Drewry*. tiott of Uiefou dation of that suprenmt4.-. . During the march from Atlanta to Savan nah, many thousands of slaves followed the army, with.the hope of-esoapingtrom bondage. Some did escape; but the main body of these eager,panting fugitives were purposely cut eff by destiojing a bridge the moment the army had crossed. leaving them to tie.slapghteKol,F,dritgged,hack to slaved , by the babied • and 'lnfuriated Mbel horsemen who were following the army. We protested splint this act of cruelly at the time; but is . the lesionslidllty was thrown upon the shoulders of a subordl am* afticei,wtto had to nlay , the part of ecape gust, but little could be said. B. we now have, in, the, intensely pro-slavery ottarsetevoi thit-hite treaty, a' keitOWn , lock )bat tragic mystery. ' It la impossible,to account for the • which GleiS,lhigr aiN.propoicd . •-• to the last trigment of the rebel army, an. which was utterly 'Coverless to make any further war even in defense.--on --any other , principle than that be . was resolved If possi ble to preserve the institution of slave and the socialrelatrons which slivery neces sarily creates; and tp . rertore the ariatopar, le suing class to their original status. igaii srairatliies are evidently. with that. c4sh.„ and, to Nerve thein; he had the - play the part of a usurper and dictator. He knew whenbe did It tkat?rmident Lnr *owe had - beeitrinutMed; and had it been bliparposc te pito the Mined government which had just fallen fruit hands of the' slain; be peuld karilll have hehared in a more higliarandedWianier. , . linwatr4Winikproireil Himself tribe I tiolr! eller of tbilksforder, this affair has: shown tkit a maxi truiy:be that, and yo lit $ weak, el - Wand' foolish Maw. : Riving risen to iltefronkrant rumen seaterala,Wky net spring,iiia Map d'. shit, to the.hlightelf place am,k etateamen? Why - not he 'it Napolean:or Caesar? Why . notlurround himself with the Cold ruling tram, and wing this ustiorior plan, republics= to his teet; , restore the NialouTas it' wit." restore AL ray, vizokicite the doctrine,of State sorer; dotty, aid Vire,esanot Qui* the imaginary programme any :thither. SWILIWAW . was on "an exceeding high mcumtaiintut then. Hia nuignifloeni ar my ,lornorow was there, * man, con quered an, Timmunotroma nu there; and it is vary' likely that another personage - iris' there, siyly reiterating in a dulcet whisper his old otrer-:-"All these things will I give thee if than :vitt' fall down and Worship • 1 'with airy etre the tempter swept , hlip panorama by.. • . , , . The poor yletirct closed with' the ofihr intothilliszling trap. • 5 Some „Gem ftuntsait famed 113 plau fbY . celonintug the freed ailliTtil in the :swamps of South CarOihts,. thoroughly isolethlg them and fOrbidding an association of white men with thern,we, In tome= with then:tore earnest anti-sli very pres Se a -or the -coning; oommontod on it and condemned 'it as an exhibition - of that old prO:slavery.spirit . from which the anuttry.suffered: re long.;; We, Were not then _aware that 'Gen. Susumu had ranked himself with those officers •Of the army who fight on our side while eymps. thiaing with the other; but we felt sure Zbat aubaeouent - events , would•sho tr that be was not an anti-slivery man; 'rind ids virtual surrender to. Jon Jon:urea, emu terms drawn , up _by puzmurtzrocus and WADE lisawrow;alwirtillist ivo were -tor sect; and it now appears, Vit the folldwing which wo find, in._ the Cincinr.ati. Ga3otte, that be has all along been still shth negropbobis anti pmtilentlal : floater* . heresy of-State tights r. , So determined, and high-handed a cortree, which cm be accounted - for by no publics: reasons compatible with fidelity to the coon - try, compels-usloldok In personal princt , • pies, feelings and sympathies, for an.expla , natimy:On act EC/personal and autocratic in - . its character: We shall probably nod it in that bane to the Republic—that poison to all true nationsl-feeling—that destruction ofall respect for popular institutions, and of !<q gird i for a Government so controlled—an attachment to slaverVand a sympathyorittr the aristotnaticgoverning. class 'Which it creates and, toistains. 'lhat such are finny Sherman's prejudiries audaympethice, is no torioua throughout the army andspuntry. That weltireformecl-class,,the correepoad mita of the pass; can all Mill lyttrdeciara tabniof it, many of them brutal Motile; WV ficlozolly and ollinsivelymadeotalculated to deprave the sentiment of his army, and en forced by a cruel policy towards Ito! blacks.- ; We but sern how invatitblyreytepathy , for the social relations which slavery creates, paralyzes military enemies: Or if personal interest of . the tnerenoldiiricof:fertnne`slifir , lead men to fellow this road to sto.:ess and high rewards which our °retiring fling an - k periority offeror and gorilla catimateof , success make easy, we mellow readily thii unsatmdnesa itcp , nncipla kid/ them to sae . Idea th e country &cause, Wieder to restore_ the slave -holding mistorraly to political power, and to commend themselves to its future &vont _ IWE know,tbat the President cabinet , have concluded arrangements in reference to the government : of the State,.of 'Virginia, . arid the processor ber - fled restoration - to tie Union. Governor- Pierpont has been fully advised of the views Ur the I:loyjnxt Meat, and IS linthpriied and empowered. to establish the new State government of Vir, girds at Richmond. Ile' will procee et d to that capital forthwith, and together — the loyal State Legislature already elected. The restored government of Virginia will soon be in operation, and it wilt be a sure .nucleon for the gathering of the, loyally of the State around It. Obstinate rebels can• not remain in the State, but all who ask in a loyal spirit, the protection of the, United; States, will find it. - Politicians of nincli Intelligence, esped• ally in regard to the reconstruction question as it is now presented to the people of Vir ginia, state, 'very deci iecily, after a recent visit to Richmond, that they are, with com paratively few exceptions, prepared to adapt their future source to the views of the UM ted States Government. They will cordi ally snit promptly -ermaply with the condi lion of the abolition of slavery. It is thopght that it will reqnue hut a few months to hung' the Siete into a position that will Wino the restoration of its proper and practical relatients, tei the Federal 'Un-' ion. The State:was 411iided into, Coagrot. „fidonal districtila 1660, =dim:Wel:that -di. , vision; representatives to the Thirty-ninth Z one will . duly. elected,—.bretiotto4 Teanamett Shennan T. the /idlers 'of _SU flagaug Pert : The bhurder of of - Atlanta has brought upon Dim =eke crushing verdict from the pwulaijudgment that Ism rombuledot the ell jingle about his dusky namesake, which may be altered thus to suit the time: NSompsy du ,pay, humpy damyap. G np I Jeluuul,i killed Taeumsch." Fntire historians wif not disputa to who'll belongs the credit of laying a gremt n111(11 , 011 ow. ' /1100nD0. . s As.i... The Coreilisiiiit and the afanitseturera, Messrs. Eaters Garerter—ln your "re nuirlis"_ 'upon the communication In yesterday's Gazette, you have responded so' fully to the objections' of this writer in re card to my method of. showing Um, profits of the Goiernment upon each tenor rolled or hammered steel made in:this country, that I dO not feel incliried to dilute your gement by any addition to what is ail suf. , Went for the purpose: I will, 'however, with your permission, vindicate' rat "assertion "that there is less than one per cad. • per pound difference between the duty on foreign steel, and the excite upon American manufactured steel:" A very little calculation would have dem. onstrated - th the satisfaction of this' astute manufacturer "IL" that 16,022 tons of im ported steel paying 8786,000, is about two and three-eights cents: per pound do-, ty. The same quantity of American steel , at s32.per ton excise is 8012,704, or about ono and flve-eighths cents per pound 'do mestic darn or. three-fourths cents _per pound difference . including all kinds. Up: on th e lowest goide—ofwhlch I have shown that the imports into New Tork in 1864 were chiefly composed--there is actually a dillermuse of less than one-fourth cent per _pound in favor of Ameriamsteel. All the anxiety of "H" in favor of orted steel and of the injustice of lar4e r duties, in consequence of the 'protection af forded by the premium on gold and foreign -- exchange - is - easily - dispesed of by a refer ence to the tariff act of 1861, before any excise was levied' upon Arnerleatimanufac ores, and when gold was not at a premium. That act provide' for a duty of,oue and a half rrents per pound on steel valued at seven drop per pound or less; valued'. at above ac en cents and not above eleven cents per itodund, a duty of two cents per' pound; val. tied above eleven cents per pound, a duty of twenty per cent.' ad T.:deism. This duty was increased by the let of .1862, teams and -three -fourths cents, trier • and-a-half cents , and twenty-five per cent ad ratorem respectively, on the several grades above mentioned. Now, , what, I ask, has become of the pro tection designed to tr! afforded American steel by these acts?'Even if the .premium on gold or foreign exchange Is, to be taken Into the account in thesis acts, w hich deoy, and which "II" himself will not have the hardihood to claim, the differeas will still be less than two cents per, pound , between foreign and domestic duty. ' f In the absent: of positive-knowledge, I . venture - the assertion, that "H," if a - mann: facturer at all, is a consumer of iron 'and steel, um that his meditations upon the sub ject of political economy,_ are restricted to the narrow limits of his immediate business, ignoring the great fact that his individual prosperity as a manufacturer. Is wholly de pendent upon the general welfare. Before concluding, allow me to point out 'another serious . 'grievance, to which the American manufacturer I. subjected in his ',struggle with foreign competition. , Thasystem of maintaining bonded ware. bottles in our several port s of entry, enables the importer to store large stocks foreign . fabrics of army deseriptleir. These geode- are taken ont-ln "detail, jest Ns the 'imparter hi able toeffect sales. oras the gold marketfluctuates in his favor. The Government castles these heavy stocks of imported goods for the importer, who selects his oils time to pay the .thltyv thus regulating thewmoint of the duty to • suit himself to the „extent of the fluctuation Wore alludedth; Tbewhole system needs extensive reformation to prevent frauds from underialuatlons, • and to correct nu melons abusee, by which the just revenues of the Government from imports are too 'often wrongfully withhold. ' • - 4.sines' IL Coors= Clerlad 'ftesuon. A merchant of this city says he heard. some preachers in conversation last Friday night, =done of them said he thought that _ on the following day Andrew Johnson would be Presieent 'ot the United States. Was helm the plot that secured the Mall- Anent of the prediction? OnSaturday, while-some loyal members Of the Baptist Clutch, on the corner of Fourth and Walnut Ist reetnwere draping the interior of thatbuilding, a Baptist preacher, not specially connected any may with 'that building, asked the meaning of he mourning. lie was informed that It was a testimonial to the national calamity that bad occurred the night before.. Ile replied, with n treasonable sneer, that, might have been:becoming to +he face of Saran as he fell from heaven, that thereal calamity occurred font -yews ago, when Lincoln was in-. aurated.if-Loufsrala Pry The churches seem to be about as full of denims sidle world. Take- a airurle ex =ample : The vile wretches .of the • Cooled; creel deliberately instituted a system for starring Union • prisoners -and for the In fliction :of evert apeciele of slorrmoring bat certain barbarity, And throughout the Scars of this horrible °Mau against G "and-reen, .not 'one. clerical : v rice to the °Oath, net one religlons ,organization has ever been heard - of as protesting against it, ur attempting: to mitigate this stupendous crime. The only parties that ever attempt. ed to stem= the :torrent or to mitigate the plague, were`medical men in charge of prisms and:primmer; They did earnestly protest against this' species of slaughter. ; But religion in rebeltiom 'IS so dead that it • had no spe ech against theseliearen:defying . :outrages. Medinal Aniline could feel and speak, but: rebel religion undoubtedly re: joked in the iniquity.- . , Recollections ofirtssidlent lancets, • A correspondent of the Boston Journal gives an account - of a conversation with the late Presidmrt, from which it appears that be had a ,presentiment that he should not cursive cl tbe ons of•the war. The writer Bile: , mar n4htE'r4le,-3Otsked for it from the Inurdof an assaarta,blitlm felt'sure,rtiat his life would end *With° war loag - ago:' Re told rou "that he was certain he should not outlast Ike rebellion." ,It was In last July. As you - will remember,- there -was dissen- Itratlien - . among the Republicsa leaders. , Mani of 1,11 best - friends , bad deserted him, and were - talking of 'au apposition 4 conven tion to: nominate snotlier candidate;' and' siniversil gloom - was among the- people- . The North wastlred of - the war, autirsap: , posed air honorable peace. attainable. Mr. M6l.ii knew rt was not—that any peace at that lime would be only disunion. - Speak,_ ing of it, be hislili ' "I bare, Atlth in the Deople;ithey will not *sear -to disunion:, The danger Li, thay are ; misled: Let: thim know the Ina ars& the collutri: is safe,' Ile looked...haggard, and.; careworn, ~ anti: ihrtherlon in thaiMeniew I, remarked ere his appearancei , saying , mToi arts wearing - yourself out with liardcWorit." .' 0 1 can't' work less," be answered r• "Mai it *et that —work never --troubled sife:" - nine - Wok ' tadly, and I can't avoid -anxiety. _Person ally, I Ors nothing about s ris—eleaanv but' If our 6111111111M1' detest sul, I . :fear for the country." When . I 'suggested 'thst right mst evevituallrtritimptp-Shat I bad never despoiled of theresutt, lie staid: . l "Neither Laval; Let I may not lire to NCO :it.' I feel a presentment that I aball net outlast the -rebullitill. ' Wkea it is over my work will be dene." ' - . Tun rebel uovernor Millen, of Florida, cotorsitted suicide at Ida residence in Xeri• 011 the ite of April.— No special rea soniii assigned for the act, but It issupposed to hare been induced by despair of the suc cess of the rebel *MSC There is no Lietr• tenant Governor,and the office Is now`filled by the President of the &nate, Several candidates are announced for the succ4llo4 at thc election , to be held In October., WENDELL Praturs writes to the Anti- Slavery Standard that. he disapproves the project for disbanding the Amerlean Anti; Slavery Society at the May Anniversary, De says thatwidie Delaware and Kentecky remain' Slave Stake, and before any decis ection .bas been had on the Ceonstittr. lions] Amendment, it Is no time to disband. Ilablics no emancipation effectnal which does Edit allomblack men to vote. ` Dr.cansano ,EXIroItTS or Sexcce.—;-The shipmeitts of 'speClf from New York last, week, monde& to lest than aightY-fottc thotistuld dollars, while for the correspond ing week lad year the aggregate exports footed vp over. three • millions one himoited and tidApseven thousand. The influx of gold . from California and foreign countries now average.nearly a million a week. Intrinsni. Revaastne - Drciatolt.--The Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue has decided that no income' tax can bo ais• seseed upon any person to whom such in come accrued, where such pereon died be fore. the lst Monday of May, 1865; but tide decLafott does not nuiliorize the refunding of any - income lIICB •Urt. • • - • ' SeSsila and paid. • • Tie . Amautnation tong Ago Planned A. H. Richardson states fn his Pwtbcoming weft "On the day of Mr. Lincoln's first in attguration, I travelled in a crowded railway car In Mbudasippl and Louisiana. While thq train was stooping, and conversation could beheacq through the carriage, some ene alluded to, the 'event. Another yawner replied : • I hope, to clod he wilt be killed before he takes the oath.' A third said • I have wagered a new hat that neither he nor Hamlin will ever live to he inau gurated.' Nearly all present belonged to the educated, wealthy, slaveholding class—the class whiehoriginated and conducted thi war. Several exygeseed approval of these remarks, not ono ut- Used a word of dissent. lwas in the Cotton .States for weeks after this, and the subject was frequently alluded to in my premium. I beard but one man condemn the proposed examination. and he wee a Unionist. Again and again leading: journals; which were called reputable, asked, 't Is there no Brutus to rid the-world ofthis tyrant'?" &Wards were openly prOoeed for the President's heal. If hlr. Lincoln had been' murdered In Baltimore,' every Secession journal lathe South would have expressed its approval, directly or Indirectly. • Oleo_ nne, I do ;not believe that the anises, or au semmotaati, would . . ban desired each a stain Tip= the American name; but even then, u afterwards, when they murdered our captured soldiers, and starved, froze, and shot our prison ers,-this men who led and controlled the rebels appeared deaf to humanity and to decency. Charity would fain hold them Insane; burthern was•too much method in their madness. Tull man Davison, In Toronto, Canada, who bas been dctectedia fitting out usehel pirate for the Lakes, Is tho man who, In the Toronto coun cil voted "no" • upon a resolution to close the stores Of that city during the funeral hour of the ate President. Tn.] !mall amonot or wort necessary to complete lolly the Capitol dome at Washington is nelog - ticoronely 'excented, and in a little while that port'on of the edifice will present the appearance of the original design. lITICS. LORIN • ANDEIMII has been appointed PoEtMett TEES at Gambler, o', io. She Is the widow of Colonel Lorin Andrews, late President 'of Reim= College, who lost his lire in the ser-• 'rice of his era/levy. Tlll3 rattilDlWrlAL ITTOSIt&L TIMM Ls prow dvd.Ly a pilot cogloa, which leads the way far etmotth ie advieco to guard Against any sort of talseblef from obairoctloos, ete. Punt. ic •dro TJ CBS. CO COUNTY NIODI CONVENTION: The loyal men of Allegheny county, cow. pris,ng the taiion patty, arnyequrated to assemble at the plane of holding &Petunia in their Wards, noronene,Townallps and Precincts respectively, on SATURDAY, June 3d, 18; and elect dele -o te s to moment 'sett diatries meld in a UNION tAJNYEIS rteN, to be heti a the Court Bowe, In leittsourieb, on TUESDAY. June oth, at la o'clock A. rt., for the purpoee of nominating Union ticket and transacting stab other buabseas as maybe proyerly brought before it. 1 lie election of delegate. In the Wends and for. 'ellen shall be by ballot, between the hours of lour and seven ~'cloak r. ts., and In the Townships be. tweak thehoui a of four and tilt o'clock P. is. By order of the Union Executive Committee, A. DI. BBLlWN,Uhairmaa. AUX. 1 Seetetarielt. D. 0411111. s *VD V . I END-7 I LE DIRECTORS Or OIL BASIN PFTEOLEUX 00XPANT have deelsred a drideal of TWO PER ClineT. ea their Capital Stock, relights May tat. WU. at the Whoa of the Oompaay. ire% Booth Forth Street, Philadelphia. .WM. S. LANE. Secretary. • WILL BE A CANDIDATE POR n=w - . the oaths of DISTAIOT AtICENET, subject to the sactination of Shit next Union County Convention. stAbte ALES. If. WATSON. AVM^ .eLIMERTIS .- ' 8. MIL-40 bbls Linseed Oil, for sale b e y aps7 J. CARY/I.D rttitTEß.-25 kegs nice peeked Butter tars Ale by J. a CAN YIELD. Fax, TGW.-28 bales. for sale by spy J. IL osr, FIELD -WATOBS.-50 OW, Pend' Blow rota es, by J. B. OLNYIELD. ~IRRORS AT . AUCTION.—WiII be t meld on THIMMAY. at to a. m., le aolume tlon 'with a, largo quantity of good fulattanyno lupe Fla Gam alio. two ParW Klzfora. WS T. A. 31lcULELLAND, Asotloadter. - SAWYER'S BARBERS' 130/1.113.—1 for del:eat low rem toed sawywrs BARBERS , &AAA arid 0001140? It raporfor to wity other 1 hare over nook enter Rothe toilet or for *Wan. • • - A. W. VON 4AP. apirrOf row* Moroi SearlAr Sawa. VLECTION. NOTI.CM —The Eitockhol- A:a are of the .Britarmonme; zasT luxoasat faIKOUTII PITTSBEIROft 06.4 0010FANY, ars trzstatio moot at tea onto of the tiompany, ow ullTifer, Kay at two &dock F. far tha ourpecie of eloctioz • Board of Directors to 1111.1ve tee ensuing year. sp2Tloki - D. 110011 , 1Stilif, Secretary. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES AND BASKET S . of *rim deitaiptlon. Ladles It sweet* TronaHog Matehell& A lane variety of reset Go ode. at J. G. LANEWS, - satn rrn. 101 Mork-es Rt. LARGE SALE or FURNITURE, MA MASAN! WARI-ReOlt, DA SILA , Y Ott V. RRI.O PARLOR PURNITITRE —Oa THURS. DAY w•ltrari, :Apnl • Mt, at to ohlook, at 'meson le RAU Apdoon House, of FIRS street, will `Wtold ace aplefoildlf.alefltoy Wwrlmbe, 'Wotan% owed*, elegant Domain *Same/ Tete ,s Tenn edi valor Malin, Marble Top Deeedar Boman% Fat Alta Malts, Must Not, Narblo Top Comte Tables, Rude Stand, Roadeols, haw daisy new and In sand bond Vorpete,, 0110loths, On3le. and Poi for tßoveo,lte.,Algo. op= i A. SetlLET.l.ANTl,AsisOculegiff. RITE a ALEXANDER BUILDERS AND poirraAcro4B, Elaving Lately Removed TO lit and 171 LEACOLIE STREET, I%l.laglsozwjr Mei me reads to furnish all their eadomere and public arnarslcg r FLOORING DOMIDS, SASH, 'WM PRAMIM, V ENITIAN sad PANk.L , SIIIIIT MOULDINGS and OIL. TANKS: made to o ant constantly on hand. ScroU Sawing and Brackets. Wilted complete. . FURNITURE, CARPETS, SEWING . NACIIINE AND Irrovrs.—Ttds DAT WOBNING, April 47th. lolb, at to o'clock, .wlll be ;101l at' Cowherds! Salim Rooms, - Ise Smlthield atm:, opposite Ma Peet mass s Lagil assartatriat- of: Ilanreltold Yuralttue, eosaptlslag Matz 140 Bora, Mesa and Rooker, Case . Mull Chalr.'llolfd ;Walnut Bedstead, Mammy Nigh Post Bedsteadc" Law Pest Bedsteads, Vanillas Marls, tWardrabes; Impala Carpets, Wash sad :Weak SUadsiLanase,Ltats,/roa Het beat. El. tsestoa Cable, Beer • Tables, Breakfast Tables, RitebescOhatra Eltaben 'Utensils, Maas Chlue Mims' Boost Dilidt, 'franks, Clothes Hanolos.atirp Ladders; Bath Tub, Show Row Coal and Iraqis. .11a Stars& : doe family flawlag Waehhte. as Pod CP. Wag order. - AWL ' WeILWAINE. Mistlexualt 1115 BLiG. BA.I/14.-Tbis aubsiiibst offers A- for cola St/annoy In Olds towastdpiAllabeay county, Ta. tau' LW out into lota, sultatda fan country !mThere as 10 etas, laid oft lota, 14 tots, muting' from S Joan sem la ale: It frosts ,on the Ohio Bayer, and oa the rlttalruntt4.roft Warta h (Mao Railway, sad la Maude ow Mr. remota* Statics, stoat "four calla from Me Yen.' end Street Moot , 01t7. The set' al Mr the first duality for teen or graven and la wall *stand bream:at - 111, , ra5NWlillit wimp I the Lad 14 elevated has a soothers eavosais, sad a sow assosivi view for allot up and doves int river; sad Is all unpenta the mow= is out of the flt let on : the MOO labrit, it U balaved to boats teM prop. arty for country tests my animal far We la Airs. Ittreny county. les lota will be pentad at Mlle Sala oat premtnes, aa Turn:spay, UN Ina ds:Af) MIS, Ml , sa d Vela s- M. Term Of 04 , 4 antbeney the balauerta payments to mutt PUrebilSilll.. For further. nformation ta nnin et•J. W. F. WiIITE, Faq ,Ma tot Finn St:., or or Oa sobscrther !as - Premistes WILLI/at YAONZdalf. apltidd N ,- TIIE NATTER, - .', • . - I 1 .ot thp applitathin ol ' " ' .. the . /I P nian UsiheS° St ' No 110 .1 one term,thit. "Michaele BilDiffeilli So. ' ' tidy of Intattngliam.. • . - ULLEGAIENY COUNTY Moiled I. Oren In anee e'en order . of gold Court of Common Pleas of mild county . , mode this PM dapof April A... IX wee. that UM* , cation hu been made to mud Clout, for an . " , i Alteration - and Amendment of the charter of the above Corporation; and un , wat trine good rearm' to the contrary is shown. '..te game will be granted at the next term of sold . Court:: . . . JACOB U. WALTER. ap24:awd Protlumotarr• have lt th b o last ten years used SAWYER'S RAItI3ERS , SOAP, and have no hesitation to W ing that It Is the best Sono I have ever used for. it netting : the skin or for shavbg.. X' 7 ! • aple34 Fourth Street Shaving ...non. • 'SRO -POTATO.ES.The Cuzco Pota-• tUtNi the best of enteral hundred varieties; .r.elsed horn the seed4is.o b' Dir. (Soo/rich and well adapted' to the countryonttures perfectly, white shin rah, gold quality and tastmost littittft in Use. nee trots rot. For tale by C 024 lENBED arrive WI. ." 1 : 2.11 sn ingh .l l o s t lgotrenat U g= victime 5[11411 . 10r to thlih OM for isratata lb and ale*. r rale wholesdilessgEretallir • ' Nth. A. .11=4811.11W, FAMIUY C§= . . 00That Liberty sal Wad SZOTIG I UM. HOLA EA.-1o ,= barrels oboinejoit received and let este . . rznrea & ARMSTRONG.' OAT; —2OO bushels Prime — , In store and for soleby rzrzEn & ARMSTRONG. ap • LIM.E.-200 LIIN.-50 Ws No, 1. for We by ap26 HENRY IL. IAIJAINS 1 . ÜBHICATING 011.-50 barrels very 4 - 1 ,oparior. HENRY H. CULLINII.. BESSE drE it 41D irERTIELIANUgX793. TO OIL NEN. First Class 011. Territory For Sale. Fertpiwo iaiea kitowsk u the Sente's p.m on Dock Oreelrok tew roes from the Acme and joining the Duck Creek Oil Company , ' lands• ; thirty acres hat land. The balance has a seven foot vein of coal on lt. • =shty-two Wee known 'as the ReaneY Enna, on big Run, within tme-half calla of Duck Meek, en watch are sixty acres of coil and a good dwel ling house, crops, tic. Lease for thirty yearn°, One Acre on Pitthole Creek, on the Prather Farm, (Hear, i 11... and Prstkle• Tama on which to the United States Petroleum Company'. leue. It it unnetes•arytAi elucidate this property. It been selected with care and pe exrience, and U the property of the eubwriber, curl known to moat oil men as the BEST OIL TERRITORY IN TEE COUNTRY. lerms reasonable. Apply to JAMES F. DUNCAN, Duquesne Way; or In the evening at ids instance, No. 117 Vi'llte street, Pittsburgh. B AILEY, FARRELL it co., No, 129 FOURTH :STRUT, cautious to MI promptly and enemata neatly all orders for PLUMBING, Gas .Fitting and Steam Heating. A good asiortmeat of Chandeliers, Pendanis and Brackets, kept on hand. A/1 work receives the personal aupervistoo of the erre. Ortlets respectfully solicited. &OA RECEIVED At rLunt's, SCOTT'S LARGE OIL MAPS OF OIL CREEK. Ilev= i ta r tc H stzp.. w.s. FAMILY BIBLE ' S, 'with or without Photo. F r f,PP,e; } " =. I4 n ALPHS OF AIDI EDAM Lair. COLN.. . NEW BOOKS. MAY MAGAZINES. LATE PAPERS. PETROLIA, o new_eliJr• DERRICK AND DELL new euppiy. NAPOLEON'S (LIFAGLR, • new supply. SHODDY SONGSTER, n new ;apply. JOll3 P. HUNT. nplt Is FIFTH ST., SEASOMO BALL. Urn PIIRNIBEILIW GEO. W. ROBLEY, 138 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY le Dow prepared to otter to Ida euetamert sad the eeverrhlo g dge teeetel lt aralsod to Our Its of , the swat footplate amortaarust of e oree House Furnishilig Goods, which has erner ben ellbmse la this dig. Is addition to kis reputation as a saaarsetarie or aad. dealer Is TIN, COFFEE AND SHERI` IRON WARE; BRITTANLA. Winn BISPRIO.• MAWR% WATER COOLERS. HIED CArtaa, eta, eta _be ti lust 'alarmed iron the Easters Oath with a tall Wm et WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, TABLE AND DOOR was. BuoomsraisKs. alumni* OLOTHEN DINES ANO PINS, . - CHILDREN'S OARS, • TEA AND COFFER DINING ROOK a, w slci a sin!, TABLE CITTLINCT with ea aselloas varwty of- &ragas, sospeolag all is the have ftwisida, width swot Cr' s ound thewbers. a He thirties s the Wealth* or lb* palls, awl will be pleased to thaw Ids goals. GP, !K./lUD/Mt . Rildhnd *FEDERAL WL, ALLEGHENY _ QoArt soar 1 t senki - t I I—The 011SX. ICAL OLIVE EVASIVE SOAP. guieubia• toted by IL 4.1. ft. J. E. tie MIMS, ts eilusewbelged to be the most seniesable of Amy lard yid offend N the public. Its auyertor advantages me fogad la IN cheap:we., melba" ef labat,mid Its effiesey to resuollog greas., WM, tat, zed without to, jade; the Milo, or to the least Hu glamagtos the Perot quality of goods. It ea* be weed with all hied. of tester. Itefeseace to made with plessuie tot!' subjoined immasallag fora gmithrmim well anew* la Ude eminattalty, agSal wt. had divest hielllty forded of mein tt bray ad WO reamed Qiimurnatier"s Diyaristral d tie Tieipt,7l:rfsestil awl Arateraft Amtments /au llawyer's Chemical Olve ItrasiveSesywhavfaii bees stud very astamilyely Is our segtamate, 'bateau healtallea to orrUfriag that Itwas Mead. admirably adapted to the orol Um sadism, sad dreldedlp Um most superior &ism .stab mold be pfor thdreenire. • JAMES A. LEM oretstimblUirEth Reg. ALEX. VIIIISYTIL easteraisster Ink Seg. Id. SIOGIUMAII, Mem spilt I have toed itawyerra . ulteralsol rarYir. DoeS let • the. pest twelve mouths, sod bellies It to So the moat evasoroloal sad aettelaotory leap (bit he. base Ddraduaad to tea Atearisaa ED. EletlE:drA k Dallivtlars It=alsr Tow • . . may acjile. Kant. B. V. t J. D. fewler—ltif 'lunar have need our Obroiral Olive Erosive asap for several •swraUta, end have foond it herd what Mel .repreeeated. salad is water MOS 'At is toped.* to soy foto la not. • A. 0. LLOYD, Etas, Allestiony 00. S . B. BIM" BESSIE STOCK BOABS'i UAL 'ESTATE, WILL BOY AftD BELL STOOKS Here and In New York or Philadelphia *ltbout turthai etu4s than the azata.A. , sadmiticors, establkhedby the Boaids of the teepeettee antes, to wits PITTSIIVEOR EATZ6- - -0a Moats the market value of which ts ee uselee, 13i Pee eeett over et met pto $ll, 1 seat. CIA Stoehr vellum from $l 2 flo 00 the sum of leg mete pm mbar% and on Mocks /Wiles et $OO or over, mte4ourtit of *motet. TOIIE RATIMI—Oe Stoelm, the market value of irlil4 is I<or maw. eve sesta pet !Morel over that te cede. • PEILADELPIWa HATES.- 4 3i met 12 mot at mate pilots. Ordatt *felted:- Office Hours: 8 a. m. •to 8 o'clock p. in No. 89 FOURTH STREET, MAD ornoreL lAll or 1111611 KAT are. sus 7Ziwznazul, ALLXQHENT, PRNNL President-301LN BROWN, JR. Vine Prorkkol—NI4JAOLAB VUEOn,Y, /Milt VOICOTLT, OIL, I WILLIAM SWIM,- JACOB LOP?, ' • 3A1161 , LOniIIAUT yiraii f. ONICLL, ':. ' : 41. saserrupois. - L. Molwroeff, ' . . , Ibis Sank is noW fully Orneatted and prepared to trent not Mt breeches of the Backing business. Parasol r' attention OM< to the: sae of U. 8.. 80/348 end Inteurltlee. riubsoripUons to the 7 140 Loan; old sae new twee, roteive4 • Bondi deliv ered on receipt of mabeeriptions.' Interest on twee dated on June 161. b, payablo to that date ft advance. I. N. DAVIDEON, Cpdileß. AVOID THE DUST AND. SMOKE. MMOVNEI METALLIC WEATIIBIt .STR Window EiOndlit Thum invalnabla strips 1e mummer totally ex• elude dust, note o and odor from doors and windows. wawa Your oarutta suit ,41911p,491dS and ??," from rat. Palm and sumoyance of Avail, , tlianabea. ng above strip* will be completely Fitted un by liVIIITI: & ALLXANDEIt, N 0.169 acid 171 Las 'ow& street, AJlegliruy Oity, the skive Um Maytag . ttie txolorlve tight lA-Allegheny . ..11/01. . . .. . ... stint Daaturl STEEL it BAILEY, liteek trekers and Real Estate igente_ , Stocka faiught, and sold' exclusively an (*auras Dn. - W YEWS. Tf0jp73:21.1. kr Mire bele nein BAW7E6'S B &llamas , soAr MT o'er Ova FOAM, and con say withmst heoltallori that it is superior to soy other that I bass-stet ustil tor,Tollet. mot Shoolog purtiOses. 701 IN 11. tikTLIN, Stuvigg Saioon, Q. la Diamond, Allegnany (My. or.Olf TB A N B.P A TIEN T AID OP&QUE -I (Med :Amble for nele by ttld r. . . ) 11 0LE1.3.31.-3 00 barrcls CR; to L by IibLVIT IL VillstilLS. XEW TuiatatTlZWa farms, Aumanzwr Prrresning, April Slat, 1864. . t'URSUANCE OP THE 21st - SEC.' TION of an Act telatingto Allegheny county, paned May ELM, 11X114, Sethi Aiken, .Ir., Treas. nrer of said conuty, hereby giro notice that / 1011/- . • sally et by deputy attend Words , purpose of reseistog taxes In the erterst Boroughs, Township and Precdstia of Me. ow:2AT, at the Of bolding general election, therein respActm eiy, on the following dam front 101oklock . g, Watt& s. x., to wit r !' tatlqard,Tittaborgh; Fleet Ward, Are:chesty; Birstangharn, Sharpabrug and EUsabeth bar ons •fl Elisabeth, Nev South Fayette. .anon. den Fen S, Manila% Hole ille, and Fawn Tossufhips, lON 3IONDAY, MAY 224. Second Ward_ , Pittsburgh; Second Ward, Alit ghenyv Patith Pittsburgh, West Elisabeth a ad Du quesne Boroughs; Crescent, Upper St. Clair, Bald win, Franklin, /1100andlest, Plum and Harrison Townships, ON TUESDAY, MAT 23d. Mid Ward, Pittsburgh; First Precinct Third yard; Alirgheny,• Monongahela and Tune.= Boroughe; Moon, Scott, Lower St. °lair, JOTS-non, PatiOD, Sewickley, Pine and Reserve Townships, 011 WEDNESDAY, MAY 24th. Fourth Ward. Pittsburgh; Sixth Wank Pitts burgh; Second Precinct, Third Ward, Allegheny; WestTittsburgh, Seirickley mid Manchester Bor. oughi3 Flaoley, Union, Famine), Milian, Wit. lank Richland and East Deer Townships, • ON THIIII2DAY, HAY 25th. . . Fjtat Precinct, Fifth Ward, Pittsburgh; Seventh W•ni, Pittabarght Ninth Ward, Pittsburh; First Precinct,Fouith Ward,Allegheny; First Precinct, Birmingham; First Want, Lawrenceville, and McKeesport Boroughs; North Fayette, Obartiers, laberly. UolUne, tillio,'llampton and Went Deer Townships, • ON FRIDAY, MAY 26th Second Precinct, Fifth W an], Pittsburgh; Eighth Ward, Plitehut ph; Tenth Ward, Pittliburgh; ond 'Preelnet, Fourth Ward, Allegheny; SI . DOOO4 Predinet, bliinlnghard; Secoad Want, Lawrence. Temderanceville Barrugke; Robinson,, Prt4Pechlee, McClure, Semler and Indiana Town ablpa, ON SATURDAY, MAY Vit. • Tozer can be paid at tbiTmasurei 'a office, within are. isolate Irmo tie d.te fixed in the foregoing MME s subject( to r IVE Pelt U r T. ruts. MEET, for ',tempt payment to any personpay. mean wbole amount of" their =as. aptibtsnym , TE GREAT• PURIFIER I TEM A PANAXA. • blow the inuOanattes Mltke wires so ra i llannh Demme ham perhaps bees thi object of more Me nous and seleitille ecninliontioa by the sleet learsof of the pmelleulon thee any other eosametell with the laws of thir °rest Creators not *towbar entakdol that all diseases hare their origie In the stomach; others, the solids of the Wan enue again, and by far the greatest . number. soothed and reason that the ammo itself n u t the wry fountain or life—that ff bowsaw impk_then diem* la Ite - wont fones—Seretuls, Cencer, MWre, goo indeed, experience In theating this ciss= i • oases by morDhlow the blood and thweny sets: Moe their eradkation and eun, prow tidal*. be the re t theory: acting town whiclitheory, the mem timenow known es swarawass, woe emcees/ mid btought ate Inactive, products/the meet Min result& mcllO u rtlLA, "" "I" 7I.I.O beI ERAVIO I 69 - 1 1 1.141 . 7113 TIM FACE, LTETT.ER,SALT RHEUM. OUltri.A.Uirr LOSS it• AFTEFIT_F, DYBI4:PSIA, IIItrUBLA D TD EF IN ry IEN• IrDAL me to glut boathe time lt Mt taken. mesa& eeemeoi to the patient, by making both 'sea ael pit, the ifoodit is about to aosomplish. IL was thought beet to out It oh In bottles at Illeand eta saes,-air ZllO7 venous are /imposed to bp ea emir Cl. but are ate* deterred ;Atha expensetoome the hist Sotto we be made it a etodende , •o,;' sal satisfy the clockwise that the le cabal is claimed for it to _bees: the Resteet same WWI era brought bears the peophil Delicate Females will end us It tee mamma 'need Stet the Wills stay term MIS Idea et der curette* morns, we subjoin a Ltst of the prime r. pal articles Sr whicw (s and composed. with *OW deutiptlea a the hems mleptalles ef yeah, tea from the highest authority Imowst,l9lllSMlC. steam soNvvaas I. used 'Ma • banenstel intern to suss O. Mama ussu. Scrofulous Affeattons, Cutaneous Mama men other demised secdttlons et ne•XL DANDWOX Is texiso6laretl4 sod smart: It He • spell scum upoo tlu um. *WILD.' it whim I.4iPm. Id intretios. It Ma boss mush wild Is Gamow is ttisseso St tie digestive emus. 1 (OVID!: IOTASSICX. " Mere We Ow declass te'W'hiati it has Kurt pensi towlldati It I. used la &serapes Alhatiaas (mu newat; It has also hero usol with wash soos cameish treatment for biessamatich et Us 4w l ral/ 'weasel the Wet& mai ank LI rempes PLOPrieRS, siseilaue, aleblY k niforatial I• WPM of Dermas Debility. WIBTER GREEN 1...p.da[6 valuable !Lout% ad &matela re Mewl:Alm CSA-110NTLE FLOWEILS &re adviatageeeely wed la viewer Entilable4 p.n... Pia are emelall.applioshlete mimes Oatmeal liebikty wilt weak appetite. IOZZCSLON DARE. It seta favorably as an altevativala.Cbsattla ft.:Roo& Uhrorkle Rbousaat&of sad oblaloat• Rio *sob of the Skit. Tlitt bilante of. the formals • 'flathead a• •pr For wettest a y oloat &sod. • nee snuni JOHNSTON. 00R. 81111TRYLELD & TOORTII EMS, arms. your tutelligirat Phethricei OM opiate* of the above recipe. 44111•4641. •NONPAREIL WASHING noniE, Patented end manufseture4 by OAKLEY AREAS. iri') liew 'York. This Meeting boa been before the publlgslnee gpeti, tett. It le sum Iniratettalve use thrOadbont • the loyal States: ano sta.perleusehaa dada:intuited that It hi the eery Tellable Washing Madan° la eio Welter, ' t It la aSQUEILZING bIAQIIINE, strongly um* Costae and easy lu Its operation, sod not liable to get out bf eider. : lt 4 sonstruste4 oast:idly me. • disable! prbelplesAtaleetely yam to utility cud durability. gltl or boy out operate Is setistaetenly, audit pay to sated on La .Saist tile nook wittiest maid apes fro, *dad ribbing. -lt la guaranteed not to Ware the Wit garment. . folThwiAgneana fm b Te nn mo nlina ls ubediting the .1 have no lialitation in saying that It la by far the brat aniehltte Of whleh I ltase any knowledge, ntid About id parted ea anythltd of the Mid eau to.- Or: lb ft - , , In *err jaapkt erre entire eatlifedflitia...- Dr. Jas. Patterson, President Westminster Coittpa" • .The turning of the unsold°a I. not more 'abort owl %bag 'tat of an ordinary. grladAstants.. Wrist. bands, taus, hem* of 'Premiss. and the. ADM'. laces, sin be thoroughly wombed without injury, mui It eau P nun . but eqnstans the ebttbes. It la ,egoooda t td of thne,lAbor and map, and It lee •lalo become. Universally, ft: domestio tisstitie. Win - Joan Dan: ca , Pester First Refirrosd Puna byfietisa, tarred, PUfrbarys. . lts genius I use enema fail logien satlateoUon .11,-111r.' Hobart • Orate % raster -FeertiS V. P. "It him been In for siceeid menthe- Pertotess all tint has been 'e Meted tor it well, sal ' is rest - stivieg of rime; labor and elotbee.-Dr. Jabs Brews Nader Third W. P. Merck Title. 1d... its souk with n ' ratosiai girt;liplat Sad 11011 It well.-Rri: A. G. Wallace. IP'estoorete Gas 'lo4chle. and Oirenisrs, contnlntnig all neceittn! tiattatnAltni, enn I.e find i tom • _ 11. J. 311.X..4,Autesil.- Hnitiet i're.byierlami Ai - Moo, N 0.14 **col ufid Coot, Elttabunth. Ps. 114fiebines and Utreulars can be Mut alto.from HUTTON Mc HU, Itatilwara tinctuurit*,N•w Uan Oe,, Pa. • apliAlseal ; LIMITED' --PARTNERSHIP,—We, the . subecribers, have this day entered into a had padnerahlp agreeably to the Aet of. Assembly of the tiommeuwe.lth or.Permsylvania, approved March at, tete, and do hereby certify: )1110 the name, and style under which. sald Partnership Is to 00 conducted, I, II PilltelP 'WNISDIIDEROEIL II • • 0. That the gametal nature of the buelnene in. tended to be trammotoi. is the businees Cinema dr Mineral Oil upon certain precasts situ... ate en the Alleghenvlliver in Pitt township, At , regbeer connty y ncul State of Pennsyylvania. a. That thogeneral partners are PIiILIP WETS. - 1 7 41131:110ER, whose place et reeldence is the bor. en& of Lawrenceville, Allegheny county and State of Pennsylvania, and JO N WELLES.. whose' place of residence Is the borough, county and State aforesaid I and the Special Partneri * dance AS J. [HOLEY, whose .pleee of real dance le Lower St. Dials township, in the C ou n t, and 1344 aloresidd, and. JAME.; typowNzg. whose hips, or residence is tho Fourth Ward, of K r itt gAi r ei In the county and State a. Th t tbe amount of capital whicitilisit Partner as contributed to the common Mask is of Collow_s,ivis.: said Pflabolu 3, Risley has aontrib. Med Tee ThOTUMIId 111 3 11AtIl tumult. and sold JILMVI TPUOttilllr so -eontritnited Ten Thousand Dol. That the period at whiSh !odd Paitnerittlp ,o,,snannce la-the FUSS DAY OF 1,,,.A0 'D.1865, and the period at which Dario Is the 1111f.ST DAY OF JANUARY, A. D. Inc Woe OW Partnership shall balloons,' terminated by ten days notice la Welting of his eleatiou to dia. b ° 7 7,7, .......„: ,: d wErLhirowate. m Fa vo in it En cn n 7._ : . : Lb rtig : " l to b b teh ith g thwe iv p "Al o lL LT ls i:a e o : f pu l p:a or r d : P l e 4il l r s e: whereupon, and after nubile notice of mach Mato , have been lied and recorded and pub; Seth section of the Got of Assembly March Ile . J.P WWSM(BEEDP.E., :.JAMES O'rlON 2 it , sol Special P artners. N. J. BIGLEY, 7 nen:arra NINE FRAME 11011§ES FOR SALIT, . 4 -N with lot or ground:bite:lto :lent the Station of thslilaitit. For price and twins op 0, t o spit " S. CUTHBERT is SIMS, et Market St. Awn , .1 11 ran risEmr.irrs. UNITED lITLTEB 7-30 LOAN . By authority of the Seeretnry of the Treasury, the undersigned. hen assumed the Clearest Sub acripticoi.Agasey for the eels of United States Treasury Nan, bombe seven and three tenths per cent. interest, per annum, known as the Seven-Thirty Loan, These Notes are Issued under data of June lath, 1565 , are payable three years from that time, to ens:envy, or are **avertible It the option of the holder Into U. B. 5-20 Mt Per Cent GOLD BRA_RING BONDS, Theme bonds . are worth a peon:term which he. creases the actual root on the 740 leen, and its ameprion from lenne sud elookipa nmener., said adds from one he Mem per east. sums. according to the rata levied on other property. The interest ta payable semiannually by croupous attached each Dote, which may be mat or and sold to any banker banker. The interest amounts to One cent per day we a $5O note. Two cents " " " $lOO " Ten " a " • " 11500 ", 20 , 41 te 4 •1000 note. of 11l the denominations fumed will to pnxoptly futolabod pop receipt of sutoffiptloni. This la TEE ONLY Loa IN IL9REET Sow canted by the Government, and it la mitt dimity expected - that lts superior advantages will make It the Great Popular Loan of the Fetid.: Lea uuut esocipeepee of the Loa* authorized by the tart Gomm moth In the market. This mownh et the rote at witith it to being araothaL will all to sebitribed Lir within dam months Men be setae will undoubtedly ecounead a preedans. am has intlronaV Dem the awe malodor the roloidrideall to other Loan, ' Is enter that the attlzem et every town ant motto* of taut Mantra may be afforded fadlittee Ow Inittag the tom. the Ikatiosal trouts, state Haab, pod Ptlvato EMU= throluOunat the moo' try hove powell agreed to aecietve sabortpUtios la Me. fahowthete gtlysiost their own agate, in whoa' they MVO 1100d6121111, sad wlto oily are to be ieseveleibbe ter the . 4eltriry ott tbe now fo WINh theirmistve' JAY COOSA esbealption Agent,. Made Miftlllll4Sim wail b* reedred b . w Res IW MM. Pliesbuni. Illsessi • WM • • Peoli■ _ • • Man% • Psi% Miami Ewa. 1110000. nUalmalei 1101.5.1 Bra of Worm • hes sir " Trelesaire • iseseis Depoll • Ileebseles rams `! maim SaltSoadarier Fogurn I , 4ILTIONLL BANK., OF PITTSBURGH. U. L IMINZENT MUMMY Prressusau. April, talk Quarterly report or this Balk published la eau Wonky .ark the Act of °impale astablialdair Maw tiosal Brake. 13Apttal Stock elrealsUen... 800 DrposStart. --.----•1,1N11,135.111 Dividends unpaid (if payabl• de. .... MIK Oftatingent Ytuldpresennd is eaalorml. ty via National Bank Law-. ;Mad A<tnaal Contingent fund .rworrad apecial Beitolutlen al Board of Di. recto .....•dAnde Profit aid LOUTrinat rtoins,lBB4). %BIM $2,839051.111 Pittslvangb, P► LOAD. and Dlsecfnuts 103,0438 Due by Desks and Sinkers. 20,181.74 Due by,Nanks Omit/a) iamsble lank old, 8,470.0 Goal and Urn Uoin la Vault of osnk 2220 so Rendtbusses from Banks In transtaesslt 1120221 U. S. Legal Tender and Bala Notes.... 104,711,00 Draft an 4 Mocks—. ANUS V . S. Tress ltr .B.MOGo N 04,01.80 U. 5.140 cadS Prrrearaaw, April &I, ilia. Orrr or Prrrevoson, °yaw' OF.AAL.T. PA.. STALTS OP PTINSTLYA7IIA.H.I .• Personally appeared Delon IffoteiPuldle duly commissioned and sworn. Allan Dunn Cash ier of the Fourth NeUoael Benz of Primburgh mho, being duly sworn, deposes sad eaten& above Statement L reelect and true to tha pest of lia keedledge and Wed __ . . Sworn sad Bubseribed Defer* no the day aitddate sbove !mitten. . . T . • smEmno _____ ruin SPEAKS or THE "Wheeler ZieWilOon Sewing 'Machin% Which ►houW be oonddcred by those who doshse . to purchase the BEST FANILI -SEWING MACHINE. We are haring a great many Woollies tor Sew. lug Mashie!" from various. parts of the conutry, nod as ipe usenet eouvenlently reply to them all by mail, we have thought it proper to state our UAW ion in regard to them In this gutuls taansien We have 'used . Wilson's patent, inanufsetured by the Wheeler i Wilson Manufacturing floMgengs and 4 ••'. in tops nI - to H I that It Is withen out of 01,62 % •atidjya 'rine oteffeatlveness and Mae, no other - innate. &alit ahead of ft.. We stale miasma :In repaid to the *eminent machine upon uur orr fesPorrathintY• ' • '- • " Company had Made .aad see„ d,dni thd last three months,-1106 inaohlami, aid are am, 'sahebs - and. Daft MO per day • ,Thajianr fa, pries eramMatobl6o, this medium Weed me g sal best, la thelr business them Is 07111 . 1.00;a00 Misted, and they ham 1. 000 maareiralat 0, 0 0 T 041 inanufaitwing nmsblnon -The sfahomPurstled fa the' saMa aa that adopted In the manafacturi of arms t every plane Is made to a linage, sod cense., quently; the parts of any maohlna may be trims.: poled With those of another msohlne of the sane Ishe ; or should sn accident occur, the broken Part est Imniedlately be minty] on application at the office, Salearton No. 27 Fifth St., Pittlbanh na.:aat BaXES .exp ir.i.wwas; UNITED STATES Come of Wood Street and Tirgin Alloy • FISCAL AGENT OS THE MUTED STATES god SPECIAL AGENT of Joy Cooke, 11. S. Ascot for the oak of as. POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, FA 111. • 6-20 SIX PER ve.rr Zit - Liberal Coma=lons aimed is dealers. J. B. LIVINGSTON. Cashier shalt _ GERMAN NATIONAL BUB, Of Pittsburgh, COIL SIXTH AND WOOD STREWS, AtIGtiSTIIS HOYELEB, President. SPEiNGES RARHAUGH, Vies President. GEORGE A. ENDLY, (Mahler. This Bash invites the accounts of Banks, Shak en and others. Government &smilers of all kinds bought and sold at current rates. As SPEOIAL AGENT of Say Cooke, subsorip Rona Eli be resolved Saila Popular 7-80 Loan, Thla loan Is now be i ng aboOtbed . 14 Wrist* thocachatoco .1 2 'ets =gay. and Anther senvertibie dre.ty_rlooade wide a of over NI NE PEE CENT. Itself Rafts mipe m rior van. Wei to all seek a safe and profitable lavish. Liberaleomoderimui on this twin to all dialers to Gomsassat aseilittes, ON). A. Cashier. Mat $5OOO " rennin! ffAmialrAL 17. & Goversasial MOE Prr/111111614 Farnal7 1111 7ZW " . • Special A g ent of Allegtom ggIMMEI ALLEN DUNN, C S. S. BRYAN, =TART' PURLICI. 7-30 Loan. THIRD NATIONII DANN. Seven -Thirty Loan, AND THZ •OnkrEoan in the Market CONVERTIBLE IINTO GOLD BEARING BONDS. lii.llS4l sir LIODIRTAD JAY COOKE, U. B. Agent for the 7-80 Loan. we offer t ie derliable !nutriment in lOW to WI pueluirm. The Dar an la ammo! • $5O, $lOO, X5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000 EZ MEI TriumferraNe Aug. 15th, 1817, FIVE-TWENTY GOLD BOND Theredairable Ram:Mies are wyw at Willie et $4,000.000 PER. DAY, Alm EN A TzEty suoirr JEW be at a Preisiluss. pantTo /rake, Sunken, Broken, Trust Ma , Laurance Caoparges, cad all aka tour. Ault. mil again, • a Liberal Caminion Will I* Paid au rt la red stray one sr meet a eta blibl &male , {tipars sad profitable asearlip. ..JAMB O'CONNOR, President. ALLIIN DU Cashles COUNTRY BANKS. MIRTH NATIONAL BM II EL Government Depositary; PrZTIMIMOI. Tebrusay Thu Isak &vita einTerpoidibassital agoomnta EMI:111114Y BA M$ em Ml= SpeoUd, and Favoratio Faolaes DOTE AB =GAR= =MET ON mule= ADM IN , Fur i nishing 11. ,EL:. ;ADM 065N1A011,Mont.. aiirs nviti. Cashier. halai SPECIAL NOTICE/ ' • FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, w. H. Government thimottory, PITTSBVBOB, February 2ld, Thla sank is AUUlClitiedtoCelY l 3 MUM% PAYABLE. AT 10 DAYS NOTICE, (After 80• Dave.) ~..,'~irig cent - . tote s . • ,• • • • MEM • 110061111- • • • • • jtilh ISEASWIZE) DERTiMITE FUR Es' seat yr, in h o ped that JUN NEW AHD 1/Villtgagat an ... gann et will meet with the favor of ths entire community: and as the advantaged obtainlag dig per seat in terest oalooney payable as above,eozo. weeds itself, we treat a lens demand of mom 'wlll be obtained for lase Goverment. JAMS O'CO=Kli; Prit%ident. Art= tcx , t• Dar IRISH POPLINS J, M. BURCHFIELD'S. CLOSL?dG our 84LE t Celoied Siriped Poplins theap. FANCY SILKS. Plain Black Silks. e IFISITII BRILLIANTS WHITE P. K's, COLORED P. 11.'s. No. 71, N. H. Conn Muth end luta Its. 31ERCIIANTS AND DEALERS WHQ BUY AT WHOLESAIE EATON, ;mama a co.. Nes. 17 tib 2 . 0 2riti22, 111 K.. invite the atteettos City and Country, Mordants to. our complete .took of 7:mbroiderles, Lows. ! - Homan lakores, Ribbons, - Roodn.Halrlieta,clcoseta. - Rain sad San Umbrellas, Blurts, tioillra, Tina Bradley Skunks Skids. • " - • Bnlmerst Skirts, Pins,,Needlee, Rottman; Bpsoba Comtunnos. with general vsziety PARRY GOODe AR, NOTIOMa. Oat pmreitmes . havo beam all madwalnee Una last res! destine, _DS wisnow oat 'sod inducements to OASEI BUYER& ' • • , spa,' NEW BTOCE Oalibses, MilflrMa t Silk Shawls, Cloaks, Ladies & litis' sea litaatlea, NEW GOODS c• r oaxiiizir, 3co•Asir BATHS a num, puo ITEVIE ST MM NEW 6OUDS, 41:18T AEBIT AND TO BE. RaDA PANIC' PRICES! Good Cotton Weee foe Ladles:4l=W pee pd Hew-stitched Linea Nankin Ode, cesta•aithmq Elabch Yeehantes Corsets, el 76por pail Sidon &Alexia:Earl KW Gloves, 13 per pia. We have 'Jae a splealtd steak lIIHTE GOODS AND .121u1pure gild' Valenti* teem - • Spam lib lelloanst Blhboain. • Etc Dms Tarrisaags mut Ornanintit ' Spring sad SiliaMer Hosiery sad (novas, Of Fano3r BaAs,/51d - unw Buitmls, Inbees decidedly the lama =dales& ameetakeet the city. .A.leo, the • Novelties . of the. Beason, . . . such as Wide Bel and Bnekles, nate Fllhate, dies Silk t3earfa the Eltaabetheeily,filsoW intple of ilatuodag, eta., eta. . ,4Lo.a foil NY , 3MUilifilalitiOOODS; . . White Slates Cram 111 up. air bletelusuts wad Reptile's wi ll Prtccs :Aa r D•ty Cesipetflion NACRIEIVE GLYDE, '4l MUM= STILKET. JOB.: BORNE ',5713a, DEALERS IN STRAW . AND =JIMMY acooDs,- , !. Riaans . sziaikuisteaki,ntielizuvrammrstis • BobroWorles, Lase Goods, Hesdkorehlets, rasa • Goody,' Balmoral Skirts, Lodin , and, floats Fus!, - ; stalss _Goods, - Bead Gbdps As 4 , Worshld E 014417 and Gloves, Hoop Slate.- Ni. , tidy' sast-Siala Vinson noursicamaitaide , ;' ant iumettossi got • _ .• - .11111 r SPRANG- 000D3; . . . , . Will be *MAttnuanally_attractiva._ Baling been plarsimaea at LOW HOLD 11.117111 L,, Ivo can tear, SPILARIAL TINDWOZIPSIM xvotteas, =apart:Pa: 4 mi -'. • - feud datypliedr will at— times , , • We Baba s ealltreat • Vl , • Mani and the Sosadeat that we sea salt LU. . , JOS HORNEA sne•Wineaxisfenrsie'l A - TO NSW ABBORTILICNT :OF NUT NS. aIIMMiI -S Wet- Mak ;Mat Oriewashlat' - Clheegal ioeveit .I.4Mt 15sta " or the •Laas Sad Ltamtlellas awl Iteslety, Balmoral awl • Sed& q .Shilai s Shawls cud Saequas, - M an - Rae sareled stadllulajtai ladled did Wash Leather-Gaon/4M all slum &Met" - - Oleveil, la -light colorer Eaten B,lllk LrelalLelt ;Orden Wort hs& -with 's& new • lot fir 21024 Water - Palls mot - Flowers. Will be roma at - • maMnM /O2WBmRoYnM' S M 21113k112h alllw all P al l aath a eret'weak als o 2 mlM 1 ' N vim '; GBZAT BABGAINitt • "" ' ROWER DENBISON 00.; 81 Market streep, • mzE rerraBERTRTO OUT ME= SET= irM.QT, mpg cantr taassinan o wit 81444 1 / 2 - sows Ewbroid, Trim mi xo . 2 : *int tO m s P 1 P0 °2460 • 10. rat SINTAXILet-int:. GRAPE NII!"f; Y'`• • . *RI* FAimincift. (1/11102*aliLMISN' alms: racier. Bad :.11g* mutionazz G LT sa-sew gtoeiout ?worm at DRUM & SLAMS, No. 45 - end SO nano =REEL IV ALL PA PER—IiI w :cheap and harbl. Um:C. ft , : ante at lio. 107 Market. stre2t, ncnr Filth am:, by ' .4 42 JOS: BRO. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers