ft'biiieitc; ilr TIM GAZETTE PUBLIgIIINI LUOCIATIO3. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 15,. 1865 TUP.. lOREMMMEN 111.13013111 CARo. Those who had the benefit of i personal ekierience in South Carolina lumpilately after the capture of• Portfloyakand noted the first' efforte or Ilittireediten to tike care of khertmelyes, were statisfied that all the -negreeti - needed, beyond a little tete porazy sl,datfixst,- was protection .. That Is the first Want of ell corunnnities ; tutd as •actorsas the negroes obtained the ordinary, protection which law and an etaablished government give to Oise - tinder them, they hid no Other mint, =Opt to beletalone. Wolooow 4,kat ho gesteral Opinion is 'Midi: wimple think, or fancy th*lnenindweessenwho' have lee: Wave, are 41 Melt iiaircatert,luthOpless, grown 11Pihild*WhetInnet be fed and clothed, atidinstructed -before • being able to:do 'a . hand's turn fbr themselves. But experience trioltintthe falsity of all OIL True, there were some whom the Government had to provide foraust as there arepaupers In 411 commemitles, dependent on the public; but beyond that, these- people manifested as Vest an ability to take care of themselveaas any equal number of white Iblki would laavosione under similar cirenmetanceis t •Fro - in's speech hr . B:Tositairsow, Esq., before the Peromivania Freedmen's Asso ciation it Philedelphia, delktered last No , vember, we make a, few_ extracts to show the thltft of these people. He - has' been in • South CarolhaillneelBo2: At this time not more than five hundred rations tre issued, and they are only issued lirpetwart, whowould be paupers under any circumstances, and in soma Instances to the wt~iea`of soldier& When ,our troops first entered that department, the people were not even decently clothed , - to-day they are - well clad, and the rare thing is jg &dm one among those physically able m care fer themselves, who is not comfortably an well clothed. At the sale of land which took place at the opening of the season o f MO, foruldantations were bought by the freedmen living on them, and worked by them for their• own benefit. One of these 'Pikes produced a crop of cotton worth four thousand dollars; another a crop worth fif teen hundreddollars; another a crop worth one thousand dollars, and the other • crop worth between three and fear thousand dol. Ilia, At the Salo of land that took place at the opening of thfs season, a number of bawls °Viand were bought by other no voes, and they have been well and faith fully cultivated by them. 'One of the plantations just referred to, owned by Harry MacMillan, who was for merly ploughman on the "Eustis place," would to day, if sold with the stock and improvements, realize for him at least four thousand dollars. Itjhas been a- common thing during the past season for colored men to pay one, two, and three hundred dollars apiece for horses and mules. This will give you= some idea of the amount of money . earned by them. In addition to this, large - numbers of the freedmen are building for themselves new houses, and at the present price of lumber in that department this is no slight undertaking. It evinces not only the possession of means, but what is much -'better, - :a desire to have for themselves a home which they can call their own, and which may be made the centre of comforts ;and joys heretofors-unknown to them. Mr. Tommosson proceeds to glee many instances in'which old people, over seventy years of age, have earned their living by "'.labor in the field; and of others who, by • thrift and care have acquired competence; tut the one single fact that out of the vast number of freed negroes on these islands hot more than five hundred look to the Goiernment for ald, a portion of these being soldiers' wives, Is sufficient of itself to show that the freedmen of South Car,lina are not only able to, At de, take care of theta. The policy of Gen. SAXTON, who, as mill. tary Governor of South Carolina, has had the special oversight of these negroes, has been, from the outset, .to interfere as little Su( possible with the development of the people. He has not attempted, as some lave said, to force them into a position they were unprepared for, but • has been sAislied with throwing around them such protection ... as was absolutely necessary, trusting to the natural course of events for the rest. The - iticeess of his policy proves Its wisdom. The Freedmen's Relief Associations Which are springing up all over the' country hare a double 'duty to perform. The first is to see that the slaves just emerging, Into freedom have fair play end a , fair chance to enter upon their- new life, which includes • rich iempormy relief us their immediate ".7 wants may call for; and the second Is to educate them and secure tolbern the isles sings,of a 'religion uncontaminated, . with shivery' imhaebariing these'duties they t need much help; but the great problem of providing for Ids - physical wants Ike negro will work out for himself if given a fair start" suidltereafter (in that matter) left to EMANCIIPAI4OII " IN DIAIRTLAND. Judge Bonn of Baltimore . who ev: l ery facility for judging correctly; Ina letter to the PhileidelPhia Freedinip's Bulletin :',-;':, - naya,that,theAndnediste qeedom ,of eighty ' seventhenranclalevis is that State; his prodacediso Irecietie'ii of pintiriem or crime, vrbiih Is apinielgbleby: any criterion by . Which you can it: .1N sap prther: "In,theiergi.sliveholdlteroeunties there was an exchange of .mastem.,. , Bushel:bi ~..-jeined their „wives on;_neighboring fermi, and trim their husbands andehildren,snd — then 'while there was .a temporary'uncer , leanly alr.slit"agricultaral labor; baLthe fa ctorable law or supply and demamt very soon regulated , the freo colored pspolation as it does the white htbbring classes. There zi,^„zints tripood-des; of brutality era - mg One sfavebolders spotadlC canes; Itt•ni and woman were attested sod some of their churches turned; but the antfunitlea s , ,,eod t ; : ilYchecked wrier. public - lndignati••sp -would certainly have terminated la *little while, 'and the oectrrences r0..141 is al be at• . -, -trlbnted to the emancipation of the slaves —but rather to the depravity of the papa. %lion &diming UM:effect:wet' elivory,r • ' The - Colored nopplatfon of Baltimore smml - bcrpo,ooo, or one-fth thepoptilation of the city.- :Yet in - the Almshouse; tar'o. months after thelholitio6 ofsinvery, the black pan pers numbered only 167 ont Of 8111-5 little - then one-fiftt. Intl contains but two colorcd people ont of fifty-nee, and the other stat i stics of Glimdare equally fay era ble to them. These nee interesting facts, end will re _ Net% the - minds of Ilirn,e fearful folks who Afore, terrified lest. ersineipation should be proliflC of paunen. , :tn and crime. !SOT ENCJlMA.S l, 7.—nentlreXan3, la. hia speed* et A ngtots..says be wilt udic to on- Mt..' ter end, nod calla, to bear. Sherman, %vat " paak , take age to seam foreign , mmtry." - In in the Neent, rehel calcalstions, the contingency „of fallare la always a prominent clement. Bann - iegard has failed so often that victory now is noly the hare chance, while the prohahtily lathe — . Other - way , !its determination to lesTe the coon. iq ehßuld. be not succeed, proves that, in his • :opinion, tha.contwst rill Iso hopeless 'and Europe %LI Ole hest:refuge for dune pho seek for safety fresm.their political enemies or to hide their mor ,., Allicajlon for the falinna of their schemes. Such - .WWI as lbw Must bo anythingi, bnEencont , ! • item to loorgitun oT.Sout!lCarollulatts.--.1141a. PAM:my:m=o4oln E. P. Scott, (a nephew 'of . Mut'stunt Genera Beott,) and confined la the Old Capitol for soma time past as a prisdriei or' war, has Leen released upon his. parole of tumor not to give ald and comfort la the enemy, and with the e.:mdiebms riot he will Immediately re- Pori r to rltherel Scott to person. at Now York, kall 'Wert himself to eon restrtettonstmd Ow as the Omura: may deem proper.. " `lVoit l f I Our Army Ahead. IsZciif that Sherman's unparalleled cam -Deign is closed, it is seen to be a rapid, daz• zing and •tarrible defeat of the most prom ising and dangerous odi , ceivireampaign ever uudertaben by the Confederacy. It was campaign not only devised in Georgia, bat Virginia. also, and had the sanction of Wits himielf, as en able editorial eotem- rmy states: ~,,,L . ' ' 'lt is 44 , 117 easy to revile him now for the bl .. ders he has made in sending Ilood to w rtis Sherman's rear, and leaving the road tb ugh Georgia open to the invader. Bat W venture to assert that there was not a en le General in the Confederacy; nor is there one in Europe, whia would have ima gined, under the circumstances, that Sher man would - do What be has done, and, therefore; BTO taken precautions against it. The march to Savannah, which has no precedent in the history of warfare, and the inference it suggests, is not that Davis is a great fool, but that Sherman Ii what an English journal recently pronounced him, "the greatest of living Captain.s."_ The purge of the Great St. Bernard by Napo. leonTroved not the torpidity or incapacity of. Alelas; but the skill and audacity of his adversary.' Our own belief Is that .Sheiman's great campaign w.iil be found to• have cut the qc,ran knot of the war. By widely„All. Tiding his army, and then 'Whipping his ad. rersary's entire force with'ene half, he , has put us ens army ahead of the enemy—a fa tal supenority of pekes on the board' of war; So soon as that terrible discovery was made .known to the Southern people, the cry for terms began to burst forth. It Was a' splendid stroke, whose influence, we prophesy, will yet come to be felt as the master-piece, hitherto of the war."—Army and Navy Gazette. Military Condition of Europe. If it were sat; to put trust In appearance*, It might be assumed, from what is taking place in Europe. that there In no Intention of disturbing the peaceful relations of the leading sovereign ties in that part of the world. In France, the wee budget for 1865 brut been greatletilminisbod, and the number of troops mustered In for active service coy siderably reduced. In Italy, nearly. 50,000 men have. received their discharge, and more than 500 officershave been placed on half pay: In Spain, In consequence of the determi nation to have done with St. Doming , the mil itary farce will be: brought down to ' a peace es tebliskment. In Russia the army is to be re • need by nearly a fifth. Austria would curtail her military outlay, if sho could; bat Prussia, not yet done with the ex-Danish Duchies (which she desires ico add to her own territory, or,vat least, bring under her own authority,) is aug menting her army, and even trying so raise a little naval, establishment. There may , be a denim, too, for maintaining a military force sufilelently large to overawe' the people, who, it will be . remembered, were suppos ed to be on the eve, before: the Danish war Commenced, of sending the King of Prussia Into exile, because he insisted on raising a revenue, and foolishly spending It on his army, contrary to the wishes of his Parliament. Aus tria, to reserve the balance of power in Germany, cannot consent to the' ex-Danish Dethies being appropriated by Prussia, and must maintain a full war establishment in crier to prevent this patent - robbery. As for England., while Hr. Gladstone declares that too - much money Is spout on " the defences of the country," and that this alone prevents his farther reduction of taxation, the Duke of Cambridge as commander-in-chief; diminution pro tests against any of the army, and Lord ClareneePaget. representing the Admiralty, plaintively - points to the Immense and available fleet which we have Improvised in less than four years, and murmurs out a sad anticipation of England's deposition from GI:, boasted sovereign ty of the scar, should events unhappily occur to bring the American iron-clads in collision with the lumbering " wooden walls," whose glory has departed.—Phila. Press. The - rompalgn In the Southwest General Thomas appears at length to hare completed all his arrangements and commenced hit new campaign. If we may erdelt the ac counts w e receive be boa the largest body of mounted men everlet coti together n America. One correspondent makes his force of this kind no less than fifty thousand men, which must ber an exaggeration. It it:, nevertheless, certain that ever eince - Sherman left him in command at the west, Thomas has been paying unremitting at tention to his cavalry, in order to overcome For rest, who has proven himself by far the ablest cavalry leader In the rebel, service.. Thomas has now some brave, skillful and experienced caval ry leaders under Ids 'comm..nd, and his own kucwledgc of this arm of the service is 'eery an perlor. His idea of mounting his whole :army .s a novelly in monern military tactics. For apid operations covering a vast apace this device has been more and more growing tots fa vor during the progress of the war, and our in 'rotary regiments have so often been incittatei and cur cavalry so often dismounted tbst the two. branches of the service hare become at times much mixed up. On both sides of the present r cavalry Lisa teen need In such a r..nsuner as to lend some English writers to remark thaj we we: elgnorant of the [He use of this arra el the service. We have seen both our own meshy and thnj of the rete's erect breastworks and de fend them as infaatry, m Arming t , eir deli pi,cei in the usual style ; and on each side cavalry has been dismounted and Sent to attachbr...,sst everts. Alluring the whole of Rocal'a disastrous retreat his tear correct by Forrest's ear-Vry er,t ing breretwarks, defending them as infantry Lang enough for lined to make his day's march, aim then the rebel cavalry would mount sad away to the next point of defense. If the En tail are not acquainted with. this system they eannot be sharp observers, for it Is practised in the French armies. The object of Thomas 10 mounting his army is to move his forces expedi tiously without wearing out themes,. For pur poses of attack or defense we presume the force wilt dismount.-,Phila. 14 American. The following is a remarkable Instance of the extent to whleh the joint Memory of two Indi viduals may bridge -over a very wide chasm of history : There Is now living at Edinburgh, and in possession his faculties, a gentle man abase father served on "Merles Edward's staff at Culloden, and was salinity left for dead on the battle.field. This gep latent has beau my frequent correspondent, atd, for.anything to tbecootrary, myobildren may write to him as correspondents, and converse with him about the Stuarts, nab bear 'front lips- long and ca tions tales, as I have done, about the Levet*, Derwentwaters, and llaedoineits, Of the last "century. It some of my children should live, as accenting . to aq actuary's expectancy of life, they very probably may live to see the year-IVA, ; then a single individual will ham, bawled to a person living twenty years . into the twentieth century gnats which he heard direst from the lips of au einem who fought at Calloden, and w ho bad to fly the kingdom for so doing, a pace, I b.:trete having been put upon his head by, the Government of the W.—Ow-a. Week. = ' Tun Cimput-KracnnstA lelterfrom Athens say Whether we look at the financial, the mti nielpal,, or. tho.military, adminiatration oftthe lielloalcifingdom. - wo - nury say with ford Byron ."Acta--acti on the {Art of the Bovernment-2- aura caused the past eotivnislites,and are tending , to the future. look , upou such as inevitable, though no revolutionist,' ,Intical, tiniest King George can lay ids hand cm an ante Mammon to cleanse hls Administration with a Bash of rec.= aathoroughly Millercules cleansed the stab ib of nuances by towing into them the waters of 'the"Alpheus and the Damns, a single drop of op - prostate may at any hour causethe cup of Greek oppression to run our: , • . Tut sTrrnotzust" Fraa.--Albert and clay-- ton Ware,respeclivelyaged 17 and 10 years, Who, with - their father, escaped during the ,greatices. Migration In Philadelphia -oti last-Wednesday, have since died from the effects- of injuries re ceived. The father was badly'burned lii the farm, icC was still alive on Friday evening. The only enfold% of the family is a eon In-the army of GC/3. Sherman. How tad it will be for hlm to learn that bin mother, GYO slaters, end- two; hro 'titers perished Ly the great disaster. The Scott farally, - teparted missing, are safe, but narrowly escaded with their lives. The bodies of two of the Misses Ware are still lit the ruins. IT is important to hear la mind that the rebel papers make no racntion of the progre.,s of ro prsh's of the rellroada in amnia that :ilteriang destroyed in his march from' Atlanta to Sayan rah. They seem to have dezpairell In the grea t ace of the undertaking, so thoroughly mu the etch of destruction done. So there Is no rail road communication between Richmond apd-the country west of the Savannah River, comed fluently no-supplies thence, and no immediate .prospect of reinforcements. Annterrn.—Captaln Jame, hfooniy, 1201 United States Infantry, has wen arrnstai In New Yerk by- Colonel Baker. and vat to Fort 3.afayetZe In irons, to await trial for forzlng sertlffentes of enlntnients. Too handrail Seta of of tLeee yams were secured.-- Waih. liMIGNATION .01" JUD/B llnginnt of the United' States Court of has tainued bls position en the bench of that court. Ricbord W.Tbompaon, of Itittlims, has be appointed by Um President to Flo Tn. cauCT PfllTLie .Y 0 TAVES. II CIIBISTIANVONMILISSiON.L- The members of the ARMY •co ',arr. 17.1", Si the Chrlatiart Oommlssloo, me earnestly requested to attend a meeting of the Uoramittee on AVEDFIVAIIaY AFrznNooN, st 4 Veltreh, at the m0m,1i0.16 Smithfield street. '. (elan[ , X. 0, TOTTER..6earete ALtdanurar 11.4110. Moi nt At} BRI • PITIOII, Jen, RI, It AF 'ELECTION FOR %UWE Dl6 EM to scree nett) the next annual lqer. tier, will be held at the Baultina on tau TM/ kINTY•FIRST DAN OP FEBRITALLT neat, between the Iron:Anita and I o'clock a. m. jaladd I. W. WOK, Cicala. MEE tar. U. A BY set/witty of the Secretary of the Tre►snty, the nada:signed tag lammed the General Sub. sariptlon Agency for the gale of Belted Stater Treasury Notes, bootleg serea sad three teaks per rest. Interest, per ►mans, knelled es the flume Notes are Limed nederlate of August nth, me, and are payable three peep; from that eltee, in currency, or are eaarertlble at rho option of the holder Into GOLD BEARING BONDS, Thom bonds are now worth 1 prmalam Of nlas per mot. Loaluting gold Interest from November, 'Web makes the actual profit on the 1.-30 loam at omen, rata% tneludtal Interest, Mont lea .per cont. per eanuta, besides Its exempflon from SW. bad ineMetpal Mostar., weld whlefirow one to farm per rest. more, according to the rata looted on other • property: The Inteiest to payable somkaanually. by oonponi attacked to each note, whldc any be out MT and cold to any bank se Isaac, The Morose amounts to Notes of all the denominations named will be proripUy furnished upon receipt of subscriptions. Tits t. THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now Aafri.ied Mitred by the Government, and it Is ebakdently expected that Its impeder adrantaies will make It the Great Poplar Loan of the People, Lees than t 900,000,000 remain unsold, which will probably be daposed of within the next 03 or 90 days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a. premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other Loan. La order that the . eitirene of every town and section of the eorintri may be afforded facilities for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the cou±- try have generall agreed to receive eubscrlptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responelble for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. 1a OR SA LE.—PO6S ESTSION A PHI L Ist. —A three story dwelltna bone° or hall, saran looms, cellar, gas , •nd caster fixtures and lot of ground, No. id Logan street. 15. CUTIIIFEBT ft SONS, rel 3 61 .Market Street. UDR SALE.—A DOUSE AND LOT ye the Irma a:de of the Diamond, MeKmmmort. 1 he lot Loll o front of GO feet on Thire street, and :46 feet no the Diamond. oat which la emoted a two ory Nick not largo La re atibtr, Apply to WAL ATWATTEJLItcHeraport. O-PARTN,ERSRIP.—We halo associa ted JAMES E.'BREADING DALZELL withnole oar hit:'.4 a. which wilt be carried as as I rrelofere ander the Arm Aurae of LEWIS, FILL LEY, DALZELL & CO., Vesurlin Iron Work's. ..lrenaraux lath, ttiti. felattia ItIARBLE STATUARY, VASES, On WEDNISDAY EVENING at o'clock ,nd THURSDAY MORNING, at will . e :old" on mond 110 or of the Commercial &Main. et Filth- street, the =soffit:tot Italian nada Goode. embrwine Groups nod Figure*. W.ues, T. 77611, Card Receivers. be. Ali. the ficeat ,r.wility Oliver Plated Ware in every variety. The onion are welted to stmlotthe ado. Cell A. MoILWAINE, Auctioneer. Tnd tlon OFFICE OF THE • Coitemommic OP ALLIILOONNY COCNTY. . Ihrrsnonas. February 14th, PAS. REALED PROPOSALS. WILL BE BE- N" CEIVE.Dat this oftlce until 27th lead. inclusive, .for writing sad copyingfrom the original Assess. niesillooksi 72 Office Duplicates, IS School Dopit. ' , abet and 7I Treasurer's Collection Dopliestes. .The pork to be done in thooilics of the County 4.7ommiso loners, and to be completed en er before the 15th dap of April next. Bids to be made et so meeh tke running line cm- Vete, to include calculation and estimation of all taxes and the comparing of each and all the nooks with the originals, besides a recapitulatiee proving the totals of the dif- ferent taxes by the total valuation; The correct eels of the duplicate must be probated before mar mots aro Issued in payment. Heeds with sufficient 'cruelty edit berequired for the fuldlimeet or the contrect. 1./Y ORDER •OF THE ORPHAN'S • a,. COURT, we will sell at pnbile sale, at the COURT HOUSE, Pittsburgh, on MaRCH REX'S"- ENTH, (Satindsy morning,) at 10 o'clock, 1. Thnt certain triangular lo; of ground on Thlnl stteet, Pittsburgh, about Swenty•two feet n. rth st cot of Redoubt Alley, on which Is emoted a two MIMI brick dwelling •011.0 hIT/12g a front on Third (Meet °Unbent fifty fe et, 2. The triangular lot of ground on the corner of Third and LltaTty streets, Pittsburgh, fronting pa .•Liberty street Chivy-els fa t and. running along an "Ibird strut ORy.tiso flat, on which Leers:tot a three story brick - building, used as a store room and dwelling hones. , 2. Ground rent ofl2o per annum, leaning ant fd Wm:unbar oboist Margaret George.. Plan of Lott on Second at. eat, Pittsburgh. 4. Oround rent of 1106 per annum, idettirtg•Cli of Sad Nen. 1, Sand g In said plan. . 6,.0 round teet.Of maser "Own, lining out of - Let No. 6, In said plan.. • Terms one-half 'cash, balance in one and two years, on Bond and Mortgage, with Interest. Pan chaser to pay fOr tillynnere And damp, THEO. IL NEVIN, • HENRY IRWIN, JOHN IRWIN, fettlitdawtdr Run:tutors of John Irwin deo'd. "EXECUTOR'S SALE.—Iu . pureinneu of on -I. order of sale, mnde on the fourth Ilty of Pet.. RITYLEY A. D., 1863. by tne Honorable the Judges of the District Court of Allegheny county, Poon sylvania. the uudereigurn will expose to pooh° mule, nt the COURT' 110UnE, in the fifty of Pitts. borgh,OnTßlUßSDAYtheeth DAY 0? nAltflii. A L MO, At eleven 0 010011 A. It , the following dsecttbcd pi &pert) , of the Shnmsburg Bridge Com. pony, to wit: The stone nerd anti e/tweets, to. petite; with their ftopurennacea, and dlthStro nialn+ of the Bridge known as the Sharpsburg erected ACTOrIA the Allegheny - Myer, near - the bor..unts of Shurpsluirg, In Alletheny with all tha tights, pOtOCTS. 1,114- ar.ll Iran Ices-0f1015.1 COrporetion AL DA ilLlNllTOnfi' .•• Fequeetratora of elm I harpshurglitidgeClo. fet4:l4 - • PI7IILIC.TOTICZB. 7-30 LOAN. SEVEN-TffiRTY LOAN. F. 8. 5-20 Six Per Cent Ono cent per day on a $5O note. Two owls " " " $lOO " Ten 41 14 11 41 ,4600 80 6.1 14 . 11 46 $lOOO 16 it $5OOO " JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia Subscriptions will be received by the Pant National Bank, Pittsburgh, PL, Second Mirk Fowl Iter. 4ilanorra Notional Bank, Plitabargb, Pittsburgh National. Bank of Commerce, " !ma City Trades:num Farmer's Drimosil " Ncttaxics Taloa • Alltgbeny Pcoolto• Gm= 0 tataMtadaarT JrEW` 4.IIVERTISE.M.F.'.IrTS. rltEliT.Drick Dwelling House, on Record Street., of hall and ten ro,,,ae, Rea and water liztutte. Also, a store room on Market et., in good location for bunions., th ree rooms en M ',id street. S. GUMS BRAT & SONS, let 6 • 61 Yarket at. Semi /es of books one ter teen on appliovlon. By direction or Couoty Oommlutonere. UENRY LAMBERT, Controller felt tnealtw BALD OF REAL ESTATE, In pursuantCe of the last will nod gestament of klorguret Sutton, late of Moon Towns, nine'. Inn courny of Allegheny, 'deoenatal, will toe offored at role by public .vendue or outcry upon the promisee, H on TURSDAY, Sad day of Jalarch nest, nt o'clock, r. n., lawn situated In sal! towevalrof noon, containing eightyoseven :Ivrea, more or 1041, shout sixty titres cleared and , undor cultlvalroa, Iho balance rood timber land. un which la et Mel too ;dory frame hone; and 'kitchen,n gent barn and other outbulldhup ; well watered; Jerre molarl rit-gocd hull. Adjo song land, of Adam Router, San uel httelng, inir.tot Brown 4,64 other!. Title Indlanntable, Terms mane knoten on day of ante. Jorfx D. Merlacallal/C., HAZALEEL fcliltdeitw EIICCUCOri. - _ LityleY lb :Mb YSI 7 ICIPS - d- - 7uli =MOVED OIL TODIA, At ads glop.) earner of 1./AY a)1,7 and BEAVER ttlert, and in IKELISSTER at., uplostte to the old Orphen'Assluin, Allegbenyu nod nu the tont§ ere once out of the beat mate:isle, wout.i invite the Teibile to giro hicia call nod examine them far tbutlUgebree. /07;ultnplt ...:.,::,. . :t XEW' .4DPERTISEMEXTS. TELF.: GERMAN NATIONAL BANK, !Of Pittsburgh, COIL SIXTH AND WOOD STREETS AUGUSTI39 ROVELEG., President. ILARtitsUGH, rice President. (11:0ROE A. ENULle:Usahter. This Bank Invites the apeannts of Banks, Bank• ess and other.. Government Securides of ►ll kinds bought ►ed sold at current rate.. As SPECIAL AGENT of Jay Cooke, aubaerlie Lbw will be received for the Popular 7-30 Loan. This lowa is now being absorbed at the retel l at • 803CHDODCM, MPow.X'swir. . . and Woe convertible . into lireilorenty _bon& which an now - at of over NOM PER OEM'. It oomatendaltself foritesuperior saran- Wee to all who seek ► safe awl profitable invest s Liberal aoatelseloss on tble len erill be allowol to ellimams ID Chnerameat &amities. . GEO. A. ElDLY,.Casbier. (1114 f . plAiros AMERICAN ORGANS . • BRADBDRY, New York; SCMOMAIER & CO., Philadelpida, and BOARDMAN k GRAY. PIAI~TOS • . L &R, W. Smiths' American ergan, WIT PATENT TREXOTAI ATTACHNENI'. Jest received, a new impair If the stove ate. Crated Initrureesta; together with Pluto, from other Elanutacturera vie: FAMES "VIOLIN PIANO, STEINWAY. et. SONS - , GRAVESTEEN k CO., sod others; all at reduced }Awe - WAXELENIC. & BARR, No. 12 St. Clair Street, Blasell'a Block. fell TENNISON CLUB IiEcTORE.i. 121CILX.4T-1 ALF'D BURNETT, Wednesday Earning, Feb. 15th, sill perform hli wonderful personation of If EffflY \VASA BEECHER In bin delivery of the rloqtent Nylon's most THRILLING PATRIOTIU SER.- MON. • • THURSDAY EVENING, February lath, will it DI. HUMOROUS_ DELINEATIONS' oM RECITATIONS, ortleturnond on the Jeemw • " ••Chnrse 01 the Mute ltrlgndo • ••llcontlful duOw.” tie cents rrnv TS • To b had at the Book, Music, or Drug Store', or nt tho Douro. Doors open at 7 o'cloAc; Lecture commences at $. • ❑ALL PATTETISOIX TORN MeELA.It EX, .1. E. BurrErtriEbti, n tat/ ts, S. INIcCANDLIS, ,A. XV:l3Hiii LE Cl', J. M. (FAZZAM, ,STEP}! EX fell:,; Lecture Committee. DYSPErt , IA AND Fab, I'ITS—A Sure Cure for the. distreotrr Ns • ia now mute known nTre FlTN—cm lerew,o end ICaLlee 11.1.1 preim. —Lion, pabliebed by I), 0, FlTS— tam T be pre.ertption wt. Next label —tam in such A I roiiteratsl manner thot he FlTS—elr.cot eowclentiously reface to ratite • . —it known, as it. has cured everybody FlTS—who has used it, never having tailed in a —alrotir case. 1; to equally •ere la eases FITS—of Fifa a* of Ilyopeptia, and the ingrodl -tuts way be obtained fro= any Drug:int. FlTS—Sent thee to all un receipt of live cent, to Ire - PlY__postane• Ore. Address Dr. 0. TITS—VIii.L.FZI BROWN, No. le Grand *Greet, —Jersey City. N. X. feiglitd 'OR SALE.-L'OIL LANDS. —73 acres on the North-east side of "the Allegheny River, at Jones , Y.Ody. VOIMIO4O Co., Pu.. bounded on the lower Ode by litniel Scott, and on theurper side by land of P. Jones, deo'd. Also, ON WEST lITCKORT (MEEK; two tracts or 15 nese. each. Nearly all of Melo A.A. are I LIU •10. for boring purpose.. Pores t. large amount of Land cleared and under fence. In. nlvlduals and companies who tenth to come In Ito oil Lognes.s, can now securetergtory 14 fee, at macerate price.. Tales arrante.l. F* potties la. s, addre.s, ALAS ANDER WALL:tee, frl4:lor ittlioute, Warmn -- .;)F, YEAR'S EXPERIENCE PROF. REED'S MAGNETIC OIL To the only rel!oble care for Rheas:ranttem. Nenrnlcla.ol.l Mores, and stip told et the old price of IZ coral per bottle SI310:q 301111 STOW, Sole Arent, feh nor. Smlthflehl saut tth sta. ' IU MPIIOIL COMPANY.—Notice is horclr klven that :he Hest Meetin or Stook • fible» will be bell at IVILKINW HILL. Pitt. bomb; On THURSDAY. March 24, 1148.1, ath o'clock r. v., forthr purpose of orranlvitlort, as apecleed nr.der the act of Assembly of the Comnannwealth Pettnarlsaata, approval July 18th, ISM JOSIAIt KUM, Prealdent, pro /re. feloa4 Pllteburrll, Feb. 0. 1565. FOR SALE. TEN ACRES OF LAND, situated ono mile east 01 New flestle; well .I.llltOil inr gardening purposes. The Improvements are a email frame home, good stable and a meter falling wen of water, and unite iv variety of the beat of fruits, such as pplea, Reached. Peen, cherries, and a variety - of entail fruits. Also, thirteen acres adjoining the aboie with a smell (tame house, well of good water alai a young orchard of selected fruits, Judi begionlng to bear. For terms he, apply to • WILLIASI. 11. STERIIITT. Portman of Jones & LaughUn'sronrelry, felt:Lod East Ulm Ingham. IiIeCORITi . C 0.,. • Wholesale Dealers to Mats,' Caps and Straw Goo i rta, Slave Dow In atom the largest aad most complete GOODS FOR FALL SALTS, Ever offored in the weld. , Bret 4 ' , OL are reqtaeted to cell end examine Mar;stoett. ' VI • will , be sold M very low rater. • • bed ' - / WOOD STILT:IIZ I'VEBLIIAB LE RESIDBIicI: FOR'SAIE 15 Situated nn South (.141111130121, between (Fed eral and Beaver street; Allegheny atty. Tho i otie ii fret(ln front. and • xtezde(llo lest taro. is to Water mime.. The house mietsina coons, tee tether with a finlehed basement of four Noon It subrtastially ballt, finished in good Alla, A Ila In all respects a convenient and comfortable red donee. There 44 also erected on the pretalseLa Mirk Stable, Carriage House Ise Abuse. ho. FERelyS9isf. Forierther Infortsation - antar to' J. S. A. P. 410 a tztorf t ., Altnrneye-al-Law, No. lat FJuith fetlatil APPLICATION FOR A CRARTEtt OF INCORPORATION FOE THE'.' OON.- °NEGATION OF •12 HLYIbt," OF, PMl's. IttlEett.—Nottee Ii hereby siren to all whom it may conccroi that the application hat beau filet in the °ince of the Prothonotary of tliellourtof Cam ino& -Fleas, of Allegheny' county. and that rail hurter will be granted at the next (Korth) term of tie Court anises cause be shown why.the same Amid not be tlone. DlAll9llltht Pr 13116Nifif. fotratenw Attorneys for Appliconte. ZOUN D.—On MONDAY, the nth dity.ot" Fehreeiy, near the Outer Depot of the P., Ft. W.P. C. M. , A 19J:el:CH AND mum 'rho owner is foritte•ted to tall At my hone, on Cedar*venue, Ox doors twin* 1)10o Croce. prove pnfielry. pat thaws. Pm, receive the tv iyetrotiter will be do Ot with according to I.lw • Irt 1.2 t AA 710 N 140tV.411D. l; 01tSALE.—Ton.tccoNni. —7Tho etuel„ tixtutee, rival nutehluery fur the mini!. frutute of wtheecu, mei two yeunt uf thuttuoxpirott lehee of the tote, wore, No: IT:It/MAL STREET, A. hoe furtherpurtletfiati raluire of T. D. WILKES uu the premiere. • fel tare 11,11t1N:CII FLUTING, . rvp TRIMMINCI MESSES, AI, done In n env:vier Mauer, without Inkiry Gr the , • fob, lc or color, at TIII MISSES fellilm No. hi St. (Nair .tree[. VAST TEETH, for sulky, lity end Grain tinker, any-charm required. 41.0 1.14 y nod orttln,llalice manuNctumil by: COLVAAN, /11.nriOnArentie, Allegheny Olin 1 - ClitAwdEca ; nA of ' ()RE Th if if-. T r . Afllini.:Aay .. petenn hnerrtg one of the Above deeerlptibtrenn Ind n'teannb , by adders. rtnettriX fere, PlTTSlftlittit PUST4IFFIOLB fr?.4.f..taladtm 'LOVER PEED-100 hue , . Plihie Ohio N. , clover SIK 1, in Store MO fur tie bi ftn .T..l:lltHPATitted.b TIRO. G _ L U E-410 s‘no, n 1 for oak , by %A he DICKEY & Cy, XE Tr D VER TISEMEXTS BLANDT'S PATENT PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, AND Portable Steam Saw Mills. BLANNT'S PATENT IPORTABLE STEAM ENGINES. from four to Sky horse power—in oce piece—completely equipped and ready - for. worsc— require no brick or tausonrg—trand on Bair ewe feet reedy for fire and water. A good spring or branch applies water. Burn wood, slabs, coal or dock. Smaller sizes baled on two, horse (era wagons. FOB BORING IND ITOREING OIL • RILLS, th.yere peculiarly adapted, en account of their portability, economy of fuel, simplicity sad dura bility, ea well em being . The Cheapest and. Best. They, however, oxen' In all work velthln,tha range of their power. Weight of 011 We/Ilkglno, 0.500 Doung& NadrionA*seas PORTABLE STEAM SAW TELLS irestrietly portablarrio brick or mellows' in set ting—can be in fall operation In two days after ar ming on tho ground—the ENGINE ran be moved Rom place to place on a four horse farm wages. Wananted to out, with ordinat7 good =mamma, tkozn 6 to 'lO4OO Feet , Limper per Day. " • nough NAM feet cosh bu been out Ina day. DLRAPOLABS SENT TO AN ADDRESS. For any Information. and tlitudrated chanters, with deseripttpos, mods of eye:atom prices, io., ad. dress the inannfeaturers, H. ig F. BANDY, Miners Steam Enisine Work,. Zanesville ' Okla, or Bisadra Newark Macktae Works, frOlwd&w. Newark. Okla. ,Q,ECOND LIST OF .. - APPLIOATIONS 11.-- , for SELLING T.Non filed In Ike Clerk's :office, Up to rebeuary 8 18641 . : Name. A' ad. Pram 'Charles P. Millgele' o '' ' Tavern tat Want, Plltabugh t et John Conway, e Matthias Schuler, " 11 0 • Wm. Clinton, o w• . Joseph Gibeon, John Riebilne, Walsh & Mews, •• Wm. / . 0110Ck. 1' 0 John A. Kohrisen, Edward Dean. Jno G. F. Miller, Eating Honer," Morrow &Cooper, Tavern, ad Ward, .•, Kerman Ii Uhlman, Philip Palvermiller, " lth " ll' 1110111118 & Co, other goods •' Meeker Duch. Tavern, 8111 ( - Merge a schweacier, " . Chas. Kehne, Eating House, Bth " -,‘ Peter Beeman, Tavern, Bth " e Andrew 0 roetsit, E. Rouen, John Fletcher, " tat Ward, Attn . /hour. Peter Frey, Thome. Conroy, other goods " J.cob Mickley, TAITYII, 34 " ts Adam (Barer, " 4th blargaret Gordon, " ' Getter. Vaunter, K. House, " " " ' AnnieTralich, 0. ll Philip Deal. Tavern, Illrmin , ,ithsm. Simon Miller, Eating House, Ernst Eggers, Tavern, Duquesne Borough. Henry Omslaer, E. How, 3 smell Mullen, Tavern, " John A. Mettle, " McKeesport Peter erptith, " Jun. Credal, Jr, other goods, Monongahela " • M. W. Wii.on, E. House, W. Pittsburgh. " Anthony Whittaker, Tavern, Peebles Township. Dertellobna, " Pitt Ann Bennett, " Wm. Young, " L. St. Matz " Andrew H00ver, 4 ,, , ti et' • ft I acob Mainhart, a Versatile. Jame{ Wit Tar, Matthew Herbison, " Union A career Baker, 0 Wilkins Peenk Wolff, " McClure •: , flehola• Rogr, " Coilln. The Court will meet on. Wednesday, March tle tat, 11w,, la to o'clock a- m. Remonstrances at Le Bled on or before that day. Licenses most Le taken out after rive days, and within fifteen days time being granted, or they will he revoked according, to law. Applicants will bring their ter.,:e P., , py eace tante the day of hearing, ft t 3 W. A. H.K.BROif, tai , .rk. NATIONAL PETROLEUM MM. STEEL di, BAILEY, WILKINS HALL, EDITORS A Roe weekly paper, mainly devoted to the In terest of the large and growlan trade la the new and useful product, PETEOLEIibI ULT.. It will Fare carefully yr,pared for each number full re ports, of'the ell trade, reports of sale.. of Stocka; r. perta of all the oil market", lilt of companies, amount of their eap,tal, dleideruts,tne., and all iother matter. pertaining to this great oommerel.ll nterest. • Able and relLable correspondence at all the (El keenns have been engaced. It is the object of the publisher to present L. the public what is c vidently wsated—a paper that all connected with the oil huairess will be pleased to have, awl it will be his alto to give them one thnt.wlll meet the require ments of the AGE OF MI, and one that will be In every trty worthy of their generous support, bellesit; that such an eat •pti.se will be appreci ated. SubscriptionitA 50 per at.num, in advance. Ad verl fwments will he inserted at SI per square of to lines. JOHN P. HUT. Publishei, fel° 89 !FIFTH HALL. T HE DAL'rOIN FMIILY KNITTING MACHINE, I.IV =IBC, [nits Apwards of An Different Kinds of Apparel. A YARD OF PLAIN OR RIBBED WORK in Tea• ZliEliovuLtossi• We hire moat flattering testimMaials from all TIRO I of the country testifying to their superiority for m0001000[110( and family purposes. They are peculiarly adapted for benc►olent SoctoUes end In- 100.000 n.. • - • • Send for Circulars and Samples, or call and ace them In, operation. WESTERN AGENCY. No. 27 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. few Z. A. CLAIM-WEIR. (T . A LEA ISLE REAL Ilgt — A — T — E — .l97ri L" - - T TION.—% ill be sold et PUBLIC SATE. on the premlaeo, oa THURSDAY, the 1.3.1 of Fobrit z.A f l t a 2,9' . 'e:p.. F k, x.. a LOT OF GROUND, 4ltu h tint Ward, of the city of Allegheny, fir hung 60 feet on Rob won street, and extending ettongCorry,steet DO feet, on which ore erect rd Two &cry Brick Mantes. Terror made mown mach . Ity Order of WE. ALEXANDER, I,e , !tltor, lW se e ALL BIDDLE, Excautrix of D. R. F. PIIIMILee'.I. For further: " • tOr further lolonnatfoO, Inquire at John Dien , A7de•man.a Rase. or corner of Foderal and iron,- ~eck Artois, Alientenr; or of S. O. A. P. Aorrt. son, Attorney. at Law, No. ISt Fourth at., Pitts. .t.ornh (radar.:. Flat, — • 60btals:No. i Large Mackerel; al 1 1 0 , 0 ) 604 t • .° • . 60 kit . 2 ' at, it a. INX 0 poundsCodlisb; ' 10alrumsNake; - 5( - 00 bids. No. 1 White Fhb; SO •• •• Plakeria . pfor sale ► WA fee . 4113 Libert QUI.; DitLES--NOW: Li BO bales Family Bettina', . - 16 half blricLeke Hata; • . 16 atwitter,. alo. do.; 10 bole. Sorghum lalolesses; • ~ I 0 nice Apple Butter; • • 60' o 'choler. Apples; COQ lb,. extra fresh Hotter; 100ddox. :Fresh Eat; . WO bears mUdoich, cutting Cheese; he sib: at FriaT..razoka, by • • H. HUDDLE, • • No. ISt Liberty !tree!. rrEE 1211PROTED • Little Giant Meninx linehina, Prier ONLY' tl6 00. - Unsurpessed for certainty, reliability anti groce 'to movement; and for read worth it has no rival. For simplicity, alursbUlty end execution his unequalled by soy othoecheap machine heretofore offered to the public, and nee ds only to tm soon to be apprecinted. It will hem, culla. Owl, or bind. Chill and examine foe.your• selves. Every roAchltio warranted. S. H. HA RNE.'4, Agent, tfo. 111'2'111BD St., app.:mite St. 111m:ries lioteL ocedval • t.rerion ALLY:OOEI,r liNoon tloue r ivr, • PITTAIICIttIIf, Feb. sth, 6'44. A N ELECTION FOR PRESIDE.T r ftiooNfors and °nicer. of LIII. Company, for cr,t log n over the Allegheny River, opno tile Pit sbu cgh, in the vounty of Allegheny, will be held nt OL TL 11011 SE, at lho.eoothr la of the bridge. on MONDAY, the 13th day of Placell next, at the hod]. alit o'clock. P. id. . . VOSEIIIMO, Treas.rer A LAItGE LOT OP •Ileadv-Alatle Olothin4, • To be sold out et COST, nt the, corner. of OMIO Etteet and the DIAXOND, opooelle the Post Of fiery Alltitheny city, tee accent tot the death of the lair to optietor, .1•011 N MeGSATTY, avail known 48 . 1 . 4..10:0p Jobp'!of . Allegheny (Sty tnadlwd l'orrnne non, Feb. 2, tas37 A N ELECTION FOR T11IIIT1? EDI Manegrrn of the. Company for erecting a Itrklye over the Monongthela River, opposite rlttvhdrgh, In the county or Allegheny, confer. mit y to on cot of the . San. oath, tad, wtl tan held nt ihe Toll liouso. no 40NOAT. M arch n. silt o'clock p.ni. N. IXOt.SI Ei , yeYdWd • • • - tiecietary. 1 4 1,0011-4100 bbls. Brenda Eztrt Fawn: flour, to etme. And for silo 1 , 3 r• ft-3 J. YaITRPA.TIIII3g 11110,_ TAR OIL.--Bintor'ti) ar. •+.a rivp 00 ate:tau J. Fur .me sr • ft/3 /SA.l2a( LICE:EX ts UO. E=M;iMM A"EW' .IDPERTISE.WIEXTS. 131011 CHEM MIN BASIN Oil and Mining Company. Capital Stock, • - - $250,000, IN 250,000 SHARES OF ONE DOLLAR EACH, 610,000 of which is set aside for IWOIIIIIING CAPITAL. !holy a Batted number at abates lot to be sold. <>V' i.xci3rtes t VBERIDENT, WU. McCIITCHEON Liberty area, Plttrburgh. TREASIIIIEII R. A. stIEORGE. ()ashler Farmers' Deposit Net. Bank, Pittsburgh SECRETARY t JXMCES bicCITrCHEON Liberty street, Pittsburgh minEcrons JOHN P. KRAMER, CAAler First Natloaal flank, Allcz,he ay. S. B. McELROY, of McElroy, Dickson k Co., Wood at., Pittsburgh WILLIAM IA cbUTCHEON, Llbekty aired, Plthburgh. la DR. L R. McABOY, FiltsbUrsh. JOHN M. CRAWFORD, New °sidle, Ps. EBENEZER McJUNKIN, Butler, P. HON. JOHN M. DUNLAP, Lancaster, Pa lIPEIIINTEN DEN C THOMAS B. CLARK, CM Olty, Pa. The property Is Waled entLrely to - Yeasego recumrylrards, sad consists of : FIRST.-194 acre. choice territory, In fee-simple, en Hickory Creek, (rommenclog abou t X 73 reds from its month, on the Allegheny Hirer, *!il extending along either aide of the creek,•ilistince of 260 rods, making a water front entire of 600 roils, or room for at least2oo wells. The develonments now being made in this locality, combined with the lido strikes on Pit Hole Creek, and other tributaries of the river, to show and ertablish conalusiveiy the Tact that time and labor are the only nece.sam-y lies to the obtaining of large pairhal wells on territory. Tholand is subject to two leases of (mo hair acre each, the company receiving one-halt the Mt, and being at no expense. - SECOND—Onognarter lame-hold In lots Zoo. 10 and SO,. . . ALLEGHENY PETROLEUM COMPANY, On the Allegheny river, about one•fourth above .Herne. Creel:, cad about 30 rode trouts well now sald to be produclug 40 barrels of oil per day. These lots jobs front each II rode oaths rlver.rand extend beak some to rode—maklug a frontage of II rrwc) w]olL.r.s. -AVe golag dove oo thlepropetty, one of which Is completed-‘belag aboutsome4oo feet. The :lndications are that this will be a Big Wall, as al seadrisciveral Cue Wins of on have hem streak. IxIAFR TWENTY YEARS. ROYALTY. 3-Bths or 'the Oil. ~THlRD—MitlaleamAkold to Lot Ito. S 2 SI'rUFGFIELD PETROLEUM CO3IPANT, On. merit Zen shoat threetluartets et i taila above the "Reed" Well and bat a short distance tram Use "Auburn," "Yankee," and other , good wells. There Is room en the property for khree, wells. one of arida In now being vigorotudt pros. elated. Thirty' days, It In conilgently be eyed, wilt make this Well ready for testing, as the ma chinery nod everything connected with It is of the first order. Lease to yearn; Royalty, oriekall 011. FOURTH—The entire leasehold of Lot He. i ST. NICHOLAS OIL COMPANY, Cherry llnn. On thisyroperty there la room for four Wells,one of Which le nom being sunk As Ibis leese is luented near the fartionsifebd,llsker end Grocery producing rcepeetively 280. 104 ',hlft%) barrels, there la reareely n doubt of nbund• nut success the record of Cherry Rua chronicling no failures' in this favorite' Moonily. Lts6o, 2'l years. 'royalty, half the GIL • SHARES TO BE TAKEN, What Earls, TVle elv rciscr . tritest. Dot ri Ilmltrd number et shires in this Company are jet to be tniten, widen will be ulveu to subvert ' hers •on the original halts of one dodo. per share, And 'may be•setured by applying et the OEIIO t. :DV COEIPAN . Y. store of WI'LLIA.II Mei ..CUTCLIECY, 195 Liberty attest, Pittsburgh, du ring the week eommeneing'LatlßSDAY, February 'l6th, and ending February Mi inst. - Atter the time mentioned, no more stork will be gine on lb. taint nal basin The working .operatlens of thls CoMpally bare teen plsmed under the 'Management of T. D. 'CLARKE. of Oil CI y. I,iY experienee islsueh we to enable him to look orator the interests of the Company intelligently, and to proeceute the devel opment of the territory In e. manner mostnaleula ted to promciteltageneral welfare and Anal ails:less. Books Open from the 10th to 23d No. 195 LIBERTY . STREET, fe11:101, rarsauacul. DKr GOODS. NEW FlRb4 AT TIM was...it:worm STAND OF ALEXANDER DATES, 91 Fifth Street. BATES & BELL, (13000ESSOBS TO ALY:Z. BATES,) Hare Bladed t. Sell their Ratter Stick at a GREAT REDUCTION. BEFORE PUROELASERG TILEIB. SUPPLY OF NEW SPRING GOODS, WILL DISPOSE OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS AT AN EINEM RIDUCTION IN PRICES. French ltertnoes worth $1 27 for el 00. French Her'noes worth 81 82 for el 20. French Her!noes worth 81 89 for el 43. French Ilertnoce worth e2'oo for $1 50. French diertnoes worth $2 00 for el 87 Erench Ifertnoew worth 83 P,:.3 for 82 24 French Chintzes at 50. 61, and 76 tent! French Repro worth $1 50 for 01'00 .Spring Alapacess at lint year'' prlees All Wool Poplin Delalnes worth $1.75 for 1115. Yard Wide Cold Coburga for We. Blankets ♦erg cheap, and of the flaeq qualltr All Wool Phi& for 750 Berateas, all colors, smi.tly reduced 114 yard wide Eng. Nertaoes mirth #2.00 for LSO. tall assortment of Cloaks, of all 'daft, tedattql forty per CULL Hosiery end Gloaks,Sold nt the old prigs, to close osa the old stock. fallnotS, nut colon. for 15 and 211.reati, A splendid Stork of double Shawls old sit $l3 Ibr SP SO. flood Lave/la Cloth for lrAc: • Siding Foulard Silks, ffe quality, for 150 64 Wool Dclalnec, Reduced. Bearaoral Skirts as.lorr se -112.75. BS Sluwl Merino, Reduced ; very lOW ♦ fall line of Linen Goode, Pillow Onstage. SHEETIIiaS, SUISTIXOS, TWEEDS, CASSIMERES, AT LOW FIGURES. FLANNELS OF ALL KINDS, PLAIN AND * BARRED, REDUCED. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF WRITE GOODS, JOB LOT OF lIOOP SKIRT for VT testa; THE BEST MAR-St OF KID GLOVES, is White and veld. EMBROIDERED WIIfDOW OVRTAILIS. All the above goods enumerated will be add at the prices mentioned. Every effbrt will be need by 4ho members of the arm and those to their employ le give entire satisfaction to .their mastomets. . Goode will always be selected with. the mosticro pulous care, CO ae to give a bitga cad Pell selecte d . etoekof faahlonanie goods at moderato prises. . feadaml CLOSING OUT SALE OF DRY OK)IIMS FOB. ;THIRTY DAYS .00ri,r; . .J.. Et - catcall...lEl,l)w WINTFT. t DRESS GOODS, a 0 eoefead . 4es- . WINTER'SHAWLS, at cost end lea. • mitINTER-vtoexs. 'do do. • • BALMORA.I. SKIRTS. • MUMMER DRESS GOODSAllast yeerePricei• BLArnirrs AND Fuirrrir.r.s. .• The enetni stook lea been .. • = AND MUST AND WILL BE lib OUT New is the Time l 0 6et . Bargatna.;. • • - • •.. N12311N. 1717 rh,..).C. Undershirts at $2.00, wourn *Leo, Drawers at $2.00, WORTII &Lott. Lin' SUITT WILL I YEIGII NEARLY 111,60!, • • • • I ATOM, Rd goat urrE CTR . l3ll extra.he t i co w xIiNDEItra:IIIRTS and DRILIVEIt 5, nearly all wool, which weigh from 1;416. to 11b. 6 or. each shirt, that court be closed out immediately. We offer them at much less than what they vest to Inake, and we believe them to be equal to any thlug" In market at 64 06. - No reduction will be made for quantity—one illet or core hundred at the Annie rate. These Shirts are a Great Bargain I j EATON, MACRUNr. & CO, 17 ana 19 Fifth stieet A NEW ASSOATIIENT OF BUT -L-A. TONS, Dress and - Cloak* Ornaments, Bagel Gimps, Chenille and : nugel Flinger Mulf.:Vril 3 ; Underriceves _Lb Seta der the gent guallty,) LaceandLlnenCollars and Handkerehlefat Glares, Hogery, Balmoral And Roop Skirts; Brealcfnat Diesels and Bergen, of all 'riles; Iladdrware Ere anleled Collars and Curb, for ladles aml gentlemen; Wash Leather Gloves, in all sizes; Jourict's Kid Glover, la light enlorst.RlLbon- Sets. fringed to 'order, together with a new lot of Braid Water Fallt. Ann Flower,. Will he fond • ALICE 11.10WRVS TRIMMING STORE. De. 32 Eourth street, near Ferry street. Particular attention Iriern to eine-ring Point and ail other Dilnds of Laces. dlao Mock Logo Yells. ~.... DRY' GOCM) E 1 CO M ROE MOTNi: 111Lacruni eily-c14 . 3 1 .. -1 , : - ' f's. 78 ELAILIKET STREET. if Offer en extensive stools ef SEASteNADA GOODS of American ICarostaetele. ceells,smr. , • • great variety of • - • • Fancy Goods, Notitaus,' 81CATLEBIEWS. FIIRNISIIING GADS • ticr Da every style and quality it meet reasonable lithe • i : • : • MMM. HOSIERY & GLOVES. We ettU km a few goods of lE'oireign Ara osstresetwi end* we willAwPow "at F iCea to "it" . 'Po lierdeasts and ..fletaners er . te ' ' At.Klees as low as eau be bought merrier* ha ths Eimer. (Aura, aa we buy metastasis MU from Manufacturers or their am* solldt a call. : 4rnea GREAT BARGALRE I 1100TrirE AD I0T1110:80N. 1 & 00. f l l >1 A 81. Market street,' 1 , LEE DETKOMINED TO MOTE otrr'.-,i, THEIR ENTraz STOCK' or e . 4 • 4 - i t t nti-' . owe trnder-garmesits, Willie Igo AM. ' imi.„ldee:r=tecialistosi:e...o%.o4l. &NU sunikroint Lae, that, - Sedery, As, Jab 613. Tate ' .1.114."'" "'' i ' l Ar3C.42o* at PIiE.A 09. Xi OIL Bestir I t iviUnnitt rtrnlr' - No, Witi South, fourth St 1/ tt•. _ftElii).-TILE DIRECT , Mel% ..is thnopany have this dsy dealsreo St ~sod of FIVE PEE OEM'. on the ,_.-...„ . ouck, payable on aml after the 20th inst. Tilit-t - t ; ; transfer books will be s'osed from the lath to .-f.! 21st inst. IV LE.LLird. S. /AXE, sumter/. v FEMITTAIIIr 10,1865. . tellattY : 1 DIVIDEND NOTICE.—FIFTH DIYI DEND.-iROSS OIL COMPARY.—TheBe or Directors of this Company bare ibis 'day 11 - .faired C dividend of THREE PER CENT., pa Isle on and alter thl ibth Inst., at their offlbe. rfo. Hand street. • The Directors of this Company have conduct to make the dividends payable gem rterly heteatte By order of the Board, • • fellftt RDRERT WRAY, Jr., Secretary, 07110 E or PATIDDVIVAI &BOSTON MIXING CO., (1 Perranuncur, .Feb.4tll,lBo. TIMD END N OTTE E.—The . - Direetori . 1 - , of the Pittsburgh is Boston bil - 7,ltr Do., hive this day declared a Dividend of E 1:1:114A11,3 per share, payable et the omen of the Company 1 11 1:; , ii and after the inth inst. THEM AI. ROWE, le7aib Sec's , and Treaii. 213 .4E0?-14NY NATIONAL BADES,4 •14' •• PITTAIIIIIIOI Feb. ti; 150: • 'FIR DIRECTORS OF THIS B A A have tide day declared a diridandof TuAES-1.1 PER CENT. on the Capital Stock o"t of the earni,• `et logo of the Allegheny Bank to Tan Ary ltet, leak i payable on and after the 16th loot- freo of Gov , ' eremeot tax. • • T. W. COOK, Cashier. 4anr- Dividends will hereafter be declared In jarr. nary and July. fel •- LRCM CMS NaTioaar. Bailie or Pirranuntial • Prrrsornau; February 11, MM. THE DIRECTORS OF THIS BA K ; hare declared a dividend of THREE PER CENT. no the Capital Stock, out of the earnings , of the "IRON CITY RANK" end "I.lfE IRON CITY NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGEL I . - • for the three months ending with the 3let day of January,lBGs, payable to the Stockholdersorlbelo legitirepreeen tat treatree of Government taaon t or after the lath trot:. By order of tbolfoord of Dlrortors. fro:10: JAMBS Mc3III4EY, Pres(decd. DialterTS tt 2111 , 1r17.OTCIINICS NAT'L NAAS; (Late Blerehants &Nano factuters Dalak.) Prrrantutos(attcrl 26, tech THE REGULAR DIY/DT:SDS this .- Bank will limonite, be made Et SELfiIiRV and JULY, 'Wend of May and floymntbr, and feta this arramtement the Hoard of Directors Ere tali" day declared al Dividend of ONE PEE fIENT466tC of the prollts to December 22th ult., payable tar Stockholders forthwith. free of Halted SC/del Taxes. JOHN SOOTT, Jr.,' Osaider. .WCTIO.? &.LE9. VLEGANT AND SUPERIOR FURNI.' Trim. FRENCH PLATED .141117.R0R4,. FLNE PLLNTINGS, BRUSSELROARPET, OIL: OLOI HS, tcc., AT AUCTIOIL—Oa THURSDAY • MORNING, 18th inst., at 10 o'clock precisely, at No. as Fourth street, will be sold en elegmatassort• meat of Furniture, Carpets Illirrors,blattressee, 011 Clothe, incomprising part 3 superior Oak; .Sideboard,; handsome Pinsk-corned &La ; Rdu Seat Parlor Chairs; large Easy Chair ;•Harblertop" . Centre Tables ;• 2 Dressing Musette •. Misrblo4op'i Wash Stand ; Extension • Tables • hat Rack ; 8' sett Cane Seat Arm Omits and Heckert ; superior"; Mice Table; 4 Boned Office Tables ; Engjosed - Wails Stands; Bedstead; Traaklln and - Bonk , . Stoves; Fire Irons, Traders; superior Retrlgers.' tor ;Taney' Window Stiseistrara lery ; 40 feat Oam that, &a.; Also WO yards 011 Cloth In Prime condition;' Brussels, Simi Ingrain and Sint, Carpet,; Also, Hair, Hulk and Llateremes ; Wan.: Iota; Comforts; Musqultallara; Bedding; Sheets, - Re., Act Also, French Colored Litlioapbs, Crayons, an/I - line Fainting*, French.plaesd Mirror, Slireeldstal ". Caders;Spoons. Forks: an; - .. - Also, a splendid Billiard Table and }Berner 11l safe. . . . Terms cash, par rued,. fell - . T. A. IiaIIILELLtaND, Auer. ,-. -- - - •PURNITURE, EIARNESS,TEHIOLES, 810, IN LAWNENCEVILLE—Oa NESDAY HORNING, Feb. 15th, at 10 okleekal will be sold at. the residence of GEOHCFE W. DIFYIN, Harris street, Lavreeiwttlle; a lams let Ilonsehohll'untlturt of whelp dwierlPtloot also, a. Two-hone .Carriage, (new ) , a Hugo, Two-horse Wagon, two double vet Idatriage Bansess • set, Buggy - Harness; double ant Wagon Harness, GardenTooliVr In hest order and eondition. , • - . • • .fet4 • • • A. NoILWAIN,E, Auer. . PATrs -CLOSING OUT BALES OP DOOKS PHOTOGRAPIT 'ALBUM:4,4'AS. ILY BIBLES, PAPER, GOLD PENS, _he, ho. -- ite:—Ort MONDAY, TUESDAY, and WED-4 NESDAY EVENINGS, FebruAry lath. lith andN 15th, at the Cotoreirelal Sales Rooms; 54 YUGO street. Aa these will be Mr.- Pratt , ' lest A 14011001; Sales of boeks this reinter, persona wishing to pnri,l thane good, - new books, he., shaap, wottld do well to attend these closing isles. • • - .• ••• Books at priests wile during the day, at• linage auction prices. . -14 . fell SOWN, A. MeLLWAJNE. Atiotioneer 136 Wood Street. ILMPACTPIMEII OP iItiROYED'BORING -TOoLS, . , Sinking' - Oil 'Salt, and other ITEIK Toots warranted Ja;idfs• oftho verr irost4littULTA, • .; AND LOST 010911 IRON: , t WEjt ;` iiuth artStkiss Attottitry. to ima4mt*Parlwi tior+: • sAWs ' • sgtrAusa ; : FaNzs,. LEVELS, • fr., NAILS . BELLOWS. -- st.End t _ . 11.11M1,1 Has, . SHOVELS.. ROPE, C11:72a XaMie MI of FLU, 1 have I.lB2trid - coon:ugly - is lIEELER & WILEOIi'S witrE.vi PlimaruxliiPßOVrsD FAMILY _ MOHO% simple. ittliable and Per ft; ct. ; • There is no Ina Chino in the worLI that cnn do rlet,y of Weak Or giVejlettCh ttICITOUgh going NS. faction. Those machines wlll,- licni p Frill guilt, Ikud , Tad', Galli , eORD AND BRAM. withoht.';piariloos bast , It htil sew.the hesvit..tt sad' OlL:hest cloth, with ltAht, strong, ela.tleao‘ato, as durable as the fa. £ Melt...lt will saw -'the thtnest sambro,' $w xmcho, Jar with cows I. fecii Ity. ' • Strat for etreillar - with samples of No. 27 FIFTH SZREEIt. - • - plrrsilunaff c'N ' lrl'S FOR SACE---61 bualtpi °rch";""in't°z!n ftPAra e t t :. l 4lizoi_ . . pot Noe. 14 tti Wood REfOLVERLA—A. full Eupp4 ott Eke e., bilaltaaleStrinfLlS Wo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers