• - 'O-I,ET.—An OFFICE on the second Aa ng n u m*. o rer of water war Beathfled street.. .1(111N 1. 1101 1 Fre t (,Y l. 4OR RENT:—Ono LARGE AND • lIANDEIONLELY YVIINISHED- MON ea e brat floor, can be had by earn= at No. Ltd • ULU SrEEET, between StattMeb.l 'sad Grant ogellaw I • OR BALE.—A DESIRABLE : REM : DENCE in McKeesport eontaint , g eight tivtdcl% r,:t1 1 :47 .'A it tit° 1 e:, .1 4 )` a g rar 4Ory. For particulars and terms inquiro.of ar orat. tat Foorth unrest. Pittsburgh, or of W. 2it. WHITEHEAD, on the premises. =ATM enl. OR BALE. SALOON. • ,g The hoed and Szttres of a SALOON. For particulars enquire at . • , No. too LIBERTY STREET, Pittabstik. sitarftwd . lOU SALE-ROUSE AND . ;we in the Eta t* Ward, demise • :onionf Penss.4veutte of 29 tett, sad extends beak Mr Nei to • de loot Wel, with a neat Of, story brick treildiest; Kent rooms new papered; press , toilet front end iron verandah. Price *MO*_Trms 41 . , Y. etal,llll*oo. y g F OR,AiALE.—The heirs of Ellesbeth Storkr; deceased, alba for *ale a billalar of IS acres, Wasted In Peas towashlOi P Irgheoit county, on the Leerhboririto.d,torelve 1 miles from Pltubarib, on whloh Li erected aln house and stable; also go par of water ea k- --- asiel farm. For further In f or m a t i o n enquire of, • label:lot • li. 871./TLIP" FOR BALE. THAT HANDSOME DWELLING situate on Central street, Allegheny city, WI •in three taintites_watit of street railroad. The he contains all the modern Improvements sad soave. siattiose,— and w il l he sold at a baragn, lie itealstax. to - JAMES W AHROTT, mittratd • at Fifth street, Pittatatesh.' VOll SALE.-1800 mut purchase 'Cricat cottage House, good stable, pump, large gar. dem, with two setts nt ground. Wed guild for • lee. as a large practical' alreadyntstdished. Situated is Stiow.sta Tp., so Peter's Onset Ap• ply to Dubin B. bieLAIN iO. VOR SALE—That lama THREE STORY •■• BOOK DWELLING NOUSE, No.llo Fototit street, Pittabtuidt. Powaston oven ca the Letog 444 t L •Y nqntre °I . I ,IOIIN W. RIDDELL, Attar :Nay...l-Lim - Na. LW Fourth street. FOR SALE on. ItEMEILY Situate seven millet hem Pittsburgh on A. V. R. IL} sit in complete running order. • Prise Siysoo. For pertioders midis of • WAB.INTI & KM% intidettwd ' SiXarket street, Pittebarsb. FOR BALE.-LOTS. TUALE TEST DtillItABLE LOTS lor busier= or manufacturing puriartea l baying root of go feet on Liberty area, °epos to Eva= For further particulars ear . e, ffo. 163 It. atreet. FOll BALE, CIOMFORTAIILF. 11017511 Sam within am and shall squares of the Etna catkin anchinter. Good tutor and_Liwrg , Wog totnreatent. POISON= even' innowil*** For term applying f oincrnPanw,l7 Federal moot. or at Timms HarpoWnylononfilbon. Drayer Woof, . ... . ' 1' OR SALE-FOURTH' 'WARD, ALLY GHENT CITY. PROPlatTY.—tire we no- thortsed to well the lot 'United ma ihia east aide of Geettiah 'treat, at Itabiteteeettaa'wtth the Ana. k Arbroath' Canal. to ;ha 'Fourth betelt 'ard' 411" b e% Zd y. Al cu ire whlch t1gn . 4 7 % , four ips s l e Tutot, two seek, 1 three and two are two sto ry, containing tour rooms au& , We n t wool' t . ; r ip& :: Ban 1 1' al u t . t Il i : i . i . . - • FOR SALR—A LOT OF ;:E/RPlnfl), at Btic Sewickley Station on Pittsburgh; Tort Wayne in 'Chicago aallrapd ;containing TitSES AOSE/S,, 106-. PERCHES, on whirls is erected a . c modenictyle house. now In course Of completion. • waif:eight rooms, hall through the cantos. inside .1 g ahatternla toot building; cellar under the whole, . 1. I , back perch and .bay window in parlor.. Will be' * .aold. low. Posematim olds:deed ant of May, : • Arpolyte J. M. STONER, . ' schtlam 1 Oa north street. .11 - IP OR 8 A:L B .—TEN TWO STORY, . ,• i 2 --. BRION, and EIGHTEEN ONE, AND TWO STORY FRAME DWELLINGS, situate la Da .l canoe Borough, near the Dot Works, with good . , I bat ion attached: This roperty to pleasantly .. . & ocatedead will be or onlibaalternut. To c endue of small memos, arid who wadi to ensure is' , tuna., this edbrds a good chance. 'Peaseadoa "..., erns on the and of April. Tot Partiodeni. be., - . ! apply at the Reel Estate and Insurance Dales of .• • . Ja ßutted aired, near Allen, Lawrenceville. Pa.. hn . . FOR BALE.—One SECOND. HAND ,IftBOILER, Dearly new, Sr feet long, 32 inches Ataanner, I.ls Inch Sties. ti One 24 feet, long, 40 trashes dleunetez, 848 inch •‘, One 24 feet lomat inches diameter, 546 inch sues. ' One 80 buterWrouglit Iron Tank. Enquire at theINDWSTRIAL wours. 4117011. M. BOLE : & CO , eon Point Ailey and Duquesne Way, Pittalek. 4 sahl79l -FOR BALE--Three now Steam Eng.inei. built purposely for oil yOll4 '44 inch cylinder, 94 lack stroke; v r w a streat gh fa i tr i; Math crank and conn ecting 14 used for to feet I , tubes dimnetee, two 114nch ants . chy 18 In. by 93 feet; hot and .sold water pumps Eywything eompletearul ready fs skip on Might. HUOK BOLF Shop, essiter Point alley and Duquesne street, ssnk of Aliwtheny dyes...new the Paint denag FOR BALE. POSSESSION GIVEN - APRIL - FIRST. A desirable property In NeCflure township, wet laproyed„ one nine iron Allegheny. AL3, as ppgant.:Etesidence. - s Sewickley. For perils:Liars esquire ea - the premises of J. L. OARNAGRAN, or of J. T. • SAMPLE, Real Estate Broker. 'No. 55 Federal area, Allegheny. oIi"BALE.. "7 THAT DEUGHTFUL FLESIDENCE Xaown as BITIHNT HOPS, at Woods Bun. (now occupied by Kr. Wm. p ea eek,) Si ck rme reel. deeee of Win. Leaky; ded. House Of II rooms and cellar, well and cistern; large/um% Sc.; fruit trees of ell Mods, grapes, fro4TIFTEEN mores of land, embracing a linequarryldte, splendid hews of the Ohl. River, - Hallways, Blancheeter, Xllgotat the tenntous of. the Manche:tub Street y and Wood's Ran Station Pitts. Ft. R. & 40, R. IL.; only ten minutes tide by the Letter from Federal at. Station. Further particulars and tams may be had of the imbseribui litff_ day foam Wto 4 Walpole, h i medians shop, ad Webster st:„ .old Omhan As; lum, d.Regium_y City, or 4 •l=wreolng, at his tome at Wood4Run. NUM= ROBERT H. MART. FOR BALI —LOTEI IN THE.EIGIITH TIFARD.—The ondendgeed as Ousrdian of the ,Jr.o children of David (freer, ', deed, coders for. sale the following vaunt lots in the Elghth word, City of Flidehorgn. CT: 2 lots on the comer of 2L.. o, an& Forbes streets, le by C. feet, being I IT and. IS in said Oteefs plan, recorded to . 1. I lot on Locust street, 1:43S i tt i l a t t el to 111 tithPt, —.di° urd'.. 10 try iiw o r A t„ ig i e w roel r er - IT , us Mr tr . I . l= .slant re .al er tote.. m• oribeni lets are . le.u.. sites, and others we Icy foe II • QUILI7I6I. They will be sold separately; or all per, end as ass, Wilt . .. 4011 Fifth et. '. DOR BALE—LOYB IN ALLEGHENY X CITY.—Ito landetaljosad *ref fussed she . t err= TAra: I:0AD now Linue it oia ri Paaturo 141' the off of Mrs Tarp& Wt . :roe ' tof afoot SW on ;Laura leoul Onlinaletelo back oboist ADO feet. la a poet• of John 011ers'sglom or Mount ' noordod In Ilanfloolf vol. IG pact Ot,' and L P = 'as is lot. of aid pin. being ,lots numbered Ste at.N , 2t mai a compartabki g iu " ao house, and OD ' .pounds aro) _lauded with hilt trees,ha. U 411101 d bib aiataealae6 settosl WWI= lots, or. lf In ne =lataa wholif, it would all a delightful •, Uhl offered for sap;aim wbola, co In avant. lota to role and the tams of mumentitrill ohs toads [sty. oasedaia a oas ba ein. 7 lths. °rAlgti . If. W. r: wunm, i . .t DECT- _ . 600118. . ... r.r. ZNO:1111,1101r,410 , 3N - W. CAI92,..DATID lIVANDLZIS . V MrILSON,.PARR it (..0:; • jc it.l4 / . . .. (IWO WU.4OX, teas AY 004 Sessile dealers In FonElarr AND DOMES , DRY, GOODS, No. Ot Wood - street, third issue abosealliniond alley, Pittsburgh. spa VAZO I " & CO., __WhOlemie lOtimum i mil e al I DI& RF4, 4 311" s. EX. luterrxriml iota, ritt=h. NAC111:131 - 1t °LYDA Wholesale and Retail 'Deniers In 'FANCY AND.STA.PLE % DRY CIOODS, TRINNINGS, lc., N 0.75 Biotin 5 erect, between . Xneonnud and Fourth, rlttabwgh. J IC- BURCHFIELD, Whalessle "and Retell N =-S T APLE• AND FANOT Illstresta,".iittstrurgh.."lver 1. . Mluslt jossea HORNE D W . orl 4300113; ker.' Stsvgabcgt Lirkvit.f.rce • °Arra. - - . .jO . i tmtgr a t } hi l lyaultatio c i s t mod therms Mutual Life lasuiono• 4. of Philo. delabfd.;-X•F'• cdhlrc T a a" Tlll4 i"1i0771(14* T GAlWlllpEfidOOFFeut,afeet ‘D tm i r the wow Ostarres. ;I :Awl owner WOOD awl w P. JONEI4 Agent toe: North. Arnett I V 1 •sa r sttate of Pease ylveuela, sag Hartford la , COMPlim ft; ' RAXVEZ REA,frkeretarr Cltboae Immo. &•I:aiwlVlaagitAff.oorieseXAWT.iod,WATSß eI.II4II4.IEME.VTS a- LECTURES. i PITTSBURGH T HEAT RR. FIFTH STREET. FEAR Lam AinaMvimnat W. Ititerosseox Last night but Dime of the dtatiugulahad young tragedian, EDWIN ADAMS • , who will repeat his popular penonation of Keefe IL ruts - EVENING, Crl • sterling dye net eopietly, enUUed - • Royer.____ Overture ' To =elide wk.h THE PREITT 11013SEBREAEEn. floc ..... 3iro. Jas. Plekeolll. lELkLL. GROVER'S Grand German Opera. LMOSAIRD 161110YEIL—..12111E0 201 t. (Also lo t Grover , * Chestnut Street Tdaddra, Philadelph)a, and Greyer's Tneatna lifitanington,.P. 0.) CAUL AN5C1107.7.—.--.....CONDUOTOR. Last sight but Three most Positively of the opera. DER-FREISCHUTZ, THE INCANTATION SOENE IN A SEPER Agatha., ... Kerte Frederic'. lecitbowlederd one of ten- but roles.) Aesorehen Peolose U►otsea. (Accorded cum 0 . 1 bet best lyric reuttitlGill. ma Henn t Alphonse throbs. Simla • Philip Kohn. "This Oyer. has drawn w erywbere the largest houses of the aesson, and seknowhed by the walla and t tete as one of the Sliest renditions to the 3:enottsdre of Gals Cem pan. The eeeneries, wow eel lee, psraphenalesszpreerly ms'e for this Goers • :Sneed in the Aesdeely of New York, have been litviseht en here, end the lneantstlan Some will be produced with einUlrtini Splendor. 'THURSDAY EVENING, Match Seth, ISIS, /Seethoven's only topers, eatitleg , Peat. may be secured at the male store. of O. 0• Mellor Red Rleber & Bro. daily /rum 10 A. at. to ar. x.; &Lulea at the box ulnae of the hell. PRIOSS Admission to Pan:paean - Oa Orrzestra Seat, snouted 2 0l 20 LAST MATINEE BUT ONE <7 C) I\T MI 'EL .1" SELL. FALLON'S STEREOPTICON, This, Wedneqday, at 3 O'Clook, A SEW AND SPLENDID PEIXIBASOLE. Crakhen 15 trent r; sdulta 25 eaata, 15145114 CONCERT HALL. FALLON'S iTEREOPTICOS I iorwiaric wok.. DT Ck- 7L• and EYERY-EVF.NING this week, at a o'eloelk. Also-WEDNESDAY and. SATURDAY AFTER-- 'BOONS. With tourathomgh tke world, audited'. transeripts of all-that Is striking in LIID. SCAM rare or beautiful In AIRCHITIND. TITRE, orexqtailte to STA'III4.IIM. 7 Clumps of MINISIPIII.IIIIIIII Each Zweiting. ADILISSIOEIt, El oasts ; Children, t 5 Matta. 7 inket clams at O. O. Blellor's and Bieber la Brutber Admission to Xatineels and 25 cents. shwa TRIMBLE'S"VARIETIEr. THEATRE. 111311 gran% NILE /T. %MAUL CL 133=1331... • LIMISIMI and Mums% Comics as 8 oh:LUNX.. ,KPLENDTD SILL FOR ISIS. EFERLTO. First time of Um great Mick pautcookno of ths 000 L FAIRY ARD THE DEMONS. Pow, Dances and Comb:AM/ea by Ufa Company. no Linkable farce of UM - STACE STRUCK TAILOR. O. W. Blake as. Tom Tape. Idea. Drew ea ' 3W► &niece. Thtusday evening, lint night of the great SCUM- Um% dream of the riibiLLE ilii*POCKEy o; Lira AT TII3 UCTIO.III7 13.11.1C8. I s V BALE OF CONDEMNED • QUASTLIXAIITEIt GrXECAL'IS 011=1/1, Futter WADIFINGrOk CM', March it, 1063. Will be sold, at public minion, to the highest bidder, at Baltimore, Maryland, on THUILSDAY, March rfl. HIM, - ONE HUNDRED MARES WITH. FOAM., many of them well bred and In good oonriltion. Also, on THIIRSDA,Y, March NI, NO, TWO HUNDRED CAVALRY HORSES. These hones have been' condemned as unfit for the cavalry service of the army. For road and fanning porpmet, many good bar •gains way be had. • AnlmaD sold singly. Sale to commence at 10 .5. 3r., and will be held at Phillips Government Stables, comer of Fremont and Ramsey streets. Timm-Caah, in United Statee en:react. JAMES A. Rfthif, / _Brevet Brigadier General, in charge First Dl. vision Q. M. G. 0. nnaMMA T 913 t :13."—JGA/ NB AT, BA AT AA B 3AINS AT re, AUCTIO;VAT 95. . . AUCTION AT p. AUCTION AT el, every &Bannon tkle week of BOOTS, • 800E3, BALMORAL% CIATTER Oka., at re Federal tine. Price no object a the goods mas , t . .,,Lold, aa el yoseeson taint .be given of the sto at the trot of April. • anode at Private Sala for less than colt. R. K. 'higOLINVOOR. ft Federal area% Allegheny ally. UT Let even-bed, attend./ when t BALE. — o ag li be sold tory of .1..7. Dove, on reo Alto street, ar la the city of Allegheny, on.MONDAT, MI day of April. MN, Lb. following download property, talc= by warrant of distraint Wilmette me by David N. White, Esq., collector Of 23d llietr Pa., es the property of .J. J. Dave, to wit: ,vine gar stills,' cooky 1 large teak, 1 small . do. ,10 bucket's/ iron kettle sod brick, 1 mote and pipe, 1 hydrant, 1 tub, 1 lot of but i Sbung driver, 1 drawing-k. 110,1 monkey wlot of spigots, l lot. of hoop iron, 1 lot of Is, a charcoal stills. 1 01/ can, 1 paint pot, la p, 1 - con) slied,l 011 stone. brash and paints, 1,000 feet of lumber Taken as the property of the said J. Dove, for Internal Revenue duo and un. /pal& Sole to Commence at le o'clock A. w. Terms cash. HUGH MeELHENT. Inhalad . Deputy Oollostor. P1.4.,11113..V1151C. Sc. CIUCKERING PIANOS. mum:sows rutrios.. GUILD'S PIANOS, GALE'S PIANOS, ditovzirrmws PraNos, HAYS' .PLSNOS, AT VARIOUS PRICES TO SLIT EVERYBODY. oleseua cod Reta Tutu:mos, Day Art deed. , WEND 111.00.112111. sa arm irrium., timg "L a AIM" WOR srecomicor.vi IPLIMIZZOIII I . iii`B•St Piai ' hi/i In A itied•a. - • KX . M,3A . BIIANOS; 'IU/Mteit6,MIGLODEONB 12W O a aS2tBp the beg tit the Vi1,14.F „club' ' ' BL4 r.. 18. Frites Oats. .Edwin Adsme ...oo3Ae.tr4. MEM E‘BEMM!! MEMM ..A.l3tOEl urns. litto Lenessa. FIDEL LO. I:=M=3l NEW STOOK, NEW STOUK, SEW STOOK, NEW STOOK, AERSTOOK, I=l CHARLES C. MILLOB, woorr Brazen SPECIaL .7 - 07'9CE v. yy rirrssrutinr,xia woaus HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. I:=1 PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS. of every de scriptios. INlll , Malay, limns Out, Gang, .ad all other varieties. All kinds 01 KNIVES and SPRINGS, made front Sheet Cast Steci_LExtra Refined REAPER AND MOWING &o. air Warehouse and Works, corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention glSen to Rctoothing, Gn ming and Straightening Circular Saws; also, re. pairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. sokkly igrILAALEIIIIFERIOS Copper Kill and Smelting Works, PITTSBURGH. PARK, NPCURDY & CO., Manufacturers of saramurra-BRAZIERS , k SOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BIM TOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, SPALTER SOLDER. Also, importers and . dealer' in Atm ALS, TIN PLAE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, faa Constantly on hand,TINNERS' M&OHINES and TOOLS. - Warehouse, No. IsO FIRST mei WO SW. OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper ant to any desired pattern. aarifinydavrT rgr WM. BARNMILs. & Co., Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. 29, 22, 21 and 26 PENN STREET. Haying secured a largeyatd, and garnished with the most Improved machinery, we are previr ed to manufacture every description of BOILERS, In the beat manner, and warranted equal to any mode in the country. CHIMNEYS, BRUMES . , FIRE BEDS, STEAM. PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, 0 OND EN S ER S SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SPO AM PAN S. and sole manufacturers of BARN HILL'S PATENT BOILISIS. Repairing done on the ehorteet notice. dwell . 11E0tellit O. HOLL•ND LA BELLE STEEL WORKS. REITER. & Co., (succedion to REITEtt, li&SITIC&14 & 00.,) Illenureeturere of OAST STEEL; SPRING. PLOW and BLISTER STEEL; 'SPRINGS, AS• LES, CROWBARS, ad. NT Works, FIRST WARD, !Allegheny. Poet Office address. PITTSBURGH. jalady OrßODlMiult, HEA & CO., Outoeuon to Rolm:moo, MINIS ec MILLX W sohloglon Works. FOTINDERS AND MACHINISTS, Prroorzoi. . . MAnufactufers of BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM • ENGINES LAST ENGINES, MILL CRINERY, GEARING, SHAFTING, CAST INGS of des:riptinas, OIL TANKS ts STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. Sir Agemts for GLYTARD'S PATENT INJECT. OR, for feeding boilers. r~pTO NESTOITS SUFFEBEES or BOTH SEXES.-A reverend gentleman hay leg been restored to health In a few day., ifter un de rgoing the usual routine and irregular expensive mode of treatment without moms., considers It hie sacred duty to communicate to his &Meted fellow. creature.. the mean. of cure. Hence, on-the receipt of an addreseed envelope, he will aend,frer, • copy of the prescription used. Direct to Dr. JOHN M. DAGNALL, Utt Fulton treet, N. Y. nitillitydawT JOAN COCHRAY t DUO" Manua. turers of IRON VAULTS &ND V&ULT DOORS, IRON ) WINDO W WDOW SHUT TERS, WINDOW GUARDS, & c.,Nos. Ci SEO OND and ESTRUM STRIM(, between Wood and Market, have on hand a variety of new patterns, fancy and plain, suitable for all purpose. MP Particular attention paid to enclosing Gruen Lots. Jobbingdone at short notice. au) 61811/012119 OF TIRE IiED.VOOIS, BEDVIDIAL, URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS—new and reliable treatment—la Bo ports of the toward Aainetation. Sent by mail la sealed letter envelope, free of th eme. Address D. SKILLMNT ILOIJOILTOIT, Howard Amociation, No. *South Math street, Phila. inbefeir lIIANY 11. COLLINS, FORWARD I TIM IC AND COMMISSION MEM:MANI and wholesale dealer In CHEESE, RT/TTER, SEEDS,, _II and produce generally, No. 26 WOOD STREET rlttsburals. nol CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS. Sc, GREAT REDUCTION' invoice of AFLDesiring to f use piddle Aa opporMATArie l h d rAgoods at Otavespondlog with the Declineln Geld, And th e impeading tumble Pleeti have ousdlethe diy gems-rally. We is Marked down prices, Tirengtont our eattre stook. And offer the largest And most complete assortment Of new and choice patterns. - - Telvets, Two and Three Ply logralu. Floor Oil Clotho, Window shade.. do., At a redertioe of Twentptire to Thirty-three and oae-third per east. MePAILLAHD & COLLINS, Ti and Ti FIFTH STREET, Nest door to Custom Howoottad P. O. whit /i• WE HAvr. MAIMED Dow's' p_.,FOURTI-1 STREET iticARPETS. 1 ,:,;; 411 our present stock, regardlem yr / cost, to `I rolres&cid to the CI LOWEST POINT OF" GOLD, • / be=; Su most hasten nlMsrds o PER CENT. UNDEFyTriE PR ICE- I U LA ST SEASON. Astro are daily receiving cis loot;: e la d s a tel f riean i f t to w t c he ratio of ft us our customers this gmlte benefit of : 411WERT DE6 / LINE Ili TILE MARKET. 1 Cs! /W. D. aH. llreClLLLlnir. uthfre dl £OI7RIW STREET. /(71 ARP FP STORE. ARPETS ! CARPETS! CARPETITI a the CARPET DRY GOODS STORE OF DULA LUKER &. CO. 326 Federal Street, Allegheny. We have just received the largest stock of Carpets. Rugs, Oil Cloths, 'ever offered to the piddle in this city Also slull ro.ovtment of DRY GOODS AND' WrTIONS, attach we are orating at greatly reduced prices. tatrainswrod ENTERPRISE MILLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO., Ilanufzelarert end Commission illerchants, OARPETINGS, .Cfoths, *Mailings, Rugs, ifs. No. 619 fe.73aa OISSOLUTIOXS. IC. 'HAVING DISPOSED OP MY NUR SERIES AND OREENHOUSAS to off sere cheerfully reroensead these to ay Moode sod oectoisere. They cis authorized to settle ell oat atee4lng seeouott.3otiff NIIRDOOff., Jr. remit:mom Ptirsaisr, Kura, UM :PUN R. a A. MURDOCH, (13ticoemots to John lidurdoohar..) NURSERYMEN MM . FLORISTS PITTIBB`BOX. PA. etrer for pate 1150.0110 Ant elm Apple Tree" of IN varieties et SIP is per toe. Line a very lam 'tea of FEAR, (itaaaard lwarf,) OAE" ri. T Prat OU, DWART APPLE,_ ORNAMENTAL TREE& Shroba, Evretgreent, Grlllehottlie and Bedding Plants. gir Peelers sad Landscape Gardeners repelled et redueed sates. mhlaapld DISSOLUTION OF cO-PARTNER SHLP.—Tha Partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, under tba dna name of 43HUMPPON h CO., for the manufacture of Silver Pearl and caber Heaps, has this day bean %solved !" mutualsmeaseet SAMUEL M. XI JOHN U. DRUM IN JOH ?Rubs&Vit. Sept. Ilth, mew N T om . YOS Wes. CO.,X. KENNEDY & OIL OM voreasoni u Cit MVP TON t C 0..) savar Pearl and Superior Rosin Soaps, wmairrr trigger, prr - rintacn: ! &Wild DIBBOLITIION OF PARTNERSHIP— Tbe lins of • FEEMPS & BEST, GFlear~Eltreasama r Taboraarearas, slide ea - i dissOlved: The same ot 'the Ursa may tiri aged or emir of tbspestoers, but only .. isttlie POdlit i " 4 . l l /I P a Vit tl a& Pittsburgh; Marsh 27th„ l66s.—mbee•tt . C°ras~rFisßanu~. :... _ Ilre hays iwoodated wftk as to Use flour_inlll2 sal '3=Mrbuolbesa, JAKE', JOiyialON sod iefa.ruf t piuloaroLUttli so g 111111.- LAlri Lc, under the sumo of OaAIT Lama Ir. ft , T • • to mai trait roll Wier, lad II bap !redo:pseud 41°.°11.14."41 a t . " Tata astwzrucittit," matt , Come Yalta elag Littsburgh WEDNESDAY. MARCH 19. ISG3 UMW 8, Daily. I week. .1 *qr. N - 01. , 1 8 , 1 ; i ate: ; sy 84 One thee.. $ $ 40 • • Two times.: I 25, 70, Three Woe! I 60i 96 1 Four timer! lAI I Five thses.'; 220 30; • (Joe week.. , s 50; 1 40. 1 718 95 , r.,* 43 Two weeks• 435 2 50. 2 901 170 1 45 85 Th 74.0 9 ,33 I 6 00! 3 000 4 al: 2 20; 2 00; 1 10 One month: 7MI 4 00 , 6no 2 To: 215 225 Two 010'4.1 It 251 6 001 751 -4 00 , 3 73, 03 Three mo's, 13 75 17 00 915 470 45V-2 33 812 montl39', 50 75 12'00; 13 85 800-, 990 400 16121 e moto•I 27 001 15 50 18 1251 10 301 9 031 6 15 One Tear.. I a/ 00 . 800' 21 331 12 99! 10 70 , 600 For one square, changeable one time each week, eonflned to the immediate bunions of the &Aver timer. All larger advertisement. in exact propor tion: One month ... Three months Sin moot One Year rha Notices double the above rates Death Notices, each insertion ' Marriage notices, • • .. . ... ... ... Steamboat advertisements, per trip 2 00 Executors' or Administrators' Notices...—. 2 75 Local notices, under special head IS IMM=EI CITY AND SIIBCRBAN. /YON SESTAISDAY'S NVINING SAINTS%) The Flood In the Allegheny—lmmense Ds- struction of Lumber, ere Mr. Alexander Wallace, writing to his brother in this city, from Warren, Pa., under date of the 24th Inst., glees some details In regard to the losses occasioned by the flood on the Allegheny river, shove Oil City. He states that many of the principal lumber men have suffered severely. Mr. Roy, on the Conewango, lost 1.000,000 feet of boards; Mr. Hunter, near Tidieute, lost 000,- 000 feet; Franklin & Co., 150,000 feet; Gill & Dilworth, over 500,000 feet; Proper & Wallace, on Little Coon Creek, 300,000 Gast, of which one Lail will be saved; Mr. Crandon, 50,000 feet; MrSETS. Porterfield, Rynd, Henry, and many others, lost considerable quantities. Tho warehouse and platform of the Irwin Breech railroad; at Warren, were swell, away. There was eight or ten en gl es, bollers,ete...on the platform at the time, which were carried off and sunk. Ballard t Co. lost 11,000 empty barrels. Over 10,000 empty barrels were lost from the Sheffer farm, on Oil Creek, and tens of thous ands of full and empty barrels from other points. At Tidirute, the refineries salient! severely. Stillwell, White .t Co., lest crude end reined oil to the amount of 015,000. The Winne and Warren Oil Company lost tit* barrels of oil and to large cumber of empty barrels. Mr. Wallace states that. the flood was the mutt destructive one ever known on the upper Allegheny, being live or six feet higher than the flood of 18:4. The Proposed Railroad to Freeport. At a meeting of those interested in the con struction of a railroad line from Allegheny City to Freeport, along the bed of the old canal, was held et the Scott. Rowe on Monday evening. J. C. Lewis, of Sharpsbarg, presided, and J. M. Porter and J. 0. Sterenson acted as Bemrtarles. A propeeltionll - om J. Edgar Thompson, of the Pennsylvania railroad, was submitted to the mecing. The propealtion was to the effect that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company would build the mad, provided the thuds could be raised by outside parties. They offer, rs security, to Issue six pre cent. mortgage bonds for the actual cost of the mad. and as an additional security, and to-provide • sinking fund for their redemption, otter to reserve the one-eighth of all the freight that passes over the road, and from It or to it ) , over the main line (Pennsylvania Central) in their bonds as cash at par, provided that the sold one-eighth does not emceed one hundred thous and dollars per annum. The road Is estimated to cost It8tX),000. The proposition not being detmedas oboist, was not seriously considered. 7' Alter some dismission, par ticiested • In by Mmt srs.Colilln, Karns, Re One. Johnston, Rite, Por ter, Chalfant and filsseU,,s / committee was ap pointed to visit Philadelphia and confer with Mr. Thomson as to what assistance wall be ob• tained from the Penneylvanis Railroad Company towards building the read. The committee con sists of Messrs. Jbsopti Coffin. floury Pemh.tr. ton, Francis Rims end J. C. Lewis. A majsrlej of thole present represcal the opinion that the road would no doubt be built at an early...day, and that sufficient funds could ba raised/for that purpose from parties residing aloof; the line. It was stated that the Soda Comprmy would subscribe 5200,000. The meeting, adjourned to meet at the call of the committee. Outr gyms Assault Upon a Colored Seidler. This forenoon, as a colored soldier named funnel Carter was Walking along the wharf, be au accosted by a man named John D2ViA. who asked hito if ke was • soldier. The black man replied that he was, and told the name of the regiment to which kd belonged. Davis then asked Carter to treat, but he declined, stating that he had no money: Davis then Waisted that Carter should pawn his watch tor the drinks, and taking hold of him In a rough mauler, se der-wok to drag him along. Carter re drink at all, stating that he never ind3o l l: that way, whereupon Davis struck him a severe blow with kis tist on the neck. Carter then seized *atone and struck Davis over the right eye, cutting en ugly gash. Davis then got a couple of stones, and returned the compliment by striking Critter with of them. A crowd bad collected by this time, and the fight we* soot after stopped by the appearance of °Meer Lowe, Who arrested the combatants. Is appearing that Davis had perpetrated a wanton and unprovoked assault up on Carter, and that the latter had only ted In elf defense, the Mayor inflicted a fine of S'2s and cuts upon Darla, and In default of payment committed him to jail for thirty days. The defendant is a discharged soldier, while Carter la still in the service, being absent from duty on a forioeuth. The Quota of the 234 District The quota of the 23d District, under the last call, was 17TO men. The tmeiness of recruiting has been putted forward with very commendable coerces, and, until within a week or ten days, has been quite brisk. Figures now In the office of the Provost Marshal, Capt. Kirkor, show that OUT one thousand men nave alreadpbcen ma tt Tod to the credit of the district end& title call, w. that perhaps oat more than mini hundred Wee are required to clear the matte dis trict from the draft. ,Thls is h - vary grat if,flug fact, and one not generally known to the enrolled men of the district. It should sin e to stimulate those now engaged in the for mation of new companies, to fill up the ranks at once, as it is plain that, by a little effort, the drift can be entirely avoided. There Is no way to escape, however, except by Volunteering. lirerulting for new organizations, as will be seen by reference to our telegraphic column, has been extended to the 15th of April—a period amply sufficient to enable all of our sub.dlatricts to MI their quotas, If proper exertions be made. STREET, PHILADELPHIA Complimentary Dentin The numerous friends of the late Charles" J. Folder will be pleased to learn that Mr. Joseph 0. Berton and some friends hale taken the mat, ter in hand, and will have a complimentary ben efit, the entire proceeds of which will go to his widow. Manager Henderson bu generously tendered the use of the theatre. Edwin Adams, the great tragedian, tau Medi, tendered his val uable services, as has every momber of manager Henderson's company ; and as If not to be out done le showing their appreciation for the devo tion ofh trim 'wife, and an old Pittabougher, the entire company of Smythe% Periodos and Fred Alms' Melodeon have volunteered In a body. Poor Charier died very suddenly in St. Mule In July last, and his wife, `at a very considerable expense, Lad ids remains brought to tide city, and they were Interreu on Monday. The testi menial will take place on Saturday afternoon at the Theatre. TUE 00•1 ; CASE InTL111).-114B. NOWMaII. Of the Third ward, A l tgheay, had a hearing before. Mayor Morrison, y terday crater, on • charge of kteping a foroelons he-goat. It appearing that even If the case were returned to court, It might be difficult to grin teen bill against "billy," the prosecutor, Mr. Schmidt, speed to withdrew the sun - upon Mr. Newman paying thereat, and five dollars to repair the damage 1.0 to his clothing. It is also. expressly saint., gated that "billy" shall be Madly °endued herr aler, so that he may not hare another opportn- Ili; to 'lose." Mr-Schmidt, .- , ' • MILL TOM TIIOKEI A.BD BABT.—The latest novelly In the pbotograph line la a picture of Tom Thumb. balding In hoe arms a Alta bouncing baby, almost se broad in the loess heselt. Tbla purports to be the lady el whose eappearance the world has already been . Infirm d.ra The Odium 'ors fur sale by W. 11.. fermi, 46 Ylfib etreet— , . . • Coausavait.—Wm . . Ilthfio Hdy, (not WIL 11'Clure, astiportod) is tbe soloo of the teeth mot Mho bas been "rotated efoistoblo,for abe' townstOp, to Omit of /oho RaOda,, signed. Kintrnra • Gauraana Iloas&-:-Pstrtelt Pl 4 llama, korper of a saloon op St. Clair strata, WU turreted and held to bell by I[a or Lowry, for haarlocan Wedarsday, oak s charge of taming a gaaibllngtenae: 1:1221253 Dnliv,ln witoerT. • 933, • 600 6170 17 13)! II 451• 8 601 800 24 00 , 19 Oo 15 73 10 50 60 .0! VI 00 24 SO 14 00 t• ergo.% rte. fro, Itir,ilitt: A n. 1113 TIAT:1( . 41.11 appeared hofore Mayar Lowry to-day and preferred a charge of sounds and batterorwith Intent to kill, against Simon Keating. Devon stated that, about four weeks SLUM Keating apd his brother (Mark Dern) , engaged In wresfl!rog, when!the latter was so se verely injured tliat be took his bed tha same day, has been growing "gradually w arse crer since, and is new in a dying condition. A war rant was placcdn the hands of officer Lawa, and Keating was brought before the Mayor this af ternoon. It eppeere, from Keating's statement. that be at Devon ead heon working together for some time at Laughlin's'furnace, on the Monongahela mer,near Four Mile Ruu,and that on the day is rotation DeYnn caught b.. by the belt. In Playful manner, when he (Keating) threw his aim around his neck and nava him a squeeze. Moan stated that one of his vest buttons was hurting him when ho let him go. He knew the man bad been sick ever since, but as he . was • very delleate and sickly man, he thought noth ing strange of it. It Is not alleged that there pas any malice between the parties, and theta seems to be very little to sustain - the charge. Keating was held to bail In $l,OOO , for a lf arther hearing on Wednesday, April sth. Arronertnnvr.—On petition of C. Fpid, Con stable of East Blrfuloghate. the Coo has sp. pointed 3f. D. Mansell Deputy Constable of that borough SPECIAL LOCAL NOTICES. THOM! W. Pawn', practical Slate Roofer, mut Dealer In AMMiCaII Slate, of various orders. oglo, at Alexander Laughlin's, neer the Walter Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. 78 Pike Wee.. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water proof. Repairing done at the shortest notice. No charge for repairs, provided the roof is ma Awed alter it is put on. Exacvvr.—An exchange, speaking of an old gentleman living In its vicinity, aged 8l years, who was still an active, halo and hearty as most men of fitly. says: He Invariably takes • glass of Pinkerton's Wallop and Veneers Hitters with his Ineals. He also tides a great deal, and to the above popular beverage and healthful exer cise be attributes his vigorous health. On a re cent occasion, when asked by a medical friend a hit physician ■nd apothecary he employed, to which be replied: "My physician hes always been a borne and my apothecary an ass!" R. E. Sellers, Agent for Pittsburgh. SFIXILL Norion.—Fhe attention of oar read ers is directed to the brilliant assortment of Fall and Winter Goode Just received by our friend Mr. John Weler, No. 128 Federal street. Allegheny. His stock comprises a groat variety of Fancy French, English, Scotch and American Cassimcres and Cloths, and fins Silk and Gust mere Vestin all of which will be made np to g% order in the West styles and In the best manner. I choice selection of Famishing Goods also on tend and for sale, together with a nal stock of Ready Made Clothing, well and fashionably nada. TwzwYr•rms ;nod men wanted for the Mla ilawppl Gunboat Squadron. Bouuty $7OO. Pay per month from $17.50 to $71.50. Call nt No. 12 Market street, Pittsburgh, immediately. Sub stitutes furnished for one, two or three years. a. C. litsa„, Late Quartermaster Mississippi Squadron. TTOR,XE rs. JCWITII N. CIAZZAN OILIMILT I. ■' turrra Mcn&STER & GAZZILM, / - somorroi3ior CLAIMS AND PATENTS AND ATTORNEYS-AT•DAW, No. OS GRANT STREET, Pittsburgh. ,Adoeased or Government to contort BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BACK PAY And all other 11Hilary or Natal Pains Umbel the United States. ONE HIINDRED DOLLARS, due eoldieta charged on aoeoalat of mounds received la battle.' oullectei Immediately. sit-thu at lel GRANT . STREET. apposite Qs Cathedral. eelny . . _ . FENSIONI3, BOUNTIErs. • J 08. HOE & CO., IM MAW= 11l STRAW AND MILLINERY GOODS I it ibbo.o and Bonnet Bilks, newer sad Trimaiiiirgs Embroideres, i Lace Goods, Readkereitirits, near Goode, Belmoral Stblis, Ladle'. and Gents lnav• sioL4 (had% Bead Gimps and Ornanisots, aro Bowery and Gloves, Hoop using, No. Ilene ad Boma Wares, an sow resolving their tint essertment cd .irE Er SPRIA G GOODS, whicb will be toned uncumally attrar , ivs. Hawing been purchased at lArArr 0,114 D RACES 1. V ,, offer bPLOIAL INDBOEILEITTS TO BUY . Our . TS tiConn. recarrin.E•S323.a.mat will a all times be Rona . men supplied. Ws ' • call tnos Nett oh, Rilliners, Pedlar; and the MM. being confident that my *an min aS. JOB HORNE & CO.. .he 71 and Te BARBET STREET. _ qOLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTLES I glikcim, SALE . 1.., W. J. & HALL PATIZILSOH, Army and Navy Agency Xo. )44 PORfrril ST" Pittsburgh. PF7SIONS proof:mod; notrirrres, BACK P4l lag) PRIZE 11 NEP , and CORY CITATION OP , nrwris of Maimed Winners coßectea. off/ WOUNDED SOLDIERS. *lOO Bounty to all Wounded Soldiers, it nos belas Mid to all with a "Dtreaarge.. Na an:trim mate until the tawny tt collected. by T. WA.LTER. DAT, tco. 15 Liessamt_ the U. S. Government. FIFTH STREET, second Mbar Mow the Us:bed:al. tatiblratt PENSIONS AND A URFA RS OF PAZ ~ Prompt!, attended to by * RIDDELL. Do. IM FOURTH ST., Pittsburgh, Pa. deatindawF MV=! 31ACHNEL L & JOHNSON, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. LID V. S. LICENSED SOL DIERS' CLAES AGENTS , Bounties for Wornuled Soldiers collegial la Dan an to tweitty days. air•Olithe No. *Goan? grairrir, Math h. Cal with discharge sad two witnesses. dszcp , MILITARY i IaL t AtIr A I t sod )iILITABIe CLAIMS of every description, aollestei by the tabrerlber, subscriber, at the following rates, iris: Paulson $lO, all other °lmams WO. O. C. TAYLOR, Attersievat.Law, No. TS Omit street, Pittsburgh: Pa. N. B.—No chards are mule If the claimdoes not succeed, sad all Information Kiven vatic 504:13, hat. W. BLUFFER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ?to. tog him Brazier, Pittsburgh, Pa. Claims for PENSIONS, nommr. mums MONEY, to.. vigorously prusesullad. eY 4.•• XERCILI4XT TAILORS. .MENRY G. HALE DESIRES TO RE -TWIN thanks to his friend@ and the public for the large and cordial support ,theg have so-. corded to him la the MERCHANT TAIIMOU BUSINESS. In malting preparations for the SPRING TRADE. Idr. lisle has visited the eastern markets and se nand choice =Whit for - GENTLEMEN MID TORTRS , WEIR, inski d tton is respectfully Invited tl Gen emen will cm trial, that few I:mum:taw*, of isms'. Style ? worumighlr. and forms Is i negard to the interest of the auto. sure, No Eatablishmont Can Excel. RESAT 0. HALE, • MEROHANT TAILOR, Northwest cor.,of Penn and St. Cialgfitroets, mhgair Pittsburgh, Pa. BLOCK. W. a MEW, 10. ST. CLAIR Would call ye S rs T RE et E rxil T gOods k h bom t select o e f d b with p o e h t s ae, t l Contains all the NEWEST STYLES OF GOOD to be found la Ant alms houses. Ciento wishing d shit of clothes made to order, will_ please call sae examine our 'Sods sad piste. *Lao, a fall and complete stock of W. H. nears. libuscriume Mucus, Its. 111 Se. SLAIN. STREET. SPRING t3T . Og .01 Boys' Clothing, Now asOSITING BY GRAY ite LOGANi- R or. mug nun. !Ili" vim= sp.sauni STEEL & * MKT; • - kiosk isekerkand Real Estate Xfeate - Daft woe aii,a away/km.l4 os sems)i' offiki!lLaweigazdh. 1~~_..i ~. ..~ DRY GOOleg G REAT SALE OF DRY GOODS, Z. M. EVILTRCHFIELD'EI. No. 7 I. E. eerier [tiara aid Market Sta. IRISH POPLINS CHEAP, FELACII POPLINS CHEAP FANOY SILKS °HEAP. MACK SILKS CHEAP Dosomblques for 26e, sold at 41111 e. Do. for tie, sold at flOa. Do. for . STe. sold at ate. Creoadlens for 700, sold at {LDS. Do. forsl.oo, sold at 11111.20. Calicoes for 220. sold at 43e. 31usilias for 2Se. sold at 46e. All geode redaeed and closing Out. Remember the place 72. N. N. Corner Youth aid Nuke( Mi. I BATES & BBLL NEW SPRING DRESS GOUDA, NEW SPRING BRAWLS, NEW SPRING ALLA.PAWAS. EIMER@ 21. . 21. 16.1 rt la. IS *root. A good quality of SPRING DRESS GCCDS For 87 1-8 owes:tin. ROUSE FURNLbEUNG GOODS. SCholtaide sad &stall .F h t l ikTES & BELL. Ge2601)81-"NEW GOODBI—WE .1.1 are Jost opeopat aplaailld stack at NEW/ SPRING GOODS, among Irbil:Ll...l/1M (*and NEW STYLE BUGLHOINP AND FRINGE, NEW WIDE BELT RIBBON AND DIDIELDS,' NEW TUCK AND SIDE MIDIS LADIES NECK TIES , BREAST PINS, LACE GUIPURE, EMBROIDERED • LACE HANDHEROSIZTS, EMBROIDERIES AND WHITE GOODS, SPRING HOSIERY AND GUIVES, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, I=l.lll l TSCriECCII .IPIFL.XO33I/rI. 11.8 rie an earl sell. • aze roepootttaly tortto4 to Ore eta 1E 1217 Undershirta at $2.00. WORTH 'LSO. Drawers at $2.00. BACH SHIRT WILL WEIGH GUILT I IDA aa. EATON. MACRUM & CO. Rave .bout 14 doMm of gook extra•beevy WEITZ UNDERSIIINTS and DRAWERS, nanny &Uvula, which width from l% lb. to t lb. Ilea. each MO% that moat be Mooed out lmatedlately. Vs MTN them at much lea than what they soot MI make, and we believe them to be equal to amp thing In market at el 00. Ne reductloa will be mole for quaatlti—ose skirt or one headsed at the tame rate. These Shirts are a Great Bargain EATON, bL&CRXIM & CO.. "DEMI ELLIPTIC SKIRT," Undoubtedly the Best in Use, WHO/4564 ; W AND 171.33 t 70 111Eamllauirt Mitrimpot. MACRIIK k UL M. GREAT BARGLINIS MOOl4llO DENNISON & Ott, , 131 Market street. LEE DETEENCOOM - Tit/ MUSH OUT THEIR nun iron or 0000 s. Goato. tHtukroo t t m, :nott 3 : % ,l . l? i tt ! a l! Itta i , Saks, Esobrcddmier, Loci a dooitra, Hoddiary, Tata, Wools Point Loco , Oo Ribbons, ka. ago. '. as itizahruot AA NEW ASSORTMENT OF BUT TONS, Dress and Cloak Ornaments, Gimps, Oherdlle awl Bata yrime, K a u w Underslerres .Llnen Sera .(of Posit quallty, Lace and Linen Collars and HandkerehlefirGlm Hosiery, Balmoral lad Hoop Skirts; Wes Shawls and P laque,, of all abies; listhwar . as: mulled Collars and 0111111, for Liam and gen Wash Leather Gloms, is idl deem Youria.ia Olovesei t yr wird* .Ribbon Bats, NNW le order, with a new lot of Maid Wow Fa an Fkiwals. Will be found at ALMS MOWRY'S TRIMMING STORM, - Ne. n Fourth %treat; near Furystreet. • Particular Mutt= given to Meaning_ Point arld aIIMO other minds of Lama. Also Mash Laos Veils Cfreaciois. 25 YEAR'S =MEMOS ristabuthed Qs tact that , 'ne VD'O XCLCVNETIC CML; Y the rely rellia4r etre for V O t O mmi ,r i a 3rellu t=".." l . gia.4 1 14 1 400444 Ibitairrkikot lir, 91;i ?Piga sum* mummy, site lALLWELL.STEAX EIiGINES —I as •-• P.R!Lfed thAuui, .1 - i nn ninahaiP i g i tot on" Wine and atm pad poor, or abetted done: miring =areal josa l pnbila 'abed, Eisgton pa ; Wain' catra. l os • aim ,be ammo wile admit yells :uderweiitkeirotk to for Welt. , MIN. ,s, • • ~.. , , Pirtammh, Mae PAHAUL—The =woo &mums atm asigkrtia l l fir siestik•tmL7tril,k MP*„ ; ,jus. ra • ia 4 o . • Y&CRIFIE & GLYDB. EX= WONI7I 114.016 smd 19 MEM street. Li FOR sAl.k, .4.r ID IL I.'rETER 88.1C.81 o . oonnon.e. n. antann, President. Caatetetr, Rate with Iron City EtAnk.) FOBlB2l/ NATIONAL BARK or PrITSIIIIIIOII.i Unnerionentlnuit Prrrastraaa, Febrear7 la. MM. NOTICE.-WISIIING TO FIIIITIIER the dodo et lA* NATIONAL BANK LAW TO PROVIDE • Uniform System of Currency FOURTh NATIONAL BANK, OF PITTSBURGH. will, on and slier February let, UM, rewire ket regular Depositors, customers and dealers, cußnErrer rtili. By this course the . publie will *Willi PAR AIONEY FREE OF ALL CHARGE • eicheoge tor their earreaoy. By order of the BOtad. S. D. HERRON Cashier. roiar BANKING HOUSE. / • N. ItOLMES„ ,- Zr, SON, S 87 , 17, lECEIXIA3. N 0.57 Nat het Street. Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS RWEIVED IN PAR FUNDS AND Ordectiona made on all the principal points of the United State. and Cavedsc STOOKS, BONDS AND °TUBB SEOUTILTIB BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. Portion's/ attention paid to the parttime arid sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES, Belled Rates Stlai or 1681; Do. Do . MM do. . 10401; 6.206 I Do. Berea-Thlrtle4,• Do. , Certllcalis or laiebtotheoi. ORDERS AND VOUOIIBR noimat OR COLLECTED DOLLAR bAlithUß BANK, NO 65 FOI7ETEL °BARTERED IN MIL Open daily from a to 2 o'clock, also on Wednew day and Saturday evening, from May let to No. Tauber Ist, from '1 to eo'closk, and from November tat to May lit from! to &o'clock. Deposits received of all some of not lees than One Dollar, and & dividend of the peons declared toles a year, to June and December. Interest hes been declared semtannnay, o rga n RUM and Deeember, since the Bank wee sed, at the rate of all per cent. • year. Interest, if not drown out, Is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears. the same interest from the lid days of Jona and December, compounding twice a year without troubling tbs. depositor to calL or even to present his pus hook. At thin rate money will double in less tkan twelve Books, conical:dog the Charter, By-Laws Rules sad Regulations, furnished gratis, on application at the office. • l'itcarmarr—GEOßGE ALBERS . Tarn TRESIDOTII. William J. Andemn, A.. M..Poßook, 51.. D., John G. BackoreM Rolnet. Robb, Beni. k Fehnesrock, John H. Shoenborgar, James Herdmen, James Steidle, James MeAulep, Absumdar Speer, Isaac r& Pennock, OhrWinn Tearer. 121:111 Calvin Adam, Henry S. Lynn'', John O. Bindley, Pater IL liDidaira, amp Bleak, • John hianhall, 11111 But smin, - Walter P.Mnrehall, Alonzo A. Carrier, • .lanisa B. D. nemnr, Malign A. Colton, John B. Bioniciden,l Wm. Dougtai, John Orr, John ETaill, ' W illia m linerwalt, John J. Gilleapit, •-• P.. Sabin , rta, William S. Kneen, Alemuider Tindlo, Peter U. Hunker, William Ira nkirk, Richard Han .Tamea D. PeJiy. Isaac Wiiit= 4 Treannes , ADlAS. A. COLTON Stereting—JAMES B. D. ATZEDS. &Mate.. TR hanitlalt DEPARTNIEITI, Oiling OP COMPTROLLER OP TOP COURINCT, W APITISOTON, February .2.1, 1645. WHEREAS BY SATISFACTOR TT evidence presented to the undersigned,ll 04 been made to appear that the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF ALLEGHENY, lathe city of Alle-loeny, In the county of Alla. gheny and State of Penosylvanla, has bean duly organized under and acconlingto the requirements of the seta of Congress, entitled "An Agit to pr.. vide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United State, Bonds, and to provide for the ci url. bitten and redemptlooereof," approved June lid, 113 G, and has compiled with 41 the pro vieloris of said act required to be complied with before coot. meneing the bulimia._ of banking under sold act ; Now therefore, I, Bean MCCIILLOCII, Comptroller of the Cur. rency, do hereby certify that" The Second Nation. al Rank of Allegheny City," in the city of Alle gheny, In the unty of Allegheny, and State of Penneylvania„ is authorized to commen ce the bust. new of Banking under that act aforesaid. 1 Currency Bureau, 1 In texttphany whereof Seal of the witness my hand and Comptroller of the seal of alike, this 24 daT Currency., Of February, MD , Treasury Department.) HUGH 1310017LL0011, te44aad eomatmller or the earranay. EOPLLW NATIONAL BANE. OF PITTSBURGH CAPITAL... DIRLOTOIta R. 11M. F. JONIPX. SMUT PRE W. MUBTMS.R H. UMW.. GEO. W. ON TUN Dank, organized under tha National Bank ing apt/I.ja now prepared to trauma bnainera at ita Ranking house, CORNER OF WOOD AND FIRST STR NETS. dhilscriptiots received for 11. 8.7 VlOTressory Notes,• supply of which is en hand for lamellate dep .. 12.. SAMUEL REA, President. mhedie BOOTS .s.rD RHOEIL GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OP MEN AND BOY'S BOLA'S AND SHOES, LADIES BALMORALS AND GAITERS, CHULDRENm SHOES AND SUPPERS and actually telling otr below colt. Now le the Erne' to buy goods at PANIC PRI CES. 'ball early and secure a good bargain. Don't forget the place. BORLAND'S, • Id Market Mrdei, ta door from 6th. JAMESROBB, N 0.611 Market ■UMW SELLS THE HIST, THE NEATEST ETTT/NO, • AM THE HOST DURABLE,. Of say house ta the dip Ha !ma jud method a samaillasat. Fat Moa e k. Try him. _ on TII.E "STAR" WORILI JEST RECEIVED DY GEORGE ALBREEs SON No. 03 WOOD STREET, Styr and Yon u thqt Bed Na4.morals; " Bootees . ; Chlldre's Goat aad Bid Shoes. . . . . Thee. goods Re made to our seeclal * order, mai are wananted unequalled custom work. W. W. SOLITU v fORF =NO SOUTH a RON: No: 54 Market strigt. 24 doer Area id; Hem oondantly agood assortment of MOOTS, SHOES and GAITE, for Ladles, Gentleman .Mu Mu asbill Bo" -Y o a ths -.and tntlidrunk row, Whin . - XOTICES OF JEEETIJrGS. '• • Exonaaran SLIFLON Prrreaunan Mstsh ,/-. 1966. BY ORDER OF THE BOAili OF Df- RECTORS ot•thts Bank; a General Xeetteg ot Stockholders will be: held at the BANKING NOME, on SATURDAY,' the stn. day of ink a t II Wel** A. M. to take latoecrialdwatbaa the 'question of organizing - the Beak ander the Nett/pal lanyes provided by slur eksbllag sot et thirtaertelatureef Pannsylyants. 101044 • T•• - li. M. MURRAY; Giebter._: _ rr 2it.tainaturr, March eth. ' 47MILE MILL BE Ali - EDECTiON ia held on the TENTH Or APRH.,1846, for Nine pureeteen he , the SECOND N&T.I.ONA4 HANK. Aulheneette,et, thole Banking H0n51..25, mand,betweett 1-and .4 o'clock P. ' X near - thlli jlllolt.' AOL .TOEUTLY. NCLOrE.-FIFTY ORITIS AND OEITE by retain mall, the . PILETTIESTi . 6.7411 . QATEirr to; ghwaikaanteanb JfEDICAL. • N EW FVLDENCE., LUBIN'S COCOA'RUT .CREAM Restore and Promote the Growth. 1141 K mr R4LD 1115471:4. Road "Z•oa_lcwvirlzair A gentleman-who,reePre tits ally, trammed us on baiurdaylaiit that by the use of the 1X1430- AlftiT.CßEArd/2e bad restored a tine beat of hair. Proviioun to the use of the Dream he wen eetiruy bald:and had almost Anglin] of aver having a astural growth of heir iuraill. bet by the urn of Ws vamable restorer. he baa ahoomphidial Wed which ayosszt almost a mama,. LUBIN 'S CI./FiVELffkalffE or MUTT, duetting, and beautifying the heir. It softens and oils the hair, and Ovals a punnets' glue, which It retie. for 'dap after using It. Pot beautifying and promoting the growth or the halt COCOANUT CREAM. °mace be air - puked. It Soothes the Irritated Scalp, It Soothes the Irritated Stein, It Soothee the Dented Scalp, U Soothes the Irritated Scalp, It Pie Vents Baldness and Lost of Hair, • It Prevents Baldness and Loss of Hair. It Prevents Biddies* and Lou of Hair. It Prevents Baldness and Lou of Hain It le an Elegant Perfume, It is or Elegant PO2lll l / 3 0, It Is at. eltegant Pertumr, It le an Meg /tat Perfume, Cocoanut Omani Renunes Dandruff. Cocoanut Cream Removes Daodruff Cocoanut Cream Itemteres D Cocoanut Cream Itennves - Dan It Produces the hichest Lutes', • It retie.. the Dichtet Luster, • It Products toe Iticheat Luster, . it Produces toe litchest Luster, „ it gives the Her an Oily Appeathnoe„ lt.glvea the Hair en Oily Appenratwo, It gives the Hair an Oily Appearance, It gives the Hair en Oily Appeannoe, For Oiling Whistiera It has no Equal. For Oil ng 'Whither. it has no Equal, For Oiling 'Whiskers It has no Equal, hot. "Mine Whiskers It - has no Equal, • ' And it .Retsins all its Beautifying =hem , And it WWII. all its Beautifying Effect& And It Retain. all In Beautifying Effeeta And It Retains Mi its Beautifying Meta Por days after ualng it, For clays alter %wing It, • Foe day• after using it, • For nays after using it, . It Prem...ts Ilatr from Turning Gray. /t Prevents Hair from Tonaing • Gray. It Prevents liar from Turning Gray, It Prevents Hair from Turning 'Gray. It Prevents Hate from Turning Gray, No Bair preparation pea- I teases the peenliar prir cities which so escuttat. , cccults the human Hall the Cocoanut Cream. It Is the Cheapest Hair Dressing in the Weld, It is the . Cheapest Nair Dressing in the World,- It is the Cheapest Hair Dressler In the World, It is the Cheapest Hair Dressing In the World. POE SALE BY ALL DRIKKIISTS 'AND AT FOITOWS DRUG STORE. Dispatch Buildingisth. Stec • P/TIVB FROG, PA.. SOLE AGENT for Dr. Ea =parer' litruaropatila iteutadie• and all Popular Fatima DlNUttalia • C7ALISTXCON. nn 'Pi °VEDDER titt,lBBl., I purchased Mot Dt. I. M. LINI;SEY, of liollidayobure, the reelptbr which he maroafoconoft* hlo famous toodDloo. known as . . Dr. J. EL LINDSEY'S • . • IMPROVRE .BLOOD SEABCHIBL. - Since Viet time I have. been connuleeturli= listing UUM r NET .himself part of the employed In superintending. Its. preperatten, eng shun continue to-manufacture Is In. aceordense with Ike Instractdous and directlosui of W. Lind mei. Those, than, desiring the genuine eitislei should nee t hat the nerve of P. IL FUJEMnir veers on every bottle; and to dealers Lgtve salsa that every Infrnotton of this, my. tradoesszli. wYL be prosecuted to the full extent of the law... ',T. M. FULTON', Nne. 67 and ID FIFTH ST., PITTSBURG'S". mbte COUGH lib MORE • ~x~e~~~1~t~}~~}:[t~l~rel:~:~:~iC~:1 , ~ STRIUKLANIPS MELLIFLUOUS 00171111 BALSAM WI warranted to oars Clough'. Odds 11 oarsmen, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Son Throat, Oonnuoption, and affections of Um FoThroat end Lund& yurta, sh zx . ppt,sol.S. GenanY Defedi I Er • 7:17-AVILVILIECCELAX. An the Medial Men and the press reetnamsa DB. STRICKLAND'S AIITICHOLEBA MIX TUBE as the only oertain remedy forDiardusaana Dflmtery. It Ls a eombination of Astringimish Absorbents, Stimulants and Carminatives and IA warranted to select a aura after all other mom have failed. For sate by Drusts. General Depot, II Zell Fourth street, Oinatnnatt, O. spa f a Pal4ll.lXEDIre PILE REMEDY kM DR. STRI cured thousands of the worst eases of Blind'and Bleeding Piles. It gives Immediate. relief, sad if. facts s permanent aura. Try it directly. Alli Mit • ranted to cure. For sale by a C ll Druggists. General Depaylliell Fourth street, incinnati. 0. Dyspepsia, Nermusueea, Debffi'tyl DB. STRICKLAND'S TONTO. We saa resommend those mifferisg irith Mee lie, indlatiOn or Dy•pepda, Nervonsmill sad Nervous oily, to use Strichiami's Tails It is a vegetable preparation, free from aboholie lhgnorsi it itrengthent the whole nerrons it creates a good appetite, and is warrante= Dympe e psis and Nervous Debility. .• D EO A llr l y o li K l u m6cts o = l , o l 7 . l th i=ied 4 ;47 For no 4 by DR. GEO. R. NEThER, owner II Wood street and Vlryln alley, and R. E.SELLEIZEI k CO, earner of ' Wood and Sword stree%Z. burgh; and by PAICK i EIRELLare.I7 Stree hrav Ag r il . "27.1 .TH . GREAT ENGLISH Ina JAN= memos% 4212pCBRATED 'MILS rata, • - Prepared trout * plemzirdioa Zot Sir abut*. AL D, Physician Extraordiry to tby Quota. This wait known medlar= t o no impouttem a sate and safe tetredy for Female diMulties o Obstruction; from soy ammo whatayerr, and though & powerful unardy, they eoutaila wain log . hurtful to the constltutlon. To Monied Lu iz! It L perfectly suited. • It will, in a shorn time. bring Out tlia monthly period with oltezilitY• Thee. Mda have never beenknown to fall wham well the direetioaa en timid Fir el Um ilituph/et , en For fetztleulare g . et a PaiipideVide. a the agent. Wall ihugyiata. Trizool pet WS& 13zdie Vatted Mates Agent, NAZlourtlaZdt street, Now atic N. 16.-111 sad e portage Maar", 'eseskoad to map authorized agent, alit tame - a bottle, sentelniag overlo MU* by return deaerlyalika. TEirrit WoRD FOR WORD;;:dITIR • THIK—DE TOUR OWN: .TUDGMAlielena Creetedb Cro.Oiere: lam aattaned ot the ieente of INTLtIf lINMP. It has rated me from the Need. ii It wet* where CONSUMPTION had ae nearly ;Aimed ma. Tour Syrup, Pills end Olat. meat kaa dmte for me who. nothing elles did se could do—teetered ma to health and Ilk whin X had resigned myself to the !mortal PAULA/Pc" / 0 . 031riltillA for anotheranwAy.. Yorut • _ • WILLEAtd M. sows. X.lneotarklalne, May Dy ' The shovels verbatum andbut one of the maaw we rendre. Dr. H. JAMES' CANNABIAS EN. DIOS la the only remedy that poe t tivelJ CONSUPTION, ASTA. end BRONCHITIS. We ask MHM the trial of a Basle bottle. salt Eit her the most akebtleaL •MI so perbottle. 'Three bottles. Si Ma and OOtatmen St is eadu • Addrea ORADDOOK teillemenerttawdeeowwP '""" 10.011T1.-1/.44L1V3 PEACTIO.S, m /11:117Alr Gives me a knowledge taloa smeared by phyla, Clans: Ely_long resdanate In this City. ma the amount of patinae treated annually by ,1114. etlalalent proof of mr Cornell. • SPLICSADDRILKed, nSEXUALWEAIgiMI And all diseases arising therefrom, are. oared In a Much 'shorter time than heretofore by my .NRW. VEGETABLE --nrausdra. Medicines sent CO say part of the Vidor- isalat e o cl nreltpdlL toA jdadyre e ss • J.p Wos-.tAeLr& letters mu po t n doenneasl a • .u et i = hllTD l P B llOLD o eet, new l Mir • iattlv tom mo, 1 \I - AN BOOD: HOW LOST [ HOW BBB VOILIM—Just embllthed., In a. sealed eland- Epee. Prise, Slx_eaute. A Lecture on the Nate" Trestmentiond cum of Sperniatoethessa. or- Seminal .Weakneas, Inveluntary Nollseissess' % Sexual Debility, and Impedlcasuta to regoera/111 "Nervousnesa, ulonstuptlon, EVIPI Nm irt ; and Fits; Mental and raggiont Tc tog Selanansa. eaa, 131 •Ilons..1:oorsalla. M. - D. - author ot the Green • Bol a iri k - N 3 noon- To .kOffIEISALIMS 01. POW Sank under seal, en a Wain eziggligo,go gar eg ex Ps ' raneigatairmar se- &um • air ork. Pan aanansa inairATß Digivattg; • Olko ss WOW ' 44111 a 44 Poi the ilati era &wins MA . Vit.iriad" 1. , • trop"tro's4 Mot 44114 1 4 an sw.7 atill tato" ' m g.... Lug, Hirsidasitinl l 4ll4lll.o.ltaie Alisales of ilM • 14 1 Orgi 1/1. eiratt wavanum or mum . • mmitiomexCkiftPAl.l,lol.;464.ll2'.; s.:: `±~.4:ES3`y`
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers