IT ^vl..lrl 8 13=1 Irma wko era& Oa Spring SV,-zotur n `t.sdg3poat;r • w S N. 17:3t inrttr. AIMED, • frairtu.aus. RTZSir.t .IL - RaltUFVO' , . is ; fits lane. Fiore 112,610 to $3 ispital to. ad Addsess. 130 X, tail, TITTSBURGICP. 0 . rAINITED.—An energetic jinn niEitient Per. 36t0 take charge of it large ewe eon. xl with an extensive oolliety. Addreaa, with Race 9, Box ink r. O ~ Phtiadelphi hits: flas:Tfill.—An energetic and efficient "SASSER . 31INER, eapabie or directing the cperstioes of an extensive Mat Oolvistry. ,ress. with referenrn, U. F. IL, Box 2018,P. 0 , • tsdelphia. , • mhieSt4 NTED .—A SECOND STORY Rom wttn heard for none end *ldols see. btable punts famliy. Referenceselu t ngei!. rein • 1B.," ROI LULU • - Pittsburgh Pest en fill TED-IMMEDIATELY. J.114./lIST,joaSS PIANO * FORTE PL6Yilt , oply to the °Nee of TUIS PAPER. ,solat `on ;5...5z.1.C:::7 4 71N • - OR BALD.—OIL TERRITORY.-oap• Waists w Viand. to invert coo loam of as ex rent Upprtuany Ey addressing IL B. IL, at ,IS Eat ICE. Loestiou opposite nuke/shun, A. ?rice. efl.,, , 0... mhielf - ICR BALII*bOO VIM purchase a:nest . cottage Coiner, good atable,_pump, large gar. t., with two acres of ground.. Weil • eultrM;for a fysicien. es a large pre etice is alreedyestabUslueL I , uated, in Snow.enr Tp., on Paler ' . Creek. - Ap• to • foihil) 11. hioLAIN rallo. OR BALE.—That splendid alansion On the Second Mink, Allegheny City ? late thaws. nee of Rer. Charles Avery, dec'd. Mao tienu.. ~i 1 building lets fronting on the Canal and La y street. - Enclulre of __. WBT IL Satifif, . ad . - ic Fourth etneek R BALK—A • tract of OIL LAND, costal:4.g forty-seven and three-iourth aeres. the heart of the oil region of West Virginia i ß is land b'ss a, owninga, spring cat it and sit -the f nee Lndleations of oii. - eig • STEEL le BAILEY. Wilkins- Itill. -- - - . TJV,"-Tbat t... . • - 0 - 6 - 1 a _ - JR SALV,--That THREN,. _ _ BEIDE DWELLING HOWSE, No. tet Fourth ro, Pittsburgh. Potatesicia 11;lvea of the lit of WI :lost. Enquire of • IMP( W. RIDDELL. Attorovphblum, %WM - ' No. TM Worth steet- 4611 EENT.--Tp a small family, fun itcpm%tlr u t u re ci ltED . oAsurr 'Thu en the Timm altuatedoa Rebecca attest. `"frrimoy, Pam .oto. Imitate at N0.•21 MOP • t 4•12 NTPIIET, ALLVOIMY. mtkitka R SALE. LOT ON SOITTO COMMON, ALLP,GILEN MOtt-22kte . )51022 !21tL Haase aai ,No. 20 *SOUTEL 00227M0N. 'Ant "tJI tti 49.LL , —T 11E 134141 C 'EXCELOTGR on Tr. inn -debit; imtuttaa for a Antal, a large' .ardloo.a.oute, manufactory; ortrarettause, °pp°. e tlr b.. 01: of rlttabuzga, boos fatty 00) toot an • lot a ortv t ruatatt hatOray tftensh to Stooool peer. triter sold at a' barmanby spOltng to aurituEtrt. pcsons, llartg street, ar 9. ceLYA ..70.; at Abe baokinkarna of Robin. ItltClevax airo..,lslroutta wee., • rag OR Frt.1.R.. 7 •01L BARAIiI6.--Wo of 'MO ThorotOly pf"00,3,0113.4.,.4. • „).r..a.,..yr }TOR 7E. : ' 01711/RIE a sir.L, - 16t Fifth strait. z& - I • . wAng _Tut:burgh, on the Iddeltr of Webotot • beiputrirusti. twensy4l.: 'feet on-Webster by • • e .huserodi feet 'on Low street,' eentelutMt it • In, reed bleubetted et: dwelling,. 'nye hueered •qutred 'Meat the 31alasee at ie.-emit. Roth. •• brine •• ed , this property; p. 1109 e sold the tfith of Meng. , • • inquire otrthe premireilf '• • • . :laltif4td , HOBERT NEDEGT.EI4 0 Pr • 4. M:' Slick jrwelltor Bent e. 431 the Fourth . W fester:ly 04;10 feet Moot marmoek greet. by 1 more or leas deep :Dew Gored& street, • 'gnat** trots the gaud Street Bridge, elootale r4 aloe Armos,,-wlth hotrod told maw sod gee J. In good order. Terms to milt the pureheeer oeeenehm , laves on horn tat legatee of AO. NIT= SOW; leo, Third stmt., shore Meer , , n re, Pittabergh. - ' -- An70:101m at a OOMFOrntax...E HOUSE is ^ .x roar roolooyubpiergulis a ball WPad or the , oarthis nammuow: Gaxt wsterand every. • coavestlioiL • Possissum gins Immottataly.. • • apph la Sours Pazz, 71Pedenit um; . Tboussa Marpalillreigoa Shop; Ileavitr oared:, OR BAIX--FOURTIL WARD,ILLLP, GHENT CITY PROPLIFFY.—Iite - are au. oozed tole& the lot situated on the cut side of • • rich inteetZat its Intarseetios with the Penn. Irani& Oanal. in .he Fourth Ward, `Allegheny ty, on which there are four -belch hour, two of bleb are three story, eontainlng flve roans each, two are twb ep stor c y,eontabillig four d room each. • be sold che r ed for roo cril stock. - fen trad BLIVEY, WILLI& ' OR SALF.—A LOT OF ' GROUND, \ I: at Blg Sewickley. Statlon, on Plttebprib, Telt ' /eine t Chdesitto • allroad.oontalangalilt Bl6 ' OANg, len PERI4PLES t on which L etectiml • rodent Wl* Musk near Manure& a! eonitlen, rllh eight, hall thtough the centre, build. butters Llffront 'building, cellar under the wnalar ack porch and bay window- Inpub:ie....MU be old low. , louesalon guaranteed Way. Ipply to • •••_. . • - ..158. I. Forui sable:tea - • lt tzast. VOR SALE: - 't• FIVE BILLIARD TABLES ir and in good eamiltion. Will be sold at4trate . until the 25th that i and If not all sold that te. the remainder *lli be sold at nubile mak hr' allevia *agates At 'the' 1111•781271211: B e SALOON,IPedereI etrestior at IitOSERT DERSON; St.l3latr lioteLr ' • sikhrserd • - On BALE.. A SPLEN D ID . 3nn:y) LOT ;.•ntainlng between roar and Ste sues and bean '. holly emoted on the line of the Steubenville `d • atiroad,4%miles from the city. i• :r,_, , wiLx.,BE soI.p L 4LT - A l /41 1, 9e 1 5 ' - •..3AS. W. ABBOTT f r r i al. t !'. -, ,3T.l'm street, Pittnburilt• • i OR BALE—LOTS IN ALLEGHENY CITY—The tubdeurd offer for sale the -.' • pert A I I W as l e BIM Fl.. WV U 011.riltil l'elty, adjoinftf the j. cbn Tawr/. -f t has la Inmt of about 103 on r ui n u s " rt.rtrnTMlan al n oeslist ^ ' .o P rded 'nin th Hook val. t,1 01 : 74 . and I: - Pt lota of card plan, being lota numbered eto 1• . It ham .• comfortable frame house,. and the • undo are planted with good Trutt troth. ne. IC ... . be divided into several good bulkilth tote, or, ' i fd Pr° T" Mt Alfri% t horn:ll u airsv i h= separate lota to soh prirobasers,end the terms or ymentr -be sande easy, possimalcm en be siren on Snit Of April - neat , - ' J.W,lr. wiaTE, Odell:- . ` - - ' _. .. _ . oa BALE THAT DELIGHTFUL RESID;NCEi . . . .. _ _ -•- Mu:mum BOUM' 1101.3; et Weeds Eon. ( ' oeoupled: by PM Wm:P.:MeV Ike tomer demo af lesi. lasekri deemed. - Bdek 'HAM of 1/31Xdil aad of emu- ese,gtefizum. sum kelt trees all lander j r i p i kriFTEIA wee of lead, euebraohda mid al l aso=, zia&e dewS , C al th.OhW YM i r il ksa ' Of ibM s aAlladOr stmt . Nall; ay a nd Troareßlui r meow,* he strot !C. N. E. r a osdy bee Ideates ride by the Wormer' ' Federal et. Stalloll. • • Mahe! aof dal . (tome may be bad *die -ea as_y_ day avaa , I to 4 Weada, at hb wahine don, od WOkeuleo‘s . . . ate old Broken As; 111, Aueskon_y OBT, Of : 412 . a ea•alpf. at,b J o.,; o !is i t o t i tr i tt u Aiin. ___2.— Irir------ir,-zs:yrs =Tag•Eilitifit cOR .. • c WARM—Tbe tusteselgoot as Martha. of the i illiker children of Divl4.oreer, 4013, - *ltte for sobs the follow vessatiots ln A the thibth ward, Otty of • eft: kletsoathe *rem of M. me norldestbm- so 21 by* feet, *Mc lots • '4 - f l a n 11 sod in* esbt: “ftcsip plus, tela Is _ a Hook vol.L.c TM; i Joe oa Lomat sweat ~... e gyi fest, No.ell toss* phut; IS lots ..... *atest,*M listi bdni lots 93 tot*. ad 10 toff tt ln a kao lets on Vlskrondellets ' : so by skti feet,,bellisszonlXl to tst to sem own • , end i lets on Me eomeeof Mega* end Stud las feet, Piss. Ices,. 114 118 end 1.0 . b=. 10f.lots. Some of them ; 1 rote am 41 sts =l7:hulkUng sites, sad MM. . Teo , '; for stone gunnies. They will ' ' be so la sepeteMlT or r all tOl eat il , and " d ad' %nos of yereesst; - • ' •• I/ VC , .• ELTS,- jets* . . 10f flAtt it. .. ... , . • . .... JrOTICAgB.OE.XECTL4r ° , -- - _ ..,_ Premm ius Ve. Warfel" oinCIAOO W. WI Oros or rim Ssaturror. I rit ""satni- AN/al ' itrtia}a l n.7ll l44 lF ll". Tit ...- Stock rod. - Itoodhohlers of 1111. GotalnsT fee I . alone' 4:4 Orators savanna other bonen as ipu4 ipso Deltas 11, wt , T De _Deld at the ethos of riati m ragl! ' SraT i tgr it ezti tb mwr. ~..,_ . The Stook ant Bead Trotter Boots a th" Caw , at One sante Um cfty or Pfttnenalt, aant Al the TeenhtftLotT te UM! Ml' Ot. Now - Tet i . ..- will be aloes& ex lit of nous, at II Tilt, I . i rentals cftinse r satil the 11=Vant than • . 4 114.1nt OVP V ORDER OF MR BO or. D i B auscrrostscitudisatsWa Omani - ot at. the BAN/M4ll ROUSE. on EIATOILDAY-itlia ata Ink at II otlbakJl:. totalta tato oo the " e n th. Bank unier Wotan Iwo& anovidaut •tha anabllng seta& botaloansoof Pmosoloana. inataa4 mraue.T.osatiliz - Atsseuxer, ;. March eth,OKIL 11241 WILL „BB :.AN BLEOTION 1/C on the TIMIS OF APRit I ItIN ter Klee 'Kneelers tier.theSEOOKlL=Ai. BMOCs Alig=loltis IWO' Rao !Ilegiaoh starth• 21.111, - T , adat& - - . ..4.71C7J E. Ti Erre: , a LEC _T tJRE Ang FIFTH 47BEET,__NEAR 1.906 D. WNW= Awl, 51 miNAOFIL •• • Wat. licwaSwor •FLret bppe , ,rcecc her, 01 W. U. IthiGqiu"S, Fon w! Pl;frn t ili l itZT n jo r' r first time In teverol yetirr,th. th7llllcg play, entitled the SIX DEGREES OF CRIME. Jona porraili s. lit brace, I,Wltte i - 21, K (telCb ; ad , Clandadlug 4th, The ft s nth, Murder ; Sri, The,Scaffold. - Double Renee . 1;01.1k, and lonole. '3ol4—The Pzisoacr'e Hope . Burt. To conclude THE PRETTY 11003 S EIIER&KER. SATTIRDAY—KIiounIe Bill.• ' TENNYSON CLUB LECTURES MR, JAMES E. MURDOCK will dellrer TWO READINGS before the w zusrzr "sr is =ow C7LiCTX3, Friday and Saturday Ettninn, Xarth 17 & IS, LAFAYETTE 1-IALAI 1111DAN—Strwct, Elallper4,s Seed taus, *e SAIIIRDAT—.§,:m•rxre : Ewe: Arder, ~ W . other feicctiohrfnathePo:lf. To b, had at the Boolccrol hluc2.c Stores, and at the Door. Electing commencez et 8 o 'clock. . ¢S toile iGLISII OPERA AT - MASONIC A GALL. Direct mer on -. • Messrs thitiptull fr. Outle. , Sim Mr: cis ge rank Riven. - M" 1. imager Zr.Mx. J. ht. Weston. • Minim), Conductor Ur. W. G. Detach. -i VW?! NOWT BUT ,ONF. OF • Campbell L Castles English, Opera Troupe, Lettelt of xis* tsriniaz RIDDELL. , Mr. PM. CASTLE, Pritno . Tetora. Mr. S. C. CAIIIPBELL, Primo Baritone, together with an et:Octant orenostra and choreic FRIDAY EVENING. Attach tt, teas, will be performed' Italiture Grand Opera, to Three Acts, of LA sonsAmmin.A. Count Rura1...:.........._.Mr. S. C. Campbell. laelno..—.------ T. (Jostle Akss, - de. Walter Birch. Notary. ..... Warren White. Azaleas Mrs Fannie Riddell. Liza Miss Georgie Fowler' Thereon Stn. Bliley. SPECIAL NOTICE.--1.0 see, sktitt& to a portion cf the FIFTY CkhiTS. Reserved Seats ft • Reserved Sects eau ie. accr_cca without ex tra theme et the Atuale Store of :C. O. Mel . Ice, No. 81 , Wood street. Doors open - at 1 o'clock. The.osertute•velll commence at a qutrter before Books of the Oppeer!a for sale at the door. W.R.. HOUGH,. Business Akent. frßimAlrava- VARIETIES, TIIELTRS. • - seirzenr,, ims STS exam ~Vr. C. Lessee an! managar. ()mama:ma #,o'ocaors. , idDLLE: niesrerrA,EarEu. Mn. FRANK DREW, * : • . Mr. THEN. WHEELER, and ell the 'STAR CONrANT will appear to; Wed., lathe greet raillery grams, is three sets, or ..,Tau JUN= SPY; 02, THE FALL OF. -:AkLaMm , Alsoisilivatied • •:<:. zarzeicois OV - X17140 AND MIST S. c — olicEirr mix; THE Man .GRAND CON.OERT - .By. - .the I. 4. - .iewitersitiiit, wtll ' ecnv4meneti at Hen,. on hIQNDAT t iOtO ,EVENIIttf, Starch • - be postltebtd ever! evening during the week. Bowe eV the best talent la `the country ls engaged,. sad s Sze programme will beneeeented. The Awpot, es Filth street,ls open for the sale , tickets, nod dtstsibuttne eepresente: . Doors epenat half past seven! !melt wig am mete n O'clock preelsely., ,-. • R at . J. tik,. ELIAS, Manatee. '4ITTOR.TRYS. • - - - JO 6111211.- OAZZLIII GRIM? IL IeILLII2I2 MarASTER GA7Z A M. SOLICITORS Or Cra.AMIS AND PA_TE-tvra 1 , AND ATrOANDIDAT-DAW, lla tip GRANT STUEET,Plitstargh. by Government to eollsat BOUNTIES, PENSIONS, BMA PAT And ill 'Aye • . *. .11111tary or !Coral Chins A v arua the Voila Statei. " • OPIS DoLLARs, due chested on account of wounds renteed collected inunediatd7• . _ • . 0111 at le GRANT ' STREET': empOcits oeziay BOUNTIES. w:r. &stirs PAMIWni, Army and Navy Agency N 0.144 FOURTH ST.. Pittigonrch. PiNiloNt=edEFOUN Totr o moKPAl sad CELZE sad AXIIIMUTATION. O 4 HATEINTs of released prisoners collects°. odes WOIfO4bED SOLDIER& $lOO lonely : Wall . Wounded Soldiers, Is now being paid WAR with a ."Diaiakarga n Ito . charge malt Weal tbrolaNt. collaniLy, .0a XA6si rlsggEr the .= 2 :r nsai. ItipsAIIIIA. ...11. A. ammo st • Nra, & JOHNSON, ••• ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW. V.S. LICENSED SOLDIERS' cruum AGMS Bounties for Wounded Soldiers eallected in Iron en to twenty de e. illy-Of nee No. 18 Gnaws slum, Yttieb uißk Osilwith discharge and two witnesses. . _ SOLDLERB' OLdIMS, BrOUNI'LEB PENSIONS AND . ABEEiIiS OP PLY, Promptly attended to by AkIiTHDRS & ILIDDELL. : so, iso rp,t4rFa Pitist?urgh, Pt. •-- • - ..MLLI Bo TARY_ ES, PENSIONS, warats tßAOK ri ay sad ILILITA.It subscriber, at of Ir:following " the VA alloer, other claims Ham• . P 4231." • ' 0. g . TAYLOt AtherculiAt.Law o chtrresCrirtuisurntrl Pittsburgh, Po. in fumed, sad all information Riven VIAL die 43.784 NOAII W. 813./iFEA ATTORNELY4T-ljtW, at Firm &now. PitutTre . .Ps. , s . Clatais rtblrsitrunorist swims, . nuns . XONErfaireirlidid!. orrzowis. - - - - , , NUNCaIe.4II*.A 13111DOI (301/Mtlfir. •TUB /018/Diarr Alsin ; of the Ofeapony for meetings Wide , alier Urn ititosora eta Myer, opposite Pittsoutin, 111 tho county of Aliftbetiy, have tots - day &Wasted s div , ; • ideal of FIVN PER GENT. on the Capital Stook. while' Will to told to the stockholders or •tlintr. tegg. relasaentatives, at the Booking House of TV Holmes krone. on and snaring =ikon. • folk7Sw N. HOLDlES.Treaourer. Prrteacrung blartharia. BOARD. OF. DIRkOTO or t y d coity„thil OIL COMPASIT tarsi this dal deelarid a dividessi., hi,. et TIMM M, °ENV onthe Capita StOok. - payWS ea WZDIISDAY, the lath last. islattwd E. WESTERULT, essietarp. •M II I I .Uf E . 46 ! ,'N• . - _ lOHN ROBB, Agent of the Equitable In. u "Wanes 00., Moullgitalholssoraloo 00., sad Abe Peas Mutual 1.410 losaraaso 00. of Ma -800116 N.W.00r.W004*.0134,40.1.5tgrUP WO. :IT t j . GiLtut ;igen ier thw AnaTHMD ckinsPhiir t eoeser iti" -- and /3" WVA L Vd . ' eas'i . WP. JONEII Agouties Mute Anted •aa,ittete et feseitirseutosee ilerttete 900trtio WATIM eraser. - WaxON&Seore_4oll3sane Inatr. wm 0022P•nyotarner ET aad *AT= atassaa. • W LLB RI'DLE & CO., o. 216 sisaumeturers orgraM.M • firer/ LE4TBBqi BLIP! Cleans solfallad ins; the trade, swIeCKIP - 1/ 111111PW1111FitkatifIAOM' .- . away =ISEZWE w• -.L AI:/.. hIPERIOD. Copper Mill and Smelting Works, PITTSBI:11( t H. • PARK, M'CURDY & CO., Nam . fartnrna of HRAZIEItS , & waif' CO.PPER, PItk'SSED COPPER HOT- Tt)Ms, ;BED OT/LI: BOTTOMS, SYALTRK SOLI+F.R. Alan. Imp orter>and, dealers in DIF;r- ALS, TIN PLATE, 'SMELT IRON, WIRY.. ax. Congo antis no band, INN LAS' MA'And TOOLS. - IX arehnuse,No. 1401'11 - 4..NT awl VI SEC ONI) SCP.kIEITt", Pittsburgh. Special orlon of (loppor rn. , .t to any dealred pattern. wT _ . 10 , ..21TICSIll:Itiii I. VILALIIIHS HUBBARD, BRO. & CO. ii,I.NIJ/d.C . TVILV. I 33 09 VITENT GROUND CIitCIILARSI, Werranted OAST STEEL SAWS, of every a:Option. 14111, 'Binlay, Cram Cut, Gang, and all other varieties. A.l I kinds of KNIVES and SPRINGS, 'route front Etbeet Cat Seely; 'Extra Refined REAPER AND MOWING SNIVFS, he. ita • 'WA refs o ure and Worku corner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular ettention given to Rettiotbing, Gom rarg and Straightening CiTelalett S.nwe Ilan, re pairs of ell Ulna. Punching and Drilling dons at raconable ntr26:ly fge-WRIL. nASNiiILi., d CO., Boiler Makers 4z Sheet Iron Workers, Not. 20, =, %l ot 26 PLIIN STREET. Inning necurt4 a large yard,. and furnished with the nwmt. Improved meteittaery, wt are proem sit to inanntect ,re ercry . deett lune. or tion..Ens, in the test mormer, ow l warr‘ole..l. collol to ntly mute in On: country. CHIMNEYS, BRICHIEN, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPEr , ' LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATOFLS, SET ' TLENG PANS, BOILER IRON, BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS. and sole tonnufootarera Of BARN HILL'S PA CENT llou.ros. Reuniting done on the ehortat notice. deirktf 131106C11 ECIIED.... W. D. DIZZIA6... J. P. IZOLLAX D Lit BELLE STEEL IVORIES. REITER & CO.,' (Successors to Iturrrn, lloierusx & 0o.,) Idenufectorers of OAST ST F:RL; SPRING, PLOW nod lILISTER oTEEL; SPRINGS, AX LES, CROWBARS, ho Air Works, FIRST WARD, !AllegheoY• Pat Office oddness. PITTSBURGII. jaB:ly 1,20.=.1tOBLIV.011; USA a CO., (successors, .to R 0 1 ,110 . 03, Elms &Maxima. IVasttlngton Works, FOUNDERS AND MARBI:OSTS, Prrnsinruou. Mannfacturets c.l BOAT AND STATIONARY STEAM 12{GINES, LAST ILG/NS, MILL tIItINERY. 1:1N(i, SIIAL - 17NR, L.Ncl sor ce,,,,1•110.A. OIL TANKS& STILLS, 110ILER . AD s BEET 1 ON WORK. zEr - Agents tot 01FFAILE'S PATENT INIEOT to. 1A01:141, "1) N.ust youpt srrrEa RS or la :- 13cc • - reverend vattenttulmv tog Icenrcvt °rod to Itt.litit in • fr, d.ty., after un the. usuta routine and incimittr expansica TanZe 6f ticntritcnt without SLICC2II., considers it his :atm! nut: - to communinate to his sancta] fellow , ~.t tiro:ant. means of tura. Hence, on the receipt of no n.ttfressed envelope, be will sand,free, seep, of the prescription ueetL Direct tp Dr. J 011.14 M. DAGNALG. 181 Mies treet, MA*. allittlyeeieT 411; B 110" bir warm. tigers of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS,' IRON RAILING, "WINDOW SUUT TENS, WINDOW GUARDS, Az, Noe. It 550. MD and 80 TIMID STREET, between Wood and erleft. bare on baud -a variety of sew patteisie, Laney £l plain; mastiff for all purpose.. air Pattie:gilt attention paid to etiolating Grave Lots. Jobbing done at short. notleet. aud arDISEAPIEII• "OF THE /1112111T001 1 1, SEMINAL, UELNAE AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS—Dew and reliable treatment—La Ye• porta of tine Howard AnnoolaUod. Sent by,Ail tt rcaled letter e .alirL M e t 11 a f a MO.lginof . /assoelatthn, No. S South Ninth street, Phila. ar tlrlt e r i tt i =iADiMlT XV and , w agate Wl*: la Callan,' BUTTER, SEMDS, iFL4g,)sal' producq ' 6eserslll, No.' 211 WOOD ME= PlWaburgb• of -D15501.132".(0,M 11 , gAWN° - DISPORED OF MY NUR ftEaIEtS Atilt CIBLENHOLISLII to my sou I cheerfully recommend them Mt my Metals sell elute . They sge authorised to settle MI tease vtandlog .70/12t. BIUREIO43B. Jr. 1171. Lan NISIESZET, J!llLiingli. IBM JO* R. & A. MURDOCH, . .. - (Successors to John Murdoch, Jr.,) , NURSE/LYE:EN AND IPLORD3TB. PPITSBUROH, PA. Oder for ;sale 150.1100 Out eau Apple Tree. or ad culottes at 815 00 pet 100. At me a very tame atoek of . PEAS, (idandard sad dame./ UIMBET. - I PLUM. PMSOR, IIMAR7 APPLE 3 __ ORNAMENTAL. TREES, Shrub*, iErencreesta, Oceennocume Doidlng Planta. slial;r• wall Landscape Gatdenets tippl ed at redne4tl gates. fah7Saptd lIISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNER. SHIP. The Partnership heretofore existing betareenibe tidersi g ned,tinder the arm Hems of CRUM ON b. W., for the manufacture of Slim Pearl • other Soaps, has this day been dissolved by ant consent. BLIHUEL. at. KIEH, JOHN C. OROMPUIPI POSTEN. FeAt6lugh: Sept. eth:M • •- • ..•• I. IL WS EMBINEDY, & phscamors t CROMPTON } 'CO.,) 142nrwroktraisit or Silver Pearl and Superior Rosk Soaps , L 161,41BiliTY initgrr, P 17712111 01e DissoLunoN.—The Partnership here. tothre existing between ASHWORTH k HENN, has been dissolved be mutual consent, the dissolution to date bath to the hors of March. The accounts - of the concern will be settled by either of the partial, at the ogle* of Mr: lietwYNo. I St. Clair street. ROBERT ASHWORTH, JOHN REIN- _ , .L . ..CTIZERFIILLY RECOMMEND MY suceethor, Mx HENN. to the patronage of nif fowler friends sad customers. • , R. A sahienth ' MU:VATS; CIOPARTNSRSHIP. • a. j We have inoeteted with in Dr the for onto ant W o e produce busness, J AM ES JOHNSON an te d 3011 N SOHLELI.UN, partnere!. to dating TEN. HEART let, under u name of eationon, Omura er. Co. W. D. PATTERSON, feed/ ADAM AMMON. SOOTB ✓IXO, lib O,ELLING (')FF AT QOST OUR E KJ VILE STOOK, compristng Gine, GAtrz.ll.9, BALMORA.LS, of every description and style. , Prises varying iron twenty•fire cents to lea dollsrn. Now is the ikons to sesturrgood bargains, at . . 1141116144WW 14 . ti OS Market street, al door from Mt& JAMB ROBB, 5.., Itor i ge t HELLS TILE MST, Tar. NEATEST rrrnato, . And TOE Noir DintAsza, 1300firfek.alaMPDXICCNIIIIIN Of say tiouco in the city Value Stud Nc*LVM nutgalflosat rag' steek. • Eno . . WE , " STAR" V(011.1 . 14 t '-- • • • nrer WI GEORGE AtEEEE; SON & De. p WOOD EITZEDT. . . lots , rootrorutlei H e . ord Bahaoralri O TM; 01 • o Bootees. Okeldrad , o Oat old Kid antisee. • They goods en modoto erielr• wet aro wassilded noroprollad ouatoor work. • - D. vr. Komi - SOUTH' .1r ! BOSS, Re: 54 555rict Street. sld sow f risk Butestaetlyar fiesertmeat et B oars, H 0 and GLWERS, Tor Ladles aentlenea laws, Bore, .Touthe out 423114-sial wear a KMMUC omiz AND WOOD ; 'eu~t.~inaoe~v~.' • WHOLES/la Og `.=MU '4 4-1i r .'1 7° 9 2 W 2114 ?a: najtd‘ mar, rviii.6i.'ziaLuaaioa a oo.V, ale ar, AikttlYololl2l ermac. pIIV4TS DIEWOBB. , • , Nies path. ears of all disimaeLot an " from tiro Wow days, by ma e IT AW .- Irestamok MA,SisithigWAlDAA__&// 41 " 11 .0 ,ehmomos eirll ." 4otallorpas, autumocprwri , sore, saassysehadol. 16111,110,r1-21111F our unlit -.1 FIITO S MAlicll 17. 18fli GAZETTE AIIVEUTI , INCi itA riPA Thr,P time. MIRE LeS2l2 time, 2 20 180 One week.: 2 50! I Mi $ 'in] 05 4 , 4 Two week., 4:5 '2 :A 201 I I 40 so Thret a'LL OCO 330 1 01', 2to 700 1 10 One tios.ll4 7 521 Ito 000$ 270 275 130 Two ;no's.' It 251 6. Ott . 1 fir 400 375 .2 A, Three 1136 . i. IS 764 LA. 5 15" 470 4 Six months: 20 718 11 00 (5 45 -8 00 9on rOO Nine mot'. 21 00 15 Ea 18 00 40 30 901 115 Oino Tear.. 22 CA FY 110 41 221 11 MI to 70 4en - Olt Afilltr.Alt , •ll EnVIC - 1re.,01,1T For one square, chltmenble one time tnnh week. confined to the ttnaiNlMte banlnese of thd thee. Alt Larger adverttnements In eitnot prapor, tfOn : times' I we 1p. , 1y. ♦ wrela n.vrok. t week One month • n .1.5 C 0,1 9 .. _ nl Three 0nth....1 17 2u! II 45 0 Go' ano Stu raoutn• 24 001 19 0 01 lb 7 . 10 50 Out teat. nn 214 on 14 f. t, Iel• Fist ponlbee donlao bon nb ye nue., Donth Notleen, onnli inotorb , va hln.rrinpv notlers 75 S r teambonl &Avert I qopaentn, per rip " 437 F:xoeutora' or /I , lmistintrnlore . Notice, f 15 15 Local bollecs, tzt -tor In Uneel column. CITY AND SEBURRIN. TILMI TTST.II.DAT . B STYIIIII/ OALUTTZ.I The Uppertnau Habeas Carpus Case The applicationof lie :y Upperman Ti,r the reline of his Con, David Upperman, s mince siveen yen* Of age, enlisted into the service of the United'Atltes, as up bent, Judge 0 1 :CLin diess, of the fora States District Coe , . this morning, fora nnal bearing It will ti ecol- Meted that this earoswas twice postponed, in order to enable Dietrict sAttonnty Carnahan to ascertain, through the Secretary of State, whether: any moderation had helm male of the procianan •of September 15th, 1063, sospendiag the writ of habeas corpus. Tho Dlstrlc: Attorney submit ted to the • .iurt a communication which he had received on the subject from Secretary Seward, the substance or which was that no ouch modification had been mono. Tho relfirn of Captain Deals, commandant of this military district, in AMMO' to the writ, was then read. It rm s forth that tea hat the canto- Ely of Davi , l Uppi I mail, no enlisted soldier, for the purpose of ierasrding him to toe army; that by the proriamstio.l of the President, dated the 15th of September 1.43. tho privil ege of the writ of hewn+ corps' wen suspend ed in ail cones of eeldiers In the army. and he tbereforerruhmitelhat DC ought not to prod . :tee the Cody mf raid Uppermon. Mr. Linn, counsel for the relator, was asked it be had anything to eel. Do replied that he had only our remark to make, namely—that the boy had got teen mustered into the service., the oath never having been read to Mtn. ' The flistriet - Attorney suggested that etrannel mold not go hothead the return of the respondent. who avert that the boy it In the military service of the United Suites. The Court sustained this slew of the ease, and mode the following order: Anti now, to wit: March 16th, 1665, the re turn of the respondent ta held sant-am:it,. it'td further proceedings ander this oat artt Fended. as renulroi by du...Ara on. secti act or Congress of tha.3d of Marra, ititik id the relator le ordered to pay the costa. •.- . There Seems to be no &At that the hey 1 4 - vermeil Is under tbo age of Mimeo. and his fotherrs counseltam made the once teary- 'poll. tt . ratio n 'the Secretary of War for 4L discharge. •• ove definitely atitifed that there has been lt no in 'catkin of the President's Proelatilatieit. surpendingtho writ of baoess corpaa to milita ry eases; sad. while the coons been authority or issue nett writte,the rnspouriente need only cite the act of Congress in 3uitifimation of their refusal to produce the body,. and there the pro w:Any Witt end. There Is no way of securing the discharge of an enlisted minor, except upon application to the Secretor? of . War. ____ . . _ Paroled and Eiehanced Prhonera. • We dad the following Penesylvaaka soldiers among a flat of ecebanged . &tumors recently ar rived from Wilmington I B F., Bat Ball. captured ina h . C. con , A Fiedatlak. E Illat ILO. captured in Va JF Oartla, F., cad laft — .soli:mad Peteraburg V? Blake, 11.1011 loft cantered at - (9l_caosta. tkraba., J. KA tar. captured ISO. J A Porter, tl,ntith. V 7 ft Stolle. A. lib. • I. Bore, T. 14.5. Alliailn,l), 1. S P Vempacy, Pl. Serge P. Schooley, It Irth, Fsm•i i.e.,. A. tel. Win Keanart. K. 106. rho. Arne.. It, W. Therldlowlnn Penane roled lOC exchange 11. G. hedge, W : Ps Use. I.leut. UH Itplohan, tech 1!!EIIMM' t J. 4 Ruiiin, otl4 P. Lunt Sim?. via Ps. CAT. (Sept. O.U. Widdls, moth Capt. 11 (Umber, 611 P. • Lieut. Pella Grey, 12 Pa A Singular and Sudden Death. The Titusville 'Reporter relates the following etrenge story.: A young man barely twentpone yeara °nage, who came to this place from Canada a few necks since, to tmaite in oil territory, died on Ifinnday, 27th ult., under the following circumstances : Tie was passing the evening with his cutmary associates in a private room, and /AM of conversation he remarked that by the be was. forty years of agii i he should be "worths prioeelylortuney, and should then re tire. One of his companions suggested that be might not live to be forty, years of age. The Ca nadian replied that "they were net yet read* for him down there," pointitt dOwnward. Some one asked him for one ol_at rt words, songs, and lie complied beginninz w idt 4 h' t "l've come home to • die, m s . 've 'name borne to die." Scarcely h ad ho completed the sentence, when his bead, fell upon iths breast, and he be came motionless and 'rigid. Ills "compiniona rushed to blast& and (sued that he was putsc hes—deed. The incident was related by Rev. Mr. Stubbs In hie Sabbath discourse, with .a touching and 'preprint° application. Alleged litolen Goods Dlsamered. BOOTS AND Chief of Police Longbas melted a letter from 11 -io 3 ,3_.. Cii:‘ Santini of Lincoln. Illinois, stating that on unday morningisst ho had omission to .cereb o eof the hoarding 110113e41 in that place sea in do leg so discovered a large lot of goods pecked 1 two trunks ' belonging to a German tailor, w - stated that he las from Pittsburgh.. . The good ere supposed to have been stolen. Among the articles were a lot of white kid gloves, a bolt of fine'collon colored tuindkerchlefit, 'ar ena vest pailerta, a lot of fancy woolen ahlrts, aline lot of hew shirt collars, a variety of fancy omit dm, and many other articles. Ito bee been offering to sell some of his wearing apparel, and his conduct leads to the conclusion that he is a thief. Ito also has in his possession a photograph album, filled wits obscene pictures, and is evl. daftly a man of had character. lie has sold a number of German books, including a Delilah. lager Pronouncing Dletionaty. with rho tante "Oswald Bemak" written in impel on the !mate. 'ALay of our citizen having-lost such articles. will Pease .glas. Information of the 'fact to the '' Chief of Police, SO that the suspected party am be arrested. . • Lawasocavrasi graunnolarThatbilowing is the result of the election • for borough alms In Powleal/Mel ;11tarInvia—Samucl It. Koller; School DiSecte're•--Johnldbere," John li. lit'Unto lough; Atidltar—Edward Davidson; COnnult.* Pint ward, James Easier, S. S. Welnwilght; Second word—A. FLAbilrorn, rdwardlluldsoul rd, rerYire Assaat ward, Win. Janeor; Booond Wightmani Judge of kt• waig. Pint ward; John Cochran, See ond ward; Inspector—Joseph hart, Kirin word; Anthony Fubrer, Second ward; Itoturn [norm:- tor—A:J. Marks, Hirst ward; Thomas Koller, Second ward;` ConetableT7Thoe. Coughlin., Iti=E= Donau iCaufie.—lfeitorday a bona beloniant to Wpm's. Loggato & Lindsay, of the IR ward, was killed at the railroad eroningon Penn stroo, biking' ran over by a train o r ears. The watalunan at. the ercealik wee ringing the boll *tithe time, but the driver woe unable to check the train Intim to prevent the ambient. The Myer tamped ualulured, Conazonon;-4:typciltraphlcal crrnr wawa to a!trvePort ef,tho CAWS' Board of Ednestlon, by which the vacation- of the' city schools was wade loAnislk:!‘ftem the Igo to the 15th of instaai&of the 10th. . ... • . . .LIIIOIIOE AT AUCtioNr—The large quantity of lalubef contalnad.-ba s tko,benu of On sUnlot tlmirel(ard *Hotel, Pasture lane, will be sold 91 A. Leguata, Auctioneer, on tbo'pretrab3e4. ad Saturday 18th !wt., at 9 o'nloelt.., COnTaarcAluaasa;• , -Itta cataract fir pay lt and llyeaccurra, atxeetk la Lawranact ItUe, bout been awxded by thit &met Commit* .11...ntackAm: last week - three. 'hundred Ladd fitty ,Mie &dads Men admitted late the AL army;: $ 11 .114 1 4 1 k100: • • Lsta:o .:r:lii C.,:la VV• la t 1 . ••• I f• o 1 , 1. *`. • 114 note. ext,P*lir fig it e. nriditiwt 11 IV • 1 . , •ee of he tie y ni Tito F.itott.t:t3 to F.Locit-ti the ki,.11 mkdo.t,wl , nee, throlet. the 1.1•111‘91,1, ..1 per. In bdtalf th l' is Q.. mi„i„... 'ot frrem allvr ..1 113 Ibcir b, TOUR, • ji 91AnItal;."(l'outnif.lton. 3 Gimea A Ile Air yn.l . 4 it I, .1 , 11111CT1 , 10 1 rI.I.CTIO, —Thu Directors of tho nud I Oil Misituitiol uC,y held all cif, titol 'moonily mi. (:-.,t00. un:i, I. r whett the to'l•nv , o2 , tsll 01414.4.111 Ire eri, 11, 0. ...oak Iy: Ni.trt lt. trr., hi N. 131.11101.. G.othe.. TP. de?, A. L. 11. M ry.1414 It, )I. Went. A. N. Mat-1,011, .1 C. Oiek- to. T:itt Grit line arc ol t itle.initt o 1 Cii.eio on! I, ihn,l t!,' four of INTENT TO German nurnmi 1.1..rwr to VIII a Foam; man noretd 'Awe. Tie nai,a quart , !C4 In a L,r r num tal 1.t6, rlnnt 1;,11rr atroca LapivettalaTe inflitanag, {ll ium, ru a lacb ns 111 d , -,411. Boma .111 , I 1 a , 1.1 priv Ile sal. tor Ca , than cola, at tittrock' ,, , 911 Fad (l4 tirvt H. 3111 if 300 YAM Will ALVe per cant. by atbm.lln4 M.: - Clint 4.1..5 and at 04 •clb•r:A Aree.t. OEI.II Korl.T. 0, la , Jan A htsataao. 4 lA/. Itlee vf 111.11•11.5, 000 ,II wittp4to, CIL .J Ilammet, 0, Ha. Z10=30.211 Y, Send I V 14•T/ossid. 0 14, so P Price:Via. so States, A. Pl. (Igo itrelfdot, 6L, 106. W U Siegfried, A, V. orergt J Clark. 0, M.% blades, A, 111. Sent J W titlam.. A, WI. eorpo filiterrt, D, 1. isJtnmUoa.B no. c Ale Donald, 0,1. In. orp 0 E. Seely, I) • Iranians bare bee, pa 0,14 3 Albright, lath P, 117 apt. 3no Pah r, nut PA Capt. IL Mornlngttar, Ellth P.a. ILieut. II P. Strohthh. 97th Pa. Limn. W. F. Baker, rah !Lieut. Wm Illerbow. !Mk Lieut. C. U. St•Uuks.. VIA Pa. l i a t r ieu pt. t G i S ts w . 1943 .4 4e . U , er,IIUP.II. ~ ~+~45 ~ ..:. nt .t two, hvld 4• t.MI NtorriA.3 , l, To nit er /IKt,. 4.r 111,allit eud icttter:6 with inttqlt A rEw olays ino 7.11 dos. , ~at •M .1, 1 4 of ot, titer, ,tt Oil F. i'crat otre,G. WiIAT Ott Foy out, Is toeo to V, FA,.I trm.t. All..gheity oily. -- • sin - U:111.1AM Al. to ITICEpt THOnAII W. ifinctical Mate Ram . , an° Unity in American 13Inte, of various orderm. Ultra at Alm:main Lowedl[oE, tivar the Waltz, Works, Vittehtogt, Pa. Residence, N'. 78 Pike Oedern promptly atteaded to. UI work warranted water email. Repairing , done at the soonest outlet. No eharfte-tur repairs, provided the roof Is tic: ntueed alter It le out on. LILLSCLAL 4.1,10 too Of ottf road filfeelvd LO LIP. trrilaut. maoictineut of Fall and Winter Goods nut n. - ciaverd by ow friend 1.1r..101(1. Wrier, Nn. lU 'i Falk:TM moot, Ilia mock oiniurivan a great variotl of Fang French, htadith and Any:lean Caskitherea and Cloth*, and tins dill: amt Cassi 00'th Ve , 4l ogo l all 01 addaii grill he made up La • or&r In atylot and In tb, KO O l manner. choiev 8)1v - thin of ittthiching Goods. also on laud and tor ingather with a fall .docia. of Brady Idadt Clo th ing. 00 : 11 aw l 1 0M 08 . 14 5 7110 e. CrItIn6LtEILS AND Lows ai t A: 81, aklry, 153 11.;44! Street, oppnalto thu Firrt l'rrabyterlau Church, I.tre on hand a laautirni gaortmort:of Chauddl , ra. Lamp., Se., of different paurras, and they •urer ilruu for ante at cost. Wu would Invite our realer. to avail thetnrelreit of the opptirt unity. 141 w 4031017T10.0" SALES._ AUl.:1101 . 11 AUCTION! CITY` Bool' & SHOE 4TOUB 1.0 96 grgleralit.,-.llUsghtny OW. • I ism nom ottertatt my entire stock of 00.11Yr8, RR (01 ,- $. (l Ant,RS. at, at Atiction, cpennimming on MON OA Y....Asria IM. at id o•C;COCImmod atotioutng •very dolt at id t o.e.h,eg, uutlit nmeoet. 111) stoek Is large sod orsurable, prlanipally Cur t, m made, and it mill be to the sdrant•tee of ail to attend the sale, as I am determined to oto.o out Lottlm K. Me. Wit, OS Frdrrel oire•t, Lllegteay oily. ..A. LEGOAT Auetaoswer. mitt PRIVATE LIBRAItY AT Allfat()N. —43lyr t:futty At *mitt tYyb, ,at •IS teehysit. yell he 'sold Mr em-olerdu tevom Aver. of Condor. Soleil Ito* am, it Flat Wad, • very voluible Wale L.oristy. lot-loamy moss o orks oder out • pilot; ul 0 Mteot lateieoz tO the odour ion Et . alft!nr ...ter of Enall .11 farti t cOmpries tars itorml Mt every deportimuyst—lkos • 7. Blerory, Travel, Bie,Tree treleide, ties literttuami, &e. Also. a flan copy r f thei.o+upt , e wo , km of (ices' e, In the orly , tool. the , het, &nit on. TO Tile. - t)ytylogure haw re.dy ena tier Boot open to ea' nil ey. e.atntuy. Abu. rdett., ANTE, Anstioneer 61.01 qq 0.; EC VIAr 1; Oh .tc LIT U EVE - 111:10. )ttrth t3tti, It n'elr 61,1% 111 be sAld on libur of Unto 6elciAl Snit It otims-tkt Vilth itreet thr CAts gue .1 IMO Ptit,,te LIDAry, vs in stat, eoll a. ticn'nt TruerHAl and 'rimit int .H,be., rissets. :hat, IA/urism. Plantiptieni, Naps, Selentkei Books. ktuettors of ti.,rthe and Srtailer, Datn.cala Tval.t bun Ale Darrel blot Catslciturs Sow ready. The *akin On view all Say evtiwility . A. AtcII.WAINE, Ai:o'r IaEtt ( TORS' BALY. BRILLIANT t.ft -• us ;p.a._ /CI Sinai( rICLP %rat:cr.—on NATI 1111011 AFTERNOON, alsreb lath, at o'clock. ril eeild,' st No. II Stoltatteld strr et, b i thern order of; the executors of Memel If sexes, dee ilf rock of Liquor,. oorNiet.loa to 0.10 pearls Waletry, I Iftrrel 844 Aire. - Futniturs, Fixtures and coal will of the fir I .Nroloos. ruble -.• IitoiLWAINT., GREAT PURIFIER. HEMAPANAKA. Mao the lettothlettoi et saethehte. the ortfte Mums hem pethepe tete the Madan of mete... Wilke and •leteatlele.eeessiterattee 855 oast •• - - learned of the Profeestot than =Tether seamed* with the law, of the Great Creston not a feM have c omit that all &seams have thing' origin la.the . sto ' sent omen. the solid," of DPI Walt ellen "sat sod by far the greatest number. oontead and ream tlettim SLOOD Itself is the vary (ousted* of life—Dist if 0 becomes impure, then Messes la tta worst forms—Scrofula, Cancer, Ukers, Ina, &ppm; coo indeed, experience In treaties tans ems sof Ms eases by purifying t h e led thareoy tasettng their eradication cure, prove Ude to Ale the rotted theory: sic up= which theory, the mid trine now known es twit . wee comPosee end brought btu Ipteettee, producing the most gnat trying results. its use tbenexerekes 'nee a mastery over _ SCROFULA; ULCERATIONS, PlAlPlall 4 . 0111 mut FACE, TETTE% SALT RHEUM, LIVER COMPLAINT, LOSS av APPETITE, DYSPEPSIA, IttlEUMATIsid, OEN• ERAL DEBILITY, ha. de.. ea. M to give, Cum the time it is first taken, Manila *gement to the patient, by matins both men end felt, the good It Is about to eecomptish. It wee thought beat to put It up fa betties at 000• an4•111,,a enenc-is many permute Ire aired to fry an 1100 re ale but e often deterred at he exPensa—co the trial here ma be mule at a moderate oittley, and satisfy , the. purchaser' that the article is ,what la claimed for It to be. via: the greatest sacra Mama vs= brought before the Peels Delicate Parades will dud in it tee , medicine t hey aced. That the public may form vole Idea of Rs Pete liar curative ms, whi ch ~e subjoin a Het wi th pried pal artteles of lt is composed; a. 111 0• description of the eves and adaptation of eaeha ken from the highest authority Known to swillmis demo. • , HONDILIUS SASSAI'ARILLA• • • flied with' a beneflolal effect in eases or Mown& tlemi Serofulous Affeetkras, Ontaneous Themes and other depraved conditions of health. D INDS LION top% &untie, li ver Aperient. It ha action upon the liver, elattlog It whenlan g uid, to seerettoo. hal hem o r gans. Used to GOMM/ 131 fit IM digestive maws ionursivx. Theft' ate i.w tti lois& ft ha: ioi proved' be pe neficial it la mod la Scrofulous Ade:atone OM at anneal' it has also been used with canal me. Omen tfeatimatoallallantinatlon of tbr. geterelly lninescae the appetite and dealt. j - LAiSMDSS FL9WIMB warfintfitle, ( Nervous onto, ;Lai. hisbly tavtiorattaii if Debi • • *INTER °SEEN jo tOrOoliliff Voidable In'sasel of Scrofula aid thilustoalam.: ' cuuromus noweal Ate/idvistapously sued la DIMS of Enfeebled 13.. rzral l atitgy tr, -- • . . lINZSRSOI . f aitk It , sets lavorably al ittetettie Citatia*AS , toottnekehronto Rheumatism fusfUltlffalefa Nem Of the . Okla. •• • • • • ' balm* of the Copula fsWlttatelft a. "le', • • FLUOR 4011ISTOIV 00*fIJAITIIIFTEMD k rotritrit - Putsessitti raw AEPAsk Anal Intern/eat Phytetaallde eiltafes oral above recipe, • • • , -401 *mono A . NN Iti l'irtl; •::. .; ; :.; , . 1102 ; 11=116' • ' . :Allent 4 wn.'," .. E t 31 ,n 91 '... 11 Do twi al lp iaMati ' A. . i-kb., - 'WELL MAN raiGINN 3 — IP President. - KA* ' •',--- . t,iY~niry o.", fi wi, to itinifali .;, • '''-' , .: „ , _ .. llfse. 641 4 . *: 144 * ll4 ' • / 4 1141 1. 61 re 'litika ri li :t a t - a ta the st; ' - 13611‘4 " ...-mc-- - 4 ",.. bo i tea / 0 1 ",;" 111 . - wirthis saa fitiet Attamt "l' I n d 3sYrivi o l e imi :4l 4 l". 4 lll4" navi: grdyiTgAtatia.. o lwmu.. ,°.' 2 , , , „ ft , tu m— i al h O r4 ,,... i dn_ ~_ dutattom ,' opporynatz 41„. ow, ,itmo rf 14 6 verMalt r ill i et t ri 1 Itlt .r . ° 2 11 .... M .,... i1M ar•au5., .:: Ina rimi W .0. hem PittatlVs . 1 , ...1 - 4Ziikwg,,K .' I , I illaWihra - :coataye..-0-074 , " ... 05Tk ,, .. , .„, go P 1.1.,V0 S. JILTS IC: St. . _ r•N tn , /-• CAN COMPARE , WITLI TILE C 1 er Vianos Pew CT and Sweetness of Tone, flcr.:ntitude of Touch. •Durability of Construction. and Elegance of rinisb. OYER- 2*N,OCO PIANOS IMF, BON MADE And Sold by This Firm. 11.4:Iman, 'lllll.erB. Gocts.chnll; 19m - y• 'those taxa the, Bost. SW Nev Ist just received. CHARLES C. 1111101 ti 81 WOOD STEEEr rnhlt Sole Agout for chickering & Sown. piA NOS AND AMERICAN ORGANS. .BRAI , IIT'ItY, :few York, SCHWA 6.11 ER & lO d/14T, r.sB.ra - 063, S. D. & H. W. Smiths' American OrGan, V ITO PATENT TREMOLO ATTAR/WENT .lept received a new tot of the above celebrated Instruments, together with GOOD CHEAP PIANOS from other meenreeturers. All ;warranted for flee Ewen. WAtIELIRK & BARI, 1.111 No.ll STREET. 11E PUBLIC AND PROFESSION ore reepeettully Invited to etch sod inepea:tihe le•go end eitleedhl sectortm,.t of the ' -" CELEBRATED KNAJC. PIANOS now on hand. Each Plena r ssranteed for nigh y us. OBA.RLOTTF PLUNIT., 43 Fifth street. Sole Anent for finsbe's Pianos, 11..tue'4 Bros Pi.nos, end Clmpe & Kindta Pianos; also Prtace , A otom•tte Uranus. mhlt • HOFFMAN, llOEtii E ez, 53 rtrru STREET, EML2 L 0121114 FOB 7:/ - ei I.l.tsai.crea. W Rent Pinang In A media. MERCI44Jr7' TAIIMRS. HENRY G, DESIRE 3 TO RE TURN thanks to hi fri-,04 no i tha public for the Isree end rIl I support they It's , e ace corded to Wm. tit the MERCHANT • TAILORING FRESH. In making prepares tool for. the At SPRING . TI4DE. Mr. li/de ham visited the *asters ► markets and ete lead! chotoe stmt.! for GENTLEMEN *JD YOUTHS' WEIR • whki !notation is respeottulllinvlte 4 L Gen men will Owl on trint,that fdt • ceileste.vami of Itaieital, StyLl, w.etn■NlP mot for care la regard to the (stewed of the Costa aeon. • No Eatablialgn.ent Can Excel, Harr G. HALL NEDOILANT TAILOR, Northwrit con of Pm and St. fflatr Strooto, 13LOCIL. W. H. McOKE. 10 ST. CLAM goods. al atteation brSTREE? Wield e t l ha teem selece Wi t h nue k . a t 3 contains all the NEW WT STYLIiLi OF GOOD c to be found In &stelae bootee. (learn wahine .1 malt of Goths, wade to order, will • please call anti timeline our goods and prises ,!yen, a full and somplete Rook of IL s. NefiZE, aa,an h ,n TA11.014 No. to ST. CLAIR STREET Glut & LOCIAI4, 47 St. Clair street, IRE NOW CLOSING OTT THEIR warm STOOK .or. BOY'S, Yol7llrB ALM) CNILDRIIIWEI CLOTHI'_~6~, AT iIIIZATILY impeuiro rams, C4BPETS. OIL CLOTKB, . N EN CARPETS AT POPULAR PRICES Wilton and Velvet; Meet Two and Three. Ply lowaln. well nesoontol ell Clotba, from II to 24 fret Wide. riae Paper, NoLlama mull Position Window Shades We ere Jost opening our sPßrrro STOOK. compr sing. the newest and Odom., Patterns la the market, et a REDUCTION IN PRICE OF Seventy five teats to .St per Tard. from p Tot hid year. ATT e sold that foil to Give astisfectlon will be taken k and the money refunded. ARLAND & COLLINS, and 7$ FIFTH. STREET, _ mkt Next doer to Onetoxi House and P. 0. ABPET STORE. Beet Vet rag. 34 wh'e, with border to raga t Medium quality. % wide Bigelow Brussels ; orosifs Bost TaPeetrtes Allinarleen Tapestrlee *mak Toursuir Atamlni tetand Velvet XsP I .Beat 3 ply and I ply logretnu Mirada of IoW prised earpots. TEELLOWES I T.,PRICES -fzfrirAixiLAL3Nrqml:=:o W. D. & H IbOAILIOL ENTERPRISE KILLS. ATWOOD, RALSTON'CO.. litunitactaren and Coma Lulu Nordin% CA.RPETINGS, in Cloths, Xatqngs, 164,, le Zip. 619 t:Lizzis,wer =Myr, - , TOSIEWPROTED Lima Qum sewillit IyMir grtLT SIB Vartirpsaist 2111Mbilliz and . warm la ' imoramenti WI Gm rem :nwsimiwortheiwinn iutruenteonnoitogral.Nrorre.Fortasimplirliyitatypen4etaw,4,om - - to be semi talm, - , , soptwilmait :It will bah . qui teak or 11a1. - C elled *imams for your. Beira.; Every imbibe warn " nidklir =r ed. No.iir =Bp fit q appmar Bt -.- ~11),1 WC, , It. oh. P. u ', r 11603. Pplaidetat. I.:molter, ga. With Iron t 71ty 13%00 • __ 701331 . 11 II ,11021 , :. ESN,. uf Prre:u.traon,i Y. R. C. t-er*.,._ , Nirwlia.T, ~, PrlTS,Ulioilii rehtwalf fat. IN& N OTICE.—WITIING TO r7RTIIER •L' ttm &taiga ol tir • NATIONAL I3ANE LAW. ip PROVIDE h. Uniform. System of Currency MTH NATIONAL BANK, OF PITT6BIIRGH. will, ea and attar Ecbrany WOKS, teCelee Fe 0 her regular Depoaltms, cuatosue4n and &lane% CURREATT AT ran. B, this wale the public:, will obtain PAR MONEY FREE OF ALL CUARGE exclisage tot their currency By order or the Bona. 8.D.. MEIRFtON, Cashier. BANKING 110U*K. N. HOLKES & SONS, 3El2lh.w . zr:inpiu 9 . ff Market Street, Pittsburgh. DEPOSITS READEIVED IN PAR FUNDS AND Collhatious wade on all tits prhaelpal palate of the Vatted States and pandas. STOOLS, BONDS AND °TELEF. S 1 017111TLE BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION PArtioulu atteatton rad to Lite pwroime sad sale of UNITED STATES SECERIIIIB, haledNolte M 3400 s of l l ' s; to. Mls ; Pe. Five& 10405; Do. Pedro-111M 0; Do. Cerilllcates of Islebtedtiess. ORDERS Mill TOUCILERS BOUGHT OR DOLLAR bAVII , 4OB BANK, NO. 86 £01111.711 STILICBT. ' UHARTNRED IN 1021. Open daily from 9 toi 2 o'clock, alio on Wednes. day. and Saturdoy . evening, from 'May lot to No. let, from ? to 9 o'clock, and ftvm November Mt to Nay tat from I to e o'clock. Deposits received *Usti stuns of not Muth= one Dollar, and • dividend Of thiiPindis declares[ WU* a per, to June and De:ember. Interest Ma been declared semtannually, In June and Deorasher, sham the Bank wair organized, At the rate of els per rent. a sear. Interest, li not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor ss IW:wiped, and bears the same compounding the fine. days of June sod Denendare, twins a year without lanubling the depositor to call. or even to primal his pass book. At this rate money will doubW la left then twelve Books, containing the . Charter, Bales and Regulations, furnished gratis, oa app cation -at the Deka; PrinareMiv.--GINNIGE iwittss. , . • William J. Anderson, A. li. Pollock, John G. Backchat. Robert Babb, Benj. - L. Fshnestock, Jobe B: Shoeaberpe. Jams Hetdinsa. Jana stadia • Santee liteauley, Alexander spe44, loam, N. Perucook, Christie• Tenger. Calvin . Henry J. Lynch., John O. Bindley. Peter A.. Nadel's, IcTir=i, John Marshall., Walter P. Marsha% Aloam'A.. Carder, James B. D i = Charles A. Colton. John B. Mc Win. Damian, John Om, John Evamr, Henry Bangnalt, John J. OlUeVe... VIM= E. Sclimuta. William S. Saran, Alexander ' Penn IL Hunker, Vankiria, Richard Rays, Wm. P in tifi . Wrenn. Janine D. Kelly, Imam Trmeom.—CPlAS. A. COLTON. Sterstary—JAßLES B. D. NEEDS. ati etaw TR/BD NATIONAL BANS Pittsburgh, Ps. CORNER of WOOD and VLUGINI ALUM II S. tiffiliTOßY AM MAUL BB' 7 8-10'. this Hank keeps ea hand for sale the T hit Coital States Treasury Notes, sad takes subssrip Nona forth. saae. This is the POPULAR LOAM—the *sly (tor. ernatent loan now to the market at, those who hare money a safe and desirable oe. easily for ineestasent TWO amas A DAY roa. EACH MO These motes are alldated IDA Augast, MN. The Introest parable sesnietnnually on the 11th et Tsb. nary sad Bah of Almost, at the fate of ad hd per MO per annum. Alike enrirsupl of theta Mrs icily little over two and a half now) they are ax ohangahle Into the 630 Geld Bonds. Comiessloas allowed to Banks had Bankers. Interest will be pale at oar Banking House. WM. B. SCIIIMERTZ, Prot. lons B: Lrersorrtor, Cashier... •O. M. Swim. Assistant Cashier. . Ands. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Oman or CloorrenobLin or vas Conasior, WAOUPOTOW, FelolSi td OBIS. BERWBAB BY BATI lty BFADTOR erldenes presented i t ths underdgned, It has been nude to sppeor Dist the SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF . MEM, .ta tie city of Allegheny, in the county of Alio. gt r iF i and State of PerAr, hulloes duly o ed nada and Rocs to the requirements of be sets of Congress, entit "AR Act to pro. vide a National Currency, teemed by it the of United States Bonds, and=Eovide for the eireu. Wise and redemption ts "encored June sd. 18% and has complied with I the inovisions d. • said set required to be complied with borers 0014 moon tito buldeene of belikblit undereW Id 1 Now therefore, I. lima MoUntocra, Conipirelier of the Cur. reney,to hereby certify that "The Sawed Kates al Bank of Allegheny city,” ln the city et Ails Pe en nis r it .l attraligii.d An tr==laltt l sees or }Tanking under the set_sferessid. t . .. • Ouneng Barsou, .la Gotham/ simmot Soil of Um witness •my bend sad Oomytrollsrmt the mai orals*, this &ay TreuneOurremiy. of r!bruary, I. ' rDepartmmat. . 1 , TREMONT DEPAATICF.Nt Orman or Comrrintsza at tin Illerlismir, • Washlngtoa.Janummiltb, OIL WEER - B:6A . BY - BANISTLOTO I 1 T "ramie promoted to tho o*MOrool,tt . la Wen wide to appear UM : , - TIE ONION NATIONAL BANI OF TIMM% Iv die hen pity' er i ftttiblambuity of - Al _ ul y! and sat socodded tha re. qulreadada of the Act of entltled Ath Sgt 1 provlda a, National - , • mowed - ill deal United t3tated liceida, and provide fur tha eirculatlonthd 7 redendbm thereof? dm. pored .lthieith Nth and kiaeompiled wttn4iltn• wadded; dud act required to be emptied with before aoausweadad th e ballade ended/ad add - Now rod. r: sathrtiOallitfOrnthil• ler el tbe ' Carrdey! bereby *edify that , Tbe Hada National Bath of •PliteborW , laths el 4 oflPLltabur" La th• -dust ot.f edbeay; sad State of Yeadaybrania, is an Lo Gowns* the beaded orßankias. nada the ad sforeiaid. . 87 FOURTH. STREET. "rrener swan, Ts timalawrl - whersot _ Beal at tho. 'Mama immharul and ma " uoni= of tat• of onoevUus twelitiaiag Itt.nry D,43:"Emit. of January. TILEMISTET DiteilennWril_ • I alma oy crortiouxi :so ocrszweror WassziririVT,Jamlozollt24 Ole _ -IVIEREAB.—By gallsfactory E p r oeHitok.te Imsasipsa 1//111 bar asido ooptor,thitt W . ! ..! • • ! px4LOsiliBuA THE ALLEGROWNIVIONIL:-. 11 4 11 4- 4 , , p itr Ai i , A , , i d : : law ceounty •Cl Aniesiiiiiejc sad Steui - eriesusayle*aleijute.: l mns Oalyonado teed limier ark4:_0N94 1 1 4 . 1 .g. _.. , dxs4Ftsoltht Me of _ 1 1 . his a= to Provide s histionsfilmistittlY *Wedges! Monet, • owe d Book' 1.0 - pride for Morainal MAZMOOD::HOW LOST.l , 4pEtft,,„. r add *woo. AhKe4ll, a. eppeoyed iltrarld,l AAA , TOIIIIDI—.II2et itehllsheCti I =e• '''''' ~.,: i r, d , sot hu deoleo . --rzuarreV,:t.... o .- . f Pr fr b..rx=gia tiltrs -:.---'* -ti- e_beetbaxt .nn We ash: .-- - : or. Seat A w ' lived" , Ir ' ll =' 7 ' I l tha ow.tnereforea, HUG XeUlll4.ooll,Clet :theenel. Debility,' heel- lipzl tlrri Atelier of the Clarremehhe:haret.y teetliy UM sesersnyflezvoo.„ ot, ..Aughoty rstkliala Milk^ AC 'r u nuggh e lahe. ,lnt . 'imethreeeet sed rart ess .1. (;.- el , ••tcyarPlUOVVo le WWI of .131ete 4 Pennsylyvkil, imam 4011.11 , 0114, _lnitp.,_)ll. - D. euthoree we ~...,.., „.0. the Winne of 04 14 7 , 1 4 , %reek: ' - - ' HOOF. TO .`rj r a`i mi , m .,•-r ~r i. , orr -4111 ' - - wisisk Sec; midst ets1.11! , 14 111 or v a s - ~,,,n , „ *al: *has? Jansit c H u - -,. ,:.:0; s.: ,eresi4 pcisk*lllevi e r v % to hm..4,...; ,t tk•vm . 41611;114111001141si ' -,.,.....1, t . 11 . UMPlIREIT HOMEOPATHIC SUMS, & ?REA SUPPLY JUST REDEJTED. THEY HAVE IrLEN TN USE lOR TWO AND THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN CURED BY THEM. No. t—Ou ,k cr.,,Cloogemtioa nod tonscomatto Noss, rota • the sante elia irilleuum.tore Stumm. Price Of et No. 9—Quee Forme Favor, W ormOoue sod Vs soloos Appetite, Keith:kg the Rod. Priao IS molt No. 2—Oures Oolle, Teething, Ortrtnit eeet Nth. Wilts% Slo , tteoseth and roetLeaoss M alma Price IS Geste No. 6-Cores Diarrhea. of Wt itre& or Adult Cholera Infanta., and Sums.or COMPlaints, Plig 35 Fenn. Noe a and i ace the wont MU or own& fa ambea. • No. 5-Ourea Dvsentery or Meade. Flux. Oat (3 noires, Billow Cel o, Fall Dysenlery• Pride teats. No. 6.-For Cholera, Cholera Blottnill, Nan* Q Vomiting, Asthmatic Breathing. in cents. • No. 7-Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoersesess, Bre* gene,flitmll7: an.l Sore Throat. Price 35 cent, This and No. I never fail to ouzo the wont Cole and Coughs. No. 6-Corse Toothiadhe, Face-ache, Nerrell nein and Tic Doloreux. Price 35 cents. . No. 11-Cure the Sick Headlight Vertigo Husk of Blood to the Head. Price In addition with N 0.40, it never fees to oure the most inveterate cases. No. 10-4 - thires Dyepeptia, Weak, And or Doren. ed Stomach, Constipation; Liver Complete, 00 61.11001 Condition. Price 36 cent,. Iseaxgrai.n for all CIIII.I 01 Weak Digetion spa BlLLous tiomolainte. No. li-Ouree Suppressed Menses, or Scanty, K Painful, or Delaying, Green Sicken. In conic No W-Cures I-encores, or Whites, Beartlig Down too Preform Renee.. a 5 cents. No. 13-Uuree Orono, Howse Croupy Co.' Difficult and Oppressed Breathing. ai cents, is--Curea Salt Rheum,Crusty FS-option!. Erysipelas, Seel 'Head, Barto n' Itch, Pimples OS' the Face. as nate. So. 16-Corre Bbritmatiam, Side, LslllCeCii Or Seeman in the Chest, Bea or Limbs, eg Sciatica. 33 cents - Na. le- ruCures Ferer and Agt Intermlttent Fe. ver, Dumb Ague, Old Direterate Agllo., No. 17--Cures Film, Internal or External. Mal or Bleeding, Ragout or Obstinate. 60 cents. This remedy has cured thousands of the wont pomade cases. le-oures OPththolo‘b v Weak or lelemOdl . Eye or Eyelids, Falling or Week'elght. ee mtg. It may always be relied upon fora cure. No. lb-Cures Catarrh, acute or chronic, Sri or flowing, Cold in the Head, Influenza. go scuts- No. 10-Cures Whooping Cough, shortening tad penning it, or Spasmodic (lough. 03 coats IC L infellible, and always relieves lad sees , No. 21-Cure Asthma, Oppressed, Dilllcalt, bored Breathing, COUgh end Expoctoration. Prise Si cents. Hundreds kayo bees cured by it. No. Et-Cures Ear Discharge , Noise In tke Impaired Hearing, Earaoa No. 23-Cures Scrofula; Enlarged Glands, NA Te.ll. Swellings and Old Moen. 116 seats. Hen cured the worst ones. No. 94-Cures General Debility, Physics' oe Nsge sous Weaken. SO eats. No. 15-Cores Dropsy, Fluid Aocumulatloes. min Swellings, with - Scanty Secretions. gi 10 • 116-Cares SeeiSicknees, Prostration, Test Norms, Vomiting. fa mutt._ • N0...01-thires urinary Idtmiesin7 Grasel.EX Calculi, Difkordt or Painful Thinatlea. - a Mg It cures old CUM of Kenai Triaseeesc.. IV& SS-For Seminal . Eratastim, 'avow*. Diechar consequent Prosirelon and Dill :. ty, Badßoralts of Habits. - ?doe In 00. - • Tbamon , eeriest monody. kaons, and, esti le relisaxnes w &sure sum; . . N0.10,-Ow Sore Hoek Sionani.Clankeell Mouth of Mutts or Children, and also Nines* and Vomiting of Pregoant Ficonlei. W seats.l Ceres at. one. - • • , No. as-owns Urinary ineontlegiony Wettfile , ' the Bed, too Frequent, - Painful, orticaMMS gdolo - Mom • No. SI-Curni Pairdid ffienstroatfon,, Prom s% : _ . or Spawns, Pruritus, HOME' and • Vonof Females. it ; ..It. nets likox charm , • - Nil. ga-Curos.Sulterißl at 01 . 1 ; 0 4% Maxilla, Flushes Of. neat, Plkgol Disease of the Heart. Mea 04-onres Dlptheria sal Trlistem seat Sore Throat. elerati. • • • . No: 33-OuresCooruntoisc_r Spasms of Infect OrMults, arid Owe. , of IS O4O • No. orb-Coven Ellionsome, ma Want of Lowness of Spirits, Joundhee, Courtilmtloo, LlverOoMPlilito alt No. ore--C a m Bolls, Carbunales, and an/ Se* of the kind. . • pro: 15-durn all 4eute Skin Eruptions, aa Sag let Fever, Measles, Chicken Pox, kn. No. is-Cures Chronic Coughs, Nervous Oonstn ..i'Toro(kraSh. and Cough wall expectoration. No. 18 -Cures Sangho( or Catarrh In the hest a `lnfants, Rattling of Mucus to the Throat. . • No. M. , -thusetkumtitutional TlMPOnalsa to queat Attaeks of Headache. No. ad--Cares Oandltutlepal Disposition-1O Asthma. SS vial family ems 10 vial family case, mor?coo ..... is vial ease, plain. ii vial ease M vial physician's case OUIIRF2.IOY EM==l WLUECTED Iwmthott Oostntiollire of ttielUarrea • -1110MMOCIIILLOOM .oamotrollet of EDMIL. READ TEM LIST OVER. POND'S EXTRACT OF IWG=M yamßekSeslas, gora,Rsuloml/4.Soreacet, Lambs , Rheumatism,. Boils, Moen, CMS IS Toothache. II cids like clam Prise IS Nate. The trade suppße4 New York Ont. Oar Remedies by Katt. Loot over Use tut, Mae ttp seasoOi what tit you *home, and bulose the amount Is e note or stamp., by moil to my . oddrett, eM t medicine will be duly returned by moll onorito tree orrebargo. J. X. FULTON, NAM Street, (Ditritcit Sultan. &oast! door below the Poet. Moe. WMlapis agent for Flttaburgh aa4 vidakl4l6 mkt' COUGH NO MORE. . MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BLUM STRIOELAPIPS MELLIFLUOUS 0017011 BALSAM hi warranted to awe Ocandtaa Oc4 Iloareenera, Asthma, Wh002 11 41 Oodith• Hatt Throat, Clensumption, and all affections of UM Throat and Lungs. For sale by Drawees. General Depot, I.Eas Fourth id:at, Oincinnatt, 0. , .TIX.ELVILNLIZO 3I . 42I .. AU the Medical men and the press remains DR. STRICKLAND'S ANTI-CHOLERA. KIK' TURE as the only certain remedy for Diarrhant Dysentery. It 14, a combination of AitaingMbits Absorbent; Stimulanta and Oarminathres end is warranted to deed s cum after all other mesa hese For Wsfelled. by Druggists. General Depot, 11 Ealt - • Fourth street, Cincinnati, 0. STRIORAND'S PILE RENEDY 4 enummativs PILE Aram sand thousands of the worst eases of Mad 'sag Bleeding Pike. It glees immediate relleg aid ad. feats • ragout aura. Try 11 Tor sale by. all Druggists. Geursul Dept.STile, Toroth street, alaeiaaati t O. • Dyspepeis, lierowniess,. Debility DB. BTRI7XLILEGrB TONI(7. ; • , nt . I L.k •sea Mamma lbws tragatinE 2 o4 Appetit*, Indlyeation ot Dyapapsts_ . • aa4 Wawa Deint, te latnalanalahr-Itaels.J- ' n"' Ina • ••••taida yrayaratioa r tree Oran atinhainal s qt it atramitlans the whole avairoaa II mates a good aliPentaArl v DT'audGarvons tiny. A.rtsi b iEnnWiMnruxik stms.o74: t!. we Omi O. by DB. GEO. It. LISTEN s Iat Woad atrat andYbain allay sad LS moat at Woad and I••••= taughi sat by ELSE EGILF.L.IIa , stozsuarbenT4 • "'A-• egg GREAT EEKILIBEV MODIDY.Q. • MI Sauizal MARE" CELEBRATED FS ALLA Pretense from Of Phydetair liztreoreurg to this gums. - .••• • Thin well losnornmedialna to no hogelerttinis Ista'• a sore en.; sate remedy for Female dillieutttee niadh Obstructions, front any canes Whateeer, • and she. though; renredy, they soutane - melni , Fed leg4vrtlDl . to. the, eonstitution. To Mantrillv , , Ladherlt la . perfeetly mated.willign a Mmeg, time, bring on the monthly period with regularity: ' • Thaw Ms hare never been known to fell erleleli- 1 thridlreettons on Mead page el the pamphlet eppo, r otfi n tare gat Pim Dbl et,free, ottani , agent, So Druggists. ftMe, in pee tempo' i ' •si Nonsuitdo woes, Now oft.. gt.i-ei anal postage credootalap x:a ed II Ist , authorized agent, will -Went a footautos 4 .. 3 a. sem ro tro return ma 11... pLittalge • . WM' LRAM PIRAOTIOar I'ol4, ..,15 3 . 16 IX =MAIL DEUILIII/4 t 1 4:; titi?O4OMI.9III4OIIVACQUirIdVPIIIO.2 Adam a Eta lib ssautA loassats lIDAtP4T.;°/, iNsamusallitliszNorSEMLY.WlLlMMl2o,._ .• Aad $ll Mamma aztaligthetarift. are' 0 4r 6 lji attliAt *water tfins Qua Allftetil=r 4 n.rW VEGETABLE SEEEDGIB-. _ 1,64 :41:1 put oPths VOW AB Eltherilmit ika iii . ti; r.• = t ,B 4 slores antAktr i ge ek, 2 1 4 1 ,,k., Amos •Adtlnsr; - 4.111r: • . pew r as se i A . Li ell i II ld 1 1) , ..• 't NI dr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers