& •. NiEf;. nm9r4ll.a . s latLiaNett. „at r,d'• ; • . • ty'• -.71117.A.1%.i'TED.- l'.3llT4cER.;t-With ! thluta., 'CAPITAL.- - • .” A #Ew PSTERS .111.011. -1, 1 - • '::••• Thftin'Tint:u-obuipmOsLitloPZ"..Zrig."‘9?..76.l.4", • • " ••• itZlaw ,l - "if, W. CiAr.,...rt ()rms.. 4 . 4 ._" WAN BY , Alcauxq hu"nias rorzz - _ .:x ' 'vni leiwiii.ltary eor 'lgoe Ilotise. Is stoat r t i 4 wilalfttYlni....ke hlcasrtf geol . aliyttse gm ful : , .ctro 17).„, . i.. , Boy Mi t P Ait:raittii-::l7oifiti-1 :Tian! .7;. t Airlit,, .wit memivenwl,744:!l4'gre,tifix9sPit-7;., •"kiexa—'4,7:--- liertlettlerit IrerAddress MO I'. 1:- '-. '''':- 'Atter: Bksworc. aut.. J . :,. . 451,0,..r r i OnDiss .&- nioNrit— . Agents '''' ' ' l ' ' ' - "TY' Amara/here, to Introduce the:riew sE7j , prisgsit"Dollar ramify Snoing,ifedthse, tho 'rico raer.bina 11 the , oeautry wldels.ls iteresed - 1 ' l74:frover fr. Baker Whetder it Wllsoa„, Howe, .._.' -. BS ogorA Co.,and Baehr/der. , Wary sod expttsm tor /ergr• =ands:lons allowed. -AU other now'srold . for- /MS than. forty dollars/auk .'.'„ '. '-• .-...1 . Allyzn .Clectkand the Sallorand tutiiu tra Et towa - .loaatora mia... aassnd4.!T X Ol l, Er4LE- - ;40li -REX?. sAL _ " an t°66l n o , n R t .. 17 -,:ar 3 i v nir ureet, awe - tsimy. rot - Wlllt r ail "d itt °49 4114 "' d° " .. 1 091 oz 69 !edam! 4re4t. VOX - BALE.—The THREE i STORY . DWELLTINCF - 7101186; Itto. 154 ~.., • otty_street,lnrl.oll Row.' TM:ohm:tie Congtax all thif trArdern lapravements; and is sUPPlielt with =newt, en4Ay~tet of tOlt BALD—NAERMING (OIL LANDS. Hb scree el' valuable oil lands, on Maloorillig ~. .",121+ekaest ?.beneburg . Mid to ' the' atelghteirtioodt Of the'ctiebtated Ftrarbride sap Simpson Wine. Oa this land ere- two Welts, one er which - to Mew ,Milian 'Oll, and the other faintly down- . Thle •= - ..r. propel ty I. known AS the “litiite ^rm,u;exid will be sold et it 'bargain: loquiroof • ROLT: y 71. 4 •1., Jop,DIOIi.IXt-ell street. . . ."; F OR RENT.—,A DW.ELLING_IIOKSE, ienttlslVny",t".llar'le bece4ti rgoHallw i y;ltc Zoarfy. l t :t o n tt lreter a ontatrlPotroom. nsjit _ u r c ortl;:. fitly yzde:rabgrriz,ztorill2Olgtcl,re: thf e rm keit, or at FOR SAL . E--A - utirc FATPAI, .. , ,,-.L'cf.tbirty-two orris, ou the rust bank of -the • Iffonono.bella - 111ser; este below ' , Elizabeth ToWn.wltA good house'afribarn. • Abundance of fruit of best• sot ietiet Over an coo of coat: 'A Springorescellent water .fir .every , soltusit and is good state of cultivation. .• - Enquire of , DU. STEPIEETT, 're t20:11 • ,err Penn street Volt =AALEL-011."..-TERRITORY.—A. . very valuable F. , ..R.lll,Pttuitted oblideirre crick, •3(1 - 0Nreept., , fibre; Gl:attaining-175 acrettEn acres Adeartil and [betel:Wader Is timber bind or the drat quality: Tide burin hu a It tbo feet deep with it_lrod. droll. cats wittrbr of is mile 'of th e ammo= rimer, Pad 3, 4 ,1( miles of 211e1roa: bellerille.Oblb. For further pprtioulers addrem tOr-'212 Maßettbett. . ~,..,.Fou'siii4Lifnt iiirtvp..l :, • • ' 7 -- - . ' . . • • . , . . . 4 BRUTE ROUSE, Nuts srx nooas; , stable, it 4 eifth three aerea eitern , ,ipnc,l lehard_ , and water, aituate4 la Pitt Unleash p, 9/I ° Frazte hi street, about thirty rods from Passenger Railroad and Center/creams. App.'tc l t • . , ' . No_ 151 4ibertyatreet. Two Brick:Houses, azia. the ttther of Sli It • ..Seats Pie. 1.33 Elms 6th wa rd. tuktheersestitulars'esmulre r_ _ • - 7S. A.AI:I STEWART, • lassktf •,-••At Phelps, Part A 00.'14 7 a..."210 , 112, • . . . . 'TOR BALF.,--FOURTELWARD;ALUE •, CIIIENY :CITY" PIiOPERTY.-Wo. ate on, thorn") to 101 l the lot situated ea the east old. of Goodrtth street, at Ili lataandlcut will the Penn= •arj . branla Omni, to the Fourth Ward, Allogheor, 'l l Tlffelt An 111 1 Ir k t e47 4,70 1 :1.1Z1.1,=. w e ' :.ll ` , and two arc two ators.ontatsdog foot now* oink. ••• Will be told chez or traded for good oil stock. , ten • & Bd_ILEY, Within. HalL . OR SALA , •• ' - • s .002a0.141:1'SB O[ ltiaitvonsrithili call* • tau vitiates otthe etroat'eara, la.whower..: flood water and even , thltV n toraleat. , Patinataa given Image= . For • *P9I tOJcstraPaaz,77.lPaderal or at Thmaes Wataapho Beaver street, . BALE. - :_ d : very: desirable tires story thick Dwelthil House, with o two steel heck buildint -the .whole oonttining t 4 roomi situate- Di the borough of . litOni.h . :lgbant, new the . Piesenger Rallersg.: .4112,2, s three story 'Brick Dwelling lowa eon. taintegeigtt rooms, adjoining the stews For torther pattlettlors enquire of G.ll. TOW.. . - £,RylittalEdete Agent, N0:166 Fourth it:, bunker ADZ lIST , SAINON, .Esq, Bing/ohs= ,~ ; ~~ y 4 ~' M'~. ` S. ~. WOR Shait.BEATITIF.III, COUNTRY •••••• ,, SEAT.—Closustogofisgwmssstoo of Stereo • toests,l3l3l _hod let• modern' st *suable mantles; Modes,. wrings'. •wittr-strumo Work, wood - work-twk • grstrat, Lads: skuttartl, porch frost and rear; also two d i, r c ;rtictoss, severe acres of ground , plantot • teskr •att4 Emit Trees, ..;...some of them beldam ono- greperi, wllt pear ::writyowl aore ground reedy tripburt. • • , •The nhOTO' to co the Haskins Turetplks, two saUterloarAllestreny Crlty. lute; plonk wall- frost tome tWtitattoa Stews, sad ?courage? Bait road. Also, flowstlghborkood mud. •• • - • ~P laryof bOtkitzl•east be wont my ofllesk. ;•• • *Maw St. Clatr'street, Pittsburgh. . . SHAT PEUCI HTF4II: RESIDENCE 7. -KIIOIIII mounT BOPP; at•Woeda /tan. (new . -.emoted by Mr. Wm. P. Beek.) the former real. • dame el Wre.. Leaky, deceased.. Brick Manse of Lt !tonne and cellar, well and. =gm /wen kar% An.; Butt trees of all kinds, grapes, &e.: fivrEEN ems of land,"embreelng • tta equerry she, Notepad Hews the Ohio Riven Man cheater, Mtge; at the L am le= of the hlanehmter street ßailway and Wood's Btu) Station Fitts. Ft. W. & C. &B.; oaly_ten minutes lido tiy. the Litter from Federal at. Station. Farther . particular* and Wine maybe had 'of the 'satoterlter any day front 7to 4 o'clock at hie mean° "brio, cm Webster et., .. opposite old'Ornhan Lose m. Allegheny City, or . ..sn the reeding, st his at Wood's KEIII, ittiLLL . - ROBERT 1.1. LISOST.• ~ ;, 4 - . , • -4 • 1 ... i 4 ,; " .:::••••• COAL' WOREB FOR BALM—Th(74[lb: withers off* for sale the valuable mid well • 5 ' VIE vslotain collar OF PITTSBURG% BRIM , " on the IllattulaPthele /liver, one and a half (154) miles above Mostozgabela Otty, and contain. iny 109 saes virtue, watt Bakers t coal • - vein (041 tive and one half feet: , The Bulk a la -fulmeration,_n Once,,llent repair.. Dwellings foti=ers, 40 Pit and id' necessary improve. la n d ings Le river front. with one of the bat -. lad ou the river. ,The surface landmltably suited for a vineyard; a portion or the is well . -.l.lmbeted, the balance Is highly cultivated. • This property will Le sold at a bargain, byapply. • ixdooon to- - - ,HOPrata BEIHeItT Utt, • • • No. le Water Street, Pittsburfh. Pa. 'F OR I:3A_LELLOTIS ECI.THE EIGHTH . - wAltD.—Thetuaderalgrusd as Guardian or ths minor children of David Greer, deo'd, otftra for sale the following vacant. lota In the Eighth wad, our of rituburgh, 2 lots on the corner of Ma. flee and Forbes streets, 20 by az feet, being - lota Nos. 17 and 13 In sold Greer s, plan, recorded in Plan Book vol. 1. page 171 1 tot 'on boo= street, - no by a,i.4 feet, being lot N 0.133 in Said plan; 19 lots On Marla street, 00 10y61% feet, belog lota ni to 101, and 103 to lii In said plan; 6 lots on-b lebroy street. 90 by Slli feet, being Nos. 720 to Vi.to said plea; end 3 10to on 1.110 cornet of Ittagee nod strrets. 90 by 100 Ace! ng , b l e t Lag t ros..j4l, t lA3 1,19 ri l ts n ere fl . 2; building m' O ' n ' l 117 , x; our Very valciable for 31 - one sits. , gunnies. They' will be sold separntely or -all together, and on easy Ulna payment. • . J. W. F . wart's, - VOA SALE-4,0T13 IN ALLEGEMTY triTre-The undershpled . offer for male the 11171 y where Mrs. FORD now Urea on Pasture 11egtkeny city, adjoiedtfie abou t of John Tenon. Xt Ilea a trout of 2O feet on .I'nature tone and extooda bock' about 400. feet. R' is a part of .John (Y/leruNi plea of Mount Relle4 . recorded llook v01..1, pig° 11, and mattes. tee helots of said plea, being • lota numbered 6 to has a comfortable frame house', and the grounds are planted with good frcdt traca,_lho. It could be divided Into several good building lots, or,' if improved as a a bole, It would make a delltthtful readdener- •It la offered for sale as a whole, or la . separate lots to cult purehaters,..und the terms of payment' will be made- cosy. Ponca:on can be given on the drat of April uext. . - • . - Safettr. int Firth st. • - milt? RE-STCiff' ~RSALE=TCstLargeTffR EE•ST - CinY BRIOK DWI.I.LING HOUSE, N 0.99 Fourth stunt, Pittsburgh. Possession nivon on the let of Aurti rams. Enqntrn " JOILN W. RIDDELL; Attor , Kt' , ' No. I= Fourth area: inonr GOODS. XCI: Irli6 01 , ,JEAft 8 V. aAER...23Av Lt. 2r..coma:as 4 161. ILSON, CATIR & CO., -, . . (7.1011 , 11/71210E. rams a C 0.,) Wholesale dr_elers in Fo.lll2Grt A.Nlil:lo3lt3 TIO DitY 6001).3, No. 94 Wood street, third house shore Diemlnd Anon PlittheiXh. apt! -..IIeATON,ASIACRIThi CO., WC a rii falazMlti.MANl Lion, Nos. 19 sod 19 Fifth irtreeng="crip7 IVIACRUDIGLYD4 Wholesale and Retail Der.krs In YA141.37 AND STAPLE DAY GOODS, TB.RatINGS, Esc.; No. MAirket • - taiort; betreen DiAnuistfl And: FOurt.h. P.l4abrich.-: 31.:13IIIIVEIFIELD, 'Whol It And. -ritl••••Deatri in STAPLE' YA__TAII/ Itt DOClAVNortbilitstirper Fourth we.. figitreete;rittsburiza. . ' TOSEREI HORN,E, Wholesa:e axed Retaii V • Dealer Sr all kto a of Tlllll.l2EfilS, Dar .43cenz. it. 498.77 614 79 41‘. . • 'I>LTTSi fiii- ci l ; -I TZ S.II E T E;4 .YEII - Lz,:rze ZlAwmasrv. Wx. IT vans mos. • . Farovoll Ernello4 Mr. nad:AitasSlOUtstlOJ.K,. and lostnftwout ono of thtir [ruff brillisot on. nrontideek os Lbke - Ftbldlng' rxta CouldOck , as Rose ThL.4 EVENING; bo pre:agate.% titi ower i.oinahrsioroo.tin - nnuno of • • . MO. c'opae. • Luke TieLlinn Tre.-00nidook. ' Done, his d..ughter • ' ''ltutlautdook. (The entlre - ennpanyia the teat.) . To - conclud.,sisk . - .1/1E ZW43IIWAI/FS' and Trek - eau Bunn:man dinghies inllkappaan on VARIETIEti.; . 6 .B24 .if l ierxi "Tape r :. mans: • , . CaaratraroanAT a xr.b, cObleilLan and vocalist. Continued success of the IONOADE FAMILY; Ms! ADELAIDE NIXON EYELIKE LLsrairr. A splendid Optonsstie Troupe or . Eight pp iforaf £m 1 New Dramatic Company I Lau able Negro , tuns. bone ' te. 11)°7,11 with /411 FEOLIOSOWA•MOZOEET '- '.eur—ureat bill for Saitird eri la • ' CONCERT 4::errm coxvx..-sr- ConrielaeLsig Nrouday. Feb. a 7. . . . The Certer Zcittave Trourie, EERGER FAMILY.. . ANII -1 7 0 UNd.lktiliAl* *RAO; . Id - , . • The above welitentOi setnelonteesifol Boni of performers will ,ve ez Aeries ef-tbetr ponelar Ind .Tensing enttetalotoutA as sleeve., _ Their pregriamtoe , AmAkient a ho lier of 4111ter• out, sad One, weltid , ier, dtveree nttratittoti, ;to. eluding RAILid and Opera Mule: The ballet 1,1.1 Comedy, Sleek Wire Terfortunen, 211112 . 441 . lte; There will be. i riattnee en; 8 atudiy itteinoms. 'Muth 4121 Toetke aceommodatlen. of Lagles Üblideno. _ Tickets ' _ SS cents. Reserved Sesta. - • 60 amt.. Daum open At 7 o'clock, etnnu , oetig stli toe. 1e219f. ILEDIMIICOARTER., Proprietop. A -MUSICAL , I , • . . . . We, the undersigned, pupils of Me. CLEMENT TETELIUUX, take pleasure, : IP_ -Informing Our Mends and the public generally, that we Intent to THIS 'orrlcE. ' AMATEUR CONCERT, ea TeENDAT, 2Sth - or relintary, 'at MASONIO •HA LL, to COTllMfMteilt..l4 Welocit; • ' A in. A. MAcTuns;SOPrano; MW R. Bsona,Bo - Mite V. Stoner Soprano; Ness A. Stoner, oprano; Mfai E: ticarfie Mass] 'Soprano; or ; S. Tierdr Contralto: Mr. P. Zimmerman; Tenor; Mr. B. Correa,. Baritone; Mr. W. PAlwarria. Baritone; It. laced. Bass ne pert - roman, careful!, seleeted:front the works .of tee Met mnaters.wilt econertmi beside gr ee. a of a aluh ball IV classical order, a smoker of choice Tiekerv,ls frets. beamed Seats ft. The isle of tickets. to entrameace on Monday, at S oklock, Feb. trlth, at e. , Minsla Store, el Wo od nisspkerrittmrs. acct r O -PIRTNEttERIIP.--I barn: this day asadeinted with as in, the FOUNDRS AND !NOIRE BUSINESS, Du. HUNTER ORE. , . Bcxrasviax;.l"an. :41,18E46 . OLE • - utteRTAT% WORKS. HUGH BOLE & 00°9 Founders & Nachinists, Nanufacturcre et BOAT AHD' STATIONAILY STEASH - tIeSTINGS,7Lt6Iit ant . HcatT, MADE TO .ORDER Special. a tenttoo paid to the manufacture .of . Dollop tor !rourinny, TM:RD Stsee ileac Haiti* street, SHOP and' OFYIOE, corner of POINT alley sod DOQUESNE WAX. ?ITT'S. BDHOU , . _ Pat . Hewing Mooted or out l , atetest itoutilo. !meters-to ileum: HUGH BE BOLE It 00., - are troold zycoramond them to out friend. and forret patrons. • - • • A. naps kW. - Pistikursk.iatt.s, mak totdoot nISSOLUTION.—Tbo firm of LITT4E & TRIBBLE la this daydisaalved by mama comment, the direwlutlon to take effwit from She r 51 init. Ihe business of thalste firm will be Nettled by TEIOS. ',FITLY..., Sr who will' *lntl/MeV, Hut old Wad, 117 and 114 Seinnid atreet- I . • THOS. LITTLE. ' JA.IIIIR3 TRIBBLE. Having dlsposed of my Interest to I/Minoltas& _Grocery Liminess to TIM& LITTLE, EL. LOW. Odly oprsorno Matto my Dieods and endows& JANES TRI3IBLIR co-RumrEittirm —THOS. tarrr;E, Cr.. has -associated with hlm, al snorsesorsl to IJITLE & TRDIBLE, SA&PL-11. BAIRD, Oita of the Arm of ROLM` HANNA sr. CO., Cleveland, .-Oblo,) and SAJIIDi PATTON, Jr., ender the came and style of LITTLE. BAERD & PATTON. to take (Gem on and after Jammu dd, oak at thn old stand, Non. ire and US Second street. Pltto. bunch, Pa. LITTLE, BAIRD & rAerrorf.._ lIISSOLIITIOL OF CO•FARTRBR: 511.1P..The Putnenihlp heretofore existing between the tunfergyned, under the 01131 name o. unteTulT t CO., for the monufbeture of Myer PP. II end other seer., hoe thle tiir been diroolvog by mntueleonaent: SAMUEL hf. HIER, CF.O ram • JOHN resra Pitt o4l ol l 4. Sept. 106 t. , . ant. itewincOY ' IP. if., nfah wiusEsnirny et co.; . (lhicatpors to PMPTOX 4 C 0.,) Silver Pearl afulThipaiit: Rosa% Soaps, art L18E177 I . I72ZZET, 1:111730,101! deldyd ' DISSOLIITION OF :PARTNERSHIP. —She Ono tuustaforehlll Ain ender the elyki of . altAllAll hIeGANDLESS, - 15(eseluust ors, sEmi btleld atreet,bas been Ms day dissolved, by Mr. Grasso porch:using Mr. bletlanAlfte later est In the firm. All the oedemas will be settlell by, Jr. 3 Graham, lst tie woplsee of business. MR GRARAIt HAVING SOLD RIB entire interest In the Toile:hag Business to Messrs. ANDERSON tears pleasure inlecominending them to his former patmna, so he IC sure they will give ;Attila:Mato all Who Will fa, or them with their patronage. • it2inve . SAMUEL GRAIIAIL• pA RT ITER Sint' ITOTICIE.-WIT• LLebt TITE and HENIZY LAVELY, 'haring purchased our stock to the "Orlon 011 114- 11ner7 .will carry on the business ender the tirtn-ot TITE a LATEET.. We 'elicit far them a =amaze° of the patron• age of our euttomen. JATC_ _ ABT t. tB63.SHIM & PATTERSON. TIBBOLUTION OF .CO-PARTNER.- - SlllP.—Notlee fs hereby glean that-the lmre. nerehly• lately subelstlagr between Wit. H. HAS. LAT/rand ALF. DAVIS.of rho City of Plttsbur.. under the firm of A. DAVIS re CO., was dlasolfed on the MA day of January, 11,66, by mutual consent. All debts °veiny to asl4 firm are to be received by saki W. B. HAELETT,•=II all demands made to him. • . WIC B. HASLET'', feldmel • . . ALP. DAVIS,' DISSOLUTION UR . COPAItTNERT NERSHIP.—Notioe Ie hereby given that the Partnership late sublisting between J. E. Strict. ler and..Jamea S teckler the city o was ttaborgh, under the firm of& Baxter, dissolved on the 20th day of February, MICA by mutual con sent, all business being satisfsctorily settled. JAMES E STRI 're22-1w JA III M4 BAXTER.CK LER, - - - cof.iitTNEßsair .17c haVn Apt ocletted with as In the dant, grnin and intend prv.fnee bnainegs. JA...3ll , slotiffzilTg not Joipl p wtnerti 'dltine 1 , E3- .I".T.S. D Y nnner the ammo e. , .tterinn Ammon 'Lea. ' W. rArreasozi, umt . • 41.DA.M. JUDISON. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.--OHAIt C. BALSLES - arid' PRANK TAR (*ORDER Mrs this day associated themselves toaldlial the trassaction Hof or. general PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MISINESS. .WaSekollll, No: BY Liberty street. - 1411* - 00-PARTNERSHIP.--We have towels tee JAMES. E. BREADING DALZELL with es In our business. Which will be carried on as betatorato nodes the Min name of LEWIS, LET, DALZELL ak CIO., Vesuvius Iron Works. kkantrasr, 74th,7883. • • felala • • • OFFRIE OF THE ConTneastn or Atm:Dm:ay. Courry, PllvnnononiFebruary 14th, 1885. • - SEALED .PROPOSALS WILL BE RE-. &- , 01.1.VED ;atlas Wilma until 27th last. incluelve, lot writihr ,a 2.1 copying from tl,e °Urinal AMNIA. merit Books, 72 Oillra Pupil° atex,ls School eates.h.co 'T.I Treanum'n Collection lltiplieates. The .snotlC to be done in the Went of the Clourity Cominitsioners, end to be completed on or beiCro tie Zth day of April next. • • • • !lids to he made at no much the runningilna tom: plete,Ao include .caleulation And estimation or al! taxes and the comparilig 'of each and ,nU the books with the originaM, boars a recaplinlation ineach of the books. proving' the totals of the Of. Leona - taxes by the total valuation. 'The correct. nets of the duplicate must bo yrobatts: before War raents ctare issued la payment.. Bends vlth sufficient security will beregtared for -the hilifilmeeS of the Fno:pleo of cooks tan be ma on application; By areettou of County Comaßskont. : namor-j. A Nt traT, VO/11011 , 1111C ielattdl.l CV?' - , . ITONEY FE fl • Thow tuivirig A 11AII COLD , . "AINSTReSSiNG COUGH, - .;; fin t g, — procure a ))1:0111' If ~119 M r = OR lNer by eft OW, re tato Prepared sad 'sold at eh!, Central Drug ROM earner of Cada Federal.Allegbenb gbe 107 01X1* *1244: . i!!.4714 ~,-...a. :.-a.ir:;mz ac:e:i.~:~ _'sue:. z::tIITs oaßa. R. W. mitts. • i onic N. PAITIBOW. ROBERT...HELLEN. GEO. W. MORGAN, ROBERT GOLDBECK. ALFRED E. PEAK; I WILLIAM-MASON, MAX NABETZS . . F. L..BITTER. , CARL HMGAAr.. THEat insgELD /I , ' THEO. TROM . .: C. WOLFSON ' CARL ANS i 1 .flne sunk Of STE SWAY% Iscomparald• Pianos Medved and for sale at , plArTos t r4xot3 HOFF2dAIt, floras, zbco., 300E111 AbAX — S, Dentiii,Ja7DlLCll -- 10 ' 13cOldLoroomer of DLUIONT 'and O•KAfM. - TiltWouratt. •' • moots—Dr. .V.lsllldoolf,' O:ft • tiffit Vkirrn; f0,4011114.9c *ad Grain Bakal grans lamp° teaulapd.' Wl* Ray asui Otila Bak" aumatactured ' - - Natiasi4ylmrtei , riv.e.tralslv .I%v - contr.. fur the lapin elle. of Vouzhs,. Lae it .enssi . floarzenest..Croop,.-13roachitis, litciplent Cuossurptkes, mad for the Relief of Oonsumpliva Patients In ndvaacce stager 01 ~the. croirlee. So wide la the field of its usefulness 'auf so nu merous are the eases °fits owes, tont almost every motion of Country abounds is persona publicly known, she Lave been restored from Man:dog and urea dmperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tiled, its superiority over every other • expectorant is too apparent to escape obaervatiem - and - -where its virtues • are - known, the •pnblitt no' longer hesitate what antidote to employ for lb/ distressing and dangerousaffections of the pulmo ner,•,-. orguts..tisitt are incident .to our climate. While many Inferior remedies- thrust upon the, community bate failed and been discarded, tideless thefriends by ' very trial, conferral benefits on the aiSicted • they 'COW newer forget, and' - produced cures too numerous and too -remarkable to be for:. gotten. "We can only assure the public, that its Avidity!, carefully kept Up to the be ever has " been, And that it - snaybe relied' Onto , ditto; their • 'relief all tied it has ever done. • Greet numbers of Olergymen;Physiolists,States. men, and eminent personages,. hare lent lima' names to certify the unparalleled Usefulness of our remedies, but space here will not permit the inset. lion of them. The agouti below named furnisk grails our American Almanac, In which they are given; with Mao frill descriptions of tbacomplaints • '.•-• !dm requlrtutOgterlitlye medtafie:CoPit leity_the blood will find AYER'S CIO NP. ',SARSAPARILLA tbetamedy Tult erne. and you will know Its Value. ,Prepkto.d.by J. Cl. AYIIRrsc CO. Lowell , M/4.11., and sold by B.A. FAHNESTOUKS — F.Off, & 00, and by all'ldruggists.:, • • . . HUBBARD', BRO. CO, far - PIT". Weltab. • . mauttraatinntas ; ?A.TENT : Gliov;ip ; CISCUL 188, Warranted OAST TEL SAWS. of every al l scripting'. 31.111,1dulay, tiroas Oat, Gang, andl other varieties. All kiwis of KNIVES And SPRlndiS,_inade fres Sheet Cast Steeill'Estra 'Rearm] HELPER AND MOVING- &a. Age. Warehouse and Wor ' kn,`eorner WATER. gad SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. , Partiedlat 'attention 'given to PA - nothing, Otis. Wog and Straightening OlrculayEavrai Wegi ;re. pals( Drell kln4 OunnhlAy scut Drilling done at reastmable rates. giOISS7 *14.. - itlinsats.24 tCO er Makers or e Boil;2-• 2t, It ind 211 PIiNif'STEMT. liavtag eceitred i taiga isel, aid furnished with the most Improved machinery, we are yrea ed to manufacture every description arBOII. In the best menace, and wruvanted equal to wade in the country.. ORTMNE . YS. BREMEN FIRE BEDS,_ sTraz PIP4 i . T LOOOSIOTIVII BOILERS, Vt ON DENSER • SALT PANS„ TANKS, OM STILLS,' AG MORS, SM. -TLING PANS, , , BOILER IRON,' 'BRIDGM, SPOAR PAN_ ,S and sole weenie:hirers of BARN. lIILL'S PATENT BOILERS; Itepattinjg done on theahortest ooOce. .miktr • 104., 611CPEILIIrt, Copper Kill 14 amain Worko, prmuußetri. PARK ' M'CiJRDY do CO., lEanufactnrins of sniks..rrcerrei. BOLT COPPER, SHIEMSLI.I COPPER ROT. TORIS, RAISED STTLL BOTTOMS,SYALTER' SOLDER. Also, Importers and dealers In HET PLATESIIEETIRONLWIIIE, no. Constantly on'hand, UNIVERS' 111.1.1.NES and TOOLS. - Warehonse,No.lteFlßST and LIOSEO- OM/ STREETS, Plttsbarytt: • - - - Speelat oldecnot Copper out to any Mmtred, pattern. HOHINEON,- WM.& d CU,, (stuatessont toHoutxsox Mona tr. Mtuoran, - I . OI72IDERS AND MACHINISTS, ?triennium: ST M E a AnMuf ae P t M u GN E% 30LATSAND GSAEST,ONLt 011INERY_, ()magma. SMITING: °AST INGSof all esmipti?ns, OIL TANKS &STILLS, BOILER AND IRON WORE.- ET/Lynette In a 'BEARD'S PATEREISLIBOT OR, for feeding boilers. „ , , axon= iustrits: writ:Ea. -I: acizt.A.TD L.t. Amax przir.s. *yams. REECER it CO, a . (Stiviemort Therossi, ILurrxia as CO„) Misittutac . tAtets of CAST STEEL; SPRING, PLOW Mid ntasrm sTEEL ; SPRINGS, AL, CROWBARS, Sc. inriar cony- FIRST WARD, 'Allegheny. Pert onset sudress.Putsm.rnGH. . , jaWay Tom, arrevora , Riurrnveruo ' or .BOTH STY reverend genthrmenhee lark.= restored Co heattll In a kw doge, atter u dagolag the usual routine And Irregular exponstve inodeof treatment without smut; cox:eiders ft his sacred den* to CORIIIIIIIICAte to' his addloted tenor creature* the means of cum Helms en the mettle of An tuft:fretted envelope, Ile wtLI geed, fres, a espy. et the prescription 'arra _ _ Direst to Dr../921/1 DIiONALL, VX Folios JOHN COCHRAN a 1/1111. 5 ! lOmuta. tar- Intent of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DAVA ru m.TIt RAILING, WINDOW SEUL W GUARDS, &et, Nos . et SRO. dd Tanta STEE,ET, between Wood and Mutat, bore on haat variety of new pettestut, fancy and pals, suitable tot sit tnarpebes., . SW - ParSealar sittadlon. pall to enelealadOrme Lota. ..Tobblngdone sa, abort antic & • DINZANEIS oP TAN NERVONII. SENANAL., 17/UNARY AND SEXUAL: SYSTNILY=Itew and" relitible treatment-1a Re. - porta of the Itoward Association. field by mall la sealed letter enneloye, free of War, • Address 1). 3. SICILLEN HOUG HT ON, Howe. Asadefielon,No. agouti ?MU Stteet,Yhtla. inhaniv • • is•=r 4 4IIMIUST K. COLUMN,' FOR Wat 4 IMO b e rm ocanusszorr =WHAM and wholesale &ales >a MUSE, EMT= snens,,_Mill and PrOdnee gerieragn No. S -WOOD b - r , macur .Plttsbursh.- P 7013108. Jll7BlO. Itc. VT' PIANO. • TESTIKONIAL MESSRS. 11Q01' k CADY, Chicago; the lugut Mule .desleri lOU Wert. " 7111 7 . Baring tested Wm. 11. 7 11malbtay , a Planet ii erery possible - way, beside the awe- Fuses Of other makers for smooths ut—tested Shan in ref.. arena to PURITY, EP BRILLIANCY, SINGINCF AND SYBPAT (I QUALI -1.1k:•.; OF TONE;DELICALrY AND ELAIITIOL , TY OF TOUCH, EASE AND RAPIDITY Or AO. - SION, STANDING:IN TUNE, excellence of ins= tarts', elegance of BMA, and ears of workmanship, we here irritedekt ihresteereir Conviction that they a es surpassed in notices relipeat by the best of other makes, while In soma respects, they arm seperiorpo ar.o. socrr,l ' • E. F. ROOT ROOT A LADY. . WAMELINK' & BARRI NO. la as. Clads Iltireei, Blaselrs Meek. . . LATEST 31:13530MY.1322rEt4 11304. ws IMF. THE - STEINWAY PIANOS Solely and exelaidvely is public, and private, oat recommend than invariably to our Mends and the We have at dlillareet . times exp . reamed . our opts. lon regarding the Plums of various makers,hut freely and unhesitatingly pronounce the. STEne• WAY P. FOPS Maas TAB, SUPI2IIO/t TO No.l= \coon s-ritErr AD- mag enta for Stelntrara Plano.. te4l E4ITTEELT NEW STOWE NINE DIFTERIZIT XLECES mutt Am) CARVED rtrurtrrunz. PRIOFS TO SUIT EVERYBODY. colotor. LOT or OLLEAP PIMUS oaLL'AiirD •rammr.. , O. MELLOR., ei wom enemy as STIME'r. 1110111.0111F15 7011 r,CHas.orrom_ WifiXLCHIN Arß tPLlunto eue!esa. .11.E.1'"//41 TR P. EM=MME ; tortutoit bAtrtt FRID . AY, FEBRUAIiT-:st, GAzorrip ApVFIpTISIP(G'.I3:AIyti4. , • _ l • 3 tic. 33 ' • Daily. i . wreck..::Oat ks kl - r 71. 4 31 1- i rx , 1 1 % ( 54 xl 11-X71.1 One time.. Two Ument Three time Four Omns Fire Woes. One week. Two wean Three Oka One moot. Two moo'. nine. mo's St: Inontlsi T.lnor 'torsi Ono Tear. .1 25 7 ..... ,:i . _,.. ~.,. iii, , t. . ..1 .1 r.., -1',:,.1. , . , .2. 2.34: . . ~.....,.: .460 1 401 f 901 - •-2 0 $ 0 / '46 '4.;5. 2 I.of .2 • 1-701' 145 65 600' 27q 4 .sue; .. 2. .110 1 -7.69 400 k .6 • 2 713; , - 273; 1.135 11 25 '6 00 7 41211• .2 761' 2. 03, 12'M 1709y' 9.1 473 ' ' 4 M 2 t' , ! .20 73 12 061 13 - 111 - 4 a go, - 93t1 4 . 27 , 021 .:1614.' 12.15111 10 21; . 0 101, 5 13, 23 00; - e (4 lii 1111 - 12 901; in ooi.;' 0 op ' , PRANGE/DWI One aquare, changeable one time. each fie lei outlined to the. ImmedLate busbies* of the anc'ert then. All lance adaertbsentents In er.aclppapor- 3 tinsel times MUT. j Iswlelcloyweek. One month Three months—% Six montns.... Oae Year.. Qs 11l 9 ES' 08 al Il 4 7IY •8 as 1701 'll IS 8 Gal 8 dil .-sa no 11100 :IS 75 ' La ao Flit Notices double the above rates. Death Notieek - oach latiertton • 11 ;50' DlarHan eatlota - • - 75 Steamboat advertimammta, per 7 CO' Ramo/tom , or Administrators' Nat West.. Loeot aotleee la vader - epeeist heed 15 UTY , AND, 818088111. :' • Naos! TerrIIIRDAY I II'2 I / 1 1111110 eAsierr".) Meeting of the •Aosortoitti: AyOn *n4 t tlcl Arametatic;a: 7:1 The .Amoclatirm re-Assembled at. teiro , cloik, Al Me Board of Trade Rooms—lfr. Ward. Prdslt dent. In the Mug!. • • I The Chalremtr stated that it was now propoied loofal. for the conelderattert of ,the atill9alo4ll7 . preamble, nod reeoluilom of much Importance to the' tharittibetarlig Isterrate,taid he beepl%te for the the careful acceldcratlortof the' mem has presoak' Mr B. P: Jones then submitted the follow* t Warw.'s. In the opifilettor this Asaociatlon• the time has attired when the friends of Protec tion to American Industry, tie a.. nod goof mental policy should take Moue with its - op - nada by a direct appeal tothe motile; Mid la to- : of thema full.and critical examination of tilt merits, as Compared with - Free Trade t theta. Aradesd, That .1 special committee be tip• pobital; with authority to increas.s their num ber, Whose duty shall be to invite the co 'Spots-, Son of all other . branches of general Industry—. bucking. a public examination •of the magical effeete of the ;Taming policies of protection and . 11 co trade, on the prosperity of the agrictil.- tural: tbs. mechanical, the mining cad the ram mortal intonate of the country. 74iiiind, That the Committee be &inherited' • and recommended to bnre prepared and circuit ad, in this form of tracts or otlierwOn, short ea . aim prorating the several plate of poiltital ,economy, involved In the policits of protection The oraintrout were adopted without delude . . • Mou. ,Arittrew Stewart favored the of - pubilevesa, as well as the diatribiition of tract.; in disseminating .information on ,the subject' or ; protection it was - rsplalatd . that the non of both Moe means would be employe& A unanimous resolution of thanks was" ten . mood to Mr. Menu Carey, fur the valuable ur-• vices which he bad rendered to the _cause of pintectlenby the admirable essays which he had written on the subject. ; Tbe appointment of a Committee to carry Out the object of the resolutions wan dulared neat in order. Col. James M. Cooper sod Jamesi I. Bennett, .S.sq..rwaretiouthuited, hat each of these grubs intoasked to be eseaonl Str:lisonedy, remarked that the appointment of the.cematittoe was a very Impotent mutter. The i nterests of other branches- of industry--this glass, the coal, the cotton, and other anemias-- was to be.caltated It this work,Sind It ma de sirable that thehest possible selections should be • made In forming the committee. It"wan anagtated that more time should •be token to signet thoramtnittes,tal that all inatresur 'with' be attended to properly. • •- gr. Beanei moved that the chairman be author ized to nominate the corateattsould announce it at his own dburetion. The, motion was Agreed to. NE;M= M. ward declined the responsibility's' She duties of cluurman, r ha amid sot possibly per_ form them &Wallets:2y; for reasons which lie On toottoo, the committee you• I .:i r e rect ; _t 'elect. th eir. own chatrtnan, and to tacit • The Inaacial question was next taken op for Mr. Kennedy remarked that the work materna plated hi the resolutions would require a toosid: eraMe =pet:eters of looney; and he nerred that, In order to meet that expense. the - Assodatlea should pledge Itself to Lod:ramify the eolnakittee for all expenditure*, not exceeMag the AVM of - Tha motion was agreed to. . ~ • Ilr. Isaac Jones moved to ell the blunt try . 4n. A cribs the aura of $33,000.. -, The Chatnnan etwouted tied popoo would be quiteaufflciaet... - - - : Mr. Bennett suagested that the Committee should call for sastesmentsan the rations arms comparing- the Associatlon, as now arranged go other porposes, andthat the Chalmers draw: at sight for such attar as may. be necessary. ;If 1500,000 in= • naccasaryi: let It he obtained. Prompt action was oecemary, as the principal leo* we. to be done between this sad the .next fall otrObor• ' After that Mute but little labor and money would ".be needed. The pi/m.11.4 held, of labor were In the east and went, sad not In Penturylvanla, where the gad insJorlty of the people understood the qtestbni, and were prepared to act for their own twit tetanus. - litraenee withdrew Ms motion and accepted ' Mr. Betmett's amendment. . Mr. Kennedy opposed this policy, and, atter eeelderable debate, Mr. :Bennett withdraw his . . . The bleak in the resolution was than • tilled byi imputing the imm of SlO,OOO. • . - • Mr. Daniel; of Chicago, and Mr. Stewart de lisered brief but 'Arent's° addresses oa the but' method of bringing the question of protection belbre the.people. Mr. Townsend, oillilloSelphle, presented the following: . • r • , • -SWAcreas, Our friends of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh here ,with generous hospitality, pro- : sided and tende;ed to - tWs Association "et et the, meetings held In those cities,' moat sumptuous and neatly entertainments, and fearing such pro.' ccerthigs may be considered es' estribUshiag pro-I cedeata which are to' beeome pert of 41. our , ' quarterly meetings; therefore,: \• ; • ' Resolved, That this Aesociation =W 10. to economize time for the fullest conf erence among, Its members, nsi et, the, quarterly meetings, and the, malt "carefel coderation of all nielters con, nected with it operations and purposes, recom-' 'lncini'that.at onr future meetings our. Mends be 'nested to dispense with-any special entertain.' The trosointion was unanialimsly adepted../ Mr. Williams, agent of the American Eng grant Society, on request of l li e Association, do. livered tut interesting address on subjects con netted with.the Society which he represents. At.the conclalion of Mr. ifilliants , address, the chairman announced the following named' gentlemen ae members of the committee raised under the resolution of Mr. Jones : . . . . E.'S. Ward, Detroit ; John 11. Reed, Ihsten jenes,,,phus,,urgh J. B. Moorhead, Phil-, adelphia Thomas Bearer, D.iiirille , Pi.; John. A. —olgruld, Trey, N. Y.; Algernon Roberta , . Philadelphia; Jetties M. Cooper. Plttabiugh ; Jamee R. Thompson, ,Jorsey City; ' T. 8. Bhdr,: Pittsburgh; C. M. Atkins Pottaollle ; 8: Clo- j' went', Chime ; James P ark, Jr., Pittsburgh f Ifr.lieCorek, nerd/dung 1 and John Theinas,, •Indlanapolla It is perhaps neeessaryhere LO explain trust the' settee above taken, in regard' to agitating ihig, great question of Protection, superseded the no, realty of a report fnnm tho Committwon Raw-, The 'Association, hula?, -.completed the •.Inu . mai for which they had assembled, adjourned to facet In Chicago In ?day next. j ftword Presenif tlon. • - - A few patriotic ladles of Allegheny bad ob.l tained by subscription a •vory elegant sword; 'sword belt enclllo3n, as a possent Car Capt. NM' Crawford, who hna. Jest recruited a company of 'volunteers, under" authority of ttio Governor,' and'assembled at .tha public school hoMe;•ou; Rebecca street, on Wednesday_'. afternoon, to: make the presentation. There was a large con., muse of eiticens present, both male and female.: Rey. .7. IL Clark; on behalf of tha lady' donors i delivered an elerpamtand . highly patriotic pro-; sentatimisdanses. 'Captain Crawford- acimowl edged the - compliment In a_ few words, being! quite overcome by the . unexpected and highly compliment/217 gIR. • . • Captain; Crawford served with credit as member of Col. Clark's elan months' regiment;: he hae ids present , company nearly tilled, and ha expects to leave for the rendezvous . M Harris burg s .during the - Present week. , Yormin Aussinsar.—At bounti meeting - beta on Wednesday iwenlng at the Col,: amble Englne4tonee, the following' iesolailoa' wens unanimously vassals Thel all block eoramlitiolira einteled to meet.at Panlhanber's onlfridefestii:: thg Piikhist.) apd 49111iPrVaalvd"WithlX000.-: Pletallitalawhohireipal&-to,thehcipattrt Reda liateetilliarellee, meii4he fnite:let d; ler. Immediate publication in the daily pap ", All enrolled men Of the ward. are 'notided sq.eiul the meetlaz _Friday arming, at • -- , • • - TLC.' Copir , r-V,errey if oulici-le C.tec. , At the ic,ineoling cef tice - Couie; of Liyerandtee. ruiner, tpiU morning the counsel fur tho deice . dant asked react to withdraw the idoa of nit . guini, and. reneir . Di ' cir ar.l.:licatl:m 1-) ' bVrd . . . ... to the case Certi fi ed n' the .:Di .f: %art of . , ...i , ' the Unittd - Stott.. The 'Cotut granted the , . _ .., rultust, - remarking , reattheY ha 1 urtufill.'• l the matter . item:.rendering . their dee/slat feutirdeY. - and now , felt disposed' to enter ..loin. the .Potien, belftviog- the Coca - came within'the,prorisions at the age of Congress ap= - Proved; March IVilid4.- The counsel said. they . had neradditionaiargnments to _offer, having at 'ready stated all they bad it say. . . ' Distils! Attorney Kirkpatrick was cotiaultee b.y.alte Court, 41:1,. 4, asked %bother he inui.auf ' thing, teeny in. epposition to the application of tiwprisoner.to There his case - certified into the' United B'.tes Cetut. - He. replied that he had no : suggestions, farther than to ' say'lltat be bad tr embled .41. the authoritito .; that could -,throw any - ,fight,..on . the question, -awl Ito :lett-, sat, . Idled, in - his - own ..rnind, - that. the,- ease,:as it, awed; irus ' fully ' contemplated 'by the net .of ' .Ceugresa 'above cited; that, - Intismuch as,by this act, it timid he certified Into this District Court at, any stele of tau proceedings, before' final judgment, and could be taken there afterward; on appeal on a Writ of error; (which, . doubtless It would. he, In case the defeudant should. be con- • . titled) he cotdd not see how anything was to be ' gained by a fOrther . trial of the case, % mid was, therefore,w g that the case should be tett(- ' Ills 'itiono ,'Judge' Sterrett; _ stated that Die Cont;sug ;question wee suety grays, one, bat...that ha, In commortati the oilier .menthers of the bench,. had reflected ' ly'apan tti and !were -nor of opinion that beton ahead he;certified to the. United g that when so - aartified the District' 'Alto ej could, at he- hoped ~he Would; . more WI Circuit Court to halm the case remit ted back intothls Court. fori The Court Would,llltrefore, make Ito proper 'orders touch-. tr . lag the certifying of the prpc ge Into' the United BtatesZletract Court;, and, battened' as the offence wan' not bailable, the. defendant,iin ' the meentime,', bo remanded-: to the .Elhetill and jailer. - The jury, were then ' diamhwd from'. farther consideration of tite,ease, and the,Coort I adjourned untiltwo o'clock. • . .. . . Lerceay,and Attempted. Suicide. . , . Tho Mayor, last evening, had a poling girl named Jana Welsh before hiso,Charged with lar any on o s thof Mr. Evans, holding on &Admen street, Allegheny. It appears some time ; , ; that ., ago the seemed en te red the family of Mr. Evans . . ..1 0 ai a domestic, and made use o her positiOn . there to plunder the home of nisi articles or ProPeitjartionting to some tWo h ndrisil dollops. The articles were stolen during a absence - of the fatelly,and suspicion attachin Itself tojano ;•its the thief, information 111/41 • mad against her and a warrant for her arrest (can Tits °Dicers' proceeded Usher mother's house, hero they hot' .oniv succeeded In finding the accused, bat also: a large portion Of the stolen' goods. Jane sp.' Peered in; great. distress on:her detection, and when tbet oldsters: attempted to remove her she :draw a large botcher-ll:nibs and attempted to ions: '. mit suicide by plunging It into. her side. ".The • i bladepuled -through her clothing, but was slopped ,in its progress by her corato, so that' a alight wound only was inflicted, She • subse, onently made a second attempt to stab herself, when the officers seized ber, and, alter a severe atrugelg ancecoded to depriving her of the knife. fibs than conveyed to tho wateb-botoe, and locked up until this morning,,when she was COM tultted to jail to answer at the nett term at ;court. She 'is WO young, loss been leading en evil life of late, and, now seems to feel very' keenly the terrible strait to which she has been AiTestor Alleged Ilelpociteb. , For two dart past the kt wee polleeharu bad their nem upon four young men, whe.la are been hangleitabiest the' railroad - depot' older rather ausrldons drcumstanees, and • to-day the entire party was arrested and moseyed to the Mayor's clam, • They .were thoroughly marchirt, and oar &Far was the total Mica of "cash on hand... They bad nothing cm thed_parsons . to • Indicate that they were pickpockets; but ther.were nu. able to give a sadslisetory aceount of than...tetras: They stated that they left New York three days age, kir the purpose Of mahatma; here, hiving beard that they could get $l,OOO hammy. Ilene* they brought neither money nor baggage with than. On being asked what they lutended to. do, they- ended that they were Waiting for, fends to pay noir way back to New ;York. Their overcoat,' are held as seenrity for their blUe, and, they are decidedly -hard up.. They trill be/Rained until .11101M0 lutorissolon eau he received In regard to them. • Brutnn Liguori on Sunnay.—Wm. Chad wick, tsyeri.kceper.reorner of Sold and Grant as !atrecta, w Sued ISO sod coats, to y, by Mayor Lowry, for selling liquor on Sunda . SPECIAL LOCAL 11. IMAM W. Pauli, pntodcallilate &ate, sad ikaier ft American_ Elate; of "ark= orders. Odlea Aktander aear the Walter Works Pittsburgh, Pa. Residence, No. TO Pike atreeL Older* promptly attended to. All emelt warm:tot rotor proot ftepalrtng done at Me shortest mike_ charge for male; providal the root la sot Alumd aft pat . _-- • &mom:must BAZGLIMIL MCIIII2I/4* 3IX. other kinds, Sct; soma as low ae I 8,;c; Yarctiludarshlitlup, 25c and 31.tr.e, and Bblllture;.Tteklng, Check, to., equally cheap at Barter di Ca'a, B Mirka strait. Yon hfcncu.—The Atiantle for next month has at last arrived. It is above. the past 11=1- her In ;oho of lateral. Get It at Fittock'a. Manage ,Dattonnov's Morrrniri for March harbeen received and la for Lao at Mock* Oen Toren route for March to In at Pit-. tech% oppoalte the Past.Ofliee. PIPIT cams for photographs at Pittook's. Aomori WitiVis book, sod olbaro,at 111. Wen.. „Claw of the ConldOekht, Wu Nixon, Vela. vial, Sherman and 5000 °then t Plltoekhi. On and war outwit Plttodea. • ; Gomm for March at Pittoehht, COIL on.-41.4 the book at Mock% ; OrAL Eamon.— rhe sneenon of ma read. era is &mood to the assortment of Fall and Winter Goods just natelled by ma frlendtfr. John Wafer, No. 138 Federal street, Wray. - stock -0001Z6011 111 great variety of may French, English, tab and alnelirall Casahnores and Cloths, and due lillk sad easel Imre Yeatlngs, all'of which wilt be made ng to order la the IMAM styles and In the best manner. t choice selection of . Famishing: Goods also on land and for sale, together with a fall stock of Beady Made Cloikkt . y.s well ask fastdonatdy Tug Ong llitrier.--Those who suffer frail foil breath are .open to the charge of careless= teas.. It ban offense that • can be speedily Abs. ted, as a single bottle of the Fragrant Bozadont .wlll unmistakably accomplish the work. No toilet table should be without it. It will pre. serve and keep the teeth white, and the breath pure 'and sweet. — Bold . by all Druggists. A So' throat when neglected, often results In confirmed - Bronchitis, a dangerous and 80., quently fatal dtsesso; Jayntfablapectorant, how mos, is a prompt remedy fur all Bronchial Af fections, and when-Aitken in than, soon eradi cates all dangerous symptoms.' Bold by drag.. gists everywhere,:; . - • • • - Errua.onnrause Reasungs—hteliimack Prints, 813,fe, other Mai, Me, tome ea low aa Turd Undershirtlnge, 25e.And 015[, audiheet loge, Tleklig, Cheek, &c., - equally ch eap, at Darker ~% Co.'s, 59 Harker IltraCtk.• • WOTICES OP MEET.I4IOB. ELEoTION • FOR ..-THIR I TEEN • -4- J.• Titis'Ne ENS of Ms empatiy for ereetint a' Ni Who eye , ' the illnuougahrla ;Ivor, opposite ['llll - the rowdy of Altaghent',l oonfuradty loan Mt or Itasarobly passed January-Nth, 1881, will be held nt the TOM:MUSK ea MONDAY, Inane eth, 1.806, at 2 o cloak; P. ht. • N. HOLMES, TreaSurer • Fl'tabelpt February ed. freMld • _TIUQUESNE ROCK _OIL. COMPANY. —A meeting of the Stockholders of thin Clom pony win be held et the Store of Geo. U. Anders son, Foq., leg Liberty street, on Friday, reb:24tli, at 9A. S. Freeset sod full attendance la desired, so the btudness to be trrinssie ed is urgent cod Im portant. Dr order of the Committee. fe.nat W. W. KELOHNEII, See'y. UlllOll BUIDO• COMPAST .I ,4 • Perraptriton, Fob. etb, 1855. A N.- ELECTION: FOR PRESIDE- T, •A - X. Managers and °facers of this Compny, for erecting a Bridge over the Alleheny , River, oppo Wt Pit eburgh, in the county theleghey, will be held at the TOLL HOUSE, aouth eta of the Widge t on MONDAY, the 6th day of March next at the hour of 2 o'clock, r. w. feleld tYIII, NosEnurta. Treanor-ex. TRIUMPH OIL COMPANY.—N9IIce Is • hereby'p given thnt she end Mettles of holders stilt be held nt -WILLI:VS , HALL, Pitt; bprsb, on TIWIISDAY,IIIareIi Cil, 180, at o'clock' r. at., for the-purpose of orgenlzitlon, as pacified under the net - of Aseembly of the Cotome• Wealth of •Pennsylvanla, approved J11E014 1 1: • • ' ' - Presldent,p • fret. Plttsbursh, Feb. a. mem . 410 34 131111 V, Fr. WAT2OIIk. 10/11117A00 . Co., OPPICSI OP TON Sooner.• IPryrenerion, PA February 1401,1865. ANNUAL' MEETING OF TR [took Pod. Bondholders of this Company for on of Directors end snob other business se come before it, will be held at the office of Congswy, In the ens of Pittsitort on the 13 WEDNESDAY (15tb) OF hl.ofir A. eSat DI o'clock, A. 1t..; tookk and Bond Transfer Booksof the Corm et their °Mae In the city of Pittsburgh and I , e Vendor Agency in the city of New Tont, be elosed on the ist of March at 2P. st and In 5 100 / 111 ttli the 17th _day of MVO( ' ' Lt. LIANNES Seereitry. . • ; I T1.0.R., , , 401 J ••••• IKRFRsassoovatorroPpriTsvcriam A ,p L e hereby notify ell *mew Teri or the AssodaUen to attend the next Regular beetle[, as blab:tear of importause will be berm" - the meatier. 8: accoley4T, -o"Wirilli -151./I.4l`K.ga 1 171011 NATIONAL - BANK (Late truio.a. 21•” , l+Ing CO.) Corner of Vourlh and Market Sircet.g.' Paid up Capital,' - - $250,600. Limitel to. - - - - - g 600,000. Thi.),,..ach.. hem fully orge.ained to aeconivace with the het of (Alegre., and will °outlaw, to tranraet *pelletal banklagbushielt under the man— agement a the following , • nlnterons . : J. IL ai(OWNE, JANET) !Musa., . HANSON LotE, JOSEPH BORNE, , A. G. 011iiIIAGE, 0.• ELIECELFELD, JOHN MARSHALL. JOHN WILSON, ',TOS. ICIRFPATRIO.K. ;e t i b :uthorat,:g., coat, Esq., labsorlpfloas 7.310 TREIkSITRY NOTES, - wblch are convertible at maturity !atoll EL•6-7A bandy bearing* per cent: totem:et. payable la gold. Notes kept on hand for immediate delivery. t IL S:SMITH. enetle it. ..r .11E.'"3Urr,k4,P-r"Xt. JAI( OCONNOR. . .IPrellOCOt yonni DA (late l irtt Pg °1 1 Y . B ir ' :• prrrestriese, February Id, ISM - NOTICE--WIMUNG TO WIIRTIIIIR NATIONAL BANK LAW TO PROVIDE Unftbrol System of airrencsC FOURTH NATIONAL BANE, w rimn3wecu. mod ' after February - Ist, tear., receive tram her regtilar. Depailtma, easterners and &Warr, crinpE.rer By Bacot/rim the yublia will obtain PAR MONEY FREE ,OF ALL CHARGE exohinge (or their eurreocy. BS order of the Boort. S. D. HERRON, Cashier TO THE . PUBLIC, FOURTH NATION 4 BANK, 11. a Government Depositary, Prrreacrizaa, rebruszy lit We eispectitdly wLdt. your business and ofer yore safety, eowrenienca and profit.' We receive eunent funds avynir. - ' We furnish exchange on New 'York and Mta.. ae 'YFe lli‘ ati l gr ar t - nterest depoadte, subject to shook of on time, aa agreed on. • We much**, Gold and Silver, 17.11. Gold doo. pens, due Harsh , May and July, MI6, at : highest Wee. We . Eamon band, fotinunedinin delivery to inn. 7-30 tr. S TREASURY:NOTES; convertible Intel. S. 6, 7 :0 Cloth Boit& at par; aka, /0.40 GOLD DOMDS. . we sell U S. Lams u Govenmext rates. and pap you the Government cotaudnion. - Deferring yen to annexed ibt or our President, Deader and Directors. we uro!dd-bo baPPT to transact yourrooney business. Very roMelliu.46 0-sjoNNER, president. fd. D. liEßßOD,Osabler. - JAMES M. BAILEY, R. HI ND, JOHN T. lIESIOINi N. J. HIGLEY DAVID AL am rxu, J. za.KIRKPAIHILIE. THOMAS SMITH. JAMOVONNOIL THOMAS DONNELLY. feLlf pIRD NATIONAL BANK MINER of WOOD and VIRGIN ALLNI U. SDS !?Oils AD FINANDIALAGEII 7 8-3.0 wasahr. Bank keeps Oa haat to see the 7 547 Ogled States Treason. Notes, and takersEibicsip ~ This la tba • POP LOAR—the only Goy. mamma lota now In the market at Matsie.lat those who AIM money a tare ant! deatralgem lanity.tor Investment. . TWO GENTS A DAY FOR EACH OW . _ These Dotal are audited lath &mat. M. • The Intern% payable aeratonnually on the lath of I , :b. nauy and Mb ot Animal, the rate of fr SO pee IlleOper. annum. At the 'expiration of tJute years .chimelittle over two and a hall now) they are ex, able into the 680 Gobi BoalLt. Ootaalialoaa allowed to Bata/ and &Won& interest wilt be pal/ at ore Scalar Bones. • • WM. ONXIBRTZ, Toni B. Laytaorro E. s, OanElMer. Priest. . O. M. Smucgr. Assistant °Water. .14191. . _ DOLLARN ViGS 'BANK. NO. IN Open dilly from 9 to 2 o'clock, afro en Wednew day and Saturday erening, from. MAY lit to No . wembe-r lit, from to a o'clock, end Dom November Ist to May Ist from 6to WelocL • Deposits received of all sums of not lees than One Donor, ands dividend of the profile declared twice • year, la Juno and. December. Interest has been declared semi-annually, in June and December, since the. Bank was organized, at the rate of ate per cent. &year. - bitemst, If not drawn out, is placed to thetredll of the depositor se principal, and. beam the same interest from the lint data of Juno and December, compounding twice year without troubling the depositor to call. or even to present lds, pass book; At this ratentoney will doublaba Ism than twelve Books, containing the Charter, By-Lami, Rules aunt Regulations, furnished gratts;on application • - • Pitnintmwr-OEOUGE ALAI:EVIL , Wei rualing3tre. • D. •,, , Wlll.lfun 3. Anderson, A. M. Pella*, Y. D., John G. Daakorma. 'Robert Robb, • - Berl L.. H Fatmestock, ' John IL. oenberm James erdinan, • James Shidle, Sh . • Jan.. pinAkie7. Alexander Speer, • Isaac M. Pennock, (Manikin Xenia. Calvin Adams, Roney .T. Lynch, John C. Bindle% Peter A. Madeira, - - Georp Black, John Marshall, LIM unrortn, Walter P. Edaraliali,-.' • - Alonzo A. Dan*. .Tames B. D. Man% .• Charles Colton, John B. klapinken,i Wm. Douglas,• John Ort. John Evans, - Dewy L.' knoginslt,' John J. Gillerple, 'William William S. Haven, . Alexander Thuile, Peter D. Dunker, R khan! Hays, - WaL•P. Woman; James D. Salle'. = Whlilier, Trcatyrm-(IHAS. A . COLON Derrimp-JAMES H. D. NEEDS. • , Tit EA.$ UltY . DOW . A.ItTALEN , °evict. or Cosgronot.r.fee or THE 1 .37.511(4101r, WA,,MNoTON, relltlllYV 1141. 1 171-.RtAs . 13. Y - SVITSPAO'ro:3I( cc:donee preio.ntod to the upecralgned;lt has been nooto to appear that the • • SECOND -NATIONAL BANK : OF. - ALLEGHENY CITY; In the • city of Allegheny, in the county of Allis: gbeny and State of Pennsylvania, haa been duly organized niftier and accorCogto th manta of the acts of ,Congnme, entitled • • "L n pt re to pre vide a National Currency, vecured by for _pledge of United State. Bond., Andra provide forth° eked.' lotion and redemption t ,, ereofi "approved Junead,. 1834, and hat compiled With all the provisions of said net required to be complied with before demi m om thearina' tbe bnelnean of banking under said. set Nrefore• • I, linear hictlcLuxre, Comptroller of the Cur. rency, do hereby certify that i , fhe Second Ifettiols. al Dank et Allegheny City," in the city of Alto. gheny, in the county of Allegheny,. and State of Pennvylvanta, in authorized tocommence the bud nets of Banking under the act aforesaid. { Currency Bureau, ,'lnteatlmony rrhereor Beal or the rltoess -my heel and Comptroller of the Matt pCottlee,thls MI day urrency. f Februttry,l463. - Treaaury Departmer+ HUOIDISMULLOOII, Comotrdller of tba Uurreno TREASURY SISPARTAIENT, ' - 1 OVAICII O 9 C OXT IL oi. ISM 0 / TUN 017411.11:110? .. ; . ... Wanaraornar, January 18th, ists: W u HEREAS--By:. eatiefacto evidence i Pretnitee to the: underalgned, it has /Wan THE ALLEMIENYSILTIONAi-D4Ngi of Pittsburgh, ' fn . the 'county 'of 1t1i41414, - and State - Of Pennrylvsnis, haa been duly organ.. Iced under and according to the requirement. of Oa Act of. Compeer., entitled nfla Act to. provide 'a National Currency, muted by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to provide Yor the circulation and redemption thereof," approved Juno id, 1061, and has complied with all the protriatone of LOU act; required to be Complied with beforecoitiment, last the healer's of Makin" under said anti --1 owr•thrrefont• 4 trwir le .MAgEl444ol4ooeinkl holier of theitiorresiny do ritirf th She; “rAllerlient National liar* 'Of ' ittiti g t , :137APP..Hytkb4,'"IV,Vir f lirvP ' . .../. -Inueineea of °nuking under them aforostar testimony whmeo4wautms InVtinnlili. and et odic*, tide ICU day of Jainism& . fitfw .....,„,„..-tr . u..---,,,...-'-—,,,,, s *IRS 13A.. t N . KUiG 1101JS8. N. no ES IsL SONS", _ Na. e-Ittazket Street, PitUburgh. DEPDSITS:=EIVED FDA PAR FUNDS AND mmtErroy. 47 , 0liettiOSIllikete oa iU the peineipst petits trf the . . grom.s, BONDS elbi orILEB szogErrss BOUGHT.ANO SOO ON CIANI&SiON. Paritinlat attention paid to the pitaohase suid VMTED STATES EMMA =1:13 VoittllDUDes Miea or tS9f; • : • Do. FIY 10.10 s; Da, Peres-allettes• • Do. serunages erinteiteasers. . , °anima • AIM , TOUOlllnla .tioinairr • rjalSay ' '• 0111 Ci OP TUX COZPTILOLLSZt- or ocrajmnrim. WasoinroToa, Tkoembor 24, "WHEREA.B.' SATISFAOTORY V Uerbiertee preseittid to the mideralgaed, tt Du beet 'made to appear that the ; • • lux an 'know BART I OP PllllllllllOl. la the eft, of Pittsburgh, In the county o f Alla. .eheity..autil State of Pennsylisnis,htur bma dell 'lrtgardzed under- and zeoordingter the requirenunita .of the acts of Chmorese, *tattled "An Ant te vide a Notional Onerelm•, seemed by etNed.. a • Vatted 'States Bonds, end to provide lot the ellen Lake and irdemptioa. thereof,' apptored Zume bets, sad. has . complied with all the provident:l . gold. set requited tabs compiled wi th Delors eo - toentlng the business of Bs undersold sot . Mow, therefore, I. Hugh MoCu fin '- of the Correary, do hereby entity that.TSß IRON CITY NATIONAL BANK OF -111 S BURGH," in the city of Pittsburgh, In the tonsil, of Allegheny, and State - of Pennsylvanha to a s -thotized to commence the trasiness of flanking au dot the act storesakt. • ! . • • • In testimony whetter, witness tsy ham ' end seal of offee, this thltty4lrst der Dimember, A.l). MI. FLUOR mei:nit/4m3, Comptroller of the Omens* TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OrNICZ Of COMPTSOLLEE Of THIII 01711LIINOT. . .... WmthingtOn. JantlßTy. 12thi 1865 . :IV Et EA. S: BY SATIBPACITORI tz,..4e.to r7 s 7eseriApi, to the ameragetea. it hi . Ma; , . . 'WE INION BITIONATJ ... OF PITTSBURG'', in the Olty' of 'Pittsburgh, 1a UM musty et legbeny and-State of Pensurylrania, ' bag • been duly' organized. iuuter and according :to 4he quirements .of the Act of Congreas entitled "An Act 'to "Vora. . National Currency, . pawed by a pledge ef Untied Staten Bonds, and to proe for:the thonliktion and-redemption thereof,. ap proved June ghl, 1564. - and hail - complied with all the provisions of wild t he equid to be complied th before eoinmenclis,g luaineaeof banking under Now therefore, 1, Hyatt 31cClineoca, Conptrol• ler of the ; Clutenc_y do hereby aertlfy that "The Vuldn National Think orrlttabtugh,n In the city or Pittaburgh„ In the - econnty or Allegheny, and State of Pennsylvania, In an thoris 'to commence the boldness of - Banking under the aat &formal& {-trumenor Bureatt, . -la 'Sortie:low; whereof -,_ Seal et the. . wlteen eta l iand awl teal :Vomptrollet of the .of °real. t twelfth del - Currency. of January, E! , 64. •- • Thuggery Department. Men Ne0171.140/1, Comatroller or the Currency. MOOTS 4NTI SHOE& CLOSING fLiLTsy TO 0,17/T BUSINESS 13cacvn3 i!L=.3:o mscamis 96 Federfa Alreet,alllegiseny. I &moue telltm oft my entire 'stock of SIIOWi, GA ITMS, nazzoßems, sup.erssi . ke, AT COST, togo Into other business. liet/d/ dealers and the pubthigenerilly will Ind it to their advantage keall and examine my stock, Islam determined to elm* out In the least Unis pamtble. GOODS AT COST.' . Ald federal Allegheny te;. :1.4131E0.110.1313, Mo. SS IStarlitet Street 88LL8 Tas amr, THE lIMATEST ETZTTRO, lad TITS MOST Dvitizzar, • COCOM*II-1527:1 8123Z0.111*.114 At say house la tie city He bee just mdnet.• saapllietat - St;seti, • "STAR" .WORS! JUST RE9EITED . . , GEORGI ALpItEE, SON . k CO., ;to. Si IifOOD STILFET Etra. and Youyi's Hril ,73 almarils OhlldruPs Goat &IA BILL efioar. . . These goods are made to our *rota ode; awe are warranted unequalled custom work. . not!. . 11 1 - I D ocaelpLia ' ed B.II.irMOBALS ' •Morocco snow . SOOTS .LADIE , B LA . Etctormen GAITERS, Upped, (so r t'.) {.!6 KM Convect G.A.TrERS, (plain.) 4 • 41 Ali. 54 Markel Strict. • • Sotrrii 86 ROSS; - ra i f OREATEBT BARGAINS IN TEE -- • BORLANand G 1711143. _ at D'S role 118 Market street, 21 door from.Flett. PLACE TO BUY Your Boots, Shoes, Batters and &amorists ''' IS AT J. S. BORLAND'S. 18 MARE? STREET. JEDERCIGitAT rdizons. BIBSEI,LI3 BLOCK. W. IL. XoGlat. 10 ST. CLAIR STREET. • . Would h ags attention or buyer* tohtl stook ( goods. I been selected with vest care, se (I contains all the NEWEST STYLES OF 00011.3 .to be found in drat elan houses. , Oents wishing Ai molt of clothes made to order, please can and examine lard. sad pito& istm,.a .W 1 aS4 w. itesiEr, minounrr No.lo sr: °Lent STREET HENRY HALE Merchant rrallor, I. W. sir. Pecii ' Tak 11 - t. Clair Stretts, I PLITSBWEGIL GRAY & LOGAN, 41 St. Clair Street, ♦EE NOW. OLOS s iF r g : II7 E. THEIII,. 517.NTEg 4301'13, YOUT/Pl3 AND caccantutra CLOTHING ♦t' intrwesar .azurimo rams. SlT,.irgit - LATED WAR!: ~a~ro~sY. Widtfl l 4 Craitors, &c.kasdtiDb loi Tradc sad rn. 846 V .BtratiOtiEW"btaliDElfttrie' ~- E MOVAL.—VRANK VAN GORDBN 0081121 brim and Produes Mere-Multi bad SO - a r Tgel, ll . 49R,t(011#fital41041.00, Atz , blear. UMPIIIthr• 01ZOPATIlle' '6 QPr— 411AliCk FPXSU SUPPLY JUST. RECEIVED. 'TEEY'IIAVE BEEN IN ESE FOR REARS ANB TIIBUSANXIS RAVE BEEN CURED BY . ' ' 017ErEL Sol i—Curcii rem, Oodgerttostand infiszs.. 4 tuat - ixiti and Rintlerisdesa, and the dna itakee ei the acute &ad uukanmatoz7dliesie.,, Pitids et& -No. E—Cluei For= revel.. Worm Optic and Von, • edema Appetite, Wetting the Be& PANS'S fauta• IPo. 3--Cures Colle.Teething. Crying and Wake. to Slow blesm.,rowth and reeblenese et Waal . iit'o. - 43uree Dante& ofklbildteet or Athat's Cholera Irdarddintend Santn.er Uomplaintia Prise : • • NOL'S OSSS aro the wont : mon otOhoso.o Si r --- NO. 540azeif Diveattitt; artrp,_ameui Volk ? , FailDyseatenr. Tithe SS No. S.- - rar Molt"' rheum Ileitis; god VOIS.Was 6ttlinuttldAr . l!"t4.l4. ,. is eat(. . i=cirreslo4imokihi f brew itatis,inauensii awl S. A ~ C kiaPP* l44ol - This and No. 1 toter rate W Imok, Goat and Omit. 4.. r No. b—Carp Twfjrache, :Fikai:ae* MMUS. am and Tic Dolortu.s...-Prleaafkolita, . .. . , . ~. rico:ll—.o3ns fleadonfof,-Spliiwtmaizrolovh Rush of Blood to th 6 Riad. Priel Woe& In addition with N0.10,1t aor . , fiNiffo elm" ilial moat lavaterata . . ". 'No.. .. 10-03rei D o ri:TAN 'Weak, don cocriorsor id - Btomich, 00 .tiAnsm .Li - Ctoftplibli. or Elliott.* Oonolltioo.. rico 86 mai_ • _:. , -INWALLIBLX for ill film of Woolf Dlgfottoit LA r4 ,.fre• 13-o wee,Suenranee4. Menem, ee 864 et alidul,ror Delaying, Green Stokass. Na. 15—thaeo , Leneorthas at -Whitait,. Dinaltor Dawn 4o Profume Menses. 116.00nta.. - No: - 11—alleet Otte — Houle Crown' . thaageo Difficult AEA Oppisued apeeettdag.,-Ni °cabs. No la—Oates Sala . Rhoda, Ciasty• Errepelas, Scald Head, Ba th e& IV*, ea No; 1 1 5--Bbeaßkettmatlem; Palo, Lao/epics, se Sorcaiis to the %oat, Back, Ski*, or Limbo. ale „ No, 1 6 —Curto Fever and Agve, Irocznittr,at irer,DdioO Ague, Old Inveterate Agee....,. , 17- 4 OOres Mrs, Interpol . Exton:ail, Illbsd Or Illerding, lieeent or•Obttlaste. So cents.. . Thl4' retoody has cured thousands of thaireelt • • . . . . . . • No. 15:-Ourea Opthtbalods, West or reburial' Eyes or Epilets, Pall/og or Weak sight 100 1 at e, uways be relied upoia to n sure. . : - No. 19-oiirea Catarrh, acute or chrome, sr -. 1 llowlog, Cold in the Head, loilutuasa.'„ SD cesSa. ' . ... .. NG. SD—Core Whooping Cough. ahareitalstf ;allotting it, dr Spaareodlo Cough. SO oenta It *infallible, and always reJJc,u and esrei. - No-Si—dazes Asthma, Oppressed: Dirlarit,La. bored Breathing, Cough and Expeatewattoaal..Pdas en een linadreda have been awed by ft.' _ (o. se,-Cnrea • Ear •Dfsehazwes, ; l aloe i~yii Head, Impaired lielaingiXarsehe: ' 4 4' , No. ll—Cures •aderoenlar•Ezdarged - 04aada,_ sal Tonsils Swellings amt Old INconr. aD beat& Ham cored the wont cases. , . No. .4Z;ltur,r Cienend Debility, Ptifitodifor, gee. you, Weakness: 91 °mow' • • • ' ' No. 15—bures Droivn Flald kieunalittWar, Tn. ma - Slrelllais, - vrith Beauty Secretions. tip Og., NNP—OctresSeaStekness,P2oltssiloc,,7lloo Nattsea,,Toznitlag. SI cent. .... - . V*. 27.—Curee 'Urinary Morose% Orniell, — ftaig Calculi, Mora or Yalafnl Urination. Ile oq.U.. • It mires old cases of Eldnan Seadnal Znalsairms, v Diecharg_ea and conseQuent Prostration ln anIM. ty, Bad Results of - Evn Malta. Price 111 GO.' most edition!. remedy knoint,' and nal .b* No: -Oates Soto - Monti or Stiakoh, Oes Mouth at Malt, or OnWren, aol' otos Millie and 'Vomiting of Pregoont Famaloo.- /1!11 contiso No. - 10-43crea Urioary I alines" the Sod, too . Frequent., Palof Wier . No. 111.7..eares Painful Menstrutuou Preriore "tone of Females . Cramp or ttpasuog it ProritLts, , ' Itclatag W. , and Louie. It eels like + chatm,' - NO. 1:1-0nres &Oarin AS Lt. ot n .nletrities. Flushes et H g est, .404,05. - "sok, Distils! of lb/slim/A: Ift Co. ' No. M—Oares Dlptharis awl Ulcerate, . Rant Sore Throat. el nta. 811-aeurea Convulsions or El of lainat or Adana, and (Nampa of ill -- .4 .• Ito. 314-oirei Blinouracas, as Want of Appeals. 'Lowness of Bldriia, Jaundice, floaatipailoa; al a No. tO—Cares , Cleuintsoloo, sal ia7 gar of th e kind. • - • ' L.' " • NO. Ur—Cares sal Mote Skin En2pEtiros, a Soar ktreyor, Measles; (Wakes Pori &a s No. ST—truzits Obionle Coogliz, NonosoCisosa, Dr. , 0014 0, and aoßgh oak expeotorottoo. No. gt—Oures SonMoi or Catarrh in tin Mid of Infanta, Rojalog of Mucus la tha Throat. • lfa 311—Oures etoostititland Dloodqoa quad Attacks otNesdasho. No. 46-Cum: . Osittituibmallayositics, l. it rim slimily Sae 0. NI vial family case, mores° • N II vial ese • plale a • ,S 1 PlayalaSs sae N PONDI BrauerTar itauxitia , Ear BuIaLIWW. OWS*WWWIcEtwahoW UMW sou, S B.heonsuma, Boum, lams,oll tione•aad Toothache., ft are aM • morn, .Prias 0 east& The trade exiyylicd et Ns/ T o is pais. Our Realtglialli *►'3l/o . , over , Look th e list, menernp a ease of enst klid Tim .ehoose, and Inclose the amount In a mama , note :or , stamps, by mall to my edam; Sag no medlelndwlll be duly returned .by %all or mem. ; -golTot , . • . • w, EareeMiniftgalWataik • Seeoad aoazeetow ume Post QM*, • Whplesall area for PtUttruiti vlllidit. Co' . On 7.i0 MO= TUT STRICT LL MELIIFLIIOUS 00IIGil•RAst Ir 4 snizoriarniT iiirsamtroirei oerraii mazsam Is warranted to Inuo Clough;• lionnsentia,• Antlims. Whooping Clonsb Ban • Throat, . I Josununption c . and idnidlonn . 0 4 Ilhe Throat and Lunt,. For Wa r 14 , D= i ts: Avner& Depot; DEL MI STRI N O .edi KLAND caha TS ""2-Le-P"A arm-OHOLEILt r"""*. 1111e TURE ea Oa only certain remedy forDlarrhas sad ,=e14.2;. I t tg u t i ao ta ttgagon ol t ituricireat aad a waresated% *Mai a aura :arks all o ther mom Vorside b= Geo' real Depowleert MICICLARIPS PILE PILE ItEllfirDY hM mired thousands of the wore WU of Bleeding Piles. ft gine Immediate re. 114 and al: Diets it eat ewe. Try It directly. /CA Tem For sale by all Druggists. abberbt DePe; • Dia Fourth street, Oledsuistl, O. , - - • Dig;pepaia, Vervottaness, DebiMt, Ds. sriguntrazaps Toxic' , . . --.- . We can "oornmend those Punting withlese Appetite, Indigestion or la, Nemotticuma nd Nervous ,Idcbuity, LO tue bT Mlealanar Tanta- It lc a vegetable preparation, arca trout aleabeila .: • l illtiocsi It ctrengtherui the whole nerrona *plan • • -. it creates a good appetite., and li warranted to ettr _... /Wl:am:a Nervous liability. ., . =rally. rnMared by DR. A..STRTizacr.Witistrourthat,YPSeP/ . yor. sue - b*DR. GEO. R. EEESM,v corner al, - ~ -Wood street and Virgin alley, and It F..S.M. LWEIS . 8.004 - tomer Of Woad and Second streets, PM* ' burgbLand . by' PAraz Jr. MILL. NO n relent, _ INAHHOOD: HOW LOST I HOW Higt3._ ••••,.. TOILED!—Stud publLtbed, to A waled enrol. ope, price, Mt Cents. A Lecture an thaNetunk Treatment, and Radical Oure Of Sperzneconfun4 or Seminal , W • loyal dater, Pus &Mud DebUtt= 3 l.luptedliaents to l' E lMage puterears Nervousness. esoneorelao°l E P / h e a. . ..' and Pits; 'Mental son Phyllael freepec_ty. 'bag from Belf-Abuie,. &a. Br ..liann.J. UVLyi . . M. D..- author of the omen Itool4 I,.;KA I.l w O i ttif. TO TEOUSAZILkS OP SIOFPUJJB4 - d . Sent, under anal, Le s P/o4 _ ( 1 1 7 1 ..0'00, to flay els . ' dren, p.st pakt, on neer, e.t.pente i r4 . , Poodle atetepe, by DK. J. . re, ea. Fast Onlas b0x4.686... tjallneutlet .- . • • , . . Fortes Ix.l3 1 3 Pi - •. termannks, Gives me s knowthdp midst* Ciall& 3 1 yih'hif 1 1 , , ense , is this city, hod f . lizuht PIT ti..tlvaT, ,, glr : 7l, aft ~ ffiAtiqa irnikarSAOXIA.LO,6IIO6III VEGETdBL lES. Mandan, MO S.. ' siiyhiat orthe Aillettess an contain... shun, talksysettus poi r tintirrespdsukesahath t . 'amok thnosidleint .40fLyrer •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers