Vt.t Vi#Ourgit .6autfr. .31-'i-RCli 17, 13-11 THIS CONE ELLs 1.7 timg -r.t!Laosn. Tb Tint FZTZOC 011 THE O:AZILITii. I have heretofore taken no part in the discussions which have occurred, both in public meetings and In the public prints, touching the completion of the Councils. Mlle Road ;,,fteither,sirl I stertuechid with Any of the Railroad companies interested in Completing, or in hindering the coin ple tion of this Important work. But as a chi • nen of Pittsburgh, with. all my interests identified with Its prosperity, I havewstelted with care whutever has been said or done alli:cting the completion of a work so vital to the futarnprosperity,.of our city. _ _ The public -meeting timid the- other day' ter the purpose of cored °ring the subject, did . not seem to me to ap elate the - situation. They' attached more importance to the pooled, of repealing The villainous leulala- ' lion of last winter, than it deserves, and they failed to take the risk of the invest ment-without waiting for further legisla tion ; -And _I &Iles°. they are the only partles who do' represent such capital. They are not men to deal in shams. 'they Are , practical and reliable business men, whose character is a guarantee that their offer is made In gond faith; and 'w ose interests are identified with the Fort W yne Road—wielding a capital of thirty mill ons of dollars—which demands the compl ion of the Connellasple Road for its ova. ro tectioa. It matters not to the public who builds ihe road, so that we get the road built. Let Pittsburgh be true to her owe interests. Let her merchants, capitalists, ,and ,busi ness men see to It that nto- there - time be lost. A. ' The meeting to which our correepoadent refura was called for the sole purpose of giving expression to the public fcelLog,ln fiver of tho. repent of the *lcked tkm of last - Tinter, relative to this rind, and in confining its action to this purpose it, simply carried out the objevt for which It was convened. It wa ' s• not, to he Bute, preclu ied thereby from taking action on a collateral-fluestien; but .it nuighi have weakened' its voice with the - legislature if .had, While demanding the repeal of a hertisin act, taken steps showing that It did 'Bat (Ste whether that act was repealed or not. We 014; therefore, that the Fleet= leg acted wisely In simply embed - 34n the unanimous feeling of this community. in frior of reversing Abp.. action , of the last legislature in rcpcidis the set hicorpOia: ling the Cqapellnille Railroad Company. Thatpailtikben done,.and well done, there Is now nogoodr!ason.whythe propo. silicon of Messrs. CAPiI and Fthinuaiirt should not be separately . CO sieldeiettit On tts It Is a simple{ .bositiont.ilke propos).- ; Lion ; arid ~ tt tor„ the Intsluesa.Aten of. Pittsburgh to give it a filr, candid and ear ly eaamtnstioia. - VPe take,tt -that the ihree following state; melds are indisputable : ".` • • L Thatiyery - mai in Pittiburgh is la fa. ',or of thelSiimpletirmot - the Pittsburgh & Costiellsvitsliallread - at the earliest Doi sible day. - IL Thatliji deidfabli on 'all hands that it should be completed; it possible, by the Pittsburgh and Countilsville Railroad Coin UT. That tt irtfi not, and :cannot bd fin-. bitted by tiii . Coinpany . =ail Its &implode powetwatilitatOted, fittmtllthe, cottrie, clda that ttry !um not -been legalleytaken- We arelefavor of 'walling, then; until' the legislature has acted on the matter. "While there is life there Is hope;" and - in the legislature ,has decided bye' a• positive Tote, tbarit will not ree tore the franchises: taken ewer . hy lastlylnier'sactioe, it is but fair to regard it is 'an elm tvie3tsoic and to hope tilt few daye will de •cide .the • When it beed decided ' whin it ap- . . pears that. legislative lattice has been de nied us, and exhitingcompanY caw not therefore finish the road; the question will then properly recur, Xs there Miy,cither way in which the 'road can: bit' built! . Maws Cilia and Retinal:Nati sat there fr. They till the baldness cominimity that - they will build' it, kid take' kit the, is a matter:of no - masque:tee `to thif.com-: triunity what those- risks am .. . Thes es gen tlemen aria thein ; 'audit they . build the faidend put it in attoceasfht oper: lion, that is the one and only practical fact in which the commeinlty is interested. It is a mettie Of the utmest importance to Pitt 'burgh .that this road ahouldlie ,bunt. is a matter of no importance whatever wi , o builds it, iaovided ita future reariageinemi , not therehy renderedinhnical to Pittsburgh , teteiests. `„Pfililaivii have nofear. :What:, Pittaturgh . need, a liftwo pullets to the Fast, , and iliese:Oistitiotitiiined; ORO willalways be ft sufficient cheek upon - the other.' - It is objeetbd that thle offer is made:hr . the interestVthe ForiWayne road, and. that that rott l / 2 1;belig under the c0:4,ml Of Pennsylvania road, its ' acceptance, is shri•., ply to put,the raid Into the bands of ili r e'Tenntiylvarda 'lt,tithr asaumption wore true, there worddbogreat force in the objection; but we do not ac cept as • settled foci the allegation tilat,itiO. • Fort Way* road - hrunder the coat* in The Pennsylvania reed... The Fort WaYne road is sit:lndependent organliatioa;:itri„ irock is largely held in 'New ':Tork.' and elsewhere out of Feensylvania;',Und the Intcreseht that mad is plaid''. 'and mils. takkbly Otero more than one eastern cop= Deities. nipop.- its Present , enlarged baste. • of Mirk ithaisicquired sullident make it arjya! , classirerid, and the 'control: , , lintiiimsrlse of It, stockholders Must - of cessity be to 'Like are :of their own later:: eats by bevies as. otsitycastern connections' as possilitti4 . . . . • These are thei - iiiiiiclusiOns We have rived at, ifter.pini over the whole greural;,' Ore and conpaall Svessebmit them to "the . .lan . Oonsideratiop of ; the sineati _men of the City, who are ,the main parties in interest. Motoriei Gosibutzss.—ln the abtuut- SACO of Yankee ingenuity is there Pa ahmidiess enough to be, found for doriiing So capture -and destidaion._cif MOSSY'S .goernflast While tnzi:arme aro itstol Ovetywhare; indent : in . /die areO3rapaising the enemy to his death;' this band of gucr ho'rers around Vtaehington city. cap tures our men in squads within sight of the Capitol, and holds the entire region in terror. ,The Weshi!gtou 0 kronicla eve:, • Mosbrils*ft era ligli4Coperstbag quite frequitter - Wthe - Ti .ti'' - of• the city.- On Sunday, a body of ,them made a successful onnit upon a detachment of the. New York cavalry, about four miles from Olw Bridge. The long.continued successof this band of outlaws is a reproach to the milibUy &lit* about Washington. How long is it •Lti,.lllstr ricarimtioir, piNlatted raitedip, I,otaufle4 to the cages of the dis banded Itadosee nootersi - wbo we sow flockin fo OR newts. BIM sealing she porker adagios, the oFsups4oll,ollnt Inca is goo& Soho ire In‘Wwir , Fe:C hen, 02 7 ban A** anything aosirostbr.-The'olPitunice.ond Fun mired at Hew Tort with about one Island psuangers; all biosbwki-runowsorbo bowlally {[Hirtid rim polefe Woof ;Itogledikok.ll44 4 w4old.' Sooo osa =t ll ... WWI 111 0 0 78•4 1-4( • !lisplik soseelpiArose. aortas* age kaclrgAVFOS:A'ieOP ' ! e f lal i* efild&- . tb3dlirilAfil'4ll4l4,oll4oo/`: either Ism etwocallty, or be. bed . as pebwoom irar. •' 1 •- 1, • -- • ' ' '• ." EC :Cr Ie,CIIVIT CAN LUZ: Siam OUT. In view of the succesAbf E. it ILIVIDAN' ti MI around 'Richmond, the only -et ioite que.ed , nt Involved In Let'apccupe t ion Ri,M mon is, Row long awn I hold out? Tle. f 4.1 that I,s could not afford a man to atuy Suanto.ta'a plop ebs,ara that the littler vwept.unvonsed through the richf country around Richmond, proves that he cannot leave that city with any balety to hilm•ell; and the question recurs, How log ten he stay iu It ? A. few days benne S117:11111)AN . B ruovemont the Richmond WM.,/ frankly admitted that unless relief CAM, and that very sneed.cy, "sit was lost;" while Governor Yascat, of North Carolina, has made the subject Of 'ho semi-Starting condition of the Rebel army before Richmond the oceasion for issuing another proclamation. Ile ear : Yon are aware that in cense-mu:nee of in terryption to our raftroael communications bF recent movements of the enemy, the anti. bateau) of Galeml Lee's army boa become greatly Jeopardized. ' Per at least a fa,o menthe that army, will hand to 1.4 for sistence upon North Carolina and Iriryinia atone.. I ant Informed by the - Commissary Department that the usual method of (ta inting supplies will be insufficient for the purpose. - Lez'e dependence, tam -weeks since. helng-exclusively upon Virginia and North Carolina, according to Gov. Vanua's - frank confeaaion, his present dependence must ho of the very smallest. Sit.v.usten and Sono viiin are cutting oif North Carolina from him, and iiiinnimax has materially injured all hie sources of supply in Virginia. lie cannot much longer feed an army se- Silent= to hold. Richmond. Sinitmett's Junction with °flan? will be followed by our occupation of the South Side and Wel don ruilroadq; the surrender of Petdraburg; necessarily results, with a consequent con traction of- our lines around the daoined city; anti it would seem as if a fewweal:a or months roust witness the capture or dis bandment of Lan'e army. Delusions almut Conquests Another delusion belongs strictly to the Northern prophets; it is that the South ' cannot be conquered. The Southern people dorabelieve that; but it is a theory g...t up by Northern men for their own benefit. A people can't be eenquered? Where' Is there a country on earth which•has not been cou- Armed? What was the conquest of Eng laud by the Norman? A. whole people reduced to slavery by .one discip lined army. • What ;was the conquest of Scotland by England?,Of . Ireland? Of Gaul,ccinquered by the antana?Of Rm mane, conquered by Goths? Of Bertnedy .ceuquered by : the. French? Of.-tranee built up and consolidated by parpetaal in , tetrad wars? Every country has been Can 4n-died, and Issitquest bas neen one-of the great instnenenth' of civilization. The South can bepot h conquensd,but cart be *woundinto •POwder,'". if - that' be necea. ilsiery . ..; But tbe rabelt hain no Idea of dy ing in the last ditch. Look at Tennessee, Louthiens, Arkansan, and Ottugia.- . -Louts. vine Joutnal. - " • Thwriartil - Lawa: - • Thpostal • e new relating to t pos lbws, provides that all doinestle letter*, except letters lawfully franked, and duly certified 'idlers of soldiers and marines in the: ser, TIM of the United State.which are depos ited for mailing .any , post: °Mae of the United Stales, on which, postife id Ilakiidt. shrill be sent by. • postautaters. to the Dead :letter Life& in Wathington, and sit letters deiandied nniyin part, for • Wattled to theilestination,charged with the unpaid rate te..be collected on delivery. The system of fi;a dellverjr le,to bo esti&, titled every place containing a Porde: thin 6(00,000 within the delivery of the of ' tice thereof; and at snch - other , placed as the liost,llaster General bi his judgment 'shall direct; . pireeidsrl, that the pre,paymentpow age on drop letters in all places whore free delivery isnot - eidabliabed; shall be one cent • only. •Tersons'depositing 'obscene traoks, pamphlets, .bc„ in the nulls are ,to ,be pun ished by fine and:imprisonment ~. Tmr. attempt to grotromliges sad lemons inrealifernia is everyyear becoming • more , and more successful. The principal groves are at Lea Angelea r wlrere there are half a dozen' teen engaged in tie:businesa Or, tieges. are grown in other places. In the Sla but mainly. in gardelis, and for pri vate use... There we're about 60,00(foran gel and so,poo lemons grown last year at Lis Angeles. This year nearly 100,000:oranges and 40,000 lemons have been :raised la.toe vicinity; The oranges grown this year are larger. arldJUleritry• way hotter than lasf yrsr's crop, and soldeVthe grevek at three coats per hundred. The largest growers are• two Yreneirtnen,- - at .the San Gabriel,: whose crop last year amounted to about sls,ooo,oranges,:besidaii Unitary of • . • .. - r. r is notrioriby front recent articles la_ the English press, and the recent_ .dnbatet . In bath bousesof Parhelmet on the Queen's sPeech,' wherein f !rent alb:aims are ms i , rintdelo American us, that At.* tone of Jibe 'British Government is all Ahat'•Can be 'desired I , y• this - country. In etEet; , the min istry conamtelates itself that it neither' • fielded to ittockade itnners;joyebel agents, or to the suggestioda of the French Govern ' Mutt to recognize the South; while It Mad ' witted in 'the debates that we have. had' many causes _for Irritation grostringlnulof 'lilting out armed ships; raids, the perststent Aliment of suppliese,, of munitions of war, and the:like, in, vioiattoa •ckt tha:,Queenis -Pic 4l Tima l k lll ;' - ~. - ' " - • . . , .."' Amnon,. ' Cowurssroamn most Mtn lsowri.Waiontio,rost, March 15.--Rev. Poetor Te-0• 1 4.,,f0r niany yaws a protei n ' tent dirine in Wasitiogtrus, buttroir„Cresi. -. dent of 'llichnaraul, arrived. here on Satur day last, directly from the litteicity, on a ~,perial:mission to Prekidenf Unbolt to oh- isle , permission to negotiate the . sale of, 'tobapzo,abd cotton , for, the purpose italic" ; • ieclared 'totaycoa'tdcotton,for, obtain food for the darling , a omen ; 'trod - children .of Riehradrid. ' lie ,!escribed theft' destitilftone es ttrrtblii. Ile illiS obliged by the 'limit of his pass to re . turn to=day.- The , result , ofltia missio4 is not kndwn, but it was-probably =Success- Ifil tel..' ; . '- - . ,_:_- - • -'--a. - . • • , ----- • ..-- - .', 'Or sixty-sevei royal and:live' eriaons 4-f Xrinco, , Maly thirteen- Life die without' , rsTbig, their , bistorteia.e -, record of misery 'o4j* Eleree were,dirorced;,AWO Ole. - CIA , nine Ailed, young, seven were soon whirwid e three,eruellY. , tielierk. , iintithree issiledfl the- poisoned aid "broken. , hearted. .Miliwlilhe rest.: The pillow of royalty - is Indeed Oiled With thotikandshougkerowns I i 'teat )(very liright;ithey..felixery cold, heavy a nd bard.'.' Met cow.lie more'!'si tour htMdrod lob, end. three tamdreiradrecOmmee, teat and gbi shops.' l'lsesdieri.otem bllnight; N the btheUtants 'Mogi go. to bid before. two ori three In the , nerrning; Mid' drifts the winter ecareely'eter remain in the antis in Synneme, one or the plays' Wiwi' the "MlaChlilemi..../donkey." and while the: chap who played.-monkey.was benlMbhs hur t, rr.o#l. tht! wAll, hi s tall . and Caine down on the heads of his audience some twelve feet. Kos EVIOII I / 2 tie' young Welsh Temper. once sneaker, has lately . given 0,000 to the Bardtai7 and thrlitlitn Conitalamont.• Shb. also,anpnorts her father's lareefamily and shows; eonchudiely ariouktWitat a - woman • --- I can , . Taw Datinport ,Brothera lire tollOwid about* every place they . exhibit. in, Eq.. laid by two Liverpool engineers,. who try them, 'And defeat there, with' a scieltitte tanglei caedthe "tom-foollatfot." • TEA.two SOWS of r liobartßaros, Inch° sag Jamds, are Coloaele in Abe British, la - diaaatmy. They arolAvont7.one lad eev, tidy:three Tani of sigo.i7respearely. Tit*. Comietseicalers of Emigration limp , direetdd tha District Attorney to prosecute' thq owners and captains of versele briogl.4 , .olFfidta to Trelv•Tonc• , Cimintri BERA2n2r Ilioniem a grand itutmfithe itft-Vr&idalt. /LIS toceotig been . made* seiceittsamanlit NewtotrOta.. bee papered Aerkreatswah greenbaektarbich she received. Oda Icet atddierelera tamper forpte..- Ci."l 3 is" . aiprodulte4 naafi 111120%40t ilives s isit Z. .11 Eltrat't ' . ;~~;, nut' Garet Ceuigati..—Tii a V tests o f the s•rdlnburgli, li e , tear."- Au ' ,ti t le i•-• the lase P414.8.r.0 appar fad ft , 111 a milli are Mt la t-il 1 , 1111.11 the Wei eof rerwor: (rot, 041 ran 11 , 1 eritiet /.1 Fur, e lON y dug tits the I last too y ten. Tiorn-ust pi-t are artier:PA by tl.l cor-cfp , el race and edit .-!_,14 of the L. indoa Trios 01 unr-AlC,a• as heen of wi i 9 and 101.1,D. by the "Federisti," mere the esp.& wire hmehr, i ,- hhunt.purpo,e, and 1.0 military et t ia- to comprehensive plot ever than o any light ire the ghastly create or sianitter. eau-'hole elloseed strategical abili ty aNI heroic daring., and tine only military '.ead era %bleb the 1001.04 „Intel brought forth. w.,:thy ot appcarlirg on the page of 11114017, were Stone wall Jackson and (}co. Lee. Thowhole confused more of mocentente wan pronounced "not war but buthwhiteking ou a large scale." trays the reviewer ' with a genitor which must iti sure admiration from every realer "The surprise rf the river-passage near Bra,..sn'a centre by smith. and the routmenvering by which the Confederate lines were fi -Toed by Grant, n month later.at the battle of chattannoan, era • • . • - cal achievements, far inter • lar with the hest feats of Napoleen end Wellington, than any advani age won by a Eumpean General stage the days of those giants of war. " The campaign of Grant against Richmond la defended, as a campaign conceived on a grand and minprthensive 'plan, embracing three or -four converging movements on Richmond, and which was parthilly unsuccessful in its original putiaxie, from the want of proper ccsopaatiom by Generale Butler and Sigel. Nor he Sherman's gentus forgotten by the Scratish critic. leis his lege:01011a and not Im prohahlt• napportition that Sherman's . ~ first kora i-ton of Northern Alabama, which reifultel in a falls e. suggratiAthe Aril:hut Idea of earrylag a in.ireahl, column I act the cotton States, and 111,0 throne.h the Atlantic Staten to Virginia. It is these tnarebes which will stamp Sherman as one of the great captains—for ' as the re viewer WCII tap-, "a distant march from a base was 51111,1011.1, daring the ACClellan period, to lie•an impossibility." There son two other name; ale& which history iota vet place high In military annals —MOMS* anti gheridau—both of men that have manifested the highest - quailty of tile. General-and aoldicr, the power of wrestltig victory from defeat arnid the mi st 'adverse cimamstarteigi. As 'the re s lewerrinms uu :Jell a Ginegal's perfect adapta tion of given nientls to a required end, If careftd fin athonglirlii desiga, ti ith a Jett mixtnre of au dacity and carrion . ezeoution, may fairly dud lento our admiration, Sherman's campaign in 1149, and those if Grant and Lee in the prece ding year, tetra to be worthy to be classed with the bialitkt ludalevamente which the annals of eZl4.4e record." (ten. It utter and Fort Fisher. The rebel Gcc. Whit lug, before hls death, sent to Geo. Limier, in writing, a statemmt cf-the number of troops in Fort hinther at the time of the first attack, of the Confederate force to supporting illetauce, and of Bragg's troops In Wilmlucion, and describes minutely the incif- Cc/Ahem.* of Porter's fire on the fort— ineffective that the cannoniers were not driven from their guns—and made a case gen emily .thut overwhelmingly justified Gen. Bat hs'. withdrawal from the attack on Fort Flohor. Whiting said, amoug other thinga, that it was a mutter of reproach against Bragg, In his army and at. Richmond, that Butler's small twee wv, not captured bodily ' • that Bragg had the trm.pa and the pv , ition to have made the ermined, sad he In terms charged it upon the supine-a/As of the Confederate commander that every soldier Butler landed was not taken. This frank state meet of Gen. Whiting la , in testimony before the MlMl:aft on the Conduct of the Wor.-,X. Y. PURLAC XOTVICES. tel. 0. F. 1110T10E....THE ElaTa. Wm , Trustees atul Hall Uommittep will meet FRIDAY EVENOIO. t7th that, aS or their Uorataltreo room— Pusetual ottoullime ii sequester aa bunion* of greet impottuaro wlo M trammeled Hy order of the FIALL OuIaMITTEE OILLIRMAN. abladd • ATTIENTID34 VOLUSTEBBS.wwA Wale BOUNTY OP *sock In aditlon to the Cloyettuneni Bounty, will be SIHTY voLurrrEETts, Bs sibEINTS OF FIRST WARD, ALLEGUEN T. Apply tmmedhit . ily at. the . waslinvono, et AL. M AT b I p ir a p t. , Bonet Federal au all This It • new loowforganlzattos. oohlAit Jr*: w• ..d.u.irz TISEJICEJM:IB. (WE D. - L LIN Ear. IL LI KlTClitit ban renkorediree Millinery estai. IlManent to No. 100, retreat street, Allegheny, Inhere are tow opened • large sal elegant assort ment 01 an gooul. IQ ll* itILLAN FAY LINB, and will to liskyy to Dee bet tamer friends nee patrons • - , - ell Yren • OUNT UNION CE3IIITHILT LOT.— on SATE:1011AI Es ENING; Nardi Nat, at desoek; Will be solo at the Oommerelat Hetes ho ma, 64 Stith street, w Itert.t Lat to Yount Cemetery, being Lot No. 6to Bens Pi.. see Sleek A, oeutalroug We square feat enalosol rnamental tree tepee and pleated with shwa. Mil rod Miele tree. . trthi7' , • • A. IffraLlfAlNE. Ludt. '1, 7 0R BALE . IN ALLEGHENY CITY. —Tbit sidotantlid DUMB DWELLING, iron:lsd St Oft.t. o ADO street, +nth gaoled raw. law. back Its feet to Robinson strect..with s lugs toosar.g.:ort the. Ohio Silver, several otat slur:subtotal; sm ;Doom two of the rooms large foldms doors. 'liar six feet sslght Ueda wl.a.; all. woil boated' orouol. .I..a=osatoo from two to foorsseeks [roads. of/est.:- Asolr ontbs lossdsrs to , •Nr. Dosreiukix :Attsoa=ar, harsh 11, i5d5.. - - • 'G ME OR ,t3ALF.—One EIECION6 7 -: RAND. . DO% ne,rly nele, le tett Deg, 19 Deka diameter ate MD Ones •• •• • - tDe teet. 10ag.40 Donor dimeetni, MS Inch num.. (De' no: feet long; oinehes itanteter,e4l Itch thse& • One to danel Wrattiht /ran t. ZaqUitlit Me INDUSTRIAL WORKS. • HOOD D. 13u1.11 & 00 ter. POLIO Alley and Duquesne Way, Plttsb ,, h. mt.ttni• `TRAH COLT.—Strayed sway from the subscriber, on the Oth day of March, to North BPIIIISZ • torrusbip,urerrre• eenrus, 48LA1L.4 SCAILL,4 roue old In Sono ,18:3, a white stripe tai . lii forehead, tars white epot on Ito left otos wants snootier, rather lore one orniLa hind foot. Th e roll 1 e of *mail etre. Any one thst will te ke uD IL* raid msre than be liberally rewarded for thee trouble 'awl giving tutor:m.4mo of the Abort to: Jowl • ;HIWBIe (laswreooeoPJ eosin:Us, ra— • - soblT:ltd - - - -4.------------ V - , R.; SALE .—TEN TW - 0 - STORY , ItitlOß; and RIOUTREff ONE Aim TWO STORY vasmr. vwELLtroas, Waste .4a Do- QUeftlie Borough, Dm the Iron Works, with good rind do attaened. This pitaperty . la pleasantly 1 ..lotetred ARM be disposod of ontiherat terms. • Co txraoris f small meant' and who wish to promote n:home, a;horne, his a ff ords a good elitinde: - Possession ;given o the Cent of •April. For 'partle , lars, km, apply at the Real Estate•and Ismurrinettldlar of t - • t • • U. . ATEr•• Route S. r kite, near Admit Lawrenceville. Pa Obit i , . Finst-cLAss . COUNT4Y WELT.— , - DOUBLE muck iteitibif HOUSE, t; with largo wings, non i h owe, As Ming, wash s. Mho', ire 'hone*, and other outballalngs, on a finely itaprotate lot of itx and twottird tiaras et . ground, in the neighborhood of Messrs. Method. iess,omiplo, •Duseart, Witham and SWUM, front. trg_tin te Allegheny River, and the tillAßPri, BilltO ORSE RAILWAY. ..The rglamlC ,Talley RaOrriaff intersects the preyed 'A g og to - . (Barkß••BuUdlaL.lS wrix :n CANNED Flll3 kTII7- t'• = ./cl4l, Pieties, Sauces. 'Goat Vine Aliile Caodi, • P:nnes, Dates, FlKl,A , adtirr:Ast4, 414, •• bitif WeSleasualufsatared :and by, • qtbritdi t likANFlT;" ; .' its rated *teed. miestietn% • rat I§4m. 80 00 : Fishing Poles, • AT niaDzEibir,.um. Oidn-taLtsi aolleited *k. H. t • , • • Ii bbl . Latta Labrador' Herring, vary tlae;l bbla istnNo. 1 Largo Shore Mackerel; Of half bbleLarae No. a Mackerel; • 1 quarter bbla No a del _ 1 ;mune. Oodflabi 'loowvriees b : t L57.Y &:VOANGeO r RD EN. =bib N My'stree t. 113, afresh:roll Hater,' wail* *eta fresh peeked do.i.reeetred arid forsake by • • . tinker Market audiat'" V. SHIARED BALHON - ATID :HALIBUT. Jett resetred a fresh supply ot,nleely Smoked Palmed and Ilanbut, for We tittate poomke_ l . llll Family Grooemr Store of '• . • . - • UW • 31TO. A.A ritait, ml 4 • • owner Liberty awl 21.1 ad. strata, .* to bites choke Olderitit reoeived and ((or mid : ; - Coiner 111Larkid.aad.1e1-: L's MACKEREL—Put.up JZ/ kitslos WWI 7 animas* for sia•br , aatipop , 4w:41110i Orocesifitare af.-,... 77-7., A,T5R. 111 40 4 . 11 L: 1 0 1 ::;714 *NC told stata4.l btol,,,,Te u rArcho* 191, 1"40d°I ?.111eiflatElciAME11.. : 118,111t1110.-50* half bares by . VOLI4118: .arm IS^ ...ID PER TISIE-7117.7rT5. GERMAN NATIONAL BLNK, Of Pittsburgh, COR. BITS AND WOOD STREETS AIIO77STUS Iic•TELER, Neel,lemt. SARI WIER HARBi:UGR, Vlce P reident. CIEURGE A. ENtria, Usshic. Ebb, Rank Invites the neeonota at Itanlai,Ssak en ana others. Government Seearttlea of all kinds bought and sold at°anent mien As SPECIAL AGENT of Jay Cooke; subsertr. ans Iv 11l be reeelvosi for the Popular 7-80 Loan, This Irma le now being abaorbeil at the rate of 13,004:70,0H00 IrNor Dap. • and ming convertible int , tlie-twentyuonds Ithieb ere now ate pr. mi•.•m el over N 1 !Ty p!;' 'CENT. It commends itcell far its superior advan tages to all who seek a safe and profitable tartest. carat. Liberal comnitasionz on this loin will ba allowed to all dealers let, overunte.t securities. OEO. A. EXDLY, Cashier CON C.T.: . !,T HAIL FALLON'S STEUEOPTICOPI ! The Great and Novel Reflector of the Pronounced by the most mitten' end fathionelle audience. end the entire press of Now York, Ph its delphic, Dooton, Cleveland, and alldnar . *stare and T7catern cities wh , ,erer the STECEOPTICON hai been exhibited, 4, Vitt BelENTlele worrniut or 410 E," LEI, TiL I 61011TPLE161RO AnD.INETRUOT- IvE •ENTERTAIIII4ILET EVER rxxcon OEFURe Tat A eerier, of exhibitions will be given here oom inencir g MONDAY, MARCH 20,AT 8 O'CLOCK With tour. through the world, nod frveh tramerlrits ui all that IS strlYing in 1.A..3.1)%CAPE, rare or beautiful Inn ARCIIITECTURE. Or eliLialte to STATUARY, reprodtteed with IDlLltaanaT aTt. are,,,rlr• KPFECT,inet.I7 , ~ Geotis get yin', with moonlight efiVet, loyal viewa, purtretta 0(10610'a GE.N1t)141...9, Lae. The pUblil will not he illvappolule4 In believing that the s - rEnEoruclom is truly a salerabla wonder. It given the world at nglauee; :natrools, .teltynts, and astonishes! The trtivellinv ereelator can verify Its soeuracy, and tve ''Luino-bred yodth" Ito giatideur. Chong, Of rIrOtIMEIMI 4 Email %valuta:gig. ADMISSION, an cents ; Children, IS vents. Valid oteo , • at C. O. atelier's aud Kleher es hers, whale sesta may be secured without ea eL•raw. Ald'rtNEE Wednesday And Saturday allartaons aoh,oek. mhltat ;ti• It SALE. SO ACRES OF -OIL LAND, .04.2 T .Ticacantes . 33113:19Za4 VENANCIO COUNTY, PZNNA, NORTH SIZE OF THE ALLEGHENY /MYER. The ImprrareareAs are a log bolus sod • part of the land ereared ■ml under Mace. The tract frog' a about 10 rode on the river. Tbere If e large amount of bottoms Undo WELL ADAPTED FOR HORD, 0 itrRPOSES. Thus b ono Otto) most !Trine:* OTC. FA E 1 .11S For rale ea the tirr. Also. 73 ACRES OF LAND, On WEST HICKORY WIZ= within two miles edp,odamng wells ; the Creek pease through the land: the land lin well.for boring. The improve. _meals area log hoses and stable, and In or suers se es Waive sod under Gram. Oompealsir &ad la. dtrienals Maids; to porobsse oil Lads are hunted to examine the poem . For partletelsmaAlress the aubmetber at T UTE, Warma "Oonnty, remayleanls. 'A ER WALLACU latent B . SCOTT, Jr., AUCTIONEER, 702 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, JANES B. EARLE k SONS' Fourth Great Nile of VALUABLE ORIGINAL ABLERIIIAN AND TONEIGN OIL,PAINTINGS, stoatty! put. chased by Mr. John S . Earle. Wrest:, from the ar tists then:melte. or painted from sketches mads entinateeny - for him Among the parties rept& rented ate I Cart flntonite, itionatd Joursam, D. Do Name. H. liondermans4Retashatutr, Carl Si Webb, - liikiebtandt, Van Saban,, S. W. Waugh, Loots Lang, Gemaithau A. Sot-gent, Vhbet, C. TIOLVNt EMPLUit, Y. N. T. Van Starkenborgh, W. T. Yak MANtenhergh, T. W. OtAihnut t Vaa Dea bertE Haricot de Beni.'B. .Verboteekbovea. - Ed mund D. Lewis, Thomas 310,011. W.L.Sountng- This eollectkul la certainly the Onent ern altered at Pnbite ISO* In Philadelphia, and fully equal to naily seer ; sold to the entintry. The ILaintinga by ;Auden" artists, all new mai pe n dant Inger. Ttua mill be sold PONITIVELI wirusur EN The sale mill take pfine at the 'ENSSIITINII MOM OPIIE on the EVIMENOs of THURSDAY, std, and IMLAY, 34th of March, at MU part s Wolook I lbe pttures assays.. oo eahltatton. Opea day and evening, anti, thy MA h 4 0I lam . axs—CASII, Bankabkr rands. catalosura lobs obtained of J. J. OILLSSPIE CO.. Wood street _inhtlat TT VlOll REFINING AND STORING comPANt—At a meeting of the Stookhold. Bt of the Above Company, held at their ... bees Na. MI Merl Meet. on the 14:h inst.. the following Hoard of Maoagen, were *Meted : • 2:11111C1 . 01/8 WIT.TAIAM M. LANG, 3 AritMl DOWN, - STEWART RO BERTSON, SAMUEL 31cOLEKRY, G. H. ANDERSON, CaPL111:1011 McEELITT. • TIIISAP1313 1 1: WM. NIREPATRIOK. mann : • Wilt. F. 14N0. • • WM F. LANG, Secretary _ pre tem. The Stockholdere of the above Dompany 'are ereby. Informed that en installment - of roUR DOLT:ARS per shore on the Gaeltsilitoelxis now .inc mid payable to the Thasurer,at the °Mee, No. tot Liberty street. • mblitrivrd: WM. KIREPATERTE, Treas'r. INSTITUTE FOR -BOYS, on n-• STREET.-Tbla Institution, so long and slateeseftilly conducted by the KA. J..11t. SMITH, has passed into the hands of the gobscri. her,:date 'Principal of the Edgeworth Seminary, - and will-open spin ea MONDAY N EXT, Karon sth. A moth rustles of former patronage Is DP 'UDC A few seats are yet 'geoid. • 7daton Dith. A. WILLIAMS. BOAC. TILE -ABOTE IT WILL 13E; .a.:441. EN that tic undersigned...le about retitle*, iron.nis position 'aiTriocipatrif 'Penn lostftator and Met -Rev. •AARON WILLIAMS, D.D.Asago, tato elargo of thls inatitntioo, and I ta. gre2 pleasttre In recronteding'Dr. II ' DeriorZeducator -dad co woutlemon oTory.l.oorp -worthy of po confidence; of those who I:myeloid, to ed te. , mlitintd • - fig, isayAw, L ON HAIR RESTORNR,- Ael=ll , s BANII7I/0 DR. JAYNE'S rizial..l . mErdp.Oks rung HOPS, Pittial rums, • • STERLINOW-AMBROSIA KENNEDY'S B.S.EDIOAL DIgOOVERT, WOHABT'I3 PINE, TEEE DUEDIAL, am. eau Wipe be procured at the. OENTBAL DRIXt. AND RESORIPTION EITORE,ist Marks • mm 6w. A.-gamy b. 0D... 2 5 TEAR% BIEFTRIENOR apedabuiftea thews. oat PitOP;• MEED'Ef r2tAerißT/C 4u. . la the dal foliage grit's' tie • • • • alkettimattses, NerwrOria,.ol4 Sorer, Find Palms Aran - litill 10.2° 000 0 00?: 0 0 70 4 4 . /KOK ImiNaTox i ges Aria: $ 11141411138 ' ?mil . 114(Kti) L' 3011 , 1ibLi of IMO atr wL 11 , 1 4:4 :7 111 t4i40. 7 .;f: :rt e1: ::" ..44 13 - 17: ' 1 " b"" " cfW. %%l ea s e ut : lwt*ese aid Winner Mott. LARD, -45 tleices Kettle llowlerld.Lial - airind.",4ll3MED loPALTrour JrEi3^ 4111P - E1371.5.17.37E.7r& Fotrrrn VIATIn.2I. Coemeut Dew, sitary, nrrEsCacHE,Vbbrt.ary TOT' Special Agent Vniveree ! rassinxitT : JOSEPH ILIIIKPATEIOK goOy osusux Brrrnts, HANIX:O SF.SY APPOT.IfTED JAY COOKE, U. S. Agent for the 7-30 Loan, we offer Ws desirable ll:Lenity:lent In et••.me to suit purchasers. Tito notes sse In sums of $6O, $lOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000, MEM Transferrable Aug. 15th. ISOT, kiv .r.Pr WENT!. ' GOLD BOND ..e...9E. .......s...rt. These demtrableimaraitlea et the e.t.a of $4,000,000 PER DAY, AND Inn TELY KIOZTTINE be at a Pretaf a / 3 — To , Beaks,ankirs, Bro, rua rank% thrurneee ß la Copankkera t, and s it who pur chase to sell solo, Litaral Commission Will be Paid in Cash I 1 1 hoped Crory one will invent In lids highly dewroble, Inds nod trodtable security. JAMES O'CONNOR, President B, D. -BIIRRON, Mahler frirtl COUNTRY BANKS FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, U Government Depositary, Prriranusau, February Pleb, ale:6, This Dank tnyttes oorrreepordectoe sod aceounti tram COtlth TRY BANKS AND OFFSILS Special and Favorable Facilities SOTS AS RD:FAROS INTERB3T ON BALANCES Furnishing 11. S. 7-30's JAMES O'CONItOIt. Prei!idea B. D. DZIREON. essliler SPECIAL. NOTICE. FOITIITH NATIONAL BANK; W. S.' GOVCrlif Irina Depositary, prnsetisoui rebc,,sq RU,*B nailftalcbutWeng l Wmmin mm q , 'AUDIS AT 10 DAYS NOTICE, IaT EX AL " &NDEB WHILLDIN & SONS Mr* Occupying Their New Stores, 20 12 Nerlb heat Si.. eat 11 &13 Leikla PHILADELPHIA. Harli= been thirty years la tketrade.aad know. tog all she manufacturers to MA vicinity. would wllett consignments of WOOL, • WOOLEN YARNS, and COTTON TARNS, sad will make CASH advances, If desired, on all shipments; a; tie rate Let diaper cant. nor 14111111 M. fraLWaul CIMMICATE In TES SUM. IliA - AXTEHAIiiS • . ' • • (Atter 80 Dave.) Bearing 6 Per Cent Interest, WI man mown Ims HON. F. E. BYlrinEit'S 1 (U. 9. TREASURER) It Is hoped that Ude NEW AND DESIRABLE aziarrgespeot will meet with the favor of the eats* commuojtr, mai ea I the advantageid obtilalog eia per semi; to of nosey papal' as ►Wee. emov. meads Dna, we tip% .latips dea►od of mow ',Sipe &Wool for Lai eirrentmeat. F 7. 8. D. EIEBRON..Cashier. BAILEY, FARRELL &-00.-, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, 411331.411. 1191tetAX112.3Pitterilh have coastantly on hands laves sod well assorted stock or PODIPS. HYDRANTS. , wbieb we put up inn durable manner nt renaona• bin and warrant. . No. 139 FOURTH STRUT. - obis ABOVE SIZITIIPIF.LL. 13BOLBB' NATIONAL BANK. OF PITTSBURGH. DIRIZTORR . . . PARIAI liSh. BRIJ: PrJUNIN. - 'TAT' INGNTOR. :Mims a. nova. •• - OW. W. HAULM. • - • , ~ leg Wank;organlzectur.der the Inotlout% tholi. leg e ) etent.is now pmated to transact humans L aL ra ttevHsna VAT, COEN= Or WOOD 41X1:1 i l 8 1p Wow zusti : 4 . len 11. 8.7 . 54.4 iisiUurir Notes. supply of which Is en Mod for Immediate dolly . •DABIGLIA REA;Prestisat, T. GORDON. Osaka& mbillea M — copilD &cm, :- • whatsa•Dealogoa Ho+ = caps aisa..issram. 6 0 01141 , Save !how to atom auslargest most eicempiiite stack et , • GOODS FOR FALLAAL.Fk 'Ent °fend hi the-west. Ideerbr. --ere requested to tilt pod examine our Moab. ?-t - win b. said IS, -; .eioon ararisr. Cs — lGlifiSNTS._ ..- . r .- - a t borne Mesons Wears; ~ _ barrels Pilms,,SweetTotatoes; - • . 1 en load roes!' Bien': Potatosan • • burets Green .4edess' " ; , • 1110 domin Cessna rassbeerr - , - •••: • •,,, -.. $0 do da--Torsossoms.--.._ ~........., 11 0 MGM Prime Ilko!Mei 4 . ' • ,` 10 . barnia it Pessliesla ,G) Nr,Cropi a t barrels ;rah lisamatemi • ;-. MO _lnudeds Pr DasbetsP im. , 1360,4 M.... ., L . ~.• jcuarreMood end for sto.bn. .......... ~ 4 , poTTEN, edrM Is BILEPARIN, intil4 , . .::- se usetieses DRIER. . . -,. is no, stwagiv iat Tor•onc , : 'Co. iAdeewlWY ar moitairtiSl4ll4 0 do 'Dried 10 do Smuldnyon 1100 ,4 for adelembi , • ,n4;44mr • - • 0.30 LWOW 000. _ ste b l uit'isieune watt: Beripal;e4 tot alet by TIMM . • ,Vi al 4 • Jr.En - r T I ELVEAVS. : JOE Cr .•sD7 I/ T 1 411: 4 11E.irr 8. 46. 051)3i it:: IP & I IFNI" , fa) just openings oplecoall otos of NEW SPRING GOODS, among vhtch rtll t e tourrt W STYLF. BCC LEXIIIBP.AN D Frtpc - hr, NIX WIDE DELT RIBII,•N aLES, r,EY TUCK 'ANTI SIDE Cu,: LAIN D: NECK TM", BREAST DINS, LADB GLIPITRE, ' 1.:IDDBOIDEBEI , & lIANDKERCHLEFS, ENIBROIDEBrtm ACID WHITE GOOD.i, hBEINO HOSIERY AND 41-LOVES, IaNOV GOOD:: AND NOTION:,, IN GREAT PROFUSION 'F1M23 , 77CM1 , The Lndten. nee rospe,ttolly Invited to give us sn etaly sail. NACRIJK & GLYDE, 'THE DALTott FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE TUE GIWW3ING 7R11151P11 IN MLOI3BNI9II/S• Knits U iisardiof 40 Different Etas of Apparel A YARD OF PLAIN OR RIBBED WORK gait is weras tharAms.-.3.tois We knee most flatterinq testimonials from ell ports of the country terallyinn to their superiority for manufacturing nod fatally purposes. They are rteullarly edatam! for benevolent Societies end In stlt uttons. Send for Clretents and Samples, or cell and bee tied in opert.tlon. WESTERN AGENCY. o. 27 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa rein E. A. 40A11.PEISTEB. OODS ! N my , FIRM t DRUM & SLACK, ITol 2b tam 30 Ohio St, Allegheny City. `, Fuck. near the xn,k t House, end our , h., stock of Hardware, Ostler!. Car , ••.. Tools, Plows and Plow Castings. Oultl , „ RI ,. I,,tuog Bones, Hon, Shovels,. Spades, I mks, hakes, Mattocks, NOM ing Machines. Cradles, Scythes Garden Seeds, die. with all other erticles In their line, Invite the at tcritlne cf thepublle, end sollelt cuotentnre. gear. ISIACtiI2S NATI:DM/TORY PRIDES AND GOOD A NTICLES. mt04:17 TRIUMPH OIL CO., I.llo.llllSteek 11300.000; Working Capital 160.000: 350.000 511AILVA, 59 00 EACH Praltiant—.JOEWitt Tivaiures-11. W. /KAMM. Startfiry—WlL blusaLca. intitiotosa /admit Mag. Pittsburgh ; Tbootis Howard, Pittsburgh ; J. T. paw., Ww.dtlorics, Hugh Lee, • Oeo.1". Mcßride, Chicago. 1.11.; Kluthark, rillegd ' a ad, 0., • Often N the Oompauy t No. ti WOOD SWEET Pittsburgh, Pa. cohiadm GIF4T BARGAlliti I MOOUEEAB DENNISON as 00 01. Market street, Tir CLOSE OVIT THEIG ENTERIC. STOCK OF GOODS. Geste Eroderisreseerta. Whit* Shirts; Boas. Crassta, Corbels, ka. !M. Embroideries, Lazo Goode, Gloves, Itodery, D. adzwor. Foist Late, Collars, Bibboas, tra. ma. ihisizirot art. 401121 DOS/El-111r. MilliMi LONG, i • INE s CO., SION ARTISTS & HOIISE PAINTERS. . Noll 60 Smithfield St- rittudiargh. LETFEEING OF • ALT. KINDS executed prompt!! and with unsurpassed elegance. • J3kIA.tUiFUL 8110 W CARD...me enameled • piper of all colors, and GILT SIGNS ON GLASS made ti4order .ed sent to all parts of the country. PIM. 11UL DESIGNS executed La &Wray se tine , neillner }10119,1: PAINTING done with it regard to du tobtlltyaarmony of oolor, and neatness of Beek. air All work at re..onable rate. mtely AND BARGE YARD "ftiig Street, Aliedieny. 11EWITT'S i=ic,x.esr .,, =txcirracr l'lhe best and abeareat BAIR DILVL SING ANL RESTORATIVE ; In Ric market. Prepared only by - S. W. FtOL t 00414 SWeral at.; Uksheny, and far sale by Masa - 4st. .esterally. • lonee3m NOTICE—To ALL To WHOM IT A , MAY CONCEltri..-This is to notify you that a ,aecutdastee with an Act of Mumble:concerning [reefs And sewers la the City of Pittman:crib . ap pearedOanuary eth, 1%4 . th e City Deviator has riled intny °Mee a Met of araessment; for the cost and ea gense of constructir d a sewee on Crawfml Mreet, in the Bluth Ward, and that raid assessment in duo and payable at the CiLe trea.urer'a office; within itnirty day& from thn date of this notice, and if Pot paid - within that time 1t will be Medea a lien Mahler eed pruned?, atilt inured, colt and fl u ‘..rPl.. MLORHAUM, Treasurer. Per: nagnin, Yeomen SI, lsll3 . ' • Infigsrd S — - AL . AIME -BEAVER • PROPERTY FOt SAI.M... pon A new dwelling house, welt Datil - and co :calculi, arranged; ies, haft. two psi , iota, II Tars dining. room, kitchen. wash, room, minim ttd cellars, four ekstabers,_dinsaing. niece, tureen ream, large stile, etc. WHEN; reedy for ' oeemps el April id. Three wren oUland, fruit trees a ado trtes,yinea and shrubbery: Must& in 11 . h filthy and noyeable neighborhood, ass} of access by railroad. Apply at the Rest Estate of dee of ' '.. '5. OUTMOST lc BONS, wilel ' &I Market street. le ICE .TO COAL' DEALERS.—Pro.: .1.1 als axe Invited and will be received th. i l , Cum[ ttee on WateY, tot the - Oft/ of ' Alle ghen y; tuttli IiURSDAY, the Ibth Inn, for far theta ter Works with coalinut war and #4171 ' Block, ?pa bpiesef.tbreit nmUidgcatontlfs_ 'Amen withde? or Aprir nett. Propoestitasy - bgf leW WM, SCANDRETT, linpminteWent, N. bIeGONIbP34.f.., Olegy.,tothe Oonimftte mill Chairmen of Ormunittee. BETH TUBE GAS FIXTURES .AVOID _THE DRAY.T.—AA_ood chance Ist otrered to Fury nnaßt anon MEN to iota. t Dllssissippi 0 cOact Soccdrou, oath huge taunt sad pay, and threo clear! per day. Noy cier cogiteett wilt ,W acetitaed° looo MPl. riled ' their parehts; to No: 111 BIAJAKET aT. .Men b e credited to PittsburchrPa. Use squad will at. St.. 11. Tuesday, Notch 14, froutNo 14, - N ket stied, littsbutigh. All expenses clad to icon. - .. , . • • • lichlillwd .___ 7 ES IL . BALPIt s . . 'B.voiii•Oicit, ttßthori. iimovrffircitt ea 6PE4* crms,, for intinasor [mow ^ animal , Uwe* emotion oa ressanabl• Unto, . tfte/111 ANDISESON STREET. intim!" , *ad Ilardaross. Alleyway Oltir - • • _____. & U S _ , BAILEY, :- . • , Stiie 'f r ritters intll4lflEitafe Aleut Srlbodiblizut sold•acetustvety an Annual, IgkiNlVllllffie HAiL. ' - • BA TING FOB OIL •WELLEO‘Are- Ia lualrol •obaignotook of—Goa owl Loathe, Heti on. boa, at the best 0414% 'IA Labia f a r tit all,, ite.'Also Ova - Peoldbm<ll4". what an lilt .toll al ta• Rnareallpdoon. alba • .7. ai Ir PIIIZLIPIIO the ..ar.dUilgoe.l k.kt timed :hr t,„,,,t sub. ecription Agency .for the sole or United States Trestury Noteo, tearing seven nad three tenth pet eclat. interest, per annum, ILl2OWri se the 76 KARKET gTREBT ounsr sew Blau GE2MMU bah. asidsooms.arte. • 1131 WZ. -.- rvost7ectslidlotifilalbp.- ...ti ~,,111,r1311614111. Ila,S110(1. 75 blunt* ibr tale by .11 WRY 151.00iaalm '.4z:"u~w'~.ulniYW...` -c kßL+::~~!y`..:4~`%`~k~',y~'-.~`.:4'`- ° .~i s . , :10 I,€) Al By authority to Secrtthry of the Tr.asurr .EVEN-TBETY . LOAN. These Note. on , Idsued under date of Atornet idtb, EMISSI!3=I;I I=lill=l ES. KO Per Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS, These bonds are new worth a premium of nine parsc . t., including gold Interest trams November. which makes the 'taloa! ',tont on the 740 loan, at intent totes, including Interent. Waut tea Per ..nt. per anntuu ! besides Ito exemption from State nd mnit4c7pot fasatiern,%ohida adds from one to three Per cent. Iron., according to the rate levied on other property. Tho interest la payable tesal•aanaally by coupora attached to each note.whlch may be cut of: and sold to any hank or banker. . The interest amounts to One cent per day on a $5O note Two cents " " " $lOO T en 44 4S LI 46 8.300 20 • " " " " *lOOO -1 85000 " Note* or nil the denomination* named will be promptly turniehml upon receipt of aubscripUone. Ilia le Intl ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered offered by the Government, and U. is confidently expected thst lts superior aftvantsive will make It the Great Popular loan of the People. Lem than 5W0,000,000 remain unsold, whit& will probably .be dspored of within the next CO or 90 day., when the notes will undoubtedly command • premium, as has uniformly hearths case on eloah]g the aubseriptinue to other. Loan. In order that the citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities fur taking. the loan, the Natlooal Banks, State Bulks. sod Private Bankers throughout the 00.Le0 try have generaff agreed to mmeive entswriledoes at par• blubecribers will - select their owe agouti, to whom they have confidence, and who only are to be reeponsiblafor the delivery of the notes for Which they receive orders, JAY cooxE, Bubscripdon Agent, Miilgelphin Subscriptions will be received by the Mit Notnal lank. ilitabargli, Ta r Seriksi " Taki I • • • rowan * • alissak • • Tank Manares National Bank, Ilitalturgb,ll Malan" National Sank d Connaerca, • lova • r ei t,r ili a ll SI Fanler s FM*" " leaKi P al " Pain • An11 "4" People"' Geoalma Mist toirotadmo'r - Of maim j/LMES BONM, 138 Wood Street. .Voilittailcourras, I=oo, XLANUFACTTIIIIER OF_ MOVED DORM& TOOLS, Siukitig. Oil, Salt and other Wells. Tools wertstited made of the va-Lbeet .11TRIATA AND LOW MOOR =UM • wax& seas= II ERISIESD XitOlinveart laeratils With such articles asont, areeliary to conduct open'. U vtt: BEAr:S, Sews. TCHETS, LIA SVEMIEIik aystßlE; nemauw.s, wavni, sHovsts, . PLANES. • PICKS, LEVELS, AXIS, MUMS, te. ROPE,. LEATMER, AND GFCTALE 391337-erilta 4131 r. eel An of which I have constantly 16 store. THE, NATIONAL PETROLEUM TIMES, March 11th, • INT CO W l IL A MA Y. ern...alas The Mining. Laws of Pennsylvania; List of Pittsburgh 011 Companies; Thoughts on 0111 by J. I. M.; The 011 Country in West Tllkikkr; Srecial Correspondence from Oil City, Titusville, Cherry`. Hun and Federal Creek Olt Reagens; Mor ran mitanly (Ohio) OIL Lauds; The Resent Oil fitriker, Oil Men from all pars of the country. Market Reports and moth other Interesting sad Important trading matter. , . . Priljei 10 cents. - $3 60 per Annum. • JOHN P. HUNT. Paligur.. . mhlei ei FIFTH Sr.. MASONIC RAM: WItJ . WILBOXIS Krimeirr PRILIOWEIMOVED ,F ,Y SEWING MA► :is: seilespie, Reliable viria Perna . . . 'whine la the While ills', eaa am he ear T rtl a• et werher hive inetialeiroUlth Rant Ufa*. bail These anehlnee Hos rill, tint, s luid;liel :malt, Why aos wi th out emioniv.isiscos: It . i ro w War the h ea v iest sad thleees.oloth, with a tight, ehetla seas% aa datable Withal Meat heelL n i ters .the thhiest. assaluis t Seim sea la hai_twith Mast for' Wtai with ampler at amity', 'Or 27,..likiaL sirullEnr, . 11313R/6, 3141;Pilitaer. )RaucinTlNG. :1:111710E. , A W id ,OLLUI , 0 11 Budge . Drawito sad eigttnlS. Eddifidvdrut-mkaltioary gistensi. Ipeeitlastlono tot Dlisuitactutes; Oil' ad Archtteetural Draw . thp, Maprittid" ,1111M1PreittUyewut Restdeiwt - - - V CT TO CONTRACT9R.B.I . -Rropo: .1.1 • I twAr tro lia m scv i m i rgsy 1 0 1 : Itiiss OM: trrifVft• 'fitt tri=r2gntthaineatiotiii-41Bm wog rtethe most autb tit Chatham ,Atottotod : Von tfett:Me tooth trarbOT Ittitmood ettittl . to motto& of :Sisk IMO% vollbs tooIITINA th. th alholo DI the undt_ UtUDlL ueA. to the Nt tio_Ztlttioot *oh r lett) 'OotIIEULTT,t • imiteeet ; attottlise 114 , 0 1 A % ' pit I" GIT ItATES & BELL .IqEIC tiJultis NEW SPPING SUP...PLS, NEW SPRING A./.,P.1.1i1A-S. 5 . 21. m.trtke. stroot. goc , t qua!lty of SPRING DRESS GOOD 3 For 1:17 1,13 ocat® HOUSE FURNIAIING GOODS, crboleink. and Hanll BATES & BELL. inhl4 SPRING GOODS J. M. BURCHFIELD'S., 111: LA TNES for 33 , 404141 et 0 Gts. tIALICO " 400. SI. 43a. BLEACHED 1111.5sLINS, to; faro, sold at 43a. sl, 30a. IRISH LINENS, (leap, SUIET IN TS, IJNISLEAC ED MUSLIN, SEIZETING atevaaril A large astortment of Spring Goods just Aeceived SELLIA'a frEnr CifEwsrP t mhl4 skirt for 1865, • A NEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN ROO? SKIRTS. THE DUPLEX: ELLIPTIC, • Or Diatiole Steel Spring. WEST, BRADLEY & CAREY. (LAI'S J. Z. t J. U. 97 Chambers Street. drew rork. Are the owners of the patent and exclusive mecum torturers of tros..l. W.BEADLEIrIi PATENTED DUPLEX ELLIPTIOSTEEL ItIPRIM-SKIETIL • Ten Invention consists Of Duelers (ortiro) Ito Meet timings, toperdonali , braidisitightipaull firmly togete. to odycoutykleg the toughest," most °lastly, nexible, and durable. spring coin used. enstlinc the wearer in tomer:team ,of Its gle, e elasticity s a d' flexibliheso, to piste end lWd• tha skirt whertio use no coot' 7 and with the swim am. salience as a 'llk or tallith' M XLeant entirely-ole ,lutes aid Oilmen the only, **idiom to . keep atirts, , ,vizt the asmoysnsm to the wearer ay Welt 1111 he pubriai c lr o ep d d s l , ly hu rch r p o e rY wi Y t t or tto n nb itaw ' place, Dom thy -of contrasting them Ur occupy a smalls'am. 'fhb entirely nooses the • Mittel:tin, white giving tie skirt the tonal WI sad rimmetticsi Ihnit,and Is the lightest and most I etylish asd graceful appearanoo EN the OM*. open, pitmen mie in house dress. A lady haslet enjoy ed the pleasure. comfort and greet soaves). eo • of Wearing the Duplex Elliptic Spits; ULM' Ll' -for i single day, will never afterwar&i.witUmtly • -dispense with-Dm wet of them. notion the lIMM quality to every pot. nod by earths lightest. Rat durobitheomfoi table and economlonl,„ shirt made, Elletehmits sill be supplied as Shove, eM by Jobs ben, ILIA Pull's- to moor drsheass•retail this oily ond throng/unit - MO dlnliniat State& - /firlnoulre for the . LuYLEi y...LrArno memo 1511:ERT. . ' na lrea l s . L ir pies tg E2:l4 . S ., klit, =oat popular Wan. MACEIII6. - : & CO.. fel In Na. 17!ind If Firm Errasiri. . BRADLEY'S • • NIP= ELLIPTIC SIMI% • _ . moat decidedly' Um bed, skirt made. A spkmal, assortmout. • 70S: BORMI & CO., BRO..pLEVB • • garOri: ' 4 t. - 2,ldAto u «6r. &MAU sr* Ambit awl, • 134TE8 inrf,T:! 6 4 - 11IIPLEI ELLIPTIC Mt". Undoubtedly thti Best In treck WHOIMALEI AND ELETAIL. 8t 70 .11hiCawasiswe aftresiot. Joe. _HOME ,a, CO., STRAP 6ND MILLINER' Y . Rlbbona and Bonnet 911ttiMewerand Trinindleg; Embroideries, Lace Geode Itandlnwroldena Yam" Goods,. Helmond Sktrta, . and, Qsatairan cashing Goods, . Bend Gloms Paid Otaamestn, Worsted Hosiery. and. Gloves, Hoop Wares,. No, Mons and Small Warts, are now receiving %hate 1, (Wet suwortmcnt of, . • , . . ..7rzst• s.finv t _. o GOODS', . . which nrilthe Miff trustingly attractive. Haring been purchased at LOT , GOLD RATES we Cllll offer bEDIG4L ENDIIOEXENTS TO ZTOUckaL , 7:lorifax.'!.l=ozzat alb at all than bd fmid well smile& We solicit a cell from _ - Ile/chants, Milliners, Pedlars, and the Pithlle. • Sebes eeallileat that we cat salt . 1 9 11 eg CO. , ialsS ' TT 'ail 71 MARKET STR, gi r tTA - eALa • 401, 411 . 31 k , trnditatdrtif - $2.00 , wows' samh — . • Rid 8111111 WILL t lb. a 7•• • ,1 Have sibout..s4 asi • rzca oimd. wHir - :, - NDERSHIRTS arciDSLA. !M=S.twwitralicroal. which!welicivreoui Ih: to low seal aide% that whit he oloseci out hwwwitataly. We offtWthC it mash 'Wu than Whet tees eosi' .1 0 mike, eget its beliwcw th ew lob* wiwci lw tiling to market at $4 timi \ Fro redor.tion will 'be mime shirt dr ene humlrol-at tkosameratm - - nese:6ll4s ate a '60;4, isegatist ABBOIMINNT , Or,: BUT: Toms,. Dyne and Cdosk,Clesitakeztd, 8aj514 Gimp., ChedDto lidd • Budd Frbds. Sauk 17ftes.toeter idaeo. Sets 40citil , ftaid, quinsy 4 .lera, Urea sad laden Collars RandkirehLeft• CHo A-. - 11Melerf, Balmoral and BooP .Barlrret - Simms!. ad g Seeguled,dd 1,11-. Bath's,' is. funded Oollscs Waidi ; Leather Otofea, Jou ~vl a k e y~'.lll °las Ittnllghbisblodr) Saboci 544 order, OP , wi . a ki a ,,, 41 ,.. ta r.„ 10 t,..„91.1?va4-F!!!°s,-: , !..i4 '" *. ex4cißoviirri. immure Notilo And, WitrEl t etrOet , ram littetticsitlvea to —siestlit Ult - - an othecialkWatlmees /eft Vella,!-,4 into 117T811171P2H, PA. BFIADW/ART;4! I * us.+WillOD EITIMET. 4 7 • - • " r i ales,V 6Sis k a.a u Uga iaa °46 141:1? ' 11"1". *MY Gm Ram ELT= asit•PO DRAILYL.II3KEP '4,oitasatualtloa MEVllrpirt.ills 10.09k,±,,Rti11,,,$ 4141011 1 1 / 1 1190110 W. Tr awl Tl Iltarket street. EM=3 xs ran smar., 31AURVIII • & 01.414 DV4.IMUI TN .j*iioii',4ii.l'*Cii:r• worm Kee.. BATOR; MACRITht,a CO:; EEMMMM 11 I I I 1 • • i, i;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers