thg rittsinweit WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1895 Rol:tumult, ircrEaut s co., Mitiocar_oxest eft Mizoczar-oriat, So. 75 Fourth St.. Pittt.bonh Deposita recelsod In PAD FUNDS and OUR tt. Collections made In all parts °Oho United States. Buy and sell at market rates; • -tr. S. Spa tent. ilBl, Bonds; U.S. .do. 640: do. - ; - U. S. 6 per sent. 10.40 do.; U. S. f per cent. Certificates indebtedness; tiger U.S.73oTreasury Notts. Tbriralso arct SELL ON comnitssiox St the: New York - Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Beards; di: kinds of Goreruuent Securities Stocks., Bonds. Gold ha. Sc. FIXANCLIL AAD COMMERCIAL BROKER'S AND: BANKERS' BOARD (MU/ACT= sir zontstop.iratams R. cm.) .." •trzsonT,, Kara IS, UM OtPd. Asked. Sues. • Oottnettsvilli „ 19,0 R.• /I:stock. 19,711 12,80 .13.8ctinn;e , 90,90 L'lttzent.; .. ..... .-;- 87,00 — lst Pi:Annul 411128terty 131,00 Clumbln ........ 05.50 OH (Wolk & Oherry Run:. 410 UN 84 Fut. & 111-1101 e.. 85" •-- Om Bun & 1 . 1tteb97,... 1,23 OLIO . . ...... 1,90 • 4,23 1,20 • Weitrrn PruCa Oak Drell Duck C'rcek..... Gold remains "steady — on New YOrir Board at i,04!4. Government. withunt material change from list quotations. Stocks do not rails . so read' ny as was rapruted under the steady golfL market. The constant pressure to sell dry gaols, and man ufactured article:, at from ten to' twenty p . m teat.. Perow noml a! quotations .innuiconimerelal lists, will prevent ft rite In stocks for some LIMO to CODA.. The dealings tit:Evening Exchange, and atTegu. lar Board to.tiy,t lyeerldenee of continued weak- Aral. PiltabUlVl fz' Near York :mums !Awry to tooth aid figures agitah 7 nek Is hack to 03 and . alcts of sale at that. 'llorseneel: 1133hltailli Ito Mi. van C lactiy strongly, thOitgh Ister In the day teas emtely set firm The 'Evening Iloard trill test the advt.:ice made. 'We hardly expect It to go beyond pretest figure., lilt even maintains them against act heavy a market. Roasts hosvy - ni - 5,20. Wes- tern Pettus. offered at o,l—no late owes, but 0234 Dl'. • The , truinsactions In Oil Stocks at the People's Exchunge were remarkably light, audio, the great castor/D. ofthere Riattendanco were sellers, prices, asass Molter (Atomics, ruled low. lattchiti was the most active stock on the flat, 3,1.0 shares changing handy, but xt greatly reduced rates, all with the eraceidlon of leOsharsa, selling at 60@31. Eldorado sold down to 1,01, the Iciirest figure . this stock has, touchid in this market"aince Its existence. Thehi la a hotter .feellogln Colunihia, and the Stock nwiy be quoted . Ormat 111.41370, :Ohio 'Valley is stronger, end a eliailO,hlgher, ,selling up to 1.05. Revenue has declined trioO;whtle Cherry Run & Pithole hsi sindergonn brit littlo , change. The following a report of the sales : CCO,shates Central Basin • 350 •• Cherry Run & Pit Hole 10 . ." 100 " Eldorado.-- 60: ''!* ( -4• k l. Valley. 100 • ilttetrutels is New York IWO 0 10, " Stella-- "Thejlirlirlsigs . 'soil bids weieha follows: 111looarrarm & Ohio —t 70 Caldwell 'r— 610 Central Basta.— ....- Merry Bun ..... Cherry Ron re. Blood. Cherrrotem kintieburgh....— Check rryltim'k Du Creek Fsysite: cu . ..... .. . . .... Fedristzss l to nesting a as Clerttlais,Sf Pittsburgh. ......... 6 SSoo OreirbionetiOstr • abattoir.' 1-60 s OS , Lluoblii 01146 so • 90 Xerohnnts' - • '4O • • 60 Illoaontrakela Pioneer a 0 YeAloypiaerry•lida:.. . -.:80 Redulee ac Natientli of Pittsburgh. ebbs Volley Oil Omsk or Cherry Run • Plt,aburghb. Philo Poston • PR , eburgtt h Silk' 'York - iteseous 115 Eitthio . 80 Roes." .. . . 1 14 118 a rai • •••• aCM 403 55 75 871. /dm 1, 03 Tack, New York.. 2 75 3 00 'Union ........ 85 1 1,V ~ .tern Peourvivarda.—. ...... . - 4 JO 2 57 Oreek- - t 00 2 50 YLe Oil Creek Petroleum COMpany, of Nn 7 Yolt, report that tie! Rare 'receivedL latellikeeee thet n two buctired barrel well bas been struck on lbetz4uppezty oulVatean Fl testa that the tutor matte° to ttLIVIs Liieur, .rter , , , ,Prttly report that another well arldeh they hxc enkley, hilt ha is 'yumplcy order next crt, , Itn„ , ,Bufosht .tleperes of. Ftlday last isoys: t.,t tete net Nation,411ln- Isee - Its daces yeste:dly. It 13 th,, , ,eato to ape-mason!, sotnewhst 4i I tr,.na allure Ps collirse was alp. , rtn I nerd lty an, 41! of tietttr.stul chcess, 'shish It hut. 'Men hot• dirt,: foe 1,101,, kiln It told a-Isrge amount atie ,tlttgftlepualts, teNldh may not'pro)c s Ines to the 'depositors. Thu tilt toil no 4.10:4 1. re da, 44.12 • The lorport Entries o' the ;rest - week at New York Itnitdiug thr Dry Goode table In ow list ronottot I o et,167,053, icprirret $i.W 7,7f1 soma tin e tart year.. TLC Export Clearsnene of Don:ine tic Produce rinionot to e11,60e,t.51, seminst $3,M,015 rime tek Wet year-- he Export of Specie awentorsto 4161-lilt, atainot trni,CKV , elate week •igui,inan; The Cartoon fcir the week ewe tiiinini• Tht,inotipta of Cotton, eV...invite and by tall, ere 11,116 boles. - . , , 1 la denied At WAshington tint the Secretary of -thei"teasury.szill issue. °he. hundred millions or earneoey to pay etre portion of the anaperlied re quiaitont open the Trenattry." There to no Author. Jay tor lho v iaeue*Of Any with sues arc urreney. The Secieratihali power to pat out aboutlierenti:mill lona or aix pet cent Interest bearing notes,. not heteteforn Liaued, but Will net tatort to this expe.. ace,- Union abotdd be indlspeusepty lnimenary lot the malateniume ' of the war, of which contin gency thereto tti.t:tven no* siremoie Pr.:Aped. The .?Sew Xoelt.l`rftene et Monday. says; Gold Lae Men grate ticked end sold as low at 153;1, an es highs. Wthieveral times daring the des. elos SegatihOf t . :rhe strungratergament need Itilavor. waathe assertion 'that the "Government was httyloglO esport," and en prevent a too rapid ga4; MaCtllloelt Is'too good a Saucier to give aid and enintfort to the gamblers la. gold and ounziedttkes WllO hive for font yearn embarreseed, pia dCWrtOeal ! Instead . or •Vortlog Said he. I. more likely to yet 'upon the street thetrlOoo,ool of gold:due Meg; End, upon the Flro•Tweatk lean:" Thadtatal - egsport rot sped, toe tke week was !PIEtEADEtiPMS4 STOCK-MARKET. - - . • 491114114114M1254441 to IMlPittsbuolh Oiaette.,. ' March 25, , WM. . . The market Lae OtlStocks continues dollandde prc,,iii4 Priera irregular" and lower} Durant are sit.lU , holdtht. nd the transactions. consniuentlyi az yeti . besTr.' The closing .quoistlons *Mc t Atlas 1. la fl' 5 5 'M Ober* (4 McClintock .. 437 W111441113U00. - :.......1 60 St. Nicholas .... . 3 el l 6 RBIIws . . . . 20 05 Buc 11 25 • 3 OD Dairell 167 011.Cifelpi0i1Rtin... 4 fon all 5.25 3 CO lUempl34l4i t'73 • • iPaltbipre Martel, March 21. Oee.m—Ws Mar ofne sales to-day, but quote • Wore, at-1i62.1 cent* gold for Rio—the outside Opts torpnme width Is seam , . • rlone4s dull and prices batten thccgh without any mat tidal change Bmtill lon of .mixed brands Howard street were mkt at 0,137, eboioe held st a sale or2oo DMA good Ohio Extra, -reported at 410.„ Wequote Obler nod Howard street ute r is t WM. andinsadara Euraillot al:tipples bra y Mills do:IMMO grade malting Baltimore Extra Ilk: mid Family ltts,4o per bbl. Other kbids saws as bee Wr tore. aire—Wheat was eery scone oa= , Obwe to, day, only a few hundred eusbets of each hi. ogee ed, with sates 'of blot at , 11,2082050, and red at: SW 44411605 - 3112. Co. n—enty 200 blebels wbite and SOO baileefrUuwieeetvedt we report aides or SOW bu - wbhe at 11,40111t,42; the tattle pricalor damp; prime l o ttoweed er Att; yellow $1.38111,42 Oats no re. stint* or sales repotted, quoted at Maleets weight.. ktv W,Filtel,6s per Weibel: pmalidorm,Tbe Market Is still Bat sod mires Iror Mem - Pork 111 0 @it Per bbl; - awn istroutoktic 1115graii ete Butes. down; Herne Merlets; Lard 241 G for /argil lots, and e=Western. Balk Meats are not offered; re Mould not brlntover 10-4015 cents ; sad. ...Wes IMO WM emits per B. dolor; fair to goad relish • int ta - snuntnat at 1161140. mrefaiid Pugar—la now quoted for Ire or more Het o p ow: enua.d, powdered and Franclated a l +Atte likd Cheele'B 0,4; 0 es , ra le drbeallallitkeltrelloW.- of Sower grades au to qUelltrie trio/den vrttP Mr to tibia.— SOW 111. , ndrerieBegoo4 foie requalt, with small askew atirt726Bl - 7.tio for prime. Interior sample* at 41101.0173Thk0thY0451. 7/ 1 x. 36:00 . Per. .euehei . . . Cleveland Market. Mirth 27. 'slatir4einni sEtAltoo for XIE : . bags IN,N4OIID lot Wboat—Null. No row. •An Wet tO s bUID,S O O DU No Sat ilk:111A0 Not otboost at opess.Og of Ilgatlo , .; W6 l . otliso.fisont,but.sui 'restscare aro heart. - 'Ng—. OW of IWO ho free on boatt at. 850„ a - MO %k mitt at *bleb lt,:asas offered 4144 1 4 0,41-111tus.4.`lindlitttialtrot • otos& Nye—No Soles. Batley—Nominal at $l,lO -lac No IDAILY REVIEW •01+ P/TTSEMRGII MARKETS. . TUERUAT. March Ida& The &Mane and stagnation noted ix commetel al circles from day to-day for Nome time past sun con Mauna, and what to worse still there ls but little Indication of any Immediate Improvement. The receipts of produce generally continue quite large and wiy, no demand of any importance, and stocks accumulating, the general markets rule exceeding ly dull and languid and prices are gradually droop ing. GRAlN—There is no movement in either Wheat or !oler, and as pre,. are irregular we omit quo tation, Oats continue to meet with' in good do moral, and a lot of some SOO or 90l ibt.whels was. sold towley, logo to (MORT at 90cents, an advance Thls price, in the event of improved receipts, can ■nt be sustained, no we an, e I the opinion that about all the Oil Olty orders have- been gilled and there is no demand for any other point. Corn is in good suppy had very dill; we quote at SI on track, and $1,1401,115 from. store. FLOUR—Tbej emend for this commodity eon tinncsexeeedinglpilight,being restricted entirely to the immediate trantsof consumeri, And the mar ket to weak and drooping. Sma 1 sales of Extra Family from store, at s9,ooatom for Spring end Winter Wheat brands. GRUCERIES—The redueedtprices have produe• ed a alight improvement In the demand, but the market can by no mean. be teemed active. Prime Rio &toilet Is selling at 37 Mateo while Sugars Are too unsettled to quote correctly. The majority of our grocery men are now selling at a toss of tea to twenty per coot below cost, PR.,rlSlttriS--Tbere to tea fair jobbing demand for Sac n and we note regular sales at previous rater—le for Shoulders; 20 for Ribbed Sides, and 23 tor Rams. Lard le quoted at 22110115 foe prime kettle rendered. No demand for Hoes York. 1W I lER—There Is considerable inquiry ter strictly prime fresh Roll, and the eupply of this pn rtlemiar kind i. very twill.; it u ould bell readily at 33G, isem. Common Roll to In good supply and very dull w.tit axles at 2.4p30c. LOGS—Stendy;but the !ripply Is fully equal to the demand; we note regular sol ea at I cants, IntAilV nt 2f. HAY—hull and lower; antes from scales at $3O eiti too, as to q 11,1” C. RE aemanti for shipment no; otti to have etersitted, amf the market is dull anti uoak, though pone t are nunlll,liy uneianged. Prfl Arms—There la n d fair dens Ind hot:, lee the home trade and shipment, And we note re-go/at sales of tomtit Motes at $3,60§3,73 per bat.. 0. W. Mr G Iftick. whole: tlc.l 2 of "scAl. .tholes atoll 31 11,01 of pr 0.1.1 gc.n.errenent alma. to Myers (a Bro., L 1,;4, thirty day.: nail retn•le.l GO boa,i at tiirlitio l .4. lilt trick k Dohs:. 1(1 ol nultll Ohio eleel, for rthet-o, nod. rirrsni: item PitricoLuir mtnriET 1 ~Ti, crStl—strally, with repo:tell sektre,t 4 , 7,504811 hcil.l,l, for I.xlir Herring, told for White • Tr t . eh There as no improvement to not., to the deralna 101 n.:r,•c,! the m• corsequently, eon , in .ies. orld weak-with a 411'001411g e haling off, refusing to operate, under the that inlets MUEL still further rived, hc,:.!ri. as tl.e stcelt Is .1,, aialstln,:. a:on, diNK..ed to ma he conee.lons to order to ,tr,,et We vote n wieoftnObbla to (elk—on Has• .'.ay—at 24 cent, and f.e phis to-d.ty, nt 25 cools. I.hls n I urned, and we•heard of It being ott,red at 2; cetts without r adlng . purchosers. Rednedis very and neglected and dronping. Free Oil is ht ht nominally At 75 cent's, but we nrecognisr.nt of suartll vare of prime city brandy, at 'raffia. Then r. as no movement In Naptius or Residuum tu.dsy, In the absenee of which we omit epotatlons... The receipts of Crude by the Allegheny river foot up 613 bbl e, es follows: 666f0r A. L. Linton, and 67 for Fisher &Bro. 115 - prirste dispatches retched from oti Mite-day, %relearn that Crude has de. elinct to 66,25 per bbl at•that point. NEW TORK PETROLEUM MARKET Special Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette, NEW Tome, March 1 93 1 is The Petroleum market opened firm toalay, bitt closed tlatimitoomlnal at 31 for Crude; dllikai for Helloed In bond, and 'Han, free. LIAIIKETS BY TELEGRAPH. SPecisl Pisgah:aro the Pittsburgh Gazette. Pladtrt—Sllghtly more active; receipts. 1,382 obis; sales at $6,25@6,170 for good to choice Spring Faints: Guars—Wheat firmer and an advance of is ; receipts, 4,400 busk ; sales of No. 1 at $1.143, - ,(0 1.143. Oats in good demand and an advance of !,.;e ; sales of No. 1 at4T.C.,47!4e. Barley, but little demand; sales at Odeon track. Rye dal and easier .; No. 1 sold at Gte. Pnorzsross—Firmer; - gales of 200 bbla Mess Pork at $24,00, and WA bids at $25,00 ; ?rime Mess, $54,00. Lard firm, but nominal. Baer Carrix—Recelpta limited, with .. .active demand, and upon sales made there wan an ad. vance of ZOCO0e; the sales -numbered 441 head at $1417,11 for cOmmon to medium, and $3(;_40,7i1 for choice. 1 25 130 1 70 1 06 1 12 - 13. 92 SO - ' 16 00 11MME 4 00 MI . ..1 :5, -230 4 - 50 ,00 nous—Quiet and uuchangcd ; :k 'head at;@:ll,oo. XL* YORK :-.3larch 2S.—The current Fla.:, I . oe the we tic at all the mar_kts arc: Burs—First quality, k‘211(4 2i• fair to ;tool, .17 (it2l.; conlmott„. £14,,UQ:}16,501 lufari:rr, t3114a ‘SYS J. 15 1, CAIXIS—First quality pcc tru1.5..0 (11.); aidirary. itk(_t7s; .rior, Y4o€l - CM.% r! , --Fitf 6 , quality. .111 1 ,( 1 r Grit pro :'l2;i ; cpa, wou,C 1! 7, 0_12: iill7lll 11. :7111:11'x:co Lamps per brad. N1;440,; I"; ilile, :4; orcinory, 1l1P12; ‘N.alcuou, •fbL'cl it - I,l.riot. ..1-1.1(7.,10. r.—:—t—r.• 1 , , attri theillaul,. - 1241 , 1/;l1c; fart, 1:1; Ihe Irani rtvelpts of all taook for thlttareck tau last NCI T: Lieu:Ls, 3,6Z0; Cote.. l'i4; Veal I '2l v 1577 S Lcep an a 1..ama,.1.1.1; Swine, Total last tv,sl:: 2,:hvit Cow*, ::,14,; Sheep aral I.lnllv. n. 541: Liv, ice, 1,V46. rye Von.. 3tarelt_F.—Corns.—Pinner aad n. e aell‘e r.t Vic. for rr.iddltn7,. 1....0ta. , -Dull nut: beacJ . e rad raller elaler, at fer E....-tra State, a...t1 SII,SIIIT/10 for 0.. ;nal *10.030;11 tor trait: hrel..ta, the o!:1.1 kith no Layers at nutside wutga-r--Fier.:er, With aalcs at %LIS. G.Al3—Wlttmt stoutly wilt a fair demand. at foT Chleap 14Ting; sl,tart for Ohl Amber; Winter lOnl; Wirennaln 41,04. Ryc unit. Barlay dull and nominal. Corn dull and lowcr. 044 dull at We. 41. wooL—LinlL • Pi.1:01-EVY --Crude 34; 52Q-52 for Ilefhted it rich end 12@..71; for do. free. Grtocrumg.--Coffee quiet. 'floor dull. Mos cs..rado,}o3.s@,lle. forfalr to g00d.... Molasses dull. PnovisiouF. —Pork is decidedly lower, clo,ing at $25,50. Fegular way; $24425 for '63 and 'GI do. ; C 3511 and regalar way. $3.1,50; cash $.33,t4/ (1.2-1 for Prime, and * :!6(26.50 for Prime Aiso 1,500 bbls. new for March, April, Al4r, d .Itale sciljrs' and haven,' optiou, at tO. be ef, steady at Sl3@tl7. for limn Alm., :old.' $10,50001 for Extra Mean Ikof, lilmi .1 dy at 523,50421. Bacon, tirracr at ~1 5, for Country Cut, and 114010 , 4 for I..i.bcd. Cut Meats, steady at Li.Lflaqc, for ti-culcers, 'and 151:;(7±1.034 for 11460,1 Lard, krrntr, at .16X® BVITER—A shade higher; 13(iy12e for Ohio, a act •02e..23 for State. Cm:use—Steady at 14(1:Mc. Mein - Hatt Market. : CtxcrxxsTl 4 7d:rch 2S.—FLOrn—Stoady, hut the demand is fight; local EU perfloc, $7. GUAlli—Wbtat steadr, at $1.60@.1.03 for Red; Oats, Barley and Corn atilt, and prime nominal. lYnnocar—Advaneed to $2.13 with a good • PHOVISICMI-81.2 hundred bbla city packed Mess Pork sell at 37; anti at -the close 30c was askui. Bulk Beata arc held at 14c@•1534, but .there Is only'a moderate demand at , arc below. these mos— There Is no thimund fur LAM; though it is held at ISe. _ • Onoornma—Siondy; Coffee 31c631; gnar, 130 ., lb' for raw, and 20(21 for hord'rearicd. • Giimo- , -51.53; Kentucky : }lank Parer.ttfrown out at 1.e(91;4 discount.. • - • • .... !Sew York Dry Goods Market. - • NEST Toes," March 28.—Thero has been a de cided decline in the prices or dry goods, especi ally standard browu aheetings, ticks and bleach ed cottony within a few days. Ageats have been compelled to submit to the redactions or hold their gVeds. - One of tbo leading jobbing boasis reports New York Mills, bleached, at 42%e, and others In . provortion. -Stark Milts brown, at. 41)4e; Amoakeag Linens at 55c. Prices are rep- Idly being based on cotton at gloat 50e per lb:, and while manigoodelsovekeilroacly reached this mark, others are held back only by the scarcity of some patilealsr styles in the market... . PiThiannUTIXT,WJLIMP. lalltdlowOo n R Mb 28—. WO bids flouri 3 inn cons, Dan • Wallace; PO Usti tour, Graham;Thomas:: am . Shall/dm hams, ADO% Parker; - .2 coris boy;liee Enrol &Oa , t es OW t Po bids flour, 15 II Myer. & acme* dozen brooms, I lUrlspatri . et ' Ern; 43 do do, E Heazl tots; u page prodtte, T 111011.11:lan; 11111 calk Head & _Matador; a7cmy spoldbutter, I. bUn dry simples, 3do moms, Volgt As. co; I ear w best, UT. xs eheeee, J II Ijoa, field; t ear metal, Jos •Wood; 21 skimps, Godfrey fa Clark: t 5 has WNW% Atwell. Leeds co; 6plop pro cure. I. It Folgt & 00;117 bOhl aPO/rers-J 1 J: Hattori lean' mrGl, J lienartwad; J. car barley, Rhodes; • hit WO. looter, BOlkolleld; I ear, J d ett A 00;1 car mllt feed,.lles & Kell; 400 bbls 11011 r ursks k abepord; I a, r corn, Illtohcook, Cu; itriPhti lead. El' Dlthrldget 11l boa ..scoo s Cook. Pettitt L co; 298 p gu lead, /1 A F 00k res oll dodo, Wm - bagoley.. • : • S astwes.surts'ia Prellsatra OlrB. 114 Mush 211.5% 3 ' wheat, . Shama & - ICosszt tO 10%1' rer_u apples, Join; Paliglo ple; motet powder,' ' E nazt.rt Ss bids mato apples, James Uardine_m plum mgt..; Hartman a Love; I plogs ear, Jm liter Cullough,l3odtts & Cl; tut bbl. door, T U Jeoldrurs • Ameonzar STATION ittrCh re--ts boh a t u titeee. rskA admit; do do, 4 lut s dour-Juba ho art, IV gs rivets., W P Townsend; S bbls turnip*, LI • eazlrtnns Oaks pnestooklL . LeaWsr; 15 aka oats, I 74. erloidaplrds, P P etemmo; tla bdlls_psper, • Dego paper 40;11 bes.oolllMeld °rata 114 n do, yeekaart; It aka dooseed, Ewer K flaettttool le Lapps& WM.; 1 ear want, his butter, Elltubs. Boa & co; 3 Ltdm OM" .4 Brl/Alogers Citlengo Market • CLIICIGO, March 2 New 7olk Cattle Market IMPORIV . BY ktAll[6 I,IA D LLE(;111...7:1 ( .1111.1.; "i Rh /I'l Depoltell Expre.i) for Pitt itour, efts. ALLZONICICV CtTT 1 . 4 arcti 211, CATTLF. , --•The market was devoid et rteitement o: any special activity this week, but as the ply One unusually light, being estimated at nee to six hundred . end, last weeks prices were fully s 45- talned. The demand wee comparatively light, he. lug COttiltled altogether to butchers and govern ment contractors. and If the receipts all been up to the usual average, prices would.. undoubtedly have given way, and the general Impression among drover. and dealers Is that sooner or later there wilt be a "break down”in the market, and a lot up' in prices. That rid Story of the supply being al most. exhausted is about "played nut," as we have good authority for saying that there arc an abun dance of Cattle do all the stock-growing States and that In point of tkusUty, condition, etc., eto. they are Why equal, and, so a genera! thing, better, than is UStiallY the case at .this season of the year. • Nice heavy stock, in goodnomlittori, and suitable for the retail trade, sold this week at fromdet4 to it cents, the latter flgure only for extra, while heavy steers and oxen, suitable fur goverem tut Contractors, sold at from Ikti to . 104. Common grades, more appropriately termed t , 3ealawags; met with a very limited demand, an I holders is or der to effect sales, are compelled to take such rates as t:wets were disposrd to give. We eui•join a re. port orlon. of the sales: Jones Mo Allstrr retail , ' 20 head of Ohio steers at Gq.ji!.S. 111 to quality. Nicholas On r retailed head of fair .eh Ohio steers. at 57.1i011!.:.. Janice lultesttio retailed 19 heal of mixed eoelt, at 754419 V,„ It (Wahl lieerlrovood Jr. ret sited 27 head nt 7 , ,, 4 834. fc Noel irhole33le 32 heal of toll g•Jv SltTk. to 31yrre n Ih i. at it:l tat I:4;V ld. Traunonntl.o rcanted I/4 1..0d, mostly good J - ett, ru stock., 5, iioule•11- rd 171,5E1,01 . ..m, .tecoi to go 1.,.1.1t0du,, ca. at II rta. .1. W Ferrell wholerßled 17 hr :d 01 gnod stook from Alu.ltlngunz CO. 0: SMaNMIMUMI prrtty reflt atererni 613=12111 ocinastaas e"the thhe plet. :!;.•re EU 11 11: .n The Ite mend for uent.. Dull wbot....s‘led WO t.t 11 cr...ti bole+,lr.t 4 , J 1,e , 1 aver vzier. , 11 lb+, et 10: nett II . : Li , , ry nt .1. lt e! u ..-tc , lnsneut Itt Iro. I:reencli &Co. eritolevilet aver.- go,' 1.1 , Ito. eit In ute. II oleel-Tito rtinnil c..r 'tilt, el*. of stnck hot olet, , a . p.e 41,t and in cot. ,Itwore, b,tve fujle ono cent I'' pound, cud ire time c S . ernio per neeitriling . ( 0 quslay multi RIVER IhTELLIGENCE. The rher continues to recede etendily. at this point, with Ins then nine feet to the channel by the pier mute Lot evening The weather cootie tinues clear and pleasant end veil favornble for out-aoor ~peratfone. There has not been a single arrival from below since our last report, and the W IL Osisoroe for St. Louis, was the only departure. The •OsSorne had a fair freight llst and quite A number of passen gers. The Minerva from Wheeling, is due here this morning, and will return. at no in. The Urilda, and Petrolla No O. arrirmt from Olt City ) ester lay, and the Leelaire cleared for that point hut evening. The Leonora left Cincinnati • for this city on Saturday lest, and the elide. Pilgrim Kate Putnam and Eddinburg were Advertised to follow on Men er. The new and commodious Leonora. Capt. Sam Shuman, is filling up rapidly, and - will noon be really to leave to, et. Louis and the Upper Idistis sippl. Capt. Charles Wilkins has 611.111M1 charge of the oiliest. . • • • Thy Illinneola'wlll lay up fore fry, days and await her turn fora trip to St Lout.. The ILAN-Times, Copt. Stoma, C.erk. A. J. Ste. ktt, ,pounced for St. Louts, and all in: erateal atn points loithwith. Shipper. should bear this feet in mind. The ?dine; •• - n. Capt. Gottion, Is the reenter pack. la :for Parkersburg to-day, (-.ring promptly at noon. The new steamer DaTtd Watta, Cart Johnston. to announced to tear° hoer for Virginia CRT, Rao euck tate, Deer Lodae.,..nd all points In the idatto mining diairtcla, Ina few daji, adoring Elpenot in dutements for through shipments and teas e.L The following is from the Cintlituatl ConlV2lßci. I of 310/IdZSI Betelchance to get your mosey back 1 A responsible party authorizes us to an tic:note that he will *her take - f10,¢9 in Captain Ken 's proposition to run the Indiana against the Magenta, of that he welt bet W 1.4,000 that the Indi a:At will best the Magenta,proeided the rue comes otr. Who tato , the bett 11.,n't all speak et once. Theat. Louis Democrat of the woo date, has the 1..11, wing on the sane subject: .1. S. ben!, m stet. of the steamer Indiana, r t Ctn. clonal!. must be Pi rODI'.C4II felior. lie ancept•a , ogr trlitcb newer mode. and tr.ll ron m;:ninta tlanZlogento or flo..cro, he to have ererr tt 1/4. his melt ne:rrotn,7 list, time nod every • o %er ronott loot rrts to tno roera of the tla.. kto th, t e vemmentxill Oat to/Prier° with i .East, that hr. Ih:•.+atll. ft el, shall t • arol. ea to cool:tar I loth oot s mot and prr. .rut race. We don'l think It come it. We o• it. thlt ~.,l hae tte t,,,t111.t00 of a p . 1.1, I - . a or r ow.dito MILT ort—To . I,lvor. . . oTterint tlvq , tO pt,.a V Att, yes. stntke I.ha , the I...batis:tiitter. whtie to•ted /het., the Cain hertntett they Iron Pt •tatht the. .ewe MM=M=l3==lB ,_ . • toototai, hy the :erase ,or, th tt. has prt• 1c .a!on"h tilers were 15 1.011 ,•0 1, 1.1 Oath) •1 the tone of Me 1. • S, se-1..t two. who Wco - s. drown , g'R•tob otito tio.trnee were Mr. K. Von \ e, the stew...l of The host, aal the ethlas 7 '"- 7, , 51 , 7,7 7 7 ,( "77, rfty. Thr t.'7777t0s 1. 11 rr . .M Itlttststrxh. snd• sr Is tR her . 11 trt FO.l KI,. wag t•trard . r .10 14 Lath r. W- Vat::lc. 01 IhN city. v -hi She yr t • tat Fr i., . a th , Orr. lOt li/O 110.11 TN - - 0: FOR THE - COLD MINES OF IDA.Hu! Throtagik bias of I. Uo gl :•n 1:7 1l NILNTiI3I S IDAHO TILINSPUEINTION LINE, Lo VIROFIVI A. CITY. lIANIVItiit CITY. DEUR .1311:. and all pond s In the Mining II:at:let. lhr new t fmot and light draught'slesmer . DAVID WATTS. Jo.' Jolmeos, Mater, klleary layer., efork., will e PittcLmgh Thursday; april oth, la 5 r. ai. positlvelic For treat t or paewege ap”ly to roliN ttOPEILIN, car. al ?lain and 011 r, r, mot., St. Lids, Mo. IIA LDWE.LI. No. GA Water Ferro., Patio argil. .1 D. 0D...L1N0 WOOD, or 10111‘ FL &OE, Water atre,t, Agents. j Atli ETTA A NI) PAI!K Ems. 1 1 1,1:1cli PACE.ET LINE —RE). FLAK YA.SSEN(I.EII STEIL dtE it Fort WFIEEt, 51517 FISII. SISTER-tYILI.E, DULL li. LEE. AIARILITA AND PARKERSHUIVI. he new nod fact stile wheel onarengar DAY AIeD,O.IA. o.loore. Maitre. Daniel Illooro. (Hera. Leases Wild urgh every AIONDAY E TIMES. FAY, at 11 e. 0. Leaves Wheeling at A r. 0. lame day.. Returning. leaves Patheneum TUESDAY and Ii.IDAY, 011 r. a. Leaves Marietta, at 1 r. pt. mime days. loaves Wheeling at 7A 0. 'WEDNESDAY and *ATV I:DAY. For freight or passage, having unsurpwared wt. commodattono, apply on board or to JDFIN FLAUB or JAS. I'OLLINS. agents, inb.tlitf • 170. dB Water street, PittsbUtgh. EG U AR WEEKLY PORTS- Wa i t A MOUTH AND PITTSBURGH PACKET.--Tho flue pnsseugur Mesmer GOLDEN ERA, AV..H. Kerr, .tunster; Bryan, clerk, leaves Pittsburgh nrery SATURDAY, at 13 o'clock and-Portsmouth MO,NDAY,44 o'oloak p. m. -The Golden Erft mull* cement-Wail at Ports• mouth with the splendid steamer Boston!' No.l, For tlinclonntli end will receipt freight and Inman. gun through to that city. ncr/W FOR ST. _LOUIS AND UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER.—The new, and suicide,' ideamer LORENA. (apt. emus Slairrow, will len!. All above on TigIS.DAT 77th at 44). Sot Wight or presage apply on board . FLACK. I zabgo ' J-0. - coLLINa wcien, Agent' T'llinlMlltt, Tre fine prowenster raceme? HARD TI ABS, Opp . Perri Brcrwo, leaves for the abovennd toter. mediate parte on THIS-D it AT, 27th in. P. or freight or portage milt' on Mete, -rebel: JAMEB DS. BdLPH~' • -- .' r EXPLICIT DRAWINGS and-SPFXR• i rriMorrs, fur all kinds of building., and linisip intends their erection on reasonable tern's. r . IR- When on ANDERSON STREET. betimes Ilhiussek end Robinson. Allarnonv ante DEN ROLE UN A PAN—!..A.-RAfts LHANCE FUR INVESTMENT.—A party owning orke.twr mirth Interest, WIN° Uoracautek already argaulted with an aggregate capital at SAM) will dispose 'of ta portiorrof kis Interest at York - Foot Mae. mratatri a very low ems. k.dicell. Fr e. 1.301, New VISERSAL CLOTHES WRINGERS -.The only good Wringer Matte wads, and Is • wattinitd to sirs satisfaction. Call and eX.411111111 _them still& /nit& kobbet Depot, No. SS and MICA Clair attest. J. la It. PHILIAPOI, Sabi Bole All*Otifor dulexhgagreenincy, LOST OlL.—Perrone tealtutcaught Off of HAEREur Emmett • you& aftus, 4 beYibete4 re warde d b Y irettol it to ' _t V 7 Wmad street. `C A L o wr igkeZjan Y ls: 1 4 al gt , xiaruut Po" Bata AlkskeaT 1451. CLRILIM mi LMILAIuet reosivid a lot a l= .t it the Fitia M te 1 4 11 :F_ bilaNi al= /Witi L, IttafnuAw, Fan 8.11. E---FOR . . 1, wt Velllnble FARM in 11,ro towno.hip, W rota orelawl olunty, an I's.; contalni nt Almo n 185 &c.c., Well Improved, dln elate .Itin,ottun. ileo, a FA /111 UP 200 hOREq, In Ftirfleld too. ehip, Westmoreland county, Po. Improve tr.eLte goof . - .he land le of the nest quality. Coal and Ilmcetoue in abund•nce. 4 Also. a STE. EN ..*INE, for saw mfll or other purpoara, will. the &sating'', machintry, dy wheei .S. d c. The cylit..'er Is nine inches In diameter an lons loot atrol.e. Twn Bailers, 17 feet long and n inches In dingy - Teter; ail to golci •ler, and will • , e cold cheap. Also, h YARN of 110 neres to West Whehtlfeld lownship. 1411afah county. Pm, about three miles from the Penna. Rhllrond. Also, n IA It.ll of 136 acres in Oonemaugh town-, ship, 111111000 Ctqltity, Pa. Abu bentittful 1A RAI °floe acres, with ft large BRICK ifOUSE, with 12 roo.os, finished in mod ern style, wash-house and bake oven attacked;. large spring house, bath house, smoke house; a bUiCe tAnk barn, fruit trees of every description; church and bCi I house built upon the feral. This farm adjolnothe village of Louisville, and Is two , and...half Mlle) from the depot at Livermore, in Westmoreland county, ra., on the Northwest. ern Railroad. . . Also, TWO AMOK HOUSES and LOTS Elisabeth borough. ' Also, A FARM 00, .FIFTIi.TWO ACRES Derry township, Westmoreland county, about t w . miles from St. Clair Station on the Penna. Rail road. A steam sow mill nearly completed with al the machinery tor flouring mill on the premises , the Iced leaf Umbra nttallt , , coal and limestone In abundance, and good indications of Oil. Wil be sold cheap. Also in acres adjoining the village of New Derry, in the very brat state of onitlrs rr-u. aDJ abundance of fruit of every description. Alro. • FA It al OF rtg Atilt St Wale town ship, Westmoreland county, ..Per., on Tub Mill Citric, about one mile from the Penn's, Railroad. Thr' improvements are e good frame honed, rind Faroe frame !lank Barn. Also, a emali Perm 01% acres In Derry township, Wem.riforlarl County, Pa., near the line of the Pence.. R. 11. A la, a Farm of ithout . 135 acres in Fairfield town. a! Ip, Wonttuorelond County, Po. A Iro. n I arm of 200 acres In Fairfield township tatorlend county, Pia A iro, for rent a Farm of 145 acres in Derry town still, \Vest mut-eland county, Pa., loonediately tioi I air of the litirin'a. 11. K. Also. Gen shares of Stock of the (intro Oil arse •.‘t I,lrF flornploy of Pittsburgh, Po For further particulars Inquire of G. H. TOW Flt, Reel Eel. A Agent, let No. lie Fourth street. t , 'fl i. FOR SAL% —A FOUR STORY FILM:111f At the Ittairsvine Inter- 'lllll On the Peso.y 1. Railroad. built for I!, • t and hiute ROM.o condoned; well Welled s • for i-icu piney Ago of stable and other ...;111/.1a,10. on ton acres of ground. Auply to S. B. LIBYAN. Cooker, to Pourth al roet uh2i Burke's Building. • Vt: A HEHOUSE Ft HI li?.NT.—The Warehouse. Ma Penn et runt, ni•nrly opposite =MU • . . . IL ft. Depot. now creopled by Reese, arolf o 1;1;11. formerly 1., Peon . , Salt Co., will be ID trio Iron Aprlllai ; an excellent stand for /101 l ..ed t Ismer), or Commleelos and Stnroge tombless Lomtlre of Will. Y. REI'K O. t/11., Sil6s Liberty etreot. • ._ . lluDi'E. DWELLINGS FOR SAGE.-- ,Ittlfat. at ¶hr earner of Loptn and Decatur •• t. Two. 3e Jlmntur steret has h tail. Mx moats o hl' ellen, gns and water natures. Tue adjoin. g too hour, front no Log. street. Kash ICn 505-111, A pply to . S. CUTS ItERT Is SONS, nil :4 el Market street. U 1: HALF:.-150 Acres ot Coal, also , lib 1' Rem., of front coal to pool No. 2; slat, one trash. .4 co.l and rn41,341.!, and other Improvement* In rood uorkinr, mderi n pool No. 8 ;one tract on the Youo.logheny tiler and t'..norllsv 11. e Railroad. Enquare of 'WILLIAM WARD .1 , 16 tret doo- Fifth on (}rent 'treat. AOR ;;ALE.—A pactof OIL LAND, ' containingforty-seven and threirdorirth acres, a the heart of the oil 'region of West \legible& This land - hos burning spring on It and sL the serrtee Ir.dloptions of oil. icie siTEEI. Es BAILEY. Wilkins Halt. V 0 if BALE CIIEAP.—A FRAME -A- li.I.ISE, if removed at orce. Situated car ocr Irwin and Wastes Avenues, Allegheny city. Enquire of LITTLE, BAIRD ts PATTON, m 1,20 NO.. 112 and Ilt Secondst, - posstssloN APRIL FIRST—PRICE tii.ron.—Good dwelling of six rooms on Most oat street. S. CUTHBERT es SONS, nilsM bl hlarket street. Mr Look out for the name of Dr. GEORGE II SETSI,II on the cover of the bottle, and posted over the cork; also for his stamp on the United States stamp on the top of the bottle, to prevent , being imposed upon by a spurious arthile which is. PL (1.18 FITTER 11. the wake,. BAILEY, FARRELL A; CO., PLUMBERS, cret es eirs.Ci. Eno al= Stttorso, Dealer. le every variety of RUMPS, GAS AND STEAM FIXTURES. Oil Tanks anal" AgitatorA lined with lend by a one rroeell, which is at teach cheat er sad more demote than the old method. No. 139 FOVICTII STREET. ASSOC E 'M ITS I FIEL 1 I IA lIBINO, Ckui and Steam Fitting ill Az liranchem, earefidly attended to, ty sapli typsetleAl workmen. A One assortateot of 1 IX:I - RES, BATH t Nitow Eit HATffs urs, HI - IfliAlsf to, as on hand and made to order ba YEDERAL STIZEI:r. Alleghtur • ArA T. 77. 1.110311 TY ritEET, Pittaburg4 . . P.11:1•3'ElIS 4011"; uoxaoay ()NG, LANE A, CO., SIGN ARTISTS & ROUSE PAINTERS, o. 60 Smithfield Pittsburgh, LETTERING 13/ , ALL KINDS enceroutint r.ruptlf 210 with uneutpacßed ele;ance. ItF t.TIFII.-Site/W - Aims' on enaraelid 1.41. r ad all co lora, and GILT SPINS UN ell, ASS de V. order and to all parts of ther countrj. pIIioitIALDL ItlNSea ecutrtl ill a 111 4 , n1y ari ,ea is manner • PAINTING done with x tegord to dik• rasworly or color, ood neat new of Outsb. rro - work or rowooololo rotor maCiy• - • VILLIAM H. BROWN, .(LAto of the firm ot Htgtfx k Kowtow.) 130175 E AND SION PAINTER. orth East scrawl. of Ti:1311 awl Market da, wal, . - . ;1; RN ITIJ RE, AN D CANE AND WOOD CHAIRS, Selling at reduced prices, WHOLMALE OR RETAIL. JAS. W. WOODWELL, Not. in nod n TRIED STREET, 01:pewit* E. L1=11,142011 lg. (.141.'5, and enta7 en.lll 1 , 017RT11 syriterr w Jut, ALEXANDER WIDILDIN& SONS Now Occupying Their New Stores, so 43 Mirth Yreml 24.. 114 21 i 13-tetlliii It.. PHILADELPHIA HAViIIII been thirty years In thetradi. and know ing all the manufacturers In this vicinity, woul acTicit consignments of,WOOL, WOOLEN 'V MINS, and LIOTI'IIN TARNS, and will maks 0.1,41. advances, If desired, MI all shipments, at n. rate of six percent. per annum. le.inlaid bIeCORI./k CO., /tab, .Caps and Strau• Goods, . ilasettom in store the largest and most complete stook of GOODS FOR FALL SALFS, Ever offered in the west hitril'e , •' are requested to snit and casualack our stoats • r's will be sold at req . low ' • • nal AllOll STREET. gUNDMES. 600 bbla Choice Finally Flour , • 160 do low grades; ,. • 1 car Pem h Blow Potatoes; . 1 car Galas • . 160 boxes W. R. Cheeses' , " bbl. Green fipples; too bush Primo Bran.; OW Prime Roll Butters , ` T 4 tuba llooklng Mitten 4 bbls Frosts Logo. Received and for shin low by • • I 001.1 YTLE a PEON., mh24 Nos. 09 and ••10 Water arrest.. iiFTtE6II PEACOEs AND TOMATOES. —A large auppir put ap to hermetically sealed mow; also Ireah Mae Apple, Mtrawberries, Greed Peas HOG torn, for ssala t lztne dozen or stogie case at Pc I , ll .l`!7` l 7:Jogit iENsttsw, corner Liberty and Read itreetal FUR SALE. 16 Dbl. I.itre Labrador Herring; very due; 6 bah; Extra No. 1 Large Strolls Zdada.erel; ' so ball bblii Large No. 3 DLarkerell 16 quarter bbl; No 2 do; 1000 yorusairerPat; .7„- -, 7 . ; A.t low - talon MALEY la CAN GORDER, No WI Liberty arrcol. . . . . 11;1$1trI-R-" to -lk) 1.1te x b c u ti ria.knou1.tme t ya t sod for axle by J. a. tlaate LE LI , PAPER HANGERS • D W : ITIS IrAbllZlPoilulloraloot aoLlos to those bap t ins our papas. .64 kAIRCI, 2 POBINDALE OBMENT.-100 barrels Am roe gabby USATIM U. VOLLIM. k ILFS I PILES I PILES Below will be found hcertitlonte fromooo of tht oiost respeotatle etilzent of Wliklna tom:whip, lc regaill to Dr. Keyser's L indsey's Blood Searcher. The Doctor's certificates are within reach, and one need be deceived In rgard to Ids preparstion Ds. duo. H. Karnali.: I became afflicted Piles about twenty years ago,. and every yeaith were glowing worse,au aa to ulauble me very laud so much coat ones ae to neat me for work. Som Imes I w as had that I could cst do anything o account of them: they came or.t on me as lame on hickory nut. I had tried'n great deal of medicine for them. I mewl to bur and take whatever cool hear of or rend pc in circulars and pamphlets that fell in my way, but I could not et cured; some times they would do me some doodlers little while, ut anerw anla they would return again as bad as ever. I also applied to two Doctors; who slatted me Maly house and gave me some medicine, Out it Would not do, 1 could not get well. Over a year ,go I gut an advertisement of your Lindsey's Blond , 'archer, made by youreelf. When you sold it to me you told me one bottle would not eine me, and that my whole system would hereto he renewed by the medicine before I got well. I bought one bottle and took It home with me, end urged it according to your directions. I then called to lee you again when you anid !could not expert much hearth from one bottle. I bought it, bottle at a time, until 1 bait used five A l•et rputntlty .Ira used. I was 5. , :j . 1 01 1 3, Va.,. which had tortured me for tweet:, yeas. In ct`cr respect' my health is improved, and I am as well as could be expected for one of my age, being sixty year. past. I have been well now for Ma month., and there Is no appearance of the return of the dlarmee. I can do any kind of farming now without work he Piles coining down and hurting me. Icon pitch hay, chop arOod, lift, or 110 any kind of work which befnre used to hurt me. When I found out your Blood Searcher I kept on taking it until I got en tirely well. I consider it my duty to make my ease known to the country for the benefit of others who may be suffering as I was, amt do not know the Value of your medicine. Ton may publish this II you like. I live In Wilkirdi township, and will be pleased to minify any one of the truth of thin car, !teats they wish to call en me. Sir Sold by the Preprieto,r No. 140 WOOD ST., end by SLIWN JOHNSTON, corner sr Fohrth end Smithfield streetai Pittaburgh oed HERNIA OR RUPTURE. EER t . Y . Oil AVEZTORE CUAVD. MINI Olt RUPTURE CURED TATE & SEIRLLE. ?Dm:DrOpt, fur the engpurt and aura of Pile Elastic Knee Caps, fur weak knee joints Ankle Supporters, fur weak knee joints Self-Adjusting, and every other kind of Syringes. Hard Rubber Syringes. Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace, the cure of Pro'Rams Uteri, l'ires, Abdund nal and Spinal Weaknesses. .7IF.IDSfe:L PILES, TWENTY YEARS* STANDING CURED I December 24th, MI. UERNIA Olt BCPTURE COXED HERNIA Olt BETTURS CURED. BEIIIVIA OR RUPTURE CURED EirICA.V/A OR EUPITRE CURED EEIENIA CIR RUPTURE CURED El= Lsrrou OA HER ATA aurED. RJ7ITURZ of Etrastra cuasn. ffEMEIN:I:M= RUPTURE OR 9WIA CBRED KCPTUE OA ?stand CURED SITPTGICZ OR nsartu crraxe MARSH'S R•DICJL CORR TRIM. Dr. B. S.Fitch's Silver Plate Buiportt . Dr. HEWS= tell Wee 6 eial &Motto to the application of Trusses In adults and ehildren an he Es satisfied that, with soleaperleneeof Men. ty years, be Will be enabled to give saltsfoctiou. ititrOftlee st Ms Drag Store, No. 1411 WOOD ST., Orb of the Golden Mortar. Persons wrlttag for Trusses should send the number of Inches around the body, Inundlietely over tare rupture. CATARRH IIR. R. commix's CATARRH REMEDY, lt penetrates to the very seat of this terrible We. tsar sod extern:tinning it,toot and braaeh, forever. lir. (.100D11.LE is the lint and only person who ever told the world what Catarrh reWly was, whom it commenced, and what would cure it. Dr.GOODALE has spent X lifetime in battlin with the fell disesie, exploring its secret anibtish and making known to the world the. fact the Oar arch, which hits for years dolled the swill o a. .- search of medical men end authors in this century and in Dirope, can now be cured, with thd tame uniform eertstray that morning follows night. Thousands, who. tried every known cure- in vain, have been permanent) y cured by Dr. GLX)DA.LkiII CATADRIId ltDidka/T, and now Pails it in the . most extravagant terms of praise. Sir Call at out nearest agenoy, or send a dote:ip for pamphlet. Dselsed and prepared by K. OOODALE, N. D., New York. NORTON k t./0., Sole Agents, 111 BROADWAY, NEW PORK: DR. G. H. IKEMSER, Sole Agent, • Na No WOOD STREET, Pittsburgh. NORTON'S OINTMENT, For Salt atheism and fieretlida, PormattiTtly glues ,TETTER, SCALD HEWN SINGWORMS, au ritut.ulo AND swum% roars Aid-EMMONS or= slur? . i This Mutant penetrates to the basis of Wide yease,roes to - the very seuree—r• Led cures it from the flesh benefit/tic the side oa the avrfams—ihteam ;tie poisoned 'the disease upwardould' mrsuy putt. of the of it is discharged through the poree—the seed disease are expelled from the gisly erase s lquestly these east be no relapse. NoWrorc a fiP.P.4,-.4044. • 14 Blialliirdt. 'AIM YOU Bold by• . , to WOOD ITMENI Fit TSBVIIOD. • yea Z)*:. FETI. 71". E NEW YORK AND LiVERPOCL. ORG SIZED LISP ER TIIE MINING AND MAN EIZEIBEEM OLPITAL, ONE 'MILLION DOLLAR:: ONE HUNDRED THODSAND 14117 ARES 1 , 10 PER SLIARE, Subscr,ption Price, Five Mahn per Shhrr. Nnt =l2 OI FIOES No. Ssl MPIKE numuncra. No al I:110A 11 WAY, NEW YORE. POST OFFIOE ADJOCES:s, BOX No. 6.393.9, N. Y Bon. DANIEL S. DICILINSON. M=Ser=ffl KOliEliT BA SS ETT, Seen-Lary. IL J 111.7/ITIS BILEAug SupeLiotendeot, Tito. vllle, rr- ATLANTI ANK, No. 142 Bromlwny, N. 1., Ttene The vt.e e of the Company are now . produelog Payment for stock n, ay be made In drafts, reFin tered notes or Gnvrrmnreu hoods and socuntoss, which bonds mud securities ahl be [alma nt their rket value. • Remit tomemn may bent:dressed to tho Comp 327, P. O. itnx Ne, V.,1; or to "Alaable. Itutk. TtensurT or the New York nod Liverpool Pa:roil-um Company, No. 111 Broad top, Nnw BEMS THE NATIONAL REFINING AND STORING COMPANY is now fully organized, nail has commenced bu•f nine et it,. If mpoi my office, No. 19 el !MET. its.) Pittsburgh, Pa. nil nre 0055 prop 1:, ,t to, 0 n business in Buying, sell leg. 141. ting, Stnlng and l'orivarding /11. The 41 elks are on the banks of the Allegheny liver, Starr the riry, ill it n short time be capable of fact Ell: la BAKREI.S tip REFINED till. l'Eli W EEK, will lino( the hest quality alit In 'lse put:aces. It is the of this Compail to make a nrst-class brand' tt,e export, an 1 f . •• ralts. will he spared to glee it thnt ensrseter. They will also glee the forward ing of oil to points cost or west particular atten tion. anti In MN branch of Ihe business will have unrivalled iatilitles, as the 0,1 kill he taken front the boats to the can by machinery anti thus avoid nil se/outsize, drayage or delay. Parties consign ing their Oil to no can rely on having it sent through with prOseptittide and dispatch. The eniiillany tins a 4.lsiAtni of 1-•00,0.0, with the folios:11,g officers President—.s. st. 111NRSIIA.L/s. Fecretary--(1 ItERINCtIifL Treasurer—J. R. 3ItARTNE. Direct P. Mums, James T. Kt 0.1.1~ le, S. I Keller, David Kit k an,' Wm. Ilmmllton. supertntendera and Maine. Mart.ager K lit li. Con esponden, and orders eollcited, and all coos mucloatiou• to be addressed to Rational Storing and Refining Company, prrrsnurstu, trlll7-IT 11tIU3LYLI OIL CO., Carnal Sloth tW0O.000; Working tapltal $30,001.1; 100.000 SHAMES, $2OO EACH. • • President--JOHIAII KING. • I ressurer—R. W. Ittgegss. Seeretary—Wm. bluggi.xis MX =TOM Josiah Sing. Pittsburgh ; '1 hostas Howard, Pittsburgh ; J. T. Childs, ' • , IttcfCee, Hugh Lee. Geo. P. Itrelltitle, Chicago, Ill.; Oen. DI. Kimbark, • John Wynne, ciaclnunti, 0.; 0 re. W. W uodworth O lleveland, O. • _ Mike of the Company: N 0.19 WOOD STREFM, Pittsburgh. Pa. uthiattla PRO.POS4L - S. CE OFFICE, U. S. A.11. 7 .1Y, NO. 20 South street, Baltimore, Md., March 2/4,1605. Scaled Proposal., to duplicate, will be received at this other - until 12 m.. on SATURDAY, April Ist. 1f.05, for furnial lag the United States hub sintence Department . vrith— F01:11 THOUSAND (4,000) HEATS OP GOOD 'FAT BEEF OATTLE, on the hoof, (Steers fouryears old and over) delivered at t. , .e State rattle Scales, at Baltimore, itld., to lots of (I,otso one thousand verb every (10) ten days; to be weighed within one and a half days after arrival, at the expense of the contractor. Th3y must aver- age about (1,300) thirteen hoof red pounds gross weight; all falling short of (1.0i0) one thousand and filly poimds gross weight. Bulhi, Stags, Oxen, 'ows, Betters and If oraless Battles:III be rejected. A de , turt ionof Mown cl 6) pou..ds will be made from the weight of etch Steer areepted under this eetor set. ono Wed the animal does not stand lathe pens in o rid one-half hours before being weighed, or is not weighed immigrate)y after removal from the ears. Mao): forms for pre posed, can be had on tippli'en. lion fit hilt Once. either in person. by mull, or tele. groph. Prolu.uls by telemph, or otliesgeregular, tufo, uml pro; owls will not la. Clm•lderett. The gut will claim the right of weighing any one animal separate, if its appeurance 'rot es le weight limn the minimum mention ed 4ooo,ll the expense of weighing wilt lot paid by the party erring in jnotgotent. Loeb hl.l. to tit... , " nonslilrration. most contain Writtco'guoirontec of two responsible persons, as We. —, of the coontr of —, State of —, do hereby tettn omit,. that to (or arc( able to fulfil AA contract in accordance with the terms of his for rir) proposition, omit should his (or their) propos •tion accepted. he (or t hey Isr 11l nt once cater Into a contract in accordance theeeteith. and we are 'prepared to become his scene:tow, giving good an •otticient honda for its fulfilment. !The responsibility of the guarantors must he sjtow» by-the Officio{ certificate of the Cirri:of the nearest District Court, or of the 'lolled States Dow trict Attorney. to be enclosed with the bid. Bidders must, be mesent to respond to their bids, tnd per pa red to rive bonds nod elgti the contract etn. leaving Inc otilec. L'ayrnent to te Inatte after earl) delivery, if funds err.) hands If none on bend, to be nude cos soon . irscis ed. . Prop, 541,, mo't be .ntionieti dintinetly, " 1`0,411,tt FOR Man , And adtlreageti to , A , ,,i.t..3.'110W.A lib WELLS, C. ti,, Bantu:tore, 31nrylarni." If a bid is in the name of a firm, their names and . , their postollice addre.l4 mutt ni.mir, or they will not Is, eoneldereti. . Each person or every member of a firm offering.a propoSol must secompany it with an oath of alle giance to the United Mater Government, If he has not already flied one in this attics. Al! bids not comp/wino strictiy tritlfths terms of this arertlscvant, wilt ltt ecjro!ea. S. ROWARD WELLF.S, Captain and C. 8.,11. S. A. • TIRO P SA LS t'ORIB ITUMINOUS COALS.—Seuled Proposals Will be received a the (alien of the PhltadelphisOas Works, No. 20, South Seventh street, until noon of Friday, 29th of April, itA6, for supplying the whole or part of sec, ent y thousand tuns of Bituminous Coals, suitable for the manufacture of lilufranating gasstn he daily end on the railroad tracks of the gue work,, at the Tw, nt)-fixth nniN lath. Word Stations, in the fol lowing quantities se, en thousand live hundred tons In each of the months of June, July, August, 1065, cod January. February, 6farch, April and May. sung. The coals must he delivered fresh, dry and of a quality approved by the Eaglacer of the lion Works it , seAusti to the sample on which the contract I. The proposals must describe the 'particular •arl ety of coals intended to be supplied not 'the loca tion name; oldie mine or. Pit fro. which they reuse be raised., If therstre -of n klistinoL now or rewently used atthesewortui, samples for trial of got le e then fifty tohs must be i t next. the work atm or before the Ith of 'April next. _ • ' The genes ton of 22.161b5. will b.econsidered as the weight intended In the propoials, unless - the tea. trap be expressly stated- • - 'The Trustees resent the right to accept nay rs- peseta hes t,ittwho or in part, or tort-Pet all, so to mop deem tfor the he of lien rtrusti, and in event of failure 00 the part ninny contractor to deliver thewole, aeconllng to hts agweements both in 'quantity and ashy the Trustews Mee:, the right to buy elsewhere,- whatever pu natty may be moulted to me et the oiclicieney, and charge [au nt contractor any lose or damage arising from su failure. rai scents - will he made monthly, In two equat instalments, at four so dill:months after the epee: tiled peeled!! of delivery, the 16th of cans month be. tog token iss the average of the monthly deliveries, or et the option of the Trustees, wilt be made at earlier dates, with legs interest oft Should contractors prefer. to make deliveries earlbr than required, they - may be received, so far as they eon he Conveniently stored, but pa moats will be made to date front the time spcolfial in the contract: • Security for the fulfillment of contract repotted, and each proposal must name the amount aide's/tractor that will be ollbred.. • , JOS. manir . . Engineer in (thief. kVBSISTENCE OFFICE LIJNITEIY: STATES ARYIY,_ ; ?T0...111 SOOT=BaVrittone,ln., March LI, IBEM. $ SEALED PROPOSALS, in.anpricate, will be re:. delved et this office until M M. on W SON el-iDA.Y, March estboSeS, • (or (mobbing SHEEP for the 'United States Subsistence Department, to be de livered at dr near the Mate Uattle Scales near Ible City; rn such numbers as may be, from time to time required, not exceeding twelve hundred (Leto). Mad per week, during four (4),weeks from date of Sheep wilibe rigidly inspected at time of dellv ery, and must average ribout one hundred May pounds. All falling short of seventy (VO) pountLi will be rejected. Bidders must - represent to respond to their bide, 'and prepared - to give bonds and !Igo the contract The (govenament.rearrvea itielf.the light !C. , ; . relent any.. or - considered unreammable , Payment to be Made in such -funds as, maybe. on Rand; if none on - . band , to be mado as loon U re. PrOPolllll ' Milli - Mt endorsed ixtbactly, "Provo, :WS for Shcep,a. and dressed to - 0 110sptato J. mowenu wy.x.i.s, 0. S. r els., Baltimore, bid fa lathe name of a arm, names and their panto:rift ruldress must -appear, or theywill Earle parson or. every member Orin ohbring - a proposal must an ted it with an oath or al. legianee to the United States Govern sent, If he .bas not already Tiled one In this odium All Mae nut complying strictly with the terins`tip ekk. ad y er tisameat ~ylll tatrekoted. • • - •• • *J;ll9frA.lll3 BMA. and "o:B.*lrele.''' Lett Iftlilatia-60 half barreli" or rho bs lILNEY K. COLLINS CT 111:7ES, 5c FeI:NDRI S. GIAILMEIO • A. GARRISON & CO. (Surceseors to Dollmah. tlarrlson, S. t1n.,l FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS liTeculacturers of Chiller. Rollers of all sires, for Steel, Drama, Zino, Copper . , Silver,_Gold, Straw Boards, Petrel . 1110 fin KUbber works also, Hofilo.: 111111 Castings of all descriptions, Bark Milts, l'stent Double Grinder, with a varie ty of other patterns, alWayt , Cm hood and 11tte4 to onler on short notice rind favorable terms. Otto. and Warehouse, MP Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. ft3:ly BLACK DIAMOND STEEL NORKS Prrrsmnuni Pd. PARK, BROTHER & CO. BEST QUALITY FEFINED OAST STEEL, Square, Flat anti Oetaeon, of all sizes Watrant ed equal to any 1n5r.,.,1 or meenufactureel to thin country. Sir Office and aarehonar, Noe. 141 and 101 F, rar and fa) and 1= Jr.conir. arm:ore, Pattehurgh. pATEIs;TED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DIRTIL R IDGE'S I'ATEN't tlnal Lam', citiairneirs, 1M313=1 These Chimneys Are totenoeu for the IA !Sanaa, needing all iota. of tho glees eqtinpr, does not ex• pose it to <racking. E. I). DI IiEULHIE, Fort Pitt Giese Works, Wlshingtoo ctreet. 01511 Patchurgh, Penn's, W. B. 1iA1JK17,01U... , . TIUKTIILI....• . r• MACS 111023 CITY WORKS. NACU ivrosn. lI EIIPIIILL & CO E =I Corner of FIRE and (J'ILARL., And in.. City Water Worivij Manufacturer, of en at ;annoy and other EIVIINES, ROLLING. MILL o.ThriNtliii and MAURINE. HY, aloft Li 11411., MA genera I jobbers. Prompt attention al VCR to repairing noLtallo MILL TIACHINEHY °BEETS, BARNES ‘1; CO:. No. 39 Thirt! :itreet, Pithourgh JAPANNED TIN WARE, We hove now manufacturing and have on hand Bathing Apparatua of all Mod., Toilet Ware let Sett., Water Choice,, Grocer.' Tea and Spice Can, totem, Cakh aud Spice Boxes, Tumbler Molnar*. Spittoon., ho., he. A large lot of Bird Cage. for sale low. Oil 013113 of all size, and pattern.. Tin Booting, Conductora, and all kinda of Jobbing Work done to order Itotti SILVER PLATED WARS ars* Walter& Castors, ae.. &e. suitable for the Treite • on heuml nod for sale by WILER & MOSS, 225 South sth et„ PHILADELPHIA isiev3m JOHN B. HXRIIOII C AMU= POWNIA OLIN B. lIERRON tt CO., ißtomec. 3S2isszaviZerotaxpooreo, AND IRON FOUNDERS, OMeeend Soles Roma, fel No. 119 LIBERTY STREET .• - . -pE FOUNDRY. rui MACHINE WOll5B AND 1- - - H. WIOHTMAN, ENGINE BUILDER AND IdACHINLST, Lacocs eTtucrr, between Feder.' and bintidwG Amt-rotuttre Cure, PA. . Manufacturer of WIGHT N'S PATENT PORTABLE OSOILLATINO STEAM EN Sbafting, Puilesa, fac. Repairing Mall kinds attended to J . SCEIOONMAKER; NANCPACTrIrIit OP Riffle Lend, Red Lead, Ili lea, Whinge, Zthe Taws, ?nig, dr., • and Dealer in LINSEED OIL, VARNISII, ARA Ns, PAINTERS' MATERIAL, &a. ()Mee nut WArchouso, No. 81 Wood utreet. m618:11.1 NV ELLS, RIDDLE & CO., -No. 215 77-lberty street, oppolifto Stxth, Plttaburgh tormulartuteta of WHIPS, LASHES & FS cad every Cermlptlon of LEATHER BRAID- El; WORK. - Orders sniletted from the trade, and goods protcrot. Ir shlppedas Per bultructlonn fe.i-11 S . SEVERANCE, NO. 63 Water. St. ki• Pittsburgh, manufacturer of HOLIER RI T ELS, WROUfffir SPLDES, omission and railroad of cvnry descrwtlon. Psnisenlar nixed or shaped slums anstatTETB I erge or small, man to order at shalt wake. -6 g.,0.1 • ItaaOltament coluttantic on haste. lavitssre n & w. BENNETT, Ma‘ufacturen J-••• and Importers of QUEENSWARE. • NO. al DIAMOND szt - LNEr, between Wood and Market atreets. Plttenarnh, Pn. sIWJPPLv a. O'NEILL'S FOREIGN EMIGRATION OFFICE. PITTSDI=EIIt, PENN.i. ' Passage from the "Old Country The Liverpool, New York and Phibiddy • a Ia wand Steamahip C01111)1UIV having appointed ths undersigned their Agent: here, vice sir. Thompson deceased, he is now prepared to bring out or slut home Pauengers by the Steamers of tat 'Line at UNUSUALLY LOW RATES. The. biagmers of this favorite line leave Liverpool every WEDNDIa% DAY , for New York. touching at queenatown, an are among the faateat, safest, and moat eau, vessels agora. The undersigned is also Agent for the Liverpoo and Londonderry Line of Steamers, leaving Liver. pool every THURSDAY, and calling at London. derry for Irish Passengers and Malls. The steam Cr. of this line are built in the strongest marmot,. and furnish choice accommodations/or passengers •Ile is also agent for TAPSCOTT'SILIND of cele' Dreamt Clipper Sailing Packets, bowing Llverpoo • for New York.twice a week, and the "I" Line o London Packets: - leaving London every ten days. The ships of Tapscott's Line have tang been no ted for their quirk pssusges end the esaelience Of the provisions furnished the passengers, and.theit kind treatment mune on board. Parties' who wish . their friends brought out by salling.vessels, should by all means pattordre this rue. Passage to California at greatly teamed rates. SIGHT DRAFTS on all parts of Eu.-opefors •• - at the lowest rates. • - • . . 0 , 1111/LLi k oreign Emigration Offices, 66 Smithnein sines. QTEA.III -WEEKLY TO LIVER-A 6 POOL, iductorg at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork Harbor: The well-known Steamers oft! Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Stemmata; OcmPanY (innaturLige.) carrying the 11. S. Malls arc Intended to /I'M as follows. " ' CITY 01 LONDOZi -Saturday, April 1. Sotto , lap, April 8. CITY OF . . .-ointurdni, April IL Lod every aueteeillog Sotunlay, ot nooo,lromPlO to North-Elver. 114.7%8 01 PAEOA.OO. ' Payable In gold, or its equivalent lli eurreneyi rind 010ln WO 00 Steerage ..1190 00 1 44 to London... Si Si 44 to London... LI MI . 4 to Paris.-- Si oe u to Paris.— 4000 . " to Hamburg.. Si 00 44 to Hamburg.. 170 • Passengers air.° forwarded to Havre, Braman Rotterdam, Antwerp, &a., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or emiatown—lst Cist 455, 4105. Steerage, Oa. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets be at View Mira. . For further Information opply or the Oompia, Qmce. • " JOHN al M• ti A-4 1„ .. 1 ,n r, i r D. o'A...ft • • ocS No. Ib=leldrrtegacTrilh CUNARD L --SUma from.ak iavEnrooL AND CittEEINtECTOWN 13 0 .1 n gold, or Its.equisnlent In cutrincy FROM NEW YORK, $4 In currency Sail, every Week. ALpply to THOMAS HATTIGAR, Agent, 41 Smithfield street, between 3d and kb, mitte-vativ Pittetmrett NOTICE 'lO OWNERS OF DR AYSa , ELA.CKS, Notice is hereey given to ell earners of Denys, Carts, Carriages, Buggies, tr.c., whether resident or nomresident In the City of Pittaburgh,to pay their 'decline at Ink Trenrureee ordoe or the cityAf Pittsburgh, forthwith, ,acooldshee *We as of Assembly, approved Mora. 30; MOO, and an Ordi. Pante. of the. Councils of the City et Pittsburgh, named April 16. 11610 All Licenses _not don debefere h 2y 1,06% . will be placed hs hands of the of ohm, for collection, subject to his foe of 60 cents for the colimbon thereof, and all rersons who neglect or rehthe to , take "out Ideenses will be subject to penalty, to be recovered before the Mayor, double The old met tae al Maus et previous years or lie returned at the time Mewed ate biked Out, or par BATES OF LIOERSE✓ Each one hone 2- 'lOO Pacts four born hae ..... -15 00 thnaltntus end Timber Wheels. doom e vr o nonce, eighteen dollen Fee seen gggit Oi ima hone to iny o• the noon vehletee, one dollen Ellnitt&M Ong Tneeaurae. : pnienonoltanthenna 10th A feente INE 0uT„,., 2 E,..... I'OB A.OOO. ism ftel l tn i t=tr • it°4 " ails van= lam =ff= 18d4 oF_N-TRAL R. IL—WINTER ARRXXIIEMENIt. —TXN DAIL TATA On snd after MONDAY, (Adobe:lts:o,44nd* riII IZAVO the Depot as-follows. • FAST MAIL, daily except Sunday, at 7. eta. tty only at principal Ct.silow• and tnakina t counectien7 at Hartisbars for New York, altimore aro . whington, and at Phtladelphia tar Nero York..otton and Intermediate points. 11 ihRISBVEti AC(1031110DATION, ei 'rept sunda• s tC...10 a. m., stopping at ail Mills stations hare*. Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, act oinking close vont:cotton with trains' on Indiana Branch, West Zacr.rylcsinis H. R. Ebetud.urg arrl Otcss , n R. , and Hollidaysburg Branch.) PITT:hi - 11.110H b LIOE EXPRESS, nail/ en. rept Sunday, n I. to, stopping at nearly aa the stn lions brsre..n Ihttsbursh and PhiladeLphla, and making connection with trains on the Rheas. burg and Cresson IL IL, Hollidaysburg Branch 77. R., Tytone and (Heath:Lid and Hold Eagle Valle, Branches 13=1 JOHNNTOWN ACOOMMODATION, win cept Sunday. at 3.0 D p. m., st,m pin; nt regular eta Lion. between Pltisbur-4h and Johnstown, and eoa.• llectirg at Blairsville intersection with Cretins the Indiana branch and Wed Pennsylvania RS PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS, daily, at CZ, p in., stopping at, Latrobe, Conenntuub, DASDs% Altoona, Iluctincaton, Lewistown, - liffue. New , port,MarysviLlt., = ^U.sburg, Lancaster,and Dowd. W- town. At 'direct 'Connections par made for Baltimore.' iashington and New Yore at Philadelphia, for Now York. BOItOII . and Inter Inedinic points. Siceplm; (Mrs run throughoatht train Iron, Pittsburgh to Baltimore, PlAbwinipbA and New Yfult, by the. Allentowstoute. FAST I,,ThE. daily, except Sunday, at'.'JO 2 • stopping only at tionamaumn. lintlitzen Alto,. nn, liuutingdon. iannatown. sewed,. Marjavilln. - }Bwrialmre. Middletown. Allah* won, hlt. - .Toy. lialidismue. unneaster sal Do nittown. At Darden= connection, ore mole • Kew Yqrk, Saltsnore and Wash'uirtonwat' Ph delphina, for New York, Boston, and internmdl points. First Acoornmslation Train for tY ells Statis leaves daily (exceptriundriy) at 0.30 a. Socond Aos•mouniation Train for Wall's Static leasers daily D'Xcept Sunday) at 11.40 a. to. Third Accommodatton. Train for Wags Static nave* Catty (except Sunday) at 3.431.. m. Fourtu AostaiMOdation Train tor Wall's Statirs CAW. daily (except Sunday, at p. 'The : Church /saves Wail's Station every Sdndny at o.olKaiM.,.retorning leaves Pittabure eturningTrains arrive La Plttabargh e. follow • ttriangh Erie Ehtpress 16.50 p. Thutimore Ealptrt ,9 t a ll p. .Phltadelphla .i•reat • 2.20 p. r Part Mall •1.20 a. D. 'Fact Line - 2.00 a. m Tobustown LiCoommiidatlon 1.0.03 a.m. First Wallts Station Aocommodatlon.... Second Wall's. Station Accommodation 11.53 a. in 'Third Wtill'a Station Accontratviation— 210 p. la! - Fourth Wall's Station Accommodation 5.65 p. 'Baltimore expreas will arrive with Philadelphia Exprras at L , .20 p. 131. Oa tiondays. GTlll%—in east of loss, tho Company bold thenamtltes.tasyonstble for .iternonal hags. only, and for an anrtnt not exceeding 4103. W. H. DELIKWITII, Agent, At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Passenger Station; oaLiberts and Grant street.. not pITTSIIIIRGII, FT. WAYNE & UDICACDO RA ILWAY, , _AND 11.)LEVEL & • prime BURG4I, RA.U.RGA . D. _ minim ARRANG On and after 1/searraier trains will rims Leaves - For For / For rittsburghltltdeago. 'Cleveland. Wheellnt. Express 2.10 a. rti:l 2.10 a. ta. 2.10 a. It. Express-- ...... 2.03 p. re.l 2.46 p. m. 2.46 I nx. p. " '&4O a. m.I .51 a. m. For Nem Castle And Die 6.50 a. to. . - Arrive at Allegheny—P. F. W. et 0. Rallna 7.50 a. tn.,R.VI w m., ^_AO a. m. and t. 45 p. m. 0. &P. R. R., WO) a.m. GEORGE PARRIN,TteIcot Agent, • 'Union Passenger Station, Pittsburgh, pa, • A. tt.. OASSELBERRY,Tieket Agent, .. Alleehenraty; oeLlam F. E. IRTERS. General Ticket At m% ITTSBUROH AND . Mmit POONNELLSVILLE EALLICOAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. wi O u n k anlati th ar . 'A vepo lOND t, A c y r , ,,, N o ov . .l6;l . Bd,. ;i t il he d . t i iiti ,4. ~ , I streets, as fol.kms; .. . Limt .. Antra m :. 4 . Plttebutiti. Pittsb!gti.,': ' . 1 Milt. and &ore , Wrd,dradw.n. I: '''' : i G e n , x , P L . m. 22 t . ... Firs t DleSefelPoFt Aet° ' l n '' . &Is pc nx; 2 - Ad 11.' m..' E'Prein " '' '. * II . INI P* us * . 'Odes. 111. ' second .. ;.'''... ' - I.'o. i i ..., olio a. nu' First Seco. ll edslipt' 4 ,..: -; , . !*,- 4 a ti ~,,;„ . sis p; a., StinddY, . /itircl '"V‘l' i n in and leow 4 n l . tronc/IcKelepert 1070 p. us. Fc c tickeiisPi Vl'..SlS . ;knit, Adept. fePEOIP- '' '. - W.. 13. : STOOV,Superbstetik. ALLEGHENY LET RAI I. R OAD.— - , 1119•1111. e, 0111,ISGE OF TiME.-012 Mut AR& MONDAY, I Ear Pith, ISt tbn' arzarrAtent.,ol thits ~eitMAIL TRAIN.- . ..LeaVes PEW cagl at Tie arriving at Kittanning* at 1000• • it. , LagreaT ils• ",. tanning it LSO p.• m., anivos at elttilluixi at .t. p. m. IMPRESS TRATIZ--Leares Kittanning at a. in., arriving at Pittsburgh at 9.26 a. m. Leaves:. „. Pittsburgh at is, at-riving at - Mittannurg id • A COMIOTIATION TRAM.— Lasses Sots • 4. %,„ Works at 5.30 a. m. arrivlngat Pittsbtirghat 1.45 r, in. Leaves Pittaargh at 11.00 p. in., arriving at 7 : - Ns Soda Works at 11.00_p. • - owls F. WRIGnT, Sunortntem ant. • • •.• CIikRTER 1829. PERPETUAL PRANK= FIRE IMMUNE .0032411 T • • - • . . . OF . . PMT . , T . " - &inlets on January 1. 1841. 82.457.81841. Atersed Premiums rn,oos Unsettled elatms 8,411 ncome Paid 1564 - Losses d since IMN " 11,000,0* Perpestml end Temporary. Potts's, on: Mend" . tdrms: Charles N..Ranaket; • --lamas Lea, .; Tobias Wagner, 'Edward Cl. Dal 4 Samuel Grant at, • . Pepe! So Yale; Jacob Sod . Alfred Fltler, George W. Ric rda.. Fria. W. Lewla DL D ORARLIS , R. RAND E= President. EDWARD O. DALE, Vice. Prealdamt. . JAS. W. - RLIALLLSTER, Sea. pro: en. J. G. COFFIN , aernar Wood and mh2o puE AHD MARINE Insurance Co. of North itmerios. AsmetiL Hartford Fire Insurance Compaq. 44 -Protection es* be secured In Ike above amesoml and reliable companies.' • • • • • . _ ESTI:RN of --B.- , p;Taia/4-9--- 9rm. P. EMMERT; Stiorlosy.' - •' • Office, No. 91: Pater item% spaZIS ' house, up antra, M 151.12404 Win', insure against aft isinsti /' Piro and Mirka' Rigs. Home InstitutionDula Dinutortiiiiii• ore: see known' to at commas , and Saba ars istan mined. by promptness and ' leer !Iv, to oristethi.qt chorader schist& Shay pare acrionat, as e'er*, nailed protastion to those tcbo desire to be inssnat.' -, • - "" • zukr, JameslicAtutcy, Nathantelliolmes, A/exlilealek, Osage .Darale, Oam liztTou, CL Nr,Banketson, turd° ; WWI% (11TIZEN , 6 •INSUR&NOE , COMPANIt , ' OF ,Plrrsßtracili.—omeg l / 2 - (tomer an4Water streets, second door. _ WM. Bd.GA.L.Br, Insures Steambosts and C EPARD , See argoes. a•* mantes-against lois • and' damage in the na_siPS! . - Hon og the Southern and Western Rivers; LAW= -. and Bayous, azd the navigation of the Seas. , 11}r341f NE4/311t. loss and damage by tir«. "DtittCSOn . i. Samuel lees, ' John Sal • Jas. Park, Jr., James 31. Cooper, .._ W. G. Johnston; ' Bad:mush, K- B. F. Jones, • 3: Clahrs Jr., 'Bon. T. M. Howe, • • John S. Dilworth,' Barclay }Winos • Bedsore George Binghanio • . deled74 13*OLES' •lEBUWCZ 'oo*Pdarir Enke, W. E. corner, of Weed and FM ;- FIRE AND IdARINN ENNUILANCE, Wm i +'• Capt. - Johi John Watt, ' Samuel P. Shrive;--;[ John E. Parke, O. Maairoa Loss, ••• , Charles 8. charges ?aback - Wea..Vark Kirk,' ,John F. Rerkaatiialr. Jams D. Vann - John Glyde. - . • rf4d 's .701 IN WATT, Idol Prctidesh WM. P. GARDNER Seceders. - hiladr xiIL'LLEGHENT,INSURANOE NY Or PITTSBUBOIL,-ofilak;No: Fr ma -4 ulur t! , g 54,544 ,54 ! 1 4 Yin s4Xaris • - ISAAQ 70 PnHlmt : - 70H37 Yiae-PrMMi4'-- D l •L'BoosjSareLvy.,-•_:--_. - . , .• •-.. .. it tacww7dr, - Joglrwin:Yr. 7 ' It L. FotirestoOki TO: P111.10R115,- PRESSES :FOE MU& One TATLon D E *es • Voo TAYLOR VOUBLE urumllll Lathan an la good worklogoiddr. - _ • - Wul 14 soil at baWil. og "ar. 11.111.4:0.1:9S. I== I.A'S UR4.I'CE.. - - _ ME= .PHILADWEPL.,'" $1.600.00M. 11.2sq.0• 0 ; . ' : ' W. P.: TONS, - lionre; 7 Bagsley , slStaldlags, Err Muer mi., 13 I"*lCT° Asidrim Ale Aside sasAler Speer.; David K. Loalt. Bees J. Thema; Ohm. S. Clark* ..Toh° ll . /400,0,0*. HERBERT; - ,.Tohn D. acooar , •'.. i . ..- espt..fulaai Jii?oose - 7E Derhvair.. -Robert n. Daviir i •.t . 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers