IFF'«IXTS. - - - WANT SD—TO dwelltng boast., eontalatair from kw to sight MUM Ler person hssing lust' a house(' r the may leara of a paretniair by addirstirett "LONE" Clasierrit °Mae, stating location * print, tams, tut. - AAT ANT E D .—A SECOND STORY BOON, wall board for :man and wife is a ra; Irpeotable prtral• 4mtty. iteir-reaces orarsogaL JUNlreaa. "B B. BOX 1491,, colog9tel PUtaburgh 1!ort. Mac IVA:NTED-AGENTS TO SELL 'NEW . , STEEL PLATE ENGEATINGS SHERBUN, &c. •. Specimens for 6i) seats. Wives! discoinds. /a. dress tbe publisher, . IV hi. £I.II.RTAIX, 7mSununu street, Philadelphia. FOR .111E.IrT. 1 - OR SALE. On TO•LET IN: Tifireth WAND, Pittebnishi on the corner of. Webster and Login street, twentrids feet on Webster hi one hundred feet on Logan Atreet, store, feed hauls ant under. hap 1 6 =reit required to head; lb. hal/um:set Interest. ISO tn• membrane° on this _proporty, artirsaot he sold before the 'Nth of March. /Bootee on the pond. . see of - • R08T.X.T.M.11,L66. istaltSB IOR, BALE.—That splendid einuudon the Second llissk, Alleghenyhes. City, late the res. . • e arn of Ler. Charles Avery, nerc • Also. bean bulldlrgtlfAltflug_ • • IST Fourth street. - - _ . VOR _SALE. • first rate second- band UPRIGHT EA .. _ 2, mllb boiler and ill In good older. Cylinder *X diameter by lb leen Atoka. Will be sold ebeasClied foe lame& silly. It la the' airefor o W. Serialreed my obey, corner-Bearer . street Gay alloy. All*. gleateity, trine It - ean be seen. ~. . . , . saingWil R.ll. LEthry. tlat 5/Wt-Tali BANK EXCULANGS oa Tided streetoultable :for • hotel, a. large boanileg.hause, taanufactourcrehouse, oppo site the bank of Pittsburgh, fatty(*) feet on Thltd rtreet, Mining half-Wayt ugh to Second* street. Will be sold at a bargain by applying to M CUTHBERT at SONS, Market street, or S. hIcOLEAN, Jr., at. the banning-house °Laskin acus,./gelllean'lS Ch..": 5 Fourth street. ' atilt you BALE tom:purr. DWELLING HOUSES,. of seven mad eight rooms; era aid hot water, end gasgbath toom, In mud ren.lr• Rlluste Montgomery Airoue,Noith, Outmode, betweea• Federal and Sandkaky sturee,Allesheoy. Require M JAMES MILLER, corner of Sandusky street Sod Meet Ornery Arasue. talddveod FtT BALE. :Two Brick Houses, - 1111" orDT Pour and the other or St: Room . ; .Scottsad So. !M EM street, Rh ward. Per Ruter Wilt:Wars enquire of ISAAC STEWART, Jana( • At Phelps, Part A tto.ts, Manchester. FOR SALE OR RENT. . •. • • -- -' - 'l, SitI(7IK.4IOI.TSE WITS. SIX BOOMS, . . Stable, ke., with three awed of land, good orchard, and water, situated' in Pitt township, on Francis *trent; about thirty radii( root Araengar Railroad and Center Amine. App . lits . , legidt , , . ' ' No.ls7;Liberty Amt. 1 4 011 BALE-POI3IIIIII7ARD4.I,LE °RENT CITY PROPERTY.—Wenwe thorlzed to sell thelotalluated 'on the eut side of Iteedrich street, at Us Intersection with the Rom; ayisaata Maul, north lgaret.Alkeneng 011 y, on wttkh thus are four brtek home, twq of which are three story, containing eve room each, and two are twq story, containing fourroolcs esth. Will be sold ehesp or traded for good ad stork.' tete ISTW: h.SAILEY, Wall= Halt. PSALE:—Nent .. , Votttige - Mouse ;.,or, ewit rooms, with a /arge Arenasall tinpeolied lot AWN, frouthig oa South end dear Rebecca street, Allegheny, nit trees eteeet :gag and water In the house; SUE trees tines and shrubbery to abundance A moat. do. alrable location, wIWIn are animates Of tuudelett, and..Tet Shoed ta tb, country. Ponoulon. giros at ahy Unte. . For ter m, and particolus address "SOUTH. AVENUE. " Alle. (ben. Poet OEN, or engitre it the GAZETTE conec. nelA.tt 'VOW BALE.--VERNER STATION TAYERN AND BUSINESS STAND.-4 firms ae4 bedpan Aiwa, situate at the &bore SUS/ 0 N on the SUghese Talley Iltattroad, - ten zones Dom the elty,le sow °Sexed for sale. The tavern ant' Store are frame, cent/debts It roma, lamp cella* etabllag for six home, with other ontbullducenexall weft' of water, to. Lot froat, L 6 on theßaltroad tea beamfe4to a =bite Street. .„T• a zoo& emAltereirnoW.terdationtontEit for 6wtoes I, on Bla/D be eposed of on easy lanes. as the oyTher,erlehes to talre NN business. For Won, apply at theßeal YAMS £ laminae OtDoe of . • G. &MANES, mid Boller street, Larrreonerflle, Pa. THAT DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE - . snows u mown. Rom, 'at Woods Bun, intim oecupied by Iltr. Bak.) the. farmer rade demos W. W. Leaky, .deese.... linen Reese of 11 rooms and cellar. well Lad alsinnUtar ri V. &a.; trait trees of all &Mai; grapes; he. 4 acres of land, . mbraatgda Linannirry alto, splendid views GUM, Ohl. Riser, Railways, Manabeent, Sligo; at the ten:data& of_ the ntsneheeter Street. RallwaY.Rnd Wood's Rem Station Pitts. rt..w. C. R. R.; only ten minutes rid* by idee latter trent Federal at Station. Fur tiartlaularr And terms may be had of the adbAsner any_ day .trom 7 toe °Wont, at his nujuiett 21. h .ithoN oa opalts old Orphan • eny.olhy, In the evenlhS. at Ida la Wood's Run. 1. adadm - „e—_Rlfitr.RT U,LEOFa. "`OR SALYSLOT,tS. , I2 , I'.ALLISCIIII3XIr --- +: CITY.—The =dormice r ed to :for the property.where Bra FORM - now lives, _on Pasture hue, Allegheny city, wiljolidu Us. Tannery of. John Taggart. It has • front of Untitled feet on Pasture laaaand esteade back' about BO fest,. It L • part of lobe Celleoth plan of Mona BMW, recorded la Plan Book roL 1, peva It,. and embers • aes le lota of said plan, bdng. - lots numbered •g to at. has a comfortable. frame. house, and the grounds are planted with good fruit trees, U. L. could be divided tato several goodbuildlu/ d Zi n t If improved u webs* it would make • g reeidesea U. le adored for wale, as a whale,-or Is separate iota to soh parchswers, and the terse of payment will be made east.: YOuresion as be glenn oaths lint of Apt!! next. • • • - - .47438 1,9113 ; IN, MIR EIGHTH . WAND.—The anderngeed es Guardian of the. t door 4111.10taa!o6DovId .orenr, offhis for We the followlioresteat 10421 n-the Eighth want, Ohy of Pittsburgh, yl2l kAa on the earner of Mo pe' end. Forbes streets, 20 by SS feet, Wing tote Noe. 11 end 18 in mad Greer's plan, regarded to Plea Book vol. 1. pan 11.12; 1 lot on Locust rime, : by al% Stet, being lot No. in in Judd plan; II iota 18e04atreet,110 by at 34 feet, being lota 22 to NO, and !Onto 112 In mid pliaid lota on Viekroy street. In by 8134 feet; being Noe, Ile to NI In mid plan; end I totem' tha 110Ther of Magee end Mutt 20 by 100 feet, being Non MOW 8 1 10 122 = plan; waking 11001Parar 20 lots., Some, of thaw We ere very deldribb2 ea building altos, and °Qua are veil Jambi. for stone Muerte', They will , hi bola .•eparately or ell together, wet on way - termsistalf otrtyment. J. W. F..WILITE, • • VW Fifth it. F OR SALE. - • .... . FIVE BIW A 11 0 'TABLES,' ~. , . • DOW and I n food 0011=00; .WAli beioldat Fr/rata sale ua Ul the 26th last, and It sot all sold by that aUm temainies will be sold at pabllssale. , Tot etdars also- at. the KEYSTONE BIT. RD SALOON,Tedesal ateeet, or at aOKEET ANDERSON,St. Clair .HotaL • tahlhawd . Voil - BALF-Three new Steam • . Dont purposely tor oil wells; vs inch epTiader, DI loch stroke; strong. Eagle* taut, crook ...a comedies rod of wrought hoe; used for boxes. Boiler* la to tit feet load, m behea diameter. with two ladisch Dan; chimney 18 In. by 20 feet; hot and told water pumps, Ererithiemomplete and reads to ship oO dgh W. 801.14 Pittsburgh, Pa... ShOp, earner Point Way and Dwane. street, hank of .hifeghlray river; uthe or.. deal df FOR SAkE, At_ool!rivitzusuknotais . . . Of Mir fooosmOhthisotood Muff orsitreaof the street was, to Xonctoloo. - Good wa ters of. ahoy-. wog convenient. Posseopoo Wag fausollitaly. famfroPtia n if e ra PARROT Polon' GUNN or at Ifholoof yap& Shopßows otrest, , n 0310. 1 "P0R13./LIX=-That large THREE. STORY . ' maornwrztato HOME, No. 10 Fourth Wee Itat,burtti. %seer leNiArefi on th e tat of „ToKti Attoteer w, - APAR Mai 4,t•-to &mat L.'" : US Fourth attest, DASSO Nrlorracie ISSOtirrION."9F :CO-PARTNBR: SHlP.—The;Paitnershlp hetetofore extstlea , r wren the undersigned, under. the aria mune of Bussa.Tohr & 00., for we manulastureof 'Pearl and other Soaps, has this day been dissolved by maim' clement. SAMUEL N. KER, JOHN O. ORUMPTOII JOHN FOSTER. IPlttsbazah, Sept. Bth, Y. WIZ =maw .. Wffi icwnnmy 4 - co.; , - t 1 • (Semessory go ClitfilitTo/14" CO.) • ILLTOPA.CIPMCCIIII Silver rear/ and Superior Rosin Soaps strl OREET. PITTS 11111101: — OPARTNEMBIIIP - • ' 1.. - ,•••we have anoilated ' with he to the onr;grate nn4 4Keneral metier bedew, SAILE4 JOHNSON slot `ll JOHN SCHLELEIN, postnatal. tp - datlar FEB -to 'WARY lit, Wit* the name of eatteno Ammon 4.A Co. •- ' 7, •r• • -7 7 • •-•-• atc' 0-P3RTNEBBELLP.—We hare waxier: withal dearrion r- .,. l'ildrfAM'auggt 31 ere t t") Arrritter otura-ar..,,r5,21/.. TomirßOßS, Agent ' iluf of. • axpd table In. atersansma r lrenittittoirrititisersiostte 4 ; sula Rieltan Matual Life inshmes 03:at PEtla; = if-T.-er!7o.VAAl!4l74".r°Vlttl', JG • i`• : COFFilifagentlbr the • Friudel PhitedeVMA rna llaltidtanitaleits rfOra•ast; eatiwer:X3l).ssid wte M JONBE44eiLtfirraforth Anted .o.,Sta of 7britaWas4 liattrorll icr cknapsurioir WATER.-eirstser.: SAMUEL REA, S ecret umr.- ano Comps/vomit.l•M' aM WATER stmts. .garilSE:ram s TITTSBURdiI.Tp NATJtE; a • ; MTh' anterromAtlooolo. Laps= Mrs :KANik.aut 1114zinmapor . . .. Ilbla Last Matt bat two of thaintialtalds W inset& sowladlas + rdlti Eqpt. isrortELL, ' logo , wll.ll appear iti two fauesittolispittes• TitiS EVEN/liG. ttti parfonnaose will Is . Toseonatok iolZir aiji. POukt PILLTOOLLY. ' Pfiday night benefit of Hoo Seteliol . TRIMBLE'S VARIETIES TELEATRE. PMint,Slll.lll'..7lllAl - 117. W. O. SMYTHE Janes sod Monager, VONICENCEII AT B oNocoot. To.olght, Brat appearume, MDLLE. MARIETTA RAVEL. • ritaL &Martino* Of - MISS LOTTIE CHANDLER, from the Philadelphia Thaatrea.. The performance will commence with tha great moral drasu* in-three acts, of ONOLH TOWS CABIN: , as. THE CITE AND DEATH OF ETA. .T*9. 1 7 - - Mtr Lout. Chandler. ' Era—. Jennie. Wade Hart. CROWNELIG - CLIMA,3:, :• CHARLEY • r • .. 4Wincuplexal- and Ce Train), . . . the birgert cod moat a/tear:tire Orgenlatt nin the amid; entirety noveLand original In constr.:ration; the wonderful end only trcl trpor of READ Oat. .NESE JUGGDERA AND SORCERERS la MD country; trid arrived from the Oelestial Empire, eorapor of Talo•Ohip-Romig, CalrudJang.Ohong and Uhip•Rong, with all their auWtante is - all their •vazione and multifatiolas feats of Oriental novelty and shill. besides- TWENTY-TWO GIVER STAR • FERFOIDEERS, -ineinding the $1.1E9 EDUCATED TAN TERRIER FANNY. ETIM mooted department will conalet of George eefeea Facelelor Bram Bead and George nee@ famous String Mind, making tin!, Great Dias. • terdon of the amueemeet world, • tit perform. at CONCERT 11.A.1,1:, Friday and Saturday Evenings, MANCH lOth And rith. 18645. and on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, commencing at Y.% o'clock. Doors open In the exelity at 1, to commence at S &chock. Adndodoe cent.; Children SS aegis. Grim; Baloney Cerro:oc by toe Braze Band, be lone opening the doom e - adtis.et J. BARRON ANDROSS, Agent. VNGILISII OPERA AT MASONIC .... HALL. . 1 Diteeton Menlo Campbell & Castle. — *mane Mr. frmarltivers ... e iM anager _ _ tigelitanager Yr. i:ill 7 V;reifon. M Weal Oanducter..„.... gr. W. G. De(trick. BRILLIANT• NBCCESS ON% Campbell & Castle's laglish Opera Troupe, • The following' names eomprise the prtaolpsl ar 'Rules Klan Palmy Btocktin, Miss Fannie Riddell, Prima 'Donnas Soprano; Mial Georgie. Fowler, 'Contralto; Mrs. o.J.'Beealey, Soprano;Mr, lianiCaatle;Primore Tenore; Kr. S. U. Campbell, • Primo Baritone; Mr. Edward SWAB:Primo Rub Bide,' Mr. Walter Birth, Second 'Tenor; Mr. War ren Wbite, First Banat- Mr. Wm. Slina Bane ; ct ßr, ust i tre= 4l 7 effie n =re . tA y and .r Nom or acknowfedgetl abitTy._ • 171IISSDAT EVENING. March sib. lsB/4 Will be performed, for tin: last Lima, the New Grand (Vera, by W. Vincent Virldll.. entitled MARITANA ! - -Merles IL King of Stela Sere& .Ikoe Jose de Seaterift....4.—Pdr. a V. Camp bell.. Lan 011,3 sat de Wm. Witte, Renee Whitt. Feat Stockton,. ..... —Mee Georeelrowler. For fnLL p warmed* Wle. Frith —Senelle a rarW Oestle. • - SP NOTICE—To ecommodeie all else mre trze , t i r s a it tle a !lall 100 . be FIFTY Ft eser;e4 Seate eut be moored wltiMit m ere Merge et the ,bloale. Store of V. 0. KM tor, No. al Wood street: Doom at e - pen et To'clock. Tbe overture will quarter before o'clock. Hooke of e Opera. tor sideatthe doer. rehrawd W. U. HOUGH, Buelnese Agent. SERIES OF ••': • : • •• • • xa• Grand Presentation Concerts, CONCr.fiT HALL, ° OD/1141.EIVOING Monday, March 13th,1865. 'FM Immo:Non OF . _ New-York Jewelers Ilianfactarisg Iziodatior f . • . Who, at tr - ietre Yakortaanzgentairtves b i chls As aoslattereerthe AtlkilEarr or. IMISI la' New York sold . %Want.. DC 'IMMO wank • • Tl•ket • sad ii i irrway deer 0,000 Presents. ' • , ' W are , Dow opera for sale of Tloketa, and the ,Diat butaonot Preenge, at the CloomeaLealpepot, NO. 63 FIFTH BMET. • The ilrn, ,,t,.. bezet the tota pu beedelegaa ttr fitted ;Or oats t bin an larlted to call sad exams. .Ticketsi - - 4las Dollar. OECULUR diR RRIGINAL FEATURE. 301Leo.cl. Reed: Rea -A ALIIMILE PRESENT .Clivati with each thiketoiwryisi value. ftitt • •• • ;. .$ l. to <ssoo. which the pufeblieer of the tlekat easy metre Ine oloilately on presentetton of the Tieket to the Actuary of the /Librefelon. IN %THE . PLACE INHERE THE TICKET IS PURCHASED. The presents will be given Rom the .1111dEBSE STOOK' . 'OF JEV7IIIIYI Diamonds, Sewing Machines, Silverware, Iheaklast Seta, Gold Witches, Tea Seta, Tot ,- let Sets, Silver Watches, Bracelets, Gaud - Mang, BNOches, Songhai, Wogs, be., an endizas varieerot Dila Merle. aed objects de W Tert h n, no on on at W es: itt • the COMP AllY'S DEPOT, Ay. 63 Filth Street,' AT WHICH PLACE OBTLY, Tickets Cita be ritichased; tun, &taw. mbe:tf BOOTS 4,•IMP SHOE& THE- BEV. B 3 ,TEE CHEAPEST.— ..A...se. to git beat sod analyse. Hoots, Shoes, OW and. Moiocoo Lure or Button Balm°. rols,l'outts's French lout go lip Oooirreas GM. ten In tho city, you loud go to - 98 Market :Street, when we nre eeiHng Off our Winter good' iLR D LESS '.ole COST. . . Persona wishing to. purchase any or the oboes articles wilt end It greatly to their interastio elli; before purchasing claimer:ore, at . . Bfarket mtneet, is doorlroa 1/&3J3, - No:110 Neirket /beet SELLS.THE BLST,__ THZ MIATIM PITTING. 'kat% Tial 2103 i Dirsaasit, Of i house yialheffiq• tdm. has just received a mairalacent Pall Steck. Try • ode PEE "STAR" WORK; GEORGE SLONE& SON L co» WOOD t3TILIZT: , . , . Bor. and Youth's Heel DA4maral.s i I • ~s OtroniTtosi - - . Inithlreseo Gout aud-Eid Sheila. ' .:. nese goo& are made to - air notalal order. wra are warranted unequalled custom work. not& 9IMPROVED ULU& Ofsinkt tr ierrks** Xisektei si t,.. mh „ . ` ONLIAne OS. rellablUlV- gioiiin — La= l ll4 snit for worth It 'Urns • KVA — roe sinVUOltr. and It:mention IL Is unequallor - sr any ottle mot t. *fieldne her blazed tO the Nitall, and -ohlyan be seen to Cla n pt-will gall; tuck or bind. etaminn 'for you. S. II: Biartati, ts THIRD Ett n appost, R. 9112 011 • °aged - ;BEVERILNOE, NO.- - ta .Watevlitti , Pit.t.lbw,h,manufactuier oaaa f o ß r O a L . l t E e ß it Brov , NES WAORT SALLI B 4 Zed ordocptil or snail, ma do to otter at ithoill orttes. ood anotteiltot Mama 6PECT.4I, XOTICES. PECTORAL . CUEZZY ECTOMAI. lar _Lfc,l'tke rapid sum of SonAc.Colds, Intro ears. nemrsclume, GroupßronGlith4lncipleet Oonaumption. and for the ' Relief or. Zoos/irrupt Lye Pet lento In advanced stakes of the camera So or/de is the deldotlis ruefulness and so no. onerous are the cases ofits cures, that almod every motion of country abounka In persona publicly 'known, who have been restored from alarming hod even desperate diseases of the lungs by Its use.. When once tried, Stamper/amity over every other is tooOpparent to escape observation. itall ' he i trien virtues are known, the public ho longer hesitate what antidote to +employ for the distressing and dangerouantlfeetions of the mama . nary argent that me incident to our atimate6 .While many inhrior remedies. thrust upon the eanunualty havers/God and been discarded, this lois .gained friends by every trial, eonferral benegta en the afilleted they eau never barker, and produced cures too aumerous and too remarkable to baton. gotten. We oars only assure the publie, that its quality is carefully kept up to the best It 'ever has been, and that it maybe relied on to do far their. relief all that-it bas ever done... Great numbers of Clergymon,Physidana,kitatisa- Men, and eminent personmem have lent . thew renames medies, to °ar u t t s ily the unparalleled usefulne ss of our bmuie berectlll net permit -the loser. Um: or them. The agents below named. baud& gratis our American dimwit* In which they are Even; with also_ full descriptions of the comp Lints Thai. who require an elteratiii; medicine to oW Illy the blood,will nod .A.YEIVS COMP-SIT. . SARSAPARILLA thorinnedy to nos. .Tty item% - and you will know Its value. . . . Prepared by-J.ll AYER 6. 00., Lowell, Mean, and sold by B.A. TAllrmrooks 80N. - lk ' and by all Druggists. . • jellreodawlim. orinmnnuer.stio*. Copper Mill and Smelting liirorke. PARK, NPOUROY & CO., Manufacturers of SHEATHING. BRAZIERS' & BOLT COPPER; PRMIED COPPER BOT. TOMS RAL4I.I) STILL BOTTOMS, /WALTER SOLDIM. Also , importers sad dealers to N ET . ALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, as. Constsally on hand, TINNERSP MACHINM and TOOLS. .Warehouse, No. ISOPIRST sod HO SEC OND, STREETS, Pittsburgh. Special orders of Copper cut to OUT desired pattern. nyinelydavrT ' • - 'TO NERTOW SLTFESIEBS OF BOTH SETEEL-A. reverend gentleman bay . lag teen restored to health in a few days, atter nn Loathe usual routine and !megabit. expensive d m e o% of treatment without swaths., oondders it his sacred duty to eovimunicate to his gilded follow , matures the means of cure. litinea, on the thealpt of an addressed ens , r . iloje, he will send, foss, ear et the preseripUon • _ Direct to Dr.',3011/1 DAGNALL, Fultas trivet, N. T. mbildirdsmer orPITTSBILTIMIL P4AIN HUBBARD, BRO. & CO., IlltAX177•0711/1116 PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted CAST STEEL SAWS. of every de scription. MUI, hlulay, Cron. Out, Gang, and all other varlettea. All kinds of KNIVES and SPlttriGS, made froii Sheet Oast Steel • Extra Rained REAPER AND Inowniro KNIVES, tn. • - Warehouse and Works, comer WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to Retoothiss, Onm. Wag and Straightezdng tHroular Satre. also, n. patriot all kinds. Punching and Dr 1.11114 done at resconahlirataa. • - • ".- ap91:17 1NX....8AR3111LL.,-4k CO.. Boiler. Makers do Sheet Iron Workers, Nos. 21,24, 94 and NI PENS STREET. Raying wonted a large yard, and humbled . with the most improved machinery, we are prepu ed to manufecture every description ot BOIL be-lhe best manner; and lamented equala r ta made in the cotry. ORIBLNEYS. RR! FIRE BEDS, ST EAM PLPES, LGOONOTITII BOILER% 13 OND EN SER S, -. SALT PANS, TANKS, - OIL STILLS AGITATORS BET , Tuna PANS, - sonde rims, =foam, SUGAR PANS nod sole manntastruers of BARN. HILIOS PAT E'NT 11011.1483. Repairing done on the edited notice. - dwelt alumni ixrrint::..-w. n. amp... . ,. V. sa.aan larl`. /k 71110410..", REkrga t i t` CO. Onseessors to Emil, Ifirrx.sir IS C 0.,) MB ['Lamers ofOAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW. saul BLISTER STEEL; SPRINGS: RIP CROWBM T ISe. Sr Parlay ,Allmiltiar Post Oftiss sasses, rs's rbstuttGli..' • iStalr 10771.01UNINES: 1111.2k* CO, t• • . i 9 XWllMlttalf. %UM 6 XILURTaft Wll4l/Datali W(arkis FOUNDERS ..tND.MACIIIINIECTS,.Prrinewresir. Ilmufacturers OF BOAT AND STATKINART STEAM ENGINES, LAST ENGINES, MILL SLIBEBT, OP . MO; EGIAFT/NO, CAST. .L /NOS . daraipUorns, OIL TANKSis STILLS. ix - niEwAIII) SHEET IRON WORK. 0 /3, for SiTAirenta Ag for:mumps PATENT 1117201 1 fseg boilers. Illturers of IRON VAItTS II I I N DOOWI DOW T1.M8,% 1 69W GUA3II4 &a., Nos. WI ISM OND sad BB THUM STEM. between between Wood sod Market, have or band s variety of now pattonsa, fanny antptsin, suitable few all purposes. air Partiesdsr &nestles paid to susiosieg Grave Lcda, Jeabizardase 'debate noUro. 002 vo-rdpristisits; ' , et Arms inue ismer rSEKINAL, , IIIIIKART - AMISS= treitnisait—ln• Res porta of Howard Association. Senflty sisal in pealed letter eareV N e of shams - IfHann , Address 1A4.8 L HOUORTink ,a AssoCiation,No,ll, 'Ninth ateciat,P4lis. • CIIWIGIIlt,• YOZWAIID I G11124D COX/MSS/ON MTI $'D no s di i ker As CHEESE, EROLLIII SEucuti., PLSII. geirealy, B , V R E I WOOD STREET muumuus. eel caßitErs. mut eLorillt, t N. CARPETS AT POPULAR PRICES. Wilton avid Velvet; neet:Timand Three Ply lagrain. Wen;assumed 011 Clans, tress 2 to 21 feet Wide. llinallti; Paper. liolland mad Vanillas %%lodes 1/b.dee. We are just opening our SKIING STOCK, comprising the newest and choicest Petterne to the elarket j et R• REDUCTION IN PRICE • Seventy-tour toll per Yard. frominines of last year. Aar goody mold - that raft tO glee sottrthetton will be taken - beck mut the money refunded. DIPY4ALAND eg:GOLUssi ti and Ti 1 7 1F11 . }: STREET, nth'? Next door to Colton-Row and TJRTH STRE.ETISI bIiCARPETB, ! 4 i —Previout to . te&wlaz o•l• sto ck fat • B.VIXIXLVIOr SNARAX.II3IIII, V.re offet• our vittiV assortment, bought c , ,at the LOW . SATES OF LAST FALL, at -LESS THAN PRESENT EASMIN PRICES, • p eacaprialag every irarlay . be•toinul In • O BIFIFtWF:CLASS CARPET STORE 66! W. D. XecALLI7III4, - "" ' feta _ ARPET 'ST-0 RE FVVRIVI. EnIZEZET. BOOKS. AlLlithifth UQ NEW BOOK 8Y.31. wintuattome on the Farinoo of -Cltelonity; and on tbefitellglottiQuatione of the day SiM Lanar r 's Commentary, onlignew, r _ bomlleUcal, And dootrtnal 5, 05 ?NN Commental on Mattbsw and ,Mark, orltbudrhomlletleal and doctrinal,. ...IV , • LW and Entitles ofdt. Paul, by . Conoybea ' ro AL HoWson '7,50 177 FealorallS, with an latroduntion, by ILB, TM Oftin and:History-of the English Lan guage w 6 the Early Literature that it Embod les, by O. P. Mandl • • • N gm es - . Leeturandi on the English Language, by G. P. From Dan to Damhebs, .P. Newmar, MD.: with Map and Engravings; a good so companlainent Joe the Land and the Book—. 1,71 Lessons for Every Sunday in the Teat. S so. ries. ;' A liberal discount to clergymen :Netsukes Planting an Training of the. ObnrThes by tbe Al,OlOBll J. L. READ, (eV, . • :DS Fourth/Urea.' NEW 80011.8.--BMITH'S_RY, OF THE WORLD, from -the oirllott retards. to the proseat lime; vol. tit.; ancient. Price ElllooWst olio:if:24u OR Putorot Ildothio 1 2 5c.V .fitlartisteau , a flistory.tof 1 loOa:2 • Voli: $1 CO: ..The Patriotfop•-• • • Thai Arketicaolflors BOOY. "Wow coition. 3 60 . Thl Art. or Sugar- polling: A BoAktot,Otratert• Proottcal Work Ettiorttomoor for Tln,Sper; 'lrosond Coop* Plot - • Tololeo Elboollig.ilifklifolOt of Infltreat Length, of Rur a l,-Prom ttott t ..Bot. /PM Stee4 Joiep 'llB 00. Garr' :Prlacfpleo of fiootatiSdbradoi4ollif "a. m. U rola, Moo, &tease ric tiwitiiki; tit I voti;1111,110. , :OtraltorP!! . .. ° ! - .: 11) T • F‘r,a* •Aer"f! -. TA. The..fobsta4. 7 et ory-• • • vairtsoit.tnitv. ao:, cum ' Woorl•Areet:' .781'it - I,llll3Lpensiik ------ Oonnfie ip ter:st.sruaroND .sofo srftrwro-us,-.1.. Popo*. Dr. ore I~pros3l Ewa '° - 'l. , :turgli &mitt THURSDAY, MARDH 9, 180 GAZETTE ADVERTISING BATE& I=M= la .qr. N.ll,Nr. t 4 .q .qt. I yfripi One tune..!! 15.0 40 9 ' ill ; Two times.; 1 251 . 101 1 Three time' 160 93, Four tames; 1 90 2 1 . 1 I Flee tlmes.l Yoh , 35 One week.., 2 60 , ,- .40t 1 95 Two weeks, 4 35, 001 I 170 Threewqcs , f.oo t 20i 4 ' 2 20; One month 7 691 00, . 0 0p 270 Two moh. 1 . II 112 03; 720 4. 00, Three owl •19 75 , I 00, 1 I 4 1131 , Six months 4070:. 1 00 IS MI 000 Nine mops 01 000 64; 19 MI II 90 One 'Year..l 32 CO 03 2I 1,1 12 90, masisosaate Loran . Mere& For One square, changeable 'one time eatdoreek,, confined to the inunoliste Imalness of the attest. Llollhle All larger advertisements in exact proltor• t 3 timeo,3 times! 1.1104 Daily. 1. week.,• week. weak. . One =oath •9 92 $ 0 00! $ 4 12 OD Three menthe.— 11 201 It 65 , Gor OOD 'Six months' 25 00 'l9 001 N 19 60 One Tear— 1 50 001 55 On 24 60 1 19 00 SW rat Natireadoublethe above rates. Death Notiora r esoh insertion 50 Marriage notices. 70 Steamboat advertisements, per trip 3 60 Executors` or Administrators' Notices. 3 75 Loma aolices, under special head . to Local column... CITY AND SUBURBAN. 1110111 TIMICIDALV3ViiIIte GAZSTIM) Alleged Inhuman Treatment. Oa Sunday morning last, a woman giving her name as Mrs. Mcanor, was found gluing On the steps of the Eagle Hotel, with a new-born In fant in her arms. Bhe was ditscovated by the wife of the proprietor, Mr. Mini who had her conveyed to a room in the hotel, and properly cared for. She was very mach exhausted, and unable to speak. A Physician was sent for, and she remained in a very cntlealcondition for over forty-eight hours, being apparently Insensible. When she became able to converse she stated that she had resided In Louisville, and came here with the expectation of meeting her brother, but failed to find Ulm. She expected to be confined in about two month; and having no friends here engaged work as a do mestic In the family of Mr. .1. Johns. on Rand street. She told-Mrs. Johns her condition, and went to work in the beginning of last week. On Saturday night. however, abe was taken Met and delivered of a child, Mrs. Johns sending for a physician and rendering her such assistance as was 'neeessary. Itt the evening when Mr. Johns came home, and learned what bad happen ed, he became very much excited, and scolded the women for having deceived him. She al leged that the birth was premature, by two -months, and that all -she had stated was true. He told her she must leave the house *Loam and threatened to pitch her out of the window If she did not clear one Oa - Sugday morning she was forced to leave the house by Johns, and taking Ler child made her way as but she could trithe Eagle Hotel. She endeavored to get up stairs In the hotel, but her strcaurth failed her and she was found by Mrs. *lab, as already stated. This is the version she given of the .011 the alien' hand, Mr. Johns asserts that he did not put tor out , that on,upbralditirhar , toe having deeeleedlim In recs. ed to her condition, she staled that nhe would leave the house In the meeting, when he told her that ate could not do so, howcytt willing she Knight bet and that on Sunday Morning she had left Without his knOw lug where she had got.. This is the substance of his statement. Nothing la Imcrwo of the character or the Aomani• ababe seals to have no Meads here. The elates that her husband died to October hut, and that she has been living a respectable lire- Committed far , Larceny. A colored man earned Reuben 'Newman was committed to jail to-day by Mayor Morrison, to answer w charge of larceny preferred by Robert Denson, also Colored. The prosecutor slated that he had a filly dollar sots in his possesskm, bleb begot changed at one of the baths la 41. - legheny, and started out with the Inteutkai of reale% a substitute for another party who was to —sy him fifty dollars for his,servioes. In his travois ;; . e (cilia with Newman and etittaavarea Indme hint to enlist as a substitute. The two 'floated sacral tats:aa and draak a great many times., lathe evening' a... 7 were both_ dentki and, without knowing ascii, :PI , the tang nes dnee, Denson found that hchad been robbed Of his tiny dollars. Newman was arrested next day, bat of course he denied the larceny, and .s °tiling was fotmd on him to indicate that he Mid tallest the money. It happened, however, 'that 'NeWIIIIIII bad *tiered a ten dollar tint at Bellatine's tavern, for thinks. and got nine dol. tars change, and that he InCitturchaacd a pair of boors, af.cr the larceny. As be had not born carving any moue; he was asked to account how he came bytte ten dollars. Ile stated that be had seethed it , from a Mr. Atkinson, as far backna. the Drat of January, and that he had hcpt it laid away, but as he owed Mr. Bellatine s little bill he thought be bad better pay It. was his own story, voluntarily made to the kayos, but on the heels of this appeared •his brotherin-iti4aw, who stated rider oath mat hi bad given the ten dollar bill to Newman! The Mayor, deeming the testimony wholly unsatis factory, committed the accused to jail for trial. Teachers , Salaries 1a Alleghroyi The recommendation of the Committee on Teachers and Biluies, as made to the Allegheny Bow dof Controllers, and, by them referred to the Pittance Committee, came up for tilseession last evening before the Board. The Finance Committee state that, they have not the means to pay the proposed Increase of Yea per cent.; but that, if the Board should order it. the molter could be raised by a loan. It`was moved to adopt the resolution, increasing the salaries, upon which a spirited debate followed. The usual argument' were advanced on both stars. The friends Of the measure contended that many of the teachers, especially the females, were not able to live on 'their present salaries, owing to the high prises of bearding and clo th ing, and that jostles demon_ cd on Increase. Those who opposed. the - em i t ,• tioti did it solely upon the grontuitlyl: the B oar d bad not the means et Felon, 0 7...11 that the bu ttons of taxation were rbe:„o-rataz so onerous upon the people that lb'. taring power should bo exercised with ths greatest caution. Had .the question pat to ti vote, it Is porobable that the moluthra would have carried, bat the settled wait 'Postponed until the May meeting. 1 %prey and. ifol Wagons. -Important ---- Arrangement. At the last meetirg of Council+ authority was ghee to the Street Committee to designate some given locality where hay and express wagons guild stand while in waiting at the market. The hey .sragens nsaally occupy . Fifth and Liberty .stiveta. ant the locality has been objectionable on account of the railroad trains passing and re passmg no frequently. The committee have di rected that bashfuz all hay graves shall hare permission to stand ou the mug side of Pitt street, free, Penn to Duquesne Wpy, while the arras wagon; may 'Stand on the north side of Liberty, from the curlier of Fifth to Ferry. Those, there fore, who wish to purchase hay, or hire express wagons, will know where to go. The haj la thus derma a square or two further from the market house, but the locality is probably, the.beat that could have been selected. Pitt street is just ono square bel7w et. Clair, and is not' three minutes walk from the market house: • • Itobbiei. ' A man .suunol William Bell appear before Mayor Lowry today .and stated that he had beans knocked' ilown and robbed of a pocket, book containing fitiy,dollars, by atnan tuskaowis to him, innnith whom ho had been drinking Bell had bat recently oonkto tho city, and.; was boarding at Smith's tre{n. on- Grant aired. Valais walking , along ib street, near the wharf, the sir Inger inducelart to atop -Pito narrow alley, whoa be kit him down and took his pocket -book. The 'affair transpired. beter. - dem and twelve o'clock, and ifthe facts aro as robbery stated the was a most dOing one. Tho pollee are-in search of the , robber.l kicarcity of 'Water .110 Atleghenyr - The chimes ofAlleg . were seriously put about this alarming, oh welting,te find that near ly all the hydrants bud Riven outlandthat there was /warmly enough water to bef had to supply the Maul tea and coffee demand; This trouble and annoyance, comes with every freshet In.the river, The supply pipe from the .river becomes elegged up.with lee mud slush, which cannot_be removed until the: Water eabsldee, consblerehlb, and the consequence is Mat the supply In the be sln becomes =Monte& • Ansueomems are being ,made for putting In an ;additional. which will ;career a recurrence of the evil. Not AnintiUm.:—Alsiander Jackson, the Qstty dnuathomurder,,or Thomas Ball -04, ii. Is ss not muted as repotolt , but hie brother, Jackson, was taken into custody and still, detained wit leilOese4l Lie vu Ardent when the murder was comniitta, but idleges !Amt he wu so drunk at the time as to be unable, toiipollectilejederabous- .1114 brother lett Inialtdiatety. alter the mealier, and has not "beard froasuiee IfieWeltbior.Gebegelasink list° Wws:slso tnes e, - liklu , leVriKikriew , .:cemdt.,.. • else . . . A t 9 . • t Tatab,ot °a%Mma " k pdia& docll—,--- • Nolen of Travel In the Oil and Con' Re. eons of West Vlreinti and K:ntnzky. ldriktorars of do 00 and Cad PrOspolt on the “Big Sandy" anther rd,Zoddrint—Prrortal 06- le,dlrdio..o—TheYserm6itiSfornE ,4 4ta:l,,,,2 41, n . ming" the *Big !Fend,"—A.Wiengue'doorng GuOritiat--gix of Mart' Yilled--4T4gh Wa ters—Sad L'auts—J'rominsas Oil Streams, do. j PAMITV/i4.14 Johnson Co, Ky., / . _ Mkelta, Mi. 5 • • elacep.V4astS hate Peen Proalnillrit on the mountains and through the ravines In this vi. Multi:Ad have found that Sher coal, bottsln 'quality and quantity, Is fully up tothe repreien ,tations snide in my last, with one single excep time *that of thickness. The upper vein I can not put down at more than nine feet, although it is claimed by citizens here that the "drift' Is not put down alba 'bottom of the vein, a fact I could not ascertain, as therein Is very Imper fectly opened and . only ''.!ln" aboin thirty feat. This,veln Is about two bundred and fifty -feet 'above the level or the river,:and has_ a: :vein of slate running through: say tweiVe [lichee thick, of a soft "blue flii-clar nature. The next seam—ttie celebrated Peach Orchard Fein isabout fifty feet below:16B, And is about' five fe et thick, and notwithstanding Its great .reputation, I consider the acne* seam far rior.: Yetlt Is scarcely - drifted:A sufficient Ms tante to give It a fair test as to quality. Up to "thelbreating cut ofihe rebellion": the :Peach Orchard vein was worked, extensively and sat , • eessfixlly by Mr. W. I'. Mellon, of Cincinnati. The third vein is about fifty feet below this agate. is forty two inches in ticknees and unsur passed for blackarnithing purposes. There is also a A:Meth vein about twenty inches thick still nearer the river. Of the other minerals con tained in the mountain and valleys, I can only ,judge by the surface Indications and general re port.: I found some fine iIIOCitIOIIII of Iron ore, the clay and cannel coal ; but failed to lad Indications of the existence of lead BO far; but I ant assured that It does exist to a considerable eaten. As to the 01l reunatea, the most eke,- tics! cannot raise a question—where the oil Is floating thickly on the top of every little . stream —where some eighty to one hundred barrels have beta gathered off the surface by stirring the sand to make It rise, there certainly cannot be a reasonable doubt of Its existence beneath. ,The former I saw tejoelf; of the latter I am as sand by Judge Burdens, mold and reliable citi zen, who boated It to ma ket. =EC= 8.51 S 1 45 85 1 001 110 171:.I 35 3 751 401 4161 Iss 110•Oro 90111 .au 10711' 400 In ease the mining business ehonld become so extensive 'that the mode of transportation, as 11. Is at. present, should become Inadequate, the question of locking and dammiagthe Sandy nat urally suggests Itself. Far my part I see but one reason why It could not, If indeed I can call It an objective reason, viz: the washing of the send Into the locks, otherwise everything is fa vorable, stream narrow, bluff high, rock plenty, and the declination very slight, say on an aver age, fifteen feet to the mile, depending to some ...stem on the stage of water la the Ohio, which sometimes backs the dandy up'far as the shoals above "Peach Orchard." I o art think, a i o however, that any such more w ..or occome neectsary. Mr. Mellon built his ate one hun dred and thirty feet long, twenty feet wide, and conk them els feet, and had no _trouble le running them outs ' - - - - For a long time a gang of dorper ad - oes, claim ing to be rebel soldien, licensed to commit an kinds of villelnies.-have barn the terror of Floyd evenly. On the 111th lest. six of the most des perate met with titelr Jost deserts at Prestrss= burgh, by being. shot by a squad of rebel rer titans The names of thew killed are Ben Evens, Sidney A. Cook,Dave Bates, Job% Sloan, Ed. Burgel, , and Dick flans. , The waters are very high here, and It Is very diflicolt etsveling,mad • "kat* deep," literally, Die bridges all gene, trees felled across the roads. etc., sotee<d them the "surfseeladleaßou" or the eristince at sometime of. Jeff's chosen few,' in this locality. The hinds along the following stream In Kentucky-and Virginia are MOO sought after for cal ' , and those that aro eat already sold or cannot be had at may price abort of the valise of land at an inflated market price, say from dye to ten dollars per sere for twenty year Mend; 'and 110 royalty la rend localities; to witt Big Swain Palat„ Tom's, 'Jennies,Bones, Bu ff alo, Burnt Cabin, Johns, • Reck Crialleldualicic RoektiOne, Licking; Day an. Pigeon Island, Burnet*, Celia Bridge; Open'net, Lacey Fork, Blato„Tabor, Two Mlle Creek, and a host of otherstealler Ones. I wiled say to anirtda that they should pro vide themselves , with all portable aseassarlea, loerlegged boots, and as little baggage as rem elt) e. " ' - A:tames. lizczurnsa . .4msenssr.—Recrulting In ore *laser city seems to be premising very-rs idly, and with fer coed briskness than on this side the river. Capt. R. George will takes squad of thirty-11re to ilstruthurg at eight o'clock this evening, which will wakd his prevent earabm about any men. Captain Wylie's company re turned trout liarrl•bnrg at three o'clock yestere. ?ay afternoon, where. that weee pansterod la. 1 bey are now awaiting transportation to lfash villo,where UM thought they will be assigned to the 111 i Refitment_ The company has its full cm:vita:4ml of men. CAITLIN'S For AND 811.101IT ' C. El ai L r notobern the ofßout' for oxandsing Cola lot of Baolatence, bare arrived In the elty, and are stoppling at the Monongahela House, Mod: W. W. Manny r. & A., lhaoldent of the Board, hoGing been detained by sickness sad death In his family, ea probatdyartiveladay. ton anatud meeting of the Muter Pahaters. Atsoelaflon will be held on Thursday evening'. the air WO., at 734 o'clock. B. C. MILLen, Seey. Iek!SICIAL LOCAL 111.7110E5. Teases W. reaszE Slate Rook; awl Veda In American of various criers. Oleo at Alexandre 's, near dia Welts Works., Plttatrargh, Pa. Reddetwe, NoB Pike drat. Orders temp attended to. All work warranted water proo f.done at Ow ehartast notice. No charg e for Airs, prodded the roof Is not *used aAer la put om Brix:um ffartan.—rtse ittelatton.,of, our read ins le directly:l- to the taiMent artment. of fail and Winter Goode Just rec fi red by aux friend Mr. John Wekr, No. 11$ Federal eked, hikegheny. Me mark comprises a great way of Fumy French; Jexklbsh, tell and American Casehneres and Cloths, and fine KWiad Owl were Vesting% all of which wllk ha wide np to order In the Wart styles undies Vet 'beat manner. choice selection of Fumy l• Goods also as 4.lad and f " th M l* .7.' with full dad . cof Heady Made gpit„ a g, %roll and faahlonably . Orman la R.ANIL—More bold it inezett !able in any. Person, Male or female, when they etattleet no to.an annoyance which a very little trouble au their part would.obllate. Especially is this the case where the unfortunate possessor ore bad breath will persist in button-holding and intruding. his Views' *pen tit, to bur luont. feltretrial and ryslcal discom f ort. If these gowl people , wou d rule the Filezedont It would not Only under them acceptable acquaintances, bet would at . once greatly improyethelr teeth goldny brava-hits. FILMUNT Poxebowr hardens And lavhoratat the villa, ,purifilm arid , perfumes the breath, cleanses, beautldes and pracrree the teeth from youth to old aka. Bold by aliVrugists. -;, - • • oorrers OF JRI E 111,71.4" G S. • Pyrrionman, WA-intik ONIOAGO g. W. CIO., Orson" or' roe Suntranr; ' ft 3 rrs onan, P 4 February - Mb, tasii. ANNUAL , MEETING- OF TH • Stock 'sod Bondholders of Atas Clompsny for election of _Directors. end, such other Winners as may come before It, KW be held at the ornos of nail ()company. In thy city of Pittsburgh,' on the THIRD WEDNESDAY .11546) OF BIAZDFId A. D. ISOkat - 10 o'clock. t The Klock and Bond Transfer Bookiof the Dom. pony, at their office In tho city of Pittsburgh, so led, at like Transfer Agency In the city .01....N0K Yor will he cloned on the Ist of Atarckat r. K. en d remain filmed until the I7th day of -3tarchthere allM__:_.... . DASNES,Sceretsty.' WIZ= WCTIOX BALE& ' SIVEICIOR FUJIN ITIIRE {NOS, MIRRORS. SILVER ' WAR CAR-, PETS, h0., - ATAIRJTION.--lOn FRIDAY- ORR INSI, 10th lett., at tO o'clock precisely, at- °rag Hall Audio& II ;fuss, 00 Fifth street) will be sold • large, quantity of well kept Household furniture, ,Freneh Plate Mirrors, floe Oil I n litho Ware, Carpet., Sc., compaiing In part one large solid Mahogany Sideboard, eleont - Mahogany Book Cu, midi {Secretary, Cr.. .diakozany Bed. stead, with Canopy and Curtains, Rosewood Mar ble Top Dimming Burean,• Mahogany Wardrobe, Marhir Top and ;inclosed Wash •Stands, Marble Top Centex Tablet, pair ,Mahogany Mee Tpbtea Mahogany and Widnut Hair. Beat . Chain and Rocker. Easy . Mai?, What Not; Wardrobe, Bu reau, Mahoga n y Olean', Sewing . Stands, two French 'UM Gilt Frame 'Mirrors, tee Sae 011 Painitegs, Brocatel Curtains and hangings, Spring Hair Mattreucg, Feather Reds, , Cottoe and Husk Matteas_,_, Window Blinds, Eight Day Cloaks, Clothes W s Iron', Plata Warmer, Brit. . tants Tea- Sett, Candlesbnci, 'Looking Glass, Qumitsware, Silver Spoons,' Forks, Butter Knives, tio., Alto, stew and second _hand ,Carpets and R M ha. T. A. MoULELLAND,Auct.r.. SECOND I LAST BA.LE•Ob' OIL „PAINTINGS:EV. CATAI.OGUL—On FSY . 1114111111ORNING and EVENING, March loth, at 10 and Toithiek;'*ill be the laid tale' by detainees, ea the eiscouLtloor of zetathercieS' urea woman& Filth street, of the large and eletnt collodion of Gll.PeinthiSe,heedttly Imported ot Europe bp_ L.. A: Tolman. - . I. sew' invoke% compriaina':ovee 100 Phiceii hat. 'Just been • received, and lidded to the colleo Ion; which Sow comprises valuable otliftd lll - 01. -mt siarkittde beauty and value, as well as Sae copies of the great untatoravAinent thani•alnueniiicent. eery 01 Gorredio's Marriage of St. Cathodes,: • . • The pictures antaair arrantixt foi frecrezatele, arts ` with deetriptlva eat/donee ready. .t rob A. ZdeILWEINA-Suct.r;- auss ANb - commie/I! la : TION.—OUTEITIRSDAY R lat 14 o'clock. Itasoalo,that Malan /144 1 1fr 4 •os I{thittiet,irtil Ite4Oldideiable / aski tug sae sti rt. cotpd,ers with drawers. - 310 4. A. ItaCILZGUILIM AkiiMg 13: f is w. atimtet;: . wi; No. 17. aad kligtitittecia. Pitt/burs% eis, 14'4' _. ~_.,,.,..rk~:z.,..5.__~~_. IPLALIMOS. MUSIC. IC. P L544 9! 1 SPLENDID NEW' S';'OPK oe . . . Chickering o SUPERIOR COMBINING ILL TILE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS PACtse"l7 Prices,' - • rorsaiebi : CRAWLER C.,.IIOELLOR,Y.' mkt • o St WOOD Iiff.REEL • LATEST DECIBICIi ramicrxracnsmi 1804.. STEINWAY •PIANOS . . . . , Solely ind exclusively, la nubile and private, sad reeortnnets ttwininvartanig to our trieZdat.soll Ste publie. ; We hart at didtitent Haw e..Wiregieft one opts. Len regarding ths Pianos of vatiowi waken., :ant freely'and unhesitatingly prononnee the STEM WAY lt. ALL. SONS Pianos FAB .SIAPERIOR TO THEM EL Wi MILLS, • OMEN `N. PATTISON, ROBERT itaLLE.R., ham. W . MORGAN, ROBERT GOLDBEOK,I ALFRED H. PEA S It MASON, 11AS BURSTERS, I F. 1.. RITTER,,L .. OARL BERGMANN, THU/. RISE D , THEO. THOMAS, 0. WOLTIMON, • • CARL ANSELIITZ, A fine Week of STE SWAT'S isiewaparable PilOoll retched 'sad for sale at . Si Soh. •cents (or Stei orky's Mao.. fectmeoi BRADBURY PIANO. TESTIWOITLIT. OF MESSRS, BOOT & CADY, Chicago, the. Largest - Music detilets t¢ the West. Th " e galr Octet: W. D. Bradbury'. Plane in MIT Pewitlite way, beside Ahe may Pu.roa at other makers for mouths pot—tasted them In reb arrow to 'marry, EVENIMS, lIIIILLIANOY, • SINGING AWD SYMPATIO TIES OF TONE, OELICAOY AND ELASTIOI, TY OF TOUCH, EASE. AND munx•rrx DP Ail MN. Ea&NDLKOilki =WE, eloneucto lo" total, sisgacce of thiJah. , AM ears of work••• • big we tairgartbrod at Ow &fibers& croaticatii that they are sorpaued In nacos respect by the bat of other wakes, while la waisoyespeetc. they ow operitle sit Ohm." Ilit&1111RaNK & No. II fit lhM! Illtroet,,ll,losetiro IM ? PUBLIC AND. PROFESSION T i=d c ft i t t go OELEBILLTF.D EN/LEA ewos now on hand. Each Piano guaranteed for sight learn ...,:. ' CIUMILOTEJMNEZ. Sol. /tient lb: ,Krisie7a Ulips, Halna's' Pros Elanoo,aadOrapela 'Linda' E,lnnoikoLto Palace , . pi ; Automatic Oman& ... . . . ; na4 ' , 1 6 .10FFII&N,HONNE & 00., - ea virus 11111.16112, • . -II _ . ithicamez-is xitamiAma: lir Bed a Amities. ' now Argllll7 ' TaILLOAS. Ii RIMY G. H. E DESIREE TO. RE. TIMM Maks ble tri.d.• and the pnbile for the !mend to support .tbey have so. to NOCIANT WU= MIMEO. ILlllllMlllipreettations for the 18,:11,ING TRADE. Hale ku salted the easteni markets and at !rated cleric* material for GENTLEMEN . -AID TOUTIIS' WEAR, to which limpetUon li rarreettnili Gets Urameo wIL linelon trial, that tot Elrellnue.Tartety eirriserild.Bl7l% Workmanship. awl forma la regard to the Interest of the aneto- Met►. Nn Establishment can Easel HENRY G. HAIR MERCHANT T. 14. 1 1011, Natthwedt cot. of Penni and St. Mat; Streets. BISSELL'S BLOCK. 10 : ST. ,CLAIR STREET., Would call the attention of buyers to hie An* 4 containst has beer, 'selected with peat aa o lla all the NEWEST STYLES OF .3 to be found In lest elan houses. Gents wish ag Stilt Of clothes made to order, will please call sad erounius our goods and prises. Also, s full sad 'outside stook of • R. R. nel.r.,•Nisnomire TAIZO/1. not N .10 BT. OLAIR STREET TRAY 1t LOGAN, ur • 47, St. .Clair - Street; (WE NOW ()LOSING OUT THEY WINTER STOGY OF BOY'S, YOUTH'S . .6.24 D CpELDREBPI3 CLOTHING,_ • . AT GEIZATILT *MVO= mime, jam, - . TUB-DALTON • • FAMILY . KNITTING M A CHINE, THE9ROWRING TEIUMPR 114 ibt O na rEl l hlL • Nis Upwards of $0 Diffire atilidl of Apparel. A MED Or . ou RUINE D*roux Suit aa* Tea: aseeii:ALAtemo• We' ham, niOnt leitering.testhnonisis Puts of the country testifying to their superiority. for nuinufsotruing and tastily ourpoem. They are adapted r r besesolent Societies and Us , Whitton.. Send for. Olreuli-s sind,ftsitipire; or MA and ses them in oParAtit!lL WESTERN AGENCY. • . No. 27 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh; • ref tem E. 'co-Nip - Erma. McCORDa • Wholoin% tandem • Mits, Caps and, S trawGood*, Minnow In dototho lamest sad WOW awl fete rack ;of , GOODS FOR FRU. 81 9t,Ec:; EE Ever Oozed In the west. MO*, aWatild—dil terms and moans onertookiWn vuz Oozy low rates. • DU ,woan OrriuM` ' .i. it005.;.r.«../.::::.....t..4.......• MOTT aItiNGSA• EIOIYET - , I .peri CKTY-KaToil-woui . TALI .. . - 7 7401 ; RITIDLEA As ' 004' ' a y 1115 4. • Ylliti.p6.ftisticeb, Ptt___chg . , krt. rentibtwacurm, lASIZZEI & sw.., .4,r0.....wrmia.,133A4.!. , 14,4.... .„.;,...;.a,,i,,,i........6,, -IS 14 4 1 Poilit parftittuctions. MOINNSTI L O.' UMW3—.4. choice 11,;Just ovs ot smokes foe tali*" 41). • clad&c:l4l.ll44llVV&Lh - • ~A w~ , WE lISE THE M. NLRB= & BRO., No- tilt WOOD STRZIRT R. F. ROOT. i y BOOT tr. OAR C. AL ; W. $. ~ 13$-cw:HANi. — B.eitXMLB .4Jt. M , I=M• .?..0010110:it. Pr.rtunmittaNbaYal - NOTION.-49113131NG TO -TO. . the derkikat th• NATIONAL BANK' :LAW Vniftin *sewn of Currency, FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, r# , rmrroqamr. Will. Ss hadslterraliellary Dli teig, nalf..;11111 her regalu Depositoes. aitosis* sat ollgabinK ' - critnEwcr *az , z!.tutt 10 Ws anise the plibuo wth *beau FOR MP! FM OF ALL filißOßr to eoeheorre for raerecerreerf .By order of too Board. • ECEERRON, Cashier, Bitaama N. HOLMES & SONS, No. 5 Market _Street, Pittsburgh DEPOSITS itzumwrip PAN 111DiDS AND OIIIIMINOT OeMottoes Nude ost all as PrismiPdPoilita of ilia STOOKS,. BONDS AND GrDHSEt BECOMITEE BOUGHT AND. SOLD ON COMMISSION, Partrataar attention paid to tie purchase and sate of . UNITED STATES SECURITIES, MO lista Dom Of ISM: Do. do. 4.20 i D. /Ins, 10.40 o: . Do. Ocrea-Tblrtlea • • D. Cortliales of tolobletions. • ORDERS AND irimiosess BOCKINT jantly coLtwrrzo. "- NATIONAL . ,BANK .• CORNER'of WOOD aid VIRGIN ALLILT., E S.DRPNTOItf Al NMI NE U '7 13..10 14041.117. au liulk-keepircaskaad-fairalle the . -T 341 testae sutra 'hawk-ricotta; &ualuiea asbealp nt• in the MMUS, Leti-4 64 1,.ca11' aliv• eczema lout low hi tge Barsit'rii thosawAßkirimona wears amiiihteet, many lei iiiieetOst• • • • -. 'TWO MOM A .I)AT,nB . nese fates ate.BdatedtsUt AudeelUtt.h - Tito interest payablasedetemacally on the teth.of Fab. mazy met tetra of Augostrat. the irate at en new net pet imam. At. the -expttattes °Veined - von (oily littleover two sad atilt nee) they ire'ex eficiteMe Into the 60 Geld Bouts: Ooteekteilosts snowed to Bashi old ,ra . tereat mill a. pat ocr Backlog Reuse. ' . Preat. Sam B. Lmmarrox. Ceelite4., . 0. IL Sintiorr. Air Want. TIOLLAB bilVtAtta BLNIC AO. OS rowirriarare!... oiwirEamnross. -4 _ _ opm . .l4irmsto 2 o'clock, also es Ammo -- day end BaUrday eveniU,ltota Kay •Ist to Ms retaberast, from I o'doelt; and Boa Borembet let toHay lit from. to 6 o'clock. - • —,= DePosits reeelved of all sums of net BUHL Oen Dollar, ands dividend of the progtddeolared twlee • Joon %June and December. Intoned has been , declared emetemmally, La June sad - December. mime the Beak was organised, at the tete et six per cent. • yeu. Intoned, if not drawn out, is pieced to the Mat of the depositor first pracirVand beers -the sems: Interest from the due of 3rom ant Beeemben compounding twice a year without troatdlog the de for b sell. or even to pruned hie puma book. At.this rate money will double in lam Um* twelms years: Books, oontaining the Chutes, By-Laws 4 Boise atand Regulations, funalahol gratis, pa appUnation the ofilou Paxamirr—GEOßGE AIME= VICE TIZIRDICIIIM Wiliillt 3. Anderson, K. Pollock, X. P., JohnG. Backefent. Hebert Bob, • 8ecti.6... - Faluirsteek,John H. Shoealloqier• James Itudgme, - Suttee SWIG, • JamealLeAulu, Alexander Spear, • Isabel& Poutstit, Christian Yeager. Tamps. Lfe Oalvja Adams, H omy Jolla C. Bindlay. . Gown Blank, John IlLinhall, 11111enw14,' . WOW P. Karahalt. Akins. A- 011,111 e t, ham B A D. Meals, Midas A- Donna, ZonAt 4144410.11 -Urra. tk.mtbus, ta l i °tl' Yo Evan:, L. 111=4 John J. Glitaapte; William E. WO= 8. Haven, Alazander Mane. Peter IL Hunker, William Vanklfflit, Richard Ram - Wes. P. W es _ Ja=liM us Bievanol—JANW U. U. 7aBRDB. • •• TREASURY IMPARTMENT. • 0711010100KeT4OLLIM 01 MI °maiming, WAPanfOTON, February ad; IRO. WHEREAS' EUTISRAOTOR evbienuo-preeented toibe alutentipuul, Rita been mule to appear Iluit SECOND . - NATIONAL 'BANK OF ALLEGHENY, . in the eity of All hey, in the county of Alle• gl i ket r =l State of Pettmiania, hoe been duly 0 Under led see to the requirmnsats o be sets of Congress, ent itled "An Ant to pro. ride a National Currency, *soured by • pb.dim of netted States BOW*, and to provide for the drew. ..:g.L.liii and redemption thereof," approved June ad, 'Met, and has seolapned With an the provisions of said set required to be complied with before eon.. mewing Um business of banking undee said ad r New therefore, . - . I, noon IlleCtri.tocu, ConVrener of the Can reney, do hereby certify that °The &wind Nation al Bank of Allegheny City," - Mile oft of Alta sherry, In the aunt of Alleghwiy,.and State of Pemaylvania, Ls authorised to commutes the beak. new of itutklng nada the set afezesabil. .- -• r . P. { Sego( thi niu r!. 1 7 ..witseis my Tend and „Cknaptroner of the . meal of Ohm, thialnder Curreney.: Of Damien-Lank! . . . 1117G11. MoutILLOCINE, Cookotroller of the tranoney T, . ' TREASURY Dr.PAkriefENT, greeftm eit floirremortia ori Tint oricamm, .. . . Wastilbston. , 3Settary,.l.lo, talit. VIT HER EA. £l..' 8Y...845.T15FA0T0 11. 7 T. Lethilemi - hireheated to O Ile vautesSituiell,ttlot been Wide to APPiSer thbA.,: . . . Tit INIONIIIIOIIII-Billit OR - Plttafiltßoll, II the Pite: it Pittiltallh,' . l* thir,eettatt et Al !mbar and State ofcreaterylvailk . hal hen' chßy tozeidied' maw 'And' savannas to' the re. quinine:am of the 'Actor - 0O entitled !../Lit Act to 'Rrestde a" Igation,d ' Ontreboy, ' neural by a pledge of United Stetmtliondt, andlo provide for the - circulation end redemption thereof.* ap proved Zone td, test, and Lea compiled With itU the = lone'of mild net reiteared to be ootepttol,with Oo kt/ericOgthe-bUsinaa °P allin g Fa'44. Now thetefore, T, Hook Neetrt.t.Otet, Clotarrot• ler of the,Chuieney, do hereby *edify that. 'The Union National Moth county itiebnmh," in the city of Pittsburgh in , the of Alletelteny,.ata State Of Pennsylvania, to aueliortied to tonunewel the boat:tem of . llahhing under_theatet afoftuald." {Ourresep Itnresti,— . In testlisorif "Whereof ~ -Real of the witness or/ Kona midges] Ocrn etollestif , Ds : : f f o l n a lr. this Is m s i eetttto! , Treesttry Deportment: .' ; : a ' '' ' 7! ; ' . .. .. . Clamart)lke of tbe Ounanerp ___ . TREASUBN tiiiresumear. • 1 - amp op tkorrstotnin VS :az arauunconi ~Weenuneeon, ]teary 11th, lea. INrREBEAII—By . saiisfisotory evidence presented to 2—Bt e' andetstgned. !*, bes been - THE A4OiIigrUNATIONAV !Willi.. •t , pitftwilk, , ia_.-lem- Beauty : at' anktfispi and Mate of Peansyl bee ben duty. to 4 bee ender an 4 aseqnttng te. infoleen o i c e Are Ara of .oongrees,. tanned . 4 .1. n , ta a. National Canoga, meowed br.e.pltildn Armed. :Stereo Soon; And to proOlotoe ihe clambake' : da d eadmpuon tbseeot" eippeolet Mum 111. fan‘t i end Ws .exvialled Tyne la xniprovialeas or, sant • 1 ed, Wetzel Robi n, betinkb Wont ao}nanea : i t lAitstef ut, .omaxw art% 110 ..t_ LI. Wra u ddpo i s lii' '' ' ' :, hb ..., 2 , emeny VW ' 11e " r.ff_e t et. , Aellnlnet, ord, bi tie , 1 7 '" I TM Is las 00s 111 3 Wasgaristb tie setle! . .tiesisteenevetta ; ; er , mrtilftstk 41. y . Islty l italueli* - it,,,,AILLCIOIL. YANK ' OOSIVSPUSt ottlistianroaci. _..,. . 4,7 Bea .rox. -the mute alb, :Hsi f 3 ?..,,Pc 74 7.4 kr,cr_3 Pro. S-41:la0es "Amu AppiAna, ' NO. LAliiiilt; Koi 4—euxes Dfantime of Cholera WSW* sad Bummer . . • - -,' 406 4 eat, NM the itlialt-4118111 112 .1 t . 1 M.; • 40 ..:-:.n., -.• . :',. --- :: - ,*.i.r.l. _ • - ifor 6.-ChlMi, Dlliakterreel.6llo.2l 11164,:,,,,,,. 0 tre!, ~!Pri,. c l / 4 41° ?Ri4•PPM" .11-11 . ~ .., . ' No, 14—Por Chefert, inNietll , 3lo*MaFtfidillipv , .7 , 'Sol Toadthig, isalowstfo Byeetth 116 i5i,.•12,4 ~: „ ~,,: . ' N, , I o•S-Clonse Oeleghi, Cohn, Hiletleteille , , ABU, Ineuress 550 JBore "Most • Pelee spy ---!'„,,:,., sm-rfv. 1 rip after rio - 0111 7 9 1 6019600,0 , 1 1 16 ,e ). ,11 Ns 6-antes . lootleoehe4=Paeo4ate, • Not9ooC,'"- 4. k mese Tialholorietts. :Prior *mots: • - ... ,-- „ , Ne 9-Oures lteedeebr,Bleit Ifewle=76l l !#.',, '',:,;!! im. Alike Blood to the Nea4L - Pride 96 •. • • • , ~, _ to guldhloo withierp. 10, itstever fails IdelTte99ll l r,; . - - :4 ...., N.. 10-Oures Direrpeis; WeslOtelt Or ,..,..n: sd Siomach, llori4t potion, Lifer odopwm i .. ~...) SlitiOus (lofidition. Price ad ce.o4l' - . - r - .. licciaLiarms for oll.eases oic , of iraiii ingiat `iaii " ''" =lop tJorestaints, Nal tivuees Aupprested. Nexuses, ot gouty. gig, , , Palatal, or Deters& Greed Slokuess, as *iota - r Nei It-Coree Leneonikeebr Mita, -79iss!lset -, I, Dowd too Profuse Menses SS cents, ._ ~.,,.,....,. . . Pioi 110-40tarti Oren =kd% odd OPD 4Bresildsig, .15-seator No IS-.4:Kideli Sslilheusi,'Ofusty **bask' Ersipeas, Scold Head, Barbers' 'lady Plisiplso the nice, UW. • artiumattiutt r Taln, timeliest, a Son= In Lb* Cum% -bulk, Side, of se . . - . . No:lf—Curet Ferirert , 44oe; Inter ro t • • ye, Dumb Agae, Übi Idrelerate Agues. ITO.III-.Cures pl4i, Internal or. Externil,. . L or Bleeding, Recent or Obatlnato. 40oenta. 4 Thls terne4y h a eared thousand* OC the wawa , ' '"' liro._l4-onres Optothalmta, Neck Or Initiate& Eyea or Eyelid', Falling or Week sight: 40 mintia It ally always be rated upoolor • cure, . Yr& ' saute of phronle, diy 0; llorlap Cfold Head, coat'. No.l6:43nres - Whoopiii4 0201, IMlL2sat b = , borei.lll OdUP 164 Motwa;o7olo4 „Noodzols hitralroammollog U.?) : c• • No. tW2tuto.TarqKtot e =e t NNIO,I# Reid. loggattof Naming, '.• No) - 01 *14.14,.: • •ToiliSloollltyp Ica QtaMmt •u 6 4 .•-• Honoured Ms wbestoaboo. , - - ';%. t = ~! • a' No M--Ours DOW% lot rrA,i Foss—Cora S .7f., 0,1; kiwi,: Baia:Wass. Jai _ N Is—Cionatlosats,rtanahlassaVart - NlTudd. Vaalttts/..i Wats, 1%, t.;cr • r . NO4,l7otirei C 410411, Iftfaadt.oz2slalntl7/0 It cluteatdd gams id . • r.J.- rz, • No, 16.4`ar..nsinisal. Iftvidual • Dinsrm sad sonsequat and tyltsd ba Mamas atEikilsbits, Prins od. r PK Post affloisid aswdg aal.eia !is tr , las/ ape* as sass tan. a r• Nadd—Clareslists Mosta It titamank,OssamiNl Nouth:sr Adults orTOLdld nr usCals• Mumma r sad Vomiting otPregasat nasals& la amts. • No. eit;•trares trettutrt Istiontlooneyloetillt the Beat, too Trevent, Potetul, or Sestelectytos. No. el : - .4loree Palatal' Nenstrustal, rrorieroh, thernip or Sporitei Prortttts; ItohyrWerek Intl& , .• ' etas likes NO.1:11-4atel Battering at Ottaaaaot.Ltaa ulatildeav Ftaahea,at, Pia4aUtabitall Ilikaitais d Um, Hiatt. Ala ... . . No:at—Owes Diptheris wurtfleasteu mat Sore Ilmat. oeMa.. e e Ito; 124413 . . ices Gaufalsipas sr . e _or Malta, sad Campos o; all WAN; . . ... t • pre,4l-4,hires Billoitaassa; ailiViatarappsal32. Lowlier. of Spirits, Jauadlms; Sloustlystkia. sore IliTeiOomPtakits- • , Oiliilllll4eq sad say, Sac:. Ncas-jaiszesaltAcateßb:iii Eniptkiss;2o32st,. lea Pharr Keadss,phiskes _ Fia. al-tiara Clireala 0040, Morons Cisogly,' • DIT 000 2 1 -6 , and 002 2 2 with . NC Millais@ or Oitzi2 la 011322;124 Wats, n . t of.xuatte in the TbrooL , p• Osasiltallenal Ro; 42-43srss Osastltittisast fa ' • I .i 8 vtigl tualtr vial raspy caws LIES 21 vial way plata. 1. 11 m' • , 111 vial sus Nvial Ilivslislaa's 'PONDS ErfIUCTOY.-11040020.—.!,t,- Far , -.DPI_ amas, 0011.1 1 !". Eletraemaidare` der, 'Xidiak.abt..iediera,Eolu, Moen, Olt 50 ..r2 end Toelbasha.. It sett Uks4 "Urea Pilma et oats 'Tee Usti" 'applied at lairs Tait our . Eemanes br man. &Mk slat the UM, make up cam el what Ylt iron choose, Itod , lnolote the amount la a minim "' mots or stumpy by mall to - my- Meals, mit to medicine mill be duly tstained by mall -citexples -, • oi clump. ruts street, tai e arris Searkil door Delo w P 04. 0 111 0 114 - agentfot intliburpOisik vtaltats, • fat. TAT lITRIOEILAtiIid. MELT niUOUB 001karailgat:7 - ISTHITirGAMYS mztharraroirs • OOH .t• BATA/ la warranted to sure Ootogia, wear - Mftr/MaNl/2 WhOoPiag 0013 64 Sate Throat, Ooneampttog nn. , and an athartiond et Th FOrh Snot. = l .. Will sae br ourt c (Isom! Dip Era ~• • 3a.x-Axt-Art-IsEaa44 , Alltki•Nadleal awe and the met Nwegowni AB. israrmaArars exrrwzolaum, TweslS id the only.awtatirremedy forplareh k ..,Oneand,-.: • I.lPriedttew It. la a aomblnattos at.. denorbantah tilinittlanta sad CuldentlWitijawl warranted to idiot a son attar all 'ahem r "u* y or mile by pribobbab. G RIM] Depo4 l l a. ' 4 = 4 ' . ,z? trttairWmBluxilui - Dll. BUZ - PILE EMMY 7 ltimit thonisnolc et - the Word alms of -10,11* a. Bleeding Mew 7t eves Immediate ronsf,, • •••4l Soots • rs•tadr= l . ‘ _ . Tre.Pireok. 1,-J!‘"vnir,: . • Norma& by all.Dmigilti•42h•Latil POW* Wes% latud•••4 0; - ~ ..-...- • '... ' -. .; v . :,;;;;•,..-. : : : ', - ;4, iFyspepEriN , . Nenttumexh i Deb ' , I: - - ' *O-ciii . Wilsommal4 those sat(lnlacirlitilii' ' ,- tErr1itAg.1=117'143 1 12. 4 112417:'&v,,011 . :, .. th,Vegetable PteParatiOat Ate troi4.4* - :'. ~," . . .... llquormat. at_irithnlia the Viola terra* . 4 ~. , 14R• • KW. llPPatitg. an Lair re, , r its and Xervacurnetglity. • - ' 'araalij.i• Drugesu, 424 . railto.. 4 4*Pirlid ic t,, , DE. A. s49Pad.Zilk• F . d atroo4,. , ` ,:. ' WTorrd c reelyD d R T,I OE 'nl li. a n : Vn CV;: lo;and & IrO n corner of Woa , r and 6.aeond 'Mar , _: .. bnrihi and 1.1 - PAIL SC-A: BILTIJA, No-TI.. ~ strerti t AlleglAsey.t, ~.t . ~-. ..,. -• ~, • c ', , 1 "WM i rziralifi Peat:lnes - ' t '''' .;'"rEVXMALSIBIUMIIII4 4 , 1, OiTeamerlicbiritVemiaelleat atocarkvillft !Krau, es la: itkli A ead.^3lMF. 4 „' amoutt.of patents treiA4•7 Ms figiv - ', inn! mem., ~ ~ A' ~ •• - ,-,, 1281iEtadiaTti4Oft OTSEXtriailintOtTnilli.' " . , srfslog , tberetrots, att. eaten lit et ~, Inulab•lborter tita• h etoforwill ary Nltirta, ',... :vmetnurtz; - liodkades rat, tive.-1 , aityl4rt of Me VAR*. -, barn Wail 4,. . ., ~....:, rettrizrazepth. it . al agalliS 4. 14 %=A ~ ,; ,'' --) Wilt . SIM • wArii-;•. o ASZOOD• ' ' HOW 40STIROWItaga .17_ .454 snivOREDS-Joacloutdiftlh • itatts:•"A. ppaqr•lle a _ . tvisdliMiest'lperslsf . , ..44..., ~, , ~ „ seraiwumalitr MlAMMuttaa ., luat , , . at 34 M1.24' W Areseralnig ra arniitosew _ illi.N, , ~,;', Ainitllts tasertistualtaii...... -'..,,a. 61"14 71110.• Mail ' :O s? I Ssiri6gat 7 .2y :1, ,Jserkinnaer mitl, la a plats eavebwitlaraltA ,a drug, Poist,Ploa receipt of slic•obli or tea,, , ill wa R e s:pig:4 i ~ ,,, 4 4 atiliw z o . VSL*4I4 ....0 - in•;. : -.i,' - :, l ' , f ; ' ,: ' -, ..,. : .i.,4 _.,.-,-: -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers