• - r:s. , ' tcr.vir.w- OP griThtyillitsu Igoe xxlmanvoil.Q.Nucitc. 76 ,AUKETEls - _- There basbeen no nag 'feature In the gated mairkela wed* of Special notice, Hut- demand far • Pfoil Lite t , tifirklnds Lela[ limited, while. Prices. generally; remain unehiutged. GRAlN—Wheat is quiet but steady, with small salea front wagon at 52,10 for Red, and $2,16 for , White. Horns" In good supply and drooping; Kees -Of nears to arrive; at 41.1010r-r.nr,: end SIM for Stalled. Olga quiet and unchanged; sties on Lurk, at:Ol, and mall lots from store; at !Meta. Barley is dull ard unchanged. - FLOUR—Is commencing to arrive pretty freely .b , but with fair local demon! : pricey are steady and pretty well sustained; as e of ISO obis Extra Fan& r SIO,EO for SpriagWbest and ;JOAO for Winter; and MO hb/s Winter liMalt at, $10,90. Buckwheat Pleat is selling fa small lets at at per cwt. PROVISIONS—Bacon is quiet but steady kith .tegolsejobblog miles at Blig2;,yrfor Etbouldersg for Ribbed it idas,lsfor (dear do, and 24 for Hams Lard Is uncbauged &trio wilikrin Mesa Pork - Bnllll4=lisrei.:xitnt a rai sha4e , 19.ty with saleastsl44solls, Sale of IS bags Timot hy Seed at K. • Fla:Ned is allot and unchanged. DJIL%DI'BI7I2 , -13ala or SOO butommon apples at tic. also, - small 'sales of prime brght 13c. Peach. es remain un OREEN Af at iVbill' fee ildpinent, - of 1W DNB at 1{4,22 per b 01.120 do do, at gado, and small sales from store at to Quality. p. HyrTyy.B.altere , is no fa.lling OIT receipt. of Bitter, and frith a aupply largely ia .. o r the demand, the market la 'alum dull with a drooping tendency—Small sales at 404746. , gagls.-grearly with sales at 441111#per 'dereen. Reeelptsllght and stock limited. . • . tilikEZL--Quiet and unchanged, at 22 LT prime Western 'Res, '4e for Hamburg, and 242 foe. InattLy, PUTRIIMIT 1885. jabi3I2SON, arciEAR co., .: 4 E 11 4: 11, 0 1 ;r41 1 Etx43011.. Me. 75 roan& nod hi Az iummt agR; tectiouluads=l outs otthe kat,. oiled Wake. 2, 7lnr i t i per ja •1 . . /en. Bonder ' Tr. 8.5 - per eent..1545 _ is „ i ; , l,lttel4 w. eene. - OegMlestee Indebted eleo BUY. anraLIVW C01151[5.91 . 158 14 . P . Bel! tie d pittimiegk si ama ka a . e, =mix of Eikrverumaat scurf , 04:45:44.,. `FlfiAfi AL '_ ACID VOIIIiEIiCIAL • BROKER'S AND BANKERS" BOARD. •;; • lotiansowtoara 1011 tel52.X'Onsnar A 0o.) •_'lorosiat::Yebtuuyoo, 0806. 1 • " • O6'd. .4itkoL Bales! ' O . , 'V. Brindi •-- lronnanoille solo 1,66 • VoOsenstille B. - abate'.if,so: -do - •• . 4.- Int. 'it • , erchantilt Wand. Bank W. OO itank oi 3 Oo Oolumbli 16:11ts ... .... 1,0 •—• • •41641-tylltin tlentrai:...;..: 2,05" , Tar o e,etory S. Cheery Bun 1,04 1,121 Idensote -' , Onolety Ran OS' • lifaAtio y &' Cherry Blood Farm & Ohio 4 ,00 ..... . . • • 4112.66... ' • SAW.' uniumaL. tarp attei4umols •at the . record's Stook Bwitilinal . this "Owing', stsd,its kiase&beltiSoithe triowtationa - Negro Henry, and : priteris • aseeitesalthilq, raid **hen Tba most sotlesaLle :feature we hare to notice Ii In Ilia.. r". '4ankti sold pietty (essay at 4358450, and 5 was' 'tient antlio ciosd. . Bithile 'Kai In ratbarbetter!' I . :.:•.seilimeattbrit nonmaterial advanoesraa. established., - Tate, Etott 'BE Obetry'Rie sold . to 'the extent' ot. • stilttsto o Wsuld Ms. Jul AtPriwi.ruletliall 0 0 , ssai'lkost.l,oael,o6 mostly at }Arleta&...Reis also rah 2 steady, at the recent - alsanee, Is also 1,11 4 40 -. 1 114, - • 260 skates Blood Farm OD • V2ll 44 . cherry RUA . . .2 w v " & Blood •-• IP .1 - . • w 1 0/ _„ to a, hemlock " 4 /ID • tie• 44- 044iRtimbnr... • z'• - • ObittVil 1.40 EDO a 2 146). • 44 .421234 LW' 'Bitable ' ' • 424 ",109006..'". "' . 4 " ' 8 00 100 co 44 - T i 4 GG .; Goo ; it?, Mary is (Multi 111111."..... 101 1101 Cherry 80/1 & Pllllbillgh' 11 1 0 600.__ rl ...Baton Londe • 10 Ilhasifferlass.ind bids Wire Li tollowst -- • ' • . Bid.. Allied. . 160 ' 100 ...SIC* . _WOO 175 Iffi 1a 120 .. 16 270 .. 1 06 220 1 O S : 240 la .100 ' oo .. 65 00 10000 Bawler •. Gretna, 41.1arda 'ColbertaorVi Dock Crek. Eldorado" Federal .Flea erlt gag se ßlood .. Full eree Iforseoeelr Natfonal Eedotag.. .. ....... Vlati: ll4 - Fillart n enhac.l!lear York... Rerinut HteUr Star Well* ' Ili3dtel7 Croek ' - The tax width It is La earderaplatlon by ems to impose upon crude end 01110 d onside= exmaiderable stir /moist/se dealers • In that article. Delegations have, resehestWaab• Ington,Lt is reported, from various cities 'to urge. the repeal's,: the tax. The tax on Mine oil is Sa lle at *rpm galloa (equal to about 25.40-per bbl.) This now burthen, it Is feared, soya 'the Phil/del phis Pnrsn, wtii seriously depress the banners, sin, , especially restrict the exportdemand,' which !soot" affeeteilby the tax as new levied, and 'remitted la senor shipment to a foreign post, As there I. no • special prone= made for drawback in this ewe, the additional coot elite per =Horton the expert et( stick most bring the ion oil sow being eaten-, aleely raanufeettued to Great: - Beltalo, , , at :a cost stovezieedlog 257 per. intim,. to •toldr lergair le . .part% lion with our domestic product In all Euro . peon market., end, it taboight, with A ehanee3ot or auper.xdlog the litter. altogether. Sn it 'a re ...mutt would lerrolie the :graieet eteuroptenees' to overeat ollproduelnu Interest, - •Whleh h • circa , absorbed each a out amount ." capital, sad Width is Israeli &Pendent 0,00 forelgO market for Its profits. Emmett behooves our legislators li‘eashingtoat to Oct epee. , this subject with the' grrair it caution:lest they kill outright the goose Which lay tyr sr lien egg"; . • . • Nhe latest juoposUloa betsre Ceps - mmls to ex act the payment' of duty on petroleum, whether wipettril oroot,altb a view to compel torekre eau : maitre to'eontribito to Me *anti or theyreasuiT. 1. • • Yttilhe didloultr la the way of ihurprojest is, that with the addltlioal cost of see per gallon for Selo „eld ar,:erealtsil, that stun, fordo* . eoniamirs would rot lake it at all, and their market would he loar to u,o Antra. ,Besides, cc tech a earsartre Iwoluldlesquhralent to the Wiry or an export duty: — it la doubtful Whether it r ouul be eonsumotal with • • Oat a formal n? went a thir 00eititation. : Thh orlr4 • tat, taunt olkoefir tbo imports : ot the pot: ofileac York (or the ealioulai year from • 1251 to it4H,,lt deriTe. The lions are. eMelo% 1. Tree, - Dutlail• Pm:canoes.' Specie. Total . 'MOM.* scrromi 1e3,00,61.1 ii31,361,tne 2.402,= 1.V,819,119. 5,4:4,038 telper,es2 - .' ' • 1e5,421,554.13118,816 2,107,02 151.651.272 • „mtecoArt • Nam'. "urrAxixis 17SOkeill ersieisswir 1062 liardi,arrt Ti 7,130,13.1 , 10830.530 120,6111,129 1ite.....1211,03,04 0,024,891. '5,161,120 453,e87,087 ' lilannst us&rssoste .r tau trse,4o.ao,sraovi• n 055,271 repamo laotiotiaZpt,riai 1,20 1744153,217 • i11ai—....a15,f41,7f4 127,61.41,0TT - len • .3141,11,^A11-it,73I,SCS 2,263,422 :218,143,150 Yee the tut thite Matador nude, the sandal stones of imparts hareheenin the following pro. porUorate amounts: Dry go GAOL 1161,2uan Et.c.wea .oeacral mdac f ...ln,l4oßM ta,si .114.278.8380petie t 060977 1,638,81 t 2,20,C11 . Total 1.my0rte.:3171,&U,317 111147,suArt gsigozmop ?he elPOrtflrem -New Yrlceitattelveofspect , tot th& latt four eille.ndst 74,1.ra, have been as fol. f.:,l4zoirs, the reiltot in this ease teposeeettos •gteen basks and not 'soh!, u fn the CAM of the Imports: L' • Qiitter, 1601. ' 1691.' '11461, .1E66 let 90640,749 men tos& 650,614,906 50,429,736 • ... . . 12,126186 0,796,364 41,149,730 4644660 • t 0,075,918 46,616.90 0.M,687 79.616131 4th. 41,017,03 43,70,01 40,03,747 69,421,6111 T5131..6118,574,.%.10 216,34,5220170,718,9880221,M,543. The ex.pfuts. 0f specie and bullion rzom New . Tort, farthe eame periwig, west as 10110,4: , 531031134. 2061. 153. . 1863. 1864. - .465/91 $2,668,V4 51,01,174 55.4.59,079 Yet.. 4,174,23 2055404 • 3,015,367 • sNaiib... 6165,412 1,8000557, 1,417.0 - 4 45:,815 1,872331 5.935077 I.t A.Y 500 3.6 2.115.61 a 33033 I 4,67 611 I 6,541,101 Jii;l„ , • 11.i.11,. . 1,11;4:4 Aub 1,001,812 ' 711,91!) 14185,33.5 2,53.394. Ott 15,038 6,731,510 ' 2,310,161 2,517 77 121 .. .. • 48,235 6,243,251 5,438,3131 7,237,642 Ike 503,013 1,873,112 5 250 053 4,101,177 .T0ta.,41,44,2X1 46s,arga 4 : 19,764,00s Iso,Bp,Cti Garen:moat -Awards At Cideori. The folloiriog L tho Int of wards made on TUeldaY, I , Y OW. oeo(Se W. 031 hPbell. (lamina. ri_of'Subsitteste at Chicago: • PBIYL 111511 POUIC. Mager & Co.,= brie, at A. r- Scat &Co 2.50 b.'s, at.',4 A. P. h. D. Reir, atabrls, It.. ,rvesm einctmcits, swzr,./ ‘ co., tOo,cm lb*. at . T. Holland Va,cco It., at - Culbertson, Blair ft. Mo,ooo 10a, at.. Binger ft Cc., 60,093 Ibs, at 21.1. 123,00016".. Tulner & Met at. I.lcioerwoo.l 0r.C0.,10.10.t It's, at. • . l ,Xplrea acts- Brawn, 30,000 st. A Brolm, 38,000 Es at . _ Turner S.. Sglebols, S 3 brit, at Rhodes & 'Mlle, Zn)at......'..... zits-Damn eOkif BOyntodtt Mack 2,Q00, brit!, 4 C: luoyfcll .Ik.' C0.,1,003 bushels, at . • :' Rblladelp,4la: Mirket. • • rniLlanittutrA, Feb. ZL.—Prv.austrat—Ddll • etude. ect4detblettird 130 . 1u1,114,k Hefted il:F Funrix—Yery dull aid . sluir aaler, but plied un- GuAts—Wlcat steady; 5ed1t2,5081,401 '- ' 42 ggi t raint T 2 l l Oll ll iliTl e t:7ll l tg". $334 5 P95 9 1A • Wm:war—DWl, et CV*: _ - • • - ; ~. .: , .. - DlMug Stotts, ltotrior;tab. 23.—Th•forloirlior *ye*" prielf at WA l3 "_o4i ks % f ait *Vo l k f 'i-t l i nr i tr:rfiliLL,ll al iS xAO. ".15 itodama, 4. - Ttie.:...,w e ' _ ar m ~, '=,~, s" PwritaLttiii , mAltmeohic.Feb. 22, Ism. " ..Therelsoatet tokuiri, nor has thera . Deen for env; era days pist,a ideate traitiactlon fa Crudei-sad whit it *nese stlll, l6lsnnt at all likely thatthive • irtabe say tor. several daynto COMM The . 1.34 3 '1. lions fora riinrapt.tenOt navigation on rue Alto nheattiver memo! very eastrurantng, - and mita • that ' Irspertsat'evne tithe* place; We bay si well lease Crude 'Om out '6t, our .reports. .fiennadi to bei.a; la ejulit dna neatieled, but, nOtteltbstainling, tfe.e Ia no pe sent.' deemed,: as the -sterile la mew 11,.".t, b lders do not inentfast any 411170144 W oiCir 'Woe Oil Is steady awl there Is a alight Improverneat.! to 'nit a In the Western ;lensed; nate unehisgedi sale 'etsci Ltds at 2q, and jen at Sl.' 3 birdia&D eb*U3ll kr nate la Nsptha en'llesid— and see. requested to Asti: that-them will be a meeting elf oil men, at' the Once, et' the 'Standard -Works',.. Weed genet, en Yetday vt.ernoon, et 3 eeloek, -for tbe puma -a st _taking some- mitten. la., 'Meld to the propose,rtaren crude .etroleum. It pia hoped..that there Rill bea atteudanee. - • . - • . putLAtriF.ii , pittAsTi7ics -Autism. ia the rttttkb meek' Gezet.te Pniuk . .Tte market for Oil Sfecks was steady 'end wii• :kritelY retire; t 6,1 1.3% builbe • notlieslae,that . ige fires in §Wgsr Creek, Wadi jumped ova ItNojtS, Sid lore hi ,ilor Soy ISWooldd, In it - firm:Lee of rive Ilona» iitt Wale. The closing sales were se to}. Denstebre..... ... 550 Ca:dwell ' 625 1 44 Sherman 1 23 . 3tmetlest .. • 50 011 Creek • 100 Meellstoek. • 2.s'4loraplanter 003 Noble fr. Deleraster..= S 8t Ett,.Niebelu 4 12 Curtin tC 35 Maple Shade .23 N) Dairen - 050O1tlreek 6; 0 Itan 5 50 rbits.'k 011 Creek... II 44 ' • NEW yONN - PETROLEUM MARKET . *ltiabittil Inquiet, t.nthe Pittseetrzfi Gazette. New Your, Feb. 11, !Gte petroleum market to imaiy and a abute er. 1,000 bards of Crude Isere sold, on spot, at Me. /lined, In bon' d ts Om, at eltedre; • and Free at V. , cwArniwiivEsrock MARKET. - Reported ,Expressly. (or the Gazette. Esti laritnrr,'Yeb. =, 182$. CASTLE-The receipts of cattle have been rin preeedentedly lane daring the past week, and, mid; withstanding the 01M:ciente have also been heavy. the peria are Mill pretty well filled, Iliad the orris !'still Mimeo:en. Th.%conziettion with nark -eatable' advice, (from the Eimt, - has earned the tantket to drag, and with coreparatirely few trans. actions, prices as compired wlti4lost week, are con &identity lower. Shlfmers bought eery aparingly, times . being a want of confidence In the Essteni markets, end. the prtaumption Is, that with the laigesidpineuts now being "made, there will be an over. anpply in both Philadelphia and New York next week, in which event, there will be another er tactile In' pricei. 11t le but - proper to state, howcser, that the greatest portion ol the cattle now inichig audio the pens, beloag to Govern. went contractors, and, as a. Matter of course,- are not Lir sale; still E there was no diagnising tae tact that the supply wee largely In exeeea attire de emed, and that the market ruled dull and languid, with but little dispoaition manifested on the part 'of LO F TS to operate. Wormier .a partial lint of • . .1. ll.' 'Huff sold, lo all, ligiutad - ot Wee faint& tteen et E". Trent, so d to Chrbsti,s3 bead of common 'steers welebiog 62,775 lbs. at 0 7 ,60 • -r Partridge gold to Owen Scully, 36 haul of eom mon cows and heifer*, averaging 1000 lbs at 66.75. VietclOrd told to .V.linnetllor, 15 head of nice hessy stock weighing 18,6131ba at 8%.- •. . ~ 14... Manners sold to /toddy Mayans 13 head •of good Vfestem sleek, weigh;ghing 33,070 Lb' at 8.: Rocreibittgh Sold to" E , heneerr7 23 head of cdoc-•• monish rtork, weighing t 9,020 Ma at $6,,U. , • ' iludd h. Clarr.er, sold tee, bristy,ile head Orb:lrish cows and steer.,weighing 3.3,:41: Ls st 67,60. • ' Glidden cold to Freak, 10 head of common caws and heifers, Idelghlogia,t3o lb*, at . IS, 0. • lie thhouser sold to Alyea it Bre , 6 bead of fate. lon storm weighing 3,4.5 lb., at atii- '. - . , Clcrlsty bonaht-lo head of laittahcomi,.aierazteg 1. , 191bt, at 67,00. • - • Sohn hlcArdiebotutht it head of nice IllinOla rt. era. nom Huff. at 6614.' • t • SHEEP—There is a continued good demand tOr thla class of stock, and, with light receipts and a r.. 1 Ler limited sooply, the-.market ruthl tiro t!..r,u - Lel...t. !I:shred:4 nal prat aro 11 . n ..a.cd'nitil ..tth a ed, ranging from 49,50 td. 1110,6 S per cwt.,. grcss, according to quality. One dealer bought ata ut ,eontrad for the New York market, at An at trsg of 610, 'lke' followleg ltarnmetloas were rer zrird: ' '. . • , Hart sold to Eellowe, .243 head, welshing 22,1, lbw at IP/ r cwt: 'his lot of cheep was lolured tomes hat by an accident conthe railroad; and bet re the low pace at which they were sold. : M. Fuller sold to Paneoat, lea bead. welsklas 1.5.t76 lb. at, ei0,60. . , . _ S. Corker cold to - l3ellows,'.l3s.hesd, wecshfas 361.20 lbs at 110,00. . i . . . ). ti. Tar St *old to ilessnr," ZSCI he,td, welshing fluff tad to Esahhouser, 03 head, Weighing , 6,0 - lb. at 4110.26. . •• . : . , Dear. sold to Vornar, Wt . head,.trOlittloit2,lit DUI) tegtor eeld to Heuer, 173 Atmd, weight:in 111. Pune:lola lo Egr, 210heod, evere4lol[lol , no, et 1t1014,. ' At, nal,' marts .bit - eg soUl IWO !sew it lop 11 toed; WO et 11110,60 beso, sad Mot 49,12. „ Wart sol 4 to Bellows, 303 heatl. aetaglns. 83' ISt HOGS—Study with a fail demand for shipment, and, alrennepared . ith last week, pelves have ad. •mineed.- The receipts continue rather light, and the eupply, although apparently equal to the deo; mend, has been; and le still limited. . . I t .f... 8. Ituraold I orfairish Hoge at $24 fl owt Gllelitiar ft , Bern haler bought lii head , even ging Me lbs at $13;76; *ragging HP, at *I4, and pittoveraglog O.ltt i + 2l . -- H. Sheeler benght 400 head, averaging 240 ibi,mt . 112b7}4.. • , • - Jilting - Voter bought 000 head, atel4,Bo delfrered ' in Philedelphia. . , . 1 - ' •- , Heavy Awardi of Ariziy' Contracts' at ' o plain J. Howard' Wells; Commissary of the Middle DepartmeaL oa Tuesday last, awarded the A/lowing gontractsi—Wm F Pent; 500 bbla prime mess po rt, at 1136.84 per DM...W. S. Wedge, 23) bbl. do, et 30.03;1,603 bbl ; do - at 27,60.:' I, A. Peek, .8.13 tibia do 3 38,50;300.bb0s do 10.25. Drakeley & Fenton, ago ',Ms do at 37,97: Jos. Price, 1,500 bbl; do 7335, Perumcralt & McCully, AM bbis do ISM; WO bhls do V.ll. - Drakeley &Fenton e 3oo bbl; meal beef, at 24,14 per Obi. liiillins ik II urnett:Mtl obit do MAO; 250 bblzdo at 26.70. /Clew. .Priois," 200,010 ipounda brown sugar at 10,24 per 100 as.'' Halite' & Barnett 1e0.660 pound* do at 21,15 per 100 ;hands, 73 B. • Eastman kco ..400,000 ...431),030 pounds do at 21,15: Sohn S. Prlce,.loo.ooo pomade do 19,511,__• 510)13 pounds white sugar, 28,20 pew MO priunds. - ,H. R. 11Olbsphall.L10,000 pounds do 27.00,• 00,0008, 'cln 24.24. Hen ry. Boner nus, 00.000 Redo 28,20. Jas. H. Cook, sopoo Zs boron shoulders at 23.9f;cesits it Z, 50,000 Zs do at L 3 trots. Geo ge Cassese' b. Co; sZi,O73 as do, at. 3.1,00. IL S. Wedge, 80,0:0 Zs Jo, 23,i7. W. F. I 're-ea - 11,6.4 get de, AI t . 2,'*: . ' 0: VAISII.IA fr. Soo. 51. ' tea 1.1 - ,ntk %Mr, al 21, gittpr lly 0, • F. W. 0../an-' ar td, lure, drr Kt ... A.M . ...1h, Met int is now orte.ter ! ~,,,,. 1, t,.."lpt . Kr: n:43 eon mt.:.-al 1/1311 14d. 3 iihei O. Itr orris, 0 - 47,r,:pdn nt TX:. • .T. 0. ltnor Cliff, Inv bblnyellow do; at 1,75; . James IL Cook, .5,000 gall. molassm, at 1,03 per gall; apoo do 'do, ' at 98 cents. Thompson, Reynolds & to, Philadelphia, 9,000 gallons do { at 1,19. bores, Brumell & co, 10,- MO as pepper, a 53 ceats per'. - John L. Pride, '200,000 Zs coffee. at. 83 par 100 as 5. B. Emb. , man & co, - 250.000 do, st 111 et, ip 2. J. R. &E. B. Place, New York, 1 nags do, at 40,12. T.- W.,' 63,- 000 as rye, 562 s to e bushel, at Lei p e r bashek m Oega Young &eo, 00 941 d , 2,00. W. T. Pitt, s c ia, 103 bbl; beans, at 5,30 per 103 Is; 103 this do, at 5,40, Lewis Scars & e 0,100,000 Is d 0,60 as to the bush. el, at 3.15; 100,000 Zs do, at 3,M. "' 3. Baker, New Tot k, 100,030 as do, 3,31000000 80 do, 3,10; 100,003 119 do, 3.4 A P. B. Olooo,illiminnatk 0130, 100,000 as hard bread, at 6,4oper 100 as. - IL Tarlac 01 IP Martial, 300,000 Ss do, 6,40. Darbeck Sr. Haight, lila -cir.r,,,,i, mAOOOI3sAo, 540. Eugene Post, 303,000 80 40, at 8,83. Thns. NI ilson, Palladelpola, 130,091 Ls 6,..35. Field &Bennett. I:l;rcinnatt, 310,0 ,3 0 Is do, 8,10. Jet. :oats y h Cot :x9OO 16190, 8,E0.• F. m a ,,.. mett.a. co, ethe:nnati. 7M ,00 Ls do, 0,30. Tyler Bros., t 50,030 DA do, 0,85.. Si. rt. (Joggsh3looo,olo Zs 10,8,09. W. Macomber,BOttOn Mat.., 10,000 psilons vinegar at 433 per gallon. N . V. I'. PM, 2EIO bble do ~ t 43c., Tin a. Emory A Sons, Cinclotinti, &LOW is adamantine candies, at 33,90 per.loo 2.. Mil fr. thellitts, 01 uOitimal, 3040 24 • do, et 31,00. J..Paikburst, Jr.. KO , xo do. at 35a;1 Z. IL IL eCongshall:100, 0 0 lts do. 31,99;100,000 As do. 35,48; 15,000 11.4 do, 35,99. A. Bake; Now York, 40,851 as dr/ d peaches. at fler per 100 as; 3Y0,003 As do, MAN' Hollins & Burnett, HMV gado, 26,60; 20,500 Sado, .0 20 15.. Poutarntar & 3100µ1.17, 50,003 139 candles, at Zip per 100 9.4,-;23/1. '.. • . - .. , • 1793 1710 17 93 17 93 Philadelppla Markel—Mallnepprt. Fish are quiet but rim at the late advance. There are no snivels to note, and the saki aro - confined to store IntsintE snag No. 1 Mackerel, at Slafigt; Pe at 416Ct9; art Prat Sfingiblg as to brand t and tbo Istler scarce. Of Pickled herring the Lela are limited, at 48$i7 per bbl. aseordleg to condition, And good fish arenas e. Dry Oad sell ea wanted from store m 41,0930 ltt '' • Fruit—There le very little - doter to Foreign, nod with • light stock - Once are note iestiy onahneed. Domestic L also quiet , with - Vllll3l males of Dried. Apples at 13814 e; maimed Pinches ett 'MOW; and pared do at Mann tp. Green apples and. Oran* herring continue scarce and high, and the demand Beedv—There , is a , tood demand for OlClVerpeet sad lees offering, sodomises an better, with/sales er sopagosbnakels•at Sl4,6oBlikil w ha, mostly at 11116016,26. -, Timothy u nezleeted and aeariy sown bat at U , 406, - Slanted kaa deellind to SADO ,r e ipet__ 11114- faadotate Jab*, it., Latter MARKETS BY MEGRAPEL • Chicago • Market. Special Dispatch to the Pittaburah Gazette. Carew°, r demi 23 Iloc3-4dors actin, and Omer. Gmarx—Wheat moderately active and steady, at in advance of Malr,c; No. 2Spring closed at sixt3i: COM active and advanced IC;nalex orNo. 1 - at fro.% Oats'in. fair demand and advanced te; sales of No. I at It73.sfilddc. Bye In fair . demand, and Wafted antes of No. tit 67* .leatore. Basler, . sans-Tdoderillely-, attire,. AM outer; sales Of Timathy. Geed at ii 4,2284,72; Myer Seed, 1112,0 i aad to lower; Wel at ;Ml@ L . ,,t2l4.7...eierpig'quiet, at Dump Avervia-Text quint, it tetitle.* - - 0 1 1.15-7Lirdeed and Lard Oita qttlet andateady. Itiara4..Dull and tuielianged: • 1 • ' Paorinose eartitatto dull and deplaned. Pales of penis lifers Pork at C7p317,501 street pickled Sams at 115 X., Lard drill, at 9134 en for LA°. 1. BraT Orerrta very actin, good fair atra grades idiineed 25@a5e per ICO Rd., the de li-andel:deity ongovemieat account; sales= head at 545065,v5,, allay atae,msiirvra. - - /Eloon—recrived, about 55 0 55: Wei men, at Ilene : 25,- Welly at' 11 1 0 1 1, 1 5. - Pair aklPPlair_ demand, and prices steady at provided' rates. • _ New York Market. . , NEW -Fig. • 23 . - Correa-Steady, and prices without decided change; &Wile . trir , • Fiona-State aid .Westara quiet and _rather . - mere steady; 0,20 10,35 forextra-State,atifilkito • for extra M n 0, aid tll,RoQl2,oolor Trade Brandi; :market closing quiet. - • Wruaxv-Scary ; Western at 71 • ; rinanr-Wheat dull; very oholcevne- I. Chicago tSprlng,o2,2o; ALM C1ub,141,10., Bye quiet. Barley quiet and flemer,with an 111011111 i tendene7; Corn quiet mid firm; old Middling Western nominal at .1/1,6861,90. Outset 111,1034 , 01,14 for Western. -, -itinotmatnrs-Cletikequiet.. - Sagas dull; Haynes," ?IL?. Molasses dl in and heavy. • 7 ravltor.sOn-Du d lower; Crude is quoted at 4.2443 c; Belle ed in fiend Mgelci Refined litee, filo knovutions-Pork quiet aid steady at 034,16 ft -35,00 for New ;Steel; $33,413.7,80, for 0003 and. 1861 dc 42 l 44A h for irte ' an lae 7( 4 44flat 'g o ' t at er s trolMethsf 1430 bile New /gees; Blurb and April, seller, aid buy en'optloi, 135,6D6.16,145. - Itacork more actives ; , ineer.a for jdaln Mesa, and 12112.4 for-Extra Mesa; , MO tierces Prime Mrss,*o4l. Dressed hogs . heavy mid lower it' ISM(It7c, for Western: , alma morn activet - saies Mtkr boa's at Wth . gagfe for co - mher,,: - land Cut 20% for long cut Hams; fin forking; Tithed, and 21g2/34eforshott rlbbem Out Moats • quid. at 17e1t0/0 for Sioulden, a nd 180 Mo for Haw. Lard firm 'at ilttliV2434cr also 730 bits' slurry- sellers option, „at- - 21!4c.- Mutter quiet at Cc for. Olds, ttgooo for...state O.Yetlas qu et at I Ifi22e. New lit* titoCk.aud Money Market.,:!. . haw Yens', Fe V. .'.'s.foiscr- , Eavy at 616 cent, and a few transactions at 5 ft cent. Sterling& little . .6raarr at 10.G,M106;% - , Gold a shade firmer--open: !Or a t if to PM, and dual*: at - 166%,' I:maw...Dull; Government, Stocks quiet' end 'ready; U. S. Sixes of S•S) Coupons, liok;; Fives 0(10-40 Coupons , 102%; V. 30 'Treasury Notes, 116; luisaorld sixth 63%; tibionnd Mississippl (RMS. entre, 67; Quicksilver, - ; Mariposa, ISX ; New York Central, 1115 M; Eric;.'; Iludeon,-116; Read. lag, its!,4; Korth Western preferred, 6136; Xictil grutlionurens, 671‘;11.11nols Central, 116%; Cleve. nntrandlltt4burglii ef.,4t North Western, "11114 ; Rock Libutd,9N, Fort Wayne, esli; Terra Hanle, The &Howl ne are theitioitiitfoiur at Gallagher's Evening Exchange :--Gold, te9t4. N. Y. Central, 10.4; Midi. Southern, 6405; Illinois Central,' tlikt.tt .Plitsburgb: 81%; Toledo:ALI; Rork Island, 97; N. Wert...13,34%i uo preferred, eiGg; rt. Wayne, 1314 0 la 31. certificate; Z7'% l • Canton,. am,i,• Cumber, lvnd,"lVA',; lifruiposa; 12 , A. Stock market rm.; dial. Gold stesdyi salmi after call, 19:N. ...clnetntutU Market, Cnronsasakreb.•=, tutehanged; I~per pye was—% head onehanyed ; prime red, SUMO 1,58. Corn dell; st St ler shelled; no Wes- .ssata held -at EMlStmc ; truyers sees lo less. Bye, 81,25. Barley dull, at 111,= for oriole. - .Warencr In moderate demand at $2,17. Psovistons drill, but prloes nominally. an. clanged— Nothing donajef, contionce. to • ; -- Senn dull, excepting Ras, which has iidranged socsauta dull, red prtha drooiiing. - st. Laid, 31arkek, Sr. Loris, Feb. =.—CirerosAull, at Re foe mid. . dllcg. The receltla for three Ora are four boo. Ftocrxt dull.• axam—erheat deg:need 306 e, naging at 11 11 . 7 3fi I.Ce for pixie to extra choice. Cora firmer, at Op; IMPORTS' BY RIVER. Or. LOC7S, PIS. STEAXIM KETADA —4 bbli but ter, Fetur b. Armstrong; a Db. labrfeatiag oIL Ti... Arbuckle &Coil bbl Oberly; it bales bensp,..lohn Osier; s peg. glass ware. & Belt; iMern Wes, iiO3 atareb, Shomakar Sr. Lang; 10 bgs hemp see G-A Kelly & Oci; 1 chest, t check lines, 1 Itmore, Wolf & O:19 lads clay, Thos Coffin td casks do, Alex Gordon; 19 b 4 hemp, Fulton la BolLaran; lairds clay, Henry II Collins; 10 born 'amps B A Ferns utcek & Co; Ko 'dui feathers, Joseph ; 8 hhds 911m:cal bx "ample& /an A Malutle; 9 cases to: Ducts, Reymer & Bros; =green hide& McDonald - fr. Arbuckle; 10 bbla tobacco, 10 halt-barrels do, Bayley & Van Gorden 1 ease do, Weynuin & Bre 1 ease do, W Jesklnsam; 414 rein wheat; T Kennedy; 99 do do,J3 Liggett &co; 40 bales hemp tow, A II Childs & ea 213 dry hder,hipringer, Ran btu& & co; 1,518 'bids dour, 79 . 1thda tobacco, 10 casks rants, 3 4.1 ginseng. 43 bbl . jolts, 183 bones starch flo bbl. do Clarke & co; ES paLgli Elerailla• PEE J. Ct. • BLACZPOIID-20 soap, W Frazee; 11 - btdi oil Isaiah Dickey &co; 35 pkga, S Coopee, ad dodo, 151cOlueleart Si la •o; I Kirkpatrick &- *0;70 pligiiimbe, Mller 5.111 eleteon; 30 Odes slop , Atwell, Lee ac co; 35 pkps mdse W att & Wilmot 50 do do, S Ew alt & co;S:rdo do, J B - Serhaien; 10 do do JD Wil; - ILicailo do do, E Heastoo;lo bhis oil J 51 Snow. den;so pkgs, Porterfield & co; 00 pkg. Kirkpatrick & Elm; 30 do do - .Wm Com:den - ha Ooze. 31 - , cCullough, Smith & cola% Pk. arbeatJ SZI b. P eo; 5 tool metal Nimick &co;P:15 eke wheat telly & IrafBol oil bble, Waring &Shur; 553 pkge nes S Harbaush & co; 3 bids liquor, GUSchallout ' l'Anzaasaihrto P/ZIIII,LTARD-181 dl VDU, Ant*, co ht Cu;l , head cattle Andy AO der; 47 b Una wool tgark. & co; t: piro6 ftaeseeo, 12 . pkgs Dotterel bald! Day. 74 Lbla hour." bbl ergs , ell "WO drraPPlec Jordno lio'lister h. Co ;a tt tOgadrif&pplali 60 Dra Bilarced,2 Rai Deans,Lll Volght &co; It tibia ilshstcd, 77 do beam,. to Ores; &co; OA* hoop Doke, Ile 1.4.7e1 heading& Xentialy & tiro:l9 Me app`cs, w: P &et h. 00; RIO nit barrels "omit& •Cructuusr., run Mnrslurna..--1010 asks wheat, Kennedy &Mrs; VS bales hemp, Marshall. Ful93n EkAlumni 1:0 bra oil o-eal, Res & Mail; 20 (Mid* turn aboulaerr, J P Manna &ea; !BMWs tsbarno,' L . ' Murphy; 3 ao do; 11 A Marotta: 3 lra ensrialL.. Pletorna, Fill& col 9 rhea farniture, A Milliken; d, do, 12 It Bulger; ado do, Hammer & Dauler ; 3 bbls wine Ii & A Carson f has toe.t. 111 Llppin. sort; Abs. tabs -to, Means •& Oonln; 141 bus soap sod candles, S 'Lindsay Jr 'Oa en; 112 ale bbis Phodos;•44 bhda bulkoAdes, Eno* & Perham at tea • lard, I' Sellers &oo; le pekrs furniture, T 13 Yotuig. & ea leases drugs, BE - Sellers Kee; 3 bble whisky, Ton es Lloyd; 41 earns IraC, B L. Pahnestmk & Ca; po.k9a drug*. II A Fahnestoek &co; 42 plc..' son, dries, Potter, Aiken rai3hmoard;43l do do, FSmith; Ito les lard, motivate unknown: 'l4 - oenvistz, ZOO Dowon - M-11pkirs Midst; laslah Dickey* co; 6 picas vandati, Booklet+. & Irartn;l2o 01l Ltd& Fidler & Jiro; 19 ale blds, Shcides; 1 M d . tobacco, hi Reyl; 00 able hominy, Battey & Van (loiter; 42 pkga meat, gnor.*4 Parker; 21 do, Rho+ -maker & Long, 20 do, Brownsville boat; Large lot sundries, Clark & en: beg bye wheat, - Renned,y & Bro; 290 bbls flour, lireOlurkon, Herron & co; 46t aka wheat, J R Leysett & eo; 6 bbls lard, J A. Cod.' ghey; 10 do Elltorletort; 100 bbla hour, & AnJer; 200 tilde& Boßstatt. . 11YLVOUTA,BY RAILROAD . CLITICIAND &Fri - m=4m RAILIROAIN rza. tide feel lumber, care of Douglas k co; 14 bell feed,' idetha la ultb,Salte &col WO sal oars Palderloa AsaaloatlS pc* and I box machinery,. asks cats Clod- My £0 Jul; N M bza 'CAA ad: all bell; oil Wall wer Chi co;28 hides, Conrad Shard; 65 ails all .T T Stoo‘dele 4 brat cdl, Pranock•Ball k ear7t aka dry avian LltUct Baird & 00;9 aka rags, fl•Dalzellt 22 brle dry apples, 1..1.1.•V01gat & tool hlids M. Iley1• 7 do do, Jan Murphy; 4 do do-,lsclumb ; I do 10,3'Fullerton 7 cases do .1 W Taylor. • • • • Peretwonton. Fox? Wallin -also Orrtnano /LH. Feb. 23-260 bbls dour, Dan Weilsocr, 17 •bldes, Bays & Stewartpt bbla botter,John Floyd beat -1 , lA. tug; Godfrey &Mark; 11,b1 beans T O Senktcs; 61 pkgs rags, klcOulloogn, Snatth & 00; f pkts but L. Volght &cot:cars barley, J Rhodes; Pal:tales cotton Arbuckle &rove wars bay .L.S. filnahman; e ran ;arta', Woods & Son,. sdo do 'Nl:nick & moll car clay, S Reynolds 6 pkgs liquor, 0 HAM. strong; I saw, Hubbard t 'Long,. • . .41 crwortrwe Se&Tiow, Feb. M-3 can - wheal, Ecnedy Er Eroitit sksflsrszel,..WJ3 Suydamflet do do, 2d b feed. Ewer & Hamiltoo; 3 ears mete!, Ltrutrey. Wrens& oval:Arks corn, & Stewert; nibble ept.tee A eke clover seed, 2 bog., .is }boot'. 'moo; d. room Jeotbor,-Papp, BAker Co; t bbt mo bs...es, C. IL Luolep. tNTELLIGENCM rm.! trio erveral teem; vt this polo• yes. and lent eveni.cg it wee stld rising slowly with scant eight I et in the channel lry the marks, The weather continues soft end unsettled with an pctasional drizzling of ran, and the snow hell al moat disappeared. The illottingnhela river, 'we plume, coon wilibe, if it is not already, open all the wey up - to Brownsville, and navigation on this stream may virtually be considered reiumeri. She Allegheny Is rising , but very little, If any, and we are Inclined to the belief f hat it will take some. prvtty, hearyehowere of rain to more tiro ice in BM stream. - . _ . The artiTtill Include the Onteani,froorollashirille;, the Mineola, .from Cincinnati, and .the . licenda, from ISt. Louis, all with splendid tripe. The Bap ard from Parkerabnrg, and the likockford, from_Clacinanti, get in early oa IVedneaday even ing: The •W. F. %Junto [rota Cincinnati, had not, arrived when we loft the landing, but Was nto. The Potomac from Cincinnati, Is dunhere, oni lere•rhe re-ships her Pittsburgh roeitht at Irile°l. • The Ancadeila cleared for Nadlerlie veaterdny morning with a gner trip, and the. W. Y. Osborne, for St. Louis. got off law evening. The Osborne. a's° Lad a geed trip, including quite a number of pareccgens. -The G. 3100. Porter teL fur IVhdel hag a little behind time, and we presume: the Buy. ant retuned to Parkersburg last evening., '• The rumor - toted In our report of yesterday about the sale of the Wheeling anCelacionati Packet St. John, Is confirmed . title was purckaa• ell 'by rotes St. Louis karDerh-price, fortpelght thousand dollars.. • •• The Camelia left - Cincinnati-tor, Ws eity on Tuesday, and the America awl . Etepire City were advertised to fallow on Wednesday. • The commodi.us and popular steamer Hioneola, Capt. tri. W. Dickenson. is the regular :racket for Cincinnati te.lay, blaring at 4P. M. iravicagerS ond shippers should bear this fact in mind.. She will leave this evenbut,withoetsfail.- - • • .- The well known and reliable steamer Leonidas, Capt. N. A.Cox, /a Ailing up rapidly,- aad Won be re dv leave for Sc-. Donis. o. r - _ r . s - The GILdeN V, Capt. Anderson, and the liard Titeen-0 4 1 6 Brown. both tient passenger steam er, are announced for Ctnelnnatt and Louisville . The following Items -ere from the . 01.nelarual , r The Empire Oity :mug at Laaliatua,: ghee the }lobed Ideate In% on Meador, sad win, doubtless be foludit the Um; to•das, ready to hums for Mauna WO entdsli, with tie Ireton' tiaptata .:i - ... ~ ~'' :i.3.; FwM f '.4~~ , i..:~.Ml~ii - `S ` .S * f `+S.kl - "'sy~~"c~ Jamdii ream-mi. The Silver ttiou4 left for I . lttelvr6tk with* fair freight trip. Et tore—Albert Witilanuon acd Dora Dunn. . The America likettirodrilat to i for the same port, with a full cargo: Pilots—Captains Ransom and Clark. The Camel's, with a Mt - cargo, was also among thedepartures for Pittaterrgit yeaterday. The Yorktown; from Pittaburgh, Waage trio k And Anna, free Esatiant, and•lhe grepire City, from St. Louis, arrived last night. • The Naugatuck; Captain Q. Rata 'arrived from •Eastport, Tcnnersee River,larg. Sho let the Kate.RObia NewYcrk, Rose lute, Iron sad Fanny Gilbert at Eastport, last 'Friday, the New York •being the f.inarterwastegis' head quarters at Eastport. The Naugatuck brought3so mules to Louisville, sad discharging her. unto, came here light. She left the Anna at Louisville Monday night, discharging 150 mules. The Anna will be found at •the levee today, receiving' for • Patti:nage.. Tie Kate liobinsce we...to have let . Eastport on Saturday last, with a cargo of lenses: for Louisville. Chi Sunda/night, while theyag gattscir was pasdng Clumped, she was hailed from the Indiana - nom tad (laptahr•Rols deeming it prudent to continue on his coarse, was teed et three times by artillery, without damage. The big Missouri, pining down at tire same time, was also tailed, and shortiy after landing on the Indiana shore,' crossed over to Cloverport, Kentucky. Cap: taro Ross is of the °piston that the Missouri was eagsad In ferrying Federal troops from the Indt wa -' The St. Louis weart of Wednesday gayer Continued favorable intelligence is received from. ibilrUppel dyer., of goo water; and abundance. of produce for this. market.. The weather continues .delightful here, and the ricer is rislag. • The lug arrivals found front Calttrup, :du or tut - feet of water lathe thence'. -There is six feet tOKeolrak • with river open to Canton at least., The Illinois:a open to the town of 'Peoria. There is 6% feet of water in the Illinois. The Missouri is swelling, with probaLly six feet through to ,Leavengortli. Boats are daily expected to arrive from each upper' river,as at a large _number from beiow. A quartermaster here teethed - a dispatch Yeaterdsl aneOuteing the agreeablelart that there was yew • Urdu tiy4 Dec of water in the thunberlasul on the. Shoals. nod, the rise continuing. Oar:commerce `with Nashville promises to be brisk forthwith. White river Is bank full, and the Tenneestarli good navigable condition. - - • .‘• - ' ‘ B7, E•zrAwooirB. 1 1 1fILL LEAVE ' FOR' DIN = ffri4 ' r VINTSATI TO-•DA.T.—The new and - :splendid steamer MINNEOLA,Dapt,"=_ •Diskerson, will laws- toe 'Cincinnati TEM. ,DAY,l4tio7est., at. 4 For frekrks or passsne np •ly on bond.— • foal VOR CINC • ATI • &LOUI3- VILLE—The-i e l!teimer ocrisiaptTn j uton a , g w 1.11 /caveat abortion THIS DAY.. , .• For Itelghtosipasi ( ezZign board orto 'reit 36 1 16 FLAO VON MADISON AND -LOU MXE.--T. ! , - -pansetec"..-...5.111144- stralacr UARD will kayo , for,the above and lotetnedlatopotte on THIS DAT.. For' freight at' passage apply on Mani or to - - TO RN OI.I.I.NUIVWD, ) ' rtaux; - ° Am" _ _ . CINCINNA.TI.. &. LOU .I ISTILLE.- - -The flee new steamer GI.ITAINo. 3. Capt.4thderaoa, sill leave as above . , - T .T ?U R . N ABU' F9rihteAr.l9 1.11,11.1 on TUI9 grvl4 leave roe Calm az4Oaappt ]t. Zi i m , ell . Fo m D est{J. D OO tI LI B N I GWOOD 'o r 4 gto e ntAL. :'e I . " ' : • MOUTH AND P/ITSDIIRGII • AEET..—The Sae passenger steamer . GOLDW ERA, W.N. Herr, maiden W. U. Bryan, eler leaves Pittsburgh every SATURDAY, at la o'eloe to., and Portsmouth every DIONDAT, at s o'clor • p. The Golden Era make obruseetions At Port mouth with the splendid csteamer Bo4[o= No. for Cincinnati, and lOUreceipt freight and Pecs through to that city. no= REGULAR WHEELING AND 1 4%4 PITTSBURGH PACKET. —Tae new and Vast running passenger steamer 11. . PORTER, Capt,T. L. Taylor; Clerk L. P. Dreier. .Le a ve - Pittsburgh every TUESDAY, =UR& DAY and SATURDAY, at la o'clock in. Leaves "%Meeting every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and PRIDAY, - at 8 o'clock a.- in, AD way Mullins rates. promptly attended to. Towing done at moderato For freigbt or Ixtutgo apply on board, or to LtS. COLLINS ft CO . , Agents. - Plt4,l^h; or BOOTH, HAMILLE & CO.. Aouti,' , GROCERIES : sumpllCA,- le 8 . . r. QUIMBY & Co., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ltO SOOT WATBR, ST., CHIO.A.GO. et* , Tecial attentioa to strottait 4 Airnor, Grain, Provisiaast o le. IL F. 411rEILEY GEO. 1010141 f -- . . JX'yTKINEL: T . Commission Merchant, AND PURCHAJING AGENT. PITVIIDDNIE. PA. Dealer la Floor, Elialti,‘ Seeds, Dotter, Otimme, Fruits, and all Farm ProMmts. Best brands lam. lly FLOIIS. prarnaitoO) almays pit haat. Alia, DEFINED OILS. Prompt attenUta lienseekly to anaainadanatn and 'eorrapondenee. • W Prior Current* sent to Constipate. Orders end. Conslipumata imitated. CARD. w. D. PAILTEDSON. ' ADAK MIXON. JALUES JOHNSON. JoarinsuaLELE.m. . PATTERSON, AMEN & 00. Commission liftreinints, Flour, Grain and .. GENERAL PRODUCE DEALF.Re, NO. W 00USTIC ELT. PTTTSBUNOR REil MIBANE '' ' Commission Meichants, • Airo imam= to "'Tour, grain and Produce, 129 SECIOND ST, Sett eed Wood k Smithfield, ttaT PITISEUROM. Wx. w. lummox, Ja HERRON Co. , • Cotner of Penn and .Wayno (WAte.4ars Etmtntwo,) • GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS Poi tea pureheas of ORAdbr of &bitted& Able, wholesale dealers In BALED UAY. Western dealers will and it to their Ministate to correspond with OW - lime, an we hese greater buttlltiee for Storage, and yendinueoods tree this and Eagan Narkete then moat or the dealers n this elty. The best of dr references given when tsquiredt... VIM TOM= AJZICIF-XIIIPAEX A. SUILIPAII* POTTER, MEER & SHEPARD, - .6 • - . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Foreign and Donaextile 'Frulta. Fleur, SediteroCheese, Lore, Potasees. - . and product? generally. No. sea ibsErry snEET, AN. oi , pealte Pilleater Depot, Ptttiburgb ARLIII - S. jOILN B. , lIERBON &' CO IN /0 Xll , ANDIRON FOUNDERS, Offico and Sole' BooOos, - fele No. 179 LIBERTY STREET._ WILRINS'LINBART, (SuccssisoisTomAcritEOws k LINII.A.RT,) 3F . X.stralL; 0 :1 - ri.+ALTIST, . Prodrien . and C 01111112004.011 erelnint, relay Licerty st., Pittsburgh.. r. t.:1112. 4, 41•1 Init,N s ta..V IILt3I:EY Sc. VAN GORDEY, Proluct. , Ind Coxiadaslon Mercluada, Warehouse, No. 201 Liberty - st., , Pittaburgh: Pa. Wholesale deal ers Ist Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Pont, 13,14014 Beaus, Tallow, Feathers, Brooms, Potatoes, Hom iny, Dried. Fruits, Green. Finite, Onions, Flour, Cant, olover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flax Seeds; Game and Poultr2 - Particular attention given to Produce Corudgiunents; - YOILN 8.. CoiIiFFELD, Comni'salon and Forsiardlnx Merchant And wholesal BUTTER WESTERN B.MERVE CHEESE, ' LARD,' PORK, BACON, FLOUR, FIRE, par AND PEARL ASHES, SALERATUS, LIN SEED AND LARD OILS, DRIED FRUIT, arid Produce generally, Nos. 131 Frost erect, , „ Yittibutth. . 'TITTLE, 'BAIRD 4.t. PATTON, Whole sale Grocers and Commission Merelnmate, drat. Cr, in_ I . IIODTIOF, FLOI7II, LJCON (1111,E.511, FL , H. OAllllOls AND LAUD OIL, IRON, NAILS OLLSS, COTTON YARNS, and Pitta burgh saanuractures gencrally,ll3 and 114 Senond street, Pittsburgh,. CrLP eillgrAUD: OULP . 81tEl!All1), Coinmission Nor- V chants and dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE, No. 317 Liberty street, Pittaburgb. Choke brands of Flour for Bailers. and Family Sue constantly, on hand. Particular attention paid to tilling orders for Merchandise generally., EBTS.. & WILKINSON; 'Ootrimission Y Merchants, Wholesale dealers In WESTERN RESERVE GUERsh; DRIED FRUITS, BUT LEX2IIII/hiliNTW:Rlogn'..tucziffe§eor.sigi Ltheity street, Etliburgh, • ”h 7 - air Conk advsocements made. Consignments solicited. - • . jemetad . • WIG T. 3E ' THOS. lIITCIRILL. 1t..P.• BECK , k . CO., No. 183 Liberty_ Street, Pittsburgh, PA., Inolemile Grot'en, Commflnloa Iderchauts, mu! Malan' ID MEISSEN PRODUCE. PROVISIONS • _BACON ' Lau% stmriatas, • CIIELqE, PRO DUCE, Pt,ullß, oRAIN, SEEDS, CITIZEN AND DRII2/,.FRUITS. at. SAW add LIME. . jrn' .l3rort . r ,V A. revll, - '4t :BON; Mute:w et.. eb/Lite rot /21± ----D °lrj h sale of usuo ° r. a lliru WINED .P LAY. Not. Mr and 7o,ltratar. street. Altresoes reads on midst?. r askc 7 Rucezi . • :'i ~ 3Sil:~.a`.yss~ l ` x ' .~"~yr~.or~~zU✓~.,"~~~" :E.C~t:: LOU SaLE--rpit RE-Ir. • pOlt SALE—A very valuable FARM in Duty township, Westmoreland county, Pe.l containing about UR acres, well improved, awl to a high state of culti - vatiou. • Also,a FARM . 1)F. 2:O ACRES, . Penfield towns h ip, township, Westmdlieland totaaty,•Ps.l . Improve: meata,good. 'The land Is of the best quality: Coal and limestone In abuedartee.- Also, a STEAM EIRJRIE, for saw miller other purposes, with the castings, machinery, fly wheel. Theeylinder to aloe inches In dieracter. and Tour foot stroke. Two Boilers, IT feet long and inches In diameter; all in good. order, and will be &Ad cheap. 'Also, a FARM of 400 acres in West !Wheatileld township, lard'isaa county, Pa., about three miles from the Penna. Railroad. - • • . Also, a PARK of 136 acres In Conernaugh town. shlpAlidisini twenty, Ps-. Also ,a beabUful FAIN of 96 acres, with a large , BRICK HOUSE , with 12 ro .ns, finished' in mod.' ern style, wash house and ..b oven attached; Is . large spring house, bath house, smokehouse; a' large bank barn, fruit trees 61 every deaicriptioup church and school house built upon the farm.; Thin farm adjoins the village of Louisville, =din two.roul.a.half miles from the depot at Livermore, in Westroomlaud county, Pa., on the Northwest. ern Railroad. .. Also, TWO BRICK HOUSES and LOTS to Elisabeth borough. I - ' Also, A FARM OF ITETT-TWO ACRES Derry'township, Westmoreland county, about two m iles from St. Clair Station on the remus. road. ,A deem Itaw mill nearly completed with all the machinery for s Bowleg mill on the premises; the land Mot the best nualltri coal and limestone In ,abundance, and good I n dications eit Oil: Will be sold cheap, - Also 18 acres adjoirang the Tillage of New Derry, - M the very best date et cultist,- Lien, and abundance of fruiter every deletiption. _Also. a 'FARM OF TM ACHES hint Clair town; ' ahiP. Westmoreland connty, Pe nn sn Tub Mill Creek, about one mile from th , * Railroad.. The' impiovements are a .good. frame house. and INA setall.FardotM IWe:in-Derry towtuth p, Westmoreland County, Pe. near .the linesof the ~ Al5O. A F.LMI, Or eboutso9 ACKUiII Fabitobl town ship, Westlnorelono County. Fa.. . .... - - - - • Also.n Farm of 205 saes in Fatrflell teirsurldp Westmoreland - county,- Pa. • : ....- - - t . Alio, for rents Farm of 145 netts Da Derry town. ohly,.Weittoorelead county,: PA, hshnedlately on the Ilse of the Penn's. E. R. _ . Also, shorn of Stock o f the Cairo 011 and Mini apany al rittaturgh; Psi . ' : For particulate Inquire of . H. TOWER. B.t rats a ilgeat, t fel . __--- No. DS Fourth street. „: .00A14 AZZR 17A: ITINGt -LANIY--: ckopti £ ABDIIN4 LAND Oi . tLe river, iiv.ving On I - 20 - ACRES OF COAT:SIX PEET VIEWS. 'AtiKitit 4006 reet or river front,*and eo ample depth reasooa foishipplog ) Ooal. • property la offered it. a 104, price. S.:. BRYAN; Broker arta Inearasoe • 6oetaStreet, Buries Buliding. '• CAPITAL! CAPITAL! HERE IS YOUR 013.111013 Fog, utv asnEort ron SALE-1100 ' ACRES' Of the RICHEST AND BRST GOA L ,LANDS in Pennsylvania, luivingy, 4,5, and 6 foot veins of Cloak with the best sites - for OIL and SALT WATER In the country. Tour Well. are now in operation adjoining theselands. This tract of land Ika one wile east of New Galilee and two tales Wen oiNow Brighton, inDeaver county, on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne &Chicago Railroad. The Coat can be loaded on We track. : The laud is of fend low, and is worthy lb* attention of capital. Ws. Feather yettleulars, with map, Pc., can be seen at the undecsigned. • ; ..feW - No. ISS Liberty street. PIIBLIC BALE .- In' pursuance of a order of sale, made on Dm fourth day of Feb. SHAUL A. D.,- MM, by the Honer:Me the Judges of the District Court of Allewbegy county, Penn ryierusia, the undersigned will expole dia sale, at the COURT HOUSE, In the City pfts. touh; on THURSDAY, the Kt DAY orhutsco.- A. D. 1865, at eleven o'clock A. sr, the following describe& property of the Sharpubusg Bridge Coma pony, to wit. The stone den and ahutmenta, to. :settler with their appurtenances, and all that re. mains of the Bridge known ca the Rharpsbuny erectedßridge across the Allegheny River, near the borough of Sharpshurg, in Alleetway musty, with all the Tights, mores; immunities, KOH. lege., and franchisee of said Corporation WILLIAM M. DAR LINGTON. GEORGE HOWARTH, . i ... i Se uestrators of theEharpslrag Bridge Ca. PPUBLIC BALE—Of a very desirable LOT OF GROUND, on the gremlins, at It o clock, on INEDIMIDAY, North dth, lee% situated In the rilsof Showdown, In by 1100 feet, on which miret.-sose brick honse,lo by MI feet, contairdng six rooms; Wee, on. brick house, to by m toot, .containing three swami 111i80,0110 frame bonne, 'eOntalning three rooms; also, one frame house, °ordaining two rooms; two Stables and one Black smith Shop . There is a good well of water, and a neves lathe% spring. Tows be, olos, • - • vaziety of choke halt and shrubbery. .Terumat side. U not "sold In one ghee, it will be divided into foie lota. fehawd . 'F. • cO7.RLU&ND, Sr. ,VOR FAME OF 185 ACM -- on Big Sewiettly, three miles from the station, well Improved. Price .30 per acre. , " & a ACRE 168.11 finetwit, a% miles from Mendell, t3tatten, on wale& Is s USit NW, Store, Dwelling, Bans, an& goat Improvement& Prks, S WENTT LOTS, ea frernoat sad Tremont streetsd watd,.Allegitent. FOUR LW'S on ilDnek at Glesulate Matto*, tont:fang Ow to ten sera. T. SAMPLE, Real Deets Revoker, °ea el Federal street., Allegheny. I'i* GALE—Three rum Btxam En nef, built purposely Lot oil welliseli lack e e 24 look strokos tory strong. SOWN. Mink sod eouseelloysuoi lersuelbt ireGi turd rer boxes. Bolters it to It feet long, id letehei diameter, with two trinth dun; chimney IS la. erMi feet; housed add waterpowile. Lintrythieg elosplote and reedy to slip co sight. . EMIR M. BO i7ltnba Shop, armee 'Past alley and rinqueane atm; hnRR Or All .eeh. or,' Titer. Rrlr 01 Paint. der Ott • $5OOO --vbwsn 12411. -TALLBT • STEAM TLOUIaNG. and tfilW MILL FOR PALS—Thin well , known bellows steed, situate te ginehlwg Valley Delmont comper ty, Ohio, tea wiles west of ed. thatterifla, suttee DM V heeling; la Ow. carted fur sale. There are three rue of Stow* with theaterweaary Machinery, three Dwelling Rowe, Stabsaler• en sere* of land, with four acres of CoaL f all - In good oilier. For tame, en., apply the Real Estate and Insunnee Mel of • O. B. DM& jaldh. Butler Street, Lawrenceville. so i gwi t i ut iy . /le ye Strafil',. f u l g iOPß7l three rooms each, yards, ete,apd one vacant lot.' Forty feet ((more or less) on Corson street nearthe corner of Oliver lama, extending bark to Manor street. These heroes are welt•butit awl in giant order, sod will be sold at a bargain bistautootuntre or othets .wishit4 to purchase bermes for tonants are Invited to examine this de. rlraWe properly. Apply at the Beal Estate orrice*, . • ki.'CIITILDEAT &BONS, . el ',docket Street. ,C01714:1'11Y HEAT FOIL SA.LE.-44. farm near , grorickley Station; . contaledng *boat LIU Amt., more or kW on snatch la erected a to ern new frame balding of eight , : rooms, to of.th _tenant house. barn. te. There to one fthe best orchards on . the place bearing; had on but year Wham' apples. Also, all kinds of of fruit; nye spri. never falling. About lea acres of ngs, the riot •la tulrtvatton. Ap ply*? • • - (feign & 00.• 1: 4 W11 SALE.—_-A , tract of OIL LAND, cvnterning forty4eeen and three-fourth men , ri the heart of tire, old region of eet rralnin This land lies-. funning spring au It and all the eurface hidleations of oil. Icla . STEEL a BATI.EY. Wilkins Hall. UT AR ELIO OBE FOR RENT:—Tho Warehouse, WI Peon street, moody opp'Ete Mss. R. B. Repo now occupied by Deese, (keg & Dull, formed ) by Pearda. Salt 0°,1.111 be fo rent from April In ;an excellent stand fdr Flour and Grocery or Commisilon and Prorate badness. Enquire of - WM. P. DECK& CO.. ' . . GO:Libertystreet. FOR SALE.-150 Acres also,' 120 Ores of front coal. in pool No. 2 t alatione track ,of coal and railroad, and oiltor improvement& In good working order/ a pool hfo„ i.t one Out on the Youghiogheny river and Vounallavilla flatiron& Enquire of - - .CULLUM WARD sue InC dew: in witch on Gant-street. TO LET—. . • WareboUse. Nos. IS sod Watarat. Esquire of - JAS. DALZELL Er. ISON. is inanrcrs.. 47101178. Sc. 111.1q)1 . 11 ANi T 1/6u - ArAi..lNvo:tA. ZJoolisio ilYs. RtDiTOTION 7A YRIOE OY Ou dAngs, WINDOW SHADES, &e., , &o. • ; Sting about to make our spring invoke/es We Offer at Retail Our entire stock of new and eitoteC goods at Wholesale Prices. DIcPAIILAND & COLLINS, 71 and 73 glith Street, Sctonti Third and -rourtlt Stories, Lse&B to west !text to ts . o Custom ttoofilvilLtist. if 0 URTI-I .S'PRE:ET'*I ~F.. ci , Anr.ETB.. . : . ! . 1 Pre r losu to =Owin g out: mock for: I .' ISI Wi. RI:LW CA- -IS 44...T.a3 4; . ,7te ftriliTille7ll7e6;strsTts.itf 1 : 1 ?I: • LESS : , THAN PRESENT. EAST* PRICES, ' comprlitn g even, variety. to!be f o und In a 0 FIRST-CLASS; CARPET. STORE ~.1 _ ... -:,*;rt;tlk IL ..!reciku. trai.„ 'i SA 0- ... , ,el rounrksrazer. 0 A lIPET '8 T.O RE. -I , BATH 1.00 IDs. Prime Lisa Geese AG frft, Stan and For t% ... _ .. d - - ~'t:cs'{~ld%+'+s'~"iS~Wl:=.SAY-~.1 u..ar '..it+z..W"SFi:iYG OILS. Ac • TITA REXIST A. LLVSLY OIIION OIL REFLSTRY. rITE a -.LAVELY. prewar. to Sala Pelersm) Oil Refiners and dealer. in Petroleum, Benzine, Lubriestbss Kral Paint Oils. • Office, No. ? HANCOCK ISTRNET. fra.l Pittsburgh, Ps. CZIAISPION OIL COMPAMX Predictors of Crude find Marnafect ewers of lielitzed Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lalnicating Oils WORKS OPPOSITE SHABPSEUEG. OMR No. 59 RAND street, PITTSBURGH, Pa W. D. GIISEULSX Sup't. jaisart, aornr N. "WALLACE WILLIAM ccransi WALLACE AI CURI'IBB,, • • OOMMiSSIOY MERCIIANTS, am. DEAL (SUN AND BAD IMMOUNNE. • EZIALCI.C. AND LUBRICATING OILS. 14.13{ - POUTIT WHARVES; PLt/L4DELPH/el,Pi. 'llirEtterage enpeeity (under eoinr,) for rs,oca brawl& Also excellent [senates for shipping to Amerlearrindl Vorelgh Torte, at our wheeler, the Schgllclll River, near the platform of the P.R. R. TIONDED WILUELIOUBE OP float Waithonsing Company, Ecot of BALTIC &HARBISON Sta. BroOklia m= IsTanker. or "REPTIMD P:ETROLEIRC In Taalcs Andßarely.tfieer 01=11'14 Oflce. No. 66 BEAVER STREET, rqw 'York. -RICH/LIPSON, HARLEra,PO„ Comm*lon and Forwarding Werelianta is • .CRTIIIE A= REMIND I'ETROLEITM, Na./9 /BRIM STREET, rI!ITSBURCILL •4-L@eza razors ors consivtaouts for Pittsburgh or Emden' Markets. . , . , . • .Prrstaninn tomtit:sass. • , Bleisint."..T. S. Dilworth Springer H.llibal=ll, Ext., • Thompson Doll, Esq., Prmit. Commereltif Bank. BREWER, BURKE colywrzmiON ISIMROHANTS. AG/13711 07 Tttl (Robe, Pacific and Marty Oil Work?, LiLoenl ensh advances made on oottilgnmento of Refined or Crude Petroleum. Cer. DUQUESNE WAY nee ELINCOCE Jerry • PITTSBURAIFIL, WM G (I 415 KING, 0021 MISSION MFACHANTS, IMROLETIK AID ITS PRODUCTS Atli dealers in Beduins _0t2147 . No. ns BiAIiKET ST. Plttabuinh. O IL , .. isTOCES.--Tim undersigned 1011 sale of gine parUeular attention to the purchase and Stocks of ALL BMA= Compinies. I Invite layers and Wien, to gall. \ • . ' J. K. NosAiiir. J,JO Na en FOURTH STEEN" Wx. itot-xu, J Amu 'awns JAMES IRWIN CO., Oil of Vitriol and Aqua Pamull& 01'FICE No. NIARIEEfT at, Jav Prrrslioßos. LUCENT OIL WORKS. DUNCAN, DU/FLAP de, CO.. 111LAITIPACTIIILIMJI Olt Pvre White lensed Carbon Oils. No. 2ft LISESTT STREET. S'I'ANDAIRD • TABUN REEP/MEEM. CLINE t suisaam. Rorke end O. COLLINS TOWNSHIP. I . _ . . i•Mre In Pltrabrugh. 24 WOOD DTt6Er 1. ll These works Debi of Orr DP•OtTIS th. coubl. are mewed to DI owe orders.., The brand et the hlitlcat WS Mug , / 1 M v.. rope, for quality and Lire lAA and the oil l a well mooned barrels, prepared especial, prend.• ,JAMES WILKINS- Mous AND ataxia ist 01IIDE - AIik.IIIIEINID, OILS- Perri' Dossinioasoi war; ritual* air Smtut altestlea given to tAs SALE AND OE PLTEOLEMS sod Its products. Ecurtroments respecthilly sollolted. - Pittsbuigh 16.Lanjoy_ for VENANOO OIL AND TRANSPOBTATTON.OOMPANX. ' -_W POST OFFIUX. BOX Sts. arbA. ASIIWORTII as. . sus. I at./.7.t*lt *T I4itt4soteltfy ionwiEDixo AND ocutatustho miacirA.yre. can inotople rer OILS . . nar arammx_ G , LUORIO&TING, 080138 IiTIiOLEUM OILS, Pe., oonstactly oa band and for "ale at the lowest ;tusked prices, Ckinsigre meats and orders solicited. stadia O IL WELL 13TEADI GI V ES —lsm i furn • - S to TEAM ish ENGINES. - So much amend' of for oil wells and other pnw yam, an the shortest notice. Haring &Moen' aired Emilie. on bands,' and finishing others, the puDUs oan be soconmWat.W with almost any eine they want; the work to Mow for itself. - - W/T.T3A IH FISHER, Fifth Ward, de - between Mechanic and Marti son streets, ' • Pittsburgh. Pa., BAILEY, 'FARRELL 4; CO., PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, 4121-evai gua.d figtonaskirlittorah bare alwags ot haM a large and well aired. • rilla llTDßANT 9 ' W— ' ASII BAB B&Tit TU`t GAS ikTURES, LEA Err EA.!). Ac which we Tut up In the moat tuletlrahle manner end nt tenaonable mug. No. 130 Fcvr:rn STREET. TI tIl LE w; 4.T AN ll T tGLIa •-• . SIB JANES. OLARKVS CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared from a prescription, of filir J . larke; Phyalclan &traordinery to the Queen. This welt known medicine is no Impoaltion,,,but a sure - and safe remedy for Fe nate difilaultla and °Detractions, front any cause whatever,. end ak though a powerful remedy, they 0011U= natl. leg hurtful to the constitution. To Harried Ladle* it Is perfectly suited. It mill, In a short time, brim on the monthly period with regularity. These Pills have never boon known to tail when the directions on the .51 page of the pamphlet are well observed.‘ • For full particular' get a Pamphlet, free. of the agent. Sold by all Eltugglata. Price, {tiler bottle. &ole Vatted ZULU!' Agent JOE MOSES, Courtlandt greet, New York. N. .11.11 and poidago Many", onchmed to any ontbmintagent, buturo a bottle, containing. ever /SO bill& by return mall. . deurilydaltr.E. EU URE, AND CAVE AND WOOD orrAng, Selling it related prices, WHOLESALE ore RETAIL. Mt W. WOODIML. Kos. 01,.asd es THIRD STREET. and ERTEL STREET (Lite of the arm of Baoivar & Moßßplr.t - . HOUSE AND SIGN p.tamax. North Eut corner of Third and Market . PITTF3RIIIIOH. D. & W. BENNET.,__T Mattacturers of Wes STOPIE tut.IIIA. sad =WM COLORED WARE. °Mew; Wardati,ell iTtor rrns acmes pubusib, . . . skim, lEEE uzidexcE CHARTER 1829 . PERPETUAL numanr FIRE INSITRANGE COMPANY PHILADELPHIA. Assets on January I. 1S 4. 82.457.11-19 98. EIMEM Capital Accrual Premiums.... lEES;MiI inlX•me for -1864. -__,___ latiiises Paid 'Lace 18Z0 8,006,000 PeepOuld and Temporary Policies on liberal terms . _ . . Charles N. Danaher, Isaac Lee, Tobias Wagner, - it Edward U. DADA, Samuel Grant, - George Fate% • Jacob - E. Smith, Alfred Fitter, . George, W. rUchards, Fres. W. Lewis; M. D CHARLES N. ANULLE" President. EDWARD 0: DALE, Tice President, JAS. W. IdeALLISTER, Sec: pre, tem. - " . J. G. COFFIN, Agent, mht, - corner Wood end Third streets. FIR4A.ND MARINE Insurance Co. of North America; PHILADELPHIA . ... .01,500,000. Hartford fli e s Insurance Company t • ' Assets ' 01,2115,000. RINEMO Rii•Proteet lea can be secured la the guava named and reliable companies.: . • . . JONES, Aawrr, Buildings, ST WAter st. WES , ERN SIJRANCL COMPANY R FIILLER, Jr., Prarbknti Wk. P. IDEBBEP.T, Secretary. • 0111sr, No: 99 Water Street, t!lpang tr. C0. , 9 Ware. house, up ',stain, Pittsbrirsh: , • ' Win insure ',gainer. all, Linda N Fire 4J14 - Matra Rat:. Home Instinaion maw:nett by Director: who are weft bloton the ern:mostly and who are:Wen mined by promptness and tiberattly, to maintain Ike 'eliararler tonkb, they have' assunted, al offering Vie Ixatt protection to those who de pre to be Insured. nmrcroav Sr-, :trete As Tenet McAuley, . Alexander Speer, NA thantelHolmes, Derld Alex./fittairX, Bear/. 'rheum**, George Dente, Benj. Bakewell, Campbell B. Berne, , "John R. ideiluna.. C. W. Mu:go:sou, ' myso W3L P,11:EBBEI1T, &meta*. igigBURANCE :00.M.PAITY ag,—thri ce , :comer Makst and Water streets, second floor. BAGALEY, President. WIC A. SHEPARD, Secretary. - • 'Losers. Steamboats and Canoe.; - s against lass and damage In - the navies. thin - ofthe Houthern and Western Rivers, Laket and Berate', and th e navigation of the Sena. Insures against loss sad damage by tire. a~suzo S. IIL - Xler, • John Shipton, James X. Cooper. ..Jr Caldwell, ' J[ John S; Dilworth. Wm. .../todgers .a . - do40:10 Wm. Ragaley, Samuel Rea, - Jas. Park, sr., 'W. O. Johnst B. o, Ir. Jose", Hon: X. Rowe, Barclay Preston, George, Bingham, A LLEGHENY INSURANCE '` CC3LPA OF PITISBURGIL-02ce, No. 37 Fifth insures_ wins& all kinds of. Fire and Karin ISAAC TONES, Pruiden.' _ ' JOAN D. BLIDORD,. nos Prettteid. X. DOOK, Secretory. DIZZCTOKS , Soho D. McCord, Ca pL Adam Jacobi, R. B. Stetting, Capt. Wm. Dean blearetr. Robert R. Davis. Lws Yoneg, C. fluau7, Oblida t Capt. IL C. Grey John Irwin, Jr., , B. L. Faka,atock, PEOPLES` INSURANCE COMPANY (Arica, M. E. corner of Woad and Fifth St' PIU AND !MUNE MITIIItANCE Wm. Phillips, Capt. Team 11. Rhoads, John Watt, Samuel P. Skrlver, John E. Parte, C.Manson Love, Charles S. Bissell, Charles Arbuckl Wm. Vat Hirk,:, John F. ffirkestrisk . „Taloa D. Toner Yobs Clyde. WM. PHILLIPS, 101/ft 'WATT, rim Prev le WM. F. ()LECHER Seadans. JUISS.V, Jlld.~M UF.[CTUIiEB9. Aye. pITTE4DITROH FOUNDRY: - a. aaiuusea. emus t. agtessrsoir. A.' GAI/lIISCIIT & CO. • (Sneetheors to 110 Giu . r/son,fallo.,) FOUBDERS IttAOIIINISTS 2,thonfartnrers of CbUl tailors of eft slzen, fax lroo, froo, Steel, Breda, Zino, Copperkinver. - __ool4 tdraw Beards, Poper an India Bobber Works th Ma l;tlS l. lZ I t en tU t I= l de rl Orhader of all , er d M i lr i :rt Sy of other plates, always on hand and dtted to .order ch short notice and favorable berms. °Med Need Warehouse, street, Plttsborgtt. IV. V. MACICINTO4II../. lIVAVIILL It. V. ILLIZT IRON CITY WORKS. - *AVKZ3TMH at CO.. rowan= Arm nummasers 'Ooeser of PIKE aul O'nekei, and P2HE and WALNUT STIMEETS,_ . (Near Clay Water Worta,) Xanufeeturere of rtatler.ouT and other ERG ROLLIMQ MILL . CASTMGS and X.AO MlLL*PrornY'"ptt al li to a n na y ren to l =sgaorszarci XA A'FENTED T°BER 8, /B.BL DrMMITK/E'S PLTENi Oral Zmelp asitmselisi ~Asc~~croeeo'.ol XX #l6lll T , IRLASS. S. Theee Chimney* are Intended .for the Ile‘tfleme, heating air pa to of the glaze egad_ Coca not eao. pose It to crooking. E. D. Port Pitt Oleos Works, Washington street, spl7 . Pitteburgb, Penn,* - - ROBERTS, BARNES & No. so Third Street, Putconrsit. • .ITN - AND SKEET IRON WORNBMS, • and Manufacturers of • ' JAPANNED . . TIN WARE.. Ve have now manufattUrtnt and have ontiaid Bathing Apparatus of all klnda, Toilet Ware in finite, Water Coolers, Grocers , Tea and Spice Oan, later., flash and Spite Boyce, Tumbler Drainers. [Spittoons, &a., Sm. A large lot of Sled Cages for sale low. Oil Oatta of sill sizes end patterns. Tin flooring, Conductors, and all kinds of Jobbing Work done to order st,so BLACK DIA.IKOND• STEEL WORKS 'PITTSBURGH PA. PARK, BROTHER & CO. , • . Knoufacturqrs or ,L . [ . Ltt:Ar.rry rliriNE c p Asr s rt. r.., Stpat re, Fixt and ktftCou, 411n1131z.ex. etiqnl to Roy h. perlcd Or ni...ani , ictiirs.l in this 011:ct And wnrehouse, NOR. ItO Wall iSt has? and 1.% end tr. SWORD ararrrs, Pittsburgh. JJ.& 31'STEEN, BRASS FOUR, . • .DERS, GAS AND STRAIT. ITITERS. Pattleulaz atteatlou_m,hl to the fittdrot upoad re. phiring of OLT, ItIFINERIEZ. All moue of MASS AND IRON COOKS made to order. Also, BRASS CASTINGS, of all kinds, :made at .the shortest notice. . • All order, left at Nos. ,b and $1 WATER 44ftet and LIMO/TY, will be promptly attended to. Air The Weinberg' of this firm being prettied me. aorta; of many year's experience in their businet4 will ,saute to give satisfaction In every respect. We are also agent. for Guild, Garrison et Co.'s STEAM PIMP, for poompal Water, (.401 Refined Oils, &a. d.G.ly ALLEN Iit'CORMICE -st °VAL .. rnt Ponowit, Plttstforgh, Ps. i - Warehouse; Oi LIBERTY STREET. 'lllanufneturers of COON, PARLOR nnd ITEILT• LNG STOVES, PARLOR AND RTIVILEN GRAT&S, , HOLLOW WARE,etc., Steel nod Glass _Moulds; Rolling Mill Coalinga Dal Gear ing, Qaa . .,_Water and Artisan Pipe Sad Irons, Dog /ions Wagon . Boxes, Sugar Kettles , Poßol's, Hangers, Car NVOnels, Coupllo7 and Castings goo. mill'. Also, Jobbing suul Mae Ina Csstings made to order. Patented Portable Nips, with ego= o; Horse Power. auladmil PENN 31ACIIINE \ \ wonEs Ai4D al. W/GIITMAN, • • ENGINE BU/LEER AND AMIE - 11E1ST, LACOM 117111CCT, Whter.ll Fei3CZAi .111:3d SlLlalLgh Menu ficturer of IT Ift 11 TAI LE , S PATENT. PORTABLE OSOIELATII'itt /STEAM - . EN-• GINPS, Shafting', Pulloym, ho. - - Repairing of oil kind, attended to -urELLS. EIDDI e E & No. 21 5 T T tAborty streear M.A.a ec T l Vl T urdt Mittimr=ption ' ot LEATH.= BRAID- _ Orden solicited from the trade, and goods prontpa ! 19 ithippeilas'oer Instructiorui. [col. li Q EVEltediCE, 53 Water.' pitirbumb c irusautacturer ot BOLTER HIT. LIR, WROUGHT B P/DE4iconwron sag naltood. TVETS Imo or smolt, modo.ro order MotioodorobspoiSPLlCEnataßn 'OWL Vet lie gn ie l 4 WW o Wtatollitra*" - WYW4R ' • . 1.,. . - R.*. L MAU— Vs. C.:74/t/ 1Q44 5 —PE 7- " .- kita1'.4..i.,2111; SYLVAN IA CENTRAL S. ,—WINTER. AIitRANGENSIVT. o-TEN DAIL NS. Oa 14:01 aft. ONDAT, Crsiober st,ifte,traln will leave the pot as follows. FILST HAIL, astir e:p i pt Sunday, st %tit. ay stooping only at pram' stations, and skies _ .act connections at &sleben. for New York. Naltlmore attr kijashingtoa, affi at. Philadelphia tor New York. _tato tYI Intim ties daily IidaiRISBITRO ACCO.7.OIODATION ex cwpt Sunda; ,r r .M 0 a. et, stopping - lit all mauls stations batursa Pitt.btrzh and liarrlatot i l%t making Mom tonnectlou. with train. no Branch, Weat zez... 3 -il.os, IL ii.,l2tensbars 004 Cresson It. IL, and Hollidaysburg Branch.) PITTSBORGIi ac ERIE E.WRLSS, daily ea. eePt se Ls) p. m., stopp at neatly ail the Mations between Pittabuppo Philadei z tti and 'making connection with trains on the I = l 7 ,, i l drki n dla u gne Th rirthalleßi Brrumbes • • JOHNSTOWN ACCOMHODATION, daily, el, : eept Sunday, at sin p. m., stopping at regu/ar stew Hoes between Pittaburob and Johnsto sod it. •ut i ;llg.. 4 st lilairsville Intersection With 04 the as Brandt and Wett Pennsylvania YLIS• PHILADELPILIAL EXPRESS, daily, at lei p A. stopplyg at Latrobe, Coneutauzlt. Gallitzin M. , Huntivolon, Lewittoei. New pppoortrt,.ll,4utLairaiter.ead Don made for Balllutore, 1 .- 1" sling n ar "n:U nZ j yt t s; at Philadelphia, for New Yewk,l3ostou and Matra. mediate polnta Sleeping Oars run Mug oaths train from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, and New Yc Liz utby the .Allentown route.. ". . FAST daily; except Hunday,• at st, Mopping et Vonatuaucluilailltsen. Altoo na; ' Huntingdon..." Lewistown. 'AMAIN -Neartmet, Marysville, Hantsburg. hilddletotis,-Eltranoth, own. Mt: Jey. Landisvlllti. - atuicastar. and Down ingtowst. At Harrisburg emu:talons smarms op 'New York, IhUtimoreL and Washington, at Phil* delphls, for New 'York, Bitten, and Intertudiate • First Imoommodatlon Train for Wail,* Static leaves daily (except Sunday) at 6.30 a.m.. Second Accollaroodstlon 'Train for Wall , * Statics leaves daily (extent Sunday) at ILO a. in. Third Lociurinio4atloa *Train fir WM.Ps Statical , kern daily (except Sandal) at Lidp. at; , FourthAeaoramodstion Train foe Wallis States eaves daily. (except Sunday) at 11.05 , The Ch Urck :Train7lexyar Wall's. St a tion; every Sund tr at a.M., eatungtur leaves Pittsburg ifiEl Betalaug Tritss salve liiPittsbuegli hilLow Pittsburgh &atria ALM p. n. Baltimore Expteu • - 1.30 p. . Phibidelphis.layeas ' ILO r. pFaitsst .441/11 Accommodation " I. o. Find Wall% SOU A commodar_oo... 1.10 a. m. Secdnd wawr Stril c onandozniniciltticia 3-65 a. a. Third WalPs Station Amotaziodation.. _ 210 p. in. Fourth NaWs Station Accommodation 630 p. a. BalUmore expo= will arrive with Philadelphia 'Rnpress at 2.30 p.m. on Mondays. 110TICTE.—In oue of loss, the :Company hold thetossiTel respooa@le or PerbOllll oath and for as amount not exceedANO. W. H. BECK dilate At the Pennsylvania Central Railroad I Station. on Liberty and Grant streets. a oi pITTSBURGH 2 00N0iii.T:,LLsVI.L!..i, WINTER • A RRANOEMENT On and eftir3IONDAT, Nor. 11.1814, the trains Teta hare the. Depot, comer. of Ron and ',Water _ trt Pltraburgh. Plttsb. Marlto and Leom Untosioarn. 756 n. m. 6.130-p. m. .Exprers_ . 11310 p. at. 1050 a. au First NeKeerport Accom 4 n...llMo a. ra. BM a. m. Second 44 . 4 4 ... 0.16 p. m. SMS p. ca. 'Flirst Braddock's " a. m. lUD a. in. Second " 44 ... 4:t5 p. zn. 6:10 p. m. Sandal . . Ohantk Train to and from McKeesport 149 74 an. Far tick," apps to sour.Torr,.fte..c. - - -:W.. 8. STOUT, Superiateal.. 'BURGE, FT. WAYNE & CNICA t •1 - EALLIMAIND °LEVEL AND. WINTER. ARRANGE. On and atter December 18th. ledi, as follows, - Leavesl ' , For For • Pittabmghlehiengo. f Cleveland ... ..,2.10 a. m. 1.18 a. m. 1 1 . 0 4. m. Rape s Nan. • 1 1.40 a. M. • it r a. m. For New Claetloand Erie 1.40 a. Arrive at AllegbenyLP. F. W. A 0. Eallgr► tAs a. m.,1340 a. m., ASO a. m. and LaS p. O. S. P. R. H 10.00 a. m. GEORGE PARKIN, rieket Agent, Union passenger Station, Pittetnargh, Pa. A. 14. OASSELBERKY, Ticket Agent,_ eet29 , 4 2dYE:l2.9.olMerale''T= A LTZ GRENT "VAL" MUNN taLtA t a l l t h i lliaL L !Caul allot MONDAY. . Mar l etb,ll&the following. artaropmeat of tins t i ELAM TRAlN.—Learra Fittsbust i WUXI a. az. antrisorat Kittanning at MSG a.m. • Lemma ta• taming at COO p. ra., arrives at entail:4k it J =MISS TRLlN—Ceara Ylttsanlog. at LW a. In, arriving at Pittsburgh at gat m. Leaves .11 Pittsburgh al m., &retying at tktras . ! . .og ai I ItiISEISODATION ULU:ff.—Loam Sala Works at alma. et., arriving still:tabor& at 7 . 41 a. ei. Lams Pittsbursk at =I p. >sti =Wag at Soda Warts at (Loo m. m7l• FpIPBIGHT.S, ertaterusurt. IMUPPP.I.4O - 6. O ' 'S FOREION EMIGRATION oirioa PMfaitno/1. PENNA. - Passage from the a "0141kettii . The Llyerpsol, NewTork and Plillagehsett 1n - inan,)fiteasuldir Company haying appointed tbs antheirAgent here, rice Alm Thompson . decc he Is now prepared is bring oat or emit -. heme payerseers by :the Steamers of - eel [Line at tiIICHIT LOW HAMM, The Smterers of this feyorite line /rave Livmpool every wanNvit. DAT , for New Tock.toordilegat Quse , end i Aseszti= sw,se,".fint, and mast The mennelgned babe Agent ler the Linemen • - Ind Loodood u m=4 .. litemta m yin= =y i.e ro%stiPaseem Tie damn ens of thie line are Milt in the dromgest- annum; sad famish choice accommodations for oessesmes He is Mso idea for TAPSOOTPS LINN of seta Anteeeepper Sailing Packeteaeming Limped - for New York twice week, and the Z. Lim ," London Pockets, leaving /anion maim dayi. Tbe ships of Tenoned's Mine time bag ham no ted foe their quick lounges and the oneeitesea a t the proclaims furnished b ri ung essengers, and their ;* kind treatment while an Parties who wish their Weeds brought ont by mesa ball means Weenies this hem * ,L - Pumps to California at greatly lofted ratan .. SIGHT DRAFTS on all paste otEespolori D. t.grt.t.it..L, / • • °reign Emigration Otßoo, et amithilala ittrent, gTE.11.31 WEEKLY TO. LIVERO POO R &Zuching Qtrmargrovrar (cork I The wen-known Steamers It Liverpool, New - York and Philadelphia Stratuddy "are (lames Line.) carrying Uae V, 8. .. are intended to aall as follows. . CITY A OF BOSTON SaturdaSaturday,y, Merck "EDINBURGH Saturday, Herta It.. : Lad evergurseuling Saturday, at ocww, front 0A? l UP PA9aaos, Payable legal, or Paquivalent In atteralliedm . First Cabin. Wo oSteeraffe ..... ... 111 u to London. - - 00 0. to London." 14 41 to Paris-- 95 00j u to 40 • _Js to liarsburg.. - 90 00 -to Hambats..,ll • Passengers saa• forwanted to Hama, Thema Rotterdam, Antwerp, ha., at equallvlow rates. Fora num./ 4701 nm] , or gusesuitown—tat Ostia, 616, SIGS. Steerage, SW. Those who wish to . Ma 'for, their friends oaw buy tickets hate at. tb Far farther information aPply at, the thitoss . ,' Ottloo. JOHN G DALE, Ages%. ere!- aßasVeield Zlet,E=V CU/TARD - LINB LIVERPOOL AND itlaiS Win gold.- RI aQniraleaC la eux CIInIE/firrOAtii mom NEW Yoitc, mt.. 6. Mal Volk . A 145 i'l arrellay 841 PI: 1 1' to iIdM4U747 Bmllhfldd gr*Fi• ar.-....01, ~ 2 ad amid Pittabtrit.'.. FRUIT'AND SHADE TREJLT EVERGREENS, lee... - r ' I • . Of APPLE, we have some 210,000, and of W tli*7 leading varieties moat profitable for this locatloa, We bare extra tine trees, cc Early Hams& Maid Blush, HolModPipplo, Baldwin, Pallowater,G Ring of Tompkins 00., Rhode Wand Greed, Beauty,' 'Rambo, Smoke.house,'.Toltnats , s Sw Smithfs Cider. kr., with a very,. bap stock PEAR, (111.MRY, - PEACH, PLUM, EVER.. OREM. SHADE TREES SHRUB. BERT, GREENHOUSE PLANTS, dot., Am ho out Mock to NV., we Oar groat .inducemantS planters and W....omM° purchasers. Orders left at the Greco-House, Oakland, or Pittalruth Post qt. lice, will be promptly attended to. . ;JOUR bItTEDOOII, .Tr. nein:law& . PitWburch and Oakland Nuiserle ' i tyner4 BOILER AND SHEET-IRON WORK ()Drier of SECOND and LIBERTY Sinned!, Patti mor.noW. ' snii• 1,2 MORROW & RAMNIMELL, 3Luuractorers of every description of Steam err ra , Ott SUM, Agitatons, Tankai Silt Pans, (14 oetcri, Wrought Iron Elridges, Steam Plpea, 1,1,r Boilers, eUmneya, Etreoehen, : Fire Bey, &1 wade in lho beat manner. and warranted equal le any lu tl.e country. ;REPAIELN/E done promptar.i p. 1 341 , 1GE.MBRE,' . ctrll and Itteelnualcal Entlnnen OTT. 31 d [ AP.15, ' at!,..ta.a.zr a l '.. ' ' . . NO. If HAY STRIVE 4 zurn.Pfl!in, .F-..:. DRAWERGR or MACHINERY, ERCUIDINA 2,loNummTs,, BRIDGES, he., executed . accursey, on shun aetke. . - indall 4 PARED PEACHES.-2 - barrele chola' 1 . 1 - Paled Pemba', htet , ezelved and for mat the pound , et the Fasuilventrstifor., kW * Vona otLecti immtltantsili! . , E=== EOM= • For Wheeling. 2.10 a. m• 2.46
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers