6t. ~~r+c ~~~x~~ ~~iK%~t~._ MEWS VERY. X,TEST • - • - • trasityimA.'-uff!isigußE. DinikUl to the Pittabiatit(Uszet. • B.IIM/STIVINFi Feb. =,11365: presented from .Aiegheir, and pun of trio . Asada: ... • ' , • , % ".. ../ 6 f s :PViala read a,b/ 111 reating ta° °S ee or I *ostacodoner . Resources,— islsollahlag - the *Ansi and appolutlng,ConinahcOnors to !ipmailse the dleercat departments,. • • • ; Lavin ono Mt:Owing the Unlon land and f•'...f3dtintrat Company .construet - *street railway lu,`,Craiford awl l rte comiitei;. - : ; 01 , - 11 . 3, Jim ;Bisque an4.All:64lT-Rinrciad.- Mi bpi Inerecialnx the inn' of •Itinfeardlle Ap: . • s ffitiliem, cxeepFta Allegheny conntY,snat-ghila -;.N.I14114114 ' i4-tgalvi; io:**4. D 941 illjcSiai . postfOned foione *Oh: , , 'etrikhadi 'presented iostantal from Siiiler for'n*lncrectso or bounty taxes. Also al nemottatraiocCogalost Instated • ; Aolia...fuvstle;Orn t„.371.40, and East Liberty. jeankroa—d. : ,1711. set authorising au addlt!oust - Notary Publle In Allegheny manly; b s'nhideinent , to tiValueiwc s.Oll Co. r-* aapplea?ent ,ak,* g lbetriiikr St. ClitTr company-to ff d - i.testioiraltioad and borttorxreirr.... ,pre,im , a petition tiktinit,, ind alt nit - 140111g the act authcadallig iiitliSrorlis In Allegheny'. • ; ..ctfornoon Chit or , derelobsts4ro to bo• peg to ttleLansllleil of de. eetia Cid - manta; wee -piaser ealled ,ttiti blii . laying' it per - „m - yltrtai of-yrenty-ftelidoll'a'ri on the E4hth ward, Pittsburgh. Parsed. -'• Mr. Mogo Introduced a bill establishing a ferry • ti'ismiithii.Altegbeny,-near where: the road from phirkin and the Tionesta road to Plumeertilo .” Creases. Pawed, The situ resolutions wore adopted by a part] • Itousc.—The gills eitanding Lne time In which 46Lsit•Inutati . aro to biome Nationk, to January- l! '_landlords'• dispoasesit ten . =, 'ants who fall to do thowart contracted ter,*W' dt the iALWioini session ''nearly d y_ bounty . bills were offered; among them was One . offend• ' by Mr. Copirtlle for a per,capiti n tar. of twenty - Ise dollars in tho Third Sibd TenTh wards, Plies - twirgh and McKeesport. and forty dollars In the • kith ."iWaid' Glees, for the Eighth hard, 'Pittsburgh, of twenty-eve ddlsZep , . ~......,::"Mr.lferron,.for. Sheer township and Tart lettere. kr. Utley, forftashington county; Mr. iMe, focEast Bleininghaixi, of twenty-Eve dol krzlklcKee, f.w twenty-lee dollars in Tem-, • peraneerthe,, - Patet . Birieligture; - South Pittatnirgh, Lower Bt. Ciale. Collins, 'Deer' and Indiana. • East The!, Indirma, Pittsburgh, Collins; South Pittsburgh are 'also Authorized to levy two per cent'. ad , &dank tat on all property.. • - Visit of the Pennayleanta ‘Lrglalaturt; te . epeetatDtapatek to tee "%tsarina Gazette: ILutaleatria, F.b, 93.—Ttle Committee of Wale ait . ..l Means, and about twen ty , other hers, arrive In Pittsburgh to-morrow night, • 7:: ta.wtsit the public inatite *HE MAN- trauma In RICHMOND, NOVA Eiltillal%, ALL Tiiß , REBBL . TAPERB DESPO NDEN T A BILL PAPSECIVTO., ARK 200,000 NEGROES. ;INiLMRiBTOR PROBABLY OCCUPIED BY-LIIIR FORCES Finial:do:Mit; Feb. Zl.—The Rhertirg • r groPkbliithe following. special dispatch dated ' Icarningtol„ Feb.43d: • The Richmond pacers of Trim:Welty that, tßierinan Pushier, repid , 'Ty *ant , foe Charlotte, Salisbury, Onsennoro, aPd - thence to Mil Giant in an snack erraticlunond. - Unless 13hersnan U soon checked • • • . be connate stopped at . , • .;,- ••dielegrews from Goldsboro, of the 19th test., sap thaYnllnmo force has set out from New here for Tarboro, to cut the railroad floe' . mington to ltichmorid, and -that another force wuvnaving upon the south aide of the Reuse liver to ens tbe same raid. Yankee - force is reported meting from Tennessee to 'join Sher- The whole of the rebel papers are riespiludent. The rebelliouse of Representatives on Mem . Csitity passed s bill to arm two lmndred thousand Degrees. The lame biltsrould pau the Senate to secret 'sessionom Tuesday. The rebelpapers boast considerably that they • baseborn the cotton at Charleston to keep It out of hands. ' • • - Information recelvol here. coming - through rebel sources, Is to the effect that Wamlagtm was chivied pious forces on Sundayllast, the • rebelemovinktoWard Raleigh. . • , Opt TROOPS • ADVANCINII, ON WIL • . MGM - • - nut Potomac Arley in Great Glee Over the Capture of Charlatan. - - IffiItELDEGION. Feb. 24--,---Cotrunander. Tren cher!, of the United Stites steamer Rhode telegraphs Mai Nevi - Department from: . Ilampton Itosifithis morni ng, `that our troops, 'were within four voiles : of .Wilmingtoo, - Plat • heavy Bring was heard„ and our, troops .were ,heavy rapidly., • Information from the Army- of the Potomac states that the army was is great glee over the capture of Charleston. They - begin' to see in ' -the evacuation of that stronghold that the and of their labor dares . nigh. - stunted salute was fired thoughout the Whole llne In honor of the event. - Batymicrita,Feb:„.23:—The Bald:ware Am.:ri cers has advice:a Maui City Point, down 'to. yes terday morning. .All was theo quiet, with no inuleatione of a movement of any kind. 'Tbd madame very muddy. 111climand papers appal: of the bad condition of the roals rendering ar my movements impocaltde. They contain no America and ,Brfatn...Speectt of lion - George Thompson. Feb.:lifeerruntlS e23.—There has been no court In the St. Albans case Waco, Monday, owing to the Illness of ; the Judge . At the' concert ofAlta New 'England Paddy last night, the Ulm. George Thompson made an eloquent. epoch on. the cement and future of America: ile said although war was necessary, yet all tba stars would appear again brighter than ever, and the beacon of light and liberty would be - khlle# to the skies. America. and Britain, Mother and daughier, would . go baud is hand; onuin union and progress.' fro said there was erroneous opinions as to On English Semi• meat, and, painted a glorious future fur all man kind free, Irrom • tuno,.Feb. 23.—New Orlcan4 dates of the 16th, aid Memphis dates of the List, hate been. The i'iterose says: 'The tar at Southwest Paso has become a great obstrulgion to Design.- Sion 011 account of low water, even vessels of a moderate draft median' much diflicvlty. - Andrew Jacksoci Donaldson publishes a card M the Memphis Argus, dcfluing his position on 'the quer:aloe of the day, and ftsaylng, the mate =cuts of northern papers hi regard to his pout= Sarinuitt Matters. 201 u, your, Yeb.2S.—The Savannah corres ,4ondient-of tho Ariverttur !tato that stories of the Union SelitilllCElL there are all bosh, and that MVO of steamers sent there from New York -andalOston were one al;th for free distribution, and the remander sold on account of owners .of ships nod certain privileged merchants. , . The Reported Attack on Grantl's Amity. , Ntlr Toys; Fab. =—Tho Philadelphia Pre= the fepart that Loa hail attached Grant and. • 'oar arra had infrared defeat. Wu band on zn :Zoom h 3. Viraahington Lat. night. . . . :' ' s . `ice: reasa • - . 2 ~- F . • _ T •:: . . • Mal • • , .41 April OPERITIONS BEFORE WILMINVIIN. TEE-CAPTURE ` OF FORT ANDERSON SCHOFIELD'S OPEICIa.REPOIIt Wilmington Probabiy in Our Poaseesion. , WasmrlK - isox Fe - Selmflekl makes the following report: Font Asionnsoe Yeb.l.9 ISlf5. . .To time cers. Chins4:Clty Point; Gramm.: I hare the honor to report the st:e.: resa of our opezationa against Fort Andirion and the adJaiczst works .on both, sidea of Cape 'Fear deer.• "" Yesterday, while the -gwaboate matutalied a heavy fire upon Vert Anderson, T pressed the; me. my on both sides of the river,and suntarorce un der Gcn. Cox, about eixteeen miles &rennet, the swamp, to turn the enemra rigid. This force made Damask/4F a narrow dadto botwat+ the two arawipe and- eouipietely turned,tetenet y'e petition. . rood a!'.tiq'noTetdtrt:lean9iSttF the .abandifeehlekivati are y e-eaptiered.4ez gais :unudurce,..ana* con siderable amount of ammunition. -We taut aboutfifty priaonent. 't r. 1, kits 'in' or : ft4o.on eithefside. 1, aqtlAe l *a& boat& ara.memagrnP theriver. , , 1 . Fait 40 610 ii*idThiter 1 4 1 * yrk i toe Teri Strong; Liao:C(l4o* bzittrainpi.";;l4ll*tri lit+t; tie* ibetn Lialthatrattpplietr are= eibansted.• •-• • ; informatterila tbattliambelar'fiara a Una , 'of defense beb tid . Tom Creek, wberetiley vase to mete n stand. If so It ran probablyonly abori ' `'. I em, General, aery respectfully, your °bed', entseryant, J. M. Scuoner.n,ll4ol Gen. Cone'd'g NEW 'TEES, Fell.. 22.—Tiie Herald's cores- yurndeut, writing horn Fort Anderson on the 19th, says the fort , was destitute of prOvisions, but a eonslderai)le quantlty of ammuhltion 1T44 . Ibund `ln the raigazhirte and many: Instrumentsfoi the eiploston toryiedciee, with wires leadini, out btu the boatZln the Beet-were sent out to diag for torpedoes, of :which an Im mense number-was 'found,' - • ; • hot , knew what General - Cox's.' Creeps liarre done. ".A. force under 'Colonel Moore are In themlelalty of the fort, the rest halrlng passed- northward . several miles In the tear; Gem &Infield does not know whore cox le. It coundently lioppllea wan In a position ;last night to cut off the retreat of the rebels from sort Anderson. •-It bo no surprise If It Obeli -remit In the possession of Wilmington this after ' Gen. Schofield Is maUng dlsliceltiOns of some - ablate:mpg to rvlnforee Gen. ITerrj the east -.bank of the river..: An advance on both wings lanl be rustled with vigor. - . - In tle - aklrmlsblng or yesterday General Cox lost only Wanly-all:men In killed and wounded • lllTlllik IXISCEESS-SECOID SESSION. WAsinsirrox Crrr, Feb. 93. 1.863. 7101J13E. - The Uouse pasted the bill providing for the• forfeiture of the fee of. rebel landholders by a majority of 73 against 71 Votes. . • The House passed the bill - extendi ng the pd.; vileiges of the act - of 1813 to the mackerel flint , - ' The House edisiPasited the &flowing bUls re ported from theCommlttee on Atom datory of the act to prevent Maids by false In vokes; providing that vessels navigating the wirtern rivers and the-waters of the N. N. E. and Northwestern frontier may take out license and enrollment In ,titstricts . other.. than ' th ose widelt , '• they belting; - providing for two aralstant local steamboat inspectors ,of. NesrTork; andlsnitelf Illinois, WA re-establish ing the local beard' at-Wheeling; miaow the Michtgai City !lariat Company the piivllegeto; use the Government filer In that harbor for the protectlonof the same. and appointing a imp. veyor of thectisterns thereof: amendatoryof the act of May last-providing for the admeainre. merit of .tonstage na cgcmPt from ibe. . troth= of the law any part of a chip or vessel the cabins or state moms-of which are .antlrely above.- the .first deck; reviving certain pro viding of the eit of March 3,1815, for the pur pose of preventing smuggling on the northmn_ and eastern frontiers and regulating the north; err, northeastern and northwestern frontiers, with a view of establishing uniformity. Mr. Washburn reported a bill to make the Ira. inlgratian and the paseenger nets more clTictive • by additionally providing for the protection .of . female passengers and punishing those whomay by force, duress, or fraud, procure the enlist - reenrof male passengers Into the army. . Objection was made to the consideration of this bill at ibis time- -• • The House thin resumed the eonslderatiina4sf the amendatory enrollment bill. The amend ;went pending was that of Mr. Blaine, of 31Sb:tit, • providing that no :credits shall be given eine% Vbe men are actually furnhhed in the present rmd future tans, and Mustered into She. service of the United States. „ Mr. Chandler oppoeod' the bill. The amendment was agreed to by a Tote of 83 o 84. The Rouse then adjourned =MI oFebxk. - -.Enocksg Session.—The,' House proceeded to the teasideratlea of The Indian Appropriation t• Mr. Wilson , made some remarks on the dill tally Olobtaining details - from the ,COMMittoo on Ways and Means, which called up Mr. Mor rill in rtepouse. Mr. Morrill, said that many questions asked by Mn Wilson were absurd, which the latter de nied. do llMEndlinalt area offered that all money to the: Indians, under - the treaty salmi:4le; shall be payable In coin. This Was disagree/rte. oast 22 voting in Its favor. The bill passed, Adjourned!, SENATE. Mr. Willey, from the Naval Committee, re pel ted adversely on the petition to increase the' pay of Chaplains,. - --- The unfinished business of yesterday, which was the Railroad 1311-;'vas then taken up. Tdr. Nye. reann.cd the floor. fir. Wilton offered a - resolution to Lold'an ,evening session,,whlch was adopted. - Alter a large debate the Railroad Bill wm post , poned and joint resolutions itorganizing the State of Louisiana was talon up. Mr. Sumner offered A aulestitote which was re jected. The subject Was then postponed milli to-morrow.- A bill was offered incorporating the National Patine Bridge company, which Was referred. The bill td provide a marble bust ,of Judge- Taney wee taken up, which ]Haws. Sumner, Hale, Wilson and Wade opposed. Pending the further eousideratton of the bill the Senate ad jourotd. ` Trumbull called tip the bill in repeal so much Of the Confiscation act as 1! mit s the a ,ndgeatlon of real estate to the life• time of the owners. - Ileferro taJudiciary Com ; A joint rearlation to extend the time for con structing the Burlington and 'Missouri River Railroad was panned. A joint resolution for tho publication or a fail imisy register of ail officers wbo haze been. in the service. since the of the re bellion was paned: • - Mr. NebraicaUed up the joint resolution to authorize surreys to bo made with -a view to the_ constructles or- a chip banal around Niagara Palls. Alto, a ship canal from the Mississippi to Lake Michigan, and for the tinprorement of. Pox and 'Wisconsin riven. Postponed. ' Mr. Wilson called up ihellouse bill to therms the efficiency of tbe - Steffical Corps of the army. The second section was stricken out, and miles .amended, the. bill passed. . Thu bill for the consolidation of Indian tribes and . the ‘tablisliment of civil goremment_in Indian Territory was .called up and farther con "eiduration of the bill postponed till to•inorrow evening. . The evening, session then adjourned. Sherman's Poattlort.....,Tat on itates....lfreed - men..-1111Cullosh and the Treasury Sec Unship. Saw •• Your,. 'Feb. 22.—The Advertiser's 'lVauhingted apeclal says: No ap e prehnsion ax.• tote there about Shemin', as Grant will keep Lee fully occupied defendkig - Itietitnand. do effort will be made In the Senate Commlt tee to.rottore•the tax on sales. ' _ • The rote/ special Kays It la possih new liICILITITC will be adopted In behalf ofble t f at a reed- Dien which will put themquider thocaro'of the War Fepartmtnt, and ,extend Its ilia to white refugees. - : • The immediate - nomination of Mr.- Waal. /xh as Secretary of the Treasury is looted for. Satreriuga of ITnlon Prisoners. Nam You*, Feb. 23.—Tho irdrld's_ corms toodent, wbo recently returned from Sallabary, N. C., natalabint a statement of the sufferings of the Union prisoners. Ile rally corroborate the sealants Skin by the eicapPi Tribloilef tiCrree: - .- : • 'Ann FROM FIEREL SOURCES. Richmond. Papers on the SituAtkin. N MEAN'S FORCE ESTINTED AT 65,003; 41 , :ning.iregroes Gaining Favor. THOMAS' ARMY REPORTED MOVING. r 432 c.. New Pottle; Feb. 23:—:The Richmond 'Enna.. . . Our of the 21st, has 'an article • *upon the' situa- tion, from which - the following Is extracted: 'lnert is not atthis rdomitatanimuell to alarm' us in reality as these was. last May; It la true We have not to manj troops, but gelths , cr has the enemy tsys . great deal. On that tic: — easlila too, Butler could and did ' land his troops at City Paint without any cll3rt or loss. ‘Dite thill , year . Sherittailisek "hi tight his 'way" through many swamps and take and tarn many batteries andjeave Many bine coated corpse: be. bind blm, ere he can bopo to see a Vlrgintarail. mad. It is hoped that therecsident will not re, lievo Beanregard at the very crisis of his cam map, and appoint (lateral Pemberton - In' his `plaenWith"OAete to 'Op iitowt tollhennim's :roar, and march away to Moblle;•bat barring this or some Wier equallyenorattnat blunder or TTIII10;1c seems evident - thst Sherman has before him a much more difficult and perilous part of the grand camialgn than fitaler.had.last year, - nod thelniantimeldeidevhatiling march through South Carolina Islip more conquering that State :than hialfreat udd through . Georgia hadto ton " verlthe Gedigialso toile Union: Richmend is safe if all parties concerned do their duty." I Mos Yeur,lob 211.--The Riehmond Divpstea of the Illsksays :Thee:day night, the 16th, our.fories evacuated Charleston. -It is believed Abe; .Pleselaton llnctitray. Many gnus must )111117 been abandoned, but it Is con soling to know the Yankees gotlittleelse. Theni' wan n° cotton to staid& Lincoln hearts: and the city itself was- little better than a deserted ruin. Several telegraph operators of Itirtherit' birth remained to receive the Yankees. The evacua tion of Charleston should_ rather Inspire cheer fulness than' gloom. Sherman - can only be checked by the Immediate concentration in his front of all our troops, you' in North and South Carolina: - If this Is done, and his present expe dition is Wuhan, he can be. prevented from reach lug Richmond. We know that Sherman has tour fall army:corks, and ',a atronglarce of cavalry, each corps namberirix not less than 12,0Q0." After mcntirialag the fact that two column were moving from Newborn to entitle Wilming ton and Danville Ral6ad, the Dispatch says: 'We fear there Is much ;troth in the stdtement that the enemy has been concentrating at News kern. It la reported that a large cavalry force Is advancing on Salisbury Inim East Tennessee, hat it is not credited. . All is quiet before ItiehuMnd and Petersburg. ttrint congratulates idniselfon bolding Lee hat while Sherman is turned loose in the "Caroliumie. , passer antt.Lomax bare been coniirmed 3felor G esteulinicaralty. • • • 'The Whig says thsieverything is quiet on the south ride of the James river. Grant Is evident ly waiting the result of Sherman's bold adven ture. While the War Department could furnish us ' nothing On the Subject, It la generally believed - Ituk-Chatleston, the Cradle of secy ssiou the very: Leis. of rebellhm„ has. been-evacuated.by our ,:troops, Sherman, by his bold miltance, has thus amomplialted, without bloadsbed,what Dupont, 'Dahlgren, ,Glltnare 'and Courtney tare 'vainly 'attempted, though aided by the ootablind naval force of Tankeidom. _This W fated city, or rather 'remnant of It, will soca experience, to. Its' thil extent, the mercyand magnanimity of Yankee rale. The iferrerfmoved its quarters several weeks ago in antleipatlon•of this ud ro - The Richmond Brambser war We have dis tinct confirmation of the report of the move ,mtnt= of part Of Thom& army to Virginia. Titer :wee left-under Themai =sista almost entirely of mounted 'infantry: and cavalry. Ills work to to opers;.the Alabama fiver from Ica month to Its source, involviug the Capture of Selma and Montgomery, the capture of-Columbus, 'Ga., for the dostniction of me chine shops there, .4E4 the destrnal t enof the 'nehrryttiough 'tenet - el ?debunk 'sod "trot:Me, and the Ohio railway from Corinth Southward. The late g gays The Danville.and Oreeasboro rai worMn finy. A fi lroad ght .ocenned in el lawahnrg minty, Va., baskets lame rebel ' soldiers .and a party of de. scrtent—retniting in the capture either latter. The Wilmington Averred publishlis a letter from Gee of the Fort Balm • primate's, raying ihry are at Fort Columbus and are well treated. Ihe rebel Senate has passed a bill reducing the number of exemptions. he tibmanA says the last Columbia rapers n relied estimate Sherman% force at :15,01:10 men. Sherman enforces strict discipline and punishes - with the utmost severity any , of his troops who are guilty of outrages upon Mmes. We will not venture the prediction whine - our troops will make a determined steed, but we feel. assured Duo Gan. Besnrega rd will In. slip 110 orpurta tiny, which may present Waif, of striking the matey a telling blow, and we believe he will flak sue anon such s chance. - The. WMg of the Mak in an editorial on)he arming of the awes. says: The propoption hart gat-er• d favor ney , of late, and promises to be adopted. So from exciting to 'the' aim, • at: first appeshang ithas bear, called for by many regiments. A prominent office , ot the ;rebel irrny writes to the Whig the -Ibilowing: "The enemy has taught us no important lesson. He has mewl the Degrees to fight as swell if not better than the white troops.. Oar prisoners declare Otero to be the best soldiers and the melt theroegbly drilled of the Union troops. I have myself men them wart under fire where white men could not be lept." • Gefe.bore,Fsb. 19.—ATankee force from New- Leto NO strong bare passed through Greenville. When last beard from they wore advancing on . 1 . .1101 . 0. It is thought to be a mere raid. Den. Barkley L. after them. Another party are reported coming up the south aide of - the Neale, but this needs costar metloo. No trouble Is anticipated. BLEBRATION 0F•OB6 RECENT TICTORIR The 'Fourth of March to be Observed as the Peoples' Vision Holiday. Now Tong, Feb. 93.—At a meeting of the Merchants of this city, held today, in Collector Draper's office, Moscs Taylor, President, It was restated that meet nreshe takdi bid* celebrate . the recent victortesti a manner commensurate with the grandeur of the victories of the Union army our Cho rebel hordes - , and that the appre ciation telt by the people -of this city and the country, of the fact of the moccupation of Charleston by ourloyal brothers lc arms. togeth er with the fact that the flag of our countryagath floats over the wails of Sumter, should be mode apparent din a fitting m anger , was Toted to suspend all Mathes& on the 4th of . March next, and that the business crunmunltlea and.the pro pleof the whole country, from Maine to Califor nia, be requested to unite In fitting, datnnaitra. of joy on that. day. The Boards of Trade and Chambers of Com-. tierce of the priocipal cities or the Union. In ch.dtrg Sou Frandsen. have sigaludi thdr beady sisaptration in this patriotic movement, and dm 4th of March will undoubtedly. boob. served thronghont the land 'as a day of Jubila tion nod As the people's Union holiday. ' New - York Stocks and Money Matters. New Telex, Feb. W.—Railway speculation Is quite buoyant and higher Fleas were made throughout. There le an Increased demand. for Stocks genenilly.- The lluAwn River and Mich-, lean Central aro In the grestialt demand. G3T crnments are steady, with a- moderato business In State bonds.. Railroad bonds and Bank Shares are generally more acilve. .The spay fist was strong. . Unfavorable rumors caused a slight rise In Gold this morning which rum -lost In the after noon. Operatlons were limited. The dhanand for Money was verir light and the mipply 'Business at the Petroleum Guards eon activo 'And juices generally steady: Cherry Gnu sold at 105: Gertnunla 96; Ifydrlek t 200; Knit:harbor:h. - or hIl; :Manhattan Stl;_ Oceania-135; Empire City Aetiv .Tersey and the Constitutional Amend meet--Senator Scoville Dratted. ..lnerott, d., 'FOC. 23.—This morning the Judiciary. Cotomittee of the [louse reported a bill to ratify the Constitutional Amendment, with an amendment to, submit it to a rota of the people at the nizt general election. The minority of Bald Committee reported against enbutitting it to a 'rote of - the people, imd in foyer of panting a resolution to ratifylt without such a provision., Non: Jamos ht. Scoville, Senator frve. Cam , den; has been drafted: General Antiunion and Saunter's Flag: New Yomi, Feb: 4 2.3.—t3 GM Chamber of . Commerce yesterday a resolution was lineal= tnonely peesea - asking tho Government to .send General Anderson Ma. National sblp Soloist on Yortfinmter the dig which he loworod la 1361. Pobiqn Paptory.lor,ne4- . Mgr Yosiz. Ireb, 3,--Cnifiespobbia as Pattersop, N. J.,orio barna! biNMeit. Loa ItIAW • PITTSBURGH, .FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24; 1865. The ('lrate Item 01Ludt—Oar Belittleu■ Vitt France: Wastasorcer, Feb. 23.—flao:Goveinment has reliable advices to-day that the pirate .rani nßn de bad put into Corunna for repairs., and there is reason to believe, she will not be allowed to receire,tud without which, she will not be dangerous to any port this side of the Atlantic. Advice!' from France thew that be reported cession of Sonora is without fotne• alien, , and indicate that the relations between ranee,. and the United States are not:likely to • ,ndergo ells D reeks. _ Wasittcorms, Fab. W.—The irrangenients already made for the Inauguratio bill indicate, as the managers designed, that It shall ant-pass any previews - hall of that chars _ever given "lu Washington. - The mall steroacillis lamming i litought up 178 *el deserters. , , , . Subsetipttona to the lieven..iThirty Loan. Patt.anntrata, Feb. 23.-431 Cooko4r. Co. r4%' pert aubseriptlons to the 230 loan stnee the lad "Fart.. The largest Westertianb-. eerlptttm'we. `;060. 'a Cleveland. lar'tet Philadelphia. i tlona. 25,000: Now Toon, Wash-, Ingion ;Spgehal tat ther ceettliation idarson, together alib't liberate:2s,ooo can bo organizettinfo corps for offOsten Otou'ationS on' I Patotlnit. Ort;`,l.,biteriratitatted. CArno, Itoberts r oomniandlnk the District ot Weet-Teiinasocchas 4adered that no persons comlng.lnto posslnk out °tour Mitt rill bC aitowedtc«return doling the jeer, I,seept those tradlngln cotton. . : _ . Re ya t titiliy . ttibt yontwfindlatreitldoOrt at the houseof tieqttalutatiCe, who told in a tale of wring ard suffering that mould famish msterial,for a good-sized nenteL ; ; 'Olsoyear ago this young - lady left her home In Pennsylvania—a home where all the luxuries of life were at her command. fler parents' Were In dulgent, and she—an only child—was loved by them with all the fondness of true parental affec tion... No wish of here remained ungratilled, for the was the Idol of those parents, and She light of a home made desolate by an act which Will forever cast its shadow on her heart. In February, ISti4, she became - acquainted wit lit a Mormon preacher, who painted to 'her In glowing terms the' glories of Utah ; and the Mormon religion. He told her of the beautiful s alley of Utah fortified on all sides by giant mountains, whose peals, burnished by eternal tnows,looked down upon the valleys of perpet ual green, peopled by God's own chosen kin dred, who wore free as the monists! torrents: Ce. leape the rocks of lofty Timpanagos range. Ile told her of the content • and peace reigning among the saint*, and assured her thatthe Mor mons were God's own peculiar mete, and eo worked upon bur imagination that she finally eonsented to learn friends, family, and all the endearments of home, and go with him to the /alley of theSalnte. 'Arriving atChlmgo, he forced her. io marry Idea; the ceremony being performed 1 a mock prlest,.witbout record or license. On last April ebeleit 'Wyoming, Nebraska, with a Mormon train, for the land of promise ' and thirdly ar. rived In the city of the Saints. Mere akeefaund that her 'husband bad four other wires, who re garded her with no tender emotions, but heaped abate and contumely upon her bead. After a few months her item lord told her he bed concluded to teal ber to another,: who had taken a great fancy to her; that his other orlyee were jealous, and declaxed his last wife should live with him no longer. She declared that she Would die herons she would thus be put away and forced to tire as the wife of a man with whom abe had no 'acquaint ance, and had seen but once In her life. Tien husband told her it was Brightunlinrder„andehe meet do so or lose her Wm Determined not to to samilleed ebo Matted to run away, with the Intention of making her way to Camp Bre&- larldge, in Cedar Valley, then gerriioned by Halted Slated 'troops, and claim protection. She stained on footoind after traveling about ten meet, wee caught and brought , back, placed In dungeou, or rather a cellar, and was thee kept for a month, with jut enough - food to =stale life. The man whom she retread toi lire with frequently 'Halted her, and besought her toclumge her resolntlen In order to wee her UAL; -' Through force of circumstances she at last melded, and waiduly Metalled In his family as the sixth wife. Here she fbund, before, the Jeal ousness and quarrels arising were Intolerable, vedette again determlned to escape oridleln the attempt. This time she succeeded (IV reaching the headquarters of General Conner. to whom she told her tale of suffering. The General tent her through to the' States with a government train bound fa-Fort Kearney, which place she reached early last week. • Stun leaves this city tonight, a repentant, coo- row fay child, for bailor:to In Pennsylvania—that Lome which she was persuaded to dent throbet tbc tolsreprescutatlon and wiles of a crafty *contr. It rd. Malloy and gladness will weU Up front the hearts of those puma, whetitkry again behold the coo they bettered lost to them forercr. .W 4 dmp the veil. Reader, tbbi 'ls not an Isolated raPt, but an Crecy day occurrence, In! this busy, einful world.—&. Joseph • ' The Right Of SolTragei . Slavery is visibly dying; hot the spirit of cane, wherein Slavery had im origin; Is dmilned Jong to ;anise It. Not till moo cease to be Wean, coarse, brutal. selfish, cruel, will oasis : totat cease to be extinct. So long as!there shall remain a tannin being who would gladly live without useful labor while .coiesumlog the fruits of several men's labor. so longshall we be called to light against the spirit wherein Slavery has Its source and 'upstart. - The intrenched line behind which that spirit proposes to make its next stand after the rebel lionahall have been crashed and the Constitu tional Amendment ratifiadls the perpetual deg natation and disfranchisement' of entered mem' The formula whereon sham democracy propbses to retrieve Its dilapidated arteries is this : 14.1. whites wlio been been plottlmr-or fighting to sal•rat and destroy the Union be mitered at the earliest moment to all the Privileges of . American citizenship; and Let black:ante tiara been fighting to upheld— and presume the Union be deprived nod deism.; cal forever of all the privileges and franchisee of ; American eltizenihip. On this lusts it Is believed that 4 party of rebels arid rebel sympathisers can be formed strong enough to take possession of the Govern ment and give law to the nation.—N. Trib. • Union of Methodist ii. Already there are indleationalltat with peace will come a re-union of alr•Stethodlsts •in the =miry. Before the rebellion the •Idethodists numbered nearly two millions of communicants, end the Christian Atleoook now eo)11 that "slave— ry out . of the way, there is need for but one 'Methodist Church in the United Btates;" and trusts that "the approaching Contermary year will inaugurate steps looking towards a blending Into one ell the Methodist sects: uaw spread abroad In the land." / The Washellie - Cretan publishes an address to the Methodists of Tennessee by ltev. W. It. Critchlow, of Murfreesboro, breathing the nine fraternal and Christian sprirlt. 'Be speaks of slayerytte the cense of the (Britton of the Meth odißt 'Episcopal' Match Into ten Reetlefl9, Se• ialimirdges the band'or awl in uhlag the rebel lion to sweep away the pretext for the thalnlon t the Church and tie doeuletiett . of the Vnlon, ate) data:exit proper that with the te,toratlon . of authority of the Government, over the re roltedStates, efforts should be made to monde the Church. • i Toe Quebec Mercury gives currency to the ful lowing :—"The rumor atilt prevails ' In military eireies heist and westward; that fivereghaernts;. -which aro ordered home from India, are to be • sent out to Canada on the onening of the navi gation. It it - also believed that* the regiments now statlonedin British North America arc to be increased to twelve hundrixt arcing each, and to be placed on a war footing. A letter from England by the last mails insidious that ay. rangements were then being made for the trans port of three foil regimentwtof cavalry to Canada 'ln the Spring. It Is thoughtthat: tits Crystal Palace at Toronto will ho shortly Occupied as a barracks by treope of the line. Thein.ls SOVtle talk also or the Forty-seventh being relieved at liautlllon and sent n est wartl.'t ' TPI: colored people of Cincinnati hold tax.able proper - tyre the amount of t.soo,ooo—one of theni alone being worth 00,000. In New York they have Intuited Inbushicss carried ou by them selves O $755,000 n - Brooklyn. - 1%500 ;In M. Hamann, /5,010. They own, .independent of this, unencumbered. real estate 'ln , IT a York worth 87:13,000 ; In Brooklyn $2700900 W . II- Hamburg, t 151,000. In ritiladelphla here m three boutleed colored tontines living'ln their own bottom. One man, Stephen firtilth, cold to be worth over 4500,000. • . Arr Order has been Issued from the office of the AdJuienj General of Illluots, announcing that "seven of the new Illinois regime:Ali have com pleted their Ormnization. and tbertaa more rrg- Imenta will be organized; bat that comm.. .nics will be received during the ncativrelve days, -v ibe assigned.to old regiments. '• • Two Raormstiva or Ei.-RELL itl9..;4itt. Sully ill is Davenport, lowa t for the Ottrpose et organ izing two regiments of repentant . rebela, lately In Hoch laland prison ,who have taken go oath of alleglimee, and declared their arlllin ass to en ter the outdo of the Elovannamit against :the BISEIMME MITE T.ELEGRAMS EVENEf FRE OF FORT ANDERSON. THE'CAE J_` A Wo4 of Inaraeose Strength EdEPORTANCE ITEi POgSESSION. hew Toms, Feb..ri.—The Trilrune's `cornea -pendent szys O Fort Anderson It is a work of veil eat t, covering neirly as notch gyonruTas that of Fiat Flitter. It is a work of immense strength. Its seafront, like that work, being a . . Series oflarge mounds Or traverses, rising twenty live to thirty feet above the widens of Cape Year river, on . _ which It fronts to the northeast; and: c;tending In alternate mounds, traverses, angles; entlikaufes• dud ditchie;"enclosing . an area of about foursonate miles. •• , impartanee' is - -greatly enhanced when state' that IS was connected with a system of river obstructions, chcranz-de-frize, torpedoes, ac., which it would have been impossible to palm while held by the enemy, and also cons' mends the right of the enemy's strong line of wnrius on the opposite peninsular side of the CaPol'eskriver.. • • 'The capture of thls fort, which is the key of their posi lon, necessitates the evacuation Of that work, now, hi until yeiterday, held by Gen. llokes oni -and the retiring of. the whole of Gen., B 'a tercet tti a point nearer Wil mington: iAti* 111110,1,-MELUGENCL UNION: Fowl?, :NOTING •ON KINGSTON .izontiis ; in Iticlaiind. . New Fong, Feb. 31—IlichinOnd papers, coat , nonce formidable movements by the Federal troops Kingston, N 7 C., and also on the Virginia and Tenneseea railroad. ThißlebitieisdErroianSiOf the %kh announces Abe arrival of 1100 Cakes prisoner& from Danville , foreichange. - • - The Richmond Whip of the 10th, shows that it was Wheeler and not Kilpatrick who wad whipped at Aiken. The Papareh of the 10th. thinks. Sherman's male body will , keep on aorta to Chttriotte r and scud cavalry to break the road at Florence. Hia policy, It says. has been to keep his forces well together and thnii force the rebels. Th. Richmond- Enquirer has a frantic article on the financial condition of rebeidom, In which It proposes to take one-fifth of the cotton and tobacco crops to- carry on the war. It says: "The situation of the country is too serious, and the calamities which threaten stir cause toogreat to waste time In denunciation." The 224 In Clnclnnatl—Ohlo Tropes Go. log_ to the Front--ConstUntlonal Amendment Rejected—General pot. mers Polley ln-Kentucky:' CINCIN:4II, Feb. '4.—Besinces was partially suspended yesterday, and the day wee celebrated by firing salutes and the display of. flags. The new Ohio mimenis raised under the lasi -call 'halo commenced moving to tic e front. The Ratification bill was rejected by the 'Con fetti Senate yesterday, by /lee majority. Gen. Palmer, commanding In Kentucky. an nounces that his polley will, In no material de gree, differ from that pursued by Gen. Bur bridge. The enlistment of negroes will be rig orously prose !med. No State troops will be enlisted, or allowed In the State., but all troops .raised fur the defense of the State will be Mus tered Into thelinlted States service. and be Un der control of the Federal Wilms.... • RAW French Mlnister.-erne Rebel Senator Foote. NJCW TORIC, Feb. 23.—The 'Tribtre's Paris correspondent says : M. Chateau Renard, the new French minister, will soon leaie for Wash- Ington.: lie is cold to fullyaympathlzo with the North in the struggle. The Trams also says that it learns froes.a trustworthy sourer that tharebel Senator Foote sald;before leering for Europe, the rebel Cou pe/AMOS in secret session for three months past, regarded their cause an hopeless. From Hilton Head—Arrind of Lieutenant !Cushing. - Fournzse, Idonacm, Feb. 21.—The steamer Admiral Dupont arrived to ay. She brings mails and other important diapatehea for the War Department. Nothing wits known of Sher man's moventenU, as his Date of operations was so tar removed that there was but little comma uteatbm carried on with his army, except by Imo-anted =trim - EGIE=iiMMI Get. Singleton Asalei ?a. the Way to 111232:=3 New roast, Feb. 23.—The Herald's Washing. special asys: Gen. Singleton of Illinois, a peace Democrat, who it will be rer,semberci recently visited the rebel eatilied. left Washington again oe the second excnrelon to that place, accompa nied by ledge Ilughes, late ;or the Court of Clahea, It is supposed on a peace mission. . The Boston Dry Goods Sale. Bosiow, Feb. 23.—The proceeds of the Dry Goods sale whkh closed but night amount to f s,oooloo. The average. prices were deemed satisfactory to both seller and purchaser. nelmaled Attack an Grant's Army Fumanti:tamp., Feb. M:—The Prep' Waah- Ington *pedal Days: Thereto t noon that Gen. Lea had "attacked Gen. Grant, and that our troop* old wltti a revense. Jay Cooke, Agency. When Secretary Chase .ppainted Jay Cooke. of PbUsdeinhia, sperialiigent . for the sate of the United States. tiro-twenty lean, the marvellous success of that loan was attributed rather to the favor In which the national securities were held than .to the energy and euternrise of the agen t k . mid not is few llssatiatied person were found spiak of the appointment as a species of Cavort £711.... It en - a change came, and Instead orbits :lug one faithful and =valanced 'agent the Treasury bad a multitude of them everywhere. The result was as might have been expened. There was no systematic plan of. petting the government loans before the public, and the subscriptions fell short of the pressing wants of the Treasury. At length the Secretary deter mined to return to the agency which - Mr. Chase ILA Piund so efilelent. and reappointed .31r. Ccoke. At once a change was visible. Although no gold bonds were offered, Mr. Cooke procured money for tire Treasury as rapidly as before by the rale of seven-thirty notes, which be has now rendered folly-as popular as the five-twenty gold bonds were. We have waited for events to speak fbr themselves in Justlficalksts of lir. Ccehe's reappointment, and we now Invite pub lic attention to the facts, which speak ter more londly than anything we can say in praise of him. Such a man Is rare at all times, but espo-deity in seasons of great emergency" like the Amer.pnrsent.—PhQa. N. Messinalas Aso Tins ors.—The bletnorial Diplematique anuomacesthpttheEmperorMnxi teti lan has addressed an a tograph letter to the Pena In which he lays before Plus IXthe impera tiro necessity which eompolled htm fo adopt. the 41,3311t4 alluded to In his commulleatlon to his of Justice 43 to the convers'ou of church prui.ltly into crown lands. 'rho youngYmpe roes arguments arc couched In terms of the moat profound respect; yet, true to his Haps burg blood, be does not yield one lota of his pre rogative as a 'sovereign, and tells:his hollucia that the state of affairs in the interhar of Mexico, and the urgent nece s sity : of conciliating without loss of, time the oppoilte• factions over whom he' had been mdled.to reiga - demanded the• measttre he had adopted, And 'which he has not the slight est Intention of retracting. - ' Tins Commonwealth, as stated to the bast message of Governor Curtin, has commenced proceedings against the Atlantic and Great Western Hallway Company, an organisation which, however they may have violated the law,. SOS the first to develop tho of regions of rend sylvanla. It Is understood that ouo of the charges , against the waft Ls that It has built branches without any. authority. There Is a bitter antagonism in the - northwestern counties of our State between the come:ldiot, and the Lake Shore Road, hut at the present time travel is en great that loth tasking' [octanes Inc their teenagers. -- A.SAGE Frenchman L. just discovered a plan by which all onr difficulties can he .ended• and phblishes acheme in full In the Now York' Cburrier des Etats Dais. The South must give up Its plan of separation and also slavery. Good. But the North owes the South saute yeturn for %these sacrifices. Messieurs. Lincoln, Johnson, -Deck, and Stephens, have only to saeridce their places to their country, by sending in their res. *nations, and then let the Conroe of Wash ington and Itichmond'proclaim Gen. Lee Friel; cent of the Union [fl I Ob. yes. - IMPORTS A? Wrtammeox.--Tho - Wilmington (N. C.) Dispatch, In a . later. number , says Nutt from October M,1 , 3434.t0 the and or the year,tha` ollowlog articles nerd Imported late that city: Elgbt rations six hundred and' thirty-three* tbousandvounds of meats . ; one million flee hun dred and seven thousand pounds or lead; one nine hundred and sixty-Nano thousand pounds Of saltpetre; sixtymlue thousand stand - of rides, and des hundred and forty-sIX Ehnen )1, CITY AM) SUBURBAN, nook' !Cotters. • ' "Norio 2.2i1 SFiy In 'the' Valoit Arroye' comprieloz the adventures of NI women lo,hoopitale, rennet. sod taille fields. By S. Emma E. Edmonds. •ItArtford: IV. S. & Phllredelphls end lllncinns.t.l: Jones tiros. & tlo.. .Chtc.l4 - 07 A. Stcoldeld &Co. Pp.T.St:' Jo cloth, fi2,511. This is decidedly one of the most readable "War &MAO,. that we hare yet peen. 'anis Ed- Monde; the oothorcre is a native of the prov-; ince of New Brtinswich- 7 .was educated In the tolled the - missionary work, and et' - . WO out of the *rebellion, entered the army ha a nurse. Sire assumed various guises at difftcent times, and played the part of a "scoui.andspy,"„ now as a "contraband," and again as as Irish "peddler." Sim succeeded in passing the rebel • lines eleven times, , and was within the fortifications of Richmond without detection. .-Yrom the first. hattleof Ball Ran to the fall if Vicksburg, she endured the greatest hardshlps,and ,plivations, whichsho delineates. In the "Nurse aid Spy,' with a graPhie'Pon and thrilling Mr et. • 'Speaking, Brom - experienec), wer are persuaded : that one who takes. rip "alga folume can step until It is read throughout., The mechanical execution of the work is: ter; -eeriest.. It is printed on superior white •pipae from largo clear type—and,isembellished with , line Steel portrait Of the initioresa, and eight fall page 'wood Mit engravings; illustrating , the perils and -exploits „otithe patriotic hecoine la; some of hermostdaring and perilous adventures. Visa Edmonds - has - getteronaly appropriated her profits , of - the 'Work for the- benefit of the, lick and wenndedsoldlers...li.,ls 'published by. aubscription only. The agent for this regidn is. . Sergeant George . Bias, cone armed, soldier,' o' Wh will wait upon cltirina a - tesidaYs to eollrl4,their,.snbsesiptlons...,..Thoss,.. r whis sub, ectitas will not only contribate to theatifatts of .onr idekend.wounded Goldin', but also to ;the beriefit'ef one who hen become disabled ill I lib 4 . ol3lltry's seavice. . L - Deserter Shot. - 5 On . litiAncsday of last week an attempt itsa made to arrest Henry-Fletcher, of Middle town ahip, Sotnemet cagnty, who, lea &sexier- *am the draft. The house WM surround 4 by a. s,Pitad of cavalry, and admisalon demanded. This be, log refusal the ilaor was/on:id, when FletehF , „ ' • w - leaped - from a tear and - ittndo attempted to gain a piece of woods near by. ho was repeat= wily ordiTed by one of tlteeoldiers, Itho saw blot jump from the window, and upon per sisting in his attempt to escape, was fired upon and fell. Upon being carried Into the bona° It was !min Ibe was badly wounded. being Shot through the body,- As he wan too severely hurt to be removed, a surgeon was sent for, and he was left with his friends. It Is not likely that he will recover. A Curious Case of illstoleo Identity. • A•ycrang lady, eneaged in teaching school In, one of the southern townships of •Tfuntingdon . county, a ycsror so ago, received news of the death of her only brother, who was a soldier in the 'Union army, in one of the engagements that occurred In Virginia 'about that time. _ She . shortlY afterwards visited-the battle-Reid, and succeeded in obtaining, as she tboaght, the body of her deceased brother, and bringing it home, had it burled in the church:37nd of 'their native . place. A. few weeks. ago, she • melted a-letter from this brother, whom she had mourned as dead, dated at Andeisoavlder prison!' He bad been taken - prisoner, Instead of being killed, and bad been confined ever since in .that miserable prlsonium. Archibald licConnaughy, confined in : the county jail of Indiana on a - charge of robbery, escaped a few nights since, by removing a large atone above a ventilator in an upper cell, and , forming a wit of rope oat of pieces of his bed ding, by means of which he reached the branches of a • locust tree, and thence' the rimed. . stole a horse soon a itereseaping, and after riding a consideriible distance turned him loose, wilh,a label on his bach—"Don't stop this horse until be reachei Chembersville:. The horse came home, but no tidings have • since beetrireceived of the fugitive Archy, who is represented as a great ocasup. Trial of the, County Comadssioners. The trial of. the County Conn:lll34o=os, charged with neglect or duty In office, will come up for a bearing In the Court .or Quarter Ses elone to-day. The Commitusloners were bidleted at the December 'Twin, the Indictment being. based upon the above charge. It . via 'chatted . In the complaint, that they had neglemad Waco that the County Jail was kept In proper order, arid II at through such neglect It had been al lowed 'ter bectime . filthy, and math: to 'melee prisoners. , . EZI/I.lcC LIQUOII ow Sim na - r.L-Wm. Chadwick, who heels% a saloon on the comer of ,kourth and Smithfield slimes, was yesterday fittid S5O and meta by Mayor Lowey, for sellingliquor on Sun day. this, to some, may seem a - Macy lee kr_ twit an "offence, and It in to be hoped - that the example will bave , the effect to warn many . abets who persist la desecrating the Sabbath and • N-L.l:.tir.g the law., It is to be regreticAl that - so many-succeed In eluding the vigilanei of them tboritles, and the public will be glad to see some means adopted.by which the offenders may, be ;ewe hastily brought tojustice. . , , Tirrwrint.--The eagagement of Mr. and Miss Couidock tuts been a very snceessithi one. The new drama, "Jessie McLane," was ,well; re ceived last night. The afterpieeO"The Elperwe Bridegroom," with Jo. - Baton as "Bickel," wan a complete-success, The andilenim were „wet Ficased, if we hay Judge from the roan of langhter with which every appearance of"Diek my" gnetted.- The "Willow. Conde" will be given again twilight, Ind as thin will probe. bly be the inst tier the Couldockswill appear in that plajin this city, there wM:doribtless be a crowd. .Goearly, endgame a seat. • Yr or: Atratuoca's Commun.—Ms souttort: which mimes off this evening at the . chapel of the YeMale College„will no doubt be very inter mtlng and brilliant, If we may judge by the, previous concerts that have been, given there. 1 1 ,7 u are assured, however, that It 'wit! bi much better, as the music class now numbera_many good performers wbo will be ass`sted byseveral distinguished amatens.. All; who love music rhould not to go. Tickets to be had it the music stores and At the door. .Tmormstes Cunt Lr.ormtas.—Dr. R. Shelton hiacßensie delivered his second lecture under the auspices of the Te.nnyson Club last' evening In Lafayette RalL The learned gentleman was tettodueed by Ball Patterson, Esq., Chatrutan of the Lecture Committee.. Dr. MacKensie then delivered alecture on 'Trish Law and Law yers," which contalued much custom; and :M. tcresting infOrmation, and elicited'frequent sp. plume. We lwere glad to tee that the house was stilt better MICA Man on the occasion of the first . LIVITME AT . CoNCEILT trAii--The Roy. J. W.Main of Canonsburgh will lecture this eve:i lea In C oncert Ball for the bentda of the PUTS U. P. Sabbath Scheel.: Subject: "The Trice and Frults of Victory." Mr. Sala has gained considerable reputation as a public speaker, and' we hnVe no doubt will interest his audience.' We bupe to sena crowded house. MAKE:MING (ILL LAMM Fon Sain.=One hun drod mid forty acres of valuable Oil lauds ou lial.onlog riser," near g•leahttrz, and In net neighhelhood of CIO celebrated Strawbrldla SinTson wills. On thin land nra taro w.oit 010 Of a Lich .Is now producing oil, atathe other nearly down. This pronertp is known 'as the Brace Farm, and will he sold at o bargain. In quire of Robert.Wray, Jr., No. Pisan undT.--ThoPittaburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, having been in 'dieted at the last term of the court for maintaid lug a entrance, by, permitting theta care to stand upon and obstruct the straots,yesterday ; throadh their-Hollcltor. John IL. Hampton; Esa.;:pleral. guilty to the charge. Senate° was deforrodUa• M song. aw Music. "Tapping at the Windom," ulow," and e.borns, Words by DIIL A. Smith, music by. Edwin Sherratt. This Is a Pittsburgh song ibroughout—words and mile by Phtsburghers, and published In Pittsburgh by. Sherratt & Co. It is a pretty, tbuehlug song, happily wedded to fitting music. - Toinro Fours," for March, Is just - out,- and tt is fully equal to Its predeeessore. Thls is now the magazine for the-young, a and to fast grosing',lnto• popularity. - Fore oath by W. Gildeurediy; ho. 4S Fifth atrect, near Wood.. Oct or Jaix..---Oxenhartinto was arrested and eontliked in Jail a fortnight since. fOr andothig - a man at a Balton on Wylie. street, Ira's yester day released from Jail 'upon giving ball for. his appearance at saint. K2c.ann'a-lllozryaraxo Praoos, Malone WO .% celehrattd rlartoe,.Grupe dr, lOndt'erlanos, and plaaoa froni.othr2 factories—prices from s3oo_ uperaide—at Charlotte Blame's,„ 43 1 the stmt, renown- - an ,, d s Lrln oo f eo a omatic r d lifelo deobs.fe9dat '. finasus m ErmautD.-43trikers jITO the order of the day among the methaulas in the midland ecnintiri of 'England. In Biraringham about eight hundred carpenters ire on a strike; in Coventry about four hundred men, comodsing all branches In Walsall about four hundred of alitaaneltes t.in Nottingham about .seven hun dred; in Idahoan' about. semen lumdrod. raft 'kat ono thoustuidisi the other , tetras.. . . . • Pennsylvania and her Reim:trim pin orryivaniti wilf never buy* the value of bet resources till she adopt mans carefully to col. , lest ate - tittles of her own Industry-nod pr0 , ....tc. , coo. Massathusetta heater returns of MAU*. facturirs:.. ekn., carefully- prepared every year.. New York and Ohio have au lateravAlate cen sus, tau,: een Those of our: GO,Yertinunt; which 1 'ls prepareslnikk great acqurney, tbrs enabling' -I ni ; their' .Aaplutic-to.obtrith accurate tufarmation 1 us to th ; pri.,gr it they- are making. An' ap- I preach orvardi:theebiloettou of emir. stailitiel is the annual report nituSe' by the risilroarti , and canals of the State. - lhough Incomplete, a auna- her of eompanies.havinglatled to comply with the rehnisitions of the ler,.;lt still possessrui gross interest, by showing the rapid advances fire axe : making do developing the ;. great...natural, ro 4 sonnies of our' State, This report shoes that Z rii, th Irern carried over the public mutts of Pharr; • 5 5 --. the:following- atnixints, ;ehletly'; thir prod cts of the State: - . .. , 1 . . 1 11,01.558Gh ... ‘ 2,reff,Bo .. .... 54;048- 'anthracite coal. Bituminous coal Ili Iron . IyAllroad Iron Casting Iron:.::: ' • 2131:140. Iron and other ores. • 7 1,169M9. er l Luna (1000 feet to the Lou). ' - ' g', 90 00 0 - Agri Rural' products ..:.: .•. .. :;.. • '1.6110X1 Live - 483x708 X din.. 1,01V56 - ' 'Number of parscogeri carried in the . 5 . ."' 1- cars .:1.. - -. ' - ' ' - 14,1ttp...•28 Total espouses; repairing machinery _ 7 •• ; and operating the various roads.. 1130,547,=7 -Total receipts :. .; . .. • ..-.:. 5 2,9=,ei 04 • Other States may West 4:r" their ertensiver .iineaterea, bet Peolusylvania . 4anrishes thri ins-- ter:sl which . supplies a lame : part . , of ;their' commerce and thenuninfactures of the winery. ' ' • A-scpwricnrr. to*do was SaTloded fear hint, dred•end!sistyrthree feet tdowzo7.l4 on oil Wall : near, .Titusville ; 7 Pennsylvania; ,on : flaturday; mitring the ell and water shoot thirty !eat Inter the sir, and' the earth gemmed like a motudechi : death agonied. , 'llre. well bad: markt to yield, - but as soon as the disturbance bad suleidetioll' appeared on the surface all fast 'as It could be. drimird'olt with.* sand pump. The theory is that the oil veins got stopped up withparaffine, - and the torpedo bLewthem open again.- . I •,• . ~. .• . . . Ltnr WATER. IN 'Thrrzoir Rrins.—it is stilted 9y,the Detroit. Aiwa:ter-that many manufatto‘' rice Detroit river, d ependent upon "the' rlier • ler 'supply of water for' their ragtime. have been cut short of their usual stMply In con sequence of the water fallh2g . below• the Inlet pipes to' their pump wens. A table of observe • [lons since 1819 shows that in 1841-2 the river. was lower thanit had been for a period of aboat. twenty-three years, and that In 1865 it Is lower than ICUs been alums 1842. • WHIT DOSS 1r Mnatc l--When the glorious 11131, - 8 from Charleston was read Testerday both Holmes of the Legislatfire, , the applause on the silo of the Union members ;was eathtd, astir, and the clapping of hands was Cheertem whilst the members on the Democrotic aide of• tho Moe satin silence, net uttering a word, but their faces depleted a most • wofal appear ance. litany a loyal heart: felt grieved; 'and , the Who Inquiry was '"Whit does it 'mean I"; W ho can explain it 7,--Harrislyuro Tekgh2pk. Ton story started in England and copiedoi In. this country, that two noblemen had • a' quarrel which recoiled in the death of one, of them. by the fratricidal hind of the other, is now meddle bonntrne. The London' .3foraing Peat; tiontra dieting the report, states that "the two brothers pointed at are as far separated .as London sad Naples.", Bounty Is in o state of much excitement over thereat success of Fast India cotton cultivation: Men who &short 'lime ego were possemed of only moderate means hate suddenly become millionaires, arid the manner In which It Is said fortnnes are being pilegrup there rinds thewon— ders of our own'oll regions. RECBVITMG tN PILVN6TINZNIA.--it LS stated Wale War Depiutmeirt - that iecnilting La pro grossing more rapidly in Pennsylvania them is any other State. Particulars' In regard Warm hers would, of course, be eohtrabantL. ,Ltwas reports ,that Captain Wil son and the party of English engineera who, are now making a survey of Jerusalem, hate die covered an arch of the Temple causeway men tioned by Joseohus. HEAD.—On Idoodsy evening, 3Oth Inst., at tbn residence of his, parents. WILLIAM AUGUS TINE, son of George S. and Fannie 1.. Head, aged six mouths and seven days. , • rimers/1 will take .place - from the parent's reel.. deuce, East Common, Allegheny, near 7iPasblroiton street, on FIIIDAY 24th leurt., at i olcloot rit . Friendi of the faeolly ire regriosted to attend. JONE3--Dr. A. R. JorrEs, died - at °sow Rey nolds Ilespltul, on Thursday morning. Feb. Sad, • • sgaiSt years. Funeral from the , reeldenoe of 'his mother, Char tiers greet, Manchester, on- filTrabelf 1117/•; 304 . 3 N ? at .n o'elock. Carlagers will leave Droves Roo= Grant street, at one o'cloCk.: The Meat of the family are - respectfully invited to attend. arron-vzrs. JOISIPIT GLeZAIIII_.• ••• • . & 13144 . 7 z Am; . . soLiorrons or CLAIMS AND PATENTS ANP ATTO/INFI2S4LT-DAWI' Ns. SS GRAFT STREET, Irittaburgß. Idesuel by Goireenpieui to ioollisat BOVNTIES, PENSIONEcBAOK PAT Military or Nara Cabot Aelthist the Vetted !Rita& ON'S HUNDRED DOLLARS, dna .aoldleri obarged on account Of wounds rocatvet la Intact B4:141 at 9a GRANT . STREET •appaatta the Cathedral. , Walt- tly pENBIONS, souz I. W. 7. & HALL PATTERSON, Army and Navy Agency . . No. 144 11:11TEtTil ST., Plttabgrgh. - - . . PENSIONS Twoourad; BOIINTESR,RAITH Wei and PRIZE MONET, and 003MIITATION OP RATIONS of released prisoann aollacteL PAY-OF PRLSOI. ..: - OF WAR can bo drawn by theltarivea or widowed anthem .-. WIT . WOM)ED SOLDMVi $lOO Boularto isilifounded Soldiers, . It pow being paid to ill with • “Diseharge.o No 'charge made until the money eolleated. T. Lleeneed by the, U. S. Government: No. 10$11STI1 ST.B.McT, Dimond door below the Cathedral. . . el tt.v.iimmect.t. • 5. - A.;.aouracia JOHNSON,- ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, U.S. LICENSED SOLDIERS' OLABI A.GEIVIV . i lionntles foe Wounded Soldiers collected la tom thiPolll7e . r t ne r a. Call with 211:ebarge and twit witneues. itel64) V )11 o I blotlaw FE% 14EP:fillf41141:}:1 :PENSIONS AND APITEARR OP PAY. kAompUy attended to by - - ARTTIERS & BIDDELL. rowrni ST,paubuw„r.. MILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, I, LBOUNTIES, BACK' PAY. and IILILITIELRY-- CLAIMS of every description, eolleeted by the subscriber, at the ronovring rata, viz: Peasioas ill% all othetolalms 113,150. • • O. U. TATLOB,"Attiorney=at-Lart No.n Grant stress, Pittsburgh, -Pa. -.:N. JE—No charges are made if the Saha does riot succeed, end all information given itratia-,. seta? NOAli - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,'. Zio. 108 Fri - re &rimer. Pittabursb, Claims for PENSIONS, , BOIINTY, nazis asoisEy.,4o., vigorourl7Proeoo2oL 700 AcR Es - - OIL COAL AIM IRON ORE Ma.ELN3:) IF•C>PL EMIMiMI; INWEST Add;esa - aisc - rrs °razor: J. G. No. 1.03. nottesimet IStseet, • ' ' ririsavaau nesterfa 84 APLE.VARIBMGOODS, PitiNOT, 0007^2 TUT -01ULDRZIp3...01).&,Cgr.g, "VANUT wtOSAY, 111'4° ESTAIiLISIIED IN riBd. 0 1561 " rG. °lrv' *hater Goao fa.? aitc4l.. 110i1111111V3R K STIIIIII OW-PircktSti4t , t - 4 - • Acta sibs mrtit . 401>tr ariseies mai* rei Igo 'esit :ten NEW BOOK BY Itf: CFUTZOT' A Meditatioaa ,on the Pis:lice of Jakcistaity, and on the Religious question of theday..".ll,ll .) Large 's' Coanmentaty. on Matheir, edged, aztdoctrinal • Mutts Cottonentwry on Matthew- ro,r. Mark, • eritical, homiletical awl de.ctrioal s ,09 • Life and Epistles of Slt t: not, by awklybilszn' ty .Stliterracm • ' .. The Federalist, with an Int itAlottl on, 471.1.11. ,:.The Origin and Ilistory'6l the, EhMladt,Las• OW and the Earlyl 4 ltomrttom that ii Ensteatt. - • ............. 4.1 w From Dan to Berstmbs, by S. P. Llfewtnan, D.D. with bray 'and Engravings; o good ea- • companiantent • for tho , l.And and the Uook...'. t r y Lessons for Every Sunday in the Teart .2 se. ries. A. liberal discount to .. • lgoanders Pleating and !Training Churches by the Apostles • ' RODIICE CONBIGNMMS7'.:24 . OVr, 1N STORE. zoo Drat Apple.; ; • ; .. 500 Dried Pew:beat. CO • " Mod ()berries; • . . yOO kegs Packed Butter; . • ; • bble. Roll Butterr • • SOO Lake Bbove Apples . • iii=t v iffrr 9ider; • • u Crider Vioeg;tr; 7 ''t .std boa. White Beans; 40 ke g Aria hotter, • .. rOOO lbs. Mite.' Corn ?dealt' IC: ta ker s r , or i ntrlf /ar'. -.; ; , ~ • • 500 d0...44r l aartned reaeheal, ;- , at able. Rlaltwbaea• ' • ; . 5 bbla.lllaple Sugitri . ; For Bale by , .L. BAIBLEY- it TAN fi/ORpi.R . Igo. 818 LIBERTY STRIA% . t. " elter tor sale: 102) bash Prime Br, ... - 60dboxes 16rt . • 500 Hamburg do.; 40 Factarrauble dO.; - • ; , ' .0221 Bslreah ground Bualrerhat Flan, -7. 44 liltbrOlkampagne Olden' 6 4 ... Crab Ten' Daet, . bat( byda Cranberries. -'10• kegs Apple Batten .11 kegs Apple Jelly; . bbl Balled Cider. for mtntepten. - • - 2 boxes Choice 801 l Batten-, Utlibla Older suitable for Maallaf • ,V,,eginr• •.- Ni.bblo. No. 2-Lorgell.oekeroli, 60 Idtti : 1 W ds pound* (3oddsh; 10 &ams Irak.; • .- • 6o 4,bbh.:No. Whim !IA:. „ ' DO 1 Pleker r ey tor= • mccoßD a.co., Wholesale Hats, Caps and , Straw .Goode Nave noi'in store the largest area most .aeslatu • GOODS FORFAI4.IIALFiIIi Ever offered tit the lint. "Mezetm - .are revisited to evil and examine our stair.. St 44 *Jr 4 . 40114 at very low rates. . IR9IIQUEII3,'CII.T . FLOWE.4B; • #oirci. II , WER.'. wi ltAsitig•lrirn MOIVF,IIB, FromMIIRDOOLPS Oakland Grassallouse: • Orders left with .1. 1111W:day, 21 Fourth K., H. Sieben & Bro., 122 Wood *trout, 'Congeal' It Co., lk, Fllth street, or at the Greeahorum, promptly' attended to. • Baguets_ supplied daily at. Li. s pore Maned place*. Oak land ears run to the lateentumaeitrety Meat minutes. , . _ 'SPORTSMEN'S HEADQUARTERS, . • "led WOOD STRF.,Er. ' - j'aetaWELEi 33CE16 , 17"ZT , invites th e attention of Spotimm. and othaysto bin Wientild stook of GUNS, POWDER FLASICW, SHOT BELTS and POIJOIIIIN, DRAN.Y.LkIiES and ammunition of ovary kind. His atonic in OA argent rear brought to this market: . • wit PRIVATE DISEASES, boas gas rims sinsmr.tiuma Hands . . For the ewe ot an Maoists or &private minus,. la from two to tour days, by ao sanely acv sad sate treatment.. Also, Sealant Weakness sad all *Uttar diseases of theaftttal organs, sad their yrsoreattma. A cure warranted or motley refunded. • . Addresi. tatters W ato Peals street - twaltdai JAMBS BALIIii • EXPLICIT DRA GS ant SPEW.. I'I n aMONS, for all kinds n, and anon. intends their emotion on reasonable term. • ; Owe on ANDERSON SIDE= bet."' Looock sad Roblosoo. AUeenenr lathr ; . WD[. P. BECK.. co., .185 . LiborW it. - ITOffer for sole , ICOQ bids. extra. O. 1 Solt; • • ' 2tO racks cbolec Dry Appleo;: • 'GO boxes Western. Beiervo Obrele; • WO brothels 'White Doom; •• • •• • ' bbls.lllg.ter;. •• - • . 200 do. - - Earley. ..... • • . ALto.Volte. Suyar, Codftsb, White Flab; liar . • ring, Atockcsel, Syrups, Sidoestko. '7(46 TO. • . _ . pnr..s:+Es FOR SALE. , One TAYLOR OTEINDEII, bed 3Js6O inches. One TAYLOR 'DOUBLE -CITLII211b11,4)012711 SS inches; MI la good working - Will be sold eta bargain.. Enquire of Or addres .. aalxtf~ •_ oAhrl aF., Pittsburxh„Ps. FOR seen. itaio stock aititha - biatt."SELLING ore LOW. O • ONDENSED MILE, -4 (=sea' 01111 lb. Cana jest received. This -If. a prepaeatton ' under Borden's patent of pnre_unadulteratod rottk ard sugar. and keep good in any climate: Fat Nate at the Fatally Otoceri r State of felo - Corner of Liberty ond-Itand SUGARS. . ~ ,, 100 We A. and II Coffee Tyulreceived and for sale DT - ; .TABLB CUTLERI.-A fine assortmea 4141110;!" B l i l a ' ll "d* DM. air sartNcimaivgiot=bl, .TROLVAIIif--175 bards In jo JALIpt L spg a110t..11.251./agaz • - ,o~d~s_?~.: .j:, ,ipl . :' , :'4! , :,L . ; ' ,',Z LI . ..Z . k..'%'i.:" DADS, CLARICAt CO4 .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers