ROBINSON,' It'OLUN /Stock and Exchange , lirokers, BUY AND silt ON . 00INOHISSION ONLY. Sask. Instivz. oil,tyoll4%, aarqtforanuatat aeonitlea at all kinds on hind FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. saohLEA ~itanAvfKEßsr.,}AixiitN ( NT ' noantscni, aft:air& nit) TistatannY, .7annai7 I& 1865. Orb Ask'd. H. S. B o oniFslBol ... . .. 1,11 st si,oh Certificates 'Ws Ft Wayne AChloago, Al Mort Ito 4 . l ltheW a ss i llanst Pdo do Ol FaelmageaiM •7 t ICAO ittablargh Steaker7li! 1,00 2fiti— Chlsedes San_ _lc. .... . ... ereto MerchanVe Bask- "ooicr "." KM ft-- lignt National All 117,00 -- .111anctphaehms Sank., ' 01.001 Make . ........ ' 1021' Volum 1.1"°161; BLvOsC.z.,c:/-7_,Se- Phillips .. ................ Eldorado .1 rittsburgfilt;:li•iiteaGen; IS-& 2.12 Pittsburgh h Phlladelphla.: 1,2.2 1,30 Tarr, i'Lury & Che A(Meng Run tr. Pittolonrght. L 1410- *-- lteMe .... ... - ..... . -- Ohen7 Run hOPhitlitdeisu.- Paxton - 2,00 Hemlock .. . . . . .... &IS Tack of Aliei:Vuk.; ' 4.60 :• Allow/Irby Yeller 01/ • t• Album Coe) Co --- 16,00 Meadow Oil Co -- 1,60 Gold opened Atli? thlthebilli.n:cleiliii&ofthree per celit.-allerwards advaticed to VW. Govern- j Dents are strong„The bldding at. Bo tioutern markifsfinAtiateninadMQcelforriproient quotations of-all-(}old beading Benda. Connella- Tillr B /I shame In rn . quest at 12%. j Ni 'lllel Blink *llya if:Pitted. :Alexia iktriaa ly 'hear wy. market here and In Philadelphia is over crowded. After a little, the weaker Mo'clza will go - to the wall, when CgiOniarrov - IMCV-or the "bettri • class may be confidentially expected.' F.atenralites areirrodeled - willi perace 'm inor,. Gold i fereetsh; the bears' gionrinhiiiruilif every day, and stocks of,all cepted, teed downwaria. 'W kl a o r d e x , f m eq m cimaemos ex call attention to an agvertlatummt_in, the city. dailies, signed by a number of Bank officers, in regard to "Currency DePotitics:' elms notice thelon and after February Ist, 180; they will , db.- sontlnue thitelmtolit Of recePrlng and paving out State noaklV9tokof OtlurreneV.'.-Ther• Pir" chase frog rte ta>oets,'/lldlitaut 'Maio Hank not-eli te/doh they Ernimein " the 'regular eourse of ) business, charging the cost of sending the aame home for iniodiptiod, , bar ottenito re'envlng food' on dePostkraalnutrepeg,_ no: qui:fain hot Lot;yet been 1: -retebted '2 , 0 the ,Battkcois Atak.ltto, j ken Board,litieviOndiin Mal tb& Peleitte-eattlt; Cr,, and several of our larger Banks thiroll-4i4toi .troll ea to make the proposed,,,moyeernt,sAelibelfa. Bazars the to nu:Mei and olreulatlon, the. I oevil of a mixed currency:' will be cure/1'1;1)14one extraneous ellbrt., ...1 s The Board'of Dlrecfori . of the COI:noble 011 Co., aollshitlid totally, sot titc.'"fir °Sat. pays* Ade on ant after the 16th 2favigatlositalmioleslZetliffirilatmfCo.S day. of Ave permit., or, two itolbmgendlahnifiser bare, payable fortliwltlL At the :melee genets i sloettrig of the stockhOW era of the Ooltoabia 011 C ompany,today, the fol . lowing natied gentlemen were el the easuLog year: Eaten= floe _Rneld ..Hltoider Avornstua Hartle, Win. 4 r:Jlthit44.l.X. - nitento Janos 11. Gonrad Was Omens. PO ilF4,ltter,Sll.42len%Gol. W:11R . -- The only,thgreapleerAtoeklitk. change this erening were eight hundred, shares of caenTnun It Pitt Holthqiii,lnt*.4 rThe„„- considerable Mondry for How n'id..4,26 was todered without brining ofil - the Miele I f:Mixer Wei et , bred at 110-75 btillAlltremirllii,n.,oented,h7mfibldt Ehicimock, SA t ts bid; ,Flththant, & attfiladelphis; 7.20-1,12 bid; Shade, We-1,00 bld; Tarr, Stotz& Obenr/lardMisymblarittieWelKiX4/1 For 011 Creek & Olerrglaiii 4sll444 itterOdlt - :without Incelitlri. response ,fferin-Mirefes The llinclahaUbisettehtlitedocilli_ic*a: The money market was, If anything, closer today. The beery shipments of currencrilisseloange keeps the cleculetng medium dose, and In /Waldo° ao , airy and country that means for discount are considerably_ radicle thus srutralidng the rendttattem from the Interior. Another cause of stringency grows out of 04 nosolopment 014910,1uee, Alt - re lag articles are .a Jtitsixit,Yial hboire; lexst point. This iwting fittilyitottlimittgh; rates at freight, and courtly to'the conadenee of dealers In higher s a lueeltOkigstur e , bleig l h il t le fOli ... ..... :example,lVe roili;:a muchs ereas•vergmeasly" or=zpark. d isobtibixl? hie for it in Itherliropk.- • tiopertlltils.,7,l6'irillilll .113 he het et It* I,' bnlielfile..,;Visfit,,rwelsTretstrt. Thl'a illustration a ppliesAls . , is s. i4uk'e" t o II the 'Wedeln Markets. clormetporditig, mbhe siocke ere .shifter, the -property preley' • iMsdroes: ownership,„ and not locality'. Xed oi Runde/ MI vested in hoga:he.';liniitii look 110.lsoliwoiltue. tt, fernlshlosverT littJe eiehitifgeth• pk;' Ak tRA. goods Imported from_ thro,l;io",Atlieterein Wtmt, thenPliktbert"' ksfllmtut,O;.'lo2lt-Wa, - Of course EaMern merchants 'will nra, -men, pork bare et teen, while , they cali - L(fy it In lii York et OM 'Neither will they purchlae flour here at le, that ould,Fpet .babrdoltif oxtile Seaboard, wti,e tho immtettrilitediti"be bought in New York at ell 20. Westernitiore/avitilAte - rying their Mocks , while ilicqtruat Earwumptlon of Zaatern good. gess ins,,,lience the aldionzenta • currency eastaraWand the clown,. of Western money market*. Payments by the frotern meat ,would agent tempnrely,,,tollef,AN,,,perufrotetei can only resultreanfmrestifotptlon &Vt. - tie by an eqnsilsaton of valises--.l9,,l,SLaoltacte at tho.,::"At . or a decline at ihe e iteit. The Chicago Tribune, of Wednemi :ire sap: The mosey market today was again cherasterised by , extrema atringiller Day".ralfer away: with the hope that relief will come the nest; hut to alt aPPeallidw r SMltut Psefes. 471e•elpieness'or the market therms/in", sail tag, loop Idea /Ito pit Oeipts of hogs antl. Oth?,ptodnennle light. Operated!' brid lands-4n grain, pork and whisky-are erippled•in thtfirimbadvbis Yo sflo tous.„ ' roes, and the prices of med . :leo for.„liim 4ate livery are muck, in'propOition rthan livery a month Itemstry'srben it t. Willteted'that mutat will be adder 'lffeSolktrk ;dui toiity at MIAMI for th sea *Offer fieflyery Pehrotry.,, ZrehoeseitirS Was tooldattlmatelyie for C 0.),, Offitehot for February . ..enemy; ind wines were sold st: 1 22,0862,00 for present delivery, and at 1112.16 for delivery all this month. akterYers' option. The nominal ralloof• dlseentallot the backs. bo 19 per Gent per annossi,bid tbe diffloince in prbet, between product sold fon exalt ',llndrthat solar for' forward :delivery, Minis:Am true math et money . at present. - •_ The following is the aoldpitiative'iltatsmed the "Per" (ereleil M?i , Own the Poll Of Mew York to foreign's/1a,(.35- e Se ( rt . „e9/A !Wittig - January 10, and since diui.;l: _ For the week'....:.; 41,25t3t0yhiti474,051151,9M1,Z16 Prev. to ported J15 0 , 152 I.lfilista' 2.69lliSttt, Since Tan. 1 ~..05 , ogd,5.11bhp,atesela altoomac - P' sd .. ... Ann The export. of the pelt week WereiiiiillOWS: TO_ Hamburg, BOONS; to 0 , tlutah West indler, A 10.169; to Ant werpLir s7,trat; to Liver pool, $1,022,120; to Olnagow, .111/51llt7Jf/tio , British North American eolor dethlOt #,;- i llyitti ti West. 235 : 421 / to 8rit1tt , i .1kti.40 1 ; , 441,017; to Bra gs& Hooduras.e.V,7s3;42kardenhv,o4lMo; toellbfiL 1th5,039; to Porto like, .p2',9ht l ico l ' Ifolytt, it 099,974. to Mexico, $69• 1 8t: io; Ire* Ofarlegror,ll'4l7iltpnoil gp yeemmels, S9s,SA.ll'ritid!' i• Baltimore MartlAt ; saleglOiday. The() oternFSCrit sodium for proposals. 011 Natoltt . ' i syt t,fok 000 Tao. " Lona. Floon.-The for A market is steads fo alsset, Heocipts of WetterlVAlV . fight eller the en heurrd rates of ireight,new.*/•90 tier bbl from Cinrinnetl. We fepoh seiceof'669frbbil 'Oh l° Ex ' - - tin at alt Alt; Mo Ma* City , 2 1 1 .111Whipphig Earn at 912 79, tro bide do Super at. , 101 23 per bbl. (too- Wooed for other .deseciptlons 'uneffseve 1. On Monday the oloverpreentAwarded ertdreet" Nana 1090 bids Super- ana , edt Extyl llviels ati,se6 0,10, and 12,50 n bbla etandard City Mlle ann cadre illtre pr Wrigefiur boa, • () neon -Wheat, /2.10 recmeel; oherre wrt end unfavorable for buelowee-.lsaleirrlsolli ed. Corn, hnly feW -httnaled socelved, with .1.1.54. of Ito bit white and 500 L. 1 13,110rr at (11.79 Pc" buithe/. Oats, 1000 births, oXureoli aalee /WO be at Mr. and 800 do, at 9Co wsight. Mocasers--No will /*PO/1M rllol'll,lolVi-All3 IrrryldiPV'Mefilt ro c k; .11 to. 6.7 at 1144 per Ltd for new IVestemajtoek and re.; erupts light. quotations frffrillOther descriptions cominally'unebenged. The'Cllvernment took on Monday .Intl eo,COo 14.Bactin rtgett nom at zoo 40#25,40 per re hs. • '. St:man-We hear of iti , sales worthy of polka. .. Scow-Clover we - quote Xt its,otraets, ceipts email and peon. 4re,; .Tlevothy;ho 75; *lieu " axik Y tt I t t A tt ! Viotti and Grata !foie it 'btu%maim. The Secretary of Ode eliamber*Coaimitai,. W. J. Larvae, has prepia ,stalfra c j i r, of fligyr and grain Ai more bekoh.flattiiday, the 'Alt Inst., , anti on theist Jan. 1804. mid thifi 3 O'whleli jll - 4 ;fol. lows r 1 t 0r, , .; '• 7, 4 & 1 2.742111 , 1NU1JEwi t ....... t 12, .... ..:!O tilt 31110 t 545_ ..... . . tt,llolloo 6,_ . . .... yre ''. .4. • 1;1 L ae Vlll,:fr, i sirte, Ir msri 'Mr i r • 7-• *10..,,,,/ • •.• Flour. bri . Wheat, busha. °et bulls... Corobutte.. barley. buatu - • , ;134,11, e. • • - ••• - • '''•-:•••--* • •- . • -, • • • • ittobuqh Gmetio LIM= MCI ..---------, z .... ..,;.:- ovrait.LlVE seo6l:. 1111Altkei. - Repotted kirclusively for the Pittabittgh Gazette. , I . Esti? I. OOyr, Jan. 120635. "Ostrtr—There tiaa..`imel: q tatte -Aft active mend for cattle during the plat two days; pr de - pally. for shipment to Philadelphia and Baltimore, and prices, as compared with lent week, are' up 'Nom twenty to Milli Omits iier'sent; Mee mairokh k `beat cattle, satiable for retailing la the Eastern mar were In brisk demand, and firm, with sales is t from MOO to 68,.50 per l ewfr • Sol we under stazolLcuss very extra lot brought 03,06, but this l issii a ezeeptioanl isle, and the bring, therefore, t . cannot hi-iiikrn Se alai r tteltellonst,ibe market?' . ' ..Th‘ewas, also, consoler:ldo Inquiry for good gee- Scam . t 'Loa, henry steers andozen, and several buncht of this description, oh s*4 ltaiida at full rattle..? In factAt mav be add thatlthe monist rod. ed In fiver of seller. during the grenter psrt of VI. 4et '4fglr.:'tilhic".V, A1717:414°3711;11,3: - nond Licitness 011ie supply. Inferior atock, more appro riately termed `vcalawags,' as In 01Irlyll tha else, Id alcdsly, and holders, In order to effect $.111014 ere obliged to aerept low fizures. sly from "4 . 70 6 dents. Below will be found a midis/J.lst, of, come Of the leadlairsaism, % • :Lewis Ripple bought for shipment. et hand of nide, ainooth, small rattle, Avenging 930 1 3 at S,SI); , aso, - hesd of henry Western stn ers, it veraging 1003 v a 1,7,-Z. t f ; I o i li g, ' ' A head i of e'orniepoolornt la h h " . l lZl l .l l : ; a h n t i n 3 v d er ' ft sg ° s ren o l f 15.06. , thi s 'll death tong - lit - di head of Men. enlotsill,hea: vy stem, front Ills en is Jiro, aver cicing 13332.5, at 06,60. J . 1.. I. % dink bought In different lota, 7: h...b.1 or mit e not& Si briers ranging from 55, to 02,00. , Bomb & Miller:mid 67 Lend of Illinoissteels, cows, and heifers, avenging from 1030 to 1050 Zs at prices tonging . front to (Lill, wk 1 1 . del bought 37 hes 01 fair Small gawk, Adenng 060 at tats. 1: h tzgar sold 61 head of nleellenvy Kentucky heifer& averaging 1070 Zs. at 33,50 • - J. B. Boyd split 16 head of rough Ohlobtock,-avor• aging,2oo Zs, at et . D. C et acild.o) head of Conamonish cow* and belle: s a, gratioraboutted go, a1: 402,73. 800 The market (or this elablorsiockkaa been !enact during the past week, sad that there Ls *Dyne lal falling off in the recelyta, or change .cidki wtt or the other in prise, but owing almost en- Breit the fact that buyers and yellers have been apart trigr yiews and feellagawlbe gettaral,, tons of the Market however is asinine llentans,, i and kolderk generally. are trylag to tatahlkaz se adtannt tb which, save% bUyers seem it:swilling to submit. `Asconspated with last Week. ttusnt has. been no ementhalch la Mass, and.quotealoua may be tarrly,givon at LIM per cwt. Tha r followin it s pretitforitopott atilt" aiddii : . No— N 7 Ve. l'Ortke. „Bum. ~,Beiler. Cs ow ~. 111,16 gillehrlaz 0.00 Ward • • LlO3 240 ~- ~'„oolldd O, ,dO-, ~ .Holmes . 87 ..M ' '-‘ silt* di . do ~ t - blzdt.bone ''''' ..s. - . I , ,1 3 Id .., ~% do -Homes 1110. / ,IWI ~, , ~,13&61, , do , W a rd da - t 4 -la ad , do, 41 : - k,7 1 / 3 &. ~. Ut • Fs . 1.2 ss, ,i do 1., mama i p ~s4o?'. - , olo.t, u Ward . ' 24 .; . I,AIIOI/ •40.. . ,I Witt . ~.. g .I'. - .11.,4: . 12 . a . ...,.., ..tot, .. _...., . A , wtmaitr, , Ismana g h ,w, ..ilidatewir- Altar* 'is, ‘ ..2 / 1 r.l ' 4rx , bath ..1, , mr.l: r . ,„,/° ada 4/..__.ett tii Nis ahead Steams. Gilchrist& ao,' , ho ht eeea h or.auven„,. ST= sagas, aS SA nett Weigh delivered la phtsko incr-La as rend 0 9ntimie.ftlat ask witted ik-inzbii.foriddeaants Ricat market twee nrie, 1 Soo oy WIMP ate, wen ouatalned; several tausebea wets onti s hl, and solidi fog shipment toiler Esiabern 1 nlelikr4 ltittlen gauging from IS tottLyier ewto - Ptrr;ng qc o,l4ll 4 liN ktrititfil,.//iAiliii ,""-ir... . 14 T11:FUIDAT v Sta. 14, Ittiti: Thtte 100 teoriblitalltio thll rAtil:o4lsA:.-zhiti.; Itlt.rogtzw',4 l 6o , 4l - :=4,64, ' 'au dinvsnif , bx ~..ey TrOVO o ti lkoillikts but as tin' obbeedtr - itlidd td,. l almost' en erehaissted,^abe niorkerkafige, arid!,H old twit& well, instalriedlo 4 , buy, returned; , agiN44.,,bliatudifdid; mho - dfabat ,RTAitt. 44 ,PoeThednikl; listion4lthenla, apt hat' no been f rlasine wchintini Oeitisicol' trlittana,' and liithi4diencOrit salkilW4Zinelkhraillkentow.. trial price loollamediste ikdiellY:, ThoUVl4l2lf4r Otin, P4in t 4 6:tuni4' ce liiiii eilaol4' he sapid:yds estneshily Bitch there hi siosinfaold I . tintless fibiticilt&oldtrii to mak, conussilloks, .1 We fictie .. 11 4 3,11 1µ1.1.111f 60 harrelidots cif. ftr„fl ifi*.4.4 L4Fir,sksyb. reggnien at *p.141114-I inat.,,ox u. 1.,-.r.tb. hot suidiagetit Inic. MI , b 6,1 1' - . 1 4 4 *, ,I . Vie; o[ to /44 finidnont it'o .#'lti-i' 40,14 ...Piownumim'I P ta1 , ! 16- ~ ,k irjii, _,___________________ --- reL.Pili A' 44 .f o Pit. At I t . 10.1;. tk'!Spir **...t4 . i1ib::,n4i63: i,, „ • 7 , ,1 I'l' ..,J,... . rlLit4o rtr.ini;JA:a.,.T2.l9.3. ,-,-; , .T he nor trzoe ,OW murk* ~c iiiatiltiO A1ty...44A a il fiidi;iiiii-p. i.ft.i:46ol!•?'4llitliiigt4,,,itlim r ioirt.,-. ,'.11*E1.56,1•1; Otetliorwere ea fondles:, :.,,,. r I :Cldwell... Zrfaderillei.;`:::'..,lV:'2,(7i... , AnSIO&Z.... . c. 1......: 3GO - thlrtfre''' ' , y. ; . 11e.50.. il •' lout lalr. - . I 3 3) ':',3K: leterkolsek:', .. '...: :' kw Coreplarde .-.-*‘.. OGO ill Ve l t. •,.• • . , • % •••. : ••WO lftsirle rabi d .:. 33 al , cherry.,iU,D3, t ? swot ..,:;.4-s etc , anfElheone ..'; 4'..;:'...5,)2, bert.. ...::3 /*I A Le oll ritocli:,,, - ....1;: IX. 0 I Creek &0.. ILL .: 3 3d o Dat#11: , .. '; : 41.,...:,:k1q. 40:1.Kijunk,LpP7..mirrietr.**.• ' slf,'eal ThoPll o*,4 o ;Pinlibliegliatestte • ., ~.. -: 1..., NMI' 2 Yokri:44.'M 1%1. de Tkvoirkei. foe oiudeibififorre3' nrioSilk, iii 'fin - ..liaload, butteneeireilii#2 foltelistrialialltelsl%e, for present lenvierya-For: fratlik i d,:iftiorid; 'eke ~ ROAt t .t 4 °bl... fa1 f5 4 1*.i7.4..,6 - u.fipot. i . is ww*ltye'ilid entir# 7 natal titlatl, - ..... , . lidai9" 1 . les,ehar zeds Zerepttril:Ooldeldirsi tht,ereirc.;', lt thenik.l x 10l 10 . .r ,,, ;41.4 . 4e.,...43, ... , ~,, MAIMD3,4x:.-tEratEruis.,, - emritork Wail( i ", L.,,, ,, -,7: - IF fgr . :; : Ton JargolZ-4.00,,,41 - 3, dia have =Merl lye declisit , ..dd' IVO ',A. r0c..341': b l y • I. nee- ' end: St Akin atidilic kWer.'iT. , 10."‘ (tom , dlielinktf to Estwi,statel-strgo@t,llstcit,Ektra,' E. ileSt.lind 13 , 20 :83.001or tilde Btatidt.' WAN" ket closlng d 1.• • • '' iIV =Jiff -I .brand unsettl&l; Western, d 2,13 • &t:26-I.;:rtil, It at 'lmelda price; Cheek today closing . moo., arm, wit no better', *dal, 6 :4Pgi,kl also, ...adi bhlitAliest ra, delivers. I. t trty dayd at . *VA .0,:o2 ~Liwattr-,W at dull, and_. 3., lower.. • . ,IfTesk..ldard ;70 fOr We stern. !Chem quiet, at $1,90 , tor Alixtil W tern. Ot.t., quiet, at 1 11,08{01,0934 for eatedit. wta,c--ut . 4 (Ingeraux 'effete . quiet and steady Sugar, ...pite i t Ziff ~., , , A =E t tarailao. a qd. g a,,,,,ap*gfqe -.• Twrgokicr Wet and arm, at riche for RN 13 'd, itaelk koctd, n , 920:13 foe:do:free. ( '..,. - Bhuglagott Pork bream at, with a fair Mud ...ttlaSiflaffea a n our last. oldrdoo bias,- at 11.12,117394., IQ nn. or. csT A I dant, 18334 Mein( _Ptak , ' ' ... 11.,.. 1$ ' A ra 4 0147.4 for eastriatell,"3s" 'XIAS'k gam,frig!". ' " - g10ak 40 ,6 0 ,10r - _,Prlaso illibst;" 'graded , ibiter.".2,Eid b liddless,,Januaryg,rehrwere'and ' .".hattt ZrablVyus '' l l ef , :fe lle del ' al tien' .at , Wa n _ ...ple .. .t U 1td 4.4 4 ! ' 4 9% - t 3 1, Sira s . r 4leer e r 1,... .1* assd dwn Tws..3;,,ele -Par,thaj, Aot • 1 - ... .t:tf2 tor . 11.7a, 44 . " aeon tia qu'lltr4; -ID,4l!'er Mitts gated ll t tile. Dressed Sop, "toady At 17 . 1 , g Lank r 7.,,ck ;for Weatern. Lard qui° . at Swadtqa the water t ~,k fiderefire/la I atteme. Butter without maters , " --- ---- „dhastge,gl -- • . pAT , New Vork ptoek and Money Marken. • ,, ,,Natit .teesilir, , rtf 1 . -Dinney active and Ann it. . 7- Bsrantultvles ng doll ot tUtil l gOlol 3 :lii Gold lal• ...SC4igdi sad. ler Cr, otrenkin' at kit, deellhin to 4l o l4Ladlrsitfc nlio ut eri ; an d eftelindat ttalf .oovertinnint locks . Attic ,an 4 Armet ti.:33.' .if i lat'Lllsastioa ruq'filii, pia-Slxttadtf ilafttlthrtb, IPOnaitldWaid2f. . 0 g 1et.0 4 1 .5, 1 9 2 4,3.-",,. t -s , o2,.fitheks. dull; perintitae: Aged, ght 3 do, bistlertillustebiti Il• Nazi wt,,,l,duleksilver, 47 ; I tlentkt.fria; : itltic c‘. 9 o . 10 ,r toofortsd, tt4 mol t - labaj , 4 E 0 .4; nen M'll l,fillebigen klentrdi, molt, , !orklitito a ' , tight ern, _t etagint,esal, T 34k. .'..lellehin i Bouthene A' Nur beta 'lnitials; 7 . 31-6: Illlools tier. ral, It e ittsburgh, ant;i't North Westrn, 37X; an, lock teed, Glic; le. ledo, 1031. c.; Rusk Island, ittl; 3Fort e, ~,,-,,,,...",j,.. - • . .. , :alstin , It oar, .in . tit-Stocks Wager; and tie, mar ket •netive but Irak after call. liold 221 . Erie, Southern 4: ! 1 il' .R.":1'7:7,-..V1.-,,t`i'lg"-• i rs 1,..3;;,fti'f,:n0, f r gr.ter i tl t tiVeaaa, 2 ) 4 dt t .7rt: . ,27t,T1i1;4r3t1owntgkenfif V4V,""D°' - "4' - - ': - - ciccuinati .iii;:iket - :.- ..:. , i. , .. , , , ,,v, , 3 4 . 11. -I,ii.ourp-UnatAzw n - nd n . fair demand for tbe ltigher grades, at Pdtklfesdi for, Extra, and al/d4aelf,ls fol .,ey. ” kin 1. 3 , .-Wheat dulkat tb , close; nett. kt,0uR240.• Corn. in .000 d deblimd, la. bi,a-151.10 to , /der, nett' *4 lll fur Annilktl'Qstr Arm. ac .88n in tier:atoll noir era nf. king W.. ,32ye, dun, At 41,40. , Inksiet at Wmater-in moddiak detnind:' ax?* of Olt bids. • •PE°Vi "" *4'- n‘inido gales; quiceantrmlnal,-. Nons-..8u11t reTil , a,ooo. The decline In (loud hex anttened tpe. nrkntineetty.bacily. - Lignao-;2llk_ul3l ult.' Exchange wirer. dfuney very tight. - - I - , , 411ardelphla !Plarkvt., ~. Priig.ii,ra neehs o•n: a, "Tan. Le.-Pwrinor.nuu dull- and • , er rrank-Builajdi,ls for Allddifins. - - 1 ' "nonn- , ..butis 8 perils° da,M51210,e1, sad Extras 41 0 .X.Wittad ,^ t -.-- 1 , ()data-Whlat h ied; i ced st.intittm. • (:art, • Semi Wei or Nevr maw at .1,7 , ..:, and (114 at gd ,83. •. At insu• Ponstm It sm. • „, : ''-'WHA'AT' S U • inI,,....V. :•• - ...'.i ,r; ,, ''' , ' ' " ,--.103403.34:13,103;'...fi1iL1k.• 'tie , - ;,..14144-ilotraotiitiaipoo. Nolaiainfttriii - , , ditolitiovnl=4oMVNlM4l,4l,T ''.°;"-.. ''' lt '''''dOn2Clteotin, gent.-',731443: isestedd,alde' :Mc ~..-.' from more Mt 41,404 i mirrors -1m sitltii?'.." , ~,., dr) fro firm &ten feel* ow& -.:'; '-..-.', 'i cp._ _ _trki-Aloads atill,e , m,.. ~.,. -. , ,--?:-: ~- y- ,•': r org.t, 14 4L.444 ,F, - , -..,, t"frat"°f 'i 11.. , *A JT41 , 7 0 1- 4.., ; 'l'Mk_, .1..1 .- :: . f.. ,; - 1 :,..1 i:' . 1 % , :, ,,, 1 ;,, , r , ' ,,r ; ' ,..... "777 . -,....r.g, .r. 1" ) ...F.i.ii..00,11 ,,,, , :I_ , . - tliA.:ll,..Ta .4141 111 r . ,;,, , li: Ntf.B 1 t00,,,- . .1 . ~ I, T -,,,.1.-.,,,,, ~- 1 ,7 ~ LFC ;Vt... • ~1:, .. r .f..,,,. ~.,, - fat 1 1- .. 7 , ..,, ul ri .: -1.3 ui i.", 1 ,-3 ride fit.02 , ..k.,.. r%., I „Is trlr.rt 3go++l .. ~ ... ,/,',, qo 3',.,1 1,i,-,,1-• ;i2 Y-414( ,. /F . SZ:I ...! ~,,,. 7: 3: 1, D1 , 1 ., .:,(.1 ..‘ 1!% I. 1 1,....,,1:1,,i,l, ' ,:r.: i ; ;E:,vgn 0 3 3., , _;,:n..31..c. .:,..,,,,, .3.3.w i. !. ...1 f. r . ,.. i l liliT -:-., -3,1 , , - 01. -- ""l• - ' ••-. . 4.,..w1..;,,,1.b00 . . - • - . _'r.;>. • DAILY: terriEw or plrrsnurecu I EITER INTELLIGENCE. JILARKET4. . ` I TooLabe's', Jam le, ILZ. There less no nisilestant in the general markets ev r teday won b 7 of special notice. The demand forut the leading article. of prodnce contities light, and ht confined almost enthely to the imitedlsto wants se' of mammon, erial chan t while ptioea hare nnder‘one no cu. i r ge.• ORATE—Wheat Is Jinn but enchained; sate of 2 minimu m lied at 02,26. gars is still quoted from wagon at 1,20 for Springand et,9o for Fall; sale of riag, on track, et 1463. • Oats dull but itn• L e a= ace oft ear at WO, iNO sales Of,10:4 at. ported. . FLotrE-1 a gelid Ind' dull; with oitt I limited dernatd, and more dtsposltlon on the part of hold. trs to sell. Prices, however, are nominally en. ...cheered, and we continue toqttOte Extra Family Maul store at $10,70141.6. egovggloprE—Racon Is gruiwlth • fairJobbleg demand at 130 foe ShOardeticlai foe Rides, and Ms. for li mos: L ard le quiet but ateldrerlth sales 'at 2134623. e. Moss Is no salea—held seuetally, at sax - C Dried Beet Is selling at 27c. DUCKWILEAT FLOLlarrro ass a rather vul gar phrase, Ii about "prayed tint:" ' The 'demand Is Prezrery light and, In store, It la quoted dull at 53,00 mt- DRIED FRUlT—Peaches quiet but firm with . small sales at tic. Apples may be quoted at front le to 14c, se.ta quality._ . . ... .-... -. BWITER-4k daft aneridgleitad islik a 'snooty' largely in extent of the demand,. Ptirtm.upAynay be_omoted at* two; witheafeiret t3e. `• ~ e.MGS—DuII and lower; salmi having been made 10-day 1 37e d Wall. Criiitsll-' -C l' steady. iletiVaniclianglat lat - 34c for 'Western Reserte and 23 for Hamburg. ILAY—Fmles - from scales at 1143415 per ton. 1 CllVTiti , ---- The ricer recelod considerably yesterday and hut eventagit was falling rapidly with law that ' fourteee feet ht the chancel by the pier rearka. The weather *pot/In/ea - quite cold, but - apparently settled, end ell that Could he desired for catt44oe; bushes.. The Allegheny Myer is atilt Pretitlillt la roaring too, at thi. Point Anil the general In,. - presalon seems to be that it Is stilt gorged some where between - trlttiwinlng andbif City. - ' ', : -1 Tnere was not up to bun esenlnge ,latia. arri val,, a ltlikieb,leraist 'baits!! were beielt expeitted. 'The G. lil).Portior from Wheeling, Bo! Roy front Oln., einnith and the:Hard Timit Altai Youl elite ifkie - • due qty exawill.donbtlessi holoorid ten. port! , ta i this morning 'iled Meets, bioiteptisied Whel..'. [ tag en Medneadat but-We 'priialinui ehe tuti'luid PrritY."Thittairite442l2o ' haty. and ' Aisles, bee . ,ji . apt.J. Di: liadieiri, b !Mac ari Per!! taiY fee s nlettlii mid srillneen, be reedy to tete The .B. alitsoia,PaPtsua.t., W. - Hama; Pe anaantset fozaiiaahrille forthwith. _- - Theatre end commodimus Eleanore Anne, 'Apt. Illerratt, a, elerki. J.i1e..134.k1a, is the - next PeekEtfOr Ouietanattaaainnaissille end May pee , -alblibe there this eventret.. - l'he Mitigator wee Wahlogpreparatlons Id lea re• ' -tea tsealog, - and Iscolhl doubt/eas get oft 4 se ing t he e utiatti , olUut night. 'There. went no.other ' depattu The hit. Loulifikeneser of BfondaY size': . "' salletehrt2ltY;'=nbejtt!e tnok7ife lit,tlistrd .. Talmo, the tow-bonts and Abe ferry-boarit....tbe dart' WRA_Voing atilttr, had the . weather.. woo fa vorantha 'wit- good - rise 'la snOWeJ. rained end thaw d...: Thatgozgar.bovo.ealwr Is t hat, hard tu o ch.- Capt. GrtIPOSIne InfOrtal us that,he took the It it:Jrninary to the "lower hod cif the guege, Rod Milted against it, 'until he foot, I it apparently us IMmorable if/ /21011ntain. Ito, saya.the.g_orge, ex'entla fronit ' tovribrid at I.llrd's Point, to Out. rain bland. hnd the inlidted thlne • of the alma Ito el er wor n He eau/drastic! ruslospression on lt. '. heltallitiolng /terns me from the same paper, of 13S u e c t t a e in d itei . i WTI ea g I f Ond o n y A n igiht; e w s e d O ee il Tte weat r h y er , vas no wa oldy u et r ray. b ut te a free p e . .wesekprotrol. A rise was also. expoctr4....Tbere AJOUr And* hn1(1011 of Mier 04 MO Wont but belt...thew: “. 11 nainess.wpa ObOnl to : be be resumed trbrniretftietrbocarne ittlprehonstrr of n wyorely colds 11, nod gore up the notion of going at pres ent. ut otheradid go down the Mawr. AA/tending to do theft-beat berween,St. Louis and tlia - 110,1 of the go/ge....From Cliptrilto. N. liogeger; wh s ar • tired Iron, Usk. yestuniny nothing, wit learn that o n IkltlnPay Unitulrg the felliwring boats ware in [., /Le gofge atowellalrot the InplneCity,Katernt. 1 wun, tient/tide; Delhi Vett:Spay,. &wen, Soatla Westet, Armen, hllla Faber, Edlnsburg. 'atm/soon, st. 1.14 d, and I.7ther. AILLI.N-nt.the bank but tau Iterrnotla, trhlehriux ensompitam{all round irith rte.,.The was ft niril,re aborvlsndone below these Mists. ! The core re eaasi, fraiathis poii,.for white fit or„ Wrniabalrthe god*. • ,„ .ks .T.E.4.1113 0478: - ,- . - 1 1; ort, A.' ASII vIL It'. t ntul all inter-L:lRa __l medial e , entts:L-Th doe ott aner J.N. (3 2Lhrok E, ( el Hartontlt ali Mare nOo.ooro on s It11).11, .Inunary to h, at i o'clock 0. In.- , l'ur fee/gilt ow wisear,e apply of board, or to, :Ala 1 . 13 . ( 1 111 1.' :V ( 1 17 1 21 A 4Vii . WOOll. i 4-erit. - . 0 10.0A)R0 Ai !! LIST.' LOV IS. , .. - S - i i t I. Th6.1 4 / 1 0141 steamer ()LITE, Co pt. '-',",_-_,, 111. Arnlreou, iii leave Ow calm sadtit..Lou on FEllllAS,`Ztati'lllth, a/ 2 p.m. For (might . or pasiagenool,o On NOIII/ or to J. D. COLLIN ti WOOD ' . 30 Agents. .111 . 2.. FLACK., . ____ • . 14.01 t CINCINNATI Ze'LOIIIB' ANNA; ' Capt. 411. Maratta,tvlll leave for &lave and in tenne4ieiorta enT/IMIX,IBth hat., at 4 p. ype retie_ olvs..A4_a_pplr 4)1 bean) °eta ) ja11:1 Jottrilzaom. t Ag°,l,l•'' .. - Tt Et3 U II AItWISIEILIXGANDAI 4 ..... PITTSBURGH PAGRET..2-The :R,rit•ar salt fast mantas pAutogrt, atearner 0. RTEB; Capt.= L. Thylb .r Clerk, 1.. x*.zewei. im Pittabunta.- evity - TPP-4BA.T, - TIIIIRS. 'DAT and sAmi)A_ ~ i r itt 12 keolook tr.' Leave, Whaallag every BioNDAr, VrEDNESDAY and xtutax, eveclatokft. m.; 7W . war Mumma .'Ptorard IT attended Rt. , Tisartap done 'at aacalerato pin% - : coltritararit or e am age!a o. pertnibdlrd, - de Li lAtl: ' DAT"TBLE.g, idb. A ri.jk:g r or Boo; _ ittzatian AtER - LY PO ' ~. -31011TH AND rITTSAWN . .PACK.h-r.-oTterrhie rtnotulmorneatior ;11Ai Wr X. Ken., muter; W. ll.' Bryan ; aterk, imOrral'ataburgh every hirITVIIIMI" at L 2 Ceeknk; :44.1,134 Portend:4lo.6*r: "stONDa At. s web* ' ig.ll4{-,_ The Gollett Ertrouthe mud o n , at Porta. ' oollih3wlth theapludhl2 Meurer ~14oatoo. Ira.; roucilae Sad milt receipt trehtht 4rui us. am to that city. ; aces .--„,:.---,........._ Ong/VT 11E)51;CTIrON 7111.1.1 1 • - BOOS 4 SHOES .iNTLITER GOODS .. a . . i —-- - I ~.t.",r, f, • I/. . • , +'. = .:- ,xl l ' eii. :4--'3e Primeei,ist,- ....- - aims STOGY BooTs, .- . , ii: on redutd to ONE DOLLlNieitlt: ' - :" ' ,• , , . ' ''' L 124 ','..' '..,11 - 1 ... I 'I': , "A'!? E . B NPY4TIT../tinfirlimul. "Ta - t.e.t'svittea Nt.'pq seer seen la tilts els, 1 01111,4ernsc? 6tlhe vfLty btyt material. Eel) "lit ily Icew rim X.,{LelVii II';- •'' , ''' t 1 ,,, . . 4 ' , ~'....:, 1 E .7 ja'23:.47_ ; T.: 1 .1 • `... 7 ,-; ~ -- 1•-.6.,...-y t - 11-:i4. '111Z .,,, rha,p2 l , ViTc?ar , Doors t or ieryv.iieo:Virsieginal mb i e ' ' El.! - 101'04 doable soles. MPIK ` r an 4 1 ::',:.....14t rbRATr4/t4.Ml2Oll±Er ......A.o , l:aiifee. IA maraple"ny mvqrt .I. _ . • ' . .'t. .. .1" -;.:2 CHILDREI43 - 111(012 . "..;.,.. ..coi.iir4llBl4l.'g) riirieiii.e4'di'iliii'lCOCo'v.' CI • iiidt.EAT y. I. I .Tv3vil vsi •:. •:. ;)i;,, , BAltil&mS Zp3, ViMic. iVi . - L '." . 4?ifiii tl!tili.; Ciiit.!'- _l . .: . 1 4 0Netra • .(.1 • ivroar, No. at , '.? 11 . 4 "” 160 1 . lwt:amp (Ai rxe,mruunr I;.,iti , tiri bi hapreta °Mee: above li s 6l.ll:r iiieei,. WEST SIDE of F/Fili atr7e;.' • , - ^' , ...:' - e - 1"..1-1....rC_e-‘. CCINE - ~ ,t*i- # °ll 4 2inkl2.Bt. t • jal2 • ,L 1 F.':: t .11: , •S. I, , 1,-i• .1"' .' f, .. , ... , 1,:1,1 - , _ ... • - • , b , •.1,0_:', L '_:...., -,'" • '"::..• 'll . ''' .D U QY- 88 .'Alt4o6.*ollli.V 1 , 7:, ::, I.- . • & r'o4l) c Api la i r ra lift 1' 4 4 , ".1 . 1 ; ''':,' . 3 " r7 :; .4 . ~.,• 00 1 I P I ! • t n, ilatiufact iof every variety of daiiiiiif 'I -?'''' 'l' tit:S IVOR FOB ..P4tratzwas , 'SYEA L W cat 1 GAS rx Ensocaintrruenis i Antyl --' PERNMITHS• ASS CA . I. NfitWolalliNsoH*ltOiiiia o t tiP , 'STEA 1.804 T , cWUR..I4 ,, errEaIit , AN D ' FITTLIf arid ntSikuitusa, teuThr itt dim:4l4ld ilio fittine tie iith'lNM ae ritePali i ,C .4 1.4?, imuasort - tar.9,,,..g? /_. r the ib aale lle on te Arliii, LAllit •C .' PATENT4I-Pif.o3V PUMP, the ;yr for 03oi orV.tviLikeiClial.Vait to got o t bY order, od .Iwili . throw more t!orn _o_ny mop 9ftwi.salv!atk..:4,,,.silvi: 'F.NTE OCTOBEIiO, 70Q/. 1,11 e: , 1" . ! . IV • 1 .. • ' '" ,plAr_ _ . SHADE ...- 7 ._.....___... .._ _ ____ _...- nth, c li.l l D „Titm...., , , korxt r i &.A. ft..% . ....3. i c Imola ~1 i r.+Eoritt; .Zj Aw Sohn I. • .t i I f , p , 01 1 , 'I- , % ...,....” .••Of APPLE, hi , ' iriarAOCKI Akd or imaii i i., ,4 01, 11., 14 lit da 1,011 1 Pro lOfain Rtlteloeittklimt 0... A.; . • - rtant ne tort', nn .btrlyifbrboGA, bteme h s i- 4,- .4 L9ort o Uollnsa IppinglAithirrlyNanowster, ...- ,/ , ,isle of ToatlEk VG., .111zbUe 111nad (Simon /Iptibt . •'. 8 .....„. 14 "/ Nutty, Muth Sutoke•houne 'Toll:tines k -_,---.. tigGith'a 014111. 7 „,,,0u A TATlk} k * at k , '.. 1, .... , rt,t/4 IntE , PEACII, 1 • 71 3.U'• '1". , TOIV Ib.I.InViZE IVVltriStr3.ll4 _ne t' • lX , !• /t.r" AT 11 s l i 01 1r11t;ek .hi In ,we GMT grent• willoe l nl * rie t;IG' 11 " twu it? platters and wit lesale putetuniernt•pttleintlefr NI etbe iireandfur. , Onklatat, Gr.Pltlittrktir Amt. Of. lIIN't Wilt Da pro ptly attended t0.r:•1.1.1.. - -•I '. . . .1011.1111/I.MIIOO ( {. XlS o , Wm ft 7 , 1 10 1.4"141/ , ltittsburzh and I • •Itlnntrbilttaerles . 1.6.,; i; /Von sAr,tr ,— . - -. -- i --- ,----7t, -- .. - r , i ~,,;,,, t I . • ' . ' t o t 1 , ),,:7 , Iv; _ 1500 Ibs.i of TYPE MIETILL l'''') • . ) It M. I Elnulre nt I THIS ornat. 11,-. Jim COSI( liftLLK 1 1 1 01)1;g " - eil'Ir(:)--.;Ni."37116 V'7' 2 ., V o,A, i ,.. ;fir , f•t r i t il7 4 l'lsfslilg'k e z,.'VPllll 'II P . : 4, ' ..P.t. l ,rrOnft,ltelled i front the . thote, tt' relgoodijirompt- g ' ll ii lar ‘l dr, 1441° P . 9 1 L t4/: 11} %/Z DV .1111. .1..:1 , T or etypoosa per nntructitner 1454 Y skl B‘‘‘) W PURGILASTWO u Li* ' ' , F.,., t brick dwelloor how of four room,. Led teller, ind lot of ground saint front by aq , d o rl , ‘ lillutdo otter the totem of Ruth snitlVp nt htret•tn rooting ion i Inureh alley:. Tenn:lit-AG molly trot:tinder 14 one and two 3 elre. • - • i N. Uurditharr,k.rfa,Arg , , x.... GI At.rk,l 0n: . ?.., ft_o4/1,-Eitecii AN -5 1;20'a. . - y , 14011:14 L ew' Tierce,. -- ' ; ; ;• i „' . "Sa 11t ' o 4 1 4 n i r ' ,t e nt h Is. ' il 4.! lw Orli Ish i latnnt t 'ei e ry" ,ce) ...!,•• - I 0, , ..1,• y___ i 011,t8. 1.% :A LOWELL. • l o r ittir ili`A - R1 4 , - -rirnt &I-1111U' ti6iced i Talteitne r. ol for sale by ...' orlrla :1- It'. W X.III ".InGICTNS , t,' , 4 - to S A 4 4 8 T4 to. ..,,tPJ , E Du/ taLlAitt lkusit,tort sow at o. ualthirclit elven/. , ~-, ...,,,...- .., ..-__..... , r den ~,, 1 PRANK vv.( nuariptt, _cb OILI „ 1 , 1 „ reil, on for tot gent. ' " le b r'' , 4 4..1_ 4)-,.1;..,,,p1,11, VAN,rtatai... 1 -'— (17NII bbliOlOhrgatl' 'B°ll 4" aviroy, ; ~.,4;41,, .11,T t tf 0 li.t e:1i" . ....1Tri .S • e) a , 4t Er 4.0 I.r-tll lo .. r.t > 4 .4., , 1 ~q,,, 4 • • F.'svinlet ten 1.--.7V.IitiMI re- !, 4 ',4 - 1 - - ' II D 1 ' lt' t ' '' ' l ' -":1417 " ljf;" tlawit'" ""AY'T '''' ' ' 1 4 , 1.,,1• 11,.,,,5,, 4,, art t 4 otk- as,'T iv irre,7, t. 44,1•1 On , ••••0 et 11 -arc 1 1.1•• ~ At , .., . , , , ~ ,eff - r Yr. sr, ~/ 1 ^I,r7IL .4 .. .i. Lot nd tii - 17 VI 45.31q13 4T .1 . 1 4 t,. 1 t..SC 4 Ty, ". ''' " ' . "1" C -1111Vit0 • • 1.1.1L,nn 41 1 1•trli 4, o , Jni . tv 7 /a' l4 4.* Diu . inturicrthrt.itti,W O 1 aL ILa M ji .1) cis insatelpel 1 . 4 'MI - 3 "3'l Pr' .X X fa; KS /2.:0114.44.',C1' These ChitEinels are intended hir. the flat lame,: heating tot parts ht . the glass ego/tile dors ,mot (t•• pose It rl*. :1)...1itT/11111/Cit,' • Fort Pitt (nisi Worka, Washin . gtun street, PillthOct/G .MONDATEAId, BP O THER co . .iiiisi',tltAut y. - FlagNEll LAST stptt,,,,. tiqunic,.. Vint. tin OcinKonol'ildriao.- '''{Vinti4lin, Cd ~q 6 ^ l loA ni 4 /',orrot'oi' /1.,0,,,40,1111?3Viri,1ta1r country,..: t , .• 1 ~ ~,.;,., •,i: : ,•;,,, • , '. -"a n d"nr . ..4loune Nqn. 11, nntl.ts% FI4IZ. "an 120 end. igtir on n netiniim NtopUg•k . ., .• • • t Y/ ' , A ll - i ... ' ...' ' . . .1 . .. 2. , (1 /IA ti .. Foli 'Eg, (laic of 11,4.. !Inn of, 4... ,, Fownna &ill 1ey,1.1 min ikilitnucix(ma or Mitchell, Ilerto 4.1.10.,) +,,,- ', :- • - , ~. . . Iron Fomideri, iiiiXtevb.Wsinnlraciiarcerii r 0 . 7 .M.. I le.rar o kt.loto 4 ii¢Xte% .i. il 1.1 1' ninEnr, Moth Ward; Pitt. urah, Pn. r.;. m3:4 1 oIIN D. nnintun & (In. C„,•',18E.797Eit C ;=` ,, N B. ' _ heit 7 g_ I' ?•,-.Pittobtith, *unroof urer or lip LlEft HIV-. WI; WRODOBIIT 'lLlD.Wiakiesea flOd'ralltoadi" =oar Wtic gr i ll ° 'shaped SPIRES and Itlytn , l_. r.cnt Mall , to order:4,lllr Joutiik...R rA3 .tosefftzums' t.nety oh hand. myziii a ';4l-Ite7.-fik., ifitTkiiirfiltliiiriZe.:' stns 34 litAX. , a - ()tura - .a- on Ltat afict ware ' 'tilt' . Ifb.lf YIVTII. target . L 1A. 1..\ ~iir .t .,: r :li f ic, 44 .-. r - • i FOR FAR3I OF 165 ACRES, on Big newickly, three tulles from the railroad station, swell linprored.. Price SdO per acre. -- 1417FACRE B*Billoa Kilbleck, 354 miles r Glendale Station, on 7r [deb lea utist Store, ag _Biro, cut good In7 P reil tate.ta _Price, . I .7.4 l ENirloTs, on . Fremont ',end ITtaturtt, I.FO IL Se °4S7nuibm-iik Ottodate Stalk% • contalah7 FQr g six to ten scree. - , J. SAMPLE,- Beal Estate Broker, • B 7 Federal etreet, Allegheny.. FOlt SA.LL—AN EXCELLEIfr FARM' nthANTS COAL P ROPESituated On the aide of tl.e Ohio Ron, Hire miles from Beaver oneehalf• mite from Industry , ContAins ISO acre*, 90 of Witch la cleared, balance good Umber; has 'an extensive front on tho river; IS newsier° andlirtald with two veins of coed s (3 & 4 feet ) of ex" talent quality; large bed of fire clay and ilmeatona, with two dwellings and other outtmlbilngat This pro d perty I. we/ worthy th e attention organ:l4m an Vaal men. as it /a Allred at a hargale.l Apply til 111. IsfeLAIN to po., Jet . , ; No. 102, lth r4on ..,,L.'.---. LL t Third Street Busbies 87 , I oftEr for sale that thrematory DRIOR WeL LIAO AND RESTAURANT combined, 0;101 Thirfi street, near Wood. - • • • ~, , The location Is a good one, and the propel y will be told at a falr Nice, on easy Jenne. 1 d , Aptly to & S. )3RY ' Broker and IstmaranotAgerlti • deRl __ls9 Fourth greet,. f/hulto's unntitorj, ...6 , . - - -"--- tvilt SALE--Tlitoo new Stefinft rilltlhfili . ia t tsVit " tlnfo r ; °" very l7 (=lig'', 0 1 1 ;,..4 . rje th gtk itaab ; 1' 'uanland tisnoectlng rod of wrought trio; best of bans' or boxes, Defier" tt to 16 feet lung, ER aches dims:dee, With two 11" inch flue., chimney Ulla. by ks feet; hot and • cold stater pump* 'Evelythlogoomplate and ready, to *Mr pa night. RUCH SAL ROLE; ' •,, , _ Plttaburgh, Pa: ' Shop, corner rotat nuey aad Duquesne atreek, bank Of Allgthater river. near the Polon • clegidf T:oli SALE 'lit ICENT. — TANT I 0 DAS ERS.—A. good Antattcram Engel. at or t occupied is a bakery, le oilbtal for 'aloof . t'lle premises are a well built two story X haute, in goad repair.* gdOd lot connected ; it, arable, (Tit 'trees, grape vibes &a. p root! delleta 10 paroha Re Or Nnt, A me .I, lty la otlere . The' biting Implemesita will t.. gold to the person buying or . reiitlfig,l4o ''''.4 F"Pller4/1411V111173r,e'lleuatted; ,re: A . , tot Smith:lett id., Pattektiretn • 1:01 SALT I -n • NE GOOD BRICK .TIOUSE, _ . Pleas icily situated In tbst.TIRSTWAItD; ALLY,- GUST V. Ran lasteLen, Dialog Room, Double, Patiora, and three,llhauthem 'n o t 1111 L Possession —A pri tat, 1a63. rol j t artleillatatartutre of ja -, • • -.• (14 IL e yru ntitit. 6 erd . .11ntter 'loud (Mier to Penn et p o it §ricl.R-1 ---.- ' ----.— he nj, t — i , ",,, --"1,;(1 Lot now oeuloot by Aim A. E. Oakford, No. tell La mark street, Allegheny City, at is a substantial Erick Bundler, modern sty le; front and back three atorimPhigh, eentaloleg fifteen room* fitted with water ind gem, ontl' bounded on aide' and row by paled Alley *- TAM la a desirable property, atilt la in Iliatiste orders and /mated aocentrally that It to le y * of ecceaafrout any business portion of the two delta la, ALETFLMT la OLD, F 121 leet *tree, Foal iii.AiE, F '' I - - . , • 41 COIdFOUTAXILE 1100 SE , Of foorroontsilrithfn one and &half squares of the street can, In Manchester. ' Good water and ever?. earn/ convenient. PfnaelislOn given trtimegalttly. 24.0 eter*..PMF11/0 Mown PAR; 77 Federal street, or at Thomas narrees Be Wagop, aver et, Manche:inter. n Sho - • rustinstreg TO Thel Thtee-storied BRICK DAVEL,I.ItiTi4 Ohifo cded°, eal L sew, ea 'containing * tk M eleven do -room, k * th Wi thneoPittibtugho Psse o -Mopplata path tbke " flte4r LMIMI: f No.OI rink etret; E9R f,SALII/4 • -- IBusindsii Stand. praesirmiti. repsa Rigt !in. m filielTli nittela la a substuttial Brick Ituildlr th I f°°° ' °I ttiquire f lUL UAri irmumt i . r i. ZoZ il czms, el7-tt - • No. INlFourth street • .14 OR &I.E.—Tao . compiled term - of a -.. Le Ora LOT Ot GROUND, lo Um Ninth , wtirtk as feet Gent en LikeitpMoW. and =t , oa Ruth itreek on which lea a futauf ST with stalls tot itio homes. The Stehle could, milfr *mail expense. MY turned Mk, • Cooper Elhop eir _ in *maul maaufactory. For terms. 11 ‘..,apply at • , ' °NORGE CIIRRI7rTP•oe *tare. _3. 1 -rwif Lit. in au atreOL near Nth at. , iftiliie FUR SALE. -R-r. d Tiretmitertled !rig* Thiilllax lioupe •No. 73 'UM:Tr STREET, betwees My i t, . Id ‘rbury Frsta, eontaltilhif thirteen room, wilk Ana *tab loom. Pounce of . deleilia, -: IT A.I.IYA CNN. If Water ctrikar -4.-Aiii kliiisl UNLYCII XT(-------'3E portA. a f'ANIL-ifleuna *man Ilinmea; trout three to -Ave room each,Mtuate la Pitt totraablp, curart of Chat it Locust sta.. between I.Mearome Pus (cry arid t ektotiontatielio Niter. Tlitioaatleaka, . beautiful; ear two Rop ittilta;Ohun Houllantid tiforei p tom, Par am en qulm of JAN TuatEß, the menu + .Wawa • Vijit 8 LM-••••,, T 1' (Y rEKlLLPtlittit. ; -A P Chill,A.Til:OftislisallY, nowt" stied ' lth all t ' co., .1 ii , a. wary street. Naar, Manta to I am the business, hecimharatheialtamie, totemic a ap and gait critan muff capital. •Par partieula cell at or ettdm rs DANN.% S . Pittaburgit,Pa. , h 7 Re I, l am 1.71:72-Tfll-i'aimu'-';--11liffg• .11 li — it - tirit I ith ItWELLLlNHlCUriti,lfo.teTourt. li a el rll nti Pfittburch. pamanaireu int the Mt el 1 :II 4, . tititamrA A WHO- AM. ''Oecty N 7, 1M Pftlirt street. liOft • 5r ,, .. - /30ifittettl - Zi t,loat 1tG90,,L40 _ I - wares b front coat In pool No. tl afro d4e Mar in coal .a 4raiiromk-anit other tropmeetaelita la 'pont work r order la ptiol No. S t one tract on. the l Toophloph op river *ad Coattellarille 'ffiellmuid /inquire nt i ,' - WILLIAM rf All 1) s • orstdoor hem Filth oa firaint Wreak _ , inn iiNew.' l4 , l lNlli.AP4.; fa. .1' JAS.TALZELL lc !MX. '; iit—azoil. ltr.t•lirortroriatienucis;As.4‘' Pr iTistutor; 4, lke ir, t aN§ts; VIDE ~T P ' C' . CAYITILW. BMW : ima (retinal) A tonra.Vit. . zox us, ~ Ik4trd of Inrectogiof.flay hared.. t 1 a Dlvalehtt of . 9 %T.E.W. ta..eur. oa. the lisp ,1 i th e i :m et ti e 4 4 e ndfn i f t lkv.:s c l m at il lxt or . k .t_ , le (f I'S/ at ritt . t• taa,) on aa alter 111 ' ; i l y or abaey, fad l at . l.he 9111oe of the Oita, , V!! I `eh It, ti4,l3.46rkeeLre,AMl l er , to the etaelehedders'a.a ergintered at..theete., ive ale. T:.. Board lave alb obletedthir pato rthe pay/dent of'thalailf- •e-arlydivl ?f 31 r cent. on the , Th.ird Ateetwahle, - —me Apell 'I, pp, loose s ',.lt.tolpible on Illei flaatifh day bf January, 184. to thel:bilinao/40311' rf.sk4arivl on d he fist day ohileca.aber bung at the ' lflf. Apin,3.l4 AY,fo.lolr. jainler ac lila,. New se. ,Call """ 9 I n fr.,, The ....., b00k,,,,, t' Itu ' k td thi rd• C V/P1e.b 61 141 Mill awn... ~.. 'Vat to ;at 2 o'eloc sum add remain Maw , i ... the 11th day Of .Temiay thileeeftelti , . 1:: 19 h , ~:. , ..1 ~.. ad.+ I by flecked! t enonrd. 'fTla '40_4_41- . • • Wal...l34.APV3s..Settetary.,i. , . flott, ,"it >:, upE O /41Vistris Itußr'.u--,.t.!, , , 1,. 0, 2 _. _ f Prrzutoutur JIM 'CUM..' .4 VIDE ND. -- T!te;l l *lifent: tibli!".....%ific.' :A.,. 4.l...Ltngi ,11111.4tmerf :tuifttlifado.4,7 4 0% ~ „f., - B . ', Av0,,ef1.4. out 'Or. yttigr b tatintiZl44 l 4 .l., re ''. 11 1 ) 1 1 - 1 1 1 months. pa)-st le ent"eVet•M i ttea '— • ""... to 7: ': 4 4 3 4"4 ' •W' Vg.' . Eke ~ •" " , _ t..istiuMr 4%7 . 140 II ?TIIVIDEND._-THE - TitUSIMES '6 . 4".: Some PPIOII-OAS. COMPANY hive 'this r - 1 - ,,,.. - ',, de eel's Ticked of THREE: (t) PER Irv? - .. the Pro hi of the Campeny. p nmr .. . 'di; A. M. i thbud p Stockholder' orttuur7ol* .!1•01 ' 0r,. 4 , - _. • a l ' - 4 - • -r * 1 tbt'oftoe of Mu-Ootujuumk- • - t-Till " I SO • fiiteit. , - , j- Bi , L , 0" 14:roman " ;It*- 1 -" 1 (1 I'' ASIIW ORTII~✓ Ne.l4it, er.sne s i.ortitsbnerti.:l - Foinresmid -41.7) CalthlsSlON. mekTuitr AND DEALER IB MIS • PETEDLEIr iIr,LI33IINATIN_ LITCRIDATING, (MODE td OILS, mar rat pines. ',Oonalrrn. constantly on hand and toe sale at th e- lowest mantas:2d orders solicited. ap74301 'BONDED WARIOUSE OF Phenta tartholliing COMPaiih • Feot ota&raid & EtARRISON Sri.; BrOoklyn rirrnompni,- •In TankrßerelsO!e.94ctliort: Onlee , No. e 6 EAVEI2 STRZET New York. JOIhrtrWALLACh ..... . r.11‘21 006r1841 WALLACP4 mßi2cliaATE. • • I i Aro nr.Atra9 rif }CRUDEAtV ,,i 4 iFTNEyittliditititt,• , BENZRC'k Atiiii'l.l7l3ilC/A.T.I:No: OILS. '' No. IR SOUTH WILIRrES, P lIILADELPHIA,P4 . rariStorAge °opacity (under • eover,) for 15,001 'barrels, Aliso 'excellent [till/ 4 • for - chlppinito The .. nod FOreigh Torts, at, our wharf on The • Schttlkll{ illypr,,ney tkeldettlonth ORO PAL it • .I.tititlßDEilveo""' . .. ....' (7 '_ ~I°h Anq'n li*Arillittliteioitiviaß ih: - .': qv*. AND tithrohnirtiorani,, - • i 11"*. 19 IRWIN STILIEEIy'' ' ' --' 1 • •FlAtirtiberal.cuh .advAnoe.riopAtonaiirnmenti for. trislturgh'o'r Enatem `•larkqta,, ~ • , PlTimutittott ttflateCl4. .• Mean. J. S. Dilworth 6.4.15 r. SprlnOr lixtbaugh, 1...74tr; 'rho nqpia ifey.,,EN., Prod. CptlitnetCllll Bonita .4..11111E8 WIC/KENS, ' . • . I, ,trifEii6lit'iiry.t.iixiiit Perry: Mork. Duquenne "Ert;.fIZVT".I7T7'ngIEiL.ZT. !a°, pozujignflrata rcspfttfulty d . .H i r t A o L a E Pitt lnirgH AAtnrs- for VENANOO OlLcAffp ..TRAINS; CWIPANY. Ara- YOST UFFILIE MIX 142, • roh.^.. ! y Itenstor... '' .... . 247 r.Es* • • ..' cOnlin ; l P44 l \Tp4..o)l4lslts. land dollen in Plitab urr ll .s.fanufac ;urea nRd AND REFINED OILS; Arirtil&-rAi ad rantva nvt . de onFf.ot;li t ;ftlf 4 ) ,. .taNi, and (.111}.:Elt-Al,f0i 1f.2).1.1t ITS. CITT OI I , IV.O.ItKr3. • .T,YDAY & CHORPENNIN . G, , . • • ManufactUrcra and Bedlam of • O arb o l,/ Oi l , aOnginetildiarieitingOilit I AND DEALNIZS Crude .Peiroletenh Are, ork.orpeArtE4ltAttparwiect ome• . , ?fis.l4l AND ,ST.RELT," Pittsburg -. h .1"*. . ispn-ela giTepLusp„, 4_, 13 9 11°11321 Z - 11127,441' .. , Worksland ()Mee, COLLINS TOWNSHIP., Ofike lh Pittl4ingi,•o4 *goo - errazzr... . : • Thane Stork. being of the largest sapselti In the ecstasy, • are prepared to fltlrargs. orders. The ,braa4 stapds the high,* to thla country and In Ea. f r ope. w razg: , : d tllfy and nieletest, en pated d the taybiAtteln! Init. ita • . '', B U --. •_•______,-_,-- ,-,,,,,,,, •,...,..sistegirt. 13/FOER; 4ltikl- - tL -- J. 42. Y.`, ,t • • .. Q /13 tItCOCXXIOSIEAIM,'• tr ' '•._ I.: .. 01 1 1 7 1 1 Ir t.:jir ;44 4 4v - rim, . ) 4,.,..,::. Globe, Pacific and Itherty,i_Oil!;Viro2llo;- ..'• Idbeirat Caab *dragnet ~A 47.0 tkoiintii,iti oi' ' , _, , ..,. Izellsieed or: ti - isaie Petroleum. _ I .el.h , r.: , 7: ~, ~ . . 1 ur.. DS /TINE WA I' soul /LINCOCK &N ' . • ' a1tit.2,,,.. :31 11YR0Tt, • lig ,'•,, iiirieatt t77--7.....4 -I,t..aeasrat.d...i., w..kninr.d4....kgwziti;.ir,,:,—..,„,. .._ 1 . CraiIAUSSION'aIIiRMATIA''''"" .-' •".....11! ...,;111 _. 4 ,,.. antalutOscsua tfr ..,. ~., 1 „..,,,, L ~„1 , P.NIDOiEtrx AND ITl3..nctotrapi,, • ...,t,o-. ~ :-:t....._ .;:_. Aall!deatoraltthliStdog 111t12tat r:,: , t .:_ „ 4 .. i ... tl:. ;i! '6 lPir,.fitei.,,pfu;bi E * r t , ' T ' s . -,, • jititlfiirt , ix....,::. :....." 7. 7 ::• •:- . 7 . 7 .":: - ,:xci•Tiiiiit - : :._ AILESI IltiilNik cit.:, -;,.„ ..„, ~,, .:, =mos Oil irittioL Aqua !Attila* • ' oolll4 M‘'4,S,,AgaliAlEkt t~IL• w — oliiiik•i•- ,,, f“ • " , •id u 1NCAN,M444.030.,-' ,*t o f 111( 4 1 4#19tii,Cartitn = .:.-:,, • ,; ,:',/.."'• 1101,LA SA V 'NOS UNK,";.ti9. - 54 4 4.444 . 4 ' byr)VSIT Stnerm. • • CHARTERED IN lam: - • • (hie/Udall Doubt t 6 tftgleek,:aito on-Wedge ' 4r; day and Da May cren ~.from :array 'UV traitor 7, 111 t Newbyrlst, f m •to 9 otc ock, and from Doerunber • shim Ist to .bllry 1 from of to 8 o'clock.r,. . :Ll{ • illePosita ired of irlimmigfludl64 than (A). rsr . ,I‘silyeall'rLn"Jd•'idielvaMd hirer. t ileci rest ah* hru t beest ! ', j , 1 ..' . declared ecZi-annuallyfrldr`gurre•sZd Deem:ober, ' • ',' .'. . elute tbe,lbulik was orgunizt et tbyityl44,9l„9„ „„„,„.•...„'„,--, i IN? eent. s Yeltri": 7 7 -.----- -- - s -• s, -- -;• •, id ere'', tf ot drawtrori,4lll&ed WNW =MU 1.1 hid soda, gilhip . eld • h r i ,s i r. 1,2„1ncl al, rfl. daYSPofJuneturl2)=l- - 1 I. lg Bli fki n e" blinding wire * year without troubling t he , ri * ' 7 dtor to 11, or even to preeent ids - pass book. fa rate , .ney will double 14Aess .han-twelve dtelebb thing the OharterApLaWa, Rules w 'egtilati . , furnished gratis, on application B e lotliobs • Tlksti Ert,-QM,pB(l-11 aLlkSal_., 1 ',..) .' re. " ' mivir 7 ,, ,istrts. FattAto , _ 2, 41 , 4a, , ~,b. ,• - it,, r H. Sh • Dergifill Wra.llElV44k, ~ ~,,. .. •/..., 'Herder I ••• . •-••11619,62m 'I , 1, • 1.• elk - , A.--tsm • Iwo :04il ' 'Aorta' rs,' '),,,,: t' -u or I ~•„, In 7. eirstutr,•Volo) 11fi1P6146.., '. "r 7, ,-;.., 1./ Poll Iltd1). ',"Stflin'lL-Baelf - ),,,, A - pt i‘q ~i '-I In- Iratierms-: , "' I. ~,, Alfa Henry J. Lynch, 1. Bind .. , Joint Maclikall, Di. Il c Black pwww.s 4 ,r t , , 4 - --Y . 44' , , r 41,m,r..031 •. 7 - s - 14 - turgwln, • "John Lorr, SIDON. ler, Robert Robb, . W.A. Cot on, 0 ,,, ,it0,nry til - arin brifi,i'' , P: 1. -°' ".., Krona, William E. Schmertz, Dr. J L. Puha twit,. u .AillVaagglgßdll ',l a 4 (lilies e, • ' -':* Alearunke - ite,, - ,:, , , ~,.I,',' i mS. /IA ea, William Vankirkl , '' • " •-•"' " 27. I. Hun •r, Dame Whittler, _ , XIEL I 413., Wm. P. We Darin, .. , 14= —.. ,„„2 81' , 1 , WMA4eu , 1 A ~...., . Dr. HO ___ _ _ __ rE SA INGS ,IaiSTITAMQN. 10 83/3 inEr.i3 wrztm - r -(L p .pole the ECM u House. Clufrtered by the i.clawt•rre. OFFIOP.RS. " ' 4 Pral ru l --OEO. 1.1: JONES. vie): ittnerrogurt. I..Piallh, •l- DOWN Itheaei, -, •s" ' 11 . :, !V: 1 4,47 , 4,,,:vr.t.ti....,..r:„.; ..,....,„.. g , , Mail., I •,. 11. Unrimap c - . 1 1 d :•! o '. ' I'..ltittim.:. ' ' •,.. • - - 7 1 Tair.Tr.l.N. Pirty4fr S 8. Fowler, Irene, Tirrn an, caruthes, 11. F. Jones, Sell, . . O.l {, ll'ollf, . , ltrorth.. Y. •, -1).-1). nab, • " I.r.' A. Need, s ell tr. 11. Phelps, borertz, 1) E Ugh:Utley, r 1). Drown . O. 11. Paulson, • ;11. Sin3th, , iltri,,ilit Ilt tek TtUtr r , OJ. v0ir.,,,,i.e, , . Zug, . 1 ... t ymyr.l3 city/last,/ er-D. E. 11PICINLEY. , Open daily', iroin 9 glint:tot pi 'lli. Also, Sat ut -daY evening, Defog lo 8 o'clock., . _ -- , .„,-. • _,,,,,,,- Deposits recehr d of °nettled. and -tirrinvi- ~.„, 111, Wends decla lu Deem:obeisant! Juno ofereon • Dirldintds alto ed to remain are placed (bine ' erralt of the Opted tor an principa l , augrbear inter. `rot Oda ebrupounding it. , .... -- , )-- •-.•,, ,• 'ia l t 4 t k h . cl4llV,Yl "'art tr 'r l i i r l. r!'• l rlf47 ffir This InstitOtion often), especially to those, 'me. whose es thas,ers intl9ll,the opikrttUbity omulate, b sorsa dettoitita,_easily sae a ICh. will a Xeantvlvit abca it their . - tot Only) log witw; but boatitm.. P, (.. of remain unproductive' . stallat. ' rarrrs -'--- -'---------- ---7- ' s--- • --- -.4 1,:,i1 - 41 ,riA ett ,, , ,, ,` - -W RRER —.ate u Iv : NMI ' ?Aiwwwww w ..,www,Tiew x 4410rwet, pwoo' mills., w 4 4 Plailterer. (lent and fkitarnenU, of 41 klnkb. - - Dirnlithed 7 69 atIO nrities_.nakits lelt at . ssuOtt• - • " :'; 7 ', "BEES STREET' near Wylig Jr.. at Pala:erg j... ; . : n ___- , - ; , re, No.lll OOD ItTgwarillbel/rotota • 'IMMO/ olu,; __{ . _ ,,, .,, , 261.,Aud,„ . I,USL` bt , lBl,l3 .7 iGiis 'ln' I 4 -.' - , - ,'T I I). WArrtrir4 , ~. ....., . II 3, , . , iutiari, :.,..i.. , 1,, '• - • ME=M= OILS, Sr 104 81011.101 01 P 7l TyHVß , if{) • OurPreaerfptio always nDepartMent li alwa In charge of an eaperlenced Pharinseentist,: And alt. aletiales used compounding prescriptionn, re terlected h nui to purity, freshness end .trength... Pres en criptions carefully , compounded at all fronts and Culinary 4rfides owi •gr Outs Srtnrae, 1" A , ULe ~ ' OO 4lGe/t s - irlßeeOe4rine , iectiniz iii im ,Y,41.0 .„%, t Buniett • ClioUze, - mOO4 me M• si tr ka . 1 aad ati4l ' Penn Ash, ..: - a '..s. - .• s. ry.-• ,z....1•,1 - cr ' •,1 ,'r b ' , ow: ovikkiztatuinon, rausatee fresh and re .- itibli , ' ' ‘,.......__ .a, AlumectllkT/StQkvarleolLiEsott O ,x it W i. .. n n u loss, Ondbear Extract, 7911 :. r 1 1, 0../•..,/ Y4t' ~-...... ,-..,-,... .... :4101411e. ("7"41111:3/77::rd06,"?::ji. '• ' •••• •• '• °ir r- -'""'"'"' rttie r ntr ,, it,,-,. --- r'T F. , ..... ‘vilird. al . i 43.;.i. 43,„1,a' != '-'--," ' 1 '" • .. :11:oet.o elle Broad:. ' Piatej oe of Cle_ape eon, Inn!, ~ • , , , . a.• : M r ' Illle n rt & W A fie ' .—' s ' • ' 1 % 1 illh -,, ... - .- 1 Ptife4lland Gin. ~,,,Teal 44.§?..,pfaimitaimm, ~,,, .t..,, , ~,, • • I•.' ' _ ~4 lr eM P lll o r erdis'lliiisii Willits or mai 01 vLe : PreileadloiC ,:, f.' '''''. l .' oiled ell, - - Bllt'OutOA N 4 ,4 .e.u. orrecaft. •, ) ~- ' ' .•:, .; 0 i ~t i ti: , '...: ESTIC CIGISIISV"''7.-'''' • Teeth from Imported tobacco, r ryl r el obo, Eletaam • .4 varlets pt. omeull: Modc • f SOlgam wm sore/mod In -IBM; ;ma . , otter, • g . ,42totivto dofisOmOto At it'ilfgAt ad. over o jokes before ,the tax law vy)too,poo, . I on • titles of one feli'mphmid4 C. Te,mi I'l C r . !' .A., ,- •!-- ,,, - , 01T1 ! i 414,1 Propelettufitddeiner, Vlt e ' 3..7 . 11Y . ES'. ftinteenift. :: Alterative. I. O . AT . .8811"ielhnTterryti4FPrilect:.34bLoraLlattr DrLr. , ' 11i 71 '"" " •• u s 4=41 11 .P,7.,011 - :',..4.9 - ,aii, V) j o u Ague 'Our°. JAB L. 'Scelebrated Iternstbeglo ;lc Co r. it poi . Iluehu, for Alseruces of Rbolderi eace eti at weftash. ,„,,f.the.bed. ' .4r; t.l R l 4 l /irica*Mitlei lot to HULCE Seenarlan Blood Ponder. It come . ' KUL' 7.0 ' Bitters. ~1,, re 1.-..b.:11 211 u“i reith a ENOR , S ulmonlc Muer*. , and MA Sea Weed Tonle. ~.., , i • ~,I (ri ,arr,g icglyr mou ldaa .,,l,Dij o ew h y . , ..,u ". .0.';.e 1! S. ~ ,tial, 4, Salt Rheum Ointment. • ‘' - TEN kesbAtichtl.ltultrucylepib,br nßc i. ~ ~"04 w ._..,r. R. A. WI SOMSPillii. " ' • iffA . ..ii HOSTETTER S colibriteil Stomach .131tte.n. nude. .... - . DRAKE'S Plc, tat lon Bltteri. '''.7TE.l2%,Nt trine Eugitah 131t.tcys no attildot._ ,for ZgrAtiSlerntedttiiii.igitgi.if- ''' ' 1 the day. .. Lealleg :glace, Color., Oils Taratibes,. 'pult,r, Tube Paiute, Pohl Le e ef, !cc - , i , tvoilicill4Lei forturnhilent th e attliflea at' tutees pOces. 1 _, .• Tco:TEE t ENTAI, . PipisssioM , We , ?!...t. a WV, 4 1d eererattiideitet siopt 4 . ' '.,... ~..•.... I • S. B. Waite's , •.•. , .!T ee th . , - ~!,:,-, ~ - . tin.%ii, f it .justfiTeeih.;l:::. !.-;' & . s Teeth. - Ant i ,. .. • e Ned, dicOn .& Wally Teethq . - 1 `, • ~I i.J .l,4l44l .4 l gLupdt•Teetlt.i - - , • , .!ii•UoT i- "". c rAs idr e lni: !aur. Egig„....‘*hiitactik, nn ta .'.= - Aril and dilseie - 1 , 4 1 - 40,•. ',Gehl . 4T4., Y. 0,4::.; • • •.y..5„ j. ,-..-.: -,. : : : 1;...7.1 7 ... ~ . ~..... ....... i. iult: G.ll. ICEYftititt Sag A No. iltkap..t_!TUN, E , . Pittsb rzh. IsontorsTT .34 l'or SOlCArthetsin, and Stiond 1.-.; 1 . 4 ~ ', P n '3 4l l , 4ir ittree ', - ~. r . / 171 alt 13 0443 {.!...e,:j;, anitkiyoitme: mid 'Lca" . *l ntilid AND stulral NF st:iiErs 13.... et taia zRu , toraxor TAIL' SW_IN. -,rtilet)intieent isdetrates to; the I;ide of the at a ifillgvmh.thi,thivery Jim:tree-4ot cares tt from the flesh benteth to the bkia colit,hestrretet the —rr ~'. •., , -- , ..i 1...1,rzi= (7R oiftrgri,Va:4l""elaPirri.o44•ol.*r Pint* a t , _,, , , olr,the dimeftee atelt i t t i l l ' iteft b a e M r "'" th o fta. ...= ~........., lir 1 . ,-, ~ .tuentty there eau 119- -Jr—, c re -)R l i r r.‘l.Y.§ l 4. at. --- 3 ft 12 , .. ' ''.., ' fl' ' I I . ' " • ''•• . N wrotv it tXt.• Sole Aria , n r . j i 7, .1,..101' , l'.! SlT:iii - , 1 ?e, n'tl _ , ,-, ~. Cofr . „,,,i lbikem . e , t ,,, 3 tt: , r , 7 l st- , 1 st BRO4DIIIAT Neyrfoilk . c I tVr:r 'I , 14EI 1 i iilifi r Tlll a ac i,i i rei t c- , .."V`-.7" , 7rt r' .. '-r I If. to, I, '1. , .,1 It 0 - ..": 1, '' ,1 ''' • , , ,0.F e 1 t ., ,, r " r A , .. ~, , . -ts ', 6 / 41 A .''.' "'" 1 ,......,q.'.51 : 41 f ii iii .. l4. 1.111 ' , 70./.sl I "4-' - ' 1 +l+ ; ;i4 ;,.;', %11 . .4, , 9 41 i W. , ...Relit; ,s I N.., t T.? ~ - ..."'it,11.„Ci. 1 L ., . , ._^. ~, ' ri , . t. .', -, F 4.1, -,,,' 1 , ,', ,Sit' 1 , ../.. I' r" .t 1 L sva"x , rrir , rr , Ito, ",7/ ~,,,-,., ...1 0 , ;, , m A.'", I ~.• , - . 14. 4. •l: .: •k 1 . 1 ". , ./. 1, i' ' e , ",!; ., ', 1 ‘ ," ., . 1 :o. 11.0 L 1.,..1, ,1 , ./ 1 ~' -la 61" ,": ' Id. CX -- -1‘ .11 ll - ,) '''''',', ,„--; ,- i, LL, .t 440 - z - 447.4 zgoll, , ..VirAut Lill 3,---.,1 - -,31„..1. .3.. I. ~.SQ. .4, ..; • .aIF.dIFC,IL STRICTLY PURE ARTICLES. Pittsburgh.- Drtid Achise, t DENTAL DEPOT. ; JAML Mca9Rs,. r tp,160 ketuizad cr•z• JEt =NM ANit Fo ilea Domestic Djr4litedkiatei dais... Dyes. and Dy utes - .alcohol. Pea , tummy, Fancy Artades. one Toilet,: 0: Scapa, Wines and Liquors, To. • , LTitt,FnU tN e i L.Fl on fi rt.. °4: . ‘ -.. ;: • • ens and BncieZPrres..-;; , 4 prietarp t ... I ~-. f I • '•' . . v i TlipsEs eianillaaltlifoall aka late.atner of ielprelfed Trunk/ "end keep enellantly- oni Fitch*, Rlitez'a, Chas e % . llull , a and all other eaqullidirony peculiar style 41 1 , Tniiaj orderwhen fpaallea. ckahk, it, we will: inannfietuie ABDOMINAL strP.PORTERS. • • SHOULDER BRA(M9, ELASTUJ STOCKINGS. • DK Viet3A.llll attends pemonally to the rola. cation. of Tram U s, ~ mat to the treatment of Rept+. sioiates .1? PeSexiPtiond ° "Eni l ;..E:lr C,t4EPoUNDED .• Pine Cream opining?. • 6 11ah Baking Soda. and Powdered Move*, pan. j pe rt.:s, a Root '•• - ginger, ' 0 1144 • •thilAkt49ll. • . IitUGSAND !MM]!leit!Ege • • y„ with great • k Of ikkik are'iehast . u H ta iebrtleP hkwacHi; bran g tsu- sW Y dar e gag "ladiate r a e c I 'it, • • " • • • t • wat • hciusihat:PQW • . "417 .... 44 ! 7o f ix ;fuldirlikrak4aa • mattaiy viz • gfif trSZIIO/51Pieffita.Y. '7 ... Clink i t i S •X 1, J.;) J. 31 ee Fial4 oa; • r,it ({ ,tfs Lc! :1 1; , !},101 , _:1 t LW. 1 ":0•44,4 TA:tiat:',OßAttto v -,1: 111;) ,1P TWENTY TEARS, STANDING, Csetinsain itronyone at le Rost ouzeiii irt Wilkins tairsulkik in ' '• : ' • '..- ' 1 : Dr. oyiei a sLindsero Blood Searcher.• .Th? Dootar's ii'ertftlea'Weardsittitunroncli. lie4 fla, sae need be decnineill?reitil iih.4l‘oWO."to"44, , Da, Ciao. N. Knoell!: I became lifilleted. with' Pli bout twenty yenta ago, , and every year the.' were wing Wonsesoos",o trouble me very Much, . so M cloofit times*/ W. unlit eta far Week: :Same tim 1 .....„ scribed thitt I imuld notneatirthlstron eil 7o ioxo I; of them; they come oueon maks Mirein hick nut. I hadtried4 greet deal of nuid"clas ' for t I mied to bay itniftalicrwhitever :. issisk. ',heir for reid . or in eilediati 'ttokti,t!nliPtiiidi!Atitt:, mt p.... .-.- felt lii ray but: War: 'COuld' not ' eneuredi' igiMs. • tlmesthby irouldilre me solnegiwidforiallitlerdilley! .ilt 'afterwards thej.iviiiild','returnlgalst sa:hiatim erred I also applied io two boaters; wi4rted ~ me atm; bombe/M il girt me some medicine but , Wand, not Iblo /could rad iets Walt• Vier it - jear' 1 ago I got anailsertleenient adof yOnrldatiora Bleed ', Searcher; me by. yourself: When 'you sold It I. Me j , cti told me one bottle would not care -me, an that y whcde,system would hereto be renewed ti d f the totilleine before' got well. I bought oneidittlel and took it homewith me, and Used irae4mtok to your ilireations. . b then celled to see you soh'. when you said I could'not expeatzdirehbenelit from one battle. I bought It, one, bottle at a time, until.' I had used eve bottlet.• After Ible ` .qaatdlty 'we ' Wed, war 'Mips, f, or the Ptlea, adder, -bad tortur me for' twenty year.. - to other reiplicta , Mille Ith is improved,' and'.l /mai Well 'if Could' cted for one of trifage'," being slit Ilia: lia y year:: beeitwell- ielnnir for sin 'niotithiii aspi there II rioa Ppearandeofthereinia of ttui Aye*, i I can tic, any 14d - or gkruiipi:kko w without wprk. herd& eMeinedOwii and hurting Me. /Ciniiitilt hay, chop wood, illt,oidbauy kind of work which' before peed to• hart nut When I found our you/. Blood Oearelter , Y keid, on taking it watt ; Mb_ . tlrely licit I conalder It my duty to brake *Mimi int cninito the country for the benefit of ottiers:;Whil maybe surrerinra, i rivat;iint 'do iret:kliow the, f your medicine. You 'May ' publish : thin if you Illni..:z line in Wilkins' kiwnaldp,'filld will be easegto salary any one of the truth of able oer . . . thilextil t f they wish Is call on 'ink ' ' , . .... /344°. # 1 **, Dec b , ruthotsii , !:,t, ~ • - .• iiii. Zook aid. feiPthe earshot Dr. G4ACIT, Itlf R..LittiEß on the COM ot.tbe,botthi, rind. pasted tower the cart; alsci , for bill stitnip tm:ther Woltsil . stele* Stamp on the top of tuilpotle to - prevent" 'being imposed upon by sk spurious artiste Which is tireviarket. , - - • , ..! i :.. 11 01 , 1 S) • Sold by the prop .rleter Ito. Us WOOD ST... 'And l 4.l . l 4 2dON JOHN srox;car l' - sa' Feist tft,na ' Stalthil streetitiPittabirtix - , ':oeS , • . .. -ip • LA. OR AUPlti aFt!Uiri °t•ICP,'2,7-en OLII r. • iri i6i ' OE id 4 itii4i-RED . ism oa rictrreat ciaiii '• ' ' ''''' ' aval, 4.0 R arrroar crintEi" BER.R .r 1 OR :ZEE COBRA fi (~ , sera ;We KZ Ceßi. :NRRA , OR RUPTURE CORRIV .svrresswasri ibis sta , nrEs araulzdowitED: 1 1 97 F P?; 499'4: c.7 14 " 8 iniprawr oicArizzu,cmit.•:: RISP7IIRi. nit ISERNIA SIRED. "D:0:43 A 48 fiVRA.S.4.IIIiNg= /Try ' SUPPORTS/I TRUSS. . '6% ssinzeiiiiiit4l-) `-) nes. Dropeolie:goeuppini ultikt I I Ti',U Knee Caps, for weak knee joints l Ankle Clirtia*An'or weak inae 4 e jointi r - "tlgintiria4;biaifi t s t iTi t ik - 4 , 01, n ,4ard ribber Syringes. Dr. 5 ~.. Tf. e. ; 1 41,05 Or Bod y "Bram, for the.cua Prokiweuti , # . : 1 # 1 24 • Dr. Ftl'S yer Iw o upporter. time #.k . •_..kirs penoail attain:nl' d ti ed i t l ei li o nim in multi And childrn, t 7 Yeal,re bpnalblpd ir6lll9B°l4llen. airpillee .1. Drug Store No . I elan of the golden „Kerte", :Pen 4e writ,%a p 'Trusses Ahomidlenitthe 'nuieher ar s hee the body,aninentlAtely over the ruptiaa. "6": oc3 ('AT' 410 • • EMEND n t. I 4 . .COOPAILEtit ~%10,11c61. . 1 ,r,,P.,:iTtiol A V xc~itle:,f ..LT'i IlsFAfrj'll IMP A. 'V' Ca, ~• <e rt. vxmitramv 4. ~...--, i i va. Aaa...°Pgiert*traZi.igi .amiri ilizumt.,ciaentlic,,,..) his fell dl 4,xplorbaTtkaattrat Antßiair thing kb 19_ th# vtatid Oa Atai ths Um, rhich dm* f ey !it a tt ad4heirt,lll...*At is., itiwic. 34 cdod; 'qUthonkla 41 11,3 Cedar", .Itt Euttopq. atr.4o* ba 0404 i-with .thel./thats .'' Mama" "mut ty that'Atiatult%lollorra night: - Thotttuitts, tth Wed ttiraty Julia ' Imre. ta. Tian; e.- Am - bakin Om eat ly I:turd Ly Dr: GOODALVS -...42rin AT rEny,, end Ae. pawl 4 tek,the, Am- . t tttitaqpratte..: . ..... .._.! - WI at a hoAtiiit A g 4 itcykarleA4 a itaaAt tamehlrt :I&Vititt and Ittepara t t bY Yt... (Li, M. , Now YOrk. .'... ..' '.-- • . o}ltoi & CO., Sole Agetita,'. f I ' ^. 1812./titO4DIP4Y; VErf YORK::- PILES, CURED , - -,-......a._.-. .7al /sq . . 15, t44',..t ii4ra ittimosi s ,;' . • Vit/iyAINLII .1 ljt GENII( . 'N.'N.--Mrar2,,_ I.II4+,,LRUNG.4IIIiNr.,:Ite TEN'IdAILY TRAINS.. - . • ' • ' :* ~ On eadater NONDAYilkoher hat, i eat. tit* , -la will leave theDopetint foilowa . -, ' , L " 'v, 'EART,AIALL. o.,liympt Sunday, &LAO*. at c ,''.' i . - ' stepping , only. at, princi tations. and rnakttle/ direct nonnectiOne at rrishurr fur New Yoyk.: t. Ithitimore- Jodi Waehington, and - at, Philadelphia ..;, ki -for. New Ykgoston and intermediate_ manta. -,. ~s • EARN/SRL' /10, ACEOOIIO DATIONAaiIIeIb, '-` ; ti eept Nunday, nt 6.5) a. m., idoppinyt ail. reguter ,- A T stations between. Pittsburgh and wiebu_ ,rg :and ~ :fr making' more, connection with tr an en Icellane, ;,1'..4, Branch, Wed Pennsylvania .R. IL, Ebensburg 3 3 , 1 0 'n ErementlLll., and HotildaymßisnatLl . - ,a; P/TTS,atUROLL k ERIE ,EXPRESS, daily irt••• lan sekt luallay, .4 :.30 p. M.; itappthr. at nehrty art..!/ t, the at Mena between Ant tabargu and Philatioic•l4 , and.,maitterveriarctlon with - fives en,the e• , 43 , L.uuzreesou R. M.-Hollidaysburg Man IL• • ...a :and Clearfield:and-00 - Eagte ran* .'1 R., 301ENPaniA AELlkliaoloATTON;:didlyll.; si lr r. t suede '...11t 3 0 0.p,Art. sto."l At, ulmr ' Pb twerell Pittidtmghastli • "gm .44.,41V.m. n "Ludt _ ;re Rtakarlife Laterseetion wttli tral ‘" n c '_o - - 1- ''• thet, Branokarid West listutavlviulla• ItR B.R. ''''‘l PEILADELPILIA ..M.PRESS, daily, 'at 4.35 y; - ti_ sa., :Mopping at Latrobe, Eonemaughi CialUtzen ~ .s-li VStAltoona. Runtinylon, Lewhtown. Miele. New. ~...g. arysvill,e Hanisburg, L.anennter.4,o Down a' - - 2 oway : ,At ..uantibure direct connections' are ' ' . 3 1 • ade for. Baltimore; Washington' and NEW - York' ' , R at Philadelphia, for Pew York,filortent and. lates. , - t f .rnedlatepotnts. tiles Ears run thrngh.on this ... train from , Pittabn ,to Riltimore,PlAMdelphla FAT New York by t e Allentown, oute, . "-, PAST Ajzi-itidelfyi:eXeept Sunday, - it 'tali: ' l nl., stopping Oti Sut Cor huhahtztratittuut. , .altoe., ~. as, Nuntboon, sLeirlatown. .htinlittr , Nwiswitr ~' • Ma' :partite, 1104aburg. htiddlelosrA, .kalltsbeth .. I ownolloS-oy;•lntodlarillei Larteatter, and Dow_rm : hp Ingtown,. M EartiMurg tonnectiOns am mane far .LI New Yorkalatiniors and Waahtngtoni at . Philm.- O ,7'M aell'h/3, W.,lfslS,Y.Orkii.3'3linti. 3 //q / 14 / 421 00 3 11/3 Mint! Abioniincdation Traln • for Trai.. Static a :..1 ie.vea daily (except snaky) as tale a:m.,..... cal , Second AecomModation pain for WaiPAßtatten I'' leaven daily (exeepteSnadly at) 11,0 a: nr- 7 . ' t Itted Aesetemodetlon •ein-'for WallY hitil#ll ..'.., .' esiss dat l Eo l o43 810/ I = l- .4 ' IL ' - ' • - - 'r AnrthAmoramoilation fdr alraßtatteil '4 learea dal)* (except Su udenitt: 4 (e-prrx,,,.- - :j Sunda The Church. Trahcieavre w P . 1 1,11 4 , A -. 0 "/ ' • Surulajat'l.os.*.a4iret, . y,el „ wig , , rz.4 , •o,:. :',., L., ,t • , ,•• - Retnnucw Trains arrive in Pitt/Dm:oi aa [GROWS: ''' ~ Pittsburg+ &UM Eagreaa.,....• . :1:, - ,..-.• •11K00 patt." ,, • Pht ßaltimar CESpreas.,• » . ~• . . n, Lag. P . -0, '' lad_ elphib - raymas•••• • • •• ........ ....., 1 , 1 0,44. • . r..)1; -rat Flirt blaiL .... r :.-..:.................;;;;;;;'.-510 it. IL " itz Line ..... . . .... .. 100 a. au ~;", Johnstchm....Cmo.l6.O.laigai;;;;;;44.i.a. too.ixii. at. LA Tint Andra Station Actwamputou,i. ..41.10 rt.. a0...1rA •seroinel Want: , Sttin'aftom*odatiot . MA, Du. 1 Tblrd WalN, S4tion Acoolasumstbsci 2. SO p.- ICI , .Firanyjeklf Station'AleicOmMUOrt. ,i;" 4.3p-7471,1V3r.g. :119,1NC541111 ti t r ''t '' 4) wi 1 , zrowiVE-In ease of lose, S i ll: r i r.... jtehrthitiraeltep reepetudblelhot • ealy, a fer ta.fflinnunt n0t mw107...,,,, , anqi4 , kii.ftillki...'..,. illadt St the ,ealasekrigeds I Ciatria Itiilted il . Vs iloa, op..: 4 1 1 011 EilmastriftsvM7W ------- -.--,-,- --- 9TMEMSr.IIR . .I.r . 1Y1YE414128 •••• ....•,- . ._,- - r. ~,,, .E:ll . !i , Vl'fin,:,P ~,, :-,7!,- , ~,,,!,, 4 pßr Oli ''. ,; . :T„ : - . - .;: 7: ;-;!" f•ri , " ' ' apt ie l ‘,. ItilOLA***,Nitedi r i l lt r i • i ,'-' :c .., t•. 4 i ~.!..; ..;413ti14.4 1 k - 464iPttuadapa t t b ren; • , -VOmPfizszAarinuilmosi 'Mr ' ,kstos.4 .1 Agosit;leteti Oka fur atir '4 ,-,1,..,„ °la adirrataieed to trl PI A4 I ': •UM W° Pz.Zyr sta otOta ari•khrAtehir' ~.INFur tuele'laua'reolVilillirr"4447aige""'llmoschathlitel"DissishiglilaS"l. " - yawls MI 1,, , 0 si.l.i! 0,V L, .. - frq a aarallt•Zo' ; and Lend dsn,hsit;3ol at at' t'the'latlt' ei , Tiffi6, 4 ,,... 4% „ 41:4. ,, ~..7 4: er. otifird. Detra i rr.",n4,. x,___.4...._,nKrzar,, . .- ~,..... Moist acco.',atZoZ"'"'"aaaanaarici„.„....../".4,4 2.5 / 'Be is also !gest fosTAPSUIZMtI& . - .' ' 3 3 4brated el ler Swun g p„ e k maae ..,... ,, i, %.4% . rk twice a week, and t iwlt'lr '''l et . , tett,„_.L„ Lino.. ''''t The ship ocrosbai4 I,lsua 4- " e rr le allala , "ft ti t tecl for th gal k, l a ‘ a aloatbeta si•- '. - the la.ffiniltsrug""beexbeigaii•E '""4 kiwi . treat est:whir "I'ths;l3"sl4"nheik.‘" 'tkebleteti Cabe= b° . 11 i.... r44444*° " 141 ' ' l ' . btairmek myethili t 74,, , Temizoiaolac:l;.? AMAIN eSiGH7 R.finfi r rti g re*g i t radliCiff ill44: " . ' ' ' „, ii the lOW t ilitlf, 4 .• Pait.°lt6 i m Mr - _Appl y L., . • •0 -, ~..- f.,. ::..!‘ v.:. .‘ -1,11.._ ~ • •• -- I ; 0. j.' ...A . QMILLY4/ . . ' . .,lrft 4 14 'S i i?* ll :'' i I . f .' 9''.st i it Unk. e\'' ; .: Arg 1 • ~_l_ ' . - ' ,'. . -'O!S,,ItA i bratieek ,r... ' ---__. .... . .. TSTEAN 1 WtEVYY 'to LIFER= ron, Itownpg•lit,, .•.itukraterrowx.- ' f CorkilanbOr) ",r2howefi.anown-Anesamea-og .I.lnerpool New "gork Mad Rtdiaitajitosattlp- ,:::: Company (112Mati.Line.1ttertla lgr, 8,-galln :-. ~ 1 feudal .. are In to tinti ha foll Own. • ~" '-- -.: -- • -', ''' - ETNA.... . ..»... ..f. ... ... ... . Safiriai,4ini ii:, ,'7.„., 1 - 1 . r au .' - . ..i—..satuntar-Jaito,,,.. cm: or vzsiibir.-.o.Aikumity;.:Takat- 1.,,,T:14. jApx.'iieavits4. g.t - . n , J.ria! ,,,, h..F.,,it,.PiKtkif1ig91.4.n.-a .i •E.. n. 1 *Lit", of piAufiaii.'„'„ , , • Pnyable tn gold, or ifa - sonfrolant in Oter.l44.l'''.:s4.'•* 1 Pint Cabin. ..... On 00,8We:34w_,..i. 1 . to LotOon. , ,:e.5,001.. o. in Loodon:... nib ::::', , r): . to Paria. , ....:: SI ofie fri,- to',Earta,..... 49 No 1 ~.` , :i.,.' ...„,14,Xrantb0C ' 4. 'tb HIMb 4.. if 004 .. Al .raxsengenl Vac Tomcatted' tai lioTrev '' -; -. , ;',-. Itotterdam, antarerp,i.e.,l4 *pm/4 lolar rates: , • -I ', - , ~FattilrfnmEr.lyerufx.kcirnuerortoWn...latthishai SW, SIM Steerastmll/T#Orainfvo, tOt man, -t Uri their frldadit - van' bvtr.ucket fit- Mama ..r "ital. '-: ; • '• -' ,-.'''”, be l -Nu-Ar, lifogialtbli Vitetild tPII# L-. ' . ' ,; l -. ' . .1 NO- 4 4315-611161,1 tit 0 . q 7 _ , Yd; *3 4. A 1 474..' UT )4.43teadoliar • . : 4 ''-'i ' 3 .i - • i ii.' ~..., i, , r r. i ta .---... "41"4" 11 W ebniter. . '.`„ '..' ri MOM kW V43i o ' I g,i,': :r .:' . ~, ...., ifierilimr.• , vt I/ ... 'eV. " ... t4 l o,Pitrif•ai....." 1::t(1 , .. , 11 . 1 1 - ).f.14 ' ila t e • ei l lit ! " ,l 6 n . e 1igib"*." : 454.4 , 1 : 1 '' 'o4'l•l' , "* l :'' ' .. : t i i,' : ' A. "4 :l ~..," „_,, • •. . k.. tl weell oi m I AZALWOI{II" . ,r, , .. 1 30 1... int7.l 1) 1 'Car?' 4 , 0 ofr (' ll 'l m , , I . ..i. ••, ' ' ' - ratattnaarly—JOllN (TRAIT: ' . .- ;*r.'l'rfatartulit--S±' ft- 374,31111g_wi'z' . - , soßri'mtArx -1,,,t4..k. TdeattiVh. M . 3 16 21 .K1N '' .E.l . A.wokal_ ,‘ I.—, .T. I:V.1.11M y 4.7.14., J AS. aronn 2r , Copt .Y. . t.3lrlit,„ r . „p n ( etnt/r i n .7l, o ,74 l , t t o l d iktgrfti ta known Mt the • Trept i.4 s6Volnine. anil emrta'inintTio :to :g....zr, -Attest Mo. property le situated Go the writ bout ,'", of the Itlonongatela rivet, shoot onaintt,t4tall ' rake below illo emthein 011 y, In the"tlalnipOol, . g l i on a Nth sma ll atett 43 miner's dwelling homes. ' ataxy. Looser, oho 6a, dm., together with 0 reihrny twe et e r, o Merl er. With tipple,abutntrot, amid swe ;mu. meats To loadmit coal: bThe mineame reedy opened, .Irnined and Ventt • ~ rad in . rudetne order, with enlefet .6 itetat room turtled,, and all twee:amp, o,i• • ,„ 'the r f" a -WQ a trking ci fe i Xte a or ti l l'a="4Z e t R t.. ' t is., !:£1,101Y71/Cl4!'' l's beed to bevne 9T theirto% t valuahLeconl proi st ro flit ht/lonopbebvot , The company liroposee to Increase :mit • [lmitate. for Bad it 1'; the ecinitetietlen•of an addl. Hertel rtfillsYr ft.f.t. km,e Kt sput tio,eca Teeth* r te' ne toniclug ernaterardstp4 wiptope, .. 6 '.‘"Mettle end Vate ld • It wOriting at &eta . , iiew • ~ Itt, &Maki Web tiro eloaspiee Toll) petaesa . . . th.l:lllYotto.etto, . tir kottithotha the "Mugu' ' Wilt Provo to tbo ne nt tant:lo4 etlhatantha real ' ireettmetative 'doe tin tlat. Gauntry, 'fiaboar , ...ta.: : ',- 1 I '” •1 ' - RititabuL tiDITt tlfb Plattot, [ la. Lake Vlitil ' V., tt. I* boxer. lt-Erorty• ~,,, ~ s 1.?; rLI mow libukistr,rmen tie .4... -allarecmoid sad laid ar. Pm an Lifiakt strvit, , bi ? ,-,,0e11a ',,,mf.rinfrnitialll27ll4l, ititriPA,„ ~ ~ ~' I : ri. '6l - P... -.:, • ; 0 . gyp.. • - ~- p .l .I 1 , ... t „,,,, , ,,,,,, I , ~, A , ~ ..)., ,knv.„-...,c _ , .....- .~:_ , '" ' Ida d O.ID 7 6 , 11 - LINK tU fp , , • 4 ,46. 17 Boars Bawd Plttliargh an 4 Ntiv--Tailr7, . - -•— . TEUM6 TR &TITS Leave rittabovgbLasp.:lArrive Ika I.^ l .labaa4 .e- s ft. gl, _ The 4126 p. III: and 9.16 p; pmt Theliartlibus9aal Attesto - 9* - 9 . lthoul change rcart. The 19919-92: ,19619.04av0l 99199 t 7 191119. t • 99111 y...:. -•E4r.thtlAlat/J9,1 Gas:Ticket Aimiat,llo9,l(99A4 Ll,Efili -, --- , --------,, ,:„.4, Y. 1.1.: i • mmit s fi? ,, LRYIR AIL IIDAT):-. 'MANOR Or ...TD4l3. , ,Dri anJ after JIIONDAT , ../ V 15th, iBaltPolo.4oN.4garraarivateat 9%...101461"; a atAll owairi—Learaptasait*, at too iCia liet trtrara'at Klusquing st 10.06 a.' au Lea/1111 Kt!. t•aMag -at. aer p. art;arrivas s% 41 %tabaJah pr.% . EXPI,FRSg 'I'RAIN`=-Lesses. Itittl4lal9B at Mt ',' S. m,. anirlag'at Pittsburgh at ILI, 6....0%.. - 14400/ea - " Pit t°, tri4 4 4SP. ;LI suiting atl'Attiiiiiat is , a 1 - :!"rtCoo. =labium's vitairc-4,e;viiii• - iircieilf, 1 Ci.P mar., aniatogatrittibambattalls.v 1i d i La a,......Te*,, , ,i t. ,,1aa. tst ia t. ft.a. -At .s.uo p. ga, , entwine 4 15 , 1 ' " r —, `"7 . lr m- - ' tine/, r —.ph ..,_ , ' )ITTSBITROB; i , FT. ' ' - tv t • waysr,, a O.A , % R MAW& ,Hlr 411VD-.0/%1 OisRVEL.4I , (D . a. .1. • ...,• q t y.ROA'' , • ', on , a' 411.- VJ r .lattiiirozzixTr. .. ~.„ .... •-,'' as ra mkt alter December tath, F ' trytfur Imp* i LaaTea, • i' •.: •1 0 ....F0E i ILL : per 1.,1,7,11. 0 %) N Eiriihibuto Marx: Olevellnd. kfirheetiogs... k i Pieu........., 2.10 a t , , 2 ,1 - 4 . P. I !•1 0 ..,* , at s ' , :t4 /lapress.4'.l. .. -atm P m t 1 41 R- : 14 11.! %!! a!* - „+E • nia '..., .. . 00 la '- -' - • ' 1114 ' 1 4 1.: - 7..4 -- -- 1140'1: taf !, ; .; :,.j 4,250 i. :141, '''' 6 I'm iievi k :4i:it - le ant; Erie 450 a. tea '. r..... r ~ , . • ~ Atilt* *I Alhagiear-P,.:P., W.A. 0.. Ra 1,1 %, art, ~ , , , r4 110 a. m. aso a. m. 2.40 .t.'va. a nd Mb pr ra: t ,:. O. Is Prlri it, taik , s:ka.- - , , L , ' , ~ '''' .-?.. ~ „OLDli a:ErpAuaarrTiotire kiettly %"• .1 .. . trio oaftwamt st •t i oulritiglatrillai Pa- ' -; I' l A'2 44 . c4Sq. ft /I ZAt4 4 4CI Au* Agent ' : • oit . 40 4') ivR milati. kir riel t in t ri r l i jk l'-'"4 ,;, "' . . . 1 , 13, , ,i,rv tic-1 , :S Ili giln „' L~r <<;,-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers