J ,1 .-4 - . , , . . . ,t_. vo R, ~---- VERY. LATEST NEWS IST:TELEGthrIi.. LEGISLATURE . - .. • . _ g Sprig Dispatch to tha httsblitlh Ossette. +?! •-- ;_ - ' - aiiilindmid; starai - 8-1.865. - ' Saisis.—The following bile were read : One i; authorising' the assessment of minctils in the i ground for the purposive* taxation. One tcreava a the ssnords or petticainn of;da rAtssed Penuaybraals Soldiers and idiom. ~` Yesterday's xesolutions - Ticiatire to - Senator .1 1 NVilsek% eesk, Vert de, li ,?Wl. bill alkuring soldiers to vote at township .1 and horoogb' - eleetions was extended to Wash. Vlntent and Westmoreland. 1 litr.. graham read a bill asking the 'annexe. k Oen of a Part of Reserve Mumble to. Allegheny • city, ; - - ' r AlsO a petition fromooounclis of Lawrence t vi n e for a n Inereale of hotinCy taxation. .-.. i Also rmbontrances against the repeal of ad ; ditkatal triter works in Allegheny city. The folloiriag 4rnssed : . Supplement. to tit' 1 Farmem'llatmidOompany bolding railroad ens ' Noma natinnsible for eiticiesentsa. 1 - di aerantheriting the levying:at-an additions E beauty .t.ag in Studer tostuggp. - r. - A aupplement relatrve to maiifseterlig nor- I perations,Sutberliing the sale of, moperty and t reduction af.nspital. ''' ' , ' • •- • . 1 j An act ambormbig Courts to increase tolls - and . exemile ehancenr J arisdimion : am tyranpiki ,' and plank-road eeropaniea—applieahle to But- . .r. ler, Alleginip; Westmoreland, Beaver aid four &other counties. .7.3 .-_,.. 1:. - 1 One relative to paving streets in Franklin and o ca ga. t • it One authorizing the Watt= Transportation . F Company to purchase and kale other_raliroads. • e e. for the react 4 John_Blemati, of Fayette ; One authorizing railroad compsnles -ti eon ? strnet pieta in streams, • -One imaiwporittog the Midas - Tetioleum and [impartment p a mpas', of -Pittaburgh and.leeir ti . Otteiik4ing railroad compsales to, purchase Hoiriat4ldr, entrilli "presented ; Pa. 11404 - hint ltoklatermst; lower - St. Mir -township, and the Third i Tentis and Fifth Words: 114- f bmgh, for an additional bounty tax. i mad, a. WPpliiiiirite ati ine;icioeitltig * 'ithe Garrick 0:1 gompany.... ._ -. kir.. moue ; a hill fOr the relief 4....itra. vas. e t '' Also petitions from Oslo township for an ad ditionalanmayetairi-ind Mode - iiiwbstdp ttw the, repeal of the bounty, lave of 1864. i.- Mr. Cladwle, a bounty tax petitrin from , ..SPcnn township., , , , Mr:Stile* isis;rsi•ti .' fr om tile Committee a. !thrill disfranchiskg deserters. ..., - i To-morrow evening Is set apart for the con- I sideration of the rebel. mid damage hill of the 1 • Southern counties. . I , The great , irpart. Of the setaidi wee occupied' wltb a silly attack 0a PtittadelSas by members of that city. IFRON THE SUIRIPIDOIIII , • 13en , . • . .. , erral Sheridan's Movement Chop led_ with Success. liEliktaaamu— :i riffs •Vritire . .litiirci CaPluirld t , 4 . I , :aw From. March 6.—The Herald , City Aroth , corTevs Pce "f - 54° ,Olk . _ " P.!; 14 ! Is oo longer lunch daubs of Shortrian's grorement .•,ty the valley hating beencroyrned with coot. Vete success. .. ' •,o -, The concurrent terstire??7 of all deserters end =ME „:velbsees to-day toga. Qrd'itight, north -og•-lha. Naindl,Mitratde's extreme leftbeTendllatcheec ,s,Sete, south of Petersburg. Is that, he surprised and encountered m adl y r troops =dee Pauli Iland Wajneittioni tideway betireatiStattar ..;ton and Chartigtesville. utterly routing and"esp ,qturlng the attire kece f and securing-among the prisoners the ddogirtrekaieral commending. ilt Is admitted by the abets, amordlog to the stoticepof desert- me--, to have been the most over-, i m whelmiet alter of - the war , ', in proportion tcv ~; the numbers owed. Veer few details have been obtained bearing a stamp of rellabtiltx, bet' the whole wsgionia repreyented, as being cepa* 4 pared forhis *Wee advent; had ia lieether • in ' i .. 'every direction. , The amounts agree no well - , ;In every - pettlettler: and are In .m.ch_perkettiaa. . coolenee with what Ira* expected and 'known, ''that we flAdleaktriathL 4 ls4 balaftiitimitP/fir_atia” his army are Indeed - captured. . i Scouts mewl 81*trittims 'lit Staunton on Mears ,'.. ly. The capture of Early Occurred the next ..: 4 , y. By Iltatarder GM.'Sheridan'.lyould be iu .; %Won to push forward to Lynetdiurg. . 4 The Trebteteslitisehlegton 'pedal says it is reported from Hancoehls Headquarters at Wln ,..it cheats, that Sheridan hit Early's commend but 74 that Early . Is noteeptured. _ Oil ORDEEEpr' IN NEW POSH, • 11 1 1EW PROVOSTMARSHAL GENERAL OF PENNSYLVANIA. . . Nsw March . Yonx, March B,—Grders lut e • been ie • g ~ ceirea from General Fry to laiminenee the 'drift; 1 ' here on the 15th test ., and in *mai:twice of these orderi Ajasistant Adjutant General Bronson, now . - acting al Provost Marshal General, has Issued Instrietbini-to thoPmiost Menthols to lae ready, and proceed. -The comparatively small" atunber I . now behig.Milsed daily towerds Ailing the large quote aisignid, to thts city is given as, a reason, for tuning this order.:: _ . •. - ..' • ' ' 1 . General E: W. ,13Inks has bectilippolated Pro ' vat Marshal General and Military Conunaiuter at . Bar/Ishtar and Maier Dadr l / 2 12t1CU.• 8. lean try, Is to assume command of the office 'of ' . Provost liars Lud Generalof Mt district; -• • ' SHERIDAN% tjETORii, CONFIRMED. 11300 Prisoisika: S Caiitioit and .2 Oren 100 Wagon. Captured.' ' 13=a110 FOLLOWED Arr. • A l'umavammia. March .8, 7 -21. special to the 3l ~FrnFep reletiivh, dated Waahinktria, March 8, says: Inform/Mon has' been iceelyed from WM eheater confirming the reported 'victory - of Bier; Vlitm over The battle .took at Wayocaboto; sad 0/i - elided, when' - list; .;•from; had captured 40 rebel officers; I,*(xr prier : liOners, 8 caosonand over 100 _wagons, and was fstlll following up ifs treeeMietr. LaillerAVinitary Fair Meetftsg.' . New Tons, Meich 3.—dt a reeeiliii of lnjles at the Craver Instituter this afternoon. addressee p e zr i er c e l 't i raede Hoge f 0 m e ad Livermore, f 111 Merthyr:l4ns Ban i:ltarprair, at Chicago, on - the Ist of June. The Hpbject of the meeting wan, to aid the Fair. Sieren.Thirti Subscriptions. Faitansumta, Mara B.—Jay Cooke reports ~lho sale oft-50'a to-day to be 39,011C;000, hicin fding flOO,OOO each from Cincinnati and Cleve. riand, . and $900,000 from .Scur -York. There ilirere over 2000 Individual subseriptlows. ' Italian .0 1PetitTroape for California. Nair roax;l(ar6 K . — M.3113,de has engaged iiiottmetudki . the gimlet; Mies-31mone, road sert . r'eral other Whites, eminent In the musical 'pro tllnsatort. to form an Italian Opera troupe for a tour Tber 'notelet Aptil 3d.. .• IMZ=M:==M Drrmorr, *arch' 8 . ..L.11t0 Bspntiltcai itate teourmitlan: met to-4y emd. renominated. Hon. RI P. Chrtettanee 'Autgeortko Bupredic Court, land Edward.. Walker • and -Ileo . rce Wigard as ItemUote of Cot Late, Unlyerslty. ' - The Ice Blockade. ECIZABITI4 N: J. Mardi B.—Tripil being ;closed bet Ween Wasblngton' and 'brew'rerk vla pbllsdeJpbla PP " bloCksibirlet...gliere Do Mrsch. Poig4o,....arik HID ihnipal.k.Tla I:lliFfeMi!lM THE MIME :! tl, 1 Rumored Battle Between Generals Sherman and Johnson. 15,000 REBELS REPORTEDTAI'TURED . Rebels Thriving up Fortifications on . , Roaatokeltiren - ; _ 111 E: Inurftit Of P R IS ON ERS -STILL - GOING ON Blociede Runners at Nassau. , • •-ritri'i: Ti . nrr., :Kara s.—the zfrrare xvu . tainton corrisipmfddit of the 93d rays they-have , there the confirmation of the` proiloini -reraiirtit that; Gen. SizerMan.hrui reached Cape rear river. . . tr. 9. It Weald Ibis he had Stmck that stream . girt mike , above Wilmington previous .to,the . ist, than completely. spoiling the rebels' Plans ~ for effecting , a concentration agalast him,' and fairing him to ere. battle, in the-xleinitv of Goldsboro, at which Titbit they expeeteli blare a combination of .. advantageis iu. their fiver, which would Insure hie &fent. Tbe Wilmington Animal, In its issue jest pre- Autts to the occupation of the town hr the_ No- Uonal, forces, admitted jitat , Shermartis move ments, if he was not soon checked, naluht have the lace/ of compelling Lee to ebandon itteh model-and Peterstrtug. - The lorentkre City Point disc atches. say it is g e snivel) known th at on the - Skil of Fairway was at Camden, South Carolina, on Wa ri s er, over one hundred miles south-- wee of rayettnille; es Care Pair river. In which' town it was believed be had ltepare now reaChed. Mere were rumor* le the Army of the Potei, , naaoit Sunday last, that Sharma bad defeated Johistoo In a heavy battle an d capittrod 15,000 ptinbners. ' Tat .Iferahrs 6th ~eorps corespotident Of the 6th gays: "It is teportcd that, for , some ireeka past large numbers of negroes have been $ work throwing up fortifications along the banks of the Roanoke dyer. fieveral months aince mart old sod expotienced officers aurmlied that if Leimis compelled to fall ba ck from his pres ent position, be would form a new defensive line along that stream. The country is admit* , lily adapted for the impose, and the rim will add iceslderable to the. di/Realties which an taclang colunin trottlithim inoTtgetatm-" , The siege guns from Petersburg and , Rich-- amid hive been sent off That direction'via the Danville Railroad, and many , things seem to indicate that his army wit soon bo en route' for some place. • The'. firmthrs Wlhnlagted - eeteetipowleat 'of 'the ssa makes eo allusion to thasepotted June ttou'of 13ebOtleb:Ps threes with 131u1116471.11: Held was bney perfecting the plans far the owl- Ilona:tee of his eampalgaln 'forth enrolls. The ettetange otprisoners to Cape Vest Biter eras going on. • Oar pitmen ioxised look well, tetespt their want of. chalking: • . .; Theltereld'a eorttepoodeet thaws theta are no less than, three luadted.blOcktple, mutt* ty _ lag to the poll'of Massa whoso..bocopetioali yooe. , They represent capital to the aroma of fifteen cantles! 4oltlowa r . • A:Tribune iti•Easl alio lt la their polloy to coa ;Mel ratbrethanexpand the rammer. ; . . Jqd Edmoada 'recomiteadod. for tha la , . . . Lettertto =Pepe-Mkt Condition of 84. Louts Ifarch.B:—A.longleUer is pub lishdd this Morning from Gem Awe in reply to Hoyt F/ticher, asking iris . stn. 28 ;t0 the OM toted of th e TedFral tallitarf t romert in tht,s Stine, .andlheie relitki.tollienresent and respective eenditlek . The (lateral gives a candid review of the condition or strain as be ends 'theta; and .sees bet little difficulty In the =jot the establishment of civil lair and tit. gently-- recommends • the ..people eiroughont- the State' Ito nuke in acute and ?limas measurer- to, : king about that end, and rid themselves of the present prunes marshal system, which, if continued long, can only re . - sultin open irkinty to the national interest of the Saab, And. i&cH.-lthinstion • of the..prinriplear itelflgovanntent.. He does. not: ta,v• • • to _• „ tidn Umsugh out 'run cry may simt ra etas; bar wfibes,..the people to take Immedi ate tonsaudes te ivied their • znattbeiod- end per their ran dtliT AS' CW.PI.II. and, restore wait- , and • order and r matt , military -ro be Mate .to dill law. ToL. this ends be the, assistance pt Ids- assumed, and t eo civil . llbes4, Wa fter inetitutosus speedily reestablished, so that .ho totrurtilulinew.r.forces:trom the Stais,'and plate them In a pasitilth more salted to tbelr taste. Int _where they can be (Treater, Wrlce ln'Urusbleg the r•shglinu.'- In this connection Governor Pleteldi 'l4ls sued a proclamation • cellos upon all citieaS to smite in tasking auddrarrying out sueb manures as *ill speedily restore civil law, and 'enjoinin upon 'ill Oillarra of the law to exercise their full fer.Ctions, OM the promidc of military assist . The Negro . 9,a eattilk In l!etird . Trin.uakownia,, March tft,f-A-speclaldispatelk: l i i 'fit, Washington to the Beat* &alba fa losng mars: eltiehmonit papers' of March 6thlienialet no WWI tiews of Ii ortane from Korth Tho Enquirer, of Monday,- it; the cornao4 a: long editorial, sayer The country turns to dis goat from Congress. For Slur months it has vainly, recommended: ,and day aftei"dAY wit nessed the thiliisuy. „strength of ' the . ton- • fedesacy dwindling i away,, , and :lhongh Lee has:appealed and appealed to 1t,..aR4 implored the I great military: strength of teggoetts for the defines of our country, yet to ilds date of the ;session, it has, wholly failed and related to adopt this measure for the salvation' of the country. TI e policy pi to-day needs power. - -..— . • The Sentinel . says: BOth - hdouser of - the M.: ginia Legislature have concurred In the -resoth lion of the Senate tosupport - the policy Dna treducing negroes as soldiers la.. the dead. The resolution Is on the broadest grohads, and we - trust the Confederate Senate will now act with out delay. • - • • .- • - • - In the rebel Congress a refoluljou of the Gen eral Assembly of North Cahallna, ' protesting . ..Sglalnt the stream ! of the. alarm in any enter-, gooey without the CliDECtle of - the . States. was". presented. A bill was paided In', the rebel Wotan, to - form roltiiiteer organizations - Out of kith per 110D3 an arc not liable to military duty. Great Battle Repented in Werth Carolina: Stir Tenn, MatihlS.—Richmond papers.Of the oth contain-,no newi of impUttance from North Carolina or Virginia.„, , ••• Alrelsne, (N. 00 Kurth 1.--intellfgenes from rho North Carolina papers' indicann that both • singes of the_rebels are concentrating their &mei on her borders for the final skruggle. • • • A Raleigh paper says : '''The people of this city will hear the news of.the great and. lasthat tie of the American rebellion, and the tradition ary grounds of the old North . State wUl.keep a .common gravolard of State rights and State lines; Without which no attempt at secession eolgd Lavo been made. The existence of State lab will always be a sufficient cause to prompt the local interest of one iiection to revolt against the govermnent,,if tho other _sections refine to saalace their local hrteretts. — Alt history' do. nrcauttates the fact that fersonal interest is .nnt 'lathe life of the country and even life Itself- Hence: to make : us one fatally end-one rt P tlitt t :tr t ew at ar trto o w n e s m a ="b nli point of the mrigtet to viileu all local interest will" be attracted, republican government wblchsttt babe embodiment of trod institutions, _and a country in which the people cannot 'run riot and,plusuicr into extremes tinder the cloak of Deroaeracy.. ••. The Raleigh 3'ro9ress mays that the roderals ern concentrating a force of 40,000 man at Now-. ban, and will soon be ready to strike Gen. Loo's army, in connection with Sherman's forces. ' . Froni Wilmington... Presentation of fled. al, for Meritorious Conduct. Haw Your, March .B.—Tha WU miegtos special says : Anintereattug ceremony recently took place at the headquarters of Gm. Schofield, the occasion being the prescutatuin of medals to officers and soldiers of the 234 Corps, formerlt in duty and valor on the field of battle. TIM following are the names of the recipients.; Capt. J. V. Kelley, Ohlo Ohio; Capt. Brown, 12th Kentucl7; Hall, Co. 1, 104th Ohio ;-Corp. Joseph Davis, Co. 0, 4th Oblo I Private Abraham Ureenwall, 104th Ohio ; priyato P. C. Gant, Co-0,..104111 Private T. EL Rieksleker, Co. 0, - 104th Ohio.-- There to no emirs ca,mlEtary operations,. 'The' enemy Is busily engaged spanning the riser be low Oen. Tau's lines, with a poatoon 'bridge. • • Chlef4f.9talr to Gen;"Grint. Now Tomo, Mrzeti 8. , --Tlur actor Car -'n3 'creating the office of•chinta-StAtrto Lent. Den. Grant; confer* that bfilcanpaa Brig. Gem.* Row- Iley, who has shared In tho hardships and dim. gem of Gen. Grant's Compalkus from Belmont to the present time, 'waning frota Vicksburg as' Gblef-ot43taft. - • NS* tons - Korth 8:—Gold inarket quiet. ' Speetdatoes reianktleeaspeet of Letitia,- affeint tunlarorabinto epeculatlee operntloue, and are !quietly swatting for eotnetblug to tart up, The pies openedtit-lddg. fen ' to ivr; =alien t':to197)(1 closed at ~DAILY~ THREE HITS LATEII, FROONROPE. • 4 , 'Neutrality the Only Policy for England." IR*EL TORPEDO ORDERS4IIITBREANDED LONDON TIMES EN THE LATE PZACE'CIitAHEMC 711 e Foreign Marlieti. March it, 9,30 0: ii.L-Thtstea.n3 Ali; Cuba, .fraci Liveipeet on the 25th. and 470: 'teenetolin cnithe 'Sethi; ties , aad her .datai utetbr irdeys • , - ,Thetr.rmy and •• Navy .41arotte msys that= the Confederate Government, • barn countermanded large orderslbr torpddeee: Ii I. &fretted that Franeehao given the diner ken Cknorrnment the assurance that no Mexican territory has been ceded. The bullion in the Bank of England has "in creased 16,000 pounds. the London. Times has an editorial on the of ficial acts of the recent conference, and points tiguiGcastly to Mr. Seward's admission that a proposition for a combined effort snows policy or seheme was deliberately considered. It con cedes that the North came best out of the affair. It ups: "The arbitrament of war is accepted &freak and with more desperate determination. Wv deplore the result ; and It num be more en dure than ever that neutrality, if we are but al- - lowed to nultdaln ft, is the only policy for Eng land's Ist the:,Mernse cof -Lurk Smtl lg!. Mid. that Snaking had been'-done towards "the establish:` meet Of ,a new colony In tbe.Thidson Nay and Red Niger Territory : and thought ; it dates bid,,* pending the Confederate negotiations in. Canada. F • tj • $ The funeral of Cardin' Wiseman was attend ed with tonekTomp. The proceaslon ma three. The Paris correspondent of the Times gives a report that France has assured the American Government that there Is 'u n truth in the reported ressianAf Marken territory. The transaction la a mere lien on the products of certain =Laos security for Sourish expenu Therrazne eor rmpondent also repudiates the ruiner of a con templaktrceognition of the South by Napoleon. t'convenctu..:.—Liverpool, Feb. 24. - -The cot ; ton sales far the,week were 37.066 bales, in cindleg 7,01:* to tpecalator and 3,500 Dales to =meters: Market dull, at a decline of lEal on AtileriCell. closingtirmer; ordinary middling, Sillii - nplar.d M's?,; fate npland,fltd. Salmi out Friday . 74000.4a1e5e the.market Meting ;steady' . The stock id port 13.578,000 bald, In cluding MAO Anietteln. Manchester enarkes &Ma. Ilreadstufft doll. 115.--Epening.--Cotton sales to-de, 12,1300..•ba15k, Including 4,000 bales to speculators and " erporters—,the market closed Saner, with a . t ifing - advance. lkoadmuffs Provisions quiet and steady. London, 'Feb. 25.—/forning.—consola closed . last teeing at e9@e9lj Sununu. dinureare IlVexxic—MinoisCentral,ll; Erie, 5.1@54. The Bourse cloud at 61E 75e..: 1 Ite.rored, Feb.... .. c.. 1 — F1 0ur dull. Wheat slow ~sri4tr , hr improvement of Tuesday last; Red , Tsiggia4dpre„oentid. Corn steady and a snde dearer; Mixed and Yellow, &As Gd per ICS Pm. =Heel has -been mare active, 'but taster prices. Pork dim Bacon in steady de mand at 5004071. Batter in moderate de- Wand. sehccse firm 'at lfdiSs. Segue imaged maid, bat elotedfinnes and •gd dearer. Coffee quirt. Rice. quiet. Molasseri idaetive. Petrol ram : steady, Relined, Is 1034d@Ss. f orukm—growistuftli unebasgedr ' Red 'Wheat WSCadla. Sugar is Silly Od dearer. Cotta gen erally, steady and.wlthertt change. Tee funds entlie 94th were withal:it vatialliin. Tbedemand Cov,discount ;was , light , and in the oPen =sae* good bills Were lake* at WV cent. The weekly Mann of the Bank of England ,clitibit in ndennot nedEon . Birtnta ' etrrulay up: tatted tazn 590% bonds hate rallied in plies daring the week; and arm sow nnotndrd 53> There Las been' a limited In:sabres In Illitege Central shares at stir, and In Erie at fll4@s4. Allndher enmities ire without mid Canto 8.---Gen:' Carib t y aird"starrltre here to-day;thr the *rept.' Acting ilearlamlial Titstair 'arcituilestey ' day and today: liamsed otaimmid of the West lint Squadron otee Commodore 'Palmer. - • The ' Latter cater will 'at New "• • The - reamer tia;7het 'fitted - up 's& it dig=: Alm was deetnqmd by Are thirty miles below leee, on blandly Watt. ITyordr the craw pen brAinid 'equal of the ...Altera lest all their et ' fens. The Adam* was one,'Or - thil finest Yen solo In the beet, and her Use will seyerely The rebel tierteral .Asseabty adjourned, 011 the ult., after II Wee - weeks' - sesidoit: Mufti , flerezwe are &forted .at different parts of the State, and measures lire to be taken to relieve the iieoplc of Use extiorbitairttrltee fleecing on the necessaries of Ilfitby siipeeulators. - 'A , bill for the" relief iof Ule.grtly dlaftenchlsed ?mete has passed both Houses. 4Cotteer easier; Low Middliapei.7oKwne; thing :4 Get fttrletltiddllngliL Begat ranges from ae23e. Molasses irtmaa,ft.• Cotton .ftisigtdiCtu New York,M. . • - . Istscrand Money Matter. In. New York. • „"ikfaultosuri March 419.11aliwny ipstmbitions 'Woe firm at the ..Eitods Fachange this morning. ominithekbetiegon Mutton, Michigan Southern and 111lnois Centfal.. There Is but little specolts. Bret moverseis and but lbw time transaction, andkheyme :about- - equally disidoi between the bulk atd bears. :.91"Psxtrod Board"rallway spec ulation 'was Toy. heart', and lower prices were -made throw . ibout call, with s strong pnesarc to sell: Government securities are quite attire at dosed eaten of,yesterdity afternoon. State Bonds arc Valet "arid whitens nhange.• Miscellaneous list beery mid generally sake. Coal shares firm, with Cumbexiand as the favorite. - • Tllegeld room id doreld •of interest. 'due marketskulcd very quiet throughout the morn ing and -Buctustions were it percent. Money I . 4rolettni stocks quite .active at the following. prieee: Oeennic,.4lk Exerlslor'hr Cherry Ron rlatabgate, 98; Rynd Panto, Sle, Tack Petro! lenin, P.Sti; -United States, 2L35; Vircister, 1.83; • Bir4bnitan Pap; 285. • • . From Memphis. . . Moments; Mar; 8.-A Are broke out In the press- . mon) et the Baktin office to day which was soon "extlnknished. The damage was nialnlyby water, wldrh will probably reach twenty thotmond dol lane andfs cover d by insurance. It is supposed to have been {be work of_ln incendiary. heygi been recovered from the. wrei of the stetinter Watsoll,recentiyartill.: :"." Navoleon.- Twenty-seven persons are still nits: Teo Arkansas river Ls bank full and still rising-. Guerrillas still =Linnet their outrages outslde of cur lines. General Washburno has sent as expedition after • liajor Hawley, 42d C. 8. Infantry, Is assigned the roninutnCrif- alltbe forces'on the west aide of the - Mississippi -dyer, from White river-to Morgenxial From Califorula. BAK Fnadecreco, March .7.—Tbo Nevado Lek,: islature pissed Tr:solutions asking Coogrouf ' supply a suliteleut military force to yroteot tho, overlia.!..mll route. •• • • • The United &aka steamer Bbnbric, .Captain Come6CM,' sailed to-day • with Colonel &Ilkley and . partiof the °Talent! lituislan'Telegraph: Company,honnd for dicks. Russian Amalie. The Shade touches Gt.:Victoria, -Vaiuntrerht Island, to land a working..party' to commeace building at Frascr's Bacr. . • Mr. Gamble; Superiktenclent of the Carilbrnla Stella Telegraph Com mut on the /3 he. kith and lands at Victoria to finials a email pp in the wire .between- Blillagtam Bay and New Westininster, British 'Columbia; on the Frazer river. • F ~,.Kuecrtib,Ko. 4 etn Kentucky. Lomartuit, March 8. About half a .dozon . guerrillas, suppoxd to be of Wlggiutmes band, went Into - Elizabethtown this akin:mon, * repro. 'eating then/selves as supported by a much larger .utrea. in the rear. There was but little ftrlngautlaUght damage; the negro tiard droo the . . gherrillm out In . two seremt Wrangel. Last evening at Uradenburg about tient) , gum': rlitas attempted to make an ineuraion, and were 'repulsed by tho Federal toroe there. The milltarT authorities at Clorerport have asMssed cc-tam eitinetis of that place for ding-' .rign done to the steamer -,Tarpscon and tho pas: . Ttte . Flood In th eOhlo»Travel Stmendeit ..; ' Crecnnum, March 8.---Thillood in titrOhlo has reached LW highest marls andtho Water com menced tellaq- „• • - -- • - - Trains on the Oble and Miastuttpt, and the Tinilanspolle ana Clitcinnatinsilroaft bare been susPtitdodi the tracks beisigandthraterbetysism here and Lawrenc:4mm. • . - Col. L.ll.Hardi no minated for rileleatlonan' Mayor ei Ltd Union Convention 3osterdll ;. . „ , fienalbCoatirimitions... WANUICT/TOW, Much B.—ffotwithBtmallnirthis patinal, of the Benue. at the last. Banton; tore. ; &Odra tatanauby l .6na r dmisalogis of her Bena-: torg*lbel , Ponefilfd_ tip -aoliguitioa.'of U. 8, ',Attorneys . ) and Marab4le, f,r • th.e , Meta of EMMEM :MT.:.1..U:i: 1 -, Gft...:..-:GAZETTE., UNITED AMES SENATE—Elfilta szstom: Muria:non Crri, March IS, 1865. • SENATE. d • A:Committee of Mines aid Mining was add-' od ib the standing' committees of the Senate. lir. Anthony subidtted the following' list of deriding committees, which wan adopted: " 'Foreign mu;Relk —Mes s F r o s ot . S Wad e, .11aviii4 and: Johnson. Finance Mame. „Fes:let:den, Chalrmanh Sherman; Howe; Cowan', Y*l Winkle, ifeAdeir••" son and Guthrie. • ' ' `Commerce—Messrs. Chandler chairman:: MOrgan..agrague, ) NS' emlthintikellttle." 31 naufactune—Mesars. 'Spr_ague. Sherman. Dixon, Pomeroy, Riddle and Wright. ....Agrteniture—Meams..Bherman, Lane, Harlan, • Wilson sad Guthrie. - Affairs and Mitts—Mears. Wilson, clraltatin; Lane, (Indiana,) . Howard, Nesmith, Morgan, Gliricand Brdwn.:: • Racal Affairs-:-Mean. Grime; . chairman Ramsey, Grogan, Nye and fiendrieks. Judlclary—Messrs. Trumbull, chairman ; liar. tio, Coltsmer, Sherman, JOhnoon; Williams and . Hendricks. Past oMcat and -Put hods ' *-liestuu. mar, chairman ; Diann, Ilitusey,,,Conisete, Burt. alcw, Pomeroy and Van Winkle. Public Lands—Mesus. Harlan, chairman ; Pomeroy, Morrill;\ Sprague, 13tawart, , Hendricks and Wright. • i'deate land cjelott—ltleeste. Harris, chair. , man; SUmair, troward, - WlMams and "Riddle. Indian Aillaira—Messrs. Doolittle. elleirmee; Lone, of Ramses. liarlia,gtesmlth„Foot, Trum bull, and ituckalew, .- • Pensions—Mesara. Foster, chairman; Lane, of Ind.; Van Winkle, Foot, Stewart, gates, And Revoluttonta7 Cliams--24.esera. Ramsey. ,ebaiint ant p7lra p I T , . • NouWal e mad kliirne—Merurs. Mark, eteittoiani Howe, Pa n „ A mer.?: Azglon7,Yriglama, Harlan, and Dan. or , CainmPliiessni. 'Mau. abate- Wfflos, nentle;son, Tata ` andlddia Pateata and Patent Otnees—'Hewn. Cowan, chainnat; " Labe, or Ind', Clarlit. , -Norkd And Guthrie: Public Buildlnn anti-Grounds—Pi coon. Foot chain:DM; Brom', Trumbull, primes and' Ilea drictths. Tetritorles—Moran. Wade, chairman, Lane, ct Kansas, Yates, of N. Y., NuFcn, Crolatiaad ' Pacific Railroad—Messrs. Howard, Chairman; Jobnaon,Harlan, Sharma, :Alorgap, Comtess, : . Brown, Yates; engin. • - To Audit 80 Control. Contingent Expenses - of the Ficestedessrs. Morrill, Claimant Ham. r a en j.ed- rsan ßills—Messrs. Lang, Chair man; thhenew, - - Mines and Mining—Mears. Corneas Chair man; Htewatt, Chandler, Morgan, Ireisenden, Hnetadow„ Guthrie. JOU. Committee on Printing—Mesant. Aa r Merl, Chalrmantlit'ol Joint Cedualgenot Enrolled Bile--.llasses: 'ave, Chairman; Cowan, Nye. Joint Committee on Library—Messrs. Col. bums eintairminit - Jottlnion; Onward. , ne beside resealed the consideration of tho - Arkansas question, Mr. Howard hawing objected to — the retepttott or the credentials of: W. D. Suess. Davis addressed the Senate against the andsaton.of Mr. Maim. h.Mr. L,ane, of Arkansas, said he would like to atch vote on the question. Mr. Grimes suggested that the Senate co IMO ihreutive session and defer the 'communication for the present. They, could. then. go in °pea erosion and resume the 'Arkansas question. The , Senate then went Into secret sossion. 'After a short .time thedoont were mcipatred, *heti Mr. - Davis returned his remarks, agreedB. tm -that 'the. Supreme Court atilmonsly that this being a civil war, tho.Lintted States Is entitled to mai. telltierent riOt si If a foreign war existed. dent, egress and the Anilines Coot Itnte",rbrognited Mira** *arta whbt the belligerents rights attach t 0 the triltid States. This led hlm to the conelmdon that an appitt s from an Insarrestlonary. State, which by e President's prodamation, by an ace or Can„ , stud hy the, decision of the Sitgrente Court, la declared a peones of the patty lonian war, together with every resident of dirkansu, ls t it rillVALs a e:rf k aZFortU 46 , eh; no inure , IWO to a seat than Hobert Toombs, from Geer . lane, of Sansati; said the . Executive de pixtmete and the Senate had recognized the 81.210 of Arkansas by appoint . / United . Motet, Jtulerv. "Atorneys and *us • Mr. D a said that ArkauSss; by the Prod- . , derii/a *notion sod act, of Cong re ss, Is clardd lasurreetinn; dad ticranacme ter from that position sontit'attibtorkisitiMe fonnedly elm-0 that she II not In isetate of Insurrection. Md. Tremb all did nall lardifikva 1 9 re" delving any respectful "paws, as 'th y, &nate did not commit Itself to the °bluer. pro. . Mi. Sumner said there were three points; re first to fine to re:else the credentials; second to receive and lay them on thd table, and third to neeire and refer them. ~fl o wait coutigotekt Indlesentatto tboiseemsa the Senat e lake4 A refusal to receive them would have the errsct, if all the candidate, were paid mileage and . 1 / 4 .empennation,lo draw large number* of theai here and thus deplete the treasury. itr..Taine that when he catnelera ea. claimant to represent the Free Stasi orgaalze. tree under the,TopekaCcevention,Thia mpdau "ore received, and although not admiltadi he, did. not ash pay_ aud mileage., Ths...Frop State cause- ortgletated,the Republikan party, andled to the overthrow of the Pro-Slavery or. ganlkation. If heresay, le to be . Waisted on that trotters are to be consulted in contracting States. and Insurrectionary States are (Topside of, the :Voice,' oak, party wilt be a ssirthervir Jest arprotlaterfwee overthrown. Sumner suggested that the Senate put its foot blithe Matter of mileage and compensation, as the mileage of the Seallors from Louisiana and 'Arkansas would be about eight thousand dollars. hit. Howard said the Senate might not to re. ,coire heir credentials, because the so-celled State of Adtanene did not ox *t In law or in font. The credentials were referred to the. Committee on Judiciary. „ . Sumner offered the following resell:aim: • /In o:enl, Mart where States have been declared to IC in insurrection no person can be rceog• nistil as Senator from inch State. or as claim ant bf a scat as Streator from such - State. mull anti the oceirrento *retiree twveril tondltroos. The cessation of all armed hostilities with in the Milts of siicirlitatec. 8toolidly;-Tho ad, p ins by i n ch Steamed a constitution' sepals limn in form, and not repugnant to the Consti tution and laws of the United •Statcs; and filially, the act of f.lringresj declaring the .peo 'le of inch States entitled to representation in the rategemsof the United States. -• It tea laid dtet. • - 1.1.0 chair laid before the Senate a message Etiatut. eucloslng a letter from the Bee :lily of State. The nen::: hid rollietia the rresideut to return the joint resolution piu hit fling pa - Yr:mat to land grant rallmads, sad whiCh had been presented for his approval by mistake, but from which he withheld - his signs- Due. The edictal reply to the I:Senate's request Is that the right of either-house at a subsequent Congress to recall any Lill or resointloa. May he regarded as questionable, under the act of 1783, which makes ao provision for any case similar to that ntin under, consideration. The law, requires coplee and the original , of all doom-mato to be BIM In the State Department, whcat not otherwise provided for, to keep - such pipers rather thin return the to the &nate, .which. has been the uniform practice front tho GanitdatlAn of the (loyeronsent: - Mr. Lane, of.Aekiae i,.Once3's too:lntim * to pay claimants of scats * from Arkansas, and Louisiana, which was referred to the Committ99 •on Dentin, gent'Experiacs. : Penato adjourned. , Steamer Isopestal, Swat. LioutsystLE, March B.—The Nashville steamer ,Imparlisl, drifted agnblat a railroad Midge and was stink. NoAlves lest, The .boat Is a totat lose, bat the machinery will probably be saved In a damaged condition. Social Equality ! , , . Mr. Tilton, In his splendid speech on Sunday acting hi the .11ouse of Representatives made Otilb admirable criticisms upon the confrUlon of ideas which invade 'ln regard, to political and social equality. Ho showed that the twn'tbingi are. wholly different.in .nature And :character; that :political equalityie a 'right; social equality. is n matter of.tage and Fifth avenue and the nye reintsare politkally equal, but in. a, social point of view they are as --far re moved from each giber as the Poles," One la's; the top, the' other at - the "bottom of theseale.. Political equality simply, implies that all men: are equal before the law ' "Ina - are subject to tho. atimeetandard of eternal equity and justice. It' :implies that each mani..q4,.. beam Is entitle...llo Rio. fruits of' Vs 'or 'tor labor ' - whOthefthbas flans befWeat Oranudlt And. thatabncr can right- - fully be <mended from privileges which the law , !accords is others., Ofacniments pro And/tined tar Ibb general goal; aad the laws cannot . confer pscallarlAirliasts , aponmrtala claues without tojestioa •to .tha nrpbca4 of , society.-, Pzoonin op Itafoontur o.=r4:tir Coltuntoi oot . reopondent ltdotoof us; that return( to the'oftlee of the Provost Marshal °towel of thu &ate to ,the: Arai day of thikesent month 'show that of tbeennots of 36,00 Inen,"dno end& the lest as ttlfoolet for the Peeelog call,mare.thattone. 11 have Whited and been duly muttered Into tb6 tetr!?"'.9fwi.ja • EWE CITY Air fitiltlßßAN, The 011 . Torpedo:' A successful experiment was made Rome time end) near Titusville,- Ohio; 'with' . in laved. lion for the pupose oftfroeininil.wells this& had • become clogged with paradne. It may not be generally known that three•fourths of &lithe oil wells sunk, On an averago4 are non•pmducing ; Wave fold not 'shilling the'ell ;reins oipeclieti; some from becoming clogged rip with parallels ... and other sedimentary matter, and others from :unknown , causes. The following paragraph from the Erie Dispairli explains the method of opera ticidof the Torpedo: I ;„"Itris Invention canasta of a eylindricat Labe I form feet in length, made to fit the bore of the all Well, whicit . *filled with gaiposrder, lOwnred by a wire ihto the well to aoy deigns:l pot, and is exploded, by pereunlon„ induced b an iron weight' Or ibilower, which la sent down Alte wire ' alter the torpedo is :tiowerred: - iThri LdtPado being esigkedal,:drives out We ttarafirtesar other ongsdated matter, and at the same time °pule Insures Thin the solid rock, very'othin' leading' into xeins new wells' of oil . The Operation is so' simtla and , philosopitical,. and -withal so cheap,' that it as thoug hon company La l'oartwahm of a well ought to be without ova If Alms product is within the reach of the . _ torpedo:' It most, in fact, prove the mast productive lo vestment for oil miners that they can =eke use of, as It may throw "0111PrOdUitiTe 'property' into the moat valuable interests.. . . ettarle* iiiatikeilpiezat and Coles= , tlal Tr!upe.. Thlilustivalled Organiaatkur,comprbLug tweet. Awe- star performers—not to speak of a highly . cdueited and aceompllibed ;Tan Terrier, called :"Fury," who performs meet wonderftil and amn4lng feats—la anaomiced to perform at , Condert Hall, on irlday and Saturday next.' Foremost among the galaxy of artistes we may ineittbra the Celitial Celt blind, 'Falu-Chl-ilo t lurg; ChigrCang-Chong and Chip-Kong, some of yirbose curious and multifarious feats of oriental litxromancy Wilfstartie d electrify the behol ler, almost cheating bite of the,evidence of his :senses. The performance altogether •le varied and spill . , Coneisting of instruntantiai muslin) entenaharneuts by Charles Shay,. Mike C. Sex. ton. Frank Howard and John 8. Yortms &intim by eland Lauractta and Lamaureanz, Little Jack and Frank Howard; songs, by Miss Carrie Avery and Frank Howard; and Etho_plan and oth er dirsttliements bydhe eonspauy.; The perferrit. ease each evening will conclude with a laugha ble burletta. - The Qtdecopleral (In doable) la that. its name implies, and the Celestials inelnded,ineke It en Immense combliation,Weir. stortby of the nubile' patronage. lease of the Allegheny. yelley Railroad. Te Allegheny Yalleiraltirnad has itee.n leased ti the -31113crtaog and French Creek. Railroad . Climpany, a rece n tly formed and chart:Grader-. .gialzatlon, and the new arrangnment 'will go operation on the drat of April. The new company contract to put under construction. timedlately at each end of the road. ten miles . of trick, and to complete as rapidly as Possible the twenty.slz macs yet remaining unfinished. they can easily obtain labor, this work will bpdano within a year- The road will be of liemenseporteneo -to this section' of the cessott7, oalarly . when It is completed out fleptigh t e oil regions; as It will then bring dl reetly to this . City the oil- which astatutalatca In sieh -east quantities during the winter, when the nirrigation of the Allegheny river it elase4„ - &Vint portion of whkliliteli dlirerted to New Talecity. Stanstictitsse shown that the Pitt& blares intaht in this trade nmonntsjo three Or Raw millions of doll/km4*i Annum, and " n o shirt should be spared to secure to one ,city the, their ITTOILTIC arising Runt It." • = Crew Sults. . thabeth Harley made information yetterdo, liethin Alderman laylor, of the. Fifth • Watil., agalist Jaw* Lama:aid•Alt:Flats Me.hkiek, charging the defendants with using Insidting ee l . istsaaart to her, and aleph:tr threats or Inokti On the fame day, and before the 'same MAICU faaVi. Lau" hindledes appeared and catered it trWitsrmult. fe d iliehtelfre MRr or alia a- batter. She states that Mrs. Harley, the &Amidst:it in MIS silt, bad titalltreat ed Charlotte MeAltiee, a little girl le years of 'age. rhom she ehokedtM she-was almost Wan- The two mita will come op fora burin this mottling. before the Aldiartm., sad the. otteMl,lr leg Parties will probably' tie betnad'over to keep the peace the neat sitting of court. • Foment at Lieut. Toda tient. Jac* B. -Todd; OfTridipton's Bat tery,. arrived laat week from /taper's Ferry ins . dirket* state of health. On Monday morning last dedledat thelesidence.of -de mother, Mrs.. , 8. B. T. Meldlllan, Laitrencedllo and On Yesterday:afternoon a large number of friends . fotkowed Ast raisin. to .the Cemetery. The I.ltroleamit has been more don three years to the 'melee, and was one of the linen /00king soldiers thatappeared on onr strode. Ile was arm In :taloa, and reedier! *minds on several 'emotion* In defence of ids country's gag, which he r•ltert declared he .woald defetzd 'BD death: Brave solder! he is now insensible to the roll of artillery aid dln' of battle: Peace to his on and coo . !Lmions-of Wiceatt CoUAW' A company in 'Buffalo pumhased .tho charteC of the Pittsburgh and Buffalo raliroid, with , a etewtO extend It to the coal bald! of M'Kenn county r where they. own- some twenty thousand atom Boast explorations, 'however, while showing that coal does not eclat there in suck abundance as his been beillived; demon 'strati:B the presence of oil in large quantities throughttut the entire tract Ownod by the com pany. The necessity fo: greater facilities for railroad communication with - the coat and oil regions oc our State Is keenly felt and it is to be that new enterprises _with thia view will be pushed forward. • City: - Mortalty. Di. George L. 'McCook, rhyaleltm to thelioani Or Ilealthi. reporu the following daubs hobo crlyjfickept Feb. 25, to 13=4 4, 180,; Mato.. 8I t , Venetia.. 1-001stred..... 0 ;`?`4‘" 14 the item there vitro.: , ,i j pg. toopery eonanuoption, 8; pneumonia.; 1; diptlee. .tia, 1 ;' betetoperance, 1 ; organic disease of the 1; 'psalms 1i bilmorthagq of navel, 1; eon cation of briar), 1 • 1100.pleg _cough, 1 ; con. gest 1.1 of lungs, l ; nu:an-pox, 1; scarlst Amer, 1. roit TUE MATIATUNK.—The steamer tretrada took:on board yt4terday a part of the material for the construction of the monitor Manayunk, which will be fitted on the latter vassal at Cairo. itineng the machinery were tho turret rim and pilot wheel. The fanner is in roar sections, 1,,, , ,0, r ae feet in .disuietar, eaeh yodel, wehitts two and; Sr iiigf tons, and Is of solid Iron, nix Inches thleiCiand tiftetalAtiClPA. *ldol they wore rolled' by Mesars.:l4lol.& Co.. of this Tity, and warn bent Into shape at:_Reading. The?, p il ot wheel is of solid' brew ten feet In diameter, and Its rim la'five Inches thick, and ten inches In width. bkondpf the large* and dealt piece* of brestfeastinggret done hero, and was:turned ont by Messrs. rhilllpir& . Ltdritax.DonavoN..4-11e -President of the Penpsykratda Colonization aeclety, John P. Crofter, Esq., has old ono thousand dollars to wards the support of Martin if. Fineman, PrO f tisbr of Mathematics rutd Natural' FhlittaOphy In the LiberlaColloge, at ftfOnrol/11,Weat Arden ltr'J Freeman was (or Mitay VMS th6:litad Of the Avery College, At:Pitsebtirgh. .Efe -has reached his new field of labor and enteral upon his tittles- The aamedonor hai contributed ono hundred dollars towards the “Barbadoes Runde , tho object of which in to send intelligent' and Indarttrious colorapotions from Batbadoer to Dr. McLain recently left this city', to make arrangements ; for this Interesting sauterne:it. •OIL 'LQUED IN WEST Vmaipmt.--Cientlimen conteinplating investing In: oil . territory, or got ring upoompardes, ate referred to an adrentas mtnt on our second page to-day. the property eanteltber be purchased qit, a bargala,.or leased on reasonable terms. About the fact of. thsue being. oil on the .place' - there 'be no doubt, as large quantities have been found In the Immollate neighborhood; arid. It only needs to bp developed to make It of immense yam. Fruit on WYLIE' Sruntrn—Aboat flye o'clock bast evening *Ake was, discovered breaking aunt& the roof - of the dwellkur home No: 194 ..W3dlelstrect, In the basement of which Is a baker; wipieragtionay„ st9ra )(Mt b." Georg* lj Was_ prompt] extinguittied bf,the Good Int ten nremen, who ran the hose u,p stairs through. the bask part of the house. Nothing In the heals was burnt, but the flrelutnie alarto Open— ing.in Qs roof. - Orr.:--The' fonth:Won /Mimi 'Gaye _" We understand that a company la being organised. this plum for tho purpoee or ‘priaepecting , far, : 01l he this county. It la the dea4n2 webellore, 'bore'ln Borne fumble locality, end give the - Tgerlment IS thorough tr:nt. It la also rumored that a company In Brady to windup, intend tape. timentlnlf near )11 1 19".mk, the Present 511 13 4 , !' kreirT os Tan rascr , —Ellasbeth Anitaa; or ,lhatesk Was' arrested `yestoulay, for surety of ,;she peace;haring threatened to kill In Folly( 81. will bate a6yaclag thl." morning: r- l i cvrs TI.VAS it hi WWII s' Lt Minnal report of thialustihition hat just hate' hated. Since the opening of the hospital- on the .L.-st dayof October, 1861; nearly 1950 permta have participated In ite benefits. Of this nitebeg 860 have been discharged "restored," capable of spin entering Into tbellasitteseollesberftilig the duties amtpartaking oßthe enjoyments of life. Between 420 and 430 have been improved, and! their condition greatly ameliorated. Oa the Ist of January. 1864, the number of the pr., tienta fri the heepital was 281, via: 149 Males and 183 females. Received during the year, 125 patients. viz: 17 males and 58 females. Dia charged do: 115 patients, 74 'males and '6l fe males. Died do: 29 patients, 17 melee and 12 females; amannthig,-Deoinfabet 51,1854, 84 :381 patitnti, 151 iitiles add 13018ixial8s. BSC/MIMI a.-Psmson HAS A BAD 000U11 it shoold not be- Infernallhat Cbuttingiois has set iii, yet ' .no ono (with rare exceptions) can hart Con sumption, without : a tangh,. wooer >or latex. Where a pnallsposition to ralmonary Meese 'Web, a Cough, ltlett "bail .. and reels the tams and wakes the' general etrehgth, noon. estabilsbea an AncniahloceMPlldltt- all cum, then, it leihe eater .plan ,to get rid of a . Confp; or . licariewur; without delay, 'and 'tor Mb purpose no remedy adte.mitre prompt'? or eurely,, or with pore fluent lathe organs of : Me chest thin Di. D. Jaree's 'Raped oraut article scientifically cotopoiihait . from'carefally- • debited drop, and. which,on Plat, will always be found worthy of Be rwarld7wl4e reputallop. Bold:y Druggists erei7where. • Trtntnra's Vasturrxes PENTE :Tills evening, ika , _ popular darkeense,iaid 'rope, performer Efarletta her, debut. Allaitagesemytke also prodswea.Shw; great moral tbree-act drama of Undo Times Cabin. Tbe eaelloelnder the whole eodtputy.: LotUe Chandler. a new soubrette makes ber Unit bow se_ Topsy. A jardmod • bo mb will he the remit. - Eris. Guerrrin 7f -- your'yestord.res corral poodent "Simile," rill leave big name and ,ad dreso with yon or ^with Box' 11:11,?Ittaindere: 0., It will seance him an opportunity to• make Ida subscription to the stock of the Library Hall Avsociation, whicilhe seems desirous to do. As many others u are similarly disposed may do thews& r: • cox ,litttryy: van-tre.—The first express freight train east ran into a "slide one mile east of Lockporcon the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, abonttionlyo o'clock. Tuesday night. ',The engine "laud two freight care were throwit•off tbe track. Fortu nately no person R 33 injured. The accident caused the detenthmorthe prmsemoar tr** west about eight hours. - Dames IN TAf.2 D . DUCSZLICI.n...The i ot Earoluient of the lid district have concludeitto commence the draft on Itotcdaj, the 30firdiry of etareN hut., La those aub.distlieta whiel. shall not no to that day havellled their quotes milk: volunteers, or shell ace at that time bejkosilir engaged In doing so. A iltarl.T auto 8AT711117. Thoaia J foran ' . , ebarked - with month and' • Utimi on- oath • of Louts Eagel,.kad a bearing before - Maw/own: yesterday, and wile. admitted to bail kite? IT, ". of 1 1 906 for Ids aimmiranee at court; ' L ., lb* gaPrallaK. Coonp w. US - kik; LP opinion was read: .Br Agnew; .T.-- • fidttlty_ Church iheireibicielte Patterson—C.l%, Lawnift county...l Jadginert ref erted and judgment entered here for the gee (endues In the court below.' Lrataa waif; af.surabliarryilairt , War, hark and • paint, nails, horats, wagons; &e., this (Thorley) alarming, at. i 6 A. At., SC at. X. Ma. laagblia '9th. ward, , o*oalle-Fair "Granada. T. t. McClelland, anctiaaecr. , 13atox CAS'S and.&craw', araittilleottartda. ,top bureatta. sib studs and tables, sliver Tlated six.oaa, factsc att4toatttattrprOtiflat) taarilag at 10 at aleCletlatara aunt* bau* iatimerALLlN6 LIZ MAASITT.—.4 maa named - Isketmarigh had a heating beforoltayor Lowry yesterday an a chirp of htickshtdag. "Re war mense4 en um paynnotot anc„. c , Triar Erie and iittatrti;trlianasitiiiil ba ova! for passeogr.ra OS and tr tomotrow, (Thaa& day,) March i. . • Wit. Welanis, ENO,. . Neap'scelebratedpatent uuntteopiniv. '60010.. roCiale b 7.111 Vowntheaahblibrbonk In co; PO Fifth Sic,. Ciata's lonountx PattciLA beautiful buts: meat for marking clothes.. For sale •ba. , ritteek. To DE MU.I. T. VI WEIX 4 -111/0 thousand Itlag photographs at 50,etnita peroolea at Plttaelps; • . . ,Pt toot ida.taatte p t 4 her, reOnetleas *opt& eel OD albums 4 'gold. dlarla ;follok 41044 Olve bin a call at the all 164 tixst Those slaking•the oil rightti - 4sofBa2 lOf matts.ot all the dtatrtsdst • dtaorii tbelibiltbjtiphil*ielbluialiPsil Marietta Ravel, Ittlen.Western,, Terdvadi, Let, eltel and Maggie. Mitchell, •at PlotoolOn., : • tbe late books, paper's' and Pittuck's. . . . . StaNcu.aalbr an eaatara daily, llPrator-t's OIL Ma rs, at Pittadt's, U..ertt.featurtity,... photographs.t oolyhO.rshla. per down; at Tittock's. • • Au. the cheap puhlleations, 7. TILE WHEAT IMO?: ' It Is too rotra,,Clf,_COurseoradeww riatnetWahatui as to the conahltwheat crop; Vat lila acwarnhing to know that so far all la favorable., lLt.,1100:1P parts of the country wa hoax of frierzlni alit; ,but the heavy snow was so general throughout the country awl laj to hang, that the elutherte of fiee'4nc out were much dludnished, and. . the general report fora .aU pasta of the contd/Ylr that the wheatta eoratatou 0 In the . flnest etrodl-. than. ItwUlbO partlaUy !mean out In the lower Lehi:idea, bat In the States North of the 451 'Uralic] we thialr.'the. 'atop will hi lin* —ln: deed; '4outlt of that Unethe ehanewi 'groin favpr of double the Yield ,of but season. We have seen uothlng is yet In the papyri; to Indicate any other ?Vault; lid therols no doubt that If ;Hardt • than not be too severe, there will be a good yield UNIFOR3I CURRENCY. • ' The 'ad or coigia.., ae mi.* relative to the currency, Imposes a tax of ten pay cent. act tbe tirit:of Jidy; MO, On all State baak pi per paid out by Ike as a matter of course, drive opt of existence all State bank elml:dation, and leave lbw . . -field en tirely to the National banks,. In thw part of tbe worldorhere 'betimes of the State books paasOd freelynnd useri One felt Nil roundel:4e In thein, the public are not later; cued in excluding tills olou of . ekcitlation ; but out ;We't It will prove. a public blessing*. Tho notes of ono:, stutaptull debt factorlea," as the country banks of the far west are called, 11, 0 e boeti nothing bit trash from ugh:Li:dig, E g o the hountry generally will be well rid of thew. Terrible-Ono', Stonis In Scotland. . . Scotland to snowed under; aueb a whiter bus not been eeen alnee 1831. A correspoodcnst writ ing from Banffshire, aaia ; "We are now in the sevcinth weak of this pro tracted and Increasing snow storm, without the &Wet; tildiralkm of kfavorable _change. On the contrary, new faits of snow are almost of daily occurrence, r`-along iiithitien'and - -severe • frost. Trade of all kinds is angering a depres.. aloe mire or lem,And Abe liroseeittlori of out, - .door, works la tmtkely out of the question. .Doer. . and all (forty of mime coutinneto anger, after all the extreme. care and watchfahmaa by which they aro tended by they gamekeepers orthe speetive forests. The &we t , after!, receiving wren morn taro • end Attentloa than a . provident farmer , beatows mmn' his. stock, are dolly getting more and more reduecd and ems elated, although large quitiitlites of bayandother. Provender are laid oat at evecy place in the fore; .other for their maintenance. A powerfal statf, the other day, took possession of a bundle of hay, upon which he lived for aomathrie or four days, , none of his weaker and starving brethren daring to approach him while the .food lasted. Hares, rabbits, crows. and other vermin aro everywhere actually starring, and the result of a lbw weeks , continuance of this dreadful weather wOnid..be awful to Contemplate.. • - • . • , . Population of St. Louis in . 1805 . ' St.' — lonia was divided Into-one hundred:Mar eight Alatricte, and a °auras taker apputitted,-M earh,Uo as to secure a almultitieuntal anti correct enumeration of the Inhabitants. The resulting ,repcital on the 21et otdebntary last,' end / was us t6licirro: • " Mite ma1e5"... 4 .. • • .. .. 70,496 white f0rt4are.:.....r.:"i:'.;:.,79,030 TOtal whites..... . 1561 ' 1(6 Colored males.... ; 2,937 0 9 ,1 o! females.. ..... 5,889 , —... • . Total 6.9901 Nothlanabled 3.501 Total P 3 Mation, ; 4. • - 1 6 4 g l i trar7 in,the generally received the , born Population is not evtat to nembore ea the• American. The • Geretunta het,elir, IS: 38 5 0 r! the Utah 90,900. , " , ' stiattanik; The religion of; the ehdrigines, says a traveler, Lila ports of. Azitralls., - includeai'a belief In aditeri4asid a dread binaaataasPbatia/aillts of tinfloiodi'otttie rirer, of the manntains and the pool.. Boma of theca are ilia spirit s of dead ~ .... men. a once met a party...oz thi r ty or forty men and 'women -who. were 'traversing- the country; along' theltarwen,aa Intuiting idapaotont; per forming a pantomime, In the Itreseero of every camp of tbnir countrymen, with the avowed de-, sign of drie' ing away the , ghosts, Of dead min., All eight iDag the ettoir;continfied to slag:. 'ln : the truming;haring 'marked their: bodies with: earths 'of various colota; yellow had' Malik grey, they went Wenn a mimic 'fight Seltlitns seen foes,•beatiat • the •alr 'with branehas• and. .rishinkaboutta &frantic' manner.. Afteratter , - nately merchlng,denclag, - and etufght e „ . '4:vibe sound of moskr, they declared that She Sheeny *ere all gone, and unsaid trouble tha latiatiltento. of .the piece no Mai. The general. name,for, g,hoe. avepirbe Is, 'waside.', , , And Air saws. Shay eve rio.whlte mar,. probably from ,thelta4 - ,presittos 'which has sproldsmen them thatohlte poopleirs'bisek , fdlows' risen• front thread. The chief of all the winsdis,lthe 'arch . deriedis, is . Said to appear - at their boref ‘ orNbik- ispeet... lasesati lb. form: of a 55.,..... •• ad thine ire ..Toros of serpents ,em on thetrees la sonseplar co, to whisk tiff ' , PaYrfailitiatia homage.. : reseal ttlibetloa is gencrelly. irew .. .h&t,t4 t aborienceti and :when 11, i, - .. , Wi* , ,Aeff edit Es . ~ thir xtelontlwthes.'Ciiitoit , ',IV , t : e tgi * rot* selves. I thrsetleiti a nolosifet , Ottisen 'dew d l i tomo. '' with Is bertnieed , nict • ' 1 skin maned wnhiwtuta elay,and'hkoott stream& bit wsv arm large -shMttesde wittrais tom- , al:soh .he their nos :IC osegaget .offsetion. I shoeless sae lestraity daffelent. As a..triveler ' in dlstlast• of. the, laterbassicen. bear wh im" Vat itaTel treetechine with land, neated:witli a poktibnidilleration which I did': rut *net , to meet bk.Artah . a otorter: - Atad I belletetheY Srelti a amp% 'retantimblyseseep= tale Of inspraselonsficate kind trosintent.' - They • reempairod me as oridirhiS sought their good,-and were n'vittp 'please" sad iifti to see that • I thotteit them wortblooklag ober. ,Ttteiresp deal ps,werle-strosa. : ..cf their remelt:mho mei, odlesisatee have a wiilmirththlsomaad others. a more plainthie melaisetioly.. 'The very stml.of the people seams to; breathe' Mat hr their brief amigo. And spites ander tralnligf theirmaileal• taste has hem siteetosndipood amen +sidle their IroleaaJz; . Etaa susbYestariss an bogsis tweet lent pigsties. leak, front Idissists dated. FebrOary - •,i. • Outfit Umlaut rtei. days a froth erizptiOn'or brunt bites his takes place. • labelog:ut extra.% .04tWary apeetags, &Id a pheaosienoa eery to petted at long ksaresis k t itenabadisemosatals . et the tlrstaseelpt or the spipoesdltil ott AkerS.: two dar‘aoksittior'lfreg, the- bad weather:A - 76SW* listgaammr at Ulrar..e. - and knitsdklely dribtesi . int o km plea- Ist lipeebstraelikttardthe , kotAii.:irerpt •• side. likargidittlhistaisp.sdi4ll of wit tbdoszfirkien now hiredoitlik lomoliglOr two husked sod firlyof tinstbandradtmettal. , It Woes. co the ems* tdde of Etat. Stib, hardly% nettles the. tardesisr the. tiattisat4 - 1140 tr ; bit ItAisamerwlngsdablwit ettWitts,am•- qoasinties ItAFELI prohibit)) desk* the -rage" otbfasearrand• Ineillnonte; at reak t le liktigis mkt 'got .d rtieD.fortt isSapossibbi 'to tatabitish the Liras- by skish•thesettmetthontr masseser ted.bot bbttid mow asaggideg. iThe othet breach ruzisdepas north/es : 4de, attdr threateas,the bill gra or Liotreeltroow 4/ "*". the smaller , lateral s audit. lb drama, 80(11044 - into-kraal prtosideaticesei.Wigehi ten4;!,9gre the, 4k ecuoalat .',PSna44r., stapotza- ourneis atestattee that`Ms, appeal/of Idtdsst; siditala keteikke, to tie pipets' tithe, , lttspkeg:%. has des! , no; .dalatgs • ' on AintbeiWe. Tt l ivics from: ttur War Deportmcatt stictlag, tilat Ellin \kat mat* at*ltiteetitatltatew, Virotvrilukimire bust 16 it letter &oat Ural ,Q l dei:arvattrimuntrnor . ditye keine, irlun we did not feel.alabirty to , trabtistd The ,but the expedition, lea . ken :tea' Air, deception: the teeter tee which we totat'ont °presto rebe4tnnexcesitos,Wen.or Wr at% tronexartagns INC tattle* 'tiara Jetta to us It Idatod - "noir ' wthicit Is also, ,epelletl-btlidleworp; and istn Jeffereoh county tad tbcatAKldowity bete,* HaTent Parry had Tlto letterls.tit IbUicacta ' • ;9P kiatooDAvaratr, mg in grew. • • ,Neas , litubrar, Yra,:reb 97;1865. A reparof ten thormandr eitalu _tinder fhb. 11 nintditikernitinarad ertic Phu. Bheridax. le now metelabit on the _greatest raid or .i war.;' Theresa areadi ineusted and equipped' in the best saitants-, 'add whine ran_ next bean born= tinynate of the. exteditien wilt- be' de- Tbe 24 Obtaamodmo Cob the command; ad las. anal oecupy its advanced -posalon. Whein wit reach, one dna:mailer'. a' detailed ra: port:lok be famintmd the realm olthe &raid. —C4rollased Heald. - W. A R latelfesused Conflialon -Auld Mukha salboadtkipot ha ffitanstifteja. ~There wire twoinftinta left aleeplng In tha ',road by the .parents whm,lnet gone to rapper. The Imam dteaded eWof the ands= of Ite cart garatenta, andpattf that of' one. on the other. their Unconsibinui of. - the ftaneftzuunlon, each parent lift on dlllinroril roadt, 'end only &tweeted the change' net, morning by l ire ear of the cad: . 'The telegraph . afraligad the difficulty In a couple of days., AtEicitra Att ••B•wairsaw Caritext.--110 fft inuntah Reptd.draw, of the Mahan ehlnaan ac coiled of services in onsofthe African embe', 'writ "Bee. Junta Simms, formerly • preach er arid a slave In flayannity olocUlded the. au& once by the power and eloquence of Ills }speech, In which} he depleted the canttrasta bet Ween free. demand &limey; Mr. Bluima , concluded his ro. marks by leading off In tho' John Brown hymn, In the chorus of which the whole coomnaffon hfolf.FX..—On- March: eth, 11165, Mrs. ELVA HUT!' 'Meta:T., In the MI year of her age. The funeral take place from the resident:et of ter son.i.n.lair, Wen: B;Rose. on Market street, Ithenehetter t on Tili/MIDAY 717X11111,0, ,14 a 099100 k; SIIfIPPLV43. FOR'BION EMIGRA. TION OfFIOR, ' .: . prrrsamoi l ?gm 4. Sato. . sao. - Wm,: ... Passage from the "Old Co witry The Liverpool,'New York and Philadelgan Ia man, Steamship Company haying epee ted the undersigned their Agent here, vies Mr. Thompson 'deceased, he is eow pared . - to bring ant hr seat - UNUSUALLY Pasnmeers_twy e Steamers of tot *Limo et UNUSUALLY LOW TRe. The Streams et this favorite line home Llverpoolevety VIDN/D3.. DAY, tor New York,inueldng at queens ana em are Amon! th e thstest,lnfeet, 1104 0101 a alp 100 0.: The Undersigned 41110 Agent tot the Idverpeo and Londoadany Idea of Stemmer!, learte= . pool every THURSDAY, and coiling at awry for Irish Pantheon and Flails. The steam, en of this line are built la the strotteesk moan, and furnish choice accommodations for nusengers He is also agent for TAPSOOTCS LIN'S of sere. brat...lo4pm Sailing Packets, !raving ',typos& far blew York twice a week, and tl rrIII Linea - -London Packets, leaving:London every tett di' The ships of Tapeeott'e Line have bag twee mg. fed der Ger quick passagee end the excelleste of the provisions turnfshed the paseensora. and their 'hint treatment while on board. Partieswho Wilk their friends brought out by sailing :b rust% shortie by p all means patronize thls Bun . - rearm ge to California at greatly red • maw DRAFTS on all parte 0 Dipeftrre AWL to ~.,....• - LI. OWE:ILL. ' .._____________________• roil — t •••'•--- —**‘. Eel 11 11S1 ta lthileld L e et. QTEAM 'WEEKLY' l'O'Lii 1 . , FOOL, touching at, thUESIISTOWIT,MIN Allhirk Harbert The weitanowe Steamers 0000 Llverpcsal, , Neer York and Philadelphia Steams/at psey (Inman Lthe.4 carrying the V. S. Math -- ere Intended to salt al 'glows. • EDINBURGH - i Saturday, Mardi it. CITY OF BALTMORE. , .....Saturday, March la. .OITY OF WASHINGTON..Satuntay, /Mach Id. •AndeverytoO,Orthitisucceeding Saturday, at noon,froin Pie .. 0•10101 of 1.01041; .- Payable in gold, or Re equivalent to currency; . • 1 nht Cabin '• • Wei So &Tap - • tom NI o 1 to Landes... 85 00 , to Londoni.: et OD " to P.rt5..,...r0 oa - ..", to Parts • 40 OS ~.0 . to Hasaburg. N 00 • . o to Baraburs..* 0 ' r 01,0 38100 0100. forwarded to Havre, Broom • Rotterdam, Antweip, at., at equally tow rates. . Fares from Liverpool - or Queeristown—tat Cabin Ink 11015. SteelignAgi. Thosewho wish to feed "tor their , friends can buy tieketir here at thisr .. • . • . A For kith. infatuation apply at the Clam Pall • - °mac • , JOHN G. DALE, Agent,. • •• •`- ' - • • 36 Broady.. , roman "Phle - tUan •44teleay ••.‘ eel ;,- • •No. • Saalthheldeartet, Pilu • mtrata - _ C D I.Zi .12.-:-stval frontal" wirgam), fikAl COlds:ot i°7ftager• i Nifiti :Ntiv,*94r4# 46 *..7Ml4l' saittooeipwoolt. Apply to ? Timms Ba.ri;Eciert, ki - k. - ir l ei Xagth#6l4iitzetriostarsai k at ati 1144 , 14:tierceikeWeitiaderedpkril parrop. SCEZOi& Very: iiE4vt mit so &mut' . • Wan HALL SHOE Mkt Wl Weak !Adana !tali publO tint wailularltipM,i fettrartirthediM°C—,ol.ltfdt!..4ge, - iiiirtterise Stock' . . . Of 1141DMPtioomis wiiii.:o4o - !iptei:iink +43 . ;: , ' ''. i ..,.,,, %;•: , , ,,,, r , .‘");•. ' 9_ , ;.ii ? irrif . . ; ft kt.'..?:- . .: DON:711. -113 aKIAilliartiik:5: _ ; . ; I : . , --; ~ ..*•.- ; .;_, I,lf - - 1 11, ..,,, • •:•'1 e •,. :.--) 6: - ,:r l 1) , !, ,, 1 4 i/l . COME 4 T . . 4 .N0E 'FP T PALAU SHU, EM:P44ldir,, , . . nab alreilljoutialyea ur tlie Foxiiwtkeistiir , selflota ousted- LJ ; i ' ) Alta GOODS WA/UlAlinak Ink °loam 14 -and! R et Ak9MT4 ll .Nnletkl. Iwitiurnmws 441cis c:l,-:'1 11, ...M 1 74 1 77.15 /1 1, 427 " • !;; L..11.*'..*4#ii411'41416• 'These Oblaussys Arclnitiated (de the *etAltieft, Latins slips:teat the ewe evejleoteeknot "7 . pew ft to'ereeklet..' =-16. , D. Til.Mll, ieet !re"l4"""illt=gtaggh Ir. 11,111ACIMMICCW I. 4111,1711LILVa. .111:1EAMEO. V pox um ,wcimuL. - ,, i, - 1 , :;10 ,-, ,-":. ';'. ~ 1 1 4 , 5 5 inellents ; it MiLliittLV` , i'lld7 ink .',- , : I ;.7 4. .FX T ,N_Onti 4121 0/14 43 04 1 / I *. ' . vat po 4 l :l . 4i p ttk . ta 4 - .... Li I. ..r: ..I;:r.i '.: ME azia yr+LZIW STO ...' Yiii - , ...ager1;11_ , , , w a ym.",.,,. 111116E - Wisa - fegfilard:nf't RN, Of all Wild% rraljobbers.- ...,,. • _ _,,_,,,,, :•• ~ , Pri . 4n.eiletCra vetat rept,log, tf•OLIXIVIa ' 1:091RIER113, BARNES , &.(XII, it ._ i 1 No. 16 Vitteit Sgeetit; liittabwgilL . . TIN min SHEET utow. Nitiilikesc/'" •''.. -' • e i4 #4 4 i44 4 0"* 4 . 114 ABITIEW2 , 13111 : ! ,, WARE` , =. ,--- r . • *.liatitiowiiarnitaeturing awl bani , odiutat . •4 Birt Afparatut of all • Blade, ToIIeV.WOM I. r& . . I V ., ater Coolers, Groce Tea nut 9 lee Caa., . Cash sad Splee Boles, Tumbler BPI kmehe. A large/at of Bird Cagoa sale lour. • On Cana of 'all dreg and pattermal.._Tht Booftng, OondUetorry and all . .gle :Of JO blitz :Work done to order mo p URNITURE, ANI!-: - , ••- . .e. - .. GAGE AItD:;WPOD .0IIAIRS;.:;',;,:. &Win al reduced plias, *mu:B,ms OR RErAxi. imk*.woOmim , - rro.. a sea Tuagp'sraxim ops+tta E. 13thnturtsoilW slut rai • • • scs:tit Tanis 'mistrust,. CHAMPION(, OIL , CGMY 3 ‘,t. Prodisears of Crude .24 litsoursottroli or toilful' • . _ 43 01 i WORKS OPN:errE 'MikanI3WICL,T Offiri N. 69 LAND and, 11,1111111161 i Pa. W. D: COMINUMStipft. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, PITTSBURGH I PA. PARK, BROTHER ,& CO." Mattuhaturen of xtmar Que.r.rrr riameso CAST srEar, Square, VW and Octagon, or an slam Wawa. ed equal. to any.lnipartal 'Dlanni In antnll4 country . L' 0,12 4 andwarahonge, Nos. 119 andllSt FFnalt Aid t. 40 rad isil Sigooan irranirre;pittabtugh. fetH ls44o ORM(711 • . • ounszr jaw ant, AND BARGE Craig Street, Allegheny. TOUTS 1 , P13E HAD lIART ME , ITALVACEM 3301171774 - - 7 ! • - Invites tbe - staantloa at 3 rtamea end tiakiek t* ~= Ms splendid stook of a> WDERTLASKS - SHOT .11SLTS and POU. THLANFLiagar sad stuntottlest of ern tkra tisk ` kfiled cut %I:9V , it WO 11040 1,:. ogg: EkiN ITORIIB.. Ala P - - . ENGLein B n MW= AND - .web tannin . /4COOK 13TIIM, between rodent - endßendenre Ameatisar Urn', PA. -I d)inufactturet of WI4B'.TM.AIfSS PAXISKT POBTAIME 090/IL/LT/NG STEAX. ;.1 pINES, Shafting, Pulleysage. - • 1.1 Bepatelng of all lands attended to . OIL' BTQCEB.—The underrigued give particular attantiog to the pozotime eat Sticks of .ALL _ . - . t Invite buytom ina stileal.to • • . • '• nosairgral- -, ; •;9. - No. to?' rinicrit .wv. 1101. i- • ••• , JAEES IRWIN • .Oil of Vitriol and Ana &magi." OFFICENo, Afs , - PfriEEMai. OIL WELL BT A L• P7lledo : e 3P'EtiEinllg C Eicito nth a Ted of for OH; Wells aisd•onsaisugati poses, osi g Er shortest" hotlea. „ Sited Ea as hands{ and ftalshiag calws, ths , , 4 public o.bo.seecosmootated oaf . .ugy:wut•Al u xi Ast wortio show for , A. V. mow= . ... 801:MIL&RU$6, )11 1-A tsinwEet 6tre4 4 6 24 '"Mrfteell If., • isatottoteutletWDOTlV: 8110 ES and CII'LIYERS, for 1 . 24180 4 AMY, ElrN,Boy% 'You th s awl Otithks:e4Yl'Wbor,'lll ise.RItEL PA I RI POR e th.thAat. ; 7 f - BELB PEK 06.1';11;i:nyar ""al il y tate it a r, '" 1 " . cntio. WM* at 4 - ) . AyG.Y 'cl.100:0Itk -- ' ----1 1, .41-- v....:,• .• - I ~a.:~. ~~~=_.;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers