. . - 3 4 :: • t ; Atctite • - ih.:FIIIDAT,,,,J,'I:I2JiS,,IO, , • , i t ' ClirtAND Struußatl 0 1.(0 °'14- 441 wAlr'ii Vt 413 ,0 011 zETTie-i- • . preatoile tter r Desiewl..A Clean Sweep ndes...X.2l.v Illitil eflleztterg Tlcketit t this' nsonling;la Ife,Seritowr/In's "WO pance,kb,-hii• appr 0 ach•,....,,,.„,,,,i ; 6 .,‘,,,,,,,,i,,:atict stated that to led In.st Olen 1 the street s'lottery'swindler named C, .W. ,who' had defrauded. him loaf of 114oti A e lti9 - ,alus.ot ihonsYPotTs two, Vaye s was , tva and who, ho convince d was ,salt. ~ P t goNgltifhe bunneis., bt avor L owry at time , ;_eembesedatlue be bad heard •several tom ilainwoflaln,inreicronce to the attindling over .loneoftlis seineindhldrial, and a warrant was `s. ones lamed for,lds arrest. • The rWeeentor, in mpany with , an officay.,startcd in pursuit; and . er seintidit 'about bar some timefoand Smith pt - • I bow in,the act of undeireoring to dispose. I soft,inlitil.• 'Selma. at once taken to the .4goz's ante. , On being astawhedosiveral lot - ly tickets were_ found in fall lasticeelotis 1 44- ' Iher frith a bold swindling "scheme;" pur. rianW to - be'lssued by a firm In toulsvllle, oder the .laws 'of Keratudcy, but which has ywo eibWence. • Every Wad sold for this echeine was to draw a prize —the pekes g , In lemount - 111mb nay , cents up to air. =sand dollars in gold I It WWI .by means of scheme that he succeeded In swindling a miser of our citizens about Iwo years ago—ste • seminar btlfigemong them. . . Tim accused had in bleu postsession other itery tickets, apparently leaned by nrWln ,,,r finaN, ISSA 401/1 , eXtancet• le• was, Inferred that ;they hid = chimed .• t i me. s • Smith, - by - this •-•• e. isi: lo realize tad plettion In which • hg a red bbneelfs and-!epin-to - w - cep,_ if,e., b the .Mayor by suiting that he would micebraise pock strangers while others ln the` e business were per to 'nourish all • and ---Itonitt or them even within sight of Mikes sills lionorassured him that such XIS i X the-lane; and then asked him wifethorle id Oritaitelleny of these tickets in this cliy. repliedged be ,-41nd ante looking over ,e battlieresecnabled to give - the names of all le lottery dealers In the citY. , iThc Whole matter wait then placed in char ge •; Chief - of Pollee, Limg, wad ordered a num- P . or the police to disguise themselvea and ke n.ilranltancous Visit to the :several IN:all ta designated.: In lesethas three r ittiartem of 1; hone thepoilee had taken all the dealers into L.stody—live th nistribert..tovther with soma teen or eighteen aliens, who'.were fonad in ?: respbeilve eillees, and held es witnesses. - ; The mance of the parties charged with being Alpsa ire as follow! s -James Toner, Third I . . -rt: Bernard. Ferry, rime street: Astarte:sal V. ; , 1 - ' ; tee, Jereinlah Force and W. 11. Arnold, Ella. ,ed street., 'nettle° - forces mentioned 'ere ' eller and con, tut aIL the parties had separate lees.' --; ' • ;, t n cabg 3f 'Cie oldies' taiga batches• of lottery, I is were found, establishing the guilt or nil • - ' • parUes beyond doubt or peradvezdare. eughi nada, Km seezwal to fillA bushel 4' •' ' .• _' __- • . ' err thq parties , Asid been limited, , the Xayor ' i - Ipatched awe:Ohm' fords.Wsliiddk,,F.sq.:, Dep.: le District Attorney, by - whose direction hear. Alm were draWdelltlie t h e City-fourth sec ke.o, l e - tettsied'Penal- cddel Ball Imo , been '• - uar , the into of of - 112440 - tor each-of •tlat "endante, and if goodscentity in that 'amount -: - l Oven, the partial will be committed for is (hi , grandest oatrikerier midi., 1 at Mew? ocirry, &nark and the On' of, 11Ity , .be Altipiddiled for a time , ' least. 'rSb ponce we szapiinced that no i ' , ••• staxedsthe...acrest• of an envied ill tbP :‘. inceS Of 5101114 and that theY have testimony.' 1, to ednyictothem„. TheCot:rt. will ctn . otialdjs; dolls Sufi` whet the #iiper time, •' i. , es. end see that the law, If -violated, shall-he .. ,o these partial were Managed with ',. I - - Irammatesimkaad rttlect - great credit, upon - : I Mawr; Chlif Long; and all wincerned. •:. ' 2 . , ' - —, 4.. 'Bible V'xesentailowr:' ' -:-' - ''' -- • # -,- - -.•- To esdanthe 1041 Inn; thoetapinyees Inv Erupiti gilt Af.htessii. : rtewuteyer;'; ahig.7 l sp,', prescrbditb . A.s.l4oiiktoi: ii ,utuiiipi - i m gri:, - copy. oPthe 'Bible, oce:the Natal — On 'or his,' ' ".. g li liiictriitilitl:•'--tile idrd/r ir" 4did: I f ged Wit - . 4fr.-Ifewsaty* knue'nothl4 unt u l . , , hir. 4- 6:l4Yui, g iethen l a in Use tamTevieu;eccßyTfmewmptetat4rmtrar3ty:.::Totak• .„ 'Begian* th e ia.fq dM , P l l!tr add . L lgme"oaty realuye elver. —. ,-..',... be Bible was gotten np, us understand, as a amen °f AaMicukliclUtia ASArti arc: l uul bindlut,' andls oitopr the f t:nut t putty copies ewer plrbdu•-• .•`` theiti o' lir g is gothloi ; Its sides belnialeptsr paneled Tartar dr rums. esett.dt6t,,pansl,lnlaid the richest IclietiAhd,,rll•olercr.m6-' It Is•lmpussiblonordesalhO thk! WA or book sun to•gtvethe heitdert coma-Ides or ;may. cirricim4.dabarlacky: ilia .faa. re..,,,, „,434.4 by a. xiikty At devices-- inclelt:itquareo,dtamotuts,ylouboldi, add, conceivable ideedtme of - a IsesSfeiglim- ,rancor at enutfulo s t ihdrine And .cloptens: - anceirTbe - eidges are also .highly orna te& TO corering ts rude or the, besgttilz - fII n FAA •Mtitm, wine Abe In Sides - of the prelined with-Wadded elik ortho most"delt: Obrie. - The tdulint iinr,Acotka, up at the P hinci d,: 6 Art * .Ics,-Bag.,-and Is u a sPecicaq‘ntßeliart. 'lli lini ever beet' ~....A i i khOmaa rr , I , -I, •-:- .... ! a i'N' ''f it t4 ldi Cl "V ciet inidai ; 1 30aiii" . .. f :4: - Douai .tcrefrt - hf Ildc y, read. at-the ~ ly m ..titititiy: 411anday-,ateuinc,, statett: '',. there tire in dal; bound and'yeady ,to tie i-.- B, Merphnnee. „- 13bicerAPidg185d,4 Men et ' l' am ",./ale.bta!) V.Cae lig of-amt. ~, The epeiM hays In th eta. peasesalmf en 4. - ppy of the old, reliable portrait of Wm" . r.. and anumg.tbtreitidedittea. can. be , found 1... -;-er'table beltuf•treptpnitiwldell 'ii tired at . ty roadelfetwecn Tan and-the .. .._ , to the nairea' In Manchester. ". ; 4 3 ,1 eg are the rigrOssof3tiose dotted ‘ - 13tu , ' B. l Bprinti Cannell, — Thomis Harper en MeapeOchnot •:DJ,el„. •John • K.- . d tirm.ltnas: Judge* , dleass, Jona Inspectorai W. Todd and DantelMonV , Returullappeetorn;Hagb Es.`33ll4turi- Usogber; Assessor. Darld.lkitither; Aadi :antic; :-Vnnatteno;isaseettenent:tz-, _,.. P'-', rZS:OI BOIOr-011, EIIirCION,:=TIIO 'etagro ti . ticket 'was elected In AIL borough on . ..iVr.f• Tbefolion4it,iire th e names of the 4,,, elect : -•!liiirgiese,4llleorge•Horkeinteell, k fitewart,:Andrew Hate, 1:1:E. Wilhelm, , •:. wer, John WMlttuut andjohn Ifonicei. .'• , Dade "Ercinflud6 of Elections, Ell $•, •• • Inspector;,Eneert• . (1,14 and CnnetT, (D.;) Constable, Joluti,ong .... , 1 . . . ' . tnntrdir Eldicr l --ri.Tke election for of n. LI rt the TotAn't - on'i'3fereanill et _Mawr • _. talon will be 'held ' this evening, -.." Two. Y. time bees need faibettehiraturallvelj. 4.. • I* ''. The tickets facetionedy , - ,ted as the 01&'Pogy"are, and'"Yeitrig " '5 tickets, and N it, renuOus to.lie. seen. 4 , tke "youngsters"' are atde il stand a. 4r , i• : I Ult with their •!sdadibrr• - ; , 4 - ,'•• ••4•• •4 “ , ..?',. racy Zarin Forre.—Thetitheadoir .6r I , , is requested &lit _cira orAminr: x.. k & Barr. •Tliff.E tynoti/arell, u zwehr,lNanaliliiMn loft km aim if: ca a,pßixt 'wide for-the piano 'forth: t.• e a Bomber of planer: pf Abe& Lniaciut4 i -, all cheap and excellent. G ive n , lux. or .411$ On; Risuctris.-11r: J'i If. -; •4 ; ironic nail, Fifth street, Las plattssued ;•••• fed improved /nap of tits 01) rtgtona,• I i • rill prove' (of:ambit to a ll who have r other Interests in that section—The :•• . likrue 'arid beautifully colored, and all the • 14 are circa with remarkable sue. : ••• • T2cCll CAPE. -- ConinitealonerSpronll this *posed of the ease of R. Mr. leyheb, e hint In bonds to appear before the ; ja of the Veiled Stotts Ingrid Court. - , , manjarloner, .may elate, - takes the ';hat he liedno 'power to-discharge tho I.:0, • Little Things, ; fly beautiful actions are dol(y over us, he eause•fhei are Co little and .o)ke, for ire . tenet, the rnother who:hat 6 , 101 . ~lumber ,- if , any" nt all; Wit?, the Nam, whose wants must not be dime -1,,,,be would lic.:and sleep awhile; when . Mgt konre . mnes, patiently and nncoin , rtt her timely seat at the table. Firf . te r ! I na. weary, she semi - an. °if -cep. of coffee or teabefore flit herself, and often the cup Is handed ifter to be refilled before she baa had title C -orr own:' Do - lwet bearfier complain' L=4 tnnther, that ber.breakfait ]s cold be:. i:to had tints to eatlrt. , And this tarot pat everypiorning palatial thrones the you call: tnik o email thlugr..lry Ir. Ott, bow -dots' womitt : attatin 'tts by itinice and fortitude ln wiuware wrong- , 41 little Maga: • 'Ah,it b thaw little 7.4.t1eb are the testa or.ebaratterkilv i . r;ilJ,e self denials; bornewliti much isuly.' _: . .geotlencas, that the humblest Wane: ~ .; : ,, o utlful to "the eye of antelaitileamh . , alas, tilt the chair leirtseeittiand . I . *,,sialefi kept In orderly motion MAU. -4,achlitery is powerleas and epld:l 7: . , , ',5••L-4.-----••• • : K. 6. CO:PP OP rint.,,Thytit;4::tta, eiUlat,fir it ,2l .46l 4at etvaktan as Gore, r4r to pr i ficitro'hlack recruit., illtivwzaii ja ss r I .t y lon to do/Jo afterwards, Z• 4. Nrk.:Clll, NoiicEs. .VOTICES. wozur.s. • HUEIBARDS .7, %.• t THOMAS W. Psturr, practical elate Roofer, and - Dealt? In Am. ricau age, of Talriollll' °`u,'. Office at Alexander Langhtler, near tho Walter Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. -Residence, NO. TS Pike street. Orders promptly attended to. All work warranted water proof. Repairing done et the •stortest notice. No.charge for repairs, provided the roof Is not alined after OtiTon. _ New Goons lan =CC at tee Merchant Tailoring establishment of. Graham & McCand lesa,l3 Smithfield street. We would most res. "..penfully invite the attention of our Mends and las . 1 11ficslEML teioldlifew ithch and wham. goods. They contain ail the very lhtest styles of English, frmeh and American clothes, callsimeres and vesting', all of the finest I,l:stallty, and is selected with the greatest mre - Ceritlemen desiring foblennblef and ~ yreil made apthing, would do w4...11 Le glee Dia call before ,Trarchtusing elsewhere. „Every garment is war ranted to give full satisfaction In both p r i m an d ruddy. Gmmus &MCCANDLESS, -Merchant Tailors. No. 73. Smithfield steed. ' • .SPECIAL NOTICE.-1118 aztentgat,of oar r end era la directed- to , ttie bkilliatit assortment of Fill and Winter Goods last' rarefied by - Our friend Mr. John Wee:, No. 126 Federal street; - Allegheny. lila stock comprises a great variety Of Fancy French, EnniLily Scotch and American. ennimereb.lll4CClOtel. Old Atm 8111Liuutetttt mire. %dings, all of which 'kill be made up to ordor In the latest styles and lo the best manner. -A choice selemlon of /Turnlaldng Ogodcalso.off ' land Ind for' tale„tdgrAber;xltft fu/1 Mock of lleadr Mick "ClothlnC.irell and fashiOnably A Ns:um-rim you) may eottsiirtoothwor ant .farht, anti often -ends: at lair In oohnimptlon,- . Bronchitis, °rather PahacniarrAffoctloh. When negltrt, altended'gyrestilta ad dangirtki4 l ffutt can jassity.the careless for a; cold AA - et wall of itself." -It east, who are itotr;CrOuyieti- whit...Pot:Wis p MPS; Sore; Timm!, . would_ sorolywrodd the dreadful stiffftgs t CO:O.,.mimptlyo,l4 thaw tithe at - fillet!. Dial. 41ty .e. Expectoriot, a reao t edy tibtic'effielendy hat been esiabilalieil thirty. Yew'. SOW bY'Diugkfiltii cierrthei*: . - • Otnernee, A d carriage, ca ll a will : be taken' at the omnibus orrice, No. 4113, remvstreet, day :or night. All Okra IA at the above place will be attvidid10.... , ...411 calla man be pal& le • Poi% COtlitt4i Cos AA, TICRO.IIOI7LSOII - uso,!"1/rosen'it..11, Treeker,"L taving: protect tbeit Alpacy-by.a.test aany-yeam: ct - . I XUSEMEXTB; ' .;, Latessa AND IlLexictstiWm. Ilirenesson. ;BENEFIT of the no_putar AmAticAD Xinedian, id/r. NEAITE% whir will appearin two of his greatest permeations, AGYOGATE ANIPDON 7111,4 (Fnlo.ar) EVENING will be presented the beautiful and thrilling three art drama, entitled 141 E ADVOCATE PID. 1111 Z tIRPHAX. The ildrocate. ' SbYr. by theestire ccmapenp. • . • _ Miss .Teazle: . . Miss •.. TO conclude erdh the rothantlN dram of ••••._• ' • DON O.,ISAILDE BAZAN‘• ' • Iron Coml. • Plfr,Neelle. InsehearsaP-TIOETT. GE, „LEAVE. hIAN. ... .• . „:•- iF.73 4#1F 2 T.,411411. sr. cza.za.. ....... and .hgeneger., • • EortaraziEie itg.B o'y.hocir. • - TNalght, debut of Mot, • ;,„ BRILLIANT CORTE DE BALLET.' Itlntle ZANFRETTA on the tight-rope. • ABED. MUELLER. with-trim Violin., Canoes, Negro Conileallyee, So. The I,4*.tua maw, - ece Carra*istirwa*iiiki. :Conducing With the Condo l'atimmine 1.1 ;../1 1 1 . 4,9FX1P9A41413. • Istu - DI OHIO faisim Wetioday,Theredbey. 041140011111.04.. Jaz. 10.11. Il.`lobito " TILE GREAT.IIII/OTITAL, jE I IiN O — SOTMI4II vr . }Tom` 'the Academy of dtt , Yarlo 404144 :k M hundred and eieotylxw,ye nights. 11) UngThliiin g au 4.44rAge09, ft Ofk. REST'S GRAIittIiTAPIEI3O,, •L - F,%7 7 .,-.. , ;:' 7,e ‘, .Thaxiday and afternoon, :Jam Leo .opt tor. be .4 1 etelbutbit eaAreedigreee....7,77l - iiaiei tt . „ ..A.....00.-„th g ,-25 CU; oftrrooonl, for o'clock; co rtuniors(Thitrl o ci.. IP" ' MAL LA. C.ERT.RALL.7- 47 :.' 11 FOlt A SHORT SEASON ONLY. tinOrniuelnr FRIDAY MIMI ltd;'ilinnlitYlitil. JRAUxtee oh SATURDAY AlTERlicoliirl4;l":lsl37/, Ellinger & Foqte' i • qi 4 enti , Zaor:al ;Xi]libilikkai . . pECTIIISIX 1 1011010/JPIL ULLIITILUS, • t • ~.• = 4 ; , * 1 4 3 PCPcrte . "23.cl of . Tom Thotpb.sall.wite.,,the, 04ntoothei spamotetiud's*ilittellitoOta !loons of bpaanttr to Bauhaus eta on exhild• "Ofiriad. . ;'COLONEL lhe great remieiitiaiiaer acmitah. tloa:wlOitlieseentiottUali of riktla* Li, Limit pee. ; ALBS. e•G..R1MEV.,1,,,,. • -•-- 0 01 . 1 "Tit+X. Etlinger,) theeekimttedT9 eat, vg. tEri4.Cot9ibcae.ti logetherwitY , , - • , HARRISONB . . . . • • alio velmrainrot Pott And atietitt; Froveldzir Delineator ol'Eck..e4fic CliAmeter , tail , • PROF: G. - Ir. BROOKS, WennleteandPleniet, ten years *pupil of the Phil 'adelphlalmatutc of the'lilLed. • —. ' Zook out ftr the /4LLPPUTIAN CRARIOT „ TMs Map/Mont earrlagerAufthelf•ileiti' ars/rely Moat than a bushel basket. bat expressly fur Commodore Foote, for the season of ISM, at It. coat of over 02p3D, psaa thronsh. the streets dolly, from tht St. Clair hotel to the Hall, eontala. lug Coramodtire Foote and Sitter and Cot. Small, 'Detre SII-TRAINED MNGLI-411 GOATS. • •DatrtopeA t p. m. - OacsmeAt 'Otdmls.. riot, 26 cents. Retorted Sea at A614t0 Its -.2lattates, 21; Cliffillecy'Lt tit Positively ... n °1!!!! 1 1 ” bt • ELLIAGES & FOOTE, Sole Preview:2, /jUSiEraE, Business Naroser, JAS. S. JAS WAY, General Amt. ANTED—dc GARDNER,, upon take.cani of a anal! garden near` the ciy...n which L a vineyard; rentaLuder orebardi ,:isecageneeng. slo= rtentivdi Inentkvat th e • denedf OkTY4I.I.,LS. Libertiateeet. WANTEDi47O A , MONTH.- 1 -4' • Ate.t...lerfurbeas, slave a icioaesi . paid, to , oat Mara Articke, the bed se ever offerat- Yu& pa:timbre free.% Marna T. CURET. Biddeford. lefabie. , noleriandowT : llKANTD."—liottamed and disablea , o7ll. TT .• ceps and Soldiers, In want of prodtable , ploymeot, pootniarly adapted to Mete oondltlan, should address 01 , 4 ES, BROS 6 00., 'PhtWet• pb.ta, Pa. dcaonewr . lArANTEN—Agbits, Tor .TRE NVRBE SPY, the most interesting awl exciting book everpubllabed, embracing the adventures of a woman' In the nUruon Army as Nurse, Scout and py , I.llrhafc a socket vivid Inner picture ot tho war.. Returned and disabled Officers and Soldiers In want of profitable employment will find It peculiarly 'adapted to their condition. JONES, BROS. & (X).“looCbeetnut street. Phtladelnbla. noaxn WA2NTED-4125 A ILIONTILI __T everywhere, to Introduce the new Maw 4, mart Metro Duller Family Sewing Machine, n the ra low price machine in the country which fs -by Oriarer-& Baker, Wheeler & V7Llson, Howe, eSinger & flo., and Bee/widen Salary and expenuat„ • or large commisnioniAllowed, • 111 other Mattawan; now geld for Jean than forty - dollars each are in: frinnenteara,and the seller and user Rabic, led elrealannentfret. Address SLIMY & °LARS -BithialOWT.,,Maine; no2B.2mdawT ANTED-Fur_serricti in: thc_quarter. I annater's Dkturtment, at Maahrille,• Matte.. 800g1 and Johnsonville, Tonne - meet Atlanta; °tor. BluTand Llttla itotM,Aricansim, sat: itch feast:Merit " taper nionthAzaratlond. eimannoportal!o placerif dettfnation. Heathy .men Maly *lt be received:: . JOHN L: moons. :dorms and Assistant Quartermaster, U.S. - Far farther lisiormation indult* of ••• • a . , T. SAMPLE, yd. Federal tit, Allegheny, ' •Or twel•No. 40 Washington Avenue, between fah and ldp etreets.St.,Lo 1 Mo. ammo : owe. (Nei, AgeiiC " TT: - 1 . + Mp r amlLtp42. ;Vistll ;lir WEST iEDIPTie illeta4l,l Ana LSE cuArtE l wm ate thi or r "*.' 4 m=fedVilta &OW mkahlifes kad - PrmilltoW or d ar,r s -„w u rza tt y rz r legra l ni." l4 " -42ilinth001,1ttrolt,/lika• PATENT CIIIOUND CIRCIIIARS, Warranted OAST STEEL HAWS, of every de. acription. Mill, Mulay, Cross Cut, Gang, and all ° All kinds atTNlTtgarld SPRING:S. rfilide'froin Shea Cast Steel• Extra Relined REAPER AND AIMING EXIVES ART Warehouse anPittorks comer WATER and SHORT.STREETS,sbugh. Particular attention' given to Retoothing,'Gum. ming and Straightening Circular Saws; Mao, re. I!=gbfeirki= Punehing 'o2y" Nat.. IiVN. BARNIIILL, dc Vu., Rer MakerEAS4eetlronWorkers, Noe. 20, 22,21 and 26 PENN STREET. Miring secured a large yard, and furnished witt@the most improved mactdnery,.sreate penit, Ada° man's/adore every-description -of BOLL=S; in, the best manner, and warranted equal to any • made In the country. CHIMNEYS, MOLTEN; FIRE BEDS, STEAM 'PIPES, LOCO-I[OEIER BOILERS, 0 ONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILL% -,, AGITATORS,_ SET .TIANG PANS, BOILER, IRON, BRLDGE.S, SUGAR PAN ,S and sole manufacturers of DARN RILL'S PATENT BOLI.,ERs, ,RepaleinA dons an the shades' t rlbtfac*•" •••• •zt ' delBdf .; . I LAI " CICITer Ell1144 : :81 4 el e n g W9rb, j. prrrtnumu.. . • .. . . PARK, IVPCURDY '.I‘CO., I Min &starers of SHEATIIINIS 'BRAZIERS , ei 130 COPPER, ST I LL I.IOPPER nor. TOM , RALSED STIL.L BOTTOAIS, SPALTER SOL A 1.., importenrand , dealers, fa .MET .A.L.S,, TIN PLATE, ,WILTSIRON; WIRE, ha. Conshintly on hand, , MACHINES and TOOLS. Warchouse,No. 140 MIST and Hu SEO. OND tiTRE.F...TS,' Pittsburgh. 'Special Orders of Copper out to any. desired patteta. • ' ..11..r-THE•COS!EXICIONS AND-V.XPE.; r`To tbit Tnicifi-ngivntigvAu'ibusbe4 Caution to Trams men wb '3 gaffer from Nervous Debility, tl° maturn Veen I L a Zahhood 1 etci"saPP/Thlg the setee t. lln.z, meartrof sof owe, by one wad tuti cunt! Wesel! after be.Wg put to great expense sad t nju through medical humbug and quackery. .Ny o nstel s ostng a posk.pstd addressed enselupe, Stn. illag 1 1 ~! , gAlrag.L " ' A b ITAIR, Esq. i . denlaidliiiiT Philadelphia, I'a. - TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF SEXIS.-A. reverend gentleman hay Ing bein restored to health in a few days, after un dergoing the usual routine and Irregular expensive mode qt irestmeot without sueeese, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his atllleted fellow creatures the meansof cure. Heneo, on the receipt of on addressed envelope, he will send, free, a copy of the prescription Used. • Ditent to Hr. JOHN. AL. DAGNALL, 1% Fulton trect, N. Y. - • mhtlaydawr . .' )10BINRON, AEA & CO., (summon & 1 to Rolosoori, MINIS Mu.l.eav a . 74 . 1 ashington,Worlfs, • ~, . POLIN ERSAND MACHINISTS, Prroonnton. Miadfortoraril of • BOAT 'AND STA.THEYAIIT STEAM _ENGINES LAST. 'ENGINEM, MILL CHINO Y, GEARING, SHA.ITING, CAST EN:OS.If eLlt descriptions, OIL T/LNKS & STILLS, IfOILER. ANT, SHEET IRON WORK. irik " Agents for GU'ARD'S PATENT MISECT., OE,,fort feeding bolters., , .. 4 ' :..h - ~., '-` SYOIIO 111L1TE11....M. R. BERLER...J. 11 .R44-AS X , lIELI.E STEEL • REI'rREt- dr CO' • • • • (Stkceuori to ESITILII4r4iri3UN 2,;(30.,) Tinnufiturere of CART 'iStEEL; SPRING, :PM end BLISTER STEW.; SPRINGS, AX .LESI r MBAR; &e. • orks, FIRST WARD, , AllegheiV. . Post .0410er a dress, PIITSBUR GEL JAIIattY .; • .. . .. ORIN COCII/1.63 dt iirßO.,,goiratao . IRON' IRON TAULTS.AND VAULT DOORS, RAILING ~- W INDOW SHOT 'TERS,4WINDOW GRA M /44 . Nos. II SEO. •inrry NI TIMID STR ,betsreen Wood and Melte , 41re , 01,14111.1 a facji.dy of new patterns, Caney rind pistil, Sultable,for all purposes. i.tir• Piirtletdar attentlon pad to eneloalsg Grays Jobblcdretose at short notice, arst •Ur INEASES OF Tira—Nzievovs. • EHINAL, URINARY AND SEXUAL - S new and reliable treatment—la DOTDI of be Howarel:Aineeletton.trEenliby maq te sealegTer envelope, free of charge. • —Ad D. J. SKILLED HOUGHTON, Howard •As " lat "0 9 7 ! E , 75. /AP“ltteet. riglsr I k li ttisl t (4 -• AND Pittsburgh, Pa..... . entices made en all the principal cities t the United States, Ck AHD oVONIXISSIOW •goptdprk' and wh • ; Olealer .OECICEORPTUTIOEICI: end produce gemereily. ire."llF WOOD ritiabUiLh. 00i Ers. , owv7.orlifff, liiii BLIND ' _T li aawyap u as i'eo 7 - • White - Marble I Table - Oil eta .1 ~„- .1 $11,,,,1ftW.11k.1.R11111;:i7.5.',,,3• • FTOTIISE . CORD VIE TASSELS, 17, fidiadOitia Greer illf trouL now . goods Jut oposeiffb and Ivan ide t the Carpet Store of ~,r . floc gAVARLANIY ' I floc ttstrrnf-DMIZET.,:' Pft;iidnor to Poet Med , ' , Naomi nag , ; Aea ' ri4F,OtTRTH IATIeEETI. -61 HOLIDAY EM81Z011E73414 The Baal Ltapc!rted t ); :MOSAIC RUGS. VERI 1 "q/3 VO I EII :iaid srEr.vvr"•-niriaix .• • •-•N NOW IN STOR-E.- I • • !W. D. & lE. IIeCALLD/f.. ' - der / Bi rOMTU STRELY. , . P.ICAI P .S !II 0 RE. a==Wa Jftirll Y. 6AY.ZAIII. ... .01LISERT /1. - eX AST NIC.MAS7 R 4:14,4,441A,..., SOLICITORS OF ' CLAIMS ANgRATEN* IllisTratizmsATimmr„ 3 Ne.OOIIIIB,.ANT STREET, Pittston- _ i • Licensed by Clirvernsuliks to Wiled , • 'T - BOUNTIES ? PENSIONS,' 8.A.C1C4 1 ,#.7 And au ' ?, mac • " •• ••• " •, Claints • • Ag4 feud, the United Stela. ONE IDINDIYED DOLLAIIS due soldhnn oholged on sOcolilit of wounds received Le bibled to/lecteal IgutledlatelD , grt utedro cial , • .. s• GAIL trr sTREET, opposstelun'' 01413; BOUNTIEd. ,• •. • W. .T.,&!E04.0 PA*EgiON, Army a 44 Nav,r_ Akr,encir, 710.`•144 FOURTH ST., PLITSIONS_ItrotmoredittIONTIESRAMPAT and PRIZE autNEY, and COMARITATjors RATIONS oireltiased prisoners PAY OF PRISON} S OF WAR, Can be drawn by their wives orlrldowed mothers. - tocßr 'WOUNDED SOLDIII. ilOO Bounty lo all Wounded 1414.41.4 • now . betnir iiatei to owith 4i . DiaghsrsaJA ehast,sads untathli maney_la soltested, XSIDA.Xi LteeE!V WA.T. Bed -MAIL 8:1AIST-mmILI.• M Aral AN PTET/1 ~tointd dear Mow the ' SOLDLEW. ICLAIITS;.•,BIYnyIkg zonortgi AND ARREARS OF PAT," . A Tirett AililbEtty N 0.128 Mini ST., Pittsb dettulawP 4 tt ,11•1.1,1 ref 3FurAny CIAIMS•.'4PENBtONS' In:111MTLI •OK PAT and MILITAR CLAMS of Si description, enneom:444l ' lestebriber, at the ca . owi ng. rates, els Pension* •t0,,a1l other G. TAYLOR, Attornepat-Law, No. 13 Grant street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; N. B.—No changes are made tr the claim does net aluxeca. and all Infornuttiongtrannratla. sadda, lIIIM=II ROOK , A coxpLETB , :. , ..c.......;„.:. - , = . HISTORY -OF .TAR GREAT 'RDEl.llO.\'' Chronolaii. ;ally amtnce4 Sem' Um qrkanipmcleinelit Ilfziamtrrenzpantut Adlfelosttlities, April 30th, ~ 1 ::..' : - , ..,:' - - , : f . • ' i Relliction of Abraham lincoln , . Resignation. of thltietall lifitflilliiii; 1 october am, ita;tirmaished ii . .:.: - ..• ' ..- Hint'lit463turgi 'Alm anaC tin. 1866 r I3ric.o uraza." 'Cleza.Ein: . :. Maned, post pstdi on Veciiiit of price; Addre..o JOHN P, HUNT „Patt - , - ,'..7.! ratl.,,: , ~., r. 1.. „2...... jai, a FIFTH St. I YLISOHALL. Nzw Boolin. itrtu4 DOWN IN TENNESSEt., This new volume. by the anther otoAmoba , Chi }lnt.,. I. selling off - like Wild-fire, and can nardly be miale as text nil the order, pour is U.' is crammed hill of matertal, meat important Co every one Intereetcd In public adhharnilllrary at pO/114• e e ctdog . TlVellt"analdkaattry mi l t author's elgit books. idmo t cloth.111#), • , • VIC TOIRR. • A aew Revel; vigor:ate. and feethirte to hit. ;taw, cloth, tinted paper.- 111 '' Grtriti lald Ovid' dog author 1. developed t Ude ebormllit work of fiction. 12me, cloth, tinted pa . rB:E ART OF OORIi r ERSATION I A splendid hook 4 u4t. gvery oat ouiht'toii ....m. - TIILEI4.I63A.*A. AND SIPATM.' . . (lithe au thqr , of “Atay Mirttet,^ll.ockeAmulea., IRmot - • • ~deiva Gailderstring'ii Sin, An Intim. And passionate Love Story ti the Jane - Eyre style. limo, cloth, tinted paper. it SO. 7 : 3 ELW13.32.4316111111 CI" ,330‘71.141774.t. lics.llohnes' new novel. 12mo, cloth. ft AL TALES FROM THE OPERAS. Tl,e plots of all the operas, to the shape of 'lodes Ilsao, cloth. it !O. - - FOR SALE BY HENRY'MINER, 11'a:4 73 Itifth.streki• 'MAONIFIOE2sT W , gx 32 4. 1 . 1 "'5r. 7?Aillona. • • S. L. RE b. ,' • “; dela • I , 4IBiIKELI'S _AMENITIES OF LIT •••• ERATURE eatailtttair otaketetten sad um. peters ot.Engllst: Lite:lstate. " Noini - lttrende P4"1 " . ..1., dNf x1 4 fit7 r.F.0 7 i4:55 "' 2 34, 7 :400, .. : : : t( 13,,,t1 7 .-- , The hitherto uncollected writings 9011111,M3 ',AXIL! Print:War= the Slicersfd* One elegant i 7 zno. sigmas. y Pncce l {9 r 3. : kt: DissozurscurA - - DISOLUTIOIS OF . I'ARTNENOHIP. , —rblp busions conneettou of Bollman,it. Oar. Woo, ant of follnum, Gantioik (AK, Was Ms ,aotred on thee tnteFst pfd 41riruAmy e...,,,t:rubea=dedot tnaton hll the stne @moo - " ' .A. C 74.1111 r c rii t ' , 'l L Aill ir t. 1 ." 1 "' - ' %TN Ti. azciatuo . ' $.r.... J!ikpaly A task • ;-,-; -^:- • 1'37 • . .- .- In retiri t Atme the above, th e subeeribera wank • enema to their Wanda for the oatrvaage ifiren ntulog that loog•perloil of their bwl 'WI :elsottheyleeeture In reeonunentilnetbeirthaterewmi AolimeanUte, with the fuller'. thennenae that every What. a &Unpin Infl'. tin allet.to reader ratio: ftiottosk. - - H. L. MILLMAN. n,. ~. OEM V. , DOLIALitg i'irren Ann, January ;11004. , al 103 0 ,PAIrritZiki1P' - --- , NOTICE. r.INTSMURGIR YOUP4DRRY. A. Garrison baring purchand the.eattre roue. dery property, Soak and Auiblete of the late firma of Wotan & earrhee, end Rottman, (itarrteon C0., - And haring antetated I.llla.hlto In tomtnenti oJohn It. Ineketion, the undenolgtied*lll &alone Waimea ander the name mad styleot 4. Gar , altoti & 1.3 e, • A. CFARRHON, • - -.roux U. - Tairßantop. lag f' peitT.N. Fdisiirf zwupE..--T.lO tutilep ! . ud. sWeed have Cadet Watered intolnittnershle ix e Oil Cloth, Lsolla.Ctibber. and .Palnting b nen under the lista 'nem And style „Is H. PILILLIPS. Factory In McClure ttillUddP. leeway county; Warehouse and Oaks, Nos.*" and 1/813t. Kinard. Pfttaburelt. - . • .• • 40ffilf • ' HENRY H. PIiILT,O4.. ,' A. H. DROCOORP, - Prrreevinst, January; 1.W6. Jody, IBSOLUT/Ott , OP' • COPARTNER: ` SIIIK÷The Partnersip teretefon„ exlsting between Rho underdigned.:tunfet nodal o r . CrlttfllPTOff &CO., for the tmenufactufn.... Pe r). and other See" ttaithhtday leen eneeoiref 'Wawa consent. BANUF:f. ifTria . JOHN O. CROMPTON. • ' J Pittsburgh, Sept. etkIti OI LWSL FASTER.:: Wikststittirot R 1L Winn' Silver gipenos. tarn Sone rr aetdnd Se 7 TS.iffROZL r, t a {:tei : 1 !f:k61, c tjj 0;111 BISSELL% W . H. 1.0 ST.. CLAM' ST.R. wouid can the stuntbsii itqak gooda—lt luta beenettoritlattoam_aatlt .eostalesall the r.q..or GOODS, too be found In EM daill 11001g6.; 0W4 1 0 0 48 *- si ot. olotheil made to , °rah 1,94, , p10na0 eau aind., examine our ods andirticea. AU% a, Dat aad complete stock of c c oct.. noerA..iiruiO"ilaire Th:ILO4, No. to sramtlx , errszer. 7 UST , .IiEOEIYEi ):, :;; _~;;~~:~ A Ne":,*isoitzietiestf 1 - • - , . Minix:ens' GRAtithriAlf, No. ft ST. ()LAM MEM. EN4Y CfAIALE Merchant Tailors, •:',11.1c: tor. Penn & M. Mit rxTmitritaa. EMMI JAMES LAFFL°It~`y c ,, •irroßNey-AT-LAw, t -itat,tresryttuaeuiPromPur !"tenaed:'44„. i B6ll o4.4.iitaitir;2ilitir-o tait .MA O KaRix Jogliffmri, • Ari g n:l4 §XlMl - LiV4•: t 14 . 1 . 4 V ENsED ia4Wis„ - &mates tor ironi4ealfoldier.;:,Ool/14 ttit' `42Sen to tort dajuii4 Sri ICttintiaraatite on4.liirettneuee. • NOAH W,,•13/1.47E71r y - - .i! 1 , ,t6t4l-11/RNIZIL-AT,...IAWf, Sruurr, Pittsburgh, Pa. CIIIIMII for PENSIONS; noterry nuzr. MONET, es., !Igor:may prostottsd, , war MM MMI ,- e - IT now A L r• :, ill ; ',, i . ii;.. _ A . I SEAT,ED PEOPOSALB WILL BE he. .' teired At this Oilier': lint 11 JANUARY- . ffilith Gfs, fhiTtuni.b tog 10E i o theMedicalfreparteind pity. Army during the oc 'ruing ye, r. t It..' points -herein derrignoted. • The lee to, be •er red by the COnntretar.•lll properly C./I:MUCCI 1 t. , hOM,, at , • eleri 4featt of delivery, on or before the 1Z1(11 nr eftprif err:, the ire not tabs tear w(r.l -for untliite• rifrarp lin in r.esi t.t the ice-ha:mu, a.. 31 tlielnirf.. e t, nee It 0 Lielrit IA I.CUI.41:"14?13Vo Um, pppousd by . r.. , ..dn*.ca T r...,04 rieryounrt •.,11 he. exam .truly for it:rimer:runt iher,Actit.taY stoma will• r 9. The •prnierguis ..vviii thr,lll,oo-10CA/Uquittitlf. indleaffatlVlOw ft. r - C.4%11 - 704. f 4. the reepectero pla,r tee.► -ill the •ovlio that dfortil L 1 U;l3 .be :Moiled at rruftt4e, re the yew?. supply It • efirtlttro fur:. nfehetpii. lime rateo and node: the tamp adult. Ilonl. - " t • i _n_ c - . ri • zr is, I tfaraufltilyl9 he Delivered at I / •..4, NATCUPP., Miss - ' . - 100 TONS ... . . i ßtir ti l l ITIIIR, y SI lea to- ft ;,,, 47 EV4I 3 Aiit'llip....: .... ..1....J. i .."1'1tri .. nu2al T zisl 4,t 5 :.., • l.: , riff,. I A L . t i a11Tena.....:......: t, i 5.: rz .1 .. . I,IT 11 ROCK, Ark. • ' 20c fn • '. 70 FORT H1T1LArk....4.4 AO ff - °INC] NATI, Ohio 5» n COLD lillffili 0hi0..., so n (MEV • AN It. 0h1a..:. ... ... ~ .. 10 lIVAN 'I•ALLE. / 11 1-4. .. •••••••• •li " MAD rr-Ind ./. scAoo,..m, . le - irtm.w • . E'EORDIN, lowa . 90 .1.0111.1. aro , -- - , 25 0 , .. : •.11 RSONSARRAUKS,Ido no -• P swots will .1180 be received ft stem:fish trig leo Id all. he above point. DAILY BT WEIORT, for irFr the rtnr 1889, in such - gnontities ea may be moult , . 0,1 b. . 41, ,e_. 8 , 1 411, eons ineharisest United Stites Oen -141,. o•Prmte Upon - the preceding annual elotipmato and M t llh the time 7 rrft9o. • . ' ,• Farm or rroposal. ' ' I . ThelunderitgartiProposea to fur:deo --- tone elfinet nualltrof lee, ertrefttily packed, n Robot.n. llafict , ficrures; at the within named point., namely -1-1,-. nt the following price per ton of, two thou. sand mil, namely at -- tons, at 1 peet The re to be euhleet tq the thepeetlon, measure. meat nri approval of a nedirmi Officer, or other prope ly appointed inspector, before being receipt. eat to b e maden from time t0 .......... 1.1ine_ .......,...., apps ffif. - bille certified to by the Medical Director. r ett irc f t or _ ...-. - . 1 .. Tor. o f Proposal.. , . Yhe undersigned proposes ter tarnish dnily , or otheral „ ise, all silro ice reinited for the hosptitils, upon a preyed .requiaitlons of Surgeon. in charge, at br near the within mimed points, 1l the follow. 8 4"Mt e e trjv h ; u hUr i r i reri p gu n tli.”" 97— s' -"-7 The i to shall be at the east, q u rity eart ruirjeot to the *P retat of the . Surgeoh to charge , who wit retry rhr the fund./ amount , delivered at , each Payment to be made from time toHen upon du- S plicate len ffille. certified to by the ffied real Director. ed f . , • . The ribove'forni or premossis will Le adhered to as closely 11.8 . prtcticAble. Other forms wi ll be to reined Os Ore Department and duly coriblertd. ' A palmy g uarante e that tam , bidder is Able to - fulfill tie contract. certified to b y the Clerk of the LLlano.Mgliet Calla, or a United States District ' Attoro y ' mist - accompany the'proposaL or It Will. An o t tertf *Designee td the rillte4 seam "13 ai'. riT=: li ll em j 4 r vl ll i T .'Tl twigarjiedigo4est reS..pont bin pattfOr parties, Who will be duly:l*Mo.! by mat{ or otherwise. that tLcir bid to accepted:: sod IrTediately required to enter Into contract under ads to }lke amount of cra,4loo. ',The Dorian' musthe.priiperlP certified and the Post 'Office ad.. dteggpel4rfocipids and sureties/44ml . upoaSheia., po - - Wilde pin. bo preicut In , petlma *hem Ado pro, . The Ppat them Address of the ' , SKIM , Prafoailig must istinctly writtodupan ;no propos' of no flea Is Mist be:addressed to , Surgeon 0. A.. NAOS Drat, U.S. Army, Mcd.lcal Purreyor r hoitb. ;mile, 1," neap ' . The pot food reserves thoright to reject soy; cis all 411,11re/tell rireltatr/iez , .., - --., - ' • t • D. t.,.W.Ati fet*TIER, tru2ron 1 sonata Anfirof Pt:env:a. learn!!.. Kg: Priidell forms• of proposals may be ball at this Ghicir.,stheirr Cerso ass or ne in tarmac s, - / WarinNoroa,v.v.,.r....lo, lac& i pROIk.NLS FOR'FLOcrt.—stA.Ltr) FR WALS are "flitted =it WTBS. • DAY, iri D des? lath; 111 ortibek. , W., tat furniaiktg, the Subs stew* epartrocneWlth Tll "O T OUIChNO , f e ,4OO)IIIIL.S. or Vtottri.' r ilprcrestats relic tw tor *bin le known at title as area. I, t ordA 4 rearbids will be oritactal . in, ei r no, quantity !lasted than the whole. Bids m tat beim duplicate, and for each grade on separate ebeete of paper. ' • ,„. , ,-- .• ', - net to eery of the Flour to coalmen:Lee Within , are dap from Ilic opening of the bid.. and must be dolireeed. UP ruek qtraugtieei dolly, as the Gov "lnnellannYnireetteltber at the tiornantent want. house o Scorgetouw, at the wharrea or railroad d' it rlikr otcarp,i,ii-........ibicout_ylet eat wlthltalwriaty dots from 1,r 4 acceptsooe os tin Itielawil te reach ed for MOIR to be delivered in n , sk areas, head lined "; Also. for:. Flour in • frr.:i * ,rne bthtehle,seconfeuted floor barren, but they tau he math as will b• accepted by the .lorpector orlitryinti not bereceiged.. , • Payme tirla Named. in suothfunds as the Gov , ernment ay June for tinbursenieuL •.‘ • , The nsu I government inspection wilt be ntakitt Just infant thellotir Isteoelyed, hod bond Will be AmePicd Which is not fresh ground, and Made from %beat_ gore the nity where mannfactitr4 i , unto; of very eupwlorquality, _ - -An Oath E ra-' o f iicroinfish i t the. hid or tacit bidder ;titer has not th e mak no le in thla • olllce- "-L.' * rho bid will be entertained from parties .i.,0 bare previously failed to comply with their bids, Cr froe . bidders nut prliseat, to respond.. govern t Mertes the rigid to moon. any bid Bids to be addrened to the iind4l4med, at No. Itti CF 'Beet, ruderred LlPrOpOaall for Plour2l ielf Ind I P. T. =.l.Wh.ll,Capt. U. S. Y. -- 1 3 1tOPOOtL8 IfflirLtE punoTilit or Wu vrAprurog. pan .0,4, op Anna , cuyrnino son lEWurritet4oL sealed ' A . .S r . tat 31 0., Jana , Ilth. CLIPPINC s l lrk.timi , nta try bloc, ase ' eut W at the United Maks nant.lorthring belle I ts ills city I dart? the men th e of January, February arui , btu ,1866 will be received by the undersigned, brig and opened con Ilt o=palr, minter, iatt, IM, at if M. , i i ~ ,•- 1 I Parties will be required to bid for and take both linde,ioluthisktheir owneaskeferpse b klngrame,' and at such times as required it th eSupartitArat, ,to take Malian' once or nelee‘each mouth, es ro , roare s. d, and to pay for toe sane on delivery in wild hall Bids will in aeconirded by the writteogrearan. tee of two partlea el' tble city) that they will be e 'ague =reties that be contrect. If shwa will be entered into and faithfully !Whiled: ` ' Each birder taint be loosest or rzereented at the'. ' opening of his bid, or the new w nor be cOzudd., `Pronende to take Ellppltigt for I shatter period than three nouthe as above will net be. enter. ' The Undersigned renting - the right to reject any or ell Mr, if deemed Ire thew:thin intereet. Ws to 'be` aurtoried nPrcffiessis for trout (Nip. Ours." ' /1 , el. ' anW.Wnr. &&Q; m. ~ : DROPOSAIA FOR REYENUR RTEAR ....--;;ctrrrEss on THE maxim.— • • ..- : • . •,. • ~ TneeltinT Theraterarmrr, Dee:Stifdat.: • :,. peetsate wlll be treetred et Ms 'Deperttemit . until H. MONDAY, The teth day of Slummy', next., for, STE A Mnsiton of THREE orrOUtt 'III.IfENUR UTTERS (Bide wheel) flar'• '.ano aper Lake., and ONE 'Oft Itpx,r. for Lake ..,Speelfloitione In - detail will be' 'Sainte:led bidders 4 .on applleatio In 13enott' or er letter: to Malta :partment,or o the Collootors of the Customs at Roston. rie York, Pbthedelphiel,. ReStraore; end 1 the Coiled* at therptlnelpal ' lee porta. Tho. =la i ; adult] . he sealed and to, the of the.. esint_ry... sad, endorsed on the eare/ope.ardpoull rot oundlee , Re ven ue Steam Cutters!' I . 54:P; YESS=DEN, deso2tavrtd i •': 'Seeretigry Of the Treasury. , ' ' ' •': L :1017+04..:41.**10. 4.—C-#7,Fr : —,,,.. .13EM . 1 ' , SEONGING. BOOK YEtt • .:. , THE SILVER i3EL.I ~ , tonntnlne,A j pt Yoe selection of oearly 150 of the 1 00 * fltrOtte. FfiINGS,,DUKTIII, Qt/ARTILTTS ti'' 4 1 1 " 4 "Pilite0011118:11. ' . ' Pt!' t nrs*trorrog. ......gp 4tiihe 4iiiwii: , ." • Witeis2 COMees,meireilii4il.l,„ Ifeeseat, %tars '' false thy. the N ein ' • - •Do fhoo - Thiok at if ' ETU • , - holiflio.o Choral: al 11.11) ! I t• .05110orieEstureetli I ' BlJed Battle , IVkleh ore Mono worth the price of the boo 4 711 ." 3 E s hr l ec , • 00 Cicariailo. Niles meljed,to say address on receipt of price. , ~ I CliAtg. C. MIELIANK , pyr_______ j r ....4_,..,..1n W 001) S TREET. , , 7q 181E1)Lh. 1811 rintriiinuf,i3W. •"-• • ' and Musical //IstrUnlentai iteepi oott.ttiiitly en hind a tine i!stostaicit it New" PIA Pfali, ittouptEt ; donnas, 'Abed& DFAINS, STRINOS,&o.,rqeh he will aellloriew Prietiv ' • wsawd - - n OFFIIIAN UOE 4s FIE ! 7'IT STREET; ."; rositibaxas ma eirisVai r d os 47rfiest Clyi*TAIA PRE§EN-17' ' ~...:-..T.Q.NP. qriNiiigEio...4:xrs . .... ~, . , .A.,;.. ; ~..-.- .. c .....r GOLii 3.114.1 r; L p ti putir as ; PIANOS' Abso,Thilla B 'IUDS i.Ontrii &admit% 11. • f•pa!owt;lll42so's utomptlmOmel. -, . .._ ~. . i ,, at , t ,!..,.... ,A,„%:.,...,t0ta1ik, l EIk.:BLTIBS f!„ ica uccon above WOW.) . , 14;!,..iii, 7 CotrErtr" MalaDentlK' 'Ckinnell li' - g uj i op . i i , ... „ ma t, ' - rlr g o - v : c l t-4.14a7fi1f 1 if AREA.IYAST remivgd Far a n s u utlyfifforn Orita or Bieekteat Heathy. LW hart wheelie'. at the IPatelayQre. eery Scam of • /NO. SIMBRAW. corner fty.ibany audit. _ J 03t$ ' PdTIIIQ ntarrnp.ii7l4 . spacirte , . _HmtN:!ttathic. Stand eonfirosedly at the hea.1,4:4; remisttsd for thd use of tpe people. "They.are oldie rentoseft front tees putioneworuigerous, and teputsbre dories !of oflookera-;-nrAild-flohnut ornate; the intent* Olmtoof vratroeure, or thelutsicata mud- peralea: ca clbscialtics ot ttle Usual 11 ori eop atirte Waits Pa 13 1 6. 1 krna. , COnsisting of Simple speoldes p ut Ufa 'Tedious discuses to tvhieh they ore related—Orp lathe tureal9U,attnidft ing pellets—and Trepared - :orlugyalierits lteither,..dangeraus nor disgustlrif, they eta the reads aid of the parent or nurse,aad the 6 onkfottP4t4lo etnuplairung eon . I.They possess these:positive advantage . s. 'Tbey .ateharagess,..no. Sam) , can anseafroteftheir tise: Tfley srialmpio—soudailrata knottawhat to take, . and hour totake f Whey kratotrvenlent— yon eme give the proper Sugar pllLsat a reenletiVs *analog, wlthoukbesitatlon'or,delnir: .They ire effilderit— in thousands of ‘easeadisease Is , arrested at once, ;aril the spier:neared wilhoat proatratSOnor &dap'. r 'No. l--- enresrsymcvagedion.dua.mnuttikw. Pleat, Pato and itestitienen4,and the first stages of . anuti ahAlathstanfatory disease.' 4 . 4 . itit alf eta, o. 2—Cures PotiZni river, t9 - Orni.Colle and Von Os - A4PettteMftting.the r ßed.' Peice S 6 Alas. o.3—Cores Colle;Teething;Crying and Wake, ful ass; SloWCkowU Of Wants. • P 4—Curen - Diarrhea, - ,ar Children or Adults Cholera lifsattiln nuttSlitartertinmpininta Pride . es. 4 and 6 cure Cheiwerst•essis of Ohronle Di. -Pto.:6—Cures Dysentery or Blotsly Flax. Collo Ortnitings, Oolle,Vall Dysfintery. .Paco's. . • • • No. 7--Caros Cooed; Coldr, HOarsesess, Bros orals, influents and - Sr:re - Throat . Price FS cents Ms sod No. I never NI to care . the worst Cold No. 8-oorei Toontoche , Facooche, Nervous.. zoo gaol Tie Dolore . = • Xrfee 35 cents. No. ri—Ouresilevirtebe, Sick lleedeehe,'Veirtirre; Itusb of Blood trifle }lead. Priem 23 caul!.. Ia addillo6 *fib No. 1010;ierpr IrNsAci pure Lbe. mostleyerefetetesee. . . . . • ••• , .. , .. No. iO , - Ource Dyiperettai Weak, Acid or Denny ed Stomach, Conitipatinn, 'Liver ConnAsint, or Ditioni Condition: Price 35 oenta: , Innatminn-for all cage of Weak: Digaajlen and. Elbow, Cchnplatate ~ ,- No-1 1 —Curea:SuppreirsOd Or Scanty, 0 , Pe int 14, or Laving, Green Girkneos. 35 cent.. • ‘ ,3Ce. I Z7-003eri-'Leteorilles or Mites, Benzin ,Dorn tort Profnie Meares. Magi*. •- - • ;No. do--Cures Crtinp, House ' Cr oupy ` Conga, Dill!tun. and Oppicosed Swang thi. • 33 cents. • 11—Cures Solt Rheum, Crusty - Eruptions, Inyolpolon, Scald ilcul, Barbers' 1t h r ?tropic. on the FAcer, a 5 outdo. . • • • • ;NW! Pala, 14/noninna,- or Sortneis In the • C7unq, Jintk Side, o . r Lthlbs,'or ficlnEfca. i 5 , Ao It—Curti Mt!, internal or 'irtorn(, Bllrt or Bkvdmg , Recent or tablithrato. .IKI ; 7/ • , 114.14 y - ernrily baa cured thopkandirof 1.5.11b14 cues. Nor TS—Curet °NAM:drain, WcAr Or ralArged, ',E,yes or Etrlidir,'Fkillrirbr,3l, er.krilght. pdrag. Pin aIYTAYA, be relied upoo for at eons, *',7):l Catarrh, male sn'cilrorttc,.cli7' or Sowing, 09141xt the f 1441; TorNir4t4. CC! No. so-61 - tniooptii palintlag llt,, er ppasmudleCe Pant& • lalayible,.studelways „everandLeures. , datiuna, Oppressed, Difficailt,. La. BleaDdeltMeeeitaadlspeeteraileu. , :Frlee eo reads: Itukdreds*lllll been cupplbttt e ., ^7r • 3, • No. ite-Cukes Tonalls Swellings and Old Uktess:-S0 coat", „ No.44.43nregl3tatrial6elitat.744s46 Nag"- trowiWtskuesii: 11 rea mie quelling., With scot* SecrqUous. 60 sesta NP.46-Cureii3eilatelliesklitoistra lreitiea; Ramses, Vosaltireo ID ante. • No; tea pee, Diseases Gravel, Iteruil Calculi, Direful% pr Paiadel DrinsDdly: It cures cdifeaies'of Sifter Diseases. ,Pto..ll'or Seminal Endalons, Involuntary • Misclag• and consequent Proetration and Debi ty.sa4 m,multa of Evil Habits. Prize Si 00. • •Thc. Most efficient remedy known, and can Int . relied upon at a snreetuoi p •••••• : Me. m....sitires Sots mouth or Stomach, Cankered Mouth rat Adults or Children, .414 Nueau and Vomiting of Fri:secant Feikolint l 0 tints. Vitrea &Coupe• '•1• ••• , Nosh-Cow Politest! Menstruation Aresrnre, Cramp*/ •Spasms, Prusittia, tithing, ' sad .bri t H . • lion of remake.: :41 Ali •.• I • It acts IM* a drawn. ASA zi—ildores Sulikrtme at Change of GUN Irreg. elarltics,' Flushes, of Meat. relpitillissaui Mon 'llldeitsiotake kieffir 11 01 ~.'No.,37~Qvre~ 9 p~umriielGCuusbtila r' a+ _s yaralekness, Choler or et. VI: .JOrklair, Twitchinip, gyokorilk:4l led• N,o. 3 1 --Oures Upthetia and. lneersts.. 1tr.611 :mat §bf i c Throat. lc etas. g. Se Vial 6661117 ease,.. • - Mk yid fluently ease, inol,xxo is vial ease, i pba ll --;.; ...... 16 vial ease •• as yial Phragsvi• • =ME Pont izirpAcor OF WAVAVIZETR POND'S roi olfiEntiges,soteti, ow- - new Spr Itaeueratikk, Sous, Often, 014 Shtta and Toothache. it ads Me • otara.. Prins GO moth The.rade etrpplted 'ht ?few York picas Our Remedies by Nail. LOOk int the nit, make up a ease aL what Wad. You Moose; sad Inclose the amount In a current note ,or datape n by mall am.ansr , addrtmoust. ttd medlethe will bidslytetamasbrOad or kOrkkil-- free of chine. • - J. Y •FULTON, rUIh Nliree*, anipaffi flaming, , filscoid totirbelow 311/3 getsis agent for Pittsbn &If• C917 . 01 . 1 . FiD KORB. 11 - 1441 , 610 .oboo pAwm, :2STRItYKLANDH MELLIFLUOUS COUGH M&LSAM'Ia warranted to cure Couto, polda ?Hoarseness, .tLat.hma, Whooptng Clouth, Sore a~Th l 3ansurnpUon, and adtettona fity_tbn Vor BMW by ...liruottatai,, Czar. rotuitt Meet. CLuelnuatb . .3±): All the 24,4104%14i. itnetlerl bieoMmene, EITRICKLAYSIPS ANTI-uHOLEILA MIX SUREe=. R" the Ols a .mm nly alleleo4' remedy t o o .As rDlarrhma and Dysel:t I'llol3. ( telaileltig Stimulants and. Clarteleattsmrand warrnnbed: ed abet • ouzo atilt e ll riother.mcano.. brre to fiJ roe:sale by Dreaslsta:"Clensier Depot, roUllb Otskeiehatlgg • +, I•sTRICKGANDIITILFAREMIDITI Lolt. BTRlORlalyttys yaw-sawn' IRA. .rurod- thousands :the lrorstraaar Brbataaa ,Birading ram styes impeduit.• and et ,Iceta a yarmaaaat cure.' Try it air:ratty, /tls wrz riatatlroaue: FO2/11.10 by all Flruggiatc imeabfai Dill4mit . , Tottriti street, ast9ifuitit,O., ivot - enfOnenegif,`.. DR. sritzpirutrapvrOact:' • 'n l c wit dart tboileingtifiniwith .ApoWAte, Indlicestion or Disiowervousnem lou and NervotlC Daintily, to tuo E. ad* Tonle I 'lt la ► vegetable preparation, Deo from alcoholic Ilona"; Ilstreqthens the whole nervous system It chutes a good appetite, and Is warranted to DlSpepeta and Nervous Dablllty.,l.; • ' , For SOO by Dniggilts generally. Featured by • DR. STEIWILAND,II East Fourth 'treat, eln • For loans by till. GEO. H. ICEFSER, earner el Wood street and Fligto alley, and R . E.SF.LLERS CI(J.,, corner of Wood and Noooad streets, Pitt,. burgh; end Pratt( a BRILL, 2t0:77 Folmar street, Allegheny. THE .ORKA.P•EXGLIEILL: 81R JADE'S OL.4.ERESS 'CKLESRATED.MUCKPILLS, , , Prepared frons.a prescription of Ells.l.Clake,lL thrybysichur Extrsordinary to , A Tide well knant medicineli iMposition, but sure and sile remedy for Female amenities and °blameful:re, from any cause whatever, . and al. though`!a powerful remedy, they pagan nab, • .ing. hurtful, to the 'constitution. . To Xurled Lndlesit' is perfectly suited. It will, in a meet time, being on the morithipperlod with reguLarity. - Therm PILL lave never been Yttrium to fall where itieditectinnae n the MI pige of the pamphlet are Well obierved..l ' For full partleulars get a ran:tin/et, free, of the agent. Redd by AU Druggists. • " glee, SI per botUe. Sole united - States Agent, . • . JOD NOS ESL IT Uouttlandt ew Fork. •N. Va 0.46 Poitage literatesgreet; N , enclosed yto an Authorized ageht, will insure bottle, containing over 60 tills. bYveturn nAIL - VCCIIID • rkoala Deniers • ',- straifiillCaPi: and straw Goods; • lure now In store tr,teAsigesi entsiort tompllede • '''' Orme ih'tie wed., xaszda ne ., reiiesti.: °15`1.51c 1 4.0 lu:Pf 04- Puiturs 0011 SALE. • One TA: bed SIM lechea One TAYLOR DOUBLE, orraNDEß—tied fK lecher; aD In good worlnnn older. WILL beanie et a borne. • Enquire tit or endrine rutiounk-P.. L it:HT iLt >: ;D~'.~~';4I~N~'HEI.L, " Thrt.41371110..0k "iekiezio,4).Eg,Co,4474.7!"A:viinif6lCife. :• ' r u" 0 1 •.*44«ui:*.ke...•. ,:_ :, . - _,- ,•. . ••, 1 . , a . 1,1:-I. 1, T :AS N I: CIW T , , ,;- • , : '.. - 4TIIE . . • • • ' ST. ' , CJEIARLES BOTELi AND CAN BE coNsuciEo MUT.EntaNG, DN. 2341. Ilediess, Catarrh, AND ALL THE TARIOLTS DISEASES OF EAR, TIMOAT AND AIR PASSAGR 1 SYMPTOM ,CAT.UtRLI: . • • The that eensation • inunually a feeding of drynets and heat in the pasta and n frequent to sneering. There ij an inability to breathe freely, •as the wile Detainee stopped up, !emetic:Lea on one side, sometimes on the other, - - Soon a clear watery; acrid discharge makes its : appearance, excoriating the nostrils, and beiges of the lips, which become red and somewhat Swollea.• After a few days the; discharge becomes thlak, lowish, extremely negated and continues to be a - Marked Mamie the dieease, sad h source Of magi danger and. the greatest annoyance:: 'After more , of ledit time, it bersomes purulent; nighty °natl.% ' and assumes rui,extreately fetid odor„ ltis us:unity no neatness terequire, when confined - to the um, • - the frequent.appliaatibn or the tuutcliterehlar i br if OrOPs into the throat,. which is Mee owrrenwqr "therese, while the bedy in a horitentalpbsitiON matting expectenttion, andarometlittesbeth.• _ Sleep .lo freqhently rlis thrbell by rt *Mallon of' tioking; caused by' the presence of the'discharge , the thrant. , , Owing' to 'the' heat in the -head, the watery portion of the secretion often evaporetes, stul. assuming Iv eaaditlon of solidity is- deposit ed, upon the membranebt the nose and upper part al, thq throat, in the shape of erhsts or hardened lumen -• ,Therienimulation Of these Incnatatioryi produces'. a feeling '3fdlseamfort, aridear t iow n eas f a o l r M guest . ' e 'l korts hake to be Y mtitalto- *brave the r ni; , , , 1 - either by', forcibly:blowing theedie orhyPersistent; hankttiv-e, prattled' so disagreeable to the one et: tested mit is to*thont atonal:l himi , lfter ret:-,, I Marsh thatelds tithe incrustation tvidch adhered tto the mucuditentttehount willonntetimse be found: timay,i a lectirhkkexplaineths force required fox t odgmenh: Inning *Jeep these andrustatioris( „ascumulate mon rapirlinaarthbeftieing o therefirt, - tridostfuncomfortithie intletuarninin• metimes% the elan: raciest the:Wont arefintig WOW after' breakfast or after something warm is swallowed) Some& ate str=l.lj o hl e rkr i p hi tt m o t ; ar i as? - "l're n dis=e " ,,which lib at best witholt t' smeli. in the preprint of. the complalat,in Svess.. f..liltnetid odor, thebinith partitibiths this., anti, bmmes occasionally se revedtingly alltatelva olrte render thetpstestpxtof db..Tnitra ifitatelf as well as to Wren.. Waned toe nutrualts UMW: braise of thernese esplrwe frequently, sometime even attehLing the - banesirhen email partlcice subetanciit beculonallrbelbund mixed .aeltir the nisch ,The nacumulationofthe dlecliarpi, /Water the„ thickened eandition,of the mucuouo ittemberne,'renders resplratiOn through. the tutealMumgerevery posaible, neeetaltatillg, aliptrattotal' 711riatiff17 throught il thouth,n ,ramt htiti-Vegi.ptewrgo„,t,ia. the generalhealth; Ind 'More parrimly..4 lungs, bo hereafter. The trap --- --noise, pro red , during aleepi ktifrtnit'iis snoring... ''tniginates ;frost the tie tam. The tote loses' its musket tlttaSty, and manias& hush mut nasal . eiiirectary fense ,of antell_beeomee much hew: - paired or entirelylost; andthe *Metered, though._ fen frequent,isrpoduead on. th ... ,of Occasionelly n .wh.W.Olowneg the n o se, onbubbling sound will_be heard in the - ca T r -, hearing IrtU basfainut tokbe thielt sad snapped dpi. but return ;suddenly tvitSl snapping sound. This , Phaaaalenati US" l 4 . talleated - until, at one time, • injured. nea , does not return, and mains permanently . Ntoises, _n the p ro f- every *receivable - description Will Make their appearance, and add to the distress' of the ;sufferer .and hearing be lost so gradually list a ,costalderibla degree or deafness'; .o lay_eXhit fore the person is really aware of the. fad. Their eyes are apt to - become weak, heritable and dispeseil to; water 'On expoaure to wind and cold, or after :the slighest exertion, A pain more or ins B4uto, Or distreasing feeling of pressure is experienced: over the nyea, and alaniatitaca on es e of the head, and also pain in the closet,. resembling neuralgia, for which it W.E. once. min.' taken. The. distress lir the head Weakens the memory and produces bvltabillty and tadrageHeall': of disposition.. -The • stemirch - generally .surfers. Mornor lee; is weak and irritated, the appetite la caplidoua, and is nearlynlways baok in the morn ( ng. In severe eases the - system becomes feeble and prostratti l luidthere is au aversion or inability. _to either ph I eel or mental exertion. ' Not 'mire- Atiently ratan peeves fatal either by debilitating: the system or mediae out ties patient, or by tray. Wing upwards and producfrdrsore thtoat nithetions,, bronchitis, and.nnellytompaptiem It may be safe" II Warted, that herediteryProdieplosition;estarrk: is the Mast berptent sad Important cause of this tal complaint. ;Orderrlaufa been eonalderedrat Ineuri and on tne strength arthav supposition-t ble han been . neglected• by both the profession and .the public. An. It is ttill , eXclUng cause in fulkluerthir stile' sof Deafness; I :lrekr•taillhairaf e a i r yam put,. made Its proper treatment their al study, and lava by their suocelii. fully estab ed the curability of this complaint. That this Senn mere assertion:will 'be readily emp,prehende4 by hite annexed testis!.! - alara (but forPentrO/oPartlee Wan Stare beerunder theireere. Mb bo : 09 ILI 00 uN'.; 1 I i,, itiuetso m iAf• ac ktad of .tkourof ilitarrbl:4 Dag; 'ea theeiA be bee , e4gededi me , foV liVer ' weetafer..l that *permanent can ;ls Dteein a ,X id; had 1!24..4 MUo4betterAnselliespectirlyioWllP: VIALe girlet publiedly, :these (date' ectomet4.4 Dr. 4..tgitalltta ee_y OLlEFllebettd with ',Jaw° xpßarrit; . • „ . lli You; tto n t i , ibto to to certify that I •havir henna Oatatft for some years, Which produced the tram dissprrecable edbeta I corunittod =stoma about nine or tea months she* and st ow/optimal Myself under his oars— ten attire:kik • front Cap tarril ry , my throat is perfectly healthy, and my health is ve mach Improved. 'P. E.' Kotula% Oatoo Erie BaUrtnid_lfoot otlkuute street; Prom the Min. Ira Flek . P atton.Maine. Znateruiti.:—Sreeratr,—.l send you state: Meet of my cue, which you •mity use as you think Th re e pgatethf44".= ,tgrat4tac'V:tt - Penobacot county, and three years as Repreamita.' tive—Mt all Mx years-41v our State Legislature. • M i r statement may benefit-come of those afflicted: roe severs: years have been 'saheb:4 With oalsrth. 4 , I hove tried many preeeriptionirtor without receiving ai:y benefit therehoni. I have taken your medicine about tertmontim, and it has cured me. I 'would recommend to thoao afflicted . with this disorder to apply.to you. , lam confident if they will strictly follow your directions that e cute will be effected, horrever inveterate'the ReareetitillY.ybuis. ..“! 1 ;., , i ,-,l:Mentlley. It r: Atwell, Dynn, Muir-,.!... , 1: I have been laden troubled with Catarrh at,_the., 'Wont type' for. ebow twenty eleariC. It gradually - ,ammesentree,. fagoting roogb cod • honneneae,' dm: stroyingigheneme stamen nod bfeekter.dOltutity ~ general health *beach a degree as to compel me I.?, ` Milgu" r "rite uselg tl a = 4 uar b re l l=l' • 19 e4 as anu l-m leYdl i tkinds, altrate,Obliiner damn, • rand inhabit , but without sari, salutar y t aged. I Weathittin rt Por4 OM., happano.r. ...era mode Or treethigr mitarrN visi hi m, and Tut mysidttindeßtle treatment. I began immoli onto to Improve, atid Dile ImPhe Muni has gone the present time. , My WOOL ham gradually inch ed away, my tough has disa.meared, my voiee itestinvonto .ruitural, and I am awe more able to preach the Messed C 105.1.. Let me 'advise ell treitbled with catarrh dulties to apply to Dr Lynn. .41.• Feb. IBM It. 1111,11131351ia.r.. , t,ar. • .27.trarc.zz "CANARRH. =ME 'PrrTiutuicai, TESTIMONIALS i =BE . F. alpiwir4D . a' :. ~, ~,,„.,,,, ' llllll *la g rigtwinit Iltri-abaik i . ..,. . t..! ,41 j( - 11 , 41 Price ONlAltill 'Unsurpassed tor eedidady. reliability. and In movement; and for reel worth it has no, rival. For simplicity, durability and execution it Ls unequalled by nay other us.. machine heretofore offered to the polio, and nee & only to be seen to be appreciated. It will bases quilt, tuck Eve or bind. Call and examine for you. selves. ry machine warranted. - ocklyd No. 111 TII/11D S s. B. autpres, Arm; / St.; N. bt.UkarlesliOtel. ' BOOTS sumagg.; .1, , / , lDfl: . S' AND OUTS' dam, Felt, and Buflo ~, '~Cc~~.~~dlld~ ~' ::~iICtIOII'HUtI~B.,,,;, a t !7! . • .GREEzu3AcKB AND. GOLD ribl:7 SAYED;.. - BY Birrnva YOUR • • BPatif 81100 4 Gaitani BaIPOZOISt and • • .... . .... !At the Greet Closing Out Sale.— (kels thgeltiet, No-humbug. Call' early - scot 'se thee, geitai sore ef the prsoi t , which ti ' . No. 88 Market; 2a- door Irma Fifth' O TIT a Ross -( formorlyy SpA t risg S Sorra) have eonstantly oa hand' ; • , , a. FViE STOOK:Vr BOOTS & SHOZS;: Which they are prepared to Bell Cheap ' t No. 54 Market street. 96 EEDBALL ALLEGHENY. ' CLOSING SALES, TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW GOODS. I sm now offtrinsmy present stock of Dana, dimes, Claitora, and Dainnoral - Trunks. Valises, and Traveling4 AT GREATLY REDUCED PRUMIR„ . - To make room for neer goods nownedngpstrerssiteg. Call and gel. brag/dna. t X. Jot, •IticOTINT9 ins 96 Federatid:;ADeelheziy. :,,L Rarket 'Etreet • doll THE M9 . 9T:II~YLBL~a 7 attcrwriEi A'lLTTf lianzEtnani„,,, • - to TAB • .rescrved‘a magnlibeat 1 1 %.11 - Steik;" T. 'RE 4 ,‘STAE't '..! - GEORGW aLeREw stitr *; At' **""" 1 tow 7::151 4 44.:a I . M tr ft a l. l o4 , •/1.!1: ,, r4fi ; Oxfam' , ~,; • - ••••••!', 0 ‘. ~B oOteeet , •J•••••• ,•••,• l'•-•• • •• no 9, 0 .14 NAVA Shoes. - • • • • - oiler e ..:., t e ( tirrui tediu4qualliiii onstattilPork. '•• •-- ;••;;Imit'l ,L.• , T ' : i ad.'s vftwevez.- -1829. ~ , , ~~,,~ • • Twria g nsr ' : , .L,; • ..1;: • nag mngwrog,oompi,,,,-,,,, of - - A/0061 ot awarsary Illads it.4t7,11411 S. Invested Premiums • - • V i a ;1- , As Income for Lasses Pair :l Ant • obs tam ••' e;ookom ag°4lair ' " Perpetual and TelnPordry Pollan' need -"*". herisa: on .0 •, Cbarin 1Q: Dmectons: . - • - Samuel Grant, • George two,. - • • • Jacob R. Mann Alfred Fitter; geolge M. Enchants_ Pros. W. Lewis, it. unear 4 s. N. RA.NOKEIR..: Proudest. ' ./DWARD DALE, Tice l'resideat. = JA.S. W. /14.LLISTREta.Sec: tem..„. • • • - •rox aim cornet Wood and - "Bigl i t=.” • -.14LE4103-lialusx,•., T.= 10 ILBivance Co „ , ! .... • . • PHILADELPHIA; • • •-'. fr; Hartford'Fire Insuranee Company. • i • • • .• • • 000. air-Protecisoti 'canbi'liecit 41,5-6bi;;To nenet .. • . • P. -.YONES;'Ailciii, , Bsgaleyhs. Italldings,ll7. Writer ' "; -•,;j WESTEIIIi'INSURAN9E COMP Al 7, ! .; , OF PITfI4BUR IX 1 36rf DON Sea - dara.- Office,'No. la Water greet, Spud ir:co.vijirnae ! , up stairs, Pittabinah.• • • • • - : h ° i* inama lat Mea- adl,/inda4f M . /Dlme Abb. 4 Hew taditstion managmlir Directors ale. • err reit 'teams In tto oomiaeinity x 4/2410417 are defer% „ , -*Mad by promptness and tiaeratity to maintain tea •r •• • •••,-(• . diatackr Ap dy 11.11 M 441711**14 44 triftlif at Int " ":1, rotecian wit w ttbbdetin Ito bt tanin* : is or rip?: - L lAndzew-lairi 4,, r> womole•nwAuter, , lA, • - 1,11 • 1 15,1_1134ttlipi Dayid 1.6 - 10 an ; vies Bledok, , , _ Bee J.. Getairtisrste, lien). Ilskewell, l a B. Herren. McCune. I, GORDON; Simetagy • - ' 1.1 1 1 / 4 d. or.l prersnumaEL—Offtee, corner Muir* sad Water Streets, seemed floor. • - 5... WAL.B&GALElsl:reetdrar. r - AL AFEEPARD, Secretary - - '''' .' , lnstirew Steamboats sad Cargoes.- • - lasittes ' sedinsb. Joss , sad damage In the statrtgs- irtthe ripethern and Western River', Lskta • end Bayetri,'"rl the sarldidton of the Best- • " kunrei "gib* Visa arO ilamagohy ; • ••••••••• ntrtacrots t S lv o .• Wm Samuel ea, ' , . Yobs Shlyton, • Jaa. Park, Jr 4 . .Jamps .111, Ooopth • W. - G. - JOhnston; - litarbe i Hon. T. X. Mown, John FL • Barclay Preston,' ,Wm. A. ?kaiser'. . • Osamu Bingham, . dellOrt ALLEGILENYINEWRANCE :- COMPA-. , . NY OF PITTSBORGH:-.OlDoe, No. S 7 FIRM . . - aireet, Bank Block .' • . - • Insures ago:lent all kinds Of. Flee sad . . . . - . . .ISAAO JONES, Prnfila4l,_ - : • L'• . D. As* .. jt• . • JOHN D. nillO.6D• Vice rremaear. - ••... y, Secretary. I Dade Jones,. i.... . ..lonw.D. Afaink .' O. i.:. Hussey, , , ,--.: . Dept. Adam ',lO •'• '." ' `;'. Barony I,l,lllala r ..,... .13,11.-Sterilas, Cat. B . 0. Grey, . .-. . Oat. Wm. Dm.a • -.-- ', • ',B. 1... Fo'Semteck, ' ' , "Robert a Darla. PEOPLES' .4 . {SURII ACE .CQMPANY:' -.. __ _. • • Ofilce;)I: E. corner of %Wood and FIRE AM) MARINE • OCT?. Svys, Jobn S. Parke, - • Ver. (2tarles S. a ~ F ;Wm.Yaa l7 64 lea Arbil,il - 1 AVM i. F-0411 - 0/4 1k— ±..s aN . erenv vrAVr avv. P44Bre'4l:" • • 411:1447 In-, EzprEitpßfslNG AND IND' U5T 1 44'1,.. -....-., :..; 4 -,, .', ' ' . J•,, ,, ~ , ,) ~.., .-I- cnis -111.EtritattICS, .LABOTIING /Mr kid :.:-. ..-. , Othe r ._ jc /c a arta& to become - freeholders, aua ~ ~., • } 4,,tg atenualloptes,mow layantr Mole . while labor lino '''' " ' ' anoneyjs abundant 1 ant ttaW-aeilllaiots la goW, 1.. - r , t ,, ~10040yonon this borough, for 4650, mat, pod., 'an payment or Silo, balance biteliyeatatlf ...,- dottrel, . _ Ag 'plan you earl apply your asolley to baud" ' ", 'hartStallt TE.._`"z,rwltill"f:blinttitl7lllle,ll-' '- arllliortirtbe RIC to real estate. ,-:4frply,ala6llaai gatate.amtlaineszko odleaot cenoertlll ' • MUMMI lIIE =MEI I tr , le 1 . m 4 ' z I ' I&vj , .!At 1 . r ,01 -t-l~u iii! MEM t ie
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers