- r / rtt , • t 7 ' ' 'l ' i ; .* l "‘. - ' , -011 7 t . • ''`.=L . l''''' ; 7-- '`. . 1 . - 1 1 1111 1111 4=lll llllll , . - "t- ' , , • ..:...:-. .1-_ f....::' - - ".; 1 1 - t 1 7 C 7 7;. t:: - Y. 77 : . -'-' ` -- 7' .':_---"--'' ' 7.-7--- _ 7 'l ' 7 l:-. . - ... .. '' -1- .2: : 7 ; --- 7 -- - - .. _ . __ _ .:-- - . - ; -, - - a • . . . - ~.. the %'ittativolt.Outiti. ginn. 4 !`t: - iss ' 1 1 11 vER'' .warm 71148 DAY, FEBRUARY 14, .1861 • ......,,EIrActTATION OF •, • • lutvo got so d tc; seam the.lirob able Eittcuation of -Richmond". announced In the telegraphic news that it ne longer 'ex. kites our attention itictinond is 44raya going to be-evacuated inunediateiy; but every time ifttativ mores towards it,! he finds ,the. :enemye'fa: Ther•ilis*.who SiartSa ;the prediction in fenia,`Vre 'iturpolie, to: lieep on announcing it, so that When-the -event does lyppen, , he credit of having told us so. `'Tit,. ridiculous as thii coutinuotudj: Nl* irOphocy may ‘ Booth, it not of iniproist, thatlan should contomplate it as a ne:; cesSity-ilich hviannot innhh longer !mold; artgiiteitkiiinawuming: toa eveltis gait PlSTO4Ctilki any hour and,:onoe , secomplishod, thetway is roper toFthe of ind La ,4 at!'ili*Pe On Ric] nwnd from: •Pe Soilth. To •resdalit, therefore, will- be filial to him and in -, aarly wlthdrasfal of his army. may min ho the only ilteaititive The Idatittlirawir out that ; Its intStids . . to retire as amras Ipossible,--Withdriw hie 0 army into Nortli Canillna, join all the for ces of the Ocrafederacy intoone'artny,,ind then fall upon - gnanscrar,. making inince meat of him, of comm.' 'Well, Manprepes es and tßigrdlsposear bsa will undnubted ly find , “ much easier Mlny down tie, Pro gramme than fo carry'it' out. ' This War is now a gamelliat two can 1)14 at,' aid' the moment thatke leaires.llichniond, he sets loose a much larger number of men in his rear thanite`can'etnicentrato .to Blinn 111A.K. Besides, retreating armies:ever 'fight well; and with Suratitur; on one flank and GILAIKT on the other, Ititsmuch ache can do to -attend to them, without taking SIII.MIAN into account at all. HOLIES FOR DISABLED SOLDIERS „Dr. S*irr, Medical . Director of the De- PartmcDt of t.ho Northwest, calls attention, in a printed circular, to the necessity of malting some provision for the relief of the _permanently disabled soldiers now in the loyal States, many of whom have neither Wends, relatives, money, or homes; and many others of whom are without adequate ratans of support. These soldiers, be urges;, have Been disabled in the service of their country, and justice, alike with humanity. demands that their Government should pro vide ttteW etippled and - war-worn veterans with a'fdiasant eiyluM or retreat, where, auddettheincompanions In arms, and son rounded by every necessary comfort, they may rebrideliti4ieseel aid quiet .happiness for the remainder of their days. - • :Dt. , Suqy'r propose" the establishnient of permanent hospitalsoractreats, whicirmay, for the present, if necessary, be used for the accommodation `of the' sick and wounded, andwfterwards become thehome of all dig ablediriddlere,* whe .May desiro.aderission, and,thefundsfot 'the pulp* or establish , : ingthem, maybe thus preettrid: . • ' '"The ; necessary, funds..'for this purpo se maybe procured : by the monthly collection' of 25 cents from all soldiers of the' volun teer service on _their pay-rolls by paymaa. ten,. 6/x.7-heretofore from the army,-tor the' support of the soldiers' home at Washing , ton, or 50 cents monthly-for ens year. Of- Seers may also be required to pay according to rank; as follows :. Lieutenant' 50 eta ., Cap tains, sl,eo, Majors' - arid — Lt. Colonels I tre,oo, Colonels-43,00, and ,General offl. cers,s,oo;trilloteble that siniaofotre year, and subsequently, as may be required. ,-At thithrsvdst.ekimate shove mentienginicire then $850,000.00 will be collected in one year from •odicers, and 1,900000.00 front enlisted men, provided the army numbers 400,000. It might, ale°,,be deemed proper_ to add to this fund,. Stoppages pay' by • authority of Gouts 3fartial, and the benefit derived Iron:tall penal - Service from the same source. • A• small percent tax-, one or more —might also be levied on all property seized trout the enemy, by the army, or may heresfler be confiscated. Sutlers may_ also he - required to pay monthly the test per . ) cent. tax, they have herttofore been &calls.' towed to pay to the Post Fund. All Gov ernment contractors .and camp follower", might be called upon to contribute accord ing to their profits or gni . nr, or- advantage_ derived from their connection With'the sr-. my. Moreover, it aught not bedeemed im proper to , receive, donationsfrom effluent, cifizeite,' as they . May be prompted by feel , ' bags or senerosity,. gratitude and, patriot. ism. That - solitetfibrg will hare to be done for the penaiitment relief of disaped soldiers is plain; but we are opposed to levying the Cast upon the soldiers in the field..l In the first Orme, it would be oppressive, the, pay, of men. and oftleers being now 400 little; and in the second place, it would not yield the needed amount. Therenre nothing like 600,000 men in the field; arid the 'Min real ized, while it would prove burdensome to those upon whom it would be levied, would disappoint expectation and pi' but little way towardirrecomplishing the end aimed at. .Private. liberality may be depended on fOr muck of the needed helpi sud ,what.; 'that lacks the Government must.make Op by direct appropriation. - Dr. Sitlyr . States - • the number of disabled, soldiers neither friends, relatives, homes or money, - at 50,000.- He ought to tuna' 'better, than we ; and Yet we think. the dguree greatly exaggerated. Bet, be the number large or small,: the GOiernmeat -must-assume the great burden of providing s hhme for tireni.; We are glad attention bas-been , called to ' the strbject•o: is one of the: oedema ques tions -US must engage the, public mind. Justiatnr the GoTprnment has On, its bands ad it mut do . ; Ind we trust the war . ' sea:ite r , over, and that then It'will receive the. attention 'it deierveg. ') ' trw York Bounty . Brokers.' The New York Sun eve _ _ Col. 'Baker • and his assistant detectives yesterday con. tinted their_sesearchas after bounty:lamp. era and brokers, and made a number of ar rests; the names of the parties being with held from the public for obvious reasons.. An investigation into the financial lion of the parties already arrested shows the immense profits chit accrue from this species -of fraud. The bank-books of these parties, so far as examined, show -that they have an of bank deposits amount _ ing to over half a million of dollars.' The question of who shall receive the benefit of the assets found - to the credit of the arrested parties, iflikely to be decidedly interesting. The Brooklyn authorities seem to think that their losseS must first be made good, and - the country folks seem to think that their injured innocence ought; not to suffer. The probability is that no distribu tion of the spoils will be made until the whole subject has undergone a judicial or a military investigation, when the funds will be divided pro rata. It is said that one of the defranding brokers, - Who was operating in. Centre street, near CLambers,• has -ab. scanded with forty thousand dollars in old; the result of his bounty swindling. By - -some means ho -beertato--eognlsant of Colonel, Baker's secret investigations, - and einbarked, for ";Liverpool just before, the storm burst, ITO* frATILA.P.LT BOBINTAS.—NearIy every • Deniocratie member of ; _tho &non - ! , Toted to dou ble the par Of :Congreaamen. The Republican. Renatorit Isuelched the endeavor. Deng Wilton stinirely tuediF,liina it the'llorise: ,ite Tate of • twenty pe r . cent.. to employea,,, dares that While . the 'masa of the aohtlers, In Ike army of the Potomac have not .heen takVor mouths -- some r4iniente not for di andeight Mlnther-7be not Anneal tO one dollitr'qui ditlon to the pay of the r omfortably.condltlonel . employes Congrere, vhoso labor doos not occupy theta OYdr ten months of the two years. . . , • • . Prom the InacpenErpat ,• • • Lane Deo ZOIIN G. WIIMISR. On hewing the bells ring for the constitution al ameni'ment abolishing slang In the United tante& It Is done I Clang of bell and roar of gua, , Bead the tidlnp up and down . - • , • Row theheUries rook and reel s , ' "Row the great' guns, peal on peal,' - fling the It'onstown to town'? 1. • • Ring, trbells ;Every arrokeeraitlag . Of the burial hour of wine. • • - Lent and l:111 that all may hear, • ' Ring listening ear • - Of Eternity Ti®! Let %stated : God's own Yoke II fa that pia, And this spot is hely dreamt. Lord forgive us t—what ate we,. That our eyes !'hla glory see, ~ Thata our ears have heard the women For the Lout - Oa the whirlwind is abroad; In the earthquake be has spoken,: hu sadtten with Ills thasiMic . The 1/06 walls asunder, 4,ad the gates oilman are broken. _Land sal la MizLm% Litt the oil exalt seee. Si get t ieast the :Richert tirn• lime and Mersin Ind droW; elas triumphedglatiatudy. DIA we dare - Sn our ogony of prayer. , !UM for more taaa He tour aortal ' When win ever . HL KM' latufF - Over any time or had Stretched as now, bausalk the aunt HoW they pale, Almlent myth, andeong, awl tale, Iw title weeder *your days, Wien the inlet tdl et - war *7 Magoon white with eighteens law, doe the wrath of n3aa L praise t• 111c.ad.ottt t ' : ' /.II Withl6 acid all about, Shall a fresherlife begtn; Freer breathe the universe. As it rolls its heavy curse Oa the dead sad burled sin IL Is donit • To the caret/it of the s= .Slutll the sound thereof go forth. bid the awl r-voice, It shall give the dumb a voice, It shall bolt with joy the earth Ring and awing, Bells of joy 1 on morning's ming Sent the song of probte abroad; With a Sound of brekem chains Tell the nation that He reigns, Who alone is Lord and God! Patriotism' in North Carolina. 'Mr. Richards - on, the Tribnne correspond ent who lately escaped from the rebel pris on at Salisbury, N. C., in his thrilling ac count or the adventures of himself and his companions, pays the following tribute to the patriotism which they found among the pcniplc of North Carolina: For the first fifty miles we found only 'two or three vhite Union people; but relied exclusively upon the negroes. Whenever we met one, male •or female, of mature years, we told them, with perfect frankness: "We arc Union prisoners, escaped from Sal isbury, trying to reach our homes, and we want ,you to help us." They invariably re spondcd. promptly; sheltered us whenever. .they.could, with anything like safety, and always fed and piloted us. So far as their fidelity was concerned, we felt just as safe 'among them as if we had been in the Tri brine editorial irooms. In fifty miles 'we 'struck the mountains. 'From that point to our lines, 290 miles by the 'route we traveled, we vvere constantly Among white friends. With what gladness. those men and women of the mountains— who have all suffered inconceivably ftir their fidelity to the cause—many of whom have had their nearest and dearest relatives murdered-welcomed and sheltered, and fed and-piloted us., Witkwhatoverflowing love they took us to their homes and hearts, and periled that - own lives to aid-as! I 'Lave seen much self-sacrifice. during the war; but, except In the negroes, I have witnessed no loyalty worthy. to be motion ed 'with theirs. I approach it reverently, with uncovered head, as the holy of holies in the temple of patriotism: When we met them they .give us It welcome warmer than that of kindred; when we patted from them I am sure many a fervent prayer went up from their humble hearts ,o our Father, that Ile would guide us thtouget thediffl eulties of our long, wearisomejourney, and guard us agamst the perils that besot and cevironed it. ' , . . Of Dan. Ellis, the famous 'Union guide, be writes• We bad for monrbs been familiar with the name of ban. Elite, a' famous guide, Lo has done nothing from the beginning of the war - but escort persons through our lines. Bilis 'jig a genius, and his life is a ro mance. Heitas taken through more than four thousand refugees, never losing but one man, and he was lost through own in discretion. ' The party „had bred eight or ten - days, in winter, among the snowy mountains, upon parched corn. (Dan de, clams that parched corals as good to travel on as the most luxurious food, if a man only thinks so; but I feel bound to !myth:it I have ttltd it, and don't think so.) The mania onestion, finally revolted, and declared he ;would have an honest meal, if lie got cap. turtd. Sole Went bia house, obtained the Meal, and - did get captured. Eirly in the War, when our lines were at Louisville and Knoxville, Ellis conducted party Mier par iy of refugees to those points, four and tiro .Imodred miles througli.the Cumberland miitiniaias. • . He is wary, vigilant and sleepless as an Indian, 'sad knows every secluded path and el cry Union man through .an immense ritsge of country. Again and again we tscre'fold. far back on the journey, 'lf you once fall into the hands of Dan. Ellis and yilis orders, you are' perfectly safe." We did fall into Ids hands one hundred and fifty miles from our lines, in ti peCularly dangcrocialocality, and to us he was Itke a shadow of a gre,at rock 'in a weary land. lie'was just starting. for 'Knoxville with severity Union refugees, United StateS sot diers raturraug to duty' from their homes within the enemy's lines. Sometwenty of them wero armedand forty mounted_ The . . moment he overtook us on the road, and was told who we were, he mitt "Bop, here are some prisoners escaped from Sal. islawy, , ,almost wcirn out with the journey. 'Get down off your horses; we cannot afford ,to Vide'and let these men walk." From ,tt.is'point, though sonic' f the country was nwire perilous than ; any 'we . had passed Itrilimglih we felt comparatively safe. `.II'DILAT;IektED nrdl4l:NT.- , 4 'yesterday met a rebel deserter from the.Bth Tennessee (rebel) infaiitry;.Wlto bad just been released, and, :now log hint very well, I inquired after a number of the mar., and retied that not 'one of them re urairict(lo the ranks. .r of lengtlCasked, "When dfd You leave." afterflood croaaed, the ricer."''. .."How many men Mil the regiment num ber Mist'!" -"My: the fact Is," sald be, "there Is only the Colobel and One man left; there were two of us before I deserted, sad tho other mesa wall lealte et` the' Drat cipportunity."—XeslyqUe Correspondents Chicago Journal. , Tnit Indians Senate yesterday pseud the Comstitutkmal Amendment by e vote of 96 to, 9. The Democrats:attempted to stave it - oft by vati;- ous evasive motions, and attempted "to break the quorum by leaving Me hall. fit this they failed, for. one 'Dcmocret - -Mr. Devrning— remained, and the - previous question was de manded andkarried. The Senate being tic, the Amendment could not have been carded bad It not been for Mr. Downleg's vote. The house bad a session last night, and will doubtless con cur with thetienate te-day.—Oblemuali O axile of Satarday. , Tuz Coxacun - nos Asessourcrs.—There Ia a beautifully dawltiost prospect of a radical amendment by this COMMA of the Conscription law. It is said tftm. a bill to this end, to be in troduced this week, will substantially root out the ernbtaituto rasealtty. Tito public sentiment here Is totally and keenly averse to the folly of the national, State, county or town bounty. This Inky - peradventure tind expression In the bill. Am George the Third woe at one time walking the quarter-deck of a maa-of.war with hls hat on, a sailor asked his mcsamMe "Who that fellow wee that didn't douse his peak to the Admiral I" "'Why, the king." "Well, king or no king." r cloned the other, "he's atonmmannerly dog." 'Whj, where should be learn manners!" said Jack, "heg *es never ont-of 'eight of land In his life." Etzser. Drarrms.—The reception of the rebel PeacolOommlssioners within our lines had the ellitetlef slacken up desertions from the enemy. TLc fallereof the (Amonlestouers is already fol lowed by a greater Influx of deserters than ever. They toy when they eaw the Peace Commission ers actually pass the lines, they waited to tee . the result: Ae toon — ai they cow there wee to he no perce, [bey started over. • • • Tnereport of the cession of &mora and other Itiazican States to Lotus Napoleon, and-.the polatment of 11r. Gen as Governor of the ceded provinces, with the title of the Duke of Sonora,. Is contradicted by tbe 'Havana ttarrespnaident of the Associated Prem. Dr. Gain,lto states, Is la ll:tonna, „on lids gay to France,' to press 'bin dolma upon the Emperor; baying entirely filled at the Imperial COPT/ 01 Mexico - CIIAS. BEMION found. by - tletllat measure ment, that the Ice in Lake Eric was thirtpone Inches In thickness. ~ I'e7iILIVXOTICEE 4 w t. U. S. 7-30 LOAN Br auttorttir •of the Secretary of the TeesstuT, the undersigned has assumed the General Sub enription Ageoey for .the sale of. Xfaiten %stem Treasury Note., bearing seven eel three tenths per Cent Interest, per seam, knswn as SEVEN-THDITY LOIN. These NOtes arelimed under date ef.Angnst lost, led are , psystdo three yams fromtkot time, In enrrency, or are oonvertibtsat the option of the holder Into E. S. 5-20 Sit Per Cen GOLD BEARING BONDS, Theeis hoods now worth • premitun of nine pro. eent., Ludo:lag gold interest from /clamber, 'which makes the actual profit ea the 74d loan, at 'anent rates, taeltultag tamed, about tea per sent. Per earitunihesides its aceendion from gam sad antatripal feestion, which odds hos one to three per *sea. more, according to the rite levied oa other property:. The Interest is Pajable semiquentally by coupoite attached to each sage, which may be out off 'and sold to - sny hanker hanker. Thetnterest emanate to One Watt per day on. a . $5O note Two mots " " $lOO " Ten . " " " " 'ssoo " 20 " 's " " $lOOO $1 $5OOO " Note+ of all the dm:tomb:Miami named pill be promptly tintlahed Upon receipt of ebbierlptione. Th.bile THE ONLY LOAN IN ow offered offrred by the finverment, and It Is confidently expected that its superior advantages will make u the Great Popular Loan of the People iacu than 0100,000,000 remalli unsold, which probably be d.uposed of within the next mi or so .days, when the notes will undoubtedly command • premium, as has uniformly been the Cate On closing the subscriptions to ether Loan. In order that the citizens of every town ant section of the country may be afforded facilities/ (Or taking the loan, the National Banks, 'State Banks, and Private hankers throughout the come try have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in wbbm they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes fo`r which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia übeeelptione will be receive 4 brthe First ?rollout Bask, PlManuel. ra, Stroud !Third Font Yee. • Ituarrs Natiooal Wk. fltliblif&b. PL. Pittsburg& Salami Bank of Vonneoet. iron City " tratissoon Yarourl PepasU " Verbsalat Take Antony Peoples' Camas tel3omd►WT l ~.. ~~ 0/iICIC 07.111 k AJ..1.11:05111.111' •ALLBY If. &Co. Pittsburgh, February I. INS. arANNVALIIIEEThithe—IN ADMIRES. ANCE with the provisions of the Charter and the Supplements, the Annual Genets( Meet ing( the btockholden of the Allegheny 'Valley Ilatiroad Company, will be held at the *Mos of the company, corner of Washington sod Pike street.. 'in theCity.of Pittsburg's.' , ON TUESDAY, TILE tern day of FEBRUARY, at eleven o'clock s, m., to receive the Iteimkt of the raident and Managers, to elect Managers for the ensuing year, and trauma arch othe,busl as on.y to presented. By order of the Board. oimeod B. 0. ORR, Sec. h Treas. AILLIGOTIrIff 'NATIONAL BASIC, i • PrrIIISCIOR. 3.8. 13, In& r ...AN ELECTION You mites: DIULC TORS to serve until the next annual Mim i t=o, will be held st the Banking Rouse. on the 'lll' Er:TY-Ill= DAY OF FEBRUARY next, I,ctxcet. the hours Oil end 2 o'clock D. m. ' jatEetd ~ . . I. W. COON, Osaka. E ROLL BUTTER, in en -• • ON. AMMON tr. CO., No. s Wood street• BitTS P btort. and 1 A TOlik( - TEADY CAN PROCURE BOAR olso (WRAP bN'ealling on St. Clair street. Wars ova, Duffy S. Cane's Clothing Store, In Mr. Drmat room. fetiat . ANTED.-A. farm of• ONE HUN• DRED MMES. ,Any person baring one of the sboye dessrlption can find n tenant by nddrts- Ong BOX 102, PITTSBEBOR POST-OFFWE fftillAsltw (ISTintEl, TEETH, for Eta', Hay and Grain Rakes, of any shape required. ' Also y and Grain Sakes manufsetured by COL'EfLA.N, klarlon Avenue, Allegheny oiv, fellntawdam SALE.—TOBACCONIST.— , The stock, fixtures, and a" hinesi i for t h e mann fact urn of tobacco, and two o the unexpired • lea se of. the tobacconist stone, .110. 40 FEDERAL. STREET, ALLEGHENY, • , 'or fur ther partkUlars enquire or 1101.M.kln Po the prelnsca. fella vr • IZOUNI).—On RO:NDAY, the 6th (lay of February, near the Outer Depot of the P., Ft. W. C. It. IL, A - WierCH AND CHAIN The owner is requested to call et my bowie, on _ednr Avenue, PIZ doers below Ohio street, prove ter crty, pay charges, and receive the watela, °leer. be be it will dealt with according to low. retent AARON HOWARD, nr.st RAUL E RESIDENCE IPOR SAI, E. Situated on South Commons, betireea rad., oral and Bearer streets, Allegheny city. ' Thelnt Is 2.1 feet In front. and •%tends SW feet through to • Wrder. street. • The house contains. IS rooms, to gether with alinlihed basement of four rooms; It suhrtantlally built, dashed in good style, antis t In all rerpects a convenient and comfortable rest denus. There Is also rooted o n H n n the premises 'Brien, Stehle, Caniaga 0119! es ouse.•A . . M. YERGIIS(Cf.. , For further infOnastion apply to .1. 13. A A. I'. mounitioN, . • . . Attornepm--Lftwi No. 131 Fauna at., Pitts. tOlt SALE.---01tfldVNDS.- 75 acres ou the Norttoenst nide of the 'Allegheny Elver, at /ones' 'Eddy. Vennogn Co., Pa.., bounded on the lower side by Centel Scutt, and on the upper elde by lend of D. Joliet, dee'd. Alan. ON Vii.T 1110 KORT onEEK, two. tracts of 16 acres each. Nearly all of these lands are imitable for boring purrppo• ee. r t:ere I. a i d ' lrduels 6n at °f ro l' A d al l ite lt s e ar d h c o sal:ll e t r e a en ee g4ge In the oil business, can now secure territory I, fee, at moderate priced. Title. warranted. For pante*. law. 'Oaten, ALEXANDER WALL ha I.; fel4:iw_ Tittioute, Warren flo., IFOR BALE TEN. ACRES OF LAND, situated one mile canto! New CMstiev well adapted for gaidening pm - pines. The Improvomeuta are a small frame one, good stable and a never (offing_ well of water, and !vit.° a variety of the best of fruits, such as apptem, umbel!, pears, plumbs, cherries, and a rarlety of small fruits. Also,' thirteen acres adjoining the abase with a email frame 'bowie, well Of good water and a young orchard of neleeted Volta, just begtoninx to bear., For terms Ike., e Ll rply to WILAM B. STERBATT. Foreman of Jones A, Laughlin's Foundry, feltiwd Bost Birmingham 13IIBLIC. BALE. —In pursuance of an A- order of sale, mule un the fourth day of Fcb- ITCARY A. D„ lat e , by the Honorable the Judges of the Dist.lot Court of Allegheny county, Penn sylvan's, the undersigned will expose to public, sole, at the SIOURT HollnE, In the City of Pitts bu, on TIMRSDAY,theeth DAY Or MARCH, A.L. at eleven o'clock A. le ' the following described property of the Stutrpaburg Bridge Com panyilo 'Wit: The atone pier' aa6.ebutments, ra gether with their eapurtcruteeee,_ and all that re, males . of the Bridge ken.'" es the' Sharpsburg Bridge, - erected. across the Allegheny 'River, near ate 'borcugh , ot Sharpsburg,ltiAllecheny °entity, With all the.rights,powers.' Immunities, privii* leges,nnd frenchises of said. Corporation • W/LVIASI DI. DARLINGTON, - . GEORGE HOWARTH, Si r eetrewri of the Shs • upshurg BridgeCO. BREAKFAST. TAA.—Jitst received, a fresh•let of ClioDe English Break fast Tea. For hale by the ,addle ov pound, by .7NO. A. RENSHAW, fcll • Corner of Liberty and Mad eta. .rEw ArirEnTlSE.Yrtz.im,s. IR B - GERMAN -NATIONAIi BANK, Of. Pittsburgh; COR. SIXTH AND - WOOD STREETS Aucansnis Alpir£Llresldent.. SPRINGER. neRBLIIO Yoe Preitdont. GEORGE ENDLY, Culler. This Beak Witte the account's or Basks, SSA*. en and others. Governmestt Securities of all kinds bought aad sold et current rates. As SPECIAL AGENT or Jay Woke. 6014,0. tie= will be receired for the • Popular 7 -39 -Loan., This loan ill now being atworbed at the rate of 8.000,000 Per nay. and Wog convertible Into five-twenty boide which are sow at svpremium of ever NINE PEE CENT. It commends Itself for its superior advan tages. 'to all who seek • aide &ad profitable Invest- Liberal ment commiseions . on this loan will be allowed to all dealers in Government securities. GEO..A. BADLY, Cashier FURNITURE , RARNESS,V_ERIOLEB, itc., IN ti.WHENCEVILLH.-01, WED. NESDAT ► MORNINtIeb.• 10th, at 10 o'cloCk, will be . sold .at the Atlanta* of, GEOBEIN W. IRWIN, Hanle street, Lawreaectille, a lame lot Household rundture Of every deseriptioni also, Two-horse Carriage, (new ,4 a How, Twohorso Wages, two double set Carriage Heroes, Bet Bum Hareems, double rat 'Wagon Harness, Garden Tools, to., all la brit order and condition. lett A. MrILWAINE, Auer. rmanns CLOSING OUT. SALES .6? ..._11001CS; PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, FAM ILY BIBLES PAPER, GOLD PENS, ac ., ike, Ism—On MONDAY, TIIESDA.Y, WED.. NESDAY EVENINGS, Febnusey 14th and Mb, at the Commercial Sales Boom, Ai Fifth street. At these will be Mr. Pratt's last Auction Sales of books this winter, persons wishing to pur. chase •good, new books, Ike., steep, would de well to ntiend these cloning sale'. Books at private sale during the day, at average auction prices. felt A. noILWAINF-, Auctioneer rucEs REDUCED. ' Shirting Muslin, Pillow Muslin, eeting Muslin, Dark Calicoes, for sale at tettuocd prices by WRITE, ORR & CO., SS FIFTH STREET T'LEGANT AND SUPERIOR FURNI TURE. FRENCH. PLATED 711111R011:1, FINE PAINTINGS. I.IIIIISSELS CARPET, OIL CLOTHS, AT AUCTIO3I.—On THURSDAY 31ORNING:14th inst.. at 10 o'clock preclude, st No. 60 Fourth street, will be .1.1 nu olegaot assort ment of Furniture. Carpets, Mirrors, Mattresses. 011 Cloths, hc" climprig In port 3 ouperlor Oak Stdeboords • hoodoome Molt-covered Sat..; Hair Seat PorloiChairs ; Large Easy Chair; Marble-tsp Centre Tables; 2 Dressing Bureaus- Marble-top Wash Stood ; 2 Extension Tables ,• hat Rack ; sett 13s. Seat Arm Chairs and Rockers ; superior ;Mee Table ; 4 Round Onlee Utiles ; 3 Enclosed Wash Sr.& ; Bedstead ; Franklin and Cook Stoves; Fire Iron., Fenders; superior Refrigera tor ; Fancy Window Blind.; Queenoware ; Cot. ler. ; w feet Cum llose, loc.; Also 600 gird* Oil Cloth Lin prime condition; Erussebr, Ingrain and Stair Carpet.; A 100, Bask - and Straw Mattresses bets; Vomforts; 'Mosquito Bars; Bedding; Sheets. Sr.. die., Also, French Colored Lithographs, Crayons, and fine Paintings, French-plated Mirror, Surer-plated Castors, Spoons, Forks, So.; A too, * splendid Billiard Table and Fire-proof Nati. Terms cash, pat funds. fell T. MeeLF.LLMID. Aufl CoPTING PRESSES, toying lkjoksr 'elopes, Paper, Ink and Stationery, of all Sesetiptioaa. BLANK BOOKS ON HAND -Manufactured go Order. NY RS, SCHOYKEt & CO.. No. al FIFT3. UTBEET. CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRY GOODS IM2IIII MIR Tr, rs J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. WINTER DRESS GOODS, et cold and Ins. WINTER SHAWLS, ►t cost end lees. WINTER OLOA.K.S. do do. BALMORAL SKIRTS. t•UM3IER DRESS GOODS, et lost 11001' SKIRT., BLANKETS AND FLANNELS. The exalts stock las been RC) Ci.ll. al, CI ill Prio o. AND MUST AND WILL DE CLOSED OUT. Now Is the Time to Get Bargains kl I J A.TFT DECISION. xmainneri3x3rzt, 1064. STEINWAY PIANOS looleff•nd eselaslrely, in public and private t and ruenrrantad them lerarlably to our friends and the Ire have at different times expressed our opin• lon regenting the Pianos of serious makers, but rerly and unhesitatingly pronounce the STEtNe tt'AY - & SONS Pianos PLR SUPERIOR TO S. W. MILLS.• .Tollif TI. VATTDION,' HOB !, ERT HELLER, IGEO. W. ,NIOIIOAN. ROBERT GOLDBECK. ALVIIEO H. rEwit. WILLIAM MASON, MAX IdnincritiK, F. L. BITTER, ,CARE: BEIM MANIS, THEO. EISFELD, , THEO. THOM Art, 43. WOLF:MON, CAUL ANSIIUTZ, A fine clock of STEINWAY'S laorunparable Plazas received rad fur vale at H. KOBER do BRO-. No. In WOODI3Th Err ar Sole agents for Steinway'. Fi112.12. r114:1211e0d I) 13PE — rSIA — AND FITS. Knre Cure for these distressing rum• —plaints to now made known In a Treattse FITR—on Foreign and-Natlys Herbel prepare. —lions nu - Wished by Dr. 'Q. PIIELPit riwm-mmAym. The prescription was furnished —him in iamb a rrovidentini manner that he FlTS—Cannot row elontiously refuse to make —it known, na tt has cured everybody FlTS—who Ims cued it, iteVer having tailed in a • —single case, it is equally sure Id canal PlTS—tit s Fits as of Dyspepsia, nod the ingretil. —gni* m ay be obtained front any Drugist. FlTN—Sent I ree to all on receipt of tire cents to —Prd-ny ' , Wise , ' he. Address Dr. 0. r rrs-r E.1.P.4 BROIVN, No. in Urund street, —Jersey City, N. J. . faincltd y ALUABLE • Smithfield street Property For Sale. A /area lot of ground. havinn n front of THIRT D tint FEET on 1/0 ONE ItUll• UEL and TWENTY FEIET DEEP, situate nom the Post ()Mee, end epee:lite the Warehouse of Hellman & garrison 7 his Is one of the bent and must desirable locations for business bungee In the eitiIio,T.HIETY-TWO FRET front ;In at. by 100 feet deep, boning two Brick IN I Idlogn there. on, rtes. M and 63 blertet et. near Third. For par. tinnier, apply to S. IIUTIIIIERT & SONS, 61 Market et. IZIMEZEI 1:1111/IIIPII OIL COMP.— _.-NoticeP_.-Notice is hereby given that the Ilra fleeting of Strath. holder. will be held nt WILKINS. MALT, Pitts* burgh, on THICISDAY. March it, 15n5, nt a o'elock r. v., for the purpose of organization, nalpeeland under the act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Fenztylvartia, apasoired July 18th • JO,tillt ICING, rresident,pre hon. rittf.butzkk, F.tb• 8, , , [Mad Portgurreon, Feb, 2, Ism. A N ALE/0110N 1 , 011 s- Managers of• the Oomporty for escalate a ' Bridge over the Monongahela River. oligoate Pittsburgh, in the county at' Allegheny, in e patois. enity to an net of Assembly passed Jan. Will be held at the Toll. . on ZONDAY. • binrch Et MCA, at 2 o'clock p. to. 'N. 1104,Zt • feignl Secretory. Jrzir aprEItrISE.Xf.E.I'TS. fEiriisoß CLUB LECTURES - = BmrE3'rma9ll-1C411.1.1... - - • AIM} .1313IMET1. • Illedineedny Evening, Feb. 15th; will peritorm hts wonSerfil personation of HENRY v toe BEECHER in deliveryot the elognant most MIDDLING PATRIOTIO SER MON./ THURSDAY EVENIEG, liebruaryleth, will JOre. kis FLUMOBOVS.; DELINEATIONS sad RECITATIONS, . 4 itiehmentl on the Seems." Charge of me Mule Brigade." .11eisollful Snow." TICILETE44... To be had It the Book, Musk, or Deng Stores, or at the Boon. Boon open at T o'clock; Lecture commences at 8. HALL PATTERSON, 'JOHN HAIL &REM. J. IL BUTTERFIELD, la RICHARD DANIS, C: McCANDLESS, A. W. CHISLETT J. M 4 GAZZABL STEPHEN woods, 10474 .- Lett re Committee. T 7 I NATIONAL ITTROLEON STEEL & BAILEY, WILKINS WALL, EDITORS new weekly paper, mainly devoted to the the Leman of the large and growl's trade la the new and useful product, PETROLEUM OIL. It will , have carefully prepared for each number full re , ports of the oil trade, reports of sales of Stocks; imports of all the oil markets, list of 01l companies, amount of their capital, dividends, ecc., and all other matters pertainint to this great commercial intereet. egions Able and reliable correspondenceaged. at p all the Oil R have been eng It the oect of the puhl.labento present t o the public la what in bj evidently Wasted—a paper that !Ml connected with the( oil business will be pleased to have, and It will be his !aim to give Mum one that will meet the require , meats of the AGE OF 07.14. and one that will he In every way worthy of Only generous support, believing that such an enterprise will be appreci ated. ttubecriptions.la 50 per imam, in advance. Ad vertisements will be inserted at 41t per equate of to lines. JOHN P. HURT, Publisher, foo FIFTH Sr., MASONIC HALL BLANIPPB PATENT PORTABLE . STEAM ENGINES Portable Steam Saw Mills. 'MANDY'S PATENT PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, from four to fifty horse power—in one piece—completely equipped and ready for wore— require no brick or masonry—stand on their own feet ready for fire and water. A good spring . or branch supplies water. Burn wood, slabs, coa l or slack. Smaller sixes hauled on two horse farm wagons. FOR . BORING AND WORKING OIL WELLA they are peculiarly adapted, en account of their portability, economy of fuel, simplicity and dura bility, as well as being The Cheapest and Best They, however, excel in ell work within the range of their power. 'Weight of Oil Well Engine. OW pounds. XUAssaci - rds PORTABLE STEER SAW MILLS .Are strictly portable—no brick or masonry in set. ting—can be in full operation to two days after on rising on the ground—the ENGINE ono be mowed from place to place on a toot horse farm wagon. .Warranted to cut, with ordtaary good ismnagemeat, 5 to 10.011 Feet Lumber per Day. 7,:ltnaff: MPlobrAreeLtitfig.4l. 4 g; any information, and illustrated circulars, with, dwriptions, reports of operatots, prices, no., ad dtcas the manufacturers, U. d; V. BLANDY, Liamly'. Works. 'ie.-11 , 0.11e, Ohio . Bleady's Newark Kai.. Work., felliturda.w. Newark. Ohio. - • THE DALTOIN FAMILY KNITTING. MACHINE Tali CROWNING TRIUMPH ZrT 2WEI, liaiU upwards of fl Dittmar Kinds of appor A YARD OF rural.; OR RIBBED WORK ~12Camit liR Tea Tlitrimategs We have moat flattering testimonial. from all parts of the country testify lag to their sunerimity for martufaaturing and family purposes. They are peculfarty adapted for benevolent Societies:Lod Zee attentions. Feed for Ciroulars and Sample., or tall and see them to operation. WESTERN AGENCY No. 27 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh, Pa frIO E. A. CARPENTER. 3 ONE riiIIN White Oak Shute Oil Company OF VENANCIO COUNTY. Cap, eteek 810%1,000 P.Waren 161 ork Ing gop' tal 6123,000 1 The prrperty of this Company is 1n fee simple A ls known as the Jones Tract, and contains ONE HONORED AND . FIVE ACRES, more or leas. It Iles at the Junction of Jones lion and the Alto rheny river, at Whit... Oak Shute, In Vcnaniro (Jo., pa.. fronting forty rods on the river, and one bun. sired and twenty rods nn Jones Run, andialiAmiles below West Hickory Creek, nod about five miles shove Pit Creek. No doubt Is entertained of the advantages of thin yroperty for oil purposes. es MI hag been round in all directions around it and in the humeolote vicinity. It Is proposed to form a company under the man. %Indus tog law of July bith, N.H. with a capital of dialled into sharp of SI each. t 25,000 will be reserved as a workingcapital. large amount of the steels has been already to. ki n by a number of the most yrominent bustersS men of the city. Hooks are open and can bo IMO at the fallowing places: JOHN FILLERTON • iII,64.O 3 WooI at.; J.J.I GILLESPIE'S, No;86 Wood at.; .10115 HAYS!, N 0.60 Fifth it.; I JOHN GRAZIER'S, N 0.1116 First at.; GEORGE KEYSER,at Sheriff's °Moe; L. S. JOHNS', No. IS Fourth it. A leniperary elimination been erected In the election of thelollowing Miners: —J olio Fullerton. Trieturve—.l.'l. Gillespie. T. S. Ferguson. Forted of Dfnefors—John Fullerton, Andrew Fleming, 61.11.. W. Rinehart, John Groner, An drei> Wolfe, John Hays, George Keyser. fradwll. ~ • WHEELER &WILSO'N'S HIGHEST PREMIUM IMPROVED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES Reliable and Perfee There l no machine in the world that can do the . `variety of work or give midi thorough going !Wk.+ feet ion. These machines will Ilcm, Frill, Quilt, Bind; Tuck, Platt, talker, cum) AND 1112 AID, without previous basting. It trill new the heaviest cod thickest cloth, wlth moon as durable It tight, strong, ela-th3 . thu fabric itself. It will new the , thlonsi. cambric, Swiss lawn, with equal facility. Send (or ilircniar, with samples or sewing, or call at the salesroom, No. 27 FIFTH STREET fctO TITTSBVOII, P.l. 11. LECKY lb NOW MANUFAC AA • TURING IMPROVED OIL TOWS, At (hie shops) corner or GAY alley and BEAVER street, and in AY LIIKTER it., opposite to thi old OrphantAsylutth Allegheny; and as the tOol nee made out or the heat meterials, would instil the nubile to give him a call and examine 'thole Tor Inman-Iris: • • fernitayll rI MALE EI)UCL'I'ION. y ' THE SPRING SESSION OF R. 111.Twining'i Seminary for Young [milks, eCerancusee February , lat. A few more SehOlaell can bq admitted. fo6:lwd A LARGE LOT, OF .• • llenity-Made Clothing, To be told out nt COST, At the corner -of OHIO itrcet nod tbe_DIAAIOIID, opposite the Poixt Of fice, 'Allegheny city, on Croon. t of the death of the late proprietor, MAIN bIeGHATTY, well known as "Cheap John , ' of Allegheny City , 3 . ..2tY4 Al . 'LOVER. PEED-100 bus. Prime Olio J clot cc Peed, in Store nod for Pale by 141 J. KIREPATII/OJE ik 13110. JIM lir DrERTISEMEJITS. tNION CUM BUR Bun Oil and Mining Company. Capital Stock, - - - $250,000, IN c2r•0,000 SHARES OF ONE DOLLAR EACH., Sio,ooo of which is act aside fur WORKING CAPITAL Only "a Molted ouniber of stare,. yet to be sold. OW WICIM3 ILII9I : =cacza WM McCIITCHEON, Liberty street, Pittsburgh TIIE.AAITREZ E. A, GEORGE Cashier Farman' Deposit Nat. Doak, Pittsburgh SECRETARY JAMES rdcdtrIVECON, Liberty stmt.. Pittsburgh. DIRECTORS JOHN P. KRAMER, Cm&lee Fleet National Bank, Allegheny. S. S. 'MeELROY, of IteEltoy, Dickdon & Co., Wood at., PlCfandrth WILLIAM MeCUTCHEON, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. OR. L. R. McABOY, Pittsburgh JOHN M. CRAWFORD, New Castle, Pe EBENEZER NIcJUNKIN, =ISM HON. JOHN M. DUNLAP, Lancaster, Ps. •UPTSINTF.YDEA r : THOMAS B. CLARK, oil City, P , he property t► lotated entirely lu Venango Chi Pen:iglu:Ma, and eenalsta of : FIRST.-101 sere% choice territory, In fee-ample, on Hickory Creek, comments ng about 276 rale from. Its mouth, on the Allegheny Hirer, and extending along either side of the creek,a distance of 210 rods; making a - water front entire of 600 reds, of room for at least2oo wells. The developments being made In this locality, combined with Maisie strikes on Pit Creek, and other tributaries of the dal, toe show and atablish conclusively the fact that time nod labor are the only neommary requis ite& to the obtaining of large pitying wells on this turnery. The land is subject to two leases of one half acre each, the company resolving one-half the oil, and being at no expense. slicoND—One•quarter lease-hold in lots Nos. 49 and 40, ALLEGHENY PETROLEUM COMPANY, On the Allegheny Meer, about one-fourth mile nbore Horse Creek, and about 30 rods from or well now said to be producing 40 barrels of oil per oar. There loth join front each 0 rods on the ricer—and e‘teml beck some 00 todw—mallng a frontage of le rods. rrWC> NVIO4 I_ALAS Are going dorm on this property, one of which le nearly completed-Axing about some 101 l feet. The irdiratlons are that 'his Will ben Big Well, as d read)." several One reins of oil have been struck. 1 . . LEASE TWENTY YEARS UOTALTY. 3-Bths of the Oil THIRD-0-16th' levee-hold Ift Lot No. 39, SPINGFIELD - PETROLEUM CO3IPAS Un. Cherry Stun, about three-quartets .of a mile abort the tit end" Well and but a short distance from the "Auburn,'" " iankee," and other good wells. There Is'room on the property for three wells, one of which Is now being trigorouily pros. rented. Thirty days, it is confidently believed, will make thfs Well ready tot testingas the ma chinery and everything collocated with'it is of the first order. Lease VO years; Royalty, one•Lalf the 011. FOURTH—The entire leasehold of Lot No. W. ST. NICHOLAS OIL COMPANY Cherry Sun. On this property there is room for four Wells, one of which is now being ankh. As this lease Is located near the famous Reed, Baker and 6roeery producing respeetively 290. 100 and Coon barrels, there In scarcely a doubt of alms& ant soccer., the record of Cherry lion chronicling no - failures in this favorite lucelily. Lea e, 2.1 year& Royalty, half the cll. SHARES TO BE TERN, What Basis, Hisses anti Orhe: But a limited Uutrlber or allures la thta Otnuo are yet to be taken, which wilt be given to ettascr • bees on the original basis of one'iloliar per share, And may be E Secured by applying at the OFFIC OF THE' COMPANY, store of - WILLIAM Me- OXITEMIEON, MS Liberty street, , Pittaburgh, du ring tho week commencing THURSDAY,FebuatY 16th, and. ending February %II inst. After the thee mentioned. no. morn sto:k will be given on the original basis. The working 'operatlene of this Ooritnatiy have been plseed tust.cr the management - of T. B. °LABILE, of Oil Cl'a. Ills experience la sunk as to "enable hint to - look niter the rnterests of the Company intelligently, and to prosecute the devel opment of the territory in a manner most Weida. t,g tr, promote lingeneral welfare cud anal success. Booksepen from the 16th to TA AT No. 195 LIBERTY STREET, reran PITTSBURG.II. DRY coons N ms rut3L AT THE vrux.r..-Exowx STAND OF ELLEX.ANDER BATES, 0. Fifth Street. BATES Bi. BELLI SU(OESSOLLS TO ALEX. BATE.%) Rue Decided lo Soil their Entire Stork at a GREAT REDUCTION. BEFORE PURCHASING THEIR SUPPLY OF NEW SPRING GOODS, WILL DISPOSE OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS AT AN IMMENSE-REDUCTION IN PRICES. Freed . Iterinoen worth Si 87 for 81 00. French lterinoes worth 81 62 for 51 20' French Her Woes worth 81 69 for 81 4 French Itertnoes worth $2 00 for 81 50 French Iterhicoes worth 82 50 for 81 87 Ereaelt3tertnoes worth 83 23 for 82 96 French Chintzes at 50. 6% and 75 rents. French Reppg worth 31 50 for $1 00. Spring. AlapaAllas at last year's prices All Wool Poplin Delathes worth 111.15 for $1.15. Yard Wide Cold Coburg . . for eta. Blankets very cheap, and of the threat, quality. AU Word Plaids for "id* Earatheas, all colors, greatly reduced f j 5 7ardwideEag. Ederisoes worth .2.00 for 1.50. A fall smortmoot of alto. of 111 Mies, reduced tcetr per mit Dater? me floakt.sold at the 5147eleet, to etas oat the old stock. . 1 11111oes, Mg colors, for 16 oI 12 mai. A aplaadld Stock at doubt. Shawls Bala sl SIS for SO 10. Good Lurella Cloth for li%c. • Spring Foulard Silks, file Qual.Ur, for Go 54 Wool Delathe., Reduced. Basso& ,Sklels as low ow Inas $4 Shawl Malmo, Itedueed ; low. A full line of Linen Goods, tlow Ogling. GREETINGS, SKIRTINGS, TWEEDS, • CASSIBIERM AT LOW FIGURES FLANNELS OF ALL KINDS, PLAIN AND BARRED, REDUCED A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WRITE GOODS, A JOB LOT OF HOOP SHIRTS for VT rents, i'IIE BEST MAKES OF KID GLOVES, In White and Veld. EMBROIDERED WINDOW CURTAINS. ♦ll the above goods enumerated will be sold at the prices mentioned. Every effort will beamed by the members of the firm and those in their employ to give entire satisfaction to their customer.. Goads will always be selected with the moat scru pulous care, po as to give a large andwell selected stock of fashionable goods at moderate prima. fen:laid SALE OF DRY GOODS, J. W. BARKER & CO.'S, No. 59 Market Street FOE ONE WEEK, We will offer' our . Entire Sleek Silks, Shawls, Cloaks, Drees Goods, Mourning Goods, Housekeeping .Go(ids, Men's & Boys' Wear, . AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES NEW EST tr. BEST DELAINES NEW Aar 0110101. PRINTS EUtU=SMI I'ARD WIDE UNDRESSED LWiG Afro, our entire 'stock of Spring & Summer Dross Goods CHEAP!-CHEAP! Country Merchants Take Notice SPECIAL SALE 3E) 4 17f7" . Undershirts at $2.00, WORTH 84.00 Drawers at $2.00, WORTH 84.00 EACH 3111K1' 14111 ivEica NEARLY 1 li. 6 as. EATON, MAORI M & CO. • Hare shoat 54 dorm °from! extmeheary WRITE YJNIIERSIIIRINfind DILA. Ni noul7Mtwoete which weigh from I%lb. to 11b. S os. each Matt, that must he closed out laincedistely. the offer them at much len than - what they cost to make, and we believe them to be equal to any. thing to market atria O. . No reduction will be made for quantity--one shirt or etc huddled at Um home rate.. • , These Shirts are a Great Bargatal EATON, MACRUM & co., 17 and 19 Fifth street. onr.coews VNCOtilt.ioE HOME DIA.NBFAC T (MEAL -/ 741arC , rum 41ydo, 78 MARKET STRZT, Offer ea meta:Lave ptock al EigASCI...., GOODS of American lkiaviiraCtiqk great vastety of MMEGS. HOSIERY & GLOVES, Fumy Goode, Notions, Small Warm GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS En wary Kos and,qtulttiat most muionable rib* Wa sUli have a few goods of Foreign Melnititoetsere Wed& we WM dispose of et prima fixate. V. aural's'. am sweet t. we s r isr. 1217ECCOX.s.litiaa&r.a.Z4 At prices as low ma can M t azt,fe NM, the Eastern Mies, as we Hy ex Tidwell* ' eaelcanA from Manufacturers or 1411 O F' may." we solicit a call. fast GREAT BARGAIN;,;. MOORHEAD- DENNISON & 00., 81 Market street, ARE DETERMINED TO CLOSE OUT THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OP GOODS. Gents' tradta r iom , :enje. u. Whits Zino. SOOkl, hMbrOideriely Lav e gloves Hosiery, Trim minas, Point Lace, Rlibans, &a. 712igirlmeet art. A . NEW ASSORTMENT OF BUT TONS, Dress and Cloak OrnaMeet!, Bui. Gimps, Cheullle and Bagel Fringe, Mask Fe Undersleeves Linen Sets .(of the deed quality Lace and Linen Collars and Handkerchiefs; Gleam. Hosiery, Balmoral ant Hoop Skirte; Breakfast, likawla and Sacques, u ll sixes; Hathware ameled Collars and f or ladles and gentlemen Wash Leather Gloves, all sizes; Souvbes Gloves In light colors; Ribbon Sets, fringed to order, together with liew,lot. of Braid Water FM, and Flowers. Will be found at ALICE MOWRY'S lialiNG Eirmiz, • No. n Eourth stree t, near Ferry street Partleular attention given to eleaningPoint and all other Iktmla of Laces. Also Black Lace Vella isle DIrIDE.VDS. DIVIDEND NOTICE.—FIFTII DIVI DEND.—ROSS OIL COMPANY.—The Board of Directors. of this Company have Oils day des cared a dividend of THREE. PER CENT:, pays,. ble on and after [hi lath lost., at their office, No. 4 Hand street. The Directors of this Co repany have concluded to make the dividends payable quarterly hereafter. By order of the Bonn', fru at ROBERT WEAN, Jr., Secretary. 0.1171c8 or PITTS.II P 1111011 & BOSTON MINING 00., rrrenunou, Feb. 4th, MM. 6 DIVIDEND NOTICE.—The Directors of the Pittsburgh fc Boston Ait - gng Co. hale this day declared a Dividend of Ff.: E rOLIs&ES per share, payable at the office of the Company on and aftertheibth !net: THOS. 111.4 ROWE, feld.l6 Seel and Tress. ALLMON:NY NATIONAL BANK, PITTSBURGH, Feb. 6, 18654 THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BA,. K hove this day dielared a dividend of THREE PER GENT. en the Capital Stock oat of the earn. Inge of the Allegheny Bank to Jan arf alat, 1665, payable, on and after the 16th Rot.. free of Gay. ernment tax. J. W. COOK, Cashier. Dividends will hereafter be declared La Jan. nary an/ July. !la luox Cm NATIONAL Beim or Pirrantraou l t ir Prrranouou, February - Al, Ma 'DIRECTORS OF THIS BA. tlevlsard a dividend of TREEE PER CENT. oh the Capital Stock, out of thriearningv of the `IRON CITY .BANK” and "1 RE. IRON CITY NATIONAL BANK OP PITTSBURGH," for the three mouthy ending with the itat day of January, 1805, payable to the Stockholders or that! legal repreaentstiver—free of Chminiment tax—on or after the 14th teat - • • • " • By order of the. Beard of "Directors, fradin. • JAMES NeARILEY, President. Dlsnca"rek Marroravressits.lf.ambl Bann, (Late Dlerchants k llanufadurers Bank.) Prrreetoten, Jae. N I lee& THE ItEGLILAR DIVIDENDS or • Bank heresiter be made In JANUARY' arid JULY, 'Attend of May end November, sad for this arrangemest the Beard of Directors hare this day declared a Dividend of ortE-PER calm out of the profile to-December kith ult., payable to Stockholders - forthwith _free of Vatted States Taxes. TOMS SCOTT, Jr.; Osi*er. JAMES BOW; 136 Wood-Street, N'ttt4slcousvh, mArropecrruaEß of ThIeROVED BORING TOOLS, Sinking OH, Salt and other Wells. Tools wariaoted AND LOB MOOR IRON. . WELL BORERS FIURNIIIIII.EI - est Cleamla Prices; With Each utleles ea necessary to conduct epees! Hens, viz: M ANVILS, ELLOWS, VISES SLEDdES, HAMMERS, SHOVELS, PIERS, A XFS, , LiiirELS; I l'i2aLS, &a. RAPE, LRAM= AND 43-17311 C 3E3=lEOl7= cam,tbCf., All Of whlch I nave constantly IA stOre. jaSSAlndls ITALIAN OPERA SINGERS' LETTER, New Yong, December, 1961. IIESSRS. STEINWAY 4. SONS. Haring used your Pianos for some time to public and In private, we desire to express oueunqualined admiration in regard to their merits. ..They ere ehatacterized by a sonority, harmonious Hanes" and roundness of tone, combined with . an astound. tag prolongation of sound, moat beautifully blend.. Leg milk and supporting the voice, to a degree Met keen -tiordirig folic desired. IndeceL we hare-never met with • any instrumento, not sten of the most eels. brated raanufsetori. a of Eurepe,which hay - m.olos . us such ENTIRE SATISFACTION, especially as regards their aiii+i c dtcd enant les for accompanying the ectre, and k tune for so long a time. ma your Pianos, up we therefore cheerfully mons mend them before all ethers to eturents of vocal music, sad the public' generally.. Max Maretzek, Director ILI,. Lotint, Soprano. Maesimillani, Tenor;l o scerstZueb l _, Dorm** !F. Delimi t Baritone, lE.lPAn_grl artralto,' W. DOW, Tenor, Senate - YU:Law% Sops. J. Welallch, Basso, IP. Dir Abello, COndutder. - GERMAN OPERA. SINfiERV • ENDOBSEIIIENT. • We heartlty concur in the high opinion , of 'the BTEiNWAT tc SONS , Pianos, as expreuedbythe singers of the Italian Opera, an di can only add that In consequence of their womterfnl capacity [Group. porting and blending with the voice, we prefer Swim,: and' use another make of Planes when a STEIN WAY instrument ens be had. We recommend them (to all students of vocal music who desire a reliable (MD:. in thecultivatlon of ?he voice. Carl Anshutz; , Bertha Johannsen, Carl 'Formes, ! Maria Frederic*, - Joe. liermanne, j Pauline Canlsea, Franz Miramar, " Osamu Lehman,' Theo. linbelinann, G. Tar:tiara, 4/0-Sole ageacy of Stelaway's Pianos, at. • H. ELMER. & !IRO,. feldmeoil 1M WOOD STRELT IT - ALUA • AL ESTATE AT A premised, be sold at PUBLIC SALE, on the premises, oh TILLY:SOLT, the 7kl of 'Febru ary, et 2 o'clock, r. we a LOT OF GROUND, Situ ated In the First Warrli,of the city of Allegheny, fronting 20 trot on Rob Instat street, end este/Wing knelt alone Corry stwmt 120 feet, on which are erect ed Two Two Sorry Brick Houses. Terms made 'ir.nonn.a I Fre. 11 )= order of wnr. ALEXANDER, Esieotor r L2L.f. BIDDLE, Executrix. of Dr. R. TIIDID.P . , , :red. For further Information, Inquire at John Dyers' Aldewanws •ofXce, or corner of I , oloral and Lea rick st reefs, Allegheny, Or of J. S. X: A. P. Bore!- son, Attorneys at .Law, No. 131 Fourth st.. eitt. burgh. • fe9:2erd YEAR'S EXP.ErtIENCE Ilaa eatabltaheil the:tact that PROF. REED'S NAG/utile OIL In the only reliable cure for Illictunntlam:Wenralzia, Old Sores, and • Vann of all Rinds.- at,the Oki ;nine of 45 coots pe'r bottle SMION 'JOHNSTON', Sole Agent. ear. Smithfield and 4th eta , Mimics. Ax.ta.asssr Baines (loseittr4 77. P 17781188.011. Feb. 4th, 1885. A IC ELECTION: FO,U. PRESIDE/ T, c . "•,,,g4t . ro'„no .4 ;e7Tave i `th's.,..._ 9 it,Pcsyn, L .f . ..r gte pie eh r h, In tlst county cs Allegheny. will ' Os Ittitt a t tle MOLL IlOUttle., lathe south. nit of the IStt4ge,',ou :1102iDAT, the elkday ot ht r arsti sett st the hover ot 2. c'eteek: - .l , : tr:. -' .- 1 ' fe10:1i NoSk. - uURG, Tressurer.o alpp4 of beatbtruads, for er4o bJ Jamneb BOWN, US Wood Arcot. SAWS, St:WARE L S S; CHISE, WEENCHJES, PLANES.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers