tittobnvait Out*. - THURSDAY, MARCH 9, IMS RDBIRBON. lIVOLE.A.Ii & 00.. 3EtinsiLlKeris id, 73r07seires, 2IS. 73 /mirth 33. Pittovirsia. .reoeived fn PAZ puma sof Gine_ Ooldeettoos WWI in all arta °Ulu' UMW* States. Boysod WI it rote*: tr. &Alper osaz. Ind, Bondi; U. O. do. 111 do.; . • ll.B.dptßeat.ta.la do.; 8.1 kr coat. Certlioatia aR PiaW TlWllldriAotas• They silo NUT sad BELL. 00;diai93uoN tbo Bow Took,Pb Oodidl e d r dlo oad= pots, all klads of,Govoat Mods. Gold. BA, ha • 4111. . imam ;311101111118 8 13 AND RiIIIKESLIV BOAIIKEW gooaunimpairg Sogsgionagosasigai • ' larainnitonr. WatekkOlfsg . ' Saws I. ta boons, — Ord.As ked.• .1,1114 PBll4tunou tps 1 ,28 -14403.4640 le/10 • T•r lu bwl _ll ' 4011, • , 71,09.; - Pry" O f....... aia ••••••• • 7 .... 4 0 5 I reW ;1..1,:••,•••• *** *** 6 1 5° Otals 1,14 1 141 W 11.0,11 him 1 :Ter market bas .beea hoary all day.. , .ffgair 41llemest of the past few days reached Se salzakm., keso Alas short treat:Wag spell Chili, Witt' -doubtless bit Sather Ptah of eager Worst* get ahead of the advance: es- • • ' A. tbeElpring epees aroma" hare new stooks al. most daily, and It militia impossible to keep a qui; et osseirer looser than' twentydour hetet • Oil CreekGierry Run got the binged Mayes at the Evenlag . Soard, ;Lod has had no floods, due, 40141•74; Con-the.ndladelithia Board' yeetardast,opened this morning at 7; fell as low at 4, during the lamb& Out dotes at 4p. ea., at 5'.; Weave:l ars*. tads srleatagf .P•thape.- i. thero - one. Parton, qo sales; held at. 434. Pittsburgh A nciaadokui about solor Columbia bearer - at so- WWII; inlet of 004,teld DAMS relnger Bout at I. 0 averments firmer. (Cold. mston-at ~ifir To* rateki,vx.-. . To 4Al:oN:wid th, 011 Stocks at ,the :Peoples' Stock lesehangsthis emeaing - were largerthan for soma • mtellat's Paseo but 40.1.1444, was- more a_ disposition giaaltrateg toseallsoarteek with be;4, few sourptions, ruled lower.. 011 Creek. 4 Merry . , Bun, 'Mar dosed at 190; . tin"riesday *inning, opeaed this &nigh's at 11,41, end sold dOwitto GPO • at, a decline of 4011 per share, within the past two days. PitcabTurb. Indlidapgi mreik-, but ' . 'without Manuiatehiagei and the same remarks:. erlu itpply to How Chen, slinalltaltidn llama mot atlllt.a brisk delssaaLasuipviviillof, estebWLdiueti2iriaistsc‘lig.aattAcied lamer g Coatralßasin was mono satire end bt 4,t40t%,. eli atoidithi, arittv., faid de;ldefichange. Ritchie Taars- BOO: bf ,- - Own , !Iva lave atillprtifer. deslifutd, and Wee chante r , alerWrednfloWeri TbdfolloWlog f i port ot Wes: • eft 400 11 orntralltalla urt 190-r. OM ' Marry lion lon 11 Merry Run &Blood 1b I 00 le a Akeeenelots.,..- 1 WV 019 Idercharde:..l.'.-.«.:....;0az....!.. as • ion aen "1. 4 • SOO .I`.t.Tlolll3Mlllk. 9111Viety *a - , • 100 0. . sob cPlttebuoilk. 410, 100 . Amt. , . env ' IWO Ilitelde 90 Inn ' Of .-e - Tors.itolit mem HIW tea • MI ,o,,,oll , Creek. it.Chtrry arta. . ; st. 6.x) " ''ltiii ,' ,- - r .,4'. - -::.• - .'...; . = ::.. i 65 sino , u eittsburghn rhtladelplla 946 05 - r "'' Ma It rl insfartil-11n1e......' . Loa Was ' w lletsionta" ' ...'.: • 62 109 '",'' - Oentral•Ptidn ' r" - .4..; : /" ...1 , R 5 The offerings and bid. ware as folleerst ~....- V : , - Bid- 'Asked. likO4 Farm es OttlO.l;'' :.. I- ' ' t 21 , ". 1:, 7t CainwslL.....4,-;-..i.M.7.:1= -.1.1.' - -760" • Carson --, ~....'.. ' 1 tln• -, T' ' I VP . Cherry Asa k Pittahusgli......--. les _ ITI lOatumbia...-. ...:.`.4...,.. , ..:.-' ,'.'... 75 119 . - 18 . 00 - '• , Onbeitson'a ran ",,,,,,, • ....:,.. 3i , t'on. - ..); Brn . . Deck Os 11 iiiiii.i.:'i. , :ii.'.''" . Z .' ' - " -'.' '211 . 6e t' = ll 4 • th. - .::..,-: . ..g , : x*C.".::, Jg.., ado ..-- .-,,,. ..... -- I : I Fonerali% ::11 ..7. IL:". ' ral ;"c rt -- F Oreat*Merla . en .... -.:, ....,c._::...:.: . . ,- i tV' ' - 6'. 26 ,- Locale Oil a. Mated -----_. .....1,1.0,,,.." Yeadow-i......4..1 ILL. ..,......--: ' 110 , • - ' : .: . Idenbor Cherry Run—,..-. •I 0 10 ' ' NattonstßeWng . . ...... .....,.. 78 Go, ' 9P ~ 0hi0.,...:...:w....:-,..:....L.:• - t. 73 ' '' 2'•20 - Oil linens 11114c'''4" -'-‘-t „ .-----i--.. 2- 83, 4 4 , 4 _ even -1-.... , ...•.....-. .. . ~.i.r....-,- '1 0 ' . - t -•t1 • ad Pars,-e' , -!.. i....1i , ; ~..::-. rl t SW , ' - '5 12.' sr W e • „.Irl. • 1.351 Tack M l 4B72lshof New ,Y ork .''9 en ' , 4 2S' " Union 10bric......:=.:.• ' "'!-_-.:;.-`..:. • - .We ",,,,, •' Vest Virtiilc4nttsbrienti..„.• .. , 2.c0 W:,—.-:. - 3 ea' :-- ni9l;'- , 162ewere shown a private dispaich tia'eiestsigf' f 4 Xtly m 08,andsilich,rnayhts. ecinsidered.peo. - featly reliable, dating that • a hundred - barrel well ' 9 Si 905 IMO Re. AI Smith Faray..9p...0 2 0544 liiin. near Donslatindedifeed well. The sell, 16 . . ' Pitlia, *neaten tit ,- private Tartlet, rad we hare . Ow iviiioiiFk; , ' iolleVaiiir outof It- ' • • enasyir anis Railroad Dompase held its la kt ~:. iloPhllil4LLlcilinLiOnll,6aday follbreatoie.. • : • Thil occasion was ilierseterlud with allttle more i emir% therkiLiunt; frOul:An = "iffecifit.p .*a te. :iiiii.; I -- • •antartrilthhnidineethers of the Dosn.Ph9OPPs <Alton rather fee Mr. Washington Butcher. sod:btx.' -Is ob P. Jonas, easiest Dfr. Fold' Halm sal Mr. i. O. W. Oen, but orolinith4alh'-The-eiittrit Vega s i .iiir ticket was re-elec'ed. -. • . The 94_11,,Nattininillinks now iti*lindliaie;aii: .'aggrrpdte eanital of 1111:442,114, . Thetriilrel Mon asetrinite to 999,000 CIO, of ishl6h.the Seine 10111 _ - week wee 0,183,010. -.- -."" The following omatatindlysi el' 5.1 ;shows the. . . treregicoaditiew. at '.lltef.-lauding ;teem of the f _ . Itiladephist llank9 f0r...,17,F.a...t,:5. 4 4:;pre ri 0 ta .. l,ast •Week. • This Week.. - -•,' .4215pite1.....;:.... lutP3,ot o 914 494,06 u Inc.. 81,000 , • Imo" ......"-., 6.1129;111.:.431,122,60 lan-.::,55e,96,17 • ' ;16tenie-:----, 1,498,644. 1,189,264 Dec- 109 , 631 -*Old leathers. 16.1911,602 - 16,770,7(1 - -Dec.. 09,215 • _ , Deposita.-- 39,08,11* • 211,01,412'.Dee'. 519,413 . ' . Osculation— B,tntl6 . kassm,, ,tRa..., 940,393 the Ontemeat of averagtr of the city tinitlk. far the past reek shoes a derressfin el , ele; of' - iiot,.: hewn lepideader riot*, Inis:lid, and lo dePosits, . , 8 516 . 115 .. 3 4 1 9 999 W1'9140'1236,20_1 aesktbe ell' I oulation 06 8 1 565 ..___ - _Tie'T Sework Menthe Post of Tuerdsy 'syn.:- The . sitginter 014 'of BalUmcire; with the, Enos. I mean molt to Fetarniry Rh hiloga further Muhl. , - ' arable enders for Vatted Staten &We, and an ad.: i waste In the London quotettoa of 2153% per cent. "i - .. <gib!, previous nitrites. 'Ws news and - the ho• --- ordepanytagordets caused an adi'anee In Mt mat ]cat ibleffiarohliref .el per cent, sad largo" PIP at the 'Meek Rood end on Wall Street. ' The Vice e • 1,000 0. toed 111 * Pitt, per cent- The •: 5 -- . ' other Wid atocki its 5485 E per cent, higher Dian - ' y..-...•,---.,..----- Ba!linen Melte t;' * aiditill" 'I. _ tiorfre-2(otldng doing; dicotatiorui stead/ at lliti 1111 . e. as to goal! y..-Frlma Rio la 'very some& our-The 'market remains giant, sad prleassro leoaroely at den as before reported... Mutter . broads ate aelleogat tit for both Oldo and Ilowsed street' Peittinote Dually and high grades Extra are SS o • Ras. row (Motel at 111100 In r the former, Net 4111 fer the latter, shipping broads 'City Mills Extra . gatigarg,s%Koward street 'sn),llbio do, .$ll,OOB cs -whetetao hwheli white, and 32-so do re reerlvrd, axles or whlte At t2,7E402,85. ZOO bush : yrd atitysM for good Yennrylvants, and* small ;et . / of Wexler at IMO. Corn, 6800 hushes yellow and IS MII ds w et °feted; market heavy and lower, will sales ota6Co turbots white at $1,680 t,62, aoair e t di dampen , at al Pt/ IX; a t prime . Yellow et di ant Oen benhele Inferior at a1,6331.,65 per • blieboL cella, We bushels °dere!, sad sold In e moll 3-do atlerill/S cents, retold. Bye 11i,T3 per bushel. • , gots. H,ll-.-We report .x sale of elide old crop 'r . Chita shred -1404 03days. We quote new crop et - ' •gtZlie, t_latlACOvNib , " 439 l ,4 " ti g that / 1 / 4 u 4 43 ' PM t'irr . .' .. . ; • ........morp-..st ..lull Duane.: coat:tad to pall wt . a Om, and quotaUons of. laitlnedefTVlT:BeiC',W ' u 1 1 4:. , tr . :l4ll9pd. • .. • Timothy 1113,50179,74: pi ..... , Ti pet '•,. °T M '!" 4: • ..:.-2.1-.----------",— , :•!i * re , ~ '`. -1 St. Louis Market, Illareb, 6. ~,.:....,0,, . •;;,... f ,--1V*1450.-Du11; isles of eeraps at "1 3 , 0 4 green t 7 s.r•" : yld-Asatagedluire at 0,76154,101 WWII do se 11000 ' ~ e i.;' d,, shippig lea I ae•141110015/keplt ',:' :, ism do.itil., laPal gaga rint 12449110X_ !50t ...aP.... Paley, ...I soy. ;• sad Wk. V too ba• , - - irmitod .'sad ua l toti •- ' , aime- ha super, 311.75,, los teltrgrWoq._ branded cstraX7Po, extrat:lh yin.osraveredt doubloeatra,g9" as Mond Inlerleked and delirelred- ' " : GrolloY.:Wliestv.Dl6l- too.lol,drerieT,liaaird at: 113,0111,0011tny ants redilenedtiden-.. L% • et Iltddneikid•ApiPedcllll,B_ _ _Linii.....ed .. ,,_,Yellowe...._ l : chore irtat,l 2 oo. l ""iiilaTai - , Drollery! torosilokliet. de Pea . aelVa° View aaake-thelokat,,Vre=-Sales id 830350. wee, Imes returami. --Barley7llallli Srdi, at. ARM 111 ...Ind. weeks rell..ened; •• : - ~. - , - . Mifitekktee Market, litarch: o . • ,-., . - - rugsa•aa *maw:. °intik-mass - Ii s-•-• c oot. .busbeis. , Xs:beton , Ohango di:Oben. gat. • 110 0 Mutate .Polo . ball:ads at Ille, de l a i tr ,S;letwp li s - .W Ceo o . melee Oo d ll l,ooObush v els stalled . at .Bl )o, Detote,;,--Emerlatoah...Noaalc*-fltraegett idown.. Undue - .6t ihsiheal w.srket at tea Herrera nos"Bttanattlnt.lie Sella lleerhad; WAN at ~, • --,, , :i , .:: :'''' . .7 , :! . ...i;:, - : -- '-'.._ .. ' i '. ' . ''. MILT REVIEW KERSOV MAR.. lliirownsong, ][trek WIC The general ittarketneonttems du l l mid( biros*. ed, the transactions In puska ot, litatio:a4 very WI end Priced ore Staillaffr we?. GILVIT-Altheat I, 'steady With bot bey title Offering; small salet from wagon at Si for Led end 4 2 ,1 0 for White.. Ueda lain felt dettiand for chip- swot, and the market le • shade better. ; dale 'Of lee torshelelimior at Sado. Oats doll, but amnia nachanmet dealt sales on track Welland tram Nerrerat bb.r' Odra •verviull, - , aad• drooping( dealers Only Veering- MOWN for - ear loads; isle 0f2,16 auks, mime at VAS. PIUOU It-There Is no fidUngod in the remipte, and the market is quilt and - doll, add dronpuMl we now quote at sioddeno,se for Spring whist brands, and 1110,e6QUI,(10for Winter Wheat do, By N e sarlausk wheat - had unnhangeit P ROVISIOS-B tur leon is dull but, nhoo%d _. Su for shoulders and Ti for ribbed. and ti for ear Si d " , sod ItYrlginfor Sams: . Lard. Is selling at Ti Inc country and to Corollate city. Mere Parh am!t sales at.WI per Marin__ war ollarod .fer , lo 2 bbls and retard..., • • • Burrza- Ads nosing us 'yds* Selo . and an .the gook on hand is largely In stoma ot the do. . mood, thenuuloot ocatinows mirp_ _dolkand Elf Alas are drooping "weSoftsidoir *llO WU SW MINIM, lald to half hot at ab, which Is • fair quotation roe EGGS. v.- ery ,dolt, aid Lbgoodaabsl T nrftreak i, ggs-Thm. MAIL igabiage - avo ault l 4_ Int eksd OKI:ESE-Is unchanged at 93 for wasters Rs. own, Ti for Hamburg, andlitfarelaboan, • - • 481tAIIS-Sal* Of btda Simessittr Whlthie ••I,oTer Seed ts iislurde'lsmer; Skirt soW •='isle of lubV iv a l rom at Std. TimoUqf quotaq at VI, awlfflan Seed la/o9 unielnledlo Meets , • • (mem - 111.17,121 he raMlrda continue eon Proutlvely large, but with a fair demand both for Someone and shipmen t kthelnailuff la stittlyi with POTATOES-13noWendt H to 6,w hsaged lad steady' sule of.goo 'bushel& prime IT/whitlows' . at :lino far; boahel.. v,DRIBLI VitllTr.;-"rhe demind - for - apples has fallen off, rind peke's:* n shado , lower, from 12 to llKotuda per !Mont, Pesotalt - quir ra = - . ,Uswhanged, SALT-Quiet bat unchanged; simil Wes at 13,90 pa triek:andlinuo delivered. • 7- onird'f-deradt salve at ifs la itAIY-Beled is err doll, the supply being largely 'Attester* or the demand, and prices are a shads canto; from/Xs to esS par too, as to gust :. 414 . , irtrirsiuitcp pvriegimunt MARKET 1 ' ..'• Wirtwigensv;klareti S laid • 'Thil Petroleum market contieues quiet end in eetll4, the derailed being very Slid and the teen.- Laotians are of an mg:apart ant enaraeter. Several Steamier. are due to-night, and it is thought they wilt brine! down e missidernble quantity of CtruM4 tr'Srlheh event we may be able to retold some tales Ls oafs mat report. The gaaer I Impression I. that thiropettlits sales "Will be made et prices ranging itri p libineWhere between gli to ge to, le . bulk, and titers „Rag be regarded an the , e beams rif the market, . Foe *fined, in - borui, th is no demsad, whatev er, imp, iist the absence-of =des, we glee SOW eta, as the nominal quotations for present,dellyery, Fete 4 011, eine,in iull, but without quotahle change (SU LOf iinddils OM costa ‘,.ll6Ptha Is Still quoted at Zags °eau, in bond, and 434 rd cents free. ! Pestduum Is quiet but held firmly, and the - zstol4ta'emeeedingly light:* bud aalei at Mad per ,bbt, me holders aaklag f..5,15910. 0 , ,- Pill . . LADELPHIA 7 WINDCF. , MARKS?. DisPOtb.Loth'*4§ l4 ; .. 111 a 4t _ te ' - saILADILPHIA. mkar B,•tical a- n 1 midricei 'ior OW Smola was , neopettlid awl Volai tc.day. with More diapaalt4on to realize. and fir invent tha leading 'toots pit* lamed bap . ern The elating quotations wan miaow= , ' It ..........1 l c ; Cartin-....—... 44 : EnielFa. - t 3ta 23 1 M how:__. 4in Walnut laistad.4--- 3 a• :saw sa-- _As a Soot Da1a.11V.....4.-. 4 60 atatido 1ned5.....3a Sti Junatton....- ' 460 Cherry Run....-47 CO i ffd o 'Mt -.........--.. t 97 Voyok--:6-....../ 12 D9UOII-- ...... - 9 ICI `Clairn Isaias '......-- ...8 00 EgbeTt 3el r "...01 0 ?MT-...... ...... a a - - o ' 1111MTIME0111- 11111.111106 T. _ • Booiedst Disistoh to the Ptttahereh 4 :ths,fte• mg,/ Toil. Much a. 1985 . li petrolerunAsykOt ft dull aliChesyy et .418 42 for prude; 67003 for Re lied:ln Viadiguid Wipe irr di Fres. . : ' • 1 ; raIiKETS'IM IIIOIOI4I PIE. New Tort Elarltet krt.. - -...:_xcisx;-, 8., a lt , vy lower at 80010,1111dling.' . ' ' „, 4 ,14..tm0t-iltste , awl Western lOc better CC cont. strungrades. - Better brands are - dull ithd 'de. `elfulta;$10,11(01.0 85 foilixtra' Efate, $10,85a 11,1forlaten R: id. Ce,and•sll,os(isll. ls for Mud Rtanda;ramtet closing firm for cWodostti and alma bevy for good grades. - - 'W rr u-Ileari, and..duchlodly - lower, .at .15 Ere-Western; Goan duller "VC i - , '.13 L.Wheat Mau and I@.Se to er; Xil, .watiltee, ChM, $5,10; Chicago Bpcifit, „133 Am te: dilchlgan,ll3,Mga,4o. Rye roll ' Barley .taft . Core. dri _WO decided change :Ol d feted . . =Wow at $1,891n More.. • Oatadall. •il visions-Beef sueuff sii -wevhdus ' pikes. Beef anseqided. Dreinetf Rep-dull and heiTy I at. i.ai . ®lo3ic far ; ,Wertmni, Bacon easier at. Mt Mr Cumberlawf-Cfre Sort Ribbed, 2le rdr ng Clter,aud Mc. for Long CM Mimi.- Cut Res Medi: 4443@ijIttiAt Bbonidc.s. #l, l . B )fi !gni for MM. yx.arg•eaow' at Is4fosadoc. , •,,ilatt dull at V 41340 for Ohio.; , Eggs steady at , ~. or Fresh . Western ~ .... ,-1,. - ~ - ,-• ,CON Wools and Iffenti' Market. i r '.44 1 , :Yens . Mair.h 8.-Idonair-Acilve li 0' Optical' for - ' call" loans:: Heeling -henry and loii ;ilist'Clatua tankers' bills, 101,4@107, 1 ". .Cold aNan&lawer-opening -at 1973,4, and .4:. *et to 196;4 Government Stotts =Ground , ...-1 ierrOclfi-', - Datil' 'North Weatern„C.3; North Weitel•••Preren'edt, 62;" tCleveland and .Pltue t. f - ‘slllgb",„ 15% ;'sllehlran 4 8.5ntheiti65!!" - , Meta , r gel?. Omuta; 109; Itedia, lux: qisainter, --oft'. atipora; 161"r•New . York Central, 1055.; ; Sage 65,4; Erie, :Preferred, 83 ;, Rea d ing., lll,;• C „ and Rock Island, .017(d.iiiim of i_str; 4 , ' i v e t e, e o7 -4 .4:gr i e x peu e" ~° li irsrf. ... _).trtolgt. , : -',..N,:10.40s re l eitt l .ered, 7isf; aussoorldases,67. -i. - .-.• Ostia : cher', Errding..7srharme-Btrelts ' weaki ,Cuid; al 105i.i. Y. intero;llos%. udson, 11.1 %; Rd C om,.loo%; 'lrieldgan 'ooStlicrn. 6SNO•IIIM4is Contrad. 116%. Pitts: iminh.ls; Rhode.:lllaad, 0134; North Western, PX;ipretcrrod, Ittg; Fort Wayne, 91%.• Ohio g Aed . 1411stestpfdi certlfleatot; . 28; Canton, wit iftelperrein_sag; ldardpoo ',an. at the close of the refunt gold sold at 196. ,;. Ittnenitatl . Market. • - . . . .. , . - - -:l l .4reart, March S.-E g oon dull, stardom, nemk Givs-Retr.'Whosf $1,11.5 and doll. ' - ' No den in Corn; Oats; Rya or Barley. - Wmar -Dull; 100 bbls. &old at $8,15, bast, l ifte c lose there were no buyers at this rate. - . tosa- - -- , Dnll; saes of Clty,Mers Port at , ' - b s e.; Balk- Siesta 'lea t 0 ..: ji Rutted extent at lfrg 1.5f,(c.; which is a.deellue. . ~ siretric - Flax and ;Timothy Gino 194. Silver i@ifv., - . .-. _ . - • raining for the Iwo hours: i CoalractAttarad for Beet Cattle - at Ital.' , , • ; ill:acre. ,NT leak( lr telepape Pei • - s.itunote vas 'a co2tirsctuiAs -let Ini.allisTelty to - day for 16,000 befell:4feet cattle, at WAS IP Sao Ss UPS wlt' it for e 4 average of 1,041.11 e - and IItS,IS for to average Cl t IN: . 'The oontraat mai taken by Messrs, blorgis,-Welnell7s. RSIDeSsflAi liable, Hymn MS 00. 4[1:14 - 4,l2lkeri &FASSISLS, Of this city, 6,030 head , •Cash.•. There. have been alteady. so me. 3,0% , head bought here dortnithe pest by these parties, • IA Clithill-contraa; The eattle ame to be deliver. ckfide st Baltimore add subject to incredlost.— o.lfemy7Vibtolt ""- 7 - ; - .... , , . - • : _ i.•.. l Cattle C entracte .osptain J. EloMand. Weil: • cositasary - a l L e ifaitt. ,isom Awarded the Fdpsytsdbgin d tr.a44lo_,_ _ _ Is . I. 1 1 VASll4,llto.estozfik: J. „I; nnigg , _,, d =r 3 .6 , ....1. ImodvealllkliTlialls;CllkungoLiOdanA !Torn. Ettyg lalm'ite...,-,-I,railitilmb:,„tv.,..i J. .p.. Ilankant, 2,calt In sad, sat Ito le • it",ll;tr. Mortis, Spa bead, at engin Mlle at littptt and Lewis Ildynts,:;coll hged.roverWmll,l64 a . - . . • .••• • IMPORTS BY BA.II,IIOA I G --- _17.; rromineur roar WAY in syn. Ormokao RA - March e-2 cars hay, Herron & co, S pkgs Task 0 1 0 . Cul Irruebr mlth k eo, pkgs butter sad eggs,_ 10 .bbla appples L u Yost k copt dos broomi; jOor dan,llollister 'b. to; 100 bbla flour, 11. 10 Walsh ;• 1 Cu metal, John Moorhead; 10 bbis ash,/ •1110 De s 41do do Means & Oohs; 10 do do, Ellessliton; le do or,iB Lindsay, .7r & oo;20 do do, Wstt um ;25 do do . Shomaker er Lang, dodo do, J DU worth; su do do, .7 Mills; Mdo den howl •d 0 al; D Haworth{ 14 do do, Ell J.ek ;50 do do, Wm Deck & cra sks cloreneed,Rea la Nein ;26 doyen plbr,l3 Ewan h. cot= do do, 11001arku, Herron . la pill( do do. it llobinson,; !Ur. cora, Hitchcock ate:toryk coos* MAI dour. W Llnhart; 1. oar • oats, T Lodwig,l do do, .7 Marshall; ear awn, ploghsw, Sturgeon h. co; ay, T 0 Jenkins; Wiwi clove:seed, Shrives & Lessor; 10 birds babas co, J Orasier; 100 bbls flour, Shomaker 6-MA130103 do do, linos &lashes; 107 dodo, D Wallsee; 100 do do,Orems &Cloudsagi Illest.-Little, Baba ParrOin lobbls Wll lltagtosm & co; 40 arm brooms,• Painter & co; 1 car: corn, -Dominica 11 - co; 100 bbls flour. .7 filivetz; 00 bbis bighwises, Brier & co; 10l ibis flour hoos Sr Mogul 100 dodo th IP * r Sb ri P i t" se l d 74° pifi brtr Leooh, 10) r ak . but torsi, Res & heal. • , Masekailzr to PlTTennna a R. IL, Much Zr.) by Wheat, J S Liggett & co; 47 Mai sand, At terbory &co. 100 toss core , Doolittle & bgs barley, S'pencer & McKay; MAO feet lumber &I- Usher " Arsenal; 1066 pas meat, Seem= & __ IIIOI E O YI 20 - his green apples, 0 Marla sks.l.lol. noun' ()lark; bbis clover seed Yeti's& Armstrong; , 14 , 1 1 =a p It ens c•ailToirgeb. b:;11,1417. demon; nukes sundries, I!roolit b re • & Vock;'2 111015 beef, linos tr./granting& .ItonierUrig• gentle iris hisbols; 11 ga Thos Bank. .• • - • -Asteatrzwr graTion, March 11:-11 'bbl - eider, &dam Lippart;SM bbls apples , OM ums; 2do do, Hollows'; SOO bay cone, Jos °sangria= callt feed Elhapson a Hinz; 000 corn,: Id Taylor; 10 ekes .ffsb, los Or. l 0• lord cheer., U K11NM,40.. L bblar do , butter, J XcHloneit lot pine Mngteor pintietdodo,..loa McSeW. - . • ,•';: lIMIntTS BY-RIVIM rrk Ilirincovk-4kirki boxes, rt Peat k co; 1 skiff, Ownetls4 klui rye l o o ItOot 9do dem L Votttlitirdr Norton k co; bdri hod. Jotur lierbertill bates he rto brie 'or, Jordon k oo; MI do do. J do, and! m alt" omi Osfilao do . 41 Bro;Strok Thor Belk tios. • :=7ol 7 Paborri; St WU teaks eppleiroY7ork. - *l)4+ fax Neal; sal le dtipota pike BO; .cardgur 1br..W41 Ude tobbow Mork e coo; I MI trap, lin tooTtn turirt•:. ,koroorti bit kirks s k k . .po r T Wt. 1111110. 11 . 10 1 1-# 119 % - . EMU - Sugar ant Molasses is New Orlean'. Titre were no.reeelpts fromthe coast thisaidlo- UM, Sad-there fa Mite Jr- aou tegg iselcst lands • Impale fistsl serious supplies. The deemed : 41 • sow d eg met by dealers orAesulstors, ark* ieto= tale Ws edvseee °Ural's . VS on Drevieu • prism; Measles unloads; ds thisgarde, al lets, at Sais M to for otasfaumultltg, ,fisr.ealltrtfu and 220.e 1 1 1 II ,e for prime. U( hiatuses s lot of .110 beta Pomace sold from that heads at MX per Itesteetay 600 boats Ratans Sugar ware sold to the Government at terms withheld as Usu al. Me sot's, the arrival, this looming of three eizars of Sugar aid Molasses Item g boxes Mager Mid OM lehts tail 116 , hali la hflideneit.. These reettptstre to * be puiedi oti M fora-Purr Further supplin from Qu m are look ed igene, Feb. cievetusitonatet, katetz T. ' ricatr—Verp quiet. Sales 60 Okla XX white at 1110,14 tblalCY red at 110,00; 'Wheat—Dsll and No S !nil lae•. Sales Ms ;Spresoas S ears No 3 white ad r . aftem_ ooa 109 e be No 2do at 131 ;Ant oar . lavas. -Chirs—Soostpta d l at sad market" quiet. Sada 'ears sew *belled at. We. Ostei-No reeelpta. He at 'sane (run atore. sod:lower. Sales of SM basks at up eantat the same Scare. Barley—Dull and us Changed at 111,3661,40 for I. I,SOGS,s3 for No EMAINTELLIGENCL •, Iffiewasther yesterday was elendy and sultry, with Ia cosaslonal sprinkling of rain, and last night , the Indications for • "spell of wet weather. wee. ircry favorable. ,The river. costlauss ,to re esdeitconialnthis , The -there Is an undanee of water for all practical purposes— , . . SIOVOiI feet... - ! - TbetostlY transient arrival me hare to record is the Aegosiaat No. 9, from Olneintutti. She had Mit glidlegreight for this place, the . grest bulk of her edtto TI C 1 4 rv Pr Whotlindri '-'-., ' -- . ''' ' i Minea from Wieellagitrived and tier ' sr fed th a kir ,rip each waT ii . , The Bayard from Park urg, was due last a id, and wall doubt km be toz .1 it the wharf th miming. The-;Kate Petards cleared for St. Louts last eve nlegoelth • splendid , trip, having all the freight Tste'rwatr,ll"drzo, totkirWlThiaab.r.ald=7; Louisville. It le saldthat this tatter boat has ea gettrefeadelzeloirr - • - ' , - • - • There are'reveral boat, on the way up from Ole. nemitttothis port, and among others the Keaton and Glide err shout due. • TheTorktown leaded with hay end iron for the . Ooreinment, areved'et 'Kimbell - la on Friday list, and the Maggie 'Hoye, it snobs and (tilde were ad vertised to leave Cincinnati for Pittsburgh - on Tuerday. Thelhoho, Leolalre and Venda, from Oil cits. wcredue bete last night, and will doubtless be found at the AlleithenY while th i s inertdrit. • C next tousanger *packet, amela, .Capt. Jr min Dean, ',le sanousmed' for Clacin i vati . and- .. /Ixshville, leerier on &Colder next. The popular America, in command of Cart Golding; le. announced for Br. Paul and all tater. mediae points on theaterr M on, The.B.Y.rd. Osei, Om D Neon, is the regular Prot et for Parkersburg tirds y, leering The Cincinnati Comm trial of Tuesday s ays. Our dispatches from Older minnow. the sink ing of the eteamer James Watson, II rallesbelow Narokon A number ef Useswere lost. The cargo is a total toot . The /ass Watson was bait ,and owned here by the Btothers Watson, and was valued at hunt-'. She was formerly engaged In the . • Cincinnati and Kanawha iver trade . She Wall, i commanded by Capt.in Jo n T. Watson. Capt. , 'J. VII thiambers of the United States gunboat ' 'Prairie Pled, Ls at the Broadway Hotel, enemas for Wets's, the fallowiegTrata the St. Louis Dews.' cret el Tuesday: The Beer at this point fell fast on , Sundays:tight, 'and slowly y esterday, decline reochLug bar erecting stage s es. The upper rivers an all at it goo, and there is about - sixteen feet water. In thenhannel hence to Oilro . There: Is twelve , feed, •rttater In the Illinois throzzEtnissalle, four OKA t o feet lathe NW ecturi Omehunight ftet hence to Keokuk, and four f cm the loret;riible, sail the river peer stoned to tie opestO Rack Wand. The Arkaasse, 'White, Tennessee, Cirinitierisnid.Ohlo, aid Wabash ere &list a high stege..'Bristaess continues brisk, with lighter shipmeata to New Mani and Wen , a river ihusral trade . isleset a anflit Lepage engaged is BT6d U 10478. 'OR 4t. LOUIS NILLE.,The escellent sumer to OA !M ap lA, Ct...73isiaorill tavola "‘" " "11)t.Ti loth nit. CIWOQDI,/ K a ti; JOHN rums, • VOR CAIRO' AIMT:LOUIS: - -5- The splendid !tamer S Intl% PDT NAIII.I..7. Jobe tusalralt.leill leave se ft re en S4PniDA.T. the 41.thinst. • ). 71 13 . 1121r D. OaOLInGWOOD. ( keata ITER MIESIBBIPPI RIVER utadt reoKET.—ror SEOEUE. DBE VINO ON :. MUSCATINE; BO W L MEM. CdVENPOSIV GALINA: and DUZUNETho new _and elegant paassagar steamier AMERICA, Capt.riboanze S. (folding, mill tear motorman NONDMWMesek Forfrelpt oroMiatAll bamd or, to 3. 00L1414WOOD, S API". .. ItSITLAR WEEKLY PORTS. • l id, _ OUTII - AND . - IPT/TSHITHHII `PACIFY The floe panel:ger stualer OA 1 ERAi`,W.. U. Kerr, master; _ _. W. H. Brian,'" eta% . I leaves Pittstrerghevery SATURDAY, at D m., add Potteerouth esery MONDAT, at Itio=r; P. ur. ' The GoldelS Era mate oonniectioot at Perla• illouti th wr s. the splendid straniat , Velours Ifo.a, for C - ti, - and will receipt freight aodpassers go through to that eity. - • .. . lode . 14 EQULARWREELINO AND .4..., PITTSBURGH PACKET—The slew end lest nurode4; paaseager ideetoctOt. PCSITLR., Copt. T. L. TaylonOlt L. P: Beeler, 1 Leaves Pittsburgh every 'II. )..- . L.T, THITHS- - I ..DAY surd ISATURDATO4 I . 2 e!cluek io. Adores 1 Wheeling every MONUAT,' WPTINESIOLT•end PIIITIAX, ~ &o'clock. a. at. , All . WaYrtotellese prvmetly-atteadal to. :Towing dose at saoderatO ' rates.; Vorfreight of presage aptdytur board; or to LLB. 'COLLINS a. W., &gents. Pittsburgh; or.WWI; - HATLLT.LRIStIO., Ascots. 'Wheeling. &IV • -- ATOKJIFEFL ...TOIMPtit K. OarEAll 0tt..15511 . 11411.11 Ki 1 1 0 CNASTER aG.GAZZAM, 4A5' CLAIMS AND PATENTS arm Atibifickirs:ixitaxv Nei IiTitPET. Pittsburgh. Llier:.sed by Gorernoteot to cotton itiliTIES, PENSIONS, BACK Pia Military arliaTal aiiill3 .• • , dv.Lost the Vaned States. ''ORE 111:1VDRED DbLIG.ASIS, dee Ooldloto ohorivd on coconut of wansole received Aa battle toile/Ad lionedisteiy. • - Atir..riall at IS GRANT STRT.ET. °Pivotal thil 'Cathedra, ead:ely illiMIBION!3, BOUNTIES. • ' AL W. J. &lALL PATTERSON, Army and. Navy AgenoV p. 144 FOURTU sr.,' Pittsburgh. PENSlONronwed; ROI7NIIIOA,BAOIC 1%1 aba PRIZE ONEY, and oomrivrion 01 RATIONS of revised Rrlecreers collected. - FAY wi r eslSO OF -WAR ea& be Qrs . lin .by theiroril/owed motbere. oW7 OUNDBD BOLDDIRS. v . . . • Si 00 Boinitylo all Wounded Soldiers, Is now belt% pald to all with .Doukhris." Ro thug* made until the moneyta <ciliated, - T. WALTER DAT, , 01_14is U. B.oov Nmlle FIFTH STE ...•croad deor e =tbe Cathedral: milgying m4oERELL dt J0112.180N, , ' • ATTORNEYS-AT - LAW; T.S. remisPISED SOLlrleßBt,CLutig sotthiteiforaysircinfte«tsoiaien ,':diteat.44 ins . on to tweny d& • • . • ; airOeflee to. Owtie orwsow,-Plttabwrstt. , _ 0811 wlth dOwlougo sad two witnowoo. WO*4 0.011014112! OLAINB,BOUNTIBB 1.7 • PENSIONS AND AILDEA*3 OrI!AY. /TW l Pt i i 16 ' 4 " W - , micryjnis t zunsau. 710 tsa TOITETE ST., Plttiibure4 datiolDwr CLAILMEy Pg.NSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACIIC PAY And DIGLITABY otoura.s of every Alescription, collected hi.the subscriber, at the following rata, jetv Pandora other claims PIM. O. O. TAYLOR, SttalwaPot-Law. No. TS Grant straw, Pittsburg h, PO6 " . 13.--Bro charges are nude Utile stalls noes not succeed;and all information ilvengsstlic setnn •Nowzi alletFE.R , • • • ATTORNEY.-AT-I.AW, 106 Trig Siloam, Pittsburg • - MIDIS for PEttSIONS,. . Btru AL r. PArall EMMY, &c. vigorottily voseoptild. - . Foß"sA.Lß.,,,PlUdbutitt 011510,14 ' lithoZ 7.iis a Ohio do.; Donna° dO.l . • - '; , MrdidOW dO.l Oil Neraou• „ . Tari6"l,l!'.4•Su.nlertg •Ana rssAlls l 6 ,i 1 4 446, an d I mat AMR DIM/6 51.110•41$1)- RATITE. la the 6rk* a $ C 241 bail lge" 44l7L al '' O• 6 at, • 6 :sad sac astairst lac" -a- - - 1829 P2RPET FIRE nisuanraz mem PHILADVT 33HIA. • ikaiwits ea Swart 1. Mt. #2.457,110.1.: , . Capital 4 mope Luxraed Premiums • Irn,oat Invested M Unsettled iums IMA C o laims %Me /Weill° 11054 SXY:a. Losses P tor aid alum Ms 1 1,0 1 0 01 rerpe s tuat and Temporary Policies on Mast terms" Charles rf . . Hawker; 'LAU Les, Tobias Wagner, Eletard O. Dale, • Amend G , George ales, Jacob R.B Alfredrltier, Wiard Clel s, rgegiAELES Frio. W AMIE& 1 EDWARD O. DALE, Mee reengeet.. JAB. W. WeALLISTER,fien pre. tem. ODYFIN, Ag=t, .. earner Weed and Third attests FRE AND oe Co. of 'North AMOtiCta 141LUMLPHit. iimiets • :4..'...:..111.500.0•0. Rariferd Fire' Insurance Company. lairiorolection can be secured in the above named and reliable companies. . , WT cor ESTERN IN COMPANY T PITTSBURGH ' • .. S. DILILIGUI, Jr., /Wade... - WM. P. lIERBERT,• Secretory. Mee, Water strict, Strong tr. USIA Aye: house, up stare, Pittsburg (. tassire against aft Notre of POO sad Mortal Rigs. lime iskstitation - wousgedby Directors TO. are welt known In the etraosmaity, out lobo ore deter. sized by protoptnees apst tlber Wy, to naintein the chowder which. (beg base mimosa, as offrraig the MO brotecillol to those rho desire to be (unwed. • • , DMECTOSS . R. Mier, Jr" And Ackley, Jana. McAuley, K ey, Speer, Nnthaniel Holmes, David M. Long Ales. Ifimick; Bees J. Thomas. alas J. Clark, Cargel 1 1 ) 1 1 7. i lrierron, John IL McCune. O. W. Packetoon, rnX/ WM. P. iRBERT. seeretati• CITIZEN'S INSURANCE COMPANY OY/Prrrsuncia—otece, encase Dierks% ondW stet streets, second floor. WM. BAGALElGPresidert. WM. STIMPARD, &Orton , Inserts Steamboats and Cargoes. Inenres against loos-and damage in the no= Don Of the Southern and Western Elvers, and Bayous, and the navigation of the ,Seas. Insures against lose and damage hp fire. • ninnoTous Wat. /14111 CM. Len.Aeprio, las. Park, Jr., Jame. M. Cooper, W. O. Johnston, S. Ilarbsugk, B. P..7ones, J. Caldwell, Jr., Hon. T. .111 L Bowe, John 8. Dilworth, Barclay Preston. Ws : A. Rodgers Georg! liinghtm, de4o-.lyd PEOPLES'' INSURANCE COMPANY WWI. N.E. corner of Wood and FM Ste ETU AND MOM 013IIRANCE. sottorrOsS or And nil °Mee j . 'ors UR.I.firCE. DIE/101 , 0= .51.25a.000 A. P. JONES, Aaeorr.. Dwarfs Buildinp, 81 Wet s&. 1 W. Philli 0111.11 M ps, . CapL Jobs L. Itkoestr, • John Watt, , , Samosa P. Wins, - Jelin E. Parke. O. Nano. Lova, Charles S. Ins;pell, Chutes Arbuek I W. Van lark, , John F. IlarklAteish Jaalee D. Vassar John Olpds, W. PHILLIPS, Pterkleel. . JOHN WATT, Mot Presiding. Wit. F. OERDNEE Strystars. 1ni.4.0 IVE6II3NY ENSURANCS COittPA XY OF PITIEBUEOIL—Otnos, „No. r 4 FIRk strut, Bank Block. Insures anathat all khals, of Ms onti ?tuts' Rua's. ISAAC 30NE3, Prerldrar. JOHN D. WOOED, Me Prerldeal. - D. hL.BOOK, SivrOsity. O . . 011i/ATMI i lasi 4ones, ' Jabs D. McCord, 4J. ~. naty, , Capt. Adam Jaooba, Harvey Utillols, 'B. B. Cant. R. C.; Oran Carra John !rutin-Jr lit. L. NeGtow. B. L. Pahleatak. Robert IL Dtirbi. "NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS,: HADES, &o. ti,,tice Is herettic t. a to all elreers of Deays, Carte, VSITIMS, 'I., whether resident or storbreeldent to the el y Plttsburekto pay their Licenses at tree -Tressuratft ortos ot the etty of . Ptttelbueb, forthwith, is aceordiutee with so Act of. Assembly, approved March SO, leek and an Obit. ranee. of the Councils of the Ottief Pittstsubli, I sued April-ac lest • .Atli.dertees sot pad oft or before May I=l. 'ill be placed to . the heads of the !Adel of froorlttliehlk=tisaWatl"{" " tr t ltA:o l o a r et tr c 4 or teftwi to take sat L ea s e s 'will be subject to • p rally, tube recovered before the *Ayer, double tb• aleonst of the Liessee. • The old metal piste, of previous years nest be r. teased al the time Lignifell are taken out, or pay 2$ eerie therefor. • RATES Or LIC.SE. Leah ass hOtWt. hebtale Cub two bolas . ....... OW L.ab four Lon e . di Eied; two harm hack. , OD Om sod Timber Wiwi. draw ' by . tire hon.* eighteen defiant each: For Beal additionsi law' used Whey ce the axone vehielm, ens dollar. EILCEIRdUId, City Treasurer. PrOeire soit.r.bruars loth. tats. retilt AILEY, YA.ItIiBLL & CO., PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, 4ardai A tiettEstesiociaartetor.• hare constantly on hand *large awl well assort rtoannt rU nTDEANTS, , WASH EAKINS is . BATH TU . OAS V/k TURES. LEH S KE ET . . I, SKEET P LEAD, /Mk warn we put up I • durable =anew st rewantw tde rates and warrant. No. 139 101111TH STREET. Tab*, , ABOVE cARNED PEACHES, PIKE APPLES, &o. MAO DOZEN CANNED PEACHES. TOML. ToEs, PINE &PULES, STRA.WBEREIES; rut The Peaches are fell quart also, of the &nest quali En put up with White Sugar, by the celebrated house 0f../slchardion & Robbins, Delaware, who have nee and have bad for the past fifteen years, the reputation of preparing the best potashes that come' to this market. We have also on band 400 dews Peaches, put sp in Patent Olen Tars, a vent'handsom e a rtile, be big selected of the fi quality. Poi. sale y • zoszen mann * -ice sad CIO Boutn L L0N0,.1 7 :Ag .1041 VON ' Asneas & ROUSE pm:Mu, so. 60 Smithfieldfit, Pittsburgh LETTERING OF ALL KINDS expeate4 protnptl, sod with unsrupused elegem. • BEAUTIFUL 8110 W CARIES on enameled paper or all colors, and GILT SIGNS MOLARS medal. oilier and sent to all parte of the eounta7. PICTORIAL DERIGNB caeentedin 11 - highly er• 11011 SE PARTYING done with a regard to do. rablllty,.harmeny of ooler, sad neatness of Antal/. •-• /WAR work at reasonable rates . middly . IiIELANDEB. WMILDIN4; SONS ~ . • 141* Dimpling Thaw New Storm', 29 North hoot tx» sat. II J itS. IwiUT It PHEGADELPEIA Having been thirty years to thetrade, andlinoW• Ind al - the suannfeatutere In this vicinity, would' sollnit oonelgomenta of • WOOL, ' WOOLEN' YARNS, an& COTTON YARNS, and will make OASII advancer ,: if desired, oa all eliipmentioit the ride of all per cent: per annum. fent:tad - LONDON HAIR'RESTOR.ER, SPEER'S SARIBURG WINI. DR. JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDICINES I.IOOFIAND'S CIERIKAN BITTERS • - - VSVtli BOP& THESEt HOPS, STE:RLINia'S IEMNEDIrei rauxuAL DISCOVERY, . • wissaurs.Puir. tßzz OORDIAF.II44 . . oanstw,ys procu_ms at taw Anarritax. . AND:- Pa=olllP=ON STOIFLE, la Nacke 801u5.% abs ' Orli It. KELLi Fames BL 111, FOE TE1111"4 P 3 901321 30 6° ' - • withoje,bducy toe* • 14/I°° " 9 , l" ' ' mains =atime ' - St. Obasitiret- mos mum -.4M . l!agulmr STEEL. JI BdlL T. MOLIMIOTS alla" 11119 0 1.10140 Ig en kaimiebssai sal igiftetrdi•o ll{4ll * 0111"WillUM SAW M=Ell twnßics. ritootickl. Be B a tintrdit t Oi No. too SOUTH WATER ST., CIIICAGO, Give ipeeial sttattLon to pit knit rUtur, Grain, Provision Sc. . . . . For 'Eastern amount. .8. F. 813118.8 Y QEO. T: BROWN nibeae_ — _— ——.— __ T. C. JENKINS. Commission Merchant, PURCHASING AGENT. .PITTSBURGH, PL. "eider to Flonr. Grain, Seeds, Butter, Cheese, Emits, and all Pawl P./Valet& Best brands Faaw kI.OUR (warranted) always on nand. Also, BMS!) ILS. Prompt attention tires to consignments and eorrespondence. Weekly' PliCe Currents sent to Gonslenors. • Otders,ind tionslignments solicited: selloydsito wait W. mason UERHOIIi & Corner of rpm and Wayne at.. • I flrgiagen's thro.norti,)PITTSRURGIA•rA. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Tor iht ptirehase .OPLAIN of all kinds. Also, reholtsals d r am io BALED HAY. Western denten will find it to their advantage to correspond with' our House, norrehave greater facilities for Storage, and•putingoods Into Oils and Eastern Market* than 'post.° the destine in this atty. Ths best of oily reieren given when required. W. O. PATTERSON. - - ADAM Antalorf. JANES JOHNSON. 401iN StIIILELEIS PATTUSON• AM ON do . Commission Mere/somata, Flour, • f Grain and GENERAL PRODUCE DEALERS, Z.M. 6. AV VOUSTRELT, rITTS HMI (111 foCtf ALES. PI SANK M.BANE ANSER, Commission Merchants, Flour, Grain and Produce, MI SECOND ST.. bet Wee• Wood h. Smithfield, 1147 PITTSBURUIL TOTTRR..J" AI EKM • .rITNrIIILN . II-11111[1 1 . 11 1 1 ). I)OTTEIIAIKEN 1t SIIEPAIND, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, C ♦ND lIIIALNINI IN rowel/in and DoEuestie Emits. near Walter, Chetlse, Ppm, Potatoem. and prtittuee generally. Pr0..19) LIBERTY STREET. lite Passenger Depot. Pittsburgh. tele ()ppm MINM. VIERIVIII ON PAILWI POWNU OUN B. 'HERRON & CO., • latcrare IbrizAss.siLlradattaserehr AND: IRON FOUNDERS, Official:al Sales Rims, testi • No. NS LIBERTY STRENT WIL - KUM LINHART, • ISUCC=I4OII To BL&WEIXIWN & WNULRT, DRALL. TA 3PX-rferCrl =B . fib Cs- N, Peallsiets mid Cream Loam Illeatelstrot. let PY No. re Ltbcrty It, Pittsburgh. 47. 1111.11111 t TAW Godwin. VALSLEY a:: VAN GORDER, Produce and Oomndision Newhard*, Warehouse, No. WI Liberty st., Pittsburgh...Ps. Wholipubsrdeah ors In Bullet, Cheese, Lard Eggs, Para, Baron, &nits, Tallow, Feathers, Brc:o nu, rotates*, Arai. any, inied Frans, Green Fruits 0111001, flour, Omits, °lover Seeds, Timothy Se ' e.' Is, Seeds, Game arst Poultry Particular attention Oren to vinare* Consignments. Jots Pibarce :DUN B CANFIELD, Commssion and anlerch gistLar In Zll im afgr . qal LARD, PORK, BACONi YLOUR, IITSII, &ND PEARL ASSADAVERATIIII,_LIN. SLED Arm waif) LIMO FRUIT, and Produce t nersilL NW U. Ana VI; "siont 1: oa ITTLE, BAIRD-a PATTON, Whole- Orocels andeumnalsaton histatuutts. deal orsVi 17 -tAll t a ti M i l l ifir r U illeit t RAILS, GLASS, COTTON YARNS. awl Pittr butgh manutactates donegallyilis and ttd Second it, ant Pittsburgh. V cet-r oiVi MirAVM LSUEPLRD, . Commission Mer l-. thiade sad dealers In FLOUR, GUAM AND PrODUCE, No. 30 Llbetty street, Pltteburgra Choice brands or Flour for Bilkers sad I. wally ar, trustingly oft hood. Part toular Attention p•14I to lllllog orders for_Merobandlse generally. 0,16.03 r ARMSTRONG, Forwarding sod c...ounaissioe Merabsots. for tie sale of • FLOUR, ORAIN, BACON. LARD, BUTTER, stzps, , Dltirm ritUrr, &IA Produce rener , ll7. No. 15ar Mket street, corner of First, Pittsburgh, Penna. faddr -------- AVBISB WILKINSON. , Commluton lereants, DRIEDers InWitZTERN RESERVE CHEESE,' FRUITS, BUT 'MR, WHIN, (MAINS, and produce geoerally. Also LEATHER iILS , Ars., No. 917 Libeit y street, Plitstruntr. W Cash soy sooessenta assde.. Conslnnmeats j 012421,1 __---.- _ Var. oars TDOO. I?USSLL M. P. BECK& 0. , No. 185 Liberty Street,_PlttaborglgTs., Wholeuts 13.rooere, C.oirimissiou Merstourtkand dealers In LOUNTRY pi:OIMM, PROVISIONS, BWON, LARD, BOTTLII, I.IHEIntE, FMB, he., PRO. Duor, MOOR, ORW, REEDS, GREEN AAP DRIED FRUITS. Sc. SALT sod LIME. igit _IAMES DALZRLL SON, Mannfac u toren bt LARD OIL, and Ihsintession liter. chant. for the purchase sale of CRUDE AND Itk3INED PETROLEUM, Noe.* and 70 Water street, Pittsburgh AdTWICTS made on consign .ss wean • - Or.OZOII A. SIAD 0101Gr6 1117710A1. L misD lINT an GAlt, Grocers and Com son Mercht., and dealers in all kinds of Country 'Produce nod Pittsburgh Markufsstures. No. MS Liberty street, opposite head et Wood street, Pittsburgh. APO' 7. 6771176 • ACTUSA... D. lIATNIZIL It BROTHERII, (successors 1, to Delmer It Anderson.) 'Wholesale Dealers in ,FoRDION PRUITrb,NUTS and SPICMS, CON FECTION-RIFF; SUGARS, FIRE WORKS, err, Nos. 1011 lO e Wool street, shove Fifth, Pitts. J 12947 WALLACE, Commission :I:aeronau t., Dawl Whokasle Dewier in FLOUR &GRAM. .No. 35i /astir street. opposite Pennsylvania B. R. Passenger Depcjl, ayn Picteb and rea ur _ gh, P. reets.. Storage Wareticluse, earner WW Peonst nort-ty • PLIMMATIIICIC" IKIREPATRICK BROTHEII, sue. &Moors to Brown & Kirkpatrick, WHOLE. HALKI3III2KikatS, Noe 19t and 193 Liberty greet, Pittrbargb. S. a. LTOOXTT . .. JOHN LITIUSAT I S. LIGGETT & CO. CITY rump.- .. • 'MG MILLK,.. corner Liberty and Adam Alerts, PittabarSbi Sir Unpanity, 400 barrels per day. apt wm. V. :Alto Z . Rreh i erri E & LANG, Commission L. Dierch... and Wholennle dealers In (MOUE 11Z, FLOUR, OItAIN, ht., No. 321 I. betty *Met, Plttabargh. sel34ly cotta WILBON. c o! , WILSON, ,Wliolesale Ora mission Merchants; and dealers to Produce. sad _Pittsburgh ausnufsetures, No. 156 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.. . iouii bxaeo~. etIiNESE WA.I:I,IIOIIBE.—ILENILY IL tiOLLENS, Forwarding atol Commission Mer chant and dealer in.OHY.b.liE, BUTTES, LAKE FISH, end Produce generally, No. El Wood street, abort Water, Pittsbutub. • tura JOItO a. SIOIMIZ COWART , 0000 L JOHN J. lI,OUSE •.t CO., Wholesale OROO'B WS AND COMMISSION MER CHANTS, cornet w ; Statthllell and Water street, Pittsburgh. , MIME? DALLILL If. "ROBERT DA.IZELL .& su e d .ho title Grw.rs, - chimmiulori Puma ug liferchgnts, sad desists in Produce and Pittsburgh manufactures, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. • -asp. stern 'WILLIAM IPLOTO and 218 Liberty, lames, Pittsburgh. • Jain CHARLES L. CALDWELL, ( auccestor to James Itolmrs b. Co.. PORE PACKER and &Eder .rnovisioris, corner of Mutat and Vont streets, Pittsburgh.' DLIAIUL burrs - • t. H. VOW' 1 - H. VOIGT.I.r-CO., successors .to L .11 , 44. .Ors, 'PRODUCE.AND COMMLYSION MERUKANT,S,,SI7 Marty street, Pittsburgh. BESET LAMBERT..JOBE C. WALLACE r_AIVIBERT, SITIPTON & CO. t Whole A-J . lole GM/Cell and Produce Dealer's, No. II Sixth Arta, Pittsburgh. ,1g (BAILIE DICKEY Sr. CO., Wholesale GI toners Commludon Iderehanta, and dealers In PROW :10i %, No. So Water 'treat and Id Front street, Nita urgh, - • ° 11G.VIDEDGERTON t Wholesale' - 1 - 0. Wooer and Coromtulon Marolnint,lol Wood Street, Pdtaburgh, Ps. fekly -_-- BAGALEY, WHOLESALE Rnoorat, No. ',Moo , * streetpuaburgb.‘ sILVER . PLATE . D WARS 216-INrirraP!!bCPS!*loA,sir..,.' lkii i r.. x urnits6l4at for t" TnAli • o.WM l .WILE & man, 226 ' South 6th" it,. PIELUDELPELL imss. j2iLVERBLL.OLOTHSB WEDIVEREL —noway gooite dad It made, sod JO Warroatoil to Woo ealt.oad tizontoo, them at tbs laMitiabbor Depot, Ao. aaa SSW. ouir skeet. I. &H. PHILLIPS, _ Avol tot oltskel.4' Emir. . • =ERZ EOI a 41...1E—Firlli licit SALL- - A vcry vs:tnibla FA.IOI in Dail township, W catmorebutd 'emintit,'Pl.i containing shoot ISS awee,'well .improved, ani in a high tiara of tultfottion... - Also, a FARM OF NKI ACRES, to Fairfield township, Westmoreland comity. Ps. Improve. menu good . • The land to of the best quality. Cost and limestone in abundance. Also. a STEAM EN JINA for 'awl:Wier other purpose* with the castings,-machinery, fly wheel, sm. The cylinder 'Weise inches to 'diameter and four foot stroke. Two Bonus, ord e r , e tong and St Inches to diameter; all • in good and will be sold cheap. ; Also, a FARM o f 440 acres to West - Whestfteld f ro m Indians couatyi.Ps.,-sboul, three; miles . from the Penns:Railroad- . __ Also, *FARM of tan acres in Uottertniugh town. ship, Indians county, Pa. - . . . . • ' Also, *beautiful FARM of 106 acres, with a mod BRICK HOUSE, with 13 reacts, !tabloid la em 'Lyle, wash.tiouse and bake overt attaohed; a laitprlg house; berth boom, smoke house; a Bag barn, fruit trees bui l t every deseriptiont. and school house upon the farm.' This farm adjoins the vtilagenf Louisville. and is two.aod.whalf miles from the depot at 14vermo re, to Westmoreland county, Pb, on the Northwest ern Railroad. • - • • • • Also, TWO twos ROUSES - Ave Lora in Elimbeth borough. A-A, FARM OF FIFFY.TWO.ADRES in i rig: rrom IS t. P O 111;V:tie dneottutpaboutrit - road: A steam sawmill net:rWoomp e ist l td with al the machinery' for .tieuring Ran on the premises . the land is of .tbe been qualitr, coal arid -RMestorm in abundance, sod good indications of. OM ' Will beisold cheap. .Al so in acres adjoining the village of New. Derryon • the Tarbes% . state of cultic* ' iron, andabundenee of fruit of every . dew Alito,'n FARB:I OF lir !LONM in St Ulair ti firt- ' .star,. Westmeteland county,' Pa.,' en Tub .Idill tneek, about one, Milo from the Penn's Railroad. The imorovements area good frame Renee, and . • large frame Hank Barn. me Also, a small Farm of ssssrman Derry township, Wettruovelaml County, Pa.. near the tine of the Aldo. a Farm of abbot ing *Woe In Fairflonl town ship, Westmoreland County Pa. _•• , , • : Also, a Farm of 200 acres I n Fl'4'llol6 township Westmoreland County, l's. Also, format a k'erm et MS acres M Dorrlr town. ship, Weetmorelsod county, Pa., Immediately 0 the !toe of the Pete/ult. S. - .., • . MAO. one shares of Stock of me claim Ott sod Minton Company of Pittsburgh, Pa ' - For further parkinulara inquire of • G. H. TOWER. Real EEL. AtAgent, ry a .No. 11l Fourth street. MM= YULIC SALE.—In pursuanco an artier of sale, made on the fourth day of Feb. 'MAUI A. IL, rah, by the ilonotible theiudges of the Ilistrlet Court of Allegheny eounty,'Pann sylvanta. the undereled will expose to public axle, at the COURT UOl-16 1 :, in the City of Pith. - burgh, on.TIIUXSDAY, thelith DAY OF NABOB, A. IL MLA at eleeen o'clock L. it, the following dwribod property of the Sharraburg licklifo Corn. pony, to. wit The alone piers and abutments, to. gether with their en purtenaneee, and. all Mat re- paint of the Bridge known an the Sharp.btUg Bridge, erected Remo the Allegheny River, near the Earough of Sharyaburg, in Mistime, eounty, ith ell the rgale, flower v i IminunlUes. guava. 1""4 secs "1112.11'511f. ArfiTcrioN, GEORGE 1111WAHT11, • fri reauestratora of the hharpsburg Bridge Co. NM= -• rALUABLF. • OIL PROPERTY. *lentil tracts of land. &Mayo] to be emollient. terntory, loca onFlahlagureek aud Its trII:o utarlei, Wetzel coun ted ty, West Virgin* "West Virginia Oil Compaq). Are otteml for rale on favorable term. Apply t fereasr No. 21 Fourth st. • 81LIS—Of a very desirable LOT OF GROUND, on the premises, at 11 o cleat, • on W Mara Bth, 1111,5, situate in. the •1114 e of Sbousetown,l 2 oby 2oo feet, on which, Ls erected one Mick 'house, 80 by 22 feet, cm:anteing ali rootespaiso, Ons brick house.%) by 20 feet, cm:o4lE4nd three room; also, one frame - house, containing three rooms; also. one frame bottle, contstnlog two rooms; two Stables and ooh Black smith Shop . • There is a good well of water, sod s serer falling syrinx: , There ls, also, • • vatiety of cholas fruit and ibrubbery. Terms ii t sale. If not sold -le one place, It will be divided Into four lots. feMetwd — F. hIcOLELLAND, Sr. APITA L I CAPITAL! HERE'S TOUR CHANCE ECM INtENEINENT. Oke RICHEST AND REST. DOLL LANDS la Praneileania, haring 3, I, 5, Anne foot ashes of Coal, wlthilis hest sites . for OIL and SALT WATER In the country. Your• Wells are now In operation adiedning thews lands. This trotter! laud one mile east of New Ooltheisnot two ogles West 01blow Drietton, In Roarer county, on the Pittsburgh, Tort Wayne, A Chicago T Coat eau be loaded on =trio's.. The land Is OF feted low, and is worthy the attention Of 'capital. Fulth=l;rs, with' mop, ian, can be aienist.the • • , •R. RIDDLE; tote - • 'NO ise Liberty Street. ATILLUABLE 'PROPERTY FOR BALE.• —One acre cm the Ohio Riker, two mlautee .walk nom Sewickley. Itoum of Ma room' and good . basement, ice house. wails house, mintage noose and stable. Fruit trees and small Malta la *blinders:6. Pride gape. Eyre and threeonareer acres In litcOlitre Town. ship, one _mile Isom .Allegtear. - Uottaga bons' with basement and acme roomy; I um of.grePos in bearing; the balance in UkkW, .PeactinauM-Mwit pluton, and a cartety_of ftnits. Enquire ot • 3. T. SABWLE, Real Stage BMWs mb2 IW Federal irtniet,tthiglaang. gl3 d, . •. - Dos iiIOLLPREL ITTRST, 1865 A. A Wing Armee of Ma - rooms and kitchen ar thLot Het front ea Chestnut street, Eighth* ward. SUM , _ • rA In Brisk Dwelling Ho n of hall, seven gas and water *stuns awl . Lot of ground, o. toe Lonna street SU". - , , Large *Dwelling House of eight rooms and MIRA botheoorn, gas and water eet as te feet frost on Ponst strt,7lllllan WIFE.: - t,4 4 : t ° ' ; . . 3. ClTRli llriar s intsu=. VALTFABL — E7C - 6AL PROPERTY. FOR' SALE..—Situatea in the 14 Pool, on the .Mete.. otgAhrla riser, opposite, the Mine Coal company , works.- Cantatas Moores of coat, hosing three werldng runs, 6,6, and I rect. Also. I acres of opeting or river front, (loop water.) This is without. exception ODs of the cheapest sod best coal properties now reeved far asks. ..roe lota sod price apply to H. XeL AIN e:00.: rehi • tea Fotuilt AV"A It EH° IJ BE i'OII•RENT.-141343 1. R. B. Wereb Depot onee, . now Pen occupied by Renee. greet, ne.r l 7 o PPera• Err Gnat & DIAL formerly by Penn's. Pelt 00., - wilt , be to rent from Aprillst j on eloellent 'Lend tor Flou and Grocery or Oondubeill on end Storm' butinese, Enquire et WM P. DEUX fr. 00., - - Liberty. IsOlt SAM-150 Acres of Coal, also, 120 urea of front ewe in poellin..9 3 emu= track working mike!, and other improvements in goo:deem pool No. Sone treat on the Youedosheup elver And Connelsville Railroad.. Enquire of WARJD , au. lint door w MAI on What street.. vox SAVE.—A. Una of. our LAND, containing fortpseren and tlitodourth a O cres, n The heart of region, of West TIZDUI rble ' lend has aburning spring on ft and all Ws seduce thdlestions of oil. •elll STEEL i ximlammikiii Kati. 'LETZ Warehouse Nos. 66 and 70 Water , at. Enquire. or. JAS-DiZZELL k SON. THE GREAT EXOLIBIEf REMEDY.— six JADES owallass ♦OtOINIYO I.II.OPIETIr OP .Tlll J. B. HUBLY, FOE 6ALi-1100 .111C!IES CELEBRATED FEMALE 'll' IL GS', Peers! from a preseription of Sir J. Clarke, Phydoina Extraordinary to the Queen. This well known medicine is no tin lien, but a suns and safe remedy for Female di • cites' and Obstnwtions, from any cause whatever, and lA. though a powerful remedy, they contain noth ing hurtful to the constitution. To Married Ladies it is perfectly suited. it will, in a short time, bring on the monthly peeled with regularity. Those Pills have never been kndwn to fall where the directions on the 24 page of tka pamphlet are w For full particulars get a Pitrophlet,l reg. of the . Kent. Sold by all Drtnntista. Fria% el Per 1x 41 . 16 . *As United 3tatts Agent, ' JOB MOSEJI,_ Clourtlandt street, New TOlit. Rode postage stamps, enclosed to any outhorised agent, wilt insure dee, eontainiog ever ge bills by return men. amlydblikl3. plTTEasUltOrt FOUNDRY, soil a. ntacirrioa =MI A GARRISON ',co., (Successortrto Batton, amigo*, tr. Otri - POUNDERS . AND MACHINISTS Manufacturers of °billed Rotten of all sizei, for Iron, Steel; 'Bross, plus. Copper, 'Silver, Golf, Straw Boer% Paper and India Rubber Works Milla Milting' of all descriPtiees, Bark ratent Double Grinder, with a vane. trot other patterntialwage on• handand fitted to order on short - notice and taeorable terms. °Moe and Warehotme, fit Smithfield stroot, Pittsburgh EITTERPRISE ATWOOD, RALSTON Br, CO, Manutacturon and Commission Mordants, CARPETINGS, ot Cloths, .ffsitlinga, huge, tie ;6 CEECEITNUT STIMEIT, . . W 444A1l .11.: BROM, . , (Late of the Arg)! Baer !ij •11104.1321 AND-SIGN PAXISAL: ...North r.ast. soma o[ThlN ant litarkotroto, Trrx .. ... .. . .... 0 / I,l : t3FlN f bx" . L.' 7 . • n tAvniorr 1;, Oil ' Redoes ' " dad deaten'ia Pe4io*un,Bettsise. Lund wing sad Paint this. &to wborgriturr Pittah, .„ • . 10 BA GEV MUM 9x4oyint .13ZED. :2 k ! r,tto.:ll+l 4 t ib mte kadtor age trr 16t _,,i1 . 0:Ti.,1# 1,1 !/• 1 i 4 , 01 , :nac• 014; cL; 1 <~ 'TEX COII3IONWELLTII OF PANN -4,1-kg:latintiETotrfritrizigiatieNCVNAn. PANT.. of Mutton!, Coaneotiant, on the Mat day of Decetatt, 1804. FIRST. • 1. Capital Stoelr.—...• 1,030,013 1 oo S. Rumba of Shares of stock eubvelb bedtor....._._._--•Ten Tbouswol. 3. Amount of betterments or Install- ortvfq meats ea Stock paid Witt each. 1.003, SECO NII—THE PROPERTY OR ASSETS ' BELO BY THE CIOXPAITY. T. The value, ,00rfaitihria ' • ' as ahriA by the tiom- • • T. Amount . of Own owitand 'Sind In enks.„ UT 3. Amount ß of Gash dasweit.• Ranh., apeolfying r ed fu in what Ranks, the same 'la deposited 4 Amount of (lash in hands • of Attain and in course , of trenamis.ion ... - . 10,351 .113,1 U 83 5. Amount of Lonna Wow. !red by Bonds and molt.. iltshe Beat rat t at l e, e o n si c' w n dt h there II ien than one ' interest dueand owi n g Amount-.-- of Loans on • which interest has not been paid • Within one 7. ~mount due I.oolp any, • ,on w,hicit Judgmental. Dace been obtide114,••••• ...7 -- - -- .. SC Amount of Stocks own-1 j' ''i wheiter__llis C sn " ; trart !' i :-,. • ' I . e or of the United States or of any istoorpOrsted City of the United , • . State., or of any other 1 I. desciipUon,9pcolfying ' the number of shares and the par add the . otarket 'ralbe of the sTeron• An - 0.1106;71; iroccowv, viz: • : - Par value. Market value. 511 Miami Hart... ,- 1001 Bank *took, Bart- • - ford.. -.-- 451,101 00 - 075,625 0 0 470 shareoPhoe. nit Bank Stock, fart (Ord .1100 VA 60,710 Do 10) shares Con - necticut Ri ver-Banking Co. Stunk, Rentford .... 5,l:Cn 01 0,000 Of 200 Nntional EXChsone Book. Ilart 10,D 1.0.0,D D 0 0,000 co II" 11'n OT Hart . lOrd county, •Ilarl 0 0 t 0 ..- 7,5n0 ot. * 0,154 - 60 MD Charter Oak . NaVnal Ilk Stock, Se ford a 20,009_011 21,910 (Y , 260 For channel' Die cannel , Bann; Hart too 225.1(00 (031,110 06 15) ; Bier , n o l o ' for kr 15,0 m oa l ow 0 0d . . 01 Lionel Nat. • ; • Lionel Bank liartlord - 1.1. 1 00 OD 16,100 OD 615 Af.te• Bank Stock, Batt ford 31.10) 00 15,030 00 108 City Bank, • • Hartford... , 20600 00 23,711 00 No A nnerlo•n . Ilatallsnge - Bank Stock Now York .., 20,006 00 INN/DOD . =Bank of Oommeree, New York... MAO OD MAO OD 300 Importer* & Trufers' 13'k . . . Stock, New • York.- . 101600 00 33,00) 03 MO Bank o f **** ractica St'ki • New York... 30640 00 42,100 00 900 id an t Man • Co. Sk, -New York oc :. 10 , 000 00 ' 14.110 61 100 Mer °hoots' , .. Bank Stock, ' New 'York.. 16,000 011 16,100 00 200 Ocean Bank -.Stock, New York 10,000 OD . 0,800 s 200 Union Brualr. Stock, N. Y. 10,000 00 12,300 0 5 ; 100 Bank of N. ' • Airiertra Stk 71 ew York.. 300 111. e t r °pon t+. ri Bank,N. • Yprk .... - .. 2) 000 CO 123,100 00 200 Fourth' Ns.' ; • : • -- Nona Bank, Now York .. 10,000 09 20,100 00 134 BI a ckatone Nation*/ bpa, 901 a 1 ...... 11,40 0 60 14,333 00 100 Baitaboesa .. , dterce, Bor. ".. '' son •" • 10,1100 Go - 16,1CW00 10 Second Ns. Most Bank, ston 11;100 DO 18,43218,432 10 10 Su Bo ffolk No - Lionel Bank, Boston.. ■ .. . . 1,000 OD • 2,000 00 160 Nati 01 a 1 • • • 111 d• and Leather B•k ' Stock, Boa- . . tou-.....'- " 10,000 00. a. 10,710 00 UV Atinat.taWk 1 2 10 4. - B.e . '' toe.:..- 10,000 00 tipco Do 100 Fimid- k irst ;N Banat. t, • , BnetOn ~ * lO. OOO 00 UM" ISO B:1011:::..n'10,030 00' lt - ,XIO 00 MO Bank of the . • . ' ' State ofltli- , , spud Stock, - • St. Lonta..,; ,111406,_ 00 1116001 0 WO Me r Manta. -...- •,.' : ' Bank etooki ;;••••• - •*-- , • , , .SL 1.0010 . 13,003 00 01600 09 51 Mete -Bea ' . • - of Missionain - - . - Stock, DM- Waukee VW 03 1,800 00 120 Croon Bank - • Stock, Al _. &pa .... .... misoo cu. 1.9 000 00 20 ntont rea llon. lSk Stock, .tieal 16,100 0) 14,300 00 103 Fixer • 00`ny • Stock 13,000 00 • 3,e05 o 9 1 0 ottorsettent ~•• . . , Hiner Ball- . road Co I.oo' lo 2 , 120 00 170 Bartfotd .9- ~., , ~_ : - ..,, ~. New liana ~ -• • U.S. C 0.... 18,000 oft 10,450 ' a 'resoles...* State Stock. . 4 per teat., payable 1192. 20,000 00, 1100003 . O alif orals Stole Stock, _ 1 per ant: . . . I lar, 18n 60,000 00 soma ao Ohio :gra: . Stock, 6 per , Me papa- Me 1100 • 16,000 CO 15,461 00 City and Co . .. San Francis. • , co Boons, 7' - , pet eent..-. 15,00 , 00 .93,160 00 35 Hertford city Bonds, Ur. 0100.1 25,000 00 37,6°0,00 Mltartfori 00 ' New Haven . R. R, Sonde, 1. per tent., 1671 C-, ;.-t». - .. 10,00 00 11,169 CO U. S. Bonds: • . (CnD011) . , per O cent, 1881 19,000 01 191,490 00 I n lie S iill i le o = 6 tkr Cont., 1881 .. ' . . S U. S. 33isi 1 1. ...).0 °u- P°D :. } .l.so,coa ao . 103,605 00 U. S. Minos ' • Otoristered,j 6per cent.... 00,000 ov 109, 0 00 04 11. S. Debt.__ Certificates.. MOM 00 48,750 . 00 10,000 00 1 0 , 600 (P) ' '111.218.450 00 41,419,687 00 1,119,03 7 03 9. Amountll of Stock held.' by the Oompany lut MI. -.. lateral Security Mr Lonna, with the amount locoedon each kind of Stock. Us par i and Am het value. ----*** LOSee OD personal- nee- - ~. -' . rity ......t.., Interest and mote seemed - . rah a Jedeury t,l/36).... I.orAmount of Asment. . on the Stock of the. Com- party' called pa, dne and • . ' 11. A ino u iTi...;;E premium Votes due a nd unpaid.... --.—. le. Amount of . ..Interest on -. _, . *lnVestmenta panda . by:the - - - Oom_pany, die and unpaid. --.... . • ' Total - A sets -.. /1471,155 a TRIRD—TILE LiiiiiHrEs,,cs Txc cox , 1. - Ateount el los/endue and Z. Amount Of dap claims for . ' • ' - 'losses which mein suit'Or - ' • contested by the,Company..sl,9 9 t li a. Amount of losses during ' - - ' the year which have been . . 4. Amount of loses daring • the year, which have not .. . - - :bee It tattled, [see an- ewers to queetionedd and ~ . } 5. Amount of lealles Oaring ~ ~ theyear, which are con- •„.. - --. . '-. 2 • 6. yea rm of poste. elleieit, the r, rpottedlo the Comeau)* a nd not , acted upon,. and I pmeess of ath 1u5tment.......... ..... a1.,331 da 1. Amount of the dividanas ' .drelartd. .—.100,000 00 A. Amount.of 'Dividends do; Glared dile, and unpaid.... 11,414 93 9.- Amount of Invidenda (either cash or script), de. - • - - elated and nut , yet due,' — . ...7 , .. 10. Amount - of Money bor. - ' totted, and the nature amt. , , ---. _ere - punt of security_ given. ..r---.„ 11..Arthunt of ail ether es. - Whig elaima against,„ the • 1. , . 0a m peril. ,eoetssaea er . .....„... , •. d end,.. ****' .--.* : ; ' .: :---- -... . . ' ;.VIAIRV.II—DfOOND Or: TIIE coxrgrx. I. Amount of. Cub _Prel*.,_,..• _.,. - • ~ .., trots reee1vent......... , fluNlTaag . ~ , I. Amount a:greaisti. . .. .. ... , ..,..... , . .ule_ I, A mount Pre ~ -..,.. ea ned...........0f..... 03 ~ -; -- ....''.--,- 4i AMountotlnterest MOM Weeteltate lat the . Clete- .' : , ,•:. '-'7..;-..1..., 1 pany, ,-- .;,,,, ...",--,-,-- .5. Ame net. 01% - l/lefeeo Of -*-.' .-,” ' ' -- I+ , - ',-daci. ool nPlifq_s 44 , ....P4. WAS ii.;101. 01 0 1 .1... , .... : -- --- . muLADsvPLL • . Fl Fin—TILE la t• us - a ss --- . -- 3, ...sstos PAN T.. do f. ' r esonot o f otus . 03 e•os tho l uff,73s 2. Amo - out of losses VOA • dorlog• the gess, whiles se- • ertied prior to the gest 17.451 It S. - 11 mount of which ths loss es were estl•Asteil tn fatst lament, WhiCh <l'o paid .lufing the . 2eBr•• • f. Amount - paid inA oleic; for te.lnsussose prowl- I - 01 • 111. 3. I% II 5. Amount of. return 19 i• ••• • - Wl6O, whether gstil unpaid. 6. Amount of distdezets 00 during the year —.. '121,4t8 1. Amount of esp.. , polo dwillig the 03 in cluiling-SnlntirsanOuni. toSad Fees pole • to 17,0 Agents mud 0111 ' • sets of the Compluai 127,6!= 8. Amount of taxes psld Cornflour.. 38 5 105 74 9. atiniinsit Of Mt' Other FA. - Pe 01 the C0n5fiany.....„....---; 40—: . t. AmOunt Provirsori Notes originally tortoise . the capital oldie Ocohytior., ' 2„, Amount of said Notes belt' •-• by the Coreporir ht - Ptit . .'„ , whole; *l*thlt =Paid ' ' '' " • * . thereof - • '1" 3 Act ot.. Iheorporoests ""*SI !"eCa6 77111 1 tV; 11:4 ' ~ PEO:Jt. ' 4 4 l °, , f r orf r ,lLt.B74- o ;;:";streei, L. . =WI Asiletor • • ititt Oft, THE NEW YORK•AND LIVERPOOL. .IP*trolcisi:22. Ch3a:carraisa.37... ORGINUED UNDER TUE MINING AND MAX-, INACIIIitt.VG LAWS.' OP rag StA'rg ' - • 'OF Ni.:ll' yomr. . -• • oArrrAL, Oix Ittri.uott Doixtom OZIE HITS 611E . ° Tnovsarip inti.e.m. do rrx AMILIIIIIIIOIT • Goveintnent Sonde and neenvittion Taken in Payment 'for attack: *. N 0,24 EMPIRE BUILDING. _ • No. TI BROADWAY, NEW YORK. POST OFFIUE ADDRESS, WT. No. 6,414 N. Y Hook DANIEL. S. 111.0KINSON. President. W M. T. PHIPPS, Vita ?resident. • '- ROBERT HASSETT, Secretary. • 111711 TIS, Main .thapariateadeat, _Titus. ATLANTIO BrollaWlif, Tstaeury. - -• • The liens or the ComPeny five now product:l* PrOopectui ieni to any addresi on appliention. Pe meat for stock may be made In dream, regiv• feted cotes or flovetument Loads, and secues.. which bonds vaid . sectiritiffe. will be taken attheir - Remittances tnnyheaddreosn market value. i 'to the L ClOnipanV, 'P. O. Bon fica , ls,lGel New York or to anltatic Bank. TleillUrY of the New,,Yoric and Liverpool retmleace • toopany, Ns:: prostiniy, York Olt o . New • The fo lonring ipnrograPbn.ellaL a f it a fell . Clear accountof the operation , of thin Freiyentas.' neat to cry address onappiteatlon, containing a tuft end c'ear novount of tne open-, tions of We . , . , Wont Surieensfol Petroleum illeinigiMMY. II tinbithuqi.l.e.ViijitiifaiiiitTt. THE GRADIVO A. 1113 PAVING •OF 474 t..• sac,i. rant enicied ey the Seled end Common Comer Is of the City of :Allegheny, end ft fr Acreby orddintd out is by the sane. .• That. the Committee on Streets be, and they ate hereby so. thorised and dlrecteitto • invite and receive propoi seas for the grading end peeing of Tremont street: .Second Ward, from Oklehrents to Wand - Luse . or city line, and le centrist therefor with the low• Stag- best bidder , or bidders,ht of discretion. That for the purpose of de[ yin' the cost and expenses of the said,improrements, there- be, and is hereby levied, s epeeist:taxi to be 0 41 41 /^ ly guessed upon the seieral lots hosindlig bed' sOuttingnpon Mesabi street ritmkettVeir. in Pro . portion to the feet front la themrespectlrely eons." prised. and bounding and abutting as stomata. SEC. 3: Twit a* soon as the toll s nd -expenses- it : said,lmprovementt *MU be y liseertlined, eMH be . the duty of the Street Oomintoloner , to. mails "tad apportion the Same aniOnare 'leveret iota bounding and abutting Wen Net ' • spectirely, according to.the role theme indicated,' '- • and theteupon primate make demsna andeollect the same, according to ) theTrartsions of the hot:. Peer.)General Ahounby of the Commonwealth of irants., entitteit, , rdat - Act defining the man- - . ner of collecting the expenses of f - inc of the Wreets and alleys of l a d ti r ty . o legheny and.for.stherarposesi v -Pelem." -the thk s - dew STIC. 4. That so much of any ordinance ea may ,congSt with, or beiroppintd. bY the fortheingibei ' and the Lone Whereby repealed. •. - • Ordained awl enacted Litton Jaw this, Om wooed day of rhtsinb,..trutbddreeloo, - one , thinumni eight' '.l hundred end sixty-dire. •• • • ' JAMES MAIISHALL 513105 DRt M, + ~.great. of CommonConneti..• • ' - Attest , : ,- r_- bgeoFERHOIV., - •-•- • Clerk of 'SekinConnelL • • - NL-IIIeGONWIOLItAk.n • -.9111r Ormon,,Tizrov Costinsseirr 117 riuneurnreme, / , :./ Welinwrovoir:.D.C..fdareti4,lB6l, 1 - , t,l , i, ;,/ i ' FROPOSALS FOR FLOUR--SEAtED PROPOSALS, is duplicate, are UMW until - ' KAMM 11th, at Li o'cW.k ill., for furaisidad `! the Subsista Denartment THRzErno xe usalry (30Co) EELS., OF FLOUR:: , ), The proposals will be for what 1W kaolin at, this .• - , Deprit as Not. 1, L and 3. and bids will be entertain. ed (or any quantity less than fire whole.• . _, ~ • +.. ~. Bids mind be in duplicate, ami formai gra de en • - sel.hartlisr,Trgtepvi.,,t;',- - ....sii.ii ,, diti. tiro days from the opening of the bide,. delivered in each quantities; daily, as UM Gov.. . 1 _erronent maydheetredtherattneGovernmerd are.: house inGeorgettrwm at the wharves of rail ro ad _ 1 dekot in - .. ~ •, „, •Trie delivery of All Flour awarded to be- eomplet. ed within twenty days from the aceeptasoe of the -, raiment will he Mede'in inch rums is the Goy .° ernmerit may here for disbursement. ', ~ •-,, • '.. The usual Government inspection will 'be made ^ z just before the Floor fr esh and none will be 1 • • . emoted which is not ground, and made from , wheat ground in the vicinity where nuinufactrired„ unless of a very superior quality. . : , • .. • 1 node to be delivered in new, oak barreli, head' , =, - c'• An oath of allegiance mast acenelpany the bid ', ' '' • of each bidder who hoe not the oath onele in Oda ' ODIN, and no bid wili•be entertained from partner. who have previously failed to tomplrelth their bids, or from bladerenetMeeent to respond. • . r Government reserVes the rigid to reject , soy lid Bids to be addressed to the undersigned, at No. " ' *M 0 street, endorsed sProposels for MOW! , :" . - •, ' rakedd E. T. Bfri lei-Er3. Capt. 0,5,1 r. , • , t AN ORDINANCE for the locating of drays and other vehicles. - , • ,,, ~ Sam 1. Be 0 ordened and regard by Me Mayor ~, Aldermen end debase of Pdrebargh,: , en Stier-en d - e Qom= ComuilterewsMed, and Unieerreyenected by. . . snaps - fly of Me seise That. from end after the'prie. ~ $ sage of this ordinance, the Committee on Streets - i stud have the rower, and it 'hell 'be their duty, to , "5 , designate t oth er or streets-Ms w hi le onibuses, ~ spring and wagons may stand waltiag, , •., roe: liminess Or passengers, and also to designate , -E-• the places where wagons loaded with - hay, sad . 4 straw maYid a nd, and any person wing any arrest , '‘ .1 other than the one designated by seliiPaussaitteer ~ , 'hell pay for *ash and every offerise,• One Of ! , five, ollars, to he , collected -as other " Ones are: ",*' ' now collected by law. , Sec. 2. That all ordinances or parts of °M . asa , , 4 c es inconsistent with tuts be widths same is hereby •• - , Ordained and enictedinto a law this 41th day of ', ' TAMS KoADLEY,' • ' ' ,- " ' , i Preeldent' of !titled Connell. ',* • Atest :E. S. lEonnow, , , .Cl , - Clerk of Select Council. ' ' ' 1 _ President - of Comaien Coma. Attest: Evan Zoldairran, , Clerk of CommOnCocutelle =P0c037.687 oe MEE Atf.ORDINANOR fog the disttibution the' Aarterlation to: the Fire Department tor;' the year lie ordelent cod enacted tor'ths (se ams Mayekr,'dge:„ and tittle/se Pilfsborph, :sgees mug. Cowie* lawmaker,. and it tohererip orOinetr did enacted by. StlihorUy the4attie,,That - a the =Ong" .. heretofore appropriated by gonnoila to Fire • tlngit'4llVatr:"' d triartfe b itoll i o d e:_ ,, the followhig Companies,vl2.l, TALL% Pasgsra, Eagle, Allegheny end , lefi and that rs.a the same oppropriation the stun of threehtualred , :dollars shall be paid to the following Oanisiti s^ companies, Tim independence end - good:intact; - and aU ordi nausea er parts of ordinances ementeti IC: 0 herewith, be and the anusherewith, are herebigePtam• Ordained and enacted into a Law In 001ther; - •e -'Pith day of F.ebruarp - 6.1) 1866. - • , e .11tota7 stili Preeident of sales!. Ors • Cllgrk ogsdoctooenat: •••• President (4 thystnes Attest: noon Worderrres, cu. oter)cat Comzion Co DEPUTY. 9NARTER.M A t31.:B11, fi EY ALI ' U YfiCrE" atiich 2, lab RIM. PAL, .1;000 . Aidil tr Y WAGON'S. Sealed Preppie's will be iseelved at this athee until 12 o'clock. N., the 11th oar c. KABOB, bilk. for the fleliverr of Ono Thousand Wagon, Pittabitrith, Pa. • ThsseWagens are to tre made of .woad and built se per spielftestiolus, which ea* he a Bids will be received -for twmatrtlve asestri• and must state the time tlu7 will be delirium:. Proposals must be marir ...Proposals for Asap.' Visions? , and addressed to Lt. C I)eo toe ',4 rmniold m r . esafolle irs half the amount Of the mist: 6l 4 6 ) - sleet , Iwo '. good and suflident.lloB9/1Willt: The rextersigned reserve to himself tbe rfl l :_int_ . l/ : 6 661 Tritre t E 6l l l : l dit 662 triima tl' i le s m elAttilr centred, 00 soon theteefter the endlestlpti ithallbe inland:aor -hut 0.-01198.1 AL w yL shad .: .. Lieut. 001. anti OstratY NOTICB - = - TO' KAY CONOEILW.-inds is to nottfr yos,that„ 3 1.04 aOrdeeee with an Ast of Assemble oreseetelnif Ueda- and rowers to the Olt rof Pitteb - - 2 1ON proveVanuary 5th,1144; the Olt, Besnlator beg hied in my Oleo a list of ameuments Oa OP% 14.nd et. eoestrudieg, a sewer an OrawLerl Asset, the Sixth Ward, and tibterelAusisentssair. Is doe sot parable at the Otto ts _samorePASlThlb , wiihic,adevs ilrea the lat eKsithril t • .•ar - erg - tre: 11101 / 1 1 that 010,111- 5 4 " CI" • it. lire - seitlprlllehtlil Alen ww " . L .I4I F - 'e 4 . . . _ . 4 C:=;;• I ' 3 A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers