VOLUME , LXXViii---isTO. 49. =:? ltin • IWO ite gut ' vwf -LATEST Fla .ftRIMURGI. Vho Periiwlvitnia Leigidature. TO TUB 'PREgißilli. 214—Bilift PiiishiOtsed Trisiris Becrisiling is Brisk. /Vida DIVA& to the kittablUll Gazette-- ' 'Rimini*, Yob. it, ism. '. g " iilo4ll '* 4 4'iolt miLiot , tartkotiz. 41141 /31r ilhil o ,: . ltisy bounties to volunteers. Th l f a 4ll ;Yirillif'isise — di Alt Meg eltatoti, __,, _ Veer to r aily;' to •bortow money • to- creel _r_s °ya w l . l,dreae; utairpgsouftterfelting of Ualtell '''''' t notes Mali:flinty, pingskiwi by St.to Aitits)!iikkorieir -:Orber 'azta-rogent. of Peaes. arAlraiik to brilA: - atr . ectm - in • any railroad' ocomiiios, .. loetirporated ..' by taw Mater. we antberitlniibe fteboal Erectors of *are' ,joirnstdp, Greene county, iefeiy IC iti - of fog itttweet. tatt,3lof two per rant. for bounties; iellffilatteilinendhoideorniaaniiiee'lepert deel-: dents; ortesnalin Saxonburg, Potter county, a "ber icl! teal eeikirlDistrlitt. '' •' ' ,'- i _ sr-'Sratuom.-- . The following bills - 397 1, . onolncorporating pat ,Pittsbirrit It sid ildfren Company; tine Ineorporatini die s Ontassillo sod Ilided 'Railroad Compann.orta juonritopttillit tbaGireid Rouse lailway. Coos : pop' one': allowiitk . -Greebe tolittsbip, , pram, t math to,..iii_bocnib;cm InemrrstiosAte 4:71cm1400 1 .0 - ColniialiY;7 1. "' : - - ajountel.a. , ,'- , - .. ...._. bills hens posed : onis , i t? tipffElft: 010-kiZtg.b . i: mrtridges or , `pbeittaitta i t ettrience:Or Memr cerretlea ;'one 1 oangl,4, 000. oam4 of the 'WeahlOgtoia ~001,1! Cereparitor Ennsyl l raila to the '{iltlpn: company, and granting them . 'theiime,powereln Statos as In Territories; a ; 3 inklalient intharlsing the Caton • Mutual In %'~egraaxCompany, or Vestuiereland county to . T.di[ide • propaty• to ho 'lnsured Into two eleSica ; one to' 'extend the time for tho '"earcipletlon:': '• the ' Allegheny Valley Ralf r r;Oriiii ftirtber supplement' authorial= the 41Ot'thier tiriierirliritte eta Bear Moiratold Tian road • eiotainkj,otkitO. mirth:me and extend the -net , lneortuwation , iof , the Excelsior ',Railroad . $lO Coal; Company of Allegheny county t.` one. ipititlyanUthr purchase oft library la the county • The supplement changing the name of tile' /Toogblcumny Cent .. .ll°llov --- 6inpany and] In ; •vrcesing Its ,4harer. 'An act incorporating 'the ; - 011 CrreeLlleum end .011 Compahyicancilected 01Ktlia !Wender. An act IncorpUratlng „Nit bona in& Transportation ,Corapiny, • cirati defeated: - An net Ineorpainting the can•-31 loins Eumpuny . wasaladdefeeted. Iterreht read the. fidlordir 4 One .'actlrliatdr'tkatrastece!'or inC -oltirssoof r r o eicarellat' Tarcntrtm to CCcivircelrtnict ircclutate,tirlabf Pcn) . ..Mczv to Mcasiill'ect , tocnistip for purpoi.cp. A supplement. to an act' cstablisMap; a commor. school Eystent.- - - - i Mr. GraF.!_i suppli.racntary act lacorporit-,. . thiiMonstugaliCla WaterCotorgiy." • • Adjourned. -- 1 Dlirt . it4i, to tbe Pittib u4;•tt G-caette . , Ilantwentran, teb., nail. and t 6i:enlace; .hate returned front Wasrhhig - They pew'. the Secretary of War "and ": General trY..wha gaTc them the following in formation: No prat:v/14c le made that the draft t. rill to postponed; but-it will not. talte place to• morrow .1n: the diStriets where recruiting Is ,t • • The state.merds contained In tha GOITCIICrd ateetAlettte to the Prezident lutio',te?mt refereed - Attoin - es: ee'ecial 3i)ccd, Genec4, l : o 4iifeld, slid colonel "Foote',' or the Negro Bureau, tibia Sekt - u:-..The autborttled'aCVNibl6g : • ton contend. that the quota ot.rennsylvania as It•nols stands, is right. . , • .. E. i f,XPEII:7I4OIC INTO' SOETItCLROLUUL THE TOWN OF 'ALL SAINTS -CAPTURED •SteD,o 4 lo torth of Cotton Destroyed, , MD)P4OII7ItOIMM:MPOIL= • • ' Ifienis roof Feb. ld.—Admiral' Porter "has • fortiaided , ' the following' to:the. Navy Depart , •, ••. . - N. E. N. Moirrosim.o,./ • of,Wilmington, N. C., Feb. P. • • Sir: I lorvelhe tenor to report that I entered I.lttiellivu t 8. C.: on the night of the 4th teat., , and FUG-teeing:about- eight - miles with Tour hosts and fifty men, landed, in the town of Alt •":" Peilthi on the Littl River. The town • wan placed under guard. without the imowledgo • . -of the inhabitanta r and raireecedod la capturing • some soldiers and arms: . . • • I held the place all the next day, and discos vied &tidal:strayed SIOD,OOO worth of cotton. - I , also captured trrAnts the month of the her; •. bor contaiaing twenty-atm -Weil or 'cotton, r ~ - , w hich -had tome.time been recurred to lighten her. „Ileee. we bronght - off; together with some a The South Critellea planters, and'ell the'men whom I met; Formed to be willing to come back under the old gmrenittacut, and most of them seemed to be loyal'inen; only awaiting the amanelptionvoelansnionr _ On thi6th I sent : two boats' crews abort to charlotte inlet, wider Xhit,...rzatinand of Atting Muter - e: A; 'tar surprised and ranted the rebel force detailed ,to col'ect provisions in that country, eapturing six soldiers.witlS their 'ainsand eqxdpmente,strak destroyed-the ltdres, 14101143 bid been gathered,ibuthe enacts at fort Anderson. • ..t., The soldias' lady stational ;It Charlotte had siithdrnsit to araiat deinace of Wl !'. - 'soinglan: I.lStaidiarsoldiers are' still .at Lock. - woods Ferry. The 'Woods are fall of desiccant: ycl 7 nnectriity; "din obod lent serVint l 1.1: Cosm m! os. Lied. Co 3).,D. Flirter, comman d ing tha Worth 'Atlantin FriMadrimi Ca te Year litter, North Carolina. .Arryangeitlya alnerica—S t raztlsh,P4tratiaii 1011.08Suly‘ ktrvis•foitriyeb:l4..—Wle have - adtlees'of the dth by the iteaniarPern from Cetdo the T u i t f , January. She brought news. that. the 8 , 'Tentidon Vocation had been settled.. Theteritie aro aaldtto be thatrern pass 8,000,000 of dollar.,, for -the \expenses or the Spanish Expeditions "Peru obtains possetsion .of the, .Chloca Monde, admits a Spanish =Toy and addts .the interests af.the Spanish Government. ;;- ; Richard form-Miler New flerk; of the californiaplotteers,!died,of neMalgia, , 4Wwalron the 4th lust: The small poy..conihuses its rawmat The "rovernor of BOgoia hm issued on order prohlidib - ig the passage or mewl trooPl.dauss ..the lithmus In Tilton. Esccpt ion is made with regent to United :dates troops, owing to the ; /11131111011ottheir the. l'acitim The , President of Salvador, in his message to the Lt.g.l6l6tute, rkfates - itm charge that he is in favor of annexing Cad-al America to Stelico. ; - 711e,Ocem. (la= brought /304,000 in tronsure. 'el . —_ t. Supplies to Union PriFoners..-Ilovementa , e ' ot Gen..Grant.—Yrumettou-..Gen.l'en n y .• i." patter's IYound. ~. ~• .Forrutss Mat, nor, Feb. 11.—The EteriTTLIWP 'Atlantic arrived hero this !morning with the ✓ • .. t\ .. malts and passenneta float Fort Flasher, :amon g - '. • . Whnut were quite n number of odleer a. Stie also czna i about two tons of private stores, :for our soldiers in rebel Nit ons.'which have been here some time waiting an opixotanity to be Sant to \, Richmond for distribution. , - , ' Linn. Gen. Grant arrived Lan _this ntleirto - on co the steamer Mary Nitatin, trout BalthOore, . and procoedod to City l'oint. . . Col. Geo. S. Dodp, Chief. Quartexmager of. the Army of tho - jatnes,'has beam promoted to, 4 Brigadltr-Utinernlabip. Gen. l'ontypackceo wound has becorito more painful, and ha le not eimaidered so walrus Iva was tome days since., `Soles of 1-30$o. . ri c kTELTITIA ;Feb. 14.—The falai ottho 7-30 Icon cu'Fobrocry 1.31 b - and l4tb, by Jat 0n0k,,, 1i a vatcription airai mounted to 14;Z:31.9iY). aM=MM THE ROTVBOPINIONOFTHEURRELLION. THE CONFEDERACY ON TiiE EVE OF DISRUPTION ATES'I`j . L.,I3Ets-N tzw Tomr, Feb. I4.—The_ Tams says that Senator Foote was given the - altornativo to ra tio Synth, go to England or to Fort Warren. I says Foote' represent" the Fcittindericy on txtrteve of dhimption, and the struggie on the of the rebels nearly over. He says high 'Military authority in Richmond admits that the ea , Pture Branchvilletwast compel the vacua tam of Charleston, Wilmington and even of , - Richmond Itself. Re thinks that the leaders will ebdeavor to leave the country, and the campaign on the parrofitlll,elawcadst diesematogracr figr.,:s::.<4 Dlr. Foote Is prepared to ishie an adrift" to the peoplerof the South, urging them to cease • fighting and give np the contest, which Is so </learly hopeleasi and es no terms but uncondl to:al dultder asarlie { ohtiiineir, , to pm:aptly ept such terms. -Mr. Foote also represent' the unpopularity of /eft Dents as -very gigot, and that the people have lost all confidence In him. The Will= or Stephstaillantor and Canybell was only ".rase. On the partnf Davie, and* Ibreerechemalcat to: the peace men of the South. The Richmond Dispatch has nn article on the _lmpatience of thneto the ;elide in commencing 'the military campaign. It calls loudly for action, ;arid say" lE.isho ti me to hold long debates lathe cabin whet ' the , itilleAti:hithih'setaid ; of, the (breakers. The Whip has an editorial on thii - rilstatett of Mr. Blair and the fallacies of the North in f regard to peace. It declares there is no real ge r a i e n e it freli t z 3 lu ie, t . : d iiionth is ateept on the basis , of defiance to fire Soelh'ert hearts. _.°1"4"1411 The Sentinej abuses the terms :dieted by Mr. i Lincoln, an.'„ says It la imPossitle to weeps. It makes. the usual charges of had faith, partici], trly In She eseltana of pe,..taflect., It says as long asdtkeirebele had sta:rnicssa °gaseliers the cartel was obaenred, but as soon as eircanistances were reversed the eachangewns broken off under frivolous pretexts.. In the rebel- Congress on Friday last, Mr. Dartsdale, of Mississippi, offered a bill authoris ing ihe tirtildesakto aik for apdemeept gam f the 'owners of 'Mayes the services of fftreiberof ablebodled negmeitthat may be deemed noces airy. The bill provides that no change shall be made between master and slave. On motion of Mr. Miles, of South tartelina,the till woe rejected. Mr..Rarksdaldtlsiestleoved te'refer It to the Select Committee, which 'Was armed in. - lieferre the reference of the bill, Mr. NCack-• house, of Virginia, said, to his amnion, neither, the people nor the army would enhmit to so mon-' serous is proceedin,v; and today an order goes teeth horn the War Department, carrying into execution the proiisions of the bill of the gen-, titm.au horn Mississippi, which sounds the ( ir. death knell of ties onfederney. The Petersburg F., CAI et the 11th . says it less substantial grou ds for the belief that GranO "was reinforced late week by itielve thousand of Tholuss' troops. add during all Thursday; Fri day and Saturday nights last, his trains were :rattling freniCityThiint to Yellow Tavern. The RichmondlThl draws ft pathetic picture 'of the eoteditirin'ef t h e fieuthern people, after - -subjugation.:.lt represents the men begging in fon ig - n lands, or reeving as porters and draymm under -negro oiersters, fer Yankee merchadts. It ripresee4,oletroaeu perfuming menial la>ar Ad tallig Yankee tiuribandi to lirltient them selves froinatarringior sing the privilege of taking in 'washing for Yankee lask-masters. 'ffeolCvitiry Of ;the 4tb, sars:•'Doty . one dl .visicrt of the enemy remains* Poeotaligo,cora " pi - Sod:chieflycif Foster'S trdolis: ''"— - ' The SO in aldreriafathem are reports whieh indicate that T 'mos hasten eye onMobile and ' other ponitalli l‘latiimti. Iris 'Carte will prob ably move down' from the Teurieseee river on the Blue Mountain rielTniiir in conneetion with tbecaluton Said to be getting ready at g. 19 74- , goals. Then IV e are likely to hare raiding parties l'nott, limpid?, licht.hurg,and Natch 6, to .pre vent troops.ltom going to Slue Mountain ant PrzeCasc--tailklausk. and . TArliatisas Rep- . . • ' . . . • resentatives. I Wasrsl , l37o7Z. Fib. 14.—1 n prite case bt fore the :Unita - Elates' Dietrict Court is Fes clamed is a libel, Abet n certain vmsel woe for tidied by reason of-having entered the port of Norfolk- in violation of regulations presented by the Treasury. Department end the several proclamations President. • The cargo "Witijanded ln. December. iSGi, and the seizure of the vessel was utt made until the following June, anti during - the - interval the vessel made iliree or four- Innocent. voyages. The turning I tint of the case wan the question whether the guilty by the language...of the :ieitnirtilty. law by the violation store men. 'tfiltA; +Poi -Ifitrged'lititooXl' of the. tutoequent.soyeete. coupled with the Carty of the Occernment. The sententie of coudemian tirn was accordingly pronounced. The House Committee. on- Elections have re ported in favor of admitting .Sir. lionseas, Dep• ri scntathe from 1.011ii..;3 , 1.1), All , l 111, dreld,tl to ' rival In fever of admitting Johnsons aid Jocks, an Ilepres . e . .ntattves front Arkansas. - The New Jersey Legislature and the Con altuticual air.entlment—State Officers. . TRENTON, N. J., 'Feb. 14.—1 n the Smote to .day Mr. Scorel ' , offered a resrAutten, and giro mad it, requesting. the Committee on Federal Relations ti) fAQtII Vit Wednesday , their a•tlon on the .0 I:Amendment. After dls ewelon the mtitim.:Plurallo , l, by a vote of 0 ye is against 8 yeaPpgvcral Democrats voting in favcr of the reselellbh. Mr. Ilolsnian misrned Ma position on the Committee of Federal Rela tions, and' it-was-accepted. . In the Douse, the resolution for Immediate " , oction on the Constitutional amendment wat postponed for three days., . The joint session for. the eltlon of 13 B. Senator and gate and county officers will be held. tediorrow." The Democratic successor of Mr.' Fowler, deceased, from Snsome county, is erpeet ed here this week—The candidates spoken of focthe Enmatorsidp arc John F. Stockton, James Vail; Goy. Parker, Dent.; and John C. Ten- Ejik, pruw..l rem:tentative. The Democratic •cauons Is now • in sesiten.. Mr. Ten-Byejt; has been agreed upon-by the Republicans.. , New - Polley- - of-the Liebels TORN, Feb.Th.—The Woritri Washing ten correspondent has Intelligence condrmlng the report that Illehmond would be erwmated under certain eontlugencies, and that a new mit. limy-volley. of. the rebels was to gird up all sea-. board cities almost without a Woggle. • lie says that Leo aecepted tire position of Oen rrakin-Chief, on a written pledge that the mill; tort' policy be Might advccate; should bo carried out. This includes the plan of.eracnatlrg tte - posts near the Atlantic coast, and concentin ling the troops of the Confederacy at ona tvo points farther , The rebel aisnleir . In the Sontliirest me:to be ordered East. -TheSouthern forces will he con centrated Into two,,large arnolesole: One • - in Eon= under the direct command of GOt. Zee, atut-tbe other In South Caroline. tin der Gen. Ikaurermrd.. It is designed to OlL:upon Shelmin 'with thextbale.farte, and If successful In destroying ,Isisammy„,,to • attack *ant In the same nay.' • •-. Acted Upon. I Wasninovotr;.Yeb.l4—Tite Senate he ani earelneve etecativpaenion to-night which eon tlumdavef twohonrs' as;theinatere nearly ti 4 teen tomdred.noroloationt to be acted Upon, mostly of a military character. About thirteen . Iluidred wires,efraaOneil, among thaw the fol. lowing,Brigadiers to be Major Generals: Brigs. Mut:lever - al Mimi! ILTeII7. BrigligerGetalfrd Peter J. Ost, Brigadier eneral Joseph A. Moine, Brlgiuller"anfl Brevet, Major (leper& Lee, and Brigadier and Sweet Majele General tt coed.- The Senate Alan confirmed the following.: Ben- Inn Pike; U. Attorney for the Western Di.- tut of 'Missouri; Win. 0. Stoddard, Mareind.. for the,Eastern .Distriet of, Arkansas ; John ctsf A. Bingham,tolleßor for the iel States bore . the Conf _Claims; John M J. tt Weed, Assis e t f ant Bolleitorbeforethe - Gouri of Claims - . , Otter nominations made from the Bletern Buttes were cOutleme4. Alr.ruo number of nom inations for Consule were confirmed. Sherxu'auts Progress. RII/LATELPIIIA, Feb. 14.—The IMlttitt b e the relieving OnTstch from Wasidenton. Richmond repo? of the lath 1D FL., announce thejapping . of the railroads by Geri. Sherman, north, of liptechville, and between King - 1111e and Brantliville, thee destroying every road center tug at BraucholM. WastrracTon, Feb..l4.—it is stated that the .suNtanco of n tittpatch from Gee. Grant to tine bbsrerument, received to day, is that Richntand papers of =ey that Sherman has erased. the-Edistorwhich was the line held by Gencrul Hardee In defending Branchville.. Accorlle to Bie.s nrisirclel authority. a portion of Bheritau's forces are two-third.; on the way ream the Edisto In Columbia,' an .Importent point forming the tariction - et ths Charlotte and South Carolina, and. the Grcent.ille and Columbia railroads which noir.cet with the - railroads to Richmond. Probahlts Advance Upon Gotifie3ord. NEW Torn FA: 14...-Tho Cafrunirttai staler tner's Netrbern, - North Carolina. correspond ence says that an expeditior. ta .preDtrp3g thorn Which. in all probability, Wilt make 'an 'advance upon Goldsboro. If captaredlt Rllt give ua part of southeastern North Carolina. . Limn -Wind, of Gen: Palmer's stalfiras ac cidentally Ehq CAA. Horn, of trio 1 49th New nasiFx~aadsw+'ca;"~`e:.,`KS-..k.n;t~'~~atix--rim+«,x'S'r~~v~...~:.+.r.:+~l.:a...~n...awu ~.~.. a.Kt.,~az.Y'~S'~~i,.~ XURESSIONAL PROUEEDM. TrAirtmcorcrx Cm, Fcb. 14, 1865 SENATE. prir. Mien 4from: the Military Committee. an the following - report : . The'Comtnineenn `Military ARAM - and the Militia, to whom wem referred lottery petitions praying for the ap pointment of men In all inferior or naval ser vice of the 'United States, who shalt have served fdr a period of three years during the present re bellion, or who-shall have suffered permanent. dlialdlity while in the service ; or who shall have been held for .one year as prisoners of war, and the tenure or such office shall be for life, or &wine his good behavior, having considtwed the same, beg leave to report that In the opinion of theroternittee RI; the iniperitiM ditty of the national - and' State • gqvartuneats- to • gite the preference for the appointments la the various dell offices to persons who have been hoaorably diseharged from the military orlnaval service Of the United States, or who have suffered per- Manent disability while In the service, provided thsyyesesess the qualifications necessary to pots lierly discharge the duties of such offices. Tho Somber of civil officens,.-hostrever, In the ra tions departments sr the Government, though large at present, bear bat a small proportion to the number of pmeonswhohiverhonorobly served ..the country In the army and navy, and who must bf neeessity eosin =gage la the varied avocations Pf civil life; while it Is, therefore, the • duty of the National Government , to give the preference to men who lute been maimed by wounds or .broktm,by 0/Kase. it Is the sacred duty of bank crArrierchtutta, mannfuetwers, 'mechanics end. Punters, u well as the businessmen in the nsocatlons of life to give the preference In all I rdustrial pursuits to soldiers who have been honorably discharged from the service of their - country. The Committee, therefore, present the . : accompanying-mob:Mops as expressive. of. the [sense of tiOugress ttpon `the legislation •priyed I for isythe petitioners. .7eird Resolution to eneourane the Employment of Disatarged °rut Disabled goidiers. 1311; it,Resoired, d:c., That persons honorably drathergcd7from l lbeei militate or naval ferviS;., I kinfaicetif dhlahllityrteletting frOiriernanditov sicknees incurred in the line of dety, should be preferred for appointments to civil others, pro vided these Isbell he found to possess the busi ness capacity necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of such offices,: And belt further Resolved, that the gratetul recognitlen 'UM terVices, -eacritices•sid Huffer- Inge of• venous honorably discharged from the military and' naval EVPICO of the country, by Tens= of wounds, disease or the expiration of their term of enlistment; It is respectfully re commended to Bankers, Merchant!, Manufae. town, Mechanics and persona engaged In Indus tried porsultS, to gyre them the preference for tsproiniments, remunerative sitnatious and em ployment: Mr. Cowan moved to reconsit - er the vote by which authority was granted for the rer.onstnie. tine of a bridge across the Ohio river at Louis- Mr. Cowan. argued that such a structurz, •. wculd intcrfcrc with the navigation Ofthrpier, which was of gender importance thou tiny rail. road could be. It was proposed to make, the spans of the bridge only l'dn RsOlde, auskit I wcald be found impossiisle - G get steamboats!' safely through inch a vriethr The bridge was tot I be erg° feet span, and that at Chicle:ma was' 1 to be of 1,031) ttl.kßpati. Be .w.ps iv favorof. making thertiffge at I-outsell - in like that at Sten.' ettrilie: Be hoped the bill would he recommit ted to the Coma:tame on : Postal Affairs null l'oat llcads and properly amended. Mr.Fewell-clidp . othelicse the bill as it stood week inierKre with Ce'rn'ai . .r7...177'.'.."..!! • . - Ti.e yeas and naya were demandesi on Cm mo th t to rcconsider, which prevailed by a vote of Is Teas against 17 -nays. Mr. Coron moved-to amend the bill by sten:. out "two hundred and fa Lys fed spin." and three hundred feet span," wlech was dleogrxed to. The till Vim peered as It stood ieinally. The bill entitled "An act to rexelate s;enmeree lit; wenn the Sadao]. States, " wan th ee token ape Mr. Sumner epode at lngth In favor of the nil, which. he said, Was timed egainst the oli .cus doctrine of State rights. It was .I,..ignel to tot ak up a monopoly Which could te'l,ti- 'ii (very passenger between the cities of New York :mil Washington, between the !online:II and th commercial capitals of the nation, nod the yes revelers of the Caniden end Amboy Itailremd were utenaeleg to the Vulon itself. It was a nuisance which should tee abated and a usurpa the which should be overthrown. t r.'eremacr then argued the question of the connittaterrelltree:tbe- measure, bolding that under the Coisiltutlea, Cabefess had the tower In regulate the commerce faxardiga the Stales, to establish routes, and to raise and support Sr. ild, s, rimier riny.eneuf anttich.ceuld puss the bill tinder entedderatirer. — .. m " Mr. lials followed •Mr. - 71Anower, securing t b -n riuld congress to interfere with the riget of rARIC. VI, the !troy:seat to. sir wets •t blot at Ito Constiret ' he _.ll. wdllitt not meet the favor of the Senate. , I -show that tie Lrgisiaturt of New Jersey_ in respect to the Camden and Amboy. redlro, , M was not excep tiera4buttlint New TOO: and. tea.,charetts bed granted ehantors.ta.witLett provhdoes were, idylls:rated to those of whTidt •Mr. Content complained to the Cailldell and Anthey I.: atter. The gist or the hill before: the Seem, * lc. said, was to raise the price of a bankrupt r• ore" . an tram airt.o.t P•Olill . ,• I'ooc NI, 7 . 1 r. ten. ck moved that the furl her consider a,ieu of the subject pnelponed until Thursday at one o'clock. Mr. Wilson offered an amendment to bill that no CILIZCII el the United Smuts shall be excluded firm any railroad car, steamboat or any other tr. nrseauce an OCCOCtit of any state law or retro lation.s Mr. Ten F.yek's motion prevailed middle Sen ate adjourned to meet at Laic past 7 rot - elven* business. ROUSE. '-• The Bence passed the Senate Joint moo don to extend for else years time, the co:mitre nof a railroad from Flint to Mariluetta, Mid en, in . as to wrest the lands heretofore gra ed from reverting to the Gorornmeot. Thu Bente then went Into ennui tee on the aloendment to the tai On motion of Mr. hicrrill; on was suede to the tax on steam locomotion and Steam • engines, fixing the tax In all their 'parte at nYCI, percent re/valorem. When the duties have been pald upon the boilers they are, to be deducted .from the finished engines. Water tanks, sugar tanks, Sewing machines and planing machines arc to u l tr a ssme , ioffered an amendment, which .was agreed to, impodng a tax of i, per cent. ad • velorc_m minufaCtured clothing, when the annual proceeds exceed one thousand dollars. The provisions in relation to tobacco, were ;decoded to read as follovrar Ost smoking tobac co of All kinds, not otherwise herein provided 'Cur.:3s cents per paned; on smokleg , tobacco, made exclusively of stems, l 5 cents per pound. Mr. Stevens offered an amendment which yena rejected; to taxvlneiardsandaectie acid 6 cents . per gallon. Mr. Elooym,offired an athendment, one object of which was to nut otax on the elect:dation of State Banks eo as to exclude them [rem donde- . tion and have but catechise ofeurrency. ft• was to carry out the recOmmendation or"-the Secre tary of this.. Treasury. nod the Campttnlier.ot the Mr. Wilson offered an amendment designid to reduce the circulation of notes to the actual wants of the curitincyand to leghfiate State bank mates out of existence. Pending the consideration of this subject the committee rose. Barri* offered a resolution, which was `at rtes calling neigh the Resident:or a report. of the Court of 'wintry upon the subject of the - 6rploelon of, the Petersintry, mine. ' The' report of the Cothmittee on Conference On the Freedmen's , Bureau was then takeh ate. Davie addressed the ficuttici "plait the • At one o'clockthe further considcmtion of the subject wsa ristpo i rluntil le -money,. . 5 . Ma Reuse pots the Senate bill; retognialug nva post mute, the,. bridlos Sen ate bill , lulu over the .Ohio fiver ter connect Gindimedi len; imid also the lichatet bill' recognizik; as a eon route, the bridge l trilm conetrdeted over the falls of-the Ohio, at•Lonlaville. . • -.House adjourned; • • •Oltanas and Money In. Near. York, Now Youx,Feb. 14.7Railrond apeculaticin was quite active this morniug-auddhero was .a sharp rally throughout thatuarket. ' ;The market was quite cacittd, and a large business Was transac ted. New York Central, F4ie, Reading and rittstaargir purchasewere largely on the, uceouut yof several leading. operators. Government .Stake cur:titn Erin. Railroad Snarls and Bank Shares generally native. Coal and 51.15 C- A Lint almerelly strong. Gold apeenta lion Miner. A report was circulated that the con:Aerate Crogresa had authorized the arm ing of 200,000 mgroer- Blaney. Volltin nett easy. at E per cent. Foreign F. - seining, dull. Ponm aylvania Storks active. Cherry Run. tal; Gar. nuthla, e 8; Iluniudtan, 70; Tack, 900; United States, 2575. Senator Morgan-. The (haft. Nov Your, Feb.ll.—The conno-reialts Wrish- Inglon special Gaya: Notwithstanding Senator Morgan's declination of his 'nomination. to tha Treasury Department, his' friends continuo to press his .name upon ,the 2reAtient, and his thought that Senator 'Morgan will accept the position.. No orders have been received from Washing. ton to commence drafting here td•morrotv, and it Is thought there will ho a PustPulteMunt. trusting is progrcking rapidly. . lee in New Torit Ilarbor. The Cotton-Fleet elliparrived to-dkv and Lade. taincd below on Seem:int of lee. Nrw ]'irk Har bor contains large viunotitio o 4 tee, rendering movements ot steamas verPtliflieult and uncer tale. PITTSBU.RGII. EDNES DAY. FEBRUARY 15, .1865. TUF OPEICITIONS AGIINST .MOCILE. FIACCITION OF MAT PLACE CONFIRMED FP,E3i CH RAMS FOP. gOtill ERN RE BELS SHE:BMA/CS Man' IN GEORGIA. REBEL VIEW OF THE. SITUATION IN SOUTH CAROLINA.. New Tons, Feb. - 14.—Tbe (feral'. Washing. win special says: Officers from the forces oper atingagaltisi'Mobile,wbo arriVedliere this oval lug, confirm — the 'repotted evacuation of that place. hundreds of deserters who have comeoff be the army and to time fleet, enianimonsly agree in the statement' that Realty ph the rebel troops . hitve lefirthat pbtee, .and. that It will •bo snreen dared whenever a demand for it shall be Made,' eiscrilf the forcetty whlntr Itte booted up shall not be a very, largo ono. The cotton has all been teMoved ham' the - city Into ,the Ittatioli. (Inc flat are busily engaged In removing the oft druiticial4landhlpect to tits - able to reach thes slit by March. - of Parte eorres — pondent states thatib the two formidable .naild rams, t3plyna. and- cheeps, built at Bordeaux, France, some thee ago, have h , ;ep fitted cinkin thq most complete manner rollout Siiitthern rebels,wititthe heaviest eats of guns and Pill crews, and under the tow names of the Stonewall'alfut the. Rapidan. They were to :an In the beginnnling of this month from little., blend off time: coact of FfooP4 for this . port. It was believed theymere oC IQ ittabdtelt a character .that,t,lley, would eaperienee no dllll - fiSplitstag•alt thebattiries In our harbor and comlng,rlght up to the eity.lrbleh, It to re. ported to be deatgitedby thelreoutteinndebt either to lay under heavy contribution or' to &sir' oy. same 11 said, ttoq have been_ bPII . . and ; assisted in Da iwestention tuadex secret treaty between the tinperig Napoleon and th e Jeff: Da 'vls Govenifneut. - correspondent or - iitionth,Carolhta paper, who boa been °rig the milt(' of Sherman's mreh through Georgia, is surpthed to find that that t Meer dealt so •ilenently with that - State, and' consoles himself • with the unttelbatiott tho same ientle treatment fot South Carolina.. The. Richmond . AtrambiCr, of tho 10th Inst., In an ankle on the Southern railroad connections, endeavors to slum how - Lees stray maybe sari. plied from liarth Carta= and Georgia, without the assistance or the Weldon raticoad. Lectslature of Georgia Is to con' ne In e3l rustfAlon tomorrow. Tht 4 Ttleltincod Dislioirb,or the 11th, thus anent up the situation In South Carolina: The Mists's rises In the sonth.treatern portion of the State, and flowhiphsouthrwestwedif f.nPties Into the Atiamle. fortvw mites southwest of Charleston. I ;earil•vitle I *, ‘":on the. 2 , ,ngusto branch or the cell)) Carolina railroad, one mile east of the 1-oint nt Which the railroad crosses the ronso. This river is roll: the lino held by Gea.llardee in tbe . .peiliborhond of rtran,bville. NeaTtfe roast,..we hold the line of the Com babe° riot? In the vicinity of the Charleston and Savannah ratin.oni. ;From the _moat authentic' intelligence, 11 appears that.while a part of Zaner•• • man's army la making active demonstrations against Combahce ferry, Dear the CharleiWn aud Savannah railroad, as. If with the'intention of marching on Charleston, the rest,of his' force; have appeared at four points on the Edisto, viz: live miles below Boncliville ; at' i•umrtbalrtt°s; at jjr.d:nah's hridete, an aboVe , and at the railroa , l .ride ojipoolte that (tor troops Thal bald Out bri.ltte over the SAlk hitr.bie were tlrlvra hi Init. Worinealay. If he uienada iu forcing n Toning- of the Edisto above .t:/1 ortoir 13ranottiltle ho will keep t... l .Oraltroatl nlng (honor to Colnntbla, mud also the rail rout o eltarluitou, nuttoontivl enr troope to fell turk from IS,nvhvlU. but (Lop will niost cvarront , t It, If et any tiro,: It nboltl4l appele ..• PICTULD2I CaUTICAbe prcveuted from erassi river. . . 'll 0 above is Iv:ills:II in Or, horr of Riving air s ill:be 1.1., of Lin , , Itaz.tiots LI Sulth Caro -1 a:: 501,r thavrlL,m ant fe.011:4 a column AuguAta. on .1, I'o-1,i:1,14c of the Savannah vicar, bat . we ha;c uo inhumation on itll4ll,l+l. . • Colton from lifatiatimh--Con. Schofield' New Command. YORK, Feb.:l4.--The rteatoor Flo", ill fritl Eight Illauccu Home- Guards and Lovisonir, Feb. 14.—There was a light pn Saturday night between the Ileum Gnanit..und.ei .Cant.tates, and a gam.: of guerrillas, said to,be a part of Lyon's command. The guorrillen were loured with a loss of six killed. Bates' loss was cne klUod and one •vended. I aim Erie Pirate Sentenced to be flanged. Iscr.w Toot, Feb. 14.—Captaln Jas. Y. Beall, convicted of bathg a spy and guerrilla, and Le lag one of the Lithe Erie pirates, will be bung n Saturday tuornintr, .on (km:Door's Wand, New York harbor. The sentence has been tally approved by Gen. Dle. New Turk ,Gald Market Youx, Feb. 14,—Gold dull but steady. There Is no ppeculatlve ntareraent and, per? lit -11, demand for Importers. The pricy opened at d 1 and went up to 208 N and dropped align to ttrry;.- Gold to-taght WON.. Tus Boadicea reftigeM In Canada are wear. ing , ectigeaner for the paluusge of the alien hiliP.l the Canadian Parliament. A letter has been sent to the station-master - at Windsor, threaten ing that unless the Culled States Consul's omen was replay . ..A, the depot huildintot would bola ashes in dine days. A - military force now guards the buildings. . Pnitinitramta ArterearAL I stated that the Board of Investigation appointed bY the government to look Into the alleged misconduct at tie Philadelphia Arsenal, has recovered two hundred thousand dollars already, from various soureea, and that tho.mdditional sum of three hundred thousand dollars la ascertaintd, and will be mattered. . • • . • Liver. Gov. JACO* of Kentucky, a few days Elmo, took ground la Amor of tbo ratification of the constitutional amendnieut by that State. , He said, "Kentucky is bound to become a free state through' the ebblce of her own pee*, and de lay lu settling the question can only complicate the process , by which . she will. reach that des tiny." WEALTH ON AN ItitaceeFouentt:—The late Isaac Funk, the great Illinois ,farmer, awned 30,000 nerds of the Wit land la that Butt.; and was taxed for nearly $2,000,000. lila mita also died, In a raw hours after her Mabee:ld.' Air. pinvlden that hie vast ,ettate!aball rattail. In bla family undlylded. • Tr ms Democratic prres of, the Scioto District -arehrtaly indlitnpot at Representative Hutchins for , rethm fur the. Constitutional Amendment, uf the Chilleotim .letlertiser thanlo'Hol that it hail no hued in pruntuting his election, as it al. rays riga:dal hint as a lishy and - unreliable Democrat. NOTAJILT: AtiimiT.—Thu Chicago Toureeisays tout a Frimehmou, loom ti to hare been oitc.of Ile (Teew of the plmtc Alabama• nt the time It woe emu. the bottom of the kaglish Chau ttcl by the Kenmargo, was arrested In that city on Thursday night last, aud sent to Camp Douglas. Tun Comntou Council, by .a voto of 80 to 7, yteiteiday pawed a resolution riummtliy, ttio Milyorio have the Blue Ilono bell ruuz and the citizens to dlrplay their Ilege on the 22d of Fabrwry, In honor of the abolition of slayery.— Thls to well.--.PhilaMulda To na PAW orr.--Thapsymastcre attached to the Aria} of tt , e. Potomac m d tha Army of the •Tamei; h4v,, tmderztand, =dyed orders to prepare their rolls don't' to 11..coutbar :itst, oad this'mold in4lealo that these armies arc to be paid O,tC. . dog It appear," said Sheridan to nlody on a late occasion; "that tho subject ;of Gray's e3egy in n country church-yard wan n volnotoer soldier I" Bccansa the poet informs as that "Large wax Ms bounty and I.ls ;Dui firmer." - - - T 71041% ladle% who hare a . pusalcia for tea pratlyz, Ebould randubtr that tattlo pcgias with f. c ~.a.F.~ ~ :-: i>.i.t e.~*m.n :. s:dait ~ ~. ~..r..Y,:~ ? ~ ~~~ '<,;. u3.c.5..ef,~..~:~,..1 e i l, _cam - 'hk ~. ... . t ' H..- ; a•~~`:ixs...arcil ` ~.:t3. _.~.._,...c._,.,_`'t..; Y,.'~c ~.. .; baz:=~, ...'_~'.kt7; AND SUBURBAN. Unllca States quiktlan The Army Caitnalittee of Weitera" Pennsyl nobs presents the following report of Its opera tions for the rulnth of .faounry'i The following gentlosnen bays been commis sioned as delegates to the PINCINIXC anirr. Reiv..E. Mercer, Pa. W erldln, Dalton, Pa. „B . O.' S. M. Marshall; . 4, RAv. J. C. Telford, 'Lebanon, Pa. V,r ey.' n'l Alderson, " " S. BrOvinsOn, 1).D., llrashington, Pa r. ! John WEloy, , 44 " SU =UT OP 71111 CONI1112111.C.0). I Rev., B. a: 31w:tieII, Eyaneyllle, Ind. '; 'Mr. W. P. Montane, MUDlnburg I's. . hira;13...q.. - FalmEmany. , " . ' Rev. James Moen,' Bartell, Pa. - - Rev. J. F. Boyd, Cotnellsville, Ps. . lir:ldhii,•CalltentOlisokatosna; •Ta. , ..,.. ~,„.„-; ' All ~, communication relating to d el eg at e ` amid& bo addres sed-t o , . . .. • . , ; , ~, .• ~ „ ~.. , Josifor At 511052, ' • • ' ' r NO. li WOod itreet Pltiabnigh 'Pi. . i'lloi..Treamoter , aeiceowledgesi the : followi ng •. ,cluttlirutlonsteeelved during the.montlathf4in pgm.it366 : . ... , , sib, tjililledOlOwithes; / Bloilay , ' fad, Bed ' - 9, 1 - CL u ttlrtitlo Ts Cherry, Y. .4 Grov ' Bed '. 45'10 . ford te,VO ' ...El 00 3,,Louird6e Circuit, Reld C5l. PO Coro .. • 1 , femme t - , 11 20 ' I 2,,Gross•ereek Presb. church, Washing , 'Atm g0iYa.:5........ . .... . .. .... ......3.6 00 ' • I,"leMasetr-tr.' P. thuroh,- ............ 1 •. Pa 18 25 3 ,'Sandf Society; 8.,. church,,tielons,- .. ' Jefftrson co . Pa 4 ' ' ' . 1 0 re ! 1,; U. P. churoh,Weat Greenville, Pa.... 1.1 90 i i 4,.COneor . eharc(4'.:44larina pros, , , Pa - 60 00 ! 4., , r-`allensburg Pres shindy Oictrion,Pa.. It .1.5 , !, 4,hllas Annie E. lilobrci Carrolton, Ps.. - 2 00, 1 4,,Springliell V. P. church, Irishlown, , I=ier no, PA —t - - 47 CO 4;T mtg. P. nhorett ' - 55 CO 11,:L,..A. Society, Clinton church, Butler 4; New Nehetioth Presb. church; (Mallon • •• • ' prephyte.G, Pa 11 60 n 'keel,: church,' Clarion, Ps ' - - .18 01Y .1.,,N6e-Jas. Montgomery, Clarion 10 )21 S ilinnewell church, Allegheny ce.....;... SO In •• o,'Presb.'etittrehr Monongahela Oltg ... . . 105 90 6,'11.1. E. eaureh, do 'do 11673 ' . 6,lPanassaus Pres churob . ,' 9o...tabors Pres 22 00 0,., R. A:O., Millersburg, lbws. so 00 6, U. P. church, Xao . .:vilie, Jefrerson co, Ohio.; - • • -'2I 00 5,5. A.. 0 ,14.. vine, Teffenon co, 0... 663 15, U. l',•congresatlea, Lebanon; Comm. Mans co, o 18 . 03 6; Nellie's New-Year present to soldiers, Counelissßle - . a 00 . C,,Cottage. church,,,Ottio, • addltionnl 2 00 6, Scott/0'111)5Z. -P. church; Beaver 00.. - 17 00 6, Its.-con V. P. church, Braver co 18 50 6,. C. 1. church, Frankfort Springs, Bete Yes e 6 a6OO 6, 10.1' chureb, Itlizsbeth,Pa ' - it ea 'I, Mrs Mary Unit:ton, Mode Lick, Pa—. 5 (16 5,; Mt Bethels A S, Allegheny en, Pa... .13 e 1, Luthrletoil.lach, Wllmore, Ps. to a; Earlem and Si:An:One hi P. c ., arch, Citiol,Pa 9; Preip S church. Wellsville, t ) kW... 9i Peter Creek I! l' church, Washing" ee, Ps . ' 9, S AB, 'Taylor, title; Indiana en, • lic S AVAlerr's chapel. Airy' no, 0; U Ventral), Gastrille, Ohio. In; sire.) Campbell, lioult,n9 - to,, Mregane ttoulter, do •jo, SA S, 'Mill creek. Beave r . • I. . 1:4 ,0 4 , 11 r 2; _ . 1 .. p p z 1 .3 4. p arch. lsa;Yee ea 11. Prri, chinch. Narita Out° li, Picerhurch, 19., , n , gh h ue, M 0.... 11, 31,1 lates 13c11, tshurgh 1 - 14 ~,,,',„:).' 11 4'. 'A In6t. Croce, .1 etrcr acre re, Ohio 1/..Army c... 111, aunt Pleasant, .oTest otcrelcmt, 11, Prctt.l.oreY • e! 00 op sw 4,, • e... il6 19 CM 17 75 6 03 J 908 0 - 1100 e* 50 arch, Wash- Ira 1.21 W . . 7 n r 43, 14. • 7 14: e` • • 10 Neu , Hotrnstown, Ohio. lil 00 Cer,o 11,. I!Py c 0,... 1.1,1 Tlce, EC. liroOk‘lao.. 10 00 ~aclt, Ho -log Hal Foam,. ar co /Claire!: a C.) 1 73 ,Coo 1.7 C Coral, 11 cc'Ace.;, - , ICC CIO nu C colt crh, IrtdiAno co 10 CO Hatboro Diacctooogh, Parcae , efflivrtlen by 31f.,.. 313.4ftre4C harry. ] Ilensaot Vy, 11ftlatontcry, 0 ay 17, Pty' cl oh, I..nitr.. Mercer no - 11, 51.,31-..iazon, ftad Toraftk‘ Herd Prez Chord), 0 l, Lincoln Club. Zelluaoplo nod :lack- Srsoft li , ,5 1.10;11 achionton • • 15. 11.1,y1)01 Ahura , . Ilmly'r 1100 d........ 15; C6llfcled to omighbornood of Worth, ''lhrtleico. Pa .. • ......... . :, 5 6, Nt.r.. clots-11, North Wasslngton, But kid • tier co. Pa 40 1 10, *1:001 slitr.ct, Adams towtahip, ' • illy:411r co., Pft ....... ...1..-- ' 47 10 to, Ttel , .n pyer ro,,ctirur, i:cconsl U. P. ,cl,urch, ra Plttabu , gh (tor chftpci lentl/02 02 137, gi Oft chorch vitlr,o4, North Sewl.•Jc _• '': fY , 1.5.. —,Ver co. Pa. ' 23 : - 5., 20, 101,14r-V4 Sehoel No. .7, Wollangtoo townohly, Wentoofolnrol co, I'a... 6 93 i A; r.-,.syterlfto church. Sftlem, Wes - .- . tow - 1.116d co, Pt., (addltionil) 35 00 1 , 41, oft: creel Presbytculfto church, Jo , raata cuonlY, P,. 500 :11,, ricAtt 'of tho C. e., Pittsburgh, to .• ',..1 4 1. - ay cronam 43 00 23, -- 71974 cr0ck, 051 a, S. A •-',. - 27 5.0 VI - 1. Tabor Pres. chtrtch, ..Telter *nu co ,33 03 . C7.: l tt. AL Leftsoa, Ifrookl - 1110 20) '...1 1 1 1 . . l:_kr,s. rborell, Wilklushory,... &S 00 23, 10, or. 2 4 7; illereertiWorn—wollmlell 11 • " Sift Minn. , 5r., and 31hsa 11,Aleforft.21101111: :3, S. A. S.. 5.5c0..xer, 11,11 , 13.1 mu, PO— 12 li 21. 1,1•.:d '7,u1117n. Fork R. 13.16 7 51 21. t. P. &hutch, 1100101, 1,,,000,:o co., • Pa. ' 63 03 .24, U. I'. church. Sllcuftegu. Lnwrcnr•re . en, loft 12 10 21, 51.11 churyh, New Comerstown, 0 .. 77 0) 51. Illf•ts ict school N 0.2, Clinton tow.- 4.2.1,, 12,1510 co., Pa 0 • 20, Metric,. school No. 3, Clinton tOwn thly. Ilutletc ,- ... Pa 34, Dlrtrict mhool No 4, Clinton to in .- ship. Butler co.. Pet 4 . I) Pistilli school No 6, Clinton town , elalp, Butler eo., Ps • "3 4; 251 ..lenauel Allen and otkers, Mercer • • Goy Ps 450 WIS. A. S., Illuady Creek Pres. churth, . Buller county'l4 35 ?Ay L. 0. C. of Sen t rasa ' 15 W :6:' Pm. enurch, Pu saki. Lawrence co:. 79 05 27; hhenerer Chapel. M. E. chinch • . 115 55 27; l'res. church, flutter. L. 4140 10 Oo 21, S. A. S. MortroevlllB, Allegheny co, E Courtney . ... 14 00 27, S. A. S. 310nrocrille, Allegheny co, E 3 Aber 10 50 . S A. '0 . Monroeville Allegheny co, , Niles Ponaldsoo 150 . 1% o B.A. S.Mnroorllle,Allegh'y esoliss • s. E. Patton " ~ • 825 774 Cross Roadie-church 22 10 "al U. P. church, Piney Fork th 00 30tJurealle !LA. S., Merrill:awn, Pay , Mtn county 150 CO 514 U. I'. chuinit, West Newton 31 00 32, .I s. 14.11, North Washington, Butler '1 • enmity 600 31, S. A. 154, Elisabeth 103 00 at, S. A.S. Millersburg, lows .1:4, lown.. 15 12.1 31 U. P. churcliailoan't Valley Belmont , county. 0 15 50 21, Church, Frankfort, Beaver c0..:4.... .47 00 com m.. Una; carp Cut mulaad cet 1 dp. 45. It ,Is elarably fu- • Total receipts, Janine)", 186.5. Amount previously repotted—. Dee; 6, SreondPresbi , n Church, Pittsburgh, (printed Ird. Pre.. church betore).. ..... $351 oo The for,owing contributions of hospital stores hat•c been reed - rod during the month of ,Tams= ary . 2 boxes hospital stores,l box onions and I.bar rel diled fruit, from trarlem and. Sitamona Soci ety. E. Church; Carroll county, Obto. ' ' 4 1 box clothing, (Mal Ladles` Aid Society, Poke, Eumeongregstion Westmoreland county, Pa. 1 j . ,..0r clothing hom loyal Indies of tkowart's Ello:Vor min county„ Pa. !Ws clothing, 1 keg kraut aid .1 keg apple butter 'from Mount Pleasant Soldier's Aid So ' box Mothlng from Darlington Soldiers' Aid 1 - chox clottung Socitry, Bearer county, Pa. . - • 1 :box clothing from Soldiers', Aid .ilocicty `Vollsvl2 barrelskraut aid 1 barrel • pickles Work Lot dice Christian Conimisaion, New Stanton, West moreland county, Pa. litter clothing .from ladles' Aid Bedew, New Taxis, Allegheny minty, Fa. • . ' • - • 1 barrel dried fruit; 1 box onions and 1 box canhed fruit from Soldiers' Ald. 1 box hospitakatores, a keno apple butter and 1 keg pickle' from Ladles' Aid Society of Wash ington, Pa, .10 lags, apple batter from Ladies'Aid Society ofVeuleo; 'Washington courey, Pa, 1 box hospital stores, from Mira ' 3la4rto d. Crotty and Ilies Amanda J. Pasco, liellalr, O. 1 . barrel he:giant etores, from Plemant Valley Presbyterian Congregation; Butler county, Pa. flaix. and 2 barrels hospital storm., from mem bcr.s. of Unity Pretibsterian Church to Latrobe and•ieln!ty. 1 barrel ortph. Lotter from Rostraver Soldiers' Aid Sooloty, Westmoreland county, Pa. .1 ims hospital stores front Ladles' Ald Society, Shatitn, Brno er county, Pa. 2 boxes hospital stores, from Soldiers' AU So eiety.of Canneld,Alahoulag county, 'J. 1 hut hospital stores, from East Palestine, Co lumbia county, 0. . . them hospital-stores, from Soldiers' Aid So ciety ottlides &ridge, Indiana county. Pa. 2 tows hospital stores, from Soldiers' Afid So- clety of !gaud Crock, 0. 1 box hospital stores and 1 bag dried apples, from tho neighborhood of North Bator County (Thin ch. 1 box hospital stores, from Soldiers , All SO clay of Pleasant Unity. 3 boxes hospital stores, from Ladlee' Aid So.: cfety of Sluddy Creek Presbyteria&Churcls, But= ler county, • • 1 box hospital stores and 3 ketm apple butter, frOm Ladle , : Aid Society of ButEtio Township - , Washington comity, Pa. 5 boxes ho.pital scores and .3 kegs apple bub. ter, from Ladica , C. C., of Washingt,on Pa. 3 boles licsmital." stores and 2 kegs pinkies, from Christian Commission, Salem: O. ri box 'hospital Blom', from Aid Soddy No.l, 1 1 1.1161131 e, Ohio. 4 kens, 1 , Isirrel and 1 box Ito:Vial sto , t, from Seidler.' Altl Society. Berlin, Holmes co. U. 1 box hospital stcres, from Recbester Ladies, Aid Society. .4 bosh. hospital stores and I kW apple butter from Ladles' Cittisliiit Commlsaica. Waihing• ton. Pa. 1 tax readier matter, from. C. W. Swartz, Marlborough, 0. 1 barrel dried fruit and t box clothing, from Ladief. of Pennaville, and vicinity, county. 2 toles Imspital stores, S kegs apple butter, from Ladies' Aid Society, Wm... Wanton, l'a. 3 barrels dried apples, from James F. Scott, Pulaski, Lawrence county, Pa. I box reading matter, from the Soldiers' Lady Friends, Clinton, Allegheny county, Pa. 1 box hcapital stores. frcm Soldiers' All So ciety, White township, Indiana wordy. Pa. 1 box hospital stores, from Eliza Foulk. ' 1 box clothing. corn Elizabeth Ladies' Aid Society, Allegheny condi, Pa. 1 box hospital storm from the Doer urea. Sol diers'Aid Society, Lawrence county, Pa. 1 boxes hospital • stows, from the Jackson's Soldiers' Aid Society. 1 box hospital Mores, from South Girard Sol diers' Aid Soclety, Erie canary, Pa. 1 box Insmitid stores tom Soldiers , Aid Soci ety, Appalls, Mink:meg aplenty, I's. ' 1 box Isos_pltalatomfrom Richland, Hampton and Pine toNnsfdPs. 525 rasgasfnes (Mtn A sf. Wallingford. 21 housewives/ em a end.. from Ml of books, papers and mus lin, from Misalf:Moorhead, Dirs. W. R. Mut. plry, Ladled of Ventre, Mary B. Lorimer, hie Mary Wilkinson, MUM Filen Murdock • lee Rote Acker, Miss M. CutOnacm, Mrs Jo Cangboy, Res . . W. D. Howard, A. J.: • • r Miss Martha Jones, Mrs, Craig, Mrs. S. bushel onions. Mrs. C. Norris, 1 ban d clo pthingpla syJytib from Satinet and Ann Ell 1 bnshel Si . pad , • • ifortiloV Pa. • • • • The following articles have • • and dittritryted to our armies us' month : FlarmelgWrts • •• 1,094 Flannel diriwebs, . • • 507 l e Socks, 'gates 1,151 • :Mittens, palri ,Slippers, pain 80 Handkerchiefs .... Rolls of bandages 409 Rolls of muslin. 162 127 - Ana Slings 497 Blankets. Ia" Sheets.... .... ...... . Towels Brest.' gnomes Wee • y papers, pages asines . • • Se all Soldiers' Books • • rieel fruit, pounds lull in cans Butter, p0und5...... ,. Apple bolter, gallons. Apples, barrels Kraut, barrels Ft.rter, barrels....... Wine, ga110n5........ Whisky, ga110n5...... Brandy, gallons Pickles, gallons Onions, barrels ....... Tea, pounds Cheese ()Triers, CODE . • C . ruicbcs, Wein). g paper, reams. Enielope.s Cones.. Alto. 3 tarn ebarui tentg, 2 to the Aratv rot-,mac aud I to Cumberland Hospital, Na-U Contribntione of flannel naderelollithz, serr6 en seeks, and muslin rats and bandana- or es p,i,173 .- needed at present. oml eentribullotes of ',Ceres to W. P. W. , ; men. No. 76 Smithfield esteet, and rl.l esi 10 W Frr w, No Wnel street. on News. We glean from the Oil City.lfoni!or some formation that May be interesting to oar linsthese. In the oil regions Is said to ho very brisk, and oil terrdory continues in demand. Tee hionitor Company is making enteneivo rreprusations for engaging in boring on 11 largo ee ale, and their prospec:s are very favorable. Tim region .moan as Sand Creek, which Ls at traoing so mach attention of oil men, has as yet not yleidekmuch oil, the cold • weather re to-rding thetvorls. Tic Keystone well has not lasu therounblv tested. . The moll was . pumped n short time and yielded oil, when the tuhin e. or F ding gave nay, and or...rations were MIS. herded. Ti. ally the came result was ohteined at the are:. of Lloyd & C 0.,: dove liovissiltvshot the t . fact attic, company buying, all IhrAft - %..„, .... 111::ulty 19 to most men, good 4 . ...,,...4 covddenee the company have t - it. . , ' _ "''` '., . de, lug nil. This well ilows constantly ' Je'l7.; ill am of water, but the oil vein Is far pit men who have seen this pull, irskt tharZ' wtil prove a large welL '1 he Rveclelor. Oil Company Immo tine show in sue of their wells going ..te tool prospects ' , on the company:lslam ara Uri AF. . Thetr lie prrty is en the ricer. Prie miles below.Trituk: oprozite the mouth 14 East .Ssuily creek. litetlng belowthis point will be ;milted vlg m-imily forward in the spring, and good results ate itarlciputed. l'it Role Creek continues to monormlize the ritudion of oil men, real estate onthe hills even ;menial:alloy hl4ll prices. The great depth of noose and the severe weath er rause most companies to euttrily suspend work. We bear of tome "sharp practice''—parties ceiling wells In Philadelphia 'which they had no title to, and revolving payment, The Romeo oil tn. for instnace;wris Sold oat In this way; but the rent owners were opt consulted, and will probably not cianycy. The eminent elocutionist and humorist, Alt. But nett, delivers his first lecture this (Ironing at Lafayette flail, nude? the auspicei of the Ten nyson Club. Ile takes:up one of Henry Ward ðer's most stirring sermons, and delivers it is Ileeeher's own peculiar manner—imputing his voice, gesturra and general demeanor in the pulpit. Mr. Burnett recently spent a few. weeks In Brooklyn,. Yew York, during which time ho "studied". the great sermonizer, and taking up his discourses as delivered, imitates bun with wonderful accuracy: His entertainments have been largely attended in the eastern cities, and his andiencts have been invariably welt pleased. he lecture commences at eight o'clock. Tickets canto obtahted at the door. 93,910 07 ....115,337 59 Tur.tvas.—The Couldocks made their first apremaace at the Theatre last evenlu„,^ - and a crowded lanise greeted them; In .fact every loch of mom was occupied.' "Willow Copse" tons rendered In an excellent manner, Mr. COM deck taking the character of Mr. Illeldleg„tho grave. kind hearted old Duke, and Isle daughter, Miss Couldock, that of Rose. The play was an excellent one, and well rondered;,and that the at:lilt-Dee were .plemied was manifested In, the enthuslastfe applause which it , received. doe. Beflon,ris Augustus, also came in for a - good shire of credit for the manner In which he per formed his Part. Tile drollery and exclellent rendition of his important character, delighted the audience. To-night tho,"Chitancy Corner" vrtli be gives. rsittrinGrwassites . .4fte exhibition olAid . or parlor . gymnastlas„ given last evening, at Masonic Halt, by the Mona Haskell, was largely atterided, arid, we believe; .care satisfaction - to all present, although:a few. o the performances cmdd nothe fully apprtelatiril by the eldcripor- Oen of the audience; such. for Instance. MI the "Trial Phi Running." 'The Young Mite, 10 0- ever, were highly dcllglitcd. 11119,333 63 connr.crlov ram dried package lek. Cal- ,11 forwardd urUg tbp past 340,003 4,437 5,140 2,301 ,",03 31) 244 AIL. Burnett's Lecture Orman's Blrawrnetet±:This troupe - are slag a brief series athelr papule , entertainments, at -Concert and we aro Informed the vast hall la well iUlai every ul t flit. Those who enjoy amusement of that kin can spend an" evening pleasantly by going.to sets them: Wr s. bounty thnd meeting in the Third Sind iti.le"licnv held on Monday evening, it Tres re solved. Le Inernedistely enmmenee recruiting and continue to do . BO the quota it fillod, on the nesuraneo tat WO will litere the eo-opotutiou of the Eivhool Board. BLINT; DCSIOI.I.9IIED.—The large ftmr-story Witt: bulldlng, 139 Liberty strcbt, late occupied by J. L. Itarsbull, as a wool store, Is being torn down, tbe fouritlatiou having given wuy somuoll no Lei:oose It to leau cousiderably, and euduager its A. Wean.--,Oui renders alit .bear In mind that Alton - las Ward glen.; Ids fiat enlertain-nent at - Masonic 11011 this evening. A great ennyti ie ‘meetei to be present to bear tho showman, and it wlll be necessary to go early in ordor to - et aneat. RECIIVITINO.—The npirit of volunteering to tiring rapidly in the 23d district. The ailed of the Vrovont Nfurshal Dna other recanting olliNs were crowded yeeterday, and ninny had to wait until to-dup for their turn. °manna Tho Directors or Vit . tinlon Sltatla.Trark Company diet on Saturday nud elected alcers as follows: Preelilont„.ll:o3. DT. 11111er; 'Vice President ,. slr. 11111;- Saporta tendent, W. V. (Mewl at.,- DBATTI. Or A Ifts4arfut.7-Rar.J. A. Patterson; pastor or tba Prr.akfterau.ellurcleat Tiesbytary of liontlagterni - ono . tsltinia; l ll ,4 l recetitir, after a brieftitt laborlatiS arid fiacca* fulixtirrtstry.:4, ~ - ;_ ac..-T Central 13oaril of Education. The Coati - al-Board of Edna:don met TUaij evening, Feb. 14th,, for the pu organizigq for the at year, 011 (110/1"al of Mr. Shr.zerly, Mr. P. C Was appointed Presie.ent ;Ira 3 , 73. On raoCon. of Mr. McAuley, Mr. im A. Ser geant was appointed Secretary 1,. oa. - , ,The credentials of William It Lowe, of the Seventh Ward, and Joseph Nehof the Ninth Ward, were read, and an ramie of 'Mr. : McAuley, accepted, and Mesars.-Lowe • • d Nobba declared Members of the Board. .The roll was then Cali. nd It appeared that the-following memberit w e proient, viz • Jared M. Brash, Will It. Lowe, John Mar rhall.,-James StcAnity elix C. Negley, Joseph Nobbe,:John A. Se ••'• nt, Benjamin Singerly. The Board then .ceeded to the election of officers for the en- year which resulted In the unanimonse Von of Prevident—F , • C.lNegley, Seeref.lan A! Sergeant, Trem f ohn - IL ItleCeme. The Me lily rveris of the Principals of .the Binh and olored Schools, andl3ocretary, were read an ..gmb i bt r c.r. ed va..l„.. to :c be ,,;. ree , 6. el as ved b . and . War is were authorized Id payment of the ugh Dolce, washine towels, '''' 4,50 n motion it was resolved that from the first y of rebmary. 1865, the salaries of the teachers In.oor Ward , Schools shall be increased folicrwine ratea per annum, Tits Princl map $1,100; Grammar Scheele MO; Interme. - dime Schools $400; Primary' Schools 8350; and in tha High School: Principal $1,400; I."Cofasor of Mathematics $1,200; let Assistant $090; :11 Artint $050 ; ! Janitor $450; and the Colored Se eel: Principal SSPO; Assistant two, Jana trp: $l2l. - On motion adjonrnel. fiallwi4- Earnings. ,The following is a statement let the appron, riare earnings or the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne l ariats Omipany, during the month or January, compaml with tho same period last year IMMIE=C2 S 425,530 561$ 161,161 34'. 91,130 03 203,516 Ell 101,961 R 5. 131,950 7,903 00 4,600 00 3,200 03 7,925 00 7=5 00 7,653 .33 . 7,033 . .131 '2,664 11 1,101 931 eBlps9 03i — i'o,6is 91 IS 393,56.3.??.. - • • From Freights. Przoc , re. Es. 111.1":. Al or Wen Lorn , gs from Included in the above Items of Freight and. Passenger earning Is $70,00() for Government trunspottation. . Lrntru. DoNallog?-1Ve see L statsd that Rev. It. Gravy. D.P. t has pledaell hfrasalf for dc.natlon of ;t1,(X)0 to the fund for the endow ment of the G. 1. Tueblogicat Aomivari, in Al ligheny. 7.:EfiR.-4in Monday afternoon, Februity lath, I. nt 4 o'clock, WILLIAM E.E.R.8., In the ath year of his nge. Ptneral floin - his late residence, No.Bo Wylle street, on 4.6% February 14th, nt 2 o'clock r. V. , and proceed to Mount Colon Cemetery. The (Heeds . of the family are lespeetfully invited to attend. CAPNAHAN—On Moray, the lath of Febru ary. WAS. et &AO oMoek, r. x., AA IVY 13.,Absuehter oCIL B. C.traahait, to the lath Jear or her sec. • Funeral item the ri,hlelice of her father, Bing ham street, Dir.ntognana on WEI.N.a3”AY, the 15th nt In o'cloch a. n., to proceed to the Alle gheny Cemetery. _ 011SCIEL 0 d Q i TEA3I. - WEER I TO LIVER-, __ ]. POOL, touenttutr at QUEEN'S YLINVN, 4(Cork Harbor) lhe orttil-tt.dc.ma 6trtttrattra ottl , .ixerpcal, Neu York ar.d. Oda Steamed; Contpany (Intanta Liar.) rytng the Q . S. 7.1.a.i„10 art, Late:l4d to tall as f•;:low. CITY OF CORIt Cnturday, Feb. 1!. I JTY OF lt0:11.01`ti •iaturday, Foit. IS. Enid s.t.r4.y, Sat eerie *twee/ALIO Saturday, at itoothfrogarle to :North Itiv.r. OF PASS k Payable hs gold, or Its r,kuisalent Sn ettrrenor First Cabin.. Iso W ..otoeooZo .1 , 30 00 to London... o 5 (kb' to Loudon... 7.4 00 ° to Porta 4 , 5 00i " to Parts.— 40 th " to Hamburg.. Oo nt. " to Hamburg.. 07 00 Pasvenaera an. forwarlNl to LIAVre, Bresuat I:att. - 4,1.in, A 01v...rp, &e., at equally low rates. Fared fro., or (, .Ic...town—Jet [labia, 000, i• 001 ..E•teerf.go, iab Th,se who Nrlth to send for 'their friceda eon buy Colzets hone at these . For further information apoly at the Compal. Omen. JOSS:? Or. DALE, Agent, tb Broadlrny..N. Y. D. C'NETLIn • Vorelre Elate - m[l3n Agency, . No. Smith tteld stibet, Pittsburgh NARD L k.—St .m from 4 LIVERPOOL AID QUEEN:Tit/WM 470 in geld, or ita equivalent in eturancy "` 170)1. FEW VIM, et.i in currency. Smile vr A , fist t THOMAS T. ATTIGAZI, Agent, 47Smithilent street, Letvreen 3.1 and ath, su..creiery Patsbnruh. V U\SIGN~IENI'b 7 barrels prime Roll Rutter; 10 half bbla Apple Rutter; 7 saddles Venison; 15 casks Hake Fieb; 10 tibia. Error; CO bids. Dry Peaehea, heam and ottartersr 10 bbLi. pared Peaches, dry; 500 base Yea 500 bat tele prime (I teen Apples; 150 Foxe% W. It. Cream Cheese; 75 boxes Factory etipeset Jhist r celved POTTER , and tor Bed AIICEN A e at 360 Li SHEPAR berty atrD. iet, airl JAMES Id. EAI4III • ALrokatoot, Prepares EXPLICIT DR/MINOS and SPEC'. FEJATIONS, To: all irist:s of buildings, antrsuper intends their erection once:mantle terms. AM" Office on ANDERSON STREET, between I-smock and Robinson. dlleenenv Om. p PRINTEUS PItI.SES FOR SALE. One TAYLOR CYLINDER, bed 733.50 inehea. One TAYLOR DOUBLE CYLINDER—bed VS 34 tubes; all In goad working maw. Will be void at a batglin. Enquire of or addreu MGM GAZETTE. Pittsburgh-. Ps. OIL CLOTHS OIL CLOTHS!—FIoor, Table, Stair, Counter, and Wagon 011 Cloths, of all widths and styles. A. large stock on band and forsalo wholeenlo and retail by .1. lc H. PHILLIPS, uSd 2.3 Sl..Clalr mt. BACON AND LARD. Pb tierces S.C. Hams; • • 3o " Prime Shoulders; 20 " Leaf Ludt for sole by WAIT & wILSON, 269 Liberty street. piGLISEL lIREAKFAST -A receivoit a fresh lot of Choke English Brink. fast Ton. rot:ialo by theestlelle or elnilo pound, by IRO. A. RENSHAW, • fell • Cormer,of - Ltherty &mina:a its. rioNsigugN,T.• s • • 10 barreAM re ramify Flour; 20 bushels Beans; ' • • 100 bushels Cora; reoelred bud for solo by jolt) . WEBB le WILMENSON. GOI~SIGI ME4TS-- 7 100 bushels Corns., • . , ao Oats; - ROO the. Pitoei retellSoll Better. ;lust roceive4 Sid for "le tpp 352 . 'WEB virmxrxsor& - IIEEs.E. - C• . . 000 boxes W. It. Oheeiw; . • . " • Newburg; Reo . " fioeben; • . For tale [Joe) • I. B. °ANTI-ELM. "NEW mom.-26 tierces prime kettle -4-1 tendered Lan), just received soil for esle:fry LITTLE TBIAIBLN., dt2G tl2 and 114 Second street. 10SEVEL -A1)A316, DOntist, ConnAlrla c , Building, corner of 111,140 Ni awe (113.A1a areete.rltteburg.h.iteferences -- Dr. Mrl .Poock, nalleck-Tnecdcire Errect LARD 8 bbla. Nec 1 {Refer; 8 do. No.: do. to fltTIVe; for 291 aby ISAIAIi DIOIL EY 8. Cp. FRUIT. boxes l o r.ver ne!!tas, " u. r nbd) f 1' ; c ivet! o mftle by amen Fi g x; ; ult. - waymtat 4 mums fez D (IgAPWE Dl,Llllifil OUSE AND . ,' LOT FOR F.A.LF.—Situate on Carson street, Smith Pltisintegh. S. (=ELBERT es,OZO, fe7 ni Market ArteC. . . _ (... BiILS PRIME ROLL BUTTER, in •-, at ure and for salar.g PATT.C.I,SUN, A51310N & CO., tett, - r . No. n Woo: street.. ....---- - 4 'EATIIERS-1 , CO lbs. Ptlfils Live Geese. -,- Feathers, in store and for sale by ten " . .1. R.TRICPA'CRICR. h. ATM_ rill 11 OTITY •t; Era/ —4 oo blu e 'tiiii - oiliy Seed, in nine soil for Oslo bt , _.• ...._.: ;'- lei T. RIC R.P4TiiiICZ.4 MO.' TAST - ATOE.S POTATOY , SI'-I.cao6a prime for arde Zio . it'sl:llliert4 ettect.: • ' • 138.1...5LETA-V.A. GORMER.TI t'ARU 011,--grbblsi 13WInter,i nom" Innnlnr, frir n hie bv•MAIAII.DICKEIt Cs CO., .41:iii r E6WE.5: 7 1;1 1 T4TiET6AR:17.ifita +- -.v ILENItt.II.: COLL INS. Jim 76: end (Or nits LISIIED IN. 1780. W S,C.ELL.I.I"EO CS. ANOTHER PANIC GREAT'EXCITEMENT BOOT, AXE SHOE WET! HEAVY ADVANCE IN ALIAINOS OF MATEMAL • BOOTS AND SHOES 11.c1NraziCecif30-woor ooaatt •. CARD TO THE PUBLIC:, Wetwlthetanding the 'grant advaneetotheEs& term =sae, we tie boOncl to Gloss ow, our vistas stock less than fOnner prices, snd Itiltneny emir - 1 less then eon, We intuit .sailwiroosi far oarpa..., t intim spriogend swum sleek. now in proem* tit insnuhketnre. All the Violet Ocrodynow Inman Will be cold without the tenet re,gasdio east.. We bays thousands of dollars worth ',item gistobv.r which ft wOold be loser abiirslinisoii:laffag.. : over, awl guketaritAT 41mplaca., Eon I==rlll coNmliT,]tif4=t - ,q . skityv, ?r.o.lE‘xr.:A No. 62 Fifth Street; ” i r '' I cLoslara OUT! cLosvrG OUT! CLOSXXG OUT! Clio &taw vis 4. Heavy Goods Less than Cost , r fel° t e CHAMPION OIL COMPA Producers auLtisnufsettrers of Crude andlatlisod. Carbon Oil, Bpn ne and Lubricating (Mt WOIIE,'S OPPOSITE SII&I2PSBURG Mitt No, 69 ILIND . sired, PITTSBURG'', Pa. W. D. CTISMIT.AN, Supl. JAS. J. lIEIIIIOS. ill W. 11P.TUMN IpaTRON Co., Office, W . PENN STREET, (Om door bdo,o Ifer.d,) Commission Merchants. And &niers In Pittsburgh Idannfactures and CRUDE AND REUNKEI OILS: 47. Liberal advances made onFLOITIL,STICAM SEEDS, and GREEN AND DRIED FRUITS. nos-^.m J 4111: E. MAL-LAZE WILLIAM cuariSa WALLACE CURTISS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND PEALEMI ra CRUDE AND REF= PETROLEux, BENZINE AND I:DRUB:ATI - 0 , OILS. No: t 33 SOUTII WILIEFES, PIMA ELPHIA. P.I. air Storage capadty (under co. r,) for 15,000 barrels- Also excellent facilities f r shlpTlng to American and Foreigh port , . -* -- 'art n the Schuylkill River, near the p o w B. ne22-Iy. ABIIIVORTII & B Nei. IL St. CLAIR RT., Pittsburgh. FONWARDING LND. COMIVIS,S/ON MERCILLYT; - • AFD BrArroß nt OILS. ILLUMINATING. LUCIIICATING, CRUDE PLTROLL'I , I4 OILS, rm., constantly on hand knit for sale at the lowest market prices: Consign. mutts end orders tollelted. niCh4to LUCLIST OIL W0111".S. -- DIJNOA.II; DITETAP Fi co„ MANUFACTITGILUS OP Pure White Refined Carbon Oils. No. MI LIBERTY STREET STANDARD FETROMME REFINERY. CLARK & RUNNER. "Works 4. 1 9Pcel 99b? t 5 TONTii, SI I. I I", Ofpce in Pittsburgh, 24 WOOD ISTIMEtr. • • These works being of the largest capacity-12 the Country, are unwed to till large orders. The brand stands the highest t o tills country and I n Eu rope, for quality nod lire tent, and the 01l Ls put In well aeasened barrels, prepared especially for ex, dem), tONDED 'WAREHOUSE OF . Phenix Warehousing Company, Fsot of BALTIC es HARRISON Sta., Brooklyn ron STORAGE 01 IVF/71Bro PETROLEUX, In Tanks end Etatels.[See (Stealer.] Office, No. 85 BEAVER STREET, New Tent. bc.s.l] ItICHARDSoN, RA LEY &co Comma'slmam' Forwaraug 71Itnet!fits ia CRUDE' AND =NM PETROL/NM N 0.19 IRWIN !STREET,‘ PIIr BV&3L. .6-Liberal ;ash 10,1u:tees , on sousigarseatA Pittsburgh or Eastern - Markets. PlTTlll7llrilt 217L1812X110113. Meares. J:l3. Dilworth& Cfe, • StringerlivrA Erg6 t. (I , emlie . iw Bank. salit6Z ca ' • IiIitNcrEWBITKE CO., 112201111.2118, Globe, Paolilq and Liberty Oil Workil überal gaz!Limirccu *aft 'on vxmigniniaits er Refined or erisfic/Petrolitsies. . , 02r. DOQII.E.SNE WAY gad HANCOur , Jemy • PITTSBUTICHii •pas trEITDE AND IMPINE). OILS Perry.Bloek, Duquesue WAS. Pittsteirk Xi-Special attention pdve.n to the SALE AND SHIPMENT OF PETHOLEHMand Its product& Oonsignmentirrespeltfullp solicited. • Viltsbrirgh Arent,. for TENANGO OIL AND TRANSPOIITATION tit IMPANY. alii-POST•011101.1 BOX Hr. R... AVAIIINatS: RING, • _ (;OULIISSION MEN.CMIiTS, AND 111:01T...11111 . N . • PETROLEUX AND 'ITS 'VIADUCTS And dealernln Zaterlals. • otll-ty Nn. 33 MARKET ST. PjLGUuT. \Pra`lionxie `- J ANAlrialrill JA4ES &GO., mlyorAcroar.rs or ; Oil of vitiid and 'Aqua A114%1115. orricß No. as Nutrucai l iit. • • " VA. 'On; EiN6CRS.---The ..ontlelsifftkeft • sleoyouilcular ottaution to shop p,lyses sad ulo of Stooks of ILVIZABL.. amen. I Invite buyers nnS menus to FAL jell • ,Ircwitre FOUAITILL4CREEt. =:: ~.:.„~ =BE :i:ai:Sty-.-~ s;.cf~
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