VOLIJITE LXXVIII-74N0. 75. Zitt Nittolturgh 6aatte. VERY LATEST NEWS HY 'TELEGRAPH. OFFICIAL WAR GAZETTE, Lotter from Sherman to Gran FLYETTETILLE RI OUR POSSESSION 4 Cannon Ilad'±6l7o Bainls hider Capture , Il*- EILPATILICK'S STAFF SURPRISED IHampton Defeated with Great Loss incilmv. - strspENDI, , D ramplogre Doi IT g Military Duty .DISP.MItp3 FRODE GEN. °R&M WAR Ostratermnlrr, ? 4_ Waaranartrx, Merck 16, 9.10 r. m. 5 . 1 .TO Maj. GM. * Dix : , r , ~ The A:dotting dispatch Las been received this • t craning al Ilia Department CrrePcicrrr, Menalk 16, 1 Ron. C. A. Dena, Ass'! &e' aJ TPar : .• I lira jo;s reedit of ;letter fro in 4.itiletral -Shentuut„ dated. March 19th; From 'fayetteville., - . He describes bin army nal& tine health" and anir -.; ; Ste, bating wet with no serious Mr:obn: i Hardee Leeps ,litidtt* float at a respeetalgo diti; tenet. ' ' ''''-' '' :-. l '. ''''`' ' - r.-... , ..- At. Columbia he destroyed • immense tustnali, 4 Railroad estadUchniezda shd'estnion: -,; 3 ...-- '. At — a -- ersw he tense much Machinery and ;. war material, Including twenty-dre Cannon and .if :SAO barraltacdlgunpen*r. - - , , -- t In Far ettrtille ha found twenty pieces of ai% - tlitcry rad Erich other material. .t t lie says nothing about Hlulpatriek's defeat by ', I' `Hampton ; 4166 &neer wheLltichtglii his let 'ter says that before daylight on the 10thlHamp t ton tot . twer.iaiglides hi the • rev of . Kiiiiatztek's• . ',.t Headquarters Asti. InuPrlsed , 1ni, 41 -nagurtd In .4. the stair but Veer hdrteers." ' Elloatriet. es c ap ed; -- I. termed hip mee k; end , drove the , alai* with f,, greet loss, ‘•ecaptateing nabrat . alLtbat he had lest. Hiswiptei lOW 860,'Ilift diatil'O'n the field.- (Signed) t -..--rt - , U. H. Garirr, -. ~...i . , ' „, ..,. , Lieut. Genreal„ e "' Anotheitereirsm from` tietieral Grant's head.' t P., quarters ifpotta i that' the'Atflp.Dittpsfali is the . ;4 only Papetiesattdhaidkr iseAktno l ld. ' . A HUI s " Tie n/po:4lo . 4ekkelshed ;Ws -morning : on - 1 1 half a ettedasegnbeeasse.of the'caet tius.ail she Iv etopktycesAlstautos, *epode*, dte.E . ; are =am - A -beg of ltallituy orgenleaticemei• and were, ..0 called outi rm• =dynkorjokkt Pytketlaveinm:ne. rof c a ' thet.hrodu lt Vat fer l u s t . td * erdit Li w i t... are - ; exempt frfek*rrioe,:iked . who•votenteered their lit sad. the - I:lllllleifjoreeented **ld Or neeellski , Lave beeiniipekeld.' - In. ii;dx:deye at farthest, I our tome:om room',.to their posts, when we Lope to resume, and - ixtpatnue, ordutempted our frill-alzed adtecs.7%, . t . - 1 - • ..1 There i ' ;l46 'Pt i iri l iP i !'"C-ni*ent from any (SiguitliT ~: ,;:..t •?;,: s, 'l'C. A. 4 L31. , T r ltor REBEL' STATES. .1 airb• fronnwtrocrOF Go. Gnu. TREAMIT 9SA9B TE131113 811814INDED, ME!!! - SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS PROHIBITED Purran=F+,,Marsh - 16,,Aorpecial dispatch hem Wasidesiteri to the Redietiis aeyii General Grant hes just issued a highly lurportarif relative to trade I law- to . put en end to BA ega2 lx=inetiady attempted. lie says that afteratkius on treasury trade per, inits,by whotn,9mr imuitolilxi th, agate_ of Vbxltili,exe9t the pont - ins krioiin as the East ern Shore, aid *Ebb - thei theta --- of North Car olina and South Carolina; and that portion -of the State of Geteltla hordes:ins etk,lhe Allantic,. -2 including the cifeortliamisalvaie itisilesdal' mail Anther ordert.. The •dellvery of all goods contracted for and app. ilellvered hefaie l efic"ma. 'Mallon of thli order, Is proldbitcl. The mill tart are insintetedA 'Sego all goods obtained '., by any each trade permit or license. „I' r.'' r. ;• In eenninnig n th l4lerlaqii -"B .: ePPen t. ,... ta: all kinds are Prblabitea fr 3 rnriaini fatonnty dr uid statemseeptAta.at?abnideteir riset,,sj . hw, i for the efints s ofth . 11rIng within tliehteigniief senal military - occupation; and undevio de. ... camstsocce will millUit7 ComMandcrs allow 2 them to pass Wend the. lines Sher lielwall.f : i hold." Nsw Tont, March- 16.—The Beaton Adam , tharf a eperiat of thenirM 4i.raH . oilier pending all trade yentas: .. Thls_ordacKitillbolottins - ntrtiOnt down at one swoop the whole, brood of cotton, tobacco, tar *ad terpeatlne speculator, and actstag::aslde alike Aka vanilla of spode , 'agents, '%lttet tinlsters, and eren of the ,Ptcakiant i kintself. t Official. records show that It will iffectlobo cos , e l pg cycoutf tangs bates of•oXtooy stx btuldred ftrMs , Act -4topenttoe. fiat thousand Sands oftori awo thousand barrels of roan, sad ono hundred thousand Dom of tobacco."... . THE 81i1ii:111111 I,OIIIII7BIICiIITIOR Most Important , Financial -Measure. ARGUER ISSUE Or SEVEN-THIRTIES ARRANGED. • t mo Pumtnetruu, Marehl.6.-4 bootirecorth the anbectlptlon to the 7-20 tcllley .at 1100.3,500. Inelndlng '1=1,006 nt NewTark, and $192,230 from Memo ; also 2,821 Indlvlde. al subaeriptletus of flay and one hundred-dollen' ,• - The Secretary of the Treasury arranged yea. terday with Jay Cooke the moat Important Mays= sneasnre7.4he ,borne. r of_the 5090.000,000 • Laid. The thatissie be 5300.000.000 on `the 15th dm' otAttie:next_-Thl 240. in form, I, • enomination and Interest; war be In c the malt !nano of T-30s. 'Severn be , • - • thent, 7 mdr . to li:l**i - if &finer axed the - their convertibility. They will hare ten ntontlis !longer torn than the 7-30 s, atid Win:they cas he changed Into the gold•beattiak elarabf 5,901, •y a very large ntunter4 Investor? this pro d .. ce will be conaideri W xl ham% g realai take :ao the new borne. The balance of the 1600,000,000 will Probably be a year , butt nataiki:thasi {he Jim 4e. 'This time will be definitely fixed ite the %ilea of theOiMe . illMM4Pinermitltbeir otie3 ipay be that the drat three hundred Winona will tweet thrilitOriaoe. - ,of the gummtent. It Is that this fln lune wilt be disposed of =it about, three *loth's.. ne +Woof of the ,weseat 7;10% with W Its casehiresty, will be eta ployed * the srltolOOf the new lona. - . AA?* lIAR.LAN INTERIIWARTMENT. :*ATIRENIC or,l7gtlC,}l[47 voiroze. . : New Yeas, Match I¢,--Thepmes!,Washlag im ipeeia . I says: The stateme at that &eater Oarlike luurnot yet doeldet to accept-the bs: *tor 11 * 1 4 1 n5ftit.was . Pitfiatan.; The Prod. Wiest had hit aiwol. berm be seat his name to ;I. • g• , . :The Cketwagrriet. , Adoofisei , , op:Wig= Thi f ia n i cia pcmAi to., Molt lofOnnect . anasclal elo• 4y thatTroosonz of Now York iiorttood soccamliecgwoch bear . = . so. kytlcipotethO pityrotoi , of the lbw coupons of . be b.to illbuo,..Whcourver, by Ad o t oyonolw ibito of taw . nosier market ynymyyyta r., t Cungatita6rial - Aziendatibit Deftt :.,,, In Me New Juryer /begialutureu Tozerroir, 7 11..T.,_bferrIm 18 Attar we i merles by Ximiri: Buckley,of Pailiale„'eutt iconi , of .: l *, L..PWCoks 011,1161 :0 110 4 1,1: beat for, we ammo° of mummery 4°/ Lost- ti lie 134e* by 't ikm , ~ . 4e3 THE LATEST FROM - SCIIO6E - LIM AIIIIT, Arrival of Rebel Prisoners MUNN IN POSSESSION OF OUR FORCES 1161 . r.eat tho Rebel Array. COUCH'S POLCES ARRIVED North Carolina Regiment Captured. SBERRAN REPORTED'AT GOLDSBORO FOIIIII: ENS MOATIOE, March 10.—The steamer Ethecce Clyde, with three hundred and filly rebel Omens captured neer Bingaton, N. C., during : the late battles, arriif here this morn ing ftmn Newberri; N. C. The latest' ndilees horn Gan. Sehoftild represented him assail ad vancing toward Kingsten,end there were rumors in NeWbern when the Rebecca Clyde galled On. the 13th, to the effeetttat Brea , had eractuttcal the town, and that our forces had taken posses, slot of the place. The pritror.ers who .cams upon the Rebecca elyee, were a tine looldne, set of MC; and be longed to Major General Ifeke's diVl9lOl2, hay itg heel sent Item Lee's army only a week since, with a view of operating , against fortes Il North Carolina:: - dll the available pontoon trains at Newbern had been t aent to General Schofield; and eVen If Genital Bragg bid not cremated Kingston, ho &hitt:was entertained- but that our forces could cailly =ES the Nense river,andgiverhat tle to the enemy beferothe could getaway. Major General Couch's forces from Witraing tin bad reached General Schofield, and his army thceaminforeci was deemed amply suntelant to .defeat -army,-which- was -judged, to be about XinGlistrong.• • X.r.wrifitsr, N. C., March 13, t P. M.—Officers j...E.t from the front state that an orderwas read to the tr.Mps from Maj. Gen. Cox, commanding,' elating that they would be joined be Sherman'. alloy in three days, which created the greatest enthusiasm. n. 7iLel sargoort came in this morning and took the ontli of 'allegiance. rfe a.iya - that Sler man,s earairj was in Troy,' N. C., a a"r days glace, Rad that pne Irina . , of hio Aram wag TII9T- Ibg on FajdteCille, one on • Qoldntaro, and an other elk Rah Inh. • Testadi . y , afterncon the Mayor of Kingstan surrendered the city to our (mufti.. .The bridge being MOM,. prevented our forces Irons crossing. Pontoon* were sent up this morning for that isarpcoe. , The enemy retreated rapidly from Kif . Piott to - PoNsboro. ..keitrirt this, morning states tbat Sherman is In pawed' on of Goldsboro, and that tilW enemy are ruabluilinek to Kingiton 6 prerentonr forces' Tom etslng the Nrnse riser 'it that' point. Thuile Uot tfficisd - .ttooccur, • . . The eitsmy kit hundred "rit their dead on , thoilt.ht batiste coasahig. the river, which ire many also any wounded, - ;At& fell into oar . hands - . The gunboat 81uunsvot, has gone up the . tiense.td Manioc. The. dyer Is vt .., 7 Y. Gardner, • 'Government Deteetlrb„ hes Joat,ltirkrol from the"front, and states Rat he eawabeaterofdlspatches from General-Sher idan Whill told him that General Sherman was at •ri ;-: • , 4 4 4, 1100 n h;‘ ) .?Cm7. would"' eharge oa oar works, which was repulsed.. .Wicaptured the 46th North Carolina rebel rest . : meat. fighting OS any amount occurred yestei;dii or to-d+ Tinge has been no rain sincoThuri: :dry last.;: The good. Is warm and pleasant and the bads good. • General Schofield left !hi the hunt this morning. SHERMAN. 'SUMO ARRIVED AT WILMINGTON Sherman:Advancing Without :Serlotni Opposition. ,EXCELLENT HEALIqIIO CONDITIOtiI ;If THE 43,M1 The People Straggly Favor Polon . . Maw ironic, March I.o.—The Herald's _Wil miugtoi diapaichidated Marekll, says r ..Two Cereiral nen:m=4 scout., named George W. ,i,pilliby and Myren ; 4._Aralck, the -semi who communicated with Gen. Fester on the Ogiecliee," mid red" Wilm‘ngton on the 10th. They left Slieriitah atLaurel. .msrehlop, on. and ex pecting in reach „ either on the night' of the eirinthe enomirreof the 11. th. Boatel inertial at one. up thet Cape Year river I to remoire the otediniii6ius 'and open oammtml . cation to Fayetterdlla.-; Sherd en met- with tioiSetions oppositio n -on his march, and Ringlet -no battles . Rebel scouts hove, been hovering round Win' constantly. ." di;rlsion of eisaili7 (General. Mellutlerla) Dick Triylor inns "not been sea; yr:herrepoAi to contrarr'ititerltbstanding. Gencril Skaman crossed the Great Redec at Cheraw, on the 4th. The town on Gre eoutir .hank . waaettrenchod; but the rebels made fee ble defenoe., , Sherman's, Calairi da4Pd IP on -tile run, and the rebels dashed out ohm on the run. In their flight they chivalrously left to our . Men seventeen guns In position. Four more . were found on the north bank. The rebUla appeared content with acting as an escort to flbernian's army, trotting along in front ai IF they had captured his whole army.. -They also had a division of _very peaceable car- ART folk Wing Pe l 4*, ' Ttie 'artny sc ot' excellent health sod. condition... They -have Used quite. all 1 4;1;144*. mealy lie on the Acores mkreh. At Rot ono ,qtnatei rations of meal and other proidsioes were nerved. but the abundance, found in the country lam reguiered this aliletTaaar.n and now only coffee and sugar are isued--tvery ailing else la furnlahed by foraging Pamirs. ik'sionmunicatiou was lent , to Bfieninan' on the 11th . by a courier, escorted by ®iment of cavalry., "Thiewae rendered neeresary by strong puttee of.- rebel acetate .and guerrillas .on the siproaches to Vfliinington. - dherntanb maids tunretwly escaped, ,and were drivento make in detottrof tottrindlit. 'mire= seated the people dwelling along the route stronglyyinting thd Union; ,aniVuutinns •the appesiabee of the DRAFT: DEW' 11, lgT110RIZ61! Reply of Oen: to &name: ieniep. WA/111130;011, March I.li,,,—Tba ,tollowlanc is a . , Wailangton special to Goaeroor Facia:, on bairlilig (inhabit that ha lad !ssuad a clximbir, about delitylaithe Psorosilimo= Gamues Balm; Wvilimoniat; *arch 15,1855.,:' .. lvdtency, &tensor R. Z. Fenian, dfbanyt Your telegram of pssgsliy rut ticalrad. here not seen yciaihhtnbir about the draft, and do mot understandyimr dlaps4eb. No delay that I know of hitheen autiorintkimrjht it likely ; that aay will be permitted* on any other fiendi sh:am than those 'letv6foris . itatid sad rCpented kr wit That If the boards ardfailtriaddpied fit thaexambuttion voltuiteeri. conthAzerady on long es _they , am Inly;mmnpied in that nay: ' - - .[Bigned] -:< J. B. Tar,' Provost Marshal tifeeeW4.' . • . Clad. Warta. '• New tcnn.rtilterett.:lo7lto lbP. Gold wedret has wetland° conipira,the VOL ?Lore Is very Mils ifellitl4lre tioventalt, • 4totie of the Operators who'were rumble yellow. a meet their cometeenta, wenn thettleet rwelnto•dity. 4.1 ,11 The WOO Us .Citeteeted ,beteea' z..WI 40 30(. z.x.; - LAMY LATEST EIMPEANADVICES, Effect of Our Victories in 7:nciand. RANI STONEWALL STILL AT FERROL. REM Goveaunent Denotneed by Foote. TOM AL - 0 LOSS (JAIME AT CON: TA KTIAMPLE TUE PORELSMC MARKETS. a:e. HAL:rax, March 16.—The steamer Africa from Livert col Al the Ith, via Queenstown on the :AIL has arrived. Min news per the Amara 'ulna of the fall of Charleston "'anted much sensation. Its loam dtnte efr.a war• the tidvatica of 8 per cent. on -- United Etats - Bonds and a decline of 4 _per cent.. on the Contederiitte' loan. The Star reg - urds the fa:l ofCharlcstotim pre monitor) of thh uUcr overthrow of n rebel non. The rinanra p;.: Thr fail of Charleston is a victory which will recompense the Fmterals for tl•cir mane labors. It believes The with one virtually Elan up from tLe world. Tht: aforning rat !ass : Sheruun'e, morementp hart: placell Mtn 'ln' Ma fur, moat ranks of mill tru-rgeuetrala. . The deny and Nary Cartatc says: ,Tlie evac uation of Charleston and Columbia and the caa centration of the garrisons will strengthen the bands of Beauregaid, Ilardee and Hills, but . the Cdnfedrrates are placed In a iso,ition of exceed ing danger, from which it hill requ;re greater grains than ever Lou led Davis bare as yet dls pla)eci, to extricate them,'The- parpose of Giant becomes more obvious as the • campsigm proceeds. Ile hold;' Lee fast and thus paraiyz.m the et: ongest arm and nen:mazes the greatest force ol the Confederacy. Tho news was entllshed too late on the 31 for the Litetmer 1 and Manchester markets, bet the first effect u.as one of depression, and cotton &N-lined. 'Ms Daly 2r. tee city article says'ther. Is taint pro - pect of gold shlpmints being made to New YJrk.. wem to th- &tomes of Exchange. 11cre these to cc.mmCnce: they would. probably r".k ' 4O t" , '";"6 the English mane/ react.. The ra LI., ones at F,rral, fl,llell rho troll .of Cho ;Ls:, , Lon*o,atirraed, 33 Lcra:• on bc,..1 a io.;s. quantity ,a'cna3. 111 IC'thit of Conn:tont on the 3,1 Inst., Ifr. elked whether the attention of the Gcri.n!ratta Lad been directed to certain minutes of i netructlota allcged to hive been issued kJ the Qonfednrate Government with :reference to the le:mire and disposal by Confederate cruisers neutral velk*.els without adJudteatlon by a pries court;,whellter inch initrneilons menthe appforat of the Gcreinineld a not; what Meas ure wonld be taken to prevent their being eartird out: . Mr. Layard replied that the attention of the Governnienf tad - been given to the lastruedant In questhm, and they wereeattrely diaapproved. • It would not, however, be consistent with the In terests or tie public service to statewhat steps Lad Levu taken retarding them... ' :- Ex-Senator Foote has itsied an" alma at London' to the Tennmsecians r , - ,_expladnin; his dli•coon la on with the rebel mein:tent; which govern eat Do repudiates atid - denottaces. Tie culty betwoan Turkey and Perris was arewitietoOre serious. and • diplomatic ruptare was expactvl. Yu a .frrt • et Constantieopl‘a content and a no•ge Lontnber of houses wertlaastro.fulls:Add one hundred lives were Ind:. ‘ ' . 17-11 % ; 400L,'Itarell 4 th.—Cotton — flaTi declined' Id per phand, since the Australian's uoviaorthel .fail of - Charleston. BreadatniT,lnll; provisions b eetles: bUtter declined 2,3®5.; pork declined Is® •• Ss lid; Manchester ' , cotton goals deigned MiVIO.- 1 . leastam 4 , March .--Consols eh - lend - at Salii/131"' for mousy; 11. S. 5 Ste 7,051 y,; Erie 54iiic 55%" ' ; Illinois Central ,W , 3.1. - LfVEliaPOOL.Alareb4.--Llas.auerurrs—Dawn .groad and very drill. — Wakefield, Nash & Oe. and °thews meet trourdudt wlmat inactive and nominal; corn very dull. inland 2714)11s 61. akkardsta, Spears & C04.-tFardoo,-./kaassellf a.,auctothers, report beef caster-, pork - heavy 'and declined Is ®1149,1; butter diclitted , 2;454 Ilatifstrady; sugar upward tendency; coffee quiet god steady. , Partarnxtrstirlfoult, English& Brandin repart tharket quiet and steady. Retitled la 1036.1, per gallon. • 7ATE' nalil..q4ioloENl9... steamer Pacific Seized and Released. INDIAMI "INCLINED 'ill BE TniBLESOIR. ZiOitement. on the Suteat of Petroleum. CAMPAIGN AGAINST INDIANS PRE PARING. WAIL ILI. - TAVEEN BRAZIL AND PARAQVAY. --- iliaAran wc 17430, Mardi 15.—The devout Pacific 'teas seized by the United Slates Marshal at Portland, Ozerm, on_ the lath lost, fix carry me. onfam, not manifistat She lasi relevant i 77 ". order' of General irsi log thelclepartmed of California and Nevada. A anb-Militaly District has been formed, enn breeind the State of Nevada and Omens River thuntyiand Major Chase if : Tarrant kaaborn tinned In command. The ovens River Indians _aro Inclined to IA troableacoma 40 The is r.onsideratde excitement on theanh- Jan of Ixtroleum Ia tho lower partof California, bennh, no definite results have yet followel. ISAN RANCIIIO/, klarch7lB.-,Tbe .ateatwar • Shubriek sailed last week for Vietoria wish Cap tain iTiulkley and party of Russians. Interns Lionel telegraph arrangements will be made during tho wetter for exploration and the eons tninctosent of the work In the spring. The 7th Regiment California Volunteers and ilea companies ofeavalry are to be lent to Ari zona where also a force of native cavalry *lll be raised sufficient to make, with the troops already there, about 2,800 for the campaign against the lodians. A battalion of friendly Indians may oho 6d raised. A call la expected daily for the cloth California Infantry regiment to be raised to take the place of the troops stationed la the .Indianecruntry of Northern California . ,., The United States steamer Watree It ordered to Panatela to lake rho - place of the Steamer Nary, destroyed by a torpedo: no leandatnre of Nevada has refused ,to re peal tho aet to enforce contracts for payment in gold, i The Ship Helen Cllntott, from New York, or , sired yesterday.' • The? ship, Fleetwood, front Boston, arrlred ho steamer Golden City, with the City of dranmine,;Arnerica, and San. Juan . Del Sur, with numerous sidled for New York. The poi en City t qns one know one hun dred and forty-three thousand dollar? ,in treat , ure, of which tight hundred and eleven thous.' and woos to Now York, the balarme.to Mealeo. Roulet:id tad Turkey. • , , • Itazu.--/Sto t Feb. 15..;.—The Bendllan anny Is bevolgtog Monterldoe.-IS le believed the &tee will soon ,bo. taken. There *as kteat alarm In the city. .The spay of Parma7A:outlasted e 4. search , throaelt the Thivineesol' biettogrocoe,' sad battik, H.Yaral t°70, 8 0 4 0111 0 1 jaaboße l2olll.l3l46RE AICHDIONIV GEt MUIRENI COUPS gsll E 111110.• PREPARATION'S FOR TRH statst ciktugi. Tito innoored Peace Commissioners. wAstuatrron, Morels 16.—inforendlon from 'tho Anny of the P*Ornee sails The &Imps was nniewed on Tuesday by !Angie]. Waste; This corps le one of the larauttn the army, and, regultoAselply M, stands second toaoso. Thn unman 411Igenne hintingly:4 by colinasid log ftril In PmPari!lfor a srlog climPOnt. Paueniere direct remit .Clll Point Myth= wu COI area aglitnor_At that place of the arri • eel of Peace Comminioners from Rtehmond. 11:q lidnetrionsly dunlated elsewhere Jetta. Thi• 'Twice wto oirlyed 'tient' wit Brlit. (Ism. franca, a brother of Gonernor. Vance, Of 116itli Carolina, to bo ntebanged:anti not coy, .iwimir;Vaace himself, u Peace ColiMlisioner, 'with two Imaginary colleagues. Ou. toesetreet- has Awed-:reabley#l.'W . Frirw . spapete, permitting only-date fumigate, bat, sore of She rebel vtlitees say.lboy:Wlllee*yik , 'tottero theordor maul* • many of the itek of Our -iiinjharo noon-in-7 Inor4 to City Point. .- • • r Tha Cardinal Vicar tuailioned a notitl446ll ;elation to the labile*. Ele mato to:WaftPah: &tactical Idtteroutd tatitialartzcs as aspect:Ay deplarablii;the 'maw of f MO, 14nonacicsa ttpdrrigbrpa a::, PIT -. 7 GAZ'PrFirn4 EL. '411• VIIDAY. MARtII i 7, 181;5 11 , 1ormoitLtal Marmon(torn Enav •aid En u. Rozlinli. A few - • "gathered" from Northern sorb Danes:, &rotes and lierthans ; !no the h Ilk Ele e iish. and all if the u t .s. Iliiteroor of th..ir seeeral rationalities. It wenld be Impossible to lied in any enlightened portion of the glohe a inaro thoroughly ignorant commimity the •• h ter Day Smithy" se they delight to style therm s. lees. One. particular Mon in some half dozen wives, and sonny: tam or the: e. Siren children. No description ernall do justice to the utter forlornness of the !distresses t; wa ssail (for that, I think, was tho name of temored consort) gio toakditter ruish izothen. nes, of his ehildran. hod th,se were ab ot the Lest we saw In all Mormoudem. There Is but rue word Dun spontammutly riss, to lips as the Mich, women and children enure baron, 3 ma, and that word is forlorn ! forlimu! Mahn ! Fccon oil watt could hear soil , •ee, the ninth of Morinobdorn wire the moil illiterate. and to every niremlon the most vicious of vii the mimic rotor, neer reared oa th, glob , . Their soli and behavior ere the most that v .ai I he tamed. lime could In hr other:Tic:l Mr page %scald blush to hare W uoon it its, one tenth of what 1 Was afterward toil from good authority on the spot el the attar inde cency of the south—young moo aad women— of that people. Mormonism, if In 1n other way, mutt perish or the corruption of its own schriollution. But this I discovered after s.. Ads a bile hi the env. "I will ibis you rehool t " said lir••!'her 'Brigham. RI grit w. Ira to it portion of his zroileds, a-+. yrroehed a neat little cilium?, of which I love alleady spoken. and hnteired. Driving taken Feat ;II from of the scholars. I foiled horn. 1Y Attending--lify Oils and twenty boys. fur host, the poiphi•t inforreed me, had rim ct•riz In. being detained outside with -01,1 tit They wore tutu tant;ht sacred mash Tao hoc-be:seemed In be an elder son of Bootee 'Nrigham, cr possibly a Yankee selemliumirer. They sang, "Oa Ztou's 'Why, th it is good Presbyteriardstn, Mr. President," I re marked. "Y:0, And goal iSfecinenhon; lon replied. slapping me on the Lace. "Yes, nod nood Moth••dism, too," he added. Ile himself had oneeheen o tearing. critnpannetlng Methor ..iist of the most shouting kind. I rook thorongh a scrutiny of the youth theoi before nic ris f possibly maid,- and a more u:Lterly nulienihiornt . tnisiterestingi meanie, tshonT, loptiy.looking set of the •ri-iing gray-es lien I ucyer elsewhere beheld. They aterskal to lm Lam atropt twenty, nee yaors of au down to Ore or sib—end Inre all 1;,-' 6 ,•a 1,1 Ynoop's erring.fir oppord Of a handr, , l, oil reoi,* r w Lc nut.tiv. Au entirely t s style of loromr tire has hoop recently palcute46cd iremdtteed in I:tied:mi. It is so constructed as to ram either way without lAttof turned about (thus dirpet song with [taro t:tiles), icon:nos no tender, and is2capable of pasting the sharpest corms ,without thtilettity .oirdaner. All the wheels' are &Mug wim.ll, eight in number, arranged In two dlstine; sets of fon r,wlth two ev.indeno to each set. A ' rac 'e r& „'t t u T i t i r r e b n il g i te u Tas th t iz wo Pi s 3 ls " of ' f. b r a l: wheels coupled, 6 . feet 6 inches; naluituttot rattly ocurve 13.4" nhains; distance betwomo ocilrts . winels of cart; frame to deter:aloe radios o o cum% 7 feet ; weight of engine on the foals for blt‘ :Or' hbitt, 40- to,p4; weight toi i l 'ash wheel. 5 tort; tittmlocr oda eyltud•rs, 4; ,diameter ..t eylatchrove-18 ...lithe.; .sarolee bd - inches ; fractice. tower of retitle:a the rall1; 12.125 pcunds.• The the Is fed from the .11,... the a t ohlr standing on one sada of the engine and thodrieck en the other. The englee Is arranged to cirry tho accessory . renantity lof waltz; sayl,sllopr,loo3 gallamc,s4l . Mei for long distance*, withortt 'stopping tor , Ateriblnc enabled to doer+ by cot ploriaz toe +re wheels, lath, while It :allows .angh,4o t t o r the sillovi. to I,e carried beside th . e . weight o' the ma chine its I. does riot oreiload thste and there - forte,rtarl eta the p_ttriall.tr3,llo perblatlebt: 'way- and wheel-tyres to a minimum. To futu re long oat bate and a facility to tracer..., sharp -11 curet", oat ere are two at.maratellialht4l englom , and framing complete. ' 'lf thislnvetttl9,u sbould,moreptarticable, and 1 -the London ..Werkaaies' ilddirrinc7l6 cotnabantfraft' upon It says, •• that reason Is not at carlacce stiak,fieserable torpeetattion,'! theta we mny be . likely to*ltneta - a rteet snit radical Ohmage to theilbectitotive system. We shall cot by this In vention the mains weight. of engine, fuel and . water roc traction,"tite weight initially distribu. tad limit the wheels; the Utility to ran In either direction whiteout. turning ;, the. gicUlty.- to pus. the- char - Er at corers knew'. In railway practice. and ether incidental advantages of almost Nail' hi.pottance. The inventor Is a (odd mon hot m ltddners is a 4csalty-for a retbrtam wheltiir. Is. politica or Wes haulm, and 16 ffiebellef Mal the ;resent In„oomettre is gm ko perfect hot that It can loci Improved, witcrecoine all attempts la the right direction. Good Done The Madison inatiere Pre stir ulna Church, lark City, gook oollaction on Sabbath cionttnr„, rah- •rtk; or 113,dr 80, to - sot tht tneftenn Tract' Biieltll In then: large approlid , ' ritlons to the army and eery and frcedintn. pac ineanber : of that church his for three rears'atih setibed (or 10,000 mph:sof the Americas Maass ger, to by dlorSomoo montb7)l6 thaprot Y , mak kg tbree years a distrltintliin to the soldiers of nal,ooo copies, at an expense of 6v 7;50. The sumo banerolent donor sends over LODO eonies of the libsroper monthly to rris9las and .1 44 in the State orNtialfiriki • ' Botch liberality finds a fitting channel Ihr Its flew tbraugb thh , bas put 11,3d7.- 500 volumes, 4,250,000 lamas, 114,&00 hymn hanks, and 11,135,143 copies of the ifswengsr, in /toadish land Ocrutan, Into Rie arnity'and nary. nigh Wattr—lee Illockade«Doelut and ; - Piers Sabiartged. nuyvt Lo r March 18.-1-In oanamnance of tha tLaw considerable trouble ts expected on Alni rat rdadt running from this city. on account of high water. , .Atruitv, Starch 1 6 4—Tho. ice above. And la front °tithe city moved idown this moralni a mile or two and blocked up, esualog the water to rise rapidly. The doek and.plera are now subrnerird to the depth of several feet. Tint raat. RsK dinni6.—the 11.31 IS:011D• wall, of which the deetiaatlon has so long ne capied yohlie'opfthoardid the press,is died at Ftrroll,iin Spain, in consequence of a hut The exlsteudessf this leak,liowayer,As sot ait eati. rally deinonstrated, fur the Stonewall Is taking MI board a large supply of coal, and 1: / is sta. colas that a vessel In danger of amble should augment Its chances of destruction by Oil ing Its hunkers with coal, Instead of emptyingi them. This suspicious craft Is watched by vessels of the Federal nary, which are cruislas off the wortern coast of Spain. We are assured that tlie captain of the Stonewall, Mr. Page, Is now Luris.—Opfrdone NMI/mak, Fr 6. Tint Derma Tura Commo.—The great Items (fea t sugar, coffee and the like) of the house keeper's grocery *moons were 'not , a fraction higher—we speak of the smaller retail 'dealers— when gold sold at 250, than theywere yesterday, :what gold could be bad In any qoantity at 10, Yee a little while, and this thing will cease to be. Trade combinations; trade ocmsplraeles,and high pekes have had their day. Wo will son them broken up with the break up of the combi;• itationa and conspiracies of Muftichmood rebels. Rom von Vormernsmit Orrwanft.-- . By an order of t h e - War Department, all - volunteer ,01l eery; mho are not mastered out at the exact .cla of the explratton of thearientletmant mast lc ttieil al pia hleara tica tee of titl tho ar miv end o i t i tho . aa N r s or om an ga tt r L is allo*ed to ratilterhla Conine a: b eyond tho Alamo his eel atmetia Wed thed.' ree,' making a larreanal comenteace of the ACZTiOB.. ' • .: Tirovamy of the Provident's going throrigh Baltimore disguised In A ,stilltory Jam* and 'Batch cap, fonr were ago. Is revived ',stn. Thera is , to ter ft: ihe , prviitelitiiim 4thxgb m an carder train than he was expected, ;tit dart e itotioe, bat ha was., in - no way disguised. The story was invented by Bow -Era, the ingenins Bohemia!' who wrotq M01244[41 proclamation lasesunamer. Ton best'irine In the United States M snide at Burlington, lowa, from the Catawba grape.; It -dimply resembles the celebrated 'ltudesheliner Berri of the Rhine, There are 'several large vineyards at Burlington,:cohered • ly ,13,iylat and. German vlne-groWora,' - and,the ; culllirb' of the grape la Increasing very rapllli . thereotu the, aolmultre of the Increashuir demand:ler th wine. iPmt Chillicothe .omcitii eaya alb reoPeolii;. of tha n frult crop In RPM eganit s APP.* are: alb; .ebenies, plums Nam , &e. .matawhato ipjured, but %mime lallled4wiriiilte.r a t tlA will Ikir crop. As to.peaches, there, ar ..larlat7 of ,rtiporta. &mune locajlliee they ' tald to be yetmoult In-manyotherr, theyAM ,111 uValartd." ni DlAli.a son TUB Alder - kr , i rpFttolif.4— •431413 . &t0 the prevalence . 01 . Mites F.- 111 : gm!' Dern Motive, Virginia, and. On fogicolorof basing taken: temporarThriartert . tans, all :the army mall matter to be disettedltiorth ward Sad westwardly, will, ring ftrther orders, Waal to the Washington city. palatal, _ Tn Ditatfr. NAW.TOSUL—;fiker.lreatoti, of New Tort, 'tdiffea.lik ingonlelaLdispateh that he ihas from the Department that An ell localities In the State wham volunteering ..astitintipt.itetirs„no Partin* Order dra fling Alrfinlj,dinftld will nol be Mod 1ik41WW11910.., 111; .INP 11. e Cleat third ntid t C,.uuty Coo- 1.1 trlltg.t A V. n:, 'SINS . taterlo.l,ll Bee peryotts arrested tom: tr! tr menth eh re, 6.r resisting the draft In t 'tear lo !il - , .. , iy. and another arteries! 1 tat Therrlty, y • it loot:alit lwfore Cr S. Connulsalotter Sproul, Cl der attend of a corporal and three twat It long it it r. !h. 1.1.. h V. It. C. Tlachant, niche par t!. r• WC, toll' 111 . 1• 2 :11,1 Goo I ea.,. A. L. .11:re•ii, Paull Boy mon, Philp hippy and l'ricd. A. n0i,1,44, of Ch artle!d couttly. nod Dr. .1. .1 . . Stir' of Candela enunty. Gordian/ler was iv reted Ins! week, and in a rryldatt of Lutherrhurg. Ile Is eh lrge'l wiz 11 i being a priaidar cut otenaber 4.1 LI kr..ruL erg th 1.- Lit. for ...feting !be draft, Intl Innen! dee, Al. et, ton brohbring chaer tent from arre,o lay the military: . 1311111,1Iiilt. If• mirctllll that lie a., , ~I CTIII, I lope° lip thit , ficetety to thEpo, ~1 pi,t1,14 eel armatrnition which it fat - ulster! fir who purport I, of ca!rt Inn ,Itt•lta nt . ..ct, and !h.• claret;. assert that he did en '4;11 on IA for that ottepn-e. !Cent. Bowmen. S loppy and Ii orles are all residenta .6 , r, SAM(' (41..Y1i.e.h ip. 01.-arnel.l eaunv, end ali are alleged to he !heaven, or It, neva'. ration for ...lacing tilt' dealt. 11,..1. . 1'...1! dent of ibis Keret ',whit, wider! !old its meet. Inns at Turkey 11111 Solved 11.....,, in II any 1, wi , silip flu (fin fall of ISO. Daniel 11 'warm le a rowdy , flieft, il/KI he and Sloppy with a 12.1D¢ at deserter!, attached and matter:god 'an et/nanny officerimated Daniel Cathcart, 'when nu an enndlint: hot& Bowman in mid l they e: nick him u ith nn axe, and hlopps tired two kl.lB from an anthri•lr et the rithn.r. This oc• cnrrell lent summer. Itowles le said to Have Uthlaill• ISterrd the oath 'of the tenet tearlety to drafted men and dutestere from the service, and was one i of the party who armed themselves for the pur . pi se of Why; away the Provost tle,lt IL Dr. !ts & s e apperano to N. the tdaekest erne' In I 11, 11. ek. II: is aretisrd "r tittering his mint tr. at, able St.tititlrllt.3, and der tering Ids nar y...L(l nB:st the draft end prevent tat, arrest hy foray• of arms of ell deserters from the 5,r -vice, nod incltlngille prople of Catiniria county to unite 11 ith ! him and.he would furnish vans, ! 11. Is alleted to have Said that the gov•-rowent I or Jeff. Dal laws& better than that of Yresbient 1 I neolr : t hat It *DS a dim Tile, lo wear t lie .Fel - e!.. I, unit .rm. -110 boasted that he had - the ; "rl.!arl NOVII" on_ the Coveruntent, being e . t.a- • ro ! rd.. Prisoner from the rc:iw! ecrricel that in i I.od, emnr.3.se•lod Inc the rebel array, and hel I CI., It 4V01)1.1“1 and' retelvett e leave of ahnencl. Georg/door, ti:tan:leased .ru hall In the sum I of t4.1;C0. The tthert here been corn atltted for a 1 Anther hearing on Friday, Slit of March. It appears fond the nridceera atitlu,rd In the 1 I argta and spetlllgations, that the event .nei- • Wan tht7oool tic Iw ononlzatlntt, and It. banefri influence p.rmcat..l rhortne,h nearly ev ery township of .Cleararld and trt!ntrria calm tha. James Eekettorle, of White tarettahlp, Cambria arrant, 4 deserter from 0.111.10. T. 11, 61.1 Prnal!)lrauta,.tnellatithat. there is "a no. I cret °mantra, .on In White and II •evil to.vn sblps, anti all alung.the border of ttaarbria and, ! Cleat Orld eltuttllcaand the meral,rs any that Dr. Kn.& Ex•GoYetuor Bigler and donator Win. A. Wr.lloice, are at the head of It—for the par_ tele r.f real-flog the draft." fir nate Beiten rode, IS M...rter from Illn Faille rompatty, corral,. centre 1.14 a tvgliMony, and sap that hr tt,1,m.....A . in ante, and tilliktlie Nis word L. , "15 1:1." 1 1 hr talscners• w9ae very sordy.l.i,gtiag: !add ! n.l all atlsnlcasant to laokrirpon." In appearance they w ere a fee eituile nf, rebel deserters who ; here hot vrtalltte bet.lien. , tbemtelveS from :the .. n !Id .1.1 „ of Jeff. Darla and virtually ignored i the hives its of the Southern Caere leracy. I Bounty Declaims. Tito StateSU/buy inkmat of Ottio hat reecised ohion from Um Fain:tatter fiati,ral with ritetrery to the .Payttniti u 'be l i"Pcittel Pr , . , .CoI sad ...CVO; stlith will ba of later t*t to miry Ofoiti rinders. Undjr thIA dects- I . le Is Inade the da*of Pay matters to ply the first On Westin., ; (r. hre It Inn mn boo: trptdd by a musfeting ottloer,), npm_ ttut, first Jinuder, for pay innadd' ont altar onlionnoi . tt, to", re cruits as well m rwitulatedmem When a sok. dt..etiarod, whit *alined tndir thS set fratiting the *bol, tootetlot, and the whole :or ally pan orthi. bounty Ita doe Mtn, ho eau be k otd up.. his dkelpvicrikp..peca, providing they show that he bat not ristedad The I'mlyoutster ilentrt.l (waltz holArthat the ors hot otlenues bstot les, and this the lost of 1%3. in er.l2tiost to the refunding of the t:'l odrn tco istalllty In ittetalts cases; is not op *lt koblo qo them. :But sthett It Is dozily shorn ti of • soldier enlist...Cr foneeitlin • ttftthllitY . , wblCb Itt;Kneff to Caul at •.hu time vfmotst ,pad IA I‘lll whcli uc 11 strew xi,ntay tils ettolgtl, then, all Instalments .of knototth laid aro to beldeOtictotl. 1 he OralL ; 4 thaw districta to tt !nth no.elf irta arc being made In I,rocrite volunteers. the priarlittritinn is etroug that the revolutions of "the wheel of &silty'. will soon begin. Amongst the/detrital mart settee In pnoctirlng twernlia le the First Wprd. Allegheny. A bounty of 4:4' 0 U &rand by tint Ward Comraluto, width. added to the 'teretnment•bounty of 1100 make 000 for oee ..”- - rolontierti. The recruiting ofB Iv at Al iterman Dyer's olllee, corner of Leouck and Fed eral crutches. whereptm of the Comuilueer may at„ any time be found. If the draft takes Once before thc quota le filled, ne bonny can be or-. re. and tech enrolled man nails disown risk. We would advise all young men who can so ar range their again. to Immediately volunteer for Or Ina }.vane( Ore. war, They. map' thus save money credit and the draft. 'h would Seem that t hie is about the close of the sintggfe. New tru - ,es may never sew a battle. taught Up. It Is ait old saying that, "when wine is in, the wit is odt." We believe it. On last Saturday; an itinerant peddler made itia'appearance at .lobostoirn, and after db , Pcoing of a fair of hie Wires, procended to , expend the proceeds by getting prodigionsly drank. While In tblaglorl. one cotditiolf, be took upon blinsetito • Ilelv beast that he was a bounly.juniper--that he -had collated in the army there several times, and three times bad deserted. Ills words went taken Intl 9f by tome of the provost guard stationed there; who imulediaudy divested him as a deser ter.' The same evening, he was forwarded to Provost Marshal hendularters, to uaderao court martial, where he- will doubtless cogitate long and painfully on the impropriety of putting an enemy In his mouth to steal away hit brains. -• , ; The Lecture Last Evening. I nder the auspices of the Young Mea's l.itrary Association, the people of put city were frk with one or the most eloquent and el.:At-stirring lecturea that We ever heard, by Th. odoec Tilton of the New York lawepm. dent. In the great march of opinion which distin. gun , hea the pmsent day, Me. Tilton Is fairly In the front; and we are mistaken If his auditors of last evening don't. gad . thernielves a day's mooch ahead of where they were before they breed him.. It watt the cloquencaof a 1 (ugliest soul attcrlngtreat.trnths;.and'elothlng thent'll elegant and tilting language. It was announced that Mr, Gonnh will lecture for throe creningL commencingtif we remember' correctly, on the Bth of April, The Peak. Family Coming. The Peak° Family , tt is announced, will abortly;appear In cur ally. At one time this troupe was divided Into two companies, per forming ladsptaeleallY, end known distinctively as, the iltedto Family Vocalists, Harpists tuld .Laiesahlre O • ell•ftlagers, 4 and th e "Campie:: itipalaria, or Biiss Bell-Ringers." The two are - now, however, coa,Wund, and term a mammoth. troupe: Thcix performances are novel and 'sulking, and the merry (times of their sliver Wiliam full of entrancing. melody. Tito vocal and Instrumental selections are principally Our'.amuseeteut.seekens will doubtless 'be on the tip-toe or expectation for titc, arrtvnl of thlapopular troupe. , = =I Dr. George L. MeDook, Physician, to the Boeni 'of Dezsth, reportelhe Wowing ecitthi In the clty, from Ranh - 4 o.llldict 141855::• Wet ' 171 171dte.•. -1. ...54 •• • '1 • Yen*lo.... 7 Doktred:l.e. 0"j A . 4 4i , or the stoic there - Torn: rhtEsti pnl 5 ; accident, 2 ; chronic dlsrihea, 4; paraplegia, 1; enplane uthme, 1 t•parnlyels;• 1; tnberenlo de, I ; dipthprln t 1; cronp,„ 2 1 cotmaiton N itguxjrn, -1; My 1 j - spume, 1; 'oriole, 1;, convulsions, 1; Sopping cough, 1; enteme, 1; consumpUon, 1. • • • . • • Aim& alittet7,..:3N I ' ' Alderman Butler bed &boating in lho rase mentioned a day or wo ago,ln'aidch - ,rohn and yemnish Sullivan warochargod..with:coualt ssa a prosecutor be e ?atria Sande. Bands,ft wM bo remeMbared. green ly Insulted the *ter of. defendinta, , and 'other tedy, Who wok - I,llllller, while waiting on tha pavement. The two fojiowed pummelled MID. for:.Whiek thin„antion wee at (Au .ouqht. Sands ls ‘ lusid,laM.oo On appearance nt. , , (kw na Doerr . —Draftedmiali ean,put hi wa ren& man as subsattiassuotWitintnadhlg 'Stbs ,bogni widely area ankh) , a that such la ' the ease. - carennt(pe,naaa, of the *et of FiETI/M. 1884. establishes t aft Oval! that a conaofipt,, can he, sabsti-, to Cy he entailed third. :..kknowhalgo of pat' , ratt 'at thaVient.4444.4l,3l4ll4koNAPlL 11nr Itundrud and Fiacne Milton]. of . I Ne dly 115 nill:',lns of the poral:lr 7.30 'cal bad It. n dhp, rep ,- .f up to Saturday night last, ..i nod art mean tb. 50 mill:ons of ylis paStlec ; Lee loan yet remain. It will:be .lan:le in mind rMeat the 'vacs now. sold lyve a lilt'; less than tied aend 4 hell years to run before ahoy cloture, whin the to:dyable• privilege occur, of their coa -1 sellibillty ill It; 5-ft. honds*, which have are years '. 5 to eve, clan A uglLit. 15, 1517. It iv geueral:y be lieve, • Lot our new awl able Seta "Lary, Mr. Me e/ h, laenr o the te,..u• ~.j u il a• system of mans, as new familiar to ! Tie. Therefore it is expected that, o after the present Issue of 7-30's Is exhausted, the sole will be continued upon a new IRVIN having n Ineger pl sled to ran lit:are thin valuable mir th no of eoureritillitv into fi.l.a) bonds accord to pieta. The cix hundred millions just authorized Congress wilt proir.bly, 1.43 fur al needed, I - 43 'l';.ibt.d from sales of toe loan, divided up into t' LI tee or foar series of ibSUeli—eny 100,000,000 01 IrAl,ooe,ooo rash, the first verlos of one bemired nod 11113 millions niaturingsay one year late: titan the r, event old issue, and so no, ItOlkbpz each se iti. s tont tro one year later flirt, :twos one, and it holders required oto to iri paid at maturity, the demand or met from intern& revenue i.te other ~r4;es. The tul.sellption agent while eininaverint, IA diapose 01 the -client lemmas rapidly as passible, does net what to convey the idea th at thorn urn he no 11 , 1 , 71 of .ho 7430 loan, as Mr. McCulloch will mints/vas decide that the shad he allowed retinue thulrsubseriptious without changing the nutmeat! the loan further !ban to postpone the maturity of the issues; to later periods. Fyne will regard those maturing at an earlier Ante with more favor; others, regarding the pere.abilily on a stoiedy restonprion of !specie paymento, 4111 favor these having longer limn to me. --, l'haadelphia Prins, March 11. Security la Advance exiitrefF has made very liberat provision, to im amendments to the Enrollment Bill. The scuba will prove of loteveve to the publie gene. - illy: - " Rec. 23. And &it Art 1, ...noted, That auy yiersuii or enrolled .ii any .11'Y-district may, afor nadir, of a draft. and before tRo aims tiled( Lave taken place, cansc to be mustered 11 to ti.e .octet of the United 81.itea, .nch mom to r of recruit., not asibJeet to dram, as they may deem' csr.dicot, which TCCIIII. elutll 149•14 to the credit of the persona thus ~using thorn to he isinstk red la, and shall be taken as suhatitutua for such pereons, l or so many of thath aa may be dr aficd, to the lltCllt of the number of each re cf uiw and in the order designated by the prin eimila at the time inch recruits arc thus afore said tunstertd This, It will he peredsed, legaitsea asgo. sh.tiuns, whirh were rlbidden originally, and therefi.re lb, rat ropilon trom personal sarrica is :thin the reaelo of almost any MI whd has at thing whatever to Wrest 111 the insaranee. pople ran go lo work and badra them si Ives In *tisanes or the IVA on the pay - anal or a rotnparatlvely trilling sum. fierow for Aldhuony. The mania for delving lo the bowels of the earth which erns PreValls..has reinltcd In the • reeduEllen of cart Wealth, and has been of In. CI lculuble benefit to mankind. That vast storm of wealth are yet undiscovered,, all will concede. '74e search .for wile thing has often led to the dbrererynf another tlen more valuitsla. Thou who have bored for salt have stook petroleum, and vita versa. Gold-seekers have found sliver, and three looking for Iron have sll.Frx and Rohl. Aming the latest skid' moat uneipectel docoreries is a mineet antimony In Wirt county, West Viticibia. tecomPulY,boring f or*ilstrgek" • ?Ira veto of this dant mast, worth probably 1; a hundred denim per ton is a mode state. There are no doubt rich veins of antimony as well as lirge deposits of the bast kinds or par.- IMO] In Hier Vilitpla and die!" Auttlek.l.' U The latter Nate; LI now 'ric:ling much aura. limns V...lllotooon.—Thls j 11111.17 celebrated render .rid sett r, wire Is so noisomely known throughout t/ country, will give his drat en tt b , LaraYCUU 11411 ° Ir o will read from Shakspeare and the modern atit- ILl;rs. 111 s sal utivrea sre mast cboice and bony him" as Well as humorous, and his rendition al the great c!mr •tees portrayed by the pen ar tho immtwtal Bar art grand, and have always ell. cited the Mgt t encomiums tieing thupreas and his delighted a Mora. lits.selectloas will icise extrarts "Mark An thony's ()ratio ." tVc predict a crowded house. P s is CNIENT AueK..—The pavement shore the Wylit street, near iligh,„ Sala down three or tour : het last cubing, tearing up the 1 , , inka and making It Impassable. A. matt seas Isalking oscr it at the time, mid yes .constdere tly astorishid on finding himself beteg drawn downwern. The arch of the vault underneath, It serum, gave any. The roof of the tunnel is still as staunch an ever. and the accident in wheilly Owing to the cremblidg ecinditton of the yeah. RL7O , ATXI) 67411 - 714--81/Ch shaven 46 yes. today are a blaster; to Our streets,. which have now put ou a new attire and look quite attrac tive. en army of "scrapers" could never ae complbh In one day the work of. renovation which the "gentle showers of heaven" did yes terday "warm the plea beneath." TitnerAA'D FARIETIEL—The FM:teh Spy" ERs made a peat hit •at 'this establishment. Matille Marietta Ravel as Henri ADA grand, and In ihnaword combs& with Mr. Darlons took the Lome by storm. Go to-night and IN this grand smetaele. MittiNTTA Ravel, Vests&ll, Helen - Western, Pauline Cushman, Setehell, Mohdy, Black, /Is's, nun and nlnpay---Cards of these and SOO othenkat Mua. Benterre—Cards of the lady at fittoek's. Go TO Pluock's for Pocket Books Red Pocket 61bui43. Aturtma cbeaper. thsu iLc cbcapeac at Pit tort's. (tom rams, Diaries aid Folios, at Planck's 50c PER DOZIM torphotographs at Pittoc Prrryna has the Eastern IkalUess. . Bear Stationary at Planck's. Au, the new hooka at Planck's. 04 and War Maps at Planck's. A VETrAAIN Cs.sax.—On the itith, Lyman Sibley, E‘q., dam chosen town clerk, (or the .forty ...Tenth Now! The Jae was actinium:lL I u only one year has Ito failed of contortion since he was ilrst cleave t t hat office, sla 183'5, when the " Know N 'thine 'flood swept every'. thing so clean.—.Be e (Mao.) Castle. We team that tit Board Of - Directors of the. Branch Banks of th State of Indiana, who ace now In session In thi 'city, yesterday decided to avail themselves of the..recent act of the Legls- Injure and convert the branches of the State Banklnto Nuke's,' Banks.—bulkusapolis leer. kTao Cincinnati Omoneretel ' days that the well nown General George B. Hodge, who left Cot legion thorn then r ikee, Years ago, to Join the reW army, has written a letter to his Mends, In .which he ripressee en earnest desire to take the oath of amnesty andreturn to his bomb. - GIIMUL 811.111LD11, .116 has. boon for -some —nuinths In Sinaloa, was arreatell at Mazatlan re cently by the French authorities, as a spy or' suspicions parading°qut, by the Intercession ()Mr. Barrow, of Top who,Yisited Mazatlan this purpose r he yea baste& . the 25th tdt4e4mtpally Not the Bth North Citroens Coutoiterate, cavalry, came Into cow lined at Newborn In a body, numbering over 80 mea . They wersheuttly,trelcomedi and mated that,. Ventured of a sin teciptlon, the entire army would desert reanatsi. , thm.W.ammi.h. thrown open to ordinary tmdo the wbolo of Weat Teneeesee. Merchan dise Dial be freely taken to ,alemphis, and the eonntry people - may bring in their prodeng Ibr cxchturge. MARRIEDS. IArd III H — CONNINOttibt , ,A.t four Welook, en :Thursday afteii , at de; :residence tot the bride's father, by th e r4Dr. Jacek% seeisted by thi Res. V. Prestk JOHN. S. LABIBIlt; of BIN ANNIE .J., eldest &tights's or .jobn Ounni #o# 47l 141'14 of Allegheny atty. No PORTER.onTtitiiiidAm u ch tith•; lisit Vat a O'otootri'A , AVILTER, The Mani Will take plane en SiTIVIIVAY. lath inert., at B Welock A. die., from the residuum of John lhompson, eionser or Heaver and Ohio streets, foi FalemetuitChmuk,l'';'“ " •. • ifEESON4lirTitti Maar stiiiii3OddOiforrh lath, at lour o'afeok, P#ll2l,OK. firE4.uti?f, thserth year Olds apt. ~.1 • , - The funeral will s calm *W ds ei him late - mak- XorYitt *Set Ireatiity kotel, Ninth Ward, en Inet:rine Itliiturineo. nailltant eleht Waken, to keeled' itiStl . Pairinles *butte, eat!, itenctitat - to /34. mveg clquieurir• • RILLER=4)i Wednesday freesias Mann Irk leak MART EMILY. the beloved :its of .7.114J94 MILLER. In the Seth Rat of bet age, , • The relative. . r ire 5. 2 . deeded be attend the tniend - at ',two WelOoltina rattler nri7 ilitetwne, front. her bite teeliitlitet : 14 i4rin Wm% GROCERIES, PILOII VCR, Se B. P. QUIMBY - S di.)., 7 • COIIIMISSION MERCUANTS, No. ICO SOUTH 'WATER ST., cnlllAktio. aloe opeclol ottentiol; to pureunal Flour, Crain, Prorislon Ate For Eaztern sorount. B. F. QUIMBY T. BROWN rnh2-1Y ---- T . O. JENKINS. Conixniesion Merchant, AND • PURCHASING AGENT. PITTSBURGH, PA. •Irr in Flour, (.1 4 .ioeds, Batter, Oli.e3e, Frrits, and all farm Products. Best brands nin th. }•LOUII (warranted) always on hAnd. XI:FINED OILS. Prompt attention kirek to ,onsi r , ramenia an ecrrcepon.lence. Weekly Price Currents sent to Llonsutnors. Orders and Con..igamorta solicited. serittydhlet ww. R. HERBOW HERRON It CO., Corner of roun and Wavle at¢ , (11twu.AcE'a Bcrumso,) PII rSSURGII, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS . For the purchnee of f7RAlN'ofatl kinds. A.b., wholesale der.lere in BALE.D lIAY. Western dealers will find It to their ad inntsge to correspond with out Bengt!, as we have greater (sailitieg for Storage, and putting mods into this and !astern Ydeirkas than most of the dealers in this city.. Thu best of city re:erenoca given when required. ja3l:geol • CARD. W. T. PATTF.RSON, .I.A.M.E.S JOHNSON. • ADAM AMMON. JOAN SUILLELEIN PATT.ERSON, AMMON & CO., Coniiniesion Merchants, Flour Grain and • GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, NO. 18, woonsTß ELT, P/TTSDONGN fc,:tt ALKX. Y MikhZ ArRAIiE S ANTER, ConimisSion Merchants, I=l Flour•, Grabi and Produce, 123 SECOND ST., between Wood & Smithfield. 11-ly PITTSBURGH Tao*. ron-riac...rao. A PICE3 ' ..s - nrrirrs A. surreeD POTTER,, AIREN & SHEPARD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Molar, Irbee!.ie . , Potatoes. gear reEr. 1"du ; No.lO LLUERTT STREET, reUt .—Opposlte Passenter.Depot, Pittsburgh._ ILE.116:1.:111IIART, (S6ccm4or To MACKEOWN & LINHLRT,) Nta:rtrzt. as cs-we t ehxzv, PriSdoest mud Cosstsullselissa 11[er:runty . No. SAS Llherty st., rttieburgh. DOOLITTLE & PECKi • Oennral• Commission Nerchants, Nos. (9 arid Inter street, Pittsburg/4 Pt 4 Graft,/Re enle of our, Oheese, :Hotter, Dried Feats, Provialeas end Po:duos - of all II All enters .for,Csrbon Oil titled : et the lowest tose. ket price& - 26,-Coietlgnsseitsfellotted. O.V. INAL.SpLY. - - - . --- Y vex anent& RALSLEY & VAN- GORDER, - Piodirce . 2 .- , end Ganicoission Merchants,. Warehouse,: No. Oil Liberty at., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wholesale deal. era is Butter, Obese*, Lard, Eno, Por; Bacon, Deana, Tolle., re`situffi4l3tomni Po, tatoem, Hem. Iny, Dried F , uita, Green Fruits, ~O nlorus, Flour,. Grain, Ter See* Timothy Seses,.Flos. Seeds, Game an Poultry, Ponloular attention given to Plodluse oosicaneete, Jain rrtniE, & PATTON, Whole ...a tile Grocers and Cnnunlssion Merchants, deal ers DRODUCE, - I . LOOD, BACON, _MEESE, FISIL CARBON AND LARD OIL, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS, and Mts• burgh manufactures . generally, 113 and lle Second street; Pittsburgh. JUAN ;It. CANFIELD, Commission and t orwardlu_g Merchant and wholesale dealer In WESTERN RESERVE CREFE, BUTTER, LARD, PORE, BACON, FLOUR, FISH, por AKIN PEARL ASHES, SALERATZ,S, LIE. REllisc AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, and Pre'duce r g'nen , 47, Nos. o f and BS Front street, Plttebu . oat W CIIL*.• OTIS 811ErAltn 1 - IULP,!4- SLCEPARD, Commission Mer •,-/ chants andelealers In FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCIE, No. SG Liberty street, Plttabumbi Oholee brands of Moue for Bakers and Fatally use constantly on band. Particular attention paid 'to titans. Were for Merchandire generally. «Maly VETO:a & AliMSTßONG,Forwprdlag add Coombslon Merchant& he sale of FLOUR,: GRAIN, ,BAOON. L&RDfor,t surree. sEpap, DRIED FHUTT, ant Produce generally. No. If Market street, corner of First, Pittsburg Pcansl h, i ferady 'WEBS & WILKINSON, Commissain V V Merchants, Wbolesals dealers to WESTERN RESERVE CHEESE, - DRIED :FRUITS, BUT TER, 'EC IS GRAINS, and produce generally. Also, bEaTHER, BIDES, •ILLS, ho., No. nil Liberty etreet, Pittsburgh. • ir. Cash advancements made. Cinarignments Jet2.ihnd WIG ?amen. ' ) 13117117.1.t. I/VM. P. BECK & CO., No. 181 Liberty v Street, Pittsburgh, Ps., Wholessis Grocers, Coutualautontlerchantsi sad dealers in COUNTRY PRODUCE. PROVISIONS DAMN. LARD, Burro. *was, ;oumde,,FlSH,_ Jo. PRO. PRO. A G DUD FLOUR, RAIN, SEEDS, GREEXAND DRIED FRUITS, &a SALT stud LIME. iris OZOIIOI a. HIAD 011ORGE 1/111Ta EAD &lIETZGAR, Grocers and Com. Pucehant and denlen in al/ kinds of Country ' and Pittsburgh .M.anufaaturm. No. 24f. Idlx.rts street, opposite bead of Wood street) Pntsburgh. apady lt. =MOH ... . . J.ll 0111 1 WE O ....WX. D. RC Wi Wt. I).IIENEE BROTHERS, .(successors . I ‘. tO Renner la Jiadernok4) SPICES,‘ FOREIGN- FRUITS,NIUS end CON.. YEIZITIONERY, SWAM, FIRE WORKS. ace., Nat 121 and ISt { Wood alien. above Filth, Pitts. jr $4.1 D. WALLACE' Commission Incratant, Wbolessld kealer In FLOUR. ta.GRALtr, 364 Liberty 'tree _opposite ;Pannsylvatda R..PaSsenger. Depot-, Pittsbumh. Pa. Storms Warehouse, earner Wayne and Penn streets. nott4y, YIitITATRIOZ.. . , . .JO6. 11111XPAT810E. EiItIiPATRICK. t _BROTHER, sue ., coition to Itroiro Adriostriek, WHOLE SALE ;GROCERS, Nos. 191 and 193 Liberty street, Plttabe , n. J. 8. L OCIETT JOHN ZOIDSAT J 81 : LIOQETT & CO., CITY.FLOUR. . MILLS. earner Lilsrty and *talk streetkiPittabiuili, Pa. barday....' ap3 • w. ...bwAiin - pslgnax g &:Lelm - cmnmistilon Binntianta and Wholeiale dealeri 10 ORME. RIIS !FLOUR,ORAIN,Psopuoz, & e ., No. rat Liberty inreet.,Pittaburida- ' ! . aela-dly ;MIN:WATT ;MIX WILIAM. VITART & WILSON;" Wholesale. v v con, commission Nerd:mit; mid desks hs' Produce; and Pittsburgh I.lllll4llipatUti,No-168 Liberty straet, Pittsburgh. : • his JAMES DALZELL ' BON; Mannfac ., turefi , ot ;an D OlLCind Clenonluton 'Met. chants tor the_m_rohtlie ind :veleta 011.117 DR AND: REFLIPIE7I PETZOLEttIit, *on P. find IS Water, "tree_ irittpungh. ~.adyances Made on coniago. : ; citEzsr. WARELIOUS.frIiENRY TOLLINS, Portralld CaMl3l4l 347. Chant Slid defiler. unpgisatE, MITTM A ; LAKE. risn, Pkednee gedend/P /T 4 N dd Wood street, &beim Vstet, Pittsburgh. Itt OFIIi : j up, flora*. - 110ITSE & 'CO., 'Wholesale GROCERS pOhINVISION NEB ()HANTS. corner et gattp,go4 Ar 4 Water street, PittsbUrgh. - liaho Onnere, °orangutan and brorwudini nzul dankly in nod piaci co nttibutr,tk nuinufnetuxe, Ltbeity atreetjtittabuta. no.. PLOT)) WILLLAX norD jOnNTLOYD - b. CO.. Wholosale Giro. me aid Conualistoa Ittereftseta, - .05.172.W0cd sudTM Liberty streets; Pittsburgh. jets CHARLES — L. - CALDWELL, (successor to Incline Holmes 3. 00, PORK FAUX= mad f dealer 1n PROVLSIONte, cornier of Market and rant streets, Plttaburgh. • j MICI I- _' ll 11.-VOIGT '& medium to. L G. Grad; PRODUCE, AND:OO3IIbUILSIQX. ylialcittAyas,l47 Liberty ;Motet, PittYbungtt. tikiztr LAXIINUT...IOIIII an imax.a.. WALLkall .IL AIB G ERT, 21PT03.7 CO4. whole, al *net . • - CO N --- .113/1.1411 DICREY I 1. Grote=ofsatokaLeretradte, add deatersid - PBODUC No. e 0 Water Street and 46 rrixol, ''WILLIAM BA.OALET, GROCE:ft, No. LSI Wood igt.teelOtUbliegy; • ! DAVID N. - EDGERTON; =.ltriloleesie grocer mid Ootomtukia Dtareksitt. tat W•Oill Eitract, Pilisbumb; —, „may ::. VILliKtiT.--101), %nolo New. 'York for bff mates IL ou&raws, BUSHED IN 17813. .01 IS Cl:f,L4 .NE 0 r I> I )AROAINS. 13 II CA - AIN S. BOOTS AND SHOES, Together with s fine assortment of Balmoral& Gaiters, Gums, &0., icy CLOSED - MIT IligitillATAY, Without Regard to Cost: G.-3/1117% , . ; Doaft forget we have a large atork of b7rench Oal Boots, L MOLE SOLE AND SINGLE SOLT. Which you caa cbtain for nearly half the coat O f inanufart wing them, by calling oe r/12=3 COI DIT HALL SHE SHIM, mittaNezt Dcor to Express Oa* PITUU:RMGE GAZTTE, ESTA.DLISIIED IN I7Stk TWO MGT EDITIONS I TWO INXIDELT EDI7IONB. Mar sad Evening rrentaw and MU arday. The Pittsburgh Casett Publishing Anatolia' , • Haying t nineured a /OUR trILTITDMI UM' ' PR ES. , a new and bear Wu a• tit( - typcoind ago cured the oervices Or an efficient corps of •ClltC*, the pryer enters Upon another year of Itonlbrig Goa,. tlnual and vigorous, life, with high hopee an 4 ea, ,couraging.prospecta. - - The (lasatrric has never been hnoWnto utter tsti i! uncertain aound; and to its steady and untiring vocacy of Correc t political prr.eiples t ato be Bairns uteri, to alone degree, the prowl position Whinf; Allegheny' county log UM loyal comlann. ties of the United S tates , /to voles In the &tun. will be noTess decided and emphatic. , ' THE TRLESRAPRIO DFPAETIIKNT OP TUE GUMMI LsoWst subj.:alto! pride to the publishers: Wilk , a corps of energellO and talented Special' Um* • • ationdentaat the news centres ottherday, tbey ate!. xi enabled to &ire, from day ' to day, RELIABLkaaft . . COPIOUS DLSPATOHES 'and 'place - ft on a par with tho Unterprial4 journals of.tho' elan td East or Weit. The Lame Liberal outlay for s a e • end eellae new' by Telegraph will be contla ootwithrtandlag the war and the Inoressed Umretrom. otpeisee ffillltn ). Coireepotildeffee- from the ,Army , By our mint Speebil:Correepondent, and , from muter oontributors, continue to be a pun* . Dent and intereiting feature. TEE COMMERCIAL DEP.A.MTMOrT . . Is conducted by one thoroughly couttified to forth* ' reliable reports of daily transaction , from actual sales. The quotations of PRODUCE. tIATTLE, FLOUR, 0 ROUERLF.S, OILS, to, , may be. relict upon ea the actual prices from day to day, thug furl:tithing a.mout interesting and valuable mature for all eisases of readers. hio expense is spared Is Mooring Telegraphic gisotatlons from-abroad, ls addition to home reports.. - I Enics E irlh r Ell". ' Month2g Edition, per year, mailed flee per month t •. per week, delivered • • 16 Evening iblition, per year,', matted " d to •"' • per week, deliverod 16 • • , WEEKLY• PAPER • ' Single copies, per year, marled id LS • • Five coples•Per year, by mar, tie Ten_ or More copies to, one address, cud one • ••, t, free to club, each " fei ST All subscriptiont Invariably In &dram*, ••,• the papers to be stopped at the expiration ot the time to which they were paid. • Akar Remittances by- malt can be -registered t•.•". - through the Post Moe, at publishers' risk. NOTICE TO OWNERS OP DRAYS. HACKS, '443; . • Notiee .1" hereby itiren to all ahem or lOLA' Carte, Cerriemw, Burotlee, ac., whether tomato& n, no:remanent in the tlity of Pittsburgh. to pay their Licensee; at.• the Measurer's ottlecot the city of Pittebu 11, forthwith, in accordance With an Ali of Assembly, afmroredfdareh JO, may and ea (We. , ISOM of the (Manche of the City of Pittrtpargh., All Liceases 'not paid on or befall INULy 1.; MIS. will be plated In the bends of the Uhler of Pollee, fat 00110 . 0 . 1,, nr Sobieek to his fee of DO mats for tae collection thews'', and all rerun's who neglect ire refuse to tate out Licenses wilt' be subleet to a • penalty, tote recererwl before the/Mayor, doable the amount of the License. ' .The metal awes of- previous years most bet mum,' the thus Licenses are taken out, or pay BATES OF LIMNS& Eaeh ode horse vehicle, - I t iro Each twe horse -.- ly et . Each four borse Each toe horse hack. • Omnibuses and Timber Wheela drawn .by tw0.: . .. . horses, eighteen dollars each, . Foreach additional horse wow In say so roe above vehiela4 one dour. 4 W. MORBAUM, 01 ty - Treaeurer.,l - Frrrironnow. February With, . , feint BOOK , BY :11. • GurzoT. bleditationa on the Esweee of A NSW and on rho Religions queetions of theO4 lti * Lange's Commentary on 'Mather, critical, - ' hemilelicaL and doctrinal • Nest's Commentary on Matthew and Math, homiletkSd and doculoal: - VW • an.Epistins of St, Paul, by a ..ihneWliond noybeare The Federalist, with an introductkm.bylLll. _Dawson' , The Origin end History of the Emil* Lao., gnagennri the Early Literattue that Hpazdnad. - oy (LP:Harsh • ' 4,1 H, t • Lectures on the Engliah Language, by O.P. - b ut • _Prom Din to Hershaft, byJ. P. Ifewinaiii .:•7e D.D., with -Map and: Earavings; a _goo:Lisa ,_ toroptuslament for the "And and the' wook.i.. 1,111 , • - ' • lessons ferDwery Sunday in Van-Year. 16. L. a 4 i its. A. Mend dbmount toalergymen •--Neanderns Pli ,Churohee by the = and Tra ta r.4bra7iii, L.BEAD: L 7staurthouTtc,..,; ; Iro torl btu ilr t b els Froh'ltOUßrittari,- „lb boys , . de , • . $ bbis rresh_Eggs; • .*: tofi half bbis.£l- Lake It e bids No. S Large Naalieseir half bbla -do ON' bbla 2,• do - do; , 40 halts t' do • "'doh ' &s* poundituodailii .• •.• _ aO bbis Pearl Ash: • WO a t sort Galen+ Lead; - 000 bat 'White Lime; .•• toe 'do 'Carbon trellned.oll; So do . Prime Small Whit* Bsarter,- • do do Pesti ilooriny, (or sale . • 'J a.vANFiaLlo.'" " ift'lLaPll3lg4l so •', 'toy uuL W ;; idtti' st• '';44 i• • -• ' if 1930=14,„11414::.. • ;.1. h";;;:: t° 'lt - or o ° ' voikens_ r osi root, ="4-S : .E' EIZE=i ll'aa Mlle Nat Lard OK oe nee Doak 444_1 1 111•ELT•blaii t ' r. 11 4 .; 4 If" r"/dl.• 114,! 1 7" 50 ,. ....aka L ,priridtar_ ias olrt ib Var.' We I • aun• '',wit& pAirlsg—n te r m e w— 6.l , : fix , a cirmr sWmfbrilmat **Lei ri atai*of*Atr p r t rm sh A l.4 r.n t ,3 linl - 01--TA , , ABIPED : till' ' 1 &ll' it A 141 7tailail it butob•kill inks for Mew q..7....1 =• A II ) ii , adl - • , . ,r, Mil/31/644 ,7L ,, h> eiIEiZZI 1865. GAZETTE s6CiIATION. • Irrrantnion - 9d t Ci I,l' •1 ,(r}"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers