ate khtto" buret CiAttit. , TIE eeZßtra - ITSLISIIING ASSOCIATION. YRIDAY, FEBRUARY 34, 1844: FOREIGN. riN2IIITY, Tho tonics of Great Britain, speaking through Lord f- baruer, have exprease,d their evillingneu to Interfere to prevent the'sub.. .3rtgation •Of the South. Shift our recent' victories these Tories have given up their convictions, so offensively manifested be fore,Alrat we could not subjugate the Sonth,• anclicow express the fear that we will • Up to the time of Sninsran's successful inirch from Atlanta to Savarese'', they were . very free, not only in asserting bat in dem- . I castrating, to the own satisfaction, that we never eisuld,_b ilpypo4albility r conquer the Rebels.. ' liag 'been the breed of every,Tory la Ore t r ,Briminoind many oven lisethellbeial `pa htive midi s sidiii . Profession of faith The Ministry, if they _base not thought: , have at least hoped ao;,' .and we cannot a id the conviction tha t Z . ; .. 0,4!1* *O4 trust in the stbill . 'tijol ;the' Rebels to hold out until we were forced to *, acknowledge, their ;ingeperlepce has been theiiiitimotive for the "neutrality" which' ,thegtmen -parade* in either speeches &M . . thelluone. - Thi ff. , llo / t.lTigiina l 4 o 4 tAirOvh* been rho genetil sentiment of England.• The reviews and magazines have sill along ip& ken of the contest-1M one that must result in. Southern independence. Beyond the little elrelerepresented by !nehmen as GOLDWIN - Burnt, and Jelin Bli/Ohr, the idea that . Ire ever could succeed in whippingthe reb els has never until now, been entertained: The ultimate independence of the rebel - Mates hue been regarded as a settled thing; 'from tho start by the great mess of the 'ed - ucated Men of that nation. • • . But a change has come o'er the spirit of thcir dreana. The march from Atlanta, the capture of Savannah, the fall of Pert Fisher t - and the 'growing, evidences of haustion. on the part of the South, have caused the Southern sympathisers in Eng bindio inquire whether it is not; jest pea they may lusiti been mistaken. Thehope . sodendly indulged in, of break : . z, 34 ep the Aniorinur tralon, begins to groir , ' .. . - -.....dtrit,:ltnci.neeres 'as if it might vanish like bass-less fabric of a Vision. Lard in. his remarks on the :11;iiierra .o*ch,..sald • the. American war . ; mus t ;terminate ' in either , Separation' er sub - aliernative never before no-. lied by' the _ class • for.which lie :sipetdol he ciprtrssed. the-most lively Tepugnance to the tatter_ Ile could not . leer the idea of subjugation, and he plainly hinted that it was the duty of the govern -7• tent to drop ' its cloak of neutrality and in terfere to prevent such a calainiti to their Rebel friends. . Asfterhaving for four years 'granted all possible aid and comfort to the rebels ..that was at all recencilable with their ; hollow professions of "neutrality, , ' it must be er-' eredingly galling in tite aristocratic class to wake- up to the convietion,,iit Ait,' that it - halt been all hi vain; that 'the , rebelllen is really and truly. going tinder; 'that nothing can save it but interienth#, - even if that can be now or any ayail; and that the sole .reiults of their course in tke`. matter have ' been hitter disappointment to themselves 'and the realization of , the Act that they . have,, by the parade of their R44iihein'syni . mashies, aroused an intense feeling et hatred - to England throughput the:l , lo4°ra Statek Intim light "of present Acta, a review of their course towards the. lliited Ellates Governinerit darlng-the,,pist fotir years must be anytiiing but Censolingto - th.em. We have no doubt the Tories,-irithelrblt-• ter hatred to Republican brstitutiens, would Rllimgly deciare War 'against - to; if by se, doing 'theY could 114'1'0 - their Rebel friends froni "tmbingation;" bat as every Ireali mall from Anierica carries to - them avenger and stronger evidences that the Rebellion is rapidly collapsing, we fancy they will be compelled teirestrain their repent and bottle • ' up their wrath. In a few weeks they vrili dad the Rebellion, past praying for. Lord : Dfpunlr and his aristocratic' friends may fret ' aced fume over the "subjugation','.they - dread;-but they are pOwerless to prevent it. 1 Sumner Ives induced to offer his reso. 'lakes declaring that; the Thilted'Stateawill, • is no event, become responsible for the re bel loan (which passed the Societe Yes ter dat,)- errepreantatlons - reade to him by _591:11C emincnipatriotic eltizensof this coen. IriOrow retiding In Evrope,-,..t0. the effect abst;the rebel loin was kept' up in England • and Prance by assertte n s in financial eir eles,,that it thcr, close of..the liar. and the • restoration of the Union, .the Governeirnt of the United States would assume it and po .1i p ,21.r. Sumner's informants are of the ..-%ersinion.that .if the leading• bankers of Lon ., - don and. Paris were convinced that the Uni ted &eta would not assume the rebel debt, it-would depreciate be almost nothing very ,cottitaraatlan at Masai Over the -Capture . \ of Iron Maher. ' _ - [Extract fres* *Letter .frota Nana*, dated J/11211. 'The Owi retured on the morning of the •;• '2otb, haring on the night of Sunday, the :15th, 'communicated • wLth Fort Caswell, they were informed Fort Fisher had been Imptured, and they at Fort Caswellwere to ' iurrender the .Several Other -.tempera were about to leave here when the Owl returned. - Upon the' receipt of the In fanned= by tho Owl bnelness was nearly ,amspended, _end.had they known the Islands 'Were to tam twenty; font hours there . could hardly have- been greater consterna 'Lion. The blockade-runuers and their ald ers feel that their doom is sealed." The Irim Lake Superior. • • '': The folloying' kbows the rise•and Pro , Ervin of ibis lui u 1.41c.e Supciuke ;c• prewar:lt awliti9ning Arai f.hlll - Ed in rot;eileg: title eihtliits a. • • complete stueultiry of shipaicat to tho pres 1063. Vim Pores EFCI:CLICAL rst FRANCE,— Thio Ptah 31oailiar publishes the de crees Which declare the Bishop of Moulins and the -Cardirell Archbishop of Besancon guilty of arfabuse of ecclosiastieal authority in regard to the publication:. of the Encyc lical. - The Moniterr' Mao states' that the %ƒ . 6 .. , Emperor bas instructed the foreign minis ' ter tocomplain to the Papal government of - • the letters addkessed by the Nuncio to the Bishop of Orleans and the Bishop of. Pole :- tlerb,.and whichh-aro declared' to have co. attuned in themselves en infraction `of: in i ) tenuttional and , of , the pablle layr-o Tun news of the - evacuation of Charles ton; and its occupation by:our forces, was received witlimuch enthusinsuiby both the Ohio and Indiana legialatures., At Colum bia- the House gore free utterance to.the joy the good news inspired, 'cheered,. shout isdi and 'sang "John BrOwn" and "Rally round theirlag"—rnethbersimessina boys. Lend spectators, both civil and . .oillltaty, jOin: tho t- - - r ''tirkateBo6 Y! "#. rThlof3 fir a Er ato tti mi. Thu been anima , elan gentleman- cad to take place alliance ' which le announced In the lona at an' early gay, wall ay 9 ipetwonted NOON! gL ...or s , 'Pa Rebel I.oae. Gross tom; Gross tune Totia . of Ore. of Pig iron• Value. 11,401 77,713 26,162.;-.:207,47 6 - 61.036 , 1,611 21.0A2 1116,995, 66,630. , •6,003 131,49 G . 4540 7,970 402 101 .125,000 2,M1 1, 90 , 1 .212,000 12,951 200 OW ..... ...-y - 3u.::. _. A ET .w IS4MISLING Tilolgt3l.lTg. Eltranstaishitalaitii the starch out of the ttiffest, sauciest; nolsest and most insolent of the rebels, and,' as matters now . stand, tiieraresu./a.t" 4ga_tc4l......Thar e.% s !hwer awl the only vrordthat can ha applied to their condition, to long as they persist in, main taining the attitude or enemies to the gem , ernmbrit, or in a refttsal to . submit. loyally and cheerfully to its Just and benign au thorily. Their ztatur is in their'on:n, keep ing. They can be free citizens if they choose, by Eimply returning to the snag!. nneethey Madly renounced fair years ago; or they can, if they prefer it, persist in their hostility, and thereby render themselves outliers and bandits,-. and take the conse quences; or they. may expatriate themselves if They don't choose either tliesh condi., tions; but Independent they, cannot bo, so. long as they continuetipon'tH territory over wbidi 4 , 9 ...... As6g9 ll ce_ ntOro wayeS tiiumpb. . - • It bran old - saying thaVu.,idversity keeps' a dcai.iehiA foam In no other ;/,. and never did 6 whole people rind ire the truth of that old saw so fearfully as theca Of the .13enth; but titelesson be well learned; and - iery soon they themselve s to be_ liembler wiser and better than: men we' over.-hoped-they could ~ be; They have lost their slaveii.their"conatty . is desolated . ; ..... cire'redireed to poporty ; thousands of - their poople' hate been idairti, their loud swept thci bosom of &Aim- - lion; yet fearful as. ticelr , calamities Moro been, they will "ttitlinately, ho the gainers bY them.. truer, healthier and: more iigo.r. , errs 11th will ho theirs but hoW dealt-seated , . and deadli, Must have been the moral end political • dia:Use winch required ' such. a• •. • • remedy I !Alto hell • beint pride out of which We're: bullion sprung,,:and which , still koepe the rebel gag afloat rater the can...a it represents , la utterly_hopeless, was the legitimate off; -springer thatbrubsirousinstittition to Which ' the SOlathroll3 clung, so Icing and soteni densely. The.nialitionief elaveryleaveitlat prlde *Merit its natural raiment, sad of Oottlae it must die. 'Worker ataxic IS now the alternative before theists, haughty birds of troops of bondman; and either' workor hunger will soon bring them to their proper level, The inemomide laws of nature are quite adequate to theivork of attligati!m; and so long as they operates ourgcrremment _can afford to be lenient and ()Tap generous I towards its overpowered . enemies, De- prived of slaves, they, wßibe etmstrsdned to become just wbatme are, friends of libcrty,. equal rights -and republican institutions; and if old animosities should still nuilde in their.hearts they_ can done seriousntischief. -We . ce.n afford toleave them to the soften ing iniliencesOftinie, andOf social, religions and commercial intercourse. , Every thoughtful mind must be eanek with the coincidence-them luts been between the success of our arms in this war'against rebellion, and the work of emancipation. -Al first we tried to restore the Union and at the same time preserve illaverY from harm.' It Was proclaimed to the world that our quarrel was with rebellion, but not with slavery—that - We Were not fighting for the negro; and to attestour faith by our works, "fugitivenfroin labor" were returned "even to rebel owners by our military officers. It was ;while we were -on 'that tack thatthe battle of Bull Run, the Peninsular Cam.- palm and , many other disasterA befel us. We gained some victories, to be sure, bat made no progress. The proclamation of emancipation was at length bested, bat only as ti,'"war measure.," . - Then we began to do a little better, and gained some solid Ad vantages, but at terrible cost. By de grees, however, 'the negro began to be better appreciated, and fram '.'contraliami" - be rase_ to the dignity of a soldier; and si lliest simultaneously the Mississippi was delivered from its bonds by - the .capture of Vicksburg and Port lludson. Ia 1864;the - National Convention at _Baltimore decreed the total ;abolition of slavery by a constitutional amendment; and about the Maio time l3 nnaT and SIIIS.R3IAN organ Unix . greaLcampaigns; but it wan not until the wholeAmMite,. on thel3lllOf No vember, ratite& that . great decree, that Heaven blessed 'our arms with such sue, _ceases tut put the 'vault .bejond donbt or peradventure. And finally Coot Tess rated for Chat great Constitutional amendment. From that moment• the strength, of the . .re. hellion imams to hale Withered away to nothing; for Its-hosts haye be.% eying like frightened.slikeP before - our 'advancing eol untns. It ISCCaIaaS g,POD gliTa us a work to do, and.thrit done, 'be will give us rest. Slowly and reluctantly the government en tered, upon_ it, at drat only , as .a means to what wasour 'chief end; Ind by degrees it was taught that it was-the chief end; and that attained, our original end canie as a _ruattir of course, as a natural, univoldabla concomitant. In our experience-the great /11;* "rtaST VMS, TWEX pn.teiti.ntn" has . asserted its power. • . I.leutcnani Cushing's Perforastnees; -The Inostr.extmordttlary. - and successful feat of personal daring during the war, Was that of Licut. Cushing, in,einkle,g the rebel rare Albemarle with a torpedo. The story that be told of sinking the vessel when he made his way to our lines, was Inered.ible, and no one believed it until the rebel an-, counts confirmed it. Lieut. Cushing be came famous, and has seemed intent ever since upon keeping'up his reputation., The following. is en extract of a letter, dated at . Fort Fiaher, Feb. 14, and published ht the New York Tritms:: " Thdrisin hero of the navy , Lieutenant Cushing., contlnues to astonish the rebels, as well as our own forces, by his acts of daring and OWL A few nights *tee, in his 'light canoe,' he rowed around and up a creel; leading from Falls Inlet to a presum ing little borough named Charlotte. This had been the general deptit of supply for the garrison at . Fort Anderson, l'he dashing Lieutenant entered the ton - a late in the up' rte. Mayor, 31151MICIIICA ll' 11 er the Conttinot C.nuri I, and propped , nve tt.u.alry day light Isis cow talons of C./UhI:EC. 'He ordered breakfast for himself and , staff oMcers to be ready by 4 o'clock, which , Was promised by the city godfathers, who, with the Most cheerful alacrity had sur . rendered the town, under the supposition that Cushing had 4,000 or 6,000 men otitis heels." : Ho burned a large warehouae, filled with rebel commisary stores, loaded some eighty bales. of, cotton on fiats lying along shore, had his.earsmell float 10 down to the ocean waters, when the dashing Lieuten mat,- with cotton prize -money m his eye, formally seized it fir and in behalf of the ' bravo tare whom he bad induced to aceom pony him: "On Friday night ho rowed up to Wil mington, circumnavigated all its wharves, boats, &c, anti then rowed back to his ship, passing all their forts and batteries entirely. unobserved. Again on Satarday night ho rowed tip to the obstructions across the riv er ha front of. Fort Anderson, took a dellis crate and accurate survey of- the same, their location; and the plan of their construction. While skipping about upon the heads of the piles (it being dead low water) he heard cheering and other declamatory exercises going on within the fort. . - "Leaving his boat in the narrow armee:left for the passage of vessels, ho quietly ap- preached-the fort while the sentries' atten tion was turned, "as was hls, to an out-door' speech being. delivered by 'Bragg to the rebel tpdvisms.- .Listooteg - his heart', content4 - -les commenced his return, when his presence was discovered,,and several -yellers ormusla3trywore firedat idm loth, 'Muinfier *llOl4 inpe,"Parir,.. inesicardibileldlAciakluglik icLtic:Axio re connoissance from our 4a f antry Hue on'the other side, opened fire ui)oh our men, as stated above. Coshing returned safely to the shipi," . to ,receive again the congratula .l4ol9 of Jilt voandso. ;, PIUD Lac rroricEs. tar U. a x-30- Imo) W' . . _ Ilv_autherity .Ul' the &tenter? of the Treasury, the tutais!gire,l . need aanunett - the chneral 40, ' a c OS i ni Aglne, [or the ilae or. vuilfd E't" Treniury Noted; be:inlrer semi aid: three tenths per cent. tatensatiper*era, knee lzi &nth. ... BIMMRTY LOAN. Nikei litiaid . tindi;i'• ate of Asinist tats, and ire payable ttttee le e4 ll from that time, in timier, QV azOeonierttble at the option of ttui . . . ' holdie Into • - U. & 320 Six Per Cent -- GOLD'`., IMAILING 130=04 .Th 9" , toncl.!Likre taw vrortka:yroodam of Moe oeetorling iroldinieMer: from November, •vibleu rules Mewled priorli on the' vaso loon, at : por . eesi.:per ammo, iMbleo aemoptirMfrolo ask ,'sad " e " ci P 44 .!‘" 21 11 14 , WA" "Qda Wm. . e . to IV'et Per. met rt4 ae to rd l o g t ik illes 4 6 AWei ea other . : ProPertr• ?ht tamest ItyMobbvierat•ennoilly . by:_eorifmaii'affsairt To each Mgt., Mlifoli may be 00 4 4 any tiak or. booker. One 'caest par day on , $5O Elite. MOW II:=113 " .. " siooo ssaoo 4. air all the deaoranatlclis sunset will be pitimptty ftsztatubed updPrecelpt of iubserlpttcsa. TIM ONLY LO.Alt iN 'MA= nivei tagged attired hy thei3kivezament, aad it la confidently expected that item:peeler advantage's wlll m~lca it the Great Popular Loan of the People. . Less thus trxe,o2o,ooo remain unsold, which will probably be dorfansed of within the nextao or 90 dam when the notes will undoubtedly commend a soenthuri; ashes uniformly been the ease en eosins the subsetiptiosui to other Loan. In order thit the 'eitlrebi of every town ant section of the eotintry , may be afforded facilities for taking tit loan. Ike Natioaa Stew Banks, and Pylvidelleakere throusitent the roue try here fellera sigma to receive ilibsertytioue at par. 13nbeeribers will select their own &genie, in whom the have clinflrietwe, and who only are to be responsible forthe delivery of the notes for which they incisive orders. JAY COOKE, Sulzeriptiou Agent. Philadelphia ,Sabeeriptions will be recelvel by the TM Nation! rut. Mlatrati., Scout/ " • Tlttri , t'a" " • Faroe Laren Mina Oak. ruwesr. hi maul% NeUntal Bank el: Oman% " Tios cur Indensam ring!" iii* .a l t Ileituudes reaplat• Castile Plni telfaaduri •ruiabnii: 0/IPICI on TEA dlnatanerr .TALLIT.B. B. 00.1 ptttabura February t WIC ' r-aredinellnilL MELT 6.-111 AtC0111). 11=9" ANCE with the provision of the Mutat. ead the Suppletnestte, the General Neat. lager the atockholdere of the Alltsbeny 11h/ley. Railroad COmpaniorMletheti at the aloe of the Compy, corner of Weablli sad .Pike @taste, In th City of Pills ON TUESDAY. SliTh day ' of. YE81217/I.BT, at eleven (Pelmet a. M.. to receive the ilePart of the . Arealdelit and Managua, to cleat Managers ten the cm Wag year. sod tratiact rub other bualsume se may be presented. By order of the Bonze. Setlmeod - R. C. OR R, Soe. t Tress; Atrtmtrir r NATIONAL MILIINL PITSANVIZON, JAM MIN& - Ilar r All IMLEOTKOR POE NILES DR TORS o serve nattl theme. annual Dew; Mrs •Fda. a ll:7 OP he tORM. tae between the boars opin and o'clock pp ..a aisle S. W.,COOR. Meta. ..MW" rERTISEJNEXTS. 11088E88ION APRIL 86 LOGJOISTBEET.—FOSS&LZ—•LwoI/ - bait i, brick dweitlng,bouse, of ball. setco roe= lad cellar; vs sad water fixtunsh with lat of pound 10 tww. (rout.. PACS 112,600.. Apply_ to..- B. OUTHBEItT hr. SONS; , .. • • • Market strait, S:s boil sad s bap Flys 151161 t • 1 bbl Ratter; • •, 1 bbl Lent Tolotto; I bbt and box our !SIMI; nom laddldt Mum lll4llller Onward. For sale by --I.I4AIAH D.TOKEY it 00 _SO,LDIERB' POI;TFCILIOS. WEITING , , WAYLTVB .i.crx.elrritaxcnoma rut IME HAIL !The best and 'ebeasest HAIR DRE9. I slrla AND RESTuRATIVN In the' marker. Prep' el only by N. W. Verl at - Vederst et, Allegheny,. sad ler irate. h _ Drueglets K fe2l2ai w unr, ORR 4 . k CO., 23 ,111,11, Streit, 1131:13.rtkaas 3Mu.5.1.143 1 , PILLOW, SHEETING MUSLIN, LARK COLLICOZsi 13==! a _ _ . _ _ e., 1.;1 , 4 'NUE ec, '.NEIN rIi.TENT AU; G.llO stilts ANY; I I:es avir v.:44M rre DOW Iletreted. nad littrodive4 tot th e I.uhile ea the greatest triumph yet madeln,lllbel -eal instruments. For the littera, School or Par ley, they have_no equal. .The quality of tone la pure, and coma; bearer to that of the large Pipe Moan tone than *ay lastrumeut yet:pre/deed. Prices from Otto to NM Also, PRUNE'S MD LODEOI(S and tiUIIOOL. OUGA.Kft, from Ott to Otoe . (MAUL° fTE .11LUide, Wholesale and Eetalt Arent. the only Agent for Knabe's Unrivalled Planes for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania. 11ER*TIOAL . BAB,RhI, COMPANY Rcolzekilsais roolOzat. A LnIITED .NUMBES VF SIMMS OF TIII3 STOCK OF TIIIS CONAN po to FOR SALE. MACTENZES & - ".111TOICELI6 i3RnirEns, No. at PINE 235., - NEW YORK fc24:lw (ZEICTERAL •DJULUCIIITING 0NF10.13.: •••••• .Drawings made to - order of_ootl Regions, maargid and Mutinied with .Neils S' tem Att. Mu,,for ...retest OlRee, 7to k UL.s of Mechanical and Architectural Drawing (Ten Summer ab.g Winter,' every venlog froar,7 to, -e. Terms—ate,. for twentylessone. Set/plan limy • only for the lessomftbry attend. Admission of 0 . 0 7, time; 31 , 1•1111. street , over the Allegheey Runk. YARDS& HIAMLON, EngLneer.',' TALL PAPER! WALLPAPER—To - TT :make room Mr nevi iromm we will cell our stock at retool:dram WI the in of Nardi wet. Buys» santna pgvon; ot, Irrades,an4 mad µ theii4t4.4"pre• I:lea:call ttyMArkst , itreat. ..-7T,WV-Utrant*it TtARBEL FACTO 'FOR , BALEAI.I the nt ceps* Machinery am Intplemeata for . the manufacture of ONE HUNDRED OIL DLR. FELS rEft DAY; (MEDINA/ 004 in good mooing order. 'Aquino or . WIL If. SHINN, /Wiwi , kivotal Anuaitosa. - -'.._.'-.. • " ; "ti's ~?,~ a MMM= AMR' .w 117.13ITISEMEAVS.! ' GERIIAN .:.INITTIO . illi ! iltiN4,l • Of Pittsburgh, COD. MIXTEL'AND WOOD STREETSI APOUSTOI3 HOTELER President. SPRINGLIt.HARIIOGN' i Iriee Pres!dont. 0.E01.10P. A. P.iitULY, Cas tr.. . This That laid:tea The accotuda of Banks, Bank. eta andutheaas. . Government Securltles of all Uth, bought and sold at du rim:a - rates. As SPEULAI. AGENT of Jag Cooke,adbax . ipi. throswill be teosived for the . Popular '7-30 Loan, thin loan now being nbstothell at the tate of teocsoo.<::Kwa r•er and weloczonvertible into. aro-twenty_ ride breh are ACW at A ilreotiutriot over PElt CENT.' It commends Its elffor its superior &Oran ' bagel to all who sea a tale and proatabla tisioW Liberal commissions on tilts loan will be alloWest to si.o dealers la Oovernixisot aconities. .SPECIAL NOTICE.' -• FOURTH NITIONAL BANK; cfmmAntene Depos#sery,. PITTSBURGH, Yeeeuary na„ tars nazi I. 114iOrtiia to reeitiriniitter, PAYABLE ATIO DBE NOTICE; (AfteP 80 Days.) Bearing 6 . Ber .Cent. Intarest, AND PERM sirimTus WITH HON. P. E. SPINNER'I3i (U. H. TREASURER) . anTiniAirE It Is hoped that this. NSW AND DISSIRADIX immurement will meet with the favor of the entire eommunity,• and es the advantageot 'obtaining sin per vest. re t e lle P rN= bc i r o mousy will to obtained for the Gosernatent. . • ILIIBB OTONNEB„ President. s. D. lIER.RON, Cashier, " • $l.OO " $5OO THE ALLEGHENY COUNTY &DUI IIATTONAL ASSO(7IAIION, held a SPECIAL XEETIIt(I - la the UNITED PEES. SITERIAN 011UR011, Bllththlttthl VC ea FRllaI£X/riG, th e 14 th bat , oommenclas at 734 o'clock. Ile Rey S. B. on* use B. B. ct!lizugma, will address tb• weetteg. • , The Regalat Bleathlr Meeting unit* held ea - 821.11.TDAY, the lath last, In the VDU BTH WARD YUBLIO SCROOL 1101JSZ, oomzetaelag at 1% a. at. murals Talrdittorl Adana,. b See. S. Findley; In, *fiord Addrese, by Fret Monroe; question Ala Dlseoastan: ..Sbeuld the MU now before the Legg felatore, for the essence; or a new Motility Sup br. lotto , ends Direr[, be poised." To be *penal by A. T. Doutbett,txxty buyerbalendtaX JINMAII COMES; tenaturi Secretary Ex. Mom. TRUTH, Won FOR WORM—TEST; TOUR. OWN .111DOSIftsdia.i Cratdock t'ect..--Clarrs: rata satlaftelof thsm*-Its of INTIAN HEMP: It lots raised me from the `NUM.'" a* It were, whets VONSUMPTION So nearly Owed me. Tour Syrup, Pills -sod Olat• meet bee "done for are what Maltby else did or tool& do—resimed me to 'health awl life, when L Tad reslyabi =THIN to the - .mortal cloture." closed is eto for soother Sooty._ _Tours. • • WILLUX Z SNOWN. •Ntouttoiro.Llttoola.lllaloe, May tom. .The above is verbal um end but one of the natty we receive. Dr. R. JAILVS , DANNAHULS CONSUMPTIONy remedy that will posittvely Sure . AsTIINLA sod BRONCRITIN. We ask: Um trial of a slay)* bottle, as lt wW eel. !My the most skeptical. ft IA per batle. Time bottles, OAS 110. P/111 sad Olottieot, el 13 each. ACCredw • CRADDOCK. It 004 tOA Ran street PldladOphla. • fel 112serwItAvid . aeoarir;" 1/ALUABLE - " -OLI; PIIOPERTY. ' Save:al. tgacta of laud. believed In eseetlese Oil territory, located co Ylabing_ereek ant ita ataxic; Wetzel county, Won .agoonturo roorasyr vats* • "West li'lrginia 011 Campanv.". Are sewed QM sale on tseirrabfo Unto. Apto to .T. B. 1111131 LY, * , fettlw • 4fe.4t rikiiith LE - crtrßE. dt -00T1 *F ~o e BY REV: J. W. BAIN Of Osanoubszt. . ream masa. runny sue. wis.l SURTO:IT—The Price sob 'hats qf Tickets IS wilts. Lorton to cesium* 44 ! Tr< il qseq . . EW tar Ltbra4 for tho Saillooth Saitolol 1:4 that 6th V. P. Übureh. WOOL ALIZANDEB MUM& SONS • itm:Occuning Thais New Stores; " 20 4 n Naas rims ft, aid It 1$ kali IL: PffiLADSLPffiA. t• • • , , . . . Hating been thirty years in tie tende,ami know ing nll. too manufacture:aft this vicinity. would 'solicit' conaignme ate of WOOL, WOOLEN ,TAHNItt, and COTTON YAlited, sad mill maks CASH adenoma, if desired, of all iliipmente, at the elle of sM, per cent. per annum. fentnnid Te,/,IT.IIRTBE OA . =lv= LANES'S. 161- Natliat'street. ATWOOD, RALSTON & CO.. ' Mannfarlartra "and ConnnlniokXerohants; CARPETINGS, Oil Cloths, .ffatlings, Rugs, Se: No. 619 CRESTUIIT STREET, fell22m ' ILIAELPNII Ell i I irEVEMES OE sirmaabuitii ! : the tactuut PROF. =VS MAGNETIC OIIr ,To the only reliable cure Air Rheumatism. NewralictetOld floras, aid Yalu, or au winds. /Still xeldatlbe old prim . of 26 cents 'per bottle SIMON JOHNSTON. Sele.Agene, left ,enr. Sinsthtlete and 4th eth s. 4(11.74T UK 'llll4 riii;N'Ll::lZi9i!lt.lNel: AtiL WELISIiIIidTON //iStIIt4NUE CJJ., AEA Broker In Stocks, Bonds and Beal Estate,. CIOVERNMENT 'BTOIIES' AT ATM., TION.--TtfESDAY blonmscp, Feb. Unit, al 10 deleck, ny older of Capt. (leo. W. Murphy, U. S. Vols., will be sold at the once of the Com hentry of Subsistence, forcer Cl roan street and 000d000 alley, the fallowing U. S. condemned stone. to bencis Mats Beef 117 pounds Hard Bread. . Tertne.-Cnsb, Nab. ' lila A. /del LITAIVE, APo'r. Fol Tiff BO OIC Stat. a 5h141.1. HLA.CK •POUIC.EP fhP)Tra containing aboet sls't and paper., among .Which" 'was a Certleente of. Depoelt for 930,00, drawn by W. II Ni Son k derteen, of Philadelthla, favor of Salm P.' %Vasco." Payment has been 'atbklaTklllll?o;l4.7Y7ol.ll^.WlTAl to gr.. beehh, the money can be retained Mau co queettorn mare. • . .felminventl.; .14 if. LECKY 11, NOW 31AIi13,h7LC- At (his shops) earner of GAY alley and BEATER street, and tn WEBSTER at.. oppointe to the old orphan Asylum( Allegheny; sal tut- the Coati are 'made out of the best tosterints,,would Welts the public; to, glee him a call 'and examine thed; for therselvss. - - fadtsolf ICRPICII FLUTING, FOR TRIMMING . iMESISE ; Sp ' dooe'in a wuretfotiannei Inj ury lif.thcftei ° OHO or No, a 84.initstlie_— --- I_IItODUCE .NOW RECEI GI. 2000.1bs prime Fr e sh Hall Battery . tu& l Fb si • rob barge ret Ermileh Clover Seedy Mr bush small Navy Harmer • 100 bush §lfialOpivi Mel, far mil. sr GEO: L ENDLY, Cluthier Of New York, H rounnt ntnustm WILDING laurnorzu on. 'TOOLS, 'L'i'd" entr• r •ERTISEJMEXTS. nATEE BELL WILL CONTINUE '9h6ix RESCUED PRICES ! 1222333 Fifth Street. 21 FIFTEISTREET. S ° 2lPZl, l ;lrri=terat mPANTONS ' Soldiers' Portfolios; Soldiere''Pooket Inket,mule, Stationery of all Kinds, • Gold Pena of Beet Make, All the New ;Books, }lagazillea for March, Allthe bizeßooke, • . School Ulm, Photograiih Albuma, Stationery Portfolio, AT TUE OLD PRICE, CENTS. JOHN P. mrrs, rai Fir= Etr..N.Asoirio HALL. OPERA SINGERS' LETTER, . ' • IfEW Yosc, December,lB64. MESSRS. sirtswar - - • -Raving used your Planes for st:nee tune Is publia and in navels, we desirete express our unqualified admiration In regard to their merits. They are chsracterired by a sonority, harmonious clamps and roundness el tone, combined with on utound leg prolostion of sound, most beautifully ld.nd. (rep uER esmespportiag the rare, Is a degree that Mares waking fo. be Wired. ,Indeini we have never met with any instruments, not eves of the most eels. hmted manufartnri-e of Europe, which hive gives' as curb ENTIRE SATICIFACI rioter, especially se • resards their eusrqualted qualities' for sorinapanyisir the rein, end ileepting in tune for•ao loos a time, se pine. Planes, and we therefore chwerful/y rebus mend them before aft other, to . student* at roost and the public generally. !Max Mareteek,Dinsctar,'*. R. Peaseinatilard, Tenor, CarositZudd, P.Troittuts I'. Bellud, Baritone. E . 'V D'Aupt, ttutralto, W. until Tenor. Jeanie an Zandt, Sops. J. Weinlich, Basso, De &hello, Conduntor. CERIUM OPERA SIXGREIS' LIDDISEMEI9I. We "earthy amenr in the MO °Pinion of the STEIN WAY SONS' Pianos, as expressed by the singer* of the Italian Opers,and can only all that in coosequenceof their wonderful capacity ( strap. porting and Wading math* yoke, webrefer them, wd two mother masa(' 1./wealth= a STEIN WAY instrument eon be bad. We recommend -them to 'St: students of vocal mos*, who dmlre • in liable wows in the cultivstiou of the voles. Carl Anshutz, HerthaJohanesen, Earl Forams, Marla Frederld, Jos. Bermasns, Pauline Canis's, Flans Hicainor, I Isadore Lehman, G. Tamar*. iarsee agency of Steinway's Pianos, at H. KGB= & BRO., Igf WOOD snuoiT. Tam DALTOI FAULELY KNITTING MACHINE, ITIZ CROWNING 17111:7NER Knits lomat of t 0 Different finds of Ipptud. ♦ TARO OF PLAIN OR RIBBED WORK M=!l=!e=le! we taro mod.".fistterfoir teethnosiels from al outs or the country testlryleg to their superlatity for menuthaterten end Adaly pair:nen They ere pertilierty adapted tar bearroleaSodetiesand stitutioen • • tscs4 tor Circulars alia SaMples. or cal and sat item 1a oporatton.. WESTERN AGENCY: Re. 27 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. fete ' IE.. A. CAUPPMIL. jjsuon.uiltt 20 ban. Pilot. Rb Coffee, , 11 p00k24 oldTiotentiaritt Ja °ante, _ ID hada Prime P. R. Sugar, av V/ do do Cubs do, • • • - 10bbls Stands ed Crumbed do. 6 do Pondered do. - 20 do 21..12 1 ca11ut do, - Do do }Aim ukoteo srior, • 1011 - do - do e ' Floe do, • • • 21 'do Prima Now N. (I,lltotames, do Sorgum Sirup, Rive, 78 Ilitlrokests Y. N. sod OolOagr Teas, ID do do - Englith Breakfast Ao • 111: do do Choke Japan do: ' • 173 boxes • Meek Tota42o, 00opeu, Spun Doll aid Mils. • 10 bones Natural Leaf bacco Soft Proved, BO'caddy bona" Spun Roll do do do, • • 75 'do do yS(~S Navy do do do.. 00 bbl. Oct Smoking do, keg. Twist do do do,' le batt Dbl. Extra flue Chewing . Tobtroo, dell pound ones Extra Fine do do, ' 4do do Torkltb Smoklos, Arriving ln stone nod for mile Ur BAIRIIBc Perrox, fe.l2 No. 112 nod 114 S.oond St. TO DE CONVINCED, GALL A'i' IdoCLEttruiNl3l3 AUCTION, 53 FIFTH STREET. The entire stook setting at grakt reduction, em 11LANk,t.ib, FLANNELS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, MEGLINOfIa,• with 8; geuciel v rkty of DRY OOODS I. fIJS. a 001:" XECI.oz, 131x..irtsim TO OIL COMPANIES AND INDIVID UALS•°WHOM WELLS.- . - . Tf4o deruua to colt OLLOOLIOO to a now trumtly rot 1110 if, /.430 ut . lea 11,e.tritiv, .onct ha vo kit !:101; 0.1 .1. . Ito I•t,k ug !via h, , 1.+4 go , ' iut tqat;t4; cl.triats; }'or falttti illttloulmr*n.l.lro.l 11. Y box 1410..Pcstoillie, Philadelphia, swing loeacioh,,widtb, depth - Mad proximity to yloldlu -wella;arid giving it general history of the proporty, • _ • .Llttie Glass{ Rewittir IllsOktney Frit* ONLY *a CO. Unsurpassed, far certatntF reliability and grace in movement; and for-mai worth it hos no rival. For simplicity, durability and execution it to unequalled by any other cheap machine heretofore offered to the publle, and noede only to -be seen to he appreciated. It will hem, quilt, tuck or bind. Oak and examine for Tout. selvele Peg atilabliko Warranted. . BiIIAES, Agent, No. its THIRD St., opposite St, ()bailee Hotei, COI , ISIONMEIiThi OF PlioDuca - 10.barreli.printo Rutter{ 300 belies W , R. Cream Cheese; - IV boxes Factory' MOM) 10 braids Pickets; • - ba,rels prime Green Applesp 10 bbls. Wnite Perms; • , - bbls. pared Poaches; . . 10 bbis. unpsred Penchei; . . - Just r. eels ed scot for psis at MO Liberty strait. 'lOlB • POTTER, AMEN' It SHEPARD. •• - Gum or dirvitausar„ TREAStrIIILIV/5 . 011 , 108, Feb.=llBo3. ; - ALL PERSONS .Wll.O ARE IN AR, REARS to the Olty.of Allegheny for Ground Bents and. Water 'Routs, by meter, measure., will take notice that If said dues em not paid on or before the FIRST OF DIA.BOII' catalog, their at. counts' will be pieced in the hands o fithe City So: for collo:Talon. D. hiAOFEARDif, • fe=dw- -`•• • ' • " • Olty Treasurer. VVALL .PAPERSI WALL' PAPERS 1 --Spring time iacoming; bottee cleaning time to coming; WALL PAPAW?. HAVE 0031E1. tramenee quantities of iiiagnilioent designs, olden - will be open tot sale on or before the tot of Mirth. rein . 81.WOortatroet, (olitataad ) F 181!•:: , , ' 100 bbla Lake Trening; • t . • 25 - -Nex No. Itnktreli — . t. 20bnla • " andido; • ._•• • Just neouprd Andros tole bg - . A LOAHOL--4 barrels rm. 6^EIt.TISE-9IEXTS ' FOCRTR NATIONAL EA...x. - 1 C. S. Gomy - am* DepOsinn, . Prrasuraou, Feb mw ad, 18135, fL&VING BEEtf APPOMTED Special .A.geuit JAY COOKE, 11. S. Agent for the 1-30 Loan, - Ace offer this dealrahle forestesentin snips to snit, purchasers. The notes aro trisurns of $5O l $100,.5500, $l,OOO and $5,000. Transferrable dug: 15lb, 1867, FIVE-TWENTY GOLD 'BOND ALT WoIIXI, These iloileable lectifilles aro oaths Of, theme of 84>000,000 PER ,DAY, AND IN A VERY SHORT TLX-E WM be at Ez Preastans.' Ari.To Banks, Makers, Brokers, Trast Qom panics, Insetanc• ,Companies, aa4 all- wive' par- it Liberal Commission Will bo_ Paid la Cult. It la hoped every. one williarest In tDIN bled, &mixable, ante and peontableneescity. - iMtS O'CONNOR, ftsident. 8, D. fl BON, .ftdder lILE GREAT Pt! HEMAPANAXA. . . blocs the latroduellon ef medicine. tie wisrfn .1 .disease has perhaps been the subject of more se- Maus and mientide consideration be the most learned of the proftsalan then any other connected with the bras of the Great Creator; not a Amhara oomended that all diseases have their origin In the stomach; others, the solids of the body; Men again, and by far the greatest number, contend lad reason the be /MOOD itielf is the very fountain of life—that if ft beeonlee lmpare,then diseassla Its Worst forms—Serofnin, Cancer, Ulcer, Srar appelui Ann Indeed, experience in treating thin clangor din. mires by purifying the blocsi and thereey electing their eradrattral 04 cure, prove this to re the "correct theory: suit f4g upon which theory, the med icine now imown be trawarairaita, was composed and brought Bk. Meetly, producing the most grab. Using matte. • It. use soon exercises each a mastery over SOBOrIILA, I.IIATEILATIONS, PIMPLES eal • TIC-FACIE, TETTER„ SALT RHEUM, =vat COMPLAINT LOSS as APPETITE, Dyspimun, =AL DEBILITY, • ' as to give; from the time It in first tahem,Cticour. .agroperit to the patient, by making both seen and &ROAD good It is about to acoomplish. It was thoughtl.est to put it up in bottles at Coe. and sl.oe ewe,—as many persons are disposed to try an arm ' eta but are often deferral at the expense,—eo the trial here can be made at a moderate outlay, and satisfy the porchaser that .the.* article is what la claimed fee IV to be, yin r the greatest 111•1.711 creme Wm. brought before the pee le. .Dellesteremales will dud in it tae metunuis they . - • What the pane may font some Ides of Itl pears liar =native merits, we antdoirta UM of thaprincl pal articles of which it ia composed, with ail°. amcription of the uses and adaptation of °eclat ken from the highest authority mown to mace ame. • • • .110SDHULS sAasazAlu.l.4 Is noel with n benethdal affect in uses of Minnie tinny lictofulotts Alfectiotug, Cutaneous Diseases and otintr depraved conditions of health. • DAIMELION , . . _ ._ In toitle, Montle sad aperient /I Du a . peat* action upon the firer, exciting it when languid, la secretton. It has be much used in Gerstuteti ill dinecacs of the ditiestire *rims'? - , , • IODIDE: POTASSIUM. There me few diseases.% which lass not peeved beneficial ; It 1$ used In scrottamis direetions with greet benalitt it hes also been used wit/Lomeli SOIN oeolu treatment for Inessunstlon of the E7s II generally lantAaelaP. end dm", z.dritivi)rit , rr.oßiErur - a:rect ossa.Amass M to i it t l ; highly I.strigocating la Is espedally Saleable la Muse St Senguls mid Rheumatism. cziumo,tras raowsxs Me WlTabtageowdy toted to alai Eafeebtat but 141 e especially applicable to awes of agesetal Debility with Weak appetite. . . YEZEREON BAIL - It sets Isvohbly as ea alterative In Chroeln 11:S. feeticum, Chionie -Sheumatime and obstinate Di• • The Dal/Idea of the formula la withheld as a Tung tertian imalost trend. - . • For sale by * • SIIEON 101INSTON, von. SMITHFIELD & FOURTH STI3, Pittsbtunly . . _ SIP , Ask ysear Physician hm opinion - ot the abore recipe. -d etainee DONOT ALLOW YOUR CQL D. TO t the its own comas. Two-third. of the vie. tire.' of Consumption ewe-Peir afflictions - to the fatal mistake of "walUng for a cough to get well itself:* if you would avoid this error, avail your. self at once of Dn. JAYNES , FOLPLOTORA.NT, which will ears you promptly and effectually, and which, for thirty years has maintained its relian t/on as a pertain remedy for all Coughs and Colds. Carel' softie or the evidence: • . • Lieutenant Colonel Lours WitneXu, now In 'corn. wand of Camp WC.ll.Petin,ol l etim HMI; Pa., writes t "• For Coughs, Colds, tic,, - the Expectorant ltu al.• ways provrd a certain cure. • . hiu. J. BI.CILL, of Hebron , N.H., says : • I won troubled for two years with a sovereCourth end Pain in my Len i Alter coasultlite the bent physicians within reach, with no effect, I was eventually. restored to good health by, the ass of Dr.Jayenis Expectorant. • • WRISTIMR. Of New York, writes: Tont Expectorant hie entirely relieved me or a very painful Cough, r.ocompecied with .a *ore OODUEOS, or .telbuurne, mite.: • . to il.nrel,ul,.rre of vxpo,ur,, NrhUal - lionte , , ermi,ctrti tr. CV: re COM. eVeq . .lloll,l,,ttieS on y After 1,1114 I.evcret! 11,1 A, xvit.!:— cut ztt op, INV. Cyta•geZcir cum.] by, your ExpC., toloct. • • , lieV. lir. Dowmwo, of NeW York, wines: ' From my own experience, I bailee° the Expecte. rant to be one of the bast remedies for Cough, and • • Mr. 7.0. Taxies., New Libert.llln4 writes: • Last FaU, while a refugee from Kentucky, I contrected a Severe Cold, which sertotuily threat. noes my Lung'. -The accompanying Cough was so constant ,I. could obtain but little rest, day or night, altnough I tried several palliatives ;which were recommended to me. Ono bottle of the Es. 'plotorant. however, broke up my Cough linmedi. otely, restoring my health completely in slew days.. NIL- O. T. POoerri.. Superintendent of Akron Schools, Ohio. writes: • In three days the Expectorant cured me of a bon standing and troublesome Cough. • Agent. Pittaborgh, B. L. - VAIINESTOCK CO.; In Allegheny City, PARK rs. BRILL, and 'FßiiD'li W. 11114 sold by Druggists generally. fanatwar . YL~ aura, fiu and. Steam Pitting, alfles branches , carefolly attended to, by cape tiencedretlcal =Oaken. IL tine onsartortat J • ' 114211 5117ar i 1 ' 512. W COnataatly on hand andnido to Na,, TATS &SEVELLE, No.Be FEDEILL4 STEM', Allceman - 'And . IsILLWar _ , . fiI,ZZIIIIISIT ti r ATIOX44. BAIKA s . j. _, Presenunon, web. e, 1 THE. DIREC'rORB -OF _ TOM B.& K I.•tivre 4244•447 neotereni a art/lend pi TIRES -VEX OENT4 as the Clail, e tnelr, out of t ear* , .top of . ..the Artenr to Jen an , v... tasty payable on e after e 1113 lent( IfeeeptiCkir emment ten. - - J. W. QOM, Onakier. - ' lirlhvidenn uly. e:will",he;entter ybiemlarod la SIM. 1 01'.'----- 02 itgEt3 AND A.PPLEtk—Received P this eay, I car load Peach BlaliPotaLoadi; loadctr.ea Appla. • . _ - - li. a. Tear woo. Jl•Err in PERTISIE.RIEXTS. FLOSPF,CTUS OP THE Pacific Refining Company, OF ITITSBUF.GIC, PA. MEiiii Capital Stock, - 7 ." :$lOO,OOO. 22,000 SHARES; SS•EACH. Subscribers Not Persoully :Liable. . , • It ts propelled by , the sabetribers to thie to form . a Company under the Minim sag itenufeeth Law. of Pennsylvania, with a Capital ef MOOD, for the purpose of buying Onale Petroloon at the wells,,or strittebtirgh, Easton awl &Mug Sale% For this t h arn=p=ty t mg e tes _tre rPrut . ft Pitt , whiph has been ran suacesifally for the NA two 'yeass by Mem!. Blower, Burk* C10.,0f hilt city. • ' • - • DESGII4IIOII OP `TEE lIRIORTY _ • • , She Pacific Oil ,Works Wonted ea the Alio- Vittco ßhe sfkly am illtli a gt= al Arbt l alVf:ti i i; of brick and constructed Ina thorough and work , manlike' manner. They here been rebulltvrtthin: the put twelve months, and everything to in pen feet repair. , A sub dentist briolewerehouse tf oom neeted with the Refinery, with erlerp teller capa ble Of storing aver 2,010 Wells of Steened oil, Wcoden Tanks wider ground , holding nearly 6,000 IM M2iM=l Capneity: GOO Barreh Refined Oil 'Per ifock, (IN NOUND 'NNMEINRS.) . . A Worthington Steam Pump in Oa liallaeryi" also one at the dret; with tubing from river to works, ping Crud* Oilin bulk; Ample AZtotor and f 4 r tili m g - Paris.. To gaard against lire, blank brick - walla separate the different departments. All the machinery le new, and with the storage capacity both for Crude and Relined Oil, the farce , - able locrility,having the riYer rattreed at °rm. maid—this may be ranked= one of Omitted pen, feet Oil Refineries in the world. • " • • • The' present owner will waver this property, Including the Refinery, with• land In fee simple.; (tee - feet on Butler street, by 120 to Pine Ailey, to the company for the sum of- 1116,000. . • Anorreseplati of the property accompanies each bookof subscription. • • • • The BUM= which has attended the prosecution orehis branch of the Oil Trade has not estaped the solace of all entering minds, and it is deemed superfluous to urge any argument that would go to prove how a company by laying in a large stock of Urude Oil when it is low, reinmg it and holding the Relined until the price is profitably' remunera tive, can 'pay a dividend annually of 40 to Pa per cent. It should be observed that the.compsny, after paying for their pro per ty will hive .4 cash working ruse of ded,ooo. This can easily beturned over three times each .year, and it is believed that with. good m auagement the Company wilt he able to declare a quarterly dividend of 10 par cent., and that there is no better or safer investment for capital than. In the stock of this Company. For prodts, Bank Instialooe, Rallrowl, and ores Geld Mining Stock', are left far behind, and the risk Is Ur. Richard Sill, a gentleman of long experience, both as a refiner and dealer In Oil, will, if desired, personally superintend the business of the Cam. play. P. . _Attached is value ificate from Kr.. A.. T. Schmidt, Showing the of the Refinery. es near, as It can he estimated by one Of-the most experienced . and eincessful of Refiners . . . PrrraUrnori, Pea fithi • By request, I have mszle-a careful estimate of the Reenery called the-PROMO 0/I. WORKS. sand It With ' nat least (WOOS) Fifty Thou le present high price of ma terials, it would probably costa much huger su to construct a Reentry-1n ail respects as perfect as, this one. AUGUSTUS T. SGELR.IDT,• • Superintendent of the Ardeseo 011 Works. Meal:pore Or.rtificate la given to satisfy persons who may. intut -In the stock of this tiompaly,-- that -all who 'subscribe are on as equal rooting, and elle to prove that the value Ls really tattle p re }tooks of subscription to the Capital Stook of , the Cempluty are now open at - NoICWTA3I33ITMMCA-13. OFFICE OF GEORGE W. DILWOR'III, up swozno STB,iET OFFICE OF BREWER, BURKE & DIIQUESIfE WAY. esi; kuteoek 8 teteL iIZE3 SECOND NATIONAL BANS or PITYSI9IIOO, veemßllfD up uncir mum. , . . , Twenty 'per eat t\o be pakiinzt tsyo . Atter sub.: ecription Is made, to t. pmmoN, CcthietSaind National Batily Pittiburzh, THWVILER,.pro to The balsnectin installinchts satieeded by the Com. • Persons reiddirrg in the country desiring to sub scribe, will have their orders promptly attended Co by addressing any of the aboveperttes. . JA3LES BOW• 1% . 130 Wood Street,. Noce., ISANUFACTIIIIER CIY ThI?ROVED BORING TOOLI, Sinking' 0 11, Salt and ether Wells. Tool, warranted ands of the very last XliNtLiA • .AND LOW MOON WOK • W/CLLlionieas resmeriED 7-Icrocresst, Cwals , 3Pslooter, such ankles Is iiecttirtry to otooduot opera . Hon., vit: A NVTLK, lIATUTIETS, 1110.L(PA'S, , SAW E‘l,." :II IA El', 11A ' 1 , ILO VEL.S, I PLANES, PIONS, - • LEJAL,I9, . ROPE, LEATHEER, , AND • . mszacerrav cw, .320., All of width I UT* constantly la *tors. 49.4.1122411 a NOTICE TO OWNERS - OF • . DRAYS, HACKS; &o, • Notice Is hereby Steatite ell 'owners 'of Dray', Carts, Carriages, Putgles,, whether resident or non-resident la the City o Pit lce., tsburglato pay their Licensee at the Treasurer's 'onlie of the cay of P"Aisburgh, forthwith, la accordance with se Act Of Amembly,epproved March 30, 1860, and an Ordi. Emcee, of the Council, of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April 10, 1910. - ..All Licenses -not paid on or biter. May t5, - -1505, will be placed fa the hands of .the Chief of Polfce for cellectitm, subject to his tee of 10 cents for the ~71-leetwiathereof, end- all person. who neglect or io lake out ,Lieenses will be subject ton. s.s recovered before the Mayor, double. penelty, to , • - . the amount of tbe • • • The old metal plates *Mr/ ;atilt be returned at the time Licenses 310 tsken colt, or pay BATES or LICENSE. Emboss horse vehicle,' ' 7 &) , . 'Each two horse o- • - 12 03 . Each four horse. ' 15 go ' - Each two horse hack ' 15 go Omnibuses sod Tlmbor Vrh.sla drawn. by two horses, t,lghteso dollars each. -For each ad,lltionat bone na In an 01 thesis:me Te.hlcles one dollar. Frrrsairiorr, February 1021, ferhtt ' -113.&AG CRA3OII ' - ' ' ' SAW 1114. AND BARGE YARD Craig Street, diAleakeny. • _ . r oori NEw • • , - Silk - lit-C I for 1565,t A NEW AND. GREAT INVENTION IN HOOi.,ISIDIR . i TEE DUPI I'X ELLIPTIC„ - Or Douole S9Ol - Springl WEST, RII/IDLBY tiara 1 f 'o. wrviy 97. asasisbers Street"...VCit-IrOal Are the owners of thle patent sad exclusive kunui factures of thit; J. W. BRADLEY'S PATERZEIIi DUPLEX IM.LIPTICSTE.ELSPBSBO SHIRTS. This Invention .consists of Duplex (or two! fie Steel Springs, incenlously braided tightly and: ftriblytegotiwt, - mice to edgronalticul thelontliest4i =Olt cbut le, flexible aed durable sprint ever used, wattling 1011111111 Cf Ail consequence 'of its gresti elasticity and flexibleness, to plate and fold the; aklrt.whca in use as easily and with the same venlencires a silk or muslin dress.- It ettilmly steles and µknees the only .objectiens hoop starts. sit: theartUOYarlre to the wearer as well sl the publiej'espeeially.ln crowded assemblies, °en Negro, railroadears. church peco s orin any *mrd& . plsee, from the ditrleulty of contractlissJoem Ls: oecopy st , ,sosell spice: Thls entire/removes the dlilloolty while Osier the skirt thousush.fell symmetrical forte, and Ls the 'lightest tad most stylish mud . graceful *pauses* for thalstreet,l lepers, preowned& or house drew. A lady hart eoloyed the pleasure. comfort and genet eons ewe of westing the Duplex Elliptto Sprth e Ski . for a single day,will never afterwarxellitotlyi dispense with thelllo 'of theta. They are the bon, quality In every part, and by far the llgoteat, mat durable, comfortable and economical skirt mach ,; Merchants will be supplied as above, and •by here; and ladles in romt ilreheisse retail stores till thiseltroughotit the different States. . ulrefor the .• •-.- DEPLEZELJAPTIO SPRING 84Lat. • , BiAdlerii 'Dupla Elliptic -Sktft,niiiit 'pordirj and &Liable In use, for silo by EATON. it&clurat & _ Nos. 17 and le FIFTH SiitlEtT. tßepprors - • , - 1 Initsanc ELLIPTIC mull l meet decidedly the best skirt =via Ag kndli 1 " 4°1114 ' 13. 30s. nORNII it Tr and 7l Market titre et. BRADLEY 'B. - • DVPrEr iILII 7 II, 0 BURT', esklyfelded to . seenpi s impil durable. For pais by 11.6041115auttei ;MIMS $'8111144. streis.: ENCOURAGE Ek.o A 911: MANIIFAti. Macrum (3-Iyde;l 78 iff.A.RXET STREET, >j Oder ao ,extensive .took of SEASVNABT4i GOODS of Alaoricast Manufacture r , oorafaidoll great variety of • • • , ":e3 MMUIChg. 1308XEIRY '& GLOVEA FabOy . Goods, Notions, Small Wares.l GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING NOW ie !Teo style snd qtrality at most timispefis • We sUU here slew goods Or ~elms .117anuradure, .WhlchNre wIU dlstiour of at prices toirtitt. To bler4tanta and Beta4iraiis . • At - :IMP.MCOXLIIIELELX.o2V prices as 44, as can be bonyht strivilero Zasterro tittles, AS wo buy . exert:ulnas Vustelt from Maradoctoras or their .agerr,_riely, 13. za an xi Nocr . • 1 liladerabirta at 600 1 WOa u i4.oG Drawers at $2.00. WORTH R 4.00. Biel Mil WILL.MN num 116.14 .DIA.CRPTIL HO» ibottt ofg d, it . nt. t UNDERSHIRTS sad DR A WEES,neIair Ali 1,001 11 which weigh from IN lb. to 1 lb. I oz. pi" that mutt be cloud out Immediately. -We oar theta at much tom Mao what t hey -• to make, and we tuatara thora 4,6 be fang • thing In market at at on: - _ • - _No, reduction will le nada tor (mai , Illit.atit able. or Oar htiagrad at the sans rate, s. These Shirts are a:Great Birgaiai ZIATON, mecutua as and is pink Arest. • - CLOSPIG - OUT_ latALß'Or'Day tackoiti: Neon - . TsinTr oikars , o.Frzir, BI:7IIt7EEPrPTAI'I3.; ' WINTER DRESS BOORS, at coot ud MIL WINTER SHAWLSat oast and MINTER CLOAKS. do do. BALMORAL. SKIRTS. SUMMER DRESS GOODS, at Last yciseapitiffl., HOOP SKIRTS..- - ELANKrrs AN D FLANNELS. . • t! The tattle stook tu beeit e• cl isz. rio. e ir AND-MUST AND WILL •'-'CLOSED OUT Now is the Time to est Birgiins. GREAT BAItGAINsi MOO/WM) DENNISON ,. tg 81 Market. street, s • ' *az DETERMINED TO °Loss oar THEIR HtirTLEE STOOK OF GOODR Genie Vaderirsneeers. Wbibs Shirts, , Oravate,•Coiler, &e. ete. Embroideries, Lice (lend s,Glo we& Ilosterf, TrbO. mpg*, Point - Lace; Vollers, - Itibbons, ere. ha. , • . jai Xl.CUswirr.ot A I,Eir ASSORTMENT . tir . ,,,,80T-1 TONS, - Dress and Cloak OTZIAIIMILUI.' 7fa&14.; Gimps, Chenille and Bugal Mum Malik WOW_ tindendeerea Slam a n d o the karst -Lacroarut Lineal:Oilers Naailuweidehr,Gio o 'lloptery, Balmoral,,ami Hoop Skirtai r lk Shawl' and klargumk of on dul l Efor.!tro En ameled and °oft, for ladies sad geoutemm. Walsh Leather Glove!, Pc all alum; Gloves, la light colorer Bithon Seta, :mooed to order, together with a pew lot of Brad Vedas 11111 and Flowera. War be found at - AWE NOWEIPS TRIIIAtING STORE. • No. 32 Eourth street s :tear Fen, strook Particular attention given to cleaning-Poet sad all. other kidlutt of Lamm Mack Lame Pelt two . • • WITRFLER 4t, WILSON'S ' •. INP3IOVED _ FAMILY SEWING MA' 21ple, kettable and Perfect. , , Tbete , iiimachlne tattle world thit eu do tislt. witricty of - vork or give such thorough . goittr, &alb*. feecti,, rt. - ' llietstinactilugs - ' firm; Frill, 1111114 Bind; et, Plan lntha4 - CORtiI'AND BLUM, witiout previoni b.,tint= , It will scw the heaviest awl thickest cloth, with tight, strong, sesaqsi duritble sett* fatirki.'; Itself.. It will sew tie thlowit- cambrur; Swift,e iaws,lice.. with equal Bend for OisCitier, w!th -ffsaplaii.of Ulan, ,;at'' laic lA* No: 4 fey/ ' PlTTStantari t rgNC3NNATI%B. 0 Ht44--4Achoicel ~toeibt:3oC put net et evenleee to i , . 044 ag.orzr4. 1 , - 41,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers