Wit gitt*lttgit time 21=MIIED ET m. amiTs G WISOCUTION. THUINDATiILARCEIV; 1865.11. SON TO GET,pACK SAFELY. •AU reftectiagMenan mate or len nab= about what" i - follAr the and somewhat feverish activity which this war beeveashopeA.,,, The huge 'ohm? 43 c -- cFr ten ctirticti third iteaksa - ri 'mato' to enable the government to carry on Its vast operations has so stiginiated. bostness and mita prices, disithedescent . tO 'a nomad condition is enthroned with difficulti and Th° thdeed7 into. coin has ,prodneed the effect which every sensible man foress*-4 very could tratleol tibeti"TelitltV This Menace wu not caused by doubbrot the ability of the government to sustain Itself In its integyilysind solvencytic, Much as by a neturik-netesiarY,'llieVitable 4 1 6:4 there always is in these two kinds la money t9oitift astinder in relative value the moment they axe divorced. To tide was added the abundance of &per Currency -as oomered with geld sad &Ayer. At times the givntrwilick_itung.iiier our tallitafy . psespects lut4 its effect in putting -up ,the• *Attire mane of coin; and when that gloom ind despon464 •ifis inot $ conespondlng reaction, because bnsi pess An,y_ con d it i o n borever inomen f ilia tininess machinery of the country is run ating In t i piort which it has triaoe for "itself; can ihitte ererYthiligll go on smoothly enough. But (binge cannot always remain in -. this ctsdlttlit:.',sotinee.di later. we must get bat* upon the old track—and the sooner that condition can be reached with safety the better. We say with, Batas ; for it is in this transition that the whole Mt. Seulty Ilea. • Ifutornbt_ 4pubtalhe solleticys of the government, or the solid milue of its socialites, upon which our monetary sya• tem nobly restal yel. i notwithstamling this, an.immediate mlisrn..,to. specie silents Is One'.6f4twiti snit first be ilorm--elther gmstly reduce the volume of the Mtriiiey, or Unlit-re-that of the precious •metals. To curtail to any great extant theividurite of thiAttitendrousiv so actively employed, would necessarily cripple everything; and &use extensive ern harassment. This, in_lts turn,,would react upon the goveirdninA3i its itotirearefververusevatid tendeEthe• prompt paytaili PC branense Interest 'Cud other, heavy, nitiendltares f Matto.Of 'great dual cony and Almaden, if not impossible. This, again, would operate to depredate the national neculties . upon -which the Amok MU of the currency , resta for security and szivency. Thus, operating . In an unbroken circle of Cause and effect, 'it wottlff Coate back titike'Peopla:.-to all'tlai*ple —not to those who itTe`teldiuff oolKeleweteePt blim246.teseeilffsffelfirt harnrd= ens sPratellettS7helAe'fte r . . 11 1 e3 r e ' Wealth • consists= anyt h ing ewe mai rald ' and sißer. It miff ten-da f ehetideore,dirkte: postqr.o atravh c4 o 4o 4l 4‘cAr.r. nag Terrnipidly. , Well, how about the other aUsrnahvo the enlargement of the ' voluine'of the pre cious metalet 'Can it be done _ ?_ rTes, cer; " Int ro if• MVO; win VAT . ettselY aaAs hartpeqnsce. rompauely Irithhalii l 4lllll blitatrS the the slitlelt*LbeaPiri-Ote, tattbr.4l bundol4l:Ws Isuidetiti ;end - /eat 4 l -thell i i !:?."11 1 CA keep this cold from Sowing awky 0m us alt fast as itht produced, and 4 41-e i te. ' 9 4X• ' be found hist.dritt tiporribe Im`pkotatiatiof feria/go fabrics scvfnimed arid , enable this country, to manpfacture and pßdpol, grery. thing that can be Droducedin the temper ate zone. 7t":‘,11t 7 74t" - & in our itiesent sit uation, with a national_ debkot roam than • two thousand milliont9 pimide„for f end p t devastated., region,en v isme i Ns, , totlf of In , rope to.re l eroiii l to dePeatltire - et,lstoante • revenue. It is, tliat4:d - the wors t and most ext i ser i Ag- lee P ed , e ' t ffet t h- 3 g. TelrerTsetthst tier wilderirod; for ihe simple reason that in order io get a dollar of revenue in that way We-neediikey Wren& (at artiweirditii6 Jac god out of the country, perhaps never to ttittn. rrout thltaitsu3 fcmraut we must m a n ly Ty :: upon taxation for national lore uneTated: takatiod fau helaid , tas.at present. Mainly upon manufactivii. SuCh tams' fall men apon they:agfd,,enff stoney ami they...one' not st_all exhause2J fordiefidsidortinefor that *kit' ite remains among quad!" -end in some -shape comes back to tle . peoyle. Stich a policyas fhlit-trpblierthe -bene fits ofwlderk we lase -repeatediptested by osneelenfie tet,YetualiasOmt of eltilutelbel7 domineeelyginflaence of eaten' 40 149, 1 derivideri-swill in a short time bring dip the volume of the metallic currency to i r .measure' sufficient' ;io` eneble the oter . t.riic i mat and the . bank; to return to specie pay-, :cocain:. • Such a poll rr a 1e have indicated, sad re.t.lng else, can WPC this couatry-- from serious trouble and &easter, and 'ailable the Goiemment to meet its belay liabilities.- But these wills Cherand collateral beno: fits: the iminense- resources of the country will be developed; its people be fell and Platitab4-atuPloYedi awl_ Akiltr-a wo 'men of th e old world, seeing that' We ere reeolved to do oaf own .work,' - will come over in tholiesadsioltelP_lot - TBE SEW SECRETARY OV T .-TSEASTIRY. . . neallkithe Senate, by a unanimous I 4ed the appolunneut of the Ouvionon, ,Seeretary of MT, Dir. Ouxuanni is a chi- • where he had imig expert biiikeri 'silica thie wit Com; . sun* bilis been occupied in is high 'and suponalble Position in -the • deiartmpnt of kit ii vow the head. lie aemin, tt; etaloyilai advinee, a high-degree of public' ' coundeone, yid& we. fervently trust he viasy,riMease lather ttuni'diminish; for upon Ida,risdcon,' ikM and discretion, more than • thcite - Or.W other man in the . Government, .alependliteperity of the country, and • " the finailiar-vtrezigth of the go, enunelit . Arrows tlte'b • by Congress, at. - . the close of it 4 sosalorPitisfar.enk o ut en. ”All id to ?outcry° all dismidialtfealrmliof for in carving the snails." Tha - ..pa,r. sage of thisset removes, one of the lait ihe - 'pro-devilry 'legislation • "ski& to long dis,graced tbis ixquitry. _The ' bill bt prtrOint,:'olOred" men from being the walla was ori. employed ~ ginally.Pissedin Ohre wanto nness.; It was intended. Oel.friSS 'stigma•Ron the hiack rime7-to-Ptitrtiokthem the mark of degra- • --datlorsaud2-slmt. ,them -every - possible - chance of elevation. Now that slavtry Las Pawed array, -- . which -natu rally sprung':4omik is fitly wiped out of existalOeWith • . , • BEKTio Pony Lays.vmornr—On Batir . clay, 14 lkerfpipiito. ahorder froid Aralit- GMLOSIS plai-Clitt.:ll - ettnedy , alias Stanton, segthiknit Lafsiot Was te to await sew , . taloa tbr'solung fire - to - Barnum's Museum' and other public Indldine in Now York. . . Iphia 'Nora: America, Pr. Taiga.* asp: "Then l_ghborhood of Sixth and Shippen streets, Wont nine o'cluzk last night, was thrown tido intense excitement by a shock ing murder' .mitted in a large tenement house No. 623 BM -. pen street. - The - house is kept by Mrs. Allen, Maim*yrouse from ground to garret. lethe habltatietn'of s sep.: state family.: dnaplace ,ia wall know's, es. fecially, to thoh.police, as, one 191, the moat densely populated . bruises s in any ,of the main Streets ef Thlbadelphli. - .The rear garret NoesVal.:nett:flea ;by Soldier minted Adolphus Smith in wife. - Smith served three yeariirf the army . as ` private .:; At the end of Mt- term he . was placed in the Invalid Corm - now called the Veteran lteseneve; stationed_ st Camp' Cad::' waladeti , Two years ego:while 'Judie on a furlough, he married .'s 7oungltith'silk' daughterlof amigulninsed - Lynch;; after Ida marriage be returned to the okays: road hie-Wife went to dive is 9 doineatic ser lent with* family named denesimisn. kept a large .searasn's boarding house , M. his. same ward. - Wien he retuned hre'rented this mimics Shippen street and sherweht to: jite 4111h , hitii ' "About right q clock last:niglit - *Ent up to has roam, attired unifords, . his muskitt,ld:loll. Ivo* were, beard 14.pokaa:Isotween this* kastr.his - fwia. tic uhrumel.cireurnstiseice, and: no attention was Odd toil . eThe loud - detonation of 'nmsisetibliowed: Thererwas a shriek heard; and simultaneous : the ;he avy tread' of -re treating feet ` descending ': the The husliaa dished.' down - ' each' 'sniacessine .itighltVliallitiVrity the :swami' of women and i gidsenthat, from every, roOra in the sin ripg_preinlies, Poured .out upon the turrow.reoWdons.. . "A general rush was made for the room mentalist by_thnith and his wife. It is .a . small a'artment, with one window and with slopingceiling' The smoke prom the :deadly'Musket barrel ' obscured ' the scene, until the. rickety sash was raised: Upon . the doer lay, the soldier's wife; face down ward. • .A bullet' hid ;passed through her. body. She had mid internally, save - that a smell stream of-. arterial blood trickled froth her month. -There Was 'nothing in _the meet it a few dishes Upon' the shelf, triable:without )egs, sePpOrted against the. wall; 9 broken chair . and a Moot' "The'. While , neighkOrliood was ran sacked, and the officers Fiend Smith clinch ing in one corner of the yard. tic made no resistance: "lie said that he - had drawn seventy-five dollars from a savings fund that eftinmon; putty to release - from Parr It ,certain =articles that hit . wife had parted with, lie did not deny the murder. Both rett.tipartigs bad been drinking during Me '.iftemmur and he conceded that he was *-tine it." Bps Taira has seldom' seen a larger or more brilliant . denionstratiett than that whichyeaterday welcomed the recent great vlctorielt of our erodes as the -blessed her, bingere -of honorable peace. . . It was a glo rious alay.labove,. below, and all around. - The, city-. fairly - blossomed with bunting; from the taPertog masts AIWA fringe her bor ders; altoveislie houretespi, and acmes the streets, froartlefery," - point Of vintage,float: ed the, ghee* hanner of 'the free. ' The 'streets were., thronged , with people; nearly sit businees _beint-srgolPerided. and , every. •J'ace:seesoertjaldlantwith the universal joy. All that , as promised in the ..programme Wag.bol2l:4:Mtltlythe,prOCelVian. It ;was 'Utterly ith arm' , with Ibrione tv. l t i m And It - pored' through' a throng of ne that numbered Thant - laundrette' o thousands , Iti way was one c endanger" oration. Bat the battle scarreor,Veterans raimiert off the honora of, the der4l o Prompt lc the PoP ular,..heart in response to the appeal of a ithieveless arm, ors missing 11Mb: The show, .prta teellon, and peoftle were vast - and im- Rosin& ;;It- - quietly asserted the unimpaired strength iif the North'. notwithstanding Its" leirig and %wide struggle with s' now wan ing rebellion. It also demonstrated that the wasted armies.of !tile Union:might till their • gaping renkswitli recruits enougldto crush the enemy - et arice'read - , utterly; - were the iropleSie prompt tollistarthet are ready to: applaud thetitre& lleedi of others. - bes a: .ashole p the tethitr was a - Splendid tack:est - It .was, on time, a great ,rfAtite inthese leggin days.. ,i Bit h might Igire: been' improied. ?It as designed for a great patriotic demon. 4biatien, -- and it was shabby inebriate - people 1 trierseize itrrit to advertise their wares so Ird.4aitlisivor,-4-...50n , 61,,,,,d?.-61..-F4g , i mtecl ' a f kitleth foil dwis vait,patrcotte, and V:,,lilipe s will it z l , proinotive of good, Attu- Um.close an p . pillion of _fireworks wo -4.oetalt fiiilitrittes.—.N. I. T ribune ,Distinpsizta , alortrat .130trit---Souttiern l e ewci ' tits heginealat to reap the full coaser - qu cea"' ri(;the Rchnse ithas given to tlm wo Pefitiona ofhril men. llisaiggippi pa- Peri 'nib tligt_t 4 _ lo wha:e.ca u ntry is tilled " jiitrawkens and. robLerra, composed eiloos Yet deaden* ' Witoispdeeds - Arai the ye or Dick Torras', gml mill' g .4. .u• (*terror lots been Inaugurated .that' tray If Asalmoit , completely. • twaketi:Wp tri • `slim !portions of 'the 'Sount4..' .emicdad -wit th33.001:67 - iite a; Urge' nnittbet 'of sol;_ die tittirtitila Mak, * limp!' liiftirlomh,.. T• 32 *Wing yenseance'cm the is - Ocala tors who have *lased to, take Confederate mon for corn-and other -necessaries of rife' train Mgr .fsmi2,+tb. - ".• . The--Richmond WA 1 adds that nil Irorth Georgia is - tilled -wait ' p . tvlittkr7 handi of "torie I and dessrl- '1 ,X. a thrtTOlt Or Iltr; Ylor Ilt.ier.- 14r, , anies 41, ..tfellson, died In Scotland last _fen , -.r Being. engaged in the gas works, - llii . ter i n n vas directed.to the smelting of ire . and he satisfied himself that a vastl3r. , inen*ised and improved effir.fliti the forced blasteould be obtained by - heating the air in its passiiiii-fronathe:brower to the Miriam.: be "Jot blast reyolutionlzed the iron trade, . d !Age YalTwaya: poSsible, in an eeonotni:i 7;eal E 4 rtaec. - litlB2iNlrbet l litfifilutrodueed; . i 'Vie' rWte'oTthe Scotch ameltiag WAWA' Via ~I ' . l, , toil a year;.in...186.1 it Was t, - : 160,i 09 time,and,tie prio Vita" over £7 per ton cu 1828, and in 1861 it was £2 17s fid: 'Erobably tbe most of this increase and tiar: -14 it audio The - hot idast.--:-PMfo. Lam , . . i —....... P.,' Grtai Iliises: editor o the. Thm rratie ... Watt Miprn, the organ ort e -copperheads c f Cientre copnly.rstaaktes dot few days: . sine t, in Belle foote r: on. neehatge of hair- . ing need the Columns or his journal to en ( out Pge ibe_igearant and the - factions to re sipt theflo"yerntantic.f.7o,4l require little. < charge-:as-thetrarWoreiht.tintisie......this.F coIuMWOVILW iroT,:howsrrOurkat the past. Tone yOrit, teemed prith illef.sbuie .and fais4ilittemente-concirrisiiit the' represent r ....y of the national :authority.' . civil , and mill sty; than could - bare been.fmnisi in the par ad any .rebel joUrnal in Tliziet7--/Tor . rfsbarriTelegraph.: ,- • Ytta. flandhsty ) itigifser_ says that' eight,. ems Months egos number of prisoners were sent to Johnson's Igen& convicted as spies for the Confederates In ICenterhy; 'The ez mil= Of their sentences wait postponed in 'each ease until further orders. - LThe last kmr!'of these, namely: Thciouts bell; N John . Karr ' Wm. B. Burgess and .Peorge Sims; were ; sent off on :Monday :Mgt to City Point, for exchange. . 'Eight or nine persons at different times have been self to the Island,: convicted as spies, but •no one, convicted of that offence only, has been matted at this point. • - Pr Is said Archbishop WOlosicy, of New York, US publicly endorsed the _late En cyclical of the. Pope, . and bee , proclaimed Jo bb; Bee that the. Pope sPoke by divine authority, and that his words should be re -cePred with humility and obedience. ,On the other , hand the Archbishop of Bal timore, says it was" unjust and "unfair to stretch the words of Cie Pontiff—ea as to snake them include the stateof OW' things con es, lahlished in this country by noble ltittttioa in regard to the - liberty of con ' science, of woraffp, and of the press. Alluvia. or Convicis 'nos xi:warm— :Eight convicts arilved -at Castle Belden yesterday from England,' on board .the ship ,Plyaroutnnock. Their names are William Taylor,_John Fischer,llartin Davey, Thos. `Tully, Thos. McCarty';'.larnes Banks, 7 111 M. Parker and 'Jane Leo.. It appeals they had Ix'eti guilty pt felonies, -had. received sen yule t of three to lOUs years' !minim:dint ent; mad recd out apart of their terms, whea t .by. o aid of the Prison Eissociatio9, th ey w released and sent lb this country - lt 'ls expected they will bet returned to Ongs lury —X. Y. Mixing Posi. /LlGloore tAast--littes Mary Land, a "Malta of NewToric kl •ut for the last ninety' yeti)" a resident of. Jtitadelphia - died last. wick at the 'adtraneed age of out, hnedred tato:;yesxm, J3he'. reniambered ascii incident of the Revolt/lien as it oc curred in IthUsdelphia: LICAYMICES. Ear 11. S. 2 7-30 1_421,A.:N. By atitherity *Me Secretary of the Tresatuy, the eaderelgaed iiae:eimitaeot the-*ltirar:Sab lerii4ll)ii 'lamer ,for We jai:* j trate.t States Treieary Notes, lieulag trim atlltirea. teathl per 4eat• intiFeattPekistititai kn ow ¢ aa-tbe srinfran LOU. Vlonio Notesate betted ondirdato of August lath, _MU,' aid 'ant pajobio tinno rears Mont teat time, 4 lnTeDell - Or AM convertible at the optional Me bolder into • • • •. - . -E. 8.420- tilthr Cent GOLD BEARING BONDS.. Thome acad.. ars sow aorta a mentos of Rite , per art a:, tactual; gold liaortat thou( tiatinatier, '11.42 make _ them/last trallt-oa ta• 34Olosaa at eantat tetia,:tseitadtaa . titerlati - ' 61,043 tea per tat: per . anatuta tartar! Its' "natal* Asia Rik : 1 , 1 0 600.',14•410troaapirtatante orat..llo , a; aaoottlit4ta the ratilarted On Ohne loNatitoont &Milked to aacat'llOt , rrbek•may to act ott told told to ray 140 k or tanker. „ The Marna =mato One - Gent per day on a <WM note Two ants ." " .. $lOO " Tan u sigo *a ; Is $1 $$ .$1000 • as . . Notes . of nenonanattooe . 111100 i wilt be Promptly IY:rotated upon reeelpt of sobeertptions. . _ TILE OISIIY LOAN IN MARKET sow 'peered acrid, by the Ckwetablent. and LI la ecintideutly expected that its superloe 'Armitage, will waken Great Popular Loan of the People. . Lea tlta e etteepuo,ooDremaln taulohl, which will probibly be deposed of withis sent 10 or dam; when the metes will eueloiibtadlytunead • .ptisoluisi;ashiasinten the aims ;losing the subserlptlans to oiher‘Lolia. le on* : inst tea - alt ni every town ..d ,hulaoi the eith4th Way bs'aturfisei Emma. - fee taking-the lose. the liatiosal -Beaks. State 'Beets: sea Rivets Fluters tbresighout the MM. try have gesterail aQOcA le seedy. subseriptkats it • Sabi:eters win whet their orb eta.' ae whoa they have conedeece,,aed who oat are -to be responsible for the deltv'ery of tin nines toe which they twelve *Mai. " JAY 000105. Subscription Agent. Philadelphia. Subscriptions trill be resolved by tie rust Naglail Soak. illtsbargli. ileasil " - " • TiiiT4 . . . n■r<r " . Mines •-" . " " hes ill Itssaris If Waal auk. illtabargb. Ps Maar& Xenia* Ilia et clamitiet. " trai C4'• .- - " " Purimla belpsdi " . Wilma* " isles axiom, rewire - . eir.sa felS.34lll.irr sausrancigror. slur no maw. DleSs Ite— Itecraltalx , Camelia. tem Mid all othere Wermaed, Cr, hereby mated that asen,who enlist attar they net dratted, are con 'Woad sual-treeted as. Des.W.Ms term 'the Dna, and mast be credited to their enrolloseat &own* matter whethertho 'Mtn Lima lidualles or not. Under existing maims, an' Dratted man who is ll' to report ea the day tribal by notledi will be an rested as Deserters a „bed to sorra*, a 0 matter whether tha_spkotas of their reepectire sub•distriata ' bare been d l arena ' 3. W. HMICER. _ shpt. - tad Pro. Mar.dad Mt. Peas*. FlOSOlt marshaPs.ollee =I Dist. Pa., Allegheny Ully, Mu.% tele. 111b74t4 larO.- 41b. 7.—A.'.IIIIXTING 'OW TUB coinerrrtv; of the redone Leese* sew oteubslag tbel)dd Fellows bullet's. will - be lull - at tbe COMMITTEE WRISNISCO, "TIM &Melt. Good M ime:moue le requesteiteteveuLlWPor• JrClrraIDIMR77.BMMrl' l 9. W; 131B1).- AT 2XXILTB' SHOP, SOUTH - PITTSBURGH, GOOD WA.GON.IILAOISXML mit9at. PF:Nir 03.--C,:BEGOB,HANING moral to tf o. 144, the lane state room, heat door. above' show stand, would" asnomme to the ablte that at opia on THMESDAY, lath jpici • Itundlitim• wort:mat of the bated m i l. a Hata, sad evetittlett In the Nunnery Mi. Mao, thalatutlitras BEGG or sworlim . 0. S 'No. fie Federal AlisPSheaf .ot f Y. , NeiTICE IS WIREBY GIVSI4 TELLT ••-• letten of adsitaittatlat on the *state of Georgegistere Darsi,e deekt, have been granted by the Rof Wills, of Aegheny county, to the ondeysigied, a 1 persons ll haying- sinless against the estate are bewhy notinen and regueeted to present Dees for psyment, and those Indebted to ttees ee , to call and embargo their debts. • ~ .. r 14NREOE U. ANDERSON; mhb: Oftener ..itilattntstgator. gOCIKHOLDERS OR THE NATION= • AL REPINING AND EPOIHN COEPANY igesse talcs notice that the third iestallment on the. Melt of this Oompany, twine PER tiNAHIEL oow doh. and will to rwdved at the ' ALLEGHENY =MT 004Hliutiond,Alleghetr, UNION NATIONAL BANK, runner Youtih and Mutat. or at thoORPIOE Went OONIPANT, -No-td Irwin street, on stain. • ahedwd limuniam Secretary. ()111(v.L.AtlioPALREC.r1,6tico is hereby s-Ygi thole l * having' In the pee. W th.• •. • . "- ,• BOOKS FOR MEMBERS' SUBSCRIPIONS. ' .. . . . . . . . '‘ . .eieet. it Onlaand Puk e on MONDAY NEXT, litersh 11th, at 4 o'elont, to nrr nog. mitten for fhbMtn re existence of the .. . • -.- tiltATB • 11011130 CLUB ISSOL'IIIIII3, t i n, conAer of the RUCTION 1 AUCTION t crii4Bs • °RE BOOT . SHOE ST paz :a . .trcowsexcnicr. 4tt di Oa E( IPP .. hen 11 I im [Law 'aide' my Mittel stack of miars;, BROUS, GAITERS, HAIMORAIA, BLIEPEUt3, , at-damUoaioonummothgoa .1110NDAY,1 1 etsfh %snit 14s0 °Waik, imd continuing, every day at to aid IP °AWL, until di ate sold. •-:• „ Mf Moak It Mum and deatesbla;ptimUtour cOl tom made,. and It will be to the oda attars of aU otto:at the Weiss laza determined elose out forthwith, , W. NaULINTOOK, N itederel street, Apothem" V ; a.IXIO/1...17, Auctioneer., . WEST •VIEGINLi OIL LAND FOR SAUX• Minted as Poker Creek, Preston county', Wo,t l Y k r grroperty ensulsts ot 1111‘DRED LNII EIGtITT: There le . Woo - an abandatiei or Coal and lion OU Welles re now. befog gook at the month of Decker Creek. • ' ♦ ,rarlroad 111 to coarse of coesiroetlon s short Mel tees from the properly. • - Th,ls had will be sold et a bergain. The title is Fop pother intone Minn subisnu . . 1 60 Mu ougo, ..........--_ 15 bozoir4 - i f! .. .. ... 103 . 2. ipt Mt / t . tritCat i L‘ko ifeitior;. tw w f Po. 8 largo elsakerel; 10 • . oort..:r ~',.-. pa: . 4 . . a d ' _-- . ~ 1 d , .; , WOO vooods.Pooll l o, o , ~ ' 011ble Pear 4 ylabi ._. j ,, . _ .•... , 600obrifroft' agistkall,; _..- . ...,.. .. se Mt-Whits 2dildor ,,- - ~•.,.. .100 do Oorbon 'colloid 00._. ,f:, A to do Primo SiaoltWbito.liefins; sr, do 40 Pearl Roioy, for oats by =Lg. - . J. B. 06.141F/L.D. 417E.1r .f rER TI E.ll ORME *NATIONAL BOK, - Of . Pittsburgh,. C0D.1328t11 AND WOOD wriucurs ETIGUSTIIS PreMat. riarai_r_" a• id"tzat, • Wilhite Invitee the secouota of Hanka, Bank ers aadvothem Govermaeat Se:notate a Wkinds bought . and scdd croveet rater. - de EIPEOLtIc AGENT of Jay Cooke, eubserip. Lona Till be received for tlie • Popular.. 7 -00 Loan. This loin le Row being sheathed let the rate of 1.0040.90 1 0 1 41 .cer. 'asp. . , and tieing etkuvertlblo into itrt6tweots_borsts hich' me [IOW at opt =lulu Of overimm PER VENT. It etranues Wolf for its superior sdrus tees to s7l - who seek a ssfs sad renal& thrust. Libiralitasiciu ai4 this loon will be allqwed to WI easter* iriGovertuototoreoritles. 'GEO' . A.' ENDLY. Culter t ' pUBLIC SALE.. wr. wita. OrrEE roa sei.r. THURSDAY, March, 9th on our premises, in Pitt Towns (near the Fair Grounds, Ninth Ward, the Mooing, . -I-Eartoe, with boiler. r I Point MEV SbalthrarPulllea ind a .raise gnadtttyof Pipe, all mop or low deranged by tire. Also, 1 twin horse wagon. I set of ladders for same. koawhotee Vagina" 2Murat. A lot of wooden frames, A lot of d . leather and Won.. Is* iron kettle. Sale to commence punctually at ID J. Y. 1104.110/MN. mhtral WASSISOVSE 125 LIBERTY ST. $5OOO " 4.VING DISPOSED OF MY NUR. H SERIES AND OREENROUSISS to myecals I cheerfully moormend them to my friends sod customers.,They ere AllthOrtsod to settle ell out. standing accounts. .70101 ItURDOUII, Jr. reresertraos Renew, 3toish, 10114% JOHN It & A. MURDOCH. (Successors to John Murdoch, Jr., ) NURSERYMEN AND FLORISTS Orr for sale 150400 drat ChM Apple Treei of fifty varieties, at Inn CO per Ind. Also • very, large stoek - Ot . PEAR; (standard and dwarf,) CREASY PLus AMOR, DWARF APPLE. ORNAMENTAL TRESS, Shrubs, Evergreens, Greantiome and Redding Vents. • far Dealers and Larulacaps Crardeners supplied at redueetrate. =hi:tepid PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK. CAPITAL. gamut IRA. IssJ. P. JONI& BARCLAY runtot, BRION R. !MU& • VOL 11. ammo. • This Rink, orgindud under the National Beak. trig 11144 o.L mow prep_illid to ttlal/601, businese et Its Mudd boast, CORNER OF WOOD AND FIRST STB iktbenriptions received for D. 5.7 140 Trammell Notes.s supply of which Leon hood for inueedlets delivery. SAMUEL USA, President. F. M. GORDON, (Whin. reidda kuliJer. JUNI*M.AVIZON BALL Vielasi Steam Flrit Ligine Company, • - , LAFAYrlr e rt HALL, Oa %rain Brezdag, March 904 1865 • ALLE i IiTOW24 • • anima: . twyrmire, Allentown, Pa. Eel. L. M. HOVVORD. d K., President. Maim 0. SCWDOEFT Millar, Superintendent TnL instituttsa chartered by the State of Nei& sylvan* with full Co llegtate powers,: sad tie prhilege of State Arms rot .lanuttiy. Artillay aad Is he*. enoteisM °lterations Dewing imperial' educational oppeirtnaltiew la. nem Orpertament of study. tionitannteation da. red host Pittabonh, wi th out change el /MIL Cimulars at G. L. Illeollateetes,_lliarket street, at Oreffr atWnP. lAberty street, Pittsburgh. - - - A• NEW ASSORTMENT OF BM TONS,' Dm. aed Cloak Oraaateato, llsjs atm" (Meanie sad Begat nine% Han V tladeraleersi -Lhasa Seta Of tl* Weir!, quality Late mad Llaeo Collars aad Hang/Mew= =s, BaLekoral wad Hoop Skl.l.to;_ .Thawla sod Saatplos, of all alas; cura= gawked Honors sad Me, foe ladles mad WWI Leather. Olovos, all dant Jaairia'a Gloves' is uiont colors; Ribbon_ data. triaged to order, tacetaat wtth a osevka of Hada Watts Fell 'Flowers. Will be found at *JCS MOM'S THIMMING STOIH, No. OS Tomtit Street, War rinTrotreet. Paitleular atteotket glees toelasalec Mat awl W Waif Wads al Loom. Also Moak bOOO cello lan YEKR7B EXPZRUINCE inor. STEEN MAGNETIC OIL /the only reilsbleste ter tbensaattem Nearstwae. Out Xeres, tei4 at all Kinds. Still sold at the aid pito at Weenie pet bottle. IZOLRTII WAR:Ik ALLEORENI.•‘ At meeting bid t Flulhaber l / 2 od Moaday erroing,the &nosebag resolution Was adopted: That the enrolled met of the ward are tel noUlled that thereat* yet temllt redulreil to II the quota of the ward, and If they do not Wow forward and pay in their full propmttoo, the draft will cane or for the balance of the quota, and an enrolled oleo who hare paid MO or leo that mey he drafted, 111 hare Under:money ['funded, 11111 , 1 i• lowed to take care of themselves, ' 1 here - will be another meeting _at - FAULHA, PER% on THURSDAY EVENING, March 11,..at t% o'clock. - inhadtd. orronoania.s. Hansom tkorraar, . . Muth ad, tea.. L s viz 'PRESIDENT AND MANAGE of the Cowpony for cresting ...a bridge over the Maneigatela Myer, oppealw Fittneurgh, in the county of Mfiralway, have Ma der desisted et My ldwal of FIE.Eit own. on the Capital Stook, which bluald to the etoekhottlers or their Jigs, repretentatives, at the. Banking Hones of . M Relates k Sons. on and after the lath inst. totalw N. HOLMES, Troastrer. NtiincE.—The slotreholden of tho EN._ .TERPRISESHL ()OXFAM'', of Allegheny Oily ate Web, nelided that FIVE DOLLARES PEn SHARE le waned co be fo r e ok of eld Company, If not paid on or the oWth of month their sleek will be forfeited. - By order : of. tie Onto _ • BOMAR R.:I3EA.TTIE, President. WILLIAM MastOOCE, BeoletafT. Atte:Mum; Match Mb; ITs!. rah& Was it TO COAL DEALERS 'AND IRON FIMTAHREF,e6FIOptisara Will to litodeed. at thew ider, of the - Water Works till noon, BED. NESDAY, the 16th day of March; to'furalahltioat at the tow ar t ill e l i ppee work* for one year from the Ist day.Of A next _and allot° foram gm. selfsame. Oita re and Water Pipe for the. same year. ' The Water Oemmittee merest the right to reject any of all bldk By order Of the 1- WATER UOIIIRITFEE • PROPRIETOR ' • - 'AzreetticirY, Much Bth, 1385.: VOILE WILL BI: AN ZLBOTION Left enthe TENTH OP APHID, 1866, [or Nine Directors for the SECOND NATIONAL HANKi All•eheny, City, et their Defiklas HOtlle, neer the Market. N. H. VOEGTLY , Osshter. Inissarod T 0, LAKER, ft, . No. 3.01 35•15x.r3E.0t .13teroot, Whelesxle and 'Regal dieter t every tr rlety_ i FANCY Et 0 ODS. Si MONS. TOY SilliAKE9. ' • ' --4- 1041; , - ball barrels Msokete!, No. A, largo ; 20 do do do No.t. 20 do. do Lake Piakerel • Justridelved and for isle by , - • , TZERk. ARbtBTIWNII. aS bbly prlitakiiblbY Bean*, • , iiist:rectilred and or axle by - F.ETZER k.A.RMSTRONI3_, • - • , llontO7 Karket•tuid nrss. Tw l . '° °lv V 43ll4 4° §A .4 laiscAßßilititOrtg... t ., l i • .- Ooyaor liarketpapl •CAtrE. -- -taitiis.for saki bp , : 'l l hair, ,:-‘IIEXWir OCILLIMI •Tiroutnr inff4tn4 ... 1 . ,34A1 1 - 1 :0 rigs! et be SoftAKI Oakes for •"-" Web/ 1. S. OISLIL PiTTSBURGII, PA OF PITTSBURGH ==l trete.abliaiwt Use tact that MOM TOUVSTOM, Sole Apo . .. t, eor. Smitheeld and 442Cota_. zINDAJA,C3 • EN-300' [or we bj • _ ' HENR T. Y' li. OO LL - .. .. .rrils•.lD 1 - 1:1$ 71S.E.111EXtS. •rm-exii Iravver.irliA3rit. " - G. S. Government toritory.( Prsilurwriet, rebrusry 3d, teas. NOTICE. -- • ..... ... . ItAVISG MEN API OTNTED Agent JAY COOKE. 11. B. Agent for the 7-30 Loan, We beer thfs desirable ieveitesent In sums to sult :Inrapereee• The notes are in rums of $ 6 O, SlOO, $5OO, $l,OOO and $5,000. AND 4111. l'istiisfeTiaile:*ug. - tab, 146; PIIM-TWEN II 7, GOLD BOND AT. x aR- These deskrable seenrlt W are sellini it the rate of 'B4 000 000 - PEE DAY P AND IN A VERY!SHORT TIRE 15111 be at a Prensivas. aleks, Banters, Beekirat 'trait bone. pules; Insurance Compselee t tind alt chose to sell avant Mittll COMMitaioll Will be Paid is Cask . . it k hoped every one will Invest In this highly desireble, safe and prodtable eeourlty. 71M813 IrCO2Oi 3 OR, President EL D. IMETEDZON. Cashier. fallf COUNTRY BANKS FORTH NATIONAL BANK, 11. S. Government Depositari, Pgrrsaufwe. Pehru►t7 !Rh, 1.146: Thin Bank IDlritell aritl twotintit two. COUNTRY BANKS AND OFFERS Special and Favorable Facilities BOER AS 'REGARDS INIZEINT ON BALANCES Furnifiating U. S. 7-80's 7loliti-41Pdt‘saarl. 1.1d118,1 O'CONNOR. President. Imiltlier mutsos gaV.lll. HOUCK FOVRIB _ 11. S. Governmenl Depa;tlary, PITTSBURGH, February Iral, is s„ mi. soak i antiblifted to reeliT"Loair. PM! AT 10 DAYS NOTICE, (After 30 Day s.> Bearing 6 Per 47ent Bstereat, £3l MI EX MOW, am HON. F. E. SPINNERS (U. S. TREASURER) CERMICATE POI TSB SAME. It le beped tltst thla NT* AND DESIRABLE wwwltectent slit meet fawn et His:4:lllAm tea auslty; LW es tee 11Wilii111/110i . obt.la*pg MIL per amt. interest ea afiaut a l payable re stearer,cww weeds wielt we Met a use demand of 11110111, Win t• obtatnal fat the catiunelit. 'JAMS OVONIMII, President. 8: D. =MON, Cashier, TilFrwLEum. The New Weekly, NATIONAL PETROLEUM TIMES NO. 1. VOL. 1. NS lAT rt. EL.A. aoi - sr . YOB BALE BY ALL MEWS AGBICI'S 'The latest aad Meat reports by &pedal corns • eta. pcntdents hots 10.1 the srtstalpal 011 Reston. Ito., Pribe, 10 mite. ss_ 50 per Aununi JOHN P. HUNT, Publisher, nais N }lnn Sr• ; MASONII7 WILISON'S EMMET PRPMIDM IMPROVED ram SEWING mAolamls ( Ample, Reliable and .Perlket. There Is ao machine to the world That can do the variety we give Burk thorough going setts. faction. T ree h marlines will Item, Frill, - Quill, Iliad, - Tad, Platt, Gather, 001111 AND BRAID; witbent nresions besting. It wilt sew the heaviest and thlettest cloth, with tight, strong, chilli) seam, as durable es the [abide Itself. It will sow the thinest estabriN Swiss anuilln, lawn, he, with eVnel Walt/. Bend for Olrouler, with samples or 110W114. to 27 'PEPTI* STREET, • RITTSBURGIL PA. TBERFrORY FOR OW!. sliVeandleisiei or territory giving thruila7 taithableetideuse-ot the 1 , ili/11Kit or 44.4 +qn 83t Bandy' Rivet tad its tributaries NAV fluky - NIS - NOW Ocean MG; Waited by Sipe: 'Wooed oil mesh are offered for axle. Maio . •:,14utit- iththes. B o•4ilt.thrithithe'esullilleibi • , . ICI IL , 1613.01EY • lly" z . toyrwtig•s,u.. , ; :viersovv.a 00 'room. . 45 r . . igoibooi.o., , t or city - *ad ittikvElC lug in - WEBSTER sL; I,e 'Um old Utur&fistlu t z; i tk %e2 w ; _ , t u r il a t = te m ei public la ;Ws tam a lull sad stimidas them fa lisivis.. . ..• . terAispil. R tWEft TOE-08.97'5. -;~ F arnt-etitHET, -PITI;SIATRATIT, :Pa. FOUNDEDaN,IB4O. ReSRiOEATKO By LEGIALLTITIOUTU TUE. 0111 a ,UISIVITIUTIOrrp ek• Iliad. IN VIII IMlOVl r cautaarail by • practical 14=abeat.matsarcial Tut Nut . Soak X phi' . • auttittalltd; tomptr.bandiaa s arri . .-daeat. or bad.. IWB4 And pat so a's •palatt tbat, tha tudebt• write Obi Ada** la, ea:attar, maks.. It ,caadott • • • . SiOCk 'BOONS.. ' 61044 ones irith • low mid twi.vittisicila 041101•11. Iry time dingtent pethada,lits must. of aim ISoeks: slats . Partnership , -Books, ' • •c,ondpatect M tbrqc diffrrent inetbnito, sahlbf dog tb t. smite, of Si/we , 800b,, - Ilth the Irrtruhnttloo of mu tarty , ' r oho prsetkaltillfluterstios tbat • 1 0 ,4 rate .Lediger, , .•. • • B 1 0.4. or , re.t, at.o , Chb kept of thi poen* bias. for the 'we 010.4. P tw ittleorpt rsitoein6l, OWN la: . single teary, • , IF I tb,slsprutiot Illastrstbssorstablting lb, Books rt. %amid by Doable ratty. .Aft nods* rola ax• reetlbytog Jh 11,001e41141 BPACSI" tiltltellt'sitloir , ;. TM gala r.. d Booki correctly reop.rri. firms Wrox:- alwd Opening Books, • • • • Verna eight specifications, tooladlog coastal coodltiono tot often stet %dila to bulls.. AIN. • !wise of oast. clont La Closing Sooks. • Toni: pew sad peeOlaripsellititima. • Tb• lesrior also xtues.boat eigtity e. • . Business iorris . Of Pinialosory Its, 3adwooat Nolo, Drafts. orisri. sin. of radians", Amy...is. larOcco. ht.. Adele, • ari of l!tssimaess Letters,. • . .ith Me *Minna brim, sriall <regarded Ida Ink war" of ileak•Kreglug, mania* It . regular co . cmee a Mutates plaaleri wlilL • raw.. of lweat7.6n.• . Lectures upon ,Book-lifeephiir. Tbii 6eatcrr Frincipal, expt.taking all i 6. bullion= term • recorded lea tb• text- Aloo, mein. Zociores on Busitaess Subject. The every man laity get rich. Hear to get rich by tn. airs, The t.loll of , eummerthat Wens. .013 .Dorn . titles. The moot felleespre of lotottity to youth, a.. Ahecleetame emus - • Cosamercia/ Lam, . . Osr rirtsanblpa. Cloistraci.s, leurttrame, °mum Obb .elees,lbs abates o(lebalbetioas. be. treetbel bedew Ilene to 401404" Cosiraterfep Basle .Attu, • • lly • NI Mi otganolmo "dictate* sal mamma as 4 $ Imp catboat= et manual:4i mama Oir Railroad Rook-Keeping (bt fitanontipt,) mr.llblta the boustiletbba sad equip. .stent4 tb• opeastin nee tipt• sad &tam. Ito of &NM sad a divided rtcor•ttl. Thom swim an ..Lavttbutod.' by Maw* bat sot tattibt siatitboni 4s On •ctt), f tam am Wt t!= tit Private Batik nooks, Al a iasavocript,) Glancing ell the test brim IA um% =rat* &Ans. Our we inasepd AM% 01 I lea faybast Dosk-keephig. to tid. departibmt abolosto ism ter seldom ems Itspotiotmoret. /14 . VIM/A ft SWIM am ottporl• ooso4 Inoidool liktotatllo tworpesilio,t,, sad bawdy at* of Itiontelpitt outwit?. , - Oot T.H wow ot totdoolo proelloo taciliso alma NUTT 111:18.1:15111111 BOOKS,. robot to about thirty 1 11,16 * Siirikora l ertilWatt b l i riag Woof litoks, 1 1:41tOtal DOok 1 limitistor 1 100. pads* Calartka EaglaseN 1 SW iir,t.k.e. Loetter, l rttlight look, II Pomp olot. Visit Book. 'Mai books t Flly mord Jamul as ktuxered boo& WO Wilma emprateudist Wry ~mow pl. of Wilmot h 0... anutpliniemesga. , FT *law otbs beat outooktelJe. WWII* lits mittbe but irtto coopattaigAlto Istigem perm me _books ot vitae tr.lll tikopo ce puvutitstas of Ws batj• tvimsla , IDU . FF'S BOOVICESPING , rd. mrs. raupsoes. mil w g,p , :d.u.sg.- . , iivAIDIP MS =VIM KRIM& Irbil Iblimorbig twaterslik todlanit u..kaftan g .24 *lbw work ups Sask-Neel i erpli6 .wk, lest slag .ask etworo m 417 YilO dsLki Mtaa'illzi laak, Wok shoat , N. T. 0 11 Om scam Wikl6temillt Ararat. et Me estate. , , • A. MAE& dialer ameith Ina 7ea1i . 4111. 1. N ooataias mitir latter* witelp6L. • l'esibbist ItuaMU= Bast. N.V. .11.• mod ireAtti rat . et WM NIA IWe - .1)42. B. MITII.IO.Ir. Probbini Mahal*. Ikkak, Pttt•b.zs el fa !MIN OeThre• la WOO/ ILIMik 1 az :vartrla alstralge MU= thdoila ..ainstPle• I". oat "Iththg "N ! '" ). COO ON, °maw 3laptal•ak I*.krift, N. T. . . . .The mart eleat sad amaprohmalva that I hark mill ettb," 101111 SKTDIII._ WM....114A of Pltudaargh. "Toit ha. pat re:rem. long nietibas u!aymnraia er la tbis wo rt .. __• ZWILAIID WITS, ilWronsat, V*. 96 Tront stmt. 111. s. - . 'AI as *skean ShipOwoor, &wrier aid Nortysita hrobant, Book Director, cite, be Yap Deno tticl)not t ion o f Wean ardor of booboo talocits.” VAIN W. 110IIIIIIIK, Norctiont, • No. II tooth ttreet. zr, Y. • "Dr.' Duff d Dsae. et nite esatlfiadlear. tee .best um" JOUN It. D. an st TAY.LODollereekank,. Dreet.live Odessa: "ic.Dalr Is 4 LAN D M werehDet ofIS., thd;thee J . inimal.lterrOrkeae. , . _ .Tb• Onvotablo optotoos Grohs ozpnooml 14 intl.- ma of attopatoof antbotOy an *GI deserved, wino 7 properly Lostooko4.. • DRAILLISS IL LEOS?, . . LEOPOLD RIZIEWIRTII. , . .. . . RORER! LILLY, ' asolobt Oefolettoo of the Chimer eitheithletta. - -- -, tratthet hem the Minataa] PROSPER R. WIPRORR, SosonitorT. "Tear Gemeiltsee leitheloseenly Wear te Or opiaks 1 the itillty , of the lieptheed method of Re DoE.'• GORDON J. Llkns, .I...tar Wept NM kenaloaa Diotliota.N. Y. 4 Thooaly work potolkirtd of. Oki iii tO•1 1 . 0 Atlas ereokkoorrataor... •_ J. CJ.Altri..loolll, -Formerts Okek • lig Wow Aaiun*. ..110 mot prollock systaw of ' ktoosior's acsoank6 amt. B. ntloßlit. i. hair* amid% otosaot 170 . 117 W /MD INIAVOID MATZOS Cilf Dll7llll '.Btesinboat Hook-Areepinir, 7rmtp4a Mtbikm:t aor. . r+Molls. Bold by amok. . *.* sated @lotto fut. testing rich books ad M. 1. OABOIIIIIIB. -- lhirsacell Nobler Ihtlests' Bask of Pftlabarili. 1:11 UM SW* alou• as eln i t i k. . Tale rls k of stoma Noma Tema. • .1 anidder tb•logal tors at tai eftimeei flows a* valembie its! 1 lover less. pOO irithlett a oopy of the b Dolma bard." ab. //-0. MoATALklif, gnaw Ands. ON WM, li. DUFF'S PENMANSHIP IA VAST PRXIIIIIIBIS . . Ter ' beet prese DOMINI and Ginameital Pentaaddy, aimed al oar nt. Pmnum,.by tba United Baia fair, it Bacinnati, 111........, ..... ....11 1 50. Poutsylonala Btat• lair, at Wyoming.. '..-....1 11 M. We dera Ponturylunia lair,ACTittabargb -......-110. Iketern Virginia fair, at Wbee1ing............. _l6lO. /Lad the Ohleatate rabid Gievoluad..-............. . _All of orbleb are atbitdted at ear rem. "Torloct gum otthe penman , a mt."-Pitateello 'ib,er• performante• cm Daly , be mailed by Ms ad• . the.' .-rardamb Owato. °AU Me mumnonad dosiZ m are an mad rlaserimble -"Dm late am Western Pennolimala fair awarded/M.Bm Itanjtaaloursa I, MA bdmMum of Go art. --044. Belo rati_, .tbo Graduating Clontley Alai nallmlted...44o 10 .31.114 a aadAtationory, (sooting .17,eb0wher0.)...... 380 gyp 11l kaedjarothrtidepuret Am a 11"k ettrot t ' .* ' ng pit -' por . , nalod i TI . Bl° .13,ANPY •., ~ . , : . 641 0 1 411 , I t ih reln li Mm "" l 6r, the au l/ MAlLS nelro. '' 4 14. '-'-1 1t 1,1101.1d66 :COAL , OIL • AND ; Mi Nike COMPANY. - 7 ,i,:*.isw.thil,4v......i.i.iwiiiliiiii,o.64„iia..imici.i,49,:*„itii:o,4o;...4,o.oo.. ~,„,......."ar.i..,...04:0,,..,kaiie.,,,..•..•..... r.,,,,,,uqw.30„.._.. ~......... 1: ,....k.b.......,........,„......,...........,...i,..,, ... 11 , - -..?, -, .- 4 mow et ipmeA 4:14404 uttoksinumolstuAr.. 4344 . .. A.,. ; J. Ar.tra,; Presidia' 13..tAtassurastsis, ; • • 6 A ening of lb* lam SURber 6 1 Media 'Mut: .-, . , ~. - Secretary sal Treasurer. -. BM .1 aarferg elle or gmbeldmaad rammer. - ' - . Eh i ten i t ,, h a . b e gg among Waded by ag., • - lib A elpbaral limpid by 0 1 0 to i° 011244 14 = pardeneed 011 Diem-aided bas able bite, Geol ' Mums ma TM'S"; , aa;aat a la..." - 90 oars avidease of t¢n,est/t4baaat TigallaM 01, 40, - eiNi•e4" - "Yoj.ity - aid —' ,.. - " s.,.." ' ii 5.. -- a..." . ;i"`,.'„,i' - „ . 'i ..,.' "dii.' '' A feet 41areeitin SialabinasoWiattaisite*4 ' .., -- ~- --- -..-- - ---- - '- --- ' - - . forrer bal. t. sivply tor parb!sularata: 4 ;WA ,. tb usPilt atT l" l4.•3l "" ol" . , , ''' -, •,1 •-' - •-e .' r , :13.,8. INRYAiii- --- - Writinll: , ..... 111. ,mat 60 1/"A4 1 '. 1 . • . ea., „Boaii64 l / I ,Gbtit.Aßlinbaldßuildlag.) , . , , ..! E, a tin a sort, Prinsiplas; . : 1:: :- ' •VIT ALL' PAPSIII3.--Thif-iielrbstdealgit •4 _ • . - 4. of gold. velvet, Wiz and imam* papa, 8r0.107 Market greet. nee. RA. - . raTTSBOTaga. TA. cow nOSITibi at 3 ,. 0 u. tam 4 mteltliery, • . , . . :MIN" .111rERT1.9E.,311Jr111. itai WEST FORK OIL COMPANY Carolled Fleck. - , - osoa.obe. esoorm......teo.couß; is 00 each- Famd. • - - 934,0911! 'RLwlands, ol Ihte COinknky ire dto rank Lew Townehip, perria county; We.tera Vtreirtil, on Ana tear'ink Ntlit Fork, the ,bend waters nt the Mantua sheik Bake. The pro perty.eonsintr at: 150 AC13153 ir FEE SIMPLE 245 Acres on a ,Lecuse of 20 Yeaxs. . . , . NITIECI TO A ROT/tars. OP ONE-SITTO. FOUR A;RES ON. A - LEASE S OF TWENTY YEARS. sweet to • Wangle OneiNtibth. . • There area oumber of burning springs on the Janda of the ComPany, andsompetent emtle.tele eon- , Bidet them as the most pro Mains Oil Tel emery in West Virginia. Coal and thnberaere abundant on the lands, and the West Fork and good c 0.141.1 afford Teel legalities lisfiriasportation to - the Baltimore and .Clehlo'llaltrond: New York. and Philadelphia companies are now developing adjoining tracts. teeny a ilmitedraumber of snares will be sold to. raise the , workless° '-fuod, stoekholdersure mutually .heterested In all theywornaot.the coma. pani, presen's a most dealrablelheeetatent to . the polite. Bucks for the subsetiptlon of „stow*. will be open at the Drug Store of FREDERICK luttioto, corner of St. Clair and idbertystreotas st BACK OPEN e 4 SON,No. Smitheletel streets at the Mo e: of J. C. LANCiE, No. 390 Peals street: at itror Store of A. hILIJKLEBUB(}, No. 94.1 Pennsylvania Avenue. Dr. O. RAMP.. President pro tem. • Br. A. LANGE, Secretary pro tem. • 2 J. O. BAtIKOFEN, Treasurer pro tem. mh7:624l3tna • ENTERPRISE OIL CO or w•lttaotrurs33.., HARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENHSYLVANIL Capital !flock— 630,000, 1a umber of Shares, 50,000. Sear'seed ter Work. lag Capital, 8000 Shama. Par . value, $1 oa pr. Share. OTIMISLEI OP TUE COX PAINT: Pritdtßl.-.W. F. Wientaxa. . Stertary—Cilaneta BALM/EOM. Trramerr-03. T. inA2vgArnex. nutdate—W. Vannergrile, A. Smith, U. F. Mankediek, W. F. William:a t Clusa. Ballinger. 1 , . .• . Tr!fe Coro peny haeobtsined a twenty years lesse of tweetysert sof be ring Land, attested on Dunk and ereekitheen eountyirs. and le considered by many ureingthe best eil Mee on the Cheek. The Company - lure coal privilege for developing the territory,. Title Company have a new engine at work, end here a well About 650 feet deep.. They hate made two strikes of 011. end ere now boring on thr third sand rock. The imileations for et pay lee well areekcelleet.. The Stockhas ell been Mellen. mktMwood THE IiATIONA:L • REPINING AND STORING. COMPANY? Is yew fully orputised. and has commenced hurt. nes. their .tempontry office, No, IS 'emu( STREET, (up stabs,) Pittsburgh; Pa.,atid are now., prepared to Co a general business Buting,rtelt -1 The oati ata ellnlnt-,Sltlingdar tha o . rwar i zz: abode the city and will in a short time be capable o f manufacturing PRGIITHUNDBED BARRELS OF REFIRED 011. PER WERE which will be of the hestgliteliti and in same packages. .1i is the design of taw Company to make • tarsbelasa brand for ekport, and no pains will be - spared to We'll. that character. They will also give the forward-. I lug Of all Lb points east or west, pa rt icular alien— lion; and in , this breach of the business Wilt have unrivalled fsallitfn, as the 011 will be taken from the hosts to Sipe can by mackinery; and thus avoid all Wharfsge, drayage , of delay. Parties sonsign• leg their 011 to tut.. Can rely on having It sent theettgh withPrOlapitude and dlepatch.. The Company has 11300,003, With the fella:win Others ' • President—A. Id. MARSHALL. . Setrethry-0. fiERINER. • Tritseuree--.J. R.3lcCtl G ffr.. • Directors—A. Marsha% P: newts. Cud. LI, T Kincaid Arthur Kirk; J. va.ta -Fmk and Wm. Hamilton: tendent and BISALISS• XMIINger--DAT/Di rA r r Carrespendence sod olden solicited, and &Moto. munications to be addressed to National Staring and Itegning gorcipiuly, !thew PrITSIMIGH, frer,tiN • . , OPERA RENOERIP LETTER, XL4SIS. ArtuxwAr it SON& . ~ Hering used yearn/mos for mime tune t a n public and in private, we toot excites oar unctudilled admirstien in regard heir merits.' T= o ; s e ; 1 characterised by • sonority, harmonious .and roundness Of tone, oombhaed with an Would. lug yrolpFition of sound, most beautthilly bread ii,,4se the yoke, le admix iut Wm, =ii .be Indeed we have never met t e wi 'any me et*, not aveit'ef- the stoats ilo.' bral manafactori.• of . Zairese. which hare Risen SilLgrigl Min= AinSlA_"°,,wrallfl3 regsater their miemiddlal resahrirs /or nconemosehte. Vie n' .Irich Mid keeping in for so lom a tirce.as your Fumes, and we therefore cheerfully meow mend them .before alt °dim to students of tonal scuale; and the yeldie generally .- ' -.,.., .., ~.. • Xs* Diameter, Directer,l% B. Lolini, SoWsoo• R.X , i Oarrntd Zeal, P .Dontui, T. Beilini, - ( Jenni e clwilaco, r. Cott; . Jennie an Zandt, Sops. SVelnllch, ' ' P.D.; 110, Conductor. ciptifi' OPEU 111AGE.BV ENISISEIENT. We keartny obevi to the hA t opinlai of the STEINWAY - hi 80203' Moos, premed bythe wets of ta• of Ow% sod too ordY &MIMI DI ammonia' , of %her freedmen'. capacity form,. portray ene,dieneragesidi the 'eke. we order them, and Lusa another make of Photos when a STEIN, WAX - Instnunent ran be had. 'We recomatend them [to all students of Total music, who a desire 1 rethible IMO. ta the cultivation of the xoce. Carl dashnia, .- Bertha Jobanruen, Carl Formes, • - . *min Frederic', .fos laernisene, Yealine CAELISSII, . - z Hunmer, ; - folder* raluitos. Teen. flabelmann, •• G. Taranto. Whole agency of Steinware Pianos, at Kum a no, fotasseott 131 woorrSTREAT. S i!B.C/Ais egati.V. NKr .A.xv. e ala.. • Undershirts at $2.00, WOETU. SLOG. • Drawers at $2.00. WORTHE $4.00. NM RIM WILL WEIGU NEARLY 1 1b.6 as. EATON; ILILCRUDI. 8s . CO; Hai. about Sl doom of yOird, extra heavy Warne trISDERISUIRTS and DRAWAS, nearly all wool, whinh weigh from I% lb. to'l lb, Sea. each ahlaty that molt be cloeedout Immediately. - • We ofrer them at much ledthan what they coat to make, and we believe them to be .gall to any , thing in market at {toe. •z reduction be made for quantity—one shirt or one hundred at the same rsie._ These Shirts- are. a Great Ihtrgala EATON. MACBIIM & CO., 19 and 19 Fifth street JAMES BOWS. 138 Wood Strad, 1 2 .1ttisbnizi4.334 . , BILBIII247.I7TURIER . MIMI) BORI N G TOOLS, Sinking Oil, Salt and other Wells. INLIX BORERS rintaviszis XAcavcroist Osbaiki I,*ricwoesi, Wit tlfach articles ea neeeitasti to ciculuct opets. tions, ,mcinu%„ ..111MAAWU, • —. iTtrai S d:B'' • 11AMYLE/th4 SHOW.M4 • .Y/0/04/,.•. , 1 1 0 2 4. • ' • , . I;2t - CrXWE .4111. t rfiktr,D.l.6l9 7 , . • SPRING ~ GOODS JUST OPE:IINU AT ~. M. Bt C.LiFrELD'9."` 't W 1151; 111.EACHED KDSLIHS for'ls cents. 44 BLEACHED MU.11.111.14 4.•ett coot , . • STANDARD - DIAIAARIE. I I MUSLIN'S • 44.-111 A: e 1 Al NEW TOSS" ' 11.1.. S MUSLIMS for. 61 meta, Bold .t 90 teats. • -- EAST COLORtaI.PRINTSIor tAce.l4. FAST CCU . ..RED .-111141 S for it r6ats. - • 7 • NEW STILENIERRI3I.IteIft PR.INTS CHEAP. MI older gosh mxix,==•cv cISCISZ4.N. ghwriation, and arit*Higiv, wow la SPRING 4U-C)0111.5._ - . We ire how eonetnatly reeeislad Out NEW EIVINVOIV SPRINO 1 coaPietn la every department, and pun 'bated alder ttiegreat &dentin In vices. NEW DRESS GOODS. NEW .suawhes_ - . wrorßai.kottel..s, - NEW SZT.II.IINGS. .NEW NSW cuivraz.s Aeplendi4lit'Oellof all kiiids o do- BATES . & BELL. • nito 21 FIFTIt STIltEr. 'OB. HOltxß ffi ' CO.; . STRAVANDIEIII2I - ERY GOODS' • Ribbons and Hamel. Sllka;Fleiter tiad - Trlininlars" Embroldetlea Lace Goods Handkerchiefs, Baser • • Goods., Balmoral Skirts, Ladles! and Beat/ Fur- nlantar Clooda, Bead Gimps mgl' orainiats, Wonted Battery and. Oinsaa, Knov.alleta 'Bd. ...t.lons and, Small .Wares, are now ,ranelvpzg and sue:meat cif" , • • . • . • :mu" sPniaa GOODS,. wldeb will be found unwitterl_r_effiliet.W. Bevies been purehiseelbt LOW GOLOULTES A we e.n offer SPEOLAZ INDUCEMENTS TO BErgE#S. all times be found well ittiplied. We solidi seatiteoto - • n• n. • Ilterdututh 101iners,:•POlats, and ttuti • I - • being Confident that we esti suit 411. Notion .N E &Z,2!?e. l 2;f. GOODS! -,- NSW 225 41 —WE • • NEW 4PITINg GOODS, 1- =Dig wfilitt . : lll NI , loud NEW sryi.i. :tit) ct NEW WIDE BELT RlBRuN rati AND, BUOKL i3 r.S., „, NEW TUOK AND SIDE MAROS, . V, TA.O E3IBBOIDkLACSHAND ROITOKFS; EX SRO/DEEM' AND WHITE GOO Dp , . • SPRING HOSIERY AND MAPES, - - FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, ref onzATlltortyg3tort wt3=3l:r N'rt•xtl7lE....,=„ The. I:idles, Jai respeetscalY.- 4 11.istil us. miataut 01.2D8, - - NEw ' , t!fisrayrt_ for 1865, A`lo4 AND GREAT INVENTION HOOP' lkiliTt THE DUPLEX inimptiC,. Or rioudle Steel- Spring. ' BRADLEY . 8c CAREY. '. • (L . A.784... - z .• tisitintpii4 st ror Are the owner, of the patent Mid enclristee meats. fanWLEZl EL ctories of M L/Po. 3.59. BILADLEY*I-PAL.TENTED i L IN nEEL 3 / / 4 1 i 6 e9 13 . 1 T 1 '; - ''' e to; itdaloiextion of Duil& t Ate Steel Spring's, ii4eniousie tie if ea dnuly toyetner, ease w edge, nuking the aghast, most elm*, flealbl ra in durable whey enrep enahllif the wear consequence of its elastiel y and flesiblenes end f the shirt when Lunge as easily and with the same eon- venienee as a silk or sousltadress, , lteattrelyob.. elates and silences the only objections to hoop, L ' skirts, els: the a nnoyance to the wearer is well ea '' the publia; crowdedlumembiles. osr• risen, roam care. ahntoltpews,orla any' crowded . place; from the difticultE of contracting them to • occupy. a. Small spece. Thts entirely removes the-L:1 disidaty..whus. giving the akin the using eat • rosmerical loon, and Is the 'lightest and -most • stylish sad grateful appearance . for the street.; 1.• opers,.promensde Cr house diem A ladylaving enjoyed SIM. pleasure. comfort ands/ onvent. once Qt wearing the Duplex, I;2=rinAelg, , ..4 for a single day, will never Adler= with the use of them. ThegAr ds etru=seell • quality In every pro4and by far the id, meat dinable, coimfortable and economical skirt niede.' , • hierchantswill.be :supplied as above,' and by lob. ,! hers, and ladles In p most. destellas netallstoreebit. , this enteral throughout thedifferentstatea: . martnwAre for the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC SPIUNG sEurri a=l.l,lnoTtili:7smd'"2lllst .. EATON Xidittat, RADLEIinB ' - , • DUPLEX KraxprldlicinT..,: , - • &omit decidedly the best ild.rt - inide. A spbsadl4 . . $013.:110tii:11 RdDLISIVE) iYePtaC ialarriO, easily folded to occupy a mall aPad vaildbis durable. For sale by - • . Wel A= rum street. pE ABM, "DUPLEX IILiiiTIESKIRT," --. • • Midotibtedly the B9st . ia Use. FOIL SALE, HATCHETS, 86WS, EIVARES; WE "Caw', • LEVELS, • NALI43, auk woDiva T/ Mn) =WU :410D : • Pry dbP.• icaidiatlY • ,Etot tur.#ixa istiroot. GRELT BABGAIL43I mma t EAD — _ r i gati n tio N ' , .& 00 - :: 1 , -.'• ' , 83:"Marimet - it;,--:- .- r:. i TITIMIC zrrraz, -- stoat oP GOOK - 4 , I Ocala. Un&-vs eats , 'irldts.,. ISh!rl4 Soeis i i 1 15atbrolaertss,.LacetigkiiKWitneg.liviarr,Ttlia4 0 za 14 1. . /440, i., -.../ 1 ! ° , 1 *P 1 1•: , -4-' - - ist . `j , lialVing Pl'!lU:it,lite: ' - "•-•‘ -' 3 ' f , - - ..,- fr (ll,olll.ltittiEßD.-10 bbls prime Cloyeci. N., j r =l(l7la ß lia riungo :.. DU . - corm Yatla; wa4 EVlRAtalik . • • d 1 4,=l . oWLlii, • JOB HOBNE & CO., mrTriTM suatua mat': ""; zioa. am to mini aria= M=V= Mtn= & GLIZDE. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers